![The Macaroni Journal )](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.. THE MACARONI I JOURNAL Volume 36 . NO.2 June, 1954 Disclaimer: Pages 1 thru 5 are extensively deteriorated and cannot be filmed in their entirety because handling will calise further damage. _. (, TilE MA C A II O'N I J 0 URN A L 'fll~ MACAHO/il JOUHI>AL .1 , 7 . ,'. ~ I ••• W tended. Flnl iUlle U : "" oWthe r,rC'SJ '1Ill",foder\t.J anna, AI JI.I Illn, H,• • Rut and "IIU)CB. J.~ " ~ A ~ lemll1)' rot In~ (lUI bUlinOll 5nsioq, wllllakrl Jllace.t 9:45 1 m.. ~d PrCll i. 11 dent ThomBI A) Cunr.o will give Iii, ' l...... -; 6 .. l 1.~tk: S.J'.' open in! Itlclress " , 10 ci'clo.ck'!; ~ \.".:'. ~ ~'1;,r ~ 1. i , I, ii,: f, .,y' , ,' • .>1· .. · • T< ' • ' ~ ' I Followin, inp ~ rrom ..,.".,~ I ' t.. .. I ';; ' ( ' .JloI dent Tho",'.118 .f.,. U~(). past , ~elldetus 'Uon. (or If:v.k,,~~ BilCull Company eonventionren will be SUell. of the of lhe, Nnl)flll ::l,1 M caronl ~1a~ flcttnfl r. ~' l., ~idcl" felptCled » • "c:nuader with Franeitcl Machine Corporation Aa~ lu tlOJi wIll c m~nl' ~fleOy on I~e ,", JUIi Itf! !n tbo"Bfound", He i. chainnan breakfast at 8 o'clock. prob"c~1I 1 u~11 IIceo p~lahme~lt. of th el,r ... of Ihe \:41lcm MefChandisin ' Commil. .drnmuil.ltlUlIs.Il ~ 1t! reorl\'O recuglll.( I r .J. .. I!..L.. ~ Man r!t r At the hu.ineu IeNlon National tion Dnd I Ct'laim nom the m e mberahil" ~ it o. ...., ,-M .:-lAd1 u urtn 0 caronl Institute public relation. • Y"~eru" ~ .. Theodore It Sill, will hll He,! ry. D. HOIfi, a ch.arler memller of :;.£olll'Witif Mr. JohnlOn'• addreu on u will Auociation tbe ~ n hD"n l r.~nroRi ManufatlUren IDI'h~andi'InS, . a panel mot'.erated by Green. There will be At!OClli llon ... i1J )l'eIIellt a pap~ r ' OD 'MfOeiati6n PIlIt Pruident Fred Mueller report. on durum, "Uow 10 M . III ~ ~1 IU~ Macaroni". will 't. •~ a C!ilCl;L'llon on Ilpeci6c mn. olher busineu matten. Luncheo!, fu~ ~)' eryone will be ~mld (: h,~& I " ?1 and mallipmeni problema In th mam dlnlhS roc;m, li nd In the ~'F IJ'E macaroQi. field . Fred Hirkel, III the fun •., come. as In Ihe faclurer from Germn'.~i~n:k~I~N~d.~~IV:'\:the 11 I'J••• • KINO MIDAS aflernoon U Aolf luumamenl will be ht:ld ~e Wedneat:lay lu~c:heon 'wllI he 1f40.4' , •• turhulClll )'Urt. pII.42. KINO MIDAS will he Endenback bei StuUgart, will live FLOUR MilLS milll IIrsl facm , probleln~ _houlder 10 for Ihe cOI I\'cnliltnerJ. Handica" .....· iU Itll' ~ In the m~ln dlnlnl .room for Semolinl in Sepl. in il. newly Hili" • •• Plnn" . 81111.' observalions or the American scene. krl'r' DUD-'I.rk, COVIn Iff, Ihoulder with you, Ihe MlcJ' hI' tel i U dual!" will hue an ~q ual n Cl tyone. Immethalely folloM-lnslun ch. ~:;Ittd OlilY Mill in Supeo Pur Hubor ....me tymboll. ro ni Indullry. proud of our ch ltn l"t~ in Ihe I,by. Shawnre II nol el l u eon Cene!lIl Mill. wllltue the ~roul' on A Ipecilll buffet luncheon will be World War II. Peact In 194'. PIli Ind (OlInden! or our ru. ture .