Miss Raynolds Will Sing to El Pasoans in April; Mile. Paolowa Will Dance El Pasoans in Map ' For . ! .

METAL MARKETS. WEATHER FORECAST. By fe Assaeistrd Pent IW TBffe mm 0r wamiinoto. april tnm. Stow York eieetroiruc nioiwr nmttita ww mexico and riwi 'air phi- - "'VorHkH 4ltH04K p Paw taM iat and aaturdat. Bmtofl 5 TAR EL PA3Q, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. ENGLISH SECTION 12 PAGES PRICE CENTS nkw tetaut nuTKr or mac ma raw m dim nr it tara FICijHTINCrZAPATiSTA Ttnr to iNi un 1 n HUMAN JUDGMENT TRHL ON BKRR REPORT GERMANY AEROPLANES DROPPING STEEL DARTS J M áaetrlatrd Pvwea It we Kant Moss, tl. !., soril luetic reported in filares late last of the Peace Lets Agullar of Anton nkyht that Mayor luán R. Medlne bad Casco precinct was arrested here been arresied and taken to CMbnnaa PLAY POWERLESS WHEN charged wit tbe murder of John HAS SENT ARMED AND BOMBS, EXPECTED TO BIO lerlln at Vaughn last summer The under guard to rare trial on tertoa suit worn by Agallar leaf 10 tbe charge or rtnanrlal Irreguiartuea m charge Anillar la secret try of the the administra Hon or municipal at Brand Jury here. furs 'The district attorney drew formal Tbe arre waa PART IN BATTLE AROUND MATAMOROS CALLED UPON TO complaint charging Mullir, which made under orders MEN INTO DUTCH Deputy stierirr lanches swore) to. of Oeneral Tomas Ornelas. Jefe da hts waa arretted axed placed hi under inatcticnons. II waa Artillar of oeneral villa RENDER DECISION TERRITORY LACKS URGES DEPARTMENT FAULT FOUND WITH Aviators Reach Brownsville to Take Charge of Machines for Rival Factions and Clash is Looked for Today; Villa Artil- ON GREAT WAR lery Still Delayed. OF TRANSPORTATION AMERICAN ATTITUDE

By IAMES T. BJEDDINO regon'a troonjt sre continuing tM pursuit (Staff Morning Times) or the Vllls forces tnd tint Obregon will correspondent push forward hts Madqusrtara to Irapuato PRESIDENT WILSON COUN- NKW HAVEN retéurDKKT WOI'LI) filVB CRM A! PAPKRl RIDICI'LKB I'SITtT) PERSISTENT RUMOR IN LON BrownsvUle, Texas. April RAILROAD BUSINK1S VOICE BTATER rROTttST AGAINST ANULO. mllllarv operations of IM Tlie renorta of IM Carraña victory SELS HOLDING SPIRIT IN in cASiNkrr. nUCNCB RLOCKtleK Carransa armlea at Mhlamoroa today on- caused rejol tng at lieadquarters here area DON THAT WAR HAS tored In 1M activity or IM arrlal corps r during tM greater pari of the day tbe ring the conlottdlng factions. The Blerloi mono- Ins of rburrh bells and Ihe music or march READINESS TO. ACCEPT gey DECLARED HOL- plane recently serurrd In IM l ulled Stales g nana tne puniir or me Ik Aaeeoteted Prr BEEN ON by Mata- appraised vina April 8. establish, the Carransa Union was taken lo de feat. Norwich. Cons.. The rlln, April (via London). Tbe Rhen moros trt y, and after it wa set up a TRUTH WHEN IT IS RE- meet of a department of transportation ish Westraellscbe Zeltung, dlscuaalag tbe LAND, AND STRIP OF THE trial flight over the city waa made by a with a secretary of transportation, who American bote concerning Oreas Britain's former Italian army aviator, CoLsael i. A. would be a member of the president's cabl blockade against Germany, Chapa He did not venture ever lie' line VEALED IN OUTCOME OF taya: COAST BETWEEN (M net, wat advocated by Howard Elliott, "It Is rather a petition than a demand. It BEL of t.tuo soldiers surrounding Matanio. rot, but cm-le- IM city landed TO president or tne Mew York. Hew Haven contalni no complete rejection or tbe around md REPORT VERA WORLD STRUGGLE, BACK Frit gium sarcly in the spare near IM border which Hartford railroad. In an address here to 1th conception of an rrfeeUve blockade of and river scheld had been cleared rur bis machine. It la the night before the Chamber or commerce Oertnan harbors, and President Wilson rails rirtt time in the roiir years or border fight- OF WHICH HE SEES BAT. and tbe members or tbe eastern Connecticut to announce his fundamental atandpotnt re occupied by ing thai aeroplane! Iiv been used by the Kaiser Mexican armies. development committee. gardlng Britain's measure. HI foreshadow ' CRUZ PROCLAIMS TLE IDEALS. an FOR "The present condition of the American Ing or future prospects and claims ror william's troops. lack knight, American from H Paao. an Indemnity amount only to a confess! ox and Juan r. can la or Ciudad Juarei, ar- railroad I due la part," be said, "to Cameral Genevieve de la O rived hero todav rrom ki Psao to take effort oa tbe part of tbe country to. fix present weakness, aad we ihmk that O of lh Wright biplane which and the Britain can derive from all tbla verbal use-I- thecar-ram- Bu Ike Á rete and service by regulation at Hodrlgnet will scouting noMa ltd Pre legerdemain the certainly that In all cases positions. They spent day at OBREGON VICTOR Washington. April -in speech wrote same time have them fixed by committee By Ike eieotorad Press tM Lat t Hurlas preparing IM aeroplane ror Ha riral tile Nsrylsnd of ta petition, ihn creating an almost tmpoeslble where marhan rights are trod under foot, April were CARRANZA annual conference America's 'protest will London. I There persistent WANTS nigni over tne enemy's unet. an t session condition, somewhat deetrurUvc or results resound and that church, in rumors in London this evening that Oer- - nonncod tnnlghl that au here. tonight. President Wl loon said It was ind values. the president of that great republic will be mad soon. Issue a new academic about msny had declared war on Holland his belief ttiat no man was-wl- ge enougn Question It I the discussion either knight In Hie BATTLE NEAR 'It la a how far 0 wrong and not, hts bid former experience to proaoiinra judgment on tbe European apply anti- what It right and what or that her" troops had occupied that ttrtp aviation corps or Oeneral villa's army. public Interest to the and from tbe state department's demands war at tills tune. law to the transportation business. or Dutch territory which extend along tbe HUERTA REJECTED Three other aviators, all Americana, are our trust ror ft aad what It expects reported en route to join IM Villa corp. "But." he added, "we can all bold Well managed and wlaely regulated com- rltltent. to accept Britain or France to' do there will be Belgian frontier along the r.oeet to tbe river Both Intend le Drop Boaska. spirlti in read!arts the truth panies may In the long run produce greater It to us the outcome tangible deeds." Beheld. confirmation and The Villa aeroplane, which will carry tM .when. is revealed In efficiency and service to the public than The reporta lack QUERETARO of Ibis tiuntlc struggle." pilot and one passenger. Ms been eaulnoed competition with tbe resulting ire not credited by those who should know with a In arfdl The president the delega ten excessive rohamrt dicta ton device, and reminded of facilities and Ulereasen ex DfCMIRASLK AI.IKN uon 10 me seouuT expedition It will at- that in transacting Use business of IMir duplication ir either action had been taken. penses. GERMANY ABUSE AMBRtCAN HOSPITALITY. tempt u destroy 100 loriiuciiion ill church ibey were like tne men in charge INTENDS It possible that the reporta arose from city of Mslsmoros. The Carransa aviator, be well to have a of the nation's government. In reality Han- believe It would the news received In the last few day from i.oionei napa, announced tonignt tnal he. dling "Ike phases of toe day." department of transportation, with a secre B11 the Slioetatrd Pre too. intended in drop bomb rrom nit ma- THOUSAND DEAD, MANY "You tne or tne or at ma neaa or 11, Dutch sources thtt Ibe Hermans were Lo Angeles, April Tlie liarrsnxa gov chine and that ,000 bombs bad Men or- 4 are handling arrairs tary transportation . church at ibey Bland under the treatment who should be a member or tbe cabinet. strengthening their positions around the cruinent at Veía Cru will ask Hw United dered in ibe United stales ror tbeic or or TO PAY FOR FRYE States to deny admittance to Victoriano WOUNDED AMD FOUR the men your generation," he said. Sueb an officer would bare a wholesome Dutch frontier and thtt much uneasiness Huerta, the rortner Mexican dictator, now "Back tne demands the Tbe soidierr of both armies are awaiting of them lie eternal principias balancing effect on tbe of prevailed at TM Hague and othar Dutch on the way 10 New York, according to a the are which you trying to exemplify in tne on one nights of tne two machines and PRISONERS are public and regulatory organisations cities as result or the leisure or sinking message wblcb Adolfo Carillo, arranxa more Interested In Ule possibility or shoot- HUNDRED Itfe of tbe work; back or us her in tbe tide, and any errors of policy and manage- or Dutch tteamert by German submarines. agent here, received today, r.arranxa has ing at the aircraft than at tM men on tM government He tne of owner the evidence. Cardlo said, hi- waa informed, eternal principles ment on tb part of the of BASES COMPLIANCE WITH DEMAND The Dutch are strongly opposed to Inter front Unes round Matamoros. TAKEN, ACCORDING TO Justice and righteousness, which, my that a coterie of "rlenliricn," nr Mexico "We will get the machine on in property on the other Mde. ANUe.NT TREATIEr! BETWEEN vention la the war. but their army ready bad arranged to meet In Now Carransa conviction, any rate, e do not conservatives to- at derive New England railroad UNITED STATES AND PRUSSIA. repel any Invasion or Dutch territory. York and arrange a olot with him to over lis rtrat night.'' General Rodrigues said CRUZ ACCOUNT OF from ourselves, but from tne same source Referring to the day. VERA Mr. Elliott said that with con complete preparations with that object bar- throw all Mexico leaders now In ibe field from which a great in- situation. church derives Its states. It "calls ing been made long ago. and restore Huerto to the dlctatortblp. It's only a light crart and our guns cm spiration and authority. flicting law in the different s reaueai ne aer bring It down." PROLONGED STRUGGLE very forcibly to tb drsiramiiiy Nats la Amrrtrsa Aaaeaaeedor Makes Clear Another diplomatic report which bat cre i.arranza mat nuerta "II teemed to ma that It wat worth say- attention Position or Berlin Government admlsilon to country, la being based. The monoplane only Uto a redera! Incorporation act for those That ated Imánente Interest I that from Rome abuse Cerrante seat ing something like this: These re day of laleraaUoaal Law Waa Not Violated. It la stated, that he Intends to tM pilot, and la equipped with a IN WHICH GENERAL VILLA nr very great complexity, when great railroad, the majority of whoa Business to tM effect that Austria I seeking neutrality of tne tinned nuttea smt mere Lorain engine. peace Thla would prove an undeatrtble alien. cloed of trouble hangs and broods ever Is latarstste separate with Uuasia. likewise fere Becauae or the failure or tbe main body IS REPORTED lacks confirmation, and I not credited, and Of DEFEATED. tb greater pan ef tbe world It sees COBaTNS OT Villa artillery reinforcements to arrive aeftutgtoa. I likely Germany GOVUOiMEVI VIEWB today wa to as )r great blind material forces had been April Inten una It do considered fast WIT there nothing Indícale DAY'S SUMMARY romper me owner be sending reinforcements 10 tbe lfDtrTJIENtX. whan the general attack on Niluno- ' fleeted which bad for long been held id ta sain of the American would Brfla Á undated Prr ship William P. oa tb high Carpathians wan any or ros would be made. Oeneral Rodrigues let ah and restraint. Yet. and underneatn Pry, sunk " there doubt Washington, April nrririais or tne seen camp you or OF EUROPEAN WAR cargo or by s loyalty to ally. , government are wn at lis nucías rranaiy aa in EI Pas conventional lat con- it, can see trie strong impulse seat with her wheat tbe Print AuitrU her tinned State viewing with milled he did not know. , tM (treat impossible Bitot FTiedrtch. was formally communicated take tbe matter shore seriously Indifference tne coming or Vlcloriino Ideal. It would be for Austris Al I o'clock tbl a courier sulate was last mgbi without orrtctol men to go through what men are going The comparatively aarrew atrip ef the united States government today. than the others, for should It prove 10 M Huerta to New York. Connsellor Robert afternoon tr Uu Mesne Lansing aatd today me admission or the rived at the Villa camp and announced thai Information a to tM result or IM itifótigh en the battlefields or Europe ana terrltery between rivers Ambassador Oerard cabled a note handed true, Mr territorial aggrandisement of tne ranroaa. naa neen destroyed Me where rnrmar mctator nan not neen eoeaewa an wnirn in In progress struggle through the present dark mgtit sad telle, la Franc, the blm by the Berlin foreign office In reply former war will M lot. IM of Rio Hrevo, tarty miles weal fighting reported around Bats for months east by IM state department and that he did or thMr terrible struggle. If It were not Cerasea wedge to tbe. recent American communication sub TM righting m tbe mountain pane con not know of any point that could be ralsod or i.aa nuciaa, nail neen completely celaya Uufdng the day. Prívale mes- tint they saw. or thought tney law, tne keen greeslgi sgalast Ike renca Une. mitting a claim for an Indemnity ggt,. aa riercely aa ever, although by any' department of the govern- paired and thai Ibe work train would aaaae the af tlnues and other rive the nlgliL sages, Mwever, told of tM retreat or broadening or light where tbe morning bad ts the aeeaa of ef aost 069 M on behair or tbe owners. The Austria her troops, tM ment. during The trains wlih the fighting MM war. Fry' claims with aaaltt three bslurle or artillery which naa been Uie Obregon force south rrom Ouaja con np and believed that they were sanguinary el foreign ofrice upholds, without qualifica- or tM Oertnan, have gained auceeg Tfl rct Uiat Cipriano Castro. tM exiled lace Venezuelan dii taior had Men denied ad en rout for over a week from Monterey, Celaya. which wa reportad funding each on Ills lde or the contest A detailed etatesaaat by the rreaeh tion, the legality under International law on both aldea or the Labore valley before Is believed to bebmd Uto work toward suaaassry mission to IM United Statea several yean M close for eternal principle of right. war arrice gives a ef the of the raider's ctlon in sinking the Frye Easier, tbe amy 0 the whole Is much ago led to the pellnr in some quarters that tram. The reinforcements which arrived held by b column or vui troop. Then, all about tnem, all about u. mere result aItala a by effeadv and base Use liability for tbe Herman gov- advanced than they were week ago. and s similar course might M rollowed In re- yesterday are reeling at La Rucias hi Oener! Toma airarlas at J nares all tbe silent, wilting tribunal which la aad attacks which the si- ern men to psy Indemnity solely upon the now to gard to Huerta. It wt pointed out, , preparation ror me battle. have forced nulla and Uaaok New Method of Attack Likely wa in communication by wire going to utter Judgment on this lla have .carried ea are April k. old or 1 77 Castro's entrance waa oppoaesl direct ultimate it Prussian American treaties and peases, where the Mavieal 'battle la I akin that or VIH the great Use public rerelag Ibis Ge- by the Venexnelan government because or Maneuvering of large bodlet Oeneral VIU yesterday after- snuggle, tribunal. with the bct ef law, which provide tost contraband belong- place. troopt surrounding which rould with or 1 I straighten inolctmenla pending blm. Mtlafiuirot. opinion the world. fancy. bone aea, rona wedge back and ta ing to the subjects or citlacn or either yalnal ne distinctly seen from vantage point on noon. The commander or the north- I pray lb l do truly tee, great spiritual lines. Rodrigues their sat party cannot be conflacated by IM other BaWNCa AFBICAN TROOPM TO HELP the American lid, showed that ern forcee al thai urn wt in bl forces lying waiting for tbe outcome or period ef lime there has and may M detained or used only in con- la planning new method of attack on the la that ALLIED FLEET IN DA RD A N ELLEB. headquarters ear st a point rive mile this thing. a gala en the twelve-mil- e Iroat sideration of payment or the rull carran positions surrounding ntiainoros. been value. GERMANS GRATEFUL .argn 01 wmcn nave neen ' "Mr. Bryan id I are constantly auditors to the aartksesl aad east ef Verdun In view of UU stipulation, the note says, noaiei troops north or Ceuya. oeneral vui said to what say i pan or London.) held weal of IM Matamoros ireneMi, dire s large lb of frem s of a mile la two of course tbe American owners must be frenen me made, that operations were proceeding ac- or by troops to I he where first attack wat were ei'tn the world, to Judge the tune wiles; twe villages have beca car- compensated. It la pointed out, however, from Africa are ready assist moved to point of the town, cording to the plant laid out for tM express I a southeast l. lakes to It, think very large ried, aad tea greeek have accepts that tbe rate oT necessity mutt go into t silled fleets and expeditionary forces and It It believed ilial IM next time Oen battle and that M expected to report rprt, and to judge by the variety and con lb heights demlaallag the Oree, a prise court ta order that questions or tanunat . Tbe following officiei FOR RED CROSS AID eral Rodrlruex throws hit army against Ihe IM complete defeat or Obregoa's irarlely of II, I dare say it Is s fair cross west. statement wa laaued by the war ornea Carransa roritricatloua It will be rrom IM small river rwaalag eaat aad Swnerablp. cargo, destination, etc., may M foros before Friday morning. ' section or what- men are thinking or." aeeoraUag the official tonight: southeast at well aa rrom iM weal, where Blaallarly. te ne arrancas eaptared corps to i.aa Huciaa la loratea. its A statemenl, the rreaeh have TM Herman position Is that the Prye't "TM expeditionary the orient. hare the bulk or iheir troops, lat well aa By tM teoeietsaf fres g cesnasaadlag CembrCs. which waa placed under command or uea April a. 01 a De ta la cargo of wheal wet contraband It fourteen mar time guns, in in aaa western waenmgiou, claims tri part because A. at FORMAL EXPRESSION: OF THAMKS victory Celaya. norm or REVOLVER SHOTS heve eceugtad the aeathwaaUra was consigned "tor to Oueanatown. eral O. L. and concentrated rortiriraiipna cisive Carransa al Attly orders" seaport of Tunis, Af THROLIiH AMERICAN An appeal Mexico City; report mat law mid ef the weed. which Is declared to M a fortified port Biserta (a fortified ' martial Aatreeebed. aad have of to perfect Ita organization, na ar IN BERLIN. ,.r Uf n established In Tampion, and mat were strongly Oraat Britain. Mo notice taken tbe rlc), bean nearly lw asilas ea a flve-st- k of Use voyage or the Levant the who la in Jail at Chihuahua charged with righting continued at Enano, where tne gained that since I be wheal was gold en reciad under having treat between tbe foresta el rcl route beat or cxwjdMlkanB. It baa been ready une counterfeit villa money, to inter- contending forces were eetttnaasuKai 7.uue to British clUsens. the United tata rile Ik cede for him with Oeneral Villa. Coi La Mareta I to aid IM BrtUab fleets ax By Asaootolsd hit men. were received today Ur txupatcne - CLEAR BIG CAFE Mialntri aaa Pretr. claim for tM vessel owner only, and wasnington, apriiPria an espiwssioii ui ten B prisoner ror six weens. The war elflee acta asp this pedxUcnary corps. A. from the gtato department. Own question being toft ror development gratitude or Use German Red Croa colonel r. Blocktom. tM American eeoaler-ciasai- e aaecaaaee la this la tM tM re department's annouacaxassnt ef prise court. To waning 11 wa deemed advisable not to Ita menaaBar bar, today made tanribv TM stated: that the rreaeh to American lubacflMr runda port 10 IM cotnmandei or tM southern dl "Advice Juai received rom Vara cru reglo aad declares 10 prolong IM (toy of IM troops aboard use present war, conveyed to the aaede virtually so progrese, be- Official here were somewhat surprised Up during vision on the shooting Inm tM realdeniial slate that on tM afternoon of April 7. hare tM transports, aad, for thla rats today by Amnaaaanar or IM chicam riant two ing repassed at various petate. st tM not because or IM bearing It may state department section Brownsville yesterday by oeneral Carransa mad ato toasen! an- wun ulllets hospitality of Egyot via accepted. Tat Berlin, wlto transmutad tM t 'arranxa A thorough investigation at numun amb imibibi aaeaus te he mile eouet that era on negonaasoni now in pro rrees be French Herrara at lore. nouncing IM defeat of VUI troopa by rn there ween Washington forces Mve Men debarked at Alex following letter from C. von Pfuel. or the shooting was conducted by tM VllniOtT PllWIi SCORE the sharp edge o I IM wedge has and London over tne are Installed Hainleh, wnere dea. army army issneral obregon ai celaya. after thirty or andrto and at of the committee of the Ameritan ameers Mr. TM bean aaeved kaeV a dleteeee, aad virtual Blockade Autlrii and Germany they ara resting and perfecting or president central patron in una aiatriri. wnica is near hours' fighting, terminating oa tM atorn-in- we their liei nun organisation.' is there to a csrtaMly, tee, that the luí awes aaa snaiaied mat upon ganiseUoa and pot! Hon Tney are ready line or rire of Use Mexicans, waa .doubled of IM seventh. II is glated that VUI lelos Victim Was Baaler Wltheut sum a heavy each seising of a cargo "consigned to Through tM noble mlndtdneaa of A Bier today. commanded In person. It la reported mat Waepoe torete an paylaa to proceed 10 any point without unneces WtaUer ef Kxpteras Alter 8k price M kdñnd aad asaaaded. At order" rested tbe proof Matt tM goods sary delay." lean clUient donations. Mve reached oa hi 1.000 were killed, many wounded Jan au I el ass by rhymldaats. as see IM caws or mnaaat or war aggregat VERA CRUZ CEI.EBBITaa taken According To an f EgargM, a aa uiauarauee r armed force to tM (MtREUO.Va RJcpogjTED TRIUMPH. prisoners. thla Cerawa tammifto. Uu Pleach report mi a total or almost iMJOVO marks, wtlb ' iioiiiii eiiient arms lEROTLANEft ATTACK ktONTTNEUBIN V Ik Ienmalla Pr the riadas si aaa Ikeeeaa tiaras I The Herman note wis dated turn . mis oet our Mtog la 1 potltton tbut far 10 give Vira crux. April Extra edlUoa of tM caplured by Oeneral obregoa. WBr al rol Chicago. April Men wumea linger dead ea the field si vac wnii n nr. uerar pieced tM claim for VkLLAUK kMJkUMIi STBkXr I lEBTA. eipraieatn to our thanks in a manner ana local newspapers today announced thai lowing tM retreating force af Oeneral and ' A ase ato " ing orer their luncheon la on or the big The aMsMlst M the Car alelen Br tM te Praaa auate to our feaUags Oeneral obrcson'a reponed victory near Villa. niab, servia, April a. -(- Via London.) acxnnwisogeo use coal the Villa forcea Ifloo men utter advice given fey downtown restauran were throw 0 mm a malak rtetlrea Msatf tote iw ef it kven though we bare Ctya ai tM depart Auatrlaa aeroplanes oa Tuesday bombarded Hit- killed or wounded psalc tat afternoon when Miss piMMt ae lar ea baa official state WILL I Mi TO BaAtg rflgj AND HTOhat reteipl of the iisiu-y- Ui mli .,f am ment slated Posarte BUT MOT tVtTB tne BlUUIeBagihl town of Pvdgoriua. 11 at Of! finally inaoBBraxd that Oeneral oh rv in roe from seat and two asaats Issued frem ftoapM aad UUlflaiugp Ulary organisation! and requested HMm to Martial law exista to TaaapMo Bad trehto bar fired U. Ik AVees eelebrttloo was in progress and Use streets vo shots Via aaa ere uuerae The Baaataa Asserts lad od uto thank to each or roa parvease operating IM north aa far as Vic from revolver at bar table met. v AprH Herman were crowded Moat of IM killed Mrs. Bum McLrnnon rajpert to largely conrees to the lu.iliary":!?99n who have pat impaled, we consider It tori nd to tM westward a tor as knano. Uto BtoakM eseue- - cruiser Print Vital Frledrich will injured were women and children, Advices dated April Mr. MtXennoa. who la tbe wtf of the wtatora aeraea ef be moved 0 Use Norfolk navy y.ra ror high duly 10 ibank again lor Use kind girts elate that ruining latos, where Una BaMaSwa drive has kin Mrholas and nis minute, as regrat we INTERNMENT OF continues el Lbano and It It IBMniited tnal president of local coo.irueti.n cotupauy. toterransni lata tomorrow after ibe funeral aa tMy learned of use attack, proceeded ta bread publicity. Our mount Me greatest satina, The Aúl- aasiueii or Use to potlUon to expreat there are aeveral lBggs (tea engaged. rsa frem Baa rwiMara'! screaming "lis had !" t meinotr crew to U Sid people. here aot Men tM repast ee the east who wa killed accidentally yeawrday hi Podgoriua lbs II to reported Utol gavrntlahiug Baa aboi! I'm abot!" lelas beers - lav each donor IM thanks dus Bun. sa not a rail duwu waa token place 111 IM vicinity pr uie Panuco M wag BM grasan, however, both atiere tamaña and eMta iisspiWiassr. Prel wtssaaandliig all our eiidrsvara, we Mve for uuir incDwer or use SMS s AMBASBIMATR MEW gone wild. However, have Mea haliUa deiperalely M the ATTttaWT TB not been able 10 ascertain llu ir sddiv.se. livwr." bullen bad most ef a .- valley agelavl great no Mu, mi 1 EITEL DELAYED TM department received lit Ural com paira had wed war so rae out !abriaa hm Angust He will wTS nr Ktivrr. Wa, Uwrefore, de.ira 10 mutiire feto which Mee adatad la M burled here By Iks Aatertsli IVeaa wuier praMnilvs report for assay weeks peyiai tbetr luncheon checks, ae- fereea, your excellency may possibly know of some than-- etrtagUt Uto vlctertotu ireepe AkMugT London. April a - Au attempt was made IM situation hi tM district of uu on dtag to the ratonar, BUaa had wait . ricial nottoae ba persona Mr wM. aa represeniaUvea of iriu that had Praeakyel at I 'tosk tai afteraooo to aisa saínala ran.. It I dated March 31 aad says: ler Hal tan gtrariwag to the lavmli Busakaa tM of SM prea. could accomplish our Mr. a, this the Atujarían atona keuiti sulwn kgypi. accord American "Military movements ta una section hart tbead waller. la milt BBS to I dtapaicn rrom uro aa tw desire of expressing our graiituoe tu a gen HIVES KBaTJAMBSN to heve regatos IM MX RATART DaNBBLS Been raw and ina perl af 1.. by the kiualaea. raotbrtosfira was anavrog andan palace, a naUve farad pubUc nenaeetiern i.rttve. siwaoeaed restaurant men ware Umd up on deck and rs. ral manner." roa n M.RAt. or uerma.n maman the state or nuiaagu Is held by foreea at round Mat la a lattet. "war an rrom a shot at him TM shot went wild Bad imn aaaalllin bordcrto to UkagrttRaetor heUto whlek onieiai stairateai uieii HUH NAVAL UUNOkU. Uonungo and Mariano hysteria, the Prase Use seas la The raen received s renvr caí me irueral. a revolver on fleer I,tot the alK impwrtavt who refused to follow oeoaral VUto wnaa ai tor rae. Aha we tatusa te a hospital ease Si'" tor of atbfrlabd UaSKxtat BrUI . aed laser to lb nano ttaatoa nn sskjlakj tt aactlBaa. rreaeh aa Agrea are BMP all r the.., Baawste t Laiesi advices fraea Prugraee Stat a eoaufiwon la mournlns ef MB Meagre jfggaaagluB. AprU rioai ateas ta ih police, aba was la eoak a treaa Afrtoe ha Ajm--U a. A new or the By rvw awawas as general in the state of Jfucatae waa laxpoaalfeto so MM aader asoveueni tw xasAstetM sal of Use Herman coatnare ral thai it aaaiBna bar. llvr the weal etde a. -- An imiH'rtant (. were ixBBrovad Mor lit ilattlrt, 1 uerataa MBaifayg tjtatrel d'iwaa baa aad Culebra cut alkte oa el Pria Eitol Prtedtrteh ware asastaaae ssday Mtsa Irvlu Baa been a Iks be heee leaded at I leaser eta. EgyH. asa ta Use united states ubjccl. BMuager of im decirle light aad lug Ul III, I, upon IWvos frosn aeereury MBleta erricet.pl Jraakng ad rifar. Edward Jas use uesoualtoos e luí. nation1 tnairu l at Meruit, who was accused of Mvuig far the lllsseti public uuu TM eeaasmaadar ta.nlsd KwUy M had to Wl Uk purpoae of securing the pr uteclloii permit a funeral wttk fall naval honors to alai le.aueayl to ay to few dynamited a Carransa military train, wa a i or depart tM last hours naturalised aasericao uutena. " ws morrow st Newport new far an ef the altottad Ilea us aa American U tuc mm released today, bal ui. case waa aot aV ma iTVtrérTud been ac to rail port to aea iimxl inai rreucn atiasaa cruiser's sailors who died IBoard two day aaa igatoel Turbes a apart Mewa Save joined In roaaeulln 10 Urely dlapoxd of I UaUr each roller! gasa aiarbt wa was as ago At the requeai of CBBtokB ThterWskeru. Uto ranea Vat tow0tce. Aa illsstpl ha baee taada by I rdst tosa a TM nato waa net une spec The chan relian August ricpyenlsrUHuV a ateward aa A BtkMsxasnl hwued by Car Bato wakah was ent by Mr lea aiuaru-a- IM Ellel wa gtrilflad to rtaisl at Nee says aeMte hgysitaa I aawaaaanato u aMar ad Baa aaaat raagaaiB agency her ta parti J , Mrs nel win M end off Pv port hews uaul after Uto fuller (I. whaa say ffklttgl 1 isleo "Advices rroai Paso ef anat. Btsaslta aeasat Tl liuvaaahar two wustJl'.núx. i'okír fur wm go to navy yard. tl ueaarai for I las t, she the toft ktoaierey jr.u-ivls- with tltto weal aide aad stona áñi aoi slop us I Ifae das aaara. N uw raaawr " V..r. iggatit ioalgbl tus MaSeSñwag lowsrd gallillo, toaytag IM but mr boners wara aot ready aavai reearrtot. resaara at Sat aery yard ler hs a BXtalag bis ha Wt 1 weea. The TM Oeraaaa aweefaaaant has to- - eat bto rvM at Muni. r. y uanter ingas Mil el m, ruanas were eaarriad a ArkaatBB aea aJfct Vaftw!) BA gglgggg BBJgaagatawai use parlad of Bar raterasneai becauae of Reoul .- Larrst croaajed uugbt M yaari ago. lavtBjt )wnnnslWaetm l9T tiw garni EgBxatB, IX rasa MktaJl roeillllttBl there, bul " Mrs, Mil aaane waa Jtglaua a aaa erwa-oa-a etohlag ef IM laacrla snap MMMeet ukswi. under luarng af BM Ajanriran cruiser " u. in and fnf?KL ctaae." Mia Ireka MM Meca.es who P. rrye by toa aaaJMer asesase Bke j 1 a sl' torVea Blnlm! AKtt enotber place to teastin uaul as itoBH bar ifter aba bed Beau aaaaktr a Pries rrtodrtsk, end also far waaa. axaru a a iwaanr rabead af tM war DgBHH srbrtAaeir-Lap- 111 nMar care far several hear "Mrst her earae af a hist, wM M glvea reUrued yard Mr last smssi Usui gut thai Uk lirsi or IM two avow gatd walghl thai R.ar s era ef uka 11 yVda by - Mat stags, who waa ford of Mr. Inaanga. b IM fltrwui srasaay alM r aawkt aad ui ike Bear rrom talle pswkuoaa witfe which It it imn si Beewy, iigniiliii at d lépale atddtor Mr asj sstoyer ihoagM M waa del with aw wears. Masase, lato ta ease ee af iaa Ban beta- ana Bar TM r-- i would noufy Uto erniaer's onurert an cigattaaBittr neBarty Cepeda, as a kaatto 11 pasabU .ISA when ah coaaari sato baa M kM ofrue toBaa bsetses lie it ana rbey waaxgd a parses nev te re Aloauaileo IM Mgfal I ad IMir laato was fM crutaer Maryleud with IM I Bar. Tan adatoral ba Men to BBtototo rsasyri I,. ...1, till '' Owe wreck. 1 Mea al toa togaMy af to eaat are aayá'rt tjk? yasAinat wye waayBeas. It 1 iiiMbui toast ato ansa af aarai divert 10 ui tk rau air acted I receive paruksa "I ornear ana twtoxnt leu Veta TW i' woi u, wmj gad irgtotoa to iM aap aad iu CaVI aasWdJI afj pttMaf m 10 lake tor aneeawhf aasaa aaaasw ato baa uarae Bjarahjl httjaoaM . nsiaaw)jPap a part to toe war u pruonar. áM tsjaasato af Mm to to Mams-- '&"fm af May, rallied ai MB a aaeuud IM aeUera lane ásn EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday, Aftfi

