Council For Voluntary Services

Central Lancashire

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Sections: (click to go, press "Home" to come back) Funding Opportunities ; Vacancies and Employment ; Volunteering ; Fundraising News ; Training ;Events ; Public Notices ; Appeals ; Consultations ; Health ;

And now, the news …

Funding Opportunities

Grants for School Trips - deadline 31 May 2013 The Eridge Trust, which is a charitable trust whose purpose is to encourage young people to enjoy and appreciate visual art, especially painting, has announced that the next deadline for its grant making programme is the 31st May 2013. The Trust makes grants of up to £2,000 to schools, colleges and others for school trips to museums, galleries and centres of art at home and abroad. Grants are also made to UK museums and galleries for projects aimed at young people. Trips must be for students in schools or sixth form colleges in the maintained sector.

Government Announces £50 Million for the Summer Schools Programme - deadline 31 May 2013 The Government has announced £50 million for the second year of the summer schools programme. Schools that opt in will be accessing £50 million of Pupil Premium funding to provide one or two week summer schools. These are aimed at improving transition between primary and secondary school for all Ever6 FSM pupils and LAC pupils who attract the Pupil Premium. Schools that take part will be allocated £250 per eligible pupil (for a one week summer school) or £500 per eligible pupil (for a two week summer school). The programme is not competitive: all eligible schools that apply by 31st May 2013 will be allocated funding to deliver a summer school. The Department is running the programme using an opt-in model, so it is for schools to decide whether they take part. schools-programme

Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust - deadline 1 June 2013 The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust which awards grants to charitable organisations has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 1st June 2013. During 2013, the Trust is seeking to fund projects that help children and young people. Grants are usually between £1,000 and £3,000 and are awarded for one year. Previous grants awarded include: A grant towards a resource centre providing advice and training for workers dealing with mental health in rural areas and funding towards a project aimed at behavioural programme for persistent young offenders.

Macmillan “Supporting You to Help Others” Grants Programme - deadline 28 June 2013 The Cancer Charity, Macmillan has announced that its “Supporting You to Help Others” grants programme is open for applications. The “Supporting You to Help Others” grants programme aims to support groups and individuals who support people affected by cancer or campaign to improve cancer care. The grant can be used towards: Start up costs for a Self-help and Support group; And / or for groups to expand and extend their reach for both Self Help and; Support and User Involvement. Applications will be accepted from people affected by cancer in groups or individually; other groups, such as voluntary organisations, community interest companies, community groups, social enterprises; and health and social care staff, information and support staff in partnership with people affected by cancer. up.aspx

The Church and Community Fund - deadline 30 June 2013 The Church and Community Fund (CCF) aims to grow the Church of England and develop its capacity to engage with the whole community through supporting the innovative use of resources. It also aims to help transform areas of greatest need and opportunity, to enable them to grow spiritually and numerically. The CCF currently has three strategic funding themes and will support projects that significantly expand the Church’s engagement with neighbourhood renewal, seek innovative ways of developing established community projects within communities of Christian Faith, and replicate models of successful community engagement across the wider church. The next deadline for applications for funding of £10,000 to £60,000 (for certain themes) is 30th June 2013.

Supporting Homeless People Leaving Hospital - deadline 8 July 2013 As mentioned in last week's issue. The NHS has launched a £10m 'Homeless Hospital Discharge Fund' that aims to support voluntary sector organisations to work with the NHS and local authorities to create services to ensure that homeless people get the support they need when they leave hospital. Revenue funding is available for projects to put in place arrangements to ensure that nobody is discharged from hospital back onto the street. Capital funding is available for projects to secure appropriate facilities for those requiring ongoing medical support after hospital discharge to allow time for recovery. Applications from consortiums of organisations are strongly encouraged with a voluntary sector agency as the lead organisation on the application.

BBC Performing Arts Fund - Theatre Fellowships - deadline 22 July 2013 The BBC Performing Arts Fund has announced that its Theatre Fellowships grants programme is open for applications. Theatre Fellowships offer bespoke placements within existing organisations and is designed to support individuals through the early stages of their theatre making careers. Through this scheme, the Performing Arts Funs hopes to increase the Fellows' skills through training and development opportunities tailored to the individual, to raise their aspirations, and to encourage their creativity. Rather than awarding grants directly to individuals themselves, the Fund is looking for applications from theatre companies, organisations, venues and festivals from across the UK to host a fellow.

