
FAMSI © 2007: Jonathan D. Amith

Nahuatl Cultural Encyclopedia: Botany and Zoology, Balsas River,

Research Year : 2004 Culture : Nahuatl Chronology : Colonial Location : Guerrero, México Site : Balsas River Valley

Table of Contents Introduction Biological Inventory Textual Documentation: Audio and Transcription Collaborations Granting Agencies Scientific Institutions and Individual Academic Researchers Indigenous Communities, Associations, and Individuals Community Outreach Appendices List of Figures Sources Cited

Submitted 03/07/2007 by: Jonathan D. Amith Director: México-North Program on Indigenous Languages Research Affiliate: Gettysburg College, Department of Sociology and ; Yale University; University of Chicago [email protected]


Although extensive documentation of Aztec natural history was produced in the colonial period (e.g., de la Cruz, 1940; Hernández, 1959; Sahagún, 1963) there has been virtually no comprehensive research on modern Nahuatl . Attempts (dating to the nineteenth century) to identify in scientific the described in the aforementioned colonial sources have relied on library studies, not fieldwork. There exists no comprehensive study of modern Nahuatl to shed light on the prehispanic culture in this domain. This situation can be compared to Mayan studies, which has been pioneering and intensive and has contributed greatly to our understanding of this culture, both before and after conquest (see Alcorn, 1984, Berlin and Berlin, 1996; Berlin, Breedlove, and Raven, 1974; Breedlove and Laughlin, 1993; Hunn, 1977; Orellana, 1987; Roys, 1931; to name but the most well known).

The present FAMSI award was to begin to fill this lagunae in primary data and, in addition, for the production of an electronic and written corpus of Nahuatl language materials on the natural history (botany and zoology) of the Balsas River Valley in central México. The project involves two major phases:

• The development of a floristic and faunistic inventory of the natural environment in the Nahuatl-speaking region of the Balsas River Valley, particularly those taxa that are specifically named in Nahuatl culture. • An ethnobiological study, through digitally recorded and transcribed exegetical texts, of the cognitive aspects of nomenclature and categorization as well as an exploration of utilitarian and cultural (e.g., "mythical") aspects of the local flora and fauna.

The final results of this long term research project will be:

• A comparative Nahuatl ethnobiology that will be gradually developed as research is extended into new areas (some of which have already been visited and worked in, e.g., Tlanicpatla and Atliaca, Guerrero; Cuetzalán, ; and the municipality of Chicontepec, Veracruz and Huejutla, Hidalgo). • A large corpus of digitally recorded and transcribed texts that will document ethnobiological knowledge in speakers' own words. This corpus will be integrated into both the lexicon and cultural encyclopedia of the Nahuatl Learning Environment and provide basic learning materials for use in Nahuatl bilingual education (see Figure 1 ).

Despite both the importance of Nahuatl (in terms of number of actual speakers and the existence of ethnobiological materials from the early colonial period) (e.g., Sahagún and Hernández) there has been little done on Nahuatl ethnobiology except in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, where Pierre Beaucage and Alfonso Reynoso Rábago have worked closely and co-published with the Taller de Tradición Oral. Besides the works already

2 published (e.g., Maseualxiujpajmej. Kuesalan, Puebla/Plantas medicinales indígenas. Cuetzalán, Puebla . Puebla, México: DIF) there is still an immense amount of unpublished material. The present FAMSI-supported project will complement the Sierra Norte de Puebla studies and research and yield important comparative data.

Figure 1. Nahuatl Learning Environment home page: Illustration by Gabriel de la Cruz (Ameyaltepec, Guerrero).

While Sahagún and Hernández have an immense amount of material on Nahuatl (Aztec) and , material on insects and fish is less abundant. The Balsas Nahuatl material will therefore yield both material for comparative study (with Aztec and Sierra Norte de Puebla ethnobotany) and new nomenclature and identifications for fauna not previously studied.

Finally, the present study makes use of language documentation methodology to digitally record and then transcribe extensive texts on a domain of cultural knowledge that will probably be lost forever after the passing of the next generation. This material will not only be stored in regular depositories (such as the Archive of Indigenous Languages of ) but integrated into an electronic learning environment for easy searching (e.g., on scientific name, Nahuatl name, life-form, etc.), display of text in various formats (e.g., time-coded transcription, publishable text, and 3-line interlinear format), and links to digital images (e.g., macro photographs of the flora and fauna).


Figure 2. Portrait of Silvestre Pantaleón, Nahuatl-speaking ethnobotanical consultant from San Agustín Oapan, Guerrero.

Biological Inventory

A preliminary list of life forms collected or seen in the Balsas River Valley is given in the appendices to this report. Approximately 1,200 specimens, 250 animals (not including mammals and avefauna) have been collected and are being identified by expert taxonomists from around the world. Avefauna has been identified mostly through a visit with Nahuatl-speaking consultants to a museum where specimens were displayed to the consultants, sightings by an expert ornithologist in the field, and song recordings proporcioned by the Cornell Orthnithology Lab.


Figure 3. Oapan Nahuatl: Cha:chaya:tsi:n wa:xpi:pitik / Senna uniflora (Mill.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby.

Figure 4. S. Miguel Tecuiciapan Nahuatl: I:ketson kabai:toh / Zapoteca formosa (Kunth) H.M. Hern.

5 Botanical specimens have been doubled since FAMSI support started in 2004. There are now approximately 1,200 specimens (all professionally mounted according to herbarium specifications) representing some 600+ species (a catalogue is being prepared). Not all species have Nahuatl names, although at least from the Balsas River Valley probably close to 90–95% of Nahuatl named flora has been collected (and perhaps 90% of this subset identified to species). Recently agreements have been reached with two indigenous villages (San Miguel Tecuiciapan and Atliaca) to leave a mounted copy of the Nahuatl-named specimens in their territory with the community. In San Miguel this material will be given to the local high school; in Atliaca it has been donated to the comisaria municipal.

Figure 5. Oapan Nahuatl: Kohketspalxoxo:hki photographed on cha:chaya:tsi:n tematsakaltik / Ctenosaura pectinata on Senna argentea (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby.


Figure 6. Ameyaltepec Nahuatl: Ma:maxtlatsi:n / Passiflora mexicana Juss.

Most birds have been documented through sightings or museum visits and further identified in Nahuatl through sound recordings of birdsongs (provided by the Cornell Ornithology Lab) and photos. Only Nahuatl-named insects (approximately 75–100) have been collected and are being identified through the Instituto de Biología (UNAM) in México City and the Smithsonian Institution (Washington). Only Nahuatl-named reptiles and fish are being collected, and these are being identifed at the Facultad de Ciencias and Instituto de Biología (respectively).


Figure 7. Oapan Nahuatl: Pollination of No:chmatlapahli ista:k / Pollination of cactus (pending identification).


Figure 8. Oapan Nahuatl: Pi:pilo:lxo:chitl / Bessera elegans Schult. f.

The appendices report the status of material collected to date. Scientific names are followed by Nahuatl names obtained in consultation with local consultants. It needs to be noted that this is a representation of raw field data and no effort at this point has been made to determine "correct" and "incorrect" identifications nor to fully explore local variation in nomenclature. The original database also contains extensive notes from interviews with consultants during field collection about the use and morphology or life cycle of the collected flora and fauna. These notes are presently being culled and analyzed for a publication on Nahuatl ethnobiology.


Figure 9. Oapan Nahuatl: Te:si:s / Edible Orthoptera pending identification.

Figure 10. Oapan Nahuatl: Tekpinxo:chitl / Dahlia coccinea Cav.

10 Textual Documentation: Audio and Transcription

Digital recording of Nahuatl ethnobiological knowledge has continued throughout the term of the FAMSI grant. A more recent focus has been on insects, after extensive recordings on plants (approximately 50 hours) and birds (approximately 10 hours) had been achieved. Although a complete catalogue of material is in development, probably over 75 hours of material have been recorded. These are being selected for transcription and, eventually, online presentation in the Nahuatl Learning Environment: Cultural Encyclopedia. The recordings are according to archival best practices: 48KHz sampling rate, 16-bit. A Sonifex Courier digital recorder is used with an ATM-75 cardiod headset microphone.

Transcriptions are developed in a three-stage process. First, native speakers who have been trained in Nahuatl language documentation are given a digitally recorded text to transcribe using the program Transcriber. The time-coded transcription is then proofread. Second, the resulting time-coded transcription is exported to a text format. It is again proofed and also edited for "publication" and distribution to most end users (i.e., punctuation marks are added and paragraphs divided). Third, the now formatted and proofed text is reimported into a time code for line-by-line playback through a Web interface. A software program called Webscriber is being developed for this purpose. Dozens of hours of material is in one of the three stages of transcription and textual presentation.

Audio files and textual material will be permanently archived at the Archive of Indigenous Languages of Latin America (University of Texas). A more interactive presentation is presently being developed for uploading at the Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania.


Figure 11. Oapan Nahuatl: Tepe:chikalin / Solanum rostratum Dunal.


Since the FAMSI award was given in 2004, fieldwork has been carried out on a continual basis. During the past two years, collaborations have been developed and deepened with various institutions and individuals. This has helped achieve two principal results:

• An extensive inventory of the flora and fauna of the Balsas River Valley (Nahuatl and scientific names [see appendices ]). • A large corpus of digitally recorded and transcribed Nahuatl texts as well as the enrichment of the NLE lexicon with Nahuatl nomenclature and lexicon related to the natural environment.


Figure 12. Oapan Nahuatl: Tlatlama:tsowaltsi:n / Commelina erecta L.

Support for the FAMSI project can be divided into three major groups:

• Granting agencies, which has enabled the project to continue to grow in the direction first contemplated in the FAMSI award. • Academic institutions and individuals who have collaborated in collection and identification of the ethnobiological materials. • Indigenous communities, associations, and individuals who have worked as ethnobiological consultants and language documentation experts who have transcribed the recorded texts.


Figure 13. Oapan Nahuatl: To:topo / Edible Orthoptera pending identification.

14 Granting Agencies

Since 2004, in addition to FAMSI, the following agencies have supported research and educational efforts in Nahuatl specifically related to Nahuatl ethnobiology.

• National Science Foundation/National Endowment for the Humanities: for Nahuatl language documentation in the state of Guerrero and training of native speakers in this activity. NSF/NEH funds were used to support several botanical expeditions. • Ford Foundation: for working with indigenous bilingual schoolteachers and communities in promoting language maintenance and revitalization along with the production of Nahuatl materials that will be used in bilingual primary educational schools. Ford Foundation funds were used to establish ethnobotanical collections in the communities of San Miguel Tecuiciapan (in the preparatoria popular) and Atliaca (in the comisaría). • México: Consejo Nacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología: for support in collecting botanical specimens in the Balsas River Valley in collaboration with the Facultad de Ciencies, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. CONACyT funds were used to mount ethnobotanical exhibitions in three indigenous communities and in supporting botanical field expeditions.

Figure 14. Balsas Valley Nahuatl (common name): Xo:chipaltsi:n / Cosmos sulphureus Cav.


Scientific Institutions and Individual Academic Researchers

Particularly important to research for the project Nahuatl Cultural Encyclopedia: Botany and Zoology: Balsas River, Guerrero, has been institutional support for the identification of biological materials collected in the Balsas River Valley. Well over fifty scientists from around the world have helped in the identification of biological specimens. Many belong to the following research institutions (only the most important institutions are listed, individual collaborators at smaller institutions offered significant help as well). A more complete list of collaborators can be viewed on the Nahuatl Learning Environment Website ( http://nahuatl.ldc.upenn.edu : Username: oapan Password: nahuatl).

For botanical specimens: Jardín Botánico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México City) Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis) New York Botanical Garden Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew University of Michigan Herbarium (Ann Arbor)

For insect specimens: Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

For reptile specimens: Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

For bird specimens: Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Manuel Grosselet (independent researcher)

Botanical fieldwork yielded at least one new species ( Ficus oapana C.C. Berg, named for the village Oapan where the project was centered; in Oapan Nahuatl a:makohtli xihyó:pitsá:wak ). There is a possibility that an additional two new plant taxa were also found.


Figure 15. Balsas Valley Nahuatl: Yo:yohtli / Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Rose) Woodson.

Plant specimens now number over 1,200 and animal specimens over 250. Birds sighted or collected in the region number over 100. This represents a doubling of the collection over the two years of the FAMSI grant. Specimen identification has proceeded as planned. Only approximately 50 plants have not been identified to genus; the majority of these will be determined in the next few months. Insects have proven to be more problematic, but with the recent collaboration of the Smithsonian Institution Department of Entomology most insects should be identified at least to genus within the next six months. Almost all birds documented to date have been determined to genus and species. Reptiles and fish should be all determined within six months. A full list of flora and fauna collected and determined to date is included in the appendices to this report.

17 Indigenous Communities, Associations, and Individuals

Botanical collections were first centered in the villages of Oapan, San Juan Tetelcingo, and Ameyaltepec. Subsequently collections were carried out in the additional Balsas River Valley communities of Tlamamacan and San Miguel Tecuiciapan. Outside of the Balsas River Valley collections were made in Tlanicpatla and Atliaca.

Zoological collections have been centered in Oapan. This village has preserved of the fauna, particularly insect species (e.g., close to twenty recognized and named Orthoptera species [grasshoppers, katydids, crickets]). Bird collecting and watching has been carried out in Oapan, San Miguel Tecuiciapan and Tlamamacan.

Ethnobotanical collections of local flora (professionally mounted as herbarium specimens) have been donated to the Prepa Popular in San Miguel Tecuiciapan and to the Comisaría in Atliaca. In both they will be at the disposition of students and others who wish to preserve tradicional knowledge.

Finally, recent contacts have been made with independent indigenous cultural activists in Chilapa, Guerrero (Tlamachtihkeh San Se: Ohtli Tikahsiskeh A.C.), and in Cuetzalán, Puebla (Taller de Tradición Oral). It is hoped that in the near future a more geographically extensive comparative Nahuatl ethnobiology can be initiated, with these two areas targeted for research on the local flora and fauna and the recording of traditional knowledge in these fields.

Community Outreach

The presentation of ethnobotanical collections of local flora to the indigenous high school in San Miguel Tecuiciapan and the public officials in Atliaca has already been mentioned. In addition an exhibition of plant specimens and photos was mounted in three villages in the Balsas River Valley: San Marcos Oacacingo, Ameyaltepec, and San Agustín Oapan. The exhibit was financed and put together by collaborating researchers and museographers at the Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.



Three separate files contain the ethnobiological information developed so far. Please note that the information presented is raw ethnographic data and has not been culled or evaluated for consistency among consultants. It should not be cited without first checking with the author.

Appendix 1 . Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, México

Appendix 2 . Birds Collected or Sighted in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, México, or Seen in Museum Collection and Identified by Native Speakers

Appendix 3 . Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, México

NOTE : Please do not cite these Appendices without consulting the author.

List of Figures

Figure 1 . Nahuatl Learning Environment home page: Illustration by Gabriel de la Cruz (Ameyaltepec, Guerrero).

Figure 2 . Portrait of Silvestre Pantaleón, Nahuatl-speaking ethnobotanical consultant from San Agustín Oapan, Guerrero.

Figure 3 . Oapan Nahuatl: Cha:chaya:tsi:n wa:xpi:pitik / Senna uniflora (Mill.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby.

Figure 4 . S. Miguel Tecuiciapan Nahuatl: I:ketson kabai:toh / Zapoteca formosa (Kunth) H.M. Hern.

Figure 5 . Oapan Nahuatl: Kohketspalxoxo:hki photographed on cha:chaya:tsi:n tematsakaltik / Ctenosaura pectinata on Senna argentea (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby.

Figure 6 . Ameyaltepec Nahuatl: Ma:maxtlatsi:n / Passiflora mexicana Juss.

Figure 7 . Oapan Nahuatl: Pollination of No:chmatlapahli ista:k / Pollination of cactus (pending identification).

Figure 8 . Oapan Nahuatl: Pi:pilo:lxo:chitl / Bessera elegans Schult. f.

Figure 9 . Oapan Nahuatl: Te:si:s / Edible Orthoptera pending identification.

19 Figure 10 . Oapan Nahuatl: Tekpinxo:chitl / Dahlia coccinea Cav.

Figure 11 . Oapan Nahuatl: Tepe:chikalin / Solanum rostratum Dunal.

Figure 12 . Oapan Nahuatl: Tlatlama:tsowaltsi:n / Commelina erecta L.

Figure 13 . Oapan Nahuatl: To:topo / Edible Orthoptera pending identification.

Figure 14 . Balsas Valley Nahuatl (common name): Xo:chipaltsi:n / Cosmos sulphureus Cav.

Figure 15 . Balsas Valley Nahuatl: Yo:yohtli / Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Rose) Woodson.

Sources Cited

Alcorn, Janis B. 1984 Huastec Mayan Ethnobotany . Austin: University of Texas Press.

Berlin, Elois Ann, and Brent Berlin 1996 Medical Ethnobiology of the Highland Maya of , México: The Gastrointestinal Diseases . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Berlin, Brent, Dennis E. Breedlove, and Peter H. Raven 1974 Principles of Tzeltal Plant Classification: An Introduction to the Botanical Ethnography of a Mayan-speaking People of Highland Chiapas . New York: Academic Press.

Breedlove, Dennis E., and Robert M. Laughlin 1993 The Flowering of Man: A Tzotzil Botany of Zinacantán . Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Cruz, Martín de la 1940 The Badianus Manuscript, Codex Barberini, Latin 241, Vatican Library. An Aztec Herbal of 1552 . Introduction, translation, and annotations by Emily Walcott Emmart. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

20 Hernández, Francisco de 1959 Historia natural de Nueva España . 2 vols. Trad. José Rojo Navarro. México City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Hunn, Eugene S. 1977 Tzeltal Folk Zoology: The Classification of Discontinuities in Nature . New York: Academic Press.

Orellana, Sandra L. 1987 Indian Medicine in Highland Guatemala: The Prehispanic and Colonial Periods . Albuquerque: University of New Press.

Roys, Ralph L. 1931 The Ethno-botany of the Maya . New Orleans: Tulane University Press.

Sahagún, Bernardino de 1963 Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain, book 11: Earthly Things , trans. by A.J.O. Anderson and C.E. Dibble. Santa Fe and Salt Lake City: School of American Research and University of Utah.

21 Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author)

Amey = Ameyaltepec Atlia = Atliaca Oapan = San Agustín Oapan Tecui = San Miguel Tecuiciapan Tetel = San Juan Tetelcingo Tlama = Tlamamacan

Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

? Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

? Tecui te:kwa:nkomekatl Tecui n.n. Tecui te:kwa:nkomekatl

Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

? Tecui Tecui Tecui

Tecui Tecui Tecui

? Tecui Tecui Tecui

Acanthaceae Tlama Tlama Oapan

Acanthaceae Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. (later called tla:ltohtopo:ntsi:n

Acanthaceae Barleria Barleria Atliaca n.n. Atliaca n.n. oenotheroides Dum. Cours. Acanthaceae Dyschoriste Dyschoriste Atliaca xo:chitl de tepe:tl Atliaca n.n. Atliaca hirsutissima (Nees) Kuntze Acanthaceae Elytraria Elytraria Oapan ko:ló:patlí o Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen but name mexicana Fryxell tekwitlanexxihtli not known & Koch ko:ló:patlí Acanthaceae Elytraria Elytraria Tecui not named Oapan ko:ló:patlí Amey not named Oapan not named (from mexicana Fryxell specimen) & Koch Acanthaceae Gypsacanthus Gypsacanthus Jaramillo & Oapan Amey Tetel nelsonii Lott Rzedowski Acanthaceae Gypsacanthus Gypsacanthus Jaramillo & Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. nelsonii Lott Rzedowski Acanthaceae Justicia Justicia Tecui tsi:nkilomitsi:n Oapan omitlako:tl Amey not named Oapan not named hilsenbeckii T.F. Daniel Acanthaceae Justicia Justicia sp. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Acanthaceae Ruellia Ruellia intermedia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. n.n. Leonard

Acanthaceae Ruellia Ruellia intermedia Oapan xo:chiomora:doh or i:xo:chio Oapan xo:chiomora:doh Leonard mora:doh

Acanthaceae Ruellia Ruellia priniglei Tlama ista:ka:tsi:n siwa:tl Tlama ista:ka:tsi:n siwa:tl Oapan n.n. Fernald Acanthaceae Ruellia Ruellia sp. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Acanthaceae Siphonoglossa Siphonoglossa Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. aff. mexicana Hilsenbeck Acanthaceae Tetramerium Tetramerium Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel teoho:lo:tsi:n Oapan not recognized. nervosum Nees Acanthaceae? Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui tla:ltohtopontsi:n

Agavaceae Agave Agave americana Oapan kókohtitlántsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel kokohtitlantsi:n Oapan kókohtitlántsi:n L. (con ka:le:wa:hli) (con ka:le:wa:hle)

Agavaceae Agave Agave Oapan ka:ka:lo:te:ntli o Amey n.n. Tetel mexkahli de Oapan mexkahli de angustiarum Trel. kwahli mexkahli ka:ka:lo:te:ntli ka:ka:lo:te:ntli Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Agavaceae Agave Agave angustifolia Oapan sakamexkahli Amey sakamexkahli o Tetel kuwtitlantsi:n Oapan sakamexkahli Haw. kukuwtitlantsi:n

Agavaceae Agave Agave cf. Tecuiciapan sakato:chin Oapan mexkalpatla:wak Amey not named cupreata Agavaceae Manfreda Manfreda scabra Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named Amey ibarrah José / (Ortega) ibasto:n José McVaugh Agavaceae?

Polianthes o Oapan not present Oapan i:xonak kowatl Oapan i:xonak kowatl Amey ixonak kuwatl Manfreda? Aizoaceae Trianthema Trianthema Oapan yo:chika:w tetsmitl Amey itetsmitl sa:poh Oapan tetsmitl í:tlatlá:k Amey tetsmitl portulacastrum L.

Aizoaceae Trianthema Trianthema Oapan tetsmitl san de Oapan i:tlatlá:k tetsmitl portulacastrum L. xihtli

Alliaceae Milla Milla biflora Cav. Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla ayewachxo:chitl

Amaranthaceae Oapan wa:htli Oapan

Amaranthaceae Amaranthus Amaranthus Oapan wa:hkihli Amey wa:hkihli Tetel wa:hkihle Oapan wa:hkihli hybridus L. Amaranthaceae Gomphrena Gomphrena Oapan o:lo:xo:chitl ista:k Amey o:lo:xo:chitl istá:k Tetel o:lo:xo:chitl ista:k Oapan o:lo:xo:chitl ista:k serrata L. Amaranthaceae Gomphrena Gomphrena sp. Oapan o:lo:xo:chitl mora:doh Amaranthaceae Iresine Iresine sp. Atliaca kwamekato:tspan Atliaca

Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis Hymenocallis sp. Oapan i:xonak Oapan i:xonak a:ketspalin a:ketspalin or a:ketspalin i:xonak Amaryllidaceae Polianthes Polianthes Oapan komitexo:chitl Amey azucena Oapan komitexo:chitl sessiliflora (Hemsl.) Rose Amaryllidaceae Polianthes Polianthes Oapan komitexo:chitl Oapan komitexo:chitl sessiliflora (Hemsl.) Rose Anacardiaceae Actinocheita Actinocheita Oapan te:tlatia pitsa:wak Oapan te:tlatia pitsa:wak Oapan te:tlatia pitsa:wak Amey te:tlatia pitsa:wak potentillifolia (Turcz.) Bullock Anacardiaceae Actinocheita Actinocheita Tecui Tecui Tecui potentillifolia (Turcz.) Bullock Anacardiaceae Comocladia Comocladia Oapan te:tlatia Amey te:tlatia Tetel te:tlatiá Oapan te:tlatia engleriana Loes. (papatla:wak ixiwyo) Anacardiaceae Cyrtocarpa Cyrtocarpa Oapan kopaxokotl Amey kupaxokotl Tetel kopaxokotl Oapan kopaxokotl procera Kunth Anacardiaceae Pseudosmodingiu Pseudosmodingiu Oapan te:tlatia pitsa:wak Amey n.n. Tetel te:tlatia pitsa:wak Oapan te:tlatia pitsa:wak m m andrieuxii Engl. (recognized after name was given)

Anacardiaceae Pseudosmodingiu Pseudosmodingiu Oapan kohxio:pa:pa:lo:tl Amey kuwxio:pa:pa:lo:tl Tetel kuhxio:tl Oapan kohxio:pa:pa:lo:tl m m perniciosum pa:pa:lo:tl (Kunth) Engler

Anacardiaceae Pseudosmodingiu Pseudosmodingiu Oapan kohxio:tl Amey kuwxio:pa:pa:lo:tl Tetel kuhxio:tl Oapan kohxio:pa:pa:lo:tl m m perniciosum pa:pa:lo:tl pa:pa:lo:tl (Kunth) Engler

Anacardiaceae Rhus Rhus schiedeana Atliaca xohxoko i:we:lika Atliaca Atliaca xohxokotl i:we:lika Schlecht.

Anacardiaceae Spondias Spondias Oapan masa:xokotl Amey masa:xokotl Tetel masa:xokotl Oapan masa:xokotl purpurea L. Anacardiaceae Spondias Spondias Oapan masa:xokotl Amey masa:xokotl Tetel masa:xokotl Oapan masa:xokotl purpurea L. (recognized after it was named)

Anacardiaceae Spondias Spondias Oapan masa:xokotl Amey masa:xokotl Oapan masa:xokotl / purpurea L. xoko:k xokotl Anacardiaceae Spondias Spondias Oapan texokotl Oapan texokotl purpurea L. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Annonaceae Annona Annona Oapan n.n. Amey ila:makuwtli Tetel i:la:mah Oapan not recognized diversifolia Safford Annonaceae Annona Annona longiflora Oapan mama:nsani:tah Oapan mama:nsani:tah Amey not named S. Watson

Annonaceae Annona Annona sp. Tlama kwahkihli Tlama kwahkihli (only Oapan n.n. agreed upon after José Allende had named this tree as kwahkihli)

Annonaceae Annona Annona Oapan n.n. Amey ila:makuwtli Tetel i:la:mah Oapan not recognized diversifolia Safford Anthericaceae Echeandia Echeandia Tecui Tecui Tecui ramosissima (K. Presl) Cruden Anthericaceae Echeandia Echeandia sp. Oapan mímí:hli de xíxihtlí Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized

Anthericaceae Echeandia Echeandia sp. Oapan mímí:hli de xíxihtlí Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Apocynaceae Catharanthus Catharanthus Tecui Tecui Tecui roseus (L.) G. Don Apocynaceae Plumeria Plumeria rubra L. Oapan ka:ká:lexó:chitl Amey ka:ka:lo:xo:chitl Tetel ka:ka:lo:xo:chil Oapan ka:ká:lexó:chitl ista:k ista:k istá:k ista:k Apocynaceae Plumeria Plumeria rubra L. Oapan ka:ká:lexo:chitl Amey ka:ka:lo:xo:chitl Tetel ka:ka:lo:xo:chil de Oapan ka:ká:lexo:chitl forma lutea kostik de kostik (o de kostik kostik kokostik) Apocynaceae Rauvolfia Rauvolfia Oapan kókolarí:yoh Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan kókoralí:yoh tetraphylla L. Apocynaceae Rauvolfia Rauvolfia Oapan kolari:yoh Oapan kolari:yoh Oapan korali:yoh Oapan korali:yoh tetraphylla L. Apocynaceae Stemmadenia Stemmadenia Oapan yó:yotlí Amey yo:yotli Tetel yo:yohtle Oapan yóyó:tli siwa:tl donnell-smithii (Rose) Woodson

Apocynaceae Thevetia Thevetia ovata Oapan yó:yotlí okixtli or Amey okichyo:yotli de Tetel kochyoyohtle de Oapan yóyo:tli tlá:katl / (Cav.) A. DC. okichyó:yotlí susuwa:tl sisiwa:tl yóyo:tli okíxtli Apocynaceae Thevetia Thevetia pinifolia Oapan yó:yoma:té:pitsák Amey okichyo:yotli de Tetel kochyo:yohtle de Amey okichyo:yotli de (Standl. & or yó:yotli okíxtli tlatla:katl tlahtla:katl tlatla:katl Steyerm.) J.K. matlapalté:pitsáhti Williams k. yó:yookíxtli / yó:yotl okíxtli Apocynaceae Thevetia Thevetia pinifolia Oapan yó:yotli de okíxtli Oapan yó:yotlí tlátlá:katl Amey o:kichyo:yotli de Oapan okixtli yó:yotlí (Standl. & tlatla:katl Steyerm.) J.K. Williams

Apocynaceae Thevetia Thevetia Atliaca yo:yohtli Atliaca yo:yohtli thevetioides (Kunth) K. Schum.

