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Kittiriaer sfa Missile allegations denied WASHINGTON CAP} - Sec- sile force of its own of less thai rangements in the: fields of eco- while lowering the U.S. level, - ¦ nomics scientific. > - exchanges retary of State Henry .A. Kissin- the 710 allowed by SALT L . , and a separate one: to; permit¦ ger, today branded as - "totally Kissinger . was •. questionec "and other matters of mutual the Soviet Union additional ' mis- false in-every detail" assertions closely about the past riucleai concern," the secretary said/ sile silos, tabbed fixr command that /he negotiated a secret arms negotiations, but fa SALT, posta but considered potential ¦ The agreements duV agreement giving the. Soviet opened - his news¦. Oconferenc* pute; . arose , after a " Senate launchers.: '; Union ; more nuclear missiles with a lengthy;¦ discussion V ©; Armed Services subcommittee than : publicly announced in the what.;he -hbpes will . be accbm chaired by Jackson received Jackson/ who has been a first round ,; of;: the . strategic plished thisi Week when , he anc testimony from . resigned dis- leading critic;of the aclmJnis- arms talks. . '". President Nixon arrive in Mos armament adviser Paul Nitze. tration's detente policy with the . Such "reports,; Kissinger , said cow for another summit meet Jackson charged that the Soviet Union, called "rather -with Soviet leaders. in a news conference, "have ho ing Nixon adniinistraUpn. had re1 startling bom the information : " merit whatsoever.''. The sessions ,v wiU involvi vised the agreement with the ; abotit the changes and the way The secretary was referring three parts, Kissinger said. . 1h« Soviets and had failed : to fulfill in which it was discovered. ' - ; Henry first will be . a general review a its pledge to consult with Con- "3 don't think it is going to to, assertions by ; ; Sen. - ' .' ¦"' ¦ jacksoin, D-Wash.j that Kissin- the world situation "to ideatifj gress. . . >.' " upset the balance of power: in ger may have negotiated some areas of conflict and reduc< Kissinger, ' however,' told' te: the world," he said, but .it rep- type of understanding that them .and where possible [ii porters after a session Friday resents . "a • substantial altera- identify areas of cooperation." with the Senate Armed Service tion of an agreement that was would allow Moscow, to build : submarine-based missiles in ex- The second part and the raosl Committee "that view, must be represented ;to. the Congress." : difficult, he; said, will be ' 'the based on a misapprehension of , Scurces' said the original cess of th\ 950 allowed under : ; . the SALT I; agreement signed serious -problem v. , of ; the con the negofciatiohs." ;;.. . ; agreement called , for the Soviet in Moscow May 27; 1972. trol of the nuclear arms race." Sources" reported, tfiat two Union to increase its . total of Jackson : . also , indicated -that . Third will be "an attempt t< things are involved in the dis- submarine-Based missiles from ANTOTHER TIME,; ANOTHER PLAGE i . . . President party, center, and then presidential assistant Henry Kissinger such an- - understanding . may give : a more positive; structuri pute: A reported decision to 740 to 950 while the United . • Nixon, right, ;\whq travels!-'tp the Soviet Union/Tuesday, talks: a year ago when Brezhnev visited Camp'David . in Maryland ¦ , This wil additional States raised its from 656 to havei pledged the United States to bur. relationships.!' permit the Soviets ¦; with Leonid Brezhnev,' •.- 'secretary' df the Soviet Communist : while holding talks.with tlie President, (AP photofax) to maintain a submarine mis- Involve, possible cooperative ar- submarine-based missiles, 710. : Brussdsr/Mpscow-^ In Moscow Inside jRflP The Minnesota Ite-: Uvr publican Convention Utriuariian saitpr votes to ask the legislature to rescind its approval of the Equal Rights. Amendment — N^By HELEN THOMAS , War.II meeting of .President leaving , his. "Watergate defense tations of spectacular results defense have p r o f o u n d 1 y stcry, page. 2. ¦ ' be discussed WASKINGTON Q3 $)> .¦':- Franklin D. Rooevelt may : ? , Russian in the hands of his la;«ryers. and said the main wish was ior changed;in the last 10 years: Flha '3oy- Wendell AJi- President Nixon has a short Premier ; Josef Stalin and White House aides said Nixon further improvement of good the strategic relationship be- _lUa _ e r s on surveyed By: MIKE WATERS plus congressional protest. visit, with his old NATO ' allies England's Winston Churchill, at has '.; held only one hour-long •will between the two nations. tween the United States and the flood damage in Elba arid .(AP), Since then; Lithuania!/groups ' TVASHINGTON - . The this Week and a longer one with which agreements on eastern session with his: chief Water- Nixon's eight-day stay in. the Soviet . Union has . readied a Whitewater State Park on a case of: a , Lithuanian; sailor in the;United States have said: his old enemies ; of the Soviet Europe were criticized by gate lawyer James helicopter tour, this morning they can prove' kudirka is an ; ; : , D. St. Soviet Union will begin Thurs- point of near-equilibrium. forced-back to his Soviet vessel Union;. - ,. /-; \ :- - - ': Nixon and other conservatives Clair, since his return from the day and include state banquets — continuing area fl»od American citizen. ' Part of their , "Consequently, although all stories and pictures, page $. with the . permission . of the The planned trip may .show as a "sellout" of United/States Middle. East. " ; an address to the. Soviet people the, countries of. the alliance (^ast Guard was among items claim. is supported by the fact ' . Voters in;:\t!ie how miich the diplomatic -world interests. . Secretary,•of . State Henry :A. on national television, and long remain vulnerable to. attack, TrJMCIr11 HllOil on. which President Nixon was his; . mother . was : : born In lias changed since the . Atlantic Aceord-i ng city of freeways to American Kissinger holds a news confer- hours of discussions, along with the nature of the danger to ¦will be asked in November briefed -in preparing for his . . Affiance: was formed in 1349 as sources in Moscow,' the irony ence today to explain diplomat- side trips .' --to Minsk in ^Byelo- which- they are exposed , has Tiixon was briefed on the ' ¦: to . approve a billion-dollar, WToscoiv summit trip. a warning to the Russians that was. not appreciated by White ic plans for the trip. Questions russia and the Black; Sea resort changed .,. - '; however,- . the rapid transit^ proposal with- ' case[at Camp "David , Md., In. Europe was protected by the '/' .;.' Simas Kudirka, 45—said to be , House advance men who are . sure to touch on the of Orenda --instead of Yalta. . • essential, elements in the out knowing how their tax an American citizeri-^isin a So- preparation for leaving for U:S. nuclear, umbrella against changed the site ./as soon : as national, security wiretap inves- Relations have clanged be- situation which gave rise to the money will be spent — stray,; " Moscow Tuesday, Rep.; Robert possible communist invasions. they arrived last ' viet labor camp in the Urals .Thursday in tigation and a statement from tween the United States and its treaty have not changed." . page 9. 10-year prison term Hanrahanv R-HL, said ;Friday. order to prevent a dateline that Henry Jackson former European , allies .'A':' 'pahei; serving a President Nixon goes to Sen. , D-Wash., , and CAffili> : of ad- for treason. Thee has been no But Hanranban said there is no carried memories of the Cold that , a "secret deal" las they , were under - extreme 1*a"sl# vertising experts assurance; Nixon will bring the Brussels Tuesday to sign a new War and the possibility contact with him since October version of the Atlantic; Charter that already been niade* The State tension during last year's Arab- say some TV ads can lead His wife and two children and matter up in his talk- with com- Nixon's enemies could claim a Departnaent denies .;the state- Israeli conflict because weap^ children and adult " risk- munist leaders. and meet with European new ''sellout. •" ;¦- . :' : .;¦' :¦¦ '"¦ ' ' ¦ ' •¦¦ ''¦' ' takers" into dangerous situ- mother are living in Lithuania. leaders, who saw the NATO " • ment. : . ; . • . . • . bns and equipment given to Boats bypass Dissident sources from com- Israeli troops were either ations by the careless power He jumped from his Soviet munist-held, countries say, they alliance under extreme tension Nixon spent the weekend at Soviet Premier iLeohid, I. of suggestion ..story, page located-In or; flown through ' — ¦¦ ship to the cutter Vigilant Nov; fear :Kudirka's^ well-being be- during last year's ^Arab-Israeli ms^Camp David, Md. retreat, Brezhnev, wijl only say that he •i1v:V- ./. - . -• '? ¦• conflict. Nixon then travels to Europe —making; them targets 23, 1970, off Wlarthi's Vmeyiardi cause of lack of communication doing homework for the visit- expects Nixon's third , meeting of an Arab oil boycott. Democratic - Moscow for a summit meeting He breaks away leaking barge MaUAfC"} 9 ¦ ' Mand, Mass., but the Coast irom him. • ,.. from • foreign since . the ;. two - leaders began . *• J mayora are to They dpnbt he te dead be- where lie is expected to expand affairs for a few hours today to yearly discussions in 1972 to In" Ottawa last Wednesday, NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - bidding for .a major role in. Guard aEowed the Russians 6n;spirit? of detente..' • • ¦ ¦ • ¦ • The Coast Guard today directed party take hini back. Reaction in cause the Russian underground discuss inflation and other 1 e. -a d . to •: "new, good, the NATO : foreign ministers choosing their 's 1976 have learned about it The Russians had even economic problems with his agreements" that would "make met to reaffirm the agreement Mississippi River traffic single presidential ticket - and Washington was an official "un- would . planned for Nixon to spend : a economic advisers. ' . file around a wrecked and they'd like to have a mayor forturiate" from the State Dfr hut they say there is a good people happy." . . The : White and admitted "that the circum- -¦ chance he may be ill or in soli- day at . Yalta, site of the World The President is apparently House cautioned against expec- stances affecting their common leaking oil barge to prevent on It -rr story, page 16. partrhent, ' White House orders waves from slamming agaiiist to prevent-it"frohtr reoccinringtary confinement. " the vessel and rupturing more of its tanks. The . barge, carrying 23,000 barrels of .oil, plowed into the Court defers decision Huey P. Long Bridge two miles Witt upriver , from New Orleans Saturday. Oil slicks drifted as far as 30 miles downstream. Cleanup crews tried to catch ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦' in cd-cdnspifacY ¦' • ¦ ¦ ¦' the pollution issue C> - ; at the source but ¦ , WASHINGTON (UPI ) - . The for the tapes. - ." '• ';. He said it . may also be officials left the barge wedged Supreme Court today deferred Meantime presidential lawyer necessary for the court in its against the bridge to avoid "I just sent the follow- a decision on President Nixon's James D. St. Clair asked U.S. own deliberations "to make a another rupture in the six tanks factual analysis of the grand ing wire to the Investigat- aboard. request for d I s c 1 o s r e of District Judge John J. Sirica , ' jury'si action;'' / ing Committee: 'Would be Officials said one tank was material that led a grand jury who" will conduct the cover-up glad to testify in behalf of ruptured and another " was . Urging. the court, to deny St. the people who want to be to name the . President as an trial, for grand jury exhibits Clair's request, Jaworski said believed leaking at the seams. unindlcted co-conspirator in the and any and all other let alone and are tired of "Wave action from a passing " courts had , always refused to listening to both sides.' Watergate cover-up. matters" related to the grand determine whether a grand vessel could come by and "You know, this argu- rupture another tank very The court in a brief order jury's action in naming the jury had enough evidence to ment is just like a war. charge someone with a crime. easily," a Coast¦ Guard spokes- said it will not rule until it has President. Grand jury records It's the innocent that are man said. ¦ • arguments on the request He said that in any event, the not in>it , that suffer. So I heard are normally secret . only question before the court . "That's one reason we're out may be called on to repre- there directing traffic, to that Watergate Special When Sirica denied the was the matter of the grand sent America; But I doubt try Prosecutor Leon Jaworski sub- request, St, Clair went directly jury's authority to name the it. America never has been and reduce the speed of the to the Supreme Court, arguing President an unindicted co- represented ships and the likelihood that the mit the grand jury evidence at any investi- wave action could rupture both to the White House and the "only this court, the President conspirator, not the evidence oh gation ever held. It's al- and his counsel will have which it relied. ways only the two s|des another tank." high court itself. access to this material." who are interested in the , "There hasn't been an Tlie court had been scheduled attempt to move it because The court has agreed to rule outcome of it." St. Clair, who has been sitting to recess for the summer on April 18, 1926 they haven't figured out how on the authority of the grand in at the closed House June 17, but now •will remain to yet," he said. jury to name the President, and Judiciary Committee impeach- hear oral arguments on Jawor- Coast Guard Port Capi, D.J. on whether the White House ment hearings, told the Court ski's subpoena July 8 and hand Riley spent Sunday directing that grand jury materials down an opinion some time the ships as they passed under must produce tapes and records submitted to that body show the ffjj l* fiqjm later. the bridge in single file, RUPTURED BARGE. A partially on the Mississippi River and spilled an esti- of 64 conversations between grand jury was . acting outside In seeking the grand jury All rlghtfc reserved for Will Rocert "There are copious quantities * . Memorfol Commlulon Edlltd by sunken harge is pinned by the current against mated 8,900 barrels of crude oil. Efforts to Nixon and his aides. its authority and on the basis of evidence St. Clair said Nixon Br von Stir lino of crude oil," he said. "The Arguments are scheduled "totally insufficient evidence" was being denied potentially pollution has stretched much of the Huey P. Long bridge here as police look float it with tugboats and a crane failed Sun- July 6 on Jaworski's subpoena in naming the President. favorable evidence. the way down the river." ' on from a helicopter. The barge blocked ships day. (AP Photofax)

Against Palestinians Israel to continue bombing By UNITED PRESS Nations barricade on the Golan judge Israel by a " necessary" to defend against INTERNATIONAL Heights Sunday to complete standard" because they

ELBA, Minn. — Gov. Wendell boards .made the request. Olm- and the weather, teh park could tor James Erchul pointed out Ahdersbiii^^^^^^^^ll^^^, touring flood-stricken sted and Wabasha , , counties reopen on a limited basis by that under the disaster designa- ^' : ¦ ¦•¦ areas of '] southeastern Minne- have already filed themi July 4. . - ¦In tion farmers^ businessmen and sota , said today he would ask Winona County 3rd District Elba * a small town of 158 President Nixon to declare Wi- people, Anderson took a close homeowners, would be able to Commissioner Edwin Kobler, la apply, nona; Wabasha and Olmsted whose district most of the dam- look at the damage caused by for low interest federal counties major disaster areas. organize the rampaging fiver*- He stop-: loans and some direct assist- ¦ age "was, said he would, ;The governor - toured.;,.. -the an emergency meeting of the ped to inspect the coJlapsed ance,- . - • three-county area; by helicopter Winona . County: Board as soon foundations at the.home of Mrs. : The direct assistance include* today, - stopping in Itochesber, as possible. Maria Montgomery and.; at the temporary housing,; food Elba, Whitewater State Park ' ' ' ' - Hanson's AG- Store, stamps, unemployment bene- The .. governor's :. i2-car cara- fits, tax credits and wreckage and "Viola to inspect damage van toured the mud-caked golf Joining the tour of the area caused by storms and floods of uprooted were; State Sen. Roger Laufen- and debris remoyaSi Cities and ¦ '¦ course, noting trees counties can get funds to re- last week.- - ' -/' ";¦• • . - and a.foot bridge twisted from burger (DFlrlewiston), Rep. . Richard Lemke (DFL-Lake pair bridges, roads and high- : "THE DAMAGE is much its supports " over the ; middle ways^ ; fork of the Whitewater. Rivera City), DFL legislatice candidate worse than we thought it would Patrick! Ellis, Winona, county Winona County . Extension be,", said Anderson during the From the golf course, the tour and Leo Agent Harry Burcalow was also ; campground, commissioners Kobler .tour>. ;;; went to the. south Boriowski Elba : mayor, Nor- on hand arid provided statistics one of two of the park's three , The governor's Army helicop- ; man Boettcher, Winona County on local crop damage compiled ter landed : on the ninth fair- campgrounds damaged by by his office and the offices of ' ' .-• ' Sheriff Helnier Weinnaann and way of the Whitewater State flbodwaters; • / other state and local , officials. the Soil Conservation Service Park golf course about 11 a:m., YARK MANAGER Donald Before the' : tour left , Borkow- and Agricultural Stabilization an hour; behind schedule, ana and Conservation . Service in Logian guided the governor's ski informed state Red Cross ' ¦ he toured the . park and Elba representative that there; were Lewistoh. • ";. . DAMAGED BRIDGE ' tour through: the park and an- . . . Motorists in the Elgin, Mlno-V by motorists since two culverts north of MillviUe were washed . by car. •:-. . '"• - ' .. . ¦; swered , questions' ..about the fa- four families in Elba that would The storm caused ah esti- area are being forced to take a half-mile detour because oE away in the Thursday storm, All other roads in Wabasha . need temporary shelter for ; a mate^ $543,000 damage in coun- this bridge ' Anderson :said he could take cilities and trout fishing..Logan and road washoutt on CSAH 2 at the north city : County are open . to traffic, reported- the Wabasha County , action on the disaster declara- estimated that, depending on week or sb; . ty crop , losses, and loss of from limits, In the MillvUle area, a one naile detour is being used Sheriff's office. (Evelyn Schumacher photo) . . tion : as soon . as. the county the availability of- machinery STATE CFVIL Defense Pirec 1.5 to 2 million tons tarMinh., Is still out get under way,- according to railroad authori- FILLMORE COUNTY Exten- ^ The roads "have to he returned to a , A motion for dismissal of the travelable condition," Weishras said. Routine of service as a result ot the Thursday storm. ties, until after service has been restored on. sion Agent Milton Hoberg this attempted;murder charge made maintenance work -such as removal of downed Several other members of the association The damaged railroad, which services; the ; the C & NW^^ mafa hne between.R^ morning estimated isoil : and Plainview Packing Plant, is located : about and Dover, also washed out. crop damage at $3 million. Ha by Bott's attorney, Steven Gold- trees on roadsides will wait until the end of did some volunteer work: In Elba Friday, but ' the strike, he said. it was not related to county roads. one-half mile south of CSAH 2, near Elgin, based the figure on a $10 an. berg, in a May 23 preliminary acre loss on all crops and hay hearing, was denied by; County In roughly SOO.OM acres. Court Judge pehnis A, Chal- Mondale to host Hoberg said an earlier decis- leen. and he was bound over to hl ion hot to consider the county a district court, v One killed, dinner for Scott Go. disaster area will be reassessed Waba^ Wednesday afternoon.: ; In . the District Court Judge Glenn E. ROCHESTER; Minn. L- Sen. o^ meantime farms throughout the Kelly today- turned down Gold- Walter Mondale will return, to county are being visited by the berg'» request to reduce Bott's extension agent and members four hurl in Minnesota July i; to host a |30,00OJ bond. ff»; said the case ay of the Agricultural Stabilization buffet dinner for IlFLrendorsed Tuesd a bout sto and Conservation Service and will betrled aj soon as the court WABASHA, Minn. -- Wabasha of Commissioners. . planting of corn costs a farm- ing point of the corn w/as hot congressional candidate Ulric ,, some of it Soil Conservation Service. moves,tonew facilities in the County officials will meet with ' er about $100 an acre, including out of the ground remodeled courthouse, probabl Fillmore Co Scott, Winona. Scott is running • ..COUNTY AGENT Matt Meti fertilizer, pesticide, seed' and wiH recover. Beans will not re- y various governmental agencies lri July. SPRING VALLEY for the 1st Congressional Dis- said that officials" will meet in preparation of soil (labor). Bean cover , if they were up, Metz , Minn. - ¦p.m; estimate Gaulke was released from One person trict seat currently held by Re- Tuesday at 1 to the Agriculturai Stabilization plantings cost from $60 to $70 said. Recovery of oats depends UFO expert: was killed and two soil damages caused by the se- r on weather conditions and how Conununity Memorial Hospital others publican Albert Quie. and Conservation Service office an acre, Metz said. : June S. Injured in a four-vehicle vere.wind, hail and rain storm Farmers will most likely wait badly the crop was injured. Mars probe to ^ of the Soil crash Tabput 10:30 p,m. Sunday The dinner, billed as a camr and overflowing; Zumbro River. with representatives tb see if . the com will come A three-day cleanup operation on Highway 63, paign kick-off for Scott, will . Sections of the county nave Conservation Service CSCS); at Plainview Minn., was com- find other life eight miles back, he explained. If the grow- ^ south .of . Spring Valley, in Fill- be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at been declared a disaster area ASCS, Farm Home Administra- pleted Sunday./ the Downtown Holiday Inn, by the Wabasha County Board AKRON; Ohio (UPI) -A Motorcycle, more County. tion (FHA) and Wabasha Coun- BELL WOHLERS, Plainview self-declared expert on uniden- m Rochester. Three companies chief of police, said that dam- Larry Glenn Dennler, 17, El- Tickets will be available at ty. Extension Service. tified flying objects said during ' ' - right now age costs will run into millions a weekend symposium that an gin, Iowa,. was pronounced the door or may be obtained Eitzen man pleads The . big thing , lay off 630 of dollars. collision near dead at the scene prior to. Friday by contacting Metz said, is to decide if farm- unmanned spacecraft scheduled ky Dr. Rob- to land on Mars on or about ert Snyder, Fillmore , County Mrs. Daniel Sadowski, 571 E. guilty to charges ers should replant or wait to in Eau Claire ONE-HUNDRED sixty -volun- Broadway or Eyerett Kohner, see if the crops will come back. teers participated itt the city- July 4, 1976, will gain informa- deputy coroner, tion that will Homer hurts one 560 W. Lake St. . CALEDONIA, Minn..- — John Metz said that estimated loss. EAU CLAIRE, Wis; (UPD- wide cleanup which began Fri- prove there is Investigation DR. SNYDER said ¦ A. Stokman, 23, Eitzen, Minn., es to about 50,000 acres would day and was completed Sunday other life in the universe. continued today Dennler Three companies here have an- "There is a galactic federa- into the circumstances of an ac- died of a broken neck. pleaded guilty this morning in range from $3 million to $4 mil- at 6:30 p.m. '¦¦¦' ¦ nounced the layoffs of a total of tion of creatures who are cident in whJch a BIboinihgtoh Sign shop contract Houston - County Court- to lion;-:- . - -;- - -:-~-: - Wohlers said; that . 375.. truck- , A passenger work- TOmmunicatihg and " they look Minn., motorcyclist was injur- in Dennler's car, goes to Winona fi rm charges of open bottle and pos- Hail damage cut a swath 20 630 workers including 400 loads of brush and trees were ed Saturday Janet Alderspn, 18, Wadena , session of marijuana. He plead- miles long and four miles wide, ers at National Presto Indus- hauled out of the city. at us and say, 'a nice place to afternoon. visit but I wouldn't want to Daryl Banks, 25, sufferet' a Iowa, was reported in satisfac- WASHINGTON, DC, — The ed not guilty to a drunken from the northwest to southeast tries, Plainview was one of the areas , Nels Johnson Construction Co., driving charge. part of the county; northwest of hardest hit by storms that live there,"' Stanley T. Fried- severe leg laceration, fractured tory condition this morning at National Presto laid off . its weekend foot hones, multiple bruises and Winona , has been awarded a Stockman was arrested early Oak Center to Millville and dumped up to seven inches of man told a conference Community Memorial Hospital, Houston workers Friday and Unlroyal , on UFOs. possibly other Injuries when his Spring federal contract of $16,155 to Friday morning by Plainview and then southeast to rain Thursday and Friday. Valley, She has multiple County deputies near Browns- Inc., announced a cut of 150 The Hubbard Milling Co., Al- He theorized they might he 1971 motorcycle and a 1967 ear bruises to construct a sign storage shop Elba, in "Winona County. her back and hip, for the Fish and Wildlife Serv- ville. THERE ALSO was a lot of workers. tura, lost some 12,000 eight- visiting Earth to take plant and driven by Mrs. Harry Losinski, according to her physician. soil samples, grab humans for 509 W. 4th St., collided on High- ice headquarters of the Upper Judge Elmer Anderson fined damage to a four or five-mile The third announcement of week-old turkeys as a result Mary Ann Hempler, 26, the defendant $50 on the open of the storm. Early Friday specimens for a zoo or " maybe way 61-14 ahout 3 miles ^outh Spring Valley, Mississippi River Fish and Wild- stretch on each side of the lar- layoffs «ame from Armour & of Homer at 3:40 p.m. one of the driv- life Refuge, Winona, bottle charge and $100 on the ger area struck by the storm. At Co., which said it is laying off morning, water ran about 18 graduate students doing their ers, was treated for a head cut theses." Banks was taken by Praxel and released . The new building will be lo- possession of marijuana charge. least 30 barns were flattened, 80 of the plant's 240 workers inches deep in the company's Ambulance to Community Me- cated adjacent to the current Both were paid, Metz said, as well as many oth- due to more , consumer buying barn between Dover and St. Winona Daily News O Other drivers were: Meryl Fish and Wildlife Service build- for morial Hospital and transferred Miller, No. court date was set er buildings and machines. of red meat and less of frozen Charles and drowned them, Hub- Winona, Minnesota *» 61, Maquoketa, Iowa, ings in Winona. the drunken driving charge. cuts. bard officials said , Sunday to a Minneapolis hospi- who was charged careless Metz said that the original MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1974 tal. with driving, and Barbara Wilkes, The Minnesota State Patrol 19, Dorchester Rt. 1, Iowa. reported that Banks was driv- In Princess Kay competition ing south on Highway 61-14 and THE ACCIDENT took place Mrs. Losinski was entering the on a slight curve of a dry road- highway at its junction with way as three of the vehicles Homer Towiiship Bcad 5 when were headed north: a 196(1 se- the two vehicles collided. , dan operated by Miss Wilkes; The patrol said the accident a 1969 sedan dri-ven by Miss Peterson girl among finalists happened on a straight, flat Hempler ; and a 1973 tractor- PETERSON, Minn. - "I keep sota State Fair Aug. 23. , She is a June graduate of Pe- izenship Short Course. She will HELP segment of the highway, that semitrailer driven by Miller, asking myself: "How did I get terson High School and will at- also spend one week in July car- 1 SHE WILL be on apt contest- visibility was good at tho time Sheriff Carl Fann ' said that here?" Karen Boyum said to- ant — she knows all about tend Bethel College, St. Paul, ing for young children at a Bi- Underprivileged Children by and the motorcycle's headlight Miss Wilkes slowed to make a day. dairy products. Karen was born where she will major in music ble camp at Paynesville, Minn. was on. left hand turn. The second car, Miss Boyum , 18 - year - old and raised on her parents' 440- and psychology. Her plans for tho future? The motorcycle reportedly dri ven by Miss Hempler, also daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- acre farm, a dairy operation During her four years in "Hopefully I will be a youth struck the car just ahead of the slowed and was struck in the counselor or music director f ald Boyum, Peterson, who don- with 35 Holsteins in the dairy high school, Karen participated 1 left front wheel. The patrol said rear by the truck, ned tho crown as Region 10 herd. She has helped feed the in the school chorus and band. with church groups and I Dennler s 1973 sedan to travel on a sing- BUYING Banks was thrown 36 feet over ' , which Dairy Princess Saturday, will cattle and keep the mllkhouse She plays the French horn, would like the motorcycle and fell on the was traveling in the opposite di- eauloment snick and snan. trumpet, bass guitar; guitar and ing team, I hope to get mar- ¥ wag be one of 11 regional contest- payment. The motorcycle was rection, hit in the middle of ants vying for the title of 1974 piano. She is presently a mem- ried someday ~ not too soon— demolished and damage to the its left side by the jackknlflng Princess Kay of the Milky Way ber of Timothy Michael , a sing- and will be happy to be 'whore- car was estimated at $700, truck, . ever the Lord puts me. on opening night of the Minne- ing group which got its atart ¦ ' " PEANUTS Tho Dennler and Hempler this spring. cars were total losses; tho truck "I'm an All-American girl , mj\ From Klwanls Club Members In good cond ition received an estimated $2,000 I guess," Karen says. She likes Presentation to damages and Miss Wilkes' car, Lanesboro school UA CROSSE, Wis, - Donald to cook and sew, all kinds of an estimated $150 damages. sports, and spends spare tlmo feature refuge J. Mahutga , 22, Galesville, Wis., gets new windows 1 who was Injured Wednesday In The National Safety Council reading. She also likes all Kinds Sights and sounds of the Mis- fl\rW' ! • • a two-car accident on Highway says the number of motor LANESBORO, Minn. (Spe- of dairy products, hamburgers sissippi TUver will be featured \S£f Club membtrt will it^rl calling en Wlncm Arcadia and Inde- cial) — New windows are being and pizza, in a slide and sound presenta- 83 between vehicle accidents in the United flrmt and In cities thU watk «i part pendence, was reported In good States dropped to 58,000 in 1070, installer! in the elementary THIS WILL not lie liar first tion at the Izaak Walton Cabin *r«n condition this morning at St. about 1,000 fewer than in 1972, school here by De Vac Inc., trip to tho state fair — she Wednesday night at 8 p.m. of their advance Francis Hospital hero. The sharpest docrease came in Minneapolis. The building Is has exhibited projects she made The program will highlight He underwont surgery for a November and December at tho three stories high and to date as an eight-year member of the photography of the Upper Mis- fractured hip and shoulder. start of the fuel shortage, the windows have been all in- Arendahl Hi-Flyers HI club. sissippi River Fish and Wildlife t stalled on the top floor. Two years ago she was named Refuge set to a background of An aluminum combination Fillmore County Junior Cloth- music and river sounds. J&* KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS —, window with coral colored top ing Princess. Besides clothing , The program , open to the pub- f|Peanut Sale p,m, panels; are being used ; panels she has participated in pho- lic with no charge, Is ono In a SS&Reg. Meeting Tuts., June 25—8 will be installed around the two tography, Junior leadership , series designed to acquaint peo- W BUY A CASE — Nj*j p^ Lunch to follow, front doors also, The total cost cooking and foods, safety and ple with tho hngo refuge during Is $35,075. . careers, She will spend one June as the Uppor Mississippi BUY TWO C. J. Stlevtr, Grand Knight A few local students are em- week in Washington, B.C., this Refuge celebrates its 50th anni- CASES! ployed. Karen Boyum August attending the 4-rf Cit- versary. ^

