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A little paper $2.50 a Year j with all the Alice Arm and j news and a big Anyox. $2.75 to j circulation THE HERALD all other points, j

Published in the interests of Alice Arm and Anyox, B. C. <»W»"»».».i«n«..»,» ••-• *-• •«** f

VOL. 10, NO. 34 ALICE ARM, B. O, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1931 5 cents each.

Dr. Smitheringale Will Presentation Made To Anyox Orchestra Gives Choral Society Will Hold Mock Parliament Has Conduct Mining F. E. Patton Excellent Concert Another Concert Elected Officers Lectures A very pleasant event took place A very excellent concert was The Choral Society will hold For Season at the Mine Hall on Saturday, given by the Anyox Amateur their second concert on April 16th Dr. W. V. Smitheringale, mining January 31st. when the many Orchestra at the Recreation Hall when something new will be pre­ A Mock Parliament has been engineer of , will oon- friends of Mr. Frank E. Patton on Sunday evening under the sented in the form of an operetta, mooted for some time in Anyox. duot a series of lectures at Alice gathered together to entertain him leadership of Stuart Steele. entitled "Penitent Pirates." Re­ It has now been formed, and the -Arm next week for the benefit of first meeting took place on Thurs at a sooial evening prior to his The opportunity of listening to hearsals for this concert will com­ prospeotors and others interested day, a report of which will be leaving for the south. A very en­ this talented orchestra was not mence from Tuesday next at 7.30 in mining. The lectures will be published next week. joyable time was spent, and dur­ taken advantage of by the people prompt in the United Church Hall, held at T. W. Falconer's hall. They Following are the members of ing the evening Mr. Patton was of Anyox as much as could be and regularly every Tuesday even­ will commence on Monday evening the parliament: the recipient of a very handsome desired, but it is hoped that more ing thereafter. and will be held every evening Premier—H. M. Mayfield. leather grip, as a marlt of apprec­ will attend the concerts that The Society is practicing some­ during next week, commencing at Secretary of State—Rev. F. iation by his many friends at have be arranged for the future. thing that will undoubtedly appeal 8 p.m. Bushfield. Anyox, both at the Mine and the The programme was nicely to Anyox folk, as the operetta is Among the subjects treated will Attorney General: Not yet filled. Beach. He was also presented balanced and those present certain­ abounding in humor. The mem be "Practical Geology and Miner­ Trade and Commerce—T. J. with a beautiful wrist watoli for ly enjoyed the beautiful music, bers will have to work hard, and alogy." The lectures have been Kirkwood. Mrs. Patton, who has resided in The programme was as follows: the committee will appreciate their arranged by the Department of Finance and Postmaster-General the south for some time. 1. Overture, "The Line Up," continued regular attendance to Mines, . -W. F. Eve. Many tributes were paid to Mr. Orchestra. ensure a really successful Dr. Smitheringale conducted a Agriculture—J. A. D. Stewart. Patton's sterling qualities, and his 2. Selection, "Southern Melod­ entertainment, and will welcome Marine. Fisheries and Naval De­ serieR of lectures at a number of ies," Orchestra. large circle of friends are very new talent to take part in the fence—Not yet filled. the larger mining centres through­ 3. Duet, Mr. and Mrs. James sorry to 'see him depart for the forthcoming concert. Railways, Canals and National out the province. last year. Anderson. south. In addition to the "Penitent Defenoe—W. A. Gibb. His services were so well received 4. Trombone Selection, ''A Slip­ Mr. Patton was one of the oldest Pirates" there will beseveral new Public Works—Mr. Wilkinson. that is was decided to enlarge the pery Success," by Stuart Steel, ac­ residents of Anyox—and possibly choral items on the program. Interior- Mrs. R. 0. Cutler. scope this year and include a num­ companied by Orchestra. the oldest, He has been connected Health and Pensions—Mrs. W. ber of the smaller mining towns. 5. Selection, "Uncle Rumus tells with the engineering staff at the a Story," Orchestra. J. Lang. Dr. Smitheringale is conducting Frank Rice Is Elected Mitifl since the Granby Company 6. Banjo Solo, J^. Buntain. Customs, Inland Revenue and a series of lectures at Prince Ru­ started operations. 