Apocynaceae Vallesia Vallesia glabra Oapan sé:piyá:ka:tl Amey n.n. Tetel sakapihya:k Oapan sé:piyá:katl (Cav.) Link Apocynaceae Vallesia Vallesia glabra Oapan sé:piyá:ka:tl Amey not named Oapan sé:piyá:ka:tl (Cav.) Link Araliaceae Aralia Aralia humilis Tecui Tecui Tecui Cav. Arecaceae Brahea Brahea dulcis Oapan so:ya:tl Oapan so:ya:tl Oapan so:ya:tl Amey so:ya:tl (Kunth) Mart. Arecaceae Brahea Brahea dulcis Atliaca i:ka i:xo:chio Atliaca (Kunth) Mart. so:ya:tl Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia Aristolochia Tlama tlako:pahtli Tlama tlako:pahtli Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla tlako:pahtli brevipes Benth. pitsa:wak pitsa:wak pitsa:wak Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia Aristolochia Oapan tlakó:patlí Amey tlako:patli Tetel tlako:pahtle Oapan tlakópatlí / foetida Kunth toma:wak toma:wak / toma:wak pópoí:toh popoi:toh Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia Aristolochia Tecui Tecui Tecui foetida Kunth Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia Aristolochia Oapan tlakó:patlí Amey tlako:patli Oapan not named Amey tlako:patli orbicularis Duch. pitsa:wak pitsa:wak pitsa:wak Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia Aristolochia Oapan tlakó:patli Amey n.n. Tetel tlako:pahtle Oapan not recognized orbicularis Duchr. pitsá:wak pitsa:wak

Asclepediaceae Cryptostegia Cryptostegia sp. Tlama komekatl Tlama komekatl Oapan n.n. mora:doh mora:doh Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Asclepias Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla to:chnakastli auriculata Kunth Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Asclepias Atliaca ye:rbah xo:chitl Atliaca curassavica L. chi:chi:ltik Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Asclepias Oapan i:nakas kone:joh o Amey inakas kone:joh Tetel tsi:na:nahtle Oapan not recognized glaucescens to:chintsi:n Kunth Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Asclepias Oapan sená:natlí or i:nakas or i:nakas Oapan not named Oapan not named lynchiana to:chintsi:n kone:joh Fishbein Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum Cynanchum Tecui Tecui Tecui ligulatum (Benth.) Woodson

Asclepiadaceae Funastrum Funastrum Oapan xa:ltemekatsi:n Oapan xa:ltemekatsi:n Oapan xa:ltemekatsi:n clausum (Jacq.) Schltr. Asclepiadaceae Funastrum Funastrum Oapan komekatl de Amey ikuw chichi de Tetel n.n. Amey ikuw chichi de pannosum seserii:toh xwelik xwelik (Decne.) Schlechter Asclepiadaceae Funastrum Funastrum Oapan not named Amey xowilika:tsi:n Amey ikuw chichitsi:n Oapan not recognized pannosum totomioh (Decne.) Schltr. Asclepiadaceae Funastrum Funastrum Tecui te:kwa:npahtli Tecui te:kwa:npahtli Tecui te:kwa:npahtli pannosum (Decne.) Schltr. Asclepiadaceae Labidostelma Labidostelma Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized guatemalense Schlechter Asclepiadaceae Marsdenia Marsdenia aff. Oapan n.n. Amey nekaxa:ni:hli o Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized mexicana Decne. nekaxa:ni:lkomek atl Asclepiadaceae Marsdenia Marsdenia sp. Oapan n.n. Amey ikuw chichi de Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized we:lik Asteraceae Oapan chi:lkohtli Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named

Asteraceae Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla sa:ntah marí:ah

Asteraceae Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Asteraceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Asteraceae Acourtia Acourtia Tecui pa:pa:lo:wi:teko:ni Oapan not named San Juan not named glomeruliflora (A. Totolcintla Gray) Reveal & R.M. King

Asteraceae Ageratum Ageratum Tecui Tecui Tecui corymbosum f. albiflorum B.L. Rob. Asteraceae Aldama Aldama dentata Oapan n.n. Amey mo:so:tl Tetel mo:so:tl Oapan not recognized La Llave & Lex. Asteraceae Barkleyanthus Barkleyanthus Atliaca pi:pitik a:wexo:tl Atliaca Atliaca Atliaca a:wexo:tl salicifolius (Kunth) H. Rob & Brettell

Asteraceae Bidens Bidens odorata Tlama n.n. Tlama xiwtli te:sok Oapan xo:chioista:ktsi:n Cav. Asteraceae Bidens Bidens odorata Tecui mo:so:tl Tecui mo:so:tl Tecui mo:so:tl Cav. Asteraceae Bidens Bidens odorata Tecui Tecui Tecui Cav. Asteraceae Brickellia Brickellia diffusa Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. (Vahl) A. Gray

Asteraceae Calea Calea pringlei B.L. Tecui Tecui Tecui Rob. Asteraceae Conyza Conyza Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel tlahtlachpa:nwa:st Oapan not recognized canadensis (L.) si:n de i:pan Cronq. tepe:tl Asteraceae Cosmos Cosmos Oapan xo:chipaltsi:n Amey xo:chipaltsi:n Tetel xo:chipaltsi:n Oapan xo:chipaltsi:n sulphureus Cav. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Asteraceae Cosmos Cosmos Tecui Tecui Tecui sulphureus Cav. Asteraceae Dahlia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla tekpinxo:chitl

Asteraceae Dahlia Dahlia coccinea Oapan tehpinxo:chitl / Oapan tehpixo:chitl Oapan tepinxo:chitl Amey texkalxo:chitl Cav. xomilxo:chitl Asteraceae Dahlia Dahlia coccinea Tecui Tecui Tecui Cav. Asteraceae Dyssodia Dyssodia Tecui Tecui Tecui appendiculata Lag. Asteraceae Dyssodia Dyssodia Tecui Tecui Tecui papposa (Vent.) Hitchc. Asteraceae Dyssodia Dyssodia Tecui simarró:n Amey not named Oapan not named (seen tagetiflora specimen) Lagasca Asteraceae Dyssodia Dyssodia Tecui Tecui Tecui tagetiflora Lah. Asteraceae Eremosis Eremosis uniflora Atliaca tsompo:poto Atliaca (Sch. Bip.) H. Rob moradi:toh i:xo:chio Asteraceae Flaveria Flaveria pringlei Oapan to:xnakaxo:chitl Amey sese:ktsi:n (xiwtle Tetel sese:ktsi:n Oapan to:xnakaxo:chitl Gandoger de) Asteraceae Flaveria Flaveria pringlei Tecui chichinakastli Oapan to:xnakaxo:chitl Amey sese:ktsi:n Oapan to:xnakaxo:chitl Gandoger Asteraceae Flaveria Flaveria pringlei Atliaca tsontekoma:ma Atliaca Gandoger tlako:tl Asteraceae Fleischmannia Fleischmannia Atliaca xo:chitl ista:k de Atliaca Atliaca pycnocephala tepe:tl (Less.) R.M.King & H.Rob.

Asteraceae Florestina Florestina Oapan matsa:nkihli de Amey matsa:nkihli de Tetel tema:tlaxiwtle de Oapan matsa:nkihli ista:k coronopifolia ista:k i:xo:chiotsi:n istá:k ixo:chio ista:k i:xo:chio Hemsl. Asteraceae Florestina Florestina pedata Oapan tlachpa:nwa:stli Amey tlatlachpa:nwa:stsi Tetel tlachpa:nwa:stle Oapan tlátlaxpa:wá:stsi:n (Cav.) Cass. ista:k i:xo:chio :n de susuwa:tl de ista:k ista:k istá:k ixo:chio

Asteraceae Florestina Florestina pedata Oapan tlátlachpa:wá:stsin Amey tlatlachpa:nwa:stsi (Cav.) Cass. (ista:k i:xo:chio) :n

Asteraceae Florestina Florestina pedata Tlama tlachpa:nwa:stli Tlama tlachpa:nwa:stli Oapan tlachpa:wa:stli tlachpa:nwa:stli (Cav.) Cass.

Asteraceae Lasianthaea Lasianthaea Tecui Tecui Tecui crocea (A. Gray) K. Becker Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Oapan xó:chiokóstik Amey kostik xo:chitl americanum L. Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Oapan xó:chiokóstik Amey kostik xo:chitl americanum L. Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Tlama mo:so:tl siwa:tl Tlama mo:so:tl siwa:tl Oapan xo:chiokostik divaricatum (Rich. in Pers.) DC.

Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Tecui Tecui Tecui divaricatum (Rich.) DC. Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Oapan n.n. Amey kostik xo:chitl Tetel n.n. Oapan xo:chiókostík gracile Less wekapania Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Oapan xo:chió:kostíhtsi:n longipes (A.Gray) B.L.Rob

Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Oapan kostik Oapan not named Amey melo:n xo:chitl or longipilum B. L. i:xo:chiotsi:n xo:chimelo:n Rob. Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium longipilum B. L. Rob. Oapan xo:chiókostík Amey kostik xo:chitl

Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. longipilum Robins. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Tecui Tecui Tecui longipilum Robins.

Asteraceae Melampodium Melampodium Atliaca tlayo:lxo:chitl Atliaca microcephalum Less. Asteraceae Melampodium ? Melampodium Tlama mo:so:tl tla:katl Tlama mo:so:tl tla:katl Oapan xo:chiokostihtsi:n kostik xo:chitl longipes (A.Gray) B.L.Rob.

Asteraceae Milleria Milleria Tecui Tecui Tecui quinqueflora L. Asteraceae Montanoa Montanoa Tecui te:kwa:ma:tli Oapan not named San Juan not named grandiflora DC. Totolcintla Asteraceae Otopappus Otopappus Tecui Tecui Tecui epaleaceus Hemsl. Asteraceae Otopappus Otopappus Oapan not named (see Amey not named Amey not named (see Amey not named imbricatus (Sch. below) below) Bip.) S. F. Blake

Asteraceae Otopappus Otopappus imbricatus (Sch. Bip.) S. F. Blake

Oapan tsi:katlako:tl Oapan not named (but was familiar by now with tsi:katlako:tl as the term used in Tetelcingo for this plant) Asteraceae Otopappus Otopappus scaber Tecui Tecui Tecui Blake Asteraceae Parthenium Parthenium Oapan unidentified Amey unidentified Tetel unidentified Oapan seen but name bipinnatifidum not known (Ort.) Rollins Asteraceae Pectis Pectis haenkeana Oapan kókomí:nos xihtli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. n.n. (DC.) Sch. Bip.

Asteraceae Pectis Pectis haenkeana Oapan kókomí:nos Oapan not named (DC.) Sch. Bip.

Asteraceae Pectis Pectis repens Tlama n.n. Tlama mo:so:tl okixtli Oapan n.n. Brandg. Asteraceae Pectis Pectis repens Tlama ahwia:k xiwtli Brandg. Asteraceae Perymenium Perymenium Oapan tsi:katlako:tl notematsakalowa) Oapan tsi:katlako:tl globosum B. L. (ke:tla kohxihtli Rob Asteraceae Perymenium Perymenium Oapan tsi:katlako:tl Amey n.n. Tetel tsi:katlako:tl Oapan tsi:katlako:tl macrocephalum Greenm. Asteraceae Perymenium Perymenium Oapan not named Amey not named Amey not named Amey not named macrocephalum Greenm. Asteraceae Pluchea Pluchea Tlama a:tl i:na:n (also Tlama a:tl i:na:n Oapan a:tl i:na:n. caroliniana (Jacq.) i:na:n a:tl) Sweet Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan n.n. Amey a:tlapantsi:n de Tetel a:tlahpantsi:n Oapan á:tlapántsi:n calcicola B. L. tlatla:katl Rob. & Greenm. Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan tsómakíhli de Amey pa:patla Tetel pa:patla Oapan tsómakíhli macrocephalum té:sokoyá:k DC. Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan tsómakíhli de Amey pa:patla Tetel pa:patla macrocephalum té:sokoyá:k DC. Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan á:tlapántsi:n Oapan á:tlapántsi:n although some Oapan kókotitlántsi:n Oapan ruderale kókohtítlan or people call it simply kókotitlántsi:n kókohtitlántsi:n Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan tsómakíhli Oapan tsómakíhli Amey pa:patla ruderale Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Tlama a:tlahpantsi:n Tlama a:tlahpantsin Oapan á:tlapántsi:n ruderale (Jacq.) (mora:doh) (mora:doh) Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum sp. Tlama a:tlahpantsi:n Tlama a:tlahpantsi:n Oapan á:tlapántsi:n Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla i:ma:x koyo:tl tagetoides (HBK) DC Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Tecui tepalkaxoh Oapan not named San Juan tepalkaxoh viridiflorum Totolcintla (Kunth) DC. Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan i:ko:lah koyo:tl Oapan not named Oapan not named Amey not named linaria (Cav.) DC. (ke:n á:tlapá:ntsi:n inékwistí)

Asteraceae Porophyllum Porophyllum Oapan a:tlapantsi:n Amey a:tlapantsi:n de Tetel a:tlahpantsi:n de Oapan á:tlapántsi:n pringlei B. L. Rob. sísiwá:tl susuwa:tl suwa:tl

Asteraceae Psacalium Psacalium Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. cirsiifolium (Zucc.) H. Rob. & Breffell

Asteraceae Psacalium Psacalium sp. Tecui tlaxispahtli Tecui tlaxispahtli Tecui tlaxispahtli

Asteraceae Sanvitalia Sanvitalia Oapan i:xtew periko Amey ixtew peri:koh Tetel i:xtew peri:koh Oapan i:xtew peri:ko procumbens Lam. (xihtle ____) (xiwtle de) (xiwtle___))

Asteraceae Sclerocarpus Sclerocarpus Oapan ka:ka:walxihtli Amey kostik xo:chitl Tetel ka:ka:waltsi:n Oapan ka:ka:waltsi:n divaricatus Benth. uwe:i & Hook. f. ex Hemsl. Asteraceae Sclerocarpus Sclerocarpus sp. Oapan xihtli kókostík Amey kostik xo:chitl Tetel xiwtle kostik Oapan xó:chioh kóstik i:xo:chiotsi:n pi:pitik i:xo:chio Asteraceae Sclerocarpus Sclerocarpus sp. Tecui ka:ka:walxo:chitl Tecui ka:ka:walxo:chitl Tecui ka:ka:walxo:chitl

Asteraceae Sclerocarpus Sclerocarpus Tlama ka:ka:wahli Tlama ka:ka:wahli Oapan ka:ka:waltsi:n Amey ka:ka:waltsi:n uniserialis (Hook.) (probably Benth. & Hook. influenced by other consultants; this does not seem to be the Amey name for this flower)

Asteraceae Sclerocarpus Sclerocarpus Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. uniserialis (Hook.) Benth. & Hook.

Asteraceae Sclerocarpus Sclerocarpus Oapan ka:ka:walxo:chtil Amey Amey kostik xo:chitl de Oapan ka:ka:waltsi:n uniserialis (Hook.) uwe:i Benth. & Hook. f. ex Hemsl. var rubridiscus Feddema

Asteraceae Schukhria Schukhria pinnata Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla tlachpa:nwa:stli (Lam.) O.Kuntze

Asteraceae Simsia Simsia foetida Tecui Tecui Tecui (Cav.) Blake Asteraceae Simsia Simsia foetida Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel ahkawtle de un Oapan not recognized (Cav.) S. F. Blake istá:k

Asteraceae Simsia Simsia Oapan á:kahtlí tómióh Amey a:kawtomitl Tetel ahkawtohmitl Oapan ákahtlí lagascaeformis DC. Asteraceae Simsia Simsia sanguinea Tecui Tecui Tecui A. Gray

Asteraceae Simsia Simsia sanguinea Tecui Tecui Tecui A. Gray

Asteraceae Stevia Stevia Atliaca sahsa:ntekru:s Atliaca caracasana DC. xo:chitl Asteraceae Stevia Stevia ovata Tecui Tecui Tecui Willd. Asteraceae Symphyotrichum Symphyotrichum Atliaca ? Atliaca ? xo:chitl expansum tsi:nista:k (Poepp. ex Spreng.) G. L. Nesom Asteraceae Tagetes Tagetes erecta L. Oapan ko:skaya:ntsi:n Amey ko:saltsi:n Tetel kwisaltsi:n Oapan ko:skaya:ntsi:n Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Asteraceae Tagetes Tagetes lucida Tlama ya:wxo:chitl Tlama ya:wxo:chitl Oapan ya:hxo:chitl Tlanicpatla ayowixo:chitl

Asteraceae Tagetes Tagetes Tecui Tecui Tecui remotiflora Kunze

Asteraceae Tithonia Tithonia Oapan ákahtó:to:tl Amey a:kawtli (o en ref. a la flor a:kawxo:chitl) Tetel ahkawtle rotundifolia (Mill.) S. F. Blake

Asteraceae Tridax Tridax Tecui Tecui Tecui coronopifolia (HBK.) Hemsl. Asteraceae Tridax Tridax Tecui Tecui Tecui coronopifolia (HBK.) Hemsl. Asteraceae Tridax Tridax Oapan matsa:nkihli de Amey matsa:nkihli de Tetel tema:tlaxiwtle de Oapan matsa:nkihli kostik coronopifolia kostik kostik ixo:chio kostik i:xo:chio (Kunth) Hemsl. i:xo:chiotsi:n Asteraceae Tridax Tridax Oapan matsa:nkihli Oapan ko:sama:lo:tl (also Amey matsa:nkihli coronopifolia accepted name (Kunth) Hemsl. matsa:nkihli)

Asteraceae Tridax Tridax Oapan matsa:nkihli Amey matsa:nkihli or Oapan matsa:nkihli Amey matsa:nkihli coronopifolia matsa:nkahli (Kunth) Hemsl. Asteraceae Tridax Tridax ternifolia Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Rose Asteraceae Trixis Trixis Atliaca xomilxo:chitl de Atliaca megalophylla tepe:tl Greenm. Asteraceae Verbesina Verbesina Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel tsi:katlako:tl Oapan seen but not abscondita Klatt recognized

Asteraceae Verbesina Verbesina crocata Oapan not named Amey kapitane:jah Oapan not named Amey not named (Cav.) DC.

Asteraceae Verbesina Verbesina crocata Atliaca xa:xalkihli Atliaca (Cav.) Less.

Asteraceae Verbesina Verbesina sp.

Oapan a:tl i:na:n (?) Amey a:tl i:na:n Oapan not named

Asteraceae Viguiera Viguiera cordata Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. (Hooker & Arnott) D´Arcy

Asteraceae Viguiera Viguiera dentata Oapan tsi:katlako:tl Amey tsi:katlako:tl Tetel tsi:katlako:tl Oapan tsi:katlako:tl / (Cav.) Spreng. tsi:atlako:tl

Asteraceae Viguiera Viguiera dentata Oapan tsi:katlako:tl Oapan not named (Cav.) Spreng. chi:chi:ltik

Asteraceae Viguiera Viguiera dentata Oapan tsi:katlako:tl ista:k Oapan tsi:katlako:tl para (Cav.) Spreng. ya: titlachina:nti:s

Asteraceae Viguiera Viguiera dentata Atliaca tsi:katlako:tl de Atliaca (Cav.) Spreng. tepe:tl

Asteraceae Viguiera Viguiera Tecui Tecui Tecui sphaerocephala (DC.) Hemsl. Asteraceae Zaluzania Zaluzania pringlei Oapan tlaxi:xtli Amey tlaxi:xtli Tetel tla:xi:xtli Oapan not recognized Greenm.

Asteraceae Zaluzania ? Oapan tlaxi:xtli Amey tlaxi:xtli Amey not named (has but does not Oapan heard this name recognize it) of this plant Asteraceae Zinnia Tlama san migeli:toh Tlama san migeli:toh Oapan san migeli:toh Tlanicpatla ka:ka:waltsi:n

Asteraceae Zinnia Zinnia peruviana Oapan kosama:lo:tl de Oapan san migeli:toh Oapan sásanmigé:ltsi:n Oapan sásanmigé:ltsi:n L. tepe:k Asteraceae Zinnia Zinnia sp. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Asteraceae Zinnia Zinnia violacea Oapan sasanmige:ltsi:n Amey ka:ka:waltsi:n Tetel sanmigeli:toh Oapan sásanmigé:ltsi:n Cav. Asteraceae Zinnia Zinnia violacea Oapan sásanmigé:ltsi:n nénepántsi:n Amey nenepantsi:n / Cav. de sísiwá:tl ka:ka:waltsi:n de nenepantsi:n Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Asteraceae? Verbesina ? Oapan a:tl i:na:n

Basellaceae Anredera Anredera Oapan postéhpatlí Amey postekpatli Tetel postekpahtle Oapan kostíhpatlí vesicaria (Lam.) Gaertn. Basellaceae ? Tlama we:i pahtli

Begoniaceae Begonia Begonia Tecui Tecui Tecui hintoniana Smith & Schubert

Begoniaceae Begonia Begonia Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n Amey xoxoko:ktsi:n Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n monophylla Pav. ex DC Betulaceae Ostrya Ostrya virginiana Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. (Mill.) K. Koch

Betulaceae Ostrya Ostrya virginiana Atliaca a:wakohkwao:lo:tl Atliaca (Mill.) K. Koch

Bignoniaceae Amphilophium Amphilophium Atliaca kwehkwexomatl Atliaca crucigerum (L.) (kwemekatl) L.G. Lohmann Bignoniaceae Astianthus Astianthus Oapan karrasa:l or Amey a:xo:chitl Tetel a:xo:chitl Oapan karasal viminalis (Kunth) karrasá:l Baill. Bignoniaceae Crescentia Crescentia alata Oapan kohtekomatl (de Amey kuwtekomatl Tetel kuwtekomatl Oapan kohtekomatl Kunth ayeka:xtli) Bignoniaceae Crescentia Crescentia alata Oapan kohtekomatl (de Amey kuwtekomatl Tetel kuwtekomatl Kunth ayeka:xtli) Bignoniaceae Mansoa Mansoa Oapan a:jos kohmekatl Amey n.n. Tetel a:jos komekatl Oapan not identifiable hymenaea (DC.) from photo A.H. Gentry Bignoniaceae Mansoa Mansoa San Juan xonakakwamekatl San Juan kwamekaxonakatl hymenaea (DC.) Totolcintla Totolcintla A.H. Gentry Bignoniaceae Tabebuia Tabebuia rosea San Juan tlania:wahli San Juan tlania:wahli (Bertol.) DC. Totolcintla Totolcintla Bignoniaceae Tecoma Tecoma stans (L.) Atliaca nextamalxo:chitl Atliaca Juss. ex HBK.

Bignoniaceae Tecoma Tecoma stans (L.) Oapan nextamalxo:chitl Amey nextamalxo:chitl Tetel nextamalxo:chitl Tecui nextamalxo:chitl Juss. ex Kunth var. stans Bignoniaceae Tecoma Tecoma stans (L.) Oapan nextamalxo:chitl Amey tlatlastopo:ntsi:n Oapan nextamalxo:chitl Oapan Juss. ex Kunth xo:chitl var. stans Bixaceae Amoreuxia Amoreuxia Oapan tótopóntsi:n Amey totopo Oapan tótopóntsi:n palmatifida Moçiño & Sessé ex DC. Bombacaceae Ceiba Ceiba aesculifolia Tlama xo:pantlan Tlama xo:pantlan Oapan xo:pantlah Tlanicpatla po:cho:tl (H.B.K.) Britt. & po:cho:tl po:cho:tl po:cho:tl Baker

Bombacaceae Ceiba Ceiba parvifolia Oapan po:cho:tl Tecui po:cho:tl Amey po:cho:tl Rose Bombacaceae Ceiba Ceiba sp. Oapan po:cho:tl Amey po:cho:tl Tetel po:cho:tl Oapan po:cho:tl

Bombacaceae Pseudobombax Pseudobombax Oapan xí:lexó:chitl ista:k ellipticum (Kunth) Dugand Bombacaceae Pseudobombax Pseudobombax Tecui xi:lo:xo:chitl Oapan xí:lexo:chitl San Juan chi:loxo:chitl ellipticum (Kunth) Totolcintla Dugand Boraginaceae Bourreria Bourreria Oapan a:i:skitl Amey not named spathulata (Miers.) Hemsl. Boraginaceae Bourreria Bourreria Oapan a:i:skitl Amey monextlako:tl Amey monextlako:tl Amey monextlako:tl spathulata (Miers.) Hemsl. Boraginaceae Bourreria Bourreria Tlama tsahtsapotsi:n Tlama tsahtsapotsi:n Oapan a:iskitl n.n. spathulata (Miers.) Hemsl. Boraginaceae Bourreria Bourreria Oapan a:i:skitl de tli:ltik Amey n.n. Tetel tsahtsapotsi:n Oapan a:i:skitl tli:lihki spathulata (Miers.) Hemsl. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. curassavica Jacq.

Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. curassavica Jacq.

Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia Oapan iskixo:chitl Amey iskixo:chitl Tetel kuwi:skixo:chitl Oapan i:skixo:chitl elaeagnoides A. DC. Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia Oapan tlankwa:pets ista:k Amey tlakwa:mpets Tetel tlakwa:mpehtsi:n Oapan tlankwa:pets morelosana istá:k Standley or Cordia sonorae Rose Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia oaxacana Oapan a:i:skitl Amey not named Oapan not named (but Amey not named DC. insisted that this is not called a:i:skitl)

Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia sonorae Oapan tlankwa:pets Amey tlakwa:mpets de Tetel tlakwa:mpets Oapan tlankwa:pets Rose mora:doh tli:ltik prie:toh mora:doh Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia sonorae Oapan tlankwa:pets ista:k Oapan tlankwa:pets ista:k Amey tlakwa:mpets Rose istá:k Boraginaceae Cordia Cordia sp. Tecui tlankwa:petsi:n Tecui tlankwa:petsi:n Tecui tlankwa:petsi:n tli:ltik tli:ltik tli:ltik Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan té:xihtlí angiospermum Murray Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan yáya:paso:tl or Amey not named Oapan yéye:paso:tsí:ntli Oapan yéye:pasó:tl de fruticosum L. yéya:páso:tl xihtli Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan té:xihtlí de Amey kókolantí:toh indicum L. yéye:páso:tl Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan té:xihtlí (san de Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan té:xihtlí macrostachyum xihtli) (DC.) Hemsl. Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan ye:paso:tl Amey yeye:paso:tsi:n Tetel ye:paso:xiwtle Oapan yéya:páso:tl procumbens Mill. tekwitlanex

Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan not named Amey yeyepaso:tsi:n Oapan yéya:páso:tl (at Oapan yéye:paso:tl (de procumbens Mill. first couldn´t san xihtli) remember but later agreed with the name given by Silvestre Pantaleón)

Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Tlama xiwtli temonextik Tlama ye:paso:tl de Oapan ye:paso:tl n.n. procumbens Mill. mo:nteh kwitlanextik

Boraginaceae Heliotropium Heliotropium Oapan yéye:páso:tl de Amey yepaso:tl xiwtli Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized ternatum Vahl xihtli except as a sakatl

Boraginaceae Tournefortia Tournefortia Tecui Tecui Tecui umbellata Kunth Boraginaceae Tournefortia Tournefortia Oapan té:xihtlí Amey texixiwtli Tetel texixiwtle Oapan not recognized umbellata Kunth Boraginaceae Varronia Varronia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. oaxacana (DC.) Friesen Bromeliaceae Hechtia Hechtia cf. Oapan mexkaltompistli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan mexkaltompistli mooreana L.B. de wéweyák (ma:s we:weyak Sm. í:matlápal i:mexkahlo) Bromeliaceae Hechtia Hechtia mooreana Oapan mexkaltompistli Amey n.n. Tetel mixkatompistle Oapan mexkaltompistli L.B. Sm.

