Fates & Fortunes°

Media by Chuck Bodenhorn, station operations and traffic manager. Leo M. MacCourtney, VP, Gateway Communications Inc., Cherry Hill, N.J., Paul R. Porvaznik, national sales man- and general manager of group's WLYH -TV ager, waBM(AM) , named sales Lancaster, Pa., named general manager, manager, CBS Radio Spot Sales, Chi- WHTN -TV Charleston- Huntington, W. Va., cago. following transfer of station's license from Dale Salley, account executive, WMPS- Reeves -Telecom to Gateway. Robert D. (AM) Memphis, named sales manager. Willis, promotion manager, WIIC -TV Pitts- burgh, returns to WHTN -TV in same ca- Paul A. Barak, production manager, pacity. wBzr(AM) New Castle, Pa., named sales manager. M. Edward Sleighel, VP- general man- Hometown boy. Scottsdale, Pa., hon- ager, KDBC -TV El Paso, elected president, Larry Baum, account executive, KCPX -TV ored a native son at its centennial Salt Lake City, named national sales Portal Communications Inc., new owner celebration (Broadcasting, Aug. 26). Of KDBC -TV. manager. Leonard H. Goldenson (r), chairman Carl E. Hirsch, general manager, WHK- of board, American Broadcasting William Neary, local sales manager, (AM)- WMMS(FM) , elected VP Companies, New York, receives cita- WTVR -TV Richmond, Va., named regional of parent Main to Broadcasting. tion from Joseph Martinsek, chairman sales manager. Michael P. Cefaratti, marketing and sales of the town's centennial Association, Charles Strickland, general sales man- development manager, WKBF -TV Cleve- as Mrs. Goldenson looks on. ager, WXIA -TV Atlanta, named to same land, named business manager, wLVI -Tv position, KFWD(FM) Dallas -Fort Worth. marketing-research consultancy firm in . Both are Kaiser Broadcasting Bill Hiner, account executive, T. Jeffer- stations. New York since 1972, named senior VP, research, Smith /Green- son Wright Associates, Louisville, Ky., Calvin T. Roach executive, marketing and Jr., account land Co., New York agency. advertising agency, named general sales wcAo(AM) Baltimore, appointed regional manager, wxvw(AM) Jefferson, Ind. New Tina Santi, deputy affiliate- affairs manager, ABC Radio, Hawkins, York. director of corporate Ken general sales manager, relations, Colgate - WIlL -TV Terre Haute, Ind., joins Don Thomas Tishey, program director, WBZY- Palmolive, New (AM) New Castle, Pa., named operations York, named to manager. newly created posi- ADVERTISEMENT Garth Hintz, director of community rela- tion of director of INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS tions, KNXT(TV) , named to corporate communi- FOR CABLE T.V. FRANCHISE newly created position of assistant to cations, continuing FOR INCORPORATED VILLAGE general manager. Joseph Dyer, manager, to oversee Colgaté s OF PORT JEFFERSON community relations, KNXT, succeeds Mr. professional women's Applications for a franchise to Hintz. sports program furnish Cable T.V. to the Incorpo- Senti rated Village of will Gordon Pentz, general manager, KWBE- which involves heavy Port Jefferson be use of TV network time. received by the undersigned at the AM-FM Beatrice, Neb., elected president, Village Clerk's Office, Port Jefferson Nebraska Broadcasters Association. Also Pat A. Servodidio, New York sales man- Village Hall, 121 West Broadway, elected: Joe Stavas, KTTT -AM -FM Colum- ager for RTVR, RKO General represen- Port Jefferson, New York, 11777. bus, president -elect; Norman Williams, tative firm, named New York sales man- Applications will be accepted until KMTv(TV) Omaha, VP; Larry Walklin, ager of RKO General's wOR -TV New 3:00 P.M., Eastern Daylight Savings noncommercial KRNU(FM) Lincoln, treas- York, succeeding Robert T. Fennimore, Time, December 11, 1974, at which urer. appointed general sales manager of sta- time, they will be publicly opened. The Aug. applications received will be available Richard Estel, promotion director, KJEO- tion (BROADCASTING, 19). for public inspection during the (Tv) Fresno, Calif., named promotion - J. Thomas Corniers, local sales man- normal business hours at the Village research director, KSBW -TV Salinas - ager, WTAJ -TV Altoona, Pa., named gen- Clerk's Office. Monterey, Calif., and KSBY -TV San Luis eral sales manager, WHTN -TV Charleston A formal request for proposals and Obispo, Calif. Va. Both are information pertaining to applications Huntington, W. Gateway and the proposed franchise may be Robert Fulkerson, director of engineer- Communications stations. obtained from the undersigned at his ing, noncommercial KPTS(TV) Hutchin- Sherman W. Adler, office, or by phoning the Village son- Wichita, Kan., named to Kansas Pub- account executive, Clerk's Office at 516 473 -4724. lic Television Commission, succeeding CBS -TV network na- Applications must be submitted in Loyal writing in the form and manner speci- Gould, who resigned. tional sales, New fied in the request for proposals in Roxanne Edwards, photographic editor, York, named direc- envelopes, marked: CABLE T.V. MD magazine, New York, appointed tor of national sales. PROPOSALS FOR THE INCOR- He succeeds John PORATED VILLAGE OF PORT color -photographic editor, public rela- JEFFERSON. tions department, ABC Inc., New York. O'Connor, named publisher of CBS's A certified check or bid bond in the World Tennis maga- amount of $1,000 shall accompany all Broadcast Advertising bids. No bids may be withdrawn with- zine. in 180 days after opening. Thomas J. Glynn, VP and media direc- BIH Service, account By order of the Board of Trustees tor, J. Walter Thompson Co., Chicago, executive with Flint, of the Incorporated Village of Port named senior VP and director of U.S. Mich., office of Jefferson, New York, on August 28, media operations, JWT, New York. WNEM 1974. -TV Flint- Saginaw -Bay City, named RALPH DE HART, Village Clerk Thomas G. Johnson, who headed own Flint sales supervisor. He is succeeded

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