
What is 5-MeO-AMT? What does 5-MeO-AMT look like? Who abuses 5-MeO-AMT?

5-MeO-AMT is a common name for a 5-MeO-AMT typically is available as 5-MeO-AMT typically is abused by synthetic with the chemical a powder, which may be packaged in teenagers and young adults. The name 5-methoxy-- small glass or plastic vials. However, drug is used at , , methyltryptamine. Other common the powder commonly is dissolved in and other venues where the use of names for 5-MeO-AMT are alpha-O water or and used to impreg- club , particularly MDMA (3,4- and alpha,O-DMS, which are derived nate sugar cubes, candy, small pieces methylenedioxymethamphetamine, from the drug’s alternate chemical of gelatin, or blotter paper. The powder also known as ecstasy), is well- name alpha,O-dimethylserotonin. also can be pressed into tablets or established. 5-MeO-AMT also is used placed in capsules. at private . Abused for the hallucinogenic effects it produces, 5-MeO-AMT HowHow isis 5-MeO-AMT5-MeO-AMT used?used? What are the risks? belongs to a class of chemical com- pounds known as . Other 5-MeO-AMT typically is consumed 5-MeO-AMT produces various hallucinogenic tryptamines include orally in 2.0- to 4.5-milligram dosages, negative physical and psychological AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine), although dosage amounts vary widely. effects in users. Physical effects 5-MeO-DIPT (5-methoxy-N,N- The drug also may be administered via include visual and auditory distur- , also known as snorting or . Typically, users bances and distortions, , foxy), , and psilocyn. begin to feel the drug’s effects within 1 vomiting, and . Psychological hour after administration. The halluci- effects associated with the use of nogenic effects generally last for 12 to 5-MeO-AMT include terrifying hallu- 18 hours. cinations and emotional distress. The

) drug also diminishes user inhibi- I N

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M A P 5-MeO-AMT coated on pieces of 5-MeO-AMT dissolved on a sugar cube. green glass used as a concealment method. Is 5-MeO-AMT illegal? Other products of interest:

Yes, 5-MeO-AMT is illegal for human , Huffing—The Abuse of consumption. It is an analog of 5-MeO- , Abuse and Youth DIPT and AMT, which are Schedule I , 5-MeO-AMT drugs under the Controlled Substances Drugs, Youth, and the Internet Act. According to 21 U.S.C. § 813, “a controlled substance analog(ue) shall, to the extent intended for human Fast Facts consumption, be treated, for the pur- poses of any Federal law as a con- trolled substance in Schedule I.” Thus, authorities can prosecute drug offenses involving 5-MeO-AMT in the same manner as offenses involving 5-MeO-DIPT and AMT. (See 21 U.S.C. § 802(32) for the definition of a con- For more information on illicillicitit drugs trolled substance analog(ue).) check out our web site at: Check out Fast Facts on: www.usdoj.gov/ndic

+ , AMT National Drug Intelligence Center + , , Crack , LSD 319 Washington Street, 5th Floor Crystal Marijuana Johnstown, PA 15901-1622 , MDMA Telephone: 814-532-4601 , Drug abuse and , FAX: 814-532-4690 mental illness , Methamphetamine NDIC Washington Liaison Office , Drug-facilitated , Meth lab ID and 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1001 McLean, VA 22102-3840 , sexual assault , hazards Telephone: 703-556-8970 , , OxyContin FAX: 703-556-7807 Drugs and gangs PCP NDIC publications are available on the following web sites: , Drugs and the , Powdered cocaine QuestionsQuestions internet , Prescription drugs ADNET http://ndicosa LEO home.leo.gov/lesig/ndic , DXM , Psilocybin RISS ndic.riss.net andand , , Ritalin INTERNET www.usdoj.gov/ndic , Foxy , Rohypnol Call 814-532-4541 Answers , Fry , Call 814-532-4541 Answers , GHB and analogs , Steroids to request NDIC products , , National Drug Intelligence Center Teens and drugs a component of the , Inhalants , Triple C

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