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119th Year of Publication 16 Pages, 15 Cents Ghapinjury Ori- 'Presidenfs-JQx^^ reports verlct Impeachment group gets report sight By JEFFREY MILLS taxes and interest. The Internal the. courts might - but certain- that Nixon required to totally wiped out. • not in WASHINGTON (AP): Revenue Service ¦ came ' ly it would. ill (AP) -r A . to a . become this com- pay some back state income WASHINGTON - A Senate-House committee has similar conclusion, and Nixon mittee to get into the question taxes. ' ' White House officials have federal , district court jury - left - any further,- congressional agreed to/pay some $465,000 in of fraud .. . ." Mills said. "We - Flourney, a Republican, -can- said : Nixon probably will, have charged with determining action on President Nixon's back taxes and interest; didn't: go, into the question of to borrow spine of the money to whether Dwight L. .Chapin lied didate for. governor,? .predicted taxes to the committee / consid- The vice chairman of the the legality of it, the morality Nixon will > have to pay; tax on pay his tax bill. : under oath returrns to its dellb^ ' ; ering the . impeachment, ques- joint committee, ' Rep. Wilbur of it or the ethics of it. We only of part of his . Sari Cle- Asked . if the President might efatioms today, reporting it is tion. ¦ - ' ¦ „, : .- D. Mills, D-Ark.,. Said the coma looked at the , sell either his Florida : or Cali- not'close to a verdict. facts; made an merite estate, but he refused to mittee, would be "far out of audit — .' our staff did speculate how much. fornia . estates, Warren -said Chapin; 33 iormer appoint- The . House Judiciary Com- — ,. . . mittee said Thursday that it place" if it, took up the question reached a conclusion.'' The. congressional: report:'said Nixon obviously would .not sell ments secretary to President whether any fraud : was; com- Nixon should . his San Glemente . prorjerty . be- Nixon is accused of threes would consider the detailed re- . . have paid taxes ,/ port, of the Joint Committee on mitted in connection with the Meanwhile, IRS said It did : on a capital gain of $117,836 cause he, has promised to turn counts of giving false testimony Menial Revenue Taxation President's returns.. Arnohg oth- not feel civil - fraud penalties earned from . the ¦: sale \ of the it over as a gift to the Ameri- under oath to a federal grand er reasons for this .is that all its against the President were property. can people. /• '; j u r y. investigating , "dirty along.with other evidence in its impeachment inquiry. ' ¦' ¦ ':¦ members might later•¦ have . to warranted and said, that its au- Deputy White House Press The joint committee, in clos- tricks" in the 1972 presidential . , ' ; : vote on rnatters connected with dit of, the ...¦President's- tax re-: Secretary Gerald L. Warren ing its books on the President's cator>aign./>' v ; The report by the committee impeachment . turns for 1969-1972 ¦ . was closed. said the big tax. bill facing - the tax case, : .commended . Nixon Staff- Wednesday concluded, that "The House Judiciary . Com- In '.' . .' California , Controller President means that, his finan- ' ''for- " ' . his ' prompt decision . to The penalty on each count is '¦'¦ ¦' . : a maximum of five years in Nixon owes . $476,481 in back mittee , might, the IRS might, Houston ;: Flourriey : predicted cial position , "has almost been make these "tax payments.'' . prison and a fine of $10,000. After deliberating nearly four hours late Thursday, the jury Political j ockeying grows was called back to the court- room by US. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell, who asked: I On the inside: "Is the jury close to a ver- fl|iM "The Old Groaner is still groaning," Bmg Crosby f |||| i Ul |||| dict?" | Uaiiy saj

Tornado death toll revised to 310 but may rise Kentucky governor:^ loo/:ec/ one/ wonfecf fo cry By CRAIG AMMERMAN "I looked at it and wanted to cry,'' said Kentucky Gov. Wendell Ford after, he walked through the pile of tornado-left rubble that had been Brandenburg. Gov. George C. Wallace, brushing away tears, rolled his wheelchair through a temporary shelter for Alabama home- less. "It's one of the most tragic times in our history," he said. The fury of a hundred tornadoes had rammed wide paths of destruction through towns and rural areas, wiping out the work of generations. Some towns were almost leveled. In 11 southern and michveslern states and Canada , the Wednesday night series of twisters — the worst in 49 years- left at least 310 persons dead. The injured totaled 4 ,000 and at least that many lost their homos. The devastation was awesome — damage seemed certain to climb past $!i00 million . The force of the tornadoes was so intense that officials were certain they had not yet found all the dead . Five states —Kentucky, Ohio , Tennessee , Indiana and Alabama—were declared federal disaster areas by President Nixon and others were expected to join them. The designation enables individuals and municipalities 16 get low-cost federal loans to rebuild. DESTRUCTION ... This is Xenia,.Ohio. Lato Wednes- killing at least 35 persons. Monticello , Ind., a town of 4,000 where eight died and "You can see whore the houses were reduced to matches ," of West Virgnin , Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana and Al abama. . 100 businesses were wiped out , Gov . Otis It. Bowen stood in from tho storms, Alabama the woman who lived there, SEABCHKS HUBBLE .. . Sue Bowling of Kennard, Ind., Twcnty-eight persons were dead in Xenia. In Branden- Kentucky reported 71 dead 72, the remains of a house and told burg, Ky,, Indiana 52, Tennessee 44 , Ohio 35, Georgia 16, Ontario, Cana- "There will bo some help as far as oasy loans for your re- searches through the remains of her mobile homo hero after tho death loll stood at 20, and was expected to fio higher, da fl , North Carolina 5, Michigan 3, Illinois 2, Virginia 1, West cuperation, " The woman , sobbing loudly, said , "But my it was destroyed by a tornado. The floor of the trailer (in Brandenburg, an Ohio River town of 1,600, shared tho Virginia 1. • home is gone," So wore more than 150 others in tho town background) was thrown 30 yards. (AP Pliotofax) bombed-out appearance of other towns by the vicious In the aftormath of the disaster, tho story was people— whore damage was estimated at $100 million. FRIDAY

"The weather We daily record APRIL 5r 1974 • Pol ice report Burglaries house within last two weeks; SRDC agrees Model 10 Savage target rifle, ¦v : : Two-Sta te Deaths Winona Deaths At Xommuiiity :V cmv ' ;\ . $70. .; Boland Manufacturing Co. 400 From Frank Gerth; Fountain Memorial Hospital . , , Mrs. Alma Eithun Mrs; Palmer Storsveen W. 3rd St.:,entry lou "baby lnoon' "¦ ¦' ' ' ' ' .by broken City; Wis,, r LANESBORO, Mirin. — Mrs. Mrs. Palmer (Esther ) Stors- . . • . THIJRSDAY : window; discovered by on iBe oi . ¦ police hubcaps , taken-from car parked Alma Eithun, 71, Lanesboro; veen, 67, 363 Chatfield St., died . ' '¦ Admissions ; patrolmen about 1:58 a.m. to- at.Fiberte Corp., 501 W. 3rd St., died Thursday at St. Marys at 8:55 p.m. Thursday at Com- . Mrs. Matt Langowski, 6T7 E. day; Casio electronic calculator Thursday, riightor Friday morn- Hospital, Rochester, where she munity Memorial Hospital. taken :; 5th st: . . , $70;; vending machines ing; value $10. inpuf had undergone heart surgery The former Esther Berg, she entered, desks ransacked no ideal ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ Jon Fakler, RusMord, Minn. , From Boole Nook, Westgatej one week ago. .• ' ". • '• . ' . was born in Winona: Dec. 4, 19&5, estimate of loss.; : ROCJUESTER, Minn.. ^- South- Elroy Sebo, 711 W. ¦ Howard books valued at,. $4 taken 3:37 the daughter of Christ and Mate ¦ ¦' ¦¦ - , ' Leaf's Services eastern Minnesota's newest lay- The former Alma Brekke, she St, ' ¦: ' ; - ;; , Inc:* 400 E. p.m. Thursday;: unidentified, Abraham Berg; On Aug. 16, 1930 , 2nd St., entry by broken er of government doesn't want was born in Pilot Hound Town- Frank Phillips, 568 W. 4th St. . win- suspect seen fleeing. Filltnore County; Dec. ; 16 she : married Palmer Stofsveeri. dow, discovered by police pa- ' ' to be another layer of govern- ship, . , Discharges -- He has died. She w^as a mem- . trolmen 11:20 p.m. Thursday; •\\; "WINftNA^ .COUNTY'; ;- ;. . ment. 1902,; the daughter.. of. Edward ber of St. Martin' s Lutheran Mrs. Robert Dealey and baby, vending machine opened with : From Allen: Erdmann, Dako- . The Southeastern Regional De- arid Caroline Brekke. She mar- ' ¦ ' : Church.; ; ' ¦. . ' ¦ : ' '> - C[ 1876 Gilmore Ave. key;; no estimate bf ' ta ' Rt. 1, L3 tapes, tape head:, velopment Commission (SRDC) ried Martin (Bpb> Eithun Feb. ' : loss. . :. :' ' , are;, three sons Le- Mrs. Lucile Castle, Fountain cleaner and. wooden, box taken: board - of: directors Thursday 9, : 1922, \ in Lanesboro. They : Survivors , ¦ ' ' III. Merlin and City Rt. 2, Wis.; •: ¦ from car about 11 p.m. March WEATHER FORECAST . .. Colder weather and rain night ' agreed the region's Ro- farmed in the Lanesboro area Royj Rockford, ; Thefts ;:.;' .; ;" " Wayne Winona; four daughters, Jarl Eyarispn, 1072 W. Broad- 29. near Spputsprings Hill; no are forecast for; the Northwest. Showers are expected for c h e s tie Abased headquarters until . retiring here in 1943. . He , ' ' ¦ Mrs; Milton (Ruth ) Ives, - Hast- way. : ^, " -v - ' • •' . From Chuck Wolaride, St. estimate of value. Florida . and snow flurries for the Northeast. Coider. weather should contain a small - staff., and has died.. She was a member Mary' ;¦ ings, Neb. ; Mrs, Gerald . (Lois.) Miss Lynette: Lande, 363vE. s College: billfold taken is forecast for. the Midwest and warmer weather for Texas that extensive use be made of 6f: the Bethlehem Lutheran : ' : from unlocked , Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. 2nd -.St. . :;:;' ..'v . car, 4:30 p.m. ; Vandalism '¦ - ' and the southern.Piains. ) ' subregional planning . groups. Church and its ladies aid, the Thursday, . , (AP Pliotofax . Art (Nancy) Kaehler and Mrs; Mrs. Dennis Danieison. arid Garvin Heights park- ' " ¦ ' Winona Mayor Norman Indall, Lanesboro . American Legion : ing lot ; loss. . ' ' CITY' : v..;- Michael (Judy) Pellowski, Wino- baby, Rusliford. . $25 ¦ secretary of. the regional com- auxiliary, and the Sons of Nor- - Two tires punctured , appar- : : " : " " " ¦ ¦ :; ¦ ¦ : na; 19 grandchildren; four great- Jerald Munighan, 579 W. 4th : From Francis Cumiskey, 577 ' - ' ' ¦ :' ' y 'i^c ' ;;¦ - - -V. - ' ' " mission ind a member of the way and Daughters of Norway : : ently with knife, car belonging . .- " v : - " - -- - ??f >pfcse^a*ibfis^ . . - . . ^ . ¦ grandchildren, and one sister, St/-..' Chestnut St: gun taken from board of: directors, said today lodges.- , -.': ¦ - ' :/- to Richard Anderson,. Winona . • Mrs, Newman/(Ruth ) Strumstad, . ' 'Birth ' . ' ; ' .,.. .¦:.-, OFFICIAL WINONA WEATHER OBSERVATIONS for the the board meeting in Roches- -;. . . State College, while parked at '¦ : Survivors are: four daughters, Winona: One brother and one sis- Mrs. Darrell Mc- :: .24:hours ending at noon today. ter Thursday contained; "a def- Mr.: and Garvin ; Heights -between 1:15- Mrs. Sidney (Dorothy) Blags- died. . ¦ ' a Winona County Court : : ; Maximum temperature 44, mmirnum 24, noon 41, preei- - inite feeling this should not ter: have Cutclien,•: • Fountain City, ; . 1:45 a.m.;today; $100 damage. ' ' ¦ - vedt, Sacred Heart, Minn.; Mrs. ¦; ; . ¦¦pitation¦ .0-3.. be another layer of government '" Funeral services ; will be; at .2 daughteT. . : : : Civil, Criminal Division - " ' .' . ' -. A year; High 51, low 22, noon 45, precipitation Neil (Eunice) App len, Harmony, Martih^s Lu- . ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ , . . but; get as much' local . in- p.m. Monday at St. . Dbryan Lande, 47, Galesville, ; ;:-.- 'trace"i; " . .' ' . ': '. ' ' . .- ' ' ' . ¦ ¦ ;¦ Minn.; Mrs? Kenneth (Shirley) ; ¦' Accidents . . : . put as possible" thera.n Church, the Rev. . .A;- U. BIRTH ELSEWHERE Wis., today appeared for sen- ; ;• . ",/ - Normal temperature range for this date 52 to 32. Record Wangen, Laiiesbpro, and lylrs. ' ¦ ; ' SRDC board members agreed Deye officiating. Burial will be ' tehcing on charges of driving ¦;:" . :/. ,CITY . . . high 80 ihv 1921, record low 12 in 1887. ; James . (Janet) . Bremisieth,; ST, dHARLES Minn. — Mr. the .regional - planning group's . ¦ in Woodlawn Cemetery.. . .. v after suspension, driving over Thursday . 11 AX MAX CONRAD FIELD OBSERVATIONS ' Brooklyn; Center , " Minn.;. ':., 18 and Mrs.: John Benedett, Si. , first ' work program.—: oh which . ' ;¦ Friends may call Sunday after ¦ ; the centerliiie, open bottle vio- • :' 10:55.p.m. — hit-run , East 5th . (Mississippi Valley Airiuries) grandchildren; '- .;.. "' one great- Charles . Rt. 2, ;;a ".; daughter ' ¦ ¦ ¦' " state funding is based — should 7 p.m. . at Martin Funeral Home; ¦ lation and drunk driving. He Street .near Mankato Avenue: • ' ..' • Barometric pressure 30.15 and steady, : wind from .the brothers ' ,;. ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ . include use of the manpower grandison ; two . , Albert Winona , and at the church Mon- Friday.. . - - [ was fined; $300 or 30 days in Janice - M. Heuer, Fountain • ¦: . northwest at 13-16 mpti, cloud cover 25,000 scattered, visibility • ¦ ' " and facilities of area planning Brekke, Eden Prairie, Minn., day from 1 p.m. until:time of jail and ordered by Judge Chal- City, Wis., 1971 sedaD,; $200. : , • •• 20+ miles. " - ¦ ".. ¦; ' :¦: ' organizations (such . as the and ; Conrad Breijce, Prescot t, . A devotional service SATURDAY'iS BIRTHDAY leen riot to own a car for one 1.-20 p.m. East 3rd and ; • , - ¦; '- ¦ DEGREE DAYS - :; services. — .;• : . v\ Southeastern¦ ¦:¦''-Minnesota Area- Ariz,, and. fpur sisters Mrs; : Marie Pehler 714 W.; 5th St., year. He will also remain on Lafayette streets,; car leaving (As temperatures drop, , wili be at 8:45 p.m. Sunday at , ¦ degree days rise) wide Planning Organization; Garvin (Julia) . Benson, Mrs. ';; . v:' . ' - ¦ ¦ ¦;- ../ ; :. --:.r. probation to court: services for parking place ; Margaret : A.. V One method of figuring ' : the^fiineral home. 4.;:. - .;: . :y :; / heating requirements is, to calcu- and city and county planning de- Selmer (Clara) Larson and Mrs one -year. He was? : arrested Theisen- La Crosse, :Wis;, 1967 late how many degrees a day's average , temperature WINONA DAM. LOCKAGE; fell partments. . '¦ Hiram. (Bertha) Redalen, Lanes^ ; • March . 22. on Highway 61 Vh 2-door, $200; Maybel C. Floyd, below 65j the point at which artificial heat is generally con- ' S^/inona Fune rals . The" region has already re- borp, and . Mrs. Reuben (Selrna) :'Flo'w :._ 30,300 cubic feet : per second miles north of 248:. 317 W. King St:, . 1951; 4-door,.. •'. sidered necessary. The resulting figure can be ; used to esti- at a a.m. today'. . ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ceived $5,000: in federal plan- Hahn, Preston, Minn. One. son; Frank Kulasiveg .' Thursday '. - Steven Nahrgang, Lewiston, $200. Theisen vehicle -wasr ap-.; • ' . mate fuel consumption. . " ' ' ¦ • ning • funds and will receive one brother and two. sisters Funeral services tor - Frank Kul«slves, . -"liio p.m. — L. Wade Chlldreis,. IS Minn., pleaded guilty to a charge parently pulling into lane of . - • For the 24 hours ending at 7 a.m.: 83, 1108 E. 5th St., who died Wednesday barges, up. . . -.' . . ' . ' . $40,000 from the state, as soon have died. ' ' .: . * of speeding 71 in a 55-mile zone traffic and was struck: by Floyd . .. Today 31;.' . . Season total .6,316 ." : . at Community Membrlal .. Hospital,- will .' .'11:10 p.m.. - --: rAa ry . Weathers, ona ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ^ p.m. Tuesday at Watkowskl Fu- barge, dowi». arid was fined $37 by Judge .' ' ' - " • ¦: Season, - as a work program is drafted. •¦' : Fuiieral services, will beT at 2 be at 2 • ¦ ¦ car: • . -::...... 1973 29 • total 6,938 , :, neral Home. Winona, the , Rev. Donald Today ' .' Dennis. A. Challeen.; He was ar- : Highway 43 at Board members established p.m. Monday at: Bethlehem Lu- Grubisch, St. Stanislaus Church, . offici at- '9:10' a.m. — Bill -Gee, three, barges, 4:05 p.rh. — ' '¦ ' ' " ¦ ¦ - . ' three committees including. ing. - Burial -will"be In St. . Mary's Ceme- - ' • • • _ ' rested March 26 on Highway Highways 61-14 turning colli-: , one theran Church, the Rev. Leon "P. . : : ,. to find atn off ice: site in Roches- tery,, with military rites by members 61 by.the state patrol: : Stanley C. Harcey,. St. . Hbltan officiating, with burial of Leon J. Wetzel. American Legion Post sion: . ter and one to coordinate ; de- 9. ^bert Cerohe,:. St . Mary's Charles, Minn., 1968 station wag- - ' in Lanesboro Cemetery, ' Friends may- call Tuesday from noon College, pleaded guilty to; an $300; Patricia Rae Strohgj tails of the young region's.- - orV until tinie of services at the ;.fune-ral on :.: ; ^ : ganization. Indsjll serves on- the , Friends may call ;at .Johnson home. : .'¦ , "": " :' improper turn , and .was. fined 462 E. 4th St., 1972 2-door, $550.: ' latter - ' ¦ ' ¦' Funeral . Home, Lanesboro, Kenny fund $25, payable, by June 30. -He Miss Strong was treated arid , . . A^rs. A!ma; Jones was ticketed March 22 oh High- ' The .SJtDC. board alsr ; creat- Sunday from 2 to . 5.;and 7 to released at Community. Memor- \ ' 9;' .Funeral .services for Mrs.. Alrna Jones, way 6144 near Westgate Center: , 1st Quarter Full 3rd Quarter New ed . a/ comrplttee to study the re- p.m. and Monday at: the 10O0 W . 3th St., who died Wednesday at ial Hospital¦ . ; ¦ church, from 1 p.m. until time Comrhurilly Memorial Hospital, will be et Joel; H. Ljungkuli, Wmona .' . April 29 April 8 April 14 April 22 gional cprnmission 's relationship Saturday at Fawcett Funeral . . WINONA- -CO.UNTY ' . - .1:30 drive opens State College, drew a; $25 fine ;¦;¦ /' ¦¦ with sucli regional organizations of . services. . . - Home, Winona , the Rev-; A. U. Deye, St. Friday . .Martin's .Lutheran Church, - ' 'Officiating. The annual : fund-raising drive after pleading guilty to a -7:20. a.m. — turning collision, The Mi ssissi as Hiawafchalaiid and the South- Burial will - be In . Mt. Hope Cemetery, Forecasts ppi^ ' Fred Von Helihsf 'Hokah, Minn. . ' ' ' for Sister Kenny In- charge of making an impro- Oii coi, 5460 6th St., - . '. : Flood Stage 24-hr. eastern ^Minnesota ; Regional . ' -.V has begun hear Trac ¦ • LAKE CITY, Hinn. . (Special) Friends may call today after 7 p.m. per turn ; Wednesday at . the in- ' ' " - . " 5tag« Today CHEC- Health Pliannihg Council. . stitute, a non-profit Minneapch Goodview, Donald R. Rother, ; R«f Wlnfl .,.;„....;...... U 4.8- and until tinie' of services , Saturday at tersections of Highway 61 and SE. Minnesota + .3 The board has begun looking — Funeral services for Fred ¦ lis^-based rehabilitation ; center ¦ 118 . Hiawaiha. Blvd., 1963, 2-door, Lak» City ...;...... 8.0 +.5 the funeral¦ home. . ' ". . .;' . ¦ ; Increasing cloudiness to- Wabasha . ; ;... » 7.» Von Helmst, 81j Lake City, who ' . ' , being arranged. ' . known for treating chronically 43.V "- . . Kenneth E. Rosenow, 1781 +.3 for ah executive director for the A •memorial Is , : $100 ; night, cloudy Saturday. Alma Dam; T.W. ;...... ; t.o +.t died Thursday at the Red Wing, Pallbearers :' will ' , be Albert- . B: :Ander- seriously disabled pa- George Skeels, 'Stocktori, : Wabasha St., 1968 ' 2-dopr, Whitman Dam :...... <6 +.< region and agreed . Thursday he ' " ill and W. : - Minh;, Nursing Home, will be soh, Oren ' and .Roa ld Finanger/ 'Alden ¦ Minn,, pleaded impro- ' ' /- .;y. Warmer Saturday. Low to- Winona Dam, t.W...... 5.7 + .i or she must have a masters de- Oualeyi Jerome Hoogenhousj . and Ralph tients. $150;' ' - : T WINONA ...... i...... ,13 . 7.1 . + _5 at 2 p.rn, Saturday at Bethany Briggs. V ; per lane usage and was fined night 28 30. High Saturday Trempealeau Pool ..,..../ ¦ ¦ gree in either planning ,or gov- . The ; institute: directly served '¦ ' ' : • 9.s: —.1 $15. He was arrested Wednes- . - ¦48-54. .. , . . - - ' :;.i : Trempealeau! Dam ..,,...; o,4 +.3 ernmental administration' with Lutheran Church here, the Rev. 186 Winona County . residents ; ¦ ¦ Dakota . /...... 8.5 Henry W.. Luedke, Plainview, reported day near East 3rd end: Lafay- ' ¦ Dresbacl) Pool ,..,..,.,... ' «.7 ,- _l four years' experience; during 1973, the center . V- . .\--;. -y ': 'Min'n6s6.ta:' .; . ' ' ; . - ' ' ¦ Minn., officiating. Burial will be ette Streets. Dresbach Dam ¦¦.....-.: 5.3+7 , The region's full . mrnission The 32-year-old" institute ; com- Pigeon Falls Increasing cloudiness to- ,., :. - Cliff Blatner, Winona Rt. 3, La Crosse ¦. ¦ ...... /... 12 7.4 +.« next meets May 9. in St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, bines patient care, research cloud Saturday; A ¦ • FORECAST . Agreement is pleaded not guilty to disobey- night, y Lake City.; and education in a rehabilitation little warmer west tonight. Sat. Sun. Mon. ing a stop , light at . Highway 61 Red Wng ' ...' .;....,.;.,4.9 5.0 '5.1 The son of Mr. and Mrs . Cord settirig.; -. Warmer Saturday. Low to- WINONA . .,...... ;..... 7:2 ' : 7;4 7.4 and,4,T Marchi. 23; Trial was set cHitrch slates ¦ ;;¦ Von Helmst, he was born . in : Aboiit one-third of Kenny pa- night 18-25 northeast; 25-32 La . Crosse ...... ;..... 7.6 7.8 8.0 for .2:30 p^m. May IS. ' '¦ Tributary Strumi Goodhue County . March 1, 1893. tients suffer from stroke. Oth- southwest. High Saturday . Chippewa at Diirani, ...... «.j +j.< Hearing set 1918 he married Ida reachedw Roger T. Ruey, 19, Morris, Zumbro at Thellman ...... ; 37.3 On Oct. 2, , ers are treated for spinal : cord 40s north, upper 40s to up- Trempealeau Minn., pleaded guilty to care- special service ¦ at Dodge ...... : 7.0 .+ .J Bremer at Lake City. She has in juries; arthritis, cerebral pal- per 5Ps sonth. ; : Black at Neillsville ...... -J less driving and was fined $100. . 8.5 .4 died. He farmed in West Flor- sy; multiple; sclerosis, neuro- PIGEON . FALLS, Wis, — .Oft Black at . Galesvllle ...,,.i... t-s + .? ' His fine will be reduced to $50 ';¦ ¦; : ¦ ¦ ' La Crosse at W. Salem ...... : 5.7 ence; Township until 1951, . then - 'and ampu- Palm Suaday, a special service : \. -;;.;: ' -Wiscprtsm : - ¦;. ~ '- ' system muscular disorders if he" completes the driver im- / :. - Root at Houston ... license ¦ .,.....;... 14.9 Whitewater . + 4.2 on was employed by Gibson .Frojd pf song and proclamation will : Mostly fair and colder tonight. Roof at Hokah 49.0 +i.3 tation. .; • provement clinic. He -was ar- Lumber Co., Lake. City, until re- ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP ) - An be conducted at the Evangeli- Lows mostly in 20s. Saturday The institute; also is one of the rested Feb. 13: near West 3rd tiring in 1970. Be had been a agreement . has been reached . cal Lutheran Church (lower) partly sunny and warmer. . world's leading producers of re- and Johnson streets arid had member of Imnoanuel Lutheran between state officials and , . Pigeon: Falls Wis. Highs in 408. Two rrien acquisition habilitatiori publications, accord- previously pleaded not . guilty. in ,. injured land Church, West FLorence, and was Leech Lake Indian Reservation Choir members of 12 Luther- ' ing to president Dr. Loren Les- \Riehard J. . Escaliier, St. •: ELBA, Minn. — A public presently a member of Bethany leaders on a ne-w cheat proof an churches in the Pigeon Falls 5-day¦ forecast¦ ¦ frupk crash lie. Mary's College, pleaded , guilty ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦¦ . ': ¦¦ ' ' in hearing to reopen discussions Lutheran Churclij Lake City: hunting and fishing license sys- ' area will participate in the serv- , . - ¦MINNESOTA': . • .. A collision between two trac- Kenny campaign volunteers in to ;a charge" of speeding and pertaining to land / acquisition Survivors are: three grand- tem for non-Indians who want ice, which will: begin at 3 p.m Chance of rain south and tor-semitrailers, at 10 :05 am Winona County and their assign- was fined $25. He was arrested . . . . for the "Whitewater Wildlife 'Area children; two great-grandchil- to hunt or fish on the reserva- G; The theme of the service is rain or snow north Sunday Thursday, three miles north of ¦ ¦ merits include: Mrs. Eugene March 28 by the state patrol on has been tentatively planned dren ; one brother,, Lake tion.; ' ' •' • • ' "Jesus Christ: King of Kings." with a clearing trend Mon- La Crescent on Highway Sobeck, Winona, Wilsfin and Highway 61 Ph miles north of 61-14 for ApTil 13 at 1 p.m. at the City, and one sister, Mrs. Emma The service will feature con- day. Partly cloudy Tues- left two men injured and caused Beginning next yeaiythe Min- Homer townships;. . Mrs. Ken- Highway 248! Elba Sportsmen's Club. Prescher, Roseville, Minn, One gregational singing, jvith Mrs. v day. No large change in extensive damages nesota Department of . Natural neth Mueller,. Lewiston, Hart Joseph Merchlewitz, 30, Uti- ' to: both rigs. Metnhers of the State House daughter and two- brothers have John Radke, soloist, and instru- daytime temperatures. High Arthur L. /MiinsOn Jri ; Resources will issue . "unrest- arid Wiscoy townships; Mrs. Al- ca, Minn., pleaded not guilty , 26, Subcommittee on Recreation 'died^: mental accompaniment in ad- 40s north and upper 40s to. New Hampton ricted" game and fish licenses, fred Mueller, Lewiston, Fre- to a charge of drunk driving , Iowa , is in fair and Open Space will hold the Friends may call today after dition to the selection s the massr low 50s south. Low upper condition at Lutheran Hospital which will be valid throughout mont Township; Mrs. Wilfred and trial was set for 1:45 p.m. , hearing, according to Rep,: 2 p.m. and until 1 p.m. Saturday ed choir has prepared, all 20s north and mid 30s to La Crosse, Wis., with pelvis and the state, including the reserva- Rivers, Rollingstone, Rolling- May 20. He was arrested on low 40s south except mostly Richard Lemke DFL-Lake City. at Peterson-Sheehan Funeral under the direction of Mrs. Iva- collarbone injuries. A passen- tion, Part of the purchase price stone Village ; Mrs. Edward Highway 14 hear Stockton Jan. 20s over the state Tues- Also expected to take part are Home, Lake City, then at the will go to the reservation. Mlinghuysen, Winona , Hills- 27 by the state patrol. Nell Monson , Strum , Wis. ¦' ger, Donald Patrick, 33, Hawk- day. representatives of the Minnesota church until tiirte of services. For persons who do not want dale Township; Mrs, Hannibal Bernard Weberi 20, Hicksville, Speakers-for the service will ¦ ¦ eye, Iowa, was treated for mi- v . ¦ ' \ Department of Natural Resourc- Litcher, Rollingstone appeared for sentencing be the Revs, Gordon M. Tryg- nor; head injuries and released, N. Bennett the unrestricted license, a "re- ,. Rolling- N.Y., es Rep, M, J. McCauley (R- George stone Township; Mrs. Herbert on a charge of shoplifting and stad, Luther Monson and Har- Maurice C. Da-vis, 36, Lake , Minn. - George stricted" license will be avail- Band, chorus contest Winona); representatives of the KELLOGG, able upon request. That license Spelta Jr., Rollingstone, Mount drew a $50 fine; or five days in vey Pedersen. Alford , Fla., was not injured. N. Bennett, . 62, Kellogg, died Sierra Club, and area land- will not include the reservation Vernon , Township ; Mrs. Lam- jail with the . option of paying A free-will offering will be set Saturday at WSC Damage to his vehicle was es- ¦ Wednesday evening at St. owners . late fee: ¦ bert Dora, Lewiston, Utica $10 and volunteering 20 hours taken. Lunch wili be served. timated at $1,000. Elizabeth Hospital, Wabasha , of A high sehool band and chorus , On the agenda for the meet- Last year the Natural Re- Township; Mrs. L o c k s 1 e y work. . He was arrested March The public may attend. Munson's vehicle received cancer. contest for western W isconsin ¦ ¦ ' ing wil l be a discussion of pro- sources Department instituted Campbell, . St. Charles, Sara- 30 at Randall's Super Valu , about $8,000 damage. .' He was bom May 20, 1911, schools will be held at the Per- the facilities a system under which non-In- toga Township ; Mrs. Edwin Westgate, and charged with EGG HUNT SET Circumstances of the , acci- posed expansion of in Ohio. He was employed by forming Arts Center, Winona in the "Whitewater area and the dians wanting to use reserva- Benedett, St. Charles, Elba taking lunch¦ meat valued at LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) dent are under investigation by Republic Steel and Westinghouse • ¦ '¦ ¦ State College, Saturday begin- of such a tion lands for hunting ad fish- Township; Mrs. David Clark, $1.19, . — An Easter egg hunt for chil- the Minnesota State Patrol. economic impact Corp., Ohio, before retiring and ning at 8 a.rri. specifically in terms of ig must purchase a special $1 Rollingstone, Norton Township; Bruce Feiiske, 24, 252 Frank- dren from one to 10 years old move, moving here LO years ago. Participating are the Arcadia and chorus; Independence band taxes 1 ost. stamp. However, the Leech Mrs. Ted Keller, St. Charles, St. lin St., appeared for sentencing will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday at There are no known surviv- for shoplifting band , the Cochrane-Fountain and chorus and Taylor band and The issue of camping in the Lake . Reservation's business Charles Township, and Mrs. and was fined Patton Park here, sponsored by ors. committee had expressed dis- Earl Timm, Minneiska , White- $100. He was arrested Monday the Lake Cty Area Jaycees. City band and chorus, White- chorus. ; wildlife area also may be dis- Funeral services will be at satisfaction with the system water Township. at the Tempo Department hall band , Gale-Ettrick-Trem- The Winona State College Mu- cussed. 11 a.m. Saturday at Abbott- , Montego Bay saying it did not bring in store, Miracle Mall , and charg- is Jamacia's pcaleau hand and chorus, Alma sic Department is hosting the Wise Funeral Home, Wabasha, second largest city ' ' enough money. ed with taking a pair of boots but is the , band and chorus , Blair band event. the Rev. Luther Pennington of- valued at about $19. island's tourism capital Robert Herbst natural re- . ¦ ' be in Green- , - ' Humphrey will be ficiating. Burial will i i i , , n I i i . i i field Cemetery. sources commissioner, said Reds over run B^mammmmnmm^KiammMMmmnumammmMmmmin&mmmBm^f honored for 25 Friends may call at the fu- Thursday's 45 minute meeting neral home from 7 until 9 p.m. with the reservation leaders years of service Friday and uaitil time of ser- was "friendly." He said meth- In years gone by vices Saturday. ods were discussed to assure Henry Block has ST, PAUL, Minn. (AP ) - compliance with the licensing position near Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D- Mrs. Herbert Brandenburg regulations. newspaper.) 17 reasons why you (Eitract* /rom (he /Uet 0/ this Minn,, will be honored for 25 WABASHA, Minn . — Mrs. Herbst also said a check for years of national service at the Herbert ( Louise) Brandenburg, $29 ,000 was given to the reser- Phnom Penh Ten years ago . . . 1964 DFL party's Jefferson Jackson 71, Wabasha , died of leukemia vation Thursday, representing should come to us Day dinner tonight at the St. Thursday afternoon at Lake City sales of the special stamps PHNOM PENH (UPI) - FlaRs flew at half-mast as the body of General of the Paul Civic Center. Hospital'Where she was hospit- since November. Since the Communist insurgents overran Army Douglas MacArthur reposed in a funeral chapel at- a government position eight for income tax Up to 4,000 persons are ex- alizjeer for a rnonth. agreement went into effect last hel tired in a simple khaki tropical unifor miles from the capital Thurs- p* m without any of the pected for the dinner, held an- She was bom June 7, 1902, June 22, some ^02,000 has been medals and ribbons earned In his military lifetime. day night, killing, more than 50 Reason 14. We're human, and once nually by the DFL. Members of in Waverly, the daughter of given to the Leech Lake Reser- Live poultry livestock prices remained unchanged at: government soldiers and . the party sustaining fund re- and Rose Brahbec Mc- vation. in. a great while we make a mistake. roaster, .23 to .2.(5; and special fed While Rock fryers at ,19 Patrick wounding at least 125 olhors ceivo , free tickets. Another 500 Halo, married Herbert Bran- , But if our error means you to .20. She Felix Catholic Church here, the field reports said today, must pay- to fiflO tickets will be sold at $50 1922 , in jDelano, denburg Aug. 9, Rev, John Duly officiating. Bur- Tho news camo as fighting additional tax, you pay only the tax. each. Minn and tl»e couple lived In Twenty-five ., ial will be in the church ceme- was also underway for the We pay any interest or years ago ... 1949 Humphrey, 82, will be in- St. Paul before moving to Wa- penalty . provincial capital of Knmpot on troduced by Gov. Wendell An- basha In 1947. They operated a tery, We stand behind our work. Winona elected the youngest mayor in its history Monday, The parish council will lead the Gulf of Sinm where the derson and Son. Walter F. Mon- board and care, home for Hie , Cyril "Cy" Smith, 34, a World War II veteran and off-sale high command said government dnle, Thirteen speakers, allotted aged from 1953 until 1972. the rosary nt 3 p.m ., and a liquor store owner. forces pushed out the rebels two minutes apiece , will trace Survivors are her hiusband; Christian wake service will bo Net income of the Mississippi Valley Public Service Co. who penetrated the city Thurs- Humplifey's political career. four sons He rbert Jr., Shafer , led by Fnthor Daly at 0 p.m. in 194(1 was $173,994. , day. Humphrey entered tho U. S. Minn., Lawrence, St, Paul , Al- today at tho Biickman-Schierts Funeral Home here, where Tho overrun post was at Fifty years ago . . . 1924 Senate in 1049 after serving as len , Dallas, Tex,, and Jamos, mayor of Minneapolis. He was friends may call until time Nenkta Samrorig on Route 30. Albcrla , Canada; four daught- Tho troops there had withdraw Rivalry between the senior and junior clnsscs of the Wi- elect(Kl vice-president In VJM of services Saturday. ers, Mrs, Gererje Wehinger awl only the night before from Pick^ nona High School resul(ed in a fistic clash last . evening at and returned to the Senate in ' ) Pflllbearoivi will be Robin Mrs. Edwin (Louise Haley Tapau when it, too, was 5th and Johnson streets; All of the molhods of a mixed hox- 1971, Passe, and David , Jool, Scott, both of Wub»nsha, Mrs. Joan overrun nt the cost of 25 JSy^lhh infi and wrestling match with no holds barred were cm- Humphrey will speak at the Lynn and Lawrence Jr. Brmid- J^HHj f Goralski , Mnrshflokl , Wis., and wounded and an unknown JHfflmm ployed, resulting In black eyes and . countless bruises. dinner program , cnburg. MLss Judith Brandenburg,, Ro- number of dead left behind, chester, Minn.; .'10 grandchild- (o Seventy-five years ago ... 