Effect if Great Kidney AMONHT FINED HONOR THE WOMEN Grípae A Roiber Of BUROES' LECTURE Remedy is Soon Realized Stretftk at4 Flesk TT FOR AN ASSAULT Otavafjf I reel It ray Saty mi let you know- what OF THE CIVIL WAR I s4Wfáyrasrayl DATE IS CHANGED mi Boot dtd for ma. tan. bothered araa Last Praah end SJtreaeU at shflL VTJmmmmi with ray beet for ovw twenty nr mm Tasa 3L at time I could hardly rrt out f hd I mad roar adveratanraai an I drited to MIAMI Jt MY it I have w inter - roftutft rMIU" PIUM niM. a1"- tone throiitti try Iwecnp Boot feed flvef- Itnitlea. and VI II TV TO ATTAr as LOCAL wTet irrenne - sr eeasws, rowa. II has Man nve yaart Hik I tifd it. and n tonsn LAID r other alimenta peculiar I hart never been bothered a day tlnre i rill rrohabty be .irrprt.ed. If they eat see took ihe list botilr of it I am thoroughly enran a wetftelraf areles, lo W. L. Amonen, foreman of the grand al Teft IT nrmrlnced KM! Br. BUmer'a imp hoot Pre sal Whwaa aad rot data PreideVnt murn (ie.r tkey have lo.i Moet sfjrseahto te tas speaker the lecture $3.60 by Take ha Cerera aa Meek al the everyeras rear a a with wettht do eared na Mad won Id recommend II to jury whom report waa recently refused Part les; sprint by Nos. Richard Barree se Woman's sur W P Mowa Thirty Maajey Ratead by Private bebee rteHee . reeled, vitality lowered, nerves effected others suffering aa I did indite of the Mm dla and erasers) health and atreattb unpaired. "are win he held Best Tharaday evening My hn abend wan troubled with kidnay irict conn, y eaterday topeares before The beet , way to retain last neth and at t o dock si me Pint ChrtsUan catarrh ti your Is or and bladder trxvnhlet and he look Judas Janraa I Mnrplry at ibe matice court ttrenadh three if the ortttnal ouree under the eaaputee sf MVS Woaven a Espial - Swamp Hoot il Thta --Praaldeat Wilton $5.00 a"- SS.00 ant cured htm. vm and pleaded guilty to A. I, Wll ptnds'cerSrah SnfTrsraSSaahs. Tms SecMUoa was reached atyitit rive yrara aaatiltmt Nd former Pi Tart took part today however. SS aarenrh only an. on Ha waa fined tin and mat Refor he rM. prwsoraoa at a of the held yetsafSay Ton may poblMt thin If you choose. earentotaea of lavma lha in tbe m whtah is aohriabms srastlBf leatus SHOES tetter entered ni plea of amity h withdrew elementa are sbiuirtied trv the blood. Loss me Vary truly plea alone of the new Red Croaa bulbtlnt. wblra arternoee te parlen of fas Hotel orn yonr. former of not ratify anwrua at the 14 a rata. me to be erected as t memorial to the if wsujh Sdttaies leaks tbe dorrr. A hommlttoe was named to ass Br Where does style come frotri We answer by MM matth CAMrir.un. or raa at i ara. wavras of the Civil war at rtarthea of your food, matead of waa ac- - "itars Burgea ala speak r D. He. I (lohlrvlllr. Mich the aaaanlt whicb Amooott The new bulldlnt is " he one of a rrouaj 9 the blood they are liieeiaa tad obtain consent ta on saying that shoe style comes from the Quern and lo me iMa cnwci orriirri in tlie nrrice of the T. I). assy tne data MSBIImisd has 10 Itnb.ertbed trnrn before Lore company Wllenn went to the of stately atruriurra the LorcoraS Artt row rai watie. Tse aaainuia it hash leaded factory. tilth day of July. I40t cattle Oettary. the Pan end the rlv nctmat Of vnur atneaarh and In to Quality Our shoes sat tha pace in orrtce. and ih- Mid blowa frfl Atnenran bulldinr bom ate rattntay ant Bob Say svenint m - altercation ñVBHMal Hall of the the tastlnet are out of and you need Anvix w i lowed. Wllaon alleyed that Amonett nautbters of order April it. bat on seeonst sf Ihe Chsaaber atyle every season. We are. always first with otary Ptihllc. for Van fturr-n- , Co.. Mirk. American revolution racin the wide ometnmi mat will trd them worktnt rltkl rtriick Mm without warnlna. and eahihlfed sweep Is purpose or cotnrnerca dollar dinner" to Us erven ther models. Not freakiah. a moody noee and arvcral acratrltr a of rrounds back of the átate de srain riotblnf better for this naw outlandish I'srtmrnt and White Home. than a mirle harejol tablet eaten at meals that svenint II was derided to hold tba letter la evidence of lha aaaanlt Wllaon la an it ror raw novelties that pass in a day, but real, stylish, lomey and waa recenlly connected with the The bulldlnt and alta, provided by ror a weeks Sarfol does not build ourrei meeunt at 4 star date, naasatisi Br Kilmer 4 Cat. ernntoat appropntUoa and prtvite ash flesh or Itself and taken between meals If win be fres and s Ierre crowd 14 expected fashionable rahgheraties, n 'V nerenae in the w Mullen murder trial or dressy shoes that women appre- Andrea Alarron round (iullly. serrpilon. will ne turned orar In perpetuity little vilna ror the purpose, bst, as aside front the menu of votes fot look style Andrea Alircon, who ran a ma to tne Amen an Red Croat Hare tba or. swallowed with your food. It acta upon woman. Mr. Bunts is a fereeful and nor ciate. A at our show will convince rrar Waal Real Will Da r Vaai down every you auastva speaker and always rmno ortvrn ny Ton, Mnaddock ind tn tsnmuon will make its permanent home mouthful ait, first aepsrsttnt sll la heard with you we have tha shoes you want ten canta Dr. Kilmer A CO., Mra. Wllllama laat Vnnrtav and the bulldlnt will houae all of the ad the fata. ofla. sntara, starches and other miqrrti ny an '.I r.so .unience. rrnd lined Untie About -- Bint liamlon. It. V., a ampie pleaded atiltt)' when yealerday mlnlatritlve olficers In chirfe of Red material which make for f"sh snd strength three hundred of tha while and far alta botile arraltned from the and then prepsrfnt yellow had gee to be wont at tha Bur get Iñe fifth Avenue" II ni convince anyone, You will before Judae Murphy He waa finad linn Cross work. The plana and construction waste matter tlao by are the control of a commission all these fat mtklnt. elements speaking were distributed among members receive booklet of Information, and coata the court, and on faillni to under nourtintnt Patent vaiusble par the fine wit committed to the county headeil by rretldaal Wilson, with MMTS fato i form which the blood ran readily yesterday and additional bad tea will .be s Leather telling about Ihe kidneys and bladdrr. Wry ttirrfson, Henitor Luke Lei and Rep ansorrj and disirwRiw qtrou about tbe body distributed at Ihe regular meeting next When writing. I" thf and montura tba Et d a Aleydep as The arrecí la qulekly fait Reported ThafHtB afternoon. bronze gaiter pump, in the rorty.firat at rid court tba aran resentatlv members. taint - (11 twenty-fiv- e Mrs. R. ). rennell, vice pre- fgao baity Tima Regular fifty-ra- and menta in the damaee itrlt of Oral Bean The commission baa it lia snosal amo. In aelrht of from ten to pounds president, Queen Quality mas- one dollar alae botiles for sale at all drug tnat tba Tetaa A Pacific and Hanti ye 090, of wblcb M00.COC was apprepristed by a month are by no meant tn frequent. Yet a l ta P. Jenkins, secretary ; Miss Orare Virginia aBFjl --rafitsassH atorra ralln.ada for allefed loaaea auatalned bl coo tress on condition thai the Rod Cross action la perfectly natural snd absolutely cogen; terpiece; bronze cloth cattle ahlpment over defendant linea wera ratee tn ecjutl amount by private subarrto oarmiess Btrfoi is sold ny A. r Hyan corresponding secretary, and Mra. neera erentna; wnen Hon. wss up and laedujf everywhere and H. R. Oantble. treasurer, in attendance. heel, light nema yrateraay court The additional sum made bj drurtists in arllsmentary pro top, French turn sole. Ask for adjonrned It la pn. hable too raaa will be IBS follewinr subicrlptlona: JstSra A every paekat eon taina a positive ruaran lea Lesions rules sad -- pah in me nanna or tne urv nv tnta evaatnar. or money cadure were conducted hy Mrs H. R. Un style No. 4024. $8.00 ni on ios Ell. Bcryraaer, tioo.ooo, Mrs. Rutssll fisto weiftji thcrasse or back, derhOl. and the ta the Criminal Cajera In County Court. Itto.ooo. Mrs H. H 00 sat Mea : War anl Is wldalv usad aa a ram dar'a atudv Hiera Edwtrd arriman, 40 f ture included lit the Woman LI- - acclamation Commission al Washington i wo criminal inaia wera niipoaao ot yai the1 Rockefeller Poundstlon. 4100.000. eral body builder and for many nervous omen's new nrary waa tea ny miss num Autur. Tkugfct Highly al ft E. Baeertl. The bulldlnt, like moat of the others troubles, but when used for turb purposes Dr. Alios 0. MerrbsRt, Mrs. 8. 8. Biker in the stately froup about It. will be of ions tad where patient does not desire Recently the rerlfrnetlnn rooimlaalon at anility of rarryina a to and Mrs. D c Booth, composing com- nlaioi and tentenced wnite marble, and ins teneral desitn or an increase of wettht it should be taken ror t Washington, after bring advined or Hi pay linn fine, and Tueehtn I rand ay waa mittee nemed the purpose, were (rul- the structure. Its facade, columns, etc. will not less than one hour after meals. If ed further time in which to submit their death of H E. Raaarlt. immiaralton wi re found riilliy of rudely dlapUylnt i ptatot. be on rlssalc. lines. A parked terrtre will taken at It will almost certainly nu waa unen ena- rsport touching nuns for t debate on ihe lary of the Water IVrf aaaorieflnn at ruse the bulldlnt ihove tne street level, produos an lacrease to weitbt that some Woman't Suffrage question to be held on Hlbeaa rorpiia proceedlna;a were yeater snd wide up may not Laa Crucaa, passed tlx following reaolu In marble slept will laid Id the desire. s date to be named during the latter day Inatltulcd the rounly court for thi A ret Moat: relcaae B a entrance. row of II Corlnlhlin columns part of the month. of c Mitchell, local attorney of while marble will Whereas, The commission rapculeT. who a stretch serosa the Tha dlrertort held 4 meeting, following reclamation li charred with awtndlrna entire Trent of tne structure, tbc has heard regret of the death prlaoner in the county Jill out of mm of capital' tne open session, ano awaetao Mrs. l. l. with defJ i aupiioruor the copper finished roof. Two inderltill and Mr4. A. F. Blever4 aa on in. ai l.a Crucaa, M of Mr. inoney. .incneu naa neon in ine couniy varrb jan mnce a. maeelvd brnnte entrance dnora are one of ARMED PEACE HAS to represent the league tt the meeting It. K Marco Basten. Irnmlrrtll'jn aerrotery for Rrfore jinlre Jamea M. teayer of the u the itiitinr features or the architectural of the Texas Suffrage leigue to be held it m rae Kleph.tnt Butte and tba CI i'eao valley tice court Julian l.opci waa charted with plana. Salveiton during the first week of May. who upon her death bed willed bar prop- Users' Within lha d reailbiile nifbt Water association; and. aiiempteir nuraniy or VT. L. 0. Winter or i WHITE LABOR WOULD erty for tba foundation and maintenance Whereaa. Mr. Basaetrs loaa will be (rett apoon'a realdence. He la altered to bare brosd marble stairs will lead to lha a aecond tod third floor, tm the attlrway of a borne for meodleit cits of , ly felt by thr romiiiiimty and by Ilia racuv orokt-- window in ma houae before ba PROVEN FAILURE waa mibiened WT' Isndlnt a marble tablet will be placed mty last If the Ar- mation service on the Hlo Grande itroject, hcannir the followint Inscription: WAR TAMES DOWN btve her wish denied brrauae of Ml efficient handluir of laud Women Aviator aad Chaulfeara. "A memorial built by the rovernmem or istas supreme court overrules tne Judg- and aeitlernertt matter In the inleraal of By (Aw Aeeeoialad Treaa the l ulled States and patrloUc rltltens to BENEFIT AUSTRALIA ment of the superior court of Maricopa both MM reriainailon aendra and the wafer Pana. April The French the women or the North and the women of i Women't the In memory county users on the project; therefore, be i Automobile club naa commenced lha re. Mouth held lovmt by now BARON HOMCN MCCLARIM IT WILL BE united country, and that their labors to NEcaseART new FREAK FASHIONS coo Una, of Boston, Resolved. That then reaolutloni rruHtnr of women molorlala, irtatora and the to evolve theory Three residente militate surrerlnt of the sick and TO PREVENT WAR 10 the of npretii on the minute of the reclamation haiionna and ambu lancea fox tna Preach wounded Ul war may be perpetu- brought suit lett validity the will, forever oaves- - commission, and thai coplea thereof be tent army. Applleillona are comlnf In at the ated, tblt memorial la dedicated to the nf.effnoN mam sr sine or making the allegation that testator wis ogt to the erretarlea of the lluttc anil rue of 100 per day. All tne men drlvln service of the American Red Cross." nobs ervKs r ai si rea exten- oompeienl 41 the Unto the document was I sive CRITICISM II Paao v'alley Water Users' association. mbúlincei who ire capable of rendering On thta an dint will also be placed three Petrorad. April ft It the opinion of drawn. The trial court decided igtlnsl alleanrlnl busts in while rcDre-- Baron SERIOUS SPIRIT OT CONFLICT SAID TO case and in ibe newspapers published on lha aervlcei at the fron will he relieved. marble. Roman Rosen that the war should H O.N contestants and the has been annealed. tentint Ksith. Ilune and charity. All of the Br AVINt, GRAVE Lr r ECT Him i, randa project. lead to an entirely new conception In . Bw Attocimled Vea. Carraspee The estate consist of several hundred dol- decorations will be mark id by dignity and of Errtrrt Parisian woman daset Report aa K al ah Prl.no Campa simplicity. ternational political relations. Armad pases. Melbourne, April 1. The subject of lars and a house and lot tn Phoenix. MM the Afooialcit mc etten.a ve work nr dinners on the he pointi out, has been a failure, and 'White Australia" and the question of ad London. April (4 30 a. m,;. A lonr re- it Important Tradeiataa Declares Women Will t three floors of the bulldinr will be be necessary to evolve a new mitting Astute Unmlgrants recently waa lrrlrapanflnt Assay Offlss port, made by m attache of the united equipped to accommodate win theory Never Again Be Imprisoned la the Nar all branches of row rears. publicly one or tne atete gov aoa sute, einbaaay at Berlin refirdlnv an in i no tica i;ross. witn Its vsrled actlvltlei In for the purpose or malntalulnr the political t.owat st rasa raw discussed by portion of Herman concentration camps twice snd wir. on the rirsl floor a nrni ernors in tba commonwealth, with the im o He J assembly room and tike,lirrup sron Boten formerly was muslin am ikie and ahlpa In Enrland. la printed by the library will Bti A mediate result that be was officially asked CASTORIA i M lie of the bti end will bastidor to the United statet, and served ocia Prest rorrr.panaVaoa atra'rarail Timet It taya "they well could tide dlnr or F'atia.f April I. Freak rubious 44 wall as for in- - explanation, and he hie For Ialants Chiiatren ire ti n afford a place for - as one tbe Russlsn envoys at the Ports- expressed aad áayajuoerao be expected." meetlnr the larts tath- peace other btvo been unable to o . . rtars of the nrtanliatlon. The mouth con'eranca. He Is now a eccentricities regret that ha bad said anything tt all on IN central member of the upper of the withstand the serious spirit of war times. SOY, committee or the Red Croaa will have home Rutilan opinion competent that bead. The executive woo spoke M4 kiUta For Ovar Whenever Von Meen a General Tenia special quarters. war, parliament. In thr of authorities. The national tnl fashionable women will never again be im- - mind waa Henry Oalway. of Bouth Take Grove's. international cellar boards will each have Sir The Old Standard drove a Tuteléis Chin rooms particularly ror iriaoned in the narrow (owns or tne past Australia, tnd it was prima minuter Tonic la equally Oenerii fitted their aplctil Impress ew years. It requires from six to tea lis valuable at t wura. i in army sursroon in msrge or teem. clvllited mankind with or tba commonwealth. Andrew Fisher, who Tonic because It cohtalni the wall known hoaplial the necessity of orranittns; tbe lire of lbs ysrds of material to nuke the full, flowing, rield units and tbe enrollment or Is tato called to tonic provertlai of OUrNINt and lliort. inn tors, tne rust aid depart community of nations upon a different plaited reactionary skirl that comlnf him account. Drtrea Malaria, Mood, Build' instruction basta, designed an aa to posal- - vogue. Ttve colore are very eerioiu macs. Khoaa halt aalad. aalled. MM out enriches Ilient. the nuraes' cnCftllnivnl h,.r. ih. prerlnde the Sir Henry an. enseal nr at a luncheon It up ma Whole System, tas. town ronmry - tray, nut rrequenuy an agricultural in ana fckoe hall aotad. aawad TOe and mmma awvtea- snd ym4 rWimff' s1mblt,fi, Tnara,1PtWfctroJ fantasias tn eoOsrs. ralr south Austrtllt i.urisimaa caí mvision win all be he devoted part of ht 1, tasan to aha north Rubber heoht Ma quartered phe amhl- - lapels, vests, strip, end halla In lively cm uní mj neeris. such Sr 4 oaerweanlnt ern tarrlloiT. tha nose aras In tha inner mrir llcn has brotttht upon the Vlvlllxed trorld. colors, "lite a ray or nope among ins part which or tne 4800,000 available ror the memorial beset us," of Australia is under rederal ENTERPRISE SHOE ft LEATHER CO waa expended by "tr can nanny pe neniad mat toe somber thoughts that atld t hue control through tbe medium of ah adminis- sm.000 the commission based on the de la Pan dressmaker. Cheap Lamber in mo purcnase or tne tile. The equilibrium rrouplnt or trator. It Is a much defeated question bow llena entlru or the powers or Europe In two The shortness aa well as the fullnens I IK Atenué. moca turroiiniiinr the structure wat treat easy physical the territory Is to bl settled the de hostile camps has lamentsbly lha tklrt affords added re velopment it Sir Henry agid troeua- - Pine Spruce quired and il will be laid out In parkins, lief and st the time lends Itself to tbe needs. Sacramento and and tunable approaches. I'ndar rilled to do so. Instead of belnt, 44 was sime oiuer minga: me clalmeil ror it, the surest sarefutrd or the Increased eletance in styles or footwear. "Lookmr generally the future of ibis surfaced on aide and edge, contract for ibe ronstrurUon or or 14 It will also deal a hard st It will be completed peice Europe, It hit proved the ratise predicted that rsat comment. 1 inclinad lo trunk that Cloa- - bulldlnt and ready or the opposing blow to the hendbtt. since tha onoortuni ta thoroughly Seasoned. vvr uccujieiii y ny April SI. ennsunt emultllon bitweeo toe hardest nut the federal government hat rroups of powers In rormld-tbl- e ties ror pockets ire immense. A myterlout lo Is development or the north- entire stock ape Assayer and Chemist ll. law or seams lo wide bat crack the at Cheaaberlaln'a Remortv armaments, and hss tlnally lid lo one rasbton require a ern territory. How met territory is going Cnuah of tha powers concerned resortlns to the wltb a narrow skirt and a narrow hat with aout retail prices. atCO. W. I AMI- HON Prom a small bertnnlng tbe sale and uaa m to be developed by while labor alone I for or rnminni tony ot a war. full skirl: consequence, the broad one am unable to conceive. By means Knpreeventaulva Foi Shlppora to tho thla remedy has emended to ill parts ot going snd toques, bicornes ill the Dnllsd tata and to many "To devise a plan of tafetuardlnr 'be hrlnts ire oul hive a 'White Australia' ir under the prin- El Paau Smelter. you roreltn rtvilitrd world asilnst the recurrence or snd the popular military "bonnet, ciple yon can develop countrlei. When have need al audi police" tba country. If Dawson aran Frwnoiaoo Paao, a citsstrophe such 44 tbe present one will, (fatigue cap, are the rule. 11 tM Sc. Kl Tezaa medicine ttve Chsmberlaln't Couth Kerne Jy says an owerwise. would oe a thousand pines 10 tturally, a bank that ia a and you trier tbe conclusion of peace, become lha "The great trouble with all thla," allow Is undoubtedly a P. O. Boa 4M. trial will understand why II has tank, prove or the Has de Is Pali, what rpleodid become so popular for couyha, and should not to be beyond Important tradesman country ra remain undeveloped purely on colds and tne limits or tne competence or true ttatca "is that one bat and one (own now 'lo tbe Fuel Sales Co. croup. uDuunasio averywnere. (Adrar or or account of a 'While Australia tvollcv. nianshlp." service rrom six to ten." Instead "Looking it tbe tplsndld urvlraa belnr LUMBER YARD Baron Roten reflected the viewpoint ihst ordering reception (owns, evening (owns, to taya oy mm an that viva first considera- or gowns and of mioerrn empire our the wir wis "the revolt mankind ataMM dinner (owns for all sorts troops and by our Jaoaneie allies. 1 am tion to the safety of its de- PICKED UP IN the Idea thai mltht toes before rtthL" special social functions, the Parisiense one or who think or N. N. Rheinheimer. Sales why the one simple costume. Tna Industry those that the feelings H. MOHR HOTEL LOBBIES "This is the sympathy of world orders Australians 00 the color question will un Agent. Brown and Missouri. positors' funds. seems to be on the side or tha ba however, la recovering from stagnation Cut Rate Hardware, titles." the dergo considerable or should I say a soft cnntiuurd. "No one ilerems or betrudtmt or ins summer tad rail 4144004 rne ror enlng change whan me Is over. A. C. de Ororr, proprietor of people In eign very good up war Phone 498 Paint and Glass. thai has gained the con- Ibe HoN tbe Herman the 'piece Ihe tun' trade Is and has made The day following this comment Mr. Omdorfr. his relumed rrom an extended that is thrlri by titrlhruTht amnnt the treat largely ror Ihe loss of private trade, Italy Fisher said that If Sir Henrv bad been Mr Bontti Kl Pauto Mc fidence of the public by tak- visit to Lot Alújeles, (al whither h ec nations on a footuw of equality, bul the and America particularly, having bought correctly quoted bis words constituted " companied Mra. de ilrorf world will never submit to the heaamony rreeiy ror spring. grave " could ing the public into its confi- several months tne at IU Beat. official indiscretion. which at. Mrs. de Oroff will spend Hie summer of mailed rial. laventlve Oeolua Net not ns allowed to pais without orotesx. dence. in ror or Inventive genius has done what it could Thereupon ha telegraphed to tha premier t.siirnrnia ins beaafit her ueaitn. u save the country since tna beginning or which is already rreilly improved, and war, of South Australia, asking Mm to ascertain Dr. Cha Halt the but Its inaplratlous have not been whether ma governor had what pays highest sue win ue joined ny Mr. de Urorr, who entirely practical Among thousands add bad that the rates will to Loa tha been Imputed to him , Sir Henry replied Curas Rheumatism. Blood return Aatehtt tt tba end or CALOMEL or Ideas pretested, only four liars baas ex- the of interest consistent with a rew W444M, TODAY, to premier that the newspaper reports Poison, internal ana ex- perimented upee Willi interesting results: apoecn 11 a emoryo. 01 111 were tarrees, rant would ternal (Macases. Special CUAltANTKES PCMITIONM safe, sound banking. tne rest remain in ataitt or have been wiser if be fiad hot touched r o r wooeo, A party or After the first visit, of norman aero treatment tan kinase tnurists. needed uiii ine noror ejwararas 4ao that na was Modertte raaa Consulta- Phonoa lVM and 1484 ny u. w. a relative or plane, to Parla a nun conceived 4 pian ror sorry ba had so. This taking these things Stubbs. formar SICK TOMORROW city rrom dose closed the tion rfwo- - Truat Bids. K. V. Darte. Ugt. into oovenioc Sliibba. will lite clly the protection of ihe aerial bamba incident. retch mis ny strrtcning netting rrom IBS consideration, we believe afternoon over the Ooldan RUS limited I'meitiuc 4 Sea Anísele St or sacred Heart cathedral In MontuiarDe to bay Hear. that our policy conforms the Southwestern railway ayslwn. tne sirrei rower. cats tata to lelvfraius received yesterday DOM. Ot NASTY CALOMEL MAKES YOU A MaraetUta Inventor propasad 4 portable by Cewrl with what your idea of a the manear metí t or tbe Hotel paao del it a AND YOU UraS A tsilroad to accelerate the concentration or Anions susreste te rata Uawa Mono. The troopa. very simple." he Vahatty al culler Leal will. UBBER strong bank should be. visitors ara en route to USD DAY'S WORK "Il is said. "Whan fe -- fornie, but will make a stopover or al a train he. pasted over the relit you have My ahaotei Wars te the Timet 1XAIVIFS waat a day m El Paao. only to Btrk Hum up and place them átela 1'hoenU. Arts.. April ary A. B. Tyroll. htA N UP ACT V HKD or ano so on, DAILY we invite your business Also a hurt party of Canadians, in front tne train, etosnajieur, gen trearb Calomel aallvate.i it s mercury Calomel Al the wtr departntenl ibey lold hiui tbe BUILDING upon this basis. en route lo strain urn rrom Toronto like aa a tenada, arts AvsratilW .luttiah llrer. idea was of immense importanea. but thai Dlis Bm. Co. wtu vat n ptao. arrlvina over Whrn talotnel eotaas Into ctwlecl with sour there might he some difficulty ta working Tmút the line of lha -- 4 on savings 4 dalvesloa, Harriaburt a btte il craaltes lulo II. lasaUif rrsmptoi II out. oh. thai Is only rtetsil." ba re. BE FULL OF JOY! Ban Antonio railway on the eveaint oi .ml naueta- BBS Saturday April IT. BANK and remaintnt unlit r you feel blllotia. coast I ted tba Monday, headsshr. a. carao rollowmt seonrdinr to and all kaocksM Jaiat in your drug eh.110 conniieneed Yds aim far tba received hy the oL to amelioration of uta sanitary department Chamber r com gtat and get a 40 caul buttle of bodaoo a mere, yesterday The party la travel u suggested tna idea of iranaportlSaT TAKE CASCARETS Liver Tcew,'whlSh la a harmless vegetable mm Cauri tinder rhe sua pi HdWa uuonuea ra raaaaa at naaoana aiwwn ACCOUNTS Dr. Smith net of Rivet, a suiuiitnle for daStaruu. caouual Take a aeruptanas. BAUPTIKK. UDOOD, BhVIN. UV- Canadian touriM bureau, tnd plant RUAD-DK- for sivooofuj and If It doesn't start yuur no greet dsveiopmaoi or the or EA. KIDNKY AND their entertainment while ta the liver uta clly will and itralghtea yds tip and I Oil DDIEASEaV. or sraawwarara o no-- henar quicker Individual buildera of bank than nasty eatonic aad without taakiag irtve a .hell with wire ruttmt sttirbmsais. LIVES AND eOWBL INMSSM Roaana IJ7 II ou sick, you hist gu beck and gat your Tha ear laa bad 4 rtaerstslna; afreet upou accounts in tha United Sutes Ftrat National Bank Bldj ludui trial mventtuus ta gvnerJ. The aver same tot avaar, LLM4 OSS, MTY WOT 414,444. age Is lopUcatvarat 4 day la Utu ot have aver Seventeen Billion If calomel today you'll too take ka alea peace, it ran to 11 ot August ted nad Doliere Cr.olrd M.rr Vllllu,, tere. (.I.e. N, and nauseated tomorrow, besides. Il may reued lo V in Kehruarv including It SStVT STAY on deposit in banks. Metí., te Pa, on Old srasea. salivate yuu. while If you take Dodsun . wo lion saaplrwd by tha war. The war of a anSoial Ware OILItH a, BKADACBV 4N0 te tL Vim,. Liver Toes yon will WIS. up fix I rag great, isra had tha tasa, ertaat ntd las saoarSt N. M . April - In savings accounts alona Dentist. Tbe law Hem of rail or acastitoa gad ready for work or t.e bat It required tares years for la CaHSTBATBra. vauaht k Witson has veaiiv. genius to recover there are over four billion CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE arattatasni wiu. lirtal county tLheara pi.y lie karrals4t, pleasant and sere to I Ciiisssalasliiii aUnaaen, !SH hrV Lu,4 couniy tcTrecStvi (tee to children i ratty has it. dollars owned by less than We say hlaSaas pelosa o federal anal I n raalil aanmaj aleves million people, av- til atlltl Vleletars sf ArUeas rrshtblttea Law Seek tray Barahusta I Bstsra BeBralag, let Piteases- - Plea Haass eraging $499.20 to each de- MU I jii . , arter a k llakst csrsras Writ. tit .... D m te nv risuM positor, or $48 37 per cap. '""' I il ivoenla ArS Aartl 4 Cart WiluaSM ase its in the United .States, bas- TTtfOEEAT Asea (jungla rata viced before the superior fiWrani conn of OtoBasa raaaty aa OM atarse of ad oa a population of nine- as nosrd of vtoiaiint the proaratlUon law. tratsy saplksd ty seven million. MORAL FORCE to the ttate a up rant court rot a writ of babees tarsas jail Iray tra You should bsjJd a bank ac- aaa amtumiu. Hotelkubvc AdvertAwM la osa eat arrsau be, out arara sat raacruwitGunter tkxas. laa count here aad pejticapale A Hotel Built for the Climate moral forees of Uta ay. wait. Attorney 1 ma the appiicatioa the atsta rraYarattoh at hi the naraney eVeee figures TTMJtaUX. MaMedier tiff raceuiewertrr. T A. A-- A. It has rwvolntsonlied burausaa 99mO trial r S llllsraf ItjM t ttratllUtraraOtrajf waa w til. (Xltni I method, aad tot aylicht lelo Ivmperaace aluks .aecutlve SSagraS, rtagsssnt. which have been valed luAae at the rvaa tau asna sr watch 11 was as- - -,-'11 the dark placara eafimatad by Cover rtfútn auuiad that asas sat uraterei wtst tuaoa the a It hss beaJsh.d tas i Clara, sr tsaatou, vsarau addr.ra mes actuary. Tf4 ffr 1? jsa baso of "Lett lbs buyer beware adtin. .taie isnssalaBS sf ansae 47 44 LEVY GROCERY CO. It has It A. Ill 4' , lower erraras hy Is great! we aelea. Mr uerk wtB taesk ue ''arrasas. Before 11 hss trass as BASSk as any After prosuhauua." wtuie MO TA TBA aJPSEUAt, aUra IMPhUtATUM UOPPEE RUMS lunes wdl nave aa Ma LsTStA ABO CETDU TBA IB THK MABKBT ftllU to the front as a cote aire tal ae- - TrakraSt 4B4WI Taha rasan 114 ssd etvaw sraa. ta tSv II 1 asaras ISM agairrar erasn ef m as ass II I mbss aaaats avawh aSvartrahtsal ba lata 1 trasera today tra BtVst. as) j8psTSitraL ha raitwar uh Mear and chtaa ararla ...... ess. ta - I tear tear rAUST ralaraBO II u.weoassr a nsesrsstiwa atea- srarvy esas aa loer farasssd basse ' St Intrant wttharat (rSra Van wtu it.ukt II ravae wail worth thva sttasiSie of I two wars tasad ssasraaa sad rara.' as can. Jsrarat rarawsjrarawsrat. Sa clraT fat EsBiije isa II reader. ansa sea S tras M SM w eses, kriihTsasraixr' iratOrararaia sstttrMi Triiaaidsj far at oerart trras ft (say Jhaaar esa. a irats n ti m mm mo mm m m Friday. Apr,! 9. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 3 3C DOC 3CT ROTARIANS LOYAL SA TOMDA Y, APRIL I Oth. IS LISTER INE DAY AT " LVLRYBODY S

SPECIAL! a BASEBALL FANS SPECIAL I rONT tell man what $1. SO Chiffon . $1 and $1.25 TtvffeU you think of Satan Mataslirta - TO I Double Full ysrd wide UMH.l- I.KM1 ITS Stamps and III PPI Full yard him, until you've TO HUI atO .MI Is wide in guaranteed. shown su. iik. . m:num very heavy quality, thought in 20 different street it over with high luster fin- On All Your and evening ahadea tmiiiiirferti thai Mnrasa llm Purchases ish. Comes in 35 dif- t with the help of He ttM Tox.ri Kxpeaee ef M including black and Freavrtere Delegan Writ BerelvrS ferent colors to se- white; special at a pipeful. lect from. aCA regu- The Motarían, assembled at their at per yd. . . . n lar weekly meeting and luncheon held at UC yard 95c the grill room or the Sheldon hniel yes- Day Today terday noon, decided lo get All enthusiastically in behind the proposal or the Kl l'aao lumber or Commerce In help in making ihe opening of the seaann nr the Hin Irande Baseball association In this city Tsa, pipeful of VFXVKT, Tase Smooth-a- t on April 77 when the Ineal learn will cross Smoking Tobacco, bata wltb Las cruces, a gala event Kentucky's Manager J. J, McCloakey or the ni aaWsj efe Vetare, mellowed by loas age- '.ramie association made a brief announce- ing. The thought inspired by that ment or Ihe opening or the srtaon and or EVERYBODY'S pipeful will ba Mnat ees thought.. ISc ihe pfBpatM for istsiasftll ball this year, and satd that while he had asked no bonus tina and 9c metal --lined bag. or subscriptions he would appreciate ir tne 9t people E aa many While of Every Paao take Departm would Worth Economies in tickets aa poaalble. Robert Krakauer. in a rousing tildtr. seconded and endorsen the remarks made by Mr. McCloakey. in line with motions which prevailed, presi- Lots, DDE ii dent Adams appointed a. o. Foeler aa s Remnants, Odd Broken Sizes, Discontinued Lines, at cummlttee In join with the cnamber ol commerce In aaklng lbs city cnuncii to a half holiday ror the day. Mevlraa Bey Cut la rare. BANK PaS IXTEBBBTN CLASH. declare opening Accumulations Since Our Opening Week, Will All Be while Art Woods was as a ttn law Preea named mm Sllgally oul owr tbe left temple, until 4ncierd to aaalst in the sale of tickets Albany, x. V.. April .. A concerted move- mlttee Mexican boy, about yean H. E. or Adrlun, three of are aat ment la being exerted throughout the coun- President Sherman Ihe Brought Out and Priced at Noteworthy Savings Today on behair of Ihe club, appointed H. brought to the emergency hospital, last try to attrengthen the federal reserve n r. Dnrk as a committee to look after sale or main, from a residence near Fifth and El at the expense of the atate, Edwin 0. of York, ball tickets and W. E. Mix to appear be- l'aao At the same Merlll. Star president of the Trust atreeis. time Francisco companies association, fore Ihe clly council with the notary and declared berore or Trujlllo, was placed In the city jail on a senate rommlltee here today. Chamber commerce repreaentallvea. Announcement made that H. H. name of aisault. Trujlllo, who lives In Mr. Matin was accompanied by rep re wat COA TS waa Mien., Remnants and Specials or nrty-tw- companies or successful ai Detroit. the house adjoining the borne of tbe boy: sentatives trust in Rl tne wno to oppose a landlag for Paao the Ibid convention came over stale, appeared bill or Wash Goods to visit the rather or the child, which would the outdoor Advertisers' association, In the and Linen Sections permit state and national as according to witnesses, and while attempt- banks to or and lhat he had alto been appointed a For All Occasions art administrators, trualeat and or association, ing to bug he elder men, accidentally cut as companies now. director the national mis in executors do trust will be Important BRISK SELLING the Wash Gooda section has the child, who was Handing near on the who spoke ror tn convention and win Hankers the bill aald that bring many delegates tn tne For the Street, Beach, Sports, Motoring, THE a large accumulation of temple, wlih an open, knife which he held. all waa El Paao. and Remnants of both their institution desired the secretary was to a tele- - The cut was not deep, and to be privilege of to Instructed send white and colored Wash Goods, which will be offered to- appeared being elected serva in a grain lo Mr. McCllntnrk extending the con- - Dress and General Wear linie more titan a scratch, the knire having ribuclary capacity, and that tbe national gralulaiiona or tbe Rotary cluh over nit day Friday at great price savings. glanced aa It struck. The case will come and state banks were more than willing to ra before Judge shannon In corporation to the imposed upon tuccatt. court submit restrictions 1. M. Leigh of the Morning EXCEPTIONAL STOCK, offer- of every kind of While l.oaxl l.ongclotli. this afternoon. trust rómpanles. Times mide REMNANTS NaiiMook. announcement of Ihe special Rotarían lasue ANing prices as varied as the styles. atasstt is Mnxnnx. Voile. NwImhcjs, 'repe. eta-- ; Sheer ( oloreil ollest, U being -. which arranged for the Tiroes for Silk Poplin, Trepen, Ttwsm- Ilomper tiolh, Ingham, kindergarten Cloth, publication on or about May i. He Materials are Taffeta. Mnclrn, Shlrtliig. Alwi remnants of Tahle l.lneit. individual photos of members to Moire, Covert, Chinchilla. Gabardine, appear in tbe issue gratis and aald. amid EL PASO FIREMAN USES AKOZ TO applause, that out or the proceeds or tne Pebble Crepe, Serge and Silk. Good EXTRA SPECIAL! EXTRA SPECIAL! issue tbe Tunes would present the sum values at $5.95 pure or 1190 defraying the expense ol 10 yard Imita of lingdoth. a lxJ Inch all white Muck toward gla, the El Pato Rotary delegation to the Han and up good fl flnlh (tegular price TUB a miperlor Quality. Our Francisco convention. A motion waa adopt fl.2K tor today only. Q Q regular II M per doren towel "PUT OUT" OLD RHEUMATIC CASE ed unanimously that the Rotary club orn- - par bolt, 10 yarda OafC apeelai Today clally and collectively express their sin per dncen .... $1 00 cere appreciation or Ihe generous act or Suits at $12.75 the Times. aaaaaaáVaáaaáaaaáaaáV EXTRA SPECIAL! EXTRA SPECIAL! W. A. Adama, S. communication was read rmm the mm 309 Vraia St A special lot offered for today to which ' r.atve.ston cotton carnival association an Hemmed mercerlaed Napkin, ..ii stxe Turklah liath Tow St., Says Mineral Remedy nouncing the punióte lo arrange a big haa been added a number of our high- luallty Mild regularly here aL a good heavy quality, aold pageant representing "Texts and Her er priced suits and our entire lot now II. ZS per doa; Today fiQs uliir at 1'Re eaeh Acta Quickly Children'' on August i, to ronslsl or a Hpeclnl, per Oosen OafC Today only 19c acore or decorated floats Halve. inn will selling at $15.00. choice today $12.75 rurnlsli Ihe rloals. but ihe dues partici pating are expected to nave representative. 3rd Floor "I don't think anyone was more skeptical properly rnatumed. to represent Ihe re ii 'in a remedy Iban was when I started spective cities. It waa atated that one Specials lo use Akoi. but It rerlahily did" all that rioat had been tet aalde for El Paso, but Today's this city would be expected to us was claimed ror It In my ease - tend Mug of rheu- delegation tnd to provide the necessary In and Drapery Section GLOVES iiiatlani," said W. A. Adams, driver id tbe costumes. It waa decided lo take tbe Remnants of Spring Silks ii Paao Fire department. Mr. Adams has matter up jointly with the Cnamber or 2nd Floor from 200 LaaaaaaaaV Take advantage, today, of the unusual savings to be CHOOSE been a resident of t'l I'aeavfoi- fifteen veara. iÉaH Commerce. MATTRESSES Arter soma discussion a wat and Kid a tit Mouse Lodge, resolution had in desirable Remainders of last Spring Silks and It member and reside anwaaaBBBBP F'JsHB adopted requesting the secretary to invita Standard double bed size Mat- Glooes tt M otrth 41. ram street, lie says: all Holary rlubt of Teaaa lo meet in El Spring Dress Woolens. An unusual display in Main Paao. as tresses that weigh 35 lbs. All clean "For four year I nave had rheumatism, nearly as possible on the same slightly Imperfect, slightly dae. to tbe end that all Texas clubs migui Aisle of Store PRICES ARE GREATLY RE- cotton, with fancy tick- all uvrr my bMfy and let me tell covered nulled from handling during Journey aa a body In a special tram to DUCED. special you Hie pains were fierce. I could bardly attend the national Rolarían convention al ing; today $3.95 the rush or Kauster glove sell- San Francisco. waa iD'iva and tots or times I (bought I would It alto suggested in Extra heavy square tuft carded ing It you ran find your stae have to lay orf my an advertisement lo that efract be inserted rroin duties. triad Mattresses; regular and lor, you all kinds of remedies ror ailment and for publication in ihe Rotarían, and tne felt $13.75 will find a this waa Crepe Muslin Gowns Dcver gol Ihe slightest reaulla. I read the matter referred to Hie tallowing com- and grade; today $9.50 Bargain L.ong and short mittee with power io act. R. Aknz advertisements ol several firemen a urndorrr, Slipover and V Neck Styles .' W. A ADAMS. A. n. M. Hob-e- 50 pairs white ruffled edge Swiss to IS button. being cured by tin- - remedy, chairman; I. Chilton, Hoover, but wat A. skeptical. I rinally got some or the Krakauer and H. S. Beach. Crepe in both colored and white Curtains; our regular 75c value. mineral ibia remedy to tag friends because I know George B. or One-Ha- lf powder for making Ihe mineral water and Walker Uie Texas Hotel and Longcloth. All at that ii la all lhat It la claimed to be." Maws by B. Muslin in fine Today 33c di 'itklng it rmir limes a day. made a big wat Introduced R. urndnrtr Akoa Is jusl aa effective In treating sin n- - and made an talk announce- quality lace trim- improvement In a short time. From the Interesting and and embroidery Wild's heavy cork linseed oil Marked Price aeh. kidney, liver and bladder trouble. ment or tbe coming lo El plaster i got immediate Paao early in med, in slipover and sty- yd teller from Ihe piles, ulcers, ecaema. skin dlaeaaea. and or in. Texas Hotel Men's linoleum, per sq. 49c pains. tune only been using It a June association, short other ailments. It Is sold In Kl Paso at who will bave a big convention values . . time and I feel that am bare, trier lesspecial at. .$1.25 permanently mi Kelly a Pollard's and all other leading which they will journey lo California lo of rheumatism. My general la beallb alto druggists where further Information may the expositions San Diego LACE BOUDOIR CAPS un.. Ii belter. take pleasure attend at aim Everybody's Basement Salesroom In boosting ue nan regarding tnis advertisement. San. franclaco. Dainty lace Boudoir Caps in ecru and Offers Values Today white, some pink and dainty blue, of Unusual HOME ECONOMICS fered special today 39c Silk Dresses $5.95 CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS Choice is offered of about 30 crepe de chine Fine quality Muslin Corset Covers in embroid- and messaline Silk Dresset, made in latest em INTEREST MANY ery and lace trimmed styles; drawers, wide shirred belt and full skirt styles. Misses' and m knee, tucks and embroidery trimmed; sizes up women's sizes. Remarkable values. .$5.95 to 46; splendid values at 45c Street Skirts $2.95 Second Floor A new line of women's serviceable I M I.RsITÍ W TEXAN COMM I TS1 Street Skirts Select -- -- the Record You - i - of novelty suiting serge black Want or mini WHICH ABE V and and white mil Section, Basement Salesroom YEB.Y I tni.ii I cdNUltTKO. Domestic checka in the new pocket trimmed, yoke stylet in INCH In plain colora, SO INCH KIMONO KKl'l.- - VOII: Unusual values at a $2.95 Jig riasea ,., ,l extra fine quality. 1 OJLg good assortment of pat- to Hear We'll Play it 'urrsvadHl aSi tniveralty Mat on. Aorll J A series ol apeelal per yard A 2 v terns: special, per yd... 15c Reversible Bouse Dresses one week arnool In home económica nave SS CAMBRIC Fin- M INCH 111 been In Mico INCH atOTT .i.ow TIIHNO, conducted recently ciuanali. very Can be utilized a negligee, coverall-apro- and I'll i. anion by repreaentallvea from IBS ished eapeclally for fine needle- durable quality, rtrinly aa kimono, Gladly department or domestic economy or ine work. II quality; woven special, a" slip-o- house dress or a maternity gar- i or 7C, f nivecsiiy Texas. 1.0 yarda per yard IDC at emanan a total or ijod persons at today, ment made of excellent gingham and percale 4)11 one quart Full iMiuiid an in When you hear this new phono- let ied Hie le lilíes and di inonstrstioiis Tne Boas Mop ami Oriental Tuleiiin plain colors, checks stripes presented by Misses Jessie hlrli and Edith rasa Pollash both. fiQa I'owder; regular and sizes 36 to 46. graph, certain superiorities lien or tne unitrrsiiv The attendance in- - are at I, today, tor UUC for 5c $1.25 $1.50 and $1.95 once obvious. The permanent re-- v in over In observance ol the Importance or in-- producing point of . ocraaion tie- business section or tbe town deeoran-i- l with appropriate Minima and rlaga. and each man or woman attend ng Ibe lerturea or eihlblta waa presenten ta he got 140 leiiera tint poaicards al one I rare hart are available in many pitrea with a Home Eronomiea Week tuition lime and uu packeta. ncu snapera and par- should any quealloa aria lo the idtntiiy or "A general apiril or co operation wiin a 800 REMEMBRANCES cels ri.lliiweil NSXI mail lirniighl 47u aitaperted of being splra. view of making Ihe aaeek an uiiuiialirtvi tnd poalcarda ami about ni packela, I'nder (he three day lllull plan terrel I lianihrr l luiuinrne liirrrlars la Men success. ' said alias MICH, "prevailed anions paisra and parcela " ageiila have til iHaportitiiily in make a full ial im. iiua or direclois lie rltlaena r tlie inn, on It The liter Illa riHiipaniona. alvuii, he mire envied, investigan. ,n or the credentials of ail ap handierl. ..f "iiintei re ror IBs iraiisaclloa EDISON chants r Un up donated liberally lo be are now helping nun read Ins mail and alao pliégala I'einni. and .an Innk the of ini."i lain bualnrat will held caed by the (lie Iva be init Inalruclors in deinonaira FOR LONELY MAN to eat up the dellearles lili which lie la records of prraooa alio may under bus arte ni...ii al I o lock, lo ba roli.iwed al Unas. The utiliiailon or Texaa rood prod awaiiipeif Hut the gtrtt have bad las plclon. DIAMOND DISC the I o'rlock by a meeting of IBs budgri rund in is by loan uelora excited mm u UHereai. tended effect, they have dune far mora Maw rrlaaa salga Leed u British and waa eaiierlally commended by in. than pills lu improve u minimi irualsre bostneaa tarn or (ha Iowa. The aenool Must Havr Uaa Phsils Itfeelll av Three f the nine ships utHiieit l.v liar PHONOGRAPH yuan were rrum iiimeiii - prison ships ror children of ah released .lew paaaport regulallona pul uno furr regular dultra and eaaigned definite periods I Mil MM I i- - KIM.MKB Btt.Nt: tt by tbe fcnglish aiitl Ireurh giivernuieiila .1. ror al Ihe lectures, be usa re o elMII-Hl- li Bro Manx lis riUABl should proV'j a iMuai lo pholugraphei a. Any in. nib lia II quired lo hand in reporta of Ibe aubalance l i no x moil in. i i m get trots Knglaisl does away with the "f Ibe lectures which they attended lie Aiuerlcan who deairea lo Children Ory old trouble of changing need lea. The disc, interval and eoopersuon shown by lu Hutland ur trance luual be truieii wuh d by Ihe end of April la leaat nine photographs ul himself It FOR FLETCHER'S the finiahed product of Mr. Ediaon'a three ex- local merchants and manurariurert waa a Urslrlag la traaa tl pri. hided ror on shore years of patient Sawrlraa Trsrl r.slaaS now lakra three daya to gal Ihe rrraieuiiais prlaonera on board those ue.. noteworthy feature ul Ine iiuanan la Müllsn.l Musi sisii.ii Mae neceasarv ihe across Ihe perimenting, brings out a myriad of minute overtone that join week. A baker produced some eaaple el in make trip tus Is aa b.ll.iwa As, aula, law- lariesrlirs llsb t.haunrl. and al etr.ry turn the appli CASTORiA according hi producing a rich, mellow tone-qualit- is breads made recipes fur in But it not until usuro lu li" oul lu inula, cant it oval with t deuaend fui hia pauto you hear it play that you grasp the fall poeeibilitiea of pleaaure lurera were brought MMo rloaer reiauoii tuuutrtut wltb Ibe iKNtne consuméis by their voluD t nder ii.'. reanilaiioaa plriurea of that this instrument has in atore for you. The new lary riplsnatuan to the instructors or ineir bul par or ine i dial Private phonograph proseases furni is a distinguished contribution to of inrihoos and of manufacture, A wiuie of ine 1st Hi1 brigade, la the art muaacaj interpre which were later discussed belore Uta galling lur being "lis- i" i luan lu Ibe tattoo Come in any time. women assembled al the meeting. A age BrlUaS tort " BLOOD rial mes-- tug was arranged al the aeaae of e'liii"iiai HAVE PURE yuanah, The trouble alarlrd tlirougb a aaineilc oaa of the farmers near aud ine a pan. in In a neighbors were In v i Led lo to Wtlaeaa a teller wrllUa lv iniliiao hoapilal nee lh- - firm line ana published FIELD SEEDS cheaaa anas aeaaaatteiraUon in ami butter aa a l.oadou nesispaprr. II resda HSaaW'B Mtsiriain I Mthts ghe Pie aa an club waa of Lbs Basar mil .Tiiuiaie vikhera I bave Mil M. Bkll Ml ooll Have jsjBt received otar saw stock of all kind a of teteds. Write lea Moibert' laalru Baal viMiiig bal menial la .curing a Home Erouoiult s Salt here ibis seeuis aaat El Paso Phonograph Weak for thai town deserts ibe title ur lias lonely man lie us or wire us for prices eiiiii.i.isssu uu- aoa ra reí veo a leiier or a aiuie '.eiieiai tkacsal antas inntie naa no pause .s. al III. .. aal Bare. Is ame aui a tt is the prtaraj inora uiaii tw prison. No oat rtraa aaougli lor bias to of law rirrulailua ul uur bluod. la orsisir an ui Ike slightest aard of encourage Ihe u iujo si iiuinariaui Ibal 11 should do paramas ara engaged la Us aurfc well. The guailit ana) uaaiiui Company aurkag ti day. aa .fisl eve lung aVou l naaaS aa a ruar be runruled I yuar baaoS have aiurh su do with lis o. I HEID ai bla pare and BROS. wrt- WW lu ate allii break as ala voire abjeft a' ir fluid is abuaaslaai. The uoier sily oei arluteni ,r Mouse a. o behed bla aurda. bul wbaa I aas law ulber your ta sal and other vital wrgaaa eat with dlllri. nil, II, llarellua añapa witb ibeir hulera aad parcela lull ul usure eaergy lasa wBsn II la delarilv as WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TWO-O-TW- TEXAS asada ataste upou II fa usase oa wees uunas ua eat I lasal gueiiiv ur Seflraeni hi ujuaoiuy ahsrr law oras Heal prsaMraaa or "He did Bol hdl aa a bal ha rail, bal 1 stood a karaaparUla aaaksa IBs blood aura HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS, FUEL AND BLmJ3U5 aaiSaaSngsaa are discussed sad auiuiauu fcaaw lie is hers vviih nerves aad weak aad ibuaSsBi II U Bs uta asi reatabas Ssa aaslraUsi by aaiseraiiy rapertt. Uesa aad Ute are dadag their beet to rare agotas, that has hesai aoad tor astriy years. SUPPLIES boa aun pills What ha atwwala la hu pill, I'H putlfjuit the bhaod Thjrrr U uo h. Her EC bul a Hule " liuwiii vmuaint Thla asilar aas publlaaWd essa oat a ago aa.al üalleva St.. PtaaMeM M astd 34 I at) iotas auulbei asliei huta Iba Boa Sruggisl git glial win. i, says kbvel lS pesayas aiwle W VtaUa ai asaaa ptsse. Oet It I. "lag -. EL PAJV MORN'NG TIMES Frida- Aprfl 9. 1915.

