Notes and Gleanings
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Notes and gleanings Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1934) Heft 674 PDF erstellt am: 04.10.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, The Official Organ of the Swiss Colony in Great Britain. EDITED WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE LONDON COLONY. Telephone : Clerkenwell 9595. P«Z>Zis&e<Z every Friday ai 23, Leonard Street, London, E.C.2. Telegrams : Freprinco, London. Vol. 13—No. 674 LONDON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1934. Price 3d. PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES GERMANY APOLOGISES TO SWITZERLAND. From Berne comes the news of the death of M. Gottlieb Gafner, Manager of the 3 Months (13 issues, post free) - 3/6 The German Government bas apologised to formerly UNITED KINGDOM 6 (20 6/6 the 70. AND COLONIES „ - Switzerland the Swiss Government's Swiss National Bank in Berne, at age of 12 (52 „ „ - 12/- following M. Gafner where he in connection with a recent case of was brought up at Thun, was Months (26 issues, free) - Frs. protest SWITZERLAND { jf post J.50 attempted bomb smuggling from Germany to apprenticed to the Banking profession. Until 1907 he was with the " Kantonal Bank " at Thun, 6e Austria through Swiss (5u)i«s iu6«cripfion< may paie/ into Pojf«cAec/i-/Confo territory. he of Bas/e VS7JS). A motor boat, 30 explosive charges in the same year was appointed Manager carrying the M. with detonators, was seized near the outlet of the the National Bank in Berne. In army Rhine, from Lake Constance, in and three Gafner reached the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. July, and he President members of the Nazi-Austrian Legion were (Infantry), for many years was arrested. of the " Handels und Industrieverein," of the In a note to the Swiss Government, which is canton of Berne. published, the German Foreign Minister says his SCHWYZ. (Oorapiied &y cowriest/ 0/ iiie /oZZoieiny coniem- Government deeply regrets the incident and lias The Palace Hotel at Engelberg, was com- poraries : National Zeitnngr, Newe Zwrcfter taken the necessary measures to ensure that the pletely destroyed by fire on Tuesday last, but the Zeitwnc/, /St. GaZZer TayhZatt, "FaterZand and persons implicated, " as far as they are to be few occupants escaped unhurt. TViZmne de Genève). found on German soil," shall answer for their acts. GLARUS. FEDERAL. Steps bad also been taken to prevent a re- M. Joseph Jakober-Spieler has died at Glarns petition of tlie incident. The German note adds at the age of 79 ; the deceased was the founder of NEW BRITISH MINISTER AT BERNE. that an inquiry was instituted on first news of the the ski manufacturing industry in the canton of The King has approved the following appoint- attempt. Glarus, and his firm enjoyed a great reputation ment in the Diplomatic Service : The Swiss Federal Council now considers the throughout Switzerland. closed. Mr. George Eedston Warner, a Counsellor incident BASLE. in the Office, be Extraordin- Foreign to Envoy UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES IN SWITZERLAND. The Basle painter, Rudolf Hübscher, has and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berne. ary According to figures issued, there were 52,147 died at the age of 36, he was an artist of great Mr. Warner, who is a son of the late Sir unemployed at the end of August, or nearly 3,000 repute, and his early death is greatly deplored Joseph Warner, entered the Foreign Office in more than at the end of July. by his many friends and admirers. and has served the 1903, in legations at Tangier SINGER BARRED FROM SWITZERLAND. AARGAU. and Oslo. lie is 55, and was educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford. He received the The well-known Alsatian singer, Marianne Lieutenant-Colonel Simmen-Bircher has died C.M.G. in 1927. Oswald, has been prohibited by Federal decree at Aarau at the age of 41. M. Simmen entered from entering Swiss territory. In July last she the General Staff with the rank of captain and OFFICIAL DAY AT THE COMPTOIR SUISSE. appeared at the Comédie Theatre in Geneva and was later on promoted to major. In 1930/32 he The official day at the Comptoir Suisse in her songs were such as to call forth protests from commanded the Battalion 60 and on his