An Index to Meditations on the Tarot
AN INDEX TO MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT Numbers in brackets are page references to Meditations on the Tarot - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism which was published anonymously and posthumously, and dedicated to Our Lady of Chartres (Amity House, New York, 1985 - Element Books, 1991.) Locations of Specific References ANON, Die Grossen Arcana Des Tarot, Herder, Basel, 1983 - second, completely revised German translation of the original French manuscript of Meditations on the Tarot, the first German translation having been published by Anton Hain, Meisenheim, 1972 (325) ANON, Meditations sur les 22 arcanes majeurs du Tarot, Aubier Montaigne, Paris, 1984 - second, revised and complete edition of the author's original text, an edited version of which had already been published by Aubier Montaigne in 1980 ANON, Meditations on the Tarot - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, Amity House, New York, 1985 ANON, Meditations on the Tarot - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism Element Books, 1991 ANON, Meditations on the Tarot - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism Jeremy Tharcher ANON, Otkrovennye rasskazy strannika dukhovnymn svoimu ottsu - The Way of a Pilgrim, translated by R.M. French, 1954 (XVIV 384, XVIII 515-6) AGRIPPA OF NETTESHEIM, Henry Cornelius, De Incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarum (XVI 450) AGRIPPA OF NETTESHEIM, Henry Cornelius, De Occulta Philosophia (III 59, XVI 450) AMBELAIN, Robert, La Kabbale pratique, Paris, 1951 (VI 138) AMBELAIN, Robert, Le Martinisme, Paris, 1946 (VIII 185) Saint ANTHONY THE GREAT, Apophthegmata, translated by E. Kadloubovsky & G.E.H. Palmer in Early Fathers from the Philokalia, London, 1954 - though this translation is not entirely followed (XII 307, XV 411, XV 414) APOLLONIUS OF TYANA or Balinas the Wise, The Secret of Creation, c.
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