Horticulture, Hypermasculinity and Mental Wellbeing: the Connections in a Male Prison Context
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Horticulture, hypermasculinity and mental wellbeing: the connections in a male prison context. By Florence Ellen Rose Seymour A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Central Lancashire September 2019 i STUDENT DECLARATION FORM Type of Award Doctor of Philosophy_______________________________ School Community Health and Midwifery_____________________ Sections marked * delete as appropriate 1. Concurrent registration for two or more academic awards *I declare that while registered as a candidate for the research degree, I have not been a registered candidate or enrolled student for another award of the University or other academic or professional institution. 2. Material submitted for another award *I declare that no material contained in the thesis has been used in any other submission for an academic award and is solely my own work. 3. Collaboration Where a candidate’s research programme is part of a collaborative project, the thesis must indicate in addition clearly the candidate’s individual contribution and the extent of the collaboration. Please state below: _________________________________________________________________ 4. Use of a Proof-reader *No proof-reading service was used in the compilation of this thesis. Signature of Candidate ______________________________________________________ Print name: ________________________________________________________________ ii This project is funded by The National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care North West Coast (NIHR CLAHRC NWC) The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care. iii ABSTRACT This thesis explores the interconnections between horticulture, hypermasculinity and mental wellbeing. It focusses on male prisoners and staff experiences of engaging with a North West horticulture programme called Greener on the Outside: For Prisons (GOOP) in a category B prison in North West England. The study forms part of a wider, regional programme aiming to tackle health inequalities amongst various population groups funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Masculinities and horticulture are both well- researched areas within prison settings in particular; therefore this thesis provides an original contribution to knowledge by combining the two themes and exploring the interconnections. The study was underpinned by a social constructionist epistemology and informed by symbolic interactionism and critical inquiry. In terms of methodology the research utilised a critical ethnographic approach using a range of qualitative data collection methods: active participant observation, guided conversations and individual in-depth interviews. Using a critical lens for the study allowed the research not only to explore ‘what is’ but also ‘what could be’ within the criminal justice system. The main period of data collection was conducted over a 17 week time frame, with a sample of 34 prisoners and seven members of staff. The critical ethnographic approach and combination of methods used generated rich data capturing the lived experiences, personal journeys and stories of those involved in GOOP – revealing findings based on complex meanings and interpretations. The findings contribute to knowledge and understanding of the importance of engaging in horticulture with particular reference to community, trust, green environments, biophilic design, experiencing hope and reducing hypermasculine behaviours through responsibilities, nurturing and the presence of females. With GOOP offering a small, community-like atmosphere within prison, this invoked trust, friendships and positive interactions between prisoners and staff. The hypermasculine norms so often prevalent in prisons were notably absent on GOOP, with connections made between caring for plants, healthily re-establishing the male role and interacting with females. The iv range of tasks available for GOOP prisoners offered opportunities for prisoners to develop personally and socially, a chance to improve their mental wellbeing with specific mental illnesses addressed. This research offers an original contribution to knowledge as it combines three highly researched concepts; hypermasculinity, horticulture and mental wellbeing with pertinent connections established through reductions in hypermasculine behaviour when interacting with nature. It highlights the potential for positive masculinities in prison, the creation of community through horticulture and, as a result, the enhancement in mental wellbeing. The recognition and reach of GOOP horticulture programmes is growing, with increasing interest in applying the programme in regions outside of the North West. This highlights the relevance and significance of the research findings and their potential to impact future policy and practice. Recommendations arising from the findings – for example, working outside in the fresh air, creating a small community and encouraging creativity – will be shared with relevant stakeholders within the GOOP network and wider prison system to ensure reach and enable the impact of the research is maximised. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ xiii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xiii LIST OF OBSERVATIONAL VIGNETTES ...................................................... xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. xiv ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................ xvi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH STUDY ................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1 The Research Problem .................................................................................... 2 Health in Prison ............................................................................................. 2 Men and Masculinities in Prison ................................................................... 3 Horticulture and Green Space in Prison ....................................................... 5 Originality ......................................................................................................... 6 Funding ............................................................................................................ 6 Greener on the Outside: For Prisons (GOOP) ................................................. 7 Choosing the Research Site ............................................................................ 8 Research Aim and Objectives .......................................................................... 9 Research Design and Methodology ................................................................. 9 Research Findings ......................................................................................... 10 The Small GOOP Community ..................................................................... 10 Sub-cultural Masculinities ........................................................................... 11 Changing Lives ........................................................................................... 11 Autobiographical Note: What Led Me to Prison Research? ........................... 12 Overview of Chapters ..................................................................................... 13 vi Summary ........................................................................................................ 15 CHAPTER 2: CONTEXTUAL LITERATURE REVIEW .................................... 16 Introduction .................................................................................................... 16 Conducting a Literature Review ..................................................................... 16 Health ............................................................................................................. 17 Health Inequalities ...................................................................................... 17 Health in Prison ........................................................................................... 24 Improving Health in Prison .......................................................................... 31 Mental Health and Wellbeing in Prison ....................................................... 35 Masculinities ................................................................................................... 41 Men and Masculinities ................................................................................ 41 Men’s Health ............................................................................................... 45 Masculinities in Prison ................................................................................ 47 Masculinities and Mental Health in Prison .................................................. 54 Horticulture and Nature