KING CREOLE 5.25 Chicken breast fillet pieces roasted in blackened Cajun spices, CHIPS Regular: 2 / Large: 3 CHIPS & CHEESE 3/4 served in a hot pitta with , iceberg lettuce and a few chips inside. 3.50 4 Freshly cut and fried in vegetable oil. Grated Dubliner. FlameQUARTER grilled POUNDER beef. FriedKC SPECIAL onion, , BURGER mayo, 5.25 Ketchup & raw onion. gherkin, vine tomato & lettuce. Chicken,PITTA-FUL fried POULTRY pineapple & peppers, our own garlic mayo, chips & lettuce. CHIPS TOPPED WITH A CHOICE OF... CHIPS, CHEESE & GARLIC mayo honey-mustard mayo 3.65/4.75 4.50 5.25 BACON DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER garlic mayo blue cheese mayo Grated Dubliner & ChickenPOLYNESIAN (marinated in soy sauce, garlic and ginger), Mature cheddar, gherkin, ketchup garlic butter thousand island home made garlic mayo. 6.50 & onion. chutney with honey-mustard mayo, grilled pineapple, chips & lettuce. TwoCHEESEBURGER quarter pound beef patties, BBQ sauce curry sweet lime-chilli sauce three slices of mature cheddar, 5 5.75 peas homemade chilli sauce CHIPS, CHEESE & CURRY ENCHILADA smoky bacon, fried onion, ketchup CreamyBBC BURGER blue cheese mayo, smoky 3.65/4.75 Chicken, our own salsa, grated cheddar, mayonnaise, 2.65/3.75 chips & shredded iceberg lettuce. & gherkin. bacon and vine tomatoes. Grated Dubliner and our mildly spicy Or create your own combination of house curry. Add any of the above. 5.25 4 BOMBSHELL cheese or KashmirDELHI chutney & mayo. 4 One of our famous Chicken Bombays in a pitta with bacon for an PineappleHAWAIIAN ring & CARTON OF ANY OF OUR SAUCES mayo, chutney, lettuce and chips. extra euro thousand island dressing. Small: 65c Regular: 1.20 Large: 2.40 4 TEX-MEXChilli sauce, onion & mayo. 4 FAJITA 5 PORK Fajita seasoning, jalapeños, roast red THE FULL MONTY CAJUN 4 peppers & mayo. Chips smothered in minced beef, homemade chilli, fried onion & mayo. 4.80 Blackened Cajun seasoning, B.L.T mayo & iceberg lettuce. The classic American in a pitta. Smoky bacon, SAUSAGE BURGER 3.50 5 iceberg lettuce, sliced vine tomato, mayo & a few chips. Two prime pork sausages, ketchup Slow roasted pork slicedTHE and SQUEALER coated in our homemade BBQ sauce TRANSYLVANIAN 4 & onion. over chips with lettuce, gherkins and a dollop of creamy mayo. 5.25 Garlic butter & ketchup. SlowKANSAS roast IrishCITY pork PITTA belly rubbed with our own blend of dry BBQ spices, coated in homemade sticky BBQ sauce & served in a pitta with mayo, sliced or FLAMING PIG IN THE SPUDS 5 gherkin, a few chips & iceberg lettuce. A spicy mix of pork sausage, onion & sweet red peppers, sautéed, CREATE YOUR OWN BURGER USING ANY OF OUR SAUCES AND TOPPINGS caramelized and accompanied by a box of our famous chips with a dollop of mayo to quench the flames. €1.50 BEEF €1 extra ADD CHEESE OR BACON MAKE IT A DOUBLE 5 5.45 Box of chips withCHILLI grated CHEESE cheddar and a portion Bresnan’sSTEAK SANDWICH prime steak, grilled medium with mayo, of our Chilli Beans poured on top. sliced vine tomato & lettuce and a few chips inside.

6.30 MediumPHILLY grilledSTEAK steak, fried onions & mushrooms, grated cheddar, mayo, chips & lettuce.

5 GrilledMEXICAN fresh ground beef, our own chilli sauce, mayo, chips & lettuce. VEGETARIAN SIDES SWEET CHILLI BEEF 5 Sweet chilli and lime dressing over grilled minced beef with garlic mayo, 1.10 2.60 a few chips, iceberg lettuce and coriander in a hot pitta. 4.50 MashedPOTATO & a little chopped CrispyGARLIC breaded MUSHROOMS fresh mushrooms BreadedKCHICKEN Irish BURGER chicken breast fillet in a toasted bun with mayo and lettuce. onion, fried in batter. served with garlic mayonnaise. 5.50 1.10 VEGETARIAN AsCANADIAN above with addedEH? bacon & maple syrup. 2.60 BatteredPINEAPPLE pineapple rings. ThickFRENCH rings FRIED of fresh ONION onion RINGS 4.80 4.85 fried in crispy batter. FriedVEGETARIAN mixed veg PITTA (onion, courgette, mange-tout, mushrooms, peppers & pineapple), HOT BLUE CHICK 2.50 Gluten garlic mayo, grated cheddar, chips, tomato & lettuce in a hot pitta. Breaded chicken breast, blue cheese mayo, CHEESE & POTATO PIE Free hot sauce & lettuce in a brioche bun. An oven baked tortilla roll filled with 2 potato, tangy cheddar cheese, fried FriedCHILLI peppers BEANS & onion, a hint of garlic, 3.45 onion and some peppery spices. lashings of chilli, haricot and kidney ACHIP hot pittaBUTTY stuffed with chips & your choice of sauce (usually mayo). CheckCHICKEN instore BURGER to see what’s OF THE new. MONTH beans in tomato sauce. FALAFEL 4.80 OTHER SIDES A hot pitta filled with falafel, pickled red onions, mayo and lettuce. CHICKEN & CHIPS 5.50 Box of breaded chicken with chips. CHIMICHANGA 3.50 SAUSAGE 1.10 3.40 An oven baked Mexican tortilla roll Prime pork. With or without batter. FISH FreshCHICKEN chicken NUGGETS breast fillet in a light batter, served with a dip of your choice. filled with mesquite barbecue beef, potato, roast red peppers, jalapeños, 1.90 BERMUDA TRIANGLE FLYING FISH 5.50 4.10 melted mozzarella & cheddar. A wedge of tortilla filled with bacon A hot pitta bread filled with strips of fried fish (daily catch) with a sweet FajitaWILD seasoned WINGS box of 5 chicken wings with blue cheese mayo dip. jam and Cashel blue cheese, fried in chilli & lime dressing, mayo, a few chips, coriander & shredded iceberg. batter. 2.35 3.70 6.30 ThreeKOREAN rice ballsRICE made BALLS with pork, ChoppedCUP OF chickenCHICKEN breast CURRY in a medium hot sauce with a sprinkle of coriander. 1.10 BreadedKING PRAWN prawn scampi in a pitta with garlic mayo, chips and lettuce. chicken, pickled ginger, fried in panko InventedMEAT PATTIE by ourselves in 1960. breadcrumbs and served with a 1.80 Minced beef, and fried CHICKEN BOMBAY Korean sesame dipping sauce. onion fried in batter. add cheese or bacon €1 add chicken €1.60 or steak €2 Battered chicken pattie infused with Indian spices and garlic.