Hilton in the Community Foundation Grants - deadline 30 July 2013 Organisations that work with young people have the opportunity to apply for grants through the Hilton Foundation. Organisations such as charities and other not for profits can apply for grants ranging from a few hundred pounds up to £30,000 per year for up to 2 years that meet one of the Foundation's chosen areas of focus. These are: Disabled children; Children in hospital; Young people who are homelessness; Life-limited children in hospices.

Free Trees for School, Community and Youth Groups - deadline 13 September 2013 The Woodland Trust has 4,000 free tree packs to give away to schools, community and youth groups this autumn. The free tree packs are available for planting on one publicly accessible site. Each pack is worth £30, £105 or £420. All applicants need to do is find a suitable site and supply the volunteer planters and tree protection. Pre-school, school, and university groups interested in a small pack of 30 trees should head straight over to the school pack page. packs.aspx

Kerygma Fund - Dragon's Den on 12 November 2013 - deadline 25 September 2013 The Kerygma Fund welcomes requests from innovative and effective evangelism and discipleship projects based in local churches or Christian charities to present at its next ‘Dragons Den’ style event on Tuesday 12th November 2013 in central London. The five successfully selected charities or churches are each given 6 minutes to present “How we would use £5,000, £15,000 & £25,000?" and then 6 minutes to respond to questions. Later in the evening there will be an opportunity for the guests to anonymously pledge support to the presenting charities. The total amount raised is then announced before the event ends. The Kerygma Fund has been hosted by M&G Investments, Withers and C. Hoare & Co and has so far raised over £190,000.

Canoe Foundation The Canoe Foundation has announced that the next closing date for applications for its grants is noon on the 7th October 2013. The Canoe Foundation makes grants to support or promote paddlesport with a specific focus on young people and/or people with a disability. The funding is available to not-for-profit organisations, charities, clubs, schools and other interest groups based in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands. The Small Grants Panel has a budget of £25,000 per year and usually awards grants of up to £1,000. However, in exceptional circumstances the Small Grants Panel may award up to a maximum of £2,000. Larger grants (anything above £2,000) and those which fall into the other key areas; Places, Heritage, and International, are decided on by the Charity's Trustees.

The Bridges Social Impact Bond - no deadline The £14 million Bridges Social Impact Bond Fund is the first of its kind and will invest to deliver programmes designed to improve social outcomes in areas such as education, employment, housing and care for vulnerable young people, that will benefit society as a whole. Now open to applications, UK-based charities and social enterprises can apply for alternative finance. The Fund is administered by Bridges Ventures and aims to provide charities and social enterprises in the UK with a sustainable source of capital and support. Proposals can be submitted at any time by email. Each investment made by the fund will be up to £3 million.

Give as you Live - Free money! Go to, sign up, and install the software (so far you have spent about 2 minutes). That’s it. Job done. Now every time you shop on line (groceries, books, holidays, clothes, train tickets, theatre tickets, whatever) a small donation can go to the charity you chose when you signed up. This is paid for by the on-line retailer, not by you. The Give as you Live software helps you keep track of how much you have raised for your charity. On average, each supporter that signs up generates around £25 per annum – and none of it comes from their own pocket! Once you have seen how much you generate for your charity through your own spending, work out what a difference it would make if 10% or 50% of your charity’s donors signed up as well. Remember this is ‘free money’ – it is generated by shopping your donors were going to do anyway, it is paid by on-line retailers who are going to pay it to somebody for pointing shoppers their way. And it is ‘free money’ for your charity in a different sense too, because it is wholly unrestricted.

Applications Go Live for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans The Skills Funding Agency has announced that Colleges and Training Organisations have begun to accept applications for the new 24+ Advanced Learning Loans. These loans will help learners aged 24 or above pay the fees charged by colleges and training providers for courses at Level 3 and Level 4, or Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships. Level 3 and Level 4 courses include A levels, Access to Higher Education Diplomas and other Certificates and Diplomas. "The Agency has been working with more than 800 colleges and training organisations to ensure they are ready to offer 24+ Advanced Learning Loans as part of their core training and skills offer to learners.

