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11-16-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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Will Shoot Down U.S. Planes, Castro Says Kennedy Will Fully Fueled Relations With Cuba Saturn Tested Insist Upon Approaching Climax Surveillance At Canaveral BULLETIN By JOHN fWHIGHTOWE R making clear that the United viet Union has based in Cuba. By HOWARD BENEDICT WASHINGTON < API-Officials States will use force if necessary Antiaircraft missile . fire presum- WASHINGTON Wi — Presl- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) said today the Cuban crisis may to protect its reconnaissance ably would require a decision by dent Kennedy met with hit —With a mighty roar of its eight be approaching a peak of extreme planes flying over Cuba , in the the President whether to attack top military ami diplomatic engines, a Saturn superbobster danger. In any case, they are now face of a new threat by Fidel Cas- missile bases and put them out of advisers today amid evidence blasted off today on the third test convinced that a climactic period tro to shoot them down. action.; V that Hie Cuban crisis may be flight of this forerunner to a opening in the next . few days The force Was not specified , but Castro warned in a note to the moving into a new and mora manned moon rocket. should bring developments . of the U.S. fighter planes would be al- United Nations that any U.S. war- dangerous period. The monster Saturn , 162 feet utmost importance. most sure to meet any direct chal- planes which "violate our air In a White House conference tail and weighing 550 tons, blazed They gave th at . assessment after lenge by the MIG fighters the So- space" would risk destruction by with the executive committee aloft at 12:45 p.m. on the tremen- Cuban antiaircraft . " Presumably of the National Security Coun- dous , force generated by the he referred to antiaircraft mis- cil, Kennedy was believed to world's largest known rocket pow- siles recently installed in Cuba rjy have discussed Premier Fidel er plant. the Soviet Union. Castro's threat to fire on U.S. reconnaissance planes over For the first time tha booster Castro's belligerent assertion Open . Cuba. . stage was fully fueled, to build Chinese could have either of two purposes, SHIP BURNS IN ATLANTIC ...Smoke Coast Guard described the ship's plight as criti- up thrust of 1.3 million pounds, as officials here understood them. pours from stern section of burning Greek freight- cal some 3iX) miles northeast of Bermuda. (U. S. equal to 30 million horsepower. He, could be striking a strong pub- By MAX HARRELSON er Captain George as crew of the explosive-laden Navy photo via AP Photofax by radio from Ham- Ten seconds passed before the lic pose to cover up concessions UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Saturn cleared the top of vessel battled flames in gale-tossed seas. The ilton) its .310- to Mikoyan on the international —The United Nations today made foot-tall service tower. Then the Massive Attack inspection issue. Or he could be public a warning from Fidel Cas- rocket pitched gradually over on By HENRY* S. BRADSHER Walong, he said. intent on forcing a fight with the tro that Cuban forces would at- a southeast heading, picking up NEW DELHI, India (AP)-The Chines* troops are attacking In United States. tempt to shoot down any U.S. speed as the tons of fuel were Chinese Commtinists have launched considerably superior numbers, plane flying, over Cuban territory. quickly consumed. a ' nassive attack on Indian troops the spokesman said. A Cuban representative followed at the east end of the Himalayas No other action was reported on up quickly with a bitter blast at 18 Cr A tail of fire nearly 300 feet and fierce fighting is now going the United States in the U.N. Po- the Himalayan long trailed the rocket as it sped battle front. The upward into on , a Defense Ministry spokesman Walong attack was the first major litical Committee. the clear sky. said today. fighting since the offensive into Kennedy to Visit A& on the two previous Saturn Taking the floor in the 110-na- The Chinese attack on Indian po- India ground to a temporary halt tion committee during a disarma- tests—both successful — only the sitions near Walong followed an first stage was to be fired , push- three weeks ago after capture of ment debate, Cuban Ambassador g ing the rocket on a brief 104-mile- Indian attack that captured some some 2,500 square miles. Atomic Energy, Carlos Lechuga charged that the Ship , the spokesman Burnin Chinese outposts From The spokesman said the Red high ballistic flight. U.S. reconnaissance flights over said. After restricted fighting in Chinese around Walong had not ad- By BERNARD BROWN standing by in the gale, but the The U.S. submarine Torsk took Cuban territory "violated the Two upper stages were loaded one area which began Wednesday , vanced when last reports came in U.N. Charter ... flout the ; sov- , (AP ) other 18 were tossed into the 45- over the search from two Liberi- HAMILTON Bermuda - an-flag ships which picked up the with 23,000 gallons of water to the Red Chinese attacked on a shortly before he talked to report- ereignty of a small nation ... and Rescue planes and ships searched foot high waves when their life- massive scale north and west of ers. Air Force Sites boat , capsized. They disappeared seven survivors, the tanker Vir- simulate the weight of the upper are intended to stultify our inde- the stormy Atlantic northeast of assembly on later Saturn rockets. (AP) pendence." Bermuda today for IS missing in the darkness, ginia and the freighter Trinity The Chinese attack was trig- WASHINGTON - The Navigator. The tanker and the Tour minutes and 55 seconds gered, he said, by a new Indian White House announced today that crewmen who abandoned the Coast Guard amphibians, flying after launching, at peak altitude, Lechuga re p e a t e d Castro's George in relays, dropped flares through freighter left the scene because of army policy of probing Red Chi- President Kennedy will make a warning that any U.S. plane fly- Greek freighter Captain as high seas and gale winds. a radio signal from the ground, nese lines in an effort to keep fact finding tour of Air Force and flames ate their way toward a the night hi the vicinity of the was to blow the Saturn apart, ing over Cuban territory can do so still burning ship. The Coast Guard, cutter Men- Error Cuts them from consolidating their po- Atomic Energy Commission sites only at the risk being de- cargo of explosives. dota also was steaming toward the dumping the 95 tons of water into sitions. This policy is also now on Dec. 7. of Coast Guard messages said sev- The amphibians reported the the frigid ionosphere to form a stroyed. He said the warning is in area. being followed near Towarrg, Kennedy will stop off at Offut effect "from this day on." en members of: the 25:man crew ship was still afloat late Thursday The 18 missing crewmen were giant cloud of ice particles. where the other major thrust by Air Force Base, Plane and ground-based cam- ' headquarters of The Cuban delegate accepted m were picked up by freighters night. reported wearing life jackets and Rolvaag s the Chinese has penetrated into the Strategic Air Command , at the water was a warm 72 degrees. eras and other equipment were to northeastern India. Omaha, Neb,, principle a four-nation resolution study the cloud to seek clues on and then go to Los proposing that Latin America ba But visibility was only about two atmospheric physics. The Walong thrust , 15 miles Alamos, N.M., to visit the AEC miles. west of the Burma border , is po- scientific laboratory there. declared a denuclearized zone. tentially one of the most danger- But he demanded that it bar nu- A. similar experiment at lower Lead to 197 clear weapons also from Puerto As the search went on for sur: altitude oh the second ous , of 13' Red Chinese penetra- At Los Alamos, he will Inspect vivors from the Captain George, . Saturn test MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Fewer work being done on Project Ro- Rico and the Panama Canal Zone. War Games in flight last April produced a cloud than 200 votes separated the two tions into India. another victim of the gale, the dis- ; ver, which is developing a nuclear The Cuban prime minister's 5Vi miles across, easily visible Minnesota g u bernatorial candi- Walong lies in the valley of the abled 65-foot schooner Curlew cap- from the Florida East Coast. Luhit River that forms a natural rocket for space exploration. sharply worded communication, sized five miles outside Bermuda's dates today with official canvass- From Los Alamos, the schedule handed to Acting Secretary-Gen- Project officials reported major ing board reports still awaited highway down through the moun- St. George Harbor. goals of Saturn flight No. 3 were tains to the densely populated calls for Kennedy to go to Albu- eral V Thant Thursday, suggests two- from two counties and a recheck querque, N.M., for the night. that if the United States sincerely South Florida The six men aboard the to further evaluate the eight first under way in a third. plains of upper Assam State. By JIM BECKER tanks) onto the beaches of Hutchin- master schooner were rescued by stage engines with maximum fuel, Indian troops attacked Red Chi- In Albuquerque he will visit two wants to negotiate a settlement FORT PIERCE, Fla. (AP)- son Island at high tide. the U.S. Navy ship Compass Is- verify structural integrity of the A 78-vote error uncovered in nese positions a few miles north- plants engaged in sec»et defense of the Cuban crisis "it should be- "Hell «n wheels" tanks of the 1st land which had escorted it from airframe: confirm aerodynamic Olmsted County Thursday night west of Walong in the jumbled work, gin by respecting the elementary pared DFL These are the Sandia Corp. Armored Division were to sweep Swelling seas caused a 48-hour a point 30 miles north cf Bermuda. characteristics and check launch Lt. Gov. Karl Rol- slopes of the lower Himalayas. A and the Nuclear Effects Research rights of our country." delay in the mock invasion by vaag's lead over incumbent Re- ashore from the Atlantic Ocean One of the crew was reported to facilities, spokesman said "our troops were Laboratory. Castro repeated his earlier dec- today in the first war games in some 1,500 soldiers and their have suffered broken ribs. The vehicle. publican Gov. Elmer L. Ajidersen able to occupy the slopes tanks on the beaches of Hutchin- to 197, larations that he would accept no South Florida since the Cuban schooner was en route from Es- of the Chinese position in spite of inspection of Cuban territory by crisis boiled up. son Island where American GTs ssex, Conn., to the Virgin Islands With reports still due from Hen - heavy enemy fire." trained for the Normandy invasion nepin and Anoka counties , plus the any group "national or interna- Men of the 1st Brigade were to when it was disabled early Thurs- The Indian attacks came after tional." In any event, he said, the roll their tanks and trucks off of of World War II. day. recheck undertaken today in Doug- four weeks of retreat, They were The seas calmed down late las County, Associated Press tab- Herter United States already has verified four big LSTs (landing ships, The Curlew and her escort were Indication GOP not in the nature of a full-scale Picked the removal of Soviet missiles Thursday and the landing exercise unable>to enter the harbor because ulations gave Rolvaag 619,753, An- offensive. That lies in the future, got under way before dark . dersen 619,556. from Cuba and the "pretext has of the storm. They were waiting when American , British and other now disappeared" for acts of Navy frogmen probed beaches for daylight when the schooner foreign weapons, plus increased force. and soldiers worked in waist-high broke loose from her anchor and In State Plans Auditor Ross Browning said the arms production at home, have To Head Trade waves to erect piers for a porta- turned over. Olmsted errors were turned up in built up Indian strength . He called the U.S. reconnais- 3-Month Delay ble causeway that will span 350 a recount of four rural precincts. sance flights over Cuba "typically feet from ships to shore. Later the Coast Guard reported He certified final county figures Hitlerite methods for softening that the Compass Island , an ex- on the governorship at 13 ,853 for Barrier Study the resistance of peoples." Air Force jets roared over the perimental navigational ship, left To Ask Recount Andersen , with Rolvaag at 8,259. By HARRY KELLY , In XB70 Flight beach , east of Fort Pierce , in the scene on an undisclosed "mil- ST. PAUL (AP) - A strong in- Auditor Robert Fitzsimmons "No sovereign state Castro (AP)-Air practice passes. itary mission" and would land the dication Republicans are planning Woman Killed WASHINGTON (AP)-President declared, "can allow its air spaca WASHINGTON Force said indications were that the to be violated in officers refused today to regard Troops of the 1st Armored are survivors—live Americans and a to ask f or a recount of baliols in checking of nearly 1,309 Hennepin " ennedy has selected Christian A. this manner with- among the thousands of soldiers, Briton—in New York on Nov . 21. the governor race came today. Herter , a secretary of state in the out feeling an impairment of its a three-month delay in the first County voting machines could not dignity." flight of the 2,000-mile-an-hour airmen and Marines sped to the Robert Gervasoni of Trenton , It was announced that Thomas be completed before Tuesday, the By Skidding Eisenhower administration , to XB70 airplane as a serious set- South Florida area during the Cu- N.J., part owner of the Curlew , Swain has been granted a leave day the slate canvassing board Car command U.S. negotiations aimed Thant gave the contents of the back for the controversial project. ban crisis. Some of the units are said (those aboard were Sam Fi- of absence without pay from his meets. He said every effort would By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at slashing foreign trade barriers. letter to U.S. Ambassador Adlai expects capable of mounting an invasion orello, 33, of Yardlcy, Pa., the oth- post as commissioner of business be made to have the tabular sheets A St, Paul woman died late In choosing him Thursday , E. Stevenson shortly after he re- They said the Air Force Thursday of injuries sti ffercd when Ken- little difficulty in solving the fuel of Cuba if one should be ordered. er owner; .Jim O'Neil , 32, a pas- development to serve as Gov. El- in the hands of the secretary of nedy said the 67-ycar-old "Republi- ceived it , but withheld publication Others are poised to defend Ihe senger from Massachusetts ; and mer L. Andersen 's personal rep- state by Wednesday afternoon. she was struck by a skidding car. can "will be directly responsible of the text at the request of Cu- tank problem that caused the de- The death of Grace Michaelson , lay from December to March or area against any attack from the four deckhands , David Sikill or resentative "on vote analysis and for preparing the proposed ob- ban Ambassador Carlos Lechuga. , England; "Spi- This could mean that the state 73, raised Minnesota 's 1962 traf- jectives and strategies April. air or sea, Skillon . London tabulation ." , for negoti- The units are strung along the der" Slirnm and another man Swain 's leave began Friday and board' s session , usually a perfunc- fic toll to 585 compared with 65 ations and for directing those ne- Mora immediate Importance Is The plane is known as the XB70 through this date Inst year. attached to the windup of talks in its experimental form. As a Florida Coast from . Cape Canav- known as Bill , both of Borden- will run through the rest of his tory, one-da y meeting in elections gotiations while they are in proc- plane it eral to Key West, which is only town , N.J ,, and another man from term , which . expires next Janu- wjicrc wide margins sepaTate the The woman was struck on a St. ess," between Castro and First Deputy reconnaissance - strike Paul street about four hours be- Soviet Premier Anastas I. Mikoy- would bear the designation RS70. 90 miles from Havana. New Britain , Conn, ary. In his absence James Lee, candidates, might be extended to deputy commissioner, will be act- two, and possibly three clays. fore she died in a hospital. The Thus the Paris-born Herter will an with the expectation that Mi- In Douglas County, officials to- driver , Herbert Wong, 46, Whito have the key role in directing the koyan would return to Moscow by ing commissioner of business de- Rear Lake, velopment. day, were checking into an Alex- told officers his car historic trade expansion measure way of New York so he could andria ward where reportedly skidded on wet pavement and he enacted by the last Congress- -an meet with Ambassador Adlai E. more governorship ballots were could not avoid striking the wom- net Kennedy called "a vital new Stevenson ana others of Pres- listed than there are registered an . weapon" for the cause of freedom , ident Kennedy 's Cuban negotiat- Personal Gifts Highlight voters. Roy English , 60, Minneapolis , The trade act authorizes 50 per ing team. There was no definite word on died in a Minneapolis hospital to- cent cuts in most tariffs and elim- Kennedy himself turned his ma- when (he Anoka compilation would day after his car crashed into a ination of (hose (hat are chiefly jor attention back to the Cuban become available, Unofficial fig- bridgo abutment , Pending an au- involved in trade between the crisis today as it entered a cli- ures there , used in the AP totals , topsy, it was not known whether United Slates and the European mactic stage while West German Will of Mrs. Roosevelt had given Jiolvnng 16, 152 , Ander- he died of accident Injuries or of Common Market (France , West Chancellor Kon.rad Adenauer, who (AP)- my flnt silver marked 'ER' , erty in her New York apartmenl sen 10.566. a heart attack suffered while driv- Germany, Italy, Relgium , Luxem- was here for taws Wednesday and POUGHKEEPS 1E. N. Y. all ing, A little gold ring, a piece of sil- and the old silver Lady Bell. be distributed equally among her burg and the Netherlands). Thursday, turned homeward. ver, what's left of a pink china "To my son Elliott Roosevelt other sons nnd her daughter , Mrs. set—these are among the warm what remains of Grandmother Anna Roosevelt Halst ad — again W EATHER mementoes left to ninny by Mrs. Roosevelt's pink china and two with specific exceptions, Franklin I). Roosevelt in her will . silver serving trays . Joseph P, Lash , a longtime FEDERAL FORECAST "To my son Franklin D.' Roose- friend nnd New York editorial WINONA AND VICINITY - The former first lady died Inst velt Jr. the Japanese screen on writer , was given an etching of Cloudy with widely scattered snow Heaviest

