

If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult a stockbroker or other registered dealer in securities, a bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.

If you have sold or transferred all your shares in AppTec Co., Ltd.* (無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有 限公司), you should at once hand this circular, together with the enclosed form of proxy, to the purchaser or transferee or to the bank, stockbroker or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee.

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.

WUXI APPTEC CO., LTD.* 無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有限公司 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2359)


A notice convening the Third H Share Class Meeting of WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd.* to be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 18, 2019 at Building No. 18, Lane 31, Yiwei Road, New Area, , the PRC is set out in this circular.

For H Shareholders, if you intend to attend the Third H Share Class Meeting, please complete and return the enclosed reply slip in accordance with the instructions printed thereon as soon as possible and in any event on or before Tuesday, October 29, 2019.

Whether or not you are able to attend the Third H Share Class Meeting, please complete and sign the enclosed form of proxy for use at the Third H Share Class Meeting in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to the Company’s H Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong as soon as possible but in any event not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the Third H Share Class Meeting (i.e. not later than 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 17, 2019) or the adjourned meeting (as the case may be). Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude H Shareholders from attending and voting in person at the Third H Share Class Meeting if they so wish.

This circular together with the form of proxy are also published on the websites of the (www.hkexnews.hk) and the Company (www.wuxiapptec.com.cn).

References to time and dates in this circular are to Hong Kong time and dates.

* For identification purposes only October 4, 2019 CONTENTS


Definitions ...... 1

Letter from the Board...... 5

Appendix I — List of Incentive Participants...... 11

Notice of the Third H Share Class Meeting for 2019 ...... 91


In this circular, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

“2019 A Share Incentive Plan” the Restricted A Shares and stock option incentive plan of 2019 of the Company

“A Share(s)” ordinary share(s) of the Company with nominal value of RMB1.00 each listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

“Administrative Measures” Measures for the Administration of Equity Incentives of Listed Companies (上市公司股權激勵管理辦法)

“Articles of Association” the articles of association of the Company currently in force

“Board” or “Board of Directors” the board of Directors of the Company

“Circular” the circular of the Company dated August 5, 2019 in relation to the proposed adoption of the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan

“Company” WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd.* (無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有限 公司), a joint stock limited company incorporated under the laws of the PRC

“Connected Participant(s)” Participant(s), who is either a director, supervisor or the chief executive of the Company and/or its subsidiaries or their respective associate (i.e. a connected person of the Company)

“CSRC” China Securities Regulatory Commission

“Director(s)” the director(s) of the Company

“First Extraordinary General the Company’s first extraordinary general meeting of 2019 Meeting” held on September 20, 2019

“H Shareholder(s)” holder(s) of H Shares


“H Share(s)” overseas-listed foreign share(s) in the share capital of the Company, with nominal value of RMB1.00 each, listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Hong Kong” the Hong Kong Special Administrative of the People’s Republic of China

“Hong Kong Stock Exchange” The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

“Incentive Participant(s)” the person(s) to be granted Restricted A Share(s) or Share Options under the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan, including the Company’s Directors, senior management, mid-level management, technical backbones, basic-level management and technicians

“Independent Board Committee” the independent board committee of the Company comprising Dr. Jiangnan Cai, Ms. , Mr. Dai Feng, Dr. Hetong Lou and Mr. Xiaotong , being all the independent non-executive Directors, established for the purpose of advising the Independent Shareholders in respect of the Initial Grant of Restricted A Shares to Connected Participants pursuant to the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan

“Independent Financial Adviser” or Gram Capital Limited, a licensed corporation to carry out “Gram Capital” Type 6 (advising on corporate finance) regulated activity under the SFO and the independent financial adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders

“Independent Participant(s)” Incentive Participant(s), who is independent of the Company and its connected person(s)

“Independent Shareholder(s)” Shareholders who are independent of the Connected Participants and its associates and are not required to abstain from voting on the relevant resolutions at the general meeting of the Company


“Initial Grant” the initial grant of 13,657,803 Restricted A Shares and 5,292,174 Share Options upon adoption of the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan

“List of Incentive Participants” the list of Incentive Participants under the Initial Grant, as reproduced in Appendix I to this circular

“Listing Rules” the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited as amended from time to time

“Poll Results Announcement” the poll results announcement dated September 22, 2019 for the First Extraordinary General Meeting, the Second A Share Class Meeting and the Second H Share Class Meeting held on September 20, 2019

“PRC” the People’s Republic of China which, for the purpose of this circular, excludes Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of the PRC and

“PRC Company Law” the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (中華 人民共和國公司法)

“Restricted A Shares” the restricted A Shares to be granted by the Company under the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan

“RMB” , the lawful currency of the PRC

“Second A Share Class Meeting” the Company’s second A Share class meeting for 2019 held on September 20, 2019

“Second H Share Class Meeting” the Company’s second H Share class meeting for 2019 held on September 20, 2019

“Share(s)” share(s) in the share capital of the Company, with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each, including both A Share(s) and H Share(s)

“Shareholder(s)” holder(s) of Share(s)


“Share Options” the share options to be granted under the 2019 A Share Incentive Scheme

“Supervisory Committee” the supervisory committee of the Company

“Third H Share Class Meeting” the third H Share class meeting of the Company of 2019 to be held on Monday, November 18, 2019

“%” per cent


WUXI APPTEC CO., LTD.* 無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有限公司 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2359)

Executive Directors: Registered Office: Dr.GeLi(Chairman) Mashan No. 5 Bridge Mr. Edward Binhu District, WuXi Mr. Xiaozhong Liu Province Mr. Zhaohui Zhang PRC Dr. Ning Headquarters and Principal Place of Non-executive Directors: Business in the PRC: Mr. Xiaomeng Tong 288 Fute Zhong Road Dr. Yibing Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai Independent Non-executive Directors: PRC Dr. Jiangnan Cai Ms. Yan Liu Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong: Mr. Dai Feng Level 54, Hopewell Centre Dr. Hetong Lou 183 Queen’s Road East Mr. Xiaotong Zhang Hong Kong

October 4, 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,



The purpose of this circular is to provide the H Shareholders with information in respect of the resolution to be proposed at the Third H Share Class Meeting to be held on Monday, November 18, 2019, to enable you to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against

–5– LETTER FROM THE BOARD the proposed resolution at the Third H Share Class Meeting. For details of the proposed resolution at the Third H Share Class Meeting, please also refer to the notice of the Third H Share Class Meeting enclosed with this circular.


References are made to the Circular, the Poll Results Announcement, and the announcement of the Company dated September 30, 2019, in relation to, amongst other things, the proposed adoption of the List of Incentive Participants. Key information pertaining to the Incentive Participants under the Initial Grant including the total number of Incentive Participants, Restricted A Shares and Share Options to be granted under the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan are set out in Appendix I to the Circular.

As disclosed in the Circular, on September 20, 2019, 13,657,803 Restricted A Shares and 5,292,174 Share Options are proposed to be granted initially to the Incentive Participants, representing 0.8338% and 0.3231% of the total share capital of the Company as at August 2, 2019 (being the latest practicable date of the Circular), respectively. Among the Initial Grant:

(i) 311,200 Restricted A Shares will be granted to five Connected Participants (including one Director who is also the Company’s co-chief executive officer);

(ii) 13,346,603 Restricted A Shares will be granted to 2,043 Independent Participants; and

(iii) 5,292,174 Share Options will be granted to 487 Incentive Participants.

The Independent Board Committee and the Independent Financial Adviser were both of the view that granting Restricted A Shares to the Connected Participants under the Initial Grant is on fair and reasonable terms. Details of their respective opinions are set out in the “Letter from the Independent Board Committee” and “Letter from Gram Capital” of the Circular.

On July 19, 2019, the Company has published and announced the List of Incentive Participants with the names and positions of the Incentive Participants. The full List of Incentive Participants is reproduced in Appendix I to this circular. The Supervisory Committee has also approved the List of Incentive Participants after thorough consideration of the opinions from the public. On September 12, 2019, the Company has published and announced the conclusions of the Supervisory Committee on the approval and the public opinions in relation to the List of Incentive Participants.


The Supervisory Committee has reviewed the List of Incentive Participants according to the Administrative Measures, the PRC Company Law and the relevant requirements under the Articles of Association and opined as follows:

(i) The Incentive Participants whose names appear on the List of Incentive Participants fulfil the qualifications specified by laws, regulations and regulatory documents (including the PRC Company Law) as well as the Articles of Association.

(ii) None of the following circumstances has occurred to the Incentive Participants which would preclude him/her from being an eligible Incentive Participant as stipulated under article 8 of the Administrative Measures: (1) such participant is deemed as an inappropriate candidate by the relevant stock exchange in the most recent 12 months; (2) such participant is deemed as an inappropriate candidate by the CSRC or its agency authorities in the most recent 12 months; (3) such participant has been imposed administrative penalties or is banned from the securities market by the CSRC or its agency authorities due to material non-compliance of laws and regulations in the most recent 12 months; (4) occurrence of circumstances under which such participant is prohibited from acting as a director or member of the senior management of a company, as stipulated in the PRC Company Law; (5) such participant is prohibited by law and regulations from participating in share incentive scheme of listed companies; and (6) other circumstances as determined by the CSRC.

(iii) The Incentive Participants whose names appear on the List of Incentive Participants fulfil the requirements under the Administrative Measures and relevant documents as well as the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan. The Incentive Participants under the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan do not include supervisors and independent directors of the Company, nor Shareholders of the Company who hold 5% or above of the Shares individually or jointly or de-facto controllers of the Company and their respective spouses, parents and children.

The Supervisory Committee is of the opinion that the Incentive Participants under the Initial Grant are in compliance with the conditions stipulated by relevant laws, and their eligibility as Incentive Participants under the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan is legal and valid.

The List of Incentive Participants, along with other matters relating to the adoption of the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan, were voted upon at the First Extraordinary General Meeting, the Second A Share Class Meeting and the Second H Share Class Meeting. As disclosed in the Poll Results Announcement, the adoption of the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan was approved in all three

–7– LETTER FROM THE BOARD meetings. The resolution to approve the List of Incentive Participants was passed at the First Extraordinary General Meeting and the Second A Share Class Meeting but not at the Second H Share Class Meeting on September 20, 2019.

In spite of the fact that the List of Incentive Participants was not approved at the Second H Share Class Meeting, the Board maintains its belief that it is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole to grant the share incentives under the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan to the Incentive Participants. The Board, after due consideration, would respectfully ask for the H Shareholders to reconsider the List of the Incentive Participants for the reasons detailed below. As the List of Incentive Participants has already been passed at the First Extraordinary General Meeting and the Second A Share Class Meeting, a special resolution to consider and approve the List of Incentive Participants will only be proposed at a H Share class meeting of the Company.


As disclosed in the Circular, the Board has taken into account the respective roles, responsibilities, years of services, work experience, contributions, remuneration packages and prevailing compensation of similar positions in the market to determine the eligibility of the participants. The 2019 A Share Incentive Plan will play a crucial role in improving the long-term incentive mechanism of the Company, attracting and retaining talents, and motivating core personnel of the Company.

On the belief and view that the implementation of the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan supports and promotes the long-term interests of the Company and Shareholders, the Company remains earnest in promoting the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan. It is also noted that the statutory review and approval process required under the relevant PRC laws and regulations has been duly completed given (1) the List of Incentive Participants has been considered and approved by the Supervisory Committee and has been published and announced and (2) the Supervisory Committee has also issued an approval and explanatory statement on the publication and announcement in respect of the List of Incentive Participants. Notwithstanding that, the Company wishes to follow through its initial plan to voluntarily seek for the approval on the List of Incentive Participants from its H Shareholders who are entitled to exercise two-third of the voting rights underlying the total issued H Shares present at the relevant shareholders’ meeting and therefore proposes to convene the Third H Share Class Meeting to reconsider the List of Incentive Participants with a view to demonstrating the Company’s (1) utmost respect for the opinions of the Shareholders, (2) steadfast principle in consulting the views of the Shareholders on the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan and (3) all-time commitment to valuing the views of the Shareholders in its corporate governance regime.



The notice of the Third H Share Class Meeting is set out on page 91 of this circular.

Pursuant to the Listing Rules, any vote of Shareholders at a general meeting must be taken by poll except where the chairman decides to allow a resolution relating to a procedural or administrative matter to be voted on by a show of hands. An announcement on the poll results will be published by the Company after the Third H Share Class Meeting in the manner prescribed under the Listing Rules.

The Incentive Participants, who are also the H Shareholders, and their respective associates shall abstain from voting on the proposed special resolution in respect of the adoption of the proposed list of Incentive Participants under the Initial Grant. To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, save as disclosed above, none of the H Shareholders is required to abstain from voting on any proposed resolution at the Third H Share Class Meeting.

The register of members of H Shares of the Company will be closed from Saturday, October 19, 2019 to Monday, November 18, 2019 (both days inclusive), during which no transfer of H Shares will be effected for determining the entitlements of H Shareholders to attend and vote at the Third H Share Class Meeting. In order to qualify as H Shareholders to attend and vote at the Third H Share Class Meeting, holders of H Shares who are not registered must lodge all transfers of shares accompanied by the relevant share certificates with the Company’s H Share registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong for registration no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 2019.


Based on the reasons stated in “— 3. Reasons to Reconsider the List of Incentive Participants”, the Directors consider that the resolution in relation to the proposed adoption of the List of Incentive Participants is in the interests of the Company and the H Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Directors recommend the H Shareholders to vote in favour of the relevant resolution to be proposed at the Third H Share Class Meeting.



Your attention is drawn to the additional information set out in the appendix to this circular.

Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of the Board Dr.GeLi Chairman


The following is the full List of Participants for the purpose of incorporation in this circular. The List of Participants was prepared in Chinese only and set out below is an English translation of such list. In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese and the English version of the List of Participants, the Chinese version shall prevail. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms used in this Appendix shall have the same meanings as defined in the Circular.

WUXI APPTEC CO., LTD.* 無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有限公司

Initial Grant of Restricted Shares and Stock Option Incentive Plan of 2019 List of the Incentive Participants

I. Allocation of Interests under the Initial Grant

(I) Allocation of Restricted A Shares

Percentage to the total share capital of the Company as Number of Percentage to at the date of Restricted A the total announcement Shares to be amount of of the 2019 granted interests to be A Share Name Position (Shares) granted Incentive Plan

Edward Hu (胡正國) Director, co-chief executive 125,000 0.5937% 0.0076% officer Shuhui (陳曙輝) Vice president 115,000 0.5462% 0.0070% Steve Qing Yang (楊青) Vice president 115,000 0.5462% 0.0070% Chi Yao (姚馳) Secretary of the Board 25,000 0.1187% 0.0015% Senior-level managers, mid-level managers and backbone 13,153,360 62.4699% 0.8030% members of the technicians and technicians of the Company (excluding the Special Grant) Senior-level managers (Special Grant) 124,443 0.5910% 0.0076% Total: 2,048 13,657,803 64.8656% 0.8338%

Note: Some figures shown as totals herein may not be an arithmetic aggregation of the figures preceding them due to rounding adjustments.

