For additional copies, contact:

The Transport Institute The University of Manitoba 631 Drake Centre Building 181 Freedman Crescent Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 5V4

Phone: (204) 474-9842 Fax: (204) 474-7530 Website: INTRODUCTION

Vast amounts of data are collected with regard to transportation. Like the nature of the industry, it has been spread throughout several manners. Our purpose in this project is to create a comprehensive Manitoba transportation data set. Total Canadian data is also presented, where applicable, to offer comparative measures. Decision makers would then have all the relevant statistics that are specific to Manitoba’s transport industry in one place for easy reference. Stakeholders in this compilation range from provincial and local administrations to industry operators and management. This remains an ambitious project to address the interests of an entire sector.

This is the Transport Institute’s second effort to publish an all-encompassing report on transportation trends in Manitoba. The database that forms the foundation of this report was initiated and developed by the Transport Institute in 1996 and has been updated on an annual basis. Our first publication of the compendium was in July 2001. The potential value of a regularly updated database to the Manitoba transport and related industries was acknowledged by Manitoba Transportation and Government Services.

The data generally spans a ten to fifteen year horizon. During the annual updates to our database, some of the data series were adjusted to reflect recent and more accurate information available from the primary source. Readily available explanations of recent changes in data collection or reporting techniques are explained where possible. Cutbacks at the federal government level have often resulted in the aggregation of data for the prairie provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Differences in the economies of these provinces have shown an obvious distortion in the merged provincial data. Where possible we have addressed this issue, but in some cases it remains impossible to do so. Also important to note are the significant gaps in data that are present, particularly in the rail and air sectors. The Transport Institute is analyzing these gaps and evaluating potential options to address the concerns that arise as a consequence. We have done our best to ensure a complete overview of each relevant transport sector in Manitoba, to the extent that the information is publicly available.

The report has expanded significantly since the first publication. Along with the inclusion of aids to improve the accessibility of the data is a considerable expansion of the topics covered. This publication contains nine chapters. New additions include chapters on pipeline transportation, transportation equipment manufacturing, electricity transportation, and government revenues and expenditures on transportation in Manitoba. The appendices contain selected information on particular topics.

The objective of this report is to create a valuable resource that can act as a reference regarding the Manitoba transport sector. Encompassed in this goal were efforts to maintain consistency throughout the years of data, provide comparable information within and between modes, and aid the accessibility of the data for users. New additions to this report include a detailed table of contents, an index by subject, and summary tables at the beginning of appropriate chapters that highlight the high level data contained in a chapter. A Database User Feedback Survey is also included at the end of this document and we encourage you to send us your comments. We will continue updating this database and looking for ways to increase its usefulness to parties. As such, this project should be viewed as a “work in progress”.

i The Transport Institute makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the data presented in this report. No warranties are provided as to the validity or accuracy of the information presented herein and in the case of any discrepancy of data that may arise, the original sources supersede information that may be contained herein. This report has been financially supported in part by Manitoba Transportation and Government Services (MTGS). The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of MTGS.


Manitoba’s Economy

The Manitoba economy grew from $27.5 billion in 1997 to $31.8 billion in 2002. Over the same period, the Canadian national economy grew from $817 billion to $993 billion (with all above values at basic prices and in 1997 constant dollars). This represents growth rates of 15.7 percent provincially and 21.6 percent nationally. This slower provincial economy growth rate resulted in Manitoba’s contribution to the Canadian gross domestic product (GDP) declining.

In Manitoba the transportation and warehousing industry GDP expanded by 11.0 percent from 1997 to 2002. The transportation and warehousing industry GDP for Canada increased by 13.7 percent over this same period.

Total transportation employment in Canada increased 8 percent over the 1987 to 2000 period, whereas total transportation employment in Manitoba increased 16 percent over the same period. For both Canada and Manitoba, truck transport is the mode that employs the greatest number. The number or rail transport employees decreased steadily over the 1987 to 2000 period.

Manitoba’s total export earnings grew significantly from $3.0 billion in 1990 to $9.3 billion in 2001. In 2001, vegetable products were the top export earning section with $1.4 billion in exports. Manitoba’s total payments for imports increased from $3.2 billion in 1990 to $9.8 billion in 2001. Machinery, mechanical and electrical appliances and equipment had the highest imports of any section with $3.0 billion in 2001. In 2001, the manufacturing industry was the largest contributor to export earnings with $6.0 billion, followed by agriculture with $1.9 billion. The leading importing industry by value for 2001 was also manufacturing with $9.3 billion, followed by agriculture with $231 million.

Highway Transport

The GDP of the Canadian truck transport industry tripled from $4.5 billion in 1980 to $13.3 billion in 2000 (figures at factor cost and using 1992 prices). Manitoba employment in the truck transport industry increased 10 percent from 1991 (6,756) to 2001 (7,464). The trend in Manitoba employment as a share of total Canadian employment declined, as did for-hire trucking as a share of total Manitoba employment. The average Canadian salary in the trucking industry in 2001 was $33,507, an increase of 27 percent over the decade.

Both north and southbound movements of goods by for-hire trucking increased substantially in the last decade; however, the aggregation of data for the prairie provinces precludes the analysis of solely Manitoba data.

In 1999 there were an estimated 83 top for-hire carriers of freight in Canada with an annual operating income in excess of $25 million, 2,965 medium and large carriers with an annual operating income between $1 million and $25 million, and 6,000 small carriers with annual operating income of less than $1 million. Also in 1999 there were an estimated 201 top owner operators with annual operating income in excess of $1 million and 36,995 small owner operators with an annual operating income of less than $1 million. Medium and large for-hire carriers operated the most pieces of equipment with 162,499 units, followed by the small owner operators with 86,625 units. In total, semi-trailers were the most abundant type

iii of equipment with 185,524 units, followed by road tractors at 102,045 units. Manitoba small for-hire carriers of freight reported operating ratios averaging 98.7 percent in 1999. Manitoba owner operators reported operating ratios averaging 87.4 percent in 1999. Three weight groups dominate tonne-km estimates for medium to top for-hire carriers of freight in Canada (10,000-19,999 kg, 20,000-29,999 kg, and 30,000-44,999 kg).

The bulk of vehicles registered in Manitoba are for non-commercial use. Registered vehicles for non-commercial use reached a low point in 1997 (656,313), but have since begun to increase steadily, with 767,812 vehicles registered as non-commercial in 2002. Total commercial vehicles registered in Manitoba in 2002 were 60,516.

Railway Transport

The GDP of the Canadian railway transport industry fluctuated from 1980 to 2000, but overall saw a 43 percent increase from the 1980 figure ($4.9 billion in 2000 at factor cost and using 1992 prices). Manitoba employment in the rail transport industry decreased 52 percent from 1985 (12,018) to 2000 (5,917). The average Canadian salary in the rail industry in 2001 was $62,675.

In 2000 the total railway freight from Manitoba to destinations was 8.8 million tonnes. Railway freight to the U.S. increased substantially since 1990, from 534,000 tonnes to 3,036,000 tonnes in 2000. Railway freight destined for Manitoba from other regions reached 4.9 million tonnes in 2000. Of this, 0.9 million tonnes came from the U.S. For a large part of the review period the greatest share of total railway freight from Manitoba to provincial destinations consisted of marine exports. However, marine exports have been declining over time.

Urban and Intercity Transport

The GDP of the Canadian urban transit industry decreased 26 percent from 1980 to 2000 (at factor cost and using 1992 prices) and totaled $2.4 billion in 2000. In 2002, System employed 1,417 people and ran 531 buses. Brandon Transit employed 38 people and ran 17 buses. In 2003, Winnipeg has 422 taxis in service.

In 2002, Winnipeg Transit operating data shows 37.7 million passenger trips, which is down significantly from the 61.4 million passenger trips in 1986. In 2002, Winnipeg Transit System has revenue vehicle kilometers of 22.8 million, total operating cost of $88.3 million, and total revenue of $49.9 million. Winnipeg and Calgary tied for the lowest 2002 cash fare at $1.75.

The GDP of the Canadian intercity (a.k.a. interurban and rural) transport industry decreased 74 percent from 1980 to 2000 (at factor cost and using 1992 prices) and totaled $135 million in 2000. Canadian employment in the intercity transport industry decreased 77 percent from 1990 (5,110) to 2000 (1,199). The average Canadian salary in the intercity transport industry in 2000 was $32,073.

In 2001, 12,900 U.S. residents entered Manitoba by bus (1.9 percent of the total U.S. residents entering Manitoba). From 1990 to 2000, the number of passengers carried by Canadian intercity bus transportation decreased 65 percent (6 million in 2000).

iv Air Transport

The GDP of the Canadian air transport industry peaked in 1990 at $4.2 billion, dropped significantly to $2.9 billion in 1991, and then increased to $3.9 billion in 2000. Manitoba employment in the air transport industry increased 80 percent from 1990 to 2000, with 5,613 employed in 2000. The average Manitoba salary in the air transport industry in 2000 was $40,289.

From 1992 to 2002, total passengers enplaned/ deplaned at Winnipeg International Airport increased from 2.1 million to 2.8 million. During this time, total passengers enplaned/ deplaned peaked in 1997 at 3.1 million. The vast majority of these passengers were on domestic flights (over 2.3 million in 2002), and the rest were transborder (314,000 in 2002) and international (47,000 in 2002). Major scheduled services remain the predominant service type throughout the data. Trends over the available data (from 1986 to 2002) suggest that discounted airfare was expanding at the expense of business and economy classes. Total aircraft movements at Winnipeg International Airport in 2002 was 155, 900, and total itinerant aircraft movements were 130,447 of these.

In 2002 a total of 146,620 passengers were moved at twenty-two northern Manitoba airports under provincial authority. This figure is down from a high of 178,710 in 1992. Throughout the entire review period, Island Lake was the busiest northern airport in terms of passenger movement (26,120 in 2002). Island Lake is also the leading northern airport in terms of cargo movement, with 2,651 tonnes moved in 2002. Total tones of cargo moved at northern Manitoba airports in 2002 was 9,313 tonnes.


Pipelines in Manitoba are used to carry natural gas and oil. Natural gas pipelines in Manitoba are used for transmission and distribution, but not for gathering purposes. Both natural gas transmission and distribution lines increased approximately 50 percent from 1986 to 2001. In 2001 there were 4,500 kilometres of transmission lines and 6,300 kilometres of distribution lines in Manitoba. Manitoba natural gas inflows/ outflows totaled 57,939,210 cubic metres in 2001. Manitoban natural gas sales generated $505.5 million in revenue in 2001. The increase in total gas exports to the U.S. from Manitoba increased considerably from 1986 to 2001, with 11,112,505 cubic metres in total exported in 2001 and the majority traveling through the Emerson line.

In 2000, Manitoba had 237 kilometres of gathering lines, 1,953 kilometres of trunk lines, and 311 kilometres of product lines in oil pipelines. Manitoba crude oil/ pentanes plus inflows/ outflows totaled 66,349 cubic metres in 2000.

Transportation Equipment Manufacturing

The GDP of the Canadian transportation equipment manufacturing industry increased over three times from 1980 to $26.3 billion in 2000 (at factor cost and using 1992 prices). From 1992 to 2002, Manitoba employment in the transportation equipment manufacturing industry saw a low of 5,921 employees in 1993 and a high of 10,152 in 1999. Employment in the industry in Manitoba in 2002 was 9,279. In the Canadian industry in 1999, most employees were in the motor vehicle parts manufacturing subsector, followed by the motor vehicle manufacturing subsector and the aerospace product and parts manufacturing subsector. The Canadian annual average salary for an employee in the transportation equipment manufacturing subsector in 1999 was $36,418. The highest average in the subsector was for motor vehicle manufacturing at $65,562 in 1999.


In 2002, Manitoba exported a total of $934 million from transportation equipment manufacturing to other countries, which is down from the 1999 peak of $1.2 billion. Most Manitoba manufactured transportation equipment is exported to the U.S. ($883 million in 2002).

Electricity Transportation

Manitobans have the lowest priced electricity in North America. The quality and reliability of the electricity generated by Manitoba Hydro ranks among the best in the world, due to stability of the supply and ample room for capacity expansion. In 2002, Manitoba Hydro produced 29.4 million MW.h with 28.8 MW.h of this hydro generated, 0.6 million MW.h steam-conventional generated, and 10,748 MW.h generated with internal combustion. This is down from the 2001 total generation of 33.4 million MW.h. In Manitoba, industry generation is less than half a percent of the total generation supplied. In Canada, industry generation is usually around 8 percent.

From 1980 to 2000 Manitoba Hydro’s export sales to the U.S. saw significant variation, from a low of 396 GW.h in 1989 to a peak of 11,954 GW.h in 1998. In 2000, export sales to the U.S. were 6,366 GW.h.

Government Revenues and Expenditures

In the 2001/02 fiscal year, total federal government expenditures on transportation were $2.3 billion (down from $4.7 billion in 1995/96), total provincial expenditures were $7.7 billion, and total local expenditures were $9.2 billion (up from $7.0 billion in 1995/96). Total federal revenues from transportation in 2001/02 were $5.2 billion, and total provincial revenues were $9.7 billion.

Manitoba’s revenues from fuel taxation fluctuated little in the past fiscal years, with 2001/02 generating $170 million. Manitoba’s revenues from licences and fees fluctuated more (increasing overall) with 2001/02 generating $75 million.

From the federal level of government in 2001/02, the largest expenditures were made in the marine mode ($792 million) and air mode ($469 million). On the provincial level, the most significant spending area by far was on roads ($6.2 billion). The local level focused on roads with $7.1 billion and transit with $1.8 billion. In 2001/02, government revenues from transport users totaled $12.9 billion. Manitoba’s expenditures on transportation this same year were $501 per capita, below the national average of $550 per capita.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Road transportation in Manitoba produces the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions from the province (66 percent of the total in 2001). Total Manitoba greenhouse gas emissions in 2001 were 7,020 in kt CO2 eq, down from a peak of 8,220 kt CO2 eq in 1995.


The report was financially supported in part by Manitoba Transportation and Government Services.

The assistance rendered by Statistics Canada and the Manitoba Bureau of Statistics is acknowledged with gratitude. Various branches within Manitoba Transportation and Government Services made contributions to data. Winnipeg Transit System and Brandon Transit provided data on public transit. The Manitoba Taxicab Board provided data on Winnipeg taxi services. The Winnipeg Airports Authority provided data on the Winnipeg International Airport.

Many personnel members of the Transport Institute contributed in various ways to this report. The database on which this report is based was developed over a long period of time. Some previous contributors to the database are no longer associated with the Transport Institute, yet deserve acknowledgement of their efforts.


Page No. Introduction i Executive Summary iiii Acknowledgements vii Brief Table of Contents viii Detailed Table of Contents: List of Tables and Figures ix Detailed Listing of Appendices xx

Chapter 1 Trade and Commodity Movements 1 Chapter 2 Highway Transportation 21 Chapter 3 Railway Transportation 59 Chapter 4 Urban and Intercity Transportation 89 Section 4.1 Urban Transportation 89 Section 4.1.1 Public Transportation 90 Section 4.1.2 Taxi Transportation 112 Section 4.1.3 School Bus Transportation 114 Section 4.1.4 Courier Transportation 115 Section 4.2 Intercity Bus Transportation 116 Chapter 5 Air Transportation 122 Chapter 6 Pipeline Transportation 151 Section 6.1 Natural Gas Pipeline Industry 153 Section 6.2 Oil Pipeline Industry 169 Chapter 7 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 179 Chapter 8 Electricity Transportation 189 Chapter 9 Government Revenues and Expenditures 195 Appendix I Manitoba Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics 207 Appendix II Canadian and Manitoban Vehicles Characterization 210 Appendix III Manitoba Greenhouse Gas Emissions 215 Appendix IV Manitoba Transportation Energy Use 218 Appendix V Manitoba Ferry Traffic 219 Appendix VI Manitoba-USA Trade by State 221

Index 232 Database User Feedback Survey 236


Page No. Chapter 1 Trade and Commodity Movements 1

Chapter 1 Summary Table 1

Table 1.1 GDP of All Industries and of Transportation and Warehousing Industry 2 at Basic Prices in 1997 Constant Dollars Figure 1.1 GDP of All Industries and of Transportation & Warehousing 3 for Manitoba and Canada Figure 1.2 Percent Growth in GDP of All Industries and Transportation & 4 Warehousing from 1997 to 2002 by Province

Table 1.2 Canada and Manitoba Employment by Transportation Industry 5

Table 1.3 Manitoba Total Exports by Regions and Major Countries 6 Figure 1.3 Manitoba Total Exports by Region 8

Table 1.4 Manitoba Total Imports by Regions and Major Countries 7 Figure 1.4 Manitoba Total Imports by Region 8

Table 1.5 Manitoba Agricultural Exports By Regions and Major Countries 9

Table 1.6 Manitoba Non-Agricultural Exports by Regions and Major Countries 10

Table 1.7 Manitoba Exports by Industry 11 Figure 1.5 Manitoba Exports by Industry 12

Table 1.8 Manitoba Imports by Industry 13 Figure 1.6 Manitoba Imports by Industry 14

Table 1.9 Manitoba Exports By Section and Chapter 15 Figure 1.7 Manitoba Exports by Section and Chapter 16

Table 1.10 Manitoba Imports By Section and Chapter 17 Figure 1.8 Manitoba Imports by Section and Chapter 18

Table 1.11 Manitoba Interprovincial Trade: Exports 19

Table 1.12 Manitoba Interprovincial Trade: Imports 20

Chapter 2 Highway Transportation 21

Chapter 2 Summary Table 21

Table 2.1 GDP of Canadian Truck Transport Industry 22 Figure 2.1 GDP of Canadian Truck Transport Industry 23

ix Page No. Table 2.2 Manitoba and Canada Employment and Wages in Truck Transport 24 Industry

Figure 2.2 Manitoba and Canada Employment 25 Figure 2.3 Manitoba and Canada Employment and Wages in Truck 25 Transport Industry

Table 2.3 Manitoba and Canada Small (Level III) For-Hire Carriers and Owner 26 Operators: Number of Employees and Type Figure 2.4 Number of Employees and Type for Manitoba Small For-Hire 27 Carriers and Owner Operators Figure 2.5 Number of Employees and Type for Canada Small For-Hire 27 Carriers and Owner Operators

Table 2.4 For-hire Trucking, Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne- 28 Kilometers and Number of Shipments on the Movement of Goods from Province or Territory of Origin to Manitoba

Table 2.5 For-hire Trucking, Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne- 30 Kilometers and Number of Shipments on the Movement of Goods from Manitoba to Province or Territory of Destination Figure 2.6 For-hire Trucking Tonne-Kilometers from Manitoba to Province 31 of Destination

Table 2.6 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of Goods, Manitoba to U.S. 32 Regions Figure 2.7 For-Hire Trucking, Southbound Movement of Goods, Manitoba 33 to U.S. Regions in Tonnes Figure 2.8 For-Hire Trucking, Southbound Movement of Goods, Manitoba 33 to U.S. Regions in Tonne-Kms

Table 2.7 For-hire Trucking, Northbound Movements of Goods, from U.S. 34 Regions to Manitoba Figure 2.9 For-hire Trucking, Northbound Movement of Goods, from U.S. 34 Regions to Manitoba in Tonnes Figure 2.10 For-Hire Trucking, Northbound Movement of Goods, from 35 U.S. Regions to Manitoba in Tonne-Kms

Table 2.8 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of The Top Five 36 Commodities From Manitoba to U.S. Figure 2.11 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movement of Top Five and 37 Other Commodities from Manitoba to U.S.

Table 2.9 Canadian Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, 1999 38 Figure 2.12 Equipment Type by Carrier: Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, 39 Canada, 1999 Figure 2.13 Carrier by Equipment Type: Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, 39 Canada, 1999 Figure 2.14 Carrier by Equipment Type: Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, 40 Canada, 1999

Table 2.10 Manitoba Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Small For-hire 41

x Page No. Table 2.11 Manitoba Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Owner Op 42

Table 2.12 Canada Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Small For-hire 43

Table 2.13 Canada Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Owner 43 Operator

Table 2.14 Canada Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Medium to Top 44 For-hire

Table 2.15 Manitoba Owner Operators: Estimated Annual Distance Traveled By 45 Vehicle Type; Fuel Consumption and Cost Survey

Table 2.16 Manitoba Small For-Hire Carriers: Estimated Annual Distance 45 Traveled By Vehicle Type; Fuel Consumption and Cost Survey

Table 2.17 Canada Private Carriers: Estimated Annual Distance Traveled By 46 Vehicle Type; Fuel Consumption and Cost Survey

Table 2.18 Canada Medium to Top For-Hire Carriers: Breakdown of Selected 47 Estimates by Weight Group Figure 2.15 Canada Medium to Top For-Hire Carriers: Tonne-km per 48 Weight Group

Table 2.19 Manitoba For-Hire and Owner Operator and Canadian Private 49 Carriers: Equipment Operated Figure 2.16 Equipment Operated: Manitoba Small For-hire and Owner 50 Operator

Table 2.20 Manitoba Registered Commercial Vehicles 50 Figure 2.17 Manitoba Registered Vehicles 51 Figure 2.18 Manitoba Registered Commercial Vehicles Before 51 Cancellations

Table 2.21 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Kilometers by Surface Type, 52 January 2001

Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage 54 of Truck Activity

Chapter 3 Railway Transportation 59

Chapter 3 Summary Table 59

Table 3.1 GDP of Canadian Railway Transport (and related services) Industry 60 Figure 3.1 GDP of Canadian Railway Transport Industry 61

Table 3.2 Canada and Manitoba Railway and Related Services Number of 62 Employees and Compensation Figure 3.2 Manitoba and Canadian Employment in Railway and Related Services 62

xi Page No. Figure 3.3 Canadian Railway Employment and Compensation 63

Table 3.3 Railway Freight: Tonnes for Movement of Goods From Manitoba to 63 Province or Territory of Destination (with Marine Imports/Exports Integrated) Figure 3.4 Railway Freight: Movement of Goods from Manitoba to 64 Destination

Table 3.4 Railway Freight: Tonnes for Movement of Goods From Province or 65 Territory of Origin to Manitoba (with Marine Imports/Exports Integrated)

Table 3.5 Railway Freight Origin and Destination; from Manitoba to Provincial 65 Destinations Figure 3.5 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Manitoba to Provincial 66 Destinations

Table 3.6 Railway Freight Origin and Destination; from Provincial Origins to 66 Manitoba Figure 3.6 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Provincial Origins to 67 Manitoba

Table 3.7 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Tonnes of Marine Exports from 67 Manitoba to Canadian Provinces

Table 3.8 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Tonnes of Marine Imports to 68 Manitoba from Canadian Provinces

Table 3.9 Rail Commodity Total Southbound Movements of Goods to U.S. Region 69 of Destination, from Gateway Province Figure 3.7 Rail Commodity Southbound Movement of Goods to the U.S. 72 from Gateway Province Manitoba

Table 3.10 Rail Commodity Total Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. 73 Region of Origin, to Gateway Province Figure 3.8 Rail Commodity Northbound Movement of Goods from U.S. 76 Region of Origin to Gateway Province Manitoba

Table 3.11 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities 77 in Terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements of Goods from Manitoba to U.S. Regions of Destination (using old commodity classification system)

Table 3.12 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities 79 in Terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Regions of Origin to Manitoba (using old commodity classification system)

Table 3.13 Origin and Destination of Major Commodities Transported for South 80 and North Movements (using new commodity classification system)

Table 3.14 Canadian Railway Operating Revenue 81 Figure 3.9 Canadian Railway Operating Revenues 81

xii Page No. Table 3.15 Canadian Railway Operating Expenses and Income 82 Figure 3.10 Canadian Railway Operating Revenue, Expenses, and 82 Income

Table 3.16 Canadian Rail Freight Revenue ($) per Ton (tonne) 83 Figure 3.11 Canadian Rail Freight Revenue per Ton (tonne) 83

Table 3.17 Fuel Consumption: Diesel Oil Consumed in Manitoba by Class I 84 Railways Figure 3.12 Fuel Consumption: Diesel Oil Consumed in Manitoba by 85 Class I Railways

Table 3.18 Canadian Railway Fuel Consumption 85

Table 3.19 Canadian Railway Equipment in Service 86

Table 3.20 Manitoba and National Length of Track Operated 87

Table 3.21 Canadian Railway Taxes by Jurisdiction 88

Chapter 4 Urban and Intercity Transportation 89

Chapter 4 Summary Table 89

Section 4.1 Urban Transportation 89

Section 4.1.1 Public Transportation 90

Table 4.1 GDP of Canadian Urban Transport Industry 90 Figure 4.1 GDP of Canadian Urban Transport Industry 91

Table 4.2 Winnipeg and Brandon Urban Transit Employment and Vehicle Data 91

Table 4.3 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics 92 Figure 4.2 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics 93 Figure 4.3 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics 94

Table 4.4 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics 95 Figure 4.4 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics 96 Figure 4.5 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics 96 Figure 4.6 Manitoba and Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics: Total 97 Operating Revenue to Total Direct Regular Passenger Service Operating Cost

Table 4.5 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data 98 Figure 4.7 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data (Total) 99 Figure 4.8 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data (Direct) 100 Figure 4.9 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data (Direct) 100

Table 4.6 Winnipeg Transit Performance Indicators 101

xiii Page No. Figure 4.10 Winnipeg Transit Performance Indicators 102 Figure 4.11 Winnipeg Transit Performance Indicators 103

Table 4.7 Winnipeg Handi -Transit Statistics 104

Table 4.8 Brandon Transit System - Operating Data 105

Table 4.9 Brandon Transit Performance Indicators 105

Table 4.10 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons 106 Figure 4.12 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons: 107 Revenue/Cost Ratio Figure 4.13 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons: Cost 107 Effectiveness Figure 4.14 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons: Cost 108 Efficiency

Table 4.11 Winnipeg Transit System Fare Structure Chronology 109

Table 4.12 Brandon Transit System Cash Fare Structure Chronology 110

Table 4.13 Public Transit Metropolitan Comparisons: Adult Cash Fare Statistics, 110 Selected Cities Figure 4.15 Public Transit Metropolitan Comparisons: Adult Cash Fare 111

Section 4.1.2 Taxi Transportation 112

Table 4.14 Winnipeg Taxi Industry: Number of Vehicles 112

Table 4.15 Winnipeg Taxicab Industry - Summary of Licenses Issued 112

Table 4.16 Winnipeg Taxicab Metered Fares 113

Table 4.17 Taxicab Tariff Rates: Various Cities Across Canada, 2003 113

Section 4.1.3 School Bus Transportation 114

Table 4.18 Manitoba School Bus Statistics: Regular Operational Expenditures 114

Table 4.19 Manitoba School Bus Regular Operational Expenditures: Urban and 114 Rural Divisions

Section 4.1.4 Courier Transportation 115

Table 4.20 Manitoba and Canadian Courier Employment 115

Table 4.21 Courier and Local Messengers: Revenues and Expenses 115

Section 4.2 Intercity Bus Transportation 116

Table 4.22 GDP of Canadian Interurban and Rural Transport Industry 116

xiv Page No. Table 4.23 Canadian Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: Employment, 116 Hours Worked, and Compensation

Table 4.24 Travel to Canada by Bus 117

Table 4.25 Travel to Manitoba by Bus 118 Figure 4.16 Travel to Canada and Manitoba by Bus 119 Figure 4.17 Travel to Canada and Manitoba by Bus 120

Table 4.26 Canadian Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: Passengers 121 Carried, Kilometers Traveled, and Fuel Consumed

Table 4.27 Canadian Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: Operating 121 Revenues and Expenses

Chapter 5 Air Transportation 122

Chapter 5 Summary Table 122

Table 5.1 GDP of Canadian Air Transport (and related services) Industry 123 Figure 5.1 GDP of Canadian Air Transport Industry 124

Table 5.2 Manitoba Air Transport Employment and Wages & Salaries (excludes 125 military) Figure 5.2 Manitoba Air Transport Employment and Wages and Salaries 126 Figure 5.3 Manitoba Air Transport Employment and Wages and Salaries 126

Table 5.3 Winnipeg International Airport Passenger Movement 127 Figure 5.4 Winnipeg International Airport Passenger Movement by Sector 128 Figure 5.5 Winnipeg International Airport Passenger Movement by Service 128 Type

Table 5.4 Winnipeg International Airport Tonnage of Air Cargo Movement 129

Table 5.5 Winnipeg International Airport Aircraft Movement 130 Figure 5.6 Winnipeg International Airport Aircraft Movements 130

Table 5.6 Winnipeg International Airport - Itinerant Aircraft Movements 131 Figure 5.7 Winnipeg International Airport Itinerant Aircraft Movements: 132 Major Carriers

Table 5.7 Northern Manitoba Airports Passenger Movement 133 Figure 5.8 Northern Manitoba Airports Passenger Movement: Selected 134 Airports

Table 5.8 Transport Canada Northern Airports Passenger Movement - Total 135 Enplaned/Deplaned

Table 5.9 Northern Manitoba Airports Cargo Movement 136

xv Page No. Figure 5.9 Northern Manitoba Airports Cargo Movement: Selected Airports 137

Table 5.10 Northern Manitoba Airports Aircraft Movement 138 Figure 5.10 Northern Manitoba Airports Aircraft Movements: Selected 139 Airports

Table 5.11 Transport Canada Northern Airports Aircraft Movement 139

Table 5.12 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement 140 Figure 5.11 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement Enplaned/Deplane 141 Figure 5.12 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement by Service Type 141 Figure 5.13 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement: Domestic Passenger 142 Distribution by Fare Type

Table 5.13 Manitoba Air Cargo Movement* 143

Table 5.14 Canadian Air Passenger Movement 144

Table 5.15 Canadian Air Cargo Movement 145

Table 5.16 Manitoba Income Statement for Canadian Air Carriers Levels IB-IV 145 Figure 5.14 Manitoba Income Statement for Canadian Air Carriers Levels 146 IB-IV

Table 5.17 Manitoba Passenger and Goods Revenue for Canadian Air Carriers 146 Levels I-IV Figure 5.15 Manitoba Passenger and Goods Revenue for Canadian Air 147 Carriers Levels I-IV Figure 5.16 Manitoba Passenger and Goods Revenue: Three Year 148 Moving Average

Table 5.18 Aircraft Gasoline Sales, Fuel Tax and Gasoline Price Index 149

Table 5.19 Manitoba Indirect Air Transportation Tax 150

Chapter 6 Pipeline Transportation 151

Chapter 6 Summary Table 151

Section 6.1 Natural Gas Pipeline Industry 153

Table 6.1 GDP of Canadian Natural Gas Pipeline Transport Industry 153

Table 6.2 Manitoba Natural Gas Inflows 154

Table 6.3 Manitoba Natural Gas Outflows 154 Figure 6.1 Manitoba Natural Gas Outflows 155

Table 6.4 Manitoba Natural Gas Exports to the United States 156

xvi Page No. Figure 6.2 Manitoba Natural Gas Exports to the U.S. 156

Table 6.5 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Residential) 157

Table 6.6 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Commercial) 158

Table 6.7 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Industrial) 159

Table 6.8 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Total) 160 Figure 6.3 Manitoba Gas Sales by Category of Service 160 Figure 6.4 Manitoba Gas Sales Revenue by Category of Service 161

Table 6.9 Canada Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Total) 161

Table 6.10 Manitoba Natural Gas Pipelines in Place 162 Figure 6.5 Pipelines in Manitoba 163

Table 6.11 Manitoba Natural Gas Pipe Line Distance by Size of Pipe, 164 Transmission, All Systems, by Outside Diameter

Table 6.12 Manitoba Natural Gas Pipe Line Distance by Size of Pipe, 165 Distribution, All Systems, by Outside Diameter

Table 6.13 Provincial Compressor Stations Operated by Gas Utilities; Natural 166 Gas Transport Systems (as of December 31)

Table 6.14 Natural Gas Industry: National Revenues, Expenses and Annual 167 Operating Ratios Figure 6.6 Natural Gas Industry: National Revenues, Expenses and 167 Annual Operating Ratios

Section 6.2 Oil Pipeline Industry 169

Table 6.15 GDP of Canadian Crude Oil Pipeline Transport Industry 169

Table 6.16 Canadian Employment and Payroll in Oil Pipeline Industry 170

Table 6.17 Crude Oil/Pentanes Plus Inflows for Manitoba 171

Table 6.18 Crude Oil/Pentanes Plus Outflows for Manitoba 172

Table 6.19 Oil Pipeline Industry Infrastructure, Manitoba Pipelines in Place 173 Figure 6.7 Oil Pipeline Industry Infrastructure: Manitoba Pipelines 174

Table 6.20 Manitoba Provincial Detail Cross Section of Provincial Oil Pipe Size 175

Table 6.21 Number of Oil Pumping Stations and Prime Movers, Trunk Lines, by 176 Province as at December 31, 2000

Table 6.22 National Oil Pipeline Industry Operating Results 177 Figure 6.8 Oil Pipeline Industry Operating Results 178

xvii Page No. Chapter 7 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 179

Chapter 7 Summary Table 179

Table 7.1 GDP of Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry 180 Figure 7.1 GDP of Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 180 Industry

Table 7.2 All Employees in Manitoba and Canadian Transportation Equipment 181 Manufacturing Industry

Table 7.3 Total Canadian Employment by Subsector, 1990 and 1999 181 Figure 7.2 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Employment by 182 Subsector, 1999.

Table 7.4 Total Canadian Wages and Average Salary Paid by Subsector, 1990 182 and 1999

Table 7.5 Canadian Average Annual Salary by Type of Employee, 1990 and 183 1999

Table 7.6 Manitoba Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry Trade to 183 Top Ten Countries Figure 7.3 Manitoba Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Trade to 184 Top Ten Countries

Table 7.7 Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry Trade to 184 Top Ten Countries Figure 7.4 Canada Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Trade to 185 Top Ten Countries

Table 7.8 Value of Manufacturing Shipments by Subsector, 1990 and 1999 185

Table 7.9 Value of Manufacturing Shipments Value-Added by Subsector, 1990 186 and 1999 Figure 7.5 Distribution of Value-Added Shipments of Subsector, 1999 187

Table 7.10 Canadian Manufacturing Output and Revenues 187 Figure 7.6 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Output and 188 Revenues

Table 7.11 Number of Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Establishments 188 by Province, 1999

Chapter 8 Electricity Transportation 189

Table 8.1 Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries 189 Figure 8.1 Manitoba Electricity Receipts, 2002 191 Figure 8.2 Canadian Utility Generation by Type, 2002 191

xviii Page No. Table 8.2 Manitoba Hydro Export Sales to United States 192 Figure 8.3 Manitoba Electricity Export Sales to the United States 193

Table 8.3 Manitoba Hydro Operating Statistics 194

Chapter 9 Government Revenues and Expenditures on 195 Transportation

Table 9.1 Governments' Gross and Net Revenues and Expenditures on 195 Transportation Figure 9.1 Governments' Total Revenues and Expenditures on 197 Transportation Figure 9.2 Government Division of Expenses 197

Table 9.2 Fuel Taxes by Province and Mode of Transportation 198 Figure 9.3 Fuel Taxes by Province and Mode of Transportation 199

Table 9.3 Provincial/Territorial Revenues from Fuel Taxation 199 Figure 9.4 Provincial Revenues from Fuel Taxation 200

Table 9.4 Revenues from Provincial/Territorial Licences and Fees by Province 200 and Territory

Table 9.5 Transport Expenditures/Revenues by Mode and Levels of 201 Government Figure 9.5 Federal Expenditures by Mode 202 Figure 9.6 Provincial Expenditures by Mode 202 Figure 9.7 Local Expenditures by Mode 203

Table 9.6 Distribution of Provincial/Territorial and Local Transport Expenditures 204 by Province Figure 9.8 Provincial and Local Transportation Expenditures Per Capita 205

Table 9.7 Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants, and Contributions by Mode 205 Figure 9.9 Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants, and Contributions by Mode 206 Figure 9.10 Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants and Contributions by 206 Mode, Forecast 2002/03


Page No. Appendix I Manitoba Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics 207

Table: Fatal, Injury, and Property Damage Collisions in Manitoba 207

Table: Manitoba Traffic Collisions by Month of Occurrence, Collision Type, 2001 207

Table: Manitoba Vehicle Involvement by Vehicle Type and Collision Type, 2001 208

Table: Manitoba Provincial Highways Collisions by Posted Sped Limit 209

Table: Manitoba Provincial Highway Collisions History by Severity 209

Appendix II Canadian and Manitoban Vehicles Characterization 210

Table: Number of Vehicles in Canada by Type and Jurisdiction, 2001 210

Table: Number of Buses, Trucks 15t, Trucks 4.5t – 15t, and Vehicles up to 4.5t 211 Registered in Canada by Model Year and Jurisdiction, 2001

Appendix III Manitoba Greenhouse Gas Emissions 215

Table: Manitoba Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions 215 Figure: Manitoba Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2001 215 Figure: Manitoba Greenhouse Gas Emissions 216 Figure: Manitoba Road Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions 216

Table: Manitoba Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Fuel Type 217

Appendix IV Manitoba Transportation Energy Use 218

Table: Manitoba Transportation Energy Use by Fuel Type 218

Appendix V Manitoba Ferry Traffic 219

Table: Northern Manitoba Ferry Traffic History 219 Table: Northern Manitoba Ferry Operation Dates History 220

Appendix VI Manitoba-USA Trade by State 221

Table: Manitoba Merchandise Exports to the United States 221 Table: Manitoba Merchandise Imports from the United States 226 Figure: Manitoba Merchandise Exports to the US by Mode 231 Figure: Manitoba Merchandise Imports from the US by Mode 231


This chapter presents an overview of the economic activity in Manitoba and Canada. Exports and imports are specifically reviewed, as they are the components of international trade that require transportation.

Chapter 1 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

MB Trans & MB MB Total MB Total Warehouse Employment in Year % Change2 Exports Imports GDP* ($’000 Transportation ($’000 000)4 ($’000 000)5 000)1 (‘000)3 1990 N.A. N.A. 24.6 2969.0 3211.9 1991 N.A. N.A. 24.0 3079.1 3116.0 1992 N.A. N.A. 22.8 3421.1 3440.3 1993 N.A. N.A. 23.3 3676.8 4165.3 1994 N.A. N.A. 24.1 4502.0 5229.4 1995 N.A. N.A. 24.2 5455.5 6015.6 1996 N.A. N.A. 23.9 6219.6 6235.7 1997 1,908.8 N.A. 23.9 7313.9 7540.5 1998 1,927.7 0.99% 24.0 8067.0 8643.0 1999 2,072.7 7.52% 25.8 7981.4 8235.3 2000 2,136.0 3.05% 27.0 8713.9 9423.8 2001 2,104.3 -1.48% N.A. 9324.4 9789.8 2002 2,117.8 0.64% N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available *At basic prices in 1997 constant dollars.

1 For additional information on this, see Table 1.1 of the following chapter. 2 For additional information on this, see Table 1.1 of the following chapter. 3 For additional information on this, see Table 1.2 of the following chapter. 4 For additional information on this, see Table 1.3 of the following chapter. 5 For additional information on this, see Table 1.4 of the following chapter.


Table 1.1 contains shows real gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices for both Manitoba and Canada. Values are reported in 1997 constant dollars for the total economy as well as the transportation and warehousing industry.

Table 1.1-(A) GDP of All Industries at Basic Prices in 1997 Constant Dollars ($'000 000) n GDP of All Industries from 1997-2002 MAN - ALL Year BC % change ALTA % change SASK % change MAN % change ONT % change QUE % change NB % change 1984 67,272.4 N.A. 66,563.5 N.A. 20,266.6 N.A. 22,338.1 N.A. 233,881.4 N.A. 135,199.1 N.A. 11,657.5 N.A. 1985 70,533.4 4.85% 71,004.1 6.67% 21,034.1 3.79% 23,986.5 7.38% 246,458.8 5.38% 140,525.3 3.94% 12,167.5 4.37% 1986 71,596.9 1.51% 69,316.5 -2.38% 22,515.1 7.04% 24,216.9 0.96% 257,631.2 4.53% 144,726.9 2.99% 12,752.7 4.81% 1987 75,483.1 5.43% 69,691.9 0.54% 22,098.6 -1.85% 24,586.6 1.53% 270,945.4 5.17% 151,485.5 4.67% 13,368.6 4.83% 1988 79,026.5 4.69% 74,157.9 6.41% 20,859.3 -5.61% 24,569.8 -0.07% 285,482.6 5.37% 157,876.7 4.22% 13,667.7 2.24% 1989 82,228.5 4.05% 74,594.7 0.59% 21,666.1 3.87% 24,801.6 0.94% 294,270.4 3.08% 160,393.6 1.59% 13,915.0 1.81% 1990 83,920.1 2.06% 76,752.8 2.89% 23,144.5 6.82% 25,379.0 2.33% 290,526.1 -1.27% 161,169.9 0.48% 13,902.7 -0.09% 1991 85,094.3 1.40% 77,823.8 1.40% 23,199.2 0.24% 24,175.6 -4.74% 283,415.9 -2.45% 157,056.4 -2.55% 13,862.9 -0.29% 1992 87,832.8 3.22% 78,808.5 1.27% 22,231.2 -4.17% 24,578.6 1.67% 285,261.0 0.65% 158,152.9 0.70% 13,886.0 0.17% 1993 92,109.5 4.87% 83,776.1 6.30% 23,368.7 5.12% 24,653.7 0.31% 288,660.8 1.19% 161,948.6 2.40% 14,022.8 0.99% 1994 96,548.1 4.82% 89,860.0 7.26% 24,588.8 5.22% 25,297.9 2.61% 302,123.0 4.66% 167,552.2 3.46% 14,388.9 2.61% 1995 99,128.6 2.67% 92,062.7 2.45% 24,616.1 0.11% 25,547.8 0.99% 313,812.1 3.87% 169,239.1 1.01% 14,842.9 3.16% 1996 101,306.0 2.20% 94,343.1 2.48% 25,507.3 3.62% 26,418.0 3.41% 317,539.1 1.19% 169,880.5 0.38% 15,146.5 2.05% 1997 104,554.1 3.21% 101,936.0 8.05% 26,907.4 5.49% 27,478.6 4.01% 331,338.8 4.35% 175,117.7 3.08% 15,270.1 0.82% 1998 105,960.3 1.34% 106,845.0 4.82% 28,082.0 4.37% 28,700.8 4.45% 347,139.7 4.77% 181,041.9 3.38% 15,906.7 4.17% 1999 109,175.9 3.03% 109,177.0 2.18% 28,404.3 1.15% 29,165.2 1.62% 373,675.0 7.64% 192,716.8 6.45% 16,913.5 6.33% 2000 114,228.7 4.63% 116,004.4 6.25% 29,095.3 2.43% 30,421.8 4.31% 396,760.8 6.18% 202,711.5 5.19% 17,636.1 4.27% 2001 115,647.3 1.24% 119,618.8 3.12% 28,657.9 -1.50% 31,053.5 2.08% 401,596.8 1.22% 206,692.9 1.96% 17,867.4 1.31% 2002 118,239.6 2.24% 121,471.3 1.55% 28,128.1 -1.85% 31,785.6 2.36% 416,420.9 3.69% 215,145.0 4.09% 18,432.2 3.16% Total Change 1997-: 13.09% 19.16% 4.54% 15.67% 25.68% 22.86% 20.71%

Table 1.1-(B) GDP of Transportation and Warehousing Industry at Basic Prices in 1997 Constant Dollars ($'000 000) n GDP of Transportation and Warehousing Industries from 1997-2002 MAN - T&W Year BC % change ALTA % change SASK % change MAN % change ONT % change QUE % change NB % change 1997 6,590.1 N.A. 5,759.9 N.A. 1,571.0 N.A. 1,908.8 N.A. 14,076.1 N.A. 7,954.6 N.A. 889.6 N.A. 1998 6,660.4 1.07% 6,034.9 4.77% 1,593.6 1.44% 1,927.7 0.99% 14,328.8 1.80% 8,133.8 2.25% 844.9 -5.02% 1999 6,949.2 4.34% 6,268.6 3.87% 1,675.8 5.16% 2,072.7 7.52% 15,541.4 8.46% 8,602.4 5.76% 940.8 11.35% 2000 7,267.7 4.58% 6,658.6 6.22% 1,845.9 10.15% 2,136.0 3.05% 16,142.0 3.86% 9,086.0 5.62% 969.4 3.04% 2001 7,114.9 -2.10% 6,656.8 -0.03% 1,833.0 -0.70% 2,104.3 -1.48% 15,869.2 -1.69% 9,096.4 0.11% 956.0 -1.38% 2002 7,239.4 1.75% 6,778.4 1.83% 1,769.8 -3.45% 2,117.8 0.64% 16,118.7 1.57% 9,215.9 1.31% 971.3 1.60% Total Change 1997-: 9.85% 17.68% 12.65% 10.95% 14.51% 15.86% 9.18%

Table 1.1-(A) GDP of All Industries at Basic Prices in 1997 Constant Dollars ($'000 000) n GDP of All Industries from 1997-2002 CDA - ALL Year NS % change PEI % change NF % change YUK % change NWT* % change CDA % change 1984 14,907.7 N.A. 1,854.8 N.A. 8,502.1 N.A. 633.1 N.A. 2,038.9 N.A. 585,115.2 N.A. 1985 15,550.4 4.31% 1,883.4 1.54% 8,519.2 0.20% 656.7 3.73% 2,143.9 5.15% 614,463.3 5.02% 1986 16,035.7 3.12% 1,960.2 4.08% 8,689.6 2.00% 815.6 24.20% 2,167.1 1.08% 632,424.4 2.92% 1987 16,358.1 2.01% 2,016.3 2.86% 8,851.0 1.86% 1,005.4 23.27% 2,041.0 -5.82% 657,931.5 4.03% 1988 16,802.4 2.72% 2,165.1 7.38% 9,437.4 6.63% 1,036.4 3.08% 2,198.6 7.72% 687,280.4 4.46% 1989 17,010.8 1.24% 2,178.0 0.60% 9,538.5 1.07% 1,023.8 -1.22% 2,301.6 4.68% 703,922.6 2.42% 1990 17,217.3 1.21% 2,166.9 -0.51% 9,509.7 -0.30% 1,083.2 5.80% 2,186.7 -4.99% 706,958.9 0.43% 1991 17,176.5 -0.24% 2,156.8 -0.47% 9,206.2 -3.19% 1,028.6 -5.04% 2,186.9 0.01% 696,383.1 -1.50% 1992 17,254.3 0.45% 2,185.0 1.31% 9,004.0 -2.20% 1,180.9 14.81% 2,151.1 -1.64% 702,526.3 0.88% 1993 17,318.9 0.37% 2,204.8 0.91% 9,083.9 0.89% 900.5 -23.74% 2,163.6 0.58% 720,211.9 2.52% 1994 17,514.9 1.13% 2,305.6 4.57% 9,410.7 3.60% 902.6 0.23% 2,305.1 6.54% 752,797.8 4.52% 1995 17,866.4 2.01% 2,453.1 6.40% 9,529.8 1.27% 1,020.8 13.10% 2,365.1 2.60% 772,484.5 2.62% 1996 17,899.9 0.19% 2,524.9 2.93% 9,216.0 -3.29% 1,133.6 11.05% 2,499.3 5.67% 783,414.2 1.41% 1997 18,379.9 2.68% 2,520.6 -0.17% 9,406.7 2.07% 1,048.7 -7.49% 2,572.5 2.93% 816,531.1 4.23% 1998 19,100.0 3.92% 2,655.6 5.36% 9,984.5 6.14% 1,027.0 -2.07% 2,656.8 3.28% 849,100.3 3.99% 1999 20,271.1 6.13% 2,762.4 4.02% 10,584.2 6.01% 1,017.0 -0.97% 2,860.3 7.66% 896,722.7 5.61% 2000 20,967.9 3.44% 2,860.1 3.54% 11,255.0 6.34% 1,070.0 5.21% 3,003.3 5.00% 946,014.9 5.50% 2001 21,682.4 3.41% 2,874.2 0.49% 11,428.1 1.54% 1,083.4 1.25% 3,476.4 15.75% 961,679.1 1.66% 2002 22,535.4 3.93% 3,009.5 4.71% 12,654.8 10.73% 1,094.1 0.99% 3,624.7 4.27% 992,541.2 3.21% Total Change 1997-: 22.61% 19.40% 34.53% 4.33% 40.90% 21.56% *including Nunavut

Table 1.1-(B) GDP of Transportation and Warehousing Industry at Basic Prices in 1997 Constant Dollars ($'000 000) n GDP of Transportation and Warehousing Industries from 1997-2002 CDA - T&W Year NS % change PEI % change NF % change YUK % change NWT* % change CDA % change 1997 822.1 N.A. 99.0 N.A. 447.6 N.A. 37.0 N.A. 179.4 N.A. 40,335.2 N.A. 1998 824.8 0.33% 76.4 -22.83% 401.6 -10.28% 35.3 -4.59% 173.2 -3.46% 41,035.4 1.74% 1999 886.7 7.50% 72.8 -4.71% 417.6 3.98% 30.1 -14.73% 147.1 -15.07% 43,605.2 6.26% 2000 953.3 7.51% 69.1 -5.08% 416.1 -0.36% 32.9 9.30% 151.5 2.99% 45,728.5 4.87% 2001 960.9 0.80% 65.4 -5.35% 408.2 -1.90% 32.6 -0.91% 158.6 4.69% 45,256.3 -1.03% 2002 974.3 1.39% 67.6 3.36% 420.3 2.96% 32.8 0.61% 160.8 1.39% 45,867.1 1.35% Total Change 1997-: 18.51% -31.72% -6.10% -11.35% -10.37% 13.71% *including Nunavut

Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Series from Provincial Gross Domestic Product by Industry 1997-2002, 15-203, Appendix II.

2 Due to the new Statistics Canada methodology used, comparable data on the transportation and warehousing industry is only available from 1997. What was once referred to as the Transportation and Storage industry (in previous reports) is now reclassified as the Transportation and Warehousing industry. Data is no longer reported at factor cost in 1992 constant prices (as in previous reports). Data is now reported at basic prices in 1997 constant dollars. This new format of data is only reported from the year 1997. This shorter period of historical data makes analysis of trends difficult. More recent information on the Transportation Equipment industry is now available in Table 7.1 of this publication, with only some subsectors in the industry being reported (as others are listed as confidential).

The Manitoba economy grew from $27.5 billion in 1997 to $31.8 billion in 2002. Over the same period, the Canadian national economy grew from $817 billion to $993 billion. This represents growth rates of 15.7 percent provincially and 21.6 percent nationally. This slower provincial economy growth rate resulted in Manitoba’s contribution to the Canadian gross domestic product (GDP) declining.

In Manitoba the transportation and warehousing industry GDP expanded by 11.0 percent from 1997 to 2002. The transportation and warehousing industry GDP for Canada increased by 13.7 percent over this same period.

Figure 1.1 charts the annual GDP for all industries as well as the transportation and warehousing industry for Manitoba and Canada for the 1997-2002 period. GDP shows a general positive growth trend for all industries and transportation and warehousing, but the latter contracted slightly in 2001 on both a national and provincial level. It is evident from the chart that the transportation and warehousing industry grew at a higher rate nationally (13.7%) than it did in Manitoba (11.0%).

Figure 1.1 GDP of All Industries and Transportation & Warehousing for Manitoba and Canada*

50,000 1,200,000



1,000,000 ) L

MA 40,000 , L AL

L ) 35,000 A

A W 800,000 D & N

30,000 C ( A M A T 0) MAN - ALL ( 25,000 600,000 0) CD

, MAN - T&W 00 00 20,000 W 0 ' 00 & 400,000 $ CDA - T&W 0

T ( ' 15,000 $ P ( D CDA - ALL P

10,000 G D 200,000 G 5,000 0 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year * Basic prices and in 1997 constant dollars


Figure 1.2 shows the provincial change in GDP of all industries and the transportation and warehousing industry for the 1997-2002 period. Manitoba’s growth rates of 15.7% and 11.0% respectively for all industries and the transportation and warehousing industry, trail respective national growth rates of 21.6% and 13.7%.

Figure 1.2 Percent Growth in GDP of All Industries and Transportation &

Warehousing from 1997 to 2002 by Province

50% 40%


P 20% % Growth in GDP of All Industries

GD from 1997-2002


i 10%

th w 0% % Growth in GDP of Transportation o and Warehousing Industries from Gr -10% A K E I F K A BC AN NT NB NS N T* 1997-2002 % LT AS M O PE YU CD A S QU NW -20%

-30% -40%


The close correlation in performance of the total economy and the transportation sector is notable. Over the 1997-2002 period the highest national GDP growth rate for all industries of 5.61% in 1999 coincides with a 6.26% increase in transportation and warehousing GDP for the same year. Similarly, the lowest growth rate in GDP for all industries of 1.66% in 2001 coincides with a contraction of 1.03% in the transportation and warehousing industry.

Table 1.2 shows the Canadian and Manitoban employment in the various transportation industries. These data are also present in the individual modal chapters. In Canada, truck transport continues to be the largest employer by mode. Railway transport and related services employment in Canada declined every year between 1987 and 1998 (from 79,100 to 48,400), but has increased slightly to end the data at 51,900 in 2000. This represents a total decrease of 34 percent over the period. Air transport employment in Canada increased 54 percent over the review period (1987 to 2000), with a stage of decreasing employment from 1990 to 1993 before again beginning to climb. Canadian pipeline transportation employment also decreased 12 percent over the review period, or 30 percent from its 1990 peak of 9,000 employees to end with 6,700 employees in 2000.

4 Table 1.2 Canada and Manitoba Employment by Transportation Industry (thousands)

Industry 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 CANADA Truck transport 139.4 142.7 150.8 144.9 127.3 127.2 127.7 131.4 135.8 140.7 151.1 153.1 152.9 154.3 Railway transport and related services 79.1 76.3 73.0 68.6 63.9 62.5 59.6 57.3 53.4 50.6 48.6 48.4 50.1 51.9 Air transport 49.2 53.6 58.3 61.0 55.5 52.8 50.5 52.9 53.0 56.0 62.4 69.5 74.0 75.8 Services incidental to air transport 8.1 7.6 7.6 7.2 6.3 5.6 5.8 8.2 7.9 5.4 7.8 8.7 10.1 14.3 Public passenger transit systems 73.9 76.1 79.4 92.1 88.3 89.6 90.3 82.8 76.6 77.5 78.2 80.4 83.2 85.4 Pipeline transport 7.7 8.1 8.4 9.0 8.7 8.9 8.3 8.1 7.9 7.0 7.0 6.6 6.4 6.7 Transportation n.e.c.* 75.1 74.3 79.4 87.2 81.2 79.1 79.7 81.4 80.5 75.1 75.9 76.0 77.2 79.5 Transportation total 455.5 462.1 480.8 490.9 451.1 441.9 440.4 443.1 439.2 434.9 450.8 462.2 475.4 491.4 Transportation equipment manufacturing 212.5 224.1 232.4 221.0 200.2 196.3 196.9 207.8 213.8 223.3 224.1 238.2 246.3 255.5 Transportation and storage 476.5 484.2 504.7 512.4 472.3 464.9 464.2 467.0 463.7 459.3 476.0 488.4 501.4 518.0 Storage and warehousing 13.2 14.0 15.5 12.5 12.5 14.0 15.5 15.8 16.6 17.3 18.2 19.5 19.6 19.8

MANITOBA Truck transport 4.9 5.8 6.9 6.5 6.7 5.9 6.5 7.7 8.1 7.9 8.0 7.4 7.7 7.5 Railway transport and related services 9.6 9.4 9.2 8.6 8.1 7.8 7.5 7.2 N.A. 6.5 6.3 6.0 5.9 5.8 Air transport 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.5 5.0 Support services to air transport N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.1 0.2 N.A. N.A. Public passenger transit systems 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.8 Pipeline transport N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Transportation n.e.c.* 3.5 3.2 3.3 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.9 5.5 Transportation total 23.4 24.1 25.3 24.6 24.0 22.8 23.3 24.1 24.2 23.9 23.9 24.0 25.8 27.0 Transportation equipment manufacturing 6.5 6.7 7.2 7.6 7.0 6.8 6.6 6.8 6.8 7.7 8.7 10.0 10.5 10.4 Transportation and storage 24.6 25.2 26.3 25.7 25.0 24.5 24.9 25.8 26.2 26.6 26.3 26.5 28.3 29.2 Storage and warehousing N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available *n.e.c. is not elsewhere classified

Note that this table uses estimates developed by Statistics Canada. For comparibility, all data is from the same CANSIM matrices.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Annual Estimates of Employment, Earnings and Hours, 1987-1999, 72F0002, Table 1: Estimates of Employment, for All Employees, by Industry, Canada, Provinces, and Territories, pages 5-6, 27. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Truck Transport, CANSIM Label L77017, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Railway Transp. & Related Services, CANSIM Label L77016, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Public Passenger Transit Systems, CANSIM Label L77018, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Air Transport, CANSIM Label L77014, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Services Incidental to Air Transport, CANSIM Label L77015, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Transportation N.E.C., CANSIM Label L77019, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Transportation, CANSIM Label L77013, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Transportation & Storage, CANSIM Label L77012, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Transportation Equipment, CANSIM Label L76988, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Truck Transport, CANSIM Label L57003, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Railway Transp. & Related Services, CANSIM Label L57000, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Public Passenger Transit Systems, CANSIM Label L57000, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Air Transport, CANSIM Label L56998, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Services Incidental to Air Transport, CANSIM Label L56999, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Pipeline Transport, CANSIM Label L57006, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Transportation N.E.S., CANSIM Label L57005, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Transportation, CANSIM Label L56997, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Transportation & Storage, CANSIM Label L56996, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Storage & Warehousing, CANSIM Label L57007, Matrix 04285. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Canada / Transportation Equipment, CANSIM Label L56962, Matrix 04285.

As in Canada, truck transport now employs the most transportation employees by mode in Manitoba, namely 7,500 in 2000, up 54 percent from 1987. Manitoba truck transport employment fluctuated significantly, with a peak of 8,100 in 1995. Railway transport and related services in Manitoba has decreased each year since 1987, with a total decrease of 39 percent over the review period to end at 5,800 in 2000. In 1994, truck transport surpassed railway and related services as the employer of the most in transportation. After a steady decline in employment from 1989 to 1994, air transport has since increased each year to end at 5,000 in 2000, up 63 percent from the 1987 figure of 3,100 and the 1994 review period low of 2,500.

Total transportation employment in Canada increased 8 percent over the 1987 to 2000 period, whereas total transportation employment in Manitoba increased 16 percent over the same period.

5 Table 1.3 shows Manitoba’s total export value by region and country. In 2001, the top five countries that Manitoba exported to were the United States ($7.44 billion), Japan ($437.9 million), Mexico ($164.8 million), China ($147.3 million), and Belgium ($143 million). These top five countries comprise the destination of 89% of all Manitoba exports.

Table 1.3 Manitoba Total Exports by Regions and Major Countries ($'000 000)

Region/Country 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Total Exports 2290.6 2234.9 2603.0 3018.2 2929.6 2969.0 3079.1 3421.1 3676.8 4502.2 5455.5 6219.6 7313.9 8067.0 7981.4 8713.9 9324.4

N. America 1361.5 1310.5 1513.4 1802.1 1872.9 1776.2 1851.0 2095.1 2506.3 3258.1 3957.8 4508.9 5381.6 6068.6 6484.2 6973.5 7438.7 W. Europe 172.0 207.7 242.9 297.5 301.2 243.0 209.7 256.4 284.2 355.9 409.1 376.5 407.8 424.7 303.8 351.5 366.1 E. Europe 216.4 166.8 111.3 131.7 85.8 159.0 231.9 155.5 39.1 7.4 3.6 7.9 5.1 11.1 4.0 4.7 12.4 Mid. East 58.3 53.7 72.1 72.3 104.4 91.2 69.6 63.9 65.9 68.7 84.0 96.9 180.9 59.5 108.6 160.1 126.6 Africa 30.1 16.6 20.2 31.3 23.0 53.7 36.1 45.3 36.5 37.8 57.0 71.0 124.1 68.9 43.0 83.5 61.3 Asia 309.6 289.4 355.2 573.6 430.9 550.1 561.7 639.1 563.7 603.0 759.0 877.0 919.5 1126.6 778.5 838.6 960.5 Oceania 21.9 7.2 4.5 14.0 19.5 9.7 5.4 6.0 8.2 10.2 12.1 14.0 33.7 28.4 25.8 32.8 48.3 S. America 48.8 40.3 51.2 40.0 34.5 45.5 76.0 109.5 95.4 82.6 79.4 160.7 135.4 98.5 82.7 109.3 105.0 C. America 41.0 69.3 61.4 55.7 57.3 40.6 37.7 50.3 77.6 78.4 92.8 106.5 125.7 180.9 150.6 160.0 205.5

USA 1361.4 1310.1 1513.2 1802.1 1872.9 1775.2 1851.0 2095.1 2506.2 3257.7 3957.0 4508.7 5381.5 6068.5 6484.0 6973.4 7438.6 UK 53.4 51.9 39.4 58.0 65.3 53.9 46.2 58.0 45.3 38.2 46.2 85.9 78.6 108.7 66.7 61.4 53.7 Belgium 11.1 13.3 20.8 75.9 132.5 94.0 82.7 89.7 110.2 132.5 181.6 129.6 149.5 119.1 87.6 127.5 143.0 Netherlands N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 12.3 14.1 21.4 23.7 30.2 36.8 27.2 33.9 52.1 30.8 18.9 20.9 Spain N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3.6 5.1 18.7 30.9 44.2 25.9 17.8 43.8 33.1 28.8 24.9 31.7 Germany 79.3 80.3 75.7 74.9 32.2 27.5 20.1 18.7 25.4 41.9 43.7 37.2 38.5 27.4 23.6 21.2 19.1 France 11.8 18.8 19.2 16.6 16.6 15.5 14.9 17.2 23.2 32.9 31.8 16.6 12.0 20.3 19.5 33.7 38.4 Italy 7.3 11.2 12.9 13.6 19.4 15.2 11.5 12.6 10.3 9.6 16.1 20.2 25.3 23.3 15.2 17.2 17.4 USSR/Russia 185.2 139.5 96.0 126.8 76.8 153.9 222.5 152.4 16.3 1.3 1.1 1.8 2.3 0.6 0.4 2.3 8.6 Saudi Arabia 12.9 15.2 26.0 12.5 24.3 21.1 14.4 4.6 19.3 4.5 6.1 18.7 22.2 2.3 1.1 5.9 2.9 Iran 0.0 0.0 15.6 15.9 31.9 37.0 40.9 43.1 22.4 50.2 65.1 62.1 115.7 24.8 64.9 95.3 71.4 Algeria 21.4 4.8 11.0 18.7 8.7 19.2 13.8 15.8 13.3 21.1 18.4 14.7 35.8 13.8 10.9 8.4 5.2 Japan 185.2 174.1 165.5 208.7 243.9 245.1 218.7 239.8 274.1 255.2 351.9 364.2 435.9 403.5 378.1 364.9 437.9 Hong Kong N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 7.3 9.9 25.1 16.2 20.4 14.9 31.3 26.9 231.8 47.6 146.7 131.8 Taiwan N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 42.1 35.0 45.3 30.7 29.0 37.5 47.9 47.4 64.4 33.7 55.2 52.1 China 56.5 61.3 111.2 250.2 73.7 167.8 182.6 210.0 96.9 125.1 244.7 243.8 147.6 228.3 171.8 107.5 147.3 S. Korea 4.4 15.8 25.3 11.6 17.4 17.3 35.2 26.5 78.5 90.1 28.1 53.3 80.9 21.2 21.0 34.5 33.4 Indonesia 8.4 6.7 6.8 22.9 12.5 12.9 17.2 26.5 26.0 19.8 22.2 66.2 71.9 37.2 19.9 29.1 25.5 India 32.1 10.4 1.7 18.4 1.7 3.7 3.7 22.3 10.7 10.2 4.2 7.3 22.3 16.8 21.8 3.1 33.3 Mexico 10.1 19.3 20.4 22.3 24.4 13.1 15.5 32.3 51.8 60.4 71.1 87.2 93.3 141.1 104.3 126.5 164.8 Cuba 22.0 38.9 29.1 22.1 15.9 13.8 10.5 5.9 11.8 5.0 7.4 2.9 13.4 11.0 20.0 6.8 13.5 Brazil 28.5 24.8 26.0 11.7 15.2 12.7 34.7 49.0 47.9 38.8 34.7 60.1 35.7 19.0 11.7 9.5 6.5 Venezuela 18.4 4.9 9.5 14.5 6.2 14.3 20.9 14.4 8.6 8.0 13.4 29.3 25.5 22.3 25.5 23.3 33.4 Chile N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.1 3.0 5.5 7.1 9.5 8.8 25.2 11.0 5.3 7.2 9.3 4.8 Columbia N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 11.2 8.7 15.8 14.7 11.1 15.5 32.4 29.6 25.3 19.0 22.2 30.3

N.A. = not available

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 5: Manitoba Exports by Region and Selected Country 1993-2001, page 6. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 5: Manitoba Exports by Region and Selected Country 1992-2000, pages 5-6.

Table 1.4 shows Manitoba’s total import value by region and country. It is notable that in recent years (2000 and 2001), the United Kingdom has fallen out of the top five countries of import. As well, imports from Mexico have placed it in the top five since 1997.

The 4.7% decrease in total Manitoba imports from 1998 to 1999 rebounded with a 14.4% increase in 2000 (or 9% gain to 1998) and then another 3.9% increase in 2001 over the prior year. Again, note that total imports decreased in 1999 but then continued to rise in 2000 and 2001.

6 Table 1.4 Manitoba Total Imports by Regions and Major Countries ($'000 000)

Region/Country 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Total 3211.9 3116.0 3440.3 4165.3 5229.4 6015.6 6235.7 7540.5 8643.0 8235.3 9423.8 9789.8

N. America 2762.6 2648.8 2941.6 3642.3 4592.6 5247.4 5397.7 6415.0 7447.4 7140.7 8092.1 8399.2 W. Europe 183.3 206.9 205.9 209.4 256.5 358.6 429.9 435.0 553.2 462.4 489.8 501.0 E. Europe 1.7 2.5 5.0 6.4 8.0 8.4 8.7 13.1 11.9 7.7 11.4 14.0 Mid. East 2.9 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.2 5.4 6.1 4.2 8.6 7.0 7.5 13.2 Africa 0.4 0.3 0.8 1.1 4.7 3.5 3.8 6.7 8.0 7.9 5.6 8.8 Asia 220.5 212.3 228.2 237.1 269.1 276.8 282.3 355.0 406.7 413.6 559.2 574.9 Oceania 3.9 2.9 6.4 8.9 9.5 11.0 11.7 9.2 23.4 25.9 25.9 17.5 S. America 16.1 24.5 29.5 30.2 52.1 60.8 40.8 57.4 57.3 58.5 80.5 80.6 C. America 20.7 15.6 20.4 27.2 33.7 43.6 54.6 244.8 126.7 111.7 151.6 180.5

USA 2762.6 2648.8 2941.6 3642.3 4592.6 5247.4 5397.6 6415.0 7447.4 7140.7 8092.1 8399.2 UK 51.9 71.2 62.6 64.3 76.5 96.0 95.1 114.0 188.2 115.4 87.5 106.3 Belgium 1.5 1.5 4.0 3.9 4.7 7.3 9.3 7.8 15.0 11.3 8.8 7.2 Netherlands 7.1 7.4 6.5 9.7 7.8 14.6 16.4 14.6 14.0 22.4 17.8 18.9 Spain 1.6 1.8 2.5 3.1 3.6 4.8 4.8 6.8 12.0 8.8 7.6 15.7 Germany 45.2 48.6 47.8 52.8 73.3 103.6 134.5 107.4 104.4 100.1 145.5 125.0 France 31.7 39.2 44.4 25.6 19.6 21.6 27.1 72.3 66.4 41.9 53.4 63.1 Italy 19.8 17.6 20.8 22.0 28.9 59.2 95.2 53.7 87.4 82.6 83.0 80.0 South Africa 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 2.2 2.8 3.2 4.0 6.0 6.7 4.6 6.6 Israel 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.5 2.4 3.6 2.1 5.1 4.6 5.3 9.7 USSR/Russia 0.1 0.4 1.5 0.7 0.5 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.0 1.5 1.3 Japan 98.6 79.7 82.0 85.1 85.2 71.8 84.6 107.5 100.2 90.4 179.7 151.4 Hong Kong 15.0 19.9 24.2 25.1 24.8 27.0 22.5 22.2 24.1 21.7 21.8 22.6 Taiwan 27.8 34.4 35.6 36.2 38.9 44.1 38.7 44.5 52.1 53.1 63.4 68.2 China 20.8 21.3 31.0 33.3 46.6 52.9 58.7 84.4 116.1 130.4 161.8 190.3 Singapore 1.4 8.6 2.5 1.6 8.3 10.5 11.7 16.2 18.4 8.1 5.7 6.3 S. Korea 38.7 30.5 32.6 29.6 30.1 29.2 24.4 24.8 26.7 29.5 43.4 42.7 Indonesia 2.5 2.0 2.0 4.9 6.2 6.7 5.3 6.1 8.9 12.8 17.2 24.1 India 0.9 1.4 2.1 1.5 2.5 6.7 9.9 9.8 14.4 17.7 21.5 22.9 Australia 2.3 1.6 3.4 6.3 6.7 7.4 8.4 5.0 19.4 20.6 23.2 14.0 Mexico 15.6 12.7 16.0 20.7 22.8 32.0 47.7 234.8 117.4 104.4 143.4 169.2 Brazil 4.4 5.8 9.0 8.6 18.4 24.6 6.2 7.7 7.4 13.1 31.9 32.9 Venezuela 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 8.9 0.7 1.2 1.0 1.2 Chile 3.8 3.8 3.3 3.8 3.9 3.7 4.3 3.8 4.4 6.6 7.7 9.0 Columbia 3.6 4.1 6.9 9.4 17.0 15.7 11.2 14.4 15.7 10.0 10.4 11.3

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 8: Manitoba Imports by Region and Selected Country 1993-2001, pages 11-12. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 8: Manitoba Imports by Region and Selected Country 1992-2000, pages 11-12.

Figures 1.3 and 1.4 illustrate the dominant and growing importance of North American (mostly the United States) trade for Manitoba.

A breakdown of Manitoba exports and imports by US State is presented in Appendix VI.

7 Figure 1.3 Manitoba Total Exports by Region


9000.0 C. America S. America 8000.0

000) Oceania 7000.0 Africa '000 6000.0 $ Asia e ( 5000.0 u Mid. East 4000.0 Val s

t E. Europe 3000.0 W. Europe

Expor 2000.0 N. America 1000.0


4 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 199 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

Figure 1.4 Manitoba Total Imports by Region

12000.0 C. America

) S. America 0 10000.0

00 Oceania

00 8000.0

0 Asia ' $ Africa e ( 6000.0 u l

a Mid. East V

t 4000.0

r E. Europe o

p W. Europe

m 2000.0 I N. America 0.0

992 993 994 995 1990 1991 1 1 1 1 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

Trends in trade with Asia are also of interest. Second to North America, Asia holds the largest share of exports from Manitoba (2001: $960.5 million). Japan is the major importer of Manitoba goods (2001: $437.9 million) at 46 percent of Asian imports and 4.7 percent of total Manitoban exports.

8 On the import side, Asia (2001: $574.9 million) has moved into second place after North America (2001: $8.4 billion) in 2000 and 2001. Prior to 2000, Western Europe occupied second place. Although imports from Western Europe have grown in the past few years, Asian imports have grown substantially more. This makes Asia the primary region of growth of imports to Manitoba since 1999. In 1999, Asian imports to Manitoba were $413.6 million and in 2001 they were $574.9 million, an increase of 39% in two years.

Table 1.5 shows the value of agricultural exports from Manitoba by region and country.

Table 1.5 Manitoba Agricultural Exports By Regions and Major Countries ($'000 000)

Region/Country 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Total 850.4 793.4 834.4 1039.4 850.2 1120.3 1190.3 1266.8 1205.6 1274.0 1463.5 1720.0 1987.7 1764.3 1585.3 1615.8 1856.8

N. America 146.4 107.8 119.7 169.5 161.6 266.8 261.9 340.0 400.6 394.8 435.9 618.7 735.7 698.6 635.7 702.1 857.6 W. Europe 121.9 129.6 138.2 154.6 124.8 92.8 83.6 99.6 147.8 229.7 236.5 186.6 222.8 226.5 165.6 144.8 161.5 E. Europe 207.3 166.3 110.4 131.4 83.5 154.8 228.1 152.5 36.3 2.5 0.7 4.7 3.0 5.8 2.0 0.8 1.8 Mid. East 46.9 50.4 69.7 62.5 99.7 82.8 65.2 52.2 53.2 63.9 72.1 87.6 168.3 51.4 90.3 138.5 110.1 Africa 18.5 14.6 15.5 25.8 16.9 49.8 31.3 32.9 29.4 30.2 46.5 33.3 80.3 73.2 42.0 57.9 56.4 Asia 237.8 237.2 286.7 432.1 306.7 411.1 425.2 468.7 402.6 415.9 533.0 557.0 534.7 480.1 448.0 366.4 445.3 Oceania 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.7 1.2 1.9 1.7 3.1 13.8 3.6 3.3 1.5 2.2 S. America 41.6 35.6 42.6 23.0 21.2 38.9 64.7 84.5 82.1 74.4 66.6 148.1 125.5 95.8 76.0 85.3 89.6 C. America 29.4 51.8 51.6 40.4 35.8 22.7 24.8 35.7 52.3 60.5 68.6 81.0 103.5 129.5 122.4 118.4 132.2

USA 146.4 107.8 119.7 169.5 161.6 266.8 261.9 340.0 400.6 394.8 435.9 618.7 735.7 698.6 635.7 702.1 857.6 UK 28.7 24.4 20.0 23.8 17.9 15.7 13.5 9.8 13.0 14.1 16.0 15.9 19.0 24.1 43.5 43.4 59.8 Belgium 9.5 12.7 19.5 26.1 60.0 29.2 30.4 33.5 59.5 87.4 102.6 71.2 84.4 68.5 43.5 43.4 59.8 Netherlands N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 21.4 24.3 35.7 21.3 13.3 16.8 Spain N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A. Italy 5.9 9.6 10.2 11.2 15.2 13.4 9.4 11.0 8.3 8.5 14.3 18.6 24.2 23.0 14.2 14.5 12.8 Germany 72.9 62.9 48.0 60.1 12.8 13.2 6.5 8.7 14.3 26.7 31.0 30.1 17.6 18.2 12.6 12.0 7.0 USSR/Russia 185.2 139.5 96.0 126.8 75.9 151.4 222.3 151.5 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 Saudi Arabia 8.4 14.7 25.7 12.3 23.9 20.0 13.9 4.2 18.4 4.3 2.4 15.1 21.1 1.6 0.7 3.1 2.4 Iran 0.0 0.0 15.6 15.9 31.9 33.4 40.1 42.1 21.2 48.2 63.1 59.9 112.8 27.6 57.3 94.5 69.9 Algeria 11.5 4.8 10.1 17.1 7.9 18.2 11.1 13.2 11.0 18.9 18.4 14.7 35.5 14.6 14.9 7.9 5.0 Japan 155.8 141.0 128.1 157.8 190.3 186.3 166.4 175.6 208.0 177.9 263.2 247.4 286.8 236.3 237.3 176.7 194.0 China 55.4 59.7 104.8 241.0 69.4 167.7 180.9 207.9 88.5 104.9 216.8 178.0 71.7 155.0 132.4 91.5 119.1 S. Korea 2.4 14.3 23.1 1.9 3.6 5.4 24.3 14.6 66.9 77.2 8.7 35.6 38.2 6.9 6.5 10.4 14.0 Indonesia 8.1 5.6 3.3 8.0 12.0 9.4 12.9 23.9 21.3 16.6 17.7 61.5 61.2 41.1 21.3 26.5 23.6 Mexico 3.6 11.2 18.5 15.0 12.6 2.5 7.0 23.1 38.3 49.0 58.4 69.9 78.5 101.1 81.3 95.0 108.4 Cuba 21.8 36.6 29.0 21.7 15.6 13.5 10.2 4.7 4.8 4.6 7.2 2.3 12.8 9.4 18.7 4.9 5.8 Brazil 23.4 22.6 19.7 0.2 8.6 11.7 29.2 40.8 43.7 37.2 32.1 53.7 33.9 18.1 9.7 7.8 4.6 Venezuela 17.6 4.3 7.6 13.3 4.9 13.2 18.7 12.1 6.9 6.0 10.0 26.7 23.0 21.8 24.1 21.4 29.0 Chile N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 24.5 10.0 3.9 5.9 7.3 3.6 Columbia N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9.7 7.6 14.1 14.0 10.3 13.2 31.4 28.1 26.7 17.4 19.6 24.8

N.A. = not available

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 6: Manitoba Agricultural Exports by Region and Selected Country 1993-2001, page 7-8. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 6: Manitoba Agricultural Exports by Region and Selected Country 1992-2000, pages 7-8.