1 899 INSURANCK CLAIMS Two-State Funerals according field reports. ROCincSTKn , Minn. - For- ren; fivo gr-cul-grandchiklron; Field reporters said rebel All of the and factories in the Wes rest Talbott, representing tho and two slK tcr.s, Mrs, Irene gunners shelled Noalcta Snm- IX18lliBLO CBC shops t End of tho Miss Anna M. Dahling THE INCOME TAX city are now running 10 hours a day. Minnesota State Insurance Di- Kerr, Neepn wa , Canada and LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) ~ Fil- ronfi throughout tho night with PEOPLE vision In hearing of complaints Mrs, Frank Kelly, Seattle, nornl »orwlco» fnr Miss Anna M . D/ihl- B-40 rockets and honvy mortar Wash Throe brothers, two sis- Inu, Loko Clly, v - .; : resolutions committee meets be- "AhVthe evidence points , out problem,": replied Henry, "be-: Dean Curtiss as. he charged Technical. College in Waseca,':' killed, but . Curtiss expects the :. Curtiss commended.: the local ginning at 10 a vrn. and the. rules, thority (HRA), . both with legal cause from what I understand, members of the ' action if necessary, that restoration is: not only es- Winona .County he said. This 'Of two question¦ .to come up again. . iiiiit for its. work and urged it credentials, constitution and no- , arid with¦ thetically pleasing but economi- they haven't complied with the Farm Bureau with the respon- schcwls in the state.dealing with "While the enrollments of to encourage young: people to minations comrhittees beginning alternate de-velopment plans. ' ¦[ law either , way. . " " cally beneficial;" . he said. The " sibility of . getting involved in nothing but agricultural subjects other state schools go ., down, look toward farming¦ as a way at 11 a:m. The; ' ¦; ; ¦ ' ' ¦:; • ¦ THE COUNCIL Monday au- group . might also argue that . group adopted its. new the decisions of the future. .; and its life, and . the life .of oth- Wa$eca gets crowded," he said. of life. . - . . . • v. .- restoration of: name in deference -to James Curtiss, of the com- , PERSONS INTERESTED in thorized ..condemnation of: the commercial the ers like it; is vital to the future "That rrieans more young peo- "I'M SURE better times are Latsch / property , would bring Tawney, ;11? E. ' Broadway, who muriicatibris division of the - Min- here to stay, no matter what county; party elective -positions, parcel by the HRA,; but held . • ¦a off approval for ; dernolitiori un- more tax income than would the has publicly called on the city nesota. Farm Bureau , was the the problems and there: is a real or seeking endorsement as • to candidate, ' :. Legislative Dis- til developer's, plans , have pro- apartrnent tower, he suggested. "save Winona" as it saved keynote, speaker Thursday, night future for young people in farm- for Lake, Wiriona. - at the Winona County ' -unit's ing," he said. trict 34-B ; should .contact the gressed further^ Mehibers! suggested the build- annual banquet. nominations committee. . . ' :/ ': City Design Development Co., ing might function as an artist's The group was to meet again Caledonia school "There is -a satisfaction in ,, ' at . 4 .p.m. today at the "FERTILIZERS, fuels and farming you can't get is any Delegates; alternates and visi- St. Paul ho-pes to construct an studio and gallery, or that local ^ histori- ¦¦ ¦ 00-unit apartihent : tower tinder community cal society to hear of restoration impending legislation will of other lihe: of work. '—. working tors must receive badges from groups undertake : course be problems , . : a . federally; assisted: loan. development: themselves for efforts in Rochester, Minn;^ ^ and in 1974 '' he band in hand with God to pro- the credentials committee be- in a smair said , "but as members of Farm duce something new each fore being admitted to the con- GFuest speaker wai= .: James commercial.or other uses. Nebraska town. ¦ bond issue; Ibs^s Bureau;, you have.;.'• a voice in , issue year," he said. . vention floor. Donations of $3 Henry, a second-year Harvard . ;.- CALEDONIA , Minn. (Sp«cial) — A . $1,865 000 bond Law School student WHILE elaborate restoration what happens, arid a yojc,e that was defeated three to one Thursday by residents of Caledonia from . delegates and alternates, and . son of : : ¦ ¦ longtime urban reriewal oppo- projects: : such - . as the courity can be heard in the legisla- School District 299. . : ' . - ;/ ;• and $2- from : -visitors, will be , ¦ ; * ¦' ¦ nent Evan fteriry, Giliriore^Val- courthbuse can be expensive, re- ture."- \>\': ;•; - . "With a total oE 2,163 votes cast, 1,571 were i»: votes and requested. . .:..-.: .-.. ; ¦ : Ipwi man held in ' ¦:: ' • , - ¦ • - '.. ' ribvation : to make buildings us- Curtiss added that it was of ' ley.v : .. . . • - - v; City schoois 596 yes. The bonds would have.financed/ an addition,- 'to the able can : only cost a fraction of the .utmost importance that Caledonia High and Junior High School building. . : There may be. /grounds for a Fillmore Count/ court bjunctipn new construction, the . group farmers get to know .their local A $15 million bond issue for an addition to the High school to: stop or'delay . deruolition, the younger Henry noted. Renovation also requires representatives in Congress and was . defeated¦ ¦ ¦ 10 to 1—^-1,736 to 174--in. voting tftree years PRESTON, Minn. —- .An . 18- resources than new build- , • ' ' ¦ . ¦ • ;,', year-old Cresco Lanesboro man said. Admitting the group faced, fewer set Easter make their feelings known to ¦ago... ;• ; ./ , . Iowa, man is ing, especially important "with the congressmen. The proposed addition, would have housed- all. junior and being held in Fillmore County an uphill battle, he urged mem- bers to investigate, the legal as- the whole resource arid energy ; "They depend on that kind senior high school classes in one building, The school pre- Jail in lieu of payment of a $2,- said Ellery Foster, 1 tempo- pects of urban .renewal, propose situation^ of information to do their jobs, sently rents the old Catholic school building and other 000: bail bond. s^eks GOP 103 W. Wabasha St. ' and in "the long run so do you," rary classrdbrns, and agricultural and industrial arts, clas- specific alternatives to the pro- recess schedule ¦¦ . David Eugene . Hurst was tak- posed apartment tower, Among those: at the meeting Dismissal of .students at: Wi- he said. . ' "'. ses are held in the elementary school building. en into custody at his home Wedr and to mobilize community support. at the Historical Society Muse- nona's public ; and; . parochial nesday by ; authorities of the um were Councilmen Jerry Bor- schools Howard County, Iowa, Sheriff's endorsement THREE SUCH . committees zyskowski (4th Ward ) and Ray- and the three colleges ¦¦-, ¦¦¦ for the Easter recess will;begin Department on a burglary : war- LANESBORO, Minn. — A 23- were;formed; :;:. . '- . - mond Ruppert (3rd), the coun- rant issued by Fillmore County year-bld Lanes3?.bro farmer who ;;Dr. Lewis Younger, executive cil's strongest urban renewal op- Wednesday at the end of the Respectful dissent said Sheriff Carl Fann. Hurst was became active ;in politics a director of the Winona Courity ponents. class ' day.-; • charged with the burglary-of the year ago is seeking endprse- Historical Society, said he will : Bprzyskowsbi criticized the ci- ' Wednesday afternoon dismis- Sears Store at-..'Spririg Valley, meht of the Republican party contact .two professionals about ty's actions on behalf of renew- sals are scheduled by the pub- Minn., in August 1973. ;: , :: ; as District 35A, representative restoration possibilities for Wi- al, rioting that the Latsch build- ' ¦'• ¦ lic and parochial schools and : At his arraignment before the seat now held by Neil Haug-; nona. ' . in; : yvss. "the best investment ¦ "¦ ' the College of Saint Teresa Fillmore County Judge George erud, Preston. . One is Thomas Lutz; survey the city ever had." - ' where classes will be resumed 'The church: is moving in his- not bother with it. : ing, women m 1979 was 78 per- Murray Thursday , Clement Roy Ruen , a Vietnam veter- analyst for the Minnesota His- Ruppert called for ah imme- Tuesday, April lis. : . ^^ml^^mml^tory, and operij respectful hon- ¦:"lc cent;' - torical; Societ , . r, suspect, along: with Baunii, Schneider was appointed his at- an, has served as Fillmore y, who says that diate injunction "to stop the Winona State College will be est dissent hopefully will bring that this silent dissenter will be "Some of the factors behind torney, and borid was set at $2,- County Republican Party com- in recess from 6 p.m. Friday, more dialogue and. more the ..emergence . of this silent ooo. :: : mittee . member April 12, until Monday morning,¦ more the reality in the coming April • • • growth," Robert Connor, chair- dissenter are the realization that Hurst had run away, from the and as a dele- | 22. , man of the Religious Studies decades," Conner said. "The loyalty to the Pope and to the third man :does riot wish to ar- Rochester, Minn ; , Port Facility gate to , the 1 The St. Mary's College Easter Department, St. Mary's Col- church is larger than Humanae s.t 'at e. central | rian vacation will begin at the end gue with other Catholics over about six weeks ago where he Ex^Wino one of the lege, said Thursday at the on- ; Vitae; that dissent from authori- had been serving time on a forg- c o m m i tr] class day Thursday, going Religion in the '70s semi- his positions. Hei -loves. the sac- tative non-infallible teaching is April. 11, students will return ramental life of the Church. ery charge. t e » meetings,] to campus nar. not synonymous with disloyalty attended t h e Monday, April 15 He participates in the sacra- to church; that honest dissent \ and class schedules will be re- "The activist . 60s in the ments when they make sense to st a te conven- l oi candidatestor is the beginning of fruitful dia- sumed the following day. church and on the college Wamp- him,: when they deepen his tion, worked on us has turned to the quiet pos- logue; the shift from the Aris- ¦ Rushford, Minn., schools will awareness of God and strength- Benefit dance the state task dismiss classes at 3:30 ture , of the 70s. The Catholic totelian-scholastic . essentialist force commit- p.m. en his involvement with other world to the existential-process Friday and students will return dissenter of the 70s and 80s is people. But when they become tee on rural af- U M: presidency Tuesday, April 16 quite likely to be what the not- world of knowledge," . Conner . barriers to worship and to com- fairs , and is: a (UCLA) The Easter vacation in the ed Canadian theologian . Gre- concluded . set tonight for Ruen A native of Winona reported- and Peter McGrath, munity, he does not bother with member of the ly is one of three candidates president of Binghampton Lanesboro, Minn., schools will gory Baum calls the 'third them. He rarely will argue state platform committee. begin at 3:30 p.m. Thursday man'," Conner said. he would seek being considered for appoint- (NY.) State College. and classes will about it," he noted. In announcing ment as president of the Un- Cyert was reported to be In be resumed School districts sick student endorsement Ruen said , "Pol- April 16. ACCORDING TO Baum, this "This third man however is , iversity of Minnesota. . . the Twin Cities today and the ¦ : CALEDONIA, Minn. (Spe- itics is not a closed shop and "third man" believes that God no rebel especially if we think to He is Richard Cyert, 52, the chairman .of te search com- back to the activist of the 60s," to have year cial) — A benefit dance for I'm sure this is true of both has acted in Jesus Christ : on willing to son of Walter Cyert and the mittee was to present a report Lanesboro student behalf of all men and that di- Conner said. "He acknowledg- Carol Beck, 15, sophomore at parties. If you are spend U.S . funds get involved there is a place for late Mrs. Cyert and how pre- to the full board at rioor today. wins vine salvation is available in es the laws of the church and Caledonia High School, wili be sident of the Carnegie Mellon Cyert was born in Winona speech contest believes in law and order you in either party ." the spirit in the celebration of , but WASHINGTON, D.C. - School tonight in the Municipal Audi- Institute, Pittsburgh , Pa . and left here when he was 7 LANESBORO, Minn. realizes that human life in the torium , sponsored by fellow Active in commumty affairs , (Special) the Catholic Church. The districts- . will , 'have ' an extra Lanes- A REPORT from St Paul this or 8 when his parents moved — Kevin Klungtvedt , a sopho- "third man" rs deeply attached 70s is complex and there are class members. Ruen is president of the year to spend recently released boro Area Jaycees and is ac- morning indicated that the Un- to Minneapolis. more at Lanesboro High SchooL to the Catholic tradition. He situations in which law does not Carol , daughter of Mr. and iversity Board of Regents will compete in always - promote the sp federal education funds , an- tive in the Farm Bureau and loves Catholic teaching when it iritual Mrs. Francis Beck, Caledonia search comrhittee seeking a HE RECEIVED his bachelor the regional makes sense to him , when it wellbeing of persons., In these nounced Rep. Albert Quie (R- the Lanesboro American Legion Rt. 2, is recovering from a of Foreign Wars successor to Dr. Malcolm Moos, of science degree in economics speech, contest gives him access to new life cases, ho will silently act apart Minri.) brain hemorrhage and major and Veterans from the University of Minn- sponsor of the initiative. Posts. He is a member of the who announced his resignation Saturday a t and enables him to respond to from the law," he explained The extension is part of the surgery. esota in 1943 and his doctorjn Levyiston High the demands the world makes Bethlehem Lutheran Church late last summer/ has narrow- "To giye some indication as Genera l Education Provisions SSbe was hospitalized at Lu- ed its list of candidates to nt degree from Columbia Univer- School. on him , but if the teaching does to situations when many good and former Sunday school Act approved by the House and theran Hospital , La Crosse, teacher. least three. sity, New York City, in 1951. He took first not make sense to him he does Catholics silently rebel or dis- He taught at the University Senate Thursday. eight weeks during December They are Cyert; David Saxon, place in the 1st sent, one need only look at the Schools can spend their share and January when she under- of Minnesota from 1946 to 19411 District contest reaction and practice of Catho- v3ce chancellor of the Univer- of more than $509 million in ed- went three major operations. sity of California — Los Angeles and at City College of New at Wykoff with Boa rd recesses lics five years after the encycli- ucation funds impounded in She went to tho hospital the Lewisto n honor York until 1949 when he joined h is humorous cal Humanae Vitae," Conner school year 1972-73, as well as second time when she su ffered the Mellon Institute as an as- i n terpretation , public hearing on said. In a study by the Rev. their 1974 allocation , up to June a cerebral hemorrhage at her students named sistant professor of economics Andrew Greeley on American "Newscast " by 30, 1975. Programs of federal home. She is presently recuper- LEWISTON , Minn. CSpecial) Couple suspected and industrial administration. George Carlln. Klungtvedt Fa i rway Woods priests, in 1971 only 40 percent aid to compensatory and voca- ating at home also lives In son of Mr and believed that the faithful are and will not be — The Lewiston Independent His father now Ho Is Uie . come much tional education will be most able to return to school until School District 857 has announc- Pittsburgh, Mrs, Orrin Klungtvedt. Meetings don't bound to follow the traditional affected. than Thursday night's next fall. roll for the third quarter of the of robbing man shorter teaching. Of tho priests under Another section of the act en- session of the Winona City 35 years of age, four-fifths view The village donated the use 1973-74 school year. PRESTON, Minn. - Fillmore , ables middle income students to of the auditorium and the tickets Students on the honor roll County Sheriff Carl Fann today Planning Commission. the matter as a moral nonissuc borrow up to ,000 interest-sub- It lasted four minutes. $2 were donated ; Persons wishing are : warned residents in the area to Notice to IN A STUDY done In 1073 of sidized loans . without needs GRADE 12 — Mary ElllngNuyssn, Unable to get a quorum , com- to donate may also send con- Elllotl, Rulti Gensmor, Dlnnu be on the lookout for a dark- married Catholics tests, the congressman report- Rick H«l- missioners opened the meeting , the grea test tributions to Mr. and Mrs. vorson, Cl/ilr Ihrke, K»rl Kronebujch, complcctecl couple suspected of changes in practice occurred ed. L/iurle Mlchmlls, Bnrb MOB, D»da Muel- public hearing Bock. Roweknmp and Vlckl Schou- robbing an elderly Whalan, ana recessed n between 19(15-70 ler. Ro«e on the Fairway Woods apart- , the percentage Innd. -' Minn,, man. of women deviating from official Northern provincial forests For 250 years, Greenland was GRADE 11 — M«rv Henn«5»y, AV IJ Winona and Goodview ment project for a wock , avoid- Uorl KuUck, Kity l.«w(onburoer, According to Fann , the elder- teaching rising from 51 cover almost fi7 million of Sas- a Danish Krvror, in the need to schedule anoth- to 68 colony, sealed off to Sussn Mueller and Knlhy Veerkamp, ly bachelor was nwakened-from u percent. In the age group 20-2-1 katchewan's oi million acres of protect the Eskimo hunting cul- GRADE 10— AnnnmnrlB Daloy, Judy er hearing, GoIKh, Joan Lehnorlf, Dnwn Llnaman, a rest Thursday afternoon when tho percentage of nonconform- forest land. ture from outside influences. Cathy Palmer nnd Cindy Thompson. Sunday NEWS Subscribers Planners had been scheduled lvot heard money rattling in a to hold a public hearing on pro- dish. He saw a dark-complected posed R-2 zoning for a 30-foot woman who asked for a drink strip of land to bo annexed to For three seats of wnter. While the man was • Our dry circulation department will accept tele- tho city adjacent to the Fair- getting the water, the woman phone calls from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sunday way Woods project area at managed to tako his billfold Homer Rond and Club View from his back pocket, remove for fh» delivery of missing papers in Winona and Road. ' the money, and replace tho bill- The commission had also School board filings to open fold. He discovered tho money Goodview. been scheduled to act on a silo The period for filing by can- DIRECTORS will be elected The director elected this Ward but excluding Wincrest was gone after she left, plan for the projoct, as well as didates for three sents on' tho this year from 1st nnd 2nd spring from tho 1st District will Addition , St. Mary's College A dnrk-complectcd couple had a site plan for a cliango in School Board of Winonn In- election districts and at large. serve for the remaining Iwo and Knopp 's Addition — and been observed in Peterson, The Telephone Number building plans for an addition dependent District flfil In tho A director will bo elected for yenrs of Nelson's term. Goodview. Minn., Wednesday whore they nl Fiborite Corp., 501 W. 3rd May 21 annual school election two years in the 1st District A director at largo and a 2nd Residents throughout District were making inquiries about SI, bcfiins Saturday at fl a.m. where the incumbent is Norman District director will bo elected net will vote for n director bachelors nnd widowers in tho to Call Is Annunl election of commis- Candidates mny fllo at tho J. Decker, appointed last sum- for three years. at large. office of boa rd clerk ' area. Thursday's theft was n sion officers wis also on Thurs- and busi- mer for tho remainder of the THESE scats arc noiv IteM by The 2nd District includes tho repent of a similar tlvoft about n ess manager Paul W, Sanders first year of tho term of Ken- Dr. C. W. Rogers and Mrs. 1st, 2nd nnd 3rd precincts of day 's agonda. in tho cast building of tho Wi- , , the 41 h precinct a year ago, Fann said, genda Moms will bo taken neth P. Nelson who resigned Sharon Hull , respectively, the 2nd Ward All a nona Junior High School cv-i- shortly after doing elected to a Tho 1st District embraces nn of , the 1st Ward , Wincrest, St; He ndvised nnyono who sees 454-2961 up when tho commission moots plex during working hours of three-year term at last spring's area that Includes tho 1st , 2nd Mary's College and Knopp's the couple to contact-the sher« again next Thursd ay, each day until 5 p.m. April 30. election. and 3rd precincts of tho 1st Addition. iif's office. ¦ —— ¦ ^ — ¦¦ — — ¦IIIHI 11 ^ m — ¦ ——^ Galesville group TV highlights, movies Tonight, weekend TV 6-9-19.; 13. chooses firm for Golf Tournament. Greater Highlights ABC's Champion Auto Rac- LLi / GALESVILLE, Wis. — The Tenses, Forms," 6:00, Ch. 3. skiing and NCAA wrestling, vs New York Knicks, 1:30, To Tell lit. Truth *1 Nillonil Waihinaten 4:00, Chs. 6-9-19 Futun 31 Goographlc I In Revl.w II From Your Dollar \ Galesville Housing Develop- CoachefComment, 7 00, Ch. Chs. 3-4-8. Dealer'. Cholei 11 jo Internet 1 I - «:J0. ,. Wall„..„ Stratit,„ , J, »f * ment Corp. has selected the La 3. Wrestling, 5'O0, Ch. 11. r«rg«l 31 Michel* Li. S-4 1 GET IT AT % NEIL Hockey. Minnesota American Sportsman. Cana- Nashvllla Music 3 7:30 Your World 2 New 11 \\ Crosse firm of Hackner, Schroe- Six Million Dollar Man. Crime da's Sutton River is the scene drama special focusing on se- North Stars vs. New York Is- Bowlln* • L« 5» Luck 5-lft-lJ ...„ «_„,. ,..,.,,. der, Rolansky & Associates for fishing and British Columbia Green Aerta a Fattier Know. 10'M New* 3-4*5-l-*.10- curity gadgetry, a ruthless gen- landers, 6;30, Ch. 11. Dirty Sally 8 Baal II „ ,3 Inc., to perform architectural is the skier's paradise. 2:30, Perry Niaion.. 113J MCDONALD'S VD Blues. Dick Cavett hosts Trulh or Conta- ¦ wall Street Ji | | and other services necessary In ius and plans for killing a prime quencaa 9 |;05 Ettueatlon . I 10:M Movla : 3-1 Chs. 6-9-19. ¦ ¦ : ! 4 PLUS DELICIOUS FOOD i minister 7:00, Chs. 6-9-19. the hour giving information ouslfi Tra/I ;. .' . 10 Movte ' .' ' . .. ' J-4-l A Carton 1-10-IJ the planning of the proposed Golf Tournament, Greater Lucy II SERVICE1 8 Alan King. Cass Elliot and about the disease by means of olrl With Thrlllar *•» ^ , » AND FAST 1 senior citizens housing project humor Greensboro Open, final round, Beverly Hlllbllllli 13 Sorncthlne . Movla ' 1» Jack Klugman are stars of this ' and music. 7:30, Ch. 2. To Tell tfia Truth »» Extra 5-10-13 I0;45 Mcvla 4-11 *¦> ^ K j&r here. 3:00, Ch. 11. Seminar . 91 . a" 11:00Midnight variety special featuring spoofs WTCN News Report "Credi- ¦ Alan King -»-19 A tentative site has been 7i00 Wasmneton .'.¦ ' Werv/ Orlllin . 11 . ;-.««-iar HH< A$$^ ; .v $mtt*x>V- .S^v. r-\ 3 \v tfc^wi.' v . > " «^ ^^?VAA £ ^rf^^^ .^ o lsv - &*i The land is owned by the city * ~ *v ^ *L~*^*lAl. performs as Angelo Rone alii— Three hours of films on differ- Wide World of Sports — fig- ^ >at ot Galesville and has been of- ure skating, raeing, diving, 3:30 H30 NBA l-4-i N awa a-wo zW^^LMfj : ¦ later Pope John XXIII. Known ent kinds of cancer, discussions , ivwrningMornina Untamad World i Lawrenea Walk «-8» %m^| *sgs^ Awl6UUllCIwmnnnald IU 0 ^ fered to the non-profit corpora- for his compassion the future with specialists and radiologists Chs. 6-9-19. 7:00 Cartoon. Flshlno » Ha» Haw 13 tion for a nominal price, said 3 4-5-4191011-1» Virginian 11 The Cowboy. 19 Pope faces an almost impossi- and analysis of research. 10 00, Easter With Oral Roberts. 7:30 Farm Forum 11 American Advocates 31 Kenneth J. *Kopp , president of ble task: saving Jewish children Ch. 19. Tennessee Ernie Ford and Los 8 00 saiame Street 1-31 Bandstand 19 «.30 Black Journal J the housing corporation . held on Rhythm and Blues. Musical Angeles mayor Movl; >«J Electric Co. 31 Focus 3 a ship en route to Nazi Thomas Brad- U ot Minn. 11 2:oo Wariy 's Workshop 6 Survival 4 He explained that factors fa- Germany. 9:00, Chs. 6-9-19. variety show with Lou Rawls ley are guests and Oral Roberts !"?S , ,mJI . 1! Julius Boro. 9 Bowling 5 9:00 Electric Co. 1-31 Nov.a 31 Documentary 10 voring this site are its close David Susskind, as host, 10:30, Chs. 5-10-33. speaks on the subject "The Res- 5 Five men ,°? c «o o in n ii 3:30 Pro Bowler. N HL Hockey II proximity to downtown stores, who have suffered heart attacks Sunday urrection — the Way to New 3 4 5 4 8-9 1013-19 Tour 4.,, 9 0IIIC.S Gfr|, i, fWWWWi cost, and availability of sewer Roger, -- 7M t«!l how they coped with their World Conference. Annual con- Life and a New Beginning." ,.30 1- '"BS- ]] a'm„r 3*. DANCE TOMORROW'S and water services. ^ 5-10,3 problems, how they regained ference of Chmch 5 00, Ch 9. K:00 Sr^ e, 1- 4,O C ,oo„ , ^lency Interested citizens may con- of Jesus EAGLES CLUB confidence and adjusted to a Christ of Latter-Day Saints with High Quiz Bowl. Houston High r r ^ F-njIiy «»» N«w Ctubrooms, 4th » Franklin — SPECIALS - tact any member of the board i.-S. KSfS S »ry 5 Italian Spaghetti s

^ GLASSES ' ^^^ \^m,! ^^. ^ >.aaV «.• -^H . ' aaaalaaaaaaaatMaMai Dr. R. G. McGill ANNOUNCES HIS fflffljfl RE-OPENING AND IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION AT HIS . LARGE SELECTION OF fJ flilKrllll FRAME STYLES AND COLORS m^irri/M T^ NEW LOCATION AT ^j ^g ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ J ^^^ jj ^ f^^^^^^^^nr^^^^^^l^H 157 Lafayette St. _Mfe| ' ' ' . giJTm,Mp^ ' '^^^ DOWNTOWN WINONA M BUILDING ^^ V^ffj TTJTfll OLD NSP SSSS 111 MAIN STREET ^ i-« V 1MW TELEPHONE. 454-3711 PHONE 452 2072 mmTmV MWDW V I Only Sarhra, triMiM^ Gilmore heed NEW YORK — Broadly speaking, for example, a group .of black , third- the extensive .integration of public graders reading at a 4.1 grade torn Wicker equivalent, well : above the grade schools which took place in some ' ' ' " ' ' " ' '¦ • - - • - - - - '¦'- . , , i,; . i ;y ,; . ,; ,. level of 3.8. ' to bewidened parts, of the nation jughly between Dr. Purl found something else -- ;¦ ¦ : the result of the low socio-economic There Is only one street in Winona : that needs, 1966 arid .1971 has not resulted in that this seemingly spotty perform- achievement status of black arid Spanish-surname widening and that is the Sarnia -* Gilmore^ continua- improved educational - ance actually represented a pattern. ' pupils. faimilies; . tion ; ; ;.;v-./ by minority-group The grade-level , and . better perform- This confounds the expectations of In i969j before Integration, blacks entering the first grade in Pasadena ances In every case were register- many ; liberals, ' even as it annoys Winona does not; need to accept, gas tax re- were typically ;.8 standard devia ed at schools ;''pth a good pro- many blacks that; their children ? funds —^ in fact It should refuse them. Hopefully the tion units behind v.-iites inl reai' gram'' —• top staff, much commu- legislature might rescind the gas tax refund law. It should be expected to read better nity involvement, an emphasis upon merely because they sit beside white ing scores, ; In; that same year, would be better to ; keep the: money here in our own ¦ blacks in - the fourth grade" were 1.1 individual, iristructiori, - and usually children. . ; ; '.' . coffers than send , it to the .state and; theW be told units behind whites in reading, and some federal aid money for ' disad- : how to spend it when they return it. : A RECENT review/ of tha exten- blacks in the eighth gra^ - were 1.2 vantaged children; ; . ; sive statistics ; of integrated educa- units behind. In math, fourth-grade .In Dr . Purl's view, therefore, in- Huff Street will not need any widening within tion in Pasadena and Riverside, blacks were; one unit behind whites tegration as such was . not the cause the next 35. years. Broadway didn't need it either Calif., provided no evidence to. chal- and eighth:grade blacks , were 1.4 of the. achievement gaihs, which she ' ¦;. ' ¦¦ and has become an unnecessary race track that lenge the conclusion that; integration units behind. ..-. :' : ¦ ' . did not find among older minority ' ' makes itV a fright , for - & young mother to; push a itself-does not improve nunbrity; edu- ' pupils in the •upper ;grades; she be- baby carriage across, \ cational achievement. But the rec- THE CLEAR imp lication; wat lieves, rather, that in some , cases that for the older black pupils ords in . these two cities did suggest , , the Integration had . caused able and original ; disadvantage' .''-. ' they had : '" '¦':. 3f we had had we would have made the. possibility that educational in- . conscientious teachers, '.; conf rorited : any sense, brought to- school . with them had ; and 5th novations forced by. the problems of with numbers of uhder^achievers in Broadway a one-way street going east been ' -vyprseried; they had fallen fur- Street one way going ¦Vest. It would have han- integration . .may ; be beginning , to their classrooms, -to develop effective ther behind the white ' students, in a dled the; traffic far better with not nearly the ex- have beneficial effect.- . "programs of individual teaching" process called "cumulative defi- Some corhr pense that was incurred. : . Pasadena has . been; integrated ¦ '¦ '¦ ¦¦ arid other innovations. since 1970, Riverside since 1966. cit.'* v >:: ;?;: ¦ : munities, moreover had forced, that In February, Pasadena ^ • ¦ Test scores; in both communities the new. kind of ; response to integration • Whenever governmental units get offered; "free" r^ihool board/ which seeks a return money, they. Ipse their sense . show that minority pupils enter through -greater community involve- about .how to spend it to neighborhood scho bis, presented; a ; arid most all their freedom . school already at a substantial learn- ment in the schools.. The scores ing disadvantage, as. compared to study; by David Armcur of the Rand showed the results.;, '.- •- . ;, ¦ Corporation ; to; show that , integra- ' "^iMFUllNlMWKy PROMKIJ «?»TOtftM< !W1llQ' - whites;: and studies in both suggest : Winona's streets\ Ought to., be financed out ; of that the disadvantage is primarily tion had not closed the achievement New York Times News Service vyinona's taxation and we should have to send less: gap between whites ; arid minorities. money to St. Paul every time we fill ''bur-gas tank. Using Armour's own figures, , how- : ever, Dr. ;Jane Jylercer of the Univer- Huff Street does heed some redoing : in its sur- -\^u|C)S^:;;i)AI^ sity of ; California at Eiverside . con- Corking; up facing; but there is nothing wrong with its width or tended that they showed ''cumula- Its curbs- gutters or sidewalks.'Travertine , stone will tive deficit" , might , be disappearing or diminishing in integrated scboools. free expression last longer than concrete and should, be preserved ¦ The black; first graders ; of 1969, as part of onir heritage, and to lose . all those trees A page of opinions an Friday, April 1974 If, responsible communities start , turning down J> ^ further behind in;. the fourth .grade ' ; than originally. The same was true A scheduled -lecture at the Uni- gifts from above we'd all be a lot better off. ;. ; yersity for. the fourth graders; of 1969 who . of Chicago by Prof. Edward the seventh grade.,. The C. Banfield, an urbahplogist now at We don't need: the state of Minnesota to tell lis had reached significance of that, in Dr; Mercer's the University of Pennsylvania, was how wide our streets should; be- r- W.F.W. Getting it all fog prevented from taking place; a ^toer view, was that . black children ac- , , WASHINGTON : - „ English is a MMWMI- aBMaMMaiWWMMMMH^NB ^-MMNMn ^ GET IN THE car, get to the job, tually , would have to achieve' at a coterie of shouting, fist ^ swinging; getteral language. To Iive it suc- get on the phone , get through .to than whites if they were demonstrators. . faster fate; , cessfully, we must first get; a good Russell Baker somebody who's got plenty on the to close;, the original gap between Prof. Banfield, author of .; "The No book burning night's -sleep, then get • up, get a ball, ' get him - in a good mood, get them. That they were learning-at the Unheavenly City," . has advanced bath, get shaved, get J- downstairs, cracking, get results, get; ahead, get same rate as the Tnore advantaged the theory; that' a lower-class cul- Of all the recyclable things which appear at a ' - " ' - turei : not overt discrimination get ¦ the papers, get ; breakfast and years. a: headache,' get tired, get some gin, whites, rather . than falling progres- , "dump;'' nothing perhaps is more : representative , : blocks the upward mobility of mi- of get. the children-' off to school. Get off your high; horse. Get get the car, get in the car, get in sively further behind, she argued, ¦ senseless waste than¦ ' . ¦' - '' ' '" '¦' £ book. Some of thern are worn All this presumes, of course, this smart. Get around it by saying, "Get a iraffic.jam , get furious, get a cop's actuallv ; showed a considerable norities. ,. . : :.: .. ;;,. but others are in readable condition. Chances are that' ' h to; being a family newspaper, that you off imy :back;''-; . dander up, get a ticket. - educational gain. . This is; usually enoug per- someone would value having it —; a neighbor, ¦ ¦Or "".Get out of here;and . get me suade antagonists that he is a "rac- will first get married, and th'en'. befc *. John Dillinger: jot his: You got That may be because Pasadena, a friend, a nursing home, hospital, a small school or ' " some money.'' ": . ¦ '.;- - - ' ist" whose; Views should - not be get children. If - married, - you . yours';.- . .. • • .. ;. ":;' - . with, the problerns public library, itfc. With - money you ' could get ; out ¦ trying to cope granted a hearing. The same tac- have got to make breakfast "con- . ;.;Get :home. . ;;.; of ' •' integration; .- ha.s.: developed ¦ nu- ¦froim under,, get in the swim, get . ; tics of suppressing ideas have greet- versation or, if you prefer; the pas- "They got me today. Get the ver- new educational : program's; In Winona a convenient way to dispose of books over the - hump,, get away from it ' merous. : ed him;at . numerous bther-campuses, sive voice, breakfast conversation thouth." ,. <;'/: . ' . " where Dr. Mabel for possible recycling to.others is by donating them all, ; get yourself gloriously adrift on So has Riverside, as they have "Dr. Vyilliam Shockley, has got to be made. '¦Get your chin up off the floor." the school district's direc- to Books Unlimited, operated by the Winona; Courity a sea of prepositions , and jauntily " C. Purl, a Stanford Nobel Prize : physicists . "Get a ' load of this," you might "How can I get my chin up off research , also found limited Historical Society, in the Red Cross building. It's cry to a -world that is out to get tor of Who has voiced the . hypothesis that say, reading something clever from : when I can't get the main parts, of of,: minority gains.; River- open 1 to ;5 p.m. Monday through;Friday. It also ¦ ¦ you, "Hey, world ,; look ! ;I am get- evidence genetic . determinants . influence ifi- ch is the paper. ;.. - -; - ;-:¦: me out from under? Get your head ' " have ; beeri takes magazmes^ for whi there great , ting out from under in over away side's : minority pupils, and Prof. Arthur R. Jen- a demand "I don't- get . it,'' is; a standard ¦ ¦ out of.the clouds arid get this: I've orig- en!''