
TheUC~ DGuar V~um e 4 9,N umberi o University of California. Thursday, May 5. 19X:~ Bill May Be Impetus ----. ('M.II OR" I / L'( / .r. • \/ • .0\. n R~ For UC-Lab Split - JfI>l.l-.. reSC'a "'0. ResolutIon 'u\CR) :-\() :>1. In that letter. Anlrttl pointed introduced b\ Assemblvman out that the ('C·1)ol .. contract Tom Bates (( j Oakland), 'is tilt., l'flectnch l'iillllllCltes tho"'l I ai>ordtun 111 Tt·nne ..... t:l I for lab managell1l'nt IS A S h ift to W cap o l1 !-. first leglslatl\ e attempt in a rene\\'t'd e\'erv five years and According to fIgure ... acadellll;ln ... who an' not 0\ U l'ell "1>\ l'lllon Cybldt' i\ III e ric a n l'i tilt n !-, .. 'I he lurporatlun". "I dl f1', hntJ\\ st ring of actions by st udents that t he most' recent cont ract, released b\' Livermore in I !lHI. n'n abollt Oll.' dlci Int and I'C faculty member ... to C()H'nng I ~R2.H7, was ratrfied ·10 percent of research there "'l'l /)f t he"l' Opl'rat IOn ... doc:-. not fit int/) an acadl'lllll. 1'\ (,T, 'get l'C out of the we,llX)llS Just t w() years ago by an I) to 1 and at Los Alamo... was unnLl' pl(')l'e. 'blot I en\ Ir/)nllwnt .. he sa\ .... fl·t,1 a lut mort' lO'r.'ur t3L lL business." ACR 3~ passed b) \ote. with 2 regents \\eapon -related. ~In('l' the The I'nlvl'r ... tl\ oflalii/)rnla \\'11 an 8 to ~ vote In the EducatIon abstainIng. Reagan admrnistratron 's ne\\" h t hl'st :ab... 'Jung run iJ', was onglllall) -collan·d inul linn t· .. ..,ltle~ Committee and. becausf' co· Arditti writes that. even if empha..,ls on nuciear de\ elop· [ran 1)\ Oll,e author john Va!-.concellos i\CR :;~ is passed. the ment, ho\\'e\er. that figure has management of t he lab~ lfJtlglllllll'ra t e." during the wartirne :\lan ACR,)·l, regarclll ~ (If It chairs the Ways and Means universlt \' \\.'oulc\ urge the S\\ ollen dramaltcally. The (lC CommIttee, it is expected to regents n()t toundertakea new Lobby estImate.., thattoda) 60 hat tan Prolect, whell It perf.,nnanee in t hl' h:gl~lat ure, pass there and b on the study until contract negotia. percent of research at tht., labs prOVIded a hl'alt hy gene pool ral"'c'" a comple\ ~L'ri(", 01 for nuclear development That que~t \lIn ... , suInl' ct hlL'al. (une a<;sembly floor in alx)ut two tions reopen 1tl mid -1985. In is in weapons. t he slack t~rng precedent I ~ one that has thus practICal. and ~()rn( purely weeks. essense. then. the UC Lobby taken up b~ energ\ and far proved Impo ...... ible to break. eC{Jllonlll. Thl' aC'ual rl"'l'arch The bIll. if passed. would has taken a "passIve" tack III biologlcal reseach. There are a total of ... e\'t~1l Il('\\" earned (IU' I'" \\'hulh "request" that the Regents )PI)()!-.Ing the bill. Implying john jungerman, \\ ho head" :-\ at IOnal Lahoratone:- acms..; depcnckll! un the pq/ 'liLal "investigate the possIbility of that it is unnecessan when a the Physics Department at l'l the [', ..\11 are iundl'd b\ the citlllatl' III \\'a ... hrngtllll cllld the conversion" ofthe labsand study wIll be undertaken in a Da\ IS, pegs I he figure closer to Department of rrh~ and the around tht' \\orld. The Ctntral "termlllate the admlll lstrativ(' few years any\\a). HO percent. however. and feels Department of Defen ... e. but h"llt'. ho\\ cw'r, I~ \\ he hl'r or con tract with the lIS Efforts to termrnate the that it is time for l 'C to "reexamine" Its relatIOnshIp are managed b\ either nut tht' {'nl\t'r"'lt\ 01 Department of Energ) for l'niversity of Californla's Unl\'l'lsltle ... or prIvate Calt/orllla. witI' It... ; atrd operatIon of the lahorator.les management of weapons WIth the lab!-. . corporations .. 'anciia :-\atlonal llllllnJItlllent 10 .tl·ldenl1~ If. .. prospect!-. for conversIOn development are nothing new. jUllgerman, \\ho "a ... Lab () rat 0 n. \\ It h t h r e e research and a In't' l',chang(' are unlikely within a three- In Julv of 1979. JO() facult~ lllvolved in the Manhattan facilities In Nl'\\ \ll XICO, of mforlllatrOI1 .... llCluld UtIll7C year period." membf'rs (It UC !)avi ... Project during WW II . le--t Ified on behalf of AC R :>..1 before the Caliiornla. and :'.l'\ del,\. is 1 t... ~ k I II I 11 r r ... t' a r l h ' uch a resolution. howe\er, endorsed a statement bv (lC under tht' management t)f mana"emcnt to pit'Ll' togl'ther A..,semblv Committee Oil IS not codified b\ the state, Santa Cruz Chancellor Robert \\'estern Electrrc. a ..;ub"'ldtary a ntle!t'ar ar ... enal behind meanlllg that t'he regents L ' inshelmer that read rn EducatIOn. a'iSertlllg that till' of ;\T~ T O,lkmlgl':': atlona I clo ... ed dOt)r, . wou ld not be If'gall~ bound to part. " It IS III the natIOnal loss of LI vermore and Lo ... take am Immediate actIOn. inten'st that the (' nt\'erslty Alamos would not ha\"e a Caroi"rne Tesche. a repre fulftll a slH'l'lal roll' in signifICant ncgat 1\'(' l'ffcct on sentatl\e fo the l'l Student .\!lIl'l'i can s()elet). but the qualit\ of n· ... l'arrh earned Lohb\ (l'CSLlln Sacramento. In\ ol\'l'1l1ent In nucll',11 out al the llnl\'('rslt\'. The Ties That Bind is ", 'orking on the (I(SL's \\ l'apon<'; ... sel'I11S to stand in " :\1~ ()\\ n (,\petie'nce III t hl' IX'half to ]ln'ss for passage of inherent eontradlctwn to lab'i." Jungl'l'man ... ay .... "ha ... According to the FC Poseidon :ubmannt' IlRM ACR .)·1 all the way through (thall role." shown that it I... a good tudent Lobby (t'e :-,Ll, the s\'stem~, and the HI)l Homb the legislali\e process. The Thl' recent wa\'(' of anti· envIronment lor en'atl\(' laboratori s (and. b\ vIrtue \\:arhead. bill shesa\·s. would mean that nuclear spnt lnll'nts that has \\'()rk .. and t hl'n' an' t hose who oi close as.oclalie·m, the - The l n i vcrsl t \' (If the' I~l'gl;nt s could "!lot swept the nation IS credited state that It IS till' unl\ erslt~· ... Univer~it)') have played a continue to fool tlwl11 ... ehes \\ Ith bClng re ... pon ... lbll' fol' thl' 'nat lonal I)bligat Ion' to ('arr~ Caltfornia serves E"-..;c·nt lal- pl\otal role in the 1\ as a "belH'volen t about our Ill\oh<'lllent in bIrth of \1I~ 5·1 ~upportl'rs Ollt weapons rl'sl'arrh. hut I deH'lopmcnt of the linitl-d \\capons research ." l'xpres..; the hope that the n'slwct fllll) dl..;agrl'l' .. landlurd" to the Lab::. and States nuclear arsenal lor has little lllflul'tll't'UIl lIctual Tesehl' fepls that alt hough s pee t re 0 f I egl ... 1a t I \' l' jungl'rman POIIlt... to the lact the pa ... t 40 years. Among \\·eapon ... ·relatcd program. thl' bIll IS "toothless." the fart l1l\oht'I11t'llt \\ III ~Plll the that tho,;e who \\ork III the the lCSI .'s finding~: The Lahs are "ft-dl'ra II~­ that ('C \\ ill "'(lOIl haH' a n('\\ ngl'nh into thl' t\ pe of actIon lab... 11111~t undergo oflll'1al - The to..; Alamos and prl'~ldenl. ;h 01 ... crUtlTl\ and obtain FHI owned. federalh' fin,mced . \\'dl ;1 ...... en·r;d that ha" not drht'll out till' L a \\ r l' n c l' L i \. crill 0 I' e nt'w regent.... inrn'a..,cs t lw lI'llal ('Ollt raet Il('got rat Ions. c1l'arall~·l'. a Pl'Ilc('ss I hat and ('allY out rc:,earch l)f National LaboratOries federal dt'fl'!l!-(' alld energy under [T management policie ..... ha \ e dC\e/O\ll'd (j:i Ilt"rcent of All of thi ... is not lost on all majo\' nuclear weapons t he Lab IllCl nagl'lllt'nl. In in stockpile today. fact, Li\l'rlllure'" 11l~/if/l' Fal ,\/(/11 Ulfle ;'.~""'---~ - The and liullal l'lflll 19/,' ,4 ... tate ... 1301' bomb... droppt'd on '1'111' /'(1 rivus In'llpUI/' (llId ,. , l\:,iga'iahl and Hllflslllrna t'III'r.!!\, proumm.\ (II 111(' were dl'\ elopl'd and te ... ted I,(/bomfol), de/It lId ill ltin.[(' at Los Alamos undel' 1'111'/1111 tin SlIlIIe ui/der/yill/.{ Unl\Cr.s lt \' of California .\C/('/1I i/ic disciplil/e .. management dUring tht' l'IIK/II(,l'Fillg di,\ci/llilll'. til/(l l\lanhattan Prolell Illb ('(/p(Jbiliti('~' This - All of the ..,trategrc sYllclgi.\/11 be tift ('1/ /(,l'apull .., warlwads that entered the a lid l'l/ogy i: {/11 11.\:;1'/ fo both. natlllllcli stochpril' In thelatl' 11'(' ullllillU(, to pul lIIajur ( • 70'" and l'arh ~()'~ wcre (/IIpJltIsi:i OIl tl/(· IIlfc/((Jr deH'lolx'd at ttl:-. Alalllo:,. Iu·apOII." PIOUrllll1 dill III ifs Thesl' lI1r1ude ~ lrnutelllan ~/('lIl illl/loyflll/c'e fo Iwfiol/ll/ III ICH ,\) 's TrIdent and S{'( IIrily.

