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Aaron, Jane 167 Bowles, William Lisle 106 Aeneas 25 Bradford, John 74 Alexander, Ian 165 Braveheart 163 Anderson, Benedict 15 Brigadoon 163 Ariosto 146, 147 Bristol 73 Arnold, Matthew 2, 8, 103 importance to British Empire 73 on classical Rome 2 Brutus 25 on Romanticism 2 Bryant, Jacob 54 Arthurian Revival; Arthurian legend A New System or, an Analysis of Ancient 43, 99 Mythology 90 Auden, W. H. 197 Bunting, Basil 197 Burke, Edmund 155, 191 Bacon, John 37 A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime Barbauld, Anna 18, 77 and the Beautiful 155 Baridon, Michael 156 Burnett, George 70 Barlow, Joel 80 Burney, Francis 18, 77 The Vision of Columbus: a Poem 80 Burns, Robert 5, 139 Beattie, James 5, 22 Coila 5 ‘The Minstrel’ 5, 163 as pre-Romantic 6 Beaumont, Sir George 98, 100 ‘The Vision’ 5 Beckett, Samuel 72 Burrell, Sir William 151 Bernhardt-Kabisch, Ernest 170 Butler, Marilyn 117 Betham, Sir William 216 Butler, Samuel 7 Black, G. F. 38 Butt, John 40 bibliography to Macpherson’s Ossian 38 The Oxford History of English Blair, Hugh 22, 47 Literature 40 Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres 155 , George Gordon 7, 11, 19, 42, 154 on oral poetry 22 ‘Address intended to be recited at the Blake, William 6, 15, 41, 42, 54, 61, 94, 198 Caledonian Meeting’ 114 America 57 ‘The Adieu. written under the ‘Ancient Britons’ 54 impression that the author would soon and ‘Britain’ as concept 55–6, 60–1, 64, die’ 103 66–8 The Age of Bronze 108 on Celtic nations, Celticism 16, 54–5, 56, 104, 180 57–60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68 131 ‘Gwendolen’ as Celtic figure 63–6 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 106, 111, 112, Jerusalem 58, 60, 64 113, 114, 115, 130, 131, 133–49 and Macpherson’s Ossian 54 132 Milton 57 The Curse of Minerva 168 The Song of Los 68 9, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, Boswell, James 153 115, 116, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148


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Byron, George Gordon (cont.) Bristol lectures 70, 73 Eastern Tales 117 ‘The Eolian Harp’ 199 on Edinburgh Review 149, 211 and Pantisocracy 10, 70, 76, 199 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 7, 104, Colley, Linda 15 108, 110, 130, 131, 133, 149 Britons: Forging the Nation 1707–1837 15 131 Collins, William 2, 3, 4, 21, 109 Hints from Horace 110, 131 ‘Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the 103, 108 Highlands of Scotland’ 2 The Island 103, 108 Persian Eclogues 21 ‘Lachin y Gair’ 115 Connolly, James 153 Lara 113 Cooper, James Fenimore 163, 187 on Macpherson’s Ossian 45, 107, 109, Corcoran, Neil 200, 203 114, 115 Corkery, Daniel 182 106, 107, 112 Cottle, Joseph 69, 71, 170 Marino Faliero 107 The Fall of Cambria 71, 170 and John Murray 105, 147 Cradock, Joseph 88 ‘On Leaving Newstead Abbey’ 105, Crawford, Robert 15 106, 109 Culloden, the Battle of 21, 111, 229 and Orientalism 10 132 Daly, Kirsteen 13 107 Davies, Edward 54, 170 and Scottish origins, Scottishness 7, Davies, R. R. 178 103–5, 106, 107, 108, 111–14, 115, 