* '.'• showing more or . less the same sen of the University of California, riposte, inviting the retort,; "Get with got to get ready to get through to record- ¦>' • ¦ ' ' You've; got it.; Go-getters get the inal learning disadvantage as whose views are similar V Another possibility r- this one with ah interna- it!" .,. .. somebody who's getting set to get tests con- early bird. Stay-non-getters ; get; got, ed in Pasadena; but in It would be thought that institu- tional friendship twist — is the International Book ' into politics so I can get him on ducted in Iviay 1973, Dr. Purl- dis- Project..; Its local representative Dr. Joseph Foeg- AT THIS STAGE you are; in a •; ; - 'Get this!." - (you are still at break- . tions of higher learniiig would be the , notice he's not getting my, vote un- covered some startling — if scatter- en at Winona State;Gollege says that texts arid tech- classic getteral American ; situation. fast with singatted spouse . now.) "I last places where ideas are not tol- ,. . ; : less he gets something done about ed— achieveiment ' gains. ' nical and professional journals are desired. You tell Language purists would say a clas- am going to get mine, beloved,: John getting this traffhc ticket getted." erated or allowed a hearing. But. the sic goteral situation. Vou've got trour if. ; IBP what you have, it tells you where to send the - Rockefeller got his and I'm going . ..Can you get away with it? Get SHE FOUND black and Spanish disposition of the; lunatic Left is not ble; .Shall you get your gat? Get booksv and you may very well acquire a friend. . , . to get mine." • back to earth! People who can't surname first - graders in several to debate or rebut but to squelch put of here! That can get: you 20 ^ ''John Dillinger got his, too." get avyay . from it . all can hardly schools reading at or slightly, above which is not dissimilar to wliat hap- ' grade level of 1.8, and pened to free discussion; in the So- Don't throw those books away, please. — A.B. expect to get away with ; it, for it the expected ' is much easier to escape from than in several cases noted even more viet Union or Nazi Germany. -:. -- , Graffiti . . . by teafV it is to carry with . you. ; impressive achievements --a . group Civility and reasoned discussion ':. Get the martini , get hap- of Mexican-American first - graders are essential to a- rational society py, get through dinner, get another achieving at a 2.2 grade equivalent arid to discpurse wfthin universities The lesson of headache- get . invited to assist a in math, for instance, and a group in particular, but they are absent child's understanding of how to sub- of black first-graders working at a when distinguished men holding cur- tract in base 13, resist the.impulse to grade equivalent of 2:0 in math. In rently controversial or unpopular the President s cry, "Get lost!" get lost in base. 13, the' second and third grades, she views are shouted down before they get children into bed, get television again found scattered -examples of can even speak. The hostile fringe focused in time to see Hamilton grade-level of'slightly better perform- doesn't want the evidence or to minority students — hear how it is supported, but as one tax deliriquency Burger get the wrong person¦ for the ance by some murders of Getsworth Gett ;¦ and his ' administrator at California remark- About that income tax assessment of nearly a . _>i V rotten brother, Gotten, . ed of Dr. Shockley, "The "completely half-million dollars, including interest, against Pres- Friend free reign of ideas is not an ab- ident Nixon : * GET MERRY. IT IS getting on solute value." toward tomorrow arid you have, aft- The unstead y hand upon the 1. We do repeat, the suggestion that we have er all , gotten through another day. ¦ cane, the traditional check-signing picture; That would be Get your spouse in good spirits by E yes thai so dimly see, ' ' ' ' an inspiration for all of us at this ;- time of year. getting witty. Tell her; "If whoever The mind that sometimes flows Recycling cost got gett and gotten gets Getting be- too slow, Prom Forbes magazines 2. Its payment should not preclude the appro- fore Perry Mason gets the right get- This someday could be me. priate agencies making a determination as to the ter, nobody in Amerjca will ever So I take the hand to cross presence of fraud on the part of the President. be able to communicate again.!' the street The cheapest container system, in The criteria used Spouse rmay reply, "Get-your head in making that determination The faded eyes smile, for then, terms of the total energy expended should be those applied to any other citizen, without All that together." ¦ gold is glitter Her mind's at ease and JO is ¦upon its production and distribution deviation. Both should then get a good , An editorial in is the returnable bottle , according nation, and make the Kuwalts of the night's sleep. mine Forbes Magazine to a study by Professor Bruce Han- 3. When the President said several months ago world who buy it ipso facto world We' ve each found a friend. non of the University of Illinois. that he would abide by the decision of the Joint The present price of gold is crazy powers, needs to have his head ex- New York Times News Service —Ruth D. Smith The returnable bottle requires only Committee as to his tax liability, it was an hon- and promises to be crazier. amined — by a psychiatrist. about hal f as much energy per unit orable procedure although a cynic might suspect The stuff has certain limited in- of volume as the steel can with that, the voluntary act was inspired by the threat dustrial uses and has always been valued as adornment — aluminum lids, though the latter of a charge of fraud. . but as a measure of a nation 's wealth and Preparing for consumes less energy than throw- bottles. But the most striking past, several weeks while the President worth gold Is an anachronistic ab- away 4. In the r,t in the has been making public appearances his overall wn y, When the Arabs and the conclusion of the study, was that standing has certainly risen from a record low. French and the other geld collec- words of Professor Harmon, the future lite of recycling (glass) Payment of his obligations should cause It to rise tors get the price up to a thousand "the net effect total en- several more points. dollars or two or three per ounce, I don 't know whether I believe In containers is to raise the we ought to sell what was $10 bil- a future life (but) f believe that all ergy committment" because of the 5. It would have risen still more if the White lion worth (when we stack it in the that you gQ through here must have considerable amounts of energy House had not included this sentence in reply to the Port Knox hole) and collect the $300 some value, therefore there must needed for the separation and sort- report: "Any errors which may have been Ynarlc in or $400 or £500 bllllo,,. That tidy sum be some reason. And there must ing processes. the pre paration of the President's returns were will more than pay for developing be some "going on." How exactly rmade by those' to whom ho delegated the respon- all the energy we neer 1 . from coal that happens I've never been able sibility for preparing his returns and were made and sun and air and water, nnd will to deci de, finance the production of all the without his knowledge and without lis approval" fer- There is a future — that I' tilizer we need to feed the world. m sure — the usual transparent evasion. of. But how, that. I don 't know. And Anybody that thinks trading that I came to feel that it didn't really 6. "Americans appreciate," as was suggested pile of sterile glitter will make tho matter very much because what- here last Nov. 7, "a humble confessor. And they United Slates a minor, impoverished are a charitable people. The President should give ever the future held you'd have to them an opportunity to demonstrate their capacity face it when you came to it, Just for forgiveness. They may fall him , but he will WINONA DAILY NEWS as whatever life holds you have to face it in exactly the same way. have acted as an honorable man. And that also Is a SERVICE8 FOR An Independent Newspaper — And the (hat thing of value." important thing was Established 1855 you never let down doing the best WILLIAM F. BROWH that you were able to do — It might Funeral Hold Today 7. The lesson of the President's income tax re- MEMBER Or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS be prior because you might not have turns Is this: if he will give the proper authorities ¦; all of the Information they desire concerning those Wxu-iAM F Wilms . . , Publisher much , within yon to give, or to help MRS. PALMER other matters in which It is believed ho was in- C. E. LINDEN , Bua. Mgr., Adv. Dtr, other people with, or to live your (ESTHER) STORSVEEN BRKMKII , Editor-in-Chief ' volved —• thus terminating this silly charade about . . life with. Arrnngemenii Incomplete GARY V7 EVANS .... News Editor But as long as you did the very executive privilege and the integrity of the presi- ML SUE ROETIIELB Asst. News Editor ^ , best thai, you wore able to do, then KlAfATin \ dency — and if he will agree to their (and our) C. GOKDON HOLTB , . Sunday Editor that was what you were put here pun E.RAL Home. judgment of him, then he might suffer an expen- W ILLIAM H, E NGLISH . . . Conlrollor Fotmoil/ sive penalty, but not as costly to him — or to ua A. J. KIEKJIUBCH circulation Mgr, to do and Umt was what you were Broltlow-Mirlln Funotil Horn* . . accomplishing by being here, — -- if he persists in his present course of action . L. S. BRONK .... Compoalno Supt, 3H I M» S«rnl« « Wlnon* LSTON Eleanor Be- L. V. A , . . Engraving - Supt, Roosevelt in "This I IS GONEl!!^' MiotH D»y m Night 454-1940 OBERT "MY NET VALUE B. It la not too lata. — A.B. R VoaiLaAMa , . . Prtss Sunt. lieve" ^^" ¦^• ¦"^ " " « « ^ ** r Arcadia zone First fall in five months plan draws Uri^0pl^ (AP) ., ¦ Id the editor WASHINGTON - the impact of the fuel shortage sonally adjusted 4;6 million. agers 15 per cent;; white work- ally .;. - sharp gain of 240,000 la Unemploymenit . dipped slightly spread through' the economy. It Since October about 530,000 ers 4;6; per cents, and blacks 9.4 February. . from 5.2 per cent ti ,5.1 per persons had been reported iield steady in February at 5.2 :; per cent. opposition cent of the work force in thrown out of work mostly as a For Vietnam . veterans aged -¦ " ABCADIA, Wis. — The pro- March, the government said to- pejr yceht;. . result of the direct or indirect Nonagricultural payroll em- 20 to ,34 years old, the jobless posed ; commercial rezoning of day. It was the. first decline in The Nixon ; administration had effects, of the energy crisis. ployment . dropped slightly in rate increased slightly to 5.1 forecast a sharp rise in unem- March, resulting from a loss a parcel of land at Maui and five months arid raised hopes ' The governmeint said that al- of pei cent. But the rate ior the River streets here has drawn that the rise; in jobl essness that ployment in the first half of the though 'whUe-cpllar . , employ- 150,000 jobs in the goods-pro- younger veterans, those;from opposition from a nearby year but with joblessness aver- ducing industries ; : ¦ ¦ ¦ began with the Arab bit embar- meat has continued to . expand , the govern- age 20 to 24, who are most church;'- " ' .' : ":.'. ' . ¦ ' " aging about 5.5 per cent over ment said.. In. . manufacturing, stood at 9 go may have topped out. at;a strong pace, rising by recently discharged¦ , w^f^^si^M The Arcadia City Council last the : full . year. Some private more than 800 the . transportation , equipment per -Vcent. - ' ,'- . ' .;¦ city of The Labor Department con- ,000 over the Qc- . • . The Winona is: engaged in a timed battle with the wek delayed action oh the re- ecohomists had predicted the I n d u st r y also Housing.and Redevelopment Authority of Wirioria (HRA) oyer sidered the drop of one-tenth of tober-March period , the gross experienced The average work week of zoning request, which would rate would top six per cent. heavy job losses for the third ' the demolition of the city-owned property north of 2nd Street allow construction of a super- one per cent statistically in- was largely offset by a decline production workers last month significant but government According to today's report in blue-collar jobs; mainly due straight month, ¦ dropping by dropped six minutes to 36.8 between Main and Center streets, locally known as the Latsch market, to 7:30 p.m- Monday. from the Bureau ¦¦/¦ In block. Richard Sell midt, Mound, analysts, said: the figures did of Labor Sta- to layoffs in the auto industry. 50,000 hi March. - .: hours^ manufacturing, the tistics,,: total ; employment re- _ Jobs in other goods-producihg average work week fell by .12 The dispute settles on; the basic; issue: Should-the present M|nn., seeks the rezoning from suggest stability in the job pic- " residential to commercial to ture. •. - . - ' - mained essentially unchanged . .. Unemployment rates for most industries — construction and minutes to . 40.3: hours. ' .'• • . - . buildings on Latsch block be renovated or razed? Arguments for; the .; second . consecutive groupings , ; allow construction of a super- hi :the labor force mining — declined hy. 40,000 The average weekly pay from the HRA concede that in order to save the remainder ¦- • •: ¦:' The nation's unemployment month at 85.9 million in March were mostly . unchanged last over the month but 'in; the sery- of downtown Winona market. . . check was listed as $148.23 in (i.e. the blocks east of Center to Walnut Opposition at last week's pub- rate jumped from ;a 3V4-year while the: number of people not month. The jobless rate, for ice-producing >. industries em- March, an increase of 77 cents street north of 2nd Street) the Latsch block may have to be lic hearing came from officials low of 4.6 per cent in October at work edged down from 4.7 married men was 2,4 per cent; ployment sacrificed. ' ¦- ; - . -:'•- - reniained Unchanged from February and $8.01 sine* ; . of nearby Trinity United Meth- to 5.2 per cent in January as miilion in February to a sea- adult women 5 per cent; teen- last month following an "unusu- March 1973. A number of concerned citizens of the city believe that odist Church, who fear it will the Latsch block is structurally sound arid should by no naeans change ; the character of the be demolished. This conclusion is based on a recent tour of neighborhood and cause traffic the buildings with Thomas Lutz, survey analyst for the Min- congestion. V nesota State Historical Society and recent graduate oi the The city planning commission Spriiiprove and zoning board of appeals electric University of Minnesota School of Architecture.. Higher i5ass0rY|ers have already recommended ap- QE2 THE BUILDINGS on the Latsch block have, no doubt, proval of the zoning change. worn with tinae^ being built back in the late 1800s and early River Street there has bteri native named 1900s. However,.the buildings remain structurally sound and a dead-end since the old river if rehabilitated in the next several years will lend themselves bridge collapsed, and council- costs for^s^eri jubilant about men discussed possible costs of ROCHESTER, Mnn. — Due conservationistsi he s aid. to any type of restoration plan whether it be commercial or ve designed our hew coal- residential ' - . replacing the bridge or. creating t«; boonung coal prices and "We' ./ :; ;. .: environmental : controls burning generation plant so it Luther speaker - ; a one-way street to alleviate rigid. , SPRING GROVE, Minn. (Spe- , With the basis that "the feasibility of restoring the Latsch traffic problems. higher retaiL electric rates are will burn low-sulfur coal from block is indeed conceivable and measurable; there is another , " cial)*— Joseph Laiigland, noted sea rTiisadventure The council last week also inevitable, James Sherwood' told the western ; coal fields. How- poet and: professor at the strong reason why these buildings should not be leveled. The received a petition from the Ar- another group of conser- Uni- By RICHARD W. FOSTER them to New York.; stockholders . attending the r* ever, versity of Mas-^ attitude reflected by the existing architecture, prevalent cadia Industrial Development annual meeting of Peo- vationists is fighting strip-min- NEW YQRK ; .(AP>; — Fa- At the Bermuda airport pas- cent 37th sachiisetts, Am- sengers were given refund, throughout downtown Winona, captures an era of time and Corporation asking annexation ples Cooperative Power Associ- ing coal fields in Montana. Wy- tigued but . generally jubilant attention : herst; - will give checks ranging : from $395 to , making it sole possessor of the past. Winona is of 243 acres of land just east .. . oming and the Dakotas because about their misadventure .'on of the city, intended for an ; in- ation. . - - the commence- seemingly the last Midwestern river town , with any of its Sherwood, assistant to, the .gen- oi ' environmental concerns," the high. .seasy four planeloads $920 for their cruise fares. dustrial park. .. .' older structures still intact. \ eral manager of Dairyland Pow- Sherwood, said; ment - exercises of passengers . from the disabled Among 291 .passengers on the Gouncilmen approved a reso- at Luther Col- As urban renewal has become the trend up and down the lution saying it has no objection er Cobperatrve, La^ Crosse, Wis., liner Queen Elizabeth 2 have third of the flights which ar- river, it has paved over the structures of the past, losing ¦' HE ANTICifPATES a sharp in- lege, Decorah, rived Thursday evening was to the annexation. If the annex- the .• cooperative's; power sup- crease^ in the use of electricity arrived here at Kennedy Air- them forever from, our- admirable vision. Winona is indeed plier, said inflation is hitting Iowa, May 19. / port. Ron Horrisby, New York Giants a classic city, ation petition is successful, the for heating homes and business The native of a sole reminder of the invention, strength, and planning commiission must act power generation and cited gen- "I loved it! I'm ready to go linebacker, one of a . contingent ambition laid down: by the people who walked this; land be- plants in the coming years be- Spring Grove ¦ ¦ on a plat , of the proposed area eration pjans which Dairyland cause again!" said 2Wrs. . Fannie of nine professional fobtbaU fore .us.; '' . . '' . ¦ ' . - ¦ ' . . v • ' :¦; ¦; ; "oil and natural gas; are also ¦will re- players aboard the liner. ; . . before it can be developed. plans to have in operation at in critical supply whereas ah AbeU, 89, of. Rockville, Md., Aima and Genoa, Wis., within ceive the honr who said she was oldest passen- "It was;a great experience. TIME IS OF the essence in this fight to save our city, almost unlimited supply of coal bfary doctor of ; and we the people "Winona two years. , ger aboard the Cunard liner. We had good fellowship," said of are the subject of this entire is available for generating elec- letters degree Langland matter. It is a questiop of: What do the people want to see 5!qpdmobile sets BECAUSE of inflation and tricity;";. Hornsby, ''H we hadn't run out . from tie college. *'VVe feel fine. We're glad, to in the midst of their city, a reenactmerit of. the courthouse, environmental fa c t o r s, the .' Because of environmentalists of ice and electricity, we would .. , Langland has held Ford, Amy be alive," said Mrs. Antoinette have, been in great shape. It which; proves the viability of restoration, or an out-of-context tliree-day visit to Alma plant,, a coal burning op- Dairyland has expended huge urban center, which threatens;to sprawl throughout the down- eration similar to one at Cass- Lowell and Arts and Humani- McGreevy, of White Plains, was; rough going when the beer ' v ' sums on tall smokestacks N.Y. "We could have been town area? ' V' - ' . - - Houston County yille. Wis., will cost $125 mil- ties; FeUowships, has partici- and whisky got warm;" . ; ^ ; ; and precipitators at their pated in art festivals around feeding the . sharks, you know," The' The city council is the people's voice; we, as individuals, CALEipONIA,^ Minn. -- The iion.. The Cassville plant, in op- plant at Alma 65,863-ton : lihet was .still : , Sherwood; said. the world and has been on read- the gray-haired woman added adrift ' today, as engineers can express concern, pro and con to the issue, through the Hed Cross BloodmoMle will be eration since 1969, cost $45 mil- This, has eliminated such air "''¦ iht Houston Courity ; April 15 :. ing tours throughout the United briskly. ;- . : worked feverishly to avoid th« utility of our local government; Let us inunediately phone or lion, Sherwood said. pollutants as .flyash, soot, and through 17. "A giant nuclear generating States.. '; Thev youngest passenger spectacle of the queen of Brit- write pur councilmen to influence their stand on this issue; . smcke. "Today t3ie. air is clean If; the mechanism of this government is; to work, the people Changes in donor eligibility plant at Durand, Wis., being : He was born in Spring Grove aboard the ship, Jimmy Collins, ish shipping being . towed into ¦ ' : and pure over Alma- and the of Port Jefferson N.Y. said must offer their voice, to let the men of the city council know taclude 17-year-plds with paren- planned in. partnership with swroimdirig . to second generation Norwe- 4, , ,. Hamilton Harbpr by. tugboats. consent- , countryside!" . he gian-American parents he was never afraid. "It was where the,people stand... : . tal and persons who Northern States Power Com- concluded. , grew - easy; The boat broke ;, we went "It's a mattei: of pride," . ; The following is a breakdown of the city into wards, with have had malaria , but have had pany, will cost : about $2.2 bil- : The annual report up in Iowa, and attended Santa , ; showed a , into a little boat and then into a R.O.P; Greig, . Cunard Lines the home addresses of the appropriate councilmen corres- no- recurrence within¦ the last lion," he added. total of $5,425,524 in patronage Aha College and the University ' ¦ ' tfiree years. ;. ¦ ¦ "Do you know what1 a Million of Iowa. ; big boat."¦'¦;¦. technical . director said . Thurs- ponding to each ward: • . . ;.: capital at the end of 1973; a day. "I want her to come in ;Ist The schedule: April .15, 3 to dollars looks'like? If y6u ;took a 1 He taught at Dana College The 1,648 passengers, aboard.: Ward—west of South Baker Street to the city limits-^ ' $226,399 increase oyer ; ' the under her own power." Councilman : Earl Lautfenbiifger, 1500 W. Howard St. 7 p.m. at La Crescent . Legion stack¦, of^ $10,000 bills, and piled $5,689 125 in 1972. ;¦ for one year, spent four years the Queetv were transferred at > ¦ : ' ¦ Two ocean-going tugs 2nd Ward — 'east of South Baker Street to Washington Hall;. April 16, 1 to- 7 p.m. at them, as high . as the Washington ' ' B- ¦ • ¦ '• in military service, .taught 10 sea to the : Norwegian,, cruise were Street —. B. Eugene Cough; 210 Wilson St, ; Caledonia Municipal Auditori- Monument, that; is what the Dur- The hoofs of all deer are so years, at the University of Wyo- ship Sea Tenture oh - Wednesday en route today from New York um, and April 17, from 1 to 6 to tow the liner into port should Cbimcilman-at-large for the 1st and 2nd wards: Stephan De- and .p¦lant ; will cost," Sherwood smaE they are not of much use ming and is. currently teaching after a boiler breakdown Mon- p.rrx. at the Spring Grove Trin- said ' - . ' " . • . '. . - day left - the QE 2 adrift in the the efforts; of Cunard engineers lano, 257 W. Broadway. ^ for pawing and the animals at the University of Massachu- 3rd Ward — east of Washington Street to Vine Street — ity Lutheran Church. It is impossible to; please all feed entirely by browsing. setts. . ' '. Atlantic 250 miles. sbuthwest of fail. The last of the chartered ¦¦: ¦ - [ ¦ ¦ ¦>¦ ' ¦ jets arrived at Kennedy Airport Ray;Ruppert¦ , 404 E. Sanborn St. ;. - . . Bermuda. ; " .:¦ ' 4th ' When the last of the tenders at 10:28 p.m. with 425 passen- . :. Ward -,:East of Vine Street¦ to the city limits -^ Jerry ' - ¦¦ Borzyskowski, 827 E. 4th St; ¦:¦ -..-. . ferrying passengers to the. Sea eers aboard. '" ' Councilman-at-large for the 3rd and 4th wards: Barry Venture left the Queen, ''Rule Nelson, 467 E.. 5th ;St. . ;/¦-.:, Britannia", was played over the ¦ Harvard "ship's public address system. - . -' THIS IS where the issue stands at present. The city coun- opts|f^j iiaii|)Sii^A pRiypE . "They kept playing it : over j ...... race is inferior mentally to. the ted even cil has given the HRA authority to purchase the Latsch block. to discuss them? The cation and simple decency : by and over and a lot of people Before the actual demolition grounds of the buildings can begin the white race. These students uni- for such censorship resorting to wholesale obsceni- were crying," . said . Mickey issue , will again be faced in the chambers of the city council. £^. Max/?a laterally decided that ? the were given lamely by President ; The council meets f^)r as; ty, campus. PATRICK LOWTHER ¦campus should be locked and . members of the Primitive DR. SCHOCKLEY'S argu- tered by Cunard lines to take harred against all points of view Fundamentalist Church decide ments should have been heard except that NEVER 1VHND that Shockley flp Adult of the Establish-, is a man of international emi- that the Harvard biology de- even if Harvard had to summon ment. Here's what I mean; Rochester firm is nence. Never mind, either, that partment should eliminate from the police, the National Guard A debate had been scheduled its course of study any refer- and the U.S. Marines to protect low bidder H Teen-Age at Harvard Sept; ' renowned psychologists like apparent last . 26 . be- Arthur Jensen of Berkeley, ence to that "irrational and per- ham from the enemies of aca- tween Bay Innis and — A Ro- mm Classes , national di- Richard Herrnstein of Harvard nicious theory of Darwinian demic freedom. Nothing is WABASHA, Minn. rector of the Congress of Raci- evolution? chester firm is the apparent low al ; Equality, have recently come to the same more vital than the right of and Dr. William Indeed open discussion, in order that bidder for reconstruction of a Shockley, Nobel conclusions about racial intel- , it's possible now to Prize-winner. ligence as Shockley has imagine the wildest extremes of the citizenry may hear all sides portion of Highway 60 here. At the last min- Let's zero in instead on the unhinged derangement flower- and judge accordingly. Without Rochester Sand & Gravel, ute, the affair main issue: the right — nay, ing and burgeoning at dear old this, we are preprogrammed ro- Inc., was the apparent low bid- was canceled bots; ' der with a bid of $167,610 for by the sacred duty — of . all insti- Harvard in the days to come - . uoii Howard tutions of higher, learning to ex- After all what could top the Harvard laid a bomb on this reconstruction of Highway 60 be- ifP ' , Browns t eih, emine evenhandedly all contro- nuttiness of the Shockley cen- one. Not only did it cop out tween Hiawatha Drive and 2nd : president of the Street here. Harvard Law versial intellectual issues, and sorship? To deny freedom of on Shockley and on the whole School Forum, to encourage students to draw speech to a scholar because academic world. In the most Work is to begin May 13 and Kgetmore their own conclusions from evi- some of his potential listeners solemn and tragic scene, it cop- be completed In 66 working who abruptly re- scinded the dence openly presented and sub- have decided in advance that ped out on itself . days. speaking invita- ject to scholarly critcism. they aren't going to agree with tion previously Now it's very possble that what they think he's going to garage Shockley is simply to dismantle a 1 *\ extended to Dr. 's findings about black say / - -* \ RaV rty Shockley. inferiority are as phony as an university's main reason for ex- NOTE TO LAWN ADDICTS! I *^»*r* \y| far your oney Why? Because the Black Law Arab victory claim, But how in istence. m Students Association objects to blazes axe they to he put to If a speaker exhorts his audi- Shockley's. widely publicized re- the test amd either proved or ence to violence, or violates the search findings that the black disproved if no one is permit- canons of scholarly communi- Don' t Mis s

nMHMHMMaMMMBNB ^HHMM PMH^A Learn to play now la "GREEN-UP TIME'' that you can intertaln :. ' : ' . ^_-g ' ' . r- " . !¦ ¦ With ; yourself tnd your 1 3»-^ ^H friendj. Our All-Bilt garage plan lets you get more garage fij^RffflnBff"*^*^^* 1^A'fM V/If V i^s^s^i^H ' & Chuck Williams for your money... and you don't lift a finger. Sus- IMMMBHM ***^"*^^'^^^^' Bob McQueen sel does everything from laying the slab to shin- gling the roof. We save on the cost of lumber by 6 Week -sbuying in volume. Our own lumber yard pre-cuts Saturday Mornings the lumber to exact specifications. That makes it easy for our expert carpenters to erect the gar- Crash age super fast...saving you even more on the 8:35 AM. cost ol labor. We pass both savings on to you. Course Take advantage of special Winter sa#lgs and ¦ (Right After "Happy Howard") 4 Weak* of Uiionv order now. TRAVEL TRAILER, CAMPER Sussel also offers exclusive Near-Bill and Un- Cholct of tirnef. ' ON Bllf garage plans. No matter which one .you Private L«ss.ont Start chc/ose, yot'i'll get more garage for your money NOW frorja Sussel, & MOTOR HOME LOANS I BUILD NOW - PAY NOTHING — NEW OH USED — H AT ALL UNTIL 1975 $ talk to the "rVllnutemen at Merchants" ... 12.95 a Irec (islimale or ,a free calalotj. (rrn\ qnr ni in ^^ H (Includes utt of guitar, for Danny, Frank, Max or Jim — Installment Loon Dept. oi page design Ideas call: \d\il)Zo3 U- - . . - : -' . . + '• ¦ ' (The American Lutheran) . . - (1455 Park . Lane) 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. " ¦.¦' ¦ (Wabash* ana Hutt stretti) Eldred R.; Hamilton, 10:45 a.m.—Morning worship. The Ret. G. H. Huggenviky;; Brant* President 6 p.m.—Orchestra practice. ¦ o.-30 p.m.—Adult choir , practice. '¦' ¦. pastor 7 p.m. —Prayer service. 10:30 a.m. - Priesthood. • 7:30 p.m.-Evangellstlc service.• " .-•' -. The Rev. H. J. Sortland, pastor I0.-M a.m. - Relief . Society. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Bible study- ' ¦ ¦ " "• ¦ ' ' ¦' ' ' ' 11:45 a.m. — Sacrament. ¦ . ¦ . , . - . : . ' - . I ¦i.m.'. — . Palm Sunday worship. Ser- Tuesday, 4 . p.m. - Prlmiary. mon, "Agony, and Ectasy,''. Luke 23:1-47. 7 p.m. — MIA: CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Mrs. Richard Lindner, orsanlst, "All 9. a.m. — .Siincfay icfiool, . . • (Orrln : Street and Highway 41) Glory Laud and Honor." Bender, and l ; ' ' : "Hosarina," •Tltcorne. ' : . ' SEVENTH -DAY '. " ^ " / ': Rev. Steven Oliver »:15-and 10:30 a.m. - Worship; 'with and organ same as above. 9:15 ADVENTrST CHURCH sermon 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. ¦ ¦ senior , choir anthem "All Glory Laud (East Sanborn and Chestnut);. . ' — Adult Bible study., : . • ¦- - . ¦ '9t45.-a.m. . and Honor." 10:30 offertory solo by: Mrs. Pastor Charles L. Klatt -' 10:55 a.m. — Morning 1 worship service. Glenn Carlson. Nursery provided. - , - . . - . o- ' .pirn. '.' — Choir practice..; ' lo:30 a.m. : — Reception isf ' new". mem- .7 p.m. — ¦ Evening service.- ' ; 9:45 a.m. . — Sabbath school. Lessen . . bers. -Coffee hour follows, in the fellow- 8:15 p.m. — Teen Fellowship. ' study: "The Author Identified."; Lesson *h!p:riall. . : Tuesday : through Sunday, 7:30 p.m. — " »:1S and 10:30 a.m.' — S unday school text: Rev, 1:1.-20. . . '45 — Worship. , Holy. Week services with the Rev.. Nor- —3 y«ar nursery thru 7th ' orade. 10: :a.m. man Bloom evangelist and Larry and ¦ ' Potluck diner at Lake Park ¦ ' Tuesday; ¦ 7 :45 p.m. — .;. Church . Coun- Noon —¦ Pat Neff ,. singers. ' ' Lodge, . '. ' ' ¦ ¦' ' ' cil meets; Deacons and;Trustees prior ¦ . . ' ¦ . •;. - ¦ to. meeting. . ¦. ¦ |pilgHjpjB|B3^ . . Wednesday, . , 10 . a.m. — Ladles Bible SALVATION ARMY KRAEMER DRIVE study. . (115 W, 3rd St. l CHURCH OF CHRIST .5:30 ¦ . p.m. " — Lenten service with ^ ¦ ' ;¦ Eugene Bradshaw, : . ' ' ' '¦ ¦ . Drive) Communion. Sermon, "A New Coven- I !: ""^ , ^gfjlff!|mM Cap*. . . : - (1460 .- Kraemer ant.."- Vocal . solo by Tlni Wlechi Ofler- Commanding officer Mry Bruce Logue tory' by Ksren Lehrneler.. Special cdn- eretwtfofwl: meeting, follows service; ¦2 ' ¦ lO ' a.m.—Bible; study . for all agel. . ' ' p.m.—Sunday scnool in. ' tnurley¦ . Thursday; 7:30 p.m. — Maundy Thurs- :¦ '¦ ' " .11 a.m.—Worship, service:- • ¦ ' ' • - b' ''y^HfflffrawM Home . - .- ¦ ; . day Communion service. Sermon, "A :6 p,m.—Evening Worship. ;¦ • New Covenant, : Vocal solo by Miss Tuesday, 7 p.m.—Home League at " Westdale. . Tuesday, 6:45 ; a.m. r- Christ In. Our ' Williams. ' . Veiling of .the cross Bradshaw residence, 510 ¦ . Tawny ¦ . '¦'; follows.' ' - . ' . ' ' . ¦¦ * Time, KV/NO.. . - . \\ \ > ¦WSi Wi."' 'Hi Bra mU^^U^A' ^^Hi ^^^K^^^f^^^H^^^L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HnH ^ t~-.T ' Good: Friday, 12-3 .p.m; — Worship— .^^H CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH Wednesday, . 7 . prri:—Small, group . Bible HHIIIH ¦ ' "The Seven Last Words.'-' - 7-20 minute ^ ¦¦ ' • - - ' . study. Public -Invited. - ¦ i.i.-{ iFr«K, j slSiBBBB£f! *t-% < i^"--^ < .. jPjnsMH . ,, ... A ^* .;. - (476 W. Sarnie St.) , •ervlces with . Music and Intermlrtence. ,^J^^^^^^^^^Mj^^^^^^^K^^^eLt^^^^^^^^^^^n^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ni^Bm^K.mmK ^^KKK^mmBmi^'4 Joseph Selieny Pastors at Faith Lutheran and '. Cedar The Rev. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Valley Lutheran participating. - . ' ' ' 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school'Wr with FELLOWSHIP classes for all ases. mcludlng nursery. Dr. Fred Foss. Chairman ST, MATTHEW'S; LUTHERAN Adult' study topic:;"A Ministry ol . mir- (Studies in Mark)-. . ' . '. . ¦' (Wisconsin Synod) ¦ acles" . • ,• '., ' — Breakfast,- WenOnah Room, ; " 10:45 a.m. — Morning worship .service (West Wabasha and Hlahl flilt^raBHIi liBi ^is^iHHislis ^i^is^B^iflu ^isiiSii ^ii^i Sebeny bringing , the mes- Kryzsko Commons, Winona State Col- with Pastor lege. Contact Fred- Foss for reservation. The Rev. A. t. Menpicke, pastor sage:. Choir special. Nursery and- .-Ju-nlor - ¦ ¦ ¦ The: annual meeting will follow. lit ^^BS» ^LSVs^BJBt^lsiWa^ls^ls^ls^lsllsils^ls^ls^ls^lslc^Sis^^i^i^^ ^ provided. :. ' . ¦ Vicar Thomas; Ziebell ' Cburch- ¦ . ; ¦ ' '•«: — Youm group for t«ns -, - . ¦w - 1J p.m.. ! 11 \ ^h^BnnH^ ^PSKflR^uBSl^Rfl^^^^^^h^h^h^B^h^h^h^h^h^LB^h^h^h^h^h^^ age w!1h Dr. - and Wrs. • '.' •¦ a.m. — Worship. Sermon, "A R«- and college ¦ ' ': Archie Belghley, directors. . markable Procession.", -Mrs. . Gerald 'J - ' High Group, The CatKplic services Mueller, organist, ¦ ¦ ' -; If ¦»J m tt i^i^BMg!feiw»'JJs^Hi ^I^W.Mit«^^^^^^H^^^^^^^H^|^^H^^HP|HKy^^>^S|^H|i^^^^^HfliH K . 7:30 p.m. — : Evening service. Sermon: 10:30'a.m. —: Contlrrinataiori. Organ ' ' ' ¦' ' • OF SACRED HEART '. - The iunlor - and senior "i Swear By. Myself.¦ " .,. - „ »arrie as earlier . • _ - AWANA Volr. ' ^^^^|^^|^^U^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^SS|9 ^N^^ B . Masses; . ' .Thursday, 10 a.m. . Confession; for Methodist Services vided at 9:30 and 11 — ' 45- 'tp eonflrmands. Sacrament of. Penancei . .Daily. 4t:. ¦' p.m.j urday-: 3-5 arid 7: 30-9 p.m. 7;30' pm. ~. Communion: Sermon, • ' . ' ; : '' 5:10 .'Sat. . •¦' - XJENTRAL . Dally; Masses: 7 a.m. - .ahd 5:15 p.m. "The; Testament • Of . Hls.: Love." Trie METHODIST Junior choir . will sina, Wrs. Gerald Muel- K^^^^^^KK^^Kf ^Bf ^^^B^BSII^^^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^KBStaKmSKI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^KK^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^m^^KiIJNITED " ' ' ' ler , orsanlst. ';. . . ^K^^^^^^^^^^^^ K^^^s^B^^^^^^^B^^^/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ KBSSKKK^^KK^KIK^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I^^^^K^^^^B^^^BB^^^^^^^u(West Broadway and Main) . .. . - ,\ : ST,-;STANISLAUS;. - ' , Prlday, 10- .aim: . — German' . Corrv- ' ' "^ ' the Rev.. Harlyn Hagmann, (East '4th and .carlmona) .- ' munlon. - Mrs. WHjeller, isrsanist." ^s^^FT : m^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^WSF ^F ^B ^^^^^ ^^^ ^I ^r. : ^^^La^Ma^^a^^~^L^^^^M '. .1:30 pm. : —, Good Friday wbrshlfJi senior pastor The Rev, Donald W. Grubisch; Sermon, "Take Up Yo*r. Cross." Mrs. {pastor - . " Mueller, organist. .Kindergarten through The Rev. Roger A. Parks . si>th grade,, directed .by " . Mrs. Warren .'.•¦ associat* pastor The Rev.; Peter Fafinski Hoppe, will, sing, "Wh-en I . Think . Of The Rev. Hilary Brixins Calvary. . ,. " ¦ a- ' Church school classes tor > 7:30. p.m. Communion. Sermon, > ni/ — The Rev/ janies Lennon ~ year-old-children through adults,; A Blessed Departure From This life- " ." 10:30 a.m. — Palm Sunday Worship. Mrs. Wayne Slender, organist. - T«t« ; associates f "t^^m^m^[9^L&XmService ^^ with children; and cnolrt. . Or«n choi r, : directed - by Mrs. Hoppe, will Forward selection: "The Royal Banner! eeteoratloha—(7:30 si ns, "Drawn to the Cross," "Lord children Sunday Eucharlsllc Go," Everett TUcomb. Nursery p.m. Saturday, 5:15 p.rn. - .when an- Keep Ul Steadfast," "Lord Jesus: M Choir. . 7:30 a;hn.,- Saturdaysr-3-5 p.m. and 7 to . \W1i preaching service must endTencToiiroux ^ v ^ Thursday. .7 p.m.. — Choir. ' Adult ' class In the , Sauer ' Home. f TT . 7:30 - p.m. and after, the 7:30 p.m.' Eu- | j| gI You In The ChurchOlUTch 1 Communion ¦10:4S a.nrf. '. .—. Worship. .. Confirmation. S p.rn.—Maundy Thursday charlstic celebration/ Thursday before ¦ ¦ personalersonaI serviceservice should never stop. It should be a J ' " . ' . Mrs. . Robert Trernaln, ' organist. " Ho- J P J TL " l| service. . - . first Friday—3 .ta 5 p.m. and 7 t» » ¦annai" m I M n. l. 1 v I Friday; 1 p.m. —- Good Friday¦ service, , Dubois. "The Palms," Faure. w«D' JOU ¦? ¦ ¦ ' " . ^W daily practice, and not a once-a-week-tokenence-a-week-token that is haphazarhaphazayMydl ^P84$6 ..tM?..lM ™ J ou I First Congregational Church. , "Hosanna, to the King," Ellson. - f y "^ ' . Thursday, '7:30 p.m.' — Communion. ' - formforni a combination I ;. , -. ST." MARY'S .-V' -;. '8:15 p.m. — Choir .-rehearsal. . k I J done. And it should be sincere, done out of love instead of a mere 7 , 11 McKINLEY , . (1303 w: Broadway-) Friday, .noon — Good Friday- service it 1 _ ' for good. Every man, METHODIST ¦t Central Lutheran. ^ c I - I. - J r i • a El UNITED The Rev, Joseph Mountain, mm p erformance, which ists done many times f or p ersonal gain.m. (801 West Broadway) ¦ | | | | f ga vTonfawomann wdand eWldcM d nTedsneeds | |F pastor ' - . ST. MARTIN'S LUTHERAN The Rev. Grlenn L. Quam, , i I , When our personal service ceases, then the the influence of the 1 J ¦ The Rev. Jameg Kuni

