01 Delivering on Our Plan: Building Your Future 02 Balanced Budget – delivering on our commitments 03 Will Hodgman Investing in health, education and Tasmanians in needs 04 $2.6 billion in job creating infrastructure projects 05 Peter Gutwein Helping Tasmanians with the cost of living 06 Will Hodgman Protecting the Tasmanian way of life 07 Will Hodgman & Our Plan to Build Your Future – North-West and West Coast Peter Gutwein 08 Will Hodgman & Our Plan to Build Your Future – North and North-East Peter Gutwein 09 Will Hodgman & Our Plan to Build Your Future – Southern Region Peter Gutwein 10 Will Hodgman Taking trade to the next level 11 Will Hodgman Taking tourism to the next level 12 Will Hodgman Investing in the future of our National Parks 13 Will Hodgman Preserving our heritage 14 Peter Gutwein Delivering a stronger economy and more jobs 15 Peter Gutwein Creating more jobs for Tasmanians 16 Peter Gutwein Fixing ’s water and sewerage 17 Peter Gutwein Support small business and industry 18 Peter Gutwein Improving home ownership 19 Jeremy Rockliff $1.1 billion to build better roads and rail for Tasmania 20 Jeremy Rockliff Boosting our education workforce


21 Jeremy Rockliff Extending all high schools to Year 12 22 Jeremy Rockliff Delivering on our early learning promises 23 Jeremy Rockliff Turbo-charging TasTAFE 24 Michael Ferguson Over $475 million to improve health and hospital infrastructure 25 Michael Ferguson Bigger hospitals, delivering more beds and employing more staff 26 Michael Ferguson More support for ambulance services 27 Michael Ferguson More police and new police stations 28 Michael Ferguson Emergency service boost to keep Tasmanians safe 29 Michael Ferguson Building our digital future 30 Major investment in new prison infrastructure 31 Elise Archer Upgrading the Burnie Court complex 32 Elise Archer Tasmania’s contribution to the National Redress Scheme 33 Elise Archer Delivering for the Arts 34 Guy Barnett Delivering on our Tasmania First energy plan 35 Guy Barnett Growing our mining industry 36 Guy Barnett Delivering a strong future for Tasmanian forestry 37 Guy Barnett Supporting our Veterans 38 Stronger agriculture sector to deliver more jobs and opportunities 39 Sarah Courtney Taking biosecurity to the next level to protect and grow our agriculture industry 40 Sarah Courtney Strong support for our sustainable seafood industry 41 Delivering affordable housing for Tasmanians in need 42 Roger Jaensch An extra $24 million to protect Tasmanian children at risk 43 Building our sporting future 44 Jacquie Petrusma Delivering on our plan to support Tasmanians in need


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Premier

Delivering on our Plan – Building Your Future Tasmania is now a much stronger, prouder and more confident place to be. Our economy is one of the strongest in the country, our Budget is under control, and we are able to invest more into essential services. The 2018-19 Budget delivers on all the commitments we made under our Plan to Build Your Future. The Budget delivers a record $2.6 billion investment in job creating infrastructure including new schools, better hospitals and road upgrades throughout Tasmania. We are building new schools for families in growth areas, as well as major upgrades to learning facilities throughout the state. Six new Early Learning Hubs will be established and $18 million invested to build and upgrade Kindergartens across Tasmania. Building on our record investment in Tasmania’s health system, the Budget will fund expansions in our four major hospitals, boost resources for our rural hospitals and deliver new ambulance stations. The Budget delivers upgrades to State Roads throughout Tasmania and funds the widening of the West Tamar Highway, delivers our South East Traffic Solution to tackle ’s traffic congestion, and commences work on a new Bridgewater Bridge. A further $51.7 million will be invested to upgrade roads around the state in key tourism destinations. Tasmania’s economy has come a long way over the past four years with more than 11,000 new jobs created, but we know there is more work to be done. That’s why we are extending targeted small business grants and the Payroll Tax Rebate to support the training of 3,000 additional apprentices and trainees, as well as establishing TasTAFE Centres of Excellence focused on key industries to ensure young Tasmanians are equipped with the skills for the jobs of tomorrow.


We are investing more than $150 million to grow a competitive, innovative, sustainable, and profitable farming sector. Importantly, my Government is also delivering practical measures to take the pressure off household budgets. We’re also responding to cost of living pressures with almost $300 million dedicated to reducing household expenses such as water and electricity costs. The 2018-19 Budget delivers an additional $125 million to implement Stage II of our Affordable Housing Strategy to provide an additional 1,500 new affordable homes and assist 2,000 households who need it most. All Tasmanians have the right to be safe in their community, this is why we will put an additional 125 police officers on the beat and will strengthen Tasmania’s response to the problems posed by all drugs in our society, and particularly ice. It is important to remember that the gains we have made wouldn’t have occurred if it were not for our strong financial management. The 2018-19 Budget continues our commitment to remain in surplus and live within our means. Tasmania’s best days are ahead of us – but only if we plan responsibly for the future. The 2018-19 Budget charts the path my Government will take to take Tasmania to the next level. Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Treasurer

Balanced Budget – delivering on our commitments The Hodgman Liberal Government’s 2018-19 Budget delivers on our Plan to Build Your Future. It is a Plan endorsed by an overwhelming majority of Tasmanians at the last election. Our Plan will further strengthen our economy and support the creation of more jobs, with a record $2.6 Billion investment in the infrastructure our growing state needs to continue to prosper. With more than 11,000 jobs created since we came to office, positive economic growth forecast and continued momentum expected across the Budget and Forward Estimates period, Tasmania is open for business. We laid the foundations in the last term of Government so Tasmanians could look forward to a brighter future – now we are getting on with the job of taking Tasmania to the next level. Over the next four years the Hodgman Liberal Government will invest a record $7.6 billion to meet the health needs of Tasmanians by increasing services, expanding our hospitals and improving our ambulance service. We will invest more than $6.7 billion into Tasmania’s education system with new schools, upgraded facilities and a focus on expanding early learning services throughout the state. We are also getting on with the job of building the infrastructure for our State needs with a record $2.6 billion investment in job creating projects to drive future economic growth. Our Plan will also provide more than $300 million to reduce cost of living pressures, and protect the Tasmanian way of life. In 2018-19, the Budget surplus is estimated to be $161.9 million, with the Budget forecast to be in surplus each and every year of the Forward Estimates period.


The achievement of modest surpluses over the Budget and Forward Estimates period provides a prudent financial buffer for the Government to manage unexpected events such as floods and bushfires. Consistent with our Fiscal Strategy, we will continue to live within our means – growth in expenditure during our time in Government is forecast to be well below the historical long term average growth in revenue. Importantly, the Government will remain Net Debt free over the Budget and Forward Estimates period. This Budget continues our commitment to remain in surplus and live within our means so Tasmania can deal with any unexpected bumps in the road. We will never take the Labor/Green approach of spending like there’s no tomorrow, and wrecking the State’s finances in the process. Only by maintaining a balanced Budget with sound fundamentals can a government deliver more jobs, a stronger economy, improved infrastructure and better services for Tasmanians.

Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Premier

Investing in health, education and Tasmanians in need Every Tasmanian deserves to grow up in a safe environment and have access to quality healthcare and education. In the 2018-19 Budget the Government is investing more in education, health and to reduce the cost of living pressures Tasmanians face. This is only possible because we have done the hard work to get the budget back in balance. Our record $757 million investment in Tasmania’s health system will deliver 298 new beds, 802 more nurses, 158 more doctors, 128 more allied health professionals and 182 more support staff over the next six years. We are investing a record $324 million in education to build new schools for families in growth areas, as well as major upgrades to learning facilities throughout the state. Six new Early Learning Hubs will be established and $18 million invested to build and upgrade Kindergartens across Tasmania. We are recruiting 250 additional teachers and extending all high schools to Year 12. Our Plan to Build Your Future also has at its core a strong focus on providing additional support and protection for Tasmanians who need it most. The Budget includes an extra $125 million to implement Stage II of our Affordable Housing Strategy which will provide 1,500 new affordable homes and assist an additional 2,000 households. We are putting $24 million towards employing more child safety officers to further bolster our comprehensive whole-of-government child safety system redesign, extend out-of-home care age to the age of 21 and better support foster carers.


We’re also responding to cost of living pressures with almost $300 million dedicated to reducing household expenses such as water and electricity costs. The 2018-19 Budget charts the path my Government will take to Tasmania to the next level. Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010


14 June 2018 JEREMY ROCKLIFF Minister for Infrastructure

$2.6 billion in job creating infrastructure projects The Hodgman Liberal Government is Delivering on our Plan to Build Your Future to support Tasmania’s unprecedented economic growth through a $2.6 billion infrastructure investment in roads and rail, health, education, housing and law and order. Ensuring we keep pace with a growing economy, rising population and increased visitor numbers requires significant investment in Tasmania’s transport infrastructure. Roads and Rail This Budget includes a further $1.1 billion for road and rail upgrades to deliver a better, safer and more productive transport system for Tasmanians, including: • $121 million for the Bridgewater Bridge to commence development of this $576 million project. • the State Government’s pledge to match the Federal Government’s $59.8 million commitment to Tranche Two of the freight rail revitalisation program, which will allow TasRail to deliver freight in a more timely, safe and competitive manner. • $53 million for the Launceston and Tamar Valley Traffic Vision, which includes funding to make the Mowbray Interconnector safer and West Tamar Highway upgrades. • $21 million towards a South East Traffic Solution and further funding for a plan to ease congestion at the Hobart Airport interchange. Hospital and Ambulance Upgrades In health and hospitals we are investing $475.6 million, which includes $162.4 million of new funding for important upgrades at our four major hospitals – the Royal Hobart Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, Mersey Community Hospital and the North West Regional Hospital - including new wards.