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See or phone Applications will of necessity and in the interest of fairness be nn Allstate Agent today—nt Scare, an Allatata office , or he'll gladly come to your home. handled on a first come fjrst serve basis. No wonder Allstate writes more ail to liability insurance than any other company in the world! '•May we help you7M Developer , . • Residence Unlimited , Inc. ~W~ You're In good hands with £ \ , O t__# E' Broker . . . BOB SELOVER REALT R ALLSTAT = 110 AUTO EXCHANGE BUILDING PHONE 2349 DURING BUSI N ESS HOURS INSU/IMJCl INSURANCE—. | | AUilAJt COWANM • tlOMl 0/flCCS : SKOKIl , IU. — OR PHONE ANY OF THESE — Eugene Regan I Sears, Roebuck and Co. Bldg. "Wib" Helzer: 8-2181 Laura Fisk: 2118 Dave Knopp: 8-2809 I 121 East Third Street j Phone 7720 John Hendrickson: 7441 Betty Darby: 2991 !._._._._._ -_._.-._._._._._.»_._._,_._. ____HnM.. Cold, Moisture $2,159,073 Low on 61 Job ST. PAUL — The Minne- to start next May 15 and be fin- sota Highway Department ished in 200 working days. How- ever, some work may begin this this morning opened appar- winter. The bridge job is to start Coming to Area ent low bids totaling $2,177,- May 27 and be finished in 150 329 for three highway pro- working days. jects involving construction The TH 61 work will complete Weekend of four-lane Trunk Highway a four-lane superhighway from La For 61 from Minnesota City to Crosse to just south of Weaver Colder weather with widely scat- where the highway crosses the tered snow flurries or light show- Minneiska and a TH 14 ped- Whitewater River. ers is the prediction for Winona estrian toridge near St. The bridge will be .7 mile south- and vicinity tonight and Satur- Mary's College. west of the junction of THs 61 day. . ' Johnson Brothers Highway and 14. It will be an important safety feature in the college area The disagreeable weather will and Heavy Construction, Inc., because of much pedestrian traffic extend into the -weekend, says the Minneapolis, submitted ap- across the highway, weatherman, with cl oudy and cool parent W bids for two con- Other bidders for the three proj- conditions expected Sunday with a necting sections of the TH 61 pro- ects follow : WOMAN OF THE YEAR . . . Mrs. Anna M. Man of the Year. At the left is Duane Peterson, chance of scattered snow. j ect — $1,218,266 for the southern Bridge — WMC, Inc., Winona , Lynch Thursday was honored by the Central La- jtoastmaster for the banquet program, and, right, IT WILL BE a little cooler to- part, a 4.4-mile segment from $20,502; Minnesota Bridge Co., Dienger, president of Central Labor Minnesota City to Whitman Dani, Waterville, $20,658: Tri-State Con- bor Union as Winona labor's Woman of the Year. Lester M. night , with a low of 25-30 forecast the northern (Daily photo) and $940,807 four- struction, Inc., Alma, Wis., $21,- A plaque on which her name will be inscribed Union. News for the area. A high of 36 is ex- mile segment^ from Whitman Dam 749, and Tomax Contracting Co., was presented her by Roman Wiczek, 1961 Labor pected Saturday. to Minneiska where the project Rochester, $23,578. For the next five days, tempera- joins the present four-lane TH 61 TH «T (the first bid is for the tures are slated to average 2 to job nearing completion. Total is southern 4.4-mile segment, the sec- 6 degrees below normal with daily $2,159,073. ond bid for the northern four-mile highs in the 35-40 range and night- segment) — Leon Joyce Construc- President Notes time lows running from 18-24. Tem- H. S. DRESSER * Son, Winona , tion Co., Rochester, $1,277,242 and HIAWATHA VALLEY ASSOCIATION . . . Officers were elect- Work ing Widow peratures will be near normal until submitted an apparent low bid of $955,760: John Dieseth Co., Fergus ed at a dinner meeting here Thursday of the Hiawatha Valley As- turning colder early next week, $18,256 for the TH 14 pedestrian Falls, Minn., $1,667,016 and $1,- sociation . Left to right .are: Ray Meyer, Winona, retiring president; the extended forecast says. bridge at St. Mary's College. 192,992; S. J. Groves & Sons Co., Clyde Merrill , Lake City, new first vice president ; George Brooks, College Impact Awards are expected to be made Precipitation may range up to Minneapolis, $1,369,353 and $1,07R,- Red Wing, new second vice president, and A. J. Anderson, Wi- within two weeks. 306: Hoover Construction Co., Vir- half an inch of moisture, occurring nona , retiring secretary-treasurer who vtas succeeded by Donald Honored by CLU as show mostly -early, next week. The two TH 61 contracts will call ginia, Minn., and Brown & Legui!, for identical work—grading, gravel Inc., Mankato, joint bids, $1,394,021 L. Stone, Winona. Not shown are Stone and the new president, On Community A widow who joined Winona's gree of Pocahontas, Military Or- . The Winona temperature rose to base, bituminous - stablized and and $1,041,173; Ryan, Inc., Janes- Leonard G. Anderson , La Crosse. (Daily News photo) fulRime labor force after her der of Lady Bugs and Degree of 44 Thursday afternoon and drop- The impact of colleges on the road-mixewlc4i •*• »•» " Season Seen of Minnesota branch here, The student policy committee : Pr ilfl"'n'w Making Fun <>f Imposed the ban after confirming reports that rul«« let up for the Despite Crisis card devotees had been broken. By JOE MCCOWAN The group found there had been MIAMI. Fla. (AP ) Many gambling and the limit of six per- War Irks Some — players, Florida business leaders forecast sons to a table — four By EARL WILSON been one of tha busiest tourist seasons two lookers-on — had not TECHNICOLOR QWMM NEW YORK - Was World War II really pretty hilarious? in years in the wake of the Cuban adhered to. 1 shouldn't bring this up so soon Bfter Veterans' Day while the JFK- crisis which took shape 90 miles Edwin Siggelkow, student activ- iinw r»li_a_-l_l_ Khrushy war's still on. But I guess it must be faced. Soma people from it» shores. ities director, said that tout tor ^^ blaze up when anybody kids any part of the war and they say "TTiey There are exceptions to the must be sick. " bright predictions but generally SVOlMII But there are four talented young Englishmen doing real good at •un, (till T»l"a. tlie »,- .~-...*J,»s the tone is one. of optimism. rri, »ni (**, ene *.*», »_,^.,ei.fe with a satiric revue , "Beyond the Fringe," frequently jok- ' ¦ the Golden ; The businessmen say their ear L -a. .MINNMMMA ' ing about the old movies' version , —— — ler fears that the crisis would FISH FRY of the war .. . remember when Jawly good for the cavalry, too 1" cripple the vital tourist trade TON ITE "Enol Flynn was never braver " About eight when the war end- have be*n dispelled, Tourists al- BrJionBr and Humphrey Bogart and John ed Cook recalls things thst did ready are beginning annual vaca- ^ . » B7S3 Wny*8taBtvS«»is«*^«sss_s»s»>s*W»*i< 'M>- ' that British officer— "bring back j Harry Truman told a fan "here : now because of the tremendous admiring the rack of horns on his TRY A DELICIOUS PIKE DINNER TONIGHT! the cavalry! Jawly good lawt , the i ' The way to this old man's heart military buildup in the state that buck , declares it tipped the scales Serving til 8 p.m," cavalry ! Charge those Cuban mis- : is to be nice to his daughter". . . Florida is the best .protected area at 375 pound6. siles with the horse-soldiers! I Ex-showgal Vera Vera , reported in the United States. " Should have a continuous war! i busted up with wealthy husband Airlines . , reported travel from If you tell any processing Not at home , though. Africa , say. ! Curtis Swift , was with him at the northern areas to Florida resorts plant , employe that a rough Kenya 'd be jawly good! Kenya has j little Club. . .. .Marlon Brando was improving, as expected with dressed deer goes more than == TONITE & SATURDAY ONLY i= a jawlv good climate for a war. l -wants'to 'film "A Man For All Sea- the onslaught of cold weather. 300 pounds , he will throw up his hands and laugh at you. Winona's Own Florida business officials said The biggest one every , weighed ; : the greatest danger of harm tp here, Ben Safranek told us lf-fif!M-!i.l NOW SHOWING winter tourism was the spread of the other evening, was 225 Is A _WllA-r'f-F -1 At 7:15 and v:20 false rumors. pounds. And that's a lot of One Miami advertising execu- meat. V A! Prochowitz tive said a New York friend called at the Piano to ask if it were true that com- Registration Stations mercial air travel was to be sus- In Wisconsin , every hunter kill- H*'ll delight yw with ragtime favorites. pended at Miami International ing a deer must register it at one Airport. of the registration stations estab- Another rumor had the area's lished by the Wisconsin Depart- and hotels taken over to house troops. ment in the county in which the To offset these, tourist officials animal was killed or in an ad- (^UlhjCinA^ LOmGl joining county. The registration plan to step up northern adver- Downtown Winona — Acro»s From Courthouse tising programs to demonstrate on the sex of the animal killed *h» 1 ' " ' 1 ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' that Florida is a pleasant and must take place not later than - " , „ "V, , ' ' ' , i „ /. ' n il I ' ¦ l,' ',ii , ' ,T . ¦ . ¦ ,., ' ' M ' M I ,.,, , . ,J - safe place for a winter stay. one day after the close of the the sin- fS'"'JS?i * S*'VJW& s JiKKS Slapping Tax Collector except spiked horn bucks, pre- v^__R--^ ______>^^ vails, the deer must be presented wll bl ^^&&_i______^^ Man Draws Six Months for registration not later than; 10 s^_i m . ATLANTA, Ga. (AP ) - A man p.m. Monday. .With big bucks tak- Wheeler and the Dahl store in ,, , ______K0li^^¥_^sssP____i^ has been-.sentenced to six months en after the any sex season closes, Meridean. l l A treat for the whole family j| ; M: in federal prison for slapping an it's not later than 10 p.m. the day ¦3]3EB3BS__1___3__I r > ? *__w^^___i following the close of the season. 1,000 Bear KB|¦BBBBnsnS^^_^^^BrBSBBBBSBSrSJBpBIBS______jBSSbSSHHHFHSBjJei4I A. 4 __'& _____ income tax collector. |1 Our Special Sunday Dinners! T^»llii^tS. ^^BK» ^^HflH ^^^B Wisconsin deer hunters can : SUNDAY J_ sssssssssslWHilPiHNH^H^HK—^ftsVl—Vfl r ^^V^^! B' Roy W. Wilson, SO, a television In order to save time , and . ______9P_E_k __m repairman, was convicted Thurs- safely harvest 1,000 bear dur- ^ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHs^GI'VsK Um?^'t-^K tli,^ - -^/J^f^_HB ; get the most accurate informa- . ' ¦: Ing the coming season without ¦ day of striking tax collector Melz i tion available , the hunters are endangering the bear popula- SPECIAL S WW Bring the whole family and enjoy I M ______Kfp2*_l__P * k. Clements. ¦ _ ^ v - j4Pk. / r M urged to fill out their registra- tion of the state , according to ¦ at FORD HOPKINS p|*| our special Sunday dinner served . t_. P ______S___3_t^:i?i___r^ X T According to testimony before tion cards prior to presenting George Knudsen state bear ^_ U.S. District Judge Boyd Sloan, , n from 12 noon to 8 p.m. You're sure ' /VvJ ______the animal for registration. specialist, who has been car- ~ /-[ wi H Clements was struck at Wilson's location: of » ^11 M ______r______R_____H______iT____i-4^ ¦__B Following is the rying on bear research for 5 COMPLETE rvi to flnrl your favorite foods on our *«jk (. m ______E______N______LT^ jBB§ home during an argument. Inter- stations in near- registration the last four years. ¦ special menu. (If prefer to dine ¦ ¦ ' nal Revenue Service agents said ; by counties : .. ' . . ¦ DINNER Wtm you ' i * _! CJements was trying to collect Hunters going into the S later, you may order from our regu- ______l______ffiM_-_-_-__n^^^^^______i^ ^Wf i m County north- B Served 11 a,m.-4 :30 p.m. S bLm t«v7'A ^xHI ¦ ' back taxes of about $100 from BuHalo western part of the state, he de- ______H____K 3______H__I ' — ______» iH Wilson. Mondovi , Meistad's Sinclair Sta- P«H lar dinner menu after 5 rp.m.) , ^_^v \ Jt_tn clares, have better than an aver- pL _ST tion; Maxville, Clifford's Store; age chance ol bagging a bear. 3 Roast Tom Turkey " fll TTv / II sons' (playing, not the lead, but Alma, Gordy 's DX Station; Foun- ¦ roles) Last year 303 bear were bagged. or Ham Dinner 5 the character with seven ., . tain City, Glenn's Mnbjl Service , H Irxludu a generous oowl ol soup, __ M Dining Room open i p.m. to 11 \ V l^f M Gina Lollobrigida advertised in a Station; Merrick State Park , fi Knudsen has live-trapped m fluffy whipped potatoes, glblct ¦ W y m ¦ p.m. weekdays (except London paper for a governess for a.m. to 8 p.m.); Nelson, Refn- m drtsslnc, tasty (a ltd or vege- PC-JJ Mondays) ___Jm m weighed, measured and ear? H tabla, homemadi claverleat roll H Mf and at 12 noon Sundays. ^ her son — and got nine answers hardt's Mobil Service Station. tagged 159 bear in the last kf Msssss—H^s! m S ami bulltr. ' . . H ki' Coffee Shop open dally. from men. All registration stations will be four years. He reported that ¦ I colfei and ¦ _> BH r sj iH ^__H{ i' by the research team was caught S Jirvlci Store - J. B. Slchlc tm who is. Pepin County s_ Owner, ¦¦ Nipsey Russell explained this fall. The animal weighed more 'Or '' '' V Adults 1S( —Juniors Children _S(t why a In Pepin County, deer may be than the department scale would 50# — famed singer keeps getting mar- registered at the Schwartz service IBIIII MIM IISI ISB Saturday at 7:15 and 9:20 you ' ' register. Knudsen said the scale ried: "She figured can t leach station in Durand or Buzz s bar was completely depressed at 4.90 EXTRA — "CANINE CADDY" on old dog new tricks—so she in Pepin. Dunn County has points service station in pounds and estimated real weight This Saturday's AAUW Show Is "Calamity Jane" at 11:00-1 :00-3:00 keeps getting new dogs." That' s at the Johnson at about 510. He said measure- earl , brother . Menomonic , the Nooney station in ments indicated the animal would have stood about 8Vi feet tall on its hind legs, COUNTRY STYLE DINNER Also trapped this season was I SERVED EVERY SUNDAY-12 noon Jo 2 p.m a bear that had been eartag- i Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing, ggg /t ' ged three years ago. At that ' £ £ gravy, cabbage salad, relish, cranberries, 2a ^m *s#U i time it weighed 133 pounds. vegetable, homemade rolls and bread, " I • ' This year | it had reached 30S ' dessert, beverageB H .„,, _. .. i and Knudsen estimated it i ' ¦ tax lnclud„ | would go well beyond the 400- _^^^^^B_^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pound mark by hibernation B^^^^^^^^ Hi time. Data from the recaptur- ed bear showed that males ( reach their maximum frame I Wednesday Specials i ^^^om ^r size at about six to seven L Sauerkraut , Spare Ribs, Dumplings, |k M\ /fiv ^^» ^ ^i"* ¦ years of age. __f__ I I Beef Short Ribs, Mashed Potatoes ^ IrtF^lHN ^y^rT^si-t __IL ' and Gravy, Rolls and , Knudsen said the big 490-pound CI CA .. ,MP»vfivV S lk ««A«S'^,»V«<^t^^S«*W<%rfS(»VSi^fi/VVlW^ k | | \ |f|^W_B_w7 ______i1sssssssssssssssssss_l-1tTt\^HlOt7iUUtUaltHX« ^^"t PLAINVIEW, Minn, (Speciali- ^^ se fall Christian growth worship was held at the Immanuel Luther- an Church Monday, The theme was "Love Thy Neighbor and See MISSISS PPIAN ^' , ______How They Love One Another." | T ^^^^mF ^ •—^______Ps______..-...»_ The Rev, Rodney Rlese, Plain- I BUFFALO CITY , WISCONSIN "^5-— _TJSj ^K view, and the Rev. JEldor Rlchter, ) -, _W «^-—*- Lake City, were speakers. ' sT a-1i s~> a~s sr> l~» i~l l~l s~l s~l ars ins m sa i i -—. .—^ _ _ —^ —.'