four Your Contributions Of Wealth and Service Into The Program Of Your Church, Here They Will Help Oeate Lasting Benefits for All Mankind. Winona Boiler & Steel Co. Marigold Dairies and Lake Center Switch Co. Park Plaza Hotel Rollingstone lumber Yard Chns. J. Olsen & Sons Plumbing Ralph CHrnlntki arid Employ** Polly Meadows Dairy Foods Management and Bmployei Manasement and Stall RolllngilOft*, Minnesota Clarence Olsen and Employes

Alf Photography, Inc. American Cable vision Co, Badger Foundry Co. Polachek Electric Walz Bulck-Olds-GMC Curloy's Ceramic Tile Co. Richard Alf and Start Tom Plttt and Sltlr and Employes Will Polachtk Family Jack and Don Wad a stall Wm. "Curlay "' Slevon an«l stall Montgomery Spelti Philli Ward X Co. Tempo Department Store Culligara Soft Water Service ps "66" Sorvlce Hod dad's Cleaners & Laundry Happy Chef Restaurant Management and employes Management ana E mptoyee Joseph and jamas Spoil* FranU Allen and Employes Rocky Hiddad and Bmployei Mil Boone and Bmployei Alfurq State Bank 5toto Farm Insurance Srebrecht P. Earl Schwab Co. Gibson Discount Center 1 Floral Co. Pharmacy Member F.D.i.c Jerome "Jerry' Fakler and Stall P. Bert Schwab and Stall Gplt* and All employ" Mnnspemtnl and Bmploya* Nell R.QoIri and still Winona Dally News Ruth' Restaurant Northern States Power Co. Jones & Kroeger Office Pro-ducts Morgan's Jewelry * The Management and Panonnol end All Employes Merchants National Bank KM Rl C« and Itatl , Clarence Du'tllman and Stall Stev* Morgan and stall Olllcors - Directors - Jtifl J. C. Penney Co. Peerless Chain Co. Smith's Winona Furniture Boland Manufacturing Co, Kujak Bros. Transfer, Inc. Pally and Al Smith & Stall Paul Miller and Stair Managomenl and Bmployei Hi-Way Stan Boland and Employes Shell Hubert, Ma rlln and Employes Dale Brabbll and employe* Thorn, Inc. 1st. Fidelity Set v. & Loa n Assn. Kendall Corporation Soars Roebuck & Co. Free schilling aim stall Bunko's APCO Service R. D. Cornwall ana employee Mr. and Mr». doyil Thern Madison Silos Bob Nolion and Hmplcym Bd Bunko ana Employ** Joswick Fuel & Oil Co. Dlvn, ol cttromalloy Corp. Hoiifelci Manufacturing Co. Country Kitchen Restaurant Williams Hotel & Restaurant H, P, Joswick and Employes Bloedow Bake Shop Ron Lynn and BmUcyti Turner's Market Minigwmnt ana Imployn Ray Moyor and stall Julius Oortios and employe* / ' H. Choate & Co. Oorotd Turnir and Cmployei Burmeister Oil Co. and Employ«i Dunn Blacktop Co. Quality Chevrolet Co. Sandy's Restaurant lund Office Supply Co, evin H, Divlei am) flail Prad Burm«l(t«t and Stalt James Mauioll anp s'all Watkins Products, Inc. Dave Jinkini and stall Morlln Lund and Joromo Rosok Mark-It Management and Bmployei H. S. Dresser & Son, Contri. Foods Karsteti Construction Co. Quality Sheet Metal Works Gene Karcisch, Rociltor Oon Luikan aM e mpioYf Harry in* Jim Drmar * Stilt Ooorga Karsten and Slaff Holiday Inn The Manaaimini and employes and Safu Stall Featuring unman'* Reitiuranl Brom Machine & Foundry Cone's Ace Ha rdware Fawcetl Funeral Home Downtown Shell Service Randall's Super Valu Bauer Electric, Inc. Paul Broil? and ¦mpioyea •nd All employee Manaaoment and Hmployoi Mike Rlamann and Employes jnmos Hoflui inn Employai Runoll Bauer ami Stall

W. r. Grant Dept Storm MnpleJoaf lanes ' Winona Agency The Christian Book Store Winona Ready Mixed Concrete Warner & Swasey Co. oonny and Ptt« o-rootin» Mrs, Mturlna Strom and Halt Jam*»schaln and stall 4th * Laltyilla Itanry Jcharmir and Employn Badgir Division and Employe* jhoJuhiL q HL. (j 4$ jsihqi0£i^ Vy c>rri©r. s route to pulpit A quesrlon i$ lond and circiJtous MADISON NJ. (AP) - Nan- get support it, 1" : ^ , for ' . nate . between them when they . cy 'BahmueUC'r-Grard took a tra- Her circuitous route to the choose pastors. ; : ditional route for women in re- ministry is not unusual for ligious professions when , she women, says the' director of ad- SHARWCi SUCH a position at identity theological seminary Plaihfleid's First Park Baptist of went to missions . for the — Drew semi- ¦¦¦ ¦ Church - - ' "are ' ' . ' Janet .; Gifford By THE REV. BRUCE LOGUE, Pastor¦ the first time. Last year she nary. The percentage of wom- :¦ ' Thorne and her ! husband, Colbi . Kraera-er Drive Church of Christ • • , returned to work toward her en .enrolled at that school has ¦ '¦; "Behold; I will make those of the synagogue of Satan Vino jhaster . of divinity degree and doubled in recent years, accord- They have .been co-associato .. say that they are Jews arid are not, hut lie—behold, I will ; has- since been ordained by the ing to the . Rev. Diane Beniie- pastors, to the church's ¦senior minister since August. '; .;¦ ' ," make them come and bow down before your feet and learn "United Methodist Church. . '. karnper.- "There's- a sense 'of struggle that I have loved you," Revelation:3:9. They called ;them- .The South Piainfield minister She points but.that a majorf selves Jews, but Christ called them the synagogue of : with -what sort of an identity I -¦" is among a growing number of ity are in the master of divrin- Satan.'V .' . ' . .. . [". :[.' : should have," notes the Rev. women seeking such a career. ity program- that can lead to Mrs; Thorne, who is not alone ;; Philadelphia, to -whom this warning is addressed, was lo- ordinatjon.. cated where the borders of Mysia, Lydia, . A FIELD ; education assistant ;among women , ministers who and Phryfia met. It was founded with the at Drew University Theological WOMEN attending the Kew consider.;themselves part of the; . deliberate intention that it might be a mis- School, she first . worked in the Brunswick Theological Saitni- "larger women's struggle." sionary.of Greek cultuxe and language to Ly- field of CSvristian education. ; nary in the past, four years "I have a sehse of; visioh be?; ; dia .and Fhrygia, : and it did its work WeJL "I realized back then that I have been the first to . enter cause I see how things could be Philadelphia was also located on the edge of really wanted to preach and do since 'its founding : in 1784. and little ;ways how tiiey. . . " a great plain: called by the Greeks, "Katake^ :¦' are changing," she says./: such work as pastoral counsel- The enrollment of women is ' kaumene,' - which means The Burned Land. ¦ up 20 percent over last , year at The presence of women in • • used in his pet show. The ing," , says the 33-year-oid min- ¦ This was a volcanically active area arid Phil- GETTING NE3EDLED . .. A sixth-grade to be^ class.pup pup- . interested in estab- Princeton Theological -.'¦. Semi- campus ministries is helpful to - shaken, ister, who is . . adelphia was often by the eruptions boy at Our Lady of Grace School in New - pets-are replicas of Bible characters and the lishing women's centers^ "I felt nary, according to Mrs. Mau- students interested . in religious - of the land. It . is ID this city that a sihall: York's borough of the Bronx has an inter- ; show.will act out Bible stories. (AP Photpfax) at Uie time it was a very, rice H. Smith of that school's vocations, :who . "at least need . ,group of Christians met.. This small male band of estedr female spectator as he makes a puppet kind of thing and I didn't really administrative staff. She says a . niodel," .. observes the Rev, people had been:diligent to keep,the word of they are showing an interest in .Aida Spencer of Trenton.. ... Christ. In spite . of the antagonism by "the Hev. Logiie "I don't tliink of it as sbme«;, ' specialized ministries; siich. -as ^ /.synagogue of Satan" they had not denied the name oi . the Europeans Say- working;with the .haridicapped one to copy but just to see , - : Lord; According to Revelation 3:9, these opponents called . or 'prison inmates, : as someone like you in a role and . tWng , . welL as themselves JewsV but Jesus . said they lied. Saying a _ seeking church pastorates. •' to identify with the role," notes . doesn't make the 26-year-old . Presbyterian Frank Waters tells about the ; Polynesian tribes who;first .-: ¦ '. . Major denpminatidns are get- ting "geared up'' to the idea .of minister. She is Protestant chap- \ encountered whites traders. ''They were filled with .awe. at lain at' . .Trenton, State .College. . ¦; the .economic wealth of the ship captains; They formed cargo women as parish ministers, ac- NatiqriM cording to / cults, ;reiigious. societies that tried to-produce cargo by magi- the Rev. Philip Kunz, cal means. They rnimicked . the. geshures of the whites, they director of social concerns for Lay School of erected bamboo antennas, sat at makeshift desks and moved ^ Churches. But he- describes : the number -now m lpcai. churches scraps; of paper around all day." They had the. trappings but : ' ¦ ¦ Theology set they weren't world traders. , ;; g as ' -just a:' • -'trickle. " -' . V' . . ; Jesus' warning to; the 'Jews' of Philadelphia seems haunt- reat $ ro^ . The Rev. My. Kunz estimates at Whitehall ihgly similar lo an earlier statement of his. found in Matthew By GEORGE W. CORNELL ing a state church," ; said ;' the However, the visiting teaih of However, he and some others that there are 25 to 30 women 7. "iNfot . everyone ¦who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter Rev. Annette; Nuber, a Luther- six men arid two . women said sawl the U.S. institutions some- in local church pulpits in the ,: WTntEHALLi • Wis.; - Dr. / NEVT YORK CAP);- ' After a state; the kingdorn of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father month of first-hand observation an pastor from . .Germany, citing they were impressed by ; the times seem too .smug and self- A. majority of those are Warren ; Quanbeck,. Lutheran who Is in heaven." Personal inventory is long overdue in this of American religious; life; a the use of the national flag in magnitude and diversity, of reli- concerned. As Villa3pando put in the independent . "storefront Theological Seminary, St. Paul, "Christian" nation. Am I really a Christian just because ! churches as a sigh of identi- gious activity. . . churches," he' says. : Mian., wurpre- , ' group of . Christians from other . It: - . say I arrii? Do ,1 really belong to Christ? Do- 1 follow after fication with the state. She :^'Your church bureaucracy is dedi-; sent a' series of countries -says the- U.S. church ' ¦ "Too rriuch money is "THE PULPIT has J Him? Am I His disciple? Do I acknowledge His Lordship? Is , added: . ¦ ¦/. „ . . excellent," coimriehted Waldo become lecbures on the; | system is efficient but /overly cated to keeping up your build- the symbol of valmost the . rhy mission the same as the mission- for which He gave His Villalpanddj ;a: Buenos . Aires, ings and fashioning corrifortable last Book of . Reve- conformed to naUonal attitudes. stronghold ¦ of ;ma]e suprennacy . life? Or do I just dress up and go to church om; Sunday and "A certain distance is neces- Argentina, 'attorriey, /. adding churches, You pay too much at- latich at the an- ; A "captive to -the culture," ' in the church," comments re- call myself a Christian? What T .say I am, and what Christ ' sary to keept the church as that . ''the Mefficiency . . of . the tentibn to domestic affairs, and nual Lay School says . I am:might be altogether : different,;. they pu*it. . . church . and trie government as Arrierican churches" was.;a : tired Drew seminary; professor. ' ¦ have little interest outside." ; Nelje Morton,. of Theology at : Wearihg a feather won't make you an Indian. :. ' ''.You are in danger of becom- government " ¦;- . - ' "• prominent feature of them. Ah;.' . of the Mekane Oar Saviour official- Initial acceptance ' may come1 's Jesus Church ;in Ethiopia ; . Luth e ran •GRACE BRETHRE N CHURCH more readily from local congre- . :. (Wert Wabasha , and Evilnal Berjie Beyene, said he was gations than' from male Church, White- The Rev. John Haitman, pastojv Special ten ten shocked hy the fragmentation minis- hall; ; ' : : -; ters, she: says, adding that "as . ' . . of American church people: Sponsored by 10 a.m. *- Sunday school classes tor PLEASANT VALLEY Area Ghurch services more women have become min- •I! ases; adult lesson: "Brotherhood of series to end ¦ "Everyone is segregated th e. : Mondovi ' ' ; :¦¦ --; ¦ ' ¦ ' isters in churches, the col- Dr. Quanbeck ¦- Faith," Gel. 6. EVANGELICAL ALMA . .. WHALAN from everyone else, the yopg, . . 11 -a.m. .-^- . Worship.. S«rn-ion:.. "Tne St. John - Lutheran Church, worship . Whalah. 'LutheTsiv-Cburch, services; 11 leagues of these women have be- Conference of . . FREE CHURCH service, 8:36 and 10:30 a.m. - .Sunday - ¦ Loyal Church/' Acts 2:*2-47. with film at GST . ¦ ¦ ; ; ; the old,.the black, the poor,- the the America-n Lutheran Churco, .. 6 pirn "Teeh tirrie; " . . ' (1363 Homer Road! V school- hour; 9:30 a.m. ' !- ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ come less fearful." . ¦ ' . WILSON ' .- - .7:30 . p.m — Evenins worship,' the Hebron Moras/Ian Church, - morning cities, the rural areas." ; the lectures the public, . . Patrick J. Clinton, prrograms spon-: , "Some . see it as a threat, not. , . ¦ three-fold spring Communion service. - Special Leriten worship, with- confirmation, 10:30 Trinity EV. Lutheran Church,¦ worship ' ¦¦ . ' - with .• Communion, - sermon:-:' '"¦Prepara- will begin April ,17, at 8 p.m.; - Wednesday,. 7:30 p.m. — Rower-hour. Pastor. . Teacher v sored by the Parish Bible Study Wonday —. . Holy Week reading service The visit by the group, most- that women are better than; Sermon: "Whether-to Ulye or to, Die," at Beres, 8 p.m.. Tuesday — Holy Week tions," . John 12:1-32, 10 o.m.; Sunday men, but that there is. a arid continue the five following Phil -l ':21-M. .. ?:15 a,m. — Bus leaves W.5.C. West reading service at Hebron, B p.m. Wed; school and Blbje. class, 11 -a.m; Monday ly from countries ordinarily re- shor| Group of St. Mary's Church will committee and church Wednesdays, ' ' For transportation fa any service call Union, parkins lot. nesd-ay — Holy Week readlns service at -^Finance council, garded as /mission areas, \vas supply of congregations for .' the - *52-7«a. 9:30 a.m: — School of the Bible: tor Ber»a, -8 p.m. Thursday — Communion 8 p.m. Tuesday ;. — YPS Easter break- ; , . . be concluded Srinday with a 1 ¦ Dr, Quanbeck, presently a all ages. .. - ' fast . preparations., 8-9:30 p.m. . -: sponsored by the .U.S. com- number- of ministers," explains « service, . 8 p.m. Friday — -Holy -Week¦ VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH . 10:45 a.m. — Service of worship and shbwlng of ."Mother¦ ; Teresa : of reading service at . -Berea, 2:30 p.m.. ' ' . mittee of the Lutheran World the Rev. Kenneth Shirk of Tren- professor of; systematic the- Instruction: - Ministry of the-- word by ' ' ¦ '¦' ¦:¦ ¦ ' jetiovalv Lutheran Church, Wisconsin ¦¦ ' ' :'; " ology, Mr. Clinton, - :; ; . • : Lutheran ton;-- ;;. . •. - ' has served: as delegat* The Rev. ¦Bill Williamson. entitled "Two¦ Gates, Two Calcutta." Synod, worship,- 9 a.rri.; Sim-day school, Federation and the ¦¦¦ ¦ ' Ways, Two DeTIInies/' ' ' ¦:' . .SBC ' - :-. 'y- - - - 10 a.m.; counci l rrieetlns, B p;m. Mon- Council in the U.S.A. ''I. think' it gives the churches to the Lutheran World; Federal i p.rn; — College Dialogue. Senior and The color film will be. present- day. — Conlirn-vata.lon classes, 4 p.m.; Easter cantata (M5 Main -«.) junior- High . F.C.Y.F. : •Jehovah quarterly;meeting)' -8 p.m. Thurs- The - visitors spent several more flexibility to do more tibn and at the Second Vaticanv - ed at 7:30 p.m. at the College ; ¦: 7:30 p.m. — - Easter Cantata entitled day — Joint - .AAaundy Thursday service days in New York and ^rVash- things in nontheolpgical "rela- Council.. He is a member of the . »-:39 a.m;. — Sunday/ school wlHv- Bible "How Great . Thy Love," written and wltit the Lord's; Supper at Jehovah, 8 set at Pleasant classes (or all ages " . of Saint Teresa Library Lecture Board of Publications; Ameri- . arranaed by Mr. and Mrs. - Jackson p.m. Friday — Joint Good Friday ser- ingtoh, D.C., had a look .at tionship," he counters. "I \. . . " 10:45 aim.; — - .Worship: service • with Herr, , . .. - ¦ ' vices at Trinity with the Lord' s Supper - .Hall.;;, - ¦ , town don't think we can can Lutheran; Church. Rev. Williamson brlnsins the . message 8:30 -p.m.- — Fellowship Hour. Nursery ¦5 p;ni; . - Valley church Southern church life in ever have too; and Comrrumlon. Pistils* - Sherrie. Wiech. ¦ ' provided for all Sunday services. Prbduced by Malcolm Mud- • . -".'BETHANY- . and rural areas around Colum- much manpower, womaiipower Nursery provided. ' Tuesday, : 7 p.rri. — Board of Christian , Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Mitt-week ser- : Bethany-Moravian, Church, . Palm Sun- An Easter cantata, "How bia, S.C., spent five days in;San or personpower." ^ Education. derrid ge of: England, the film day worship service- and confirmation, vices:. Wednesday; 3 p.m. . — Senior Saints Class of 2d to - ¦ depicts the life work of no Sunday school, 10:45 a.m; Friday — Great They: Love," will be, pre- Francisco taking iii ;various : Transportation tor .all terviees - jvalf- Fellowship.. ,- - ¦ • - ,.- . Mother HIS ASSOCIATE pastor, ¦ble by calling '452-2&S7. . : . ; ' Communion, .8 p.m. ,.; urban . projects the Thursday, «:30 p.m. — Choir rehear- Teresa with the poor and . dis- CEDAR VALLEY sented at; the Pleasant Valley congregations ' sal. - •' Rev, Carol Goldstein, - 'fixdV.-ho be confirmed at -: and college campuses. 7:30 p.m. — Church Quarterly busi- advantaged peojiie of Calcutta, Sunda y school, 9:30 a.m., worship Evangelical Free Church, 1363 ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ¦ problems of acceptance from ' ' ¦ - ness meeting.- _ - ' ":;' :, ; service, 11 a.m:; potluck dinner; noon; They, also met with church of- . ;. (American Baptist- Convention) India./;, : St, Maftfie>v' s - Friday, 7:30 p.m. — Joint Good Fri- churdUPdncil and ALCW, l . p.m. T"«rs- Homer Roavill , The visitors emphasized tarian Church near Los Angeles church smging^e prbcessidnal'*''' Dialogue. A meal will be served. 6 p.m. — Yeutti choir. rol L. Johnstad,; rural Blair, service, 8 p.m. David Skiff t and Paige Haraer- mission work nowadays must , hymn, "Take Thou My Hands 7' p.m. — ' Vespers. There will be ¦ 4:30 p.m. — Evening worship. HOKAH before her marriage and move Coffee Shop Dialogue In the Fellowship 6:3C p.m. — Youth meeting. . has been selected for inclusion United Methodist Church, . services, 9 nik. A duet for tenor and barf- be done in partnership with and Lead Me." TBe class song, ' ¦ ¦ ¦ to New Jersey, calls her church Hall with coffee and punch served. Wednesday, . 7 p.m, —, Mid-week a.m. ¦ ' ' ' service. ' . in .the 1974-75 edition of "Who's . tone will be sung by_Neal Rbetz- yOunger churches overseas and during « the servfeef "Jesus, Monday, 6:30 p.m. —.: Volleyball vs. ¦ ' ¦ HOMER miniStry^a "tremendous posi- ' ' • " ' ¦¦ ¦ : ¦ '¦;¦' • Chris- KOA. - . - . - Who in America." Homer United Methodist . Church, serv- ler and Dave Henderson. The that U.S. and European : " ¦ Lead Thou On ," will be direct- . :— Bible tive experience." - .. . ' '" Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. study Johnstad has been a flight ice, sermon by the Rev.- David B, Ach- choir, under the direction of Coy tians can no longer assume ed by Hb\vard Dorn. Each: child «t the Parsonage. terklrch, 11 a.m. Like others in her field, how- . 7:30 ,p.rn. — Board of. Christian Edu- Si. Casimir slates LANESBORO Herr, will sing four full choir they are . parents" to churches will give a rhemory verse du> : test engineer and test pilot and " ever cation, selections, with Jackson Herr , she feels churches musl 8 p.rri. — Board bt Trustees. is a labor leader whe has ser- Elstad Lutheran Church, Paim Sunday elsewhere. begin to deal more adequately ing the confirmation rite. Palm Sunday services worship service with confirmation, 9:30 . 6:30 p.rn: — Olaconate Board. ved on the general council of and Joan .pelle James, organ- The junior and senior choirs, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. — . Candle- Light a .m.; Sunday, school, 10:30 a.m. Thurs- Mrs. Rennka Somasebhr, with the coticearns of women. day—Communion, 8 p.m, i ' . ist and pianist, and Jay Hamer- directed by Mrs. Warren Hop- Communion service: At St. Casumir Church, 626 W. the AFL-CIO. Also cited is his Women's Chris- "I feel that a woman does 8:30 p.m. — Chanc«l Choir rehearsal. LEWISTON : xiik narrater. principal of the pe, will sing, . "To Zion Jcstis Friday, 1 p.m. — Union Good Friday Broadway, Palm Sunday sung contribution to the safety of Church .' of the Brethren, church school tian College in Madras, India , bring something different to the lervlce -r First Conoregatlohal. for all ages, 10 a.m.; .morning worship The public may attend. Came," with Mrs. Gerald Muel- Masses , and Procession of the international aviation as repre- Lord, bow ministry," sayd the Re-v, Mrs; ¦ 7:30 — Union Good Friday Ser- service, sermon: "Praise Ye tho " said, "We need to ask ler, organist. ' vice — Church of Na rarene. Palms will be at 5:15 p.m, Sat- sentative of the G% million Luke 19:29-48; 11 a.m.; fellowship hour Americans can become ¦ the Champagne, who would like to In church fellowship hall, ' noon; special The confirmation concludes a urday and at 8 and 10 a.m; member International Transpor- in church sanctuary, well as the donors see churches served by men and baptismal service- Concert scheduled by recipients as two-year course of instruction. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Sunday, . > tation Workers Federation . sermon, "Bury the Corpse," Gal. 2:2p, of mission activity," women co-ministers, OT alter- (West Broadway . and Johnson ) The worship consists of two Johnstad Rom. 4:1-11, 8 p.m. ' Wednesday — Study The Rev. John A. Kerr graduated with hon- of Scriptures at parsonage, 7:30 p.m. area congregations , parts : the procession wi t'h ors in mathematics from Wash- Thursday — Complete Love Feast, Com- The Rev. David J. Hodak ; munion and loot washlno service, .8 p.m. ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) - Assistant pastor palms and i±e Mass. The pro- ington University, St. Louis, LOONEY VALLEY cession is a public demonstra- arid did graduate work in pro- Looney Valley Lutheran Church, wor- The combined choirs of Faith ship service, 9:30 a.m;; Sunday school, LAWN BOY — College Bible class. and First Lutheran congrega- »:1S a.m. tion of loyalty to Christ, how- pulsion and !O:30 a.m ' Wednesday — Communion, t 10:15 a.m. — New members meet In sp ace engineering, . ¦ ever, the Mass with its read- p.m, Friday — Good Friday service, tions, North Beaver Creek, will POWER MOWERS Chapel. He taught aviation science at Cross-of Christ Church, Houston, 1:10 7Q.-30 a.m Church school and wor- present a concert at: Faith Lu- • Flngor-TIp Stnrtlngl "Wllh Palms ing of the Passion, is already the University of Tennessee. p.m. ship service. Preludes: MINNESOTA CITY Qui ot on the Got Botore Thee , "Tho Holy City," Adorns; under the sorrowful shadow of theran Church, Palm Sunday • " In 1959 he was designated St. Paul Catholic Church, Saturday; Volunteers "The Palms," Faure, Senior Anthem: Mass, 7:30 p.m. . 7 p.m.; at 8 p.m. . BrfoTHERS Saw (ho Place, the Cross, "Airman of the Year" by then confessions* |)ADD Cholri Offertory: "1 " , 8 and 10.a.m. Holy Day, Solo: Mrs Paul Rckstad Ser- Sunday Masses Mrs. La Verne Saxe will be HUP P STORE . Inc Enners, . . Gov. Gaylord Nelson. The fol- Masses 5;30 and 7:30 p.m. Pally Masses, BIG SISTEJRS... Tlie Winon a YWCA is looking for women mon: "The Passing Parade," Mr , Kerr, Roland Ekern, ' B a .m . except Wednesday and Friday, director and Mrs. Postlude-i "Palm Sunday Recessional, " lowing year he received the ¦ participate in its Big Sisters program. Program Confirmation fifes 5:30 p.m. accompanist. over 18 to Wilson. Sunday — Senior High Fellowship at "Distinguished Airman Award" First Ev. Lutheran Church, few hours a week with a little girl 7 p.m, school, 9 a.m. worship wllh Communion, At Living Hope Lutheran participants spend a manse. from the Daughters of the Right Reason for Prais- willing to stay with Tuesday, 9:30 a,m, — Bible study set at two churches sermon: "The Church , Ettrick , Communion needing companionship, and should be ing Jesus, Johh !2:!2-r9, 10 a.m. Mon- FREE DELIVERY , class, American Colonists. " day — Boy Pioneers, 6 p.m.; Girl services Palm Sunday will be the program at least a year. Interested persons can contact 57« I, 41h St. Phgnt 45MM7 ' Wednesday, ,7 p.m. — Dlaconate ) MABEL, Minn, (Special — Johnstad flies internationally Ploneors at Sauer Memorial Homo, mcols. at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. the YWCA at 454-4346, — Special meeting of cablnol The Rev. Bernhardt Polesky will as a pilot/flight 6:30 p.m. Tuesday — . CtxJrch council, 7 B p.m. engineer with ' Thursday and all members ot boards and com- p.m. Thursday — Maundy conduct confirmation services Pan American 7:30 p.m. Friday — iW'^ millets. World Airways, Communion service, Good Friday worship, 7:30 p,m. gj^g^-ff ,!?j l iT^^I - Thursday, J-7 p.m, — Private Com- Palm Sunday at the Birr Oak is a consultant for airline con- NELSON Combined choirs to munion In the Laird Chapel. and Hesper Lutheran churches, Graco Lutheran Church, Wisconsin 7 p.m. — Confirmation class will at- tract negotitions and serves tend communion service. At 9 a.m, services at the Hes- Synod. Sunday school, 9:15 a.m.; Sun- perform on Sunday as arbitrator , of labor disputes day sorvlce, 10:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. - Maundy . Thursday Com- per church , nino will be con- munion sorvlco with Graco Prcsbylorlan arising in the transportation in- OAK RIDQE _ Catholic PEPIN, Wis. Combined Church nt Grace Church. firmed and 12 will be confirm- Immaculate Conception- . SURE CURE ¦ dustry. Church, Saturday — Mass, 8 p.m. choirs of the Pepin United Metlv . §1 Friday, 1 p..m — Community Good ed at the 10:30 a.m, service at JS- /^\ Friday service at Flrsl Congregational He, his wife Jean and child- PETERSON odist and Immanuel Lutheran * Church. Burr Oak Church. Highland Prairie Lutheran Church, UNPAID BILLS ren Kristin , Kara and Kurt live worship servlco wllh Sunday school church will present a Pahr* Sun- 'WBM£ FpQ FOR following, II a.m, Wednesday — Quar- ®& p in the Trump Coulee area, near terly maollnn of church In conference day choral concert at 3 p.m. in Blair . room, 8 p.m, Friday — Communion, the Immanuel samctuary. ¦ ¦¦¦ 8 p.m - , '. . - .? Hea r - . PICKWICK Two junior choirs from the St. Liiko's Lutheran Church, confirma- congregations will participate. tion services ,, serryion: "The Cross Italy police find Manns Encouragement," Hob, 12:1-4, 11 The public may attend. a.m. Monday — Pioneers, 7 p.m. Wed- ¦ "MESSAGE OF HOPE" man tearing up money nesday —YPS, 7 p.m, Thursday — Maundy Thursday " Service wllh Com- munion, 7:30 p.m. Friday — . ' service 2 Lutheran churches 9:00 to 9:30 a.m, TRIESTE , Italy (UPI) - wllh Communion, 8 p.m. Police said they found Mario RIOOEWAY Graco Lvlheran Church, confirmation schedule confirmation Buzan 36, excitedly tearing service , sormon; "The Cross Moans En- banknotes to pieces on couragement," Heb, Hil-4, 9|30 a .m, LANESBORO, Minn. ( Spe- an Monday — Pioneers, - 7;.T0 p.m.; choir, unused railroad track before B p,m, Tuesday — Bible study, 1:30, cial) — A confirmation service Every Sunday dawn Thursday. 6:30 and B ;30 p.m, Thursday — Mnund-y at North Prairie Lutheran Thursday fiorvlce wllh Communion, 0:30 CONSOLIDATiO^ 1 p,m, Friday — Service wllh Communion, Church -will begin at 11 a.m. They took Buzan to a hospital ¦ • ¦ \ A NEW INSPIRATIONAL ' 3 p.m. ,- - Palm Sunday. and pioced togother tho bank- ROLLINOSTONE notes. They were perfectly good Trlnlfy Lutheran Church, Wisconsin At Pilot Mound Litheran PROGRAM ON Synod, Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.i wor- a confirmation service I LOAN I and added up to $1,680 police ship, Church, , 10:30 a .m , .. Monday — Conllrmn- at Merchants said. tlon classes, 4 p.rri,; church council Palm Sunday will be at fl:30 ' H See the "Mlnutemen H moots at Jehovah, 8:30 p,m, Thursday- " Joint Maundy Thursday sorvlcos at a.m. >H Denny, Frank, Max or Jim — Installmenl Loan Dept. Hh Mx 154-OH BAPTISMS SET Jehovah, wllh tho Lord's Supper, B, LEWISTON Minn. - A spe- Friday - Joint Good Friday uorvleej at , Trinity wllh tho Lord' s Supper, o p.m. cial buptism nl scrveec for now STOCKTON To be confirmed ***** converts wll bo hold In the Grncn Luthornn Church, worship sorv- J lco, 9 a.m. i Smidny school, 10 a.m. BETJIANV , Minn. (Special)- 0 ^\ Lewiston Church of tho Breth- STRUM Immanuel Lulhoran Church, worship Five new memhors ot Bethany 1 MERCHANTS I ren Palm Sundny nt « p.m. service with Communion, J:30 nnd 11 Moravian Church will , ho con- a.m,/ coffee hour hotwonn sorvlcus In fl NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA | SERVICES CHANGED rirosldo Room; church school, 9:45 a .rn, firmed Palm Sunday at 10:45 IC, Phone 454-5160 K Wortnosdoy — Rohsarsal tor all choirs, ;9 3rd & Lafayette Member F.D. Beginning Saturday, services 7 p,m, a.m. at the Seventh Day Advontlst TRCMPEALBAU Tho Rov. George Jorouby will Church, will bo held Saturday Ml, Calvary Lutharan Church, worship perforin tho ' rite of confirma- Wi | service , 9 n.m.i sundny school, 10 a.m. mornings with Sabbat^ school WiKlncsday—Lenlen services wllh Tama- tion, Sermon text will be "con- rack LuUteran and Tromnealeau United at 8:45 and worship at 10:45. Methodist churches, s p.m. firmation is not Graduation." !to^-X'lw^w^^^^i^^^wiw ^i,i^-^i^'4vi^ Wtriattim^ Nelson,: Susam Nlenow. CJieryl Rador, Steven Hackbarth, Carol Hall, Shelly Stoos, jtine Strelbw, Gary Stremcha, Sophomores — Michael Aellng, Oath- Thirty-two students with • James Sawyer, . Laurie Sehloegel, Mary Halllday, Sheryl Haner, Sharri Hanson, Jeffrey Sulla, Pongsak : Supataroporn, •rlne Ahrens. Linda Anderson, Patricia straight-A averages are on the Slllrnan; Barbara Smith, Cathy Tanner, Carol Harkness, Stephen Hartert, Liza- Laurltz Swanson, Duane Suitze. Anderson, Scott Baertein, Carol Beards-- ¦ ¦ ' ' Winona Senior High School AA and Mary Zlnnmerrnan. beth Helse, Ronald Hempfner , Judith Lorrl Taylor, Lora Thompson, Richard ley, Sherri Beeman, Nancy Belghley, . PEANUTS ' ¦ . ¦:"¦ • i- by/ Charlei'M. SchuU Juniors—- Aon Abraham, Julie Benrens, Henderson, Deborah Hermann, John Thurley, Nancy Volkart, Lynn Von- Ralph Benlcfce, Daniel Blace, Richard honor roll announced by Prin- Mary Darby,- tori Goetz, Tom Guenther, Hinds, . Gayle Hoffman, Steve Holon, groven,. .