dl7.3M31 H41 .^^^rtivea »•.•%,.

I Pocket Almanack \ f ^ For the Year of our LORD f 1 A.

I \ 1782. 1 after Leap Year, i \ Being the Second

f ANDTHF, f of American Independence, ,, t sixth f

^ i CalcuUted for the Ufe | Q

Commonwealth ^j f f ^^ ^ ! ^ MaffachufettSy \ f IN I Latitude 30. North. 42. |

^ Longkudc 69. 23. W. from London. 1

f BO S,T ON h Printed and Sold'byT.& FLEET, k \ J. J at the Bible and Heart ia C«rnhiH. t n^

i i ^ n' HIS is the fourth time TvfeJJl\ Fleets ha-ve puhlijhed the MafTdcbuferts Pocker Almanack, ^c. ivhichhas given general fatis/aS?ion as a necfjfary and ujeful Pocket Companion, Jhciuing in a jmall comptffi the Callender and other particulars eftbe Tear : —But as fome perfons have (xprejfed their defire toba-vt in-future the Judgmenr of the VVf athcr inj'crted, they nvill therefore in this he gratified thereivith-^ rko' indeed, among the multitude of afiroicgi- predtBions, 'tis no ivonder al if fome feiv fail ', for ivithout any defe& .-in the art itjef 'tis nvell knoivn that ajmall error, or afngle ivrong figure overjecn tn a calcu-

lation, may occafon great mipakes : but, hcu^t-ver , tho'' Almanack makers may mifs it in fome things, yet they

altuays h'xt the day of tfcc month, which, by many, is sfteemed as one of thi mofiufsful p.irts of it, TVith regard to the V/eather, the method jometimes ufed by others ivill not be foUoiocd in this, y':z. as that ther^ 'Mill be Snow here or fome other part of the conti- nent—Rain hcic cr fomcwhcre elfe — Cold to the north- ward—Waim to the ^fotithward, tf»(^ the like; but (as t is of no frvice t» any body to knoio nvhat ivcatber it is a tboufand miles sff) it luill be pojflively fet doivn ivhat he the let ivhere iveather it 'will at ^ time, the reader he he ivill only ing be ivill make thefavourable aJloiu- J defp ce of a day or two before, and a d3y or two after the

prccife day agdirifi ivkich the Weather is f?t ; and if it does not come to pafs accordingly, the fault mufi be la.d upon the f /inters, ivho, it. is very like, may have tranf-

jofed, or mijplaced it, for ' the ccnveniency of puttir^ in heir tsm^wkMc 'i'^y^ry and, as Jome people give them part of the credit of compiling the Almanack, fo it is but reafonalle they alfo poidd-take fome jhare of the blame,-^

VULGAR NOTES for tbe Year 178?, are.

Golden Number, - '6 i Cycle of the Sun, - *? Epaa, - - - . 15 Dionyfian Period, - til - Period,_ - Dominical Let •sr, F j Juli an 6495 I _ The NamTT^^i^TChayaFlos of the feven Planets. Venus 3 Sol, I? Saturn, l|Jupiter, ^ Mar?, $ ^ ^Tercory, D I-un?. ECLIPSES in the Year 1782. THERE will be four Eclipfes this Year two v? the SUN and two of the MOON, as follcvs, i/x; t.'. I. The firft will be of the Moon on Friday Morning

G'.h Day of March, vifible, and calculated as follows : ' Beginning, - - a -30 '^ ' A' Middle, - = - 3 5° >' Morning. .,./^ End,- ^ ^ S 'o ^ ''^^i Durarion, - = 2 40 ^ |':<5^- Pgits eclipfed aliout S on the South Side. II. The frcond will be of the Sun, on the lath Da; of April, vifible, calculated as follows 5 J-ijioning, - - O 3s 1 MViiddle, - - a 4 > Afti E•nd, .- - - 3 6 3 Digits eclipfed, about 5 on the 'North- wcf^erly Side III. The third will be of thi Moon, on the lift ISdpfemher, at lo in the Morning, invtfible. l IV. The fourth will be of the Sun, on the 6th Day of

Oc7aifr, about 8 at Night, invifibic, '

i Thc-Plaaet Mercury will this Year tranfit the N. W. Limb of the Sun on the iith Day of November, in the

^AFternoon j but as Mercury will pafs but juH within the

D.il: it will fcarcely be difccrnable

TIME and TIDE. Time and Tide for no Man flay BOTH 5 Oae flies, the other glides away : Though T/iie return, and backwards glide. Time ne'er returns as does the Tide.

To keep clear from Flies. KEEP every thing out of the way that may allure them, 33 ail fweet things, dead beer, or crumbs; and rub your tables ahd window-frames with a bunch ofj wormwood and rue, which will make them very bright,]

and they will not be fond of coming there : And at thel iCnd of the year, when they go, away, dcftroy iheir eggs by ufting and thoroughly cleaning every place and corner ^'cy harbour in. .^Y Enigmatical Prophecies,

I "O^fofC the middle of this Year, a vind atN.T!. X) will arife, (Juring which the Water of the Sta and Rivrei will be ia fuch a manner raifcd, that pre.at part of the Towns of Bojion, Newport, Neiv- York, 'Phita- deiphia, and the low lands of Maryland a^nd Firgivia will be under Water, ». About the middle of the year, great numbers of veflTels, fully laden, will be taken out of the p( rts Sforc- fajd, by a Poiver with which we are not now at war, and whofe forces fhall nor be dejcried or feen ci:her com- ing or going. But in ihe end thiJ m»y liOt be difadvan- tageous to thofe place?. 3. However, not long after, a vail a^my of Mushetcers will land, fome in Virginia and Maryland, and fome in New-England^ who will almoft over-run the diuntry, and foreiy annoy the inhabitants ; but the air in this country will agree with them fo ill towards wirrer, that they will de in the beginning of cold wcithcr like rotten /heep, and by .Chriflmas the inhabitants will get the better of them, l^See Explanation toroards the End of the A^manach.

An infallihU Cure for LOVE. fpirit one ounce of TAKE of the of Indifference ; the powder of Dijdain twelve grains ; of the oil of Abjence and the fpice of Employment of each ten Ounces, with ten ounces of Good Advice, and the fame a fmall quantity of Sound Conjideration ; put them into fauce-pah of Sound Keafon^ with two quarts ^'of bcft

Hearths Eafe ; flir and boil them together tor a cpnfider- ablc tim?, then ftrain them thro' a thin rag of F)ftience, into a veflel of Prudence, and take half apint cf this mixture juft going to bed, and lay upon you ^s manyi coverlids of Content as you can get. or will be fafficient; to give you a fweat. By clofely obferving thefc direc- ijons the Patient wjU certainly be cored. jL _ __ L Y A R S compared. TJCH a Lyar ts jfack, there is none can Lie fafter, s Excepting his IVjaid, and Hie'll Lie with her Maflffr/ 1 : on eidiiV- ,^ begins j A^^ARY, 1782, Tu

Lafl (^^artsr 6th Day 5 in the Aftersonn, New Moon 13th Day^ 2 in th* Afterr^cs'-, Firft Quarter silt Day^8 in the^Morair;'^ Full Moon 29tb Day 5 in th«t Morning.

Rpmarkable Days, &", -.#5.

Irit.C. Circumcifion, 3^ 5

(and Tork. -j 3^ 5 Chilly coli ivinds. j 3' «; fio%v of C!ock 5m. ^j(. Sun 7 3' 5 Chrijtmai Day, 0!d Snie. 30 , Epiphany, or twelfth Day 30 5 Day s leneth, gh. 8m, 29 < Sr. Lucia^, mi.c. 2S 3 perigee. Cloudy. HghTide;. 7 .6,

. 7 Sno'Zf 25 ; 7 \>-v Year's Day, Old Stile. ^5 5 ^i{\Ephif>, Fiiil ^an. Fanetn 24 ;. (Ha:i buint I 76 ,7 23 3 dear and cold. 7 22 5 lonn. 4 Sun flow of Clock 24f. -^ i

!< i^\MorganAcStit\il'arlron i 7 I 7 6 the Bible 7 Laft rranHaticn of '9 5 (ordered 1603, I'fc S F '.Second Sunday pai^Epiphany. T' S pleajant lueaiher. 165 ® Apogee. IS 5 Nignt's length, y^h. iSm. •4 3 Harvard Hall burnt, I ;64-. IS ^

Conveifion of S . I^av.l. 1 1 :;

Sun f! )W of€Jr>ck 1 -^ti). Sf, n 5

' Sep:ujgiJJ:inaz>y}nizy. :o 5 zlCz.FetiT the great d'ed I7*;. 95 5 pleafant tho" ivir.d\. ^5 7 i 63 FEBRUARY *i7^-> begins on Friday.

LaftC^arter 5th Day 2 in the. Morning, New Mooii 12 Day 5 in the Morning, FirftQaHrl^r 20"^ D-iy 5 in the Morning,

Full Moon 27 th Day 5 in the Afternoon.

Wl F^rkab'e Davs, fiifc. -.0*. F.5^

i I « Sun A of-" Clock 14m. gf. 7-5 5 9 16 2 r'ui.ica-inn Virgin Mary. 7 4 5 \o 25 Sexagijfima. Adm. Rodney *i 35 { jxch St.BuJJatia, I78{. 7 2 5 morn. 7 J S o 57 Treaty with France Hgned, 6 59 £ ii Snoio. (177S. 6 58 6 3 »o v)3y's length lob. ^m. 6 56 6 4 II f'9 8 •Il^inquac^cfima or 6'i>/-0'z/^Sun. 6 5^. 6 rj

ji 1. 'Vafhnj

Maffacrc at Amboyna , 1621. 6 39 6 o 54 Rain, thin good 6 3ii 6 T 50 iveather for the Jeafon 6 376 z 27 '^un n.)w of Ciock ijrn. 45^ 6 36 6 3 22 ^*. Matthias, Apoft. & Mart 6 35 4 20 Smail Tides. 6 34 6 5 9 Night's length x^h. ^m. 6 23 6| .5 ^' Twiikht ends 7h. 6 30 61 ]) ru>

ChiUy cold, j 6 29 61 6 50 Friday, ^MARCH 17^32, begins on

lIT Quarter 6ib Pay, ij In the ^^orninC: New Moon 15th Day S jfi the Afternoon, dnght, Firll Quarter 2Uh Da^at M Monn^g, Full ?yloon 29th Cay ^ ia the

^F.Se M. Vf RemarkaD«iaD«e TitDvc ^J'f. -. r>i. .m. 8 iJ [3Q St. Da'vid, D 2H b 2 ^\ © Perigee,, 27 6 'ftVips the '-i Ccmmc. . f/5/).^/?:^ 4 6 25 fi 5 5 Bofton Maffaere, rf 70. 23 6 6 Clear iveatL'ir 6 2.3'6

7 D^'s length i ih.. tSm.fcom...' 6 2T 6 VjjVillinm III. d: 9 Sun w of Clock- I cm. 5or. 6'T.q High P/Jarch \ivinds, 6 tS 2. ivbictrnakei it cq,ld. 6t7 ''3 StlGregory. Inf.C. Concord 6 76 4 (and TanfHon, 6 14 -'^c 6-12 S _ lehU'e K&'k.hy bpani^Kds, i 15^ c6 Gen. Green i bar. arGuJifo^ fO 7 (qcurt Hjcfe, i7Jsi^ t7 F Patrick, iioitcn eva. 1^76. iS Apoger (^ 5 19 Toul "-veather. 46 Night's !enpth I2h. 26 21 i2f. Sun flowcf Clcck 7m. ^ 59 7 22 Bifh. CranTKerhuxnx, j ^56. 558 7 ^3 PVindy but fleajantforMarch. 5 57 7 F \Paim Sunday. 5 55 7 2: *jy'7w/.'i(uc/a/'/on, or Lady Day. 555 7 Ippwich, 3\lnf. C. M'orce/Ier, 5 54 7 4-1 (Falinouth &. Nantucket. 5 53 7 sUfaundav Thurfday. 5517 (i\Good Friday eciipfed, vif 5 50 7 7,'® Periace. |5^S 'J 7 3UF lie.7'?.'er, or CvrifTs rcfarrrft. I5 47 7 . :

APRIL 1782, begins on iMonday.

L;t!l ^artr 4th Day 7 in the Afternoon,

New vijon i2iri Day i ia the Afternoon, Pi'lt Qua icr 20th Day at M'd.iight.

fn ; om £7ih Day 10 at Noon.

MjW Rr-ma.Jc.ih!;: Diys ^r, \ r.Qs.\r.^s. \F.Seu

vc-r I I ToW/.i mce: 'o vote to

+ 5 St. Ambrofe, B'(>^. M.bn. •^ 40 I 5 6|Sun fl vv a Clock, im. 4+f. ,39 I 6 o! 6 7 Ni,;ht's length liii. '. in. 3^ 2 6 46' 7jF 'FuIv Sunday af'cr Eafier. 37 3 t\ '^\ April pioiuen 35 ,3 9! 1 S.C. C5«c:r^, I.e. ^Umouth 33 3 4.1 .(and roA-/t. 10 j 34 4 4^ lij 5 Fair imi plecjant. 30 5 30 6j3ur. ecli^fed, 2J viiib.e. z5 }) .ers II 20J '^^ Apoiicc. 27 7 -^' 12 1i Second Sundav after Eafier. 26 8 50 12 46 Sun and einck Logeti>er. -5 9 48 I 161 r'inf. C. iJoyJt.;;. 10 46 z 24 '3 4 Warm nveather. ?3 11 7 3 5 Day's length i 3h. 9m.' 2i mo-n- 3 4i| 6 iiaitie at Le^/ffo-r^ow. i7'^5. 21 o 1 4 a6 Refrejhing fijoivir's. 19 in 5 1*1 6 il Third SufHlay ai'ter Eafier^ 17 2 /, 'luiacber, pi:afant 16 2 3

George. . fVorcefler. St Su f>, C 15 3 4^1

4. .'Sun tr.ft of Clock im. if. T4 7 3 3i 5 'S:. Ma k, Evanr. & M'^rt. 137 3 6,' (^ZJj-^arjf burnt 1777. .2 7 4

7KI Pel i per. 10 7 D. p 'Fourth Sunday affCr Eapr. 9 7 Z|Vefy high Tides. 7 7 3^SUj;»C. N^riljitrpun 6 7i

JUNE 1782, begins on Saturday

Laft Quarter 2d Day 5 in the Afteraoon, New Moon loth Oay 9 in the Afrernooi', Firft Quarter iSth Day i in the Afternoon, Full Moon 25th Day 4 in the Morning.

M W Remarkable Days, &f

I up, Bofton Port ftiut I 7 74. 33 ^ 4 30 z Firft Sunday paft Trinity. 3a -^ 5 I 3 Got. Hutchinfon died, I "'So. 3T ">' 5 50 4 ' Rain, and tulndy. 3r ? 6 40 5 Sunfaft of Clock zm. yf 30 8 7 19 6 's rife ih. 17m. 30 8 8 8 Fwtl'ght begins ih, *cm, 30 3 8 50 ® Apogw. ag 8 9 34 30 9 Second paft Trinity. 28 8 10 10 Small Tides this month. 28 8 11 4 %f» Barnabai. l.Q, IVorcefier 28 8 8 46 ii 4^ (and Taunton. 27 ^ 9 35 II 34 ?o ViT.Mary iiti}^ A.D.j^o,JE.6o 4 27 8 o 19 1 Hot nv'Cuther. 4 27 8 10 54 2 S Thunder Sboivers. 4 27 8 11 3C 2 56 Third paft Trir.ity. 4 26 S II 49 Bat, at Bunker-hiil, 1775. 4 iS Simorn 4 33 Sup.C. Ipfivicb. Britifti eva. 4 z6 8 O 15 5 24 1.9 (Philadelphia, 1778. 26 8 49 6 J4 » Warm and pkafant, 26 8 r q 7 ?: g o >un fiow of" Clock I m. z^f. 1 3y V i^ Peiiger. - 8 56 9 Fourth paft Trzw/^y. » 35 9 f.o N 5- ziSt._7<'*« Ba^rift borrto 3 3 10 3JSu;^,C. nr*. I.e. Ejrnfiahle. Drife tr 4C

4. Grand proccfiion Frse Malans 9 '9j 51 (in Bofton, 1739.14 S 10 1 30 6jRat. at Monmouth, 177 S. U 8 a i( r 7 St. Peter a-id St./-'

ho F [Fifth paft Tr/«//y. \, II 191 4 ,. o JULY '7^^. begins on Monday.

Lalt Quart zd Day ^ in the Mornine, New oon lotii Day lo in the Morning, Firft Quarter 17th Day 7 in the Afternoon,

F^ill iMoon 24th Day 1 1 in the Morning, Lalt Quarter 3 ift Day 10 in the Afternron. M W

1 1

APRIL 1782, begins oa iMonday.

La'l ^art r 4th Day 7 in the Afternoon,

New vijon 12(0 Day i in the Afternoon, Pt'it Qua la- 20th Day at M'daight.

Fm . o.>n zjih Day 10 at Noon.

Ri'ma'U.ih!; Diys ^c. o^.

1! 2 '0 I'owi- > meet vole to> G ver 5457 i.e. barnjlable (nor fefc Cool at Night 5 'St. Ambrofe, B'^^. IVf.Un.

6[Sua (1 vv a Clock, iHD. 441".

- 7 Night's length liii. 7. jn. 7jF iFidt Suoday at'rr Rafter.

i" 2. April po"Mers j S. C. Ci3«c;riT^. I.e. Flimouth 9 J i 10 4 .(and n^X'

IJj 5 Fair 1 ml pier.jant, zj 61 Sun ecli-fed, vJiib.e.

(10 Apouee. 'l\^ Second Sunday after Rafter, Sun and Clock Logeti>er, inf. C. Bofion. Warm 'weather.

Day's length i 9m.' .81 5 3}). '^ 19 6 Battle at Lexington, I 7 5. iO. 7 Refrejhing ftyoivers. ki F Third Surtday afier Rafter. plj^fant loeatber.

. St . George. C IVorceller. 1^3! 3 Su p, 4.'Sun taft of Clock ^m. zi.

«<; ^'S:. .Iftf ji, Evanj'. & M.ut. (^/Jj^iary burnt h6 6j 1777- 7 f| Psiigee. p Fnurch Sunday affcr Rafter % jVcry hig'T Tides.

3 Suj!, C. iV.r.-,lj«j>.'crt M\Y 17S.2, begins on WeJneCiay,

Lad Quarter 4th Day $ »° ^'-^ Morr-ing, New Moon 1 2th Day 4 in the MoVning, Firft Quarter 20th Day 4 in the Mornicg, Full Mood 26th Day 7 in the Afternoon.