Enjoy TEAMSTERS' ^^_^_HF*ry AVALON Ballroom — La Crowe DANCING [ DANCE ! en our newly reflnlthtd dance SATURDAY NITE | DANCE DANCE floor at the n»w SATURDAY NITE LABOR TEMPLE r Xj kf EAGLES < at the SUN., NOV. ie ! ORCHESTRA C { TEAMSTER S CLUB M» Members ' Feafurai at Every Sat. Night ^ /f-M ¦ ¦ i — Moile by — | 208 East Third St. POLKA DOTS T0Pp Muelc by 2:25-7:17-9:33 [ XfS^!/ " ERS" i TO ENJOY IT MORE SEI IT FROM THI BEOINNINO ANDY DOLL \ Msmbara Dave Mahlumn't Orchestra l 4___tfi^______a__^___. ____ _^ ' SPRING GROVE CLOTHING mendation projects were ' . made. home. Charles Knutson, 27, son of ' SPRING GROVE, Minn. (Spe- The Rev. T. H. Albrecht arid Halvor Knutson, is a patient there Most Gale-Ettrick . .- ciaD—The Spring Grove Trinity the Rev. Ralph A. Goede were also after suffering a heart attack. at which 16 parent! of the 20 stu- ilies participated Lutheran Church is sponsoring its host pastors. It was his third heart attack. He Parents Attend , Ettrick Ele- ' ' ' ¦ ' dents attended conferences. ¦ ¦ mentary School had 88 parents ¦ ¦ • . . . . • . . , annual Thanksgiving clothing makes his home with his brother School Conferences At Galesville Elementary from 95 families and Glasgow, 12 drive for Lutheran World Relief. LANESBORO SCHOOL BOARD Lawrence, and family in Turi Cou- School 232 parents from 235 fam- of 13. Clothing / should be brought to the LANESBORO, Minn. (SpeciaD- lee. His father lives at the Nyen GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) ¦ ______H__(i^'>' '¦ ' •.;¦:-• ¦ '_^__^^^^^flH_i______The Lanesboro school board will church before noon Wednesday. Do Rest Home here. ¦ — More than 97 percent of the hold a special meeting Monday ¦ not bring hats, neckties, bulky bed- parents of students in the Gale- ding, pillows, open toe, backless, at 7:30 p.m. in the faculty room COTTER DEMONSTRATION at the high school. A demonstration of audio-vis- Ettrick School District attended high heeled or narrow width wom- ¦ Dr. C. W. Gruler en's shoes. Shoes should be tied in ual devices as educational tools American Education Week par- 131 Cheats Building Phone 4417 pairs. Good, clean , usable clothing LAKE CITY PATIENT was given by Erwin C. Welke of ent-teachers conferences Tuesday in good repair is requested. LAKE CITY , Minn. (Special)- the audio-visual extension service and Wednesday. , By GRETCHEN L. LAMBERTON Mrs. Mary Wimmer rural Lake of the University of Minnesota at Parents who were unable to at- Modem Chiropractic "VT LAKE CITY SYNOD MEETING City, was admitted to Lake City a meeting of Cotter High School tend conferences this week may EW YORK, N. Y? - One night in New York I went with a LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special ) - Municipal Hospital Monday fol- faculty members "Wednesday. make arrangements for meetings - ' friend to the 79th annual National Horseshow which went Members of church councils and and Electrothera py lowing a heart ¦ attack. Welke discussed the importance with faculty members next week on for a week at • ¦ ¦ Madison Square Garden. The two jumping classes stewardship committees of Wiscon.- • of a visual-aid program in a by calling teachers or building were the most exciting, for the Working Hunters stake course sin Synod Lutheran churches of PATIENTS FROM BLAIR school, cited services of the uni- principals. Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. ft 5 p.m, had 11 tough walls/ brush jumps, double fences, while the Prix the Red Wing Conference, were BLAIR , Wis. (Special) — Mrs. versity's extension division and Perfect attendance was counted Open Friday Evening 7-9 by Appointment de Nations or International Jumping for the International Cup had represented at a meeting Sunday Martin Anderson was admitted to used an overhead projector , tape at Smith School where all 15 Closed Saturday 12 even suffer obstacles at least 5 feet 3 inches in height. at St. John's Lutheran church Tri-County Memorial Hospital , recorder and film projector to families of the 24 students were There were 40 horses entered in the hunter class, the top jump- here. Plans for the synod's recom- Whitehall , following a fall in her illustrate his talk. represented and Wayside School ers in , most of them ridden by women in formal hunt

dress. The '' horses varied in height from a little dapple gray of " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ 16 hands to several powerful Irish jumpers of 18 hands or more. b - ' ' . „-. . »• u It was heart-lifting to watch them skim over the walls and fences. There were few misses and knockdowns, but some had greater style than others. The darling of the crowd was the small dapple-gray that look- ed just like a beautiful stylized child's rocking horse. "Little Fid- dle" tucked his slim legs high and skimmed over with such eleg- ¦ ance, speed and lightness that the crowd cheered him enthusiasti- $ m:^ u> I __B B ______H ¦ m , ¦ ^«v - -¦ __«^- m m m . ¦ m ¦_ ¦ ^___ .—. _____ m.M M__L cally. When he and his very small slender girl Tider won first »'._j _^H ^__^__^__Mg__| ••«• ¦srs&— c&f &o* __L*> ^__ prize the crowd went wild. ^ P^ " ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' " ' ' ¦ » . . FRIGIDAIRE^<^_t* . * » . f?m 48l . Most exciting of all was the U. S. : team won for the first international jumping match time in five years. with teams from Canada , Ire- In the lobby of Madison land , Mexico and the U. S. The Square Garden was displayed Irish Army team had the most an old brilliant red Macy 's de- beautifu l horses of all; I re- livery wagon from the year member particularly one stun- 1910 It seems that in those ning big pale chestnut and one days the National Horse Show enormous ha n d' s ome deep featured working horses and dapple-gray. But these gorgeous wagon rather than riding or creatures which had done sen- jumping horses, and every big sationally on other nights had company entered its best de- an off evening and stubbornly livery team. Macy's store used refused several jumps. The to clean up most of the prizes, Mexican horses also refused and it seems that the New several impossible loo k i n .-g York Fire Department used to THERE STILL jumps. The Canadian horses Complain that Macy's horses ____l4___L^^__li_M- IS TIME ,..' . .to take advantage of these pre-holiday specials . . . y ^ « did very well , but the U. S. were faster and their ivagons J to ^V**'*' / ^ horses — two of which looked redder than the official Fire receive the Thanksgiving gift bonus . . and to have the Frigidaire Appliance of ^ \ deceptively gentle and old — . Department ones, and people _H IHt^ HiiHW y f * J I had perfect scores. And so the used to get confused. H9P your choice your home ^ * • " * ' --iSm_^i_ il^HHi in on Thanksgiving Day. NEW LOW PRICES! HIGHEST )s\ \ \A< ; Another night at Madison Square Garden I went to an inter- '/ national basketball game between the National U. S. All-Stars and j TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES! EASIEST TERMS TO FIT MOST ANY BUDGET! the Soviet Russian National team , and that was very exciting. ! yC \N i The f irst game was between the National Russian Women 's team (also European champions ) and the top women's team of the V. S. (the Nashville Business College team ) , and the Soviet women won a close game. Several of the Soviet girls were over 6 feet — one was 6 feet 6 inches and perfectly stunning in a giant way. The V.. S. girls seemed trimmer and faster, but I must say the So- viet girls were big and speedy and good looking. ' In the men's game the U. S, won by a close margin. There ^^^m £;¦ again the Russian boys were bigger , several being 6 feet 11 inches. \ ^^^ m ' FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER i But the U. S. boys were faster and defter. Between halves the Lbwest-Pnced __ athletes of both countries marched to the center stage while the s •S/A Frigidaire ¦% . . . S Russian and the American national anthems were played . Then . the Soviet athletic director made a speech in Russian, translat- |. Frost proof Refrigerator ! Popular Size, budget price!- ed over the loud speaker, and then the American commissioner J || welcomed them warmly. The teams marched off arm in arm, ex- changing greetings and gifts. It was all very thrilling and the audience cheered themselves hoarse.

and lack of uniformity in some courses, and said the Madison campus lacked a modern educa- U of W School tion building. , The School of Education Facul- ty meets Tuesday and is expected Of Education to recommend a vote of "no con- fidence " in NCATE. A subcom- mittee of the university Executive Board is ready to call for with- drawal of the re-accreditation ap- Answers Critics plication. Styles said the lack of MADISON, Wis. W-Members of re-accreditation by NCATE would the University of Wisconsin not prevent Wisconsin graduates School of Education faculty have from obtaining teaching licenses. reacted sharply to a critical eval- He said accreditation would con- uation of its undergraduate pro- tinue on the basis of individual stu- J fe p gram by the National Council for dent records. Accreditation of Teacher Educa- x___ii i------~ -^ ' i3« fi net cspatrty §1 fl ^^^^ g shelves. tion NCATE. When a recipe calls for 1% I ^ J 1 cups condensed milk, you'll find ¦ Never needs defrosting! < , ;- w^^t.^^^ =: "The University of Wisconsin's % * i | \ W^^r v ' t ggrISS^ _j\ 7iiC^^^^ 3fg t ii I teacher training program is na- a 15-ounce can holds the equiva- i Exclusive Frost-Proof sys- WM ' ['j ^^^ ^ ! 'i'^' " - ^jij^^ tSs ^^ fc ^lJ^ l , , — , , . .. ' £; tionally recognized as one of the lent. Kemember that condensed tem stops freezer frost! i^=-=====:===^^ . Hunters lake INOte ! | | ONLY 8 " ' | and for j finest in the nation ," Dr. Lindley milk is the sweetened variety. Roomy J. Stiles, dean of the education I • 100 pound zero zone _ M iSmmi ^^ convenient | Freezer with separate door. V ' school said Thursday. "If we do | *} A QOQ i - ' L' |iH H i l fflll ^^^^U storinc, frozen fowl and game. | not fit NCATE's standards, it is • Spacious storage door ass_|i 1 1 __J ¦ ^F 8 X ' Hml I _ UliiiP = time to review those standards." 1 holds 21 eggs; Vz gallon ***. * w /t §1 >^ jlig l§y| P^ milk bottles Butter corn- M ' ONLY Tbe l 8-member national council | ¦ W Model 0FLV1W2 _, _. _ ' __ | | partment wrth semngdlsti. . . RM T has decided to grant only provi- g|. ¦???? ¦ 11.13 cu. ft net capacity 1rtft95 sional accreditation to the Wiscon- i Twin Glide-out fruit and ; ¦ ; ] ^^g^M ' easy terms I W W sin program, and has scheduled vegetable Hydrators. | | _ a final decision for its May meet- | [_E ^ 9 I77 ing. I Famed Frigidaire Dependability! | 1 H lj l FRIGIDAIRK i i | || BB____i— ——I PRODUCT Ot* ORNERAL MOTORS NCATE said its decision to with- GUARANTEED PRICE ¦ hold full re-accreditation was II « ' _-i "' IP ^; * JrlXCaXJLJ_ _I.t - l Jr*j »«oouer or ej «FM»-», ..--«-¦ prompted by the university 's fail- ^ * ^^ ure to maintain full control over DOERER'SPhone 2314 its students' study programs. It Radlo-Dlspatched Equipment also said there were weaknesses I I . . . 1 «/_!_«A„X____J l I 2 Door Beauty ! FRIGIDAIRE I Thanksgiving Bonus! . [ ; OPEN 1 t | —:!t — -^ Budget Buy ! ! L Ali k - | I No defrosting ever in Refrigerator ] ' I I I i^^^f^__ ^^_^_ i ui ^ ™bll _ivri_r • , ll j

i f " '""¦y^ More room for frozen foods. Spa< j f , Oven ready BOWLING 1 " S-i^^^^ --^ • /ig ^ r t^^ l^N | r ^ ^

Famed Frigidaire Dependability! ! | I^^^^^ ^^ ^S lffl ^ Mj ^/ ! or I tf

b df 1 [^^^^PSW^^y . ' ll $7.50 GIFT , *t I & ,; % \ \m\^A^m.^^^( ^^U rcDTicirATc marchand,,aV'» Purcha" w [ w SATURDAY I nffllli'l'" _ Minlnl m ITT fiT kir%i# i r\\kt t r\\Lt nnirci j V.fcl\ I INWuA I fc in any dopartmont. f |> i • i3_ 4 cU. ft. NEW LOW - LOW PRICE! ;1 SUNDAY I m jjjttr «* **»» . \ i^o • I whllo our 1962 ltock la.ft j with the purchase of any ma or j 1:00 P.M. 'TI L CLOSING EB.3 liance during this "special" event. | | H[ 3 JTRIGIDAIR E 0N LY H app j l\^» I I •___-_-¦PRODUCT or- «KN_r.A_ MOTO« j '| A/Q95 r^^^m^^^^M^^fi\\) w/t HAL-ROD LANES 1 Available With Right or Left Hand Door. S *^5>^ 403 West Third Street ______Should Memorial Day How Do You Stand, Sir? THE OLD FAKIR — Today In World Affairs Be Discontinued ? Jobs Big Iss ue ~ P£MOm> THE I NDIAN ROPE TWCK. SHOULD MEMORIAL DAY, observed Just What s annually May 30 as a holiday in the north- ern half of the country, be discontinued Of Future US ¦ in view of the significance now attached to ¦' Veterans ' Day. Nov. 11? . . By SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER The problem of jobs for the present and the UN. Today? There is some discussion being held future , confronts the American free enterprise By DAVID LAWRENCE system with an enormous challenge. these days on this subject and¦ we invite WASHINGTON — Just what Is the United Nations today? Most opinions of our readers. . " • This challenge encompasses every area of busl- Americans have not yet become aware of the fact that the name ness operation. It demands that the American itself is a misnomer. An appropriate title would be the "Disunited Veterans Day, formerly known as Arm- business community put forth its best efforts in Nations." For this organization of high purpose is badly split. istice Day, is now devoted, presumably, to the field of research and development: in the Such members as the United States, Great Britain and France — honoring the veterans of all wars whereas field of automation ; in the field who have -done so much to advance economic and social progress Memorial Day began after the Civil War. of retraining workers for new in the world - are m the tasks; in the field of merchan- minority. They are outnumber- ,MM,'ifnF tan and other nations which ex_aorairiary tiftling of the~armis- dizinjr ^and marketing; , in the ed in votes, and subject to the get substantial amounts of lice that ended World War I—at the elev- field of production management , whim of a galaxy of small ; "foreign aid " from the , United enth hour of the eleventh day of the elev- and many others. nations. A group composed States. But , even omitting this enth inonth—has set a day which in the But in order to meet this mostly of the uncivilized; back- latter group, it is important challenge, and meet it adequate- ward and underdeveloped ' coun-. to note that still voting against United States is increasingly devoted to ir'in* nf trip world now rules honoring the veterans of all wars says the ly, I suggest that the free en- the United States were more , terprise system must t>e given the Un i ted than 54 nations—a majority of Chrj.tian Science Monitor. a better chance by the -men Nations. the 106 members. who form our governmental pol- A vote just Here are the 16 countries In view of this development, perhaps a week ago in which supported the U.N. the discontinuance of Memorial Day May oies. For the full potential of our free enterprise system , or the U. N. was charter and hence cast their legislatures CoJd water 30 Is i matter -tate should even a high percentage of it, an eye open- votes against the resolution to er. By a big Africa: . consider. cannot oe realized under tne repressive condi- expel South majority, the Australia The Netherlands THROUGH THE selective service sys- tions that exist today. Nor can it reach a rate small nations Belgium New Zealand tem and by the magnitude of the conflict of growth necessary to provide the additional voted for the Canada Portugal in World War II, plus Korea, the number jobs needed until certain fundamental reforms expulsion of a France South Africa are made in the government's fiscal, labor and m «m ber — Greece Spain of veterans of miliary service, from all tax policies. And I believe the sooner the gov- wars, has risen to a very large segment of t h e Republic Ireland Turkey ernment gets working on such reforms, the soon- of South Af- Lawrence Japan United Kingdom the population. Since 1958 these have num- er confidence ^ill return and create the proper rica — whose Luxembourg United States bered more than 22,000,000. Today it is es- climate for accelerated business activity. internal problems are not be- The