dl7.3M31 H41 .^^^rtivea »•.•%,. I Pocket Almanack \ f ^ For the Year of our LORD f 1 A. I \ 1782. 1 after Leap Year, i \ Being the Second f ANDTHF, f of American Independence, ,, t sixth f ^ i CalcuUted for the Ufe | Q Commonwealth ^j f f ^^ ^ ! ^ MaffachufettSy \ f IN I Latitude 30. North. 42. | ^ Longkudc 69. 23. W. from London. 1 f BO S,T ON h Printed and Sold'byT.& FLEET, k \ J. J at the Bible and Heart ia C«rnhiH. t n^ i i ^ n' HIS is the fourth time TvfeJJl\ Fleets ha-ve puhlijhed the MafTdcbuferts Pocker Almanack, ^c. ivhichhas given general fatis/aS?ion as a necfjfary and ujeful Pocket Companion, Jhciuing in a jmall comptffi the Callender and other particulars eftbe Tear : —But as fome perfons have (xprejfed their defire toba-vt in-future the Judgmenr of the VVf athcr inj'crted, they nvill therefore in this he gratified thereivith-^ rko' indeed, among the multitude of afiroicgi- predtBions, 'tis no ivonder al if fome feiv fail ', for ivithout any defe& .-in the art itjef 'tis nvell knoivn that ajmall error, or afngle ivrong figure overjecn tn a calcu- lation, may occafon great mipakes : but, hcu^t-ver , tho'' Almanack makers may mifs it in fome things, yet they altuays h'xt the day of tfcc month, which, by many, is sfteemed as one of thi mofiufsful p.irts of it, TVith regard to the V/eather, the method jometimes ufed by others ivill not be foUoiocd in this, y':z. as that ther^ 'Mill be Snow here or fome other part of the conti- nent—Rain hcic cr fomcwhcre elfe — Cold to the north- ward—Waim to the ^fotithward, tf»(^ the like; but (as t is of no frvice t» any body to knoio nvhat ivcatber it is a tboufand miles sff) it luill be pojflively fet doivn ivhat he the let ivhere iveather it 'will at ^ time, the reader he he ivill only ing be ivill make thefavourable aJloiu- J defp ce of a day or two before, and a d3y or two after the prccife day agdirifi ivkich the Weather is f?t ; and if it does not come to pafs accordingly, the fault mufi be la.d upon the f /inters, ivho, it. is very like, may have tranf- jofed, or mijplaced it, for ' the ccnveniency of puttir^ in heir tsm^wkMc 'i'^y^ry and, as Jome people give them part of the credit of compiling the Almanack, fo it is but reafonalle they alfo poidd-take fome jhare of the blame,-^ VULGAR NOTES for tbe Year 178?, are. Golden Number, - '6 i Cycle of the Sun, - *? Epaa, - - - . 15 Dionyfian Period, - til - Period,_ - Dominical Let •sr, F j Juli an 6495 I _ The NamTT^^i^TChayaFlos of the feven Planets. Venus 3 Sol, I? Saturn, l|Jupiter, ^ Mar?, $ ^ ^Tercory, D I-un?. ECLIPSES in the Year 1782. THERE will be four Eclipfes this Year two v? the SUN and two of the MOON, as follcvs, i/x; t.'. I. The firft will be of the Moon on Friday Morning G'.h Day of March, vifible, and calculated as follows : ' Beginning, - - a -30 '^ ' A' Middle, - = - 3 5° >' Morning. .,./^ End,- ^ ^ S 'o ^ ''^^i Durarion, - = 2 40 ^ |':<5^- Pgits eclipfed aliout S on the South Side. II. The frcond will be of the Sun, on the lath Da; of April, vifible, calculated as follows 5 J-ijioning, - - O 3s 1 MViiddle, - - a 4 > Afti E•nd, .- - - 3 6 3 Digits eclipfed, about 5 on the 'North- wcf^erly Side III. The third will be of thi Moon, on the lift ISdpfemher, at lo in the Morning, invtfible. l IV. The fourth will be of the Sun, on the 6th Day of Oc7aifr, about 8 at Night, invifibic, ' i Thc-Plaaet Mercury will this Year tranfit the N. W. Limb of the Sun on the iith Day of November, in the ^AFternoon j but as Mercury will pafs but juH within the D.il: it will fcarcely be difccrnable TIME and TIDE. Time and Tide for no Man flay BOTH 5 Oae flies, the other glides away : Though T/iie return, and backwards glide. Time ne'er returns as does the Tide. To keep clear from Flies. KEEP every thing out of the way that may allure them, 33 ail fweet things, dead beer, or crumbs; and rub your tables ahd window-frames with a bunch ofj wormwood and rue, which will make them very bright,] and they will not be fond of coming there : And at thel iCnd of the year, when they go, away, dcftroy iheir eggs by ufting and thoroughly cleaning every place and corner ^'cy harbour in. .