Official Register of the Officers and Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. 1895
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OFFICIAL REGISTER OF THE OF THE U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY, c~Le5t~Mnt? ~ JUNE, 1895. U. 5, 31. A. PRESS’~~ AND BINDERY. BOARD OF VISITORS, JUNE, 1895. Appointed by the President of the United States. 1. Captain FRANK P. BLAIR CHiCAGo, ILLINOIS. 2. General THOMAS 3. WOOD (Vice-President) DAYTON, Omio. .3. Mr. RICHARD M. 1/ENABLE BALTL!mosiE, MARYLAND. 4. Doctor E. G. JANEWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. 5. Honorable SIGOURNEY BUTLER (Secretary) BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. 6. Major 3. M. WRIGhT LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. 7. Colonel PETER HAIRSTON MARTINSVILLE, VIRGINIA. Appointed by the President of the Senate. 8. Honorable WILLIAM F. VILAS MADISON, WISCONSIN. *9. Honorable WILLIAM P. FRYE. LEWISTON, MAINE. Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 10. Honorable JOSEPH WHEELER (President) WHEELER, ALABAMA. 11. Honorable JOSEPH E. WASHINGTON CEDAR HILL, TENNESSEE. 12. Honorable SETH L. MILLIKEN BELFAST, MAINE. *Not present. 1895 3 UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, NEW YORK. ~up~tni~nd~nt. Colonel 0. H. ERNST, Lieut. -Colonel, Corps of Engineers’. ~Utta~j ~taff. *1St Lieutenant JOHN M. CARSON, JR., 5th Cavalry, Adjutant of the Military Academy, Post Adjutant, and Recruiting Officer, Commanding Band and Detachneeset of Field Music. Captain WILLIAM F. SPURGIN, 21st Infantry, Treasurer of the Military Acad- emy, and Quartermaster and Commissary of Cadets. tCaptain WILBER E. WILDER, 4th Cavalry, attached. Captain JOHN B. BELLINGER, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. A., Quarterneaster of the Military Academy, Post Quartermaster, and Disbursing Officer. 1st Lieutenant BARRINGTON K. WEST, 6th Cavalry, Post Commissary of Sub- sistence, and Post Treasurer; in chargeof PostExchange. 1st Lieutenant WILLIAM WEIGEL, 11th Infantry, Assistant to Post Quartermas- ter, and Officer of Police. Major GEORGE H. TORNEY, Surgeon, U. S. A., Post Surgeon. Captain CHARLES F. MASON, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. Captain CHARLES WILLCOX, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. “Tobe relieved from duty at the MifitaryAcademy, August 31,1895. tTo relieve Lieutenant Carson as Adjutant on 4u~ust31, 1895, 4 1895 aL%i~nxtft ~ Professors whose service at the Academy, as-Professor, exceeds 10 years, have the assimilated rank of Colonel, and all other Professors the assimilated rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Peter S. lVlichie, Professor. (14 Feb., 1871.) Captain WILLIAM B. ~ Department, Assistant Professor. 1st Lieutenant SAMUEL E. ALLEN, 5th Artillery, Instructors. 1st Lleutenant LUCIEN G. BERRY, 4th Artillery, j 1stLieutenant SAMUEL D. FREEMAN, In Charge of Observatory and As- 10th Cavalry, j tronomical Observations. DEPARTMENT OF DRAWING. Charles W. Lamed, Professor. (25 July, 1876.) +1st Lieutenant GEORGE H. CAM~aO~va 1ry Assistant Professor. 1st Lieutenant AUSTIN H. BROWN, 4th Infantry, ~. InstUctors. 2d Lieutenant CHARLES B. HAGADORN, 23d Infantry, DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS. Edgar W. Bass, Professor. (17 April, 1878.) *WRIGHT P. EDGERTON, Associate Professor. (1 July,1893.) tOaptain EDsaUND D. SMITH, I t uct 19th Infantry, as r or. +1st Lieutenant GEORGE F. BARNEY, Assistant Professor. 