W Remarkable Days, ©"c. ®^ F.Sea

St. Philip and St, James. 5' II 58 5 3 Sun taft of Clock 3m. 17^ 3' morn 3 SO Inve^ntion of the Cfofs, 2 7 51 4 44 Fine pi eafant iveatber. I 7 1 30 5 30 2 3 Rogation Sunday. O 7 7 20 Nativity St. John Evan. 2 4t 7 4 Ni^ht*8 lecgth, rob. 4in. 58 8 3 2 748 Warm M.nd motji, 55 3 3© 8 30 Afcenfion ox Holy Tburfday, 56 3 41 9 16 K.France acccflion, 1774. 54 4 a 10 10 ^ Apogee. 53 4 30 40 Charlejioivn, in So. Carolina, ^i Dfcts 11 30 capitulated, t7JJo. 5 40 iz 16 Gov. Gage arrited at Bofton, 498 9 43 1 o Sup. C. Barnjiahle. (17 74- T^ 3 I 44 Ratu cold Eaji 'winds. 4.7 8 n 28 2 2^ Holy Rood Day. 10 rn. 3 J4 Thunder and rain. 8 o 12 45 ^ c • JVhicfunday. U. comm ; 44 O 47 448 (darknefs in N. Eng. 1 7 iio. S 4 43 S 3f ^Mf.Q.Plimouth: \.i:. Groion\ 4 42 ^ T 44 /(and Springfitld.\ 8 '* 20 I 4 41 7 7 air.\ 16 Moiji 4- 408 2 30 8 Sun fafl of Clock 3m. 4-'f. S 2. S 12 I 4 39 9 G.Hoive, Clinton F S Bur^cyne Si 4 38 3 30 10 TrinitySuniay. (arrived 17 r;lV 75. 4 388 ]; 1 5. O ^ Perigee. High Tides. 4 378 =^ 53 12 3! Sup, C. Taunton. 4 35 s 9 49 12 56 4!Governor, Lt. Governor, ©"c. 4 3^8 1® 50 150 ;o: 5! (to be e!eaed at Bofton.' 4 348 246

I 61 pleafant 'weatber,\ 4- 348 340 117870 B~ JUNE 1782, begins on Saturday

Laft Quarter 2d Day 5 in the Afteraoon, New Moon loth Day 9 in the Afrernooii, Firft Quarter iSth Day i in the Afteraoon, Full Moon 25th Day 4 in the Morning.

W Remarkabie Days, &c. : Gs- -•H

SoftoD Port ftut up, I 774. Firft Sunday paft fTfinity. Gov. Hutchinfon died, fSo. i?d;/«, aW ivindy. Sunfaft of Clock 2m. yf 7**s rife ih. 17m. Fwil'ght begins ah, Icra, % Apogw. 9F Second paft Trinity. [10 Small Tides this mopth, %^, Barnabas. \.Q. PVorcefler (and Taunton. ViT.Mary died A. D 40,^.60 P Hot iv-Tutker. Thunder Shoiuers. Tl^Ird paft Trir.ity. An Bat, at Bunker-hiil, 1775. Sup.C, Ipfivicb. Britifli cva. (PhiladeJuhia. 177S. Warm and pUafmr. ^un fio'* ot" Cl.Qck ira. z^(. ^ Peiiger. •r Fourth paft Tr/w//y. St. John Ba;.-rift borr-o Sir .C. nr^. I.e. Ejr-Afiable. Grand proccfiion Ff;e Melons |i (in Bofton, 1739. Rat, at Mottmouch, t^-jZ. r Sr. P<;/?r and St./-'

Laft Quart -r id Day 9 in the Mornine,

New ' oon iota Day 10 in the Morning, Firft Quarter 17th Day 7 in the Afternoon,

F^ill Moon 24th Day 1 1 in the Morning,

Lalt Quarter 3 ift Day 10 in the Afternion. M 1

AUGUST 1782, begins on Thurfday.

New Moon 8th Dtfy 11 at Nighr, Firft Quarter 15th Day al Midnight, Full Moon 2 2d Day 9 in the Afternoon, Lafl Quarter 30th Day 6 in the Afternoon.

M Rcmarkabfc Days, &c .©5. r.#,. F.Sea,

Lammai, 4 SI «

#>Appgee. . » . .A Good-nvholfome iveatbef. Tenth psR Trinity. Firft N.Eng.f'ett.faird fr.Erg. Transfguration. * (i62 0.

Suoflow of Clock 5in. \S^'

Name ofjefu:. ^ S^-Brit^.'Siivsti^.by'S^niaT^ St. law/f^ce, mart. (1780. Eleventh paft Trinity. Dry ard fultry. ViolentStorm atRh.Ifl.j778.

Siege Penobfcot raffed, I 7 79. • Perigee. Small Tides. Bat. at B^ningtcn, 1777. Clcudy and Rain. Twelfth paft Trinity' Twilight begins -^h. 26m. inf. C. Great Harrington, Sr. Athanatius. CanadaFleet fhjrwreck'd 171

Twilight ends ah. 1 1 m. St. Bartbohmeiu, Apcft. Thirteenth paft Trin. Anni-

(verfary Order of St, to:.'.''/, S.C. P.op.on. l,Q.Sf>ringf.eid St. Augufiine,'E^\L «;onf. ix.John Bap, hsh. ©Apogee tlsafant, but cool at J^ven. 7I Sun and Clock together. SEPTEiVlBER 1782, begins on Sunday.

New Moon 7th Day 10 m the Mordpg,

Fir ft Qaart 14 Day 5 in the MorniDg, Full Moon 2 ill Day 10 in the Morning, Laft Quarter 29th Day at Noon.

Ml Rema'-kable Days. &c.

f, 4Fourteenlh paft Trinity. ' JO pTii 1 (St. Gthi. 5 31 jmorn. \SlJVoTcefie'. Dog Days end. Clear and pleafant. Commencement Vrovidence. Part N. London burnt, ij^t. Cool mornings and evenings. F jFifteemhpaft Ttn/Vy. Nati- *j (vity of Yii gin /»ii2ry. o 3 Info C, Concord. Srtall "bowers, ® Perigee* Full Tides. Uoly Crcfs.

Sixteenth (;aft Trinity, Serene pleafant fVeather- Sup. C. Wcrcejler. Commencement Darfm'>.Co\. Fair and pleafant.

Day's length i ih. f m. Sr. Mafthezi), Apcft.&Marr. Seventeenth part Trinity. 1^ Apogee. 3.C. Springfield. l.C.Barnfla. (NcwA.Port & Powr.alicro' St. Cyprian, Mart,

7'| 6 j G. //tso entered Phila. 1777 M 7|Twilight ends, 7fc. S^m.

9 F ? 8th part Trin. St. Michael. j ,o| l^St.Jfroff?^, Frtfby & confeff. ri7§2.i oc >^OV£VIBER 782, begins on Friday. DECEIVlBER 17^2, begins on Sunday.

New Moon 4tb Day 5 in the Afternoon,

Firft Quarter titd Day 1 1 at Night, Fnll Moon 19th Day 4 in the Aftercocn, Laft Quarter 27th Day, 9 in the Morning,

•V Ilemarkab!flDav

If Advent Sunday, 726 3 ^5 S 20 '^^'^^'^'^^ a^d ^^^'fi fy'^K coId.\f 27 5 4 44 918 r, C. ke'orcelJer 5S 10 It 3| 3 & Barnfiable, 727 5 5 ^ Perigee. 2« j) lets u 16" ^ 7 5

High Tides, . ri _ 729 5 5 49 58; 6 Nicholas, Epif. t**v 50 St. ConfefT. 729 5 length gh. Day's ';7m. 7 3® 5 s Vir, S Conception Maty. 731 5 59 Cold, 40 9 7 3T 5 9 Plymouth. JO Wi. C. 7 3* 5 II Good luholfome tveather morn 7 3* 5 the p 10 la for jcajon, 7 3^ 5 St. Lut-j, virg. f3 and fnart. 7 3^ 5 4 7*'sfct.Joh. 7 33 5 Third in Ad-veni. 7 33 5 Fea deftroyed at Bofton f77 3 7 34 5 (nf. C. Taunton, 7 34 5 ^ Apogee. 7 34 5 icrn. D riic Twilight ends 6h. 7 34 5 to aga, 3c Ehgland decK war Dw^fi) ^ 34 5 5 6 3^! St. Thornai. ['/^o 7 34 5 7 4o 22 Fourth in Ad-vent. 7 34 5 8 56 33 Syrius rifes 7^. 3or7T. 7 34 5 24 Cold frofiy tveather, 7 34 5 9 '5 10 12 25 Chriftmai, or Christ born. 7 34 5 26 Sr. Stephen, frrft mart. » ^ %34 5 u 30 mor'n. 27 6iSr. John, Apoft. & Evan. 7 34 5 o 28 7 /««o««f* martyr' d, 7 33 i 44 o 29 F ISuuday paft Chrifitr.as. 7 33 5 2 »» 30 a) Wir.dy ({r.d cold. 7 33 5 3 Silvejler. £4 3^ 3 J St. 7 33 5 4 '

Births^ Iffue, iz'c. of the Sovereign Prii}cex\

Europe, \ LofEWIS the i6:b, K ng of Fraqce and Navarre, bora- Arjguft 25, 17 54-. Marrievi NJay 17, t7 7o, to vlaria Antonicrca, Archducbers of Auftria, bom Nov. 2 1755. Succeeded his Grandfachei,LEw;s \yM, May—lo,; 774, a-id crowned at Rheims, June 11, I775« ^j Tneir KTue, Midame Marid Thercfa Charlotte, born December 19, 1778. ^ ) CHARLES the 3d, K'ng of Spain, born January 20, 17 16. Has liToe by his late Qu,cen,---Maria jofetiha.birn July 16, 1744. — -Maria Louila, born Nov. 24, T745.

Charles Anthony, Prince of Afturias, born Nov. u, ; 748. ---Feidlnand Aathony, King of the Two Sici'.ics, born Jan. T2, T751.— -Gabriel Anthony, Grand Priorof Spain,

born May 12, 1 752. --Anthony Pafcall, bo. Dec. 31,1755. GEORGE the 3d, K ng of Great Britain, born June 4, 1738, proclaimed King 0£l. 26, 1760, married Sept. 8, T761, to the Princefs Chariot e of MeciilinfaurgStrcJitz. Crowned Sept. z^, 1761. Their ilTue are.GeorgcAuguftus Frederick, Prince of Wales, born Aug. 12, 1762 Fre <3erick, Bifhop of Ofnaburg, born Aug. 16, 1763.-—Wi!

Jiam Henry, born Aug. 2 I, I765.— -Charlotte Augufta, born Sept. 29, 1776.- — Edward, born Nov. 2, I76'.

Augufta Sophia, born Nov, 8, 1 76S.—. Elizabeth, born

May 22, 1770.- — Erncft Auguftus, born June 5, 1771,— Auguftus Frederick, born Jan. 27, 17''3 AdolphusFre derick, born Feb. 24, T774.-— Maiy, born April «5,i776. -Soph.a. born Nov. J— 3, i777.---Oflavius, Feb. 23,l7-?9. 1 HOLLAND.] vVjllia.mV. Prince of Orange and iNaifij, bam Mj^rch S, 1 ^•48, Htreditary S'ad;h:)idcr 0^

;the Stveri U.iited Provinces : niirried to the princefs Fredc.'ica Sophia sVilhelmi.na of PruiTia, by whom he 'jbiis iifj^ Freds r:C3 Lbu;.''a Wilhelmlna, born Noy. aS, William {170. Frederick, bcrn Auguft 14, 1772 ; and

William George Frederick, born February I ?, 17 74. i FOR rUG \L.] Maria Frances Isabell A,Qjeen, born Dec. 7, I734-. Her ifTue Jufeph Francis Xivier.

born Aug. 2o, 1 ; 61. John Maria Jofeph Lewis, borr

Jvlay 13, '767^ Maria Anna Vi^oria, born Dec. I ^.

I76ii. A Princefs born Dec. 2 2, I - 76. ( DENMARK, and NORWAY.] Christian VIl King of Dcr.mark, barn Jan. 2.9, 1749. Has i/Tai Fiederitlc, born Jan. ig, i,62 j -and Louifa Augutla ibotti July 7, 1771. » SVV EDEN.] III. j GusTAvus Kirg of Sweden, bon I Jan. 24, 1746, POLAND] StanislaueAugustus, born Jan. I7,

1752 ; .cicdtcd Kuig of Poland i}Z?r. 7, 1764-. PRUSSIA.] Fredsrick ill. K'ng ot Pruflia and .EleftorI; of iiraqdenbuig, bor.i JiDuasy ^4, 1712. af I RUSSIA.] Catharine U. Smprefs Rufila.born (May J, 17^9} afcended iIk 'Ihr.jnc Ja'y 9, ijoj, upon jthe depofition of her own h> (bind, Peter 111. Her iiroe jPaul Petrowifz, born Oclober 1, 1754-. SARDINIA. ] Victor Amadku3 Maria, King 'of Sardinia ind Duke of Savoy, bcrn June 26, 1716, His iffuc are, Charles Eirmanuel Ferdinand P/!ar:a, b:»rr JMay 24., 1751. Maria, Jjfspha Louifa, bsrn Sept. s JJ75:^. Maria Thcrefo, bora Jan. 31, 1756. Anna iMaria Carolina, bom Dec. 17, 1757. Viftor Emanuel ;C»jecan, born July 14, 1759. Maurice Jofcph Marwi 'born Sept. 26, 176Z, Marit Charlotta, born Jan. 17

{I764, Charles Jofeph, born April 6, 1765 j and JofepS ;Bencdi£f, born Oftob. 5, 1766. GERMANY,] Josiph Bensdict Augustus, born March 13, 1,741, and crowned King of the Romans

in 1764 ; fuccceded as Emperor Aug. 1$, 1765. ITALY.] Count Braschi, born Dec. zj, i7i-j, the ef Pius V. elefted Pope Feb. i?, 1 7 55, by Name Ferdinand IV. King of the Two Sicilies, thnd Ton

of thcKiflg of Spain, born Jan. 1 2, 1751. He has iffuc two Daughters. TURKEY] AcHMET IV. Grand Signer, fucceeded to the Throne of Turkey Jan. 21, 2774. MECKLENBURG.] 1 !ic Houfe of Mccklcnburgh is divided into two branches, viz. MeckicnburghSchwerin is reign- and Meckienborgh Strelitr : Ferdinand the Duke of the former, born Nov. 9. »7 i7. and has no ifTue — Adolphus Frederick IV. is the reigning Duke of the. latter, born May 5, 1738, and is brother to the preftnt Queen confort of the King of Great Britain, ^

\h'ecejjary Hints to thofnihat^ou'd btf Ri,

^HE ufc of Money i: all the advantage; tjicrc is !/ I X in hiving Moriey. -.- /.. 2 Yeai,, bave. the Uie of loo/. pr j For 6 yoa may vidfd you aie a Man of kn.Nvn P.ud.:r.c« and Horeliy. sb.. ) He that fpends a Gr,oa'- a day id!y, frcjidi id!y

'6 /. a year, wliic"^ is the rrice for the uf,- of ico /. He that waftes idly a Groat's vvorch cf his time per I cay, on; i:y with another, wafte- the p.'i.iicge of ufing lico I. each day.

I H- that idiv loies 5 i. wbnh of t'me, lofcs 5 :. and might as prud;n'iy throw

He tf-.ar lolVs 5 J. not enly l.>fes that fum. but a'l the advantage that might be mad; by turning it in dealing, wh'ch, by the tirrle that a young man becomes old, wiiJ amount to a confi 'erable fum 'f money.

/l^atft : He that fells upon credit, a/k

his money for the time he is to be kept out of it. Therefore, he that buys upon crcdtt, pays intereft for what he buys, tAnd h

lecenTary houfiiold- fluff, or any fupeifluous thing, v. he her you are 'a1!1 ng to pay Intereft, and Intereft upon

otereft for it as long as you live j and more if itgLCws iroife by ufing.

Yet, in buyiii? Goods, *tis beft to pay ready money, ecaufe, he tha: fills upon credit, expefts to Ijfc 5 per

int. by bad dtb.5 ; therefore he chapgrs on 3I' he fells

pen credit, an advance that fh ill make up that d- fi^ieicy. Thcfe v/h.i pay for wha: the^ buy upon cred;t, pay leir fhare of this advance. He that pays ready money, cfcapes, or may efcape at chaig?.

^ Penny favd i: Tzuo-fevce clear A Pin a Day is a Groat a Tea". Si'tJice and Secrecy. ; Man ever NO repented of having kept Silcce, butj man y that the^ have not done f?. He who talks' all that he knows.'will alfo t3>k wh^t he knows not. —j Ther? are a fet of Men who diffir nothing fiombrokfoi Pitchers, that can hold nothing, but let it run out byl babbling. Repuiati n,

CREDIT cannot be preferved with too great care, r\ot forfeited hut with the greateft lofs : There it no fuch infelicity as to furvive one's Reputation, nor fo great a Fally as to put it io hazud. The /hortcft way tO'

attain Re 'Utation is that of Merit } if Induftry be /ound cd 00 Merit, it it the true way of obtaining it. Vain-Glory.

A Va-n-glorinuj Man is like the Fly which fat upon the axicrree of a Chariot wheel, and faid, What a duft do 1 raij'e ! It is the emj)loyme'^ t of a great fool, rather to do things worthy to be admired, than to zim'uc what himfelf hath done. Suits in Law. IF you defign to yaarfcif happinefs, and an improve- ment of your efta'fj let m3 advife you to avoid fuits in

Law ; if you en;;age in any, you put yourfslf into a houfe of cotrccl'on, -wliere you muft labour ftoutly to pay yf)ur fe"';. Tbere were two Lawyers very p^iTlon^ ately pleading rhfT Cbentj caufc, to their great farisfac- tion^ when the caufs was done, the Lawysrs came out

of Court, and huggrd each other j the Clients were much aftoni/hed at their behaviour, and one of thrm a/k-d his Lawyer, Hoiv (hey could be Jriends fo foon f Tufli Man,

fays rhf f^^wyc, H-''e nvere never foes, for ive Laivyert ar^ like a piir- of Sheers, if you open them, and f>ul/ thr.

dotun, they fsem to cut one another , but they only cut that ivhich Cometh between them. Riches,

IT is no great matter whether a Mm b; ri

[tainino, it being rather to)' late for him to leiurn, ih 'Gsfi'cd him to ftay ti!l the mommg. He wa3 laid ic a

Usry good room and bed j bur in th- middle cf -he nighi jbeing taken with a dreadful fit of the Choi(C, he goi up (and r:co'lc£\ing that he hsd obfervcd a bcttle H^nd'ng Of

[the chimn»v- piece, u-hich be had taken to be f; me cor- ;di3l water kept there b-- h-s aunt, he made ftiift to grope fout hi? way to it, in th« c=>rk. On opening it, the fmeil

ics" the fpirituous liquor confirmed his imagina'ion- I jthe violence then of I he fic, and in hope of fome rEifiga ttiiin of the tartur^, he ^xU the boule to his mouih, and

jdifpa';ched itscoi;tert r. s few gulf h? ; but cculd noi |help,cbleiving that f nithir,;; rathei fluck in his ihioar, jwh'ch ht fuppofcd wa". a preffrvcd acricockor fome othe

fruit. However he g't it down. In t*.c moining at brrakfafl-, with two or th'-ce'more, he mentioned :he ac cider.t in vhc nijibt, and hi? rcc^'Kic for relief to thr bottle on the chimney-piece. Ac which his aum clap- *< ping her hands in a kind of agoiiy, cried oi^r, J will be hini^'.ed if be has nor fv* allowed the little Lord !" And whatih uld this little Lord be but an embryo, prefsrved m fpr.ws, bcjng th. lady Dutchcit's laft mifcarria;jc.

u^ New Method of lightning a Ship in a Storm, iT blew a hard Storm> and in utmoft coofufion. The Sailors all hurried to get abfblution ; Which done, and the v-egnt of the Sins they confeft'd Were transter'd, as they tbo't, from themfelves to the To lighten the Ship,afid conclude their devotion, [Pricft Thej tolVd the ConfeiTor foufc into the ocean.