Bromeliaceae Hechtia Hechtia Tlama mexkaltompiltsi:n Tlama maxkaltompiltsi:n Oapan mexkaltompixtli stenopetala Klotzsch Bromeliaceae Tillandsia Tillandsia Atliaca xalachtli Atliaca Atliaca achyrostachys E. Morren ex Baker var. achyrostachys Bromeliaceae Tillandsia Tillandsia caput- Atliaca mihmisto:n Atliaca Atliaca mihmisto:n medusae E. Morren Bromeliaceae Tillandsia Tillandsia Oapan xi:lo:sahtli Oapan te:pan we:wetsi fasciculata Sw. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Bromeliaceae Tillandsia Tillandsia ionantha Planch. Atliaca xalachtli pi:pitik Atliaca

Bromeliaceae Tillandsia Tillandsia Oapan n.n. Amey n.n Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized recurvata (L.) L. Bromeliaceae Tillandsia Tillandsia weberi Oapan n.n. Amey memexkaltsi:n de Tetel mehmexkaltsi:n Oapan not recognized L. Hromadnik & P. ipan kuwtli i:pan kuwtle Schneider nopepechowa notla:liá

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera aptera Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Amey kuwxio:tl istá:k Tetel ista:k kuwxio:tl Ramírez kwékwé:xtik i:xihyo Burseraceae Bursera Bursera aptera Oapan kohxio:tl kostik Amey kuwxio:tl de kostik Tetel kohxio:tl kostik Oapan kohxio:tl Ramírez kipia i:kopahlo ki:sa i:kopahlo kisa i:mi:sa:xi:xyo

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera aptera Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Oapan kohxio:tl Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Ramírez Burseraceae Bursera Bursera aptera Tlama kowxio:tl ista:k Tlama kowxio:tl ista:k Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k kuwxio:tl istá:k Ramírez Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bipinnata Tecui Tecui Tecui (DC.) Engl.

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bipinnata Oapan kopalkohtli i:pan Amey sa:ntokupalkuwtli Tetel kopalkowtle de Oapan not recognized (Moçiño & Sessé ki:sa i:kopahlo de o kupalsa:ntoh kopalpo:tsahle ex DC.) Engl. sa:ntoh

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bolivarii Tecui Tecui Tecui Rzed. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bolivarii Oapan kuhxio:tl ista:k Amey kuwxio:tl istá:k Tetel kohxio:tl ista:k Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Rzedowski xkipiya i:kopahlo xkipia ikopahlo pestik

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bolivarii Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Amey kuwxio:tl istá:k Tetel ista:k kuwxio:tl Rzedowski kwékwé:xtik i:xihyo Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bolivarii Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Amey kuwxio:tl istá:k Amey kuwxio:tl istá:k Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Rzedowski

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera bolivarii Tlama kowxio:tl ista:k Tlama kowxio:tl ista:k Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k Rzedowski siwa:tl siwa:tl

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera cf. Oapan kopalkohtli de Amey kupalkuwtli Tetel kopalkohtle aloexylon komi:nos (Schiede ex Schlecht.) Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera cinerea Oapan n.n. Amey kuwxio:tl istá:k de Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Engl. texkahloh Burseraceae Bursera Bursera cinerea Oapan kohxio:tl Amey kakawana:n Oapan looks like Amey looks like kuwkihli Engl. a:te:nkohli but not but not the same the same Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kopalkohtli Oapan kopalkohtli Oapan kopalkohtli Amey kopalchi:noh de copallifera (Sessé tekwitlanextik tekwitlanextik tekwitlanex or kokomi:noh / Moc. ex DC.) (later referred to tekwitlanextik Engl. as kopalchi:noh from the photo)

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui kowxinyo:tl ista:k Tecui kowxinyo:tl ista:k Tecui kowxinyo:tl ista:k fagaroides (HBK.) Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui fagaroides (HBK.) Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui fagaroides (HBK.) Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tlama kowxio:tl ista:k Tlama kowxio:tl ista:k Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k fagaroides tla:katl tla:katl (Kunth) Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan a:te:nkohtli para Oapan a:te:nkohtli grandifolia reme:dioh (Schltdl.) Engl. (xoxo:hki i:kohyo)

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kuwxio:tl ipan Amey not named Oapan not named grandifolia texkahloh (Schltdl.) Engl. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui palmula:toh Tecui palmula:toh Tecui palmula:toh grandifolia (Schltdl.) Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera lancifolia Tecui Tecui Tecui (Schltdl.) Engl.

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera lancifolia Oapan a:te:nkohtli Amey n.n. Tetel pitsa:wak Oapan seen but name Schlecht /a:te:nkohtli yon a:te:nkuwtle not known pitsa:wak Burseraceae Bursera Bursera linanoe Oapan kopalkohtli Amey kopalkuwtli (Llave) Rzed. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera linanoe Tecui Tecui Tecui Rzed. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera linanoe Calderón y Tlama kopalkowtli Tlama kopalkowtli Oapan kopalkohtli Amey Rzed. Medina Burseraceae Bursera Bursera longipes Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. (Rose) Standl.

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera longipes Oapan kakawan:an Amey kakawan:an Tetel kakawan:an Oapan kakawana:n (Rose) Standl.

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera longipes Oapan kakawana:n para Oapan kakawana:n Oapan kakawana:n Oapan kakawana:n (Rose) Standl. kwexomatl

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera longipes Oapan kakawana:n Amey kuwxio:tl para Amey not named Oapan kakawana:n (Rose) Standl. kwexomatl

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera longipes Tecui Tecui Tecui (Rose) Standl.

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera mirandae Tlama kopalchi:noh Tlama kopalchi:noh Oapan kopalkohtli C. A. Toledo

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui morelensis Ramirez Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan tsi:kápakóhtli / Amey kuwxio:tl Tetel tsi:kapalkuwtle Oapan tsi:kápakóhtli / morelensis tsi:yá:pakóhtli chi:chi:ltik tsiyá:pakóhtli Ramírez Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan tsi:yá:pakóhtli Amey kuwxio:tl Oapan tsi:yá:pakóhtli / morelensis chi:chi:ltik (xkipia tsi:kápakóhtli Ramírez iyo:l) Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui temihmi:xka:tsi:n Tecui temihmi:xka:tsi:n Tecui temihmi:xka:tsi:n rzedowskii C.A. Toledo Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan n.n. Amey te:tlatia Tetel te:tlatia de Oapan not recognized sarcopoda P.G. tlahtla:katl Wilson Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan n.n. Amey te:tlatia de Tetel te:tlatia de sarcopoda P.G. tlatla:katl tlahtla:katl Wilson Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan temaní:xká:tsi:n Amey teminixka:tsi:n Tetel temenexi:ka:tsi:n Oapan temaní:xká:tsi:n schlechtendalii Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tlama temina:xi:xka:tsi:n Tlama not present Oapan teminí:xká:tsi:n schlechtendalii siwa:tl Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tlama temina:xi:xka:tsi:n Tlama teminixi:xka:tsi:n Oapan temaní:xká:tsi:n schlechtendalii Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui schlechtendalii Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera sp. Analco tsi:yá:pakóhtli San Agustín not named San Agustín tsi:kápakóhtli tli:lihki Oapan Oapan mora:doh Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kopalkohtli Amey kopalkuwtli Tetel kopalkowtle Oapan kopalchi:noh submoniliformis tekwitlanextik tekwitlanextik tekwitlanextik Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kopalkohtli Amey kopalkuwtli Tetel kopalkohtle submoniliformis tekwitlanextik tekwitlanextik Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kopalkohtli Amey kopalkuwtli Oapan kopalchi:noh (later Oapan kopalchi:noh or submoniliformis tekwitlanextik temonextik said that it is also kopalkohchi:noh; Engl. called kopal para he later said that asei:teh) others called this kopalkohtli tekwitlanextik) Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tlama kopalchiaktli Tlama kopalchiaktli Oapan kopalkohtli kopalchi:noh submoniliformis Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui submoniliformis Engl. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera vejar- Oapan xo:chikopahli Amey xo:chikopahli Tetel xo:chikopahle Oapan xo:chikopahli vazquezii Miranda (name agreed upon after mentioned) Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kopalchi:noh Amey kopalchi:noh Tetel kopalchi:noh Oapan kopalchiahtli xochipalensis Rzed. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kopalkomi:nos Oapan kopalkomi:nos Oapan kopalchiahtli Oapan kopalchia:wak or xochipalensis kopalchiahtli Rzed. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Oapan kohxio:tl ista:k (?) Amey kuwxio:tl Oapan kopalkohtli / Amey kopalkuwtli xochipalensis chi:chi:ltik kopalchia:htli pitsa:wak ixiwyo Rzed. bwe:noh para tlikuwtli Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tlama kopalkowtli perhaps Tlama kopalkowtli de Oapan kopalkohtli xochipalensis (though not influenced by komi:nos Rzed. immediately other consultants) identified Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui xochipalensis Rzed. Burseraceae Bursera Bursera Tecui Tecui Tecui xochipalensis Rzed. Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Coryphantha Coryphantha Oapan i:tsontekon Amey i:tsontekon Tetel i:tsontekon Oapan tio:ko:ni elephantidens lámatsí:n o lamatsi:n lamahtsi:n (Lem.) Lem. tioko:ni Cactaceae Escontria Escontria chiotilla Oapan tó:moíswatl Amey to:moiswatl Tetel xo:pantsi:n Oapan tó:moíswatl (F. A. C. Weber) Rose

Cactaceae Mammillaria Mammillaria Oapan tó:mokohtsí:ntli Amey istimisto:n Tetel to:mohkuwtsi:ntle Oapan seen often but albilanata Backeb. tekwitlanextsi:n de sisigarri:toh name not known. wa:n kwe:xtik i:witsio Cactaceae Mammillaria Mammillaria Oapan tó:motlí kwahli Amey isti misto:n Tetel to:mohkohtsi:ntle Oapan not recognized beneckei (Kuntze) kási kómichin de sisigarri:toh Ehrenb.

Cactaceae Mammillaria Mammillaria Tlama tohto:mohtsi:n Tlama tohto:mohtsi:n Oapan i:kwitlapil misto:n spinosissima Lem. Cactaceae Myrtillocactus Myrtillocactus Oapan tó:moa:stí:lin Oapan tó:moa:stí:lin Oapan tó:moa:stí:lin Oapan tó:moa:stí:lin geometrizans (Mart. ex Pfeiff) Console Cactaceae Nopalea Nopalea auberi Oapan nó:chmatlapáhli Amey to:motlaxkahli de Tetel no:chmahtlapahle Oapan nó:chmatlapáhli (Pfeiff.) Salm.- de wéwé:i uwe:i de un wehwe:i Dyck. kuwtle Cactaceae Opuntia Opuntia bensonii Oapan nó:chmatlapáhli Amey to:motlaxkaltsi:ntli Tetel no:chahwatl Oapan nó:chmatlapáhli Sánchez- (de toto:motsi:n Mejorada de xwelik) / to:motlaxkaltsi:ntli de xwe:lik

Cactaceae Opuntia Opuntia Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized pubescens Wendland Cactaceae Opuntia Opuntia sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Cactaceae Opuntia Opuntia sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Opuntia Opuntia sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cactaceae Pachycereus Pachycereus Oapan tó:mowéwé:i Amey ó:rganoh de uwe:i Tetel ó:rganoh de un Oapan tó:mowéwé:i grandis Rose i:to:moyo wehwe:i Cactaceae Pachycereus Pachycereus Oapan tó:mokóhtli ya; Amey n.n. Tetel to:mokohtle para Oapan no:chkorra:l marginatus (DC.) nokorralti:lo ko:rral (recognized after Britton & Rose name was given)

Cactaceae Pachycereus Pachycereus Oapan tó:motlí de Amey ó:rganoh para Tetel ó:rganoh de Oapan tó:mokohtli de militaris (Audot) tlapextli tlapextli tlapextli tekonó:xtli D. R. Hunt

Cactaceae Peniocereus Peniocereus Oapan no:xtsi:ntli de Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan recognized as a zopilotensis kowatl tó:motsí:ntli (Meyrán) Buxb. Cactaceae Pereskiopsis Pereskiopsis Oapan tó:mokohtsí:ntli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan téchi:piréntsi:n diguetii (Ehrenb.) kipiya Buxb. í:matlapáltsi:n (o i:tlaxkaltsitsi:wa:n)

Cactaceae Pereskiopsis Pereskiopsis Oapan tó:mokuhtsí:ntli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. diguetii (Ehrenb.) kipiya Buxb. í:matlapáltsi:n (o i:tlaxkaltsitsi:wa:n)

Cactaceae Pereskiopsis Pereskiopsis sp. Tecui koma:lpahtli Tecui koma:lpahtli Tecui koma:lpahtli

Cactaceae Pilosocereus Pilosocereus Oapan tó:motlí Amey to:moichkatl Tetel n.n. Oapan tó:mokwa:ichkatét guerreronis kwa:ichkatetsi:n si:n (Backeb.) Byles & G. D. Rowley Cactaceae Stenocereus Stenocereus Oapan a:ketspaltó:mokoh Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan tó:mohtli de beneckei tsí:ntli a:ketspálin (Ehrenb.) Buxb. Cactaceae Stenocereus Stenocereus Oapan tó:moxóko:k Amey n.n. Tetel istá:k to:mohtle quevedonis (González- Ortega) Buxb. Cactaceae Stenocereus Stenocereus Tlama ma:xto:mohtli Tlama ma:xto:mohtli Oapan to:moxoko:k stellatus (Pfeiff.) Riccob.

Calochortaceae Calochortus Calochortus Tecui Tecui Tecui barbatus (HBK.) Painter Campanulaceae Lobelia Lobelia cordifolia Atliaca xohtsi:n tsi:tsikiltik Atliaca Hook. & Arn.

Campanulaceae Lobelia Lobelia laxiflora Atliaca pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Atliaca Atliaca Kunth var. laxiflora Capparaceae Capparis Capparis Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli Amey tekochkwitlapi:hli Tetel n.n. Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli angustifolia Kunth

Capparaceae Capparis Capparis Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli Amey tekochkwitlapi:hli Tetel n.n. angustifolia Kunth

Capparaceae Capparis Capparis Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli Oapan tekochkwitlapi:hli angustifolia Kunth

Capparaceae Capparis Capparis incana Oapan kohxó:kwiyá:htsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel kuwxokihya:k Kunth Capparaceae Capparis Capparis incana Oapan not named Amey tekochkwitlapi:hli Kunth Capparaceae Capparis Capparis incana Tecui kohxo:kiya:htsi:n Oapan kohxó:kwiyá:k Amey not named Oapan kohxó:kwiyá:k Kunth Capparaceae Capparis Capparis incana Oapan kohxó:kwiyá:k Oapan kohxó:kwiyá:k Kunth Capparaceae Cleome Cleome gynandra Oapan i:te:ntson chi:boh Amey ite:ntson chi:boh Oapan i:te:ntson chi:boh L. Capparaceae Cleome Cleome tenuis Oapan tlátlachpa:wá:stsi: Amey tlatlachpa:nwa:stsi Tetel n.n. Oapan tlátlachpa:wá:stsi: Watson subsp. n kostik i:xo:chio :n de tlatla:katl de n kostik i:xo:chio humilis (Rose) Iltis (de tla:katl) kostik ixo:chio. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Capparaceae Cleome Cleome tenuis Oapan tlátlachpa:wá:stsi: Amey not named Watson subsp. n humilis (Rose) Iltis

Capparaceae Crateva Crateva palmeri Oapan koha:yakaxtsi:n Rose Caricaceae Jacaratia Jacaratia Oapan kowáyotlí Amey bone:teh Tetel bone:teh Oapan not recognized mexicana A. DC. but name agreed upon when given

Celastraceae Elaeodendron Elaeodendron sp. Oapan n.n. Amey mihka:kuwtli Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized

Celastraceae Elaeodendron Elaeodendron sp. Oapan not named Amey mihka:kuwtli Amey not named Amey not named

Celastraceae Wimmeria Wimmeria Oapan tepe:xa:xokokówa Oapan tepe:xa:xokokówa pubescens Radlk. tlí tlí

Celastraceae Wimmeria Wimmeria Tecui tepe:xa:xokotl Tecui tepe:xa:xokotl Tecui tepe:xa:xokotl pubescens Radlk.

Combretaceae Combretum Combretum Oapan to:to:xo:chikomek Amey to:to:xo:chikomek Tetel komekatl de Oapan not recognized fruticosum (Loefl.) atl atl (o pehpei:neh Stuntz tsatsakawa:stsi:n for its flowers)

Combretaceae Combretum Combretum sp. Oapan to:to:xo:chikomek Amey to:to:xo:chikomek or Oapan tsátsakawa:stsi:n atl (or pépeinítah atl (also tsatsakawa:stsi:n) or or pepeini:tah to:to:xo:chikomek tsátsakawa:stsi:n) atl

Commelinaceae Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Commelinaceae Commelina Commelina erecta Oapan tlátlama:tsowáltsi: Oapan not named Oapan tlátlama:tsowáltsi: Amey ito:ch chichi L. n n Commelinaceae Commelina Commelina erecta Tlama i:tona:n chichi Tlama n.n. Oapan tlátlama:tsowáltsi: L. n Commelinaceae Thyrsanthemum Thyrsanthemum Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. macrophyllum (Greenman) Rohweder Commelinaceae Thysanthemum Thysanthemum Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. sp. Commelinaceae Thysanthemum Thysanthemum Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. sp. Commelinaceae Thysanthemum Thysanthemum Tlama i:mi:l jodio:sto:to:tl Tlama i:mi:l jodio:sto:to:tl Oapan i:mi:l masa:tl goldianum goldianum D.R. Hunt Commelinaceae Tripogandra Tirpogandra Tlama xo:xoko:ktsi:n Tlama xo:xonakatsi:n Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. angustifolia (Robinson) Woodson Commelinaceae Tripogandra Tripogandra saxicola (Greenman) Woodson Commelinaceae Tripoganrda Tripogandra Oapan n.n. Amey seseliktsi:n Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized angustifolia (Robinson) Woodson Commelinaceae Tripoganrda Tripogandra Oapan not named Amey not named (see Oapan not named (see angustifolia below) below) (Robinson) Woodson Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Impomoea sp. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Atliaca te:ko:ntlapa:ni or Atliaca te:ko:ntlapa:ni kwemekatl

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Oapan tenexkohsa:watl Amey tenexkuwsa:watl Tetel tenexkuhsa:watl Oapan not recognized arborescens (later recognized) (Humb. & Bonpl.) ex Willd.) G. Don

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Tecui kohsa:watl kostik Oapan kosa:watl or San Juan kohsa:watl kostik arborescens kosa:watl kostik Totolcintla (Humb. & Bonpl.) ex Willd.) G. Don Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Amey i:ma leó:n barbatisepala A. Gray Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea batatas Oapan kámomorá:doh Amey kamotli de Tetel kamohtle Oapan kámomorádoh (L.) Lam. mora:doh mora:doh

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea batatas Oapan kámotlí kostik Amey kamotli de kostik Tetel kostik kamohtle Oapan kámokóstik / (L.) Lam. kámoxé:poh

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Atliaca na:na:miktsi:n (de Atliaca n.n. Atliaca kwemekatl / bracteata Cav. kwemekatl) xo:chitl de na:na:miktsi:n Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan tlátlapi:tsáltsi:n hederifolia L. Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Oapan n.n. Amey tlatlapi:tsaltsi:n o Tetel n.n. hederifolia L. yeyekatsoltsi:n

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea nil (L.) Oapan te:ko:ntlapa:na Amey tekontlapa:na Tetel te:ko:ntlapa:na Oapan not recognized Roth mora:doh (pi:pitik mora:doh mora:doh i:xo:chio)

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea nil (L.) Tecui Tecui Tecui Roth Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Oapan kohsa:watl ista:k Amey kuwsa:watl Tetel kuwsa:watl Oapan kosa:watl pauciflora Mart. & pé:pestík Gal. subsp. pauciflora

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Tlama Tlama Oapan Tlanicpatla i:xo:chio kowatl purpurea (L.) Roth

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea ternifolia Oapan xino:lah Amey ikxi to:to:tsi:n Tetel i:kxi to:to:tsi:n Oapan xinó:lah Cav. var. kohmekatl kohmekátsi:n leptotoma (Torr.) sísiwá:tl (i:pan nemi J. A. MacDonald mi:te:ka)

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea ternifolia Tlama i:kxi to:to:tsi:n Tlama i:kxi to:to:tsi:n Oapan xíxinó:lah ikxi to:to:tsi:n Cav. var. kóhkomekátsi:n leptotoma (Torr.) J. A. MacDonald

Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea ternifolia Oapan xíxinó:lah Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan xino:lah Cav. var. ternifolia kohmekatsi:n de kohmekatsi:n tla:katl Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea tricolor Oapan te:ko:ntlapa:na wéwé:i i:xo:chio Amey tekontlapa:na Tetel n.n. Oapan Cav. a:sul uwe:i a:sul Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Turbina Atliaca kwemekatl i:ka Atliaca corymbosa (L.) i:xo:chio Raf. Convolvulaceae Ipomoea Ipomoea Atliaca kohsa:watl Atliaca arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl.) G. Don Convolvulaceae Jacquemontia Jacquemontia Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. oaxacana (Meisner) Convolvulaceae Merremia Merremia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla i:xo:chiw kowatl macdonaldii Valencia et Martínez Convolvulaceae Merremia Merremia Tecui Tecui Tecui platyphylla (Fernald) O'Donell

Convolvulaceae Operculina Operculina Oapan not named Amey not named Amey kokomekatl de Amey not named pinnatifida (Kunth) i:xtew kuwatl O'Donell

Crassulaceae Kalanchoe Kalanchoe Oapan tsatsatsi:n blossfeldiana Poelln. Crassulaceae Thompsonella Thompsonella cf. Peralta & Pérez- Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. xochipalensis Calix Gual

Cucurbitaceae Tecui not named Oapan kákaltsí:n Amey not named Oapan not named (not recognized from fruit) Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Cucurbitaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cucurbitaceae Echinopepon Echinopepon Atliaca testsilin de tepe:tl Atliaca paniculatus (Cogn.) Dieterle

Cucurbitaceae Schizocarpum Schizocarpum Oapan kákaltsí:ntli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Amey not named reflexum Rose (kohmekatl de) Cucurbitaceae Schizocarpum Schizocarpum Oapan kákaltsí:ntli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized reflexum Rose (komekatl de) Cucurbitaceae Schizocarpum Schizocarpum sp. Tlama panali:toh Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. n.n.

Cucurbitaceae Luffa Luffa cylindrica Oapan estropa:joh Amey n.n. Tetel estropa:joh Oapan not recognized (L.) M. J. Roem. Cuscutaceae Cuscuta Cuscuta glabrior Oapan sakapahli Amey not named (Englm.)Yuncker.

Cuscutaceae Cuscuta Cuscuta sp. Oapan sakapahli Amey kokomekatl Tetel n.n. Oapan sakapahli

Cuscutaceae Cuscuta Cuscuta sp. Oapan sakapahli Amey kokomekatl Tetel n.n.

Cuscutaceae Cuscuta Cuscuta sp. Oapan sakapahli Amey kokomekatl Tetel n.n.

Cuscutaceae Cuscuta Cuscuta sp. Oapan sakapahli i:pan Amey sakapahli Amey sakapahli de xiwtli Amey sakapahli kohtli Cyperaceae Bulbostylis Bulbostylis sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus Oapan not named Amey sakaa:jos hermaphroditus (Jacq.) Standley

Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus Oapan xóxonakátsi:n (de hermaphroditus yon wekapania) (Jacq.) Standley

Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus humilis Oapan xóxonakátsi:n Kunth Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus humilis Atliaca Atliaca Atliaca Kunth Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus mutisii Tecui Tecui Tecui (Kunth) Griseb. Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus odoratus Oapan xóxonakátsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel sakaa:jos Oapan xóxonakátsi:n L. wékapán Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus rotundus Oapan xóxonakátsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel sakaa:jos Oapan xóxonakátsi:n L. Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus rotundus Oapan xóxonakátsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel sakaa:jos L. Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperus rotundus Tecui Tecui Tecui L. Cyperaceae Eleocharis Eleocharis Oapan a:xonakatsi:n / Oapan a:ketspalin geniculata (L.) a:xonakatl i:xonak pi:pitik Roemer & Schultes Cyperaceae Eleocharis Eleocharis Atliaca Atliaca Atliaca geniculata (L.) Roemer & Schultes Cyperaceae Fuirena Fuirena Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. camptotricha C. Wright Cyperaceae Fuirena Fuirena simplex Atliaca sakatl Atliaca Vahl Cyperaceae Rhynchospora Rhynchospora Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla sakatl nervosa subsp. nervosa Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea Dioscorea Tlama n.n. Tlama i:kow chichi Oapan n.n.

Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea Dioscorea Oapan chichi:k kámotlí Oapan chichi:k kámotlí Oapan chichi:k kámotlí Amey chichi:kamotli remotiflora var. remotiflora Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea Dioscorea sp. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea Dioscorea sp. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea Dioscorea sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Elaeocarpaceae Muntingia Muntingia Oapan koo:lo:tl tsope:lik Amey not named calabura L. Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylon Erythroxylon Oapan tepe:xa:xokokówa Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized pringlei Rose tlí Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum Erythroxylum Tecui Tecui Tecui rotundifolium Lunan. Euphorbiaceae Oapan chi:chiwa:tsi:n Amey chi:chiwatsi:n Tetel chi:chiwaktsi:n Oapan seen but name not known Euphorbiaceae Tecui chi:chiwa:tsi:n Tecui chi:chiwa:tsi:n Tecui chi:chiwa:tsi:n

Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha Oapan chíchi:lkóhtli de Oapan not named lovelandii kohxihtli / de (McVaugh) tepe:k McVaugh Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen and mexicana Müll. recognized Arg. Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan nas heard name but plant not Amey ocymoides Kunth. recognized

Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha poiretii Oapan óo:ló:tsi:n Amey not named Spreng. Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha Oapan n.n. Amey teoo:lo:tsi:n Tetel n.n. Oapan seen and pseudalopecuroid recognized es Pax & K. Hoffm. Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha sp. Oapan unidentified nettle- Amey unidentified nettle- Tetel unidentified nettle- Oapan recognized like (alchemilla) like (alchemilla) like (alchemilla)

Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha sp. Oapan unidentified nettle- Amey unidentified nettle- Tetel unidentified nettle- like (alchemilla) like (alchemilla) like (alchemilla)

Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Euphorbiaceae Acalypha Acalypha sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaescyce Oapan me:me:iya (ke:tla xihyó:patlá:wak xma:s Amey not named hirta L. (Millsp.) siwa:tl wekapania). Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaescyce Oapan me:me:ya de Oapan me:me:ya yon hypericifolia tepe:k (yon wekapania de wakapania) siwa:tl Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaesyce Oapan me:me:ya íkatók Amey me:me:ya Tetel me:me:yah Oapan me:me:ya crepuscula L. C. wekapania xnoso:sowa Wheeler Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaesyce Oapan me:me:ya Amey me:me:ya Tetel me:me:yah lasiocarpa wikapa:nia wekapa:nia (Klozsch) Arthur

Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaesyce sp. Oapan me:me:ya Amey me:me:ya (xiwtli Tetel me:me:yah Oapan me:me:ya chi:chi:ltik de) Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaesyce sp. Oapan me:me:ya Amey me:me:ya (xiwtli Tetel me:me:yah Oapan me:me:ya chi:chi:ltik de) noso:sowa Euphorbiaceae Chamaescyce Chamaesyce sp. Oapan me:me:ya Amey me:me:ya Tetel me:me:yah de Oapan me:me:ya ma:s wákapánia wekapania de sisiwa:tl tetema:stik momonextik i:xo:chio (sísiwa:tl)

Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Chamaesyce Tlama me:me:ya Tlama me:me:ya Oapan me:me:ya cumbrae (Boiss.) Millsp. Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Chamaesyce Tlama me:me:ya Tlama me:me:ya Oapan me:me:ya Tlanicpatla me:meyahli densiflora (Klotzch & Garcke) Millsp. Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Chamaesyce Tecui Tecui Tecui densiflora (Klotzsch & Garcke) Garcke Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Chamaesyce Tecui me:me:ya Tecui me:me:ya Tecui me:me:ya serrula (Engelm.) Wooton & Standl.

Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Chamaesyce Tecui me:me:ya Tecui me:me:ya Tecui me:me:ya serrula Engelm. Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Chamaesyce Tlama me:me:ya Tlama me:me:ya Oapan me:me:ya Tlanicpatla me:me:yahli villifera (Scheele) Small Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus Oapan tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Amey tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Tetel tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n angustidens Torr. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus Oapan tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Amey tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Tetel tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Oapan tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n angustidens Torr. ssp. dentatus Breckon

Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus Oapan tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Amey tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n Tetel tla:lpa:ya:tsi:n angustidens Torrey subsp. dentatus Breckon

Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus Oapan a:chi:chika:stli Amey kuwtsi:ntli ke:n Tetel n.n. Oapan te:kwa:nxihtli multilobus (Pax) toto:nka:wihli I.M. Johnston ixiwyo a:wayoh subsp. cylindratus Breckon

Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus Oapan a:chi:chika:stli Amey kuwtsi:ntli ke:n Tetel n.n. Oapan a:tsi:tsikastli multilobus (Pax) toto:nka:wihli I.M. Johnston i:xiwyo a:wayoh subsp. cylindratus Breckon

Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus Oapan chi:chika:stli Oapan te:kwa:ne xihtli Oapan te:kwa:nxihtli (he Oapan te:kwa:ni xihtli multilobus (Pax) noted that others I.M. Johnston call it subsp. cylindratus te:kwa:nkohtli) Breckon

Euphorbiaceae Croton Croton aff. fragilis Oapan to:nalo:kotl Oapan to:nalo:kotl Oapan not named Oapan to:nalo:kotl

Euphorbiaceae Croton Croton aff. fragilis Oapan not named Amey tlachpa:nwa:stli Oapan not named (but de kia:wak said to be similar to what Silvestre Pantaleón called to:nalo:kotl (check #435)

Euphorbiaceae Croton Croton flavescens Oapan n.n. Amey yeskuwtli Tetel yeskuwtle Amey yeskuwtli Greenm.

Euphorbiaceae Croton Croton fragilis Oapan to:nalo:kotl Amey tlako:tl para Tetel n.n. Kunth tlachpa:nwa:stli Euphorbiaceae Dalembertia Dalembertia Oapan tla:ltepiso:lin Amey tla:lto:ntsi:n Tetel tla:ltekso:lin Amey tla:lto:ntsi:n populifolia Baill.

Euphorbiaceae Dalembertia Dalembertia Oapan tla:ltepiso:lin Oapan tla:ltepiso:lin Oapan tla:ltepiso:lin Amey tla:lto:ntsi:n populifolia Baill.

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Tlama pega huesos Tlama pega huesos Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla kowxi:nyo:tl calyculata Kunth Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan a:kó:kotlí ista:k Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan a:kó:kohtli ista:k cyathophora Murray Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan a:kó:kotlí ista:k Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. cyathophora Murray Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan a:kó:kotlí Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan a:kókotlí cyathophora chi:chi:ltik chi:chi:ltik Murray Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan a:kó:kotlí ista:k Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan a:kó:kotli ísta:k cyathophora Murray Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Tecui Tecui Tecui delicatula Boiss.

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan kopalkihli de Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan kopalkihli de graminea Jacq. tepe:k xwe:lik Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. graminea Jacq. Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. luciismithii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan n.n. Amey kokoloxtsi:n Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized sonorae Rose Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Oapan kopalkihli ítlatlá:k Oapan ítlatlá:k kopalkihli Oapan kopalkihli ítlatlá:k Oapan kopalkihli ítlatlá:k sonorae Rose Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Tecui i:tlahtla kopalkihli Tecui i:tlahtla kopalkihli Tecui i:tlahtla kopalkihli sonorae Rose Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia Euphorbia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. subpeltata S. Watson Euphorbiaceae Jatropha Jatropha Oapan kamatoto:nka:wí:l Oapan kamatoto:nka:wí:l Oapan kamatoto:nka:wí:l Amey te:ntoto:nka:wi:hli andrieuxii patlí patlí patlí Euphorbiaceae Jatropha Jatropha elbae J. Oapan kohyestli Amey n.n. Tetel kuhyestle Oapan kohyestli Jiménez Ram. (recognized after name was given)

Euphorbiaceae Jatropha Jatropha elbae J. Oapan kohyestli Oapan kohyestli Jiménez Ram. Euphorbiaceae Jatropha Jatropha elbae J. Tlama kowyestli Tlama kowyestli Oapan kohyestli Jiménez Ram. Euphorbiaceae Jatropha Jatropha websteri Oapan kamatoto:nka:wí:l Amey te:ntoto:nka:wi:hli Tetel te:ntoto:nka:wi:hle Oapan kamatoto:nka:wí:l J. Jiménez Ram. patlí patlí

Euphorbiaceae Manihot Manihot aff. Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. n.n. rhomboidea Müll. Arg. Euphorbiaceae Manihot Manihot aff. Tlama pohpo:cho:tl Tlama pohpo:cho:tl Oapan n.n. rhomboidea Müll. Arg. Euphorbiaceae Manihot Manihot Oapan mámansani:tah Oapan not named rhomboidea Müll. de xihtli Arg. Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus Phyllanthus sp. Oapan yetlako:tsi:ntli Oapan tepotskohtli Oapan not known later recognized tekwitlanextik from its bark. He i:kohyotsi:n. later said that it indeed did look like a tepotskohtli

Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus Phyllanthus sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Euphorbiaceae Ricinus Ricinus communis Oapan xé:poxíhtli Amey se:poxiwtli Tetel se:bohxiwtle Oapan xé:poxíhtli de L. (mátlapaltsi:tsikílti siwa:tl k) Euphorbiaceae Sebastiania Sebastiania aff. Oapan sé:piyá:ka:tl Amey kuwtlatlatsi:n Amey not named (but Oapan not named hintonii Lundell pitsa:wak pitsa:wak remembered that Hoyo de la Rosa had identified it)

Euphorbiaceae Sebastiania Sebastiania Tecui pahkowtli Tecui pahkowtli Tecui pahkowtli pavoniana (Müll. Arg) Müll. Arg

Euphorbiaceae Sebastiania Sebastiania sp. Oapan margari:tah Amey pipitsaktsi:n Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized

Euphorbiaceae Sebastiania Sebastiania lottiae Oapan kohtlí patlí Oapan kohtlí patlí Oapan kohtlí patlí Oapan kohtlí patlí McVaugh

Fagaceae Quercus Quercus acutifolia Atliaca teposkohtli Atliaca Née. Fagaceae Quercus Quercus Tecui a:wakohtli Oapan a:wakohtli San Juan a:wakohtli glaucoides M. Totolcintla Martens & Galeotti Fagaceae Quercus Quercus Tlama a:wakowtli Tlama a:wakowtli Oapan a:wakohtli Tlanicpatla a:owkowtli glaucoides M. Martens & Galeotti Fagaceae Qurecus Quercus Tecui teposa:watl Oapan not named San Juan magnoliifolia Nee Totolcintla

Flacourtiaceae Casearia Casearia aff. Oapan tsátsapótsi:n Amey tsatsapotsi:n Tetel tsahtsapotsi:n de Amey tsatsapotsi:n tremula (Griseb.) xwelik Sauvalle & Wright Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Flacourtiaceae Casearia Casearia aff. Oapan tsátsapótsi:n Oapan tsátsapótsi:n Amey tsatsapotsi:n tremula (Griseb.) Sauvalle & Wright

Flacourtiaceae Neopringlea Neopringlea Tecui chapolikxitl Tecui chapolikxitl Tecui chapolikxitl viscosa (Liebm.) Rose Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria Fouquieria sp. Oapan kohxio:tl ámó:hli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan koxéamó:hli (or kohxió:amó:hli or kohxéamó:hli)

Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria Fouquieria sp. Oapan kohxéamó:hli Amey si:marro:n Oapan Oapan

Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria Fouquieria sp. Oapan kohxíamó:hli (or Tecui tlahtlapi:tsaltsi:n San Francisco xo:chitlahtlapi:tsalt Amey si:marro:n (or kohxióamó:hli) Ozomatlán si:n si:marro:n xo:chitl fungus Oapan kakastii:toh Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Hernandiaceae Gyrocarpus Gyrocarpus Oapan pápatlá:ntsi:n Amey kwitlakuwtli Tetel kwitlakuhtle Oapan pápatlá:ntsi:n jatrophifolius Domin. Hernandiaceae Gyrocarpus Gyrocarpus Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. jatrophifolius Domin. Hernandiaceae Gyrocarpus Gyrocarpus sp. Oapan not named Oapan a:yo:tehtli Oapan a:yo:tehtli Oapan not named

Hippocrateaceae Hippocratea Hippocratea Oapan n.n. Amey popoi:toh Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized celastroides Kunth Hongo? Oapan tátamborí:tah Oapan tátamborí:tah

Hydrophyllaceae Wigandia Wigandia urens Oapan tlantepos Amey te:kwa:nxiwtli (de Tetel n.n. Oapan tlantepos (Ruiz & Pavón) uwe:i) Kunth Iridaceae Sessilanthera Sessilanthera Oapan sóso:yá:tsi:n Oapan sóso:yá:tsi:n Oapan sóso:yá:tsi:n Amey not named latifolia (Weatherby) Molseed & Cruden Julianaceae Amphipterygium Amphipterygium Oapan chalalakohtli Amey chalalatli Tetel chalalahtle Amey chalalatli adstringens (Schltdl.) Standl.

Krameriaceae Krameria Krameria secundiflora Moçiño & Sessé ex A. P. de Candolle Oapan tsi:ya:tsontekomat Amey not named Oapan tsi:katsontekomatl l / mora:doh tsi:katsontekomatl mora:doh Lamiaceae Oapan not named Amey chichi:k tlako:tl Amey chichi:k tlako:tl Amey chichi:k tlako:tl

Lamiaceae Tlama n.n. Tlama ye:paso:xiwtli Oapan n.n.

Lamiaceae Asterohyptis Asterohyptis Oapan ye:rbah de Amey ye:rbah de Tetel ye:rbah de Oapan not recognized stellulata (Benth.) bese:rroh bese:rroh go:lpeh Epling Lamiaceae Hyptis Hyptis Atliaca xohtli i:teyo Atliaca xohtli rhomboidea M. tehtepayo:ltik tehtepayo:ltik Martínez & Gal. i:teyo Lamiaceae Hyptis Hyptis suaveolens Atliaca totopontsi:n Atliaca (L.) Poit.

Lamiaceae Marrubium Marrubium Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla marru:bioh vulgare L. Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia breviflora Oapan not named Amey chichi:k tlako:tl Oapan not named Amey not named Moc. et Sesée ex Benth.

Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia breviflora Oapan n.n. Amey chichi:k tlako:tl Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Moçiño & Sessé

Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia Oapan pipi:na:wisxihtli Amey pipi:na:wisxiwtli de Tetel n.n. Oapan not clearly glechomifolia a:soli:toh i:xo:chio aa:suli:toh recognized Kunth ixo:chio Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia Oapan pipi:na:wisxihtli Amey pipi:na:wisxiwtli de Tetel n.n. glechomifolia a:soli:toh i:xo:chio aa:suli:toh Kunth ixo:chio Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia Tecui Tecui Tecui polystachya Ort.

Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia sessei Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla to:nalokotl Benth. Lamiaceae Salvia Salvia sessei Tecui Tecui Tecui Benth. Lamiaceae Stachys Stachys coccinea Tecui Tecui Tecui Jacq. Leguminosae : Bauhinia Bauhinia sp. Oapan n.n. Amey isti bwe:yeh Tetel n.n. Amey n.n. Leguminosae : Bauhinia Bauhinia sp. San Juan i:sti wa:kax San Juan i:sti wa:kax Caesalpinioideae Totolcintla Totolcintla Leguminosae : Caesalpina Caesalpinia Oapan xa:molxo:chitl Amey cha:molin de Oapan xa:molxo:chitl Caesalpinioideae pulcherrima (L.) chi:chi:ltik Sw. Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Oapan n.n. Amey kakalakatsi:n Tetel kakalakatsi:n Oapan not recognized Caesalpinioideae cacalaco Humb. & Bonpl. Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Oapan kakalakatsi:n Oapan kakalakatsi:n Oapan kakalakatsi:n Oapan kakalakatsi:n Caesalpinioideae cacalaco Kunth Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Oapan nakasko:lo:tl Amey inakas ko:lo:tl Tetel i:nakas ko:lo:tl Caesalpinioideae coriaria Jacq. Schldl. Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Tecui sakami:skitl Oapan wéyaká:n Amey not named San Juan sakami:skitl Caesalpinioideae epifanioi J. L. Totolcintla Contr. Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Oapan wéyaká:n kohtli Amey n.n. Tetel chakalkowtle Oapan seen but name Caesalpinioideae hintonii Sandwith not known

Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Tecui pa:pa:lowi:teko:ni Tecui pa:pa:lowi:teko:ni Tecui pa:pa:lowi:teko:ni Caesalpinioideae platycarpa Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Oapan n.n. Amey cha:molin de Tetel cha:molin Oapan xa:molxo:chitl Caesalpinioideae pulcherrima (L.) chi:chi:ltik chi:chi:ltik Sw. Leguminosae : Caesalpinia Caesalpinia Oapan n.n. Amey cha:molin de Tetel cha:molin de Oapan xa:molxo:chitl yón Caesalpinioideae pulcherrima (L.) kokostik kostik kostik Sw. Leguminosae : Chamaecrista Chamaecrista Oapan n.n. Amey tlatla:lwa:xin Tetel tlahtla:lwa:xin Oapan seen a lot but Caesalpinioideae nictitans (L.) name not known Moench. subsp. nictitans Leguminosae : Conzattia Conzattia Oapan te:tla:wi:lo:ni Amey tsomakuwtli Tetel tsohmakuhtle Oapan te:tla:wilo:ni Caesalpinioideae multiflora (B.L. Rob.) Standl. Leguminosae : Haematoxylum Haematoxylum Oapan bransi:l Amey frasí:l Tetel fransi:l Oapan bra:sil / barrasi:l Caesalpinioideae brasiletto Karst.

Leguminosae : Parkinsonia Parkinsonia San Juan a:wexo:tl Oapan not named (seen but name not Amey not named Caesalpinioideae carterae Hawkin Totolcintla pitsa:wak near his field known) (Parkinsonia aculeata L. x Parkinsonia praecox (Ruiz & Pav.) Hawkins Leguminosae : Parkinsonia Parkinsonia Oapan kwa:xoktli / Amey kuwxoxoktli Tetel kohxoxoktle Oapan kwa:xohtli Caesalpinioideae praecox (Ruiz et kwa:xohtli Pav.) Hawkins

Leguminosae : Parkinsonia Parkinsonia Oapan kwa:xohtli o Amey kuwxoxoktli Tetel kohxoxoktle Oapan very common and Caesalpinioideae praecox (Ruiz et kwa:xoktli seen Pav.) Hawkins

Leguminosae : Senna Senna argentea Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n de Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Amey cha:chaya:tsi:n de Caesalpinioideae (Kunth) H. S. Irwin tekwitlanextik tótomióh totomioh & Barneby tótomióh

Leguminosae : Senna Senna argentea Oapan tekwitlanextik Amey cha:chaya:tsi:n de Tetel chichi:k tlako:tl Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Caesalpinioideae (Kunth) H. S. Irwin cha:chaya:tsi:n susuwa:tl kwitlanextik & Barneby Leguminosae : Senna Senna argentea Tecui Tecui Tecui Caesalpinioideae (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Senna Senna obtusifolia Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Amey cha:chaya:tsi:n de Caesalpinioideae (L.) H. S. Irwin & tematsakaltik tematsakaltik teyeyewaltik Barneby

Leguminosae : Senna Senna obtusifolia Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Amey cha:chaya:tsi:n de Tetel cha:chaya:tsi:n de Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Caesalpinioideae (L.) H. S. Irwin & i:wa:xio xtotomioh sisiwa:tl Barneby té:pitsáhtik

Leguminosae : Senna Senna obtusifolia Tecui Tecui Tecui Caesalpinioideae (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby

Leguminosae : Senna Senna Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n i:xihyo tepitsaktik) Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Amey cha:chaya:tsi:n Caesalpinioideae occidentalis (L.) (wekapania tepitsahtik (pitsa:wak) Link Leguminosae : Senna Senna Tecui Tecui Tecui Caesalpinioideae occidentalis (L.) Link Leguminosae : Senna Senna Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Amey cha:chaya:tsi:n de Tetel cha:chaya:tsi:n de Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n yó Caesalpinioideae occidentalis (L.) i:mátlapál tlatla:katl (o de tlahtla:katl wékapán Link. pipitsa:wak /pipitsa:wak/)

Leguminosae : Senna Senna pallida Caesalpinioideae (Vahl) H. S. Irwin & Barneby ? var. trichocraspedon Atliaca xo:chitl kostik de Atliaca (Sandwith) H. S. tepe:tl Irwin & Barneby Leguminosae : Senna Senna racemosa Atliaca kostik xo:chitl Atliaca Caesalpinioideae (P. Miller) H. S. i:kohyo Irwin & Barneby tlakwitlanextik Leguminosae : Senna Senna racemosa Tecui titili:chkuwtli Oapan not named San Juan not named Caesalpinioideae (P. Miller) H. S. Totolcintla Irwin & Barneby var. sororia H. S. Irwin & Barneby

Leguminosae : Senna Senna skinneri Oapan n.n. Amey para:kah Tetel n.n. Oapan not known Caesalpinioideae (Benth.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Leguminosae : Senna Senna sp. aff. S. Tlama chichi:k tlako:tl Tlama chichi:k tlako:tl Oapan tepe:k Caesalpinioideae cobanensis cha:chaya:tsi:n (Britton & Rose) H. S. Irwin & Barneby and aff. S. pilifera Vogel

Leguminosae : Senna Senna uniflora Tlama not present Tlama not present Oapan cha:chaya:tsi:n Caesalpinioideae (Mill.) H.S. Irwin et (ista:k) Barneby Leguminosae : Senna Senna uniflora Tecui Tecui Tecui Caesalpinioideae (Mill.) Irwin & Barneby Leguminosae : Senna Senna villosa (P. San Juan tekwitlanextsi:n San Juan tekwitlanextsi:n Caesalpinioideae Miller) H. S. Irwin Totolcintla Totolcintla & Barneby Leguminosae : Senna Senna wislizznii Oapan kohsahtli Amey kwahkosahki Tetel kostik i:xo:chio Oapan kosahtli / kosahki Caesalpinioideae (A. Gray) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Leguminosae : Acaciella Tecui Tecui Tecui angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. angustissima Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia acatlensis Oapan yepakihli Amey yepakihli Tetel yepakihle Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae Benth

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia acatlensis Oapan yepakihli Amey yepakihli Mimosoideae vel aff. Benth

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae cochliacantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae cochliacantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia coulteri Oapan tenexyepakihli Amey tenexyepakihli Tetel tenexyepakihle Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae Benth. ex A. Gray

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia farnesiana Oapan wicha:chin Amey wicha:chin o Tetel wicha:chin Oapan wisa:chih Mimosoideae (L.) Willd. wicha:chih

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia farnesiana Atliaca wicha:chin Atliaca Atliaca Mimosoideae (L.) Willd.

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia macilenta Oapan misto:nwistli de Amey ista:kwistli de Tetel tli:ltik wistle Oapan misto:nwistli Mimosoideae Rose í:tik yáyá:htli tli:ltik Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia macilenta Oapan í:tik yá:htli Amey ista:k wistli de un Oapan í:tik yá:htli Mimosoideae Rose tli:ltik Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia macilenta Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae Rose Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia pennatula Oapan n.n. Amey witspatlaxtli de Tetel witspatlaxtle de Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae (Schlecht. & tepe:k i:pan tepe:tl Cham.) Benth.

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia pennatula Tecui witskohtli de Oapan not present San Juan witspatlachtli de Mimosoideae (Schlecht. & tepe:k or Totolcintla tepe:k Cham.) Benth. tepe:witskohtli

Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia pringlei Oapan komo:chitewistli Oapan komo:chitewistli Mimosoideae Rose Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia riparia Oapan ista:kwistli Amey ista:kwistli Tetel ista:kwistle Oapan ista:k wistli Mimosoideae Kunth /te:chikola:na Leguminosae : Acacia Acaciella Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl Amey not named Mimosoideae angustissima var. texensis Leguminosae : Acacia Acacia Oapan witspatlaxtli Amey witspatlaxtli Tetel witspatlaxtle Oapan witspatlaxli / Mimosoideae cochliacantha witskohtli Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Oapan tepé:iyo:tl tli:líhki Amey n.n. Tetel ihyo:tl tlako:tl Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Oapan tepé:iyó:tl Amey n.n. Tetel ihyo:tl tlako:tl Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Tlama ihyo:tlako:tl Tlama ihyo:tlako:tl Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl n.n. Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. angustissima Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. angustissima Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. angustissima Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. texensis (Isely) L. Rico Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Tecui ihyo:tlako:tl Oapan tepé:iyó:tl Amey tepe:iyo:tl Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl Mimosoideae angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose vel aff. (A)

Leguminosae : Acaciella Acaciella Tecui ihyo:tlako:tl Oapan tepé:iyó:tl Amey tepe:iyo:tl Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl (yon Mimosoideae angustissima wekapania (Mill.) Britton & Rose vel aff. (B) Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Calliandra Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel kabai:toh de Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae houstoniana (Mill.) a:ngel Standl. Leguminosae : Desmanthus Desmanthus sp. Oapan tla:lwa:xin Amey tla:lwa:xin Tetel tla:lwa:xin Oapan tla:lwa:xin Mimosoideae Leguminosae : Desmanthus Desmanthus Oapan tla:lwa:xin Oapan tla:lwa:xin Mimosoideae virgatus (L.) Willdenow Leguminosae : Havardia Havardia Oapan tewistli Amey tewistli Tetel tli:ltik tewistle Oapan tewistli / tekolwistli Mimosoideae acatlensis (Benth.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Havardia Havardia Oapan tewistli Amey tewistli Tetel tli:ltik tewistle Mimosoideae acatlensis (Benth.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Havardia Havardia Mimosoideae acatlensis (Benth.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Havardia Havardia Oapan tewistli Oapan tewitskohtli Oapan tekolwistli Oapan tekolwistli Mimosoideae acatlensis (Benth.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Havardia Havardia Tlama tli:ltik tewistli Tlama tewistli or tli:ltik Oapan tekolwistli Mimosoideae acatlensis tewistli (Benth.) Britton & Rose Leguminosae : Leucaena Leucaena Oapan tlapalwa:xin Amey tlapalwa:xin Tetel tlapalwa:xin Oapan tlapalwa:xin Mimosoideae esculenta (Moçiño & Sessé ex DC.) Benth.

Leguminosae : Leucaena Leucaena Oapan kalwa:xin Amey a:wa:xin Tetel a:wa:xin Oapan kalwa:xin Mimosoideae leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit subsp. glabrata (Rose) S. Zarate

Leguminosae : Leucaena Leucaena Oapan n.n. Amey wetskiswa:xin Tetel wetskiswa:xin Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae macrophylla Benth. subsp. macrophylla Leguminosae : Leucaena Leucaena Oapan not named Amey wetskiswa:xin Oapan not named Amey wetskiswa:xin Mimosoideae macrophylla Benth. subsp. macrophylla Leguminosae : Leucaena Leucaena Oapan chikomolin Amey chikimolin Tetel chikimolin Oapan chikomolin (first Mimosoideae matudae (S. identified as Zarate) C. tesontsi:n) Hughes. Leguminosae : Leucaena Leucaena pallida Oapan not named Amey wa:xtompihtsi:n Amey wa:xtompihtsi:n Amey wa:xtompistsi:n Mimosoideae Britton & Rose

Leguminosae : Lysiloma Lysiloma Oapan tepe:wa:xin Amey tepe:wa:xin Tetel tepe:wa:xin Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae acapulcense (Kunth) Benth. Leguminosae : Lysiloma Lysiloma Oapan tepe:mi:skitl Amey tepe:mi:skitl Tetel tepe:mi:skitl Oapan not recognized at Mimosoideae microphyllum first Benth. Leguminosae : Lysiloma Lysiloma Oapan tepe:mi:skitl Oapan tepe:mi:skitl Oapan tepe:mi:skitl Oapan tepe:mi:skitl Mimosoideae microphyllum Benth. Leguminosae : Lysiloma Lysiloma Oapan tsona:nkohtli Oapan tsona:nkohtli Oapan tsona:nkohtli Oapan tsona:nkohtli Mimosoideae tergeminam Benth. Leguminosae : Lysiloma Lysiloma Oapan tsona:nkohtli Amey tsina:nkan kuwtli Tetel tsina:kan kohtle Oapan tsona:nkohtli Mimosoideae tergeminum Benth. Leguminosae : Microcarpus Microlobius Oapan kóya:ka:moló:nki Oapan kóya:ka:moló:nki Amey not present Mimosoideae foetidus (Jacq.) o kóyá:ka:tl M. Sousa & G. Andrade Leguminosae : Microlobius Microlobius Oapan kóya:ka:moló:nki Amey kuwiya:ka:tl Tetel koya:ka:tl Oapan kóyá:ka:tl / Mimosoideae foetidus (Jacq.) kóya:ka:moló:nki M. Sousa & G. Andrade Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Microlobius Microlobius Oapan kóya:ka:moló:nki Amey kuwiya:ka:tl Tetel koya:ka:tl Ospan kóya:ka:moló:nki / Mimosoideae foetidus (Jacq.) o kóyá:ka:tl kóyá:ka:tl M. Sousa & G. Andrade Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa Oapan misto:nwistli de Oapan misto:nwistli (only Amey tlapa:nwistli de Mimosoideae adenantheroides kostik (one of 2 one type) kostik or vel aff. (M. & G. ) types) tlanchikoltila:na Benth. de kostik Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa Oapan misto:nwistli Oapan misto:nwistli yon patla:wak i:xihyo Mimosoideae adenantheroides kostik (kostik ke:tla siwa:tl (wekapania) vel aff. (M. & G. ) i:yo:l) Benth. Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa benthamii Oapan tekolwistli Oapan tekolwistli Oapan tekolwistli Amey tekolwistli or Mimosoideae J. F. Macbr. tekolse:wi

Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa benthamii Oapan tekolwistli Amey tekolwistli o Tetel tekolwistle Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae J. F. Macbr. var. tekolse:wi malacocarpa (B. L. Rob.) J. F. Macbr.

Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa benthamii Oapan tekolwistli Amey tekolwistli o Tetel tekolwistle Oapan not recognized. Mimosoideae J. F. Macbr. var. tekolse:wi malacocarpa (B. L. Rob.) J. F. Macbr.

Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa mollis Oapan misto:nwistli Amey tlanchikoltila:na Tetel witsarabi:toh Oapan seen but name Mimosoideae Benth. kókostík i:yo:l (second type) not known Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa mollis Oapan misto:nwistli Amey tlanchikoltila:na Tetel witsarabi:toh Mimosoideae Benth. kókostík i:yo:l (second type) Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa polyantha Oapan misto:nwistli Amey tlanchikoltila:na Tetel chikolwistle Oapan misto:nwistli Mimosoideae Benth.

Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa polyantha Oapan misto:nwistli Amey tlanchikoltila:na Oapan Oapan Mimosoideae Benth.

Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa polyantha Oapan misto:nwistli (yon Amey tlanchikoltila:na Mimosoideae Benth. xwekapania)

Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa pudica L. Oapan kochi xihtli Amey kokochi xiwtli o Tetel xiwtle ko:koche Oapan not recognized Mimosoideae xiwtli de kochi Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa sp. Mimosoideae Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa sp. Tlama chihkolwistli Tlama not present Oapan misto:nwistli Mimosoideae Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui Mimosoideae Leguminosae : Mimosa Mimosa tricephala San Miguel witsaraba:toh Oapan not named San Juan kokochiatsi:n Mimosoideae Chamisso & Tecuiciap Totolcintla Schltdl. var. lignosa (Micheli) Chehaibar & R. Grether

Leguminosae : Neptunia Neptunia sp. Oapan tepe:tla:lwa:xin Oapan tepe:tla:lwa:xin Mimosoideae Leguminosae : Pithecellobium Pithecellobium Oapan komo:chitl Amey komo:chitl Tetel komo:chitl Oapan komo:chitl Mimosoideae dulce (Roxb.) Benth. Leguminosae : Prosopis Prosopis laevigata Oapan mi:skitl Amey mi:skitl Tetel mi:skitl Oapan mi:skitl / Mimosoideae (H. & B. ex Willd.) mi:skikohtli M.C. Johnst.

Leguminosae : Zapoteca Zapoteca formosa Tlama chihkolwistli Tlama chihkolwistli or Oapan tepe:ixkihli Mimosoideae (Kunth) H. Hern. witsaraba:toh xo:chioseseltsi:n var. formosa

Leguminosae : Zapoteca Zapoteca formosa Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named Mimosoideae var. formosa

Leguminosae : Zapoteca Zapoteca sp. Tecui i:ketson kabai:toh Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Mimosoideae Leguminosae : Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla pohpoi:toh Papilionoideae Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Aeschynomene Aeschynomene Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae americana var. flabellata Leguminosae : Aeschynomene Aeschynomene Oapan unidentified Amey unidentified Tetel unidentified Oapan not recognized Papilionoideae compacta Rose Leguminosae : Apoplanesia Apoplanesia Oapan kówatlí Amey kulebri:tah Tetel kowahtle Oapan kówatlí Papilionoideae paniculata C. (recognized after Presl name was given)

Leguminosae : Brongniartia Brongniartia Oapan tekwitlanexkohtli Oapan not named Papilionoideae montalvoana O. (although he has Dorado et D. M. seen this tree and Arias recognized it)

Leguminosae : Brongniartia Brongiartia sp. Tecuiciapan titili:chkiwtli Oapan not named (not Amey not named Papilionoideae recognized from specimen) Leguminosae : Coursetia Coursetia Oapan tepe:ixkihli Amey tepe:ixkihli Tetel tepe:xikihle Oapan tepe:ixkihli Papilionoideae glandulosa Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria filifolia Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae longirostrata Hook. & Arn. Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria Tlama tepe:chi:pi:lin Tlama tepe:chi:pi:lin Oapan tepe:chi:pi:lin Papilionoideae mollicula HBK. Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria pumila Tlama chi:pi:lin Tlama chi:pi:lin Oapan chi:pi:lin Tlanicpatla chi:pi:lin pitsa:wak Papilionoideae Ortega Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria pumila Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae Ortega Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria sp. Oapan tepe:chi:pi:lin Amey tepe:chi:pi:lin Tetel tepe:chi:pi:lin Oapan tepe:chi:pi:lin Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria sp. Oapan chi:pi:lin Amey chi:pi:lin Tetel chi:pi:lin Oapan first recognized as Papilionoideae tepe:chi:pi:lin Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria sp. Oapan tlako:chi:pi:lin Amey chi:pi:lin de xwelik Tetel tepe:chi:pi:lin Oapan does not know Papilionoideae (ma:s we:ye name i:kuwyo) Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria sp. Tlama tepe:chi:pi:lin (but Tlama tepe:chi:pi:lin (but Oapan kohchi:pi:lin Tlanicpatla yexo:yo Papilionoideae different from the different from the variety found in variety found in Tlama) Tlama) Leguminosae : Crotalaria Crotalaria sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Dalbergia Dalbergia Oapan granadi:yoh Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan granadi:yoh Papilionoideae congestiflora Pittier Leguminosae : Dalea Dalea Tlama ahwía:k xiwtli Tlama ahwía:k xiwtli Oapan mómolo:nká:tsi:n Amey n.n. Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Dalea Dalea Tlama ahwía:k xiwtli Tlama ahwía:k xiwtli Oapan té:má:kohtsi:n Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Dalea Dalea sericea Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae Lag. Leguminosae : Dalea Dalea sp. Oapan mómolo:nká:tsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel ahwiá:k xiwtle Oapan mómolo:nká:tsi:n Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Dalea Dalea sp. Oapan tlako:tlachpa:wa:s Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Papilionoideae tli de ista:k Leguminosae : Desmodium Desmodium Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Papilionoideae glabratum (Miller) DC. Leguminosae : Desmodium Desmodium Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae macrostachyum Hemsl. Leguminosae : Desmodium Desmodium Oapan i:nakas komichin Amey meme:lioh Tetel mehme:lioh Oapan i:nakas komichin Papilionoideae procumbens (Mill.) Hitchc. var. exiguum (A. Gray) B. G. Schub.

Leguminosae : Desmodium Desmodium Oapan i:nakas komichin Amey me:me:lioh Tetel mehme:lioh Oapan i:nakas komichin Papilionoideae procumbens (Mill.) Hitchc. var. exiguum (A. Gray) B. G. Schub.

Leguminosae : Desmodium Desmodium sp. Oapan i:nakas komichin Oapan i:nakas komichin Papilionoideae Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Eriosema Eriosema Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae grandiflorum (Schlech. & Cham.) G. Don Leguminosae : Eysenhardtia Eysenhardtia Tecui kowahtli Tecui kowahtli Tecui kowahtli Papilionoideae platycarpa Leguminosae : Eysenhardtia Eysenhardtia Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae platycarpa Leguminosae : Eysenhardtia Eysenhardtia sp. Oapan kówatlí Oapan kówatlí Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Galactia Galactia viridiflora Oapan n.n. Amey si:marro:n (de Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Papilionoideae (Rose) Standl. komekatl)

Leguminosae : Galactia Galactia viridiflora Oapan not named Amey not named Amey si:marro:n xo:chitl Amey not named Papilionoideae (Rose) Standl.

Leguminosae : Gliricidia Gliricidia sepium Oapan koya:htli Amey kuwiya:wtli Tetel koya:wtle Oapan koya:htli Papilionoideae (Jacq.) Steud.

Leguminosae : Harpalyce Harpalyce sp. Tecui titili:chkohtli Oapan not named San Juan not named Papilionoideae Totolcintla Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named Amey yeye:tsi:n Papilionoideae jamaicensis Spreng Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera Oapan not named Amey not named Amey yeye:tsi:n Amey not named Papilionoideae jamaicensis Spreng. Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel me:kotlako:tl Oapan not recognized Papilionoideae platycarpa Rose

Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera Tlama n.n. Tlama ihyo:tlako:tl tla:katl Oapan tepé:yoyó:tl okixtli n.n. Papilionoideae platycarpa Rose

Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera sp. Oapan not named Amey me:kotlako:tl Amey me:kotlako:tl Amey me:kotlako:tl Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae suffruticosa Mill.

Leguminosae : Indigofera Indigofera Oapan tlako:tla:lwa:xin Papilionoideae suffruticosa Mill.

Leguminosae : Lonchocarpus Amey teposkuwtli San Agustín teposkohtli Papilionoideae Oapan Leguminosae : Lonchocarpus Lonchocarpus Oapan tepotskohtli Amey tepotskuwtli Tetel n.n. Oapan tepotskohtli Papilionoideae argyrotrichus Harms Leguminosae : Lonchocarpus Lonchocarpus Oapan tepotskohtli ista:k Oapan tepotskohtli ista:k Amey not present Papilionoideae schubertiae M. Sousa Leguminosae : Lonchocarpus Lonchocarpus Papilionoideae schubertiae M. Sousa Leguminosae : Lonchocarpus Lonchocarpus sp. Tecui to:naltepotskowtli Tecui to:naltepotskowtli Tecui to:naltepotskowtli Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Macroptilium Macroptilium Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae atropurpureum (DC.) Urban Leguminosae : Macroptilium Macroptilium Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae gibbosifolium Leguminosae : Marina Marina sp. Oapan te:má:kohtsí:n Amey tlatlachpa:nwa:stsi Tetel ajoyá:k xiwtle Oapan te:má:kohtsí:n Papilionoideae :n de momoradi:toh Leguminosae : Marina Marina sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Marina (or Dalea) Marina sp. Oapan te:má:kohtsí:n Oapan te:má:kohtsí:n Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Marina o Dalea Oapan mómolo:nká:tsi:n Amey not named Oapan mómolo:nká:tsi:n Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Nissolia Nissolia sp. Oapan kôkomekátsi:n Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Pachyrhizus Pachyrhizus Oapan not named Amey so:sota Amey si:marro:n xo:chitl Papilionoideae erosus (L.) Urb. Leguminosae : Pachyrhizus Pachyrhizus Tecui Tecui Tecui Papilionoideae erosus (L.) Urb. Leguminosae : Pachyrhizus Pachyrhizus Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla tla:ltile:rah Papilionoideae erosus (L.) Urban Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Leguminosae : Phaseolus Phaseolus Atliaca si:matl Atliaca Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Phaseolus Phaseolus Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Papilionoideae coccineus L. Leguminosae : Phaseolus Phaseolus sp. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Pterocarpus Jacq. Pterocarpus sp. Oapan kohkihli Amey n.n. Tetel kwahkihle Oapan not recognized Papilionoideae Leguminosae : Ramirezella Ramirezella Oapan i:yexo:w masa:tl Amey si:matl Tetel si:matl Oapan not recognized Papilionoideae strobilophora (B. L. Rob.) Rose

Leguminosae : Ramirezella Ramirezella Oapan n.n. Amey si:marro:n (de Tetel n.n. Oapan recognized as Papilionoideae strobilophora (B. komekatl) koyo:tomatl after L. Rob.) Rose name mentioned

Leguminosae : Sphinctospermum Sphinctospermum Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel i:te:ntson kone:joh Oapan seen but name Papilionoideae constrictum (S. not known Watson) Rose

Leguminosae? Oapan kohchi:chi:hli Oapan

Leguminosae? Oapan yetlako:tl / Oapan not named tlako:yetl Leguminosae? Tecui i:nakas chi:boh Oapan not named San Juan not named Totolcintla Lennoaceae Lennoa Lennoa Oapan ákahtlí i:xo:chio Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen but name madreporoides not known Lex. Lennoaceae Lennoa Lennoa Oapan akestewe:wetsi madreporoides i:xo:chio Lex. Lennoaceae Lennoa Lennoa Oapan i:xo:chio ákahtlí Oapan madreporoides (de i:nelwayo Lex. ki:sa) Liliaceae Aloe Aloe vera L. Oapan kaxti:hla:n Amey kaxti:hla:n Tetel chichi:k mexkahle Oapan kaxti:hla:ya mexkahli mexkahli mexkahli Liliaceae Bessera Bessera elegans Oapan pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Amey pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Tetel pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Oapan pí:pipiló:ltsi:n Schlt. Liliaceae Milla Milla magnifica E. Oapan i:xonak kowatl Amey ixonak kuwatl Amey ixonak kuwatl Amey ixonak kuwatl Moore Linaceae Linum Linum aff. Tecui Tecui Tecui mexicanum Kunth

Loasaceae Eucnide Eucnide hirta (G. Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Don) H. J. Thomps. & W. R. Ernst Loasaceae Eucnide Eucnide lobata Oapan sasa:lik xihtli Amey sasa:lik xiwtli Tetel n.n. Oapan sása:lik xihtli (not (Hook.) A. Gray tlako:tl immediately recognized but then agreed to SP´s naming)

Loasaceae Eucnide Eucnide lobata Oapan sasa:lik xihtli Amey sasa:lik xiwtli Tetel n.n. Oapan seen but name (Hook.) A. Gray tlako:tl not known Loasaceae Gronovia Gronovia Oapan te:kwa:nxihtli de Amey te:kwa:nxiwtli Tetel te:kwa:nxiwtle Oapan te:kwa:nxihtli scandens L. komekatl Loasaceae Gronovia Gronovia Oapan te:kwa:nxihtli Oapan te:kwa:nxihtli Amey not present scandens L. Loasaceae Gronovia Gronovia Tecui Tecui Tecui scandens L. Loasaceae Mentzelia Mentzelia aspera Oapan sasa:lik xihtli Amey sasa:lik xiwtli Tetel sasa:lik xiwtle Oapan sasa:lik xíhtli L. Loasaceae Mentzelia Mentzelia aspera Oapan sasa:lik xihtli Amey sasa:lik xiwtli Tetel sasa:lik xiwtle L. Loasaceae Mentzelia Mentzelia aspera Oapan sasa:lik xihtli san de xihtli L. Loasaceae Mentzelia Mentzelia hispida Tecui Tecui Tecui Willd. Loranthaceae Tecui te:pan Tecui te:pan Tecui te:pan nocha:cha:watla:li nocha:cha:watla:li nocha:cha:watla:li a a a Loranthaceae Tecui te:pan Tecui te:pan Tecui te:pan nocha:cha:watla:li nocha:cha:watla:li nocha:cha:watla:li a a a Loranthaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Loranthaceae Cladocolea Cladocolea Oapan n.n. Amey kokomi:nos Tetel n.n. Oapan te:pan we:wetsi coyucae Kuijt Loranthaceae Cladocolea Cladocolea Oapan n.n. Amey ikokomekayo Tetel n.n. Oapan te:pan we:wetsi coyucae Kuijt wicha:chih Loranthaceae Cladocolea Cladocolea sp. Oapan n.n. Amey kokomi:nos Tetel n.n. Oapan te:pan we:wetsi

Loranthaceae Phoradendron Phoradendron Atliaca tepalka Atliaca brachystachyum (DC.) Eichler in Martius Loranthaceae Phoradendron Phoradendron Atliaca tepalka Atliaca carneum Urban Loranthaceae Psittacanthus Psittacanthus Oapan not named Oapan not named calyculatus (DC.) G. Don Loranthaceae Psittacanthus Psittacanthus Oapan n.n. Amey sese:ktsi:n Tetel n.n. Amey n.n. palmeri (Watson) Barlow & Wiens

Lythraceae Cuphea Cuphea Oapan n.n. Amey sasa:lik xiwtli Tetel sasa:lik xiwtle Oapan sása:lik xíhtli laminuligera ixo:chio i:xo:chio Koehne moradi:toh moradi:toh Lythraceae Cuphea Cuphea Oapan sasa:lik xihtli Oapan sasa:lik xihtli laminuligera Koehne Lythraceae Lawsonia Lawsonia inermis Oapan re:sedád. L. Malpighiaceae Bunchosia Bunchosia Oapan n.n. Amey inextamal Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized canescens (Ait.) osto:tsi:n DC. Malpighiaceae Bunchosia Bunchosia San Juan kwawkoyo:lin San Juan kwawkoyo:lin canescens (Sol. in Totolcintla Totolcintla Aiton) DC. Malpighiaceae Byrsonima Byrsonima Oapan náná:ntsi:n Amey nana:ntsi:n de Tetel nahna:ntsi:n Oapan náná:ntsí:n crassifolia (L.) kokostik Kunth Malpighiaceae Byrsonima Byrsonima Oapan náná:ntsin Amey nana:ntsi:n Tetel nahna:ntsi:n Oapan not recognized crassifolia (L.) (from photo) Kunth Malpighiaceae Callaeum Callaeum Oapan kohxihtli Amey kowxiwtli Tetel kuhxiwtle de Oapan kohxihtli coactum D. M. tekwitlanextik de komekatl Johnson popoi:toh Malpighiaceae Callaeum Callaeum Tlama nekaxa:ni:lkomek Tlama n.n. Oapan kohmekatl Amey komekatl coactum D. M. atl Johnson Malpighiaceae Galphimia Galphimia glauca Atliaca to:tspan Atliaca Atliaca to:tspan Cav. Malpighiaceae Galphimia Galphimia Oapan á:tpatlí Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized montana (Rose) Nied. Malpighiaceae Galphimia Galphimia Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel ko:tspanko:lo:tl Oapan not recognized paniculata Bartl.

Malpighiaceae Galphimia Galphimia sp. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Malpighiaceae Heteropterys Heteropterys Oapan Amey Tetel cotinifolia Adr. Juss. Malpighiaceae Heteropterys Heteropterys Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. cotinifolia Adr. Juss. Malpighiaceae Heteropterys Heteropterys Oapan nekaxa:ni:hli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized palmeri Rose Malpighiaceae Heteropterys Heteropterys Oapan nekaxa:ni:lkohme Amey komekatl de Amey komekatl de Amey komekatl de palmeri Rose katl margari:tah margari:tah margari:tah Malpighiaceae Lasiocarpus Lasiocarpus Tecui not named Oapan kóya:ká:tsi:n Ameyaltepc not named Oapan kóya:ká:tsi:n salicifolius Liebm.

Malpighiaceae Lasiocarpus Lasiocarpus sp. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized

Malpighiaceae Lasiocarpus Lasiocarpus sp. Oapan kóya:ka:tsi:n para Oapan kóya:ká:tsi:n Oapan kóya:ká:tsi:n Oapan kóya:ká:tsi:n la:tas Malpighiaceae Malpighia Malpighia Oapan á:waxokotl mexicana A. Juss. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Malpighiaceae Malpighia Malpighia sp. Oapan á:waxókotl Amey a:waxokotl Tetel ahwaxokotl Oapan á:waxókotl (not recognized from photo but name agreed upon after mentioned)

Malpighiaceae Mascagnia Mascagnia Oapan n.n. unidentified Amey n.n. unidentified Tetel n.n. unidentified polybotrya (A. vine vine vine Juss.) Nied. Malvaceae Alcea Alcea rosea L. Oapan sásanjosé:ntsi:n Oapan sásanjosé:ntsi:n or xo:chitl de San Jose:ntsi:n Malvaceae Anoda Anoda cf. palmata Oapan unidentified Amey unidentified Tetel unidentified Fryx. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda cf. palmata Oapan tlatlastopo:ni xihtli Fryx. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda cristata (L.) Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla ko:yo:po:l Schlecht. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda cristata (L.) Tecui Tecui Tecui Schltdl. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda cristata (L.) Tecui Tecui Tecui Schltdl. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda palmata Fryx. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda palmata Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. n.n. Fryx. Malvaceae Anoda Anoda palmata Tecui Tecui Tecui Fryxell Malvaceae Anoda Anoda thurberi A. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Gray Malvaceae Bastardiastrum Bastardiastrum cf. Oapan tlatlastopo:ni xihtli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen recognized batesii Fryx. ista:k i:xo:chio

Malvaceae Bastardiastrum Bastardiastrum Oapan tlatlastopo:ni xihtli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized gracile (Hochr.) memeki:toh Bates i:kowyo

Malvaceae Bastardiastrum Bastardiastrum Tecui Tecui Tecui tricarpellatum (Robinson & Greenman ex Rose) Bates Malvaceae Gossypium Gossypium Oapan ichkakohtli Amey ichkaxo:chitl Tetel ichkatl Oapan ichkatl hirsutum L. Malvaceae Gossypium Gossypium laxum Oapan ichkaxo:chitl Amey iskaxo:chitl Tetel ichkamasa:tl Oapan ichkakohxo:chitl Phillips Malvaceae Gossypium Gossypium sp. Tlama ichkakomasa:tl Tlama n.n. Oapan ichkakohxo:chitl Amey n.n.

Malvaceae Herissantia Herissantia crispa Tecui Tecui Tecui (L.) Brizicky

Malvaceae Sida Sida abutifolia Oapan tekwitlanex xihtli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen and Miller recognized

Malvaceae Sida Sida ciliaris L. Tlama n.n. Tlama chi:nah wistli Oapan n.n. Amey n.n.

Malvaceae Sida Sida rhombifolia Tecui Tecui Tecui L. Malvaceae Sida Sida sp. Oapan unidentified Amey unidentified Tetel unidentified Oapan recognized (at his house there are a lot) but name not known Malvaceae Sida Sida sp. Oapan not named Oapan tétekomátsi:n yón wíwitsióh Martyniaceae Martynia Martynia annua L. Oapan kwákwa:kóhtsi:n Amey toto:roh Tetel cha:nko:kopih Oapan kwákwa:kóhtsi:n de toto:roh Martyniaceae Martynia Martynia annua L. Oapan kwá:kwakóhtsi:n Oapan kwákwa:kóhtsi:n Amey toto:roh yon siwa:tl Martyniaceae Proboscidea Proboscidea Oapan kwákwa:kóhtsi:n Amey toto:roh (with Tetel cha:nko:kopih Oapan kwákwa:kóhtsi:n fragrans (Lindl.) de tótó:roh purple flowers) Decne Martyniaceae Proboscidea Proboscidea Oapan kwákwa:kohtsi:n Amey toto:roh fragrans (Lindl.) Decne Meliaceae Melia Melia azederach Oapan n.n. Amey parai:soh Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized L. Meliaceae Swietenia Swietenia humilis Oapan tsopi:lo:tl Amey tsopi:lo:tl Tetel tsopi:lo:tl Oapan tsopi:lo:tl / Zucc. tsopi:lo:kohtli Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Meliaceae Trichilia Trichilia americana (Sesse & Moc.) T.D.Penn. Oapan koyolin Amey kwahkoyolin Tetel kwahkoyolin Oapan not recognizedAmey kwahkoyolin

Melianthiaceae Schoenocaulon Schoenocaulon officinale (Schlecht. & Cham.) A. Gray Oapan komichkwitlaxo:ch Oapan komichkwitlaxo:ch Oapan komichkwitlaxo:ch Amey not named itl itl itl Monocot/Liliopsida? Oapan kwa:xteri:toh Oapan kwa:xtleri:toh

Moraceae Dorstenia Dorstenia Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named Amey popoi:toh contrajerva L. Moraceae Dorstenia Dorstenia drakena Oapan n.n. Amey popoi:toh Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized L. Moraceae Dorstenia Dorstenia drakena Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla me:melatsi:n L. Moraceae Ficus Ficus cotinifolia San Juan a:makwawtli San Juan a:makwawtli Kunth Totolcintla Totolcintla Moraceae Ficus Ficus cotinifolia Oapan a:mai:skitl Oapan a:makohtli (no Oapan a:makohtli (or more specifically) Oapan Kunth var. further division) a:matl yon tli:lihki; cotinifolia a:matl noso tli:la:matl

Moraceae Ficus Ficus oapana Oapan a:matl wéwé:i Amey a:matl uwe:i (o Tetel a:matl de tla:katl Oapan a:makohtli C.C. Berg a:matl pipitsa:wak xihyo:pitsahtik i:xihyo)

Moraceae Ficus Ficus oapana Oapan a:makohtli Amey a:matl de C.C. Berg xihyó:pitsá:wak tlatla:katl Moraceae Ficus Ficus oapana San Juan ama:teh or San Juan a:makwawtli C.C. Berg Totolcintla a:makwawtli Totolcintla Moraceae Ficus Ficus oapana San Juan a:makwawtli San Juan a:makwawtli C.C. Berg Totolcintla Totolcintla Moraceae Ficus Ficvs. cotinifolia Kunth var. cotinifolia

Oapan a:mai:skitl Amey a:maiskitl Tetel a:mai:skitl Oapan a:makohtli

Moringaceae Moringa Moringa oleifera Oapan n.n. Amey perli:tas Tetel pe:rlah Oapan xo:chitsi:ntli yó Lam. ista:k Musgo? Oapan a:moxkwitlatl Oapan a:moxkwitlatl Oapan a:moxkwitlatl Oapan a:moxkwitlatl not Euphorb not Oapan chichi:lkohtli de Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen but name Nyctag? tla:katl not known Nyctaginaceae Allionia Allionia choisyi Tlama nakastetihtilak Tlama nakastetihtilak Oapan n.n. nakastetilak Standl. Nyctaginaceae Allionia Allionia choisyi Tlama nakastetihtilak Tlama not present Oapan a:kestiwe:wetsi Standl. ista:k (noso i:xo:chio rosi:tah tla:katl) Nyctaginaceae Alloionia Allionia choisyi Oapan n.n. Amey nakastetitilak Tetel nakastetihtilak Oapan tétekomátsi:n (?) Standl. Nyctaginaceae Alloionia Allionia choisyi Oapan nakasté:tilák Oapan nakasté:tilák Amey nakastetilak Standl. té:pitsáhtik Nyctaginaceae Alloionia Allionia choisyi Oapan nakasté:tilák de Oapan tétekomátsi:n Standl. ista:k i:xo:chio Nyctaginaceae Alloionia Allionia incarnata Oapan nakasté:tilák Amey nakastetitilak Tetel nakastetihtilak Oapan tétekomátsi:n L. var. incarnata ista:k i:xo:chio

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Oapan nakasté:tilák ista:k coccinea Mill. (i:komekayo)

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Oapan nakasté:tilák Amey nakastetitilak Tetel nakastetihtilak de Oapan seen but name coccinea Miller (kwe:xtsi:n (ma:s kwe:xtik tlahtla:katl not known i:xo:chio) i:xo:chio) Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia erecta Oapan omitlako:tl Amey n.n. Tetel tsi:nkolomitsi:n Oapan omitlako:tl (not L. recognized at first

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia erecta Oapan omitlako:tl de Amey n.n. Tetel tsi:nkolomitsi:n L. ista:k i:xo:chio Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia erecta Oapan omitlako:tl Amey not named L. Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia erecta Oapan omitlako:tl Oapan omitlako:tl L. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Oapan n.n. Amey ikxi wexo:lo:tl Tetel tsi:nkolomitsi:n Oapan recognized but gracillima Heimerl name not known

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Oapan n.n. Amey ikxi wexo:lo:tl Tetel tsi:nkolomitsi:n gracillima Heimerl

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Oapan xo:chioh Oapan not named Amey ikxi wexo:lo:tl de gracillima Heimerl moradi:toh moradi:toh kohmekatsi:ntli Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Oapan not nakasté:tilák perhaps i:xi Amey not nakastetilak gracillima Heimerl wexo:lo:tl

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia Tlama tsi:nkolomitsi:n Tlama not present Oapan omitlako:tl gracillima Heimerl

Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia Boerhavia sp. Oapan nakasté:tilák Oapan tla:ltekakawatl / tla:lte:kawatl Nyctaginaceae Commicarpus Commicarpus Oapan po:posteki xihtli Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan seen but name scandens (L.) not known Standl. Nyctaginaceae Mirabilis Mirabilis pringlei Oapan not named SP did recognize Oapan not named Amey sesedi:tah Weatherby (however it as a plant he has often seen and did know the name of)

Nyctaginaceae Mirabilis Mirabilis viscosa Atliaca xo:chitl de tepe:tl Atliaca chi:kleh Atliaca Cav. Nyctaginaceae Okenia Okenia hypogaea Tlama nakastetihtilak Tlama not present Oapan a:kestiwe:wetsi Schlecht. & moradi:toh (noso i:xo:chio mora:doh Cham. siwa:tl)

Nyctaginaceae Okenia Okenia hypogaea Oapan nakasté:tilák Amey nakastetitilak Tetel nakastetihtilak de Oapan recognized but Schltdl. & Cham. tlatlastaltsi:n suwa:tl name not known i:xo:chio

Nyctaginaceae Okenia Okenia hypogaea Oapan nakasté:tilák Oapan nakasté:telák Oapan nakasté:telák Amey nakastitilak Schltdl. & Cham.