2d Artillery, +1st Lieutenant ROBERT L. HIRST, 11th Infantry, 1st Lieutenant DANIEL B. DEVORE, 23d Infantry, 1st Lieutenant JOHN D. BARRETTE, 3d Artillery, Instructors. 1st Lieutenant CHARLES D. PALMER, 3d Artillery, 1st Lieutenant JoHN S. WINN, 1st Cavalry, 2d Lieutenant WILLIAM 0. JOHNSON, 19th Infantry, “Associate Professorwith the rank of Captain. tTo be relievedfrom duty at the Military Academy, August 13, 1895, 1895 5 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. Samuel B. Tillman, Professor. (21 Dec., 1880.) 1stLieutenant RICHMOND P. DAvis 2d Artillery, ç Assistant Proressor. 1stLieutenant EDGAR RUSSEL, 5th Artillery, I *1st Lieutenaiit GEORGE MONTGOMERY, Ordnance Department, Ifl5tructors. 2d Lieutenant WALTER A. BETHEL 4th Artillery, J DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND ETHICS. William WI. Postlethwaite, Chaplain, Professor. (21 Dec., 1881.) 1st Lieutenant BARRINGTON K. WEST, 6th Cavalry, ç Assistant Professor. - DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING. James Mercur, Professor. (29 Sept., 1884.) 1st Lieutenant HENRY C. NEWCOMER, 1 Corps of Engineers, ç Assistant Professor. 1st Lieutenant THOMAS II. BEES Corps of’ Engineers, I Instructors. +1st Lieutenant CLEMENT A. F. FLAGLER, Corps of Engineers, J DEPARTMENT OF LAW. -hJohn W. Clous, Professor. (28 Aug., 1890.) Lieut. Col. and Deputy Judge Advocate (By assignment underact 6 June,1874.) General, U. S. A., 1st Lieutenant JAMES A. COLE, 6th Cavalry, ç Assistant Professor. DEPARTMENT OF TACTICS. Lieut. Col. Samuel M. Mills Commandant of Cadets and Captain 5th ‘Artillery, Instructor of Tactics. (I Sep.’92.) Senior Assistant Instructor of Cay- Captain JAMES PARKER, 4th Cavalry, F airy 7’actics. 1st Lieutenant ALEXANDER B. DYER, Senior Assistant Instructor ofArtil- 4th Artillery, lery Tactics. ~1st Lieutenant SAMUEL W. DUNNING, Senior Assistant Instructor of Its- 16th Infantry, ~ fantrypatsy ofTactics.Cadets. Commanel’g Costs. “To be relieved fromduty at the MilitaryAcademy, August 13, 1895. tTo berelieved from duly at the Militam-yAcademy, August 21, 1895. To be relieved from duty at the Military Academny August 29, 1895. 6 1895 DEPARTMENT OF TACTICS (Continued). 1st Lieutenant WILDS P. RIcHARDsoN, 5. AssistantInstructor ofTactics. Com- 8th Infantry, 5 manding Company of Cadets. 1st Lieutenant WILLIAM H. ALLAIRE, 5. Assistant Instructor ofTactics. Com- 23d Infantry, massding Company of Cadets. 1st Lieutenant WILLARD A. HOLBROOK, 5. Assistant Instructor ofTactics. Com- 7th Cavalry, manding Company of Cadets. 2d LieutenantMATTHEW C. BUTLER, Jr., 5. Assistant Instructor of Cavalry Tac- 5th Cavalry, tics. DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Edward B. Wood, Professor. (1 Oct., 1892.) 1st Lieutenant COBN~LIsDEW. WILLOOX, Assistant Professor of the Spanish 2d Artillery, Language. 1st Lieutenant ARTHUR F. CURTIS, - Assistant Professos- of the French 2d Artillery, Language. • 1st Lieutenant WILLIAM S. BIDDLE, Jr., 14th Infantry, 1st Lieutenant ARTHUR THAYER, - 3d Cavalry, +1st LieutenantBENJAMIN A. POORE, - Instructors. 6th Infantry, 1st Lieutenant PETER E. TRAUB, - 1st Cavalry, 1st Lieutenant MARCUS D. CRONIN, 25th Infantry, DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL MILITARY ENGINEERING. Captain James L. Lusk, Corps of Engineers, F Instructor. (31 March, 1893.) 1st Lieutenant MASON M. PATRICK, Corps of Engineers, Assistant Instructors. 2d Lieutenant CHARLES S. BROMWELL, } Corps of Engineers, DEPARTMENT OF ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. Captain Lawrence L. Bmuff, F Instructor. (17 Aug., 1891.) Ordnance Department 1st Lieutenant EDWIN B. BABBITT, Ordnance Department, 1 Assistant Instructors. 