Challenge Fund for Historic Buildings at Risk The Architectural Heritage Fund has announced that it is seeking applications through the Challenge Fund for Historic Buildings at Risk in England. The Challenge Fund is funded jointly funded by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation and English Heritage, each of whom is contributing £1million over five years from 2011– 2016. The ‘Challenge Fund’ provides funding to support projects undertaken by charities and voluntary sector organisations tackling Grade I and II* listed buildings at risk in England. Public bodies, private individuals, commercial owners and developers are not eligible. In order to qualify for support projects will involve either two organisations working in partnership, with the more experienced one in a 'mentoring' role to the other; or an organisation bringing in an experienced project organiser to work with them. The maximum grant per project is £200,000 but it is expected that most grants will be for less than this. Projects must involve a sustainable new use for a building which benefits the wider community. It is unlikely that projects which have a wholly commercial or private residential end use will be considered; however, mixed uses including some commercial space will be eligible. Because of the very specialised nature of this Fund, applicants should in the first instance send an expression of interest. Full applications will be assessed on a quarterly basis.

Heritage Lottery Fund - First World War One Programme A new fund (total value £6 million) that will provide grants between £3,000 and £10,000 enabling communities and groups right across the UK to explore, conserve and share their First World War heritage and deepen their understanding of the impact of the conflict.

Social Enterprise North West - Northern Entrepreneurs Invited To Pitch To New £2M Incubator Fund A ground-breaking £2m ‘incubator’ fund designed to unlock northern business soul has been launched. Budding entrepreneurs from across the north of England are invited to apply for Social Incubator North. The fund is expecting over 200 applicants, of which it hopes to create 60 new investment ready businesses. Successful applicants will not only receive up to £25k investment but 80 hours of tailored one-to-one business support alongside peer learning and networking and access to business premises. All ideas however must come with a social backbone. The enterprises must deliver more than the financial bottom line, creating positive social or environmental impact, such as offering employment or training to vulnerable members of the community or delivering a service with Green credentials. To apply to the Social Incubator North or find out more, visit: For media information, kindly contact Ann at Cause UK [email protected] Tel: 07534 892715

Vacancies and Employment

Jobs fair for young people organised by Lancashire County Council - 5 June 2013 Information, advice and support to help young people make the most of training and apprenticeship opportunities will be available at a special event in June. The recruitment fair, organised by Lancashire County Council’s young people’s service, will take place at Moor Nook Young Peoples’ Centre, Burholme Road, on Wednesday, June 5. From 2pm to 7pm, local training providers will be on hand to talk to young people about apprenticeships and offer training to help them get into work. The recruitment fair is open to young people from between the age of 15 and 19 who are not in employment, education or training. 1-5690174

Spice / Chorley Council - Neighbourhood Time Credits Facilitator (based in Chorley) - Closing date 19 June 2013 Hours: Full-time Salary: £26,000-£28,000 Spice is working in partnership with Chorley Council to develop a transformative time credits programme across the Chorley borough. This project will work closely with the Council and local people to design, develop and deliver positive local change increasing the amount of people giving time and volunteering and enabling neighbourhoods to take positive action on priorities that matter to them. Spice and The Young Foundation have been working with Lancashire County Council and Chorley Council over the past year to introduce Time Credits to Lancashire and this has so far been focussed on demonstrating the model and outcomes in Chorley. The new project builds on the success of this work to date, creating a long term future for Time Credits in Chorley. Over the next three years Spice and Chorley Council will be working in partnership with local organisations and communities to develop a new Time Credit programme across the borough building on the existing programme. This comes from recognition that communities work best when supported to be self-sufficient and that local activism is key to creating thriving places to live and work. To apply, send an up to date CV and a written statement of not more than two pages outlining why you are applying and your suitability for the role against the four key skill/competencies areas: Community Development and Relationship Building; Project Management; Leading and Developing Others; and Communication. Completed applications should be sent to David Russell by emailing: [email protected]

