Love-Mad Girl Seeks Man S Life 6Ayn0r Demands
BOOM HAS STARTED i LAST I Now’s the time to take }. £ *; advantage ] \ ^ .! of THE STAR’S » Daily Exchange to;; FDITlON~ » a a 1-4 ^111A X 11 turn you up good bargain, trade j> ^ _* f ONE CENT 1 ONE CENT I -— .— —- ..- "-, -—- ■ ^ __ ESTABLISHED 1832. _NEWARK, N. J.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908.—14 PAGES._ FAIR AND COLDER TONIGHT; FRIDAY FAIR. WILLIS E. HICKS AND HIS WIFE, THREATENED LOVE-MAD BY LOVE-MAD GIRL. 6AYN0R TWO FLYERS JUMP | I DR. DANIEL ELLIOTT, COUNTY ! ELLIOTT’S I GIRL SEEKS DEMANDS PHYSICIAN, WHO MAY LOSE JOB j JOB HANGS *,_ ! ' i MAN S LIFE RECOUNT New York Central s Twentieth IN BALANCE Centufy Hurls Passengers from Berths at Rochester. Salvation Army Lassie Sixth Warder to Fight Hearing Is Held Today Uses Poison and Iron Weigel for Seat in FLAMES THREATEN FORTY on County Physi- IN PENNSYLVANIA SMASH Bar on Office’:. Freeholders’ Board. can’s Position. Bessemer and Lake Erie Train, OFFICIAL FIGURES SAY IS THE PLACE IN W. E. HICKS APPEALS TO Derailed, Burns as Occu- REPUBLICAN WON OUT POLICE FROM NEMESIS pants Are Saved. COMPETITIVE LIST? _ Contestant Janies R. In Letter Breathing Passion She Engages Following yesterday's tale of railroad Colonel Mullikin, of Civil Service disaster and Believes He Will come reports of two more pas- Threatens to Shoot Him Nugent senger train wreeka today. The New Commission, Hears Oppos* Be Victorious. York Central'* premier flyer, the on ing Arguments. Sight. Twentieth Century Limited, east bound. Jumped the rnlln near Rochester, N. % OF COUNTY early this morning, and near Butler, COMPLEXION a TWO OTHER DOCTORS “YOU DON’T LOVE ME, Fa., heavily laden pnasenger trnln on BOARD WOULD BE SAME the Bessemer and Lake Krle railroad OUT FOR SO j off THE PLUM YOU MUST DIE” piled the tracks while golug at forty ittllea an hour.
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