Human Rights in Russia and the Former Soviet Republics

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Human Rights in Russia and the Former Soviet Republics HUMAN RIGHTS & HUMAN WELFARE Human Rights in Russia and the Former Soviet Republics Introduction by Arianna Nowakowski Ph.D. Candidate Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, a state of political, economic, and social disarray was accompanied by a renewed hope for improved human rights conditions in Russia and the former Soviet Republics. However, transitions toward more democratic forms of governance and market economies have faced many obstacles, and have not necessarily facilitated the protection of such rights. As this eclectic compilation of essays and bibliographies in the current digest reveals, many legacies of Soviet rule persist and continue to plague the region today. Although Russia has stabilized dramatically since 1991, progress toward a liberal democracy is frequently called into question. Political and legal corruption, lack of transparency, insufficient public participation, and increased governmental control of media enterprises have contributed to such doubt. Viewing a lack of democratic progress as a hindrance to the development of human rights in much of the post-Soviet region, the contributors to this digest evaluate the prospects for democracy by discussing many historical and political impediments for democratic development. As an important component of democracy, the current state of civil society in Russia is also addressed, focusing primarily on the hindered operation of NGOs and religious groups. Together, these works provide an image of Russia’s apparent transition away from a liberal democracy, which many scholars argue is having a negative impact on significant human rights issues. Acutely problematic during Soviet times, rights of women, sexual minorities, and disabled people, continue to be denied in post-Soviet Russia. Arguably, these problems are worsening as the operation of NGOs, freedom of speech, and representation in civil society become increasingly curtailed. An assemblage of topics such as changes in gender identity, employment issues, health care, and public and private violence present a comprehensive image of gender inequality as a larger social and political human rights problem. Regarding disability rights, issues of public discrimination and lack of access to health care, particularly for children and the elderly, are presented as central, yet insufficiently addressed issues in contemporary Russia. Lack of access to quality health care is perhaps one of the most all-encompassing human rights issues facing the region today, as social discrimination, corruption, and poverty all come into play. In an extended overview of some of the main health problems afflicting Russians in particular, issues such as alcoholism, smoking, HIV/AIDS, and a number of preventable diseases are viewed in light of their contribution to Russia’s rapidly declining population. Many of the sources in this section inform on the healthcare system in Russia, in addition to addressing political and economic contributions to the aforementioned problems. The inadequate health care and abuse faced by military personnel in particular is also discussed. Although class, gender, and disability affect access to quality health care in contemporary Russia, an additional portion of the demographics that experiences widespread discrimination is that of the Roma. As the essay on the Roma reveals, lack of access to health care, education and social institutions are only a few of the problems afflicting them. Central to this piece is the legacy of 1 TOPICAL RESEARCH DIGEST: HUMAN RIGHTS IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS authoritarian rule, which in many ways continues to legitimate the unequal treatment of this segment of the population. The legacy of authoritarian rule undoubtedly presents challenges for human rights reform in Russia and in much of Eastern Europe, but such political repression is more detrimental for human rights in regions still under this form of governance. Extending beyond Russia proper, research on authoritarianism in Turkmenistan brings many significant issues of political repression to the forefront. Following the death of President Saparmurat Niyazov on December 21, 2006, the current state of affairs in Turkmenistan remains uncertain. As the essay on this topic illustrates, the pervasiveness of control established by Niyazov’s regime makes substantial change unlikely in the foreseeable future. With respect to most areas of the former Soviet Republics and Russia, issues of religious freedom and the treatment of ethnic minorities are particularly germane to a discussion on human rights in the region. Research on the repression of Islam in Tajikistan, as well as hardships faced by repatriated ethnic groups in Russia and the CIS bring such issues to the light. Finally, a problem of immense proportion that extends well beyond Russia’s borders is that of human trafficking. Addressing trafficking of women and children, as well as men, the research on this topic illuminates the ways in which economic perils, coupled with corruption in the political and legal systems, can lead to the trafficking of people worldwide. The wide array of topics addressed in this digest is by no means all encompassing of the human rights issues plaguing Russia and the former Soviet Republics today, nor is each topic addressed in complete detail. Rather, the digest is intended to serve as a representation of many pertinent issues, and to provide useful sources for future research. We hope readers will find this installment informative, bringing to light many problems that must be addressed as the post-Soviet transformation in the region continues. 2 HUMAN RIGHTS & HUMAN WELFARE Researchers Instructor Editors Kirsten Benites Arianna Nowakowski Sarah Bania-Dobyns Ken Bonneville Eric Dibbern Jill Collum Arianna Nowakowski Christine Danton Stephanie Raessler Susan Freese Hayden Gore Annika Johnson Kristina Libby Florinda Lucero Cathy Smith Nick Stokes Amy Swift Lisa Weilminster © 2007, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver 3 TOPICAL RESEARCH DIGEST: HUMAN RIGHTS IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS Civil Society and Human Rights By Ken Bonneville A dynamic civil society is essential to a functioning democracy. After the fall of the Soviet Union there was hope that Russia could create a robust civil society to compliment its burgeoning democracy, but 15 years after the fall neither occurrence appears to be the case. Instead of an open society, Russian civil society faces challenges of oppression, threats of violence, an overbearing bureaucracy, and a constitution open to interpretation. The following research outlines some of the obstacles facing Russia’s civil society and addresses how the government is restricting civil society functions. The Russian executive branch employs numerous means to oppress civil society, but Article 59 of the Russian Constitution is the executive branch’s primary means. This article states that Russians may join any society free of persecution, but it continues to say that it is every Russian’s duty to defend the fatherland. An extensive bureaucracy is another means that the Russian government uses in order to inhibit NGO functions. Finally, the government fails to fully investigate the abuse and killings of activists and reporters. This research covers four aspects of civil society, including the media, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), religious institutions, and business participation. In terms of the media, there are two aspects that must be considered: the suppression of freedom of the press, and governmental influence on media production. The nationalization of NTV is a prime example of both of these features. Social and political activism is inherent to nongovernmental organizations, but they are encountering as many restrictions as the media. Government bureaucracies are restricting groups from organizing contrary to government action. Groups opposed to Russian action in Chechnya are particularly harassed. In general, nongovernmental organizations are facing violent persecution, intimidation, and bureaucratic threats that the executive branch does little to dissuade. Religious groups are facing a similar line of persecution from the government as the NGOs. The Russian Orthodox Church has gained a position virtually beyond reproach, but other religions are not as lucky. If a religious group does not gain the “traditional” status within Russia, they are open to various forms of prosecution from the government. Furthermore, if an artist or activist wishes to express their opinions about the Russian Orthodox Church or religion, they leave themselves open to prosecution and threats as well. Businesses face a different problem altogether. Like the NGOs, they also face restrictions that result from the massive Russian bureaucracy. The real issue, however, has to do with the executive branch of the government putting pressure upon businesses to open themselves up to government intervention. If the business community refuses to allow the government to gain partial ownership, the companies may face nationalization and prosecution. 4 HUMAN RIGHTS & HUMAN WELFARE Agadjanian, Alexander. 2006. “The Search for Privacy and the Return of a Grand Narrative: Religion in a Post-Communist Society.” Social Compass. 53:169-184. Annotation: This article provides a case study analyzing an avant-garde art exhibit on Russian Orthodoxy that was attacked by militant followers of the Russian church. Instead
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