4.\ sfn Television Tonigto* to New Librarian G^rreM^eri fecturi movies and of Congress Baraboo isn t ¦ -iiCfi Mrniiii - . . - ' l¦"•"• ¦ ' . Garden* ". n¦ ' ¦ • '' . " Performance Jl Mewj Ma+iMMt ' 7l00 Documintary . 1 H34 pick Van Dyke j-i-e TT ' ' _5„t'.,.?* ' » • - • Ounimoka »+• . Book Beat Jl series^^SftMfcl^^i To T... th, Tnrth . , ¦¦¦ »¦ How the consumer, can ie^ wKi consider "Prepaid Health < Winona County Judge Dennis ; ;. ¦"S. ^ i. UMi:: '" ^ ' ^ ¦: ¦, is nominated highlights ¦ ¦ • tiitiis ' ' ' " Dealer s Cholct 11 .»<»¦ Hewi - ., .. . ..;¦ .11 aliie the top value for his dol- ;' ;. , Challeen will speak on "Ho-itf to ¦M,_ _i_iatimm ¦ i ' ¦ Insurance Plansi" .. : ¦ • • fJKSl? ' ' j ¦: Rookie. :• :«l I0!« K«w» M-K-8-f- ST. ; PAUL, . Minn. (AP) — lar during a period of Inflation manager of Use the Small Oaims Court'.' ¦;: ; ' ' : ;' ™ Knlltlna . 31 - ,. 10-1M9 . Robert GoliwaSi J ^;^:Moyies .;; ' : . v ; ' Lrt Mak. . Representatives of State' aid will be the topic for a seminar the' Winona Credit Bureau will July 9 and Patrida,Partridge ^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ A Oeel Ml 7HS Biuliall S-IO-IJ *"L7 r?n!S?„„: ' ' ';. ' ¦ , -^ Know, ™^,nn!n ,0,V «-\l by- of the marketing offices, off the .• -Today Holl^.^ wo^uara.,k 5 7l„ - :: , . Court Law Libraries of the to be offered Winona State explain "The What and How , 0iM , .on parade ended "The Happy Road", Gene ¦ ch., ; iv United States and Canada have College Wednesdaythrough July of Credit Jtatings*' Friday. First Minneapolis - Bank ¦ Kelly, , comedy (1957), 8:30; Ch. > -v - f^L :;- _^r\y^. 12. Arthur - Tftelen , : First Select- "How to, Get the Most'for "Your BARABOO, Wis. (UPD r-The ;; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ?^o?¦ Duk« Blllnjton 1 ;10t50 Movla 4.1l ; " i' . ": •: ¦ • ¦ Coniequencai ' » I'M recommended a North Carolina Sessions irom 7 to 10 p.m. in Winona, will Money'' On , July 10. ; annual Circus Parade won't be ' •' Bobby GoiOiDore i* Hera'i Locy W-» UsW Tomorrow i-10-11 ed Securities, Bail- '•¦ il Movie «-»-l* . . Newi . . i lawyer and librarian for ap- be- "In Search of America", Uucllli . • ¦ ¦ Poom 234 Minne Hall will fea- analyze' "Investing During "Over ,, the Counter Drugs\ held in Milwaukee this year drama (197L), 6:30, Ch 6. - .. . . To Tall tha Truth 1» . Merv Griffin . U Bill Valley . . ' .;. : 1; pointment as Librarian of Con- ture guest; speakers prominent Periods of Inflation"' July l. Prescription . Drugs and NTutri- cause of fears about the gaso- -_~MS~r^mM--.i-i!mg ^^ ' "A Talent for Lowing", Rich- gress.! [, in their respective fields. and Thomas Libera, vice presi- tional Labeling" will be :. the line supplies, but that doesn't ard , Widmark j satire (1969) _ ^^^m^^^mMm : ¦ EACH lecture will be follow- Minneapolis topic for Blanche' Erkle, Food bother people at tho Circus , ^^^^^^^^^^^ : The group made . its , recom- dent of the First : 8:00; Chs, 6-9-19; ed by a coffee break, during Bank, wiil speak on "The ^eed aid Drag Administration, July World Museum here. It - just ¦ ¦ mendation at its annual meet? "A . Walk with Love and Aftni-hnnn Minuter* . ' 1> Pbllea Surgaen 10 which the audience can meet for a: Will and Tax Considera- 11 and tlie final lecture, on hieans they get to keep all the " Oomer Pyla H Lucy ll ing in Saturday ni Death," John Huston, drama UM. -.^ Guiding , ,? ???..J.WUIBM W-e St: Paul ght. with the speaker, and the semi- tions in Estate Planning" July "Formation of Consumer AO eidtement here instead ; ol^ tak- Magala .31 : WSC Peep Shew U ¦ ' ' '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : (1969), 10:30, Chs/ 3-8. ' ¦ • ¦ To Tell tt» , - , '2. :¦:- :¦ ' - ' ¦ ¦ .' - . ''' : ' ' ing it. to the big city. ; ' " ¦'"H* • •.''. • ' ";.» ¦,- ' ¦*••** WUter Rooers 1-31 . Referring to him as. being nar then will be reconvened — . . . - . , .. : . ion Groups and their Relation- _ Olir Lire* l-HMJ 0 Te] | lh8 Trut „ 3 - Truth .. . , . if "The Haunted Palace," thrill- N«wlyv<«a ¦ :¦ ^ ' ''erninenKy qualified to head for . a general question and an- THE JULY 6 lecture will be ship with \ Area Businessnnen," The Museum houses the price- ' ¦ : ; M»d Squao : » ' P«tur. ¦ . 31 : er (1964)^ lfl-50,; Ch. 4; . :¦ Star Trtk .-. «; TlOO Art . ; , J . swer iessiott : - :. : -\, by Pat Haugeni. government: will be presented by Dr. Doug- less circus bandwagons,and par- „^*0 - 'J,'? «¦« the nation's largest¦' , library," '"The Tattered Dress", melo- » ^iL . .. Bonania . ID MSudeV;. '•:¦ ; assistant pro- aphernalia that made the parade " Flinlilonw . : . II . Adam-H . MO-13 Frank Fly, Minneapolis, as- documents librarian at WinOria las Stendsland, drama (1957) " i«=2,."!.ol HlgMBLM M-»i.?V . the group unanimously passed r a big success. Preparations for 11:00,. Ch. IL . liW Edse , Hogan'i Haroe* u Happy Dayi 4-M 9 sistant , state, director of con- State College, on "How to Be fessor at St. Cloud (Mflnn.) ¦¦¦¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦'¦ ".- . Tuesday ' . • ' SS? S ¦ " ' . • • Andy Orllflth -1» Dealer's Cliolta¦ 11 a resolution . : endorsing Ray- sumer, will speak on an Informed Consumer." . State College, Juiy 12. the 1974 parade were called off ° M ' v ¦ ' y "Man From Cocody, ¦ Parent. »1 Beat. the.Clockb 1» , All the circus wagons, calif. ' Jean I-C0¦ R.X • J ¦ ; Marcus;Welhy *•»-!» Marais, adventure (1965), 11:00, TettUlfle. S-4-1 Evening • • • - . -. You Owe It . - , 31 , arid Law Court Libraries. opesVand other circus artifacts " ¦ • ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' • ¦ fiJO ¦' 11 •Ch.- - . ii/ . . • . ,:. . .» Somerset : ¦ M0-u:¦ iM Spanish . » . New* , Taylor is, nationally : recog- that dress up the. Schlltz Circus Pyramid : - ...... -. • ,. J-+I-«.|WM» fonsumei . . 31 area edijta^r New* ,, Over 2Q0 s , ' ¦ • 10:00 1-j-frM-lO- "A Walk with ; Love and Garni . M-lf ¦ Truth or Come-¦ ¦ New* . nized as a reader among pro- Parade will be on display here Death,'' 11:20, Uh . 4. oomer Pyie . n:. .' . ' . «iuencei - ,?. - - . 13-19 - fessional librarians and is cred- at the museum and there will ^ . Auto Mechanics 31 . To Tell the Trulh »- . . - . Firing Line 31 ' . J:» Human Relation! 3 Zoom - .. '¦¦ . 31 10:30 Movie - . Jl ited- with instigating the current also be daily performances at Travelura J 4:10 This ll The Lite :J 4 ¦ ' Highlights ¦ New* Federal ' Trade Commission in- err the museum's arena. : . ' roJled Movie ¦*¦ Hea Haw 1 ; J. Careen H0-1J iri W Maybirry . 5 Animal. 4 ; , —. Myilery .' . 4-»-l» vestigation of the law book in- Featured will be G.T., the Today Mike Douelai «•• Price ll Rljht 1-1J- -lliOO Movie . : : ll , dustry, and with conceiving re- More than 200 Winona . and education. which are required for all teach- wrestling tiger which .'• was in Xocal News with Anne Davis. Bewitched ( Jelnnle t 11:10 Movie - 4 ' Not For Bobby Ooldsber* . cent legislation broadening the area educators are now enroll- i The sixthryear program, ini- ers and administrators may be the movie "The World's Great- 6: 00, Ch 3 • 11:00 tomorrow HM3 ; * . r Women. Only . 10 Trulh or con- News . t Federal Depository . Library ed in graduate programs at Wi- tiated at Winona State two years taken as a; part of the.required est Athlete," and other animal Pause that Perplexes. . Petticoat Junction . 11 sequence* » . Western . .- ¦ ¦ .» ¦ ¦ An hour . Act:.: . .; • :;- .: nona State College . designed to ago, received preliminary ac- 45 hours .of credit. ;¦;- acts and the acrobatic r aerial o£ inionnation and entertain- Sam Ervin, i>N,C.,.and assist Minnesota public s chool creditation last year with the The program is described as Torreanis walk a slihn cable ment focusing da the middle- Sens, wll jeffe Helms, R-N.C;, administrators in meeting new accreditation to be reviewed "a . part of a long-term plan for from ground level across the aged male. 7:00, Ch. 2; 9:00, recomniended lor to '' -, Baraboo River on the museum ch; 3i. .; - ready Tay certification requirements. again next . year. . . improving the preparation of ¦ the White House for appoint- grounds to the upper reaches of Baseball World ot Joe i»a*-t_ ia .¦-:¦¦; - KMSP Cti • R«ehe*ter-KROC Cn, » iitl cros.e-WKLA 4-5-10-IJ¦ liw capt. . -. . . . . - . . Addami' Family l» : All My • ¦¦ :¦' - ¦ .Mrs. .Belle S., Spafford said THE NON-DEGREE program at the Pentagon's all-time rec- -¦ ,. ¦ **¦ Kangaroo . 1:4-1 io:3J Newi • ,"' 4 v Children; «.} H she was not "in-accord with consists of a minimum of 45 ^NM TUESDAY ord budget of $85.8 billion dol- ¦ ^ ¦" ¦ ,0S3D l, ; - : • . flew" " I - t ^ • Noontime I those who believe that current quarter hours of credit beyond discusses flood nieyga«tti*c»ifattietearnl lars in peacetime;.'9:00, Ch.. 4, - ¦ Hollywood.^ ¦ JJ.IJ Variety . . ' .;¦ ' ¦ • ¦ . • I ' ¦ •iJO Movl. " . • . . .«: . .: Squere. I-1D>-1»¦ .{; „ A, lht' world : problems -and - needs of women a master of science degree in . Tuesday Romper- Room » . Bredy Bunch 4-M» , . : Turni »+* ' ' ' may best be answered, in the eiiucation administration. 1 ¦ejat ^aaW ^^B ^BBBBBBL I ' Buy and Sell — with hosts Batman li . Andy Orllflth II . _t\t viaka . »>« Newi main, by ; adoption of:. a Pam Becfker and] John Berna- >i00 Joker-* Wild . J*I ¦ ¦ ¦ H A Oeel . «•»•» : Prior to the change, it was Haul : I eiellglon - ¦ . " • 4. : : Three .on. Constitutional Amendment of thought, control, airport dqt. 10,00, Ch.;3;- ' : ' • ¦' . Olneti Shore M0-U 11U0 Younn a , Matelr 10-H that by July 1 all pub- iQjtBtxitWjairaas^^ ¦ ¦ Equal Rights. -. -' Local News — with Anne DaV' Filnlstone. ' ll .. Resllas* 1-4-1 . Variety Jl " : lic school administrators would Is. 6:00, Ch. 3.. have to; Obtain a specialist . de- RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) the -FiUmore County , commis- "Eighth Street Peep Show. gree, in educational administra- — Flood , control, the proposed sioners Tuesday. ' "Teenage Movie Awards" - '— tion.: Hushford airport and a request . Hatleli announced the local with host Dick Van Dyke. 6:30, The requirements were chang- for a cable , television rate in- Central Communications office, Cb. 12; - ed because a large number of crease were among items on the;valley's cable: television out- Child of the Universe. Docu- practicing school administrators the Rushford; . City Council's let, requested , a -meeting with mentary, special about educa- who must complete '.-certifica- meeting agenda Monday. : : council members to discuss a tional possibilities for the men- tion ' requirements to retain their City Clerk Gordon.Hatleu re- proposed: rate, increase^ The tally retarded. Filmed at Penn- positions are unable to qualify ported on his attendance at a meeting was scheduled for July isylvanla'j s Kurty . Training Cen- for admission to a specialist de- bid opening in St, Paul for a 8 when . the council will also ter, 7:30, Chs. 2-31. gree program because their flood control contract which in- conduct; its regular meeting. Snoop Sisters. Comedy — dra- grade point averages or scores cludes redirection of a water In other, action: ma in which G: is accused of On graduate record examina- channel in Brooklyn, the east R $1.75 ___t _T __T _ attempted murder when she in- tions are not high enough. end . Of Rushford. He said the • Renewals of 3.2 leer li- ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ advertently giveiS poison to a censes were granted to Augie's -7:15-9:15 • ¦:. CJUa laU Others, Dr. Kloempken noted, city's share in the $149,000 state ¦¦ fcasketball star. 7:30, Chs. 5-10- prefer to follow a program less project would be $16,500. . Farm House Foods, Rushford 33. I.G.A., Johnnie's Cafe and Steve rigorous then the¦ specialist¦ de- The Trial of Henry Flipper. gree. ;• ' ; < , ' • '" .. DISCUSSION on the jiroposedl end Edie's Cafe. j«k Best Family Dramatized court-martial of . airport revealed that the clerk • Councilmen agreed they JP iMovl. 5lne. West Point's first black gradu- XJNUXE THE , specialist pro- of the Eushford Village Board will . hear a second reading of ate. . 8:00, Chs. 2-31, , gram, Dr. Kloempken said, the had signed an application for a a Dutch Elm disease proposal, Baseball. vs. sixth-year program requires no conditional land use permit . which includes creation of the Texas Rangers* 8:00, Ch. 4. thesis or course work outside That permit was granted by position of forester. . •¦: The purchase of 8O0 feet of water pipe for the Himlle hous- rtWUWIi Psychiatrist — ing ; development in Brooklyn TOMORROW'S was approved. EM HOUTE TO EXPO ... These three meet their parents at the home of their sister,. • Vern Bunke presented the — SPECIALS — people are en route to Spokane, Wash,, for Mrs. George (Lola) McGralh. The trio are I council with a swimming pool • Baked ff4 jr the Worid's Fair Expo '74. James, left, Eric presently in Montana on the last leg of their Middle age is questionnaire written by life- ~Lata na ...... O , . ^*«f and Moiia Moeii, right," sons and daughter of journey with ;less than. COO miles to go. to guards, at the-municipal podL • Baby Beof ™ ___M__ WSnmm^mM_ — Malcolm Moos says the ma- school might havo to bo closed and challenges aro still the you do," according to the psy- Affairs Center same violation. YOU CAN EAT for Television in jor challenge facing him when during several demonstrations, same. chiatrist, Dr. Francois Alouf, Washington, D.C., will be aired mrW^WKmt__m\w he came to the University of but Moos replies, "I've kept it "Of all institutions that ought Alouf director of psychiatric o» various dates around the T____ ^__W_T' Minnesota as its president in open. We kept the peace and to be snuffed out if you have a education at Northwestern Uni- country, Winona Daily News never had violence on starting Monday. 1967 was the "youthquako" revolution or a social upheaval, versity medical school present- MONDAY, JUNG 24, 1074 sweeping the nation's colleges. campus,'.' it's the learning process," Moos ed his observations to nowsmen VOLUME 116, NO, 184 Anil, Moos says ho thinks he The only police-student con- said. at a preview screening of a Twin Cities drug Published dally except iilurdty and cer- Includes French Fried or , frontation on campus through- that tain holiday by Republican ind Horald >1" dealt rather well with it "It seems to me in the Public Broadcasting Service PubllihlDO Company, tt\ Franklin St., Washed Potatoes, Colo Slaw out Moos tenure ,1972 Winona . Minn SSVB7. Moos, 58, who Is leaving Min- ' was in midst of frenzy , the university Menopause; agent a rrested Soup or Juke, Coffee, Ice month to head up when students protested Presi- ought to standi above every- program on "Male nesota this The Pause that Perplexes," ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - k SUBSCRIPTION RATE! MUL HmHUm Cream the Center for the Study of dent Nixon's mining of tho har- thing else In society as the Single Copy 15c Dally, 30c Sunday Narrated by actor Norman former Carver County deputy Dellvor«d by Cnrrlsr-Per Week 73 conn, ROBERT REDFORD Democratic Institutions in Cali- bors of North Vietnam. Police seminal track for the dis- sheriff and Metropolitan Area 13 waoki 19.75, U wmki tip. 05. S3 weeki Wlndom, the program touches »3J,I0. KATHARINE forna , said another challenge were called to tho campus, but tribution , the spread and de- Narcotics Squad (MA:NS) agent ROSS. STEAK SHOP was to maintain a learning en- Moos vas out of town nt the bate of ideas," on the problems created by a youth-oriented culture such as has been convicted of aggra- By mall itrlctly In advancti papir nop, "BUTCH CASJIDY AND 125 Main vironment through tho turbu- time. The Unlvorslty of Minnesota , vated assault. pod on axplrallon data. lent era of the Into l OCOs . Moos said in ' an interview Moos said , has a number of reaching a job plateau , getting THE SUNDANCE KID'' ' gray and flabby, not being able A Ramsey Counly District Local Aral - Rntai bilow apply only PO — 75^$l last week that a nw]or problem strong points, many of them to Court jury brought tn Its ver- In Wlnonn, Houiton, Webattm. Fillmore .50-51.75 is protecting tho 'liberal arts which he has contributed. He to perform sexually and other and Olmtted counllsi In MlnnoioJaj and dict Friday after two full days Buffalo. Trempealeau, Pepin, 7:T5-9i20 f from outsldo attack. He called cited massive expansion of middle-ago anxieties. Jack&on JljIJft;! of deliberation. and La crone count lei In Wltcomlni and "M*VeVX3ilIj k llbornl nrts the heart of the uni- health sciences programs. Some men attempt to adapt armed forcei partonnal wllh military ^^^^ Paul A, Zimmerman, 25, addreiaei In tha conllnanlal aJnllad Statei to middle age by denying lhat i———————mmmm GREMLIN... Chaska , resigned his positions or ovanesi wllh APO or FF*0 addreu«i, ' ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ I they're getting older, Alouf 1 ytar 130.00 » monttit MM IS MORE THAN JUST A LITTLE GAR said. Those men continue to iry after ho allegedly wandered » rnonttii IW.00 S montlii tlo.JO to compete with younger men into the Little Canada apart- Eliewh era - More Sty ling! More Stability! More Fun! ment of two men May 3 and In United Statei end Canada and aeck to cover up their threatened them with a pistol. I ytar US.00 t montHa 132.00 physical changes, ho added. 6 rnonttii 122.JO 1 monttit 112,50 ENDS TUESDAY Zimmerman was arrested Sunday Netvi only, I yeir ..,, 115,00 "Middle age is mostly a state a STARTS 9i2Q t) short time later by Rosevllle Single dally coptii mailed as cenli each. R » $1,78 of mind," the psychiatrist ob- police and allegedly fought Slnola Sunday coplei mailed 71 ctnta served, The changes vary from each. three officers before ho was dubicrlpllom far fen than on* monlhi individual to individual and subdued , tl per week, Old or ratal on raqueit, c some men may even increase Judgo David Mnrsden asked Send change ot addreai, notlcai, undellv- their sexual activity during ared ccploi, eubicrlpllon orders and oilier p oim*- for a probation report and set mall Hemi to Winona Daily Newi, P.O. \/ I9 middlo age, he said, sontonoinjf for Aug, 9, Box 70, Winona, Minn. M9JT -every Tuesday- For circulation Information) call 454- \ Exclusive AMC Buyer Protection Plan™ Alouf said tho PBS progra " J9SI; claaillled advartlilng, 433-3)3); Ola- m ItED FERN play advarllilng, 493-7S20i newi, 452-3324. lncorporaten "Just about every- HOLLYWOO D (UPI) - Area code, S07 . thing wo know about the middle KEN'S SALES & SERVICE I A&W DRIVE IN "Whore tho Red Forns Grown," Socond clan poitaga paid al Winona, JEEP -k AMERICAN MOTORS f\ Monkato & Sarnla years ," and noted (hat only in starring James Whltmoro, was Ulnn. "Breezy Acre* " E. off Winona, Hwyi, H-61 Phone 452-923) tho past few yenrs have scien- filmed entirely on location in ( ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ HI tific studios of this age span Tuhelcuah. Okla. AT 9i3Q OMIY gain Winon Becomes mSaa ^OnceA a As f/ie ^H^H Summer Fun Cap itaUsh Our H^ l Good l ^SH Neighbors ^B^Jl er In ^H