Drunken Rake, that made it his conftant praftice A to lie in bed the grcateft part of every Sunday, was /harply reprehended for it by a Clergyman : The Beau anfwered, • That he was forry a perfon of his '* facred funfticn undetftood the Scripture no bette " when it is there exprefly mentioned that the Sabbath , ** was appointed for a day of reft." .

n^z ( Dz ) —

7E>iplanaficn tf the Etngmatical ProphecIei:>

infer ted at the \tb Page of thh Almanack. \ I i.nr^HE Water of the Sea and Rivers is raifcd in' Vafouts by the Sun, is form'd into cicuds in the; [ JL [iir, and thence defccnds in rail.. Now when there is raio

(Overhead (which frccjuently happens when the wind is' •at N. E.) the c-ties and places on the earth below, are cznain\y uxder tvater. j •;«-(? not I 2. The Power with which were then at ivar^ jbvit which, it was fad, wcu'd take mar^.y full laden vef-* jfc!s out of our ports before th» end of the ysar, is the jWIND, whcfe forces aho are not deferied either coming - \or going. _ _ ; _ ^ _ The army which was fa'-d wnuid la*id in Virginia^ j 3, [Maryland, and the Loiver Counties or. Dela-ware, were inot Musketeers with guns o.i t\te'fi Shoulders as frme may jhave cxpe£led j but their namef^kes, in pronunciation, larm'd only wirh a /harp fting. It is v.e!! known rfiey

are fi/h before they fty, being bred in the water j and therefore may be faid to larfd before iliCj bcc.m* gcue-.

lallv troublefome. .

\Tb£ celebrated Dr, Fraik! n's Epitaph. on himfelfy curioui- conveying Cuchfolenn Ideas in the Stile e/"c tb^K j for

Occupation Printer ard bockfeUey. \ I of

' AIvUN j The Body of BEN J FRANKLIN, ' | Primer, \ 5 Like the Covering of an old Book, \

\ Jts conterlts torn out, flripr of its Lt ticrlr-g a.id Gilding, I And

here. Food for i I Lies Worms ; But the Work fhall not be loft, \ it wUJ (2s he believ'd) appear oner mors ) in a ntw and more beautiful Edition \ f Corre£led and amended !By the Author. He was boro January 6th 1706, And died 17

Mr. Aldrick'i fi-ve R-afons for Drinking.

Wine ; a Frier.d ; or being dry GOOD j Or. left we ffiou»d be by and by j Or, any other R«afon why. Towns on the Contlricnt, with tbs Names of tjic Tavern-keepers or Inaboliers. "Tcverm. (I.) To Phmoutb Towns. Cape- Coi: (U.) To Martha's Vtne- yatd. Town?, 'Taverns Freeman 60 Dorcbepr, K-rot >.aHd%oich, Fa'.mouth, Fiih 10 , . . Vofe ar.d •*^"'';"' ' Bourn o R.,Aval ^ , "T- Faimouti>To%un, ^3.^.1^ « Bratnfree, Brackctt Parker Cawifts iVooc'i'HM, 4 JFtymoutb Arnolds Ove'- Ff-ry to J-' Ditto, D:e;-ial (Ui ,) Road to Taunton Hingbam, Scicuate, Conamore Dorcbejitr, Kent 4 Ha^.s-vir, Wales MUtors, Vo(z Pembroke, Hail Ditto, Beat Ditto, Baker Stougbtcn, D.ity Kingjion, !e Z);Vro, Majr B Plymouth, iitougbtonbamt Nojes WiVitberly C Eajfon, H..ward Ditto, Corni/h' NortoK, Godfrey Di't.o, Eilis j = Taunton, C:ocker Freeman Sandwich, Digbton, WH:tn3arih FefTi::)den I } Stv.'ifizsv, Frecbairn H-iv/laad Bjrnflable, Chipman Loring (IV,) Poi^ Road to Provi- dence and f'h'iv Londir.. Ditto, Crcker £f Gray 4 Bear and Providence^ Oincy, P-ice Yarmouth, Thatcher 4 ^ 0/- Wanton 45 Patuxet, Harivicb, Dark g Randall 5 Eafibam, Crocker Greentvicb, Arnold 10 Ditto, Myrick N. Kingfion, A.'len 8 Ditto, Biggins Toiver-bill, Sands & Wellfiitt, Nye Cbarlefio^ivn, Thomi,fon i 5 Truro, CoJJinJ ^f>r/>', B levin 6 Ditto, Orofs StoningtoTif Stanton 9 Provinct/Toion, Atwood 8 Qroton, Helton 7 NeivLondon, Douglafs or field en 5 (V.) Road CO Newport. Roxhury, Vhittng 1? Am;s nr Gay Dedbam, ^ 3 if^alj^'ole, Djwocs 8 Ditto Hcidisg z lyrenrbai".. Mii^n 6

Aitleborough, DagiiCt 9 Reboi>o:b, Daagct iz D/Vro, Hu'it- 4 f'Farrefty Burr 4 £r;y2o/, Sa-ith 5 Ferry-boujty V^Jtrce 2 Portfrnoutb, Turner 3 Ncwportf 5 Miles 75

(VI.) To Norwich, Nftv- |(VMI.;Roa<3toAV^' (X.) Roacf to A'

(XVII ) Road to New. Falmouth, Slcillen bury Por(^ Portjmoutb Wake, Fa-fnoutb CafcO'Bay, & Muchias. Shattucky Tovfn Medford, . B.ilings 5 ^ Greele, Maiden, H.]| 2 New Cafco, Bucknam

Lyhn, , Newell 4 NortbYarmoutb, Loring Danvrs, FSmt 6 Ditto^ Mitchell Salem GooiYi\it& V/cbb 2 Ditto, CofHn Beverly, Waters 1 Brunfwick, Stone fPenham Porter C tfunfwick, ThompfoQ JpJ'wicb, Piemonc or Hcarndell's Ferry, Homaus Wifcafftt Pt. Wickers Roivley Payfon NdWcaJJle Ferry,

Niivbury, Tilcjmb ^ , Barker, Neivh'ury-Port, Merrick JValdoborougly Vinal IX and Davenport, ——, Lamfon or Salifiury, Noyes -4 Waterman « Seabrook, Griifuh Tbomajlon, Peckatd 9 Hampton 'Falls, Sanborn Camden, Gregory 6 and Wells, Minot 7 Hampton, Lcavitt a Duck Trap, McClanlen 6 Nortb-Hampton, Learitt 3 Bclfa/I, Mitchel I a I; Oreenlandf , Poor Penobjcatt, Hubait Purc/wo.TiJtonorSravcrs 5 Blue-HilL Paiker - Pactin OldYork, Wcodbridge , , and Row, 9 Union River, Miliikin mili, Liitlcfield 13 Killkenn'y, G 00k ins Ditto, Cole 3 NewBrifiol, Sirnpfon Kennebunk, Kimball 6 Goufdsborough, Jones

Urundeli, Pauen a Ditto^ ' Shaw Saco, Alien 6 No. Four, Campbell Scarborough, Bradbury 3 PlcnfartRiv. Buckman II Ditto, Miliiken 7 ChardlerRi'ver,'Whhnty 9 Ditto, March 4 A'Lchias, Lcngfe'low g

QUAKERS Yearly Meetings in New-England. At Sand'zvicb,t\\e fixh day before the laft firft day of the third month. At Nantucket, the fourth fixth day of the fixth m<>nth. At Bo/Ion, the foarth fixth day of he ninth month. At Lynn, the fourth feventh day of the ninth month. At Salem, the fiJih firft day of the ninth month. . loaato St. /hgufihts- I Road to Penficola. V?;?;Boflon **oCharles- /^Charle^- j Fro??iBQ^on

Tov/a are Mih.s i lOOi Town are Miles i loo 5.vRoad3 Ng.IX. £? XII1.]| r5.,jllc.3ds No.lX. & XIII.] ^^'Dorchcjler »9 Vc -a; (7«/ i4|5?/?////xi Ferry j6 Soon^s Point i9\Ked-' Bank 'Vatts's Cut iS-.Kell/s Ccwpen 12 Mujketo Creek %j:olfn's old Place lO Qcvjers^s Point 9'\Turkey Creek 35 O-ter- IJIand ^\ Craig's old Place 2o\ Reavfort Boggy Gat 7 rirchiesCreek 9\Three Runs

ver P. Royal Sound S\ Holloa Creek 12 Scull Creek through. 3 1 To'Vtn Cre^k 4 Hilton Head gllVenulVindfor on 'X Over Tfhee Sound 5 ^Savannah aiver 5 Savannah Georgia 9\Fort Augufla 4 'ugufiine Creek S'.Ogeeheg River 70 Skida'waf'Point ^ Okonee River' 4^, Tha Narro^jjs ^\Okmulgce RiVer 35 ^"j^gmanU P9int ^AFPtnt River 35 ^aiharine*sScundiA. ChattaboQchey of •'70 4 Corjcta River '^^•.Tut^jfee lodian Tonx}n 1 75 20 9 dlan Tonun 10 ,qiha?Tta 6 mMohilU i;OiPecraCQlav hy ^1 V/ater ^:7^,

1855 L... H^4 l E

A T A To -reckon i)oLLARs in Laivful Money.

Holla t"s p ; A TABLE of SinppU Intereft st 6 per Cent. For any Suni frohr 20/. to^^.ioco, '6~Mon7

C20.f0.3 030. jo. 3 Oip ,9 j© r4a «o.-4 p^p 12 i6 5- 050 io, OjOpij jp 6q:|o 6 0*0 I

70 ;o 7 o ,1 I t-j :^ 2,,ol^4 4 p, ;o, 4 '0" 8 i;6 80 8 0,1 .^ < p|.4 9®«i'0 9 o,\i. 7 ^i^j 2 146 $ ,8 o-

:• •, 402? ! a, Cj6 p 'o! rai o p _^4 o p . ,'0 ..500.I2 .10 017 iO'D;i5 o _b!5o o^, !^OJ3 o c!9- ,0: i^ o,;C 36 ,0 p.,

70011 10 P 10 lO'* 2^i O r o!'42 o o'

.^00 :j,'.o, 0;i-2 po!24o, 6'48 o a;,

CO 3 IOC,' 2 o ., ; 9 I LP g| 1 7 ; oj 54 o o

•1000 , 50 0150 Q^ O.-flu ,0; 60. .^.p. : Q^

—•'"*'" " '•'- - — • REGISTER F- O R T H' 2 Commomvcaich O F


His Excellency JOHN H ANCeCK, Er

Salary yC«'^o<^ P^*" ^"""^ '" ^r'^'-' I I aon. Thomas CusHiNG,Erq;Lt.GGTerr>or COUNSELLORS, The Honerab!c jcrcm'tab Powell Jamas PrcfcottJ TlrriothyDanlcIfun Walrer Spponcr- Samu-I ffbltcn-*' Narhan Cufliing - ChacbatfTn-l WcTes Gill '- AzorOrne E.Yrs.

T-ihn Avery, jun. "E^gx Secretary. Mr. vVillism lUker, jun. Depiitv Sf:rc>ary, Clerks in the Sccntaf'/i 0£ic:,

WiHiam Harns I JonathaT Webb | David Morey

John U3JI j Belcher Noyes, jun ( James Green l.i:. Ifaac Peircc, Mefi"engef to theGovernor & Council. 5 E NA TORS. **^oa. Samuel Adams, Efq; Prrfident, The Honorable ViHiam Sever"* Edward Cutts Solomon Freeman «. edidiah Prcbble- jofrph Dorr — rhjmas P.ice-.

abcz Fifhcr -r- Stephen Chpate~2_ ChArJcs Turner- — Abraham Fui!er—~ JonatharGreen!eaf John Bacon amuci Baker John • lifs- Jonathan Warner i- 1-i'.ts — - I obn Ifrasl Nichols Co'.Ton Tufts— f leazsr Brocks — Eph. Starky/cs'.ther+Eb'rr-ezer Bridge- - Uron Wood'— JahleclVVoodbridgr1J..hi. Haflings — ^homas Durfee- Incrcafc Sumnir— jCfeph Hof.ner— Icv:b« Goodman Samuel Pbilhr'siut34- Efquixss. Mr. William Baker, jun. Ci-rk to the Senate. " 1 •82]' I .

L/V? of all til TowKS in thtCsnmo>:iUcahh,iuicl (iL-\\w}, cfthe Gentlemen retitrr.cd to -refyrefcnt them in thiCemn

uijj'cmhly t ill laji tbc Wedr. ejda^ 'in May I 7 8 2 Hon. Natha^'iel GoRKAM, Efq; Speaker. Samuei Heniliaw, Efq; (of Milton) Clerk.

Tor (he Coiin'y of '9,\.i(to\k. -fOanvers, co). V.HuXchinfo] Efcj; -/'Calsb Djvis, ; jTjyf'wicb, Dr. Ji>hnMannin< y^ j—xSi.mucl A. Otis^ Choate, efqj '^^Ti I r"Jahn "^Ne^ubury, Mofcs Little, cf^ ^ %->-Jc!in Lovycli, ffqj •~col. Jacob Geiri/Ii

.tffcj; -John Rowcc -yNcivb ury- pert ^ ]onrhzi j'-StephcrlMigginfon.c^q (Titcomb, efq, *--Lconard |a?vis, cfc]; T-Mofcs Ffazicr, efqj \Roxkury [nr. David \Ve!d ~Nath. Tricy, efqj -^p^j-cLJl cr X'^t'-\A\' a\tiyt'.q]^'arhlehead, JciT)Uiidrr.e,'eiq -tMiltor., ]^. K. P.-b;.inf,e;ViJ — mr. S-inael Garchel -^Braintfre, R;ch.C?pncl),cfq;4iv»«, mr. Samuel Burrel ^^If'^i'j mouth, Sjio. Loyell, cfo.-jL^Tuicvcr, capr. Pete;Ojgocd —j/Z/Wy^jw, capt.Che.Cufiiingj — capt. Ji.ihua Holt jCii.Ty/^f, f£?c^'^r/^', Jona. Coaanr, efq}. -T-pti/i.izwi, inr. Alrer Ellis 'pfvc'K.'/^j, Nath. Mighill, tfq; — Ebcn, Batile, cfcu^aiisiury, mr. EzekielEvans Medjje!d,mr[ Oliv-r Ellis f//^-wr/^n7,mr. BayicyBartiet '-i^VrerthaTnjLtii) Ko'Aock.^tfc^louceJler, Peter Ccfiin, cfq^: Brooklyn, hon. B.Wbitp,e fq,'l —John Lov, c.lqj j - Needham,cv<.\Vtn. hVh:[c{hrT:ps/ielJ, Samuel Smith, erqjj Stoughtqn, -Tho. Crane, crqjrrJw.vj^u^y,mr.OrIan.Seijeant| Stoughtcnhar», cr.t. 'E.iwzrtijBradfoid, mr. Peter Ruflcji

' Hujl. (B. Szveipdcd-iieny maj.Sam.Bodwe.'jj Mediuay, capt. foi.a. Ada:ns+'^o;^'/b/7/, Manchefgr, F:eUingha}ny%t(.\\1e'.cdL\i,tMH'enham, f-f^alpoii, maj Seth B\i\\ir6> Middlcion,

Cbeljea, C2.\yr. Jens. Giecn I /^Fcxiorci/ghyVa'r .John E veretti County of Midjiefex. •^Franklin, mr. JofephHawesjC^'K^r/iyp-^, col. Sa.1 hatcher XCbarlefioiVTi, hon. Njthanicl I CtUfity of E{^ex. (Gorham, efq; Sjre^^tfr j I —i^'is/^w, Benja. Goodhue.f roj-rffcftfriyTtv;, Jona. Brown, e'fq HenryHigginfoPjcfqj- ^^obunij capt. Sam, Belknap I — —S.imuel Ward, cfq;- CcrffPvt^, I -Nathan Good aie,crq;-AVw/o«, mr.ThomasParker I ,

^•:J:riy, capt. Jam. Sjncrofc-j-r/.zJ.'iry, mr. Phineas LyraanV ?/'' -'j'jrnr. Geo. 3ri2h3mj5'3z.'/j& fiW.'c_y, |

' ••' V .?. mai, EJw. VirTiizij'.^'Ufnbe'Jl, ca;.>r . Eb.Ma'torn;

e*^f -mr. Ds- id Mefgiy A:l^udbury, R, Hsafdl ^ f

^Uiford, The, gr^.-.k*, ?r^}|T*f^^/A«>-^#, mr, Rob.WiJj^fnfii

Ss, Brin:Jicldt

birhy, .'^f/i^tf,'«, I

'ivjrjend, capr, T, W(irreo'*^''(2n/ord, V^'sr, V^r'l?, eft;;]

'idfordy \Falfr;ir, \ fiZ/ipon, '-*.Grar,'vi '.'(^co\T\m Ilobinfunj

'^Htnirvtonf cspt, Fhrn^.?*! Qolirain^ J. \

hdck, ~jMr(rrc:jj:cLTn r. Jr fTc Juh nfo i. unc'bam. ~-\Ckarkir.ont, mr. Aaron Rice]

Cc, r.ty of Hamprp.ir?, -i-Wcrthirgtor.^ coi.Nah.Zagerj briK;'Jicid. ,\V Tw .T \\\\AorXSbute:h.ry \ _^wr.ai. deon Burt G \WcndriL . \ -mr. Abra. Burbark \Lud>.^zi\ I 'ilbraham, J Ac; -vjuh, t J chnK; k hnd,erq! orthampton. \Merryfitld, i ;

inr.AbrahamV'/hi-;{j :y!l-Ianip{on^ mr. J". iimithJ^Vcr/ow. .Chcfier^eld, Ecnj. Mxiliir:'.e^f~Mc:?:s/i^!d, mr.Bcnj.Skinnci

IGcJ/.^:2,-7, .^tt'.hcro' , CO*. Eiiiha May

". D. Robinforr-i'V^^'roww, mr Joi^nrlathwa] •¥^ainham, capr, Noah Haii ^^-^^'^ <^^?f- J^mcs ?cny \ Cc:.K!y ,/PKmouth. •Jp/>«r;':A';.6. T 'UuThoma?. ef(^3 % V/il'V.Turner, cfoj County of YotU. h'rzti Vina', efqj --Tar,^, col. Edward Grow. n''

;. Vvoot' /itundel, I Whits Biddefofd, —".riytKpian, iaaj. I'^hnTurncr^'^'S/jcfl, va-:. i>. Chadbouij) ^anfordf •Buxton, mr JacobBradburj

—.' .-/,;.,,,-,..,. r^y^ Sjh:. Brown '

MaJJabcfeck, \ Brownfieldy Little -Fai/s, Fryhurgby mr. Simon Frya ^i/r, cayt. S. Gorham

County of Dukes Counr/i \ i Edgartozvn^ \\ Chi-mai k,

'.l.bury. It County 0/ Nantucket. aiasmytar, Richard Sears Sherburne,

xr.r. WiUiam Thayer County 0/ Wotcefter. JiFalmoutk, N., Shiv£i';ck,c:S - ''^ ^Tfi-^o rceficr, S a n) u «r SC u 1 1 is , e

-^j-i artca/h'r,VJ . Diinffnorc,rrr;] cvmy o/BrKto). -jr/Jfendon, capt. Benj. R(£J

: /•, cap^ Jicha. LeonaidtTartfo^/'^'iA/jCapt.Fhir. JJphirT'.

nn-, Kicho. Biyl es ': Oxford,

v', Sliubac!Peck,efq-rCZ)flr//c;i, Jacob Davis , e^(\i — nit, DinfeiCarperiiefr6';;^'e«, AmojSireictarv,* I'qj >V7f^37;,^'fy^ -j-Lficeflcr, col. Set h Wallib oiii .9jr/;»0Kri),nir. Berj.RufTclWTS'/tfvri'r, Ichn B ^co, effjj

col. T ho. K-mnfTin'K?/-''iWw//. T-^hnFefrendfr^jrl't] ^ TScarhcro'jgh, lar.Sam.Smal! fearjontown, > Fax:on, mr. Adam Maynardl Koya'borougb, Huhhardj%n, \^RaytnondtoiUTif Eakerfrown, ridgetoiVi'.y Gray, Sorthboroughy Syivefier, \ o£>fiw^;irj,capt,J.Maynard Ccunty 'j/* Lincoln.