116 Davis, Jana 159 The Siege of Corinth 132 Day, Aidan 196 and Sir 7, 105–8, 112, 114, Deane, Seamus 182 115, 130–1, 132, 133, 141, 143, 145, 146, 147, Strange Country 182 149, 150 Declaration of Arbroath, the 210 169 Dee, Sir John 83 Deegan, Thomas 163 Cairns, David and Richards, Shaun 182 Defoe, Daniel 156 Writing Ireland 182 A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Cambrensis, Giraldus 88, 94 Britain 156 Descriptio Cambriae 88 Deleuze, Gilles 15 Cameron, Kenneth Neil 127 Deleuze, Gilles, and Guattari, Felix 56, 58, 59, Carson, Ciaran 200 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68 ‘The Irish for No’ 200 A Thousand Plateaus 56, 68 and Romanticism 200, 201 de Stael,¨ Germaine 168 Carte, Thomas 88 Corrine 168 General History of England 88 de Troyes, Chretien 44 Castlereagh, Lord 127, 231 Dhu, Roderick 160 Celticism, and Britain 1–4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, Dibdin, Charles 1, 8 19, 21, 26–7, 33, 39, 44, 46, 51, 52, 55, 62, Dickens, Charles 182 72, 83 Disraeli, Benjamin 188, 189, 194 and Empire 3, 71 Drennan, William 8 and Orientalism 20, 27 Dryden, John 7, 18, 27, 106 Cervantes 146 Dunn, John 39, 40, 49 Charles II 79 ‘The Influence of Macpherson’s Ossian Chatterton, Thomas 11, 55, 69, 71 on British Romanticism’ 41 Chaucer, Geoffrey 7 Chorley, Henry F. 169 Eagleton, Terry 182 Clifford, James 25 Crazy John and the Bishop 182 Coleridge, E. H. 115 Edgeworth, Maria 182, 194 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 6, 48, 70, 81, 106, 155, Edinburgh Review 7 157, 165, 197, 198, 204 Edward I 12, 19, 83, 88, 92, 97, 157

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Edwards, Thomas 33 Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm 154 A Judgement on the Principles of Guattari, Felix 15 Government in Dialogue between a Gentleman and a Farmer 33 Hakluyt, Richard 83 Eliot, T. S. 113, 168 Hardy, Thomas 182 Elze, Karl 104 Haywood, Ian 72 Emmet, Robert 8, 118, 231 Hazlitt, William 42 Evan Dhu 4 on Macpherson’s Ossian 45 Evans, Evan 12, 18, 26, 33, 74 Heaney, Seamus 9, 196, 198 Antient Welsh Bards 27 Beowulf 202 ‘A Paraphrase of Psalm cxxxvii ...’26 ‘Blackberry Picking’ 200 Some Specimens of the Poetry of the ‘Crediting Poetry’ 205 Antient Welsh Bards 11, 26 ‘Door into the Dark’ 200 and Thomas Gray 27 ‘Exposure’ 203 Evans, E. D. 171 Field Work 205 Evans, John 76 ‘Frontiers of Writing’ 206 ‘Glanmore Sonnets’ 198 Ferguson, Adam 153, 158 The Government of the Tongue 204 Essay on the Origins of Civil Society 153 ‘The Interesting Case of Nero, Fergusson, Robert 5 Chekhov’s Cognac and a Knocker’ 206 Fielding, Henry 146, 147 ‘The Makings of a Music’ 202, 203, 204 Flaxman, John 37 ‘Oysters’ 205 Flower, Robin 39, 42, 51 ‘The Peninsula’ 198 Byron and Ossian 40 ‘Personal Helicon’ 203, 204 ‘Four nations’ literary history 1, 53 ‘Place and Displacement’ 206, 207 Franklin, Benjamin 11, 32 and Romanticism 198, 199, 200, 202–8 Freud, Sigmund 58 ‘The Secret Rose’ 198 Fuller, David 42 Seeing Things 206 ‘singing School’ 203 Garratt, Robert F. 197 The Spirit Level 207 Gaskill, Howard 40 ‘squarings’ 206 Gelpi, Albert 208 ‘Thatcher’ 198 on Romanticism