9 Table 1.6 shows non-agricultural export values from Manitoba by region and country.

Table 1.6 Manitoba Non-Agricultural Exports by Regions and Major Countries ($'000 000)

Region/Country 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Total 1440.2 1441.5 1773.6 1978.8 2079.3 1848.7 1888.8 2154.3 2471.2 3228.2 3991.3 4496.0 5294.0 6211.9 6464.1 7098.1 7467.6

N. America 1215.0 1202.3 1393.6 1632.5 1711.4 1509.4 1584.0 1775.1 2105.6 2863.3 3522.1 3889.4 4627.1 5364.1 5859.8 6271.3 6581.0 W. Europe 50.0 78.2 104.7 142.9 176.4 150.2 126.1 156.9 136.4 126.1 171.0 187.2 181.6 211.0 143.6 206.7 204.6 E. Europe Mis. East 11.3 3.4 2.4 9.7 4.8 8.4 4.4 11.7 12.6 4.8 11.9 9.2 10.2 12.6 13.4 21.5 16.5 Africa 11.5 1.9 4.7 5.5 6.0 3.9 4.7 12.4 7.1 7.6 10.4 37.8 42.9 8.5 7.6 25.6 4.9 Asia 71.8 52.2 68.5 141.6 124.3 138.9 136.6 170.3 161.1 187.1 226.0 320.0 381.0 539.6 369.7 472.2 515.2 Oceania 21.5 7.2 4.5 13.9 19.3 9.1 5.0 5.3 6.9 8.3 10.3 10.9 19.8 24.8 22.8 31.2 46.1 S. America 7.1 4.6 8.6 17.0 13.3 6.6 11.3 25.1 13.3 8.2 12.4 12.7 7.9 10.9 13.4 24.0 15.4 C. America 11.6 17.5 9.8 15.3 21.5 17.9 13.0 14.6 25.3 17.9 24.3 25.6 21.4 34.8 31.5 41.6 73.3

USA 1215.2 1202.7 1393.7 1632.5 1711.4 1509.4 1584.0 1775.1 2105.6 2862.9 3521.2 3889.2 4627.0 5364.0 5859.6 6271.3 6580.9 UK 24.8 27.5 19.4 34.3 19.1 38.2 32.8 48.2 32.3 24.0 30.3 70.0 59.3 86.8 37.0 41.5 35.4 Belgium 1.6 0.7 1.3 49.8 72.4 64.8 52.3 56.1 50.7 45.1 77.7 57.9 64.0 55.4 44.7 84.1 83.2 France 8.1 15.0 15.2 12.9 12.6 11.9 10.9 13.8 10.2 7.9 20.2 14.0 11.2 19.0 17.5 31.0 34.9 Netherlands N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3.8 9.5 18.9 9.8 5.6 4.1 Germany 6.4 17.4 27.6 14.7 19.4 15.7 13.6 10.1 11.1 15.2 12.4 7.2 18.9 9.9 11.0 9.3 12.1 USSR/Russia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2.5 0.2 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 2.3 8.2 Saudi Arabia Iran Algeria 9.9 0.0 0.9 1.6 0.9 0.9 2.7 2.6 2.2 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 Japan 29.4 33.1 37.5 50.9 53.6 58.9 52.4 64.3 66.1 77.3 88.7 116.8 148.4 139.8 141.0 188.1 243.9 Hong Kong N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.5 8.6 24.6 15.8 20.0 14.6 30.8 26.7 181.5 55.4 146.7 131.7 Taiwan N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 35.8 30.2 40.7 29.7 27.6 34.0 45.7 45.8 64.0 32.3 53.8 51.8 China 1.1 1.6 6.4 9.2 4.3 0.1 1.7 2.1 8.4 20.2 27.8 65.8 75.3 55.7 37.5 16.0 28.2 S. Korea 1.9 1.5 2.3 9.7 13.9 11.8 10.9 11.9 11.6 13.0 19.3 17.8 42.2 11.9 17.0 24.1 19.4 Indonesia N.A. N.A. N.A. 14.8 0.5 3.5 4.2 2.6 4.7 3.3 4.5 4.6 9.9 0.3 0.7 2.7 2.0 India 30.5 9.6 0.4 16.4 0.7 2.2 2.3 2.3 6.0 1.0 2.8 7.3 6.7 15.5 42.0 0.5 0.6 Australia N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. South Africa N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9.6 4.8 2.0 3.8 5.1 2.3 Mexico 6.5 8.1 1.9 7.3 11.9 10.6 8.5 9.2 13.5 11.4 12.9 17.3 14.2 21.4 24.2 31.5 56.4 Brazil Venezuela N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.6 2.5 2.2 3.7 1.9 4.4 Chile N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.7 0.9 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.2 Columbia N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.9 0.9 1.0 2.8 2.5 5.5

N.A. = not available

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 7: Manitoba Non-Agricultural Exports by Region and Selected Country 1993-2001, page 9-10. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 7: Manitoba Non-Agricultural Exports by Region and Selected Country 1992-2000, pages 9-10.

10 Table 1.7 illustrates Manitoba’s total export revenue for goods (2001: $9.3 billion) by industry. In 2001 the manufacturing industry was the largest contributor to export earnings at $6 billion, followed by agriculture at $1.86 billion, mining at $703.7 million and the electric power industry at $478.4 million. Data on service exports are not available. This is unfortunate because transportation services are a significant source of export earnings for Manitoba.

Table 1.7 Manitoba Exports by Industry ($'000 000)

Industry 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Agriculture 850.2 1120.3 1190.3 1266.8 1205.6 1274.0 1463.5 1723.6 2019.1 1773.7 1552.2 1615.8 1856.8 Forestry 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.9 2.0 1.7 Fishing, Hunting and Trapping 11.2 9.4 9.0 6.9 5.8 6.6 7.2 6.5 6.8 6.1 9.5 8.7 9.1 Mining 72.7 105.1 90.9 124.0 138.0 270.5 395.5 527.9 472.2 347.6 540.1 629.2 703.7 Metal Mines 12.5 14.4 10.2 6.4 5.2 19.3 6.1 12.4 7.0 10.9 10.4 10.8 15.5 Mineral Fuels 32.1 83.9 60.2 91.3 106.8 222.8 369.0 494.4 438.5 311.2 505.1 596.0 664.1 Non-Metal Mines 27.7 5.6 19.1 25.6 25.4 27.0 19.8 20.5 25.7 24.7 24.0 21.9 23.6 Quarries and Sandpits 0.3 1.2 1.3 0.7 0.6 1.7 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.5 Manufacturing Industry 1710.6 1467.1 1517.8 1859.2 2041.4 2565.1 3158.3 3513.9 4343.2 5404.9 5312.7 5758.7 6007.1 Food Industries 209.2 215.2 223.4 274.8 287.3 328.0 380.9 544.6 665.0 1040.5 799.3 842.0 974.1 Beverage Industries 8.7 0.7 1.3 3.2 4.0 4.3 4.3 2.4 0.9 2.5 4.3 4.7 3.8 Tobacco Products Industries 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Rubber Products Industries 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 2.0 2.6 2.6 3.8 5.5 6.1 6.3 7.4 7.6 Plastics Products Industries 42.9 39.5 39.7 45.5 52.8 73.9 87.4 98.7 109.8 137.4 170.0 178.5 210.5 Leather and Allied Products 7.0 15.6 15.9 24.4 20.9 34.2 36.8 33.7 31.6 25.8 27.0 22.5 13.2 Primary Textile Industries 0.6 0.9 1.5 3.6 3.1 3.3 3.6 4.4 8.3 7.4 5.1 5.1 6.3 Textile Products Industries 2.2 1.7 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.7 7.1 7.2 9.9 22.2 34.1 19.3 Clothing Industries 5.9 9.6 10.5 26.6 41.6 54.1 64.1 73.8 101.5 119.2 130.4 154.0 130.9 Wood Industry 81.4 87.4 76.5 89.3 139.1 157.8 184.6 207.1 266.8 351.8 505.6 540.8 531.4 Furniture and Fixtures Industries 17.2 16.7 20.1 34.7 48.3 59.8 79.9 102.7 132.1 131.1 128.0 158.2 171.5 Paper and Allied Products 145.5 123.9 100.2 93.1 91.1 153.2 265.1 235.1 237.4 236.2 240.9 268.6 254.9 Printing and Publishing Industries 14.3 12.5 14.9 15.5 22.3 33.0 44.1 46.5 65.3 92.9 101.4 124.8 165.5 Primary Metal Industries 344.0 154.8 143.8 278.9 226.6 239.2 412.9 358.6 551.5 716.0 608.1 745.8 803.5 Fabricated Metals Industries 21.7 25.7 25.5 15.9 21.2 32.3 42.8 57.8 63.8 76.6 72.0 95.1 126.1 Machinery Industries 261.6 194.4 157.4 168.9 280.9 497.0 627.2 625.2 766.1 718.4 503.9 584.8 535.9 Transport Equipment Industries 274.0 280.5 293.8 359.8 393.0 497.6 569.3 636.2 749.7 1048.1 1229.6 1052.9 1139.7 Electric and Electronic Products 177.6 111.2 222.3 209.1 194.9 181.1 170.5 232.4 296.5 303.7 235.7 274.7 273.8 Non-Metallic Mineral Products 7.7 8.8 4.8 5.2 5.0 12.4 18.1 22.3 24.5 34.6 44.5 22.4 16.2 Refined Petroleum and Coal Industries 44.5 82.0 69.7 83.7 69.1 50.0 55.9 67.4 85.9 65.3 88.5 205.8 118.7 Chemical and Products Industries 35.9 57.0 66.7 88.3 93.4 92.3 65.7 116.3 131.1 232.0 333.6 359.2 418.1 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries 7.3 28.1 27.6 35.4 42.2 56.9 39.7 37.7 42.6 49.3 56.4 77.4 86.2 Electric Power Industry 24.5 33.9 57.3 96.2 203.9 280.7 279.9 284.8 309.8 356.2 343.0 442.7 478.2 Trade 36.3 39.3 38.1 32.8 33.3 43.9 59.1 74.6 72.2 75.7 66.7 68.5 59.7 Wholesale Trade 36.2 39.3 38.0 30.1 28.8 41.9 57.2 72.0 70.9 75.7 66.7 68.5 59.7 Retail Trade 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.6 4.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 Miscellaneous Industries 24.5 7.9 13.1 12.7 22.0 25.3 54.8 45.9 40.9 25.0 50.5 64.8 84.9 Confidential and Low Value Exports 199.1 185.5 162.3 22.3 26.5 35.3 37.1 42.3 49.5 77.2 105.7 123.5 123.1

Total Exports 2929.6 2969.0 3079.1 3421.1 3676.8 4502.2 5455.5 6219.6 7313.9 8067.0 7981.4 8713.9 9324.4

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 13: Manitoba Exports by Industry 1993-2001, page 25. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 13: Manitoba Exports by Industry 1992-2000, page 23.

11 Trends in Manitoba export revenues by industry are shown in Figure 1.5. All major exporting industries show annual increases after any declines experienced in the late 1990’s. Agriculture experienced the most significant decline in 1999 and did not fully recover to previous levels as of 2001.

Figure 1.5 Manitoba Exports by Industry


9000.0 0) 8000.0 00

00 7000.0

'0 Agriculture $ 6000.0 y ( Mining r t 5000.0 Manufacturing Industry dus n

I 4000.0 Electric Power Industry

by 3000.0 s

t Total Exports 2000.0 por

Ex 1000.0


9 1 2 4 5 7 8 1 8 90 9 9 93 9 9 96 9 9 99 00 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 1 19 1 1 19 19 1 19 19 1 19 20 2 Year

12 Table 1.8 illustrates the total import payments for Manitoba (2001: $9.79 billion) by industry. The leading importing industry or 2001 (by value) was manufacturing at $9.3 billion, followed by agriculture at $231.3 million.

Table 1.8 Manitoba Imports by Industry ($'000 000)

Industry # 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Agriculture 104.3 98.3 108.0 129.0 144.4 160.3 135.1 136.0 182.0 222.5 193.4 231.3 Forestry 2.0 1.8 0.5 1.2 2.5 2.4 1.0 0.6 4.1 5.9 2.7 0.9 Fishing, Hunting and Trapping 10.4 4.1 7.0 7.7 11.4 10.8 13.1 14.4 26.3 12.8 6.5 9.0 Mining 27.7 45.6 36.0 41.0 55.4 78.5 37.2 36.8 43.5 47.6 44.9 36.4 Metal Mines 24.6 43.4 31.9 36.2 51.1 74.0 32.8 30.1 32.9 36.7 25.0 5.6 Mineral Fuels 0.9 0.1 0.2 1.6 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.8 4.2 4.2 13.1 23.2 Non-Metal Mines 1.4 1.5 3.0 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.3 2.8 3.7 4.2 4.1 4.1 Quarries and Sandpits 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.6 2.1 2.7 2.5 2.7 3.6 Manufacturing Industry 2919.8 2800.0 3093.2 3814.9 4831.2 5577.6 5822.2 7170.8 8220.4 7770.6 8988.8 9291.9 Food Industries 169.0 163.3 178.0 208.7 256.1 297.6 327.6 383.3 411.3 408.3 438.1 460.3 Beverage Industries 14.3 13.7 15.4 15.5 17.7 23.2 18.2 20.0 22.2 26.9 26.0 28.8 Tobacco Products Industries 2.8 4.2 4.6 5.4 9.6 10.8 11.4 4.6 0.6 1.1 0.2 0.2 Rubber Products Industries 50.3 37.9 47.3 73.7 116.0 150.3 153.6 179.8 202.3 193.4 204.2 197.5 Plastics Products Industries 69.7 63.8 68.3 78.4 104.7 122.6 134.8 180.5 175.3 195.3 245.2 251.1 Leather and Allied Products 15.8 20.8 28.2 28.6 34.7 42.6 42.5 58.3 80.9 82.4 122.5 113.3 Primary Textile Industries 29.5 33.0 44.7 49.9 59.2 77.1 72.8 83.5 90.4 92.3 95.1 90.5 Textile Products Industries 22.4 30.1 39.3 43.5 43.4 48.1 61.7 89.3 107.8 119.7 149.4 152.7 Clothing Industries 79.1 67.6 87.7 87.4 97.3 107.7 108.2 113.3 136.6 142.5 166.3 188.1 Wood Industry 37.1 35.0 43.1 52.3 60.4 47.8 57.3 74.9 73.2 77.4 91.9 96.8 Furniture and Fixtures Industries 25.1 35.8 41.0 56.9 76.5 74.0 66.4 89.7 121.9 118 154.1 167.6 Paper and Allied Products 87.0 89.8 103.6 115.5 140.7 157.7 157.2 174.3 199.8 254.3 263.9 269.8 Printing and Publishing Industries 121.0 136.3 152.6 169.8 180.4 227.3 233.1 252.6 274.9 282.7 284.0 305.1 Primary Metal Industries 82.1 70.1 68.7 84.3 109.4 143.0 145.4 215.9 271.1 180.5 278.9 267.5 Fabricated Metals Industries 124.2 133.9 138.7 182.5 227.9 251.4 302.0 362.0 555.4 515.1 592.9 683.4 Machinery Industries 671.8 575.6 652.9 851.6 1088.8 1235.0 1362.1 1731.6 1839.5 1594.4 1936.3 1951.0 Transport Equipment Industries 570.8 563.4 614.1 763.2 1145.7 1343.8 1228.0 1584.2 1681.5 1481.5 1475.8 1583.8 Electric and Electronic Products 305.3 310.1 334.2 405.4 407.9 420.3 477.7 547.7 680.4 727.9 981.5 889.8 Non-Metallic Mineral Products 35.2 35.2 42.7 47.1 51.1 51.8 62.2 80.6 105.4 110.4 128.4 130.1 Refined Petroleum and Coal Industries 6.2 7.9 8.9 18.4 30.8 36.9 38.0 61.3 42.6 44 25.6 28.2 Chemical and Products Industries 297.6 259.3 232.3 292.5 360.4 482.0 538.0 612.9 834.9 773.8 849.9 925.9 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries 103.4 113.1 146.8 184.4 212.6 226.4 223.9 270.4 312.4 348.8 478.5 510.4 Electric Power Industry 13.8 3.5 0.1 9.7 2.6 1.3 4.1 1.1 29.3 29.5 22.1 32.6 Trade 11.2 9.3 15.3 28.8 32.7 34.5 36.0 43.4 32.6 41.3 41.7 47.5 Wholesale Trade 11.0 9.1 14.8 28.4 32.4 34.2 35.8 43.0 32.6 41.2 41.3 46.8 Retail Trade 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.7 Miscellaneous Industries 15.2 21.3 24.9 42.7 61.9 64.4 76.5 85.3 86.4 90.8 108.1 104.8 Confidential and Low Value Imports 107.5 132.3 155.4 90.2 87.1 85.9 110.6 52.0 18.4 14.4 15.7 35.4

Total Imports 3194.3 3082.5 3410.4 4116.7 5162.5 6015.6 6235.7 7540.5 8643.0 8235.3 9423.8 9789.8

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 14: Manitoba Imports by Industry 1993-2001, page 26. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 14: Manitoba Imports by Industry 1992-2000, page 24.

As of 1992 imports rose sharply, notably in the manufacturing industry category. Total imports were on a steady rise (with the exception of a drop in 1999) and continued increasing into 2001.

In Figure 1.6 the high contribution of manufacturing industry imports to total import payments is illustrated.

13 Figure 1.6 Manitoba Imports by Industry

12000.0 ) 10000.0 000 0

'00 8000.0 $ (


r Manufacturing Industry 6000.0 Total Imports

dust Agriculture n

4000.0 s by I t

por 2000.0 m I

0.0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

Very few goods in the agricultural sector category were imported compared to the manufacturing sector. Payments for agricultural imports in 2001 totaled $231.3 million. Given the modest rise in imports of agricultural goods compared to manufacturing goods, agriculture’s share of total imports has steadily declined (1990: 3.27%; 2001: 2.36%) over this period while the share of manufacturing goods has increased (1990: 91%; 2001: 95%).

14 The nominal value (not deflated) of Manitoba export revenues by section and chapter are shown in Table 1.9. Total export earnings grew significantly from $2.97 billion in 1990 to $9.32 billion in 2001. This is an increase of 214 percent over the twelve-year period. The drop in export earnings in 1999 was the only annual drop over the cited period.

Table 1.9 Manitoba Exports By Section and Chapter ($'000 000)

Commodity Group 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

I Live Animals, Animal Products 283.9 281.1 322.5 357.4 322.5 368.3 496.2 618.4 673.3 667.6 883.8 1132.3 01 Live Animals 166.5 179.1 222.3 234.0 187.0 224.3 356.5 405.1 414.3 362.6 413.1 528.3 02 Meat and edible meat offal 57.0 41.4 43.8 71.1 87.3 85.8 83.0 156.7 192.5 228.6 386.9 509.3 03 Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 47.5 46.9 42.3 33.1 34.6 38.0 39.0 37.7 43.9 46.9 52.3 57.0 04 Dairy produce, eggs, honey, edible products of animal origin, nes 10.5 11.7 12.1 17.9 12.1 19.3 14.7 16.4 19.4 23.6 25.4 28.8 II Vegetable Products 960.2 1021.4 1062.1 992.9 1131.2 1282.6 1418.7 1664.4 1403.3 1238.0 1245.0 1392.8 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 52.8 52.0 68.9 72.9 118.6 90.0 94.3 115.6 100.2 124.5 125.7 166.4 10 Cereals 688.2 780.7 764.7 594.4 548.2 625.2 845.1 991.9 574.2 532.1 656.2 702.2 11 Products of the milling industry, malt, starches, inulin, wheat gluten 10.6 14.5 20.0 21.4 40.2 39.3 44.6 48.7 47.1 55.6 55.1 74.7 12 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, misc. grains, seeds and fruit, straw 208.2 173.6 207.3 300.4 417.2 515.8 422.3 500.1 673.7 518.9 403.5 445.6 III Animal and Vegetable Fats, Oils, and Waxes 63.2 77.1 94.1 66.9 64.8 110.3 227.3 210.0 497.3 212.5 132.7 94.3 IV Prepared Foodstuffs, Beverage, Spirits and Tobacco 31.7 35.2 64.7 80.3 90.7 89.9 128.6 191.8 239.9 234.2 198.3 211.2 17 Sugar and sugar confectionary 0.2 2.6 19.7 12.5 29.6 13.2 6.3 1.4 0.8 0.6 1.1 1.4 19 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk, pastrycooks' products 1.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.5 1.6 5.2 7.1 10.5 9.9 6.8 11.0 20 Preparations of vegetables, fruits, nuts and other parts of plants 4.7 1.2 1.0 8.1 2.8 10.7 35.9 87.5 140.5 143.6 127.8 142.4 23 Residue and waste from food ind., prepared animal fodder 22.8 28.5 38.7 53.5 52.4 57.6 77.2 89.6 73.5 55.4 38.6 36.9 V Mineral Products 223.0 219.5 306.0 412.4 606.4 736.0 884.7 872.6 774.1 976.4 1281.2 1301.0 25 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plaster, lime and cement 4.8 5.5 8.5 7.5 12.3 10.1 8.2 11.4 12.0 11.7 9.7 5.1 26 Ores, slag and ash 14.6 10.2 6.4 5.2 19.4 6.2 12.9 8.0 11.8 11.2 11.1 15.9 27 Mineral fuels, oils, and products of their distillation, bituminous subs. 203.6 203.8 291.0 399.7 574.6 719.7 863.6 853.2 750.3 935.5 1260.4 1280.1 VI Chemical Products or Allied Industries 62.1 68.6 92.1 95.6 94.5 69.5 120.1 129.1 221.3 336.3 371.8 409.7 28 Inorganic chems., organic/inorg. compounds of precious metals 23.4 38.7 62.2 59.9 50.3 10.2 34.0 55.7 74.4 65.7 69.6 90.6 29 Organic chemicals 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.2 1.4 0.1 0.1 3.2 37.8 39.2 35.3 36.9 30 Pharmaceutical products 8.1 0.4 0.1 1.1 6.9 9.8 33.3 29.2 55.1 148.3 147.4 146.3 31 Fertilizers 19.8 20.4 19.9 23.3 23.5 31.4 37.3 26.9 34.8 54.0 56.2 81.8 VII Plastics, Rubber, and Articles Thereof 42.0 44.1 49.4 58.8 80.2 95.4 111.2 139.2 185.9 215.7 225.7 261.8 VIII Raw Hides and Skins, Leather, Furskins, and articles thereof 21.2 25.5 35.2 35.7 49.8 47.5 45.3 44.0 42.3 41.6 36.9 25.9 IX Wood and articles of wood, Charcoal, Cork, Basketware 71.2 65.8 74.8 120.0 125.5 138.2 135.1 182.8 239.6 360.5 372.5 335.3 X Pulp and Paper Products, Scrap and Semi-processed Materials 135.5 113.5 107.3 110.2 183.1 309.6 281.4 303.4 329.1 342.8 393.0 420.3 48 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp 123.6 97.2 87.4 88.3 137.9 264.5 236.7 237.8 236.3 240.2 271.4 255.2 49 Printed books, newspapers, pictures etc., manuscripts, and plans 11.7 14.3 14.5 20.9 30.3 40.8 41.9 60.7 87.7 95.8 118.7 161.1

Table 1.9 Manitoba Exports By Section and Chapter ($'000 000) (continued)

Commodity Group 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

XI Textiles and Textile Articles 20.9 26.2 39.1 47.4 63.3 83.3 107.1 136.2 156.5 165.6 187.0 166.4 53 Other veg. textile fibres, paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn 11.6 15.2 11.0 8.8 12.9 18.6 27.4 26.2 30.7 27.3 23.3 21.1 61 Articles of apparel and clothing acc., knitted or crocheted 2.7 1.8 2.4 5.9 12.8 12.9 11.7 15.9 18.7 13.0 12.8 17.4 62 Articles of apparel and clothing acc., not knitted or crocheted 3.8 6.7 20.7 27.8 32.5 45.6 56.1 79.2 93.6 109.1 133.1 105.9 XII Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas, Feathers, Human Hair etc 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.0 1.9 2.5 3.9 3.8 4.1 XIII Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Ceramic, Glass, etc. 7.4 4.4 4.6 5.2 9.5 15.0 18.1 20.6 31.8 41.2 19.5 16.5 XIV Pearls, Jewels, Stones, Coins, etc. 3.2 1.8 2.0 2.2 1.9 1.7 2.5 1.0 2.9 3.0 5.2 5.1 XV Base Metals and Articles of Base Metals 200.0 186.3 307.2 259.1 286.8 477.7 440.9 636.1 799.8 693.3 858.9 931.5 72 Iron and steel 42.6 34.7 43.5 52.3 53.7 72.7 79.1 80.5 88.9 79.6 71.9 54.6 73 Articles of iron and steel 15.4 12.2 12.2 17.8 30.0 40.0 54.5 57.1 57.1 57.7 70.7 87.7 74 Copper and articles thereof 6.0 16.4 6.0 4.6 5.1 64.9 55.3 222.3 370.3 345.2 301.6 368.9 75 Nickel and articles thereof 72.4 66.7 227.8 164.6 166.5 249.3 219.7 217.7 215.5 145.8 343.2 343.4 76 Aluminum and articles thereof 16.9 9.9 9.1 8.7 12.0 16.2 17.9 16.6 16.5 15.4 19.7 21.3 79 Zinc and articles thereof 43.2 42.7 7.0 9.0 15.2 29.9 7.6 34.5 43.0 42.7 42.6 42.6 XVI Machinery, Mechanical and Electrical Appliances and Equipment 260.5 352.7 339.8 367.8 427.6 431.1 564.4 648.3 709.5 665.9 743.6 875.1 84 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, appliances, parts thereof 218.5 244.3 230.3 261.8 324.6 311.5 421.2 481.6 525.4 470.3 488.1 625.8 85 Electrical machinery, equip. , parts, image and sound recorders, parts 42.0 108.5 109.5 105.9 103.0 119.6 143.3 166.7 184.1 195.7 255.5 249.3 XVII Vehicles, Aircraft, Vessels and associated Transport Equip. 330.4 323.9 399.0 496.9 751.3 941.1 938.0 1167.8 1364.7 1303.5 1170.0 1086.6 86 Railway locomotives, rolling stock, fixtures, fittings 20.0 17.5 22.1 25.7 23.2 22.2 18.0 23.2 37.7 51.3 42.2 39.9 87 Vehicles other than railway rolling stock, parts,accessories 165.7 183.6 226.7 341.3 608.0 772.0 719.6 856.8 871.8 761.8 744.2 662.3 88 Aircraft, spacecraft and parts thereof 144.5 122.8 150.1 129.2 119.3 146.0 197.8 285.8 453.6 487.0 376.1 376.7 XVIII Precision Instruments, Clocks, Musical Instruments 3.3 5.3 9.1 17.3 13.1 12.5 11.6 18.6 23.1 34.1 49.0 56.9 XIX Arms and Ammunition, P & A thereof 1.0 1.1 1.6 1.9 0.4 1.5 0.9 0.6 8.8 0.7 1.9 0.7 XX Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 35.1 33.1 50.8 72.6 110.5 138.3 185.5 227.8 256.8 288.3 345.0 388.9 94 Furniture,mattresses,cushions,lamps,light fixtures,signs,prefab bldgs. 34.0 31.8 49.5 69.2 95.5 128.6 177.9 218.9 245.9 276.6 331.1 374.3 XXI Works of Art, Collectors Pieces and Antiques 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.1 3.6 1.1 1.9 0.9 2.2 1.0

Special Class. Provisions & Special Transaction-Trade 26.2 28.7 35.8 48.0 51.2 65.5 54.3 48.5 25.5 49.8 63.3 83.9 Confidential and Low Value Exports 185.5 162.3 22.3 26.5 35.3 37.1 42.4 49.5 77.2 105.8 123.6 123.1

TOTAL EXPORTS 2969.0 3079.1 3421.1 3676.8 4502.0 5455.5 6219.6 7313.9 8067.0 7981.4 8713.9 9324.4

Note: The major commodity headings are based on the twenty one Harmonized System Sections. The sub-headings are based on the Harmonized System Chapters.

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba's Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 9: Manitoba Exports by Section and Chapter 1993-2001, pages 13-16. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba's Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 9: Manitoba Exports by Section and Chapter 1992-2000, pages 13-16.

Figure 1.7 charts export revenues for Manitoba by section and chapter. In 1999, vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment replaced vegetable products as the top export earner. This can largely be ascribed to successive years of significantly reduced earnings from vegetable products rather than gains made by the vehicles, vessels and associated transport categories. However for 2001, vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment exports dropped significantly and vegetable products reclaimed the position as the top export earner.

15 Figure 1.7 Manitoba Exports by Section and Chapter

Live Animals, Animal Products 1800.0 10000.0 Vegetable Products 1600.0 9000.0 Animal and Vegetable 8000.0 Fats, Oils, and Waxes 1400.0 000 000)

' Prepared Foodstuffs, $ 7000.0 ) Beverage, Spirits and ( r 1200.0 Tobacco e 000 t Mineral Products ap 6000.0 000 h ' C $

1000.0 ( d s 5000.0 t Chemical Products or r

o Allied Industries n an 800.0 p o x i

4000.0 E l Wood and articles of ect a

t wood, Charcoal, Cork, S 600.0 Basketware y 3000.0 To b s Pulp and Paper t r Products, Scrap and o 400.0 Semi-processed p 2000.0 x Materials

E Machinery, Mechanical 200.0 and Electrical 1000.0 Appliances and Equipment Vehicles, Aircraft, 0.0 0.0 Vessels and associated Transport Equip. 0 2 4 6 8 0 9 9 TOTAL EXPORTS 99 99 99 00 19 19 1 1 1 2 Year

16 Table 1.10 shows the nominal value (not deflated) of Manitoba imports by section and chapter. The total payment for imports increased from $3.2 billion in 1990 to $9.79 billion in 2001, an increase of 205 percent. It dipped down from its rising trend in 1999 with $8.24 billion, but recovered in 2000 and 2001.

Table 1.10 Manitoba Imports By Section and Chapter ($'000 000)

Commodity Group 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

I Live Animals, Animal Products 25.8 32.5 32.3 34.9 37.8 39.7 46.8 47.3 53.5 54.0 65.1 76.1 02 Meat and edible meat offal 9.4 11.7 9.1 9.0 12.5 16.3 15.6 17.8 23.1 24.0 34.8 36.6 04 Dairy produce, eggs, honey, edible products of animal origin, nes 7.3 9.5 9.8 10.8 10.0 8.9 17.5 15.2 17.6 15.3 13.5 21.1 II Vegetable Products 117.7 106.5 115.1 138.7 158.0 176.8 156.8 174.3 201.6 243.5 215.7 255.7 06 Live trees and other plants, bulbs, roots, cut flowers, foliage 6.9 6.0 8.1 9.6 11.1 11.8 10.9 12.0 14.4 14.6 15.6 19.3 07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 27.4 26.6 28.9 34.2 34.2 39.7 31.1 32.3 41.8 56.5 49.8 50.4 08 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or melons 40.1 39.5 41.3 45.1 45.9 48.9 44.0 41.2 44.9 51.8 47.6 51.0 09 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 5.2 6.4 6.9 8.8 19.8 15.2 5.5 9.5 8.9 3.1 2.3 5.8 10 Cereals 17.7 6.9 10.3 17.3 19.3 34.1 27.1 23.0 29.8 39.5 33.2 41.7 12 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, misc. grains, seeds and fruit, straw 17.7 18.2 17.2 20.9 24.1 23.6 31.9 52.7 58.5 74.2 62.3 81.5 III Animal and Vegetable Fats, Oils, and Waxes 3.2 2.3 2.2 4.4 5.7 8.0 9.8 13.4 19.8 20.2 17.0 23.6 IV Prepared Foodstuffs, Beverage, Spirits and Tobacco 130.7 132.6 150.7 170.5 206.8 247.4 258.3 283.4 325.4 325.9 342.1 359.1 16 Preps.of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs, other aqu. invertebrates 28.3 23.3 24.4 24.2 24.5 33.9 36.0 33.8 35.8 32.0 23.1 33.0 17 Sugar and sugar confectionary 6.5 7.8 8.6 10.0 17.6 16.8 10.6 23.3 28.8 25.9 29.4 30.6 19 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk, pastrycooks' products 11.0 13.5 16.2 19.9 23.8 26.5 29.4 42.1 60.4 67.1 68.6 64.2 20 Preparations of vegetables, fruits, nuts and other parts of plants 7.1 7.3 9.3 12.7 14.6 17.5 22.1 26.6 33.2 25.8 21.3 23.2 21 Misc. edible preparations 7.3 8.4 12.2 14.7 20.5 28.6 32.1 34.2 42.4 40.5 46.8 41.0 22 Beverages, spirits and vinegar 15.2 14.9 15.9 15.5 19.8 26.6 21.5 28.6 29.6 37.1 38.5 37.0 23 Residue and waste from food ind., prepared animal fodder 47.7 47.3 53.1 63.8 72.9 80.7 89.0 82.2 86.9 88.6 106.1 120.7 V Mineral Products 50.4 59.3 48.4 72.9 93.5 123.9 87.1 105.7 122.0 124.5 96.9 101.0 26 Ores, slag and ash 24.8 43.5 32.1 36.4 51.4 77.3 35.9 32.9 36.0 39.1 27.5 6.1 27 Mineral fuels, oils, and products of their distillation, bituminous subs. 20.8 11.4 9.1 29.5 33.8 39.2 42.1 63.2 74.9 76.5 59.5 83.5 VI Chemical Products or Allied Industries 261.6 228.3 207.8 263.2 326.1 450.4 493.2 552.5 751.1 661.4 727.0 799.3 28 Inorganic chems., organic/inorg. compounds of precious metals 22.4 19.9 17.1 19.0 24.3 28.1 32.2 35.1 45.0 34.5 31.3 34.5 29 Organic chemicals 92.0 73.9 66.5 79.1 79.3 84.0 84.1 103.7 135.6 147.1 146.8 143.8 30 Pharmaceutical products 2.7 2.8 3.3 5.8 7.7 14.5 38.1 40.2 46.7 48.7 71.4 71.2 31 Fertilizers 27.4 20.0 26.6 42.6 37.6 38.0 51.7 50.2 59.8 52.0 92.2 82.5 32 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins, dyes, paint and varnish 7.6 8.3 12.3 15.3 19.2 20.2 22.9 25.9 35.2 42.8 42.6 43.0 33 Essential oils and resinoids, perfumery, cosmetic preps. 5.9 7.0 7.6 10.3 15.9 27.3 29.6 25.8 24.5 29.5 42.9 45.7 34 Soap, prepared waxes, polishing prep., candles and dental prep. 5.8 6.8 7.4 10.1 14.7 23.5 26.0 27.7 37.0 38.3 44.8 51.2 38 Misc. chemical products 86.5 78.8 56.0 70.9 113.2 200.1 190.8 217.6 339.4 235.0 220.4 294.2 VII Plastics, Rubber, and Articles Thereof 172.0 151.5 158.3 196.6 378.4 324.7 351.0 428.3 505.6 546.1 618.6 621.3 39 Plastics and articles thereof 120.6 112.0 109.4 121.7 162.0 173.5 197.3 246.8 302.7 352.0 413.2 421.1 40 Rubber and articles thereof 51.4 39.5 48.9 74.8 116.4 151.1 153.8 181.5 202.9 194.1 205.3 200.3 VIII Raw Hides and Skins, Leather, Furskins, and articles thereof 50.2 36.8 48.1 53.0 66.7 71.1 74.3 90.6 114.7 98.0 131.6 120.0 IX Wood and articles of wood, Charcoal, Cork, Basketware 36.8 30.2 36.0 44.6 53.4 53.9 60.3 76.8 79.9 84.3 93.7 96.9 X Pulp and Paper Products, Scrap and Semi-processed Materials 204.5 223.5 252.3 280.4 314.5 379.3 387.5 425.8 470.4 534.5 548.9 572.6 48 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp 75.1 86.9 98.0 108.0 131.3 156.8 158.9 178.8 204.1 260.1 272.6 275.6 49 Printed books, newspapers, pictures etc., manuscripts, and plans 119.0 133.3 148.3 165.5 175.3 220.6 226.0 243.5 263.3 270.2 269.6 291.8

Table 1.3 Manitoba Imports By Section and Chapter ($'000 000) (continued)

Commodity Group 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

XI Textiles and Textile Articles 120.4 125.8 162.5 174.4 194.6 229.8 244.6 286.4 341.1 360.1 410.3 432.8 52 Cotton 8.2 8.8 11.1 14.8 16.7 23.6 26.3 25.6 34.2 40.3 35.1 29.1 54 Man made filaments 8.9 8.8 9.6 10.2 12.7 16.2 17.5 29.7 29.0 26.0 30.8 25.0 56 Wadding, felt, nonwovens, special yarn, twine, cordage, rope, cable 7.3 7.7 8.5 9.3 8.1 11.0 10.9 16.4 16.1 17.8 18.7 19.4 57 Carpets and other textile floor coverings 8.8 15.1 19.5 18.9 17.3 18.7 31.1 46.3 67.7 73.6 93.6 94.8 59 Impregnated, coated, covered, laminated textile fabrics 5.3 5.2 4.6 7.8 10.6 9.2 11.9 12.6 18.4 18.5 28.5 29.9 61 Articles of apparel and clothing acc., knitted or crocheted 20.9 19.2 25.7 29.7 33.4 38.5 32.2 35.3 43.8 50.0 52.8 61.4 62 Articles of apparel and clothing acc., not knitted or crocheted 43.3 39.4 49.9 46.0 54.1 63.7 70.1 71.0 87.1 85.5 101.5 113.6 XII Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas, Feathers, Human Hair etc 5.1 4.7 7.0 9.7 12.2 11.4 11.3 17.0 19.2 26.8 35.8 30.8 XIII Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Ceramic, Glass, etc. 31.2 29.8 35.3 39.3 43.3 46.9 53.6 69.9 87.4 101.2 117.9 120.4 XIV Pearls, Jewels, Stones, Coins, etc. 3.9 4.3 4.4 4.7 5.3 5.8 6.8 10.0 10.2 11.4 86.6 71.6 XV Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal 179.8 169.7 181.8 238.1 306.2 358.2 406.3 514.1 629.2 539.5 692.4 720.5 72 Iron and steel 34.7 26.0 37.0 51.5 61.9 71.0 64.3 91.6 91.3 89.9 102.3 99.5 73 Articles of iron and steel 94.6 87.5 86.0 112.2 152.7 159.0 190.8 251.7 296.8 223.7 285.2 321.0 74 Copper and articles thereof 2.9 5.4 5.5 6.3 9.0 14.1 9.7 29.8 67.4 43.3 63.4 42.4 76 Aluminum and articles thereof 22.3 23.7 22.1 30.3 31.8 48.6 42.6 52.3 64.9 57.5 66.7 73.5 82 Tools, Implements, spoons, forks of base metal, parts thereof 12.0 11.1 13.1 16.9 20.3 28.2 27.9 36.8 41.2 41.2 51.3 66.8 83 Misc. articles of base metal 11.1 13.1 14.8 18.7 25.8 27.1 29.5 35.2 50.1 69.8 79.7 87.2 XVI Machinery, Mechanical and Electrical Appliances and Equipment 984.8 890.9 975.8 1232.3 1516.9 1702.8 1887.1 2299.2 2684.0 2505.7 2998.2 3093.8 84 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, appliances, parts thereof 837.2 721.4 776.8 1003.6 1261.8 1402.0 1551.0 1886.5 2199.3 2010.8 2334.8 2349.1 85 Electrical machinery, equip. , parts, image and sound recorders, parts 147.6 169.5 199.0 228.7 255.1 300.8 336.2 412.6 484.7 494.9 663.4744.7 XVII Vehicles, Aircraft, Vessels and associated Transport Equip. 591.7 595.6 665.3 851.4 1194.4 1368.3 1250.1 1670.1 1653.5 1370.7 1383.9 1540.4 86 Railway locomotives, rolling stock, fixtures, fittings 17.0 45.9 31.0 44.7 49.9 54.2 38.6 53.5 108.2 85.4 71.6 93.7 87 Vehicles other than railway rolling stock, parts,accessories 523.3 483.2 547.3 744.4 1077.5 1232.0 1125.4 1432.5 1344.6 1094.3 1140.8 1259.5 88 Aircraft, spacecraft and parts thereof 46.9 58.6 76.7 49.3 46.0 62.7 71.7 169.7 181.3 171.5 152.6 163.1 XVIII Precision Instruments, Clocks, Musical Instruments 56.3 56.4 69.7 79.6 86.2 84.0 107.3 140.7 224.8 269.0 387.9 245.3 XIX Arms and Ammunition, P & A thereof 4.9 5.7 7.5 7.8 6.6 7.1 4.9 5.6 8.2 5.5 12.6 16.1 XX Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 58.1 76.0 99.3 135.8 173.9 175.8 151.1 190.7 236.8 247.8 317.6 351.7 94 Furniture,mattresses,cushions,lamps,light fixtures,signs,prefab bldgs. 41.5 52.1 62.9 81.6 107.8 94.2 84.8 115.8 156.5 148.5 194.9 218.8 95 Toys, games and sport requisites, p & a thereof 14.1 21.0 32.3 49.3 59.8 75.4 59.9 66.7 69.6 87.3 109.7 118.5 XXI Works of Art, Collectors Pieces and Antiques 2.7 1.5 2.7 1.8 1.7 2.4 1.8 1.9 2.3 1.2 1.9 2.2

Special Class. Provisions & Special Transaction-Trade 7.1 7.2 11.4 11.2 13.2 15.4 17.2 24.2 25.7 25.9 34.2 40.3 Confidential and Low Value Imports 113.1 145.0 166.7 120.2 134.1 132.8 168.6 112.6 76.7 78.1 87.8 98.1

TOTAL IMPORTS 3211.9 3116.0 3440.3 4165.3 5229.4 6015.6 6235.7 7540.5 8643.0 8235.3 9423.8 9789.8

Note: The major commodity headings are based on the twenty one Harmonized System Sections. The sub-headings are based on the Harmonized System Chapters.

Sources: Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba's Trade Trends 1993-2001, MBS 2002-3, Table 10: Manitoba Imports by Section and Chapter 1993-2001, pages 17-20. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Manitoba's Trade Trends 1992-2000, MBS 2001-2, Table 10: Manitoba Imports by Section and Chapter 1992-2000, pages 17-20.

17 Figure 1.8 shows the nominal values of imports for Manitoba. Machinery, mechanical and electrical appliances and equipment is the largest import category followed by the vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment category. All categories show positive movement since declines in 1999.

Figure 1.8 Manitoba Imports by Section and Chapter

Prepared Foodstuffs, Beverage, Spirits and 3500.0 12000.0 Tobacco

Chemical Products or Allied Industries 3000.0 10000.0 Plastics, Rubber, and

000 000) Articles Thereof '

$ 2500.0 8000.0 on ( Pulp and Paper i

00 000) Products, Scrap and 0 ect ' Semi-processed

2000.0 $ S Materials ( s 6000.0 t Textiles and Textile

and Articles r por e 1500.0 m I

apt l Base Metals and h 4000.0 a Articles of Base Metal 1000.0 Tot s by C

t Machinery, r Mechanical and o

p 2000.0 Electrical Appliances

m 500.0 and Equipment I Vehicles, Aircraft, Vessels and associated Transport 0.0 0.0 Equip. TOTAL IMPORTS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 99 99 19 19 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 20 20 Year

18 Table 1.11 shows Manitoba interprovincial exports. The proportions of Manitoba’s key export recipients did not change significantly over the review period. In 1992, P.E.I. received 17 percent, in 1998, 15 percent. In 1992, Ontario received 37 percent, in 1998, 35 percent. In 1992, Saskatchewan received 14 percent, in 1998, 15 percent. In 1992, Alberta received 18 percent, in 1998, 20 percent. And finally, in 1992, B.C. received 11 percent, in 1998, 12 percent. The dollar value of exports to Ontario over the review period increased 39 percent ($3.1 billion in 1998).

Table 1.11 Manitoba Interprovincial Trade: Exports ($'000 000)

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Newfoundland 34 31 35 37 44 48 49 Prince Edward Island 10 12 17 16 17 19 19 Nova Scotia 80 77 86 83 101 110 120 New Brunswick 83 88 78 80 100 104 107 Quebec 1017 1052 1252 1282 1265 1348 1382 Ontario 2229 2103 2230 2502 2702 2943 3092 Saskatchewan 867 906 957 1053 1247 1372 1360 Alberta 1087 1211 1386 1655 1618 1818 1843 British Columbia 703 665 903 1064 989 1073 1104 Yukon 10 8 10 11 11 11 10 Northwest Territories 26283739293334 Gov't Abroad 2101000 Total 6148 6182 6991 7823 8123 8879 9120

Sources: Statistics Canada, Interprovincial and International Trade in Canada 1992-1998, 15-546, Table 2.7.1 Manitoba Interprovincial Trade, page 89.

19 Table 1.12 shows Manitoba interprovincial imports. As with exports, the proportions of Manitoba’s key provincial sources of imports did not change significantly over the period. In 1992, Quebec supplied 14 percent, in 1998, 13 percent. In 1992, Ontario supplied 47 percent, in 1998, 49 percent. Saskatchewan supplied 9 percent in both 1992 and 1998. In 1992, Alberta supplied 20 percent, in 1998, 21 percent. And finally, in 1992, B.C. supplied 9 percent, in 1998, 7 percent. The dollar value of imports from Ontario over the review period increased 52 percent ($4.8 billion in 1998).

Table 1.12 Manitoba Interprovincial Trade: Imports ($'000 000)

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Newfoundland 11 11 14 15 14 16 18 Prince Edward Island 4 5 6 8 13 13 14 Nova Scotia 52 53 59 74 76 83 73 New Brunswick 27 31 34 39 45 45 48 Quebec 937 1016 1049 1109 1142 1210 1276 Ontario 3145 3067 3330 3610 4291 4462 4772 Saskatchewan 601 633 695 827 885 917 932 Alberta 1377 1602 1745 1686 1958 2044 2062 British Columbia 578 594 595 599 658 684 716 Yukon 2222223 Northwest Territories 7 9 10 11 10 12 13 Gov't Abroad 0011121 Total 6741 7023 7540 7981 9095 9490 9928

Sources: Statistics Canada, Interprovincial and International Trade in Canada 1992-1998, 15-546, Table 2.7.1 Manitoba Interprovincial Trade, page 89.

Other tables relating to trade by truck or rail that were present in the July 2001 publication of Transportation Trends in Manitoba are now in the respective modal chapters.


This chapter analyzes the statistics on highway transportation. The predominant use of highways is by intercity truck haulage and, to a lesser extent, passenger vehicles including intercity bus passengers. In accordance with general assertions on the importance of different vehicle types and their uses for highway transportation, this chapter focuses on trucking, or alternatively motor carriers of freight. Some reference is also made of non- commercial vehicle registrations. Intercity passenger transport by bus lines is not discussed in this chapter, but included in the chapter on urban and intercity transportation (Chapter 4).

Motor carriers of freight are considered in the categories of for-hire carriers, private carriers and owner operators. All types of data are not necessarily available for all categories of carriers, but are limited to readily available sources. This implies limited comparisons between the same and/or different categories in or across regions. Also, please note that there are cautionary clauses on data limitations in the original sources as well.

Chapter 2 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

CDN Truck MB MB Exports by MB Imports by Transport Employment in Year Truck to U.S. Truck to U.S. GDP* ($’000 Truck (‘000 tonnes)8 (‘000 tonnes)9 000)6 Transportation7 1990 7140 N.A. 409 329 1991 6551 6756 385 234 1992 6849 5924 462 234 1993 7557 6562 543 343 1994 8617 7763 880 770 1995 9482 8109 790 449 1996 10052 7977 1006 519 1997 10630 8035 3291 2148 1998 11394 7428 3556 2680 1999 12479 7712 3842 2545 2000 13331 7537 4371 2944 2001 N.A. 7464 4225 3208

N.A. = not available *At factor cost and using 1992 prices.

6 For additional information on this, see Table 2.1 of the following chapter. 7 For additional information on this, see Table 2.2 of the following chapter. 8 For additional information on this, see Table 2.6 of the following chapter. 9 For additional information on this, see Table 2.7 of the following chapter.

21 Table 2.1 shows the GDP of the Canadian truck transport industry from 1980 to 2000 at factor cost and using 1992 prices. From this, we see that the GDP of the Canadian truck transport industry has tripled in this time. Over this period, the GDP increased almost every year, except for 1981-82 and 1991-92. This table can be viewed in conjunction with Table 1.1: Manitoba and Canada Real Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost (using 1992 prices) in Chapter 1: Trade and Commodity Movements of this publication. From this, we can see that in the mid-eighties, the GDP of the Canadian truck transport industry made up approximately 1 percent of the total Canadian economy. In the late nineties, the GDP of the Canadian truck transport industry made up over 1.5 percent of the total Canadian economy.

Table 2.1 GDP of Canadian Truck Transport Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1980 4458 1981 4298 1982 4299 1983 4731 1984 5392 NOTE: The information on the left is obtained through CANSIM, while the 1985 5734 information on the right is from Statistics Canada, Provincial Gross 1986 5973 Domestic Product by Industry, 1997-2002. 1987 6673 1988 6847 The two sources used different reporting formats (namely, factor versus 1989 6941 basic cost and 1992 versus 1997 dollars); therefore, the two columns 1990 7140 of GDP info cannot be compared. 1991 6551 1992 6849 1993 7557 1994 8617 1995 9482 1996 10052 GDP of Manitoba Truck Transport Industry ($'000 000)** 1997 10630 1997 530 1998 11394 1998 551 1999 12479 1999 570 2000 13331 2000 587 2001 N.A. 2001 566 2002 N.A. 2002 561 *GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices. **at basic prices, in 1997 constant dollars. N.A. = not available

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Truck Transport Industries, CANSIM Label I53236, Matrix 04677. Statistics Canada, Provincial Gross Domestic Product at Basic Price by Industry in Millions of Dollars, 15-203, Table 1, page 163.

Figure 2.1 shows the GDP of the Canadian Truck Transport Industry.

22 Figure 2.1 GDP of Canadian Truck Transport Industry



0) 10000 00 8000

'000 GDP*

$ 6000 ( P

D 4000 G 2000


0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 8 8 99 99 99 19 198 19 198 198 1 199 1 199 1 200 Year

23 Table 2.2 shows employment as well as wages and salaries for Manitoba and Canada with special reference to Manitoba trucking.

Table 2.2 Manitoba and Canada Employment and Wages in Truck Transport Industry

Employment Truck Transportation Wages and Salaries

% of all Manitoba Canada Manitoba Manitoba Canada Manitoba Year % Canada Manitoba Average Average Average Total Total Employees Total Total Trucking Employees

Units Thousands Millions$ Dollars Millions$ Dollars $'000 Dollars

1986 499 11979 4.17 N.A. N.A. 10067 20173 247343 20648 215065 29316 1987 506 12321 4.11 N.A. N.A. 10645 21037 268756 21813 241184 30630 1988 508 12710 4.00 N.A. N.A. 11263 22172 294840 23198 241268 30306 1989 514 12986 3.96 N.A. N.A. 11768 22894 318716 24543 165451 30498 1990 515 13084 3.94 N.A. N.A. 12399 24076 333460 25486 142892 28357 1991 507 12851 3.95 6756 1.33 12698 25046 338525 26342 153654 31294 1992 502 12760 3.93 5924 1.18 13002 25900 343069 26886 151864 31944 1993 506 12857 3.94 6562 1.30 13185 26058 347236 27008 186768 31458 1994 509 13112 3.88 7763 1.53 13450 26424 355927 27145 N.A. N.A. 1995 519 13357 3.89 8109 1.56 13947 26872 366391 27431 105175 31228 1996 519 13463 3.86 7977 1.54 14305 27563 375721 27908 148632 33348 1997 526 13774 3.82 8035 1.53 14940 28403 398038 28898 N.A. 36959 1998 536 14140 3.79 7428 1.39 15643 29184 419190 29646 N.A. N.A. 1999 543 14531 3.74 7712 1.42 16255 29935 441378 30375 N.A. N.A. 2000 554 14910 3.72 7537 1.36 17468 31530 472863 31714 N.A. N.A. 2001 558 15077 3.70 7464 1.34 17738 31789 505179 33507 N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, Manitoba / Truck Transportation, CANSIM Label L171377, Matrix 17007. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Manitoba Selected Economic Indicators / Total Employment, CANSIM Label D28745, Matrix 09226. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Canada Selected Economic Indicators / Total Employment, CANSIM Label D28598, Matrix 09219. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Wages and Salaries, Manitoba / Labour Income, CANSIM Label D139182, Matrix 10563. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Wages and Salaries, Canada / Wage and Salaries, CANSIM Label D139159, Matrix 10570. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 3.10, 3.1 (1994); 2.6 (1990-93); 2.28 (1989); 2.18 (1987-88); 2.17 (1986). Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 15, No.1, Table 8,11 (1996); Vol.13, No.6, Table 8 (1995).

During the period 1986 to 2001 employment in Manitoba grew by 59,000, from 499,000 to 558,000; an increase of 11.8 percent. National employment grew 3.1 million from 11.9 million to 15.1 million, or 26 percent for the same period. Since provincial growth in employment is lower than national growth, the Manitoban share of total Canadian employment shows a declining trend.

Figures 2.2 and 2.3 graphically present employment and wages and salaries for Manitoba and Canada. Both charts depict the declining trend in Manitoba employment as a share of total Canadian employment as well as the declining trend in for-hire trucking employment as a share of total Manitoba employment.

24 Figure 2.2 Manitoba and Canada Employment

16000 4.5 14000 4 Manitoba Total 12000 3.5 e s

3 g d 10000 a n t Canada Total

a 2.5 n

s 8000 e

2 c r ou 6000 1.5 Th Pe 4000 1 MB Employment % of Canada 2000 0.5 0 0 Truck Transport 4 6 8 0 86 88 9 9 9 0 Employment % of MB 9 9 990 992 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 20 Year

Figure 2.3 Manitoba and Canada Employment and Wages in Truck Transport Industry

Manitoba Average Salary 40000 4.5 35000 4 30000 3.5 Canadian Average Salary e )

3 g 25000 a ($ 2.5 y

r 20000 MB Trucking Average

la 2 cent Salary a 15000

S 1.5 10000 Per 1 MB Employment % of 5000 0.5 Canada 0 0 Truck Transport 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 8 9 9 9 9 0 Employment % of MB 98 99 99 99 99 99 198 1 19 198 1 19 1 19 19 199 1 19 1 1 20 200 Year

From Figure 2.3 it appears that the average annual income in Manitoba compares very favourably with the national average. However, simple comparison of these figures would not take account of all relevant factors pertinent to the issue at hand and some caveats are in order. Most notably, average income does not equate to disposable income or growth in net worth. An explanation of the apparent contradiction in average annual disposable income and employment growth could possibly be found along these lines.

25 It is noteworthy that the average annual income for Manitoba for-hire trucking is higher than the provincial annual average in years for which data is available.

Table 2.3 shows the number and type of employees for small for-hire carriers in Manitoba and Canada. Over the entire period employment in this sector has been gradually increasing, but more importantly there is a trend for increased reliance on part-time workers. In 1992, in both Canada and Manitoba the ratio of full-time to part-time employees in the small for-hire sector was greater than 4. As of 1999, these numbers were reduced to 3.1 and 2.6 respectively, with a low in 1995 with only 2.3 full-time employees per part-time employee for Canada and only 1.9 in Manitoba.

Table 2.3 Manitoba and Canada Small (Level III) For-Hire Carriers and Owner Operators: Number of Employees and Type

Small For-Hire Carriers Year Drivers Other Employees Working Owners Owner Operators Total Reporting

Full- Part- Full- Part- Full- Part- Full- Part- Full- Part- Total Total Total Total Total time time time time time time time time time time


1990 2149 1555 594 733 535 198 1558 1521 37 3611 829 154 116 38 1737 1991 241 192 49 170 90 80 190 163 27 445 156 53 37 16 121 1992 976 827 149 250 165 85 N.A. N.A. N.A. 992 234 161 131 30 242 1993 762 642 120 364 151 213 N.A. N.A. N.A. 793 333 107 107 N.A. 251 1994 761 608 153 294 149 145 N.A. N.A. N.A. 757 298 231 173 58 215 1995 923 616 307 535 340 195 N.A. N.A. N.A. 956 502 163 93 70 214 1996 1299 973 326 692 458 234 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1430 560 151 90 61 314 1997 915 674 241 450 297 153 N.A. N.A. N.A. 971 394 118 77 41 226 1998* 6547 4879 1668 2200 1501 699 N.A. N.A. N.A. 6380 2367 1222 1000 222 1833 1999 696 605 91 274 156 118 N.A. N.A. N.A. 761 208 180 154 26 169


1990 41996 27657 14339 20977 11149 9828 37981 37089 892 75895 25059 7352 6223 1129 43250 1991 13293 10368 2925 5791 3522 2269 8270 6503 1767 20393 6961 2983 2103 880 6556 1992 18790 15624 3166 7664 5775 1889 N.A. N.A. N.A. 21399 5055 2143 1655 488 5978 1993 21585 18013 3572 9767 5790 3977 N.A. N.A. N.A. 23803 7549 3109 2035 1074 7538 1994 22933 17505 5428 9906 5860 4046 N.A. N.A. N.A. 23365 9474 3836 2044 1792 7901 1995 23507 17403 6104 8881 5185 3696 N.A. N.A. N.A. 22588 9800 4180 1594 2586 7985 1996 24344 19197 5147 11410 7156 4254 N.A. N.A. N.A. 26353 9401 3490 2695 795 8140 1997 24177 18449 5728 10857 7175 3682 N.A. N.A. N.A. 25624 9410 3751 3027 724 7745 1998 21929 17621 4308 7563 4418 3145 N.A. N.A. N.A. 22039 7453 5562 4530 1032 7562 1999 16789 13799 2990 6753 3968 2785 N.A. N.A. N.A. 17767 5775 5186 4686 500 6000

N.A. = not available

*1998 figures for Manitoba has been amalgamated with Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.1, Table 6: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1999: Number of Employees by Type and by Province or Territory of Domicile, Small For-Hire Carriers, page 16. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 17 No.1, Table 4: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1998: Number of Employees by Type and by Region, Small For-Hire Carriers, page 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 16, No.1, Table 4 (1997); Vol.15, No.1, Table 4 (1996); Vol.13, No.6, Table 4 (1995). Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 3.4 (1994); 4.4 (1993); 6.4 (1992); 6.5 (1991); 6.8 (1990).

The 169 carriers reporting in Manitoba in 1999 had 10,325 persons employed with small for- hire carriers and 5,186 as owner operators.

The 6,000 carriers reporting in Canada in 1999 had 23,542 persons employed with small for- hire carriers and 5,186 as owner operators.

Figures 2.4 and 2.5 supports the suggestion that the Manitoba labour market in the small (Level III) for-hire carrier sector is more volatile than the equivalent parameters for Canada. The 1998 gap in Figure 2.4 is due to the amalgamation of data this year for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

26 Figure 2.4 Number of Employees and Type for Manitoba Small For-Hire Carriers and Owner Operators 2500 Small For-Hire Total Small For-Hire Full 2000 Tiime

s Small For-Hire 1500 Part Time Owner Operator oyee l Total p 1000 Owner Operator m Full Tiime E Owner Operator 500 Part Time Grand Total 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

Figure 2.5 Number of Employees and Type for Canada Small For-Hire Carriers and Owner Operators

45000 Small For-Hire 40000 Total 35000 Small For-Hire Full Tiime s 30000 Small For-Hire ee 25000 Part Time

oy Owner Operator Total pl 20000 Owner Operator 15000

Em Full Tiime 10000 Owner Operator Part Time 5000 Grand Total 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

27 Table 2.4 shows the movement of goods from province or territory of origin to Manitoba by for-hire trucking.

Table 2.4 For-hire Trucking, Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometers and Number of Shipments on the Movement of Goods from Province or Territory of Origin to Manitoba*


Revenue ($'000) 1986 31 20 1735 1044 22440 60842 67833 19998 32528 23590 174 536 230773 1987 69 30 1623 958 24448 71442 69047 18279 32837 24484 24 26 243268 1988 64 42 1037 867 17068 67328 63763 19594 33967 23121 6 294 227150 1989 112 79 827 384 18284 72003 63288 18451 30951 21704 21 255 226360 1990 381 36 385 383 17646 66766 56783 19085 35307 24001 43 32 220847 1991 21 - - - 16996 60837 62855 17239 32960 24906 - 32 217329 1992 373 28 503 716 20556 57830 59389 18824 33367 26481 15 37 218119 1993 281 12 1353 1015 16455 65781 65770 17214 33335 24966 33 23 226238 1994 13 15 1211 1087 18974 74476 72579 14962 40823 27869 0 22 252031 1995 514 10 1250 1176 21406 84040 74184 19719 50186 24148 23 142 276798 1996 459 55 851 1877 22358 101018 84758 31811 47929 30073 47 72 321308 1997 9066 - - - 89810 383145 1081140 - - 196901 - - 1760062 1998 8438 - - - 83772 361689 1068889 - - 206212 - - 1728999 1999 10793 - - - 91186 383606 1200098 - - 185167 - - 1870851 2000 11724 - - - 90511 361244 1392495 - - 219757 - - 2075731 2001 13386 - - - 99173 421015 1462076 - - 262424 - - 2258074 Tonnes ('000) 1986 - - 6 1 101 381 4779 866 625 191 - 3 6955 1987 - - 2 2 117 441 4286 586 605 225 - - 6265 1988 - - 1 2 91 477 4189 729 658 245 - - 6401 1989 1 3 1 89 494 4187 617 435 165 - - 5992 1990 - - - 1 95 471 4085 727 548 245 - - 6171 1991 - - - - 87 393 3576 479 446 187 - - 5172 1992 2 0 0 2 82 358 2914 594 477 185 0 0 4614 1993 0 0 3 3 64 387 2453 504 473 197 0 0 4084 1994 0 0 3 5 83 453 2566 492 612 184 0 0 4398 1995 11 0 1 2 104 543 3429 545 731 210 0 0 5576 1996 1 0 1 12 145 728 3547 1000 681 261 0 0 6376 1997 17 - - - 361 1820 33701 - - 2733 - - 38633 1998 16 - - - 349 1731 42457 - - 2951 - - 47504 1999 27 - - - 407 1883 46431 - - 2586 - - 51335 2000 26 - - - 404 1862 49885 - - 3632 - - 55810 2001 30 - - - 455 2115 44477 - - 3681 - - 50759 Tonne-Kilometers ('000) 1986 69 100 21046 3720 236175 681795 1002438 596664 755638 414856 487 6541 3719531 1987 340 436 6856 6235 282821 833164 1033822 299609 746235 513543 117 77 3723256 1988 249 119 3155 5740 218163 822367 941535 324066 805419 568168 32 260 3689232 1989 333 2630 9344 3016 211748 898612 712550 288538 558463 370081 56 420 3055793 1990 822 99 1420 4024 225187 849606 667179 302837 707468 487390 125 77 3246234 1991 65 - - - 206149 723017 588384 245507 589846 415777 70 42 2778472 1992 8522 82 1581 5096 196641 713635 564903 277503 616612 419945 41 61 2804622 1993 451 35 11961 9414 152810 751429 646763 262451 607889 454916 488 37 2898644 1994 27 133 11746 15557 197877 900145 630307 271514 796512 431582 0 64 3255464 1995 54995 39 4979 5386 252635 1064187 614507 248910 972765 488621 89 171 3707284 1996 2673 949 4369 38037 347748 1439164 645283 605210 914202 608868 66 366 4606935 1997 71726 - - - 1134536 4989021 11635301 - - 2809711 - - 20640295 1998 74391 - - - 1121926 4731479 15614302 - - 3041331 - - 24583430 1999 129021 - - - 1322427 5160384 14591293 - - 2709782 - - 23912907 2000 108724 - - - 1285015 5295323 16131711 - - 3643269 - - 26464017 2001 138316 - - - 1457974 6173165 13610717 - - 3624355 - - 25004527 Number of Shipments ('000) 1986 - 0.3 1.0 1.3 88.8 244.4 653.2 87.2 102.0 60.8 0.1 0.5 1239.4 1987 0.3 0.1 1.5 1.5 92.1 281.0 578.6 69.3 97.4 60.3 0.2 0.2 1182.5 1988 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 79.4 251.4 605.1 67.9 93.4 57.5 0.0 0.3 1157.3 1989 0.2 0.3 1.1 1.1 80.7 248.4 600.2 69.9 85.7 58.1 0.0 0.1 1145.6 1990 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9 67.8 217.4 539.2 78.7 98.3 55.9 0.5 0.2 1060.0 1991 0.0 - - - 61.0 193.9 579.8 66.8 94.0 62.5 0.0 0.0 1060.1 1992 0.5 0.0 0.6 1.0 50.6 175.1 522.8 69.5 90.8 64.8 0.0 0.2 975.9 1993 0.1 0.0 2.3 2.1 41.7 174.2 468.0 59.9 93.5 52.5 0.0 0.0 894.3 1994 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.1 39.0 158.3 508.8 56.5 99.4 52.3 0.0 0.1 916.5 1995 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.9 49.3 177.7 577.4 63.3 107.1 45.4 0.0 0.1 1022.7 1996 0.2 0.1 0.8 3.1 49.6 234.8 655.2 88.3 117.2 58.9 0.3 0.3 1208.8 1997 13.4 - - - 179.8 805.3 4779.1 - - 532.9 - - 6310.5 1998 9.9 - - - 184.0 796.2 4411.6 - - 609.1 - - 6010.8 1999 11.3 - - - 182.2 773.8 5018.9 - - 552.9 - - 6539.0 2000 13.1 - - - 190.7 806.6 5143.0 - - 555.9 - - 6709.4 2001 12.6 - - - 201.7 877.8 5314.5 - - 653.8 - - 7060.5 *As of 1997: Nfld = Atalntic Provinces; Man = Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta; BC = British Columbia, Yukon, NWT.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 2001: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Dest Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 2000: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Dest Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 1999: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Dest Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 1998: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Dest For the years 1992 through 1996 data was obtained on a special run from Statistics Canada.

28 The interpretation of data is confounded by the aggregation of data for Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta as of 1997. This aggregation of the prairie provinces is reflected in both the origin and destination figures (Table 2.5).

Table 2.5 shows the movement of goods from Manitoba to province or territory of destination by for-hire trucking.

29 Table 2.5 For-hire Trucking, Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometers and Number of Shipments on the Movement of Goods from Manitoba to Province or Territory of Destination*


Revenue ($'000) 1986 218 45 3848 2291 14038 55581 67833 34886 32217 18724 396 1195 231273 1987 1470 70 3232 1929 16717 62210 69047 40328 33515 21913 152 505 251089 1988 826 115 2485 824 15692 64536 63763 34552 32046 25902 619 693 242053 1989 459 102 4125 1433 14487 60833 63288 30201 34784 27755 184 1393 239046 1990 456 93 2538 1389 14535 59813 56783 34611 31999 21200 172 330 223920 1991 - - 1662 1190 14553 53412 62855 32210 34784 24493 - - 227992 1992 525 51 2471 1694 12775 54046 59389 32257 28578 25707 154 397 218044 1993 330 39 1720 597 12077 64452 65770 31824 31968 25242 299 227 234545 1994 221 35 2313 1197 11620 59562 72579 31942 39603 33463 359 161 253055 1995 155 182 2104 2633 14985 59280 74184 33733 41665 36565 65 323 265874 1996 195 30 2173 523 14744 65499 84758 40524 44017 40842 84 434 293823 1997 15299 - - - 45322 155150 1081140 - - 340951 - - 1637862 1998 14955 - - - 42715 147547 1068889 - - 334490 - - 1608596 1999 18305 - - - 45245 161417 1200098 - - 309069 - - 1734135 2000 19973 - - - 46845 190845 1392495 - - 370988 - - 2021148 2001 20632 - - - 54597 190005 1462076 - - 433207 - - 2160517 Tonnes ('000) 1986 - - 16 6 115 541 4779 463 331 117 1 2 6371 1987 5 - 10 5 120 975 4286 625 328 117 - 1 6472 1988 1 - 10 3 111 707 4189 630 373 178 1 1 6024 1989 1 - 11 4 101 631 4187 393 369 155 - 5 5860 1990 1 1 6 3 112 645 4085 682 401 125 - 1 6062 1991 - - - - 98 633 3576 353 354 134 - - 5165 1992 1 1 4 3 76 573 2914 380 243 148 0 1 4344 1993 0 0 5 1 74 656 2453 369 301 137 0 0 3996 1994 0 0 8 3 89 747 2566 391 377 172 0 1 4354 1995 0 1 7 12 120 700 3429 503 452 234 0 1 5459 1996 0 0 6 1 131 842 3547 565 396 273 1 1 5763 1997 34 - - - 303 1266 33701 - - 3822 - - 39127 1998 37 - - - 302 1177 42457 - - 4045 - - 48018 1999 45 - - - 322 1370 46431 - - 3946 - - 52114 2000 54 - - - 325 1426 49884 - - 4794 - - 56484 2001 61 - - - 393 1351 44477 - - 5267 - - 51548 Tonne-Kilometers ('000) 1986 1251 268 56310 18165 265094 713769 1002438 269786 435143 271533 1883 5894 3041533 1987 24551 879 35822 17223 290962 1840400 1033822 391210 463284 279158 715 2001 4380028 1988 4040 693 37005 8505 270615 1058860 941535 330719 497400 416286 4431 1334 3571422 1989 3909 835 41460 13026 244557 926425 712550 233252 490949 363790 1487 12506 3044746 1990 6434 3235 21484 9568 276307 929532 667179 360062 543328 292850 795 1869 3112644 1991 - - - - 243037 820887 588384 221148 480968 312325 - - 2730020 1992 4501 183 13892 9782 187318 765092 564903 238587 322582 344084 426 2493 2453843 1993 1026 94 19118 4644 181698 933823 646763 233290 402117 321402 1496 836 2746307 1994 832 93 29426 8543 224067 1006194 630307 238444 494933 404459 1246 1960 3040504 1995 1095 1716 25834 38948 308243 907647 614507 302932 587895 550656 233 1737 3341443 1996 948 135 22250 3938 324913 985865 645283 346724 525000 644814 1884 2061 3503815 1997 156655 - - - 954133 2426728 11635301 - - 3870562 - - 19043373 1998 162808 - - - 955636 2352858 15614302 - - 3929516 - - 23015120 1999 202338 - - - 982967 2754945 14591293 - - 3784696 - - 22316237 2000 245609 - - - 1000471 3089543 16131711 - - 4536686 - - 25004020 2001 281567 - - - 1225209 2896950 13610717 - - 5043577 - - 23058020 Number of Shipments ('000) 1986 1.1 0.2 4.6 2.9 41.6 329.8 653.2 258.4 130.2 52.4 1.1 2.2 1477.8 1987 2.9 0.9 5.4 4.0 46.1 289.5 578.6 254.5 130.3 58.9 0.7 0.9 1372.7 1988 1.5 0.3 4.6 3.3 38.1 266.0 605.1 219.5 118.8 61.6 0.8 1.1 1320.7 1989 1.8 0.4 5.5 4.2 37.7 270.6 600.2 221.7 123.3 64.7 1.2 1.5 1333.0 1990 1.0 0.5 3.7 4.0 31.6 1.0 539.2 233.4 114.4 54.9 1.1 1.3 1263.1 1991 - - 3.1 3.4 30.3 257.4 579.8 217.3 113.2 55.7 - - 1264.1 1992 0.6 0.4 2.0 1.9 24.9 248.9 522.8 208.6 96.6 52.5 0.3 1.5 1161.0 1993 0.9 0.3 3.0 1.6 19.1 219.8 468.0 194.6 91.4 52.0 0.6 0.6 1051.9 1994 0.7 0.1 3.8 2.0 23.8 216.8 508.8 164.6 92.0 49.2 0.6 0.4 1062.8 1995 0.7 0.1 1.9 2.5 26.1 199.5 577.4 165.5 100.3 52.5 0.4 0.5 1127.4 1996 0.7 0.1 2.3 2.0 28.6 223.8 655.2 230.1 120.1 71.2 0.4 1.4 1335.9 1997 13.9 - - - 56.8 361.8 4779.1 - - 842.7 - - 6054.3 1998 13.6 - - - 58.0 326.7 4411.6 - - 801.7 - - 5611.7 1999 15.1 - - - 64.0 339.2 5018.9 - - 802.6 - - 6239.8 2000 16.2 - - - 61.7 360.2 5143.0 - - 823.2 - - 6404.3 2001 13.6 - - - 73.8 404.6 5314.5 - - 921.8 - - 6728.3 *As of 1997: Nfld = Atalntic Provinces; Man = Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta; BC = British Columbia, Yukon, NWT.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 2001: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Destin Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 2000: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Destin Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 1999: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Destin Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.6: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 1998: Estimated Transport Revenues, Tonnage, Tonne-Kilometres, Number of Shipments and Selected Ratios on the Movement of Goods from Region of Origin to Region of Destin For the years 1992 through 1996 data was obtained on a special run from Statistics Canada.

30 The interpretation of data is again confounded by the aggregation of data for Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta as of 1997.

Figure 2.6 shows the for-hire trucking tonne-kilometers from Manitoba to province of destination.

Figure 2.6 For-hire Trucking Tonne-Kilometers from Manitoba to Province of Destination

Nfld = Atlantic Prov. Man = MB, SK, and AB BC= BC, Yukon, NWT 30000000 Nfld* )

0 25000000 0

0 QUE ('

s 20000000 r

te ONT e 15000000 m o l

i MAN 10000000 -k e

n BC* n 5000000 o T 0 TOTAL

6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 98 8 99 9 99 9 99 0 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 20 Year

31 Table 2.6 shows the southbound movement of goods from Manitoba to US regions by for- hire trucking. Estimated revenues, tonnes, tonne-kilometres and shipments are reported.

Table 2.6 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of Goods, Manitoba to U.S. Regions

Origin Destination 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Estimated Revenue($'000) MB Northeast 1515 2857 3767 4292 4699 3455 5253 7782 7539 9811 23884 22616 30255 41762 39965 MB North 16428 20437 15513 16630 14561 17048 21682 24217 33910 41343 121772 129958 138822 156490 158674 MB South 1502 3251 4314 2971 4129 4657 8090 11930 13479 16878 69599 71696 92708 110265 119565 MB West 3629 5579 2564 3649 3303 2718 4416 7322 9742 14692 104788 96077 119416 147512 155017 MB USA 23075 32124 26157 27541 26692 27878 39441 51251 64670 82724 320043 320347 381201 456029 473221 CANADA USA 829332 1007552 937431 828076 857717 1071323 1333234 1679255 1930782 2130532 2441336 2668475 3296405 3670974 3832004

Estimated Tonne('000) MB Northeast 14 22 26 36 32 25 35 91 38 59 145 126 163 214 204 MB North 304 430 369 309 284 366 393 622 591 708 1593 1952 1890 1956 1924 MB South 122937273943669894121404444516595654 MB West 42 61 25 37 30 27 49 69 68 118 1149 1034 1273 1606 1443 MB USA 371 542 458 409 385 462 543 880 790 1006 3291 3556 3842 4371 4225 CANADA USA 17284 19596 16355 15000 14513 16657 20389 24637 26884 29203 33376 34172 41126 43416 43397

Estimated Tonne-Kilometers('000) MB Northeast 33551 54892 62038 85003 76707 61827 82956 231561 86856 139160 450424 382889 510502 663146 647885 MB North 196722 354211 264721 291574 249116 317974 347450 573097 601203 697535 2454526 3101054 2579783 2779736 2653186 MB South 25746 65883 84160 59336 95437 113435 162292 247481 233729 297821 1274337 1332883 1570212 1812687 1962673 MB West 92325 141052 46087 67420 63267 57782 96505 143060 143621 250562 1660350 1528014 1858927 2236935 2138522 MB USA 350344 616039 457006 503334 484527 551018 689203 1195199 1065409 1385078 5839637 6344839 6519424 7492504 7402267 CANADA USA 12382300 15203976 13302026 12877171 12782263 15276428 19478426 23912320 25756191 29180728 33441798 35255580 42781264 45350058 46555084

Estimated Shipments MB Northeast 1028 2055 2704 4234 2981 3551 5619 4939 6199 7191 13000 12000 16000 23000 26000 MB North 27073 31360 30884 27585 26035 26856 33172 34795 45769 56867 122000 144000 118000 148000 146000 MB South 1009 2098 3217 2246 2768 4490 6346 7660 10138 11894 35000 43000 47000 53000 59000 MB West 2221 3475 2425 2244 2124 2960 4655 5749 8174 9844 66000 59000 76000 95000 99000 MB USA 31331 38988 39230 36309 33908 37857 49792 53143 70280 85796 235000 258000 257000 319000 330000 CANADA USA 1509321 1954751 1700782 1588021 1581434 1834800 2119492 2277734 2847695 3219441 3577000 3920000 4517000 4455000 3990000

Note: As of 1997: Man = Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.18: For-hire Trucking, 2001: Southbound Movements of Goods, Canada-U.S., 2001, page 70. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.18: For-hire Trucking, 2000: Southbound Movements of Goods, Canada-U.S., 2000, page 70. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.18: For-hire Trucking, 1999: Southbound Movements of Goods, Canada-U.S., 1999, page 70. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.21: For-hire Trucking, 1998: Southbound Movements of Goods, Canada-U.S., 1998. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.18: For-hire Trucking, 1997: Southbound Movements of Goods, Canada-U.S., 1997. For the years 1992 through 1996 data was obtained on a special run from Statistics Canada.

Note again that the prairie provinces data were amalgamated as of 1997.


Figure 2.7 For-Hire Trucking, Southbound Movement of Goods, Manitoba to U.S. Regions in Tonnes

MB+SK+AB 5000 50000 MB to Northeast

4500 45000 n

o 4000 40000 MB to North i S. g 0) 0) 3500 35000 . e U 00 00 ' 3000 30000 ' MB to South R o . ( ( t

S 2500 25000 . es es

da MB to West

U 2000 20000 nn nn na

to 1500 15000 a To To 1000 10000 C MB to USA MB 500 5000 0 0 CANADA to USA 8 1 4 7 9 0 87 8 89 90 9 92 93 9 95 96 9 98 9 0 01 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 1 19 1 1 19 1 1 19 1 1 19 1 1 20 2 Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan; AB = Alberta

Figure 2.8 For-Hire Trucking, Southbound Movement of Goods, Manitoba to U.S. Regions in Tonne-Kms

MB+SK+AB 8000000 50000000 MB to Northeast

7000000 45000000 - 40000000 MB to North

on 6000000 35000000 gi s e Tonne MB to South . m 5000000 30000000 S R K s . . -

S 4000000 25000000 . U MB to West Km o t U 20000000 3000000 o Tonne t 15000000 da MB to USA

B 2000000 na

M 10000000 a

1000000 5000000 C CANADA to USA 0 0

9 2 5 8 1 87 88 8 90 91 9 93 94 9 96 97 9 99 00 0 9 0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 19 19 19 20 2 Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan; AB = Alberta

Figures 2.7 and 2.8 respectively indicate the tonnes and tonne-kilometres for the southbound movement of goods from Manitoba to U.S. regions by for-hire trucking.