Nyctaginaceae Pisonia Pisonia aculeata Oapan ítlatlá:k Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named L. malakawistli Olacaceae Schoepfia Schoepfia Atliaca kohchi:ltsolo:tl Atliaca Atliaca schreberi J. F. Gmel. Onagraceae Hauya Hauya barcenae Tecui Tecui Tecui Hemsl. Onagraceae Ludwigia Ludwigia Oapan a:itsmitl Amey n.n. Tetel tetsmitl i:pan Oapan seen but name peploides (Kunth) a:te:ntle unkah not known Raven Opiliaceae Agonandra Agonandra Oapan n.n. Amey ixi:tew poi:toh Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized racemosa (DC.) Standl. Opiliaceae Agonandra Agonandra Tecui kuwchicharro:n Oapan i:chi:l kowatl San Juan kwawchicharro:n racemosa (DC.) Totolcintla Standl. Orchidaceae Bletia Bletia coccinea Oapan pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Oapan pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Oapan pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Amey pi:pilo:lxo:chitl Llave et Lex. Orchidaceae Dicromanthus Dicromanthus sp. Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla chi:noh xo:chitl or chini:toh Orobanchaceae Castilleja Castilleja Oapan i:kwitlapi:l koyo:tl Amey i:ko:lah koyo:tl Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized auriculata Eastw. var. auriculata

Orobanchaceae Castilleja Castilleja nervata Oapan ko:lah de koyo:teh Oapan not named Oapan not named; he Amey iko:lah koyo:tl Eastw. / i:ko:lah koyo:tl said he has seen this plant buy does not know its name Orobanchaceae Castilleja Castilleja sp. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Orobanchaceae Orobanche Orobanche Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized dugesii (S. Wats.) Munz. Oxalidaceae Oxalis Oxalis sp. Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel xo:xoko:ktsi:n Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n

Papaveraceae Argemone Argemone Tecui a:chi:ka:lin Oapan a:chi:ka:lin San Juan a:chi:ka:lin mexicana L. Totolcintla Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Papaveraceae Boconia Bocconia arborea Tecui te:kwa:ma:tli Oapan not named San Juan not named S. Wats. Totolcintla

Passifloraceae Passiflora Passiflora foetida Oapan a:ketspaltomatl or Amey momoki:toh Tetel a:ketspaltomatl Oapan a:itspaltomatl L. var. a:itspaltomatl gossypiifolia (Ham.) Masters Passifloraceae Passiflora Passiflora Oapan kákaso:ntsi:n o Amey mama:xtlatsi:n papa:ntalo:ntsi:n Tetel pahpantalo:ntsi:n Oapan mexicana Juss. pápantaló:ntsi:n o kakaltsontsi:n de tlahtla:katl

Passifloraceae Passiflora Passiflora Oapan kákasó:ntsi:n o Amey mama:xtlatsi:n papantalo:ntsi:n o Tetel pahpantalo:ntsi:n mexicana Juss. pápantaló:ntsi:n kakaltsontsi:n de de siwa:tl suwa:tl Passifloraceae Passiflora Passiflora Oapan kákasó:ntsi:n o Amey mama:xtlatsi:n papantalo:ntsi:n o Tetel pahpantalo:ntsi:n Amey mexicana Juss. pápantaló:ntsi:n kakaltsontsi:n de de siwa:tl suwa:tl not recognized but when told name agreed as pápataló:ntsi:n Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca Phytolacca Atliaca a:xoxoko Atliaca Atliaca icosandra L. Piperaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Piperaceae Peperomia Peperomia sp. Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n Oapan xóxokó:htsi:n pi:pitik pi:pitik pi:pitik pi:pitik Piperaceae Piper Piper Atliaca i:xohyo i:xo:chio kostik Atliaca pseudoasperifoliu pahpatla:wak m C.DC. Piperaceae Piper Piper sp. Tecui temome:tstli Oapan not named San Juan not named Totolcintla Plocospermaceae Tlama kowtekomatl Tlama kowtekomatl Oapan n.n. chi:noh chi:noh Plumbaginaceae Plumbago Plumbago Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized scandens L. Poaceae Oapan sakama:tlatl Amey sakama:tlatl Oapan not named Amey not named

Poaceae Oapan sakama:tlatl

Poaceae Tlama sakachohcho.tsi:n Tlama sakachohcholtsi:n Oapan saká:choltsí:n

Poaceae Tlama wi:tsakapo:lin Tlama wi:tsakapo:lin Oapan wi:tsapo:lin

Poaceae Tlama sakaomitl

Poaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae [Andropogeae] Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Aristida Aristida Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Aristida Aristida Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Aristida Aristida Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Aristida Aristida Oapan saká:pitsáhtli sakaté:pitsák o sakatewé:weká Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. adscensionis L. Poaceae Aristida Aristida ternipes Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan sakawistli Cav. var. ternipes

Poaceae Arundo Arundo donax L. Oapan a:katl Oapan

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Oapan sakatsontetl Amey sakatsontetl de Tetel sakatsontetl de curtipendula tómióh de ista:k istá:k istá:k (Michx.) Torr. Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Oapan sakatsontetl Amey sakatsontetl de Tetel sakatsontetl de curtipendula tómióh de ista:k istá:k istá:k (Michx.) Torr. Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Tecui Tecui Tecui dimorpha Columbus Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua sp. Oapan sakapotohtli

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua sp. Oapan sakapotohtli

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Oapan sakatsontetl Amey sakatsontetl de Tetel sakatsontetl de Oapan name not known curtipendula tómióh de ista:k istá:k istá:k (Michx.) Torr. Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. var. caespitosa Gould & Kapadia

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua media Oapan sakatsontetl Amey sakatsontetl Tetel sakatsontetl Oapan saká:pextlí (E. Fourn.) Gould & Kapadia

Poaceae Bouteloua Bouteloua triaena Oapan saká:pextlí Amey sakapepextli Tetel sakapehpextle Oapan saká:pextlí (Trin.) Scribn.

Poaceae Brachiaria Brachiaria Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Cathestecum Cathestecum Oapan sakapotohtli varium Swallen Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Oapan sakapotohtli Tecui n.n.

Poaceae Cenchrus Cenchrus Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Cenchrus Cenchrus pilosus Oapan wí:tsapó:lin Amey n.n. Tetel wi:tsakapo:lin Oapan wí:tsapo:lin Kunth Poaceae Cenchrus Cenchrus pilosus Oapan wi:tsapo:lin Amey wi:tsapo:lin Tetel wi:tsakapo:lin Oapan not recognized Kunth Poaceae Chloris Chloris Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Chloris Chloris virgata Oapan sakaté:wáwaká Oapan not named Sw. Poaceae Chloris Chloris virgata Tecui Tecui Tecui Sw. Poaceae Chloris Chloris virgata Tecui Tecui Tecui Sw. Poaceae Chloris Chloris virgata Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Sw. Poaceae Cynodon Cynodon dactylon Tecui Tecui Tecui (L.) Pers.

Poaceae Cynodon Cynodon dactylon Oapan sakama:tlatl Amey n.n. Tetel sakaomitl Oapan sakama:tlatl (at (L.) Pers. first not recognized Poaceae Dactyloctenium Dactyloctenium Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Digitaria Digitaria Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Digitaria Digitaria Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Digitaria Digitaria Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Digitaria Digitaria bicornis Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel sakama:tlatl Oapan sakatl (Lam.) Roemer & Schultes

Poaceae Digitaria Digitaria bicornis Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized (Lam.) Roemer & Schultes

Poaceae Eleusine Eleusine indica Tecui Tecui Tecui (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae Elionurus Elionurus Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Eragrostis Eragrostis Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Eragrostis Eragrostis pilosa Oapan not named Amey sakatl de ite:ntson Amey not named Oapan not named (L.) P. Beauv osto:tsi:n (see note below)

Poaceae Eragrostis Eragrostis Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. mexicana (Hornem.) Link Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Poaceae Heteropogon Heteropogon Oapan sakawistli o Amey sakawistli o Tetel sakafle:chah Oapan sakatl of type not contortus (L.) P. sakakahli sakakahli known Beauv. Poaceae Heteropogon Heteropogon Tecui Tecui Tecui contortus (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. Poaceae Ixophoris Ixophoris sp. Oapan sakapatlaxtli Oapan sakapatlaxtli

Poaceae Ixophorus Ixophorus Oapan sakapatlaxtli Amey n.n. Tetel sakapatlaxtle Oapan sakatl unisetus (J. S. Presl.) Schltdl. Poaceae Lasiacis Lasiacis Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Leptochloa Leptochloa Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Leptochloa Leptochloa Oapan unidentified grass Amey unidentified grass Tetel unidentified grass Oapan recognized as a mucronata sakatl (Michx.) Kunth Poaceae Leptochloa Leptochloa sp. Oapan sakatl de i:ko:lah koyo:tl Poaceae Melinis Melinis repens Tecui Tecui Tecui (Willd.) Zizka Poaceae Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia Tecui Tecui Tecui implicata (H.B.K.) Trin. Poaceae Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia Tecui Tecui Tecui robusta (E. Fourn.) Hitchc. Poaceae Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia Tecui Tecui Tecui tenella (H.B.K.) Trin. Poaceae Opizia Opizia stolonifera Oapan saká:choltsí:n Amey sakachocholtsi:n Tetel sakachohcholtsi:n Oapan saká:choltsí:n J. Presl

Poaceae Oplismenus Oplismenus Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Oplismenus Oplismenus Tecui Tecui Tecui burmannii (Retz.) P. Beauv.

Poaceae Otatea Otatea acuminata Oapan wítlátl Oapan wítlátl Oapan wítlátl Amey o:tlatl (Munro) C. Calderón & Soderstrom

Poaceae Otatea Otatea acuminata Tecui Tecui Tecui (Munro) C.E. Calderón & Soderstr.

Poaceae Panicum Panicum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Panicum Panicum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Panicum Panicum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Paspalum Paspalum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Paspalum Paspalum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Paspalum Paspalum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Paspalum Paspalum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Paspalum Paspalum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Pereilema Pereilema ciliatum Tecui Tecui Tecui E. Fourn.

Poaceae Phragmites Phragmites sp. Oapan a:káwitlátl Amey a:katl Tetel a:katl Oapan a:katl / a:káwitlátl

Poaceae Rhynchelytrum Rhynchelytrum Atliaca Atliaca Atliaca repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubb. Poaceae Rhynchelytrum Rhynchelytrum Tecui Tecui Tecui repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubb. Poaceae Schizachyrium Schizachyrium Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Setaria Setaria Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Setaria Setaria Tecui Tecui Tecui Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Poaceae Setaria Setaria Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Setaria Setaria liebmannii Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. E. Fourn.

Poaceae Setaria Setaria sp. Tlama i:te:ntson Tlama i:te:ntson Oapan n.n. osto:tsi:n osto:tsi:n Poaceae Setariopsis Setariopsis Oapan saká:patlá:xtsi:n Amey sakamia:watl Tetel sakamia:watl auriculata (E. Fourn.) Scribner

Poaceae Sorghastrum Sorghastrum Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Sporobolus Sporobolus Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Trachypogon Trachypogon Tecui Tecui Tecui spicatus (L.f.) O. Kuntze Poaceae Urochloa Urochloa Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Urochloa Urochloa Tecui Tecui Tecui

Poaceae Urochloa Urochloa Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. fasciculata (Sw.) R. D. Webster

Polemoniaceae Loeselia Loeselia Atliaca xo:chitl de tepe:tl Atliaca Atliaca glandulosa (Cav.) mora:doh G. Don Polemoniaceae Loeselia Loeselia Atliaca xo:chitl de tepe:tl Atliaca glandulosa (Cav.) moradi:toh G. Don Polygalaceae Tlama n.n. Tlama sasa:lik xiwtli Oapan n.n. siwa:tl Polygonaceae Ruprechtia Ruprechtia sp. Oapan tepe:xa:xokotl Amey tepe:xa:xokotl Tetel tepe:xa:xokotl Oapan not recognized

Polygonaceae Ruprechtia Ruprechtia sp. Oapan tsátsapótsi:n Oapan tsátsapótsi:n Oapan not named Oapan not named

Portulacaceae Portulaca Oapan tetsmitl í:tlatlá:k Amey tetsmitl

Portulacaceae Portulaca Portulaca Oapan tetsmitl Amey tetsmitl Oapan tetsmitl yón we:lik Amey tetsmitl oleracea L. Portulacaceae Portulaca Portulaca Oapan tetsmitl oleracea L. Primulaceae Anagallis Anagallis arvensis Atliaca tsonahwatl Atliaca Atliaca L. Primulaceae Samolus Samolus Atliaca xohtli Atliaca ebracteatus i:nakasbu:rroh Kunth. Pteridaceae Adiantum Adiantum capillus- Atliaca xohtli de tepe:tl Atliaca Atliaca veneris L.

Pteridaceae Adiantum Adiantum tricholepis Fée Pteridaceae Adiantum Adiantum Oapan iskilika:tsi:n Amey askalika:tsi:n Tetel sisilantri:toh Oapan not recognized tricholepis Fée Pteridaceae Anemia Adenmia Atliaca xohtli de a:tl Atliaca silandri:yoh Atliaca adiantifolia (L.) Sw. Pteridaceae Cheilanthes Cheilanthes Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. lozanii (Maxon) R. Tryon & A. Tryon var. seemannii (Hook.) Mickel & Beitel

Pteridaceae Cheiloplecton Cheiloplecton Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla n.n. rigidum (Sw.) Fée

Pteridaceae Chelioplecton Chelioplecton Oapan iskilika:tsi:n Oapan not named rigidum (Sw.) Fée mora:doh

Pteridaceae Notholaena Notholaena Oapan iskilika:tsi:n de Amey selika:tsi:n o Tetel n.n. Oapan askilika:tsi:n candida (M. tla:katl sese:ktsi:n de Martens & suwa:tl Galeotti) Hook Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Pteridaceae Notholaena Notholaena Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. lemmonii (D. C. Eaton) Domin var. australis (R. Tryon) Tryon

Ranunculaceae Clematis Clematis dioica L. Atliaca tsompo:poto / Atliaca Atliaca i:tson kichkone:tl / i:tson niño

Ranunculaceae Clematis Clematis dioica L. Tecui Tecui Tecui

Rhamnaceae pepetlachikihtsi:n Amey not named Totolcintla not named

Rhamnaceae Colubrina Colubrina Tecui Tecui Tecui macrocarpa (Cav.) G. Don Rhamnaceae Colubrina Colubrina Atliaca tepe:tla:wa:nxa:xo Atliaca macrocarpa kotl ? or (Cav.) G. Don. tepe:xa:xokotl Rhamnaceae Karwinskia Karwinskia Tecui tekowtli Tecui tekowtli Tecui tekowtli humboldtiana (Roem. & Schult.) Zucc. Rhamnaceae Karwinskia Karwinskia Oapan tekohtli Amey tekuwtli Tetel tekohtle Amey tekuwtli humboldtiana (Roemer & Schult.) Zucc. Rhamnaceae Karwinskia Karwinskia Oapan tekohtli Oapan not named umbellata (Cav.) Schlecht. Rhamnaceae Ziziphus Ziziphus amole Tlama kowi:skitl Tlama kowi:skitl Oapan kowi:skitl kuwi:skitl (Sessé & Moc.) M. C. Johnst. Rhamnaceae Ziziphus Ziziphus amole Oapan kuwi:skitl Amey kuwi:skitl Tetel kuwi:skitl Oapan kuwi:skitl (Sesse & Moc.) M.G. Johnst. Rhamnaceae Ziziphus Ziziphus Oapan ámó:hli de Amey a:mo:hli Tetel ahmo:hle Oapan ámo:lkóhtli mexicana Rose kowi:skitl Rhamnaceae Ziziphus Ziziphus Tlama ahmo:hli Tlama ahmo:hli Oapan á:mó:hli mexicana Rose Rosaceae Alchemilla Alchemilla sp. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Rosaceae Cercocarpus Cercocarpus Atliaca ichkakohtli Atliaca Atliaca macrophyllus C. K. Schneid. Rosaceae Cercocarpus Cercocarpus sp. Tecui a:waichkakohtli Oapan not named San Juan a:wakwawichkatl Totolcintla Rosaceae Cercocarpus Cercocarpus sp. Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla ichkakowtli

Rubiaceae Tlama tepe:xa:xokotl Tlama tepe:xa:xokotl Oapan tepe:xa:xokokówa tli:ltik tli:ltik tlí ista:k (see below) Rubiaceae Bouvardia Bouvardia Tecui Tecui Tecui standleyana W.H. Blackw. Rubiaceae Bouvardia Bouvardia Atliaca chi:chi:ltik xo:chitl Atliaca viminalis Schltdl. de kware:smah

Rubiaceae Cephalanthus Cephalanthus Oapan tesontsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel a:to:po:lin Oapan tesontsi:n salicifolius Bonpl.

Rubiaceae Cephalanthus Cephalanthus Oapan tesontsi:n Amey not named salicifolius Bonpl.

Rubiaceae Crusea Crusea Tecui Tecui Tecui calocephala DC.

Rubiaceae Crusea Crusea Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized calocephala DC.

Rubiaceae Crusea Crusea psilloides Tlama ye:paso:tl Tlama not present Oapan n.n. (Kunth) W. R. Anderson Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Rubiaceae Crusea Crusea psyllioides Tecui Tecui Tecui (Kunth) W.R. Anderson

Rubiaceae Crusea Crusea Tecui Tecui Tecui diversifolia (Kunth) W.R. Anderson Rubiaceae Exostema Exostema Oapan ki:nah Amey kupa:lchih Tetel kopa:kchin Oapan not recognized caribaeum (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult.

Rubiaceae Guettarda Guettarda elliptica Oapan n.n. Amey kuwatli Tetel kuwahtle Oapan not recognized Sw. Rubiaceae Hintonia Hintonia Oapan chichi:k Oapan chichi:koxo:chitl Oapan chichi:koxo:chitl Oapan not named standleyana kohxo:chitl (Sessé & Moc. ex DC.) Bullock Rubiaceae Randia Randia Oapan tetekolo:tsi:n Amey n.n. Tetel tehtekolo:tsi:n de Amey tetekolo:tsi:n de echinocarpa un wihwitsioh xwelik Moçiño & Sessé (xwelik) ex DC. Rubiaceae Randia Randia thurberi S. Oapan osto:tsi:n xokotl Amey tetekolo:tsi:n Tetel tehtekolotsi:n Oapan osto:tsi:n xokotl Watson Rubiaceae Randia Randia thurberi S. Oapan osto:tsi:n xokotl Amey tetekolo:tsi:n Oapan osto:tsi:n xokotl Oapan osto:tsi:n xokotl Watson Rubiaceae Spermacoce Spermacoce Oapan yéye:páso:tl de Amey not named Tetel n.n. Oapan yéya:páso:tl confusa Rendle xihtli Rubiaceae Spermacoce Spermacoce Oapan yéye:páso:tl Amey yepaso:xiwtli Tetel n.n. Oapan yéya:páso:tl confusa Rendle Rutaceae Casimiroa Casimiroa edulis Tecui kochitsapotl Oapan kochitsapotl San Juan kochitsapotl La Llave & Lex. Totolcintla

Rutaceae Ptelea Ptelea trifoliata Tecui yepakohtli Oapan not named Amey not named Oapan not named (not recognized from specimen) Salicaceae Salix Salix Atliaca a:wexo:tl (de ista:k i:xo:chio) Atliaca Atliaca humboldtiana toma:wak i:kohyo Willd. Salicaceae Salix Salix sp. Oapan a:waxo:tl Oapan a:waxo:tl Amey not named

Sapindaceae Cardiospermum Cardiospermum Oapan komekatsi:ntli de Amey tres kosti:yas a:yekaxtsi:n kakalakatsi:n Tetel koyo:tomatl corindum L. a:yekaxtsi:n Sapindaceae Cardiospermum Cardiospermum Oapan n.n. Amey tre:s kosti:yas Tetel n.n. corindum L. (komekatl) Sapindaceae Cardiospermum Cardiospermum Oapan áa:yakaxtsi:n Oapan tres kosti:yas Amey tres kosti:yas corindum L. Sapindaceae Cardiospermum Cardiospermum Oapan áa:yekáxtsi:n Oapan not named corindum L. Sapindaceae Cardiospermum Cardiospermum Tecui xa:ltotomatsi:n Oapan áa:yekaxtsi:n Amey tres kosti:yas de Oapan áa:yakaxtsi:n corindum L. ista:k or tres kosti:yas de susuwa:tl or a:yekaxtsi:n Sapindaceae Dodonaea Dodonaea Atliaca to:naloko:tl ista:k Atliaca Atliaca viscosa (L.) Jacq.

Sapindaceae Sapindus Sapindus Oapan boli:cheh Oapan boli:chis saponaria L. Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania aff. Tlama komekatl Tlama komekatl Oapan kohmekatl triquetra Radlk. Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania Atliaca I:xo:chio Atliaca Atliaca racemosa kwemekatl Schumach Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania Oapan n.n. Amey tre:s kosti:yas Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized rhytidococca (komekatl) Acev.-Rodr. Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania Oapan n.n. Amey tre:s kosti:yas Tetel n.n. rhytidococca (komekatl) Acev.-Rodr. Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania Oapan n.n. Amey tre:s kosti:yas de Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized rhytidococca susuwa:tl (o de Acev.-Rodr. istá:k) Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania triquetra Oapan n.n. Amey tre:s kosti:yas de Tetel tre:s kosti:yas de Oapan not recognized Radlk. tla:katl tla:katl Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania triquetra Oapan not named Amey tre:s kosti:yah Amey tre:s kosti:yah Amey tre:s kosti:yas Radlk. istá:k istá:k istá:k Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Sapindaceae Serjania Serjania triquetra Tecui tre:s kosti:yah / Tecui tre:s kosti:yah / Tecui tre:s kosti:yah / Radlk. tre:s kosti:yas tre:s kosti:yas tre:s kosti:yas Sapindaceae Thouinia Thouinia villosa Atliaca tekohtli i:xo:chio Atliaca DC. ista:k Sapotaceae Sideroxylon Sideroxylon capiri (A. DC.) Pittier ssp tempisque

(Pittier) T.D.Penn. Oapan kapi:res Amey kapi:res Tetel kapi:reh Oapan kapi:reh Amey kapi:res

Sapotaceae Sideroxylon Sideroxylon San Juan a:witskolohtli San Juan a:witskolohtli celastrinum Totolcintla Totolcintla (Kunth) T.D. Penn. Sapotaceae Sideroxylon Sideroxylon Oapan a:wistli Amey a:wistli Tetel a:wistli Oapan a:wistli celastrinum (Kunth) T.D.Penn.

Scrophulariaceae Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n.

Scrophulariaceae Castilleja Castilleja Tecui Tecui Tecui tenuifolia M. Martens & Galeotti Scrophulariaceae Lamourouxia Lamourouxia Oapan i:kwitlapi:l koyo:tl Amey i:ko:lah koyo:tl Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized viscosa Kunth Scrophulariaceae Russelia Russelia Tecui Tecui Tecui sarmentosa Jacq.

Scrophulariaceae Schistophragma Oapan kókolantí:toh Amey n.n. Tetel n.n.

Scrophulariaceae Schistophragma Schistophragma Oapan kókolantí:toh Oapan kókolantí:toh Amey not named mexicana Scrophulariaceae Schistophragma Schistophragma Oapan kókolantí:toh Amey sisilantri:toh Tetel n.n. Oapan kókolantí:toh (not mexicana Benth. recognized at first ex D. Dietr.

Schizaeaceae Anemia Anemia mexicana Atliaca xohtli de Atliaca Klotzsch techina:ntli

Schizaeaceae Anemia Anemia mexicana Tecui Tecui Tecui Klotzsch

Selaginellaceae Selaginella Selaginella Oapan iskilika:tsi:n de Amey selika:tsi:n o Tetel n.n. lepidophylla siwa:tl sese:ktsi:n de (Hook. & Grev.) tla:katl Spring Selaginellaceae Selaginella Selaginella Oapan i:skilika:tsi:n de Amey selika:tsi:n o Tetel n.n. lepidophylla siwa:tl sese:ktsi:n de (Hook. & Grev.) tla:katl Spring Selaginellaceae Selaginella Selaginella Oapan iskilika:tsi:n de Amey selika:tsi:n o Tetel n.n. Oapan a:skilika:tsi:n yón lepidophylla siwa:tl sese:ktsi:n de noso:sowa (Hook. & Grev.) tla:katl Spring Simaroubaceae Alvaradoa Alvaradoa Oapan kohchi:pi:lin Oapan not named (has but didn´t know its amorphoides seen this tree and name) Leibm. subsp. recognized it amorphoides Simaroubaceae Alvaradoa Alvaradoa Atliaca n.n. Atliaca n.n. Atliaca n.n. amorphoides Liebm. Solanaceae Datura Datura discolor Oapan ista:k tla:pa:tl Amey tla:pa:tl de istá:k Tetel tla:pa:tl de istá:k Oapan tla:pa:tl ista:k Bernh. Solanaceae Datura Datura discolor Oapan tla:pa:tl ista:k Amey tla:pa:tl ista:k Bernh. Solanaceae Datura Datura inoxia Oapan tla:pa:tl mora:doh Amey tla:pa:tl mora:doh Tetel tla:pa:tl mora:doh Oapan tla:pa:tl mora:doh Miller Solanaceae Datura Datura inoxia Oapan tla:pa:tl mora:doh Amey tla:pa:tl mora:doh Miller Solanaceae Datura Datura inoxia Oapan tla:pa:tl mora:doh Oapan Miller Solanaceae Nicotiana Nicotiana glauca Oapan xé:poxíhtli Amey n.n. Tetel se:bohxiwtle de Oapan xé:poxíhtli Graham tekwitlanextik tepihpitsaktik tekwitlanextik Solanaceae Nicotiana Nicotiana Oapan tenexyetl san de plumbaginifolia xihtli Viv. Solanaceae Nicotiana Nicotiana Oapan n.n. Amey tenexyetl Tetel tenexyetl Oapan tenexyetl tabacum L. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Solanaceae Physalis Physalis cf. patula Tecui Tecui Tecui Miller Solanaceae Physalis Physalis cf. Oapan yéye:katómatl Amey not named Amey yeyekatomatl pruinosa L. Solanaceae Physalis Physalis Tlama koyo:tomatl Tlama koyo:tomatl Oapan koyo:tomatl Tlanicpatla sasa:lik xiwtli leptophylla (Rob.) Greenman

Solanaceae Physalis Physalis Oapan koyo:tomatl Amey totomatl Tetel koyo:tomatl Oapan koyo:tomatl nicandroides Schltdl. Solanaceae Physalis Physalis Oapan íye:katómatl Amey yeyekatomatl nicandroides Schltdl. Solanaceae Physalis Physalis patula San Marcos yehye:katomatl Mill. Oacacingo Solanaceae Physalis Physalis Oapan mi:ltomatl Amey a:mi:ltomatl philadelphica Lam. Solanaceae Physalis Physalis Tlama mi:ltomatl philadelphica Lam. Solanaceae Physalis Physalis sp. A Oapan tepe:tomatl Oapan tepe:tomatl Amey tepe:tomatl

Solanaceae Physalis Physalis sp. A. Oapan tepe:tomatl Amey tepe:tomatl Tetel tepe:tomatl Oapan tepe:tomatl

Solanaceae Physalis Physalis sp. B Oapan komixtomatl Oapan komixtomatl Amey kimixtomatl

Solanaceae Solandra Solandra sp. Atliaca tekamaxo:chitl Atliaca tekamaxo:chitl

Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. americanum Miller

Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Oapan chi:ka:lin de Amey chi:ka:lin de Tetel chi:ka:lin de Oapan chi:ka:lin angustifolium Mill. siwa:tl (kikwa susuwa:tl (de sisiwa:tl xo:chiókostík burroh) kostik i:xo:chio) Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Oapan tótomátsi:n Oapan tótomátsi:n Oapan tótomátsi:n Amey totomatsi:n deflexum Greenm. Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Oapan tótomátsi:n Oapan tótomátsi:n deflexum Greenm. Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. erianthum D. Don

Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Atliaca pa:ko:ni Atliaca erianthum D. Don

Solanaceae Solanum Solanum grayi Oapan chi:ka:lin i:xo:chio Amey chi:ka:lin de Tetel chi:ka:lin de Oapan a:chi:ka:lin (ista:k Rose ista:k de tla:katl tlatla:katl ista:k tlahtla:katl i:xo:chio; i:pan i:xo:chio nemi te:tsol)

Solanaceae Solanum Solanum grayi Oapan n.n. Amey chi:ka:lin de Tetel chi:ka:lin de Oapan a:chi:ka:lin Rose tepe:k tlahtla:katl Solanaceae Solanum Solanum grayi Oapan witschi:ka:lin Amey a:chi:ka:lin Oapan a:chi:ka:lin Amey a:chi:ka:lin de Rose tepe:k Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. Tlanicpatla lamahtlantli lanceolatum Cav.