yjSSfe^3ft«Myy>Sts^KfrCwiraK ^HppjljBnaM™ErSf|K^^ ^^ ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ L . a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^HBa^BBBBBBBBBBm ^^BBBBt M§flB*l3fivS<^*^A/ iy'ScS^SJT^"^ ,fK*p'* ^ .e /^ i^-\ ^ ^ StS* fltt

,^^w' ¦**'," "* i"J . -«, ^ *-* ^'*™J<7yT*'W'"'l^' J "^y^' M TrTOT w ?r i! ¦»¦—¦»-» "«y ¦* ai'ewi .aBayaBWai— .» — — '''^ V r ^" 'T ' ' *.?'"' ' " ^ W__ \_m> aft jt$Bl3mm

¦ : the/ get the same kind of j "An ExdU-W rea ction when they shop in _, ^ ^^^^^ i .-i- V B WIV I > iiri*« ^/Mi/.. R . X^L^^m^^^^^^

0k *M BBBaiBBMB ¦ M*fBirf* J ^RlaW af*a fl Bel VI*VB MBA _mj% Jf

a> , ^ ' ' ¦ ¦I , ' 'm "'V , ^^^^^mmmmmuKm ^mmm ^mmm ^^^^^m ^m * '\ —W^ —V^m—m—————^^^ r^^ ^^^^mmm—t.^ J ____\r " -^BB^LBBBBBBT H BBBBBBBBBMBBBBBB* ' I I M JmW OUBBI ' '\^B» ^ *T BBMBJ** ' 1-f'ff l.cffTi ma' H alt I *"- • • high quality merchandise. T j ^^^^^^^ M£HlOilS& i tB^TO i il 'jSw ^r^V" '


imi 'iii ¦w.,-^CT,-a~MgK aif;aia]^jMi?iciJU-Liuiui.i m ii'n'niiiuaTj'miiiimiii i n, u ¦jui'ii 'anutia-mi.iiiaiiix . Vyho^s making Illili ^^ iii liiSl iil irioney siparat^ reelec- CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY way on milk price supports shortly considered a safer bet for / WASHINGTON - Congressional after they promised a large, contribu- tion today than party colleagues ' races two years Republicans , ... are busy declaring tion to the 1972 Nixon campaign; who; had easier; food prices? " : ' ' ¦ ' : "' ' their independence these days, work- Sarasin thinks . this is unfair. ag°. : .;/ . / :• . - .' . . / '/: "is ^ Jim Hightawer, director of Agribusiness Ac- ing . hard to persuade voters that '"What bothers me/V he/ said, NOT ALL f HE yu|nerab1* Repub- eotinrability Project attempt to tie : me into the — m public Interest organiza- they are hot the Nixon loyalists their licans are following the same strat- tion focused on the food economy — wrote an they might have seemed only two Watergate allegations and to criti- One bold exception is Repi Rob^ , egy^ analysis, for . This is ah ex- years ago. But they can hardly turn cize me when; the four Democrats ert J. Huber (R-Mich.), narrowly " got tract; around •without finding a nosy Dem- hi the Connecticut.: delegation . elected to a first term in, 1972 in ocrat with a notebook full of figures the sarme contributions.. We're not beayily ; a suburban Detroit district . "Farmers never had' it . so good,'' declared. that purport; to prove they: haven't thieves, for' crying out loud." Democratic by registration. Huber President Nixon abandoned the: President after all, at a press conference in March. IN COLORADO, Republican Sen. will forego . coaspicuous.' displays But have they? Certainly, farm- people do-not share Rep. Wiley Mayne of Iowa is a of independence and stick to the is- example. that Demo- Peter Domihlck is laying to fight toe resident's cheery outlook: good Fearful is taint- sues that won for him in 1972,; such crats Would seek to brand him off similar charges that : he .. a Watergate because as busing and the evils of a liberal • First,;. farmers did not benefit most from the rubber-stamp representative, he em- ed by Nixon and , contributions1 from Congress. "If you can't sell.that to exorbitant ; food prices of , 1973 - the U.S. Depart- phasized his mdependehce as soon he has accepted . producers groups. He com- people," said Huber, "you don't de- ment of/Agriculture (USDA) reports that food mid- as he declared for a fifth term. "In the milk ' ' ¦ plains, that his critics have been dis- serve to be here." - ' '. dlemen continued to tsike nearly three-fifths of, the my• aJmouncement,'' he , said, ':¦' 'I em- tributing "Unsigned smear sheets'*' '. '. "While0 most of his . colleagues are consumer's food dollar in 1973. V ¦; phasized that I have never been ,' a attacking him - on the issue. • carefully ' avoiding any defense of . ; .VSecond,- the President was trying to make party-line congressman and that . I in the President on . Watergate and re- independent voting rec- All .this .comes after a year political hay out of a temporary farm price boom haye :a more once regarded as fusing to comment oh impeachihent ord than /any other Iowa Republi- which Dominiick, that already is fizzling out. v ¦ ¦¦ one of the most loyal Nixon, sup- until it reaches the floo..-; Huber can." ;• „ " •' ¦ • porters in the Senate, has rhade an- makes no attempt to hide the way ¦ ¦ _ ¦ ¦ . . . • i . ^— • . ~^."_ :> 'T c-f* 1 *¦»»» Mr» I It*"-* ! Mayne wants voters to know;. that CONSIDER about the he feels; "I'm amazed, in view of THE first question: who profited? took a minority; position on ithe grily critical remarks . There can be no doubt that . he; House Watergate policy and what we know today," he said, 1973 was a: good year . Z: .^ House Agriculture Committee by op- White for farm iricorne, especially for its congressional relations. "that anybody thinks, there's/any- grain and livestock posing sugar quotas, and that , he . ' farmers. There is considerable tired, he thing impeachable " . .. That Judici- doubt that all of; the bucked President Nixon on busing "I get . very sick, and ' $24 billion farmers supposedl of people in the White House ary Committee, hates the President's y earned actually end- and the supersonic ^transport plane. said, " ed up on the farm, since a good many telling ether: people what they're go- guts., They were ready to Impeach corporate But his ; Democratic' . opponent . processors and marketer's of do; elect- him in 1968 because he/won." ./.? such cornmodities as wants ing to Guys who never got eggs and poultry get ' ' ' businessman Berkley Bedell, '.'": Most of the Republicans .who won counted as "farmers." • ; else: that ed dog catcher, and have no idea After them to know something v by close margins in . 1972 insist . they what It's all about." ;:/ But/even with the. record income level of 1973, n^ny Mayne supported Nixon 70 percent When it comes to scrambling for will be back for the 94th . Congress farmers received only 46 cents : of: of the ,time in 1973, more often than ' the consumer's independence, the Republicans best next year, regardless of Nixon and food dollar. The rest went to the corporate middle- SL any other member of Congress from off are the ones who didn't try to Watergate; "I expect to have an men that process,. market and retail food. Iowa. That's the argument ' so far. Nor does I link themselves : to the President overwhelming win," boasted Rep. every iarmer in America draw 46 cents every time W^ Peter. A. Peyser .. (R-NY,), "I am W^^ al nastiness into a rule. It adopted "THE PRESIDENT'S a pol itical in the days when he was popular; a consumer lays down a dollar; most farmers never ^ , admit- Rep., Joel Pritchard : (R-Wash.) was really , in a very strong position. see that kind, of ratio; a resolution encouraging violent tac- liability, no doubt about it " Arn^hqriy Lewis tics to prevent ''members of organ- ted /Rep, Ronald A^ Sarasin. .(R- elected by' only 2,622 votes in 1972. I have reached a broad .acceptance For an exampley. the chicken, for -which you ized fascist and racist" groups from Conh), seeing reelection in a dis- But he; didn't campaign as a Nixon among Democrats as well as Repub- ' In this spirit trict -that was Democratic for 14 man, and iii 1973, his first year in licans." Peyser won by 1,402 votes pay;$1.50 , pays the chicken .farmer 6 cents. TJSDA LONDON Roses, strawberries, speaking on campus. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ —- ¦¦ • '• iri 1972. '¦¦ ' . • ... • •:¦ : statistics show that a . can of peaches cost consum- cricket: The symbols of an English right ' - wing. politicians, • • •including years before he won - it in 19721 Sara- the/ .House, he voted /against the In: contrast Rep. Garry Brown ers ; 41 cents, last year,- but the peach farmer got Bummer are unchanged. London is members of Parliament, have been sin reminds listeners that he oppos- President's position as often • as he . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦/ '' ' (Tt-Mich.j cheerfully concedes that only 7 cents of It.; / .;.; /': . : : , ,/- / ' still London, with the jumble of- roofs silenced: ; ,; ed the President's position in seven voted with it. Only 12 other Republi- " Some Labor party moderates have of the last nine bills Nixon vetoed cans did that. he's an underdog, "I don't look upon ',' and chimney-pots against : the sky, . . Cattle ranchers are said to have done: especially joined in denouncing ibis new varie- But 'Democrats in Sarasin's dis- "I didn't get elected. on Nixon's rny reelection as being essential to well in. 1973, but none;did anywhere near as well the flower stall on the comer, the ," he; said. m sat- * ; ty of censorship, but the threat to trict: are more interested; in anoth- coattails," / Pritchard reminds peo- rny existence .''I' as such corporate cowboys as Iowa Beef Proces- sawdust' pub sausage. ve gotten their money's It is all very reassuring. But un- freedom' has riot been recognized as er subject - ;milk money. They ple now. . ''Some of them did, They isfied they' sors/ with 66 percent profit increase last year, . . the electorate determines derneath, something is not the same widely as might have, been expected. charge that Sarasin has received used thi President's picture,; for worth. If.. or: American Beef . Packers,.with 288 percent profit that my. judgment is wrong, then in Britain. People mention, and the A professor of philosophy at Sussex contributions from the same milk example. I just didn't; do that." increase. University,. Roy. Edgeley, suggested producers that were able to get their Largely as a result, Pritchard is tliey ought to have someone else.'' returning .visitor senses* a change of mood, of climate. There is a loss of that freedom of speech should not BUSINESS WEEK offered another interesting respect for . institutions ' ¦— and of mean "freedom to propagate a pack Insight, into how the actuall chips y-fell last. year;. confidence in them. In .a country of lies." But of course it mustr In a listing of salary increases for corporate . exec- whose character as been so built '' Freedom for the thought that we utives, . the food industry was found to . be, very oh institutional stability, that is an hate," JusticeT. Holmes said. One Virtu#^ generous, ¦ . In 1973, food industry workers had wage ominous change; wonders whether Edgeley ever got WASHINGTON ; — Ever ; since , " S' ¦¦ ¦ '¦: ' ' wisely . chose the latter method and Increases of: C'• .percent; Up in the executive suites , around to reading John Stuart Mill. v. / ;? v y,^/;. ;. .rr - ' Adarn — or . was it ; Eye? — leaked got his message¦ across to the Krem- of food corporations, however, there was much THE PUBLIC feeling hat its im- Perhaps the assault ; on; free lin without/a' 'direct challenge. ¦ ¦ "¦ -<¦' -:¦ the hews about; that tempting apple James Reston less restraint. . mediate basis in a series of political speech is just foolishness on the As a matter of fact, anybody who events. In; each, policy was seen - Iff part of some students and their' sil- and other funny business in the Gar- ' Not only did food firms pass all of the farm- . has studied or .practiced the art of . be made not- by Parliament/and lier professors. But it had an ugly cover-up of Watergate. Or it can be ers' 1S73. increase right 'through . . den of Eden, the human . race has leaking knows, that;government offi- to the beleaguered the government but by.; a pressure echo the otheT day . when a stur to vilify consumer, but they also-attached been arguing about the . wisctomv of used to disrupt elections, cials use the leak more than it - is a sizeable mark- group. It was as if the official in- dent died in a clash among dem- destroy, the political opposition. up of their own. The Federal; Reserve Bank of Chi- leaking forbidden news. The latest and. used against , them, and in most stitutions of the society had been onstrators of; right and left cago Teported mat ; and the chapter in this long story is now It is a powerful ambitious and some- cases reporters .are their allies rath- food midaiemen increased 'their pushed aside by extra-constitutional police in London. Extremists seem to take from consumers by 6.5 percent in- 1973. unfolding again in Washington. times dangerous instrument, but . it er than . their adversaries. For in power. . dominate the atmosphere, injuring should not he,destroyed/without a many ' instances, governments are The miners' strike last winter was the spirit of moderation tol- Sen. Goldwater wants the attor- In 1973, the : farmer was averaging 46 cents of and ney genera] to prosecute the Wash- little thought. using the leaks to get the embar- a first example. The coal miners erance for which /Britain has been the food dollar. By May 1974 that already; had ington Post j for leaking confidential For example, the president, de- rassing truth out rather than to keep fallen: to 42 cents were determined to biresak the gov- so admired. '¦ ¦' ¦ ' ' ¦; , the same level it was prior to vm documents, rat plores the leak . when it is . .used it ; in. .; ; / '. .. ../;:;;• ; /¦•/ : ;- , the booim of 1973. And the farmer's share is ex- ernment's limits on wage increases. against hitri, but it is one of the They did and in the process they AN D FINALLY, in this list of Buchanan and/ Ken | The conflict comes when govern- pected to faU even rnore during this year. , he; most effective: tools in his own po- try brought the government down. The constitutional strains, there is Ire- Ciawson of . t ments to have it both ways — to A. Department of Agriculture report shows, that land; If there is a reason to put: it .White House staff ,/ litical , arsenal, and he couldn't get use the leak to their own advan- public in fact had sympathy for the on without it. the price of bread rose from January to April by miners, and not much for the con- last, that must be its apparent : hope- two of the leakiest; tage and to, suppress arid con- - two cents, while the farm -'value of bread ingredi- frontation tactics of Prime Minister lessness. Successive British govern- taps in town, want HE IS constantly running into sit- demn it when it discloses truth they ents fell by two cents. That is four extra; pennies ments, unable to bring the Irish com- , staff / members of uations at home and abroad where do not like. Or to leak "news," or, Edward Heath, but the demonstra- : picked up by middlemen , every time a loaf of tion that one small group could ex- munities together, have hoped at the House Judiciary he wants the truth out, but does not worse, to invent "news" to destroy bread is bought. ercise decisive power left some un- least to keep the violence away Committee to be want to make things worse by their political opponents. See the ev- from here/ There hardly be a punished for leak- idence in the White Ho-use Water- easy feelings. could issuing an official . .. statement con- Business Week magazine figures show that in the gloomier symbol of that threat big anti-Nixon infor- gate transcripts. first three months of this year the largest food re- THEN CAME the general strike fronting his adversaries. So he leaks than the bomb damage to Westmin- mation out of the it through Buchanan or Ciawson or tailers had profits that were 59 percent higher than by. the Protestant workers of Uls- THIS LEAKING Is a complicated ster Hall, the great . chamber wheTe impeachment pro- Reston : through some embassy abroad to a year ago, even though their sales were up/just ter, a political strike that destroy- business. The communists are the the English courts developed cen- ceedings. A dreadful, underhand ambitious re- 14 percent. , - . ed the new system of government some sympathetic or b est anti-leak plumbers, "Why turies ago. practice, they say, and a lot of porter. The White House has Its in Northern Ireland. Leaders of Brit- It is always a mistake to be too people agree with them. should freedom of speech and free- There are 32,000 food manufacturing firms in ish unions and the Labor party in- "friends list" as. well; as its "ene- gloomy about the British. People dom of. press be allowed?" Nikolai America, but just a handful of those sell nearly sist that this event had no connec- mies : list." have been writing about their trou- IT SHOULD BE noted, however, Lenin asked in Moscow In 1920. all the food and. control ;the industry. ..;; engi- nobody, proposes the abolition of ' . tion with what the miners and bles for a long time, but somehow that And . there is. .nothing new or , :. The ./ answer : to that An America, neers had done. Others disagree, all leaks —only the leaks they do wicked in this. In the latest crisis be- at least , should Ninety-one percent , of all breakfast cereal is a civilized and contented way of life be obvious, but it is If all this produces a sense of not like. It all depends on whose smrprising cold by four firms (Kellogg, General Mills, Genera] has survived, The apocalypse has a tween Washington and Moscow dur- how many people who constitutional order under attack so basement is flooded. And that brings Foods and Quaker). , way of not turning up here. ing the Middle East war, when the think they love democracy and hate too does a current challenge to a But the contentment seems notice- us.; to the theme of this epistle, information here was that the So- Lenin seem to agree with that ,' no- basic principle of Britain The same high levels of concentration exist in 's unwritten ably diminished now the ; strains which is that the leak is the safe- viets were about to send seven air- tion that opposition to the ruling au- , democracy. food ; retailing, with, more than half the cities in constitution — freedom of speech. greater. There are new economic ty valve of borne divisions into the Middle East, thority of the state is somehow sub- the country being dominated by four or fewer At British universities, like Amer- miseries, requiring separate discus- It leaves room for honest dissen- the president could either have sent versive and even unpatriotic. chains. ican, students have sometimes ob- ters. It is the refuge of conscience. an "ultiimatum to Moscow to pull back sion , that intensify concern about OBVIOUSLY, there are times structed speakers they do not like. the Institutional malaise. It can be used for good or evil: dis- or quietly ordered a worldwide alert Two month ago the , National Union close the murders of My Lai, the of American forces and"allowed" when security information and grand NOT MUCH OF WHAT the farmer gets stays jury irifonmation should not be pub- in his pockets for he has a mess of bills to of Students converted that occasion- Times News Service secret bombing of Cambodia , the the fact to be leaked to the press. Ha , pay. lished — and the press has not yet The cost of their production supplies has increased analyzed the difference between be- about as rapidly as the plummeting of farm prices. ing bold and being irresponsible -. A corn farmer in Iowa told of fertilizer prices but it is not the power of the press, this year 4Q percent higher than last , of diesel fuel but the power of the state that is prices doubling since last year and of corn seed The q reat whale sm .stakes really out of hand. that has gone from $25 a bushel to $37 a bushel. For if nobody had talked against