waa aered Thf.ae preaeni wei ft. M. Rom, w. W. Armaaroni. Fdrtk C. I. ana. I. P Rnbariaoa. B. Meralllek. Cart. SARANE RAYNOLDS Bloeh. Franklin. Mlaa km RoMnaon ak4 Mlaa Aly Worth. The ladlea will meet on 1 Wedneaday a week with Mr. H. M. Roña U her home on Bait Rio Oratade atreet RF. Received SOCIETY TO APPEAR Hf Value an Ka.ter Party. ÍBÍHWiwtHtiinitiw The "irán af ' hoy ana) lrlt or Trinity Mriiindut rhtirrh and their fnerM en al joyed an Faater parly laat in tna TALCVrsn Kt. PAR fllMGKR WILL D. You Buy A Hal Here ntrht When trk rt nin '.rare McVeigh plaved "Prelude" In i. by baaemenl of the rhurch, with Meadamea i H.II1 Ft PAHOAMB WITH on Handel orrlnne Boyd played .enenaia." H N, Miller, I 1 Trottl. Hubert Rmitn, CERT THIR atoMM llrll orrtipv rrv.ltl Cate by Hotmaa. Helen kohlnaon played "Son W. H Anderson. B. L. Murphy. William A Qurlltt. by Hart and (. C. Hender son a hoateaaea ror hurutiM years from now of Home. by "Mamoftaa." Of the greatest Interest to the mu.lc lov- II Arante. the Women Mlaalnnary anrletj The room ln Joints wired together nd Finaaler. waa playd by rtuth ing people or K) Paso and the El Ptan Leghorns -' waa with palma and A lal ' l na M brow. vai- in rial hj i.hnpln. a played prettily dernrated of an opr thai a Soutéwesi the annotincement With queer Frvptun pottery by Adelaide (lyeratreei. Bruce Seyn played hi tinacra Diuinr evenmr moil coflcert on ihe evening program given, Mri. W. A. atlc to be gien n Rtbylooitn brlck. rernude." by Arhiiberl-Lint- . fclkel intereatlnr wti g, Teas orano lull, rriyler in a few tna "f Thursday, April at the The practical aummer cornea In "Poke" AM idol, uf Ike Ming bo tgr played Vtlse" In t; .harp ml. by remark! aaittred F.l by or young the woman of faai theater a qiiartM utrera HI Ire tvirrd honra will mu (.hopln Myr Pearaon pliyed "Piulo people that in eburm fpofn National opera company guato of ere Inte in and alwaya ready the orand , and larca "Sailor" affect, a nice rtment Bevels," by Srhmoll niinehe retted them of i May-- efkii to tbem or plini; Mlag alifornla, featuring Mist Barame Tbe tolka will n1 tbelr ller played "Arabesques." by Lesrhclliky alat in iny their an pi Psao yemng lady of talent rom' rrin F.rtn a violin anlo. nolda. rreat ahapea. Te bumble nenie amelle by kiryanori. waa played by Mlddl'ton rendred ir- will Initial now red bu lit anied by her mother; Batly Mary and promise, who mike her Cprrti lli In Huí rlaa.tflet Marraret Am.iaitrr. Beanie Rlchardaon ni. to home audience in operatic rote. ' smith and Aahley oilletta gava humoroui MI k rsme I Were by Heraell. Miry The will Include Miss RaynosM, ' played "If bird. reading, and Mra. J. N. carnngioo quartet died In the read aoprano; Margaret Friday and Saturday $4.95 "Jetar. Hi' ki who and ,afe pliyetl "Honala Pelhetiqne" a from "The Podge Club." Miss Jtrman. contralto; hl tnoyenient, by Rattle Miry areni' whlck Mr. Mario Rodolfi, tenor, and Mr. Italo mi'! Manltititn'a alrire rirat lieelhoven wat an aitraciion of Iba Al id tnllh Thou Sublime, liweel rwnini Plcchl, tenor. IgfbtJ fhrt, Maf dtnred played 'f., A neat of egga. rrom whlrh earn Warner-UaBS- . Eater The given lindar the di The látiro. Kyeninr lar." by Rlanrhe one a waa to an concert will be drew ribbon which lied or o. McMiry. has Argentine. frhwan playd "rrel I'antialc" and egg and soma ror tnem to rertion Mr. Jimei who Extraordinary Values contained attint g or KOI trot. Turue u. Moll." by ind Ttie alto arranged abort tour these artista, perform nuaed much merriment. engagement win sme urk, l.i Ul'-- Almee." by rhmidt Mr. Will gire.ta were then sealed at tablet who betides Ihe El Paso More than 100 Trimmed Hata from my own and appear Roewall, M.. on April at MHMMi Owen aanr a yoral nolo, wlerted, and Mlaa played progre,ilvt Kaiter jack atrawi. at r. fSj ahapee, walk nellle Ml" rtoweo rloaed Ihe prorrirn with Albuquerque. B. M, on April IV, and at work room, new eat trimmed in latest UM Mlaa Dorothy Blue raceivnd ihe award, a Lag Or in one or piano anloa, aelerled ror vera. If. M. effects. muii' tin llf. her dellihtrul potted hyarlnlh, securing the largeai or viiimb living, in new York Sun. or Mia Haynolds la the daugbter Joanua number Eaitar aggi. B. Raynolds or city. Rhe spent tne 4k V W. C. A kaelal. Hrlrk Ice cream were this has FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $2.95 $4.95 and rim served paat year Injitly studying under toe Mr mnn A ! by lbs hoatease of i lie earning lo the tli IiMTi nodal affair will held thU afternoon rolt greatest msatera, her return to On it most enjoyable wa lowing, moat whom belong In Mlaa Ha- ty since SEE THEM AND BECOME A PLEASED CUSTOMER 4. interesting and at the home of the Y. W- C. A. on Weat nf arfe Mr. the ulled sistea bat sored one ha i .iii'. a given list niarhi by the Mi viii rl. rper', Mlaa Ma.se'. and I.emrn's Sun- or by day school MK.es Fay Krtn triumph arter another in caliromia. Out of the High Rent District ipil" Mrs Aviretfi elm, atfltted ruiriiia the artenuKin metnbrmhip reporta rlar: le, At aba conrernplsiea a return t" Italy in MILLINERY Mr- vocalist, ind) Hei- Middleton, piarle Ponarord. Eulola Will T. owen. Mill will riven by Mr. n. H. Unman. Mm near the concert win probably Better Valué Lower Price V. Orearon ne ai ie Mary Wylle, Pauline Anderson, tb future alt Míe Bowen. pimln. It wsi irtven J. H. Harper. Mra. Jame. O. Mi iry, Mra be the only opportunity arrorded Kl I'aso - Mr- Boule-vri- . Mary Rottorrr, Helen hnmr nf Avirett on Etit Morare Lay. Mra. I). W- Detwller, Mra Wadllnrion. Harriet people thlg young aiiipann. Katy Amonen. Anna Mae Amon- to bear talented prima J A. and Mr.. Spenre. Rub donna. m ' aim Plrk Prink en, Lyrlla (ioorh and Magffte Mercar; rrin'la Cltyton played "i:aprlee Celebre,-- report, be ajlyrn by Mra. The presa or or san arrlpllon will J w. A. Tra.vler, I. J. Ayeri and 8. T. Lot Angeles and by Paranlnl Mchumen. kathalee powert A. or Riwtinr, the rhairman the rinanre. Mi'l'lioion; Rev. r.. W. and Frenético apeak In the highest terms hotn dty night on s charge or vagrancy, were pilycd " penseroso," by Heller, .! (trneral Wendell wire; or Mlas Raynolds ibe win rnmmlltee, Th' boanl meetlnr of Meaira. Jamea l.ynrh, Paul Baletnan, una. and artista who tuipended sentences by Judge Shan rwvaeon plsyed "Moeluroe," by fliirlllt. Y. A. lia compose the For the l.oa riven the W hern rhanred to the l., c. I.oyeiace. Logue quartet. mátame Why Do French Women JUNE CARS MUST non. All PhimoreKHie," by PvofAk. win played by Dlrkeram. Angeles or 3 faithfully promised ihe Judge thtt third ThurMlay In earh month ami will be I.. Bryan. Mollis, Examiner March has tne MyrtI Taliim. Resale l.eyy played "VSles" I. Marrlann. Dawson J. ir they war allowed to go free, ths.r would held Thuraday of nejl wee.k. I. H. Hlackshear, Hoy McCalltiter, to say; Always Look Young? to major, by ( liopln. or tb Jiilmi never commltt an ofrente imitan the law f "Mtrrh i" mardiana rr ill the ramp nre Brown, Lee Nlcholt, Aahley "Mitt sarame Raynolds sang the role or by na played by iirr, Willard the itrsln. Little saaee." fiarllti. rroupa will have iharae or Ihc Y. W. (,. A. (illlelte. W. R. W. D. fllaeldi. beloved daughter of Arvino r Morris. Mildred Lerkovltx played Walker. Cliey. Jr., Rhe hia a power SPEEDING amity sf Reckless riming Iludir ve.per aervlrra on fundy irirrnoon. wMea Paul Hinrey, Cheater WrUrbt. dramauc inprano voice of In France mother, ind daughters look STOP by Wlimm la Francisco Alvares, driver of the delivery "Rose." by l.lrhner Tulip," I.lrhne, will be prinripilly for the cimp rire rlrla. Murry, fluy Mercer and Will OoocB; tne ind of intrinsic beauty. It not marred like slater... How ire the women there able wagon powers. Stanley by a or It to youthful looks long of tbe Young Furniture company, wan plsyed by Mary Mr. Jam'- - 0. MeMary la the ebb-- i. ... . Meadamea H. Miller, faulty sense pitch, nor Is rorced retain their until !. L i. She alan has poetic Again pstt middle age? It is because tbey are wig arrested yesterdsy afternoon on a Bevln played "Pin," by l.lrhner. Mtrgiret rnardliii, tml Hie (iiirdlint Mra. Fred Trnttl, Hubert Kmlth. William Hart, W. H. reeling." de " ire: scribing Miss Rsvnolds In the li'.le much given to the use or mercollisd wax? charra of reckless driving. According to Hem pliyed "Taranielle. by Braiidl, and Morton, Mra. E, p. Rankin, Mra. 0 Anderson, B. L. Murphy and c. C. Hender-ion- . role of aays, This wtx postette remarkable absorbent l CORPORATION COtTtT HEAVY FINES in Mexican, Alvarei, permitted hla Jennie' riril Hondo," uy Motan. Eliza- Hi un. Mra R. I. líamela, Mra. E, II. Yile "Alda." the Examiner in part: Ibe rd "She property which qnlckiy removes line IMPOSED BIT SLSPEMJED OTHER horse and wagon, to destroy s fruit stand, beth S pence played "Jhorxo." by Llrhner. Mra. Rnwie. The Women Missionary society aanr with radiant brilliancy and partlcleá of which sre contunlly and Iioberl will with an or euttcls CASES DISPOSED Of. belonging lo the former on Mircb A, on these age young peo- accompanying high quality act dying and which are Ihe Immediate cause o rlae parlms for tbla Ing un South El Paso ttreet. The driver given ple qnartarly in Ihe younger that will make her nname of an complexion. Thui the wis Binhday Party. church, the forgettable; her given younger akin la s choice or paying tbe amount or damage children belonging to the Intermediate and anas were with livelier, healthier, beneath, Determined to put s atop to speeding by Wedneaday irternoou fio.e Mirraret thorough perception aa wed as given a chance to and show itaeir. done to the rrult .Hand, which ihe owner Ittojtyf societies and the old young people perfect breathe drivers of machine, on Alameda ave eg j WHY HAIR FALLS OUT Cmefy. Utile daua-lu- or Mr. and Mra. In the a Trv yourteir. Most likely June estimated at or paying Ihe court a rine Fred lo the varioua organisation in the, cnurcn. technique; words of musical ahtrp this treatment nue, and Hong principal or Kmery, relrhraled the annlyeraary who was preaent, Miss Reynolds Is It will not require .two weekt to make other itreeti of gi0. elihih cr tne cnv. nesvy were ou a of her blrifi wnh an Eaater party at her talnly a 'big league singer.' The absolute your complexion is clear, sort and beautirul lines iinpoeeu a Mr, tollman Hsaless. one ounce or number of violators of ths trsrrie THE Dindrurr rur reverisb Irrllallon of home, ii t:nrr atreet rami'i control, the dellghtrtil shading or sound, at voting girl's. Just SAFE PLACE Take advantage or tne ilw- I. mercollzed wax (all American druggists yeiterdsy srternoon In corporstlon wonderful values we are orrerlng in Men's, irali'. the hair root., (brink. ttid were enjoyed diirtnr the afternoon, alier Mr. Ben Coliman waa the hostess ror the constant sweetness or her tones and To ihe Bridge have in usually does tne work. The wax court by Judge Shannon. The nnas were Women's and nhlldren's Shoes. We can nt Iban lh hair come on slop an i Thursday club on Wedneaday the continual showing or the command of enure, nl. whlrh the rhllilien enmireii in la put on nieim like cold cream and wash tuipended, however, by tb court, on ap- tbe fani.lv. All the very latest stvlea railing hair at onrc and rid the trtlp of were houae.-an- afternoon at her home on North kansas. ihc most hi t complexities of the com orr at ear bunt Fra hid ibnui the trica ed mornings. peal or the though they will be real prices El Paso Snoo every partirle of dandrurr, get I cent Smith rerrlyed Ihe The cuesta of the arternoon were Mrs. blned an and science or singing made her Another valuable secret which the driver, Co., Broadway, opposite Msjeallc (Adv.) llllle Rerenire pftH with doubled ir the orfente li repealed, accord- bottle of liindetinr it iny drug Hora, pour for find in a ihr moat. Hefre.hmenta or Irf Frank Zlaboysky, Mrs. S. Klein. Mra. performance startllngly beautirul. rrench are familiar la how lo oulckly re In your ing to Judge Shannon. To Circle Puszle Winners.- I railed; yon little hand and rub well Into the cream and rake were ihrn eryed lo Ooodinan, Mra. Noake, Mrs. Mark and "Miss Haynolds has two distinct advan move wrinkles. One ounce of powdered B. dissolved In a hair pint Captain W. D. Greet, who It present won. You may MM fall. JVe toietber msv aeilp Arter a few application ill dindruh dlnlnr room. The was prettily, de Mra. J. Zabrtskl. tares over the greater number or prtmmo saxolite witch hand, it a ttble makes a marvelously effective astringent acting cbier of tne police de pertinent, told win. Compare estimates svond putzle. ir diuppeare and the htlr topa coining- out. a Mrs. fNoake and Mri. Murk were ihe win- donne wl'n achieve celebrity through toe s rated wnh birthday holdinr mvlit lotion. Tne race should be Datned in mis the he had talked the r highest, use It and divide even. pink were ners or the guest prises, and the club erudition or Ihe voice: she It very young court that with W. Main. Phone . ind rren rindlea, whlrh dally until even the deepest linea are gf. or the June Motor Bus company, con- (Advl.) by t prue waa won by Mrs. Carl Spinner. ann very nannsonie ana witn an ner otner Ruae M.iif u on enterinr. then blown reeled. cerning the speeding or driven, and had out by all ihe little . whlrh tbe Following the games a lunch, qualities she hai been endowed with the ifirr gift or In person- learned tbst Inasmuch ta all had ample cake waa rut In rneroua allrea. Thoaa eon waa served. best all. what It termed EXTRA CANDY SPECIAL ality that demanda a high degree or re- schedules, s vlolstlon of the ordinance wit preaant were: rjcrrnlie mi m Mlndel or- Aid Redely Meeting. gard." absolutely unnecessary. Testimony of Children Dorothy lianirlwn. Alice kramp waa to FOR Orr Our Soft, Delicious The regular meeting or the Ladlea' Aid The other artltta are also highly praised ANNA PAVLOWA neen who had made the arreitt FLETCHER'S Maddle llrrrhauer, Judre Sinllb, homai speed or the machines society or Ihe First M. church will be by the Los Angeles press, and the the errsct that the Itorer... Jimniie Wall Work. Helen Colima to one or on Alameda svenue at times gvarsged forty 1 TOASTED Hardy. Hardy held thla afternoon with Mra. J. R. Flak, concert promises be toe R A Ruth Flack. Sarah Kramena dellghirul ever held mils per hour, la effort to best s rival GASTO Kmery. at Ihe Flak apartments. A feature or the most in El I'iso. in MARSHMALLOWS and Hoae Marraret Ml ruporl biy to A passenger, snd earn the extra five Inr apent a de.ltrhlfiil arternoon. meeting will be the roll call or the mem nr the Aid, TO DANCE HERE cents. RAILROAD TIME TABLES 20c LB. br and tbey will respond Ihe Evening or to by lling social club this evening at The schedule ths Jltne but set Wash- Thee TsMa a, as. t- t . vi. mi, si. ni Bridge Party. ti how they earned a dollar for way, is: ONLY Hi" general aid fund. tbeir home In the Alexandria spsriments. ington psrk Is rirteen minute each Mares I. Mis. SATURDAY About 3(io ladlea were preaent at the while approximately six IMouauu Tima onu An mimical program the round trip ii bridan parly riven yeitorday arternoon by interesting bal been Pygma allowing to the arranged and a good unte Lion Bridge Hub. mtlei, tbem thirty minutes, "Follow Crowd" the ladlea' Aid aoclety of Temple Mount Ii insured for A. rAMOl'S RUSSIAN DAJS'SEL'BE TO APPEAR often all. Mrs. H. Bell will be Ibe boatesa for make tna trip. The drivers exceed 1 CU f óralas t M a n. alinl In the parlor rooms nf the Ilka- club the pygma Uoa Bridge dab on next Thurs IN EL PASO IN MAY WHILE the speed limit, bówever. In in effort to 1 Create sum Isoutad . ... . Mra. nalhan Solomon in.t Mri. Human day arternoon instead EN ROITE TO COAST. earn extra money, sad If caught in the t Po local Elite Confectionery Co. l andidiale for It. D. C. Pre.ldenrv of yesterday. Kniiin had ihc affair In charar future will be fined besvtly. A number or CasaeQuTltilli F.. Ree chapter. United Daughters I Runro and brlrlre were played and there Itarnsrd Mra. Ravel other vlolnors or the new ordinance, pro- i ustaaa st.i. Unjiea yn or Ibe conrederacy. or San Antonio, baa an Hetteta. Although disappointed In securing the roí Nena - were prtiea ror llioae tnaklnr lilaheat Mri. B. hibiting the parking of machines In the aad rial nounced) the rnndldary or Mrs. Mabel Mus Joe Ravel la entertaining at bridge hoped ror engagement of the renowned S CaaVietiSD - arore in hrldre and the Hlrbeat number this arternoon at her borne on Arliona streett, were fined one dollir each. It 4 OaXsMB Stat ey Bites, president or ibal or the Metropolitan Opera Houas nan-- ol buncna in ihat rame. chapter, for street. orchestra being the first ofrente. I Tacts m bevy or tbr i. fin r or state president, to be elected company to pity In EI Paso, soother srtlstle re luirinr ilia afternoon the Drug Fiend! Sentenced. UoMla UauuM when i he annual convention treat l in ror the people of city Suit tS?!S: younaer arhool aet aerved punch and Ii held in store tbli Charles O'Connor ind William Seattle, axaesal t uZS. MOirru Auatin next October. Mrs. Butler Hostess. In the snnounrement thtt Mile Anns warer.. They were l.tiellle Miyer, May A. H. who to Judge Shannon they LINKS Mra. Butler ts entertaining at brldfo famous Russian snd the admitted that His arasse. CI Fate 4 Saats r k'raiitlhor, M.irraret Soliuater, Kathrmo the dinssuse war victims of the drug hsblt, were given atiira and Aid Musical. thla afternoon at her home on Rooacvell foremost exponent of the modem snd sit Dick. Dornlby Wllllania. Ilnlen Stewart, Redely s suspended sentence or thirty dayt, ind rrom is Aena Arrtfa. atreet. age, will appear at -- eases n if cheeks Rlrdle krupp, liuth SchMarti. Jane Rurtea, The Aid society or Altura Park Presby society dancet of the ordered to leave town wltbln the next few It St SUV. will on Tuaaday the Texas Orand-E- Piso thetter on the I iu. mar ten Ida Krupp, Marraret Amatatter, Blinrho terian church entertain Ml hours. When arraigned before the court, lls m or Ormshee Dance evejilng of May t. and adda Lerkoviit and 'mi Aiken. arm in wtib a mualial at Ihe borne both men pleaded for clemency, in view Mn. L. L. Robinson, In Miss Dorothy Ormsbee will entertain her Mr. Shirley Olympltis, general representa- ÍS,, tfellMl-l- . Mra. Solomon mil Mrs. krupp were very Nornlngslde of their addiction to morphine and cocaine. yetrt to oae't looks. So etiy to ad school friends with a dance tonight at her tive or Mil Pavlows, was In El Paso yes- hn.iea.n., tnd much pralae la Heights. Ysuag Negreas ta vaenatea. Narrhae See Aaleala tbern rradiraled MuperMunua hair, rental dua Pome it the tmelter. terday arrange menta Four Cauri. k Xaihra. them for the aitrreti of ton pleaitnt arrair. snd perrected the for Joe Bltlr, Fred Marlon, C. Young and Ssm molea and all blenilahai remorad. her here on rrom e Airtea. Initial Bill Planned ippearance the due nimed. Johnson, young negroei. Wednet- - lilt The Mile l to be arretted . I 31 p. m. kewlng in Meeting. The Young Men'i Hebrew association SOCTaSTY PERSONALS. fart tbit Pavlowi shortly .11:1 svaa. G. A. BENSON ii Sunday evening in midsummer season at San Francisco, ama. Tne St'Wlnr clrrte or the sunshine sorleiy rlvr initial bill at 10) man - academy, Mri. W H. Bryan morning and that ibe bad s rew daten open during . S Mam. met Wedneaday arternoon with Mri. W Panring vm Surdam's left yesterday I Calitomlaa . raea "prrlllt nf Chleaao her trip across the continent from New kamraas t:M.a.. JU3 Beah at her home, atreet. Later orrheitri will play for the dancing. for rort worth, Texas, t Saasst Mass. Hi raid llldg ttat Tetaa York to Francisco, was largely re- Far ta Kaes .ii in the arternoon a luncheon Ssn Oapatl. sponsible fur El Paso being included In lis asas Uuuid . I ils.es." Fnlrrtslnlag Miss Barnes. Mr. ind Mrs. A. L. Cox le.n yetterday Tor 1 S'u atl kasram . Mrs. J. fi. Urvelle will entertain this points in old Mexico, lo be away ror tev ber itinerary. fea uv We- w- Oeswrt. arternoon at home on East Boulevard weeks. Mile. Pavlowa needs no tniroductlon to 1 CaattarU . Ill a.m. her eral the people of El Paso, her haa HuuMt fisrasa .... is fame 101 complimentary to Miss Verde Birnrs, spread to every quarter or the globe. Once BUMPS ON FACE Sil bride- Mr. and Mri. S. Blrchrteld have re In s great while i mm or woman emergei o turned rrom Lia Crurea, where they spent rrom some group or dlitln-uwn- ciettlve Planning Mn.lcsl Recital. a rew or executive souls and becomes a person- t rial asnas ... a.m. dayt. OsU t Or. T. H. Koch It planning an elaborate age. Superlative talent .none cannot caanai ... .iicn arnievemrm 10 nare intelli- Grew Larger and Festered. Itching rw Iks Baal ISiabesan. mttslral recitil to he given shortly. Mrt. J. i. Tyndall. of us Arlxona ttreet an 4 Na Oriaaaa Uiuliad M a m. gence, coupled wltb palnvaking and tést- So Bad ...It haa aa her gueet her tlsler, Mlas Shirley, ele industry, are In themselves tnsurrt-rien- l Scratched. Used Cut cura or l Kaanns Paine Denver, Colo. permit the sunning or tbls honor Soap In lall.a. al Me The Mann will entertain wlih a dance Always in such an instance It there to be and Ointment three inlaw thti evening at the Tollec rlubroomt. Mr. and Mrt. Osorge T. Locks moved observed s peered equalisation or at least Weeks Pimples Heeled. fS am. isan .... o rrom na'w ill these mentioned resources, and. In id Smack Your Lips yesterday Anions ttreet to tbelr lillon, that elutlve. indefinible quality AUTO STAGE LINES. oelal Evening. Club. bungslow in Altura Hark.. known as personality. Lake. Lav "My trouble began by ahxy ptio-las- -- Mr. and Mra. W. B. Sanders will nurrtaln Music, drama, palming, sculpture and ' tt' " argaa twe ens bump on my face. Than I noticed MOBN1NO TIMES UEUVXHY Robertson, visit-M- e that oldett and most widely practiced of all thai Over Mlas Edna who has been they uam riimmr aUaa. front of Betel This Treat the tris, danclnr. have their acknowledged were grown! larger and tbey ISelered. i" ' lint. Teisa. for the past-fe- weeks, leader. Occasionally one person arpeara They were unsightly, and farm CI Paso lo Caauiuio. Aothoot U WITH THE FRENCH has relumed lo kl Paso. It every right for leadership, under - lit. ' waffle-iro- Iba lacking was ao ll ts Mmanlta. ll.it: lúiiu e... !i Heat the n good i hese conditions experts and the populace bad law Ortaas. IX. a - WOUNDED 1.. Mril left Wedneaday morning ror riguratlvely drape a purple mantle over Ihe that at times I had te Sm omina, sato latrm La. ( rvjem Iru Mloca Lea and hot. Mix the batter and Mineral Weill. Tetaa, where be expects to shoulders or ibe artist, who then reigns scratch. fn.., al I p m ror supreme. Sasell essasas Mraw eaarlsd el emeiaai raw remain several weeks. The dince In its highest artistic rorm baa pop it in a quick turn and The Wornan'g Sacrifice. o In tb past developed s rew exponents year before I used Cuti Mrs. Jos Msrttn snd Mlas Alberts Martin whose carried them into the s' MOaUn.NO TtalXM IXXIVKRT. out they come and onto the tali laat night ror fort Worth, Texas, where .mall circle of Ibe elect. Because of the I Lasms "liner auaas. trmv Uutai - rarta. April t, I: SO p. m. Away or feminine sex to Sill artlvas rairnaa" they wUl lutks their futuro home. peculiar nuieas the best to bed I would pet ad In. it I l m I U . table for those hungry ones. (inm the battlefield one see war interpret the essential subtleties of the via Mstk lead lo Teleta, lámase amiUi load dance these period leaders have basa tbS CMsbaaeal OO. leers ' Be generous stripped of it glamor Wo see Uta Mrs. W H. Hsrrlt. or Wsco. and ton. women. U five misuse and then wash It off with lb Tiieta. attnna n Pees la II a m r.raa with only years ago young woman heron work of nurara who ara on duty Ethelbsrg Harris, bava taken a house in all s Soap and warm water. After uatag tbem Usfct assraaa etfaWma l and will ror some .prang from comparative obscurity and two Mala isamvauaa k say and night. There la devotloa, Alturs ark, remain here tb crown or the weeks I found great reuoT and at lbs lime. .eiied Huttl premier suffering; patriotism qual- iliiiaeuae or the sse. Her art became the rage and her rame spread rapidly through- i only war I or ities which a ereat and ta Mrt. Josephine Rallona Mnrflt snd daugh out the continent Europe, England, tne Loveoia Brtguae. Saps. XX. nii.-.- statet and Canada. Everywhere It la lai. ternilla ronaequeneea caa Inaplre to ter, Josephine Morrit, have returned rrom a i 'ulk ure Baaaaa. Laaeaaa. laat laelaa Claim u.i roncoded that all that It moil artlsilc and TWeesk hate mva mar al visit or at point Mesar lalarwaMlli the highest development The women severs! ssks varioua in moat beautiful in dancing la reriected by Cu Olnimeni to sooths sad beat . am mUa Sasaaat asme as u in pm Velva calumnia. lilis masterful Russian. And la larcels aupar it everywhere ara helping and ovary-Whe- thin rminy esmillattit aad pi axthj aosweu. caSTSn. owing lo ber creative and eiecutlve power, bastas you save all la auto first-cla- ss one easts self sacrifica and devo- tier unawsrvins ton and ner sincerity in that linmni i for that syrup of them sIL r. snd Mr. Cnsrtsi Bssrdaley, of BL the car of Ike atda, eoaip. heads. tion to country. kins aim loftier and uoDlei nrtnsuli la hair sad There's s supper that will satisfy Loala, Mo . spent Thursday iu ibe city on irt tout the in Itself bs, advanced lo The women of the United Mates do their way to las exposition. They wars its tirrienl high ttate. Sample Each Free by Mail that fsmily in wholesomeness, in guests of Rev. C. W. wire. of etpeotal Interest to ladlea It Mile not know how fortunate they are las Wsbdrll sad aa-s- I' sdiborised sanoanesmant thai in Whh c 1Mb Book aa itjurt. kd-- flavory goodness and in fine nour-ishin- g Hare there are plsnty of women who every performance during bar present MoJIASUNS I'KAitL fALLS AUTO uR" and Mrs W. 1. Young and little vv i la allsnee. whose American tour a ootsaiiait ecnoa aovoiee quality, for Velvs is Nature's suffer strength la daiisnter. Louise. laat night ror Min to lb exemplification of ballroom dances Nouad trip dally tes. "uiidlyiUu. own product, in food on- of proportion to (heir ambition. eral Wall.. Trias, where they were railed will be gtvso. Mil. Pavlows believes In rich elements. Their tienda ara tied by soma or lbs luust ol Mr. iouns's raising and elevating the ten and lbs varonJc cual morals of the modern snd .be Is Use often. It r atutaer. lanr. it helps keep the cost common in womankind, thai devoting her beet sxsergies and bar poseer- of the table down. weak back, seeoro panled by pain hers lo! exaniDle to that end ah is also asid or there, extreme 1 nnisa sleep Miss lag Uoyt cbsaibarUu). dramatic uow lo bs si work devising six ballroom lasMiieaa. maybe fainting spells or sopiaau. accnaspaalai by bar fsiasr. re- dance. Each wtll have aoror salleal fea lumed Tuesday rreat a motar trip Alt lure useiy lo prove Those children will enjoy it, epsjune, are all aisrtuils of distress for la gavoue women. 8Hs nay be from uc ai.ru where the govs saces ssful rea. hsv low three times a day, giuwlua s on batter cakes, in rio, i into omauhi od. nassins certa andar tas auspices of lbs Wiuuan r York city. U. k. C. on biscuits, on muffins, or spread on truui sotnaiihood Ui motherhood, and club Mineral Wells, suffering- froaa change Ms Tex i.r that which AND RETURN slice of light bread. leaves ao many wrecks of w tunea. AA and Mrs- - J. M. Msttaas sad daugaier. III shy or all of ihsss periods of a Miss Mary Turaey Rallona, ara isas tas1 aanu Fe. N. M . April a. The lead eatns k Get Velva from your grocer. in. ii a Ufa aha should lake a loaic heme shortly rruai tas Frsaciaco where during the anual of March at this district sad uarvlos. prescribed for Just such they insaaed the Csinaatsns couiwun were AM. according to the Msnnict in lbs Ten cents up. Save the coupons cases by a physician of vast ssyasrietu s sad ere now v muss the cipoelUou users. raited latea land office Tb Kil of on labels and send (or la tas sflasaste of woman Dr. Pierce's rutries aggreUM over sB.osd arree, lbs the premium Pevoalts Prescription has siicsasfully s willlssB i LNUrtay ssd Mía Mslsa receipts Texas Pacific catalog to ir.atea mora cases the past fitly y wars Uuigley last ..igbt for tasa ver. Calo., lo I any remedy ban other ksuwa Whoa juta Nr uuigts asara. They wtll return 9- you fast dull, headachy, backache. ti i'aeu ib about s wsek sod sftar a eg - J!.'.'!"? "YoAr Family Pttyatcian Will Wimawasifj a Trip to Mio-er- Sissy or lesrkuass bol flashes, there la ahari atay here aspect - i.o.iu lor aa ntas Mrs Daem. PENICK & FORD, Ltd. nothing you can enjoy You cava fiad bursa, kktrlda. V. has basa aaad WaUe" tl - QagaaT CgaT PtXexVaBBBBaS permsueut relief in Or. Pierces Mr and Mra UsaUjaay ere freoweal vlettor i., iioui! m. i eeaasrs at at 4MKÍ mj gjgg fB) witts iravecc ipiiua M by ao New Orleans, La. r. n sold tl Raas end are weal katvsra sere. Seres tbiyear DALLAS. as s dlcf s das Is re or trul bos by mail s host of mead UTTLE ROCK. SHREVEPORT. MEMPHIS. Irtssji Pterxe. lavalid'a aauala cuoa The gild teller trooi pass lr Hots. rgaesairiiis Liaisai siluro t ST. LOUIS. NEW S duiisiu. N a , on rwcatut of ae or was doltar lor large bo. 4.

