The Ramblers’ Association Working for walkers Area

Newsletter & Walks Programme

August - November 2014

AREA OFFICE: Our Area Secretary is Ken Hawkins, the address for area correspondence is 26 Hillfields, Dereham NR19 1UE. The phone number is 07505 426750 and the email address is [email protected]

Path Problems in Norfolk, where sure of your details, can be reported directly to: Rights of Way Team, Planning & Transportation Dept, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2SG. (Telephone: 0344 800 8020.) You can also report them online via the map at - find the path, click on it, and follow the instructions. (If you need more information, go first to - the map is at the bottom of the page.

Where a member is unsure, or the problem is not clear, report the problem to Ian Mitchell, 5 Montcalm Road, Norwich, NR1 4HX. (Telephone: 01603 622539, email address: Tel: 0845 331 2782 [email protected]) Ian would also like to know anything directly reported to Mobile: 07802 270598 the Rights of Way Team. Email: [email protected] Web: The Area News Editor: Richard May, 24 Swanton Avenue, Dereham, NR19 2HJ. Telephone 01362 851547, email address is [email protected]

Are you happy with your Internet Service Provider? All RA members are invited to take part in any walk in the Area programme. Non-members are welcome to participate and are invited to join the RA if they so desire once they have Inter-Logic have always prided ourselves on the best ever broadband installations. This sampled the variety of walks on offer. New members can join or existing members can starts with one of the best service providers in the industry, offering UK based technical update their details (change of group, change of name or address) by phoning Ramblers support with properly qualified technicians on a normal rate phone number. On top of this, Central Office in London on 020 7339 8500 . You can also join on the Ramblers website: Inter-Logic install high quality Internet connection hardware, and always make sure your

security software is current, so that every install is a safe install.

Dates for your diary: To get the most from your Internet connection, contact Inter-Logic to see how we can help! The next deadline for copy for the newsletter is 18 October 2014. The deadline for copy for the following newsletter will be 14 February 2015. The remaining Area Council meeting in 2014 will be 15th November, at 10:00 at Honingham Village Hall.

Index of Walks Programmes FAKENHAM 30 NORWICH 20 - 23 RAMBLERS CENTRAL OFFICE The address of the Ramblers’ Central Office is: GREAT YARMOUTH 24 - 25 12 - 13 2nd Floor, Camelford House, 87—90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW HIKE NORFOLK 11 SHORT & LEISURELY 14 Tel: 020 7339 8500, Fax: 020 7339 8501 KING’S LYNN 4 - 10 SOUTHERN NORFOLK 28 - 29 The Norfolk Area, Ramblers’ Association, is part of The Ramblers’ Association, a registered charity (number 1093577), and a company limited by guarantee (registration number 4458492) MID NORFOLK 18 - 19 WENSUM 26 - 27 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

Angles Way 25th Anniversary Celebration Saturday 6th September 2014

On 6th September 1989 the Angles Way was officially opened by John MacGregor, then the MP for . He was invited as Minister for Agriculture, but actually came as Minister for Education. The tape was cut on the footbridge on the county boundary between Harleston and Weybread.

Since then it has been possible to improve parts of the route of Angles Way – we didn’t wait until it was perfect before the launch, we might have had rather a long wait! Very significant improvements were between Redgrave Fen and the western edge of Diss so this seemed an appropriate section to highlight for our 25th birthday, celebrating both what we started with and what has been achieved since. The event is being organised by Norfolk Ramblers with support from NCC (Norfolk Trails) and SCC (Countryside Access)

Meet for 11 am on Saturday 6th September at Redgrave Fen (field adjacent to centre TM 052802 – collection of £1 per car for donation to the Wildlife Trust). Short introduction and light refreshments before a leisurely six mile walk to Fair Green, Diss with a lunch stop at Wortham Ling. Minibus transport will be provided to return to cars.

Everyone is welcome, but we would especially like some of our older members who have previously been involved with the Angles Way to join us. Anyone who can now only manage a short walk may join for part of the distance – the minibus will pick up at any point where the route meets a road.

The minibus will also provide limited return transport from the Norwich area (not centre of the city – it is a Saturday!) for those without their own transport, please phone 01953 861094 at least two weeks beforehand so convenient pickups may be organised. If you use this facility a donation towards costs would be welcome please.

Other enquiries also 01953 861094, or [email protected] In case of difficulty please contact the Area Secretary on 07505 426750.

2 31 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

FAKENHAM RAMBLERS GROUP Programme of Walks – August 2014 – November 2014 Group Sec: Vic – 01263 713613 : Walks Sec: Alison – 01328 712155 All walks start at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated. Packed lunches required for walks over 6 miles. In case of GEORGE LE SURF MEMORIAL BENCH inclement weather, please contact the Walk Leader – mobile no. on the day – week-ends only: 07423 638409. NEW - Wednesday Walks. In memory of George Le Surf Norwich Group has donated a sturdy bench

Date & Time Venue Grid Ref & Miles Leader(s) and it is sited in Diss on Fair Green. The official dedication ceremony will August Castle Acre 132/819152 Judith Saturday 2nd Castle CP (PE32 2AY) 01328 864061 take place on 8 ¾ miles SUNDAY 10 AUGUST AT 10:30am.

Saturday 16th Around Fakenham. In 251/918298 Margaret and Stuart Mrs Jeanne Le Surf will officiate. There will be a choice of three walks (of 4, association with ‘Active (NR21 9DY) 01328 864727 10.00 am Fakenham’. 8 ½ miles 6 and 10 miles). Meet Fakenham Community Centre, Oak Street. Tea and Park in the town and meet near the Cock Inn on Fair Green, grid ref coffee provided following walk. 144/230 TM111 795. Saturday 30th Fakenham River Walk 251/935298 Judith Meet/Park 162 Norwich Road (NR21 8LL) 01328 864061 ALL ARE MOST WELCOME. 02.00 pm 2 miles BBQ for Fakenham Ramblers members only. Please contact Judith by 16th August if you would like to come.

September Little Walsingham. 251/921352 Sue and John Wednesday 10th Park at far end of Slipper Chapel (NR22 6AL) 01328 710138 CP. Cafe is open. 4 ½ miles Special provision for talkative walkers? Saturday 13th Old Hunstanton and Ringstead 132/706420 Lily Downs. (PE36 5BD) 01328 851124 Meet junction of Green Bank and 9 miles Ringstead/Holme Road near The photograph below was taken by Sheila Smith in the Dereham area. windmill.

Saturday 27th Wells-next-the-Sea 251/916434 Judith Meet at the Buttlands (NR23 1EZ) 01328 864061 5 ½ miles

Following this walk, a Walks Planning Meeting will be held at 3 Stratton Place, Shop Lane, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1JR. We hope you will be able to attend but, if not and you can offer a walk, contact Alison on 01328 712155. Bring your lunch. Liquid refreshment will be provided.

October Morston 251/006442 Jenny and Vic Wednesday 8th National Trust CP (NR25 7AA) 01263 713613 5 miles

Saturday 11th Cley 251/047438 Sue and John Village Hall CP (NR25 7RJ) 01328 710138 Meal at Cookies after walk. 9 miles Contact Sue before 27th Sept. if you would like to come.

Saturday 25th Leziate 250/681192 Iris and Richard Park at Village Hall. £1 per car. (PE32 1EN) 01362 860825 8 ¼ miles

November Burnham Norton 251/828442 Alison Wednesday 5th Park in Marsh End CP (PE31 8DS) 01328 712155 4 ½ miles

Saturday 8th Wells-next-the-Sea 251/916434 Barbara and Richard Meet at the Buttlands (NR23 1EZ) 01328 862834

Saturday 22nd Briggate 134/317276 Jenny and Vic North Walsham and Dilham (NR28 9QX) 01263 713613 Canal. 7 ½ miles Park in Weavers Way CP near Briggate Bridge. Please advise Walk Leaders if bringing dog/s.

