The Macaaoni Journal
THE MACAAONI JOURNAL Volume 60 No.6 October, 1978 OCTOBER 1978 )" " (" . fhe ;\1\ (1 C( 1 rot "' ,. I' I I..: :,.! \ I' \ .: \ " .' '. I{ \ "1 ' " t j I I :£ti,." I"" .1 \ 1 \ '.' \ .'. 11 , 11 "." . II I , II II. ' II I'. ' ., I I< 'I " \ \ . ' ,11 I' \ \ , 1\ II \\ Family BUSln . e S5 Re port \ "111 n... " ..... II I· 11'11 11 I .. I _,.1 . " . " I ."",1. 11" . "..-,. li'I'"'' .' I ' ,,' "oj"" .i " .Macaroni "'leek ,, ' I " ." , '11"l, II ,',,, , " I, 1 " . 1 " . 1. I I, . ,. !, ' I_ ,,,, •. ,, ,' .. ,I .! , I .. " I , ",I, I .. ,I I .. , I"' '' ' "I' I " ., ,, I,,, " I, \ II , ,I I I,. ,. II" .1" " " " " " .. " 11 ,· , " ,,,. 1 " ' I" .. " "t ,'I, II .. " "I" '. " I" " .. ' "" ,I : " "~" , .1 , 1,1 I I I 'j';"" ! ''' , ! \\ 1, '. ., " ,,,,, ' 1, ... 1. " , ,',' I . ,h. ,'. " -I" d • I.," I,!". ,, ' j ' d' ,. , I . ' , ~'~ ' I ' I .. " ! ,. Ir " ,,' .. '.1 .; ", " ; '" ' .. " ~ . MACARONI WEEK-a national publicity eRort for macaroni ordered from tho No.tlonal ~Ienllwhile, add 2 Tuhlcspotlns suit chuck; toss uulll l'Omblned, Shapt' II InsUtute office. to 4 10 6 quarts rapidly hailing waler, Inlo about 20 meatballs, Heat butler Publicity Coven National Macaroni Week In Every Media Gradually add spaghelll so that watcr in large (lot. Brown half of the nll'ilt Press Party continues to boil. Cook uncovered, halls nt n tilltf In pot ; fl'1II0\'e wilh NaUonal MOClll'Onl Week, October Au I' ,1II1ll) special cvent, the Mllcn stirring occnsiono.lly, until tendl·r. slotted spoon nlHl set IIsltll', ne .~er\,l! 5·14, 1978 hns tho theme "America ron! FI' Ilily Reunion nt Tiro A Segno, Oraln In colander, Sen'c spaghetti drippings, Entertains Ilt Home ..• with I}.'~ ~tn." with hellt hnlls and snUl'C.
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