•• Io,ethu. I !;olfin g ~ ile . alld h~. )~n .the st"ene I hUll' trap Ihrllugh ~he beauuful ~o. the Green Terrace Thurtday noon of naliollal golf lournaRlentJl. 1 • • conol... IlJlteae,lo\·ely [utero mounlam. followed by I IJlC'Cial golf Ihow " . ' . ~·i . : pretent . beautiful "iatlll dOlled with uThfl Swing'l the Thing." Ihe tla"! lI oJl.al IIpaghelll buffet . C?f . malJ ijllaget and qualnlllhoJlI. The Board of the 1101150111 J.llhogra"h Corporation, A uarlll!cue dinner il being Illanned ganiulional .,D!'~; .. !~~.~::~d. olle of IILI' ~ ut l l a n.dill g Il!cial n'C!nls of lor WldneldllY nighl . 1t will be held on noon, and Ihe all maL.tWIIi ~Iee llll g!, Will he held on an isf.nd ill the river and will be spon. will be the banquet . TuclIda)' C\·ClUltll. June 15. • . ~ IIO ~ joillll)' by the Ambrette Corpora. a lumilliou. dinner An Earl}" Ilird. nrclkfl.ll t will b'i .tion and Ihe Allociation. inl· helL! 01 H a. rn. Wednetday morn ins, Home talent .....jJI be featured 10110w. lloom retervation. are to be June Hi. This i. a traditional fUIIl:lion illt!: the' bl rhttue with a specill Penn. redly with "bnager R. E. FLOUR MILLS AlltIlIlIHetl h)· the durum milieu. 1),1\'8nia Dutch Ihealriea!llroduction be. Shlwtlee·on·d,l··llr'laware, P"nn.yl""~ l1l u illg egg The rning', hu ~i neu ~'!lIio l1 on producet! hy the distributor Bill Ad\'aJICCI COnW I! l!flll n~gi~ ration can Wetlnt'liday .... ill fu lure one of the coun· Oldleh. Dancing in Ihe Grm Room will :nalle throut;h Ih l: .I\,,!'cl'illtion office try', OUb ll1ntlill~ merchandi!{!r. J. follow the enterlo.inment. I'alaline, lIIilloi.. Further det..11t ~ Shlney JohnlOlI, tli rec::trn of tfiide rela· On the fin,,1 da y, Thurida,., June 17, available from thaI ollice. BETTER HANDS" " 1/ ~ \ 1 A C l , It I • •'. r J (I r I( ~ :\ I. " IIJ5-t TIIF 'lA' ·\ 1 ' 1 \ 1 J II 'j lt :--. \ 1 f '.". " ; ~ an\l' ' l iII" I,· t'r~ (1,1i. .r.ll hluld uf I-I}lIlul'l ill hI!" 1'1 ' 11 1111·,. .al " 'Hid. "'.... murlll·lui" ,1 .1 fI·•• • ~lI li o! l ! III IlltH . I Ioru~"11 m:l!'ulUni frhltl II.: lIIul k.':1. THE FIP,ST A.NNUAL MEETING . ' I ' .. ..;, I, 'ultl .A lhl· ri'·:l 11 \1 .1' (lr'"li IM,1I1II " F! R[T MACARONI . " _ t , " II'" I ~ e 11 11 1:11,1111'11'11 :' 1 , 1 , ~ I'I · k · T~i~ PLANT . ",;\- l ' U''' ' BII · . I I'r,~ , \.~ ~ll1l1 j _ . ! i '; ~ ~. ~ , ~ '. P Tlic Hotlonal MocGrolt' Manu,,,du,.,, At :o oc:laflo" " " " I. I'",,:, ~! "I "":Jlllu . lie tw. , . / • • } I I " G.'