and Modernism 208 ‘Tollund’ 207, 208 Geoffrey of Monmouth 54, 63 ‘The Tollund Man’ 207 George III 167, 169 ‘The Unacknowledged Legislator’s George IV 21, 108, 157, 164 Dream’ 205 Gildas 54 and Wordsworth 202, 203, 204, 206, 207 Gilpin, William 155, 157 Heber, Reginald 44 Three Essays on the Picturesque 155–6 Morte d’Arthur 44 Glover, Richard 215 Hemans, Felicia 10, 13, 167 London: or, the Progress of Commerce 215 and bardic ideology 171–7, 179, 180–1 Glyndwr, Owain 179 and Byron’s cosmopolitanism 168, Godwin, William 11, 32 172, 180 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 42 ‘Chant of the Bards before their Faust 106 Massacre by Edward I’ 179 Gold, John and Margaret 155 cosmopolitanism of 168–70, 172, Goldsmith, Oliver 18, 27 179, 180 Grand Tour, the 151, 152, 158 ‘England’s Dead’ 167 Gray, Robert 152 ‘A Farewell to Wales’ 167 Gray, Thomas 5, 18, 20, 26, 27, 55, 88, 89, 92, 94, ‘Genius’ 173 98, 100, 115, 212 ‘The Lament of the Last Druid’ 177 The Bard 87–90, 94, 97, 115, 154, 170 ‘The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers’ 179 and Wales 88 ‘The Lost Pleiad’ 180 Griffiths, Ann 167 ‘The Meeting of the Bards’ 172, 174, 179

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Hemans, Felicia (cont.) and James Boswell 151 Modern Greece: a Poem 168, 169, 180 and Wales 87 ‘The Monarchy of Britain’ 179 Jones, Sir William 10, 11, 20, 21, 34, 35, 75, 77, ‘The Mountain Fires’ 176 80, 82 ‘Prince Madog’s Farewell’ 171 and Biblical genealogy 24 The Restoration of the Works of Art to ‘Britain Discovered’ 35–7 Italy 168 and classicism 20 ‘The River Clwyd in North Wales’ 167 ‘Damsels of Cardigan’ 30 ‘The Rock of Cader-Idris’ 175 Grammar of the Persian Language 28 and Romanticism 167, 173, 174, 175 and Hastings 20 ‘The Scenes of Conway’ 167 Hindu translations 22 The Sceptic 169 Histoire de Nader Chah 27 A Selection of Welsh Melodies 167, 170 and India 20–1 The Siege of Valencia 174 ‘Kneel to the Goddess whom all Men Stanzas to the Memory of the Late King Adore’ 30 167, 169 Moallakat 20 ‘Taliesin’s Prophecy’ 177 ‘An Ode in Imitation of Alcaeus’ 28 ‘The Vale of Clwyd’ 167 ‘On the Arts, commonly called on Wales 167, 175 Imitative’ 20 ‘The War Song of Owain Glyndwr’ ‘On the Gods of Greece, Italy and 177 India’ 31 and Welsh nationalism 177–80 ‘On the Poetry of Eastern Nations’ 20 Writers of Wales 167 and the Phoenician tradition 35 ‘Written in North Wales’ 167 as pre-Romantic 37 Herder, Johann Gottfried 25, 154 Principles of Government, in a Dialogue Heron, Robert 156 between a Scholar and a Peasant 18, 32 Hogg, James 162 and radical Whiggism 28–9, 32, 33 ‘Lock the Door, Lauriston’ 162 ‘Third Anniversary Discourse’ to the Hogg, Thomas 126 Asiatick Society 34 Hole, Richard 43 Jones, Robert 85, 100, 101 Arthur: or, The Northern Enchanter Jones, William Powell 87 43, 47 Joyce, James 196 Home, John 2, 3 and the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion 4 Kavanagh, Patrick 207 Douglas 3 ‘Inishkeen Road’ 207 and Shakespeare 4 Keats, John 2, 106, 196, 210 Homer 22, 49 ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ 204, 208 Hook, Andrew 46, 51 ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 200, 209 Hopkin, Lewis 74 ‘To Autumn’ 200 Hutchinson, William 156, 158 Kiberd, Declan 182, 183 An Excursion to the Lakes 156 Inventing Ireland 182 A View of Northumberland with an Excursion to the Abbey of Melrose in Lacan, Jacques 199 Scotland 156 Laing, Malcolm 45 Lamport, Francis 42 Ifan, Edward 74 Landor, Walter Savage 69, 82 on Bristol 69 Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 151 Larkin, Philip 197 Jedrej, Charles 165 Leask, Nigel 117, 123, 124 Jeffrey, Francis 7, 162 Leersen, Joseph 33 Johnes, Thomas 56 Lever, Charles 9, 182 Johnson, Edgar 113 and America 187 Johnson, Samuel 28, 47, 88, 151, and Burkean thought 183, 185, 190, 156 192, 193 Dictionary 72 and Ireland 183–95

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Irish nationalism 184, 185, 189, 192 Madoc legend 70, 75, 80 and Irish poverty 188 and America 75–80 and Jacobinism 9 importance to Welsh radicals 75, 79 and landscape 186, 187, 189, 193 Mahon, Derek 196, 208–9 Luttrell of Arran 9, 182, 183 ‘The Apotheosis of Tins’ 208 marginalisation of 182 The Hudson Letter 209 and Romanticism 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, and Keats 209 189, 191 ‘A Lighthouse in Maine’ 201 social commentary 182, 189 and Romanticism 201, 208 Lewis, Richard 75 Manning, Susan 219 Upon Prince Madoc’s Expedition 75 Martin, John 155 Leyden, John 43 Martin, Martin 3 Scenes of Infancy 43 Description of the Western Isles of Lhuyd, Edward 23, 25 Scotland 3 Archaeologia Britannica 23 Mason, William 89 Llewellyn the Great 12, 94, 96 Caractacus 89, 101 The Convention of Cintra 96 McCormack, W. J. 182 Locke, John 11, 18, 32 Ascendancy and Tradition 182 Lodge, David 194 McDonagh, Martin 183 Nice Work 194 McGann, Jerome 12, 14, 38, 180 Logan, James 164 Mechain, Gwallter 75 The Scottish Gael 164 Merriman, James 43, 51 Lootens, Tricia 167, 176, 179 The Flower of Kings: a Study of the Lorraine, Claude 158 Arthurian Legend in England between 1485 Lowell, Robert 70 and 1835 43, 49 Bristol, a Satire 70 Mill, James 212 Ludden, David 217 Milton, John 18, 27, 49 Lycidas 92 MacDonald, George 46 Mitford, Mary Russell 176 Mackenzie, Henry 45 Monk, Samuel 38 The Man of Feeling 113 Montagu, Elizabeth 18, 22, 77 and the Report of the Committee of the and William Jones 22 Highland Society of Scotland Appointed to Montague, John 196 Enquire into the Nature and Authenticity of and Romanticism 197 the Poems of Ossian 45 The Rough Field 196, 197 Macpherson, James 1, 11, 21, 38, 44, 55, 71, Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 146 156, 157 Moore, Dafydd 220 and Augustanism 21, 52 Moore, John Robert 41 Fingal 154 Moore, Thomas 9, 216 Fragments of Ancient Poetry 48 Lalla Rookh 9, 117, 124, 230 and Jacobitism 154 More, Hannah 69, 78 marginalisation of 40–1, 44, 46, 50, 53 Village Politics 69 ‘Ossianic’ as term 43 Morris, Lewis 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 25, 37 ‘Ossianic’ as term of abuse 43 and classical genealogy 24 The Poems of Ossian 3, 5, 21, 27, 34, 35, 38, and Geoffrey of Monmouth 24 49, 53, 55, 104, 115, 155, 170, 174, 212; on Macpherson’s Ossian 27 authenticity of 44–7, 55; dramatic and Samuel Pegge 23 adaptations 48–9; as epic poem 47–8, 52 and Sanskrit literature 25–6 as pre-Romantic 6, 38, 39–40, 41–3, 44, and Thomas Carte 23 47, 49, 51 and Welsh classical heritage 23 on Scotland and Ireland 154 Morris, William 153 and Scottish Enlightenment 39, 46, 47 ‘Morisiad’, the 23, 34 and A Second Evening’s Entertainment in and the Asiatick Society of the Library 48 Bengal 213 Temora 154 and Welsh bardic tradition 25

