[email protected]—March 15, 2018 Fr. Robert Leonhardt , OFM, Laid to Rest he journey of life life continued at at his brother’s funeral. The friar covers miles of Blessed Giles, but de- community also welcomed Mike terrain, and that is clining health took its Haney, OFM, Harold DeGrave, especially true for toll and, in the early OFM, and Bob Sieg, OFM, to the Tour brother, Robert Leon- part of this year, Bob service. The scriptures chosen for the Liturgy were: 1 Kings 19, 8-13; hardt, OFM, who was entered hospice. In ear- 1 John 4: 7 – 11, 16 -18, and John born in Iowa and grew up ly February, he knew 17: 20-26. in Chicago. He was a man that he needed more who loved the open roads care and willingly on his motorcycle and the moved to St. Mary’s wide open skies during Nursing Home. It was the years he flew an air- there that he died on plane. He sailed the seas during his the evening of February 18th, in the years in the U.S. Navy, earned a de- company of his brother, Fr. Lou, and gree in Electrical Engineering from the guardian of the community. the Illinois Institute of Technology On the morning of February 20th, Fr. in Chicago, joined our Sacred Heart Lou, the friars from Blessed Giles, Province and was given the religious and Bob’s caregiver, Sue Severson, name “Hildebrand”. He passed gathered at the Pfeffer Funeral through all the levels of formation in Home for a prayer service and fare- the province, was ordained as part of well before his body was to be cre- the class of 1959, and continued on mated.