Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-64187-3 — Classical Literature on Screen Martin M
Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-64187-3 — Classical Literature on Screen Martin M. Winkler Index More Information Index Absurdistan 164 Big Sleep, The 174 Achilles Tatius 183, 189, 198, 205, 211–213 Birds (Aristophanes) 101 Aeneas 232, 238, 245, 302, 315, 331, Birds, The (Hitchcock) 209 332–340, 351 Black Angel 107 Aeneid 26, 215, 218, 223, 232–233, 236–239, Blood of a Poet 51 241, 243–245, 315, 317, 332–340 Bloom, Harold 4, 45, 360 Aeschylus 40–41, 60, 102, 289–290, 356 Blue Light, The 268–270 Aftershock 88 Boccioni, Umberto 273 Agamemnon 60, 356 Borges, Jorge Luis 246 agôgê 259, 275 Breker, Arno 253, 262, 265, 295 Agrippina the Younger 300–305, 307–308, Britannicus 302–305, 308 311 Broch, Hermann 246 Alcestis 138 Brogi, Giulio 332 Alcimenes 93 Brooks, Mel 154 Amenábar, Alejandro 92 Bujold, Geneviève 356 Amphitryon – Happiness from the Clouds 99, Burney, Charles 33 113, 174 Burstyn, Ellen 73 Angelopoulos, Theodore 39 Burton, Richard 354–355 Anti-Oedipus 46 Bush, George W. 102, 163, 228, 279–282, 288, Antony and Cleopatra (1914) 34 291, 293 Apollinaire, Guillaume 7 Byzantium 90 Apollonius of Rhodes 32 Apuleius 32, 103, 110, 186 Cabiria 345 Aristophanes 41, 99–180 Cacoyannis, Michael 50, 153, 356, 362 Aristotle 27, 81, 183–190, 203–204, 207, Caduta di Troia, La 345 209–212, 243, 268 Caligula 297, 300–301, 311 Arno Breker (film) 265 Callas, Maria 62, 64–65, 78–79 Artaud, Antonin 61 Callimachus 41 Assemblywomen 139 Capra, Frank 303 Astaire, Fred 108 Cardano, Girolamo 297–300, 303, 311 Azémar, Frédéric 361 Carnival in Flanders 176 Carol,
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