Iianrfiratpr Leiipmtm Mtmih Bv EARL YOST MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1975 - VOL

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Iianrfiratpr Leiipmtm Mtmih Bv EARL YOST MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1975 - VOL PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri„ Jan, 17, 1975 Rec Board Gets Report On Air-Type Structures iianrfiratpr lEiipmtm Mtmih Bv EARL YOST MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 92 Manchester—A City of Village Charm f o u r t e e n p a g e s — t w o m ini named to personally investigate the PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Biggest news at last night’s monthly Bloomfield operation. meeting of the Advisory Park and Recrea­ Siebold, recreation director, said he has tion Commission centered around the investigated air-type structures and found report of an air-supported-type structure that the life expectancy ranged from 10 to now being manufactured by Pioneer 15 years and could be recoated after this Parachute in Manchester. period and used again for a similar time. Fred Ramey, temporary chairman of "You can get a lot of year’s use from the Artificial Ice Skating and Rink Fact 4 j one unit," he said. President to Promote Finding Committee, reported that Royce He added that the units are ther­ Toni of Pioneer had revealed that the local mostatically controlled and there is an company had recently installed such a easy way of patching holes that develop. type structure in Bloomfield for ice Siebold said one at the University of skating purposes. Rhode Island takes two hours to deflate. The cost would be under $200,000, "Such a facility would give a lot of open Anti-Recession Proposals Ramey reported. This would be a fraction space with no pillars. In the summer the under a steel unit, he said. area could be used for tennis courts," he A committee consisting of Ramey, Mel WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford equitable” and said he will lead a floor said. tion of the nation’s top business leaders, general revenue sharing program, which Siebold. Jav Giles and John Dormer was will keep the spotlight on his economic- on his anti-recession package Wednesday. he hopes to extend for five years. fight to block it. energy recovery program next week. Ford meets today with the steering com­ Next week he will meet with Republican Jackson, an unannounced contender for The President will submit several bills mittee of the Citizens Action Committee congressional leaders to set a timetable the 1976 presidential nomination, said he to implement his proposals and will ad­ to spur his program. He also will have a for sending several pieces of legislation to would introduce his own energy program, dress the Conference Board, an organiza­ conference on the administration’s Congress to implement his programs for including mandatory closing of gasoline Shelving Outdoor Program higher energy taxes and lower income stations on Sunday and if necessary a limit taxes. He also is expected to hold a news on oil imports. conference next week. Jackson estimated Ford’s plan would Disappointment to Siebold Ford plans a series of public add $800 to the average family’s annual '■ appearances around the country late this outlay for heating, gasoline and electricity instead of the $250 estimated by L. 'Tt was plain that they V month to seek public support for his "It’s too bad the program “There are a lot of people in­ William Seidman, Ford’s economic coor­ (Board of Directors) didn't un­ economic proposals. was turned down because it was volved. One time we had 16 pre­ dinator. Jackson said Ford’s proposals derstand the program." Mel Sen. Henry Jackson, D-Wash., Friday self-sustaining. It wouldn’t sent at a board meeting to NEWS CAPSULES would raise consumer prices 3 per cent Siebold, Recreation Depart­ have cost the town a penny. speak but time was limited and denounced Ford’s energy parogram as Zki rZ. “inflationary, recessionary and in­ this year. Seidman says 2 per cent. ment head, reported Thursday "What can we do to improve we were not able present our night our recreation program if we program, ” Siebold said. Discount Air Fares Okayed The directors Tuesday had are turned down on something Embassies Stormed WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Civil turned down his request to in­ like this that involves at least Originally, a sum of $1,000 NICOSIA (UPI) — Greek Cypriot was sought to assist the students stormed ffie U.S. embassy and Aeronautics Board Friday approved a new Gov, Grasso Says Energy clude an outdoor recreation 100 people?" he said. program in his activity. "The people (directors) program, which would include British government offices in the capital discount day coach excursion fare didn’t listen and didn’t read the camping, hiking and other today, ransacked the buildings and burned proposed by American Airlines but Siebold made his comments information we made forms of