7. Selection, "U. S. Cruiser New District Chairman Mines—Mr. W. Barclay. this week. Labors-Mr. J, Evans. York," Orchestra. Frank D. Rice, B.C.L.S. was re It is pointed out by Hon. W. A. High Commissionet—Not yet 8. Selection, "Lustspiel," Or­ cently elected district chairman of McKenzie, Minister of Mines that Steamship Camosun In chestra. filled. the Northern these lectures in small towns are 9. Solo, "The Bell at Sea," W. Speaker—Mr. R, E. Collis. Collision branch of the Professional En ,.hi an experimental stage, and the Stenton. Sergeant-at-Arms-Mr. J. Shields 10. Selection, "Gems of Malloy," gineers' Association of British question of how far they will be The Union Steamship Camoson Leader of Opposition—Mr. R. Orchestra. Columbia at its annual meeting oontinued or extended will depend arrived at Anyox and Alice Arm Gale. 11. Selection, "Latona," Orches­ held in Prince Rupert. Mr. Rice upon the responses obtained in the on Tuesday this week instead of At the opening night the speech tra. is well known in both Alice Arm course of the next few months. Monday. The result of the delay from the throne will be read by and Anyox having resided in both It is therefore hoped that everyone was caused by an accident at ihe Mr. Collis, who will net as the A. Davidson Arrives Down towns for a number of years. He in Alice Arm who can possibly First Narrows, Vancouver, when Governor-General in addition to is a frequent visitor to Alice Ann attend the lectures next week will she was on her way north. She From Wildcat Speaker. A guard of honor will in connection with his surveying do so. Dr. Smitheringale is well lad the misfortune to rain the be on hand to welcome the repre­ A. Davidson, who has spent the business. versed in the subjects he will dis­ Steamship Northholm in a head on winter developing the Wildcat sentative of the King, comprised of cuss and his lectures should be collison during a dense fog. Th The advisory committee elected property in the Upper Kitsault the local Boy Scout troop. very interesting. Arrangements Camosum returned to Vanoouver, were Dr. J. T. Mandy, W. K. country arrived in town on Tues­ Two meetings will be held each for the meetings next week are where temporary repairs were Gwyer and J. J. Little. The two day after an absence of several month, and subjects of general • * ing conducted by the Alice Arm made and she proceeded on her former are well known in Alice months. He plans to spend a interest will be discussed according Branch of the B. C. Chamber of way as soon as possible. The Arm in connection with their week or I J in town before re to strict parliamentary rules. Mines. Northholm was mors seriously government duties. turning. These meetings should be very in damaged, several men on that boat He has done considerable struotive to the members and having narrow escapes from serious Mr. Mayfield Will Conduct underground work on the Anyox First Aid Classes general public. injury. Both ships received their Wildcat during reoent years, and f\ United Church Services injuries above the water line. Are Formed Wilt has looated two ore bodies oarrying .Two classes in first aid have Hospital Would Appreciate Owing to the sickness of Rev. F. oopper values. He is now engaged been organized and a start was Bushfield, the services at the Mine Return of Bottles Will Hold Card Party At in driving another tunnel which made Monday night in the hall of and Beach United Churoh on Sun Alice Arm Hotel will encounter another ore body the United Church. The Beach The Anyox General Hospital day, February 8th. will be con­ that has good surface showings. class is being conducted by Dr. would appreciate the return of ducted by Mr. H. M. Mayfield A oard party will be held at the Mr, Davidson, is one of the Gordon James with the assistance empty medicine bottles. The Boy who will take for his subjeot, "How Alice Arm Hotel on Friday even pioiieer prospectors of the camp, of Mr. Fred Graham. Dr. Lang Scouts have again offered their the other half lives," telling of his ing, February 13th. commencing and throughout eaoh winter and has charge of the Mine Class. The services to assist in the collection experiences in social service ill at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. O. Evindson slimmer is unceasingly engaged in attendance at the initial meeting of the empties, and the residents Canada and the United States. and Mrs. H. F. Kergin will be the developing his various properties. was good and it is hoped the class are asked to cooperate by handing hostesses. The proceeds will be His example might be advantage­ es will grow each week. First Aid the bottles to the boys today, P. E. Pederson, of Alice Arm devoted to the Anglican Church ously emulated by the younger is an essential thing in any indus­ Saturday, or by returning the em- arrived home on Thursday from a Building Fund. Everyone is in­ try and an all round knowledge of visit to Princo Rupert. generation of prospectors. ties direct to the Hospital. vited. it teaches the student how to aot Advertise in the Herald Chris Cane left on Wednesday in emergencies in almost any A. R. Campbell left for the south Advertise in the Herald for a vacation in the south. sphere. on Wednesday night.