30 3 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

Sunday 28th Beccles. OL40 8 Pam KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 Sept Fen Rd off Pound Lane. Meet at free 423912 01379 677670 Group Secretary:- Mrs M Everett-14, Hugh Close, Sth Wootton K.L. PE30 3ST Tel. 01553 278469 car park opposite Travis Perkins. Walks Programme Secretaries:- h Tuesdays:- Mrs S Drewery - 143, Nursery Lane, North Wootton K.L. PE30 3QB Tel .01553 673518 Sunday 12 Newton Flotman, meet by Village sign, 237 8 Janet & Geoff Wednesday Short & Leisurely:- Mr AMr Jones A Jones Tel. 01553 671829 October just off A140 213983 01953 602457 Thursdays:- Mr K Starks Tel. 01485 542268 Moderate pace Saturdays:- Mr R Longman Tel. 01328 838822 Thurs 16th Old Buckenham Church, NR17 1RW 237 6 Sheila S. Sundays & - Mr M & Mrs S Berman - 12 Kendle Way, K.L. PE30 3XX Tel. 01553 679277 October via New Buckenham 067914 01953 861094 Programme Coordinators Walk Details:- Sundays will commence @ 10:30, but longer walks may be earlier e.g. 09:30 Sunday Lynford Stag picnic site. 229 6.5 Sheila S. N.B. Any alteration to the above starting times will be shown in BOLD print 19th October A134 (1m south of Mundford 814917 01953 861094 BRISK walks will maintain this pace throughout the walk and members who feel they would be roundabout) unable to keep up, are advised not to attempt them. Sunday 26th Forncett Village Hall 237 10 John& Margaret Food & drink - members should bring sufficient for their own needs over the length of the walk October via Hapton & Tharston 165939 (cut- 01953 788268 Please observe both the Highway Code on roads & the Country Code on all our walks. offs) Weather - If the weather is particularly bad prior to a walk we recommend that you contact the leaders before setting out, to check that the walk will still take place. Sunday 2rd Mulbarton. Car park near Village Hall. 237 5.25 Rick & Nancy November. And sportsfield. Brisk walk to 195009 01508 489311 Map References L = O.S. Landranger maps 2cm:1km ( 1: 50 000 scale) Swainsthorpe and Swardeston E = O.S. Explorer maps 4cm:1km ( 1: 25 000) The six digit number is the walk start location reference, with the first three digits showing position on the map edge scales horizontally & the second three showing position vertically. Sunday 9th Hardingham Church 237 9 Maurice & Janis Note this six digit reference is the same for both Landranger & Explorer maps. November park on verge by church 037050 01603 880927 Joint walk with mid- Norfolk group WALK BOOKS:- We have a wide range of books available to walkers, covering areas local to King's Lynn, as well as other parts of Norfolk. They all feature 16 circular walks with maps and are Thursday Hapton Church, Holly Lane 237 5 Sheila F. th easy for the casual walker to follow. 13 Nov NR15 1SE 176966 01953 860156 Prices are around £3 and the books can be obtained from:- Allan Jones on 01553 671829 or from Sunday 16th High Bridgham. Small car park by 230 5 Sheila S. Please Note Abbreviations:- CP = Car Park VH = Village Hall NT = National Trust PH = Public House November Brettenham Heath 935865 01953 861094 Programme Secretary's Note:- This programme and other information about the group can be found on our website For Fit Together Health Walks details can be found at rd or telephone the local coordinator on 01553 616251 Sunday 23 Coronation Hall, Carr Lane, Great 237 5 Pam CAR PARKING - at some VH locations a fee of £1 per car (unless otherwise stated) is levied. November Moulton NR15 2HR 167906 01379 677670 This is in appreciation of our permission to park. 10.30am Walk, followed by Lunch (provided) N.B. ALL WALK DISTANCES ARE SHOWN IN MILES at 12.30, then Group AGM at approx. 1.30-2.30. All welcome. NB: MOST SUNDAY WALKS are at least 8m and kept at a steady pace with snack & lunch stops expected th If in doubt please check with the walk leader Sunday 30 Spooner Row recreation ground, 237 8 Janet & Geoff November Station Rd, next to school 092976 01953 602457 Saturday 5.5 Kings Lynn & Ferry PC PE30 2NB MAP L132 E250 Moderate pace. 2nd Aug MEET Lynnsport REF. 631 209 1000hrs LED BY Sue & Allan Jones TEL. 01553 671829 Sunday 9 Harpley, Houghton & Bunkers Hill PC PE31 6DS MAP L132 E250 3rd Aug MEET Harpley Dams - off A148 at rear of Dogotel REF 772 255 1030hrs LED BY John Mansfield TEL. 01553 671533

Tuesday BRISK 6 MAP L132 E250 5th Aug MEET Hudsons Fen CP, Chapel Rd, Pott Row REF 322 570 1000hrs LED BY Bob Walker TEL. 01485 600360

4 29 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

SOUTHERN NORFOLK GROUP August 2014- November 2014 KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 Secretary : Margaret Wilde Tel 01953 788268 Email [email protected] TWO WALKS TODAY:- *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Start time. All walks start at 10.00 am unless stated otherwise Wednesday 3.5 Around Sandringham PC PE35 6EN MAP L132 E236 In the event of extreme weather, please contact the Walk Leader. 6th Aug SHORT & MEET Sandringham Visitor Centre REF. 689 287 Leaders may have to alter planned routes if footpaths are not maintained. 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Keith Starks TEL. 01485 542268 Car parking. A fee (£1 per car) will be collected when church or village hall car parks are AND:- 4.5 Roydon Common EVENING MAP L132 E250 used. EVENING MEET Norfolk Wildlife Trust car park REF. 698 228 Packed lunch stops are normally only made on walks over 6-7 miles, but it is advisable to 1800hrs LED BY Sue & Mike Berman TEL. 01553 679277 carry a drink and snack on all walks. Explorer map references are given unless another map series is stated but grid Thursday 5.9 Sandringham & West Newton PC PE35 6EN MAP L132 E236 references are the same for all series 7th Aug MEET Sandringham Visitor Centre By Permission - No Dogs REF. 689 287 1000hrs LED BY Sue & Allan Jones TEL. 01553 671829 Dogs are welcome on walks unless otherwise stated, however they are the sole responsibility of their owner. Thursday walks are designed to be dog-friendly. Saturday 5.5 Sandringham PC PE35 6EN MAP L132 E250 9th Aug MEET Sandringham Visitors' Centre REF. 689 287 We would like to split the Secretary's job into two manageable parts: 1000hrs LED BY Jan & Deri Rowlinson TEL. 01553 840651 Group Secretary and Walks Programme Secretary. Sunday 9 Hunstanton, Holme & Ringstead P.C. PE36 6EJ MAP L132 E250 If you are able to help, please contact Margaret. Full support will be given. 10th Aug MEET St. Edmund's Chapel, Cliff Parade, Hunstanton REF 674 419 1030hrs LED BY Dave Middleton TEL. 01553 671038 Date & Time Venue Grid Ref. Miles Leader(s) Tuesday BRISK 6 Massingham MAP L132 E250 if not 10 am 12th Aug MEET Great Massingham Church REF. 789 229 Sunday 3rd Wreningham, Bird in Hand pub. 237 6.8 Rick & Nancy 1000hrs LED BY Barbara & Ken Vincent TEL. 01553 767157 August Park far left hand corner. No lunch 166987 01508 489311 Wednesday 4.75 Grimston Carr EVENING MAP L132 E250 stop,optional pub meal at end. 13th Aug MEET Lane opposite Low Road Grimston/Congham REF. 720 227 Brisk walk via Flordon, Bracon Ash 1800hrs LED BY Sue & Mike Berman TEL. 01553 679277 and Hethel. Thursday 5.5 Peddars Way & Harpley PC PE31 6DS MAP L132 E250 th Thurs. 14 Hardingham 237 6 Sheila S. 14th Aug MEET CP at rear of Dogotel REF. 772 255 August park on verge near church 035050 01953 861094 1000hrs LED BY Myrtle Roberts (New Leader) TEL. 01553 840537

Saturday 6 North Creake PC NR21 9AD MAP L132 E251 th Sunday 17 Beccles Quay Car Park OL40 9.5 Sue & Eileen 16th Aug MEET North Creake VH REF 852 378 August 422913 01603 611606 1000hrs LED BY Alan Crisp TEL. 01328 738142 07936 531652 Sunday 18 Sedgeford, Gt Bircham & Shernbourne Legstretcher MAP L132 E250 Sunday Wreningham, Longs Wood car park 237 7.5 John& Margaret 17th Aug MEET Snettisham Church Please park sensibly in village REF. 691 343 24th August via Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall 149990 01953 788268 0900hrs - NB LED BY Bill Fletcher PC PE31 7NJ away from church TEL. 01485 544579

