: Hotspot Priority Woredas (June 2017) ENCU☃

YEMEN Priority woredas Overall priority ERITREA - Hotspot woreda classification is derived from expert Priority woredas judgment using six multi-sector indicators that are ☋Agriculture 219 166 62 ☊☃ Ahferom 272 111 59 Mereb Laelay Erob agreed upon at zonal, regional, federal levels. Tahtay Leke Gulomekeda Red Sea Health & Adiyabo Adiyabo Adwa Saesie Dalul - Hotspot matrix is the basis for OTP, TSF Asgede Werei Tsaedaemba Nutrition Naeder Leke Koneba Tsimbila Berahile programming across the country. SUDAN Adet Hawzen TIGRAY Tselemti Degua Kelete - Hotspot matrix is often used as proxy for IPC. Addi Tanqua Temben Awelallo Arekay Abergele Tselemt Enderta Afdera Debark Ab Ala Beyeda Hintalo Erebti Dabat Janamora Abergele Wejirat Bidu Ziquala Alaje Megale Wegera Raya Sahla Sekota Yalo Gonder Azebo West Ofla Teru Kurri AFAR Zuria Dehana Belesa East Alamata Belesa Gaz Gulina Elidar Ebenat Gibla Awra Gulf of AMHARA Lay Guba Ewa Gayint Lafto Aden Dubti Tach Chifra Aysaita Gayint Ambasel Simada Bati Adaa'r Mekdela Kutaber Mile Afambo Kalu Telalak DJIBOUTI Goncha Sayint Tenta Siso Legambo Argoba Enese Albuko Dewe Gewane Debresina Ayisha BENISHANGUL Gishe Artuma Bure Kelela Rabel Wegde Fursi Mudaytu GUMU Jama Z Dera Hadelela Shinile Menz Mama Merahbete Jarte Wara Afdem Degem Midir Kewet Dembel Jardega Jarso Gerar Abichuna Aw-bare Kuyu Miesso Jarso Gne'a Ankober Amibara Erer Jarso Chinaksen Wuchale Angolelana Argoba Goro Meta Kombolcha Gursum Jijiga Sasiga Guto Tera Special Gutu Kersa SOMALIA Mieso Hareshen Gida Aleltu Deder Fedis Gursum Berehet Awash Babile UGANDA Diga Girawa Minjar Fentale GobaZuria Kebribeyah Bedeno Midega Shenkora Koricha Fentale Malka Tola Babile Adama Priority woredas Anfilo Balo Priority woredas Daro Lare Boset Meyumuluka Degehabur Education CP/GBV Wantawo Lebu Boke Golo ☄ Sodo 195 50 45 ★ Jikawo Itang Oda Aware Gashamo 69 - - Gambela Fik Makuey Dugda Arsi Hawi Zuria Meskan Lude Degehamedo Akobo Gudina Jore Abobo Selti Lege Gibe Hida Danot Gog Kersa Dalocha Meyu Wilbareg Arsi Gembora Shirka Gololcha Boh Negele Selahad GAMBELA Soro Alaba SP Inkolo Bale Shekosh Mengesh Gasera Gena Kacha Woreda Kore Wabe Dima Godere Gedeb Bosa Bira Siraro Asasa Damot SOMALI Goro Sore Kebridehar SNNP Loma Kindo Loka Rayitu Warder Geladin Nenesebo Denan Bosa Dida Humbo Abaya Dawe East Imi (Wereka) Kachen Melekoza Chuko Bensa Abaya Dila Denibu Aroresa Gura Guradamole Zuria Harena Mena Debeweyin SOUTH SUDAN Gofa Damole West Imi Shilabo Arba Buluk Gode South Ari Gelana Minch Hambela Goro Serer/Elkere (Bako Male Wamena Wadera Baqaqsa Adadle Selamgo Gazer) Zuria Meda Bule Kercha Kelafo Derashe Goro Welabu Bena Alle Burji Hora Hargele Ferfer Tsemay Saba Dola Chereti/Weyib Mustahil Konso Dugda Melka Boru Gnangatom Dawa Soda Afder Bare Liben Filtu Yabelo Hudet Arero Teltele Hotspot woredas () Dolobay Moyale Dolo Odo Dire Dehas Priority 1 Priority 2 KENYA Miyo Moyale Priority 3

YEMEN Hotspot woredas by region Hotspot woredas comparison Priority woredas Priority woredas ☱Market 162 90 110 ☉WASH 188 136 76 Region 1 2 3 Total 500 Afar 25 7 32 Priority 1 Amhara 13 30 25 68 400 77 60 88 75 Dire Dawa 5 5 Priority 2 300 Gambella 2 7 4 13 147 154 174 158 Priority 3 Harari 2 2 200 Oromia 64 56 17 137 100 SNNP 34 30 16 80 219 206 192 228 Somali 83 10 93 0 Mar-16 Jul-16 Dec-16 Jun-17 Tigray 7 16 8 31 Total 228 158 75 461

UGANDA The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 5 Jul 2017 Map Doc.: 11_HS_Sector_070517_A4 Sources: NDRMC/ENCU Feedback: [email protected] Prepared by: