It's our way. The Ultimate It's kids say. THe newsletter run bY Green school stuDents FAll Issue 2011 December 9, 2011 Our First Issue Is Born Edisi Pertama GS NEWS kami Sudah terbit Dear Green School students, The First teachers and parents, We’ve finally made it!! Annual The Ultimate Bamboo Post is Holiday our first student operated Green School newsletter. It offers the Extravaganza latest GS NEWS. You can find Pameran Besar students’ poems, stories and menjelang liburan artwork in KIDS’ VOICE. We also have a debate forum I Say U Say covering special topics. Animal COrner, has all the animals you are interested in. KNOWING yOU features people in the Green School community. We also have contests, polls, l festive recipes, fun facts, trivia, o T T i art & crafts and book reviews are e V A included. Dont forget we offer a n w i Classified-ad section so if you have j c k anything you want to advertise, ( g 6 please place it in our Dropbox in ) NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK the warung or send to Anak Baru Disekolah Kita
[email protected] A copy of the bamboo post will I guess lots of you already know, but for those who don’t, six be posted in the Heart of School litte baby goats joined our farm! and a digital version will be sent to Three of the adult goats gave birth during the assembly on rol Mierzejewskithe parents’ emails as well as on the Ka Friday, 18/11 and Saturday, 19/11.