Tuesday BRISK 6 Salthouse & PC PE32 2HY MAP L133 E251 Saturday Angles Way 25th Anniversary 230 6 Sheila S. 19th Aug MEET The Green - A149 Salthouse by Dun Cow pub REF 073 438 th 6 Redgrave Fen (field adjacent to 053802 01953 861094 1000hrs LED BY Sue & Mick Jeffery TEL. 01328 830886 September centre) Leisurely walk to Fair Green 11.00am with lunch stop at Wortham Ling. TWO WALKS TODAY:- Transport provided to return to cars. *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Refreshments at start. Wednesday 3.2 River Ouse Circular MAP L132 20th Aug SHORT & MEET Layby S side of A47, 2 miles SW of Pullover roundabout REF. 587 173 th Thurs. 18 Hingham. 237 6 Sheila F. 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Sue & Allan Jones TEL. 01553 671829 September Park opposite school, Hardingham St. 025024 01953 860156 NR9 4JB AND:- 5.5 Grimston & Gayton EVENING MAP L132 E250 EVENING MEET Layby in Broad Drove, Grimston REF. 730 216 1800hrs LED BY Sue & Mike Berman TEL. 01553 679277 Sunday 21st Wreningham, Longs Wood car park, 237 5.5 Terry September Wymondham Rd, 149990 01953 789270 Saturday Walks due in for next programme 27th Sept. 28 5

23rd SHELFANGER E230/L144 106841 6 Ann (Village Hall, Common Road) [IP22 2DP] 01603 451930

30th MARSHAM E238/L133 197242 6 Simon R The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter &(Plough Walks if eating Programme there or old road beside A140August) [NR10 2014 5PS] - November via 01603 2014423085

NOV 6th NORTH LOPHAM E230/L144 037821 5½ Ian KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 (Village Hall between N & S Lopham Churches) [IP22 2LP] 01603 622539

Thursday 4.75 Hillington & Congham PC PE31 6BJ MAP L132 E250 13th HONINGHAM E238/L133 102119 5½ Janet 21st Aug MEET Layby on A148 opp B1440 (Hillington) REF. 712 254 (Village Hall) [NR9 5AP] 01603 413265 1000hrs LED BY Jan & Malcolm Cox TEL. 01553 829670 - followed by the Wensum Group AGM (see below) Saturday 5 Fring PC PE31 6SE MAP L132 E250 23rd Aug MEET Fring Church REF 735 348 16th HAPTON E237/L134 176967 4½ Rod & Janet W 1000hrs LED BY Sue Crump TEL. 01485 570377 (Sunday 1.30 pm) (Car park beside Hapton Church) [NR15 1SE] 01379 677267

Sunday No Walk Offered 20th ALBY E252/L133 207324 5 Sue W 24th Aug (Alby Crafts off A140) [NR11 7QE] 01603 411679

Tuesday BRISK 6 Wells Hike MAP L132 E251 27th MARTHAM OL40/L134 455179 5¼ Richard & Lynda 26th Aug MEET Market Lane, Wells nr Alderman Peel school REF. 917 428 (Park round green: meet opp. Co-op) [NR29 4AH] 07732 936249 1000hrs LED BY Bill Coomes TEL. 01328 711937 Wednesday 3.25 Ashwicken EVENING MAP L132 E250 27th Aug MEET All Saints Church (0.4 mile along Church Lane South) REF. 699 189 1800hrs LED BY Sue & Mike Berman Off B1145 TEL. 01553 679277 The Annual General Meeting of the Wensum Group will be held at Honingham Village Hall on Thursday 13th November 2014 at 1.30 pm. Bring a packed lunch. Tea and Thursday 6 The Raynhams PC NR21 7BP MAP L132 E238 coffee will be provided. Any motions from members or nominations to the Committee 28th August MEET Helhoughton Church REF. 869 265 are to be passed to the Secretary by 30th September latest please. LED BY Carol & Ray Longman TEL. 01328 838822 Saturday 5 Fakenham & River PC NR21 7AB MAP L132 The Wensum Group Christmas Lunch will take place at the Filby Bridge Restaurant 30th Aug MEET Hempton Church REF 914 291 following the ramble on Thursday 11th December 2014. Bookings will be taken from 1000hrs LED BY Carol & Ray Longman TEL. 01328 838822 1st October by Helen (01508 493917).

Sunday 12 Barmer MAP L132 E250 ______31st Aug MEET Green Lane Barmer REF 811 334 1030hrs LED BY Mark Elvin TEL. 01553 760716 Tuesday BRISK 6 Kings Lynn Riverbank Special MAP L132 E250 2nd Sept MEET Lynnsport CP, Green Park Avenue REF 631 209 1000hrs LED BY Sandra Coleman TEL. 01553 771108 *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Wednesday 3.5 Ashwicken Church MAP L132 E250 3rd Sept SHORT & MEET Ashwicken School, corner of B1145 & East Winch Rd REF. 691 195 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Jan & Malcolm Cox TEL. 01553 829670 Thursday 4.5 Drymere & Shingham MAP L144 E236 4th Sept MEET Track 107 to SE of Drymere REF. 752 062 1000hrs LED BY Karin & Bob Garner TEL. 01760 755554

Saturday 5 Great Bircham Roam MAP L132 E250 6th Sept MEET Great Bircham Village Sign REF 766 322 1000hrs LED BY Joy Jones TEL. 01485 579019 Sunday 9 The Height of Norfolk - Docking & Bircham W'mill MAP L132 E250 7th Sept MEET CP on Bradmere Lane just N of B1155 REF. 771 370 1030hrs LED BY Sue & Mike Berman TEL. 01553 679277 Tuesday BRISK 6 Sheringham - Fellbrigg Linear (bring bus pass!) MAP L133 E252 9th Sept MEET Sheringham Station REF. 157 431 1000hrs LED BY Chris Oakley TEL. 01760 722947

6 27 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014 WENSUM GROUP Secretary: Tony Smith, 3 Priors Drive, Old Catton, Norwich, NR6 7LJ. Tel: 01603 423085 KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 Please Note. All walks on Thursdays start at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated. If anyone requires a lift or wishes to share a car to a Wensum Group ramble, they are Wednesday 5 The Congham & Roydon Fry BREAKFAST WALK MAP L132 E250 invited to contact John K. (01692 535051) who will try to arrange it. If there is doubt about a 10th Sept MEET The Anvil PH CP, Congham REF. 707 228 walk taking place (e.g. due to adverse weather) please contact the walk leader or Secretary. 0815hrs LED BY Sue & Mike Berman TEL. 01553 679277 Walk followed by 'Full English' breakfast @ £6.50. Please contact leaders to book in advance. Date Venue Grid Ref Miles Leader Thursday 5 East Rudham to Pockthorpe PC PE31 8RD MAP L132 E251 AUG 7th BLUNDESTON OL40/L134 517974 6 Richard & Sally 11th Sept MEET East Rudham village green When parking REF 827 283 (The Plough if eating there or Community Centre) [NR32 5AN] 01603 437560 1000hrs LED BY Jan & Malcolm Cox please consider local residents TEL. 01553 829670 [NB Booking starts today for the coach trip on 21st August] Saturday 5 Beachamwell PC PE37 8BD MAP L143 E236 14th HORNING OL40/L134 343175 6 Lesley 13th Sept MEET Green next to Beachamwell VH on S side of Church REF 751 054 (Horning Village Hall off A1062) [NR12 8LQ] 01692 630605 1000hrs LED BY Karin & Bob Garner TEL. 01760 755554 Sunday 8 Barmer & Coxford Woods MAP L132 17th BACONSTHORPE E252/L133 120382 5 (or 4) Gillian & John 14th Sept MEET roadside - Barmer (off B1454) REF. 810 335 (Sunday 2.00 pm) (Castle Car Park) [NR25 6LE] 01692 535051 1030hrs LED BY Pat Reed TEL. 01485 540757

21st COACH TRIP (Framlingham) 9 Rod & Janet W Tuesday BRISK 6.5 Great Bircham MAP L132 E250 8.45am from Homebase, Hall Road:[book via Rod 01379 677267 or 07881 524406] 01379 677267 16th Sept MEET Great Bircham Village Sign REF. 766 322 1000hrs LED BY Bill Fletcher TEL. 01485 544579 28th WOOD DALLING E238/L133 095280 6¼ Malcolm (Village Hall, Prospect Lane nr Norton Corner PO) [NR11 6RW] 01603 466431 *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Wednesday 3.7 Castle Rising & Knights Hill PC PE31 6AA MAP L132 E250 SEP 4th SYLEHAM E230/L156 213779 6 Sue A 17th Sept SHORT & MEET Opposite Golf Course REF 624 239 (Village Hall – Wingfield end of Hoxne Road) [IP21 4LT] 01379 676654 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY John Hocknell TEL. 01553 631458 [NB Booking starts today for the coach trip on 18th September] Thursday 5 Ingoldisthorpe & Dersingham PC PE31 6NQ MAP L132 E250 11th MARTHAM OL40/L134 456179 6 Penny 18th Sept MEET Lay-by on B1440 opp Recreation Ground REF. 683 325 (Park opposite Kings Arms PH by pond) [NR29 4PL] 01603 810618 1000hrs LED BY Keith Starks TEL. 01485 542268