I* ALICE ARM AND ANYOX HERALD. Saturday, February 7, 1931

for by the provincial Government Alice Arm & Anyox Herald Exports of Nickel Increasing Anyox Community Breezy News Items Of taking over the Peace River block Issued every Saturday at Alice Arm Alice Arm and Anyox $2.50 Yearly Provincial Govt. where about 400 of the entries were Dominion Bureau of Statistics League . Other Parts of Canada, $2.75 recorded. Sales of land were a figures show that exports of nickel British Isles and United States, $3.00 Notiees for Crown Grants - - $15.00 Activities little over 11,000 acres for 1930 as gained more than 40 per cent, in The Council of the League Land Notices - - - - $15.00 against 17,000 for 1929. quantity in December compared Transient Advertising, 50c. per inch Victoria, January 26, 1931—Dr. meets on the Second and with November. The output was Contract Rates on Application. Knight, Chief Provincial Veterinary Fourth Wednesday of each E. MOSS, Editor and Publisher, In the month of November the Inspector, is going into the Peace about 25 per cent, lower than in Pioneer Mine of Bridge River ship­ month, in Recreation Hallt River district immediately for a December, 1929. The total for ped out gold said to have a value of at 7 p.m. According to advices from period of two months. The pre­ December, 1930, was 70,145 cwt. $51,000, and the extension of oper Ottawa, Premier Bennett does not sent low price of grain is inclining valued at $1,485,211, compared ation's to provide for a larger out­ give any encouragement to the the farmers there to start mixed with 47,872 cwt. worth $1,091,033 put is continuing. The present west regarding financial support by farming, For this reason it is in November, 1930, and 89,421 cwt mill capacity is 100 tons, but a 1200 Al. Falconer the government in the building of a essential that they should start valued at $1,971,930 in December, h.p. plant capable of supplying Alice Arm railway in the Peace River Coun­ With their cattle in a healthy con­ 1929. try to the Pacific coast. The power for a 200 ton mill is being Baggage, Freighting, Pack dition. Dr. Knight hopes in the and Saddle Horses government, he said, is facing very installed. In twenty years the mineral pro­ time he is there to be able to in­ duction of Canada has increased heavy financial obligations which spect every herd, and advise as to COAL & FINISHED LUMBER Some people say mining is dead. from ninety-two million dollars to must firstreceiv e attention. Neith­ the best method of keeping them in three hundred and ten million dol­ Slab Wood Cut any Length Is this true? Is it reasonable. er the sound shape. lars in 1929. or the Canadian National Rail­ Mining is Canada's fifth greatest Every Order Given industry. Immediate Attention ways have yet made any statement In order to secure a wider mar­ It is one of the means by which* in regard to their policy of a Peace ket for B.C. apples in Britain, Canada has been lifted in a few H dTh River outlet. Vancouver is still Hon. T. G. Coventry, Overseas ere an ere short years into world prominence strongly pushing its claim as the Markets Representative, recently tlilll) as a nation and a mineral producer. More than two million I'lnge'i'lliig ideal port, voicing its claims as sent a letter to all the newspapers salmon and 40,001) trout yearlings In 1929 the mineral production of were placed In Nova Scot In lakes BUILDING LOTS being the most southerly point and there advising people to buy apples and streams dining 1930 from tlie Canada reached nearly a million ALICE ARM its excellent facilities for handling by the box and assuring them that fish hatchery al Lake George. dollars a day or $303,786,000, large quantities of produce. Prince the cost would not exceed 15 shil­ About $80.0110,000 was spent In Business Lots from $200 to Canada In 11)30 on hydro-electric exceeding the previous year by $500 Rupert continues to draw the lings or about $3.60. The letter power development and installa­ $28,837,000.00. This was the tions and it is expected that filHyi attention of the government and was widely published and was $300,000,000 will be spent for a Residential Lots from $50 railway heads to the fact that it fourth consecutive year of record- similar purpose during .the next to $300 printed in full by the London Times three years. breaking production. has one of the finestharbor s in the just before Christmas, and since Mines and mills in every branch Consumption of natural gas In world, unlimited waterfrontage, then inquiries and orders have Canada during l!i2!) for domestio have been taxed to capacity in the purposes was calculated to be suf­ E. MOSS and its nearness to the Orient, all poured in. Formerly it was cus­ ficient to displace 640*000 tons of of these natural advantages at pre­ past two years and new equipment coal. Natural gas is found in Agent for Alice Arm Mining tomary to sell these best grade abundance in Albeit tn and some and developments commenced in and Development Co. sent not being used. Stewart vocif­ apples at $5 a box, but this year parts of Western Ontario, and the 1929 or earlier are swinging into Maritime Provinces. erously explains its nearness to the rush on the market was so production in 1930. A tremendous Province of New Brunswick's re­ the Peace River, its sheltered har­ great that it was found necessary presentation at Sportsmen's Shows bor and also that it is closer to the future lies before Canadian mining. in the United States this year will I to cut down in order, to find a bn larger than ever and new terri­ Mining in Canada is far from Orient than any other port. Ste­ wider market. There is reason to tory will be invaded. Its first ex­ i dead—it is very much alive.—Fin­ hibit will be at the New England wart also points to the rich jnineral believe that this move has resulted Sportsmen's Show at Boston, Feb­ Commercial ancial Post, Toronto. ruary 7-14, and also at the Phila­ country traversed by a railway in a large increase of permanent delphia Sportsrr.ens and Motor Printing: : Boat Show. February 21-28. having a terminus there and is buyers of B.C. apples who will not sure that economic conditions will object to pay a higher price when NOTICE Six thousand pounds of unfrozen white fish from Northern Saskat­ High clast printing of all , not permit another outlet when the the market advances. chewan recently went by Canadian descriptions promptly and The Estate of the late Mr. J. E. short distance to the Peace River Pacific from Prince Albert to Win­ : : neatly executed : : Stark, Deceased is now under the nipeg and points beyond. It was carried 150 miles to Prince Albert is taken into consideration. For Before leaving for the north last administration of his sister, .Marie by' aeroplane in one hour and a Pamphlets Programmes our part we hope that Stewart is quarter, a trip thai would by or­ week the Hon. R. W. Bruhn, A. Wallace, 230, 10th. Avenue dinary means have taken from eight Posters Letterheads successful in her efforts. Failing to eleven days Minister of Public Works, awarded E., Vancouver, B. C. that, then Prince Rupert should Envelopes Billheads the contract for remodelling the When a 22-year-old woman re­ enjoy the privilege. Vancouver cently fell from the wharf at Pier D, Admission Tickets New Westminster Mental Hospital Vancouver, Into the dangerous rip Etc. Etc. is inclined to be rather avaricious. tide of Burrard Inlet, William Hil- to the Pacific Engineers and the It would compel the Peace River llon, assistant chief clerk of the • * Archie Hogg Construction Co. British Columbia Coast Steamships farmer to ship his wheat double of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Prompt delivery on every There was one lower tender but without hesitation dived In and i order the distance. Its action would CCLND after a 20-mlnute Kittle In the chill this contractor notified the Minister waters succeeded In getting her * * •> sanction the closing of the vast ashore. The woman will recover. that he wished to withdraw his TRIP territory between Stewart and the Herald Printing Office offer, and the contract was awarded All Canada from hors d'oeuvres Peace River to mining companies to dessert was represented at the Alice Arm to the next lowest. The amount is WINTER first dinner served to. tho former

