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MDEnvironment Volume IV, No. 2 Maryland Department of the Environment June 2000 State, city Spill teams unveil new begin long lead awareness term cleanup The Unified Command for the Swanson campaign Creek Marsh Oil Spill announces that the initial emergency cleanup of the spill near In just a few days Maryland will begin Potomac Electric Power Company’s its 13th Annual Lead Poisoning Prevention (PEPCO) Chalk Point Generating Station Week. [Look for details on Pages 6 and in Southern Maryland is complete and ef- 7.] But as a precursor to that, on May 12 forts are now focused on long-term resto- Gov. Parris N. Glendening and Baltimore ration. The Patuxent River is open to rec- City Mayor Martin O’Malley unveiled a reation, boating, fishing, crabbing and shell new education and awareness campaign fishing activities. Several hundred work- aimed at lead poisoning prevention. The PHOTO BY DICK TOMLINSON-GOV.’S PRESS OFFICE ers are continuing to clean up and restore “Runs Better Unleaded” campaign literally Above Gov. Parris N. Glendening, third from right, Baltimore City Mayor Mar- oil-damaged properties and other affected got rolling on the streets of Baltimore that tin O’Malley and EPA Regional Administrator Brad Campbell, right, applaud one areas along the Patuxent River. day with placards in neighborhoods tar- of the new “Protect Your Child from Lead Poisoning” bus placards, part of new The Environmental Protection Agency’s geted for lead paint abatement activity. awareness campaign. (EPA) On-Scene Coordinator Colby The “Runs Better Unleaded” and “Pro- traveling routes in and around the city will The U.S. Environmental Protection Stanton, who has been in charge of direct- tect Your Child from Lead” poster cam- display the campaign’s signage in their Agency (EPA) developed and financed the ing phase one cleanup, said, “This effort paigns stress the importance of lead poi- interiors, while 75 more will sport the new posters, which have been adapted for use is similar to putting out a house fire. The soning prevention and the need to make placards on the exterior rear panel of the in Maryland by the city, coalition and state fire is out now, but work to repair the struc- parents aware of the potential child health vehicle. Thirty light rail cars will also dis- agencies. ture continues. The restoration efforts, problems caused by ingestion of lead paint play the educational signs in their interi- The state will piggy-back on the poster which are more like rebuilding the dam- chips and dust. ors. campaign effort by extending it statewide aged property after a fire, will last even “Lead paint poisoning is preventable,” The colorful, bright posters center on the next month, through the Maryland Depart- longer.” Governor Glendening said, “and the most key elements of the health hazard: a tod- ment of the Environment’s (MDE) Lead The EPA will continue to be in charge effective weapon in our war is increased dler and damaged lead paint. The signs also Poisoning Prevention Week programs, during phase two cleanup of the project. education and awareness. Working to- include the Coalition to End Childhood June 5-12. The new On-Scene Coordinator, Debbie gether, the city and state are sponsoring a Lead Poisoning’s toll free telephone num- “Through grants and regional meetings Carlson, is expected to remain on-site on a joint poster campaign to raise parents’ ber, (800) 370-LEAD, and its website: the department’s lead prevention unit full time basis for at least six more weeks awareness of this issue throughout Balti- works with local health departments, com- according to EPA officials. more. These posters on our busses and In addition, the lead prevention message munity organizations and health care pro- In signaling the end of the emergency, trains will send a powerful message to our will be spread on billboards in the city as viders throughout the year to promote lead the Unified Command, which includes the 370,000 daily transit passengers: ‘You can well as in Baltimore movie theaters as part poisoning awareness,” said MDE Secre- U.S. EPA, the Maryland Department of the - and must - prevent the devastating effects of previews before feature presentations. tary Jane T. Nishida. “But in June of each Environment and PEPCO, ensures that all of lead poisoning.” The “Runs Better Unleaded” campaign year, we place special emphasis on this normal permitting processes and legal pro- With help from the Maryland Transit will also show up in doctor’s offices and highly preventable environmental threat tections of the environment are applied to Administration (MTA), 570 MTA busses grocery store displays. See LEAD, Page 9 See OIL, Page 4 In this Town moves toward fluoridation--Page 2 edition... School, activist win Tawes awards--Page 3 Visit MDEs website at: How lead literate are you?