I Friday. April 9. 1915 EL PASO MORNING TIMES 5 PICKED UP IN THE ISNT ITCHING HOTEL LOBBIES Amusements J. 0. Martin, an attorn or Alprns, Tes.. Advarnsen ni who H) here aMendSt the seeatom of the ECZEMA AWFUL! ride ral court, aaya mat the Alpine country Ok ates Cowboy, bronce lidies, sl ano It eaeaptkaselly prosperous, tu to in t p. at. Admlasmo. ase. Are yon an eeaenu sufferer Do those rirellent condition of the livestock Indus CRAWromt TMCATKR. Italy or up TRK try. patches eruption start and Itch Tas new show offered by the Western "The cattlemen all tell me." he akl. a thourh they would drive yon rranllr, Wheel ror th rhsage of Mil sl the Craw- had a mntit sticressrm Sambrano "that aner bavins? and have you bar- eeaeon tried treatment after treat ford yeaterday drew out sa imáneos year the prospects for the rom ma mem with, at beat, only temporary relief gain matinee and a banner ntght house tn are hrlshtrr than they hare been for year Urn Then you are only rolnr throush the ex- witness wtihnnt doubt one of best Pile lo the rain and the snow of the paat tn $3.50 and $4.00 tnoronthly sstu perience or thousanda or others who have purleaque productions ever offered a whiter the sro'ind " ate r going publlr. with mniatnre and one resinll ta that si last round that Reslnol healed their rated y There were many rtlsttnrt reatures to the areas and ranfe for rsttte I sick skins ror rood-"- the bill. Oeorg Rehn and Rube Welrn rood. With the first use of Reslnol ointment were almply in their elements tn the run- over root and mouth dts Oxfords 'The arare the and Reslnol the Itrhlnr and burninr making ftehn being hi particularly good part of Sa tinned esa, asisten! la other usually stop, and soon all trace of eccema singing voire and taking several encores Suburb States, made the cattlemen reel rather nes or torturtnr skin temible disap- for hla "Dreaming" number In Ihe nrat nervous for a time, but In dlaeaae similar part. France Tall scored a big hit tn the been prartlrally wiped out and an early pears, even In severe and stubborn caaes. NEW re- olio and displayed her rioe. soprano voice THE IDEAL LOCATION FOR THAT and a feneral abolition or quarantine Doctora have prescribed the Reslnol treat- to great advantage Until you Me the Guarantee 4he country la a strictions thronfhoui ment ror twenty years. old by all drug- . Vera Rsnsdsle, petite ss sver, proved s perled. HOME YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD Oxford for men you can't gist, for trial free, wrlle to Dept If-- great favorite, her double with George Meantime the proaperlly of our aerilon the second pari being one or the realize the style and appear- bank Reamo!, Baltimore, Md. Rehn in ta ahown by the rstl the aavinr hits or Ihe show. Ureal la Nr. THE MONEY VOU ARE NOW PAY- In than ever credit due ance that can be put in this are .creator volume Welch for his rlever staking or Hie art ING IN RENT WILL BUY THE HOME known." poses Ip the olio. Hesite, grade of shoe. What ia IS VIM R TOIUCT -- np StAfKT the remarkable Juggler, who was an added fea UWaS or the receñirte more, we carry moat of them "Temporary lowna and canal Many toilet aoaps contain harsh. Injurious ture tn the olio, is In a by hlmseil are rapidly be comma only rlasa E tone at Panama alkali. Reslnol soap contains absolutely no and got a big reception. The Amaion from AA to and we have a memory, due to the steady rite or me FIVE MILES OUT, ON THE CAR LINE Tnrley. free alkali, and to li Is added the Reslnol March, always a big reatitre in a burieequ JUST courteous and experienced watera or r.atun lake." aald tleorfe show, wss admirably employe of the Panama medication. This rives It soothlnr. heallnr slaved and really nnlll recently an a great feature, cos- salesmen, who will fit you Z.. wno it wis elaborately railroad, stationed al Ancón. C properties which clear the completion, tumed and wall done by the F.I of tno rlever chorus correctly with the particular apenl yeaterday in Paao, a sweat eomrort tender skins and keep the hair or twenty girls. Hotel Paao del Norte, and who la en route healthy. last the shape of your foot ore - This bill Is rar superior lo ihe opening to hla home at Kurene. one and no will serve to pack the recom-me- ha continued, "antici- doubt requires. We also "Thr ensineera." house nightly. The new policy will be pated or the lake and ample no- oo the rise two them for young men, or con- complete changes a week, an entire tice waa riven residents the towns new snow & going on next Monday. in- LOTS UP where hard wear is a consid- cerned to vacate. Take tlorrona, for SECOND PROBLEM $50 once a riotirtshlns; town or io.uuo eration. All leathers stance, "I.IRI. OF THK Ml NIC MALI." TODAY. and people, and also one or the early la The three-ree- l Kslem You Can Bay Yonr styles mado by the Spanish conquerors feature. "The Girl an of the Music Hall." with Altee Joyce In the IN lot. If Yos Wish, four centuries ao, and before that principal part, will l.e seen at the Wigwam EASY Psylair ancient Indian vlllere. It la now sun IN FULL SWING loday. Miss Joyce has the role or ds, s mersed under the waters or the lake, im girl or Innocence and bctuly who Is singing ts.no down; $3.50 and 4.00 arrotint or the encroachment or these, In one of the honkatonks or two decades $3.00 A WEEK f ago. A Composer who TERMS SAMBRANO SUBURB several tlmea been necessary to visits the dive with It has a almriming party shirt the irarks or the Panama railroad recognises Ihe latent or d, MIR INFORMATION OK PROBLEM qualities or a wonderful voire and aids the (Minna the paat year. This plere smiMl gtrl In grand opera. Mas sol t - Rl'I.KR OF UAMK ARE preparing for While by the way, even under liberal she li studying she appears In the chorus administration or the t'nltad -- tales, makes AtiAIN GIVEN. ror s livelihood. This gives the director With All City Conveniences at Your Command more money according to murare annually good opportunities ror putting In scenes or nrty or in the stage tire, rrom tins on tne Electric Street Cars Run Through Suburb. than any other mllet track Idea Is Chain Embrarisg point picture the across tne I. Conatrurt necomva very oramattc. as mere is a ri- SHOE- - world. The tonnst carried or Figure Encom- the opening nd Large! Total valry between two men ror her affections Isthmus Is enormous, and But Oner Electric Lights, Water System, Sewer System, Sidewalks, Etc., Etc. does hot seem to passed; fie Over and Bark one kills ihe oiher. and then the man who 203 Mesa operation of the canal has been instrumental In lining her from have diminished It In the least. the music hall again appears and wins her "There Is rentilire regret In the Canal At the request or a number or those wno love. Ask for Our Spring Catalog none over th announcement or Colonel were surccssrsl In solvlnr the number or Coming April "Hypocrites," for one re- uay I, Heorge Ooethals that he will shortly circles In the Puxxle Uanro and who are oniy. Sale Lots Begins Mailed Free man tn of Colonel normals la a great now the second prob- tire. lied and working out MUTUAL MASTER FICTt REfl. the place. He Is universally esteemed lem, right the following Is published: Ten and respected In the tone, and there are million asases already know about many predictions that Uncle Sam will have When starting a chain on the chart Mutual mister pictures The Mutual Film man to any on the left and ro three, corporation Is spending Sso.noo In making Sunday, April a 11th time In rinding suitable number Keep your eyes or"!) for The Time a hard or up two Mutual master pictures every week place at the head of arrairs In hla atead." four or rive numbers to ihe riant, sr,.oon llylary Edition. II will be s hummer an-- and spending each week in the or down. Then Jog strain not less .than unlay Evening Post to them. The of value lo El Paso. con- advertise treat II. Nelson of Maplme, Dursngo. throe numbers nor more than rive, brains or master minds produce Dr. C to- these Mexico, la spending several days In tne tinue this way, working all tne time great pictures. Three of tne rourteen men Purgaloll Laxative and Purgativo Syrup, Arriving at the extreme who are spending 130,000 per week young- city and Is at the Hotel Shetdota. ward the' rtrhl. lo make Fur and old. Drug atorei. Sic. Adv. nsiii make yoqr turn and start back to tne tne master piciures arc David Grirrilh. Iln left, taking care thai you do not touch or greatest or all directors; Thomas lnce, sec ond only to Griffith, and Mack Hannett. ennrilrt with any numbers In the chain general or go- creater and dlrertor Ihe famous made when going to the right. When Keystone horneóles. Tne aclors are the Tickets ing to the right you must not make any pick or the world. The first one or these turn- lo the lert and when you start back feature will be shown it the Grecian Mon Free to the lert the same conditions apply. day "The Lost House," a thrilling love Do any point drama by Ihe great author Richard Hare Toa 1 not cross your chain at Sambrano Suburb on your This will disqualify any- Davis. I.llllan Gtsb Is the slar. supported chart. by a wonderfully strong east. "The Lost one solving I be problem. - N E W RUGS House- is one Hour's entertainment or the Call at Out Office, 300 S. El Paso, Cor. Overland, and Get Yours Honey Saving Construct your chain in a way as highest order. See this one Monday and At to get the largest total or rigurrs In your you'll see the first or Ihe greatest pictures chain. The chain must go over and bscs inane, nrguiar prices. You Can Come Today and Get Your Round Trip Ticket. on the Interurban to one Do not the but lime. cbart THE Al.HAIf BRA. Prices several times. Jus! once over and come Sambrano Suburb. on "The Rllss or Ignnrinre." a three nart back. Arriving bark the lert column Balboa production, not with the num will be at the Alhatubra do Join ending number today only. This picture was evidently In- TO ber you started with. This Is strictly spired by the novel "Three Weeks" and la Don't Miss This Sale DAY against the rutea. in contention tne or with principles thli - may noted book. .The drama stands ror cleanH xlt Axmln- You send in a further remittance ness or to apply on your aend and purity ortnrlDle and Is success Sambrano Lots Are a Good Buy Whether You Are Going to Build a Home or ater $15.00 subscription waen ral In Its aim. The picture la well pre- Ing your chart, ror instance, tr you sent Brus- sented sad luridly told. 11 s six month or three month subscription Tomorrow and Sunday wo will have what Buying for an Investment. sels ; $12.50 berore and now wish to make li a year you Is probably the best restore of the year-L- ew Uo Fields in "Old a 6x9 Klrmnn may do so by remitting the difference. Dutch." story that BRING YOUR LUNCH AND SPEND SUNDAY AT SAMBRANO. not exreed this, however. By ao doing win oe uaeo oy an. Lew r tenia is an ex- . . . . $12.50 Axminister solverá still have an opportunity to get cellent comedian and "Old Dutch" a ve hicle which ably assists him In his first ap Good Music and Ice Water AH Day. Wilton the largest possible award, namely, tne pearanre In pictures. Make your arrange and Axmlnater . $ 8.50 rive hundred doliera. menu to see "Old Dutch." tea will never l It. Axmin- - Persons cannot enter this problem under rerret 27x52 any no may It $ circumstances: one. work CLAYTON AT at e r 1.45 but those who got I9M on the circle game. ETHEL THE BUOL'. - to a chain will em- You must not miss tbn Bijou program to- 3x72 Axmln- Just work make that day, you you brace the largest total or numbers en com ir do will mlas a good one ster $ 2.45 Blessed Miracle" ia a three-par- t do & passed and go over the chart but onco SON mesne SAMBRANO drama, produced by Joseph Kauf. I Duofold each way. Also, see that you have your man, one or the Lubln company's foremost Beds at $25.00 chart In lo this office prior to time limit pronurers ano aciors. Tne siory. which Is you want It registered. with a strong cast, has evolved a photo 300 South El Paso, Comer Overland. Play that will appeal to the emotional mind. Extra Large Selection of Rockers at Very Low Prices In tbla drama the eternal triangle" la Ovstlea for French General In Rome. handled with refreshing fidelity to ract New Furniture Exchanged for Old By the Auactatti Presa The acting or Miss Ethel Clayton, Joseph Home, April Gen. Oerald Pan. or the saurman mu nosetia erice in tnis picture French army, here today and was makes an eiceUent offering will be ahown arrived louny oniy. enthusiastically received by a large crowd, Into El Psso rounty from Neilco, plesd dier. It la altered that Uoodman took a which Included Camilla Barreré, the French THE L'NifJLE. (ullly and was rined US. drah army shirt from 9, $, t:olter. a private and- the of toe RE- Un- debt of CHAS. FOUTZ I ambassador, personnel GRAND JURY in tilted átales srtny, for s 1 1 "A Lesson From the Far Esat," featuring Clilneae vimalora of uf 3 North Stanton Phc 106 French embassy. Many persona followed federal statutes ll.tu. Dorothy Phillips and Ben Wilson. Is a well rered at tin- MIMM or Hie Jury heavily General Pau to hla hotel, cheering him on ronsirurlrd and entertaining Rex drama vrand The nuiiiri iriihiii Caeet. the wsy. mat win oe on tne nm tnnay. tuu plot in when Mar lion Ker, alias Ma Been, Bliss Aeeordlns to membera of the United this offering Is rreah and unique. Msr Ben, l.ee Hone lln OSa, Woo sins and states marshsl'i rorrn ll la very probable Saturday Francis Ford and Misa t'unard TURNS INDICTMENTS Mar ' ii ir were Indlrfd ror manurartur-Inr- . that Ihe rilarse atslnst J. A. anipbell. Will be featured or having in their possession amokins allae J. P. Melxmald, ami J. K. Johnson, of Thursday and Friday next "A Fool There rpliiiu Yes .in. alias "Jean." Crécemelo loiiiiterreitlna, will be take np directly by Wss" will be here a picture you want iiiiií. auto Haniana. and J. M. iiibsun. ajatt I he arswl Jury, and iii.ii.iin.-n- reliirn.-- to aee. liidirted on rliarst-- of ruitsplrlus lo lit'ins by that IunIv without ihe formality of a ih- - i IN lo United Slalrs liuirw alien lalxirers liearlns lierore the reiieial eonuujlsstoner' CMINENK IMtlMi THONK innitM TOIL ti. MAY ndl entitled to enter the L'nlted Stsies. rourt. .uní. and Johnson were arrested COllNTKRrCITIKU HANK by local and redera) Wed- out. I P TODAY. tiabrlrl Irons was Indletxd tur rerelvlnf polín orflwra and bavlui in itta poaeslou rattle nesday, and then- tools antt plant for man Hie eontrary to ronnterreil coins, mariner wlih Teld That There Waa Ne Cura fer Him Into United State money, the wrsjiarn law. and Abel r.haves and Jeans Men. some or Hie allred spurious ate "After suffering ror over twenty years The federsl (rand Jury lor or Hie author or were ludirle lor aiiiussltiis three brail or in Ihe bands I'ltlted states with Indigestion and having some Ihe district or Tesas yesterday returned rleven or WBti here tall me was no cure horses or ihe valne Stat into the Pnlted . beat doctors there indlrtmenta, rharttns sniiifsllni. Illeial Stales from Mexico. lor me, I think It only right to tell you keep your syea ojien lor The Times ror or possession of opium, white slavery, ton Indictment wan round Oeorse N the sake other sufferers as well as srslnat lioiary Kdttloti. II will Ih- a hummer and your own satisfaction that a ss cent bottle splracy and unlawrully purchaslnr army r.omlinan for unlawrully rerelvlns in pledye public properly ror Itwlebiedness b s sol or treat value to El Paao. of Chamberlain's Tableti not only relieved rlothrs. Thr.-.- or the defeodanta aralnal me out cured ma witnin two tnontna al- were round plead rullty though I am a man of as years." writes whom indlettwi.is Jul. Oroblen. Houston, Tssss. Obtainable and ware sentenced. The court was occu- ovcrywhen. (Advertisement.) pied most of p e day iisesrinr Ihe rase sor M. E. Burke arslnat Hie Uarbyahlre- WHEN YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Why ilarvla Iron A BBISJBBI luiasjssj, wmi-- i VITAL RECORD. now almost ready ror the Jury e TkM. airili'a KnilBd IJUIIIV. on way to the exposition thla summer i"v Pedro Luna PHons. rbsranri wllh britttlns From the east stop here their w oay an alien, rrom Jtiarrt you will want your home to appear to the beat advantass. uoctors HAWS TO Mr. SBd Mr George Hsws. Marsartu Ramlret, i vi .... fm in. in. nal uuniosea, waa Any class ot palatina and papering attended to promptly. April , boy. stis sacramento. a dlrtéd and stralsned. He plead suilty to TORRES To Mr. Mrs. Adrian rorrea. sad Ule i liarte Hut a senieureu in PAINT & GLASS CO. "Oranges'7 KM Calderetero, April s girl tu prison and 10 fine. Ysabel tiallardo. TUTTLE who plead tumy M ihe indi- tiii ni herir I'bonea No. 106 and 20. Iia-ll- l N. Stanton St. is hardly a physician practicing today in lilui wllh auiussllus meat si into the There I aeuleiieed lo i innntlia CAMACMO Lula Cameeho. . April , IfttO lined Slsiea who doesn't advócate the eating of oranges. and 14 day In prison Aa the lime ssptred Broadway. Buried in Concordia cemetery at sentence, the defendant was reieaae.1 beneficial eaTsct on the seat asaaptlas April s Florea, who was 1st, bacanas oranges bates Iratt ese we. rrom custody Vlceute that ARCALA ror IS bushels or beans blood, keeping It pure and clean. Thla Is ttpcciuHy Serve Red Ball Betty-th- an TL - Felicitas Tlaa. ala. II tnontna. uidkied nous slins necessary daring the spring and summer months. en couatlawa ways, April I, III Ninth. Burled In Concordia ee ssati saves evew Sred 4 cemetery April S. 2nd, because oranges act as a mild and pleas- these. Pries are lew They Ill HGt Burgeas. M. April 7. 417 ar the chsesast trek yea SAN ANTONIO ant stimulant lor the llasr. A disordered liver can buy. Aad they an sold Waal Mlaaourl. Remains shipped lo T- DARKEN GRAY changes one's whole outlook on life. by ail seed deakvs opea. Kan., for burial April s. Thee Boo. TOMLINSosi ijeyetle tola Tomlmaon. ST. AND RETURN 3rd, because oranges contain just tas right Cat Fres April S. Aloioogordo Buried la Kd Ball Salads aad Ml amount ol fruU meid to keep the dlgsetivw organs " See what cataras cemetery April 7. LOOK YOUNG proper working ordet. Oranges help the di- I'LLlVArl-Tbon- tsa Sullivan. M April 4. HAIR. ta y gestios of mil other foods. Hotel Dleu Burled lo Concordia usee tar April a, m-- m taslttr Deealur Dea let. as. April Apply Not Dye. Harm a. Human sanitarium Hrmains .nipped la Gray to On Sale April 18 24. limit 26 California Gloster Ala . for burial April I. less; Change Hair to PIMENTAL- - Infant or Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Glossy Dark Soade $13.00 I uuenial. April s 1J Less. Buried in Con cordis cemetery April s On Sale April 22. Limit April 24 .'AMACHO Manuel ' amecho, t pril s. your SJb took uW look uuns so If All Good on the tksu Broadway. Burled ih tassordia cease kair ta wuuyy. laaM. dry. ufemaiuiriy BallOranges tery tprll rey. alraply ihasspoo hair sad seslp S fas Red ssiru- - Alrjeudro Solo. S April 7. i.ulor uaoaia. timet wllh y Ban Hair Kaiorr Yser BM t ram Buried cusuurdis catas-ter- a hair will tiwu tw Ucauitluilj daisi-- limited Apnl S ...... that Cat JI Ireah. saw. wllh J tlSEMBTFI Mr. lean fcisenaieia. M. dark lustrous Stoaa alca atakee Use hen FrjLnciaco - San and Return. $46.00 Abril A, ! Salle sad LowelL Burled IS CaS- rte la altas asa eitreru ais wi y April a htaa aeslp. daisdi-ur- and laJoui heir Loa Angeles and Return. . . $35.00 to write tor nse sua a sul i rt Bul arla aa Ibc root. Diego Return $35.00 S aaaV. "Ess! Bali kin rey hair healthy, au Ihe ry an San and - uarsessas saasa TaHkHHIIII ti I f I L. Taotap- Hi eroly atul beauiiluit Bin II uaasal. y Ban aob to Mersaew une esa tell H has kaes u DM MrT PMMgMML) Man deily f WESSON M4BSH Marry pu so I SS ti.ky or bpwj . haruueas, aeal la On sale limit three months etc a. asaetees a darkea stay hair ar aW I on 206 STREET eg was Mesara e Baa ajeare- - ,, n nis but'', nut) atr CITY TICKET OFFFICE. OREGON UUI r)ra "ln tin lie line in hoi li a ui bat a n .luir.. 111. alus w ki PaSB. j. ...1-- 4 hj FrieJay. Aprt 9. 19 IV EL PASO MORNING TIMES

OF POLLY'S LATEST DAILY PROGRESS TIMES ESCAPADE EVERY DAY THE SOUTHWEST EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE EL PASO MORNING I y mr Fiftieth Annivertary of Lee' Surrender. Southwent Prea CONNOR'S COLUMN GLIMPSES OF THE PAST. a?o IftorninjB "PODAY. Friday. April la tha fiftieth anniversary There are other signs of mm early peace in Rurope. A up 000 ffrlMUhMl r.rarr Dar In tna . .r Ft Cam Ttaaaa I ..lapaa? IB. syndicate haa taken 110.000. Files of The Times.) of the surrender of General Itohert tha StTMMBR HA KID COfaf ERTK. (From the bwH áw Ksiaataie tt""ifT ia m.ii m." t, of tha new German trsaswry notes, not for specula- r. ti. great southern leader, to Oeneral U. ft. Urant. at tion, but for Investment. The syndicate took all n mji Tiov i.rri "I am going before the city council and ask them TWENTY-FOU- TEARS AGO TODAT. TBS TIMm II1U1HM 111 ui KOCTH OSXOOtt arrnsgi. Appomattox Courthouse. Va. that waa offered, the total lean having been largely AaSraaa All ionniir.lr.il In over subscribed In Germany. Phoenix (Arts.) to grant me the usual authorisation for band concerts - AS. That surrender marked the end of the great A. wife of the government archi- TU MOKMSO TIMI- Kl. I'ASO TW Republican. In Kl Paao approaching summer season," Mrs. F. Gartner, during the In city accompanied by her two marine nvraTiaini axest vt.tm rs tragedy that had convulsed the American nation for aald Alderman W. Clayton yesterday. tect, arrived the TrlkaM tmiKtln i he fact Germany la still able to place auch a Hear Tar- t- C. Paisana Iftaartal 11U, four long, weary Tasara, which had that In sons from Hutchinson. Ken. H- , SalKlIn and bitter and "There Is no feature of our summer life El ttar--' 0, Ptrt.llr. i- i.l flim Inane among her own people Is net a sign of early si taasta-- s r rt.i it-- -. TMm n.iw..i lusa iHHt demanded the of the flower of American Paso thet Is more sttraetlve and pleasing to our W. M. sacrifice Social elub gave one of Ita enjoyable ii'iil.o'1- -í Mirna. OIH. alalina. ia alurtna pea. e im Europe. open-ai- The El Paso iMMl Aan.. manhood. On the contrary. It indlcatea rather people than these r band concerts, by the was by are. 1 lark. splendid able dances at the court house which attended K.I a prolongation of trouble. military organisations we have been Aareatln III) l'oll., I.. luh (1 It. KilM. Relieving that It waa uaeleaa to continue the the the elite of the city. U.llaatl.r to secure In the past. If the council grants Its O. K. us THE AS struggle that the star of tha southern Confederacy I will endeavor to bands of Sixteenth k.II TIMM rolAOW The new Santa Fe railway through service be- secure the the to Chicago. to M - - Piastant U aNwtp- - . U. J. P. Moran left for a visit II had set forever the gTest southern leader decided tween Ben Francisco and Galveston gives the Pecos and the Sixth a Infantry, and to have MUM pasa KMkv-- k rlsn-- t. concerts In Cleveland square on Tuesday and Friday MM 4 VMM I III It Wmtt it waa beat to end the struggle without further sac valley and central New Mexico splendid connection was busy preparing extradition .-. evenings.. Additionally year I will try to have Sheriff Hlllebrand M la at asat. raataaaa.- with Texaa generally The general public doee not this ta Smith, escaped from county rlflce, and he faced the situation like a true hero. at least one concert a week In Washington park, on papers for J. who the seem to have discovered that the valley haa been Jail, and was caught In San Jose, Mexico. IBr Mail la a Sunday. April t, waa the day of the formal Sunday afternoons, or sueh other time aa would aa llti, brought much closer to Its natural market for Its hay iHtllr anl n u ana rata H surrender. met 1:10 o'clock please a majority of the people. Pan arm .! ala aaMBa . it and Grant about and other surplus products. Roawell (N. M.) News. The announcement of Paul Isaac as a candidate ... "The season for these concerts will likely open Paili an. tar tart mnarat IN In the afternoon In the home of Wllmer Mc!,can to The new Menta Pe service la a great both for alderman from the Second ward appeared In I'aiM anil ana m .It on or about May 1, but I cannot stavtar "things any briefly Morning was a n raa Sunila Tim., ana raar in finally consummate the surrender. After to the people of eastern New Mexleo and weat Texaa. more definitely aa yet, aa the matter ha.t to be The Times. Mr. Isaac ,1 . the conditions. Oeneral Lec auggeated they arranged both city army young bualness msn of the city. Halt, and Sii i. . .t It also serves to demónstrate the fact that the Santa with the council and the tv'IM n Bam. put In authorities." Khaiilrti he writing, to which Oeneral Grant promptly Fe management la a real live proposition. W. 8. from a trip to Satwrinara mbo rail to raraiva Haft Atherton. returned Santa i acceded. The terma aa written and accepted were: Rosalia, Ma lb. Iniatnaaa "fin thai arfarf PRESIDENT WIMIOON INVITED. Mexico. a pnatnrrira a'lilraaa In full, kirha an4 atata. Baistl "General R. C lefe. commanding C. H A. What has become of the aweet-faee- d grand old t. hMn ArSS) aran m i tallar. grandma who tied the temples of her specs with a B. Wright and party of Chicago left for an rnnnaallrig "General: In accordance with tha substance of Learning from unofficial sources, deemed to be L I'hnr MM. trlrata branett aHaailfa. with ftaa Inmk llnaa cotton string, then pushed them back on her dear extended trip through Mexleo. art lrp.. Tall .aparata ahlrri ampin- ar .hat uearlaaanl w my letter to you of the ith Instant, I propose to In every way reliable, that President Wilson and a vlah. anil tinna will nr maaja Altar It aa SBd an s ,..ir old head and spent hours looking for them? Lake- party of members would In all probability aMrrnonn and lialidara In. fnltrmlnc Vprtmnta til anr dlrart receive the surrender of the army of northern land N. M.) Progress. cabinet Charlie Bowie returned from Las Cruces to .deny Jwar. Branch rati llttalkaaa Maiia.r visit San Francisco and the Panama-Pacifi- c Interna- Ml Virginia on the following terms, Rolla of oh, she is washing dishes the report that he went away to get married. MM atenaarr MM. aVtllnrtal and in the kitchen the and tional exposition early In July, the Chamber of Com- Mtajta and Ir Inapta, Mil KiMt I and Mall aU Ada all officers and men to be made In duplicate, one helping her daughter clean up after aupper, while merce, President R. B. Orndorff, yesterday If I ha ñamar falla ta tha pap" ptompiJT. natlff a aar through The Democratic mass meeting at the court house dillrar ropy to be given an to be designated by any af tlia tlvvi to officer granddaughter ia In the front room entertaining little wrote a letter to the prealdent, renewing an Invita- promised to be a whopper. A.., rrr..i,fn,n rariartlm up.m iha ending, ahartalatl ar rasaJUItaai me, the other to be retained by such officers aa you .Timmle Fewelpthes. Grandma comes in powerful tion extended him some time ago to visit El Paao "t aur aaracal. final nr .peratl'aa arMrk n.ar appaar In taw Mm.... may on the occasion of his trip either to or from Ssn Republican convention to nf tira Tlaaaa n. upon 1u hrmathi tha designate. "The offlcera to give their Individual handy In these modern times. The call or a ratify .hi gtadlr o.racld adn la Francisco. upon by wing r4 In manaffrmant paroles not to take up arms against the government the ticket agreed the independent of In the event of an acceptance of the invitation a the party did not bring together a very enthusiastic of the United Statea until properly 'exchanged.' and We are certainly glad that Bill Sunday la not musing reception and welcome for the chief execu- crowd. The only persons present in hall when God. BUI is so thoroughly ego the Prospective Republican Candidate. each company or regimental commander to algn a saturated with that tive of the nation would be arranged, which would Chairman R. C. Llghtbody called the meeting to RepublioSal worm brglnnitiR to he oplnea that he would be an Improvement on the Include If possible a trip to the great Elephant Butte were: Messrs. Smith, Minor, Fruin, Stevens, ,mK bruiaed li like parole for all the men of their commands. The Almighty, God goapel order the whoae he claims to under- dam. Also, the president would then be Invited to Lew Davla, M. B. Davis, Pearco, Bovee. t rHWl nRiilii. and lhpr in ni dniirtri of matfrlal arms, artillery and public property tn be parked and Clayton (N. M.) Slack. stand and preach. News. officiate at the formal celebration to be held next O'Connell, Merrill, Officer Kinney and a couple of rilliiiR In bt) led tn tha nlmiKhlrr nxt year aa can- - stacked, and turned over to the officers appointed There are a whole lot of people who believe Billy year marking and commemorating the completion of reporters. didnttn fur the iirrnldr-rn'y- . by me to receive them. This will not embrace tho Sunday Is a long ways from God, but he appears able the Rio Grande project. Now Vork III have two randldalra. Hoot and side arma of the offlcera, nor their private horses or to make a lot of those effete easternera hit the trail In this connection It Ik recalled that on the occa- FIFTEEN YEAR8 AGO TODAT. sion of hla recent visit to El Paao that Franklin K. WhltmNn. iilllioiiKh Knot, who la a creature of the baggage. This done, each officer and man will be which he says leads straight to the celestial Lane, secretary of the Interior, promised to Felix Harry Schultz, who had been attending school in aVOrpo lona, la not a domlnlonl. rat drclarea hr candidate allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed Martines and to Z. L Cobb, that on his return to Mexico City, returned home for a short vacation. llllnola will have al leaat two rutidldatea In the by the l'nltnd Atales authorities so long ns they Washington he would use his beet offices with the perunn nf 'nngrraaman Jim Mnnn and Senator observe their paroles and the lawa In force where The Hunt administration succeeded in preventing president to Induce him to visit El Paao and see for Alderman J. L. Whitmore, left for Hot Springs, an investigation of state officers by the legialature. himself tho greatest reclamation project in the world, Y. Bherman, lio prldea hlmaelf upon a I hey may reside. Very respectfully, Ark., to spend aeveral weeks. Ltufiiii. The resolution waa successfully blocked In the lower and second only to the Panama canal, the greatest fancied reeemhlance to Abraham in "17. S. GRANT, house. It Is hard to understand why the adminla-- l engineering feat of the century. D. E. Sears and J. A. Hoffman, arrived In the Ohio will have one candidate at leant Former "Lieutenant General." ration ahould oppoae such an Investigation unless city from Alamogordo: Burton, poaalhly H. there la something to cover up. Tucson (Arts.) THAT DOLLAR DINNER. Senator Theodore and William' General Grant was magnanimous, for he recog-nlXe- d Citizen. Extensive improvements were being made Taft. , and appreciated the at bravery and chivalry of Investigations of state officials rarely amount The Chamber of Commerce yeaterday received Cloudcroft in preparation the summer, low'a villi prcaeni Hit name of Senator t'limmina, for accord- the great aotithern leader before him. lie Imposed to more than an expenditure of the people'a money from Hon. Joe Scott, former president of the Los ing to General Manager J. A. Eddy, of the Et Paso lio han been a cantlldate for aevcral yeara. ntanrlliiK no conditions that would mortify his great antago- without any tangible results. And so far aa we have Angeles Chamber of Commerce, an acceptance of and Northeastern, who arrived In the city. Water- will prenent pompa the invitation extended to him to apeak at a "Dollar valued at 110,000 were Wiaonain the rlalma of her nist, hut treated him with that deferential regard heard, no grave charges have been made against any works being Installed In doured atalehman. Senator Hobert M. IjLFollette. Dinner" to be given next Monday evening, April 11, addition to a telegraph office and postoffice. with which the entire world has always regarded the of the Arizona state officers. at Hotel Paso del Norte. Mr. Scott I'ennaylvnnla will present governor, the stated that offer her Dr. great southern hero the greatest military genius, the subject of hla address will be: "The Province The El Paso division of the Order of Railway Brumbaugh. the world says, that had any part In the great and Just for luck, the people of Chaves county would of a Chamber of Commerce." Conductors met at their hall on 8. El Paso street These are but a few of the men who are willing cruel war that waa fought between the statea of the liko to know the identity of "the prominent stock- Hon. George H. Maxwell of Washington, D. C, for the purpose of opening up the fight for Edward Inspired yester- executive of National so- P. Temple the moat prominently mentioned, aa It were. The American union. man" who the statement at Santa Fe director the Reclamation Curtis of for a member of the atate rail- day the foot mouth disease was sweeping ciety, regarded as one of the greatest on commission. woods full of that and authorities road are other aspirant who would not the ranges of this county. Roswell (N. M.) News. reclamation and irrigation problems, will be the other Bet out of the ay If the lightning ahould glance Memhera of the Texas congresalonal delegation There Is no foot and mouth disease among the speaker for the evening and will talk on "Our At their annual meeting the members of El Paso 111 their direction. They are all expecting something remaining In Waahington aro said to he very much livestock of Texas, Arizona. New Mexico and Mexico, Natlqnal Defense," an intereatlng topic at all times, lodge 117, B. P. O. E. elected the following officers: and particularly so tn view of the great European P. W. exalted George Ogden. tu happen in the next campaign that will bring dis- disappointed over failure of Texas legisla- and just why such a rigid quarantine ahould have Pitman, ruler; esteemed the the war, the storm which appears to be brewing in the leading knight; C. E. Bias, esteemed loyal in the In up ii ratio party, but Is knight; aster there nothing ture to red (sir let the stale The bills that failed been established is not understood. It looks as if Kar East between Japan and China and the world- 1. 8. Adams, esteemed lecturing knight: R. Relamer, hut RepuMtaM desire upon which to predicate ut Austin are alleged to have been more satisfac- action against Infected state would have been all wide turmoil and unrest which seems to obtain at tylsr; Vaace Fulkeraon, secretary; 8. J. Gatlin, aurcess. tory to members of congress than no redlatrlctlng that was necessary. this time. Tickets were yesterday placed on sale at treasurer; If. R. Wood, trustee; 8. ' J. Gatlin wtis of Commerce at delegate There la going to be a hot fight made on all, the Chamber and the local ticket elected to the national herding of Elks. tha at and an effort will be made to have Governor offices of the El Paso a Southwestern railway system liemocratic tariff, the Democratic war tax and Ferguson Davy Jones Is a busy man theae days. With embrace redlatrlctlng of the state congres- and the Santa Fe railway. G. N. Marshall arrived in the city from Mexico. other pollrlea that have been surremifully Inaugur- sional purposes In hla Impendln gcall an dreudnaughts, submarines and other terrors of the for extra sea sinking to his yawning embrace, Davy'a locker n VISITOR FROM GUATEMALA. ated by the Democratic party. The Mexican quea-tio- sesalon of the state legislature. If the slate cannot be filled to bursting. And how Davy must The prise tight between Cincinnati Jim Ryan and must Connolly Sunday up In going to loom big in th- next national cam- be redlatrtcted thla year, the Texas members of laugh at man's efforts to make him seem lees ter- Jaok afternoon the river lasted Capt. C. T. Brown of Socorro, N. M., southwestern Just nine minutes by official time, the former being paign unleas something happens to pacify Mexico congress are said to favor letting the matter go by rifying. Demlng (N. M.) Headlight. Davy Jones' locker Is being rapidly filled with manager of the Empire Zinc company, was an El the victor in the third round. during the Interim. And there Is going tn be a default until after the next cenaua la taken. Paso visitor yesterday. Captain Brown haa European ahlpe that are being sent to the bottom, Just resumption of the doloful old dirge of bualneaa returned from an extended vialt to Guatemala, where who, upon being Interrogated, aald: "Why you pile of bones Is constantly growing don't depression. Between 400 and 600 Canadians are reported to and the human he did some prospecting for mines but was not very aak me something difficult? Thia is dead easy, amidst the sanda of the sea. But such is the toll of successful In that mission. course, But with Hie wooda full of d Repub- have mutinied at Belleville. Untarlo. They shoul- 'p. C' of mesns to plow corn, plant cabbage, war. The warring nations must pay the price. While In Guatemala City, which he pronounces promote culture of valley farm products, and pro- lican candidates for the presidency, there la nothing dered their musketa and the were re- announced the moat delightful city of Central America, having cure consumption of valley-grow- n products by et developed to Democracy. 1,000 the alarm the With the turning to their hornea, and bad management of the an elevation of over feet and cool and delight- houaewives of El Paso. It also means Patriotic Citi- It may he that Champ Clark and Oscar Under- round, met W. achievements of the Wilson administration to show camp la aald to have been the inspiration, but it eyes ful the year he H. Paul, former zens, and it stands for a progressive community, such wood have their on the Democratic nomination manager of Dolores mines and a the world that the Democratic party Is no longer a Is possible In beat bet la the former resident as we have in El Paao, and while I am about it, I that determination to avoid the war was but the that Woodrow Wilson Kl Paso, la now engaged developing ltl. every delegate of who in a don't mind aaylng that In a few days the appoint- party of promise, but a party of achievement, there tho cauee. And If all the poor devlla who are being will have in the convention if he mining property, carrying leads of zinc and copper. wants them, and that la no disparagement of the ment of a county farm specialist and adviser for the need he no fear concerning the result of rheasurlng compelled to fight for tho glory of Kuropean In a large area of country investigated by him, Cap- farmers of El Paso will be announced we fitness of either Clark or Underwood for the presi- aays he found deposits and that strength with any candidate that nut y he hop.cn monarcha ahould arrive at tho name conclualon It Albuquerque (N. M.) tain Brown that of lav, from are going to make things hum in the valley this dent. Journal. of feet In depth, to lead the Republican party. very ancient volcanoes thousands and year." would be the best thing that could possibly Wilson can have the Democratic nomination next this state of affairs renders It very difficult to get happen. Half of the men who are becoming little year If he wants it, and ao far there Is nothing to showings of minerals on or near the surface. Vice I'rreldent Marshall and wife have arrived braas taga In Europe do not even suspicion what Indicate that he la not in a receptive mood. Army Orders. In Arizona and will apend some time at their home It la all about. NEW MEXICO ROADS. Mm SptcUl irire The Tlmn near I'hoenlx. The parents of Mrs. Marshall reside Latest advices from Mexico are to the effect ie Zapata and ubregon are preparing Jamea R. French, ststs engineer of New Mexico, near I'hoenlx, and the vice prealdenl Colonel Uriah Lott, one of the greatest railway that for another Washington. D. C. April 8. First Sergeant Ouy and hla wife Alphonao-Gasto- n move. Thia time It la Zapata who end J. W. Johnson, assistant engineer, motored to McGahen, company D, Twenty-sixt- h infantry, de- ure frequent vialtora to the state of Arixona. butldera the atate of Texas haa ever produced, died a agreea to back put and permit Obregon to return El Paao yeaterday from Santa Fe, N M . and are few days ago in Klngsvllle, Texas, In hla Tlrd year, again to Mexico City. Phoenix (Aria.) Gazette. guests at Hotel Sheldon They have been engaged tailed tn connection organized militia of Indiana at being to a trip of Inspection over New Indianapolis. The crown prince of Ccrinany will ha 11 years after a short Illness Colonel l.ott built the San An- Efforts are made have Mexico City in making Mexico they report la declared neutral by all belligerents, and that ia tha roads and that the atate highway Captain Paul T. Hayn. Jr., Twelfth cavalry re- of ge next month and la already the father of four tonio a Arkanaaa Paaa railway, tho Texaa a Mexi- open from Albuquerque to Elephant Butte, now and duty army service aona. He continue at the front In France but can, and promoted the Bt. I. a. Brownsville a proper thing to do. There is no sense in further the section of road leading from Elephant Butte lieved from school, Fort Leaven- that Kansas, effective May haa not yet distinguished himself by any evidence Mexico. ' It la believed he built more linea of railway looting or destruction of the Mexican national capital. to El Paao by way of Garfield and Rincón is being worth. It, and will Join put in a condition cavalry. of great military ability. without capital than any man who ever lived. Improved and and will be Twelfth El Paao school girls have decided to make their open for traffic in a month. Captain Lawrence B. Slmonda, Twentieth In- graduation dresses out of cotton, and not to coat Those warm and genial April neces- crown worn by the king of la of ' fantry, la relieved at Walter Reed general hospital, showers so The Roumania over 11. Now all the young men will remember DEFINING "P. C." D. Cm and will Join hla regiment. sary in the domeatlc econumy of the great Houth-es- i iron and made from a Turkish gun naptured at Rl Paso when It comae to marrying. San Marcos appear to have made their arrival on schedule Plevna. The queen's crown la a plain little circlet (Texaa) Times-Heral- The Times office yeaterday received a telephone Sergeant Phil B. Decker, company A, Twenty- - slang 4 gold. Doubtleaa there are aome El Paao young men request to define the term or expression "P. C." eighth infantry, will be sent to Galveston. Texas, time. of connected with office for who will have something to say In a contingency and the scribes the were at a duáy. loas for aa appropriate definition until one of their prcaent expects one of the greatest of kind. We do not like the Idea of furnishing Sergeant Henry Scarce, company Twenty-fourt- From indieationa this will be a splendid New Mexico apple that number met George R. i. Baron, of the lands and First K, h r In which to have an Kl l'aau county fair. cropa in all her hlatory thla year. such desirable wlvea for outalde people. Irrigation committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Infantry, la placed upon retired list.