- David Walden, Wlllard Ward, Blake, . Sharon Bohn, Kathleen Bolduan, . ;:; Phyllis Hires, Todd Kazemba, . Robert Thomas - Hoist, Debbi Hbseck, Wayne Cynthia Welgel, -Tawny Williams, Mary Tim Borkowskl, Nancy Brabblt, Karilyn cipal W. H. Hitt. ; Lehnertz, Thomas Mate|ka, Pattle Mra- Howe, Lorl Hubbard, David Hull,.Mark Wnuk, Laurie Wolfe, Randbn Woodworth, Brooks, Cyn-thla Bruss, Debra Brust, ; They are: . '.; chek, , Shery'l Rice, . Key Singer, Kim Hunn,' . Dorr Jackals, : Mlchele Jacqifes, Steven WrobleWski, and Marl Yeske. Eebra Buerck, Kelley Burke, Mark Burk- . Singer, - Ellsebeth Steffen, Janet . Umtiet, Janice Jensen, Julie Jensen,;:Lynda Jilk, halter, ' • . ' _ ' . . V Seniors -r- David Bunke, Jean Armabelle VlrailB, Susan WIeser, Debra Clifford Jbhtison, Vicky Johnsotii Juniors — Don Addlnston/ J|m Al- Shelly ca«npbell , . Klmberly Combs, .- Ferdihandsen,' Margaret Franz- Wllk,. Barbara Woodworth, and . Patricia bracht, Linda Anderson, Frank Andre- Stephen Conway/ Thomas Corser, Jackie Wt/rch. Elizabeth KIntzle; Kevin klnzie, bet Danelle Drazkowskl, Linda Dulas, - bie Koenlg, Sherri Korder, sen, Cynthia Babler, Roxanne Bade, Paul Doyle, Cynthia Groth Karen Kane Sophomores — Jodl. Anderson,' Tonl Kathleen Baertleln, Klmberly Bartelson, Diana Bonnie Ebertcwskl, Robert Eifealdt, pawn ; en, , , Kowalewskl, Jan Kretu, : Bourne, Martin Byman, Sharon Fix, Ei- Rhdna Kruse, Engler, Dehlse Eppcnsi David Erdmann, JtiUe Keller, Susan Semling, Pa- Gary Kuuslstb, Bonnie Lafky, Timothy Bauer, Heidi Baye, ' Katherine Bender, leen Henry, Debra Huffman, Stacy Deah . Benke, Kathleen Bersmann, Wendy Janet Erwln/ Karen Evenson, Deborah Hughes, Cral9 Olson, Pattl Perry, Debra Lalb, Cindy Uebsch, Daniel Ledebi»lir, Annette - Fiiglestad, Ann tricia Sitek and .Elizabeth Streak- Jerre Lelserr, Lisa Lublnskl Berndt, Ron Bertei, Steven Beyers, Ted Farrlhgton, ¦ Sokol lk, Amy Speltz, Dawn Taylor, amd , Vlckl Luh- , Lorl ¦Glerok,-. Deborah Glende, Lorl Gonla, ' ' roahn, Susan McCabe, Bernard Blesanz, Becky Bluck, Laurie Bohn er. .;. ' .;:._ . ; Cheryl Walters/ '-; . McGolre, Bonn, Donald Boyntori, Mark- Brandt, Tarharah Gough, Paul Granaaard, Rox- Mark Malay, Robert Mara, Roger Meier , anhe Grulkowskl. Julie Grzybowskl. Darta Mrflflhard, Timothy Wayne : Breitenfeldt, Janies Brown, Kath- ¦ juniors —. Tod Duffy, Joy B HONOR ROLL Meyer; Alison Nancy ; Guen-thor, Craig Gueswel, : ' : /by¦ Mlesbauer , Matthew Mlynczak, erine Brown, Linda Brown, Sherry Buch- _ . ' _ :' .;.'. -" • 'Chic; .Young . Oenlse , Karen Buese, Ran- Laurie ' Hackbarth, Diane Had ley,, BLONDlE V- - Elliott, , Elizabeth Hartwich, Seniors — Cheryl Aelino, . Paul Al- Morcomb, Sandy Mrozek, John holz, Cheryl BucVc Mueller, dall Bu'rkhardt, Randy Burnetii Karen Leslie Hamernlk, Teresa Haner, Merlyn . brecht, Mlcha«l Amuridsbn; Barbara An- Micky Mueller, Debbie Murphy, Richard Jamie Henderson, Carla Hoffe, Byboth, Rhonda Byom, . Hanson, Trygve Hanson, Jean Harders, derion, Craig Anderson, Lynn Anderson, Nagle, Lee. Nelson, Ervln Neumann, Mark Baertleth, Patricia B-astldas, Linda Debra Cada, Doug Case, Bob Cerney, Carolyn Hartert, Marlene Hass, Denlse Peggy Kasbe, Patricia Kluiik, Irene Newland, Marky Newman, Susan Bedtka, Vlckl Beerhan, Lawrence Be-hr- Jenny Church, - Constance. :ciemlnskl, Heaser, Russell Hoesley, Karen Hoff, Randy Mueller, Louise; Robin- Noyers, Russell N ortKru p, Patricia Jeffrey Clements, Lori Coleman, Patrick -Gerl , Hoffman,- , Mary' Hogenson, Mary eris, Leanne Bell, Mary Belli Robert O'Reilly. Bender, p. D«U9las Berg, .William B&fg, Collins, Cathleen Connolly, Joe Cbrser, Holmay, Dearina Howard, Mary Hunn, son, Jane Rogge, Sylvia tempel ' ¦ Kenneth Bera ier, Karen Beyers, CynNiia Laura Papenfuss/ Curtis Parpart, Lety Daniel Crawford; Diane Darilen, - Roneld LouAnn ' Jac-kels, .Jay. Johhson, - - and Kay. Wood. ' Blsgerstaff, Teresa Blschei, Wllllini Pelaez, Matthew Pellowskl, ' Heidi Pelof. Dbblar, Kim Doebbert, Deonna Dow; Katherine . Kallna, ' Perry Kamrowskl, Sophomores — Sonja Blalsdell, Lorl Blake, Barbara Blumen- ske, Daniel Peterson, . Peggy Poblocki, Julie . Drazkowskl, Pamela bulek, Deborah Kohner, D. Joseph - . Kotlarz, ; ,Cady, Irirt, Linda Pollehia, Jayne PolleyV Keith ¦John Egland,' Cindy E-Wers, John Gregory Kowles, Susan Krage, Karen Lisa Boerst, Ann Boland, Douolas ' Debra Cerney, Klmberly Cooke, Borkowskl, Larry Boyer, Rebecca Brown, Polus, Michael-Pornenoy, Karla Prodzln- Ehlers, Gall Evenson, Cynthia Farnholtz, :Knause, Mlrtiael Krelnbrmg. Mary Krone- , . Theodora Ellen. Brusfle-r, Cynthia Bublltz, Laurie skl,\ Judith . P.rzytarskl, Frances Relstius, Christy Fenske, Debra Feuling, Bruce busch, Kenneth Krumrle, . . Dean Emanuel; Elizabeth - : Michelle Rekstad, Deborah RInn, Rl cka Fort, Gary Fort, Carrie Frank, Betty Knise, . Demise ' Kuhn, Jon Kukowski, - Buswell, ¦ Henderson, Timothy McManus, Donna Oad-a, Andrea Carlson, Robin Robb, Sally Roberts, Jane Robertson, Fritchrhan, - Karen ; G-ady, Robert Galew- Melinda Leiib, - . Jana Larsonr Melanle . Chlo, Rick Chrlstenson, Thomas Chuch- Margaret Rose, Steven Rumstlck, Debra skl, William : Garry, Joan Gerdes, Jane Leggin, Karen: Lehmeler. Ca rol Lelwlca, - Sally Shortridge, Michael Speltz, RupprecM, . Grangaard, Jean Hackbarth, Larry Hack- Leigh Llnaban, Timothy Lynn,. Tatpara ' . . na, John Colclough, Maureen Connolly, ¦ Jfudi Suchomel,¦;' . Marita Wolf, Jan Cottoiv.Krisfl Cox, Diane COnilskey, Susan Sabo, -Joan Salzer, Debra Scat- barth, Jane Hagberg, :Steven :Hagedorn, McGuire, Oonald McRae, Sean.' .Malay, - - . . Debra Datiler, Douglas- Davis; Michael turn,, Nancy . Scharl, Loren Scharmer, Marcla Hall, ; Lliida HaIverson, Vickie Cynthia Marg, Lynn - Mate|ka, Donna and Walker Woodworth, Deurschman, - Don . DIMatteo, Gary Dond- Lorraine Scherbrlns, John Schoiimeler, Hanson, ; Mary Harders, Daniel Hartert, Merehlewlt?, Becky. Meyer,. Jeanne . Mlk- ' , A HONOR ROLL linger, Cindy- Dwyer; Pebble; Schossow, Keith Schossowi Richard- Hartwlcfc, Firancis Hengel, San- rut, Christine Mlynczak , Cheryl Mona- Seniors — Laurel Berg, Joseph Berk- Cheryl Eddv, Leslie Edstroni, Deborah Georganne Schultz; Susan Schullz, Kelly dra Hengel, La Sherl Sheets, '.. .. - ' : . Lawful Ra+eiT^N - "William J; .Prater, convicted ; Cheryl Lynn Smith, Steve Sorem, Susan ^ UMW international executive fessed conspirator and -disabled Spear, JuJie Speltz, Kent Speltz, Mary . Kepi in Bank Vault : of first degree murder; in the board, lie - and .- six ; others, president of a UMW pensioners' Spitehi^Terence . Stevens, Sara Stoitman, 1969 shooting of Yablbnski Janet-NSifelow, Karen Sfremcha, Robert Write or Call / , his including Prater, have con- local., in Tennessee, and tpld Suffrins, jean Sula, Roger Suitze, - ¦wife and daughter, testified fessed to or have been him, "Albert Pass made a.very Gary Tanner, Greg 7arras, Jerri Jar- : ' ras 'Susan HUIX LOAN Thursday about , a kickback convicted of ,the Dec. 31 1969, strange request. I hestitate to , Thomas Thelen, David Thill, . ' r , ¦' Tlbesa r, Nancy : Trautmann, Kyle Van : : : " - ' - ,; by Mortl VValkflr scheme involving pensioned murders, in the Yablonski home mention it to you."' - . ' Norman, Dave Wagner, Randy Walters, BEETLE BAILEY • • - • V- - SYSTEM ' ¦ ¦ • ,-,. ' . /. ' >¦i,^ H i i Blllye - Weaver,. Patricia Webster, Deb- ' " ' , I ' l ,. _ . ; . . ¦ v ¦ • - . . 1 Appalachian miners that: .was at aarksville, Pa. , ; ,. He said:. Huddleston "didn *t; orah Welsbrod, Michael Werden,: James 315 Foshay Tower used to pay Wing, Barbara Wisted, Beverly ' Wisted, . for the murder: of None of the seven haye been seem very surprised" and that Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 George Wos, Etayne Yeadke, James " " '' . Yablonski, . a UMW reforin. sentenced on; the rhuder charg- Huddleston told him, "I think I 2aborowski, and Lynn Zaborowski. 335-6726 . . candidate against Boyle in 1969. es. : " ':. • ; ' - .¦-.;''. ' .; know some people in Ohio who Boyle, 72, is accused of. Two months after Yablonski might be ihterested. I'll lefc you ordering "Yablonski's assassuta- announced he would oppose know;." tion arid authorizing the pay- Boyle for the UMW presidency, Three ; Cleveland men — hient. of.^» 00o in imibn money Prater said Pass told him, ' -Joe Aubram Martb i ' , Claude Vealey to pay for -it. .. . -•;, Yablonski had to. be bumped and Paul Gilly ; (Huddleston's Prater, .53, from LaFollette, off. He's- only a heartbeat away son-in-law ) ;^-are; convicted or Term., is ; a former field from the presidency." Prater confessed killers of the Yabloh- %R0GH ESTER SHOVMNG ^" : ; representative of UMW District said Pass also told him that skis. - .' . : ;;; • -0 EMPEnDIl QEAIIEFATHER MARY V/ORTH : v by: Allen Saunders and Ken Ernst CEQ asks chah ipffshore dri I ling sites jS^pgsr^-^^ ^^H^^^ i^^^ ' WASHINGTON (AP;)." ;-- The eastern Atlantic Coast, the Gnlf probably would . occur . during President's Council on Environr of Alaska and . Long Island- offshore operations and could mental ; Qnality , has recom- horthern New Jersey¦ ¦ to petro-. damage beaches and wetlands. mended steering offshore oil leum development. ' . .- ¦• '.- It concluded that spills off development away from the northern New Jersey and Long southeastern coast and the Gulf The council's study was the Island probably ¦-' would reach of Alaska, in favor oi areas off first niajor federal effort to land more; frequently and more ¦¦ M.D. " : : ' New England and grapple with the complex and MORGAN, ; : ' y, <- ' . ¦:¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' . ^ i ^ i tol. 'Curtii ' MarylaJid- quickly, because of ocean cur- ^ - areas off the south- ranging ' from tiny to large shore. . Furthermore, the council said; offshore development could have strong impacts on Bags of gold dust land by bringing , with it' new refineries, petrochemical HaH 1 P.M. til 9 P.M. plants, population growth and related development. ; ¦ ¦ t>|ANCY : ;¦ V ¦;- . . . ' ;¦ ' ¦;,. .:. " - , ; ¦ ' ' ¦¦: , by Ernie Bqshmillttr "Serious consideration must found in Colorado be given to postponing leasing in an OCS (outer continental shelf) region where oil cannot be safely produced and safely hamlet store room transported to markets because CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo. during a trial involving a gold of significant threats of earth- (UPI ) — Nell Anderson knew mining claim between 1880 and quakes, tsunamis (tidal waves) and severe storms," the council she was delving into antiquity 1910. Those were the boom when she began clearing out also said. the storeroom at the courthouse years in Cripple Creek, nestled Those descriptions clearly ap- in this tiny mountain town. in the Colorado Rockies on the plied to the Gulf of Alaska, Little did she know she would west side of Pike's Peak. where the council noted the. fre- find riches. Cripple Creek now puts on a quency of earthquakes, tsu- BARNEY GOOGLE AND SNUFFY SMITH by Fred Lasswell The Teller County clerk and namis and storms, and the . ¦ - - ¦ : l m»m i i —.«.. ¦¦» ¦ ¦¦ in ¦ -l i --T - i i i ¦ i i f , ! ! her cleanup crew retrieved melodrama during the summer probability that spilled oil months to attract tourists to the maps, pistols and even a sknll would reach shore. " ' dating back to the turn of the community of -400 permanent They also applied to the ^" BIICII Wtlnut 82"xl9i/2'^13'* century . residents. southeastern Atlantic coast Clock movements imported from West Germany And ' way back in the corner Rhodes said the gold from the which, the council noted, "ex- combined with skilled furniture craftsmanship of a musty 6-by-15-foot vault Cripple Creek area never periences storm conditions give Emperor clocks a warm P rich beauty and were H unmarked bags, filled crystalized and wasn't shiny which are more severe than lasting dependability as heirloom timekeeping with an estimated 20 pounds of those prevalent in either the instruments. l ike the gold found in other Gulf of Alaska or the North gold dust and gold samples , parts of Colorado during COME SEE OUR LATEST ADDITION, "That vault hadn the Sea". 't been gold rush days. BEAUTIFUL MODEL 200 cleaned out in at least 70 "That stuff we took to Denver The council said that "loss years," said District Judge didn't look like gold ," he said. risk would face development" I4BSM SPECIAL SALE PRICES If— I William Rhodes, who travels "Tho dnst looked like sand and off New England and the mid- the 45 miles from Colorado \Wm\ DURING ENTIRE SHOW plSZ\ WIZARD OF ID . : " ' by Parker and Hart the hard samples looked more Atlantic. . Springs to sit as presiding like rough The council concluded that judge whenever rock. Nobody would PROMPT SHIPMENT GUARANTEED from our there is a trial believe it was gold , but it is." new offshore oil development in Cripple Creek. "Tho court- would bo acceptable, provided Fairhope, Ala. plant. See these beautiful tra- house Itself , has been the Itho-des said the total value of great care is taken to protect ditional Emperor G randfather Clocks at this stepchild olStlie district for the gold might reach $30,000 to the environment. Special FREE Showing. years." $40,000 by the time it was A Direct Factory Representative Mrs. Anderson and Rhodes processed. He said he hoped the knew about the gold about a money would eventually bo Housto n County ARC JOH N DIXON month ago, but didn 't tell the tnrneel over to tho judicial will show you each model and answer questions. public until Thursday when the department for improvements d rive in progress bags wero taken to Denver for on tho Cripple Creek Court- CALEDONIA, Minn, - The Wdfe kf> Fm Oofcfc &yog deposit in the state treasury. house , nnnual membership drive for "Wo didn't know what to do "There's no carpeting In the the Houston County Associa- with It , " Rhodes said. PgMgf MARK TRAIL - by Ed Dodd "Finally courtroom and the chairs in the tion for Retarded Children Is __^ I talked wllh Chief JusLice jury room are just terrible," rsons Edward now in progress for pe Pringlo (of the Colora- Rhodes said , "The place sure renewing their membership and do Supremo Coiirt) /ind we could use the monoy." EMPEROR agreed it for new members. would lie best to Function of the ARC is to transfer it to Denver." CLOCKCOMPANY CANCER DRIVE implement programs ior tho FAIRHOPE, ALA. 36532 IthodoH Kiilri there was rnn BLAIR , Wis. (Special) - Tho retarded. security In tho two-story brick Beaches Northern Lights 4-H Due to tho energy crisis It Visit Our Showroom i( courthouse and ho v/ns worried Club members will bo helping would bo most helpful every- -V WORLD'S LARGEST MAKER OF r - about tho three women who in tlic annual Cancer Fund one would mail their dues, 6BANDFATHER CLOCKS worked nlono In the building. drive this year in the Beach sJiid the membership cjialrman , /f\ ^-^ Tho judge said tho gold urea. Members will start travel- Mrs. Lyle Solberg, Spring probably wus used as evWcnce ing envelopes. Grove, Minn. 55072. TvVins to open tonight amid eternal optimism from president Griffith BLOOMINCTON, Minn. (AP) ith . says. He looks for a much — The Minriesota Twins, .com- tighter .race this year. . ing off their -worst '¦—¦ ': and .majdr "Our: defense is going to be better, our pitching is going to league baseball's worst — pre- ' : ' ¦ be better," Griffith said. . "Last season . record, open . tonight year we; had one. of the best amid Eternal , optimism from clubs ih baseball going into ; the Twins President Calvin ¦ Griffith ninth . We had to blow 20 •that-., the: club will be '. a con- ¦;¦' gaimes going into the eighth or tender ., for. • the . American ninth inning.last year." League pennant. The Twins president says he "We'll be . in contention — there s no questioni , expects; some of his younger ' aTSbHt it,'' players ¦Griffith said Thursday in a ^tele- , like/ Steve Brye and Steve Braun to supply: lead- phone interview from Orlando, , FlaW ership because of vtheir . added -; The Twins lost . their 22nd ex- maturity,. hibition game to the Montreal Brye is at least art;adequate Expos Thursday, 14-8. Min- cemterfielder but has had nesota managed to win only trouble with .his hitting. Griffith five preseason '.. . . contests the says the onetime bonus baby least successful showing in^ the now has "been hitting the ball club's history. re al well. He could go all the his way and become a star. TYING ;TH^ABE A swing:in the. first , inning at Cincinnati Thursday as he hit his 714th Then he's greeted at the plate by his teammates. (AP Photo- Against Montreal, " career to tie the all-time record set by Babe Ruth. fax) provided a bright Braun, who has been a spot in the gloom by slamming steady hitter, has apparently two homers. Hisle finished up found a defensive home in left It' his with five field. "I can't believe the way I knew it was s a load off home runs and two doubles in he's hitting the ball," Griffith his last nine times up. says. &W side; The Twins lost 21 of their Griffith says he stands on his my , first 24 spring games before optimistic prediction even if ag- andtlier horner back but I erupting for 13 runs in two ireg slugger Harmon Killebrew straight victories to fuel Griff- does not have a productive ith's undying optimism . year. ffes the Babes HR record need one more "We'e looked like a good Killebrew, who will turn 38 in ball club the last says Bifiliighanii '' ¦ two games," June, has been troubled by in- U " ' -X-By -ED- SHEARER., Aaron had taken the only other strike, a letter-high fast ball. CINCINNATI (UPI) — Need- he said. juries the past few seasons and . . CINCINNATI (UPI) - Jack "It was a good pitch," Aaron said. *'I was guessing fast . ' ;. : CENCINNATI .(AP);-: .''I've always thought that time less to say, Hank -Aaron was Griffith said spring training hit only five home runs last .Billingharn knew At 1 an t a's ball. He got It up a little." is intended to give promising year. , Hank Aaron ; had swatted his was on . my side,"; Hank' Aaron said Thursday, after the 40- pleased with his 714th career year-old slugger, unleashed a dramatic home run to tie Babe Billingharn said the pitch, sailed on him, that it was a home run Thursday that tied youngsters a chance to display "Killebrew is a person who is 714th career hoine run '. the mistake and "he hits mistakes." Ruth's all-time rcof d of 714.: ;; Babe Ruth's .record. their talents before the front of- going to give you a good year moment the ball left his bat fice brass, even at the expense ; there Thursday afternoon. , : "He deserves it," Billingharn said. "He's the greatest I've OT else he's going to quit," 'The Atlanta superstar's .timeless chase of the legendary "It's a load off my back," of bringing a fancy winning Griffith said. : "I knew by the . . way' he ever seen. It's unfortunate he hit it against me." "He's that kind of Ruth ended abruptly-r-on his .first: swing of the 1974 season said Aaron, "but I need one streak north for the home fans. a. person. He s got a lot of pride gwung,'' said . the. Cincinnati when drilled a Jack Billingharn fast ball oyer the left Billingharn and Aaron met in the small room beneath the ' ¦ Aaron . . more to break it. When I get "When we were in Washing- and determination." Reds pitcher/ "At first I just :field;fence in RJverfront Stadium. ':,: • ; . . : stadium where both faced interviews from a battery of news- ' ' men. As the two passed each other, Billingharn patted Aaron it , I'll probably run aro»und the ton we used to win this Grape- Despite a nuisance injury in . ;. sort , of looked down at the ' . ground, but , then I thought I ; "I still feel like I do owe fans in. Atlanta a ;shot at 715/* on the back and said softly, "Congratulations, but why did bases backwards." fruit League and then finish spring training, the Twins offi- . last in the American League ; . might as- well watch it go out." ¦¦ Aarpn said, "but, yes, I am going to play Saturday. you have to. do it on me." Aaron will get his chance for ," cial says Killebrew is "actually some fancy basepath footwork he recalls. swinging the bat like he did Billingham, , who started in ;' ." . "I'm certainly going tp play the;: game, the-way it's sup- Aaron merely chuckled. the Reds come from behind, 7r posed, to be played arid .if I get a pitch to hit, I'll try to dis- here Saturday, when the The Twins open their season five years ago." ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ The game was interrupted for six minutes as Vice Presi- There's a possibility of a ' .;. 6, 11th inning win, . said the .pose;of ¦it;"' .; .;¦' ¦, . ' ' .. :¦ . ¦ dent Gerald R. Ford, in town to toss out the first ball of the Braves seek revenge for Thurs- tonight at Kftisas City. The day's 7-6 loss to Cincinnati. Both team opens its 14th trade to improve the pitching home run ball he dished up to ' ''¦ • season, and Kuhn strolled onto the field to congratulate Aaron . home sea- ;, ; . . ." The Braves had wanted to withhold Aaron from the three- teams are idle today. son at Metropolitan Stadium staff , but Griffith says nearly Aaron was a . sinker which game opening series iri; Cincinnati that continues Saturday ;" didn't sink like: it .was supposed "This is a great day for you and a great day for baseball," A beaming Aaron told more Tuesday against the Chicago every major league team is ' and Sunday following an open date today. The club announced : '- ' ¦ ;:¦¦ Ford told Aaron. "Good luck for 715 and a good many more." than 100 newsmen after the White Sox — if sunny weather Looking for left handed starters, - -tO, : . ; its intention, triggering controversy. ; t .-.;:' -"It '• just kind of sailed ihto: Kuhn praised Aaron as "not only one of the greatest pro- game he felt like he was off to and the groundskeepers can "r don't know what we're going . fcim ," said Billingharn. "You Bowie Kuhn, commissioner of baseball, said he expected fessionals to play the game, but a great gentleman as well." a good season — his 2lst in the dispose of more than seven to do." make a mistake oh him and- it's the Braves to use Aaron as they had a year ago; playing rough- major leagues. inches of newly fallen snow. _ The Twins have no left-hand- ¦¦ ' ¦; Aaron broke away from the swarm of teammates that ' gone."' - ' ; ly two of every three games.-.;¦ . ' greeted him at home plate and jogged to a box adjacent to "I felt I would hit a home Minnesota finished third in ed starters, but have southpaws Aaron , was..thrown a similar the team's dugout where he kissed his wife, Billye, who had run today," he said. "I was the in Tom Burgmeier and Vic Albury ¦ 'inning, The soft-spoken superstar wasn't placed in : the line-up 1973 with an 81-81 record, IS in the , pitch ; iii the- , third . , tears streaming down her cheeks. a little disappointed you gentle- Billingharn said ,, and grounded for certain until shortly before gaihe time: and he responded men didn't see the other one." games behind bhe champion It appears that one rookie, ¦ . ¦¦: :.;. ;- '. '- -. . with what the standing room only crowd of 52,154 had come It was his 96th home run. against Cincinnati, including 54 Oakland A's Sergio Ferrer , will be ' out. . to see. ' ¦: ;¦ Aaron had hit only one other . "Any game you pitch as bad . in this city where professional baseball began in 1869. opening day homer — off the "I think we're going to be at in the starting lineup opening as I did and win, you're going . .[-' . The homer; a three-run blast, sailed over the 375-foot mark Aaron said his initial excitement was dulled when the Chicago Cubs' Bob Rush in least 10 or 11 games better off- day and until Danny Thomp- to be happy j " said Billingharn. and came :on a 3-1 count from the Cincinnati right-hander. Braves blew a lead and lost 7-6 in 11 . 1956. than we were last year," Griff- son's hitting improves. "I marked. this off as one of the ¦four or five bad games I expect during the season." ;. -;• . -. - . The game; was stopped for six •: minutes while Aaron was ¦¦¦ 1974 siason already presented ' the / baseball clob- bered 'to tie! Babe' Ruth's all- « , \, ,^...... ^.w .*. , ; time ; Major. League! :: homer -. . record. Billingharn said he ' was >'irritated" by the delay: and s last year thought the ceremony should riserrtblf ¦ ':' ' : have been held after the inning By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS may, board chairman of the doubled him home to tie the was ended. Thus far, after just one day Braves. score. "It seemed like a half hour in the . spotlight, the 1974 base- "Thank you very much,' Aa- Rose doubled again off Buzz itietn itti out there," said Billingharn. ball season beats a striking re- ron said. ; "I'm just glad its al- Capra with two out in the 11th. Cincinnati outfielder Pete semhlance to 1973. most over with. Capra then uncorked a wild ¦ : Rose soered the . - . winning ' run Hank Aaron hit a home run By scoring a run in the fifth pitch, which got away from from second on a . wild pitch - No. 714, tying. Babe Ruth's inning, Aaron : also tied Willie Johnny . O'a'tes and the dug- (Continued on next page) career record — the Atlanta Mays for third place on the all- rolled to the corner of din titllie C reat ' bullpen failed misera- time list in that category. out behind third base and the ' '' . . ' ' ¦ Braves . I KNEW bly, Pete Rose won a game for After Atlanta built a 6-1 lead, hustling Rose raced home. the with some the Reds pulled within range on ' Jackson slashed a single, two sharp hitting, and baserunning, Dave Concepcions solo homer doubles and a towering home did some off starter, Carl Morton in the run and stole a base in Oak- Unknow n. strong hitting for the Oakland fifth inning and Tony Perez lands rout of Texas. The A's A's and the , de- three-run shot , off jumped on Jim Bibby, who no- [ =[? 1 Truth: Relatively few SPORT Cm spite Manager Billy¦ Martin's in the eighth. With two out in hit them last July, for four runs pennant talk, lost. .' - ' . ¦ ¦ the ninth, George Foster deliv- in the second inning, and chased people know what it SHOTS Despite the slim opening day ered a pinch single and Rose him with two more in the fifth . schedule — one game in each " really is. i* ^ ir '~ ^^^ . . By DOSH ? l$$$r league — there was quite a bit SHU of action as the Reds rallied to edge , the Braves 7,-6 in 11 in- nings in the BASEBALL QUIZ: One of the while the two-time world cham- Two Packers miss all-lime great sluggers, still pion A's; trounced the Rangers holds the active ¦ ¦ last year, 7-2 in the American. unique' ¦ reeoi rl of having hit Fourteen more teams, are home runs, in 2!) different ma- scheduled to gtft going, today. In spring camp opener jor lpague ball parks, Can you the AL, it's Detroit at Balti- name him? more, California at the Chicago SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (UPI) - | camp by 6 p.m. Thursday and Mil- Two players were missing, but 35 were on hand. Rookie Rick totally AmerU White Sox and Boston at ] Base brill - is a waukee in the afternoon and there was one oh hand ^ho Brown of South Carolina and can derivative of ihe English Thursday obtained game of crirkol (first ' record- Minnesota at KansaB City un- wasn't expected as the veteran John MoSier, ed ' : in the U .S. : in 1747 ) , The der the lights. Green Bay Packers spring camp in an. off-season trade, were gnino evolved fihout the end The lone NL daylight game opened here, __ both expected, however. of ihe eifMeenth century, As finds Houston at San Francisco. Dan Devine said Jim Devine said that physicians early as 17l!(T "basto-bnll" was At night, Pittsburgh visits St. Hili , who isn't scheduled to at- looked at Ron Widby, who un- banned at Princeton , N.J., Louis and San Diego plays at tend the camp, had flown in derwent back surgery for a Rules wore tirst codified in Los Angeles. to. talk about his contract for disc problem following the 1973 IMS in . New York by Alexand- The rest oE the clubs swing 1974. Hill had sp.nt two days er CurtwriRh l , And hero 's an season , and said he was mak- int o action Saturday, earlier this week talking with ing a "normal recovery." interesting Inlor occurence Tho big ne-ws Thursday was 4, 1!H>2 , it officials from the World Foot- . , .On February- Aaron. The 4(r-yeav-old slugger The Packers will hold two-a- wns claimed in "Nedelya, " the ball League. day drills Friday and Saturday weekly .supplement to the So- equaled Ruth's mark, which Hill, who was obtained from was once thought unreachable. and then wind up the camp with vlel newsnapcr "Izvostia ," that the San Diego Chargers in a single sessions Sunday morning, "Bci/.bol'' was an old Russian He smashed a three-run homer trade three years ago, is going game! off Cincinnati's Jack Billing- into the option year, of his con- harn in the very first inning of tract with Greon Bay. Frank Hnbinson. ' who returned the season on his very first trip League in A spokesman said 37 players to the American to the plate. were scheduled to report to 197M with tho California was said teammnto , "It ," Angels was tho player who Norm Miller, "the most appro- hud homered in 20 different priate tiling to do at the time. hnllparks during majo r longuc It was like building Disneyland his first 17 yeans in the big leagues, and opening the gate. The pro- Wabasha Marina ,s Nov, duction had bojsn made and the An Authorized Dettfar for . . Whnt' s your pleasure — steak , stage was set," seafood , fried chicken? It's nil Like the super , star he is, Aa- waiting for you nt SHORTY'S ron stole the show. Ho lined n "THOMPSON BOATS" "where excellent food is ex- 3-1 pitch over tho left field "• (Modtls en Display) , wo offer portly served," And fenco at the 375-foot mark. SALE HOU RS: quick take-out sorvlce , tool Among the cheers and acco- Weekdays 9 to 5 SHORTY'S RESTAURANT lades for Aa ron were a resolu- And D. J. LOUNGE tion of congratulations in tho Saturday 10 to 3 Mark & Confer Sts . U.S. Senate and a standing ova- Sunday 12 to 5 052-2622 tion in tho House of Represen- tatives when No. 714 was an- Evening* by Appointmant Open Mon.-Sat, l . 'a.iM.- nounced. 12:30 a.m., Sun, Noon-8 p.m. > The Atlanta-Cincinnati game LOUNGE OPEN was interrupted for six minutes WABASHA MARINA whil Aaron was congratulated Phono: 612-565-4747 Mil 1:00 a.m. Daily e Pnimium'Amarican Lifllil WliiM'uy. 00 piool Ballon DiciiUinp Comptny, Btidslown, Konluckyoi073t by Vice President Gerald R. 1009 East Main St. Midnight on Sunday Wabaiha, Minnesota Ford, Basefcall CommiBslonor ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Bowie Kuhn and Bill Bartholo- P 6li^Compiled from wire services "They did ; everything right pulling .: ahead ; .13-8. . But the official. ' . cago Bulls and Detroit Pistons , ingv the Pacers /'past San/ An- ¦¦ - . .:. The offense . collapsed, the and we did everything wrong, Bucks rallied • to 52-39- lead by In the.ABA playoffs:. the Vir- tied ; 1-1, meet 'at.Chicago. The tonio. :¦ - ' Conquistadors 100, Stars 9 defense withered and Los Sharrnan said.: halftime and .-near. . 'the- end of ginia Squires gained their first other NBA series, continues Sat- Angeles Lakers . Coach Bill the third quarter/ the , lead was. victory: in/ three games against Underdog San Diego, trailing ; Only twice has a. team, down ¦¦:;' urday at Buffalo, with the Bos- quar- Sharman summed it: all up stretched to 33. points, . . • New. York, holding' off the Nets by 26 points in the second with: "We'll have to do some 3rl in a playoff , come back to ; "The //big . difference was ton Celtics leading . tlie Braves stormed back; on the shoot- ' 116-115; the . Indiana Pacers ' ¦ " ¦ " ter, win the series. Los Angeles did defense. We stopped their til.- ; -. . Dwight Lamar soul searching now. . squared their . series . against :- ing of iookie - . The Inkers fell victim of an it the last time in 1969 against running game and we had a ';¦ Virginia, spurred by Jim Ea- and a tight defense, . holding Phoenix. Milwaukee can wrap San Antonio at 2-2 edging the ex-Net George awesome Milwaukee attack and hand in their, face; all night, Spurs; 91-89 and the: kins 31 points, Utah : without a, field - goal for up the "Western Conference "title , San Diego s 23 and reserve George over- s mothering Bucks defense Costello said. \ Conquistadors also gained a 2-2 Carter' the final. 1% minutes, in: suffering a at home; Sunday night, The hand was strong enough Irvine's 18, rallied from . .-a 16r ' ' Thursday night, tie against Utah, shading tlie taking the Stars. -. •: .• •."If might have/been . the " deficit, ' 122-2 damaging 112-90, loss in the . to vhoid Gail Goodrich to two Stars 100-98. point second-period MILWAUKEE (112)1 Dandrldge fourth, game of their NBA worst game we played all year. points, a career low-: Goodrich ^ pulled ahead 77-75 late in the it, Warner 3 0-0 t, JBbbar n 7:8 3I» Robertson 4 3-4 11, Williams : 5 2-2 12, best-of- s a shame the game was on is the NBAs fifth best -scorer The other ABA series, be- opened a 10-point - McGldcklm 5 3-3 13, ^ M^ Western Conference It' . : third quarter, ¦ Perry 5 1-1 11, . seven playoff series. It was the national television.,, said Shar- mtfr;25.4 .point average.' tween the Kentucky Colonels lead late in the :¦. ; gamier then Drlscoll 1 0-0 2, Garrett 0 00 0, D«vl» THE ANNUAL blizzard shoots are eiuled for . another 0 0-0 0. 'Totals:. 47 18-20 112. :. - only . NBA; game scheduled man. ¦ - "The law- of averages finally and Carolina Cougare, resumes furiousi New York year .—'-.wish we could be so sure about the blizzards — and withstood a LOS ANGELES (»): Halrsion "J 4-4 10, Thursday night. - During just three quarters of (paid off for us. We hadn't tonight; at Greensboro, N.C.j comeback. Hawkins 3 6-0 t, Smith 9 2-2 20; Goodrich the guns from the Minnesota side of the rtyer again proved . 8, ¦ ¦ Kareem Abdul-Jahbar in tan- play, Jabbar hit 13, for 18 and beaten them here in a number with the Colonels leading 1-61 the most 1 0-0 1, Price 5 3-4 13, Bridges 4 00 to be:a bit more accurate. . - • ¦>. ' ¦' . George McGinnls, Counts 4W 8, Hawthorne 1 2-3 4,, Rile/ " ' ' ' dem with forward Bob Pan- seven free : throws for si points of years, Costello added.: Two NBA games also will be valuable player in last season's 6 0-0 12, Washington 2 3-4 7. Totals: 38 - . As of the March 24 shoot, Mbanesotans retained the covet- 14-17 90; ' drldge dominated the Lakers and grabbed. 18 rebounds, while lakers' center. Elmore Smith played tonight. The Capital. Bul- •ABA playoffs, fired in a line •.; .•:. 30 22 34 2J-1M ed Clay Pigeon ¦ trophy, the. third , straight championship for MILWAUKEE ... , ¦ ' and all but crushed! any chance bandridge netted 12 for arid led;Los Angeles with 20 points lets . take , a 2-1 advantage drive; 20-foot jump shot with LOS ANCELES ...... 21, 18 14 37- 90 Minnesota/ ..: .. . ' .;• / .<: 15 ' «f ': Lbs Angeles winning the two free throws for .24. before he was ejecterj 'withv8:50 against, the New : York Knicks four seconds remaining, cap- ' Total foulsr Milwaukee 22, . Los Anijele* Wisconsin gunners had the best scores of the final round— 18. Fouled but: None. -Technlcal fouls: Russ Hanson took Class. A with a 49 and Keith Ramsey Class semifinal series. • : The Lakers started fast, remaining . after cursing an at Landover, Md., and the Chi- ping an Indiana rally and lift- Smith elected. A—17,505. . ' . . . . . - & with a 47 — but it wasn't enough to overcome the Minne- jBota lead.; " ,;. • \/:. -" ;' ..