TIKE OUTLET Mills — up 62,192,732 and 5.67 Mills
PAGE THIRTY-TWO — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 4, 1974 •V I Bishop Gerety I Manchester Elevated I Hospital Case Mu Ordinance PORTLAND, Maine (UPI) - I Notes Bishop Peter L. Gerety of the Diocese of Portland has been I named by Pope Paul to become Discharged Wednesday: Now Town Law Archbishop of Newark, N.J. Hazel Sheridan, 56 Norman St.; Everett Harris, 18 Emerson Manchester—A City of Village Charm Gerety has been in Maine The Case Mt. ordinance Tuesday night asked for sion plan — to provide earlier St.; William Garrison, East almost eight years, having adopted March 12 by the Board authority to begin negotiations retirement. She said retirement ■a Hartford; Michael Pinto, 17 of Directors is now law. at age 50 (it now is at age 55 and come from Connecticut where with the privately owned MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,' APRIL 5, 1974-VOL. XCIII, No. 158 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES -TW O SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Essex St.; Alice Shorette, 279A would be at 50 as of July 1976) he was known for his work with As required by the town Manchester Water Co. — Main St.; Charles Luce, isn’t realistic. blacks. He was named a bishop charter, it was advertised three leading to a possible November Charter Rd., Tolland; Ivory Mrs. Jackston said her sub in 1966 and became bishop of times in a newspaper (March referendum for its purchase. Sanborn, 89 Lenox St.; Lenora > Portland in September of 1969. 20-2i-22) and, in a 10-day inter The board indicated it will con committee wasn’t making a Merz, 4 Church St., Vernon; val following the third adver The 61-year-old religious sider action on the request recommendation.
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