list of those 23 countries timated that about 40 percent of the popu- ing handled to the satisfac- which abstained is also inter- I KNOW THAT it it highly popular to say tion of this new majority. To esting. For among thern are lation of the United States belongs to fam- * ilies headed by or including a veteran. that the American free enterprise system is meddle in the internal affairs many friends of the United equal to any task ; that it can compete with any of a member state is a vio- States in Latin America, Scan- The Veterans Administration operates other system in the world and win hands down; lation of the charter of the dinavia and elsewhere. Unfor- that it can , through ingenuity and know-how , U. N., but this didn't deter tunately, even if they had vot- the largest hospital and clinic system in the new majority, which who the nation. It conducts the country's third make its own breaks in the hurly-burly of world com- ed with the 16 opposed competition. pletely disregarded the speci- the resolution, the total vote largest life insurance enterprise. One out This has always been true in the-past, but fic wording of the charter. would have been only 35. So of ,every five homes started since 1945 was the challenge we face today is such that we There are lce rnernber nations it is the big group of small financed by a GI loan. FinancUl assistance cannot Test on past laurels. We cannot assume in the organization . Russia has nations, numbering more than for an unprecedented system of adult edu- will , always be. We three votes, though the United the 54 necessary for a major- that what has always been States has onl cation came through the VA. cannot leave the whole job to "Yankee ingenuity y one. Represen- ity, which makes the United tation has no relationship to Nations a helpless and per- in the confident belief that it will perform its THE ¦ - ¦ ¦ WASHINGTON¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ MERRY-GO-ROUND — ' ' *¦" —" " ¦' -*¦ —— -"" -> »* - i ¦— w " w »—»—-—» mm* m —i . ¦ ¦ ¦ i m i population , nor is it on the haps useless body as an inter- VETERANS DAY is a reminder of tha usual miracle. Above all , we cannot expect the nation's obligation not so much to all who basis of financial or economic national force. This new ma- American enterprise system to bear the weight equities. have worn a uniform but to those, in par- jority can play a decisive role of both increased competition from abroad and In favor of the resolution to in amending the charter so as ticular who labor un^ disabilities result- increased government interference at home at expel South Africa , there were to be able to wield evert more ing from their war service. It is a remind- the same time. Our policies must be revised so Hard Work May vert 67 member nations, and 16 power in the U. N. as against solely design- A er that the nation wishes to keep its de- that the government's role is one against. There were 23 mem- the United States and its al- fense forces strong against any future ed to strengthen, encourage and assist our eco- ber nations which "abstained." ¦lles. . .; ¦ . . need, But it should be a reminder also to nomic system in every way consistent with in- This means they felt they dividual liberty. would be embarrassed If they work for peaceful solution of world differ- voted either way. How many WINONA DAILY NEWS ences to avoid either a great 'addition to THINGS HAVE changed a great deal in the Split Between Americans know even where AFLXIO "' " the ranks of veterans or a war without sur- past decade and a half. Our European competi- By DREW PEARSON organizing non-union workers, drive to unionize more some of these countries are to ' . - . .. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16/ 1*« em- " vivors. . tors, for example, are xo longer producing cheap- WASHINGTON - The wide- also Meany's opposition to Jim ployes in the business field. be found on the world map? " ™ VOLUME 106, NO." 305 ' er but inferior goods. They are producing cheap- open split in the AFL-CIO was Carey of the Electrical Work- The AFL-CIO President flab- Here is the list of the 87 Published daUy BKcepl Saturday and holi- Discontinuance of Memorial Day averted at the last minute on- ers as one of Reuther's alter- which rule the U.N. today: days by Rsoublican and Harsh. Publishing er and in many cases superior goods. The abil- bergasted Reuther when they Company, Wl Franklin St.. Wlnoni, Minn. should make Veterans Day a bigger holi- ly after David Dubinsky, pres- nates in the international con- Afghanistan Nigeria "" ity to make "a better mousetrap, " so long an discussed the proposed ap- ' " ". day than ever, says the Mankato Free ident of the Ladies Garment federation of tree trade unions. pointment ol CIO 's Ralph Algeria Rwanda • SUBSCRIPTION RATES exclusive American characteristic, is ho longer Bel- Single Copy 10c. 15c SundtV ' • ¦ Press, "but there is one weakness." confined to the North American continent. Econ- Workers; Al Hayes of the Ma- Mepny was tight-lipped but stein of the Packinghouse Burma Saudi Arabia . chinists, and Jake Potofsky of friendly when he met behind Burundi Senegal 'DellvTrad' by . 'carrier Is City ef Winona— omies in Western Europe and in Japan have Workers to the executive Per week 50 cents Memorial Day in the spring has come the Amalgamated Clothing closed doon with Reuther in council . Cambodia Sierra Leone Jo weeks $12.75 52 weeks $25.59 been built since the end of World War II. They Workers feverishly conferred the first of the man-to-man Cameroun Somalia to be observed as more than an occasion are modern and efficient. '.. In many lines they "Helstein himself is all By mall strictly In advanct! BBper stop- with AFL President George conferences, At times he even right," said Meany. "As far as Ceylon Sudan ped on expiration date. . to honor veterans. It is a day when fam- are working with newer better equipment In Fillmore. Houston, Olmsted. Winona. and Meany and CIO Leader Wai- appeared a bit conciliatory. , Chad Syria . ilies pay tribute to the memory of all de- than their American competitors. Arid, of course, I can determine he's a good Trempealeau counties: ter Reuther. Reuther reminded the AFL- fellow , honest and decent/' Congo, Brazzaville Tanganyika J months 16.50 3 months 13.50 ceased relatives. And the occasion is they still enjoy the great advantage of cheaper "I don 't think Reuther will 1 year SI2.00 » month $1,33 CIO boss about a meeting in "Well, George, I'm certain- Congo, Leopold ville Togo ~~~ marked by placing flowers on the graves labor costs. really walk out ," grumbled Brussols at which Meany de- Cyprus Trinidad-Tobago All other mall susbscrlptlorTsT ly happy . to hear you say ~ ~~ ~ of everyone in all cemeteries throughout What can we do about this? Can we just Meany in the separate talk clared that Carey, an AFL-CIO Dahomey Tunisia fyear $15.00 3 month. " «.JS that," declared Reuther. "In $1.60 the land. This has the effect of annually fluff the whole thing off by whistling in the dark With these three leaders. -vice president , was "unaccep- our previous discussions about Ethiopia Uganda a months $8.00 1 month and reassuring ourselves that American produc- "That's a lot of newspaper table" to him as "Reuth- Ghana United Arab Republic Send change of address notices, undelivered preparing a living memorial in honor of talk Hnwflvpr. I Ain't minrl Ralph Helstein I understood copies, subscription orders and other mall the dead and makes the occasion a really ers can compete with anyone any place in the er's rCFTU alternate. you to say that you were Guinea Upper Volta Items to Winona Pally News, Box M, Wi- world? Or do we take a realistic, up-to-date view meeting with "I said then , as you may re? against him because you felt Haiti Yemen nona, Minn. meaningful one." h i m if it call , that Jim Carey was my India China Second class postage paid at Winona. of the problem and recognize that, among other : means this he was too left-wing." things, the American enterprise system needs re- alternate to the ICFTU , not "Maybe 1 did him an injus- Indonesia Israel We agree that somehow Memorial Day much to yours," remarked the United Iran Mexico has come to be an occasion associated with lief from the "profit squeeze" arid a wholesale you." tice, but some of the people in replacement aging and obsolete plants and Auto Workers chief. "There- his union are certainly left- Iraq , Pakistan new life that Is symbolic of spring. It of fore, it really shouldn't matter ' Philippines equipment. "Re u th- wing, and I don't want anyone Ivory Coast would be unfortunate if it were to be aban- ed and his if he Is unacceptable to you as on the executive council who Jamaica U.S.S-R. doned altogether In favor of one big Vet- I SUGGEST that we will never solve 1he people aren't long as he is acceptable to may be dominated by such in- Jordan Byelorussia M usic For erans Day in November. problem of adequate jobs in this country until idle threats," me." ; fluences," said Meany. Laos ' Ukraine ' .¦' . ' the government begins displaying a semblance counsel- .. Meany "dldn t press the Lebanon Albania ed Hayes. of fiscal responsibility and begins to adopt spe- point , but he did dispute "I DON'T EITHER," agreed Liberia Bulgaria A Saturday cific policies aimed at expanding investment cap- "They m e a n Reuther's contention that the Reuther, "I might add that Libya Cuba ital. business. AFL-CIO had become lax in Ralph Helstein isn 't dominated Madagascar Czechoslovakia Civil Ri hts? Strikes i Pearson organizing non-u n i o n em- by anybody. He has done a Malaya Hungary g Feci! n g is ¦ ¦ Evening running high, YOU and ueutner ployes. ' • ' ' good Job In cleaning out most Mali Mongolia should forget your personal dif- "At the time of the merger of the left-wingers from the Mauritania Poland Vs. Meredith Case I real- IN YEARS GONE BY ferences and get together be- in December 1955, the CIO. Packinghouse Workers. Morocco Romania Good MUSIC and in* fore it's too late." with one-third the membership ize, of course, that there are Nepal Yugoslavia teresting, informative AFL- Niger RECENTLY IN California, the ma- Ten Years Ago . . . 1952 In one closed-door session of of AFL unions, had twice as some Republicans in the facts many union organizers in the CIO, including Maurice Hutch- - The last 12 listed above com- about the news- chinists at the Aerojet-General Corp. mis- Seventeen Winona County residents were nam- the AFL-CIO executive coun- paper pub lishing cil , Meany had called Reuth- field ," said Reuther . "In fact , eson (president of the Carpen- prise t he Communist-bloc wdtts- sile plant called a strike which Secretary ed to the Winona County Committee of the Chil- we had more organizers then ters Union) , who probably countries. try is broadcast each dren 's Home Society of Minnesota by. J. Russell er a liar and they almost came of Labor, Willard Wlrtz, termed an "in- to blows. However , when than the entire ALF-CIO has don't ljke Helstein. These are Saturday evening from tolerable threat to the nation's (defense." Smith , county chairman, today. There is a strong feel- the same people who voted NATIONALIST China vo ted Dubiraky and Potofsky spoke majority political 6:30 to 6:55 p.rn. on Commenting on this work stoppage the Dredging of the 5180,000 6,000-foot long Crook- , he immediately ing among my people that the against Kennedy. V with the for to Reuther reasons, but it is hard to ex- KWNO. We invite yov. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., News said, "As ed Slough dike will be completed soon. agreed to meet with his old organization may be united , "Well , I can 't tell them how plain the vote by Mexico and ' listening part of this strike the machinists threw up critic, but it's.dead on its feet, " to vote in a presidential elec- to be our tion, snorted Meany. by the Philippines or Pakis- a picket line around the plant and en- Twenty-Five Years Ago . . . 1937 "Ho w ever , " he added , " guests f or 25 ple asant "Meany must meet us half- "THAT'S ABSURD," chal- Keep an eye on Mike Di deavored to keep some 12,000 workers A three-in-one ear of corn was picked by .lohn lenged Moany, "American la- minutes each vieek. way. The CIO can no longer Salle , retiring governor of Wo-n you join its? who are not members of their organiza- Ernst , Fountain City farmer , in a field of yellow bor Is healthier than it's ever Ohio , as the man whom Ken- 't eight miles north of Winona. tolerate his dictatorial tactics to tion from entering the plant and continu- dent on his farm and bis shocking disregard of been since the merger. Where nedy may pic^k head the The Winona County Bankers Association will are we dragging our feet?" vitally importafTt Foreign Aid ing with their work." ' who agreements that were made > Great Gas WINONA entertain all boys and girls in the county when tho morgcr constitution "Mainly in the white-collar Administration. \ Some of the non-union employes who have completed a 4-H club project during the was approved. Meany violates field, including the retail work- Di Salle has (wo qualities didn't like the idea of being denied their year at a banquet , the loiter and tho spirit pf the ers," replied Reuther, which Aid needs most—admin- Meany countered that he istrative know-how and the right to work attempted to pass the pick- conslitution when he tries to _p for LESS! tell us that we can 't name a couldn 't dictate - individual ability to get along with Con- [ j Dail News et lines with resulting injuries to both Fifty Years Ago . . . 1912 unions , but that Con g; r e ss y Henry M. Lamberton , a Winona boy, won the CIO man (Ralph Helstein^ to gress. r J sides. In summarizing, the News reason- could help in the organisation As head of the office of • second prize offered by the alumni association fill a CIO vacancy on the ex- ed: "Isn't the faot that 12,000 people are ecutive council. " of white-collar workers by Price Control during the Ko- , . . kept from earning their paycheck by of Princeton Collofle. The prizes were awarded broadening Ihe coverage of the roun War , Di Salle handled one rJrs. Auto Service) Sunday News taking (lie high- a massed picket line . . . just as serious to two freshmen from this slate REUTHER ADDED that lie minimum wage law. He added, of the roost unpopular agen- f 118 Franklin J est averages in their examinations. however , that the AFL-CIO an infringement upon constitutional rights had othor grievances, including cies in the nation , and did it Joseph Schlingermnn of Ibis city has been Ihe AFL-CIO's "negligence" in soon would launch another well, He even got a long with as the act of Mississippi in trying to keep appointed by Governor Elierhart a delegate to Congress, James Meredith out of Us university? the conservation congress at Minneapolis , As governor of Ohio , Di Salle raised taxes—never pop- Seventy-Five Years Ago . . . 1887 JhsL $hl/L ular—forced prison and men- "NOW, IF OTHER workers don't want tal hospital reform, and over- to voluntarily cross picket lines, that is A teacher's association , Including all of Wi- hauled some of the bureaus their business and their right. But if non- nona and Wabasha counties, has been organized. which had been gathering dust union workers do want to cross picket Ice formed nearly an inch thick , which will during the complacent days of undoubtedly make good Thanksgiving skating. lines and arc prevented from doing so by Gov , Frank Lausche. He made violence or threats of violence then it enemies—which led to his de- FREE! One Hundred Years Ago . . 