outdoor family files, documents and furniture from the of­ rejected similar requests from United Price Pain Is Terrible at the monthly meeting of the available," Siebold said. projects. fices. It marked the third day of bitter Airlines, Trans World Airlines and Northwest Airlines. American was Advisory Park and Recreation Siebold said he later talked demonstrations protesting the British HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. withhold their ederal income tax returns Siebdold said he would offer cleared to offer passengers up to a 25 per Commission meeting. with Town Director Phyllis decision to allow the evacuation of ’Turkish Grasso says the pain of high energy prices until the problm is solved. However, later the group a meeting place but cent discount on day coach excursion "It (the decision) was a dis­ Jackston and she indicated that 1974 was a big year Cypriot refugees to the 'Turkish mainland. in New England is terrible, but she won’t he said he had been kidding about the his hands were tied as far as flights longer than 1,500 miles from Feb. 1, appointment to Tim Badger and she was unaware of the full go along with a tax revolt as suggested by suggestion about withholding taxes. myself. ’ Siebold said. Badger getting behind the program un­ V 1975, through Jan. 31,1976. ’The CAB said it Gov. Philip W. Noel of Rhode Island. program and would ask for a less the Board of Directors The governor said she wants to work would have headed up the possible review at a future Brezhnev Rumor Denied rejected the discount proposals by the “I don’t believe in civil disobedience,” through the New England Caucus and the program. gave its approval. other airlines because they did not include Mrs. Grasso told newsmen Friday. time. NEW DELHI (UPI) - The Press Trust congressional delegation to pressure Ford “blackout periods” during which the She said she would attend a meeting if of India, quoting “foreign sources,” into altering his proposal to add a $3 per reductions would not be in effect. governors from the Northeast can arrange reports Soviet leader Lenoid I. Brezhnev barrel tax to imported oil. New England for the eagle one with President Ford next Thursday to has given up his Communist party post relies heavily on imported oil. discuss the region’s energy problems. School Use of Rec Facility because of illness. ’There was no confirma­ Other Topics Last year the eagle added the highest interest you can tion of the report from Moscow, and PTI Band Leader Sentenced ‘Our Burden Is Increasing’ On other topics, Mrs. Grasso said; “New England has always suffered and Opposed During Prime Hours another nest — our newest of­ get anywhere. said Soviet sources emphatically deny the NEW YORK (UPI) - Bandleader Lyle —She hasn’t made a decision on whether reports. The report said a combination of C. “Skitch” Henderson has been our burden is increasing,” Mrs. Grasso the state’s per pupil school aid grant may fice located in Manchester on Right now the eagle is expan­ overwork in recent years, age and illness sentenced to six months in jail and fined said. ‘"This new action without relief will have to be reduc^ because of the budget 344 Middle Turnpike West. Pinewood Derby Conducted and the recent deaffi of his mother, had $10,000 for filing false income tax returns only add to the burden.” pinch. Prime hours use by school ac­ Paul Greenberg, chairman of Under consideration is a ding the Main Office in East forced Brezhnev to quit his post as Com­ in 1969 and 1970. U.S. District Court Judge ‘"The pain is real, terrible, worse in New —Three persons are under consideration tivities in a proposed new replacement for the West Side munist party general secretary. England,” she said. ‘"This is what this ad­ J the school board’s building and Even though the mortgage Hartford and beautifying the Residents of the Meadows Convales­ Daniel Paris, second; and Gary Gen- Edward Weinfeld rejected a defense for the job of state labor commissioner — recreation complex at the West Rec on Cedar Street, which is ministration doesn’t understand.” sites committee, told that market was slow First Glastonbury Office in the cent Home join Cub Scouts from Pack dron, third. 'The pack also conducted appeal that Henderson had suffered Frank D. Santaguida, Waterbury town Side is opposed by the Advisory also used for some Washington The cost of Ford’s energy tax to Connec­ board Tuesday the Recreation Federal Savings grew to 112 heart of the Redevelopment 144 and their families in watching the last year’s derby at the convalescent enough by “adverse publicity’’ and chairman, George Bober of the State Park and Recreation Commis­ Department would work with School gym programs; that directed Friday that he “serve time in jail ticut alone would amount to $280 million a Labor Council, AFli-CIO, and Renato Ric- cars whizz by during the pack’s home as well as its Flag Day Flu Epidemic Reported sion.
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