Antikvariat ANTIQUA Kommendörsgatan 22 S-114 48 Stockholm Sweden Telefon Telephone 08 – 10 09 96 46 - 8 - 10 09 96 Öppettider Open Hours Måndag – fredag Monday – Friday 13.00 – 18.00 13.00 – 18.00 email:
[email protected] www. VAT reg. no. SE 451124051901 Postgiro: 4 65 44 – 3 Bankgiro: 420 – 8500 SWIFT: HANDSESS IBAN: SE06 6000 0000 0002 4550 8112 Medlem i Svenska Antikvariatföreningen Member of ILAB The measures of books are given in cm Prices are net in Swedish Kronor Shipping charges are extra Antiqua 20 Monographs on Architects Summer 2015 Catalogued by Johan Dahlberg I. Monographs on Architects 3 II. Partnerships, Firms and other Joint Monographs 120 4 2 I. Monographs on Architects AALTO (1898-1976) 1 Aalto, Alvar / ed. by Göran Schildt. ALVAR AALTO IN HIS OWN WORDS. Helsinki 1997. 26x21. 288 pp. Ca 100 drawings, sketches and plans including 50 full-page. Publisher's boards, dust jacket. Lectures, speeches, articles and other writings by Aalto with annotations by his close friend and biographer. 350 2 Aalto, Alvar / ed. by Göran Schildt. SKISSER. Helsingfors 1973. 21x21. 104 pp. + 40 leaves with 82 reproductions. Publisher's printed cloth. 32 essays, articles and lectures from 1922‐1968 with drawings and sketches mainly from the 1950s. 200 3 Aalto, Alvar / ed. by Göran Schildt. SKETCHES. Cambridge, Mass. & London 1985. 21x21. X+174 pp. 80 full-page reproductions. Pictorial wrappers. SKISSER (previous item) translated by Stuart Wrede. 200 4 AALTO. ARCHITECTURE AND FURNITURE. New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 1938. 26x19. II+50 pp. 25 photos and plans of buildings and interiors and 10 photos (6 full page) of furniture.