*, ¦ Heriry Hein, La ' Crescent, Ted Minnesota shooters with a 45 in Class A. I knew With the blizzard shoots out of the way and ABC champs to wind up (Continned from page 11) the trophy carefully stored, local gunners are and said he was *'mad" when looking toward the beginning '.' ' of league compe- ball hit by Aaron he saw the ¦ tition and the usual ATA shoots. sail over the left field fence,:. ¦];,. run ' ', . "Ydii - don't want a home . Sunday has been set aside as a special spring -warmup state bciyrlina tcurn^ with two men on in the first day for the Winona Sportsmen's Club. Trapshooters have inning," said Rose, v been invited to loosen those stiff muscles and unlirriber, the Hamm's Beer of Minneapolis, , Evergreen • Lanes;. No. 3 of . Totiy Perez, the batting hero ¦ Sunday. . ' " trap;¦ guns beginning at: 11 a.m. ., two-tirhe Arnericaii Bowling Zumbrota leads Class B team for the Reds whose four runs '. There will be shooting in four classes ', Sunday: at 100 16- Congress tournament champion, standings with a 3,1S1. The,: all- batted in were : overshadowed yatd targets, with the winners/in the classes shooting for . a will highlight the final , weekend by : Aaron's . homer, ' said he grand prize.-; >".. events leader is Dale Hansen ¦ . of the Minnesota State , Bowling wished the 'Atlanta .- slugger -. ¦;. There will; also be a round of handicap .and doubles. Association's., tournament, here of St. Paul with a 2,014.;. '¦ - ' ¦ ¦ would get his next, and record- -. The. -first Wiscc^in-Minnesota: Registered Trap League Friday and Saturday and Sun- . Satoday's team, competition ^ome run against ¦ " breaking, .competition, which comes under ATA rules, has been - set day. - ' ,:;' . '/> ' ';¦ ;. starts, with an; 11 a.m. shift and Cincinnati's chief rival in the {¦or April 28 at:the Gilmore Bidge tange oi the¦¦Winona club, Hamm's became the first is followed by 1:30; 4: ahd 6:30 National League T West, , Los beginning at 10 a.m. ; "- . % "¦ ' . team in . the history of the ABC p.m. shifts. Sunday/shifts are Ahgelei9. . ' '; . tournament to win regular di- scheduled for 11:30 a.o- and '"As long as we ifoh " said Sornething neiy ¦ ' '' vision , titles, with same team 2 p.Bi. ¦ [ ¦ - ¦:. - - - • ' . Perez, "I'm glad to see him get members when it walked off Saturday '¦'' V WEDNESDAY will bring some new faces to the trap 's singles and . dou- it (No. 714).\. . .. ¦: with top honors in: Long Beach, bles . competition ; starts at 10 Reds catcher' Johnny Bench range of: the Winona Sportsmen's Club. As part of; a pro- , , winning gram to get young people interested:in the Varioias extra- Calif., in 1S72 after . a.m. and continues with 12:30, said in the locker room after the title in Knoxville, Tenn., in 3, . 5:30 and 8 p.m. shifts. Sun- the game that all the:Cincinnati curricular activities the area provides, Stan I^ebuhr will 1 970. '. ' be giving instructions in trapshqotihg to local high school stu- day's ; shifts are slated . for 9 players : -believed, the team ¦ ¦ The Hamm's quintet — cap- and 11:30 a.m. and ' and.4:30 'dents. v : ; ' .- ' ' ¦ 2 would rally .back after. Aaron's tain Glenn : Olson, Gordy Dahl, p,m,v- " : - this is possib/y the first time anyone has OLYMPICS TiJOPHY . . . Brian Junker • lan Nelson, chairman of the event, watches. three-run homer. . LeRoy Bryantj Bill Baden arid Sunday's singLes and d'Oubles " '"We knew that wouldn't be taken the time to organize instruction for ybung- Bob Hanson . scheduled action will be . .. (left) ,. - , Winona : Kiwanis Club president,, is: i '-.: The ,award was presented at a Kiwanis (iub '-¦' ' — are highlighted dur- enough to beat us," said Rose. ; sters interested in the sport and we cohgratur; to roll in. the state totrrriament's ing the 4:30 p.m. shift when presented . with the iService Club, Olympics meeting Tniirsday ;at the Park Plaza Hotel.. - . " ' "We knew.- that Henry : was .late those who have made it possible. Class A team division Saturday Dave Ruppert and . Dennis Daly . champiphship traveling trophy by John Fer- • (Daily ' News Sports photo) :' . going, to do his thing and we'?m Officials of the Wjhona CJub advise that the at.l;30,; at Mapleleaf Lanes. of Winona are scheduled, to roll. den, ^inona YMGA program director, as Al- going to get to do ours." . '.. range «n be made available to service groups, The . five will cornpete . in ¦ _ simi lar outings as singles arid doubles Saturday . elubs or school groups for at¦:¦ ; ; well. Contact « club member if ypufre interested. at . 5:30 pJm. Westgate;Bowl. Bloomingtori Standard of Min- ¦ "' ' Local activities along the same line included a: fishing neapolis : leads the.: A team Scoreboard Jeff Hansen Besek turns in class held at the Junior High last year and the arcnery .clin- standings, with a; 3,089, while ics held by the Winona .Archers in.Lake Park.' ¦ Eick Schei of Redwood Falls ¦ Pro Baseball Chicago ...... 39. ..14 23 101 259 157 - . These ar* the kahds of classes we like to see taking is on top of the singles stand- ' Los Angeles .. 32 32 12 • 7.6 220 225 AMERICAN LEAGUE Atlanta . -'. ;:,; .. .28 34 " 14 70 204 233 shape—classes where youngsters can be taught the basics , of ings with at 761 and Minneapolis' ¦ ¦ ' ,.EAST ^ • St, Louis .,...; 26 38 12 64 20) 237 Wabasha MVP % W&S7 series will carry them to hours: of enjoy- Dick Haivorson and Roger Blad w.: L. Pet. ©a Minnesota .... 20 32 16 -56' 207 237 the outdooi : sports that ; Besek turned In the top Gary Stehzel : recorded th» :¦ " ' Baltimore , o 0 .000 Pittsburgh .... 27 40 9 63 233 266 WABASHA, Minn.-Jeff Han- : Lee-: ment throughout tieir: lives. ' " .- . lead the doubles with 1,341. ' . ' ; Boston ...... 0 0 .000 . California .... 13 54 10 36 193 338 sen was named "Wabasha Hi^i 600 series in Thursday night's night'* top game with a 243 in Cleveland ...... ,-.: 0 0 .090 x-dlncried division trtle local league bowling competi- the Wapleleai Eagles Leagu* Detroit ...... 0 O .OOO THURSDAY'S RESULTS School's Most Valuable Basket- Milwaukee 0 0 ..0O0 - . ¦ Philadelphia 4, ,N:Y. Islanders 0 tallied.;a 222—«37 that .also : saw Wayne Holz , . re-; ¦ ¦ ' " tion when he New York : 0.0¦ ,000' "' • Pittsburg h 4, Buffalo 2 ball Player here at an awards for Rollingstone Lumber in the cord a 571, Sirloin Stockade, -,WEST. . -. - , . TODAY'S GAMES 1^ ' ¦ Oakland ...... ,,...' ; l o .000 Los. Angeles at Vancouver banquet this week. ; / •; 022 and Winona JAgericy 2,902. ;;- " - ¦ ¦ . ., Westgate Classic League., .. CalHorriia ...... 0 0 .000- -W Atlanta at California . ' ¦ ' ¦ lUch Ghuchna, Bill ,' Glow- WESTGATE: Pin Drop Chicago . ..;..,..... 0 .0 .000 W' , . -SATURDAY'S . OAA1ES Julie Baimer and Dan Miller — Kansas City ...... 0. 0 .0O0' Boston at ' and Jim |fey Oakland at Texas 2,56S. ' ' ' .. . Vancouver. .... 27 SO 1 55 278 345 , Cheryl Hansen , Cheryl Wilson, returning lettermen : Pete Hart- • most of them , covering either ed , in writing, and that it's up tiori clause, waiver system, re- Minnesota at Kansas City Los Angeles :. 25- 53 0 50 239 339 ATHLETIC CLUB: Ladies California at Chicago x-cllnched division title Wanda Loechler wich, Doug Berg arid John Col- — so-called "freedom issues to the players to make the next serve lists fines were other ¦ ' . , Sue Schur- " or and Boston at Milwaukee . ' . . - THURSDAY'S RESULTS ' " Laura Ytisten had 184, Gert Ga- ' hammer, Reggie McDonald clough. ' - .. •: . financial benefits. move. issues. Detroit at Baltimore, 2 ¦Vancouver 4, Winnipeg 2 and . " crew brych 464, Leo's Bar ;861 and Chv Thursday, the owners re- Cleveland at New York . Los Angeles 6, Jersev « . Julie Purvis. The rest of the Hawks' NATIONAL LEAGUE includes Kevin Kinze, Scott Hot Fish Shop 2,499. sponded to them with what the EAST : - . Gar her and Randy Koehler. K of C — Bob Banicki had players association called "no Sports in brief W. L, Pet. Gtt Chicago o o .ooo- 215—567 and - Weaver & Sons, response at all." Montreal ...... 0 0 .000 which wrapped up the league New York ..,., 0 0 .000 And the talks, which were ex- Philadelphia ,„ 0 0 .000 3,286 recorded championship, had 995-2,786, pected to continue next week in PHtsburgh 0 0 .000 VVinhawk . girls Washington, are apparently off St. Louis .,., 0 0 -00O ¦ DiGregorio named WEST at Cly-Ma r Bowl for the moment. Cincinnati ,.,.,.:... 1. :, 01,00O St. Charles fete Houston - . •.' ..i ,. '...;. 0 0 .000 14 The Management Council ] LEWISTON, Minn. - Recre- — Los Angeles ., 0 0 .000 h ST. CHARLES, Minn. — Win- San Diego ,, 0 0 .000 V> ation Bar & Cafe rolled a the owners' bargaining unit — victorious agai ter Sports Night is scheduled San Francisco ..;.. 0 0 .000 n rejected the two basic issues 3,28» series — believed to be the NBA's top rookie Atlanta ..,- , ;.- . ...:. 0 1 .000 1 ¦ here at St. Charles High School THURSDAY'S RESULT AUSTIN, Minn.-Winona High The last relay victory clinch- highest ever here — in the Hia- covering 43 of the demands, Tuesday starting at 6:30 p.m contending the piayers were Cincinnati 7, Atlanta 6, )! Innlnoi chalked up its second straight watha League at CJy-Mar Bowl . Compiled from Dally News wire services TODAY'S 3AMES ed the WHS triumph as the There will be a potluck sup- P-lltsburgh 16-13) at St. Louis girls' swimming victory here here Thursday night. calling for anarchy rather than IRcuss Hawks trailed 56-50 going into per and awards to winter sports freedom and were injecting ERNIE (Gibson 12-10) Thursday, nippin g Austin 57-56. Bruce Laufenburger tallied a DiGREGORlO «f Buffalo was named the MBA's San Diego (GreIf 10rl7) it Lot Anseles that event. athletes. " jeopardy " by attempt- Rookie of the Year, sweeping his contemporaries by the widest (Sutton 16-10) . Molly Murphy, Anne Fugle- 665, Bob Monzel .662, Duke Ni- ing to have colective margin since Kaxeem Abdul-Jabbar was the unanimous choice Houston (Roborts 17-11) at San Fran- staci, Jeri Magin and Becky Hartwich also placed second hart 598, Jim Smith 678 and bargain- cisco (Bradley 1J-1J) " ing cover issues which will also in 1970 ... . SATURDAY'S OWES Robb captured firsts for Wino- in the 200-yard individual med- Greg Bearden 578 as the team be open to individual player- Chicago (Reuschel 14-15) a1 Montreal na. ley and the 50-yard butterfly, had 1,040, i,09O and 1,156 games. BOB CHARLES, Mason Rudolph , Leonard Thompson and (Renko lS-ll) Murphy club contract talks. Babe Hiskey are tied for the first-round lead at six-under-par Now York (Seaver 19-lM at Phila- won the 200-yard free- delphia (Carlton 13-20) style in 2:24.6, Fuglestad the and Shechan, " Hagberg and "We gave them the demands 65 in the (Moose 12-13) at St, Louis $220,000 Greater Greensboro Open Golf Tourna- Pittsburgh 50-yard backstroke Mag- Reinarts did the same in the and we «xpected responses," ment . ' . . Foster 13-9) in 35.3, . Atlanta (Harrison 11-8) at Cincinnati in the diving event 50-yard freestyle said Ed Garvey, executive di- ¦ and Robb , 100-yard back- SAMMY ANGOTT, a former liglitweight cliampion, and (Gullott 18-81 the 100-yard 1:21.4. rector of the NFLPA. "They San Diego (Arl In 11-10 «l Los Anoeles stroke and 300-yard breast- $10995 the late Gus Lesncvich, a one-time light heavyweight king, (Messersmllh 14-10) WHS also got firsts in the 200- stroke, respectively. for a Toro? told us they can't respond, Houston (Griffin 4-6) nt San Fr»n- were named to the Boxing Hall of Fame ... yard medley relay (Jane Mag- In Thursday 's B squad con- the economic issues until we ve Cisco (Cnldw«ll 5-14) ' IOWA STATE has jumped into the lead after the first day SUNDAY'S GAMES berg, cleared up the freedom Mary Reinarts, Liz Hart- test, Austin pulled out a 55-44 issues of the NCAA gymnastics championships with 160.45 points to Chicago at f/lantreal. wich and Murphy, 2:11.5) and in triumph. — and that they can 't deal with New York al Philadelphia California 's 150.20 ... Pittsburgh al St, Louis the 40O-yard freestyle relay Winona will take its 2-0 dual the freedom issues because JOHN NEWCOMBE blitzed 6-3 Atlanta at Cincinnati Cliff Riclicy , 6-3 in the San Diego at Uos Anodes (Fugl estad , Murphy, Joan Sal- meet record to Owatonna April f a there's nothing to deal with, World Championship , Optional bugging kit /j \ \JI instructions Tennis Tournament in New Orleans .. Houston »l San Francisco zer arid Ann Slieehan, 4:31.6). 18 for its next meet at 4 p.m. eliminates rakings // \ fl^ , Utah 98, snrles (ltd 3-1. tour and would pick up some of Howe at the TOOAY'S OAMBS the expenses. t,arn" Thursday announced its sched- family and tho West Division Sam Houston Arena until Satur- Kentucky vs, Carolina , nl Greeniboro, £• ^v^k "Wind-TunneV'« ** I p.m. However, lie said , the athletic ^C^Wy ULillltl ule for the first round of the champion Houston Acros to day, April 13. SATURDAY'S ^ _^_m« OAMBS department would have to raise in housing vacuums Inwns ~^jjff lf Vyorld Trophy playoffs, which Winnipeg for Monday After tho first two San Antonio -nl Indlnnn & 's opener contests, San Diego M Ulnh, II necossnry *$/m between $5,000 and $0,000 for air With a Guarnntsed begin Saturday at Springfield , [ against. Bobby Hull and the the teams travel to SUNDAY'S GAMES withoiU a Toro long cnougli? the lower faro and incidental . Havou't you done Mass. and St. Paul, Minnesota. fourth-place Winnipeg Jets club's home fo tho next two New York vs, Vlrplnla a| Norlulk expenses Incom* . r Carolina al Kentucky Broitonbach said the athletic FOR THE BEST ¦ "The Busineai '/The Whalers will defend the Meanwhile, in tho other East gam*s, then will alternate ¦ .-, beard hns agreed to let tlie team In QUALITV and SERVICB >f M/lfJLr That Service Built" cflnmplonship they won last semifinal , the Cleveland Cru- home games until the series is Pro Hockey in DISABILITY and * s first. saders — fourth finishers decided , go, providing no athletic depart- Benson — the WHA' — in the NHL ment tundH are used. LIFE INSURANCE. aflHinst tho Chicago Cougars, division — travel to Maplo Leaf The oxcoption again is Hous- BMT DIVISIO N SEE OR CALL MBt VHIO Quebec Gardens in Toronto to face ton-Winnipeg. W L r Ptl, OP «3A " sneaked past the the The Aoros have x-noslon jl u 9 111 3(1 HI GIANT TIGHT iSND Morv Fugleitad Nprdiqucs for fourth place in Toros in the sorios opener Sun- received permission to play Montreal 44 33 v 97 261 !3S ADl FORCE ACADEMY , 454-4608 day afternoon thei r three games N.Y, Rnnoor r 39 33 H 92 291 J09 trio WlWs East Division. , April 7. consecutively Toronto ,. , .;, 34 % l« B4 W 233 Colo, (AP)-Afc (5 feet 3, Steve Hi'llnlo 31 ,1,1 ifa, /Tho Fifllifing Saints, socojod- The first two gomes of ea ch April 13, 14, and lfi , with tho la 7t n 2-15 Hanson of Clindron, Neb,, is the MONARCH LIFE Dnlrnlt JR 3(1 10 M ?« 309 1lfl Bl|UIPI WillT fcP. seventh {itaco finishers In the, West, will series will bo played nt- the game - if necessary - Vancouver , ... 93 tallest end in Air Force Acade- S4-5A E»«Ond(| sT^^^ | « 11 S7 2|H 2«3 INS. CO. ^ rice tho Edmonton Oilers, wiio i homo rink of tho team which to return to Houston on Satur- NX. lalnnilcrn , 1R « 1^ 5< 178 2H5 my football history. He weighs W. 4th St. Phon* 452-5065 ¦ ¦ day, April WEST DIVISION M'/a darted tlio season Like a house ! finished higher in the standings 20, X-Phllad»lp|i|« 49 1J 1J 110 34J 1M 230 pounds. Personals . ." . ¦ ¦¦' - ¦7 Horses/ Cattle Winona Dally Newis " " , Stock 43 f O Winoiia, Minnesota ¦• . BEEF -BURGUNDY is the featured dln- SEVENTEEN :3-year^>ld Hereford cows , • her tonight at the. WILLIAMS HOTEL. FRIDAY, APRIL 5 Want Ads coming with 2nd calves, due April and , 1974 Slp -this irites Also . l/v« . entertainment evening . A/lay,.bred fo registered Charolala bull. " Judge Mitchell; with the country sound of Ernie Brown. . Tel, 452-7287. after 6' p.m,,: " . Horses, Cattle, Stock denies 43f Prime Ribs are the. special. Sat. night. ' Won't you¦ |oin us? Ray Meyer, Inn- PALOMINO HORSES-sood selection and Start Here . keeper. color. Choose game, pleasure or trail sharply • from $250 to J495. ! Call.Jim . or Marlene " ' laH ' ' "' GET YOUR' dinner tickets .TO MiGHT. .S, at- Silver Creek Combination NOTICE . , : . Ranch, Houston. Tel. ¦ ¦ ¦ . NEW YORK: (AP) — Prices TOMORROW for STAG NIGHT , Mon. 896-3156 or' 896-2080. . .' ' ¦ Stans mist-rial motion THIS newspaper will be responsible for April 18i . Delicious borbeque • ' ribs will • . . ' . •Feeder- Cattle ; ^)RK (UPI) .-- gation of financial manipulator only one Incorrect Insertion «f any be .served. .Tickets .. a MUST at the WORK HORSES—two 3-year.old marts'; ' " NEW Feder- had failed to prove that a fell back sharply in the stock ¦ *- classified advertisement published In " LEGION. CLUB . ' ¦year-old. gelding, 12-year-old • gelding. al Judge Lee Pi Gagliardi conspriacy existed in testimony Robert L. Vesco in - 1972 in tha.Wanf Ads section, Check yuor ad market today Mattered by a Worbert Wicka, Fountain ,City, Wis. Tet. denied , today i»istri'al , and of 40 witnesses which, concluded return for a secret $200,000 cash : and call 452-3321 If a eorfecllon must COLD, OAMP, wet weather . got you «7-75OB;:- ." . ':;: ' ialefiON;^ new round of increases- bo made. . '- ' ' ' : . in down? . Brighter days are ahead.. Brdnk's dismissal motions by . the Wednesday. He alsoi -'ieft , un- con t'r i b u t i o n. to President ¦ Sugar Loa f Gardens will soon be banks' prime . lending fates; " " ' open, ¦LIVESTOCK WA.NTED — market cows ; defense at touched another obstruction Nikon's re-electoii campaign; " :. feeder caHle, : . Holsteln springing . Cows VVED ^PRlLilO : the Mitdiell-Stahs BLIND ADS UNCALLED FOR -- . . : CLOSETS CROWDED? Leaf's-Dlson's , and heifers. Trucking to Spring Grove ^ conspiracy trial but reduced the and six perjury counts :. Edward Nixon, The noon Dow Jones average E-46, 69, 60:' .;¦ Starting time 1 p.m. ; , i: count, "will be the ; ; has tha answer. Free Insured storage Sales Born; Tues, Hubert Volkman, charges slightly.' . : against each defendent. second brother of the President of 30 industrials was down 10;41 • for all your winter clothes. Free-moth; .- .Lewiston, Minn . Tel, 4161. ' - . • ¦: ND SALE (3O0D FRIDAY ' Leading off the defense to appear on the stand at the. 7- Card of Thanks . proofing, and mildew protection. - .Leaf's. : : Gagliardi dismissed one ob- at 4.4j and Ios«rs dominated Dlson's Cleaners & Launderers,¦ 400 E. FOUR?PLEASUfcE quarter horses, V reg. ' ' " ¦ ¦ witnesses will be Edwarid week-old . trial. Earlier . this FRITZ— -; : :¦: ' ¦:-, ':¦ •: " , ' .- ' ¦¦ , '. - . . ' . . 2nd, « W..4th, 1405 . Gilmore: - Istered. All have worked with, cattle..1 "Veal will be sold Btruction of justice . charge gainers' by about 8 to 3 on the . ' ' ¦ Nixon, youngest brother of weekj F, Donald: -' .''Nixon ,.'.-. - 'the I would like to thank everyone for 1helr gentle;Tel; 454-1904 .or .Houston 896-2308. , "Wed., ,; • ¦ ' because of a technicality .in kindness during my stay at Community V/E-.CAN only: lend money, to-people, who April lO at New York 'Stock Exchange. ' President Nixon/ older brother, testified as a . Memorial Hospital. A special thanks to ask for It! MERCHANTS NATIONAL FOUR .YEAR old ' registered. Appaloosa ¦ ' ' ¦' timing and recessed the court ; BANK. Have a ' - 12;30;to i o'clock ;. . so he could make .'further - Former . ;U. S. , Attorney reluctant government witness. Trading remained very;light . those who visited me and sent me H»PPy Dayl gelding, 2- .year' old white. Arabian filly. ' cards and gifts. Alio to Pastor James Tel. 452-9378 after . 5. -. . ' •". Siaaghtei cows, bulls and deliberations General John . N. Mitchell, and : ' Analysts - said Buying interest Larson for Ms visits and prayers, Or. GET- YOUR Wedding Invitations at Jones ¦ . on . a similar count , . . . '¦& Kroeger. Large- selection. Free ¦ ¦ ¦• Previous testimony at the Andersen and . the nurses on second Quill HORSE :. .SHOW~Apr. 7, .1. p.m. Horse fat cattle will be sold after of obstruction;. •¦ • ' former Secretary of Commerce ' " pen wllh ,S40 order. breaking-training, lessons and ' arena ' trial has indicated Edward was . severely, dampened by the .floor. .. . ¦ . ; .- - 4'p.mi; ; •; Maurice Hr. Stans . are- charged ' ¦ - Otio Fritz . - " - ' riding. Big Valley Ranch, Tel. *54-3305. The judge rejected defense with conspiring to impede a Nixon had a shadowy relation- continuing rise of the prime INCOME TAX PREPARATION — 9 years- ship ; with .: Robert L. Vesco, a ftAARXHAUSEN — . . experience with National Tax Service— TWO, REGISTERED " '2-year-bld'. Angus LANESBORO SALES arguments that the government security and . exchange investi- rate. New York's First National I Wish to .express my thanks to all my Betty Bergler Riibleln Tax Service. 116 . . bulls, also yearling bulls. , Gordon Rein W. -4th. Tel; New Jersey financier who gave relatives, neighbors and ' friends for ihelr . 452-7355 . Appointment pre- 8, Sons, Whalan, Minn. Tet.- 507-467-2378. City Bank raised) its prime this ferred cards, . gifts and visits during my stay but hot necessary; Farm-Busl. COMMISSION; INC. a secret $200,000 cash contribu- ; . ness-P.ersonal returns. ¦ ¦ : .at Community Mernorial Hospital; -. to . . EIGHT HEREFORD, steers, average 575 ' ' mprnng from 9>\k to: 9% . per . . - .- . : -' . Tel. Cpllect-4?7-2i92;-- ' •: . tion to Stans for the campaign. Dr.. - Flnkelnburrg; to. the nurses on lbs., 1 Holsteln heifer open, 600. lbs;; , . CARRIAGE HOUSE Cleaners for altera- ' cent, and' numerous other medical and- surgical floors , for their 13 black 'White-face open heifers, 700 lbs. Mitchell ; and . "/Stans;- are . . tions, repairs, sewing,, - ' wonderful -care. "-Special - pocket ilppers, . .Tet . 507-767-3379," . banks quickly posted similar Mr thanks to Pas- lining, general sewing. Gilmore Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 charged with attempting . to tor David Fischer Ave. ; for his many Visits at Vila St.. Miracle Mall ' creases; - . : and prayers. ,Vour kindness will always , entrance, FIVE- lightweight Angus- heifers; Ronald impede, a Securities and Ex- ' ' LAYING HENS—3M! Tel. " St. Charl« . be remembered. M. Davis, ¦ Alnia, Wis. 546J0. Tel. 60B- ( Digital. Equipment was the . GOT A PROBLEM? Need Information • '¦¦- ¦ - - W2-355L- - , - chahge .Commission (SEC) ; Eward j. Marxhausen or 685-3624. - , . .:¦ . . Big '. Board's, most-active stock, Just want to "rap"? Call YES evening* i^^^Mmm investigation of Vesco in return ' • :' 452-5590. . : BABY CHICKS Dekalb; Betferi, Cali- ' ROACH- ' • • ' , ROCHESTER . POLLED . HEREFORD ' ' '' dropping - ZVi to 103 in trading . fornia White, White Leghorn. 0rd«r for -v theh'\''contribiition.:- . - ' 'The Taking . CLUB^7th Annual Show and Sale, April ' "this ' opportunity to thank all my " • ¦6, - now. SPEC rt CHICICS. ROlllnaJtoni, block; at 102W. : . friends and HAVING A DRINKING problem? For .1974, featuring .72 lots, 43- bulls, all government rested its . case . . . relatives, who visited me - '.- experienced,- ¦ .Minn. Tel. '689- 2311.. while my stay CONFIDENTIAL , aid tq serviceable :age, 24. female bred and . that : included . a 59 90O-share In'the hospital. A special 'help WASHINGTON . thanks for men and Women - stop drinking • open. Olmsted-County Fairgrounds, new ' all the gifts and cards re- Tel. 454-1410 ' ORDER NOW: Chicks for meat, or tggi :0ii ; the American- Stock Ex- ceived. Also, . , ALCOHOLICS ANONY- livestock'building, show 9 a.m., sale 12 , Hbuse has apprcved a $668 increasing aid to South Vietnam Gagliardi reserved decision a special thanks to Rev. MOUS, for -yourself Or ¦ goslings and. ducklings. Free price list; Galen Sumner a relative. noon. For catalog write Grace- Kahv change, the market value index , Dr.: Andersen, Dr.. Mul- Tel. 454-5070 or write Coral City Poultry million supplemental defense which proponents argued was Thursday bri defense / motions ¦¦ rooney and . merer, Rt. -4 , Rochester, . Minn. 55901, ¦ the nurses op 2nd floor. Products, Inc., Box 381, Winona, Minn. authorization after rejecting a was down .44 at-9&09. •' - Mrs. 'Eleanor Reach Tel. -507-753-23 70:. needed to offset the effect oi for dismissal of tbe indictment . Located.on .Breezy Acres,: ' - $274 million increase in military inflation. . and for mistrial. , Other Big Board issues oil the LEWISTON LIVESTOCK Market-A real ' In Memoriann ' :gopd auction. market your livestock. HATCH DATES, on Babcocks, XL-», XL-10 aid for. South Vietnam. : Stans 'will -testify; in' his own active list . included Standard OPEN HOUSE ¦ . 'or . Dairy . cattle on hand all.' week, cattle meat-typo chicks April 2, 9, 12.. 1«, Vi The Hoiise approved the " After debate reminiscent of defense ,' according;, to his Oil of; California, down % at (N LOVING MEMORY OF Leo Helden: - ¦; ' ' . bought and aold dallyi. truck* a vailable. 23, 26. 6-wcek-old caponlzed. birds , bet- . .- ,MI-Iir^ns;.Sugar Bush • ' . 's, ducklincjs .available how; Watch) the, hawk-dove' battles of the remaining military authoriza;- attorney, and Mitchell - also; is 28% ; Texaco, off % at 27;. Rest. In. peace, dear, loving Husband, : .Sale . Thurs . at 1 p.m . . Tel Lewiston ting One long year/has passed away. You ' ' ¦¦ 3667 . evenings St. Charles 932-3602. Call .our TV. commercials on Channel .8; " tion -—the first sought .. by the ' ; : - Arkansaw, Wis. ; ¦' late 1960s, the. House voted 177- expected to take the , stand. and Phillips Petroleum¦ , down a . are gone. - but ' still -are) living, ".- collect. Lee Ploetz. - Aprll l,. 29 at 9 o'clock, April .«; 13, at Pentagon since 1967 , -MJn a :- " In the hearts, of 1hose-who stay. - . 6:30 p.m. Contact us for Big Dutchmen John W, Dean HI, the ousted point at 52., . - li' voice vote. The money, will , go '." Sadly missed by Wife, children PUREBRED YORKSHIRE. and . Hemp-, cages/ or automatic chicken or 09 White House counsel ; who The Amex volume leader was it . Grandchildren :. shire.boars, test ahd . scan?o-'grarh rec- . feeding equlpmenl. Bob's vChick Sale!, for various military material ¦ 7 April 6 and 7 ords. Roger Owen, ' Durand. Wiv Tel. Alice Goede, Mgr., 1M W. 2nd, Winona , appeared '• ',• as , a prosecution Syhtex, down 2 at 45/s. ¦ • ¦ V 672-5717 : ' . . Min.n. Tel. 5Q7~4J4:10?2. homo 454-3755., for both .U.S. and allied; forces, witness testified ' he learned The NYSE's composite index Lost and Pound A Noon until;5 p.m .-.•" , : ' ' ' and: : for construction ' - ; " PUREBRED bUROOboars. Clifford Hoff, and Edward; N&on' was , involved of all its listed common stocks ' '' T^T^, -:..:; : : Personals 7 Wis. oh Hwy. 10. Watch for C CORMICK DEERING plow, a-wttonv Foul . Llners ...- .,;....,....;¦ 34 22 ;¦. - . ' was needed because of infla- Cattle .' and • calves:- 3,6O0; ,$low, j*ffl 672-5711, M ¦ check. ;. Durand Wis. . Tel. , - on Grubber, clutch typo,. $95, need* r»- Plumbing ...Barn- ;,... V'a 27',4 ' ':¦ - .;' ;¦ ' cleanup trade on all classes slaughter green and white signs. tion. . ;:' YOUR post bulletin has a lot of .Informa- Willis Stuber, Fountain Clty» - Bay . State . Boxers •. -. -; -J7V4 . J8W-' . Dean testified , that Nixon told cattle; slaughter sheers-and heifers 50- palrlna. ¦ ' tion In If. Read It over and Join Irv the' - ¦Wis ' ' - ¦ ' . ' ' -.' ¦ - . • ' '-/. ¦ • - . .Lodge' No. 1030 .....;..,- 27 . 3? . . . The original $1,126 billion 1.00 lower; cows 50 lower; bulls weak; ¦ ¦ ¦ ...... -:...... : him he; checked with Stans who activities;. V.F.W. . POST 1287. ' " ' ";¦ •', -Bay State Old Docs ...... ' 24 " 32 a load mostly average choice 1210 lb , V - . South Vietnamese military . aid gas trador, fast. .' Unknown ...... ' ..-.:...... 24 32 said it . didn't matter in what slaughter steers 40.50; other load lots INTERNATIONAL 560 FOR YOUR N EXT wedding, anniversary Transportation " '8 Tel. . - ' ¦ Merchants Bank - '. .: :,., 21- .35 . program choice. 1100-liOO lbs 33,00-39.50;. a load ^ . hitch, power steering,¦ wide front. , passed last year, was form . the. contribution . was or party, rent the fine facilities: of the - " ¦ ' - KE GLERETT E LADIES u ¦ high choice, Including sortie-prime-38.00)- 608-323-3774. ' . . . . Winona Elks' . Lodge. Tel. 452-47l6: —leaving - v ¦ - : unaffected. made. Dean ; said be told choice . ' . 900-1100 lb slauahter - -. heifers . . :;. S.W. monthly, 12-14 days wllh ; \Weitsal« - . - - , .- W , L. - 3-ld T I 37.50-39.50; Utility and commercial slaugh- i senior , people, everthing , furnished PLOWS—Minneapolis AAoiina' 4-14, ¦ . Golden . Brand ,'.,,' ...-; .8' - . 1 The Pentagon o gin all y President Nixon; about . the - ter cows ' 31.50-33.M,' few-early 33.50- Including meals, $425; For more ' Infor- Minneapolis Moline, mechanical llltj M« - ..West .End: Liquor .... '... .. -. 6 3 asked, ; 'Tel. ' for supplemental appr*- Vesco contribution on February 34.00; cutler 30.00-32.00; scanner ' 27,00- . mation Fountain: City : 6B7-4742. . . s International, mechanical lift. Paul • Karasch Realtor ....V.: 5 4: : ' : ' : ' . : ¦ - priaupns - totaling $1,142 billion ¦ - ' ' ' ' ' ¦ •• 30.OO; No. 1 1700-2O00 lb slaughter, bulls ^sl^ii Reps Jr., Tel. Lewiston 5755. Dlson's; Formal .We^r ...... 4 S . : 2. , -: . - - . ' ^ - ::- • - . 38.00-40.00; individual M .00; . 1-2 W5W850 Get Into the CI ossified EASTERN CANADA- tour departing June Winona¦ Truck Leaslho ...,'< 5' " ' ' LIVESTOCKS; 1 including the; additional funds Ibi. 35.50-38.50; In -Thursday s . trade 8,. 1974. Includes stops at . . Ottawa, PROMPT stiRVlCE on alt makw - Piggly WIggly . -....-•• .' .;.:..-3 ' 6 ' .. ¦ ' ¦ ¦' - for South; Vietnam, saying the prime vealers up to 74.00; choice 58.00- Quebec City, Niagara Falls, several : of. bulk tanks. . . ¦ Town & Country St-ate Bank 3 . a , . ¦ Ad ; Game and ; Sell Catholic, shrines. Make your .reserva- AUCTION - 8, Dairy SuppilM $ ' Produce .. '. - '.,- 3- ¦ 63.00; /good 5O.O0-6O.OO. . ' Ed's Refrigeration 2lebell' ...... « money was needed because of Arcadian notes tions now. ' Contact • ¦ Bernle . . Wallerich > : Tel. 452-J532 A.C. LADIES . Hogs: T1OO0;. barrows and gilts -' fully . v : . : 1127 Mankato - • - . > ' for- Information and- reservations 1470 ;;':::;, :SPARTA/:./; :: " " . AtWetle Club . W. ¦ -•' L. "a number of unforeseen prob- 50 lower .than Thursday'.s low dose or ' . 'V ¦' S p:m e t;h i n g You No Park Lane. Tel. 452-2E30.; ' ; ¦ used 35' slnflin or Hot . Fish Shop ....;.... " ' -24. . 12 " •as much as- 2.00 lower than Thorsday's . ¦ WANTED TO !BUY .. . lems relating to maintaining 90th birfhday ' , MON; -CZ; WED: ;SALES , elevator; suitable - for use •'. . Leo's , Bar ...... ' 19 17 ' best - time; 1-2 190-240 lbs 31.25-31.50; a double chain ' few shipments earlv 32.00; 1-3 190- as conveyor, transports not Important, .'. .Winona Knitters ...;...... 1? . 17 . adequate levels . of . military Longer Need or Use! . Business Services 14 ; : " ¦ ' ' Lantern Cafe ...... - - '-IB- 18. 1 / ARCADIA, Wis; (Special) — 240 lbs 31.00-31,25; later mostly 31.00; ... For Trucking Call : -/.. ; Tel. iS9-2iS5. . -: v \ -, . .. , ... .i. . readiness.' ; ¦ ' Winona Agency' ...... : . 17 -.1? 2-4 240-260 lbs 30.50-31.00; 2-4 '26O-300 lbs ¦ Joe Sbb-otta , Arcadia, celebrated ERV'S FIX-IT Service, home and house- No. 295 unite, Kaehler Auto Body ... 11. 12 28.50-30.50; sows 1.00-1.50 lower; T-3 300- v GORDON NAGLE 1H PLANTER, 8-36" rows, ...... hold repairs, remodeling and painting. shoee; - ' - CLASSIC The original request budgeted his 90th birthday Sunday with 400 lbs 26.00r27.00; -1-3 . 400-600 lbs . 25.00- (Pub Date Friday April- 5, 1974) ¦ .. fold-up. tool bar/ liquid fertilizer ¦ . . . v Tel 454-401o. ' " ; ' . Dakota, Minn. . 8-r30'' .• ' - ¦ Westgate Points 26.25; board 1,00 lower 26.00-27.00; a few , ; popul atlon monitor. AC planter, ¦ . $474 million in extra money for a family gathering in Arcadia. . CITY OF : 'liquid - .Wine-House ,.. . _ .:. ..- , 288 under 250 lbs down :.1o 34.00. ".; . WINONA MINNESOTA : ¦' rows/ no till coulters, complete...... : BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NORTHWEST ALUMINUM—manufactu'r- . > ; Tel; 643-6372. :¦ ' graham . . Rollingstone Lumber - '...... 265. . South . Vietnam but supporters A lifelong resident of Arcadia, ¦Sheep: 700; tradi ng In all/classes mod- . ; fertilizer, insecticide boxes, IV ...... , Notice of Hearing ers ,of aluminurn. windows doors and , ¦ Ruppert's Grocery ...... 238 - erately active, steady to ar good outlet; , -;;-" .; chise l plow, new combine monitor. Jew immediatel Sobotta farmed -TAKE '¦ , awnings for over 20- years, local deo l- Please Call Early: Fish Shop ...... 217MT y compromised .to ¦choice and prime 90-100. lb both wooled PLEASE NOTICE: . . DeYOung, Tel. Lewiston 5788.. - Hot. That, applications , have been made for ¦ er for Mlrro' alunhlnum. siding • with . Ecoriomy Plumbing) .;..;. -... „.; .513 - $274 million. It appeared .:they iii - the Newcomb arid -shorn slaush-ter lambs . 4fc00-41100; . . - ' variations from the requirements ot the Insulation : backerbpard, expert Instal- -Golden Frog ...... 203- . . 100-110 .lbs:-38.00-4O;00; utility, and good ¦ would have no problem , getting Valley area un- slaughter . ewes 13.00-16.00; choice' and Winona Zoning 'Ordinance, , as listed be- lation and free estimates. Tel. 454-1538 ' Westgate Bowl .. :.. ..:...... ,.- . 201Me ' ' ' ¦ ¦ - 65-95 lb feeder , lambs 35.00-37.50; low" : . . or stop at 513 Grand. '. ' - • Schultz Transit ;. ..:...... ¦ ',.; 174 . that before the House split into til he retired fancy ¦ ¦' ' - good and- choice 34.00-35,00. \. Robert Squires for a; reduction In PIN DROP . - . . : ¦ • :. Points pro. and antiwar forces : and and moved to ¦ . ' the.rear yard requirement In order CUSTOAA ROTO tilling with a:troy belt, Westgate ¦ to construct a garage , reasonable rate. Tel. ¦ ' - ' ;¦ ¦ ;....;. ¦, 2'/j feet from any size garden AMTED . kAGE. . .;...... 33 heated - debate erupted. • ¦ W : the city. . He ' •' ¦ ' HELP the rear lot iine Instead of the re- '452-4990.; -. - •: ' ¦- , ' -- ' Tap ...... -33 ; . ; . . . . Sportsrnan ...... ' ' ' ^¦^ quired 5 feet at the following des- WANTED - Vountt meii ' - Earlier Thursday, the House has naade . his ; NEEDED. Must be alple lo ELECTRICIANS Oasis - . - . .::...... ,....; 29W v CHECKOUT . ' the mechanical fleld.- 'S cribed property: W. Vi of lots 2 & TREE TRIMMING or tree removal, For . " • needed for lobs In -Wunderiich .-Insurance ...... 28 approved a bill to help ease the home -with his ; -|g^;y ;i Work mornihos;.'Apply. at-TtmpP; .: - (with . : 3, - Block .20, Taylor & -Co., or at free estimate Tel. Doug Moen 452-1885. Nb -experience needed. Will train . - . Ray's Trading Post ; '...... '..'..- . . 28' ¦ ¦ : cost of going to college for NEW YOR< EGG MARKET. . 479 West Sarnla. :- : payj; furnish . room: and board, provide Cheer ' Liquors . ...:..,,.:...... i . 27 daughter - Mrs. LPN — experience preferred, excellent ¦ ¦ * Medium while ;...48-.52.. 2. Walter Liiedtke tor a: reduction In REMODELING Interior end exterior, ¦ free medical and dental care. 30 days . - ' ¦ Lake, Center. . Industries : 21'A . students from middle income : ¦ benefits-Contact Mrs. . Brandon, Winona ' E d (Clara) Larse white- .;: ...... S6-.59 - ¦:. - the . 12:5 -. foot requirement In order shingling, siding or general repair lobs, ¦ ' paid vacation.per year. Good edvancy- . . .Muiual Service Insurance ....:. . 8- ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . Clinic.