25 Lieutenant HENRY D. TODD, Jr. 3d Artillery, J Herman J. Koehler, Master of the Sword. Giovanni B. Contemno, Mus. Doe., Teacher of Wins-bc. tTo be relieved from duty at the Military Academy, August 13, 1895. 1895 ~tta1Wrn @i~jan~~~thrn. JUNE 1, 1895. For instruction in Infantry Tactics and in military police and discipline, the Cadets are organized into a battalion of four companies, -under the Commandant of Cadets, each company being commanded by an officer of the Army. The officers and non- commissioned officers are selected from those Cadets who have been most studious, soldier-like in the performance of their duties, and most exemplary in theirgeneral deportment. In general, the officers are taken from the first class; the sergeants from the second class; and the corporals from the third class. “A.” “C.” “B.” CAPTAINS. 3 J. BUGGE, JR.” M. 0. BIGELOW.2 T. L. AMES,’ H. A.WHITE, LIEUTENANTS. M. F. SMITH, Adjutant. J. A. GURNEY, Quartermaster. M. L. MCGREW,4 H. BURGESS,’ G. B. PRITCHARD, JR.’ H. H. SToUT,’ C. E. HAWKINS,7 J. L. KNOWLTON,’ L. H. LEWIS,” H. E. SMITH,” F. B. WATSON,’ T.W. DARRAH,’ F. S. HUTTON,” D. S. STANLEY.” E. B. HEIBERU, Sergeant-Major. H. Y. GRUBBS, Quartermaster-Sergeant. 1st SERGEANTS. A. G. LOTT,’ G. T. SUMMERLIN,3 G. M. HOFFMAN,4 E. L. KING.’ SERGEANTS. D. N.HooD,4 S.M.KOCHERSPERGER,’ C. E. RUSSELL,” R.E. CALLAN,” H. F. JACKSON,7 I. NEWELL,’ C. H. MCNEIL,’° A. M. MILLER, JR.” G. H. SHELTON,9 C. McK. SALTZMAN,” E. R. STUART,” F. W. LEWIS,’ S. F. DALLAM,’4 C. E. STODTER,” W.H. TSCHAPPAT.” CORPORALS. S. A. çHENEY,’ F. H. PopE,’ J. C. OAKES,’ J. C. RAYMOND,” W. L. REED,” M. E. HANNA,’° W. D. CONNOR,’ E. T. CONLEY,” R. E. LONGAN,’ H. DOREY,” J. K. MOORE,7 E. 0. SARRATT,” H. S. MORGAN,” C. D.ROBERTS,”‘ L. C. WOLF,” P. A.MURPHY.” W.H. MCCORNACK,” W. S. BARLOW,”‘ T. A.ROBERTS,’7 The figures indicate relative rank. CLASSIFICATION OF CADETS. The Cadets are arranged in four distinct classes, corresponding with the four years of study. The Cadets employed on the first year’s course constitute the FOURTH CLASS; those on the second year’s course the THIRD CLASS; those on the third year’s course the SECOND CLASS; and those on the fourth year’s course the FIRST CLASS. The academic year commences on the 1st of July. On, or before, that date the result of the examination held in the preceding month is announced and Cadets are advanced from one class to another. At no other time shall a Cadet be advanced from one class to another, unless prevented by sickness, or authorized absence, from attending at the aforesaid examination; in which case a special examination shall be granted him; but in no case shall a Cadet be advanced from one class to another without having passed a satisfactory examina- tion by the Academic Board. N0TE.—Hames marked thus * are to be attached to the next Army Register, in conformity with a regulation for the government of the Military Academy, requiring the names of the most distinguished Cadets, not exceeding five in each class, to be reported for this purpose at each Annual Examination. Cadets whose names are marked thus ~ were found deficient, and turned back, tojoin the next succeeding class. Cadets whose names are marked thus ~ were found deficient, and discharged. CADETS ARRANGED IN ~f*~itin fli*j *~s1~utitti~~j$~*$~ AS DETERMINED AT THE ANNUAL EXAM INATION TN JUNE, 1895. 10 1895 FIRST CLASS—52 MEMBERS—GRADUATED JuNE 12, 1895. Order of merit in BC 8 ~:i1 ~ U” ‘~i 8 Dateof q -a ri ~! ~ Names.