* For identification purposes only


(II) Allocation of Share Options

Percentage to the total share capital of the Company as at Percentage to the the date of Number of Share total amount of announcement of Options to be interests to be the 2019 A Share Position granted (Shares) granted Incentive Plan

Senior-level managers, mid-level managers and 5,292,174 25.1344% 0.3231% backbone members of the technicians and technicians of the Company (Total: 487)

II. Senior-level Managers, Mid-level Managers and Backbone Members of the Technicians and Basic-level Managers and Other Technicians of the Company

No. Name Position

1 Tong Guodong (童國棟) Senior-level managers 2 Dong Jingchao (董徑超) Senior-level managers 3 XUEHAI TAN Senior-level managers 4 MINZHANG CHEN Senior-level managers 5 XIAOYONG FU Senior-level managers 6 HUI CAI Senior-level managers 7LiuYun(劉雲) Senior-level managers 8 Shi Yifeng (施一峰) Senior-level managers 9 SHUYUAN YAO Senior-level managers 10 He Haiying (賀海鷹) Senior-level managers 11 (張楊) Senior-level managers 12 WU Senior-level managers 13 JIAN Senior-level managers 14 CHI-CHUNG CHAN Senior-level managers 15 CHARLES ZHAOZHONG DING Senior-level managers 16 SHUHUA HAN Senior-level managers 17 Ni Dawen (倪達文) Senior-level managers 18 Li Gang (李鋼) Senior-level managers 19 Junbo (朱峻波) Senior-level managers


No. Name Position

20 Hui (許輝) Senior-level managers 21 XIN ZHANG Senior-level managers 22 YI JIN Senior-level managers 23 WILLIAM MICHAEL HARRISON Senior-level managers 24 LAN LI Senior-level managers 25 MINGLI CHEN Senior-level managers 26 Yin Yunxing (尹雲星) Senior-level managers 27 Ma Rujian (馬汝建) Senior-level managers 28 Hu Bin (胡斌) Senior-level managers 29 TAO GUO Senior-level managers 30 HUI-HUA HENRY Senior-level managers 31 LIJUAN JANE WANG Senior-level managers 32 BAONING SU Senior-level managers 33 JOHN SUI-MAN WAI Senior-level managers 34 QUNSHENG JI Senior-level managers 35 BAIQIU WANG Senior-level managers 36 PEIYUAN LIN Senior-level managers 37 CHUNXIA WANG Senior-level managers 38 Liu Xuebin (劉學彬) Senior-level managers 39 Ren Ke (任科) Senior-level managers 40 JOHNATHAN YONGJUN LEE Senior-level managers 41 Li Chungang (李春剛) Senior-level managers 42 Shi Xianjun (史賢俊) Senior-level managers 43 Zhang Feng (張峰) Senior-level managers 44 Hao Mei (郝玫) Senior-level managers 45 YOUCHU WANG Senior-level managers 46 XIANGHUI WEN Senior-level managers 47 WENFANG MIAO Senior-level managers 48 JINGYANG ZHU Senior-level managers 49 JINLING CHEN Senior-level managers 50 KE CHEN Senior-level managers 51 LIWEN YE Senior-level managers 52 Lu Yu (盧羽) Senior-level managers 53 Liu Anming (劉安明) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 54 ABDOLSAMAD TADAYON Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

55 Santipharp Panmai Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 56 Li Guoqing (李國慶) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 57 Hu Weifeng (胡偉峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 58 Chen Hui (陳輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 59 Qiu Genyong (邱根永) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 60 Liu Zhen (劉振) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 61 Wu Lingyun (吳淩雲) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 62 WENYUAN QIAN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 63 KEVIN X CHEN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 64 ZHENG HUANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 65 Luo Yunfu (羅雲富) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 66 Shen Yunbo (沈雲波) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 67 SUK YOUNG CHO Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 68 (趙瑋) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 69 Wang Lifen (王麗芬) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 70 (陳偉) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 71 Yao Wenlin (堯文林) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 72 Hu Tao (胡滔) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

73 Zhu Beijiong (朱倍炯) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 74 Fu Ying (傅穎) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 75 Shen Liang (沈良) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 76 XIUFANG CHEN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 77 SUSAN MARGARET MCPHERSON Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 78 GENFU CHEN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 79 Tao Yi (陶怡) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 80 Liang Wenzhong (梁文忠) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 81 JIANLING WANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 82 JING SHI Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 83 Shirley Tik Kwan Chan Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 84 Xu Yan (徐豔) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 85 Zhang Zhiliu (張治柳) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 86 Peng Xuanjia (彭宣嘉) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 87 Zhao Rongfeng (趙榮峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 88 Li Xiang (李享) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 89 YASUHIRO KATSU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 90 Jiang Luyong (姜魯勇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

91 Wang Junfeng (王俊鋒) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 92 DEMING XU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 93 Wu Xiang (武翔) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 94 Gu Qingyang (谷慶陽) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 95 ZHENGXIAN GU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 96 YAN ZHU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 97 CHIEN-AN CHEN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 98 Tian Yuan (田元) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 99 FUGANG LI Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 100 Peng Zhigang (彭志剛) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 101 Yang Xiaojie (楊曉潔) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 102 Ji Fengyuan (汲逢源) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 103 Zhao Ping (趙萍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 104 Wu Yiming (吳一鳴) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 105 Xu Hongmei (許紅梅) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 106 Zhang Zhongqing (張重慶) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 107 Zhang Hua (張華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 108 Wu Qinbin (吳欽斌) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

109 Jin Zuliang (金祖良) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 110 NA ZHAO Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 111 Liu Chun Hui (劉春輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 112 Fang Ciyong (方慈勇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 113 LIXIN YU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 114 Zhao Jian (趙建) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 115 Ge Yonghui (葛永輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 116 Dai Danmei (代丹梅) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 117 Gong Gangli (龔剛立) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 118 Huang Ping (黃平) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 119 Liu Qian (劉倩) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 120 Shi Feng (施峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 121 JIANHUA SHEN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 122 CHUMANG ZHAO Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 123 JIMIN YANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 124 Wang Tao (王濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 125 Kang Jingna (康靜娜) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 126 Deng Ling (鄧玲) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

127 Xia Yuanfeng (夏遠峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 128 Zha Yinqun (查胤群) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 129 Lin Limin (林麗敏) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 130 Shi Yi (石毅) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 131 Gan Jianbing (甘尖兵) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 132 Wang Xun (王珣) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 133 LEE, LENNART-HOWEHAHN (李皓翰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 134 Hong Youyuan (洪有源) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 135 Huang Keyong (黃克勇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 136 Jia Ning (賈寧) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 137 Cheng Lili (程麗莉) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 138 Feng (高峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 139 (許冰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 140 Li Jinpeng (李金鵬) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 141 Lv Huitian (呂會田) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 142 Liu Qingsheng (劉慶生) Mid-level managers and backbone members 143 GUOXIANG HUANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 144 Charles Thomas Barker Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 145 Gong Pengfei (宮鵬飛) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

146 CHANGMING YANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 147 WENGE LIU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 148 Wei Qiang (魏強) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 149 Wang Peng (王鵬) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 150 DAVID SHERMAN MODDRELLE Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 151 WONG, HO FAI (黃浩輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 152 Wu Yiming (吳益明) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 153 Chen Shiqian (陳世謙) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 154 MUSHENG XU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 155 Gao Renqing (高仁慶) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 156 HAIHENG DONG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 157 Takao Suzuki Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 158 Dong Hua (董華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 159 Zhou Lei (周磊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 160 LAI, KWONG WAH (賴光華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 161 KANG YAN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 162 Sun Liang (孫亮) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 163 SHAOYU YAN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

164 DUAN LIU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 165 Shi Feng (史峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 166 MUHONG SHANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 167 CUNXIANG ZHAO Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 168 CHUNCHENG HUANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 169 Xiaoran (秦宵然) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 170 Gao Wenzhong (高文忠) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 171 Zhou Qiong (周瓊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 172 Lin Qing (林卿) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 173 Chang Jianjie (常建杰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 174 Zeng Yamei (曾雅梅) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 175 Ji Aifei (季愛飛) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 176 Fang Lixiang (方禮祥) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 177 Chen Bujun (陳卜軍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 178 Hou Liqiang (侯麗強) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 179 Ma Xiongbin (馬雄斌) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 180 Yin Xuesong (尹雪松) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 181 RAJENDRAKUMAR DASHARATH Mid-level managers and backbone members KALE of the technicians


No. Name Position

182 Shao Yonghua (邵永華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 183 Sun Zhijian (孫志堅) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 184 Jin Mingxiang (靳明祥) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 185 Deng Shaosheng (鄧少勝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 186 Zhang Liru (張麗茹) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 187 Zhou Kailan (周凱嵐) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 188 Tu Jihui (塗繼輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 189 HENG YAO Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 190 Liu Hui (劉輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 191 Hu Lihong (胡利紅) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 192 Jiang Zhigan (江志趕) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 193 Wang Jianfei (王建非) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 194 Lan Jing (蘭靜) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 195 CHENG, CHEN-EN (鄭成恩) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 196 Guo Canhui (郭燦輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 197 MING MEI Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 198 Chen Huaxiang (陳華祥) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 199 Tian Jing (田菁) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

200 Xiao Yisong (肖貽崧) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 201 Liu Dejun (劉德軍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 202 Gao Yu (高宇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 203 Zhao Lianjuan (趙聯娟) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 204 JIAN WANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 205 Zhong Bin (鐘濱) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 206 Yang Jianxin (楊建新) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 207 Yu Lingbo (于凌波) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 208 Yang Yun (楊贇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 209 Peng Xian (彭憲) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 210 Wang Binglin (王炳林) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 211 Wan Shuangyi (萬雙誼) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 212 QIANG WANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 213 Jia Min (賈敏) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 214 Du Fenglai (杜鳳來) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 215 Ma Jianyi (馬建義) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 216 Wang Xiaoping (王小平) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 217 Sun Lingbing (孫凌冰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

218 Yan Zhonghua (嚴中華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 219 Qin Yuxin (秦玉新) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 220 LIU, YU-PING (劉豫屏) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 221 YAN KONG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 222 Zhang Lei (張蕾) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 223 Bao Weiping (包衛平) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 224 Wang Mingjie (王鳴杰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 225 Zong Jinsan (宗錦三) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 226 Wang Bin (王斌) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 227 Zhang Mingjie (張明杰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 228 Pei Lingling (裴玲玲) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 229 YONGBO HU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 230 Zhang Lei (張蕾) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 231 Lu Weigang (陸衛剛) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 232 Ding Jia (丁佳) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 233 Mao Hanxin (茅翰欣) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 234 GilNAM LEE Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 235 Zhang Yuanzhou (張遠舟) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

236 Zhou Lin (周琳) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 237 Wu Ling (吳玲) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 238 (朱溢) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 239 Zhou Libo (周麗波) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 240 Wang Ying (王穎) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 241 Yang Zi (楊資) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 242 Shen Zhenshu (申貞淑) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 243 Guo Minghai (郭明海) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 244 Gan Quan (甘泉) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 245 Peng Le (澎樂) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 246 (張蘊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 247 Yao Huiyuan (么卉園) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 248 Cao Qin (曹勤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 249 Shan Bing (單兵) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 250 Su Hongxing (蘇紅興) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 251 Chen Shiping (陳仕平) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 252 Zhang Hong (張宏) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 253 Ren Shijian (任世劍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

254 Zhang Lei (張磊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 255 Cui Xiaojie (崔曉杰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 256 Guo Feng (過峰) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 257 Cai Jialin (蔡嘉琳) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 258 Li Weiguang (李偉光) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 259 Zhou Yuan (周遠) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 260 Jin Tao (金濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 261 Lang Guojun (郎國軍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 262 Liu Xinyan (劉欣硯) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 263 Luo Hong (羅宏) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 264 Chen Yuchao (陳宇超) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 265 Wu Lei (武雷) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 266 Wang Jianbing (王建兵) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 267 TAO JING Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 268 Shi Lei (石磊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 269 Zhu Jianying (朱劍鷹) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 270 Chen Xiaolei (陳曉蕾) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 271 Tao Shaoqing (陶紹青) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

272 Xu Longji (徐隆機) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 273 Yi Linhui (易林暉) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 274 Huang Wei (黃煒) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 275 Xu Linjin (徐立錦) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 276 Fan Zhicheng (樊志成) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 277 Li Xianhua (李現花) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 278 Mo Shenghua (莫聲華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 279 Cai Xinghuai (蔡興懷) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 280 He Zhongji (何終基) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 281 Zhu Lerong (朱樂榮) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 282 Wei Haojuan (魏昊娟) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 283 Li (李雲成) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 284 Dai Kuangchu (戴匡初) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 285 Wang Kun (王昆) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 286 Mao Liang (毛亮) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 287 Zhao Yingchao (趙英超) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 288 Chen Jiahui (陳佳輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 289 Jia Mo (賈默) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

290 Li Zhongbo (李忠波) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 291 Lin Jinguang (林金光) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 292 Lin Lantao (林蘭濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 293 Liu Guiquan (劉貴權) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 294 Sun Fenglai (孫豐來) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 295 Wang Lu (王璐) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 296 Xu Bo (徐波) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 297 Tan Hongyu (談宏宇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 298 Chen Huazhen (陳華珍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 299 Guo Yuying (郭玉盈) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 300 Wang Bin (王彬) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 301 Yan Yan (閆燕) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 302 You Jingyan (游景艷) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 303 Jiang (蔣思懿) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 304 Xiong Jian (熊劍) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 305 Yu Tao (于濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 306 Liu Hui (劉輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 307 Wang Zhouchong (王舟翀) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

308 Liu Dan (劉丹) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 309 Liang Chao (梁焯) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 310 Jiang Huafang (蔣華芳) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 311 Cao Weiqun (曹衛群) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 312 Guo Xiaojing (郭曉靜) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 313 Zhou Tiansheng (周天勝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 314 Miao Xiaoqing (苗曉青) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 315 Wang Fuqiang (王福強) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 316 Guo Lei (郭磊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 317 Jin Xiaoying (金曉鶯) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 318 Xu Bo (許博) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 319 Wang Xiangling (王翔淩) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 320 JIE ZHU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 321 Pan Lei (潘磊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 322 Wu Rui (伍瑞) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 323 Feng Yi (馮怡) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 324 Xing Lili (邢麗麗) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 325 Ju Wujian (鞠武建) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

326 Xiong Tao (熊濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 327 Jin Jing (金晶) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 328 PEI-SHENG CHEN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 329 Tian Fengtao (田豐濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 330 Ma Xiujuan (馬秀娟) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 331 RAOUL AZURIN RIVERA Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 332 Lin Yuanzhi (林源智) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 333 Liu Dong (劉東) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 334 Bai Zhu (柏祝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 335 Yu Aijia (虞愛加) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 336 Li Yongmao (李永茂) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 337 Jiang Ji (蔣吉) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 338 Mou Qiming (牟其明) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 339 Yu Tao (于濤) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 340 Yuan Yingying (遠瑩瑩) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 341 Xu Zhou (許州) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 342 Zhang Mingliang (張明亮) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 343 Chen Dean (陳德安) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

344 Peng Zhengang (彭鎮剛) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 345 Wu (吳向陽) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 346 Zhu Xiaoyu (朱曉宇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 347 Zhang Zhixiang (張志翔) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 348 Chen Yongsheng (陳永勝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 349 Yang Chuanxiu (楊傳秀) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 350 Wu Chunrui (吳春蕊) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 351 (陳剛) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 352 Lin Xiaoyan (林曉燕) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 353 (趙鋒) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 354 Shang Deju (商德居) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 355 TAO LU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 356 Ma Chunhui (馬春輝) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 357 Jiang Yaqing (蔣亞琴) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 358 YANMING ZOU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 359 Ji Ruyue (吉如月) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 360 Zhang Fang (張放) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 361 BEIRONG GAO Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