Both charts indicate the steady growth in total tonnes and tonne-kms for Canada-U.S. trade since 1992.

33 Table 2.7 shows northbound movements of goods from US regions to Manitoba by for-hire trucking. Again, the aggregation of prairie data confounds the provincial results after 1997.

Table 2.7 For-hire Trucking, Northbound Movements of Goods, from U.S. Regions to Manitoba

Origin Destination 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Estimated Revenue ($'000)

Northeast MB 1651 1568 2039 3089 1994 3345 2610 3826 3830 4477 18243 24206 25998 38309 35812 North MB 13708 15360 11184 16815 14315 14704 17852 25959 26109 28974 119326 148975 164900 193024 191777 South MB 3268 1797 2950 5903 3456 5781 5433 6192 9128 10390 83010 80072 98316 123646 144301 West MB 6493 6148 4982 6590 4973 3437 5266 5626 7935 10110 79318 83148 82223 104016 119087 USA MB 25120 24873 21155 32397 24738 27267 31161 41603 47002 53951 299897 336401 371437 458995 490977 USA CANADA 662002 755072 804174 757171 786730 947170 1178314 1484216 1589797 1657988 1878941 1973522 2537053 2744655 2950083

Estimated Tonne

Northeast MB 10340 9170 9067 10972 10436 18624 23827 28635 27434 23244 69000 90000 99000 160000 123000 North MB 183489 246497 133129 209299 163670 155878 241269 623987 322538 366774 953000 1510000 1206000 1299000 1450000 South MB 24493 13008 20422 44637 17602 32117 36993 61612 45694 61832 372000 319000 418000 524000 580000 West MB 67918 54400 43987 63658 42662 26987 40620 55984 53796 66964 754000 761000 822000 961000 1055000 USA MB 286240 323075 206605 328566 234370 233606 342709 770218 449462 518814 2148000 2680000 2545000 2944000 3208000 USA CANADA 9112320 10912423 10185896 9271217 9199418 9726321 12629193 16028263 16603298 17825628 21693000 21638000 29465000 30340000 31687000

Estimated Tonne-Kilometers ('000)

Northeast MB 25318 20703 20975 25050 25187 46758 61454 70986 70568 54615 229952 292801 312270 510526 403245 North MB 135901 235122 132294 214982 167206 155507 259801 569666 335535 398116 1729403 2928952 2018856 2285982 2433044 South MB 57513 29842 46609 104536 43688 73971 84728 145285 107579 139479 1154034 1003067 1324160 1704970 1872743 West MB 126629 123635 92574 142056 95237 62188 102707 120900 125541 156973 1244652 1293522 1338351 1573823 1735420 USA MB 345361 409302 292452 486624 331318 338424 508690 906837 639223 749183 4358041 5518342 4993637 6075301 6444452 USA CANADA 7891009 9564916 9398650 9197152 9355692 9913525 13157397 17727997 18320154 20316681 24148837 25427051 32708970 34532859 36412314

Estimated Shipments

Northeast MB 3222 3067 3978 3911 3464 4446 6064 4184 3341 5030 14000 20000 28000 26000 34000 North MB 25683 32640 30017 32203 27604 26985 34863 41865 31803 37348 110000 180000 154000 155000 194000 South MB 3283 1555 3338 4779 4620 6457 7173 6113 7511 8740 50000 56000 65000 76000 90000 West MB 4292 4309 4081 4368 3733 3690 5075 4661 6029 7674 63000 62000 66000 79000 88000 USA MB 36480 41571 41414 45261 39421 41578 53175 56823 48684 58792 237000 318000 313000 336000 406000 USA CANADA 1402834 1516896 1604328 1513067 1612590 1759230 2064539 2164740 2411815 2542525 2599000 2692000 3339000 3306000 3619000

Note: As of 1997: Man = Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.21: For-Hire Trucking, 2001: Northbound Movements of Goods, U.S.-Canada, 2001, page 73. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.21: For-Hire Trucking, 2000: Northbound Movements of Goods, U.S.-Canada, 2000, page 73. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.21: For-Hire Trucking, 1999: Northbound Movements of Goods, U.S.-Canada, 1999, page 73. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.24: For-Hire Trucking, 1998: Northbound Movements of Goods, U.S.-Canada, 1998. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.21: For-Hire Trucking, 1997: Northbound Movements of Goods, U.S.-Canada, 1997. For the years 1992 through 1996 data was obtained on a special run from Statistics Canada.

Figures 2.9 and 2.10 respectively indicate the tonnes and tonne-kilometres of northbound movement of goods from US regions to Manitoba.

Figure 2.9 For-hire Trucking, Northbound Movement of Goods, from U.S. Regions to Manitoba in Tonnes

MB+SK+AB 3500000 35000000 s e

3000000 30000000 Northeast MB B nn

M 2500000 25000000

s North MB To o e

t 2000000 20000000 da s nn n South MB 1500000 15000000 na o i a To g

1000000 10000000 C West MB A Re

500000 5000000 S 0 0 U USA MB

7 1 3 7 9 8 89 9 9 95 9 9 01 9 9 9 USA CANADA 1 19 19 1 19 19 1 20 Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan; AB = Alberta

34 Figure 2.10 For-Hire Trucking, Northbound Movement of Goods, from U.S. Regions to Manitoba in Tonne-Kms

MB+SK+AB 7000000 40000000 Northeast to MB

6000000 35000000 e- B North to MB nn

M 30000000 5000000 o s To

t m

25000000 a South to MB s K 4000000 s on e- 20000000 i nad Km g 3000000 a West to MB 15000000 onn C Re

T 2000000 o

10000000 t S. USA to MB S. U. 1000000 5000000 . U USA to 0 0 CANADA

7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 98 99 19 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 19 20 20 Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan; AB = Alberta

A steady increase in the movement of goods from the U.S. to Canada by for-hire trucking is noted for the entire period.

35 Table 2.8 shows the southbound movement of the top five commodities from Manitoba to the USA by for-hire trucking. Looking closer it can be seen how Manitoba’s economy has changed over the fourteen-year period. Note that the addition of Alberta has shifted the commodity mix.

Table 2.8 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of The Top Five Commodities From Manitoba to U.S.

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Estimated Revenues ($'000)

01 Meat and Meat Preparations 1766 2996 2151 26352 23817 01 Live animals and live fish 28355 25439 23113 32183 03 Fish 1252 2076 05 Meat, Fish, Seafood and Preparations 49842 54201 66226 14 Other Foods, Food Materials 2441 21 Crude Veg. Prod., inedible 3788 2670 2019 2312 2530 2742 7361 6418 22 Fertilizers and fertilizer material 28500 26 Wood Products 28065 40721 34615 33 Wood Fabricated Materials 1154 1435 1900 25959 31201 33 Articles of base metal 22475 34 Machinery 31701 31602 35 Paper and Paperboard 3478 2705 2372 3607 2548 4002 3288 5948 26466 42 Chemicals and Related Prods 1505 1669 1558 2940 1867 2586 42 Miscellaneous transported products 42097 52801 68274 43 Petroleum and Coal Prods. 1907 44 Iron, Steel and Alloys 3262 2276 2020 1990 1578 3260 4473 3936 5183 45 Non-Ferrous Metals 2884 74 Furniture and Fixtures 1372 6055 8254 96 Remaining End-products Classified by material 19845 99 General and Unclassified Freight 3861 8737 3824 5222 6907 19619 24265 Sub-total 11691 15494 10243 11342 10702 11327 18205 16509 25862 32710 126751 124567 165592 211607 229217 Other commodities 11383 16629 15913 16199 15991 16551 21236 34742 38808 50014 193291 195780 215610 244422 244004 Total 23074 32123 26157 27541 26692 27878 39441 51251 64670 82724 320043 320347 381201 456028 473221

Table 2.8 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of The Top Five Commodities From Manitoba to U.S. (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Estimated Tonnage ('000)

01 Meat and Meat Preparations 12 28 23 215 180 01 Live animals and live fish N.A. 289 261 420 03 Fish 79 05 Meat, Fish, Seafood and Preparations 385 350 414 14 Other Foods, Food Materials 17 21 Crude Veg. Prod., inedible 58 38 31 32 37 49 109 95 22 Fertilixers and fertilizer material 402 26 Wood Products 334 458 415 33 Wood Fabricated Materials 24 41 36 350 382 33 Articles of base metal 142 34 Machinery 162 124 35 Paper and Paperboard 37 36 38 51 38 70 70 94 396 42 Chemicals and Related Prods 51 53 6 55 56 74 42 Miscellaneous transported products 389 403 461 43 Petroleum and Coal Prods. 117 44 Iron, Steel and Alloys 47 34 27 26 18 32 79 41 65 45 Non-Ferrous Metals 36 74 Furniture and Fixtures 13 28 25 96 Remaining End-products Classified by material 612 99 General and Unclassified Freight 34 141 69 94 70 182 224 Sub-total 183 183 272 140 117 196 282 308 344 349 1143 1687 1511 1793 1816 Other commodities 189 359 186 269 268 265 262 573 446 657 1808 1869 2330 2579 2411 Total 371 542 458 409 385 462 543 880 790 1006 3291 3556 3842 4371 4225

Table 2.8 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of The Top Five Commodities From Manitoba to U.S. (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Estimated Tonne-Kilometers ('000)

01 Meat and Meat Preparations 27793 53017 40482 499534 433217 01 Live animals and live fish 425388 425141 408452 477701 03 Fish 14197 17545 05 Meat, Fish, Seafood and Preparations 851038 822798 1013902 14 Other Foods, Food Materials 32317 21 Crude Veg. Prod., inedible 28850 61150 47539 46182 64047 57650 177670 150262 22 Fertilizer and fertilizer material 528237 26 Wood Products 685441 977417 812427 33 Wood Fabricated Materials 30140 55428 43956 694727 732631 33 Articles of base metal 301475 34 Machinery 391818 275142 35 Paper and Paperboard 56271 48458 48311 77311 57047 121260 81327 138877 726062 42 Chemicals and Related Prods 29620 33276 11028 49804 50599 148597 755069 42 Miscellaneous transported products 698610 985881 43 Petroleum and Coal Prods. 39746 44 Iron, Steel and Alloys 76527 58754 45012 49032 30680 57058 128731 67650 109252 45 Non-Ferrous Metals 79494 74 Furniture and Fixtures 13114 51776 54423 96 Remaining End-products Classified by material 1066408 99 General and Unclassified Freight 83505 176288 87708 112186 94228 316568 415106 Sub-total 172674 322657 227626 223184 198699 270286 360218 502180 490609 547042 2662279 3072503 2945016 3424803 3615589 Other commodities 177671 293382 229380 280149 285827 280731 328986 693019 574800 838036 3177358 3272336 3574409 4067672 3786678 Total 350344 616039 457006 503334 484527 551017 689204 1195199 1065409 1385078 5839637 6344839 6519424 7492504 7402267

Continued on next page…

36 Table 2.8 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movements of The Top Five Commodities From Manitoba to U.S. (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Estimated Shipments

01 Meat and Meat Preparations 696 1656 1397 12000 10000 01 Live animals and live fish 14000 11000 11000 17000 03 Fish 421 732 05 Meat, Fish, Seafood and Preparations 22000 19000 24000 14 Other Foods, Food Materials 1285 21 Crude Veg. Prod., inedible 3610 2011 1929 1803 2215 2517 5385 5024 22 Fertilizer and fertilizer materials 17000 26 Wood Products 16000 22000 21000 33 Wood Fabricated Materials 1171 1802 2339 17000 18000 33 Articles of base metal 16000 34 Machinery 23000 23000 35 Paper and Paperboard 2142 1972 1899 2673 1991 3462 3667 5106 26000 42 Chemicals and Related Prods 2138 2025 4168 5087 2065 3947 42 Miscellaneous transported products 37000 39000 51000 43 Petroleum and Coal Prods. 4317 44 Iron, Steel and Alloys 2790 2203 1657 1784 1611 3158 3907 3729 4532 45 Non-Ferrous Metals 1609 74 Furniture and Fixtures 1641 4053 4667 96 remaining End-products Classified by material 46000 99 General and Unclassified Freight 2807 10806 5088 9430 9845 20000 27000 Sub-total 9757 11236 12373 7951 10890 13603 19653 17068 26264 29174 89000 112000 102000 120000 136000 Other commodities 21575 27752 26856 28353 23021 24254 30139 36075 44016 56622 146000 146000 154000 198000 194000 Total 31332 38988 39229 36304 33911 37857 49792 53143 70280 85796 235000 258000 257000 319000 330000

Note: The top five ranking is based on the estimated revenues of the top five commodities. Note: As of 1997: Man = Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.20: For-Hire Trucking, 2001: Southbound Movements of the Top Five Commodities from Region of Origin, Canada-U.S., 2001, page 72. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.20: For-Hire Trucking, 2000: Southbound Movements of the Top Five Commodities from Region of Origin, Canada-U.S., 2000, page 72. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.20: For-Hire Trucking, 1999: Southbound Movements of the Top Five Commodities from Region of Origin, Canada-U.S., 1999, page 72. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.23: For-Hire Trucking, 1998: Southbound Movements of the Top Five Commodities from Region of Origin, Canada-U.S., 1998. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Table 3.20: For-Hire Trucking, 1997: Southbound Movements of the Top Five Commodities from Region of Origin, Canada-U.S., 1997. For the years 1992 through 1996 data was obtained on a special run from Statistics Canada.

Figure 2.11 charts the southbound movement in tonnes and tonne-kilometres of the top five and other commodities from Manitoba to the U.S. by for-hire trucking.

Figure 2.11 For-hire Trucking, Southbound Movement of Top Five and Other Commodities from Manitoba to U.S. Tonnage Sub-total MB+SK+AB 5000 8000000 4500 Tonnage Other 7000000 commodities 4000 ms s 6000000 3500 Tonnage Total -K 3000 5000000

onne 2500 4000000 Tonne-Kilometers 2000 onne 3000000 Sub-total 1500 2000000 '000 T 1000 Tonne-Kilometers

500 1000000 '000 T Other commodities 0 0 1987 1988 1989 19901991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 19971998 1999 2000 2001 Tonne-Kilometers Total Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan; AB = Alberta

The aggregation of prairie data as of 1997 confounds results for Manitoba. But it can be seen that even before Alberta and Saskatchewan were added in, total tonnage and total tonne- kilometres were rising.

37 Table 2.9 shows summary statistics for the Canadian for-hire motor carriers of freight survey by size in 1999. Total operating revenues across all sized carriers in 1999 was estimated at $25.3 billion and total operating expenses at $23.2 billion.

Table 2.9 Canadian Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, 1999

Medium & Owner Small Top Owner Small Owner Top Carriers Large For-hire Total Operator Total Carriers Operators Operators Carriers Total $1 to 25 $30,000 - $1 $30,000 - $1 Units >$25 million > $1 million million million million

Estimated Carriers No. 83 2965 6000 9048 201 36995 37196 46244 Operating Revenue $'000 000 5845 12197 1348 19390 324 5572 5896 25286 Operating Expenses $'000 000 5473 11348 1281 18102 299 4775 5074 23176 Operating Ratio 0.94 0.93 … … … … … Number of Employees No. 30673 76759 17767 125199 1864 58624 60488 185687 Equipment Operated No. 59660 162499 30789 252948 2870 86625 89495 342443 Straight Trucks " 947 9821 5385 16153 316 13682 13998 30151 Road Tractors " 13333 38009 10267 61609 1099 39337 40436 102045 Semi-trailers " 41093 102897 11910 155900 1357 28267 29624 185524 Other " 4287 11772 3227 19286 98 5339 2450 21736

Estimated Carriers % of Total 0 6 13 20 0 80 80 100 Operating Revenue % of Total 23 48 5 77 1 22 23 100 Operating Expenses % of Total 24 49 6 78 1 21 22 100

Number of Employees % of Total 17 41 10 67 1 32 33 100 Equipment Operated 17 47 9 74 1 25 26 100 Straight Trucks % of Total 3 33 18 54 1 45 46 100 Road Tractors % of Total 13 37 10 60 1 39 40 100 Semi-trailers % of Total 22 55 6 84 1 15 16 100 Other % of Total 20 54 15 89 0 25 11 100

N.A. = not available … not appropriate or not applicable Totals may not add due to rounding.

Sources: Contact with Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.1, Table 1: For-hire Industry Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, For-hire Carriers, 1999, page 10. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 18, No. 1, Table 2: Mot Carriers of Freight, 1999: Summary Statistics by Type of Activity, Small For-hire Carriers, page 11. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.2, Summary Table A: Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, Owner Operators 1999, page 3. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 18, No. 2, Table 1: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1999: Summary Statistics, by Type of Activity, Owner Operators, page 13. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.16, No.1, Summary Table, Tables 8,9,11.

Figures 2.12, 2.13 and 2.14 show a breakdown of the equipment type operated by carriers in 1999. Medium and large carriers were the category operating the most equipment at 162,499 units followed by owner operators with 89,495 units (Figure 2.12). Semi-trailers were the most abundant equipment type at 185,524 units, followed by road tractors at 102,045 units (Figure 2.13).

38 Figure 2.12 Equipment Type by Carrier: Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, Canada, 1999

180000 160000 s

t 140000 i 120000 Other Un

f 100000 Semi-trailers o r

e 80000 Road Tractors b 60000 m Straight Trucks 40000 Nu 20000 0 Top Carriers Medium & Large Small Carriers Owner Operator Carriers Total Carrier Category

Figure 2.13 Carrier by Equipment Type: Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, Canada, 1999

200000 180000

s 160000 t i 140000 Owner Operator Total Un

f 120000 Small Carriers

o 100000 r

e Medium & Large Carriers

b 80000

m 60000 Top Carriers

Nu 40000 20000 0 Straight Road Tractors Semi-trailers Other Trucks Equipment Type

Medium and large carriers had the largest fleet of semi-trailers at 102,897 units, followed by top for-hire carriers at 41,093 units and owner operators at 29,624 (Figure 2.14). Owner operators predominantly utilized road tractor equipment and the number of road tractors operated by owner operators (40,436 units) exceeded the number of semi-trailers (29,624 units). Note that even though top for-hire carriers operated fewer semi-trailers than large and medium for-hire carriers, they still operated more semi-trailers than owner operators did road tractors.

39 Figure 2.14 Carrier by Equipment Type: Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, Canada, 1999


100000 s t i 80000 Top Carriers Un f Medium & Large Carriers

o 60000 r

e Small Carriers b

m 40000 Owner Operator Total

Nu 20000

0 Straight Road Semi-trailers Other Trucks Tractors Equipment Type

40 Table 2.10 depicts summary statistics for small for-hire motor carriers of freight in Manitoba. Please note that figures include data of owner operators from 1986 to 1994. The effect of the deregulation of the trucking industry is evident in data as of 1994. Large numbers of new entrants to the industry has caused significant lowering of average values. This is especially apparent in the number of employees listed in the following tables.

Table 2.10 Manitoba Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Small For-hire*

Total Total Average Total Average Average Equipment Operating Total Number Total Wages Carriers Year Operating Operating Operating Operating Number of (Truck, Tractor- Ratio of Employees** and Salaries** Reporting*** Revenues Revenue Expenses Expenses Employees trailer, Other)**

units $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 % $'000

1986 750814 3181.4 725004 3072.1 96.6 7336 31.1 215065 14788 236 1987 806429 3187.5 786372 3108.2 97.5 7874 31.1 241184 14146 253 1988 736930 3070.5 720141 3000.6 97.7 7961 33.2 241268 14836 240 1989 600234 2885.7 585379 2814.3 97.5 5425 26.1 165451 11244 208 1990 588711 12014.5 582497 11887.7 98.9 5039 102.8 142892 9310 49 1991 562700 11254.0 545600 10912.0 97.0 4910 98.2 153654 9762 50 1992 593473 12627.1 580548 12352.1 97.8 4754 101.1 151864 9783 47 1993 674839 12732.8 662172 12493.8 98.1 5937 112.0 186768 10787 53 1994 249818 117.6 158161 74.4 63.3 3508 1.7 39482 4998 2125 1995 60608 283.2 48581 227.0 80.2 956 4.5 14707 1850 214 1996 99744 317.7 86700 276.1 86.9 1430 4.6 28257 2350 314 1997 58953 260.9 56383 249.5 95.6 970 4.3 14292 1237 226 1998 110256 392.4 96240 342.5 87.3 1118 4.0 22770 N.A. 281 1999 83256 457.5 82210 451.7 98.7 852 4.7 19107 N.A. 182 N.A. = not available *Includes Owner Operator: 1986-1994 **A breakdown of these numbers is given in other tables. In some cases the totals do not correspond exactly with the aggregates given by Statistics Canada's Summary Statistics tables. ***Data is based on head office location.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Head Office. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.16, No.1, Tables 2, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.15, No.1, Tables 2, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.13, No.6, Tables 1, 13. Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 3.10, 3.11 (1994); 2.2 (1993); 2.2 (1992); 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 (1991); 2.2, 2.3 (1990); 2.20, 2.22 (1989); 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.18, 2.19 (1988); 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 (1987); 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 (1986).

The largest improvement in operating ratio was observed in 1994 when the operating ratio reached 63 percent, the lowest level for the observation period. In 1995 it jumped to 80 percent and gradually rose past pre-deregulation levels to reach 98.7 percent in 1999.

41 Table 2.11 shows summary statistics for owner operator motor carriers of freight in Manitoba. Please note that figures include data of small for-hire carriers from 1986 to 1994. Again, the effect of the deregulation of the trucking industry is evident in data as of 1994. The entry of new players in large numbers has caused significant lowering in average values.

Table 2.11 Manitoba Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Owner Operator*

Total Total Average Total Average Average Operating Total Number Total Wages Equipment Carriers Year Operating Operating Operating Operating Number of Ratio of Employees** and Salaries** (Truck, Tractor- Reporting*** Revenues Revenue Expenses Expenses Employees trailer, Other)**

units x$1000 x$1000 x$1000 x$1000 % x$1000

1986 750814 3181.4 725004 3072.1 96.6 7336 31.1 215065 14788 236 1987 806429 3187.5 786372 3108.2 97.5 7874 31.1 241184 14146 253 1988 736930 3070.5 720141 3000.6 97.7 7961 33.2 241268 14836 240 1989 600234 2885.7 585379 2814.3 97.5 5425 26.1 165451 11244 208 1990 588711 12014.5 582497 11887.7 98.9 5039 102.8 142892 9310 49 1991 562700 11254.0 545600 10912.0 97.0 4910 98.2 153654 9762 50 1992 593473 12627.1 580548 12352.1 97.8 4754 101.1 151864 9783 47 1993 674839 12732.8 662172 12493.8 98.1 5937 112.0 186768 10787 53 1994 249818 117.6 158161 74.4 63.3 3508 1.7 39482 4998 2125 1995 328527 163.4 236849 117.8 72.1 3368 1.7 63083 5258 2010 1996 277130 136.9 196469 97.1 70.9 3430 1.7 41126 5216 2024 1997 291525 145.6 269253 134.5 92.4 2882 1.4 53912 4219 2002 1998 333839 141.4 273073 115.7 81.8 3620 1.5 45524 4844 2361 1999 314269 146.8 274659 128.3 87.4 3414 1.6 47653 4466 2141

*Includes Small For-hires: 1986-1994 **A breakdown of these numbers is given in other tables. In some cases the totals do not correspond exactly with the aggregates given by Statistics Canada's Summary Statistics tables. ***Data is based on head office location.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.2, Table 2: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1999: Summary Statistics by Province or Territory of Domicile, Owner Operators, page 15. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.2, Table 5: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1999: Equipment Operated by Province or Territory of Domicile, Owner Operators, page 18. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.17, No.1, Table 9. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.16, No.1, Tables 8, 11, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.15, No.1, Tables 8, 11, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.13, No.6, Tables 8, 13. Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 3.10, 3.11 (1994); 2.2 (1993); 2.2 (1992); 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 (1991); 2.2, 2.3 (1990); 2.20, 2.22 (1989); 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.18, 2.19 (1988); 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 (1987); 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 (1986).

In 1995 the operating ratio was 72 percent, then it gradually increased to reach 93 percent in 1997, and ends the data set at 87.4 percent in 1999. The 2,141 owner operators reporting in 1999 utilized 4,466 units of equipment.

42 Table 2.12 shows summary statistics for Canadian small for-hire motor carriers of freight. The trend for the operating ratio was upwards from 80 percent in 1995 to 88 percent in 1997, and then reaching 95 percent in 1999. The 6,000 carriers reporting in 1999 operated 30,790 units of equipment.

Table 2.12 Canada Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Small For-hire

Total Average Total Average Total Number Average Total Equipment Operating Total Wages Carriers Year Operating Operating Operating Operating of Number of (Truck, Tractor- Ratio and Salaries** Reporting*** Revenues Revenue Expenses Expenses Employees** Employees trailer, Other)**

units $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 % $'000

1995 2113416 264.7 1697501 212.6 80.3 22588 2.8 525889 41053 7985 1996 2127077 261.3 1771672 217.7 83.3 26353 3.2 530753 40756 8140 1997 2016998 260.4 1776189 229.3 88.1 25624 3.3 465782 43870 7745 1998 1807266 239.0 1511721 199.9 83.6 22040 2.9 373729 34758 7562 1999 1348000 224.7 1281000 213.5 95.0 17767 3.0 354000 30790 6000

** A breakdown of these numbers is given in other tables. In some cases the totals do not correspond exactly with the aggre given by Statistics Canada's Summary Statistics tables. *** Data is based on head office location.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.2, Summary Table A: Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, Owner Operators 1999, page 3. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.1, Table 1: For-hire Industry Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, For-hire Carriers, 1999, page 10. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 17, No.1, Table 2. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 17, No.1, Table 3. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 16, No.1, Tables 2, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 15, No.1, Tables 2, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol. 13, No.6, Tables 1, 13.

Summary statistics for Canadian owner operator motor carriers of freight are shown in Table 2.13.

Table 2.13 Canada Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Owner Operator

Total Average Total Average Total Number Average Total Equipment Operating Total Wages Carriers Year Operating Operating Operating Operating of Number of (Truck, Tractor- Ratio and Salaries** Reporting*** Revenues Revenue Expenses Expenses Employees** Employees trailer, Other)**

units $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 % $'000

1995 5263543 133.2 3950416 99.9 75.1 57335 1.5 871288 95229 39530 1996 5228344 130.4 3853481 96.1 73.7 61377 1.5 790610 102528 40090 1997 5822897 144.8 5113198 127.1 87.8 64242 1.6 963056 94742 40221 1998 6061117 147.6 5104257 124.3 84.2 63304 1.5 961527 99405 41061 1999 5896757 158.5 5074337 136.4 86.1 60488 1.6 1117913 89495 37196

**A breakdown of these numbers is given in other tables. In some cases the totals do not correspond exactly with the aggregates given by Statistics Canada's Summary Statistics tables. ***Data is based on head office location.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.1, Table 1: For-hire Industry Motor Carriers of Freight, Summary Statistics by Size, For-hire Carriers, 1999, page 10. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport (50-002): Vol.17, No.1, Table 9. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport (50-002): Vol.17, No.1, Table 11. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport (50-002): Vol.16, No.1, Tables 8, 11, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport (50-002): Vol.15, No.1, Tables 8, 11, 14. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport (50-002): Vol.13, No.6, Tables 8, 13.

The operating ratio for Canadian owner operators in 1995 was 75 percent. In 1997 the ratio had risen to 88 percent and the ending data in 1999 was 86 percent. The 37,196 carriers reporting operated 89,495 equipment units.

43 Table 2.14 shows summary statistics for medium to top for-hire motor carriers of freight in Canada.

Table 2.14 Canada Motor Carriers of Freight: Summary Statistics, Medium to Top For-hire

Total Average Total Average Average Operating Total Number Total Wages Total Equipment Carriers Year Operating Operating Operating Operating Number of Ratio of Employees* and Salaries* ** Reporting** Revenues Revenue Expenses Expenses Employees

units $'000 000 $'000 $'000 000 $'000 % $'000 000

1986 8628.0 1389.1 8208.6 1321.6 95.1 96518 15.5 2724.8 158573 6211 1987 9344.8 1388.7 8936.6 1328.1 95.6 101004 15.0 2909.3 166232 6729 1988 9611.7 1638.3 9212.8 1570.3 95.8 97237 16.6 2978.9 165739 5867 1989 10224.4 1863.7 9872.2 1799.5 96.6 97396 17.8 3140.0 168009 5486 1990 8423.6 6239.7 8177.5 6057.4 97.1 73716 54.6 2179.1 138333 1350 1991 8098.0 5631.4 7891.0 5487.5 97.4 72617 50.5 2565.0 138919 1438 1992 8362.5 6668.7 8073.0 6437.8 96.5 71909 57.3 2642.3 138504 1254 1993 8949.7 5872.5 8560.0 5616.8 95.6 72728 47.7 2522.4 143878 1524 1994 10976.2 7332.1 10145.6 6777.3 92.4 77221 51.6 3115.2 113232 1497 1995 12127.5 5656.5 11569.1 5396.0 95.4 90286 42.1 3576.4 131239 2144 1996 13102.6 5963.9 12682.1 5772.5 96.8 89015 40.5 3472.1 132861 2197 1997 14271.2 6075.4 13587.2 5784.2 95.2 91654 39.0 3750.7 144004 2349 1998 14888.1 6268.7 14074.9 5926.3 94.5 92424 38.9 3963.0 149702 2375 1999 16180.7 6413.3 15413.9 6109.4 95.3 102637 40.7 4374.6 160047 2523 2000 17601.9 6504.8 16672.0 6161.1 94.7 432949 160.0 4864.0 159823 2706

*A breakdown of these numbers is given in other tables. In some cases the totals do not correspond exactly with the aggregates given by Statistics Canada's Summary Statistics tables.

**Up to 1993, this total included straight trucks, road tractors, semi trailers and full trailers, and other equipment. 1994 and after, this total includes van/semi trailer temperature controlled, van/semi trailer non-temperature controlled, flat deck, full trailers, dump trailers, container chassis, tank (liquid bulk), and other equipment. Data is based on head office location.

Note: As of 1994, the Total Wages and Salaries includes employee benefits.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 2000, 53-222, Table 2.1: Quarterly Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, For-hire Carriers: Summary Statistics by Quarter, 2000 – Canada, page 27. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 2000, 53-222, Table 2.5: Annual Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, For-Hire Carriers, Summary of Financial Statistics, 1996-2000, page 36. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 2000, 53-222, Table 2.10: Annual Motor Carriers of Freight, For-Hire Carriers: Semi-Trailers and Other Operated Equipment by Region, 2000, page 41. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 2.1, 2.5, 2.11 (1999); 2.1, 2.5, 2.11 (1998); 2.1, 2.4, 2.6, 2.10 (1997); 2.1, 2.9 (1996); 2.1, 2.9 (1995); 3.10, 3.11 (1994); 2.2 (1993); 2.2 (1992); 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 (1991); 2.2, 2.3 (1990); 2.2, 2.22 (1989); 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.18, 2.19 (1988); 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 (1987); 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 (1986).

Although the effects of deregulation of the industry was not equivalently significant on the operating ratio for medium to top for-hire carriers as it was for small-for hire and owner operators, it appears to have trickled through to the larger carriers. The operating ratio in 1994 of 92 percent was the lowest of the entire review period. The 2,706 medium to large carriers reporting in 2000 operated 159,823 units of equipment.

Tables 2.15, 2.16 and 2.17 depict the results of a fuel consumption and cost survey on Manitoba motor carriers of freight. Distances traveled by vehicle type, fuel consumption and cost are reported.

44 Table 2.15 shows results for owner operators. Care must be taken forming any conclusions based on this data due to the large change in the number of carriers that returned surveys to Statistics Canada.

Table 2.15 Manitoba Owner Operators: Estimated Annual Distance Traveled By Vehicle Type; Fuel Consumption and Cost Survey*

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994*** 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Total Distance** 000 km 271257 295663 276847 238905 473000 454753 500605 588756 77280 419321 328939 332914 460265 388125 346959 Straight Truck: Total '' 25722 23392 26188 17574 12248 16268 13336 27737 7010 15094 19971 21031 21332 16211 14044 Owned & Leased '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9657 11476 11411 19317 5932 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Owner-Operator Operated '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2591 4792 1925 8420 1078 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Road Tractors: Total '' 245535 272271 250659 221331 460752 438486 487269 561019 70270 404227 308968 311883 438933 371914 332914 Owned & Leased '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 225825 235961 282805 317386 45183 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Owner-Operator Operated '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 234927 202525 204464 243633 25087 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Carriers Surveyed No. 236 253 240 208 49 50 47 53 215 2010 2024 2002 2361 2141 1732

Total Fuel Consumed 000 l 140301 148722 133862 116164 119232 121572 136866 152884 24992 189522 150560 149702 182195 192014 153473

Fuel Consumed per 100 km **** l/100 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 50.6 49.1 46.5 45.4 48.9 45.2 45.8 45.0 39.6 49.5 44.2 Fuel Consumed per Carrier 000 l 594.5 587.8 557.8 558.5 2433.3 2431.4 2912.0 2884.6 116.2 94.3 74.4 74.8 77.2 89.7 88.6 Total Cost $'000 61331 62557 53577 47091 47463 49214 57138 62503 11005 80788 70270 67501 83330 96298 92632 Total Cost per Carrier '' 259.9 247.3 223.2 226.4 968.6 984.3 1215.7 1179.3 51.2 40.2 34.7 33.7 35.3 45.0 53.5 Average Cost/Litre $ 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.41 0.44 0.43 0.47 0.45 0.46 0.50 0.60

Average distance travelled per vehicle, Owner Operator Straight Trucks N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Owner Operator 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 35 41 42 N.A. N.A. N.A. Road Tractors N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Owner Operator 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 164 133 147 N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available

*Includes Small For-hire: 1986-1994 **Totals may not add due to rounding. ***Caution is required since these data are for level-III for-hire carriers only. ****This number is for owned & leased equipment only. After 1995 it includes all equipment.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Head Office, Transportation Division contact. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002, Table 12: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1998: Fuel Consumption and Cost by Province or Territory of Domicile, Owner Operator, Vol. 17 No. 1, page 21. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002, Tables 12, 13, and 15, Vol.16, No. 1; Tables 12, 13, and 15, Vol. 15, No. 1; Tables 11, 12, and 14, Vol.13, No. 6. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222: Tables 3.6, 3.7 (1994); 2.8, 2.10 (1993); 2.8, 2.10 (1992); 2.8, 2.9 (1991); 2.8, 2.9 (1990); 2.30, 2.31 (1989); 2.21, 2.23 (1988); 2.21, 2.23 (1987); 2.21, 2.23 (1986).

Table 2.16 shows the results of the survey on Manitoba small for-hire carriers. It can be seen that as fuel is becoming more expensive, the trucking community is taking care to both drive more efficiently and to purchase more fuel efficient tractors. The average fuel consumed per 100 km has decreased by approximately 28 percent, from 50.6 litres to 35.8 litres.

Table 2.16 Manitoba Small For-Hire Carriers: Estimated Annual Distance Traveled By Vehicle Type; Fuel Consumption and Cost Survey*

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994*** 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Total Distance** 000 km 271257 295663 276847 238905 473000 454753 500605 588756 77280 70334 113932 68708 150222 130516 140986 Straight Truck: Total '' 25722 23392 26188 17574 12248 16268 13336 27737 7011 7538 20125 8918 9800 6334 4509 Owned & Leased '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9657 11476 11411 19317 5932 6635 20125 7275 9193 4575 4348 Owner-Operator Operated '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2591 4792 1925 8420 1078 902 - 1643 606 1759 162 Road Tractors: Total '' 245535 272271 250659 221331 460752 438486 487269 561019 70270 62796 93807 59790 140423 124182 136476 Owned & Leased '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 225825 235961 282805 317386 45183 54725 77874 47160 105521 82693 110476 Owner-Operator Operated '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 234927 202525 204464 243633 25087 8072 15933 12630 34902 41488 26000

Carriers Surveyed No. 236 253 240 208 49 50 47 53 215 214 314 226 281 182 419

Total Fuel Consumed 000 l 140301 148722 133862 116164 119232 121572 136866 152884 24992 24883 44360 25031 49603 39897 50481

Fuel Consumed per 100 km **** l/100 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 50.6 49.1 46.5 45.4 48.9 35.4 38.9 36.4 33.0 30.6 35.8 Fuel Consumed per Carrier 000 l 594.5 587.8 557.8 558.5 2433.3 2431.4 2912.0 2884.6 116.2 116.3 141.3 110.8 176.5 219.2 120.5 Total Cost $'000 61331 62557 53577 47091 47463 49214 57138 62503 11005 11713 21623 11583 23920 22775 30042 Total Cost per Carrier '' 259.9 247.3 223.2 226.4 968.6 984.3 1215.7 1179.3 51.2 54.7 68.9 51.3 85.1 125.1 71.7 Average Cost/Litre $ 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.41 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.57 0.60

Average distance travelled per vehicle, Small For-hire Straight Trucks N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Owned and Leased 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 26 52 54 N.A. N.A. N.A. Road Tractors N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Owned and Leased 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 94 110 105 N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available

* Includes Owner Operator: 1986-1994 **Totals may not add due to rounding ***Caution is required since these data are for level-III for-hire carriers only ****This number is for owned & leased equipment only. After 1995 it includes all equipment.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Head Office, Transportation Division contact. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002, Tables 5, 6, and 15, Vol.16, No. 1; Tables 5, 6, and 15, Vol. 15, No. 1; Table 5, 6, and 13, Vol.13, No. 6. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Tables 3.6, 3.7 (1994); 2.8, 2.10 (1993); 2.8, 2.10 (1992); 2.8, 2.9 (1991); 2.8, 2.9 (1990); 2.30, 2.31 (1989); 2.21, 2.23 (1988); 2.21, 2.23 (1987); 2.21, 2.23 (1986).

45 Table 2.17 shows the survey results for Canada private carriers.

Table 2.17 Canada Private Carriers: Estimated Annual Distance Traveled By Vehicle Type; Fuel Consumption and Cost Survey

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994** 1995 1996 1997 1998

Total Distance* 000 km 3718843 3785096 3921281 3979911 5496095 5655399 5942724 6574804 1951132 945048 949004 783966 567955 Straight Truck: total '' 712878 668606 674685 622749 361446 435410 429603 455558 394371 382084 315590 299448 133842 Owned & Leased '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 301614 346077 341978 337640 375769 382084 315590 299448 133842 Owner-Operator Operated '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 59832 89333 87625 117918 18601 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Road Tractors: Total '' 3005965 3116490 3246596 3357162 5134649 5219989 5513120 6119247 1556761 562964 633414 484518 434113 Owned & Leased '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2607039 2939515 3119465 3508912 1325413 562964 633414 484518 434113 Owner-Operator Operated '' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2527610 2280473 2393655 2610355 231349 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Carriers Surveyed No. 6211 6729 5867 5486 1350 1427 1460 1580 7901 442 456 422 396

Total Fuel Consumed 000 l 1875406 1877480 1950125 1971742 1618149 1635170 1689360 1853025 865122 369565 370949 337171 368939 Fuel Consumed per 100 km *** l/100 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 55.63 49.767896 48.8 48.2 50.9 39.1 39.1 43.0 65.0 Fuel Consumed per Carrier 000 l 301.95 279.01 332.39 359.41 1198.63 1145.8795 1157.1 1172.8 109.5 836 813 799 932 Total Cost $'000 818092 811975 809761 831162 635207 676753 704946 761975 405102 166345 172671 150869 161579 Total Cost per Carrier '' 131.72 120.67 138.02 151.51 470.52 474.24877 482.8 482.3 51.3 376.3 378.7 357.5 408.0 Average Cost/Litre $ 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.42 0.39 0.4138732 0.42 0.41 0.47 0.45 0.47 0.45 0.44

Average distance travelled per vehicle, Private Trucking Straight Trucks Owned and Leased 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 38500 36950 37648 20328.00 Owner Operator 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Road Tractors Owned and Leased 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 110200 108815 98942 88540.00 Owner Operator 000 km N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available

*Totals may not add due to rounding. **Caution is required since these data are for level-III for-hire carriers only. ***This number is for owned & leased equipment only. After 1995 it is for all equipment.

Note: Statistics Canada has not collected information regarding private carriers after 1998 due to a poor response rate and possibly inaccurate information.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222, Tables 4.4, 4.5 (1998); 4.5, 4.6 (1997); 4.5, 4.6 (1996); 4.5, 4.6 (1995); 3.6, 3.7 (1994); 2.8, 2.10 (1993); 2.8, 2.10 (1992); 2.8, 2.9 (1991); 2.8, 2.9 (1990); 2.30, 2.31 (1989); 2.21, 2.23 (1988); 2.21, 2.23 (1987); 2.21, 2.23 (1986).

46 Table 2.18 gives a breakdown of selected estimates for medium to top for-hire carriers in Canada by weight group. In 2001 the total revenue across all weight groups was $7.9 billion. The largest share of revenue was earned in the 10,000 to 19,999 kilogram weight group ($1.7 billion), followed by 20,000 to 29,999 kilogram weight group ($1.5 billion).

An estimated total of 213 million tonnes were transported in 2001. The largest share of 83 million tonnes was transported in the 30,000 to 44,999 kilogram weight group, followed by the 20,000 to 29,999 kilogram weight group with 51 million tonnes.

Table 2.18 Canada Medium to Top For-Hire Carriers: Breakdown of Selected Estimates by Weight Group

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Revenue ($'000)

total 4697183 4867842 5184488 5442881 4976164 4730195 4703074 5050111 5617772 5905544 6284166 6377075 6401169 6956711 7336197 7921689 up to 100 kg 295798 277348 301883 333203 294432 277279 271364 259564 254732 272942 266535 252365 259389 261438 276250 299142 100-999 kg 744375 752492 795808 849639 782319 797714 783568 794257 849049 810540 444321 906993 893417 949490 969727 1064763 1000-1999 kg 420104 366023 424255 486762 416628 466619 451927 416815 453315 432325 483058 483996 518888 455813 489126 576632 2000-4999 kg 461564 477472 514771 506358 435432 414470 461406* 411546* 459364* 454087 483058 496615 491334 567399 586023 605512 5000-9999 kg 387988 383302 419146 440309 406020 426189 447518* 541712* 635117* 640903 685647 682928 695346 695997 713978 731313 10000-19999 kg 816135 843411 989911 1113210 985036 817030 764860 924813 1050564 1125145 1200286 1224884 1239694 1427819 1616521 1692321 20000-29999 kg 747718 811797 871743 1101955 810347 733004 729994 842771 959511 1091694 1152119 1159021 1125929 1234468 1334882 1455413 30000-44999 kg 754597 880304 816278 561175 764760 722974 721115 771881 853615 963741 1024302 1045511 1031617 1189263 1135225 1260128 45000-64999 kg 59396 65804 47026 44209 66470 62608 56032 68804 81946 92776 106119 106961 120643 138985 156400 165707 65000 kg and over 9508 9889 3667 6061 14720 12308 15290 17948 20560 21391 23482 17800 24911 36039 58065 70759

Tonnes ('000)

total 154713 168747 177106 162467 149325 126453 123109 140374 154890 167334 181863 167763 177830 198393 204565 212777 up to 100 kg 425 382 400 421 352 333 307 283 288 294 319 251 261 260 245 262 100-999 kg 2995 2932 3105 3159 2769 2837 2665 2707 2918 2900 3304 3131 3211 3401 3212 3509 1000-1999 kg 3469 2766 3656 3741 3201 3318 2971 2689 2917 2912 2957 3217 3542 2907 2954 3244 2000-4999 kg 3772 3879 4538 4118 3467 3318 3338* 2803* 3057* 3180 3607 3503 3551 4523 4239 4333 5000-9999 kg 6233 5586 7019 6849 5661 5587 5737* 6384* 7265* 7253 8032 7556 9025 8427 7876 8227 10000-19999 kg 24298 25573 34518 32986 30744 21351 19670 23793 26474 27931 31132 28829 30459 34552 40530 37655 20000-29999 kg 37527 40293 43990 59990 33915 28088 27856 33157 41809 45259 45269 44121 49044 48426 49119 50627 30000-44999 kg 67041 80457 75726 48102 63715 56272 54932 61769 61329 68494 75692 67977 68309 80646 75011 83076 45000-64999 kg 7622 6154 3786 2737 4527 4286 4245 5168 6957 7406 8984 7698 8838 12124 13333 12565 65000 kg and over 1331 725 368 364 974 1063 1388 1621 1876 1704 2566 1479 1589 3128 …** …**

Table 2.18 Canada Medium to Top For-Hire Carriers: Breakdown of Selected Estimates by Weight Group (continued)

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992* 1993* 1994* 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Tonne-km ('000 000)

total 48930.5 57317 57888.2 54404.5 54700.3 47709.4 47753.0 51973.8 60103.4 65767.3 71472.6 72240.1 76693.7 82473.7 84725.2 87521.7 up to 100 kg 292.8 309.2 291.6 307.4 261.0 240.6 214.5 196.5 182.0 202.7 222.2 207.8 206.7 202.7 205.3 210.2 100-999 kg 1947.6 2142 2190.2 2260.9 2032.0 2006.1 1921.6 1951.2 2081.8 2161.0 2573.8 2681.8 2679.3 2790.3 2714.6 2937.3 1000-1999 kg 1623.9 1499.3 1596.2 1858.2 1548.7 1704.5 1587.8 1501.7 1598.1 1646.4 1820.2 1915 2072.1 1858.7 1868.8 2230.6 2000-4999 kg 2170.3 2414.5 2438.8 2412.2 2168.0 1989.9 2027.6 1728.0 1971.8 2131.2 2538.0 2539.8 2572.7 2868.3 2846.3 2947.5 5000-9999 kg 2849.6 2924.9 3306.2 3301.4 3084.0 3034.3 3179.6 3835.6 4520.0 4820.5 5284.3 5373.1 5760.6 5387.8 4904.0 5381.5 10000-19999 kg 10160.5 11662.8 13674.3 13614.5 13908.4 10085.7 9192.5 10846.0 12812.3 13906.2 15968.9 15410.2 15844.7 18741.3 20143.0 19883.4 20000-29999 kg 12546.5 15399 15949.3 18088.6 14419.2 12736.6 12730.8 14110.2 17117.4 19279.0 20262.8 20339 23082.4 21903.1 22033.0 23864.7 30000-44999 kg 14683.8 19147.3 17054.6 11201.2 15129.7 13694.3 14810.8 15274.0 17057.0 18537.7 19303.3 20597.4 20717.1 23845.4 22756.0 23700.8 45000-64999 kg 1731.8 1528.6 1233.2 1210.1 1738.7 1547.6 1394.3 1720.9 1960.8 2233.8 2632.0 2568.6 2906.7 3471.9 4734.4 3743.7 65000 kg and over 923.7 289.4 153.8 150.0 410.6 669.8 693.5 809.7 802.2 848.8 867.1 607.5 851.3 1404.3 2547.6 2621.1

Shipments ('000)

total 29918 28161 30218 31398 26729 25744 24098 21935 26068 27068 29409 25628 27018 28302 27669 29213 up to 100 kg 11178 9763 9824 11023 8880 8983 8090 7289 8288 8884 9349 6726 6984 7054 6415 6890 100-999 kg 8973 8763 9262 9479 8380 8260 7871 7845 8191 8189 9382 8589 8902 9372 9162 9870 1000-1999 kg 2572 1957 2504 2682 2342 2464 2236 2016 2174 2166 2192 2390 2651 2340 2410 2617 2000-4999 kg 1182 1205 1452 1286 1077 1040 1049* 949* 1038* 1066 1200 1162 1178 1653 1548 1531 5000-9999 kg 848 759 946 930 767 754 774* 913* 1038* 1018 1144 1077 1267 1210 1138 1184 10000-19999 kg 1589 1670 2253 2150 2021 1418 1300 1589 1742 1844 2043 1899 1998 2219 2571 2433 20000-29999 kg 1527 1651 1777 2429 1389 1155 1148 1371 1738 1880 1854 1808 2047 1998 2027 2083 30000-44999 kg 1880 2265 2118 1359 1769 1570 1526 1699 1695 1885 2085 1871 1871 2221 2071 2283 45000-64999 kg 154 119 77 55 91 87 86 105 140 152 183 155 177 238 261 245 65000 kg and over 15 9 5 5 13 13 18 21 24 22 33 20 21 41 101 118

*Caution is required since these data use weight classes: 2000-4499 kg and 4500-9999 kg **Due to data quality and confidentiality measures this value has been suppressed.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 2001, 53-222, Table 3.14: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 2001: Selected Estimates by Originating Region, by Weight Group, page 64-65. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 2000, 53-222, Table 3.14: Domestic For-hire Trucking, 2000: Selected Estimates by Originating Region, by Weight Group, page 64-65. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 1999, 53-222, Table 3.14 Domestic For-hire Trucking, 1998: Selected Estimates by Originating Region, by Weight Group, page 60-61. Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 3.15 (1998); 3.14 (1997); 3.14 (1996); 3.16 (1995); 4.17 (1994); 3.17 (1993); 4.19 (1992); 4.15 (1991); 4.15 (1990); 4.16 (1989); 4.16 (1988); 4.19 (1987); 3.20 (1986).

In the second part of Table 2.18 it can be seen that 87.5 billion tonne-km were travelled in 2001, mostly by the 20,000-29,999 kg group with 23.9 billion tonne-km and followed closely by the 30,000-44,999 kg group with 23.7 billion tonne-km. These two groups constitute 54 percent of the total quantity of tonne-km travelled in Canada. It is not surprising to note that the largest number of shipments were in the two smallest weight categories. 100-999 kg shipments were most common with 9.9 million shipments in 2001 followed by under 100 kg shipments of which there were 6.9 million. These two groups reflect 57 percent of all shipments in Canada. It is only in these two categories where such dominance occurs.

47 Figure 2.15 shows the tonne-km estimates per weight group for medium to top for-hire Canadian carriers.

Figure 2.15 Canada Medium to Top For-Hire Carriers: Tonne-km per Weight Group

30000 up to 100 kg 100-999 kg 25000 1000-1999 kg 0) 2000-4999 kg 00 20000

000 5000-9999 kg ' (

s 15000

m 10000-19999 kg k - e

n 10000 20000-29999 kg n o

T 30000-44999 kg 5000 45000-64999 kg

0 65000 kg and

* * * over 6 7 8 9 0 1 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 992 993 994 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 1 1 1 Year

*Caution is required since these data use weight classes 2000-4499 kg and 4500-9999 kg.

The weight groups with the highest tonne-km estimates are either 20,000 to 29,999 kg or 30,000 to 44,999 kg over the entire period of review. Only in 1989 did the 10,000 to 19,999 kg weight group manage to surpass the 30,000 to 44,999 kg category for second place behind the 20,000 to 29,999 kg weight group. These three weight groups comprise the bulk of tonne-km for medium to top for-hire carriers in Canada.

Following significant declines in the tonne-km estimates of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, recovery growth continued for most of the decade. In 2001, 2.8 billion tonne-km (3 %) more were transported than the previous year. The 20,000 to 29,999 kilogram weight group showed an annual increase in 2001 of 8.3 percent while the 30,000 to 44,999 tonne-km weight group grew by 4.2 percent.

48 Table 2.19 contains information on equipment operated in Manitoba and Canada. Manitoba information refers to small for-hire carriers and owner operators. Canada information refers only to private carriers. If this table is compared to its prior version in the July 2001 publication of Transportation Trends in Manitoba, you will notice that data for prior years has changed significantly. Upon updating this table, incorrect data in prior years was found and has been corrected.

Table 2.19 Manitoba For-Hire and Owner Operator and Canadian Private Carriers: Equipment Operated

Straight Trucks Road Tractors Semi-trailers and Full Trailers** Other Equipment Total Equipment

Operated by Operated Operated Operated Operated Owned & Owned & Owned & Owned & Owned & Year Total Owner Total by Owner Total by Owner Total by Owner Total by Owner Leased Leased Leased Leased Leased Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator

Manitoba Small For-hire and Owner Operator

1990 987 578 409 2348 927 1421 1744 1182 562 131 72 59 5210 2759 2451 1991 823 156 667 1846 252 1594 1221 258 963 32 0 32 3922 666 3256 1992 854 320 534 2474 532 1942 2167 959 1208 73 42 31 5568 1853 3715 1993 923 192 731 2727 528 2199 2529 707 1819 469 37 432 6648 1464 5181 1994 987 162 825 2903 488 2415 2353 693 1660 361 25 336 6604 1368 5236 1995 716 252 464 3096 584 2512 2840 776 2064 456 238 218 7108 1850 5258 1996 881 388 493 3159 709 2450 2771 960 1811 755 293 462 7566 2350 5216 1997 672 135 537 2654 451 2203 1881 612 1269 627 135 537 5456 1237 4219 1998 691 148 543 3406 739 2667 2919 1000 1919 284 112 172 7300 1999 5301 1999 412 118 294 3202 494 2708 2314 635 1679 108 37 71 6036 1284 4752

Year Total Owned Leased Total Owned Leased Total Owned Leased Total Owned Leased Total Owned Leased

Canadian Private Carriers***

1986 19661 18880 781 36716 34054 2662 95002 88516 6486 7194 6966 228 158573 148416 10157 1987 19373 18466 907 37964 34931 3033 101243 92018 9225 7652 7440 212 166232 152855 13377 1988 17727 16840 887 37307 33447 3860 103273 91570 11703 7432 7111 321 165739 148968 16771 1989 16872 15904 968 38532 34525 4007 105687 91976 13711 6918 6367 551 168009 148772 19237 1990 8609 7928 681 28740 25698 3042 93526 80209 13317 7458 6850 608 138333 120685 17648 1991 9130 8146 984 29236 25799 3437 94027 79768 14259 6526 5920 606 138919 119633 19286 1992 8360 7794 566 29862 26261 3601 93093 80523 12570 7189 6705 484 138504 121283 17221 1993 8253 7577 676 31059 26966 4093 96889 80878 16011 7677 6898 779 143878 122319 21559 1994 18309 N.A. N.A. 35970 N.A. N.A. 28354 N.A. N.A. 5913 N.A. N.A. 88546 N.A. N.A. 1995 9917 8766 1151 5108 3709 1399 11898 8347 3551 1033 843 190 27956 21665 6291 1996 8541 7802 739 5821 3366 2455 13161 9109 4052 933 730 203 28456 21007 7449 1997 7954 5973 1981 4897 2849 2048 12304 11577 727 2595 1213 1382 27750 21612 6138 1998 6584 4873 1711 4903 3375 1528 12244 9227 3017 1472 731 741 25203 18206 6997

N.A. = not available

Note: **Semi trailer only starting in 1994. ***Statistics Canada has not collected data for private carriers since 1998 due to a poor reponse rate and inaccuracies.

Sources: Contact with Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.1, Table 7: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1999: Equipment Operated by Province Territory of Domicile, Small For-hire Carriers, page 17. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.18, No.2, Table 5: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1999: Equipment Operated by Province Territory of Domicile, Owner Operators, page 18. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.17, No.1, Table 11: Motor Carriers of Freight, 1998: Equipment Operated by Province Territory of Domicile, Owner Operators, page 21. Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.16, No.1, Table 14 (1997). Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.15, No.1, Table 14 (1996). Statistics Canada, Surface and Marine Transport, 50-002: Vol.13, No.6, Tables 1, 13 (1995). Statistics Canada, Trucking in Canada, 53-222: 4.3 (1998); 4.4 (1995-97); 3.11 (1994); 2.7 (1990-93); 2.29 (1989); 2.19 (1988-1986).

In 1998 Canadian private carriers operated 25,203 total units of equipment. Straight trucks comprised 6,584, road tractors 4,903, semi-trailers and full-trailers 12,244 and other equipment 1,472 units. A long term declining trend is observed in the number of units of all equipment types used by Canadian private carriers.

Figure 2.16 depicts equipment operated by Manitoba small for-hire carriers and owner operators.

49 Figure 2.16 Equipment Operated: Manitoba Small For-hire and Owner Operator



6000 s it

n 5000 Semi-trailers and Full Trailers** u

r Road Tractors

o 4000 r

e Straight Trucks 3000 mb Other Equipment u N 2000


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

**Semi-trailers only starting in 1994.

Table 2.20 shows commercial registered vehicles in Manitoba.

Table 2.20 Manitoba Registered Commercial Vehicles

PSV** U-drive Car / Dealer / Taxi / PSV** Commercial PSV** Category Total Non- Year Truck Subtotal Cancellations Grand Total Truck Truck*** Repairer Livery Bus Trailer **** Trailer Total Commercial

1986 22896 4237 2545 4257 865 171 3858 26 38855 N.A. 38855 817016 855871 1987 24099 5221 2389 4519 858 161 8110 28 45385 N.A. 45385 834792 880177 1988 23780 4321 2543 4655 825 160 16144 25 52453 4376 48077 715472 763549 1989 26096 4580 2438 4712 909 154 18695 26 57610 4160 53450 727860 781310 1990 25845 5017 2446 4850 832 166 21225 17 60398 5081 55317 730790 786107 1991 25809 4580 2533 4878 868 174 23607 14 62463 4405 58058 731222 789280 1992 27380 4897 2267 4856 841 159 25978 14 66392 4108 62284 738426 800710 1993 27857 5079 N.A. 5112 852 164 19207 11 58282 3498 54784 735808 790592 1994 28904 5253 N.A. 5853 840 161 24936 20 65967 3723 62244 748450 810694 1995 26424 5091 N.A. 6141 866 148 26920 18 65608 5189 60419 756286 816705 1996 23648 4984 N.A. 7026 963 153 30009 18 66801 6141 60660 684928 745588 1997 24188 5700 N.A. 7128 1058 146 32263 17 70500 6572 63928 656313 720241 1998 25035 6062 N.A. 13390 888 143 25637 20 71175 5471 65704 661317 727021 1999 25251 6403 N.A. 7425 901 196 29793 34 70003 7505 62498 671500 733998 2000 16196 3776 N.A. 4814 833 71 31134 30 56854 N.A. 56854 744170 801024 2001 16372 5686 N.A. 5015 840 71 34017 35 62036 N.A. 62036 756767 818803 2002 16473 6163 N.A. 4953 823 73 31984 47 60516 N.A. 60516 767812 828328 N.A. = not available

Note: **Public service vehicle. ***U-drive car included with passenger car and U-drive truck included with truck, effective 1993. ****Includes semi-trailers.

Sources: Driver and Vehicle Licensing, Manitoba Transport and Government Services, Annual Statistical Reports, 1986-1999. Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing.

Truck Definition: A Commercial Truck is a truck (or trailer) used to transport the registered owner's (or lessee's) own business goods:

a. Beyond a radius of 20 kilometres of the City of Winnipeg, where the registered owner's business address is in the City of Winnipeg,

50 b. Beyond a radius of a city, town or village other than the City of Winnipeg, where the registered owner's address is not in the City of Winnipeg.

Figure 2.17 depicts total registered vehicles in Manitoba. It is evident that the bulk of vehicles are registered for non-commercial use. Commercial registered vehicles increased for the period under review.

Figure 2.17 Manitoba Registered Vehicles

1000000 900000 Commercial 800000 Vehicles s

t 700000 600000 uni Non-commercial

of 500000 r Vehicles e

b 400000 m

u 300000 N 200000 100000 0 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Year

Figure 2.18 charts commercial registered vehicles in Manitoba.

Figure 2.18 Manitoba Registered Commercial Vehicles (before cancellations)

80000 Commercial 70000 Trailer **** s 60000

unit Taxi / Livery 50000 of

r 40000 e

b 30000 Dealer / Repairer m

u 20000 N 10000 PSV** Truck 0

6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 Truck 8 8 9 9 9 9 0 0 99 19 19 1 19 19 19 19 20 20 Year

51 Over the period of review total commercial vehicles before cancellations increased in most years, except for a significant drop in 2000. This increase was primarily due to increased numbers of commercial trailers from 3,858 in 1996 to its peak in 1997 at 32,263 and eventually reached 34,017 in 2001. This represents an increase of 729 percent. In 2001 commercial trailers made up the largest share of total commercial vehicles of 60,516 at a proportion of 56 percent.

The overall increase from 1986 to 2002 in total registered commercial vehicles in Manitoba after cancellations was 21,661 units or 56 percent.

Table 2.21 shows surface type on Manitoba provincial trunk highways.

Table 2.21 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Kilometers by Surface Type, January 2001

Route Concrete Bituminous Road Mix A.S.T. Gravel Total

1 1.0 463.7 464.7 1A 0.3 30.4 30.7 2 49.4 265.6 315.0 3 6.3 321.9 68.2 396.4 3A 11.3 11.3 48.9 8.9 5 299.1 11.1 90.3 400.5 5A 6.6 6.6 6 720.7 21.7 742.4 7 20.4 84.1 104.5 8 27.2 116.1 19.5 162.8 9 3.9 80.9 84.8 9A 2.9 4.8 7.7 10 676.8 1.9 44.6 723.3 10A 12.1 12.1 11 141.1 5.8 146.9 12 6.1 228.8 4.5 19.7 259.1 13 50.4 50.4 14 50.3 50.3 15 11.0 36.5 28.4 75.9 16 259.6 259.6 16A 9.0 9.0 17 2.4 22.2 97.6 4.8 127.0 18 27.5 27.8 55.3 19 5.0 5.0 20 65.2 9.6 95.2 170.0 20A 5.1 5.1 21 70.8 105.4 176.2 22 0.8 20.1 20.9 23 0.6 137.7 128.0 266.3 24 7.9 72.7 80.6 25 28.2 28.2 26 1.0 63.4 64.4 27 2.9 2.9 29 0.5 0.5 30 10.8 11.1 21.9

52 Table 2.21 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Kilometers by Surface Type (Continued)

Route Concrete Bituminous Road Mix A.S.T. Gravel Total

31 11.6 11.1 22.7 32 22.7 22.7 34 0.5 123.8 124.3 39 56.3 107.9 164.2 41 9.2 10.1 51.4 70.7 42 7.8 44.7 52.5 44 88.9 30.1 119.0 45 98.6 7.6 106.2 49 1.6 1.6 50 71.9 51.7 123.6 52 1.3 33.8 35.1 57 1.6 1.6 59 12.8 136.9 40.1 189.8 60 152.2 152.2 67 18.6 11.6 14.8 45.0 68 57.3 13.0 138.6 208.9 75 45.0 46.8 91.8 77 41.5 41.5 83 252.6 1.1 78.9 332.6 89 10.0 10.0 100 39.9 39.9 101 11.4 38.3 49.7 110 3.1 7.4 10.5

Total 211.4 5,287.3 96.4 1,751.0 17.2 7,363.3

Note: Bituminous refers to a 3 to 4 inch asphalt surface whereas A.S.T. refers to asphalt surface treatment at approximately 0.25 inch thickness.

53 Table 2.22 shows traffic volume on Manitoba provincial trunk highways.

Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 1 Ontario border 74C 3309 13.9 3140 13.9 3600 13.9 3780 13.9 3980 13.9 3880 13.9 3880 13.9 4110 13.9 PTH 100 47C 22237 5.3 22480 5.3 22020 5.3 18620 5.3 19650 5.3 19110 5.3 20220 5.3 20500 5.3 PTH 41 25C 2175 29.9 2380 29.9 2790 29.9 3130 29.9 2950 29.9 2920 29.9 2880 29.9 2610 29.9

Route 1A PTH 26 368C 5120 8.7 5400 8.7 4250 8.7 N.A. N.A. 5230 4.2 N.A. N.A. 6150 4.2 N.A. N.A.

Route 2 PTH 3 1899C 1988 9.9 2050 9.9 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2170 7.0 N.A. N.A. 2890 7.0 PTH 18 281C 1116 8.8 1140 8.8 1400 8.8 N.A. N.A. 1420 8.8 N.A. N.A. 1550 8.8 N.A. N.A. PTH 83 40C 705 10.8 720 10.8 750 10.8 770 10.8 800 10.8 800 10.8 800 10.8 790 10.8

Route 3 PTH 100 648C 4570 9.6 4410 9.6 4640 9.6 4430 12.5 4110 13.7 N.A. N.A. 4740 13.7 N.A. N.A. PTH 34 262C 1015 9.7 1000 9.7 840 9.7 N.A. N.A. 870 14.5 N.A. N.A. 1030 14.5 N.A. N.A. PTH 83 327C 520 11.3 500 11.3 N.A. N.A 540 11.3 N.A. N.A. 470 11.3 N.A. N.A. 410 11.3

Route 3A Crystal City 515C 350 7.8 310 7.8 260 7.8 N.A N.A 260 7.8 N.A. N.A. 260 7.8 N.A. N.A.

Route 4 PTH 59 2498C N.A. N.A. 2500 7.4 1590 7.4 N.A. N.A 1990 7.4 N.A. N.A. 1970 7.4 N.A. N.A.

Route 5 PTH 3 292C 230 4.5 230 4.5 190 4.5 N.A N.A. 260 5.0 N.A. N.A. 240 5.0 N.A. N.A. PTH 16 390C 895 5.3 1040 5.3 N.A. N.A. 1170 5.3 N.A N.A. 1330 5.3 N.A. N.A. 1350 5.3 PTH 83 467C 1267 6.2 1250 6.2 1030 6.2 N.A. N.A. 1320 6.6 N.A. N.A. 1370 6.6 N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 5A PTH 5 2464C 2304 4.3 2330 4.3 N.A. N.A. 2310 4.3 N.A. N.A. 2140 4.3 N.A. N.A. 2000 4.3

Route 6 PR 236 1846C 2889 5.2 3560 5.2 N.A. N.A. 3480 5.2 N.A. N.A. 3400 5.2 N.A. N.A. 3920 5.2 PTH 60 1890C 400 14.2 450 14.2 490 14.2 N.A. N.A. 520 14.2 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Thompson 1886C 1620 N.A. 1820 N.A. 1950 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2490 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Route 7 PR 221 2C 9902 10.4 10950 10.4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. PTH 17 16C 1608 6.0 1590 6.0 1760 6.0 1790 6.0 1780 6.0 1720 6.0 1780 6.0 1820 6.0 PTH 68 192C 945 10.2 1100 10.2 N.A. N.A. 1290 11 N.A. N.A. 1060 4.0 N.A. N.A. 1400 4.0

Route 8 PTH 101 712C 13340 9.3 12400 9.3 N.A. N.A. 12170 9.3 N.A. N.A. 11940 9.3 N.A. N.A. 14500 9.3 PR 231 199C 1120 7.9 1500 7.9 N.A. N.A. 2020 7.9 N.A. N.A. 1800 7.9 N.A. N.A. 1640 7.9 Hecla Island 604C 460 N.A. 400 N.A. N.A. N.A. 570 N.A. N.A. N.A. 210 N.A. N.A. N.A. 230 N.A.

Route 9 PTH 101 711C 14026 6 15220 6 13830 6 15270 6 13420 6.0 N.A. N.A. 16810 6.0 N.A. N.A. PR 232 715C 1355 6.5 1800 6.5 N.A. N.A. 1750 6.5 N.A. N.A. 1290 6.5 N.A. N.A. 1550 6.5 Gimli 200C 1530 8 1900 8 N.A. N.A. 2430 8 N.A. N.A. 1840 8.0 N.A. N.A. 2090 8.0

Route 9A PTH 9 565C 8200 3.1 10000 3.1 10120 3.1 N.A. N.A. 9220 3.1 N.A. N.A. 9490 3.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 10 PR 341 1283C 500 9.5 700 9.5 660 9.5 N.A. N.A. 690 9.5 N.A. N.A. 850 9.5 N.A. N.A. PTH 10A 705C 1816 6.4 1780 6.4 2150 6.4 N.A. N.A. 2410 6.4 N.A. N.A. 2520 6.4 N.A. N.A. Flin Flon 10A 2425C 1081 7 1090 70 910 7 N.A. N.A. 750 7.0 N.A. N.A. 790 7.0 N.A. N.A. Flin Flon 10 501C 2233 9 2290 9 2340 2.4 N.A. N.A. 2180 2.4 N.A. N.A. 2440 2.4 N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count. Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

54 Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 10A PR 274 84C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 620 7 690 7 700 7.0 690 7.0 690 7.0 710 11.3

Route 11 PTH 1 147C 670 10.7 850 10.7 N.A. N.A. 790 9.9 N.A. N.A. 940 9.9 N.A. N.A. 620 9.9 PR 307 726C 1066 4.3 1270 4.3 1040 4.3 N.A. N.A. 1190 4.3 N.A. N.A. N.A. 9.6 N.A. N.A. PTH 59 119C 504 9.6 980 9.6 750 9.6 N.A. N.A. 880 9.6 N.A. N.A. 880 9.6 N.A. N.A.

Route 12 U.S. Border 160C 520 12 650 12 N.A. N.A. 880 12 N.A. N.A. 740 12.0 N.A. N.A. 740 12.0 PTH 15 142C 785 8.1 1020 8.1 1140 8.1 N.A. N.A. 860 8.1 N.A. N.A. 1160 8.1 N.A. N.A. PTH 59 123C 990 2.4 1150 2.4 1600 2.4 N.A. N.A. 710 2.4 N.A. N.A. 540 2.4 N.A. N.A.

Route 13 PR 305 1835C 1989 9 2050 9 1800 9 N.A. N.A. 2500 9.0 N.A. N.A. 2530 9.0 N.A. N.A. PTH 1 372C 1485 13.7 1820 13.7 N.A N.A. 1740 13.7 N.A N.A 1520 13.7 N.A. N.A. 1690 13.7

Route 14 PTH 75 716C 1281 18.8 1310 18.8 950 18.8 N.A. N.A. 1630 32.7 N.A. N.A. 1520 32.7 N.A. N.A. PTH 3 243C 5825 5.9 5960 5.9 5790 5.9 N.A. N.A. 7920 5.9 N.A. N.A. 10140 5.9 N.A. N.A.

Route 15 PTH 11 2272C 345 4.3 500 4.3 800 4.3 N.A. N.A. 720 4.3 N.A. N.A. 550 4.3 N.A. N.A. PR 207 2446C 7575 4.1 10000 4.1 9230 4.1 9970 7.5 8980 7.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Route 16 PTH 1 46C 2871 12.6 2900 12.6 3070 12.6 3330 15 3420 15.0 3290 15.0 3230 15.0 3330 17.4 PTH 10 395C 1995 13.2 2300 13.2 N.A. N.A. 2120 13.2 N.A. N.A. 2180 13.2 N.A. N.A. 2170 13.2 Sask. border 80C N.A. N.A. 1100 19.1 1210 19.1 1590 15 1590 15.0 N.A. N.A. 1670 15.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 16A PTH 16 392C 190 6.6 2000 6.6 N.A. N.A. 1950 6.6 N.A. N.A. 1840 6.6 N.A. N.A. 1870 6.6

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 17 PTH 8 609C 390 6.5 450 6.5 N.A. N.A. 640 6.5 N.A. N.A. 510 6.5 N.A. N.A. 580 6.5 PR 231 186C 315 10 470 10 N.A. N.A. 540 10 N.A. N.A. 320 10.0 N.A. N.A. 580 10.0 PR 325 689C 640 7.5 740 7.5 N.A. N.A. 1110 7.5 N.A. N.A. 930 7.5 N.A. N.A. 990 7.5

Route 18 PR 341(Lena) 1264C 325 11.1 400 11.1 310 11.1 N.A. N.A. 300 11.1 N.A. N.A. 400 11.1 N.A. N.A. PTH 23 286C 760 7.2 900 7.2 770 7.2 N.A. N.A. 880 7.2 N.A. N.A. 1060 7.2 N.A. N.A. PTH 2 282C 598 8.8 620 8.8 610 8.8 N.A. N.A. 730 8.8 N.A. N.A. 680 8.8 N.A. N.A.

Route 19 PTH 5 446C 150 6.6 150 6.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 120 6.6 N.A. N.A. 110 6.6

Route 20 Ochre River 458C 978 7 990 7 N.A. N.A. 1090 7 730 7.0 900 7.0 N.A. N.A. 840 7.0 PR 271 1978C 234 7.4 240 7.4 310 7.4 N.A. N.A. 380 7.4 N.A. N.A. 320 7.4 N.A. N.A. PTH 10 482C 234 7.1 240 7.1 290 7.1 N.A. N.A. 280 7.1 N.A. N.A. 290 7.1 N.A. N.A.

Route 20A PTH 20 459C 2068 5.7 2100 5.7 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2080 5.7 2400 5.7 N.A. N.A. 2180 5.7

Route 21 PR 251 1318C 150 8 200 8 N.A. N.A. 180 8 N.A N.A. 180 8.0 N.A. N.A. 180 8.0 PTH 1 351C 460 9.2 430 7.2 610 7.2 N.A. N.A. 730 7.2 N.A. N.A. 780 7.2 N.A. N.A. PTH 16 403C 575 11.2 550 11.2 580 8 N.A. N.A. 750 8.4 N.A. N.A. 750 8.4 N.A. N.A.

Route 22 PTH 23 691C 270 9.1 270 9.1 270 9.1 310 9.1 N.A. N.A. 270 9.1 N.A. N.A. 330 9.1 PTH 2 540C 466 9 470 9 N.A. N.A. 600 9 410 9.0 450 9.0 N.A. N.A. 550 9.0

Route 23 PTH 59 167C 775 14.8 820 14.8 N.A. N.A. 1340 14.8 N.A. N.A. 840 14.8 N.A. N.A. 1110 14.8 PTH 34 268C 630 6.6 630 6.6 670 6.6 N.A. N.A. 930 10.1 N.A. N.A. 840 10.1 N.A. N.A. PTH 21 318C 305 10 250 10 N.A. N.A. 330 10 N.A. N.A. 280 10.0 N.A. N.A. 350 10.0

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count. Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

55 Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 24 PTH 10 427C 612 4.7 640 4.7 620 4.7 N.A. N.A. 730 4.7 N.A. N.A. 780 4.7 N.A. N.A. PTH 21 423C 370 9.7 380 9.7 430 9.7 N.A. N.A. 400 9.7 N.A. N.A. 470 9.7 N.A. N.A. PTH 83 421C 497 6 450 6 400 6 N.A. N.A. 480 5.0 N.A. N.A. 570 5.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 25 PTH 10 431C 335 15.7 330 15.7 360 15.7 N.A. N.A. 300 15.7 N.A. N.A. 380 15.7 N.A. N.A. Rivers 432C 637 8 650 8 610 8 N.A. N.A. 770 8.0 N.A. N.A. 730 8.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 26 PTH 1 376C 1240 12.7 1700 12.7 1600 12.7 N.A. N.A. 1600 10.0 N.A. N.A. 1790 10.0 N.A. N.A. Poplar Point 524C 425 12 500 12 N.A. N.A. 370 12 N.A. N.A. 340 12.0 N.A. N.A. 300 12.0 Highbluff Access 370C 1190 7.2 1100 7.2 950 7.2 N.A. N.A. 990 5.3 N.A. N.A. 990 5.3 N.A. N.A.

Route 27 PTH 9 210C 1790 4.7 2100 4.7 N.A. N.A. 2300 4.7 N.A. N.A. 1550 4.7 N.A. N.A. 2300 4.7

Route 30 PR 243 237C 1180 11 1230 11 1330 11 N.A. N.A. 1180 11.0 N.A. N.A. 1250 11.0 N.A. N.A. PTH 14 239C 2053 9.1 2050 9.1 1680 9.1 N.A. N.A. 1960 9.1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Route 31 PTH 3 258C 307 10 300 10 290 10 N.A. N.A. 380 10.0 N.A. N.A. 350 10.0 N.A. N.A. PR 201 1901C 141 11 150 11 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 115 11.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 32 PR 521 1832C 364 11.6 400 11.6 350 11.6 N.A. N.A. 470 11.6 N.A. N.A. 370 11.6 N.A. N.A. PTH 14 241C 2286 11 2580 11 3210 11 N.A. N.A. 3480 12.3 N.A. N.A. 3870 12.3 N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 34 PTH 3 264C 415 9.7 410 9.7 330 9.7 N.A. N.A. 360 13.2 N.A. N.A. 380 13.2 N.A. N.A. PTH 2 277C 498 10.1 510 10.1 280 5.5 N.A. N.A. 340 9.8 N.A. N.A. 420 9.8 N.A. N.A. PTH 16 384C 645 6.4 750 6.4 N.A. N.A. 890 8.7 N.A. N.A. 840 8.7 N.A. N.A. 930 8.7

Route 39 PTH 6 2142C 201 10.6 200 10.6 210 10.6 N.A. N.A. 240 10.6 N.A. N.A. 200 10.6 N.A. N.A. PR 392 637C 280 10.4 290 10.4 330 10.4 N.A. N.A. 290 10.4 N.A. N.A. 280 10.4 N.A. N.A. PTH 10 636C 369 14.2 370 19.5 80 19.5 N.A. N.A. 310 19.5 N.A. N.A. 310 19.5 N.A. N.A.

Route 41 PTH 1 339C 174 9.7 180 9.7 N.A. N.A. 320 9.7 200 9.7 150 9.7 N.A. N.A. 130 9.7 PR 545 412C 270 10 210 10 220 10 N.A. N.A. 250 10.0 N.A. N.A. 300 10.0 N.A. N.A. PTH 16 414C 290 5.9 270 5.9 320 5.9 N.A. N.A. 360 9.1 N.A. N.A. 340 9.1 N.A. N.A.

Route 42 PTH 16 2078C 365 6.9 480 6.9 410 6.9 N.A. N.A. 580 9.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. PTH 41 1877C 345 11.1 400 11.1 330 11.1 N.A. N.A. 370 11.1 N.A. N.A. 390 11.1 N.A. N.A.