We are also investing a further $15 million in capital investments in rural hospitals and ambulance stations, and $12 million for new Ambulance Stations at Burnie and Glenorchy to ensure patients get the care they need as soon as possible. Education Education is one of this Government’s key priority areas, which is why we are investing $192.2 million in school and TasTAFE infrastructure projects over the next four years. This includes $10.5 million for the first four of six new Early Learning Hubs, as well as $15 million to build or upgrade existing kindergarten facilities across the State. Further, funding is included to commence the building works of new schools and upgrades in growth areas like Legana and Brighton, and rebuilds at Sorell School, Penguin District School and Cosgrove High School. The Government is also investing $18.9 million in TasTAFE infrastructure, including TasTAFE Centres of Excellence in Agriculture, Trades and Water, and Tourism and Hospitality to ensure we have skilled labour for the future. Affordable Housing The Budget also includes $125 million* in funding to roll out Stage Two of our 10-year Affordable Housing Strategy, to provide an additional 1500 new affordable homes for Tasmanians in need. Along with Stage One, this is the largest ever State Government investment in affordable housing, almost $200 million over eight years, and will bring the total number of new affordable homes to 2400 across Tasmania. Keeping Tasmanians Safe We are also investing in our front line responders, with $22 million allocated to build new Tasmania Police stations at New Norfolk and Longford, as well as an Emergency Services Hub at Sorell.


The Government will invest in upgrading a range of law and order facilities with $70 million to be invested in a new Southern Remand Centre, $7.3 million for a major redesign and upgrade of the Ashley Youth Detention Centre, $9.3 million for the upgrade of Risdon Prison Shared Facilities and $150 million towards Stage One of a new Northern prison. Importantly, the Government’s $2.6 billion program of infrastructure investment will support thousands of jobs, in the construction, engineering and trade sectors as we build the infrastructure our growing State needs.

*over five years

Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122



14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Treasurer

Helping Tasmanians with the cost of living The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to making Tasmania an even better place to live, work and build your future. The Government understands electricity, water and rates bills can have a big impact on household budgets. We want Tasmanians to be able to look forward with confidence to a better quality of life which is why we are delivering on our Plan to reduce cost of living pressures. The 2018-19 Budget and forward estimates includes a range of new, as well as ongoing initiatives totalling nearly $300 million that will reduce pressure on household budgets, including; • Capping electricity prices rises at CPI for three years, saving the average residential customer approximately $179 a year. • Working with TasWater and Local Government to freeze water and sewerage price rises in 2019-20, and cap future price rises to no more than 3.5 per cent. • Introducing a 50 per cent stamp duty discount for seniors downsizing to a home that better suits their needs, a saving of up to $7,000. • A 50 per cent stamp duty holiday for first home buyers for homes up to $400,000; saving those starting out up to $7,000. • $3 million for our innovative Ticket to Play voucher system to enable more children to participate in local sport. Ongoing initiatives include: • $181 million to provide electricity concessions for low income Tasmanians. • $111 million in rates, water and sewerage concessions for low income households.


Tasmania is a much stronger, prouder and more confident place as a result of the hard work undertaken by the Hodgman Liberal Government over the past four years to improve Tasmanian’s Budget position. It is this hard work that allows us to continue to invest more in essential services to support Tasmanians as we deliver on our Plan to build your future.

Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Premier

Protecting the Tasmanian Way of Life The Tasmanian way of life is the envy of the world and the Government is committed to protecting what makes our State special. The 2018-19 Budget delivers a wide range of initiatives which will enhance our enjoyment of our unique wilderness areas, recreational fishing, boating and motoring, including; National Parks • Investment of $31 million in our world-renowned National Parks and reserves, including $16 million for new and upgraded park infrastructure, $8 million to for infrastructure maintenance and $7 million for 15 new rangers and frontline staff.

• Free entry to our National Parks for more than 100,000 Tasmanian seniors from July 1 for a year and half-price annual passes in future years. Recreational Fishing • New and improved fishing infrastructure at key locations – $3.7 million. • Boosting support for the Tasmanian Association of Recreational Fishing Inc to ensure its ongoing viability and improve service for recreational fishers – $620,000. • Four new Fish Aggregation Devices to improve catch opportunities – $450,000. • Freezing the cost of inland trout fishing licences for the next four years – $300,000. • Expand the Inland Fisheries Service Anglers Access program across priority lakes and rivers in the North West, North East and Derwent Catchments – $200,000. • Increasing support for Anglers Alliance Tasmania – $215,000. • Better promotion of angling tourism including the Trout Expo and capitalising on the international profile the World Fly Fishing Championship to be held in Tasmania.


Recreational Hunting • Modernising the management of game and browsing animals through the new independent Tasmanian Game Council. • Establishing the new Game Services Tasmania with a primary industries focus, to provide support to landholders, farmers and hunters. • Statewide Fallow Deer Census to better support management – $150,000. Special Interest and Vintage Car plated Vehicles • Doubling the number of days special interest registered vehicles can be used, to 104 days a year, and removing the motor tax cost. • Providing VC-plated veteran and vintage vehicles with an extra 30 days per annum, not specific to club events. The 2018-19 Budget charts the path my Government will take to take Tasmania to the next level.

Contact: Jodi De Cesare Phone: 0438 673 902


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN, Premier PETER GUTWEIN, Treasurer

Our Plan to Build Your Future – North-West and West Coast The 2018-19 State Budget delivers on our commitments for the North West and West Coast as part of our Plan to Build Your Future. These initiatives are targeted to further strengthen the local economy, create more jobs and deliver better services. Specific budget measures for the North-West and West Coast total more than $233 million, including: • $35 million in capital upgrades for the Mersey Community Hospital. • New 8-bed North West Regional Hospital Acute Medical Unit – $17.6 million. • Stage 2 of the King Island Hospital Redevelopment – $10.5 million. • $7 million to underpin Hermal’s $190 million cross-laminated plantation mill in Hampshire.

• More than $24 million over four years to upgrade State roads across the North- West and the West Coast, including improvements to the Bass Highway, and our West Coast Roads Package. • $2.6 million in funding over four years to upgrade roads in the North-West and West Coast that support Tasmania’s visitor economy, including improvements to Sumac Road and the Tarkine Drive. • $72 million over four years to improve the visitor experience at Cradle Mountain. • Redevelopment of Penguin District School – $20 million. • Redevelopment of Devonport High School – $10.5 million.


• $7.3 million to support a revitalised network of school farms across the state, including $3 million in capital upgrades for Sheffield District School. • New Early Learning Hubs in West Ulverstone and Waratah-Wynyard. • Purpose built ante-natal clinic at the North West Regional Hospital – $2.1 million. • New Burnie Ambulance Station - $6 million. • 20 more nursing graduates in North West Tasmania. • Agricultural Centre of Excellence - $5 million. • Drysdale training kitchen as part of the Devonport Living City Project - $1.5 million. • $600,000 to support our way of life by contributing to the continued operation of the Tasmanian Christmas Carnivals. • $1.1 million to construct a dedicated training facility at the Smithton Ambulance Station, and a new two bedroom unit for relief staff • Refurbishment of the Ashley Youth Detention Centre in Deloraine – $7.3 million • Upgrade of the Burnie Court complex – $8 million. The State Budget charts the path the majority Hodgman Liberal Government will take to make the North West and West Coast an even better place to take Tasmania to the next level. Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN, Premier PETER GUTWEIN, Treasurer

Our Plan to Build Your Future – North and North-East The 2018-19 State Budget delivers on our commitments for the North and North East as part of our Plan to Build Your Future. These initiatives are targeted to further strengthen the local economy and deliver better services, as well as create more jobs. Specific budget measures for the North and North-East total more than $249 million, including: • Beginning the $87.3 million redevelopment of the Launceston General Hospital – $37.2 million in this budget. • Capital and recurrent funding of $17.8 million for Ward 4K at the LGH. • Commencing the $95 million program, with the first tranche of $31.4 million towards the combined system and catchment works for the Tamar River • Delivers $53 million towards the Launceston and Tamar Valley Traffic Vision including:

o West Tamar Highway Traffic Solution; o Mowbray Interconnector; o Charles St bridge and Invermay road network; o Planning for a new Tamar Bridge crossing; o Batman Highway shoulder widening; and o The Launceston Couplet. • More than $7 million to improve State Roads in the North and North East, including:

o Road upgrades between Tomahawk and Gladstone;


o Prossers Forrest Road; and o Improved Hadspen access. • Nearly $23 million in improvements to roads that are critical to Tasmania’s visitor economy, including:

o the Great Eastern Drive, and o Launceston Airport road access. • Progressing the $20 million Legana Primary School development. • New East Tamar Early Learning Hub. • Beginning works for the new $270 million Northern prison – the largest infrastructure investment ever in the State’s North – $45 million. • New police station for Longford – $5 million. • 40 additional nursing graduates for Northern Tasmania. • More paramedics in Northern Tasmania – $6.4 million. • Upgraded health professional accommodation on Flinders Island – $500,000. • Scottsdale Regional Swimming pool - $3 million • Community Transport Services Tasmania pilot programme on Flinders Island – $60,000. • $2 million contribution to a major upgrade of the Northern Tasmania Tennis Centre. • Support the move of 100 DPIPWE staff to Northern Tasmania – $2.45 million. • Reimagining the ‘Gorge’ - $875,000 The State Budget charts the path the majority Hodgman Liberal Government will take make the North and North East an even better place to live, work and build your future. Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN, Premier PETER GUTWEIN, Treasurer

Our Plan to Build Your Future – Southern Region The 2018-19 State Budget delivers on commitments for the Southern Region as part of our Plan to Build Your Future. These initiatives, along with the $469 million redevelopment of the Royal Hobart Hospital, are targeted to further strengthen the local economy and deliver better services, as well as create more jobs. Specific budget measures for Southern Tasmania total more than $434 million, including: • Royal Hobart Hospital ward and air-conditioning upgrades – $28 million. • 25 new mental health beds - $28.3 million. • 60 more nursing graduates - $5.2 million. • $121 million in funding for the new Bridgewater Bridge over the Budget and Forward Estimates. • Delivers $30.8 million towards the Greater Hobart Traffic Vision, including the establishment of the Derwent River Ferry Service, bus priority measures, a fifth lane on the Southern Outlet and improvements to Macquarie and Davey Streets –over the Budget and Forward Estimates. • Provides $51.7 towards upgrading State Roads in the South, including the Channel Highway, East Derwent Highway, Huon Highway, Richmond Road, the Tasman Bridge and the southern Midlands Highway.

• $25 million in roads funding to support Tasmania’s visitor economy, including upgrades to

o Hastings Cave Road,


o Bruny Island main road, o Fortescue Bay Road, o Stormlea Road, o Glenora Road, o Arve Road, and o Safety at Eaglehawk Neck. • Progressing the new $30 million 7-12 High School at Brighton over 6 years. • Redevelopment of Sorell School – $25.8 million. • Revitalising Cosgrove High School – $20 million over 6 years. • $7.3 million to support a revitalised network of school farms across Tasmania, including $4.3 million to upgrade facilities at the Jordan River Learning Federation. • $21 million over 6 years to construct 6 new Early Learning Hubs, including in Sorell, Kingborough and Glenorchy • New Southern Remand Centre – $70 million. • Emergency Services Hub in Sorell – $12 million.