362 JUN YAN Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 363 Zheng Mingzhi (鄭明智) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 364 Wang Xiaoyang (王曉陽) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 365 YING ZHU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 366 Dai Yong (戴勇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 367 Yin Xueqiang (尹學強) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 368 SHENGLIN LI Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 369 GUOYONG FANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 370 CHAN, TAK MING (陳德銘) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 371 Bo Yun (卜贇) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 372 Ni Wenjie (倪聞捷) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 373 Wang Yingwei (王鶯煒) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 374 Zhu Qing (祝青) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 375 WENDY J. HU Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 376 WENYAN HUANG Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 377 (李娜) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 378 Chen Jie (陳捷) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 379 Chen Yingying (陳瑩瑩) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians


No. Name Position

380 Su Hua (蘇華) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 381 Jin Jiajin (金佳瑾) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 382 Zhang Di (張迪) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 383 Luo Haiyan (羅海燕) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 384 Wu Lijun (吳麗君) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 385 Kuang Minyu (匡敏煜) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 386 Zhu Xiujuan (朱秀娟) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 387 Jiang Zhiming (江志明) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 388 Xu Yili (徐軼麗) Mid-level managers and backbone members of the technicians 389 Wang Yunying (王雲英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 390 Liu Tingting (劉婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 391 Chen Hui (陳輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 392 Lu Lingru (盧玲茹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 393 Zhang Guoqiang (張國強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 394 Zou Shunkang (鄒順康) Basic-level managers and other technicians 395 Xia Rongjun (夏榮軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 396 Ruan Hongliang (阮洪亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 397 Fang Junpeng (方俊鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 398 Zhu Yunwei (朱運偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 399 Qian Zhiyong (錢志勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 400 Chang Zhaohai (常召海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 401 Tang Rongnian (湯榮年) Basic-level managers and other technicians 402 Mo Daifeng (莫代鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 403 Jiang Jing (蔣競) Basic-level managers and other technicians 404 Yuan Yuanyuan (袁遠遠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 405 Xie Zifen (謝自奮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 406 Wang Hailong (王海龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 407 Yu Changquan (余長泉) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

408 SUDHIR TULSHIRAM PATIL Basic-level managers and other technicians 409 Li Zhengxin (李正新) Basic-level managers and other technicians 410 Luo Xiaoquan (駱校權) Basic-level managers and other technicians 411 Liu (劉新湘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 412 Han Shun (韓順) Basic-level managers and other technicians 413 Jin Yunhuan (晉運環) Basic-level managers and other technicians 414 Guo Xiaojing (郭曉靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 415 Zhu Linrong (朱林榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 416 Zuo Qiang (左強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 417 Qin Xianghui (秦向輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 418 Yin Feng (尹鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 419 Qingbiao (戚慶標) Basic-level managers and other technicians 420 Cheng Wei (程偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 421 Feng Minyi (豐民義) Basic-level managers and other technicians 422 Gu Xiuyan (顧修岩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 423 Li Juanjuan (李娟娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 424 Wan Baoqiang (萬保強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 425 Wang Julai (汪琚來) Basic-level managers and other technicians 426 Yang Xiaogen (楊小根) Basic-level managers and other technicians 427 Zhang Xin (張欣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 428 Li Zhifeng (李志峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 429 Fan Li (范利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 430 Wang Yanyan (王燕燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 431 Jiang Fang (姜芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 432 Wang Luying (王璐瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 433 Wang Deyan (王德豔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 434 Yang Guo (楊國) Basic-level managers and other technicians 435 Yang Wanggui (楊王貴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 436 Zhang Jing (張靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 437 Huo Feifeng (霍飛鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 438 Lu Yadong (魯亞東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 439 Lei Jian (雷劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 440 Wu Lei (吳磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 441 Wang Jinlai (王金來) Basic-level managers and other technicians 442 Wei Changqing (韋昌青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 443 Shen Chunli (沈春莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 444 Fu Zhifei (付志飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

445 Li Peng (李鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 446 Wu Wentao (伍文韜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 447 Li Wenxi (李文晰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 448 JINGHUA LU Basic-level managers and other technicians 449 Chen Zhengxia (陳正霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 450 Huang Zhigang (黃志剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 451 Liu Shoutao (劉守桃) Basic-level managers and other technicians 452 Wang Hongmei (王洪梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 453 Bian Chao (卞超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 454 Hou Lijuan (侯麗娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 455 Tang Cheng (湯城) Basic-level managers and other technicians 456 Zhang Yan (張妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 457 Li Leiguang (李雷光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 458 Gao Liwen (高立文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 459 Liu Yi (劉軼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 460 Luo Wenru (駱文茹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 461 DI WU Basic-level managers and other technicians 462 Zhang Lingling (張玲玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 463 Li Zhiyu (李陟昱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 464 Wang Ping (王萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 465 Cao Sishuo (曹思碩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 466 (彭程) Basic-level managers and other technicians 467 Liu Qian (劉倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 468 Ning Mei (寧梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 469 Liu Qu (劉曲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 470 Qi Zhiqi (齊志奇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 471 Qu Liqiang (曲立強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 472 Zheng Rui (鄭瑞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 473 Xu Kai (徐凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 474 Wang Jinlong (王金龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 475 Wang Shujun (王書俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 476 Wu Anshu (吳安樹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 477 Zhou Tao (周濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 478 Chen Qihui (陳琦輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 479 (張喜鋼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 480 Zhao Xilong (趙夕龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 481 Ding Mingping (丁明平) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

482 Chang Wei (常偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 483 Li Shaohua (李少華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 484 Wang Xiu (汪秀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 485 Lei Zhiyu (雷志宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 486 Wu Jie (吳婕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 487 Zhang Hongmei (張紅梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 488 Zou Jianing (鄒佳寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 489 Hu Zhijing (胡志京) Basic-level managers and other technicians 490 (陳強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 491 Gao Wenjie (高文杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 492 Liu Xuedong (劉學東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 493 Yang Meng (楊盟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 494 Zhu Zhicheng (朱志成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 495 Shao Zhijun (邵志軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 496 Zhang Qiyao (張祁堯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 497 Lin Gengjie (林耿杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 498 Chang Le (常樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 499 Hu Yanhe (胡嚴鶴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 500 Li Fuying (李付營) Basic-level managers and other technicians 501 Tang Xuzhen (湯旭蓁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 502 Jin Lei (金磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 503 Tong Ying (童瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 504 Xia Likai (夏立凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 505 Shi Xiaohe (石曉翮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 506 FABRICE ALPHONSE J. VANDEPUT Basic-level managers and other technicians 507 Guo Xiaolei (郭曉壘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 508 Zhai Changwei (翟昌偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 509 Yuan Tingting (袁婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 510 Chen Ning (陳寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 511 Han Songzhe (韓嵩喆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 512 Dong Minyu (董敏宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 513 Pan Heng (潘恒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 514 Zhao Ting (趙婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 515 Liu Yanqin (劉彥勤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 516 Mao Wenjie (毛雯潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 517 Yang Wangjun (楊旺軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 518 Tong Fengling (童鳳玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

519 Chen Gang (陳剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 520 Tang Na (唐娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 521 Zhou Xiwen (周西雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 522 Zhou Jing (周靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 523 Ruan Yaqian (阮亞倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 524 Li Yang (李楊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 525 Dai Peng (戴鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 526 Mao Yanming (毛延明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 527 Wang Haifeng (王海峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 528 Li Weixia (李維霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 529 Hao Peng (郝鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 530 Zeng Lixiang (曾麗香) Basic-level managers and other technicians 531 Tan Cuirong (譚翠榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 532 He Jiang (何江) Basic-level managers and other technicians 533 Cao Lixia (曹麗霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 534 Li Yongting (李永婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 535 Liu Yanlin (劉艶麟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 536 Zhang Chen (張琛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 537 Zhang Lei (張磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 538 Wu Yifang (吳義芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 539 Ma Ying (馬瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 540 Xu Ying (徐瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 541 Yang Mei (楊梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 542 Zhao Jun (趙軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 543 Wu Xia (吳霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 544 Rong Xiaoliang (戎曉良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 545 Bao (鮑廣東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 546 Zeng Tao (曾濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 547 Qiao Haiping (喬海萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 548 Wang Ning (王寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 549 Zhao Bin (趙斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 550 Zhu Liang (朱亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 551 Wang Jinjian (王金劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 552 Yuan Junxia (袁俊霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 553 Liao Feihai (廖飛海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 554 Xu Yanbo (徐衍波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 555 Gao Bangquan (高邦權) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

556 Zhong Luhua (鐘祿華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 557 Fei Xiaqi (費夏琦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 558 MEI, SHING-HORNG (梅興弘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 559 Li Jingdao (李靜道) Basic-level managers and other technicians 560 Zhang Yinghua (張英華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 561 Cai Qian (蔡茜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 562 Cui Mingxiang (崔明祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 563 Yao Jingjing (姚晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 564 Wan Yingying (萬穎櫻) Basic-level managers and other technicians 565 Chang Jing (常靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 566 Fang Yifan (方一凡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 567 Liu Fuyan (劉福燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 568 Liu Miaoxiu (劉淼秀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 569 Ma Jiangzhou (馬江舟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 570 Zhu Cheng (朱程) Basic-level managers and other technicians 571 Liu Jianfeng (劉建風) Basic-level managers and other technicians 572 He Yufang (何瑜芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 573 (王堅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 574 Dong Jianming (董建明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 575 Fu Huiqing (付會清) Basic-level managers and other technicians 576 Liu Conghui (劉聰慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 577 Li Lin (李林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 578 Zhang Fugui (張福貴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 579 Chen Lu (陳璐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 580 Jiang Xinmin (蔣新民) Basic-level managers and other technicians 581 Chen Lei (陳磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 582 Zhang Dandan (張丹丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 583 Li Qing (李青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 584 Du Jian (杜建) Basic-level managers and other technicians 585 Zhang Zhiguang (張志廣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 586 Zhang Qige (章其鴿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 587 Han Licheng (韓立程) Basic-level managers and other technicians 588 (陳俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 589 Zhu Ruiheng (朱瑞恒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 590 Jiang Xueliang (蔣學良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 591 Jin Jian (金建) Basic-level managers and other technicians 592 Wang Chaofeng (王朝鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

593 Cai Xianfeng (蔡先鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 594 Li Xiaohai (李曉海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 595 Wang Xiejun (王燮鈞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 596 Zhao Tianjing (趙甜靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 597 Chen Hanpeng (陳涵鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 598 Zhang Shuai (張帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 599 Guo Fenglou (郭鳳樓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 600 Zhou Tu (周荼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 601 Chen Zhen (陳珍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 602 (何偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 603 Zhong Yunlu (鐘雲路) Basic-level managers and other technicians 604 Li Zhiwen (李志文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 605 Xiao Tingting (肖婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 606 Yang Yisheng (楊義勝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 607 Xu Ying (徐影) Basic-level managers and other technicians 608 Li Kelai (李可來) Basic-level managers and other technicians 609 Tang Haitao (唐海濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 610 Qian Xiaowei (錢曉暐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 611 Du Zhanquan (杜占權) Basic-level managers and other technicians 612 Jia Yu (賈于) Basic-level managers and other technicians 613 Wang Xia (王霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 614 Liu Jinrong (劉金榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 615 Tang Guangrong (湯光榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 616 Zhan Ge (戰戈) Basic-level managers and other technicians 617 Ding Hongjie (丁洪杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 618 Bao Laigen (包來根) Basic-level managers and other technicians 619 Li Wenjie (李文杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 620 Liang Lifeng (梁立峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 621 Zhang Xian (張仙) Basic-level managers and other technicians 622 SRIRAM SARIPALLI Basic-level managers and other technicians 623 Huang Suyu (黃甦鬱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 624 Meng Xiao (孟梟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 625 Chai Hongbin (柴宏斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 626 Meng Xiaowei (孟校威) Basic-level managers and other technicians 627 Kou Dong (寇東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 628 Wang Xianzhe (王憲哲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 629 Zhang Changqing (張長清) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

630 Yang Chundao (楊純道) Basic-level managers and other technicians 631 Liu Xile (劉希樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 632 Sun Fei (孫飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 633 Yu Yanxin (于衍新) Basic-level managers and other technicians 634 (張麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 635 Li Gang (李剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 636 Yan Xiaobing (顏小兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 637 Lei Maoyi (雷茂義) Basic-level managers and other technicians 638 Wang Lexi (王樂希) Basic-level managers and other technicians 639 Xu Zhaobing (徐招兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 640 Zuo Jian (左劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 641 Zhang Peng (張鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 642 Lu Jianyu (陸劍宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 643 Qin Shaohua (覃少華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 644 Li Zhihai (李志海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 645 Wang Li (王瓅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 646 Zhu Lin (朱琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 647 Wang Youhong (王友紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 648 Sun Jianping (孫建平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 649 Li Xiaotong (李小童) Basic-level managers and other technicians 650 Li Hongye (李洪葉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 651 Hu Weimin (胡維民) Basic-level managers and other technicians 652 WEI ZHONG LU Basic-level managers and other technicians 653 (王蕾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 654 Huang Longfei (黃龍飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 655 Ren Yanfu (任彥甫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 656 Wang Zhimei (王志美) Basic-level managers and other technicians 657 Wang Jie (王潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 658 Ding Zhijia (丁志嘉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 659 Shi Hui (施輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 660 Zhang Jinwei (張金偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 661 Luo Jinghui (羅璟卉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 662 Cai Tingting (蔡婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 663 Wang Ying (王瀅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 664 Wang Zhihui (王智慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 665 Yang Chunhua (楊春花) Basic-level managers and other technicians 666 He Feiming (何飛明) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

667 Qian Zhanshan (錢占山) Basic-level managers and other technicians 668 Gong Wei (龔煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 669 Xie Gaoyun (謝高雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 670 Xin Shuibo (辛水波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 671 Miao Wei (繆偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 672 Yu Tingting (喻婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 673 Huang Bing (黃兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 674 (張勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 675 Zhang Tieying (張鐵英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 676 Pu Zhifa (普志發) Basic-level managers and other technicians 677 Xie Chunhe (謝春和) Basic-level managers and other technicians 678 Wang Nengxue (王能學) Basic-level managers and other technicians 679 Cao Yafeng (曹亞鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 680 Li Xin (李歆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 681 Zhong Chuanfu (鐘傳富) Basic-level managers and other technicians 682 Zhang Rui (張睿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 683 Guo Aixin (郭愛新) Basic-level managers and other technicians 684 Li Baohua (李寶華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 685 Liao Jiangpeng (廖江鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 686 Xiao Zhou (肖洲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 687 Lin Baorui (吝保瑞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 688 Geng Chunmei (耿春梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 689 Xu Huisheng (許會生) Basic-level managers and other technicians 690 Wang Jiangong (王建功) Basic-level managers and other technicians 691 Dong Yao (董瑤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 692 Mao Weifeng (毛偉峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 693 Xu Haiwei (徐海偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 694 Duan Xueshun (段學順) Basic-level managers and other technicians 695 Ma Fengnian (馬豐年) Basic-level managers and other technicians 696 Xu Yanfen (徐艶芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 697 Chen Ying (陳鶯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 698 Shi Shengyin (時聖銀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 699 Xu Zaixu (徐再旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 700 Zhou Qiang (周強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 701 Zheng Manjie (鄭滿結) Basic-level managers and other technicians 702 Wan Renwen (萬仁文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 703 Wang Dong (王冬) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