Ludus Dance, Lancaster - Artistic Producer - Closing date 24 June 2013 Hours: 30 hours per week Salary: £24,000 pro rata depending on experience Ludus Dance is seeking an experienced and creative dance professional with a strong artistic vision for developing dance. The successful candidate will be part of a creative and dynamic organisation that works hard to inspire and connect with all sections of the community developing and delivering a range of high quality dance projects and initiatives. As the artistic lead for the organisation you will have strong creative ideas and will lead an experienced team of Dance Development Artists. Together you will be responsible for developing and delivering a range of high quality dance projects and initiatives primarily aimed at children and young people and for people and places with the least engagement. You will need to be able to inspire and connect with all stakeholders and all sections of the community from those who are new to dance to the gifted and talented, to get more people taking part in and making great dance. For more information and an application pack, see:

Welfare-to-work: Jobseekers' scheme failing, say MPs A scheme to help the unemployed find work appears to be failing the most disadvantaged jobseekers, according to MPs on the Work and Pensions Committee. Their report said support for the mainstream jobless in the government's Work Programme, launched in June 2011, was getting better after a poor start. But it said there was growing evidence service providers were "parking" the most disadvantaged people. The government said it was early days but improvements were being made.


Funding Available To Help Volunteering The Alec Dickson Trust provides grants of up to £500 to help young people of up to 30 or small groups of young people run a volunteering project in their local area. The fund seeks to support projects that enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society such as: The homeless; Those with drug dependency problems; People with disabilities. Trustees will meet twice a year to consider applications. For further information on how to apply contact [email protected] or call 020 7278 6601.

Fundraising News

Katy Holmes Trust Fundraising Summer Ball - 9 June 2013 The story of tragic schoolgirl Katy Holmes touched the heart of a cyclist so much that he is going to ride across Britain. Fund-raiser Richard Smith is also organising a summer ball to raise cash for the charity set up in the 10-year-old’s memory. Richard, 46, from Whittle-le-Woods, near Chorley, will join with Katy’s dad Dave and other cyclists for a bike ride from John O Groats to Lands End in August. But before that on June 9 he will host The Katy Holmes Summer Ball. The ball will take place at The Pines Hotel in Clayton-le-Woods. It will start at 2pm with a champagne reception followed by a sit down meal and entertainment. Tickets are priced at £40 for adults and £25 for children, or £35 for those booking a table of 10 or 12. For tickets call Richard on 07734568563.

Intact Community Centre’s £500k revamp plans Exciting plans have been revealed for a £500,000 extension of Intact Community Centre. The and Tanteron Community Trust (Intact) building, in Whitby Avenue, Ingol, Preston, is heading for a two-storey transformation thanks to a Big Lottery grant. The centre, which began life as a prefabricated hut, has been extended several times since the trust took over the site in 2000, and now offers a range of activities, job clubs and a thriving community café. But this would be the biggest development yet, with proposals for a new multi-use activity room, quiet room, offices, training room, media and editing suite, store room, toilet facilities and lift access. 5692679

Space Centre: Taylor Patterson staff in challenge for Space Centre Kind-hearted staff from a city centre firm will take on a huge charity challenge next month to raise cash for the Space Centre. Workers from financial advisory group, Taylor Patterson will tackle the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge for the threatened centre - which is their charity of the year. Gillian Bardin, Chris Bardin, Jason Street, James Thompson, Keith Pressler and Rachel Harper will take on three of the highest peaks in Yorkshire, Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough on June 29, aiming to cover almost 25 miles in under 12 hours. The company has set a target of £6500 to raise for the Space Centre this year, with £800 collected so far.

Chorley: St John’s Ambulance - Group wins £5,000 boost A community hall dating back to the 1930s will benefit from a £5,000 boost. St John’s Ambulance, on Fleet Street, Chorley, has won the Evening Post’s competition with home improvement agency HomeServe for a building makeover. David Forrest, unit officer at St John’s Ambulance, said: “I’m gobsmacked. I thought we would give it a go but never expected to win.” The money will now be put towards improving the heating system at their building, which was formerly used as a dance hall. It now hosts various community groups most days, including dance classes, and St John’s Ambulance twice a week.


