Broadcast Journalism and Public Affairs, Music Equipment
fairs, John H. Secondari/ Productions, West Allis, Wis., joins Collins Radio Co., New York -based documentary film pro- Kaiser -Field top echelon. Board of Dallas, as VP, corporate industrial rela- ducer, joins Winters -Rosen Productions. representatives to operate five Kaiser tions. Los Angeles, as VP, business affairs. Broadcasting Corp. and one Field Communications television stations L. R. Dongelewicz, Northern and Eastern Richard M. Denham, program manager, under new partnership (BROADCAST- European area sales representative, broad- WRC -AM -FM Washington, joins WFMD- ING, Aug. 21) will Include six mem- cast and commercial communications (AM)-WFRE (FM ) Frederick, Md., as bers from Kaiser (77.5% owner and products, RCA, Geneva, appointed man- program -production manager. three from Field Communications ager, field sales, Europe, Africa and Mid- Fred Gray, with WLMD(AM) Laurel, Md., (22.5% owner). They are: Edgar F. dle East. appointed program director. Jim Herron, Kaiser, chairman and chief executive Robert R. Stone, coordinator, technical with station, appointed assistant program officer, Richard C. Block, vice presi- facilities, National Public Affairs Center director. dent and general manager, E. E. for Television, Washington, joins non- Ray Smithers, with WIND(AM) Chicago, Trofethen Jr., Donald E. Browne, commercial KCET(Tv) Los Angeles as joins wyEN(FM) Des Plaines, Ill., as James F. McCloud and James K. engineering manager, studio and remote program director. Parker of Kaiser. Representing Field operations. are Marshall Field, James E. Fletcher Lynn Willoughby, chief engineer, WACO- John Russell, with WASP(AM) Browns- and Alexander Hehmeyer. Name will ville, Pa., appointed program director. AM -FM Waco, Tex., joins KEFC(FM) be Kaiser Broadcasting Co.
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