Outstanding Champion "Caught Short" Is An Uproarious Comedy NESTLE'S MILK (UNSWEETENED) oa.0D(/f> II you won or if you lost on the EVAPORATED • sr • last "bull market" in Wall Street, you will find laughs in a very timely NESTLES —r««V comedy which will be shown Largest Producers and at the Anyox Theatre on Tuesday. Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk. It is a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pic­ ture, "Caught Short," and it co- stars Marie Dressier and Polly Moran under the direction of Chuck Riesner, the director of the "Holly­ wood Revue of 1929." • "Caught Short" is, to express it very simply, the short and very amusing adventures of a pair of boarding house landladies in the finger-burning business of buying TAU. SIZE and selling stocks on . margin. eet Mr. "Strathmore C. Koba folk sheep from the Tilley farm won BABY SIZE M Fairchild," prise bull who has every first and second prize and all What the adept Marie and the up­ been awarded Reserve All American championships including Champion roarious PoHy can do with such a Convenient! Economical! honors by a committee in the United wether. In Hampshires the flock States appointed by the American from Tilley farm won four firsts situation can be imagined by the AVE yourself the bother of Keeps indefinitely ia its Holstein-Friesian Association. In including Grand Champion ewe, addition he won first prize at the friends of this famous pair of com­ Swaiting for milk deliveries, sealed, airtight container- reserve Grand Champion ram and Keep a supply of NBSTII'S on always pure and sweet when recent Royal Canadian Winter Champion wether. Holsteins from edians. The love interest of the Show in Toronto. Strathmore your shelf—use as needed, you open the tin. AI Mary Koba was Reserve All Amer­ the Strathmore farm won the story is capably furnished by Anita coveted Haley & Lee trophy for the ican Junior yearling heifer, 1930. Page and Charles Morton, and Both animals were bred at the second time. Altogether the sheep Canadian Pacific Experimental from the Tilley farm and the cattle excellent .characterizations of typ­ from Strathmore farm won eighty Farm at Strathmore, Alberta. The ical "boaiders" are furnished by T. Strathmore and Tilley farms, oper­ ribbons at the Royal Winter Show, ated bythe Agricultural Branch of Toronto, of which fifty were made Roy Barnes, Herbert Prior and I— up of nineteen Firsts, twenty the Canadian Pacific Railway, made Edward Dillion. Nancy Price is a very remarkable showing at the Seconds and eleven Championships, Toronto show last November. Suf­ and Reserve Championships. Polly's younger daughter. Men's Clothes

