An Ethnography of Life and Identity on Yam Island, Torres Strait. Phd Thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland
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This file is part of the following reference: Fuary, Maureen Majella (1991) In so many words : an ethnography of life and identity on Yam Island, Torres Strait. PhD thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland. Access to this file is available from: 322 APPENDIX la MAJOR ISLANDS IN THE TORRES STRAIT. WITH EMPHASIS ON COMMON NAME USAGE AND ALTERNATIVE REFERENCES LOCATED IN WRIlTEN RECORDS Outer Islands continuously and currently occupied are underlined. An asterisk * denotes the most Commonly Used name for each island. Spellings suggested by E. Bani and D. Ober in consultation during 1986 are included. The alternative names are ones which are often incorrect, but which are found in a variety of texts and on a number of maps. ISLAND GROUP OTHER NAMES ISLAND OTHER NAMES TOP WESTERN COASTAL, BOIGU* TALBOT ISLAND, NORTHERN. BOEYGU, POIGD BURU* TURNAGAIN, TURN-AGAIN DAUAN* MT. CORNWALLIS, CORNWALLIS ISLAND, DOEWAN, DOVAN, DOWAN, TAUAN SAIBAI* AYTH, SABA!, SAYBAY, SIABIA, SIBJA, SYBAI WESTERN- MULGRAVE ISLAND, BADDU, BADHU, BADOO, BADTHOO BATU GIYALAG FRIDAY ISLAND*, GIALAG, GIALUG, GJRALAG, GIRALUG KIRIRl" HAMMOND ISLAND*, HAMMOND'S ISLAND, KUREEREE MABUIAG* JE~VIS ISLAND, JARVIS ISLAND, GAMULAG, MABIAG, MABRUAG, MABUIAGE, MABUIAGI, MABUYAG, MARBIAK, MAUBIAG, MABYOG, MAPUAGI, MOBlAC, MOBIOG MAWAY WEDNESDAY ISLAND*, MAURURA,MAWAI MQA* BANKS ISLAND, MOOA, MUA, MUWA, IT, WAG, WAGA 323 APPENDIX la continued ISLAND GROUP OTHER NAMES ISLAND OTHER NAMES WESTERN MURALAG* PRINCE OF WALES*, P.O.W.*, MAANOO, MARILAG, MORALUG, MORILAG, MOROLAG, MOROLAGA, MOROLUG, MOROLUGA, MURRALAG, MURULAG, MURULUG MURI* MT ADOLPHUS*, MOREELAG, MOREELUG, MORI NARUPAY HORN ISLAND*, HORN*, NARUPAI, NOREPYE, NURAPAI, NURUPAI, EASTERN PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND PABAJU ALBANY*, ALBANY ISLAND, PABAJIE PALILAG GOODE ISLAND*, GOODIS ISLAND, PALILUG, PEILALAG TUYNED POSSESSION ISLAND*, TUINED, BISINITI WAMALAG YORK ISLAND, CAPE YORK ISLAND, WAMALUG, WAMILAG, WAMILUG WARAR HAWKESBURY ISLAND*, WARA WAYBEN T.I.*, THURSDAY ISLAND, WAlBEN, WAIBENE,WAYBENE ZUNA ENTRANCE ISLAND* CENTRAL AWKEN AUKEN ISLAND AWRIDH* AUREED, AUREEN, AURID, AURIDH, YAWAD, OUR~ED, NUREED 324 APPENDIX la continued ISLAND GROUP OTHER NAMES ISLAND OTHER NAf'...1ES CENTRAL BARA* BET ISLET, BET ISLAND, BARRA, BURAR, BURRAR DHAMUDH* DALRYMPLE ISLET, DALRYMPLE ISLAND, DAMOOD, DAMOODH, DAMUD, DAMUDH, DAMUT, DAMUTH, JARMUTH, YARMOUTH ZAMUT GARBOY* ARDEN ISLAND, ARDEN'S ISLAND, GARBOI GEBAR* TWO BROTHER'S ISLAND,TWO BROTHER*, THE BROTHERS, THE TWINS, HILLS ISLAND GABA, GABAR, GABBA, GABBARREE, GEBARO, GEBARU, GUEBORAR, KEPARA GITHALAY* POLE ISLAND, POLE'S ISLAND, GETALLAI, GETULAI, GETULLAI, GITHALAI GUYA* POLLE ISLAND, POLL ISLAND, GUIA, GUIJAR IGABA MARSDEN ISLET, EEGABA, EGABU KEDAL KADAL, KODAL, KODALL, KOEDA, CADDOW, CUDAL KEBEKEM KABBIKANE ISLET, KEBIKEN MASIG* YORKE ISLAND*, KAILAG, KAILUG, KAYLAG, MACHIK, MAJIC, MASEED, MASIK MASSEED, MASSIEB, MASSID, MASSIED, MASSIG, MASSIK 325 APPENDIX la continued ISLAND GROUP OTHER NAMES ISLAND