1862 feat, However , he was one of 18 KARAT certainly, sccrns to us that local, state and gover- Q GOLD PLATED Charles Housman has commenced building a Ohio's most forthrlcht federal law enforcement agencies have a nors. This is the kind of I provide wheat warehouse near Third and Johnson Rtrcols, clear and definite responsibility to lo have a capacity of .10,000 bushels. dynamo the aid agency needs, them with the same type of protection OLD POLKS IN KENTUCKY that has been extended to James Mere- FRANKFORT. Ky. (AP) - 1 Golden Car Key dith." According to the fed eral cen- WINONA DAILY NEWS sus, 268 of Kentucky's 3,03ft, Personalized With What is the answer to questions raised An Independent Newspaper — Established 1859 I5C. residents in 10GO wero 10(1 jf_flfl^H|^n^ by the News if constitutional rights mean years of age or older, Women Your 0wn F. W HITE G. It. C I.OSWAY C, E. LUNDKN l(-_--_-______n anything? Is the right to earn your food W. outnumbered the mfen 143 to Publisher Exec. Director Business Mpr. , less important than the right to go to and Editor „ Adv. Director, 125 " school? ' ¦ W.J. COLE AOOMMI BIIEMEK II. G. H YMES SYMBOL FOR HXPORTS Managing Editor City Editor Circulation Mgr. CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - A boomerang-Southern Cross B. H. HABECK F. II. KI.AGOI L, V, ALSTON symbol has been adopted for Composing Stmt, Press Supt. ' Engraving Suvt. uxc on exports by the Austra- lian Manufacturers' Export Try and Stop Me Council , council president Alex M.Gi.F.K (;itiswoi.n GORDON Iloi/r - I By B1NNBTT CBRr ¦ Chief Accountant Sunday Editor Walker announced. SIGNALS SBT FOR 30? Leo Goviii , scientifically examining the MEMBER «r TIIK ASSOCIATED J'HKSS TWSON, Ariz. Mtv-You can metaphysics of bureaucracy, thinks the bltime motorists if they don't phenomenon is best explained by Finagle's know what the speed limit Is Law: "Once a job Is fouled up, anything The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively on an east Tucson thorough- to the use for republication of all tho local fare. This »»»nd»»me 71k «»M pl_f#_ done to improve it only makes it worse." Pointed on Ihe pavement Is * «r key end key ring U yews ¦ news printed In this newspaper as well AS all ABSOLUTELY FREE when yeu A.P, news dispatches, n large "25. " At the curb , en|ey any NEW Flr.t National Remove not the ancient landmark which your "What would you recommend f or a station wagon full (Iwe'is a sign warn ing that the Bank Service. ' fathers have set, Preverbi Mt-I. • Friday, November 1(1, 19(12 of antiques I shouldn't have bought?" limit Is 35 miles an hour. IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIHII , FRIDAY The Daily Record NOVEMBER 16, 1962 Cafe to Open Badger Assembly At Community Winona Deaths Two-State Deaths Memorial ~"~ Hospital RicfiaTd tillaTnfant" v Vernon TrwmpsorT" r At Trempealeau ipjeifeetloesn' Visiting hours: Medical and surgical Graveside services were con- MABEL, Minn, (Special)-Fu- L TREMPEALEAU, Wis. (Spe- patients: . to < and 7 to «:30 p.m. (no ducted at St. Mary's Cemetery neral. services were held Tuesday children -under 12). cial)—Hunter's Coffee Shop will Maternity patients: 2 to J:30 and 7 to this afternoon for the stillborn at Beebe Funeral Home, New S:30 p.m. (adults only). daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Richmond, Wis., for V e r n o n hold its grand opening Sunday aft- Want Re-election ernoon and evening. P. Lilla , Winona Rt. 3. The infant Thompson , 53, Mabel native, who MADISON, Wis; LC — Assembly THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hunter Admissions was stillborn at Community Mem- died suddenly of a heart attack at Speaker David Blanchard , R-Ed- orial Hospital Thursday evening. Cedar Rapids, Iowa , Nov. 8. Bur- purchased the cafe recently. It gerton , said Thursday 'I am very Randy D. Erdmann, Minneiska, formerly was known as Kess- Minn. Survivors are her parents and ial was at Prairie, Wis. reluctant to be a candidate" for grandparents ler's Cafe. I Miss Vicki M. Leicht 627 W. , Mr. and Mrs. Vern He was employed by the New- the post in the legislative session , man Mark St. Thomas, Homer Ridge, and Mr. Brothers at Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Hunter, who will be in! beginning in January, Richard ' and Mrs. Frank L. Lilla , Winona. He was born here July 15, 1999, charge of the cafe, has had ex- j Blanchard , elected to his fifth J. Boiler, 4650 8th St., son Assembly term Goodview. The Rev. Donald J. Connelly, as- of Joseph and Martha (Red- perience in the restaurant field, j last week, declin- sistant at wing ) Thompson. Her husband is a lockman at ed to speculate on Richard J. Baylon 4645 7th. St., Cathedral of the Sac- He lived in the the ; possible suc- , Mabel area most of his life prior Trempealeau Dam. cessors. The Goodview. red Heart, officiated.' GOP will control tha • to moving to Wisconsin . He mar- The Hunters have made im- house 53 to 47. Jeffrey 0. Schafer, 116 E. San- ried Ella Haugslad of Caledonia. provements at the cafe. Leading candidate' born St. Winona Funerals s appear to be Survivirs are: Three daughters ¦ Assemblyman Robert Haase of Mrs. Alfred C; Jerezek , , 866 E. Mrs, Ernmett (Dorene) Schmidt Maiinette, the GOP floorleader 2nd St. Mrs. Alma Anderson , . in Funeral services for Mrs. Alma Stew Richmond, Wis.; Nancy, Ce- Right to Prescribe the 1961 session ,: and Everett Bid- Mrs. Frank F. ' Grupa, Trem- Anderson, 511 W. Mill St., will be dar Rapids, and Sonja , in the state [ well of Portage and Willis Hutnik pealeau, Wis. Drugs, Do Surgery of Tony, Saturday at t p.m. at Calvary of Virginia; a son , Neil, with the WEATHER FORECAST . . . Snow will fall ward through the Appalachians, , Temperatures who served as speaker Mrs. Kay Herbert, 72# E. 3rd V. S. Army in Germany; eight pro tem last year, St. Bible Church. The Rev. N. E. tonight over the Lakes region and along the will be much lower from the Plains eastward | Sought for Osteopaths Hamilton will officiate and burial grandchildren; two brothers, Roy, Blanchard cited health reasons Births northern and central Rockies. Rain will cover through the Ohio valley while no great will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Winona, and "William, Portland,, changes ST. PAUL (AP) — A Minnesota for his decision. Mr. and Mrs. Roland A, Pasche, the area from the middle Mississippi valley east- are indicated elsewhere. (AP Phot of ax Map) committee of medical doctors and Friends may call at Fawcett Ore., and five sisters, Mrs. CTiris A contest appears to be shaping Minnesota City, a son. Amdahl, Minneapolis; Mrs. Hel- osteopaths has agreed on a plan up between Sen. Jerris Leonard of Mr. and Mrs , Chapel from 7 to 9 p.m. today . Joseph R< Bronk _ mer Harstad, Harmony; Mrs. Cla- which would let osteopaths pres- Bayside and Sen. Robert Knowles Red Top Trailer Court, a son. and at- the church after p.m. Saturday. rice Robinson, Mrs. L. R. Hender- WEATHER Watertown Man cribe drugs and : do surgery, as I of New Richmond for the post of Mr, and Mrs. John P. Fritz, 1219 son , Milwaukee, Wis., and Miss Highway doctors • of medicine now do. Senate Republican floorleader. W. Howard St., a son. Hans M, Hanson Bernice Thompson, Rochester. OTHER TEMPERATURES Termed Dr. M. Sidney Hedeen , St. Paul, Discharges Funeral services for Hans M. His wife, two sisters, one broth By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dead in Crash an osteopath member of the com- in Minnesota from using major Mrs. Gordon Schacht and baby, Hanson, Manchester er and his parents have died. High Low Pr. mittee named in 1961 by Gov. surgery or drugs, with some ex- Rest Home, Albany, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 608" W. 5th St. will be Saturday at 1 p.m, at Cen- clear .:...;.. 4t 19 .. Too Thin Before Elmer L. Andersen, said the plan ceptions. They have long fought in Mrs. Roger VV. Poole and baby, tral Lutheran Church. Dr. L. E. Charles A. Tlougan Albuquerque, cloudy .. 52 35 .16 The death of an elderly man in will be reported to the governor the legislature for full medicaJ Atlanaa, cloudy ..... 64 42 .. Lewiston, Minn. Brynestad will officiate at services ELBA, Minn .—Charles A. Tlou- a Jefferson County crash has rais- Dec. 1. rights similar to those granted os- Arthur '¦' „-. Scherbarth, «76 W, gan, 31, Rochester Rt 4, Bismarck, snow ...... 31 25 .02 Osteopath s are now prevented / teopaths in more than 30 at the church and the. Rev. W. C. . died Election OK Now ed the Wisconsin highway toll for states . Wabasha St. Friesth, Central Lutheran assist- Thursday morning at St. Mary's Boise, cloudy 48 30 .! Miss Monica Kiedrowski, 709.E, ant , will conduct graveside rites Hospital. He had been hospitaliz- Boston, clear ... * 41 36 .01 ST. PAUL W?>-A Bureau of Pub- 1962 to 819. The total a year ago 3rd St. at Whalan Cemetery. . ed several days. Chicago, rain ...... 55 46 .19 lic Roads engineer said Thurs' today was 782. Cleveland , rain ...... 59 47 .01 Peggy Brandhorst, Fountain City; Friends may call at Fawcett He was born June 8, 1931, in day that samples of concrete pav- William C. Suhr , 73, of Water- ¦¦• ' ' ¦ Denver, cloudy . V..... 41 28 .46 Wis. . Chapel from 7 : to 9 p. m. today and Olmsted County, son of Mr. and ing from Interstate Highway 35 town was killed Thursday when Des Moines, rain ..... 52 40 .37 Mrs. Cylde L. Kramer, Altura, at the church after noon Saturday. Mrs. Alfred Tlougan. He married near Hinckley "meet specification his car struck a tree after leav- Minn. Genevieve Patchin at Rochester in Detroit , rain .:...... 55 40 .03 tolerance on thickness.'' ing Jefferson County Highway Q Fairbanks, Baby Douglas A. Rolbiecki, 761 Mrs. - Catherine Schroetke 1952. He was a farmer and a vet clear ..... 25 12 .. W. W. Fryhofer, -iistrict. engi- west of Walertown. His auto was Congratulations W. Mark St. Funeral services for Mrs. Cath- eran of the Korean War. Fort Worth , cloudy .. 78 50 ..;. neer for the bureau in St. Paul , not equipped with safety belts. H ' Charmaine L. Krygowski, 165 erine Schroetke were held this Survivors include his wife, and Helena, cloudy ...... 40 26 .. added that tests of strength could : ' ' ¦¦ ' Huff St. morning at;Cathedral of Sacred three sons, Thomas, Donald and Honolulu , cloudy ..... B3 72 ., not be made for another 30 days J Mrs. Arthur Kehoe, Dresbach . Heart, the Rev. Joseph LaPlante Michael; Kansas City, rain .... 64 45 .66 or so, because concrete paving Hibbing Man Killed Hunter's Coffee Shop } Funeral services will be held at Los Angeles, clear ... 67 49 . . Minn. . . officiating. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. R. . must cure for 60 days before be- 9, a.m. Saturday at St. Francis Miami, cloudy ...... 75 70 .. While Deer Hunting Bernard Renk, 661 E. Sanborn E. Jennings, Austin, and the Rev. ¦ ing test-eo" for strength. Another "Bright Spot" Yn M Catholic Church Rochester, ¦¦ st.'. Peter Coleman, Hayfield, were , the Milwaukee, cloudy ... 46 44• .. GRAND RAPIDS. Minn. (AP) . Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond ¦ Claims of irregularities in lay- — Trempealeaul Mrs. Richard Ramer and baby, present in the sanctuary. Burial Jansen Memphis, cloudy ....: 69 61 One man was fatally shot and a d officiating. Burial will , be in St. Mpls.-St. Paul, cloudy 41 34 ;03 ing the .paving were made during 216 W. 4th St. was in St. Mary's Cemetery. ¦ ' ¦ the general election campaign by second wounded in separate Itasca Pallbearers Aloysious Cemetery, Elba. The Ro- New Orleans, cloudy .74 49' .- . . , nephews, were Leo ¦ Lt. Gov. Karl Rolvaag, the DFL County hunting accidents Thurs- tVe were pleased to be selected to | |= Mpnahanf Cliff , Arthur and Har- sary will be recited at 8 p:rn. to- New York, clear . '.;.,. . .50 34 .. OTHER BIRTHS day. candidate for governor, and de- day. . . ry Einhorn , Joseph Weiser and Omaha, rain ...... 50 35: .29 install the new wiring, and fixtures ^= v, nied by Gov. Elmer L. Andersen. Michael Scanlon, 46, Hibbing, KELLOGG, Minn. (Special ) - Ruben Koenig. Phoenix, clear ...... 71 47 in Trempealeau 's new cafe. ^^—i Herbert Elmer Albrecht Portland , Me , cloudy 40 35 .- , Rolvaag contended that Ander was felled by a bullet while hunt- Mr. arid Mrs, Raymond Thompson LA CRESCENT.. Minn.-Hcrbert sen had allowed improper con ing with his two brothers, John , a son Saturday at St. Elizabeth's Mrs. Mary Hoffarth Rapid City, snow ...... 34 26 T ¦ ¦ ' Elmer Albrecht.. an infant born St. Louis, rain ...... 70 57 .21 struction so the stretch of highwaj also of Hibbing, and Joseph , Clo- ¦ ; : ' : Hospital , Wabasha. . . Funeral services for Mrs. Mary - ' ' ' ' ¦ Tuesday to Mr, and Mrs. Herbert cloudy 49 31 .06 could be dedicated before the Nov quet , in a wooded section eight v' _ , ;" . Mr. and Mrs! Duane Marien a Hoffarth, 157 E. 5th St „ will be Albrecht Salt Lake City, ..\_ i; . - i. -: .^ -: - - , La Crescent, died Thurs- Cloudy 62 53 . 6 election. miles north of Nashwauk. ^T FOR FAST, EXPERT ELECTRICAL son Wednesday at St. Elizabeth's. held at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at day evening at University Hospi- San Francisco, ARCADIA Wis. (Special ) Burke Funeral Home and at 9 Seattle, cloudy '-.. 50 41 .21 , —At St. tals, Minneapolis. [¦-—-¦-- s m-—s^^v—^—v—-*av-—¦sr——¦——¦—-—¦——am-—.m——am-~^m- f SERVICE, CALL 98 Joseph's Hospital, Arcadia : a.m. at Cathedral of the Sacred He. is survived by his parents. Washington, cloudy ... 57 38 .. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lisow- Heart, the Rev. Joseph LaPlante two brothers. Tom, at home, and (T-Trace ^ ski a daughter Nov. 7. officiating. Burial will be in St, DAILY RIVER BULLETIN BEST WISHES TO < ' John, Lamoille, and four sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Benusa a Mary s Cemetery. Sharon , Charlotte, Shirley and FlooflStage daughter Nov. 8. Friends may call at the funeral Cheryll, at heme. Stag* Today Chg. 1 WALTER HANSON home today. The. Rosary will be Red Wing ...... 14 2.7 - . . •• Sp:5 and Mrs. Arthur Elkins a The Rev, Reuben Kettenacher of ' , HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP ; ; son Tuesday. recited at 8 by Father LaPlante. Lake City ...... 6.3 .;.. .. 1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Nodine Lutheran Church will con- ¦ " \ St. Elizabeth's society also will duct graveside rites in Nodine Wabasha 12 7.2 + .1 I ON THEIR GRAND OPENING . ' say a Rosary at 8 p.m. Alnf&Dam, T.W. . .. 4.1 .... \ jgj V Trempealeau, Wis. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY Lutheran Cemetery Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Whitman Dam .: . .. 2.3 .. .. ) ¦¦ ¦ " PLUMING AND { Laurie Ann Bronk, Rollingstone, 2-State Funerals The child -was born at Commun- Winona Dam, T.W. .. 3.5 + .1 CTIII I ^C Winona ...... 13 5.5 ...' ' .. .. W I 3 DRILLING Minn., 2. ity Memorial Hospital. ' | ULL | Mrs. Meta Schlawin Trempealeau Pool . :. 10.1 + .1 FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis; (Special) Mrs. Alice Fick Trempealeau Dam . '..' 4.2 | Trempealeav, Wisconsin IMPOUNDED DOCS —Funeral services for Mrs. Meta ST. CHARLES, Minn. — Mrs. Dakota ...... 7.6 ...... None. Schlawin will be at 2 p.m. Mon- Alice Fick, 79, Minneapolis, for- Dresbach Pool ... .. 9.5 Available for good homes: day at St. Michael's Evangelical mer St. Charles resident, died Dresbach Dam ... 1.9 — .1 None. ' . ' Lutheran Church, the Rev, Harold Thursday at Lake City Municipal La Crosse 12 4.8 A. Essmann officiating. Burial Hospital. She had been in Lake Tributary Streams ¦ will be in Fountain City Public City visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chiippewa at Durand - ,' . 3.1 — .2 Municipal Court Cemetery. Scott Clark. Zumbro at Theilman . 29.2 -f .1 Friends may call at Colby Fu- The former Alice De Mann , she Trempe'leau at Dodge —0.1 .. .. Forfeits : neral Home Sunday afternoon ana was born July 25, 1883, at Fari- Black at Galesville .... 