We carry a full line of Men's Clothes including Quebec Sets Pace In Winter Sports Dress Suits in latest patterns and styles. Gabardine Raincoats, Shirts, Ties, Hats, Shoes, etc. For working purposes we have; Slicker Coats and Pants, Mackinaw Shirts, Coats, and Pants, Waterproof Pants, Heavy Boots, Rubbers in all lengths, Gloves, etc.

• LEW LUN & Go. General Merchants, Anyox West side of Smelter


J~E=3C3BC3C2C 3l==ir 3* Candies. Stationery, Proprietary

inter sports, in the most his­ Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc W toric city of the American, continent — Old Quebec, cradle of New World civilization, with the Canadian Pacific Railway's beau­ W. M. CumUlingS, Agent for all Vancouver Daily Papen tiful Chateau Frontenac Hotel as Post Oflice Building, Alice Arm headquarters, are again proving a drawing card for devotees from all •' II—ini -i. parts of Eastern Canada and the United States. The great hotel, with its long, fast tohboggan-slide on Dufferin Terrace and Its spacious skattaig-rink just outside its doors, offers something unique in the way of comfort for sport- lovers. Quebec, too, boasts a fine ski-jump and plenti­ -« ful opportunities for cross-country work either on skis lf= or snowshoes. Curling, hockey and sleighing are also staples of the winter's program, most events bring rounded off with dancing in the evening. Picture Show for 25c. The season is now in full swing; the International Snowshoe Convention and the ice-canoe race across Commencing with the advent of the Talkies, which the St. Lawrence on January 31 and February 1; the famous Eastern Dog-Sled Derby on February 19, 20, date is August 30th., members of the Anyox Communi­ and 21, followed by the traditional Masquerade Ball ty League, will be allowed admission to one picture n tbe Chateau Frontonac's gracious ball-room, being imong the high-lights. show each month, on the presentation of their member­ For picturesqueness, Canada's Ancient Capital cam ship card, showing dues paid to date, for the price of hold its own with any city in the world and tbe sur­ rounding countryside offers a host of opportunities for 25c. This arrangement to be in lieu of past free show. sxcurslons. Snow conditions, .following the great January storm, are reported excellent and those who FREE SERVICES TO MEMBERS ARE: have visited the Chatsau Frontenac, either ln winter 1. Library 3. Organized Sports or ln summer, have learned that its name for hospital­ ity, accommodation and cuisine is indeed well-earned. 2. Reading Rooms 4, Excursions The pictures show: above: a typical dog-team and, right, the majestic Chateau Frontenac, towering over To keep these going we need your member- Quebec's Lower Town; upper centre and lower-left: ski-jumpers and, below: visitors out for a run ln the i ship and your patronage Chateau Frontenac's dog-sleigh. ' The very youthful skliers shown middle-left are typical of how young Quebec takes to winter sports, which have become famous throughout the American continent and bring BUY AT THE LEAGUE visitors and competitors over Canadian Pacific lines from most of the larger centres of Eastern Canada and the United States. COUNTER