Route 44 PTH 1 560C 635 5.6 600 5.6 N.A. N.A. 1340 5.6 N.A. N.A. 590 9.7 N.A. N.A. 980 5.6 PTH 11 114C 1365 7 1500 7 1260 7 N.A. N.A. 1540 7.0 N.A. N.A. 300 10.0 N.A. N.A. PTH 9 507C 4425 2.2 5030 2.2 5520 2.2 N.A. N.A. 5240 2.2 N.A. N.A. 340 9.1 N.A. N.A.

Route 45 PTH 10 438C 670 6.4 790 6.4 N.A. N.A. 620 6.4 N.A. N.A. 730 6.4 N.A. N.A. 650 6.4 PTH 21 404C 315 10 310 10 310 10 N.A. N.A. 440 10.0 N.A. N.A. 360 10.0 N.A. N.A. PTH 16 418C 1015 5 1050 5 1010 5 N.A. N.A. 1140 6.9 N.A. N.A. 1210 6.9 N.A. N.A.

Route 49 PTH 83 494C 431 7.8 440 7.8 420 7.8 N.A. N.A. 460 7.8 N.A. N.A. 450 7.8 N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count. Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

56 Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 50 PTH 16 380C 565 7.9 640 7.9 860 7.9 860 7.9 N.A. N.A. 590 7.9 N.A. N.A. 830 7.9 PR 278 452C 290 6.2 310 6.2 N.A. N.A. 400 6.2 N.A. N.A. 310 6.2 N.A. N.A. 320 6.2 PR 361 449C 481 6.3 470 6.3 N.A. N.A. 400 6.3 N.A. N.A. 450 6.3 N.A. N.A. 480 6.3

Route 52 PR 302 2093C 1000 9 1300 9 N.A. N.A. 1950 9 N.A. N.A. 1770 9.0 N.A. N.A. 2260 9.0 PTH 59 169C 1725 9 1760 9 N.A. N.A. 2380 9 N.A. N.A. 2490 9.0 N.A. N.A. 2650 9.0

Route 57 PTH 83 706C 250 10 260 10 280 10 N.A. N.A. 330 10.0 N.A. N.A. 330 10.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 59 U.S. Border 162C 340 18.5 410 18.5 N.A. N.A. 360 18.5 N.A. N.A. 300 18.5 N.A. N.A. 420 18.5 PTH 101 662C 18600 9.2 17100 9.2 19250 9.2 19770 4.2 21324 4.2 N.A. N.A. 24670 4.2 N.A. N.A. PR 504 120C 1004 3.9 1090 3.9 1620 3.9 N.A. N.A. 780 3.0 N.A. N.A. 1150 3.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 60 PTH 6 1892C 215 11.6 240 11.6 460 11.6 250 11.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. PTH 10 2279C 238 13.4 250 13.4 250 13.4 N.A. N.A. 280 13.4 N.A. N.A. 290 13.4 N.A. N.A.

Route 67 PTH 9 2062C 1100 5.7 1580 5.7 1520 5.7 N.A. N.A. 1800 5.7 N.A. N.A. 1670 5.7 N.A. N.A. PTH 7 177C 925 11.2 970 11.9 N.A. N.A. 2630 12.9 N.A. N.A. 1530 12.9 N.A. N.A. 1850 2.9 PTH 6 212C 680 10 1060 10 N.A. N.A. 1160 6 N.A. N.A. 1190 6.0 N.A. N.A. 1210 6.0

Route 68 PTH 8 194C 635 4.3 650 4.3 N.A. N.A. 750 4.3 N.A. N.A. 770 4.3 N.A. N.A. 710 4.3 PTH 6 219C 380 11.8 530 11.8 N.A. N.A. 310 11.8 N.A. N.A. 340 11.8 N.A. N.A. 440 11.8 PTH 5 455C 994 8.1 1080 8.1 N.A. N.A. 1130 8.1 N.A. N.A. 1080 8.1 N.A. N.A. 1470 8.1

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

Table 2.22 Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways: Traffic Volume and Percentage of Truck Activity (continued)

1989 1992 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 PTH Route Station Nr AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck AADT % truck

Route 75 PR 243 727C 1915 21.6 2020 21.6 1970 21.6 N.A. N.A. 2800 21.6 N.A. N.A. 2760 21.6 N.A. N.A. PTH 23 227C 3535 14 4000 14 4360 14 N.A. N.A. 5410 14.0 N.A. N.A. 4510 14.0 N.A. N.A. PR 247 9C 6129 7.4 6760 7.4 6880 7.4 7430 7.4 7730 7.4 7460 7.4 7380 7.4 7590 7.4

Route 77 PTH 10 679C 255 6.4 230 6.4 260 6.4 N.A. N.A. 300 6.4 N.A. N.A. 240 6.4 N.A. N.A. Sask. Border 634C 178 10 160 10 160 10 N.A. N.A. 150 10.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Route 83 U.S. Border 543C 165 11 170 11 N.A. N.A. 200 11 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 130 11.0 PTH 16 408C 445 10.7 410 10.7 440 10.7 N.A. N.A. 560 12.0 N.A. N.A. 510 12.0 N.A. N.A. Swan River 720C 1691 8 1700 8 1470 8 N.A. N.A. 2030 8.0 N.A. N.A. 2150 8.0 N.A. N.A.

Route 89 U.S. Border 157C 80 85 110 10.2 N.A. N.A. 60 10.2 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 70 10.2 PTH 12 508C 495 3 440 5.4 N.A. N.A. 350 5.4 N.A. N.A. 330 5.4 N.A. N.A. 370 5.4

Route 100 PTH 59 732C 7682 14.5 8600 14.5 N.A. N.A. 11890 14.5 N.A. N.A. 11410 14.5 N.A. N.A. 13110 14.5 PTH 75 670C 9162 13.3 # 10000 13.1 N.A. N.A. 12390 2.7 N.A. N.A. 11480 20.7 N.A. N.A. 3890 20.7 PTH 1 47C 22237 5.3 22480 5.3 22020 5.3 18620 5.3 19650 5.3 19110 5.3 20220 5.3 20500 5.3

Route 101 PTH 15 1850C 2152 10.2 2550 10.2 13060 10.2 5170 19.8 5620 19.8 N.A. N.A. 6720 19.8 N.A. N.A. PTH 9 676C 14698 12.5 13000 12.5 N.A. N.A. 16290 12.5 N.A. N.A. 16870 12.3 N.A. N.A. 19980 12.5 PTH 1 678C 9756 12 10000 12 N.A. N.A. 12890 12 N.A. N.A. 12130 12.0 N.A. N.A. 16420 12.0

N.A. = not available. Note: For longer PTHs, endpoints and a median were chosen; otherwise, representative points were chosen.

AADT = annual average daily traffic which is an estimate of typical daily traffic for all days of the week over a one-year period.

PTH = provincial trunk highway.

PR = provincial roadway.

* Indicates a combined north/south or east/west count. Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System.

The percentage of truck traffic is not always available for the specific year being reported. Consequently, truck traffic on these routes for the most recent available year is reported as at the time of data collection. Only if no estimate is available for truck traffic in any year of a specific route is data being reported as ‘not available’. This is done to simplify reading of data in Table 2.22 for cursory examination. Hence, the truck traffic percentage for any route and year should be considered with caution and verified from the original source for the actual year of occurrence before final conclusions are based thereupon.

57 Below follows some possible inferences on highway truck volumes from data in Table 2.22 under the assumptions discussed above. The highest share of truck traffic as a percentage of total traffic is provincial trunk highway 75 station number 716C (route 14) where 33 percent trucks were counted. At an annual average daily traffic (AADT) of 1,520 in 2001 this suggests 502 trucks on average per day. Provincial trunk highway 41, station number 25C (route 1), counted 30 percent trucks at an AADT of 2,610 in 2002, which suggests 783 trucks on average per day.

This demonstrates that some routes have lower percentages of truck traffic due to the diluting effect of non-truck traffic, but higher absolute truck volumes. Provincial trunk highway 100, station number 47C (route 1), counted 20,500 AADT in 2002. A truck percentage of 5.3 percent suggests 1,087 trucks on average per day. The highest average number of trucks per day is on provincial truck highway 9 station number 676C, where in 2002 there was 19,980 AADT. A truck percentage of 12.5 suggests 2,498 trucks per day.


This chapter reports on the statistics for rail transportation. In previous years, the primary source for information regarding railway operations was the Statistics Canada publication Rail in Canada. The content of this publication has been significantly reduced and no recent data for our purposes could be found. Therefore, the content of this chapter is significantly different than the previous publication.

Chapter 3 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

MB MB Average MB Exports MB Exports CDN Rail Imports by Imports by MB Annual by Rail to by Rail to Transport Rail from Rail from Employment Salary of CDN U.S. Year GDP* CDN U.S. in Rail CDN Rail Destinations Destinations ($’000 Origins Origins Transport11 Employee (‘000 (‘000 000)10 (‘000 (‘000 ($)12 tonnes)**13 tonnes)**14 tonnes)**15 tonnes)**16 1990 3531 8571 N.A. 7631 534 N.A. N.A. 1991 3676 8146 N.A. 8956 568 N.A. N.A. 1992 3772 7796 46272 7868 709 N.A. N.A. 1993 3846 7528 47263 7535 801 N.A. N.A. 1994 4288 7173 49148 6965 931 N.A. N.A. 1995 3902 N.A. 52307 6522 1199 3665 472 1996 4109 6521 52671 6002 1840 3700 328 1997 4634 6293 54580 7222 2225 3743 605 1998 4513 6038 56959 5494 2380 3594 812 1999 4739 5926 59092 5330 2850 3630 762 2000 4911 5817 60795 5748 3036 4037 884 2001 N.A. N.A. 62675 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available *At factor cost and using 1992 prices; includes rail related services. **With marine imports/exports integrated.

10 For additional information on this, see Table 3.1 of the following chapter. 11 For additional information on this, see Table 3.2 of the following chapter. 12 For additional information on this, see Table 3.2 of the following chapter. 13 For additional information on this, see Table 3.3 of the following chapter. 14 For additional information on this, see Table 3.3 of the following chapter. 15 For additional information on this, see Table 3.4 of the following chapter. 16 For additional information on this, see Table 3.4 of the following chapter.

59 Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1 show the Canadian railway transport and related services GDP (at factor cost, using 1992 prices). The lowest point in the data set is 1982 with $2.5 billion. After several peaks and drops, the data set ends at the peak of the review period in 2000 with $4.9 billion. The 2000 GDP is 43 percent higher than the 1980 figure (beginning of review period) and 94 percent higher than the 1982 lowest point.

Table 3.1 GDP of Canadian Railway Transport (and related services) Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1980 3430 1981 3265 1982 2527 1983 2702 1984 3396 1985 3639 1986 3508 1987 3707 1988 3855 1989 3689 1990 3531 1991 3676 1992 3772 1993 3846 1994 4288 1995 3902 1996 4109 1997 4634 1998 4513 1999 4739 2000 4911

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Railway Transport & Related Service Industries, CANSIM Label I53234, Matrix 04677.

60 Figure 3.1 GDP of Canadian Railway Transport Industry




GDP* '000 000) 3000 $ (

P 2000 D G 1000


00 990 992 994 996 998 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1 1 1 1 1 20 Year

61 Table 3.2 shows employment in Manitoba and Canada rail transport related services and Canadian railway employment and compensation. Note that the information on the left side is retrieved from CANSIM (Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database) and applies to Railway and Related Services, while the information on the right of the table is retrieved from the Railway Association of Canada and presumably does not include related services of the railway. This explains the difference in the number of employees figured. The average annual wage per employee has increased 35 percent over these years with a 2001 figure of $62,675. However, the average annual number of Canadian employees has decreased 34 percent in the same period with a 2001 ending figure of $39,511. Total compensation for the industry decreased 11 percent ($2.5 billion in 2001).

Table 3.2 Canada and Manitoba Railway and Related Services Number of Employees and Compensation

Manitoba % Canada Manitoba of Canada 1983 96154 13415 13.95 1984 95541 13738 14.38 1985 91094 12018 13.19 1986 88315 10823 12.25 1987 79080 9550 12.08 Canadian Railway Employment and Compensation* 1988 76294 9400 12.32 1989 73024 9187 12.58 Total Average Average 1990 68555 8571 12.50 Compensation No. of Annual Salary 1991 63897 8146 12.75 ($'000 000) Employees per Employee ($) 1992 62483 7796 12.48 1992 2781 60111 46272 1993 59638 7528 12.62 1993 2713 57410 47263 1994 57253 7173 12.53 1994 2675 54427 49148 1995 53406 N.A. N.A. 1995 2667 50995 52307 1996 50645 6521 12.88 1996 2505 47556 52671 1997 48647 6293 12.94 1997 2520 46174 54580 1998 48432 6038 12.47 1998 2543 44641 56959 1999 50100 5926 11.83 1999 2545 43109 59092 2000 51923 5817 11.20 2000 2498 41118 60795 2001 2474 39511 62675

Note: N.A. = not available; railways on strike in 1995.

*Note that the information on the left is retrieved from CANSIM and applies to Railway and Related Services, while the information on the right of the table is retrieved from the Railway Association of Canada and presumably does not include related services of the railway. This explains the difference in the number of employees figured.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, All Sizes, Man / Railway Transp. & Related Services, CANSIM Label L77016, Matrix 04383. Statistics Canada, Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH), 72-002, Table 4 (SIC1980:452) The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Financial Highlights, Employment, page 20.

Figure 3.2 Manitoba and Canadian Employment in Railway and Related Services


100000 t

n 80000 e

m Canada y

o 60000

l Manitoba

Emp 40000



4 6 6 8 0 83 8 85 8 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9 97 9 99 0 9 9 0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 1 19 2 Year

62 Figure 3.3 Canadian Railway Employment and Compensation


in 60000 s r lla

o 50000 Average No. of Employees D r o y 40000 r s e la e Average Annual y Sa

o 30000 Salary per Employee l ($) 20000 Emp f . o

o 10000 N

0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

As shown by Figure 3.2, the number of railway and related services employees in Canada (and Manitoba) has decreased significantly since the early eighties. The proportion of Manitoba employees to the total of Canada has decreased. Figure 3.3 shows the average number of employees in Canada and their average annual salary over the period.

Table 3.3 shows the movement of goods (in tonnes) from Manitoba to various Canadian destinations (with marine portion integrated) and with a small mention of the U.S.

Table 3.3 Railway Freight: Tonnes for Movement of Goods From Manitoba to Province or Territory of Destination*** (with Marine Imports/Exports Integrated)


Tonnes ('000)

1987 3 6 70 50 484 5925 934 572 198 1154 - 452 9848 1988 - 6 60 56 459 4519 762 469 188 1179 - 532 8230 1989 - 5 46 36 343 3272 619 385 180 999 - 527 6412 1990 - 2 40 43 407 4322 752 351 168 1546 - 534 8165 1991 - - 31 50 522 5854 636 267 168 1428 - 568 9524 1992 - 80 - - 588 4510 435 205 158 1892 - 709 8577 1993 - 102 - - 606 3238 495 208 226 2660 - 801 8336 1994 - 98 - - 601 4148 457 166 169 1326 - 931 7896 1995 - 81 - - 452 3587 405 163 172 1662 - 1199 7721 1996 - 61 - - 506 3280 485 189 150 1331 - 1840 7842 1997 - 69 - - 580 3864 391 224 287 1808 - 2225 9447 1998 - 56 - - 541 3345 120 224 243 965 - 2380 7874 1999 - 55 - - 640 3259 131 181 212 851 - 2850 8180 2000 - 70 - - 685 3323 192 199 326 953 - 3036 8784

Note: Revenue data is not available after 1990. *Represents the Atlantic Region (NFLD, PEI, NS, NB) as of 1992. **Alberta represents NWT. ***Class 1 Railways-CN and CP only (does not include Burlington Northern Ltd. traffic) # Includes NWT tonnage.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 2000, 52-216, Table 14: Origin and Destination of Commodity Transported by CN and CP, 2000, page 39. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 1999, 52-216, Table 14: Origin and Destination of Commodity Transported by CN and CP, 1999, page 39. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216: Table 6.3 (1993-98).

63 Please note the aggregation of data for some provinces. Shipments east to Ontario are greater in tonnage than to the U.S. The main exports to the Ontario market are inputs for manufacturing, especially vehicle parts, and agricultural goods destined for Europe and South America.

Figure 3.4 illustrates the movement of goods from Manitoba to the various destinations. Due to the aggregation of provinces, comparable data amongst the aggregated provinces is available only as of 1992 and is presented as such. Ontario remains the major destination, but has decreased in absolute values. Movement of goods to the US has significantly increased to 3.036 million tonnes in 2000, up from 452,000 tonnes in 1987. In 2000, all destinations (except for Ontario) had an increase in rail freight from Manitoba.

Figure 3.4 Railway Freight: Movement of Goods from Manitoba to Destination

10000 9000 US by Rail 8000 BC 7000 ALTA#

000) 6000 SASK 5000 es ('


n 4000 o ONT T 3000 QUE 2000 PEI* 1000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

64 Table 3.4 shows the movement of goods (in tonnes) from province or territory of origin to Manitoba (with marine portion integrated) and with a small mention of the U.S.

Table 3.4 Railway Freight: Tonnes for Movement of Goods From Province or Territory of Origin to Manitoba (with Marine Imports/Exports Integrated)


Tonnes ('000)

1995 - 38 - - 228 963 405 914 877 240 - 472 4137 1996 - 42 - - 257 882 485 925 898 211 - 328 4028 1997 - 75 - - 265 944 391 822 1002 244 - 605 4348 1998 - 87 - - 258 964 120 832 1088 245 - 812 4406 1999 - 76 - - 284 845 131 1006 1074 214 - 762 4392 2000 - 66 - - 300 861 192 1295 1052 271 - 884 4921

*Represents the Atlantic Region (NFLD, PEI, NS, NB). **Alberta represents NWT. # Includes NWT tonnage.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 2000, 52-216, Table 14: Origin and Destination of Commodity Transported by CN and CP, 2000, page 39. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 1999, 52-216, Table 14: Origin and Destination of Commodity Transported by CN and CP, 1999, page 39. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216: Table 6.3 (1995-98).

Table 3.5 and Figure 3.5 show the railway freight originating from Manitoba to provincial destinations. As can be seen in this figure, more goods are being shipped to Ontario that to the entire U.S.

Table 3.5 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: from Manitoba to Provincial Destinations ('000 tonnes)

Marine Destination ATL QUE ONT MAN SASK ALTA BC US by rail Exports Total

1987 104 414 1203 892 572 198 197 452 5817 9849 1988 99 393 1170 754 469 188 180 532 4444 8229 1989 71 296 941 564 385 180 122 527 3326 6413 1990 72 325 909 691 351 168 127 534 4988 8165 1991 70 444 1063 578 267 168 143 568 6223 9524 1992 70 525 1110 380 205 158 131 709 5290 8577 1993 97 555 1203 437 208 226 148 801 4662 8336 1994 92 558 2990 364 166 169 160 930 2463 7893 1995 75 420 3133 329 163 172 256 1199 1971 7718 1996 57 470 1865 485 189 150 379 1839 2405 7838 1997 63 540 2141 391 224 287 302 2224 3272 9444 1998 50 495 2833 120 224 243 480 2380 1046 7871

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 6.2: Railway Commodity Origin and Destination and Tonnes, 1998, page 90.

65 Figure 3.5 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Manitoba to Provincial Destinations

12000 ATL

10000 QUE ONT 8000 es

n MAN n o 6000 SASK ALTA

000 T 4000 ' BC 2000 US by rail 0 Marine 7 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 88 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 97 9 Total 9 9 9 9 19 1 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 1 Year

For most of the period under review the largest share of total railway freight from Manitoba to provincial destinations consisted of marine exports. Hence, the trend in total freight closely resembles the marine export trend. Marine exports, however, have been declining and were surpassed in 1994 by Ontario as the major provincial destination of railway freight. By 1998 both Ontario (2.8 million tonnes) and the U.S. by rail category (2.4 million tonnes) had higher shares (36 and 30 percent respectively) than marine exports (1.0 million tonnes or 13.3 percent) of the total railway freight from Manitoba (7.9 million tonnes).

Table 3.6 and Figure 3.6 show railway freight from provincial origins to Manitoba. Trade with Alberta has gone from being third from the last on the export side to being the largest importer of lately for Manitoba. As Ontario has lost their market share, Alberta has been the province that has taken over in this respect.

Table 3.6 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: from Provincial Origins to Manitoba ('000 tonnes)

Marine Origin ATL QUE ONT MAN SASK ALTA BC US by rail Imports Total

1987 30 236 1042 892 948 740 265 197 80 4429 1988 28 238 1032 754 1344 720 256 193 68 4654 1989 28 233 1017 564 876 680 242 232 58 3930 1990 32 199 890 691 762 611 237 248 52 3722 1991 25 181 828 578 630 716 206 235 46 3446 1992 26 184 817 380 716 750 181 325 44 3422 1993 34 209 928 437 744 781 238 420 45 3836 1994 37 237 982 364 741 879 211 411 67 3930 1995 28 203 962 329 752 877 219 472 55 3897 1996 33 231 881 485 925 898 196 328 50 4027 1997 62 234 942 391 822 1002 213 605 76 4346 1998 71 224 963 120 832 1088 211 811 82 4402

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 6.2: Railway Commodity Origin and Destination and Tonnes, 1998, page 90.

66 Figure 3.6 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Provincial Origins to Manitoba

5000 ATL 4500 QUE 4000 3500 ONT es

n 3000 MAN n o 2500 SASK 2000 ALTA 000 T ' 1500 1000 BC 500 US by rail 0 Marine

7 8 9 0 1 2 3 94 95 6 7 8 98 99 99 99 99 Total 1 198 198 1 1 199 199 19 19 1 1 199 Year

During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, total railway freight from provincial origins to Manitoba declined unabatedly. The rest of the decade saw steady annual increase to recover most of the earlier losses. In 1998, 4.4 million tonnes of freight were railed to Manitoba from provincial origins (1987: 4.4 million tonnes). The highest growth rates in latter years were recorded in the U.S. rail category, which grew 147 percent from 1996 (328,000 tonnes) to 1998 (811,000 tonnes).

Table 3.7 shows the tonnage of marine exports by rail from Manitoba to Canadian provinces. The two main ports of exit for Manitoban agricultural goods have always been the Port of Vancouver in the west and the Port of Thunder Bay in the east. It is for this reason that B.C. and Ontario ship 95 percent of Manitoban marine exports.

Table 3.7 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Tonnes of Marine Exports from Manitoba to Canadian Provinces ('000 tonnes)

Destination ALT QUE ONT MAN SASK ALTA BC US by rail Total

1987 104 414 1203 892 572 198 197 452 9849 1988 99 393 1170 754 469 188 180 532 8229 1989 71 296 941 564 385 180 122 527 6413 1990 72 325 909 691 351 168 127 534 8165 1991 70 444 1063 578 267 168 143 568 9524 1992 10 63 3401 55 - - 1761 - 5290 1993 5 52 2035 58 - - 2512 - 4662 1994 6 42 1158 92 - - 1166 - 2463 1995 6 31 454 76 - - 1405 - 1971 1996 4 35 1415 - - - 951 - 2405 1997 6 38 1723 - - - 1505 - 3272 1998 6 43 513 - - - 484 - 1046

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 6.5: Railway Commodity Origin and Destination and Tonnes for Marine Exports, 1998, page 92.

67 Table 3.8 shows the tonnage of marine imports by rail to Manitoba from Canadian provinces.

Table 3.8 Railway Freight Origin and Destination: Tonnes of Marine Imports to Manitoba from Canadian Provinces ('000 tonnes)

Origin ALT QUE ONT MAN SASK ALTA BC US by rail Total

1987 30 236 1042 892 948 740 265 197 4429 1988 28 238 1032 754 1344 720 256 193 4654 1989 28 233 1017 564 876 680 242 232 3930 1990 32 199 890 691 762 611 237 248 3722 1991 25 181 828 578 630 716 206 235 3446 1992 26 184 817 380 716 750 181 325 3422 1993 34 209 928 437 744 781 238 420 3836 1994931-1--25-67 19951025----20-55 1996926----14-49 19971332----31-76 19981633----33-82

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 6.4: Railway Commodity Origin and Destination and Tonnes for Marine Imports, 1998, page 92.

68 Table 3.9 shows the southbound movements of goods by rail to U.S. regions of destination from gateway province. The north-central area receives the largest proportion of goods from Manitoba, followed by the southern portion of the U.S. There is a high probability that at least some of these goods are destined for Mexico and are being transshipped through the southern U.S.

Table 3.9 Rail Commodity Total Southbound Movements of Goods to U.S. Region of Destination, from Gateway Province ('000 tonnes)

Canadian U.S. Destination Origin North-east North-central South West Total

Canada 1988 6509 14400 5856 2817 29581 1989 6084 14584 6189 3002 29859 1990 6081 15098 6269 3057 30505 1991 5931 15035 6794 3518 31278 1992 7074 17360 7606 3751 35792 1993 8025 19813 8086 4222 40146 1994 8514 20864 9446 6010 44835 1995 7938 21731 10866 5981 46516 1996 8293 23394 9123 5248 46058 1997 9111 26297 9861 6762 52031 1998 8783 24808 12879 8518 54988

Manitoba 1988 70 2883 593 43 3589 1989 97 2683 613 22 3415 1990 86 2866 579 35 3566 1991 42 2327 509 65 2943 1992 19 2085 410 65 2580 1993 31 2387 268 93 2779 1994 7 911 184 97 1199 1995 - 1118 7 70 1195 1996 7 2826 302 56 3191 1997 12 4026 348 111 4497 1998 109 3300 671 165 4245

Atlantic 1988 189 - - - 189 1989 303 - 1 - 304 1990 349 - - - 349 1991 372 - - - 372 1992 447 - - - 447 1993 391 - - - 391 1994 507 925 170 1 1604 1995 84 38 153 - 276 1996 150 - 11 - 161 1997 104 7 1 - 112 1998 79 - - - 79

Continued on next page…

69 Table 3.9 Rail Commodity Total Southbound Movements of Goods to U.S. Region of Destination, from Gateway Province ('000 tonnes)

Canadian U.S. Destination Origin North-east North-central South West Total

Quebec 1988 4067 4 312 - 4383 1989 3509 4 356 - 3869 1990 3559 8 344 - 3911 1991 3431 5 368 1 3805 1992 3712 46 422 4 4184 1993 4042 21 510 665 5238 1994 3559 71 694 6 4330 1995 3320 1563 768 13 5664 1996 3568 69 644 - 4281 1997 4659 119 1052 4 5834 1998 4682 91 1182 26 5981

Ontario 1988 1832 8851 4549 396 15628 1989 1854 9148 4897 431 16330 1990 1956 9026 5019 496 16498 1991 1925 9129 5029 557 16640 1992 2694 11034 5586 664 19978 1993 3436 12897 6253 665 23251 1994 3963 15201 7519 857 27540 1995 4244 18855 9871 1131 34101 1996 4451 14523 7614 1199 27787 1997 4255 15563 7925 1363 29106 1998 3790 15953 8814 1451 30008

Alberta 1988 - 10 - 566 576 1989 - 31 1 414 447 1990 - 91 16 530 638 1991 29 83 34 696 842 1992 0 80 115 740 934 1993 5 71 58 1022 1157 1994 84 904 65 894 1947 1995 6 118 48 1385 1556 1996 1 66 7 1012 1086 1997 5 94 25 1250 1374 1998 5 107 128 1463 1703

Continued on next page…

70 Table 3.9 Rail Commodity Total Southbound Movements of Goods to U.S. Region of Destination, from Gateway Province ('000 tonnes)

Canadian U.S. Destination Origin North-east North-central South West Total

Saskatchewan 1988 75 2645 393 7 3120 1989 43 2714 318 6 3080 1990 29 3101 300 5 3435 1991 78 3487 830 - 4395 1992 172 4103 1060 2 5337 1993 71 4430 983 9 5494 1994 42 41 41 - 124 1995 - - 2 - 2 1996 116 5873 538 7 6534 1997 69 6467 485 23 7044 1998 118 5347 2061 30 7556

British Columbia 1988 276 8 8 1805 2096 1989 278 4 4 2130 2415 1990 101 6 10 1991 2108 1991 53 5 24 2198 2280 1992 30 11 13 2275 2330 1993 49 5 14 2430 2498 1994 353 2809 774 4155 8091 1995 284 39 16 3382 3721 1996 - 37 7 2974 3018 1997 7 21 25 4011 4064 1998 - 10 23 5383 5416

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 7.4: Southbound Movements of Goods to U.S. Region of Destination, by Canadian Gateway, 1998, page 107.

Figure 3.7 shows the southbound movement of goods by rail from gateway province Manitoba to the U.S. The bulk of goods were moved to the north-central U.S. region. In 1998 3.3 million tonnes or 78 percent were moved from Manitoba to the U.S. north-central region from a total of 4.3 million tonnes that were moved to all regions.

During the late 1980’s to the mid 1990’s the southbound movement of goods declined. The sharpest reduction occurred in 1994 when 1.2 million tonnes were moved as opposed to 2.8 million tonnes in 1993, a reduction of 57 percent in one year. By 1995 almost all goods moved exclusively to the north-central region of the U.S., accounting for 94 percent of the total.

71 Figure 3.7 Rail Commodity Southbound Movement of Goods to the U.S. from Gateway Province Manitoba

5000 4500 4000 3500 North-east

000) 3000 North-central ' 2500 South es ( n

n 2000 West o T 1500 Total 1000 500 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year

The increased share is also evident from the declining trend to all regions except for the north-central region, which showed an increase in the number of tonnes received from Manitoba.

As of the bottom-out of 1995, movement to all regions increased. During 1996, strong growth was reported in the southbound movement of total goods (3.2 million tonnes), notably to the U.S. north-central region (2.8 million tonnes), which accounted for 89 percent of the total. The major sources of this increased trade were a combination of oil-seed meals and wood for construction purposes. The total of goods moved southbound peaked in 1997 at 4.5 million tonnes. The northeast, south and west regions increased their combined share to 22.3 percent of the 1998 total of 4.2 million tonnes, which is 935,000 tonnes.

72 Table 3.10 shows the northbound movement of goods by rail from U.S. regions of origin to gateway province. The western U.S. was the source of the greatest amount of goods for Manitoba, followed by the north-central region.

Table 3.10 Rail Commodity Total Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Region of Origin, to Gateway Province ('000 tonnes)

Canadian U.S. Origin Destination North-east North-central South West Total

Canada 1988 450 4559 2308 1084 8401 1989 522 5008 2240 1001 8771 1990 530 5017 2466 1273 9285 1991 626 4655 2574 1009 8864 1992 859 4969 2902 1042 9772 1993 1209 5843 2514 1120 11687 1994 1336 6362 4030 1360 13089 1995 1549 6884 3861 1326 13619 1996 1115 6884 4052 1195 13246 1997 1440 7529 4866 1735 15570 1998 1794 6639 5053 2136 15622

Manitoba 1988 5 339 82 43 469 1989 4 499 85 42 630 1990 3 380 141 71 595 1991 3 242 133 84 462 1992 9 267 161 65 502 1993 8 317 172 88 585 1994 8 212 120 87 427 1995 - 99 73 127 300 1996 3 225 162 52 442 1997 2 289 180 205 676 1998 14 272 185 506 977

Atlantic 1988 50 1 3 - 54 1989 87 14 79 10 190 1990 50 - 1 - 51 1991 52 - - - 52 1992 55 - - - 55 1993 44 - - - 44 1994 55 556 209 - 819 1995 7 42 140 - 189 1996 6 - 1 - 7 1997 18 0 1 0 19 1998 15 - - - 15

Continued on next page…

73 Table 3.10 Rail Commodity Total Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Region of Origin, to Gateway Province ('000 tonnes)

Canadian U.S. Origin Destination North-east North-central South West Total

Quebec 1988 159 388 154 - 701 1989 182 16 53 -- 251 1990 224 3 82 -- 309 1991 308 4 223 - 535 1992 394 41 192 -- 626 1993 555 114 293 2 964 1994 345 77 83 -- 506 1995 579 1212 115 36 1941 1996 390 60 231 1 682 1997 535 72 260 3 870 1998 1014 29 328 7 1378

Ontario 1988 220 3565 1995 522 6302 1989 236 4154 2034 536 6960 1990 244 4124 2138 491 6996 1991 253 3850 2087 399 6590 1992 392 4108 2396 497 7393 1993 590 4648 2790 466 8495 1994 916 4817 3330 465 9528 1995 951 5463 3449 535 10397 1996 709 5953 3301 651 10614 1997 880 6360 3915 777 11932 1998 737 5355 4176 872 11140

Alberta 1988 - 9 2 97 108 1989 - 11 4 127 142 1990 - 14 12 194 220 1991 - 6 53 194 253 1992 1 4 46 166 217 1993 - 21 53 211 285 1994 - 48 38 229 315 1995 - 15 43 316 373 1996 - 5 36 210 251 1997 0 21 89 318 428 1998 - 29 64 319 412

Continued on next page…

74 Table 3.10 Rail Commodity Total Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Region of Origin, to Gateway Province ('000 tonnes)

Canadian U.S. Origin Destination North-east North-central South West Total

Saskatchewan 1988 3 252 65 2 322 1989 3 312 50 -- 365 1990 4 489 69 -- 563 1991 6 545 63 15 630 1992 7 542 89 54 692 1993 10 731 181 49 969 1994 9 90 49 2 149 1995 - ---- 1996 6 626 306 16 954 1997 5 782 384 83 1254 1998 14 938 283 12 1247

British Columbia 1988 11 6 7 418 442 1989 9 17 12 295 323 1990 5 7 24 516 552 1991 3 8 15 316 343 1992 1 7 17 261 286 1993 2 13 25 304 344 1994 4 562 202 577 1345 1995 11 53 41 312 418 1996 1 15 15 265 296 1997 0 5 37 349 391 1998 - 16 17 420 453

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 7.1: Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Region of Origin, by Canadian Gateway, 1998, page 102.

Figure 3.8 depicts the northbound movement of goods by rail from U.S. regions of origin to gateway province Manitoba. The declining trend in total movement of goods during the early 1990’s coincides with a similar trend on the southbound movement of goods (see Figure 3.7). After bottoming-out in 1995, strong growth was experienced in the total northbound movement of goods and reached nearly 1 million tonnes in 1998.

75 Figure 3.8 Rail Commodity Northbound Movement of Goods from U.S. Region of Origin to Gateway Province Manitoba



800 North-east

000) North-central 600 South es (' n

n West o

T 400 Total


0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year

The relative share of the north-central region declined over the review period, while the share of other regions increased. In 1998 the north-central region represented 28 percent of total goods moved northbound. Goods received from the U.S. west region increased in share from 11.8 percent in 1996 to 52 percent in 1998. This is the largest increase in the share of total northbound goods by rail of all regions over this period. This growth is mainly due to increased imports of bituminous coal from the north-western U.S. In 1998 the U.S. south and northeast regions respectively had an 19.9 and 1.43 percentage share of the total.

76 Table 3.11 shows the southbound movement by rail of major commodities in terms of tonnage from Manitoba to U.S. regions of destination. Wheat and oats are now the dominant commodities being shipped south, but as of 1996, data was being reported for the combined region of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories. Oats, vegetable oils, and wood building boards are the three commodities where Manitoba is the major supplier.

Table 3.11 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements of Goods from Manitoba to U.S. Regions of Destination

Commodity Group 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Total U.S. Tonnes

034 Wheat 250762 487021 597820 028 Oats 123701 300078 336442 335670 370 Vegetable Oils and Fats nes 60351 49602 113515 150928 132842 179536 322 Wood building boards, n.e.s. 161920 324 Millwork (woodwork) 129130 024 Barley 112417 116353 136 Oil seed meals 125400 144970 334 Newsprint paper 79497 75276 64824 78538 69457 71384 80130 450 Refined and Manufactured gases, fuel type 60602 81551 97774 101110 109670 88405 78935 308 Lumber 49234 58618 62223 286 Common salt, nes 34907 49921 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials, nes 31973 51638 36879 228 Iron and steel scrap 29220 38986 394 Metallic salts and proxy salts of inorganic acids, nes 27191 342 Wrapping 69646 49134 52552 330 Wood pulp 34579 200 Vegetable and man-made textile fibre except. cotton 28515 24686 Other commodities 257165 273899 283234 167528 222955 401903 482958 610109 694978 683510 Total 527398 533766 567870 486356 527181 719833 941462 1549694 1896766 2103426

Table 3.11 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements of Goods from Manitoba to U.S. Regions of Destination (continued)

Commodity Group 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

North-East Tonnes

034 Wheat 24619 49369 160889 028 Oats 39 278 64 364 370 Vegetable Oils and Fats nes 16372 22142 20927 22233 13624 13434 322 Wood building boards, n.e.s. 71 324 Millwork (woodwork) 024 Barley 1353 189 136 Oil seed meals 7737 22 334 Newsprint paper 1627 1883 1411 1289 525 450 Refined and Manufactured gases, fuel type 490 308 Lumber 1527 2222 1022 286 Common salt, nes 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials, nes 93 228 Iron and steel scrap 4263 394 Metallic salts and proxy salts of inorganic acids, nes 342 Wrapping 318 799 976 330 Wood pulp 12658 200 Vegetable and man-made textile fibre except. cotton 14060 20340 Other commodities 45325 14426 30883 6739 49502 28615 24119 17125 32658 24069 Total 61330 41711 45928 24493 51519 52979 46632 73345 95904 198849

Table 3.11 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements of Goods from Manitoba to U.S. Regions of Destination (continued)

Commodity Group 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Central Tonnes

034 Wheat 203471 396387 345059 028 Oats 292718 335269 334621 370 Vegetable Oils and Fats nes 124561 108301 84435 322 Wood building boards, n.e.s. 59080 324 Millwork (woodwork) 41313 024 Barley 97283 116004 136 Oil seed meals 61587 23897 334 Newsprint paper 51596 34709 34991 34199 36536 23157 27543 450 Refined and Manufactured gases, fuel type 60602 81551 97714 101110 109180 88405 76672 308 Lumber 32683 39412 38475 286 Common salt, nes 17101 15272 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials, nes 22037 38674 29275 228 Iron and steel scrap 24077 27400 394 Metallic salts and proxy salts of inorganic acids, nes 4116 342 Wrapping 24157 16057 14347 330 Wood pulp 19425 200 Vegetable and man-made textile fibre except. cotton 12462 4346 Other commodities 187038 213289 194541 120888 130878 258667 321811 377575 417278 450991 Total 357892 374029 378119 340356 365952 430922 620060 1157195 1414552 1298083

Continued on next page…

77 Table 3.11 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements of Goods from Manitoba to U.S. Regions of Destination (continued)

Commodity Group 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

South Tonnes

034 Wheat 22672 41265 91872 028 Oats 6508 1109 311 370 Vegetable Oils and Fats nes 62645 322 Wood building boards, n.e.s. 508 324 Millwork (woodwork) 172 024 Barley 388 136 Oil seed meals 129 1939 334 Newsprint paper 10796 7399 4125 3579 8304 6257 6598 450 Refined and Manufactured gases, fuel type 2263 308 Lumber 14951 16668 22481 286 Common salt, nes 17713 34649 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials, nes 19 90 228 Iron and steel scrap 880 11586 394 Metallic salts and proxy salts of inorganic acids, nes 23075 342 Wrapping 27492 18600 15719 330 Wood pulp 2496 200 Vegetable and man-made textile fibre except. cotton 1993 Other commodities 15527 29356 39059 33104 35460 57597 94614 73202 99906 130134 Total 55827 56235 79112 59826 70391 132940 179026 102899 142452 287409

Table 3.11 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements of Goods from Manitoba to U.S. Regions of Destination (continued)

Commodity Group 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

West Tonnes

034 Wheat 028 Oats 574 374 370 Vegetable Oils and Fats nes 4134 10917 19022 322 Wood building boards, n.e.s. 102261 324 Millwork (woodwork) 87645 024 Barley 13393 160 136 Oil seed meals 55947 119112 334 Newsprint paper 15478 31285 24297 39471 24617 41970 45464 450 Refined and Manufactured gases, fuel type 60 308 Lumber 73 316 245 286 Common salt, nes 93 3682 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials, nes 9917 12871 7514 228 Iron and steel scrap 394 Metallic salts and proxy salts of inorganic acids, nes 342 Wrapping 17679 13678 21510 330 Wood pulp 200 Vegetable and man-made textile fibre except. cotton Other commodities 9275 16828 18751 6797 7115 57024 42414 142207 145136 78316 Total 52349 61791 64711 61681 39319 102992 95744 216255 243858 319085

Numbers on the left hand side are commodity codes. Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 7.6: Origin and Destination of the 74 Major Commodities in terms of Tonnage for the Southbound Movements, 1998, page 110.

78 Table 3.12 shows the northbound movement by rail of major commodities in terms of tonnage from U.S. regions of origin to Manitoba.

Table 3.12 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Regions of Origin to Manitoba

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Total U.S. Tonnes

238 Bituminous coal 223722 474791 296 Paper waste 32738 49889 25979 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials 17628 13987 12423 11846 14167 19747 40338 45490 61402 204 Copper ores and concentrates 18457 58775 40664 58173 55026 97145 33652 34991 28101 558 Road motor vehicles, n.e.s. 24018 516 Portland cement, standard 60602 27019 23505 28306 228 Iron and steel scrap 19051 59118 18861 52278 77664 56218 97928 414 Ammonium phosphates 79497 20134 16132 22806 10322 27991 81739 48270 40649 26233 624 Mixed carload freight 45983 37943 39162 26663 29950 25802 28642 442 Fuel oil 31973 26110 552 Railway rolling stock 9067 474 Pipes and tubes, iron and steel 21473 554 Passenger automobiles and chassis 69646 12553 12517 Other commodities 78254 92354 127221 118327 72924 90933 125634 108323 133249 169100 140335 Total 28515 193603 232051 247980 235577 235653 348478 339900 390811 289715 551498 754626

Table 3.12 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Regions of Origin to Manitoba (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

North-East Tonnes

238 Bituminous coal 296 Paper waste 271 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials 204 Copper ores and concentrates 558 Road motor vehicles, n.e.s. 516 Portland cement, standard 83 228 Iron and steel scrap 58 48 117 414 Ammonium phosphates 1627 624 Mixed carload freight 22 165 372 474 794 2104 442 Fuel oil 552 Railway rolling stock 2963 474 Pipes and tubes, iron and steel 318 554 Passenger automobiles and chassis Other commodities 14060 2890 2663 3371 4067 1838 2787 2282 4436 2613 3241 14225 Total 45325 2890 2743 3536 7402 2312 3629 4503 4519 2884 3241 14225

Table 3.12 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Regions of Origin to Manitoba (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Central Tonnes

238 Bituminous coal 296 Paper waste 31507 48598 24275 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials 181 5890 8494 9039 204 Copper ores and concentrates 91100 9539 848 64 558 Road motor vehicles, n.e.s. 22083 516 Portland cement, standard 26936 23505 28306 228 Iron and steel scrap 19015 58418 18861 52278 77486 56023 414 Ammonium phosphates 51596 8598 10231 14713 4529 17994 14691 21439 10845 11315 624 Mixed carload freight 37062 29976 30333 21285 20596 17347 19940 442 Fuel oil 22037 26049 552 Railway rolling stock 5677 474 Pipes and tubes, iron and steel 8 554 Passenger automobiles and chassis 24157 10555 9974 Other commodities 48096 52019 67392 74670 44981 60052 59705 80945 85503 126596 78004 Total 12462 123506 162609 131307 106161 136238 173426 189534 210007 167259 212842 133465

Continued on next page…

79 Table 3.12 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Regions of Origin to Manitoba (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

South Tonnes

238 Bituminous coal 296 Paper waste 907 1291 1704 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials 10350 25764 19889 40899 204 Copper ores and concentrates 3455 882 558 Road motor vehicles, n.e.s. 1935 516 Portland cement, standard 228 Iron and steel scrap 36 130 74 414 Ammonium phosphates 10796 1769 5703 9112 66245 26831 25376 3961 624 Mixed carload freight 8043 7227 7209 4169 7627 7431 6366 442 Fuel oil 19 61 552 Railway rolling stock 427 474 Pipes and tubes, iron and steel 21465 554 Passenger automobiles and chassis 27492 1836 2529 Other commodities 18943 19594 20724 28073 23886 15125 20503 18153 16866 26583 33921 Total 1993 34153 29350 49398 39192 40625 90205 53761 53953 47498 51218 79341

Table 3.12 Railway Commodity Origin and Destination of the Major Commodities in Terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements of Goods from U.S. Regions of Origin to Manitoba (continued)

Commodity Group 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

West Tonnes

238 Bituminous coal 223722 474791 296 Paper waste 53 418 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials 9216 8684 17107 11464 204 Copper ores and concentrates 6045 24113 30688 27155 558 Road motor vehicles, n.e.s. 516 Portland cement, standard 228 Iron and steel scrap 642 78 97854 414 Ammonium phosphates 15478 9767 5901 8093 90 885 803 4428 10657 624 Mixed carload freight 878 718 1455 837 1253 230 232 442 Fuel oil 9917 552 Railway rolling stock 474 Pipes and tubes, iron and steel 554 Passenger automobiles and chassis 17679 162 14 Other commodities 8325 18078 35734 11517 2219 12969 43144 4789 28267 12680 14185 Total 33054 37349 63739 82822 56478 81218 92102 122332 72074 284197 527595

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 52-216, Table 7.3: Origin and Destination of the 74 Major Commodities in terms of Tonnage for the Northbound Movements, 1998, pages 105-106.

Table 3.11 and 3.12 can no longer be updated, as the classification of commodities has changed. The new classification of commodities is presented in Table 3.13.

Table 3.13 shows the top five commodities moving north and south by rail, from and into the United States, to and from Manitoba. Copper ores and concentrates are consistently in the top five rail imports from the United States. Different classifications of fertilizers are also high on the import list. Wheat is one of the greatest exports in recent years, as well as vegetable oils and fats. This table also details the tonnage moving to and from different regions of the United States.

Table 3.13 Origin and Destination of Major Commodities Transported for South and North Movements (tonnes)

1999 2000 Manitoba U.S. Region of Origin Manitoba U.S. Region of Origin Commodity North-East Central South West Total Commodity North-East Central South West Total

Coal 0 0 0 421774 421774 Coal 0 0 86 468849 468935 Copper ores and concentrates 0 145 0 59348 59493 Fertilizers (excluding potash) 0 5375 107159 39264 151798 Fertilizers (excluding potash) 0 11220 30749 9598 51567 Copper ores and concentrates 0 0 0 37232 37232 Non-metallic waste and scrap 0 21010 1441 46 22497 Other transportation equipment 5862 12221 10346 2332 30761 Metallic waste and scrap 245 21347 0 254 21846 Other basic chemicals 162 2666 19417 3570 25815 Other commodities 9269 101502 64619 9485 184875 Other commodities 10681 109405 44541 4702 169329 Total 9514 155224 96809 500505 762052 Total 16705 129667 181549 555949 883870

1999 2000 Manitoba U.S. Region of Destination Manitoba U.S. Region of Destination Commodity North-East Central South West Total Commodity North-East Central South West Total

Wheat 161942 454785 244275 0 861002 Wheat 223385 431300 319403 0 974088 Other cereal grains 1280 489068 17301 87 507736 Other cereal grains 1915 611155 19205 181 632456 Animal or vegetable fats, oils, and flours 13666 80316 72862 134660 301504 Animal or vegetable fats, oils, and flours 27782 51808 80129 116144 275863 Other wood products 0 68254 2062 115516 185832 Other wood products 0 18786 201 153186 172173 Fertilizers (excluding potash) 544 85254 0 56654 142452 Fertilizers (excluding potash) 1335 89159 88 38224 128806 Other commodities 38636 435234 299303 78245 851418 Other commodities 34796 431510 310960 75531 852797 Total 216068 1612911 635803 385162 2449944 Total 289213 1633718 729986 383266 3036183

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 2000, 52-216, Table 17: Origin and Destination of Commodities transported by CN and CP for the Northbound Movements, 2000, page 49. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 2000, 52-216, Table 17: Origin and Destination of Commodities transported by CN and CP for the Northbound Movements, 2000, page 49. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 1999, 52-216, Table 17: Origin and Destination of Commodities transported by CN and CP for the Northbound Movements, 1999, page 49. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 1999, 52-216, Table 19: Origin and Destination of Commodities transported by CN and CP for the Southbound Movements, 1999, page 53.

80 Table 3.14 and Figure 3.9 show the Canadian railway operating revenues from 1992 to 2001. Freight revenues have increased 25 percent over the review period to end at $7.2 billion in 2001, but fluctuated up and down within the period. Passenger revenues increased 118 percent, with the most significant gains in 2000 and 2001, and ended with the 2001 data at $346 million. Other revenues increase 21 percent to end at $503 million in 2001. In 2001, freight revenues were 89 percent of total revenues ($8 billion). Total revenues increased 27 percent of the review period.

Table 3.14 Canadian Railway Operating Revenue ($'000 000)

Freight Passenger* Other Total 1992 5764 159 416 6339 1993 5842 174 460 6476 1994 6617 176 439 7232 1995 6485 180 390 7055 1996 6480 183 385 7048 1997 7137 197 394 7728 1998 6887 213 373 7473 1999 6922 227 431 7580 2000 7231 323 478 8031 2001 7203 346 503 8052

*Government funding for passenger services is excluded. Passenger revenue is intercity only.

Sources: The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Financial Highlights, Operating Income, page 18.

Figure 3.9 Canadian Railway Operating Revenues

9000 600 8000

000) 500 0 7000 Freight '00

$ 6000 400

es ( Total

u 5000 300

ven 4000

e Passenger*

R 3000 200 g n i t 2000 Other a 100 er

p 1000 O 0 0

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

81 Table 3.15 shows Canadian railway operating expenses and income. Over the review period of 1992 to 2001, transportation expenses increased 17 percent; fuel expenses increased 59 percent; maintenance of equipment expenses changed minimally; maintenance of structures expenses increased 5.3 percent; and administration expenses decreased 14 percent (but experienced a significant rise in 1998). Total operating expenses increased 7 percent over the same period. With the 27 percent increase in operating revenues described by Table 3.14, operating income increased more than seven times the 1992 figure ($176 million) to end at $1.4 billion in 2001. As seen in Figure 3.10, total operating income has increased more than total operating expenses, resulting in greater operating income.

Table 3.15 Canadian Railway Operating Expenses and Income ($'000 000)

Maintenance Maintenance Total Total Operating Transportation Fuel of Equipment of Structures Administrative Operating Expense Operating Revenue Income 1992 1711 501 1483 1165 1303 6163 6339 176 1993 1724 567 1483 1184 1380 6338 6476 138 1994 1855 615 1551 1170 1474 6665 7232 567 1995 1806 629 1553 1182 1505 6675 7055 380 1996 1714 658 1499 1213 1575 6659 7048 389 1997 1815 716 1563 1249 1347 6690 7728 1038 1998 1797 582 1407 1239 1841 6866 7473 607 1999 1860 550 1385 1238 1265 6298 7580 1282 2000 1920 777 1416 1254 1088 6455 8031 1576 2001 1997 798 1476 1227 1120 6618 8052 1434

Note: Charges for restructuring, relocation and write-down of assets are excluded.

Sources: The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Financial Highlights, Operating Expenses, page 19.

Figure 3.10 Canadian Railway Operating Revenue, Expenses, and Income

9000 Total 8000 Operating 0) 7000 Expense 00 6000 5000 Total '000

$ 4000 Operating

e ( 3000 Revenue u l

a 2000

V Operating 1000 0 Income

93 1992 19 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

82 Table 3.16 and Figure 3.11 show the Canadian railway freight revenue per ton (and tonne). Obviously the per ton and per tonne plot lines have identical slopes. Both have decrease 16 percent over the review period (1992 to 2001). An index applied to these decreased from the 1992 base of 100 to the 2001 figure of 81.40. The consumer price index at this time was increasing steadily with an average annual growth rate of 1.7 percent.

Table 3.16 Canadian Rail Freight Revenue ($) per Ton (tonne)

Revenue per Index Consumer ton tonne 1992=100 Price Index 1992 27.57 30.39 100.00 100.00 1993 26.70 29.43 96.80 101.80 1994 24.81 27.35 90.00 102.00 1995 21.61 23.82 78.40 104.20 1996 22.39 24.68 81.20 105.90 1997 22.99 25.34 83.40 107.60 1998 23.66 26.08 85.80 108.60 1999 21.64 23.85 78.50 110.50 2000 22.03 24.29 79.90 113.50 2001 22.43 24.73 81.40 116.40

Freight revenue per ton (tonne) is calculated by dividing freight revenue by total tons (tonnes) originated.

Conversion factor: tons (short) to metric tonnes = 0.9072

Sources: The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Statistical Highlights, Freight revenue ($) per ton (tonne), page 10.

Figure 3.11 Canadian Rail Freight Revenue per Ton (tonne)

140.00 )

e 120.00 Revenue per n

n ton

o 100.00 t (

n Revenue per

o 80.00

t tonne r 60.00 pe Index

nue 40.00 1992=100 e v

e 20.00

R Consumer Price Index 0.00

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 99 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 20 20 Year

83 Table 3.17 shows the fuel consumption consumed in Manitoba by Class 1 railways.

Table 3.17 Fuel Consumption: Diesel Oil Consumed in Manitoba by Class I Railways

Mainline Passenger Freight Transport Rail Transport Year Canadian Canadian VIA Total* National Pacific Rail

'000 litres

1989 92999 69405 9356 171764 1990 91233 68178 5792 165203 1991 97233 70503 5151 172887 1992 92853 65551 5090 163494 1993 94230 63473 4987 162590 1994 96426 71282 4813 172522 1995 92633 67070 4339 164042 1996 71833 61732 4408 137973 1997 104247 67750 4722 178858 1998 94432 61408 4310 164899 1999** 83981 56294 4248 156823 2000** 72230 58864 4286 142991

*Includes values for Short Haul Freight Rail Transport and Support Activities to Class 1 Rail Transport. **In 1999 and 2000, there were only two carriers whose predominant source of revenues was from passenger rail. For confidentiality reasons data are shown only for VIA Rail.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 2000, 52-216, Table 7: Diesel Oil Consumed by Province or Territory, 2000, page 29. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada, 1999, 52-216, Table 7: Diesel Oil Consumed by Province or Territory, 1999, page 29.

Figure 3.12 indicates the fuel consumed in Manitoba by Class 1 railways. Total consumption declined from 172 million liters in 1989 to 143 million liters in 1998.

84 Figure 3.12 Fuel Consumption: Diesel Oil Consumed in Manitoba by Class I Railways

200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 VIA Rail 000) ' 100000 Canadian Pacific es ( r

t 80000 Canadian National i L 60000 40000 20000 0

9 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * * 91 9 9 9 * * 98 99 9 99 99 99 99 9 0 1 1 1 19 19 19 1 1 1 1 99 00 1 2 Year

Table 3.18 shows the Canadian railway fuel consumption. Total fuel consumed by Canadian railways increased 13 percent from 1992 to 2001, reaching a peak in 1997 of 473 million gallons. Revenue per unit of fuel consumed increased 26 percent, with the highest point in the last year of data, 522 revenue ton-miles per gallon of fuel consumed in 2001. And the cost of diesel fuel increased 43 percent over the same period, ending the data set at $1.82 per gallon in 2001.

Table 3.18 Canadian Railways Fuel Consumption

Revenue Revenue ton-miles tonne-kilometres Total fuel consumed per gallon of per litre of Cost of diesel fuel gallons ('000) litres ('000) fuel consumed fuel consumed per gallon ($) per litre (cents) 1992 393889 1790655 413 133 1.27 27.9 1993 389548 1770920 428 138 1.46 32.1 1994 457802 2081209 421 135 1.34 29.6 1995 463454 2106904 413 133 1.36 29.9 1996 449404 2043031 430 138 1.46 32.2 1997 473486 2152510 440 141 1.47 33.3 1998 454918 2068098 461 148 1.28 28.1 1999 429484 1952473 497 160 1.28 28.2 2000 437495 1988749 520 167 1.78 39.1 2001 444245 2019436 522 168 1.82 40.1

Sources: The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Railway Operations in Canada, Fuel consumed, page 16.

85 Table 3.19 shows the equipment in use by Canadian railways from 1992 to 2001. The number of freight cars in service decreased 8 percent over the period to end the data set at 102,790 in 2001. The number of locomotives in service decreased 6 percent over the period to end the data set at 3,142 in 2001.

Table 3.19 Canadian Railways Equipment in Service

Freight cars Locomotives in service in service 1992 111883 3333 1993 112345 3194 1994 113538 3258 1995 110704 3313 1996 112136 3253 1997 112259 3328 1998 110912 3293 1999 104927 3245 2000 103976 3115 2001 102790 3142

Sources: The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Railway Operations in Canada, Equipment in service, page 13.

86 Table 3.20 shows the Manitoba and Canadian length of track operated. CN first mainline freight lines in Manitoba have decreased 61 percent in four years (1996 to 2000 review period). CN first mainline freight lines in Canada have decreased 28 percent over the same period. Total Manitoban and Canadian first main track each decreased 7 percent over the period. Total CN mainline freight track in Manitoba decreased 51 percent over the period, compared to 23 percent in Canada. Total Canadian track for short-haul freight increased 49 percent. Total Manitoba track operated decreased 10 percent, compared with the Canadian total track operated decrease of 7 percent.

Table 3.20 Manitoba and National Length of Track Operated (km)

Mainline Freight Transportation Passenger Rail Short-Haul Freight Total Rail Support Activies for Total First Main Track CN CP Transportation (VIA) Rail Transportation Transportation Rail Transportation**

Manitoba 1996 3527 1969 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. 5607 1997 2003 1969 0 1304 5276 0 5276 1998 1849 1969 0 1415 5233 0 5233 1999 1435 1970 0 1897 5302 0 5302 2000 1390 1970 0 1862 5223 0 5223

Canada 1996 26309 17665 92 N.A. N.A. N.A. 51829 1997 23587 17190 100 9010 49887 49 49986 1998 21113 16594 216 11040 48963 49 49013 1999 19323 15450 216 11731 46720 34 46755 2000 18966 14882 216 13979 48042 77 48119

Total Track Operated Mainline Freight Transportation Passenger Rail Short-Haul Freight Total Rail Support Activies for Total CN CP Transportation (VIA) Rail Transportation Transportation Rail Transportation** Manitoba 1996 4863 2923 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. 7933 1997 3110 2916 0 1304 7329 0 7329 1998 2962 2916 0 1450 7327 0 7327 1999 2501 2849 0 2074 7423 0 7423 2000 2391 2858 0 1899 7149 0 7149

Canada 1996 41086 25757 92 N.A. N.A. N.A. 77387 1997 37738 25269 100 11745 74852 97 74949 1998 34483 24635 216 13929 73263 97 73360 1999 32360 23154 216 14543 70272 74 70346 2000 31764 22590 216 17528 72098 103 72201

*In 2000 there were only two carriers whose predominant source of revenues was from passenger rail transportation. **Only includes establishments engaged in the operation of railway terminals, bridges, tunnels, and yard switching. For confidentiality resons data are shown only for VIA Rail.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 2000, 52-216, Table 5: Length of Track Operated, by Area, at December 31, 2000, page 27. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 1999, 52-216, Table 5: Length of Track Operated, by Area, at December 31, 1999, page 27. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 1998, 52-216, Table 3.2: Length of Track Operated, by Area, at December 31, 1998, page 41. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 1997, 52-216, Table 3.2: Length of Track Operated, by Area, at December 31, 1997, page 45. Statistics Canada, Rail in Canada 1996, 52-216, Table 3.2: Length of Track Operated, by Area, at December 31, 1996, page 43.

87 Table 3.21 details the Canadian railway taxes by jurisdiction. In 2000, Manitoba’s total railway taxes were $36 million. In 2001, they totaled $36.5 million. In comparison, Saskatchewan railway taxes in 2000 totaled $51.8million. Saskatchewan railway taxes in 2001 totaled $56.4 million. For Manitoba, property tax is the largest proportion of railway taxes in recent years (24 percent in 2001). In Saskatchewan, locomotive fuel and excise tax is the largest proportion (53 percent in 2001).

Table 3.21 Canadian Railway Taxes by Jurisdiction ($'000)

Locomotive fuel Capital tax & & excise tax Property tax Other sales tax customs duties Income tax 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 Alberta 7198 4816 8231 7747 0 72 1 0 378 857 British Columbia 17521 15328 27562 32097 18710 15500 7901 6298 184 481 Manitoba 8582 8595 13560 15445 11048 8910 2656 3596 105 0 Nfld. & Labrador 0 0 73 108 43 43 0 0 0 0 New Brunswick 1864 1429 1027 1030 0 102 150 152 246 1444 Nova Scotia 0 0 1586 1290 0 0 37 46 990 621 Ontario 31881 28745 37328 35238 40461 38211 4906 9038 11735 8410 Quebec 5718 5024 34689 32440 7632 9229 2009 10810 11755 12705 Saskatchewan 28808 29937 9968 13256 7669 6086 5102 7075 224 0 Northwest Territories 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Federal 76634 70550 59 0 17323 25565 13740 21137 12829 11175

Sources: The Railway Association of Canada, Railway Trends 2002, Financial Highlights, Taxes by jurisdiction, page 25.


This chapter analyzes statistics on urban bus, taxicab, school bus, courier, and intercity bus transportation in Manitoba. Data on public transit in the cities of Winnipeg and Brandon is presented. The taxicab industry pertains to the city of Winnipeg. The section on intercity bus transportation is also relevant to the chapter on highway transportation and should be read along with it.

Chapter 4 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

Urban CDN Urban Transport MB Employment in Total Passenger Trips Year GDP* ($’000 000)17 Urban Transportation18 on Winnipeg Transit19 1990 2503 1383 53580 1991 2269 1391 50860 1992 2097 1366 47531 1993 2045 1340 44366 1994 20/1 1354 41623 1995 2109 1308 39908 1996 2040 1295 39492 1997 2156 1712** 40031 1998 2226 1757** 39226 1999 2273 1778** 38553 2000 2400 1779** 38914 2001 N.A. N.A. 38567

Intercity CDN Interurban and CDN Interurban and CDN Employment in Travel to MB by CDN CDN Interurban and Rural Rural Fare Year Rural Transport GDP* Interurban and Rural Residents from U.S. Transport Kilometers Passengers Carried ($’000 000)20 Transportation21 by Bus (‘000)22 Traveled (‘000 km)24 (‘000)23 1990 331 5110 47.7 16991 168159 1991 250 4776 45.1 15916 163601 1992 209 4406 61.2 14872 148526 1993 187 4034 94.6 10863 138695 1994 191 3841 147.6 11438 165843 1995 178 3545 113.9 11186 153776 1996 163 3139 107.3 10270 130359 1997 132 2960 123.0 11358 117679 1998 125 1206 121.8 7714 63068 1999 132 1193 116.0 5618 40842 2000 135 1199 114.2 5959 60454 2001 N.A. N.A. 116.4 N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available *At factor cost and using 1992 prices. **Manitoba and Saskatchewan are combined.

17 For additional information on this, see Table 4.1 of the following chapter. 18 For additional information on this, see Table 4.3 of the following chapter. 19 For additional information on this, see Table 4.5 of the following chapter. 20 For additional information on this, see Table 4.22 of the following chapter. 21 For additional information on this, see Table 4.23 of the following chapter. 22 For additional information on this, see Table 4.25 of the following chapter. 23 For additional information on this, see Table 4.26 of the following chapter. 24 For additional information on this, see Table 4.26 of the following chapter.


4.1.1 Public Transportation

Table 4.1 shows Canadian urban transit GDP at factor cost from 1980 to 2000 at 1992 constant prices. Over this period, the high was $3.7 billion in 1981 the low was $2 billion in 1996 (a 44 percent decrease). Since 1996, the Canadian urban transit GDP rebounded slightly to end at $2.4 billion in 2000. Figure 4.1 depicts the movement of the Canadian urban transport GDP.

Table 4.1 GDP of Canadian Urban Transport Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1980 3264 1981 3667 1982 3449 1983 3404 1984 2740 1985 2812 1986 2809 1987 2679 1988 2634 1989 2642 1990 2503 1991 2269 1992 2097 1993 2045 1994 2081 1995 2109 1996 2040 1997 2156 1998 2226 1999 2273 2000 2400

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Urban Transit System Industries, CANSIM Label I53238, Matrix 04677.

90 Figure 4.1 GDP of Canadian Urban Transport Industry

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 000 000) ' ( 1500 GDP* P D

G 1000 500 0

0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 9 98 98 98 198 198 1 1 1 19 199 199 199 199 200 Year

Table 4.2 shows employment and vehicle data for Winnipeg Transit and Brandon Transit respectively.

Table 4.2 Winnipeg and Brandon Urban Transit Employment and Vehicle Data

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Winnipeg Transit System:

Employment: Full-time employees 1328 1355 1359 1359 1346 1353 1329 1304 1321 1275 1263 1221 1266 1276 1275 1329 1355 (incl. management) Other Part-time employees 626259676565 - -95828171 74 65 53 61 62 Total Employment 1390 1417 1418 1426 1411 1418 1329 1304 1416 1357 1344 1292 1340 1341 1328 1390 1417

Vehicle Data: Motor Bus 535 540 543 560 560 560 554 550 535 535 535 535 535 534 528 535 531

Brandon Transit System:

Employment: Full-time employees (incl. management) 36 36 36 36 35 37 36 35 35 35 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 Other Part-time employees 33333333332233267 Total Employment 39 39 39 39 38 40 39 38 38 38 34 34 35 35 34 37 38

Vehicle Data: Motor Bus N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.18181818181817171717161617

Note: All transit systems do not always report all data items. Full-time employee data include management personnel. Vehicle numbers include standard, low-floor and community buses. "-" means nil or zero N.A. = not available Sources: Winnipeg Transit Department; Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA); Canadian Transit Fact Book; Brandon Transit.

91 Table 4.3 shows urban transit annual statistics for Manitoba.

Table 4.3 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics

1986 1987 1988 1989* 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997** 1998** 1999** 2000**

Carriers Reporting No. 2 2 2 N.A. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 Regular Service Revenues $'000 31233 32528 34939 N.A. 37359 38998 38801 38934 39901 38447 41240 58322 57874 57319 58929 Total Operating Revenues $'000 32919 34473 37042 N.A. 39390 41077 41237 40601 42375 40671 43345 61708 61868 61516 63142 Total Subsidies $'000 40856 45994 43767 N.A. 35294 34701 42851 37164 49748 40821 37343 62077 67423 76335 61227 (operating & capital) Total Revenues $'000 73775 80467 80809 N.A. 74684 75778 84088 77764 92124 81492 80688 123785 129291 137851 124369

Direct Regular Pass. Serv. Operating Costs: Transportation Operations $'000 33955 41555 41119 N.A. 37930 38200 44147 48803 47589 48342 48586 67301 67298 68417 73442 Revenue Veh. Maintenance $'000 9431 11135 11959 N.A. 9501 10361 11533 13922 13868 14091 14512 19296 20237 20024 20636 Non-Rev. Veh. Maintenance $'000 2175 2530 2736 N.A. 2570 2903 2702 3652 3521 3721 3565 4751 5281 5335 5814 General & Administrative $'000 18133 12826 13846 N.A. 21115 20332 17375 10202 6756 7405 7395 9946 9216 10240 10388

Tot. Direct Regular Pass. $'000 63695 68045 69661 N.A. 71119 105392 85419 76580 71734 73560 74058 101295 102032 104017 110280 Services Operating Costs $'000

Total Operating Expenses $'000 67505 71370 73365 N.A. 74684 109373 79850 81613 77370 79955 80772 109879 109931 111937 118417

Employment: Full-time employees No. 1364 1392 1396 N.A. 1383 1391 1366 1340 1354 1308 1295 1712 1757 1778 1779 (including management) Other Part-time employees No. 62 64 67 N.A. 67 67 - - 97 84 83 73 95 92 82 Total Annual Paid Hours 000 2670 2844 2804 N.A. 2676 2655 2753 2637 2669 2725 2715 3631 3618 3634 3627 Total Compensation $'000 46662 50189 50933 N.A. 51013 79582 57384 56814 55623 56950 56855 76104 77447 80438 81803

Table 4.3 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics (continued)

1986 1987 1988 1989* 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997** 1998** 1999** 2000**

Fuel: Diesel Fuel Consumption '000 L 17054 16987 16937 N.A. 16543 16751 16315 16154 16317 16325 16218 21685 21484 21609 21775 Gasoline Consumption '000 L 372 19 - N.A. 231 231 ------193 206 188

Revenue Vehicles Operated (Owned & Leased): Standard Motor Bus *** No. 576 573 561 N.A. 578 578 572 562 544 543 542 713 705 616 608 Low Floor Motor Bus No. - - - N.A. - - - 6 9 4 4 37 44 147 147 Other No. 202119------6677 Total No. 596 594 580 N.A. 578 578 572 568 553 547 546 756 755 770 762

Total Vehicle Kilometers: Regular passenger service 000 km 27008 27337 27568 N.A. 27464 27313 26779 26108 25834 25838 25482 34528 34965 32976 32995 Total 000 km 27751 28169 28358 N.A. 27464 27313 26791 26113 26273 27050 25849 35145 35839 36711 36783

Total Passengers Carried 000 63580 62822 57290 N.A. 54802 52160 48468 45212 42505 40653 40244 56572 55488 55081 55614 Total Capital Expenses $'000 6269 9097 7144 N.A. 8054 6917 6533 817 15476 1844 715 9463 16802 22919 2734 Total Capital Subsidies $'000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 8043 5998 6529 1002 15476 1844 115 7906 14341 20394 2251

*Establishments domiciled in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, the Yukon and N.W.T. were combined with establishments domiciled in Manitoba to meet confidentiality requirements. **Manitoba and Sasketchewan combined. ***Data entries from 1986-1991 inclusive are motor bus entry totals. Entries after 1991 are categorized as standard motor bus and low floor motor bus.

Note: Some component totals have been rounded up to the nearest thousand. "-" means nil or zero; "N.A." = not available.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 4: Operating Revenues and Expenses by Province of Domicile, 2000, pages 41-42. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 5: Employment and Compensation Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 43. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 6: Energy Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 44. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 7: Vehicle and Passenger Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 44. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 8: Capital Expense and Disposal Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 45. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 7: Operating Revenues and Expenses by Province of Domicile, 1999, pages 18-19. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 8: Employment and Compensation Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 20. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 9: Energy Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 21. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 10: Vehicle and Passenger Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 21. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 11: Capital Expense and Disposal Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 22. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 53-215.

Figures 4.2 and 4.3 chart selected urban transit annual statistics for Manitoba.

92 Figure 4.2 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics

MB + SK Total Revenues 160000

140000 Total Operating 120000 Revenues

100000 0

0 Total Subsidies

0 80000 $' 60000

40000 Tot. Direct Regular Pass.Services 20000 Operating Costs

0 Total Operating 3 * * * * Expenses 990 994 1 1991 1992 199 1 1995 1996 1997* 1998* 1999* 2000* Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan

Note that as of 1997 statistics for Manitoba and Saskatchewan are combined.

In Figure 4.2 total revenues and total operating expenses are shown. Total revenue is a function of total operating revenue and total subsidies. The last year that data for Manitoba was not combined with Saskatchewan was 1996. Total revenue in 1996 was $80.7 million, total operating revenue was $43.3 million and the total subsidies were $37.3 million. Total direct regular passenger services operating costs were $74.0 million and total operating expenses $80.8 million. The lower total operating expense than total direct regular passenger services operating costs suggests possible erroneous data for 1992 and should be viewed with caution. From 1997 to 1999, the Manitoba and Saskatchewan combined data shows a significant increase in total revenues, mirrored by a significant increase in total subsidies.

93 Figure 4.3 Manitoba Urban Transit Annual Statistics

Total Operating Revenues 160000 MB + SK 140000 Total Subsidies

120000 Total Revenues

100000 Tot. Direct Regular 000

' Pass.Services Operating r 80000 Costs Total Operating Expenses 000 o $' 60000 Total Vehicle 40000 Kilometers:Regular passenger service Total Vehicle 20000 Kilometers:Total

0 Total Passengers Carried * * * *

990 991 992 993 994 995 996 Total Capital Expenses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 997* 998* 999* 000* 1 1 1 2 Year Total Capital Subsidies

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan

Note that as of 1997 statistics for Manitoba and Saskatchewan are combined.

In Figure 4.3 time series data on capital expenses and subsidies as well as selected non- financial variables are added to variables from Figure 4.2 for comparative purposes. Total vehicle kilometres for regular passenger service and total kilometres remained fairly constant over the review period, with total vehicle kilometers for regular passenger service dropping in the last two years of data (with Manitoba and Saskatchewan data combined). Regular passenger service kilometres and total kilometres traveled were both approximated to 27.5 million in 1990, but declined to 25.5 million and 25.8 million kilometres respectively in 1996. Total passengers carried declined from 54.8 million in 1990 to 40.2 million in 1996. A 7.2 percent reduction in regular passenger service kilometres is associated with a 26.6 percent decline in passengers carried over this period. As in Figure 4.2, from 1997 to 1999 the Manitoba and Saskatchewan combined data shows a significant increase in total revenues, mirrored by a significant increase in total subsidies.

An improvement in long term cost efficiency is noted from Figure 4.3. In 1996 the ratio of total operating revenue to total direct regular passenger service operating costs (RC) for Manitoba was 59 percent, up from 55 percent in 1990 and 52 percent in 1986 (not shown).

94 Table 4.4 shows urban transit annual statistics for Canada. A less obvious trend is that most public transit systems are replacing their old buses with new low floor models, in order to serve those passengers requiring special service.

Table 4.4 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Carriers Reporting No. 62 65 68 65 65 65 74 74 84 80 77 65 62 66 67

Regular Service Revenues $'000 969674 978327 1050899 1147927 1189075 1293271 1374388 1405519 1425307 1454419 1531458 1620760 1648258 1761250 1888498 Total Operating Revenues $'000 1041368 1046714 1125419 1214455 1273915 1416197 1451881 1493907 1518926 1545306 1621407 1712274 1743811 1854735 2000089 Total Subsidies $'000 1238241 1393671 1454384 1772383 1448620 1557330 2135196 2130928 1992595 2034464 2054754 2133818 2381133 2559781 2265613 (operating & capital) Total Revenues $'000 2279609 2440385 2579803 2986838 2722535 2973527 3587077 3624834 3511521 3579770 3676161 3846092 4124944 4414516 4265703

Direct Regular Pass. Services Operating Costs: Transportation Operations $'000 1014197 1073959 1150970 1282788 1342118 1506748 1522201 1590798 1503955 1531095 1538540 1523711 1511596 1602301 1699383 Revenue Vehicle Maintenance $'000 331746 347773 380271 388477 427998 511545 547127 569596 570360 558183 586354 606303 593735 573603 644396 Non-Revenue Veh. Maintenance $'000 149168 170693 187939 146085 213440 230168 243871 278846 279783 299809 299889 302449 311220 305238 327212 General & Administrative $'000 272715 260095 280860 307480 379842 357948 369894 366354 351700 327486 328198 323492 311965 356135 344253

Total Direct Regular Passenger $'000 1767826 1852521 2000040 2191898 2363398 2606409 2742364 2805595 2705799 2716573 2752981 2755955 2748516 2837276 3015244 Services Operating Costs $'000

Total Operating Expenses $'000 2054316 2144045 2299589 2533804 2722261 3051524 3140812 3245959 3167586 3223836 3247675 3269483 3262742 3232560 3386708

**Data entries from 1986-1991 inclusive are motor bus entry totals. Entries after 1991 are categorized as standard motor bus and low floor motor bus.

Note: Some component totals have been rounded up to the nearest thousand. "-" means nil or zero N.A. = not available

Table 4.4 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics (continued)

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Carriers Reporting No. 62 65 68 65 65 65 74 74 84 80 77 65 62 66 67

Employment: Full-time employees No. 34501 35051 35715 36974 37943 38491 38317 37023 37814 37494 36852 36478 35867 37164 37775 (including management) Other Part-time employees No. 1344 1030 1126 1872 1223 1091 3434 1105 1449 1463 1572 1553 1335 1673 1726 Total Annual Paid Hours 000 73874 73564 99770 80284 80420 75739 83154 77932 68671 72355 47052 72699 71495 77059 78877 Total Compensation $'000 1322667 1372922 1468177 1533540 1652252 2492476 1952492 1994619 1994088 1982227 1222760 2009073 2002427 2072178 2139952 Fuel: Diesel Fuel Consumption '000 L 311347 307466 360435 277155 331079 365655 375826 344178 344424 346836 327714 334986 353155 355264 371963 Gasoline Consumption '000 L 3880 2438 2703 20009 15468 2186 - - 10725 10315 368 436 662 693 640

Revenue Vehicles Operated (Owned & Leased): Standard Motor Bus** No. 10366 10600 10535 9780 10202 10474 9757 10196 10085 9855 9622 9030 8554 8234 8172 Low Floor Motor Bus No. ------135 145 188 305 499 1019 1827 2453 2724 Total No. 12968 13371 13344 12720 13156 13542 12956 13527 13411 13140 13049 13077 13423 14022 14313

Total Vehicle Kms Traveled: Regular passenger service 000 km 552985 531510 543344 562571 552428 564459 724575 716672 732470 699360 676689 706640 707218 748702 762931 Total 000 km 756140 694321 749039 780642 769326 780825 754399 756634 776471 742260 716369 749963 751520 805799 825933

Total Passengers Carried 000 1521101 1468963 1514822 1520421 1528400 1450057 1432105 1396451 1360708 1361062 1352870 1382242 1388352 1442005 1493936

Total Capital Expenses $'000 371280 309205 338435 426528 401818 481010 504490 478084 665232 695025 834046 819404 961264 1147259 943847

Total Capital Subsidies $'000 N.A. N.A. N.A. 455119 387339 485698 468038 488420 413979 450475 494037 641300 858395 1067793 753537

**Data entries from 1986-1991 inclusive are motor bus entry totals. Entries after 1991 are categorized as standard motor bus and low floor motor bus.