• New ambulance super-station in Glenorchy – $6 million. • New police station in New Norfolk – $5 million. • New Indoor Multisports Facility in Glenorchy – $10 million. • $3 million contribution to a new hydrotherapy pool at the Hobart Aquatic Centre. The State Budget charts the path a majority Hodgman Liberal Government will take make Southern Region an even better place to live, work and build your future. Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Minister for Trade

Taking trade to the next level The 2018-19 State Budget delivers on the commitments we have made as part of our Plan to Build Your Future. Tasmania’s people, place and produce are in demand and our export growth has surged to three times the national average. To continue the growth in our trade, we will;

• Launch the first Tasmanian Trade Strategy to continue to open new markets, increase international exports and keep growing local jobs.

• Introduce legislation to transform the Brand Tasmania Council into a new Statutory Authority to take Tasmania’s brand to the next level. Our brand is one of our greatest assets and we will turn up the spotlight on Tasmania, giving us a clearer sales pitch which all Tasmanians can use at home and abroad. • Commence work on a whole of government Competitiveness of Tasmanian Agriculture for 2050 White Paper which will develop policy to improve production, investment and the profitability of farms and agribusiness.

• Help identify new discoveries to underpin the future of Tasmania’s mining industry by investing $2 million into the Mining Exploration Grants Program.

• Support the Forest Industry Growth Plan for the Tasmanian Forests, Fine Timber and Wood Fibre Industry, which sets an goal of doubling “industry value add” to $1.2 billion by 2036, and the creation of more jobs by adding value to our forest resources. • Establish the $5.1 million Abalone Industry Reinvestment Fund to support the 800 Tasmanians who work in the world’s largest sustainable wild abalone resource.


• Continue to implement the priority actions in the Sustainable Industry Growth Plan for the Salmon Industry to grow jobs, maintain public confidence in the industry, and to continue to improve environmental regulation, and biosecurity systems. The 2018-19 Budget makes important strategic investments to strengthen our economy, open new markets for local businesses to grow exports and create more jobs. The State Budget charts the path that my Government will take Tasmania to the next level.

Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Minister for Tourism, Hospitality and Events & Minister for Parks

Taking tourism to the next level The 2018-19 Budget recognises tourism is one of our state’s greatest competitive strengths and delivers on our plan to boost Tasmania’s booming visitor economy. Tasmania’s tourism, events and hospitality sectors will benefit from an investment of more than $129 million, to support more marketing, better infrastructure and new experiences and events. This includes $20 million to deliver Tasmania’s next iconic multi-day, hut-based walk. Tasmania is an in-demand destination. With existing walks booked out in peak seasons, it is clear there is ample demand for another iconic walk in Tasmania. Existing iconic walks, such as the Three Capes Track, have an enormous positive impact on their surrounding communities, boosting the economy, creating jobs and redefining the identity of a region. We will also invest $4 million to establish a new Event Attraction Fund to actively target and secure mass-participation events that will secure the greatest return on investment for our State. The new fund will enable a broad ranging events calendar to be developed so every region of Tasmania can share in the tourism boom. We will invest $12 million for more tourism marketing, upgrades to roads in key tourism destinations, and an additional $6.8 million to grow our hospitality industry. Funding for the hospitality industry includes $2.8 million for 2000 more businesses to take part in the Great Customer Experience program, and $200,000 to crack-down on coward punch attacks. Our package to support the visitor economy also includes $1.4 million for three new Drive Journeys in the north, south and north-west. These will build on the success of the Great Eastern Drive, and the work already underway on a new driving route in the west.


The Budget also provides $35 million for the Cradle Mountain Experience. Last year, more than 1.26 million people visited Tasmania, spending a total of $2.33 billion on accommodation, attractions, tours, transport and other goods and services. These strategic investments are part of our Plan for targeted, sustainable growth in tourism which protects what’s special about Tasmania and importantly, boosts jobs and the visitor economy in every region the State. Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Minister for Parks

Investing in the future of our National Parks The 2018-18 Budget delivers on our commitments to take our world-renowned National Parks and reserves to the next level. We will ensure that our natural assets are protected for generations to come and that the experience matches the expectations of visitors and locals alike as we continue to push towards our goal of becoming the environmental tourism capital of the world. The Budget will invest $31 million to take allow even more people to sustainably enjoy National Parks and unrivalled natural environment. Our investment includes $16 million in our icon experiences, including; • Better infrastructure for Maria Island – $4 million. • Overland Track hut renovation – $3 million. • Diana’s Basin and Humbug Point camping site upgrades – $1.5 million. • Tasman National Park Gateway including at the Devils Kitchen and Tasman Arch facilities upgrade - $1 million. • Cockle Creek facilities upgrade – $800,000. • Sarah Island visitor amenities improvement – $450 000. • Stanley Nut visitor amenities upgrade – $450,000. • Jacobs Ladder shuttle bus carpark upgrade – $400,000. • Revitalising the historic Bond Store, Strahan – $300 000. • Visitor amenity improvements at Highfield House, Stanley – $250,000.


We will also invest $7 million to boost rangers and frontline staff, and $8 million to future- proof infrastructure. These initiatives are in addition to the $60 million co-investment with the Commonwealth Government to develop a new, iconic cableway experience at Cradle Mountain, and our $21.8 million investment in a new gateway precinct at Dove Lake visitors all year, all weather access. The Government’s vision is for Tasmania to be the environmental tourism capital of the world and we want every region of Tasmania to share in the tourism boom. Importantly, we are committed to ensuring that our natural assets are protected for generations to come and the experiences match the expectations of both locals and visitors alike. The Budget delivers on our Plan for targeted, sustainable growth in tourism which protects what’s special about Tasmania and importantly, boosts jobs and the visitor economy in every region of Tasmania.

Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 WILL HODGMAN Minister for Heritage

Preserving our heritage The 2018-19 State Budget delivers on all the commitments we have made as part of our Plan to Build Your Future. Our rich and diverse heritage is an integral part of our way of life, treasured by the community and admired by visitors. The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens are one of the State’s most visited attractions and are a special feature of our beautiful capital city.

Last year more than 461,000 people, including locals and tourists, visited the gardens, which are the second oldest Botanical Garden in the country. The Budget includes $3.6 million to develop a new Visitor Centre at the gardens to provide a better experience for visitors and allow for the generation of additional revenue to ensure its ongoing financial sustainability. Conserving, protecting and re-imagining our heritage listed places is vitally important to their longevity and the future success of our visitor economy. We recognise that the best way to protect heritage is to have people living and working in our historic buildings to invigorate and enrich our State’s distinctive heritage appeal. The Budget will implement our Heritage Renewal Loans Scheme designed to assist owners revitalise heritage properties in ways which support our booming visitor economy. The Budget also includes ongoing funding for the work of the National Trust Tasmania, and Wellington Park Management Trust. Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275



14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Treasurer

Delivering a stronger economy and more jobs Tasmania is a much stronger, prouder and more confident place as a result of the hard work done by the Hodgman Liberal Government over the past four years to improve our State’s economic position. Our economy is one of the strongest in the nation and Tasmanian businesses are the most confident in the country. Tasmania has come a long way over the past four years with more than 11,000 new jobs created, with our unemployment rate has dropping to 6 per cent – a 1.5 per cent improvement since the 2014 election. In this Budget we are supporting initiatives to encourage investment and take job creation to the next level. Our Plan for a Stronger Economy and More Jobs includes; • A record investment of $2.6 billion in job creating infrastructure projects including new schools, hospital redevelopments and road upgrades. • Modest Budget surpluses this year and every year of the Forward Estimates. • Cutting Payroll Tax, providing a saving of up to $15,750 to encourage businesses to create around 650 more jobs. • Help for businesses to relocate to regional Tasmania with a payroll tax holiday for up to three years. • Support for 4500 additional apprentices and trainees by extending targeted small business grants and the Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme to June 2021.

• Establishing TasTAFE Centres of Excellence in agriculture, trades and water, and tourism and hospitality to ensure young Tasmanians are equipped with the skills for the jobs of tomorrow.


• Implementing the next phase of our comprehensive Sustainable Agri-Food Plan, with major investments in agriculture, irrigation, energy on farms and the seafood sector. • Extending the energy rebate scheme for unregulated commercial and industrial customers by 12 months, providing $10 million in relief for medium to large employers. Today, Tasmania is open for business with a prospering economy, growing population and an even brighter outlook. Budget discipline has allowed us to invest more in supporting essential services, job creating infrastructure and has also allowed us to respond rapidly to unexpected circumstances like floods and bushfires. We will never take the Labor/Green approach of spending like there’s no tomorrow. We know Tasmania’s best days are ahead of us – but only if we plan responsibly for the future. The 2018-19 Budget charts the path the Hodgman Liberal Government will take to deliver on our Plan and make Tasmania an even better place to live, work and build your future.

Contact: Andrew Hudgson Phone: 0439 083 275


14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Treasurer

Creating more jobs for Tasmanians The Hodgman Liberal Government’s number one priority is jobs and we are delivering on our plan. More than 11,000 jobs have been created since 2014 and the unemployment rate has dropped to 6 per cent and there are a record 246,200 Tasmanians in work. That’s why the 2018-19 Budget contains initiatives to attract and promote further investment in Tasmania and incentives for Tasmanian businesses to employ more Tasmanians. These include: • Providing $7.5 million over 3 years in new funding for targeted Small Business Grants and extending the enormously popular Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme for apprentices and trainees to 2021. • Introducing a Payroll Tax cut for all businesses. Currently businesses pay 6.1 per cent payroll tax on all wages over $1.25 million – we will introduce a new lower tax rate of 4 per cent on payrolls between $1.25 million and $2 million. • Payroll tax relief of up to 3 years will also be provided for any business that relocates to Tasmania and establishes its operations in a regional area. There are a number of other measures in the Budget that will help generate economic activity and help Tasmanians right around the State find work. We have a range of sector-specific policies that will reduce red tape and foster business investment, including agriculture, small business, hospitality, tourism, seafood, information technology and the racing industry.