704 Ma Hongyu (馬宏宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 705 Zhou Jian (周健) Basic-level managers and other technicians 706 Zhang Zaihong (張在紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 707 Li Yingjie (李穎潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 708 Chen Zhihong (陳芝紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 709 Zhang Jintang (張金堂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 710 (許剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 711 Wang Lian (王璉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 712 (許杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 713 Li Xiangqin (李相勤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 714 Jiang Peng (姜鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 715 Pan Mengfei (潘夢菲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 716 Zhou Wenrong (周文榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 717 Feng Lianshun (馮連順) Basic-level managers and other technicians 718 Zhang Jun (張軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 719 Yuan Xiuhua (袁修華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 720 Ma Guoqiang (馬國強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 721 Chen Wenting (陳雯婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 722 Zhang Jingyang (張敬楊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 723 Liu Zhouya (劉洲亞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 724 Shi Wenting (侍文婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 725 Li Ke (李科) Basic-level managers and other technicians 726 Hu Pan (胡盼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 727 Zou Peng (鄒鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 728 Zhuang Xiaoying (莊驍穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 729 Wei Zheng (魏錚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 730 Qiu Yibo (丘禕帛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 731 Su Wenji (蘇文姬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 732 Cao Wei (曹煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 733 Liang Yi (梁屹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 734 Kong Qingxue (孔慶學) Basic-level managers and other technicians 735 Wei Yishuang (隗義雙) Basic-level managers and other technicians 736 Guo Fengxun (郭鳳璕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 737 Mei Yingqiao (梅英橋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 738 Zhou Yifan (周一帆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 739 Song Guiqin (宋桂芹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 740 Li Shiyou (栗世鈾) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

741 Bai Yanqiu (白艶秋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 742 Tao Min (陶敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 743 Pan Weiwei (潘微微) Basic-level managers and other technicians 744 (劉軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 745 Zeng Deli (曾德力) Basic-level managers and other technicians 746 Cao Yanhong (曹艶紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 747 Heng Xin (衡鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 748 Wei Xiaomei (韋笑梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 749 Feng Jianbo (馮劍波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 750 Zhang Xiuhua (張秀華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 751 Jin Tiantian (金天添) Basic-level managers and other technicians 752 Ding Renjie (丁仁杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 753 He Liang (何亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 754 Liu Gangzhi (劉港幟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 755 Rong Yingbei (戎英蓓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 756 Qi Fenglei (戚鋒雷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 757 Zhang Zhijie (張知節) Basic-level managers and other technicians 758 Hu Cuiping (胡翠萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 759 Xu Ji (徐吉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 760 Zhang Teyang (張特陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 761 Qiao Zhen (喬珍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 762 Zhou Heng (周恒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 763 Sui Guanhua (隋管華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 764 Yu Yating (余雅婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 765 Zhang Jianqian (張建前) Basic-level managers and other technicians 766 Wang Dan (王丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 767 (馬軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 768 Wang Dong (王冬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 769 Li Zhongbo (李忠波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 770 Li Zhengbing (李正兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 771 Hu Ai (胡艾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 772 Pan Weijuan (潘煒娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 773 Zhang Yu (張宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 774 Yang Mingtao (楊明濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 775 Li Li (李禮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 776 Rao Gao (饒皋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 777 Sun Kecheng (孫科成) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

778 Huang Haofeng (黃浩楓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 779 Liu Zhisheng (劉志生) Basic-level managers and other technicians 780 Chen Yijie (陳伊杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 781 Bao Huajun (鮑華軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 782 Lu Shi (盧時) Basic-level managers and other technicians 783 Zhao Xiaorui (趙孝蕊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 784 Liu Qilun (劉啓倫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 785 He Tieta (何鐵塔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 786 Wu Danjing (吳丹靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 787 Zhou Kai (周凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 788 Chen Hui (陳輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 789 Yan Shuang (嚴雙) Basic-level managers and other technicians 790 Pan Mei (潘美) Basic-level managers and other technicians 791 Jin Shenshuang (金深霜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 792 Zou Xiaochen (鄒曉晨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 793 Xu Tianzhu (徐天鑄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 794 Shi Lianyong (施連勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 795 Ding Dan (丁丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 796 Huang Feng (黃峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 797 Ling Pengxiang (淩鵬翔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 798 DEEPAK PRAKASH SHELAR Basic-level managers and other technicians 799 Wang Yinyin (王寅寅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 800 Jin Jingjie (金敬杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 801 Liang Jing (梁靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 802 Hua Xing (華星) Basic-level managers and other technicians 803 Jiang Shuhong (姜樹紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 804 Zhu Qinnv (朱欽女) Basic-level managers and other technicians 805 Deng Chaoyi (鄧超逸) Basic-level managers and other technicians 806 Li Chenguang (李晨光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 807 Wu Chao (吳超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 808 Yang Kai (楊凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 809 Chen Weifeng (陳偉鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 810 Xue Minghui (薛明輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 811 Zhang Rong (張榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 812 Wang Yaping (王亞平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 813 Zhu Zhangjian (朱張劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 814 Hu Chenchen (胡辰辰) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

815 Zhao Zhengle (趙正樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 816 Zhang Xing (張行) Basic-level managers and other technicians 817 Zhai Yiming (翟一銘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 818 Wang Tuo (王拓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 819 Yuan Kui (袁奎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 820 Shi Zongfeng (石宗豐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 821 Xia Bin (夏彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 822 Tong Hao (童浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 823 (張翼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 824 Han Lifen (韓麗芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 825 Zou Liuping (鄒六平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 826 Xi Wen (奚文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 827 Zheng Yu (鄭宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 828 Wang Weiyu (王偉宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 829 Lu Yinglan (盧英蘭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 830 Wen Zhiyong (文志勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 831 Li He (李鶴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 832 Hua Jun (華軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 833 Meng Lingxing (孟令醒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 834 Cheng Qigan (程起幹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 835 Huang Linwei (黃林偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 836 Gu Xiao (顧霄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 837 Zhang Xiong (張雄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 838 Cui Hongzhi (崔宏志) Basic-level managers and other technicians 839 Gu Chaozhan (谷朝戰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 840 Li Jinglan (李靜瀾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 841 Qu Haishen (曲海深) Basic-level managers and other technicians 842 Sha Chunbo (沙春波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 843 Duan Jianjun (段建軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 844 Yang Shaohui (楊少輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 845 Gong Lixun (龔力迅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 846 Xie Chengfu (謝稱福) Basic-level managers and other technicians 847 Zhong Yanwei (鐘燕偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 848 Sun Xijun (孫夕軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 849 Peng Guisheng (彭桂生) Basic-level managers and other technicians 850 Wang Yanfei (王延飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 851 Zhang Hongjiao (張紅嬌) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

852 Lv Biao (呂彪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 853 Cong Liqing (叢立慶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 854 Peng Cong (彭聰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 855 Gu Wei (古偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 856 Wang Xiaowei (王曉煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 857 Tao Xiaoming (陶曉明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 858 Liu Peng (劉鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 859 Li Linfan (李林礬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 860 Ding Wei (丁偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 861 Zhou Guoyue (周國躍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 862 Luo Hongqin (駱紅琴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 863 Zhou Meiqian (周美茜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 864 Shao Wu (邵武) Basic-level managers and other technicians 865 Tan Yao (譚堯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 866 Yu Yongguang (于永光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 867 Ju Yun (巨芸) Basic-level managers and other technicians 868 Shan Yupei (單玉培) Basic-level managers and other technicians 869 Zhou Shuli (周樹麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 870 You Mei (尤梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 871 Wu Lei (吳雷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 872 Chen Hu (陳虎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 873 Huang Ningbao (黃寧寶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 874 Jin Yan (金焱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 875 Tang Weili (湯蔚莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 876 Chen Bin (陳斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 877 Lin Pei (吝佩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 878 Sun Sha (孫莎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 879 Cao Jinqiang (曹金強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 880 Xia Simin (夏思敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 881 Liu Yingwen (劉瑩雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 882 Gao Lin (高林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 883 Zhou Yihui (周軼慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 884 Gong Huihui (宮慧慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 885 Wu Guanghui (武光輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 886 Li Pengbin (李鵬斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 887 Wang Fengliang (王風亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 888 Shi (石開風) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

889 Yin Yuefan (殷躍凡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 890 Zhao Zhijun (趙志軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 891 Yu Dongfang (于東方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 892 Wu Hao (吳浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 893 Zhang Yan (張艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 894 (李靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 895 Sima Wei (司馬煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 896 Xian Lina (咸麗娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 897 Zhong Jiaying (鐘嘉贏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 898 Shen Zheng (沈政) Basic-level managers and other technicians 899 Peng Shichun (彭士春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 900 Shi Wei (石煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 901 Feng Jin (馮進) Basic-level managers and other technicians 902 (李強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 903 Mao Qinghua (毛慶華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 904 Li Xiaolin (李小林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 905 Xia Jianhua (夏建華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 906 (王勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 907 Wu Jianglin (吳江林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 908 Yang Yaxun (楊亞訊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 909 Sun Jikui (孫繼奎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 910 Deng Lihua (鄧麗花) Basic-level managers and other technicians 911 Wu Songliang (吳松亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 912 Zhang Lei (張蕾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 913 Zheng Dan (鄭丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 914 Shi Weihua (石衛華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 915 Zhang Huiyu (章輝宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 916 Wang Ting (王廷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 917 Li Qi (李祺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 918 Yang Guangwen (楊廣文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 919 Wang Jing (王靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 920 Li Cheng (李程) Basic-level managers and other technicians 921 Mao Weiwei (毛魏魏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 922 Hu Guoping (胡國平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 923 Xie Cheng (謝程) Basic-level managers and other technicians 924 Luo Zhi (羅志) Basic-level managers and other technicians 925 Hu Boyu (胡伯羽) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

926 Huang Jingjie (黃婧婕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 927 Zhao Lele (趙樂樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 928 YouXu(尤旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 929 Cai Yaxian (蔡亞仙) Basic-level managers and other technicians 930 Wang Jian (王劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 931 Li Qi (李琦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 932 Li Wei (李偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 933 Tong Haijun (童海駿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 934 Li Jingjing (李晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 935 Zhou Kai (周凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 936 Zhang Shengbin (張盛彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 937 Song Yin (宋茵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 938 Bian Tao (卞濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 939 Feng Jie (馮杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 940 Lu Min (陸敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 941 He Guifang (和貴方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 942 Sun Lei (孫蕾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 943 Zhang Wei (張偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 944 Liu Qing (劉青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 945 Liu Chen (劉忱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 946 Huang Yinghui (黃英輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 947 Feng Shaoji (馮少姬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 948 Ding Yuanmei (丁遠梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 949 Wang Huanxiu (王煥秀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 950 Zha Junzheng (查君正) Basic-level managers and other technicians 951 Li Jie (李杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 952 Hu Bi (胡璧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 953 Zhu Jin (朱瑾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 954 Yu Hongbin (俞鴻斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 955 Wang Genzhu (汪艮珠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 956 Xiong Bo (熊博) Basic-level managers and other technicians 957 Zeng Yingying (曾瑩瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 958 Zhu Lingyun (朱淩雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 959 Zheng Luping (鄭露萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 960 Pu Zhongwei (浦忠威) Basic-level managers and other technicians 961 Li Rongya (李容亞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 962 Jin Mingui (金敏貴) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