¦ ¦ III . . III I- I— I. ¦¦ !¦ Will ¦ —— ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦!¦¦¦ ¦ the government' young whale. a great cloud of sand and destroy- "we must accept the world as It s policies and ac- There may be a profit made on the farm in tions in the last few years, wa 1974, but there will be much more profit made off "They sit on the beach and stare ing vegetation and birds' nests, is and learn to live in harmony at the .ocean," the father whale said. with lt. would have heard about the hor- (he farmer. Russell Baker "WHAT ARE tliey doing now?" " rors , "And they eat hot dogs." "Sometimes," said the father in Vietnam the secret bomb- asked the son whale. These profits can be traced (o the existence of The mother whale said they also whale, "I think the Great Whale ings of Cambodia , the espionage A mother whale and a father "Making garbage ," said the and sabotage monopoly power within the industries. For exam- walked Into the ocean now and then fa-* doesn't know what he's doing." of tho 1972 presiden- whale were swimming along the ther whale. "People make almost pie, the four leading farm machinery firms hold and flopped around in the water "Your father has been very sen- tial campaign and all the lies and coast with their adolescent son whale all the garbage in the world , nnd 70 jiercent of tho relevant market. The Federal for brief periods and made such sitive about garbage," the mother fiddling of the president's men, when the mother sighted a school of they use those little moving boxes Trade Commission staff found in 1972 that farmers clumsy splashes that the fish had to whale explained , "ever since he peop le on the beach, to do the job." New York Times News Servlca wer e overcharged $251 million because of the ex^ "Thar they boil ," she sang out in get out of their way. dived Into 800 tons of fresh sludge Islence of monopoly power In the farm machinery her eerie whale voice, "They seem to be useless," said He showed his son the dark that had just been dumped off the gases which spewed of the Industry, The four-flrrn concentration ratio in the "What's that?" asked the son the son whale, "'Why did the Great out box coast. He smelled llko and pointed out the efficiency with chemical industry is 81 percent ; in petroleum refin- whale, who had never seen a school Whale make people anyhow?" a sewer for weeks," which the bench grasses and the ing, 65 percent , and in tires, 71 percent. of people before, or even a stray " Son," said the father whale, "no birds "EIGHT HUNDRED tons person. creature In the Great Whale's uni- ' eggs were quickly converted of The Federal Trade Commission has announced into garbage. sludge!" cried the young whale. "That's people son verse exists without a purpose. If creation of a special task force of lawyers within , , " said the fa- "Wow! That's what I call garbnga ther whale. the Great Whale made people it was "And inside the box," he said, FTC's enforcement branch to develop and imple- "You see them all up production!" and down this coast at this tlmo for a good reason. " "they are also preparing more gar- ment a program of antitrust action directed at the The young whale was so excited of year, They cover themselves with '"Maybe people are the Great bage." , food industry . that he spouted, and the people on oil mud lie up here on the sand and Whale 's way of keeping down the At that moment six beer cans shore saw , it and cried , "Whalesl" Also encouraging are signs that at least a few boll themselves until they sizzle. hot-dog population ," the young came flying out of the box, follow- " and somebody threw a beer bottle congressmen are waking up to corporate pres- whale suggested. ed by a bag containing a half-eat- the at therm. The whales made for deep ence and beginning to probe for some answers, "BUT THEY'RE SUCH llHIe "There are some things ," sold the en hot dog, n mustard jar , some SERVICES FOR things," said tho son whale. "I'll mother whale, "that even whales bnnnnn peels and an empty plastic distant water and later that night Old perceptions of food power, based oil the bet 1 could swallow one whole and can't understand. We must accept body-oil container, as they drifted off the Gulf Stream LESLIE J. McCLYM ONT Idea o[ independent farmers responding to sovereign have him Hvo In my stomach," the world as it Is nnd live In har- "Maybe that' s the reason the admiring the stars a lnrge shi p pass- consumers, no longer arc valid. His mother said she would not mony wllh it." Grent Whale made people," snid ed by and spilled oil over them, Arrangements Incotnplut* wnn|: her stomach filled with Any- The father whale called their at- the young whale. "To make gar- but they remained in harmony with thing that had been boiled in oil tention to a small group of people bage." tho world as It was, and afterwards ' rcmp CTin > and had sand all over it. Moreover, who had detached themselves from "The world doesn't need gar- dreamed of the unfortunate people F-UTIERAL, HOmE. Formerly Winona Daily News she said , It would bo very unhealth y the sdiool nnd were getting into a bage," growled tho falhor whale, behind them making garbage Irgltfoy-Mulln f metal Homt because people wore filled with nielnl box mounted , on wheels, When "Now , now ," said tho mother through tho sweot summer night. An l\\dcpendent tfetosjiapcr — Establ ished 1 855 374 tint 5irnla Wlncn* smoke and hot dogs. (hoy worn all Inside, Die nielal box whale, who was always uneasy in • New "York Times News Service Phont Day or Nlgrtt 434-1940 MEMBKB OF T11JI ASSOCIATED 1'RCSS "What do people do?" asked the moved along the beach throwing up the prose-nco of religious speculation, Wiiu>iia County Scott Wisconsin gas backers set meeting TV) the editor l^ lavori Winona County^Volunteers for TJlric Scott; DFL candidate for supply said Congress, will meet at 8 ;p.m* ttold public offic^f-. Tuesday at the Winona liabor inpp/p^eidij i Temple, 221 E. 3rd St- > Gouhty hiirn^ ^ ' Scott, 1176 W. 5th St., te seek- they'll sery© cheap tobe itaWe ing the First District Congres- Years ago as a public official T proposed combining the cmImp^alhrtieii MADISON (UPI) _ George sional seat now held b>7 Repubu- Wtaona city and county jails. 3 am glad to see that this is Mitchell, assistant to state En- can Albert Quie. finally coming of age. • appreciates r^scti0$ By 57 to 36 percent, a major- ^ ergy Director Stanley York, ti, J974I. The greedy county commissioners granted themselves an We would like to extend to several men pux sincere thanks ity of the American people fa- (Plrist Pub, . Mondey, Juri* said Wisconsin's gasoline iup- Stat* of Mirin**ota' .J 11 percent salary increase. This is as stupid as you can get for helping us rescue two. cats. These men took the time and vors televising nationally the ) ' " County of iVlnona . "¦ because it came just at the time they were negotiating with patience to help these frightened cats, one of which was deaf , impeachment proceedings in the Harris Survey plies were stable, but could be- couN-nr COURT • • the county highway department.for a living wage. Cost of after all our efforts were exhausted. The cats had managed House of Hispresentatiyi(«;/By come •unstable within a week if ' FAMlLr DIVISION' , to climb so high,; it was impossible to reach them, : SUMMON! living raises for commissioners: are illegal and they should . an even larger 59 to M perceoti motorists do not continue con- ¦Peggy . Ann Bluck, Robert Squires from the central fire station rescued one Another key reason volunteer- - :• Pctlflonor, , be mcajcerated put- ¦ ' : . a majority also would favor ¦ cat from the top of. an abandoned building downtown Wi- televising the servation efforts; »*.-: . What is important today is a new concept in public gov-^ ting/a U.S; Senate trial of the ed in support of Raymond M. Bluck, Mitchell said in spite of an ¦ ernmenti I have made a/hobby of,local governnient and T can nona. Dave Haedtke., John llrowh and Jack Szczepanski, President ;on IV. impeachment proceedings was . : ' Respondent; . '. NSP linemen, rescued the other cat which had climbed a tree the desire to "see tilings for expected increase this summer THE STATE OF WINNESC-TA T6 THB assure you that this eoiniftunity vriU te able to provide people spe- PONDENT: over some lines. The cat was deaf aiid had been in the tree Asked to choose between any filtering in tourism, he had no knowledge ABOVE-NAMED RES for public office over 62 years of age who will work for one- cific arguments in favor of tele- myself,'.' without YOU- ARE HEREBY SUMMONED fivei days. of long lines forming at sta- AND REQUIRED to serve upon pett- quarter of the going wage—be glad to do it and do a better for vising everything from the pro- through media interpretations. ¦' ;/ We feel these men deserve a special thaiik you for their to televising the tions. There were reports the tlonera attorney an Answer to the Peti- lob. ;.; ' ->-/ . ./¦ .- ' /. / ;¦ ceedings of the House Judiciary Opposition tion \whleh Is herevrlth served upon ybuv help and cooperation in helping us. gasoline situation; in eastern within jo after service, of this Sum- _ I state all the way through that everyone has to realize Committee up to and including impeachment or trial tended to day* . We would like to thank the Winona Daily News for all their Effuse, with people states was getting worse. mons upon you, exclusive of th* day of It is a great privilege to serve your commumty and I would the President be rather service. If you fall to do so, |udgrhent t>y help in helping so many homeless, pets through the a possible trial of as: Mitchell said Wisconsin re- like to have everyone over 62 who I know will do a better job in the Senate as against the raising such reservations dSfault will b* taken agalnsl you for tha In local government aid of the;pictures published each Sunday. We know Kenneth (1) "we have seen! too much of ceived this month 9C percent relief demanded In the Petition. Addition- without a salary contract/to contact the oreating/ a ally, respondent's Interest In, or title lo, Meyers—city animal control officer—also thanks you. fears expressed over "the of its allocation the same month governor of Minnesota. ¦ ¦ pubUc spectaclei decisive iinajor- Watergate aiready,'' (i> th* following described real estate will If rnailed to me I will see they are put on record. , LORE MAAS, Secretary proceedings should be kept pri- in 1972 with slight adjustments also b* dst*rmlned: Lot Ssven (7), Block ' ¦ ' '¦ ' Winona County Humane Society ities «ome down every time on for increases in motor vehicle On* Hundred Thirty Nina (1S9). Subdi- " ;: ' ' ;, ; ' ;;. : L. CZARNOWSKI . vate to only those involyed," vision of Block . . . ;/ s. the side of the camera eye. , registration and agricultural On* HundreMt Forty Ori* Editor' s note: Mr. Czarnowski is a f ormer councilman. (3) <*it might undermine the of- (141), West Wlhone, lying In the City of EAKLIER this month, a na- fice of the presidency," (4) uses, He said the percentage Wlnorw, except ten (10) feet off the East Winona Daily News tionwide cross section of 1,413, amounted to roughl end of sjld lot reserved for/alley pu r- "| "the. people can read all about y 201.2 mil- poses, Wlnon* County, Minnesota! Wlrscna, Mittnesota ¦ households ia which interviews lion gallons. Schreiber: US. must- erriplayes want it in the newspaper if they want DINGLE AND SUK. LTD. : County were : conducted in person was. "In general terms 're get- By Charles James Suk\ MONDAY, JJME; J4, 1»7I to," (5) "it would be cruel to "we Attorneys ' stop dairy imports .asked. ¦ ' tor Petitioner. President Nixon," or (6) "it ting about 90-95 percent of what ¦5!o Norttiweafern Bank . Building SHOULD HOUSE PROCEEDINGS OH , Rochester, . Minnesota 5S901. ' JANESVTLLE, Wis. (UPI) — proceedings in- we used in '72,'' he said; ¦ • • 40 hours IMPEACHMENT BE TELEVISED? might turn the ' ¦ . 5077288-J4M Michener's books Democratic Lt. Gov. Martin J, Prebif* of vyill, get to their resort," Mitchell Umltlng to File Claim* ' ban was ordered Sunday by the all of us to keep the dairy farm- My husband has worked for the county over 18 years and of thie House and a vote to open : ARQUMENTS OVER . ¦ ¦ Tien* ¦¦ TELEVISING IMPIACHMENT said ' ¦' . and for Wearing TTierabn ers from going more .deeply iii has always been guaranteed a 40-hour;work week, ..It looks to ' ¦ ' - Lillian having' filed , a petition Jordanian : censorship / depart- . up tlie Judiciary Committee in- . .:. . DIV . NOt Holdredg* lor probate of will of said de-ce- ment because of what they debt, being forced out of busines nie like a part-time job now. vestigation tuid' a possible later • **••>* *gre* Sura th* th* or getting so demoralized that ¦ ¦¦•¦:;¦ ¦' MRS;"JOHN. HOLLAND denf arid for the appointment of Lillian called the writer's "pro-Zionist debate on the House floor cowld Pro-Televlslngs Holdredg* as Executrix, which will Is on : file In this Court and open to Inspection) feelings;'* they quit farming," he said, RoUingstoiie, Minn. well j be' in the offing. ; Tlwy ' thovM 'At. 'toltvlMd ..- ' • b«e«uM tha American IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing In the case of the U.S; Sen- Cwporate review thereof be had on July J9, 1974, at ?:30 p«opl* lieva a right clock A.M., befora this Court In -the ate; majority leader Sen. Mike to know »ll the tacts o' ; County. Court room In the court house In ' . - " ' atioiit. this Mshty : : ' -> Mansfield has already indicat- ¦ Winona, Mlnhesota, and tltat ob|ectlons t* Important avent In the allowance of said will, If any, be filetl j ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ed that if a trial is held there • ACmarlctiii history ... « M ¦ council will g6 before said time of hearing) that th* The public can't lodge HF after ; House: impeachment of Wma wJtWn. wMch creditor * el said TIME! M President Nixon, he would fa- Congress It doing Iht decedent may file their claims be limited UM 'right M thing on . to sixty «6) days from tthe date hereof, vor that it he before the tele- ieitp*adi«m«rrr unt*ss H^—^ diil of business and that the claims so filed be heard the people are allowed on Auausl 36, 1974, clock A.M., vision cameras.: . ' lt all.:.,..;.;, at »:*) o' ^ to Mt M n I • MINNEAPOLIS,: M1M. (AP) before (his Court Ih tha County Court The cross section was then Anll-Talfvlilng: — The Council for Corporate room In the court hbus* In Winona, Mire asked*. No proper liidldal trial neiota, and that notice hereof be given heftf fairly SHOULD SENATE TRIAL ! can bt Review, a social activist organ- by. publication of this order I'ri the "Wi- C-F PRESIDENT NIXON under Iho glare at nona pally News end ' " • ' • ization based in Minneapolis, ¦ by mailed notlc* television . light* . . provided by. BE TELEVISED* • a* lew. / T«tal and cim«r«5...... N . .11 will go out of business July 1. Dated Jun* 21 , 1974 . < Public Th* posslbl* ImpMchment . (Cosirt Seal) ' " Mary: Williams, president of ¦ ' ¦ /¦ ¦ and conviction el a ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' •' ¦ *> • S. A; »AV7VER . • President Is too serlou* the nonprofit corporation, said Should b* ' .v , v...... I* Judga of trie Counly Court Should not: .. ,;...... ,.;. *4¦• .- a bus Inns to turn lnto> spring P*terson. Delano A Thompson, Ltd. • . ,. its directors decided this iur« .... ./..^...... ;...'.. 7 a television spectacular Attorney* for P»tltloner. No* !»¦•»' should not be :• '• that the council has serVed its THE PUBLIC feels strongly televised...... 35 W t purpose. She said other organ- (First Pub. Monday, June 17, -19W>' abo»ut getting to /see the / im- In each case, a solid major- ha-ve taken over many ADVERTISEMENT FOR T BIDS peachment process at;.. work. ity clearly opts fo izations r televising of the functions bnc*2 performed PROPOSALS SOLICITED FOR PAPER They believe that television . Is the impeachment process in ei- TOWEIS AND TOILET TISSUE FOR the most direct means for ther . the House or, If it gets by the council. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. "May 161 WINONAi MINNBSOTA . them to know what is going on; there, the Senate. The council, formed in Bid* clos* J; W P.M., Mondey, July h 1970, was best known for its op- 1974. ;¦: INotlc* Is hereby givtn that seated pro* , position to production of anti- poaals will be received by the school personnel . weapons by Hoiey- board of Independent School District No. ¦weli 'Ihc ¦¦ 861, : Winona, Minnesota, until the hour . of 1:».P,M„ Monday, July 1, 1974, at French just Its basic approach : was trta. office of , th* Business Menagar of M*e through the presentation of live school district located In the Junior High School Building, .166 West Broad- shareholder resolutions calling way, Winona, Minnesota; for paper for an end to war production, towels and toilet tissue all In accordance with the plana and specifications on file the election of consumer repre- Irs the Business¦ .Offie*.of th* school dist- t -: don under^fand sentatives to boards of direc- rict. PARIS — The good news from tors the establishment of com- Bfds wflf be opened and fabulafotf *f Prance is that the French no , th* time set for closing. Such bids and mittees to study a firm's role in tabulations will be presented to th* longer hate Americans. If any- Art Bocfiwal

You cant hnproweT ^fl^ \**V West Germans tumble \f You Can't Honestly Answer This Question Maybe on the originaL I ^\T V*^^ It' s Time To Check The Opportunities Offered at the in World Cup soccer "WINONA AREA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE" Complied from Dally News wire services knocking out Chicago's Arthur Robinson In J EAST GERMANY upset West Germany tho third round of their scheduled 10-round Immed iate Opportunities Available In These Programs: MI^GALLON. \i^__f_____\\W 1-0 in tho World Cup soccer tournament, while bout Poland defeated Italy 2-1 ., . KARL JOHNSON, the national junior col- Auto Body Repair STANFORD'S John WMtllnger, a Noennlr, lege discus champion , will attend the Uni- , Auto Mechanics 1. There 's a handle on il. %^wBu|uPs! i \ M Wis., native, won the NCAA tennis cli/impion- versity, of Wisconsin this //ill . . Easy to carry, easy to pour, I pBj ram ^ ll ships' singles crown with a 1-6, (5-3, 8-3, (1-1 THE ABA's Kentuck y Colonels have con- Civil Engineering win over tcammnto Chico Hngey , . . firmed they're Interested In Milwaukee Bucks' Bleetronicj WAKE POItrCST frcBhman Curtis Strange assistant conch Hublo Brown as their head • Marine and Recrealiono! Servico 3, It' s a sensible way eaglcd tlie final hol e for a one-stroke victory conch , , . -^^^ S ^^^^_fmm ______m in tlie 77th nnnnunl NCAA golf championship MINNESOTA VIKING defcnslvo back Technician Paul Kruuse shot a two-under-pnr 70 in the *AutomoHve Servico Center Technician CZECHOSLOVAKIAVJaroslnv Falta cap- Duff's Celebrity Gol f and Tenuis Tourna- ^Foreign Car Service Technician tured two heats to win tho Super Bowl of ment in Hamcl , Minn. ... THE WORLD'S FINEST I WBM ^s^^ ^^^nBR Motorcross for 250 cc motorcycles ¦ . , DEFENDING CHAMPION Intrepid , a BOOREON. Call or Write for Information Today ... Tomorrow Isn' l i ^ ^ ^^ ^ k AUSTRIAN NIIU LAUDA ensured th« wooden underdog, faced two sleek aluminum t Far Off! S Dutch Grand Prix Formula I race, beating ynehts today, Courteous and Mariner , In teammate Clay rtcpaMoni of Switzerland . , , the preliminary trials to select the U.S. ENROLL NPW — ANDREA LYNCH of England ctiunlled tho entry for the lf)74 America's Cup races . . . world 60-meter record • for women with a .7.2 GENE DICKS of Qreenslloro, N,C, rf«- clocking. . , . fented John Peterson of Comstock, Wis,, to 1RENA SZEWINSKA flf Polnjirt sot n win. tho 100,5-pound National AAU senior free- 1750 Homer Road Phonet ,9 /&ZS?4\ women's world record of 49 seconds in tho stylo wrestling championship ... Winona, Minn. 53987 400-rnotor dash... THE WFL/S Chicago Firo nnnounced that /C ^Ol l 434.4600 FORMER FOOTBALL REFEREE Wil- former Chicago Be/irs' defensivo end Dick M WODf K1MUCKY STRAIOIIT COURBON \ \ ^BISMB&K rt Q \\tM \ liam H. "Red" Frlesell, 80, n momber of Evey has retired . . . jVMISMy.WJIIUEBAKOIIOrTMD »» 1 »« \ ^ ..iiin/ fcslJW~ ^ 01"" I the NFL Hflll of Fame, died Sunda y . . , THE PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES option- Till JAMr! I). HEAM DISTIltlMO CO^ I I UCUW.M M l „„«J '" KIKTUCKV CltlWONT. eWM, V \ ^" _...«nW V»lW\SKt( HEAVYWEIGHT BOXER Diinro Rollick ed outfielder Mlko Rogodzlnskl to their To- *NEW PROGRAMS chalked up his 22nd consecutive pro victory, ledo form club. Aref golf