FUchburg, Georgetoijon, Uxhridge,c»p{. cezalfeclTufcj j\r^^^^^,:^^^ Har-vard,]o[i.'Whhncy,tiqi | ^f^^^/.^j,.;

Dudley , maj. Vv'ill. Lcained Topffjam, Boitun, tat, Eph. Fairbanks Beivdolnbam, Boothbay, Siurbridge, mr. Jo/H.Har.ding; jj^/^^,^I leo^r.injtcr, ~i-VaJfaihor6'-l-Vaffa.l AbiclLo-»ejojr,cf<3 HarckmcK co'. T.mo. Page jj.^^^^^,,^,^^ /aoo'^n, mr, Jofcph Davis iiVir.Jh'w, J-Faldcborougb,

I \Edgcon:bz, ^'^^>-'^' , af-Vrr>«. capt.Sam.Oskmanl

TfW/,ff(^«,capt.Joel Fletcher ^^^ c^r^^'f, ?'''""^^''' -UVintbicp, capt. John Blunt Ajhhurnbatn Tbcmaftoivn, ^>2«c-if«i/i)«,AbclWildcr,cfq Bath, Nortbbridge, mr.jcn. Bacon County (T/'Bcrkfhire. Sterling, capf. Eph. Wilder

-fGreat Barrington, 'William Cnunty o/" Cumberland (Whiting, efqj '^aimoutb, mr. Stephen Hall Partridgejield, Kortb Tarmoufb, •j-^tjilamjion, capt.T.Skinneri Cap? Eh'zabetb, 'A PFindfor,CAj>t.Dtn'\{oaKo^ers Ccrham, New Marlborougb, £rur:Jiuick,X)r.Sixr..D\inktR-^aneibough, col.Afa Barnes ' ilarpyimli, Capt. ifaac Snow,)w — mr, JcdediahHubbilljcdediahHubbJll Ntiu-Clouctjterf +P;' f/i/f /J, col. W. Williams Wtndb am, -ALenox, Ifrael DcwrsyjCfqj ' — Stockhridge, ( tVefl Stockbridge ^ Egremont, Eph. Fifch, efq; i^/ford, mr. John Adams - Tyringham, capr. J. Brewe iNtw Ajhford, S,andiifidd. mr. Dan. Brown-r^^t/

Mr. William Baker, Meffenger to thc' Senate and Houfe,

Suh/iance of the nenx) Conjlitution. | BY the prefentConftiturioo, or nsw Frame of Govern- ment, the late Province of Maffjchufetts-Bay is.lq Future to be called The Commoniaeahb of MaO'achufetts. —The General Court to confift of a Senate and Houfe of R.eprefentativcs, each to have a negative on the other, and 0 aflcmble every year on the laft wedaefday in May,—-' NTq bill or refolve to become a law until approved by the-

Governor, ocrept he negleds fo to do five days after its! being prefentcd.—Forty perfons are- to be elefted Ccurt'i feihrf and Senators, at a meeting of the feveral towns to- be called for that parpofe on the firft monday of April-

|annna!!y j the following is the number for each county,! Suffolk 6, Effex 6, Middlefex 5, Hampfhire ^, Plymouth 5,^ Barnjiable. 1, Brijiol 3, York x, Duk.ts County and Nan-' tuket I, Worcejier 5, Cumberland I, Lincoln i, and Eerk-^ fkire 2.— Each Senator to be polTefl'^d of an eftate of

at leaft 600/. value ; and not lets than 16 members to'

conftitute a quorum.—Everv town having i 50 rateable

polls may eieft ont Reprefmutative ; 2 town containing and if 600 they may elcft thiee 375 mjy ele£l two 5 5 after which a^5 rateable pclU'n to be the mean increafing number for every additional Reprefentative.-—They are to; be chofetj annually in May, ten days at leaft before thefafti wednefday in faid month, each to have been one year am inhabitant of, and fiizsd ii his own right of a freehold of the value of one hundred pounds within the town he fhillj |be chofen to rcprefent.or any rateable cftate to the value ofl ftwo hundred pounds.-—Not lefs than 60 members tocon-j *Si?»3t« a qjorara, and no mrrrtber can be arreftcd ddrjcgi. s. going unlo, or retttrni!:g from, or his auending th •neral Cjurt. The Governor and Liejr. Govprnar to

: chofia an7uaUy, ani-ca be of the chriftian religion, to ive been inhabitants of the C"mm:>nw5alth favsn years, >ito b: {z\z?.d'\n their own right of a f eshild of loooh lue.-— The fevcra' towns are to give in their votes on

le firft m-sfiday in, April, whsn every male perfon, being" *enty-one years of age, and otherw ife qualified, has aj ght to vote,— -The choice to be declared and publifiisd the laft wedncfday in Miy.-— A Council of nine (be- des the Lietit. Governor) for advifmg the Governor are Ifo to be chofen on tlsc faid laft wednefday in May, by

be joint ballot of the Senators and Rtpr^fentatives ; and ot more than two to be chofen out of any one diftri

"he Secretary , Treafurer, CommifTary-General, NotaHes ublic, and Naval Officers, to be chofen aanuaUy by joint

allot of the Senators and P.eprefintatiyes : No pcrfon to

e eligible for the office of Tresfurer more than 5 3 ears. — All commilTionJ of Jufiiccs of the Peace to expire and econnt void in fevea years afur their rerpe

»ls of holding at the fame time more than one of the foi- owing offices, except being Military Officers and Juilices »r the viz. judge of the Supreme judicial Peace, Court 5

ludge of Probate; Sheriff'; Rcg'der rf Probate ; and il*gifter of D:eds.—-N,). perfon holding the office of Judge

f the Supreme Jijdicial Court ; Secretary ; Attorney General Solicitor-General Treafurer of Pro. ; ; ; Jud^e bate ; Coram-nary-General ; Prefidenr, Profeflor, or In-

ftruftor of Harvard -College ; She-^iff ; Clerk of the Houfe! ofReprcfentatives; Regifter of Probate; Regifter ofDsedsj'

Clerk of the Supreme judicial Court ; Clerk of the Iiife-j ijor Court of Common Pleas ; or Officer of the Cuftoms,]

including Naval Officers, fhall ac the fame time have a' feat in the Senate or Houfe of Reprefentatives. All; Commiflions, and Writs in any of the Coorts of Law to be in 7ie Name of the Common'weahb of Majacbujetti.—- And all the Laws heretofore adopted to be in force until altered or repealed by the Legislature. The Conftitu-' itioa is to be revifed in the year 1795, if thought nc-' ~-— ^^^i »£enafy» ni^y b* amended. I : .Jufiices of the >^upreme 'judiciai Court. ^ •lo-i. William CuHiitig, Efqj Chief Jujiics, Salary ^. 320. I-ion. Nathaniel ?. Scr^eaut, Efq; 7 p i /- Hon. David Sewall, Efq; h 5^W £. 300, e^f/5. Ffj;, Efq'is. Cierh, Jud^is of toe fvlar'ttim: Courts. Hon. Nathan Cufh'ng, Efq; far t be Middle JDiJlria, ¥Mc Mansfield, Efq; aad t , '^'"*"^•• M.. Bartiet LeSarro;), V Hon. Timothy Langdon, Efc;/cr the Eaftern DiJiriH, Nathaniel Thwin^, Efq; Clc;k.

'Judge of Probate for Suffoik County. Honorable Oliver Wendell, Efq ; Wil'iarn Cooper, Efqj Regificr of Frobatt. Courts of Probate are held at the Probate Office in BoOcn

• every Tuefday> excepting the firft of esch monih : — At fVeymoufi), on the firft Tuefday of every January,

March, May, Juiy, September and November j and at Medfeld, on the firil Tuefday of every February^ April, yune, Auguji, Ociober, and December. Treajurer and Receiver-General Hon. Henry Gardoer, Efqj John Furnafs, Efq; Clerk and Ajjijiant. Clerks.

Nath. Foftcr 1 Rich. S. Howe 1 Naih. Emmons

Oiefi. Tilefton | Jofeph Dennie j EJi Forbes

Richard Devens, Efq; CommiJJ'ary General. Beniamia White, Efq; Clerk.

Committee for methodizing, fating and fettling of the I Jjubiic Accounts. I (JohnDcm^nc, Peter Hover and Stephen Gorham, Efq'rs.

Committee for fettling with the Army. Loammi Baldwin,Samuc!Auftin,& Thomas W alley, Efq'r'^

Commitiee to concur and pay public Acounts. Hon. Jabez Fiflxer, Eohrainn Starkweather, Efq'rs. |

Lemuel Kollock, Efqj Capt, Henry Higginfon, and j Coh Seth Wafhburn^ | Committee to examine Mujier-Rolls. \ Hon. Abraham Fuller, Efq; and Ezra Sargcant,Efqj }

""" ' ^ — "' • " — — Notaries Puhlic. |

/« :b£ County c-f BarDfiabic. V.'ir.fljw Lsvvif, ei'q; Naihantel Shiverick, efc; a.vd mr. Richard Sears. In the County cf Brifto!. Elifha Tcby, efqj and mr. Wiliism Brown, In the County of York, Djniel Mouiton, and Thorras Curtf, cfq'rs. Iri the County of Dukes Couory. mr. John Peafe, jun. In the County e/ Cumberland. mr. John FfOihinsliAm. In the County of Linci'n. mr, Samuel McCcbb, and mr. John Pa?c.

yaval Officers.

For the port oi Bojiony Nathaniel Barber, t(

For the port of Dartmouth , Edward Po^e. ffq; For the port of Nantucket, mr. Ichabod Flaiiied. For the port of Dukis County, m--. Nithan Smith.

Truck Majier at fort fjalifax. Colonel lofiih BiGVwe/'. hluJler-Maflers irr the JcVeral Counties. For the County of Suffolk, Edward G;ecn, Efqj Captain 'Af* White ard Major S-rrh Billiard, For th^ County of E/Tcx, cauf, Richard v^'ard, col Ssmuei Jolinfon, c. .Natb. Wade, and mr. Ebenfzsr \:a'cl). For thv County of IMiddlefex, Jonas Huward, ei'q; majjr John Cicafr n, Oi'iver Barren, cfqj

iTc'/' r/{)# County e/ IIjrt fhi-e, col, Rogglca WotdbH(^ge, and maj

\For the Couity o/" Bril>,

For the Csuvty of Woicsdcr ; major Bartho.WoodhrlJge, William Dunfmore, cfq; and' major Joftph Bowman,

Fo/* #itf County of Y^^rlc ; capf. Jofeph Brsgdon, jun, Jo/hua Clark, and Dominxui Goodwin, cfq'.-r,

/'V rAnathan Mitchell.

For the County 5/Lincclfi ; Brfgadie^ Harndell. iP'or /j{>^ County of BsrkA'rs } Tr^icman Wheeler, efq and mr. Ezra Hunt.


For the Counry of Suffolk \ Edward Green, Efq;

For the County cf i[/7t'.v ; Col. Krael Hutchinforj,

For the Counry of Middhfex \ Major Jofcph Hofmcr

For the County of Hamppire j Major Noah Goodman,

For the County of Plymouth j iV!?jor Nath. Goodino:.

For the County of BarnftabU ; Col. Nath. Freeman.

For the County of Briftol ; Col. James Williems

For the County of Worcejter ; Col. Seth Wafh'ium,

For the Counry of Tcr)^ ; Col. Ichabod Goodwin.

(^^ For the County Cumberland ; John Lewis, Efq;

For the County oi Lincoln ; Col. Dummer SewslJ^

For the County o^ Berkfhite ; Capt. William Walker.

Commiffionen to receive h ecruitz for the Army.

•'Sol.Sheppard at Springfield, awa^ Mjj.Petirgile a.' Boftfln es 1c v: m itteefo r tecelving S/jirts, Sho , Stack ingf nr.d Eiankett for the -irtny.

In ll.e Gour.ty oi Suffolk ; Mr. Abne- Eiiis.

,In ihc County cf Fj/ex ; Coh Ifrae! Hurchirtfon.

In the County ci Middle fex j Ephraim Wood, Efq;

1.T the County ot" Worcefler ; Col. Selh Wafhburn. David Kingman. la the County of Plymouth j Mr.

In the Cov:nty of Barnjlahlc ; Mr. Shearjaihub Bourne,

I:i the County of Brijiol 5 George G->dffcy, Efq; Capt. ifeph Sewal!. -la the County of Tork ; J

In the Covtly of Berkff?iyc ; Wih'iam VVa'iker, Efq; Country of Cumberland Lewis, Efq; -' .la the 5 John In the County ofUamf/Jjire:^ Thtma-s VViiJifton, Efq.:

In the County of Li,tea h: i Dcmmer Sewail.-Sfq,-

Corainejital Quarter- Majlsr -Cererji-. Hen. Timothy Pcheiin^r. Efq; ' abez Fi'atch, Efqj D. Q^M. 'G. hh Office ke-pt it BciIoe.

^ge.nt for the Comir,:n^uealti\ Kon. Caleb. Davis, Elq;

Con.tniJJ'ayici forfuicbafirg andfortvarding Btef, i^c. for tee Army. Jofevh Baker, Efq; and Mr. Jcfeph Rufgles^ uperir,t£7:dant of twchafs fir I'eff, &'c,for the Arjny. Oliver i-he'.ps: Efq;

Comriit'ce joy purchajing Chathing, fmall Sforety ^c. Ebeiiczer -Wales, and Amafa Davi;^. Efq'rs.

Iffuir.g.Commiff'ary of fma!I Stores at Camp, M.=jor Eza Lunt.

Agent for furcbafing Rum and Salt for the Army.

. Charles Miller, Efq;

dnduBor to provide for the Tranfportation of Stores, Mr. J hn Gcddard. Superir,ter,dant of the Indians at the Eafftvard. Col, John Allen, of Aiachias.

Ccmmiff'ary of T^cnfioneri. John Lucas, Efq;

Deputy Commiffary-General of Frifor.en, Major John Hopkins. Coyimittce to fell forfeited -EJ}at es» j

I For the-county of SofTolk. jRicbard Cranch. Sam'.iclBa!rctt,& Sarnnff H^nniaWjefoVs. For the co'.ir.ty of Middlefcx. James Prefcott, JofcphHofmer, & SamnelThatcher, efq'rs. i' For the county EfTcr. I cf SamuelWard, IfraelHutchinfon, & Pummerjcwcttjery'r?. .For ^i)C coi/>j/y o/'riampfhire. JohnKiikland,e.fq;.mr. DavidSmead, & capr. uenj.Eonncy. For the cou72ty of Plyrr.oM'.h. -Mr.NathanMitchel!, mr.Jor«!ph Smith, & mr.Zsb.Sprcut. For the county of Karnftable. Nathaniel Freeman, Jofeph Otis, & Daniel Davis, cfq" J For tie county cf Brirtol. Mr. irraelVVc-thburn.Sam.Tcbey, efq; & mr. IfaacHodges.l ^ For the county cfYoilc. Mr. John Hill, coLEdwardGrow, and co'. Thomas CuttF

1 For the county o^Worccftsr. j JohnFcfienocn.irfqj mr.Ca'cbAfnmidon, |ona,Warner,efqj For the- county of Cumberland. John Lewis, efq; and mr. Samul Small.

For the county q/" Berkshire. Col.JnhnAfhJey, col. Jona.Smith, Cz Nathan Kingfley.cft;;

Managers of Mairichufctts Lottery for toe purpoje ef^ Ctoathing the Army. Benja.Auftin, Samuel Barrett, & Henry Higginfor.jEfq'r?

Managers ^/Bofton-Feir Lattery. Mcffi'ri Timothy Newell, , John Lowell and Samuel Rugglcs.

Continental Lean Office in Boftc...ton. Natha ncl Appjeton, Blq} CommifTioner. Mr. Narhaniel Noyes, Cl*tk

United States Lottery Office tn i^orton. Jonathan Wi'liams, Efq; Agent.

Infurance Offices.

Kept by Ezskicl Price, Efq; • and 1 n /i Mr. Payne, ' Edward J Mr. James 'effery, 3^t Salem. Mr. W illiain Morland, at j^/ewbury^ \arnes of the Gentlemen uppo'intcd fcr the

purpofe -T'f carrying into Execution 'he ASS. for taking up and reftraTfling Perfor.s dargerous to thefCcmnion- wcaltfc paired the ofFcbiuary 1781. J Uth For iht County a/Siiffoik. 5erj2. Wh-'te, Hsrbottie Derr and StephenMetcalf, Efq'is. For the Co:.nty of EfT:x:. \aronWood» WiiJ. Whetmore acd -ImosPutnanijEfq'rs. For the Countyof Mrddlelix. Hon. Oliver Prefcotr, Hon. Jofiah Stone, and ]'hn VarnuEn, Efq'rs. For the County o/Pijmo»tb. ^ 'ohn Turner, WilliamDrew and 'WiiliaraTurner, Efq'rs. Fo- the County of Bvifto!. JcDJ. Williams, George Gocfrey and Ssm. Toby, El'q'rs, Ftr the County oj BarnftabV.. >naielMaihei, Nath.Fteeman and David Thatcher jEiq'rs. For the County of York, Jofeph Simpfon, Danie! McuJtcn and John Swett, Efq'rs.i For the County of V\ orceftcr. JofephWheeler, Wra.Dui.fmore and Sam. Crcfby, Efq'rs.j

For the County of Hampfliire. ' Ahncr Morgan, John Haft.ngs and David Smead, Efq'rs. For the County s/ Cumberland. John Levvis. Sana. Frfeman and Sain, Thompfon, Efq'rsJ For the County of Bcikihire. Charles Goodrich, Wm. Walker and Sam, Hand, Efq*rs

Keeper of the Pcwder Magcz,ine in Bofton. ivir. Thomas Fofter.

No Perfon in Boflcn is to keep in any Building, except the Magazir^e, more than 15 'b. weight uf Powder, on fcrfeitote of Twfw^y Pounds, Lawful xMoney, for every P'barrel, ar>d fo in proportion for a greater quantity, beiides the forfe'ture ©f the Powder 5 and to pay a double fine on the feccnd offence.

Keefer of the Poivder-Eoufe in Charleftown. Mr, John Auitin, ,^ [i7«2-J t. i HARVARD C OLTTEGE in Cam.tridgz, founded in 1638: [From which Time, to the Year 17-^ | , upwards of zgco Students have received their Degrees j of which nufn- ber about 1400 arc lliil Jiving.]

• The Rev. {OSE?H WJLLARD. PreCdent,

The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Council and Senate the Prefident, and Minifters of the Coo^rigational Churches in the . Fjwns of" Camb'idge, Watertoiun, Chdrlefiotvn, Bcjhn, Rox&ury and Dorcbejier.

Rev. Simeon Howard, Secretary to the Overfeen? C R \ ? R Ai: IX) N.

JHjn. Jxmes Bowdoin, Efqj jRev, Samuel Cooler, D. D. v - / [Rev. Ed./.ard Wigglefworth, S.T.P. Hollie.f ^'^^'''^'' ?Rev. John Lathfop, 'X?v. Smieon Howard,

Ebcnezcr Storer, ECij^ Treafurer.

P R F E,S S R S. R6y.ZA

r u T R s.

John Mellen, A. M. 1 William Bentjey, A. M. Charles Stearns, A. M. {Elsazar James, A. M.

it, Ef^^j ,: j Libraria James Winthrop, Steicard. Caleb Gannett, A, M. I Butler, Elijah Paine, A. S.