Will the Greeks Benefit UCSD? Page 5 ----~------Jane Goodall lecture . Hiatu ----V--B- al-le-r-s,--=Softballer on. Pag 7 Thursday, May 5, 1983 The l lCSD Guardian ------2 The llCSD Guardian ------rhlll .. (I.,~. ;\Ia~ 5, I HM:J James Ralph Papp, Calumnist The UCSD Guardian Put Us on the Battlefield to Recite Shakespeare at Russia mar. 8y JAMES RALPH PAPP to recite Shakespeare against afterwards, which add LIP to econoJrllcally, to go to even If onlv logical remark lhl. Staff Wriler the Russians, or are we to more money to be spent. ThiS the tax credits were pro\ ide It is not surprising that there wretched domestic co ndition, (well, apparently not quite the That is Mr. Reagan's next perhaps bet ter spent on that Spring Fling Praised is in education a "rising tide of or very much bad for the simplest) nothing at all to do suggestion, but it seems than on Mr. Reagan offering mediocrity," considering that United States. Trying to beat with the re ults of the stud y. unlikely that God would bless <;olutJons that boggle the mind the men the public engages to the Japanese, for instance, or Tuition tax credits, one of his our education above anv other on their complete diSSOCIation Editor: Mexican discos, where man\' nation ·s. and any' closer from the problem, However. This letter IS m regard to would ta) until the early work out the problem seem to the West Germans, who are suggestions, will do wonders Letters to the Editor have such a tiny grasp of our industrial competitors, isa for private schouh:i but nothing connection between learnmg already all the part iClpanh In Campus Recreation's "Spring morn mg. and prayer is not readily. or the expensl\'e goose cha<;e are Fling" to Mazatlan. The trip The days were spent SIll 109 relevance and logic; however, much more logical motive than for public ones, which most unreadily, obvious. Indeed, the plca..,c t urn to pagc I was a lot of fun and a great on the beach, relaxing and "There is a tide in the affairs of trying to outshine an students would still be forced, wa\, to relax after finals. It enjoying the warm Mexican CalPIRG Gets Vote, Next Step men, which, taken at the flood, economically, socially and con'sisted of transportation to sU:1shme. We also were '1ble to leads on to fortune," as politically moribund revolu, ~ ~---...... _,. .... and from Mazatlan, and hotel re nt horses, go para,.,aJhng. Shakespeare says in Julius tionary empire. Actually, no -- accomodations at the EI Cid, a and go skin di"mg. to Work with Administration Caesar IV _iii. 217. The tide can motive which is not introspec· cZ/hr resort right on the beach. The The trip was definitely be one of mediocrity, and the tive make real sen e; to hotel had three swimmmg worthwhile and it was really An open letter to UCSD \\ ill help us to show I he until the Wmter 01 1~8~ when fortune political or profes, attempt quality for it s own pools. including one With a fun to be Wit h a group of 'itudents: admmistrallUn that [ 'LSD the admmistration changed sional. sake is more so und and sWim up bar, tennis court', students from UCSD. We CalPIRG would likelOthank o.;t udents do want a st ronger the way the fee was assessed, I imagine that comparing proba bl y more prod uct i ve and many different re~taur· thank Campus Recreation and all of you for supporting the CaIPIRG. wit hout consult mg "tudenh. education to t he arms race is than to attempt it merely to be ants. the student organizers for CalPJRG referendum m the Contrary to the CII(JydilJl/ This ~ Ignificanlly weakened merely a gimmick, perhaps to better than somebody else The restaurants away from puttmg the Spring Fling recent electIOn. The ref eren· art Icle by slaff \\ nter Jdf CaIPIR(;'s fundmg. Student acclimatize people to spending (whether their achievements the hotel proved the place to be together. The trip went very dum \\'on wilh an affirmative Savage. (April 18, 1983), the support dropped from .to% to as enormou s amounts of are real or imaginary). The though. Senor Frogs, EI moothly and could not h,l\'e vote of 58.5%; this !> Ignificant result~ of this referendum do 9% t hat quarter. money on t hei r sc hools as they National Commission on Shnmp Bucket. and EI Patio been more orga n i zed. amount of sl ud nt support have an enormous impact on Voting "yes" for a stronger do on their bombs, but the Excell en ce in Education all came alive at mght WIth Hopefully. this trip and trip laIPIRG's existence. Savage CalPIRG - raising the fee to comparison communicates appears to be more interested college students (and others) like it will be planned agam so stated. "The outcome of this S:LOO per quarter and and clarifies very little. What in diplomas as industrial and from all over singing and others can enjoy them as much Revised referendum \\ III have no effect changing Ihe way the fee is has our education got to do mJlltar} investments than as dancmg on tables. After a~ we enjoyed Mazatlan. on the fUlure of CaIP]}((; at assessed - will allow with t he Russians? Suddenly sign of thinking human dinner, e\'eryone usually Lynn Gottesmanl LTCSD". The future of CalPlRG to becoml'lmnl\'ed m "SpUI nik" is the word of the beings. headed to the extravagant Susan Cuneo Health (all'mG is depelldent on the ml)re issues and to reach more hour, as "keyster" wa~ a few The answers to I he reaffirmation of student students. The \'Ote. however. mon ths ago. Is it the problems the commi~sion support that this referendum is on l} the first slep. :\0" we government's intentIOn to giVl'" are standard: more time Benefits provided. Only by strength· need to \\ ork with the send us out on t he battlefield 111 school ;Jncl more homework enlllg our current funding admmlstration to actually Feminism and t t of The systcm can CalPIRG contmu(' I1nplemcnt t hc fee changes. . C rea i vi y E1~t~r:prevtou" I~SU(, t() pro\lde sl udcnh wit h a Once again. CalPIRG would R" Cr\:'\iOLE ('CSJ) (;lIardian. an imbal, strong ,'oice on issue'" that like to thank all of YOU who l.,tdff Wrill'r ance In the health msurance concern them. \'oteo "ye,,". anel In\ltl' This Week in the PUb ... In t he past. t rends In express the1l1..,eh es unt tI t he} polK) regarding internal ional In 197H, s\t1denh \-(lted for a c\'eryonc' to our general \\e~tern human creat)\ ltv take respon~lllJlity to frt'l' ..,tudents was noted The S2 Ill) CaIPII~ ~ fet' to be dearlv 10 t erest meet i ng on Wed nes' been dominated by one· other,.;, problem In the alea uf ha\{~ aro~e a!'>st'ssed to all student~. dav, ,\l1a\ I J. Sided male doctrines_ (Jut of Mt iSIS \rho ..,t ruggle for an ACCIdental Death, Dismember· alt hough any student COli Id . - Beth Davenpurt UCSD's favorite jazz nolhing, God creatl'd the expre,.;slOn of fn'l~ l()m whIch ent, and Loss of Sight benefits. refuse payment of t he fet'. Th IS Kim Paulus ul1\n:r..;t'. Then god created inclucle.., 01 her:-- \\ ill I:\.IX'\'I· The problem was brought to III nd 109 .,yo.;te111 was effect 1\ e Cathy Bartel" "Dance of the Universe" man In Ils own Image, Woman l'nCt' some failure..,. ThiS dol'~ the attenttun of the health was created fmlll a palt of not nlt'al1 total failure. The msurann' company (Atlanta 5:00-7:30 man. And all rurt her (,),l'all\'l! \ people who accept t hl "t Juggle In t ern a t ion a I J n s UI' an ce I' an expression of god through \\ill achie\c higher goab t han Company). After re\'lewing The UCSD GUARDIAN the artistic actions of men. the non·activists who ma\' the policy, they have decided to I'l ...,1) H Olti La j"lIa. l \ '1:.!IHl Ifil!l) 1~)1:! Hili A more balanced future for ne\l'r fall because the\ ne\e'r amend thiS section of the folk & country creatl\iy can come about challenge themsehes_' poliCY for the 19838.l !\'('\~" Editors Staff WI'it c!"s: latlll "long Haul String Band" through an mtegrallon of \Iany artists try to deny academIC vear. Thus, the Thomas Rankll1 Algarin. 1<;lydeie Arrilll al. 5:30-7:30 concepts from the femml<.;[ the\ hare been Influenced bl' dollar benerlts WIll bethesame [illy Tinkle :'1111\(' Becdle, Pal Bergman. movement. Out rlf what exists an,: other artist. The~ art' for all student.., . Ikt h Btnghalll. john Bricl'. \\ ithin :--ol'letv and mell\' ohses..,ed With the Image uf I appreciate the fact that Opinion Edit()r L. 11101 e. I<"bm [)l'arl~lrn , jOl' LISa l';lpln FREE to you! Iduals. people crpall' and bemg a rugged ind1\;iduall'..l thiS was brought to our I Falll'1 Ia. :'Ill kl' (; rl'l'1l her/-{. change their UI1l\'ersl'_ Pt~lple or the agent of some dl\ine attentIOn and am pleased that . \1'(., EditOl' Todd lJ atnl's. CraIg Kakuda . need tf) create \'i:--ual and m..,plrallon. This only leads to we could do s()mething about '\ncirl'\\ Kl'('Il'r Tim Ka .. sounr. :'Il arg,) Kelly . \crbal art In Ihelr own Image ma'..turlJatHJll. nllt creati\ It\·; It It \\Ith II II houl pl'rll1lssllln of illn in you now. And we're provmg it. One of Ihe most pmwrfully Production :\lanaJ,(l'!" mterest Thi" ""enatl"i Ihe unlimited "tlll1l1li for their pOnlOIl flf I h,.., 1ll'lIspaper h A $10,000 job promise. That's it. No trings. No gimmicks. And this offer IS \ n n \1 i lie I' -FOR WOMEN- public fmm art. creatl\ ity. And b~ uniting rio III III a I Illg a!-. pect s of I h(' ma Ie Slrlct ly prohlblll'ri 'lot even g(xx.l for 12 months after you graduate. )l;1 t I I a I (' h )- ina r I lsI I c lor - Skin Core Femmi"t arll"t-. budd their \\,Ith other artlSb you can Production Wurkcrs Il'spnnslblt' IIm,l)ilelll'd But why do you need the American Express Card now ? - Face & Body Waxing exprc.,sJrm I.., the in ... istcnce on l1lanll~enpls or ill I . Till' creatll'c e'qJrc'islons on the crt'a te a ..,u PPOrll \{' ('om J,1I111 L\ IIllx'rg First of all , it's a good way to begin to establish your credIt hl swry. And you - Makeup USlllg the obJecti\'l' \Olce in Chn.., YOllng Gllardian "'Uh~tTllx.·' to I hl' foundations of other feml11lst rnunlty for COIl"'lructlle know that's important. - Eye Lash Tinting "fit Ing. When an author 1.0 ... ,\ngl'''''' TlIlll" ~\ nci'l"Il('. artish'reflect){)nsonsoCletv· .... ultlci"m of your art. T ypc..,Ntcl·" Of course, the Card is also good for rravel, re 5 taurant~, and ~ ho pping for thin g~ - Deep Pore Cleansing treatment of women Till.., Femini .... m m art IS some\'. hat blindly accept!-. the traclltJOnal I'an I It' ;\('IIS Sl'n ICt' 'and 1!l..,I..,tence on not using the 1)lan lIIt'l, Special! re le\ant to their daily lI\'es. Some Illay sec fenlllllSm a" .,lJllle unl\ersal absolute lUlling. :'I1ore Cleansing authoritv This stems from F'll'Lil'lll hit!. I k;1Il Il l'neller. I, opt'n [",,,, 9al1l to noon amt The Ameri an Express Card. Don't leave 'I he purpose of feminist art st rictl v ;J rp\,ollllloniH\, I Pill to .Iplll :'.Iontial through normally 540. now 525 the rl'hglous in..,istcnce thal all Krr ... I it I\lger . I Jill lei ~l'\\ ('II. school without it : goes heyond IndiVIdual artl\·Jty'. Hut more than an} I I-',I