Note: Some component totals have been rounded up to the nearest thousand. "-" means nil or zero N.A. = not available

Sources: Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 4: Operating Revenues and Expenses by Province of Domicile, 2000, pages 41-42. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 5: Employment and Compensation Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 43. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 6: Energy Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 44. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 7: Vehicle and Passenger Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 44. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 8: Capital Expense and Disposal Statistics by Province of Domicile, 2000, page 45. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 7: Operating Revenues and Expenses by Province of Domicile, 1999, pages 18-19. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 8: Employment and Compensation Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 20. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 9: Energy Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 21. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 10: Vehicle and Passenger Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 21. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 11: Capital Expense and Disposal Statistics by Province of Domicile, 1999, page 22. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 53-215.

Figures 4.4 and 4.5 depict urban transit annual statistics for Canada.

95 Figure 4.4 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics

5000000 Total Operating Revenues 4500000 4000000 Total Subsidies 3500000 3000000 0

00 2500000 Total Revenues $' 2000000 1500000 Total Direct Regular 1000000 Passenger Services 500000 Operating Costs 0 Total Operating 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Expenses Year

Figure 4.5 Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics

Total Vehicle Kms 1800000 Traveled:Regular 1600000 passenger service 1400000 Total Vehicle Kms Traveled:Total 1200000 000

' 1000000 r Total Passengers 800000 Carried 000 o

$' 600000 400000 Total Capital Expenses 200000 0 Total Capital Subsidies 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

Figure 4.6 shows the improvement in long term cost efficiency. In 2000 the ratio of total operating revenue to total direct regular passenger service operating costs (RC) for Canada was 66 percent, up from 59 percent in 1996, 54 percent in 1990 and 59 percent in 1986 (not shown).

96 Figure 4.6 Manitoba and Canada Urban Transit Annual Statistics: Total Operating Revenue to Total Direct Regular Passenger Service Operating Cost


60 Canada R/C 50 e

g 40 Manitoba R/C a t cen r 30 e P 20


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

MB = Manitoba; SK = Saskatchewan.

97 Table 4.5 shows operating data for Winnipeg Transit System. Revenue vehicle kilometres increased from 25.7 million kilometres in 1986 to a peak of 26.4 million in 1987 and 1988. In 2002, 22.8 million revenue vehicle kilometres were traveled, down 13.8 percent over the period from 1987 (peak) to 2002. Regular service passenger trips have declined significantly over the period under review from 61,366 in 1986 to 37,706 in 2002.

Total operating cost in 2002 was $88.3 million. This represents a 0.8 percent increase over the $87.6 million of 2001 and a 38.7 percent increase over the period of review from $63.7 million in 1986. Total revenue in 2002 was $49.9 million, a 0.7 percent decrease over the $50.3 million of 2001. The increase in total revenue for the period of review was 56 percent, up $18 million from the $32.0 million of 1986. Regular service passenger revenue increased $16.3 million or 53.6 percent from $30.5 million in 1986 to $46.8 million in 2002.

Table 4.5 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data ('000)

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Rev. Vehicle Kms. 25751 26413 26413 26275 26180 26056 25970 25309 24820 24843 24539 24374 24738 22215 22417 22472 22757 Total Vehicle Kms. 26057 26413 26413 26537 26524 26377 25970 25309 25253 26045 24901 24469 24826 25374 25296 25578 25727 Rev. Vehicle Hrs. 1370 1382 1383 1399 1387 1372 1366 1323 1297 1296 1286 1278 1290 1200 1207 1216 1214 Total Vehicle Hrs. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1414 1407 1391 1366 1323 1297 1296 1286 1278 1290 1307 1315 1326 1324

Operator Paid Hrs. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1806 1764 1940 1845 1840 1752 1711 1766 1787 1802 1807 Mechanic Paid Hrs. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 475 133 116 112 114 112 131 132 124 139 135 Total Paid Empl. Hrs. 2669 2719 2725 2728 2597 2573 2672 2637 2740 2653 2646 2545 2523 2498 2487 2536 2547

Regular Service 61366 60525 55310 54943 53580 50860 47531 44366 41623 39908 39492 40031 39226 38553 38914 38567 37706 Passenger Trips

Expenditures: Transp. Operations N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 36812 30941 34347 39968 39746 40916 40810 40941 41776 41483 43406 43679 44548 Vehicle Fuel/Energy N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6149 6091 5898 5520 5325 5750 6310 6405 5244 5871 7931 8153 7313 Vehicle Maintenance N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 8837 9614 11533 13257 13638 13439 13888 14353 15029 14678 15046 16748 18099 Plant Maintenance N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2567 2842 3776 3624 3492 3692 3537 3438 3885 3866 4382 4246 3990 General/Admin N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 20898 20169 15415 7353 6559 7188 7128 7481 6721 7510 7332 6986 7733 Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp. 60558 66106 67789 66147 69113 69658 70970 69722 68760 70985 71673 72618 72655 73408 78097 79812 81684 Total Oper. Costs 63689 69431 71493 69668 72679 73639 75062 74756 74395 77380 78378 79252 79685 80509 85401 87595 88335

Regular Service 30465 31722 34051 34965 36604 38201 38186 38376 39319 37796 40512 42911 44032 44722 46068 47238 46790 Pass. Revenues

Total Oper. Rev. 31978 33465 35867 37451 38612 39558 39611 39861 40642 39162 41722 44114 45463 46044 47419 48984 48642 Total Revenues 31978 33465 35867 37451 38612 40246 40269 40022 41756 39972 42571 45224 46668 47624 48825 50279 49937

Table 4.5 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data ('000) (continued)

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Net Direct 28580 32641 31922 28696 30501 30099 31358 29861 28118 31823 29950 28504 27193 27365 30678 31765 33042 Operating Cost

Net Operating Cost 31711 35966 35626 32217 34066 33393 34793 34735 32639 37408 35806 34028 33017 32886 36576 36378 38399 Provincial Share 15329 17255 16385 16344 16216 19360 17450 15352 13966 13850 13761 14567 14166 14122 14186 14068 14059 Municipal Share 15329 17255 17414 13945 15904 12632 17343 18128 17587 22496 20945 24413 21511 21555 23529 23468 25023

Net Capital Cost 6135 8781 7003 5352 7843 5768 6303 998 15472 1486 N.A. 4960 14116 20574 591 8071 13206 Provincial Share 2950 2904 3140 2514 2953 2192 2001 485 7081 18 15 2103 6905 9799 104 4682 7356 Municipal Share 3186 5877 3864 2838 4890 3576 4303 513 8391 1468 N.A. 1300 4750 8251 3 0 0

Note: All transit systems do not always report all data items. Statistical data has been rounded up to the nearest thousand. "N.A." = not available. Sources: Winnipeg Transit Department

Figure 4.7 indicates total operating data for Winnipeg Transit System.

98 Figure 4.7 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data (Total)

100000 Total Oper. Costs 90000 Total Revenues 80000 70000 Net Operating Cost 60000 Provincial Share 50000 000 $' 40000 Municipal Share 30000 Net Capital Cost 20000

10000 Provincial Share 0 Municipal Share 6 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 98 988 9 99 9 99 9 00 00 1 1 19 1 19 1 19 2 2 Year

These shortfalls in operating costs are supplemented from provincial and municipal sources. The provincial share has remained relatively constant (1986: $15.3 million; 2002: $14.1 million) whereas the municipal share rose 63 percent from 1986 ($15.3 million) to 2002 ($25.0 million). Similarly, net capital costs are supplemented from provincial and municipal sources. Sharp rises in net capital costs are observed from 2000 ($0.59 million) to 2002 ($13.2 million). In 2002 the provincial contribution was $7.4 million and the municipal share $0 million.

Figure 4.8 indicates direct operating data and the ratio of direct to total operating costs. Again, net direct operating cost is a function of total direct operating expenses and total operating revenue. In 2002 the ratio of direct to total operating costs was 92.47 percent.

99 Figure 4.8 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data (Direct)

90000 96.00

80000 95.00 70000 94.00 60000 Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp.

0 50000 93.00 Total Oper. Rev. 00

$' 40000 92.00 Net Direct Operating Cost 30000 91.00 Dir.Op.Exp/Tot.Op.Cost 20000 90.00 10000 0 89.00 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

Figure 4.9 shows direct operating data and the ratios of regular passenger fare revenue to total revenue as well as operating revenue to total revenue.

Figure 4.9 Winnipeg Transit System: Operating Data (Direct)

90000 102.00 80000 100.00 70000 60000 98.00 Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp.

0 50000 Total Oper. Rev. 0

0 96.00 Net Direct Operating Cost

$' 40000 30000 94.00 Reg.Pass.Fare/Tot.Rev 20000 Op.Rev/Tot.Rev 92.00 10000 0 90.00

86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 9 9 9 19 19 1 1 1 19 19 20 20 Year

The fact that total operating revenue is a function of regular passenger fare revenue explains the resemblance in the curves of the two ratios and the high correlation it suggests. In 2002

100 regular passenger fare revenue and operating revenue respectively were 94 percent and 97 percent of total revenue.

Table 4.6 shows Winnipeg Transit performance indicators. As indicated by the first row, Winnipeg Transit’s operating ratio improved over the entire period, moving from 53 percent to a high of 63 percent in 1999. In 2002, this operating ration dropped to 60 percent. The operating cost per passenger ($/passenger) also increased from 0.47 in 1986 to 0.96 in 2002, as their costs increased while their ridership decreased. Also during the seventeen- year time frame of the table, the average fare charged has increased by 150 percent, the perception of which may have been a contributing factor to the decline in transit ridership.

Table 4.6 Winnipeg Transit Performance Indicators

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Financial performance Tot.Oper.Rev. / 53 51 53 56 56 57 55 57 59 55 58 61 63 63 61 61 60 Tot.Dir.Oper.Exp. (RC Ratio) % Municipal Share (Oper.) / Capita 26.16 29.44 27.45 23.01 25.99 20.43 28.27 29.55 28.67 35.38 32.88 39.38 34.81 34.77 37.83 37.62 40.15 Net. Oper. Cost / Reg. Serv. Pass. 0.47 0.54 0.58 0.59 0.57 0.66 0.73 0.67 0.68 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.69 0.71 0.94 0.94 0.96

Average Fare Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Reg. Serv.Pass 0.50 0.52 0.62 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.80 0.86 0.94 0.95 1.03 1.07 1.12 1.16 1.17 1.21 1.25

Cost Effectiveness Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp. / Reg. Serv. Pass. 0.99 1.09 1.23 1.20 1.29 1.37 1.49 1.57 1.65 1.78 1.81 1.81 1.85 1.90 2.01 2.07 2.17

Cost Efficiency Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp. / Tot. Veh. Hrs. 44.21 47.82 49.01 49.80 49.82 50.76 51.94 52.68 52.99 54.77 55.75 56.83 56.33 56.18 59.39 60.19 61.69

Service Utilization Reg. Serv. Pass. / Capita 104.72 103.29 92.66 90.68 87.55 82.27 77.48 72.32 67.85 62.76 62.00 64.57 63.47 62.18 62.57 61.83 60.49 Reg. Serv. Pass. / Rev. Veh. Hrs. 44.80 43.78 39.98 39.28 38.62 37.06 34.78 33.52 32.08 30.79 30.72 31.33 30.41 32.14 32.24 31.72 31.06

Amount of Service Rev. Veh. Hrs. / Capita 2.34 2.36 2.32 2.31 2.27 2.22 2.23 2.16 2.11 2.04 2.02 2.06 2.09 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.95

Average Speed Rev. Veh. Kms. / Rev. Veh. Hrs. 18.80 19.11 19.10 18.87 18.87 18.99 19.01 19.12 19.13 19.17 19.09 19.08 19.18 18.52 19.2 19.3 19.4

Vehicle Utilization Tot. Veh. Kms. / Active Vehicle (x1000) N.A. N.A. N.A. 46.9 46.8 46.5 46.9 46.0 47.2 48.7 46.5 45.7 46.4 47.5 47.9 47.8 48.5

Labour Productivity Rev. Veh. Hrs. / Oper. Paid Hrs. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.76 0.75 0.67 0.70 0.70 0.73 0.75 0.68 0.68 0.67 0.67

Top Wage Rates (per hour) Operators N.A. N.A. N.A. 15.40 15.40 15.87 16.59 16.59 16.97 17.73 17.73 17.73 17.73 18.1 18.52 18.98 19.36 Mechanics N.A. N.A. N.A. 17.70 17.70 18.24 19.07 19.07 19.51 20.39 20.39 20.39 20.39 20.82 21.3 22.16 22.83

Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Rev. Veh. Hr 22.24 22.95 24.62 24.99 26.38 27.84 27.95 29.00 30.30 29.16 31.50 33.58 34.13 37.28 38.17 38.85 38.54 Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Rev. Veh. Km 1.18 1.20 1.29 1.33 1.40 1.47 1.47 1.52 1.58 1.52 1.65 1.76 1.78 2.01 2.06 2.10 2.06 Reg. Serv. Pass. Trips / Rev. Veh. Km 2.38 2.29 2.09 2.09 2.05 1.95 1.83 1.75 1.68 1.61 1.61 1.64 1.59 1.74 1.74 1.72 1.66

Note: All transit systems do not always report all data items; "N.A." = not available. Vehicle Utilization figures are in thousands of kilometers. Capita figures are based on service area population within 400 metres of bus stops. Sources: Winnipeg Transit Department

Figures 4.10 and 4.11 charts selected indicators.

101 Figure 4.10 Winnipeg Transit Performance Indicators


RC Ratio 100

80 Reg. Serv. Pass. / Capita 60

40 Reg. Serv. Pass. / Rev. Veh. Hrs. 20

0 Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Rev. Veh. Hr 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 000 001 002 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Year

Financial operating performance is indicated by the Revenue/Cost (RC) ratio as defined in Table 4.6 and depicted in Figure 4.10. In 2002 operating revenue covered 60 percent of direct operating expenses. Hence, a 40 percent shortfall on operations existed. A general improving trend in this indicator is observed over the review period, but has been dropping since a peak of 63 percent in 1999. In 1986 operating revenue covered only 53 percent of direct operating expenses.

Service utilization is indicated by regular service passengers on both a per capita and per revenue vehicle hour basis. Both of these indicators declined for the greatest part of the review period. Regular service passengers per capita were 104.7 in 1986 and declined to 60.5 in 2002. Regular service passengers per revenue vehicle hours were 44.8 in 1986 and declined to 31.1 in 2002.

Higher increases or slower decreases in the ratio of regular service passengers per revenue vehicle hours as opposed to regular service passengers per capita suggests that revenue vehicle hours were more efficiently adjusted than in a simple direct relation with capita/population. This is indicated further in Figure 4.11. Note that the ratio of revenue vehicle hours per capita is equivalent to the ratio of regular service passengers per capita and revenue vehicle hours per regular service passengers. The inverse is also charted for demonstrative purposes.

102 Figure 4.11 Winnipeg Transit Performance Indicators

Rev. Veh. Hrs. / 2.5 Capita

2 Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Rev. V eh. 1.5 Km

1 Reg. Serv. Pass. Trips / Rev. Veh. 0.5 Km

0 Cap./Rev.Veh.Hr s. 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 98 98 99 99 99 99 00 1 19 19 1 1 19 19 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 20 20 2 Year

Regular service passenger revenue is in current dollar values. The upward trend in regular service passenger revenue per revenue vehicle hour and per revenue vehicle kilometre is thus expected. Regular service passenger trips per revenue vehicle kilometre show a declining trend for most of the review period.

103 Table 4.7 shows statistics for Winnipeg Handi-Transit. According to the available data, Handi-Transit use increased by 85 percent from 1990 to 1999, from 249,000 passengers to 461,000, while the net cost to do so only increased by approximately 62 percent, from $3.5 million to $5.7 million. This lowered the cost per ride from $14.23 to $12.42 over the decade.

Table 4.7 Winnipeg Handi - Transit Statistics


1986 86799 42893 1850000 66900 1783100 20.54 1987 97329 48318 2109100 80300 2028800 20.84 1988 Transit 101612 50197 2280400 109200 2171200 21.37 Unicity (June 28) 19562 208500 21000 187500 9.58 Total 121174 2488900 130200 2358700 19.47 1989 Transit 110804 53635 2364400 110800 2253600 20.34 Unicity 95690 905400 95690 809710 8.46 Total 206494 3269800 206500 3063300 14.83 1990 Transit 115686 54952 2467903 116600 2351303 20.32 Unicity 133314 1356190 164300 1191890 8.94 Total 249000 3824093 280900 3543193 14.23 1991 Transit 120441 56526 2521399 133987 2387412 19.82 Brokerage* 162136 1846626 180348 1666278 10.28 Total 282577 4368025 314335 4053690 14.35 1992 Transit 119861 56466 2641278 209929 2431349 20.28 Brokerage 195323 2257296 179411 2077885 10.64 Total 315184 4898574 389340 4509234 14.31 1993 Transit 119091 55502 2680984 114433 2536551 21.30 Brokerage 252283 3000180 305967 2694213 10.68 Total 371374 5681164 450400 5230764 14.08 1994 Transit 113050 55724 2670932 152098 2518834 22.28 Brokerage 261693 3288355 352082 2936273 11.22 Total 374743 5959287 504180 5455107 14.56 1995 Transit 110977 55717 2557477 142101 2415377 21.76 Brokerage 282401 3807034 361600 3445433 12.20 Total 393378 6364511 503701 5860810 14.90 1996 Transit 71126 36105 1707248 96555 1610693 22.65 Brokerage** 335798 4176646 455852 3720794 11.08 Total 406924 5883894 552407 5331487 13.10 1997 Transit*** 16652 8326 403811 22670 381141 22.89 Brokerage 393522 5352098 535734 4816364 12.24 Total 410174 5755909 558404 5197505 12.67 1998 Transit Brokerage 446536 6139190 647947 5491243 12.3 Total 446536 6139190 647947 5491243 12.3 1999 Transit Brokerage 461244 6434470 704749 5729721 12.42 Total 461244 6434470 704749 5729721 12.42

Handi-Transit service is delivered through two means: 1) directly by Winnipeg Transit using a fleet of specially designed buses, or 2) through a brokerage contract involving the use of ordinary taxicabs

*In 1991, brokerage arrangements carried by Unicity Taxi & First Class Transportation **In 1996, brokerage arrangements carried by Unicity, Duffy's, Handi-Helper & Gullwing ***Numbers are from January to June.

Sources: Winnipeg Transit Department

104 Table 4.8 shows operating data for the city of Brandon Transit System.

Table 4.8 Brandon Transit System - Operating Data

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Revenue Vehicle Kilometers 930918 925201 809760 799410 1013900 994415 942732 954516 946819 1005219 1077324 1058868 987000 Total Vehicle Kilometers 940793 935750 821279 804452 1012100 1005470 948537 959776 950379 1009647 1080754 1061889 993450 Revenue Vehicle Hours 43632 43632 41456 40926 45432 44040 43046 42305 41964 43178 45091 44190 44260 Total Vehicle Hours 43632 43632 41456 41141 45697 44586 43301 42535 42157 43400 45238 44393 44532

Regular Service Pass. Trips 1217475 1300335 931514 845240 663751 744677 747969 730556 726308 740509 811086 819570 747440

Expenditures: Transportation Operations Exp. 1118724 1167634 1955326 1099093 1294004 1182420 1120371 1093214 1125063 1150371 1232289 1333058 1433597 Fuel/Energy Exp. for Vehicles N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 186833 156509 156853 160378 189650 246954 249490 263795 Vehicle Maintenance Exp. 664936 747011 N.A. 665019 765078 651272 624128 632229 622113 610272 780600 946752 808443 Plant Maintenance Exp. 4320 60928 103066 27922 28400 29201 27563 25855 32945 31037 20262 22486 29079 General/Administration Exp. 217532 163083 104705 218222 164890 217939 267048 231363 227896 170343 196790 174209 282410 Total Direct Operating Exp. 2005512 2138656 2163097 2006256 2252372 2267665 2195619 2139514 2168395 2151673 2476895 2725995 2817324 Total Operating Costs 2005512 2138656 2163097 2006256 2252372 2267665 2195619 2139514 2168395 2151673 2476895 2725995 2817324

Regular Service Pass. Rev. 754833 806207 614799 557851 581800 650777 728445 703484 713263 756187 853353 913205 849476 Total Operating Revenues 777568 831441 634298 578870 618900 698454 774300 734360 742506 789473 886464 947978 876519 Total Revenues 777568 831441 634298 578870 618900 698454 774300 734360 742506 789473 886464 947978 876519

Net Direct Operating Cost 1227944 1307215 1528799 1427386 1633472 1569211 1421319 1405154 1425889 1362200 1590431 1778017 1940805 Net Operating Cost 1227944 1307215 1528799 1427386 1633472 1569211 1421319 1405154 1425889 1362200 1590431 1778017 1940805 Provincial Share 570606 610511 543662 642131 691600 638195 626016 626016 626800 626800 626800 677800 626800 Municipal Share 657338 696704 985137 785255 941872 931016 795303 779138 799089 735400 963631 1100217 1314005

Net Capital Cost 199941 229650 226000 4000 4000 358150 6809 357500 203000 133649 210000 220000 230000 Provincial Share 104740 114825 113000 N.A. N.A. 114000 N.A. 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 Municipal Share 95201 114825 113000 4000 4000 47150 6809 4500 N.A. N.A. 110000 120000 130000

Note: All transit systems do not always report all data items. Note: Statistical data has been rounded up to the nearest thousand. Note: Motor bus vehicle numbers include standard and low floor buses. Sources: Brandon Transit - Engineering and Operations Department Transportation Services; Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA); Canadian Transit Fact Book

Table 4.9 shows performance indicators for Brandon Transit. It is difficult to compare the performance indicators between Winnipeg Transit and Brandon Transit due to the large difference in the sizes of the rider base. In every category, due to the fact that Brandon cannot take advantage of any economies of scale, their values are lower than in Winnipeg. To make a comparison as to the availability of these economies, consider that Winnipeg’s population is currently 680,000 and Brandon’s is 42,000, a difference of approximately sixteen times.

Table 4.9 Brandon Transit Performance Indicators

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Financial Performance Tot.Oper.Rev. / Tot.Dir.Oper.Exp. (RC Ratio) 39 39 29 29 27 31 35 34 34 37 36 35 30 Municipal Share (Oper.) / Capita 16.98 18.00 25.39 20.13 24.28 23.30 19.91 19.48 19.98 18.39 23.22 26.2 31.29 Net. Oper. Cost / Reg. Serv. Pass. 1.01 1.01 1.64 1.69 2.46 2.11 1.90 1.92 1.96 1.84 1.96 2.17 2.6 Average Fare Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev / Reg. Serv. Pass 0.63 0.63 0.66 0.66 0.88 0.87 0.97 0.97 0.98 1.02 1.05 1.11 1.14 Cost Effectiveness Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp. / Reg. Serv. Pass 1.65 1.64 2.32 2.37 3.39 3.05 2.94 2.93 2.99 2.91 3.05 3.33 3.77 Cost Efficiency Tot. Dir. Oper. Exp. / Tot. Veh. Hrs. 45.96 45.96 52.18 49.02 49.29 50.86 50.71 50.3 51.44 49.58 54.75 61.41 63.27 Service Utilization Reg. Serv. Pass. / Capita 31.45 33.59 24.01 21.67 17.11 18.64 18.72 18.26 18.16 18.51 19.54 19.51 17.79 Reg. Serv. Pass. / Rev. Veh. Hrs. 27.90 29.80 22.47 20.65 14.61 16.91 17.38 17.27 17.31 17.15 17.99 18.55 16.89 Amount of Service Rev. Veh. Hrs. / Capita 1.13 1.13 1.07 1.05 1.17 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.05 1.08 1.09 1.05 1.05 Average Speed Rev. Veh. Kms. / Rev. Veh. Hrs. 21.34 21.20 19.53 19.53 22.32 22.58 21.90 22.56 22.56 23.28 23.89 23.96 22.3 Vehicle Utilization Rev. Veh. Kms. / Active Vehicle 51718 51400 44986 44412 56672 55859 55796 56457 59399 56092 67547 66368 58059 Labour Productivity Rev. Veh. Hrs. / Operator Paid Hrs. N.A. N.A. 0.62 N.A. 0.77 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.78 0.74 0.72 Top Wage Rates Operators 13.70 14.41 15.06 15.06 15.47 15.70 15.86 16.02 16.18 16.18 16.18 16.7 17.73 Mechanics N.A. N.A. N.A. 16.19 16.29 16.98 17.15 17.32 17.49 17.49 18.2 19.05 19.48 Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Rev. Veh. Hr. 17.3 18.48 14.83 13.63 12.81 14.78 16.92 16.68 17 17.51 18.9 20.9 19.19 Reg. Serv. Pass. Rev. / Rev. Veh. Km. 0.81 0.87 0.76 0.70 0.57 0.65 0.77 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.99 0.86 0.86 Reg. Serv. Pass. Trips / Rev. Veh. Km. 1.31 1.41 1.15 1.06 0.65 0.75 0.79 0.77 0.77 0.74 0.75 0.77 0.76

Note: All transit systems do not always report all data items; "N.A." = not available. Sources: Winnipeg Transit Department; Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA); Canadian Transit Fact Book.

105 Table 4.10 shows public transit metropolitan performance comparisons. According to this table, Winnipeg Transit is operating at one of the highest levels in the country. Their Revenue/Cost ratio is second only to Toronto, their cost effectiveness is fairly ordinary, but they are the most cost efficient of all of the major urban transit services in Canada. Results from the RC ratio and cost efficiency propose that total direct operating expenses are admirable. In order to improve cost effectiveness the only parameter that could be addressed is regular service passenger trips.

Table 4.10 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons

City Prov. 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Revenue/Cost Ratio Vancouver BC N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.54 0.51 0.49 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.52 N.A. 0.46 0.56 Calgary AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.46 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.50 0.55* N.A.** 0.55* Edmonton AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.44 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.44 0.45 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.48 0.48 0.50 Winnipeg MB 0.53 0.51 0.53 0.56 0.56 0.57 0.55 0.57 0.59 0.55 0.58 0.61 0.63 0.63 0.61 0.61 0.60 Toronto ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.68 0.70 0.63 0.65 0.65 0.68 0.75 0.79 0.81 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.81 Ottawa ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.58 0.56 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.59 0.58 0.56 0.57 0.59 Montreal PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.40 0.46 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.46 0.51 0.52 0.53 N.A. 0.58 0.56 Quebec City PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.41 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.41 0.43 0.43 0.45 0.47 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Cost Effectiveness ($) Vancouver BC N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.75 1.87 1.95 2.60 2.54 2.53 2.58 2.64 2.72 2.80 N.A. 3.33** 3.18 Calgary AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.73 2.03 1.91 1.93 1.83 1.77 1.69 1.64 1.62 1.86 1.67 N.A.** 1.89 Edmonton AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.03 2.18 2.36 2.42 2.78 2.44 2.41 2.32 2.17 2.23 2.42 2.50 2.96 Winnipeg MB 0.99 1.09 1.23 1.27 1.29 1.37 1.49 1.57 1.65 1.78 1.81 1.81 1.85 1.90 2.01 2.07 2.17 Toronto ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.34 1.52 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.68 1.81 1.81 1.74 1.74 1.81 1.90 2.04 Ottawa ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.58 1.72 1.85 1.91 1.94 2.09 2.08 1.95 1.98 1.99 N.A. N.A. N.A. Montreal PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.46 1.50 1.62 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.69 1.62 1.61 1.61 N.A. 1.59 1.62 Quebec City PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.74 1.90 1.87 1.83 1.95 2.08 2.01 2.00 2.07 2.10 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Cost Efficiency ($) Vancouver BC N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 64.01 70.54 73.33 76.68 78.07 80.66 81.30 84.17 83.63 85.59 N.A. 103.66** 94.31 Calgary AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 72.46 82.74 76.37 78.89 74.08 72.66 72.55 73.69 73.15 81.08 73.26 N.A.** 76.50 Edmonton AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 56.21 59.71 61.62 65.90 71.40 58.72 62.56 60.72 65.00 61.65 66.63 68.99 71.95 Winnipeg MB 44.21 47.82 49.01 49.80 49.82 50.76 51.94 52.68 52.99 54.77 55.75 56.83 56.33 56.18 59.39 60.19 61.69 Toronto ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 70.06 76.24 82.38 83.09 81.31 79.97 85.94 87.53 84.18 85.74 N.A. N.A. N.A. Ottawa ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 74.43 78.71 84.63 90.37 67.80 71.42 73.29 71.18 72.12 72.75 N.A. N.A. N.A. Montreal PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 94.33 95.32 91.80 93.60 79.72 79.54 84.38 87.54 95.48 94.22 N.A. 99.03 103.08 Quebec City PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 61.28 66.74 69.11 66.97 67.30 68.28 71.69 74.73 77.81 78.67 N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available *Approximate (target) **Data affected by strike in 2001.

Note: R/C Ratio = Total Operating Revenues / Total Direct Operating Expenses The resulting figure indicates what percentage of the transit system's costs are paid for by passenger fares.

Note: Cost Effectiveness = Total Direct Operating Expenses / Regular Service Passenger Trips Indicates the cost per passenger carried.

Note: Cost Efficiency = Total Direct Operating Expense / Total Vehicle Hours Represents the cost of running the transit system per hour, with no consideration of revenue. Indicates the cost per vehicle hour.

Sources: Vancouver TransLink, , Edmonton Transit (operating statistics on website ntacts. , Winnipeg Transit, Toronto Transit Commission (Annual Report 2002), Ottawa City Transpo (Operating Statistics July 2003), and Societe de transport de Montreal co. Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA); Canadian Transit Fact Book.

Figure 4.12 gives a comparison of public transit performance with revenue to cost ratios across metropolitan areas. This data has been increasingly difficult to update in recent years. The RC ratios of Winnipeg and Ottawa are very similar for the initial period under review. As of 1996 Winnipeg improved notably over Ottawa to capture second place after Toronto. In 2002 the RC ratio for Toronto was 0.81 and for Winnipeg 0.60.

106 Figure 4.12 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons: Revenue/Cost Ratio


0.80 Vancouver 0.70 Calgary 0.60 Edmonton 0.50 Winnipeg 0.40 Toronto 0.30 Ottawa Montreal 0.20 Quebec City 0.10 0.00 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

Figure 4.13 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons: Cost Effectiveness


3.00 Vancouver Calgary 2.50 Edmonton s

r 2.00 a

l Winnipeg l 1.50

Do Toronto 1.00 Ottawa Montreal 0.50 Quebec City 0.00

6 90 91 92 93 94 95 9 97 98 99 00 01 02 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Year

Figure 4.13 shows a comparison of cost effectiveness across metropolitan areas. This data has been increasingly difficult to update in recent years. Winnipeg had the lowest total direct operating expenses per regular service passenger from 1990 to 1994. In 2002 it slipped to fourth position (according to available information) at $2.17, trailing Montreal ($1.62), Calgary ($1.89) and Toronto ($2.04).

Figure 4.14 shows cost efficiency comparisons across various metropolitan areas. Winnipeg consistently had the lowest total direct operating expense per total vehicle hours for the

107 review period. Data for other metropolitan areas has become increasingly difficult to obtain for recent years.

Figure 4.14 Public Transit Metropolitan Performance Comparisons: Cost Efficiency


100.00 Vancouver Calgary 80.00 Edmonton s r a l

l 60.00 Winnipeg

Do Toronto 40.00 Ottawa 20.00 Montreal

0.00 Quebec City

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 99 99 99 99 99 1 1 19 19 19 1 19 1 1 19 20 20 20 Year

In 2002 the total direct operating expense per total vehicle hours for Winnipeg was $61.69. Edmonton followed Winnipeg with a value of $71.95. The highest figure of $103.08 was reported by Montreal. Caution is advised in the interpretation of these data. Most of these cities operate rapid transit systems, such as subways or light rail systems (LRT), which have higher costs, but also higher quality than street buses.

108 Table 4.11 shows the fare structure chronology for Winnipeg Transit System. From 1992 to 2001 the all-items Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Manitoba has increased by 21.2 percent (Canada: 16.4 %)25. Fares for all forms of public transportation (intercity, bus and taxi) have increased by 66.4 percent in Manitoba (Canada: 56.1 %)26 and transit fares by 57.9 percent (Canada: 38 %)27. With the use of this very broad estimate, we are seeing that transit fares in Winnipeg are increasing faster than average prices of all items in Manitoba and faster than city bus and subway fares in Canada, but slower than all public transportation elsewhere.

Table 4.11 Winnipeg Transit System Fare Structure Chronology

Adult Child Senior Race Track Effective Pass Pass Pass Date Cash Ticket Monthly Super Weekday Cash Ticket Monthly Super Cash Ticket Monthly Super Special Shuttle

1-Mar-1986 0.85 0.75 28.00 - - 0.35 0.30 14.00 - 0.35 0.30 14.00 - 2.00 0.85 1-Mar-1987 0.90 0.80 30.00 - - 0.40 0.35 15.00 - 0.40 0.35 15.00 - 2.10 0.90 1-Mar-1988 1.00 0.90 34.00 - - 0.50 0.45 17.00 - 0.50 0.45 17.00 - 2.35 1.00 1-May-1990 1.10 1.00 38.00 - - 0.55 0.50 20.00 - 0.55 0.50 20.00 - 2.60 1.10 1-Feb-1991 1.15 1.05 40.00 - - 0.60 0.55 22.00 - 0.60 0.55 22.00 - 2.70 1.15 1-Feb-1992 1.20 1.10 42.00 - - 0.60 0.58 22.00 - 0.60 0.58 23.00 - 2.90 1.20 1-Feb-1993 1.25 1.15 44.00 - - 0.65 0.63 25.00 - 0.65 0.63 25.00 - - - 1-Jul-1993 1.30 1.20 45.00 - - 0.70 0.65 25.50 - 0.70 0.65 25.50 - - - 1-Feb-1994 1.35 1.35 48.00 - - 0.75 0.75 28.00 - 0.75 0.75 28.00 - - - 1-Jun-1995 1.35 1.30 48.00 13.00 11.70 0.80 0.75 28.00 7.50 0.80 0.75 28.00 7.50 - - 1-Feb-1996 1.40 1.35 52.00 13.50 12.15 0.80 0.80 30.80 8.00 0.85 0.80 30.80 8.00 - - 1-Jan-1997 1.45 1.40 53.90 14.00 12.60 0.85 0.80 30.80 8.00 0.85 0.80 30.80 8.00 - - 1-Jan-1998 1.50 1.45 55.85 14.50 13.00 1.50 0.85 32.75 8.50 1.50 0.85 32.75 8.50 - 1-Jan-1999 1.55 1.50 57.75 15.00 13.50 1.25 0.90 34.65 9.00 1.25 0.90 34.65 9.00 - - 1-Apr-2000 1.60 1.55 59.70 15.50 14.00 1.30 0.95 36.60 9.50 1.30 0.95 36.60 9.50 - - 1-Sep-2000 1.60 1.55 59.70 15.50 14.00 1.30 0.95 36.60 9.50 1.30 0.95 36.60 9.50 47.75 - 1-Jan-2001 1.65 1.60 61.60 16.00 14.40 1.35 1.00 38.50 10.00 1.35 1.00 38.50 10.00 49.30 - 1-Jan-2002 1.70 1.65 63.55 16.50 14.85 1.40 1.50 40.45 10.50 1.40 1.50 40.45 10.50 - - 1-Jan-2003 1.75 1.70 65.45 17.00 15.30 1.45 1.10 42.35 11.00 1.45 1.10 42.35 11.00 - -

"-" means nil or zero (i.e. pass did not exist for specified year) Sources: Winnipeg Transit Department

25 Cansim Matrix 9964: Consumer Price Indexes for Manitoba, Series: P207000 and P200000 26 Cansim Matrix 9964: Consumer Price Indexes for Manitoba, Series: P207079 and P200192 27 Cansim Matrix 9964: Consumer Price Indexes for Manitoba, Series: P207081 and P200194

109 Table 4.12 shows the cash fare structure chronology for Brandon Transit System.

Table 4.12 Brandon Transit System Cash Fare Structure Chronology

Adult Student/Senior Special Student Effective Date Cash Ticket Pass Cash Ticket Pass Cash Ticket Pass

1986 0.60 - - 0.40 - - 0.60 - - 1987 0.85 - - 0.60 - - 0.85 - - 1988 0.90 - 30.00 0.65 - 20.00 0.90 - 24.00 1989 0.90 - 30.00 0.65 - 20.00 0.90 - 24.00 1990 0.90 - 30.00 0.65 - 20.00 0.90 - 24.00 1991 0.90 - 30.00 0.65 - 20.00 0.90 - 24.00 1992 1.00 - 32.00 0.75 - 24.00 1.00 - 28.00 1993 1.10 - 35.00 0.85 - 27.00 1.10 - 31.00 1994 1.10 - 35.00 0.85 - 27.00 1.10 - 31.00 1995 1.15 - 37.00 0.90 - 28.50 1.15 - 32.50 1996 1.25 - 42.00 1.00 - 32.00 1.25 - 36.00 1997 1.25 - 42.00 1.00 - 32.00 1.25 - 36.00 1998 1.25 - 42.00 1.00 - 32.00 1.25 - 36.00 1999 1.50 12.50 42.00 1.25 10.00 32.00 1.50 12.50 36.00 2000 1.50 12.50 42.00 N.A. 10.00 32.00 1.50 12.50 36.00 2001 1.55 13.00 45.00 1.30 10.50 35.00 1.55 13.00 38.00 2002 1.60 13.00 45.00 1.30 10.50 35.00 1.60 13.00 38.00 2003 2.00 13.00 50.00 1.50 10.50 39.00 2.00 13.00 42.00

Sources: City of Brandon - Department of Information/Engineering/Transportation

Table 4.13 gives metropolitan public transit comparison of adult cash fare statistics. From these tables (4.10 & 4.13) we are seeing that Winnipeg has one of the best current fare structures.

Table 4.13 Public Transit Metropolitan Comparisons: Adult Cash Fare Statistics, Selected Cities

City Prov. 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Vancouver BC N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.25 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 N.A. N.A. 2.00 Calgary AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.00 1.10 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.75 1.75 Edmonton AB N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.25 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.75 2.00 Winnipeg MB 0.85 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.75 Toronto ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 Ottawa ON N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.90 0.95 1.30 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.85 1.85 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 Montreal PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.25 1.50 1.60 1.75 1.75 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.25 Quebec City PQ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.40 1.75 N.A. 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25

N.A. = not available. Figures are in Canadian dollars.

Sources: Vancouver TransLink, Calgary Transit, Edmonton Transit, Winnipeg Transit, Toronto Transit Commission (Annual Report 2002), Ottawa City Transpo (Operating Statistics July 2003), Societe de transport de Montreal, and Reseau de transport de la Capitale (Quebec City) contacts. Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA); Canadian Transit Fact Book.

Figure 4.15 shows that adults in Ottawa paid the highest fare of $2.50 in 2002.

110 Figure 4.15 Public Transit Metropolitan Comparisons: Adult Cash Fare


2.50 Vancouver Calgary 2.00 Edmonton s r Winnipeg a l

l 1.50 Toronto Do 1.00 Ottawa Montreal 0.50 Quebec City

0.00 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

Winnipeg and Calgary tied for the lowest 2002 cash fare at $1.75.

111 4.1.2 Taxi Industry

Table 4.14 shows the number of vehicles operated by the Winnipeg taxi industry. Practically all increases in the number of taxis operating in Winnipeg can be attributed to the two newer companies, Spring/Star and Blueline. Over the last four years of data, the number of vehicles has remained almost constant.

Table 4.14 Winnipeg Taxi Industry: Number of Vehicles

Taxi Company 1987 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Unicity Taxi (includes Access) 222 227 227 226 219 218 218 Duffy's Taxi 150 152 151 154 154 154 154 Spring/Star Taxi 10 30 37 36 35 34 34 Blueline Taxi 018141311 9 9 Super Taxi 0000777

Total 382 427 429 429 426 422 422

Sources: Manitoba Taxicab Board

Table 4.15 gives a summary of licenses issued to the Winnipeg taxicab industry.

Table 4.15 Winnipeg Taxicab Industry - Summary of Licenses Issued

1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002

Licenses Issued: To operate a taxicab bus. 656 502 777 565 N.A. N.A. N.A. To operate a taxicab 400 400 400 404 N.A. N.A. N.A. Standard taxicabs 406 219 628 404 401 402 416 Seasonal standard 38 12 16 61 75 42 21 Accessible 18202344 362924 Handicab Van 73 70 60 20 28 22 21 Limousine 39424126 393849 No. of licenses issued 1596 1521 1633 1729 1288 1950 1574 No. of new applicants 134 120 135 263 167 213 126

N.A. = not available

Sources: Manitoba Taxicab Board

112 Table 4.16 shows taxicab fares for 1996 to 2001.

Table 4.16 Winnipeg Taxicab Metered Fares

Standard and Accessible Taxicabs Premium Taxicabs

Drop Distance Waiting time Drop Charge Distance Change Waiting time Charge Charge Change Charge

$0.10 per 106 $0.10 per 17 1996 $2.25 $0.10 per 106 metres $0.10 per 17 second $3.60 metres second

$0.10 per 93 $0.10 per 15 1997 $2.55 $0.10 per 93 metres $0.10 per 15 second $4.10 metres second

1999 $2.55 $0.10 per 93 metres $0.10 per 15 second There are no longer any Premium Taxicabs in Manitoba. 2000 $2.70 $0.10 per 87 metres $0.10 per 14 seconds

2001* $2.95 $0.10 per 88 metres $0.10 per 15 second

*Please note: Effective December 7, 2001, the drop rate for standard/accessible taxicabs increased from $2.70 to $2.95 to cover the cost of mandatory safety shields and in-car security cameras for taxicabs. This $0.25 fare increase will apply until December 2004 when it will be reviewed by the Board

Sources: Manitoba Taxicab Board

Table 4.17 gives an overview of taxicab tariff rates across various cities in 2003. Winnipeg ties with Mississauga for the most expensive fare on an 8 kilometre course of $6.25.

Table 4.17 Taxicab Tariff Rates: Various Cities Across Canada, 2003

City Drop Safety Distance Amount Wait Amount Baggage Trunk Luggage Additional Cancel Airport Station 3km Course Surcharge Length Groceries Passengers Wagon

Winnipeg $2.70 $0.25 88 meters $0.10 15 sec. $0.10 no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge $6.25

Halifax $2.50 none 80 meters $0.10 15 sec. $0.10 no charge no charge no charge $0.50 no charge no charge no charge $6.10

Ottawa $2.15 none 113 meters $0.15 23 sec. $0.15 +4 items is $0.25 up to $2.00 $2.00 excluding wheelchair no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge $5.90

Mississuaga $3.00 none 208 meters $0.25 36 sec. $0.25 no charge no charge no charge no charge $2.00 no charge no charge $6.25

Regina $3.00 none 120 meters $0.10 13.5 sec. $0.10 $0.55 $0.30 $3.00 no charge no charge no charge no charge $6.20

Calgary $2.50 none 162 meters $0.20 30 sec. $0.20 no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge $1.75 $6.50 $5.90

Edmonton $2.50 none 90 meters $10 15 sec. $0.10 no charge no charge no charge no charge $2.00 no charge no charge $5.70 Sources: Manitoba Taxicab Board

113 4.1.3 School Bus Transport

Table 4.18 shows the regular operational expenditures from school bus statistics for Manitoba. According to this table, the cost to transport school children on these buses has increased by 40 percent, when the number of children transported has decreased by almost 13 percent (from 1987 to 2002/03 budget). There seem to be two main reasons for this. Between fuel and the increased cost of maintenance, running the buses has increased the cost per km from $0.96 to $1.38. Also, due to increased concerns with regards to the children’s safety and welfare, increased supervision and training was deemed necessary; the administration costs that have gone from $1.5 million to $3 million partially reflect this.

Table 4.18 Manitoba School Bus Statistics: Regular Operational Expenditures

Units 1986 1987 1988 1989 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02* 2002/03*

Administration Amount $'000 1870 1882 2130 1536 2362 2424 2575 2642 2680 2710 2730 2804 2878 2951 2928 3046 3061 3100

Regular Transportation Transportation Exp. $'000 32558 33104 35369 20755 38211 39936 38457 38905 37995 38254 38777 39181 38504 48471 40534 41947 44376 46332 Transported Pupils No. N.A. 67858 67640 67821 65999 67505 68406 70088 64969 62872 62617 61598 60029 60777 60171 61528 60650 59195 Cost Per Pupil $ N.A. 488 523 306 579 592 562 555 585 608 619 636 641 666 674 682 732 783 Amount $ N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.40484N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. Total Kilometers 000 N.A. 34885 34726 21896 30195 32743 34586 34612 33620 33125 32793 32652 33085 32362 32960 33567 33397 33647 Cost Per Km. $ N.A. 0.95 1.02 0.95 1.27 1.22 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.24 1.16 1.25 1.23 1.25 1.33 1.38 Loaded Kilometers 000 N.A. 23908 23715 14762 19088 21159 23543 22916 22591 22208 22032 N.A. 22264 22534 22380 22285 22530 22711 Cost Per Loaded Km. $ N.A. 1.38 1.49 1.41 2.00 1.89 1.63 1.70 1.68 1.72 1.76 N.A. 1.73 1.80 1.81 1.88 1.97 2.04

Allowances In Lieu of Transportation $ 578689 584049 605553 477755 625578 759821 817231 896752 732002 817049 497852 631099 407250 478091 354156 565965 446240 492548

Other (i.e. field trips) $'000 1423 1080 1042 875 1466 1182 1728 1814 1619 1489 1616 1303 1653 1527 1913 2178 1846 1942

*Budget N.A. = not available

Note: Regular transportation expenditures for 1989 are representative of actual data from January-June

Sources: Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 2002/03 Budget, pages 30, 31, and 35. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 2001/02 Budget, pages 30, 31, and 35. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 2000/01, pages 29, 30, and 34. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 1999/00, pages 30, 31, and 35. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

Table 4.19 shows regular operational expenditures from urban and rural school divisions in Manitoba. This table demonstrates some of the main differences between urban and rural school bus use. Many more students use the buses in rural areas due to the lack of alternative transport and the difficulty of organizing car pools. Costs are proportionally greater in rural areas due to the longer distances that must be traveled by the drivers, but costs per km are lower because of the efficiencies achieved by having more students moving longer distances.

Table 4.19 Manitoba School Bus Regular Operational Expenditures: Urban and Rural Divisions

Units 1986 1987 1988 1989 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02* 2002/03*

Urban School Divisions Transportation Exp. $'000 7548 8363 9047 5582 10251 10629 10755 11007 10833 10497 10153 9904 9013 9743 9736 8792 10230 10855 Transported Pupils No. N.A. 21660 22068 22437 21534 22615 23683 25861 21427 19305 17495 17273 16146 17033 16413 16156 15824 16018 Cost Per Pupil $ N.A. 386 410 249 476 470 454 426 506 544 580 573 558 572 593 544 646 678 Amount No. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 10338 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Total Kilometers 000 N.A. 5226 5221 3228 3971 5235 5572 5527 5759 5096 4840 4575 4538 4450 4356 4485 4574 4542 Cost Per Km. $ N.A. 1.6 1.73 1.73 2.58 2.03 1.93 1.99 1.88 2.06 2.1 2.26 1.99 2.19 2.24 1.96 2.24 2.39 Loaded Kilometers 000 N.A. 3358 3175 1958 2233 2918 3449 3398 3473 3153 2256 N.A. 2867 2913 2,862 2,812 2,905 2,901 Cost Per Loaded Km. $ N.A. 2.49 2.85 2.85 4.6 3.64 3.12 3.24 3.12 3.33 4.5 N.A. 3.14 3.34 3.40 3.13 3.52 3.74

Rural School Divisions Transportation Exp. $'000 25009 24741 26321 15172 27960 29307 27702 27897 27162 27757 28624 29277 29491 38728 31032 33155 34146 35477 Transported Pupils No. N.A. 46198 45572 45384 44465 44890 44723 44227 43542 43567 45122 44325 43883 43744 43418 45372 44826 43177 Cost Per Pupil $ N.A. 536 578 334 629 653 619 631 624 637 634 661 672 885 715 731 762 822 Amount $ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 30146 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Total Kilometers 000 N.A. 29659 29505 18668 26225 27509 29014 29085 27861 28029 27953 28077 28547 27912 28553 29082 28823 29105 Cost Per Km. $ N.A. 0.83 0.89 0.81 1.07 1.07 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.99 1.02 1.07 1.03 1.39 1.09 1.14 1.18 1.22 Loaded Kilometers 000 N.A. 20551 20540 12804 16854 18240 20093 19518 19118 19054 19776 N.A. 19397 19621 19421 19473 19626 19810 Cost Per Loaded Km. $ N.A. 1.2 1.28 1.18 1.66 1.61 1.38 1.43 1.42 1.46 1.45 N.A. 1.52 1.97 1.60 1.70 1.74 1.79

*Budget N.A. = not available

Urban school divisions refer to school divisions no.1-10 plus division no.12 Rural school divisions include Brandon (div.40), Portage La Prairie (div.24), and Lord Selkirk (div.11) Regular transportation expenditures for 1989 are representative of actual data from January-June

Sources: Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 2002/03 Budget, pages 30 and 35. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 2001/02 Budget, pages 30 and 35. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 2000/01, pages 29 and 34. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Finance and Statistics Reports, Manitoba Education and Training. FRAME Report 1999/00, pages 30 and 35. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

114 4.1.4 Courier Transportation

Table 4.20 shows the employment in the Manitoba and Canadian courier transportation industry. A rise in Manitoba courier employment in the early 1990’s has since diminished and in 2001, 604 employees in Manitoba were in the industry.

Table 4.20 Manitoba and Canadian Courier Employment

Manitoba Canada Year Employees Employees 1991 576 28892 1992 684 28921 1993 648 30494 1994 649 31451 1995 683 32065 1996 673 32391 1997 642 33433 1998 646 34398 1999 601 33789 2000 541 33532 2001 604 34064

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, Canada / Couriers, CANSIM Label L170224, Matrix 17000. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, Manitoba / Couriers, CANSIM Label L171386, Matrix 17007.

Table 4.21 shows Manitoba and Canadian courier revenues and expenses for 2000 and 2001 (no further historical data is available).

Table 4.21 Courier and Local Messengers: Revenues and Expenses ($'000)

2000 2001 Canada Manitoba Canada Manitoba Estimated number of carriers in population 17657 965 18829 1018 Total revenues 5000206 x 5323107 x Non-operating revenue 19206 x 6380 x Total operating revenue 4981000 167100 5316727 191224 Revenue from sales of goods and services 4807720 x 5102559 x Other operating revenue 173279 x 214168 x Total expenses 4643608 x 4983759 x Non-operating expenses 69523 x 52190 x Total operating expenses 4574085 150068 4931568 176106 Salaries, wages, and benefits 1651660 49566 1757841 59240 Cost of energy and supplies 320080 12478 340332 12459 Rental and leasing expenses 23732 7533 240804 8033 Repair and maintenance expenses 232230 9731 181774 6175 Property and business taxes 24916 825 25483 861 Other purchased services 1621444 55548 18458860 71986 Depreciation expense 133713 3748 126717 4746 Other operating expenses 356311 10639 412758 12606 x = data unavailable, not applicable, or confidential

Sources: Statistics Canada, Couriers' and local messengers' revenues and expenses, the provinces. Retrieved July 25, 2003.


Table 4.22 contains the GDP of Canadian interurban and rural transport industry at factor cost and using 1992 prices. The steep decline in GDP is evident.

Table 4.22 GDP of Canadian Interurban and Rural Transport Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1980 526 1981 488 1982 480 1983 484 1984 442 1985 448 1986 406 1987 380 1988 333 1989 377 1990 331 1991 250 1992 209 1993 187 1994 191 1995 178 1996 163 1997 132 1998 125 1999 132 2000 135

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Interurban & Rural Transit Systems Industry, CANSIM Label I53239, Matrix 04677.

Table 4.23 shows employment with large interurban and rural bus transportation companies in Canada.

Table 4.23 Canadian Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: Employment, Hours Worked, and Compensation

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 193 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Employees (No.) Drivers 2500 2549 2450 2411 2457 2394 2200 1976 2154 1643 1419 1446 690 745 731 Mechanics 718 706 627 711 591 489 472 423 N.A. 242 149 145 60 47 47 Other 1564 1545 1394 1090 2062 1893 1734 1635 1687 1660 1571 1369 456 401 421 Total 4782 4800 4471 4212 5110 4776 4406 4034 3841 3545 3139 2960 1206 1193 1199

Hours Worked ('000) Drivers N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 4481 2597 3184 2708 1013 1064 1074 Mechanics** N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 357 317 260 115 86 90 Other N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3509 2915 2591 2348 661 661 694 Total N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 7990 5869 6092 5316 1788 1812 1858

Employee Benefits N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 25193 13481 9756 8978 7128 6264 6430

Total Compensation 162968 158216 154146 150348 179105 176074 165726 148405 157552 127740 107852 98285 39456 41807 44885

Average Compensation 34079 32962 34477 35695 35050 36866 37614 36789 41018 36034 34359 33204 32716 29793 32073

Note: Large Companies with revenues over $2 mil. Note: Mechanics included with Other in 1994

Sources: Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 2: Employees and their Compensation, 2000, Large Companies, page 39. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 3: Employees and their Compensation, 1999, Large Companies, page 16. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1998, 53-215, Table 3: Employees and their Compensation, 1998, Large Companies, page 18.

116 This demonstrates how these companies have kept up with changing trends. There has been increasing consolidation in this industry in the last decade where 77 percent of the workforce has been laid off.

Table 4.24 indicates travel to Canada by bus. Over the past decade-and-a-half, the use of intercity buses decreased from its peak in 1986 to a fairly low level in the early 1990s, and then increased again in the later part of the decade.

Table 4.24 Travel to Canada by Bus ('000 travelers)

USA Can. USA Can. Residents Residents Year Residents % Residents % Entering Can. from USA by Entering Can. from USA by Bus Bus

1986 38199.5 1921.3 5.0 38118.9 1313.0 3.4 1987 36952.6 1561.6 4.2 44693.2 1337.4 3.0 1988 36147.1 1541.7 4.3 51308.4 1415.9 2.8 1989 34705.1 1395.1 4.0 59911.1 1449.7 2.4 1990 34734.1 1441.7 4.2 70432.8 1405.6 2.0 1991 33577.2 1371.3 4.1 79350.6 1367.5 1.7 1992 32427.3 1388.5 4.3 76727.5 1417.4 1.8 1993 32622.7 1442.2 4.4 66741.2 1419.0 2.1 1994 34858.8 1571.4 4.5 54313.2 1421.0 2.6 1995 37330.1 1607.5 4.3 52153.5 1439.1 2.8 1996 38471.2 1668.4 4.3 52699.0 1563.7 3.0 1997 40489.9 1781.2 4.4 50941.8 1532.1 3.0 1998 43857.2 1753.0 4.0 42767.7 1351.6 3.2 1999 44630.2 1807.5 4.0 42196.4 1393.4 3.3 2000 43993.8 1871.8 4.3 42666.4 1405.7 3.3 2001 42871.3 1684.9 3.9 38368.4 1217.9 3.2

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Cda./U.S. Residents Entering Canada Total, CANSIM Label D145002, Matrix 02661. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Cda./U.S. Residents by Bus Total, CANSIM Label D145013, Matrix 02661. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Cda./Canadian Residents Returning from U.S.A. Total, CANSIM Label D145035, Matrix 02661. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Cda./Canadian Residents Returning by Bus Total, CANSIM Label D145044, Matrix 02661.

117 Table 4.25 shows travel to Manitoba by bus. With regard to bus travelers from the U.S., the same trend is observed as for the rest of Canada. Manitobans traveling to the U.S. on the other hand has demonstrated large increases as compared to the Canadian average.

Table 4.25 Travel to Manitoba by Bus ('000 travelers)

USA Can. USA Can. Residents Residents Year Residents % Residents % Entering MB from USA by Entering MB from USA by Bus Bus

1986 636.5 20.2 3.2 1061.1 40.8 3.8 1987 646.5 23.4 3.6 1192.9 43.1 3.6 1988 621.7 24.3 3.9 1255.3 44.1 3.5 1989 674.5 21.7 3.2 1633.7 46.5 2.8 1990 633.2 19.3 3.0 1942.7 47.7 2.5 1991 569.1 16.5 2.9 2151.7 45.1 2.1 1992 546.8 15.1 2.8 2019.2 61.2 3.0 1993 560.2 19.1 3.4 1731.8 94.6 5.5 1994 562.1 23.9 4.3 1474.6 147.6 10.0 1995 573.6 21.5 3.7 1339.8 113.9 8.5 1996 587.9 21.1 3.6 1385.4 107.3 7.7 1997 601.3 19.5 3.2 1314.3 123.0 9.4 1998 637.9 18.9 3.0 1155.4 121.8 10.5 1999 662.8 17.5 2.6 1155.8 116.0 10.0 2000 675.4 15.3 2.3 1206.1 114.2 9.5 2001 673.6 12.9 1.9 1144.4 116.4 10.2

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Man./U.S. Residents Entering Canada Total, CANSIM Label D145471, Matrix 02668. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Man./U.S. Residents Bus Total, CANSIM Label D145482, Matrix 02668. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Man./Total Canadian Residents, CANSIM Label D145503, Matrix 02668. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Int. Trav. Enter/Return to Canada – Man./Canadian Residents Returning by Bus, Total, CANSIM Label D145513, Matrix 02668.

Figure 4.16 charts the total number of U.S. and Canadian bus travelers to Canada and Manitoba respectively.

118 Figure 4.16 Travel to Canada and Manitoba by Bus

2500 160 140 2000

) 120 USA Residents to Canada 000 ' 1500 100 Can. Residents from s ( 80 USA to Can. er

el 1000 60 USA Residents to MB av r

T 40 500 Can. Residents from 20 USA to MB 0 0 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 000 001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Year

Figure 4.16 shows the number of travelers to Canada on the left y-axis and the number of travelers to Manitoba on the right y-axis. During the late 1980’s all categories of bus travelers to Canada and Manitoba were on an increasing trend, except for the category of U.S. residents to Canada. By the early 1990’s this turned into a downward trend for all categories. The strongest growth of the decade is noted for the category Canadian residents from U.S. to Manitoba. The number of travelers increased from 45,000 in 1991 to 116,000 in 2001, a growth of 158 percent. It peaked in 1994 at 148,000. In the year 2001 a total of 1.22 million Canadian passengers traveled from the U.S. by bus. This designates a decrease for the decade (1991: 1.4 million) of 13 percent, and it is 24 percent lower than the peak of 1.6 million in 1996.

The number of U.S. bus travelers to Canada and Manitoba display different trends than those noted above. Even though the number of U.S. passengers to Canada by bus rose 21 percent for the decade from 1.4 million in 1991 to 1.7 million in 2001, it ended 11 percent lower than the 1.9 million travelers for 1986. The category for the number of U.S. travelers to Manitoba is the smallest of all four categories. In the year 2001, 12,900 U.S. passengers entered Manitoba. This is down 22 percent on the decade (1991: 16,500) and 36 percent for the period under review (1986: 20,200).

Figure 4.17 depicts U.S. and Canadian bus travelers as a portion of total travelers to Canada and Manitoba. In the late 1990s, American bus travelers as a proportion of all travelers entering Canada decreased, while Canadian bus travelers began to use the service more frequently almost achieving the level of use of fifteen years previous. In Manitoba, similar lows are observed in 1991, but after that point travel begins to increase rapidly. It eventually achieves a level almost triple that of the rest of Canada. This larger than average proportion of bus travelers from Manitoba can in large part be explained by the increased popularity of weekend trips to casinos in North Dakota and Minnesota.

119 Figure 4.17 Travel to Canada and Manitoba by Bus


l 10 a t USA Residents to Canada

To 8

of Can. Residents from USA

ge 6 to Can. a t

n USA Res idents to MB e 4 c r

Pe Can. Residents from USA 2 to MB

0 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 Year

The share of bus travel to total travelers entering Canada and Manitoba is illustrated in Figure 4.17. The share or proportion line for the category of Canadian bus travelers from U.S. to Manitoba as a percentage of total Canadian travelers from U.S. to Manitoba (i.e. all modes) shows a similar trend to the absolute number of passengers of the same category. This suggests that the increase in this category is largely due to an increase in travelers by bus and not by means of other modes. In fact, the increase from a 2.1 percent share in 1991 to 10.2 percent share in 2001 explains more than the increase in total travelers of this category (385 %). Actual figures from Table 4.25 indicate a decline in the total number of Canadian travelers from the U.S. to Manitoba over this period from 2.2 million in 1991 to 1.14 million in 2001. This explains the larger growth in share of, rather than actual growth in absolute numbers of, Canadian residents traveling by bus to Manitoba. In the category of Canadian travelers from the U.S. to Canada the share by bus increased from 1.7 percent in 1991 to 3.2 percent in 2001. This share increase of 84 percent once again is larger than the growth in absolute numbers of 11 percent and once again is explained along similar lines to the above. Note from Table 4.24 that the total number of Canadian travelers from the U.S. to Canada decreased from 79.4 million in 1991 to 38.4 million in 2001.

120 Table 4.26 shows passengers carried, kilometres traveled, and fuel consumed by interurban and rural bus transportation in Canada. It seems by the data on this table that both scheduled passenger travel and distance traveled have decreased by 79 percent and 73 percent, respectively over the period of 1986 to 2000.

Table 4.26 Canadian Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: Passengers Carried, Kilometers Traveled, and Fuel Comsumed

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Fare Passengers Carried ('000) Scheduled Intercity Service 21800 21612 18189 17153 16391 15309 13841 10863 11438 10289 9506 10119 6140 4783 4673 Other 1049 114 73 80 600 607 1031 N/A N/A 897 763 1239 1574 835 1285 Total 22849 21726 18262 17233 16991 15916 14872 10863 11438 11186 10270 11358 7714 5618 5959

Distance Run ('000 km) Scheduled Intercity Service 170564 168527 156789 155669 167739 163182 147625 137965 145313 123983 106825 99967 45732 38063 45643 Other 2495 139 263 370 420 419 901 730 20530 29793 23534 17712 17336 2779 4838 Total 173059 168666 157052 156039 168159 163601 148526 138695 165843 153776 130359 117679 63068 40842 60454

Fuel Consumed ('000 l) Diesel 75336 74160 73190 77416 81370 80544 76800 60803 62984 22314 47397 42646 17854 16611 N.A. Gasoline 1678 279 670 106 200 174 89 3236 0 26607 0 0 0 33 N.A. Total 77014 74439 73860 77522 81570 80718 76889 64039 62984 48921 47397 42646 17854 16644 N.A.

*Large Companies with revenues over $2 mil.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 3: Passengers Carried and Kilometers traveled, 2000, page 40. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 5: Passengers Carried and Kilometers traveled, 1999, page 17. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 6: Fuel Consumption, 1999; Large Companies, page 17. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1998, 53-215, Table 4: Passengers Carried and Kilometers traveled, 1998, page 18. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1998, 53-215, Table 6: Fuel Consumption, 1998; Large Companies, page 19.

Table 4.27 shows operating revenues and expenses for interurban and rural bus transportation in Canada. For the past decade rural bus companies have retained fairly stable operating ratios. This shows that as the market has changed over the period, the companies involved in providing this service have more than adequately kept pace with altering trends. However in 2000, the average Canadian operating ratio in the industry dropped significantly from 91 to 83 percent.

Table 4.27 Canadian Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation: Operating Revenues and Expenses ($'000)

Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Reporting Companies N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 43 28 30 29 27

Operating Revenues Scheduled Intercity Service 216153 214071 208460 228045 260475 269126 254559 229188 241219 210832 207367 189332 82481 65882 72843 Charter Service 37737 37355 39713 38798 31704 34102 41682 35997 37887 33809 30890 19034 14122 9321 14584 School Bus Service 1529 919 331 750 1446 3780 3657 2924 3077 5952 7848 3495 3960 2433 2539 Other Passenger Bus Service* 1284 871 2219 2488 2414 1918 29839 6995 9396 12167 5339 9957 Baggage, Parcel, and Express 83707 81095 79628 83808 73463 73665 69348 10796 16566 16740 Other Operating Revenues** 76210 83892 82132 91879 108120 15527 16408 13925 14656 14021 14917 13085 9553 6948 10935 Total Operating Revenues 332914 337109 332855 361960 404158 408160 397403 361662 380647 367916 341682 303691 133080 106490 127598

Operating Expenses Drivers' Wages and Salaries*** 87331 84359 84269 80261 84236 85938 85765 76553 77700 74708 71795 63194 29264 24711 27593 Other Employees' Wages and Salaries 82734 84437 81532 68604 98684 103197 97945 92837 54639 61714 46336 40710 18304 16136 16135 All Employee Benefits 22120 19720 18089 20873 29633 28955 26892 24821 25193 14671 10954 9711 8191 6940 7194 Repair and Maintenance Expenses 28712 29267 32617 39999 44587 43089 41669 38150 27190 32483 30974 27776 15457 12700 12230 Fuel (incl. Taxes) 28423 27055 26868 28223 29295 29719 28815 25951 26340 25747 22747 20504 10745 8244 11844 Other Operating Expenses 47123 50608 60275 55095 75413 74644 79249 65115 138518 123449 122799 115111 34618 28390 31156 Total Operating Expenses 296443 295439 303649 293055 361848 365542 360355 323427 349580 332772 305605 277007 116580 97119 106151

Interest and Other Non-operating Expenses 16917 15689 16387 23313 23725 23245 21934 20991 N.A. 20096 23912 10143 7134 4884 5243

Total Expenses 313360 311128 320036 316368 385573 388787 382269 344418 349580 352867 329517 287149 123713 102004 111394

Operating Ratio 898891819090918992908991889183

Note: Included with school bus service 1992-94, includes urban transport 1986-91 Note: Includes subsidies Note: Excludes benefits

Sources: Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 1: Operating Revenues and Expenses, 2000, page 38. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1999-2000, 53-215, Table 1: Operating Revenues and Expenses, 1999, page 14. Statistics Canada, Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, 1998, 53-215, Table 1: Operating Revenues and Expenses, 1998, page 16.


This chapter analyzes statistics on the aviation industry in Manitoba. Information is presented on both passenger and cargo transportation. Data is reported for the Winnipeg International Airport and northern Manitoba airports.

Data on cargo transportation at Winnipeg International Airport should be viewed with caution. Reported data does not include statistics from the major courier companies. Given the significant volumes carried by these operators, cargo data could at best be viewed as incomplete. This limits the use of cargo data for Winnipeg International Airport. The current estimate is that the published statistics capture less than 15 percent of the shipped weight moving through Winnipeg International. The Winnipeg Airports Authority is in the process of addressing this matter to improve data reliability and usefulness.

Chapter 5 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

Winnipeg Int’l Airport Winnipeg Int’l Winnipeg Int’l CDN Air Transport MB Employment in Passengers Airport Cargo Year 28 29 Airport Aircraft GDP* ($’000 000) Air Transportation Enplaned/Deplaned Movement 32 30 31 Movement (‘000) (‘000) (tonnes) 1990 4249 3113 2255.1 28477.5 155.4 1991 2910 2854 2072.6 25543.2 140.1 1992 3195 2617 2142.2 28351.6 139.9 1993 3149 2695 2081.5 29680.2 139.0 1994 3335 2465 2145.4 19071.6 154.9 1995 3562 2857 2291.1 14840.8 156.0 1996 3693 3558 2830.0 12116.6 155.1 1997 3830 4279 3129.5 13424.7 155.2 1998 3878 4503 2684.9 11773.2 150.1 1999 3845 5361 2747.9 10713.5 156.5 2000 3935 5613 2937.8 10459.9 154.8 2001 N.A. N.A. 2875.9 N.A. 153.0

N.A. = not available *At factor cost and using 1992 prices; includes air related services.

28 For additional information on this, see Table 5.1 of the following chapter. 29 For additional information on this, see Table 5.2 of the following chapter. 30 For additional information on this, see Table 5.3 of the following chapter. 31 For additional information on this, see Table 5.4 of the following chapter. 32 For additional information on this, see Table 5.5 of the following chapter.

122 Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1 show the annual GDP of the air transport and related services (at factor cost, using 1992 prices). The significant (32 percent) drop from 1990 to 1991 is the most noticeable formation on the graph. Since 1991, the GDP has grown quite stably (with some slight drops in 1993 and 1999) to end at $3.9 billion in 2000, still down from the 1990 peak of $4.2 billion.

Table 5.1 GDP of Canadian Air Transport (and related services) Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1980 3153 1981 3369 1982 3192 1983 3202 1984 3657 1985 3817 1986 3824 1987 3840 1988 4164 1989 4226 1990 4249 1991 2910 1992 3195 1993 3149 1994 3335 1995 3562 1996 3693 1997 3830 1998 3878 1999 3845 2000 3935

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Air Transport & Related Servie Industries, CANSIM Label I53233, Matrix 04677.

123 Figure 5.1 GDP of Canadian Air Transport Industry

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 000 000) ' GDP* $ 2000 e (

u 1500 l a

V 1000 500 0

2 8 0 2 80 98 84 86 98 9 9 94 96 98 00 19 1 19 19 1 19 19 19 19 19 20 Year

124 Table 5.2 shows the wages and salaries for air transport in Manitoba. In Canada wages in the transportation industry have been increasing by an annual average of 2.1 percent since 1990 (1990: $641.02; 1999: $772.49). In Manitoba, they have only been growing by 1.4 percent (1990: $652.19; 1999: $736.02)33. According to this table, salaries in air transport have been increasing on average by less than two percent when considered at the weekly level, but by over four percent when examined at an hourly level. This suggests that higher wages might have had a moderating effect on employee total income due to fewer total 7hours worked. This notion is examined below.

Table 5.2 Manitoba Air Transport Employment and Wages & Salaries (excludes military)

Average Weekly Yearly Wages & Year Employment Average Hourly Earnings Earnings Salaries*

Unit No. $ $ Thousand $

1986 2847 625.56 10.68 N.A. 1987 3473 624.51 9.05 N.A. 1988 3192 662.17 8.49 114,377 1989 3306 712.35 8.97 123,143 1990 3113 750.73 11.31 132,756 1991 2854 749.42 13.64 117,000 1992 2617 772.81 14.78 115,301 1993 2695 736.25 13.17 96,210 1994 2465 733.98 12.87 96,288 1995 2857 750.20 11.53 113,355 1996 3558 761.96 12.82 122,346 1997 4279 792.55 12.07 118,814 1998 4503 754.03 17.39 134,507 1999 5361 774.89 17.73 137,402 2000 5613 774.78 16.67 150,050

Note: * Canadian Air Carriers Levels I-IV consolidated in 2000.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Employment at the End of Year, All Employees, All Sizes, Man./Air Transport, CANSIM Label L77014, Matrix 04383. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Average Weekly Earnings (including overtime) Sal. Emps. All Sizes, Man./Air Transport, CANSIM Label L677653, Matrix 04386. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Average Hourly Earnings (excluding overtime) Hrly. Emps. All Sizes, Man./Air Transport, CANSIM Label L679357, Matrix 04394. Statistics Canadian, Canadian Civil Aviation, 2000, 51-206, Table 4.2: Salaries and Wages Paid, by Sector, by Province and Territory – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I-IV, 2000, page 22. Statistics Canadian, Canadian Civil Aviation, 1999, 51-206, Table 4.3: Salaries and Wages Paid, by Sector, by Province and Territory – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I-V, 1999, page 26.

Please note that all monetary values are reported in current dollars.

Figures 5.2 and 5.3 graphically illustrate air transportation employment and wages and salaries in Manitoba.

33 Statistics Canada, Annual Estimates of Employment, Earnings, and Hours, 72F0002XIB, Table 2: Annual estimates of employment, earnings and hour.

125 Figure 5.2 Manitoba Air Transport Employment and Wages and Salaries

6000 160000 140000 5000 ) 0 120000 & 0 s nt 0 e

4000 '

100000 ge Employment $ (

3000 80000 s Wa e i ploym r ly

60000 r m la 2000 a a E Yearly Wages e

40000 S and Salaries 1000 Y 20000 0 0

6 8 4 6 8 8 8 90 92 9 9 9 00 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 19 19 1 1 1 20 Year

*Refer to Table 5.2.

Figure 5.3 Manitoba Air Transport Employment and Wages and Salaries

6000 20.00 18.00 5000 16.00

nt 14.00 e 4000

m 12.00 Employment

oy 3000 10.00 l

p 8.00 2000 6.00 Average Hourly Earnings Em 1000 4.00 2.00 0 0.00

6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 9 9 9 98 98 99 99 00 1 1 1 19 19 19 1 2 Year

A distinctive change in employment trends is observed in 1994. This is the year that a downward trend bottomed-out at 2,465 employees and thereafter set upon an upward trend. In the year 2000 it had increased by 128 percent to 5,613 employees. Yearly wages and salaries followed a trend similar to that of employment. It is also noticeable that during the period 1994 to 2000 yearly wages and salaries grew by 56 percent.

126 Table 5.3 shows passenger movement at Winnipeg International Airport. Information is presented in the major categories of domestic, transborder and international passenger sectors. Each sector is segmented into scheduled carriers and charters. The final column displays total enplaned/ deplaned passengers by service type.

Table 5.3 Winnipeg International Airport Passenger Movement ('000)

Domestic Passengers Transborder Passengers International Passengers Total Passengers

Scheduled Total Major Major Major Major Regional Major Regional Enplaned/ Year Charters Scheduled Carriers Charters Total Carriers Charters Total Carriers Charters Carriers Carriers Carriers and Carriers Deplaned and Charter Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Regional

1986 1808.5 102.1 1910.6 20.0 1930.6 256.6 77.0 333.6 3.1 0.0 3.1 2068.2 102.4 97.0 2267.3 1987 1781.3 112.8 1894.1 4.5 1898.6 240.1 85.9 326.0 3.1 0.0 3.1 2024.5 112.8 90.4 2227.7 1988 1953.2 174.4 2127.6 0.1 2127.7 232.9 65.6 298.5 8.7 24.9 33.6 2194.8 174.4 90.7 2459.9 1989 1779.0 205.7 1984.7 2.9 1987.6 236.8 61.3 298.1 0.3 28.4 28.7 2016.1 205.7 92.6 2314.4 1990 1634.5 249.5 1884.0 26.2 1910.2 255.1 58.5 313.6 3.3 28.0 31.3 1892.9 249.5 112.7 2255.1 1991 1392.8 316.9 1709.7 45.7 1755.4 228.6 59.3 287.9 7.9 21.4 29.3 1629.3 316.9 126.4 2072.6 1992 1334.7 379.1 1713.8 90.9 1804.7 238.3 65.3 303.6 9.8 24.2 34.0 1582.8 379.1 180.3 2142.2 1993 1268.0 331.1 1599.1 107.0 1706.1 274.7 61.1 335.8 9.0 30.6 39.6 1551.7 331.1 198.7 2081.5 1994 1331.0 330.2 1661.2 96.0 1757.2 275.6 67.3 342.9 11.9 33.4 45.3 1618.5 330.2 196.7 2145.4 1995 1556.3 240.2 1796.5 95.0 1902.6 285.6 69.0 355.6 10.2 33.6 40.8 1852.1 240.2 200.2 2291.1 1996 1623.9 277.0 1900.9 530.3 2415.2 359.8 7.7 373.6 9.2 32.0 41.2 1992.8 267.1 570.1 2830.0 1997 1769.0 148.8 1917.8 809.1 2727.0 346.5 7.5 361.1 3.3 38.0 41.4 2118.9 156.0 854.6 3129.5 1998 1926.6 447.2 2373.8 102.5 2476.4 339.0 0.4 352.7 2.5 51.4 53.9 2290.6 N.A. 154.3 2684.9 1999 2343.4 N.A. N.A. 25.6 2369.0 356.1 22.5 378.6 N.A. 71.5 71.5 2699.4 101.0 119.6 2747.9 2000 2265.6 N.A. N.A. 104.1 2369.2 377.6 15.9 393.5 0.0 73.8 74.6 2644.1 100.0 193.7 2937.8 2001 2317.3 N.A. N.A. 31.9 2349.2 328.8 16.6 345.3 0.0 81.3 81.3 2646.1 100.0 129.8 2875.9 2002 2304.1 N.A. N.A. 10.7 2314.8 313.6 0.0 313.6 0.0 46.9 46.9 2617.8 100.0 57.6 2775.3

N.A. = not available * Due to the 1995 Open Skies Agreement and the opening of Greyhound Airlines operations

Scheduled carriers include Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International, Athabaska Airways and NorthWest Airlines. Chartered carriers include Canada 3000, Royal Airlines, Air Canada, and Canadian Airlines International. Source: Winnipeg Airports Authority

Note that domestic data is not available for regional carriers for the years 1999 to 2002. Hence, the number of domestic passengers moved in these years most likely is significantly underestimated. According to available figures and estimates for the year 2002, a total of 2.3 million domestic passengers enplaned/ deplaned at Winnipeg International Airport.

Transborder passengers show an overall increasing trend for the 1990’s, with a low of 287,900 in 1991 and a high of 393,500 in 2000. The significance of charters in cross border passenger movement shows a declining trend over the review period. The 1986 total of 77,000 passengers represents a 30 percent share of the cross border market. This dropped to 3.7 percent or 15,900 passengers in 2000 and to zero percent in 2002.

The total number of international passengers at Winnipeg International Airport shows an increasing trend for most of the review period, with the exception of a 42 percent drop from 2001 to 2002. In 2002, 46,900 passengers traveled internationally, down from 81,300 in 2001. However, the 2002 figure is still a 50 percent increase over the 1990 figure of 31,300 passengers. In 1990 charters made up 89 percent of international travelers and in 2002 it accounted for 100 percent.

Figure 5.4 illustrates passenger movement at Winnipeg International Airport by sector. The 1997 peak of total passenger movement is evident, as is the downward slope since then.

127 Figure 5.4 Winnipeg International Airport Passenger Movement by Sector


3000.0 ) 2500.0 000 '

( International s 2000.0 r

e Transborder g 1500.0 Domestic ssen

a 1000.0 P 500.0


6 7 9 1 3 4 6 7 9 1 2 8 88 8 90 92 9 95 9 98 9 00 0 98 99 99 99 00 19 1 19 19 19 1 19 19 1 19 19 1 19 19 20 2 20 Year

Figure 5.5 shows domestic passenger movement at Winnipeg International Airport by service type. In terms of total passengers the predominance of major carriers in scheduled services is reiterated. Since the figure for regional carriers are not available for 1998, values of total enplaned/ deplaned passengers should be viewed with caution. Suffice it to note that the increase in passengers on regional carriers at the expense of scheduled major carriers during the first half of the 1990’s and the period directly preceding, appeared to have been turned around for the latter half of the decade for which data is available.

Figure 5.5 Winnipeg International Airport Passenger Movement by Service Type

3500.0 3000.0 00) 0 ' 2500.0 Major Carriers Scheduled ( s 2000.0 Regional Carriers

ger 1500.0 Charters Enplaned/ Deplaned sen 1000.0 s a

P 500.0 0.0

996 998 000 002 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1 1 2 2 Year

128 The increase in passenger movement by charters in 1996 and 1997 respectively represents a 185 and 327 percent increase over the preceding high of 200,200 passengers in 1995. This spike is for the greater part attributed to two major developments. The first was the signing of an open skies agreement in 1995. The second was the start-up of Greyhound Airlines that introduced the seamless travel option through a strategic alliance with Greyhound Bus Lines. Regional carriers have been consistently losing ground to the majors, and now seem to be at their lowest passenger level since the beginning of the data. The discontinuation of Greyhound Airlines ended the aberration of charter flights. This traffic was generally picked up by the new scheduled discount airline, WestJet.

Table 5.4 shows air cargo movement at Winnipeg International Airport. Information is not considered to be complete since official data collected to date is exclusive of cargo handled by courier services. According to a 1998 report34 where data was provided by the Winnipeg Airports Authority, in 1996 cargo volumes were detailed as follows: loaded weight 54,000 tonnes (53 %), unloaded weight 48,000 tonnes (47 %), the domestic portion was 89 percent of the whole followed by transborder at 6 percent, and other international at 5 percent.

Table 5.4 Winnipeg International Airport Tonnage of Air Cargo Movement

Loaded Cargo (tonnes) Unloaded cargo (tonnes) Total Year Other Domestic Transborder Other International Domestic Transborder International

1986 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 15701.2 1987 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 11959.2 1988 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 14886.7 1989 11433.2 970.8 430.2 15175.1 1667.4 0.0 29676.7 1990 10989.9 802.4 0.0 15161.8 1515.1 8.2 28477.5 1991 9959.5 592.7 21.5 43704.5 1245.2 19.8 25543.2 1992 10678.7 785.1 169.5 15019.9 1595.2 103.2 28351.6 1993 11150.9 750.4 83.5 15827.4 1841.1 26.9 29680.2 1994 6685.0 983.9 117.5 9297.3 1964.9 23.0 19071.6 1995 4801.0 1163.6 162.4 6532.9 2138.7 42.2 14840.8 1996 3721.9 1187.3 81.9 4983.8 2117.8 19.9 12116.6 1997 3764.3 1160.9 N.A. 5017.0 2394.5 588.0 13424.7 1998 3703.6 1394.6 5.3 4447.2 2091.3 131.2 11773.2 1999 2630.9 2082.1 7.6 3462.2 2230.7 300.0 10713.5 2000 1843.2 1940.9 N.A. 2943.1 3732.7 N.A. 10459.9

Sources: Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 5.2: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded on Major Scheduled Services and Major Charter Services, by Sector, pg. 31. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 5.2: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded on Major Scheduled Services and Major Charter Services, by Sector, pg. 31. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1998, 51-203, Table 5.2: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded on Major Scheduled Services and Major Charter Services, by Sector, pg. 30.

Winnipeg Airports Authority affirms that recent overall annual totals are 2000: 96,987, 631, 2001: 97,771,499, and 2002: 100,836,550 tonnes.

34 Shurvell, S. and Prentice B.E., “Economic Impact of Winnipeg International Airport”, University of Manitoba Transport Institute, September 1998.

129 Table 5.5 shows aircraft movement at the Winnipeg International Airport. Itinerant movements are segmented into domestic, transborder and international sectors35. As of 1996 no segmentation of itinerant movements or military movements are available.

Table 5.5 Winnipeg International Airport Aircraft Movement ('000)

Itinerant Year Local Total Military Domestic Transborder International Total

1986 92.6 8.3 0.4 101.3 44.0 145.3 14.0 1987 94.7 8.0 0.5 103.2 42.6 145.8 14.6 1988 101.4 9.1 0.5 111.0 42.3 153.3 14.0 1989 106.5 10.2 0.6 117.3 37.5 154.8 11.9 1990 105.6 8.4 0.4 114.4 41.0 155.4 12.0 1991 95.9 8.1 0.5 104.5 35.6 140.1 11.4 1992 95.6 8.3 0.6 104.5 35.4 139.9 10.9 1993 93.3 8.7 0.5 102.5 36.5 139.0 11.3 1994 103.6 10.2 0.5 114.3 40.6 154.9 11.4 1995 109.7 11.8 0.5 122.0 34.0 156.0 10.5 1996 N.A. N.A. N.A. 126.2 28.9 155.1 N.A. 1997 N.A. N.A. N.A. 130.2 25.0 155.2 N.A. 1998 N.A. N.A. N.A. 126.9 23.2 150.1 N.A. 1999 N.A. N.A. N.A. 135.2 21.3 156.5 N.A. 2000 N.A. N.A. N.A. 137.1 17.6 154.8 N.A. 2001 N.A. N.A. N.A. 136.6 16.4 153.0 N.A. 2002 N.A. N.A. N.A. 130.4 25.5 155.9 N.A.

N.A. = not available Sources: Winnipeg Airports Authority

Figure 5.6 Winnipeg International Airport Aircraft Movements

180.0 160.0 140.0

000) 120.0 '

( Total s

t 100.0 Itinerant en 80.0 Local

vem 60.0 o

M 40.0 20.0 0.0

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Year

35 A local movement is referred to as an aircraft departing or landing at an airport, yet remaining in the same airspace. An itinerant movement encompasses all non-local domestic, transborder, and international aircraft arrivals and departures.

130 Figure 5.6 shows aircraft movements at Winnipeg International Airport. Total aircraft movements remained fairly constant throughout the entire review period. The dip experienced from 1991 to 1993 was recovered in 1994. In the year 2002 a total of 156,000 aircraft movements occurred. The period 1993 to 2002 reveals some interesting observations. Decreasing local aircraft movements and increasing itinerant aircraft movements characterize the greater part of this period, except for an apparent reversal in 2002. Itinerant movement increased by 34,100 movements or 33 percent from 1993 to 2001. Local movements decreased by 20,100 or 55 percent. The difference in number of movements represents the net gain in total aircraft movement of 12.2 percent over this period (1993 to 2001). A similar, albeit not necessarily significant, divergent trend is also observed for the period 1987 to 1990 and again 1993.

Table 5.6 gives a breakdown of itinerant aircraft movements at the Winnipeg International Airport. Data for recent years is not readily available and limits analysis.

Table 5.6 Winnipeg International Airport - Itinerant Aircraft Movements

Air Carriers

Year Major Carriers Total General Total Domestic Transborder Other Total Total Regional Total Aviation Itinerant International Charters Carriers

1986 31669 3920 48 35637 871 13056 50150 51157 101307 1987 31075 2914 27 34016 891 13378 50291 52852 103143 1988 33659 3440 80 37179 1217 18872 58417 52581 110998 1989 31291 4754 3 36048 1429 22412 61336 55943 117279 1990 30078 3476 31 33585 1141 24776 86585 27866 114451 1991 24320 3272 57 27649 992 29454 78866 25609 104475 1992 23739 3284 67 27090 1400 29638 80677 23804 104481 1993 23537 3756 67 27360 1453 26296 77728 24790 102518 1994 24809 4803 96 29708 1713 26532 88101 26212 114313 1995 24934 4967 90 29991 1999 27163 95982 26067 122049 1996 23320 6189 85 N.A. 5395 31702 N.A. 24949 N.A. 1997 25856 5462 30 N.A. 8172 22361 N.A. 26329 N.A. 1998 30333 5452 26 N.A. 1341 23971 N.A. 22804 N.A. 1999 30400 5800 N.A. N.A. 1365 24000 N.A. 22744 135215 2000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 137146 2001 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 136562 2002 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 130447

N.A. = not available Note: The sum of Total Major Carriers, Total Charters, and Total Regional Carriers do not necessarily equal the Total Air Carriers.

Sources: Winnipeg Airports Authority

Nevertheless, at 30,400 (22.5 %) domestic movements in 1999, from a total number of itinerant movements of 135,215, it is evident that domestic movements account for the bulk of movements by major carriers (see Figure 5.7 below). Transborder, charter and regional carrier movements accounted for 4.3, 1.0 and 17.8 percent respectively of total itinerant aircraft movements in 1999. Domestic aircraft movement remained constant for the beginning and ending values of the period 1990 to 1999 with 30,078 and 30,400 movements respectively. Notable is the 67 percent increase in transborder movements over this same period.

Figure 5.7 shows itinerant aircraft movements for major carriers at the Winnipeg International Airport. International movements were omitted due to its relative insignificance compared to

131 domestic and transborder data. In addition to the predominance of domestic movements and the growth in transborder movements the variability in domestic movements is illustrated.

Figure 5.7 Winnipeg International Airport Itinerant Aircraft Movements: Major Carriers



30000 s

t 25000 n

e Domestic

m 20000 e

v Transborder 15000 Mo



0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

The lowest number of domestic movements for the period under review is in 1996 at 23,320 and the highest in 1988 at 33,659. This represents a 31 percent decrease over the period where data is available.

132 Table 5.7 and Figure 5.8 show passenger movements for northern Manitoba Airports. In 2002 a total of 146,620 passengers were moved at these airports. Throughout the entire review period Island Lake was the busiest airport in terms of passenger movement. In 2002 this airport moved 26,120 passengers, although its highest total for the entire period was 1998, when 45,980 passengers were moved. For the period 1990 to 2002 passenger traffic at Island Lake airport decreased by 12 percent.

Table 5.7 Northern Manitoba Airports Passenger Movement ('000)

Little Berens God's Lake Year Total Bloodvein Brochet Cross Lake God's River* Ilford Island Lake Lac Brochet Grand Norway House River Narrows Rapids

1986 160.28 10.55 3.90 7.01 10.19 10.57 N.A. 0.57 29.42 4.44 7.87 23.13 1987 164.59 13.53 3.98 7.01 8.13 11.76 N.A. 0.57 27.45 5.19 9.24 21.01 1988 155.64 11.20 4.33 6.60 7.23 11.38 N.A. 0.62 28.28 5.11 7.60 19.02 1989 173.19 10.55 3.15 6.24 7.59 11.86 N.A. 0.73 30.66 4.77 7.59 22.69 1990 166.04 10.00 3.81 4.42 8.32 9.99 4.40 0.76 29.60 3.99 7.99 24.92 1991 160.49 10.10 3.11 3.33 7.82 10.02 4.23 1.06 30.50 4.34 8.75 21.57 1992 178.71 11.36 4.78 3.31 8.26 9.00 5.24 1.20 34.44 4.46 10.04 23.79 1993 173.48 12.42 3.54 3.25 8.14 8.79 4.66 0.98 36.39 4.30 9.04 21.97 1994 177.30 12.10 3.53 3.49 8.57 11.24 5.55 1.27 33.80 5.48 10.07 24.60 1995 167.25 8.27 3.17 2.95 8.26 13.19 6.11 0.85 36.96 5.75 10.48 11.89 1996 166.74 7.34 3.57 3.15 9.33 11.35 6.05 1.29 39.86 5.17 9.93 11.76 1997 160.27 4.75 4.02 3.14 6.98 11.29 5.94 1.02 36.23 4.97 9.37 12.41 1998 163.57 3.02 3.32 3.09 4.05 8.51 6.69 1.07 45.98 4.36 9.58 14.07 1999 168.47 11.26 2.39 2.99 4.10 8.53 6.58 0.95 45.16 4.32 8.77 13.92 2000 143.52 10.44 1.88 2.87 2.80 7.11 5.35 0.54 35.95 4.01 5.14 13.06 2001 132.34 8.21 2.14 2.41 3.40 8.21 4.98 0.28 25.39 5.12 6.54 13.20 2002 146.62 8.75 3.40 3.26 5.01 9.62 4.91 0.41 26.12 5.08 6.49 12.35

Red Oxford Poplar St. Theresa South Indian Tadoule Thicket York Year Pikwitonei Pukatawagan Sucker Shamattawa House River Point Lake Lake Portage Landing Lake

1986 11.40 1.42 5.29 3.00 5.00 14.62 5.41 2.40 0.56 0.88 2.68 1987 12.01 1.30 5.77 3.61 4.13 14.23 5.61 2.54 3.45 1.16 2.93 1988 11.38 1.20 5.52 4.28 4.09 13.84 4.64 2.08 3.08 1.17 3.00 1989 12.66 5.26 4.93 5.29 4.93 16.89 5.15 3.15 3.71 1.47 3.94 1990 9.93 1.69 4.62 2.44 5.78 14.68 5.19 3.32 3.69 1.53 4.98 1991 10.02 1.15 5.31 2.68 4.53 12.91 6.01 3.45 3.75 1.31 4.55 1992 11.51 1.17 5.76 6.06 5.89 15.17 4.85 4.13 3.83 0.66 3.82 1993 9.10 1.10 5.73 6.09 6.92 13.76 3.39 5.02 3.72 1.09 4.12 1994 9.09 0.77 6.06 4.58 7.64 12.64 4.48 4.92 3.28 0.92 3.23 1995 9.58 1.06 6.33 4.07 7.62 14.17 4.34 6.66 1.95 0.90 2.69 1996 10.16 1.15 5.62 3.72 6.52 13.94 4.97 5.41 2.26 1.29 2.90 1997 11.00 0.87 5.84 4.38 5.68 13.77 5.82 4.71 3.24 1.24 3.59 1998 11.04 0.91 6.20 3.96 6.12 13.98 6.14 3.42 3.06 0.98 4.04 1999 10.62 1.02 7.48 3.77 6.62 12.40 6.47 3.20 3.29 1.00 3.63 2000 7.78 0.91 6.34 3.11 5.86 15.33 6.86 2.99 1.50 0.50 3.19 2001 7.37 0.70 5.58 3.38 4.09 15.29 7.71 2.59 2.19 0.33 3.22 2002 8.82 0.57 5.87 4.23 4.44 22.29 7.01 2.45 2.07 0.34 3.14

*Note: Gods River started reporting in April, 1990.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Northern Airport Traffic Totals. Passenger Traffic for 2000’s. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

During the initial part of the review period Norway House was in an unchallenged second position for highest passenger volume. In 1990 it moved 24,920 passengers, or 84 percent of the first ranked airport. In 2002 this figure dropped to 12,350 passengers or only 47 percent of the first ranked airport. Norway House has lost the second place rank to St. Teresa Point since 2000. Throughout the entire period Northern passenger movements decreased by 9 percent, but there were large fluctuations as can be clearly seen in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 shows passenger movements for selected northern Manitoba airports.

133 Figure 5.8 Northern Manitoba Airports Passenger Movement: Selected Airports

50 200 45 180

40 160 000) '

35 140 000) ' ( ( s r s r e 30 120 Island Lake e g

g Norway House 25 100 St. Theresa Point assen

20 80 assen P Total t P r al o

15 60 t p o r i T A 10 40 5 20

0 0

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

The great variability in the total annual movement of passengers is notable from the “Total” line on the figure above.

134 Table 5.8 shows total enplaned/ deplaned passenger movements for northern Manitoba Transport Canada airports. Recent data on several of these airports has been classified as confidential and is no longer available.

Table 5.8 Transport Canada Northern Airports Passenger Movement - Total Enplaned/Deplaned

Year Brandon Churchill Dauphin Flin Flon Gillam Lynn Lake The Pas Thompson

1986 3620 2860 1400 1490 1780 1760 1570 9330 1987 37400 28700 900 15800 15700 12900 19000 97500 1988 19000 34700 1100 17400 14800 11200 21900 109700 1989 11300 31600 2500 15000 14500 8300 20000 98400 1990 8200 31600 4000 13600 15200 5800 19200 95100 1991 200 22800 2100 13600 11800 3800 15200 90500 1992 x 19900 3000 15900 9800 2900 14900 95400 1993 x 16998 x 13649 7070 x 13544 99224 1994 x 18341 x 11657 6604 x 15817 99467 1995 x 19617 x 13215 7551 x 17531 113354 1996 x 19069 x 13433 x x 20089 105233 1997 x 19663 x N.A. x x 17409 102439 1998 x 21225 x 12762 x x 16513 91181 1999 x 22689 x 15244 x x 23317 94294 2000 x 21302 x 15611 x x 16802 85032

Note: x - confidential

Sources: Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 1.1: Top 100 Airports Ranked by Enpla and Deplaned Passengers, Selected Service, page 11-12. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 1.1: Top 100 Airports Ranked by Enpla and Deplaned Passengers, Selected Service, page 11-12. Statistics Canada Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1998, 51-203, Table 1.1: Top 100 Airports Ranked by Enpla and Deplaned Passengers, Selected Services, page 11-12. Statistics Canada Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1997, 51-203, Table 1.1: Top 100 Airports Ranked by Enpla and Deplaned Passengers, Selected Services, page 11-12.

135 Cargo movements for northern Manitoba airports are depicted in Table 5.9 and Figure 5.9. A total of 9,312.6 tonnes of cargo were moved at these airports during 2002. This, however, is 39 percent lower than the peak in 1997 at 15,264.7 tonnes. Notwithstanding the five-year decline, it ended 2002 at 24 percent higher than 1990. It is unknown how much courier activity exists; therefore these quantities may not reflect 100 percent of the cargo volume being shipped through these towns.

Table 5.9 Northern Manitoba Airports Cargo Movement (tonnes)*

Berens God's Lake God's Little Grand Norway Year Total Bloodvein Brochet Cross Lake Ilford Island Lake Lac Brochet River Narrows River* Rapids House

1986 9660.3 146.8 105.3 374.5 46.1 859.9 N.A. 8.8 1827.7 633.4 568.7 1083.6 1987 8796.6 195.8 114.7 378.8 24.0 680.6 N.A. 8.6 1758.9 553.3 581.4 837.2 1988 7744.4 146.8 94.5 415.4 21.9 561.5 N.A. 5.4 1418.5 490.5 362.6 349.0 1989 9552.5 160.0 98.5 346.9 23.3 854.4 N.A. 9.6 1147.6 542.0 419.9 406.8 1990 7535.3 99.8 127.2 288.5 40.2 523.9 300.9 14.6 1061.6 290.6 512.6 578.2 1991 7211.0 63.3 85.0 208.6 32.7 414.9 230.4 18.8 1172.1 613.2 483.2 416.0 1992 8421.8 86.5 137.7 210.7 27.5 564.0 334.4 38.1 1349.6 439.1 745.5 270.6 1993 7651.3 98.5 104.4 237.5 41.0 570.8 276.6 39.2 1302.4 423.2 585.7 241.5 1994 8151.9 107.2 96.1 140.1 66.9 642.8 243.8 27.7 1655.3 394.8 729.4 313.2 1995 9077.3 126.4 81.8 121.5 72.0 576.3 325.1 14.4 2584.4 420.5 621.7 131.4 1996 9533.2 108.3 78.7 93.1 84.8 692.6 362.5 23.3 3502.0 260.6 618.4 140.8 1997 15264.7 87.3 98.5 139.5 67.7 739.7 396.5 16.2 5195.6 307.8 1294.9 134.5 1998 12558.7 53.5 78.1 209.9 46.9 596.5 408.5 26.0 5373.2 501.8 736.5 325.9 1999 10539.8 628.9 57.7 143.6 49.8 864.4 425.9 12.5 3227.4 259.2 770.4 270.8 2000 9960.7 650.2 51.5 200.8 38.8 563.0 334.7 2.4 3216.1 341.3 611.7 412.2 2001 10280.8 629.1 62.7 290.2 31.8 506.3 326.1 7.9 2720.8 378.2 516.0 1515.1 2002 9312.6 492.3 89.9 270.1 52.8 552.9 375.6 6.4 2651.1 518.3 389.3 255.2

South Oxford Poplar Pukatawag Red Sucker St. Theresa Shamattaw Tadoule Thicket Year Pikwi-tonei Indian York Landing House River an Lake Point a Lake Portage Lake

1986 885.5 78.5 120.8 39.2 520.4 1218.6 756.6 130.0 146.9 3.2 105.9 1987 966.2 66.7 237.5 76.7 276.1 1046.2 487.6 127.7 300.6 5.5 72.8 1988 980.8 49.5 359.0 50.2 361.5 871.4 545.2 124.9 395.7 4.8 135.2 1989 1242.5 293.7 408.5 12.8 405.8 907.3 1117.5 136.3 879.3 6.6 133.3 1990 1131.9 65.4 267.8 20.2 48.2 1031.7 571.7 174.7 222.9 7.6 155.2 1991 1212.6 62.7 323.6 21.3 161.2 763.8 399.0 125.1 271.0 5.2 127.3 1992 1282.1 57.4 354.6 55.0 495.6 955.5 447.8 164.0 273.1 1.2 131.8 1993 881.8 66.0 286.4 77.0 543.9 879.8 399.9 270.8 180.6 7.9 136.4 1994 739.4 50.1 260.8 19.7 615.9 996.7 375.3 243.6 259.6 6.5 167.0 1995 722.6 59.2 296.6 11.5 568.9 1164.7 594.0 266.3 225.2 4.6 88.2 1996 754.2 72.0 289.0 15.7 479.2 1024.3 495.1 206.7 128.8 7.2 95.9 1997 1314.9 59.3 326.4 9.8 1029.1 3112.2 529.0 139.8 159.9 5.0 101.1 1998 1080.1 86.3 255.7 2.1 779.0 1180.2 420.1 88.8 181.1 4.3 124.2 1999 921.6 123.6 279.0 1.0 518.7 1071.3 482.6 52.3 221.5 2.9 154.7 2000 508.6 115.5 264.5 11 565.7 1164.7 622.2 57.1 121.2 0.9 106.6 2001 490.7 52.2 274.0 14.8 506.6 1090.7 600.4 47.2 143.7 1.4 75.0 2002 609.7 46.5 312.3 8.2 629.2 1131.5 532.3 44.8 222.9 1.3 120.2

*Note: Gods River started reporting in April, 1990.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Northern Airport Traffic Totals. Freight Traffic for 2000’s. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

As of 1994 Island Lake showed strong growth in cargo movement (until rapid decline after 1998) and distinguished itself as the first ranked airport in cargo movement. The second ranked cargo airport over this period is St Theresa Point. Cargo movements peaked at all of the selected airports in 1997, but only Island Lake continued to grow in 1998. Cargo declined at all of the selected airports in 1999. There were some notable, if small, exceptions: Berens River grew more than twelve-times, from 53.5 in 1998 to a peak of 650.2 tonnes in 2000 (after which there were significant declines into 2002), Pikwitonei grew by 43 percent, from 86.3 to a peak of 123.6 tonnes in 2000, and Tadoule Lake and York Landing grew by just over 22 percent for the same period. These towns offered a very small proportion of the total; therefore their growth is only exceptional by its increase and not its magnitude.

136 Figure 5.9 shows the cargo movement for the selected northern Manitoba airports.

Figure 5.9 Northern Manitoba Airports Cargo Movement: Selected Airports

6000 18000 16000

) 5000 ) s s

e 14000 n

n 4000 12000 o Island Lake Tonne (T

10000 ( o o g 3000 St. Theresa Point r g

8000 r a Total t Ca C r 2000 6000 l o a p r 4000 Tot

Ai 1000 2000 0 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

The initial growth in total annual cargo movements for the period 1994 to 1997 and the subsequent slump are evident from the total line graph.

137 Table 5.10 and Figure 5.10 indicate aircraft movements for northern Manitoba airports. A total of 53,629 aircraft movements occurred in 2000. It is far below the 1988 peak of 68,895 movements. There are several reasons for these fluctuations. In the early 1990s several new airlines began to operate. Bearskin Air, Ministic Air, Calm Air, and Perimeter Aviation. During the later part of the decade Ministic has reduced its number of flights, Perimeter and Bearskin are now operating more often in northern Ontario, and First Air took over one of the smaller carriers, NWT Air.

Table 5.10 Northern Manitoba Airports Aircraft Movement*

God Lake Little Grand Norway Total Berens River Bloodvein Brochet Cross Lake God River* Ilford Island Lake Lac Brochet Year Narrows Rapids House

1986 61222 6311 2495 2063 3412 4857 N.A. 428 11116 1407 2821 5732 1987 67595 7277 2497 2223 3227 5795 N.A. 494 12787 2054 2261 5869 1988 68895 6337 2610 2699 3030 6035 N.A. 540 13180 2154 3544 5742 1989 64851 6022 2262 2137 2938 5682 N.A. 556 10252 1868 3058 6105 1990 66978 5473 2636 1974 3434 4689 2073 558 11821 1548 4155 5996 1991 66253 6032 2334 1814 3144 4038 1944 538 12404 1686 4395 5684 1992 69365 5947 3030 1608 3358 3669 2049 534 12740 1832 5382 5641 1993 67530 6159 2800 1214 3126 3738 1904 422 12942 1532 4905 5295 1994 67280 6399 2728 1525 3028 3956 2026 558 13344 1444 5677 5375 1995 61636 4536 2427 1405 2540 4135 2534 314 12305 1476 4994 3763 1996 59625 3432 2567 1421 2862 3732 2564 467 12223 1258 4392 4689 1997 58246 2069 2791 1231 2900 3958 2126 327 10410 1290 5156 4594 1998 58085 1156 2247 1253 2920 3488 2414 360 12741 1520 4385 5506 1999 61606 4512 1483 1109 2778 3168 2579 310 11955 1270 4381 6272 2000 54352 4392 1319 1246 1564 2497 2346 247 9971 1490 3086 5589 2001 51981 3394 1491 1179 1537 2795 2231 216 9113 1808 3591 5263 2002 53629 3153 2361 1412 1686 2687 2423 303 8059 1902 3619 5141

South Oxford Poplar Pukatawag Red Sucker St. Theresa Tadoule Thicket Year Pikwitonei Shamattawa Indian York Landing House River an Lake Point Lake Portage Lake

1986 4706 722 2561 1300 1582 4909 1896 902 254 178 1570 1987 5453 538 2682 1798 1590 4229 2394 1245 1158 243 1781 1988 5073 542 2608 1803 1767 4217 2159 1230 1310 435 1880 1989 3939 2183 2209 2002 1806 4319 2057 1648 1452 656 1700 1990 3498 717 2041 1353 2200 4873 2460 1658 1442 667 1712 1991 3336 519 2610 1485 1427 5093 2558 1784 1491 607 1330 1992 3680 482 2966 2017 1758 5261 2062 2164 1519 556 1110 1993 3632 461 2799 1945 1941 5138 2007 2324 1594 500 1152 1994 3473 348 2803 1635 2246 4031 1876 1934 1671 402 801 1995 3652 406 2453 1558 2175 4561 1946 2192 1252 366 646 1996 4030 515 2073 1525 1850 4359 2098 1772 884 318 594 1997 3464 374 2138 1576 1870 6486 1958 1702 992 270 564 1998 3160 390 2250 1361 2160 5102 2454 1226 1094 214 684 1999 3099 440 2459 1327 1879 7350 2354 1128 896 207 650 2000 2236 424 2204 1148 1817 7652 2290 1054 1112 130 538 2001 2071 310 2191 1216 1710 6916 2394 956 916 124 559 2002 2558 286 2528 1537 1891 7720 2236 832 694 125 476

*Note: Gods River started reporting in April, 1990.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Northern Airport Traffic Totals. Aircraft Movement for 2000’s. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

Bearing in mind the prominence of the Norway House and St. Theresa Point airports in passenger and/ or cargo movements, it is not surprising that they should be contesting second and third rankings on aircraft movements.

Figure 5.10 depicts aircraft movement for selected northern Manitoba airports.

138 Figure 5.10 Northern Manitoba Airports Aircraft Movements: Selected Airports

16000 80000

14000 70000

s 12000 60000 t s t n n e Island Lake 10000 50000 e m

e Norway House vem

o 8000 40000 St. Theresa Point M t Mov r l a o 6000 30000 Total t p r i To

A 4000 20000

2000 10000

0 0 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Year

Aircraft movement at Transport Canada northern airports is depicted in Table 5.11.

Table 5.11 Transport Canada Northern Airports Aircraft Movement

Year Brandon Churchill Dauphin Flin Flon Gillam Lynn Lake The Pas Thompson

1986 38192 7872 15016 4018 6088 11479 5081 37990 1987 32025 8488 12679 3736 5540 11170 4526 42361 1988 30262 9357 14950 3838 4470 10638 5233 41319 1989 34893 7815 14694 4324 5201 9159 5414 40850 1990 36616 6440 13308 6635 4684 8386 7166 37609 1991 24088 6923 10372 4118 4857 7965 3890 37258 1992 19649 6210 9222 4834 4144 6677 4620 34619 1993 21657 6221 9898 4041 3076 6520 5066 37215 1994 22482 7098 N.A. 4445 3351 6766 4652 36189 1995 21250 5912 N.A. 5235 2885 4370 4141 34521 1996 19838 6702 N.A. 4444 2993 2576 2652 33395 1997 22358 7171 N.A. 3905 2735 N.A. 809 33230 1998 22889 7464 7749 3935 4932 6698 3356 37497 1999 23594 8817 7657 5949 4512 5130 4907 35503 2000 20932 9531 6946 5632 3741 2845 5410 38283

N.A. = not available

Sources: Transport Canada, TP-577 Aircraft Movement Statistics, 2000, Table 8: Total Aircraft Movements by Class of Operation, pages 39 and 44. Retrieved June 25, 2003. Transport Canada, TP-577 Aircraft Movement Statistics, 2000, Table 15: Aircraft Movements by Class and Type of Operation, pages 89-91, 93, and 96. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

139 Air passenger movement for Manitoba is depicted in Table 5.12, from 1986 to 2000.

Table 5.12 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement

Other Domestic Transborder International Total Passengers Domestic Passenger Distribution by Fare Type (%) Passengers Passengers Passengers Year Major Regional Total Enplaned/ Enplaned/ Enplaned/ Major Total First Business Scheduled and Local Enplaned/ Economy Discounted Other Deplaned Deplaned Deplaned Charters Domestic % Class Class Services Scheduled Deplaned

1986 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1987 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.40 N.A. 40.90 56.20 2.50 1988 2481725 295295 33684 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2810704 88.30 0.10 5.10 28.80 63.80 2.20 1989 2304845 298168 28989 2114352 424646 93004 2632002 87.57 0.10 6.00 31.20 60.00 2.80 1990 2236719 313731 31353 1984059 482967 114777 2581803 86.63 0.10 6.40 29.70 60.40 3.40 1991 2054811 287940 29256 1707744 509181 122861 2372007 86.63 0.10 3.90 26.90 64.70 4.40 1992 2123205 303542 34016 1662611 618142 180418 2460763 86.28 0.00 5.40 23.30 66.30 5.00 1993 2072695 336083 39361 1621497 627469 199443 2448139 84.66 0.30 5.20 29.00 61.20 4.40 1994 2114257 343575 45248 1801137 504633 197310 2503080 84.47 0.50 5.70 28.10 63.10 2.60 1995 2265139 310368 40822 1877853 535197 203279 2616329 86.58 0.80 4.70 24.90 66.20 3.40 1996 2774118 374148 41208 2037813 581087 570574 3189474 86.98 N.A. 4.00 20.20 74.50 1.40 1997 3032655 361409 41390 2162143 418410 854901 3435454 88.28 N.A. 3.40 19.00 75.60 2.00 1998 2566139 352721 53896 2327780 490308 154668 2972756 86.32 N.A. 3.50 16.00 79.90 0.60 1999 2656678 343553 66747 2133037 718032 215909 3066978 86.62 … 3.10 9.60 85.70 1.60 2000 2602280 354052 70195 2294498 636896 95133 3026527 85.98 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 1.5: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Sector, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 1999, 51-206, Table 6.5: Distribution of Domestic Passengers by Province and Territory, by Fare Group – Canadian Air Carriers, Level I – Scheduled Services, 1999, page 35. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 1.5: Enplaned plus Deplaned Passengers, by Sector, by Province and Territory, page 15.

In 2000 over 3 million passengers enplaned/ deplaned in Manitoba. Domestic enplaned/ deplaned passengers formed the largest category with 2.6 million passengers or 86 percent share of the total enplaned/ deplaned passengers. Transborder enplaned/ deplaned passengers were 354,052 or 11.7 percent of the total. Both domestic and transborder figures have unsteady growth rates. For domestic, there was significant growth in the mid-nineties, including a 22% increase in 1996. Then in 1998, there was a 15% decrease in the number of domestic enplaned/ deplaned. Transborder passengers show similar fluctuations with significant increases in the early nineties and then several decreases in the late nineties. For both domestic and transborder passengers enplaned/ deplaned, the period 1990 to 2000 resulted in growth for these categories, namely 10% for domestic and 22% for transborder. Other international passengers comprised 70,195 enplaned/ deplaned or 2.3 percent of the total. Growth of international passengers grew significantly in the early nineties, namely 16%, 16%, and 15% in 1992, 1993, and 1994 respectively. This was followed by three years of smaller variation and then major increases of 30% and 24% in 1998 and 1999. Overall growth in international passengers reached 85% from 1990 to 2000. This group has grown slightly faster overall, but has seen even larger year-on-year variations than Domestic or Transborder passengers. They have varied from a low of –14 percent to a high of 30 percent growth.

Figure 5.11 shows the annual enplaned/ deplaned air passengers in Manitoba. The predominance of domestic passengers as the leading category for the period under review is illustrated. During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s domestic passengers showed significant declines. The lowest number of domestic passengers occurred in 1991 when 2.05 million passengers enplaned/ deplaned (88 % share of total passengers). Even though the lowest number of domestic passengers occurred in 1991, the lowest share of 84 percent domestic passengers (2.11 million passengers) happened in 1994. As with the components, total passengers enplaned/ deplaned varied significantly over the period, most notably, a 22% increase in 1996 and a 13% decrease in 1998. Total passengers enplaned/ deplaned peaked in 1997 with 3.4 million. Overall growth from 1990 to 2000 was 12%.

140 Figure 5.11 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement Enplaned/Deplaned

4000000 3500000

s 3000000 er b

m 2500000 u

N 2000000 Other International Passengers

ger Transborder Passengers n 1500000 Domestic Passengers

asse 1000000 P 500000 0

0 2 6 8 88 89 9 91 9 93 94 95 9 97 9 99 00 9 9 9 9 0 19 1 19 1 19 19 19 1 19 1 19 19 2 Year

Figure 5.12 shows air passenger movement in Manitoba by service type. Despite considerable declines in passenger movements by major scheduled services during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, it remained the predominant service type throughout the review period. Also noteworthy is that in 1997, passengers moved by way of major charters reached a peak 854,901 or 24.9%. This category soon after dropped significantly (to less than one fifth of the 1997 levels).

Figure 5.12 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement by Service Type



3000000 s r e 2500000 mb

u Major Charter s N

r 2000000 Regional and Local Scheduled e

g Major Scheduled Services

en 1500000 ss a

P 1000000


0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

141 Figure 5.13 shows domestic air passenger movement in Manitoba by fare type.

Figure 5.13 Manitoba Air Passenger Movement: Domestic Passenger Distribution by Fare Type

90 80 70 Business Class 60 e g

ta 50 Economy n e c

r 40 Discounted Pe 30 20 Other 10 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

In 2000 domestic passengers accounted for 86 percent of all passengers in Manitoba (see Table 5.12). Over the review period, a significantly greater share of domestic air passengers made use of discounted airfares. In 1999, 85.7 percent of domestic passengers used discounted fares, up from the 76 percent of 1997. Economy class and business class respectively were 9.6 percent and 3.1 percent in 1999, down from 19.0 and 3.4 percent, respectively in 1997. Trends over the review period suggest that discounted airfare was expanding at the expense of business and economy classes.

142 Table 5.13 shows air cargo movement for Manitoba. Please note the caveats at the beginning of the chapter on cargo data in Manitoba. Moreover, Statistics Canada acknowledges that these data do not represent the total cargo loaded and unloaded for the following reasons: (i) the regional and local scheduled carriers do not file cargo data on their airport activity survey, (ii) the major scheduled services survey (which does capture cargo data) does not (generally) cover carriers which utilize aircraft under 30,000 kg and, (iii) the major charter survey does not collect data on domestic courier cargo or domestic entity cargo flights.

As an example, in 1996 the Winnipeg International Airport alone actually shipped 101,500 tonnes36. According to this figure, real cargo movements are eight times larger than what is captured by Statistics Canada in Table 5.13 for the entire province. Also, local sources claim that Winnipeg is the busiest courier airport in Canada. According to point (iii) above this data is not captured by official data and hence exacerbates the undercount.

Table 5.13 Manitoba Air Cargo Movement (tonnes)*

Year Major Scheduled Services Major Charter Services Total

1986 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1987 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1988 N.A. N.A. 15555.6 1989 29186.8 1189.1 30375.9 1990 28720.6 329.3 29049.9 1991 26013.9 49.5 26063.4 1992 28393.7 498.9 28892.6 1993 30112.3 109.2 30221.5 1994 19454.6 173.0 19627.6 1995 15015.0 231.3 15336.3 1996 12567.4 98.2 12665.6 1997 13007.0 887.9 13894.9 1998 11764.3 489.4 12253.7 1999 9564.5 1237.6 10802.1 2000 10472.5 0.9 10473.4

N.A. = not available *Includes major scheduled and charter operations, does not include courier operations

Sources: Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 32. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 32. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1998, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 31.

According to official data a total of 10,473 tonnes of air cargo were moved during 2000. Major scheduled services moved almost 100 percent of these 10,473 tonnes and major charter services moved only 0.9 tonnes. The data suggests a declining trend in air cargo movement. The peak for the period under review was recorded in 1989 when 30,376 tonnes

36 Shurvell, S. and Prentice B.E., “Economic Impact of Winnipeg International Airport”, University of Manitoba Transport Institute, September 1998.

143 of air cargo were moved. The significant drop in tonnage of 35 percent in 1994 by major scheduled services coincides with the cessation of all cargo flights by Air Canada at Winnipeg International Airport. Great variability is noted in the air cargo moved by major charter services ranging from a peak of almost 1,238 tonnes in 1999 to a low of 0.9 tonnes in 2000. The magnitude of this data makes trend analysis insignificant, given the inaccuracies of the larger system.

Table 5.14 shows Canadian air passenger movement from 1996 to 2000. In 2000, over 86 million passengers enplaned/ deplaned in Canada. Domestic passengers were the largest proportion of this with 52 million or 60 percent in 2000. Transborder passengers were 20.8 million or 24 percent in 2000. And other international passengers were 13.2 million or 15 percent in 2000. From 1996 to 2000, domestic passengers increased 11 percent, transborder passengers increased 22 percent, and international passengers increased 31 percent. Total passengers in Canada increased 16 percent over this period. The domestic passengers category was the only category to decrease (2.4 percent) from 1999 to 2000.

Table 5.14 Canadian Air Passenger Movement

Other Domestic Transborder International Total Passengers Domestic Passenger Distribution by Fare Type (%) Passengers Passengers Passengers Year Major Regional Total Total Enplaned/ Enplaned/ Enplaned/ Major First Business Scheduled and Local Enplaned/ Domestic Economy Discounted Other Deplaned Deplaned Deplaned Charters Class Class Services Scheduled Deplaned %

1996 46742434 17086037 10034056 53118125 13697301 7047101 73862527 63.28 N.A. 4.10 14.70 79.60 1.60 1997 50481608 18055669 10034056 57209021 13816424 8454337 79479782 63.52 N.A. 3.90 11.90 83.20 0.90 1998 51944411 19006330 11574097 60854630 15128520 6541688 82524838 62.94 N.A. 3.50 9.00 87.00 0.50 1999 53289887 19007995 12270707 63095089 15318748 6790912 85204749 62.54 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2000 52001167 20824392 13177444 66455145 14817139 4730719 86003003 60.46 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1998, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1997, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 15. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1996, 51-203, Table 1.4: Enplaned Plus Deplaned Passengers, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 16. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 51-203, Table 6.5: Distribution of Domestic Passengers by Province and Territory, by Fare Group, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I – Scheduled Service, 1998, page 35. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 51-203, Table 6.5: Distribution of Domestic Passengers by Province and Territory, by Fare Group, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I – Scheduled Service, 1997, page 34. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 51-203, Table 6.5: Distribution of Domestic Passengers by Province and Territory, by Fare Group, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I – Scheduled Service, 1996, page 35.

144 Table 5.15 shows Canadian air cargo movement from 1996 to 2000. Major scheduled services hold more than 90 percent of cargo movement in each year. From 1999 to 2000, total air cargo movement in Canada dropped 10 percent.

Table 5.15 Canadian Air Cargo Movement (tonnes)

Major Major Year Scheduled Charter Total Services Services

1996 726971.9 34449.1 761421.0 1997 795530.2 57488.5 853018.7 1998 769229.5 74927.1 844156.6 1999 815881.9 67384.8 883266.7 2000 787312.8 56.5 787369.3

Sources: Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 2000, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 32. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1999, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 32. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1998, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 31. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1997, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 31. Statistics Canada, Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports, 1996, 51-203, Table 5.3: Tonnage of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, by Type of Service, by Province and Territory, page 33.

Table 5.16 shows the income statement for Canadian air carriers level IB-IV for Manitoba.

Table 5.16 Manitoba Income Statement for Canadian Air Carriers Levels IB-IV ($'000)

Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000*

Operating revenues Scheduled services 26053 27492 32209 44980 37068 40163 39788 39330 50276 53960 63298 65378 75441 -passengers 17134 19874 23280 33312 26265 28822 28311 31789 38470 45947 50377 53692 62966 -goods 8919 7617 8930 11668 10803 11341 11476 7541 11806 8013 12921 11686 12475 Charter services 32718 33671 34368 34573 29508 26740 28790 40942 37613 34575 41673 49900 38261 -passengers 23413 29862 25430 21293 19634 19335 23391 31486 31233 32713 39044 47084 30216 -goods 9305 3809 8939 13280 9874 7405 5399 9456 6380 1862 2630 2816 8046 Other flying services 1050 4677 453 204 258 244 260 24 - 7757 16418 4980 5208 Subsidies 0000000 ------Net incidental air transport related revenue 6974 5450 6002 2240 3891 1345 1724 2913 3317 1207 1934 3194 3769 Total operating revenues 66795 71289 73032 81997 70726 68492 70561 83209 91206 97499 123324 123452 122679

Operating expenses Maintenance, ground property and equipment 1114 1183 1527 927 1083 1170 868 2541 1694 6770 11502 4513 1688 Aircraft operations 27210 27900 26826 26754 24042 25795 27904 31613 35983 35154 52477 53430 60295 Maintenance, flight equipment 16481 19241 22305 22385 21023 16882 18220 19558 20504 20754 24575 24067 23523 General services and administration 14863 14630 15848 18359 17681 16443 18203 18956 21204 24002 33711 29653 27053 Depreciation 3688 4050 4707 5233 4661 5310 4936 5459 6702 6474 7009 8749 6559 Total operating expenses 63355 67004 71212 73657 68490 65591 70131 78126 86087 93154 129275 120412 119117

Operating income (loss) 3440 4285 1820 8340 2236 2901 430 5083 5119 4346 -5950 3040 3561

Operating Ratio (%) 95 94 98 90 97 96 99 94 94 96 105 98 97

Non-Operating income (expenses) Capital gains (losses), net 12 237 848 -6 -209 496 222 102 6 382 3 840 1017 Interest and discount income 77 111 40 12 56 156 105 - -63 101 166 88 64 Interest expenses 1771 1967 2169 1470 884 936 1291 2086 2574 3270 3498 4137 5096 Miscellaneous non-operating income (expenses), net 688 308 934 993 635 1188 806 6638 6121 186 14 394 516 Total non-operating income (expenses), net -1034 -2292 -680 -1080 -662 747 -85 4490 3636 -1699 -5310 -4223 -3499

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes 2406 1993 1141 7259 1573 3649 345 9574 8755 2647 -11260 -1183 62 Provision for income taxes (tax refund) 975 1261 294 1305 70 564 207 1802 1666 525 425 267 -311

Net income (loss) 1431 732 847 5954 1503 3085 137 7772 7088 2121 -11685 -1451 373

Note: *Statistics Canada has altered the classification criteria so that Level V air carriers are those with less that $1 million in revenue, and as such, fewer carriers are included here.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 2000, 51-206, Table 3.4: Income Statement by Province of Domicile – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels IB-IV, 2000, page 14. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 1999, 51-206, Table 3.5: Income Statement by Province of Domicile – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels IB-IV, 1999, page 15.

The operating ratio of the Manitoba air carriers (operating expenses divided by operating revenues) has been relatively high throughout the 1990’s. After a large operating loss of almost $6 million in 1998, the carriers recovered in 1999 and 2000 and showed earnings. Operating revenues have been on an overall increase since 1988, with an average annual

145 growth rate of 5.2 percent. Operating expenses had an average annual growth rate of 5.4% over the same period.

Figure 5.14 charts operating statistics for Canadian air carriers levels IB to IV in Manitoba from 1988 to 2000.

Figure 5.14 Manitoba Income Statement for Canadian Air Carriers Levels IB-IV



100000 Total operating revenues

80000 Total operating expenses

60000 Operating income (loss) $000) ( 40000 Net income (loss) 20000



0 2 * 88 89 9 91 9 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9 9 9 000 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 1 1 19 19 2 Year

Table 5.17 and Figures 5.15 and 5.16 show the passenger and goods revenue for the Canadian air carriers levels I-IV for Manitoba.

Table 5.17 Manitoba Passenger and Goods Revenue for Canadian Air Carriers Levels I-IV ($'000)

Year Passenger Revenue Goods Revenue Passenger:Goods

1988 221493 26380 8.40 1989 232268 32665 7.11 1990 246724 46091 5.35 1991 205111 32399 6.33 1992 178981 24480 7.31 1993 189362 37119 5.10 1994 230388 28041 8.22 1995 252959 39832 6.35 1996 288969 34184 8.45 1997 308235 33290 9.26 1998 407165 30115 13.52 1999 458793 40568 11.31 2000* 558170 41538 13.44

Note: *Statistics Canada has altered the classification criteria so that Level V air carriers are those with less that $1 million in revenue, and as such, fewer carriers are included here.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 2000, 51-206, Table 3.5: Passenger and Goods Revenue, by Sector, by Province and Territory – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I-IV, 2000, page 17. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 1999, 51-206, Table 3.6: Passenger and Goods Revenue, by Sector, by Province and Territory – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I-IV, 1999, page 18. Statistics Canada, Canadian Civil Aviation, 1998, 51-206, Table 3.6: Passenger and Goods Revenue, by Sector, by Province and Territory – Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I-IV, 1998, page 18.

146 Figure 5.15 Manitoba Passenger and Goods Revenue for Canadian Air Carriers Levels I-IV

600,000 50,000 ) 0 ) 0 500,000 45,000 0 0 ' 0 $ 0 ' $ e ( 400,000 40,000 u e ( n u n ve 300,000 35,000 Passenger Revenue ve

r Re Goods Revenue e s Re g 200,000 30,000 d o en o ss G

a 100,000 25,000 P

0 20,000

0 3 4 7 8 88 89 99 91 92 99 99 95 96 9 9 99 00* 19 19 1 19 19 1 1 19 19 19 19 19 20 Year

As of 1993 passenger revenue steadily increased over the remainder of the review period. Goods revenue shows large fluctuations over the entire period. The repetitive saw tooth pattern suggests a two-year cycle that may extend to three years depending on the magnitude of the peaks and troughs. Goods revenue was increasing in the last two years of review, that is 1999 to 2000, after three years of declining. It is interesting to note that the ratio of passenger to goods revenue remained below the 1988 level of 8.4 until 1996. In 2000, the passenger to goods ratio reached 13.44. This implies a growing importance for shipping goods compared to passengers. This partially explains the growth of all-cargo carriers because, for the larger carriers, cargo will always remain a secondary concern after passengers.

The relationship in earlier years may be obscured by the great fluctuations in goods revenue. Figure 5.16 shows the three-year simple moving average. The objective of moving averages is to smooth short-term fluctuations in order to reveal possible underlying longer-term cycles and/or trends. However, trade offs due to the loss of short-term sensitivity should be noted. Short-term cycles and trends may be concealed or possibly lost.

147 Figure 5.16 Manitoba Passenger and Goods Revenue: Three Year Moving Average

500,000 40,000

) 450,000

0 37,500 ) 0 0

0 400,000 ' 0

$ 35,000 0 350,000 ' $ e ( u

32,500 e ( n 300,000 u n ve 250,000 30,000 Passenger Revenue ve Goods Revenue r Re 200,000

e 27,500 s Re g

150,000 d o en 25,000 o ss

100,000 G a

P 50,000 22,500 0 20,000

3 4 6 9 89 90 91 92 99 99 95 99 97 98 9 19 19 19 19 1 1 19 1 19 19 19 Year (Mid-Point)

The bottom out of passenger and goods revenues in 1992 and 1993 mid-point data respectively, should be interpreted along with prevailing economic cycles (see Chapter 1). A clear increasing trend on passenger revenue is demonstrated as of 1993. The growth in importance of goods relative to passengers up until the early 1990’s is evidently shown (bear in mind absolute values are represented by differing scales on the chart). This chart also indicates that the 1996 reduction in goods revenue had much less effect on the three-year average, hence 1996 as the mid-point still managed an average increase caused by the 1995 spike. However, mid-point 1997 registered a strong decline on average following three successive years of decline in 1996, 1997 and 1998. Since 1997, the three-year moving averages have demonstrated an increase.

Please bear in mind that this data covers a limited time series. Many more data points are required to adequately investigate the longer-term trends and cycles of these parameters. Also, please refer to the caveats on official cargo data discussed elsewhere in this chapter. Notably, gaps in official cargo data and airport site statistics could alter observed from actual trends. Furthermore, a changing goods composition could further exacerbate existing distortions.

148 Aircraft gasoline sales, fuel tax and fuel price index is shown in Table 5.18. Due to the mobility and flexibility of air service, fuel taxes affect aircraft landings. The marginal users of Manitoba’s airports (of which Winnipeg has 85% of passengers) can choose to land in more airline friendly locations that have reduced aviation fuel taxes.

Table 5.18 Aircraft Gasoline Sales, Fuel Tax and Gasoline Price Index

Canada Net Year Sales* ('000 Manitoba Fuel Tax Price Index** cu.m) (Cents / Litre) (1992 = 100)

1986 4542 4.8 93.5 1987 4836 4.8 91.7 1988 5234 5.8 87.0 1989 5356 5.8 95.2 1990 5167 5.8 110.4 1991 4616 5.8 106.4 1992 4758 5.0 100.0 1993 4556 4.2 104.8 1994 4808 4.2 105.6 1995 5160 4.2 110.3 1996 5765 4.2 115.0 1997 5911 3.2 115.8 1998 6074 3.2 108.2 1999 6361 3.2 116.1 2000 6413 3.2 134.1 2001 5796 3.2 132.4

*Net Sales in total for the year. **CPI for gasoline

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Refined Petroleum Product – Net Sales in Canada – Aviation Fuel, CANSIM Label D2546, Matrix 00010. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), CPI 1992=100, Gasoline, Manitoba, CANSIM Label PZ207074, Matrix 09964. Manitoba Finance Taxation Division, Gasoline Tax. Retrieved June 25, 2003.

Aviation fuel sales declined during periods of economic downturn. This is noticeable during the early 1990’s. In the year 2001, 5.796 million cubic meters of fuel were sold in Canada. Since 1997 the aviation fuel tax in Manitoba has been 3.2 cents per litre.

149 The indirect air transportation tax is depicted in Table 5.19. There has been a 76% increase in total indirect taxes since 1986.

Table 5.19 Manitoba Indirect Air Transportation Tax ($'000 000)

Indirect Air Year Total Indirect Tax Percentage Transport Tax

1986 18 1418 1.27 1987 23 1588 1.45 1988 26 1730 1.50 1989 26 1816 1.43 1990 28 1815 1.54 1991 23 1869 1.23 1992 25 1941 1.29 1993 29 1945 1.49 1994 25 2121 1.18 1995 26 2183 1.19 1996 25 2208 1.13 1997 23 2276 1.01 1998 15 2341 0.64 1999 0 2491 0.00

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Indirect Taxes Manitoba / Air Transportation Tax, CANSIM Label D27219, Matrix 09145. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), Indirect Taxes Manitoba / Total – Provincial Indirect Taxes, CANSIM Label D27234, Matrix 09145.


This chapter gives an overview of statistics on pipelines as a mode of transport. Data refers to natural resources of energy, specifically gas and oil. The inaccessibility of production areas by conventional modes of transport often limits options to pipelines only. Furthermore, even when alternatives are available, pipelines remain the preferred mode of transport. This is evident from exports to the U.S. These factors illustrate the importance of pipelines to the regional and ultimately national economies.

The development of international demand for renewable natural resources such as water creates potential for expanded trade. Along with these opportunities the demand for transportation of liquids will increase. Since the northern areas of Canada and specifically Manitoba is well endowed with water and also given the inaccessibility of vast areas, pipelines as the mode of transport is of strategic value. It should be noted though that this industry is only in a conceptual phase and subject to many regulatory, environmental impact and social matters. Also, careful consideration is needed of the impact this will have on industries competing for the same resources. In this case aquaculture/fishing, eco-tourism and the hydro energy industries amongst others are implied.

Chapter 6 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

Natural Gas

CDN Natural MB Natural Gas MB Natural Gas MB Natural Gas Gas Pipeline Inflows/Outflows Exports to the Pipelines in Year GDP* ($’000 (‘000 000 U.S. (‘000 000 Place (‘000 000)37 cu.m.)38 cu.m.)39 km)40 1990 1529 41654 8472 7.2 1991 1815 45272 9654 7.3 1992 2190 52500 10364 7.6 1993 2440 58083 11147 7.8 1994 2662 60157 11204 7.9 1995 2698 62259 11440 8.2 1996 2723 64308 12192 8.8 1997 2786 66074 12291 9.5 1998 2860 68822 13942 10.0 1999 2890 69621 13886 10.2 2000 2790 66270 13989 10.7 2001 N.A. 57939 11113 10.8

Continued on next page…

37 For additional information on this, see Table 6.1 of the following chapter. 38 For additional information on this, see Tables 6.2 and 6.3 of the following chapter. 39 For additional information on this, see Table 6.4 of the following chapter. 40 For additional information on this, see Table 6.10 of the following chapter.

151 Oil

CDN Oil Pipeline MB Oil MB Oil Pipelines Year GDP* ($’000 Inflows/Outflows in Place (km)43 000)41 (‘000 cu.m.)42 1990 559 62461 2322 1991 542 62339 2322 1992 574 63863 2321 1993 593 64268 2321 1994 624 64501 2323 1995 662 67721 2323 1996 691 67597 2326 1997 684 73534 2326 1998 693 73138 2377 1999 636 65909 2586 2000 621 66349 2500 2001 N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. = not available *At factor cost and using 1992 prices.

41 For additional information on this, see Table 6.15 of the following chapter. 42 For additional information on this, see Tables 6.17 and 6.18 of the following chapter. 43 For additional information on this, see Table 6.19 of the following chapter.


Table 6.1 shows the annual GDP at factor cost for the Canadian natural gas pipeline transport industry. From 1990 to 1994 the GDP experienced significant growth, almost doubling. After 1994 the GDP showed less rapid growth, and in 2000 there was actually a small decline from the previous year. Over the entire review period, the GDP has increased 146 percent to be at $2.8 billion in 2000.

Table 6.1 GDP of Canadian Natural Gas Pipeline Transport Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1986 1133 1987 1216 1988 1425 1989 1581 1990 1529 1991 1815 1992 2190 1993 2440 1994 2662 1995 2698 1996 2723 1997 2786 1998 2860 1999 2890 2000 2790

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Natural Gas Pipeline Transport Industry, CANSIM Label I53244, Matrix 04677.

153 Table 6.2 shows natural gas inflows to Manitoba. As of 1993 gas inflows to Manitoba resulted exclusively from transfers from other provinces. In 2001, 58 billion cubic metres of natural gas were transferred from other provinces to Manitoba, down from the 1999 peak of 70 billion cubic metres.

Table 6.2 Manitoba Natural Gas Inflows ('000 cu.m.)

Received Transfers from Year Production Imports Other Receipts From Storage Other Provinces Total

1986 - - 168 - 32820764 32820932 1987 - - 2817 - 32497808 32500625 1988 - - 3024 - 37419475 37422499 1989 - - 2886 - 39072214 39075080 1990 - - 859 - 41653140 41653999 1991 - - 10 - 45271632 45271642 1992 - - 158 - 52499930 52500088 1993 - - - - 58083030 58083030 1994 - - - - 60157118 60157118 1995 - - - - 62258546 62258546 1996 - - - - 64307557 64307557 1997 - - - - 66074152 66074152 1998 - - - - 68821944 68821944 1999 - - - - 69620997 69620997 2000 - - - - 66269774 66269774 2001 - - - - 57939210 57939210

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 2: Receipts and Disposition of Natural Gas Utilities, by Province, 2000 and 2001, page 14.

Table 6.3 and Figure 6.1 show natural gas outflows from Manitoba.

Table 6.3 Manitoba Natural Gas Outflows ('000 cu.m.)

Total Delivered Gas Transfers to Sales by Direct Year Exports To Storage Used in System Other Province Total Utilities Sales

1986 1769055 281682 4224259 - 246673 26380327 32820932 1987 1543190 313614 3594853 - 248245 26684296 32500625 1988 1799578 27172 6326226 - 344090 28905298 37422499 1989 1830865 48058 7108113 - 352862 29656500 39075080 1990 1928626 19381 8472060 - 435112 30881520 41653999 1991 1839358 7164 9654434 - 501556 33275214 45271642 1992 1772186 6790 10364053 - 627978 39663096 52500088 1993 1543521 280649 11146866 - 645073 44391159 58086030 1994 1523083 276278 11203643 - 615428 46520805 60157118 1995 1602265 293774 11439889 - 668680 48239484 62258546 1996 1738323 290068 12192031 - 666706 49322099 64307557 1997 1636071 264297 12290765 - 614850 51320936 66074152 1998 1465920 330709 13942222 - 492444 52632792 68821944 1999 1509534 506563 13886002 - 543421 53182951 69620997 2000 1626537 534717 13988583 - 425341 49645296 66269774 2001 1434228 611286 11112505 - 278919 44429854 57939210

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 2: Receipts and Disposition of Natural Gas Utilities, by Province, 2000 and 2001, page 14.

154 Figure 6.1 Manitoba Natural Gas Outflows



60000000 Transfers to Other Province 50000000 m Exports . 40000000 Gas Used in System

000 cu Direct Sales ' 30000000 Total Sales by Utilities 20000000


0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year

The larger part of natural gas outflows from Manitoba was attributable to transfers to other provinces, followed by exports. In 2001, 44 billion cubic metres of gas were transferred to other provinces, down from the 1999 peak of 53 billion cubic metres. Also in 2001, 11 billion cubic metres of gas were exported, down from the 1999 peak of 14 billion cubic metres. For 2001, this accounts for more than 95 percent of total outflows.

Table 6.4 shows natural gas exports from Manitoba to the USA. In 2001 over 11 billion cubic metres of gas were exported to the USA, down from the 1999 peak of 14 billion cubic metres. The increase in total gas exports to the USA from Manitoba has increased phenomenally from 4.2 billion cubic metres in 1986. Figure 6.2 shows Manitoba’s natural gas exports to the U.S., and clearly shows the majority is distributed through Emerson.

155 Table 6.4 Manitoba Natural Gas Exports to the United States ('000 cu.m)

Emerson Sprague Total

1986 4215222 9037 4224259 1987 3586605 8248 3594853 1988 6316361 9865 6326226 1989 7096894 11219 7108113 1990 8461340 10720 8472060 1991 9645432 9002 9654434 1992 10265833 98220 10364053 1993 10953337 193529 11146866 1994 11038562 165081 11203643 1995 11232979 206910 11439889 1996 11950666 241365 12192031 1997 12084389 206376 12290765 1998 13737171 205051 13942222 1999 13804940 81062 13886002 2000 13902168 86415 13988583 2001 11076754 35751 11112505

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 3: Exports to and Imports from the United States, 2001 and 2000, page 16.

Figure 6.2 Manitoba Natural Gas Exports to the U.S.


14000000 12000000

10000000 m . Emerson 8000000 Sprague 000 cu

' 6000000


2000000 0

6 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 0 8 87 8 9 9 95 9 98 0 01 9 98 99 99 99 9 99 9 99 0 19 1 1 19 1 1 19 1 19 1 1 19 1 1 20 2 Year

156 Tables 6.5 to 6.7 show gas sales by category of service in Manitoba. For each category the number of customers, volume of gas sold, revenue, volume sales per customer and revenue per 10 cubic metres are depicted. Table 6.5 depicts the residential service category.

Table 6.5 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Residential)

Customers as Average Revenue Sales Per Revenue per 10 Year of 31 Number of Gas Sold Revenue per Customer cubic metres December Customers customer x'000 cu.m x$'000 cu.m $

1986 188470 186120 660555 120120 3549.1 645.39 1.81 1987 192228 190269 539648 100003 2836.2 525.59 1.85 1988 193689 192034 677373 111898 3527.4 582.70 1.65 1989 197832 195250 716877 118902 3669.7 606.88 1.66 1990 200234 199043 755466 140902 3795.5 707.90 1.86 1991 200604 199908 694347 124684 3473.3 623.71 1.80 1992 202542 201012 680873 128904 3387.2 641.28 1.89 1993 206794 205242 691972 143222 3371.5 697.82 2.07 1994 208144 207171 679058 151563 3262.4 731.59 2.23 1995 212049 210065 705389 151719 3358.0 722.25 2.15 1996 215524 213429 776843 152398 3639.8 714.04 1.96 1997 218827 216676 701679 154405 3238.4 712.61 2.2 1998 222110 220391 610083 159252 2768.2 722.59 2.61 1999 224059 222976 630064 171868 2825.7 770.79 2.73 2000 214710 220296 671982 196860 3050.4 893.62 2.93 2001 193951 206329 582759 233802 2824.4 1133.15 4.01

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2001, page 12. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2000, page 12.

157 Table 6.6 depicts the commercial service category.

Table 6.6 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Commercial)

Customers as Average Revenue Sales Per Revenue per 10 Year of 31 Number of Gas Sold Revenue per Customer cubic metres December Customers customer x'000 cu.m x$'000 cu.m $

1986 17962 17785 641674 101589 36079.5 5712.06 1.58 1987 18469 18209 533319 81713 29288.8 4487.51 1.53 1988 18699 18865 633998 83839 33607.1 4444.21 1.32 1989 19438 18842 644499 84016 34205.4 4458.97 1.30 1990 19640 19674 673881 88179 34252.4 4482.01 1.31 1991 19300 19578 638492 77827 32612.7 3925.23 1.22 1992 19522 19302 605732 71872 31381.8 3723.55 1.19 1993 21917 21780 741363 108006 34038.7 4958.95 1.46 1994 20701 21566 731486 115239 35335.8 5343.61 1.58 1995 22399 22176 759981 110031 34270.0 4961.68 1.45 1996 22680 22326 821756 106208 36807.5 4757.20 1.29 1997 23128 22808 780940 116746 34239.7 5118.64 1.49 1998 23454 23260 680401 121246 29252.0 5212.64 1.78 1999 24392 24038 678034 130381 28206.8 5423.95 1.92 2000 23635 23520 748820 165210 31837.6 7024.23 2.21 2001 22646 23212 694983 225343 29940.7 9708.04 3.24

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2001, page 12. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2000, page 12.

158 Table 6.7 depicts the industrial category.

Table 6.7 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Industrial)

Customers as Average Revenue Sales Per Revenue per Year of December Number of Gas Sold Revenue per 10 cubic Customer customer 31 Customers metres x'000 cu.m x$'000 cu.m $

1986 204 211 466826 59744 2212445.5 283146.9 1.28 1987 654 598 470223 55868 786326.1 93424.8 1.19 1988 128 866 488207 52305 563749.4 60398.4 1.07 1989 1668 1666 469489 48580 281806.1 29159.7 1.03 1990 1658 1678 499279 50220 297544.1 29928.5 1.01 1991 1630 1662 506519 53123 304764.7 31963.3 1.05 1992 1675 1637 485581 52400 296628.6 32010.0 1.08 1993 147 133 110186 12964 828466.2 97473.7 1.18 1994 149 148 112539 14694 755295.3 99507.9 1.31 1995 146 145 136895 16707 942478.0 115022.4 1.22 1996 136 142 139724 15140 985128.1 106745.1 1.08 1997 121 128 153452 17023 1201973.9 133339.4 1.11 1998 155 141 175436 24180 1241292.5 171084.91 1.38 1999 157 156 201436 28734 1291256.4 184192.31 1.43 2000 67 71 205735 38713 2897676.1 545253.52 1.88 2001 42 61 156486 46400 2565344.3 760655.74 2.97

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2001, page 12. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2000, page 12.

159 Table 6.8 shows the total sales of gas for Manitoba across all service categories.

Table 6.8 Manitoba Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Total)

New Customers as Average Revenue New Customers Sales Per Revenue per Cust Year of December Number of Gas Sold Revenue per 10 cubic from Customer customer omer 31 Customers metres Conversions s x'000 cu.m x$'000 cu.m $

1986 206636 204116 1769055 281453 8666.9 1378.9 1.59 4.5 0.6 1987 211351 209076 1543190 237584 7381.0 1136.4 1.54 3.8 0.4 1988 212516 211765 1799578 248044 8498.0 1171.3 1.38 3.0 0.4 1989 218938 215858 1830865 251498 8481.8 1165.1 1.37 2.7 0.5 1990 221559 220395 1928626 279301 8750.8 1267.3 1.45 1.5 0.3 1991 221534 221148 1839358 255633 8317.3 1155.9 1.39 1.1 0.5 1992 223739 221951 1772186 253176 7984.6 1140.7 1.43 1.8 0.8 1993 228858 227155 1543521 264191 6795.0 1163.0 1.71 1.9 0.6 1994 228994 228884 1523983 281496 6651.2 1229.9 1.85 1.8 0.8 1995 234594 232386 1602265 278457 6895.0 1198.3 1.74 1.8 0.7 1996 238340 235897 1738323 273746 7369.0 1160.5 1.57 1.7 1.1 1997 242076 239611 1636071 288174 6828.0 1202.7 1.76 1.6 1.6 1998 245719 243793 1465920 304679 6013.0 1249.7 2.08 - - 1999 248608 247169 1509534 330983 6107.3 1339.1 2.19 - - 2000 238412 243887 1626537 400783 6669.2 1643.3 2.46 - - 2001 216639 229603 1434228 505545 6246.6 2201.8 3.52 - -

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2001, page 12. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2000, page 12.

Figure 6.3 shows the Manitoba gas sales by category of service. The figure demonstrates that commercial and residential sales are almost of the same proportion and have been subject to the same periods of rise and decline. Also note the decreasing amount of industrial sales since 1986.

Figure 6.3 Manitoba Gas Sales by Category of Service

2500000 ) . m . 2000000

1500000 Industrial 000 cu ' Commercial

es ( 1000000 l Residential a 500000 as S G 0

86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 20 Year

160 Figure 6.4 shows Manitoba gas sales revenue by category of service. The categories follow much the same pattern as in Figure 6.3 for the first half of the review period, indicating relatively steady prices. However, the later half of the review period demonstrates large gains in gas revenues, where Figure 6.3 showed fluctuations in sales. This is representative of the significant gas price increases in the latter half of the review period.

Figure 6.4 Manitoba Gas Sales Revenue by Category of Service

600000 000)

' 500000 $ (

e 400000 Industrial u 300000 Commercial

even 200000 Residential 100000 es R l a

S 0

8 86 8 90 92 94 96 98 00 9 9 19 19 19 19 1 19 1 20 Year

Table 6.9 shows the total sales of gas for Canada across all service categories.

Table 6.9 Canada Natural Gas Sales by Category of Service (Total)

Revenue Customers as Average Revenue New Customers New Sales Per per 10 Year of December Number of Gas Sold Revenue per from New Customers from Customer cubic 31 Customers customer Constructions Conversions metres x1000 cu.m x$1000 cu.m $

1986 3481590 3405149 48052851 7071134 14111.8 2076.60 1.47 71.8 25.2 1987 3586285 3520614 45971532 6427994 13057.8 1825.82 1.40 - - 1988 3698006 3638520 49043591 6692555 13479.0 1839.36 1.36 79.0 20.1 1989 3815788 3739633 52275693 6555533 13978.8 1752.99 1.25 87.6 21.8 1990 3914615 3848446 50499823 6393841 13122.1 1661.41 1.26 72.0 25.8 1991 3986322 3925925 49862494 6486359 12700.8 1652.19 1.30 53.8 38.6 1992 4147438 4051279 50564489 6684227 12481.1 1649.91 1.32 74.2 41.3 1993 4293088 4204296 51472333 6631216 12242.8 1648.60 1.35 71.2 55.1 1994 4429414 4340057 51714776 7674482 11675.3 1768.29 1.48 74.0 43.8 1995 4582670 4476042 51955885 7100053 11608.0 1586.23 1.37 61.2 55.8 1996 4716775 4599952 54550510 7393520 11858.9 1607.30 1.36 64.2 54.5 1997 4646723 4709250 52407586 7637630 11128.6 1621.80 1.46 80.2 55.2 1998 4681391 4623399 45475827 6758907 9836.0 1461.89 1.49 - - 1999 4671256 4669903 45063478 7884260 9649.8 1688.31 1.75 - - 2000 4719132 4677840 47856677 9277296 10230.5 1983.24 1.94 - - 2001 5296135 5258864 43944687 12849875 8926.8 2443.47 2.92 - -

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2001, page 12. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 1: Gas Sales by Category of Service and Province, 2000, page 12.

161 Table 6.10 and Figure 6.5 depict distances of pipelines by use in Manitoba. Note that pipelines are used for transmission and distribution. Gathering is not a pipeline function in Manitoba. Transmission lines increased 50 percent and distribution lines increased 43 percent over the review period (from 1986 to 2001). In 2001, 4,500 kilometres of transmission lines and 6,300 kilometres of distribution lines were in place in Manitoba.

Table 6.10 Manitoba Natural Gas Pipelines in Place ('000 Km)

Year Gathering Transmission Distribution Total

1986 0 3.0 4.4 7.4 1987 0 3.0 4.5 7.5 1988 0 3.0 4.6 7.6 1989 0 3.1 3.8 6.9 1990 0 3.3 3.9 7.2 1991 0 3.4 3.9 7.3 1992 0 3.6 4.0 7.6 1993 0 3.7 4.1 7.8 1994 0 3.7 4.2 7.9 1995 0 3.8 4.4 8.2 1996 0 4.2 4.6 8.8 1997 0 4.2 5.2 9.5 1998 0 4.2 5.8 10.0 1999 0 4.2 6.0 10.2 2000 0 4.4 6.2 10.7 2001 0 4.5 6.3 10.8

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 5: Natural Gas Pipe Line Distance, by Province, as at December 31, 1994-2001, 2001, page 19. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 5: Natural Gas Pipe Line Distance, by Province, as at December 31, 1993-2000, 2000, page 19.

162 Figure 6.5 Pipelines in Manitoba



8.0 Transmission 6.0 Distribution 00 km 0 ' Total 4.0



86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 19 19 1 19 19 1 20 20 Year

163 Table 6.11 gives a breakdown of transmission pipelines in Manitoba by outside diameter. Pipelines of 532 millimetres and over diameter make up more than 61 percent of all transmission lines.

Table 6.11 Manitoba Natural Gas Pipe Line Distance (in Km) by Size of Pipe, Transmission, All Systems, by Outside Diameter (mm)

Year 0-75 76-150 151-226 227-328 329-531 532 and over Total

1986 66.5 497.1 314.4 169.8 20.1 1927.3 2995.2 1987 241.7 483.0 149.2 169.1 20.1 1927.3 2990.4 1988 247.7 483.4 149.2 70.5 118.1 1927.3 2996.2 1989 273.0 483.4 149.2 70.5 118.1 1980.9 3075.1 1990 318.0 528.4 149.2 168.5 20.1 2097.8 3282.0 1991 244.2 557.6 107.4 193.8 40.0 2222.3 3365.3 1992 261.7 576.1 107.4 97.5 136.4 2376.0 3555.1 1993 265.4 576.1 107.4 97.5 136.4 2493.7 3676.5 1994 261.7 576.1 107.4 97.5 136.4 2493.7 3672.8 1995 286.6 612.0 137.8 105.0 136.4 2544.9 3822.7 1996 336.6 742.0 136.8 221.4 40.0 2684.7 4161.5 1997 369.9 774.1 136.8 221.4 40.0 2699.3 4241.5 1998 369.9 774.1 136.8 221.4 40.0 2699.3 4241.5 1999 369.9 774.1 136.8 221.4 40.0 2699.3 4241.5 2000 414.6 902.0 136.8 221.4 40.0 2725.5 4440.3 2001 414.6 903.0 136.8 237.4 40.0 2725.5 4457.3

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 4: Pipe Line Distance by Size of Pipe and Province, as at December 31, 2001, pages 17-18. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 4: Pipe Line Distance by Size of Pipe and Province, as at December 31, 2000, pages 17-18.

164 Table 6.12 gives a breakdown of distribution pipelines in Manitoba by outside diameter.

Table 6.12 Manitoba Natural Gas Pipe Line Distance (in Km) by Size of Pipe, Distribution, All Systems, by Outside Diameter (mm)

Year 0-75 76-150 151-226 227-328 329-531 532 and over Total

1986 3486.4 601.6 253.1 38.0 48.3 - 4427.4 1987 3546.2 609.4 254.5 37.9 48.3 - 4496.3 1988 3592.7 624.8 254.8 37.9 48.3 - 4558.5 1989 2921.7 594.8 244.5 37.9 48.3 - 3847.2 1990 3021.7 594.8 244.5 37.9 48.3 - 3947.2 1991 2948.4 681.7 218.7 38.0 61.0 - 3947.8 1992 3012.4 694.2 222.0 38.0 61.2 - 4027.8 1993 3110.6 694.2 222.0 38.0 61.2 - 4126.0 1994 3168.3 694.2 222.0 38.0 61.2 - 4183.7 1995 3326.0 789.0 222.0 38.0 61.0 - 4436.0 1996 3481.0 819.0 225.0 38.0 61.0 - 4624.0 1997 3934.9 897.4 288.1 38.0 61.0 - 5219.4 1998 4083.7 1077.9 531.0 38.0 61.0 - 5791.6 1999 4235.7 1103.9 531.0 38.0 61.0 - 5969.6 2000 4924.0 985.0 238.0 38.0 61.0 - 6246.0 2001 4984.0 980.0 238.0 38.0 61.0 - 6301.0

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 4: Pipe Line Distance by Size of Pipe and Province, as at December 31, 2000, pages 17-18. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 4: Pipe Line Distance by Size of Pipe and Province, as at December 31, 2000, pages 17-18.

Pipelines of diameter up to 75 millimetres make up more than 79 percent of distribution lines. The share of the second largest category of 76 to 150 millimetres diameter is 15 percent.

165 Table 6.13 shows provincial compressor stations operated by gas utilities in the Natural Gas Transport System.

Table 6.13 Provincial Compressor Stations Operated by Gas Utilities; Natural Gas Transport Systems (as of December 31)

Number of active Number of Number of Year Kilowatts compressor prime movers compressors stations

1986 5 21 159300 21 1987 7 46 370700 46 1988 7 21 162700 21 1989 5 21 169500 21 1990 5 22 191700 22 1991 5 23 217800 23 1992 5 25 257900 25 1993 5 25 257900 25 1994 5 25 257900 25 1995 5 25 258300 25 1996 5 25 258300 25 1997 5 28 329900 28 1998 5 22 335800 22 1999 5 22 336800 22 2000 5 17 323500 17 2001 5 17 323500 17

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 6: Compressor Stations Operated by Gas Utilities, by Province, as at December 31, 2001, page 21. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Table 6: Compressor Stations Operated by Gas Utilities, by Province, as at December 31, 2000, page 21.

166 Table 6.14 and Figure 6.6 show national revenues, expenses and operating revenues for the natural gas industry in Canada.

Table 6.14 Natural Gas Industry: National Revenues, Expenses and Annual Operating Ratios

Year Revenues Expenses Operating Ratio (%)


1986 12500.0 10591.7 85 1987 10840.2 8955.6 83 1988 10879.0 9046.6 83 1989 11094.6 8985.6 81 1990 11411.2 9368.1 82 1991 11276.1 9000.8 80 1992 11599.2 9184.3 79 1993 12645.7 9918.8 78 1994 12646.5 9532.5 75 1995 12646.5 9532.5 75 1996 13499.1 10044.3 74 1997 14069.1 10662.5 76 1998 13501.7 10305.8 76 1999 14783.4 11537.0 78 2000 18327.0 14793.1 81 2001 21215.5 17531.7 83

Sources: Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Text Table 1: Selected Statistics, 2001, page 9. Statistics Canada, Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution, 57-205, Text Table 1: Selected Statistics, 2000, page 9.