Selnet: Strategic Planning for Social Enterprises, Blackpool – 30 May 2013 9.00 – 12.30 Blackpool Enterprise Centre, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1EW Poster: ning.pdf

Network for Europe: EU Info Days - 11 and 13 June 2013 Does your organisation help and support local people? Do you want to know more about Europe? Do you want to know more about partnerships that run EU funded projects? 11th June, Lancaster - 9:15am-1:30pm 13th June, Burnley - 1:15pm-5:30pm Network for Europe is delivering a series of training days looking at Europe, EU funding and opportunities for local partnership working. Participants will receive a training pack containing background publications, maps and other relevant documents. The training day is open to small groups who want to improve their understanding of Europe and EU funding opportunities. This training is funded by the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund and is free to small, community-based organisations. Lunch will also be provided on the day. For more details or to book a place please contact Sharon McCarthy on: [email protected] Alternatively, telephone 0151 237 3972.

S.E.E.D. Training Day - An Introduction To Working With Personality Disorders - 15 June 2013 An Introduction to working with Personality Disorders: What do we mean by the term Personality Disorder?; Understanding our own feelings when working with people that have been diagnosed with PD?; How might experiences of abuse or neglect impinge upon someone’s personality?; Examples of transference and counter-transference when working with PD; This orientation day will include a selection of Vignettes, psychological formulations, timelines and facilitated group interaction to improve our own understanding of how to work with people impacted by PD. Course Leader: Dr John Fox, Clinical Psychologist. This Training day will be held on Saturday 15th June – Fee £99 @ 10am – 4pm, Cotton Court, Church Street, Preston, PR1 3BY. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day. Poster: Registration Form: m.doc


Preston Caribbean Carnival - 26 May 2013 Preston Caribbean Carnival brings the streets of Preston alive with non stop dancing, thumping music and outrageously colourful costumes. The procession leaves from Moor Park Avenue at 12.00pm snaking its way along a designated route before heading back to its starting point at approximately 3.00pm. The processional route is as follows; Moor Park Avenue; Garstang Road; Moor Lane; Friargate; Ringway; Road; Moor Park Avenue. Join the large crowds who line the route creating an electric atmosphere as they participate in the party and join in the fun. Please note there will be some road closures in place during the procession. Details of these can be found in our road closure pages. may-2013/

Preston City Council: Family Fitness Event 2013 - 23 June 2013 See Health section below.

Banking with Unity Trust Bank - workshops 24 June 2013 putting SOCIAL change and SOCIAL benefit and COMMUNITY involvement at the HEART of everything we do Workshops will be held at CVS Central Lancashire Offices at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. No need to book - just turn up! Workshop content: Banking with Socially Responsible Bank; The Bank of choice for organsations in the civil society; Why Unity are different from the High St Banks; Products and services offered; Demonstration of the Social Impact of our Lending. Outcome: To encourage organisations in the third sector to talk to us and see how we can meet their objectives. Unity Trust Bank has almost 30 years of experience of providing banking services to the third sector, Unity understands the sector and your organisations requirements and provides support to the growth and scale of charities and voluntary organisations. As a full service bank, Unity continues to welcome new lending opportunities whilst many other lenders have pulled back from the sector. For more information visit: or contact the specialist local Relationship Manager for the North West: Margaret Porter 07711 768131.

Public Notices

Preston’s mayor to get special event - 9 June 2013 The vicar of Preston has stepped in to make sure the city’s new Mayor receives a warm welcome. Father Timothy Lipscomb decided that “some things cannot be cut”, after hearing that Preston Council had scrapped the traditional mayor-making procession because of costs. He has now personally arranged for a service at Preston Minster from 11am on June 9, to bless the forthcoming year for Councillor Veronica Afrin.