PRECISION Feminism HAIRCUTS The UCSD Guardian Page 5 l:ontilltlcd frum I)aj;(c 2 for women Thomas Rankin~ N ('ws Editor ~Iay 5, 198:~ & men The author who u:-.es the ''{'' New-s Fabulous Look-Alikes dem ys tifies thi s univeral subject author. They also take $3.99 with this ad responsibility for their words. Campus Forum ------When you use ."" you bring • into yo ur creati\e ex pres~ioll morc than or,c ro le type. The Greeks on Cantpus ."" is a complex person and is By BILL HESS 'i.all \\'ri. ~r QD ~~ more di ven;c in thought s and long as the, sen e lor the feelings than the di ctums of a Since the chartering of the Cat Eye. Tear Drop. Square single universal voice. The use Alpha Omicron Pi Sorortl v at benefit of the university a ... a I'CSf) s ix year'i ago, the Greek whole. students hel\e the nght • Collapsable • Wayfarer 737 Pearl of " ' " crea tes personal system here has grown to to form whate\'er t"pe of statem ents , which translate organi/atlon they prefer.·· 456·1170 easier into other people's where t here are nm\ t hrl'l' Sport & Fas~~"n Styles atl\' 456·1815 hearts and minds. And to the sororit les and three fraternl' When asked \\ het her femin is t mO\'emen t t ha t ties op('rallllg on campus. problem" or bad JI1cident shad r------i which is per!>onal is po li tical. Howe \cr. like most an ... en from Creek de\'elop­ o I EXPRESSIONS UNUMITED ~ 1$10 PRECISION PERM $29 50 campuses. I 'e Sl) has sho\\ n llIent to da te. Dye ref used to I HAIRCUT . I The challenging of the Just a Step Ahead f~Hour8 :- t raditiona I usage of "I" in sign" of tensIOn exi ... ting com ment . 10306 Torrey Pines Rd. Mon·Sat 10·6 : for men & women Long Hair Extra. I bet\\een Greek:-. and non '" don't \\ant to get in the wrttll1g IS Ju~t une aspect of t he middle of am cont rmersles." La Jolla 454-8006 Sun 11 -6 I Shampoo, condition, cut. l I fem illlsts inn)h'cment in art. (;reeks. The question for this (by ,h" Vog.rt Affair) I (Bluwdr,' flul Included.) _ MANIC UHE --.!5 : week ''i forum IS. "Should he said. ":\1j' po..,itlOn i~ \ery Offer expires 5/ 12/83 If used. feminism and f ra tern II Ie.., and 'iorori tie, clear. If the organizations are I With thie coupon only. E",piree 5/ 19/83 I creatl\ it \' can become (1 form of expression more po\\'crf u I exist at lICS!)?" legal. then the} ha\e the right ------to do bllsllle:-.~ here. If the\' t han ell her the I~l'n al~"ilnn' of Raymond E. Dye. Assis· dOIl't \ IOlate the la\\ SOl' lICSI) E'prt'sslonist art 111m ('men! s. tant Vice Chancellor for lIndergraduate Affairs - poliCies. , have no problem~ Fill Instl'ad I)f preachlllg with fraternities," he said. l'('llgion through ;Irl ()r Student Life Ihe said t hat from hIS Dye added that hI;' expect~ rt'lecllllg "ollet\ through art. the Greek s,,:-.tem here to Ill(' It'llllnl ... t· ... purpo ... e IS to perspective. fraternities and sororities ha\'e "the nght to expand. and said lhat he will (jllat/raillres, Wan·en Collegc· ... literat·~ journal. prc'-tl'ntcd a\\ard ... H .... tl'rdav for it.., ht· .... (/l'u, on and change SOI.'l{'(\ of the. quarter. The redpi.enls (1. 10 r,) \\ ere: Rut h :'Ililler. honorahle through art. . eXIst. Ju ... t Iike any ot her aid that expansion. ..,ubl1l.ission~ ~Jargaret student organization. As long "If a fratt'rnit} \\ant-. to get 111,1:' 11." 0 11 : ;\Jlchaci Sheph~rd, sCl:Clal opport Ullit Il'.., \\ 1\ h alt ern;! te act I\ ' lIle~ typed and include a interfraternIty gm'erning Allen Shulman, Biology- for ... t udent..,. "Rathel than tr}lI1g tl! ",t'>I) Psychology Major per"'()llal problems, Shulman nallle and phone I1UI11- st ruct urP. and though his Though he ... aid he dr>t'-,n't the f rall'rlllt Ie'" and "'0 ro I' office doe ... n't get involved Shulman, a freshman \\ ho '>aid t ha t belllg ina fra ternll \ bcr. helps a student "gam a :-.em.. floel that anll·Greek students lie ..... · Berbon ,ald. grrJUp' with the framework of such pledged [leSl)\; Phi Deltn r of moral re"p(!Osibilit". You should attempt to ban agallbt them ,houla trY de\ elopment. he is concerned Theta chapter last fall, said fraternIties and soronties. IIlcreaslIlg t he amount of T)t her t ha t the la ws a nd poliCIes of the Greek system is a positive ha\'e to help make things wurk Rerkson stres<.;ed the plca ... c turn 10 page] 2 Papp the governIng body are factor here, and ImprO\'e Within the explicitly stated. "For a freshman e<; pecially, orgallization." he said. COlltiJllIl·d from pa~l' :1 "The whole idea behind the ~exico------"However." he said, "a~ a fraternity is one of the most bung led on to pohtlcal and beneficial things available for s \,st em is excellent. I don't profes,-mnal fort um- bv their meeting people and learning k·now exactl\' how the other effort . judgll1g from th~' new ... responsibi lity," Shulman ... md. groups work. but get t ing a Still on the Dole cc)\er(Jge. That IS only Party for J.B. "The fraternity functions group of people toget her and By Sl:S.--\:-\ E:\nlERSO:,\ frightening for u'" because the really increase the amount of havlllg the group funclton as Wood slOves heated the \\c pas ... ed a cand\ ... 1 xc leader of this fon unatl' band an orga ni zation is great." he I n celebration of Johannes fun and good feeling~ you can huge Iron gnddle,> of a Tijuana caught bt'l\\een a Il:monade taking a step up on educat IOn Brahm's 1:10th birthday. ha ve toward everyone." "aid. tortilla kitchen where. ",tand and a ll1t'at·markl'l. is /)a\'id P. (;ardner, who i~ Denni ... Willis is throwing'a Shulman st ressed that Jim Berkson. Biology \\orkll1g In IIlll'nse heat. till' [It'''pla yed III tht' J.!la ... , ca-.t' about to come and offer hl~ party/concert. The party \vill Creek organizations help a tudent ,",OIllen patted out the stIcky \\en' f(I\\S fit bnght marzipan ;,olutlOIlS as chancellor of the IIldude the musical talents of st udent meet a \'ariet \' of Berbon ~aid that becauseof dough and cooked tortillas b~ -ugar canrile'" 'llOlded Into Uni\ersity of CalifornIa. lita Cc;~no. of the people and develop ... lrong it:.. location and the a\ailablt· hand . Down. a mall corridor tnt rirate fruihhap<-'~. :mall Perhaps we need to pra) after Philharmonic on piano. Janos friendships. \\'hile pnl\ Idlllg Itty of alternate actl\ Ites here. behtnd the kllchen \\'a~a~mall h()pdull'\e~ pe('n-el anxlou ... h all. j egyesy on violin. and guidance for moral develop· fraternities and sororttll''> diner \\ Ith t\\O rows of table;; 111 lhe ca;e a ... the ~h()pket'pt'r William Powell on clarinet of ment. aren't needed at t·CSD. and a Ulunter which fac('~ till' ICMlk an urd('r and \\ r;lpped the the llCSl) MUSI C Department. "You meet people who rn a\' "At schools 1(>calL'd In smllll ..,treet. t\ young man \\nrkt.'d ~\~eets. The festivities are schedu led be from a different age group to\\'n~. there's reall} llothll1g behll1d the counter \\ hile tubs \\'lth1l1 the \\alb oj the to take place this Saturday at than yours. and you're made available SOCial" to hold of broth bolled on a nearb\' market. l'tall ... bnmmed \\ it h D.C. Wills Bookstore. 7527 La brothers. People rea ll y care ... tudents together: t.;o the onh sto\ e. :\l'arb~ \\as a ",lab (if frt' ... h produce. The larnangt"d Jolla Blvd . at:l pm. For further about you." he said. adding Wily people can ..,ocialize i~ aged. bn)\\ n pork read\ for the lrom heap" of lettuce and o information ca ll .J56-HlOO. tha t he f cIs the:-.e benefits arc through fraternities (Jnd ",teamlllg cauldron. ra