OTHER NAMES CENTRAL MAWAR* RENNEL ISLAND, MAUA, MADAR, MOWAR MUKAR* CAP ISLAND*, CAP ISLET, THE CAP, MOOKAR, MOQUAR, MUKAVA, MUKWA, MUQUAR, ISLA PEQUENA NAGI* MT. EARNEST, MT. ERNEST, MT ERNEST ISLAND, ERNEST ISLAND, HIGH PEAKED MT, PEAKED"HILL, NAGEE, NAGER, NAGGIR, NAGHEER, NAGHEIR, NAGHER, NAGHI,NAGHIR, NAGlE, NAGIR, NAGIRI, NAHGI, ISLA DE NUESTRA SENORA DE MONSERRATE PURUMA* COCONUT*, COCONUT ISLAND,COCO-NUT ISLAND, COCOA-NUT ISLAND, COCOANUT ISLAND, PANIPAN, PAREMA, PAREMAR, PARREMAR, PARUMA, POOREM, POORENIAN, PORUMA, POURMA, PURAMA, PUREM, PUREMA, PUREMAR SASI* LONG ISLAND, SASSI, SASSIE, ISLA DE VULCAN QUEMADO (ISLE OF THE EXTINCT VOLCANO) SAWRAZ* BURKE'S ISLAND, BURKE ISLAND, SAURAZ, SUA]I, SUARAGI, SUARAJI, SUARJI, SURAJI TUDU* WARRIOR ISLAND, WARRIOURS ISLAND, TOaD, TOODU, TOOT, TOOTA,TOOTE, ISLAND P TOOTTA,TOOTU,TODD, TUO,TUOEE, TUDO, TUDOMO, TUT, TUITE, TUTU, TRAITORS ISLE, 326 APPENDIX la continued ISLAND GROUP OTHER NAMES ISLAND OTHER NAMES CENTRAL ULU* SADDLE ISLAND UMAGA* KEAT'S ISLAND, KEATS ISLAND,OOMAGA, HOMOGAR UTHU* DOVE ISLET, DOVE ISLAND, OOTHU WARRABER* SUE*, SUE ISLAND, . WARABER/. WARABIR, WARBER, WAREBER, WARRABARE YAM* TURTLE BACKED ISLAND, TURTLE BACK ISLAND, lAMA, lAME, YAM ISLAND, YAMA, .YAMMA, ISLA DE CARIBES MUY GRANDES DE A 12 PALMOS Y MEDIO (ISLAND OF VERY TALL CANNIBALS, OF 12 1/2 SPANS) ZEGEY* DUNGENESS, DUNGENESS ISLAND, MANGROVE ISLAND, MANGRU ISLAND, GAlKA, GIAKA, JEAKA, ZAGAr, ZEGEI, ISLA DE LOS PERROS (ISLE OF THE DOGS) EASTERN DAUAR* DAUER, DAWAR, DOWAR, DOWER EDGOR* NEPEAN ISLAND, ATAGOR, ATfAGOR, ATTAGOY, EDUGOR ERUB DARNLEY*,DARNLEY ISLAND, ARROOB, ARROUB, EROOB, ERROB, ERROBA, ERROOB, ERRUB, ERUBOO, IRIBU, IUB, JARUB, YARUBO KERGED EAST CAY MAIZAB BRAMBLE CAY KAUR 327 APPENDIX la continued ISLAND GROUP OTHER NAMES ISLAND OTHER NAMES EASTERN MER* MURRAY*, MURRAY ISLAND, MURRAY'5 ISLAND, MAER, MOEYAM, MOlE, MORE, MUR,MURR STEPHEN ISLAND*, STEPHEN'S ISLAND, STEPHENS' ISLAND, AUGAR, HOGAR, HOUGAR, OOGAR, UCA WAIER* WYER, WAIAR ZABKER* CAMPBELL ISLAND, CAMPBELL'S, TAPOGAR, TAPPOEAR, ZAPKER 328 APPENDIX 1. Story about Meidha and Awsa (told by the late Mr Maino Kelly to M. Fuary, Yam Island, 14/10/1982, edited). See Maps 2 and 3! and Chapter 3. Meidha Meidha lived at Gawrab. He had Yam Island troops. They used to cut bamboo at Kodakal to make their weapons: bows, arrows, spears. Meidha sent his brother-in-law Yaza [Yadzebab] to fight,against the New Guinea lowland villages. He used a club with a six..comer star shape. It had a lawyer cane handle, and it was black from the blood of the killings. The canoes returned, loaded up with decapitated heads. Meidha then sent them to fight against the islands, until only Sasi remained. When they arrived at Sasi all the people came down to the canoes to welcome them, but they were attacked from the beach. They killed everybody: all that they left at Sasi were the mosquitoes. During the slaughter, one point of the club was broken. Meidha mostly ate shell turtle, wanuwa. He choked himself on the fat while they were absent at Sasi. His body was placed at X. Yaza [Yadzebab] and his troops turned to stone at Kama and Badthwan. Meidha was very tall. His shin bones were the length of a normal man's whole