Commencement the third Wedncfday in ^tr/y,

Vacations. FromCommencemcftt, four weeks. From th( third Wednefday inOBober^ two weeks. From the firf Wednefday in Januaryy fii^c weeks. The two week

I JimtncdiaLcly preceedtpg the laft Wednafday ipjip/il. Ths Nain^s of the Fello'wi of the MEDICAL Society, [Inc6rporated Naveiiibcr i, I7S1.J

(The Na7'i?s alphabetically arranged.) thaniel Walker Appleton Jofcph Orne illiam Baylies James Parker rrjamin Curtis Oliver Prefcott imusl Danforth Charles Pynchon aron Dexter Ifaac Rand. fen. lifjcv Etving Ifjfac Rand ho Ffink Micajah Sawyer Gardner John Spragiie, \en» Iofepiiimucl Hcltea Charles Stockbridge d^vard Auguftus Holyoke John Barnard Swett benezer Hant Cotton Tufts har^s Jarvis John Warren "homaE Kaft Thomas Welch

ries Crouch Kelog -: Jofcph Whipple obn Lirjn William Whiting amci Lloyd The Number of th« Society, who are Inhabitants of his Ccmmonwaalth, are not at any one time to exceed event)-, nor lefs than ten. Their firft Meeting, for

he choice of Ofhcers, &c. is to be held in Boftoo, and

)ocl. Edward A. Holyoke is authorized to appoint the rime and Place for holding the fame.

Commiltee on Foretgn Jffairs. ^on. Thomas Cufhing, Hon. Nath. Gorham, and '"on. Caleb Davis, ThcHiaa W alley, fion. Samuel Phillips, jun. Ef^jo-ires.

^Minifier Plenipotentiary from the Court of France, Hon, the Chevalier de la Luzerne, ; Rcfiding at Philadelphia. ponfuJ-Getrerti! of Fnnce for the States 0/ New- Hampshire Maj'Tachu'fcfts, I Rfcode-lfland and Connefticut, The Sieur Phillip jefeph de Lc Torabc. Refidence af 'Boftoiu

ft i I III III - liil i I 1M rt m . l, I 1 M r 11 !<> I . .„ Ojjicers of the MaflachufettsCharitableSociet) [lacorpcrared December i6, ''779.] His ExcelicDcy John Hancick, Efqj r-'refident Mr. Alcxanoet- Hod«dcn, Secretary, Deacon John Simokins, Treafurer. " Mr. S:ephrf; Cleve.ly Maj. Jonathan Stoddard

Col. William Barbeck , ,- M'. Thomas Hitchboum K ^^^"''g«'« Cart. Alexander Willfon Samuel Rugg'cs, Efqj

J=«hi-) Luc.->s, E/iq; The D:fign of this Society it for the mutual aid of them Je^'ves and famili^St ivho may be delireJJ'ed by po'verty an the ad'Vir\c accidents cf life, and for the comfortirtg an, relieving the It'idcws & Orphans of their deceafed memben —The number of the Members are at no time to exceed on to the hundred, and are meet annually on f,,fi lff:nday 0^ Sfptftinber at B'>(^oj^,for the choice of their Oarers. Trujleej of PhillipsV /Academy at dndover. I [iTorporated Oftober ly&o.] I 4, Hon. Samtiel Phillips, Efq; of Andover. Hen. John Phillips, Efqj of Exeter, New-HampiSiire. Hon. William Phillips and Oliver WendeJ), Efq'rs, a, id John Lowell, Efq; of Bofton. Rev. jofiah Stearns, of Epping, New-Hampfhire, Rev. Eiias Smith, of Middieton. Rev. William Symmes, Rev. Jonathan French, Samuel Phillips, jiin. E'q; Mr. Eliphalet Pearfon, and Mr. Netiemiah Abbot, of Andove?. The Intention of this Academy is to promote true pief) and virtue, and for the education ofyouth in the Engli[b, Greek and tatin languages, together ivith Writing, Aritb-

metkk, Mufick, and the Art of Speaking ; alfo praEiica. \G'eometry, Logic, and Geography, ivith fucb other libera, [Arts and Sciences or Languages as, opportunity may here- '^ after permit. For ivhich purpoje the rents and profti of certain lots and parcels of land, &c. given by the Hon, Samu-i Philii,", f/^; 8/*Andovtr, and the Hen. John Phil-

Ijpf, ef^i e/" Exeter »'w Nev.-Hampniire, -zvitb fucb other gifts as may be added thereto, are forever to be appro- priated. —The number of trufieei are not to conffi of mart than thirteen, nor lefs than feven. Vavifi of the Alembers of tie Amer'Cu7^ arrar.gcdt A<:-2i-Umy of Am and Sciences, jlpkaoeticahy i pncorporated May . l7?^o.] eUcied/ince iH <^ Thc'fe li'ub .'bis Mark [*] ha-ve betn Injiifution, loP. Samuel Adams, Eiq; Hon. Leri Lincoln, clq; * \\n. John Adams cio; H^r.. Benja. L!ncoln,e.q. Monfieyr D. Alembert, Rev. Daniel Little, 5ha Baccn, efqj E'ijah Lorhrop, efq; ^on. James Bowdoin.efq; John Lowell, efq; Mr. Jofeph Brown, * Chevalier de-ia Luzcrre lev. Charles Chaur.cy, D. D. Rev. Samuel Mather, DD. * ' Chevalier de Chatieieux, Mot;fieiir de Marbois, lev. John Clark, Simuel Moody, efq; )avid Ci'bb, efq; Hon. Andrew Oliver, efq; lev. Samuel Cooper, D.D. iDoclor Jcl'cph Orne, Richard C>anch, efqj * Hon. SamuelOrgood,erq; ^on. Thomas Cuftiiog, efgj [Mr. Tiieodore Pa"rfon', f Rev. ManafTeh Cuticr, Hon. GeoigcPartvidge,efq5 Triftfam Dalton, efqj Hon. Rob.TreatPaine, efqj ^.in. Francis Dana, efqj * Theophilus Parfons, eiqj

^ Hon. Tim. Danielfon, cfq; Rer. Phillips Payfon, lev. Samuel Deane, * Mr. Eliphalct Pearlon, * Hon. Tim. Edwards, efqj Samuel Phillips, jun. efq; lev. P;rez Fcbes, Hon. John Pickering, efq Hon. BsDJ. Franklin, efqj Hon. Oliver Prefect, efq; Benjamin Gale, efqj Rev. Zrdek ah Sanger. \tw, Caleb Gannett» Hon. Nath. P.Serjeant, cfq^ A.iv.. Henry Gardner, cfqj Micajah Sawyer, efq;

* Monfieur Court de Gebelin, , efq; H >n. , efq; Hon. William Sever, efq; Vir. Benjamin Gyt!d, Steohen Sewall, efcj; 4on. John Hancock, efq; Hon. David Sewall, efq; "on. Jofeph Hawlej, efqj John Sp.aguc, efq; Lb:nczer Hazard, eiq: I* Rev, Ez a Stiles, D.D. Edw.Auguftui Holyoke, efq;;Ebenezer Storer, rfq; Rev, Simeoi* Howard, :Caeb Si rone, efq; Dofl-T Ebtnezer Hunt, 'Hon. James Sullivan, efq; Jonathan Jackfan.^efq; jDoftor Bfrnard Sweat, Dctlcr Charles Jarvis, jMr. Nathaniel Tracy Rrv. Sam-iel Largdcn, D,D,|C<'tton Tutis, efq; * Mrfieur de ia Lande (Hon. J^mcs Warren, efq; [1782.J ^ ^' His EKcellency George iRev.Edw.V.jgglefworthj Wafhinglcn, efq; Rev. J.feph Wil!ard, Mi. Peter Vi'aigdir.^i, jRev. Samuel Williams, * Mr. JohnWarren, iRev. AhrahsmWilliams, Rev. Samuel V.'eft, Rev. Nehcmiah Wiliiams, * ^'^"j^rnin Weft, iMr. Mr* Jam;s Winthrop, .

* The Number of the Academy, who are Inhabitants oJ

this Conimonweallh, is not, at any one Time, to ccrCfl

of more than two Hundred, nor lefs than Forty 5 ar.tj their Fiace of Meeting never to be more than 30 Mi!cs diftant from Bofton,

')fficei-s of the -Imerican Academy t>f Arts and Science: (hojen for the current Tear. Hon. James Bowdoin, Efqj of fojion, Prefident.

Rev. Samuel Cooper, D.D. ci Bofton y Vice-Prefidcnt'.

'Counsellors cf the Academy of Arl%y &c» Hon. Samuel Adams, El'qj of Bofion^ Ko(}. Thomes Ciifhing, Efqj of ditto^ Hon, Heory Gardner, E(qj of ditto, Hon. John Hancock, ETqj of ditto. John Lowell, Efqj of ditto. Hon. Robert Treat Paiie. Efq; of ditto. Rev. Phillips Payfon, of Cbelfea, Hon. James Warren, Efqj of Flymouth. Rev. ProfelTor Wigglefworth, of Cambridge. Rev. ProfeJor Williams, of ditto. Mr. Caleb Gannet, of Cambridge, Recording Secretary. Rev. Jofeph Willard, of fiei/^r/yjCorrefponding Secretary, Ebenezer Stoier, Efq; of Bofion, Treafurer.


Mr. VroftfXai'^zviiW, of Cambridge, Vice Treafurer. i

ditto. I M[r.^cmTr!> Wifllhi'o py of Cabinet Keeper.

The ftated Meetings of the Academy are foor Times

. in a Year, 'y/x. on the laft Wedncfday in January, and the Day next preceeding the laft Wednefday in

Mayy at Bojlon : On the Wednefday next preceed- ing the laft Tuefday \n Augufi, and the fecond Wed- nefday in November, at the Univerfity in Cambridge, B

Unifiers.Chitrcbsi, andRtHgiouf AffsmbUei

Jote, £. i? v.rifc.-.f'a'iar-, 5. 3?p'.!ft. P. IVfibyrenan

, Aigiaui yl£'embiiei in t hi County of Suffo;k. rfi -^nuich. Kev. Chnrlea Chauncy, D.D. / Founded ani Rev. J '>n CIj k, C'^fnhii!, iJcftnn. \ 1630 nt'p2slct)av!tift rhurch, Rev. Samue! Stiilmso, 3665 ld$.> "VChurchjMaribpro'S'rfer.Rtv.Jor.Ecklcy. 1669 Thi \nfide dine Service,. {^^eir uhal Mode, at the Chapel in Tremourt Street,"] hapel, E. Vaca-n, Tremounr-Streer. 1 urchirt Braitie Strfet, Rev, Sam. Coopci, D-D. 1699 lends Meeting, in Leveretf Lane. 171Q N.TihCljurch, Nor:hS'•rep^, Rev. John Eliot. 1724 e\v S utb Church, SumrriCr-STPet, Vacant. 1716

hurch It Midd!<'-S'.ref r, Re-. JhnLathrcp, 372I hrft ":huixh. E. Saltm-Stre-r, S'ephen C. Le^A'CS, 172X efbytcrian Church, Lo'.g-Laf e, Vacant, hurch in H''llis-S>reet, Rev. Ebenezer Wight, 1732' "rinityChu'cl!. E, StE/imsrSrreer, Rjv.S.Parkcr, T734* /eft Church, Rev. Simcrn Hcward. 3736 hurch in 3-.n--t. Street, Rev. S^m. Mather. D.D. 374* eco'n' An iraedf baptift, R.gv. Ifaac Skiilman. 1745 hvf^ in Schf-oi-Street, Rev. Andrew Crofwen, 374S Cohajpty Rev. John Brov/n Medpdd, Thomas Prentice Thcmas Gear B' ^Vrentbamy ji^feph Bean V.^ni. Williams ^rookHre, Jofsph Jacki'on Needham, Smurl Weft Stougbton, Samuel Dunbar Jedediah Adams Stcughtorham, Philip Curtis Medway, Naih. Bvicknam Iingbam, Daniel Sanford ^cllirgham. Vacant ledham. Nr'ah Aldcn I tiuU, Vartnt IValpole, V3C3f}|; Che'fea, P^i'iips Payfon rar.k'iti. N^'h, Emmons the Cnunty of tCCex. ;/Sa/?ffr, Rev, Thomas Barnard /^Jeivbury, Rev. John Tticker John Prince Vacant Jim?s Diman David Top' j« Nnh.Whitaker.DD Mefes Parfoni Dp.nie! Hopkins Oliver Noble

Vacant E Newhury. Port , The. Cary

Friends Samuel Spring t* Marbkbead Wm.WhItwell John Murray P Ifaac Siory Edward Bafs £ Vacant S. 7opsfieId, Daiiiel Breck LvK«» John Treadwell Roiviey, Vacant Jo'eph Roby Jamcf Chandler Vacant Vacant Fr:ends Boxfcrdy Eiizur Holyoke Dervers, Benja. VVadTwortb Mcfcs Hale Nathan Holt Middleton, F.lias Smith Beverly, Joseph W^liard Andcver, Williann Svmmes- Vacant '" Jonathan French MattcbfJier,Ben]3. Toppan Bradford^ Jonathan Allen VVilliam Dutch Cloucefier, Eli Forbes Methuen, Cbrifto. Sergeant Daniel Fuller HarjerhiU, John Shave John Rogers Phineas Adams Vacant Giles Merrill Eben. Cleavcland Vacant

\ Ipjii^ich, Levi Frifbie Hezskiah Smith I ManafT-h Cutler Alr^Jbury^ 'J'hcmas Hibbrrt jofftph n^na Paine Wmgatc jrhn Cleaveland Salifiury^ Edward Noyrs Samuel v\'ehf|er

Religious AJJ'tmkliei in the County 0/ Midi^if.fex. iCtfiwi;-;%f,N.Applcron,DD. JVafertoivr^Rich. R. Eliot Samuel Cook IV^burn, Vacant Vacant E jr.hn Marre^t *

i Vacant B Ma/de»y Peer Thatcher "harlcflo'wn^'Tho. PrfnMce Eii3icim Willis "^'ft'dford, David Osgood Neivtotty Vacant Ciioncham, Vaca'U Caleb Blood I '.Resiiing, Caleb Prentice li'a!tbam,]%co\i Cuihing Eli.b Stone Wejlon, Simuel Wood wan j ! Thomas Hav-n mherburne^ Elijah Browne

} Lexington, Jonas Clarke Natick, Stephen Badger Dracur, Vacant Chelmsford, EbcnezerBridpe Vacant B Dunf^abhy Vacant Wcfiford, MatthewScribiis Aclon, Mofes Adams Littlitor, Daniel Rrgfrs Fofter Grotcn, Danie! Chaplin Shirley, Phir.eas NA'hitney Fepperrell, Jrbti PuHard ToicrferJ, Samuel Dix Ap:hv, Samiif! V'v hi'man

ReHgirus /ijjemblies in the Co-urty o/" Ham f. /hire. Springfield, R ^bcrt Breck Mcnfcn, JcfTe Ives Step.Vv'jJJiams.DD. Sunderland, Jofeph Afhlcy

J. McKinftry Ware, Vacant JVefi Springfield:] >r.L'>throp Pd/wffr, Ebenrzer Baldwin F Sylvanu* Grifwold Greenwich, Vacant E. U^ham B ^?.Vi)^r/?om

ScuthHadley, J ."W oodhr\6^e Montague, J'jdah Na/li Granby, Simon Backus Vacant Amber fl. Vacant NorihfieJd, ?ohn Hnbbard

Hatfit Id lofpph Lyman JFarivick, Simuel Reed PFillitimsburgh, Vnc2r,i Eerr.a-dfion, Job Wrijht n'hatehy, Rufus Wel.'cs Colerain,. Taggart B Deerfie Id, Vacant Cbarkvcrt, Vacant Contvay, Jnhn Emfrf^n Mu^'-cryfi:/d, AaronBafcoml Sbeiburne. Robert Hubb.-rt AjhfiJd, Nchem'ah Fcrtfr Greenfield, Rrg'r Newton Ebenfzcr Smith B Wtfifidd, VacaPt Cvmmington, James Briggs ^r.ithivick, Abd Forward Chrflerfiildy Vacant W'orthin^ten, .I.Hon ting ton Gofijan, B'anford Vjcant P Graniy'tlh, Vacant Brimfield, Nitb. WiMiams So.Briv:f.';td_Zzrz Rreve ! Heiigioui /iffettthUcs in the County of Plymouth. FlfKiyulb, Rev, .Oh.Robbin!?! ^^ridg^vatar, Rev.D.Fcf IfrtJ Ivory Hov^y andjchnRscd Vacant John Shaw Hanover, Vacaat J. Anc^cr 5e S, Aniiict Scituate V?cant J hn Porter Ddvid Barnes Middlehrcti^b Vacant 'Vaciint E Ca eb Turner Marfrjield, William Shaw Solomon Rr-jd Atherton Wales If-^ac Backn =

D«xi'orott^t)Zedek i ah S ar; ge Ebe!;czerHynds KingjioTit Zephaniah VViJiis Afa Hunt Pembroke^ Thom.',s sSmith ?Iyv!^tcn, Ezra SampTjn Gad Hitchcock John Hcwland Abin^jcn, Samiisi Nilts Rochejier, Jonathan Mon Halifax^ Ephwim Briggs Tkcmas Weft JVareham^ Vacant Lf-muel LeBacroi

Fcligious y^JfcmbJiei in the County of Barnftable, 5'5r«/<2/&/.Ri:-.-.I''aiabDur,fter Oakes Shaw Richard Cl.ace B Vacant B Chatham, Stf pben Emcry^ Falmouth, Ifaiah Mann Wtl'jieety Ifaiah Lewis iiand'ieich, Abra. Wil];.-,m; Eajiham, Edward Chrsver E! fna Topper Jonathan Bafcom Truro, C-'Jeh Ur/ham Marppee, G:dton Haw ley rrti/.'nt'^^O'UJwSsmue'Par'rer Yarmoiah, Timothy A.'dcn Ei.hrarn El'.i^, MiJJionary Nathan Stone to the hidians.

H eiigious /iijernblie% ir the Co:: nty of B ulo!. Taunton^ R«"v.Ep^-. Judlon Berkley, V.cant | Vacant E 'air.ham, R^v. Perez Fobesj WilliamNelfonB Sivanzey, ]>hf.z Wood B

» Norton. J: f='ph Falmer John Mafon B Mansf.eldJK:..\^:\i. Green Robert Ma fen B j on Smith Atticboro", AbiphWeld Dighton, J \ p€'-er Thacher Enoch Gott B FreetiivTt, Vacant j Rehobotb, Ephraim Hyda Abner Lewis B I

Robert Rrgsifon Dartnoutb, Samuel We(^ | four Mcelintjsj . John Hicks B Friends Samuel Peck B Eaf.ouj Archiba'd Campbell? ban^MafticjNath.Psuce^l Afa Carr .^ 1 j Re'i^ious Afjemblici in the Countv of York,

r. . r r M J.I r> ^ o 1 _ _ /v rk, Rev. IQoc Lyman Arundel, Re*. Silas iVfoody S;.muc! L'ar.kton i-yeih, Mof?s Hemingway ittery, Bsnjimin Stevens Daniel Little

A'phsus Spring PepperrelhorJ^ , j. Fairfield- Vacant Buxton, P. Coffia Friends Sanjord, Vacant trivich, Vacant P. Tinglfy P Matthew Meriam Fr\:burgb, Wm. Feflinden j;»«, Ifaac Hafcy DidJeford.CSxball.Umcrieh, Vacant E Dr^fjnfield, Littlcfalh.