Preston: Recycling boxes to bins scheme From the 28 May 2013 homes in some areas of Preston will be able to use the new recycling wheelie bins, instead of recycling boxes. This is the next phase of a new changeover to Preston’s recycling collections that will see most homes in the city having new wheelie bins for recycling within the next three years. More: introduced-areas-preston/

Census figures show scores of Preston’s young people providing unpaid care More than 1,000 young people in Preston aged 24-years-old and under are providing unpaid care for their family members or guardians. The figures were published as part of the 2011 Census yesterday. They show that in Preston in 2011 1,214 people aged from 0-24 were providing care. In total 13,973 people in the city were giving unpaid care to relatives or guardians. And in South Ribble 762 people aged 24-years-old and under were caring for a relative or guardian. providing-unpaid-care-1-5683085

Young carers: Quarter of a million children provide care for others Nearly a quarter of a million children in England and Wales are caring for a relative, new statistics show. Figures from the ONS suggest 244,000 people under 19 are carers - about 23,000 are under nine. The Children's Society warns this is likely to be "the tip of the iceberg" and that children's education and job prospects could be damaged.

Emmaus: Royal Patron International Visit - 27 May 2013 On Monday 27 May The Duchess of Cornwall will be travelling to Paris with three Emmaus companions to find out more about the origins of the movement. Her Royal Highness, who has been Royal Patron to Emmaus since 2006, will visit one of the oldest Emmaus communities as part of her first solo overseas visit. She will be joined on her trip by Companions from Coventry, Canbridge and Hastings and Rother. They will travel out to Paris with The Duchess of Cornwall and spend time at the French community, looking at the similarities and differences to the work we do in the UK. As this is The Duchess of Cornwall’s first solo overseas visit, it is expected to attract some media attention, both in the UK and France.

Chorley: Free collection of electrical waste A scheme has been launched to collect waste electrical equipment free of charge. Chorley Council has teamed up with Veolia Environmental Services and Recycling Lives to provide the service to all residents of the borough. Householders are now being urged to take up the opportunity to recycle any unwanted items, big or small, which need a plug or battery to work. To arrange a collection, or to find out more about the scheme, eligible residents are asked to call 01257 515355.

Labour do deal with Lib Dems to run Lancashire County Council Lancashire County Council is set to be led by the Labour party supported by the Liberal Democrats in a minority administration. A provisional agreement has been reached by negotiators from the two groups after three weeks of talks. The matter will be put to each party this morning before the annual meeting of the full council today, when the council must appoint its new leader. A Lancashire County Council spokesman said: “Full details of the agreement will follow ratification.” council-1-5697191

Disability benefit assessments 'unfair', says ex-worker A doctor who worked for the private company which assesses people for disability benefits says its methods are "unfair". Greg Wood, a former Royal Navy doctor, resigned from Atos earlier this month, after working as an assessor for two-and-a-half years. He told the BBC the system was "skewed against the claimant".

Charity WRVS drops 'women' from its name to attract men A charity set up by women to help efforts on the home front during World War II has changed its name in an effort to attract more male volunteers. The WRVS - formerly the Women's Royal Voluntary Service - has dropped the "W" to mark its 75th anniversary. It helps more than 100,000 older people live independently and about 6,000 of its 40,000 volunteers are men.

Social workers' fears over care system changes Social workers warn changes being brought in to speed up adoption and the family courts might be bad for the welfare of some children. Some have criticised a new time-limit for courts to decide whether children should be adopted or placed in care. A report by the College of Social Work and the Family Rights Group also says changes to the adoption process risk undermining family links. Ministers want to speed up adoptions in England.

Protecting Data, Protecting People - A Guide for Charities Launched just over a fortnight ago, this free guide aims to help you understand the law and best practice on data protection and what it means for your charity. Charity Finance Group (CFG) has worked with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which is the body responsible for ensuring data protection compliance in the UK. The guide brings best practice information and a number of other useful resources to the reader. There are various publications available to help understand what can be quite confusing data protection compliance, but these are often generic or business focussed, so a charity-specific guide is a welcome free read and possibly one for the office bookshelf. Publications/Data_Protection2013.ashx


Emmaus Preston We need your unwanted furniture and household goods… Emmaus Preston is asking anyone who’s having a clear out over the Bank Holiday weekend to donate good quality items to Emmaus. We can collect bulky items, just call us to arrange it or drop-off clothing, books, bric-a-brac, and smaller items at our shop on Friargate or Superstore off Lane. All the proceeds from the sales will go towards helping people who have been homeless. Call 01772 796622

