Social Origins of Counterrevolution in Argentina, 1900-1932
THE SOCIAL ORIGINS OF COUNTERREVOLUTION IN ARGENTINA, 1900-1932 By SANDRA F. MCGEE A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL ITJLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1979 Copyright 1979 "by Sandra F. McGee To My Parents This work is an attempt to understand your sufferings, albeit in very different context. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to reverse the usual order of acknowledgements and first thank my husband, Jim, for his constant love, understanding, and support. Next, I wish to thank Professor David Bushnell for his guidance in the preparation of this study and in my graduate work. For seven years, I have deeply appreciated and admired his thoughtfulness, modesty, intellect, and perennial good humor. I am indebted to Professor Max Kele, a fine teacher and scholar who aroused my interest in the right wing. I am also very grateful to Professors Lyle McAlister, George Pozzetta, Harry Paul, Cornells Cli . Goslinga, and Alfred Hower for their help, encouragement, and interest in my work. I could not have carried out my research without the invaluable assistance of Julio Irazusta. 1 greatly appreciate his friendliness, his hospitality, and his generosity in letting me consult his papers. For their kindness and their cooperation, I am indebted to the employees of the Biblioteca Nacional, Archivo General de la Nacion, Institute Torcuato Di Telia, Archivo de La Prensa , Colegio de Escribanos, Biblioteca Tornquist, Jockey Club, Sociedad Rural Argentina, and the Fulbright Commission, all in Buenos Aires. The librarians in the Latin American collection of the University of Florida library have also helped me a great deal.
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