POLLY AND HER PAL-S- Ifs Lucky Pa Has a Good, Strong Heart By STERRETT

Im Kv4W n To K fotff Ffi-- J NiAtSrO VtBV VJCCLL. itH-- SJ1 vboj ÓR. cSW.' kfcPl VO0 IX.-- .I MOLO MM1 tvit-- a "lb MV tVAiXrcfTrit. fouV rVTTHfR. At. itr AA HOLD H OOeil 6wf Vou ajo v V UcNaU. rout Too! Y kip t .""fitjHT ! Mt Upa. y feo A a I a a ".- - al A OtUaTH. Ul CMi

1 gggt Friday. April 9. 19 IV EL PASO MORNING TIMES is president of tne eojidueied during the early part of -- tris park is atss re beasaaa s tasín, away wllh Mr. Irvine sasi; American ana oroer ieas"- week the April term of lb tfistnet mart SfSeavsth ssasssssees acaeet. law ror county. COUNCIL REGULATES The report or taw sidewalk inspector for ENGLISH SALOONS rornl. Culberson in monin or narra snows taan n rapo nmm torn at as sansa or ai wan norms Dr. gbert Bsatsn. s Mill BKag. Or Rawllaas. r ran ice limited to easstwtrtr March It.43 sanare reel of walk were eon and rhtMrenra diseases 04 bids stracted and I.07M4 lineal feet of earh were NasMt otaeseaT AsB Be gall. IOS Tata St.. T AUTO laid The cltr engineer received MS from DISPENSING SOUP near Oregon. RslaMlshed ISOI. rt mi. s i ni i laxative aad rurareervs CITY CHARGES the sale of sidewalk permits Syrup. For young aad old. Drug storea, sat Tne e enmaten loss tnrongn nre ror me Or. ABM Rxnn. Buckler tstesT . Over Elite. citj in ataren, according te tne repon oi Or. SIS Milla Bldg.. nt NO ALUM the nre department, waa SfJM.as. There JaOge laekaee Retaras. spec. atientWn dlaeases or women; were twenty one alarm, two of which im.i.. n. n m Jaekaan. ot the Thirty- or OI Cn,VtTRTIN 101 OR nRlllNxNtF PRAVIRES FAR MS.MMIM warn false. The value buildings endan VERaiox rttST court, ccompanied by W. RATKH FOR HIST kNUCR 1 R Ft ICR A NO gered xvss tr,WT as. the value of ihe con HOt KE INTO FORMS O fonnh dlttrlrt IN - rara, laucaba, limonalnes and auto FxMt MACHINE)' ttec RV RHKR. tenis ini.lis n and insurance carried In CAFES. Fryer, court reporter, returned yetwr- ihe sum of rxeeee;HumSllrthv rrom Van Horn, Texas, wnere tnr Saturday t:Ry The department reported for the Bp Cecrespearfewce ROYAL BAKING POWDER la Special Session Fathers health Atelatr fresa coups Hill I current wsek an deaths. T American. M London. Msrch Tes. cortee and Mexican and I ruínese, and blrtna, a are now offered ini. tne ordinary nar room L American and 17 Mexican. Of the deaths tn England, aad man or the ssloons keep S xaSI residents snd I nonresidents. There open long after the hours when the malí beok-foi- pamphlets glv ng the were 14 rases of measles, a of diphtheria, alcoholic liquors are forbidden, offering conga. rever, lata motor baas ordinance or Ihe eoun hooping scarlet t typnom, xassxr parata un hit " chicken pox snd smallpox at the end of kmds. tint mostly these three favorlles tea. ell, the regular trafrir ordinances and the ee rnree minaren ana corree and soup. R MI RO i"ii in IMRKASKS CAPITAL. ordinance finally passed yesterday regular pounds of meat. l7 pounds or milt sad It I genersliy predicted Ihtt Ihe English one hog carcasa were a Inr the charges thai public srv(c .iiitnreo-bil- vegetables and whole "public houses" or the rumr will bear MERCHANTS LACK Santa re subsidiary Oxer Rork condemned livestock Inspections were: closer lo th continental cale Takes crrvpra may make for service inside an. goats resemblance Mountain Head la New ttextro. Cattle. t4. hogs. Its; calve, and In Its provision of refreshment counters tn Hiy Iharts will be Iskued by the city sheep, as which still supersede Ibe bar Bp secta I Wire tn the Timri clerk for distribution, areordlng to I lie municipal empiovmeni a"m rrisuri-- I The saloon keeper in msnv piares unos Fe, M., R Rocky AS applications in the current week and Santa N. April The given by the council m session that by providing ibis rhsrsrter of refresh LAW KNOWLEDGE Mountain ami Santa Fe company, successor that he had nlaeed It of those. menta he Is lo a considerable In shle draw Drink which city tn ihe st Louis, Rocky Pari yesterday morning. The ordinance The report of prisoners- meals the amount or trade rrom the cheap restaurant Mountain and jail showed MM meals served In March, at flc today riled amendments to Its charter waa passed yesterday erreetmg traffic and tea room, many men regarning ine dis- S cost Of is cema per ruesi, ui iuii w atmosphere or tbe saloon ss more " with the slate corporation commission. The rates provides maximum rhargea for SSiS.On. tances and for machine ttse by of titan the more Mrmal and pretentious capital stock or the company Is Increased traveled say Trees astas with the added i - the risatre restaurant Moreover beer, wioh j. h .m 1.F.W1 Bi.t.iim- traps from ax.S0O.0no to gr..nixi.nnn The new com- hour. The Dark derarinvni planted KB trees Pi expensive Tí SPRF.U The maximum charge for public service war duty, haa become somewhat ntltnsin WILL SFRVF. pany, which Is a sania Fe subsidiary form- or various nlats during March. man. who rinds lhat a noi veliicles per passenger over a distance acavenger reported SOaVSOO for ihe working MHIIII IMMI1IIIII ed to lake over the St. Pocky Moun- or- The department or quantities nt hot Louis. nrteen blocks or les was rixed by the pounds or debris nsuieo to tne aispoaai te. with unlimited tain and Pacific road in New , dinance at V) cents; over rtfteen blocks and water ror dilution serves about the same northern plant during Ihe current week. or Hi' the ., intnl free stales that the rormer capital was in under twenty-riv- blocks the charge Is roe assessor and lax collector reported purpose or Ihe Inner man. aa tvice inrn-- Schlitz s or or spirits. Chicago, April 8 IT the United Slates I sufrir lent to lake care of the necessary made at 75 rents, and an additional IV lt7.SS.l collected snd ltK.Ma.ft due the Ihe same money worth beer Its, legislation cents may be assessed each passenger Oet View at Snksaarlae. tn continue present form of ror and im- for cttv from ataren ta in sprti i rtsSarsaca devised system bv which maintenance proposed ror each Work or more than twenty-rive- . who nao anrnoren turn hero mu be provements in the property. The health conservation snd sanitation Four rishermcn rrom citizens hall Informed of the, existence Arter midnight and until o'clock a. m department reponed a dally average of 1M boat near Deal report a visit a Her and theI' lawn. Senator James Ham The stale traveling Is this charge may be increased by SO per man submarine, which scared the quaneitr nature oi auditor preparing adult, nioraa swept ana oiucas sprnuuau uur Ilion Lewis, of Illinois, who spoke tonight to hi'irln the checking up of county cent. Children accompanied by an ina MarclL nut or their wlla and spoin-- ine inn offices or 5 I al a banquet by Hie Illinois Mann before the it between Ihe ages and years, shall The sewer department collections ror tbe day in end of the of Kdward present month. at rare, and II I years ahail or four men. seated In the stern lecturers' asroclatlon in honor Assistant rtagsel ride hair under March ware M4.V collections of Ihe plumb one the N. Hurley, of the Federal Rerretary of State rree. A charge of cents may be gas 300, small boat, noticed a consider vire president Romero today ride ina and Inspector were the depart of the first presented his reslrnatlon to made ror each trunk carried, but small M), or the water just oeyona Trade commission. ror ment of electricity SIM and ihe depart able disturbance A thoiiian lawn were made In the last secretary of Stale Antonio Lucero. Mr. luggage and valises must be carried ment or mnidint inspection recriveo saw the end or bis rishpole He shouted to his session of congress." Senator Lewis said. Romero will devote his time to his exten- nothing. ror or a companions, thinking lhat ahark or aome or you serv- permita to construct buildings total propound the question: Which sive stork and land In Mora coun- The maximum rharge which public value or 70 in Msrrb. big risb had been entagled in his How interests ice vehicles may make the Is Hied Wit. other know of anv of these laws accurately? ty. Ills surcessor has not been named. by hour A resolution directing Ibe city attorney line. All four had their eyes glued to the many of you 'now hal the laws exist at bv the ordinance at W for the first hour, lo tirina- anion to secure possession of spot where tbe wslsr was disturbed when Brown Las Veras la planning to hold a .no all? How few oí you are cognizant when bir (I for the second hour and II ror each or Tenth street and alleys in block M Ihe emerged only few yards celebration and round-u- 3. lu part submarine you disobey those laws' Which of you July and ur arter the second. After midnight and Cassobaira addition, was approved. A ay. A door In the lop opened ann i know what laws penalize you for dlsobedl-ene- until h o'clock m. thta charge may be present, the resolution states, the street and single head appeared for a minute or two and w tat penalties you incur? .Let CxLUP OFFICERS ARRIVE. doubled. are being occupied by some person head into the submarine or mer alleys Then ine withdrew me answei Not one per rent the The street ordinance nhlrh was yesterday unnamed. the door popped shut, and the craft sank chants or or this country Mattox. Introduced In the council by Alderman w. A iwcniv-srve- manufacturers "nick" FitflUvc From Justice. or- resolution directing real lluwiy out or signt as am have this knowledge or information. Will 3. Clayton was received and riled. The dents of F.l Paso to construct pavement and body or ihe Voluntarily Return, dinance was Tor the time one "The. president created this read rirsl curbing in rront or inetr property was ap eyea open commission In order thai there might neputy Sherirr Hlpton and Special officer year ago today, and Is designated to name keen vonr for The Times trade Droved. a and be an agency to which the business men r. E. Rorhenoerer. or Gallup. . M., and rename certain sircets, rii certain The claim deed executed by Annie Rotary Edition. It will be hummer arrived names quit Bottles appeal for tnrortnailon and direction In the city' yesterday morning to take streets and chauve of other streets. D. Billiard, T. Bunts and Tom l.ea. of great value lo El Paso. mlrht rela- Clayton on the charles as to all matters touching large trade chara or it. T. "Dick" Mattox, who waa Alderman has been working Jr.. giving the city or El Paso title lo lot ng. b.- - could avoid the measure since Is reading. Mayor art tions and ng advised arrested by city dcterllves Wednesday first niorg ra, i reel long ny tsvj teci wiae, U s. UAILV WEATHJCR ut I I r.ll.N complications growing out of Innocent vio- ly announced before adjournment that this In the Cotton addition, was approved. arternoon on a charge of being a rtigltlve ordinance, with others, will be acted on at ror lation of Ibe law." rrom The petition of C. D. McKee quit The followtna (how tn wrathar enndl Justice. Mattox. w ho was placed tn a special meeting of the council to be held claim deed to lot S3, block o, Satterwalta'i tloa tbtt prevailed st th various wsatbar nr taller- - to Meet In Santa Fe. (he city Jail awaiting the arrival or me Saturday inornitur ai to o noca, addition, on recommendation or the city at throughout lo Re Pave. bureau alaltont tlx tutted sirrlnl H ire to the 7'mc Jtew Mexico official., yesterday signed llallas Street lorney. waa approved. states st t p. tn., Mvaniy-rtrt- meridian IfSTT Mexico The hid ol the Sottihweelern raving com or H. ror with dinner, M.. Nick Carson your Fe, April papers to The hlil construe Santa return with the officer to Oalltip, pany roi paving Dallas street rrom Arizona lime, yesieroay lieall Merchants' association, It was and rare the charge against him. waiving Hon of pavement and curb at Washington WTiuf "TiiSp to Montana ireei was accented ano an s retaining wan ana a today, will meet In this city July extradition proceedings. The arrest of Mat- dlnance approving the bid was passed Birs, siaswaia rrom every park, four curb Inlets at ihe In and with representatives tox was made by the detectives tallowing through rirsl reading. The bid provides ror lereertlon of New York and Kansas streets and you dine well. ntv and town In 1he slate. An automcblle receipt or a telegram from the sherirr of excavation of dirt at the rale of cent per and to replaster and pebble clash a building rs.;e to Albuquerque and return will be one Mckinley county, New Mexico. cubic yard and assures its paving under a In Houston square waa aproved. Tho work uve year bond 1.13 a cubic oí the rcatures or the convention. melnialuence at is to he completed hv April is. and a pen ally of IS dsy arter that date is . who digest Governor McDonald fa Addreas Íaro. for each People Teachers Kilns for East F.I Paso. provider!. Anotlix-- for El Paso Bit pedal Correspondent manufacturing plant . rtmri Is Tor or Number of Petitions ranted Santa Fe. N. M.. April a. Governor Mc- provided in Ihe petition tnc trans lln Fuel and Feed company asking pcrmls The following petitions were granted: tito Donald will deliver .an address before the Bang ana company their food, enjoy it, Ion two lime kilns on lota nrande valley Trust lo construct Frankenhtirg 10 7S M 4S AX THE Coirax County Teachers association al Raton 6 9. block 33. Fast El Paso addition. The ror correction or taxes: L. I. Altllene clear lo 4 eg 70 S tomorrow night, having definitely accepted total cost of or kilns I ror refund on parking, l'hoenlx-fc- l Paso Amarillo, cloudy construction the ror or 10 70 7 on an Invitation' extended him some tune ago. estimated al li.OOO. They will be or brick Building company, refund taxes; n Atlanta, cloudy construí waa to M. Conway, ror rerund of taxes. F. n. Hall Boise, cloudy f 10 as Ml 0 get the most out of speakers the and steel Hon It referred Other at convention will be for refund or property owners or Boston, clear 5 M 0 40 GRECIAN State Superintendent the building committee. lax: 08 40 White. President En loe, to 0 Mm a ri ater. principal or the Real school Wyoming street, for water protection, and Chicago, cloudy TODAY LAST TIM K of Silver City Normal; President Robería, Newman Investment company, to repair Cincinnati, cloudy .. 4 OS 71 IS addressed a complaint to the council - or the Las Vegas Normal; President Royd. a snow tent which Is being roads leading- Into and from Ihe Bsasett Denver, cloudy 4 M 30 it, healthy people. against Mexican OS 40 SID CHAPUN or the State l.'nlverstty. and Miss Manette erected directly opposite the school. I addition Detroit, clear 14 M Myers, stale or on the tent The following petitions were referred Puluth. cloudy 4 40 40 40 (Charlie's Brother) supervisor industrial train- Prater states that Ihe lot which as 74 oO being the boys or her Woodlawn Bel Estate and Improvement EL Paso, cloudy 9 ing. Is erected Is used by e OS OS IN THAT ROLLICKING ror a baseball diamond, and if romoanv ror rem ssion or taxes: rranriaco Galveston, cloudy 14 school that M, DS SS Hie young Marte, ror an allowance or damage claim Havre, clear U KOMEDY tent Is permitted to stand the SS 00 KEYSTONE a for collision with police automobile Jacksonville, pt. cldy. .. M sters will be without playground, she 70 OS TWO-REE- L HPKCIAL, runner states tnat tnc snow is a nuisance Mccioskey. for a fire hydrant at Orsnt snd l míe Rock, cloudy. . 10 79 A bottle of Schlitz THE NEW PLACE or Wyoming; L. Brown, for s permit to build Cos Angeles, near..,: 10 M M as It detracts from the attention the tut 75 4 "GUSSLE'S DAY OF REST' pits and attracts many loungers who spend s second story on a building at lots East Nashville, cloudy ... 5 74 pe Boulevard i Lam Ooodln, to build feed ata- New Orleans, cloudy. s as 70 M Flin Fur the Whole Family their time on ine srnoot grnuna. me so OS 0 TOTaaaafffi1 tltlon was referred to the police, wltb pow bles at eon south Ore ge; F. A. Miller, for New York, citar ....1 11 puts the stomach electric barber pole al 48 North Oregon: umaha. rain 4 M a :.j er to act. , 4 7S 7S 50 An w. clear ordinance establlshlnx arades on 5 54 SO M Hague in ine Alexander addition rear Rapid city, cloudy... street Cjoinei, ror snd of cldy 15 M Ti :o l I'M ALBAMBRA IHEATRE. accordance with a petition rrom residents rerund correction isxes Hoswell, pt. in IH. Solo Sonnlv eomnanv for re IS M 70 M just the right or IkMiriina St. Louis, pt. cldy... Hot 30 to 1:30 p. m. the district arrectcd, passed rtrst resa El Vaso 11 M SO 4 lunches, it ML fund and reduction or laxes; Auto Salt Lake. pi. cldy... I AT THE 10 7 SS Delicloua conrectlons, refreshing An or supply company, ror an electric sign and san Antonio, clear .. ordinance amending section the OA M drinks. closing gasoline storage tank si 314 Texts street, San Francisco, cldy. S M ordinance certain streets and ai f.. C. L. North, 4 44 00 34 condition You are Invited lo dance. If you leva blocks 4 and the Cotton addl snd lieorge Wilton snd Santa Fe cloudy .... J in in at Noble and Califor- 10 M 41 like. 9 to II p. tn. lion to be uaed as a baseball park passed against an obstruction Seaitlc, clear U reading, gtvea nia streels. Washington, pi. cldy.i 4 SO 70 3S GRECIAN riral ine amendment The or Police Ofricer T. C. Arm- xvlehlla nl eldv 0 00 m 0x city ihe right to reopen the streets if the affidavit strong on posting the proclamation ror the Yuma, clotr M 80 M $500.000 school bonding election ror May II MONDAY waa and received approved. BREVITIES if THE COLONIAL TEA NF.H MEXICO MII.ITIA ORDERS. "The Lost House tAdvaruaataaaia.1 521-2- to Armory Boards sad StS-t- By Harding Davia ROOM, 6 FIRST NA- Aapoielsarnla DR. SAMPLE, dentist. l Mill Bldg. To Properly Richard at Officers OK CHEAT Bijou Today THE FIR8T THE Bp Time Mpecial ('orrraposKirnf I'orlous Morai la Missouri. lUTUAL TIONAL BANK BUILDING. Santa Fe, N. M April 8. The following Bi, the Associated ''rest appointments, on the armory boards of con- St. Louts. April 8. A rain, wind and ASTER eleiirirai storm swept through Missouri M trol in the state were announced today by lonight CLAiTOI," or the New hoi ecu st. Louis snd Springfield OV1ES "ETHEL Adj. lien Harry T. Herring, causing damaae lo lire, property and crops. AB ADVERT1HED IN THE Mexico National nuard: The wind look a cyclonic velocity ai W. Thompson. Infaniry. Seymour, here. The two most Digest Capt P. First south of Food SATURDAY EVENING POBT Lubin Cast, in And a Picked Crawford Hoswell, to dste rrom April I, tot seriruisly inj.iied wero children, xvhoao FEATURING The collapsed. Capt. 11. B. kaurrraaii. medical rorpa. Is home Phone (470 Tbe I nula electric plant tsas damaged BLESSED MIRACLE' detailed lo serve on the Albuquerque bosrd It LILLIAN GISH THE and the town ihrown Into darkness. THRILLER. TONIGHT of control, vice Brig Ocn. J. Barreda!!, At SprlngMeld youas trees strewed the A REAL Burlesque Wheel whose term of detail expires April , 1911. streets and soino damage was done to frame Three-Ree- Western ü. Infantry, la dwelling. ONE HOUR OF An Extra Good l PRESENT '.apt H. Totten. First hereby detailed lo serve on the m cruras INTENSE INTEREST JUAREZ commercial Exchange Consult- - Starts the gastric Frolics With Great Olio armory board of control, vice James r - Feature 2 bUSUn'k.s ripens, lllierui cu rs sou iiini- AND SUSPENSE Matinees Saturday, Sunday and Karaite, whose term of detail expires ora. Phone ibdb.os comercio, jueres, asta. PRESENTED UV A COMPANT Thursday Prices 26c to ISo April ft, Ittft. complying wltb the laws passed by the Accordion Plaiting. ? Buckler Bldg. juices promotes OF FAMOUS SCREEN STARS Evening prlcea 26c- to 11.00 ONE DAY ONLY legislature or New Mexico in inc.. tbe MONDAY Of 'Kan (irla SX armory or control or Kerning and New Show Monday Night board uer. skin and recium. oil Mill Bit REGULAR PRICES A Fine Offering Entire Ihe arawry board of control of Carlsbad happy, cheer- are hereby created tad the appointments LoswH' laase Lavender Line auio the of these boards announced to date from bggg truck ara nwaya on inn dy today. and uigbl service. I'hone I. Denting Armory Botrd or Control-Ca- pt. ful, en Baall). optimistic Ask Verdict Thatt's A. W. Brock, to serve four years; Meat. ñu Ihr Atmociated C. Watson, lo serve ibree yeara; Prttt John NiiW Turk. April s - Aitnrneys lor ttarry Joba . v aught to serve two years, Juiin Athirney UNIQUE year. k Thaw today notified IHstrtcl spirit that makes Corbett, to serse one Perklna and Attorney General Woodbury or Control-Ma- jor LESSON FROM Carlsbad Armory Board on Monday they would ror a jury "A serve two yeara; Capt that atk F. da P. Bula, to trial in una county lo determina Thaw s THE FAR EAST" W. Dean, to three years; Capt. forget he has W. tana insanity Nothing else was in the order one Doapp, oae year; Lieut WIUi Dorothy Philips, Beat Wilson F. P. is terre signed by Justice Arbargcr. Alhambra sad Columbia Lulvetnity Hubert Dow. lo aerva roar yeara student. Ames. Company A, A Calque Two Acta. Flral Lieut. Waller a stomach. Picture la Las cruces. I hereby placed on the un- "THE LAW OF THE OPEN" aligned list. second Lieut. H. t. Btephao. Flrtt Try the new Br. You get ta TODAY"THE BLISS OF IGNORANCE" Thursday and Friday Is hereby placed on tbe unassigned best. T. F. keish. prop health-fulnes- s. list. Dr. Mayrield, oppoalls Tlvolt, Juarei. is A Drama Inspired by Elinor Glynn's "Three Week' "A FOOL THERE WAS" Tbe resignation of Capt. Lula Armljo Is Schlitz all hereby accepted So much of general order No. . A, 0 .. February It. tttft. as sopite lo John C The Brown TOMORROW l utkart. is hereby rescinded ceaeral Wood Cassias Meat. The following appointments, subject to Bp Me Associated frees s- .- Major I LEW FIELDS The Fun Maker, in sn examination of the national board or Cok. April General rnnard Great or ol New Mexico are hereby announced to date Wood, commander llie department Bottle protects its on lit from today lite east, departed today hoard "OLD DUTCH" A Five Part Feature Powers, infantry, to ba eteaiuer attWRI hM N' UrtastV. ac- WIGWAM Lastll. J. W. First I Homero, companied by oilonel John namberiain. cáptala; second Lieut Jo Flrsl or I in general the depariment from . M. alienor purity ergt the tnranu-y- to be first lieutenant. General Wood lakes xsiih nun a run infantry to be second lieu- - TODAY ONLY ds Bord. First report ut lb reovtit dllurbocea bera. Canaiain Postara la detailed 10 command brewery your Full Worth hoof ti. II S tad HAS to Company H, First infantry psr roll Burton l ingo Co.. Ph. si- ALICE JOYCE First Llaot. Joe Romero is detailed to rnaapssy A. First infantry Dr. Paget. usUl hob. Sao. Bldg glass. M. E d Bord Is detailed Minute--602- É AND Second Lieut A rise Reaiseoce 60 Thrills a to Company F, First tnfsntry W have une uf Iba prsltioi homes in one of the best locations 1st ti Paso fur Trash File Fir. tsss al a low brio. Owner strds tnun. GUY COOMBS Trash la a lot adjoining tit office of tb roaupauy MrCIuilixk Advertising OS Weal oreguo h Kalem's Special overland street, caused aa alaras to be un street is branded "Schlitz" yesterday even-ni- See that crown BARNEY DclLOVD Is rued in about IS o clock lestatas rlealag out sale of our st O "THE GIRL OF THE which a aa anssserrd by the central d goods, uaaipuacd of Navajo BlauKls. Msxi psriDM-n- t The trash waa causing coaaider-abl- e can Indian Cur toe Itsiiires ror sate ax aad Phone Bell S4 OLDFIELD WORLD' aoxoaa was scattered sod IS ftro Auction Sal bail, I lo 7 p. nto Granos MUSIC HALL" No at. Harnea Co. anguished by lbs rumien damage Jewelry aad capto t o., ooe bio. a from Bert 4 Speed King A Rewaaoca I tfca Stage was doa ! alee) depot, sa Baa Francisco sipset. 800 So. Oregon St. Keep your ye opea tor The 1 Pbaw, Tex. Ttawt HMbM 1 SJf l la. Jjjjajjlf gB a llillrf NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Rotary Ldliioa. It b nuauacr ana Bp aapssasl Vare sa ae of value te i i'aao Ti. 1404 SHING TON freal Pltoetua. Arts. April I l.rtgu U, In use sV PARK April ol nan raa taso luda i Oapxetassd Govnu SATURDAY, APRIL 10 P. M at uours W. r Mual lu asrat nou uu la ie a 230 "HYPO UrTKaV piauorsa m Lao Angeles aad dsBsii taa Beer Oak) Ikas thai of Uas WtarM's Children Otj quesiloa of xv Be later or aot capital pumas AdmtMtoa, Ooe Dollar aaval aaxeuld he thaliabed lbs axneraur. That Made Milwaukee famous rti iLiTCHcrt uaiurally. la to take Ihe po.ittoo usat tne OAlTOlii is areas! aad aoual Bo asas Ho aratsgs aoilcilea la vtoistlaa vi Taaa lass ; i i lililí ir Lililí 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. pri 9. The was ethrrrtd by Mont bill M iiaiw.reitV al April TI. Bailor ai rears n at ata a MS IN'Hti TT Him It Waco. BOWLING ENTRIES a kttnaduced br Mirlann aWMioya, al w April a). SCORES JUAREZ y raaea i aaaateal tftV versitv. Pniiihaira rn CMM Cay - at April tanta re. 1 M, April a. That the provt Atea a.vtea atotrraar tjrfera lar of MandoeM fjoarary. and yasd eSersmotM- Maty Seaaea mtvrtaltt. i.orslnwn. i - a Dar. Airan lar la MMrllee la ii ri.l iM rrtdat.- Arm t 7 fcy i. ire ef Sleyey af Caadla ibevea. salte al If, at nertriovvn. April PIHAT RA eViti,- TTvcee yar n alee of hnnae Mil pal d the aal ly by bats Saastd ef Uae lernitwre. Tns Mata BehaH and Trark Steele. n. of al Austin, May I, r prnvtdlnt for aa by IS Sy timtm RpHmt (Wn aya deaf rtirvertiiy Taaaa. iip rive ni...... letlslatnre. tat body Oaavea. wklrk waa fnond by hi a I ollow ib epnrvt rnr of al Aiiaiin rry land cnrnmlaatoner at A par real nf Ike reve Mau J. M . April A reward of of inr la eeftediil rsiverslt Tetae. UliiBI Villa M r. nt abovead that he bad lera killed I OOooffl nnea of Mi office for of ttnrrlyra non for the ráptate aad tbe hrtither. and nark tem id ih. lora malí TBA'.k April u. I.ouieiane tal unrver-etfy- non mal Boreas me bead hailny been J. 'iiwltan ta. ILII Son tmrpoaea may ronrtlM wiih the en nnirderer at dial iterara of Candido Caavea, with a abatana, Inte the current eeaenn al May T. Interrnileyiel loarle tal Ilea 11 fr bona Tete m.i varal o dead literally blown to plee la thai May IM na thi ebllnt an la Uae potlllea lasen by the de- t rea ideal of StsSeesI taaaty. wbnt blle1rear (r NOM BASEBAU prtl lo. meet, al waxaharhtr 11 Soatnvveet i MM kATIinYM were the vjnnlneuain 16 partment of Jeallee, wMeS It soar nuklnt body waa round near IS villar of tan Pueblo Indiana rapenlblt tiriatlan (two al ai Aiiatin. I make an unlvrrallv seenc) Wat ni.i.'i" rrvt. ivl lie Itt w view ef the Pellpe. In that rmmly. on February I, haa murder, add II airnyhi in End Vnr 14. M Ia eat IM inquirí, with t acnalnini anril Imni'i .eater collet IM HI been laaned by llrvvertjnr McDonald. "tempi of tone Involved in lb kintnr. April I'.. han lei Bakei mm ira prti Keep your eyes opn for Th llnv-- iw, ,aM7l vi 1 etari firta in tbe mailer. it. (IT - run mu I'nlverslty of Tria. Mar 1. BsatSwattars notary II will b a huitinver ano 7T7 Ml Editan. (HTf.HAI THAM ft r.a '.wvam, university. SJay'a. oulrrwe.irn dátate of rain m r.l Peen va nn ii M Mt eitv May If. TrSiffy nnlrrr.iii May trral imll-- atn' n II. Vk I n.trr l4 U4 IM If? l ID 1 fin! university. Bhtnhlmer I" 17 I t NOBsr .KBuAli HASKHAI.I April V Baylor Abbott I IA fU X HliBY MJK II Wnodburn IPS IK l M AMO NA. H"ETE H N rj naimati ...... 171 179 is mi SaWMlU KACK -- .Hint lour year oMa and up. Five and nee. half fiirlont. sis :il a.77 MM ii i T ion Mai. Ii won by ".airman "f the nmellcr MSI kUTV STAl 'llllrh yam- Abbott. 91 Miyli total Mi :tVM Pol ! "I Stetson Knox boll. am. lift. Myiiym r.l Hiir io Keetea laelet- - le Tie. liO REGARDS 10.. Spring Hats Hh law l'r MM I'EI.PtA Kl Rats Hats - l.nulavlll. K prll a. Tin- Po.ir.n Bjfi H U. PHOtpr.CT na American, an.i the Louisville nwnium USJ eve wtiri I teams played m an eleven innint n her M0 i.APT. LIMIKAI.KV 'I0 today The tame waa railed on nf td RI.LA tot darkness II H Mi IttMl MoRLE ORAWII Ill -- and Just Walk By and See Our Window Roalon ritlHfi nAi:l .'Unit Three 7 np One R IM loo.a.MU :I.V SLKII luip-rli- Mav i nllin-- . rii"iiia and PETIT Si r,na Nl St Display. i i m anion. and Mll.to ..i They Speak for Themselves arr ran Perry Llenan. KTfil.tA A.1TE Onl ,AD MIMT M Kaltoaala tbiil Aaierleea. IW7Ivi i;oM(l MiATKin We Have Them in All Shapes and Materials April Philadelphia TIHIMA If ARE MOi I'hllelhia. The M0I IIEMTER 0S look tne wnm ailnal tain an' SU I EIVIND MS or ili- .jirin nerira rmm the loral Arneri rana loday. ff If E5RY WAI.AAMK IOS H. E- 14t MAKHHAI. TIMINMArV 110 Straw Sailors - - to Score: I'm RTM RACE - and up. $2.50 $5.00 Amerl.an. OAS rurlnnya. ailonal I Pachiicot llandlrap Seven Panamas (Genuine) $4.00 to and Mayrr (íltO, k ITT IE MAY 90 $7.50 riatlerlea W. Iwrla Arrian; MAO and Burn. SHVIAVWI I Bankok (Extra Value) - - $5.00 MOi MP-- S ElEl.riKR PltaJTEERAf.T tT Keep your pet open Tor The linfa lf of Leghorn - - iSAIIi MAIIt) BAI.1 100 Hereafter the basis $5.00 a ann It will be hiinmier MM EXECUTOR Krf Bali Buntals - - - $12.50 and $15.00 H) Po. Slot HASH t IS 'MOA. JOHN HEART VON will IIETll RAi:E Selllry. Three-ye- oklt. rive adjustment be: fiirlont a. JUT Mlf!! I.EWiaTOfl til SW7 JOHN spoHM 07 10 MAKE OOOD '100 In Ford sizes, plain tread, Item Welcomed 1170 VESTA 100 mn rao ion UN BREEZER 10 6,000 miles; Slip, 7,500 By Many Men SMI NNItlERS RF.ST 'W Kant XI CHARITY WARD 105 M7 IDA PINACk 107 sizes, plain SIXTH ny. Three yetr olda tnd miles. All other Thla will prove welrome bll nf up. Five and one half furlonya. infortnallon fur all Iboan hu am trU RIO I I'M AX SJ 5,000 miles; Kant Slip overworked, ylonmy. dea(ionilenl, SMJ AZI'HEA 1M tread, and have m milium llnili.. heart Milt HINATA 10 palpnalion. dIMlncaa. cold ettremltlen, MM WISH CHAI'CFR IM 6,000 miles. InKomnla. rear rauae. inmdlty cm m ..i ri s in in i t lot tread, without xvm , 100 In ventiiriny and yeneral inability lo PAFMEP r,l3 I.OFTY HEVVOOD Ill ai l naturally and rationally aa other merely figura- (to, beeauar tbe trealment ronalalink m rvoc Ai.i.et ni The word "adjust" is of train tableta ran he obtained and JM0 TIORT ROY 11! Fin Shot Cons, Revolver, taken wlilHiut the knowledge or any S&30 MAHfiAND 11 tive, because in 1914 the total adjust- POifTTTO 5 one. ir the reader haa any of the Hi YUBA Ill avinptonia. and lo try It SEVENTH RACE Sflllnr. KeUy-Springfi- for Hunting Knivea, Coata, deride Juki mil-- . in Tires any larye and up. One ment to to well atorked drnt Slrl(H.KTOE W and for i.ad M97 Camp Kit and Ammunition. Mors CONCHA SI States was less than nniene Tailela. and then lake accord till the whole United accom- Mti BLACK MATK 100 inr lo thn rtlreeiiuna h1rh 1407 MARY EMILY .. 101 Shelton-Payn- pany each aaaler) lube. Tfle You get this e Co power aoon and SMI H10H STREET 10 1. Arms la rot IMt PRINCE COY HAD 105 fief the Joy of a healthy body eiperlenced. Sano KINIOHT 10 unequalled service in Kelly-Springfie- ld i SHARPER Cor. i Paao and Overland uta. Theae lableia. orlylnally dispensed by MOI SWEDE HAM 110 pnunlnent phyalclana and pharmarlata. (M4) MELTS tin uninterrupted mileage af now are packed with full dlrectlona 110 IM. SPINDt.E - ror seir adtnlnlatrallon,' ad that It It not adjustment Tires are built up to a stand- wholly tronereaaary lo pay a physician Ibt. apprentice allowance claimed. AUTOMOBILE AND ACCESSORIES DIRECTORY lor I'M'- It. 1MB III. Ml ard not down to a price CluaUaatasa Wist. Before buying some Hit Ihr i mtriiitrtl t'rrmn chat lam iota. Trim.. April I. The Cleve- at a lower land American in day were drfetted by other tire Goodrich Auto and Truck Tires the chittanonya nam. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ScOre: R. H. E. price analyze the basis llroa of J yer eral Slnra rata. 1. II IS. O. bl.AHOBT. 30 South U Paso SI. Tal. 3ttt Chattanonya S A t Office Lebfey Aayelua Releí. Pkon I7SI Cleveland I 4 S of adjustment offered Unmarked aulotiiobilei ror hire by Batteries Ball tnd Kitchens: Morton and trip, hour or day. by other maker The Boss Rubber Co. THE CLEVELAND SQUARE GARAGE cara 11.5 per hour. the seven paaaenter car W.00 per hour. Keep your eyta open for The Times see you really 308 Texas Co. r. I hUI IM V, Frost I1KKI CLASS UAKAOB AMD HKl'AIH SHOK "Safety Alwaya." Oyea Day aad Muht. Roltry Edition. Ik will be a hummer and what Wm Servir. Kigbt and Day. Want aTraoJüiai Sauna 81a.. Phone SSI. of yreat value in El Paao. - m.M.rri y-- do gel IOT less money. Ill MIIIMMIIIIIIIIItllllilllllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHMMMIIIIIHMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIUIIIIIIIIMM IUIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIHIIHIMUHNIIIHIIIIIHIHIIIIIIHHII UMinuuiiniiMiNiMiiniiiiniiiiiiiu


Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand Every Few Minutes From Cor. El Paso and San Antonio Streets

