Summer 2019 the FIRST FORTY-FIVE
From: Vol. 1, No. 1—Fall | Winter 1974 To: Vol. 45, Nos. 1 & 2—Spring | Summer 2019 THE FIRST FORTY-FIVE YEARS 1 2 1974, Vol. I, No. 1 – Fall / Winter Articles: * A Note on G. K.C. (Reginald Jebb) * An Everlasting Man (Maurice B. Reckitt) * Chesterton and the Man in the Forest (Leo A. Hetzler) * Chesterton on the Centenary of His Birth (Elena Guseva) * Chesterton as an Edwardian Novelist (John Batchelor) * To Gilbert K. Chesterton, a poem (Lewis Filewood) News & Comments: * Letter from Secretary of the Chesterton Society (1. Reviewing centenary year; 2. Announcing meeting of Chesterton Society) * Letter from Secretary of the H.G. Wells Society (Wants to exchange journals with the Chesterton Society) * Note about books: G.K. Chesterton: A Centenary Appraisal by John Sullivan; G. K. Chesterton by Lawrence J. Clipper; G. K. Chesterton: Critical Judgments by D.J. Conlon, and The Medievalism of Chesterton by P.J. Mroczkowski * Spode House Review announcement: publishing of the Chesterton Centenary Conference proceedings * Notes on Articles: “Some Notes on Chesterton” (CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C.S. Lewis Society, May 1974); “Chesterton on Dickens: The Legend and the Reality,” (Dickens Study Newsletter, June 1974); “Chesterton’s Colour Imagery in The Man Who Was Thursday” (Columbia University Pastel Essays Series, September 1974); “Chesterton, Viejo Amigo” (Incunable No. 297, September 1974-spanish); “Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A Fond Tribute” (Thought, XXVI, July 1974, Delhi, India) * Note on: Chesterton Centenary Conference at Notre Dame College of Education in Glasgow, by the Scottish Catholic Historical Association, September 1974 * Note on: Chesterton Conference at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, October 1974 * Letter from: John Fenlon Donnely, President of Donnely Mirrors on the Conference at Notre Dame College, Glasgow * Note on Adrian Cunningham (U.
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