Figure 6.6 Natural Gas Industry: National Revenues, Expenses and Annual Operating Ratios

25000 86 84 20000 82 80 e 0 15000 Revenues

78 tag Expenses 00

76 cen 0 10000 r Operating Ratio (%) e $'

74 P 5000 72 70 0 68

6 8 0 4 8 0 8 8 9 92 96 9 0 9 9 99 9 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 20 Year

167 Revenues increased by 70 percent from $12.5 billion in 1986 to $21.2 billion in 2001. Expenses increased 65 percent from $10.6 billion to $17.5 billion over this same period. The operating ratio shows steady improvement from 1986 (85%) to 1996 (74%). However, it has since been steadily deteriorating and was 83 percent in 2001. In 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2001 this could primarily be attributed to sharper increases in expenses, whereas in 1998 it is the result of a sharper decline in revenue.


Table 6.15 shows the annual GDP at factor cost for the Canadian crude oil pipeline transport industry. Since 1986 the GDP has fluctuated, but has increased by 28 percent overall to be at $621 million in 2000.

Table 6.15 GDP of Canadian Crude Oil Pipeline Transport Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1986 484 1987 534 1988 613 1989 581 1990 559 1991 542 1992 574 1993 593 1994 624 1995 662 1996 691 1997 684 1998 693 1999 636 2000 621

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Crude Oil Pipeline Transport Industry, CANSIM Label I53245, Matrix 04677.

169 Table 6.16 shows Canadian employment and payroll in the pipeline industry for recent years.

Table 6.16 Canadian Employment and Payroll in Oil Pipeline Industry

2000 1999 1998 No. of Employees Salaries ($'000) No. of Employees Salaries ($'000) No. of Employees Salaries ($'000) Working Owners and Partners 0 0 0 33 2090 Management 114 13902 114 12929 68 7685 Sub-total 114 13902 114 12929 101 9775 Geologists 1 1 1 Petroleum Engineers 7 1 2 Other Engineers 106 115 106 Other Professionals 72 77 70 Sub-total 186 13132 194 13172 176 11929 Technicians 114 268 450 Clerical 207 222 207 Other Administrative 321 364 221 Sub-total 828 48832 1048 56795 1057 56590 Field and Plant Employees 701 40450 576 32658 619 34437 Total 1643 103184 1738 102382 1777 100802

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Table 8: Employment and Payroll in Oil Pipeline Transport Industry, Canada, 2000, page 20. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1999, 55-201, Table 8: Employment and Payroll in Oil Pipeline Transport Industry, Canada, 1999, page 20. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1998, 55-201, Table 8: Employment and Payroll in Oil Pipeline Transport Industry, Canada, 1998, page 20.

170 Table 6.17 shows Manitoba oil inflows.

Table 6.17 Crude Oil/Pentanes Plus Inflows ('000 cu.m.) for Manitoba

From Other Other Year Total Fields Receipts Provinces

1986 690 295 58395 59380 1987 643 299 60978 61920 1988 611 331 65753 66694 1989 567 324 62171 63061 1990 577 320 61564 62461 1991 550 308 61482 62339 1992 503 324 63037 63863 1993 473 420 63375 64268 1994 448 466 63587 64501 1995 408 471 66841 67721 1996 389 578 66629 67597 1997 392 764 72378 73534 1998 398 714 72026 73138 1999 345 605 64960 65909 2000 346 365 65638 66349

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Table 2: Summary of Pipeline Movements of Crude Oil and Equivalent and Liquefied Petroleum Products, by province, 1999 and 2000, page 12. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1999, 55-201, Table 2: Summary of Pipeline Movements of Crude Oil and Equivalent and Liquefied Petroleum Products, by province, 1998 and 1999, page 12.

In the entire review period of 1986 to 2000, over 98% of Manitoba oil inflows came from other provinces. Oil from other provinces increased 12 percent over this period.

171 Table 6.18 shows Manitoba oil outflows.

Table 6.18 Crude Oil/Pentanes Plus Outflows ('000 cu.m.) for Manitoba

To Other Line Losses and Inventory Total Year For Export To Other Provinces Unaccounted For Changes Disposition cu.m

1986 24595 16 30412 13 4344 59380 1987 27531 - 29010 5 5373 61920 1988 31152 - 35362 18 163 66694 1989 27639 - 32866 41 2517 63061 1990 28645 - 33939 6 129 62461 1991 34065 - 28552 10 -288 62339 1992 37065 - 27114 13 -329 63863 1993 38644 59 24138 5 1422 64268 1994 40040 - 22585 10 1867 64501 1995 44010 - 20955 13 2743 67721 1996 45652 - 19211 -14 2748 67597 1997 48353 - 25196 -19 3418 73534 1998 49163 - 23788 18 168 73138 1999 44551 - 21157 -4 205 65909 2000 49252 - 16927 12 158 66349

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Table 2: Summary of Pipeline Movements of Crude Oil and Equivalent and Liquefied Petroleum Products, by province, 1999 and 2000, page 12. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1999, 55-201, Table 2: Summary of Pipeline Movements of Crude Oil and Equivalent and Liquefied Petroleum Products, by province, 1998 and 1999, page 12.

Oil for export has doubled from 1986 to 2000 and oil to other provinces has decreased 44 percent. Total exports of oil from Manitoba have fluctuated, but increased 12 percent overall in the review period.

172 Table 6.19 and Figure 6.7 contain data on the kilometers of Manitoba oil pipelines in place.

Table 6.19 Oil Pipeline Industry Infrastructure, Manitoba Pipelines in Place (km)

Year Gathering Trunk Product Total Lines* Lines Lines Lines

1986 405 1477 312 2194 1987 702 1741 312 2755 1988 231 1775 312 2318 1989 231 1775 312 2318 1990 231 1778 312 2322 1991 231 1778 312 2322 1992 231 1778 311 2321 1993 231 1778 311 2321 1994 231 1781 311 2323 1995 231 1781 311 2323 1996 231 1783 311 2326 1997 231 1783 311 2326 1998 236 1830 311 2377 1999 316 1959 311 2586 2000 237 1953 311 2500

*Excludes producers' gathering lines Note: Numbers may not add up due to rounding errors.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Table 3: Oil Pipeline Distance, by Province and Size of Pipe in Service, as at December 31, 2000, pages 14-15. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1999, 55-201, Table 3: Oil Pipeline Distance, by Province and Size of Pipe in Service, as at December 31, 1999, pages 14-15.

173 Figure 6.7 Oil Pipeline Industry Infrastructure: Manitoba Pipelines



2000 s e

r Product Lines t e 1500 Trunk Lines m

ilo Gathering Lines* K 1000



4 6 87 8 9 90 1 92 93 95 96 97 98 99 00 98 98 98 9 99 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 0 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Year

The distance of pipelines in place had shown little variation since the late eighties, until 1998 when trunk lines increased almost 10 percent over the next two years and gathering lines jumped 37 percent. In 2000, trunk lines remained close to its peak in the prior year, but gathering lines dropped back to approximately the pre-1999 level. Product lines showed negligible change over the entire period.

174 Table 6.20 shows Manitoba oil pipe size by use and presents more detailed information than Table 6.19.

Table 6.20 Manitoba Provincial Detail Cross Section of Provincial Oil Pipe Size (in Km)

1995: Size (mm) Gathering Trunk Product Total Size (mm) Gathering Trunk Product Total

0-150 160 160 1998: 0-150 165 165 151-226 71 198 311 580 151-226 71 198 311 580 227-277 116 116 227-277 80 116 196 278-328 17 17 278-328 17 17 329-429 409 409 329-429 409 409 430-480 19 19 430-480 18 18 481-531 300 300 481-531 0 532-658 298 298 532-658 601 601 659-759 3 3 659-759 0 760+ 422 422 760+ 601 601 Total 231 1781 311 2323 Total 315.9 1959.1 311.2 2586.2

1996: 0-150 160 160 1999: 0-150 166 191 357 151-226 71 198 311 580 151-226 71 116 311 498 227-277 116 116 227-277 17 17 278-328 17 17 278-328 409 409 329-429 409 409 329-429 18 18 430-480 19 19 430-480 0 481-531 302 302 481-531 601 601 532-658 298 298 532-658 0 659-759 3 3 659-759 601 601 760+ 422 422 760+ 0 Total 231 1783 311 2326 Total 236.6 1952.6 311.2 2500.4

1997: 0-150 160 160 2000: 0-150 166 191 357 151-226 71 198 311 580 151-226 71 116 311 498 227-277 116 116 227-277 17 17 278-328 17 17 278-328 409 409 329-429 409 409 329-429 18 18 430-480 19 19 430-480 0 481-531 302 302 481-531 601 601 532-658 298 298 532-658 0 659-759 3 3 659-759 601 601 760+ 422 422 760+ 0 Total 231 1783 311 2326 Total 236.6 1952.6 311.2 2500.4

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Table 3: Oil Pipeline Distance, by Province and Size of Pipe in Service, as at December 31, 2000, pages 14-15.

175 Table 6.21 shows the number of pumping stations, pumps and prime movers by province.

Table 6.21 Number of Oil Pumping Stations and Prime Movers, Trunk Lines, by Province as at December 31, 2000

1998 Pumping Stations Station Control Pumps Prime Movers Remote Other Total Reciprocating Centrifugal Total Fuel Electric Other Total Kilowatts Manitoba 7 5 12 3 79 82 0 82 0 82 142231 Quebec 5 0 5 0 14 14 0 14 0 14 15320 Ontario 33 1 34 0 84 84 0 84 0 84 77341 Saskatchewan 41 6 47 37 177 214 2 212 0 214 327924 Alberta 138 15 153 196 333 529 3 525 1 529 391796 British Columbia 14 0 14 9 19 28 1 27 0 28 30648 Northwest Territories 3 0 3 0 6 6 6 0 0 6 3622 Total 241 27 268 245 712 957 12 944 1 957 988882

1999 Pumping Stations Station Control Pumps Prime Movers Remote Other Total Reciprocating Centrifugal Total Fuel Electric Other Total Kilowatts Manitoba 7 5 12 3 79 82 0 82 0 82 142231 Quebec 4 0 4 0 12 12 0 12 0 12 14580 Ontario 34 0 34 0 84 84 0 84 0 84 85726 Saskatchewan 42 5 47 34 177 211 3 208 0 211 326951 Alberta 142 12 154 178 344 522 3 519 0 522 381947 British Columbia 14 0 14 0 28 28 3 25 0 28 29781 Northwest Territories 3 0 3 0 6 6 6 0 0 6 3490 Total 246 22 268 215 730 945 15 930 0 945 984706

2000 Pumping Stations Station Control Pumps Prime Movers Remote Other Total Reciprocating Centrifugal Total Fuel Electric Other Total Kilowatts Manitoba 7 1 8 3 72 75 0 75 0 75 142156 Quebec 4 0 4 0 15 15 0 15 0 15 19980 Ontario 34 0 34 0 84 84 0 84 0 84 85726 Saskatchewan 39 2 41 34 177 211 3 208 0 211 327031 Alberta 142 9 151 156 372 528 3 525 0 528 391985 British Columbia 13 1 14 0 28 28 3 25 0 28 29781 Northwest Territories 3 0 3 0 6 6 6 0 0 6 3490 Total 242 13 255 193 754 947 15 932 0 947 1000149

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Table 4: Number of Pumping Stations, Prime Movers and Pumps, Trunk Lines, by Province, as at December 31, 2000, page 16. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1999, 55-201, Table 4: Number of Pumping Stations, Prime Movers and Pumps, Trunk Lines, by Province, as at December 31, 1999, page 16. Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 1998, 55-201, Table 4: Number of Pumping Stations, Prime Movers and Pumps, Trunk Lines, by Province, as at December 31, 1998, page 16.

176 Table 6.22 and Figure 6.8 contain data on the operating results of the Canadian oil pipeline industry.

Table 6.22 National Oil Pipeline Industry Operating Results ($'000 000)

Year Revenues Expenses Operating Ratio (%)

1986 739 333 45 1987 834 352 42 1988 906 399 44 1989 921 425 46 1990 978 466 48 1991 1011 498 49 1992 1024 515 50 1993 1050 534 51 1994 1074 548 51 1995 1162 525 45 1996 1189 525 44 1997 1241 557 45 1998 1272 559 44 1999 1380 573 41 2000 1565 638 41

Sources: Statistics Canada, Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products, 2000, 55-201, Text Table 1: Selected Statistics, page 9.

177 Figure 6.8 Oil Pipeline Industry Operating Results

1800 60

1600 50 1400

1200 40 e 0 g

0 Revenues 1000 a t n 0 30 Expenses e c 00 800 r ' Operating Ratio (%) $ 600 20 Pe

400 10 200

0 0

6 7 8 9 0 86 87 88 89 90 1 92 93 4 95 9 0 9 9 99 9 9 99 9 99 99 99 19 1 19 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 20 Year

The operating ratio of the Canadian oil pipeline industry has decreased significantly since 1993 (51 percent) to 41 percent in 2001. Figure 6.8 demonstrates the greater increase in revenues than that of expenses.


This chapter reports on the statistics for the transportation equipment manufacturing sector in Manitoba. Bus manufacturing is the predominant activity (intercity coaches and transit vehicles), followed by the manufacturing of other vehicle types (such as motorhomes, fire engines, and semi-trailers44. The products are sold across North America. A large amount of the economic activity in the sector is concentrated in the two large bus manufacturers, Motor Coach Industries Ltd., and New Flyer Industries Ltd. The industry is also supported by a diversified infrastructure of suppliers.

Chapter 7 Summary Table

The following information is a compilation of the most significant data that can be found in the following chapter.

CDN Transport MB Transport MB Transport Equipment Equipment Equipment Year Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing GDP* ($’000 Employees46 Trade ($’000)47 000)45 1990 14779 N.A. N.A. 1991 13300 6715 N.A. 1992 13695 6573 N.A. 1993 15804 5921 395791 1994 17944 6389 516075 1995 19463 5974 585233 1996 14646 7026 649300 1997 21351 8312 769125 1998 22344 9656 1078884 1999 25663 10152 1244582 2000 26330 10033 1075107 2001 N.A. 9515 1114409

N.A. = not available *At factor cost and using 1992 prices.

44 Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Industry Sector Summaries, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Sector. Retrieved August 18, 2003. 45 For additional information on this, see Table 7.1 of the following chapter. 46 For additional information on this, see Table 7.2 of the following chapter. 47 For additional information on this, see Table 7.6 of the following chapter.

179 Table 7.1 and Figure 7.1 show the Canadian transportation equipment manufacturing industry GDP (at factor cost) from 1980 to 2000. There have been some downturns, but overall, the GDP has grown 211 percent over the 20 years to end at $26 billion in 2000.

Table 7.1 GDP of Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry ($'000 000)

Year GDP* 1980 8457 1981 9260 1982 8584 1983 9545 GDP of some Manitoba Transportation Equipment Maufacturing Subsectors** 1984 12213 1997 1998 1999 2000 20001 2002 1985 13002 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) x x xxxx 1986 12731 Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) 172 209 207.8 176.7 164.4 157.4 1987 12618 Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) x x xxxx 1988 15028 Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing (3364) 315.4 331.1 391.1 398.4 317.8 316.4 1989 15901 Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (3365) x x xxxx 1990 14779 Ship and Boat Building (3366) x x xxxx 1991 13300 Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) x x xxxx 1992 13695 1993 15804 x = confidential 1994 17944 **at basic prices, in 1997 constant dollars. 1995 19463 1996 19646 Source: Statistics Canada, Provincial Gross Domestic Product at Basic Price by Industry in Millions of Dollars, 1997 21351 15-203, page 161-2. 1998 22344 1999 25663 2000 26330

*GDP at factor cost, 1992 prices.

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), GDP Factor Cost, Annually, 1992 Prices / Transportation Equipment Industries, CANSIM Label I53156, Matrix 04677.

Figure 7.1 GDP of Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry



20000 000 000)

' 15000 GDP* $ (

P 10000

GD 5000


0 4 6 2 8 0 82 8 8 88 90 94 96 98 9 9 9 99 9 9 99 00 1 1 19 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Year

180 Table 7.2 shows the total number of transportation equipment manufacturing employees in Manitoba and Canada. Over the review period (1991 to 2002), Manitoba experienced much greater fluctuations in the sector’s employment growth rate than Canada did. Manitoba fluctuated between a 10 percent loss in 1993 and an 18 percent growth in 1997. Canada saw only fluctuations between a 3.6 percent loss in 2001 and a 6 percent growth in 1998. Note that this table is using different information sources than Table 1.2 of this publication. This data is presented here as it is more recent. Table 1.2 was developed in order to compare employment across several different industries.

Table 7.2 All Employees in Manitoba and Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry

Manitoba Canadian Year Employees Employees 1991 6715 195716 1992 6573 191664 1993 5921 191674 1994 6389 198701 1995 5974 204515 1996 7026 214514 1997 8312 215733 1998 9656 229457 1999 10152 235528 2000 10033 244175 2001 9515 237915 2002 9279 235211

Sources: University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, Manitoba / Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, CANSIM Label L171294, Matrix 5548. University of Toronto, Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management Database (CANSIM), All Employees, Manitoba / Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, CANSIM Label L170089, Matrix 5548.

Table 7.3 lists the 1990 and 1999 industry employment in Canada by manufacturing subsector, including the compound annual growth rate. Railroad rolling stock manufacturing and motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing showed the most significant growth in employment, with compound annual growth rates of 5 percent and 3.6 percent respectively. Ship and boat building was the only subsector in the review period to experience a negative compound annual growth rate in employment (-2.2 percent). Figure 7.2 shows the distribution of employment by manufacturing subsector in 1999.

Table 7.3 Total Canadian Employment by Subsector, 1990 and 1999

No. of Employees CAGR* Industry Group 1990 1999 1990-1999 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) 51153 54785 0.7% Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) 12764 18142 3.6% Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) 75923 96159 2.4% Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing (3364) 45819 46092 0.1% Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (3365) 6981 11409 5.0% Ship and Boat Building (3366) 14251 11375 -2.2% Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) 2913 3884 2.9% Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (336) Total 209804 241846 1.4%

Note: Industry group numbers in brackets are NAICS codes.

*Compound Annual Growth Rate

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 3 - Employment: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.

181 Figure 7.2 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Employment by Subsector, 1999.

Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) 5% 2% Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) 5% 22% Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) Aerospace Product and Parts 19% Manufacturing (3364) Railroad Rolling Stock 8% Manufacturing (3365) Ship and Boat Building (3366)

Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) 39%

In manufacturing industries, increased domestic production might bring about an increase in employment. However, this might be offset by improvements in technology that improve labour productivity. Also, changes in contracting out practices or in the purchase of pre- processed components may affect the demand for workers.48

Table 7.4 shows the total Canadian wages paid in the industry (by subsector) and the average annual salaries, including compound annual growth rates. Wages in the motor vehicle manufacturing subsector showed the most significant increase, 4.5 percent over the period (1990 to 1999). The 1999 average salary for motor vehicle manufacturing employees is $65,562, almost double the lowest paying subsector, motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing at $33,384 per annum.

Table 7.4 Total Canadian Wages and Average Salary Paid by Subsector, 1990 and 1999

Total Wages Average Annual Salaries Value in $billions CAGR* Value in $ CAGR* Industry Group 1990 1999 1990-1999 1990 1999 1990-1999 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) 2.2 3.6 5.2% 42415 65562 4.5% Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) 0.4 0.6 5.2% 28611 33384 1.6% Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) 2.5 4.5 5.8% 33547 46649 3.4% Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing (3364) 1.8 2.4 3.1% 38480 51802 3.0% Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (3365) 0.3 0.5 7.5% 36890 46571 2.4% Ship and Boat Building (3366) 0.5 0.4 -0.9% 32129 36766 1.4% Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) 0.1 0.1 4.7% 27556 32585 1.7% Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (336) Total 7.6 12.1 4.8% 36418 50226 3.3%

Note: Industry group numbers in brackets are NAICS codes.

*Compound Annual Growth Rate

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 4 - Salaries and Wages: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.

48 Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 3: Employment Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved August 18, 2003.

182 Table 7.5 shows the Canadian average annual salary by type of employee (production or administrative) and the compound annual growth rate from 1990 to 1999.

Table 7.5 Canadian Average Annual Salary by Type of Employee, 1990 and 1999

Value in $ Employee 1990 1999 CAGR* Production 34323 46992 3.2% Administrative 43446 63163 3.8% Total 36418 50226 3.3%

*Compound Annual Growth Rate

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 4 - Salaries and Wages: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.

Table 7.6 and Figure 7.3 show Manitoba transportation equipment industry trade to the top ten countries. Noticeable is the 27 percent drop in trade to the United States from 1999 to 2002 after a rising trend since 1993. Although in 2002, the United States still held 95 percent of all Manitoba trade in the industry. Trade to the Netherlands fluctuated significantly over the period, with a large peak in 1998 ($15 million) and significant fall into 2000 ($0.9 million), but has since been increasing again ($6 million in 2002). Norway and the United Kingdom also saw peaks and falls throughout the 1990’s. Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the Netherlands have all seen increases from 2001 to 2002 to make up the top five (with the United States).

Table 7.6 Manitoba Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry Trade to Top Ten Countries ($'000)

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 United States 373840 501450 555691 600782 715837 1020007 1208085 1037007 1095067 882900 Sweden 3 212 228 596 435 1403 1269 979 901 8723 United Kingdom 677 1521 1480 6246 1372 4097 5616 2341 3396 8047 Australia 1284 1033 2501 1675 1408 2725 1090 1094 949 7297 Netherlands 298 965 2515 3285 6874 15193 8133 855 1445 6090 France 1899 277 287 1663 1017 775 1059 1845 2219 3378 Singapore 2439 317 213 99 1262 - - 126 75 2211 Belgium 191 171 328 244 205 437 353 512 352 1653 Japan 35 1846 603 249 965 1766 697 933 790 1427 Norway 531 252 5733 6619 387 184 37 140 85 1201 Subtotal 381197 508044 569579 621459 729761 104658/8 1226340 1045834 1105280 922925 Others 14584 8031 15654 27841 39364 32296 18242 29273 9129 10781 Total (All Countries) 395791 516075 585233 649300 769125 1078884 1244582 1075107 1114409 933706

Sources: Industry Canada, Trade Data Online, Canadian Trade by Industry - NAICS Codes (336). Retrieved July 25, 2003.

183 Figure 7.3 Manitoba Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Trade to Top Ten Countries

16000 1400000 Sweden 14000 1200000 United Kingdom 12000 ) 1000000 Australia 0

0 10000 0 ' 800000 Netherlands $

( 8000 France e

u 600000 l 6000 Singapore Va 4000 400000 Belgium 2000 200000 Japan Japan 0 0 Norway

United States 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year

Table 7.7 and Figure 7.4 show Canada transportation equipment industry trade to the top ten countries. Trade to the United States has dropped slightly over the last few years, but not in the same range that trade with Manitoba has. Trade with Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Denmark have all seen noteworthy decreases in the last two years of the data, with trade to Spain showing the only noticeable increase (over sixteen times the 1998 figure in 2002).

Table 7.7 Canadian Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry Trade to Top Ten Countries ($'000)

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 United States 48204603 57975181 61650437 63735487 69382544 79403136 96651964 96379005 94013879 95728446 Mexico 166488 199079 247539 269632 272178 262363 417305 551749 925044 627597 United Kingdom 150701 162916 151790 243254 217972 594327 1036002 975237 751013 578573 China 151680 162582 220245 139487 112286 153615 108645 378046 573856 571772 Germany 707367 225339 387932 480546 162880 360822 288522 487711 640448 563433 Spain 27520 16494 39906 18895 22571 25821 28686 77585 280859 428383 France 292226 206382 458943 389215 366864 329921 424210 297492 359240 372313 Australia 101399 191818 325192 184946 91169 123431 134177 274232 284421 346270 Japan 106097 138514 205937 184133 186711 109151 211353 247843 297504 309198 Denmark 7191 4663 8964 6607 6780 7329 80091 483184 370806 179474 Subtotal 49915271 59282969 63696886 65652203 70821955 81369917 99380953 99972084 98497071 99705459 Others 1490492 2064452 2724492 2136801 2341098 1810015 1638524 1787455 1710120 1877657 Total (All Countries) 51405763 61347421 66421378 67789003 73163052 83179932 101019477 101759539 100207191 101583116

Sources: Industry Canada, Trade Data Online, Canadian Trade by Industry - NAICS Codes (336). Retrieved July 25, 2003.

184 Figure 7.4 Canada Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Trade to Top Ten Countries

1200000 120000000

1000000 100000000 Mexico United Kingdom

) China 800000 80000000 Germany '000

$ Spain 600000 60000000

e ( France

lu Australia a 400000 40000000

V Japan Denmark 200000 20000000 United States 0 0

9 93 94 95 96 97 98 9 00 01 02 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Year

Table 7.8 shows the value of manufacturing shipments by subsector in 1990 and 1999, including compound annual growth rate. The largest increases were in railroad rolling stock manufacturing (13.2 percent CAGR) and motor vehicle manufacturing (11.1 percent CAGR). However, motor vehicle manufacturing in 1999 was 61 percent of manufacturing shipments (54 percent in 1990). The ship and boat building subsector had a decrease of 4.8 percent compounded annually over the period in value of manufacturing shipments.

Table 7.8 Value of Manufacturing Shipments by Subsector, 1990 and 1999

Value in $billions CAGR* Industry Group 1990 1999 1990-1999 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) 27.1 77.5 11.1% Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) 1.4 3.5 9.3% Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) 12.7 28.6 8.5% Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing (3364) 5.5 11.4 7.5% Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (3365) 1.1 3.9 13.2% Ship and Boat Building (3366) 1.8 1.1 -4.8% Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) 0.4 1.1 10.9% Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (336) Total 50.0 127.0 9.8%

Note: Industry group numbers in brackets are NAICS codes.

*Compound Annual Growth Rate

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 5 - Production: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.

185 The value added is a measure of net output that has been embodied in the value of the product. In contrast to the measure of total shipments, value added provides some insight into the degree of transformation that occurs.49

Table 7.9 shows the value-added component of manufacturing shipments by subsector in 1990 and 1999, including compound annual growth rate. Again, railroad rolling stock and motor vehicle manufacturing experience the greatest increases (in terms of compound annual growth rate of the value-added component of shipments), 16.9 and 16.8 percent respectively. However, here motor vehicle manufacturing holds only 49 percent of the total value-added component of shipments (in contrast to Table 7.5 which shows the subsector with 61 percent of total shipment value). Table 7.8 also shows that between 1990 and 1999, the motor vehicle manufacturing subsector surpassed the motor vehicle parts manufacturing subsector as the leader in value-added shipments. Figure 7.5 shows the distribution of value- added shipments by subsector.

Table 7.9 Value of Manufacturing Shipments Value-Added by Subsector, 1990 and 1999

Value in $billions CAGR* Industry Group 1990 1999 1990-1999 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) 4.7 21.9 16.8% Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) 0.6 1.4 10.0% Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) 5.4 11.9 8.3% Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing (3364) 3.2 6.3 7.1% Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (3365) 0.4 1.8 16.9% Ship and Boat Building (3366) 0.7 0.6 -1.5% Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) 0.2 0.6 12.8% Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (336) Total 15.0 44.7 11.5%

Note: Industry group numbers in brackets are NAICS codes.

*Compound Annual Growth Rate

Note: In contrast to the measure of total shipments, value added provides some insight into the degree of transformation which occurs within industries.

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 5 - Production: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.

49 Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 5: Production Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved August 18, 2003.

186 Figure 7.5 Distribution of Value-Added Shipments of Subsector, 1999 1% 1% 4% Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (3361) 14% Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing (3362) Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (3363) 50% Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing (3364) Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (3365) Ship and Boat Building (3366) 27% Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (3369) 3%

Table 7.10 and Figure 7.6 shows the total industry output and revenues. The value-added component of shipments has increased 198 percent over the review period (1990 to 1999), whereas manufacturing shipments in total have increased less, namely 154 percent. In another sense, the value added component of shipments has increased from 30 percent in 1990 to 35 percent in 1999. Total revenues increased 112 percent over the period.

Table 7.10 Canadian Manufacturing Output and Revenues ($billions)

Manufacturing Manufacturing Total Year Shipments Value-Added Revenues 1990 50.0 15.0 67.2 1991 46.9 13.9 66.0 1992 51.4 15.4 70.8 1993 61.8 17.6 87.2 1994 73.4 21.3 103.5 1995 83.0 24.3 111.9 1996 84.5 26.4 109.2 1997 92.8 29.6 105.7 1998 101.1 32.8 113.8 1999 127.0 44.7 142.5

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Data Tables: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.

187 Figure 7.6 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Output and Revenues

) 160.0 s

n 140.0 120.0 illio

b 100.0 $ 80.0 Manufacturing Shipments Manufacturing Value-Added es ( 60.0 Total Revenues u 40.0

even 20.0

R 0.0

6 90 92 94 9 98 9 19 19 19 19 1 Year

Table 7.11 details the number of Canadian transportation equipment manufacturing establishments by province and by the number of employees.

Table 7.11 Number of Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Establishments by Province, 1999

Size Category (number of employees) Province/Territory 0* 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 500+ Total Alberta 1428825242714621329 British Columbia 31520155587720870741 Manitoba 45351471711064139 N.W.T./Nunavut 0100000001 New Brunswick 25339612000186 Newfoundland 202513210212075 Nova Scotia 52542212178332173 Ontario 497 365 117 107 164 138 112 90 65 1655 P.E.I. 411632220030 Quebec 277 263 83 80 73 40 33 16 19 884 Saskatchewan 30246126522087 Yukon 1000000001 Canada 1408 1100 350 311 405 240 167 128 92 4201 Percent Distribution 33.5% 26.2% 8.3% 7.4% 9.6% 5.7% 4.0% 3.0% 2.2%

*inactive or non-employers

Sources: Industry Canada, Canadian Industry Statistics, Chapter 2 - Establishments: Transportation Equipment Manufacturing. Retrieved July 24, 2003.


This chapter gives an overview of statistics on electricity transportation in Manitoba. Hydroelectric power represents 94 percent of electrical power generated in Manitoba.50 Manitoba Hydro is the province’s sole electrical utility company, operating 14 hydroelectric generating stations and 2 thermal generating stations. Manitobans have the lowest priced electricity in North America. The quality and reliability of the electricity generated by Manitoba Hydro ranks among the best in the world, due to stability of supply and ample room for capacity expansion. Manitoba Hydro has also committed to policy development in the areas of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Table 8.1 details Manitoba and Canadian electrical energy generation.

Table 8.1 Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries (MW.h)

2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 MANITOBA

Utility Generation Hydro 28820534 32898786 31535672 28137580 30794990 Steam-conventional 504284 452727 871371 466017 840997 Steam-nuclear - - - - - Internal combustion 10748 10493 9872 10912 18789 Combustion turbine - - - - - Total 29335566 33362006 32416915 28614509 31654776

Industry Generation Hydro ----- Steam-conventional 101590 85670 83190 76370 83390 Internal combustion - - - - - Combustion turbine - - - - - Total 101590 85670 83190 76370 83390

Total Generation Hydro 28820534 32898786 31535672 28137580 30791990 Steam-conventional 605874 538397 954561 542387 924387 Steam-nuclear - - - - - Internal combustion 10748 10493 9872 10912 18789 Combustion turbine - - - - - Total 29437156 33447676 32500105 28690879 31738166

Receipts Provinces 313126 671655 686871 705669 895001 United States - purchased 2142733 657566 715570 1330623 1162775 - other 248558 -516279 -615644 -1059689 -1095662 - total 2391291 141287 99926 270932 67113

Deliveries Provinces - firm 1991603 1675982 1574768 1919950 451422 - non-firm 370971 1600479 1801384 1256477 1826003 - total 2632574 3276461 3376152 3176427 2277425 United States - firm 4712330 5379749 5420870 4868789 5749960 - non-firm 2697826 4377780 3881834 2887034 5021608 - other -908012 -253269 -517715 -1054294 -1100342 - total 6502144 9504260 8784994 6701529 9671226 Total Deliveries 8864718 12780721 12161146 9877956 11948651

Total Available 23276855 21479897 21125756 19789525 20751629

50 Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Industry Sector Summaries, Electricity and Natural Gas Sector. Retrieved August 19, 2003.

189 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 CANADA

Utility Generation Hydro 314598893 299311083 322399522 310062659 297623686 Steam-conventional 128718886 134469706 132154927 122110886 126510661 Steam-nuclear 70956915 72353647 68678620 69330671 67462970 Internal combustion 777860 677086 690875 697897 773249 Combustion turbine 15069761 14280562 12689025 9199392 8527881 Total 530122315 521092084 536612969 511405505 500898447

Industry Generation Hydro 30998134 28883317 30902845 31596572 29404773 Steam-conventional 10611136 10291397 10481326 10438387 9569955 Internal combustion 505275 535471 551114 533489 159641 Combustion turbine 3837828 3920223 4205011 3983413 3943974 Total 45952373 43630408 46140296 46551861 43078343

Total Generation Hydro 345597027 328194400 353302367 341659231 327028459 Steam-conventional 139330022 144761103 142636253 132549273 136080616 Steam-nuclear 70956915 72353647 68678620 69330671 67462970 Internal combustion 1283135 1212557 1241989 1231386 932890 Combustion turbine 18907589 18200785 16894036 13182805 12471855 Total 576074688 564722492 582753265 557953366 543976790

Receipts Provinces … … … … … United States - purchased 12990843 16097444 12684708 12678729 11725085 - other 3716392 1813460 1028242 1825831 3786269 - total 16707235 17910904 13713950 14504560 15511354

Deliveries Provinces - firm … … … … … - non-firm … … … … … - total … … … … … United States - firm 8827533 12131344 16008321 19990388 19810220 - non-firm 26831111 26295056 32501702 22134780 19663297 - other 471315 1738904 1263575 804318 3121745 - total 36129959 40165304 49773598 42929486 42595262 Total Deliveries 36129959 40165304 49773598 42929486 42595262

Total Available 556651964 542468092 546692617 529528440 516892882

Sources: Statistics Canada, Electric Power Statistics, 57-001, Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries, Vol. 71, No. 1, pages 6 and 12. Statistics Canada, Electric Power Statistics, 57-001, Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries, Vol. 70, No. 12, pages 6 and 12. Statistics Canada, Electric Power Statistics, 57-001, Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries, Vol. 69, No. 12, pages 6 and 12. Statistics Canada, Electric Power Statistics, 57-001, Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries, Vol. 68, No. 12, pages 6 and 12. Statistics Canada, Electric Power Statistics, 57-001, Electric Energy Generation, Receipts and Deliveries, Vol. 67, No. 12, pages 6 and 12.

In Manitoba, industry generation is less than half a percent of the total generation supplied. In Canada, industry generation is usually around 8 percent. In Manitoba, utility generation is primarily through hydro (98 percent in 2002), with steam-conventional usually producing between 1.5 and 3 percent (605,874 MW.h in 2002). Figure 8.1 shows the distribution of Manitoba electricity receipts in 2002.

190 Figure 8.1 Manitoba Electricity Receipts, 2002

9% 12%


United States - purchased

United States - other


Figure 8.2 shows that in Canada, utility generation is primarily through hydro (59 percent in 2002), with steam-conventional (24 percent in 2002) and steam-nuclear (13 percent in 2002) also generating significant portions. The total electrical energy generated in Manitoba in 2002 was 29,437,156 MW.h. The total electrical energy generated in Canada in 2002 was 576,074,688 MW.h.

Figure 8.2 Canadian Utility Generation by Type, 2002

3% 0% 13% Hydro Steam-conventional Steam-nuclear Internal combustion 24% 60% Combustion turbine

191 Table 8.2 and Figure 8.3 show Manitoba Hydro export sales to the United States. From 1980 to 2000 the level of export sales saw significant variation, from a low of 396 GW.h in 1989 to a peak of 11,954 GW.h in 1998 (more than 30 times the low).

Table 8.2 Manitoba Hydro Export Sales to United States

Fiscal Year Ending* Sales (GW.h)** 1980 3966 1981 3215 1982 3147 1983 6533 1984 5402 1985 4720 1986 6135 1987 7003 1988 2140 1989 396 1990 1235 1991 2114 1992 3826 1993 6701 1994 8399 1995 8772 1996 8946 1997 10332 1998 11954 1999 9701 2000 6366

*Fiscal year 1999-2000: April to December **GW.h: one gigawatt-hour equals one billion watt hours or one million kilowatt hours. A typical Manitoba maufacturing plant uses 10 and 30 GW.h per year.

Sources: Manitoba Hydro, History of Electricity Trade - Export Sales to USA. Retrieved July 28, 2003.

192 Figure 8.3 Manitoba Electricity Export Sales to the United States


) 12000 h . 10000 W

G 8000

( Sales (GW.h)** s 6000 e l 4000

Sa 2000 0

2 5 8 80 83 86 89 9 9 9 9 9 9 19 19 19 19 1 1 1 Year

193 Table 8.3 shows Manitoba Hydro operating statistics, including the number of customers and the number of employees. Total Manitoba sales have increased 15 percent over the review period (1993 to 2002) and total extraprovincial sales have increased 18 percent in the same period.

Table 8.3 Manitoba Hydro Operating Statistics

For the year ended March 31 2002* 2001* 2000* 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 Integrated System Manitoba Hydro & Winnipeg Hydro Winter Capability ('000 kW) 5175 5210 5116 5137 5137 5434 5343 5343 5343 5343 Manitoba Firm Peak Demand ('000 kW) 3760 3637 3524 3559 3490 3409 3588 3268 3514 3404 Percentage Change 3.4% 3.2% -1.0% 2.0% 2.4% -5.0% 9.8% -7.0% 3.2% 0.2% Total Energy Supplied ('000 000 kW) Manitoba Hydro Generation 31527 31557 29035 29235 33079 874 28325 27138 26438 26747 Winnipeg Hydro Generation 1106 1130 1111 808 952 968 993 981 1010 1067 32633 32687 30146 30043 34031 1842 29318 28119 27448 27814 Total Generation Total Metered Energy Imported (from Canada and U.S.A.) 968 834 870 1225 942 1201 1238 1086 1130 970 Isolated System1010 917283533302825 Total System Supply (Intergrated and Isolated) 33611 33531 31025 31285 35001 3078 30589 29235 28606 28809 Manitoba Load (at Generation) Energy Supplied for Manitoba ('000 000 kW) Integrated System 20519 20115 19101 19398 19095 19249 19024 17793 18077 17745 Isolated System1010 917283533302825 Total Manitoba Load (at Generation) 20529 20125 19110 19415 19123 19284 19057 17823 18105 17770 Percentage Change 2.0% 5.3% -1.6% 1.5% -80.0% 1.2% 6.9% -1.6% 1.9% 0.9%

Manitoba Hydro System Electricity Sold ('000 000kW) Residential 5206 5282 4928 4947 4937 5340 5288 4800 5027 4868 General Service 10258 9939 9448 9657 9430 9159 8931 8454 8493 8352 Winnipeg Hydro 1452 1431 1401 1684 1528 1569 1582 1486 1480 1409 Direct Customers42464343545955576570 Total Manitoba Sales 16958 16698 15820 16331 15949 16127 15856 14797 15065 14699 Total Extraprovincial Sales 11771 12082 10776 10694 14341 12531 10496 10311 9528 9978 Total Sales 28729 28780 26596 27025 30290 28658 26352 25108 24593 24677 Gas Deliveries (billions of cubic feet) Residential 22.8 24.7 18.7 ------Commercial/Industrial 31.7 34.4 25.6 ------Transportation 17.7 17.6 12.9 ------72.2 76.7 57.2 Number of Customers Electric: Residential 355473 353297 352618 349710 345847 343197 340567 338539 335811 333133 General Service 50062 49743 49405 49153 48481 48204 48067 47738 47415 47137 405535 403040 402023 398863 394328 391401 388634 386277 383226 380270 Gas: Residential 225258 224020 222110 ------Commercial/Industrial 24093 24054 23651 ------249351 248074 245761 ------Number of Employees Regular 3862 3904 3806 3277 3113 3021 3124 3167 3175 3292 Construction 899 797 866 836 868 905 859 774 869 940 4761 4701 4672 4113 3981 3926 3983 3941 4044 4232

*Gas statistics include the operations of Centra Gas Manitoba Inc. from July 30, 1999

Sources: Manitoba Hydro, The Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board 51st Annual Report, 2001-2002. Retrieved July 28, 2003.


This chapter presents an overview of the federal and provincial governments’ transportation revenues and expenditures. The Government of Canada operates roads and marine bridges, airports, harbour/ports and marine navigational and rescue services. It also provides modal safety, security and policy services. Transport Canada performs several multimodal activities, ranging from security and emergency preparedness services to the regulation and monitoring of the transport of dangerous goods.51

The federal government generates revenues from the use of transportation facilities and services. Excise fuel taxes collected by the federal and provincial governments, as well as provincial licence and other fees, constitute revenues collected from transport users.

Table 9.1 and Figure 9.1 show the federal, provincial, and local governments’ expenditures and revenues from transportation. Total federal expenses dropped 40 percent over the review period (1994/95 to 2002/03 forecast), but have actually been climbing since the 1999/2000 low of $2 billion. Total local expenses climbed 40 percent over the period, to end at $9.2 billion in 2001/02. Transport Canada revenues are down 59 percent over the same period (1994/95 to 2002/03). Federal transport revenues (other than fuel taxes) have decreased 60 percent from the 1994/95 to 2001/02 fiscal years. However, federal fuel taxes increased each year, except for the last, and are up a total of 25 percent over the same period. Provincial or territorial fuel taxes provide the greatest revenues and also increased almost every year (up 14 percent over the same period). Additionally, provincial or territorial licences and fees increased almost every year and are up 25 percent over the period. The total of these government revenues increased 13 percent from 1994/95 to 2001/02, but are down from the 1998/99 peak of $13.9 billion to $13.8 billion in 2001/02.

Table 9.1 Governments' Gross and Net Revenues and Expenditures on Transportation (millions of $)

1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03* Transport Canada 2977 3448 2472 2428 1415 1252 1233 1492 1348 Operating Expenses** 1714 2347 1153 567 555 561 578 644 667 Capital 505 297 273 106 79 73 73 111 57 Grants and Contributions*** 757 804 1046 1756 782 618 583 737 625 Other Federal Departments/Agencies**** 1287 1277 1047 1019 892 743 774 832 1189 Operating and Capital Expenses 292 793 800 797 737 712 744 769 1049 Grants and Contributions 995 484 246 222 155 30 30 63 164 Total Federal Expenses 4264 4725 3519 3447 2307 1995 2007 2324 2537

Provincial/Territorial Expenditures Operating and Maintenance 2829 2790 2652 2700 2785 2729 2879 2640 N.A. Capital 2661 2933 2757 2669 2940 3240 3246 3412 N.A. Transfer Payments 2420 2376 2130 2253 2499 3041 1477 1762 N.A. Gross Expenditures 7910 8099 7539 7621 8225 9010 7603 7815 N.A. Federal Transfers 291 340 353 633 229 172 114 130 N.A. Expenditures Net of Transfers 7619 7759 7186 6988 7995 8838 7489 7684 N.A. Total Provincial Expenses Local Expenditures***** Roads 6334 6712 6261 6578 6301 6884 6991 7845 N.A. Transit 1642 1690 1675 1772 2207 2062 2094 2168 N.A. Other 102 123 116 156 132 195 290 300 N.A. Gross Expenditures 8079 8525 8051 8507 8641 9142 9374 10312 N.A. Federal Transfers 1392 1336 1122 1235 1545 1339 842 1041 N.A. Provincial Transfers A 87 169 121 129 88 63 52 65 N.A. Expenditures Net of Transfers 6600 7020 6808 7143 7008 7740 8481 9207 N.A. Total Local Expenses Consolidated Expenses by All Levels of Government of Government 18483 19504 17513 17579 17310 18572 17977 19215 N.A.

Continued on next page…

51 Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report, Chapter 3: Government Spending on Transportation, page 13.

195 Federal Transport Revenues Air Transport Tax** 588.8 682.7 737.2 741.8 294.8 2.9 - - - Airport Leases 18.8 65.6 64.6 64.7 190.2 214.5 219.3 248.3 299.5 Other Airport Fees 284.5 302.3 260.1 95.7 76.4 56.7 30.3 15.9 16.2 Air Safety Fees 3.3 6.1 7.0 5.5 10.4 12.5 13.2 12.1 11.9 Overflight Fees 36.2 67.9 190.0 ------Aircraft Services 16.4 19.1 25.8 30.2 28.4 27.1 27.5 33.7 30.0 Airport Security Fee ------375.0 Canadian Cost Guard Services 9.4 11.5 27.3 37.3 39.9 43.7 43.4 42.1 43.4 DFO - Small Ports 4.1 4.0 3.4 2.9 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.2 Harbour Fees 11.5 15.5 18.7 19.1 16.9 17.6 11.2 14.3 13.0 Marine Safety Fees 3.7 5.5 7.1 7.5 8.3 8.8 9.2 7.6 8.3 Port Authorities' Returns - - 5.8 5.0 5.4 7.1 5.9 10.4 14.5 Road Safety Fees 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 - 2.8 Sale of Assets 8.2 2.6 16.1 1.3 0.7 4.2 0.0 - - Leases of Hopper Cars - - - 12.1 12.2 13.0 13.6 13.9 10.0 Other Fees & Recoveries***** 39.1 42.9 26.5 8.2 19.1 21.0 21.2 16.2 17.2 Federal Fuel Taxes Public and Non-Transport Use A,B 351.0 402.0 433.0 455.0 430.0 438.0 447.0 439.0 N.A. Road Use B 3298.0 3831.0 3838.0 3994.0 4138.0 4164.0 4164.0 4136.0 N.A. Other Modes B 170.0 165.0 169.0 177.0 174.0 185.0 196.0 183.0 N.A. Total Federal Revenues 4843.9 5624.2 5829.9 5657.6 5447.3 5218.5 5204.1 5174.3 N.A.

Provincial/Territorial Fuel Taxes Sales Tax Equivalent B,C 625.0 658.0 704.0 603.0 581.0 643.0 763.0 729.0 N.A. Net Road Taxes B 5270.0 5364.0 5396.0 5655.0 5941.0 5996.0 5852.0 6050.0 N.A. Other Modes B 278.0 289.0 305.0 320.0 309.0 336.0 308.0 281.0 N.A. Proincial/Territorial Licences & Fees 2164.0 2101.0 2235.0 2411.0 2645.0 2688.0 2687.0 2711.0 N.A. Total Provincial Revenues 8337.0 8412.0 8640.0 8989.0 9476.0 9663.0 9610.0 9771.0 N.A.

Total Applicable Government Revenues From Transport Users 12205 12977 13332 13589 13912 13800 13605 13777 N.A.

Derived Aggregate Transportation -6278 -6527 -4181 -3990 -3398 -4772 -4372 -5438 N.A. Surplus (Deficit) †

N.A. = Not Available DFO - Department of Fisheries and Oceans *Forecast as of January 31, 2003, for full year. **Includes 1995/96, $999.8 million to reduce the value of the CN debt to the Public Accounts of Canada and excludes in 2002/03 transfers of $24 million to Crown corporations not involved in transport. ***Transfers to Crown corporations other than to Champlain and Jacques Cartier bridges were added as grants and contributions. ****Large increases in 2002/03 related to the creation of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. *****Calendar year basis A - Estimated transfers as reported by provincial governments. B - Includes revenues credited to Transport Canada and the Consolidated Revenue Fund. C - Includes revenues credited to Fisheries and Oceans and the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

† This is obtained by subtracting the consolidated expenses by all government levels of government from the total applicable government revenues from transport users.

Sources: Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-1: Governments' Gross and Net Expenditures on Transportation, page A35. Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-4: Government Revenues from Transport Users, page A38.

Figure 9.1 Governments' Total Revenues and Expenditures on Transportation


20000 Total Federal Expenses

$ Total Provincial Expenses

of 15000 Total Local Expenses

Consolidated Expenses by All llions 10000 Levels of Government Mi Total Federal Revenues 5000 Total Provincial Revenues 0

7 8 9 1 2 95 96 /9 /9 /9 00 /0 /0 4/ 5/ 0 /03* 96 /2 00 997 9 001 02 199 199 19 1 1998 9 20 2 20 19 Year (fiscal)


Figure 9.2 shows the division of expenses among the three levels of government.

Figure 9.2 Government Division of Expenses


20000 $

f 15000

o Total Local Expenses s

n Total Provincial Expenses

illio 10000 Total Federal Expenses m



5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 * /9 /9 /9 /9 9 0 0 /0 6 8/ 0 0/ /03 94 /2 01 2 9 995 99 997 99 00 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 999 200 1 Year

It is clear that local and provincial governments incur the vast majority of expenses, while not generating the revenue necessary to cover these expenses. The federal government generates the most revenue from fuel tax, but this revenue is not all returned to the transportation system. Federal fuel taxes are an instrument of fiscal, not transportation policy, and are an important source of general revenue that is used to finance other federal spending priorities.52 The derived aggregate transportation deficit is calculated using the information in the table (from the Transport Canada Annual Report tables) by subtracting the consolidated expenses by all levels of government line from the total applicable government revenues from transport users.

For more information on government revenues and expenditures, please refer to the March 2003 published report entitled Federal Transportation Spending and Revenues from the University of Manitoba Transport Institute. The information in this Transportation Trends in Manitoba report is comparable to the information in the Federal Transportation Spending and Revenues report. However, data presented in Table 9.1 here is using real figures while the other report uses nominal figures. In addition, some areas include non-transport aspects.

52 Transport Canada, Straight Ahead, A Vision for Transportation in Canada, page 53.

197 Table 9.2 and Figure 9.3 depict the fuel taxes for three modes of transport for Manitoba and the provinces on either side, Saskatchewan and Ontario.

Table 9.2 Fuel Taxes by Province and Mode of Transportation

Mode Fuel Type Saskatchewan (2002) Manitoba (2002) Ontario (2001) Federal (2001)

cents per litre Road Diesel 15 10.9 14.3 4.0 Gasoline 15 11.5 14.7 10.0 Propane 9 3.0 4.3 0 Natural Gas 0 1.9 0 0

Rail Diesel 15 6.3 4.5 4.0

Aviation Gasoline 3.5 3.2 2.7 11.0 Turbo Fuel 3.5 3.2 2.7 4.0

Sources: Tax Information: Fuel Tax: Rates and Revenues, 2001, Saskatchewan Finance. Retrieved July 24, 2003. Major Taxes in Manitoba (Federal and Provincial) – Fuel Tax Rates in Manitoba, 2002, Manitoba Finance. Retrieved June 19, 2003. Catalogue of Federal, Provincial and Territorial Taxes on Energy Consumption and Transportation in Canada, May 2001, Department of Finance Canada. Retrieved June 19, 2003.

In Manitoba, the provincial fuel taxation on diesel was lower for rail (6.3 cents per liter) than for road (10.9 cents per liter) by a 4.6 cents per liter difference. The difference for Ontario was 9.8 cents per liter, while for Saskatchewan there was no difference. In all provinces, road gasoline had the highest taxes of all the fuels (Manitoba 11.5 cents per liter; Ontario: 14.7 cents per liter; Saskatchewan: 15 cents per liter). Federal tax rates exceeded provincial tax rates in the aviation mode.

Figure 9.3 Fuel Taxes by Province and Mode of Transportation




Saskatchewan (2002)

e 10 r Manitoba (2002)

s/Lit 8 Ontario (2001)

Cent 6 Federal (2001)



0 Diesel Gasoline Propane Natural Diesel Gasoline Turbo Gas Fuel

Road Road Road Road Rail Aviation Aviation Fuel Type

198 Table 9.3 and Figure 9.4 show the net provincial revenues from fuel taxation. Note that for Figure 9.4, Canada and Ontario revenues are shown using the secondary y-axis figures. Canadian revenues from fuel taxation have risen 15 percent to $6 billion in the 1994/95 to 2001/02 period. Saskatchewan revenues fluctuated the most (out of Manitoba and its neighboring provinces), with $257 million in 1994/95 (low) and $301 million in 1997/98 (high). Ontario experienced a 13 percent rise overall, with $2.3 billion in fuel taxation revenues in 2001/02, or 38 percent of the Canadian total.

Table 9.3 Provincial/Territorial Revenues from Fuel Taxation (millions of $)

1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Newfoundland and Labrador 96.9 92.8 78.3 118.2 119.3 127.3 129.0 128.1 Prince Edward Island 19.6 19.8 19.8 21.5 23.9 25.8 23.1 22.9 Nova Scotia 151.7 148.0 149.7 200.0 206.7 214.2 198.4 214.2 New Brunswick 122.2 121.9 123.6 161.7 169.8 181.8 180.5 185.9 Quebec 1327.7 1393.1 1439.7 1471.6 1545.2 1548.0 1524.6 1526.2 Ontario 2045.8 2051.4 2012.0 2082.9 2258.2 2271.4 2160.0 2312.3 Manitoba 161.0 165.3 166.1 163.5 172.7 164.9 166.8 169.8 Saskatchewan 257.2 266.5 292.5 300.9 284.3 300.3 272.2 280.1 Alberta 459.5 470.7 483.4 488.4 492.7 514.1 558.7 569.7 British Columbia 617.4 623.1 617.6 623.5 654.8 631.3 623.7 626.0 Northwest Territories 5.4 6.1 7.1 6.3 8.0 10.1 9.1 9.2 Yukon Nunavut ----- Canada 5269.8 5364.4 5395.7 5655.5 5940.6 5996.1 5852.4 6050.1

Sources: Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-4: Government Revenues from Transport Users 1994/95 - 2002/03, page A38.

Figure 9.4 Provincial Revenues from Fuel Taxation

350.0 7000.0

300.0 6000.0

250.0 5000.0

$ Manitoba f

o 200.0 4000.0

s Saskatchewan n

io 150.0 3000.0 Ontario ill

M Canada 100.0 2000.0

50.0 1000.0

0.0 0.0

0 95 96 97 98 99 01 02 5/ 7/ 1/ 94/ 9 96/ 9 98/ 200 00/ 0 19 19 19 19 19 99/ 20 20 19 Year (fiscal)

199 Table 9.4 shows the net revenue from provincial or territorial licences and fees. Manitoba’s revenue in this case rose 27 percent from the 1994/95 to 2001/02 fiscal years. Canada’s revenues rose a total of 25 percent over the same period.

Table 9.4 Revenues from Provincial/Territorial Licences and Fees by Province and Territory (millions of $)

1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Newfoundland and Labrador 44.4 45.5 46.7 52.7 53.1 54.2 52.8 54.1 Prince Edward Island 8.8 9.1 9.4 9.7 10.8 11.0 11.0 11.0 Nova Scotia 61.9 48.2 48.8 45.0 50.8 50.4 52.7 51.1 New Brunswick 65.1 64.4 65.2 65.9 68.3 73.5 71.7 72.2 Quebec 557.9 540.8 582.9 734.8 839.0 843.7 828.6 846.0 Ontario 798.2 743.7 831.5 799.1 903.1 919.1 908.4 910.1 Manitoba 59.2 58.1 64.8 69.3 69.5 68.7 69.9 75.2 Saskatchewan 90.5 91.7 94.6 98.7 108.1 113.3 112.1 114.3 Alberta 175.0 175.7 186.2 194.7 208.1 212.2 234.8 226.5 British Columbia 297.6 317.6 297.9 334.6 328.5 335.9 339.0 345.8 Northwest Territories 2.6 3.0 3.3 3.4 3.1 2.4 2.6 2.0 Yukon 2.8 3.1 3.8 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.5 2.0 Nunavut - - - - - 0.8 0.6 0.6 Canada 2164.0 2101.0 2235.0 2411.0 2645.0 2688.0 2687.0 2711.0

Sources: Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-4: Government Revenues from Transport Users 1994/95 - 2002/03, page A38.

Table 9.5 shows the transport expenditures by mode and by level of government, as well as the total government revenues from transport users.

200 Table 9.5 Transport Expenditures/Revenues by Mode and Levels of Government (millions of $)

1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03*

Federal Operation, Maintenance, Capital and Subsidies Air 1450 1102 594 356 364 469 618 Marine 827 812 692 799 804 792 794 Rail 281 267 252 221 282 360 309 Road 740 1032 536 396 323 403 548 Other 220 234 233 222 234 300 268 Subtotal 3519 3447 2307 1995 2007 2324 2537

Provinces/Territories Air 967675667272N.A. Marine 73 92 120 1259 176 183 N.A. Rail 11 2 2 5 21 27 N.A. Road 5472 5271 5810 6623 6330 6229 N.A. Transit 1376 1384 1797 677 668 928 N.A. Other 158 163 191 206 222 245 N.A. Subtotal 7186 6988 7995 8838 7489 7685 N.A.

Local Road 5443 5630 5588 5667 6268 7088 N.A. Transit 1250 1357 1288 1877 1923 1819 N.A. Other 116 156 132 195 290 300 N.A. Subtotal 6808 7143 7008 7740 8481 9207 N.A.

Total Expenses: All Government Levels Air 1546 1178 669 423 437 541 N.A. Marine 900 904 812 2059 980 975 N.A. Rail 292 269 254 226 302 387 N.A. Road 11655 11933 11934 12687 12922 13720 N.A. Transit 2626 2741 3085 2554 2591 2747 N.A. Other 494 554 556 623 745 845 N.A. Subtotal 17513 17579 17310 18572 17977 19215 N.A.

Government Revenues from Transport Users Road Users 11469 12060 12724 12848 12704 12897 N.A. Other Modes 1837 1520 1174 936 884 869 N.A. Multimodal 26 8 14 16 17 11 N.A.

Total 13332 13589 13912 13800 13605 13777 N.A.

*Forecast as of January 31, 2003, for full year.

Sources: Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-5: Transport Expenditures/Revenues by Mode and levels of Government, 1996/97 - 2002/03, page A39.

Figure 9.5 shows the federal transport expenditures by mode (using information in Table 9.5). Air expenditures decreased significantly over the period, but rose since 1999/2000 to end at $618 million in 2001/02 (down from $1.5 billion in 1996/97). Marine expenditures have remained constant for the most part, around the $800 million point ($794 in 2002/03 forecast). Rail expenditures rose in recent years to end with a 2002/03 forecast of $309 million. Road expenditures fluctuated a great deal over the period, with a high of $1 billion in 1997/98 and a low of $323 million in 2000/01, with a 2002/03 forecast of $548 million.

201 Figure 9.5 Federal Expenditures by Mode





$ 1000 f Marine o s

n 800 Rail

illio Road

M 600 Other



0 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03* Year (fiscal)

Figure 9.6 shows the provincial expenditures by mode (using information in Table 9.5). Note that road expenditures in Figure 9.6 is using the secondary y-axis. This figure shows that road is the primary spending area for provinces, followed by transit (most often), and then by marine, air and rail.

Figure 9.6 Provincial Expenditures by Mode

2000 7000

1800 6000


5000 1400

1200 Air 4000 $ Marine f o

s Rail

n 1000 o Transit illi

M 3000 Other 800 Road

600 2000


1000 200

0 0 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Year (fiscal)

202 Figure 9.7 shows the local expenditures by mode (using information in Table 9.5). Again, note that road expenditures in the figure is using the secondary y-axis. The figure shows that over the 1996/97 to 2001/02 period, road and transit expenditures by local governments have increased significantly, by 30 percent and 46 percent, respectively.

Figure 9.7 Local Expenditures by Mode

2500 8000

7000 2000 6000

$ 5000

f 1500 Transit o s

n 4000 Other

illio 1000 Road

M 3000

2000 500 1000

0 0 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Year (fiscal)

Table 9.5 also contains information on government revenues from transport users. Revenues from road users increased 12 percent from 1996/97 to 2001/02, while revenues from other modes decreased 53 percent. However, total revenues also increased 3 percent in total over the same period.

203 Table 9.6 and Figure 9.8 show provincial and local transportation expenditures per capita. Table 9.6 derives this per capita information using sections on provincial and local expenditures on transportation and the province populations. Manitoba and its neighbors, Saskatchewan and Ontario, all show great fluctuations in these per capita figures. In the most recent data for 2001/02 fiscal year, Saskatchewan provided the greatest expenditure per capita ($634). Meanwhile, Manitoba provided $501 and Ontario provided $474. Canada on average provided $550. The province or territory with the highest per capita expenditure on transportation in 2001/02 was the Northwest Territories with $2499. Over the review period, 1990/91 to 2001/02, Manitoba typically had a lower per capita expenditure on transportation than the Canadian average.

Table 9.6 Distribution of Provincial/Territorial and Local Transport Expenditures by Province

Provincial and Local Expenditures in Transport (millions of $) 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Newfoundland and Labrador 265 205 215 202 179 151 164 -140 277 252 295 296 Prince Edward Island 75 79 77 61 57 66 62 76 81 88 90 89 Nova Scotia 378 392 402 368 305 336 315 335 288 289 293 350 New Brunswick 424 420 442 412 430 435 403 432 431 439 352 388 Quebec 3141 3181 3371 3356 3514 3455 3215 3314 3272 3498 3701 4349 Ontario 467450204858495252655586528454935653532654895659 Manitoba 516 490 499 443 499 574 532 518 563 531 540 576 Saskatchewan 489 435 398 381 407 438 405 463 473 531 592 644 Alberta 181617101700170315151524139215691671196021322344 British Columbia 1755 1921 1825 1795 1895 2038 2039 1893 2170 3475 2313 2257 Northwest Territories 75 102 94 99 96 117 122 116 118 88 84 103 Yukon 514469575758626056565469 Nunavut ------453637 Canada 13660 13951 13951 13828 14219 14779 13994 14131 15003 16577 15970 17160

Population by Province (thousands of people) 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Newfoundland and Labrador 578 580 580 579 573 566 559 552 544 540 537 533 Prince Edward Island 130 130 131 133 134 135 136 137 137 138 138 139 Nova Scotia 911 916 920 924 927 929 932 935 937 941 942 943 New Brunswick 741 746 749 750 751 752 753 754 754 756 756 756 Quebec 7020 7077 7126 7176 7216 7250 7281 7308 7331 7359 7391 7427 Ontario 10332 10463 10600 10725 10862 10999 11138 11284 11423 11570 11747 11938 Manitoba 1107 1110 1114 1120 1125 1131 1135 1137 1139 1144 1147 1150 Saskatchewan 1006 1003 1005 1008 1011 1015 1020 1023 1025 1025 1021 1016 Alberta 255926032643267927142750279528552920297230223073 British Columbia 3312 3398 3496 3599 3707 3809 3901 3969 4005 4036 4070 4112 Northwest Territories 596163646667686868414141 Yukon 282930303031323231313030 Nunavut ------272828 Canada 27783 28117 28458 28786 29115 29433 29751 30053 30314 30580 30871 31186

Provincial and Local Expenditures in Transport ($ per capita) 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 Newfoundland and Labrador 458 354 371 349 313 266 293 -253 418 466 550 556 Prince Edward Island 575 602 583 460 424 487 454 557 594 639 650 637 Nova Scotia 415 428 437 398 329 362 338 358 307 307 311 371 New Brunswick 571 563 590 549 573 578 535 573 571 581 466 513 Quebec 448 449 473 468 487 477 441 453 446 475 501 586 Ontario 452 480 458 462 485 508 474 487 495 460 467 474 Manitoba 466 442 448 396 443 508 469 456 494 464 471 501 Saskatchewan 487 434 396 378 402 432 397 453 461 518 580 634 Alberta 710 657 643 635 558 554 498 549 572 659 706 763 British Columbia 530 565 522 499 511 535 523 477 542 861 568 549 Northwest Territories 126116681501154714701755179917201752215020602499 Yukon 182315182287187618991868194518831785182517592293 Nunavut ------1656 1289 1308 Canada 492 498 490 480 488 502 470 470 495 542 517 550

Sources: Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-6: Distribution of Provincial/Territorial and Local Transport Expenditures by Province, 1990/91 - 2001/02, page A40.

204 Figure 9.8 Provincial and Local Transportation Expenditures Per Capita


600 Manitoba

500 ) $ 400 Saskatchewan s ( ar l l

o 300 D Ontario 200

100 Canada 0

2 2 91 9 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 01 0 5/ 6/ 000 97/ 2 998/ 1990/ 1991/ 1992/ 1993/ 1994/ 199 199 19 1 2000/ 2001/ 1999/ Year (fiscal)

Table 9.7 and Figure 9.9 show direct federal subsidies, grants, and contributions by mode. Highway and air modes both saw a large peak in 1997/98, with the air mode subsidies rising again in 2001/02. Rail subsidies show a large decrease throughout the period. The major sources of change in recent years are lower subsidies to VIA Rail and the termination of compensation to air carriers after the events of September 11. Total subsidies have seen a 39 percent decrease over the review period (1995/96 to 2002/03 forecast). Figure 9.10 shows that in the 2002/03 fiscal year forecast, highways and rail are to receive the greatest subsidies, grants and contributions (with highways receiving $322 million and rail receiving $288 million).

Table 9.7 Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants, and Contributions by Mode (millions of $)

1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03*

Air Mode 36 331 747 264 41 48 177 68 Marine Mode 171 150 136 80 172 153 111 110 Rail Mode 561 267 254 237 206 266 343 288 Highway Modes 525 543 840 355 229 145 168 322 Other, n.e.s. 4.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.5 1.1 1.6

n.e.s. = not elsewhere specified

* Forecast as of January 31, 2003

Sources: Transport Canada, Transportation in Canada 2002 Annual Report Addendum, Table A3-3: Direct Federal Subsidies, Grant and Contributions by Mode, 1995/96 - 2002/03, page A37.

205 Figure 9.9 Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants, and Contributions by Mode

900 800 700 Air Mode

$ 600 Marine Mode of 500 Rail Mode 400 ons i

l Highway Modes i 300 M 200 100 0

96 97 98 99 / / / / /01 /02 /03* /2000 1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 002 999 2 1 Year (fiscal)

Figure 9.10 Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants and Contributions by Mode, Forecast 2002/03

9% 14% 40% Air Mode Marine Mode Rail Mode Highway Modes 37%



Fatal, Injury, and Property Damage Collisions in Manitoba

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Licenced Drivers 672960 672937 675659 680142 684798 687229 692941 702851 706512 710456 Total Collisions 30383 29435 29744 32398 29089 27133 27124 28667 30973 30999 Fatal 106 106 98 108 79 101 109 99 90 82 Injury 11245 10906 9706 8783 7509 6698 6879 6959 6931 6656 P. Damage 19032 18423 19940 23507 21501 20334 20136 21609 23950 24261 Total Victims 16222 15751 13951 12266 10560 9267 9652 9810 9596 9096 Killed 118 134 119 128 93 119 121 113 111 94 Injured 16104 15617 13832 12138 10467 9148 9531 9697 9485 9002 Total Vehicles Involved 52741 51362 51099 55392 49712 45959 46005 48457 52810 51123 Fatal 164 161 161 188 115 147 170 157 140 138 Injury 21081 20573 18140 16120 13428 11955 12371 12543 12362 11770 P. Damage 31496 30628 32798 39084 36169 33857 33464 35757 40308 39215 Total Drivers Involved 48343 47260 46651 50319 46020 42324 42578 44862 48859 46324 Fatal 152 150 152 171 110 142 164 151 136 127 Injury 20344 19852 17421 15530 12891 11487 11908 12096 11943 11377 P. Damage 27847 27258 29078 34618 33019 30695 30506 32615 36780 34820

Note: Total Collisions does not indicate pedestrian victims, whereas Total Victims does.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing, Traffic Collision Statistics Report, 2001, Section 4: Ten Year Summary, page 23. Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing, Traffic Collision Statistics Report, 2001, Section 1: Fatal, Injury, and Property Damage Collision by Total Licenced Drivers 1992-2001, page 7.

Manitoba Traffic Collisions by Month of Occurrence and Collision Type, 2001

Collision Type Fatal Injury P. Damage Total % January 4 567 2336 2907 9.4 February 5 550 2245 2800 9.0 March 12 557 2140 2709 8.7 April 6 415 1647 2068 6.7 May 5 582 1702 2289 7.4 June 3 532 1846 2381 7.7 July 7 578 1736 2321 7.5 August 5 598 1770 2373 7.7 September 6 549 1643 2198 7.1 October 8 588 2076 2672 8.6 November 11 519 2337 2867 9.2 December 10 621 2783 3414 11.0 Total 82 6656 24261 30999 100.0

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing, Traffic Collision Statistics Report, 2001, Section 4: By Month of Occurrence and Collision Type, 2001, page 25.

207 Manitoba Vehicle Involvement by Vehicle Type and Collision Type, 2001

Collision Type Vehicle Type Fatal Injury P. Damage Total % Automobile 66 8036 26519 34621 67.7 Mini/Multi-Purpose Van 13 1081 3686 4780 9.3 Van under 4500 kg 4 247 964 1215 2.4 Pick-up under 4500 kg 26 1485 6117 7628 14.9 Truck over 4500 kg (unit chassis) 4 141 494 639 1.2 Power Unit for Semi-Trailer 12 118 375 505 1.0 Truck/Camper 0 6 27 33 0.1 Motorhome 0 1 19 20 0.0 Truck (other) 3 207 656 866 1.7 School Bus 0 12 41 53 0.1 Other School Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0.0 Transit Bus - urban 0 28 35 63 0.1 Para-transit Bus 0 0 5 5 0.0 Intercity Bus 0 21 59 80 0.2 Bus (other) 0 5 14 19 0.0 Motorcycle/Scooter 2 108 59 169 0.3 Moped 0 2 2 4 0.0 Bicycle 4 215 17 236 0.5 Ambulance 0 7 17 24 0.0 Fire 0 6 8 14 0.0 Police 1 12 29 42 0.1 Mobility Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0.0 Snow Vehicle 0 0 1 1 0.0 Farm Equipment 1 4 19 24 0.0 Construction Equipment 0 8 42 50 0.1 Train/Other Rail Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0.0 Off-Road Vehicle 2 20 10 32 0.1 Total 138 11770 39215 51123 100.0

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing, Traffic Collision Statistics Report, 2001, Section 7: By Vehicle Type and Collision Type, 2001, page 64.

208 Manitoba Provincial Highways Collisions by Posted Speed Limit

Speed Limit 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 100 2276 2361 2349 2918 2916 2806 2697 2898 3162 3683 90 1106 1022 1126 1271 1392 1327 1225 1284 950 1015 80 132 142 171 194 209 224 222 233 241 274 70 212 279 246 257 280 256 296 313 339 293 60 81 109 88 111 130 97 126 112 112 113 50 1104 1087 1070 1353 1330 1156 1311 1185 1312 1060 Total* 4911 5000 5050 6104 6257 5866 5877 6025 6116 6438

*The speed limit at intersections may be different, and as a result some collisions wil be counted more than once.

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing, Traffic Collision Statistics Report, 2001, Part Two, Section 1: Provincial Highway Collisions, Collision Trends by Posted Speed Limit, page 129.

Manitoba Provincial Highway Collisions History by Severity

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Fatal 65595963505958605049 Injury 1550 1453 1393 1502 1625 1386 1412 1380 1365 1370 P. Damage 3707 3488 3598 4539 4582 4421 4407 4585 4646 4851 Total 5322 5000 5050 6104 6257 5866 5877 6025 6061 6270

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Driver and Vehicle Licencing, Traffic Collision Statistics Report, 2001, Part Two, Section 1: Provincial Highway Collisions, Collision History by Severity, page 131.



Number of Vehicles in Canada by Type and Jurisdiction, 2001

Vehicle Type Vehicles up to 4.5t Trucks 4.5t - 15t Trucks 15t or more Buses Total Newfoundland and Labrador 241,926 3,960 2,772 1,291 249,949 Prine Edward Island 72,560 1,913 2,529 54 77,056 Nova Scotia 518,473 9,734 7,022 1,863 537,091 New Brunswick 433,601 10,300 3,918 2,717 450,536 Quebec 3,856,621 54,682 30,094 14,904 3,956,301 Ontario 6,443,518 80,039 102,048 24,867 6,650,471 Manitoba 592,212 9,862 12,156 3,537 617,767 Saskatchewan 613,623 46,054 24,422 3,829 687,929 Alberta 1,998,768 107,433 66,938 12,324 2,185,463 British Columbia 2,245,015 61,572 13,646 8,452 2,328,685 Yukon Territory 17,753 989 699 163 19,604 Northwest Territories 18,090 549 764 76 19,479 Nunavut 2,646 252 130 16 3,043 Total - Canada 17,054,805 387,337 267,137 74,092 17,783,371

Sources: Transport Canada, Canadian Vehicle Survey, 2001. Retrieved September 22, 2003.

210 Number of Buses Registered in Canada by Model Year and Jurisdiction, 2001

Newfoundland Prince Edward Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba and Labrador Island Earlier than 1984 34 15 122 711 520 1,332 297 1984 2 0 24 139 176 165 66 1985 5 1 33 109 204 352 224 1986 15 3 62 124 216 372 156 1987 118 3 70 130 194 668 168 1988 188 1 107 158 366 1,003 248 1989 184 1 87 118 713 1,250 178 1990 149 1 129 187 893 1,715 138 1991 131 0 129 76 990 1,586 200 1992 121 2 75 82 983 1,531 192 1993 48 0 101 97 836 1,280 178 1994 25 0 51 38 1,322 1,128 247 1995 27 0 184 157 858 1,596 176 1996 23 2 70 19 1,103 1,747 171 1997 46 0 105 125 1,054 1,466 157 1998 35 0 190 188 969 1,812 194 1999 59 0 98 90 1,279 2,334 229 2000 53 12 177 97 1,146 2,276 201 2001 21 8 39 64 927 1,234 59 2002 0 0 0 0 146 109 49 Total 1,290 0 1,862 2,716 14,903 24,866 3,536

Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Total

Earlier than 1984 489 2,347 970 38 7 4 6,892 1984 139 219 127 6 3 0 1,070 1985 183 308 130 2 1 4 1,560 1986 192 359 186 3 0 0 1,691 1987 351 445 224 2 4 0 2,380 1988 226 556 325 10 2 0 3,194 1989 240 651 438 6 2 0 3,872 1990 273 680 456 10 2 0 4,638 1991 215 581 551 5 1 0 4,469 1992 173 596 426 3 0 0 4,189 1993 180 556 361 2 1 0 3,645 1994 113 405 416 9 1 0 3,759 1995 121 528 544 12 0 0 4,208 1996 145 436 593 14 0 0 4,326 1997 145 688 392 16 2 0 4,202 1998 170 715 672 6 2 0 4,957 1999 208 781 560 4 20 1 5,568 2000 142 801 641 6 8 1 5,567 2001 83 626 411 0 13 0 3,491 2002 33 35 21 0 0 0 397 Total 3,828 12,323 8,451 162 75 15 74,086

211 Number of Trucks 15t or more Registered in Canada by Model Year and Jurisdiction, 2001

Newfoundland Prince Edward Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba and Labrador Island Earlier than 1984 272 856 883 478 713 4,418 1,280 1984 73 137 130 134 232 1,101 214 1985 98 139 207 158 392 1,829 309 1986 107 179 206 181 475 2,546 364 1987 135 200 302 268 759 3,475 410 1988 174 179 330 245 994 3,747 414 1989 185 125 324 206 807 3,951 404 1990 112 107 218 232 772 3,726 362 1991 114 61 143 134 453 2,373 214 1992 94 34 162 98 639 2,406 274 1993 89 46 228 162 1,010 3,557 470 1994 144 65 353 183 1,847 5,170 697 1995 191 99 516 263 2,650 8,575 824 1996 150 57 385 173 1,866 6,204 785 1997 134 26 302 162 1,913 6,235 706 1998 200 51 551 197 3,512 10,304 1,145 1999 178 68 636 257 3,862 11,764 1,224 2000 211 66 757 232 4,441 13,035 1,326 2001 87 24 327 123 2,356 6,615 643 2002 12 1 52 22 386 1,005 81 Total 2,771 2,528 7,021 3,916 30,093 102,047 12,154

Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Total

Earlier than 1984 6,682 16,688 2,466 150 133 16 35,038 1984 491 968 248 7 19 2 3,762 1985 677 1,656 311 24 21 0 5,828 1986 785 1,896 441 18 15 0 7,220 1987 781 1,665 513 15 12 3 8,543 1988 862 2,293 583 26 20 0 9,871 1989 721 2,157 536 27 30 1 9,479 1990 714 2,353 911 31 26 3 9,571 1991 489 1,817 497 17 25 9 6,351 1992 464 1,515 669 35 23 6 6,426 1993 698 2,057 631 21 20 1 8,994 1994 901 3,166 759 27 42 5 13,363 1995 1,080 3,894 820 30 61 14 19,023 1996 826 3,032 740 47 49 8 14,327 1997 839 3,614 806 45 49 5 14,842 1998 1,561 5,154 753 65 57 12 23,568 1999 2,240 4,320 712 53 54 24 25,398 2000 2,473 4,449 649 49 56 8 27,757 2001 1,048 3,633 498 2 37 4 15,403 2002 81 601 92 0 5 0 2,346 Total 24,421 66,937 13,645 698 763 129 267,129

212 Number of Trucks 4.5t - 15t Registered in Canada by Model Year and Jurisdiction, 2001

Newfoundland Prince Edward Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba and Labrador Island Earlier than 1984 655 931 2,408 876 9,758 6,112 2,485 1984 112 68 249 116 1,386 1,038 232 1985 149 80 326 187 2,071 1,718 335 1986 177 89 369 228 2,313 2,343 425 1987 182 85 433 235 2,914 2,841 363 1988 278 91 502 299 3,729 3,884 414 1989 222 95 513 285 2,930 3,680 407 1990 238 70 496 293 3,036 4,017 511 1991 208 47 350 294 2,042 2,779 441 1992 170 37 320 359 1,792 2,849 382 1993 179 44 352 521 1,959 3,456 388 1994 204 49 347 576 2,408 4,297 397 1995 257 53 541 674 3,147 5,364 569 1996 140 24 332 578 1,965 3,869 412 1997 173 33 406 691 2,105 5,316 491 1998 129 18 477 909 2,671 5,530 422 1999 198 44 560 1,247 3,617 8,348 502 2000 179 29 465 978 2,840 7,203 356 2001 89 17 260 872 1,675 5,006 299 2002 7 1 18 72 310 380 22 Total 3,959 1,912 9,732 10,299 54,681 80,038 9,861

Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Total

Earlier than 1984 30,833 37,179 11,736 360 86 40 103,464 1984 604 1,751 1,001 30 22 3 6,618 1985 655 2,368 1,334 37 21 6 9,292 1986 773 2,850 1,873 32 19 12 11,507 1987 602 1,867 1,723 27 11 17 11,305 1988 672 3,357 2,449 46 20 18 15,765 1989 576 3,323 2,752 49 27 14 14,878 1990 692 3,661 3,062 50 36 16 16,182 1991 617 3,530 2,375 36 22 9 12,756 1992 603 3,201 2,404 36 22 9 12,189 1993 849 3,443 2,803 23 17 9 14,050 1994 844 4,318 3,143 44 22 13 16,666 1995 1,022 4,808 3,715 40 37 27 20,260 1996 653 3,595 2,641 29 18 9 14,269 1997 944 5,707 3,563 42 36 14 19,525 1998 972 5,323 3,073 30 21 11 19,593 1999 1,399 5,564 4,266 56 41 8 25,856 2000 1,480 5,493 3,824 13 37 5 22,909 2001 1,175 5,685 3,516 0 24 1 18,624 2002 80 400 310 0 2 0 1,605 Total 46,053 107,432 61,571 989 548 251 387,330

213 Number of Vehicles up to 4.5t Registered in Canada by Model Year and Jurisdiction, 2001

Newfoundland Prince Edward Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba and Labrador Island Earlier than 1984 4,726 2,919 20,299 13,589 81,404 213,883 46,329 1984 1,685 1,183 6,520 5,803 34,122 63,887 12,753 1985 2,603 1,614 8,961 8,036 55,464 101,999 17,013 1986 3,938 2,109 12,887 11,157 85,436 154,319 23,723 1987 5,636 2,980 17,014 14,979 123,700 204,151 23,295 1988 11,061 4,534 25,094 22,735 189,087 302,927 29,555 1989 13,597 5,016 28,102 25,475 206,801 348,085 30,381 1990 13,886 5,413 30,209 26,667 224,999 361,667 33,483 1991 14,930 4,885 30,177 26,577 237,054 364,097 35,111 1992 15,913 5,486 33,330 2,935 269,210 397,540 36,189 1993 16,980 5,237 32,522 26,746 244,847 381,230 32,831 1994 17,099 5,183 33,534 27,066 233,283 381,085 32,074 1995 15,952 5,262 34,123 27,702 248,002 410,482 34,755 1996 12,157 4,196 28,515 22,495 198,327 340,492 30,209 1997 16,298 4,736 35,034 27,268 248,151 435,642 39,272 1998 19,120 4,090 37,900 30,771 277,759 471,557 39,467 1999 20,595 2,890 36,130 29,527 295,315 490,714 34,562 2000 23,631 3,136 41,506 35,796 354,344 597,112 37,389 2001 11,525 1,540 24,598 19,818 230,079 387,074 22,327 2002 569 141 2,010 1,745 19,187 35,564 1,485 Total 241,925 72,559 518,472 433,600 3,856,620 6,443,516 592,211

Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Total

Earlier than 1984 83,682 209,205 211,430 2,416 1,608 143 891,637 1984 17,992 44,146 49,883 494 355 46 238,876 1985 21,016 57,342 63,450 573 478 77 338,633 1986 27,935 79,181 92,294 869 576 68 494,497 1987 24,319 70,883 95,306 879 509 103 583,761 1988 29,777 93,716 115,016 1,102 793 136 825,538 1989 30,349 100,547 127,798 1,146 870 145 918,315 1990 31,974 107,438 140,318 1,178 889 144 978,271 1991 33,209 107,947 13,666 1,036 857 169 992,922 1992 33,643 105,246 138,622 1,036 755 159 1,066,767 1993 30,766 96,430 127,685 1,020 784 162 997,246 1994 32,699 100,854 121,517 998 927 176 986,500 1995 34,652 106,828 124,477 1,034 976 173 1,044,424 1996 28,715 89,681 98,395 760 793 137 855,178 1997 37,438 122,452 125,443 1,080 1,222 187 1,094,227 1998 36,438 135,146 124,153 939 1,280 177 1,178,801 1999 27,594 118,382 115,345 872 1,448 161 1,173,540 2000 30,399 136,793 132,708 308 1,709 153 1,394,990 2001 18,987 105,994 95,436 3 1,172 109 918,669 2002 2,030 10,247 8,862 0 79 11 81,934 Total 613,622 1,998,767 2,245,015 17,753 18,089 2,645 17,054,798

Sources: Transport Canada, Canadian Vehicle Survey, 2001. Retrieved September 22, 2003.