Our $2.6 billion Infrastructure Plan will help build the roads, hospitals, schools and other infrastructure that Tasmanians need and it will also help build your future by supporting thousands of new jobs and careers in the State’s booming engineering, construction and trades sectors. This record infrastructure investment will ensure that we keep pace with a growing economy, growing population and increased visitor numbers, while also making the essential investments in health, education and housing infrastructure that will keep Tasmanians healthy, safe and prepared for the future. The Hodgman Liberal Government will continue to deliver on our plan to have the most confident and vibrant economy in the nation and create the right business environment for more job creation.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Minister for Local Government

Fixing Tasmania’s water and sewerage The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our plan to accelerate water and sewerage infrastructure upgrades, improve the environment and keep prices lower to benefit all Tasmanians. The 2018-19 Budget includes $80 million over 4 years towards our $200 million equity investment in TasWater, as a key element of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Hodgman Liberal Government, TasWater and local government representatives. Under this historic agreement, Councils will collectively remain as the majority owners with the State Government becoming a shareholder once legislation is passed by both houses later this year. The agreement will deliver a price freeze in 2019-20 and cap future increases at no more than 3.5 per cent so that Tasmanians can enjoy some of the lowest water prices in the nation. Other key aspects include: • A faster fix for Tasmania’s water and sewerage infrastructure, delivering $1.8 billion in upgrades sooner than planned. • New shared governance arrangements. • State Government and Local Government to work together on infrastructure planning, ensuring a whole-of-state economic and environmental focus. • Ensuring that councils are no worse off so rates won’t need to rise. This package of reforms will allow the State Government to deliver on its plan to limit price increases and accelerate infrastructure investment. Because Council revenues will be guaranteed, they will be able to maintain a focus on important local economic issues. The


State Government will not receive a dividend from the business, freeing up more funds for infrastructure investment. Tasmania is increasingly a destination goal for tourists and people looking to relocate and, just like locals, they all deserve modern water and sewerage infrastructure that protects the environment and is affordable. Additionally, we are also working co-operatively with the Australian Government and local councils on a long term solution for the Tamar River catchment and Macquarie Point. The Hodgman Liberal Government’s sole focus in the TasWater debate has been to deliver a brighter future and a better deal for Tasmanians and with the benefit of a balanced Budget and good financial management we have been able to agree on a historic ownership model that will deliver our Plan.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Minister for State Growth

Supporting small business and industry The Hodgman Liberal Government understands that small and medium businesses are the heart-beat of the Tasmanian economy and the 2018-19 Budget delivers $13.6 million towards our plan to take this sector to the next level. Our record infrastructure investment of $2.6 billion to build, roads, bridges, hospitals, schools and homes will be a boon for contractors and sub-contractors many of whom are small to medium businesses. We are committed to working with the sector to deliver a Business Growth Strategy (B21) through a strategic partnership with business and industry representatives through the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tasmanian Small Business Council, with input from other relevant organisations. Small business will be supported by the provision of $7.5 million over three years for targeted Small Business Grants for Apprentices and Trainees, worth up to $5,000 for each new trainee or apprentice. Wide ranging payroll tax initiatives will be introduced for all businesses, but they will especially benefit small to medium businesses and reduce the cost of doing business: • Payroll tax will be cut for all businesses by reducing the tax rate to 4 per cent on wages between $1.25 million and $2 million;, • Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme for apprentices and trainees will be extended to 30 June 2021 for targeted areas facing skill shortages. A Small Business Advocate for Tasmania will also be appointed to create a more level playing field and assist small businesses by ensuring that small business has every opportunity to grow and prosper. The previously provided seed funding to launch and develop Enterprize Hubs in Launceston and Hobart. In this Budget we will extend this highly regarded program by a further year at a cost of $278,000.


In this Budget we will expand the successful AgriGrowth Loans Scheme by $20 million, including a package for young farmers to access low interest (concessional) loan facilities, to support the Agri-food sector to expand and create more jobs in regional Tasmania. Hospitality is also a booming sector, but to ensure it continues to grow it must have a workforce to meet its demands. The Great Customer Experience is an investment of $2.8 million over 4 years that will expand the existing program to assist 2,000 businesses and include industrial relations and human resource training as well. The Budget also includes $3 million over 4 years to invest in the development of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association’s Strategic Plan and Workforce Development along with the establishment of a dedicated Hospitality Unit within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. This initiative will spearhead industry and government collaboration and keep the hospitality industry at the cutting edge. There are more than 36,000 small businesses in Tasmania employing about 100,000 people and the Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our plan to help them prosper and expand and create jobs for more Tasmanians.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 PETER GUTWEIN Treasurer

Improving home ownership The Hodgman Liberal Government wants to build Tasmania’s future and make this State the most desirable place to live in . The positive growth in property values means that housing affordability has affected some Tasmanians. There is no doubt that the attractiveness of Tasmania as a place to live and work is driving strong demand in Tasmania’s property market. We have long supported the First Home Owners Grant which supports first home builders achieve ownership of their first home, due to the broad reaching economic benefits that occur when a home is built with the purchase of housing products plus fixtures, fittings and whitegoods. However, as our economy continues to grow strongly and as house prices have risen, for many Tasmanians saving to buy their first home it means a larger deposit is required and the cost of property transfer duty has become more of a consideration. These “growing pains” are the side effect of a strong economy that is seeing solid employment growth and an increasing population. In response to these challenges, the Tasmanian Government is implementing measures in the 2018-19 Budget that will help to ensure that housing remains affordable and available. Housing initiatives in the 2018-19 Budget include: • Extending the $20,000 First Home Owner Grant for 12 months, meaning more Tasmanians can realise their dream of building and owning their first home, and providing further support for the Tasmanian construction industry. • Introducing a 50 per cent duty concession for first home buyers (established homes only) who purchase a home up to $400,000 in value, saving up to nearly $7000 in duty.


This measure will improve affordability and help first home buyers into the market. This is a 12 month pilot program that commenced from 7 February 2018 – the date of our election policy announcement.

• A 50 per cent duty concession for pensioners who downsize from their current home and buy a new home of up to $400,000 in value, saving up to nearly $7000 in duty. This is a 12 month pilot program that commenced from 10 February 2018 – the date of our election policy announcement. Housing affordability is an achievable goal for Tasmanians and the Hodgman Liberal Government is determined to deliver on our plan by setting the right initiatives and incentives in a growing economy and a strong market.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 JEREMY ROCKLIFF Minister for Infrastructure

$1.1 billion to build better roads and rail for Tasmania The Hodgman Liberal Government is getting on with the job of Delivering on our Plan to Build Your Future with a better, safer road system for Tasmanians. The 2018-19 Budget delivers over $711 million in new projects, upgrades and maintenance across the State. Coupled with Australian Government commitments this takes total road investment to $1.1 billion. We know that better roads save lives and reduce the impact of serious crashes, as well as increase productivity and liveability as commuters travel more efficiently, so we are investing in a number of major road projects. A Launceston and Tamar Valley Traffic Vision is more important than ever as we see significant investment in major development underway and planned, including the relocation of the campus to Invermay. An allocation of $53 million is in the Budget towards this vision, and will include other works such as the commencement of planning for a second Tamar River crossing near University Way, transfer of ownership of the Launceston Couplet, making the Mowbray Interconnector safer and West Tamar Highway upgrades. The Hodgman Liberal Government understands that as Hobart has grown so has the number of commuters and that is why we are investing $21 million towards a South East Traffic Solution. There is also an additional $27 million investment towards a new Hobart Airport interchange to help ease the bottleneck in and out of Hobart to the East. A further $30.8 million has been allocated to the Greater Hobart Traffic Vision for measures to alleviate congestion, which includes transferring ownership of Macquarie and


Davey streets and the commencement of planning works on the Southern Outlet’s fifth lane. We know that Tasmania is seeing more visitors than ever before, and to ensure they enjoy and have a safe visit to the State we are investing $51.7 million to improve roads frequented by tourists. These works include sealing popular gravel roads, and building more passing lanes and stopping bays. The Hodgman Government is getting on with Building Tasmania’s Future with improved infrastructure. Roads projects to be funded include: Southern Region • Continued funding of the Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan; • Richmond Road upgrades and Cambridge bypass; • Huon Highway/Sandfly Road intersection; • Mud Walls Road; • Commence duplication of the East Derwent Highway at Geilston Bay; and • Safety upgrades on the Huon and Channel highways and cycling safety improvements.

Northern Region • Continued funding of the Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan; • Pedestrian solution for the Midland Highway at Campbell Town oval; • Overtaking lanes at the Tasman Highway at Myrtle Park; • Road widening on Evandale Road between Launceston Airport and Evandale; • Road improvements across Dorset Council; and • Commencement of planning for upgrading the Bass Highway between Deloraine and Latrobe.


North West and West Coast Region • Upgrading the Bass Highway west of Wynyard including rebuilding works through Britton’s Swamp; • New passing opportunities between Wynyard and Smithton; • Safety improvements at the access to Boat Harbour Primary School; • Reconstruction of sections of the Henty Main Road, • Contribution to the Central Coast Council for a cycling connection across the Forth River; and; • Construction of an overpass at Leith to improve safety at Bass Highway junctions with Leith Road and Short Street.

Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122



14 June 2018 JEREMY ROCKLIFF Minister for Education and Training

Boosting our education workforce The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering our Plan to improve education in Tasmania by providing the best possible education to our students, including more teachers in our classrooms. We have committed a record $324 million over six years to take education in our State to the next level, with the first tranche of this commitment delivered in the 2018-19 State Budget. This Budget includes a record level of spending, $6.75 billion across the Forward Estimates in Education and Training. This will see the employment of an additional 277 new staff in our schools, including 192 teachers and 80 teacher assistants in Prep to ensure every student gets the support they need. The 2018-19 State Budget will include $69.4 million for the first four years’ funding of this initiative. Under this Government, we have already employed 142 teachers and this funding will further increase our teaching workforce capacity. Research shows that teachers are among the biggest predictors of student success which is why we are working constructively with key stakeholders on how to attract additional high quality teachers into Tasmania's state schools system. Teacher quality is paramount in driving better educational outcomes in Tasmania, and this significant investment will be targeted to gain improvements in key areas including: • Literacy and numeracy; • School farms; • Early years education; and • Increased specialist expertise in difficult-to-staff locations.


The Hodgman Liberal Government has a goal to lead the nation in education and create a job-ready generation of young Tasmanians, because there is no better foundation to Tasmania's future than education.

Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 JEREMY ROCKLIFF Minister for Education and Training

Extending all high schools to Year 12 The Hodgman Liberal Government is continuing to deliver on our long-term plan to provide young Tasmanians with the greatest opportunity to complete their senior secondary education by extending all High Schools through to Year 12. We laid the foundations in the last term of Government so Tasmanians could look forward to a brighter future – now we are taking education in Tasmania to the next level. There are now 688 students studying in the 38 High Schools around Tasmania that have extended to Year 12 since 2014, this is a clear demonstration that our Plan to extend all Government Schools to Year 12 is working. As part of the Tasmanian Government's $324 million investment in Education over 6 years, the 2018-19 State Budget includes a record investment in Education and Training of $6.75 billion over the Forward Estimates with $30.5 million to support the extension of all Tasmanian High Schools to Year 12, by 2022. This includes $6 million in school infrastructure upgrades. We are sending a clear message that school doesn’t end in Year 10, as well as providing students with more choice about where to complete their senior secondary education. By extending High Schools we ensure that students can choose to complete their senior secondary school education at their local school, recognising that there may be barriers to students accessing College or other further education and training. Since 2014, the retention rate has risen to 74.1 per cent and the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) achievement rate is now at 58.9 per cent. The Hodgman Liberal Government understands the importance of continuing this momentum for our next generation of job ready Tasmanians.


Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 JEREMY ROCKLIFF Minister for Education and Training

Delivering on our early learning promises Tasmania has become a stronger, prouder and more confident place over the past four years and this is most evident in our education system, where we have seen welcome improvement in our results, including NAPLAN, retention to year 12, and attainment of the Tasmanian Certificate of Education. The 2018-19 State Budget builds on the success of the past four years and delivers on the commitments we have made as part of our Plan to Build Your Future, and take education in Tasmania to the next level. This Budget includes a record level of spending of $6.75 billion across the Forward Estimates to support Education and Training. Research consistently shows that by investing in the early years of education (pre-school to grade 2) we can set our children up for the brightest future possible. This is why this year’s State Budget includes an additional: • $31.3 million to provide free pre-school to disadvantaged or vulnerable three year olds from 2020; • $10.5 million to build the first three of six Early Learning Hubs; and • $15 million to build new, and upgrade existing, kindergarten facilities. Our investment in early learning demonstrates our commitment to providing Tasmanian children with the best possible start to their learning journey. Over the next 6 years, our Early Learning Hubs will be built to service the communities of: • Sorell; • Kingborough; • Glenorchy; • East Tamar,


• West Ulverstone; and • Waratah Wynyard. They will provide access to services for families in the early years of a child’s life including health and education support both within the Hub and through outreach. Hubs will also include early childhood education and care (ECEC) facilities through partnerships with the ECEC community and educational facilities from kindergarten to grade 2, all co-located on a school site. This budget also delivers on our commitment to provide more access to early education for more Tasmanian children through $31.3 million towards implementing the Working Together for 3 Year Olds initiative, providing fully subsidised pre-school for eligible 3 year old Tasmanian children from 2020. $2.3 million of this funding will be invested in 2018-19 to co-design the initiative in partnership with the ECEC sector. A further $15 million has been allocated to construct new kindergarten buildings in 10 schools and refurbish kindergarten buildings in 18 schools across the State. Plus, an additional 79 schools will receive funding for minor upgrades to existing kindergarten facilities. The Tasmanian Government is continuing to deliver on commitments, and Build Your Future by investing in the early years and implementing strategies that will ensure our children have the best possible start in life.

*Breakdown of $15 million Kindergarten investment Rebuild: Cooee PS, Moonah PS, Rosetta PS, Franklin PS, Glen Huon PS, Bagdad PS, Forth PS, Glenora District, Bowen Road PS, Lilydale District Refurbishment: St Helens District, Mole Creek PS, Brighton PS, New Town PS, Glenorchy PS, Triabunna District, Orford PS, Oatlands District, Cressy District, Glen Dhu PS, East Tamar PS, Mowbray Heights PS, Ravenswood PS, Ringarooma PS, Yolla District, Sassafras PS, Cygnet PS, Latrobe PS

Contact: Rebecca Ellston

Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 JEREMY ROCKLIFF Minister for Education and Training

Turbo-charging TasTAFE Job creation remains the Hodgman Liberal Government's number one priority. While more than 11,000 additional jobs have been created since we came to office, we know there is more we can do to ensure our workers have the right skills for the jobs to meet the needs our growing economy. The 2018-19 budget includes $18.9 million in job creating infrastructure funding for TasTAFE. This funding will deliver our election commitments including: • $7 million to establish a Trades and Water Centre of Excellence • $5 million to establish an Agriculture Centre of Excellence based at Burnie's Freer Farm • $2 million for Drysdale to establish a delivery point in Hobart's northern suburbs • $1.5 million for a Drysdale training kitchen within the Devonport Living City project. This significant investment in TasTAFE infrastructure will ensure workforce training aligns with industry demand and helps to create rewarding and sustainable careers for Tasmanians. It complements our other policies of Payroll Tax Rebates and Small Business Grants that actively encourage employers to take on the next generation of the workforce. As we move forward into a new era for TasTAFE, championed by a new Board, Chair and CEO, the State Budget demonstrates our commitment to invest in and revitalise TasTAFE. It ensures our apprentices are trained to the highest standards and our connection to industry and the community are strong. Investments in public vocational education and training will help us achieve our goal to reduce the unemployment rate to the best State in the country by 2022. The 2018-19 State Budget clearly demonstrates that the Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to investing in skills and training and supporting the positive future of TasTAFE.


Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 MICHAEL FERGUSON Minister for Health

Over $475 million to improve health and hospital infrastructure The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to delivering better health infrastructure for all Tasmanians.

The State Budget includes over $475 million to take health in this state to the next level. Importantly, our capital upgrades includes almost $280 million to finalise the vital $689 million Royal Hobart Hospital redevelopment. The project remains on track for practical completion in mid-2019. $162 million will deliver an infrastructure boost at all 4 of Tasmania’s major hospitals over the next 6 years. This includes:

• $28 million for ward upgrades at the Royal Hobart Hospital, post- redevelopment

• $3 million for RHH air conditioning upgrade

• $87 million for the redevelopment at the Launceston General Hospital, including a new inpatient ward and a women’s centre

• $1.4 million for LGH air conditioning upgrade

• $500,000 for the North West Regional Hospital air conditioning upgrade

• $2.1 million for NWRH Antenatal Clinic

• $35 million for capital upgrades at the Mersey Community Hospital

• $5 million for improved car parking at the Launceston General Hospital


The Budget also includes significant funding of $15 million to upgrade rural hospitals and ambulance stations, as well as $12 million for brand new ambulance stations at Burnie and Glenorchy and $1.1 million for the Smithton Ambulance Station training facilities. The Government is proud to support other rural and regional areas with funding for much- needed upgrades, including:

• $10.5 million to roll out Stage 2 of the King Island Hospital redevelopment, • $2.5 million to support better patient care at the Midlands Multipurpose Centre, and

• $500,000 to upgrade accommodation for health professionals at Flinders Island. Our health infrastructure spend is all about building a better future for all Tasmanians and ensuring patients and staff have access to quality facilities.

Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010


14 June 2018 MICHAEL FERGUSON Minister for Health

Bigger hospitals, delivering more beds and employing more staff The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to continuing to improve Tasmania’s health system. We are building on the significant progress already made in the past four years, opening more beds and employing more doctors, nurses and other health staff. This Budget commences our six-year $757 million plan to build a better health system. Over the next four years, we will recruit an estimated 478 full-time staff as part of our strong plan. These vital staff will support a range of new services across Tasmania, building more capacity in our system and ensuring Tasmanians get the care they need sooner. Our investments will boost the frontline by recruiting more doctors, more nurses, more paramedics and allied health workers, as well as more health support workers. The Tasmanian Government is committed to investing in our health service, which we can only do because we have the Budget back under control and in surplus. Importantly, this Budget begins the rollout of 298 brand new beds in our hospitals. Over the next four years, 76 of these beds will be opened across the state, with the remaining new beds to be rolled out progressively as ward upgrades and redevelopments are completed. This continues our strong record of opening beds after the vicious years of health cuts from Labor and the Greens, which they arrogantly and dishonestly pretend didn’t happen. We have reversed Labor’s cuts in our first term and are now making further investments to meet demand.


Health is a key priority for the Hodgman Liberal Government and that’s why we will continue to deliver more beds, more staff, and more frontline services.

Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010


14 June 2018 MICHAEL FERGUSON Minister for Health

More support for ambulance services The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to supporting paramedics and volunteer ambulance officers and improving ambulance response times in Tasmania. Ambulance services are so often the frontline of our health services, assisting Tasmanians everyday by being the first respondents in stressful and challenging situations. We’ve already significantly increased ambulance services, but there’s more to do. This year’s Budget commences our six-year, $125 million plan to boost ambulance services by employing more paramedics, building better facilities and providing more training resources. These investments will save lives. The Budget includes: • $31.9 million for an entirely new aeromedical service. This is the centrepiece of our strong plan for ambulance services in Tasmania, and will be the first time the state has a dedicated aeromedical service. It is a giant step forward for our capacity to respond quickly to incidents in rural and remote parts of the state.

• $14.9 million for the progressive recruitment of 42 new rural and regional paramedics.

• Nearly $3 million to support 6 new staff members at the Statewide Operations Centre, which is in addition to the five staff already recruited.

• $12 million for the new Glenorchy and Burnie ambulance stations, plus approximately $5 million of the $15 million rural hospital and ambulance station upgrade fund.

• $800,000 per annum for the Volunteer Support Package, to support our volunteer paramedics by delivering improved coordination, training and recognition.


Importantly, $60 million of this new funding will be delivered within the first three years, enabling the recruitment of 56 new staff and the completion of important capital projects. These investments will represent a record uplift in capacity, ensuring our service is safer, that paramedics are better able to respond with more support from volunteer ambulance officers, and that there is more paramedic presence in regional and rural communities.

Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010


14 June 2018 MICHAEL FERGUSON Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management

More police and new police stations The Hodgman Liberal Government will take police numbers to the next level with new investment of $36.8 million in this years’ State Budget We are committed to boosting police numbers by a further 125 sworn officers and embarking on a $10 million dollar build of new police stations. Tasmania is a great place to live, work and build your future– and we’re committed to Keeping Tasmanians Safe. The majority of the new police officers will be deployed to frontline duties at first-response main Police Stations and in regional and rural stations around the State to complement existing establishment levels. This investment will include resourcing specialist crystal methamphetamine (ice) investigators to provide a specific focus on ice-related drug activity. The Hodgman Liberal Government will also invest $240,000 to support the re-establishment of a full-time core Special Operations Group to enhance rapid response to terrorism incidents, high-risk police operations and other emergencies. The 2018-19 Budget allocates a further $100,000 to Tasmania Police to undertake a Capability Review that will include environmental scanning of the future policing environment to ensure that the organisation is well positioned to continue to deliver high quality services to the community into the future. The $10 million investment in the construction of police stations will see new purpose-built facilities at New Norfolk and Longford. In regional areas, police stations are particularly important and help build a positive working relationship between police and the community they serve and the new stations will be a contemporary, well-equipped base for policing activities.


Policing is a high-risk occupation and we understand the need to improve the safety of our Police officers and the wider community. As a result, the 2018-19 Budget will fund the completion of the implementation project for body-worn cameras and commence roll out of equipment this year at a capital cost of $716,000. A further $5 million is provided to continue to upgrade police housing statewide to provide police officers with suitable secure and contemporary accommodation in regional and remote areas. The 2018-19 State Budget is further evidence that the Hodgman Liberal Government is Delivering on our Plan and Building Your Future.

Contact: Jodi De Cesare Phone: 0438 673 902


14 June 2018 MICHAEL FERGUSON Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management

Emergency service boost to keep Tasmanians safe The Hodgman Liberal Government is determined to Keep Tasmanians Safe. That’s why the 2018-19 State Budget delivers on all the commitments we have made as part of our Plan to Build Your Future – that includes continuing to take a hard line stance on law and order, ensuring Tasmania Police officers have the support they require to keep Tasmanians safe, and a range of measures to ease the impact of flood and fire. Tasmania Police We are committed to boosting police numbers by a further 125 sworn officers and embarking on a $10 million dollar build of new police stations. In addition we will provide: • $400,000 for latest-technology Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) for Tasmania Police, along with training for police officers Statewide. This will assist in a range of specialist police activities including cracking down on anti-social driving to ensure police can capture vehicles used in late night hooning, drag nights and mini-bikes used in urban areas; and • $4.7 million to continue with plans to replace the Police Vessel Dauntless and by 2021, we will allocate funding of around $6 million for the replacement of the Police Vessel Van Diemen – to better equip for marine rescues, fisheries enforcement and protection of marine resources. Fire and Emergency Services • The Government is providing $2 million for volunteer Tasmania Fire Service and State Emergency Service units to apply for equipment and station upgrades

• We are investing $535,000 to develop, sustain and grow Regional Area Teams’ capacity from suitable volunteer fire fighters around the State, providing an exciting career path for those volunteers with good physical fitness levels.


• $12.4 million will be made available to fund the internal fabrication of medium tankers and the purchase of heavy pumpers and aerial appliances as part of the Fire Fighting Appliances Replacement Program. • A total of $2.8 million is available for the replacement and refurbishment of fire stations. Flood and Bushfire Mitigation The Hodgman Liberal Government recognises the importance of flood mitigation and community fire safety. That’s why we are committing: • an additional $36 million to the Fuel Reduction Program, a nation-leading contemporary and strategic risk-based approach involving the whole of government. • $1.5 million over three years has been provided to assist with the establishment and ongoing administration of a Flood Policy Unit within the State Emergency Service. • The Commonwealth and Tasmanian governments are also jointly funding the $3 million Tasmanian Flood Project under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. Other initiatives • $2 million to provide no-interest loans to small businesses to install high-quality CCTV, as part of our crackdown on shoplifting. A maximum loan of $10,000 per business will be available with a three-year repayment term.

• $12 million to build a new Emergency Services Hub at Sorell, in recognition of the rapid growth of the South East region and Sorell in particular. Tasmanians are well served by a strong emergency service contingent that’s well trained in preparedness, response and recovery. The Hodgman Liberal Government is proud to acknowledge and support both our career and volunteer emergency responders, through our support in the 2018-19 Budget.

Contact: Jodi De Cesare Phone: 0438 673 902


14 June 2018 MICHAEL FERGUSON Minister for Science and Technology

Building our digital future The Hodgman Liberal Government is a strong supporter of our information and communication technology sector as an enabler of economic growth across all industries. This sector provides businesses with the capacity to raise their profiles, market products state-wide, nationally and globally, and operate more efficiently. This enables Tasmanians to grow their businesses and create more jobs. In this Budget, we are delivering on a number of key communication technology commitments made as part of our plan to Build Your Future, including: • $400,000 over four years to enhance Tasmania’s digital capability, with a focus on enhancing the affordability of digital access for Tasmanians. • $3.5 million to improve mobile coverage for the Great Eastern Drive between Binalong Bay and Buckland. This investment will improve coverage in several small towns along the Drive, including Four Mile Creek, Falmouth and Coles Bay, enhancing access for tourists and locals alike. It is anticipated this will also allow for the future expansion of the Tasmanian Government’s free WiFi network along one of the state’s most popular tourist routes. • $75,000 to develop a new Workforce Development Plan for the industry, with particular focus on encouraging women and diversity in the IT sector. • $250,000 to fund an additional year of the highly successful Digital Ready program, providing funding certainty through to 2022. This investment will ensure small businesses continue to receive innovative, informative and relevant information to help them seize the opportunities presented by changing digital technology.


• $278,000 to fund an additional year of the Enterprize Innovation Hubs in Launceston and Hobart, boosting the Hodgman Liberal Government’s total investment to the start-up community to more than $1.1 million dollars over the current term of Government. • $66.2 million over five years from 2018-19 for the Digital Transformation Fund. This includes the balance of the $13.1 million project commenced in 2017-18 for the procurement and implementation of a replacement integrated policing system, $16.6 million for Justice Connect, and $6 million for the CYC Client Information System. Other projects to be progressed through this fund include Health ICT Priority Infrastructure, the Public Account Reporting and Cash Management System, and the Digital Services Engine pilot program.

Improved information and communication technology is a key part of our plan to strengthen the economy and create more jobs in our growing state.

Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010


14 June 2018 ELISE ARCHER Minister for Corrections

Major investment in new prison infrastructure The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our Plan to keep Tasmanians safe, by investing in the prison infrastructure our State needs to ensure serious and dangerous criminals are securely behind bars. The 2018-19 State Budget includes:

• $70 million for a new Southern remand facility on the Risdon Prison site; and

• $45 million (of a $150 million project) for Stage 1 of a new Northern prison.

The new remand facility on the Risdon Prison site will have capacity for at least 70 remandees. This represents a significant capital outlay that will house a growing cohort in most Australian jurisdictions. Prison populations have grown throughout Australia and Tasmania has not been immune to this trend. It is clear that a new prison is needed to not only ensure the safety of the community and our Tasmania Prison Service (TPS) staff, but also allow for greater rehabilitation opportunities for prisoners. This is why the 2018-19 State Budget includes $45 million across the Forward Estimates to commence work on Stage 1 of a new 270 bed prison in the State’s north. The prison will be built in two stages, with construction expected to commence in the 2019- 20 financial year providing for up to 140 beds following an extensive planning and design phase. Stage 1 will be completed within five years, with Stage 2 works to follow thereafter.

These two major projects will see the creation of more than 4,000 direct and indirect jobs during construction.


In addition to our significant infrastructure spend, the 2018-19 State Budget also allocates $150,000 to deliver a Chatter Matters pilot program to prisoners in Tasmania, which uses evidence-based practices to improve literacy, support positive interpersonal interaction and communication skills, and skills for developing secure attachment with their children. While we make no apologies for being tough on serious crime, we want offenders to get their lives back on track and become productive, law-abiding members of society who no longer pose a threat to their victims or community safety.

Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 ELISE ARCHER Minister for Justice

Upgrading the Burnie Court complex The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to ensuring that all Tasmanians have access to an efficient and effective criminal and civil justice system. The 2018-19 Budget includes $8 million to deliver on our Plan to upgrade the court complex that houses the Burnie Supreme and Magistrates Courts. We are better resourcing our courts and prisons and ensuring sentencing options better reflect community expectations to keep Tasmanians safe. About 50,000 Tasmanians access the courts in Burnie each year. However, the court complex is outdated and no longer fit for purpose. This significant capital investment recognises the importance of ensuring regional Tasmania has adequate public infrastructure and access to justic, and will ensure the Burnie Court Complex can continue to service the region well into the future. A consultation program with all key stakeholder groups is underway to ensure that the upgrade addresses the needs of all court users. Our commitment to substantially upgrade the Burnie Court Complex will address safety and amenity issues with the existing facility, and ensure that the building is fit for purpose. The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on its Plan to provide a facility that will service the region into the future, whilst we remain committed to a two court model for the North-West region. Tenders for a building contractor will be called by March 2019.

Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122



14 June 2018 ELISE ARCHER Attorney-General

Tasmania’s contribution to the National Redress Scheme

In an important and historic step forward, the Hodgman Liberal Government announced it would opt in to the National Redress Scheme, a key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Our decision builds on Tasmania’s proud record of supporting victims, including through our $54 million Abuse in State Care compensation scheme that operated between 2003 and 2013.

With an estimated cost of around $70 million over the life of the Scheme, $40 million has been allocated over four years in this State Budget.

Survivors will be eligible for payments of up to $150,000 as well as a substantial contribution toward counselling, plus other associated support services.

The Hodgman Liberal Government will table legislation to bring us in to the Scheme in the coming months but importantly Tasmanian survivors will be able to begin the application process as soon as the National Scheme commences, which is expected to be on 1 July 2018.

We will also proclaim the Limitation Amendment Act to commence on the same date, so that survivors will have a choice between taking civil action or applying for redress through the Scheme.

The 2018-19 State Budget demonstrates the Tasmanian Government’s clear commitment to supporting survivors of abuse. While we can never undo the suffering experienced by so many, Tasmania’s involvement in this Scheme acknowledges the wrong that was done to Tasmanian survivors and significantly allows institutions to take responsibility for the harm that was caused.