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Muldoon, Paul 199 Pratt, Lynda 14, 80 Madoc 199 Price, John Valdimir 46 Murphy, Peter 50 Price, Dr Richard 10, 74 Myfyr, Owain and Pughe, William Owen 72 Price, Sir Uvedale 156 Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym 72 Essays on the Picturesque 156 Priestley, Joseph 70 Napoleon 114 Priestman, Martin 211 Napoleonic Wars 9, 156, 163, 189 ‘Primitive’, the 4, 6, 22–3, 26, 43, 44, 51, 62, 66, Nicholson, Alan 56 71, 87, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165 Nicholson, Andrew 107, 114 importance to tourism 153–4, 164 Noble, Andrew 114 Pughe, William Owen 11, 54, 71, 75, 76 Northern Irish poets, contemporary 197 Cambrian Biography 71 and reaction to Romanticism 196, 197, The Heroic Elegies and other Poems of 199, 201, 209 Llywarc Hen 171 Nuttall, Mark 165 Pye, Henry James 215 Naucratia: or Naval Dominion 215 Oh´ Og´ ain,´ Diathi 51 O’Brien, Henry 216 Quennell, Peter 210 O’Casey, Sean 185 O’Connor, Roger 216 Ramsay, Allan 5 Otway, Thomas 152 ‘The Vision’ 5 Venice Preserv’d 152 Reed, Mark 85 Owen, A. L. 109 Rhys, Morgan John 76 The Famous Druids 109 fleeing to America 76 Owen, Nicholas 90, 92 as Jacobin 76 A History of the Island of Anglesey 90 Richards, Thomas, of Coychurch 74 Memoirs of Owen Glydowr 90 Robert the Bruce 1 Robinson, Mary 69 Paine, Thomas 11, 32, 77, 78, 191 Romantic poetry; characteristics 198 Parry, John 88 Rosa, Salvator 156 and Felicia Hemans, A Selection of Welsh Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 79, 153 Melodies 170 Ruddick, William 159 and Welsh harp music 88 Ruskin, John 139, 153 Patrick, James 163 Paulin, Tom 197 Said, Edward 230 ‘Inishkeel Parish Church’ 197 Sandby, Paul 87 and Romanticism 197 Samwell, David 76 Pax Britannia 4 Scott, Sir Walter 4, 7, 42, 82, 94, 106, 108, 112, Penn, William 70, 79 113, 132, 173, 182, 187 Pennant, Thomas 90, 92, 151 105 A Tour in Wales 90, 178 142 Penruddocke, Henry 89 The Bridal of Triermain 137, 142 Tour through Monmouthshire and 159, 165, 166 Wales 89 and Byron 130, 131 Percy, Thomas 4, 27, 28, 212 ‘’ 112, 141–2 Picturesque, the 156, 158, 159, 163 159 Piggot, Stuart 2 Heart of Midlothian 159 Pinkerton, John 35 on the ‘historical romance’ 138–40, 157 Pittock, Murray 15, 51 164 Plath, Sylvia 205 and Jacobitism 156, 157, 158, 161, 164 Pope, Alexander 7, 106, 111 The Lady of the Lake 159, 161, 164 ‘Brutus’ 217 and landscape 139, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162 Pound, Ezra 197 The Lay of the Last Minstrel 135–7, 146, Cantos 197 161, 163, 164 Poussin, Nicolas 157 Lord of the Isles 160, 165

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on Macpherson’s Ossian 23, 45 Sontag, Susan 209 162, 165 Sotheby, William 91, 92, 93 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border 163 Poems: consisting of a Tour through Parts 139, 159, 163 of North and South Wales 91 and the Picturesque 156–66 Southey, Robert 10, 11, 54, 69, 71, 112, 148, 159, 162 154, 171 164 Bristol lectures 70 and Scottish tourism 152, 154, 160, 163, Joan of Arc 80 164, 165, 166 Madoc 14–15, 70, 77, 80, 81–4, 170 and Unionism 162 and Pantisocracy 10, 70, 76, 199 4, 130, 156, 157, 159, 161, 163, ‘The Poet’s Pilgrimage to Waterloo’ 112 164, 165 Wat Tyler 80 The White Doe of Rylstone 163 Spenser, Edmund 7, 191 and the Wordsworths 162 Stafford, Fiona 21, 41, 45 Seward, Anna 18, 45, 77 ‘Dangerous Success’ 43, 45 Shakespeare, William 111 The Last of the Race: the Growth of a Henry IV, Part One 167 Myth from Milton to Darwin 219 Sharafuddin, Mohammed 117 The Sublime Savage: James Macpherson Shelley, Mary 113 and the Poems of Ossian 217 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 8, 9, 11, 153, 154, 189, 196, Sterne, Lawrence 146 197, 198, 206 Stevens, Wallace 197, 204 An Address, to the Irish People 118, 119, ‘The Plain Sense of Things’ 197 120, 123, 124 and Romanticism 197 Declaration of Rights 123 ‘The Snow Man’ 198 A Defence of Poetry 205, 206 ‘Tea at the Palace of Hoon’ 198 ‘The Devil’s Walk’ 127 Stevenson, W. H. 56 on France, French politics 122, 125 Stewart, David 164 on Ireland, Irish politics 8, 117, 118–22, Sketches of the Highlanders of 123, 124, 127, 129 Scotland 164 Julian and Maddalo 197 Stewart, Dugald 155 Laon and Cythna 117, 118, 119, 122, 124, Stone, Jerome 52 127, 128–9, 205 Stukeley, William 34, 54, 89, 170 ‘The Oceans Roll Between Us’ 230 Palaeographia Sacra 89 on Mexico, Mexican politics 123, 126 Stonehenge, a Temple restor’d to the British ‘On Robert Emmet’s Tomb’ 121, Druids 89 124, 126 Sublime, the 155, 157, 158 Proposals for an Association of Sweet, Nanora 168 Philanthropists 119, 122 Swift, Jonathan 7, 146, 190 Queen Mab 205 Swinton, Dr John 152 The Revolt of Islam 189 Synge, John Millington 185 and revolutionary thought 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 129 Taliesin 176 on Robert Emmet 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, Tanner, Bishop Thomas 88 126, 127, 128 Bibliotheca Britannica 88 and Romantic Orientalism 10, 117–18, Tennyson, Alfred Lord 44, 46 123, 124, 127, 129 Thomas, David 75 Rosalind and Helen 119, 122 Thompson, E. P. 78 ‘Stanzas Written in Dejection’ 198 Thomson, James 5, 109, 156, 158 ‘The Tombs’ 120, 127 Toland, John 33–4 and the United Irishmen 119, 122, 127 Tombo, Rudolph 39 Shenstone, William 5 Ossian in Germany 39 Skene, W. F. 153 Tourism, expansion and rise of 151–3 Smith, Stan 206 and Queen Victoria 154 Smollett, Tobias 146, 157 and Romanticism 155 Humphrey Clinker 157 Trautmann, Thomas 35