Solanaceae Solanum Solanum Tecui Tecui Tecui rostratum Dunal Sterculiaceae Ayenia Ayenia abutifolia Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n n.n. Turcz.

Sterculiaceae Ayenia Ayenia pringlei Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel tlako:tlachpa:nwa: Oapan not recognized Cristóbal stle de tlahtla:katl

Sterculiaceae Ayenia Ayenia pusilla L. Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel ahwiá:k xiwtle Oapan seen but name not known Sterculiaceae Byttneria Byttneria aculeata Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not reocgnized (Jacq.) Jacq.

Sterculiaceae Byttneria Byttneria aculeata Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Amey (Jacq.) Jacq.

Sterculiaceae Byttneria Byttneria atrata Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Tecui n.n. Bullock Sterculiaceae Guazuma Guazuma Oapan koo:lo:tl tesontik Amey koo:lo:tl Amey koo:lo:tl Amey koo:lo:tl ulmifolia Lam. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Sterculiaceae Guazuma Guazuma San Juan kwao:lo:tl San Juan kwao:lo:tl ulmifolia Lam. Totolcintla Totolcintla Sterculiaceae Melochia Melochia Tecui Tecui Tecui corymbosa (Presl) Meissn. Sterculiaceae Melochia Melochia nodiflora Tecui Tecui Tecui Sw. Sterculiaceae Melochia Melochia Oapan tlako:tlachpa:nwa: Amey ta:paku:loh Tetel tlako:tlachpa:nwa: tomentosa L. stli stle Sterculiaceae Melochia Melochia Oapan tlako:tlachpa:wa:s Oapan tlako:tlachpa:wa:s Amey tapaku:loh tomentosa L. tli tli Sterculiaceae Melochia Melochia Tlama tlachpa:nwa:stli Tlama tlachpa:nwa:stli Oapan tlako:tlachpa:wa:s Amey tlachpa:nwa:stli tomentosa L. de tlako:tl (or (or tli tlako:tlachpa:nwa: tlako:tlachpa:nwa: stli) stli) Sterculiaceae Waltheria Waltheria indica Oapan tlako:tlachpa:wa:s Amey ta:paku:loh L. tsi:n Sterculiaceae Waltheria Waltheria pringlei Oapan tlako:tlachpa:nwa: Amey ta:paku:loh Tetel tlako:tlachpa:nwa: Oapan tlako:tlachpa:wa:s Rose and Standl. stli stle tli

Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris Thelypteris kunthii Atliaca xohtli de a:tlahko Atliaca (Desv.) C.V. Morton Theophrastaceae Jacquinia Jacquinia Oapan malakawistli (de Oapan not named fruit said to be like macrocarpa Cav. kohtli) (recognized ámó:hli subsp. pungens

Tiliaceae Heliocarpus Heliocarpus aff. Tecui Tecui Tecui occidentalis Rose

Tiliaceae Heliocarpus Heliocarpus sp. Oapan koha:la:wa Amey koola:wa tli:ltik Amey koola:wa tli:ltik Amey koola:wa tli:ltik chi:chi:ltik Tiliaceae Heliocarpus Heliocarpus Oapan koha:la:wa Amey koola:wa istá:k Tetel kuha:la:wa Oapan koha:la:wa ista:k terebinthinaceus (DC.) Hochr. Tiliaceae Heliocarpus Heliocarpus Oapan koha:la:wa Amey koola:wa ista:k Amey ko:ola:wa ista:k Amey koola:wa ista:k terebinthinaceus (DC.) Hochr. Tiliaceae Heliocarpus Heliocarpus Oapan koha:la:wa ista:k Oapan koha:la:wa Oapan koha:la:wa Amey koola:wa velutinosa Rose kwitlanex kwitlanextik kwitlanex Tiliaceae Triumfetta Triumfetta Tecui Tecui Tecui polyandra DC. Turneraceae Turnera Turnera diffusa Oapan not named Amey damia:nah Willd. ex Schult. Ulmaceae Celtis Celtis iguanaea Oapan malakawistli Oapan not named Amey komalakawistli (Jacq.) Sarg Ulmaceae Celtis Celtis iguanaea Oapan n.n. Amey komalakawistli Tetel komalakawistle Oapan a:i:skitl (Jacq.) Sarg. Ulmaceae Celtis Celtis iguanaea Oapan tepe:xa:xokokówa Oapan tepe:xa:xokokówa (Jacq.) Sarg. tlí tlí Ulmaceae Celtis Celtis iguanaea Tecui Tecui Tecui (Jacq.) Sarg. Urticaceae Pouzolzia Pouzolzia Oapan not named Amey koola:wa Amey koola:wa Amey koola:wa occidentalis chi:chi:ltik chi:chi:ltik chi:chi:ltik (Liebm.) Wedd. var. occidentalis.

Urticaceae Pouzolzia Pouzolzia Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel koha:la:wa Oapan koha:la:wa tli:lihki occidentalis var. chi:chi:ltik palmeri (S. Wats.) Friis. Urticaceae Pouzolzia Pouzolzia palmeri Tlama n.n. Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. S. Watson

Valerianaceae Valeriana Valeriana Tecui Tecui Tecui densiflora Benth.

Verbenaceae Bouchea Bouchea Oapan pi:na:wisxihtli Amey pipi:na:wisxiwtli de Tetel n.n. Oapan pípi:ná:wi prismatica (L.) momoradi:toh Kuntze i:xo:chio or cha:nko:kopi

Verbenaceae Bouchea Bouchea Oapan pípi:ná:wi xo:chitl Amey chanko:kopi / prismatica (L.) chanku:kupi Kuntze Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana Oapan not named Oapan not named Oapan not named Amey mamansani:tah achyranthifolia Desf. Appendix 1 Plants Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Plant Descriptions and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Family Genus Scientific Name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name Village 4 Village 4 name

Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana Tecui Tecui Tecui achyranthifolia Desf. Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana camara Oapan a:i:skitl de kuwatl Amey imamansa:nah Tetel mamansani:tah Oapan kuwatl i:xo:chiw L. (tlako:tsi:ntli) kuwatl

Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. involucrata L. Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana Oapan a:i:skitl de ista:k Amey mamansani:tah Tetel ista:ka:tsi:n Oapan a:i:skitl ista:k involucrata L. Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana velutina Oapan n.n. Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Mart. & Gal. Verbenaceae Lantana Lantana velutina Oapan a:i:skitl Amey mama:nsani:tah Oapan Oapan Mart. & Gal. Verbenaceae Lippia Lippia Atliaca o:lo:xo:chitl de Atliaca callicarpkfolia tepe:tl Kunth Verbenaceae Lippia Lippia mexicana Atliaca kohtli tehtepayo:ltik Atliaca G.L. Nesom tekwitlanextik i:xo:chio i:kohyo Verbenaceae Vitex Vitex mollis Kunth Oapan koyo:tomatl Amey koyo:tomatl Tetel koyo:tomatl Oapan koyo:tomatl

Violaceae Hybanthus Hybanthus attenuatus (Humb. & Bonpl.) Schulze-Menz

Tlama chihchi:ltsi:n Tlama n.n. Oapan n.n. n.n.

Vitaceae Cissus Cissus aff. tiliacea Tecui komekapa:pahtli Tecui komekapa:pahtli Tecui komekapa:pahtli Kunth Vitaceae Cissus Cissus Oapan tótoliwátsi:n Amey n.n. microcarpa Vahl

Vitaceae Cissus Cissus sicyoides Tlama i:kwitlaxkol Tlama i:kwitlaxkol Oapan komekarria:tah L. dia:bloh dia:bloh Vitaceae Cissus Cissus tiliacea Oapan kókoroní:tah Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan not recognized Kunth pápatlá:wak nor name known í:matlápal Vitaceae Cissus Cissus tiliacea Oapan unidentified vine Amey unidentified vine Tetel unidentified vine Oapan name not known Kunth Vitaceae Cissus Cissus tiliacea Oapan xihlámatsí:n de Amey n.n. Tetel lalasi:toh de Oapan not recognized Kunth lalasi:toh (o de komekatl tepe:k) also lálasí:toh de kohmekatl de tepe:k Vitaceae Cissus Cissus tiliacea Oapan xihlámatsí:n Amey not named Oapan Oapan Kunth Vitaceae Cissus Cissus trifoliata Oapan kókoroní:tah Amey n.n. Tetel n.n. Oapan kókoroni:tah (L.) L. Vitaceae Cissus Cissus trifoliata Oapan kókoroní:tah Amey not named (L.) L. Vitaceae Vitis Vitis tiliifolia Oapan tótoliwátsi:n Amey to:toloktsi:n Tetel to:toloktsi:n Oapan not recognized Humb. & Bonpl. ex Roem. & Schult. Vitaceae? Tecui n.n. Tecui we:i pahtli Tecui n.n. (tla:katl) Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan a:kestewe:wetsi Amey a:kistiwe:wetsi Tetel a:kistewe:wetse Oapan akestewe:wentsi:n Rydberg siwa:tl wéwé:i uwe:i ixo:chio sisiwa:tl / akestewe:wetsi i:xo:chio Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan a:kestewe:wetsi Amey a:kistiwe:wetsi Tetel a:kistewe:wetse Rydberg siwa:tl wéwé:i uwe:i ixo:chio sisiwa:tl i:xo:chio Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan a:kestewe:wetsi Amey a:kistiwe:wetsi de Tetel a:kistewe:wetse Oapan akestewe:wetsi / Rydberg tla:katl de pi:pitik pi:pitik ixo:chio de tlahtla:katl akestewe:wentsi:n i:xo:chio

Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan a:kestewe:wetsi Oapan akestewe:wetsi Rydberg ista:k Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan a:kestewe:wetsi Oapan akestewe:wetsi Rydberg chi:chi:ltik siwa:tl (i:kohyo) Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan a:kestewe:wetsi Oapan akestewe:wetsi Rydberg ista:k ista:k Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia Kallstroemia rosei Oapan tsi:ya:tsontekomat Amey not namedOapan tsi:katsontekomatl Rydberg l ista:k ista:k Appendix 2 Birds Collected or Sighted in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico, or Seen in Museum Collection and Identified by Native Speakers For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Order Family Species Spanish common English common Oapan / Ameyaltepec

Anseriformes Anatidae Anas spp. Pato Duck a:pa:to / pa:to Apodiformes Apodidae Aeronautes saxatalis Vencejo pecho White-throated swift tlapayahto:to:tl or sehto:to:tl / blanco tlapayawto:to:tl pi:pitik Apodiformes Apodidae Streptoprocne Vencejo nuca White-naped swift tlapayahto:to:tl / semicollaris blanca tlapayawto:to:tl de un uwe:i Apodiformes Trochilidae Amazilia violiceps Colibrí corona- Violet-crowned wíwi:sakátsi:n / wi:tsakatsi:n violeta hummingbird Apodiformes Trochilidae Archilochus colubris Colibrí gorjirrubi Ruby-throated wíwi:sakátsi:n / wi:tsakatsi:n hummingbird Apodiformes Trochilidae Cynanthus sordidus Colibrí prieto Dusky hummingbird wíwi:sakátsi:n / wi:tsakatsi:n

Apodiformes Trochilidae Heliomaster constantii Picolargo Plain-capped wíwi:sakátsi:n / wi:tsakatsi:n coronioscuro starthroat Apodiformes Trochilidae Heliomaster longirostris Picolargo Long-billed wíwi:sakátsi:n / wi:tsakatsi:n Coroniazul Starthroat Apodiformes Trochilidae Hylocharis leucotis (ex Colibrí Orejiblanco White-eared wíwi:sakátsi:n / wi:tsakatsi:n Basilinna leucotis) Hummingbird Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae Caprimulgus ridgwayi Tapacaminos; Buff-collared po:xakwatl or chíkwatsí:n / Préstamo-tu- nightjar po:xakwatl cuchillo Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae Chordeiles acutipennis Chotacabras menor Lesser nighthawk po:xakwatl or chíkwatsí:n / po:xakwatl Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae Chordeiles minor Chotacabras mayor Common nighthawk po:xakwatl or chíkwatsí:n / po:xakwatl Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae Nyctidromus albicollis Chotacabras Common pauraque po:xakwatl or chíkwatsí:n / pauraque po:xakwatl Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae Nyctiphrynus mcleodii Pachacua Prío Eared Poorwill po:xakwatl or chíkwatsí:n / po:xakwatl Charadriformes Charadriidae Charadrius collaris Chorlito collarejo Collared plover a:piotsi:n / n.n. Charadriformes Charadriidae Charadrius vociferus Chorlo tildío Killdeer a:piotsi:n / n.n. Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Actitis macularia Playero alzacolita Spotted sandpiper a:tsi:ntékwitsí:n / a:piotsi:n Ciconiiformes Ardeidae Ardea alba Garzón blanco Great egret a:sta:tl / a:sta:tl Ciconiiformes Ardeidae Ardea herodias Garza morena Great blue heron á:xoké:n / ga:rsah Ciconiiformes Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Garza ganadera Cattle egret a:sta:tl pitentsi:n / n.n. Ciconiiformes Ardeidae Nycticorax nycticorax Garza-nocturna Black-crowned coroninegra night-heron Columbiformes Columbidae Columba livia Paloma doméstica Rock dove pa:lomax or pichó:n / palomi:tah or pichó:n Columbiformes Columbidae Columbina inca Tórtola cola larga Inca dove ko:kotetsi:n / ko:kotetsi:n Columbiformes Columbidae Columbina passerina Tórtola coquita Common ground- tlapalkó:kotsí:n / dove ma:stlakapalko:kotsi:n Columbiformes Columbidae Columbina talpacoti Tórtola rojiza Ruddy ground-dove tlapalkó:kotsí:n / ma:stlakapalko:kotsi:n Columbiformes Columbidae Leptotila verreauxi Paloma arroyera White-tipped dove tla:lakatetl / tla:lakatetl Columbiformes Columbidae Zenaida asiatica Paloma ala blanca White-winged dove wi:lo:tl / palo:mah de ka:mpoh Columbiformes Columbidae Zenaida macroura Paloma huilota Mourning dove sakatsi:n / sakati:yah Coraciiformes Alcedinidae Chloroceryle americana Martin-pescador Green kingfisher verde Coraciiformes Momotidae Momotus mexicanus Momoto corona Russet-crowned tla:lto:ntsi:n / Juan Die:goh café motmot Cuculiformes Cuculidae Coccyzus minor Cuclillo manglero Mangrove cuckoo n.n. / tlatska:to:to:tl or i:xte:nsasa:rkah Cuculiformes Cuculidae Crotophaga sulcirostris Garrapatero pijuy Grove-billed ani chíkolo tli:líhki / chikolo tli:ltik

Cuculiformes Cuculidae Geococcyx velox Correcaminos Lesser roadrunner koxka:to:to:tl / tla:lto:ntsi:n or tropical kokoxka:to:to:tl Cuculiformes Cuculidae Morococcyx Cuco-terrestre Lesser Ground- erythropygus menor cuckoo Cuculiformes Cuculidae Piaya mexicana (Piaya Cuclillo canela Squirrel cuckoo chíkoló pi:ntah / chikolo cayana mexicana) chi:chi:ltik Falconiformes Accipitridae Asturina nitidus (Buteo Aguililla gris Grey hawk nitidus) Falconiformes Accipitridae Buteo jamaicensis Aguililla cola roja Red-tailed hawk kwi:xin / kwi:xin Falconiformes Accipitridae Buteogallus anthracinus Aguililla-negra Common black tsómakwí:xin / tsomakwi:xin menor hawk Falconiformes Accipitridae Circus cyaneus Gavilán rastrero Northern harrier tótlí / kwi:xin pitsaktsi:n Falconiformes Cathartidae Cathartes aura Zopilote aura Turkey vulture tsómakó:ltsi:n / ko:le:tl Appendix 2 Birds Collected or Sighted in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico, or Seen in Museum Collection and Identified by Native Speakers For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Order Family Species Spanish common English common Oapan / Ameyaltepec

Falconiformes Cathartidae Coragyps attratus Zopilote común Black vulture tsómá / tsopilo:tl Falconiformes Falconidae Caracara cheriway Caracara Crested caracara á:yokwá:ne / tlakotatatsi:n quebrantahuesos Falconiformes Falconidae Caracara plancus Caracara Crested caracara á:yokwá:ne / tlakotatatsi:n quebrantahuesos Falconiformes Falconidae Falco sparverius Cernícalo American kestrel tlítlihtsi:n / tlitliktsi:n americano (Sparrow hawk) Falconiformes Falconidae Herpetotheres Halcón guaco Laughing falcon wa:htsi:n / wa:ktsi:n cachinnans Galliformes Cracidae Ortalis poliocephala Chachalaca pálida West Mexican chala / chalto:n chachalaca Galliformes Phasianidae Philortyx fasciatus Codorniz rayada Banded quail so:lin / so:lin Gruiformes Rallidae Fulica americana Gallareta American coot pa:to / pa:to americana Passeriformes Bombycillidae Bombycilla cedrorum Ampelis chinito Cedar waxwing tlayo:lkwilin / n.n. Passeriformes Corvidae Calocitta formosa Urraca-hermosa White-throated te:kwa:nto:to:tl / Jodió:s cara blanca magpie-jay to:to:tl Passeriformes Corvidae Corvus corax Cuervo común Common raven ka:ka:lo:tl / ka:ka:lo:tl Passeriformes Emberizidae (Subfam. Cardinalis cardinalis Cardenal norteño Northern cardinal Cardinalinae) Passeriformes Emberizidae (Subfam. Sporophila torqueola Semillero Collarejo White-collared Emberizinae) Seedeater Passeriformes Emberizidae (Subfam. Volatinia jacarina Semillero brincador Blue-black Emberizinae) grassquit Passeriformes Emberizidae (Subfam. Basileuterus rufifrons Chipe gorrirrufo Rufous-capped Parulinae) Warbler Passeriformes Emberizidae (Subfam. Dendroica petechia Chipe amarillo Yellow warbler Parulinae) Passeriformes Emberizidae (Subfam. Wilsonia pusilla Chipe de Wilson Wilson´s warbler Parulinae) Passeriformes Fringillidae Aimophila humeralis Zacatonero pecho Black-chested tlatsilí:niká:tsi:n / negro sparrow tlatsitsili:nya:ntsi:n Passeriformes Fringillidae Aimophila ruficauda Zacatonero corona Striped-headed tsilko / montoneri:tos rayada sparrow Passeriformes Fringillidae Aimophila sp. Passeriformes Fringillidae Carduelis psaltria Dominico Lesser goldfinch dorsioscuro Passeriformes Fringillidae Carpodacus mexicanus Fringílido mexicano House finch

Passeriformes Fringillidae Guiraca caerulea Picogordo azul Blue grosbeak te:ntetl / te:nteli:toh ? Passeriformes Fringillidae Passerina leclancherii Colorín pecho Orange-breasted te:ntetsi:ntli / naranja bunting ye:lpankostiktsi:n Passeriformes Fringillidae Passerina versicolor Colorín morado Varied bunting te:ntetl / san se: iwa:n nemi ye:lpankostiktsi:n Passeriformes Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica Golondrina tijereta Barn swallow sehto:to:tl / tlapayawto:to:tl Passeriformes Icteridae Icterus pustulatus Bolsero dorso Streak-backed chia:chi:atl / chi:lto:to:tl we:i rayado oriole Passeriformes Icteridae Molothrus aeneus Tordo ojo rojo Bronzed (Red- kaba:yoto:to:tl / (recognized, eyed) cowbird no name) Passeriformes Icteridae Molothrus ater Tordo cabeza café Brown-headed kaba:yoto:to:tl / (recognized, cowbird no name) Passeriformes Icteridae Quiscalus mexicanus Zanate mexicano Great-tailed grackle Passeriformes Laniidae Lanius ludovicianus Alcaudón verdugo, Loggerhead shrike tsi:kato:to:tl or tsí:ntlaxkal í:na:n / n.n. Passeriformes Mimidae Mimus polyglottos Centzontle norteño Northern (Common) tsí:ntlaxkál / tsi:kato:to:tl mockingbird

Passeriformes Ploceidae Passer domesticus Gorrión casero House sparrow i:xte:nkareni:toh or kexti:greh / n.n. Passeriformes Sylvidae Polioptila albiloris Perlita cejiblanca White-lored gnatcatcher Passeriformes Sylvidae Polioptila caerulea Perlita azulgris Blue-grey pi:pi:xtsi:n / pi:xe:tl gnatcatcher Passeriformes Thraupinea Piranga hepatica Tángara Encinera Hepatic Tanager Passeriformes Troglodytidae Catherpés mexicanus Saltapared Canyon wren barranquero Passeriformes Troglodytidae Thryothorus pleurostictus Chivirín barrado Banded wren póchawís / ichkakukwintsi:n

Passeriformes Troglodytidae Thryothorus sinaloa Chivirín sinaloense Bar-vented wren póchawís / ichkakukwintsi:n Appendix 2 Birds Collected or Sighted in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico, or Seen in Museum Collection and Identified by Native Speakers For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Order Family Species Spanish common English common Oapan / Ameyaltepec

Passeriformes Troglodytidae Thryothorus sp. Passeriformes Turdidae Turdus rufopalliatus Mirlo dorso rufo Rufous-backed primabe:rah / n.n. robin Passeriformes Tyrannidae Attila pacificus (Attila Rabadilla-brillante Bright-rumped Attila spadiceus pacificus) Passeriformes Tyrannidae Contopus pertinax Pibí mayor Greater pewee Passeriformes Tyrannidae Empidonax albigularis Mosquero White-throated gorjiblanco flycatcher Passeriformes Tyrannidae Empidonax minimus Mosquero mínimo Least flycatcher Passeriformes Tyrannidae Empidonax trailli Mosquero saucero Willow flycatcher Passeriformes Tyrannidae Empidonax wrightii Mosquero gris Grey flycatcher Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiarchus cinerascens Papamoscas Ash-throated kwa:poro:n / kwa:teporo:n or cenizo flycatcher kwa:tebo:lah Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiarchus nuttingi Papamoscas de Nutting´s (Pale- kwa:poro:n / kwa:teporo:n or Nutting throated) flycatcher kwa:tebo:lah Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiarchus tuberculifer Papamoscas triste Dusky-capped kwa:poro:n pitentsi:n or (Olivaceous) kwa:poro:n kone:tl / flycatcher kwa:teporo:ntsi:n Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiarchus tyrannulus Papamoscas tirano Brown-crested kwa:poro:n / kwa:teporo:n or (Wied´s) flycatcher kwa:tebo:lah Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiodynastes luteiventris Papamoscas Sulphur-bellied Vientre-amarillo Flycatcher Passeriformes Tyrannidae Pitangus sulphuratus Luis bienteveo Great kiskadee pétoké:x or pítojwé:s / n.n. (Kiskadee flycatcher) Passeriformes Tyrannidae Pyrocephalus rubinus Mosquero cardenal Vermillion chi:lto:to:tl / chi:lto:to:tl flycatcher pitentsi:n Passeriformes Tyrannidae Sayornis nigricans Mosquero negro Black phoebe Passeriformes Tyrannidae Tyrannus crassirostris Tirano piquigrueso Thick-billed kingbird

Passeriformes Tyrannidae Tyrannus melancholicus Tirano tropical Tropical kingbird chikóyotlí / si:bara:tl Passeriformes Vireonidae Vireo belli Vireo de Bell Bell's Vireo Passeriformes Vireonidae Vireo flavoviridis Vireo verdeamarillo Yellow-green vireo pátsí:ntli or komichito:to:tsi:ntli / n.n. Passeriformes Vireonidae Vireo hypochryseus Vireo dorado Golden vireo pátsí:ntli or komichito:to:tsi:ntli / n.n. Piciformes Picidae Camptostoma imberbe Mosquero lampiño Northern beardless- n.n. / n.n. or che:che:tl tyrannulet Piciformes Picidae Dryocopus lineatus Carpintero lineado Lineated pitorreá:l / pitorreá:l woodpecker Piciformes Picidae Melanerpes chrysogenys Carpintero Golden-cheeked tekoch / tekoch or tekoch enmascarado woodpecker tlatekontso:tsona Piciformes Picidae Melanerpes hypopolius Carpintero pecho Grey-breasted tekoch / tekoch gris woodpecker Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Tachybaptus dominicus Zambullidor menor Least grebe a:pa:to / pa:to Psittaciformes Psittacidae Ara militaris Guacamaya verde Military macaw a:lo / a:lo Psittaciformes Psittacidae Aratinga canicularis Perico frente Orange-fronted peri:ko / periki:toh naranja parakeet Strigiformes Strigidae Bubo virginianus Buho cornudo Great horned owl tekolo:tl / tekolo:tl Strigiformes Strigidae Glaucidium brasilianum Tecolote bajeño Ferruginous pygmy- metlapiltetso:tsontsi:n / owl metlapiltetso:tsontsi:n Strigiformes Strigidae Otus seductus Tecolote ojioscuro Balsas screech-owl papahtekolo:tl / kopa:k de Balsas tekolo:tl Strigiformes Tytonidae Tyto alba Lechuza de (Common) barn owl n.n. / tekolo:tl campanario Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Analco a:kowatl

Oapan a:ko:lo:tl Oapan a:ko:lo:tl yon Oapan a:ko:lo:tl pitentsi:n Oapan a:ko:lo:tl pitentsi:n Ameyaltepec not named Oapan a:ko:lo:tl pitentsi:n

Oapan a:ko:lo:tl we:i Ameyaltepec not named Oapan a:ko:lo:tl we:i

Oapan a:kwetlaxtli or Oapan a:kwetlaxtli or Oapan a:kwetlaxtli or a:kwe:roh a:kwe:roh a:kwe:roh Oapan a:kweya:chin Oapan a:kweya:chin Oapan a:kweya:chin

Oapan a:xo:lo:tl Ameyaltepec a:xo:lo:tl

Oapan Carranza we:weh Oapan tokatl Oapan tokatl

Arachnida Oapan ko:lo:tl

Arachnida Oapan ko:lo:tl Ameyaltepec ko:lo:tl (suwa:tl)

Arachnida Oapan ko:lo:tl Ameyaltepec ko:lo:tl de suwa:tl (o suwa:ko:lo:tl)

Arachnida Oapan ko:lo:tl (na:ntli Ameyaltepec ko:lo:tl de un Oapan siwa:ko:lo:tl kone:wah) suwa:tl Arachnida

Arachnida Oapan ko:lo:tl Ameyaltepec ko:lo:tl (okichko:lo:tl) (okichko:lo:tl) Oapan kwe:tla Ameyaltepec kwe:tlan

Oapan not named Ameyaltepec kwilin de un molo:nki Oapan RM did not know but new that it Oapan PP did not know ke:tla chachateya the name was the type of the name but insect that one stated that it was asks ka:nika like the insect that Mé:jikoh. one asks ka:nika México? This insect is called chachateya. As she said

Oapan see below Oapan see below

Oapan te:kawa Ameyaltepec not named Oapan not named

Oapan tekomasolin i:kal Ameyaltepec i:kal tetekomasol Oapan tekomasolin i:kal (tekomasolkahli)

Oapan tla:lakaté:tsokó:ni Ameyaltepec kwilin de un Oapan not named molo:nki Arachnida Oapa ma:se:kapochik Ameyaltepec ma:se:kapochik Oapan ma:sia:pochik / ma:pochik (pl. ma:pochihmeh) Arachnida Oapan tokachi:chi:hli Oapan tokachi:chi:hli

Arachnida Oapan tokatl Ameyaltepec tokatl Oapan tokatl

Arachnida Oapan tokatl Ameyaltepec tokatl de un Oapan tokatl xoxo:hki Arachnida Oapan tokatl Oapan tokatl Ameyaltepec tokatl

Arachnida Oapan tokatl xoxo:hki Oapan tokatl xoxo:hki Oapan tokatl xoxo:hki (female) Arachnida Actinedida Trombidiidae Allothrombium Allothrombium sp. Oapan a:ngeli:toh Ameyaltepec itskwi:ntsi:n Oapan a:ngeli:toh [2 female] tio:pixki Arachnida Solifugae Eremobatidae Eremobates Eremobates Oapan pi:na:wistli Ameyaltepec pi:na:wistli ingens [female] Actinopterygii Oapan michin matlapaleh Oapan mixti:greh

Actinopterygii Oapan michpe:petlah Oapan michpe:petlah Oapan michpe:petlan

Actinopterygii Oapan michpe:petlan Ameyaltepec not named

Actinopterygii Oapan tepatlachmichin i:kopal Actinopterygii Oapan tla:lnese:rah Oapan tla:lnese:rah yo Oapan tsómanéhtli i:tik kohtli Actinopterygii Oapan tsatsapalin Ameyaltepec chia:chia:wahtsi:n

Actinopterygii Oapan xo:wi:lin Ameyaltepec xo:wi:lin Oapan xo:wi:lin

Actinopterygii Oapan xo:wi:lin Ameyaltepec xo:wi:lintsi:n

Actinopterygii Oapan xo:wi:lin i:kopal Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Insecta Ameyaltepec xi:pixtli Ameyaltepec kwilin de Ameyaltepec ikos chichitsi:n xi:pichioh Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chin Ameyaltepec ye:lo:chapolintsi:n Oapan a:kayo:chin de de tla:katl tla:katl Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chin Oapan a:kayo:chin Oapan a:kayo:chin (male)

Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chin Oapan a:kayo:chin Oapan (female) (female) Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chin (later Ameyaltepec ye:lo:chapolin de Oapan a:kayo:chpestli corrected to un we:i a:kayo:chpestli)

Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chin (male) Oapan a:kayo:chin (male) Oapan te:kwitlakwa

Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chin (sex Oapan a:kayo:chin (sex unsure given the unsure given the young age of this young age of this specimen) specimen) Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chpestli Oapan a:kayo:chpestli Oapan a:kayo:chpestli (female) (female) (female) Insecta Oapan a:kayo:chpestli Oapan a:kayo:chpestli (male) (male) Insecta Oapan a:nématsí:n or a:nímatsí:n Insecta Oapan a:tintli Ameyaltepec a:tintli Oapan a:tintli

Insecta Oapan chachateya Oapan chachateya Ameyaltepec yo:lka:tsi:n de (female) mitsihli:s ka:nika timona:mikti:s Insecta Oapan chachateya 2) Oapan chachateya 2) (female (female

Insecta Oapan chachateya Oapan chachateya (male) (male) Insecta Oapan chochoteya Oapan chachateya Oapan chachateya i:wa:n (female) (female) i:to:toltewa:n

Insecta Oapan chochoteya Oapan chachateya Oapan chochoteya tla:katl tla:katl tla:katl Insecta Oapan i:na:n a:ko:lo:tl Oapan not named Ameyaltepec not named

Insecta Oapan jomi:les Ameyaltepec xomilin Oapan omi:les

Insecta Oapan ka:nika México Oapan ka:nika México

Insecta Oapan ka:nika México Oapan ka:nika México Oapan (female) (female) Insecta Oapan ka:nika México Oapan ka:nika México Oapan (male) (male) Insecta Oapan kala:chin Ameyaltepec kala:chin Oapan kala:chin (xmatlapaleh) Insecta Oapan kalwa:htli Ameyaltepec kalwa:wtli Oapan kalwa:htli

Insecta Oapan karaba:toh Ameyaltepec garrapa:tah Oapan karaba:toh (karrapa:tah) Insecta Oapan karaba:toh de Ameyaltepec garrapa:tah de Oapan karaba:toh wa:kax bwe:yeh (de wa:kax) Insecta Oapan kohtekine Oapan kohtekine Oapan kohtekine (nicknamed tlakolo:le:roh) Insecta Oapan kohtekine Oapan kohtekine (no:kse:) (no:kse:) Insecta Oapan kohtekine or Oapan kohtekine or kohtekine kohtekine tlako:lo:le:roh tlako:lo:le:roh Insecta Oapan kókó:htsi:n

Insecta Oapan kókó:htsi:n Ameyaltepec koko:ktsi:n

Insecta Oapan kókó:htsi:n Ameyaltepec koko:ktsi:n Oapan kókó:htsi:n (also called aguardiante in the Spanish of Sta. Teresa

Insecta Oapan koko:htsi:n (2 Oapan koko:htsi:n (2 Oapan koko:htsi:n (2 specimens) specimens) specimens) Insecta Oapan koko:htsitsi:ntih Oapan n.n. Oapan

Insecta Oapan komo:lo Ameyaltepec tla:tekomolo Oapan komo:lo

Insecta Oapan komo:n Oapan komo:n Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Insecta Oapan kuwi:xin yo:n Oapan té:chikó:tl kinkwa kikwa ko:lo:tl ko:lo:meh i:pan kahli nemih

Insecta Oapan ma:xtlatsi:n Ameyaltepec tijeri:tas Oapan a:ma:xtlatsi:n

Insecta Oapan ma:xtlatsi:n Ameyaltepec tijeri:tas Oapan a:ma:xtlatsi:n

Insecta Oapan mi:te:ka

Insecta Oapan mi:te:ka

Insecta Oapan n.n. Oapan kohtekine de Oapan kohtekine de witskohtli witskohtli Insecta Oapan te:xkah Ameyaltepec Mitsyesatli:s.

Insecta Oapan te:xkah Ameyaltepec te:xkah

Insecta Oapan te:xkah Ameyaltepec te:xkah

Insecta Oapan te:xkah Oapan te:xkah

Insecta Oapan te... Oapan Oapan

Insecta Oapan tlako:me:meka Ameyaltepec tlakome:meka

Insecta Oapan tlako:me:meka Oapan tlako:me:meka (female; 4) (female; 4) Insecta Oapan tlako:me:meka Oapan tlako:me:meka (male 3) (male 3) Insecta Oapan tlako:me:meka Ameyaltepec tlakome:meka siwa:tl (siwa:tl) Insecta Oapan tlátlami:nká:tsi:n Ameyaltepec xo:tlame:tsi:n (tio:pixka:tsi:ntli) (xtlikwi)

Insecta Oapan tsatsapalin Oapan tsatsapalin ista:k Oapan tsatsapalin xoxo:hki kemech o:ne:skeh kemech o:temo:toh ista:k

Insecta Oapan xa:xa:yakatl kostik Oapan xa:xa:yakatl yo:n te:chkwa

Insecta Oapan xí:kotlí kostik Ameyaltepec xi:kotli Oapan xí:kotlí

Insecta Oapan xí:kotli rraya:doh

Insecta Oapan xí:kotlí tli:lihki Oapan xí:kotlí Oapan xí:kotlí tli:lihki

Insecta Oapan xi:pichin Oapan not named Ameyaltepec not named

Insecta Arachnida Oapan not named Ameyaltepec chi:lpan de siegi:toh Insecta Coleoptera Ameyaltepec kwitlatemi:milo:tsi: Oapan kwitlatemíloká:tsi: n de un we:i n youn we:i Insecta Coleoptera Oapan kwitlaté:moloká:tsi :n Insecta Coleoptera Oapan kwitlatemóloká:tsi: Ameyaltepec kwitlatemi:milo:tsi: Oapan kwitlatemóloká:tsi: n n n Insecta Coleoptera Oapan to:ma:ya:tl

Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae Oapan kohtekine or Ameyaltepec kuwtekintsi:n Oapan kohtekine tlakolole:roh Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae Dendrobias Dendrobias Oapan tó:má:ya:tl Ameyaltepec not named mandibularis Serville Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae Derobrachus Derobrachus sp. Oapan kohtekine Ameyaltepec kuwtekintsi:n

Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae Plagiochamus Plagiochamus Oapan kohtekine Ameyaltepec kuwtekintsi:n imperator Thomson Insecta Coleoptera Elateridae (subfam: Aeolus Aeolus sp. Oapan xo:tlame:tsi:n yon Ameyaltepec xo:tlame:tsi:n de Conoderinae) kextlastopo:ni un tli:ltik nokechpo:posteki

Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Onthophagus Onthophagus sp. Oapan kwitlatemóloká:tsi: Ameyaltepec kwitlatemi:milo:tsi: (subfam: n n Melolonthinae) Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Phillophaga Phillophaga sp. Oapan te:tsol Ameyaltepec not named (subfam: Melolonthinae) Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Strategus Strategus sp. Oapan not named Ameyaltepec not named Oapan te:tsol (subfam: Melolonthinae) Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Strategus Strategus sp. Oapan te:tsol yon we:i Ameyaltepec not named (subfam: Melolonthinae) Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Canton ? Oapan sombreri:tos Ameyaltepec not named Oapan Yo:lka:tsi:n de (subfam. pipi:pilo:ltsi:n Melolonthinae) Insecta Coleoptera Sialidae Corydalus Corydalus Oapan a:kwe:roh Ameyaltepec not named cornutus L. (larva) (a:kwetlaxtli)

Insecta Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Eleodes Eleodes sp. Oapan kochiantsi:n Ameyaltepec not named Oapan not named (subfam: Tenebrioninae) Insecta Coleoptera Trogidae Trox Trox sp. Oapan te:tsol Ameyaltepec not named Oapan te:tsol

Insecta Diptera Oapan ixisa:yo:lin (yon tótómióh) Insecta Diptera Oapan ixisa:yo:lin Oapan ixisa:yo:lin Oapan ixisa:yo:lin xoxo:hki (yon xoxo:hki (yon xoxo:hki (yon te:tlate:milia) te:tlate:milia) te:tlate:milia) Insecta Diptera Oapan ixisa:yo:lin yon Ameyaltepec xiwsa:yo:lin de un or xiwsa:yo:lin de or xiwsa:yo:lin de raya:doh totomioh un we:i un te:tlate:milia

Insecta Diptera Oapan mo:yo:tl Oapan mo:yo:tl Oapan mo:yo:tl (or mo:yo:kri:stoh) Insecta Diptera Culicidae Oapan mo:yo:tl Ameyaltepec mo:yo:tl

Insecta Diptera Muscidae Oapan ixisa:yo:lin Ameyaltepec xiwsa:yo:lin Oapan ixisa:yo:lin

Insecta Diptera Muscidae Oapan ixisa:yo:lin Oapan Xte:tlate:milia. Ameyaltepec xiwsa:yo:lin de un Sa:yo:lin de pitentsi:n pestik. Xtómióh. Ye:i nemi se: xoxo:hki yon te:tlate:milia. Okse: we:i kareni:toh tepitsi:n ista:htsi:n wa:n tli:ltihtsi:n te:tlate:milia. Niman nokopa kwilin

Insecta Diptera Muscidae Oapan ixisa:yo:lin (yon Ameyaltepec xiwsa:yo:lin (de notla:lia i:pan pi:pitik) tlakwahli) (xiwsa:yo:lin de san de melá:k xiwsa:yo:lin) Insecta Diptera Phoridae Oapan ixisa:yo:lin yon Oapan xiwsa:yo:lin de un xoxo:hki xoxo:hki Insecta Diptera Syrphidae Ornidia Ornidia obesa Oapan anímatsí:n or Oapan not named Ameyaltepec not named Fabricius alímatsi:n or ánimah. Insecta Diptera Tachinidae Oapan ixisa:yo:lin Ameyaltepec xiwsa:yo:lin de un Oapan ixisa:yo:lin tli:ltik totomioh

Insecta Hemiptera Cicadidae Oapan kakayo:tl Ameyaltepec kakayo:tl

Insecta Hymenoptera Oapan chi:lpa:n me:koh

Insecta Hymenoptera Oapan chi:lpa:n me:koh

Insecta Hymenoptera Oapan tla:lsokité:kwichi:lt Oapan tla:lsokité:kwichi:lt si:n si:n Insecta Hymenoptera Oapan tlatsiwistli Oapan tlatsawistli

Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Apis Apil mellifera L. Oapan obe:jah kostik Ameyaltepec obe:jas Oapan obe:jas

Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Apis Apis mellifera L. Oapan obeji:tah Ameyaltepec obeji:tah Oapan obe:jah (o obeji:tah) Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Peponapis Peponapis sp. Oapan obeji:tas Ameyaltepec obeji:tas

Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Xylocopa Xylocopa Oapan xí:kotlí Ameyaltepec xi:kotli mexicanorum Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Xylocopa Xylocopa Oapan xí:kotlí Ameyaltepec xi:kotli Oapan xí:kotlí mexicanorum Insecta Hymenoptera Chrysididae Chrysis Chrysis sp. Oapan tlatsiwistli xoxo:hki Ameyaltepec tlatlatsiwintsi:n

Insecta Hymenoptera Chrysididae Chrysis Chrysis sp. Oapan tlatsiwistli yon Ameyaltepec tlatlatsiwintsi:n xoxo:hki Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae Species 1 Oapan kohtsi:katl tli:lihki Ameyaltepec kohtsi:katl de un Oapan kohtsi:katl tli:lihki pitentsi:n (pitentsi:n)

Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae Species 2 Oapan a:skachi:chi:hli Ameyaltepec a:skameh de un Oapan a:skatl chi:chi:ltik chi:chi:ltikeh Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae Species 4 Oapan te:kwa:ntsi:katl Ameyaltepec tsi:katl Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae Species 5 Oapan kwítlayá:k a:skatl Ameyaltepec a:skameh de un Oapan kwítlayá:k yon tli:lihki (xmolo:nki) tlitli:ltikeh tli:lihki (xmolo:nki)

Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae Species 7 Oapan a:skatl chi:chi:ltik Ameyaltepec a:skatl de Oapan a:skameh chi:chi:ltikeh te:kwa:nimeh Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae Componotus Componotus sp. Oapan kohtsi:katl Ameyaltepec kuwtsi:katl de un (3) we:i (i:tlakotia:n tli:ltik) (panoche:roh)

Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidea species 6 Oapan kwítlayá:k Ameyaltepec a:skameh de un Oapan kwítlayá:keh momolo:nki Insecta Hymenoptera Halictidae Augochlora Augochlora sp. Oapan tlatsiwistli Ameyaltepec tlatlatsiwintsi:n

Insecta Hymenoptera Sphecidae Oapan tla:lsokité:kwichí:lt Ameyaltepec kukwichi:ltsi:n Oapan tla:lsokité:kwichí:lt si:n si:n Insecta Hymenoptera Sphecidae Oapan tla:lsokité:kwichí:lt Ameyaltepec kukwilchi:ltsi:n si:n Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Mischocyttarus Mischocyttarus Oapan i:xté:mpá:ya Ameyaltepec chi:lpa:meh de Oapan i:xté:mpá:ya mexicanus siegi:tos Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Mischocyttarus Mischocyttarus Oapan i:xté:mpá:ya i:kal Ameyaltepec i:kal chi:lpan de Oapan i:xté:mpá:yatl i:kal sp. siegi:toh Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Polistes Polistes Oapan chi:lpa:n me:koh Ameyaltepec chi:lpan de canadensis (L.) te:sotla:wani Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Polistes Polistes instabilis Oapan mimia:watl Ameyaltepec chi:lpa:n de un pitentsi:n (chi:lpa:n de melá:k san chi:lpa:n) Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Polistes Polistes instabilis Oapan mímiá:watl Ameyaltepec chi:lpan de Oapan mímiá:watl pitentsi:n /chi:lpan de melá:k san chi:lpan

Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Polistes Polistes sp. Oapan mimia:watl Ameyaltepec chilpan de pitentsi:n Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Polybia Polybia Oapan tekomasolin Ameyaltepec tetekomalsol occidentalis Insecta Hymenoptera Vespidae Polybia Polybia Oapan tekomasolin Ameyaltepec tetekomasol occidentalis Insecta Neuroptera Sialidae Corydalus Corydalus Oapan a:kwetlaxtli Ameyaltepec not named Oapan a:kweya:chin cornutus L. (adult) (a:kwe:roh)

Insecta Neuroptera Sialidae Corydalus Corydalus Oapan a:kwe:roh or Ameyaltepec not named Oapan a:kwe:roh noso cornutus L. (larva) a:kwetlaxtli a:kwetlaxtli

Insecta Odonata Oapan áa:bió:ntsi:n Oapan a:yoyontsi:n

Insecta Odonata Libellulidae Orthemis Orthemis discolor Oapan a:kweya:chin Oapan abio:ntsi:n or Ameyaltepec a:yoyontsi:n (Burmeister) áa:bió:ntsi:n [male]

Insecta Odonata Libellulidae Pantala Pantala Oapan áa:bió:ntsi:n Ameyaltepec a:yoyontsi:n flavescens (Fabrecius) [female] Insecta Odonata Libellulidae Pantala Pantala Oapan a:kweya:chin Ameyaltepec a:yoyontsi:n Oapan áa:bió:ntsi:n flavescens (Fabrecius) [male]

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan a:kayo:chin tla:katl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan a:kayo:chpestli Oapan a:kayo:chpestli Oapan a:kayo:pestli yon tla:katl yon tla:katl siwa:tl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chapolin (kwahli Oapan chapolin (kwahli Oapan chapolin) (female) chapolin) (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chapolin de siwa:tl Ameyaltepec chapolin de un (siwa:chapolin) we:lik

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chapolin pitentsi:n Oapan chapolin tla:katl (xi (kwahli chapolin) notekwi:kwihlo:tia)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chapolin Oapan chapolin (female) Oapan chapolin (female) tekwi:kwil (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chapolin Oapan chapolin (male) Oapan chapolin (male) tekwi:kwil (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chapoltekwikwihli Ameyaltepec chapolin de tla:katl Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chia:chia:wa Oapan chia:chia:wa Oapan chia:chia:wa (female) (female) (female) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chia:chia:wa Oapan chia:chia:wa Oapan chia:chia:wameh (female) (female) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chia:chia:wak Ameyaltepec not named

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chiachia:wa Oapan chiachia:watsi:n Oapan chiachia:wa xte:kwa:ni siwa:tl yon xte:kwa:ni siwa:tl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chowilili (female Oapan chowilili (female 2) 2) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chowilili (female of Oapan chowilili (female of three different three different ages) ages) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chowilili (male) Oapan chowilili (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chowilili (male) Oapan chowilili (male) Oapan chowilili (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chowilili kone:tl Oapan kó:skayá:ntsi:n tla:katl (male) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan chowilili siwa:tl Oapan a:kayo:chin Oapan chowilili

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan kó:skayá:n Oapan kó:skayá:n (female 2 (female2) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan kó:skayá:n (male) Oapan kó:skayá:n (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan kó:skayá:ntsi:n Ameyaltepec not named Oapan kó:skayá:h

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan kwékwetláxak Oapan kwékwetlaxáhtsi:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan kwékwetláxak Oapan kwékwetláxak Oapan to:topo tla:katl (or (male) (male) kwékwetláxak)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan mali:ntsi:n (male) Oapan mali:ntsi:n Oapan mali:ntsi:n (male?)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan mali:ntsi:n Oapan mali:ntsi:n Oapan mali:ntsi:n (female) (female) (female) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan mali:ntsi:n (male) Oapan mali:ntsi:n (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan malintsi:n de Ameyaltepec not named Oapan malintsi:n de siwa:tl siwa:tl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan pípitsótsi:n Ameyaltepec not named Oapan pípitsótsi:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan pípitsótsi:n Ameyaltepec not named Oapan pípitsótsi:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan pípitsótsi:n Oapan chia:chia:wak Oapan chia:chia:wa

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan pípitsótsi:n kostik / Oapan pípitsótsi:n Oapan chia:chia:watsin chapolin pípitsótsi:n pípitsótsi:n kostik (female) (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan pípitsótsi:n Oapan pípitsótsi:n Oapan pípitsótsi:n xoxo:hki (female) (female young)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:kwitlakwa Oapan te:kwitlakwa

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:kwitlakwa Oapan te:kwitlakwa Oapan te:kwitlakwa (female later (female) (male) male) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:kwitlakwa Oapan te:kwitlakwa Oapan te:kwitlakwa (female) (female) (male) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:kwitlakwa Oapan te:kwitlakwa (female) (male) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:poyo Ameyaltepec not named

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:poyo Oapan te:poyo

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:poyo (female) Oapan te:poyo (female) Oapan te:poyo (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:poyo (later Oapan te:poyo (later Oapan chowilili pitentsi:n changed to changed to chowilili) chowilili) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:poyo (tla:katl) Ameyaltepec chapolintsi:n Oapan te:poyo (tla:katl)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:si:s Ameyaltepec te:si:s Oapan te:si:s

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:si:s Ameyaltepec te:si:s de tla:katl

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:si:s (male) Oapan te:si:s (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:si:s (male) Oapan te:si:s (male) Oapan te:si:s (male)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Ameyaltepec chapolintsi:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Oapan (female) (female) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Oapan te:tlake:nkwa (female) (female) (female) Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Oapan te:tlake:nkwa Oapan (male) (male) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tepachichi Ameyaltepec tepachichi

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tepachichi Ameyaltepec tepachichi de (female) suwa:tl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tepachichi siwa:tl Ameyaltepec tepachichi suwa:tl Oapan tepachichi siwa:tl

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tepachichi tla:katl Ameyaltepec tepachichi de Oapan tepachichi tla:katl tla:katl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan to:topo Ameyaltepec totopo de tla:katl

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan to:topo (female) Oapan to:topo (female) Oapan to:topo (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan to:topo (female) Oapan to:topo (female) Oapan to:topo (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan to:topo de siwa:tl Ameyaltepec totopo de suwa:tl

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tso:tsopa Ameyaltepec te:si:s de suwa:tl

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tso:tsopa (female) Oapan tso:tsopa (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tso:tsopa (female) Oapan tso:tsopa (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tso:tsopa (female) Oapan tso:tsopa (female) Oapan tso:tsopa (female)

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tsontekoma:ma Oapan tsontekoma:ma Oapan tsontekoma:ma pitentsi:n tla:katl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tsontekoma:ma Oapan tsontekoma:ma Oapan tsontekoma:ma siwa:tl siwa:tl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan tsontekoma:ma Oapan tsontekoma:ma Oapan tsontekoma:ma (female) (female) (female) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan xákaltsí:n Ameyaltepec gri:yoh

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan xákaltsí:n Ameyaltepec gri:yoh de un we:i Oapan xákaltsi:n tli:ltik Insecta Orthoptera Oapan xákaltsí:n Oapan xákaltsí:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan xákaltsí:n tli:lihki Oapan xákaltsí:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan xáxa:yákatl kostik yon te:chkwa Oapan xáxa:yákatl kostik

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan ye:lo:chapolin Ameyaltepec ye:lo:chapolin Oapan ye:lo:chapolin tla:katl Insecta Orthoptera Oapan ye:lo:chapolin Ameyaltepec ye:lo:chapolintsi:n

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan ye:lo:chapolin Oapan ye:lo:chapolin

Insecta Orthoptera Oapan ye:lo:chapolin Oapan ye:lo:chapolin (female) (female) Insecta Orthoptera Oapan ye:lo:chapolin Oapan ye:lo:chapolin tla:katl (2 tla:katl (2 specimens) specimens) Insecta Solifugae Oapan pi:na:wistli Oapan pi:na:wistli also called i:na:n ko:lo:tl Insecta Solifugae Oapan pi:nawistli Oapan pi:nawistli Oapan pi:nawistli (female) (female) Insecta Solifugae Oapan pi:nawistli (male) Oapan pi:nawistli (male) Oapan

Mamalia Chiroptera Enballonuridae Balantiopteryx Balantiopteryx Oapan tsona:ka Oapan tsona:ka Ameyaltepec tsi:na:kan plicota Sauropsida Ameyaltepec i:na:n tsi:katl Oapan tlasakana:ntli

Sauropsida Oapan máriatsí:n Oapan máriatsí:n Oapan máriatsí:n or sapi:toh. Sauropsida Oapan masa:kowatl Oapan masa:kowatl Oapan masa:kowatl

Sauropsida Oapan tla:lkowatl Ameyaltepec te:chi:chi

Sauropsida Squamata Colubridae Trimorphodon Trimorphodon Oapan masa:kowatl Ameyaltepec masa:kowatl Oapan masa:kowatl biscutatus Sauropsida Squamata Gekkonidae Oapan tlá:lekóne:tl Ameyaltepec tla:lkokone:tl

Sauropsida Squamata Gekkonidae Phyllodactylus Phyllodactylus Oapan tlá:lokóne:tl Ameyaltepec tla:lkokone:tl Oapan tlá:lokóne:tl bordai Sauropsida Squamata Iguanidae Ctenosaura Ctenosaura Oapan kohketspalxoxo:h Ameyaltepec not named pectinata ki Sauropsida Squamata Phrynosomatidae Phrynosoma Phrynosoma asio Oapan tepa:xin Oapan tepa:xin

Sauropsida Squamata Phrynosomatidae Sceloporus Sceloporus Oapan kuwi:xin Ameyaltepec kuwi:xtataka Oapan té:chikó:tl horridus té:kapaxtsi:n Sauropsida Squamata Phrynosomatidae Sceloporus Sceloporus Oapan té:chikó:tl Ameyaltepec kuwi:xtataka horridus Appendix 3 Animals (not including birds) Collected in Nahuatl Speaking Villages of Central Guerrero, Mexico For Nahuatl Recordings of Animal Descriptions, Habitats, and Uses (please do not cite without consulting author) Class Order Family Genus Scientific name Village 1 Village 1 name Village 2 Village 2 name Village 3 Village 3 name

Sauropsida Squamata Phrynosomatidae Urosaurus Urosaurus Ameyaltepec kuwi:xin de Oapan tlá:lekóne:tl yon bicarinatus mo:nteh nemi i:pan kohtli (tepe:k) Sauropsida Squamata Teiidae Aspidoscelis Aspidoscelis Oapan kuwi:xin yon we:i Ameyaltepec kuwi:xin de un Oapan kuwi:xin (or sackii tekwitlanextik we:i (or kuwi:xin sometimes called de un tlayehli kuwí:xtakáh)