Contact: Rebecca Ellston

Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 ELISE ARCHER Minister for Arts

Delivering for the Arts The Hodgman Liberal Government is a strong supporter of Tasmania’s cultural and creative industries. In the 2018-19 State Budget we are committing additional funding of more than $3.5 million to the Arts, including:

• $2 million for a Screen Innovation Fund to back strategically important projects for Tasmania’s screen sector. Up to 25% of this funding will be earmarked for new, innovative, proof-of-concept productions; • $1 million for a new highly-interactive children’s exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG). The new exhibition will give children the opportunity to learn, explore and experiment in an exhibition built especially for them, starting a lifelong love of learning and discovery in our State’s premier cultural institution; • $400,000 for philanthropic support of the TMAG and QVMAG (Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery) in Launceston. We will match funds raised by TMAG and QVMAG’s Arts Foundations on a dollar for dollar basis, up to $50,000 per annum over four years; and • $240,000 for Exporting Tasmanian Galleries and Artists. We will provide $80,000 per annum over three years to support the representation of Tasmanian galleries and artists at two of Australia’s premier International Art Fairs - Sydney Contemporary and Art Fair. The Tasmanian Government believes that our cultural and creative industries are important elements of our community and our economy, helping to make Tasmania the fantastic place it is to live, work and raise a family.


The 2018-19 State Budget demonstrates that we have a Plan to ensure our creative and cultural industries continue to thrive well into the future.

Contact: Rebecca Ellston Phone: 0428 374 122


14 June 2018 GUY BARNETT Minister for Energy

Delivering on our Tasmania First Energy Plan Energy is essential for our industries to grow and create more jobs to support Tasmanian families and communities. The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to delivering a secure and affordable energy supply for Tasmanians as part of our plan to Build Your Future. The 2018-19 Budget includes an extra $10 million to extend the rebates for commercial and industrial businesses coming off contract for a further 12 months. We will also progress work on the Tasmania First Energy Policy, which will deliver secure and reliable electricity supply and lower power prices. This year’s Budget will also allow us to deliver our promised cap on regulated electricity price increases to CPI over the next three financial years, with the Bill already before the Parliament. The Government will continue to provide $275,000 a year to implement the recommendations of the Energy Security Taskforce. Our On-Farm Energy and Irrigation Audit Program will provide $750,000 over three years to help farmers identify saving strategies. We have also established the Farm Energy Advocate services through Aurora Energy, to help business customers better manage their energy and usage costs. This energy package is taking the necessary steps to ensure we achieve our goal of becoming renewable energy self-sufficient by 2022, and reducing the cost of living by having the lowest regulated prices in the country.

Contact: Lucy Langtry Phone: 0435 236 359



14 June 2018 GUY BARNETT Minister for Resources

Growing our mining industry The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to strengthening the long-term outlook for our mining sector as part of our Plan to Build Your Future. Mining and minerals processing is a key economic pillar in Tasmania, with the sector responsible for 55 per cent of our exports or more than $1.5 billion a year. The 2018-19 Budget includes $2 million for the new Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative to expand the mining industry in Tasmania. The funding will support increased ‘greenfield’ mineral exploration through funding 50 per cent of direct drilling costs incurred on approved programs. This sits alongside ongoing programs including our $1.4 million Geoscience Initiative, which aims to provide geoscientific data that will underpin the industry’s future, and our $1 million Mining Sector Innovation Initiative, which will see exciting new technologies, solutions to mine rehabilitation and other cutting edge projects explored. The Budget also includes continued funding for the Mineral Exploration Investment Attraction Plan, which promotes mining and exploration in Tasmania to a national and international market. By ensuring a strong and growing mining sector we are boosting jobs, supporting families and driving economic activity in regional areas. There is no stronger supporter of Tasmania’s mining industry than the Hodgman Liberal Government.

Contact: Lucy Langtry Phone: 0435 236 359



14 June 2018 GUY BARNETT Minister for Resources

Delivering a stronger future for Tasmanian forestry The forestry sector is a key economic and jobs driver in Tasmania as it supports the livelihoods of thousands of families, particularly in regional areas. As part of the Hodgman Liberal Government’s plan to Build Your Future, we recognise the importance of strengthening the long-term outlook of the forestry industry. Our production forestry operations are renewable and sustainable and our long-term plan is to double the industry’s value. The 2018-19 Budget provides $13 million in funding and training support for the new $190 million, 80-hectare Hermal Group cross-laminated plantation timber mill and production facility in Hampshire. This is expected to create 200 new jobs, and approximately 160 jobs during construction. We have also committed to a loan of up to $30 million for the project, which is expected to begin construction later this year. The Budget also continues our $4 million Tasmanian Forests, Fine Timber and Wood Fibre Industry Growth Plan that is enhancing employment and profitability in our forest sector. We are also committed to ensuring that areas of the Permanent Timber Production Zone that aren’t being used for commercial harvest continue to be open and accessible for eco- tourism and recreational community use with a further $12 million in 2018-19. To maintain the health, viability and sustainability of our forests overall we are providing $1.5 million for the Forest Practices Authority and $1.6 million for Private Forests Tasmania to support the continued and efficient management of these natural assets. The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to revitalising our forestry sector and locking in jobs for the long term.


We will ensure the ongoing economic injections into the state’s bottom line continue as well as ensuring our natural resources are sustainable and can be enjoyed by all.

Contact: Lucy Langtry Phone: 0435 236 359


14 June 2018 GUY BARNETT Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Supporting our Veterans Supporting Tasmania’s veterans and ex-service personnel is a major priority of the Hodgman Liberal Government. Today, Tasmania has more than 10,500 veterans and ex-serving personnel. Their service and sacrifice deserves to be acknowledged. In the 2018-19 Budget, the Government is committing a record $750,000 package to support veterans, ex-service personnel and their families. This package includes: • Providing peak body status to the RSL (Tasmania Branch) which will see an increase in core annual funding to $110,000 to provide assistance and advocacy, with indexation of 2.25 per cent to be applied from 2019-2020; • Provision of $50,000 per year for three years to RSL (Tasmania Branch) to undertake projects that improve service delivery to ex-serving men and women in Tasmania; • Provision of $50,000 to RSL (Tasmania Branch) to deliver events celebrating the 2018 Armistice centenary, which also marks the end of the Centenary of ANZAC; • Establishing the Teddy Sheean Grants Program of $100, 000 a year for 3 years for repairs and maintenance to RSLs and other veterans’ organisations as well as war memorial construction and repairs; • Establishing a $225,000 partnership with the Parks and Wildlife Service to enable participation in an active recreation and adventure program for veterans in Tasmania’s National Parks.


The Hodgman Liberal Government remains a proud supporter of Tasmania’s servicemen and women, their families and the RSL branches of Tasmania.

Contact: Lucy Langtry Phone: 0435 236 359


14 June 2018 SARAH COURTNEY Minister for Primary Industries and Water

Stronger agriculture sector to deliver more jobs and opportunities The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our plan for a stronger economy and creating more jobs with $70 million in additional funding over 4 years for agriculture in the 2018-19 State Budget. Our comprehensive Agri-Food Growth Plan for 2018-2023 recognises the importance of agriculture to the State’s continued growth and the significant investment the Tasmanian Government is making in the sector. We know that a strong agricultural sector delivers jobs and opportunities across every region and this Budget delivers across the board in supporting our farmers from our major dairy, beef, fruit and vegetable producing sectors to our winemakers, organic industries, beekeepers and wool growers. This Budget is about supporting our farmers on the land but also recognising the importance of strong farming families, support programs and investing in the future. That is why we have also invested in biosecurity, marketing, research, development and extension as well as our rural financial support services and other community organisations. We have also recognised that for our agriculture sector to continue to grow we need to look to the future. That is why we have invested in supporting the farmers of tomorrow through continued investment in our agricultural tertiary sector. Among our many initiatives included in the 2018-19 State Budget are: • $4.18 million to work with farmers, processors and agribusiness on practical industry development strategies to improve productivity and profitability throughout the supply chain in the red meat, dairy, wine, fruit and vegetable, honey, hemp, and organics sectors.


• $400,000 through Skills Tasmania to continue the Wool Harvesting Training Program. • $860,000 over 4 years for an additional two AgriGrowth Liaison Officers based in the North, combined with a new Primary Producers Hotline, to provide easier access to Department of services. This is in addition to $2.4 million to support the move of 100 position in DPIPWE to Launceston and Devonport.

• An additional $595,000 for Rural Financial Counselling Services and Farm Business Mentoring delivered by Rural Business Tasmania as well as increased funding for Rural Youth and Tasmanian Women in Agriculture. This Budget also provides an additional $3 million over 5 years taking the total investment to the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) to $28 million to support a new Agricultural Innovation Fund for specific industry-aligned priority research programs, and $7 million over 3 years to modernise Crown and TIA research farm assets. Additional funding of $60,000 per year will assist students who would not otherwise access higher education, undertake an Associate Degree in Agribusiness at the University of Tasmania. The Tasmanian Government is also investing more into practical on-ground Landcare works that sustain our productive soils and farm land, rivers, biodiversity and other natural resources. The Hodgman Liberal Government is the most strident supporter of our farmers and the primary production sector and we are delivering on our plan to grow the value of agriculture to $10 billion by 2050.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 SARAH COURTNEY Minister for Primary Industries and Water

Taking biosecurity to the next level to protect and grow our agriculture industry Additional funding of $8.6 million over 4 years to strengthen Tasmania’s biosecurity will be provided in the 2018-19 State Budget to help protect and grow the State’s agriculture industry and deliver on our plan to create jobs in regional Tasmania and grow the State’s economy. The Hodgman Liberal Government has consistently delivered additional funding for biosecurity over the past 4 budgets and we are making a significant investment again in 2018-19 and beyond as part of taking agriculture to the next level. Biosecurity is vitally important for protecting Tasmania’s reputation for quality primary produce and our natural environment and our relative pest and disease free status is a competitive advantage for our farmers in the market-place. The Tasmanian Government is committed to ensuring Tasmania’s biosecurity system continues to respond to the modern risks and challenges of increased trade, to ensure Tasmania’s place in a global market-place and to manage more visitors coming to our island home. Biosecurity investment in the 2018-19 State Budget includes: • $2 million over 4 years for truck and machinery wash down stations. Partnering with farmers, agribusiness and local government this funding will build a network of wash- down stations to improve biosecurity and farm hygiene, by disposing of waste, reduce potential spread of disease and weeds and improve road safety. • $510,000 over 4 years to expand Biosecurity Tasmania’s collaboration with industry groups and farmers to plan for and manage post-border biosecurity risks and to support on-farm biosecurity hygiene strategies.