Saturday 6 Gayton Thorpe PC PE32 1PN MAP L132 E250 18th COACH TRIP (Hillington, Congham, Bircham Mill) 9 Diana 8.45am from Homebase, Hall Road:[book via Rod 01379 677267 or 07881 524406] 01603 423085 20th Sept MEET Gayton Thorpe Church REF 745 185 1000hrs LED BY Penny Bussey TEL. 01553 671533 21st WYMONDHAM E237/L144 116012 4½ Sue W Sunday 8.25 Great Massingham & Grimston Heath MAP L132 (Sunday 2.00 pm) (The Lizard Car Park off Station Road) [NR18 0JY] 01603 411679 21st Sept MEET Dabbling Duck, Great Massingham REF. 798 229

1030hrs LED BY Maureen & Roy Everett TEL. 01553 278469 25th HOLT E251/L133 082376 5 Diana (Holt Country Park on B1149) [NR25 6S?] 01603 423085 Tuesday BRISK 6 Thornham MAP L132 E250 23rd Sept MEET Thornham Harbour CP at end of Staithe Road REF 727 444 OCT 2nd GISSING E230/L144 146854 6½ Rod & Janet W 1000hrs LED BY Colin Elston TEL. 01553 672243 (The Crown if eating there or the Bowls Club) [IP22 5UJ] 01379 677267 Thursday 5 Syderstone PC PE31 8SD MAP L132 E250 [NB Booking starts today for the coach trip on 16th October] 25th Sept MEET Syderstone Church REF 833 327 9th HEMPNALL E237/L134 243943 6 Pauline & Val 1000hrs LED BY Joy Jones TEL. 01485 579019 (Village Hall) [NR15 2NG] 01508 498960 Saturday 6 Brisley and Deep Norfolk PC NR20 5DW MAP L132 E238 27th Sept MEET Brisley Green Cricket Field REF 955 213 16th COACH TRIP (The King’s Forest & Thetford) 9 Ann 1000hrs LED BY John Mansfield TEL. 01553 671533 8.45am from Homebase, Hall Road:[book via Rod 01379 677267 or 07881 524406] 01603 451930 Sunday 11 The Three 'S' Challenge PC PE36 5NG MAP L132 E250 19th MARSHAM E238/L133 197237 5½ or 4½ Gillian & John 28th Sept MEET Sedgeford VH Jarvie Close (off Ringstead Rd) REF. 710 368 (Sunday 2.00 pm) (Lay-by off A140) [NR10 5PP] 01692 535051 1000hrs - N.B. LED BY Mike & Sue Berman TEL. 01553 679277 Tuesday BRISK 6 Around Castle Acre MAP L132 E236 23rd SHELFANGER E230/L144 106841 6 Ann 30th Sept MEET Field nr entrance to Priory - past toilets REF 813 151 (Village Hall, Common Road) [IP22 2DP] 01603 451930 1000hrs LED BY Valerie Chapman TEL. 01553 765860

30th MARSHAM E238/L133 197242 6 Simon R (Plough if eating there or old road beside A140) [NR10 5PS] via 01603 423085

NOV 6th NORTH LOPHAM E230/L14426 037821 5½ Ian 7 (Village Hall between N & S Lopham Churches) [IP22 2LP] 01603 622539

13th HONINGHAM E238/L133 102119 5½ Janet (Village Hall) [NR9 5AP] 01603 413265 - followed by the Wensum Group AGM (see below)

16th HAPTON E237/L134 176967 4½ Rod & Janet W (Sunday 1.30 pm) (Car park beside Hapton Church) [NR15 1SE] 01379 677267

20th ALBY E252/L133 207324 5 Sue W (Alby Crafts off A140) [NR11 7QE] 01603 411679

27th MARTHAM OL40/L134 455179 5¼ Richard & Lynda (Park round green: meet opp. Co-op) [NR29 4AH] 07732 936249

The Annual General Meeting of the Wensum Group will be held at Honingham Village Hall on Thursday 13th November 2014 at 1.30 pm. Bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. Any motions from members or nominations to the Committee are to be passed to the Secretary by 30th September latest please.

The Wensum Group Christmas Lunch will take place at the Filby Bridge Restaurant following the ramble on Thursday 11th December 2014. Bookings will be taken from 1st October by Helen (01508 493917).

______The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Cart Gap Richard & Lynda 9.25 *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* 28th Sept. overflow car park 01493 731089 Wednesday 3.7 Castle Rising & Knights Hill PC PE31 6AA MAP L132 E250 for Small stick Cafe Mb .. 077329 36249 1st Oct SHORT & MEET Opposite Golf Course REF 624 239 ( with kind permission ) 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Sheila Drewery TEL. 01553 673518 LR 134 396298

Thursday 6 Great Massingham & Peddars Way MAP L132 E250 Tuesday Car park Recreation ground Richard & Lynda 6 2nd Oct MEET Jct of Peddars Way & minor rd W of Gt Massingham REF. 780 234 7th Oct. Ormesby St . Margaret 01493 731089 1000hrs LED BY Peter Escott Limited car parking space TEL. 01553 670245 LR 134 503 148 Mb.. 077329 36249 Saturday 5 Brancaster PC PE31 8AU MAP L132 E250 There will be a committee meeting after this walk . 4th Oct MEET Brancaster Church at Jct of B1153 & A149 REF. 772 439 1000hrs LED BY Angela & Dennis Buisson TEL. 01485 572458 Sunday Coast Guard Cottages Jackie 8.5 th Sunday 10 Grimston Heath & Massingham PC PE31 6DS MAP L132 E250 12 Oct N T car park Dunwich Heath 5th Oct MEET Harpley Dams - off A148 at rear of Dogotel REF 772 255 charge for non members 01493 852818 1030hrs LED BY Dave Middleton TEL. 01553 671038 LR 156 476685

Tuesday BRISK 6 Houghton & Bunkers Hill MAP L132 E250 Tuesday Blofield Heath Community Mary (B ) 5.5 7th Oct MEET Opposite White Lodge, Houghton REF. 776 289 21st Oct. Centre LR 134 327116 01493 443157 1000hrs LED BY John Mansfield TEL. 01553 671533

Thursday 4.5 Wolferton & The Marshes PC PE35 6EN MAP L132 E250 Sunday Lound V.H Christine 5 to 6 9th Oct MEET Cutting near old station REF. 663 287 26th Oct. LR 134 505989 01493 300999 1000hrs LED BY Sue & Allan Jones By Permission - No Dogs TEL. 01553 671829 Saturday 6 Brancaster & Barrow Common PC PE31 8AU MAP L132 E250 The A.G. M will follow this walk starting at 2 0 ' clock in the village hall . A scrumptious , wonderful 11th Oct MEET Brancaster Church @ junction of B1153 & A149 REF. 772 439 section of home cakes will be served to all group members who attend . It would be good to have some 1000hrs LED BY Jane Hansell TEL. 01553 621600 feed back from the our members .. any thoughts , suggestions about the programme .. new ideas . Please bring them and yourselves along . Sunday 8 Courtyard Farm - Holme MAP L132

12th Oct MEET CP Ringstead to Burnham road REF 722 405 Tuesday Carlton & Oulton Marshes Jackie 5 1030hrs LED BY Pat Reed CP fee (see start of programme) TEL. 01485 540757 4th Nov. Wild life centre Car Park 01493 852818 Tuesday BRISK 6 Sandringham MAP L132 E250 Burnt Lane Nr Oulton Broad 14th Oct MEET Sandringham Visitors Centre REF. 689 287 LR 134 508920 1000hrs LED BY John Higgins TEL. 01553 671683 donation for centre please *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Wednesday 3.9 Ingoldisthorpe & Dersingham PC PE31 6NQ MAP L132 Sunday Goodies Farm shop Alan and Linda 8.5 to 9 th 15th Oct SHORT & MEET Layby on B1440 opposite Recreation Field REF. 683 325 9 Nov . Wood Lane .. off A .140 01508 530600 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Keith Starks TEL. 01485 542268 South of Long Stratton EXP 230 LR 156 195895 Mb. 0753029880 Thursday 5 Old Hunstanton Park & Ringstead Down PC PE36 6JS MAP L132 E250 16th Oct MEET St Mary's Church CP, Old Hunstanton REF. 688 419 1000hrs LED BY Angela & Dennis Buisson CP fee (see start of programme) TEL. 01485 572458 Tuesday Burgh St . Peter Trevor & Carol 6 Saturday 6 Docking Leisurely Stroll MAP L132 E250 18th Nov . Car park V.H 01493 377460 18th Oct MEET Bayfield Surgery CP, High Street, Docking REF 771 368 OL 40 468935 01493 304225 1000hrs LED BY Pat & John Tee TEL. 01485 572167

