Miss Raynolds Will Sing to El Pasoans in April; Mile
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Miss Raynolds Will Sing to El Pasoans in April; Mile. Paolowa Will Dance El Pasoans in Map ' For . ! . METAL MARKETS. WEATHER FORECAST. By fe Assaeistrd Pent IW TBffe mm 0r wamiinoto. april tnm. Stow York eieetroiruc nioiwr nmttita ww mexico and riwi 'air phi- - "'VorHkH 4ltH04K p Paw taM iat and aaturdat. Bmtofl 5 TAR EL PA3Q, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. ENGLISH SECTION 12 PAGES PRICE CENTS nkw tetaut nuTKr or mac ma raw m dim nr it tara FICijHTINCrZAPATiSTA Ttnr to iNi un 1 n HUMAN JUDGMENT TRHL ON BKRR REPORT GERMANY AEROPLANES DROPPING STEEL DARTS J M áaetrlatrd Pvwea It we Kant Moss, tl. !., soril luetic reported in filares late last of the Peace Lets Agullar of Anton nkyht that Mayor luán R. Medlne bad Casco precinct was arrested here been arresied and taken to CMbnnaa PLAY POWERLESS WHEN charged wit tbe murder of John HAS SENT ARMED AND BOMBS, EXPECTED TO BIO lerlln at Vaughn last summer The under guard to rare trial on tertoa suit worn by Agallar leaf 10 tbe charge or rtnanrlal Irreguiartuea m charge Anillar la secret try of the the administra Hon or municipal at Brand Jury here. furs 'The district attorney drew formal Tbe arre waa PART IN BATTLE AROUND MATAMOROS CALLED UPON TO complaint charging Mullir, which made under orders MEN INTO DUTCH Deputy stierirr lanches swore) to. of Oeneral Tomas Ornelas. Jefe da hts waa arretted axed placed hi under inatcticnons. II waa Artillar of oeneral villa RENDER DECISION TERRITORY LACKS URGES DEPARTMENT FAULT FOUND WITH Aviators Reach Brownsville to Take Charge of Machines for Rival Factions and Clash is Looked for Today; Villa Artil- ON GREAT WAR lery Still Delayed. OF TRANSPORTATION AMERICAN ATTITUDE By IAMES T. BJEDDINO regon'a troonjt sre continuing tM pursuit (Staff Morning Times) or the Vllls forces tnd tint Obregon will correspondent push forward hts Madqusrtara to Irapuato PRESIDENT WILSON COUN- NKW HAVEN retéurDKKT WOI'LI) filVB CRM A! PAPKRl RIDICI'LKB I'SITtT) PERSISTENT RUMOR IN LON BrownsvUle, Texas. April RAILROAD BUSINK1S VOICE BTATER rROTttST AGAINST ANULO. mllllarv operations of IM Tlie renorta of IM Carraña victory SELS HOLDING SPIRIT IN in cASiNkrr. nUCNCB RLOCKtleK Carransa armlea at Mhlamoroa today on- caused rejol tng at lieadquarters here area DON THAT WAR HAS tored In 1M activity or IM arrlal corps r during tM greater pari of the day tbe ring the conlottdlng factions. The Blerloi mono- Ins of rburrh bells and Ihe music or march READINESS TO. ACCEPT gey DECLARED HOL- plane recently serurrd In IM l ulled Stales g nana tne puniir or me Ik Aaeeoteted Prr BEEN ON by Mata- appraised vina April 8. establish, the Carransa Union was taken lo de feat. Norwich. Cons.. The rlln, April (via London). Tbe Rhen moros trt y, and after it wa set up a TRUTH WHEN IT IS RE- meet of a department of transportation ish Westraellscbe Zeltung, dlscuaalag tbe LAND, AND STRIP OF THE trial flight over the city waa made by a with a secretary of transportation, who American bote concerning Oreas Britain's former Italian army aviator, CoLsael i. A. would be a member of the president's cabl blockade against Germany, Chapa He did not venture ever lie' line VEALED IN OUTCOME OF taya: COAST BETWEEN (M net, wat advocated by Howard Elliott, "It Is rather a petition than a demand. It BEL of t.tuo soldiers surrounding Matanio. rot, but cm-le- IM city landed TO president or tne Mew York. Hew Haven contalni no complete rejection or tbe around md REPORT VERA WORLD STRUGGLE, BACK Frit gium sarcly in the spare near IM border which Hartford railroad. In an address here to 1th conception of an rrfeeUve blockade of and river scheld had been cleared rur bis machine. It la the night before the Chamber or commerce Oertnan harbors, and President Wilson rails rirtt time in the roiir years or border fight- OF WHICH HE SEES BAT. and tbe members or tbe eastern Connecticut to announce his fundamental atandpotnt re occupied by ing thai aeroplane! Iiv been used by the Kaiser Mexican armies. development committee. gardlng Britain's measure. HI foreshadow ' CRUZ PROCLAIMS TLE IDEALS. an FOR "The present condition of the American Ing or future prospects and claims ror william's troops. lack knight, American from H Paao. an Indemnity amount only to a confess! ox and Juan r. can la or Ciudad Juarei, ar- railroad I due la part," be said, "to Cameral Genevieve de la O rived hero todav rrom ki Psao to take effort oa tbe part of tbe country to. fix present weakness, aad we ihmk that O of lh Wright biplane which and the Britain can derive