Establishing a Counter Terrorism Force
Comprehensive review of NAP Establishing a Counter Terrorism Force Farhan Zahid Dr. Farhan Zahid is an expert of counter-terrorism and Islamist militant groups in Pakistan. His book Roots of Islamic Violent Activism in South Asia was published in 2014. any efforts similar to NAP NISP called for establishing a similar M were made in the past. In May force by the name of “federal rapid 2014, for instance, the National response force”.2 Today, the two Internal Security Policy (NISP) 2014- forces are interchangeably 18 was presented, having many mentioned, given that their shared features similar to the NAP such as: modalities. reforming madrassas, building capacity of security forces, raising Police department occupies a central anti-terrorist force, enhancing stage in Pakistani security layer. coordination among security Policing is a provincial subject in agencies, dealing with Afghan Pakistan, with each province having refugees, and curbing terrorist its separate police. As the country’s financing. But, NISP failed to primary law-enforcement agency, materialize, not only because of police is the first line of defence. paucity of funds or capacity issues Although NAP doesn’t explicitly talk but also because of lack of about police, when compared with consensus.1 the NISP, it is evident that police is accorded prime position in the NAP, too, wasn’t much of a detailed security of the country. and proper counter-terror strategy document. But, what made it unique There are 354,221 police personnel from previous efforts has been its serving throughout the country.3 foundation on political consensus. Additionally, there are several Parties across the board, with the paramilitaries responsible for exception of some Islamists, various special tasks ranging from supported the document.
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