963 Zhao Xiangyu (趙翔宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 964 Huang Xingxing (黃星星) Basic-level managers and other technicians 965 Sun Yanping (孫燕萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 966 Liu Lijun (劉立軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 967 Li Yanmeng (李延猛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 968 Li Dong (李東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 969 Zhou Jianrong (周健榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 970 Dou Lifang (竇麗芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 971 Han Jun (韓珺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 972 Liu Shumei (柳書梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 973 Chen Yunxi (陳運喜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 974 Mo Lili (莫麗莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 975 Hou Jianmeng (侯健萌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 976 Wang Yan (王妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 977 Zhou Shuyun (周淑雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 978 Li Shengni (李升妮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 979 Lu (魯楊州) Basic-level managers and other technicians 980 Yu Zhiren (余志仁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 981 Ma Honglei (馬紅磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 982 Tang Wenyan (湯文艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 983 Lu Jinlian (盧金蓮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 984 Zhu Lin (朱林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 985 Zhou Bei (周蓓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 986 Huo Juan (霍娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 987 Qin Gengyao (覃耿垚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 988 Qiao Lihua (喬麗華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 989 Yuan Susu (袁蘇蘇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 990 Xu Ye (徐曄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 991 CAMERON JAMES MCPHERSON Basic-level managers and other technicians 992 Yang Shasha (楊莎莎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 993 Feng Yang (馮揚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 994 Guo Wangwei (郭王偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 995 Liu Wei (劉偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 996 Cao Lihua (曹麗華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 997 Liu Xiaoyu (劉曉宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 998 Hu Yanjun (胡艶君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 999 Jiang Lifang (姜利芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1000 Li Rui (李銳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1001 Liu Na (劉娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1002 Huang Jing (黃靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1003 Ma Jing (馬靖) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1004 Xu Tong (徐彤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1005 Hou Pengfei (侯鵬飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1006 Xu Yi (徐軼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1007 Hu Caibiao (胡才彪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1008 Ma Liping (馬利萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1009 Tan Ziqiang (談自強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1010 Xia Xinchao (夏鑫超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1011 Ma Xiang (馬祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1012 Zeng Shi (曾適) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1013 Deng Huani (鄧華妮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1014 Yu Jinghua (余京華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1015 Gu Jian (顧劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1016 Li Rongrong (李榮榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1017 Guo Yingxiu (郭影秀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1018 Xue Han (薛瀚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1019 (汪偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1020 Wang Biao (王彪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1021 Jia Ziwen (賈自文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1022 Li Ruiying (李瑞瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1023 Huang Jun (黃俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1024 Chen Hongshu (陳泓抒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1025 Luo Yong (羅永) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1026 Wu Wei (武偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1027 Qi Xia (祁霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1028 Xu Shouning (徐守寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1029 Zhou Xiongshan (周雄山) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1030 Lin Daoguang (林道廣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1031 Jing Konghua (景孔華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1032 Zheng Baojiang (鄭寶江) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1033 Huang Xing (黃興) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1034 Xu Zhenyu (徐震宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1035 Xia Zhi’an (夏志安) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1036 Li Wen (李雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1037 Yin Juxing (尹舉興) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1038 Hu Yan (胡燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1039 Liu Jianwei (劉建偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1040 Wang Shuiwang (汪水旺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1041 Wu Jin (吳進) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1042 Li Yanrong (李艶榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1043 Wu Chaobo (吳潮波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1044 Ning Haibin (寧海賓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1045 Liao Fuguang (廖福廣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1046 Liu Fengran (劉豐冉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1047 Wu Lin (伍霖) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1048 Tan Sheng (譚晟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1049 Sun Zhipeng (孫志鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1050 Xu Zijin (徐字金) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1051 Xin Chengwei (辛成偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1052 Zhang Peiquan (張培權) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1053 Qian Qiufeng (錢秋峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1054 Cao Guojun (曹國軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1055 Meng Na (孟娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1056 Li Lei (李磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1057 Shi Jianhui (石建輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1058 Ba Chundan (巴春丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1059 Wu Yang (吳暘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1060 Yang Yunlong (楊雲龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1061 Huang Lei (黃磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1062 Ao Zhiyong (敖志勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1063 Zhang Yunzhi (張雲志) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1064 Zhang Chengren (張成仁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1065 Zhou Hehui (周和慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1066 Yang Lichao (楊力超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1067 Gu Yanli (谷彥麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1068 Yan Huanying (閆煥英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1069 Zhang Jing (張靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1070 Tan Dajin (譚大金) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1071 Mu Cuizhi (穆翠枝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1072 Zhang Jixia (張繼霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1073 Tang Jianmei (唐建梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1074 Wang Fudong (王福東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1075 Xiao Guanghua (肖廣華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1076 Xu Xiaodong (徐曉東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1077 Zhang Li (張力) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1078 Zan Shuai (昝帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1079 Yu Lei (于蕾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1080 Yang Pengyu (陽鵬宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1081 Liu Xinying (劉新穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1082 Ji Liangliang (季亮亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1083 Jia Xin (賈鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1084 Shi Guibin (史桂濱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1085 Yu Xianshui (于先水) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1086 Chen Xianyin (陳先印) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1087 Liu Ming (劉明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1088 Lei Jianjian (雷堅堅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1089 Wang Zengyin (王增寅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1090 Cui Zhanwei (崔占偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1091 Zhang Weizhen (張煒楨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1092 Ji Tao (季濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1093 Zhang Shounan (張守南) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1094 Cheng Longxuan (程龍選) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1095 Wu Jie (吳頡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1096 Huang Chengkun (黃成坤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1097 Huang Yingzhao (黃應釗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1098 Huang Xin (黃昕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1099 Chen Xiaoping (陳曉平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1100 Dong Liting (董立亭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1101 Guo Tingting (郭婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1102 Qian Yingzhe (錢瑩哲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1103 Yuan Youlang (袁友浪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1104 Liu Binbin (劉斌斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1105 Zheng Rong (鄭榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1106 Xiong Wanting (熊婉婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1107 He Weiping (何偉平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1108 Lei Qiugang (雷求剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1109 Liu Xiaolei (劉曉雷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1110 Liang Gang (梁剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1111 Qiu Xu (仇旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1112 Yang Kanghui (楊康輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1113 Sun Yongquan (孫永泉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1114 He Shibo (何世波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1115 Lu Yan (陸燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1116 Wu A’liang (吳阿亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1117 Lin Fusen (林付森) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1118 Gao Xuguang (高旭光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1119 Liu Shuai (劉帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1120 Liu Wenfeng (劉文鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1121 Tu Xia (塗霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1122 Sun Ya (孫婭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1123 Chen Pingli (陳平利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1124 Chen Beiqing (陳北慶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1125 ChenXianhong (陳顯宏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1126 Liu Hong (劉宏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1127 Xu Zhaowu (許兆武) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1128 Song Shaojun (宋少軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1129 Wang Li (王力) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1130 Liu Juanjuan (劉娟娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1131 Niu Yinghui (牛穎輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1132 Liu Yanyan (劉妍妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1133 Wu Guofeng (吳國峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1134 Wang Bei (王蓓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1135 Ren Qingcheng (任青成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1136 Wang Jialiang (王家亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1137 (王琦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1138 Li Dongfang (栗東方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1139 Guo Zhenqiu (郭震球) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1140 Nie Yibo (聶熠博) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1141 Qiang Xiangnan (強向南) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1142 Tamg Caifei (湯才飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1143 He Zhiheng (何志恒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1144 Lin Lingying (林令英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1145 Tong Chenhua (童晨驊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1146 Liu Sijia (劉思佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1147 Hu Fangle (胡方樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1148 Zheng Aimin (鄭愛敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1149 Xie Liang (謝亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1150 Li Chaolong (李朝龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1151 Wang Changcheng (王長城) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1152 Shen Jiehua (沈杰華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1153 Zhang Mengnan (張孟楠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1154 Wang Dahai (王大海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1155 Hu Yaogang (胡耀剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1156 Hong Xiaohu (洪小虎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1157 Yan Shuhan (閆姝含) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1158 Xia Tingting (夏婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1159 Xu Zhongping (許中平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1160 Geng Yanping (耿艶平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1161 Yao Shuyi (姚舒譯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1162 Ren Hailong (任海隴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1163 Sun Guofeng (孫國峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1164 An Yulong (安玉龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1165 Chen Wei (陳煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1166 Zhao Heng (趙衡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1167 Du Xiaoting (杜曉婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1168 Wang Tienan (王鐵男) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1169 Yuan Bo (袁博) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1170 Liu Shi’en (劉世恩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1171 Zhao Haixin (趙海鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1172 Zhou Jun (周俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1173 Wei Ruicheng (韋睿成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1174 VISHAL KUMAR Basic-level managers and other technicians 1175 Xie Jinwen (謝進文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1176 ANITA HILJA FERNER Basic-level managers and other technicians 1177 Wang Bingdi (王炳地) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1178 Liu Wei (劉煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1179 Chen Xiaodong (陳曉東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1180 Xu Yanan (許亞男) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1181 He Feng (何峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1182 Qingge Letu (慶格樂圖) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1183 Lv Changwei (呂長維) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1184 Tang Xinru (唐欣茹) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1185 (劉暢) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1186 Wu Guohong (吳國洪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1187 Peng Yao (彭珧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1188 Zhang Yuke (張玉珂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1189 Xu Jingjing (徐晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1190 Wang Rui (王睿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1191 Liu Sheng (劉生) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1192 Yang Cailing (楊偲玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1193 Chen Licheng (陳禮誠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1194 Liang Lihua (梁李華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1195 Bi Ying (畢穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1196 Feng Xiaoyu (馮曉雨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1197 Jiang Haiming (姜海明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1198 Tian Shi (田石) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1199 Gu Xiaowen (顧曉雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1200 He Jiayu (賀佳玉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1201 Wang Yuanyuan (王圓圓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1202 Li Caihong (李彩紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1203 Feng Yinglu (馮㼆璐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1204 Zhao Peipei (趙沛沛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1205 Huang Yuhua (黃瑜華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1206 Hou Zhaolin (侯照林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1207 Tang Fengying (湯鳳英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1208 Fang Rui (方蕊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1209 Bi Bingjing (畢冰晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1210 Zhou Ming (周明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1211 Ju Xiaokan (居效侃) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1212 Wang Yuexia (王月霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1213 Tao Haijun (陶海軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1214 Li Jianqiang (李建強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1215 Yang Weifeng (楊偉鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1216 Lan Renqing (藍仁青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1217 Li Min (李敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1218 Zhou Peng (周鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1219 Yu Rong (俞榕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1220 Wu Gang (吳鋼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1221 Ning Shengyao (寧勝堯) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1222 Yao Cheng (姚程) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1223 Liu Lin (劉林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1224 Chen Li (陳麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1225 Liang Xiaofen (梁曉芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1226 Ma Fengya (馬鳳雅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1227 Yuan Bao (袁寶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1228 Wen Feng (文峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1229 Wang Fang (王芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1230 Qin Xiaofei (秦曉飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1231 Bao Chunfang (包春芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1232 Zhang Hai (張海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1233 Gu Zhanghao (顧章浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1234 Ouyang Honggui (歐陽洪貴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1235 Mei Bo (梅波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1236 Li Jie (李杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1237 Li Hong (李紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1238 Huang Jinbao (黃金寶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1239 Hu Weizhi (胡維智) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1240 Zhuang Shaoying (莊少穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1241 Qiao Zhaoyang (喬兆揚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1242 You Xianjun (游先軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1243 Gu Ziqing (顧自清) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1244 Gui Peng (桂鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1245 Zhang Yufeng (張玉鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1246 Chen Xiaodong (陳曉東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1247 Zhang Yan (張炎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1248 Han Lili (韓麗麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1249 Wu Ligang (吳利鋼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1250 Fang Weizhong (方偉中) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1251 He Jun (何俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1252 Chen Jing (陳晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1253 Ji Zhaojun (紀昭君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1254 Zhang Wei (張緯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1255 Ye Honglin (葉宏林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1256 Feng Xiangjun (豐祥軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1257 Zhang Zhiwen (張摯文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1258 Lv Hailong (呂海龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1259 Zhang Jinyang (張錦陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1260 Duan Haiyan (段海燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1261 Li Hua (李華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1262 Huang Wei (黃偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1263 Shao Fengguang (邵風光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1264 Chen Hao (陳浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1265 Yin Xiufen (殷秀芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1266 Gu Conghui (谷叢會) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1267 Xie Jing (謝婧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1268 He Yanjie (何艶杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1269 Zhou Xiaojun (周孝君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1270 Chen Aiming (陳愛銘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1271 Zhao Ziyu (趙梓余) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1272 Wei Nana (魏娜娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1273 Li Chun (李純) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1274 Liu Meizhen (劉梅珍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1275 Cui Mei (崔梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1276 Chen Luyan (陳路燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1277 Pang Yuping (龐玉萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1278 Liu Yanmei (劉艶梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1279 Wei Jiao (魏嬌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1280 Li Man (李曼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1281 Zhang Yunmei (張雲美) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1282 Lin Tao (林濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1283 Zhang Li (張麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1284 Yu Jianmin (余建敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1285 Xiao Bin (肖彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1286 Xu Qinyong (許芹永) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1287 Wen Feng (聞峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1288 Li Chong (李沖) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1289 Peng Qing (彭清) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1290 Huang Rongxin (黃榮新) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1291 Luo Wei (羅微) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1292 Ba Yuyong (巴庾勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1293 Wang Hongjian (王宏健) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1294 Wang Jingjing (王晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1295 Liao Yonggang (廖勇剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1296 Zhang Guoli (張國利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1297 Chen Zhaoguo (陳兆國) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1298 Zheng Xiaoping (鄭曉平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1299 Xu Xiongbin (徐雄彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1300 Li Zhengwei (李正偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1301 Liu Yingchun (劉迎春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1302 Guo Qiang (郭強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1303 Tan Haizhong (譚海忠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1304 Huang Songmei (黃松梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1305 Huang (黃佳幸) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1306 Liu Yuqian (劉玉倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1307 Ning Xue (寧雪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1308 Shao Shuangchun (邵雙春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1309 Li Li (李莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1310 Pan Yan (潘岩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1311 Pei Haiyan (裴海燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1312 Xue Bin (薛彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1313 Hu Xuan (胡璇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1314 Li Dan (李丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1315 Guo Lizhi (郭立志) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1316 Wang Li (王力) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1317 Zhang Chao (張超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1318 Wang Qiuju (王秋菊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1319 Cao Shimei (曹世美) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1320 Wen Yuan (溫源) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1321 Wang Yi (王溢) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1322 Shi Tonghua (石同花) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1323 Zhang Yang (張洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1324 Chen Cheng (陳澄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1325 Xiong Haiwei (熊海偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1326 Bi Lingling (畢玲玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1327 Fu Xinfa (符新發) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1328 Cui Fengyu (崔鳳玉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1329 Wu Xiongfei (鄔雄飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1330 Wen Xinxin (文欣欣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1331 Zhu Chunli (朱春利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1332 Yang Guang (楊光) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1333 Ding Shanshan (丁姍姍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1334 Ding Jingpeng (丁竟鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1335 Zhang Xianchun (張顯春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1336 Li Ruixing (李瑞興) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1337 Zhang Limei (張力酶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1338 An Peiyun (安培雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1339 Ma Yu (馬鈺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1340 Jin Tian (金天) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1341 Guo Lian (郭蓮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1342 Wang Yun (王允) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1343 Zhang Xinbin (張新斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1344 Lin Wenbin (林文斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1345 Zong Xigen (宗夕根) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1346 Li Shaojun (李少軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1347 Yang Nianyong (楊念勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1348 Fang Minghai (方明海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1349 Yu Haiyu (于海宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1350 Zhou Chang (周昶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1351 Fan Haitao (樊海濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1352 Gong Yanzhi (公衍之) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1353 Yu Kunyu (玉坤宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1354 Liu Bingbing (劉冰冰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1355 Xu Guangcai (許光彩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1356 Zhou Qin (周琴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1357 Sun Yuliang (孫玉亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1358 You Lanying (由蘭英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1359 Xia Jian (夏堅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1360 Qu Lu (曲璐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1361 Liu Yiping (劉義平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1362 Li Haijun (李海俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1363 Qi Wenying (齊文英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1364 Zhu Huahua (朱華華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1365 Ren Wenwu (任文武) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1366 Shi Chunhong (石春紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1367 Yang Wuxing (楊武星) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1368 Zeng Deyi (曾得意) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1369 Wang Yan (王琰) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1370 Wang Gaofeng (王高峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1371 Chen Liangliang (陳亮亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1372 Zhang Xiaoyan (張小艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1373 Dong Yanfei (董艶飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1374 (路毅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1375 Du Danrong (杜丹榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1376 Wang Kaili (王凱利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1377 Zhao Xiaxia (趙霞霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1378 Zheng Wei (鄭偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1379 Zhang Qingjian (張青建) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1380 Jiao Yang (焦陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1381 Xiong Wenjing (熊文靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1382 Xu Xueqin (徐學芹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1383 Han Xuejun (韓學軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1384 Zhang Xiaohu (張曉鵠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1385 Bi Zengliang (畢增梁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1386 Li Chaoyan (李超硯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1387 Yang Zhuli (楊助力) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1388 Zhang Wen (張穩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1389 Meng Qinghong (孟慶洪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1390 Wang Jincheng (王金城) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1391 Li Huixu (李會旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1392 Zhang Weina (張維娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1393 Mao Yanjun (毛延軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1394 Wu Zhipeng (吳志鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1395 Xu Ruxu (徐如旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1396 Xing Yulin (邢玉麟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1397 Qi Zhibo (齊志波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1398 Li Wenming (李文明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1399 Ni Shouhai (倪壽海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1400 Tan Lifei (譚麗飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1401 Zhang Qiang (張強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1402 Si Mengjun (司夢軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1403 Zhang Dawei (張大為) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1404 Liu Xiaoping (劉小平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1405 Ye Kang (葉康) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1406 Chen Xin (陳鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1407 Hou Jie (侯杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1408 Li (李崇清) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1409 Hao Dongling (郝冬玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1410 Yang Jianhong (楊建宏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1411 Xu Wenbin (許文彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1412 Wang Zhongyuan (王忠原) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1413 Gan Wei (甘偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1414 Wang Legang (王樂剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1415 Yao Jiajun (姚嘉峻) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1416 Hu Yujian (胡于建) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1417 Hao Dongrong (郝東榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1418 Zhang Yu (張愚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1419 Zhou Kai (周凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1420 Guo Anzhong (郭安眾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1421 Liu Fang (劉方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1422 Ma Renqin (馬仁芹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1423 Wang Shuai (王帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1424 Jiao Xiaoxia (焦肖霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1425 Xiao Fubiao (肖付標) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1426 Wang Ying (王穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1427 Zhou Jun (周俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1428 Li Jianwang (李建旺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1429 Wang Jian (王劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1430 Jia Yongming (賈永明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1431 Fang Chunhong (方春紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1432 Wang Chunling (王春玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1433 Tang Zhiyan (唐志焱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1434 Feng Hongtao (馮紅濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1435 Cai Shun (蔡順) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1436 Ding Cong (丁聰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1437 Lu Dan (陸丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1438 Zhang Yuqin (張玉勤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1439 Ma Qiong (馬瓊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1440 Han Wei (韓偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1441 Liu Jia (劉佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1442 Yu Shengli (余勝利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1443 Xia Zezhong (夏澤中) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1444 Peng Zong (彭宗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1445 Xue Liming (薛黎明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1446 Yuan Bin (袁斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1447 Yin Ming (殷明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1448 Zhang Liang (張良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1449 Zhao Yang (趙陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1450 Wang Shiwei (王士衛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1451 Sun Liang (孫亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1452 Xu Kun (徐坤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1453 Song Shuang (宋爽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1454 Peng Qinglin (彭慶林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1455 Mo Song (莫松) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1456 Chen Chen (陳晨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1457 Du Miaofen (杜妙芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1458 Wang Shouliang (王守亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1459 Cheng Jinbo (程進波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1460 Zhang Yaolong (張耀龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1461 Wang Jing (王晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1462 Jia Xiaoqiang (賈曉強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1463 Su Wenqi (蘇文崎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1464 Han Bingyang (韓冰洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1465 Lin Guihai (林貴海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1466 Liang Hao (梁浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1467 Gao Botao (高柏濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1468 Geng Zhicong (耿志聰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1469 Wang Jingjing (王晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1470 Hu Hongyu (胡紅雨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1471 Liao Zhixiong (廖志雄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1472 Zhang Xiaoyu (張曉宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1473 Su Dongshan (蘇東山) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1474 Yang Haoyu (楊昊宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1475 Zhang Jun (張俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1476 Lu Huimin (魯慧敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1477 Guo Yuling (郭玉玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1478 Lan Yingying (藍瑩瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1479 Jiang Chunlai (蔣春來) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1480 Zhu Ming (朱明) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1481 Xu Lili (徐麗麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1482 Zhuang Erjian (莊爾健) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1483 Duan Shuaifeng (段帥鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1484 Bi Pengfei (畢鵬飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1485 Zhang Liang (張亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1486 Ma Zhiping (馬志平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1487 Fang Dian (方典) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1488 Dong Ting (董婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1489 Chen Jifan (陳幾梵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1490 Ma Zhongjuan (馬忠娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1491 Zhang Zhen (張貞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1492 Sheng Peiwei (盛培煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1493 Yang Hua (楊華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1494 Huang Sheng (黃盛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1495 Wang Yin (王寅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1496 Yin Youjun (印友軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1497 Huang Chuanhui (黃傳會) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1498 Xu Zhi (許智) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1499 Yin Limei (殷莉梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1500 Ye Li (葉莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1501 LAU, Wai Shan (劉慧珊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1502 Tao Zhihong (陶志紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1503 Ma Junfeng (馬俊峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1504 (高維) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1505 Xing Jingwei (邢晶偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1506 (劉燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1507 Mao Limin (毛黎敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1508 Bai Tiezheng (白鐵錚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1509 Bai Xingang (白欣剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1510 Zu Ying (祖瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1511 Zhang Jun (張軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1512 Jin Jie (金潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1513 Zhu Xiaoyan (諸曉燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1514 (武駿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1515 Zhu Haiquan (朱海泉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1516 Sun Jing (孫靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1517 Tang Haibiao (湯海彪) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1518 Pan Xianjun (潘現軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1519 Liu Lei (劉磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1520 Li Yuhan (李玉涵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1521 Xun Shangdi (荀尚迪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1522 Liu Yu (劉煜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1523 Zhang Jian (張健) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1524 Cui Suhua (崔素花) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1525 Qiu Kerun (邱可潤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1526 Zhou Lili (周麗莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1527 Chen Xiuzhi (陳秀芝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1528 Xu Xiaoliang (徐曉亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1529 Chen Hongchun (陳宏春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1530 Han Bin (韓斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1531 Yang Ping (楊萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1532 Yu Chengjun (俞承均) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1533 Jiang Xianghua (姜向華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1534 Li He (李和) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1535 Zhang Kun (張琨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1536 Pan Jia (潘嘉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1537 Zhu Xiufeng (朱秀峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1538 Luo Weijie (駱偉杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1539 Cai Guowei (蔡國瑋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1540 Cheng Bo (程波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1541 Huang Zheng (黃鄭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1542 Zhang Chengyu (張丞瑜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1543 Yan Yingchao (閆英超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1544 Yu Jia (俞佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1545 Huang Liming (黃李明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1546 Fan Lei (范磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1547 Han Feng (韓鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1548 Mao Xiaoli (毛驍麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1549 Zhou Le (周樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1550 Song Linchen (宋林晨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1551 Zhang Qian (張倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1552 Jia Guoqiang (賈國強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1553 Gui Jing (桂荊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1554 Ren Weimin (任維敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1555 Wang Li (王麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1556 Yang Shuo (楊碩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1557 Wang Peng (王鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1558 ZIMING JI Basic-level managers and other technicians 1559 He Jun (何君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1560 Shao Bibo (邵碧波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1561 Qiu Yunxian (邱蘊賢) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1562 Yu Yinfang (俞銀芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1563 Zhang Jiamin (張佳敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1564 Yang Yanwen (楊燕雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1565 Shang Liuyan (商柳燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1566 Chen Jiaqi (陳家麒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1567 Chen Ying (陳瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1568 Tang Guowang (唐國旺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1569 Song Xiaoying (宋曉英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1570 Yang Yongmei (楊咏梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1571 Jin Lei (金雷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1572 Tang Qingyuan (湯清源) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1573 Dong Dechao (董德超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1574 Liang Erya (梁二婭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1575 Wu Shuang (吳霜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1576 Fan Fangfang (樊芳芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1577 Huang Yuhua (黃玉華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1578 Lian Shuangyan (連雙燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1579 Wu Zhiyu (吳志宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1580 Yin Jun (殷俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1581 Yuan Jinggang (袁井剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1582 Xu Feng (許峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1583 Wu Huigang (武惠剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1584 Li Xiaojun (李曉軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1585 Liu Xiangqian (劉向前) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1586 Xu Feng (徐峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1587 Zhang Kai (張凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1588 Shi Haishan (施海山) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1589 Liu Liu (劉柳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1590 (李岩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1591 Mei Xuesong (梅雪松) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1592 Lin Yuan (林沅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1593 Huang Qinqin (黃勤琴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1594 Li Yafu (李雅富) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1595 Liu Jianshu (劉建樹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1596 Wei Jianfeng (衛建鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1597 Chen Shuyan (陳書艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1598 Zhu Xiaohong (朱小紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1599 Zhang Junhua (張俊華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1600 Zhou Yunfei (周雲飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1601 Shi Dongsheng (石東升) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1602 Xu Zhixiang (許芝祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1603 Zhang Yong (張勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1604 Zhao Bin (趙彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1605 Tang Canlin (湯燦林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1606 Hu Bing (胡兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1607 Jin Yaohai (金堯海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1608 Xu Ming (徐銘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1609 Zhang Huiying (張慧穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1610 Gao Xin (高鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1611 Liu Huizhi (劉會智) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1612 Liu Huayan (劉華研) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1613 Wu Xuepeng (吳學朋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1614 Jiang Fei (蔣飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1615 Chen Zhixing (陳志興) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1616 Zhou Lanping (周蘭萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1617 Ou Liang (歐亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1618 Bai Li (白麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1619 Ding Kemin (丁克敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1620 Lin Mengbin (林猛斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1621 Zhang Yi (張譯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1622 Ding Shimin (丁施敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1623 Qu Haijun (屈海軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1624 Hu Shui (胡水) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1625 Wang Shuangyan (王雙燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1626 Xu Jingying (徐晶瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1627 Jin Chengfeng (金成鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1628 Chen You (陳友) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1629 Tian Xiangyu (田翔宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1630 Liang Lixuan (梁麗軒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1631 Lu Benye (魯本葉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1632 Yang Wen (楊雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1633 Xu Tingting (許婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1634 Zheng Xiaohong (鄭曉紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1635 Xing Junwei (邢軍偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1636 Huang Liping (黃麗平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1637 Xi Min (奚敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1638 Zhu Xiaoming (祝小明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1639 Xu Wenwen (續文文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1640 Zheng Bo (鄭波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1641 Ma Wangdan (馬王丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1642 Xu Shuai (徐帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1643 Dai Yafen (戴雅芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1644 Song Tao (宋濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1645 Zhang Tao (張韜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1646 Kang Xuefeng (康雪峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1647 Yi Xu (儀旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1648 Wang Yueying (王躍英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1649 Guo Feng (郭峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1650 Chen Xiaofeng (陳曉峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1651 Xu Jiansheng (徐建勝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1652 Ou Yan (歐艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1653 Zhu Chunfeng (朱春鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1654 Zhang Jingjing (張晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1655 Yao Yi (姚毅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1656 Lin Jun (林俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1657 Li Yan (李艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1658 Liu Ying (劉影) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1659 Yu Cuilan (于翠蘭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1660 Ma Ning (馬寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1661 Jiang Wenjun (蔣文君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1662 Yang Fangyun (楊芳雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1663 Cao Lili (曹麗麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1664 Xu Jie (徐潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1665 Guo Meilan (郭美蘭) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1666 Xiang Yangyang (向陽陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1667 Peng Shao (彭劭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1668 Dai Shiying (戴詩穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1669 Yan Panpan (閆盼盼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1670 Zhang Jue (張玨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1671 Han Longchao (韓龍超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1672 Cui Zhengcui (崔正翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1673 Zhu Shichao (朱世超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1674 Zhang Chao (張超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1675 Luo Haijun (羅海軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1676 Zhang Chenghu (張成虎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1677 Zeng Xianglu (曾祥祿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1678 Su Jinxiong (蘇進雄) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1679 Xu Li (許麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1680 Gu Jiancai (顧建財) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1681 Yu Chong (郁崇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1682 Zhao Hucheng (趙虎城) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1683 Wang Jiajia (王佳佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1684 Yang Xiaoli (楊小麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1685 Shen Mengxia (沈夢霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1686 Xie Yinwei (謝銀偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1687 Ding Panpan (丁盼盼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1688 Zhu Yuanyuan (朱媛媛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1689 Huang Fei (黃飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1690 Cao Xiaohui (曹曉慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1691 Liu Naixing (劉乃興) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1692 Luo Xinxing (羅新星) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1693 Lian Fan (連帆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1694 Ma Zhen (馬珍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1695 Xu Liang (徐亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1696 Liu Xiaoning (劉小寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1697 Ni Guifeng (倪貴峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1698 Zhong Chengyang (鐘成洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1699 Lin Yipeng (林逸鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1700 Zhang Jie (張杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1701 Xuan Qingle (宣慶樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1702 Wang Zheng (王崢) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1703 Gu Lingjie (顧玲潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1704 Zhang Lei (張磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1705 Geng Yan (耿妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1706 Li Jingwen (李婧文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1707 Yu Caihong (余彩虹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1708 Xiao Chengqian (肖成騫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1709 Song Bo (宋波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1710 Zhou Xiaorong (周曉容) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1711 Ding Mingmin (丁明敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1712 Chen Xianzhen (陳顯臻) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1713 Gao Yinghong (高映虹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1714 Tang Jianhua (唐建華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1715 Xie Aiping (謝愛平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1716 Fu Aiding (符愛定) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1717 Zhou Ji (周濟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1718 Zhang Hong (張鴻) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1719 Xi Liu (奚柳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1720 Yan Man (嚴曼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1721 Li Zhixiang (李志祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1722 Wu Lifang (吳立方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1723 Liu Yong (劉勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1724 Tang Dongdong (湯東東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1725 Dai Meibi (戴美碧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1726 Zhu Yuchuan (朱玉川) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1727 Luo Miaorong (羅妙榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1728 Gao Feng (高峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1729 Lu Lun (盧倫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1730 Sun Jianjun (孫建軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1731 Liang Bin (梁斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1732 Cai Zhe (蔡哲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1733 Xu Guanghai (徐光海) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1734 Wang Honglin (汪洪林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1735 Wang Cailin (王才林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1736 Li Junmiao (栗俊苗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1737 Tan Ye (譚冶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1738 Zhang Lu (張路) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1739 Xu Yu (徐雨) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1740 Lai Wei (來巍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1741 Qu Yan (瞿燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1742 Xiao Zheming (肖哲明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1743 An Ke (安可) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1744 Zhou Ming (周明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1745 Fu Xiangyu (付翔宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1746 Hu Yanbin (胡彥賓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1747 Yang Peng (楊鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1748 Sun Guanglong (孫廣龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1749 Wei Wei (魏巍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1750 Zhu Shijun (朱時俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1751 Xiong Zhong (熊忠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1752 Zhou Ji (周驥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1753 Chen Shenglin (陳勝林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1754 Cao Nan (曹蘭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1755 Sun Deheng (孫德恒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1756 Li Lin (李琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1757 Chen Yanbo (陳艶波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1758 Cai Qingxia (蔡晴霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1759 Zhang Yanjiao (張艶姣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1760 Yang Xiaofen (楊小芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1761 Xing Yincui (邢銀翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1762 Xiao Keke (肖科科) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1763 Chen Min (陳敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1764 Li Dandan (李丹丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1765 Zhu Aile (祝愛樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1766 Zheng Dandan (鄭丹丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1767 Liu Xiaoying (劉曉英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1768 Cao Tingting (曹婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1769 Zhong Min (鐘敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1770 Lv Jia (呂佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1771 Huang Qian (黃倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1772 Liu Wen (劉雯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1773 Sun Hailing (孫海玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1774 Zhuang Xunxun (莊洵洵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1775 Zhu Linna (朱琳娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1776 Li Wei (李偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1777 Li Chunlian (李春蓮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1778 Tan Shulin (談姝琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1779 Liu Xiaoxiao (劉笑笑) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1780 Li Cui (李翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1781 Zhang Shanshan (張珊珊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1782 Tang Qin (唐琴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1783 He Jingqi (何靜琪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1784 Wang Chang (王暢) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1785 Hua Chenying (華成瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1786 Guo Qian (郭倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1787 Fu Yujie (付玉潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1788 Zhang Xuemei (張雪梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1789 Lu Xu (陸旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1790 Dong Junnan (董珺楠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1791 Ren Yizi (任一枝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1792 Sun Qian (孫倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1793 Qiao Jinli (喬金利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1794 Du Yu (杜宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1795 Wang Peipei (王沛沛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1796 Li Min (李敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1797 Shi Mengting (石夢婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1798 Xie Caiyun (謝彩雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1799 He Linbei (何林蓓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1800 (李倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1801 Chen Xi (陳茜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1802 Tang Yang (唐洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1803 Nan Nan (南楠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1804 Ji Fangfang (吉芳芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1805 Shang Huimin (尚慧敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1806 Tang Shuangshuang (湯霜霜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1807 Wang Yunxia (王雲霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1808 Yang Haiying (楊海英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1809 Peng Youming (彭友明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1810 Yan Lingyan (晏淩燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1811 Hong Hui (洪慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1812 Yu Yang (禹洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1813 Dong Yu (董宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1814 Fan Lei (范蕾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1815 Shao Dongsheng (邵東升) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1816 Zhang Renjie (張人杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1817 Zhu Chunqiang (諸春強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1818 Gao Lijia (高立佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1819 Lin Shixin (林士鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1820 Zheng Xiaonan (鄭小楠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1821 Wu Qian (吳倩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1822 Xie Ruidong (謝瑞東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1823 Zhang Ye (張燁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1824 Li Jiajia (李佳佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1825 Xiong Yueqin (熊月琴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1826 Xia Zhouzhou (夏周周) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1827 Su Yuanqiang (蘇遠強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1828 Hu Xun (胡迅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1829 Yan Yuxi (閆予希) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1830 Lu Jiajia (陸佳佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1831 Wang Feixue (王飛雪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1832 He Ruili (赫瑞麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1833 Ma Chunlei (馬春蕾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1834 Qiao Xuedong (喬學東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1835 Sun Min (孫敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1836 Wang Xuefang (王雪芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1837 Pan He (潘賀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1838 (胡志強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1839 Pan Yue (潘月月) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1840 Xu Biao (徐彪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1841 Wawng Xiaoyu (王曉宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1842 Fu Jia (付佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1843 Sun Yangyang (孫陽陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1844 Zheng Lijin (鄭麗襟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1845 Wang Jing (王靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1846 Cui Guijin (崔貴金) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1847 Yu Tingting (于婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1848 Guo Yuanyuan (郭園園) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1849 Zhang Shanshan (張姍姍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1850 Yue Gaochao (岳高超) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1851 Feng Quanli (馮全利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1852 Zhao Junli (趙俊利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1853 Gao Zhengzhen (高崢貞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1854 Xu Guanya (徐冠婭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1855 Lei Wei (雷葦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1856 Sheng Wenwen (盛穩穩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1857 Yuan Zhao (袁釗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1858 Wang Sheng (王升) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1859 Wang Yonghui (王勇惠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1860 Gong Wuyun (龔武雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1861 Song Zicheng (宋子成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1862 Yuyang Mengrong (宇楊夢瑢) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1863 Jiang Meiyu (姜玫宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1864 Yang Hua (楊華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1865 Ren Xuan (任絢) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1866 Lin Guochao (林國超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1867 Yan Shu (閆澍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1868 Cai Lifang (蔡麗芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1869 Xu Xin (徐鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1870 Zhu Dandan (朱丹丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1871 Zhang Jinbao (張金保) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1872 Jiang Xiaoxia (蔣曉霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1873 Wang Chonggang (王崇鋼) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1874 Tang Feng (湯鳳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1875 Liao Zhenyu (廖振宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1876 Hu Bing (胡兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1877 Li Zhao Ying (李招英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1878 Ouyang Xia (歐陽霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1879 Shi Chenchen (史辰辰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1880 Zhang Zhifei (張志飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1881 Li Wenchun (李文春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1882 Zhu Jian (朱堅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1883 Zhang Xiaoyan (張小艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1884 Ji Benqing (季本慶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1885 Wang Pengyu (王朋玉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1886 Wu Haihong (吳海洪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1887 Ren Yi (任怡) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1888 (張青麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1889 Yang Shengtao (楊生濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1890 Sun Lu (孫璐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1891 He Jianrong (賀建榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1892 Tian Baoqiang (田保強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1893 Li Chao (李超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1894 Zhu Haiguang (朱海光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1895 Wei Xiaozang (魏小藏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1896 Zhai Xiangchao (翟祥超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1897 Wu Jinguo (吳金國) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1898 Cai Zhijuan (蔡志娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1899 Cheng Xiuli (程秀利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1900 Jiang Linlang (江林浪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1901 Li Fei (李飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1902 (徐健) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1903 He Honghao (賀鴻浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1904 Zheng Kaixiang (鄭開祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1905 Deng Lin (鄧林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1906 Wang Ruile (王瑞樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1907 Wang Chen (汪琛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1908 Shen Xiaoli (沈小莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1909 Qin Xulong (秦緒龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1910 Wu Dong (吳東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1911 Li Hong (李紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1912 Pang Qinhui (龐欽輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1913 Zhao Xuewu (趙學武) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1914 Chen Hui (陳輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1915 Fu Sanjun (付三軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1916 Gao Jianzhao (高建召) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1917 Luo Zuowen (羅佐文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1918 Sun Yanan (孫亞楠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1919 Yan Yongjin (顏永金) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1920 Yu Zhihui (余智慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1921 Ye Juntao (葉俊濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1922 Yao Yongyan (姚永艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1923 Yang Jingmei (楊敬梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1924 Zhu Liyong (祝麗永) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1925 Wu Jian (吳堅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1926 Wang Buchao (王步超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1927 Yang Hongtao (楊宏濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1928 Song Yuanyuan (宋園園) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1929 Cai Anhua (蔡安華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1930 Liu Yang (劉陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1931 Jin Weichen (金偉臣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1932 Chen Junyi (陳俊一) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1933 Li Jing (李靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1934 Huang Cao (黃操) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1935 Li Yong (李永) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1936 Huang Gang (黃剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1937 Dan Zigang (但志剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1938 Hu Chengyang (胡成洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1939 Qian Guolei (錢國磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1940 Gao Yueqiang (高月強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1941 (王普) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1942 Niu Cuijing (牛翠靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1943 Zhao Jiao (趙姣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1944 (李建波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1945 Li Jianming (李建明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1946 Zheng Guomin (鄭國民) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1947 Qin Quan (秦泉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1948 Han Bin (韓彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1949 Xie Huanxu (謝煥許) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1950 Wu Yao (吳瑤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1951 Wang Yong (王勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1952 Ge Shusheng (葛樹升) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1953 Xue Hongtao (薛紅濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1954 Tang Junfeng (唐俊峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1955 Huang Lihua (黃麗華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1956 Wang Liping (王麗萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1957 Wei Jing (魏靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1958 Zhu Yukun (朱玉坤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1959 Yu Zhijun (虞志軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1960 Deng Yang (鄧洋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1961 Liu Hui (劉輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1962 Sun Haiyan (孫海燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1963 Wang Ruihua (王瑞華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1964 Zhang Huaping (張華平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1965 Chen Yunli (陳雲利) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1966 Jin Tian (金添) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1967 Huang Yongfei (黃永飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1968 Gui Xufeng (桂旭峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1969 Wang Hailong (王海龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1970 Ma Zhiyao (馬知遙) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1971 Hu Libo (胡利波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1972 Hu Jiaying (胡佳穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1973 Li Jiwei (李冀偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1974 Lei Zhixin (雷志新) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1975 Che Xiaoying (車曉穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1976 (李振) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1977 Liu Yong (劉勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1978 Yi Guoqing (易國卿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1979 Wang Wenwen (王文文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1980 Sun Juanjuan (孫娟娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1981 He Xin (何鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1982 Liu Zhongqian (劉中乾) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1983 Ai Haitao (艾海濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1984 Li Rongqiang (李榮強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1985 Liu Yue (劉躍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1986 Su Xinjie (蘇信杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1987 Chen Xue (陳學) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1988 Zhao Qingbing (趙慶兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1989 Chen Shaojun (陳紹俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1990 Song Wen (宋文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1991 Du Yanhua (杜艶華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1992 Zhang Xiaoxu (張曉旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1993 Zhan Dongmei (詹冬梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1994 Zhao Zhengya (趙正亞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1995 Cui Bin (崔彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1996 Niu Nannan (牛囡囡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1997 Yao Kaimin (饒凱敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 1998 Song Xuehui (宋雪慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