First Race at 2:30 P. ML, Sharp Admission $1.00 Friday. April 9. 1915. 0 MORNING TIMES IMPERATOR PERFORMS BRILLIANTLY IN TAKING HANDICAP mo w iibi mm mtm iioi ibioi bio aso ow oto oto oto vmm Barney Oldfield Blew Into Town Yesterday Afternoon. Now We Know What Brought On That Dust Storm MORNING TIMES CHART BOWIE RESULTS MORNING TIMES CHART JUAREZ RESULTS THREE FAVORITES III) I IIH jlM nil m WILLARO'S JOURNEY Jl'AKEZ, MEXICO, Thtir.de.. April llf itmh dty Weather clear, irarf rast. CRACK INFIELDERS IRS, our rurtoags Tama M i t. :ts M I . fian taad: OAf HR8T Rack lour furlongs selling Two year olds. Met value to winner tits, aarond lit. third tn MM. fttft WLg. aV to air, fin. Jacket. os. CI. kaaet. Meta wt-I- aV m n rin, Jorke RETURNED WINNERS Barría o i T M. rsggsrt 4 7 f SERIES OF OVATIONS Howard t t FOR EL PASO TEAM Ambrose B Brooks (WMrLeaiore) Ins 4 4 t Louder a If 4t8 nla iJCIerrkasi 114 f tt4SS)Frank nge'iio Pickens It II I'stui.ou iSJButleri It; I Metrair 1 III (Ma77Toeiraalrr illoagaco. in i i Braven 4 4 6 Hchiminger I taW Lady Blanch. Hcndcrs.uu.ip n f t, stSrta l ll a ,i l IM o i n DEPARTMENT OF m limMTM. RAM CONNOR AND Z1M WW 71 V J McTaggart ta FLORtTIA PEOPLE TR Ft MANY Mil r Ai pon minutes, orr Time 47 BJuaa, place, snow. rnrtrvTA I 10 IS it n n TIVE EL PABO CLItR TO RE A r (xnm Mac vim ...lia ( But wen TO GET GLIMPSE OF WHITE CM AM Brooks, I piar. í ima oís. i show Winner br. ., by Blues He teds Trained - uily M io PIOX AS MS CBSSBES ST ATE bye. Tlmber'ske. Seratrhed J. i. -- usg standing start, food: won really: second NIFTY ONE 11i olare. Oreettng.J blare, I ,im ctnclnaall. show. driving, tbtr.i easily Winner entered for ftrtti. No hid Overweight. Brooks I. led hi rest clip throughout and wan easily best, meetings ran little Sims, from s fssi ntitnldc hrcak. went to th front wllh a rush and won Mex Breaks Poorly la Handicap. Wall a ror a beal to beat Cincinnati torrease had no escure. Ban- - Glael Platasm Bréense Fmharrasved with ease. Brooks oulgamed l In a hard drive. I la fought II out gamely. Manager McCleekly Sigas a 0iarill of Road stealer It nhasplj Oat Ml tVhen Repeated Regnrsis Are F'rink Patterson stopped Dadlv In the final furlong lady Blanche and Toastmaster Caassy Players, Who Will Doubtless Hi sharpl) shut off after flcpi had. a hundred yards, losing II rhanrc. Wall Mskla Turn ÉmRiibacE Sla furlongTlaaeisSriMTl It. Start aoTwaattlrtnt. ade fer Speeebe. it""' Make PasB city a Paanaat Wlaaer. 35a2 "tllja HECii.N i nAt.K une mile, Three jr-old- anil up. ct slu to sesJCS winner at Mi second BBS. Hunt SI.V lade. Horse. Oaraar. wi. st, to to to Sir, Fin, joekcr. Qp."a By BUD RKTHFRFORD indag U U Sir, Jockey. ftp. CC - MrAten avaaaah. (ia., April g The sireg Horse. Wi L a fin. All worry of local rana concerning the li Lilly 1 "iftt'Wtse Msson s iWJC.rsnor) lOT M a? 4 II H Clarl WTO- t 4' resa or Jess WHIard. victor over Jirk i ' ITTt strength o lh Inneld department of the MUI Man (J. Reward) .... t 3 collint Mil Johh I.nnls s slemsnAlisvles) 4 ,s ft Jackson 10 10 iUI t'l Johnson la Ihe battle ror the world's i Itt t 4i t'l f B Pass or the Rio aasoctstlon Wlee (H .... llerTSra' I e l Ambrege & MIS Ceo 4 lUMrMamm-a- Molesworth club tlranda NHn Clark). II.J J!!? If heavyweight championship at Ha al vsnlshed night with the announcement lesear Career) ...... V.'..' Jl J" l 5" llaynes 10 IS 15ff Mlsg Temp" i iJNMoiinrn lot I l t 4 M lisrner last IUI 3S1S as g T .McTaggart 10 oa tteeda.t. through Florida i a 71 of Manager McClpsgey that he had already Imperilor (MeCake) .... Tie Rebecr Moses Si l M real 3f7 Falcad (MMIstsl Hi S' t D Roland 3774 Babe - a a 7i if warn m is aa his way north waa one .PAJSEIecirow.n s (UtWomacbl ....los H S R Shilling signed s quartet of Cliasy mner gardeners, Ran Connor (M. Gecnen .... go t t tail SSI Nil l 4 TaWltV' t 7 T'l 1 rnnor 40 evallea. Net since the fays ttrr wap a iLMonei m fi II ? J Howard all of whom will in the city within Maria (II ...... 7 In I MolTie .110 pa to to arrive Mir Itrio St Lasarían, Place. show, Helen. place, show. Penny Nock, out when Jaba L. Hnlllvea held sway a cad iMaysAtCiishman) t t t Dawson a few daya. Tbe local manager is st pres- let (Mnlr.worlhl .... t fair JífS Harnar.l iWI ,chaefrri 71 MrCabe llaJ show. Ike king of flore wtll gen have sim- i lit t t ent swelling the arrival or contracta rrom St. Lasaraln had plenty or early speed but tired badly and Juat laated. Fair Helen ilar scenes aad etcllemenl brea cre- At post mlnutns. off l 3 00. Time IT IT i 14, U. Maaon. I place,' won penny wa I I show, p. by Sempronius the National Baseball commission before By HY SCHNEIDER. came from fr back aad would bavu in few tnoru strides, Bock at ated by Ike advent of a nfhler. shots. I.ouls. plce. t.eos. I I show. Winner g. 'l.Ho&OMUjiD Manola Mason Trained by D. Heuatla. Scratched: Flossie, Bunny. Mending itarl. closing negotiations with a number of Ftvorliea and second choices predotnl-nate- Tbe day'a trip wa through sue good, won driving, second gam, third easily. Winner entered ror ItflO. No bid. mner mrty desirable players Tor positions THIRD HACE and r Time :f) t 1.01 mde t I or Thursday etrt) ogco five furlong. wise Maa.n was not rushed In the early part, ramn with a strong rush the last In he can secure on a in he runninr the start wnn aatnr. cession or sponttneous receptions in which th field whom nr Club featured by iba mod: or city quarter. John Louis raced strong, aa did Ceos. Miss Tempo a strong contender, notice and have them on - ths Jockey Juarez, the populace each succeeding aeeiu badly minute's tbe oriM Handicap at five and fur- - Lnde.Horse. ywaar,, M iá Sir.rin. loaka. on, CI. ed anxious to surpass the enthusiasm or klectrowan hung In the dosing drive. mond within a few days (77)Anavrt .10-- Buxton passed. or en and up. Net value to Notable who have been long. I those places Just' Word the oreo- I'HIHD furlongs. Selling amour the player I sfl Kaithfu' 1IH iri t' Louder e f spproach of Ihe new champion was fissned winner few. second tM. thtnl fls signed by Manager MeClnekey Is Artie iniprritor was returned the winner isoi Blue tajr I'endergait t it-- al ahead and as a result risgs and buntings x. 81. V4 op. t:t ShlmpL a serond and ope over Kinr Worth Md KootatMy. Clonar ran Elmahdi :8 ti Schut linger S 4 ind. Morse. Wt. 4 t. Sir. I in. Jockey. crack hasemsn. in were flying, playing and s1 most widely the A Keen's gelding at all umna ttot Orty .ton Harringion t bands hundreds UM Lesear a tJNMounre) ...ioi t s i" 4i i1 M Oarner 7 7 of ihe known inrielders in u t in the at every station between B B rivorlte, though receding in tha Mot Heartbston ... s 74 6l T McTaggart 10 IB watted rat tttn Eld Nelson I iliiHoag) ...lot I fl t ft ft Slerens minor leagues. For the initial sack the Capt. Elliott l M 7M Forehand 10 Daytone tola dry. every cross S.MU Mirle .. ...107 7 1 IS rrom 6 to s so 7 to at the uot ... and ai niihiii iWilihausen t'l J" Stirling it local pilot has obtained a claaay eat tern i The .... 7 Hopkin to to S4M Hegards a (JHHalgtead) v V 4 n to to The race Wo urchin 7l t road and depot were throngs numbering ...ios t f t carroll product by the name or Moore, while rid. wabt to the itgrur. Madge a sister .to e Its 11 10 a Breach SO MO persons, sm Tight Boy s (W Jimnnt 1 4 D Poland poor from a few score to thousands of tit !! fl t t Johnny Pendleton, another Infuider of or was marred by the break when Trap Bock .tot u 10 10" in to Jackeon 0 Hi tn many cases it was apparent mat the 1M0 California Jack 4 iJKHwyeri ...log i. l'l i' I'i MrCaba I I 3WS Dew Drop .107 4 , Pickens tO at MM C. W. ii a (CWJackaoni toe, 41 S 71 a gablied rime, will guard the destinies of Mrx (ailed to leave tbn harrier with ' i it" spectators had considerable dit- - inc. sl fl Narco I ssrw Carter Knight . .tog II Collin M .100 traveled SW4 capt. Llndslry s iwtayion ....101 7 7 7s gs Nary to to the shortstop position. George Dtiddy Is the field and by Roadmaiter belnr u it" if tanees, ror covered automobiles and t orr when sin Esther Blues .. .105 10 tl 14 ii'i Matthew M M dust M17 Hoscas 4 iflHgM 101 4 t t t Molaawortk t another candidate for the Job of guardian sharply abut on the far tura 1.1 if n fl frf taso Prlwar .101 11 IS I 14 Steward It vehicle or all descriptions I 17 :V7 S. the went to the, rrom. When At post minute. Off at 1:M. Time :S3 1:13 t Lascar, of tbe Pennsylvania bag, while Jake Bauer winner ttag Ben Oelore II' I Turner It were present. s n g., by waa back. Imperá- If II" plsrr. show. Nelson, t place. show. C'oglilll. show. Winner b. Hn will coma up for consideration for a regu- Ilnadmaster rorced 4 a at grane by M. good, won handily; second or Anavrl. place, t show. Faithful, place. ahow. Blue Jay. bow. snort Cake. Trtined W. caln. landing start, lar berth in the oitirietd. is tor assumed the role psremaker, Hcritcnrn: ranama, nenoran. WRtPs FIST IN EANOAIiES Hid third driving. Winner entered for tfon. No Bid. Overweight. Mario Uogblll 3. in lit in the lead to the end, winning Anavrl wall up throughout, took lead In to win easily. Faithful always uní Hoy 1, tl. a a a stretch TO ESCAPE HAND GRASPERIS cainurnla Jack by a leoath rrom hinir Worth, whlrh strong contender, glue Jar ran good ree. r.inntnai qgd earij BPaea Legrar in a commanding position at all times, was capably ridden, saved ground MANAGER MeCLOBEKY WILL was at nearest in pursuit. Although Wlllard answered every call Dy com. us oown on tne ran io win nanniiy.. kid rtsison raced sioutiy. Mario i.og- all times FOL'RiH RACE Five and onc nalf furlongs. Time n :4t l.-- I I gap HAVE CLASSY CLUB. When Kootenay rama up rast in the tKAA for hi appearance and repeatedly made hill iose,! j and ouiguineit Hcaurii' which closed fasi. california Jack bung Start hvuI wotl rtrlvlnv. badly ai the finish. Hoscas snowed quinina lia.iiy on the turn. whom stretch he desplaced Itosdmaster. who short speeches. It became evident a tnn thing, far Judging rrotn the class of plgyers Indes. Horse, Owner. Wt st. U. H at str Fin. Jockey. op. Cl. El manager has already wia runninr stoutly In third position day wore on that tbe towering cowboy oeask I'OLHTH RACE Five and rurldngi. Ortlt Handicap. Three year elds Paso's velersn SS08 vile.v 10 I 1' ft l Lilly 3 from kan sta wa growing emharratied by sJsAJi ,, sr.t ..tun to winner Ijjs. second ISO. third fjs. lined up. this city will he In the race for until near the finish. .v I flt liirriwood .lot 3i arrtngton t it-- the or op- the pennant from the Initial gong- The ' 3l ft 4 constant enthuatasm bis sdmirers. inn, a. Hurae. e air, i ni- i oches . Un Besides Imperator. Sam Connor and Zlm (44U)AI Blocb .110 3 2i ai Buxton 4 rasponee to ror tn appear WlJk actions Manager McClosky are being 151)1 Joe Knight .104 4 41 41f 10 15 Hit calls him ClohcriVkeene) ...11 4 i t McCab of choices to rintsh first. Sara t 4l steward on tiri Imperilor i mi great Interest by local were decided 3310 Brandywl.e .... .tot to .. 74 m s Ural 0 7 the ear platform and make speeches i.w. 4 'HoFgam lot .1 r ii mu ung watched with fan, 7.1m king Worth ft n ti t Connor took the rifih, while captured 3516 I'nrle Mua .lit I at 6 t Trosler 10 10 grew slower at tha larger clues were Mat kootenay a (FTSnorieiD us 3 SM F Jackson f t who have Ihe bttehill ruture or Iht city t' f3 4 the large end or the purse In the rtnal. ii4 Hunrh of Key.. .107 8 t 7 7 7 Hayne 10 to and he adopted aeveral artirirea o MUi Hoadraasier S Muyan IOS I I'f f Moloworth 8 t st heart, and who sre inxlout that tbe team Wan and Wlso Macon were equal choices (rs76)Mrtln rases ... .lot 5 4 Matealf t t evade shaking hands with the hundreds or 34S Seneca a (Tlguem uuiiinghami lit.' 7 4 41 f4 51 ft Mulling t S be In order wlib El Paso at "Ftrit, laat and fi 3 0 E to in tli second at a to t- Wise Mason won. av)4; Henrietta W ... til 7 r t t 0i T McTaggart it it men who crowded about the car. Wlllard Silt Msznlk iHciidersunauo) ts f 7 6 Hayet to all the time With the experience of 106 10 10 10 Schultlnger 30 5 StOS 3 iFDWeir) S 8 f 7 Marco I ft while was roundly beaten, finishing ton carburetor t ..10 wrapped bis right hand lo bandages tt Mex f t 7l t years baseball. Mr. McCloskay knows War 34VO Mingtnrae 5 7 s I M carnet- in rar bark. Little Blur, which beat Brooks VUey, place, show. Blcbwood. place, show. AI Bloch, even snow. one station and at another hung nis arm (I'.anert f t exactly where he can get clttiy play- Lear, enrome, uyae. At post orr 3 St. Time I S. :I7. l ot Imperilor. t plice, Just jand Lola In the opener, was second choice srrsicnea: roaming, rana véneta Anion, air In a sling, ror be complained that the hand a4 minutes, st .ft er a price, uttng VUey bung on gamer than usual and outlasted Blcbwood In bard drive: latter show, worm, place, I ihow. siooinay. t show. Winner n g by Peter t moderate and Is this i was t to rauk Patterson, which wis ravortte at bad no eacuae. AI Bloch fought It out all tbe way. Brecdywtne received poor that knocked out Johnson growing i by H. Keone. standing start, good for all but Mes. won knowledge lo advtnttge In selecting tbe break sore the yulnce sparkle, rained t. l to I, Links Blues being quoted at two. and bad bid reek In race. from repeated grips of admirers. handily: Miruud driving: third easily. personnel or the local team. I a at the hands or Oarner, imperator, in close purguil until turn for home waa reached, where he went to A success Is achieved by nor rood nde FIFTH HACE Mile and to yardT Time .51 1:18 t, 1:44 1:4 AI 84. Augustine when a (inhering splendid being Lesear was enabled to trim his opposition oeBT :t. the trout to win handily, king Worth raced gamely throughout, kootenay closed local enthusiasts and the management of Jg Start fair; won eaily. of seme thousands headed by a band very on the rail. Hoadinatter good speed, was shut off on the fir turn. Mex In Hie third by eomlnr down on the rail stormed Ike Irala one Individual fitt the club In disposing of the aeveral thou- KW Index. Horse Owner. Wt. St. , Kir. Fin. Jockey. pp. Cl. ornar cry poorly. In a good stretrb errort lo overhaul cried "Hey. ahow a Ihe fist thai sands or tickets st oneVdollar each for the Nelson and Marie Corhlll lo win going 3r,m Lsauli 110 t I i f II T McTaggart knocked out Johnson!" KIKHI It.' Initial game of the season. An order for too 3S1S Love Day . lit 3 14 1 t ! Warrington HW, second 3S, third tlS. away. . 7 51f winner tickets for the gime which will be with 3518 Tom Hancock .. 101 7" 41 3i 3 Steward t When Wlllard held up hla clinched hand, Jockey. Jockey Ormes was taken sick bernre the 3505 Laird lot Lilly 1 10 Index. Hors". WI, Sir, IB. VP: La Cruce was placed yesterday with the O'Kirkealdr t I t which looked as big aa a small tne Bt.stM.tk 9 or second race. In whlrh he was to rlda Wap. 3.11 Mycenae 104 4 91 44 5 41 5 .Wofstenholm S It htm. (Mg'iSam Connor (JHennessy) M earner local manager by President Art Wood, , crowd bowled with delight. J. Howard was substituted. Jockey Marco 1510 Ravenal lot e M t Turner 8 It :imw I. aily Mint o iMMPitkeri lut t'l It Shilling lb Caclua club, while numerous other 3510 Hat 1 41 7 7" 71 7 Ural 10 BO Jacksonville wttneeaed another big turn- (SStui.Misa S f Mevena to to aa on the dur- Heartbeat Edith (WhiteftWllson) .Iu4 II tl V are belnr sold hourly by rsns Interested was also reported alllnr list 351 Brian Boru .104 8 g s Mcragsrarl to out, the depot being packed, while in 3S3S Nn a (L.Abel) f4 ti Carroll to to it i j ouarier ios 4l In tttn securing of good bssebdl for El ing the afternoon. ft smaller dwellings the were tsoo a lUauregnl) ..WI V s H Clark 10 10 any i Lazuli, i place, out show. Lovo Day, place, out show. Tom Hancock, yards, thick tibllvion Pato. Jockey Carroll will not.rldo more at bow. Scratctted: Battling Nelson. with men and boya. MUI r lying A iMIBcrgl ..107 Stirling ih present meetlnr. He was set down ror Lazuli raced Love Day Into then out. Love Day easily Savannah, an M05 The Under 0 (JLOwe) ..110 F Jackson e a submission aad draw best Just before reaching where (THatfleldi ta Molesworth rough riding on Judre Qbcena in toe sixth, or others. Ton. Hancock closed with rush. Laird had no cbance with break, dosed other great gathering it Situ High street a ... 4' REASON WTLL PROBABLY cheered WHIard. saus 6 Wu kliain MeCabe ' WI yallrfee., - Was the rttglltst liardy uinoA a a ?. reported hsd been ofrereo 3151 Thomas Hare 4 Striker ... M 10 Mulhsre M. OPEN ON APRIL 37. HI I KS RTAS SIXTH RACE Mile and to Tima t, lU) l;l t, 1;43, I sal 1100,000 ror his share or tbe re j re, LITTLE qeaag yard. tí theatrical At post I minute, orr at 4 IA. Time .47. Lit. i connor, s place, In addressing the Rotary club yestrdy good; won aUy- - year. IN OPENER AflV start ceipta next He refused to discuss show Mint, place, t ahow. Edlih, show. Winner eb. g.. by Sam Phillips morning. Manager McCloekey that EAsfY TIME the report or who had f t f t stsled Index. Horse Owner Wt. St. U H ntr. Fin. Jockey. Op. Cl. mads .the offer. Ks:henne Rob'rls. Trsined by I. Hennesty. Serttched: Traniparent. Blinding start, the would have practically Thr re nothing to the race bat Little a1 driving. ffOO. No bid. city continuous wis 3MS I angdoa l I" ! J McTaggart t good; won driving; second easily; third Winner entered for ,once ho got to toe front after head- Hlchard ....lit t Hare 1. Flying t, Lady Mint 4. Tbe 4. baseball during the riva summer month, Mu,v SSIS I'll 4 a I McTaggart 6 overweight. Hsrdy i. oblivion i, Thomas cinder traga Little inn ....tit t Jack Johnson Seek Restraint the carpe stoutly the and wore over 100 games being played on the local ing Lady Blanche, which first. 3505 Little England ... ft! f3 Ntcklaua 1 Sam Connor, right up with leaders, last furlong an ....tit t t ft i miv sum down in the final strides, l.adv Mint appeared ihe winner, as ahe had a diamond, while the El Psso Mtm I out Blues opened a big gap quickly, being 351 Tróvalo ....104 6 t 4 4 4 louder It If For Movie "Sniper" Product Brooks aad Lola. The 3475 Deviltry 4 riuiimalidlnr lead at the paddock but tired aome right at the rmlsh. Miss tdi ill on the circuit La Cruce will play five easy winner rrom .... ft tl 4l 44 Forehand f By thm a f Holloway 7 e 7 7 Lilly 30 Auovlattd Prru strong racior Hirougli.oul High bireei flash of rly peed; genres a week here, going home latter looked to have piare position safe tatt Colonel ....107 a t to April A for 3 4 AO rtsvini. movie "sniper," who an eighth out. but Brook oulgamed her sari momo ...107 7 t 7 Jackson to evaded the vigilance or numerous scout. JCCO SIXTH RACE Five forlongs. Belling. and up. Net value to and Sundays of each week, tn which to a bead. Frank Pat- Richard Lanrdon. f place. show. Paton. place, out show. Little Enaland uws, wlpner 1 SO, second fis, third BIS. they ra scheduled to play al their own at the end beat bar snow, smbushed Johnson and Wlllard a tney terson ran in tbtrd position pari of the way. oniac. battled on Monday last Tor tn heavyweight tildes Horse Wi. St. V. sir Fin. Jockey. yp. C park. The season In this city will be Richard Lsngdon Jumped to the front rrom the aprtng of the barrier, smothering opened with the alley club enraging tbe stoonlnv when Hearing home. As usual. championship of tbe world and obtained 3540 Maria Mac 4 (HlpleykCo) 110 .. 81 5 11 II ( lark his opposition with speed, to win elly Paton steadily improved his position Into team, City there wta mors or less interference at tha a second. Little England tired chasing leader others besten off. pictures or tne contest. This Is Ihe opinion 355 Nlriy 5 ; TMIIIer) IIS t .. 4 4 tl f Stirling local while the Sliver Indians turn right fter the break Lady Blanche of Jack Johnaon. who, learning that rum (3456, Judge oncena 4 lEJHamsey) ...tit 0 .. I'i Ia tl tl fl Carroll are billed to flash with the Albuquerque Hiihlcrtn 6 110 7 M 4 F id getting tne worst oi Bk or some or tn rounds or the right ware 35tJ II 'PSherldan) t tf Jarkson nine at the Duke City. Toastmiater 353 Senator James (kaufman) I 14 Roland a win- to be at Havana ....lit ft 4'l A league pro- a a tbe stretch, where abe looked shown several theater (3Sit IP. semary 5 iCNFreeman) 11t 1 ft McCabe permanent schedule for the tonight, once to ne t .. fl STXM.TLV ner. Misa Edith waa a prominent factor all at started stop what Msg Ann Tilly S (WCWcanti IOS 8 8 7f (iMahoney 10 10 viding ror ram during five months win tv IM MASON CLOSES BARNEY an t I tbe way. High Street some early speed, OLDFIELD termed inrrinpmenl or his properly 18Í5 Hi,Blrls S (ReniuattHocki 108 4 .. 7 7 71 I Thomas. be adopted at a meeting of the representa- TO BEAT JOHN LOUIS. rights. He a a a consulted the secret Doltre At post minutes. Off al 4.4S. Time :l. .46 i s, st Mac. place. IJt4show. tives to be held either In KI Paso or Tucson kept Mason well back of and applied lo the judge or the night 3 3 ens. I), i py -.- A schedule II. Clark Wise MARTA MAC IMPROtKS courts Mfty, place. show. 0he show. Winner sisns hsnts wattle nac. within short time. tentative the leader in the early part, lo bring bis for tn injunction. Trained by n. Blplfy. Scratched Doc Allen, Vlie orlv. Ureal Surorlae. Wild recently arranged by tbe local manager mount up with a ruah through the stretch GBJEATLY OVER MuHT The merit of the complaint could not IsW.r silnno Jlmmic -- landniK start, good for all but Ann filly, won first three driv provided for tbe inauguration of tbe season ARRIVES IN TOWN be acted upon log. Wlnnnr entered fur ftOO. Ho bid. Overweight, Musiría i, jme 4, ITublcon f, i to take first money by half a length rrom Marta Mac was a cracking rood bona immediately and the judge on April rr, although It wat prevloutly advised the champion serva Tilly 2. John Loula. which went to the front turn yesterdty as compared with hi effort of et lo t writ improvement over his list race, coming rrom the rear announced that It would open two days ten notice or his claim on ihe firm or Marta Mac showed sudden Ing for name. Old Joba ran a creditable the day previous, when be was beaten off, managers with great r leness. Nifty closed strong. Judge Uheena good speed but quit badly. earlier. From advices recently received on wall, was not good finishing to In a field of seven theatrical who had distributed trying- n ..liccns iln Ann Tilly Moke hadly. rrom wing or race, hanging but next last the Rubicon null after Ihe western the circuit, how determined chai Barney films, promising to issue an injunction 7 eiiuuirli to stand off the when the Unte for tne was oldfield. snaaMr driver of tomorrow HACE seven furlonga. selling, lour year mat and up. vatua ver, the April date Is satisfactory to steadily rrom yeafer-da- y should the law warrant it. IKeo seventh 11 pos- long of tha winner. Ceo raced Lit In winning the sixth Nifty the world, arrived la El Paso ... u mner Sibil, at cond MS, lliird tit. the managers, woo desire the time Miss Tempo tired after salting and Judge horse made tbe sfternoou, all prepared ta aire sible, m then teams tne sea- throughout. Obeen. Bipley't Wt, ai. Vs H rrr Hn Jorkeg. op. O. preparing for paca for the greater part of tbe Journey creditable lime or t for tbe five fur- faeel apeed eathualasU Ike treat of "Up vjffr son. the Johnaon ia Air" Since C .MM Molesworth f l into su Dimisión longs flirty cam airong in toa (treteb to their lives at Washington park 4at Zlm (TSI'srken ll I'i a a and raclna Eleclrowan Knocked IS l.s Cazadora iDkCarter) M narner t Wap made a poor showing ss compared uke place money from the tiring Judge eateraeea. The great track Off Pedeatal Bg f& tsil Cecil f UJHyani ft Mcllraw to t PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR perrormancea. waa tbe pllet waa aeeoBspaaled by David SisootOled Prim S fB D with recent Obeen. which pacemaker until S13 Krk Davit (O(lParke) Bolind ( narani. April J irk Johnson the for- I t SI ESSFt L SEASON a reaching tbe stretch. Jiyae aad Jack Beta of Lea Aafclea, tfts Cnnnaught S (R'lMartln) 41 II Clark f 8 a a mer heavyweight pugilist champion, ha ft H 8 a a a who are bar especially to watch fttu cmtein a (HFou) Shilling prospects for s sucressfol season are be l.ESt AR Cm I P 'a Oldfield aad Oe Lloyd Thosapsea abandoned Jil plan to go lo kingston. JíQÜtVM coming brighter dally in tha various cities Jamaica, and thence tn i..n fctJ IN COOO END Hi II CECIL. MEDIUM Or PLUNGE, perrera. tur At post 4 "minute, off al i.OS. Tima .ft :47 f t. 1:11 l. I Zlm, place. or the league. In Silver City Ed Mickey aye he has ne plana in view, but mat snow, a. gS ov cao - in CAN OCT Tha first thought or the master driver he out show Cszsdora. t plsce. show Cecil, winner irtsn Uidustrlously organizing wall California Jack went to tbe front early NEVER IP may i um. after be had visited a hotel waa ror bit at once return to rrtnce. Spain, or liuadallle. Trained py J. W Pirker hcrilched: (.aro Nome. Ruvoeo. toy Young. oeorge Reed and Ward signed the third, at seven furlongs, setting the way wa backed tor Isabel Rave Judging frog tha Cecil ear. A rorce of mechanic wta imme- remain In Cuba Indefinitely. ing slart, gund. won easily, second aame. tnira arising winner eiuereu nsi. s or players so repre paca until en taring tne itratcb. where be In final one would tblnk tbe No bid. Overweight, Eck 3, intern number tbe number diately put on the Job, in anile of tbe fact Imls sent Albuquerqu this season. Aggressive Penan lo tire sadly, finishing unaUlwd race bad already bean run. Ha opened at Zim waa rushed to inn front snu neta nis sovsntsge easily as uie nm La Case retired, Oarner brought that both iba Flat Cyclone and the bur Duffy Goto Daciaion poorly idden, was under resirslnt and called on late m tbe stretch Cecil a ror BUI Hurley Is also on the Job In Laa Cruce. When Dwyer's colt ten. at which figure be remained until Just BOO horsepower have dors, rrom position, Christie but recently wera contenaer inrouguoui. i ne i.uitu s u,uw ... and present indication ar that the Itttl'i ar up luí a rub firm before pott time, whan be waa in great de- been and both win be Bv Newaoaner WHt.r. iu ui and take overhauled, cart r Ac town will be represented by as strong a to open a good lead In the stretch mand. A steady play hammered bis price tubjected lo ruriber improvement Barney Jg JnoWuied Preti money by two length from Kid Nel- out tato. s. jr., April Charley White or team at any In the entire league. Hurley rtrsl down to three si closing betting. When 11 I determined that no mechanical trouble s Executor. ESNE son. was at all times la second Chtcaro and Jimmy Durry or Lorkpurt. ?i 4. Htrd Sail. John Beardon. ta Dl'Ot baa gained lbs confidence or lb citizens Tbe latter came lo tbe race Zlm waa aa touch In evi- with lo Hag. I -- thai! interfere tut anuria tnrllt . fought lea rounds here tonight. Nawa- - 5. John Spobn. Ve.ta. Minis itAre six furlongs there, who are lending hearty sup position, winding up in tbe place. Mars aa Cecil was la Ike tbe no pama to e. their dence in tha running public, and It sparing i.iiiiv iiw oerisiotl Yubi. Fimer. Hlnttt. Utt JACE HANOVER tO I closed great style lo take show IttTV , I, 7 Mary Emily. port hit efforts i.ortlll la speculation. Parker1 good old time par nev nit tpeeo rreaiioaa ready ror toeir WIS kn,rk,l rinK n k . . l spindle. Hlaek Mate, 564 tTL'BBORN mona y Regards by a rtoae. Tight Boy In Wotk it proceeding steadily oa last con from former a hot lo the front at the break, never ana oi toe work the first round. He evened the score In 3474 OMAR some apaad. being close up unui 11 the nasi by riorlng While s N. l'l sin slruetvoa of the new modern playing field showed being beaded. He lad rrom two to wat loo lata to visit Washington park with right to 17 three the jaw, and SALTER Journal). CELEBIIITY or the EJ club in Cotton Tke reaching the alrelcb turn. Bearing the finish, where be when the peed king yesterday, bul after that easily kept tha Ptao addition lengths until arrived Chat. Ooels. Believe Ma MM CASTARA procesa grading and rolling grounds a a a waa up a bit to win by a comfortable tbe local rourse win receive his attention I. Trulane. of tha cased y Noble (.ran. I. Tempi al, kitty StanfUld. M) TODPI.INO is uow way. while on Ike from La con bright and early today. A Mr gang of under work SAN CON NO! TAKES margin Cazadora Carter' 3. Petll Bleu, Molen Xof. CciinliielxllHoll. 8817 k AYHEHOSFHOS grsnd stand win be ber usual good race, fin- workmen has been busy with roller and TODAY'S SELECTIONS s Hard Hill John Ri'irdon Punt' frai bleacher and besan FIFTM BY A HEAD. sisseat atare na IUI ROLLINO 8TOPJC within a day or so. The contractors who ishing la front of Cecil, which waa promt, surfacer. and a little rain would Safa S. Charily Ward. Jobn Bpobn. Snldar'a Bl. to a FOl'RTH BACE Slg f were a warded the ronceatton guaranteed Hsnneisy s gelding waa good enough oenl throughout. wonoerruiiy in putting tne track v trarawncR Ynlsa, Fatl.ct. Aiurea 7 Spindle. MIS PAOE WHITE .. the trim tlie early leadera. Miss Edith and Lady a a ta ike best or condition EI F:o Morning Tunes Mary Emily. Prinre coorad. thai It would be completed ta Orne for Mbit, in a atraich duel by a bead Oarner Members of the Elk Outen cluo 3811 FITtOERALD initial game or tbe season, tanta no reara A special ladles' day sake I.ONBKNSI S Or OPINION. kept Mm well up ana treat from tne attraction for yesterosy completed irrsngeinents ror pa I. Taaape!, Noble Orand. br iseufer. tt04 LADY LONDON ... re to be nuciptied from that quarMr. ta Jasper has arranged tbe t. Henry WanYgavk. Commend at ion, break, drawing II fine ai tbe wire. sdy Secretary Parbuca troiiog tke course at the big ahow tostar stolen 1 ...... '..! rSmmZl km. Hl.nfleld 115 INI.AN Handicap ror three year olds and up at row. A company THESERIE8 Ban bail Tiaas, to atrgaalza Mint gel to Iba rr.nn before turning ror of soldiers wtll be sta 4. Manganese one Rash. j. ( ommendáiioti. Meury Walbank. Stolen tat) Elks' a rea far a. which la fourth oa Use i neardon, A for of the home. Mrreeslng ber lead when entering loar nonrd inside and outside the track, aad I. Snlder'a Best. Chanty Ward. John Spobn ABIC. 3474 BLUE JAY most mini In reorganization program this afternoon. Several good in every way the live of spectator, 4. Asures I. John Reardon. Hard Ball, Baah. MIT YORE LAO Elks' team and Par securing of a go. win Fafnar. Mersand apoho bsebll sprinters are named to and at the be safeguarded Tai precaution la espe- t p iodic. Slngteloe, prince ..mm f. charily Ward, Sag, John na HOY O' LIOMT .... schedule of gms lor Ike summer month, weights we look for a Sgbt rti at the fuush. cially necessary a Yaba. Vafm r. Mareand. waa oeorge Arnold. keeping parsons orr tac Mary Emily. H RACK one mito; yesterday started by Tbaaapaoe 7. spindle. Prince coorad. ft L. A. aifcernsaa T. Calo, the central! field when U flytag. for (( MU STAR OP LOVE and f. premier tuaiibird come to the nicar Daily Raring Formi. tee charge ant They win take Milwaukee Mm Wanted TEXAS LEAGUE SCORES imitad al I his (Joets Ruby sun, Trulane. Reaper's Beteeilooi BewH. atM PLY MOMS la of Bin. trrrtllc speed, and anything in his pain I of canaJsMBe for tke team, win "waiter A. bars year asslh t. If 'ty Slanleid. Tempest, Dr. Neufer. I. Irraaandy. ray Datusauta. Link Alta Kit PENNY ftOCK aamai ia Flying, petit Bleu. Mat tryouti aad prat tices and will finally ksat weak. Veer baaaedleia rasara shall lilghuiaa. ihilkon aquaw, atastery Bainuig Nelson ItWi PIED PIPER " aeeaweery AM wee flawaeW John Reardon Aftas Fielder, pick Un members at tke " varsity si Lie ad a regard t- Bh. Toddling, Msaevar. MITT BRYAN BORU asaosned. WrMa a cread - Man, Snider s Best, John apoho. t onr Jek lb Elkl placed on. of is atttlirter) a weald visit WaaMaalea Bark antra A 4. The Fitzgerald, York Ltd VIDBT ..i ,,a h. H A. Neuatuo Yuba. Asurca, Miss Chancer Serle. ui Ska field Out of the ..re smT". I." ftratly by 7 f. Pled Piper, Penny Hork. beal city teama Ik alteriea-Mact- iua and established ware lagulrle. Prince Conrad. Sharper kolghi, Mary i.i. BkTH hack one ml la and an eighth genua y played the Ike buaerade puasred late Ike Elks' Emily. a Ballts Baiter. Beau Fare, Laetapsjr. large autntser of the Mien regar IBS BEAU FERE nrgsniaauoo dropped oly ibrei gemas, and at asMMMM.wmi etek dlat acata far the big - BWl IBM BIILY RAKER these by close scores, l b fUMISJIttee In -- Shreveport , hew. He adtaeee sale bee bean al- 1471 HENRY HUTCHINSON lowed, bat tke farce el atlarkaa at San Fraariat'c ts BsatBtr). BOWIE EM RIES. charge of Its ala r spiel io (seal team Dalle rjerly. MM CHARLES F. UJUINOKR rrom urdan, (rata the Beraarwa aeraaby Ike perk will be large aeeugh la other rrttenul OYSTERS ear all Prtsva oassrr. Md April a --anon Mlt UHt and may. ir suck an FOR FRESH araras gad Due fer teasers IXJCKSPUR lgue Servad all style go a rrtdsy, Aprsi t. til i formed join tke tabsdato ef a a la Ai pea Aaionio a. h. e. Lata Ian tutrkt. after ha bed bean da furkatga asilad of. Thoaspeon uaerae 8. Mae. Chaniv Ward. Seuder'a Baal. riRST sack. Fear l.n league. CAFE Baa jatgtat t ft t arrived with 4. Maiaend. Big Luraax. IVsc Allen PLEIONE bocear raetbeil Piiyers ia PHIL YOUNG'S 7 cgan or Pa AM all ofxtealeM platea, bal ar 4 1 WasOiuiu 1 OBsetaa. Mary Emily, tptndkt OOEN fa ciletsratken of the keep your ejes opea fag The Times aJW BsI.-- jI aaauad him on his autoe - Mill. aaaeswMteoT' aHtaartaetluaaell c aaaV It will be a nassMglTTlaT aad Jarean La Aaaeiea The IS f tata in aviator tail MABiiAMtl notary Kdinou Morete air 14141 L ITT LB ALTA its. to El Faso. aajN Iltliaillrragv Al n was dnsly end sun buruc. (Cincinein Enaulrar) hall pisyer. of Junior aad Maiioi psiii oi great ala VMtliky waVtatT. Were. h t FAY DABANTE Waee , g ably tl red rrom tha lesea is riudnir penev h fSat mar srlsnol kssguea will Isold a J.M, IftBAWADOV few Weraj i Pw a wails gaatarday T Hon toeighi ui the C. A A. m UUmJ Vmn Welhe'stoJea 1114 LITTLE kINk ri BlM, PuraMi. Saaa sssxtrr: thai Itrkaji ha would be rorced to mata Aug sad Nevada Mresse The MMloa mullí aad ha BLCUND St furlongs. eiti rwiroa an.l trap bar eg trata Abosas its nut, MCE CENTRAL LIVERY CO. out the usaoistrd drove ha ear late deep Mat Mot. LIE BJCMAttM TRY BAR AUTO gully whits travels testar iBea at settee Aguria M.. ssu.i MM PANAMA CAFE COAST LEAGUE SCORES aa hour Overturning waa aarrowiy Mr Easily Priu. . SMI CHILTON ágil' AW u Poon. SI averted, but la car ttrepad gai injury teat PALM LEAP iikk w FOR REAL breases sprang Tata wee MM m tussrl All seven ptwaacnger caue at H At la taajatss lis aaaataa , uaauaad a ae remria (asJw V"rk ierrepai Mnsm tjaM lake am Lata rsiiisaa reas tusa SOB R MEXICAN DISHES y ; ISM BATTENS twt'axaaaaR itaTuMrVTsSa $2 00 rv fcnair stsli t Al Osatasaa-Vaa- ite ti baa rrao.i-.- . El Paae SV BATI LI AC StXaON f W R Piersoe