leg bone. Awsa A boat sank I think. Awsa came here. He was a very powerful sorcerer, and he took over from Meidha. He was like the boss over the island, Just like Miak and Nani were. When he gave an order he only gave it once. For example, if he said: 'Bring me that thingt, and you didntt do it immediately! he would wait until you brought it to him, and then he would make you take it back from where you had brought it. That's how he was. Another demonstration of his behaviour was that when everyone was involved in a fish drive on a low tide, he would stay at home. And of course the correct thing to do was to go and see him, because he was the leader. Well originally we used to blow a trumpet shell, and everyone would go to the weir together to spear fish. Now Awsa might be watching for a long time, and he would see how many fish were being speared. So when he decided that enough fish had been caught, he would come out from his 329 house and stand up mid-way between his house and the weir. He whistled to the fishers and they looked up at him. He made a signal to them to leave off and to go home. VveU those who were frightened of him obeyed the order, and those who wanted more fish, kept on regardless. When he came out of the house again and saw that there were still people fishing, he called them to him. See, that was his way. He was a bad old man, and he thought he could get away with it because he had such strong sorcery. So the people had to report to him, with their fish threaded on a vine, about 6 feet long, he just cut the vine in half and ordered them to put the other half back in the water, and the rest they could take home. You couldn't argue with him...if you did you would suddenly die. When he lived on Yam, he didn't live in a village. He had bases at Ngurnguki, Mathu, Tura, Paedhelag and Mududan [see Map 2]. He stayed at Mududan for the fishing. There used to be a beach at Paedhelag and wongai grew there. When Awsa wanted to plant his gardens (sweet potato, yam, pumpkin), he planted them out from the village, in a clear spot. He didn't clear bush on top of the hill to make a garden. No, he made it here! You see the airstrip- from here to Paynston is like that. He made a garden on that other side. But his yams were as big as you and 1. It took four men to carry one of his yams, strung on bamboo. He grew lots of yams and other vegetables including big pawpaws. After the evening meal everyone sat down and he beat his drum. He didn't use a hand-propelled spear, and he didn't use a bow and arrows. He used a spear and WQomera, thikum. Perhaps he was an Aboriginal man from Cape York. And th.ose spears were made of really heavy wood, that we call thul. Well one afternoon they were camping at Tura and Awsa ordered his three men to go and fetch water from Damu. They had to fill lengths of bamboo and really large coconuts with water. So they walked in single file, with Miak leading, followed by Nani and Baluz. Miak saw a fruit fall from a Pandanus tree. He looked carefully and saw someone in the tree. His companions looked, and together they noted two men in the tree busily eating the ripe fruit. The two men were castaways, and the only way they could ge~ food was to eat the fruit.