.Keligious Ajfcmb'ics in the Councy of Worcefter. 'orce!icr. Rev. T. Maccarty Vf^ion, Rev. Eii/ha Fi/h ^uthborough, Vacant iBnokft/d, Ephxaim Ward

'ejihorough, Eben.Pai kman Nathan F-ili. 'riiJc Peter Whitney Appleton ItOK, Jobn Wal ey Lciceder, Benjamin Conklin

Reuben Fuffer Bcwjj. Fuller i> ^jrvard, Vacant Friends Ifaiah Pa.ker B If^clerv^ Ifaac Jones ancafler, Tim. fiarringtcn Spencer, jcfeph Pope terlin^, Reuben Holcomb : axton, Airxander Thayer breivsbiiry, Jofsph Sumner Holder. , ]orcph Avery Jutland, J, Buck minder "Harre, fiah J. Dana Princeton. Vacant Htihbardfion ,Kshcm. Parker Oakham, Vacant Hardtvick, David White if^e/iminfter, Afai^h Rice NeiuBraintrce, B. Rugglcs Daniel Fofler I'etcrjham, Solcmo.n PvCed Athjl, ]an:es Humphrey I'cmpleton, Eben. Sparhawk Aj}ji>urnh(jm, John Cufhicg Fitchburg, John Payfon Leominjler, Francis Gardner iohn Rogers LuTtenburghy Zabdiel AdamS I'^inchendon. jofeph Brown Royal/ion, Jcifeph Lee Whiteman Jacobs B Religioui Affcmhlia in the County o/'Dukes-County, E'ig-irio'ivn^ Jofeph Th^x. et iC/jri/i.untoivn Zac.Mayhev

Cbilmark, Vncant I Silas Paul


Keligious AJfcmblics in the County c/ Cumberland.. Falmouth, Rc7. Tho. Smith;Go;-,(?dw,Rcv, JcfiahThache Samuel Osan Scarborough, '2,ttCi.Q,\iziiSNx\ Eberiezer Williams Tho. Lancaftcr. P

Thomas Brown \Pearfontoivn, J. Thcmfon Vjcarjt E ! Ne-zoGlouceJier, S. F.xcroft Fi lends Bt I uiijiuick, John M iiier CapeElisaabeth, Eph. Q.Wr\Lt\Roya'.borougb Syl'vef.ery JVindham, Peter T. Smith Raymondtoivr G> ay. No.Tarmoutb, T. GIman \Bakerjh'wn, HarphveHy Samuc! Eaton iBridgetoiun.

Heligious Ajjemhlies in the County of Lincoln Pownatboro\ Rev. T.Mojve Boothbay, Wintbr cp, Vacant E ^ jj/'alborough^ Werren, PFool'wich, Jefiah Winfiiip St.Georges, ThomaJio'WK Newcaftle, Vacant bellfaji, Eiigcombe, GeorgetOKvn, Vacant IFatdohorough, Bnj'iol, . Francis W;nt

Religions Ajjhnbliei in the County c/ Bcrkfhire. Sheffield, Rtv, John K«p Lenox, Rev. Samuel Munfo! Pittzfeld, Thomis Allen Sandisfeld, Eleazsr Storrs Volentine Rothburn B NewMarlborongh, Vacant Gideon Bof.vick E Becket, Zadok Hun Egremont, Eliphalet Steele IVilliamftoivn^ Seth Swift AIford. Vacant Riehmqnd, Vacant Stockbridge, Stephen Wefl Lanesborough, DanielCoHin Sargeant, Preacher', eld, Vacant J. Partridgef to the Indian: Great Barrington. JVindfoi PFeft Stockbridge Hancock, fVaP^ington, Lee Tyrtnghani,f^^ox\i]z,\xW\Avft\\ Ad'ams, Netv Alfo> d, Loudon, Vacant - ' AJhaivelet, Tauconick.

** The annual Aflociation of Baptift Churches., by thei Delegates, will be h<;Id the prefent Year at Prov^ence the Tuefday after the fiiA Wednefday in Septembfr. A^'il Ojicers throughout the Common^ea-th, ppointed under x'txt Ne.v ConftiCution to Nov. 6^l;S:. For the County of Suffolk, Ju/iices of the Common Pleas, ro'E!i/ha Niies ditto iamuel Adams ditto Norton Q^incy ditto [ofeph Gardner ^;VrO|'Richard Cranch ditto Belcher Noycs ditto] Henjamin Lincoln- Hinghatn [ohn Lowell ditto ^]^'%z F;&er fVrentbam j ofeph Greenleaf

John Tudor I Robert Pisrpont' ditto Jonathan WillianCtS rfmojEieazer Weld ditto John Avery dittoVYhomzs Lothrop Cobajftt Ez-kiei Price ditto\ !ohn Gould Hull, James Humphrya JVeym:utb\Mofcs Bullen Medjidd Cotton Tufts ^/VrojThomas Crane Stcughton Jonathan Mctcalf DedbamVEhhh Clarke Nathaniel Sumner x.tf\itTi Metcalf BellinghAin] {1782.]" Jiiftices of the Peace for Suffolk CTc'^r/^. David Jeffries Bojionl Ue'icher Noyes Bo/fcn Oliver Wendell J?V/oi Samuel A. Oris ditto John Pitts ^/f/o' Benjamin Hi'chboum ditto Nathaniel Appleton dittolVi/i' I'lam Tudor ditto William Cooper ditto] William Greenleaf ditto Caleb Dayis ditto John Cf'ffin Jones ditto John Bradford £//>ro Richard Devens ditto Thomas Crafts, jun, ditto Jabez Hatch ditto James Bowdoin, jun. ditto John Brown ditte Ebenezer Hancock ditto Benja. Cufliing Hingham John Avery, jun. ditto David Rawfon Milton John Furnafs ditto Samuel Hen/haw ditto Hirbottle Dorr ditto Jonathan Bafs Braintree Samuel Barrett ditto Nath. Bayley fVe^mouth John Swcetfer ditto Solomon Lovell ditto Thomas Cufhing.jun. dittc Beniamin Guild Wrentbam Samuel Broome ditto Jofiah Newell Needham Samuel Breck ditto Ifaac Lincoln Cohajfet William Heath ditto Jofhua Henfhaw Didham Ifaac Scars ditto Ebenezer Battle, jun. ditto Pafchal N. Smith ditto Ebcnezsr Wales Dorcbejhr Tuthill Hubbard ditto Swift Payfon foxborougb Edward Payne ditto Jofliua Checvcr Cbelfea Solomon Davis ditto Abner Perry Mtdjidd Nathan Frazier ^/«e •Benjamin Hew ins Thomas BuJfinch J/frelCeorge Croftmaa Thomas Ruffell //;V/o jofiah Fairfield Thomas Dawes diito^ Efquires.

Jofeoh Hsnderfoo, Efqj o( Eojlon, Sheriff. Mr. Jofeph Otis> Keeper of the Goal.

• Nathaniel Deputy Sberiffi . Mefli'rfi Pool Spear, Bojion j

Fi/her, Stoughtsn j Mofes French, Braintree ; Thomas

Baftow, H^renthami and Jabez Eik&tt Dedham. j

Coroners : Samuel Sellon, Ebenezer Dorr, Nchemiah Somes, Samuel Ruggles, and Alexander Edwards, of Bofion. Jcfcph Andrews, Hitigham. Abner Ellis, and^ Ebenezer Battle, jun. Dedbam. Bcriah Baftow, TVren-\ tbam. John Brewer, Roxbury. Samuel Holbrook,) Braintree. James Richaidfon, Jacob Gould, David, Capen, Nathaniel Fifher, Samuel Lethbridge, andj Oliver Adams, r7 Officers for the Counts o/Eflex luflicfs oftks Pleas, <^c. Ho!f«n, n. BeniaroinGrefnleaf, Samue! JohnPJckenng/ " and S»niye! Philips, jnn. efqu'rfs.

' irsac Ofgood,efq; Clerfenf fa;d Court. Hon. E>T.jam:n Gretnlraf, efq; Jydge of Probate. Daoie! Noyes, efcj Regii^er of Probate. John P cke'ring, efq; Regifter of Deeds. M'iehae! FaWey, efq; oUpJivich. SberifF, William W}eput>} Sterifs: William Dodge, Ipfiuica ; David Bradley, liaverbill Neiohjry.port ', Inpall?, ^ Bnniiley Stevens, and Thomas Bragg. Jnflice!oftheVt2€t. Izor Orre Marblebead, Simve) Moot^y Nitvluf Mofes Little ditto ! bridge GeiTy ^?r/^ Kenia.Greenleaf Nctvb.Port Mofes Ncye* ditto Jonathan Grcenleaf ditf) Edmund Sawyer ditto rheophilus Parfons ditto Enoch Sawyer ditto Samuel Hohcn Vanvers JofhuaBayley ditto Aaron Wood" Brx^orJ John Tucker, jun. ditto ^Uth. P. Szr'^it Ha-vcrhH! Ehentie'f March ditto Samuel Phillips Ando-vtr Theof bi'a? Bradbury 'ditto fiamuel Ofgo.^d ditto Tr.ativc. Dalton Ne^b.^ort ditto Samuel PfeiHips, jiin. ditto William Atkins Pxichard De:by ^akm Micajah Sawyer ditto William "Wbe'morc ditto Srephen Hooper ditto John Pickfring dit Nicholas Pike ditf ditto Stephen Chosre /f.'Vi'/Vo' Nathaniel Tiacy ^ '' }"fcph Applcton ^jVcoj Jonathan•' Uckfan dif'J. Jonathan Titeomb ditto The above are tht Quorum. ^ ofJ ^^ '^irf dino\ ; Ivjoles rrazier

Samuel White HaverbiU P,.ufus King ' Srephen Ctofs ditto^ La'kin Thorndike ditto John Tracy ditto] irha Lee Manchejifr Dummer Jewctt Ipjivichi Ifaac Merrill A'mibury John Barker dittoi Ifaac Man.fieM Danven John Choa'e dittol •Am-!?. Putnam ditto John Patch ditto] f''r3e! Hutchinfoa ditto Stephen Barker Methuen\ Samuel Smith Tcpsfeld Nathaoiel Lovej oy Jndover ]^ Gardner, jun. Sa^em Ahmt Chtt\ct Lyntt il-^na. R rhard Deiby i/iV^ojJohn Flagg ditii

liamueJ Ward

** Tboma* Gerry ditto] Samuel Whittcmorc ditti

S'Cfthen Phillips ditto\]ohT\ Low . ditn 3ar:iue) Sewa'i <^;Vroj Benjamin Evans Salisbury Nathaniel Mighill Rozviey' Efqulrc?.

Coroners : Jona'^han Bancroft, PafT-^nj, Sa'em ; Jeremiah Newbury-port Mofes j True, Salisbury ; John Orn«

and. |ofeph Newhal), L>-««^ ; Benjamin Walker, Brad,

fcrd Jncob Allen, Gloucejier j M ifes Putnam an( J li'aac Adams, Boxford'^ Richard Harris, Marblebead \i

Thomas Weft and Caleb Cu/hing. Haverhill j WillianE Pestcc, Heard, Newbury j John Ipfiuich j John Hufe jli

Metbuen y Jafeph Wood, Beverly, 'fc

Civil Officers for the County f?/^ Middlef&x. Jujtices of the Common Fleas, 6^. Hon. John Tyng, Henry Gardner, Samuel Phillips Savage, and Abraham Fuller, efquires. Hf>n. Jofiah Stone, efqj fpccial Juftice of the Pleas. Thaddeue Mafon, efq; Clerk of the Pleas and SeiTions'. Hon. Oliver Prefcott, efq; Judge of Probate^ James Winthrop, efqj Regifter of Probate, Thaddeus Malon, efq; Regifter of Deeds. Loammi Baldwin, efq; of Wobum, Sheriff.

Xieputy Sheriffs : VJeffi'rs Peter Ball, IVahham j Abijah

Prefcctt and Jephthah Richardfon, Groton ; Samuel

Johnfon, Hcpkington ; Ifaac Coolidge and Alexa.ider "Boy Marlborough Abraham Whitney, jun. Sto'w. i^ 'y William Baker, Burt, Tewksbury A£ion j Jofeph j

Gapt. Jofiah Bowers, Billerica j and Capt. Thoma» Durant, Cambridge. Jufiices of the Vt^ct and of the ^orurn. John Tyng Dunfiable Jonas Dix fVahham Henry Gardner Stoiv John Comming Concord Samuel P. Savage Wefion William Stickney Billerica Abraham Fuller Neivton l')racut Jofiah Stone Fyamingbam Oliver F'refort Groton, Thaddeus Mafon Cambridg l^ames Prefcott ditto Nath. Gorham Charlhn Remmington ditto Parker Varnum Dracut amue" FifL; ditto Joel Parkhurft "Dunftahle laniei Patkcr ditto Jonas Prefcott Weflford l/iillann Hunt ditto'Airit] Hobart Croton :3hn V/oodward //eTt'/swi J.-fiab Sarell ditto fiah Smith /Fphiaiin Wood C-ncord^^mv.tt\ Curtis Marlborsugh

ames Barrett • ditto David Flaven Frcimin^ham ^miiel Wyiran V/cburn^_\o{t\;\\?tny Sherburne

-fiah Johrfcn ///rro' David Wh.tney ^/rrd amuel Thcmpfon ditto- John Jor.es Hopkir.ron )avid Greene /?e^.V/K^j John Stone Ho ition

Jenjamin Browne rt'/V.'o Jonathan R.fed J ittletoir dv-'ard Brooks Mcdford\ T'mofh\ "Walker/if i7w/a'^'c«| e.'jam'o Fla!) ^/V/o.John Retd Bedi'o'dt t-phen Ha!) 3d //nro! Wniiam P^efcott ~Pe/>f>e>-eU> licmas Brooks ditto John Lock -^P^f,

5rc«c';j ; Ephraim Newell, Chgr^-ftoivn ; D v d V o»-n, Ciflfor^j Jin Wh.fe, ^/ :'.'c«; F h:-*!!! R ff-'l,!

Groton ; Benjamin Eaflf br'^oks. I.txiugton ; fofe^h] B'xh\,Fr.^tningtam Ifer^Mar/h.j i Jue- .Sftli'-h,>*V'^" j

HoUillon ; Bartholon-.e-w Ricbardfi.r.; jun. t^yoburn ;! ' and Am f Bradey Dr<7f;

Civil Officers for the ^^^w'^/y ^/'Hampfhire. j

JnTicm of the Common Pleas, ?ciai JuRice. Robert llre-k, J N:rtham;>t,K, efq; Clerk of the Pleas and of iit'i Se'fli >ns.

E razer Povt:, nf Ha -Ilev, eiqj Judge of Probate. j>h.-':fi<:;{e: Williams,, of H^d!.-,-, eSq; Regifter of Prcbate.

W. l.jm Pynt hon, of Spi :kz field, \((\i Re giflcr ofJeed3^_ J E!i/Tia Porter, cS Bcdley, ffq; ShcrifT. ^ ^ Dejjut'y Sheriffs : Mein'rs Simeon Patfons, Northampton Plir Daniel White, Hadky j Joel Day, Springfield ;

Dwight, Bekherfthtvfj ; William Shaw, Monfcn ; Joh

Hpaton, Shelburn ; Timothy Meacb, fVortblngton "^, and Ho,>i)ur King, Northfield. Juflices of the Peace. Jofeph Hawlcy JVor/i^iw/'ronl Wil!'amPyi1cbpn Sprittgfiei Caleb Strong ^/V^oljooathan Ha!f, jun. diti T'mothyDanielfon BrmfieW 'uftin Ely J'Fejl Sprir.gfiel Eleazer Porter /yW/fyJEIipha'et Leonard dit\ Samiiel Mather Weflfidd\]icx.hS>ht\yi]n AJhfiti Charles ?-^nc\\OTn Springfield K.hf.\X. Iheck Nortlamptc John Biifs IVilbrahamlDsiy^^ Smcad GreenfiUi

Thefe >] are of the ^^orum.\%-im\it\ Taylor Bucklar, i '^^'^^ Abrtbam Rnrbank rr./?;?.//^^''^^'"]! ^^'f«/f'' Abner Morgan Brtmfiei Timot,hyRob,nfon Cr/wT;/.//. John Kirkland i\V ^c/r OlKver Phelps ^ /^. ^ /,WVyiN3t.D.ckenfon,j.jn. yfwier^ N. ah Goodman So. ^^'''^,^'':^'*"^°" Bcajamin Mills a#./.

Coroners : Elijah Hunt, Northampton ; John Pynchon ani Edward Viy\ox, ford. Sfrfft^field 'j IVefi

.Civil Officers for the County of Plymouth. Jufiices of the Common Pleas, ^c. Hon. WiUiam Sever, ioho Turner, Benjamin Willis and Will am W?-fon, efquires. John Cotton, cfqj an^^ M;. Icfiah Cotton, Clerks rf the Pleas and SelluTS.

Hon. Jofeph Cufhing, efq; Jud[;e of Probate, • Ifaac Lothrop, e{qj Regifter oi Probatf.

John Cotton^ efq; Regifter of Deed? . and CountyTreaforer George Paitridge, iefqj of Duxboroughi Sherff. deputy Sheriffs : Mefli'rs Jjjhn Cotton, jun. Plymouth

George Bifbe, Plywpton ; "John Doty, Hoehefler j Ifrae Psrrv, Hanover ; Jina'han Woods, Btidgivater j arc Ichabod Simmuns^,^ Duxborough% Jujtices c/Z/^f Peace. ilMam Sever KinglicrADzsM Wing Rocbeller ^ niei Johnfon fif;i^fWjrer|EbTiezcr White ditto njimin Willis ^//rolNehem. Thomas MarJ}jfield hn Cotton Plymouth .^im\ii\ Oakroan ditto l!iam Watfon d'?V/o' Ebec. Sprout Middleborougb hn Turner FcB-.broke'. J.fhua White d'/V^ thanie! Clap iV/Vaa^f William Drew Kirgfion I feph Cufhing HiTRj'y.v David Jones Abingt I Ifrael Vina), jun. Scituate e above are of theSluorum. William Turner ^/V/y lomas Maybew Flymouti Edw. Mitchell Bridgwater ac Lothrop ditto Richard Perkins ditto ah Ferrio U^areham Efquires.

Coroners : David Kingman. Bridgwater ; Waite Ford d JoCah Smith, Fcmhroke Briggs.jun. Scituate 5 jame? /id Jacobs, Havover Stanford, Daxiorcfc^^ \ Jo -ua j Samuel Savory, Warekam.

Ivil Officers for ike County <7/'^Barnllable.

yujiices ofths Common Pleas, 6c. I on. Daniel Davis, Nathaniel Freeman, Richard Baxter and Solomon Freeman, efquires, ofeph Otis, &{z\ Cierk cf the Pleas and of ths Sefiions. Hon. Daniel Davis, cfq; Judge of Prcbatc. Nathaniel Freeman, efq; Regifter of Probate. Edward Bacon, efqj Regifter cf Deeds. Enoch Hallett, efqj of Tarmouth, Sheriff, Jujlices of thi Peace. iniel Davis Barnjiabl: Seth Freeman Sandtvicb

cph Otis ditto Daniel Taylor . BarrMabU learja/hub Bourne ditto Ebenejsr Jenkins ditto h. Freenaaa Sandwich Nath. Shivcrick Falmouth feph Nye Jitto jqfeph Dimock ditto iomon Freeman Harwich El^flia Dcane JVelJleet feph Nye ditto Zenos W inflow Harwich mas Pai.ne Eafikam j ofeph Doane Chatham chard Baxter Yarmouth Sylvanus Snow Eafiham v:d Thatcher ditto Efquires. heabo'vt are $fthe^orum,

Cor&ners: Mefli'rs George Lewis, Barnjiable \ Sainuel

pe. Sandwich \ Richard Sears, Chat bam ^ Benjamin

pper, Eafiham ; Nathaniel Downes, Harwich j and muel Bourne, jun. Falmouth, Civil Officers for the County 0/ Briftol. Jufticss q/'/^^ Common ,Pleas,

. George Leonard, efq; Regifter of Probate. James Williams, efq; Regifter of Deeds. George Godfrey, efq; County Treafurer. Zephaniah Leonard, efq; of Ra^r.ham, Sheriff. Deputy Sbertfs: Meffi'rs Jofiah Crocker, E'ijah Deao, and Jonathan Porter, Tiaan/oa ; Jonathan Richmond,

and Mathew WhilmaHi, Z>/^/6ro» ; Serh Spooner jun. arid Nathaniel Richmond, Dartmouth ; William Reedj

Frectozvn :^ Stephen \Vebftcr, Rshoboth 'y'S.zti I&t]^^^, Berkley:^ Ebcnezer Tjtus and Ifaac Morcy, Norton i and Richard Field, Mansfield. JuRices of the Peace. VVaher Spooner Dartmouth] iohn Daggef ^ttkhorougb Thomas Durfee F/-^^?ow«iEliftia May ditto\ Benja, Williams T^wwrorslApoUos Leonard Taunton William Baylies D/^i?ro»| William Davis Dartmouth Ezra Richmond ditto\Y.T?h. Starkweather Reboboto George Leonard iWfo«j William Cale iiitt$ Robert Lufcombe 5Vaw/j';SyIvanus Martin xiitto Georgs Godfrey tZ/rroj George Codding Dighion Edward Pope Djr^KJ0::

Coroners : Jonathan Ingalls, Taunton ^ , Rehoboth Seth Reed> ; Pope, Dartmouth ; Jonathan

Freetjivn j Ifrael Barney, Sivanxey j.DavidWhiimaifh,

Digbton ; and Levi French, Berkley. CivifOfficers for the County o/'York. Juftices of the Common Pleas,

fsphS.mpfon V.-r'^', John Hill. ditts •avid Sev/a!) ^/Wot jon^.CrefleChadbourna dit >;{hworth Jordan ^id'^V'^^^ii^'^-" ^''^'* ' ^^^'-"^ har'es Chauncy Ktttery John Heird Bartlctt ditto dward CHtra ditto 3enJ3. Meads Lor4 Arundei(

ofeph Ffye ' Fryebugh John Hovey - ^iVi-a lathaniel Wells H^ells John Kin^fburjr York above ere ofibe^^ar-um. Theophiius Lyman IFeils Hili 'L o a .^ /i l' Isrem:ah Biddsford

nftram ^.rr. J Jordan ^ ,^^ ohn bvvrtt duto\ ^

Csronen : Edward Emerfon.Jljr/tj John Cole, Wells \ ViHiam Leijhton,jiKi. Kittery - H»nryHamii!on,5<7w/'W.