^m!W>Mivxm>>«( Advertise in the Herald

ft .-. ..ttl"J-i-J

ALICE ARM AND ANYOX HERALD. Saturday, February 7, 1931

Four Basketball Games Nancy Carroll Seen At B. P. O. ELKS Dominion ol Canada and Newfoundland This Week Tonight's Show ANYOX LODGE No. 47 Meets every second and fourth Monday ol British Columbia Two games of basketball were Nancy Carroll, the adorable idol the month 4 played on Thursday, January 29th. of millions of film fans, is triumph­ Hall for rent for dances, social functions, etc. Department of Mines ing' in a new dramatic play at the on application to club manager The High School team lost to Pats Anyox Theatre, today, Saturday. by four points. Scores: A. H. "Laughter" is a vehicle which School 10— P. Louden-2, M. Cloke gives full opportunity to Miss Car 2, G. Peters-6. Pats,- 11. Gaidar- roll lor a display of her emotional NOTICE! oni-2, Mrs. McRostie 4, K. Eve-8. capabilities. She doesn't miss a PIONEER MESS Total 14. moment of this big chance for new dramatic honors, Throughout the CAFE In the Senior A game between tense action of the play Miss Car ANYOX B. C. the Celts and the Sheiks there was roll sweeps along in a superb por­ You are invited to apply to the De­ some fast basketball and the win­ trayal of an ex-Follies girl who, as Bread, Cakes, Pastry, ners had to fight hard to get their the wife of a mis-mated marriage, Catering partment of Mines, Victoria, B.C., margin of thirteen points over the tries to be loyal—and is, but who always seems to be victimized by SPECIAL DINNERS for the latest authoritative information losers. Soores: Celts 27,—Davis the irony of circumstances, ARRANGED ON REQUEST 1, Calderoni-9, Patrick 3, McDon- regarding mining development m Fre'dic March, as a young pian ald-3. Steele-5, Dodswovth-1, C. PHONE 273 ist composer who had been in love British Columbia. Hill 5. Sheiks,—Dresser-5, Gillies with Nancy prior to her marriage to L. 4, Mikeli 3, Watson-2. Total 14. Frank Morgan, the rich broker, Two games of basketball wer" pops into the picture again as ai romantic menace, a sort of Bohem­ played on Monday. A score of 4 Annual Reports, Bulletins and Maps are ian heart thief and troublemaker. points all was registered in tbe available free of charge, upon application to A series of unfortunate events AUCE ARM ladies' game between the Cadets gets Nancy more and more into ill- and High School after playing favor with Morgan. Finally she is FREIGHTING THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES, extra time. The Cadets have im­ accused of the death of a young COMPANY proved considerably and their op sculptor suicide. She eventually VICTORIA, B. C. proves her innocence, but the scan­ GENERAL CONTRACTORS pouentsdo not seem so good with­ dal has been too much for her long- Pack Trains, Saddle Horses out Mildred and Lillian Dresser suffering husband, and he breaks and Heavy Teams An even score was a fitting off with her. No Contract too Large or result to this game. too Small After a long stay in the cellar Birth at Anyox For Results, Advertise in the MILES DONALD Manager tbe Micos came out to give the Born to Mr. and Mrs G. Pavich Sheiks a trimming on Monday at the Anyox Hospital, on Thurs­ Herald night in the gym. The winners day, January 29th., adaughter. showed much improved form, their (r % I checking, passing and shooting The Elks beat the Mine in a Billiard League contest at the being very accurate, B. Bass and • Beach Pool Room on Monday- P. Anderson combining well in tlie Only three games were played, the Men's Department first half scored some very neat Elks winning them all. baskets. At half time the Micos had a substantial lead. The Sheiks A new historical low was estab­ One Hundred and Fifty Men's Shirts are going On Sale Wednesday