.Ass tn EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. April 9. 19H. Good and Morning Want Ads Are Truly Inseparable t Advertising Rate Cud OpportunkiM Real Erttaaa and Fire Real Estata City liaparty uxmta MESA AVE. HOM-- nsosinrcn BIO MflMITV MtklNl. Ml NFMM CHAMOIS. ANHFHWON lil.l.FH REALTY CO, Half Iheatct .M,aS 1 ami Rurkier ftlrtg room msMlein wiih hoi wiler heattmi jiwj 9mTx IftJ"" Infere! line floors, built reMurvHi; í mm mnr aach t 0 liqir.r aarrvm 4MM up.,., plant. hirdwiMNt in Ik nrt laiuim harsslna. 1111 or A r 4T aaa Ha par nplendld grocery. blocks fn.in I' n '.flOM Mil' a HENRY. IP M fM. lots, nd ...iiin trlion btrgaln aart ai ground M retar mm mm atraer aa. ifin, news, fir. splendid location.. M71 arrld quirk Prlre fiLM fhe year. 4,4fJ alone srmultl bring thl Term. . liin.mlnr Imiiae, rlcarinr lljioo You can moke your advertising pay if you write More houae Block Phone llnlil, .tearing IVHi nemOi Special ne. Its Mil Mill M I'hone Ia A U K H BOB, ll 9. HS Main 81. ni... k N.nli of Pnatnmc. your copy carefully and advertise persistently raustta ala la ha I la 1, 1 IO 110 "HO in cope U n Ufa oaell 11 Wl need K,fn Increase ON MONTANA. aaaamua aorta O f .taken o Ha been established A FEW RULES WHICH YOU SHOULD FOLLOW CLOSE IN ti ra M u aaa or buttnast. mm Kman I OM ta araatKaa 'Y I. three yeira anil ha splendid npportnnl ana ka mart in man or Judg IN ORDER TO THE BEST A rooms and sleeping norrb. beautiful ruina na aftar Raw lira Prefer rood biialnraa OBTAIN , Ill 1 far elaaamm ara at of his hrlrk Iningalnw. elegintly furnlahed. Own- arara t aaa kanar. mem lin ran devote least part aanaaa. Mat lata for tuna to in business. Address It tmXt. rara RESULTS POSSIBLE er, leaving city, will sacrifice for IIJOO. rinwa. I Make your ad tell the story. Mid Bldg. cana anttlial i.. it sm i aiima and childrcn' ttor. rlaas. residence district, beaiiitful riirnlttir. In thriving In He Amona town, on 2 State all advantages, conveniences, prospects, etc. Your uwn apartment and an Inrume of IK compe-tltlo- ISOO will swing rillroari. 170 miles rrnm El I'aao; nri -- per month, clsh arrraruwaa at tagal rata. i 3 clearly location of property, so purchasers Uwal ann will bear liri Investigation State the mpai-b- . tnr Inrnlrr 14 Marrh aalra lflno. room, on food business street, trail muí ad A; may find it. and nmoey only ' week'imat. par taak. pood rraaon for aallinf. Artdreaa W. WO. furnished maker; rent Oaaa fUt rala, per month; 1030 rash will swing. t' leaorrkn. f in eara Timan. s.m., paaaaaa aa 4 Give price and terms. 3 prr araark til taii or ahofi for ar.. Any offer lakrn. rmm nolel, with hni and cold run t f amnoatnrt of dharlaf (Jood Wailon Must 5 Display the ad sufficiently so as to attract attention. aler. heal, all outside room lomrt-- larn and plindlrt I.BFHil It BLAIR. 1440. nlng slram ar subject in rtlnxaaii arjii at imce. Mr. T. A. tarar. IIFI Phone beaiilirully rurnlslied nets tsou per montt rHi KSADINO MrTH'RSV I 4 iinlll ? 6 Advertise persistently. (3.000 monthly manar, aart. Inaertle. Apply nrortiiiia mill and from M.nnu. cash and ptynkents Para iaitfcaa at alxiva ad.li . - II raala. A careful study of the Want Pages will often times mean M. E. T0WNLEY, Ueara. aar llrra. ftaeti M EL I'AWI TIM or oe. TOR RAM. iiR I.KASK-T- pniprly of IB the saving of time 30t Met Ave. I'hone tOM iiinm Urn k and Tile .. located on the and money. Rani Estate Otj ftafmitf With BAILEY LAND CO. s in k milri nonti f Kl I'aao. TINES BRANCH wrn Jamei Coniiora, I'. U. Ml TM, Kl I'aao, Triaa. and use the Want Ads OFFICES IN M rAHT Ike Neal Metier 1 blng or levellne; to do; flees on paved rout tils mea Phone 505 Mas) Mxrnlna Tlarar Ireatmrajl baa made rraperled eut at FOR REPfT. ITIce only Mo per tere. Can cut up In mrr MM.ta bepalata druakarda. The Nrel 4 moni, bath, sleeping smaller Some terms can be bad on M Iran. Fnr tila mtk-il'n- l lia airara Tha Tima. lii'llliilr uf Kl Paaa (oae of Inalllnle) porch, on Brown si. The this. un- Phoae (Ml er 442. muat gD w ith the lease. R. C. BAILEY. Phone WMI. train -- laj Taaaa HI. Sell everything for SISO. at Mu II. I. lamMI Ihtki er monHi In beal city 3 CORN EH LOTS- W3. Ma. In particular and price Aiilonkv vmtliweat for Autos and Arceaaoriaa Apart menU For Rent For-- Furnidhed Room For Rent Two good building tile, lal Karl Ml aililruas - Co.. Aainn. lilgheai of Mr.. I' "', "" " "' boufl. psrt Altura lllatilan.l lirug Woe., instilan.) Par AMI. Ml'ST Of) owner leaving town. Make of Hol'SE AND FURNITURE kant El " trraa mmm, all Alnmerta Mi. far on good Maiwell runabout. Phone FOR MfJO. i ACRES in I ETA, K'ilearl Urna rslurr. Iltntleiaril ainl Flétame La Pax Mexican Rettaearant, TOIL I'oft nr.fT Tn permanrni couple, 3 room 4 rooms, bath and Urge wl'h iinrui house. For quirk porch. r araaaad at all furnlhed apartment, from and hark Kl'HNlSHKb monis, slimmer rale. IliM screened Btlanre lle. l.ri; term Kuirrpll n and adtanlsin BRONSO.VS ALTO ItKI'AIH SHOP now lo Mirehe. nice yard, private family. Phone Olive. ftMK) payable per month, M arreg upper valley, 30 rated 413 Myrtle. 4SH7. in a. (eboa. mis Includes all toe rurnl-tur- irres In slrira. ton ion MuOKItN riMim, cloe In, Phone silo, barn, smtll v All up NlCSXy I. n i rtment. sleeping MSi OFT A SMALL RANCH ON iMiose, on ptved Stlft Mil lUTKIts mak, from lio Special . road; Rrpalrlnit, rebuilding and kiippllea. Notlcea porch and bath adjoining, smith etpoi-III"- EASY PAYMENTS. pr acre; ta.issi rash, hslanin Male Help Wanted Typewriter Co.. 4M Mega. I'hone 7717 walking distance, no ilck. líH H. El TWO furnished room. 41 Myrtle. Phone Any site trtct vou wtni. 0 years at per cent for i;losc to town; 10 Irer cPnt quick sale. nit .l I. Hrminiion typewriter, vialhle, down and 3 tier renl per Trades Wr can match you. WE CAN FIX IT SHOP SMALL apartment, balh, sleeping porch, hot 1.AH0K, comfgrtable bedroom. 17 '. El .No t;onK. while man. Inilcl. Arizona. ) IflOntri. NO. Ilebulli Typewrttar Co., 40 Mi .a. um nth. Inlereat or Uses. Want assistant reil estáte iKiard Phone Í747. '.i mi game. Ill, snl table for ). BLISS ST. SITE FOR MB. salesman. u.ard anil room. Watlrr.a. UM 17 Myrtle. couple or husmea woman, at 711 v Santa i r.i ni'inlh. Iioard in rom. north from, walk. "SEE US." mat hnur. Monro. WHAT you to room, le. Phone I7. NICKLV furnisbcd front room. Phone 1746. rrrom. i oiiiblliatinti walireea-mal- hive trade for COM. CO.. anil . Key, tjick and Gun Work a Specialty. ew Mcl-o- atki MMk, beaiilirully furnUhed apartment borne? .. ttt-1- Trust Bldg. Phone 3014. iiiinliik ramp. Phone jooi Varaool covered and impaired, ).i nil Apartment Flneit tn 81 Paao; PL'HNlSHKn rooms. Court House Block. li.iar.t and room, i iiatid.-- m ml an. p. l.. porche HOME. room in. j. Sold and Hepalnd. uinmer rate; large sleeping iimrAlow Mriin., Hi. iii.inlh. iHHi.t and lies at Iteduced rn.es walking Distance WO W. Boulevard. 37 I Al l. A Ml MU Room and Board Offered nleted. right site, hnlli f.nipltiyinent. H nd priced right. Balance like I rem. m a l anclarn SI. "ii Ml I rila eleninp eauhllah in anile lrt Phone 717. tltO PER ACRE. me til. doinp priod bulne. I'hone 30U. of the prettiest rinches New American PI IINISHH) apartment ror rent. Apply to you have ever seen In the up- H. It. Steven or phone Kit STJSJNY CREST. per valley, and the ton ig hoi-h- Kitchen. IU3 ban Antonio St iwnriYKM' r.i.rAiiifj .Newly nandaomely itl.sTAUItA.NT jnd room for furoialkad, decorated Highland Park, above the smoke INSURANCE. lunch tale, clean booths for lames S rooms, S Man rook, rettaurant. city. Houclrl, cheap. A care Tlmea. private and grime. Sleeping pon tics to all We write all kind of car, stories, sleeping porch, Woman, cKik. city. Conapa 43, SAM wail Piupneior. moms and burglar Insurance modern, Mnniant SI., - lots, prlc city. titr. Ñ southern eiposure; running fire MgU .11 Kl I 111 I. - TWO room, kitchenette and bath: steam Imt and cold home cooking, and surety bonds. tteMt. uní. rde olicltor, rlty. mil leed ii. In. I'lionri LB O I Hi YOU it II water; 4lt. Ill heat. 711 .t. Slanlon. Georgette Apt. 110 a week. The most detlrable lo- WE AnK BIO RANCH HOi;8K. and comfort Uiat we gna otilara for chronic convalescents, t. room Fort Boulevard; rine lo- Ilrt and nervuua alimenta of men and women, cation In El Pato for SPECIALISTS. rotlite. .I Mill- - Hldf v MAin mu m. i. .i ,N. Hlantnii. SMALL, in. Hi furnished aparimeni. Hotel l.raduate nurse In attendance. Splen- ANDERSON-FILLE- cation, car line; MJuu. MOO down, balín. JM i.ome talk with ua; conaultallon trod, tirad-un- Lorkle. ph.. in- MM. monthly like rent. and nuraea In did view of the city. "SUPERIOR HOMES." physician trained Buckler Bids. Ph. 4l. Rooming Houaei Sale 8 call to 7; Sunday to u HU large room, with private bath. Phone cottage on Wyoming 13, Mm for ri n n St.: in Mini, si INSTITUTE ThTi It 1 bargain. Vt IIMMt IUhlM. ROOMING not si; Second floor Herald Itldg Kl I'aao, Teiai I BOOPM rMkl furniture (MO 3 in him apartment, private hath, riot In. b room corner on Hlo Grande m w ik.niture eacneuged ror olu; will buy Phone MIS west of nove wanted lili borne to rarry roule. itiKini fiuu iiirwn. see una H me Igtu. Dalla; MJO0; une third cash, balance t, Hon. O. Kt "..nil hand good. Pi. 3 r Apply Tune orrtci after 7 p, in. or before from P Item 140.. HnMK t I'llNI I'l lll. CO.. US N. and car. in. Ak for Mr. Mrltoti. pi h .in l ine transient l.AM HotMekeeping Roomi For CONVALESCENT HOME FOR TUBERCU- mil Montana, very well; lermi l.mn LOS I S High claaa accommodations, w orlck on Myrtle Ave., 37Vi WALL paper cleaned. ! per room and up. , ith ft.; iioiim- - .. iiieKi.n; rent &;i 7 Painting, paper hanging; flri claaa. rea- Rant hospital attention-- rates reasonable. Park I3.7H, (750 down, balance on lnus; timo. II It. in tu jum ii. .riii ii. leí i. in 'x, mo iOiioble. w Scott, 414 Mead Ave. and Frankrort sts. Fori Bliss car to door. Fine proposition for tome one In South- II lloiini -- un AttiOnk) St.; your for. Mn O.KK eommodloit, furnished houirkeplng PI MSI western 'hops. WA1Tt.lt Men in taara the ii.ii in trade. in. ..in Nice HHIe Income; terms... son room, i.l. al lorallon, racing San. Houston The world need more barbera than CTf It.. more, only 440 park; reasonable. Phone 5SH8. ROOnl and board wanted tn refined and con- 1' loll on Montana; 11,300. oilier tradenmen; few week quallfle; tool hooiun New, baths; Ierro W0 in at home by couple with baby; in inilndi'd; board If drired; wae while llo.illl - Huinr dutrlci: rent ittMi two TWO rin iiii.. i hotinekeeping rooms; lbjhl. S Address Wilson, care Times. 4. H. SMITH SONS, Iraimua. IHaianl applicant .rile Moler HiHiin PaahlonablH Iroaidlnp bouae 1,.'.50 writer Co., 40 Mira. and bath: llfi.so per month. Phone FOR SALE. Itarlier i'olleee. Ion worlli, Teiat. iiottni! 1. nine ui, only i.'i or call 1413 Triaa. Phone 4tl. too Taaaa sl U hK)itiA-Mc- nt only I40; term EASY TERMS. MINK, orftre. ameliee and all other rlaiae II liooin - ovely DUÓai prívale hatha t JM Hol'SKti REPINO room, sleeping irch. of help rurntsheil to employer Ulre u Rooiua Never on roirkel; M'ach sink, gas range, at the Martette, TOOS lite tfoa WA.NTKD , ua your order. i', i.. neni ann, worlli mili ii more aaa, Lace curtain lo waah W. Main. on Fast Missouri, 4 rooms nUblNES MMtVICE CO., Id lln.iiii. tine minea; rent 7& I .MM HI Y MAHV mu Mi lo .V A r.'i Milla Hide iiomti smi iiown; renl lllu t.SOO jwi sionion and bath brick houses; walks FEW OE TODAY'S BABGA1NÉ liootiift- - Hlnrk from P. i J.7U0 4 un e ii.; in Highland Park Mot Hie trade. lerni DLL) RI'OS made Phone 3WV V vri.li Mm. to !iain barber :.' H. ...tin All rials, new. up to dale. .. mm and rences; In every 6 rooms, modern, neir high gcbool. .. l. 's) ltarlM-- Colleire, world' areaieat. hous.'kpeiiing aulle, completely modern r. lev Tetan m no ni itniiiiiiiK wan e each mum. ms M. Mtl room, moden), lion aid 4,011 jrrca ...... by Durton, lauv Main St.. mini. Myrtle Ave. furnUhed luu? Montana, phone Mod. 5 rooms, .ai.n i. rent IV) pays 100 per cent 4.400 way; I3.SU0. Eight to telect new, orchard Park 1.50U Halla, Teiai. 30 Itoomt .in nl ii jii.i. in huuae; nne 4 rooms, pebble dtsii, Toptn addition S,7."n7 5 rooms, 1,601 :i 7 Incatloll; num. ii .' proflta.. 4,000 Personáis from. rrame. Oklahoma St hp. i'amiia niiM.li iniHt. .vrit A II it n ii room, close e.ouo salad, etc. our ape P K n modern, in Ubica, pie. cake. See M. 4 rooms good. Wyoudng St . Hl.l.MoNT IA1K, 4UI l.rpi"l. id.!. t uinl lU'imhle Healera, PERRY-KIR- PATRICK CO. 4Jli rlal fur bi.aklast. k 0 rooms, fine, Florence 9,90t Antonio. ii.- Mam M. ni... North or rustofrier WHITE HOUSE CAFE sn Former of NaUoas, Ma B. 8 rooms, up in dale. Montan 13,0o RpiCtAL loctUon inree 1 Highland ha ram BARIiAI.N. El Paao SI. Newly rurnisned, handsomely STEAM heated nns. anj board, lift Prospect. loin in Park 100 miiiiilaituier etrelleni 111)1 i rooms, II in rooms, 3 sleeping pun lies, all ror closn to Alia Vlsla school.. 3.MU llllnnlon proHiltlot for .n. in. rlllltlp decorated; apolle clean private booth Iwuse, on trade. Ii M. Urauford, üheldoii iiinekeepiiip pnod furniture; clns in. Indie. JIM HOY, Prop. not Ortnd Ave 709 leiall a - Stock For Sala tstagsn. pata I When vim ecc rooinlna hoiiae arivec- n.tiiii II jot - je 4,Joo call s Mini - i. nil LI.AIHOiA.NT AMU lois. East r'l I'lso RKKI. A PHILLIPS, Full S.'LE f ui ham milch cows. Jutt I good lots In Highland Park tu PALMIST can oy trtdc UNIQUE Phone 307 Nat. Hank Hldp. ii you iresu. siue, rrice fes apiece. Also uní 00 CAFE irt i. object of your visit without H. L. ior Matrti kkM nw la. Beit vltig word, nueces other springers, NO tplrre. call If you dn not rtml what vou want hem Open all il ticket brings in bualness, llubinson. Pilone .'.'..is or (nVM. meal in iiivmi. tut 6t . Anmnto at. peciilallim and love. Call Advance Hotel, call and we will show you other I.) san Antonio. OWNER WILL SACRJPICS largo Y. OHAY, l l.M'i iiii.ni i ii noiiritor. An in room brick In. in.', on 5 rull lots, touth-ea- l With K uer own hjn.imauHiiing, jtiwui reference you wain to buy or aell a rooming MAIiAM MMk plritul medium, clairvoy- corner, paved hardwood 11.1 m. in E Phone W. houae net! street, florin W. .ai4. rile Time. ant. Advice on business affairs, family 10 or iiiiiles ror tn every room, steam heating plant, large Cajt head 'or rent; tome sale homes 01 it .specialty." itucxroaD, troubles, love, etc. Mesa. I'hone 7077-- Box M. purines; cosi i...tsj. can ne nao. ior rs.jou KT one oí tho Willi June L. Marr k Cn. LET I S TALK IT OVER, l ife, 11H Ft lit SAI' iluiiitngluii lypewiiler, visible, trsi down, halante like renl. will buv this lieu I. MO. .Tun it Tyyewrlier i M Meaa. Pet Stock i dandy huue, reticcd and In good ' Loat and Found 747. limoe HSKPU. - mis i. ...in- F. ni Phone Mis. down. .si nionHllv. ii- -I A genuine Chihuahua for this kntiihi I. 'tupiar rbarm. iinengrived P I' R C A T II L IV and WANTED dor. Will PHONE laxativa purgative I. r housekeeping two Lpoon. pay good price for mall animal 104 Mon- tit. brick near Arlxuno and ctdlnn A,ve., rein meiliuui sue. in nun lo une utrice syrup, ror young and old. Drug stores, ttc. Hill riNima. south iaj deep, nl llewant. tana St. Phone mm. walks, riuui lot. reel cm II. .1 il kl KI'lMi ins 11 F .Missouri. tu M.4U). ii. lira) down, rm- LOST Tuesday, on Alamogordo road, auto ti muntiiH ihia beitittrul Hi rooms PL Poultry Eggs hull it near shops; s.'.ns. will buy II. lire and imi I'leaae return to WW N. it isFkEEI'LNil Ml nianinn. and 13 yitlir t'lMIICf lor ipiu s. action: V IV: i.OIMjlli. nlkia Iteward I.I.Fi l llli. massage '.'Utj San It. y , tieie Anlonio. iM. utfev N. uregoq BAHHED ROCKS Selected eggs, HE roorr modem home, walking distoncr, rih is. baicbtng or Two north -r t 50 Phone 4717 J. Uto Tblnk It! betiitirul side, on corner. MJftu. wou down, ii- liuiiih or k v on sunion near HI V MAHV JANF IIHFMI. HM N Mann, tor li. Arlsuna. building un Tularosa, on tj In i. un oriice Hotel ... sites m. .nihlt nuner must .11. ir you don Female Help Wanted Teta. li R. Furnished Room For Rant 01 AHA.N ptvlng. fISO down, 110 per val Il IKtU frrah eggl. delivered, rour get a some one cite will. For Rent Miacellaneoua 17 doxeu ti. I'hon TOIL month. A bargain. H.WVKI.NS BHDS Phone UKLIUMTEl'L ROOMS. W.9U0. SB. W A1MTI.- 0- l iielinh upeokln noinon for eo pin llewant I'hone tai keneral !. one wlllinr to my wlib s room bungalow. V lot. Will TAKE LOTS AS PART 1'AV.MENT on mulita; refereiirea ttqulred. Apply morn ot.l It lin BOARD. Poultry and Eggs south rrunt. hair block to car. . atory home in Sunset lit tain lupa. 14 Myrtle. For Sale Miacellaneoua Everything New. modern home; MM) cash. Hi Price r.OUO. Plat a For Your Car. RLAtlhi MINORIAS. month. , Houses For Rant WAM4.U--A- I oiiee. alrl lor penrral 'OR SAIL onyi aoda fountain. 3 drart HOTEL PAR M, RHODE . si t NO REUS. MM. mutt under aland I 1141111 vuu Mon- t lilies, very cheap for coh, or w ill eU to 17 Mtgornn Ave Phone 177. MAMMOTH BRONZE TVREEYS. Two adobe tots. 73ii40, on tana. good pat ly on palmenta. W. B. Miller, Hi Ten Kind Strawberry Plant Tularosa. Less Iban tota ar iruat lildg. HOTEL MFNOKH Now In charge or Mr. and We ar shipping every dty, and ran worth. PHONE Mr. J. W Hilltop. Large, well furnished please you. write ror catalogue and mat- Ml 30 U. Inll 5AI k I'tillllligloi pew net. iftitile. Fumiabed Houae For Rent ' room at reatonable weekly rale Ample ing Hat Rd Feather Farm, Portales. .V M close In red pressed brick HILLS STREET. Rebuilt lypcwtinr Co.. log Altaa modern bungtlo. . 3 t lota for tt.ouo ideal Johnny I.. C. Orvea. I'hone 731'. In II III .N liooiL in.. ,1.1 I Iiiiiis.i INDIAN Runner Ducks. White Legboru, cloe to high ml, terms. site. Rear Finn sl low In i.i and U'u rortilslicd. hair block White Wjandotte, Barred Rock anting Close-i- hume quickly. . tell CASSIDY 4 NEEL, fOP Mil Kefrlgftrator and firelet cook rn, in car line; :io park Brui Phone Due. eggs, phone ttxa-i- 9SjMS II Mills 81. PhtUM er. Call No. IV Braioa Apia, looming lilt. .1. .11 t.llliriiiriH, . lU.r III opiKJailC I room new bungalow, up Situation Mala square Ave Wanted AlninM houe, completely rurnlibed. 3 leetand II I'paon Phone III Financial 3 to tire minute, taray, t tot, leeplng porche I'pton. and Investment rrutl tree la broom; block lion by rloa combina til i Miiiil.v rurtnabed parlor bedroom to 4i WA.MIi. Pon firi WAN? or Alta Vtta acbooL Can Iton ..irice man. bnkkci'ier, lypetirlter, Lk A Ad i liaulleur nd you v ill m ullí inen or ladn employed; rala lo SEE US If you have mod note to tell or make any lelilí. leuorii oh r ui iitati weurily boud never lack for a Job. I rinaneni parlle. 131 N. nregon. want a loan on chattel mortgage or col- r Loan Aaeocia-tlon- . and h it neea, would (u to Mexico. lateral security unliable 4 rooms. 3Utblocks Alia Vista FOR LEASE M. II ' Tllliea. 01 Monigua. I. Hi PENT i to.'- ui. airy room, with run- 314 315 Bldg. W. ne Trust school, full lots, south front , Flue ning wiler; very reuouiiil. tit W. grass, Nica uuluinislMd aportmeoi ItlUITli.N in pra.rii.il refrlperallna nrtrl Iit.iiletard Pilone M4. tree, flower. in he Lamb lb, Lpon Ava. Money Loan little ironic modern In per, rapatile of laktna chara; of ...mbi Wanted si I CO. Hon lk city. v. SALt Safe, to Rant I AlHMoNT HOTEL, 81. WHITE PADEN REALTY Four large uailon ai. and lim.i ploni. year' FOR cull reglitrrr. deak and tH Su Antonio I'hone ISM. room, bath ait l prolarior. U0 K. Ovarían!. Nice clean room, iranelcui and parata. WE íaaka toan on chattel mortgage and all uuvune mm., inn woik rlmk WAN IF I) TO RENT-- A modern bungalow. dreal H. U ko Wl. nent. Pbaaa HSL collateral securities; also buy good no tea i lieap. 31 San runrtalnd or imliirmahed. amll Loan t mug k rllhr reliable, Iquiiabl Au'n. Trust CttAUPFRI It an. mrlianic wanu fiuily and ru furniab etery A RUE frou; rooui. clean, private, walking uoninui I bat property will hav Iho - with family, had 10 yean' t ip. n beat of ui lain e nM) week. Apply t lo t p. tn S Realty Co, print MAI no -- r- -4 Salas eatca.ln Men... il firal claai reference LUR r. Player piano, baigaln. Ph. &4I4 rare: auk Addrea lliiasr'll. car Tlmea. il E. Miaoourl Aucttonear B. Fbou 17. m Mas. 4477. oar Timea WANTED- - 4 hi MMii Jank blii.AH ni N Plantón 3 or room rurtnabed pn i t ii Mailt l room. 3 blocks rruen postor-rite- W A. WILLIAM). un Willi all WANTKl) pool Hon by spanlah I mili, h nl II., hilt ttilireuieuiea. clone tippoalte tu library, talca reaaou Auction Sale and r.oiuudsaiun Broker . lit ap 4TMI ftp ok tli iH'1.1 I year. Mil PhniM W in Stale price and rucatlou. Audlraa able. Phone 7047 ffic Entrañe) tu Capta bldg. clerk. l. S ata, car Times. aalary no objeii, inui work. Addrco Ml I Mil everything at sucOou or prívala aal tana, a. ouiplM.il FtrH HINT luniiahrd room, with board, Office P boo tan, HeUdenre. kU) W pin St.. half of ear Wanted to Buy MiUanaous U WAN f ED By per maneo I couple, small 114 btork oppoalie library, w. Franklin. Pfcuue line. 4 room bungalow ; houa. rlo la. luraiatwd or uururuohed MfZ J. S. LHOZIER, aemi M0 Ptroue 374. crdi. balance very eay. AueUouexar. SEJSB, INDA N low N to., it, tboroughly , Tut RK i.i and. bank bid Close in buslneaa en tail, rtaaftna for till A I une want nl uta bring tu noppi in. l. HNSI per antrotb Pays A, par cant ua pu.ch. a)av It will av )tru doliqra. ALEX- 1. A I A. um- - larnaa. kxprlucd Aucuoas tenua. Apartment For Rant Un-- ten Nat. Bank Bkig JAS- - J. WATTS. liiiiM To 14 rirst M.710- - Titmi Wanted F Farhange MfarallaBiiB Bungolnw. win, tf aleepins ami 9 mía. 1 nue rooms MK1UCAN IOR AAl.i; OR klCMA.NOK Housed For Sala yousf lady. IMorap4ir au.i mt overland FOR IJiaj jt.wn and ill IrajMlalor. teara Mrin-- n w, rw, . in RENT. dalra pntttwj ttittj ,v. New modern, bra., i, tut i.aruaao krvari tots. Mi NEW room bungtlow. wtib mm Bl SlNLiS pfltiPt II TT IH.aluou iu ri rano or uoruM-11- atrait., Iiiiii1uw oi well fcrraled tola PlrolM down will Inn Ihi room house cntpa Pknaia Aparca men a. on bunari H' lgkla. corner Moetatu in porch, on Aliur nouirvirti t rm st juat below tnerUnd, aaMraaa 4 I AHi.L. airy ruuina autl aWeplug prrrc ror WJMu thai coal uwucr 13 .tuu, do Maucwrrre.Lily 'n an.l pesMprcr large, airy. Ugrbi rooms: Houhlln HriglM W i, itie ant is and urtrk tour chance tn ii. ,!.... In Uron. inuiü Itaih wnii Mad also garage lui Montana pp. ash and balaurtt Ilk rent oiuioi lake les down at this price uargain aa uatvat mtai toa nioery hwwtr arrvauu' ejuarler. laimdry. g K. E POND, jmm, aAa to usuiue. vuica at Ipicial age. a tat aid .elrlgetalor Will be SM N. slanlon strnat. T Ell'FHT lUoiirulub. repair work dcak M i.tinpleiasi b day i". atuve until office non IMt. Mea Pbuu Nw bAingatow. with heating plant, ysHii own iidriu. m ta hour, ya ton taw ldeiu apol irueul. lot. uuilav which U reel deeper It.. 1. Anrer youi lifted eara r paired andr.iaMild on Vol Nti man to abare room and porch, no EDM NOB bu. man uroai lota Fittest kind or plae linn IMU N. Pbuue rt aalnaioo Ual join cra wnti ua lot quuk sick oraron. For qui. k will lake a ncaad ror in. ken- and In beat pari at will iHMit .. i.i. 1. ckn i ouuiry club ua, tu st'O i.n.rtr Willi .i.rpUi pt.lrli. tin Ford and ta caah. PBntkt HBJ. duiricL Tersa can lire luiproiet propeny. n in, 11, Mr. Pboe . he aaftd very anty. 111 34 met ronabM II 5 me of the handaoiurai hoana in ike W as II I. ru rsMH a t pa erogar u.urlu Real kaldta heal block un k Rro oraod 1 rum car. ka guud rjtuliuiii. I .i uf sleeping poc.n tu NEWMAN INVESTMENT Uar pn.ola beds tac.' S. Oregon St. bnall feaiur. a I s. ti BaT aun j larrlul ilruiug ul ua ul loll ill j ruoiiia, bath lt. piug purrb beaai c.iiktdl only Mas cank. PHi.Nl U6 gtaaiaaujaai Otvr full rllt ultra m fir4tr hM watei built la featurtra. janitor arrv COMPANY rasnty N ita. car Tuu 1. . w olkm diatan. oruliu Apwiaaani B A POND Phua Mt MS San Auiunio. AN IDkAl HOME IN In it Kit NM k NT Hil l. SM aTSMSBua Sirnei g aouih m , loe relian. j rrunt cunart lui. a. Ie p. ao . aaaaair II is nt b.04.. u t.oun rlrcig. icuad larftr PBoa tats. Boa. I'Bun tot i...- -- ul k0 I norrh. ri. lieiilllul m llg rd rnea BBS atase. woraial Hmwa Vaadtng I kHFl APARtMl M 1441 nal M bar tasa) dumst. u.4ilh7i pt UM tan Praaariaeu Puoaa SM. train, FOB AALE Bg V rana t aaaliilaar fit St Pour ruuiaia and not it nal MoWfcl-- l Hrl.tll) ... a) tie .,1 tlUlg aatt ka raiUaaaal water. fwrMataad. If aknalt Fl r bungatuw. juat co nap tr teal hetMng S.A.R. l Misr is. a Ptrun suiaaaxi aa ieeiMi purra kl INKS) arrupw-tj- M a pclsa wlib to. kit 3U. M HI a Vaaat Ad cvtufakv ajad yod win ou will nan war you ar lures. hkek. All Vlua lark lur a iv. an tk CUotUMd paa Ihi.NI i'i IU l aaar, ti PASO MORNING TIMES sassTssssssaawasws aa Re-- M . taaaa Wasfjeaja M DtlBtyj a! IWtJllBaaa Ltanl ri,7irs1smisBMssfirsartTnrjajir "sf js THE GRAIN MARKET