IDEO GALLER GRAND OPENING IN DEL MAR Buy 1 Falafel / ~ , Super Burger, Sandwich for $459.00 Salad, French $1.99 and Get RCA SelectaVision Fries, Soft Drink, . , ...... only $].55 one FREE! IN A HURRY? 8-hour VCR with Picture Search and non VJT 250 10-day Electronic Timer • Videa Recorder Camera, UCSD Campus SpeCial & accessories sales Rent 0 Video cassette recorder and 6 movies for the week-end (Friday afternoon to Monday afternoon) • Movie & Video Player for only $50 rentals Don't Miss It!! See us for fast Gather Your • Large Selection high quality copies Friends and Split the Cost!! • 2 night rentals The Natural Mid -East Restaurant La Jolla Village Square • NEW LOCATION! * 8855 Villa La Jolla Dr. 8843 Villa La Jolla Dr 1310 Camtno del Mar 4657 Mission Blvd Rdlph 'S Shopping Ctr NEAR SAV ON Del Mar (carlin h\. E'11,'l.lld -I) La Jolla 450-1554 481 ·3204 457-3775 483-8550 P.o. 6 T ht, I 'CSJ) (;uardian Mexico: Under Pressure continued from page 5 in the colomns and barrios of and baskets of pistach ios, Tijuana the devaluation can pice shops displayed bins of only mean that a difficult cinnamon sticks and piles of existence will become even dried chiles, The produce in more so, the market was abundant; on On thIs tnp to the city we this day, the shoppers were did not spend much time on not. Revolucion A\ enue, where the The Mexican economy owners of the numerous curio contlOues to suffer under th'e shops are more than happy to burden of the peso's recent see tOUrists and theIr cash, de\'a I u a t ion and ru mor~ Rather, we bfl)wscd through suggest further devaluation is t he shops on neigh bon ng Imminent. For the tourists side ,t reets, e\ent ually making thi~ means more sou\enirs for our way to one of t he city's theIr mone~, but for MexICan open-aIr markets, nationals, the outlook is not Ir. some of the clothing optimistic For those who li\'e stores and dIme stores I

detected a \'etled bitterness were "eparated by a bordel , a And alllid~·;[ the fn\olItit'!--, t(mards us as \\e asked c1prb culture, and (In econom\', fratl children still sell che\\ ing to convert prices to dollar .\ 'i we headed back [(;\\;\r(\s gum and cnpples st ill huddle amounts. ThIs bitterness the boarder \\e walked alollg on sidewalks, playing their grows understandable as I~ e\o lu cion, fighting to sta~ gUItars as the~ \\ alt for crowds of Americans flo(xl together 111 the L'l'O\\.ds of cont nbut Ions , , . \nd YI)ung across the border to take tOUrists, The city of TIjuana mothers, like tht' one Wt' ad\'antage of the feeble has gretly l'nhanceu the ph()tographed, wall, Wll h their econom\', (l\l'nue as a tOUrIst attraction children, in hope lit a het tl'r As ,,:c \\alked out of the b~ WIdening t he street'i and l'conOlll il' f u t u re. market \\'e passed a young repairIng "torefronts, \\ olllan and her chIld sit t ll1g on E:'l)('nsl\'e restaurants and the SIdewalk. Stopping, I pl'rfullwrtl'" are now tlw maIn DOIl'IIS/OIl'II , t hl' (;/ltl rd;(/ II'S handed her a dollar and asked at tract ions, regulal COlllIC strtp, \\Ill soon If \\e could take her pIcture, Despite the tX'so\ de\alu;I ' bl' ret u rn Ing tot hl· .... l· pages. With a "hy smile "he quickly tlon, t hl' ('It \' has mainlallled a For reasons unknown, grasped t he bill. tucked It 10 fa l' a d e () i' g r 0 \\ t han d I ' ni\ ersal Press I..,\lldicatl', her pockt.'! , and took the chIld pn>spent! for t he sake ()f supplier of f)1I/CII,-, has "topped on her lap She couldn't haH' tOUrIsm. Photographers ~t III senchng proofs of the stnp to been am older than myself. stand by striped donkeys and the (;/lardi(/II , As soon :Is this yet h{)\\- different we \\ere call to passers-by. :'.lariachls IS cleared up, Chuck Lcnting the highly effective Law chool Pre­ parednc.,., Program ' which can help you achievc your potenticll in the crucial fir'lt year, You 'll lean! hem, to : deat \dth the ca.,eboolC method, u.,c d timc '>clving l Call bnefing' technique, u.,e 'wnU1c'lizing (the 'lumtlltlry mdhod of prcparing for exam,,) write eXcllll'> cfficiently cllld \\cll. dnd get a jump on Icclming 1q:\cll terminol long distance oqy, ~dturddy and unddY, 9:30 a,I11, -4:30 p,m .. July 23 24 , on the UCC,D campu~, Phone 452 ,)43.) for 0,,1 dlrecllo Ihe 50 stales. an atal k fo r brochure. or clip dnd mail coupon bel()\\ , Puerto Rico and the U S 30 d Virgin Islands, Just enough SeeD n s time to say hi sweetheart l'It'.I" "lilt nlo 1""1 IHIII hUll' till III, ' 1,111 ,>,11111111'11 '1',111'1111,'" "IIIQI,11I1 h mom and dad passed my f 50 d , finals , send money miss you '/J 0 r "I,1rn! arrived OK , • Call now '_ook for lhe bnght green phone with the Express Call Sign LocatIOns at University of Calif . Central library MUIr Cafetena, Humanities library

'1,111 III ~kl,H111' ~1,1" k 1,( '>D 1 'lIll'lun \ nOI 111111"11) III {.dll,lrnl.1 '>.rn [)H'qn 1,1 Inll,1 (,\ 'llOlJ'

@ Ben System explore: Cinderella and 'flashdance' Electronic 'New Works' at U museum continued from page 1 reached the level of Alex's The novel . mul ti-m edi a. Ca l iforn ia I n stitu t e of of the "Cinderella Complex, " ultimate rea lization, Reading narrative style Terry Allen Technology's Baxter Art Gallery. For some unexplained reason But for now, producers and "L'Apocalypse de Saint­ exhibition. Rooms and Stories: will speak on "Terry Allen: The UCSD Guardian Pa~c 7 the producers of this movies directors need to realize it is not Jean ." interpreted as an New Works by Terry Allen. National Enquirer" and lead a Snorts P__h_il_L__a _u _d_e_r,_S_p__ or_ t_s_E__ d_ it_o_r______~ ______M__ a_v_5_, __ 19__ 8 _3 first give Alex an unbelievable enough to present a dynamic " electronic reading" by Pierre currently on view at the La Jolla tour through the exhi bit ion's type of independence. then they soundtrack partnered to flashy Henry. one of France's major Museum of Contemporary Art. three major installations, make her dependent upon a commerical images, They need contemporary composers. will will be the subject of a lecture The lecture will be held in th e Prince Charming for her to create a movie that receive its American premiere and gallery tour by Michael auditorium followed by a tourof Spikers Fourth in State Div. II success, Had the director seen sensitively shows the effort and performance, Friday at 8 pm in Smith, independent consult, Il,I", ,lOci :1- agiltlhl . \' en Im'eI I)f It \\iI.., t Ill' jill! It h Ba..,l'I)ull The men 's \olle) ball I cam When I )annl'\ ik reflected Oil maich agalll,,1 :-Iort illidge III " BEN KINGSLEY TOPS HIS BRiLUANT WORK IN compeled for the slale lhis fIrst llIatch he noled lhal t h n'l' \\l'l'ks - and I he lou rt II The I L'L\ Irall ... ll 'll1\fIt' hI il~r 'it Ill" :""11\\ 11 ill I ( I) ~ III hI-. fll'~1 al hal, allla\'h bl'al ,,'-l - al h,1l , III all' \L'P I ()(HI Ill', n I\eh Ill' ·1" cll' 2') Blake Hall not well al all." \\ as the remark Coach Doug Danlll'\ Ik Berkele~ in fi\(' game" for t ht Jullnll-, (JIll' a'-"I I'll nl.error' \\0: 101 (u (kh 'JtlO'lll.. I{ -1 HTe to made of the ent ire weekend need be champllm ... hlp, After \\'alchtng I Il':Il11 It.Hler. a" l Ita I h 1.\ 1"1 .II," al 'c ... l : 'HI hll"" Ie hd I 'l'll a 1)I),III\l' '1lIIul'll"lt,r lilt' fe<1lI 'I' I \\11/ It J,( h:1 "',\ v II: "W c ne('1J'" \·hltlP"I·h. \\rd, guys just • * NOW PLAYING lournament again"l DavIS not much, All dar,dt,ons help support the the desire 10 jJlay at '\l",l year",.. recrUII ing \\ ill )111,I'WllItlw/un/ /' ,\Ihll'll' "I thl \\'tl'k, TIll' ll-,J) U(SD Blood Reserve Fund \\ It h Ideas of plaYing as \\ ell as _ i:/#(ijIJ/"_ Evenlngs @700 · 910 f", (,uar-cililll, B·01l> '1'/,,:,/1; IIT./II"/""I I" .. ' It/O" lro J III Students, Staff, Faculty, 8. far'" Iy they cou ld , and pos"ibl~ he geared I (I\\'{lrd obt am tng that high caliber of {fllrll )J'lJd,'1J JIIIII • Iou/ltd IJr 'Ill 1IIlflll, 'f n(J(fJlfn ~ (It I f3ii2! 5th Ave, 295-2000] Sdt & Sun Matine es @ 2 40 · 4 50 Members beatmg the host Aggie", Thl~ pia} l'r" \\ It h a desire to pUI llll' ",t (lid not seem unreasona ble llollevball. lime inll} p\aymg high cahlll'r l h. (,II. J becau..,e lhe Tntons beat l'CD Doug Dannevik ball. From thiS year's group In the All-Cal Tournament. H Danne\ik will be \oslllg Ihl\c "Quilling 1;),1;) 10, and I;)·;), But {'CSD II algren, \\ ho \\111 Ix- gomg 10 was not able to pull it toget her no "hrighl spots," The Europe, Brian \ll'""im Battered Soft baIlers isa In such an important match, prImary hitter~, lIalgl en , qUltllllg for pt.:r ... ()nal rl'd'-!lO", Guardian The leam played "collectively i'Jessirn, and Thol11p~()n, were and Chip Yo"hlllo and Jim snap:' bad" accordmg 10 Danne\-ik , not able to gel things going, Btshop, who are gradu.tltng Bat to Final Victory Display Ads ''I'm gonna help you who u..,ed hi'" start ing six \\'ilh and ()\ nail t he learn did nol The"l' tour are "tartl'r" "II [)anne\,ik \\'ill hall' hI" \\ork II- .JOE )' ,\I.LET,(,\ break th(' cigar('t Ie habit combinatIOn.., of his entire play well dcf('n~1\ ely .... I.tlf \\ nh'r SELU \\,Ith my Larry Hagman bench Wilhout an, luck, The L'On~()\atlOn match "as cut OUI for hlln, Special SlOp Smoklll' \'l :-.[) jJut ,,"ll J III I !', .Il1lt~) :Il ganll' ,,",lrC'-',1 1'1 h ~ Wrist Snappin' Red Rub ­ Ih" \'Isteln IXII,).:s I""t \\l'lK l'1I I

