Volume 34, No. i BIuTIsH C0LuMmA Winter 2000/2001 $5.00 HIsToiuc NEWS ISSN 1195-8294 Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation - r The Canadian Pacific’s Crowsnest Route tram at Cranbrook about 1900. Archival Adventures Remember the smell of coal and steam? The Flood of 1894 Robert Turner, curator emeritus at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, is an authority on the history of railroads and steamships in Yellowhead books on British Columbia and he has written and published a dozen Cedar Cottage BC’s transportation history In this issue he writes about the Crowsnest Route. “Single Tax” Taylor Patricia Theatre Index 2000 British Columbia Historical News British Columbia Historical Federation Journal of the P0 Box S254, STATIoN B., VICToRIA BC V8R 6N4 British Columbia Historical Federation A CHARITABLE SOCIETY UNDER THE INCOME TAX ACT Published Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. EDITOR: ExECuTIVE Fred Braches HoNolcsisY PATRON: His HONOUR, THE H0N0ISABLE GARDE B. GARD0M, Q.C. P0 Box 130 HON0eARY PREsIDENT:AuCE GLANvILLE Whonnock BC, V2W 1V9 Box 746 Phone (604) 462-8942 GISAND FORKS, BC VoM aHo brachesnetcom.ca OFFICERs BooK Rrvxrw EDITOR: PREsIDEi’cr:WAYNE DE5R0CHER5 Anne Yandle #2 - 6712 BARER ROAD, DELTA BC 3450 West 20th Avenue V4E 2V3 PHONE (604) 599-4206 (604)507-4202 Vancouver BC, V6S 1E4 FAX.
[email protected] FIEsT VICE PRESIDENT: RoJ.V PALLANT Phone (604) 733-6484 1541 MERLYNN CREsCENT. NoRTHVp,NCoUvER 2X9 yandleinterchange. ubc.ca BC V7J PHONE (604) 986-8969
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