American irack ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦ ' ' / . - ¦ . • " The Winona LeJetz put an end three hits and struck out nine; Don Boynton picked tip the to] : a ; slight losing streak but gavei up. lo free passes, in- victory, going the last 5 l-3: in- g^j lpst • Sunday, but the. American Le- cluding five in the third inning nings in : relief of Bob Smith. Tint Frojd .of Lake City won The 72 - hole tpurnament "¦' gion baseball squad Is still Ybe- when Owatonna scored all its Boynton gave up four hits, in- ^ , . '• ¦:' - " ¦:- his seibnd straight Lake City which drew a record] field of . ¦ low the .500 ..raark, runs. Twice Lee walked batters cluding , a solo homer by Jim ' :-. Owatdnna'S: Randy Christey with the bases full. . . walked Open and Bruce Simones of La 119 golfers, started two weeks . Hortop in the fourth, from AAU meet Grosse captured the Valley High ago but because of rain could hurled a three-bit, nine-strike Bruce Norton got two : of the five and struck put seven. , LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Open in area golf action over not be completed until Sunday. out shutout at the LeJetz to three hits off Christey and Greg ¦¦ • of ¦' ' FIRST GAME defectioii of a nuniDer of top the weekend. _' H^ry.Warner West Salem : .: claim a 3-0 triumph in the:first Scarborough got the other as Owilonni (3) LeJeti tt) " field, ganie of a doubleheader at Ga- the LeJetz never posed a seri- abrh :' '-, sorts track and stars from the Frojd successfully defended actually had the best score at 3 1.V Browhe.rt .3 0 0 United States 1974 tratik team his] title at Lake City by batter- Hokah (37-33-35-105 ) but :*e . brych Park, but the ous threat. a-Band,pr : ' -0 0 0 •R.W.uelier,* .3 0 0 ¦ »lartle,3l> 311 3 0 V after tbe AAU championships ing the course with an eight-un- was ineb'giWe for title honbrs ;• . , . ; bounded -in the . seoond game, . Bill Nelson provided ' the ¦ ¦ Hortop,e -. - 2 0 0 B.Smlth.lf . 3 0.0 may be a blessing in dasgulse. der-par]33-32-35r-100, That's be- as he's trying to regain his ama]«, . ending , ;a thiee-game losing heroics In the. second game, Kimlz.rf 3 10 L*«,p. , 30 0 ¦ ; 401 Morton, lb 3 02 teur status - . '.. - streik with a come-ffbrj i-behind rallying the LeJetz from a 3-2 ¦Chrlstey.p When ; the . 12,100 fans finally lieved to be the lowest score . . ' ' ' : : ¦ A/ouoht,2b 300 v-Crawford,pr 0 0 0 ever posted in] the 72-hole tour- Warner, Simones and Warns- . . -' 7-3. victory. ; .. - . ^ : ' deficit with a three-RBI, bases- Junobluthjlf 10 0 Nelson.c .2 0 0 filed out of UCLA's Drake Sta.- ¦ 2 0 0 '' ' - all had second • round The LeJetz, who are : scheduU loaded double 10 0 dium Saturday, the results f>f nament; . "" ." burger in: the fifth Herrman/lb 3 0 0 w-Boynton,phs • 0 0 0 scores of 33 to tie this course ed to host Westby, Wis., in a frame. Norton , aid Matt. Smith —- . «\.SmIth,2b.--. 2 00 . :• NOT, TOO CLOSE . . . , Don Imhoff o£ New Albin, Iowa, the 86th National championship Craig Johnson was four TotHs IS — record. : , 7:30 game at Gabrych tonight J* ' Mowing; a single ndeet looked promising indeed strokes back of Frojd with 35- , also singled hi: runs in the fifth . . - Tellll 24 0 J pulls up at third base tihead of the throw . Flight winners included Davt now sport a 4-6 record. : a-Ran for MeCanri .' In 4th ; ¦ for thie . future ol , Americaii 34-35^-104, Willie a group - of to: complete a iive-fuiv outburst • ¦¦ • by teammate Bobt Heiderscheit in: Sunday night's game with . ¦ ¦ . Southpaw Jim Leo -, v-Rin lor. . Norton In 7th . .. track. ' ¦;';;• " ' ;. . ¦ four -r Duane Diggins, Tom Jackson of Sparta, Warren John- was the that left Owatonna holding a 1-3 w-Popped Out. for- Foreman In Till;: . the Wiaoha .Chiefs m Gabrych Park, Awaiting the throw is > first-game loser. He yielded iust ¦ ' " ¦ • ¦ . ¦ Dunwell;. Arlan . Johnson and son of Onalaska, Eugene Beck- Tecord. . . . • OWATONNA ...... i...,.., OOJ OJO 0-1 the Chiefs' Karl Kreuzer. (Daily News Sports. Photo) ; Al Feuerbach remained domi- -Ott Spoke Anderson were knotted er of Lake City, Eldon Schroe- WINONA LEJETZ .:...... 000 ' 0-« nant ih the slot put, winning — der of Lk Crosse and Harold ; E-Vous*! 2, Foreman. R01—Kunti, his second title in a row with a at nine strokes back with. lC9s. vousitt, Koltke. 2B-Chrlstey. Stt—Band, Nuaamacher of La Crosse. LOB^-OwatonnS 9, LeJetz 5. toss ] of 70-9%. . Teammate Lake City flight winners in- PITCHING SUMMARY Scheduled this weekend. Is th* .- IP H R EIC BB SO George Woods was. second at cluded Bill Johnson, Dave Ham- ' ¦]" ' : ; :: ' Chatfield Invitational,.* 27-hole], Christey ' CWP) "-.<;, 7 3 0 O . V 9 70-2&.;- .] . ;' ""' : . .; ^ '' mer, Don Anderson,, Morgan ¦¦ :7 3 3 2 1J . I Saturday and Sunday. . . ' Leo (LP) :. . . Benz homers Rick^^ Wohlhuter remained the Searigbt and : Bob Dunbar. affair Buddies blanked . WP—Lee. PB—Hortop. . world's most: consistent half* SECOND OAWE Simons won the rain delayed Voljey Higk Owatonna (J) LeJotz (7) miler -with]'a stunning 800-meter Valley High . Open , at .Hokah , .. . -. abrh ; -; abrh victory in a near-world record nuduig .Toin CHAMPIONSHIP — 1. Bruce Slmonei, : 3 0 0 e.Smlth.P.rf 3 11 ¦ with 38-33-37—108; L B Crosse, 38-33-37-108; 7. . (tie) Tom ¦ ' ' ¦ .; " Herlle.c- ' - 3 12 Case.rf 1 o 0 lift Chiefs 9 7 1:43,9. Warnsgurgrr of West Salem and Wamsfcurger.'West Selern, and Tim Skoo- Hortop.lf -. -313 R.Mueler,3b,is 4 0 1 Jiin Boldihg closed -in on the gen, 'iOhalSskay Hit 4. (tle) Jlm Selke, Kuntz.rf ¦ 4 0 o -Sci-boroiiglvct 300 Loren 3enz belted a two-run ' 'Alter ielief pitcher Pat Wilt- Tim Skoggen ; of Oialaska by La Crbssei Eric Haus. Holmen, and Don on l I I ; 7. ^hittei^ 2 Tom Berg, 4^0 Christey/cf : . i ol LHMI •world record in the . ohi>l'ap in- Noivtelle, La Crosse, ll^i three strokes. . The - . Winona Buddies, again hit .off Austin's Van ' rrpssdy> • •:•' 0 0.0.". -Norton,lb . - 3 2 2 bomer in each of the last two gen checked the visitors in the Rushlord, 115; 8. (tie) Ron Enaebertson, ' ' 0 termediate : hurdles, . clocking . finding the hits hard to come that a single by Paul Thomp- VoughUb • 4 0 0 Browne,rf ¦ 0 0 iimirigs to power , the "Winona top of the ninth, Sauer beat out La Crosse, Roger Foley,. La - Crosse, ana .' Herman,7b; 00 0 Boynton,p . . 2 20 one out and. 48.9 for the 400-meter race.] Bruxe Humphrey, Sparta, 116; . . . by, ' suffered : their second son in thei fifth, inning..' 2 0 0 . Nelson,? .211 Chiefs to a 9-7 triumph . over an infield liit with 1. Dave JackMn. 0.1 ;- 02 . Mausice Peoples capturtd his FIRST FLIGHT - . straight shutout Sunday^ bowing Winona now owns a 3-2 rec- Perklns^fa 4 M.Smllh,* 3 previously unbeaten New Albin, Benz cracked a more-convinc- Sparta, 116; 2. Terry Thelnes, Onalaska, Anderson.p 310 Foreman.!* 2 00 second one-lap race with a 409- : Mike Herzoo, . Onalaska, 111; 4. ' ¦ 1 0 0 '" scoreboard in 119; 3. to Austin 4-0 in a non-First Dis- ord (2-1 in the First District) Brandon,* . Iowa, in . a Tri-State league ing drive over .tfe . ' Bill Esp, La Crosse, 122)".5. Mike Slras- ; ; Totals 27 J7¦ - "—— meter triumph in 45.2-^and le captures ¦ Anoka ser. La Crosse, 123 trict VFW baseball . game at game in Gabrych Park Sunday right-center to clinch the vic- . . and is scheduled to. travel to • . - . . - Totals 24 7, 8 ; iboked] strong down the stretch, SECOND FLIGHT- — 1. Warrert John- : Winona High. Lake City " '166 O^i night.. ]" , tory. . "\ -]' ¦ for a 6 p.m- contest OWATONNA 110 . . V' ' Onalaska, 123; 2; . Mac Dahl, :. La . . ' ' 020 050 X-7 with power to spare. son, : .: : The Buddies, victims of a two Wednesday... ' WINONA LEJETZ . . "With Winona trailing 7-3 ih the The Chiefs, naiv. 9-2 overall Crescent, 123) 3. Dave Gaynor, La. ' Steve Williams regained . . hit, 3-0 blanking 'Saturday, -by Prossdy gave up just E—R. Mueller. RSi-Chrlsler,. Hortop "bottom of the eighth ' inning, and 5-0 in the Tri-State loop, a Crosse, 154;.4. Bud Tlscher, La Crosse, two 7, Nelson 4, Foreman, Norton, M. Smith. share 127i,5. Mark . Ethrlam, La-Crescent, 127. of the title "world's fast- softball crown : - S- Rochester, managed . only one walks and struck out three in 2B-Chrlsley, Nelson . HR^Hortop; Benz. tagged a looping opposite- pounded out 13Jiits against New ] THIRD FLIGHT - 1; E\)9ene Becker, . Scarborousth. LOB—Owalonha 13, LeJetz est humane, with a ;rocket-lLke ¦ ' ¦ ¦ normally-effective young lake City, 131; J. Rollla Johnson,. La .. -:' outdueling W in on a's. Rod ' : - - - ." " '¦ field homer over the rightfield Albin's Anoka's Buster Bullets de- 5. . - 9.9 time, tying the world 1O0- > Crescent, 132 ; 3. Jerry Pllfltr, Hokah, Schwarz and Merlin - Hanson, PITCHING SUMMARY fence with Doug Sauer on base lefthander, Steve Fink. Finl:. a feated Mihrieapolis Marauders 4; S«an Gbssln, La Crosse, 1341 5. IP -H R ER BB SO meter record . ]] ' , - 134; ' and tho Chiefs pitcher for Luther College iii De- - . 15-9 to claiih the Winona Men Ed Goldbeck, La Crossse, 134, who combined¦ ¦ for¦ a seven-hit- Anderson (LP) . ..6 8 7 7 .3 1 ahead of him, Wohihuter . came within two- 's ter. '• ' . .' - '• ' ' ' • B.Smllh ...... VA 3 <2 1 3 0 scored two] more , runs' to tie it corah, Iowa, blanked the host Slow-Pitch Softball Tournament FOURTH FLIOHT — 1. Eldon Schroed- . '/. . Boynton XVIP) ; .:. ; SVs 4 1 . 1 3 7 tenths of Marcello Fiasconarc's er. La Crosse, 134; 2. Bale Happens, Ona- whip at/ team from the second . through championshi laska. .134;- - 3. Dave, Manchester, Li Braves Austin all of its runs (by « Smith).. 7-7. p. Sunday. scored HB'P—Hortoo .: world mark hi.the 80O, 134; 4. Lyle Clott, La Crosse, the seventh inning, however, ,. Cross*, ¦ off Schwarz, two in the third ¦ m- 135; 5.-Rick Pollackson, Onalsska, 13J.; ¦; ; ¦ •Wednesday night the Chiefs 'I' not disappointed that 1 Anoka coasted into the finals and two in the fourth Deari Ast- didn't get the record becaxise FIFTH FLIOHT — I. Harold Nuna- : cup and Tom Sanders singled will try to avenge one of their; by defeating Bee Jay Construc- macrier. La Crosse, 137) 2. Albert Xllser, my. 880 time (1:44.1) equates to La-Crosse, 152; 3. Bill Bloom, Housicn, " two losses this season when ¦ tiori of Winona.13-2; Albert Lea's , La Crescent, 154; ta Crescent in the : thi r d-inning runs a ••:'¦ better , record anyway. : 155/ 4. Mike Runnlnoen and Prossdy and Astcup drove they host Coon Valley, - Wis-v,**- " Church Off Set Printing 29-19 5. Duans Woodworth, La> Crescent, 158. Scoreboard Asked if he would run agaiist and Wihona's Oasis Bar 26 6. in the fourth-inning tallies, also 7:30 at Gabrycft] : ' ]- ' '¦ ¦' ' the Soviet Union July 5-6 at :: ,;. Lake City [ :- [: ' ; ] New Albin (7) Chlels (») : : with singles. : Mtarauders had a bit rougher Legion Baseball • } abrh . . abr h Durham, N.C., the; Ghicago- Mriii hits The Buddies have gone 14 in- Pro Baseball ' ¦ CHAMPIONSHIP — 1. Tim Frold, Uk» ; , 61 2 . 51 1 road, defeating Winona s Rustic NATIONAL. LEAOUE SUNDAY'S RESULTS D.lmhorl,3b . based insurance executive em- ' CHy, 33-3*35-1 00! Ji Crals Johnson, :3S- nings without scoring a run ¦' ''¦EAJT ¦ .. • ' : Owatonna 3-3, Winona LeJelz 0-7- ¦ 3 1 1 "R;Sauer,sj 30 0 LA.: CRESCENT Minn. . ¦ " • ' Bar 6-0, La Crosse's Ball Hawks 34-3J—17-3«-3*— • The Winona Braves feasted Philadelphia . .,:.., 37. . 32 .536 - TODAY'S GAME S.FInk.p . . 5.0T . . . .. 43 2 7-2, Winona's East] Side Bar 12- . ¦«. ¦.' ¦ en ¦'¦ : - ¦ 'Tip. realLy looking forward 109| 5. Arlan Johnson, 36-38-3S—I09j Austin VFW (4) Winona VFW (0) . St. IXUU ...... ;. 34 32 J15 114 Westby, - Wis. at . WlnOna . LeJetz, 7:J0 . 512 Berron.rf 3 1 2 Jim - • two lia Crescent hurlers here ¦ ' . ; ' 9 and Winona's Shorty 's Bar Spike Andorson,: 34-3^-3)^10?; 7. ¦ , abrh -- - ab rli Montrea l " .;.-; .31 30 .508 . 2 . • . ' . . .- . .'. , • 32 1 . Schultz.lf ' .4 6 1 to meeting (Yevgeniy) Arzha- City, 37-3W$—110) S. " Kreuierjb 4 1 2 2; ' ' ¦ Hustll Jr., Lak* . - . Sunday evening ; and finished Ftai,3b 41 2 S.Netl,»l 30 0 Chicago ...... 28 34 . 438 6'A . 40 1 . ;. . 14- . ]. :" :-] ¦' . ] -: :¦ - Bruce Schllnt, 34-3M6-111; ' t. ' Lin Col- . . . ' ¦ 5 0 1 SAVflrsen,c 3 0 0 noy again. Next time, I'll do . Htobe.d IT) o Boynton3b 3 0 0 PIHsbursjh ...... 26 .37 .431. 7 Darllns.rf.. . son 38-34-37—^171; 10. Davs Slnholt, 37-• .,.-. with. 15 hits and a LW vlctoiy CAilcup. il 4 1 O J.Nelt.rf 2 0 0' J,FInk,C . ,'.'. ' :4 ' 0 1 P. 'WIItsen.p 1 0 0 New York ...... 26 41 -388,10 . VFW Baseball ' ¦ just -what I did today ... run it ¦35^-111. ' -;- ' " : K/AcG«H,lf 2 TO Ender.H 2 0 0 -. W.E5T , " SUNDAY'S RESULTS -¦ Case.p 2 0 . 1 Bee Jay, hqweyer, went en to . over their Tri-State League op- ¦' ' put make work for it.v ': FIRST FLISHT - 1. BUI Johnson, 74r . . V«p Prossdy,p 4 0 2 Kohner^f 3 0 0 Lbs Anaelei v. ..,. 45.' 23 . 457 ' ; Austin A,- Winona Buddies . 0 . Totals 37710 , Ross,c . TOO , him. claim third place ; ¦ ¦ . . , bouncing J. Pit Vlncelll, 75; 3. Bob Wltberrow 74| - ponent. .; D.A«1ciip,2b. 412 Thompson,e 3 01 Cincinnati '. • ' ...'..- ,; 39 . 26 :5S2 - «'A A year ago, when^ the Ameri- ; ^ .. Tolsls back in the losers' bracket 4. J»rry. Erl«lcs6n 76; 5. Gresv Harris 78. . , Brav«3s Blaserilb 30 O Muellenlb 2 0 0 Atlanta: .:...... ,. 3? ». .5*5 7V$ 35*13 The , now 2-4 for the Sjnder»,c .20 1 Tust,2b 30 0 ;.. 100 110 130—7 cans met the Russians, Arzha- ' ' - " Hammer , ' ¦ ¦ Houston- ' :.;,:.i..V;' . 35. 35 .500 12 Amateur Baseball NEW ALBIN by eUminating Winona' 8 Sun- SECOND -FLIGHT — 1. Oav« . season,: , broke loose for ; five •¦ ' '' . 4 0 0 ' Schwarxp ' ' - . '•0 0 0 ¦" ." . CHIEFS ,:...... 300 000 042^-9 " Stevo Schmltt*r 74;. 3. Dava . Mcr ' Roek«r*rf . ¦• San Francisco .;.. 33 W .458. 15 ", " SUNDAY'S RESULTS nov teat the slightly built Wohi- 7Sl- 2. . ——- Hanson^ .. ' .- 1 0 0 44 . 405 19 . Winona Chiefs 9, Winnebago- Valley J . E—Tviile, SemlWiB, Ctie, R, Sauer. shine Bar 13-3; Plymouth's] Lak- K«ml« 76; 4. Bruce- Lelarnl 80;. Gary . runs in the top of. the sixth li- • ¦ ¦ San:DI*oo ...... ' 30 - .- -TMll» W4' 7 - ' - .,' - - ' SATURDAY'S LATE RESULTS Winona Braves 14 , La Crescent J, RBI^D. Imhoff, Twite, B. Fink, K. Im- huter -1:49.2 to 1:49.4 in a tac- ers 12-6, Coon Rapids Pierce- SO; Dan S|elsKed 80; Mark Hylls Total* MD I " hoH, Darling, J, Fink 2, Bern A, Barron, ' Ron's : ning chasing ia Crescent start- ¦ Philadelphia 5-B, New York 2-5 TUESDAY'S (JAMH ¦ tical race in whicn the : Rus- •W. AUSTIN VFW ,...,...... (Ml 200 0^-4 Cincinnati 3, Atlanta 2 . :Pep(n at Winona Bravesl S p.m. Kreuzer : 2. Ross. 23-B. Fiiik, Semllns, Skelly 18-15 and Winona's Levee THIRD FlIOHT — 1. . Dim Anderson, er Ike Oldenburg and then scor- WINONA VFW ...' .:...j,.. O00 OM 0—0 D. Sailer 7i Btrron, Kreuzer. HR—'Benz sian' s last-second sprint was St. Louis 4, AAonteral 3 D. Bar, also a first-round loser 21- Ml 2. Dava.Ford, 821 3. Emle ' Morrow ed five more runs in the seventh E^-S. Nett, Boynton J, FaaJ, G. Ajtxufl. San Clogo 5, Houston 2 2 SB^-B. Fink,, Sauer, S—S, Fink. enough to nip him. . B2f 4. Ray Avolas M; 5. Tom Harris 83; - against reliever Larry RBI—Van Prossdy, D. Astrop 2, San yet at the age of 25 27-28, with entries accepted at FIFTH FLIOHT .ii . 1. Boo Dsmbar Ml FRIDAYS RESULTS .J -8 4 3 7 5 each had three hits for the win- Van Prossdy (WP> 7 .0 0 0 2 3 Chicago 7, Pittsburgh 3 Rupperts Grocery 22, Speltz 66 5 Case ...... ;,., - .. . . has become the most dominant the Winona Park Recreation De- 2 Frank Sllker S9; 3. Jerry Weinman .V ners, while Bob Lee arid Gary HBP^-C. Astrop, Hlobe (Schwarz). WP Houston 8, . San Diego . 2 ' ' ;¦ '. ' Rogers Meats 8, UAW Local 58 1 ';¦' P. Wlltsen (W, 2-1) 1 2 3 3 6 3 - - 93; 4. Ernie Goodman Mj 5. John Martl- ¦ ¦ - Vail Prossdy. PB—Thompson. Lbs Angeles 4, Sen Francisco 3, WP-S. - Fink. half-miler^ since Jim Ryun. partment Office. ..., son 94l Ed Tasel 94; Davt Campbell 94. . - " ' ,'Ahrens contributed two apiece. ¦' ¦ Winona Agency 13, UCT 3 . ¦ • TODAY'S GAMES " ?????^ ' ¦ ' ¦ New York (Mallack 5-5) at Chicago ' ??? ^?^?¦?^?»»????»?????? ?»?????? : ' : .' Greg Zabcrowski went the.dis- ¦ : (Todd . 1-1) • ' : . :. - :' .::\Twfns . ' -:- : tance for the Braves iving up Pittsburgh (Reuss A-4 and Demary 0-2> ¦ •¦ ' ' 1 , g - Caledonia defeats " - • " . FIRST OAA1B. ' at St, Louis. (Gibson 3-8 and Foster Chicago (2) \ Minnesota (1) nine hits, walking sbc and strik- . 2-5), 2, night- , ¦ ¦ abrhbJ abrhbi ing out 10, Tomah Legbn 10-5 Cincinnati (Guile-It 7-4) at Houston Kelly,dh '30 10 400 0 (Griffin 7-3), nloht ': The . Braves will -host Pepin , CALEDONLA; Minn] ' _ Cale- Orta,2b . 3 12 O Terrell,* 30 1 0 . Philadelphia (Lonborg 5-5) ai Montreal Ollva dh '4010 . (Torrez 7-4), night 50 1 0 . . Wis., in a Tri-State make.-up donia's American Legion base- May.ll 5 1 3 1 Klllebrw,lb 4 0 0 0 Atlanta (Capra 7-2) at Los Angeles : • : 3 1 0 0 game Tuesday at 8. p.m, at:Ga- ball team mounted a 16-hit at- (Rau - 5-3), KHendrsn,cf 40, 1 0 - Hlslejf"- ' hloht . Sanlo,3t> 402 0 Braun,3b -4000 brych Park, . Sen Francisco (Bryant 2-8)¦ at ¦ San¦ Diesa 11 1 0 tack here Saturday night and ' (S>plllner 3-1), night ' -¦ ' ¦ Sharp.rf 40 1 0 Holt.rt : 4 . . ; Herrman.c 40 0 0 Sodrhlm^r 000 0 BravM 0 LaVasseur.c 5 0 1 Pap«n fusa .n-pA 2 .1 Cincinnati at Houston, nloril the winners and Todd Huff , Campt>ell,p O'.0»o Ahrens,2b ' J 1 2 . 402 , Jay Atlanta at Los Angeles, nlsht 6 0 1' :BueJilor,rf . 'Wlse,r(. '^02 Darling and winning pitcher San Francisco at .San Die-so, silgfit Totals 3114 1 Gora^Jb 5 O'l - ' Shechan.rf'. ' .-41O0 - 400 Bob Comvay each had two. CHICAGO 100 100 000—2 .3 2 1 Freldlo,!* AMERICAN LBAGU6 MINNESOTA 0O0 100 000—1 ' 1 Morlcy.l! OOO EAST R«ndahl,d : 3 J Conway struck out 12 and E—Dent, Gomez. DP — Minnesota 2. Atiderson,dh 5 3 3 Redslfn,3b , 101 W, L. Pet. GB YOUR SIZE too—Chicago 11. Minnesota 7. 2B — PICK ¦ Hnwi,2b 1 0 0 walked only three in the five in- Boston ' Zaborowskl.p 00 0 ...... 39 -2a .582 . Ollva. SB-Orta, Kelly, s—Kellv, Zaborowskl.p 0 00 Cz«hov/lc:,lb 2 00 nings he worked. Detroit ,. ,,.., 35 31 . .530 ' . 3Va 100 PITCHIMO 5UMMARY TOMAH ...... ' .: 010 C)6 1-5 7 i Baltimore ...... 34 33 .507 5 IP H R ER BB SO Totals «1415 ,0ider.burg,p 2 01 CALEDONIA ..:.. 005 113 x-10 1« 1 Cleveland . 33 33 .500 S<<2 ¦ . ¦ 2 12 Milwaukee 32 32. ,500 ' 5W . Bahnsen (W, 7-7} 9 4 1 1 3 4 Swlenheri, Meyer (5) anil Gr«tf; Con- Decker (L, ' U) i. B',i IS 2 1 3 . 4 way, J. Darling K) and Birkeland, New York .35 35 .500 . iVi .;....;.., Totals SI S» ¦ Cemptxsll 'A 0 0 0 0 C .. : ¦ WEST WP—Decker. T—3:39. BRAVES ....,:... .:.... 100 205 StO—H Oakland - -).... - .',,- . '.-.- 37- 32 .534 ONE LOW PRICE ? LA CRESCENT 002 012 0O>- 5 Texas .,, ;,, Jj 34 .514 m "Power Streak " 78 Polyester Cord Tire SECOND GAME RBI E—Goro, Boyer; AhrenS, Redden. Chicago .„... 31 32 .500 2V!> Chicago 0) Minnesota (4) — LeVasseur 2, Ahrcns 2, ' Wise Gor«, Tourney needs teams Kansas- City 33 33 ,500 •¦ 2Vt ¦ Lat«st 1974 design Smooth-riding polyester cord body -will not T Buebler, abrh 61 ab r hs bl • • Stolpa, Anderson, Wrlotil' 2, HOUSTON, Minn. - Five Calllornla ; 30 41 .423 8 Downlng.c 5 0 1 0 Brye,ef 4..1 3 1 . Arney 7, Pnpcnluss. 2B—Anderson . Ar- Minnesolo 27 .' 39 .409 I'/s, flatspot—everi * Dependable six-rib tread desiped for traction and T Wrlaht, teams are still needed to com- Orla.ib 3 0 O 0 Terrell,2b 3 10 0 noy. HR—Papenluss. SD—Lee, SATURDAY'S LATE RESULTS Allen.l b 4 0 10 Ollva, dh 4 0 0 0 Boyer 2, S—LeVasseur. LOB—Droves 8, Oakland l, Kansas Clly 2 plete the 16-team field for the 0 0 00 Darwln.rf 41 13 California 7, Texas 4 La Crescent I Houston Centennial Fast-Pitch Sf.nto.dh 10O0 Hl(le,lf 3 0*0 PITCHINO SUMMARY SUNDAY'S RESULTS 2 100 Sodrhlm.Sb 1 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO Softball Tournament to be New York 4, Detroll l, 2nd name May.l! 4 2 10 Braun.lf 4 0 3 0 ppd., rain . ' 7«borowskl (W.I-2) 1 • . 9 5 4 '6 10 held here July 6-7, Melton.Sb 3 0 00 Holt.l b 3 0 0 0 Oldonburo (LP ) .. '5 ' 9 6 5 4 4 Chicago 2-3, Mlnnesola 1-4 Sharp,ri 3 0 12 Roof,c 3 0 10 Boston I, Cleveland o Psponluss ¦ .:...... 4 5 B 6 2 2 Team managers wishing to en- Dentiss 4 0 11 Gomez.Ss. 10 0 0 Milwaukee 9, Baltimore Paponluss), Ahrena (by . * Gossage.p N OOO TbortM»n, 2110 HBP—Let (by ter their" clubs should contact Kansas Clly 4 Q. '» Boyer (by 2aborcwsl(l), PB , Oakland 1 00 Butler.p 0 0 0 0 Paponlwss), California 10, Texas 2 Plllock.p 0 0 — Shlppeo 2. Spencer Yohe in Caledonia . TODAY'S GAMES Totals 31 3 5 1 . Total! II 4 I 4 Detroit (Lagrow 5-4) at Baltlmori 200 00O—3 ,s^ss^s^s^ssssssss^s^s^ssssslsssss^ CHICAGO O10 ...... ' . . (Alexander 2-3), night MINNESOTA ... MO 003 lOx—4 Milwaukee (Colborn 3-3) at Boslon DP—Minnesota 1. LOB—Chicago 7, Min- (Tlant Ml. tilnht nesota 5. 2B—Allen. 3B—Thompson. HR Cleveland (Peterson 4-3) at New York — Darwin (10), S—Sharp, IModlch W, nlflht PITCHINO SUMMARY Chicago (Wood 11-8) at Kansas City IP H R BR BB SO 1/ lO 1 ¦nvMi¦JSP*,Mt,K^^nHiraB|^HH^ mt\_____ . ^%iVp ¦ m^^jJm^r^is 11^^^ kill r^^mm1 l^i^^HI (Busby 9-a or Patlln 1 -3), night Gossone ..,, ,.. ' !U 4 3 3 2 7 Minnesota (Blyleven 5-9) it Texas Pillock (L , 2-2) ..' !'/j 2 110 1 (Clyde 3-3), night BUIIcr (W, 2-2 ) ..9 5 3 3 S 5 California (Largo 2-2 ) at Oakland T-2:07. A-18,752. (Hamilton 4-1), night - TUESDAY'S OAMBS Detroit et Bolllmore, night Bowling Standings /v\llw»ukeo ai Boston, nlsht LADS t, LASSES Cleveland at New York, nlohl W. Li Chicago al Kansas' Clly, nlpht Danlals-Goyelte .13 S Minnesota at Texas, nlsht ' California at Oakland, nlohl Chamberlain-Nolaon 12 &. Andraws.Myer 11 7 ' Dungy-Gerla 10 ¦ • Brewers Strl tlmater-Strl llmater .,. 10 B A __ ^_W t i im.3rd. St. ¦ WW L % fe^ii Ultlmora (4) Milwaukee (!) Spnldlno-Thomas ... 10 n •brhbl ibrhbl Oebser-Lolh 9 9 5 0 2 0 Way,r| 5 12 0 Kukowsld-Clowackl ,,,..,. eli 914 5rlch,2b 5 12 1 Money,3b 4 3 3 1 Schrnelke Waoenanr 8 10 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. MON. & FRI. Davls.dh 5 13 0 Drlnoi.ll 3 112 Flntten-Youno B . lo Slackwall tubefess plus $233 to Blackwall tubeless plus $2.55 Jo <$ Fuller.rf 40 0 0 Scott-)b 3 12 2 Kauphusmun-Klekbusch .. B jo $2,42 F.ET. and tire off your car, $2.82 F.E.T. and tiro oJI your car. 4 Baylor.lf 40 2 2 Mltchell.dh 2110 Mnlorus-Plonk .,., 10x12 CAMVAS SCREEN HOUSE 3 0 0 0 Hogan,dh 0 0 0 0 7 11 Sizes; VMH; F78-14; F78-15. SljesiG78-14;H78-14;G7S-15 H78-15. I Roblnsn.Jb Arrnltaoe-Volkman i Wllllamsdb 4 V1 0 Berrv.dh 10 0 0 ,...,.. 6 12 Thesls-Toroerion ,,,,,,.,.. 314 ia'/4 8 eiche>brrn,c 4 110 Porler.c J 1 1 4 ¦ BelangiMi 4 03 o Onrcla.Jb 4 0 0 0 } 5 WAYS TO CHARGE Our Own Cmtomtr Credit Plirt • MittirChirgi • BankAmerlcard ? Amerlcin Express Money Card Carta Blanch! 4 McNally,p 0 00 0 , 4 0> 1 0 • • Jel!erson,p 0O0 0 19 10 Ba rbecue scheduled BM Hood.p 0 00 0 ¦ Johrtson,si 3110 .—~ WrioM-p o o o o LEWISTON, Minn. - The Totals 31414 3 Murpny.p 0O0 0 Lewiston Sportsmen's Club will | ^ IB BMilJJIIJJJIIJJIM Totala J5 fll 9 hold its annual barbecue Sun- BALTIMORE ,,....,..,, 200 MO 001-4 day at the Sportsmen't Park, MILWAUKBB ,, 400 Ml Ol x-9 E—Porter, DP—Milwaukee 3, LOB— near tho .Arches, from noon Baltimore g, Milwaukee ?. 2B—flelonger, Yount. SB-^-Boylor, Brla^i. HR-Porter until 8 p.m. (3), Money (7J. SF-icott, A. special evont, a trap shoot, PITCHINO SUMMARY IP H R BR BB SO will begin at l p.rn, McNally (L, 6-6) Vh l« 7 7 2 1 rickets aro avallablo from Jotlerson MM .1 ¦ a 3 club members or at the Park Hood .,., 2'A 1 1 1 2 0 if Wrlaht (W, «-») .. tils 14 4 3 1« Sunday. !i NELSON TIRE SERVICE Murphy , V> 0 0 0 0. 0 ¦ l (Independent Goodyear Dealer) if OUTSIDE SC Aftfi T~2!34. A—23,944. [ \ - 5 4 ALUMINUM FRAME, "* **** BOWL POLL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *%£* NEW YORK (UPD-Starting i I AUTO SERVICE CENTER TRUCK SERVICE CENTER * V CENTER HEIGHT *0 "W Hagman net champ * HHPJPHHjs * J noxt year, UPI college football | 4th and Main 511 Servlco Dr> h 61 West g Karl Hagman outlasted Davo ratings compiled from votes of | PSSiMSSSV ° ' *Y- - _ PRICE GOOD ijg' ONLY Luobbo 6-3- 4-G and G-2 to claim coaches will bo extended to in- ? Hours: Mon.-Frl. 7:30 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. I f^^j^JCftxfiJ ^J fl Hours: Mon.-Frl. 7:30 «.m, to 5:00 p.m. r] I the singles title in tho Winona cludo results of year-end bowl r Sat. 7.30 a.m. to 12 Noon Sat. 7:30 a.m, to 12 Noon [:¦ Men's Class C Tennis Tournn< games. From 1950 through 1973, ^^^__*fF ______J mont hold during Iho weekend, coaches cast their final bal- | BBBfcfcktBHH TEU 454-1413 [. ? The father and «on team ol lots after the last Saturday oi [ 1W HURPLU5*\ Vincent and John Wadden won the regular season, The exten- COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE AT BOTH LOCATIONS | ? the doubles title by defeating sion was proposed by UP! and m^M^am^ro^^m^Rob ' Wundcrlich and Jim accepted by the coaches Jan, L tk&wxmzmss^mzmsm^ ? ' -——_^—^— Van Doinso 7-5, 0-6 and 7-5. 10, 1074. ¦ Article* tor Sato 57 1 DENNIS THE AAEIJACE ; Business OpixrtonrllfM 37 Horsu, Cattli , Stack 43 Parm liripletmwft *I8 PRICED REALLY low to sell! Zenith for handy- ONE REGISTERED- Appraioosa mar* Willi' tractor spreader, 110 bu.; LAUNDROAWT—Ideal buslnMi CUNNINGHAM «olpr TV with remote . control. T«I. 45* man. Shows.good net Income). Til. Jot papers; on» . Appaloosa with call) one 10 grain. awather fits In bock of .Ford '¦ . J3S8 or .452-1.419 after 4 pjn. PriceJieyel ;.Maas ; Realty - »7-2»B-240iD,; .,.. - . ..-/ : Red Leopard Appaloosa stallion. Tel. . tractor; -39 B John Deere, In running *J7-«4M. very reasonable. Wlllard . order. Sell TRELLIS for rose bushel, Ityo K. Broad- ' ¦ ' '-Jr,r Fountain City. 1 p.m. New York ¦' ¦' r-v y~ —\ -\- ' Dogs, Pats, SuppllfM ¦; 42 . Ratz .- . , .-way, Tel. 452-9028. . -\ /-< sr <—} r Lii-J r /. & NOW! IS THE ttme t» gat your faif-ordw. - ^ \f\ Ing end easy calving Stmmental cross CiliNNlNGHAM CRIMPER iwlth. big Sale extended from stock prices PUREBRED GERMAN Shephird pups. bulls. Good selection. Reasonable. Har- ' SARAGE-MOVING : wheels, good condition. Marvin Olson, evening only. Items i^ ; Tei. ..«52-?711. . lan Krenebuscfi, Altiira, Minn. Tel. 7*6- -the weekend. Mori, oti markef Allierl 3S%:lnl Pap 47% Peterson, Minn, Tel. : e75-24!2, hair ¦ ¦ reduced. Still have sewing machine, ' ¦ - .-' :• SHEPHERD pupplM, i • setter, TV cart, also -Schwlnnv- 10-ipead . IxJEW YORK (AP) ' -¦ AllisCh -B%' . 'Jiis&l . 18% AKC GERMAN poll-rype grader, 1950 sa- ¦ Prices weeks, old. Black and sable, R*Mtyi- HEAVY OUTS' " bicycle. 1402 p McNally Driyev . ' TWO REGISTERED quarter fiorsa mares lon -Chevrolet pickup, , runs good, llmebox . leveled off in the stock market AmAirL 9 Jostens 13% able. Tel. 454-1205. , . bred to VVImpy—bred stud and also 3 for truck,- grease ramp for cars, 2 ' Alcoa 41%. Kencott 32% raolifered quarter reorse loais. Te). FCUR-PARTY Vard Sale. Many eilcs today, braking.: a sii-sessioh ; , cream separators. Elmer Todd. Rush- Tuea, until dirk. 1711 : : GOOD VARIETY >ol i-wreeiM>l(l Mttefll. Mabel, ' Mlnn., 493-5»» after 6. . .;. ; : 454. Items. Mon.¦ and¦ ' AHess 18% Kraft; ;40 4B2-J0M. ford, . Minn. ( Wlseoy Valley). Tel.- ; ¦• • •¦ ' - ' - ' -• ¦ ' " ¦ ' eJideV. .; Ses» at.M2 Johnson er T«I . ¦ ' -W. '7lh. : . .;¦ . . . . - . .. . : AniBrnd 35% Kresge 33% ,54)14;': - . -; The noon Dibw Jomes average POLLED HEREFORD bulls, 2 years old; " 27%- Kroger 19% GERMAN SHEPHERD pupa, * «rnslH SPIPEL t, GOLD ASTER- breeding. COLOR TV—23" conSolB. Tet. 454-261J AhiCan . left. Alfred Feullng; Alma Wis. Tel . «5- INTERNATIONAL 34-461 4-row eultlwator of 30 Industrials was up 1.26 at ¦ ¦ ¦ . John Klnhafrarg, Rusfifc-rd, Minn. Tel. 'er without Super MTA. LeRpy M. ACyan ' 20%; Loew's 15% 45S6V ' ' . ' - ., . - • . • • . - ' -. ;- .,- ¦ ' vyith „ , ,. . . , ; .;. :;, . 5C74M-71JJ. Hi:: . r;: Johnson, Peterson, Minn. J5W1 Tel. 816.65, but declines maintained ' ¦ : ¦: DINETTE TABLE, cabinet, rocking horse, AmWtr 6 ' Marcor 25% ; W4-784S. ¦ a 3-tp-2 lead over advances in CATS AND klttatia free for a jood rioma. REGISTERETJ POLLED Hereford bulls, birdcage, children's clothing; ether AT&T : 46% . McDonD 13Vi • Tel. :452-2490. /• - ' rrilscellanious, Aftel-nooni, 1 to S B.m., very slow tracing iin the New , :- , t yearlings). Lewi s H. Schoenlng & MINN. TRACTOR mower Mo 1«1. 7', good . :-i7y» Merck : 85% Sons, Tei. - 45J-<3Ju - '- ' 1114 W. Broadway.; AMF puppies. Tel. KM- > condition. Tel. Fountain City, Wis. 608- York.Stock Exchange. ,! beRMAN SHEPHERD ' ' Anconda - 21'A MMM . ' ". : : 74V4 IOBB : 7e7:l434 "..;:¦ 687-7886. ;. . 18"" «5. 1» MIDWEST BREEDERS -• for the most JACOBSON 7V' 130. Brian* ' Analysts said some light: and ArchDn . 15% MiniiPl 14% W. Lake) Boulevard. BLA.CK MALE Poodle, •> months;; AKC complete Artificial I nsamlnallon Serv- S6d scattered bargain-hunting ap- ;¦ ice* of ailL Tel. toll free, 1-800-552-7155. ^rtillx«r/ 49 ArmcSl 2iy8 MobOil 40% Ooberman pups; AKC German Shepherd WVOODEN LADDER, 24',- 22" lawn mow* pups. Reasonable. Tel. Sf. Charles.932- - peared latei . -in the morning AvcoCp 4% MnChm 65% ¦ FOR SALE—several close Holsleln cows CULTURED SOD-dellirered or laid. Tel. er,S20 each. Tel. 425-708?. , 3064. ' • • • ' "- ¦ ¦ '' ' ' ' ' ; v • . - . : •:- . - .- . -• . • . . and heifers, top quality. Al'a Dairy - after the steady decline that BeadFds 18% MontDk 27% 45*:!4M. .; beds, Cattle, LiWlitbn, Minn. Tel, 523-233a. FRONTVPORCH.SALE-2 rollaway AKfc / REGISTEREIV Irish Setters, 7 had clipped more than 40 points BethStl . , 29% MonP 22% CO.—landscape eonlractlng, dirt one 6-year crib, kitchen tab*, clothing, weeks old, Spring Valley, Minn. Tel. MLC ! ¦ PUREBRED .YORKSHIRE end Chester ¦work, sod. trees, black dirt, till, re- dishes, miscellaneous Items. Tues. from the Dow since the close -Boeing • 17% NoHkWn 60 : 34*2105. . ' white boars, 40—300 lbs., gilts 40—150 taining walls, driveways, cat work and Wed. 9-5, 463 E. 3rd. two weeks ago today; BbiseCs ' 14% NNGas 44% 1 black and blond; . Tarrl- lbs. Merlin Johnson, Durand, Tel. 715- trucking. Tel. 507-4S2-71U : COCK-O-POOS, 472-5711. . - TWO-UNIT horse trailer, also boat, mo- Citicorp, trading ex-dividend, Brunswk 14'/4 NbStPw¦.:¦ 18% poos and -Beagles. Don Lakay, Trem- DIRT, all top soil. Archie Hil- tor; Brlggs and Stratton; 3 h.p. lawn* ; ' pealeau, Wis. ¦ • ' ¦' BLACK was the; Big Board volume BrlKTor . ; 34% NwAir : ; 24% < . PUREBRED YORKSHIRE end, Hamp- •verson, Tel. 452-4573. linower, and Hoover, washer. Tel. Center- leader,, down a point at 331/4. GampSp 29%. NwBanc 37% shire boars, test and scan-o-gram rec- Vllle 60M39-2393. - . . Horses, Caitlt, Stock 43 ords. Roger Owen, Durand, Wis. Tel. CULTURED SOD The - issue and other . bank Catplr 60% Penney ;. . 74% . •72-5717 . 1 roll or a 1,000, may be picked up» . BEATEN DOWN carpet paths go whens - Blue Lustre arrives. Rent electric stocks have declined markedly Criryslr 16: -Pepsi . ; 60% ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' CHOICE HOLSTEIN heifers due late Julyv Also black; dirt. 7& ~ **+~—-:y :: y ¦ REGISTERED ANGUS bulls for sale. . Alter 5:30 Inquires 726 E. Tth. shampooer 81, J2 and JJ. Robb Brou ¦¦ ¦ m__———W%'m early Aug. Gerhard Nllsestuen, Arcadia, ' ¦ : - ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ;¦ ¦ in recent sessions, with CitSry 38% PWpsDg .33% . y :v; ' '¦ '] HOUSE >AINTING — interior, exterior. ; ; ;SALE:. ;:;; -V " .¦; ' ' Firestn :• 17% SpRand 38% ;. , NOTICE Tel. 452-4767. . . . FREDDY FRICKSON Roof coating. 15 years experience. Fully TWENTY-ONE acres of alfalfa In Cedar ¦ : Auctioneer • . FordMtr 52% StBrnds . 55% This newspaper will be responsible Insured. Tel. 454-2133. Valley, put. up 9 tor us arid you get 12. WANTED — baled hay. Ladewlg BTOS,, Will handle all sizes and Kinds ef ' V. EVERY THLJRS. G«niEl . - . - 47% StOilCal 26% tor only one Incorrect insertion of any Tei. 452-4757. . .Stockton, Minn; Te|. 669-26J4. suctions, Tel. Dskota 64J-6143. classified advertisement published In Plumbing, Roofing 21 GeaFood 23% StOillnd 82% the Want Ad section, Check your ad WANTED—used saddle, bridle and saddle ; ; ; AT i^pi.M;: ;; - WET BREWERS grains, excellent live- ALVIN KOHNER deslroys and call 452-3321 If a correction must blanket, Kothle Hansen, Rushford, Winn. stock feed. For. more Information wrlle AUCTlONEER-Clty. and stale - licensed Fiit GrenM:- 50% ; Telex :2% BEFORE YOU remodel the kitchen or .- Tel. 523-3779. . '¦:; ¦ CrenMtr 48% Texaco . 25% be made. the bath. SEE US. We have Itie best ¦;-.; Thurs, a good -day to '¦; ': .. Box 1142. La Cross*.Wis. end bonded. Rt. X Winona. Tel 45* selection of plumbing fixtures In: the 4910. GOLDEN PALOMINO -with whita niane ' iAANTED—ear ' -com. " Eugene lehnertt G«nTel 22% Texasln 93 area. The Plumbing Barn, service and and tall, 3 white socks and broke the sell market cows.. ;, . . . - BLIND ADS UNCALLED FOR — : tei. 507-534-3763. .