1.8 + .1 Dayton C. Lien, 524 Garfield S bault, Minn. She was married to t., evening and Monday until 11 a.m., Root ¦ at Houston 6.5 — .1 $10 on a charge of failure to sig- then at the church. Louis Fick at Faribault in April ' • ¦;. ' . RIVER FORECAST nal a turn. He was arrested by Additional survivors are: One 1903. He died in 1943. She lived (From Hastings to Guttenberg) police at 5th and Huff Streets at stepson, Walter, Cochrane; one in St. Charles f or 34 years and There will be little change in 7:10 p.m. Thursday. stepdaughter, Mrs. William (Edna) moved to Lake City in 1944. She river stages in this district in the Gene H. Rygmyr, 79 W . Broad- Thaldorf , Fountain City, and t-ro had lived in Minneapolis the last next 24 hours. way, $5 on a charge of failure to stepsisters, Mrs. Arthur (Leona) four years. EXTENDED FORECAST pay a parking meter violation. He Wolfe, Fountain City, and Mrs. Survivors are: One son , August MINNESOTA — Temperatures daughters was arrested at police headquar- John (Luella) Koschitz, Oakland, W., St. Charles; four, , will average 2 to 6 degrees below , Minneapo- ters at 1 a.m. Thursday. . Calif. Mrs. Marie A. Googins normal. Normal highs 28-35 north Hogan (Martha) : Clark, Mrs. Harvey G. , 1075 W. lis; Mrs, Scott 35-40 south. Normal lows 14-18 Mark St., $10 on a charge of fail- Mrs. Frank J. Mullen Lake City; Miss Geraldine Fick, 1 north 18-24 south. Near normal ure to stop for a stop sign. She STOCKTON , Minn. - Funeral Minneapolis, and Mrs. Donald Kellogg; sis grand- temperatures till turning colder was arrested'by police at West services for Mrs. Frank J. Mullen •Vivian) Wille, Precipitation five great-grandchildren , early In the week. 5th and Hilbert streets at 5:16 will be held at 9:45 a.m. Saturday children; tenth inch sisters, Mrs. Edwin Sev- will average from one p.m. Thursday. at Burke Funeral Home, Winona , and three one half inch , Richards Hall erson and Mrs. Albert Smersek, melted northwest to Duane Gilbert , $5 and at 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul's as on a charge of parking near a Faribault , and Mrs. Tony Ernst, melted southeast occurring Catholic Church, Minnesota City, show mostly early in the week. fire hydrant. He was arrested by the Rev. George Moudry officiat- Northfield. police at 116 W. Sanborn St. at Funeral services will be at 2; 30 WISCONSIN—Temperatures will ing. Burial will be in St. Mary's degrees below 7 ,-35 p.m. Thursday. p.m. Sunday at St. Charles Congre- average about 5 Cemetery, Winona. normal. Normal highs 32-43 and Jeryl L. Young, 25, 517 W. San- - Friends may call at the funeral gational Church, the Rev . George born St., $10 on a charge of fail- W. McNary officiating. Burial will normal lows 19-29 . Colder tonight home today. A Rosary will be re- and south and east portions Satur- ure to signal for a left turn. He cited at 8:30 p.m. he in Hillside Cemetery. was arrested at 3rd and Center Friends' may call at Ranfranz day with only minor day to day OPEHIHG changes in temperatures expected I streets' at 8 a.m. Thursday. Funeral Home, Rochester , this Bernard . J. Saner Jr., 21, La WINONA DAM LOCKAGE evening and Saturday until 6 p.m., Sunday through Wednesday. Free Coffee a charge of speed- then at Sellner-Gedde Funeral Precipitation will total near one • H Crosse, $25 on Flow—16,500 cubic feet at 8 a.m. ' ClHlla i/ MAU inc. 70 ni.p.h. in a 55-zone. He was Home, St. Charles, after 7 p.m quarter of an inch in scattered \St PI today. and Donuts '$ arrested by the Highway Patrol at Saturdaj' until noon Sunday and al snow flurries likely tonight and \ JUUUa}/ g i lU V« TO Highway 1-4-61 at 9:50 Thursday Ihe church from 1:30 p.m. until Saturday and in rain or snow Homer on . 2:10 p.m.—Kay A., 15 barges, p.m. Thursday. * services. about Sunday or Monday. ' ¦ downstream. , I m 1 ST. CHARLES p. —Eleanor Gordon : Minn. (Special) 2:30 m. , 1 , ST, CHARLES , barge, upstream . Free Balloons *| cases were heard • | | Beginning at 2 p.m. —The following 11:20 p.m.—Arthur J, Dyer, 4 : in SI. Charles municipal court: barges, upstream. and Pop for , " ' Winona , fe iw ; , , . . -I Gerald Preston Harris , Small craft—none. „ „,. feigg We ve completely remodeled our v. : *M forfeited a $25 deposit, on a charge Today the Kids ip r _i • _ ,4. j !:A of driving without a Minnesota 12:40 a.m.-Charles W. Snider , mm care and invite you to* attend our ->rj driver 's license. He was arrested 4 barges , upstream. We to police. like by city 7:35 a.m.—L. Wade Childress, 14 Grand Opening. would j'-jjl Wiiyne Dale Erdman , Minneiska , barges, downstream. Free RoseS ,or ^ Minn! , pleaded guilty to charges 11:15 a.m.—Becky Wasson , 3 • M show you our Coffee Shop, Dining \ M of driving after suspension of his barges , downstream. / driver 's license and Improper turn- ¦ the Ladies A r€a and specia| -jeen" Room for ing. He paid fines totaling $25. He The pitching staffs of the San M Francisco Giants and New York V\ Our Best Wishes to g wns arrested by Ihe Highway Pa- . school crowd. We'll have trol. Yankees turned in 10 shutouts { Wm the high }0M Marl , Dover , plead- each during the 1962 season. Robert Dean Free Cigars for mm 0 % ed guilty to a charge of careless • \ \ 0f fun . . . won't you join us « driving and paid a fine of $30. lie ]p. Hunter's Coffee Shop! was arrested by sheriff' s deputies. the Men W | Sunday? WM boiling When par-boiling or -%11 We furnished the building materials for are to he stuffed , /| a onions that f "" 's newest business cstablish- Refl i-ier for H leave the root ends untrimmed m Trc-mpealeau BREAKFASTS - LUNCHES - DINNERS If duriiiR preliminary peeling so JHT j merit! Free Transistor ______: that the onions will stay whole. W Congratulation^ ^- V* Radio and Other Daily (WWWVAfVVW WVVVVVWV irvir ^ H Served ____fl__P , f HUNTER'S \ [0*I __ GUS i ML' . _JL (' » mv^*7- ^fw .. ' |W' . ,v 'he i [ COFFEE SHOP ] DAVE BRUNKOW " -¦* on their Grand Opening \ / ' Shoe Man j | i AND SON ' % M TREMPEALEAU, WIS. U&r * SAYS- | 1 HAYTER'S j ^*^_jR_B*^jWtiW-_elMBra |3 Mfg. Lumber, Railroad Ties, Slab Wood, ['with Christmas just a few J 's the White Oak Stavei and Heading * short weeks nwny , now < { m STORE I P { lime to select Hint luggage j j I lor vour wife or cirl friend. ( ¦ Trempealeau m | | Conic in and see our brant i- ] | | ful selection of hand-tooled , A • Meaf • Groceries m 1 purses and loiitlier luggage, i } We'll hold your selection for \ J you! j HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP ; GUS ihe Shaft Man ; (formerly Kessler's Cafe) TREMPEALEAU, WISCONSIN Phona 4502 i * 215 E. 3rd I __.._U-_MMMU1 WHMIWW-IWMWr ^^ Blair Church Holds Mabel and Caledonia- Services at Area Churches Loyalty Program North Beaver Youth Entertained ALTURA day, chapel choir, St. Mjtrhetv'sv Winona, BLAIR, Wis. (Special! — Tho By Hokah Fellowship " "JMvevafr-Evai)B*lleal Lutheran worship, 7i30 p.m. Rev. V A. I and 10:15 am.,- Sunday ichool, Bible NORTON . Hintermeyer, Zion Elects HOKAH, Minn. (Special)--Mem- do tit tlj r dljurrlr o? four p0Trr | class, 9 a.m. Tuesday, Lutheran Pioneer Trinity Evangelical Lutheran worship, Lutheran Church, Galesville, was Church bers of the Hokah Methodist Youth T fireside outing. 7:30 p.m, Wednesday, re- Swdiy »ch»ol, 10 a.m.: /Aonday and Wed- the guest speaker Zion Luth ETTBICK, Wis. (Special)—Neil ligion clasi, 4 n.m- Thursday, Thanks- nuday. confirmation class, silo, 9 a.m.; ^at - Fellowship were hosts to inter- CENTRAL METHODIST eran Church here Thursday at the Johnson has been re-elected a JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL giving Day worship, 10 a.m. Saturday, In- Monday, choir, 8 p.m. "Tuesday, Lutheran , mediates from Mabel and Cale- (453 Slow St.) (East Brcudwiy and Lafayette) Dr. E. Clayton Burgess struction clltsei. 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Womw'a Missionary meeting, 8 p.m. Wed- congregational loyalty dinner. His trustee of First Lutheran Church donia Sunday. Henry Hotting, Tha Rev. Geerge Goodreid cwest Broadwsy and Malm Hebron Worevlan worship, »:30 a.rru nesday, confirmation diss. 7 p.m. Thurs- theme was "Partnership North Beaver Creek, to serve with Sunday ichool, I0:3g a.m.; youth fellowship day, Thanksgiving Day service, 10 a.m. in the ^ The theme, "Leased for Life," Presiding Minister a.m.; conflr- " Leland Claire, chairman, and Law- 8 a.m.—Holy Communion. Acolyte meet- 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school (or all agte, at Btthtny. 7:45 p.m. Thursday, Joint Saturday, Saturday school, 9 Gospel. was based on stewardship of na- three years tdultj. Thtnkiglvlnp Day service B( Bethany, 10 mitlto t)as>, 10:30 »,m. , Ettrick. Claire I p.m.—Sermon, "VWiaf li Happenln0 U ing after service, throuth Donald Skorstad introduced the rence Jordan) tural resources!. 10:45 a.m. — Morning prayer, sermon, 10.45 a.m.—Worship, supervised nursery a.m. PICKWICK member of the person- Morals?" BBTHANY speaker and Ronald Johnson, will be a J:.1S p.m. — Watchtower study class. church school. . provided (or all children under five. Mlsi 10 Miss Gladys Lapham county su- Agnes Berd, ; . St. Luke's Lulheran Sunday school, age committee. ^ Topic. "Beck to John." . 1:1,7. Monday, 4 p.m.—Brownit Scouts, Inter, organist youth choir wfll Bethany Moravian Sunday school, worship. a.m.1 worship, 11 a.m. mission chairman, explained the . perintendent of schools, was slno under the direct ion of Robert Andrusi Thanksgiving fellowship polluck dinner; chosen last Fri- guest Tuesday, J p.m.-Group Bible study. mediate icouts. R1DGEWAY proposed 1963 budget. A group Other officers 7:30 p.m.—Acolytes. senior choir will slno under the direction veuttl fellowship. 7:45 p.m. Thursday, lolnt , Archie speaker. Discussion groups, a Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Ministers trelnln-g of students from Blair High day include .Sdrrier. Nelson ichool. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.—Holy Communion, of Milton Davenport. Sermon, "Thankful 1o Thanksgiving Day lervtce with Hebron Methodist worship, 9 a.m.; church ichool, Nicholai Rogness, recreation period, fellowship ting- study group after service. Whom? For What?" Moravian, to e,m. 10 $m. School sang under the direction Tranberg and 5:30 p.m.—Junior ' .nigh and senior nlgn Grace Lutheran worsMp, Sunday school Allen Grwde, ing and a worship service led by Thursday, 10 a.m.—Thanksgiving Day ¦ ¦ CIDAR VALLEY Galesville, deacons; CHURCH OF CHRIST service. Holy Communion. MYF. ' ' after service, 9.30 a.m. ef Sherley Elsch. F, the Caledonia youths, completed (1660 Kreemer Drive) Lutheran Sunday ichool, 10.-15 a.m.,- wor- A.elrose, secretary, and Ed. Saturday, 10 a.m.—Junior choir. Atondey, 7 e.m.-Mtn's prayer fellowsh i p. ¦ SILO A Zion church circle prepared the program. Supper was " ' 4 p.m.—Brownies. ship, sirmon by tha Ray. Jack Aamot, Erickson, Beach, treasurer. Stan- served Robtrt Quails ' ¦ ¦ • 7 p.m.—Boy Scouts. Brazil, II a.m.,- congregational steward- Immanuel Lutheran Worship, communion, the food and it was served by be head usher and by a committee of MYF mothers. ship dinner. Rev. Aamot guest speaker, 10:11"¦e.m.i Aid AiioClaHwi, I p.m.. Tues- ley Herreid will 10 a.m.—Bible , school classes fer all Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. —Girl Scouts. women of Faith Lutheran Church, secre- A total of $53 was collected for FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 7J30 p.m.—Missions commission. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thanksgiving serv- day, beerd ef eduettlon, » p.m. Thursday. Helmer Tranberg, financial ages. Adult elm will study Romans, (West Broadway and Johnson. ices, 7:30 p.m. Thanksgiving; ttrvlctii iO:ll a.m. ¦ ¦ " " TJNICEF by a group from tht chapter 9, Wednesdey, 7:30 p m.—Thanksgiving Eve SPEAKER AT BLAIR tary. ; service. ELEVA church. This II a.m.—Worship. Sermon, "Ths Christ- The Rev. Harold Rekstad JTOCKTtJN BLAIR, Wis. (Special )-L. A. Clarence Back and Lorraine Methodist is the larg- Ian end His Society." Lutheran worship, 8:30 and 10:50 a.m. Methodist worship, 9:15 a.m.l Sunday est amount ever given in 9:30 a.m.—Ssnlor high church ichool Odman, intern at Our Saviour's Lund, both of Beach, will be audi- Hokah. 4 p.m.—Worship. Sermon, "Tht Power Sunday school, 9:40 a.m.1 congregation ichool, 10:15 a.m. , Beach, This money is -matched three of a Trusting Faith." class. McKINLEY METHODIST family night, J p.m. Tuesday, Cub Scouts, Grace Lulheran worship, communion, 9 Lutheran Church, Whitehall, was tors, and Harion, Woyicki to Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Blblt classes for all 10:30 ! a.m. — Worship. Church ichool The Rev Gebhard 3-JS p.m.; Sunday school teachers, 8 p.m. a.m.; parish Communion, 8 p.m. Monday, Sunday school superintendent. one by the countries receiving it classes tor ch ildren In all grades through . Edward W . Thursday, guest speaker Sunday at Zion ages. A study In tht book of Acts. (Weit Broadway end High) Wednesday, parsonage Bible hour, 9:30 confirmation class, »:30 P,m. Officers of the LCW are: The and will be used to provide food . ¦ junior high. Nursery for Infants, Prev a.m.; senior choir, 8 p.m:; Christian fel- Thanksgiving services, 9 a.m. Friday, Sun- Lutheran Church and North Beav- ludes to worship by. organist, Miss June Young, Melrose, pres- and medicine for needy children. and IB;45 a.m. — Tft-nSsBJvJng wor- lowship Bible study, e p.m. . Thursday, day ichool teithtrsr<:30 p.m. - —— er^Creek Zion Church in the ab- Mrs. Ruel Sorlien, "Chorale/' Boellman. and "Morn- * Thanksgiving Day service, 10 i.m. Johnson, vice Salnt-Saens. Under the direc- ship-, Sermon, "In tht Triumph of Ufa— SOUTH RIBOt sence of the Bev, E. E. Olson. The ident; Mrs, Victor ing Belli," HART Lutheran Services tion of Mrs. C. R. Stephenson, Junior ThSnksglvlng." Junior choir will sing si Evangelical United Brethren Sunday pastor and his family were called president; Mrs. Gaylord Tollef- choir will lino, "Children ef the Heavenly the first llMct/ einlor choir at s«cr>nd Lutheran Sunday .'chool, •••30 a.m.; wor- ichool for all ages, 10 a.m.; worship, nr- son, secretary, and Mrs. Orvis Ettrick Area f tites^ Schneider, Offertory by senior servce. Nursery for Infants during bolh ship, Communion, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, mon, "The Lord's Lano." 11 a.m.: hour to Pontiac, III., because of the Father," services'. CENTRAL LUTHERAN choir, "The Lord is MY Shepherd, Cain, Thanksgiving Day worship, 10:30 a.m. cf praise and thanks, sermon, "The Lord's death of Mrs. Olson's mother, Mrs. Grinde, treasurer. " 9-10:30 a.m.—Sunday school; classes tor Invitation, midweek ) (The American Lutheran Church) under direction of Harold Edstrom. Ser- L0ONBY VALLEY " I p.m. Wednesday, Mrs. Selmer Nelson is secretary ETTRICK, Wis. (Special - A everyone, . service, sermoi*. "Tht lord's Fellowship," Norris Olson. (Comer Huff end Wabasha) mon, "Whan Others Go Wrong." Post- 9:30 of education, and Mrs. Lawrence Thanksgiving eve service will be Domine, Calkin. 2:30 p.m.—Senior high MYF at church Lutheran worihlp, e.m.; sermon by 8 p.m; Church choir, !:45 p.m, Friday, L. E. Brynestad, Paster luae, "flened ictus Es " and refreshments at Ihe Rev. Jack Aamot, Brajll; Sunday LAKE CITY GERMAN RITES " p.m. Coffea hour lr» Fellowship room- for a hike. Program second visitors training, I p.m. Jordahl, stewardship secretary. held at 8 Wednesday at W. C. Friesth, Assistant Patter the parsonage- after hike. school, 10:35 s.rri. Tuesday, Lydia . circle; TAMARACK LAKE CITY, (Special) Tuesday, 10 a.m.—Morning study and program, Minn. Mrs. Myron Noren is altar chair- French Creek Lutheran Church. prayer group . 5 p.m.—Wesley Foundation, Neoml circle at Mrs. Clifford Pefersonj , Lutheran Sunday school, 9:15 a.m.; wor- — A special Thanksgiving Day Mrs; Archie Tranberg, A Thanksgiving festival service • a.m.—Stewardship Sunday. Serrpori. Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.—Thanksgiving Eve "This Sustaining Bread." • p.m. Wednesday, Thanksgiving servicer, ship, 11 a.m. Thursday, choir, 8 p.m. man and 4:30 p.m.—Junior high MYF planning ses- 9 p.m. Saturday, confirmation classes. 9 a.m. service in German will be held Jordahl is will be held at 9 a.m. "Forgiving Prom tt» Heart." Mrs, T. service In Laird Chapel. ¦:¦ flower chairman. Mrs. Thursday Charles Green, organist, will play ¦• ¦¦' ' sion. ' . . . ' MINNEISKA TREMPEALEAU prelude. . at 8 a.m. Thursday at St, John's church organist. The LCW, com- at Living Hope Lutheran Church. "Son of God Eter.-isl," "Savior," Monk , Wednesday, 8 p.m.-—Thanksgiving serv- St. Mary's Catholic Masses, 8 and 10 rytounf Calvary Luthiran worihlp, 9:30 •nd postlude, "March In E Flat," Scriril- ice at Evangelical United Brethren Church. a.m.; dally Rosary, 7:30 a.m.; daily Mass, a.m.; Sunday school. 