SMK Campaigner Awards - Nominate a campaigner - deadline 10 June 2013 If you know someone who is campaigning and who would benefit from some additional support, please nominate them. We will then get in touch directly with your nominee. Winners of an SMK Campaigner Award will receive help with his/her campaign in a variety of ways: notably he/she will receive one-to-one coaching from someone especially chosen with experience in the campaigner’s field; participation in an interactive residential skills building weekend; and attendance at a high-profile awards ceremony, hosted by Jon Snow, Channel 4 Newscaster and Patron of SMK. It is entirely free to apply and participate in the programme. Please note that the application deadline is 1pm, Monday 10th June 2013. Please visit our website to nominate a campaigner: Twitter If you are on Twitter please follow us @SMKcampaigners and assist us with advertising the Awards, principally by re-tweeting anything we post regarding the Awards using the hashtag #SMKaward. Facebook If you are on Facebook, please like our new Facebook page:


Transport for people with disabilities The Parliamentary Committee on Transport is conducting an inquiry into access to transport for people with disabilities. It will be producing a report with recommendations during summer 2013. The Committee would like to hear about your experiences as a user or carer accessing any type of transport, or your experiences as an operator of a service used by people with disabilities.


Preston City Council: Family Fitness Event 2013 - 23 June 2013 Join us for our Family Fitness Event at West View Climbing & Leisure Centre. Perform 4 consecutive events to raise money for cardiac risk in the young. Choose from multiple activities: Spinning; Circuit Training; Swimming; Body Attack; Climbing. Everyone must take part in the final event activity; family fitness. Each activity lasts for 40 minutes. This event is in memory of Jordan Grant who passed away on 4 February 2012 aged 17 years old. Cardiac Risk In the Young (CRY) is a national charity that raises awareness of potentional life- threating cardiac abnormalities in the young aged 14 - 35years. Posters (2). Please download, print and display: Registration Form: Health Screening Waiver: r.doc

South Ribble bottom for walking to work South Ribble has the lowest proportion of people who walk to work in the North West, according to a new report. Analysis of census figures by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) revealed more than 350,000 residents across the region commute on foot. South Lakeland in Cumbria has the highest proportion at 18.1 per cent, but South Ribble has the lowest at 7.5 per cent. Preston was ninth highest with 13.6 per cent.

Inquiry needed over NHS 111 'debacle' An independent inquiry is needed into the NHS non-emergency 111 phone line "debacle" in England, GPs say. Doctors at the British Medical Association's GPs conference in London said lessons had to be learned after the "disastrous" roll-out of the service in recent months. The phone line - which has replaced NHS Direct - has been dogged by reports of calls going unanswered and poor advice.

Sunshine vitamin 'may treat asthma' The amount of time asthma patients spend soaking up the sun may have an impact on the illness, researchers have suggested. A team at King's College London said low levels of vitamin D, which is made by the body in sunlight, was linked to a worsening of symptoms. Its latest research shows the vitamin calms an over-active part of the immune system in asthma.

Retirement 'harmful to health', study says - (just as well the Government is abolishing it! Ed.) Retirement has a detrimental impact on mental and physical health, a new study has found. The study, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), a think tank, found that retirement results in a "drastic decline in health" in the medium and long term. The IEA said the study suggests people should work for longer for health as well as economic reasons. The government already plans to raise the state pension age. The study, which was published in conjunction with the Age Endeavour Fellowship, a charity, compared retired people with those who had continued working past retirement age, and took into account possible confounding factors.

Type 2 diabetes rise in under-40s, says Cardiff research The number of people under 40 with type 2 diabetes in the UK has risen sharply in the past 20 years and is growing in the general population, research shows. Cardiff University found the incidence trebled in the general population between 1991 and 2010, but rose nearly ten-fold among under-40s. Under-40s now account for 12% of all newly diagnosed cases, up from 5%.

A&E units on cliff edge, say NHS lead ers A&E is on a "cliff edge", NHS leaders say as MPs beginbegin an iinquirynquiry into the state of emergency care in England. The warning by NHS Confederation chiefchief executive Mike Farrar comes as the Health Select Committee holds its first hearing on the issue. He sa id if the pressures continued to grow, the workload would become "simply"simply impossible" to deal with. -22607984

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