Sunday 9 Marham Heights & Fen P.C. PE33 9JS MAP L132 E238 Sunday Carlton Colville Mike & Ros 8.5 19th Oct MEET Tithebarn Lane (off The Street, due N. of airfield) REF 735 108 23rd Nov . Community Centre 01603 270684 1030hrs LED BY Rick Harrison TEL. 01760 338300 Hall Rd Tuesday BRISK 6.5 Hunstanton & Ringstead P.C. PE36 6EJ MAP L132 E250 OL 40 508897 21st Oct MEET St. Edmund's Chapel, Cliff Parade, Hunstanton REF 674 419 1000hrs LED BY Gerald Pepper TEL. 01485 532987 Thursday 5 Brancaster & Barrow Common PC PE31 8AU MAP L132 E250 th 23rd Oct MEET Brancaster Church @ junction of B1153 & A149 REF. 772 439 A date for your diary .. the Christmas walk and meal will be on Sunday 7 December . Details will th 1000hrs LED BY Jan & Deri Rowlinson TEL. 01553 840651 be available early November from Richard and Ann and must be booked by 30 November . Phone . 01493 719288

8 25 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 GREAT YARMOUTH AND DISTRICT GROUP Programme August to November 2014 Saturday 5.5 South Wootton PC PE30 3LJ MAP L132 E250 Secretary Christine ..01493 300999 . e-mail [email protected] 25th Oct MEET South Wootton VH CP REF. 640 228 1000hrs LED BY Marion Scales TEL. 01553 840534 All Sunday walks start at 10.30 Tuesday morning walks at 10.00 except 26th October which will except 16th September . 9.50 . Sunday 16 The Holkham Hike PC NR23 6DS MAP L132 E251 start at 11.00 ( A.G. M. 2 pm ) See walk for details . 26th Oct MEET Holkham Village C/Park REF 891 436 0930hrs - N.B. LED BY Mark Elvin TEL. 01553 760716 In the event of inclement weather , please telephone the leader(s) to check if the walk is still taking Tuesday BRISK 6 Courtyard Farm Canter MAP L132 E250 place . Any one wishing to bring a dog , please check with the leader first. 28th Oct MEET Courtyard Farm CP, Ringstead to Burnham Rd. REF. 722 405 1000hrs LED BY Katie & James Fisher TEL. 01485 524848 A donation is requested when parking in village hall (V. H ) or community centres car parks Thank-you *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Wednesday 3 Peddars Way PC PE31 6DS MAP L132 E250 Please let Jackie have details of any walk by 5th October . 29th Oct SHORT & MEET Off A148 at rear of Dogotel REF. 772 255 E-mail [email protected] or phone 01493 852818 . We are hoping to put on more 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Sue & Allan Jones TEL. 01553 671829 Tuesday morning walks so please help by volunteering to do an extra one or come forward as a new leader . ( help would be given ) Thank you to the new Sunday walks leaders . Thursday 4.8 Wandering around West Acre MAP L132 E236 30th Oct MEET West Acre Common by Mill House REF. 788 151 Date Venue /Map ref. Leader (s) Miles 1000hrs LED BY Karin & Bob Garner TEL. 01760 755554 Saturday 5.5 Great Bircham PC PE31 6QW MAP L132 E250 Sunday Manor farm riding stables Alan C 9 1st Nov MEET Social Club CP, Church Lane REF. 770 325 rd 3 Aug . the street Lyng 1000hrs LED BY Maureen & Roy Everett TEL. 01553 278469 up towards Cadders hill 01493 851503 EXP. 238 068175 Sunday 11.5 West Acre, Narford & Castle Acre MAP L132 By kind permission of the owner .. donation to hall funds please 2nd Nov MEET West Acre Common REF. 788 150 1030hrs LED BY Barry Lehair TEL. 01553 692280 Sunday N.T car park Felbrigg Hall Geoff & Monica 8 to 9 17th Aug. charge for non members 01603 720374 Tuesday BRISK 6.5 Burnham Overy Staithe & Burnham Thorpe MAP L132 E251 Exp 252 194394 4th Nov MEET Burnham Overy Staithe REF. 844 443 1000hrs LED BY Pat Dugard TEL. 01553 673408 Tuesday Roman Town car park Alan and Linda 5 to 5.5 Thursday 5 Ken Hill & Snettisham PC PE31 7PF MAP L132 E250 19th Aug . Caistor St. Edmund 01508 530600 6th Nov MEET CP off Beach Road, Snettisham REF. 673 336 EXP..237 / LR 134 233033 Mb. 07530292880 1000hrs LED BY Daphne & John Hocknell TEL. 01553 631458

Sunday Old Workhouse Bernard 8 Saturday 4.5 VCs Remembered - Downham & Bexwell PC PE38 9AH MAP L143 E236 31 Aug. Viewpoints Mews 01493 664802 8th Nov MEET Howdale CP, Downham Market REF. 615 029 Shipmeadow Mb. 07950137579 1000hrs LED BY Hazel & John Miles TEL. 01366 385772 OL 40 378900 PC PE31 7NJ Sunday 14 Snettisham & Around MAP L132 E250 Sunday Fritton Common Mary L 9 9th Nov MEET Snettisham Church Please park sensibly in village REF. 691 343 14th Sept. South side 01603 506982 0930hrs - N.B. LED BY Bill Fletcher away from church TEL. 01485 544579 Near Hempnall Tuesday BRISK 6.5 The Unnamed Ramble MAP L132 E250 LR 134 222919 11th Nov MEET CP rear of Dogotel, Harpley Dams REF. 772 255 1000hrs LED BY Helen Lilley TEL. 01485 600153 Tuesday A Walk with a Difference Richard & Lynda 6.25 *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* 16th Sept. Train and then walk 01493 731089 Wednesday 3.3 Barrow Common & Brancaster MAP L132 E250 9.50 start . Cantley LR 134 381 034 Mb. 077329 36249 SHORT & With help from Jean &Tony 12th Nov MEET AA box layby N of A149, Brancaster Staithe REF. 789 443 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Stan Mather TEL. 01485 211009 Park in the back car park of the Reedcutters Inn Cantley (with kind permission ) .. catch the train from Cantley to Brundall station , then walk back . Bring rail cards .. also may be able to get discounts .. 4 for 2 . Start 9.50 prompt .

24 9 Date Venue Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s

Sunday Stockton Stone, NR34 0HP, OL40 TM 386 948 12 Jeanne & Pat October 26th Lay-by on A146 (approx 1.8 01603 897141 10:00am miles past Hales Service 07766394763 Station

Sunday Meet and park on the old road 238 TG 197 240 11 Gerald November 2nd at Marsham 01603 501599 10:00am 07980181911


Wednesday Honingham Village Hall, NR9 238 TG 103 118 11 Richard S November 12th 5AP (donation to hall funds) 07500 363279 10:00am

Sunday Banham. NR16 2HR Park 230 TM 063 881 13 Lyn November 16th around the green in front of the 07719736600 10:00am church

The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area SundayNewsletter &Meet Walks at Holkham Programme village car 251 TF August 891 436 2014 - 11November Neil 2014 November 23rd park, turn left opposite Lady 01603 811105 10:00am VenueAnn Drive. KING'S LYNN & DISTRICT GROUP AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2014 Date Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s

Thursday 5.5 Around North Creake PC NR21 9AD MAP L132 E251 Wednesday Mannington Hall car park, 252 TG 141 321 11 Jeanne & Pat 13th Nov MEET North Creake VH CP REF 852 378 November 26th NR11 7BB (£2 parking fee) 01603 897141 1000hrs LED BY Alan Crisp CP fee (see start of programme) TEL. 01328 738142 10:00am 07766 394763

KING'S LYNN GROUP A.G.M. Saturday 4.5 Leziate & Around PC PE32 1EN MAP L132 E250 Sunday Venta Icenorum car park 237 TG 231 033 12 Cas th 15th Nov MEET Leziate VH Car Park ( prior to lunch & A.G.M. REF. 681 192 November 30 Caistor St Edmund NR14 8QN 07906404673 1000hrs LED BY John Mansfield held at new time of 1300HRS) TEL. 01553 671533 10:00am If you require a Lunch, please pre-order from Maureen Everett or Sheila Drewery by 11th November Sunday No Walk Offered 16th Nov Tuesday BRISK 6 Sandringham MAP L132 E250 18th Nov MEET Sandringham Visitors Centre REF. 689 287 1000hrs LED BY Wendy & Frank Woo TEL. 01485 600153