-;. : Gillette 34% UnOil 36 repair division. ; Tel. -454-4246. . !. test. - Tal. ' - 452-1731. . Several pacier buyers . ; Minnesota Land & rn 40 A-5, 14, 20, 21,. 30, 44, -;52, .\5eY ^ large ba Goodrich 20 UnCarb DON'T: CARRY it out, drop it In I The iVuctiori Service of top ' Logs, PosU, Lumber . FOUR APPALOOSA galdlngi out always present.. . 52 : ' Gflodyr . 26% UnPac 73% In-Sink-Erator . Compactor compresses line breeding. One 3 year-old, green- Everett J. Kohner ¦ solid household waster"' (cans, cartons -¦' Winona, Tel. 452-7814 ¦: 14 USStl -— : broke; one 2-year-old:, oreenbrdke; two ¦; ¦ USED LUMBER for sate, large ouantllles . Grreyhnd . . Lost and Found .- .*1 , and bottles) 10 about VS of its bulk right not broke; all ara eligible for registra- . If you have cattle and assorted sizes, also doors, windows, Jim Papenluss, Dakota TH. 643^615* Irs your kitchen. It Is safe, sanitary, : siding, hardwood stripped fioorlng and GiilfOil . - . 19% -WrtAirL 11% ' tion. Other horses to choose from. Rus- ' ' : y ' y ' ' ; AS A PUBLIC SERVICE:to our- readers, convenient arid economical. Let -us tell :: . -. . . -to-- seli->- . . ' - . antique wainscoting. Tel. 489-2335.. JUNE 26—Wed. J In Sugar Loaf, near BRF - 41% WesgEl 15% • - sell Burlleld, - Houston, .Minn. TH..IM- r . Honiestk fret found oils will be published when you .all about them! - . kahgel, , - 3337. '- . behind Schllti Dairy.- James Honeywl . 56% Weyrhsr , 39V4 a person findJno an article calls the owner; Alv|n Kehnlr, : euetloneerl BLACK 3UVER FALtS, Wis. . Seeds, Nursery Stock 53 ' ' : Winona Dally S> Sunday . News Classi- Frank O'Laughlin THREE CLOSE springing. Holsleln heif- TEL. LEWISTON - - -Everett . Kohner,..clerk.. (Special) — A large: barn on IrilStl , - ". 32% WinnDx . 42% fied Dept. 452-3321. An 18word , notice PLUMBING:'i HEATING V - ers; also 12 other heilers, aprlnglng or the John Woof farm about five D3M 214 Wlworth 15 will be published free for 2 days In 7el E. 6th . , . Tel, 452-6340 bred for -fall freshening. Roman c. V BLUE AND white . spruce trees,, »' to 5' JUNE 29~Set; 12:30 p.m. Household Aiie- , err effort to bring finder and loser ; 5234 112 tail; t5 each birch trees, I' or mora, Hon, 122-1st S.W., Springs Grove. Minn.: DitlHrv 24% Xerox 11714 ; Petrek,'- Arcadia, - Wis,.; T«l. . 323-3290.. - • mEes from Black; Blver Falls, together. . SHuatJoni Wanted—Fern. 29 : S2. Cl.rcte . O Ranch, Tel. 454-1160. Mrs. - Thecllne Elleitad, owner; Les a> Hereford bulla. or Lee Bre-itsprecher, . Rod Bentley, euctioneers; - Onsgerd was destroyed by ilre early Sat- - REGISTERED POLLED FOUND—pair of swim fins, - E. Burns One 3-year-old arid four: 2-year-olds. ' Antiques, Coins, St>mp» 56 State Bank, clerk. urday evening. Loss Valley.. Road. -Tel. - 454-3028. . ' ;. ' BABYSITTING In my home. Tel. 453- - . " ,. residence^ 523-2740. was esti- Winona markets 7278, . . . Earl Holrworth, Rh 3, Wlhoha. Tel. . - 452-9321. - JUNE 2»-Sal. 10 a.m. Household Auc- mated .at $6,000. LOST blue Sapphire birlhslone ring " afr ON HOT days Il ls still fun to browse Bay State Milling Co. — at air conditioned Mary Twyce Antioues tion, 305 N. 4th St., La Crescent. Mlnni The Black River Falls volun- Elevator A Grain Prices Lake Winona beach area Sun. Tel. 454- Situations Wanted—Mala 30 TAKE A Vacation. Leave your children Rex W. Stumpf, owner/ Beckmen'Broa., ' • ¦ '' • .: ' Poulfryj Eggs, Supplies : 44 .a, . Books. 9J0 .-W, Sth Street. : , teer fire d«partmeht was called No. -I N. Spring Wheat ;.-< .4» . 2043 for reward 1 .; • with us during our August:horseman- auctioneers; MI|o J. Running,™, clerk. No. 2 N. Spring Wheat ...... ^.4? JOB . NEEDED by reliable man, 31. ii -ship camp. : Register now at Big Valley ' VICTORJAN love seat, mahogany, excel- to the faria by Mrs. Woof at No; IN. Spring .Wheat ...... 4.43 -' " ¦ ¦;¦: : ': ' '7 days,; mornings or full day, about. 3 Ranch. AsK for free brochure. Tel. 454- SPECIAL PRICES on XL-9 extra, heavy ' JUNE 30—Sun; Vp.m. 1 block S. of post ¦ ' -v.-;...;. . Personalty : . - \ ' lent condition. Tel. MS-685-3791 alter 6:57 p.m. ' .- ; ' No. 4 N. Spring Wheal 4.39 . days per weelc. Welding, mechanical or 330S. ' . bread breasted males, 3 week end S 7S» •: olllce. Spring -Grove, -Minn. - Grant E» . No. 1 Hard Winter Wheat,...... 4.38 4:30 p;m. or write Rt. 2, Box , Alms, CONGRATULATIONS to ihe: winners . Of other work. Write A-M Dally News. week old. Also J week old Babcock Wis. 54670, Oefitedahl Estate; Bentley & Bentley. Ilreinea; arrived la time' to No. 2 Hard Winter Wheal ...... 4.3a " LIVESTOCK WANTED — markBt cowl B-300 pullets, and 5 week old heavy auctioneers; Onsgard State Bank, clerk. 4.32 the Winona, Minn: -Slow Pitch-Softball No. 3 Hard Winter Wheat ...... WANTED—motel management |ot). Tel. feeder cattle, Holsleln springing cows pullets. Ducklings on hand. We deliver. aave the granary and corn crib. Wheat-;.;.... 4.28 Tournament held this weekend—tor those " " No. 4 Hard Winter 608-248-2287. , ' . , - and hellers. Trucklho to Spring Grove Call 454-5070 Coral City. Poultry Prod- Articles for SaU - " No. 1 Rye ...... -..,;... 5.54 of. you who didn't, attend - the game . . 57 : HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUE The barn was a two-story . Sales Barn, . Tues. Hubert Volkmin, ucts, Box 381, Winona, Minn.; wild No, 2 Rya • -...... ;..- ...... 2.S2 Buster's Bullets of Anoka walked off buildlng.partially ejf old jog con- with the top honors ana the consolation Leivlslon, Allnn. Tel. 523-2420. : . - .. hatchery and sales office located on USED MELROE Bobcats. Tel. 523-3564. Breezy . Acres, Hlsjhway 14 . & 41 East. struction title went to Bee Jays Construction of ¦;: EXPEiiT'; ' . The log portion was ¦ ENROLL IN our riding classei. English- BEAUTIFUL INTERNATIONAL - eolfeet AUCTIQM - Winona. D.C, THE ANNEX. "" : ; : ' ORDER NOWr-Started 3-weelc-old XL-IO set, silver; set of 12; Royal Danish) To ; settle the estate of ;. 18 by. 30 feet, one addition 20 " . l9gs- ;;i : : WINDOW - ASHING ; - . Western, : adults-children. Trail riding . by-: 5 - ? PLAN NOW, Legionnaires, to attend - Ihe every day. reservations - required. Tel, XL-* bread-breasted males; also started silverware. Many other Items,, electric Mrs. Christ (Clara V Johnsoa 40 feet and a newer addi- NEW •YORK EGO MARKET ' Gayle, 452-3305. 6lg Valley Ranch, Inc., Babcock; pullets; goslings;' ducklings. deep fryer, waffle Iron, coffee maker. ¦ LESION PICNIC, Sun., July 30th. from 1st Moor "Wijido-vs $1.25 ea. ¦ tion, 18 by 20 feet Larae white .:...... 41-.44 poors' - ' Fun for the whole family. Riding Academy. . Poultry feeders, waferers and poultry Items lor woodworker iuch as clamps, , the following will be sold at . 'tll'S. ' - - Also lost in the Wedlum white . :...... : ...;30-.3S See yoii there. LEGION CLUB. 2nd (Jows $i;,5() ea, .wire available now. We have .ceponlz- ; etc. ;*06 Main . .st. 310 Fillmore St. in Black blaize were a Floor YHn HEREFORD BULLS, good herd bull pros- •rs, markets and service. Bob's Chick ' " " '¦ GARDEN TtLliER RENTAL—also lawn River Falls Wis; mKking machine, a motor and IF TRAVELING Is your bag •/ .' ' ar- ;¦/ ' pects, big and rugged. Anxiety 4th Sales, Alice Goede, manager, 150 W. , ranging''. It Is oursl Low-cost vacation Tel. 454-2498 ' / . breeding. Rush Arbor Farm, Elmer R. 2nd. Tel. 45+1092 or 454-3755. Formerly matchers and vaccums. WINONA FIRE aome straw. A steer- EQUIPMENT CO„ « which had loans are quickly and easily arranged Setiueler,.. Rushford, Minn. Tel. 507-M4- the: Winona Chick Halchery. 4 POWER I- SAT; 452-5065. , JUNE 29- been in the buUdiag, escaped to and: may be paid back on:budget terms. 9122. ,, . :'.-;. 2nd. Tel. ii:30 A.M. safety.. - ' '- '' - ' - ' . See one of our friendly, experienced Instruction Classes : ,\ 33 loan' - .officers today. MERCHANTS NA- WIS. FEEDER pigs, 30-40-50 Ibs.i sort- Wanted—Livestock 46 SNAPPER COMET riding.mowers now In - Lunch on Grounds PresionttS. slock for Immediate delivery. Reserves - Black River Palls Fire Chief TIONAL BANK. Have-a Happy Day! SEVENTEEN-YEAR-old boy to give ba- ed even, delivered.. .Anything in dairy, ' open, bred and springing heifers. Hol- HORSES WANTED—Wa can pay mora yours nowl WINONA FIRE a, POWER Auctioneer s Note: This sale Fred Schronover, said tha fire . -ginning/ ahd'InfermedJafe tennis lessons. -EQUIPMENT CO.. S4 E. 2nd. Tel. 452- REOPENING EL CID Massage. New Has home court. -Tel. 454-3884. stel rt or Guernseys. C. Acker, Mlddle- than anyone else. We pick up. Walter offers a very fine line of an- may have been taUsed , de- -Masseuses. Try ihe very best. 107 La- tcm. Wis. 'Tel. , , 60M3«-B7M. '; ' Marg; Black River Falls, Wis. Tel. 715- 5065. "Tha business that service: built." by ' tique glassware & household fective electric fencing, fayette. Tel. . 453-4320. Open Mon; ' ¦2I4-348*: * through Sat., 10 a.m. to .3 p.m. " PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bull, lire WANTOsT — sfeel part bands. 7eh 4J2s goods students - ¦ ¦ in excellent conditioo- names '. The fann Is oh County Road MGM H1LARIO , DANTE, coming 2 WANTED-Holsteln calves. N orbert Gre- 2697/ : ' years' old. V Tel. ' 507-545-2195. J-P-T-D l^ji—rfj—. . ' '—' ^ i HOUSEHOLD St ANTIQUE; F, HY-PsNOtlSM INSTITUTE INC. High sue- ¦ ; den, Altura, AHIhrt. Tel. 79W701. northwest of Black River cess, Chafola|s, -Eyota, Minn; • WE HAVE lust tha right cap for youT ratios In weight control, smoking , ITEMS: Wood kitchen set Palls and In the township of elimination and Image adjustment w):fttii$|v ;J; pickup , box. STOCKTON CAMPER Farm Implement! 48 SALES, Stockton, Minn. Tel. S07-5I9- and 4 chairs; Old Kitchen Adams. : . .areas at a low cost. Call for. appoint- - ©nhofiortolf ment or Information. Free brochure : Wo. . china cupboard; Maytag The loss Is partially covered mailed upo n request. Newburg Building, Cattle Is Our TWO INTERNATIONAL WD vs. recenil- : wringer washer and tubs : ifRJESTON,; Minn. -- The 421 Main, La Crosse. Tel. 784-1080. ly overhauled, llv* hydraulic. Tel. Lew- HOMELITE RIDING MOWERS by insurance. Sales — Parts Service Preston High School honor roll WANTED iston 533-3770. ' . - , Duncan phyfe taWer four HAVING' A DRINKING problem? For SfDeciatty POWER MAINTENANCE *, SUPPLY CO. chairs and buffet to match ; for the fourth quarter is as fol- experienced; CONFIDENTIAL aid to KICKER RACKS and new wagons. Gor- 207 E; 3rd . Tel. 452-2571 help men , and women stop drinking EXPERIENCED SECRETARY — typing, ' ¦;. ' work don Nagle, Dokora, Minn 2 Davenports and chairs to lows. .: /¦ Tel. 454-4410, ALCOHOLICS ANONY-. shorthand and college desired, BEEF or DAIRY 7 BULK ECONOMY dry cleaning, I lbs. Lanesboro man -and. people. Financial . Aids, AAOUS, for yourself or a relative. with figures BOBCATS now available for rent by (he $2.50, - also try our new perma-press* match; 4 piece wicker A- honor roll: seniors Cindy Tel. 454-2930, ext. 243..; V%1. Collect 467-2192 Jrand, Karen Dornink, Ruth hour or day; Dakota Heavy Equipment, washers. sNoroa Village. 401 Huff. porch set, including fernery, . appears on forgery CARRIAGE HOUSE Cleaners tor altera- ' Dakota. Minn. Tel, 507-643-42OO. tions, ' repairs, sewing, pocket zippers, CASHIER and concession for Cinema MLC CO. trailer hitches Installed. M chair, loveseat and rocker; •Grant, Marion Klockman, Craig ' 452-4171 or 454^5282 for LAN ESBORO SALES lining, general sewing. Gilmore Ave. Theatre. Tel. TRANSFER SYSTEMS . custom work (ore Ion and domestic auto, . Old porch swing and reclin- A Lanesboro, Minn., man HcKenzie; : Cynthia Sorenson, al Vila St., Miracle Mall entrance. appointment. COMMISSroN, ING. Permanent or portable. mobiles. Call for prices and appoint- appeared before "Winona County Kick Strahl and Diane Woel- Ed's Refrigeration & Dairy Supplies ment. Tel. 507-452-7114. er chair; Assortment of bas- PART-TIME WAITRESS lor Frl. and Sal. '¦ GOT A PROBLEM? Need Information or AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY 1127 Mankato Tel; 452-5532 / kets ; Old Pump Court Judge Dennis A. Challeen iert; juniors Edward Falkner; . Country County, Tel, 452-9B62 . organ; 2 Old lust want to "rap"? Call YES evenings 12 NOON ~~~ WALNUT DOUBLE bed, mattress and box ' : springs, excellent condition, 150. Tail, wicker rockers and chairs; today to face charges of forgery Riissel »3Brer «64;93M. BY OWNER—3 bedroom home. :- Large- * square back station wagon Musical Merchandiw - ' Patio . • •• ROBB MOTORS, INC. TRAVEL TRAILER — large gas-Hedric lage, 17,795. By owner; Ttl; 452-1133 70 • . fenced yard. 110,900.. Tel. . 454-5173 ; : •;• Shag carpeting ¦' ' Wliions, Minn, «v Eau Claire, Wis, having just 17,000;. actual refrlssrttpr; sleeps 4. 1SS0. Tel. 454- attar $ p.m. • . Irtornlngs. . . .v. . . . :' . •: . ¦;.;.' . . . :- ¦ ' ¦: IILDJIAN CYMBALS, ¦ drum itfsv Hausas for; Sal* - 99 . 2S29. : . ' ;. " . BuL V miles, a -real gaspliiie saver : FOR A REAL BAR3AIM on new tars, amplifiers microphones, accord- ;TEL, 454-4839; , centralHoca- * . ; : THREE BEDROOM house Trucks, Trael's, Trailers 108 HOME TRANSPORTING home, see Grten Terraces Mobile - lans, violins, stands), Bargalnsl SMALL 2-bedroorh/riofne oh Hwy. 61, 10 lion, new carpeting. Available new, with the convenience of a MOBILE All. Nilnn. and Wis. ICC license: . Homes. Special for June, one' 1974 " . ausranlaat). : A. . Welskhv Poiinlalii City, mllM South, of . Winona, Tel. 452;951I. . . agent owned, low down payment, bal- wagon, this car is in near ¦ Apartmairfs, Furnished i91 DODGE — 1?56 1/i-ton pickup, In good Dale .Bublltz, .64 Lenox 14x70 .Medallion. Regular price 19800. ance like rent to qualified party. Tel. shspe, S3C0. 2 chrome side : rails for ' THREE-BEOROOM home, quality built, ' ¦ ¦ " - y - r new condition and will give ¦Wlnonn, Minn. - - Special price 15504, Lois available. ¦ 454-4SI2. .: ;..- ...... y. :-;, . •Ford pickup, - $55. Tel. 4M-1728, 506 E. ' ¦¦ • Tel. 454-1317 American waaa ¦ - ¦ LARGEr^3-room apartment,' with 2 double screened porch, full .' lo* with beautiful l . - Tel. *i2'9418. . Wlnonn, . .«tii, - . you naany miles of trouble : beds, air conditioning. Cable TV, utili- yard. Central location.' MLS ' 120s. For Vdu Invest - In a home every day, ycurs . . PICKUP COVERS STARCRAFT—23' cantplrio; trailer, ton* DIAMOND NEEDLES ties Included, W. . location. Tel. .452-4213. more details; Tel. Ruttt Glverseh 451- or your landlords.. FIRST FIDELITY free driving. ¦¦ JrTON Chevrolef truck wllli 14' eomblna- -: ' -. - -- S1B0 & up. • • ' . plate, except for air conditioning, ex- y ' : 2121 or CORWFORTH REALTr 452-4474. Savings 4 Loan helps you get a home! - y ^y - y : y : '' ' - - COMPLETELY FURNISHED one-bedroom tlon grslsn and stock rack Including - , F. A. KRtAUSECO. cellent condition, , reasonably priced, . ' - >^y.95 ' - y '. hoist. Excellent condlllon. Wll sell ' . - •lightly More for Special ' apartment. Must : sub-lease by Sept. 1. COMFORTABLE w; central home, ty Hwy. 14-61 E. at Breezy Acres 1BS8 W.. 5th. or Tel . 452-9349. . : . Needles NEW HOMES ready for occupancy, 2-3 truck separate., Galen Engel, - Fountain . Tel. 453.4440 alter 6. o-wher, walking distance to schools. 4-S bedrooms. Financing available. Wllmsr ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ Cfty. :¦ ¦: ' ¦: " '¦ ¦ [ ¦ ¦ -' ..- " • ' - • ' " FOLD-DOWN hardtop 'cemperv, ' J-sleeptr, JACQUES cwdroomsi 3 .baths, 60x150' lot.. Tel. Larson Construction. Tel. 4524533 or . . , ' "¦ ' ' / One :Year F- . with furnace, stove, Ice box, canopy. , ; TV Sales & Service STUDENT HOVSING^-3^>edroonifurnish- 452-297J, .. . ¦« 2-3»J. : 1972 OPEL ¦ " rfse Lot Rent' ' ' ' - ' DAWN—¦ 1971, W pickvp campar. Tel. «2- ' ; .- • - ' . . or •-..' ." . V . ' •: »aO0, 873 'Jilti Ave.' Tel. 452-40W. : . -;- ./ : /. Tii .w. 3rd. . . .; . . . , . - . • ed house, 3 blocks from college. Tel. ' ; ^54 2374. ,.:,:¦' / siisv ; . . - Kadett two door - sedan, this CENTRAL air conditioner Installed- with : ' NEED AN extra room? We will sell ' ¦ ' the purchase of a new Schult. 14x70 Refrigerators ' ¦^ ¦ ¦ "¦ " r' " 72 FORD-1M1, 1-ton, 4-sp«d, duals, cattle local car : has just 11,000 Mobile Home. Discount Price $9,295. 8x12 Extend-A-Hotre - . stock unit for ! ENJOY risck. $3?5. T«l. 4S4-2XH. : ^^,' :' ::. :'RelaX' ;:¦ . ;' 'c- J miles cm it This subcompact Free delivery and set lip. SUGAR LOAF dealer cost plus $100 for set-up. SUGAR VfARDS upright : freezer, 1* eu- ft.; j TOWN 8, COUUTBY MOBILE HOMES,- - LOAF. TOVVN & COUNTRY iVOBILH ' ' IM THE coo l cbmlort of a tastefully fur- sports job wjU make you an years .: eltf... I1S0.' . Tel. .434-4427. nished efficiency COUNTRY LIVING CHEVROLET — 1965 Van, 6-cylinder. Hwy. 43 at foot of Sugar Loaf, Winona, HOMES. Tel. 454-5287; apartment. En|oy col- . Franklin Fitch, Ttf. 452-ttSS. orful shag carpeting and drapes. Make in this! 4; bedrpbra home on 5 Jdeal jsecond car or would /Minn. Tel. 454-5287. IEARs-T-12 cu. ft. frostless refrigerator, good use of laundry* storage and new acres of land, just ' South FORD-19M EConolIne Van,.. txcellent . makes an ideal economy car across Hie top freeier, good condition,. gas grills. : All this end electricity In- IwSitdm ¦ REPOSSESSION-19J3 Titan, 14x70,. J bed- ;¦ t cbndltlon^ ¦T«l. >l52-68tf. SHO, Tel. 4*I-I3fl8., ' . - cluded. 12J8 Randall St, Tel. 452-7760. of CentervJUe on Hwy. 83; - for tli& young at heart. See rodmsi front kitchen, take over pay- If W RfiAtTOR inents of $109.79. Set up and skirted Iri PROTECT YOUR Key; Outbuildings,^make this an INTERNATIONAL .1972 .W-toii-- pickup, and inspect this excellent : Sewing Machine* Apartments \ Lake Village Mobile Homo Park, SU- . 73 ideal hobby farm or home:-. |l20 CENTER.- j excellent condition) 1950 Ittternatlonal • car toiday for only • GAR LOAF TOWN. 8, COUNTRY MO- FAMILY AND ;: ATTENTION' VO^TECH^ Students: 2 2-ton pIcKup with utlllly box, has new BILE HOMES, Tel. . 454-5287, CLEAN USED sewlno machine*, straight oriented business : location. engine, very good coivdlllori/ 1969 In- ' apartments available now and lor fall. - : : - YOU HOME; . : sfffdl and 1(0 iagr JZ5 ahoT up. -WINO- East location. Clean, . quiet, certified y ternallon-al Tra\ielalt, Excellent condl- ¦r; ::' . ;- SEE THet new 1974 Lark fravei and SEWVIN& CO., 915' - Price just reduced to $24,- .^^:0/ . : ^ NA . . W. 5th. for 3 and 4. .''respectively.,'.Please Tel. ¦ " ¦ Hont: 1W5 Chevrolet eonvertlblt. Tel. : camping trailers .— sie Gary at ;WI- Anckor your mobile home. : QOO: - ":; - " . ";y :, • 454-5311. " ¦ ' ' " ; 454-5970, 452-/007, 454-4489 or 452-9035. . V THE OFRiGE noha KOA, < :mjles $./6f Winona. "Thai , ¦ Now- .:, ' .;;/ ; • ¦; . ' ' ¦ JIMM ROBB ; people that, know campi ng. - ¦ ' - . TyjMwrlterr , ', .' 77 . REALTY. ¦ ¦ 1973 FIREBIRb " ...... ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ Cottage on found lake... at ^' ¦^ ' ' :- New Car* . ' ' - '•.. . Our Prices . . - .:¦ AVAILABLE JULY. 1—two rooms and ^ ^ ' :: -V ' •¦ ' TOWN & COUMTRY SUGAR- LOA P fYPEWRITERV arid adding machines Trempealeau, apprftximate- Sold new by -,us this Pontiac; ¦ bath,, everything new and air utilities ' CAMPER SALES. 1974 Sfarcraffs (No. 2 cafcies over the roof, $125 for rehi or sale. Ldw rates. Try us furnished, . S16S monthly. Tel. 454-1059. . 1974 JEEP CHEROKEE 4-wheel drive., JFireiird coupe is really suv 1 In camplnj) now on display at ly 1 acre of land and fur- ; : EXPER I ENGE ; Hwy. 8 cables oyer the roof, $175 for all your office - supplies, desks; KEN'S SALES I, SERVICE 43 and Pleasant . Valley Road. 15% files or office chairs LUND OFFICE nishings included. Price of Hwy, 14-61 E. Tel, 452-9231 pefsharp; Having just ; 12,0&XP : SEVERAL ' 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apart- : discount /for.month of June plus free 4 cahles over the roof, .$225 SUPPLV CO. |2» E. 3rd. Te). 452-5323. $11,500. rniles it's, hardly; broken in. hitch or spare, tire Installed'. ' ments available at various locations, FOR EXCLUSRVE LISTINGS ¦ ; All, anchors are cemented ni cely furnished and carpeted. Tel. 452- Used Cars • ;. . . . ' ;" ' 109 Equipped with a small V-i, : ' : MOBILE HOME pads for . rerit. Many ed. . Wanted to Buy 81 -;3778 . . , '- '. ; AND INDIVIDUALIZED in! We. ;.also> .carry frame v , bucket seats,, vinyl roof, vantages, TR Mobile Home Park, Lew Fred NeIsoiv Agercy ' MERCUIRY-r-1970;.b«st offer. Tel."-454-261 2 . Istoti. T«l, 523-2904. , -anchors. : .; GIRL . WANTED to share large, comfort- SERVICE SEE- ; ' 4- ' ¦ ' ¦ . rally li wheels, power steer> . • WICKER -FURNITURE —/ preferably . a Galesville^wis. after . . - : ¦[ . . couch, In any - ' condition-. Blond' -. dining able 3-bedroom aparinient, ail utilities ¦' , ing, power disc brakes, and For more information ' . paid. . *45. Tel. 45<-4813 alter 5 pirn. ' • ' " BOB; SELQVER , REALTOR .room table. . Tel, Houston 89*3807. Tel. 582-2160 or ".• ' VOLKSWAGEN—l»7j . Super , Beetle, 53,000 , ': ¦ " actual Jtilles, oneI owner , brake drums a three speed floor shifter. ;-: - . . 582:243?. / / need turning, $1,400 or best otter. TH. "MOBILE HOME R & R iMOBtLE WM. MIILER SCRAP IRON & METAL STUDENT APARTMENTS now avail- Successfully Serving Wirit>, .- ¦ Immaculate for only ; CO. pay's hlflhset prices for scrap Iron, . able lor summer and: fall. Please ' Tel. ., ««400- . . metal, and raw fur; 454-5870; If no answer 452-4007 . or, ; na's Real Estate Needs for : } HOME REPAI RS : f - ; & AIRCRAFT Closed- Saturdays 454 4489 or 452-9035. Leave your name Oyer Three Generations!. CArViARO—1969, 327 \-B, 4-speed, needs - ::S33»;v.; V Tel. 452-5229 or 452-2918. 1252 Trempealeau Drive Tel. 452-3057 and requirements and your cell will body, work: $750. Tel. Hokah 507-D94-458I ;^- ^:\ ';' ¦be ' returned,;' - ' ..- afler S- . p.m. . . ANCHORING For test .results Tel. ' •'- ' •: %VANtHD-4ised¦ color TV set. Tei; 452; HOURS CALL: - ^sTTER / v ¦ between 4 aid 10 p.m. y . . ti97...... " •, ONE BEDROOM—J130 month. NO pets. CHEVROLET — 1964 Suburba n Carryall ¦;-; , SA' No students. Acorn Motel, Minnesota window van, 283 v-J, automatic ¦ fran's- : ;;;;; :: SYSTE/ V ;.V ¦ ; ' : ' ' 452-5139 ^' HIGHEST PRICES PAID . Clty. Tel..>689:2150, ' . . Jan Allen .. v;.^* . mission. Tel, 454-27iS.' for scrap Iron, metals, rags, , hides, Dick Rian ...... 454-2990 ^YSTROM'S 1. .4 cable system provides raw fur. and wool, . Marge Miller ...... 454-4224 DODGE—1974 Challenger, 318, automatic;! Cadillac - Toyota - Ppntiac a minimum of 16 ' tons ; Ta PRQTEGT ; Key to Happi hess ¦ power, steering, 6,000 miles, $4,000 new. ' - ' ;;. Asklnst . $3,500 or/ best ofter. Tel; 452. ' ' " Sarh Weismah & Sons YOU'LL DISCOVER this Is not a myih, Avis dox ..;. .- 454-1172 ¦¦ 2nd A.Washington Tel: 452-4060 ' . . pull-out ! resistance equal INCORPORATED WINONA .. ¦ 43S4. ' . your mpbiIe home ¦ ' once you've: entered our ' spacious, 454-419 6 : - Fisk:;...... ' 450 W. lrd ¦ "' ' ¦/ Tel 452-5147 : . . Laura 452-2118 to 8:6 cii. YARDS 6i con- : . ' ¦ . . .. sound-proof T-bedroom apartments. ' ¦¦ Open Mon. &. Evenings m ' '' . . ¦' ¦ _ * " "' " ' "¦, ¦''¦ ' " ¦' l^, ' ' ' * ." ', - ' .Each cheerfully decorated with co-ordin- : ; 103 W. Broadway Norar Hewlett ..... 452-3175 NOVA—1970, 350; cu. In. engine, 300 h.p., .;. . crete... '. .. ;::;¦ the right .way ated drapes, plush shag carpeting and Myles Petersen .. ' 452-4009 4-speed, posllractlon, 20 miles per gal., Roomi Wlfhoot Meels 86 , one owner;. Tel 894-1351 or 896-3374. . i contemporary furniture; En|oy summer, Pr»mi« — Alert— Courteous , , ; 2. nstalled, under Jibme.out B & J MOBILE weather outdoors -en .your, balcony or Warrted—Auromobilesr 110 ' SHARED room for young man. . . of sight land secured to CLBAN, patio or simply relax In the coolness CHRYSLER—1965, air, automatic, power . ; entrance. TV awl cooking ' ' Separata of your air conditioned apa rtment. Plen- TI dfojbS^v&L; f i&rffy LARGE ROOM - hldM-bed, kitchen, ; ¦ lop, $300. Harlan Hunte r, Galesville, '452-5(119, anytime. Manor /Apartmeni*. Tel. 454-3824. Day or Night LOTS-In new area. One mile ¦ • • ' ¦ ¦;. 4. gimilar to industrial ap^ . gered into the ground it snack bar, dinette. Employed adults, BUILDING . .wis. : • ¦ : , ; no pets. 121 Washington St., Apt. 4. from city limits- Tel. 454-4954. JUNIC :CARS and tractors wanted. High- :- ,' I. CENTRAL, tower J-bedroom apart- or We«2kends ' - .-. plications installed by us • takes 5,200 lbs; of pressure, DUE TO Illness, fiiusl sell, ,'196B Plymouth est prices paid If. brouQh* . In. Cordon " ment, heaf end water furnished. Tel. ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .. ' nationvvide. to remove whereas , an aa- ' to8p;m. Estate 102 Fury III, mechanically A-l shape. Tel. Nag le, Dakota, Mlnrj. • - ' ... _ . 452-90QO alter J. / Business places for Rent 92 Office Hours: 8 a.m. Wanted-Real MB-2«-2287. ; 5. System designed to meet • chor. that .is ceraentied in 1-bedrbom Monday through Saturday epproxlmalely 5 SLEAM, UNFURNISHED OFFICES FOR RENT—Approximately 450 WANTEO TO BUY — HIGHWAY 1963 semi-trailer, meat-rall- Mobile Homes, Trailers ; will take 2,000 lbs. to re- $110 month plus utilities. - acres of land, at least one of which' Is 111 various soil conditions. apartment, tq'l." f .l.» ground lloor. Heat.: air condi- er, - 40' with "Iherfno-King In It. ; - Tel," 4S4-4340. for building.a" hoiise. prefer ; move. . K las . been tested ! No piets. No students. ;. . tioning and. some furniture. Private suitable " 1973 Chevrolet Vi-lon pickup with 16p- VACATIONING? Rent a Wlnneljado ''Valley Type ' atmosphere within 15 6. Systeni not screw type or . restroom. Available Immediately. Tel. GENE KAR/VSCH a '- per. Contact Installment Loan Depart- Motor. . Home, -self-contained: Weekly and proved/that an augered APARTMENT^deluxa: J-bedropm minutes of GoodvUW. Tel. : Dr. Smith •¦ ¦ AnALL' 454-4812.' - ment, - •• MERCHANTS NATIONAL or dally rates. Motor, Home Rentals, others available in past. anchor holds mora In 'new 4-plex. Appliances, extra stor- , 452-4803. " ; ' ' ' • ' • We use REALtY, INC . . BANK. '>.. ¦;: T«iy«87-I.M5, . ;¦ ;. ; , . . . ;¦ V age,; largo yard. Tel. 454-2021 after 4. OFFICE SPACE for rent or lease. 13,000 %. aircraft stainless steel Broadway 4 Main ' All Rights Reserved sq. ft, Prime E. location, inquire Mer- CADILLAC—1959. exceptionally con- STARCRAFT CAMPERS. ' . .' -"' . 4 rooms Boats, Motors, Etc. 106 sood cable . and not straps. .. ; ' •ROUND FLOOR apartment, chants , Bank, Trust Department. Tel. dition, a real , classic, best offer. Tel. Trailers t> Pickup Campers, and bath, full basement, 0a» heat. :454-5160./> ,' ' ' • " '¦¦ ' • ¦ '¦ ' 454-4427. ' - ' (A leading brand that ll also : . ' : ' ALL THE FUN, half the price, partner- . . .>. . . TEL. 452^6867 Available Aug. I. Tel. 452.2947.. sold by as dealer In Winona) CANANAER CORP. ship In 17' ski and cruise boat. 150 h.p. PONT1AC-1947 GTO, automatic, ppwer Sales—^ Service — Rentals : rooms and 'bath, for Rent Tel. 452-3357. PiO. Box 82, Winona 55^7 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. CENTER STREET—S Houses ' 95 steerlno, power brakes; excellent con- ' .' DICK'S SPORTING GOODS . ¦ ' drapes, . stove, refrigerator, . carpeting, HOllSE FOR dition. Will¦: trade for bike In . fiood Durand/ Wis; . ¦;. Tel. 50745^17(10. : i -":,.- furnished, air conditioning,: adults only, at BOAT—16', 71 h.p. Evlnriide motor and¦ "Bonded .& insured" ¦ ¦ ¦' - ¦ THREE-BEDROOwi ; horna for rent ' ..;. condition. Tel. 507-724-2041 evenings. . Tell-71W72-8B73 or 672-5W. \.|1!J. ,TSl. 452.6790. . . ' , . . -. . . Minnesota City. Tel. «89-21W. ': : . trailer/ Tel. Fountain City 487-7284. IN LEWISTON — 2-bedroom spartmen* ':" ¦ country. V:.SALE .;, WANTED^boat, motor, 5 to 7Vi h.p. Tel. THREE-BEDROOM home ln :;^:; -c;;;' - : :¦ aval (able now. Stove, relrlgeralor, car- ; July 1. Lena Hundorf, Tel. 412-1 T5e, . .454-4768. Available port-. Tel.. Lewi ston 523-377B or Rushford (64-9205. CHRYSLER OUTBOARD, Lund Atunia- rent; Neat 4 beriroom 2 stofy ; boat motor rental. ¦FFICIENCY APARTMENT for ol* FIVE BEDROOM home, baths,. water: craft' boats, also I'M . Live bait. Paul's Land- er person preferred. Tel. 454-34JK. front, MID month. Available Aug. 1. Fishing tackle ing, Reads Landing, Minn. Til. el2- Tel. 454-5871 mornings. ' . home witli v BOWNTOWN 1-bedroorh apartment, com- : 545-3446V . '' Stpva pleMy remodeled and- carpeted. FOR RENT—5-bedroom ftome In Wlicoy kitchen set furnished. formal dining room, and refrigerator, Valley, . 2 baths, large yard; beautiful ' .,175Vi E. 3rd. Tel. '' Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 No students. No pets setting, responsible family only. Tel. 453-92-19. . . . - : .454-3270 after *V -; 1% baths, ;. THREE-SPEED bike, 1 year old, In good condition.; Tel. 454-3365. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY—new 3-bed- Looking For Better attached garage and fully carpeted, I: room Townhouse, 12J. Tie? W. 4th. Tel. 452-J47S. paflev 1,700 sq. IK of living area. Tel HONDA SL . Than Ordinary? 454-1059. . YOU CAN find It efa good price, too. with large lot. JCHWINN J-speed Orange Krate Sting Quiet, elr conditioned, 1-bedroom apart- Ray. excellent condition, 160. Tel. 454- ' ¦ • ' • ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ ments with a delightful decor of shag Wanted to Rent 96 " .2715.,. . ; .. -. - . . .y . . carpeting, drapes, panelling, matching Located in Lewiston Above '-all,- .for . HONDA—l?7l ,350CB, excellent condition. st>va and re-frlgeratdr. storage. Tel, 452-7924 there are gas grills, GARAGE tor car Must sell, going Into service. Tel. 715- ^A cr»at pi cnic bulls, anyllme. patio wllh picnic tables, your own bal- M6-5359 after i p.m. cony and tola ol lush gre«n grass. 1752 rent house or apart- Priced upper teens. COUPLE WANTS to CB 350. Most sell I S750. . W. Broadway. Tel. 454-4909. Crosse and Wlnone, HONDA-1W3 ment between La Tel. Galesville. 582-41M, Key Apartments No children or pets. Relerences lurnlsft- / : : ed. Te|, 454-3048 or 454-2481. y : GAli ' ; ^ AVAILABLE NOW - deluxe 1-bedroom ^ : : :.^ V . - RUPP an>arfmenf, married couple. Lease. PA5TURE WANTED for 28 head HolsteHp Mini-Endu re, W CC - ' ' Lokevlew Manor Apartments, Tel. 454- steers. Tel. A rcadia 323-3027. . John Prende rgast Street l«gal ... . *429.M ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ' " "5330: "-' - .". . - ; / - ; WINONA AUTO SALES ' MEN want "to" rent house' within 20 LEWISTON, MINN. - TWO Ird V" Huff " Tel; 454-59M ' DOWNTOWN-T-bextroom completely re miles ol Winona. Contact Kevin Thode, 454-2584 alter i. modeled and redecorated apartment. Rt. I, Mlnnelslca or Tel. Tel. 523-2482. BULTACO—250 trell bike, afreet legal. Stove, refrigerator, . air conditioning Tel. 454-4274. . . unit,, heat and water furnished, S170. STORE, 116 Bus. Property for Sita 97 Irsqulro HARDT'S¦ MUSIC YAMAHA-1971 450 CC. Tal. Pepin, Wis. Levee Plaia E. . " 442-3241. FOR SALE ¦: ' ' ¦:* SPACIOUS Downtown Commercial ' 'fy_____m_____W__t__^______\____KB^_____W vi^g v \\ :Jt\ijj f>s«t»Yl^ffil iS5issssT»«wl J ' Properly 116, 118, 120 fm %ki\fine fi______st f__\\ APAETMEIMTS Walnut Street. \______\____\_\\ W___\ 74 KAWASAKI S 2 Bedrooms • 1 Bedroom ' By Owner RoUlng In • For appointment "AU Models " • 1 Bedroom Efficiencies ' . Tel. 453-4047 Furnished or Unfurnished WREALTvK BOB'S MARINE LAKE PARR & VALLI Farms, Land for Sale 98 Ft. of Laird Ted. 452-2697. VIEW APARTMENTS IP YOU ARE in the market for a farm Tel. 452-9400. or home or are planning to je ll r«al estate of any typa contact NORTHERN TVWO CENTRALLY located l-badroom INVESTMENT COMPANY , Real Estate aparlmonls wllh heat, stove and refrig- Brokers, Independence, Wis., or Eldon erator (urnlshed . No unmarried stu- W, Berg, Real Estate Salesman, dents. Tel. 452-9287 tor appointment. Arcadia, Wis. Tel. M87350. DAIRY & POULTRY FARM ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 1 War ^^mffi-^mwmmk1 ^Mtssw^f^^^"'* X____%___^^tttltai ' ^\ ' 'S'' * ______^y ^^^MK9rK ^____wfStfM^m^m^m^mwmwt ^m^m^mwm ^m^mwm ^m\\ ^fftW^fllffm————————————————VKK^I—MMWiaH_$Sl * iff??** *^ —" ^^ZlmZ!j_i_tHa—1U** ^^^^ < m *!*a—*&& WflsstttikSLSsssssssssfliissSS ——_ ^^^^^y ^^ ^^^s^^i^^^4i^—————————————\\m_ ^ We have just listed one of the outstanding dairy and I BUY-RITE REALTY, INC. poultry farms in the area I Check the following excellent KOCI-IESTER, MINNESOTA features. • 187 acres — J80 tlllabla — 80 level. . 17 NEW HOMES 8 USED HOMES • 5 bedroom modern home with covered patio leading + to almost new 2 car garage, ALSO SOME FURNITURE - STOV E, REFRIGERATO R, DAVENPORTS, • Dairy barn 204 ft. with 76 tie stalls, barn cleaner, Sta Rite 2 in .stainless milker line complete, 6 calf pens, CHAI R, COFFEE TABLES, END TABLES. all new cement, steel work and barn cleaner within last 2 years. Attached mllkhouse — fully equipped — 450 gal. bulk tank. £-40' silos with tmloader, 14 ton NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED

r feed bin with auger and agitator. Hs^sst^sSssssssHsBsxlt ^>^KsUlssVrK jCiUK&a *¥• Some homes reduced as much as $2,000. Some homes equipped with washer and dryer. • Feeding setup consists of 2 pole sheds 40x80 and 44x104, 3—70' silos with late model unloaders, 60 ft. Silo- Air conditioning available. Matlc feed bunk. AH plant Fence encloses barn yard. • 48x06 machine Bhed with 30x48' cement area, auto- 1-Year Service Warranty - Price Includes Delivery a^d Set Up washer. Facilities fox 300 hogs per year. John Prendorgast • 320x44 caged layer poultry house for 20,000 birds. While tho market is still gqod and we have a list All automatic Big Dutchman equipment, processing of ready qualified buyers from the local area and room with 300 case cooler, both, automatic standby SALE ENDS JULY 1 generation. \ out ot state, give us a call about your farm pro Large driveway corn crib 64' long. perty TODAY! • ! • 2 bedroom Pathfinder mobile home — 6 yrs, old — Hurry ! Hurry ! Hurry furnished. "Large Selection of Farms We've Had Very La rge Price Increases on All New Homes But We've Priced Some of • Many, many features too numerous to list. Throughout Southeastern Minnesota " These Homes Below Our Replacement Cos t. Farm may be purchased fully equipped or separate Offices In : \<^______^ dairy and poultry units. Shown by appointment only. 507-288-6909 Rochester ^__f____WE£__ \n ____K Dwlge Conlor /V K^aW^tl aWss^ Northern Investment Co. 507-374-6328 /^ Wliii mll&Z^Kl Kasson 607-634-7730 \jKKKF^ Real Estate Brokers TRI-STATE MOBILE HOMES mm**^^MJ Independence, Wise , Tol.715-flfl5.31W or After hours, West Concord ^fRK-tLTIT j ^ (Hwy. 61, Vz Mile S. Toward La Crosse) S07-527-211O7 Eldon W, Berg, Real Estate Salesman, ^^^m__—t0S^ Arcadia, "Wis., T«l. 908-323-7350. BREEZY ACRES, WINONA Tel. 452-4276 ' Lewiston 507-623-248!! ^T ' ^ _ —. v- . , V A , 1 MIRACLE MAtl^WriMlft :; OPEKl 9 TO 9 AWNDAY'THROUGH SATUkbAT 9 lO «—lilOON TO 5 P:M. SUNDAY fiAi^nS fcy Charfei iVi. Strhuls|