^Y Enigmatical Prophecies, I "O^fofC the middle of this Year, a vind atN.T!. X) will arife, (Juring which the Water of the Sta and Rivrei will be ia fuch a manner raifcd, that pre.at part of the Towns of Bojion, Newport, Neiv- York, 'Phita- deiphia, and the low lands of Maryland a^nd Firgivia will be under Water, ». About the middle of the year, great numbers of veflTels, fully laden, will be taken out of the p( rts Sforc- fajd, by a Poiver with which we are not now at war, and whofe forces fhall nor be dejcried or feen ci:her com- ing or going. But in ihe end thiJ m»y liOt be difadvan- tageous to thofe place?. 3. However, not long after, a vail a^my of Mushetcers will land, fome in Virginia and Maryland, and fome in New-England^ who will almoft over-run the diuntry, and foreiy annoy the inhabitants ; but the air in this country will agree with them fo ill towards wirrer, that they will de in the beginning of cold wcithcr like rotten /heep, and by .Chriflmas the inhabitants will get the better of them, l^See Explanation toroards the End of the A^manach. An infallihU Cure for LOVE. fpirit one ounce of TAKE of the of Indifference ; the powder of Dijdain twelve grains ; of the oil of Abjence and the fpice of Employment of each ten Ounces, with ten ounces of Good Advice, and the fame a fmall quantity of Sound Conjideration ; put them into fauce-pah of Sound Keafon^ with two quarts ^'of bcft Hearths Eafe ; flir and boil them together tor a cpnfider- ablc tim?, then ftrain them thro' a thin rag of F)ftience, into a veflel of Prudence, and take half apint cf this mixture juft going to bed, and lay upon you ^s manyi coverlids of Content as you can get. or will be fafficient; to give you a fweat. By clofely obferving thefc direc- ijons the Patient wjU certainly be cored. jL _ __ L Y A R S compared. TJCH a Lyar ts jfack, there is none can Lie fafter, s Excepting his IVjaid, and Hie'll Lie with her Maflffr/ 1 : on eidiiV- ,^ begins j A^^ARY, 1782, Tu Lafl (^^artsr 6th Day 5 in the Aftersonn, New Moon 13th Day^ 2 in th* Afterr^cs'-, Firft Quarter silt Day^8 in the^Morair;'^ Full Moon 29tb Day 5 in th«t Morning. Rpmarkable Days, &", -.#5. Irit.C. Circumcifion, 3^ 5 (and Tork. -j 3^ 5 Chilly coli ivinds. j 3' «; fio%v of C!ock 5m. ^j(. Sun 7 3' 5 Chrijtmai Day, 0!d Snie. 30 , Epiphany, or twelfth Day 30 5 Day s leneth, gh. 8m, 29 < Sr. Lucia^, mi.c. 2S 3 perigee. Cloudy. HghTide;. 7 .6, . 7 Sno'Zf 25 ; 7 \>-v Year's Day, Old Stile. ^5 5 ^i{\Ephif>, Fiiil ^an. Fanetn 24 ;. (Ha:i buint I 76 ,7 23 3 dear and cold. 7 22 5 lonn. 4 Sun flow of Clock 24f. -^ i !< i^\MorganAcStit\il'arlron i 7 I 7 6 the Bible 7 Laft rranHaticn of '9 5 (ordered 1603, I'fc S F '.Second Sunday pai^Epiphany. T' S pleajant lueaiher. 165 ® Apogee. IS 5 Nignt's length, y^h. iSm. •4 3 Harvard Hall burnt, I ;64-. IS ^ Conveifion of S . I^av.l. 1 1 :; Sun f! )W of€Jr>ck 1 -^ti). Sf, n 5 ' Sep:ujgiJJ:inaz>y}nizy. :o 5 zlCz.FetiT the great d'ed I7*;. 95 5 pleafant tho" ivir.d\. ^5 7 i 63 FEBRUARY *i7^-> begins on Friday. LaftC^arter 5th Day 2 in the. Morning, New Mooii 12 Day 5 in the Morning, FirftQaHrl^r 20"^ D-iy 5 in the Morning, Full Moon 27 th Day 5 in the Afternoon. Wl F^rkab'e Davs, fiifc. -.0*. F.5^ i I « Sun A of-" Clock 14m. gf. 7-5 5 9 16 2 r'ui.ica-inn Virgin Mary. 7 4 5 \o 25 Sexagijfima. Adm. Rodney *i 35 { jxch St.BuJJatia, I78{. 7 2 5 morn. 7 J S o 57 Treaty with France Hgned, 6 59 £ ii Snoio. (177S. 6 58 6 3 »o v)3y's length lob. ^m. 6 56 6 4 II f'9 8 •Il^inquac^cfima or 6'i>/-0'z/^Sun. 6 5^. 6 rj ji 1. 'Vafhnj<yron b )rn, I / 32, 6 5i 6 'V 49 '^•broveTuefSay l.OiNortkam. 6 30 6 D r?tS| 6 Afp"^cdn:jday ox firfl ofL^n/-. 6 49 6 '30 '4 5 ;^ij: entine\. D?«y. 6 48 6 7 40 '*'s let T2h. 6f%\\, 6 47 6 ' 8 50 Wmdi and Sncni^Mi^d 6 9 54 F idrhtdlma Suaday. 6 44 6 10 57 6^6 \9 56 Sun.
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