advance- ment to lieutenant-colonel he head Lausanne took place 011 the 13th of this month. non-Communist members of the audience. was at the of the 24th Amongst the many guests were M. I'ilet-Golaz, The Socialist head of the Geneva Govern- regiment. President of the Swiss Confederation and delega- ment, M. Léon Nicole, who is also chief of the ST. GALLEN. tions from the Federal Chambers. Department of Justice and Police, took it upon At a Banquet Dr. Fritz Heizmann, Sub-Manager of the held, the President of the Swiss Confederation himself personally to order the arrest of certain Banque Populaire in St. Gall, has been appointed congratulated the Management .of the Fair on demonstrators, including M. Eugène Fahre, the editor of " La Suisse," one of the chief Manager of thfe " Solothurnischen Leihkasse " in their enterprise, he voiced his regrets at the erect- morning Solothurn. ing of tariff walls by many foreign countries, papers in Geneva. which unfortunately compelled our country to The Swiss Federal Government has taken the VALAIS. accept similar measures, he expressed the hope course of avoiding difficulty in the future by pro- M. Casili, a former President of the com- that the future might bring a change, and that hibiting Mile. Oswald's entry into Switzerland. munity of Challais near Sierre, drank by mistake the harmful restrictions which are hampering out of a bottle containing a solution of nicotine world trade would be modified for the benefit of LOCAL. destined for spraying vines, and died of poison- all countries. ZURICH. ing. LEAGUE BUDGET. An electric locomotive was derailed at the VAUD. station of Birmensdorf (Zurich) having struck a Two non commissioned officers The League Budget for 1935, amounting to barrel which the travelling large empty was placed on track. from Montreux to Lausanne, came into contact 14,87(1,024 Swiss francs, was adopted. was An has been It investigation opened as to how the with one of the electric masts and decided that the Secretary-General should be barrel found the were killed its way on to line. outright. Their names are Henchoz and Rouillier. given full liberty in the matters of recruiting * * -3C- staffs and rationalizing salaries. An investigation into the accident lias been The Swiss Socialist Party at a meeting at ordered by the authorities. A special committee was formed under the Zurich on Tuesday last rejected the proposal auspices of the Nansen Befugee Commission for made by tlie Communist Party to form a common the purpose of drafting precise proposals for the front. NOTES and GLEANINGS. relief of the Russian refugee women in China. It * # was stated that there are some 2,000 in Shanghai A large fire partly destroyed the buildings By KYBURG. alone and 3,000 in other parts of China. of an important Dairy at Staefa, the damage caused is estimated to exceed 75,000 frs. COMMEMORATION SERVICE FOR THE SWISS M. Specker, head of the banking firm of the The following gleaning from the British Press FLYING CORPS. same name, who was under arrest for fraudulent strikes me as very interesting. bankrupt was found dead in Iiis cell. He died My Swiss Journey to the Microphone: On the occasion of the Federal Thanksgiving through heart failure. day, a commemoration service was held in Berne, A Day that passed like a Film: BERNE. to celebrate the 20th anniversary since the Lecf/.s 4/ere« 17/ " 4/9/34. foundation of the Swiss Military Aviation Corps. Dr. Mathilde Theyssin celebrated, last Sun- Thinking it over, I find the day I went to Amongst the participants at this service, were day, her 96th birthday anniversary in Berne. Dr. Lausanne, to give a broadcast from the great Federal Councillor Minger, head of the Federal Theyssin was the first lady doctor who practised Sott ens transmitter, has become already a Military Dept., Army-Corps Commander Roost, in Europe. She studied medicine at the Paris little unreal Yon know how it is when you chief of the General Staff, Army-Corps Com- Sorbonne, and later 011 took over a practice at come to a day crowded with new scenes and mander Guisan, Division Commanders Hilfiker, Strassburg. In the 'seventies she went to Japan novel events. It unrolls like a film. Moments Bridel, Tissot, de Diesbach and de Muralt, and China. of astonishment and beauty flicker past, re- Colonels Fierz and Isler.