did not get anywhere with their lished this week when the price of silver dropped to 28}io. per ounce. Morning, the 11th, for $1.95 or Three for $5.00. fancy passing and should have These new historical lows are get adopted the more direct methods of What a value! You cannot afford to miss it. Latest patterns, good quality ting altogether too frequent. tlieir opponents. Dresser, as usual, broadcloth and two collars, size 14\ to 16\. These shirts are made by Toohe was the mainstay of the Sheiks Bros., Miller, Lang, and Arrow. Regular price as high as $3.75. Oar price and in addition to scoring some H M. SELFE $1.95 or 3 for $5.00. Don't Miss It. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST fast baskets, worked very hard endeavoring to bring the team out ANYOX DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT of the hole. Scores: Micos 25,— Office: Opposite Liquor Store Dwyer 8, Anderson'-10, Bass 4, Dress Flannels, suitable for dresses or skirts, colors, green, powder, fawn, brown, and navy, price per yard, 95c. and $1.05. Dodd 2, Deetb-1. Sheiks 15,- M. M. STEPHENS & Co. Ltd. Wool Poplin, colors powder, and brown, 40 inch wide, price per yard, $2.35. DresserlO, Gillies-2, Mikeli 3. Dress BuoUles in assorted colors and styles, price, ' 15c. to $1.00.' INSURANCE IN AU ITS BRANCHES Lace Collar and Cuff Sets, a nice assortment of styles, price per set, 65c. to $2.50. j T WRITTEN ANYWHERE Hand made Flowers in aji assortment of pastel shades., prioes each, — $1.00 to $1.50. t ANYOX NOTES j The oldest Financial Oflice in Northern 8. C. Just the thing to freshen up your dress or coat. • V I 4-f...-f*4*4-<.«.**4**»-f ••••••• ...+...• T Office: PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. W. L. Carfrae arrived from HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Prince Rupert on Tuesday and left MINERAL AOT - 1931 GOLF CLUBS - again on Wednesday. (Form P.) Uncord Beeline Drivers No. 2 Irons Putters R. L. Healy, formerly as­ CERTIFICATE op IMPROVEMENTS Brassies No.5 Mashie Golf Bags sistant general superintendent Kroflite Mesh Balls Two Bob Balls NOTICE at Anyox, and later in charge of "Bunker Hill No. 1," "Bunker Hill OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT the Granby Company's operations Fraction," "Conger" and "Rocket" Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas at Copper Mountain arrived on lliver Mining Division of Cassiar Dis­ Tuesday from Vancouver. trict. When'located:—On Granite Creek, DRUG DEPARTMENT C. W. S. Tremaine, a former about 7 miles from Alice Arm. TAKK NOTICE that I, W. B. Bow­ SHAVING STROPS resident of Anyox arrived on Tues­ er, F. M. 0. 02140-C, agent for Joseph These Prices Will Prevail For Only a Short Time day from Copper Mountain. E. Trethewey V. M. C. 35277-D, Will­ iam Gray F. M. 0, 35278-D, and Rob­ HoVseliide Strops, regular $2.25, special $1.75. W. R, Lindsay, general superin­ ert W. Harris F. M. C. No. 35270-D, intend, sixty days from the date here­ Horsehide Strops, regular $3.35, speoial 2.45. •j tendent, left on Wednesday for of, to apply to the Mining Recorder Pigskin Strops, regular $2.25, special 1.75. Vancouver. for a Certificate of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Horsehide Strops, finest Scotch Tanned, regular $3.00, special- < $2.25. Constable Sam Service left on Grant of the above claims. Horsehide Strops, finest Scotch Tanned, regular $4.50, speoial .' $3.50. Tuesday for Prince Rupert on And further take notice thataction, under section 85, must bo commenced official business. before the issuance of such Certificate I of Improvements, J. Wynne left on Tuesday for Dated this 20th. day of October, GRANBY STORES Prince Rupert and returned on A. D. 1030. Wednesday. W. B. BOWER, Agent. v^s &