RPB HPA continuc d fro III pa~c 9 a Softball ;\I0lllt'''' pl'Il\('d thtl1ht·hl'" A frozen cordially Invite you to the Queen s , II was a ball 1(' of This Week in Intralllurais \\()rtln ot tht, tIm I)(A IJ\ ~9url cflflair Y09'!rt the d efenses, as these two wlnmng till' mal< h l:i 2..1") r!, JNe t\ 6lj.fo p UV'&' ~ Splits 2 tea ms \\ ent thro ug h the goals \\(Jrth six points, j od} be touched . at least not b\' thl' th( match 2:n. 11 -1 TIll' :'.I.,tl}e'- an' 110\\ !)(J; creations * regula tion seve n innings til'Cl Mat had four goals for ('Ight Inncrlubc Patrol. as' Ihl' :\ mighty offelbl' and it thl' Fireball.., drop to h '3 st Ifltng dt:fen"l' hl~hilghl" t 11(' 25C off 6}~ * ~ With ULV at 4. The Godfa thers had point s tn a losing effort for t he Patrol g"ot trounled ~:~-S J alllll' In , Cla udi a O 'B rien ieadtng I he eight goal" for t hl' r ;ear 1'1 H B'" t') Iii led by .t Henche. Sheraton Inn, Harbor Island overa ll , and winning fo ur with out of the Inning. Aga m in t he Movi ng up to AA , three ot way Wit h ten goals. the I 'OLLE }"fl.- ' LL rugfi,din Ian ilr>porl \lanana 13 losses in con fe rence play. eighth they got runners a t the I he top teams competed d uring \'elcrans of Sklif had no In Illen\' \.\ pla\', :: 1 and I>antlo\ ig, "COliit'd 1)\ \Var La JoU. 1590 Harbor Island Drive There were 19 games called on Grand Ballroom $6,50 co rn ers with two out s but t he past week. problem wil h Pump & undd Cd led A lt ered :\10111('" Frats (.J I), ].; It), ]'.1 I, Hnd account of rain . including the fa iled to "core. The game \vent Don 't Touc h Me couldn 't S hu ()t. as lhe Sk li rster~ took tlj()k 1m I hl' Fin.'balb , The II-~ 21 May 1983 per person la t two agains t La Verne to the ninth, and in t he IXJt tom 9 pm - 1:30 am which were postponed from of the in ni ng the (.) ueens' Todd Friday until the next day, Wat,",on drme in Scoltjohnson - Hors d'Oeuvres - Door Prizes - De pite the s ta ts, t he with t he \\ inning run in a S-t .. :. (,; ~ 've the Banners Juggling .. Triton s pl ayed good ba ll Coupon Expires May 9, 1983. \Icton _ Tht: I'C>';/) lugglll'g Club I" How to Bet throughout t he second half of Windmg up soft ball lor the pll'a,.;ed 10 pn'~l'nt a '-:tgh' the sea son. The defense, al­ week is t he Coed /l.t\ di\l';ulI1. S ways their s trongest asset Stroke had unt.' of t he best CJ¥, . . DC D PI ea e ~:,III~:iE\(\ I ;~\I_H~ }lll~~I;~~~\l:II~' The De bjr with good gloves like Harda­ pitching pe rformance" of t he he Office of Campus Recreation has been plagued this Cafl' ,\ it h ..,h,)\\ ~ ,II l' and III:lO way, Keene, Fogarty. Davis, ~ear III li lll ltmg Ames to sdUJotyear by a series of banner threats. These ba n ners are pm Jl t II tl'1ll 'f a nd Williamson , tightened up three !"U n~ and re tI ring II 01 tttadeby OCR staff to the tune of a great deal of t tme, These t WIl h,)ur "hl/\\'" 1\ 11' Ut h \ (ll ~b\"', l r, d, t'lt' markedly. The Vanessa Davis­ the la"t 12 balter". AIded b, a dtiltive energy. and money. The banners are dis played on feature perflJrIJi

Where it really La Jolla Villa!:c Square \ I:e:: :::~rrow $10,000. No , I haven't been smoking those funny II coun ts, the 1983 L'''' t."r IA.'H.:I ("Tft."r 't .. il cigarettes, I just figured out a way to get me out of this turkey dorm and Tritons were 455.-1700 I save you money. I I undefea ted. CALIFORNIA CUT - ,. $' , $13.00 , I figured it all out, and for what you're paying for me to live 1m 111.11"' ~f dill . '" \. IInli!tI nt ~ "If\- Our 11 II" 't n ~1 l" ~ j' J,; I I k;·h I llllir.!! ,1,.;rO\\1 \l11 n I "'1 n r I'll [h It" The: on campus, we could almost be paying monthlies on a condominium at more years to play under h(' r \:111 II 'tr fur ,ur ( h. r It·..... (Wight)," jill Keene said las t EuROPEAN PERM '. h 548,00 Boardwalk, which is steps away fro m ~ ir rill' .. trl1~ht '1' I Jr t ... "1.' 110.- t h t ju~t I week . " She's a good coach; s he t ., .. f tin \' tl r,' - l" "1f • I' l " f't ~ -, campus right here in La Jolla, I knuws what s he's doing," 'I Abou t her teammates. Keene SCULPTURED NAILS $25,00 I It's got tennis, a monster pool, built- added , "I was proud to pIa ;. w ith th es e gu y~, I ' m ,,.. ins, and Wll be a great place to study. And 1.., disappointed e\'eryone wasn 't FILLS .. ,) ,. $12.00 as productive as we could have ()ftl'r ~(, .. "lllll \ \\Ir til'" ,d &. t'w... t· ~t·fhq .. Hot ]\tJh"'l" j,- n ~ ~ l),'~ J if you send me skiing over quarter break, \ \ - been , I wish I'd had a bet ter . "* E\/>Ih" .\1,1\ 12 lWi;. ~ I you and Morn can use it too. J vear. - ])a\ IS and 1\1artlll IXJ inted I You both should corne down ~~ oUllha t t he Tritonsjust didn't PUI together l'nough hl t<; to and check out Boardwalk with me . " s('ore. " We needed more hit ,", I bunriw d togetlwr to gl't runs," Prices start at just $102.500, at just I ()a\ is salel. "After \\e started I 11-7/8% interest, which I know I plaY lIlg, \\e cut c/I)\\ n ou r error ... a nd our defl'n'-,e reall y from my Econ classes is a good I ""arled cl icking. Our htl "- were I deal for property in La Jolla, s pread (J u t. though . We'd out· hit them (the OPPOSItion ) bu t HOW TO BET In fact, you'll proba- they'd ge t a ll their hit:-, I I together and score the runs." bly get back the cost of my "Our win-loss record was at the I college education from tax bene- not indicati \'e of how good a I team we were ," Leigh Ann HORSERACES Lay ton n ot ed. " I th i nk I fits and the appreCiation in the I everyone had a good time_ Experie n ce th e Ke nt uc ky Derby with an expert!! condo's value , Colleen's a good coach: s he ./ kept everyone 's s pirits up," I Don't you think that's a pretty I Coach Wight pu t III her thoughts as \\ ell . "Coaches I intelligent move, Dad, and isn't that what you I commented on our s ports man­ ship and how g()(xl it was that we st uck toget her even down I sent me to coliege for? ~ 0lie I (sign your name here) \ to nine pla yers ," saiel t he first ­ year coach. "We gave teams in our conference go(xl games the second lime \\l' pla yed Ihem . ;\1ost of them ripped us apart I ,'. \ the fir st time." \V lt h I he .., porl slllans hlp. $5 the heart. and the s heer fu n I· _------_--...a ~ these women pla yed \\lth a ll L.----- Boardwalk/La Jolla. Fine h omc~ fro m $ 102,500. . ~e a SlJn, the record .. and s lats May72-4pm grow ra ther pale. Where it Sa l e~ Orfi cc: 8840- 102 Villa La Jolla Drive_ (619) 457-2160. rea ll y CO Ullt s, the 1 98 : ~Trito n s were undefeated_ ~ ~~ Perhap" t he only ones who t:..r \ tl,\ d ll rTl1 ~ nt 01 THE DOUGLAS A L LRE D C OMPANY __ lost were t hose w ho ne\' ' r walriwel Ihem pla y. An Arts Vol. 3, No. 5