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Lutheran Church. English services prised of four circles, holds gen- South Beaver Creek Lutheran n«r. .. . . FIRST BAPTIST The Rtv. Paul Milbrandt will conduct the 7:30 a.m. cl-.olr, 7 p.m, will be held at 9:15 and 11 a.m. eral meetings four times annually. Church will have its Thanksgiv- service end the Rev, Edward Gebhard villi • a.m. — Sunday school, grtdai four The Rev. Walter E. Eckhardt MINNESOTA CITV WEAVIR Pastor Ralph Goede attended the ing service at 11 a.m. Hardies through U. Adult Bible study class In (West Broadway end Wilson) present a message on, "The Earth Is the Methodist worship and Sunday ichool, chapel. Lord's." St. Paul's Catholic Masses, 8 and 10 10:45 a.m. special synodical convention of DINNER AT HARMONY Creek Lutheran Church will" hold 10:15 a.m.-Sermwi and organ same as 9:45 a.m.—Church school; graded class- Seturday, 9:30 a.m.—Chancel Singers, a.m.; holy dayi and first Friday Mass, WILSON the Lutheran Church-Wisconsin HARMONY, Minn. (Special) - a Thanksgiving eve service at 8 above. Senior choir will sing "Forgiving es for children; study program for adults; 10 a.m.—Junior dolr. 5:30 p.m.; dally Mass, e:45 a.m. Trinity Lutheran worship, 10 a.m.; Sun- From the ' Heart," with Zane Van Auken nursery services for children. ¦' ' First Evangelical Lulheran Sunday day school, lr a.m. Saturday, confirma- Synod at New Ulm last week ss A congregational fellowship dinner p.m. Hardies Creek Luther League c'lrecflng, Nursery for tots In parish 10:45 t.m.—Worship. :Sermon, "Thanks school. 1:45 a.m.; worship, 9:45 a.m. Mon- tion Instruction, 9 a.rrr. a delegate of the Red Wing Con- for members of the Greenfield will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday. A pro- house. to God For rAy Redeemer.;! Words for SEVENTH DAY day, Luthiran Pioneers, 7 p.m. Tuesday, WITOKA ference, Lutheran Church will be held Sat- gram is being arranged by Diane .10:1? a.m.—Sunday school, nursery, kin- children. Prelude, "Andante," Paradles- adult membership class, 7 p.m, Thursday, Methodist Sunday school, 9:30 a.rn,; He also attended a writ- dergarten, grades one ADVENTIST CHURCH ".lienksglvlngj Day worship, 9:45 a.m. Fri- worship, to , ' Conrad and Ann Thompson. through three. offertory, "Larghetto," Spohr: postlude, (E. Sanborp and Chestnut) a.m. er s conference there. urday. i p.m.—Senior League/ Fellowship Hill. , "Poitlude," Kern, Nuriery services Pastor T. Paul Mlsenko Tuesday, 7 p.m.—Blblt study clisi in Tuesday, 7-30 p.m.—Council of churches ehapol. committee, chvrch parlor. 7:30 p.m.—Men's prayer group In chapel. —Mamie Gregory Circle, home Saturday, 1:4J pm.—Sabbath school. 7:45 p.m, 2:45 p.m.—Worship with service every Thursday, 9:30 a.m.—Thanksgiving Day Mrs, E»rt Hagberg. Assistant hostess, of Saturday. . ' . service. Theme, "Sod's Providence end Mn. Leonard .VAaitenbrook, Devotional the Christian Objective." ¦ leader, Mrs. Glen Fischer. White Cross Friday, * p.m.—Boys choir. work. • Saturday, 9 a.m.—Junior and senior _____B ______* '/ *V_r ___9_-r^VxV_^H_a_^__P___B*a^_^______i______(West Wabasha and High) ic, "The ftlbl- Comes Alive." GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH ^^^^^^^^^^^ The Rev. A. L. Mennlcke 7:S0 p.m.—Worship. Sermon, "The Sub- (Community Room • Thurltv Homes) limity ot the Cross." Quenfin Marthees, Paster Vicar Roger Moldanhauir Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.—Annual Thanks- giving service. ' ' ¦ ¦ ' 10 a.m.—Bible school for all ages, Mem- 8 a;m.—Worship. Sermon, "The Meaning : . ¦ . . . . of Faith." Miss Dorothy Felsch; organ- bership day. . ist, will play prelude, "Wenn wlr In hoech- 8:30 p.m.—Service meeting. 11 a.m.—Worship. Thursday, 8:30 p.m. — Midweek. ' prayer sten Noeten seln," Relnbrecht; voluntary, CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH service at Alvln Putzlers. \y, -ffl^> : ^^S\^g, "Expresslvo," Kebelbeyi postlude, "Post- W ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KBU ^^^;S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B/ BS ^^ K_t£K ^^uJpiv^^ vSi-- v_-_e____--il-e_ftiN w^ii_kv_^ _k^____-S_r ^f fi, ^^^^^^^^^^ &SSsStS3. luds In F. Pier. Tha Rev. N. E. Hamilton y^^^ty^S^mStmm^^K^ESKS/KS^ ^L. s ^9__wl_l_» ^_HB__H___1^ ^^NA n SBsW -ffirnM nb yi^HPi_____i___i^_^___i______i__r " ?^^^SsS^wlBB ^^^^ KS^^^^•K^^^^.^»__B______W------' s^llffl^______«___ ^______^ G______, _____E__i__B_9 9:15 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible class- (*76 W, Samle St.) j ^^^i ^ 3 . P H * _*_ ^ ^"""^^^SLflBBsl ^^^^"^*^^^^\>^^^M^BU^LaJiStK nKt ^r es. ¦ 10:30 .a.m.—Worihlp. Sermon 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. Elmer Mixt- LAKESIDE EVANGELICAL and music ion, super intendent. FREE CHURCH nme as above. Junior high will sing, 10:45 a.m .—Worship. Sermon, "Reveal- (West Sarnla and Grand) "The Lord Is My Shepherd." 5:30 p.m. ing Choices." The R«y. LaVern Swanson —Fellowship dinner. ¦ ¦ < * 6:30 p.m.—Young people s hour, lunlors _Pr_'^_J_C£^5S^BQ^B— E -H-8 i 3^___B -_ -___ ^-___t- ^______, 4 ____BP>^ ! x T^_____N, ^^^f^^T^BI__r ______¦ _^ ¦ "v ^_V't- ^_T______I TBT ^^^^*>wltt ^^^___ ^o\v^__&i4i^_&u7W K?_BT*_^i_vSS>_ Monday, 6:30 rj.m.—Lutheran Ploneiri. ' ^ ^^ 6:30 p.m.—Lutheran Girl pioneers. and seniors. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday ichool, Oscar Llnd- 8 p.m.—Circle One. 7:30 p.rn.^Worihlp. Sermon, "Signs of strom, superintendent. the Tlmas." 10:45 a m. — Worship and children's Tuesday aflernoon—Sewing guild. Wednesday, 4-3:30 p.m.—Junior youth, 3:15 p.m.—Junior chclr. church. Sermon, "The Blessings of the 3:45 p.m. handcraft. Lord." —Junior confirmation class. Thursday, 7 p.m.—Choir. 7 p.m.—Sunday ichool teachers, t p.-n.—Youth Fellowship. I p.m.—Prayer hour. 7:30 p.m.—Gosoel hour. Sermon, "The 8 o.m Choir, / ?j 8 p.m. ¦ Touch Tint Cured ." ____mR[______n______H___B_9____-_^______^F \ __|(______^___HK_M___i^, v t'r?" Is ^^7-_E_fs_9<______9_____-^v _r ^st^»_a_l_r-H^. ~? ^_j 4__ j_l —Adult slass. ' ' s Missionary ^E ^^ ' • ^* ^ Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Walther league ex- Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.—Women' ecutive corrmlftat. CALVARY FREE Society, annual meeting. Mrs, Gfprge 7:30 p.m.—Walther League. CW-st Wabaihi and Ewlng) Forster, 200 Pelzer St., hostess, Mrs, La- Thursday, lo Vern Swemon will lead devotions. a.m.—Thanksgiving Day 9:30 a.m. service. Senior choir directed gy 8. F. —Church ichool. Wednesday, 7:39 p.m. — Thanksgiving 10:15 a.m—Worsh ip. Sermon, "On Be- vylll be glveni "A Schapekihm will sing "Sing to the Lord service, Three talki the Harvest. ing Thankful." . . Wother Gives Thanki." "A Father Glvts •( " Thursday, » p.m.—Missionary meeting. Thanks, Friday, 3-7 p.m.—Communion registra- " "A "Teenager Glvei Thanks." tion. Special music by the choir. ¦ ¦ Saturday, • I.m.—Senior confirmation tl»s». CHURCH «f tht NAZARENE V Catholic Services k ! S| (Orrln It. ind niw Highway MJ ______I______^______L \ SS__n[______-iH____-r^____-____-^ *v**^ M ^^ '_^ ^__H______i__H____ «_4, \ka_IF l fe-_S j--B ST. MARTIN'S LUTHERAN The Re\ . Phil Wllllami Vl CATHEDRAL ______E______s_sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss______^**3^V|______mB___tt^____i-_____B__»HR___^^ "y^¦ ,*WM.fI- W> t _ (Missouri Synod) OF SACRBD HEART ______H______I______. ^.^iw^______B__HBtY ^_____i^___S__f______^_l^_N#M'<]S______laA-^ n _ s^__N__k. * _ ^E______H_9 ^ (Broadway and 9:45 a.m.—Sunday ichool for ill ages. Liberty) (Main end West Wabasha) 10:45 a.m.-yVershlp, Sermon, "God Oe- The Rev. Emil Gelttfeld The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Harold 'Ighls In Our Gratltudt ." 7 p.m.—Fellowship groups for all ages. The Rev. Armin U. Deye J. Dittimn Assisting, the Rev. R. Ko-rn 7:30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon, "How to The Rev. Joseph La Plants Succeed , a« » Christian." I a.rn^-AAttlni. Sermon, The Rev. Donald Connelly Thursday, 4i43 o.m.—Choir. "Geln Salva- p,m. urvlce, "The Won- ______H-______-H-______-_____ '____r^___^___H_j______^_____l __H—_RS ' tlon After Dielh-Truth or Fiction?" Text, 7.45 -M ldweok ^ ^^^ The Rev. Joseph Cashman droui Deeds nt God " Matt. HiJMJ. Sunday Mosses—5:45, 7 B, 9:30 end II 9:15 i.m.—Sunday school and teenage Bl. a.m. and 15:15 p.m. ble class. Weekday Masses—6:30, 7:15 aod I i.m.. 9:15 end 10:^5 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Holy Day Ma«ses-5:45, / and 8 a.m. and CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST and text stmt «s above. Anthem (10:45), 12:15, 5:15 and 7:30 p.m OF LAT7HR-DAY SAINTS "Thanki Hi to Sod," Senor choir. Organ. Confessions - Mondny through Friday, (MORMON) Ists, Mill Dolores Schumann and F. H. 5-6 p.m.; Seturday. 3-5:30 p.m., 7:30-9 p.m. Broker, (1455 Park Lens) 7 p.m.—Adult Information clan, church ST. STANISLAUS —Sundty school. basement. 10 e.m. (Bast 4th and Csrlmona) 11:15 a.m.—Sacrament meeting. Monday, 4 p.m. — Junior conllrrnetlon Tuesday, 7:30 p m.—Priesthood meeting. class. The Rt. Rev. Mt _ r. N. F. ¦ 6:30 p.m.—Junior choir. Grulkowskl 7:30 p.m.—Senior choir. Wednesday, 4:30 p.m -Trustees. The Rev. Robtrt Kulat EVANGELICAL UNITED ALL FOR THE CHURCH 7:30 p.m.-Men's club, clubrooms. The Rev. Jolin Wera BRETHREN CHURCH Thursday, 9; 15 a.m.—Thanksgiving wor- The Rev. Milo Ernster (West King and South Baker) ship. Sermon, "Let Us Give Thanks." Sunday Masses-5:30, 7;15, 8:30, 9:45 and The Re\, Paul Mllbr»n«Jt The spirit of Thanksgiving takes root in the heart of a child in the same The church is the greatest Text, Pialm 95:2. Anthem, "Hymn ot 11:15 a.m. factor on Thanksgiving," lunlor end senior choirs. Wetkday Masses—e:30, 7:15, I a.m, ant , earth Friday, 9:15 a.m.—Sunday school. gradual fashion most of us have experienced. for the building of character and 9 p.m.—Bible class teachers. 11:15 i.m. on school days. 10:30 a$m.—VVorshlp. Sermon, " Grateful No junior confirmation classes Friday Holy Day Masses—5:30 , 6:30, 8, 9:30 a.m. good citizenship- It is a storchouie of or Saturday, hearts. " and 5:15 p.m. Mondny, 7:30 p.m.—Stewardship visitors. excitement and anticipation which abundance awakens in our apiritu*! valuei. Without a strong Confessions—3-J p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. 7:30 p.m.—Sunday school work- First there is Thursday before first Friday) day rjifors ers. TnJnds. Church, neither. dernocrtcy nor civili- GOODVIEW TRINITY holy days of obligation and Saturday, Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Thanksgiving service LUTHERAN CHURCH with McKlnley Methodist Church, the Rev. zation can survive, There are four ST. CASIMIR'S Edward W. Gebhard, speaker. sound reasons (Wisconsin Synod) (.West Broadway near Ewlng) Saturday. I p.m.—Catechism elms. Then comes the pensive moment when we realize that all this abundance is why every person should The Rev. David M. Ponath The Rt. Rev. Mtgr. II KpWy P Someone's 0gift to us. 8:30 and 11 a.m.—Worship. Stewardship Julius W. Haun thefiT Church. Theyn are : mr(I) Forf hi* Sunday. Organist, Mlsi Annette Haggen. The Rev. Robert Stamtchror Norton AAL Branch Sermon, "The Two Great W'S In Steward- ' ke- For h; 1 e ship. Sunday Masses—J and 10 a.m. Next we know the prayer of gratitude that flows from willing lips and a °/T" '' , f ^™' f - " Weekday Masses—7;55 , , r ( J); P " " 9:^5 e.m.—Sunday school. a.m, Elects New Officers ,1 , . . . ror the «ake of his community Holy day Masses - di30 and 9 a.m. thankful heart. 7:30 p.'ri,—Trinity Two 's. Flnl Friday Mosses—4:15 and and nation. (4) For the sake,of the Monday, 5 p m. — Adult membership 7:55 a.m. ROLLINGSTONE , Minn .-Mrs. class . Arnold Hopj>e has been elected r n 7 p.m.—Luthtrfln Pioneers. ST. MARY'S Finally — and supremely — there is the sense of confidence, of trust, in a Tuesday. 8 p.m.—Ladles guild. » p.m. and 7il3 i__^ll_^^^P^_ The Rev. Rudolph (Corn, to >:30 p.m. on Saturdays, days befora ing next summer. holy days and Thursdays before first Fri- m Pastor days, ARCADIA CLOTHING PICKUP 9:15 a.m.—Jundey school an* Blblt class , ST. JOHN'S ARCADIA . Wis. (Spccial ) -Thc 10:30 a.m.—Worship. Sermon, "As Christ (East Broadway and Hamilton) American Lutheran Church parish Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ^*^sf Forciuvc You, So Also Do You." Tha Rev. James D. Hablger is now conducting a used clothing I Chronicles ' John Colosaians Luke Isaiah Matthew Monday, 7 p.m. Scouts. Sunday Mnsses-l, 9 and 11 a.m. collection. ClothcB arc to be I Timothy Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Choir, Sunday school Weekday Masses — 11 a.m. 29 :10-17 6:1-14 3:12-17 12:13-21 30:16-18 7 :7-12 ledchers. Confessions - 4 and ? p.m. on Saturdays, brought to tho church basement 6:11-16 Thursday, t:30 a.m.—Thanksgiving Day vigils ot (east days and Thursdays before stage. Clothing must bs washed. service. first Fridays. Scran bar soap Is included in this Saturday, t and 10:30 a.m.—Confirma- First Friday Maise* — t a .m. and d:lJ ' tion classes. o.m. year s dri ve. _ Copyri ght 1%2, Keislei Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, . V*. 1^^sM MMssaMMaNH_____BM__aBMi ^ This Church and Youth Message Is Published Weekly By These Business Firms and Manufacturers Williams-Wilbert Vault- Co. Madison Silo Company Boland Manufacturing Co. Winona Ready-Mixed Concrete Winona Tool Manufacturing Co. 1635 West Fifth St. ~ Winona Minn. Winona , Minnesota 3rd Breitlow Funeral Home . and Johnson Sts, - Winona. Minn. 6775 6th St. - Winona . Min n 1430 W. Broadway ~- Winona, Minn. 370 E. Sarnla - Winona, Minn. Vulcon Mf g. Co., Inc. < rom Machine & Foundry Co. H. J. Dunn Black Top Surfacing Co. Winona Delivery & Transfer Co. 3rd and Wilson. — Winona, Minn. Bunko's ADCO Service " 1570 Service Rd. — 700 E. Snrnlo 35fJS s,xtn ~ Goors bies-free area after the USDA is cording to the Farmers Home Ad- Results of the program should According to the trend of the Team Places will b_ attending the National assured that scabies no longer ex- ministration. being received from 4-H Club Congress in Chicago help keep and expand Minnesota's resolutions ists and sheep are protected from A senior citizen loan may be the county and local organiza- Nov. 25-29. markets for sheep and wool, ac- reintroduction of the disease. Then, made to purchase an existing tions throughout the state, the They ar»: Barbara Sylling, cording to Raymond B. Solac, ex- sheep will be able to move freely dwelling as well as to build and delegates will be most greatly 1st in District Caledonia , (eldership; Gordon tension veterinarian at the Uni- into any area for any purpose. improve a dwelling. When the ap- concerned about a new dairy pro- Sylling, Caledonia, poultry; versity of Minnesota. Scabies has both direct and in- plicant is deficient in repayment gram and about the adoption of The Winona Senior High School Paul Cravath ChsKield, direct results.