October 1922) James Francis Cooke

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October 1922) James Francis Cooke Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 10-1-1922 Volume 40, Number 10 (October 1922) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 40, Number 10 (October 1922)." , (1922). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/695 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ETUDE MUSIC MAGAZINE PRESSER’S MUSICAL MAGAZINE PIANO SOLO PIPE ORGAN CHILD’S PLAY ALBUM OF TRANSCRIPTIONS B„ o£ir4S3SLfcSSf» cents Edited by James Francis Cooke Although the V,l.XL!StNo!l0dltOr’ EDWARD ELLSWORTOCTOBER%^ te'SW'tif «,«d. The ban Publications Printed in the United States of America In Book Form NUTCRACKER SUITE of the By P. I. Tschaikowlky, Op. 71A. Theodore Presser Co. Price, $1.25 The World of Music Tt,„ Cnndnntnrlesa Orchestra has #200,000 Receipts, with a considerable The Rochester Symphony Orches- Organ Compositions of American New and Important Works VIOLIN ine uonaucioness ne^ profit for the association is the reported tra with Victor Wagner as conductor and Composers are having their innings A Progressive Musician ~ °pera at J. Lehrer Price, $1.25 PIANO-FOUR HANDS ORIGINAL FOUR-HAND PIECES Ltrffivided1nto^hgsspaesnreeer^ecfions! shfuld'alternate CHILD’S FIRST BOOK OF MELODIES ALBUM OF TRANSCRIPTIONS By Arthur I Price, $1.00 activities both in America and hlurope. m ,jm§is! issmsm. sgS’fsaSs * sSSSss-rviSf pfftH-SSSks WRITING BOOK 42 ETUDES OR CAPRICES For the Violin By R. Kreutzer Price, 75 cents THE GRANBERRY MUSIC WRITING Si^SiES.. BOOK •il For Chas. O. Roos make this a most d Price, 50 cents songs. Although it begins with the rudiments, this work OH"***** * * » ■;< tSSSiiisptt progresses further than the ordinary writing book and is especially valuable as an aid to sight reading for both vocal and instrumental students. The CHOIR LITERATURE ! exercises are thorough, space being provided for ** »**»»* * *»»***❖❖»**»*»»*»**»*■ writing them throughout the whole length.of the CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER, 1922 keyboard. CHOIR COLLECTION MUSIC AND MORALS By Harry Hale Pike Price, 35 cents By Rev. H. R. Haweis, M. A. Anthems for junior choirs and for choirs of Price, $2.00 PIANO STUDIES FOR untrained voices are much in demand. This book I of easy, melodious anthems by Mr. Pike is well Very few books in the history of the art have SPECIAL PURPOSES adapted for such. The incidental solos are short had more influence in stimulating an interest in and may even be sung by the pfarts in unfton. music than this work. It contains over four hun¬ dred pages of fascinating reading matter including essays upon musical subjects, biographies of the PREPARATORY SCHOOL TO THE An Opportunity to Ascertain the Real Worth great masters and an instrumental section in which SONATINA of the Publications of the Theo. Presser Co. a chapter on carillons is especially noteworthy. The By Franz T. LiftI Price, 75 cents To afford a better opportunity of judging the new edition is a most excellent one. genuine value of the books listed on this page fiiS Square Deal for Teachers who have had difficulty in holding we will gladly send any of .hem for examina¬ tion. To assist our patrons in the selection their pupils’ interest when the sonatina was intro¬ of music, we have catalogs covering each of the duced, should give this work a trial. No better various classifications. We will gladly send introduction to the lighter classics could be found. any of these gratis. It may be taken up after the first year of piano study. A SYSTEM OF HARMONY PREPARATORY SCHOOL TO BACH For Teacher and Pupil BEHi MBMfl* Theodore Presser Co. By Franz T. Liftl Price, 75 cents MUSIC PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS By John A. Broekhoven Price, $1.00 *5 The performance of modern piano music requires TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS EEHSSsi ffflpgP This is a comprehensive work in which the subject a thorough study of polyphony. As a rule teachers MAIL ORDER MUSIC SUPPLY HOUSE is treated m a scholarly manner along the lines of have waited too long before introducing this work. 1710-1712-1714 CHESTNUT STREET the larger European works. It has been used with Liftl’s Preparatory School to Bach fills an impor¬ PHILADELPHIA, PA. much success in conservatory classes both here and tant niche in this line of work and may be used as abroad In this new edition there is additional early as the second grade. material that greatly enhances the value of the work. THE ETUDE OCTOBER 1922 Page 655 Page 654 OCTOBER 1922 THE ETUDE A Wealth of