Massacre at Chicago [Saturday], August 15, 1812}
FERGUS' HISTORICAL SERIES,-No. 30 NARRATIVE OF THE MASSACRE AT CHICAGO [SATURDAY], AUGUST 15, 1812} AND OF SONIE PRECEDING EVENTS. [BY JULIETTE AUGUSTA (11AGILL) KINZIE.] SECOND EDITION WITH ILLUSTRATIONS, ADDITIONAL NOTES, AND !~DEX. First Edition, '' Chicago, Ill., Printed by [\Vm.] Ellis & [ Robert] Fergus,. Book and Job Printers, Saloon Building, 37 Clark St., [ S. -\V. cor. Lake], I 844." CHICAGO: FERGUS PRINTING COMPANY 1914 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by JOHN HARRIS KINZIE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Illinois. Entered according to Act of Congre5s, in the year 1914, by JOHN BOWMAN FERGUS, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. FORE\VORD. 01\!IE parts of the writer's notes may be considered out of S place, but as they relate to early Chicago, this seemed to be an excellent opportunity to perpetuate them. All the data are from authentic sources, gathered during the past forty years or fron1 personal observation and knowledge. The only changes that have been made in this edition are the insertion of quotation marks, making paragraphs, and inserting the original notes as a part of the text instead of being at the end. Chicago, 191 r. G. H.F. IN MEMORIAN Robert and George Harris Fergus possessed the rare faculty of discriminative collecting and colating historical facts relating to early Chicago, extending over a period of 7 2 years-July 1, 1839 to November 24, 1911. Robert Fergus, pioneer printer and publisher-first daily one cent newspaper, ("Quid N unc," 1842 ), and first con1plete book ( Illinois Supreme Court Reports, Scammon, Vols.
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