¦ Tel. 454-3680.' '. .. _' ;¦ .. - / -- families^ '-. - " : ' to construct, a garage 5!A .feet from reasonable .rates. Richard Becker, Tel.: _ . m'enf opportunities; Tel. - collect 507-45J-, POWDEH PUFF KUhk, Arcadia/ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ the Kansas: Street side lot line at - '. 454-272* anytime; •¦ ' . . • ' ¦ .' .' ' ¦ >.. ' . ' ' 7952.. ¦ , ' •- .- Maplcleaf Points . It approved , 376-1 a bill . . WOMAN for part-time sewing on surging ' ' , , ' V" . , since the death the following described property: W, _;, ^ ^ . : . . 'V Wincraff ..:.;..; ';..;.' ... :' .;': ;. 80:. Tel 689-2113. Douglas Stiehm, • 32.5' . of the S. .90.25' of lot 6, Block: SNOWBLOWER, tiller,, power mower:end machine. PART-TIME, evenings and Sat, -Newly Wlnoho- Agency ...... 79¦ ' . - lifting . the requirement that of - ;wife six :;: Rollingstone Hatchery Building. • his; Wykoff school 154, Stevens Plat,, or at 302 East other small engine • repairs, sales.; end - opened branch store,- now has manage- :,. Book Nook :...... -...,..,.;;.....-78 . students families with Sol)olta , from years ago; •Fourth. service. Howard Larson, Old Minnesota ment positions openings, \ye. /train. . Country County. -....V...... 62'A ' .; ¦ 3. Allan. Peterson for a reduction In City Road. Tel ' 454-1482.- . COOK WANTED - steady employment Hours 6:30 to . '0:30 .In my smell, appll- SI; .Clair's " ...... '.- ¦:.. . 60 •- incomes of $15,000 a; year or wife had 60 years . He and his pool bdii d issue " the required lot area In order . to Split shift.. Experience not "necessary. anca business, $300 per month salary East Side Bar ..-...;...... 58 less; must , - demonstrate their .. .- have a two-family dwelling oh a Salary open. Apply Hot Flsn Shop. . your choice. Must be ¦ ...... of married life. . :or profit sharing,, Watkins Products ...... Si'/j . 5625 square foot lot Instead ' : of the DresstTtalctngj, Sewing 16 Interview Tel. ,'. Body Shop ...... 54 need before getting federally - full-time employed. Pbr, Cook's Auto Their other children are: Mrs. turned down . required 6000 square foot lot area. - ' , . Installment . Loan . .452-8721 between 4 and 8 p.m. • Randall's 53 . guaranteed loans. St u d e n t.s : ¦' ¦: at the following described property: DRESSMAKING, sewing or mending, wl, STENOGRAPHER — Climate Kraning ...... 50V4 - Leo (Joan) Breyer ,: Mis. Al- ¦ Typing and .shorthand , required,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - Parts of lots 1 & 4, Block 137, Ori- make children's clothes, dresses short Dept. NEEDED—young men need-'; . Red:Owl :.- '...' :..-.• .• ...... '...- ...... ; <17'A .- - whose families earn more than ' WYKOPF, Minn. — Construc- working conditions,, outstand- MECHANICS . phonse (Irene) Bambenek, and ginal Plat, or at 611 West Sanborn. or long, summer outfits. Will. do In my Excellent' In the mechanical field. - No. ¦'- .- Florin's Restaura nt ...,;...... 40 . . . switrimine ' bcnellt program. MER- ed tor |obs $15,000 annually . can . . get the tion oi an indoor . Notice is sent to the. applicants' and to : home. 316 Vine, Tel. 452-8485 anytime. Ing fringe -Will : train (wltlv EAOLES Clarence, Winona; Mrs. John BANK.. ' experience needed. pool at Wykoff Public School the owners , of property affected by tlie CHANTS . NATIONAL i . furnish room and board, provide Wapleleaf Polnti loans, but still must prove they ¦ ¦ ' pay), ' (Adeline) Neubauer, St. Paul ; the second time applications. . - • -. Plumbing/ Roofing 21 - free medical and dental care, 30 day»- Slr loln>5tockade . . .29 . need it. was defeated A hearing on these petitions will be MOTHERS West End Greenhouse ..,;...,. . 26'A¦ • Marcel, -Onalaskav : Evarist, Thursday .when school district paid vacation per year. Good advance- " The bill also allows local olven In the City Hall,. Winona, Minne- PLAYHOUSE CO., noyv hiring Super- ¦ ment ".'opportunities,' Tel. collect 507--452-' Winona. Agency . . 25 .. . ROOFING of all kinds. Gordon Colben- to hire and train ¦ - ¦ ¦ - '" Bluff Siding, and Eugene and residents voted 450 to 193 sota, at 7:30 P.M. on April 17, 1974, at- visors In your area 7952. ' ' . ¦ . . . ;¦ . - ' " , Eagles No. -1 ...... ;..;...... 21 school systems to carry over . son, Rushford. Tel. 864-7653 collect. gifts PARTY . . . ' ' which: time, Interested persons may ap- women fo sell toys and Warner & Swasey Shop ,.,... .. 20V4 Cyril,: Arcadia. Two children against the $265,000 bond issue. pear ' either , In person, In writing,, or by Experience not necessary. We .....; 20 . into fiscal 1975 money; left oyer PLAN. STEADY MAN: for general farm Work dm BUtner Oil ...... The . first bond issue, for agent ; and present any reasons - which PATCH YOUR roof when It's leaking, re- ' you for TOP PAY. Quality tor • EBfjles- No. 2 .....-. ;;.....-,.,.... 19 , have died' new your root, 1 coat—10-year warranty. . train modern , dairy tarm,. Writs . E-W . Daily after June 30. Funds President they may have to the granting or deny- FREE TOYS and TRIP. TEL, COL- ¦ • Lang s Bar ...... If' , $298 ,000, was voted on Jan. 24 Never crocks Tom Speltz , Rollingstone , News. ¦ ' ing of these petitions. . LECT 612-561-5797. - : ' • ' —, ~J Duagans .- . .... -. :.. W.i Nixon had impounded until , Minn.. Tel 669-2311. ¦: as part of a package when They are requested to prepare their . . WORKER—In coating d»-' - Peoples Exchange 18 December are still being A1ALE PLANT ; Grain voters approved the $497,000 case, In: detail, and present all evidence partmeht,, steady work? 7:30 to 4 shift.. Mankato Bar . .-...,. ... 18 relating to these petitions at the time WE HAVE formica kitchen , and . Vanity «, distributed and the; systems - (AP) - Whent . AVON ; Apply American Plasticart DWIslon,. Warner . Swascr 1900 . ;...... 5',4 MINNEAPOLIS, Winn, bond issue. for a new gymna- of scheduled hearing; ¦ . tops In stock; bathroom vanities, medi- ¦ • 158; year ago . 168; 1101 E.. 6lh, Winona, Minn. ' .. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS might not be able to expend receipls Thursday, sium, locker room and class- : Rcspoct(ully, clno cabinets; plumbing fixtures and Standings) - . - . ' Spring , ' wheat cash' trading basis un- . ' .fittings SAYS... . Donald V, Gray, Chairman water healers; pipe and . BREAK OUT INTO A WIDER WORLD. Athletic Club • ' Points them fcy June 30, supporters changed to down 2; , prices up 6. . room facilities by a, 373 to 246 . -- ' ELECTRICIANS .WANTED — must hava ¦ Board of Adjustment . . . PLUMBING BARN . .. Meet now people, make new Irlends and Weaver & Sons ,.- ... , , 59'A No. I dark northern 11-17 protein 4.35- ' . Minn. Journeyman' s license, non-union, ...... argued . vote, but voted down the swim- 154 High Forest :: Tel. . 454-4244 earn extra money selling tho world's ¦ ' ' ¦ ' . for underground construction. Wag* - Slclar 's Furnlluro 56 - • • ¦ ¦;¦¦¦ • 4.52,: . . . (1st Pub. Date Friday, Warch 29, 1974) most famous cosmetics. Live a more B.T.F. .,...;..... 50 . . Test weight premiums: ono cent, each ming pool issue 399 to 217. open. Wrlto Bex. 443, Winona or Tel. ' DOES YOUR BATHTUB have an old fo. be a more. Into resting Polly Meadows ..., 49W ' pound 58 to 61 lbs; one cent discount Thursday election was call- State ot Minnesota COUNTY COURT Interesting life, Fountain: City 687-4722. . . 's mlilar ring? To change. . Its tune, Sonya King, Auto Electric .. ..v .- . 44 each Vj. lb under- SJ lbs. County ot Winona CIVIL DIVISION person, Call or:.write Ms. ed after (lie school board re- . change to soft , water, Rochcsfcr, Mfnn. . Merchants Bmk ...... '41 Winona markets Protein prices: 11 per cent 4.35; 12, Howard C, . Tomashek, William R, 3953 18th Ave. N.W., WANTED—cutter or skldder to work In 4.38; -14,. 4.41; 15, 4.46; 16, 4.50; ceived a .-petition signed by 78 Tom-ashok, and Martha H. Tcmash'ekV 55901 . Tet, 507-283-3333. . woods. Tel. Houston C96 T2046 after COMMERCIAL 4:35; 13, Frank O'Laughlin ¦ ¦ • Mapletcat W, L. 17, 4.52. ' school district residents. Plalntllls, , PLUMBING 8, HEATING p.m. Bay State Milling Co. ' . vs. ' fAisslsslppi Welders ...... 18 6 No. 1 hard Montana winter ^.37-4.47. Construction of the hew facili- .. • 761: E. 6th , Tel. ,452-6340 THREE PEOPLE to work 3 mornings, Orv 's Skclly Iii 8 Elevator A Grain Prices M!im:-S.D. No. 1 hard winter 4.37-4.47. William Beroler , Bertha Beroler, afternoon or evenings , $45 per week, car PART-TIME bartender, schedule flexi- Polachek Electric ,.;. U , 8 No. 1 N. Spring Wheal - . - ' .,-4.IB No. 1- hard amber durum, 5.00-6.75; ties is expected to begin in Martha M. Fakler, Charles A. Bero- necessary. Write V. Hunt, ' E-81 Dolly ble. Apply-In pe rson fo . Doug, WIL- Burn' s 66 ..,,.. 15 9 No, 2 N. Spring Wheat ...... 4,1(1 discounts, amber 20-BOi durum 70-1.50. . ler, Betty Jano Ross, Betty Jane Electric News; LIAMS HOTEL. May. The Architectural Design Beroler, Elaine E . Cleveland, Elaine : Roto Rooter Fred's Body Shop - ,. 14 10 No. 3 N. Sprlno Wheat 4,12 Corn No. .2. yellow 2,44d-2.4lHS. For clogged sowers and drains 1 Group, Inc., Rochester, Minn., E. Beroler, Ralph M. Davenport, B&H Construcllon ...... 13 ill No. i N. Spring Wheat ...... 4.0B Oats No. 2 e«lra heavy white 1,26. WANTED — full-time DHIA Supervisor, SINGLE MAN to work on modern dairy KWNO Radio ...... 12 12 . No. 1 Hard Winter Wheat ...... 4.20 Barley, cars 206, year ago 92; Lnrker Rose. M. Davenport, Ellzabclh ¦ (arm, automatic feeding and milking: ¦ has been employed and expects Harm, Frederick . Davenport P. 5. ¦ Browns Roto Rooter good pay. 30 days vacation, health In- Johnny's East Side Bar ,. 10 14 No, 2 Hard Winter Wheat 4.18 1.61-3.00 ; Blue.Mailing 1.61-2.90;¦ Dickson , parlor^, only j man hired. Leroy Tlbe- Johnson, Evelyn G. Johnson, Her- Tc|. 452-V509 or 452-4315, I year surance; and workmen's compensation . ' Homo Beverage . - . ' ...... 10 14 No, 3 Hard Winter Wheat ,, 4.14 1. 61-2.95 1 Feed 1.50-1.60. to have des igns completed so sar, • Mlnnclska, Minn. Tel. 689-2545, , ¦ bert E, Baroo, Diane Baroe, St. guarantee against root stoppage only. Starts Aarll 1. Apply Winona County . Blong's Tree Service ...... 7 17 No, 4 Hard Winter Wheat - ,- 4.10 Ryo No. 1 and 2 2.05-2.15, ' . ' bids can be let in about 30 Mary s College, a corporation, R CIK Extension Ottlco, 203 W. 3rd St., Wino- Tom 's Clnrk Service ,,..., A'-'i 17Vj No, 1. Rye 1.95 . Flax No. 1. 10.0O. ' MARRIED MAN for modern delry tarnrii days, W, Thaldorf, Lorene Thai- na. Tel. 454-5101, Unlled Parcel Sorvlco ..,,. 5VS 1814 No. 2 Rye ,. 1.93 Soybeans No. 1 Yellow 5.48la, ert A. Situations Wanted—Fern. 29 3 bedroom homo available on farm. dorf, LaVerne Campboll, Paulclla ' Cist Pub Dale Friday, Marcti J9 19741 ' ' Call- for Bob Johnson. Tel. 711-924-3287.; . , Campbell, also the spouses of the WILL DO babysitting In my home during TRUMPET PLAYER for old-time and defendants, the unknown heirs of Slal8 of Minnesota ) tho week Tel. 452-7180. Country Western band. Write E-88 Daily salesman, sales ex- defendants deceased; and all other WANTED-Fullllmo County of Winona , ) ss. News. we will train, work Into persons unknown' claiming any perience helpful, IN, COUNTY COURT 24-YEAR-OLD mrarled woman, will le ol M lnno- ,' INVENTORS-for details on Iho Minn sor told tho Winona State College continue supplying thoso coun- amount as it is withclrnwn. porary court houso In t|,e Clly ol Wi- sola, described as follow s , to-wll: . In- nona , Mlnnosta , nnd thai notice ' horpol That pflrl nf rli o Northeast quarter vontors Congress , nonprnlll r.rganlin- energy crisis seminar Thursday tries w'th food to force them to Adams believes this is duo to be olven hy publication of this order ot tho Southeast quarter (NEVj of lion, meotlng Juno 7 9, 1974 wrllo Pox modernize In Ins Wlnonn Dally Nevys and by SEW) of Section Thirty (30), Town- 71, Rndwond Falls, Minn , 56283. night. , Adams replied "We tho increased production of lo- ship One Hundred Savon (107)-North, WANTED mnllcd notice -as provided by law, cannot deny food to these na- gumcs and overferlllization in Dated ol Range Soven ()), West of the Fifth BAR-CAFE with all fixtures and equip- I Dr. Russell S. Adnms Jr. said March 38, 1974. tions or they would come and tho last fow years. Adams said S. A. SAWYER Principal Meridian, Winona County, ment Included, Recently remodeled with that a.s farm production has in- Judge of County Court Minnesota, .described an follows: daw carpallno wllh rough walls , W-7'M, creased , so lias energy con- take it." 150 pounds of nitrogen per aero (Court Seal) , Commencing at the Northeast corner Cnll O 'crrard Realty Corp. To|. 457-1344. (hat Wildlife is also better off here is the maxraum efficient Goldberg, Toroerson, Brnwor & ot Iho NE'/< ol tho SE'/t of said j sumption. Modern tractors Section 30; thenco south a lona tho PLANT MANAGERS Kollum, Ronald W. Benson be plant mnnagor. ? er than horses also consume mitive farming techniques, ac- mono than this amount so It deflection anole lo Iho right ot 21* LIVE EASTER bunnies, all colors. Jo- (First Pub, Thursday, April 4, 1974) ^ Must, graduale with knowledge of ? much moro energy, Production cording to Adams. In a primi- remains in the soil, Farmers 54' a distance ot 447.06 foot to a point seph Knmmeror , Rt. 1, Winona, Minn, M.E. CERTIFICArB on the center of County Slate- Aid Tel . 452-9611, ^ has been raised by the applica- tive situation, the farmer con- todny realize this and do not sinlo of Mlnncnolfl ) Highway No. 21; which Is Ihn pol"' tnachine tools. . i tinues to exploit moro land , overfertillzo. County of Wlnonn ) ss , of bonl nnlnn of the land to ho des- FREE- 5, moMly DOiiolo puppies. 4 I tion of fertilizers but these fer- I , tho undersigned , horchy cortlly that cribed) Ihence al n dellccllon annle innlos; 1 female, Tot. 41,4 4706 , tilizers contain potential ener- thereby eliminating wildlife ha- Phosphorous is expendable I am Iho parson conducting and Irans- to lite rlohl of 71* 02' and we s terly Position involves overall responsibility for 4 actlna n I gy that could also bo converted bitat. In tho United States, tho nnd if tho present withdrawal cmnmorclai builfloii al the a distance of 410. 60 thenco at EASTER BUNNIES for sn'e, all colors , City of Winona In tho County of Winona, a deflection Atiola te the left of 70" 1016 W, 2nd, Tel. 452-1439 . manufneturing, including costing, quoting, § actual amount of cropland has , supplies may Slate of to fuel. rate Is mnintalnsd Minnesota, under the name and 37' a distance ol ,179,35 feel) thence ^ § decreased because of the em- run out in tho future. Cnicium j/ylfl of Top & Dolfom Shop, that tha af a deflection anole to tht left of ONE MALE Slnmosn kllten, 3 months quality control , and co-ordinating'engineering, lull and true Individual nnme n distance ot 3M .97 (Ml to ^ , however, "Pil- ol each 91' 11' , old. Tel. Houston D96-P274. ADAMS S tice) in tho United States. Pri- Soybeans, along with other le- use machines as offi as 704 Shorn Acres Road Hlnnlno; aub|ocl tr> tho rliihl-ct-way mitive meth ods totally exploit gumes, replace nitrogen La Crosccnl, Mlnnosola of said County State Aid Highway pers available. 13J2 w. 5th. Salary open. X in tho industry because tho machines 5talo ot Minnesota ) No. 21 , | tho environment," ho said, In soil but require largo amounts are so specialized. Industries County o| Wlnonn ) n, The ob|ect of this action li 1o ex. PUPPIES FREE for n nood home, tross ? Replies confidential. between binck Lahrndor and German $ tho Orient a ml Africa , farmers of other nutrients. They „ „, A. W, OAKER, JR, elude tho defendants Irom any Inter- aro an use machines continuously but , On this gnil Uny of April, 1974, bofora est or Hen claimed by them, p>r any Shepherd, Tel, 454-5830 days or 4542680 use a patch of land until it will excellent exportation cro p be- wllh few exceptions, farm ma- mo personally appeared A, W. Uaker, nf them. In tho above rtoscrlbcrt real ovonlnu and wcokonds, v Send resume to: no longer produce, then move cause many countries do Jr, to mo knowxi to be the person who pmpcrly. ~ ~ ~ | not chines nro u replace these of Uiolr high . Winona County, Minn. Wlnonn, Minnesota SS9« 7 training cnonlioupds, J25, Tel, Cale. ^ protein content, ment of Winona State College. My commission expire s Oct. 12, 19/» , Telephonoi (507) ^52-4614 donla 724-2382. H^9^cc^,ic9^?'>k ^<^«^i<^ic^w5>v ii^rf^ ' " WWWtfwwwvvwywvwwwwwwywvywi«vwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwy«« AM Winona Dally Newi; Artleies for Salt '. .; / 57 Building Materlati 61 Apartment*, Flat* ; 90 Apartrnent*, Fur'oished . 91 Houses for Sale 99 ¦ ¦ ™ Winona, Minnesota ' THREE RUMMAGE SALES r- Thurs.,. FOR. SALE—kitchen countertop toseout , ONE-BE DRobM:apra'tmehf. Siove> refrig- FURNISHED • APARTMENT tor tall INCOME PRODUCING , procertlej . tor ;;FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1974 ¦Fri.; Set., - 9-5, 2nd turnrtd left alter $4.75 each. United Bulldi ng Centers, 75 erator; ail utilities Included. . All 'carpet; terms, female students, all.utilities tu'r- sale, terms to- 'qualified, buyers.- JIM Hours; Lyles . on Hwy. 61. Toys; books,. cloth? . Kansas. ' :- ' ' «d. Tel. ' 452-1056.. ¦ nlslied . T block - .from WSC. Tel.. :454; - : ROBB REALTY Tel 454r5870. « a.m. Of^^ j - . -: ;. ¦ /^^Itfe ^^ Farm Implements 48 lng, .wine bottles', deluxe stroller, boys' 4936 evenings or Inquire 67 W. 10tH, to 5 p.m. Mon. through Frl. -. ' .;. ¦ orthopedic. shoes, . boots, utility, fable, Good Thingi to Eat •;;6S; THREE-ROOM upper apartment; central 8 to B p hi, y/ooden chairs : and much miscellaneous, . location* stove arid, refrigerator fur- , tsiness Plates for Rert 92 AVAILABLE Immediately, 2 and 3-bed- %^*r^jg^S^»^ a-m* I : • .;¦ ' ¦ ' riished, married-couples only,' S85, Tel. room Townhouses. Compietely decorat- ; -/ AVAILABLE ; V;; ONE-leV Massey . Harris double . disc 454-1604. ' ed. Comb see 1hem, 10% down. Financ- / . , OFFICE-SPACE tor rent or lease, 13,000 tractor drill; 1-4 h;p. 3 phase, motor; ing available. Tel. ' 454- 1059. . sq.Jl Prime E. location. Inquire) for immediate deliveiy, new chopper mixer with motor . ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 meat . ONE-BEDROOM ," spartmnf, carpeted. : chshts Bank Trust Department. Tel. WINONA ¦" ' Harlow Potter, Rt. 3 (Witoka). Tel. ¦ TWO STORY .2 bedroorn,home wlih roomy _ _ TiyT454- 419iy 6o o . i v , i { • -.4 section drag with cart; Save Master bedroom/ living room, bath, hall . ' -454-51*0. ¦' -. > r T 454-50O7. /.:¦ ' -A" ' , - kitchen, large 1 car garage; basement. T by Appointment I and kitchen, available¦ . soon. Tel. 454- ¦ , &¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦ " •;¦ Quiet residential area, 112,900. ;. ¦•; ; ;;v ¦;: ' ; ' rr : ' ', ' 1616. . . " .; _ ; y . 103 'W. Broadway . . . v. ; .• . .. J KOGHENDERFER & SONS REPOSSESJED-llke hew ' ¦&' 250 guitar ' " ; THREE BEDROOM ranch wilh basement ' . amplifier, B-150 bass amplifier, :PA :300 "§> -; 'i50p ' SQt . FT, - garage In area , of new homes. Can ' ¦< ¦ '¦ ¦ " :; ; : Money¦ ¦ ! FOR . RENT—Central location) upstairs, ; v v :[ ¦ \APTERHOURS GALL: ;. . . { Fountain City,, Wis. - TA . system .wltti 2 speakers, - J120O, ' ' . 7 ; one or two-bedrooni, completely carpet; peted, laundry area oh nValn floor, - / ; . Will sell separately. Tel..45*3370. . . . : BOYUM AGENCY ¦ 'ed,. stove, refrigerator , hot: and . cold available in puff Center. ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' Mike Gilchrist . . •; . 452-4734 Marie Karasch ..; 452-4932 ;! water furnished. Furnished, $129 ahd Rushlord, Minn. 55971 Bobcats. Uwlstah ¦¦ ¦ .Tel.:507-Bo4-?3B1- ' " USEO AAELROE Tel. USED REFRIGERATORS. : electric . ' ' bnft/m'lsried, $lM plus utilities, No. pets, ¦;¦ : Kellstrom ; 896-3873 J ' • Hijff & Sarilia St. . . Carol bingfelder .:689-2206 Charles ranges, dryers, ' -black and white TV's. ® ayailable Apr.. -15. Tel. 452-1863. - ¦ - j B 8. B ELECTRICi 155 El 3rd. . BY OWNER—modern home xn larga lofs, Judie Sobeck . ... , 454-1808 . Mike Rivers ...... 454-4427 ¦ -depend- ' . J ROCHESTER SILOS-feed^easy . ONE, TWO .' or three bedrooms, " unfur- Busy intersection makes in small community, plus tenent house ,Rup- . ;;...;.:. able feeding systems. Everett MISCE LLANEOUS mobile liome - furnl. ¦ ¦ nished : apartments, centrally located for . added Income. Tel. 608-685-4863. Rick Hill 454-1605 Elaine G. ..:..... 452-5798 . precht, Levylston, Winn; Tel. 2720. . .this space ideal for any J ture, new beds, dressers, davenports; ¦^• One available Apr. 15. other, two. May ¦ ¦ : Marc Siera .;.;.;; 452-8435 John D. Davis .Vv. 452-7253 chairs,, end tables and : dinette sets. S^:'^BS 1. Tel. 452-1344; or 452-6022 after 5. business. ' -,' '- " MARK IV: Mobile Home, 1973, set up In j FITZGERALD SURGE ' ; ' ; ' . . - : lake¦: Village or will move, Reason- : .;. Tel. 454-5287. " , ' . ; Sally Hoeft ;....., 452-5312 Evan Siem .:.. ..-. 454-5786 j Sales & Service. . able.' - Tej. ' 452-2918. ;; • . T«I. Lewiston o201 or St. Charles ?32 3733. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, stove, refrig- : POOL TABLE-flrst $50 lakes It. Tel; : Tel 452-1226 or 454^5000 John Holbrook .... 452-9215 ¦ T^ . erator, heaf and Water furnished, cen- , ¦¦ ¦ ¦ < DONAL^ TWO YEARS OLD-4 bedroom split foy- ' ¦ • " ; ' ' : ' - ;' ' •; ' Coch rane, Wis. : 608-248:2598. after 5 pjm. • ¦:•' ! .; . • ¦•: • ' ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ • ¦•" ¦ • .T " ' •¦ .: • ' ' trally located, n» unmarried students. «r home with attached 2 car garage on ¦ • - - • . - - ' : - ' . Available April; 15. Tel. 452-92B7 for ap- 18O'xl20' lot ' Central air conditioning, GRADE A DAIRY FAIIM—new barn with milking parlor ^:-: ;;;SPECIAL : V;; ' " ' ¦'¦ ' J ;J:\ : ; ^, : SALE—household Items, - tools, furniture, . polnfment. . .. • .- ¦:. ' ". Farms, Land for Rent. 93 carpeted, rear deck.. Located on Minn- sporting ' goods, art - supplies,; hundreds OOK S esota City . Boat; Harbor Road Trt. jnow set ; up for 38 cows, could expand to ICO or more. End of Season Price on Lely : Guns, Sporting G I 06 ¦• ¦ ¦ . J of rniscellaneous pieces..Apr; 5, 6 and TWO-BEDROOM apartment in Rushford 75 ACHES of good ' cropland. Located :! 689-2810: - ' ' , gra- 7. Corner 9th S. Ridge, Galesville. : ' . for rent, heat furnished. Air condition- miles S.W. of Lamoille on Homer Town- Largei new: silo with automatic unloader.; Calf barn . rear: mounted snowblower. SPRINGF IELD . Model S7. twelve ' gauge J : disposal, washing facilities. 454-2813. LEWISTON—3 or 4-bedroom 2-slory home, ¦' with ' ta rget, finder ; 1947 Willis , Jeep. ing, garbaga. .ship RoSd, Nd. 7. Tel. , , " nary, ' . machine . shed and; raodern; four bedroom house. SALE—bathroom sinks, high- . Available May )-:' - . Dua 'ns Jackels. Tel. large ' living room, dining room and GARAGE' . snowplow and . chains.¦ Tel. Lewiston . ; J KOCHENDERFER & SONS ' chalr, stroller, . kitchen.- chairs, cloth- ¦¦ ¦ - ' 452-9368. '. ORGANIC GARDEN plots for W4. Or- kitchen, 2 full baths. New natural gas Pr^ce reduced , to only $80,000 for a quick: sale. ; Spring i "3794. ' ' .' . " '. ..:¦ ' . - - ¦ ing and miscellaneous. - Thurs., Frl., ; . . . ganlcally fertilized and tilled. 12 miles furnace/ Double garage. 4 blocks' fom ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ Fountain: C.ityi, Wis. . ¦ possession. - " . •• ' { Sat. 9-5. 5t9 . Wall Street. . . from Winona. Please reserve * . plot . - high school. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ SPACIOUS 4. ¦ ' -; ¦ ¦ ¦ " ;¦ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ' : ' ' ITHACA 12 gauge 600 doubles . trap gun, early;. Tel. 534-3795. LOOKING for a new home, here It Is, '• • ' .' . 'V. " .: .: . • ' . " . ' ' . ' '.;. • / mint condition, $300. . Remington ;742, : :- APARTMENTS V bedroorn spilt level home, exrta large Deluxe Income location—three ' - - -;-;AN^tQUE- ;>;: deluxe model, autoloader 30-06 caliber ¦ ¦ ¦ > • living room, kitchen withi dining area, : Property—prime central < Fertilizer, Sod -49 V • - . -' ' " 2 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom Houises for Rent 95 ' AND. newer furniture stripping,^ chair . with Weaver 2x7 variable scope, sling, ¦¦• . • . family room and 2 full bsfhsi All carp- bedroom "owners apartment"~7 sleeping . rooms with J caning and seat.upholstering. Fr*e pick- . case, 3 boxes' shells, $175. Bruce Katie- ' " '•¦ ; eted; Double garage. Blacktop driveway. CULTURED SQD, i ecres..John Guy; St.' ' . . . ":1' Bedroom . Efficiencies : kitchen facilities—plus efficiency apartment, Possibilities . up and delivery. Tel. Fountain City . polt , Alma,.Wis. Til. «08 :685-362«. . ¦ SUPER DELUXE Farm Home, 3 bed- .1 block from business district. < . Charles, "ANnn. : . " furnished or unfumisiied¦' ...' ¦ . 6B7-9751.. :: ._ - rooms or 2 bedrooms, plus large den, IDEAL LOCATION, small business with of excellent return ¦ on this investment. living quarters, breezeway and garage. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦: ( :_ r ; ; : J LAKE PARK : & VALLI completely:remodeled; arid redecorated ¦ . ¦ > ' ' :¦¦ . . . • . .; ; '; ' .': ' -- ,'V ' ' : "' . ' :' r ' - : ' . " v .< Hay, Grain, Feed 50 TORO- GARDEN tillers' In .stock for imm*; Musical Merchandise TO with -every available bui lt-in. - Horse Next to swimming . pool. - . diat« delivery, limited quantities; re- VIEW APARTMENTS : barn ' with boxed stalls, garage, Duplex hear downtown area for everyone's convenience. \ corn, ' 600 bu.. easy ' ' ¦ ; vSIEBENALER REAL VERY GOOD ear serve youri now. -WINONA FIRE & HAMMOND ORGAN-Splnet , Model ftA-3 - ' • ' Tel. 452-9490. .other outbuildings and pasture. Located Large rooms in each apartment, full basement. All for i " afler . . -. . , .loading.. , Tel. Dakota i*2-ati . . < POWER COMPANY, 54 E; • 2nd, Tel. Wilh percussion, dark wood, with bench, Wlscoy Valley. Families only. S2« per ¦ p.m. ;.-' - ¦ ' ' ¦ • . That Service ' References. Tel. 454-17C4 or -454- : ESTATE AGENCY less than $25,000,00; . . . . ' 452-5M5; "The Business . very good condition. Tet .' ' 454-5023 after ONE-BEDROOM, air: coriditlonedi apart- month. ' J ' ' ' ' " Lewiston, Minn. " - . Tel. 2691 - ¦ ¦ ' ' , • Built." ' " 5 - ' - 4088. . ': . . bales at 70c. Tel. . . ment In Fountain City. Water, stove and ALFALFA—700 to 800. refrigerator furnished. Available May 452-75M. : :: : 1st.. Tel. 4B7-7191. THREE BEDROOM house. In . Lewiston. : : : '; REPOSSESSED-like new G 250 gutlar ' 4759;¦ Fbr Fuil-time Alert—-Courteous :W' ^E-e¦ D :i? .E. . - .. Tel. 454-4843-or Uewlston •- . J seed, also ^;¦ amplifier, :B-150 bass amplifier, PA 300 SPRING WHEAT from certified - ' • For*.All-Makes' : ' - seed ' oats for sale, . Balzer Bros. Tel. ¦ TA system with . 2 speakers, $1200. VVIII ONE-BEDROOM apartment available AVAILABLE ; IMMEDIATELY, new 2- " ¦ ¦ .ot Record Players . . '4S7~f6X.: . '• sell separately. - Tel. . 452-3370.. May 1st., No students; Sunhyslde Manor, , bedroom Townhouse, carpeted, appll- E Service-—-Ca11 Any Time¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 454-38 ' ¦ ' y . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •- ¦ • ' < H Q rdt's /SAusic ;:Store Tel. , .24. . ' . , . ances, garage .swimming pool, $250 REALTOR * ' . • •:¦ . " ,:¦ . . :¦;. :' DAIRY and beet hay, delivered. Eugene - ¦ ' ¦ . ACOUSTIC BASS Amp . — 150b top, 110 motxthly, Deposit lease. Tel, 454-1059. LAJkJUIiUkAMflUkJkMJMUkaUUUUkAlMUkAAlUllUkAAMAAAMUkAAAl ^ ¦ . . - ' lU-llB-Plaza E, . innfw w.wweipiiif> *wity»winywwwirw»ww¥i>wTy. snnnr p /). - • . POWER¦ MAINTENANCE 'S. SUPPLY :, wis. - . VACATION AT HOME ¦ ¦ ' . 207 E. 3rd St. , fel. 452-257 1 or Houston 896-2095. ' '¦ WANTED TO BUY-r4iorse hay. Tet. St. . NO NEED to drive miles for : peace ¦I is ;Coac: ¦•¦ •¦•¦ • 454-1172. ¦ and tranquility. , Relax In the com- \ffi'&^W5^4 ^Y : . Charles M2-4557. .'. " . ., LARGE BRICK, farm home, 4- bedroom!, ' ' of!. -our spacious one bedrbo : . :.....; BULK ECONOMY dry cleaning, t lbs. for* .m . :2 -baths, carpeted ' throughout;-:Built-in ¦ " Laura Fisk .;452-2118 ( ¦ .apartments, beautiful wood paneling, I if GPAl rhp • 42-50, also try our new perma-press s Leading . Kitchen. ' Large - barn . and outbuildings. 52 Seeds, N ursery Stock S3 ' : ^'^rea drapes and-shag carpeting. Enfoy . ¦ : . washers.; Norge Village, 601. Huff. . ¦ Horse lover 's paradise;' miles "of scenic, ; Nor ; 3l7s a picnic ¦ ¦ ?¦*id^- --- - .i wllh the . use of tho charr .. . trails. Located- - In Wlscoy. Valley, 12 ¦ Tiiti tiT' • ^ EMERALD CROWN; Vetch seed, Ideal for coal grllli' and patio. . Convenient for EOQM TO BREATHE ¦;¦: long range, pasture.' SI per lb. Germina- CUSTOM BUILT trailer hitches Installed ¦ ¦ mires '5. of Winona. J250 per month. . : Band Instrument shoppIngf-near.Pehney's. Tel. .454-4909.' •: |i(|H|BJ|B(B^n^^ tion 91. IrvIn Storlie, Mabel, Minn. Tel. . In our shop. .All model cars, and trucks. Families only, references... Immediate No, " in thiis ¦T -Call- for appoint- 1752 W. Broadway. tight squeezei . Jan Allen;.....:.. 452-5m 493-3765. .'- /.' . ;: " All work guaranteed. possession. Tel 454-4088 or Houston 896- quotation. MLC Company, T»l , : ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ' "" ' delightfal 4 bedroom, 1% ment and ¦y KEY , 2095.: ' . ' " ' 452-7114 ':. ' ; APARTMENTS CERTIFIED SEED potatoes, OTlon sets; l^eadquarters ' ' ba th rambler, take immed- ; yellow or white Spanish onion , plants, ¦ LEWiSTON AREA — couple preferred, ,, ¦ ¦Sv ' ' :" ,Winona Potato ' ' $125 per /month.. Write Vic Vail, 1225 iate possession fully; carv. ' Lf SttNG;/-: ,JiX " . garden seeds, seed corn. WATER SOFTENERS on sale at Sears, Apartments, Furnished :* , 91 ' ¦" ¦ : .NEW; u- ,, V { Market. ¦: free wafe r analysis, $50 off 60E regular -k ;Name braiid instruments . '50th /.venue . S.E, Rochester,:. Minn; . ' . • ; peted , iiew stove and re- :pr!ce. Tel. 454-4370 today, ask for Ken. 1. NEW—Three;bedrooni lwp bath in Goodview, j TWO-ROOM upstairs .furnished apartment. frigerator^ breezeway .and.. home CLOVER.SEED—medium red homegrown. available on a. trial rental ¦ ¦ . 267 E. 8th, . . •:- . ' Wanted to Rent 96 - .- ' large; garage.' -Priced in low- . priced, in the thirties! Living room, kitchen with stove, Hllbert Sens, RWIIngstone, Minn. Tel. WAWTED—steel pe.i bends Tel. 452- . . - ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . plari, y ' !: refrigerator disposal. Deck off kitcheh barpeted fomily ; Lewiston 2771. : .• . - . . - 2S97.. - .' . ' " • : . -: , apartment thirties. . ,. . ;• ONE-ROOM furnished , elec- WANTED TO RENT— parcel'Of- oround for * tricity, paid. Tel. - 452-7716 . : room, utility room, two car garage, ATTENTION GARDENERS; buifc herb; .; . garden prefer rear Winona. . Tel; 454- ' ¦; ^ Begonia ROLLS wheel ' chair, excellent condition, ' ¦¦ ¦ 2208;- - " '. .¦:¦;¦ ;.; ' Call Anytime;.;. . ../' flower/ sardeh and lawn seed. •'. Complete. Professipnal TWO '.EFFICIENCY , apartments, ImmedU ' , %TS. Tel. «4-30O4. . ' .:./ ^ir bulbs, onions, all fertilizers, potash ate occupancy. Apply Apartment I, 255 ;2. FOUR bedroom two baith beauty in convenient west superphosphate, blood ; meal, acme and fOUPLE with 2 dogs to rent or buy ; ' through Wed; repair service in our E. 8th on- Sat,,. April 4, noon , until-6 science -ortho products," .peat.--' . moss, RUrMMAGE SA.LE — Mon. ¦ house.. At . least-2'bedrboms; Preferably location;; Dining room, living room , large kitchen with p.m. 544 E. 3nd.. Children's '¦• ¦; ¦ p.m., Sun..: April 7, riobn ' vntil 6 p.m., , . SPRINGTIME FRESH1 redl-earth ,peat pots, |lffy pellets. Farm- 9:30 to i \ shop,- ., . . . . .;- :/ . . fenced yard or large lot. Does hot ;heve all appliances plus Nu-Tone service center, family room clDlriing;.lnfarits.'to:slze S,'5ctp .$1; girls' to be within-Winona city limits. Ptease ' ers Exchange Garden Center, 58 Main W;. END—3-room Bpartment, private bath. Is the only way to; describe ' - . At ' - St:- spring and winter coats, $ $5; ma- Tel. 452-7974. with fireplace plus billiard room and billiard .table.. ternity, clothes, ladles' dresses, size 18; Prefer .! married employed couple. No this newly, redecorated, 2 must-see. > , :¦ '¦;-; _ ' . - - , baby, Bubs beer' glasses. Tel. 452, . children or pets. Rent includes utilities. ^ .: BULK GARDEN seed; seed - potatoes; buggy, Hal Leona rd : RESPONSIBLE PARTY would like home bedroom home, E.. Broad- ' - .. , . • ' Music For appointment Tel. ' 4524077.' . fertilizer; lime, bone meal; . - Insectl; . 9430. ' ._ . - , ; ¦¦'' ' ' . In the country. Tel.: 452-1126 or '452-1760. way: location, large lot with cldes. Kupletz. Feed V Seed Sales, 120 : 64 E; 2nd -Tel. 454-2920; : 3. ROOMY split-foyer;on a. big . lot has four bedrooms, ¦ PROUD PAPA'S always give King Ed- LARGE 3-robrn apartment with-2 double , E. ' 2nd. ' .. . . - . gardeners in mind, Broker ,; ' . ward .''It's, a .girl" or. "It's a boy" beds, utilities burnished exc*pt lights. Bus. Property for Sale 97 carpeted , carpeted living room and kitchen, two baths, : ;>'We Service What WeSell" ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦: Cigars fronv -Goltz Pharmacy, 274 E. . Tel. :452-42T2. . ' . • . . . " . Owned, $17,900. carpeted family room," sliding glass doors from dining ' ' ¦ Antiques, Coins, Stamps . . 56 : 3rd- , ' . FOR SALE or lease. 4,1500 30; ft. commer- ; v NICELY FURNISHED 1-bedroom apart- cial building, with office space, rest- Immediat«.Possessioh :. . .' • ".' area to patio deck. ;- . OLD EASTER postcards to send, Easter FLOOR LENGiTH prom or bridesmaid , ment.W. side Heat and water furnished. . rooms, . modern, shop area, located on ^ ' cookie cutters,' gifts. - Open again morn- ,dress; size ' 12, light pink, . . only ..been Sewing Machines 73 No. single students, 5155 per month. a. 20O'xl75' lot, plehty. of room .for park- 4. IN SUNSET—Three bedroom bath and a half home 452-7278.. Tel, 452-9284. \ ing ' or expansion', minimum lease 4 . ings. Mary Twyce - Books¦ & Antiques, w/brh once. Tel.' . A SINCERE DEPENDABLE - •• ' completely carpeted and draped. Large family room with ;. *20 W. 5th. . ' ,, ' . - CLEAN U.SED sewing machines, straight years. Tel. 452-9231 between..!! and. 5 ONE , ROOM, carpeted, first floor , near weekdays. COMPANY REMODELING;. .YOUR kitchen? Let lis stitch, and zlg zag, $25 and up. WINO- .:;^.;. built-in bar, big fenced yard .; WSC, $50 per month, Tel, 452-4036, ..' ICE- BOX, wood burning stove, quilts, gsive you an estimate. Custom-built'Cab- NA SEWING CO., 915 WV.Sf.h. • ". . . - sewing rocker; picture frames, and a inets by Plato & Hager. Top quality Houses for Sato ;: 99 Bocd variety 61 antiques; primitives, cabinets at moderate prices. GAIL'S FURNISHED APARTMENT for 3-4 stu- Office: 165; Walnut St r 454-4585 . 5. . PRICED IN THE TEENS!: Four bedroom .home in end crafts. Typewriters ; > 77 - The Little Red Shed, 3Vi APPLIANCE, 215 E. 3rd, Tel, 452:4210. dents or workers. Inquire 980 W. 5th. CUSTOM: HOMES' for. sale In Meadow , Rod Hansen: 454-4812 V Minnesota City has updated bath, carpeted; and panelled . miles . W. of Galesville; .1 rnlle off Acres: Distinctive designs, still time 35-54. Hours 10 a.fti. 1b living room* convenient kitchen. fo 6 p.m., Closed super twin washer with TYPE'WR ITERS end adding , mathines LOVELY 3-bedroorh apartment available : do your own decorating In some. Tel. ' ' Mon. and Thurs. :¦ SP EED QUEEN Pat Magin : 452-4934 ' agitator, • washer Is Ideal for rridblle for rent or sale. Low rates. Try : us for summer term, female- students. 