• • r ' iI, PIIf.burgh. April " ••d 20, 1904 dUli if ,i" "",dljl'! I'll:: \H'lllon m'l: Plcn' , !,UIl' ill g" ,tli'·II(..t 11, " 1 ' ( "~III11 " : ../ rite ~Jr" ~om4rc,al ~ : .u'odllrlng be l ' !UI al··,1 " 11\ ulldrr . I Afacal'onl .alld Nb.'-!Ics 111~. ,"'t~t WCl J " .' , .. \l:IIIllGU'!II IJ \ 1/ Z.r.g•• ·• F••• d'~ ,In sr., ,t 'Pf 8 I, 1I 11 ~ ~ i "f rHrU itl( ,Itl:l a lilt' IlI n l ll ~ . , 10110 i ,[tI;l' ~ II IC ' \ Inc '; .q .. 1' \ . ~U II .p\' "14 ... (mll!lill )'urninl' 1. : i\ haht nted II,' ! " :. .r 1'0~tr ~ jl h ~ .., r : : \ ' , n41'.. r ~ ipl' ;i ill ,tnd CO. U lllt"" IIi ~ '1"' ;1ti J.! "'E"il'lI ,.. ,1"11 '1.11 III 1111 ) 11 1.1.,1..11 ·.11 ~ . ·'1II1.:~) · lohmet ItI(1 ., ~ill .h. ' 10, 1. 1 ,Ir 1.. l \ THOMAS H, TOO.. ", ~ f l'UlilIlllllli4 iI'" Ili llh' 111, ' ·kef "f the u '1 , II '&uoc:"lol , .... ~ ..t \·l!lI lioli. .\- ~ ' '' lI1l11ill t'I ' I,' er.ror. 'he ~ . ~ h \ ¥';"I'OIII)' 111I ~ n .. ~. AI1I' " Il , .u ;tlt ~ .j III 01 ,·1' 111I.dil 1/,,, ,, '.' manufacturerll WU II 1I1'IIHintell. It wa:- II j'RI "'r " :lj!:l'1'- 1'11., """n,,," '. 10111,1 ' ttf I011Jl, ',,11 ·In .1II IIU' t'r",1 ,,1 , \" movell. and l'urri",1 Ilal Iltl')' oll! : lII i~ ' of l Tuifn T' III' 1 ,c1 i1 ~ n·d Ih ul ,1 l'lI wiil: I' d ~l! " ,, ~ "II,lorll'" 10 1 , ,rl'" 1 .\ rllt' ~ II . n· lI ud \\' ~lIe "l lay. April 11111 Nalional Al lIOC ialioli Hr Mat uroll rnorr ulltr "las e woultl elL loil IN Ir uIII S,i ~ 1 tl l \ ' 1" , I'lt o: Itt \' •. 01 1. r.··! ·, 0 II) ulII l 2il , 190·1. a g'lhrrinl!: of reo and Noo clle )talllllnt!luren. A cO llllnil· e'C llf! n!e{ lU llufllclurerll tU1I1 t., "" o l ~el l " ' /1 Dr . \In;.., I:a rhol. I.. " ~I 1111: "nlulin' t:1111a ru ni und noul!!.' manu· If'" . '(15 (l1'llOinlttl 011 COllililuliUIi aUlI olIO frh l 11O,\: t: hnultl llllU ..... I ~ Ih,' luhll ' "f Iht ,Im um \.) 11 '11 ' II",. , ' I. Lwloul'rll ,,( ·!·rie3 IIItt I'iud",rgh A, in 11\·.lawl, 111'1 ""ei, J IIIper Lrotl l! hl 11111 IlI fl llp hl 10 \ lIlt'ri,'u rru'n It, •.o (lOr IIii' purpu' ...· 01 I/lnni.ng :I trade U~ · ·l1tc Iell of lite ,~o ruin 8 ..... a.I ' ~e \ oled \'er)' inlerll.. " nr. , s~ u y ion. A Fn1l 11 lit ,' ,·.,dl' , .,1 , r . 11 11\1 11,,·\ 11, -""h'l ioll 1\11 ..t't'li ulI" of Iltl! I ' ollnlr~ 1(1 Ihc Jlr~III(1liulI ",r 1}lJ.'CU 011 &lIb· was matle and I unietl Ihol a I' " .·u"pCIUIo' ,1 lilli, ' llilt'r !,il'lIt!I'ro j"l II .. WI' I I' u' '" "1'111 ',I cill ... r ill p. ' r ~ ol\ ot jel'llII fl I IlItr.r~ Iu. mtmu::,ct't ....r •• It1' be 'Plloinll'll I ~ Ilrafl i u l l.I l pn';:rel'! .· " I lilt II ,.lu "lh . I , ~ 111:1\: '\ ' rt:,hICd rt'I" esenl oli \"l'l' ~1II 1 ~Ir. O,wtlldl S.~midl or th.,\·~ I Ki rl , j.lliuliona upon II,ill I'ucko gl! """",,,,, , , ,I, 1111 ":. 11111-1 ",1 ,. :mel I'/lifilahle IlIr'CIUl;: Iowa 1 )~lI led a Ilnpcr up " : r~l .
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