--Page 6 Page 2-MDENVIRONMENT-Thursday, June 1, 2000 MDEnvironment Fluoridation of public water is beneficial By Terry Ugiansky treatment must be designed by licensed review of fluoridation cases 13 times, cit- Several of Maryland’s municipalities professional engineers and reviewed and ing that no substantial federal or constitu- June 2000 have contemplated the use of fluoride in permitted by the Maryland Department of tional questions were involved.” their drinking water recently. After much the Environment (MDE). Operators are Because approximately 50 percent of MDEnvironment is a monthly debate, Frostburg’s City Council decided required to be licensed which requires ex- tooth decay in children from low-income newspaper published by the Mary- not to fluoridate the city’s water supply. perience and training. In addition, the con- families is not treated, it is especially criti- land Department of the Environ- On the other hand, Cumberland’s citizens centration of adjusted and natural fluoride cal that tooth decay be prevented in low- ment. Information contained have recently voted with an overwhelm- in Maryland’s public water supplies is con- income communities. The lifetime cost of within this publication is not in- ing margin of 61 percent to 39 percent in tinually monitored and analyzed by MDE. receiving fluoridated water from a com- tended to fulfill any legal or regu- favor of repealing the section of the city’s State regulations require that chemicals munity water system is typically less than latory community information re- charter that prohibits the use of fluoride in used in the water treatment process be cer- the cost of one dental filling. quirement. their water supply. The balloting clears tified by an independent agency as meet- MDE and Maryland’s Department of Parris N. Glendening, Governor the way for the city to begin fluoridation ing standards established by the National Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) sup- Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, of its water supply. Sanitation Foundation (NSF). It is a part port water fluoridation as a cost-effective Lieutenant Governor Although misconceptions exist, fluori- of MDE’s drinking water inspection pro- means of improving the oral health of chil- Jane T. Nishida, dation provides substantial health benefits gram to ensure that water utilities use only dren and adults over a lifetime. As a pro- Secretary of Environment Arthur Ray, Deputy Secretary and has been in use in Maryland’s largest NSF-certified fluoride compounds. A moter of fluoridation, DHMH’s Office of Bob Hoyt, Assistant Secretary drinking water systems for years. major part of the NSF standards certifica- Oral Health offers limited funding to off- Susan E. Woods, Water fluoridation has received the en- tion program is to ensure that water treat- set some of the costs associated with initi- Director of Communications dorsement of virtually every reputable ment chemicals do not result in the intro- ating fluoridation at public drinking water Richard J. McIntire, Managing Editor health organization in the United States and duction of contaminants at levels of pub- systems. Editorial Board Members in many countries. The Surgeon General lic health concern. In addition to the regu- For further information, call MDE’s Tim Ford, Director of the United States, the American Medi- lations and inspections identified above, Water Supply Program (410) 631-3702 or Environmental Permits Service Center Bob Maddox, Public Participation Coordina- cal Association, the American Dental As- MDE’s on-going chemical monitoring of try the American Dental Association tor, Air & Radiation Management sociation, the American Academy of Al- water supplies further ensures that quality website at:, which has an Visty Dalal, Division Chief, Technical & lergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the standards are met. exhaustive amount of information on fluo- Regulatory Services Administration American Public Health Association, the The constitutionality of water fluorida- ridation including answers to commonly Theresa Capobianco, Outreach Coordinator, U.S. Public Health Service, the American tion has been challenged and upheld. Ac- asked questions and references. CDC’s Water Management Administration Water Works Association, and World cording to the American Dental Associa- website,, is another good Joe Herb, Graphic Artist, Technical & Health Organization all support water fluo- tion, “the U.S. Supreme Court has denied source of information. Regulatory Services Administration Don Mauldin, Administrative Specialist, ridation. Waste Management Administration The U.S. Centers for Disease Control Region’s water conditions Barbara Rodgers, Division Chief, and Prevention (CDC) recently listed fluo- Administrative & Employee Services ridation of drinking water as one of the ten Pat Coll, Management Associate, greatest health achievements of the last continue to improve in April Administrative & Employee Services century. Over the past 50 years, fluoride has caused a drastic reduction in dental Substantially above-normal precipita- continued to remain in the normal range Contributing Writers: tion in April resulted in generally high for the month of April.