Ecological Impact Report for Baviaanskloof WHS Interpretive Centre DRAFT ECOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF THE BAVIAANSKLOOF WORLD HERITAGE SITE INTERPRETIVE CENTRE Title: Baviaanskloof World Heritage Site Interpretive Centre Prepared for: Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA) Date: August 2019 Proposed development of the Baviaanskloof WHS Interpretive Centre: Ecological Impact Report Contact Details: Ecological specialist Name Ms Rebekah Anderson Designation Junior Botanist and Environmental consultant Phone: 043 726 7809 Cell Phone 082 300 6497 E-mail
[email protected] 25 Tecoma Street Berea East London 5203 Tel: +27 04 726 7809 Contact Details: Report Reviewer Name Roy de Kock Designation Principal Botanist Phone: 043 726 7809 Cell Phone 076 281 9660 E-mail
[email protected] 25 Tecoma Street Berea East London 5203 Tel: +27 43 726 7809 The contents of this specialist report complies with the legislated requirements as described in Appendix 6 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (No 107 of 1998), as amended. Page 1 of 120 Proposed development of the Baviaanskloof WHS Interpretive Centre: Ecological Impact Report THE PROJECT TEAM 1. (1) A specialist report prepared in terms of these Regulations must contain— (a) details of— (i) the specialist who prepared the report; and (ii) the expertise of that specialist to compile a specialist report including a curriculum vitae; (b) a declaration that the specialist is independent in a form as may be specified by the competent authority; Details of the specialist Ms Rebekah Anderson (Assistant report writer) Rebekah is an Environmental Consultant and holds a B.Sc in Environmental Sciences from Nelson Mandela University, majoring with Botany and Geography.