7/1'// Ojfijsrs for the County s/Duke'sCounty Jujiices of the Common Pleas,

Mr. Stephe:i Luce, Clerk r-f the P'eas. Hon. James Athearn, efqj Judge of Probate. Mr. Th ma. Ccok Regifter of Probate. Enoch C-ffin, efq; R-gifte; of Deeds.

Wil iam Jemigar!, efq^ > ount^ Trcafurer.

Bcnj.min Sm^b, . Tqj Sleiiff. Jujiices oJtbiVtdiCQ. Ibenezer Smith, Beriah Norton, Th imas Cook, Efq'rs

'orcners : EbsnezerNcrton, RoberrAl.eo, William T !r:;n^l

CiviJ Officers for the County of Nantucket.

Hon. Grafton Gardner, e'qj Jud-^e .. f Probate, f tedcr^ck Folg«r, efq; Reg^iter vf Piobate. John Gardner, efq; S' erff. Jujiices of the Peace, rraftcn Gardner, 5'i'fr^z/rwjGeorge Gardner, *d ditto

tephen Huffey S

[I7B2-] \ 5 Civil Office: J for the County of Worceft^c.

Juftices of the Common Pleas, <^-c. Hon. Artemas \A ard, Mofes Gill, Samuel Barke/i and jofeph Dorr, efquires. Jofcph Allen, efq; Cicik of the Pleas. ; Hon, Levi Lincoln, efq; Judge of Probate. Jofeph Wheeler, efqj Regifler of Probate. Nathan B?.!dwin, efq; Regifter of Deeds. Mr. Nathan Perry, County Trcafuter. William Grecnleaf, efq; of Lancajicry Sheriff. 'Jujiices of the^t^.z^. Sbrevjsbury Amoj Sirpletary Sutto Mofcs Gill Princeton William king ditt Samuel Baker Bohon Solomon Leland dill

John Wheteomb ' dino Natban Putnam diit J'ofcph Dorr Mendon Herckiah Ward Leicefit Daniel Henftiaw heicefter John Frink Kutlatu Sech Wafhburnc ditto John FelTenden diti Ifracl Nichols Leominjier Nicholas Dike WeHmiKfie Thomas Lcggatt ditto John Mafon Barr Jofeyii Wheeler Harvard, Percival Hall Netviraintre, Jofeph Baker fVeJiborou^ XTbe above are ofthe ^orum. Jofeph Henfhaw Sbreius'uury IJofhua Bigelow Worcefter Samuel Crofoy dith WilJiapi Young

,iv!l Officers for the County c/Cuir.berland. Jujic.fs of the Common Pleas, ^c. >n. Enoch Freeman, David Mirchei!, Jedidiah Prebblei and jchn Lewis, e''quirer. Sam^>I P'reeman, efq^ Clerk of the Pleas, H'n. Enoch Freeman efqj udge of Probate.

T Samuel Freemarv, efqj Rf-gfter of Probate. Hon. Enoch Freeman, efqj Regiftcr of Deeds. johh Watte, efqj of Falmouth, Sheriff. Jujiices of the Peace. loch Freeman Falmouth WiiliamSylvefier Harpfwell dJdiah Prebb'e dittu Na'.haniel Purrington ditto vid xVIitchel) Yarmouth David %iroMX^Cape Elizabeth bn Lewis ditto William Simonton ditto Clement Jordan ditto he abovt art the f^entm, of vVjUiam Gorham Gotbam mucl Freeman Falmouth Edmund Phinney ditto ichard Codman ditto EdwardRoffell No.Tarmcuth jtcr Noyes j^zVrm Jofhua Fabyaft Scarborough >fcph Noyes ^/rroiEard Thompfon ditto «phen Hall dittonhic Parfons NrtvGloucefter Jm. Tbcmpfon Brunjivicl^ Efquire.?, ircners ; Mefli'rs Thomas Scales, Peleg C handle r, and David Barker^

K.ivil Oncers for the County {py Lincoln. Jufticcs of the Common Pleas, i^c- on. William Lithgow, Thomas Rrce, James McCobb, and James Howard, efquires, Nathaniel Tbwing, efqj fpecial Juftice. onathan Bowman, efqj Clerk of the Plea;^ And Rcgifter of Deeds. Hon. Jonathan Bowm?n, efq; Judgie of Probate Roland Cu/hin^ efqj Regifter of Prubare,

William Lithgow, efq j County Treafurer, rhar'es Cufliing, e{(^ Sheriff of /./»«/« County.

Deputy Sheriffs : Mffij'rs Sarruel Goodwin, jun, Ponvnal

iorcugh ; Da id Murray, Ne^oeafiie j Sclcmon Parker

?yit:jioiv \ Ifaac Savage, jun. Ua'hiueH \ Williaw

Puilci , ly'tnthtcp-^ and Samuel Bro^vn, Edgcombe. ''

Jujiices of the Peace. .; WiHiji m Liri gow Gtoz-^jf/ffw?: Jofepb North' Pittftoi 'Thoinas R;c« r:itto Samuel Harn^en fVooltvid |on3. Suvvnian Ppivnaihoro' Jonatha.n Buck Pen:bfcot Karh, I'hwing ^/'^cc/mrVA; E-'m. Hrid.=e Poivr.alborct^gl

above are theSluoruM. ... The of t , ,, ^ ,, •^ ^- John Merrill Topjhav John Stiiiffn Georgctoivtf B«nj'>.WocdbridgeM-'Zf<:^/i'/( .lamps McCobb fi'/Vfo Ma!\;n Whcaton iSterlingtot Dummer Stwall Davis Edgemibi 67/?<9J Mofes Arthur Nobic Walp lex h\t%, Campbell UnionHi-vei tzekie] Pattce //^/^j^^ w, Samuel Jordan dim Jcfiab Brewer dtttoilY^inmi Bunion Deer Ijlana A bra. Prebble^fi'Zft/o/K/b^OT Stephen Jones Machiat

Alexander Nichols / r:Jrol\li^c

"C/W? Officers for i-he' County (p/" B.erklliire.

, 'jujiices of the Commcn Pleas, 6t. Hon. Wiijiam Whiting, Jahlee! Woodbridge, and Jam«5 Barker, enquires. Mr. Kenry Wlijcms Dwigh"-, Cierk of thePIeas. Hon. Timothy Edwards, ^f^j Judge of Probate. William Waik'ir, efqj Regifter cf Probate. ^Mrfe? Hookins, efqj Reg;fter of Decos. Cd. Ca'cb Hyde, of /fwijx, Sheriff. Jufltcej of the Peace and of the Quorum. John A{h\ty,]\ix\. Sheffield Jah.Woodbricgc Stockhridge {Chatles GocSrich Pitijield James Barksr Lanaborough lWilI.WhitingG'-..fiflrr:;;^.'o^;iEphraim Fitch Egremcnt Efquiies. j

Jujiices of the Peace />r Berkshire. 1 Theodore Sedgwick $kefield John Bacon ^uckeridge Lemuel B.^niard ditto vVi!liam Gocdrich dit Jona. Nafh Gr. Barrir.gton Dzn'tlBiCwn.jun. Sar.disjic-d Trucman Wheeler ditt6 Nathaniel Kingfiey Becket Ifaac Strattar. WiUiamJion A iU,am Clark Windjcr Jibez V/ard N.Marliorough Samuel Hand Hancock Gideon VVh ^.er LaKcv^oro' Jannes Gates Hicbmond] James Harris ^/rroJD-vid Roffeter dfttc\ Eli Root Fit::Jield^hh\miiz Eafton Wajhington' William Walker ifro^jjohn Hallibut ^iford\ liVael Dewey ^;.V2rWiil;am IngeiiClJ tee\ Giles Jackfon TyrringhamlEnci Pajker ^dams

Coroner : Mr. John Nafh, Great Sarrir.gtOK,

BarriJIers at Laiv and Attornifs.

Renja . Kent, Efq; Boftcn ] f, H a w 1 e E Iq : Nbrtlar:pt . y J

James Oils, Efqj /c/ Mofes Bljfs, Elqj Springfield Robert Treat Pa'ne, Efqj |..hnWorthinj:ton,Efq; ditto (AttorncyGenera],

Attorr.tes at Laiu pra^tifir.g a: the Superior Court, BenjatnmHitchbouro tcftoa.Ltvi Lincoir* ^Forcsffer WiHsam Tudor J/rroi »ViI!iam Stearns ' ditto Fcrez Morton ^//roj Edward Pope Taunton] Jonathan Mafon, juD. ditto Ceor^t Leonard ditfo[ ifrael Ke:tb ^//Wo Scth PaddJeford ditto) Increafe Sumner Roxhury David Gorhjxn Barrjtohle^ J ftiua 'i'homas P/yws«ri)[ Roland Cufiiirg Fcienaltoro i. William Wetmore Salem T'wnoiiiy Langdon ditto^ Thto.Vit^on$NeiuburyPort'^\\\hv\ Lithgow ditto\ Mofes Parfons Haa^fr/fc/V/'cal^b S«rong Northampton John Frothingham Falmoutb\Qi[ih Emery York, Juftin Ely Weft Springfield

Attorniei in BoftoDi pra£iifing at the Inferior Court,

Chriftopher Goie l James Hoghes Thomas Dawes, jun. (Rufui Greene Amor

"T^tFjT iil iMiHtia Matters,

. r— Efx. F.ie2?.er Broohs, Efq; MiddkJ.x. Warhas75 r.irks, Y.A^\ Uampfnire. Nalhanis) Ooodvyin, Efcj Ptyn:cuth. Na:hani«l Frsemin, Eiq; Barnfia'ok, James V/illiaa-.s, Efq; £;-//?o/. Jofiah Whitney, Efq; nr;J. Sanv.iel Tho/iJpfon, Efqj Cumberland. . Lincoln.'

n-i'-d R^./Ietcr, Efq; 2Jf?-;t/5>/>f.

i..()£^irfri of (he Cafile and Fort on Co-vernor^i ljland» His Exccilency Jchn Hancock, Efq; Captain. Coi.'Winiani Burbeclci Cap^ain-Lic-aenant, Rarmie!' Trtzt, Efq; S^cord-Lieatenant. Wililam Kicklin^, Efq; Gtower.

" , Chcplijin

Lewis de Mar^fqueilc, Efq; Colonel of Artillery and, In^p-jcior General of the Founder ies. ~~ Chief Ev^ir.ecrl. Col. Richari? C.vidlpy, Lico^"Colonfcl William Burbcck-. and M!(jc.r Scorborough Gridley.

G^cers cj the Commor.ivedlth^i Laburatcry. Col. William Rurbeck, Cow/>//ij//cr. Mr. John hvrheck, Majler Fire- JVorker. Mr. lofnua Ecntley, Clerk.

Officers of the Artillery Company at N«vtrbury-Fort. Thomas Thomas, Efq; C

i « i I " ' '' i' " 'ti'j *M \ 11 ( > t. " J | \e Number ofToivm and CompaKies of ITiHtia in each County ivithin tbe Commonrvealtb,

1:1 tides. Military Officers commifftoned in the County o/'Suffjlk, Ebcnezei Battle, efqiColone'iMofcs Bullard, cfqj 'Majm JonathanPattCrtjefqj lieut.col.JMr.Jsmas S:evens, adjurau Firjt Captains, Lieutenants. ^d Lieutenant i, Lemnel May

iohrj J. Spooner Johnfon Spooner James How MToCcs Draper Lemuel Billings Eben. Ccnv, iun Daaicl Fifher Ebenezer Shepard WilliamRichard ha Gay Benja.Fairbanks Lewis Colbuin Jeffe Gay Ebenezer Sumner William Cany Ebenezir Battle Ebenezer Keweil Afa Richards Silas Aiden Jonathan Gay Thomas Fuiier Ifaac Goodenow jcnathanSmithjjun JonathanKin/bur Ifaac Williams Ebenezer Weld Stephen. Chi las Second Regimenr, no Return Third Regiment. Seth Sumner, efqj Colonel Ezra Morfe, efqj Major Hopeftill Hali.efq} Lt.C;ol. Adjutant

Captains, ift Lieutenants, ai Lieutenants, Samuel Holden John Pope Thomas Aiofely James Robin fon Thomas Tlilefton EbenczerWiJIiams Rufus Pierce {Jacob G\\ David Tucker Amariah Tucker John Horton

Nathan Crane Ifaac BiUings 'Edward Down . John Tucker Samuel Capen Eli /ha Howes jamiB Pope Tbo. Crane, jun, .I oho Holmes William French Jonathan Battle ijonathan Curtis Elijah Billing Lemuel Capea Ebenezer Tifdall joiepb Hewes Jofeph Shepard jjobn Hcwes Fourth Regiment. efq} Sabin Mann, Colonel | Samuel Coweli; efq; Major

JohnMetcalf, cfq; Lt.CoI. j Mr.Benj.Plimpton,Adjutanl Captains, Lieutenants, Lieutenants, ift | %d

John Baxter Jofeph Plympton I Ebenezer Ciark

Samuel Fifher Nathan Blake I James Holbrook Samuel Coweli Benjamin Shepard Jofeph Hancock Afa Ballow Samuel Day Timo. Waie, jun. John Ellis Stephen Clark Theodore Clark Samuel Bullen Eliakim Adams Elias Hay ward Timothy Mann Benjamin Pattec Seth Kingfbury Jabez Metcalf Amaziah Cufhmaa Seth Holbrook Afa Fairbanks Jofeph HiU Amos Partridge ohn Metcalf Ebenezer i^'ond Eli Richardfon _^ Fifth Regime'it in Suffolk County. )en. Thaysr, efqj Colonel Sett"; Turner, elq; Major

!m. Binings,eiq} Lr.Col. j S?m. Mii):: Thayer,:yer, AdjuAdj

ap'ams, fi LiiJ'ienaBts. 'mI Lieut enattn.

mssClaTJj. Se:h Su.te,jun, FJarrjilwi Cla-.k Jacob Wh^icomij 3S \Vi!d 'oha H^ brock f:,feph AM^n 3n3, Wrbb. 4^ Elijah V-.z e,iut! llaniei Baxter M ID DL E S E X. 7th Regimsnt. 0)', Hofmer, Brigade-majorl Jonathan brown colonel ifl Regiment £ben(*»tr Bancroft lieut. col.; :ephen Dana colonel, Edward Farmer major] ah Fuller lieur. r HAMPSHIRE. cfuh Capen siajor lit Rsfeiment. 5d Regiment, . Gideon Burt co'oncl Jsnj-irJn' Brown colone' Reuben Munii lieur. col. eph Bryant lieut. c I. Aaron Graves major ofhua Harnden - major 2d Regiment. .3d Regiment, Ifrael Chapin colonel "rancis Fa'kner colonel Penj. Horny, lieut. col »Iathan Barrett licut. col.' Diaici Pomtoy major!- iamuel Lamfon major] 3d Regiment. J | liTT.pany of Light -Irjantry David iViofely ' colonel! in the ^d Regiment. Nathan Rowley i'.eur. col.' Icger Brown ca: t2in majofi

Brown ift lieut, 4'h Regiment. .| fhaddeu^ Hunt id lieut. Eliiha Porter coloneJ.

ifXh Regiment. 'Barnabas Sea s licut. col.j Cyprian flow Elijah D.vight major

nathan. Rice lieut. col. ' 3th Regiment. 1 I

Daniel Barnes major I Hugh McLallen ^ colonel- 5th Regmen Jofeph 5ebb:ns licut. col.i {-.ha Girafon colone' luathan Haftmgj maj j J lihua Leland lieut. ro! 6:h Regiment. f Liomas -'vi iiler majori Daniel Wiii'.more colonel 6 h Regiment. !Wi), Sm^-ch, jun. licut. coi. Henry Woods colonel H il^pii Mayo major Zachces Wright lieut. col. ES:^EX, HLTMOUTH. ~ hn Porter major and LINCOLN, no Returns, B ARNSrABLEr fVORCESfE'RTl ift Reg ment. ift Rcg'ment. w tnpch Hiiiet coJone: Seth U aifhburne colone! I fech Dimmrck !:eut. co). |W)er»''zrr Lowell lieut. ci. oaorge Lewis rn?j r jDavsd I'roury majo- zd Rcf 'm-nt, zd Rcgimenr, Berj3. Gadfiey I colonel ySnh. Wb;tney cojond /'•b Crotker Jieut. en?. WjilJamGieeuleaf leat. culj jofeph Sargent mnjor' 3d Regiment. WlJ^amScvef-jBrigatle- major Naihan Tyler colonel ift Regiment, Jfaac Martin lieut. col, David Shubael Perk cdloriei Bi.cheilor m-sjor 4.thReK!me.it, t'eleg Shearman lieur. col. no Return, FJiphaJet Slack msjor 5th Reg-menf. Frederick Do*,ne adjutant T'mothy Newell colcnti ad Reg m-nt, Oanh. Woodbury lieut^ col Sayle^n Manafl'ch Kempton colonel Town major

I 6ih Jofeph Durfee lieut. col. Regiment. George Mofcs Wbeclock colonel CJaghorne maj, r I 34 Regiment. Luke Uruiy Jieut, col, Robert Crofman colonel Afa Rice ffiajor Jonathan Shaw liem. col. 7th Regiment. Joihua Wilbore oiajor John Boynton colonel 4tfi Regiment. Silas Bent lieut. col Eiiflia May colonel Ephraim Stearns major Silas ^th Cobb lieut. col. Regiment. Ifaac White ma^.r John Rand colonel Bellow lieut. coi ,^'i^Dagget t adj utant James Timothy Sowteli major ro~R K. iJona.Nowell, Brigadc-majof ift Regiment. Noah Moulton colonel John Nowell Jie'jt. col. Morgan Lewis major 2d Regiment. Ichabod Goodwin colonel John Shapleigh lieut, col. Jddediah Goodwin major 3d Regiment. Humphry Pike Colonel jjo.'eph Mernll Ijeur. col. iNathaniel Coolcns ma«or —f CUMBERLAN D ift Regiment, aniel lifley c^Ione) Edmund Phinncy colonel Vir.iano Cobb lieut. co!. Benj. Larrabce lieuf. coK j rchibaid Lewis major VViiijam Hafty major!