1 . 4540723 or ;454-1832. . .; ; . ¦ . .. horhes, apartments, or any' laundry |ob. for alt your olflce supplies, i082 .. : ' . r Cooking area and¦ TV available. Tel . pets, no students , Acorn Motel Mlnne- - ' " ( mirror. Tel. 454-100>*^ . •- ¦ ' , I dP' '" // - '^m ' . 452-7700. - ' sola Clly, Tel. 687-2150. r xjMCrllGk^M Connie Pedersori ,452-2951. I FOUR FAMILY Rummage Sale, baby, PHONOLA STEREO console, plqneer reel- children and adults clothing); Miscel- ¦ V REALTOR /MLS to-reel , 8-track car player, cassette APRIL'S Betty Richter .. 452-1151 \ laneous Items. ,95 Williams St., Lewis- ¦ ¦ SHOWERS deck, FM radio converter, RCA stereo . ton. Sat.,. 10-4. - : ; ¦ ;¦. - ; ,' ^ ¦ , console healhkit, FM tuner..Tel. 452- H- - . - ; :; : : : g V | _ ^ -| j-( _njGemot Rublein ..454-3062./ : 1746 or 452-1335. . J u J-un A GOOD BUY , . . give: It a try. Blue . ¦ . Lustre , America s favorite carpet sham, ¦ ' GARAGE SALE-Frl,' and Sat. only, An. poo. Rent electric , shampooer 11, 12 Ilque walnut . chest' of drawers, rocker, ; and $3. Robb Bros. Store. , wringer washer OF NEW HOM !— , dishes , tools and mis- WiwncL^^^ ES 1 1—Execut ive Shopping Spree 1 cellaneous . 480 E, Mark. AT MCNALLYS, 274 E. Broadway on Sat. Apr. 6, basement entry. Many Items cf antique value and girls', boys' { COLOR ME ELEGANT ( and adult clothing. .. ' . , 2 acres surround this Spanish style mini-palace! 1 IT'S NEW! | , CLEAN expensive carpets with the best. 173 East 2nd l R | Tel. 454-5141 y The Grecian bath, the heated garage, billiard room, f Blue Lustre Is America ' s favorite. Rent ITS DIFFERENT! _ ¦ ' : | the swimming pool , the intercom system, 3 full 1 shampooer Jl , S2 and $3. H. C hoate REALTOR * ¦ & Co. THE SALVATION ARMY \ baths, the formal dining room, the serene living / area and the luxurious recreation room near the 1 ANTIQUE DRESSER and commode to FAMILY STORE IT MAKES GOOD SENSE match center table, a:so metal bed y swimming pool are just a few things that make . | complete. Household rummage sale, Come in and browse around. To buy. a home now. See this new listing located near > ^^i^ti^^^m^m »» | it a personalized , elegant home for you to enter- I som i dishes. 106 Stone Sttest , Inquire the lake and priced in (.he mid-teens, &» ' 105 Stone Street. 112 W. »rd Includes screened j , tain your friends — your children 's friends. It's just f ~ ~ Clothing, Dishes, Books porch , living & dining room, 3 bedrooms and garage. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING / an all around ideal place to call home. MLS 1029. 1 V/IHDOW-TYPE Whlrlpool al conitltlon, MLS# 1119 er , 3 years old , 9000 BTUi .1 5-roo m 10-4:30 Mon. thru Sat. This home overlooks a A nice home for , a nice humidifier, ) 1 year old, 1B1 Harvester. WE'RE qOING TO LET YOU IN ON A SECRET lake. With living room, price. This home has a BIG—BOLD—B EAUTIFUL } This home has good location—Pinccrest , Big Lot—ap- dining room , kitchen , fireplace, living room, J Combine 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths , a massive stone \ proximately one acre family room and FIVE dining room , kitchen , I fireplace, an attached double garage and an extra- / , and tender loving care, Charming balh and FOUR home with 4 bedrooms, and bath in upper level , living BEDROOMS. Call and BED- J ordinary floor plan and you have this exceptional \ & dining room family room , & mako an appointmen t to ROOMS. Don't blame us \ home! An adventure in. beauty! MLS 1058. / , % bath in lower level. see W-7932. if it's gone before you | Corniortli s MLS#: 1109' call. W-7933. ) WHAT'S NEW? I OWNER TRANSFERRED \ f They must sell this lovely 4 to 5 bedroom. Two J ¦ | New "Count ry" Listing This beautiful Rambler featuring livin g & dining room , Vk baths, 3 bedrooms & garage. Make your family happy -k | full baths, formal dining room, breakfast room off I ^ , I the kitchen. Lots | | MINUTES from Winon-a is this well-msula- ^, -buy it. MLS# 1107 of oak cupboards, self-cleaning J " ted ( LOW heating bill! ) one-story frame * * * * * * * I oven, dishwasher , garbage disposal. Fully carpet- I <$ homt! with three ^ TOUR DREAM HOUSE IS WAITING IF YOU'RE A CUTE I cd and drapes included in a well established neigh- J bedrooms, entryway, ^ c^ large kitcher , . HUGE living room , base- tired of renting, you 'll want little dnllliouse with a large 1 borhood. PRACTrCAL-PLUSH! MLS 1123. t ^ See this perfect brand new split-foyer home, Upper level x' me-nt, attached garaRc-, pony shed on pro- <( includes living & dining room, bath , 2 bedrooms , lower lo see this home, Beauty and yard , living room , kitchen , perty. This up-to-date homo flivos you old- ? level has bath , one bedroom & family room. Also dou- quality offer you great liv- bath , andCfll l>)n0OMS. ^ fashioned country .living, on TWO jACRES, . y ble, 1108 ing, Family room , kitchen , Priced ir ^^^-^ er teens. . ( ^ garage . MLS# FARMS FOR SALE r>, for under twenty ! MUS 1125. § TWO BEDROOMS , living Call to see it anytime, # Highly productive J OFFICE BUILDING FOR SALE room, and bath, W-7920. MLS-lllf) farm ; near Dover. 240 acres. This j \ \ farm is complemented by a modern 4 bedroom home, a f 7 in good condition , Remodeled In 11)155, central-air , fully . New " Executive ' Listing ! •§ / new well and a 30 stanchion dairy barn, with 2 at- j t] carpeted. Three offices and reception area downstairs, Al Schrocder ...... 452-6022 Office Phono , 452-1344 \ tached silos, Additional land available In tho area for I & "CHAMPAGNE" neighborhood surrounds four large offices plus secretarial area upstairs. MLS# Harold Eraih ...... 454-5046 Office Hours .. 8:30 to 5:00 / expansion. MLS 1121, 1 this elegant split-foyer with carpeted and &^ 1117 ^? tiled living and dining Gary Ewings .,,.,, 687-64JI4 . Saturday ...... 8:30-Noon J 480 acre farm near Winona, 160 acres pf fertilo tillable \ rooms, kitchen with BUYABLE v) built-ins , bath nrul one-half , paneled FAM- ,j^ I land , The balance h permanent pasture and woodland. I fi ILY ROOM , 3 bedrooms plus bedroom in «$ 4 acres available in Minn. City for the wise huycr who j Located neav a city—potential for recreational dovelop- I FULL basement, attached douhlo gnragc, knows where the future lies. Call us for details. MLS# I mont. The farm buildings are in a scenic setting which I £ ^ 1 \ spacious lot, MLS, 1129. ? 909 J is supported by a largo modern 4 bedroom home, an no \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' I x 36' barn wltn 44 stanchions n barn cleaner a lfi' x I N ^ FOR YOU EARTHY PEOPLE , , 45' I silo with a silo unloador, a feed bunk , and a honted out- \ § ' 13 acres of good fertilo land located in Pick- Valley View | We ve Rot I side -walerer , This Is a grado A dairy set-up. Price in- / $ This multl-bedromed hiome just a jog from V wick overlooking Historical Pickwick Mill,¦ Ideal¦ for 1 eludes all milking equipment, WLS 1083. \ horses or beef cattk, MLS#90(i v) the city has patios, wrought iron fencing, J : double-entry kitchen cabinets , double gii- S1 XV JLj nLJLi CORK ) ^? rape attached, full basement, family room , I X 1. RICHTER REALTY ) baths , and a luxurious view of approach- ^ Iwlultiplo Listing 5 ervico J ERV RICHTER, REALTOR ( ^ ^ lng Spring/ Ask for MIvS 10(50, and seo how 7 I Home erioral Bldg, 4th & Center Winona t £ ' Florence Moe ,., Serving Minnesota & Wisconsin P $• , ¦; green your vnlloy con be! Ed Hartert ....,, 452-3073 4512023 Tel. 452-1151 or 452-1550 J ^ ..,, 452-fl3;!i Bill Zicbcll 452-4S54 I Harriot Kiral ' OFFICES IN: Of flee Hours : 9-4:30 Mon.-FrL; 10-2 Sat. " - Zachary .. ' -454-2531 Chnrlra E. Mcrkel , mmmm^\ OFFICE PHONE: 452-6474 ,;. Anno Winona hn Cr 'osso Onalaska Eau Claire E or anytime by appointment. MnMrS I V «MK»H MLS¦ Ucnllni - & $ f t f a £ ' x)|DQ [H-¦— ¦*"'*' Farms, Land for Sale Motorcycles, Bicycle* 107 Used Cars , 109 DEHMS THE MENACE cAobita Homas, Traffert 111 Aucifon Salei ' 6RADE A dairy farm near Modlne, 140 TRAIL - 50-1971,: recently • overhauled, OPEU — 1*68 wagon, lo«i> mileage and TRANSPERRED—must¦ sell, 1973 14x60 APR. 6—Sat. 10:30 . a.m. 1 mile E. 6-f ¦ ' ' • ' •acres/ 65 acre* tillable, 34-stanchlrin $150; also 3 wheel bicycle sullablt for : clean. Tei, . 896:2351; Conasloga , J-fcMrpom '. mobile Home, .Houston,, then .2 . miles S.,- on . Hwy. 76-, ¦: barh, 18x50 silo , with unloader 'and 60' otder child, $10, Tel. . Caledonia , 724- ' . completely furnished, all appliances; In- then 8 miles, on. Yucatan Road, then 2 ¦ ' -¦ ¦ bunk, 40x60 calf barn, 7-bcKiroom all ¦2382. '.. ,.. . . PONTIAC—1969 Firebird, V-8, automatic, cluded, washer and dryer, central air miles 'N. D. A. Podcin, owner; Freddy Auction Sales fop. Tell 452-5571 after-5 condltlorilflB,. set :up on- lot, skirted, ' modern house, owner wanls offers. ¦ ' ¦ . .green :vln y.' . . Frlckson, .auctioneer; Northern Iriv. Co- , ' ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ' v ¦ • ' : ¦ steps and 10x10 storage , 160 ACRES ridge beef;farm near Hokah, HONDA . .. P-m- . ' :¦• - ' ¦:- "" .'/- . ' ':' . ' ' . .' ^ricd Please clerk. FOR YOUR AUCTION 08» . 0 . . ,;, Tel. 452-1710 after 5 p.m. we-ekdays and th« Boytim 80 acres tlllaobte, real, good/ 3-bedroom Triumph Norton—BMW System, BERTRAM BOYCJM Auctlorv modern house, 40x60 pole barn and .. . Parts—Sales—Service . MUSTANG—1965, t cylinder, 5B,000 miles, anytime on vyeeKends. APR: 7—Sun. 11 a.m. Machinery, i Rec- . . eer, Ruihford,' Mlrtn. Tel. 864-938). other , outbuildings. . . ROB8 MOTORS, INC. average 20 miles per gjal. Needs very reational Auction, Hwy. 1.6 & .63, Spring &' ' , SEE THE 1974 and Medallion B60 ACRE dairy and beef farm near Winona, fAlpn. ,Eau Claire. Wis. little work. J350. Tel. 452-4430, exten- . .Homette Valley, ¦ Mirh. Northslde Sales, owners.; ' ' only. ' - ;- homes at Green Terrace. Special lor , '¦ '• ARR. :ll—Th'iirt. - . 1-0:30: i.rr». WhitehalV Hokah,. ,230 acres tillable, 46-srancnlbn sion 366 for Larry, 6-7 .p.m. . ¦ Grafe Ma I III a J, . Turbenson, auction- barn and other outbuildings, - April, one 19JA . 14x70-Hornette, S857J. ¦ ears. Wis., on thB . E. ilde, |u»t «ff Hv/y, 53. 3-bedroorn ' . - ' house. YAMAHAf I MUSTANG—1968, economical 6 ¦ cylinder, 'Tel.;454-1317. ' . . . Peterson Tmpl. .Co., owner;. Alvlh Koh. ' .. - ner, auctioneer; Northern Inv; Co;., ; For -further Information-calf- Becktirten Quality Sport Cehtef •1 3 speed. Reasonable. Larry Burroughs, ' APR; .' 7-Sun. 1 p.m. -Liquidation ' Sale), ' ¦ ¦ Srd & Harriot Tel; 452-23W . Caledonia, Minn. Tel. 724-2260. ' COACHMEN -.' TRAVEt; . TRAILERS & .clerk. Really, Tel. Houston 896-3808 or La . Mobile Home Auction, . 2203 N. 'Brood- ' , S. PICKUP CAWPERS ;. - STARCRAFT Crescent 895"4207 after S p.rn. >r way, Rochester, '.Minn.. . Lc5 0iscn,' .auc^ MUST SELL, need ca»h. 1973 Vegti STi CAMPERS. .'" ., - . . ^ tloneer; Northwestern . National BenK, FARMS—bee , dairy, hobby, and . acreage BRIDGESTONE, 17JCC, 3,000 miles. Runs autpmatlc, 10,500 miles. :-Tel. «08-d87-4497 SALES-S ERVICE-REKITALS ¦ ' ¦; ' . ' ., ' . - .: ; clerk.. . without buildings. Twalten Realty; Hour Hood, best olfer. 419 Harriet, between .. for appointment. •( ' DICK'S SPORTING GOODS, Durand, Wli. ' ton, S;30 ahd . 7:30 . : ' .' . Tel. 715-472-8873 or 672-51S*. Minn. Tel. 8?6^3SO0. • . P,m. , . APR. R-^Mon. 1 p.m. 5 miles N..of HaV. VEGA - 1973 custom H atchback.N 12,000 ¦ mony, Mlnn v on Hwy. 52, thin 1W'miles " . O ^Mcm&i^ . USED 1973 .17: ATLAS Mint-Home, -1S, 5» PDLARIS-0975 40D and 1972 Rupp trail miles, 24. miles per gal., automatic E . Arnold ' Tleskotier- owner; Knudsen & ¦' bike, both like mew very few on , miles fully self-contained, $5495. See the :}¦: . , miles transmission, $2,350. M.ust : sell. Waba- .Erlcksbnr auctioneers'; Thorp - Sales WED., APRIL 10 . either, both for $675.' Tel. 864-9262 af|er : ';¦ NEW COACHZAEN 19' Wnl on display. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . • sha Minn. Tel. ,1 -612:56.5-4746.. .. . Corp; clerk. _ .; ¦ RY s. - . '¦' ;. ' • NEW COACHMEN 22'. Mini to arrive : :I ;M .- P;M.V • ' ';. ' - , DAI FARM ' . AMERICAN - /MOTORS;. ' 1971, Hornet, J soon! F. A- KRAUSE CO. Breezy door sedan, good condition, 1971 CKev- Acres. Hwy. 14.61 E. APR. «-Mon. jo:30 a.m; 2 miles. N.W. Deluxe . dairy farm with ' . 606 VVabasha Ave., . rolet Impals 4-door hardtop, very good , of Blair, Wis . Daniel- (Vernon) .Walder-a, " tremendous production ca- condition. See this one now, It won't owner; . Alvin . Kdhner, auctioneer . St. Charles, Minn. 74 KAWASAKIS SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Northern Inv. Co., clerk. pabilities. last long' inquire Installment Loan Special Discount Prices on the Follow- "The Good Times Dept . MERCHANTS. NATIONAL BANK. ing . Mobile Homes Now Through Real Estate : 7 room two- 240 acres, 200 acres till- just rolled in." Easter: APR. '6-Mon -. 11:30 a.m. -4 miles S. of • VOLKSWACEN-1972 Squarebark excel- Reo. -.-Sale Osseo, V^ls on 53 to Ctv. Trunk E Wil- story house, 4 bedrooms, oil able, a large amount of EARLYBIRD PRICES lent condition. Extra s how tires. $2400, Price Price liam Christ! anson, owner; Zeck . & burning furnace, 16x24 gar- corn ground Tel. 687-4038, 1974 Titan 14x7(3 Hcike,. auctioneers;' Northern Inv. Co., age building, will be sold NOW 3 bedroms 18,395 $7,995 clerk. - . z RAMBLER—1964 Wagon. 6 cylinder en- 1974 Titan 14x70 at 3:00 p.m.-~10% down day • 5 bedroom modern home Olne, straight slick. Tel. 452-1721 a-fter (Why not rids tbe best) front .kitchen ...... $8,295 $7,995 of sale, balance on receipt 305 ft. dairy setup 96 5 p.m. APR. ?-Tuei. -11: 30 . a.m. 13 mlles-N of • 1974 Titan 14x70 Rochester on Hwy 63: Roger HomeiS of title. balhs $8,895 $8,(95 stalls and 100 ft. Badger T-BIRD-1 966 Classic Convertible, 63 IV* o-«ner, Bruske & Gatftie, auctioneers; ,000 ¦974 Revere 14X.70 Trolley feed BOB'S MARINE hlles, excellent condlffon. Stereo . Northwestern National Bank/Rochester, bunk, 48x50 tape^ separate cf-Jnlna area $9,295 , $8,995 Round oak ex. table with 4 Ft. of Laird . . Tel. 452-2697. air, power everything. Minimal depre- clerk loose housing 1974 Royal 14x70 ciation due to distinctive : classical ¦ chairs, square oak ex. table; . angle kitchen " ..- .' .. ¦„¦;. S9.495 $8,99S status. S1150. Tel. 454-5208 after .5 p.m. APR; 9-Tues, Behr Bros, piano, piano • Clay doubl e 4 Herring- Trucks, Tract's, Trailers 108 1970 Homelte 12x50 - 12:30 p.m. 1 mile S.E. of front kltctien - ,795 Independence, Wis. on Cty Trunk O to bone milking parlor, CHEVELLE-^1949, 2-doovr excellent run- ...... ,.. $3,995 $3 bench, several oak rockers, 1 1971 Buddy 12x50 Twn . fid., then 3 .mlWJ . Si'E. on Twii. complete &MC—1972 van, carpeted and Insulated, ning , condition . Tel. :454.42!4. oak desk and china closet, * YA WANNA SEE SOrMETHIM SCAW*. LOOK Al Repossession ... . .: ... $*,59S $3,995 Rd. Bill S. Tom Waldera , owners; Fran- radial. tires, S3,495. Tel. 454-2617. cis Werlem, auctioneer; Northern Inv. Monarch comb, range, 400 gal. bulk lank and FORD—1970 Ga laxle, power steering and Always a 30% or More. Dis)fBsok.At . • . SUGAxR LOAF TOWN 8, Co., clerk FORD-rO?73 Ranehero brakes, green v/llh dark green vinyl /V\ARfiARET Trlf20U6M HER 3LASSES •' stove, refrigerator, beds, equipment , power steering, COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES power . brakes., air, .. 351, automatic top. Good condition, Tel. . Rushford 864- , 43 {Void Homer Road: dressers, rugs, dishes and 20x70 Harvestore silo black,' $3,600. Tel: 454-2617. 9200 after 4. Hwy. APR. .fr-Tuet. '11 a.m. 1 mile S.. of -La • Wlhoha, Mlrtn. . , : Tel. 454-5287 ' wash and Goliath unloader Crosse City limits on U.S. 14, first farm misc 28 ft. ex. ladder, Used Can 109 Used Cars 109 Ope n 7 Days; a Wewk beyond Party House George H. FORD! : F 100 1973 custom. Small • V-8, PONTIAC—1965 GTO; 2-eed, 2165. new , take over: payments . Before 5 Toi . 3 miles N. of 452-7952; after S, .452-4544. Rushford. Minn. W Thoma« Gaskin, 7ft ft . Badger Trolley feed CHEVROLET-1972 1 -ton, 30 series with PINTO-1 973, 6,000 miles, excellent condi- 800 miles, under warranty, 30 miles, per • , owner; Freddy Frickson, auctioneer; SWartz Brain , box with hydraulic hoist, tion Easy on gas, si*n roof and many ' oaf., S3.195. Tel. 454-2617. CARRIE SCHOCK EST. bunk and concrete Nbrlnern . lhv, : .Cb;, clerk also mud trip tires, and. 12,000 actual more options. Tel, 452-4804 after J. BUDDY-rJ2x50, sel up on lot. Priced for aprons miles Tel. 565-4650. quick sale or take over payments. Tel . O-wner FORD—1966 Galaxie 5rdo.or hardtop, . 390/ Here Are Just 452-4305. 50x104 ft. pole shed ROADRUNNER—1968, -4 speed,. 383 CU. air, automatic transmlsion, power, steer- APR. 10-Wed 12 roon S miles N of • ' Don Tiffany, Auctioneer Several other outbuild- TRUCK BODIES-tiallers. built, repaired in., real good condition;- Tel.. -Lewiston ing and brakes, S550 Tel -454-2550 be- Rushford, Minn, on 43 Michael M. • and painted Hoist , sales and 'service. .4865 alter 5. tween 4 and 6 p.m. Soppa, owner; Beckman- Bros., auction- B. A. Smith & Sons, Clerk eers; ings and smaller silo Berg's. 3950 V"V. ' 4th.. rel. 452r4849. A Few of the Thorp Sales Corp,, . clerk. GTO - I9i6 Excellent- condition, Mags. Immediate possession- Tel. 452-5848 alter 5:30. CHEVROLET—1964 Nova stalion wagon, TRI -STATE WANTED .TO BUY—11' or 12' platform ' 6-cyllnder, .automatic, good mileage, Savings! Terms available- and rack, . Tel: St.: Charles 932-3700. $395. Tel. 445-2617. MOBILE/ Shown by appointment only JEEP PICKUP—1965, 4-wheel drive, .V-8, 1967 Rambler Rebel hardtop power steering, -. 45,000 miles.. V; ,' R. 1ST APRIL HORNET—1974 ' A.M.C. Hatchback, 2,000 miles, big 6, automatic, radio; power MODULAR Abrahamson, Canton, Minn, Tel. 507-743- 1967 Chevrolet Bel Air Liquidation Sale NORTHERN 8564, WEEKEND steering, same as new. 368 Liberty. 4-dobr HOMES GOING INTO debt, must sell, !s>72 Cbe»r. 2 door sedan, very 1967. Ford! Galaxie hardtop INVESTMENT CO. 3 FORD—1929 Model A, rolet, /S-ton, . .Cheyenne package with good reslorablc condition, many.' extra 1968 Rambler Rebel hardtop Hwy. SI S. Breezy Acres Real Estate Brokers, automatic. Tel. 608-687-4497 for appoint- 2ND CAR SALE parts Included. Tel. Dakota - . 643-62 10. Independence. Wis. ment. 1968 Plymouth 2-door Winona, Minn. Sunday, April 7 Tel. 715-985-3391 hardtop Tel. 452-4276 DODGE—1973 window, van , slant 6, 1968 CHEVROLET Sale starts at l:0O P.M. standard 3 speed, In excellent condi- 1968 Plymouth Fury 2-door After Hours, Eldon W. Berg, : NOW OPEN MORE tion.. Tel. Whitehall, Wis. -715-538-4902 impala hardtop Location : 2203'North Broadway Real Estate Salesman, after . 5 p.m, 4-door sedan. Green with a 1968 Chevrolet Impala 4-ddor HOU RS TO SERVE Rochester, Mian. Arcadia, Wis. : Used Cars 109 black cloth interior. V-8, au- YOU BETTER Tel. 608-323-7356 Sp 1968 Mercury Monterey tomatic, power steering, ra- sfi ec'a' 4-door dio, heater and tut steering K^ MON. THROUGH FRL MOBILE HOME AUCTION wheel. PRICED TO MOVE 1968 Ford LTD 4-door 8-9 Everything must be sold. Complete close-out of single Lots for Sal* 100 at and double trailers, 15 new and 2 used . . . 1968 Ford Custom 4-door SAT. 8-5 SUN. 12-5 A NUMBER of . choice lots In beautiful 2-Glenbrook 14'x64' 2 bedroom, -with front dinette Pleasant Valley. From 54,400 to 55,500. ONLY $400 1969 Che-vrolet Impala Tel. 452 4334 SPECIALS OF THE WEEK ' u N 4-door Glenbrook 14'x70' 3 bedroom , ©lie front bedroom LOT S In convenient . Meadow . Acres,, ill CeP»»rfJ O D 1969 Che-vrolet 2-door 14x70 Wickcraft $8,700 Regal 14'x70' Bar, 2 front bedrooms, 1 rear assessments paid'.' Starling at J3700. - ,T«|, 1967 N PLYMOUTH Doc Myska •2 or S bedroom Regal 14'x70' Bar, Front living room 454-1723 or 454-1832. m ^'4 0 hardtop , 2 bedrooms Fury II 14x70 Wickcraft ?lO,900 Wickshire 14'x68' Front dining room, 2 bedrooms COUNTRY LIVING, lust 7 miles from 1969 VOLKSWAGEN BUS. 1969 Ford Galaxie 4 door Winona. 5-acre wooded hillside lots. Un- w 3-seat station wagon. Red 9-passenger, low mileage, 4- 3 bedrooms Wickshire 14'x70' Front living room , 2 bedrooms der S5;000. Tel. 454-1723 of, 454-1832. jK-w*. r with black interior 1969 Mustang convertible , auto- speed, in good all around 14x70 Rosewood $8 ,900 Wickcraft 14' x70' Front dining room, 2 bedrooms matic, power steering, pow- 1970 Mercury Marquis Wanted—Real Estate 102 condition. Was $2598. 4 bedrooms, washer and Wickcraft 14'x70* 3 bedrooms er brakes, radio, heater, 4-door dryer i N' vA good tires, one owner, com- Award 14'x70' 2 bedrooms FARM WANTED—within 25 mile* df* t 1970 Ford Galaxie 4-door nona From owner Will pay cash. Til pletely reconditioned. NOW $21 50 Specials good Wed. to Wed. Award 14'x70' Front living room, 2 bedrooms Bob Tillman E wi Bob Grleiel 4S2-26W. 1970 Ford LTD 2-door And many more top new Elcona 24'x60' 3 bedrooms $595 hardtop and usesd models on our lot Accessories, Tires, Parts 104 Award 24'x52' S bedrooms 1973 FORD_ 1971 Chevrolet Vega 2-door to choose from. Elcona 24'x44' 2 bedrooms PLYMOUTH ENGINE, 31 8. excellent con- "V-8 1965 PLYMOUTH " -•* No reasonable offer-or trade ~24' dition. 1964 Plymouth car for parts. Tel . *A ton, engine. A hard- 1971 Mercury Monterey Elcona x52' 3 bedrooms and porch 4S4-30W. ¦ , 4-door refused. ,,. .. .. ,N'. .'^ to-find value. See me on Fury II 1971 Kenwood ONE Unl-Rpyal G78x50; two BF . Good- this! 4-door sedan. Gray with 121 Huff St.-Winona 1971 Ford Galaxie 4-door Prices Include delivery Select Mark IV rich whltewali belted, H-7Bxl5. All new. black interior. V-8, auto- and set up. $25 each. Tel. Caledonia' 724-2362. matic transmission, power Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Nights 1973 Ford LTD 2-door hardtop TERMS OF SALE Motors, steering, power brakes, ra- QUALITY SERVICE Long terra financing available to qualified buyers Boats, Etc. 108 dio ... , runs real well. Bank Financing "We Service What We Sell" WANTED—15' Grunman Sportsman, bolt", Northwestern National Bank , Rochester, Clerk, for owner In good condition. Tel. 452-1056. $3 00 Nk Les Olson, License No. 5S-01, Auctioneer RIVER QUEEN Houseboat, 36', twin 160 ^^ * Auction Sales h.p. Ford I/O, sleeps .6, full galley, 121 Huff St.-Winona PETERSON — ¦—— ¦—— "^WW^¦—¦—————«——m * monomallc bead, CB. T"» RlV radio tele- 1 966 RAMBLER .^. H phone, 1.5.. KW generator, depth finder. Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Nights ALVIN KOHWER ^ U^UVJU A..^ v.. .v< • "- * , , t.,o i. . . «\.>A *: *,, v^^S. . " *. . .* !*,,\\-.**~; Owners moving, must sell. Tel. ;i5- - «W MOTORS INC. AUCTIONEER—City and state licensed y Amba ssador 452- 284-4810. Ford - Mercury and bonded. Rt. J, Winona. Tel. J 4-door sedan- Green with 4980. JOHNSON—1972, 25 h.p: outboard molor, Lanesboro, Minn. v iffttf fttn ttttt itffrTi. ff ririiHirarr xtixII1 -ri_ .rTmt- II 1III. tttttTT )nn iv matching interior , small I l HI t TT1 Hf M /III IT I n '1IIIIHII11ITT ^ 1 1 [LUJ 1 run aboul . lOO hours'. . Capron Hardware, " FREDDY FRICKSON i ffl ra ./Uiiji uii) jn iit n Hill jm .vi in tu gt ra ; iLanesbore, Minn. V-fi , automatic transmis- Jm Tel. 467-2195 or 467-2196 Auctioneer &' ^*™ sion, power steering, power t Will handle air sizes and klndi -of Just W ^ \ 4-Door M auctions. Tel. Dakota 643-6143. , NORTHERN INVESTMENT CO. I ENJOY the convenience and economy of brakes, radio, heater, fac- . Jg\\ j |M kcepin your boat In a boathouse. Ytar Wanted—Automobiles 110 abound storage. , Excellent . boalhouse Received * **^ ff sj l tory air, and good tires, Minnesota Land & for sale. . Also boat and :motor . Tel. excellent running car, no Sedan .:m 452-3557. . . CAMPBELL 'S AUTO Salvage. Wa nted, Auction Service ¦• ' ¦ ¦" ' (4 : ; ' - . . - • K rust, clean throughout . . Erv Dudon lunH cars; Any condition, any shape. Everett J, Kohner ' ¦ RUNABOUT—14, 40 h.p. electric Ma rt ¦a Will Pick them up. Tel. *5<-5769 aw ¦Winona, T«l. 452-7814 : ' Located 1 mile southeast of Independence, Wis. on County % trailer, like now. MJ, ¦ - I motor, deluxe Spartan \» *~!w Time. Jim Pap^nfgss, Dakclo Tel. 643-41M |i town road , then 3 miles southeast on Town Te|.: 452-5698. $500 Trunk "Q" to | List: $4 1 97.90 | | road, on Ben Waldei-a farm. Watch for arrows! U v | FOR SALE—1 20x36' boathouso, complete- New Mobile Homos, Trailers 111 APR. 5-FrI. 4:30 p.m. «22 E. 3rd St., " Owners Audlon, ly furnished, sleeps lour, - alio 14' Crest, i^^SS^ Wlnons, Minn. Throe ' ¦ OPEN TONIGHT SPECIAL $3459 HALLMARK-1970 12x65, 2-bedroom uri- Alvln Kohner, auctioneer; Everelt Koh- liner boat with ,35 r».p. electric start, B' ^ MI ¦; Evlnrudc? motor. 1 16' Creslllner run- 1974 furnlshed, $4,400. Tel. 454-596 1 elt&r i ner. clerk. & SAT: 'TIL 4 1 ' ' . ' aboul, v/lth trailer and 35 h.p. Evlnrucle Edgar Prigge Stop in and see me on this P-" - . : ¦ '" motor; 1 5 h.p. Eska molor; 1 7Vi h.p. APR. 5^-Frl, 11:30 a.m. i miles M. of | . - [. Sale will start at 12:30 P.M. ; | family sized economy priced ' 1 and Vt miles Scars motor; 1 Creslllner runatout PATHFINOER — i970, l4x52, 2 bedrooms, Spring Valley on Co. No. ¦ ¦ 17'; : ¦ Holsloln Ols- served by the N.F.O. ' with.60 h.p. Evlnrude. motor;. 1 air ino- ' 'car. . - .' Tel. Fountain City 687-9682. W; Myro-n Larsen i< Sons . || Lunch will oe - . . 1 :¦ . Norman Peterson, auctioneer. ,. tor; 1 6 h.p. snowblower, 6 hp. oas en- . CHEVROLET . persali ¦ " 200 to 300 lbs. ,. | gine with gear reduction; Tel. 4JMOI8 CENTURIA.N-1972 14xe(r , 2 bedrooms , | CATTLE—25 Holsteiin steers, II a.m. 2 milas 5.E. of or 452-3034 after 3:30. CAMARO all carpeted, air conditioner, furnished ¦ APR. 6-Sat, wtih corn and hay ¦ ' 5571. . . APR, 6-Sat. 11 a.m. 11 miles W, of clamps; Gohl aelf unloading EDGA.R PRIGGE, sales- and you: won't lose sight 121 Huff St.-Winoria - . . then 1 !:• per blower with 50 pipe and i Wabasha, Minn., on Hwy. 60, Holland 4fi9 | Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 man. of the good buys. HARK IV Mobile Home, 1973^ set up In mile N. on Cty. Rd. 32. Meyer Bros., I chopper box with 3 beaters and roof ; New Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Nights Lake Village or will move. Reaionsble, owners ; Montgomery A Olson, auction- I haybine ; New Holland Model 325 PTO spreader; Hawk- | YAMAHA ENDURO 1973, 175, 425 miles Tel. 452-2918. eers; Lake City State Bank , clerk. D. 3-16" semi-mount hi ¦} on It. . Asking J525 firm. Tol. W-2 791 II built 180 bushel tank spreader; J. ¦« alter 1 p.m. I clearance plow with side hill hitch ; J.D. 2 row quick disc ; McD. 22' all steel SCHWINN—20" Stingray bicycle hoys' | . tatch cultivator ;J.D. 10' KBA j blue anil girls orccn. Tel. 452-37H . % thresh machine. GIRLS 1 ' 20" bicycle, good condition, Tel 1 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS—R' lime spreader on rub- % 454-4867. 121 Huff St.-Winona i ber; endgate lime spreader; McD. 8' grain binder; steel | THESE CMS scu roi YAMAHA-1973 250MX, dirt racer, used 'MANuTS' | wheel wagon; bale fori; grapple fork; Hornelite Zip power g loss than 15 hours, must soil. Tel. La Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Nights f- 1 saw; automatic cnlf nursette machine; chicken equip- Croao 702-0695. W :^WJ i . ¦ | ^W.. l^^ :s; ^ >* S ' ^^ ' .. ' ' ...... " , drinking cups and dividers , yokes; [; ¦ I rrient; steel stanchions : • ¦»¦ I roof tin for Gehl chopper box ; Fnrmwny %" barn cleaner \. W> v ' 1971 CHEVROLET 1970 TOYOTA % chain, approximately 220' ,used ; Fnvmway barn | 68 Mustang 6-cylinder, 3-speed ;. . $1195 I] cleaner chain, 15', new ; 100' steel cable Vi " thick; 500 % Camaro Mark II , neck yokes; k chick gas brooder; hniiwsn parts, , collars nnd $ 2-door hardtop , Radio, pow- Station Wagon that is spot- beams fl-32 s» electric chick debeaker; ;;: 71 Dod ge D-100 H-ton pickup .. . $2095 way. 5 NEW I 3: steel bridge j MOTOR er steerinR, 4 new tires¦ , au- less in every i bundles of mnplo flowing, 'laths; assorted lumber; pile ., Q & tomatic drive , . ' vinyl.. trim , '- ' t'res. 4-speed transmission , ; drainage tile nnri bricks; good as- :s. ' radio and mileaffe cylln- p of block wood some 71 Cutlass 2-door hardtop ...... "-$2195 solid red finish , driven 36^34 a 4 sorlment V belts ; doc! house; cow clipper. ' , der engine This is the I3UY I? \ milos one owner. SEE AND l oos CHEVROLET Impaln , in good condition. | 72 Plymouth 4-door/air' . . DRIVE IT today ... OF THE WEEK at ONLY - ! | WEEKEND SPECIALS ...... $1995 || HOUSEHOLD ITEMS — Maytag conventional washer | $2495 $1995 Ij -with pump; MF h .p, riding lawn mo-wor; 3 piece sec- | 1972 PINTO Station W ajjon , 4 cylinder, ui'iiiscomatic, with ¦ chairs; swivel ,% ¦ '66 Chevel . le 4-door .../...... $ 695 % tio-nal sofa; chrome dinette sot 0 17,000 miles. .' ,,, ,,,., .,...... $2495 1973 CHEVROLET $. youth chair; refrigerator; RCA 21" black and white % 1 972 PONTIAC % console model TV; swivel chair; swivol rocker ; Duncan [; ym MAVK1UCK 4-door , 6 cylinder , cniiseomalic, 73 Chrysler Newport Custom ... $3495 .^al,bu ' ' Phyfe dining table wil h 2 loaves and 6 ctinirs ; 2 IMvny t Catalina ,, coupe. Kon- I tabic lamps; .2 sets awnings ; 2 sets of 24x40 complete liko new $2695 „ , ... „• 2-door hardtop ^ 70 Valiant 6-cylinder 4-door ..... $1495 2-(lfior hardtop coupe , Pine duras Mnroon bottom with |i windows : fl quart ico cream freezer; fruit Jars: kraut i| mist Rreen bottom , with a pole lamp; Sclwlnn :: . 1071 PLYMOUTH Scainp 2-door hardtop, V-fl , automat- matching cordova top, pow !¦¦ cutler ; double bed and mattress; | b aclc cordova top power electric tonstor and knife slinrpencr; ic, power* . , , .., $1995 72 Impala 4-door hardtop ...... er stcerinRi powcr brakes, % %" girls bike; | $2495 steering power brakes air air c s,,ed with | 70 Olds ...... $1995 H 44 free stalls , 10x65 silo with unloader mid bunk . S2xfW | 1971 LTD 4-door , V-8, cruiscornatlc, air conditioning, Call "Bud" Nystrom or "Pete" Wolfe . U calf raisin g bnm , n ear pnrnce nnd several o*her good | power ' .i. -•• $lfii'5 ¦f outbuildings . For further Information contact owner. | Terms on Personal Property — | Winona Auto Sales & NORTHERN ON THE SPOT CREDrT II O & J MOTOR 'The Home of Personal Service" Nystrom Motors Inc. BILL AND TOM WALDERA , OWNERS I AUCf IONEER: FRANCIS WERLEIN "Ford Dealer" 2nd & Washington Te 1. 452.40/10 j ¦ 2nd and Huff Tel, 454-41 1(1 I Northern Investment Co., I^ester Senty, Clerk I ST, CHARLES, M3NN . Open Mon , and Frl, Evoning Open Frl. Evening and Any Evening by Appointment 1 Repr. by Eldon W. Berg, Arcadia , Wla . | hm^^mm^^m^m^M^mmmiSii army ¦ ¦ Japanese m . . . .' .. ' ¦" * ¦¦ ¦ ; . - ¦ . ~^ 77^ ^y~ : : ; ~ ; ' . straggler Home TOKYO (UPI) . - : Hiroq panel dhoda, the World War H ' Most yaluabt© of . WASHINGTON JAP); - The. poena will be issued for the unrelated to its inquiry and in- members disagreed. mittee and also presented to St. Japanese ; army straggler, is , House- Judiciary: Committee^, tapes if neressary. . -.". vited St. Clair to' make the ini- "It was news to me," said Clair/ At that point the com- : St. home today for the first time in ing break a , , deadlock , "The patience of this com- , R, mittee could decide whether . hop to tial determination as to what Rep. William Cohen, -Maine, , have the Opportun- -30..years,. - '; : mittee is jiow .wearing .thin,':' he Clair should ftixdn lexers with the White House; is- willing should : : be sent to: the com- who added that it appeared to ity to call witnesses : or. present s : said at a committee briefing .oh . As his train-passed Mt. Fuji, Nixon . give St. Clair , "absolute judg-; to let President 's lawyer the . impeachment investigation. mittee. , his own evidence, Doar said. Japan's best-known landmark, help screen tapes requested ¦ for ment" over . what the com- "We hope..- '. some of our spirr While emphasizing ' " The presentation. of evidence y .the 52-y6ar-old former . secon d its. impeachment inquiry. that the mittee would receive. ,,- ' r M I doesn't say whether a separate • Smooth transaxle drive with 3 forward mosquito populations increase. speeds, reverse \ / \ Mm / Smith, staff veter- switch for the pantry light was • Rack and pinion steering with ball joints 37.5504 w \ Dr. A. R. among them. ^ S / inarian with the Wisconsin De- ^ partment of Agriculture, said At about the same time, the ^ horse owners should contact firm, The Sturtevant Corp., 3 »/2 HP Garden Tiller $134.00 ^ ^ their local veterinarian about also was involved in the in- vaccination against Eastern stallation of an exhaust fan in and Western equine encephalo- the chimney of a fireplace at myelitis (EEE & WEE). Horses San Clemente. ^ may also be vaccinated against That episode began with a the Venezuelan strain of the dis- note from Kalmbach observing; ease, even though it has not oc- "Mr. Rebozo says the President curred in the U.S. since Novem- feels the fireplace in the library ber 1971 and is currently con- doesn't draw too well — there fined to Central and South is smoke in the room ." America. The Sturtevant frrm diag- All three diseases are similar nosed the trouble as coming in effect , but are . caused by dif- when wind conditions caused a ferent ' viruses. They are trans- downdraft. The fan was in- mitted by mosquitoes and can stalled , but the General Serv- affect humans, Effective vac- ices Administration wouldn't ¦ cines are available for all three pay the bill until the Secret ¦ 1 diseases tfnd when given early Service was prevailed upon to : IP .«.!* in the season, will not affect insist on the fan for security ' '^^^^^^yiyioW ¦ *^ /^^\ training programs and will pro- reasons. ¦ , ' : - vide protection for one year. ^^ ^^^Prfr^W^rV ' - . ' - /^T*xn\ ' . - ( While there were no confirm- Although he gets a lot of lo- $199')' ed cases in Wisconsin last year , gistical help, the President also S E IAL! 99 S? both EEE and WEE were prev- pays bills for some of the same P C HZ I $^ 1 \ I J alent here in prior years and a things more ordinary Ameri- CIRCUS PEANUTS^^ \° j . " .- serious outbreak of EEE occur- cans pay for , too — albeit • Regular or assorted. £~. \\ £ / s l^ . red in Michigan last fall. sometimes on a far grander LIMIT 2 r Paint Brush ... $2.W ^*>^__^-^ LIMIT 2 While effective vaccines have scale. Take these examples: J j greatly reduced severity of the —Christmas cards: $3,500 in disease, outbreaks in about 25 1972, up $250 from tlie year pre- states last summer killed or vious. . - . - • . ' - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ maimed many animals which —A dau ghter's party: For . " , "" " " ' " " \ I ' ' ' | could have been protected by food, bev erages, decorations vaccination. and rentals at Tricia Nixon 's ¦ These diseases should not be masqued ball May 10, 1969, the SAVE ' ' ^ confused with African sleeping tab came to $5,391, : 'flk-- " ' mm ¦ VALUEI ' ' SPRING GOATS fl |L sickness of humans, which is —Swimming pool mainte- ¦ ' VAfcUtS caused by a blood parasite nance: $-10 a month at San Cle- BOYS' Wfll Up *f$ fL mT Popular styles and ^3ff spread by bites of tho tsetse meiitc, BRIEFS & >^A ^/ SP0« • ¦i