• $480,000 over 4 years to boost biosecurity on the Bass Strait Islands. King Island and Flinders Island are gateways to Tasmania and additional biosecurity resources on each Island will support landholders to tackle weeds, pests and other issues affecting agricultural production and other local biosecurity priorities. The Budget also confirms an expenditure of $5.6 million over 4 years from the new $20 million Biosecurity Emergency Response and Research Fund to meet the costs associated with the current eradication program for Queensland Fruit Fly and future biosecurity risks. The Fund includes: • Three additional biosecurity inspectors to target high risk produce coming into the State as well as a new Specialist Fruit Fly Adviser in Biosecurity Tasmania. • A new Industry Collaboration role in Biosecurity Tasmania to work with growers, farmers, industry groups and the wider Tasmanian community on communications, consultation and education programs to prepare and respond to fruit fly, other potential trade-related pests and improved biosecurity generally. • Recurrent funding to participate in the fruit fly SITPlus program led by Horticulture Innovation Australia and ensure that Tasmania has access to Sterile Insect Techniques (SIT) should it be required. • Support for the growers’ assistance program beyond the $2 million already committed if required. The Hodgman Liberal Government remains committed to working closely with all primary industry stakeholders to identify further opportunities to maintain our State’s strong biosecurity system and to prepare and protect Tasmania from future pest and disease risks.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 SARAH COURTNEY Minister for Primary Industries and Water

Strong support for our sustainable seafood industry The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our plan for a stronger economy and creating more jobs with $12.7 million in additional funding over 4 years for our seafood sector in the 2018-19 State Budget. This State Budget supports our commercial fishers and delivers practical strategies to grow the value of our world class wild caught and farmed seafood sector. We are investing in today’s fisheries and also looking to the future with programs that support long-term and sustainable fisheries management which is essential to growing the economies and jobs in regional areas. Funding in the 2018-19 State Budget includes: • $150,000 to assist the Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council to improve safety for the commercial fisheries and marine farming sectors. • $300,000 to extend the East Coast Rock Lobster Translocation Program which is rebuilding rock lobster biomass to benefit both commercial and recreational fisheries.

• A further $5 million to fund the ongoing development of the Fisheries Integrated Licensing and Management System including digital licensing, real-time transfer of fisheries data and streamlining of licence and quota management processes. • Establishing a $5.1 million, 5-year Abalone Industry Reinvestment Fund by diverting a portion of existing royalties to support industry-led projects to tackle Long Spined Sea Urchins and increase Abalone stock rates. • Ongoing funding of $200,000 per year for the Abalone Industry Development Trust Fund for projects to develop new markets, economic analysis and maintaining the sustainability of the abalone fishery.


• $400,000 for ShellMAP Industry Development to work with Oysters Tasmania to improve the capacity of the oyster industry to manage market access and food safety. • $400,000 to enhance the real time monitoring sensor network for the oyster industry. The Budget also provides an additional $1 million in funding for the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) increasing its total funding to $14 million over 5 years. This will provide for additional research into the fishing and marine farming industries and ongoing support for the assessment of new and sustainable fisheries opportunities.

The Hodgman Liberal Government launched our Sustainable Industry Growth Plan for the Salmon Industry last year so that the community can have confidence in this world class industry with significantly strengthened penalties and regulations and with the independent Environment Protection Authority in charge of regulating the industry.

Contact: Martin Gilmour Phone: 0417 030 632


14 June 2018 ROGER JAENSCH Minister for Housing

Delivering affordable housing for Tasmanians in need The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our strong plan to provide an additional 1,500 new affordable homes for Tasmanians and assist around 2000 households. This is part of our $125 million investment over 5 years – the second stage of our Tasmanian Affordable Housing Strategy. In response to increasing demand, the additional $25 million per annum investment has been brought forward, starting in this budget. This brings our total investment in affordable housing to nearly $200 million over 8 years, which is the largest ever Tasmanian Government spend on affordable housing in the state’s history. So far our Affordable Housing Strategy has helped more than 500 new households into affordable, secure and safe homes. Together, Stage I and II of the Strategy will bring the total number of new affordable homes to 2,400, with about 3,600 households assisted. As part of our investment into affordable housing, $20 million over 3 years will be quarantined for purpose-built homes for people living with disability. The Hodgman Liberal Government’s Affordable Housing Strategy addresses the entire housing spectrum, including home ownership, affordable rental, public and community housing, and crisis accommodation, across all demographics in all regions of the state. Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010



14 June 2018 ROGER JAENSCH Minister for Human Services

An extra $24 million to protect Tasmanian children at risk Improving child safety services, increasing the out-of-home care age to 21 and improving incentive payments to foster carers and young people for completing their Tasmanian Certificate of Education or equivalent is all part of the Hodgman Liberal Government’s strong plan to support positive generational change for children. We are committed to a comprehensive whole-of-government redesign of the child safety system to better support families and children at risk in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Government is investing an additional $24 million in funding to support this redesign, employing more child safety officers and other frontline staff, and assisting vulnerable children with very complex needs in out-of-home care. This is on top of the $51.2 million in increased funding for out-of-home care and the redesign of child and safety services that we have already committed in our first term. In addition to that, we are delivering on our election commitments, which will provide: • $7.5 million over three years for additional intensive family and parenting support services, including specific support for at-risk youths. A further $2 million will be allocated to the Youth at Risk Strategy, including individualised case management. • $4.35 million over three years to ensure young people transitioning from out-of- home care are ready and supported, with $3 million to extend care up to the age of 21. $1.2 million has been allocated for an incentive payment of $2500 to both the foster carer and young person upon successful completion of their TCE or equivalent to encourage them to continue their studies. • $50,000 a year will be given to CREATE Foundation Tasmania to further engage and support young people in care.


• $900,000 over three years will be allocated to strengthen the permanency of placement process to avoid children being continually moved between multiple foster care homes. • $600,000 over three years to continue the Mums ‘n’ Bubs program at Karinya for young mothers. • $580,000 to keep the Kentish Family Support Services open and deliver vital services. This was closed under the former Labor-Green government. The Strong Families Safe Kids redesign is already seeing system improvements, but we know there is more work to be done. This budget shows our commitment to continuing to improve the lives of children and young people and better support families and children at risk so that we can help them achieve the best possible future.

Contact: Carly Dolan Phone: 0437 925 010


14 June 2018 JACQUIE PETRUSMA Minister for Sport and Recreation

Building our sporting future The Hodgman Liberal Government has a goal of becoming the healthiest state in Australia by 2025 and reducing our obesity rates to below the national average in the same timeframe. The Government supports the development of high quality and well-planned sport and recreation facilities as well as increased opportunities for all Tasmanians to participate in sport, recreation and physical activity which is why we will deliver on our plan by investing significant funds into our sporting future.

This Budget includes almost $30 million in new funding to boost participation and improve sports and recreation infrastructure.

• We have committed $10 million in the budget over the next 3 years for community consultation, design and construction of a new 4 court indoor multi-sport facility in Glenorchy.

• Our Ticket to Play initiative will see $3 million committed to subsidise sporting registration for around 30,000 children and young people whose parents or guardians have a healthcare or concession card. • A further $3 million will be used for the construction of a much needed hydrotherapy pool at the Doone Kennedy Aquatic Centre. • Since opening for expressions of interest, our Levelling the Playing Field program has seen a high level of interest from sporting clubs and organisations across the state. This $10 million investment over 2 years will facilitate increased female participation by building new or upgraded facilities to ensure our girls and women have access to the same facilities and opportunities as men. •


• To further increase high performance and pathways for women in sport, funding to Cricket Tasmania has increased by $240,000 in recognition of the “one club, two teams” culture Cricket Tasmania are developing by bringing the Tasmanian women’s team under the Tigers banner. • Tennis in Launceston has also received a massive boost with $2 million allocated to Tennis Tasmania for the development of a new, elite level facility for the north of the state. These initiatives will help us reach our goal of becoming the healthiest state and reducing our obesity rates in Australia by 2025, and provide more opportunities for all Tasmanians to be active together.

Contact: Lucy Langtry Phone: 0435 236 359


14 June 2018 JACQUIE PETRUSMA Minister for Disability Services and Community Development

Delivering on our plan to support Tasmanians in need Investing in more services and support for our most vulnerable Tasmanians is a priority of the Hodgman Liberal Government. The 2018-19 Budget is all about delivering on our plan and building a better future for all Tasmanians which includes:

• Nearly $900 million for disability support and services with over $878 million in cash and in kind contributions to the NDIS. • $21.2 million over and above our NDIS commitment, which includes $20 million in Stage 2 of our Affordable Housing Action Plan for disability specific housing.

We are also providing additional funding to our peak bodies of $1.1 million which includes the Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT), Council on the Ageing (COTA), Volunteering Tasmania and the Multicultural Council of Tasmania (MCOT). Carers Tasmania, the Tasmanian Men’s Shed Association, and RSL (Tasmania Branch) will be elevated to peak body status with each peak body now receiving $110,000 per annum in core recurrent funding, as well as indexation for the first time in future years. Carers Tasmania will receive an additional $40,000 over 2 years towards the “I Care” resource containing health and care related information for carers. Tasmanian Men’s Sheds will receive additional funding of $375,000 over 3 years for the Tasmanian Men’s Shed Grant fund. Council of the Ageing (COTA) will receive additional funding of $585,000 over three years to implement initiatives under the Active Ageing Plan as part of the Government’s Strong, Liveable Communities: Tasmania’s Active Ageing Plan 2017-2022 - a


comprehensive whole of government strategy for older Tasmanians; as well as $106,000 each year to fund Seniors Week. The Hodgman Liberal Government has also provided increased funding of $1.8 million for food security in Tasmania, including:

• $250,000 per annum for 3 years in core funding to Foodbank. • $450,000 to Secondbite as part of the $700,000 Loaves and Fishes Tasmania Project, to deliver 12,000 nutritious ready-to-eat cooked meals to Tasmanians doing it tough each week. • $25,000 per annum for Produce to the People over 3 years, in addition to $100,000 over 4 years to further develop and maintain its successful micro greens social enterprise. • $180,000 over 3 years for Tasmania’s three mobile food van services, including Gran’s Van in Devonport, Louis’ Van in Hobart and Launceston’s Missionbeat, to deliver hot food, warm clothing and blankets to the homeless. The Budget also continues funding of $780,000 for the On Island Support for Refugees including the Safe Haven Hub, $50,000 for the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia Congress, and $500,000 for Resetting the Relationship with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community. The Hodgman Liberal Government knows that not all Tasmanians are feeling the benefits of a stronger economy, which is why we will continue to prioritise investment to improve the lives of vulnerable Tasmanians.

Contact: Lucy Langtry Phone: 0435 236 359