Thursday 6 Leziate & Bawsey PC PE32 1EN MAP L132 E250 20th Nov MEET Leziate VH Car Park REF. 681 192 1000hrs LED BY Angela & Dennis Buisson CP fee (see start of programme) TEL. 01485 572458

Saturday 5 Rudham Grange PC PE31 8RD MAP L132 E251 22nd Nov MEET East Rudham Village Green REF 827 283 1000hrs LED BY Carol & Ray Longman TEL. 01328 838822

Sunday 10.5 Messing About in Massingham MAP L132 23rd Nov MEET Dabbling Duck, Great Massingham REF 798 229 1030hrs LED BY James Fisher TEL. 01485 542848 Tuesday BRISK 6 North Creake MAP L132 E251 25th Nov MEET North Creake VH CP REF. 852 378 1000hrs LED BY Alan Crisp TEL. 01328 738142 Save money and enjoy the best, comfortably-paced, social guided walking and hotel accommodation on Eve and Stan’s nineteenth Winter season (Nov.-March) in *******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014*******NEW FOR 2014********NEW FOR 2014******* Wednesday 3.9 Grimston Common MAP L132 E250 northern Tenerife. 26th Nov SHORT & MEET 1 mile west of Pott Row by Grimston Common REF. 690 218 1330hrs LEISURELY LED BY Karin & Bob Garner TEL. 01760 755554 Magnificent landscapes with average temperatures of 20-23C. at mid-day. Private coach travel to/from the walks. Thursday 5.3 Shouldham & Wormegay PC PE33 0DH MAP L143 E236 27th Nov MEET Shouldham Warren CP REF. 680 104 1000hrs LED BY Hazel & John Miles TEL. 01366 385772 Our apartment hotel offers superior accommodation (all en-suite) with a 25m. out- door heated swimming pool and an attractive sub-tropical garden. Prices start from Saturday 6.5 Helhoughton PC NR21 7BP MAP L132 E238 just 303.5 euros pp. (two sharing) for seven nights B&B and four guided walks. 29th Nov MEET All Saints Church Helhoughton REF. 869 265 1000hrs LED BY James Fisher TEL. 01485 542848 Half-board and Room only also available. Group discounts.

Sunday 14 Massingham Heath PC PE31 6DS MAP L132 E250 You are only four hours away from enjoying superb “Summer-in-Winter” guided 30th Nov MEET Harpley Dams - off A148 at rear of Dogotel REF 772 255 walks at incredibly-low rates. We enjoy 90% repeat bookings-you’ll enjoy a warm 0930hrs - N.B. LED BY Bill Fletcher TEL. 01485 544579 reception!

82 Walks 522.20 Further information from our website (above )or e-mail us [email protected]. or tel: 01768 840040

10 23 Date Venue Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s

Sunday Kelling Heath, unsigned car 251 TG 099 417 11.5 Jeanne & Pat September 28th park on Holgate Hill, 01603 897141 10:00am NR25 7EQ 07766394763

Wednesday Mackey’s Hill car park, 251 TG 089 382 11 Stephen B October 8th NR25 6EE, Hempstead Road, 01603 483956 10:00am Holt Country Park (not 07502 085715 Visitor Centre)

Sunday Meet at North Cove Church, OL40 TM 461 983 12.5 Peter October 12th park on the old road 07905565740 10:00am

Friday Peak District Weekend OL24 SK 149 665 9 Steve & Janet October 17th Meet outside “Old Smithy 07500161634 10:30am Café” Monyash, parking in TheChapel Ramblers Street and’ around the Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014 village. DE45 1HE Date Venue Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s Hike Norfolk Saturday Peak District Weekend OL1 SK 107 847 11 John October 18th The Kinder Plateau. Parking 07766357173 Important Note: The table below is only a guide to our programme, the full programme 09:30am area past Barber Booth can be found at the address below. All walks are subject to change! beyond the railway bridge. S33 7ZL

Date Details Start Length Leader Sunday Peak District Weekend OL24 SK 251 787 13 Richard W 3rd August Weaver’s Way - GY to Acle TBA TBA Hanna October 19th Park and meet on Grindleford 07936697038 09:30am Station access road S11 7TZ 9th August Blakeney Point TBA 7 miles Sarah

10th August West Runton & Felbrigg Hall TBA 8.5 miles Rosemary 17th August North Elmham TBA TBA Jo Monday Peak District Weekend OL1 SK 134 834 6.5 Gerald October 20th Park on old road heading 07980181911 31st August Castle Acre TBA 10 - 12 m Tim 10:00am towards Mam Tor below Treak Cliff Cavern. S33 8WA 7th September Salthouse and Cley TBA 10.5 miles Clive

13th September Redgrave Fen & Bressingham TBA 6.5 miles 14th September TBA TBA 10 - 12m Nina Wednesday Tibenham Village Hall, – 230 TM 134 892 11 Simon W DateOctober 22nd Venuetoilets open (donation to hall Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s01603 748390 21st September Peddars Way (1) Knettishall to Little TBA 14.25 miles Emma 10:00am funds) NR16 1PX Cressingham

Sunday Stockton Stone, NR34 0HP, OL40 TM 386 948 12 Jeanne & Pat 27th September TBA TBA TBA Becky October 26th Lay-by on A146 (approx 1.8 01603 897141 10:00am miles past Hales Service 07766394763 4th October Harling woods and Bridgham village TBA 6 miles Euan Station 5th October Nar Valley Way TBA 20 miles Tim

11th October Mattishall TBA TBA Jo Sunday Meet and park on the old road 238 TG 197 240 11 Gerald November 2nd at Marsham 01603 501599 19th October TBA TBA TBA Rosemary 10:00am 07980181911 26th October Belton TBA 11 miles Clive


30th November Binham Priory TBA TBA Stephanie Wednesday Honingham Village Hall, NR9 238 TG 103 118 11 Richard S November 12th 5AP (donation to hall funds) 07500 363279 10:00am More walks are expected to be added as time goes by, so check our forum for the latest walks and social events! Sunday Banham. NR16 2HR Park 230 TM 063 881 13 Lyn November 16th around the green in front of the 07719736600 10:00am church

Sunday Meet at Holkham village car 251 TF 891 436 11 Neil November 23rd park, turn left opposite Lady 01603 811105 10:00am Ann Drive.

Wednesday Mannington Hall car park, 252 TG 141 321 11 Jeanne & Pat November 26th NR11 7BB (£2 parking fee) 01603 897141 10:00am 22 07766 394763 11

Sunday Venta Icenorum car park 237 TG 231 033 12 Cas November 30th Caistor St Edmund NR14 8QN 07906404673 10:00am

Date Venue Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s

Sunday Meet at pay & display car park, OL40 TG 369 252 15 Richard S August 17th Stalham High Street, 07500363279 10:00am NR12 9AG

Sunday Meet at Hockham Country 237 TL 937 919 12 Simon August 24th Park picnic site IP24 1PA off of 01603 762340 10:00am the A1075

Wednesday Corpusty Village Hall, 252 TG 112 300 11 Roy The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area AugustNewsletter 27th &Heydon Walks Road,Programme NR11 6QQ August 2014 - November01603 2014 279883 10:00am (donation to hall funds) Date Venue Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s SHERINGHAM GROUP

Sunday Meet at Horsey Gap car park 252 TG 465 242 11.3 Jim Group Secretary John Fawcett, Jacaranda, 19 Greenways, Holt, NR25 6RX, August 31st Horsey Corner-Winterton-Horsey 01692 652175 01263 710730 10:00am Mill Walks Secretaries Jasmine Winter, Hope Cottage, The Street, Weybourne, NR25 7SZ 01263 588822 Geri Wiggs, 5 Linden Grove, Sheringham, NR26 8PD Saturday Wensum Way linear walk 238 TG 101 182 13.5 Richard W 01263 820238 September 6th using public transport to the 01603 505362 10:00am start at Lenwade and from the 07936697038 If there is anyone who would like to help to maintain and/or clear footpaths in our area, please contact our finish at Dereham. liaison officer Richard – telephone 01263 588045. X29 bus from stand K at Norwich bus station at 09:20hrs to Lenwade Bridge and X1 bus from If you would like to be one of the walk leaders for the Sheringham group, please ring Jasmine on number Dereham to Norwich bus station above. at 15:38hrs, 16:18hrs or 16:49hrs

All walks start at 10 a.m. unless otherwise stated. Wednesday walks are morning only with a snack break. For Sunday long walks, please bring a packed lunch. If you wish to bring a dog on any walk, please phone the Wednesday Buxton Bure Valley car park, OL40 TG 232 229 11.5 Steve & Janet leader beforehand. September 10th Stracey Road, NR10 5ET 01692 678326 10:00am Dates Venue Grid ref Miles Leaders