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Trinder, Peter W. 167, 170 and America 76, 77 Trollope, Anthony 182 and Bristol 72 Trumpener, Katie 8, 10, 47, 212 ‘Davona’s Vale’ 73 Bardic Nationalism 47 and Gwyneddigion society of the on Felicia Hemans 211 London Welsh 71 on Welsh nationalism 17 and Jacobin Circle 71 Turner, Sharon 99 ‘Ode on the mythology of the ancient History of the Anglo-Saxons 99 British Bards’ 79 Poems, Lyrical and Pastoral 18, 72, 77, Vallancey, Charles 33, 34 78, 80 An Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish preservation of Welsh language 74 Language 34 religious and political radicalism and Orientalism 34 74–7 and Phoenicianism 33 on Robert Southey 84 A Vindication of the Ancient History of ‘Sonnet to Hope, on resolving to Ireland, Proved from the Sanskrit Books 34 emigrate to America’ 79 Vanbrugh, John 24 as source for Southey’s Madoc 71 on Wales 24 and the Welsh National Eisteddfod 72 Van Teigheim, Paul 39 and Welsh nationalism 74 Ossian en France 39 Williams, Gwyn A. 76, 83 vernacular revival of the Eighteenth Williams, Dr John 75 Century 2, 5 An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition Virgil 5, 22, 43, 69 concerning the Discovery of America by Volney 123 Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd about Les Ruines, ou Meditation sur les AD 1170 75 R´evolutions des Empires 123 Williams, Moses 23 Wolf Tone, Theobald 8, 118, 231 Wagner 154 Wollstonecraft, Mary 151 Walker, Adam 152 Wordsworth, Dorothy 86, 100 Wallace, William 5, 97, 179 Journal 163 Walters, John, of Llandough 74 Wordsworth, Jonathan 44 Warrington, William 71 Wordsworth, William 12, 19, 83, 88, 106, 155, 162, The History of Wales 71 173, 175, 198, 202, 203, 204 Warton, Thomas 22, 24 ‘Composed among the Ruins of a Castle History of English Poetry 24 in North Wales’ 100 Watson, Richard 92 Descriptive Sketches 85 The Wisdom and Goodness of God in Ecclesiastical Sonnets 12, 98, 100 having made both Rich and Poor 92 ‘Essay, Supplementary to the Preface’ 41 Webb, Timothy 120, 123 An Evening Walk 88, 92, 98 Webster, John 152 The Excursion 163 Weinbrot, Howard 3, 15, 212, 213 ‘Exposition and Reply’ 30 West, Thomas 155 ‘Immortality Ode’ 197 Guide to the Lakes 86, 155 Michael 160 Whiggism 18 Peter Bell 92 and Welsh history 18 Preface to Lyrical Ballads 20, 93, Whittaker, James 15 158, 163 Whittaker, Jason 55 The Prelude 12, 13, 92, 94, 96, 97, 174, William Blake and the Myths of 198, 201, 202, 203, 204 Britain 55 ‘The Tables Turned’ 30 Williams, C. K. 200 ‘Tintern Abbey’ 14 Williams, David 10, 74 ‘To the Clouds’ 97 Williams, Edward 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 29, 71–2, 73, ‘To the Lady E. B. and the Hon. 75, 76, 80, 84, 170 Miss P’ 100 ‘Address to the Inhabitants of Wales, ‘To the Torrent at the Devil’s Bridge, exhorting them to emigrate, with William North Wales’ 100 Penn, to Pennsylvania’ 78 and Wales 85–102

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Wordsworth, William and Coleridge, Samuel Yeats, W. B. 182, 190, 194, 197, 202 Taylor 6 ‘1919’ 207 Lyrical Ballads 6, 8, 69, 154, 196 ‘The Circus Animals’ Desertion’ 197 and Wales 10 ‘Long-Legged Fly’ 205 Wynn, Charles 82 ‘Meditations in Time of Civil War’ Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams 87, 88, 157 207 and Romanticism 197 Yearsley, Ann 69, 77 Young, Edward 40 as ‘Lactilla’ 69 Night Thoughts 41

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