2d Reiimcnt. 4rh RegimeDf. I dward Ruil:;!! colonel ffaac Parfons colonel, aron Hinckley lieur. col. Matthews Jabez Heut. col. | eorge Rogers msjor Edward Ariderfon major I

By the Militia A^ of this Cemminivealtb, tbeTratnirgi

and is to confifi oj all able bodied Menfrom I 6 to 50! ars old, excepting the Lieut. Governor, members of the\ ouncil, iienate, and Houfe af Reprefentatives, members oft ongrffs. Secretary, Jufiices of the Juprene and inferior, ouns, Judges of Probate,Jufiicesoftbe Peace ^ SheriJ^s,\ fleers and Students of the College, Minijiers, Elders andi ieacons, Church IVa'dens, Grammar Scbool-majiers, Maf-\ 'rs of A'-fs, fakers, SeleSJmen, and all luho have held, he poji of a Subaltern or higher Officer, M^fiers of Vejfels onftahles. Deputy Sheriffs, Negroes, and Mulattoes ;— hid the Alarm Lift of all able bodied Men from 1 6 to 65 lars of age (the Lieut. Goferncr, members ef the Council, enate, and Houje of Reprcfen'atives, the American Con- fefs. Secretary, Minifters, Quakers, Seleffmen, Indians legroes and Mulaitoes only excepted) each to be iquipt and wfcantly provided with a good Fire Arm, •with a Steel or -OH Bam- rod, with a Spring to retain theja»:e, a JVorm^ 'riming-ivire and Eirujh, and a Bayonet fitted to bis Gun, Scabbard and Belt therefor, a Cartridge-box that •will] old ffteen rounds of Cartridges at leajt,fix Flints, on^ oundcfFo'wder, forty leaden Balls fitted to his Gun, aj iuverfack and Blanket, and a Canteen that •will hold onei

^uart : —Any Officer or Soldier, ofjufficient ability, not fA

urnifh^d, is liable to a Fine of Fi'C Pount*? , andfor not. earing on Shillings for not attend' pf Mufter~Days, Ten j ng Military JVatches, Five Shillings ; and for refufmg march to the. plate cfdeftination, •when detached by the ommanding Officer, Ten Pounds Baron Stuben's EXERCISE, )rdered b^ Congrefs to be obfcrred by the Troops of the JnitedStatesj and by Dire£lion of his Excellency theCom* nander in Chief to be pra^lifed by tbaMilitia of thisCMU- nonwealth, may be bad of T. and J. Fx.£BT, ia £oftM iScale oi DepreciaMQ;!. Agreob'e to anAfl of the C(:mmonv/cihhofMaJ'achufet. to be obfervfid as a Rule for fettling \hr rate of De.ire ciation on all Coritr^jfts both publicv3i,d priyate, mad on or fince the firft Day of January 1777.^

' OtJf Dollars ...in Gt-.d and Silver in hundred January I77' bemg equal to One hundred and Jive Dollars in th j

! Bills of Credit of the united Sate?.

One, Tboufand Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven. Jan'jary, 1 05 Miy, "5 September, I75 Februa/y, J07 June, Oaobe:-, - 275 March, IC9 July, N.)vemhcr, 300

A^ril, III Augu{}, 150 December, -5 10 One thoufand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eighty January, 3^5 May, 400 Septcmbsr, 475 February, 350 Jur>e, 400 OtS^ofcer, fCd March, 375 July, 4*5 November, 545 April, 4C0 Augnft, 450 December, 634 One Thoufard Sevsri Hundred end Seventy Nine, January, 742 May, la J 5 September, 1800 February, 86:= Ju!:e, 134a Oftober, 2030 March, rooo July, 7477 !SI:.V£mber, *3o8 April, • JT04 AugufT, 1630 December, 2593

0*ie Tboufand/even Hundred and Eighty, January, 2934 March, 3''36 J February. 3321 j April, 4000

From April \Ji I 7 80 to April rotb^ one Sfanijh milled Dallar teas equal to fo'-fy of the old EmiJJion. April z.th, 4i|May a5th, 6ojvSeptem. 10th, 7s April 33:h, 44 May 3orh, 6s'oaob. 15 th, I Miy 5i^> 46 'June loih. 64 Moverr. lOth, ^3 May loth, 47 June 15th, 68jNovem. 30th, 74

i\^ay 15th, 49 June 2«th, 69,F<;br-J3ry 27th, . May loth. 54 Auguft JS'.h, vol 1 7? I, 75', As Gold and Silver has been for fome time the only circulating Currency, the Scale of Depreciation has been cairied on no further, except by an A€t paflcd Nov. ift, for confolidating Government Securities, and Accounts pafled in New Emifliog Sills^ . i SENERaI- and principal STAFF of the American Army. His Excellency GEORGE WASHINGTON, EAjuire General and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. dids de Camp to the ComrKander in Chief. Lieot. CoJ. Tench Tilgbman, Lieut. Cci. David Ccbb, Lieut. CoK W'iiliam Smith, Capt. David Humphreys, Capt. Fitz-Hugh. Jonathan Trumbull, Efqj Secretary. Major Generals. Dates Names States belong- if Com- \ irg Trr,J}i cr%. T:be Honorable | IfraeJ Potman LonneBicut one 19, 1775.1 Horatio Gates Virginia May 16. 1776.'^ William Heath Majfacbufetti Aug. 9, dittc.^ Nathaniel Green Rbode-JJland ditto, ditto.': William Earl of Sterling Neiv-Jtrfey Feb. 19, 1777.' Arthur St. Clair t'envjyl'oanta ditto, ditto. Benjamin Lincoln Mi-J}acbujetti ditto, ditto.'

Marquis «5c la Fayette July 31, ditto. Robert Howe Nortb- Carolina 0^0.20, ditto.^ Alexander McDougalJ l^civ^ Ycrk divto. ditto.i Baron Stuben May 5. 1778,; William Smallwood Maryland Sept. 15, 178c. Jamuel H. Parfons Cornell cut Nov. 1780.} Efquires.

Brigadier Generals Dates of Ike Honorable Stages Appointrnents, Jsmes Clinton JSleiu-Tork William Moul'.ris Lachlan Mclntofli Henry Kncx

; John Glover ' John Paterfon Anthony Wayne

! 3eorge Weeden r Peter Mughlenburg

3 rieorge Ciintoa •' Edward Hand Charles Scott, Efq''ri Brigadier Generals continued. Names. States. Appointments,

Jedediah Huotiogtoa Conne&icut May 12, I777< John Starks Niiv Hamfrjhire Odob.4, ditto.

Iji; Le Chevalier du Portail Nov. I 7, ditto, Jetbro Sumner North-Carolina Jan. 9, 1779. Huger Soufh'Carolina ditto, di«Lo. Mordecai Gift Maryland ditto, ditto, WilliamErwin, Efq^n. Pennfyhania May 12, ditto.

Aidi de Cartip to Major-Generai Heath. Major Daaiel Lyman, and Capt. Henry Sewail.

Aids to Major-General Lincoln. Maj. Baylis, Maj. Clarkfon, and Capt. R. B. Roberts.

Aid to Brigadier General Knox. Capt. Samuel Shaw. Aid to Brigadier General Giovtt, Capt. Simon Lea uied. Aid to Brigadier General Paterfon, Lieut, Thomas Cole. Chief Engineer. Brigadier General du PortaiJ, STAFF, InfpeBor-General, Major-Geoeriil Baron Stuben. Adjutant-General. Brigadier-General Edward Hand. Sluarter-Majier Gerfieral, Col. . Deputy ^arter-Mafier. Lieut. Col. Dearboroe. Commijjary-General to the Army. Charles Stewart, Efqj DireBor-Ggneral of Hofpitah. John Cochran, Ef^j Judge 'Advocate General, John Laurence, Efqj Deputy "Judge-Advocates, Lieut. Thomas Edwards, and John Strang, Efqj

Commiffary-General of Prifoners. Major —— Skinner,

Deputy Pay- Majier General, ivith the Army, Hezekiah Wet more, Efqj

Chaplains, rft Maffacbufetts Brigade. Mr. William Lockwccd. yi Mafacbufetts Brigade. The Rev. Enos Hitchcock. 3d Majachufetts Brigade. Mr. Joel Barlow. Stait'Commig'ary, Maj^or Ezra Lunt. I/? Ma/Jachufdtts Regiment. Jofsph Vofe, Efq; Colonel. Elijah Vofe, Efqj Lieutenant Colonel. Jofeph Pettingill, Efqj Major. Captains. Lieutenants, Enfigns. oah Allen Ebsnezer Williams Frederick Frye aih. Cufhiag Thomas Cuiljing Timothy Doonell rremiah Miller John Grace Ebenezer Floyd pbo Williams Elas Parker • Thomas Robinfca ihn Mills Nathaniel Nafon ^hn Pray Nathaniel Stone jkeHirehcock Adrid Warren rancis Qreen jBenjamin Well? imo. Rem ick [Ebenezer Wilds a-K Lieut, ificHoiHiler Ralph Bowles, Lieatenant and Adjutant Aza n>h Egglefton, Lieutenant and Pay-Mafier, JotVph Foot, Lieutenant and S^arUr-Mafier, Joi'eph Filk, Surgeon, .^

"id Majfachufetis Regiment. Ebenerer Spront, Efqj Lieut. Colonel CommandatH, Hugh Efq; Maxwell, \ ft Major. Caleb Gibbs, Efq; ^d Major, Captains, Lieutenants,- Ertjigtts, sth Drew William Taylor Marlburj Turner idah Alden Robert Muzzey Sturgeon Sloaoe uther Bay ley Samuel Eldred Ebenezer Brown dacBs Bayley Jonathan Ames Henry Nelfoa brahsmWiliiam!) Silas Morton Daniel Webber .obert Bradford John Whiting Nathaniel Little lenry Sewall Afa Bullard ifTsss Mians jo hua Danforth imion Lord Samuel Mirick Andrew Engl Hi, Lieutenant and Recruiting Off*cerp William Torrey, Lieutenant and Adjutant. Ebeoezer Storer, Lieutenant and Pay -Mafter. Hezekiah Ripley, Lieutenant and Siuartcr-Majier^ John Hart, Surgeon, Origin KrighatSj, Surgean^s R^atu 3" Majfachnfettf Regiment, John Grcaton, Efq; Colonel. William Hull, Efq; Lieutenant Colonel, Robert Oliver, Efq; Major. Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. j Jofeph Williams James Davis i Samuel Bowman

Job Sumner Ebcnezer Stocker I Jofiah Convcrfc Abraham Watfoo John Phelan Elifha Willington James TiTdale John Maynard John Holdridge Chrift.Woodbridge John Smith Thomas Pritchaid Benjamin Dana John Fowle William Greenleaf Daniel Lee Captain Lieut, j Walter Dean j John Meacham, Lieutenant and Adjutant. Samuel Melli/h, Lieutenant and Pay Mafier. Henry Savage, Lieutenant and Smarter- Riafler, Samuel Whit well Surgeon.

Benjamin Wells, Surgeon s Mate. ^th Majfachufeits Rtgime7it. , Efq; Colonel. James McHen, Efq; Lieutenant Colonel. Nathan Rice, Efq; Majsr. Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. Ifaac Pope" Samuel Chapin Levi Bradley George Webb Simeon Spring Jacob Town Simon Learned Joel Pratt Spencer Wood Seth Banifter John Yerman Samuel Day Elnathan Hafkell si.-.rj^min Ray William Shepard

Willi? m rvlaore James Wells ' Africa Hamlin Libbcus Drew Ephraim Coveil i Thomas Cole Divid Holbrook John Fuller Captain Lieuts. Jonathan Felt Samuel Hanlcy John Davis, Lieutenant and Adjutant. Lemuel Snow, Lieutenant and Recruiting Officer. Edward Walker, Lieutenant and Pay-Mjfftr. \ \ihtz Bills, Lieutenant and Quarter. Ma/!fr.. I \ jj^ej Mann. Surgeon. Samuel Woodward . Ma^^^ r ^th Mujfachufetts Regimsnt. R'jfus Putnam, Efqj Co^cnel. Ezra Ncwhall, Efqj Lieutenant Colonel.^ Mofes Aftiey, Efqj Major. Captains. Lieuienants. Enftgns. vanu-, Smith Ezekiel Cooper Pelatiah Everett hanic Goodale 01-ver Roufe William Bancrof; ffi-Jd Wh;te William Eyranderj Benjamin Gibbiri

fhaa Befiforj Jjfei)h Smith MjIcs Gar I ton iineas Bowman Z beon Hooks John Warren icb. G. Haadin Daniel Symonds Jafon Blak; )feph K.-ltum Eiiha Hammond Ifraffl Wing iha X'rottcr Alexander Oliver nathan Stone Ephraim P<3ttcr Henry Marble, LietHenant and Adjutant. Park Hi-lland, Lieittsnant and Fay Malier, Ivory H>.ill;ji)d, Ijitutcnant and ^luarier-h'afic James E, B. Fiuley, Surge-!}.

Wiiiiana Lawton, Surgeon i Mate.

6th Majfachrtfsfts Regiment. Calvin Smith, Efq; Lieutenant Coknd Commandant. John Porter, Efq; ift Major. John Spuir, Efqj zd R'lajor, Captains, Lieutcn-jnts, Enfjgns, | |

ofeph Daniels j John Crane Snionnon White )aniel Pilfbury ll.eviHJlden lE''f>i.i Hi^rton fohn K. Smith jWiLWigijIcfworth I Charles Soul

Dbenezer Smith } Reuben Lilley JAfa Graves 3;nJ2minHey wood, Jnhn H olden Jeremiah Lord .lathewChambers jofcph Miller jeduthur Rawfon Mrfon Watties Stephen Fowler Eiifha Foiter Peter Clayrs jofcph Balcom Samuel Scammell Benjamin Pike * Ephraim Emery, Lieutenant aud Adjutant. Samuel Froft, Captain Lieutenant and I'ay-MaJJer, Nathan Holbrook, Lieutenant and S^arter-Majier, Johrt Crane, St'rgeoKy Ebeaezer Bailantme, Surgeon's Mate, — [ohn Brookf, Elqj Lieutenant Colonel CommanJoMt.

Samuel Darby, Efqj ifi Major. Biiiy Porter, Efqj id Major. Ca{>tains. Lieutenantt, Enftfrns. Afa Goburn Samael Buffiiton Andrew Gatret Luke Day James Lunt Ifaac Franks William White Luther Trowbridge JamssSeiver n {Jf>ha Bates Robert Giveos iRufus Lincoln Elijah Day Eliphalet Thorp Tha. D. Freeman Zebulun King Joftiua Bramhall Jonathan Maynard Rxhard Bagnall William Mills Andrew Bradford Crocker Sampfon George Real Gimaiiel Bradford Levi Parker Jonathan Haflcell, Lieutenant and Ad}'itanf, Jofeph Tijcksr, Lieutenant and Pay-Mjjter, William K^adry, Enfign avd ^arter-mafter. Samue Finley, Surgeon; - — Graham, Mate. Sth MifJchu/ettf Regiment. Michael Jackfon, Efqj Colonel. Ezra Bidlam, Efq; Lieutenant Colonel. Jamss I^eith, Efq; 3ia}or, Captains, Lieutemntt, Enftrnt. Samuel Carr Henry Wbite Ebenezer S. Da?ts John Burnam John Green Joel Jenkins Amos Cogfwell 3an»uel Benjsmm Ben^amia Peircc Nathan Dix Jofeph Lceland Daniel Parker Thomas Hart/horn Edward White Ca!cb Sw-an Williani Storey iVEichacl Jackfon Jedidiab Waterman Silas Peirce James Bancroft John Rowe 4b-ier Wade Nt:h?inie! Frye Ebenezer Smith NA^illiam Hildrelb Capt. Lieut. ThomijiFofter Siman Jackfon Ffancis Tufts, Lieutenant and Aijutttnt, Samuel Armftroog, J^ieutenant and Pay-mafier, Jofhua Clap, Lieutenant and -^^arter.tna/ier. John Thomas, Surgeon. Nithaa Leavenworth, Sjate. 9/A Majfachufetis Regiment. Henry Jackfon, E^; Colcnel. David CohJb, Efq; Licuurant Colonel, Lemuel TrefcGt, E(qj Major, Captains. Lieutenants. Enf.gm. hn Blancbard Ifaac Siurtevant Nathaniel Thachw William North Thomas Ed wardi Ed/ ard Phclon hn Haftioga Patrick Phcion Wi!!iam Richards fepb Fox Samuel Rogers Ebenezer Kent lomas Hunt Samuel CogfwclJ John Hurd ioma8 Turner Charles Sclden Dominick Tiant 'illiam Watfon Peter Caftaing Vacant Benjamin Parker Vacant Jeremiah Hill apt. Lieutenant:. Oliver Rice hn Hobby jEphraim Hunt leb Clap Caleb Clap, Caft. Lieutenant and .4djutant. Thomas H. Condy, Lieutenant and ^uarter-MaJier, Robert Williams, Enfign and Pay-Majier, James Thacher, Surgetn. Francis L. B. Goodwin, SurgeorCs Mate. ^^^^^ loth Majfachujetts Regiment Benjamin Tupper, Efq; Colonel. Tobias Furnald, Efq; Lieutenant-Colonel, Mofes Knap, Efq; Major Captaim, Lieutenanti, Enfigns. riftoph.Marfhall Aaron Francis James Wiiherell ephen Abbot Terrius Taylor Philip Corey iiliam Park Obediah Lovejoy Elijah French bomas Francis Joliah Smith Fred. Hammond niel Lunt Bartho.Bartbo. Thayer Cornelius Lyman nathan Turner JdfcphIdfcph Crock James Sawyer ehemiahEmsrfon [ofcph[ofeph Wales Jcfiah Abbot thniel Taylor Jol>ph Ray mood imes EwxtOD Capt. Lieut, }Datban Cary Anfel Tupper, Lieutenant and Adjutant. Natb. Coit Allen, Lieutenant and Fay-Mafier, Levi Dodge, Lieutenant and Smarter- M after. Henry Adams, Surgeon, Ber.jitroin Jones, Mate, MaJJachufetts Regiinent of Artillery . ^ John Crane, Efq; Colonel. John Popkin, Elijj Lieutenant-Colonel. William Perkins, Efq} Msjor. Captains. Captain- Lieutenanlf, William Treadwell Wiiiiam Jchnfton Beitjamin Fiothingbam J^hn CalieDdcr W> rhrop Sargent John Gridley Thgrnas Srv.ard John Pierce


I ft I,iecit£nar4i, ad Lieutenants. Daniel McLaoe David Mafon William Price John Li {'well Dariiel Jackfon jofcph Blifs Samuel jefferds Samuel Cooper Florence Crowle^,' Samuel Bafs Abijah Hammond Benjamin Eaton George Iiigerfoil Mofes Porter John Hiwill William Moor Ifaac R. Barbsf Edward Bl^ke William Andrews Ebenezer Jackfoo

Lieutenant William Moor, Adjutant, Capt. Lieut. CharJes Knowle?, Paymafi L'eur, Samuel Cooper, li^uarter- Majier. Samuel Adams, Eiqj Surgeon. Benj. Allen Upham, Surgeon s-Mate.

Delegates from the Commor.ivealth of MaiTachufetts,

aj. pointed as Members of tbe American Congrcfs, Hon. Samuel Adams, El'qj Hon. E br.dge Gerry, Efqj Hon Jamts LovcU, Ef'qj Hon. Arcemas Ward, Efq; Hor>. , Eiq; and

Hon . Ssmu-el Olgood, juo. Efqj

JU(i2 4 '42 ^.^-t.