Rambler walks put on by our group for 133/156433 Sunday Meet at Church Plain car park OL40 TM 362 987 11 Cas the Sheringham Carnival, all Exp 252 September 14th Loddon. NR14 6LX 07906404673 starting from the War Memorial. 10:00am

Tues 5th Heading West 2 p.m. 5 - 6 Jasmine 01263 588822 Sunday Meet at Nature 251 TG 048 228 12 Stephen B September 21st Reserve car park. NR20 4QR 01603 483956 Thurs 7 th Heading South 10.30 a.m. 5 – 6 Mike and Jane 01263 824885 10:00am 07502 085715

Fri 8 th Heading East 10.30 a.m. 5 - 6 Dereck 01263 821300 Wednesday Brundall Village Hall, Links OL40 TG 325 086 11 Richard W September 24th Avenue, NR13 5LL (donation 01603 505362 Date10:00am Venueto hall funds) Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s07936 697038 AUGUST

Wed 6th Binham village hall 133/982398 6 Richard & Susan Sunday Kelling Heath, unsigned car 251 TG 099 417 11.5 Jeanne & Pat c.p. donation Exp 251 01263 588045 September 28th park on Holgate Hill, 01603 897141 10:00am NR25 7EQ 07766394763 Sun 10th Downs 133/032422 10 Norman c.p. free Exp 251 01263 825457 Sun 17 th Upper Sheringham village hall 133/142419 5 Jasmine Wednesday Mackey’s Hill car park, 251 TG 089 382 11 Stephen B 3 p.m. free parking Exp 252 01263 588822 October 8th NR25 6EE, Hempstead Road, 01603 483956 walk followed by BBQ at 5:30 10:00am Holt Country Park (not 07502 085715 Visitor Centre)

Wed 20th Wells 133/923434 7 Ken & Sue Maryland / Northfield Crescent Exp 251 01603 866798 Sunday Meet at North Cove Church, OL40 TM 461 983 12.5 Peter free parking October 12th park on the old road 07905565740 Sun 24th Heritage Walk 133/143321 5.5 Julia 10:00am 'A walk with the Walpoles' Exp 252 01263 825457 Mannington Hall Friday Peak District Weekend OL24 SK 149 665 9 Steve & Janet parking £2 October 17th Meet outside “Old Smithy 07500161634 SEPT 10:30am Café” Monyash, parking in Chapel Street and around the Wed 3rd Cart Gap , Eccles 133/398300 5 John & Gillian village. DE45 1HE p & d car park Exp 252 01692 535051 O.L. 40 Saturday Peak District Weekend OL1 SK 107 847 11 John October 18th The Kinder Plateau. Parking 07766357173 09:30am area past Barber Booth 12 beyond the railway bridge. 21 S33 7ZL

Sunday Peak District Weekend OL24 SK 251 787 13 Richard W October 19th Park and meet on Grindleford 07936697038 09:30am Station access road S11 7TZ

Monday Peak District Weekend OL1 SK 134 834 6.5 Gerald October 20th Park on old road heading 07980181911 10:00am towards Mam Tor below Treak Cliff Cavern. S33 8WA

Wednesday Tibenham Village Hall, – 230 TM 134 892 11 Simon W October 22nd toilets open (donation to hall 01603 748390 10:00am funds) NR16 1PX

The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

NORWICH GROUP Wed 17th Bintree Church 133/018234 6.5 Mike & Jane Secretary: Derek Goddard, 49 Lindford Drive, Eaton, Norwich NR4 6LR  01603 506906 free parking Exp 238 01263 824885 Sun 21st Brancaster Church 132/772439 8 Edwina Sunday Walks Co-ordinator: Gerald Brooker, 01603 501599 07980 181911  parking on road Exp 250 01328 862771

th Wednesday Walks Co-ordinator: Jeanne Murphy  01603 897141 Sun 28 Greenway – Stiffkey 132/965439 5.5 Jasmine short 2 free parking Exp 251 01263 588822 Grid References are shown with the Explorer Map No followed by the Grid Reference p.m. OCT Forth coming events in this programme and later in the year below for your diary Wed 1st Coxford 132/851297 6 Teresa & Charles GEORGE LE’ SURF MEMORIAL BENCH SUNDAY 10 AUGUST AT 10:30am. Layby south of A148 Exp 251 01263 861633 free parking In memory of George Le’ Surf Norwich Group has donated a sturdy bench and it is sited Sun 5th Stody Estate 133/063339 10.5 Norman In Diss on Fair Green. The official dedication ceremony will take place on Sunday 10th August parking free Exp 251 01263 825457 Mrs Jeanne Le Surf will officiate. There will be a choice of three walks (of 4, 6 and 10 miles). Park in the town and meet near the Cock Inn on Fair Green, grid ref 144/230 TM111 795. Wed 15th 133/032422 6 John & Judith ALL ARE MOST WELCOME. free parking Exp 251 01263 588920 Sun 19th Wiveton Downs 133/032422 10.5 Clive & Barbarta Peak District walking weekend Friday 17th October to Monday 20th October 2014 free parking Exp 251 01263 826263

NORWICH GROUP AGM WILL BE HELD AT SAXLINGHAM NETHERGATE VILLAGE HALL, NR15 1TA ON Wed 29th Briston Copeman Centre 133/062323 6.5 Mike & Jane SATURDAY 8th NOVEMBER AT 2:00 PM. GRID REF: OL237 TM 229 972. A WALK OF ABOUT 5 MILES WILL LEAVE THE parking donation please Exp 251 01263 824885 HALL AT 11:00 AM. AFTER THE MEETING AND REFRESHMENTS OUR OWN GERALD BROOKER WILL TELL US ALL NOV ABOUT HIS EXPERIENCES LEADING FOR RAMBLERS’ HOLIDAYS. NOT TO BE MISSED. Sun 2nd Burnham Norton 132/828441 9 Dereck Date Venue Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s free parking Exp 251 01263 821300 Wed 12th Morston N.T. 133/007442 7 Di & David Sunday Meet at Ludham Village Hall OL40 TG 381 182 15.5 Steve & Janet P & d car park – members free Exp 251 01263 834770 3rd August car park, NR29 5PB, (£1 per 01692 678326 Wed 12 th Annual General Meeting – Upper 133/142419 If anyone would like a copy of 10:00am car donation to hall funds) 7 p.m. Sheringham village hall, followed by Exp 252 last year's AGM minutes in Option to shorten walk to 10 wine & cheese plus speaker from advance, please contact John miles Coast Watch. on 01263 710730 or e mail

If you would like to be a [email protected] Sunday George Le’Surf Memorial 230 TM 111 795 10 Peter member of the committee, 10th August Bench dedication walks. Meet 07905565740 please contact before this date. 10:30am near the Cock Inn on Fair 6 Derek Sat 15th Quiz night / fish & chip supper See booking form Green, Diss. 3 walks on offer 01603 506906 4 Bernard Sun 16th Sloughbottom Park 134/211106 7.5 Edwina parking free Exp 237 01328 862771 Wed 26th Mackeys Hill 133/088382 6 Richard & Susan Wednesday Blakeney Village Hall, 251 TG 026 438 11.5 Steve & Janet off Hempstead Rd – parking free Exp 251 01263 588045 August 13th Langham Road, NR25 7PG 01692 678326 10:00amDate (freeVenue car park) Map No’s & Grid Ref Miles Leader/s

Sunday Meet at pay & display car park, OL40 TG 369 252 15 Richard S August 17th Stalham High Street, 07500363279 The following paragraph relates to all walks advertised in this guide: 10:00am NR12 9AG All sporting and leisure activities have inherent hazards associated with them and Sunday Meet at Hockham Country 237 TL 937 919 12 Simon rambling is no exception. In spite of the safety of members always being the August 24th Park picnic site IP24 1PA off of 01603 762340 paramount concern, accidents will occasionally occur. It is important, therefore, 10:00am the A1075 that when entering into the activity, each member appreciates that they have a responsibility to identify the hazards associated with the activity and take all Wednesday Corpusty Village Hall, 252 TG 112 300 11 Roy reasonable steps to eliminate or minimise the potential for an accident to arise. August 27th Heydon Road, NR11 6QQ 01603 279883 10:00am (donation to hall funds)

20 13 Sunday Meet at Horsey Gap car park 252 TG 465 242 11.3 Jim August 31st Horsey Corner-Winterton-Horsey 01692 652175 10:00am Mill

Saturday Wensum Way linear walk 238 TG 101 182 13.5 Richard W September 6th using public transport to the 01603 505362 10:00am start at Lenwade and from the 07936697038 finish at Dereham. X29 bus from stand K at Norwich bus station at 09:20hrs to Lenwade Bridge and X1 bus from Dereham to Norwich bus station at 15:38hrs, 16:18hrs or 16:49hrs