AIe chimps intelligent? Can they think, reason or communicate? If anybody knows its Dr. Jane Goodall who will be at UCSD this Monday to give a lecture entitled "Aspects of Chimpanzee Intelligence" in Mandeville Auditorium at 7:30 pm. Goodall may be best know for her book "In the Shadow of Man" and her ABC-TV documentary sertes "Jane Goodall and the World of Animal Behavior" but she is also respected in the scientific community for over thirty books and papers she has published. Monday's lecture will be fully illustrated with film and slides and will be followed by a Q & A session. AIe chimps intelligent? Find out for yourself. Admission is $5 General, $4 Students. Tickets are available at the Central Box Office. Contents Matthew Lawler The Magazine of the '80s Cover: Noted primate researcher and author Jane First Touch Goodall will give an illustrated [ditor_ lecture entitled "Aspects of ANDRfW KEELER Chimpanzee Intelligence" this I h~ar somehoJy talk ang of eo.~dJtor Monday at 7 :30 pm , in it "Jown thcr~ on th~ h~a~' h " ,l nd TIM AUGUST Mandeville Auditorium. . fet'l Its presence reach arounJ Contributing [dltors the cornl"r of a GREGORY CHAPELL[ Old Globe ...... Page l wall. attracting TIM KASSOUNI Two unusual productions are at MIKEL TOOMBS The Old Globe Theatre in Balboa There. In hallow water Writers Park, Clap Your ftands and The laprlng. lump of sand - MARti BElMER. JAN BRf.SLAUEIt Dining Room feature excellent a ~pe~k of th crawls un the WlneloW a" thl' hueh CANOlE. JOHN CARROLL. MARTH~ casts and off-the-wall plots and will fiSHER. DAVE flEMlNGfR. JOAN comes onshllrl" fORSBERG. AMY 11ALlMAN. RONA play through most of May, fantasy and comedy at Old Globe HU PAUL JONES. THOMAS LARSON. MICH ELlE MORRIS. Milo at College ...... rage 5 8y JOM fORSBfRG returns to the Darling home to transitions. of time. Whdl CLYDENE NEE. JOHN NEE. LEE UCSD Sophomore Milo Aukerman Peter Pan swore he would find Wendy as a dreary, middle­ emerges is a magical RAY. KATE SIMPSON. KIM VAN A lecia Swenson exploration uf dredms and PELT. JACOB WELUNGTON. left the LA. punk band, the never grow up. Well. he did. aged <;ociety matron and Mr. Descendents to come here. Stephan Playwright Ellis Rabb recorded Darling as an elderly widower adventures that rekindle [ ditorial 452·,)466 the inevitable event in his new living on distant memories. youth s flaming spirit and Advertising 452·,)468 Wyss talks to Milo about school. (left) Patricia Conolly, Ralph Williams and G. \\ood in 'Clap rour play Clap Your Hands currently Wendy's brother John is an imagination in mature livcs. punks and stereotypes. Clap Your Hands reatures Itand .... and (Above) Jonathan M(.MurtIy and Caroline Smit11 In 1he Hiatus is published every Eucalyptus being presented at the Old alcoholic proctoloQist. and Dining Room". HoUl plays will be performed at the Old Globe. Thursday of the school year as a Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. Captain Hook s enemy, that mastcrful performan[e~ by supplement to the UCSD 'flash dance' ...... Page 7 This world premie r e ravenous crocidile. is stuffed Ralph Williams as Peter. Patricia GUARDIAN. Reproduction or use Determination and talent is the production presents James M. and displayed in the Darling's Conolly as Wendy, and G. Wood director Craig Noel gh'e A. It divcrt drgue, and .O\C over a without written permission of any focus of this new film that I run my hanJs ur thl.· ftne -gratneJ frt'ckleJ trunk, as Mr Darling. This fascinating portion of th is magazine is a no­ Barrie's original characters of domicile. uurney Jr:s deliqhtful comedy "pread of sustenam.e. With thl' no. We welcome unsol icited highlights a steel worker's quest for touch at-ranch anJ t-ring it c1os~r Peter Pan , Wendy, and Mr. Wendy can no longer see production continues through The Dining Room currently revolY,ng door of society letters manuscripts and artwork. success in the dance field. until tht' slenJer leaves hrush across my face. Darling confronting the harsh Peter, and Peter can no longer May 22 . playing at the adjacent C.assious GUl"ley reve.:! ... tt,e pa'it fifty but assume no responsibility for truths of human existence. fly. The fantasies created by .. Carter Centre Stage vear~ of American life. The six the return of such. Send children are now realities "A fresh and original look dt member ensemble portravs information to : Tops in Pops Page 5 T l.'gan·s hair falling forwarJ as hl.' mows. Exiled from Never Land, the 40· HIATUS Concert Une Page 6 year old Peter Pan faces a en dured by adults. But all is not that vanishing breed - the The dining room IS that ."on'e Stxty d ffere'lt (haracters 8·{)) 6, La Jolla At Ute Movies Page 7 mid life crisis. After Tinker Bell's in despair. 50meti mes gracious, some· fa\'orile Ameri< dn meeting In a serie., of witt, \ igretle<, Ca .. 9209J death (because children no Together Peter, Wendy, and times stifling American upper place where an assortment of that depict the C\ olutJOn ot longer believed in fairies), Peter Mr. Darling examine the middle class," is the description individuals gather to discuss. social moree;, HIATUS logo design by Debbie fox Re ...... ted wItb permlssioD from 1be BIrdcage Reriew. , UCSD Drama Department on ia I PA THEA In tatong responsibility for MATINEES DAILY AT ALL PACIFIC THEATRES She put love and laughs The UCSD Theatre presents a startling condusioll. his 'her per">Onal ~ituatJon. The Bargain Malinees al Cenler Cinemas , Cine rama and back into his marriage! new adaptation of Franz KatKa s Pear~n who played thc idea that we are victim only La Jolla Village Thealres Monday lhrough Friday lor all mysterious novel. The Trial. character Joseph K. in thc performances slarling belare 5:30 PM .. Saturday 1st when we permit our'>el\eo; to be Adapted and directed by Steve Pittsburgh City Theatre performance only subieci to seat awallability No Barga in h d theme thlt dirt:clor Pearson Pearson. The Trial is a riveting, production directed by Je\wl Matinees on Holidays . Ample free parking at all theatres . stresses. fast· paced psychological drama Walker in 1977. sees the playas Groumont Shopping Center Winner 8 A cast of ten graduate .. and of what happens to someone a continuous dream or Academy undugraduate actoro; in thc who is victimized, namely nightmare. You re never quitc Awards l Drama Department will playa Joseph 1\. sure if what you are seeing is Rj actually happening, or just total of 27 roles with Joseph awakes on the Joseph's own images -just like Christopher Randolph as Joseph morning of his 30th birthday to the character himself. But it is 1\, Pearson has also added four Evenings at 7:00 and 9:15 find himself under arrest. But just real enough to make you characters as "watchers: Matinees Sat & Sun at 2:30, 4:45 for what? No one will tell him wonder. figures that /\atka eludes to in EXPOSED why. Without specification of the novel. Peter Ward is L 3· . portrayed In this story, as well The play opcns tonight and PORKY'S Christopher Randolph and JIIariangela Fino star in "The Trial" and night. reality and nightmare '2.;) ,t.:) 4,". ~J <.' 1 55 R, begin to collide, building to a as the individuals own failings runs through May 21.

>01,8(-, t::t" A "t")s·r)ng HIGH ROAD TO CHINA AII""'I~IM ...... 'ttn"'cSoot uSI/l'lf*'1 ...------~~~~ :;;:;E~~

J'1 AYIU ~'j 11'NlJrIJ Hes err/),," DOCTOR DETROIT l\)~to(C\ u T \\ HSI PR(PARATlON '/ )u 2 , 1! tl I~ ~OG~ 00(\" S P[CIAI IS I ~ sl ~ cr 1936 r ::I, Brodt Jry SOS'il with the J SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES latest styles for 1L £2.' .2u.t~ 2' 1 £ .,,~ Spring and Summer! Minion Valley· I-I 01 Stadium Wa y ST~-H . All Center Programs Start Frldayl Let Us Design PORKY'S A Style For KIIPUIN Fducatlonal Center - 2 JI, L <1 44' f ~" .1'. \ <) YOU! Co [Jr.Jv::.lvcr, flJ' a. I;V, ·"u ·1. Ask for 1· er reo uer I f1tJ IJA THE HUNGER 2180 Garnet , J. d BClNIO Michael or Vicki 'u')( ~ C' lrOflr1on Pacific Beach mEr CONSULTATIONS 270-6810 t/lf'PoPt r ...... 'JP FLASH DANCE STUDENT DISCOUNT: t"JO./2' 41 f WOO(reg $2500) CLASSES (reg 4140 Clalremonl )12.00 S20 00) ON CAMPUS MAUSOLEUM 452-5620 Cenlers In More Ihan H , Call for Appointment 105 Malor US Crtres . Imported Moosehead. Stands head and antlers above the rest. 105 Malor US CWes. Puerto 3251 HOliday Ct USE YOUR HEAD 'WHEN YOU DRINK MOOSEH EAD. Ste 201 RICO and Toronto. Canada RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK THE OUTSIDERS (f.boo.oo St Ulm\Oll'\llS) ":...AU lOll f~H &00',,) 1142

~ May 5. 1983 MilY 5, 1983 ffldtus 3 Mixing punk Sophmore jinx befa) s and studies Plen at Work's 'Car 0 '