Manitoba Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Sum of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC's, PFC's, SF6, in kt CO2 eq

Road Transportation (total) 4160 4220 4260 4220 4410 4550 4560 4540 4570 4680 4590 4620 Motorcycles 7.31 7.6 7.28 6.68 6.51 6.28 3.75 5.06 4.99 3.93 3.54 2.86 Diesel Automobiles 20.3 20.1 19.3 18 17.4 16.5 16.8 15.5 15.5 15.3 14.7 13.7 Light Duty Diesel Trucks 30.9 30 30.6 31.7 33.4 35.4 37.2 30.3 28.4 31.7 34.4 35.8 Propane & Natural Gas Vehicles 60.9 63.5 60.5 27.2 71 96.6 82.5 120 107 113 36.3 32.6 Heavy Duty Gasoline Vehicles 193 211 224 230 246 258 204 255 250 228 239 234 Light Duty Gasoline Trucks 868 931 984 1010 1080 1130 1230 1260 1300 1420 1440 1500 Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles 992 989 1030 1090 1160 1250 1330 1320 1320 1350 1380 1400 Gasoline Automobile 1980 1970 1910 1810 1790 1750 1650 1540 1540 1510 1440 1400 Domestic Aviation 477 444 410 410 510 543 581 597 516 571 554 531 Railways 622 537 545 535 572 565 524 449 351 322 311 233 Domestic Marine 000.3000000000 Others 2057 1959 2140 2280 2230 2570 2530 2360 2059 2110 1968 1633 Off Road 1210 983 920 1020 1030 1270 1230 1160 1100 1050 1140 1090 Pipelines 847 976 1220 1260 1200 1300 1300 1200 959 1060 828 543 Transportation Energy Total 7320 7160 7360 7430 7720 8220 8190 7940 7490 7680 7420 7020

Source: Environment Canada, Information on Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks, GHG Query, Greenhouse Gas Emission for Manitoba, by Sector. Retrieved September 16, 203.

The following three figures are derived using information in the above table:

Manitoba Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2001 23%

Road Transportation (total) 0% Domestic Aviation Railways 3% Domestic Marine 66% Others 8%

215 Manitoba Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions


4000 Road Transportation (total) 3000 2 eq

O Domestic Aviation

C 2000 kt 1000 Railways 0 Others 94 96 98 1990 1992 19 19 19 2000 Year

Manitoba Road Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions

5000 Gasoline Automobile 4500 4000 Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles

3500 Light Duty Gasoline Trucks 3000

2 eq Heavy Duty Gasoline

O 2500 Vehicles C t 2000 Propane & Natural Gas k 1500 Vehicles 1000 Light Duty Diesel Trucks 500 Diesel Automobiles 0 Motorc y c les 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year


Manitoba Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Fuel Type (megatonnes)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total fuel 5.2 15.0 5.0 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.1 Motor Gasoline 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 Propane Natural gas 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Diesel Electricity 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Heavy fuel oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Light fuel oil and kerosene 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coal Aviation gasoline 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aviation turbo fuel 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5

Those in italics are classified as "alternative fuels". Sources: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Query. Retrieved September 22, 2003.




Manitoba Total Transportation Energy Use by Fuel Type (PJ - petajoules)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total fuel 71.4 69.3 69.5 69.4 73.4 76.3 76.0 74.8 73.4 75.0 73.5 71.2 Motor Gasoline 42.843.944.644.545.344.943. Propane 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.5 1.2 1.6 1.4 2.0 1.7 1.8 0.6 0.5 Natural gas Diesel 20.2 17.8 17.7 18.3 19.4 21.7 22.7 21.5 19.2 18.7 19.1 18.2 Electricity Heavy fuel oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Light fuel oil and kerosene 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coal Aviation gasoline Aviation turbo fuel 6.9 5.8 5.8 5.8 7.1 7.7 8.3 8.8 7.9 8.7 8.4 7.7

Those in italics are classified as "alternative fuels".

Manitoba Passenger Transportation Energy Use by Fuel Type (PJ - petajoules)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total fuel 45.8 46.0 45.9 45.2 47.6 48.1 46.8 46.1 46.1 47.4 46.0 44.9 Motor Gasoline 33.634.935.234.835.635.333.432.533.631.433.533.1 Propane 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.2 Natural gas Diesel Electricity Heavy fuel oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Light fuel oil and kerosene 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coal Aviation gasoline Aviation turbo fuel 6.9 6.1 5.8 5.8 7.1 7.7 8.3 8.8 7.9 8.7 8.4 7.7

Those in italics are classified as "alternative fuels".

Manitoba Freight Transportation Energy Use by Fuel Type (PJ - petajoules)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total fuel 23.2 21.4 21.3 21.8 23.5 26.0 27.0 26.5 24.8 25.0 24.6 23.4 Motor Gasoline Propane 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.3 Natural gas Diesel 16.3 14.2 14.0 14.5 15.4 17.8 18.7 17.9 15.8 15.4 15.6 14.8 Electricity Heavy fuel oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Light fuel oil and kerosene 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coal Aviation gasoline Aviation turbo fuel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Those in italics are classified as "alternative fuels".

Manitoba Off-road Transportation Energy Use by Fuel Type (PJ - petajoules)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total fuel

Sources: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Query. Retrieved September 22, 2003.



Northern Manitoba Ferry Traffic History

M.V. Charles Robert 1 M.V. Joe Keeper 2 M.V. Edgar Wood 3 Fiscal Year Passenger Traffic Vehicular Traffic Passenger Traffic Vehicular Traffic Passenger Traffic Vehicular Traffic 1985/86 5,477 1,288 1,915 202 1,242 722 1986/87 10,454 2,228 2,106 296 1,110 910 1987/88 12,997 2,984 2,533 371 1,714 944 1988/89 11,776 2,796 2,254 461 988 755 1989/90 10,509 2,599 1,704 448 1,092 481 1990/91 9,290 2,418 1,778 355 1,618 819 1991/92 9,502 2,560 1,426 241 1,209 665 1992/93 10,939 3,054 1,282 282 1,353 606 1993/94 13,364 3,611 1,945 664 1,504 786 1994/95 10,893 2,847 1,508 550 1,857 788 1995/96 10,251 2,815 1,958 560 2,091 965 1996/97 11,362 3,260 1,580 593 1,585 852 1997/98 12,696 3,675 1,789 585 2,201 935 1998/99 12,650 3,492 2,179 742 2,470 1,187 1999/00 13,753 3,924 1,922 673 2,356 1,148 2000/01 10,698 3,071 3,046 1,014 2,990 1,392 2001/02 15,044 3,849 3,363 1,169 2,150 1,147 2002/03 16,069 5,556 2,811 991 1,940 884

C.F. James Apetagon 4 C.F. Ingemar Carlson II* 5 C.F. Alfred Settee Sr. 6 Fiscal Year Passenger Traffic Vehicular Traffic Passenger Traffic Vehicular Traffic Passenger Traffic Vehicular Traffic 1985/86 17,456 10,743 15,233 8,463 21,402 11,864 1986/87 19,604 12,111 16,801 9,334 32,843 18,581 1987/88 23,547 14,721 19,229 10,683 28,593 17,180 1988/89 27,985 17,204 21,154 11,752 32,676 19,803 1989/90 26,052 16,608 25,316 11,295 31,746 20,834 1990/91 42,127 16,646 25,185 11,775 41,057 18,130 1991/92 46,045 19,000 24,080 11,241 49,768 23,464 1992/93 39,965 16,354 - - 42,047 18,848 1993/94 54,208 24,395 29,836 13,420 - - 1994/95 51,693 22,425 32,895 14,750 66,778 32,105 1995/96 65,772 23,408 31,183 13,720 82,529 35,680 1996/97 67,163 22,685 29,696 13,012 74,723 31,610 1997/98 69,426 25,899 29,715 14,137 82,717 35,502 1998/99 91,745 35,846 36,950 17,219 99,965 43,736 1999/00 89,871 35,423 39,470 18,119 109,526 41,198 2000/01 87,974 33,259 37,706 17,018 102,030 42,043 2001/02 99,993 38,261 41,315 18,928 127,480 47,784 2002/03 92,381 39,133 45,474 21,677 128,013 52,580

*C.F. Ingemar Carlson replaced by C.F. Ingemar Carlson II in 1991/92

Ferry Routes: 1 - South Indian Lake (South Bay) 2 - Odei River to Split Lake and York Landing 3 - Islandview to Bllodvein and Princess Harbor 4 - PR 373 - Norway House 5 - Matheson Island 6 - PR 374 - Cross Lake

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Ferry Traffic History. Retrieved September 22, 2003.

219 Northern Manitoba Ferry Operation Dates History

M.V. Charles Robert M.V. Joe Keeper M.V. Edgar Wood Year Start Up Shut Down Start Up Shut Down Start Up Shut Down 1985 5-Jul 6-Nov 27-May 28-Oct 14-Jun 28-Oct 1986 6-Jun 2-Nov 16-Jun 1-Oct 20-May 24-Oct 1987 21-May 6-Nov 25-May 30-Oct 14-May 16-Oct 1988 29-May 30-Oct 6-Jun 21-Oct 20-May 18-Oct 1989 28-May 20-Oct 12-Jun 31-Oct 23-May 25-Oct 1990 3-Jun 30-Oct 12-Jun 26-Oct 24-May 26-Oct 1991 4-Jun 26-Oct 12-Jun 20-Oct 21-May 24-Oct 1992 29-May 4-Nov 22-May 16-Oct 20-May 26-Oct 1993 25-May 29-Oct 26-May 15-Oct 25-May 22-Oct 1994 6-Jun 16-Nov 6-Jun 4-Nov 30-May 27-Oct 1995 30-May 3-Nov 5-Jun 27-Oct 26-May 27-Oct 1996 7-Jun 2-Nov 10-Jun 1-Nov 8-Jun 29-Oct 1997 31-May 3-Nov 2-Jun 24-Oct 27-May 30-Oct 1998 9-May 12-Nov 18-May 3-Nov 29-Apr 28-Oct 1999 13-May 15-Nov 17-May 8-Nov 10-May 29-Oct 2000 18-May 9-Nov 29-May 6-Nov 3-May 20-Oct 2001 21-May 18-Nov 28-May 8-Nov 28-May 31-Oct 2002 10-Jun 31-Jan-03 13-Jun 21-Oct 30-May 25-Oct

C.F. James Apetagon C.F. Ingemar Carlson II* C.F. Alfred Settee Sr. Year Start Up Shut Down Start Up Shut Down Start Up Shut Down 1985 3-May 9-Nov - - 25-Apr 17-Nov 1986 3-May 7-Nov - - 27-Apr 14-Nov 1987 27-Apr 19-Nov - - 15-Apr 16-Dec 1988 3-May 17-Nov - - 1-May 28-Nov 1989 4-May 15-Nov - - 3-May 19-Nov 1990 11-May 12-Nov - - 8-May 24-Nov 1991 1-May 7-Nov 14-Apr 5-Nov 21-Apr 21-Nov 1992 7-May 28-Nov 16-Apr 7-Dec 29-Apr 6-Dec 1993 19-Apr 22-Nov 9-Apr 5-Dec 7-Apr 22-Nov 1994 30-Apr 26-Nov 18-Apr 10-Dec 23-Apr 8-Dec 1995 27-Apr 24-Nov 13-Apr 25-Nov 27-Mar 29-Nov 1996 2-May 18-Dec 25-Apr 22-Nov 26-Apr 21-Dec 1997 29-Apr 19-Dec 24-Apr 21-Dec 21-Apr 2-Jan-98 1998 11-Apr 20-Dec 3-Apr 20-Dec 28-Feb 26-Dec 1999 4-Apr 19-Dec 5-Apr 19-Dec 17-Apr 19-Dec 2000 30-Mar 9-Dec 22-Mar 8-Dec 23-Mar 20-Dec 2001 17-Apr 24-Dec 11-Apr 29-Dec 12-Apr 20-Jan-02 2002 28-Apr 27-Dec 14-Apr 2-Dec 24-Apr 19-Jan-03

*C.F. Ingemar Carlson replaced by C.F. Ingemar Carlson II in 1991/92

Sources: Manitoba Transportation and Government Services, Ferry History. Retrieved September 22, 2003.



Manitoba Merchandise Exports to the United States State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Alabama All 17,275,268 26,014,790 23,014,794 23,886,226 25,038,726 22,770,868 37,302,447 Road 13,278,555 16,545,354 14,557,275 16,394,688 16,617,244 14,957,916 24,283,405 Rail 2,981,808 9,267,600 8,204,621 7,364,938 8,218,991 7,361,912 12,483,554 Water 0000000 Air 1,014,905 201,836 252,898 126,600 202,491 451,040 535,488 Other 0000000 Alaska All 6,651,938 3,209,768 5,454,558 3,810,629 6,211,444 9,713,724 11,732,691 Road 5,599,014 2,220,977 2,992,658 2,936,637 5,223,899 6,861,133 10,304,622 Rail 522,631 468,046 1,896,668 110,917 372,226 1,311,349 0 Water 0000110,992149,590130,613 Air 519,755 515,059 565,232 763,075 504,327 1,340,460 1,297,456 Other10,5385,68600051,1920 Arizona All 20,872,909 23,321,245 25,127,176 29,065,906 28,866,771 24,648,370 28,392,074 Road 19,427,698 21,164,844 21,646,075 25,631,839 26,150,177 20,415,476 21,471,931 Rail 944,103 824,631 2,617,341 2,661,713 1,269,272 857,908 1,080,078 Water 0000000 Air 501,108 1,331,770 863,760 772,354 1,447,322 3,374,986 5,840,065 Other 0000000 Arkansas All 36,273,071 46,061,747 38,316,808 27,260,109 32,174,513 37,145,792 57,094,389 Road 27,265,220 36,720,287 34,935,250 22,518,240 29,417,481 36,327,654 49,178,518 Rail 8,910,862 9,272,600 3,338,288 4,720,327 2,702,809 810,634 7,809,231 Water 0000000 Air 96,989 68,860 43,270 21,542 54,223 7,504 106,640 Other 0000000 California All 192,975,613 255,689,206 286,852,124 225,704,027 235,974,633 263,461,014 348,184,280 Road 141,166,754 176,417,877 190,075,151 170,531,715 192,237,224 220,890,298 240,346,408 Rail 35,981,283 41,792,599 59,021,105 47,952,242 34,289,578 34,933,250 37,061,401 Water 2,244,199 7,953,449 8,553,959 0 370,010 0 64,717,760 Air 13,583,377 27,432,502 29,201,909 7,220,070 9,077,821 7,637,466 6,058,711 Other 02,092,77900000 Colorado All 74,891,605 72,053,803 80,956,369 115,172,636 161,645,327 139,290,663 125,312,540 Road 33,583,168 39,971,748 40,646,818 38,530,545 86,247,005 62,644,140 55,221,025 Rail 40,782,326 31,528,409 39,933,671 75,178,917 72,734,711 69,707,610 61,323,577 Water 0000000 Air 526,111 553,646 375,880 463,197 363,718 265,287 2,809,682 Other 0 0 0 999,977 2,299,893 6,673,626 5,958,256 Connecticut All 9,853,142 20,342,383 9,501,551 10,927,245 13,274,989 15,582,737 14,249,172 Road 7,019,459 17,534,529 5,447,635 8,302,074 10,158,680 12,194,444 10,997,646 Rail 2,633,239 2,487,375 3,851,088 2,435,378 2,996,366 2,722,037 3,166,226 Water 0000000 Air 200,444 320,479 202,828 189,793 119,943 666,256 85,300 Other 0000000 Delaware All 6,891,972 7,220,428 11,726,562 3,696,928 3,427,641 4,959,193 11,690,389 Road 6,120,922 7,086,086 3,424,857 3,482,142 3,343,794 4,838,259 11,502,658 Rail 734,640 68,445 57,881 201,256 65,886 32,931 49,651 Water 008,181,1810000 Air 36,410 65,897 62,643 13,530 17,961 88,003 138,080 Other 0000000 Dist. of Columbia All 1,093,878 3,771,964 6,548,737 4,693,157 2,389,908 2,219,518 1,040,662 Road 1,067,926 3,743,740 6,530,995 4,685,823 2,373,491 2,155,162 975,418 Rail 0000000 Water 0000000 Air 25,952 28,224 17,742 7,334 16,417 64,356 65,244 Other 0000000 Florida All 40,899,204 69,962,149 85,991,086 160,476,038 168,819,980 243,663,691 237,459,718 Road 34,060,878 56,718,292 73,075,403 150,840,250 153,019,946 217,450,266 209,314,709 Rail 4,357,111 6,412,186 4,395,025 7,639,356 12,794,402 21,460,683 20,808,922 Water 000020,532145,9380 Air 2,481,215 6,831,671 8,520,658 1,996,432 2,985,100 4,606,804 7,336,087 Other 0000000

221 State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Georgia All 53,844,044 60,988,661 48,735,089 50,209,010 59,714,354 72,153,661 79,111,490 Road 39,192,663 54,077,259 39,964,181 43,676,215 50,823,500 59,613,563 62,395,699 Rail 13,681,605 6,304,445 7,694,944 5,808,384 8,172,506 9,424,356 14,316,479 Water 0000000 Air 969,776 606,957 1,075,964 724,411 718,348 3,115,742 2,399,312 Other 0000000 Hawaii All 2,721,060 2,078,173 2,300,243 2,300,106 2,492,179 1,255,913 4,602,247 Road 942,379 842,320 634,544 779,301 1,012,127 1,061,935 2,232,871 Rail 00066,031000 Water 1,684,931 1,149,795 1,525,450 1,088,395 1,349,328 0 2,273,926 Air 93,750 86,058 140,249 366,379 130,724 193,978 95,450 Other 0000000 Idaho All 20,338,461 23,776,548 32,033,129 25,118,072 22,253,037 18,723,792 29,535,045 Road 16,487,807 16,282,383 21,507,254 15,437,879 17,662,886 17,256,885 21,039,407 Rail 3,754,902 7,411,194 10,312,060 9,121,867 4,354,482 1,401,801 6,907,041 Water 0000000 Air 95,752 82,971 213,815 558,326 235,669 65,106 1,588,597 Other 0000000 Illinois All 307,255,241 399,249,072 408,778,926 392,727,416 455,739,436 371,599,213 349,129,199 Road 191,194,271 218,049,646 216,232,987 244,131,549 307,292,886 270,564,094 259,144,464 Rail 114,753,572 173,008,178 187,091,836 123,082,531 108,111,570 90,631,404 86,486,848 Water 02,613,83500000 Air 1,307,398 1,914,468 2,337,034 1,843,210 1,570,871 1,547,061 1,318,474 Other 0 3,662,945 3,117,069 23,670,126 38,764,109 8,856,654 2,179,413 Indiana All 55,470,283 56,278,727 76,793,605 94,764,170 73,785,246 61,099,843 97,831,390 Road 46,593,024 52,716,488 71,124,306 85,357,976 63,155,448 52,886,407 80,920,751 Rail 6,415,422 2,965,373 4,359,136 8,441,922 9,786,370 7,846,171 16,089,924 Water 0000000 Air 855,162 596,866 1,310,163 964,272 843,428 367,265 820,715 Other1,606,675000000 Iowa All 116,407,789 157,155,181 155,886,616 155,753,696 204,014,506 200,354,945 259,824,726 Road 99,079,924 131,780,492 131,827,229 132,574,464 174,656,453 168,272,321 220,444,418 Rail 17,025,662 23,148,987 21,290,285 20,500,924 28,533,427 31,822,332 39,103,561 Water 0000000 Air 302,203 279,258 674,478 413,114 242,185 260,292 276,747 Other 0 1,946,444 2,094,624 2,265,194 582,441 0 0 Kansas All 50,829,977 98,069,157 162,484,654 166,534,639 122,107,236 125,471,316 111,365,683 Road 47,286,767 95,678,431 157,087,989 159,615,204 116,833,359 121,759,240 107,476,961 Rail 1,655,940 2,130,163 4,778,167 6,547,010 5,088,849 3,370,166 3,472,279 Water 0000000 Air 1,887,270 180,474 439,968 137,067 107,821 313,468 416,443 Other 0 80,089 178,530 235,358 77,207 28,442 0 Kentucky All 21,813,929 28,061,760 36,344,380 44,757,096 44,301,100 46,449,831 46,669,926 Road 18,615,274 22,236,599 27,391,459 32,146,746 29,833,464 31,222,952 24,259,865 Rail 3,058,817 5,534,098 8,856,494 12,420,938 14,313,520 14,634,475 21,821,797 Water 0000000 Air 139,838 291,063 96,427 189,412 154,116 592,404 588,264 Other 0000000 Louisiana All 15,880,006 20,392,634 18,315,584 18,373,402 19,890,462 27,143,407 88,834,071 Road 11,108,027 14,335,835 12,972,638 14,673,838 12,350,401 13,769,847 15,697,608 Rail 3,345,091 4,527,665 3,753,452 3,053,985 6,997,388 12,598,365 21,795,382 Water 00000050,729,933 Air 1,426,888 1,529,134 1,589,494 645,579 542,673 775,195 611,148 Other 0000000 Maine All 5,667,199 9,803,778 10,677,801 9,578,170 11,856,853 40,344,157 47,624,092 Road 4,984,580 8,803,584 9,578,761 8,496,308 6,964,078 36,080,992 28,018,190 Rail 671,656 956,472 999,176 1,042,341 4,874,989 4,226,785 19,580,544 Water 0000000 Air 10,963 43,722 99,864 39,521 17,786 36,380 25,358 Other 0000000 Maryland All 20,325,390 21,324,505 26,621,672 23,245,502 25,795,563 24,706,128 28,070,136 Road 16,587,227 18,495,132 23,555,541 18,643,256 21,544,218 21,894,286 25,577,437 Rail 3,407,256 1,863,990 2,544,875 4,252,191 4,106,359 2,259,693 1,625,257 Water 0000000 Air 330,907 965,383 521,256 350,055 136,859 552,149 867,442 Other 00008,12700

222 State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Massachusetts All 26,459,809 41,395,231 45,089,282 33,391,748 30,090,181 32,866,411 34,437,478 Road 19,181,986 19,986,153 24,329,151 21,823,001 25,866,807 29,971,470 29,117,268 Rail 4,168,366 19,208,482 18,151,750 10,937,482 1,321,549 2,676,769 4,859,299 Water 0000000 Air 3,109,457 2,200,596 2,608,381 631,265 2,901,825 218,172 460,911 Other 0000000 Michigan All 119,583,366 304,680,018 474,152,103 460,108,038 337,678,438 473,478,223 489,213,453 Road 69,771,700 80,105,321 93,621,424 98,904,223 94,148,426 95,512,464 82,421,109 Rail 44,037,578 216,888,204 376,147,121 359,744,077 242,355,980 376,485,587 405,256,172 Water 000029,1873930 Air 5,774,088 7,666,850 4,383,558 1,459,738 1,144,845 1,479,779 1,536,172 Other 019,64300000 Minnesota All 938,883,065 1,038,536,843 1,105,723,150 1,195,506,906 1,345,043,504 1,577,378,340 1,352,656,581 Road 547,107,657 658,777,297 704,569,479 778,561,090 863,707,928 931,687,392 865,747,886 Rail 72,934,433 94,372,680 83,532,040 97,020,061 100,449,723 102,553,731 89,658,537 Water 6,251,096 4,650,974 3,991,624 4,320,046 1,615,433 2,459,817 1,083,849 Air 7,772,431 4,929,179 6,975,668 4,449,245 4,000,051 3,833,702 2,720,910 Other 304,817,448 275,806,713 306,654,339 311,156,464 375,270,369 536,843,698 393,445,399 Mississippi All 6,234,746 8,754,859 7,431,867 7,861,127 6,827,118 11,801,989 19,779,563 Road 5,433,406 7,006,849 6,256,716 6,528,574 5,253,256 10,687,453 18,224,234 Rail 770,341 1,710,310 1,132,339 1,263,467 1,482,612 807,050 1,154,168 Water 0000000 Air 30,999 37,700 42,812 69,086 91,250 307,486 401,161 Other 0000000 Missouri All 46,009,679 65,366,445 87,602,661 93,842,758 86,773,499 89,805,778 86,915,340 Road 35,862,915 51,238,961 72,399,147 68,410,213 68,952,595 67,817,887 60,212,744 Rail 8,817,980 12,297,516 14,725,157 24,970,960 17,643,429 19,153,348 26,412,625 Water 541,141 814,466 229,569 76,673 0 2,652,827 0 Air 787,643 992,210 226,161 290,901 134,333 181,716 289,971 Other 0 23,292 22,627 94,011 43,142 0 0 Montana All 90,324,941 165,088,806 88,096,554 84,439,199 254,633,483 202,219,495 87,978,261 Road 26,225,059 30,878,487 21,568,175 29,215,471 40,332,485 47,186,120 27,506,861 Rail 1,891,414 4,106,936 5,291,280 11,204,801 10,673,550 10,660,967 13,510,495 Water 0000000 Air 94,257 174,473 21,865 124,593 204,361 516,653 95,881 Other 62,114,211 129,928,910 61,215,234 43,894,334 203,423,087 143,855,755 46,865,024 Nebraska All 114,752,620 155,825,516 189,107,015 161,045,866 172,255,785 219,880,611 206,022,765 Road 92,856,142 136,165,078 171,737,502 145,772,191 158,486,886 209,795,169 198,526,500 Rail 21,103,446 19,522,715 16,418,962 14,399,181 13,275,903 9,783,635 7,316,565 Water401,624000000 Air 391,408 115,584 131,396 97,954 201,774 285,807 179,700 Other 0 22,139 819,155 776,540 291,222 16,000 0 Nevada All 13,209,837 12,894,778 8,493,091 11,250,002 11,351,376 13,178,287 15,903,181 Road 7,391,050 8,927,584 6,580,202 11,068,472 10,963,416 12,279,462 15,499,435 Rail 5,582,875 3,725,473 1,792,630 75,294 191,438 437,764 163,270 Water 0000000 Air 235,912 241,721 120,259 106,236 196,522 461,061 240,476 Other 0000000 New Hampshire All 19,597,679 22,990,679 21,350,902 18,438,045 16,003,230 7,145,070 9,066,455 Road 19,195,471 22,878,151 21,192,043 18,141,896 14,222,132 6,728,344 8,831,979 Rail 155,147 70,611 122,193 206,594 1,755,424 364,325 172,124 Water 0000000 Air 247,061 41,917 36,666 89,555 25,674 52,401 62,352 Other 0000000 New Jersey All 56,847,842 52,794,184 53,357,734 78,736,531 87,642,437 93,260,606 94,409,817 Road 28,831,693 29,782,520 29,897,794 50,531,825 64,224,462 74,086,107 75,386,010 Rail 25,610,930 19,590,756 20,608,472 21,253,535 21,470,539 18,163,564 16,609,636 Water 0006,023,340000 Air 2,405,219 3,420,908 2,851,468 927,831 1,947,436 1,010,935 2,414,171 Other 0000000 New Mexico All 4,368,815 4,232,589 6,003,813 5,532,428 6,742,473 6,984,379 21,344,956 Road 3,924,745 3,885,771 4,107,014 4,137,880 5,775,243 6,043,859 13,560,608 Rail 253,664 75,037 1,691,026 693,066 836,384 886,247 7,651,157 Water 0000000 Air 190,406 271,781 205,773 701,482 130,846 54,273 133,191 Other 0000000 New York All 71,822,291 78,385,700 76,777,040 104,554,952 126,779,323 144,439,395 144,186,799 Road 60,305,607 56,611,397 59,237,633 84,938,273 99,712,016 110,290,973 130,721,931 Rail 6,671,928 12,947,021 11,548,915 13,177,867 12,129,650 7,872,339 11,538,399 Water 2,233,905 4,678,644 1,012,281 633,673 0 907,497 0 Air 2,610,851 4,148,638 4,978,211 5,805,139 14,937,657 25,368,586 1,926,469 Other 0000000

223 State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 North Carolina All 40,100,839 49,440,808 49,402,918 60,954,209 72,483,067 72,063,177 87,093,283 Road 26,750,416 29,853,968 29,441,113 37,603,678 56,657,492 58,109,620 80,516,341 Rail 11,932,325 17,536,982 17,600,071 19,501,398 10,864,443 9,769,752 4,191,359 Water 00000375,4620 Air 1,418,098 2,049,858 2,361,734 3,849,133 4,961,132 3,808,343 2,385,583 Other 0000000 North Dakota All 522,223,725 511,002,932 532,194,578 526,784,422 587,377,676 541,076,418 607,855,113 Road 486,260,730 479,584,620 504,512,881 507,392,165 572,635,336 528,890,916 594,538,136 Rail 20,593,596 19,069,462 20,768,910 14,071,114 8,798,096 11,786,202 12,911,729 Water 00231,2320000 Air 130,050 298,042 154,839 257,036 305,854 399,300 405,248 Other 15,239,349 12,050,808 6,526,716 5,064,107 5,638,390 0 0 Ohio All 104,121,584 111,009,196 124,926,692 117,511,751 120,136,577 134,255,937 154,541,093 Road 47,103,527 60,374,422 64,314,830 67,681,420 85,100,153 98,177,658 117,397,879 Rail 48,076,390 38,860,124 55,991,768 41,630,488 26,721,081 27,012,240 32,751,859 Water 7,756,997 10,847,086 3,526,010 7,576,658 7,186,947 7,327,959 0 Air 1,184,670 927,564 1,094,084 623,185 1,128,396 1,738,080 2,023,673 Other 0000002,367,682 Oklahoma All 16,740,299 20,292,515 22,803,003 13,979,263 27,040,638 46,487,956 87,377,420 Road 15,229,481 18,463,540 18,295,855 11,573,050 22,562,212 43,888,513 84,741,018 Rail 1,149,194 1,400,675 4,224,813 2,274,184 4,123,713 2,324,782 2,432,840 Water 0000000 Air 361,624 428,300 282,335 132,029 354,713 274,661 203,562 Other 0000000 Oregon All 28,353,266 32,960,954 38,653,444 43,179,309 48,108,262 56,085,302 47,268,801 Road 22,893,881 22,815,074 29,156,426 27,805,468 36,913,766 47,714,576 35,526,001 Rail 5,119,778 9,021,683 8,945,963 12,206,359 10,414,807 7,310,933 11,251,950 Water 0000000 Air 339,607 665,684 551,055 953,844 779,689 1,059,793 490,850 Other 0458,51302,213,638000 Other State All 42,570,915 45,676,717 77,302,468 103,767,173 117,766,819 118,237,585 113,331,355 Road319,255191,447701,6913,107000 Rail22,07802,033,5472,408,909000 Water 0000000 Air 03,39527,5330000 Other 42,229,582 45,481,875 74,539,697 101,355,157 117,766,819 118,237,585 113,331,355 Pennsylvania All 419,607,975 302,925,982 294,459,012 448,210,790 323,285,215 482,045,002 635,970,737 Road 78,198,107 73,095,376 93,984,055 87,601,719 142,446,111 138,655,076 161,309,185 Rail 5,106,391 6,696,433 4,564,458 9,835,779 11,639,710 21,359,168 12,915,396 Water 0000000 Air 9,047,353 4,843,770 19,051,810 18,624,583 1,380,958 1,390,360 3,044,696 Other 327,256,124 218,290,403 176,858,689 332,148,709 167,818,436 320,640,398 458,701,460 Puerto Rico All 8,811,138 8,124,839 13,404,987 6,873,721 11,113,165 8,736,354 9,387,772 Road 1,640,423 2,158,215 3,045,793 726,190 1,706,230 2,917,985 2,738,999 Rail 32,087 33,482 171,482 2,790 612,035 214,058 59,604 Water 6,755,643 5,181,034 8,306,429 5,413,074 8,423,267 5,118,755 6,073,229 Air 382,985 752,108 1,881,283 731,667 371,633 485,556 515,940 Other 0000000 Rhode Island All 828,333 1,074,605 1,054,342 1,473,552 3,620,231 3,483,769 2,948,121 Road 803,830 1,002,557 1,011,843 1,390,746 3,045,529 3,375,976 2,752,156 Rail 0 0 0 72,814 558,189 88,208 181,833 Water 0000000 Air 24,503 72,048 42,499 9,992 16,513 19,585 14,132 Other 0000000 South Carolina All 4,946,501 8,817,627 8,371,273 9,141,593 18,228,634 23,780,630 24,730,798 Road 4,243,356 7,486,085 4,763,228 7,167,783 15,597,974 22,132,770 22,917,218 Rail 399,421 821,530 3,019,648 1,771,071 2,478,555 1,105,452 1,436,026 Water 0000000 Air 303,724 510,012 588,397 202,739 152,105 542,408 377,554 Other 0000000 South Dakota All 132,010,365 115,407,757 111,973,297 135,644,404 150,117,236 152,385,297 149,449,926 Road 130,740,144 111,710,817 110,921,244 132,607,024 143,469,521 148,594,571 147,604,454 Rail 1,132,966 2,309,839 475,770 1,943,947 4,406,727 3,520,910 1,685,499 Water 0000000 Air 108,390 134,890 97,209 114,352 52,368 269,816 159,973 Other 28,865 1,252,211 479,074 979,081 2,188,620 0 0

224 State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Tennessee All 54,422,488 63,475,424 80,866,281 94,262,331 93,331,555 96,192,097 122,338,751 Road 17,474,480 23,240,405 30,198,113 44,146,066 48,248,234 40,180,583 44,399,974 Rail 35,296,113 38,285,771 49,588,042 47,489,229 43,586,132 52,232,199 69,549,717 Water 0000000 Air 1,651,895 1,949,248 1,080,126 2,625,749 1,497,189 3,779,315 8,361,060 Other 0 0 0 1,287 0 0 28,000 Texas All 152,268,388 153,772,828 166,348,403 216,139,554 240,912,364 241,438,068 250,744,323 Road 81,708,142 92,742,734 95,337,415 134,662,205 148,712,553 152,255,456 140,969,954 Rail 29,048,321 34,864,060 38,816,201 51,820,258 44,015,558 34,620,104 48,658,392 Water 9,310,716 4,414,375 0 128,232 0 0 6,929,040 Air 5,069,807 4,984,897 5,084,987 4,759,193 5,092,350 4,770,101 4,005,894 Other 27,131,402 16,766,762 27,109,800 24,769,666 43,091,903 49,792,407 50,181,043 U.S. Virgin Is. All 179,110 300,360 0 26,662 180,846 112,738 340,875 Road 174,748 277,970 0 26,662 133,080 77,969 298,323 Rail 0000000 Water 0 22,390 0 0 23,309 34,769 42,552 Air 4,362 0 0 0 24,457 0 0 Other 0000000 Utah All 18,057,488 30,267,090 39,281,662 36,808,262 49,788,777 56,807,396 51,717,400 Road 9,937,804 21,469,088 24,370,654 23,636,604 27,992,551 30,925,399 25,370,429 Rail 7,373,687 8,459,033 14,717,714 12,989,106 21,694,110 25,076,345 26,219,849 Water 0000000 Air 745,997 338,969 193,294 182,552 102,116 805,652 127,122 Other 0000000 Vermont All 1,797,515 2,822,499 2,314,874 2,957,655 3,634,130 3,070,768 3,596,973 Road 1,714,560 1,929,455 1,990,860 2,437,271 2,763,086 2,714,927 3,527,916 Rail 52,459 874,109 294,056 351,053 815,835 227,756 0 Water 0000000 Air 30,496 18,935 29,958 103,300 55,209 128,085 69,057 Other 00066,031000 Virginia All 13,624,397 40,941,844 71,998,637 71,743,423 105,340,320 47,490,056 48,698,550 Road 8,223,330 34,386,200 59,979,409 64,390,732 63,362,146 34,481,888 28,434,705 Rail 4,793,305 5,815,962 11,149,914 6,999,860 14,386,887 11,509,582 20,104,257 Water 0 0 0 0 27,124,191 1,127,017 0 Air 607,762 739,682 869,314 352,831 467,096 371,569 159,588 Other 0000000 Washington, state All 198,754,607 260,240,868 392,535,048 410,142,874 384,190,095 383,403,146 248,411,028 Road 176,970,577 233,223,249 375,254,295 394,698,523 317,729,728 342,745,542 234,732,635 Rail 10,420,168 16,987,161 6,590,191 7,454,633 17,240,527 24,816,435 10,142,298 Water 10,270,242 8,117,722 7,548,107 1,407,849 1,164,399 1,785,151 0 Air 1,093,620 973,161 1,573,765 817,061 1,263,631 1,471,953 1,551,218 Other 0 939,575 1,568,690 5,764,808 46,791,810 12,584,065 1,984,877 West Virginia All 7,459,511 5,912,795 18,289,533 9,180,010 15,306,747 16,870,307 22,312,870 Road 4,730,319 2,734,070 15,091,871 7,386,568 14,436,595 16,651,340 22,123,438 Rail 2,677,370 3,108,159 3,154,923 1,723,983 740,084 120,993 177,712 Water 0000000 Air 51,822 70,566 42,739 69,459 130,068 97,974 11,720 Other 0000000 Wisconsin All 145,861,802 225,036,138 278,236,447 279,509,873 352,917,435 329,287,375 314,942,703 Road 104,709,695 156,871,276 186,413,977 200,472,228 230,327,980 252,727,854 228,470,543 Rail 24,695,654 43,227,933 58,505,894 57,825,374 57,713,121 61,173,277 64,696,757 Water 1,388,551 1,068,018 174,0350000 Air 609,256 552,558 569,805 809,488 609,379 1,100,088 1,535,476 Other 14,458,646 23,316,353 32,572,736 20,402,783 64,266,955 14,286,156 20,239,927 Wyoming All 9,665,378 36,258,800 28,409,608 64,238,400 47,126,667 79,275,237 44,674,816 Road 5,078,653 4,275,551 4,699,417 6,319,581 6,082,009 4,585,713 5,487,707 Rail 4,585,288 1,737,240 1,017,949 1,979,345 720,523 1,558,943 638,640 Water 0000000 Air 1,437 8,113 3,686 0 45,772 105,746 20,460 Other 0 30,237,896 22,688,556 55,939,474 40,278,363 73,024,835 38,528,009 US Total All 4,508,732,293 5,381,533,905 6,068,473,183 6,495,291,011 6,973,601,207 7,517,780,975 7,604,703,724 Road 2,921,654,426 3,495,551,591 3,974,190,256 4,277,148,588 4,718,485,699 4,965,008,302 4,990,417,587 Rail 670,122,619 983,597,835 1,227,789,312 1,191,901,247 1,034,900,015 1,163,086,527 1,279,289,916 Water 48,839,045 51,511,788 43,279,877 26,667,940 47,417,595 22,085,175 131,980,902 Air 73,223,363 88,489,655 106,768,202 67,776,491 64,197,005 82,710,158 69,204,874 Other 794,892,840 762,383,036 716,445,536 931,796,745 1,108,600,893 1,284,890,813 1,133,810,445

225 Manitoba Merchandise Imports from the United States State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Alabama All 51,511,559 49,284,866 44,525,617 41,733,991 51,187,641 53,903,889 62,374,527 Road 43,912,657 35,373,911 36,963,924 35,312,531 45,733,890 47,394,152 56,173,790 Rail 5,118,581 9,503,105 4,595,122 3,741,908 3,271,701 1,966,012 3,488,336 Water 000061600 Air 2,463,103 4,399,127 2,966,470 2,672,897 2,172,222 4,441,968 2,702,055 Other 17,218 8,723 101 6,655 9,212 101,757 10,346 Alaska All 3,540,820 2,248,408 2,488,355 934,141 1,623,167 1,352,861 940,743 Road 1,546,441 1,095,907 853,563 624,535 578,026 296,056 238,387 Rail1,443,152474,51600048,5090 Water 0000000 Air 548,352 495,734 1,634,792 309,606 1,045,141 1,008,034 680,119 Other2,875182,25100026222,237 Arizona All 19,766,282 35,053,858 56,320,684 68,926,996 104,876,587 83,470,866 74,141,425 Road 7,933,131 21,504,733 44,179,892 49,897,396 70,471,781 34,779,393 30,841,544 Rail 69,976 0 300,687 0 0 778,081 470,268 Water 0 0 0 5,687 1,884 4,988 0 Air 11,759,389 13,540,197 11,814,949 19,005,917 34,384,986 47,662,765 42,820,213 Other 3,786 8,928 25,156 17,996 17,936 245,639 9,400 Arkansas All 51,495,557 57,902,271 67,656,077 57,601,924 61,212,778 63,633,386 71,458,028 Road 38,603,248 45,351,403 51,196,466 48,900,687 57,694,122 59,450,773 69,188,606 Rail 11,678,413 11,091,473 14,464,773 8,196,868 3,079,039 2,909,741 1,748,885 Water2,144000000 Air 761,884 1,163,275 1,994,225 502,834 428,969 1,159,974 504,184 Other 449,868 296,120 613 1,535 10,648 112,898 16,353 California All 194,126,525 222,215,370 266,103,784 259,973,223 254,109,553 255,610,256 226,162,766 Road 126,481,966 146,078,419 176,372,506 186,760,588 188,214,887 187,206,604 159,564,999 Rail 4,794,080 7,416,209 532,229 478,722 4,342,166 1,655,882 535,426 Water 0 8,194 678 40,854 5,486 1,771 3,293 Air 62,675,264 68,443,418 89,075,220 72,192,594 61,418,173 66,150,200 65,808,178 Other 175,215 269,130 123,151 500,465 128,841 595,799 250,870 Colorado All 26,543,360 35,563,899 31,556,869 37,922,146 60,600,778 65,498,148 45,693,880 Road 21,744,183 25,110,797 27,894,696 34,024,079 55,273,206 44,492,774 33,259,215 Rail 181,359 1,792,634 432,432 343,790 2,883,564 13,988,046 9,744,536 Water 0000000 Air 4,585,767 8,568,450 3,210,981 3,527,849 2,431,327 6,930,284 2,681,105 Other 32,051 92,018 18,760 26,428 12,681 87,044 9,024 Connecticut All 26,305,776 30,930,646 33,150,337 63,131,897 55,875,768 49,576,466 43,848,588 Road 18,965,423 22,685,579 25,621,012 32,250,697 33,216,472 44,309,148 38,912,779 Rail 3,719,369 3,126,318 1,631,406 26,152,183 18,291,228 779,466 595,618 Water 01,4050589000 Air 3,602,156 5,050,601 5,885,841 4,717,172 4,358,491 4,276,022 4,334,413 Other 18,828 66,743 12,078 11,256 9,577 211,830 5,778 Delaware All 44,532,138 36,803,969 29,197,419 34,175,830 23,214,647 12,842,056 15,481,871 Road 40,850,876 34,020,899 25,022,169 29,863,037 22,329,471 12,479,033 15,248,717 Rail 1,973,379 1,798,175 3,855,537 335,011 535,614 9,918 3,868 Water 00001,39700 Air 1,705,573 977,858 319,713 3,977,278 347,628 351,300 228,839 Other 2,310 7,037 0 504 537 1,805 447 Dist. of Columbia All 1,768,115 1,440,292 1,135,710 754,198 6,293,839 3,738,207 805,764 Road 1,758,811 1,385,154 1,087,447 688,352 6,265,980 3,586,309 769,372 Rail 0000000 Water 0000000 Air 9,304 53,220 48,155 65,045 27,859 24,794 35,003 Other 0 1,918 108 801 0 127,104 1,389 Florida All 81,364,116 103,142,878 121,062,248 124,874,374 167,223,897 190,726,029 166,631,202 Road 55,619,252 81,682,654 72,865,365 76,840,951 111,514,452 153,136,153 142,252,206 Rail 15,505,482 7,964,566 28,968,682 26,620,824 36,161,558 22,723,152 12,439,126 Water 1,851 0 2,206 5,132 4,073 0 5,539 Air 10,174,156 13,389,213 19,194,636 21,141,194 19,470,278 14,708,070 11,868,377 Other 63,375 106,445 31,359 266,273 73,536 158,654 65,954

226 State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Georgia All 89,980,704 117,971,863 167,209,941 190,216,292 233,459,037 295,547,843 257,374,948 Road 84,616,028 110,074,400 159,852,294 177,010,656 227,456,840 287,579,392 248,067,615 Rail 2,874,273 3,456,423 2,263,224 2,838,210 1,771,275 2,498,121 3,796,803 Water 0 0 0 0 919 24,860 0 Air 2,448,803 4,354,656 5,078,810 10,327,296 4,149,355 4,300,687 5,178,090 Other 41,600 86,384 15,613 40,130 80,648 1,144,783 332,440 Hawaii All 340,400 140,991 285,977 222,992 408,940 406,433 585,232 Road 112,430 13,802 42,404 42,566 22,633 12,141 115,397 Rail 00000062,363 Water 0000000 Air 227,970 125,577 243,573 180,426 386,307 394,292 407,472 Other 01,61200000 Idaho All 45,533,507 18,348,432 17,834,097 14,195,479 21,366,952 31,192,853 27,072,034 Road 38,528,726 12,074,450 8,863,780 11,266,416 9,988,590 10,806,871 23,910,876 Rail 3,458,052 5,296,930 8,530,066 2,385,904 10,773,070 19,364,616 2,707,785 Water 0000000 Air 3,542,830 967,699 438,934 542,995 604,742 1,009,362 451,558 Other 3,899 9,353 1,317 164 550 12,004 1,815 Illinois All 779,529,795 932,206,728 1,069,685,364 951,967,918 1,038,068,835 1,178,953,901 1,041,892,163 Road 699,437,388 845,000,664 1,001,452,451 896,593,888 982,218,244 1,125,867,686 990,042,221 Rail 68,535,655 70,834,646 56,175,079 41,424,634 42,872,536 40,883,546 35,257,327 Water 14,080 15,043 28,710 1,354,869 248,056 120,037 198,727 Air 11,380,080 16,061,722 11,975,881 12,371,893 12,497,742 11,083,440 16,268,359 Other 162,592 294,653 53,243 222,634 232,257 999,192 125,529 Indiana All 206,199,460 253,145,323 301,069,557 287,739,110 338,223,590 315,099,204 336,425,983 Road 187,149,746 211,280,267 257,141,659 258,124,480 318,062,741 286,989,843 324,734,142 Rail 8,605,046 12,516,307 12,043,608 8,441,576 5,300,486 1,880,237 3,851,557 Water 0 0 0 2,737 9,163 572 1,974 Air 10,358,824 29,234,713 31,863,908 21,017,653 14,676,500 25,377,920 7,715,724 Other 85,844 114,036 20,382 152,664 174,700 850,632 122,586 Iowa All 237,308,113 383,636,673 426,044,417 298,678,623 377,421,110 379,660,051 363,403,411 Road 227,600,054 365,272,920 395,571,801 272,392,957 357,747,004 359,933,973 343,868,026 Rail 7,476,022 14,614,069 27,853,115 23,097,151 15,477,035 16,770,815 17,647,670 Water 0 654 20,460 54,221 21,434 0 4,551 Air 2,211,687 3,676,691 2,555,078 3,109,551 4,070,786 2,426,394 1,715,747 Other 20,350 72,339 43,963 24,743 104,851 528,869 167,417 Kansas All 122,761,057 156,218,761 191,071,339 130,659,164 120,988,020 112,118,301 127,348,459 Road 110,817,273 149,390,412 163,003,044 114,073,993 114,112,021 107,835,839 122,365,206 Rail 1,016,317 2,641,678 3,083,003 3,496,364 3,436,706 1,069,977 841,165 Water 0 0 6,499 8,942 0 207,939 791 Air 10,900,357 4,139,332 24,972,473 13,071,441 3,429,331 2,994,330 4,128,611 Other 27,110 47,339 6,320 8,424 9,962 10,216 12,686 Kentucky All 131,330,177 167,636,794 176,203,157 189,127,751 176,552,076 142,263,020 151,366,499 Road 74,739,681 90,744,082 109,745,893 125,969,514 127,099,515 105,731,347 113,158,708 Rail 1,356,095 525,723 991,033 1,121,006 3,562,745 1,826,896 2,566,665 Water 0 0 6,492 30,692 5,613 0 3,416 Air 55,212,156 76,322,463 65,456,407 61,996,579 45,861,559 34,548,492 35,616,865 Other 22,245 44,526 3,332 9,960 22,644 156,285 20,845 Louisiana All 25,363,974 51,276,261 54,432,796 32,302,983 42,237,004 66,484,847 48,978,161 Road 20,278,719 34,237,877 43,975,636 25,161,781 35,815,107 58,835,394 42,240,027 Rail 4,203,544 5,400,002 8,137,143 6,219,431 4,934,327 5,544,277 5,529,078 Water 08,885,84700000 Air 875,271 2,735,935 2,319,975 919,026 1,485,068 1,983,484 1,188,046 Other 6,440 16,600 42 2,745 2,502 121,692 21,010 Maine All 5,460,527 3,825,949 3,003,241 3,385,930 4,181,748 3,629,022 4,388,802 Road 4,832,925 3,357,620 2,216,040 2,672,478 3,890,894 3,456,144 3,780,146 Rail 75,467 69,641 159,081 422,691 121,405 37,335 56,326 Water 0000000 Air 548,049 393,835 626,004 290,369 168,137 134,622 551,901 Other 4,086 4,853 2,116 392 1,312 921 429 Maryland All 22,978,205 17,330,365 19,826,560 19,963,489 54,967,148 34,691,765 43,197,462 Road 20,559,142 14,598,248 16,491,210 17,941,222 52,686,826 32,004,706 39,774,707 Rail 610,071 266,864 580,623 275,527 21,578 535,094 753,237 Water 0000000 Air 1,792,823 2,439,185 2,750,475 1,729,611 2,249,560 2,082,183 2,653,264 Other 16,169 26,068 4,252 17,129 9,184 69,782 16,254


State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Massachusetts All 52,454,045 41,759,763 48,697,867 62,364,838 72,406,228 74,621,122 77,825,249 Road 36,971,251 27,057,924 30,581,041 39,804,400 48,984,256 57,877,226 59,583,196 Rail 412,618 738,781 701,274 1,210,113 2,142,297 728,934 902,929 Water 0 0 0 0 1,016 0 1,569 Air 15,032,625 13,863,413 17,403,940 21,328,891 21,260,738 15,980,585 17,324,569 Other 37,551 99,645 11,612 21,434 17,921 34,377 12,986 Michigan All 139,046,337 131,169,662 182,096,351 162,448,460 201,876,343 210,803,255 205,907,750 Road 121,698,305 115,851,202 165,770,106 142,172,258 183,365,171 190,901,520 186,821,793 Rail 11,371,740 5,226,759 5,151,260 7,840,038 4,126,080 5,046,242 8,780,267 Water 0 73,886 0 0 0 0 1,184 Air 5,886,088 9,835,248 11,130,352 12,358,411 14,318,914 14,614,279 10,184,769 Other 90,204 182,567 44,633 77,753 66,178 241,214 119,737 Minnesota All 757,065,274 826,378,087 871,863,451 818,881,357 828,879,533 924,859,604 1,016,653,970 Road 731,941,601 791,780,783 841,782,822 784,374,077 798,732,626 885,896,007 952,465,267 Rail 13,243,788 19,212,234 16,268,570 14,997,497 13,824,344 20,793,635 52,351,537 Water 6,874 5,805 31,654 13,998 258,714 44,577 147,957 Air 11,646,037 15,018,784 13,651,729 18,788,371 15,591,193 12,994,505 11,045,546 Other 226,974 360,481 128,676 707,414 472,656 5,130,880 643,663 Mississippi All 19,939,161 24,689,615 33,007,268 26,029,331 29,920,876 35,185,152 36,962,031 Road 17,795,572 23,210,799 30,759,880 23,664,622 26,063,390 31,530,734 32,373,945 Rail 1,913,608 1,137,170 1,654,145 1,728,611 3,131,464 2,397,576 2,621,310 Water 0000000 Air 215,933 329,861 593,019 633,723 726,022 1,194,298 1,966,045 Other 14,048 11,785 224 2,375 0 62,544 731 Missouri All 101,828,496 115,803,317 188,119,568 198,795,359 214,275,975 182,428,345 190,022,633 Road 88,734,645 107,072,181 182,347,452 190,007,704 210,811,361 178,976,074 174,424,564 Rail 10,136,152 5,633,872 2,866,124 5,796,597 833,570 554,447 13,595,824 Water 490 0 1,201 7,705 4,345 2,785 6,572 Air 2,929,581 3,000,445 2,894,164 2,965,206 2,571,187 2,629,277 1,940,436 Other 27,628 96,819 10,627 18,147 55,512 265,762 55,237 Montana All 21,145,471 31,779,024 16,575,925 16,140,651 14,938,354 8,270,278 13,785,340 Road 9,408,683 5,467,189 2,890,516 5,119,335 5,755,478 6,289,426 7,179,515 Rail 11,418,962 26,000,485 13,219,494 10,681,196 8,874,688 1,918,176 6,519,484 Water 0000000 Air 317,826 309,096 463,173 333,611 305,566 43,696 86,049 Other 0 2,254 2,742 6,509 2,622 18,980 292 Nebraska All 70,108,651 81,059,924 88,320,047 92,915,564 93,377,381 89,353,814 78,277,997 Road 69,633,154 79,486,836 86,221,996 90,656,600 90,314,815 84,199,214 72,657,422 Rail 110,714 267,635 1,207,609 482,578 962,931 3,161,584 3,513,322 Water 0 2,696 0 0 2,469 0 0 Air 350,034 1,268,655 882,673 1,761,201 2,086,042 1,857,349 2,093,966 Other 14,749 34,102 7,769 15,185 11,124 135,667 13,287 Nevada All 5,337,967 5,938,248 12,837,304 13,639,001 9,028,656 17,159,448 30,101,714 Road 4,491,856 5,089,335 8,249,034 10,541,634 6,297,366 13,811,436 24,760,257 Rail 0 13,946 0 0 617,001 449,350 4,248 Water 0000000 Air 844,273 823,855 4,584,351 3,091,288 2,112,852 2,887,218 5,337,012 Other 1,838 11,112 3,919 6,079 1,437 11,444 197 New Hampshire All 8,315,515 26,802,880 9,403,937 11,011,544 13,485,081 12,201,055 11,009,642 Road 4,939,300 5,375,436 7,538,168 8,893,327 11,960,079 10,921,399 9,876,580 Rail 118,066 109,802 267,742 145,170 95,696 45,457 31,726 Water 0000000 Air 3,258,149 21,287,851 1,591,960 1,968,079 1,421,102 1,194,137 1,098,873 Other 0 29,791 6,067 4,968 8,204 40,062 2,463 New Jersey All 53,461,447 78,851,623 89,652,489 79,960,681 89,808,727 103,385,431 113,968,980 Road 47,915,090 65,217,348 78,300,939 66,124,947 82,130,249 92,480,273 103,631,931 Rail 663,123 2,676,349 971,907 1,425,298 1,543,987 5,815,777 6,163,813 Water 0 1,911 5,531 233,450 0 720 2,182 Air 4,843,482 10,827,726 10,354,667 12,146,993 6,067,854 4,956,705 4,128,369 Other 39,752 128,289 19,445 29,993 66,637 131,956 42,685 New Mexico All 5,793,423 5,781,146 7,022,648 7,773,847 10,714,685 4,903,688 5,892,838 Road 3,955,118 4,133,888 5,270,633 6,416,930 9,142,724 3,552,537 3,879,843 Rail 481,481 551,909 525,016 688,046 675,771 519,567 1,253,775 Water 0000000 Air 1,353,502 1,082,995 1,226,293 666,808 893,824 824,860 756,049 Other 3,322 12,354 706 2,063 2,366 6,724 3,171

228 State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 New York All 156,327,916 164,715,952 174,178,427 184,779,298 210,253,588 205,691,163 188,141,319 Road 141,750,721 146,221,399 156,185,575 171,998,976 196,237,832 190,622,783 171,423,092 Rail 3,445,134 5,034,041 4,502,704 1,237,760 1,570,759 1,382,310 2,859,236 Water 45,512 0 1,202 1,668 874 31,555 12,600 Air 10,938,225 13,212,974 13,195,069 11,363,298 12,208,891 12,984,491 13,012,121 Other 148,324 247,538 293,877 177,596 235,232 670,024 834,270 North Carolina All 108,123,767 158,772,352 233,263,633 212,551,936 351,003,725 196,740,747 234,455,887 Road 80,620,989 141,806,250 211,615,217 196,760,740 336,856,993 183,614,719 220,764,488 Rail 5,411,542 7,211,924 8,547,705 5,675,265 1,756,088 2,879,660 1,560,129 Water 0 3,083 0 3,691 85,206 0 2,632 Air 22,043,966 9,673,207 13,089,874 10,026,203 12,171,356 9,960,214 12,082,328 Other 47,270 77,888 10,837 86,037 134,082 286,154 46,310 North Dakota All 222,973,036 258,032,876 312,280,156 304,605,072 253,280,855 287,743,547 304,477,118 Road 217,802,746 245,811,553 303,915,300 301,063,470 250,125,198 278,462,460 288,128,495 Rail 2,973,176 3,213,482 2,353,599 1,288,596 930,215 4,641,804 15,150,320 Water 0 4,764 36,274 10,545 11,427 7,325 17,215 Air 1,648,585 8,963,919 5,969,997 1,759,447 1,936,305 3,174,447 657,021 Other 548,529 39,158 4,986 483,014 277,710 1,457,511 524,067 Ohio All 279,471,069 314,937,178 340,311,626 326,996,386 420,253,888 473,058,965 435,995,966 Road 231,944,792 250,115,607 278,005,835 283,230,740 365,309,246 410,841,699 369,399,800 Rail 34,286,717 34,033,634 33,539,065 30,024,988 42,535,344 47,044,133 55,517,067 Water 234,159 4,066 0 82,586 3,784 2,335 4,153 Air 12,910,193 30,428,648 28,726,604 13,560,838 12,269,724 13,562,388 10,979,214 Other 95,208 355,223 40,122 97,234 135,790 1,608,410 95,732 Oklahoma All 41,299,543 47,689,657 47,652,351 42,792,535 52,773,292 74,517,815 53,434,903 Road 35,442,288 40,750,722 39,367,496 34,891,150 48,414,050 71,405,571 51,767,787 Rail 2,481,023 4,987,868 5,611,034 4,029,575 1,837,686 1,480,709 162,073 Water 10,476 0 0 911 772 134,851 0 Air 3,345,886 1,922,516 2,645,222 3,861,207 2,513,136 1,396,766 1,498,733 Other 19,870 28,551 28,599 9,692 7,648 99,918 6,310 Oregon All 31,843,175 30,748,297 34,346,639 41,571,752 39,956,975 30,405,279 42,441,446 Road 27,741,605 26,295,369 29,737,287 36,949,621 32,032,826 24,010,208 37,172,461 Rail 623,551 1,898,452 488,561 409,325 850,800 1,060,640 383,681 Water 0000000 Air 3,455,372 2,537,755 4,102,721 4,176,056 7,056,453 5,250,655 4,839,147 Other 22,647 16,721 18,070 36,750 16,896 83,776 46,157 Other State All 24,215,204 15,464,739 40,855,523 43,912,635 37,816,434 50,709,525 87,931,823 Road 6,250,620 2,106,725 524,545 7,339 40,159 33,273 1,446,773 Rail 0 7,840,647 12,096,872 15,541,476 16,794,136 17,514,435 25,358,021 Water 0000000 Air 379,404 841,947 125,725 83,634 208,391 1,044,508 449,909 Other 17,585,180 4,675,420 28,108,381 28,280,186 20,773,748 32,117,309 60,677,120 Pennsylvania All 213,298,185 246,055,532 316,717,256 283,277,149 320,394,552 365,440,086 338,992,365 Road 184,888,300 210,021,992 261,462,518 270,766,132 303,037,455 340,801,213 324,891,208 Rail 20,726,820 27,053,551 45,218,498 5,123,572 7,632,379 11,081,759 5,535,986 Water 8,103 19,802 87 212 44,760 7,746 6,720 Air 7,613,192 8,694,675 10,020,189 7,359,757 9,635,041 12,976,809 8,461,933 Other 61,770 265,512 15,964 27,476 44,917 572,559 96,518 Puerto Rico All 40,090,082 37,592,970 54,430,620 44,403,552 52,674,615 47,331,224 44,375,950 Road 18,229,721 13,557,331 26,157,601 14,429,651 9,364,294 9,315,235 12,439,353 Rail 0 0 0 193 1,622 0 0 Water 02,5290000155,501 Air 21,860,361 24,027,900 28,273,019 29,973,708 43,308,542 38,013,123 31,781,096 Other 0 5,210 0 0 157 2,866 0 Rhode Island All 3,119,946 4,164,448 6,851,373 9,269,236 12,002,438 12,508,713 14,529,160 Road 2,893,833 3,885,652 6,527,104 8,543,590 11,609,821 12,065,818 14,065,551 Rail 0 0 0 0 0 2,126 2,115 Water2,279000000 Air 208,139 250,606 316,859 717,186 390,024 435,995 456,636 Other 15,695 28,190 7,410 8,460 2,593 4,774 4,858 South Carolina All 55,046,300 71,872,816 88,445,130 94,025,318 109,159,171 103,076,523 110,418,785 Road 52,234,780 66,816,329 82,712,908 89,578,264 104,531,781 97,554,222 106,619,292 Rail 1,926,752 2,186,224 4,106,599 2,507,307 2,899,374 3,187,317 2,635,837 Water 2,303 0 0 0 2,262 157 0 Air 754,050 2,782,301 1,623,246 1,934,147 1,718,796 2,160,227 1,160,329 Other 128,415 87,962 2,377 5,600 6,958 174,600 3,327


State Mode 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 South Dakota All 40,660,429 64,463,925 71,576,585 79,211,001 92,021,264 101,583,266 129,008,069 Road 38,887,940 63,264,468 70,056,924 78,233,395 91,248,226 100,210,412 126,667,570 Rail 18,849 31,199 0 70,322 30,063 165,359 1,998,073 Water 000000462 Air 1,743,882 1,152,834 1,516,874 886,856 728,724 968,675 313,529 Other 9,758 15,424 2,787 20,428 14,251 238,820 28,435 Tennessee All 95,899,903 116,449,753 125,342,744 150,602,327 182,124,035 207,460,964 204,339,684 Road 87,974,889 106,400,100 112,823,739 135,281,306 160,994,944 175,913,286 175,023,265 Rail 3,547,918 5,033,023 4,103,732 10,471,383 12,237,988 12,417,068 14,872,342 Water 0000020,65562,462 Air 4,327,707 4,932,107 8,352,149 4,810,761 8,818,041 18,879,364 14,352,300 Other 49,389 84,523 63,124 38,877 73,062 230,591 29,315 Texas All 214,407,421 273,446,432 318,148,947 343,034,715 469,811,287 528,088,653 513,436,617 Road 144,629,056 205,447,304 263,444,054 261,224,902 327,597,053 384,343,488 352,059,068 Rail 37,022,952 38,244,704 15,061,435 35,382,615 37,054,488 27,647,236 28,293,938 Water 6,117 2,003,172 17,525,759 21,780 1,027 6,479 655 Air 32,591,616 27,541,859 22,106,829 23,380,447 105,105,774 102,268,080 133,034,132 Other 157,680 209,393 10,870 23,024,971 52,945 13,823,370 48,824 U.S. Virgin Is. All 4,755 3,371 4,654 1,924 1,787 2,211 45,594 Road 4,755 1,979 3,523 1,019 597 806 32,510 Rail 0000000 Water 0000000 Air 0 1,392 1,131 808 1,190 1,405 13,084 Other 00097000 Utah All 9,285,250 19,118,181 29,269,795 19,020,912 14,119,165 20,252,606 19,193,542 Road 7,823,220 11,433,170 11,916,438 14,905,423 11,791,724 14,130,204 16,850,142 Rail 61,404 3,607,173 13,415,405 1,440,822 305,455 4,468,161 355,615 Water 0002,483000 Air 1,394,827 4,054,236 3,922,516 2,660,534 1,998,672 1,647,422 1,983,922 Other 5,799 23,602 15,436 11,650 23,314 6,819 3,863 Vermont All 3,163,214 3,321,376 3,386,902 4,831,456 4,238,994 5,457,318 5,983,594 Road 2,421,122 2,457,135 2,203,844 3,176,967 2,969,207 4,047,490 4,853,303 Rail 251,762 344,638 418,381 876,823 563,103 952,234 771,847 Water 0000000 Air 489,508 510,674 764,354 777,366 705,493 457,290 357,287 Other 822 8,929 323 300 1,191 304 1,157 Virginia All 52,471,677 61,105,735 83,481,657 97,190,685 87,838,767 91,932,048 105,398,878 Road 44,523,076 41,201,310 69,904,530 84,640,142 72,473,088 80,886,102 96,540,975 Rail 5,287,934 7,357,419 6,047,144 6,267,243 5,841,939 4,602,756 6,492,018 Water 000004061,587 Air 2,593,297 12,491,526 7,513,912 6,244,278 9,507,433 6,269,653 2,335,812 Other 67,370 55,480 16,071 39,022 16,307 173,131 28,486 Washington, state All 39,219,174 38,807,695 49,445,062 75,590,209 57,861,000 55,597,079 45,011,226 Road 27,401,460 23,398,809 32,675,765 59,373,098 45,813,687 42,542,099 32,304,811 Rail 2,503,063 4,388,229 4,154,855 4,442,932 1,484,281 1,599,220 2,680,370 Water 0 0 7,384 2,064 1,339 2,188 14,581 Air 9,286,069 10,967,899 12,576,973 11,735,077 10,551,448 11,419,741 9,932,262 Other 28,582 52,758 30,085 37,038 10,245 33,831 79,202 West Virginia All 12,981,097 15,856,990 18,439,270 23,447,643 24,617,696 21,849,427 35,374,636 Road 12,702,985 14,960,731 17,473,716 21,366,137 21,847,012 21,067,361 33,858,045 Rail 204,745 232,844 904,947 1,985,029 2,473,409 333,635 1,074,587 Water 0000000 Air 73,367 650,545 60,349 96,477 297,275 442,136 439,654 Other 0 12,870 258 0 0 6,295 2,350 Wisconsin All 346,608,115 423,019,541 470,152,145 460,453,298 523,624,758 512,866,621 580,819,474 Road 319,838,518 405,279,639 444,753,474 447,346,773 512,128,965 500,678,036 566,608,556 Rail 18,077,112 8,711,967 17,701,750 7,327,793 4,279,270 4,235,350 3,852,307 Water 4,297 1,903 15,462 0 1,598 140,653 7,995 Air 8,629,006 8,828,709 7,662,617 5,706,726 7,083,692 6,610,555 10,145,111 Other 59,182 197,323 18,842 72,006 131,233 1,202,027 205,505 Wyoming All 4,902,169 2,939,047 2,900,874 1,854,821 3,474,147 2,261,007 2,006,445 Road 1,360,833 1,655,485 1,492,513 1,345,486 2,710,711 1,920,424 1,579,799 Rail 3,420,538 1,201,575 1,373,698 436,453 234,806 125,278 296,222 Water 0000000 Air 120,798 81,987 34,663 72,882 519,747 205,924 128,627 Other 00008,8839,3811,797 US Total All 5,397,647,381 6,414,916,749 7,448,941,770 7,141,872,944 8,092,107,387 8,398,145,383 8,385,792,573 Road 4,650,940,924 5,502,966,178 6,483,085,745 6,279,302,959 7,201,085,086 7,467,086,486 7,430,657,343 Rail 334,835,577 382,970,815 397,075,968 335,126,416 334,977,067 323,521,656 367,686,058 Water 338,685 11,034,760 17,689,599 1,884,816 718,234 762,599 664,318 Air 390,868,778 508,731,046 521,803,713 470,899,501 531,753,603 542,355,394 521,913,993 Other 20,663,417 9,213,950 29,286,745 54,659,252 23,573,397 64,419,248 64,870,861


Manitoba Merchandise Exports to the US By Mode

8,000 140

, 7,000 d 120 a

o 6,000 , ir R 100

, A r) ( ll ) 5,000 e A

n h ( )

80 t ) l o i n li

4,000 O il o Ra r, li

60 M

e il t 3,000 ( a $ M n (

40 W $ 2,000 d

n C d 20 C 1,000

0 0

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002


All Road Rail Other Water Air

Manitoba Merchandise Imports from the US By Mode

9,000 600

8,000 500

, 7,000 , l ll i a r) A ( e

6,000 400 R )

( h ) n t ) n o O d 5,000

o li a li il 300 r, i


M 4,000 Ro A M ( r, $ ( e $

n 3,000 200 t n d

a d C

2,000 W 100 C 1,000 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Year All Road Rail Water Air Other


Note: CDN = Canadian; MB = Manitoban

Page No. Cargo - Air Winnipeg International Airport 129 Northern MB Airports 136 MB Air Cargo Movement 143 CDN Air Cargo Movement 145

Compensation (see Wages, Salaries, or Compensation)

Employment MB and CDN in Transport Industry 5 MB and CDN in Truck Transport 24 MB and CDN in Small For-hire and Owner Operator Truck Transport 26 MB and CDN in Railway Transport 62 Winnipeg and Brandon Transit 91 MB Urban Transit 92 CDN Urban Transit 95 MB and CDN in Courier Transport 115 CDN Interurban and Rural Transport 116 MB in Air Transport 125 CDN in Oil Pipeline Transport 170 MB and CDN in Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 181 CDN Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, by Subsector 181

Equipment in Service CDN Trucking, by Size of Carrier 38 MB Owner Operators 45 MB Small For-hire Trucking 45 CDN Private Trucking Carriers 46 MB For-hire and Owner Operators, CDN Private Carriers 49 CDN Railway 86 Winnipeg and Brandon Transit 91 Winnipeg Taxis 112 MB Natural Gas Pipelines in Place 162 Natural Gas Compressor Stations 166 MB Oil Pipelines in Place 173 Oil pumping stations by Province 176

Expenditures (see Revenues and Expenditures)

Exports MB by Region 6 MB Agricultural by Region 9 MB Non-Agricultural by Region 10 MB by Industry 11 MB by Section and Chapter 15 MB Interprovincial Trade 19

232 Page No. MB For-hire Trucking to CDN 30 MB For-hire Trucking to U.S. 34 MB For-hire Trucking, Top Five Commodities to U.S. 36 MB by Rail to CDN w/Marine integrated 63 MB Marine by Railway 67 MB by Rail to U.S. Regions 69 MB by Rail, Major Commodities to U.S. (old classification) 77 MB by Rail, Major Commodities to U.S. (new classification) 80 MB Natural Gas Outflows 154 MB Natural Gas to U.S. 156 MB Crude Oil/Pentanes Plus Outflows 172 MB Hydro to U.S. 192

Freight – Trucking or Rail (see Exports and Imports)

Fuel Consumption MB Owner Operators 45 MB Small For-hire 45 CDN Private Carriers 46 MB Class I Railways 84 CDN Railway 85 MB Urban Transit 92 CDN Urban Transit 95 CDN Interurban and Rural 121

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) MB and CDN Total 1 MB and CDN Transportation Industry 1 CDN Truck Transport 22 CDN Railway Transport 60 CDN Urban Transit 90 CDN Interurban and Rural Transport 116 CDN Air Transport 123 CDN Natural Gas Pipeline Transport 153 CDN Crude Oil Pipeline Transport 169 CDN Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 180

Imports MB by Region 7 MB by Industry 13 MB by Section and Chapter 17 MB Interprovincial Trade 20 MB For-hire Trucking from CDN 28 MB For-hire Trucking from U.S. 34 MB by Rail from CDN w/Marine integrated 65 MB Marine by Railway 68 MB by Rail from U.S. 73 MB by Rail, Major Commodities from U.S. (old classification) 79 MB by Rail, Major Commodities from U.S. (new classification) 80 MB Natural Gas Inflows 154 MB Crude Oil/Pentanes Plus Inflows 171 MB Electric Energy Receipts 189

233 Page No. Passengers MB Urban Transit 92 CDN Urban Transit 95 MB School Bus 114 MB School Bus: Urban vs. Rural 114 To Canada by Bus 117 To Manitoba by Bus 118 CDN Interurban and Rural Bus 121 Winnipeg International Airport 127 Northern MB Airports 133 Transport Canada Northern MB Airport Passenger Movement 135 MB Air Passenger Movement 140 CDN Air Passenger Movement 144

Revenues and Expenditures CDN Trucking, by company size 38 MB Small For-hire Trucking 41 MB Owner Operator Trucking 42 CDN Small-For-hire Trucking 43 CDN Owner Operator Trucking 43 CDN Medium to Top For-hire Trucking 44 CDN Railway Operating Revenue 81 CDN Railway Operating Expenses and Income 82 MB Urban Transit 92 CDN Urban Transit Annual Statistics 95 Winnipeg Transit System 98 Brandon Transit System 105 MB School Bus Expenditures 114 MB School Bus Urban vs. Rural Expenditures 114 Courier and Local Messengers 115 CDN Interurban and Rural 121 MB Air Carriers (Levels IB-IV) 145 MB Natural Gas Revenues by Category of Services 160 CDN Natural Gas Industry 167 CDN Oil Pipeline Industry 177 CDN Transport Equipment Manufacturing 187 Manitoba Hydro 194

Salaries (see Wages, Salaries, or Compensation)

Taxes CDN Railway, by Jurisdiction 88 Aircraft Fuel Tax 149 MB Indirect Air Transport Tax 150 Provincial/Territorial Revenues from Fuel Taxation 199 Fuel Taxes by Province and Mode 198

Wages, Salaries, or Compensation MB and CDN Truck Transport 24 CDN Railway Transport 62 Manitoba Urban Transit 92 CDN Urban Transit 95

234 Page No. CDN Interurban and Rural 116 CDN Interurban and Rural 121 MB Air Transport 125 CDN Oil Pipeline Transport 170 CDN Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 182 CDN Transportation Equipment Manufacturing by Type of Employee 183



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