1999 (魯偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2000 He Bin (何斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2001 Wang Lianbin (王連賓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2002 Liu Changchao (劉長超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2003 Zhou Dongfang (周東方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2004 Yang Jindong (楊錦東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2005 Xu Fushen (徐福深) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2006 Fan Xiaogeng (范曉耿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2007 Guo Zhanqiang (郭占強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2008 Fan Rijing (范日晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2009 Zhang Hong (張宏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2010 Yang Yongjin (楊永進) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2011 Hu Wei (胡偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2012 Fang Chunlin (方春林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2013 (陳旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2014 Chen Chunchang (陳春常) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2015 He Xinglong (賀興隆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2016 Zhang Xiaoping (張小平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2017 Ruan Wenbing (阮文兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2018 Yang Caimei (楊彩梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2019 (張昊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2020 Zou Guojun (鄒國軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2021 Xie Daoyou (謝道友) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2022 Shang Yin (商隱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2023 Zhou Rong (周熔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2024 Li Chuan (李川) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2025 Yang Hao (楊浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2026 Wang Quan (王荃) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2027 Liu Feng (劉鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2028 Fu Ruizhi (付睿智) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2029 Wang Meijing (王美景) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2030 Cheng Xiaobing (程曉兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2031 Zhou Denian (周德念) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2032 Li Yan (李艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2033 Wu Jianfeng (吳建鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2034 Zheng Haizhu (鄭海珠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2035 Wu Qiang (武強) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2036 Mao Jun (毛俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2037 Wu Yubo (吳玉波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2038 Ni Gang (倪剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2039 Feng Lei (馮磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2040 Zhu Jiangling (朱江令) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2041 Deng Jia (鄧佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2042 Feng Jinfeng (馮錦鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2043 Hu Rong (胡榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2044 Yang Mei (楊梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2045 Wang Yufeng (王玉峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2046 Dong Chaoqi (董超琦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2047 Zhang Junjie (張軍潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2048 Du Jianli (都建立) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2049 Liu Kai (劉愷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2050 Liu Weiyong (劉為永) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2051 Chen Ying (陳瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2052 Fu Tao (付濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2053 Chang Dong (常東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2054 Ye Xiaodong (葉小東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2055 Zhu Zhencheng (朱振成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2056 Yang Zhuang (楊壯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2057 Song Shulin (宋樹霖) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2058 Gao Peng (高鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2059 Li Cancan (李燦燦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2060 Hu Fan (胡帆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2061 Liu Ziliang (劉子良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2062 Yao Chao (姚超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2063 Zhou Wangbin (周王斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2064 Yin Qiang (尹強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2065 Wang Shuai (王帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2066 Huang Hongyu (黃紅玉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2067 Wang Qiankun (王乾坤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2068 Li Dela (李德臘) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2069 Chen Leixiang (陳磊祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2070 Qiu Sulan (丘素蘭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2071 Jia Chao (賈超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2072 Yang Fen (楊芬) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2073 Zou Yan (鄒鉛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2074 Guo Jiangze (郭江澤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2075 Sun Hao (孫浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2076 Chen Kai (陳凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2077 Yu Songling (于松嶺) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2078 Luo Guangming (羅光明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2079 Ge Chenglin (葛成林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2080 Li Bo (李波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2081 Zhang Hailiang (張海良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2082 Peng Yannan (彭雁南) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2083 Zhang Xiaoyan (張曉艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2084 Shao Zhongqi (邵忠奇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2085 Wang Peng (王鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2086 Ouyang Yong (歐陽勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2087 Gao Chunhua (高春華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2088 Zhang Hongyan (張鴻雁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2089 Chen Dan (陳丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2090 Zhang Jiliang (張紀亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2091 Huang Guanghui (黃光輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2092 Zhao Wenkui (趙文魁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2093 Cheng Chunwei (程春偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2094 Chen Kangyu (陳康裕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2095 Wu Xiaolin (吳小林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2096 Zhang Chao (張超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2097 Yang Sijie (楊偲潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2098 Qi Hui (祁輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2099 Shi Yueyuan (石月圓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2100 Ma Jun (馬俊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2101 Yuan Chao (袁超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2102 Liu Xiaoyu (劉曉宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2103 Lv Tao (呂濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2104 Li (李向生) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2105 Li Fuqing (李福慶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2106 Gao Cheng (高成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2107 Sun Pengda (孫鵬大) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2108 Ai Long (艾龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2109 Liu Meng (劉蒙) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2110 Zhang Xiaolong (張小龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2111 Chen Xuan (陳旋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2112 (王宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2113 Wang Jingjie (王敬杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2114 Guo Binjie (郭彬杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2115 Li Dekui (李德奎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2116 Lu Yang (陸陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2117 Wang Zhaoqun (王昭群) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2118 Wu Jun (吳軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2119 Han Shuang (韓爽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2120 Dong Xinming (董心明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2121 Zhang Xiaojie (張曉杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2122 Peng Nana (彭娜娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2123 Li Jia (李佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2124 Liao Fuxu (廖付旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2125 Chen Mengxia (陳夢霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2126 Zhao Hongbin (趙洪賓) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2127 Wang Linfa (汪林發) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2128 XIAODAN DENG Basic-level managers and other technicians 2129 Chen Yixing (陳義興) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2130 Huang Feihu (黃飛虎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2131 Liu Gaoxiang (劉高翔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2132 Hu Jianlin (胡建林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2133 Wu Rongfu (吳榮福) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2134 Cao Hao (曹昊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2135 Zhou Wei (周偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2136 Zhou Jinfei (周進飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2137 Wei Zhanlei (魏占磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2138 Chen Gang (陳崗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2139 Yuan Cuicui (袁翠翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2140 Chen Bing (陳兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2141 Peng Wei (彭偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2142 Yan Xiaofei (鄢笑非) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2143 Yang Xiaoyan (楊曉彥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2144 Guo Junfeng (郭俊峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2145 Xiao Mei (肖梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2146 Tang Liwei (唐立偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2147 Chai Jinzhu (柴金柱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2148 Gong Pingxiu (龔平秀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2149 Yang Li (楊李) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2150 Chen Yuhong (陳玉紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2151 Zhang Xu (張旭) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2152 Wang Mingxia (汪明霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2153 Zhang Ke (張柯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2154 Liu Wanliang (劉萬良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2155 Liu Xin (劉欣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2156 Liu Weiguo (劉偉國) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2157 Shi Xiaona (石曉娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2158 Wang Shuyuan (王淑媛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2159 Wang Mi (王密) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2160 Yang Xue’e (楊雪娥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2161 Nie Lun (聶倫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2162 Qin Dakun (秦大琨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2163 Ming Sanjun (明三軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2164 Bai Xueqing (柏雪晴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2165 Tao Yuan (陶源) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2166 Wang Chuanwen (王傳文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2167 Xin Bo (辛波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2168 Xing Jianguang (邢建廣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2169 Song Ying (宋穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2170 Liu Jing (劉晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2171 Wu Pei (吳培) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2172 Qu Huilin (曲慧琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2173 Fan Wancui (范萬翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2174 Huang Limei (黃麗妹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2175 Wang Xia (王霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2176 Yan Gang (晏剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2177 Yu Jialing (余佳淩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2178 Gao Lei (高磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2179 Li Shuheng (李樹恒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2180 Chen Mangkun (陳莽昆) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2181 Zhang Junwei (張軍偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2182 Kang Qingfa (康情法) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2183 Teng Wen (滕文) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2184 Wang Ying (王瀅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2185 Chen Ying (陳鶯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2186 Qi Yinzhang (戚引章) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2187 Li Fangyu (李方玉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2188 Zhao Weifeng (趙偉峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2189 Huang Cailing (黃才玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2190 Xue Jiandong (薛健東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2191 Qiu Hui (仇慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2192 Chen Haifeng (陳海峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2193 Liu Suran (劉素然) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2194 Bai Kai (白凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2195 Liu Xinhui (劉信輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2196 Zhang Xinqiao (張新橋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2197 Ji Xuhui (季旭暉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2198 Zhou Yuanyue (周圓月) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2199 Feng Yunjie (馮雲杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2200 Zhao Jingrui (趙精銳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2201 Wu Xingkui (吳興奎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2202 Li Chunliang (李春良) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2203 Wang Zewan (汪澤萬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2204 Yu Donghui (鬱東輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2205 Wan Yang (萬陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2206 Wang Haipo (王海潑) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2207 Feng Lu (馮露) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2208 Xu Xuebin (徐雪斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2209 Yan Jiazhu (嚴家柱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2210 Wang Hua (王華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2211 Hu Meijun (胡美軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2212 Feng Dan (馮丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2213 (楊靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2214 Le Jun (樂駿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2215 Jing Dan (景丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2216 Cui Jingjing (崔晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2217 Song Kaifeng (宋凱豐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2218 Xiao Rui (肖睿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2219 Zhao Zhouyuan (趙舟遠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2220 Zhu Qinyan (朱勤艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2221 Lv Wei (呂煒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2222 Zhu Yingye (朱瑛葉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2223 Yuan Bangyin (袁幫銀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2224 Xie Liangliang (解亮亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2225 Li Le (李樂) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2226 Zhao Jing (趙敬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2227 Tong Fanghong (童芳紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2228 Ding Yuanbing (丁元兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2229 Liu Ying (劉影) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2230 Yang Tong (楊彤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2231 Wang Jing (王晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2232 Zhang Shan (張珊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2233 Li Yuna (李玉娜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2234 Sun Zhancheng (孫占成) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2235 Zhou Peng (周鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2236 Ying Yijiong (應一炯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2237 Ding Chenfei (丁晨飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2238 Dong Jian (董建) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2239 Xu Haihong (徐海紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2240 Zuo Tao (左濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2241 Lu Run (陸潤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2242 Chai Beiqi (柴蓓琪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2243 Zhou Qing (周慶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2244 Zhou Hui (周惠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2245 Jiao Pingping (矯萍萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2246 Chen Linfeng (陳林鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2247 Zhou Xi (周茜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2248 Shi Xiaoxia (施曉霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2249 Zhu Dan (朱丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2250 Guan Peijun (關培鈞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2251 Zhu Qing (朱晴) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2252 Wu Daochun (武道春) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2253 Wang Lei (王磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2254 Huang Yuting (黃宇婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2255 Wang Shuyou (王淑友) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2256 Fu Wenjing (傅文婧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2257 Jing Shiyan (金世妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2258 Lv Yun (呂芸) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2259 Li Yiming (李怡明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2260 Sun Meiling (孫美玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2261 Sun Tong (孫同) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2262 Zhang Yuxue (張玉雪) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2263 Wu Tiyan (吳體妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2264 Huang Liying (黃麗穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2265 Ye Xintong (葉新彤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2266 Tan Zhen (譚振) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2267 Xia Lisha (夏莉莎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2268 Zhang Qinghua (張慶華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2269 Wang Dan (王丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2270 Yin Ling (尹玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2271 Tian Miao (田苗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2272 Guo Feifei (郭飛飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2273 Liu Xufang (劉旭方) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2274 Zhang Lu (張璐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2275 Quan Miaomiao (權苗苗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2276 Zhang Qiang (張強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2277 Liu Xin (劉欣) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2278 Xu Xiaoyan (許小燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2279 Xiao Pingying (肖蘋英) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2280 Liu Yan (劉岩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2281 Dong Qingqing (董青青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2282 Gao Junhua (高俊華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2283 An Xiaomei (安小妹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2284 Wang Jibing (王紀冰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2285 Liu Qi (劉琦) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2286 Cao Xiguang (曹曦光) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2287 Liu Aolei (劉傲鐳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2288 Zhang Lian (張聯) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2289 Wang Xuebin (王學濱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2290 Chen Qiwei (陳啓偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2291 Xie Junxiang (謝俊祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2292 (王建國) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2293 Jiangzhou (江舟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2294 Hu Jinyou (胡金友) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2295 Cao Feng (曹鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2296 Zhao Honghong (趙紅紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2297 Wang Lu (王露) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2298 Dai Linlin (戴林林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2299 Guo Yajing (郭婭靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2300 Wang Ping (王萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2301 Xu Dongmei (徐冬梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2302 Li Jin (李津) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2303 Ye (葉桂林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2304 Cai Jun (蔡駿) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2305 Ye Jingjing (葉晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2306 Liang Juanhong (梁娟紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2307 Luo Jing (羅敬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2308 Zhou Yu (周宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2309 Liang Jie (梁潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2310 Huang Ning (黃寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2311 Zhong Hao (鐘浩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2312 Yang Yinying (楊寅穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2313 Liu Jianli (劉建立) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2314 Ru Lei (汝磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2315 Hou Qiang (侯強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2316 Tang Yiming (唐一明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2317 Jiang Dong (姜東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2318 Liu Guodong (劉國棟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2319 Zhu Wenli (朱文禮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2320 Dai Minhui (戴敏輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2321 Wei Xing (魏星) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2322 Zhang Lu (張璐) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2323 Chen Xiaohua (陳霄華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2324 Huang Shuping (黃樹平) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2325 Zhang Yanmin (張艶敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2326 Shao Aiyun (邵愛雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2327 Han Mo (韓茉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2328 Lu Jun (陸君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2329 Chen Yilin (陳懿琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2330 Chen Jian Hui (陳劍輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2331 Guo Juan (郭娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2332 Nie Yuanyuan (聶媛媛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2333 Ni Gang (倪剛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2334 Gong Zhen (龔振) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2335 Ding Chengliang (丁成亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2336 Zhang Weijun (張偉軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2337 Yu Jiamei (余家梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2338 Yang Zhongwen (楊仲文) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2339 Wu Ting (吳婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2340 Chen Lihua (陳利華) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2341 Cheng Yan (程妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2342 Xu Ting (徐婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2343 Liu Yong (劉勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2344 He Huan (何歡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2345 She Buhong (佘步宏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2346 Zhi Xuelian (支雪連) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2347 Ge Meng (葛猛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2348 Li Cui (李翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2349 Gu Aijia (顧愛佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2350 Zhang Shun (張順) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2351 Xu Xueping (許雪萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2352 Li Jie (李杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2353 Xu Ning (徐寧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2354 Zhou Yuzhi (周毓之) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2355 Diao Hongfei (刁宏飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2356 Huan Yi (還一) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2357 Song Shuang (宋爽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2358 Ma Lili (馬莉莉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2359 Rong Xiaosan (榮小三) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2360 He Qiuping (賀秋萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2361 Deng (鄧大鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2362 Chen Yu (陳雨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2363 Zhu Liang (朱靚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2364 Wu Feixiang (吳飛翔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2365 Zhao Xueyan (趙雪艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2366 Liu Jiayan (劉佳妍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2367 Zhang Delin (張德林) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2368 Wang Yiqiong (王軼瓊) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2369 Sun Yan (孫岩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2370 Niu Xiaoxia (牛小霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2371 Xia Bin (夏斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2372 Zhang Zhulin (章朱麟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2373 Tan Luyao (談璐瑤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2374 Cao Chenyi (曹晨彝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2375 Jiang Rongxia (江榮霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2376 Wang Xiangyu (王翔宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2377 Yan Lin (閻琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2378 Huang Xiaopei (黃小佩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2379 Shen Jing (沈靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2380 Xiaomei (褚笑梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2381 Wang Siyuan (王思園) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2382 Yun Chao (惲超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2383 Gu Sijia (顧思佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2384 Chen Jing (陳菁) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2385 Wei Xiaoming (魏曉明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2386 Zhou Wenhui (周文慧) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2387 Ma Yi (馬毅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2388 Li Hongrong (李洪容) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2389 Qiu Zhenghong (仇正虹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2390 Tao Jing (陶靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2391 Zhao Xiujuan (趙秀娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2392 Qiu Ruyi (邱如意) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2393 Ma Yan (馬延) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2394 Li Yinqiao (李銀蕎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2395 Wang Weixin (王偉鑫) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2396 Liu Yajing (劉亞京) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2397 Xu Shuxia (徐淑霞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2398 (楊揚) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2399 Tang Kaiyan (唐開燕) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2400 Liu Huan (劉歡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2401 Li Jiajia (李佳佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2402 Ma Mengmeng (馬萌萌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2403 Liu Qing (劉青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2404 (劉飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2405 Hu Dan (胡丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2406 Liu Qiaomei (劉巧妹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2407 Hu Huashan (胡華杉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2408 Gu Haomin (顧昊旻) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2409 Lin Jie (林潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2410 Yang Shuijin (楊水金) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2411 Yang Xuehong (楊雪紅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2412 Pan Huaqing (潘華青) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2413 Sun Wei (孫偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2414 Jiang Jinjin (江金金) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2415 Zeng Chunmei (曾春梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2416 Ren Min (任敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2417 Wang Xi (王茜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2418 Gong Junting (貢君婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2419 Yuan Tingting (袁婷婷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2420 Wang (王阜陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2421 Xu Cui (許翠) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2422 Ning Yu (寧昱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2423 Jiao Fei (焦飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2424 Zhang Xinrui (張新蕊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2425 Peng Qiaoqiao (彭橋橋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2426 Li Lianjie (李連杰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2427 Fang Wuwei (方吳偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2428 Yang Gaoshan (楊高山) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2429 Wang Peidong (王培棟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2430 Wang Yumei (王玉梅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2431 Yang Yali (楊婭麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2432 Lu Hongyu (盧虹宇) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2433 Xiao Xian (肖嫻) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2434 Wang Zongliang (王宗亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2435 Hu Xuan (胡旋) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2436 Liu Haijun (劉海軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2437 Cai Zhiyi (蔡志義) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2438 Shi Zhaorui (石兆瑞) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2439 Wu Fan (吳凡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2440 Cheng Zheng (程正) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2441 Li Tao (李濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2442 Tong Jing (童靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2443 Tu Kaixiang (塗凱祥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2444 Liu Chuanrong (劉傳榮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2445 Liao Yonggu (廖永固) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2446 (宋劍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2447 Hu Jia (胡佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2448 Bai Youyin (白有銀) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2449 Yang Xudong (楊旭東) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2450 Gong Xubin (貢旭彬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2451 Chen Kuijun (陳奎君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2452 Gu Zhanshou (谷占收) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2453 Yuan Xiaobin (袁小斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2454 Zhou Yanfeng (周彥峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2455 Shao Wenqing (邵文慶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2456 Yang Caimin (楊彩民) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2457 Gao Mingfei (高明飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2458 Li Hongwei (李宏偉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2459 Wang Guotao (王國濤) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2460 Wang Guofeng (王國峰) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2461 Hao Yun (郝雲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2462 Yu Jingliang (于敬亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2463 Peng Lei (彭雷) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2464 Li Xiaobei (李小貝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2465 Gu Meiping (顧梅萍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2466 Liu Chao (劉超) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2467 Liu Huijun (劉輝軍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2468 Xing Wuhong (邢午宏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2469 Wang Yadan (王亞丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2470 Yu Wanru (余婉茹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2471 Tong Ling (童玲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2472 Zhong (鐘曉怡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2473 Xue Jia (薛佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2474 Qin Leilei (秦雷磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2475 Li Huan (李歡) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2476 Wang Bo (王波) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2477 (吳靜) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2478 Shi Xuyang (史旭陽) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2479 Yu Yong (于勇) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2480 Yao Hongqing (姚宏清) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2481 Yu Hongbing (俞紅兵) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2482 Niu Zhiqiang (牛志強) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2483 Qiao Bo (喬博) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2484 Wang Dongquan (王東全) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2485 Zhang Feifei (張菲菲) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2486 Jin Fangfang (晉芳芳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2487 Wang Shuai (王帥) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2488 Gan Weiling (甘濰領) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2489 Ji Pengfei (吉鵬飛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2490 Cheng Daoming (程道明) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2491 Chen Xuwang (陳緒望) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2492 Lu Wanli (陸萬里) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2493 Zhao Peng (趙鵬) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2494 Zhou Yiliang (周義亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2495 Li Lin (李琳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2496 Wang Chunying (王春穎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2497 Wu Hehui (武賀輝) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2498 Zhou Li (周力) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2499 Zhou Lijuan (周麗娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2500 Zhang Lei (張磊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2501 Qu Yi (曲毅) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2502 Jiao Jiasheng (焦家盛) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2503 Fu (付新雨) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2504 Yang Shi (楊石) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2505 Chen Feng (陳鋒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2506 Rong Jiaguo (榮加國) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2507 Chen Shasha (陳莎莎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2508 Shen Ruijuan (沈睿娟) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2509 Chen Haiyan (陳海艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2510 (王楊) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2511 GuHu(顧虎) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2512 Zhao Ying (趙瑩) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2513 Yang Yan (楊艶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2514 Chen Yongliang (陳永亮) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2515 Tian Long (田龍) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2516 Shen Mengli (沈夢麗) Basic-level managers and other technicians