with Milo By TOM rR UDtLL By STEPHAN WYSS ------unfortullately lu~t ask Men at Though much oftoday's new Cargo Work. music' has gained widespred Men at Work The new Carqn, IS rot popular acceptance, the punk Columbia quite as Ii'itenab e nor a~ movement is still viewed ------dant eable as thE:. premier negatilely by much of society. In rnu~ic. ~porh, and lariou,> album, BU51I1CS,) as V.,ual But Punk audiences are notorious othn t ndeamrs there 1'1 a consider it th i<; \\J y 110\\ could Images of lVicaragua for their extreme behavior, and tradition known politely at;' the it be? After all th( dehqhUJ punk musicians are often 'iophomorr jim." Br iefl y put, it fir~t album has only been tht: By CMlOll: looked upon as misguided i, what so ml'times happens to number onealbum In theqillaA) Across the street from cafe Complaicent in the quiet retired sociopaths who have little, if spec ta<..u lar. o\ ernight-')u(ce"., for the last nine months, sllling military village of La Jolla images of burned and bloody bodies are any, knowledge of their performers who make it really millions and million" of coplr~ hanging next to revolutionary writings on the wall. ins truments. big on thei r fir.,t attempt and and maidnq the')(" fl\'e Even though revolutions are occurring throughout the world, Judging solely from tall flat on th eir '>elond. Their Au.,traillans m h 'r b }ond ar} Americans know little of what it is like to live in a war torn appearances, UCSD sophomore demises are termed nctork"· of our \\'ildt:~t dream~. goddamn community. So the director of "The Photography Gallery", tlolly Milo Aukerman might appear they acquire labels like fl,hh in th m and it i" stili elling qu te tlowelL decided to show Susan Meiselas' powerful and thought like the kind of person one sees the pan" or haybeen: Just ash \\ell.lt WOJld Wk( 'lothing .,hort provoking photographs of the Nicaraguan revolution. in computer labs late on a Mark fydrich Ju~t ask of d iI inc Inten ention for Men at But it was not easy for Meiselas to capture these images. In Saturday night. It would be Christopher Cro')~. "nd no". plt'a.,(' turn to page 6 January of 1979 the car in which she and two otherjournalists were impossible to know that th is riding struck a land mine. Onejournalist died and Meiselas received see mingly m i ld , sedate, wounds to her head, neck, and shoulders. Another time she wired una~uminq honor.. student f rank Nave tta, Bill Stevenson, other songs had to dowith food. • New York for more film. With the film she received a new 300mm was until recently the lead and Ton y Lombardo, had The I.., h more pop thclll the EP Top I o s telephoto lens because her editors felt she was getting too close to singer of a band from the same released a single which sou nds partially a,~ a reactIon to the the action. For her actions Meiselas received the Robert Capa Prile Los Angele s sc en e which more surf tha n punk. Milo took ra\\ness of their previous &/ow 15 a I'~t of the lOp ellbLlm'i at I l SO elm1 elr '1 J from the Overseas Press Club for' best photographic reporting or spawned hardcore favorites like on the vocal chores beca use he record, and partially bl'CclUS(' thf CliU/ltry, Ti,c'>t rdtlWJS elrf b,J'iI'1 'l,1 a' d'h1 interpretation from abroad requiring exceptional courage and Black flag and the . '- l iked the musil and wanted to the band \\a.,n't inge~ting a furlllshtd by A,%rtcd I'tnyl and Billbud ( '1 qall enterprise," The new album by the be a part of it." ln the summer of muc h caffeine as the~ \\ere Meiselas is not one to rest on her reputation or awards. Currently commorates the 1981 a fivt: song, seven inch 45 when they wrote 10 .. econd Here I let s Dance David Bowie E~lI she is in EI Salvador photographing people dying in hopes that her event which took Milo away was released. This record ')Ongs. 2 final Cut Pink floyd CB images will keep our concern for injustices to others alive. from the band. Their new Milo brought the Descendents Milo lett the ba nd in 3. War Ul Island The purpose of Meiselas' work is to shed light on the situa tion in Goes to College, aside from recognition because of the two December, though he has sung -l Madne ' ~ Madness Gdfen Central America. 11er black framed photographs are not for sale food songs, the 11 second at a fe w isolated Sh OM o Most. getting heavy airplay in 5. fictIOn B l cl5te~ Warner Bros. commercially. tlowever Howell is taking donations to purchase Assorted Vinyl. has gotten " Weinerschnitzel. " and the 15 recently, Mi lo sung a few songs three photos which will be given to the new San Diego Museum for mostly positive reviews from second "I Like Food " with Black flag at last There I. Thriller Michael Ja(~ n Ep.c Photographic Arts. the mainstream critics, and was The band was not altogether we ekend's sholV in San Diego. 2. frontiers Journey Columbia also voted "album of the year" pleased with the reaction to the Though Milo had a lot of fun 3. /filroy IVa s Here Styx A&M by the readers of the LA punk EP because ' it pigeonholed the singmg for the Descenden t s. he 4. Pyroman i3 Det leppard Mercury Descendents as a food band ." is somewha t dissatisfi ed \\oit h magazine flips ide. So far. the 5. Business a... Usual Men at Worl\ (olumbla album has sold 5000 copies. Th e record s title, fat. and t h(' th e attit ude of the punk The band was formed in 1979. cheeseburger cover did not audience. After the original members, help, even though none of the plea.,e tu rn to page b

UCSD L.nivenity Event> & The LS.B. Leakey Foundati.,n pn'\t- nr An Evening of COMING SOON. Coilledy& Look for Juggling ~MOVIE \I\l \/1' '. • in an upcoming issue ofyour #I , college Frlda7. May 8 SOfT CONTACT LENSeS lletVS­ 8410:30p..... paper. ONE HOUR SERVICE ~O!5t cases (I ~ • Revelle £ale

INCLUDES Contact l e n ~ e5. ( ~~ Totty Stoae e>lamlnatlon. patient (J'~ Steve Gat_ training. follOW up. JANE GOODAll c"emlcal C<1re kIt and fitting ,.,,-'aking nn Steve OedekedL ~ A~pl'cts of Chirn/)(lt1~ee lntdlegetlcl' EXTENDED WEAR LENSES .. ~ f'.dward ••,,'eaa ONLY $29500 (lr I • "-, f~ lilt. h ,. till t" to 'I' If1 I ~ 'i"...... I ~~. Dca I)ceher ..... ", r\At IV I, ... u~· ,I

DR. ROBERT HELLER OPTOMETRIST Ttckcts available at Box Oftkc: May <>. M l)Ut",,· Ocputl1lcnt of PhYSlcallktucatJOn . x. 4081 4 r:.l " ~:; 4 452-7374 I Hy-:l-ocurve extended WE:-or lenses ovodobl DON'T MIS I • lay 5. 1983 tliatu5 5 .'1 tliatus May 5, 1983 Concert line A modern day Cinderella comes ---AT THE MOVIES 'All programs start FrlcW( The legendary Kinks CENTER CINEMAS 5) SOMETHING WICKED in the fonn of a 'flashdance' Fashion Valley THIS WAY COMES 291-1888 6) THE HUNGER By CA/"lOlL dancer. And yet many have also expressions ra diate an ecstacy return SD tonight 1) to When you hear the music, do expressed their enjoyment of for life that seems to give her PORKY'S GUILD the movie's one attribute, the unlimited energy. An energy 2) THE HUNGER San Diego By JOHN Nff you close your eyes and feel the 3) FLASH DANCE beat of your heart to the dance sequences. which flashes with Beals' smile 295-2000 be considered new music. They The dance routines in this to excite the audience. One Rock and roll hasalways been rhythm? Does a flash of passion CLAIREMONT BETRAYAL movie have been produced to wonders though if this workout a derivative of some sort from are simply a guitar-heavy pulse into your life creating an Clalremont Mesa other genres of music. "supergroup," As a performing uncontrollable urge to dance? 214-0901 La JOLLA VILLAGE THEA nR Throughout its history, rock has entity they are great if only You may be a flashdancer. La Jolla Village Square been influenced by the blues, viewed once. In a live medium .et 1) THE ROAD WARRIOR/ 453-1831 Do you wish you could take MAUSOLEUM jazz, classical. funk and ethnic the Kinks have a very tight your inner passions and make 2) RAIDERS OF THE LOST 1) HIGH ROAD TO CHINA influences. The Kinks have polished show leaving very little them happen? ARK/THE OUTSIDERS 2) PORKY'S been accused on many room for a real show to take Would you push your mind 3, DOCTOR DETROIT occasions of relying too much place. and body beyond their limits. COVE 4 J SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COME S on the material of other artists Tonight Ray Davies will And do whatever is necessary to La Jolla in order to produce material. march up on stage and playa set experience a flash forward intoa 459-5404 La PALOMA that may be heard on The Kinks' Terry AJlen's drawing/mixed media 'Sentimental Journey' is featured in Terry Allen Works, an To a certain extent this is life of living your dreams? DASBOOT Enc :1ltas true. In the past the Kinks have live album with the highlight of exhibition of drawwings prints, and small-scale sculpture at Mandeville Art GalJery through May 22. Then you are a flashdancer. 436-SHOW had a shaky career. They have the act being his refu~1 to play The opening song to the FINE ARTS THE KING OJ: COMEDY resorted to such dubious "Lola." It really is always a movie flashdancer presents PaCifiC Beach SPORTS ARENA practices as copying other disappomtment seeing men Men at Work deliver a heavy 'Cargo' these ideas about life. But 274-4000 groups and even copying past their prime on stage. The San Diego instead of probing further into THE GIFT 223-5333 themselves on much of their Kinks will play this evening at continued from page 5 nothing more than vinyl filler, is what will ultimately hurt the these issues, the movie later material. What the Kinks the Sports Arena. Work to create a second album and not very good filler at that. new album; the Men at Work becomes another ci nderella flOWER HILL CINEMAS 1) FLASHDANCE have created has been a style The stranglers will play that was better than their first. At this writing, Business as sound is nothing new anymore, story. Del Mar 2, THE MEANING OF LI FE 3 ) MY TUTOR(THE OUTSI­ that helped define the idea of Saturday at the Adams Ave. Cargo isn't. Overall. the group Usual is still among the top five and more of it that isn·t as good Al ex. a steel town Cinde rella, 155-5511 pop-rock during the 70'1, Theater. Joe "King" Carasco has maintained the same selling nationally, won't breathe any new life into DERS dresses in overalls and army 1) DOCTOR DETROIT 4) ROAD WARRIOR By no means could the Kinks will play tonight at the Spirit. Presumably is still selling so it. The current single. bouncy, New Wave-meets­ it fatigues for her welding chores. 2) HEARTBREAK 5) MAUSOLEUM Reggae atmosphere, but well only because people who appropriately entitled After work she dances at a local 3) SOMETHING WICKED 6) HIGH ROAD TO CHINA somehow the new effort seems a have purchased it previously "Overkill," is quite refreShing, bar. Then she bicycles home to Jennifer Beals aspires to be a professional dancer in " flashdance." THIS WAY COMES little forced and therefore less have worn out their first copy but once you've heard it. you 've work-out and fine tune her MANN CINEMA 6 spontaneous. and are going on their second. I heard the best song on the dancing in hopes of being seductively advertize the is intended to improve her UA GLASSHOUSE 6 University Towne Centre Rocking with Milo 452-7166 The album is not totally think therein lies one of the album, and there isn·t too much invited to dance at the ball, in flashdance soundtrack in the dancing or to SUblimate some San Diego 223-2546 continueli from page 5 the band eventually, so he left without its good moments, main reasons why Cargo will not point in continuinA, this case the Pittsburgh same way mv promotes records sexual expression. 1) THE HUNGER 'The majority or punks put on fare as well with the critics or 2) TENDER MERCIES "the pressure" and came to however. The reggae intluence is I personally Ii ke Men at Work; Conservatory of Dance. through television. Coming The sensuality of Beals ' 1) RAIDERS OF THE LOST with the populus. While it is a ARK/LONE WOLF McqUADE 3) SOPHIE'S CHOICE a pose. A lot of them take the UCSD. Since he began at UCSD if anything more strongly felt. I am not quite tired of their style Alex's dance mento\' is her from a background in making portrayal matches the body heat lyrics too seriously and they get with songs like "It's a Mistake," fact that Men at Work brought 2) VALLEY GIRLS 4) ROAD WARRIOR/ MAU­ late September, some of his just yet. and therefore I can still fairy godmother. And the steel television commercials, generated by John Travolta in violent. A lot of punk lyrics is attitudes have changed. "I used "Blue for You," and even the with them a breath of fesh mill owner becomes Prince director Adrian Lyne uses soft Saturday Night fever. and the 3) MAX. DUGAN RETURNS SOLEUM appreciate new music from an 4) AN OFFICER AND A 5) THE OUTSIDERS (MY overstatement to prove a point. to stereotype people for what simply pleasant "Settle Down Austrailian air with Business as Charming, complete with an porn techniques to present overplayed sound. soon to be released Staying GENTLEMAN/ SOPHIE'S TUTOR Many of the punks need a thing they wore, but after going here I My Boy" all ha ving a tinge of Usual, it is also a fact that this invitation to the ball. Jennifer Beals as the ultimate Alive Alex is not a Cinderella of CHOICE 6) FLASHDANCE to believe in. I'm not a punk. I find that it doesn't matter how those easy-going reggae fresh air was made quite stale by If this describes you. then Many dancers resent this male fantasy of a dancer. the Disney type. •All listings subj~ct to chlnse' just played for a punk you dress, preppy or whatever, rhythms. However, thi\ album some FM stations, which did you 'll like Cargo. But if you are simplistic portrayal of what it During her end of the day Alex is, however, an example aUdience." it's what's inside that counts. unfortunately ranges from the their best to take two very good weary of Business as Usual, or takes to become a professional dance ritual. Alex's facial please turn to page 8 Ttte first year after high You don't find a lot of the frat­ simply pleasant to the simply songs, "Who Can It Be Now?" if you never liked it to begin s(hool, Milo attended a local boy mentality here. I guesss I'm silly. " Dr, Heckyll and Mr. Jive," and "Down Under," and drive with, you may want to pass on