from all tbla verbal use-I- thecar-ram- Bu Ike Á rete and service by regulation at Hodrlgnet will scouting noMa ltd Pre legerdemain the certainly that In all cases positions. They spent day at OBREGON VICTOR Washington. April -in speech wrote same time have them fixed by committee By Ike eieotorad Press tM Lat t Hurlas preparing IM aeroplane ror Ha riral tile Nsrylsnd of ta petition, ihn creating an almost tmpoeslble where marhan rights are trod under foot, April were CARRANZA annual conference America's 'protest will London. I There persistent WANTS nigni over tne enemy's unet. an t session condition, somewhat deetrurUvc or results resound and that church, in rumors in London this evening that Oer- - nonncod tnnlghl that au here. tonight. President Wl loon said It was ind values. the president of that great republic will be mad soon. Issue a new academic about msny had declared war on Holland his belief ttiat no man was-wl- ge enougn Question It I the discussion either knight In Hie BATTLE NEAR 'It la a how far 0 wrong and not, hts bid former experience to proaoiinra judgment on tbe European apply anti- what It right and what or that her" troops had occupied that ttrtp aviation corps or Oeneral villa's army. public Interest to the and from tbe state department's demands war at tills tune. law to the transportation business. or Dutch territory which extend along tbe HUERTA REJECTED Three other aviators, all Americana, are our trust ror ft aad what It expects reported en route to join IM Villa corp. "But." he added, "we can all bold Well managed and wlaely regulated com- rltltent. to accept Britain or France to' do there will be Belgian frontier along the r.oeet to tbe river Both side Intend le Drop Boaska. spirlti in read!arts the truth panies may In the long run produce greater It to us the outcome tangible deeds." Beheld. confirmation and The Villa aeroplane, which will carry tM .when. is revealed In efficiency and service to the public than The reporta lack QUERETARO of Ibis tiuntlc struggle." pilot and one passenger. Ms been eaulnoed competition with tbe resulting ire not credited by those who should know with a In arfdl The president the delega ten excessive rohamrt dicta ton device, and reminded of facilities and Ulereasen ex DfCMIRASLK AI.IKN uon 10 me seouuT expedition It will at- that in transacting Use business of IMir duplication ir either action had been taken. penses. GERMANY ABUSE AMBRtCAN HOSPITALITY. tempt u destroy 100 loriiuciiion ill church ibey were like tne men in charge INTENDS It possible that the reporta arose from city of Mslsmoros. The Carransa aviator, be well to have a of the nation's government. In reality Han- believe It would the news received In the last few day from i.oionei napa, announced tonignt tnal he. dling "Ike phases of toe day." department of transportation, with a secre B11 the Slioetatrd Pre too. intended in drop bomb rrom nit ma- THOUSAND DEAD, MANY "You tne or tne or at ma neaa or 11, Dutch sources thtt Ibe Hermans were Lo Angeles, April Tlie liarrsnxa gov chine and that ,000 bombs bad Men or- 4 are handling arrairs tary transportation . church at ibey Bland under the treatment who should be a member or tbe cabinet. strengthening their positions around the cruinent at Veía Cru will ask Hw United dered in ibe United stales ror tbeic or or TO PAY FOR FRYE States to deny admittance to Victoriano WOUNDED AMD FOUR the men your generation," he said. Sueb an officer would bare a wholesome Dutch frontier and thtt much uneasiness Huerta, the rortner Mexican dictator, now "Back tne demands the Tbe soidierr of both armies are awaiting of them lie eternal principias balancing effect on tbe of prevailed at TM Hague and othar Dutch on the way 10 New York, according to a the are which you trying to exemplify in tne on one nights of tne two machines and PRISONERS are public and regulatory organisations cities as result or the leisure or sinking message wblcb Adolfo Carillo, arranxa more Interested In Ule possibility or shoot- HUNDRED Itfe of tbe work; back or us her in tbe tide, and any errors of policy and manage- or Dutch tteamert by German submarines. agent here, received today, r.arranxa has ing at the aircraft than at tM men on tM government He tne of owner the evidence. Cardlo said, hi- waa informed, eternal principles ment on tb part of the of BASES COMPLIANCE WITH DEMAND The Dutch are strongly opposed to Inter front Unes round Matamoros. TAKEN, ACCORDING TO Justice and righteousness, which, my that a coterie of "rlenliricn," nr Mexico "We will get the machine on in property on the other Mde. ANUe.NT TREATIEr! BETWEEN vention la the war.