1 Paso del Nortn I moL AT $33 VsisaVi CKatrst rare 1. . K nana. we buy and sell tbe sAsnra svaok H Mtti T. W Brown. W. batfjH at all tlroee Bat your otifBbeEH Bennar. ssac Wall tasuraa With aa. Mi Vlrrtna atr 1. Pari fir if toa AirlmM Pveva a'tTBowa Southern Hallway bteego April i WW" rieaj'd lower m 01. nsswsnt bmsm aeo opvwr . . v hi nwaijpi ue 01 rniarsvn a H H MtsBw tne outlook ror peae I Stncka and BettBs. iirtss a- ta I neon Pacific re wMt money. No. -t Tyt street, s were unsettled at aih. t Ma AMSatavtJiajL ...... teat nlpht corn lost a Tffl fraii tad BsSaieiTai-- Mitoci ttHm, ti U 'M&fZ r li" XI sees bteet itieanih to He net. oatu fsirs. up ve lle) It ton. vn M mum fndjraa. charttwd to tac ssajr ana provisions nine C or & I IMsJUr - s rain to trade NT DToDWtt: tred- nreMslns JMflái Mott of the active traders in wheat lucheaan ana a. etem nws leaned to hair side from the start, but m toi loo tea iingnrose astwii rsrtwrwd vrtefely en ralbes and showao e.vn k. tetMM; heavy, talayas,, b staat El Bean fire tuu.u. Total sanee tfch day. een.Aivi .hsrr. iderahie anxiety aa to a renewal of crop irt rrtna ine totx winter wneat Market firm Sa or many circumstance western steers, though mdlrafbT a possible spessdy end nf ,1B. New Verb Metal. hosuliues, romted the ilomlnallng Inrliicnce beeo Aeeelnla! Market atrettg. throughout the session snd pre vented up Sheep. n.eldBsb; iota. ITS. Sauidere. ÍTsSÍ Bs the tenti hecomtna or s natur Mhrly lo m tnball aeaoetaie hidaea. TteW TorB. Aaen Tba strong and noml m, it loursge the built. Aheenrr or mu Ksasae CttS UeeMatB. tea Isavaace. than the 552; l b oarassa rear of iM B. nal a ton lots. MB bid etpuri inquiry was one of nte elements bbsmsj Harper preatdlBf cooper nrm; electrolytic. IsMsSaa snail net be Ustbed. but on- tba eon- - rara. Ma b a weft hi to peace talk. Michigan. i:HT. April Rcei ipu. r was, J, CbereM. a vf. srneron and Indiana. sou Missouri ware the - H'tt tlKrir the nreoostuen far the ltuaoeiJ?ap 'staasly at tttAMi Illinois Mtrftel higher. Rntk. MTSa6.M: lively sus- - u (h aaaoeltta lodges. L.f at t wheat menHond as still having s s.ii INVESTIA A TE said bonds rasper shall be Mt ram fire sta-- nominal. atalas besvy, MTtaPSSt . pigs, tatamto. a Preetoai No. inaatsr handicap front the etren,o dry weather or tjjin. steady. tcret. ItlO par aere; M acres tima wnh UM city CWTK 9Vmm WMwrmM l aiJ.x.. VI niajurnj M wi iron steed r and unchanged or Market w now. M vV Brown! ine enure month Msren Prime fed steers. M.llttM to; wet tern HMjnom AlarM, Arcblbak Dortnan sad J. M i on, ion Kerty go sal p thai rtlns had bean or great sr 8po 1. ta Ad: futures. DI ITs Steers. M.TMai5; rtlves. Hlt. be Issued nt henent was declared later to have not been 'LOW Msrkei higher. reemet onvaar Missouri confirmed excopt as to Kansas and Ne il pond for your ducks: DOtMe Adams, pre-(- ; Lambs. ta.t0li).a0; yearUnga, M tosMtJL MeiteS THEREFORE. It be and Broern atraéis. CVaiberne t.e tfrW; brash. Notices came of some spring iip under E. p. dun: located that an alertum ta all thlrura tMUor iudg. Vt: W. Roee, O. A. rrHehatt Tin Si. SMB. or nn i futuras wheel seeding northwest, but activity BANB4BCfTY PMOOICB. road lateral MA law ww na new si taw 8rietuir7 Ibis character baa not been looked upon as near La Mats. Hut- baratan requires In each and all o- AnUrnony, sbbbW icialeel Persa and '.WbSreeTH- likely to bo general for more than a weak City, eggs and tt.roo cash, wftn balance to ran. UMtrwir tas Tueadav. the llth wooao, . yet. ksnss í.Bitttef. nr poultry une oonars asssn mm May. A P IW. for tbe purpoM or sun rcSruSTS Corn showed a good deal of weakness at "ri "z!2r JZJif to ta mannea NEWMAN INVESTMENT .'ÍL"W.,;',Crr. arimtnf tba payiat voters V ihr AsseeUteel frees Untes, largely as a result of Mm setbacks keep your eyes open for The Tiroes W1 New York, April Pepee. rw surrered by wheal, no the other hand, Rotary a COMPANY jssaa Kwi ta toftTv " viraviras ears Virginia aborts evinced a disposition to cover Edition, ft win be hummer and said left of great value to El Paso. Phone NO. 100 San Aatonto Si. sad tbnrebv enabllae "VSfivlOMr iw unaptly on all toft spots In the market rroeerlr tax ravins vetara n n Mexican dollars. 98e. Cash demand here nevertoetaM appeared w5 budiaie tba aetlon or tba city oouncU In steady. alow. wfef?$zft No. M Nortn Bsnsas street. oovarnnwnt bonds tsWeratB toa issuance of Mid banda. Tba inet Provisions rase to response to an advance polls snail be P seed aad the election held in the hog market There wag said also to Mayor of toa Citf of BTfaeo, Tmss, n. tba several vottns orecutcts. as follows be an m.proved call ror lard, EL P ASO CATTLE DEALERS FOR BALL Fine ranch In A reclnct No. I. Oreer't stablet. lit Wnt No. Broa., N. Ore- - hams snd bacon Overlsnd C. hulfer. prrsldlna eft losing were follows: 5,000 heed of graded cam. UTTtn7an,dWrao;.M?r. street, W. t. . WtBlsssM nNtaeSnt Juclrei quotations ta AND COMMISSION FIRMS. ana 1, a nsotrer, uus a. uwn, T. $L II. Rreaenbrow Jul Thee Wheat May, II J; July. SIM. J. 8. CROItEH, Brte. Corn-M- fritac; July. TSUe. Second'" HARRY L. Boetaa 701 8 Hid Or and Bank Bldg. inet 'n" rtSt street. -- Paso Oes company, ICorrected bally.) . noSlNSON Oemral .attta Pork-M- llT.lV. July'. PVorve MM. 0. W. Emerson, presiding jadte ana jeeua Bar silver (Handy k Harmon quotation) JltV Lobby of Uotel 8 le'doa. Blanaea. W. W. aick, John rore. as as luSAc. Lard -- May, I10.lt: July, 10.. .eperauon liter ve- - Ribs May, July. tto.M. Real Estate F and non vrtüTiiae of. . such elate Judges. . schsffer sad Was. L. Bberneld. associate I caadon lead; tit; 10. 3 l anrrsi rire mauon. menses. Pit lead. It 90 Ranches orestdiar ludae and C. P. Brett Precinct No. err Sillas 00 copper wire bars. U.W. UVkssTTTSUr. stAJrJfstTB. ala. Louis lean, at associate saeta and Santa fa streata. M. B Ind-tS- Llveateek. EAT AT O aera on Norm Leo nreslrtlnsr htdae: Oeorse Bllsh. ta Ml rart Worth t-- tio south vi rrfctla street. rhye ha Mm tMasssu arara ta isa rime Tba Newest sad Beat Reataiiraat on or to me person (Quotations From Mexican American i April Hogs- - Re- - Prank Progs. nlnwadi an oar acre. to aceaunt lojeny . H Austin, presiding hidra and C. N. Company.) Fort Worth. Tetxs. i. Pey aad Bob Gang. or Vnpffa olany person or by T. Trading cetpts. 1.000. Market to 10c biabar. torteas issett. Jemes X. Brown, C. W Chrtsihry, out precincts are hereby authorised and and Bank of Lcsndon bills. UVtc i (01 N siree assttclate empowered 10 select two or more clerks top. MM: bulk. Quality Stanton ladres a ntaw an lia ranerati, tve. tfecon.mon CI ICC nWUB Baa, Phone mm. Eratistsw no. s sio rays aireen. 1. n. each of tbe Mid prerlneta. VU. . currency. Te Club House Cafe P. 0. Aederete, Is Bereby that this notice of Cania Recelóla. I .too. Including ffoo Adsms. nresldma ludae sad ft directed Mr, teen sHver pesos. Me Beef toe top, Manuel Escajeda. Ben Esc ajela, as associate election shall be published in tbe omci dollsi calves. steers higher; II; Want tytWy Mexican silver hair bulk. M.ioejW.01. rows IOc higher: lop M Eff Judges. newananasr of Iba ettsr of El Paao. and New eagles, Tc. : eorav ssf ibis notice alectvon shall be ; nuts, Htirert tec o buy a 4 or room modern wave m ms rrecinci rto. o i.ivy usu. j. m '1.vveaas true of Oto eagles. aej,c. Hitw. would like t therein. Snail ine rnrni tun M. postee) up rfl&ty days .next preeed'ng at honra, MOB or moo oown ana ormcjDai as iresidinr Judge and t. w. ArdotB. for about oai to toln with such p. f Calves steady: lop, MM; bulk. net about $30 per month L. S. II.. care snts the auretie upon such pond, sucn ledrorn, a. "ST CfaclaaajU Trtota DetrotL iisnJa.Tr.. Stoeker steers strong: inn. a Precutr.l No. 'Kldmacog bond shall contlnoe as a anbalstwr, Bw A asocia fed Jreae MM; bulk, MtofjM.Tii. cows nave mu Texas C. H. the arorassld election precincts, the stoeker OPEN ALL NIGHT until it shall been street in sllmonr whereof I bare hereunto aat t'lnrinnsit, April a inn cinnmnaii na- strong tt IBtM; heifers, taarr so, ctlret. MM 81 in no event the surety aad vrneanje jtr game BQ. Prescript lona miad and delivered e Rett! Estate naoaUd, but more my ntnta. tut ittR oajr or asroa. a. d. tionals took Its rmal rrom lbs Detroit 7. or aurs ties thereon be for tne assu or toe city Americans here today. Sheep Receipts, 600. Spring Ismbs sap timer day or night amount or suen nd. SDonld nte (an- - tain, and cat iaea at u at than toe , par d br the seel of tbe city clerk Brora: r. h. e. note Mail Orders JTfllad PrompUy. such Dono oe wnony mt ted. or lacent , of fa Paso, to be affixed tba Detrah S T I r0U,V?k.n..?ap,Saoto same sn1ard.'St-strom- same aa paao. 4 I Cblnage Lives took. trade for B: O. as Judges. date a Taxes. cinclnnttt II A. E. RYAN & CO. Paso real estate. Would prefer roadster unit nar. stsoclste Beaft Salteries Boehler. Mrkee and Baker: By the Asm eta ted Prest tnr ths tirlnrlnsl therein to continue to no- - v a,, amo. you 7 box ios, wiucox. ici vareara rear ui iw Mayor Pro tern, of 0 City of EI Paso. Benton. Dala and oonxaiex. Chicago. April 8. Moga Receipts, is. PrufBjlata wiitt bare operate any motot bus fit motor. buMM rrl. John - M. Hefner. . nrestdtar Arli. alleys public placea Texas. ubon iba Itreeta. or snd A. h. Anderson, n. r, Anaeraen Attest: W. BABBITT. City Clerk. flood Irrlration of tbe Cffy of El W. Bauerr aa assocute Judge a a land For naming House filed land In Mimbres valley for exchange roe. have nral Precinct No. it Ml bland nark fire ata BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council or tbe or tbe City a new nono m s use tloñ- B. Blscnof. presldlnr Judge and or 1. That 4 looming or. apartment houae fornitura aa the oriental bond and in like maa- - -J City El Pato, fexai: Section the real ciiate. Box 874. Demuif N. M Wyetb Doake. C. W. Bteu, W i. Bule, ai section t of an ordinance passed and ap- EL PASO BUSINESS HOUSES FROM TO Z conditioned si d approved. A Sa tiaStfl aaselate Judges. proved the SM day or Marrh. A. u. tats, 7nee ran. lt The word "MMia sta- nCR or I room house wanted, persona, Precinct No. II Southeast comer Mis creating a district m which service as d 1hall Include R. B. gasoline BTJBT 8JBJJEJCT faTJCTAJU nrat tiavmeni M aerea nrms,Uesila ut annri and Urn atrae!. Thorbaton tions and aub stations and serrhw AOtxuiAJvia. fttting PltXlDOCrra. near ; II ,000. Louts or uaoctaiiuus W L. should per- Denude value sons and Josni k campeóles. vf presldmg judae and. Dr. 8. T. Turner. stations for autotnoblies be m Herald Bldg. Phone asTf. sacuon la lt sfaafl be unlawful eajMs, o. c. catea, aa saeoctaM mitted, ami pmhlbirtng the use of public THURSTON AUDIT CO. Phone tat J. A. KERN, .lnoo San Antonio, keys fitted. WHOLESALE and retail. Tanka. culverta, no. ess mi treets aneyt ror repairing ana won- - It-- City National Bank Bldg. Phone irritation pipe, silos, etc Ask for catalog. or v ney drive or operate nr cause to be precinct it ucusvi sad tockt repaired. tsie Mfg. Co. LOTS in Morning Bide Helghta any upon automobiles ana outer venjeies. HUlt. Button ft White Phone um. T. eeW. driven or operated, rtnr land tor bouse. AdOrew any same is nen Bl.KCtN 1 ILK AUKNC1KM. or alons street or oilier duoho ina esction ALUL 311th! METAL WuHBS tienarsl Time. there ta ta farce and afreet a valid it&tfrear?. r said anota or all Unas, unless V . and Machina, Mills Bldg metal contractors license as preKrinea in thta ordinance for jTecinct no. is ssesa tire nun, "JMetton i that all service stations URROUOH8 Addlus M LOCAL MERCANTILE AOENCY. reías St. 1'boue Msa m. and raso une service siauoos Reports and ratings of Individuals, collec- tba ooa ration of aueb motor bus. lrglnts and Rio orsnoe. n. uornwau BL (b) to drive or operate any mofar hot realdlnr ludan and Oao. BeatKtatte. A. W ilea or otoer vehicles la the u ALTON Adding Machines. Ml Milla tions. Members of the .National Association BTtMAAtsE WABJsssOUketoT If TUb la Your Birthday. upon 01 along any srreei or public placa sao. Tetas, for supplying auto of Mercantile Agencies. wunoui navins in! No CT5ÓÍ' NMlTunaae'straVi.' or other vehicles with gasoline ADVERTISIN. HARRY PATEMAN, Mgr.. BEST equlipsd in southweat; most a- - ital-bl- mm la. lneatad wltmn unr or me I o IIaw tot 888 Herald Bldg. phone for rates, our wagon will MAiuNO Luts- Trust Bltto- - prions street, a si an' or SSSSSsBaW III, -i ippman's. m call. El Paso storage Warehouse, Uu itaatinatlon and .am. "(a) on street between Campbell MOVTMtj, txti. 40 8. Santa Fa BL bsUOClSIfél JUtlaTwssv. anil tam north side of Myrtle avenue M0VIN0! Moving! Cab Odom'a Co. M. U 8TCWAH1 FURNITURE, nsyrer step-t-o consort tbe tbe TTtntfer hnenor. bmther motor bus unless tba sama shall Oroff, H. Dudley, CamnbeH and Stanton streets. ROFl'S B. DANIEL, LAWYER WE buy, sell and tiore. pack, ship and d aires 01 one 10 wuuui v judge and Chas De city of El Paao Phona Bts-- move ine plato view, so as to be easily Heller aseoclate Judges. In thai norilon of the Mills Building. MUBICAJU Dusebold roods. xrñerous oeranna the street, the nam ss of San francisco street tod west of 8. Stanton They seam to it ranted that uhid precinct No. te-- TJ Paso Osa Company, 1 H take for pre- Fe street, uve snd except on west S6 month. iheaa people are grins r. to like what they SSfTb.0 m N. Oregon street 8. t. Frudenthal, WALTER DAVIS Piano teacher; BtsraT swntlonad itorage warehouse In UM If tbey siding Judge R. N. Davit. Clarence B. Volea, la. Phone sen. It!- Inw like and r very much Incensed bwKcTrleast four mcbes In belrhl. "F- and "Id) dp Mills 1 HEPRE3ENTIN0 strength, servlc southwest; track farut Inaiirinrt rind iney nave a cnoice 10 .MT Dlxson, Sam Rosenwastcr. M saabetala City Co. pnona 800. atrrereni in (d) To ran upon tea streets, aireys !lr Camtshen slresnaV faction. CorotnerciaTNtt. Bans I N Corrington. violinist. Buckler B , M ratea. Transrar mailer ubbc puces in tbe City of El Paao any Section i. Thta ordinance shall take effect paso riila person' Impulse will lead hint motor bus PretlBtct No. IT at Co., cornai rrom snd after Ha passage, approval and BHOKEna NEW And HEOOMD HAND CLOTMBM el TRUNk factory ftew either ta the highest things or the spirit down aad .sr'talSter Main slid Santa Fe streets M. R Dlnan. publication MfSst location: pottttvel lowest me depths or dissipation, S prealding Judge Lee H. ornderff, V rates Phone toki. or lowest uta urna ta anal lb a nsht or ntnta snd Pasead and approved this 1st day of April, M. A. HORCA8ITAB City raU tstate, OBT the value ror your second-han- üenerelly speaking, however, these peo- - IV Wm. Melsel, as asaoeJate JOSE full times Anttieas. A. ftnrlE C. B. BELLY. Mayor. good noUtet, stexieso proouce. opotin- - goods. Ph.au. Tk. Cbornln, 888 8. El Paao. seals of said 2f- - Attest: C. W. PA8SETT. City Clerk. tlea Botnt and corn. MO First Nat. Bank 10 suatatu mm 8TOVF. ine voters oestrus invror Bldg- - Phona stop. NEW AND SBX ONU HAND GOODS SEPAIRlNtv New parts made snd tores. Section it. Any parson who attau jnolkta osition to Issue bond for tbe purpoM NOTICK. carried for all makes of stoves. L. J. 1 he blrthetone is a diamond. statu open many ave ay provision of this ordinance be AlTp Peeler, with D. ft M. Iron Works, corner t. The Wan Ads will aew or B J PlUsV BUILDKRB XlfmaCTIXB to greater opportunity. a. Pumshre and Florence Sis. Phona 31. nip's mihRr school bulMlnaa and nerManan' "IjSre tbe latter swung ms rawest to (aMo.nu) to nubile school buildings EMKRSUn HARE, general ooo tractor and STOVES taken down, not etceeuint two hundred dollars tirnremrnts Jobbing, plana PAINTLMO AND PAPEJUNG. rurnlture repaired. M Section M. tny. peraotl nouiM a ncensa the city or El Pane. Texts, shall bare upon nanli'ol" builder- and estimates house oo Id aoods Decked by E. M Lonas. Lasjal Nottoae btiamaa mdwnini ifutby Phone 8887. to operate a their bailóla substsntlally the following ana outwu Y ELTON PAINT CO., SM ft. Btanlon. p. tBO. MB Myrtle Ave. with urn. Exc. or Paao lira v, mw BE IT ObDAUSO BY TTJJB ClTT CVUnUL at word! tC,ll Paso, Texas, baa been, br mutual CAJBJkNTatRB. CITY OF EL PABU. afreet, may si PROPOSITION TO ISSUE BONDS consent, dissolved. PAtBUNG. SPANISH UCtawONM OF THE thereunoo be "UPON tot 1 ho nerson shall drive rrSStorl THE PURPOSE OP PaOTTOlNO PUNDB All sucounu due and owing firm win McCOLLOUOa aad t.Minx nut value of the unaxpired portion thereout puRCMAjicr Pumphw R. 0. tsTMsbt OOODB packed by Oelger belt tbe globe. CONVERSA non AL method. PiJtnorc college. ropei an auwtBDOua tor sura ur rot city ipuc: jctwotr tsasTE.4. Jobbing, out Taxis. Pbo a ITII. Transfer, storage, repairing Ph. us as hereinafter defined upon or eto&B 'd UILD1S0 SITES ANDCONBTRl'CTINO PUkfpHRgY, SPANISH lessons. Poo no MHW. SiatOOL Bl'ILDINOS ND PEXMA- - H. MssUVafjRr sob woesatnae in aatomobile aueo si is ftlBLIC rA. BITTICJL CAtU'aCT it W. PH VH1CIAM AND SURGEON TAN Kr.i .1 th. lima thl. nrillKUM ibis. St. becomes ' effective under a public tuio-- l Aora i, Dli SANO WELLBORN. Phone MM. hsuffeui-- cerufl DR. PREEDMAM. ta Mills Bldg. Ph. 107. That when this ordinance roes "TOR lf)ANCrOF BOROS" fcBIMA PAU8TTUICS. section com- WOMM CVtUCD. into eflecL iba Major shall appoint a may surrender such public automobile R-- And those opposed to tba issuance of bonds runds for pur- - OL'NTON'S STUDIO. 8 Lucerne Apia. P. too TayttoMkigaLZ . and shall be entitled to for the purpose of arovidlna THE STOCK MARKET oo for say tw complicated case of tbe value of Ws una. it reward Paao, one or CUAlKVOYAIsT Of pues we IUJ w cuic wiiwui anna, McLELi AM BROS. Phono HP. 808 Frisca. city of El and rated aecordiot to time ligatura, cautery or carbolic addh tujee-- possess skill to retry- - Hartion it H Decirte enutaaratlon of free. Texas TMANSJIUATOaasv. uf automobiles. lationa ha rain shall In no manner rauave CLAIRVOYANT readings Its INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS, be known, as the rrom Strean. Miiflrri such Motor busses herein mentioned Corner Texas and Mean. El Paao. Tax. cnaur M ' section 8. Any person oestimg a XoXXm toBDE BONDS 'WsUklisCI AMP PltJCtMtlJItA. PLUMBlCKa. rrur'a certificate FawviDiNU rurrue iiitcatl EnlSrathfíwTr or ctoltaw to pretj. Onto to PÜHCHAJIINrr CITY. PVBUC .BCJBOOL SRI NO US tour CASH save money oo your plumb- FOB canu a sun. Moreheed, toa Tallar, asi PAY and b urLDINO SITES ANU CUriST lUViTtrtu Bp jtsMOtatsd Prase a ing work. All work guaranteed, phone ta N. JREOON. Louie. Prop'r. Phone fee said rv SCHOOL AND lAe uregon at. ntnta saw. M the of such applica-- t PI1RI.IC BUILDING New York. April 8. Manipulation in r toar El Paso Plumbing Co., south tan dare after 'Hint PtaMAN ENf ItfPROVEafENTB TO PUBLIC V lYi-- i tion am tba oayisM BBflsWt i of use iKWMwnvm CULVICMTB lrglnts vrKiTtJa. BUILOINOB f) CITY OP EL JMMBK SCH'ioL company, long a feature of the stork mar by and usa PASO. TEEAS." lodsy m a TYPEWRITERS absolutely rebuilt ralnancM of the of El I'aao ufcoW'wUUarnS2lretsuv to vein oes ana Bet, reached its rllmst uiscluuuca. supplies for all nielas of laws of Use suata or various erdtaeneea AÜAJNST 1MUANQMP BONDS." Iaa nf vtalastt movtmeiitis. wnico nXr."r.c Xto. aowmessuea m seoerai. aaest shall sGabl) OUT Trota his machine Rebuilt typewriter Co.. ato Mtea, IK volar Uta sharet up to 117 rrom Us opening price BUSINES- S- I lurnbtns guaranteed. ba action ta. The holding nr adjudication béuol the words, Issuance of bonds" sarin waa orderly, hut trícales shall reouireo or "for of MV Tne rise AlKAJJ CA1TML Walter V. Ervln, too 8. siadion. Phone tST. to show, itpoe sues sxamtntnon. a of any seattop or sobdlv jtptj "Aralnst issuance of bonde," acconllng TYPEWRITER AND i.MtÜ 1ÜHÍV Al. 110,1 rssdlnaaea be lavs anati Star. or knowledge or such or aman cas mduwa .if tba lo M be desires to vole or against Has Mid before mradsy xwl par soon PLUMBERS, 808 TexM. Btotoe I Oak. AH makes sold, and Brack) nns affWttbai vaBdTt Of SB Ott! r section corded ULL OROWR least oallta, boesas nd mu ei ranled ranalred. lit siifriuiul to warraat a .of in the nnal away fttatT fsboW 74. taataedlaisly Work luaranteed Mills St. Pb. ss.' Ageut Corona typewrtla i ana or of s section, but all outer PtLpoñ of 100 bauied riva per cent, ana sub division anau the saeertolnment the uf ble ability sections or eWttm, action of I to 8 points to N. piutahiá? Pboaa Mp. you are trata m .rre, aani the of lupsjM Dst.NTUrTB- - i. Nations, tou will nmi what motor vehicle through ma be aad rataabt full tell IP ordering ma tss detTlnod to IM. recovered u tbe Clasatried paga. flerttan if. All ordl Iarta aa frn:y"?i BUSH PLuNnlMO CO. nous or rdluanea afore to tie Bad closed St tot Us maximum rise Bhtg I0TS Atétala. ordinancea M coafUet with ardhtane be or gain DB A- - BURTON. Mt Mills Phone lty rapeatea to rstirtsd and Its net int. PLBLIC TENUVBAp5Sb saH.y.i.BiffTTytf, i. to toe reault or sato aegregaiad ei.usj abares, or Slur as. ordinance ror ttufcli tof First Nattodai bank atoa 11 Paao uassu aud approved itei nninsr if ,jertton, sod ia be s shall he batted or about ear Dent- Tbe reas.tt the dept. Bus DR B. A. HIO01NB aad wben sajea tten snaii wava and sis further it ware larking In of PUBLIC srsatUiBtaplier prsugbpn's Oregon Hospital for horses iku. tttw islas II This orellaanca shall be Ta not Issued si ana be determined by the prtanrjttitoai Mtl'tMltt toasa couege, ato rntst stag. iba'saM i Terca cost arrecí rrom ant) after April Mr Md eleeooo. fcr - HIT iim rSaííSM red beer shall herevy name tod apnotot the offlceri '"bcieirwwr.- J C. ITAN8KL ft BON DETECTIVE AUENCY. UB flBAT NAT. BANK BLDO. PnMM T RiiowN. vstertnarv. rhone at Uta of attorntVs. uttal :ur boissa. too Tatas. I'hon nt and Mvroved Wis tai day M trunca tnova to Ike tow 1008 issues same eori ati We toliclt aalronegt faur'a cstrUflcat! Passed Tola! satas, par value. MMAou. eorporttloni or individuals in any eisss or JJUtPAIH bJIOIto uncltsnged or m MAiatti peone 117. oetoBtoet B. AaMale, I " BELLY. Mayor. ine nllrea rravn I tossed' for svasdtne the alee Tnttad State, beodt Twer, oa sagitunate toveatlgatlona. Civil wurui mm C E. - - Intmslta-atar- In tba ItsBta" tsW city f .u,U. h. in.fl WANTID To Bslf, tof'IMMI oí 'tottof Itotot BtloM ware as follows: t otted 8tatas and Mexico Boatn 187 Two auna. H. Mata-- 8M 8. BJ Pato BL wjrxíiÑtr - ,r2L TZiV. V 1 c. tar rasatt'TT citv Clark. ttastaÉ M ssstaaa.. Aissaa uoie taptaasaaa wis owe iota BAN ATUIUIMA CORLISS ryhiuaar and tlywbeelt WTOÚkT Browu WeldtotJ Co.. tal MB rram tscti. T isl ,Nai. ttoWtB ULE LN8T1TLTB 8JStoJlll W. SUUCAXIUMAJU asrsjoND-iiA.N- qoy"bv Arrange lar Busy Bsasaa la Alkllllit to - note asnenaii ana trees Mrs. Corrtogton. etpreaaton Buckles- B WHY tarow awsx yuyr oAd furniture when sm . Pollowinc Is tba sprang scbeduta r ' fAUsT saaVasWaV - satBall tad track taenia of ine luce set" liSifes - j UMM tut for the current srs..n pgj JPtas IU, íiirir ' AT HtlMB BAIEBALL April TWas hata.UtrPh',toVl l i saasss) al Vt' vt tiikD-A- JJ ktoda of tksTtsltnra vva pay hriauai, unlvarallv llwti S tAtMrtslhlfc. Eon Part; April it. Dan est saaar tuUte. April uaniet nexer B tac Phone SMt UaerVsM I, miv. on M let Of A. C FIVE ral gteellaa TBt i oil ttaliiaaatla of T. la. Max 7. UlflnrSaetfU .. - SrJtFtX, XiTZ .WMUM, taXLY, WJPVeatarB . .LVVff ... 1 mm sssssvava WS us (i May 8. univsr- (ka i SiSaSOa U4 asa. SHF usa tur mi asnr wiew n u raw, .... anlwaakaa I8VUA. UtMOItslM univtrslly, souinwastern fee's' I C' North western slly May Trinity univwrstty. -- , -- for tTe LT,I-?ai22- I of Max. It. j HmSÍ 2i S'ATT n Pata. laWjSlJ Trmity M8Urni M, esJMbP leeSbBsseaartaTtaXnt .Ltjl ABROAD SA.tLBAl.1. April waco April ST. staytor iBlastWlNli for MU ttm unlvvrstty. si II at Wee, April . avelhwetiare I ..y" Tja.r.L. "t- - suttnraity, Usairgotawii. April N. l.aaoaaTlBBr SL5tvjtavjjÍ P an aassaBstn si asm' "1'stgla. j lbs saatAMsjnaJsastBM weataru twlveraity. at ueerteiasra, Aprti aysticlasnM Map hastMttd April. A. IS. tu, t'ohvrsiiy of Teats, at Austta. I. nerlqe JSr TvsssdtE, tMf , 'CSH9BPssfr rtaaeter toíHatf BSSrtuitJfjimMi ' fJttf if, ui a, . Uatvarsiiv icts. ssmv . " TRACA April St. UHiiatatta Stata tyAtoaP-au- AMiiMáaW DQITT at MBBBaWVaM fe stst? ,h1MJrBMsl ai MÉ leWreousglasa lBJ'h"'''lrÍfí , tJjfMtsn iLtTtT tKOUt. Mat 7. texsa f ejsaMl mTm at Ewtlwsael '"ffiSHsn lisei. at wataitecAsa. taw It. aoutawaM MestPBt' ilsslsMSssiSRtwB 5" gsaafareoie asset, ta AsieTto Male ka "wj w"VjHr 11 úf)?n ta a aesrtee td Avst?tH otásíieÓ Sissreo u stty it purpuaeioet I lKasndii... lasssasLsSsTs-T- tt tne easts last swMraaassI tor the ei fm-- j Ta.sa. sea ulbarurd H ea fM BMMflBeBJNavrtuti estMna M need, ccuvBult ih TitTstsB ' If in . .assvf. Wanl Ad Jits8ts.HJJhsSrsssavs sssss. Itolsta rTM SSM aa vrasa sAAAta W Sw. aajsss aMfatsssasaM stsati. TBS 'Ma tvaS ' ÍmHIhssV sBeyt SW. tovrtL ,JWutrTt'lftts , J W Ctty M U Peas, teM. a wrtt juui' j

, Thrift-Da- y Value Very Unusual. Even At White House1 '"iTiftíírrrI FISH FISH FISH Corset Section wo r SPECIALS mÍEnZT? nr I nana ommcun ota crasos use nofuumi tooat Mltoyvs mors Tosa frisa ai Paso Ktattts SHRIMP HAWD DABS OHOPTTgS Marine models In floral Wotrester make. H - Annie d Rasan e si va'.T. A. SM. fraaí fJCMl.m aWrUMF- PJtCTI 2EHmm W( Medium kMt, lolkg hip and mads of House Court Beevc. CRAM THOÜT nM costil Brg hoa rapsensm of ear" 3t S far model Ml. The If r-HH- iVimni Today $1.00 ARDOIN-- MARKET An Extraordinary Occasion In smrst sa eiswissis asa sassnsat's eso H asa. ssi.ssm BSC BR AHAIKU ISc Made of snort Ilea for eerunrsri. City I sT Kl Pase vs. W. , quality m nal In with froal or hack w wiiey. nasi ri Vaso, HIsasMasssssasasasssasessasaacsBaBBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBMBaBBHBBnMBBVBMBaHBSBaSBa m broidery I rimmed. Ttieaar far On mart set W eossrlSsr sxvoetusr valúa. bill of exi luthsx rSaSMsMd: D. MsWaSsr " Today 19c A ' Black Taffeta Mr vs. A. D Mi. frees Martin suWasmssni. Tag AS tertained al the home of Mrs. S. C. Bodkin Skirts gi Wednesdsy smrsssd. Fssn and weutiiaaetoca on afternoon. . r et si vs. J. A. Anfcenbauer S Si W. M Rosa to Del Rio map say T4ee Mrs. west T Kl Pass; Hanover rae Insurance r 1. April 7 sir, i.. w. aisiii. day ss s delegate to ths USWSshus of Huff, rerun Kl erases Kl EXTRA es. J f Pass; tke snd rMktrSs departed tor s vista to passers' club or the nrth district. Water rompsay at si vs. Edward Mctristoy psso Ike esrly part of ths week. Mr, w. r. Bohbnan west to Algias Tne r. $3.95 $4.95 Mr. gsd Mrs. Jobs Mcl am and lltus day for a short vlstt. Separate dsughter were visitors from Drydso this 50c UHMd SMMs DkSrlet Ceart. 1h. If? Newton west to Kl Psso the tatter Black Taffeta Skirts at S3.93 (ffeery a. Claytos. juSgs.) Mrs. J. W. Daugherty and rhlldren re- pert of the week to vlstt relative.. ! 00 ngw of good quality black M. A Sark. v rarhy.htr.-Hsrvt- Jros Rite Mssona Collars skirts mads oompsny. no to Kmersea Monday, after spending The member, of ths Scottish Machine turned sad trial. Msundy Thursday with s bsnqu- -t HPRTUAl lot of all while. ... JUST The RUtet vn (Jabricl irrona. Easter ss the guest! or Mrs. W. Hunter. observed A la wide circular stylet with buttons down t'nlted I. hall tost Asm Mark and Mark and while orasn (SlvfeM and harina In his possession cattle Mrs. J. W. .lavage sad sos. Pred. re- St thslr aaVdl callara. Regular loo value. high waist effect import.ri ism th; United StsMS contrary turned Monday from a ri.it st Psso. the front. One pocket, and some to S ghosts Not reel mseearsfMl. irparlal law indlrunent found. to Mara- Mrs vs. Yes Misa Johnnie Lsmrtau returned So many people troubled with Indigestion 35c have suspender Beautifully designed and made. Ths I'nlled HMtea lln JwiKtoesdty. a to Toda ' i recen, in Ruis, Hsntsna thon srter n.lt relatives snd constlpstlon hsv been benerited by "Jean; sillo sad a n J. M. lln son. coaspinnr snnr tne here. tsklns hnherlsln Tsblets that They are sure to cause a furore in the skirt section into ahould reel discouraged whb has nm glvesv , Three Collar for It.M Chinese not Mrs. R. K. Lee and children are visiting ' United RUMS sMens. laborer., them s trial. They contain no papain ir today. We have never shown such entitled 10 enter the UeUSS SMMs. indict-Bie- st gj Psso sea ruleta. . digestive ferments, strengthen ' re- - other but noteworthy value at found. , Mrs. J. J. and cMiaren hsve ths stomsch and enable It to perform lis $3.95 The United sums vs. oseras a. uoodmsn. tdráad frogn a visit to relaUvas at Alpine. functions naturally ObSflashto every- unlawfully recetvssf in pMdge public The or the B. B. club wsre en where. ( Advert! setneot. ) EXTRA property, clothing, for Indebtedness to s soldier; indictment found. Regttl r Silk Lisle Ths united BUtes vs. Abet Chaves sad 50c Black Taffeta Sltirts at $4.93 Jesus Veneras, smuggling; indictment And Cotton found. exceptional opportunity to secure the season's The United SUtss vs. Vicente Fieras. eroutrslln. Indictment found; clef end SHI Hosiery ANlatest creations made of excellent quality black srrslrned. pleaded rullUf and fined aaV The United SMMs vs. oías Msr Expositions In- - Woo sad California LI. our regular tooOCnumber. In pos- top taffeta jn shirred yoke effects, suspender styles sad Chnns. recetvlns and hsvlsg their ludios lavender allk ll.l session srooklns opium; Indictment found. A hose In tin. ).. All well known pocket trimmed models. Wide circular styles show- The United sutes vs. Utn tlee, receiving makee and dependable qualities. - Ml hsrlos in hi, possession smettsg forred leet and topa. Kit ra ing every new idee of the season. Shirred model opium: Indictment found vfc" special Today 37c The United SUMS vs. Pedro Luna Pitón. ace trimmed with fine jet buttons. This sale includes brlnrinc Into the United State, an altes purposes; 50 new skirts a price unapproach- - A woman for Immoral indictment at sfh g round: dersodsni arraigned; pleaded guilty able in El Paso. While they last ... . T and sentenced to 80 days hi prison and flu EXTRA tJT fine. Th united sums vs. Isobel asilara. r smuggling; indictment found; defendant arraigned, pleaded guilty sad sentenced to White Kid C B two month, snd fourteen dsys In prison. Specials In Handkerchiefs The united sutes vs. Msr Ben nee, suss a Sen ali,, Mar Men, manufacturing BELTS ZDC White House Qualities smoklag opium; Indictment found. cfti.i.KfTKiN of odds and anda The United Sutes vs. Las Hong, receiv of good all white and white and HANDKERCHIEFS AT Jo Women's ing and having m his possession smoking, A black kid belta In many different regular 5c, full size, sheer lawn hem- opium i indictment found. styles. Home slightly soiled. All must be stitched Handkerchiefs, Opart. closed out today. 60c- values, Thirty fourta BUtriet Today, each (Dsn M. Jackson, Judge.) Round Trip Tickers on Stl Daily. while they last 25c C R. T. Wood vs. Oeorge Estes et si, tres- - tusa to try title; filed. , HANDKERCHIEFS AT 5c Women'. Addle Cbsppel vs. John H. Cnappel, di all linen, plain hemstitched handkerchiefs vorce; fOsd. Three lVIontHs9 Limit EXTRA while they last today, District Court , Stopover at All Points Gjjag or RettMrnmg each (r. R. Pries, judge.) i 5c Crutchfleld VA Lercjy c. Crnteh- - Travel in luxury and style, via Top rield. dlaorce; r;led. Crochet HANDKERCHIEFS AT 19c Regular Oval seen vs. Texss a Pacific aad Santa Fvj rsDrosdl, damages; on 25c linen handkerchiefs, Import ed'and trial. VESTS embroidered kinds. Ststy-firt- District Cauri. Golden Limited (Ballard Coldwell, State soft white Hale vesta In fancy Judge.) , crochet top styles, low neck and Choice today T9c Baxter LewU snd Kellner LSWU vs. J. S. N' sleeveless. Kegular and ouUlsee. Outierres and C M. Gutierre, salt on notos Premier Train of Usa Southwest Hnring Sum- snd foreclosure of leln; filed. Idas! vesta for and William T. Smith et si vs. J. A Amador, Today 25c mer wear. Choice Big Values In New Blouses trespass to try title; riled. Make Your Pullman Reservation Early We Can Take Cars County Court. of You Properly. (Adrian Pool, Judge ) ' C. H. I.eave.I vs. Seltna Ssuls, sequestrs-- Ota TTeket Office PhO-ieS- EXTRA WASH BLOUSES AT 79c WASH BLOUSES AT 89c Smith vs. 0. R. Tipton sad 1. L, Roberts-Bwin- Bldg. Í 5851 Voiles, organdiei and embroid- New Spring Blouses made of Crabtreo, suit on note; riled. in white voiles, organdies, fine eUte of Texas vs. C. B. Mltchsli, Knit Union ered voiles all white and lawns and corpus; filed. with touch of color. All nicely embroidered voiles and trimmed state of Texas vs. El Meyers, carrying filed. SUITS with' dainty lacs. Long with lace embroidery. Semi-ro- ll pistol; 25c trimmed and SUM or Texas vs. - Elooarlo OsrCIA csmr- values In soft white or short sleeves. New style col- and flat collars. Long and ing pistol; round guilty sad aeotenced to cotton ribbed union suits with lars and fronts. short slaovea psy IMS rise. w tlsht or lace knees. Nicely fin TQaf BUM of Texas rt. EDceblo UraBdsy. ished and taped topa. The best Choice today Choice fiQr rudely dlsplsying s pistol; found gouty values in Kl Paao at 25c J and sentescerj to pay SSt floe. SILK BLOUSES SILK BLOUSES $2.95-,-Ne-w AT $1.98 AT Jnatlts Ceurts. New creations made of fine crepe crepe de chines and candy (Jsme. M. Desver; Judge.) de chine in all the latest wanted stripe blouses in all the new color SUte of Texas vb. c B. Nltcheli, swin EXTRA dling over the value of K; rued Miren s, IMPORTANT models. New delicate shades, effects. Long sleeves, new style shit reflled April a white and black represented. collars and trimmed with pretty suia or Texas ra. Julian Lopes, bar- - Hair Goods lirv. ril..rt ' VMrFSSBBn Plsin and fancy tailored effects. buttons. Plain and tucked af- suu at tsxss vl Asfssi Swiss, taart Big from persotv nksd. (..bbbbbbbÍ TO SPECIALS Long sleeves. fects. Wonderful tí Q values today at. $1.95 values today at. Qf Murphy, Judge.) Sac BARRKTTKS AT 15 Assorted .4ss Sum of Tsxss vs. JH. l. A runs set. SSV styles, sises and colore. A broken lot of stult; pleaded gulity sad fined 110 sac our regular lie values. mu PUZZLE SOLVERS Special Today 15c RUM of Texas vs. Andres Alarcoa. rssk- leas driving: plead I guilty and fined IIou and CCHIUaUrarglt BSc TANGO PINH AT SSo--l- am- cosU, issued. ber and shell Tango Hair Pina In the "OXL ONK HLL LEFT. Tke attention of the successful solvers of the new large shape.. Bpeclal purchase un puzzle, who got the 1.589, is price. 10c Today, LittleN circle; those number der values Phone Governor Must Approve or Veto Cheese la while each 35c lesuras. Las Tesar callad to the fact that charts of the second Store of Service" 4560 Ss Assets! ww to asaltase problem have been mailed them, it may be in some Austin. Teas. April g Only one bill or casas that these charts mstv not have arrived. It is the many passed hy the rarular session SX of the Thirty fourth lag statu re renutoa on requested that all successful circle puzzle solvers Demonstration of Redfern Corsets Today Tomorrow" in geversors desg awststng final senos. who are entitled to participate in the second prob- This Is the set changing the pre their, within olprSsal law. and la said lem who do net receive shafts a day or PSOTKST sUklNST mini: upon fotalgnera wboM has cooslSsrsUoo tor soma Insurance there possd prnneriles TRANSFERS, ter beca under to be an excellent chañes Thai It will t two, notify the puzzle department of the Times. have been Idle or unproductive owlus to REALTY tune. I wss esaeeted . deoaonatrator i approved. Though, the measure la en CsreUae. sasleaeMS la Take atestar Up the lurbulrnl onditiiins in ttu diilrlcu in would be obtsfned last year, shortly after sot This is very important so if you are entitled to work With Uaseral Vtila. wbtrh thag sr. locsted. C R. Trowbridge u Hrterl ItheridI.e. tlrsiy aatlsfscSsry to he cesas mkrstower u( s i.liuaimcg, or ute agricultural depart II aa Kl Paso or Ins and xiiiiti '.. of I. block 14. fi tnaurasee sad lunging, it is reoergiiy ad the second problem and do net receive your charts, reportad lo yaatarday Tas Solias ths aeparnscat la result April 1 utent visited (he valley. Uk deriartiiHMil baa of protest to Wt.hmg-lo- ale nadar ssAUus. II is so ex stale Instructed s lelrgnviiK s.st A. Hucklei to Ki Paso les RsfrUrsr- - wilted lanpiwrajasst ove ths do ss requested above. Ossrge c Csr tlwrs, sperlsl sgrnt at the by s local committee of mining men. J. sas KipesttMa assssslsslea Asks DeaaUea. laitng uw. to take up with llenera. Villa tor i. ir. tt.SOD. Lot 4 snd west H of I. fb. board ST county roiimUeaiouers li department, Ho far si la known the Mexican authori- M. bell t Toaaorrow will be the day sosiiim of securing s inodlflrsilon of the block sun sddltlun Auril quarterly session iransae ted much routine' twsntleth sines th ties lisve given no iiitunauon or llie ruurss Maggie lord to Uu, Paulauti Arult. HOU. in., legmuture sdjoursvsd. ssd trc tiianging in. xciic.n iniutng A I They skw Sjaard llisy ii.i. ii.i k pursue. proteai iri.de Iota II and II block M. Bsat Kl Psso sddi- - husiasss U tsa far is is under the roassnViUoo. In which tioversor direct to Korelrn Minister Miguel Mai I "in IIUO. vli f. a reuus.i .rruui the. ft. w Mexico beard or raining own 1"UU,toi MP. Caruttier t. laaarucird to make "so. bardo at i:blhubua by lb Krsncts L Orrts. to Mrs PloretH M Ms- - lMMtlon nutnsgera for an iTT uTasi? saTsav also, it it undsrstooal ramalns unanswered. and other considerations I ota In ths s Streug delegaUoo todMxrtsl sftoruooa froat The oT" tod'ustrUI accldASM 7 nM00 . Sock U. rrasglin Htlghta Artssta besara to pro- record. ths aixi sgairut saw TMK BW KM) IS IN JUAaUO.-(ad- v.) appaared ths board CsrfeMsr. April I agauut moving the board show that srses the employe.' V üel Casase lo Cuarta. U Htevsaa. Its,. test math disputed act iMessjs SSgeeilve, bridge, They to ahow aeptemher t, (00. LotaTl. and southerly rest of east of taws. tried 101. to Marea the aura of kit . Katurrwtilpr addition, ala., an locsMoa from good, n,tM ManetsP 4. block thai the saw wss far Sjsag sjpsapansstlcan undivided S Imerwt IU rt, fn.nuag on sad that the bridge could be put in good sS aud for Kl medic si trglajured esaphryvs- -. Paao .tract, adjoin! U the above on Its condition at toss cost ta Ms present loca- services jRarOciriLg uuriliern de. April s. By Mail tion The hoard will have s MUlameat A 0. McMsth M r. Knot. M.too. Lota Keep . i ST'srr as to opsm a savimcm Arjoorjirr ua ab JU with county officer, before the assstoa jrxar bast win MM. gjock U, Murnlsg Hide Heights ths Hour y fshitoS It will be s TBOCGH TOO LJVKO MKXT DOOM. etoSSS to to Chas, of great value El Paao. Wa gay 4 gar SAt ialeraat. oosapeuaded twice every year. We de rank R. robin and NalU Man AdteeaM Ptoaty el Light Wis - alog. 140. 1, kkwk 114 InIs I and el huggnssa gar depositors- atavsuty law of Xot aad Ths Otis school district steveioiwd s vary as ths tas State of Taxaa. sad Watson'sGroceries M. Nook lrVTeata. Tsv lusa T. IStt. ara a Claaraahr Fund Bank, aa provided by such uw spirited iliiMus of directora Monday Z V - M asms roa iarm McMaMsTraATaA There Our svias. Is addition to balas ooavantool. to sat. profltahU aad distrito CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE UhsssJ. Nobsdy has "var tost a dollar la a Stau Bash la Toaaa. Are Famous for Quality bous fur ssaeasgs of ths r srmcrs- - CStsTOUHrY S4TOOI( IiI wsrs D'ttat ros otra rsKS MJosxasrr, amaimo nt maxx-o- s la W.stssgSis MetaJturartata. iwniii MAtx orj osroarr. ""disidirnTTSbaw tlMrny SleaáX llgk BhippaaVS. lar ftaseassasssl i Hepi sssatS ttvas tor ora Yt 210-21- watch ths cut out Ha ML EL PASO BANK TRUST CO., El Paao, Texas. Telephone 5151 Texas St. 2 i. inssss. ra. si . i.-- ag amena eor hoard sissim tss Ms Baa rraaosano farm j" suswr for kddy liau liMtuf ma laaai or uu rum aaul Uaa atoaaa uuitsu Stat, mIj cxtV . , .uuiy was wires to WtoekSgsOS yealerSty irou.tera of nasra tight won! M vote. tolU i. As tke wsvrrn days approach, the desire for aome-thin- g Ths ssstorr was uan up rur nasi de H Th vaato of to as ss taSet of Uto Ay tsreet. seas pi isMMMIIll slssttosi rati al- liatua Ms ususir ctMuaUMlunrra durlug cool Osa refreshing increases. Sherbet is WSSS susssru.sij atened devetog aue s gsssssots. iwuuass ware asssssisl. u k nralasrd IS FOR GLOBE fULLS ways weicome dessert. i H uf Art. .ta aad wsre PEERlaESS HEN AND TSJU to to advtss Mail S Wa ms jaat is receipt of ahiprnent of luscious lutuss ivu uig awtiosialrssur hass SUS'llitol MM S PWS TUaSs agent Ml CHICK FOOD' Bank lag National russsy su.1 awroprUktad Ur Las to tasssamaias. ssl paper, State Crssss sad Island brrusd Ptussyaglr, surtablc for She,beta, i. sad Saslvsrtos froaa AgsiT I. II toktoh Sato rraas I "raSan ftruss HH hstol asnettted by ua SMssk ."fasss u4 relieved aasw A eMail. Ths f - s W aWKPIefJB ABO 'MOSUA ate. law AS ussy (MM natusar of asssou- asrsasV Mr. ihnrsssgri hssjSsjssr Fares. OAltTAli. trssura ssgg MP saaotoied m Raw Msslut wat ha Mt tos Las vastos Drag Mare, a i?SkásM Saviossg tía. IVi tt tuts ask, the sears tnuaagat atsaait of ad test year fore fcsMrnt Paid os sr an i mi ha mmss. 15c TtaS . . 25c O-- JCMUU'H MAOOJ aassi kg gstogrsp Mr. mo. PASO A MOkAxIaJi PvisKsag ato sssaty. w largely to MM to esrg I sas sil C-- M. niaSSII. Vas PVasSSePC SOJMtB U tu ismI larautug aaeSa vea numiiatui. asps hat ess srs Sue to he gato to Mr A A OKsTHMJafT, AasA Casaatos. assay sa stosh e as (asm sad stock GLOBE MILLS