~ ~ - ~ Junior college and worked, but lucky I chose a school with a "I'd Like To," and "Upstairs in them absolutely into the what amounts to .. Business as he knew he would have to leave good diversity of people." My House" .III come off as ground. This endless repetition Usual II." V.C.S.D. MEChA Cinco de Mayo Celebracion Appl ications for ATTENTION! Para lo~ sacrificios del pasado, presente y el futuro: The Guardian's 1983-84 Warren College Commuters Struggle and Education is our means to Editorial Staff are now and Residents! Self-determination. I Warren College Student Friday, Student Center being accepted. Government IWCSGJ May 6,1983 Complex is accepting applications for 12:00 to 7 :00 pm V.C. San Diego r-Positions open are: these 1983-84 council positions: M.E.CH.A. Editor-in-Chief • WCSG Vice President Managing Editor • Program Board Chairperson " Copy Editor • APB Chairperson • Media, Arts, Promotions Chairperson News Editor • judiCIal Board Chairperson Associate News Editor • 4C Chairperson Opinion Editor Sports Editor ApplicatIons available at Warren Provost Office and are due by 4 pm Friday, May 13. Arts Editor SIgn up for an Intervfew at WCSG Bulletin Science Editor Board. Features Editor LA UNION HACE LA FUERZA Photography Editor Get Involved with Warren .. , Sponsored by: .. .indulge yourself in Student Government I The Student HOLSTEN Speakers Affirmall\'e Action Special Attraction: Committee (SA.\C ) Applications are available in The San Diego Lowriders A""l)cia{~~s1illclents. The Guardian Business Office Car Show Entertainnlent: ChlcallO Siaff between the hours of NOTICE TO STUDENTS M · It i\sS0l'1atl011 D anza eXlcayo Chicano St uclil's 9 am - noon and 1 pm - 4:30 Students who paid the $12 rec facilities Los Lobos De Los Angeles A.A.KC. fee in Spring '83 may pick up a refund One of San Diego's best: :\k\llan Food on sail>: 8:!:lO per plate Tony Torres I - check in front of the Cashier's Office " Express Mobt'lc D.J. 1~.l'fr\'~. h.nll'l1t~ . Deadline Tomorrow l M USIC. l'h\O (,ralb beginning 4:30 I Hamburg's No.1 8ttr For furthl'r informal IOn call: 1.)2 1991 Tuesday, May 3, 9:00 a,ln. 6 lliatu5 May 5, 1983 lay S 1983 /liatu 7 Cinderella and 'flashdance' Electronic 'New Works' at U museum continued from page 1 reached the level of Alex's The novel . mul ti-m edi a. Ca l iforn ia I n stitu t e of of the "Cinderella Complex, " ultimate rea lization, Reading narrative style Terry Allen Technology's Baxter Art Gallery. For some unexplained reason But for now, producers and "L'Apocalypse de Saint­ exhibition. Rooms and Stories: will speak on "Terry Allen: The UCSD Guardian Pa~c 7 the producers of this movies directors need to realize it is not Jean ." interpreted as an New Works by Terry Allen. National Enquirer" and lead a Snorts P__h_il_L__a _u _d_e_r,_S_p__ or_ t_s_E__ d_ it_o_r______~ ______M__ a_v_5_, __ 19__ 8 _3 first give Alex an unbelievable enough to present a dynamic " electronic reading" by Pierre currently on view at the La Jolla tour through the exhi bit ion's type of independence. then they soundtrack partnered to flashy Henry. one of France's major Museum of Contemporary Art. three major installations, make her dependent upon a commerical images, They need contemporary composers. will will be the subject of a lecture The lecture will be held in th e Prince Charming for her to create a movie that receive its American premiere and gallery tour by Michael auditorium followed by a tourof Spikers Fourth in State Div. II success, Had the director seen sensitively shows the effort and performance, Friday at 8 pm in Smith, independent consult, Il,I", ,lOci :1- agiltlhl . \' en Im'eI I)f It \\iI.., t Ill' jill! It h Ba..,l'I)ull The men 's \olle) ball I cam When I )annl'\ ik reflected Oil maich agalll,,1 :-Iort illidge III " BEN KINGSLEY TOPS HIS BRiLUANT WORK IN compeled for the slale lhis fIrst llIatch he noled lhal t h n'l' \\l'l'ks - and I he lou rt II The I L'L\ Irall ... ll 'll1\fIt' hI il~r 'it Ill" :""11\\ 11 ill I ( I) ~ III hI-. fll'~1 al hal, allla\'h bl'al ,,'-l - al h,1l , III all' \L'P I ()(HI Ill', n I\eh Ill' ·1" cll' 2') Blake Hall not well al all." \\ as the remark Coach Doug Danlll'\ Ik Berkele~ in fi\(' game" for t ht Jullnll-, (JIll' a'-"I I'll nl.error' \\0: 101 (u (kh 'JtlO'lll.. I{ -1 HTe to made of the ent ire weekend need be champllm ... hlp, After \\'alchtng I Il':Il11 It.Hler. a" l Ita I h 1.\ 1"1 .II," al 'c ... l : 'HI hll"" Ie hd I 'l'll a 1)I),III\l' '1lIIul'll"lt,r lilt' fe<1lI 'I' I \\11/ It J,( h:1 "',\ v II: "W c ne('1J'" \·hltlP"I·h. \\rd, guys just • * NOW PLAYING lournament again"l DavIS not much, All dar,dt,ons help support the the desire 10 jJlay at '\l",l year",.. recrUII ing \\ ill )111,I'WllItlw/un/ /' ,\Ihll'll' "I thl \\'tl'k, TIll' ll-,J) U(SD Blood Reserve Fund \\ It h Ideas of plaYing as \\ ell as _ i:/#(ijIJ/"_ Evenlngs @700 · 910 f", (,uar-cililll, B·01l> '1'/,,:,/1; IIT./II"/""I I" .. ' It/O" lro J III Students, Staff, Faculty, 8. far'" Iy they cou ld , and pos"ibl~ he geared I (I\\'{lrd obt am tng that high caliber of {fllrll )J'lJd,'1J JIIIII • Iou/ltd IJr 'Ill 1IIlflll, 'f n(J(fJlfn ~ (It I f3ii2! 5th Ave, 295-2000] Sdt & Sun Matine es @ 2 40 · 4 50 Members beatmg the host Aggie", Thl~ pia} l'r" \\ It h a desire to pUI llll' ",t (lid not seem unreasona ble llollevball. lime inll} p\aymg high cahlll'r l h. (,II. J becau..,e lhe Tntons beat l'CD Doug Dannevik ball. From thiS year's group In the All-Cal Tournament. H Danne\ik will be \oslllg Ihl\c "Quilling 1;),1;) 10, and I;)·;), But {'CSD II algren, \\ ho \\111 Ix- gomg 10 was not able to pull it toget her no "hrighl spots," The Europe, Brian \ll'""im Battered Soft baIlers isa In such an important match, prImary hitter~, lIalgl en , qUltllllg for pt.:r ... ()nal rl'd'-!lO", Guardian The leam played "collectively i'Jessirn, and Thol11p~()n, were and Chip Yo"hlllo and Jim snap:' bad" accordmg 10 Danne\-ik , not able to gel things going, Btshop, who are gradu.tltng Bat to Final Victory Display Ads ''I'm gonna help you who u..,ed hi'" start ing six \\'ilh and ()\ nail t he learn did nol The"l' tour are "tartl'r" "II [)anne\,ik \\'ill hall' hI" \\ork II- .JOE )' ,\I.LET,(,\ break th(' cigar('t Ie habit combinatIOn.., of his entire play well dcf('n~1\ ely .... I.tlf \\ nh'r SELU \\,Ith my Larry Hagman bench Wilhout an, luck, The L'On~()\atlOn match "as cut OUI for hlln, Special SlOp Smoklll' \'l :-.[) jJut ,,"ll J III I !', .Il1lt~) :Il ganll' ,,",lrC'-',1 1'1 h ~ Wrist Snappin' Red Rub ­ Ih" \'Isteln IXII,).:s I""t \\l'lK l'1I I