Suggestions for Those Seeking Depend able Music Publications for Teaching Purposes and Music Lovers in choosing material for the new season HMHMH ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 THE ETUDE Page 656 OCTOBER 1922 DETROIT 49th Year COMBS CONSERVATORY of CONSERVATORY ^MUSIC THF, ETUDE Francis L. York, M.A., President OCTOBER, 1922 _Single Copies 25 Cents- -X -—— PHILADELPHIA Elizabeth Johnson,Vice-President Established 1885 T Finest Conservatory in theWest Mother hangs on to the hand-painted pansy and gilt rolling MUSIC Technic-making Machines pin, not because she likes it but because it reminds her of some, Every few years some new device turns up with an excited Offers to ear,nest 8tudents faculty^? *#0. ^Students’ wonderful days when her hair was braided down her back and inventor who is certain that he has solved the problems of orchestra^ concerts^and ^recitals. Diplomas and Degrees conferred. people said to her, “My 1 Anyone that can paint like that ought technic by making a mechanical short-cut and thereby discard¬ Teachers’certificates. Desirable boarding accommodations. to study art.” „ , , ing years of practice. We have seen several of these devices There seems to be the same difficulty for some people to . FALL TERM NOW OPEN and we have talked with musicians of high standing who have junk trashy music. Parents cling on to old worthless pieces endorsed them with blazing zeal. and insist upon having them for sentiment sake; meanwhile, the The strange thing about such machines is that they seem UNRIVALED FREE ADVANTAGES education of the child suffers. to survive just about as long as the enthusiasm of the inventor In order to build it is often necessary to tear down. No¬ Piano-Francis L. York, M. A.; EKobeth S"^&*a>Hd ^'iT is behind the enterprise and very little longer. Just why this vember winds and January blizzards rip off the branches of the helmina Sutz, La verne Brown, Mus. Bac.; Ethel -FriSfear'Morehouse, Hermmc lorcli. c*r‘.. is can hardTy.be explained. We have known of dumb-keyboard old tree so that new and stronger branches may come. Nature Littell. Alma Clock, M. Gray Fowler and 40 devices which with certain pupils have produced results quite additional instructors. xr’Wr.r , discarding junk! Organ—Francis L.York. M. A, AUe D. Zui- ^cho-^Garagu , amazing. Other devices have impressed us only because they The reason why some teachers insist upon going back to dema, Mus. Doc. have had an unquestioned erosive effect upon the musical sensi¬ Theory, Harmony, Composition-Alle D Zuidema, Mus. Doc.-Post the beginning” is that there is no other way to destroy the old Graduate work in this department. Francis L. York, M. A. bilities of the performer. junk than that of making a fresh start. Mandolin and Guitar—Alexander G. Poli. Some years ago an inventor came to us with a huge con¬ Normal Training for Piano Teachers—Francis L. York. Think over your repertoire and make up your mind how Public School Music and Draining—Miss Hermine Lorch, Bertha Schaffer. trivance into which the hand was to be placed on a series of many pieces you know that will stand the test of time. How School of Expression—Miss Lilly Adela Darling, Ethlyn Briggs-Mann levers with finger pockets. A one-eighth horse-power motor many will be forgotten in a few years. Find out what is junk Dancing— Etldyn Briggs-Mann. was turned on and the hand was given such a pulling and The Thirty-eighth Year Examinations Free. For Catalog and junk it. You need every minute to learn the good in music. mauling in a few minutes that one almost shrieked for libera¬ and Other Information, Address There is very little time for junk. tion The whole contrivance sounded like a threshing machine JAMES H. BELL, Secretary, 5035 Woodward A ye., Box 7 Detroit, Mich. Most of all junk your old prejudices, your old grudges, pummeling a bass drum. The inventor assured us that it was A School of Individual Instruction your narrowness. Study yourself closely to find out your old perfectly foolish for one to practice for Hours when by shaking Theoretical and Applied Branches Taught Privately and in Classes bad habits; how much of this junk you have loaded on to your hands with his contraption one could acquire a technic with¬ TEACHER! Help yourself to SUCCESS soul. Soul junk, old repressions, old hates, old prejudices, ac¬ out physical or mental effort. Of course such an absurd thing A School of Public Performance cording to the latest scientific psychology, arc the reasons for by using the BURR0WES Course of Music Study has long since been filed on the shelves of oblivion.
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