¦ ¦ ¦ ' : BWNDII-; ' ;i; -;¦ :§:- V W 6hie Young ¦ i: ' y ¦$$%&?- I i CottP^j

¦ : ¦ ' ' : REDEYE ;: ' , ; ' .. '. - ,lh».;- (Sordpii Bt». ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ¦ - ¦ . ¦ SP^CUVlS ¦• ' ' ; '. ' •¦ ' - - ' . . . . . , ^ . I. ' . . . ¦ " ¦ """ ¦¦ "^ - "" ^ "— . . ' GOOi MONDAY; S PROTECTION FOR A CHILD i. 'V Ah In- area about the size of Texas, are undergoing dian health worker' gives a small child a a smallpox epidemic that has taken the lives TOE&DJM WEDNESDAY .smallpox Vaccination Recently in the village of an estimated one-third of some 100»,000 per- of Hakegora in India's Bihar State.' Bihar .soris'afflicted this year, (AP Photofax) ; . State and parts of Uttar Pradesh, in all an JS';5*^^ftiito ;ife- '; llirllf RIGHTS REiSERVED ' WHIIE QUANTITIES IASTI ' ¦" ¦ " : lf U2;:iUWYHir ^ ' . ;. .'- - .•*i!- »tiy' ^Crtiiii payors m ¦¦ ,, ' ¦* *¦ mi mm ¦¦ oui>ANouvii:iaasisisis| cal ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '¦WHOPPERS • '' ¦¦' ' • ¦' - «•" for p^titi stars ¦ 200 MALTED MJLK BALLS ¦ n*^ ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ; ' ; ¦' SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) - land and Richard 6. Lugar of which the city chief. executives :¦ ' ' ' ¦¦ ' :- ^-G»I, Cartbii : : ' ". : ' control i ^ The annual meeting of the U.S. Indianapolis, Ind., .both -nomi- can round up and ¦ ' ¦:¦'¦ ' ; ¦ ' ' ; ; Conference or Mayors -this , week nees ¦ for the U.S. Senate .this blocks of delegate v-otes. to the ' " ¦. ', '1 . '; ' - Reg;^ :- ' ¦ ' ' :______\t' ¦ Xm' \\ S : | ¦' ¦ ; ¦' '' ¦¦ '¦93i " i Cftuppn is serving as a showcase for year, and Pete Wilson of San 1976 Democratic National Con- "7 i '. - " : . ;; ; : OH W>ih | new political stars among mu- Diego, considering a 1976 Sen- vention';'. ¦- '• • \- .' ¦',. - ,' :•'. nicipal chief executives. . ate race in California; The Democrats are expected ¦ Good Through June 24, )97A ¦ ^ . The Democrats especially are to meet, with national party n ' ' But the vast majority of the ' . .'I. ¦ » ¦ ¦ ssl«* TlBC«KW».T TEMPO ¦- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ssl making plans for a bigger role mayors are Democrats—22 out chairman. Robert Strauss be- ' ¦¦ in choosing their party's 1976 of the 30 most populous cities— fore the 42nd annual mayors ' ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' .. LttETi.1 BAlLir ¦ ;- ' i; ! ' hi Mort. Walkff presidential ticket, and they conference ends Wednesday.. It f . , cnwANo nAvm ssi m m m mm_ and they are organizing, this ' ' '¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ wouldn't nainii haying a" mayor week to make a formal effort began today;. -. . . .[ :- "|' -- - 'V- "«; 75, 100 WATT ¦/¦, ¦ ' " ' - : "' ¦-. | on it; Included; among possi- to exercise their political in- bilities for a vice presidential . • Simtlay, two l)emoeratlc fluence on the national scene in mayors Said they expected , the LIGHT BULBS bid are mayors Kevin White : of , ' : | the next two years, caucus to wield . significant pow- ' ' [¦ ¦ [ .- " Boston arid Thomas Bradley of ' :• E i'\ 4 >rtvT«sted Bulbf P«r Pack . Los Angeles.,;/'' The Democratic caucus led er at the 1976 convention. . . : by Milwaukee! Mayor Henry W, Mayor . Maynard Jackson, of r: y - M ' y ^^- _Ml___) __ ^^- : .'/• '-¦ Most of the Republican lime- Maier . planned: a meeting Atlanta said, "We. believe : the 4 for ^ V/ith^^ Coupon . light is on Ralph Perk of Cleve- tonight to discuss methods by future of America is ' the future J 97*fjp jj «%l%r ¦' ' ¦' of the cities. We believe the I ' ; ':.' :; : Goed Thfw$h Ju-i 26, l974 B mayors ought to have signifi- . ¦¦¦¦¦ cant' influence; at the con- ¦ , l p ¦¦¦¦¦ l«OeUMATT«MPO ¦ vention. We would lake to. see a ¦ ¦ — ~ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ' , . . . : ¦ ^\ ¦ . . . - ' , - . . ' - - - - ¦ ¦ ¦ — — mayorion the hatioial ticket." ' - " ' ¦¦¦ ' ¦¦ '¦¦ ¦ : ¦ eup>' ¦ : . . . ' . mm .«ND8AV» i ieac/ New York Mayor Abraham ¦" ' Riliiiiijis^ ' •: MARY WORTH >y Allm Smnder. ind; Ktn Ermt * Beame agreed, but declined tb - ¦ ALL AMERICA speculate en potential . candi- ¦ ¦ dates for president or . vice EXTERIOR LATE* PAINT ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ' ; : ' president in 1976; ' " ' . *: ' -.;¦ ' ;' -1Gallon '" ¦ ' Jackson and Beanie were . . . ' " ' ¦ ! ¦ ' * among six mayors interviewed :>¦ • - :g/ '-'. ¦ .Reg. :- -V- ' Urti\t ' . . on NBC'S "Meet the Press" ; &<&_)& * f. Sunday. In an interview later ¦ 54,99 :V ;^: ^M'. With; Coupon ¦ Sunday, Boston's Mayor White, ¦ 44, said the mayors have en- »3ood Through Jone 2*, 1974 I i l i ii c ii ' ' joyed a resurgence in political "' ;. sh¦ «:¦ ¦ . .¦; MCWaMAT TlWPO ¦ sslBi ¦ * ¦!' BELFAST (UPI) - Three Northern Ireland's majority influence since they won pas- killings and a series of Protestants, . minority Roman sage of the revenue sharing ' ' bombings gave Northern Ire- Catholics and security forces to J'Jp. IB ssslB'PI'ssl ¦ OUP ANP sttVB m ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ' bsssssVs^ssHsasVssssssssssssssli ^HttsssMSMS ^ ss«»»s»»«sVJsMiss»s»s»sa»»ssss ^ssl| l . |snsss« *W<>isUJLiSSSssM<*s m*sssss\WMia«sHsssslssstas«s«s( ^^ 1 n I TTI „ i , _—mam^^. . _ program in Congress two years 041. '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ : ' : 'y " : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - " GULF LITE . ™ - . land: its most violent weekend 1, ago.' v . ' ' ' Z " . ' JIX MORGAN, M.DL ¦ by Dil Curtia in more than six weeks. A soldier was charged in civil "It's been a bad weekend, the coufTSunday with the murder H-e said that now, ''They I CHARCOAL LIGHTER worst for over six weeks an of the civilian . Roman want to have a specific clout at ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : 5 ," ^ • . - . .; | .' . ' : ' ,'Fait ' Firo..' . ' . No Taste " ' . ' .' ( army spokesman said today. Catholic father of four, at the federal level in who's elect- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Separate shooting incidents Strabane; 75 miles northwest of ed rather than just influencing '. ' ' . '. ' ' . 1-Quart Can ' ¦¦ took the lives ot a soldier, a Belfast. . '.' those who already are elected." '¦" Umit ¦ police sergeant and He was the first British : The normal hierarchy to> - . -: Reg. ^§^(B J a civilian, na- | With Coupon pushing the death toll in nearly soldier to face a murder charge tional office in recent years has 43* ^B dK | five years of violence involving since the army was sent in to been through/the U.S. Senate ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦' separate warring Protestants and "White said, "I'm not sure " Oood Through June it , 1974 ' . ¦¦¦¦¦ and Catholics late in 1969, the American mind is condi- ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ MDMM ATTEMPO ¦¦¦¦¦ J ' McCauley attends The army said the policeman tioned to seeing a -mayor as a died when gunmen firing from president." ¦ ¦ • ¦¦¦¦¦ OUP ANP 8AVB ' ¦¦ m a ¦¦ n ¦ M science and a moving «ar raked a busy But he added, "A\ presidential '¦' VACUCEL Belfast street Saturday. Anoth- prospect shouldn't only come J : ' technology meet er officer and a bystander were out of the body—the Seriate : >»' ¦ ;- - | NANCY . Eml« . ICE CHEST j vy-. L'/ . '^' V .. ^'' ^- Bu*milta» wounded. . ———————__„—„— . . ¦ : ; „ : WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. ¦ Idial for Picnics or Oufingi A rooftop sniper killed a | M; J. (Mac) McCauley (R-Win- |VVV«V«*sI«V««v*VV*VVMV«] ona) is soldier coming to the aid of an g 28-Quart Capacity . one of two House mem- !' ¦ ' ' ' bers who attended a meeting army patrol ambushed and IN THE ' . " ') | pinned down on the fringe of ! PUBLIC INTEREST j I Reg. i* 87 With MORRISVUXE, N,Y. auditory nurve from tha I » brain to Ihe ear Is obslrwled by ( m n M n _f_ M m CIIPANDBAVH m m m m m m MJ tensen fl>!ed the suit in Henne- university here to witness a i normal pressure — generally an ( pin District Court against Theo- streaking incident right tinder 1 Imptnoaminf In , the- eplne, No ar. I „ , , .„„. "— —¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »S»SII—I¦¦¦ Mil ¦ ¦> I I - l-l ' I ¦ ¦—«¦ I 1 ll llcial drum or application ol any t LADI ES' CANVAS CASUALS ¦ dore A. Von Bank, St, Michael, their dormitory windows. 1 kind eon oyarcome- nwva deal, i ( ¦ MARK TRAIL by Ed Dr>dd Minn. As the streaking was about to ness, " Bk* Canvai Slip-On* — Cr»p» Iclu The accident occurred last begin, one hungry coed sudden- i Tha chiropractor, throuoh hit J ¦ , i knowladpia of the spinal column ' $IM» 5.10 I Sept, 30 near the Estenscn ly found a box of a natural-type i and |he body's nervous lyttam, Ii , home in rural Hennepin Coun- cereal and headed back to her i able to make comvatent , tkllled , 1 ¦ i ad|uslmsnis which remove the i Reg. *«•, | ty. . . room — by herself , she i ptassurea from the delicate nasrve i I Sm*- 69 With The Estensens' attorney, L. th ought. She was immediately i sysfem »o nalure'j tiaeilnp enarpv i | $2.29 | Coupon | said the horses pursued by a girls i can worK from within to reitore i M. Hall Jr., dozen other * glowing, radiant he-alth, i ¦ ' ' DM were olther walking or standing " ¦ ; l (kooij. Through J U, 1974 I who abandoned the streakers ! on the road near the stablo for a chance to snack on the i Dr. D«*tnond J, SmHb I ll H ¦ « ¦) ¦ ' MUIU ATTIMPO MM Mat ss| when they were struck, Thare cereal instead. n were no riders; he added, She was so amazed thfl-t she i Chiropractor ! The complaint said all three wrote a letter to Quaker Oats, I JM0 «»b St„ Gocdvlov* [ animals were registered quar- producer of the cereal, to tell ! Phcnt Kt WH ; ter horns. them about it,