No. Name Position

2517 Wang Pengchuan (王朋川) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2518 Du Yejun (杜葉君) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2519 Wang Dandan (王丹丹) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2520 Wang Jingjing (王晶晶) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2521 Pan Shu (潘舒) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2522 Fan Jiajia (樊佳佳) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2523 Ding Renbin (丁人斌) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2524 Yang Rong (楊蓉) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2525 Zhang Min (張敏) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2526 Han Kaikai (韓凱凱) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2527 Zhang Zhen (張振) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2528 Zhang Shujie (張舒潔) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2529 Chi Yun (池芸) Basic-level managers and other technicians 2530 Yang Ju (楊菊) Basic-level managers and other technicians

Note: Incentive Participants who are eligible for reserved interest shall be confirmed within 12 months after the 2019 A Share Incentive Plan is considered and approved at the general meeting.


WUXI APPTEC CO., LTD.* 無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有限公司 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2359)


Notice is hereby given that the third H Share class meeting of 2019 (the “Third H Share Class Meeting”) of WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd.* (無錫藥明康德新藥開發股份有限公司) (the “Company”) will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 18, 2019 at Building No. 18, Lane 31, Yiwei Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, the PRC for the following purposes of considering and, if deemed appropriate, approving the following resolution. In this notice, unless the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms and used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Company’s circular dated October 4, 2019.


1. To consider and approve the adoption of the List of Incentive Participants.

By Order of the Board WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd.* Dr.GeLi Chairman

Hong Kong, October 4, 2019

As of the date of this announcement, the Board of the Company comprises Dr. Ge Li, Mr. Edward Hu, Mr. Xiaozhong Liu, Mr. Zhaohui Zhang and Dr. Ning Zhao as executive Directors, Mr. Xiaomeng Tong and Dr. Yibing Wu as non-executive Directors and Dr. Jiangnan Cai, Ms. Yan Liu, Mr. Dai Feng, Dr. Hetong Lou and Mr. Xiaotong Zhang as independent non-executive Directors.

* For identification purpose only



1. All resolution at the meeting will be taken by poll (except where the chairman decides to allow a resolution relating to a procedural or administrative matter to be voted on by a show of hands) pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”). The results of the poll will be published on the websites of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Company in accordance with the Listing Rules.

2. Any shareholder of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint more than one proxy to attend and on a poll, vote instead of him. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company. If more than one proxy is appointed, the number of shares in respect of which each such proxy so appointed must be specified in the relevant form of proxy. Every shareholder present in person or by proxy shall be entitled to one vote for each share held by him.

3. In order to be valid, the form of proxy together with the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a certified copy of that power of attorney or authority, must be deposited at the Company’s H Share Registrar in Hong Kong, Tricor Investor Services Limited, at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the meeting or the adjourned meeting (as the case may be) (i.e. not later than 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 17, 2019). Completion and return of the form of proxy shall not preclude a shareholder of the Company from attending and voting in person at the meeting and, in such event, the instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to be revoked.

4. For determining the entitlement to attend and vote at the meeting, the register of members of H Shares of the Company will be closed from Saturday, October 19, 2019 to Monday, November 18, 2019, both dates inclusive, during which period no transfer of shares will be registered. In order to be eligible to attend and vote at the Third H Share Class Meeting, unregistered holders of shares of the Company shall ensure that all transfer documents accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company’s H Share Registrar in Hong Kong, Tricor Investor Services Limited, at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong for registration not later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 2019.

5. References to time and dates in this notice are to Hong Kong time and dates.