Wednesday Buxton Bure Valley car park, OL40 TG 232 229 11.5 Steve & Janet September 10th Stracey Road, NR10 5ET 01692 678326 10:00am

Sunday Meet at Church Plain car park OL40 TM 362 987 11 Cas September 14th Loddon. NR14 6LX 07906404673 10:00am

Sunday Meet at Foxley Wood Nature 251 TG 048 228 12 Stephen B September 21st Reserve car park. NR20 4QR 01603 483956 10:00am 07502 085715

Wednesday Brundall Village Hall, Links OL40 TG 325 086 11 Richard W September 24th Avenue, NR13 5LL (donation 01603 505362 10:00am to hall funds) 07936 697038

The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

Short and Leisurely Walks (Norwich Group) on Thursday afternoon

All Walks commence at 1.30pm Oct 5th Eaton Park Exp237 8 Maureen Short Walks Officer – John Annis, 55 The Warren, Old Catton, NR6 7NN, 01603 423231 Pitch and Putt car park 144-202075 01603 866193 Walks Co-ordinator – Denise Woodhouse, 01263 511743 Queries regarding all walks should be addressed to the leaders concerned Oct 12th Swanton Novers Church. Exp 238 8.5 Barbara Park on grass verge past 133-008105 01328 838388 Date Venue and Map Reference Miles Leader church 07901 658544 7th Aug North Burlingham Church – Meet at Church 4 m Ros & Mike th 134 – 364 101 or NR13 4TA 01603 270 684 Oct 19 Weston Longville Hall For All Exp 238 8.5 Chris and Ray Park on field 50p per car 133-115159 01603 872709 14th Aug Felmingham – Meet Weavers Way CP 4.5 m Denise & Roderic 07810 486097 133 – 250 287 or NR28 0LL 01263 511 743 21st Aug Felbrigg Village – Meet Felbrigg Lion’s Mouth CP 4.5 m Denise & Roderic Oct 26th Felbrigg North Exp 252 Neil 133 – 188 399 or NR11 8PS 01263 511 743 Free car park near Lodge off 133-188398 11 01362 853037 28th Aug Yare Valley – Meet Waitrose Eaton CP 4 m John Annis Lion’s Mouth [Sustead Road] Free car park 07847 644762 Optional café for lunch near 134 – 202 060 or NR4 6NU 01603 423 231

th 4 Sep Lyng & Pockthorpe – Meet Village Hall, Quarry Lane 3.5 m Marlene & Ann Nov 2nd Holkham Village Almshouse Exp 251 9 Sue and Brian Exp 238 – 068 179 or NR9 5RS 01603 897 266 car park 132-892436 01328 701545 01603 409 646 07776 466393 11th Sep Buxton – Meet Bure Valley Railway Station, Stacey Rd. 4 m Ruth Carter 133 – 235 228 or NR10 5ET 01263 823 438 th Nov 9th Hardingham Church Exp237 9 Maurice and Janis 18 Sep Cringleford & Hethersett Station – Meet Waitrose Eaton CP 4 m Colin Clark Park on verge by church 144-037050 01603 880927 134 – 202 060 or NR4 6NU 01603 454 977 [Joint with South Norfolk] 25th Sep Wymondham – Meet Market Cross (Find own parking) 4 – 4.5 m Rosemary Exp 238 144 – 111 015 or NR18 0AX Carpenter Nov 16th Hockering Church 133 - 071132 7 Gill and Pete 01953 604 791 01603 872574 2nd Oct Cromer – Meet Cromer Pier forecourt (Find own parking) 4 m Anne & Ted Nov 23rd South Raynham Church Exp238 5.5 Carole 133 – 219 425 or NR27 9HE 01603 898 520 133-880242 01362 637752 th 9 Oct & Ditchingham – Meet Broome Heath CP 4 m John Annis OL40 – 347 912 off Yarmouth Road, Ditchingham 01603 423 231 Nov 28th Felbrigg Exp 252 Neil 16th Oct Coltishall – Meet layby by Coltishall river common 4.75 m Dennis Ayton Free car park near Lodge off 133-188398 11 01362 853037 134 – 275 198 or NR12 7AQ 01603 738 619 Lion’s Mouth [Sustead Road] 07847 644762 23rd Oct East Ruston – Meet Weavers Way CP (Chapel Rd) 4 m Rita Stewart Optional fish and chip lunch at No 1 in Cromer [1 hour] 133 – 345 278 or NR12 9AA 01603 425 620 th 30 Oct Hellesdon – Meet Hellesdon Mill CP, Hellesdon Mill Lane 3.75 m Carol & Gill 134 – 199 103 or NR6 5DA 01603 461 757 01603 402 003 Mid Norfolk AGM will be on at 7.30 on November 12th at Church House Dereham 6th Nov Horsey Mill – Meet National Trust CP 4.5 m Carol & Gill Speaker David Pelling on ‘Aspects of Sri Lanka’

134 – 457 223 or NR29 4EF 01603 461 757 Mid Norfolk Christmas Dinner will be on December 6th 7 for 7.30 01603 402 003 at The Lodge, North Tuddenham 13th Nov Ranworth – Meet Ranworth Church CP 3.5 m Marlene & Ann OL40 – 360 145 or NR13 6HT 01603 897 266 2014 Sherry and Mince Pie Walk with Chris and Ray will be on December 28th 01603 409 646 [Details to follow] 20th Nov Surlingham – Meet Ferry House, Ferry Rd, Surlingham 4 m Ed Lovatt 134 – 304 066 or NR14 7AR 01603 614 668 27th Nov Swardeston – Meet Village Hall CP 3.5 m Paul Garman 134 – 198 027 or NR14 8DX 01603 300 953 14 19 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014


Sec: Derek Mummery. Tel. 01362-667065 Walks Co-ordinator: Sue Day. Tel. 01328-701545 All walks start at 10am unless otherwise stated. Packed lunch required for walks of 7 miles or more. Queries regarding all walks should be addressed to the leaders concerned. NB. If a leader is suddenly unavailable, it is their responsibility to find a replacement.

------Programme of walks – Aug 2014 – Nov 2014

Date Venue Grid ref. Miles Leaders

Aug 3rd Westacre Mill Exp 236 10.5 Jimmy 132- 778150 01362 668698 07789 724430

Aug 10th Kerri’s Pine Exp 238 Jon and Brenda Far end of Car Park 133 - 101235 8 01603 871641

Aug 17th Elsing Village Hall Exp 238 10 Carole 50p parking 133- 053166 01362 637752

Aug 24th Hindringham Village hall Exp 251 8.5 Derek 132- 984363 01362 667065

Aug 31st Upgate Common Exp 238 8 Brett and Judy 133- 142183 07810 443275 07810 443275

Sept 7th

Sept 14th Cley Village hall Exp 251 8.5 Sue and Brian 133-047437 01328 701545 07776 466393 Cherry Tree Car Park D’ham Sept 21st St Nicholas Flower Festival Exp 238 6 Dot and Martin Refreshments at church 132-989135 01362 694654

Sept 28th Felrigg South Exp 252 11 Neil Free car park near Lodge off 133-188398 01362 853037 Lion’s Mouth [Sustead Road]. 07847 644762

18 15 The Ramblers’ Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August 2014 - November 2014

Norfolk Ramblers’ : Walks Finder Calendar : August - November 2014

August 2014 October 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun IMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 FK GIKMNO KS HKW K IKMS

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 KS KS HKSW S K IKMNS GgK FN HKW FIK GKMNO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 K KN HKOW FK IGKMNOSW K KS HKOW N KN IKMNOSW

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 GK KS HKW K KMNOS N GK N HKW FK GgIKMNO 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31 K KN HKW FfK IGKMN K KS HKW

September 2014 November 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 K KS HKW KNO IK K IKMNOS

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K FKN HKW FK IGKMN GK F HKW FIK GKMNnO 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GK KS HKOW K IKMNOSW K KmNSs HKOWw KkS IKMNOSW

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 K N HKW FfIK GKMNOS GK HKW FK GIKMNOo

29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 K K KNS HKW M K IKNO

This calendar shows which groups are holding a walk on a particular date, walks are indicated by a capital letter in the appropriate day’s box, whilst any other event by that group is indicated by a lower case letter. Please see the group’s listing for the specific details of the walk or event.

Key: F: Fakenham, G: Great Yarmouth, K: King’s Lynn, M: Mid Norfolk, N: Norwich, S: Sheringham, O: Southern Norfolk, W: Wensum, H: Short Leisurely, I: Hike Norfolk 16 17