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Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 4-5-1974 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1974). Winona Daily News. 1343. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I Cloudy tonight; ; ¦ '¦ ' "^ ¦'., "jA^V 'f- GEt SOME ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' 1^ ¦ 'Tbp. Burs¦' • ¦' : and Saturday; ^• •yp J.• •wo .. 4 soiiiewhat warmer 119th Year of Publication 16 Pages, 15 Cents Ghapinjury Ori- 'Presidenfs-JQx^^ reports verlct Impeachment group gets report sight By JEFFREY MILLS taxes and interest. The Internal the. courts might - but certain- that Nixon required to totally wiped out. • not in WASHINGTON (AP): Revenue Service ¦ came ' ly it would. ill (AP) -r A . to a . become this com- pay some back state income WASHINGTON - A Senate-House committee has similar conclusion, and Nixon mittee to get into the question taxes. ' ' White House officials have federal , district court jury - left - any further,- congressional agreed to/pay some $465,000 in of fraud .. ." Mills said. "We - Flourney, a Republican, -can- said : Nixon probably will, have charged with determining action on President Nixon's back taxes and interest; didn't: go, into the question of to borrow spine of the money to whether Dwight L. .Chapin lied didate for. governor,? .predicted taxes to the committee / consid- The vice chairman of the the legality of it, the morality Nixon will > have to pay; tax on pay his tax bill. : under oath returrns to its dellb^ ' ; ering the . impeachment, ques- joint committee, ' Rep. Wilbur of it or the ethics of it. We only of part of his . Sari Cle- Asked . if the President might efatioms today, reporting it is tion. ¦ - ' ¦ „, : .- D. Mills, D-Ark.,. Said the coma looked at the , sell either his Florida : or Cali- not'close to a verdict. facts; made an merite estate, but he refused to mittee, would be "far out of audit — .' our staff did speculate how much. fornia . estates, Warren -said Chapin; 33 iormer appoint- The . House Judiciary Com- — ,. mittee said Thursday that it place" if it, took up the question reached a conclusion.'' The. congressional: report:'said Nixon obviously would .not sell ments secretary to President whether any fraud : was; com- Nixon should . his San Glemente . prorjerty . be- Nixon is accused of threes would consider the detailed re- . have paid taxes ,/ port, of the Joint Committee on mitted in connection with the Meanwhile, IRS said It did : on a capital gain of $117,836 cause he, has promised to turn counts of giving false testimony Menial Revenue Taxation President's returns.. Arnohg oth- not feel civil - fraud penalties earned from . the ¦: sale \ of the it over as a gift to the Ameri- under oath to a federal grand er reasons for this .is that all its against the President were property. can people. /• '; j u r y. investigating , "dirty along.with other evidence in its impeachment inquiry. ' ¦' ¦ ':¦ members might later•¦ have . to warranted and said, that its au- Deputy White House Press The joint committee, in clos- tricks" in the 1972 presidential . , ' ; : vote on rnatters connected with dit of, the ...¦President's- tax re-: Secretary Gerald L. Warren ing its books on the President's cator>aign./>' v ; The report by the committee impeachment . turns for 1969-1972 ¦ . was closed. said the big tax. bill facing - the tax case, : .commended . Nixon Staff- Wednesday concluded, that "The House Judiciary . Com- In '.' . .' California , Controller President means that, his finan- ' ''for- " ' . his ' prompt decision . to The penalty on each count is '¦'¦ ¦' . : a maximum of five years in Nixon owes . $476,481 in back mittee , might, the IRS might, Houston ;: Flourriey : predicted cial position , "has almost been make these "tax payments.'' . prison and a fine of $10,000. After deliberating nearly four hours late Thursday, the jury Political j ockeying grows was called back to the court- room by US. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell, who asked: I On the inside: "Is the jury close to a ver- fl|iM "The Old Groaner is still groaning," Bmg Crosby f |||| i Ul |||| dict?" | Uaiiy saj <j just before boarding his own plane for an J-| World leaders begin "No, sir," replied the fore- W Easter holiday at his house in Las Cruces, Mexico — story, k man, Oharles L. Wesley. &; page 4. J e. &* The judge, in evident allusion I ¦ ' JI safe in the CripDle ' to emotions generated by the t Gftlll -4 °^ dust-covered Creek, Colo., '/ Watergate scandals, told the ju- g, UUIU courthouse has disclosed a treasure of gold — story, &' %' v converging s on France rors to decide the case "solely - page 10. ; on the basis of the evidence ... By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH year term. He was buried for the succession •— former V "Ive aJwaJ's bought that time was on my side," PARIS (AP) Premiers Jacques Chaban- without bias or sympathy. e HaiUllA JIKAII ^ - World Thursday in a simple pri- "Use your common sense," said Hank Aaron Thursday after lashing his 714th ^i leaders began converging on vate ceremony in the ceme- Delmas and Edgar Faure — £, home run and tymg Babe Ruth's record — story, page 11. ," announced Thursday, and he said. "You are deciding the French capital today for tery near his country home nothing but this case, without Socialist party chief Fran- Tlle House Judiciary Committee has ¦:' memorial services for Pres- In the village of Orviiliers, any anger on the one hand, = MglA^CPPItlPlllCBIIIBlll cois Mitterrand was also I agreed to let President Nixon's lawyer £ ident Georges Pompidou as 35 miles from Paris. certain. Finance Minister without any sympathy on the RELAXED RESCUE . Passengers taken from the other. I help screen tapes requested for its impeachment inquiry — the jockeying to succeed Valery Giscard d'Estaing " crippled Queen Elizabeth 2 relax aboard the Sea Venture r story, page 16. ^ him came into the open. Two Gaullist candidates Chapin's attorney, Jacob A. was also a prospective chal- off Bermuda in the Atlantic. (AP Photofax) Stein, implored the jury not to t ^i^^^f'~^,^,.^l '3lr£7^•AT^^•i,"/7av•r^ ,. 'l President Nixon was due lenger to Chaban-Delmas ^ivsw late in the day to attend be influenced /by the Campaign ¦ and Faure¦ for the anti-Left tactics of Donald H. Segretti,: a the requiem Mass iii : Notre vote. ¦ ' >: - : . ' - .- ' ' . ;¦ ';¦ ' former college chum Chapin re- 36 states to get wore Dame Cathedral Saturday The- first round of the cruited in late 1971 to infiltrate morning. The White House said ;'. Nixon would presidential election must Democratic campaign ranks return be held April 28 or May '5, and try to disrupt them. home Saturday evening arid with a runoff two weeks lat- Se^retti served 4%~ months had no plans for " substan- no candidate; gets a dc ri tive meetings" , with other er \if - after pleading guilty to. dis- all niajority. The betting so evi leaders attending the me- tributing phony campaign liter- G^s afio r sed far is that Chaban-Delmas morial. ature. He was the principal wit- and 1 Mitterrand will meet -WASHINGTON ;(AP) ^ The mourners will include ness against Chapin; The be tapped for the April alloca- Alaska, 29 per cent; Hawaii in the runoff. — T>'Estaing • •: Messmer "There is racist literature in Federal Energy . Office lias in- tions, increasing- the nation Soviet President Nikolai V. Chaban-Delmas, the 59- 's 10 per cent, Iowa . 15 per cent, Podgomy., Chancellor;. Willy here , utter lies - about people's creased gasoline supplies for 36 year-old mayor ',: of Bwr average daily supply by about 4 Indiana i4 per cent, Michigan Brandt of West Germany, sexual misconduct, material no '' deaux, was Pompidou's first one would want to own up to states and decreased . -th-em for per cent, FEO said Thursday. 11 ,per cent, Missouri 14 per East German Preniier Willi , premier and has wide sup- ownership of ," Steih said. : another dozen in an effort to cent, Montana ,' 14 per cent. Stoph, British Prime Minis- port among Gaullist party ', The agency said tine alloca- But he added: "By bringing achieve . a more : equal dis- North Carolina -29 per cent, ter Harold Wilson arid his officials. Pompidou , fired tribution. ' tions are designed ' to ensure predecessor Edward Heath, in a verdict of guilty you don't Ohio 17 per cent Oregon 10 per him in 1972 because of scan- deal with the problem that this Some ill' million barrels of that every state gets at least 90 , Japanese Prime Minister 16 per cent dals in, government circles material was printed." gasoline from inventories will pier cent as much gasoline as it cent, Rhode Island , Kakuei Tanaka and Prime Faure, 65, is president of Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto got in.April 1972, adjusted for . South Carolina 11 per cent and ¦¦ ¦ the National Assembly with of Pakistan. -_ " - '- . ' _ growth in vehicle registrations West Virginia .14 per cent.: possibly more support than ¦ ¦ Pompidou died Tuesday at Chaban-Pelmas since then. ' ' .' . ' :" The other states : were as- outside the rang- the age of 62, two years be- Gaullist ranks arid consider- order to signed per-day increases FBI AGENT BATES Israeli forces In achieve this dis- ing from one to 9 per cent. , fore the end- of his seven- Faure <Chaban -Delmas ably less : inside. , : tribution, ^he supply to 12 'Still a kidnapini Giscard d'Estaing heads states plus the District of Co- the small Independent Re- lumbia will be cut back from ^ pubhean party, longtime al- placed 6n alert Was iape lies of the Qaullists.