- First, there is a ability a qualified co-signer is per- Ed-v , h»rrt- a permanent feed grains pro- FFA Chapter team of ard b-autification ; Gerald Peters, SCABIES IS a rather rare but decrease in quality and quantity mitted. Loans may be made to fi- Kreidermacher, Allen Klawiter, highly contagious . skin disease gram and the strengthening of Zimibro Falls , garden; Ken- of fleece , in weight and condition. nance the cost of both the build- program. Willard Gaedy and James Fabian caused by tiny : mites. It is also Sheep may even die unless treat- ing site and the dwelling. the 1964 wheat general neth Peters , Zumfero Falls, "It is clear from the grass- won first place honors in field crops, and Robert Hink, called mange or scab, because of ed- The making of s e n i o r citizen livestock judging at the District itching and thick crusts of scabs roots resolutions that the farm- ¦ Lake City, shop. More important, however, are in- loans is limited to persons unable 16 contest. . • . which form on the skin. direct effects in loss of markets. to obtain necessary credit at rea- ers of . the state approve the trend was held at Starting Dec. 17 all farms with As a result of increased cases of sonable rates. Loans may be made toward greater use of direct pay- The district meet , Austin Monday morning with 21 sheep will be visited by a rep- scabies in midwestern and eastern to country dwellers and residents ONE LARGE SUNFLOWER .. . Charles Drake, Lanesboro, ments in the supp ort programs " ' ', competing. The Wi- resentative from one of the coop- states in recent years, federal regr of rural towns of 2,51)0 population seems to be holding up the large sunflower in his garden The said Christianson. other "teams He will make his annual ad- nona tea m had one more point erating agencies who will look for ulatiohs were changed as of Au- or less. plant was 15 feet tall. The flower itself was 15 inches 23 Samples in any unusual signs in the sheep. in diameter dress on the Monday evening than the second place Byron team. gust, 1960. Since then, more states Applications for senior citizen and local birds, especially bluejays The visitor will be either a coun- loans can be made at the , have enjoyed the plentiful program, to be followed by the : Another Winona FFA team plac- and the federal government have Farm- ty agricultural extension staff been working with the livestock ers Home Administration . office seeds from the flower, according to Drake,(Vienna Drake photo) address by James G. Pattoii, ed ninth in the meats judging in member, a vocational agricultural for Winona County the first and president of National Farmers with 15; teams. That industries to complete the eradica- on competition Forage Show instructor or a staff member from tion of scabies. third Thursdays of each month be- Union and head !of the American team consisted of Michael Thill, the Minnesota Department of Ag- tween 10 a.m. and noon at the 4-H achievement Freedom from Hunger Founda- David Belter , Raymond Spies riculture, L i v est o c k Sanitary SHEEP FROM infected areas, SCS office, Lewiston. tion. and David Gellersen. The FFA Board or other agency. except those intended for imme- Hog Show Slated team from Austin was first. Here Tuesday The Live Stock Sanitary Board diate slaughter at a recognized Night Wednesday M. W. THATCHER , general individual general livestock will be notified of all sheep which slaughter center, can cross state manager of Farmers Union GTA, In Twenty-three camples of hay and Livestock Men will have his traditional place on judging placement Kreidermacher silage have been entered in the rub, scratch, have loose wool or lines without restrictions only to In Houston Co. At Si. Charles show other signs of scabies. These go to other infected areas. the program as the featured was third and Klawiter tied for annual Winona Forage Show Tues- Consider Change speaker on the banquet program. fourth place. Dennis Lloyd, Byron , sheep will be examined by state Infected areas have become few- CALEDONIA, Minn.-Mem- day. or federal veterinarians who will er in number in recent years. All bers, clubs and leaders in Thomas H. Steichen , general was first with 417 points, Kreider- It will be held at 8:15 p.m. Tues- For November 24 manager of Farmers Union Cen- Klawiter had determine whether the animals sheep other than those from sca- In Regulations Houston County 4-H will be macher had 413 and day at Lincoln School gym. Huff recognized tral Exchange, will speak Tues- 407. have scabies or other conditions bies-free areas or those for imme- " for their work dur- ST. CHARLES, Minn.. - Any and Sarnia street. must be dipped ALBERT LEA, Minn. — Edwin ing the past year at the an- area farmer may day afternoon at the auditorium The local team will receive a which resemble scabies, such as diate slaughter, Morken , of the Minnesota Live- exhibit two mar- John Januschka, Winona Senior scrapie, ticks, lice, eczema, Auses- within 10 days before moving end nual 4-H achievement night ket hogs, barrows or gilts, weigh- theater section. trophy for the first place win at High School agriculture teacher, must have certificates. stock Auction Markets Associa- Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the ing 190 to 230 pounds, Speakers from Washington, banquet in the ky's disease or infected wounds. ' , at a meat- the district FFA said that the protein, moisture, tion s board of directors repre- Caledonia Auditorium. type hog show Nov. 24 at the D.C, will be John A. Baker, as- spring. Kreidermacher and Klawi- fiber and Vitamin A analysis on sented the Spring Grove Livestock "Trophies, plaques, cash Winona County Fair grounds here. sistant secretary of agriculture, ter will received ribbons for their the 23 samples will be available. Exchange at a meeting at nearby awards and recognition of out- and Dr. Leon Keyserling, .noted individual honors at. the banquet. Conger last week. The show is being sponsored by Additional samples may be en- standing 4-H work will be giv- Winona economist who headed President I Action taken included a recom- , Olmsted and Wabasha Truman's Council of Economic Winon a had 1,209 points in team tered by bringing them to the Farm Calendar 25,500 Feet en by various organizations in- County extension services, vo-ag judging followed by Byron with school the night of the show or by mendation to the association's san- terested in youth," said Fran- Advisers. Saturday, Nov. 17 itary regulations committee that departments, Central . Livestock Four presidents of neighboring 1,208. Other teams in the first 10 leaving them at one of the follow- cis J. J a n u s- .c h k a , county Shipping Association and Swift & ing places Monday: ZUMBROTA, Minn.—Annual fall Of Terraces some of Minnesota's certified live- state Farmers Union organiza- in order of their placement were before At the agent. "More than 100 persons Co-. Dodge Center , Lyle, Austin, Kas- high school vfrag departm ent at meeting of the Southeastern Min- stock markets are interested in ¦will be recognized for their tions will also speak. They are , Grand Meadow, Hackbarth's feed mill, Ridgeway, nesota Beekeepers Association, becoming state-federally approved. ¦work An adult farmer hog judging Gilbert J. Rhode of Wisconsin, : son-Mantorville Ih One Week in the 4-H program. Bus- contest will be held with the Le Roy, Preston and Rushford. Walch feed mill, A1 tura, or REA Hall. 10 a.m. This would a|low them to accept iness firms have shown their three Leonard Kenficld of Montana, Nov. 19 CALEDONIA, Minn. - A total cattle from across a state line, counties in competition. A trophy Ben Radcliffe of- South Dakota, In meats judging Austin was fol- Schmidt's mill, Rollingstone. Monday, interest in 4-H by providing will be , Prizes will be awarded to the of 25,500 feet of terraces were in their trade area , without prior incentive awards. awarded to the top county. and Edwin Smith of North Da- lowed by Adams, Preston Kasson- LAKE CITY, Minn;—Annual Wa- " Prizes also will be given to the kota. Mantorville, Spring Valley, Grand five persons who come closest to basha County 4-H achievement constructed in Houston County last tests or official health certificates. Parents, members week, according to Harold Dineen, At present a conflict between and in- top five pens at the show. Hogs Meadow, Rushford, Pine Island, estimating protein percentage in banquet, VFW Hall, 7:30 p.m. terested persons in the Hous- will be judged on the percentage Winona, Houston, Byron and Lew- three samples which will be on dis- SPRING GROVE, Minn.—Second work unit conservationist. Of the the Minnesota sanitary regulations ton County area are invited to footage, 4,450 feet were on two and the federal regulations pro- of lean cuts. iston. play. series of evening school meetings, attend. Entertainment and re- " Trempealeau Co. Harry Peirce, agriculture in- All area farmers are invited to weed identification, crop diseases farms. hibits_ .this movement when a pro- freshments also will be includ- A follow-up will be held Nov. , the show. Joint sponsors are the Ray Fruechte, Winnebago Town- ducer decides to send his live- 28 at South St. Paul where the structor accompanied the eight and insect control to be discussed, ed. The Caledonia Commercial carcasses will Soil Banquet Set Winona team members. vc-ag department and the agricul- high school agriculture classroom, ship, nearly completed his soil and stock to a livestock auction mar- Club is providing the refresh- be viewed. tural committee of the Chamber CALEDONIA, Minn. — Annual water conservation plan by apply- ket that is located in Minnesota ments and the lunch following Entries can be made by con- At Noon Nov. 27 THE LAKE CITY FFA team of Commerce. Houston County Tii-State Breeders ing 3,150 feet of parallel terraces and across the state line from his the presentations. tacting county agents or vo-ag de- placed second in DISTRICT 15 in Cooperative meeting, Caledonia on his farm. With all of his crop- farm. partments in the participating WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special)— tbe meats judging competition. State Bank, 10:30 a.m. land terraced he has a more flexi- The annual convention of the counties. The annual conservation recogni- Cannon Falls was first. The team LANESBORO, Minn. — Annual ble farming enterprise, said Di- Minnesota LAMA has been set the Weed and Seed tion banquet sponsored by the consisted of Richard Klindworth, Fountain City Fillmore County Tri-State Breed- neen. first or second weekend in May Trempealeau County soil conser- Don Cliff. John Hennjng and Gary Paul Wilhelrn , Union Township, at Albert Lea. vation banquet will be at noon ers Cooperative meeting, Commun- ¦ Clinics Scheduled Moechnig. ity Building, 8 p.m. just completed the terrace system Wabasha Nov. 27 at French Creek Luther- Klindworth placed second in in- Butter Going which he started in I960 with the 4-H an Church, rural Ettrick. dividual competition with 421 of Tuesday, Nov. 20 help of a soil and water conserva- 'Alice in Dairy In Houston Co. Three farm families will be CALEDONIA , Minn.—First of a tion plan. The 5,200 feet just com- land recognized for their conservation the 500 points possible. He will re- CALEDONIA , ceive a free trip to the state meats On Expedition series of weed and seed clinics, pleted brings the total to 17,850 Bids to Be Minn. — A series Play Meet Set work this year. They are Byron Caledonia State Bank basement. feet of terraces on his farm. Asked of weed and seed clinics have been Kopp and sons Richard and Hen- judging contest in the spring. . arranged for Houston County, WABASHA , Minn. - The Wa- The Lake City general livestock FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis.—They'll NEW ULM, Minn.—The 16th an- Arthur Plit2uweit, Union Town- MADISON, Wis.-Bids for the ac- ry, Galesville; Myron Nestigen, nual Minnesota registered Brown cording to Francis J. Januschka , basha County 4-H one-act play judging team was 11th. Team be eating Fountain City-made but- ship, applied 3,000 feet of parallel 1963 regional and final contests for semi-finals Blair, and Donald Estenson, ter in India soon. Swiss sale. terraces. These are his first ter- "Alice-in-Dairyland" are being ac- county agent. and finals will be held members were Gary Augustine, during the end of November and Whitehall. The canned butter—in 14-ounce WINONA—Annual Winona vo-ag races. Ness Johnson, Money Creek cepted by the Wisconsin Depart- Purpose is to acquaint farmers Miss Mae Roach , Eau Claire, re- Ivan Sievers, Alwood and Ronald with weed problems, identification the beginning of December. Gnotke. tins—will be used by the Ameri- forage show, Lincoln School gym- Township, had 800 feet of diver- ment of Agriculture through Dec. tired college instructor , will be can Mt. Everest Expedition. A to- nasium, 8:15 p.m. sion terrace constructed to prevent 3. ' and control. All meetings will he- Semi-finals will be held at Lake the principal speaker. tal of 650 pounds was shipped re- LAKE CITY, Minn. — Fourth gullying near his detention . Eleven regional contests are gin at 8 p.m. Questionable weeds Ci|y High School, Nov . 24; Waba- . ¦ may be brought to the meetings for sha High School , Nov , cently to Seattle , U.S. headquar- beef production clinic session, ag- John Kennedy, Sheldon Town- planned for May with the finals 26, and BUFFALO ELECTRIC CO-OP New Beef Grading ricultural department, scheduled tentatively for June. identification . Farmers and deal- Plainview High School Dec. 1. AH ters for the expedition. Lake City ship, added 2,100 feet of parallel ALMA, Wis. (Special)—New as- Francis Zepp , manager of the school, 8:30 p.m. terraces to his terrace system. Organizations wishing to host the ers of chemicals are invited to contests will begin at 8 p.m. System Topic at regional or final events can attend. Eleven clubs have indicated that signments at the Buffalo Electric Fountain City Co-op Creamery, MONDOVI, Wis.-Adult farmer Lester Wicgrcfe and Valery Thil- secure Cooperative, , , additional information by writing Locations and dates: Caledonia they will enter. They are Hyde Alma , include LeRoy said that canned butter is a spe- class agriculture room of Mondo- len Caledonia Township , added State Bank basement , Janelt as line superintendent suc- Lake City Clinic cialty item at the creamery, whose vi High School, 8 p.m. 5,050 f eet of parallel terraces and "Alice-in-Dairyland Contest ," Wis- Tuesday; Park Hi-Lites, Hilltop HOtshots, consin Department of Agriculture, Spring Grove High School agricul- Up and Comers, Pepin Hill , Wa- ceeding Edwin "Slim " Gunning butter sales are increasing. Pack- CALEDONIA , Minn. — Annual 2,900 feet of parallel terraces re- ture room LAKE CITY , Minn. (SpeciaD- 4-H achievement night, Caledonia spectively. Thillen also had 3,650 Madison. , Nov. 28; Houston High basha Girls in Action , Peppy Nine, who died in an auto accident Aug. aged butter sales this year will School agriculture room , , Woodland Gopher Hill H.G.H., 25, Walter Klee was named to the Dr. W. J. Aunan , meats and mar- reach 4.5 to 5 million pounds. Auditorium , 8 p,m, feet of field diversions constructed Cities or towns which have held Dec. 4 , keting specialist at the University on steeper slopes. regional contests are eligible f or and Hokah City Hall basement, Mt. Pleasant Pheasants, Happy newly created position of line fore- , Fountain City Co-op Creamery Friday, Nov. 23 Dec. 6. Ramblers and Elgin Eagles. man. of Minnesota will discuss the new also operates Alma Dairy Prod- Wailter Burmeister , Caledonia the finals. Each of the 11 region- dual grading system for beef at HOUSTON, Minn.—Meeting for als will produce two winners ucts Co-op, which is a milk all 4-H home improvement-family Township, had 24 acres of contour the fourth beef production clinic processing plant, It is 10O percent strips relaid. The width of his old with 22 girls entering the finals. session. living project members, Presby- The winner will become a public bulk. terian Church basement, 1:30 p.m. strips did not work out with his The session will be ot the ag- tillage operations. relations employee of the Depart- SAVE ON PASSENGER-TRUCK - FARM TRACTOR riculture department of the Lake ment for a period of one year. City school at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. 4-H-Family Living Entry blanks (or contestants Many other problems and ques- Western Field men Minnesota Brown will be available shortly after Jan. tions will be discussed nt the meet- Project Meeting Set ing. Sixty area farmers have reg- Elect SAondovian Swiss Sale Slated istered for the clinic sessions. For Houston Nov. 23 ¦ MONDOVI , Wis. (Special) — CALEDONIA , Minn. - The 16th TIRE CHAINS Maurice K, Eide, Mondovi , was HOUSTON , Minn. - A meeting annual Minnesota Registered Rollingstone Rockets elected president of the Western for all 4-H home improvement- Brown Swiss Sale will be held Wisconsin Ficldmen 's Association family living project members will at New U)m Tuesday, according to ROLLINGSTONE , Minn. - New at the November meeting at. Osseo be at 1:30 p.m, Friday Nov. 23, Francis J . Januschka , Houston officers of Rollingstone Rura l Roc- last weekend, nt the Presbyterian Church base- County agent. kets 4-H Club are: Mary Kay Miles Wheeler , Whitehall , was ment here. Consigners from the area are ONLY g| Gijenthcr , president; Sharon Lelin- elected vice president and Rus- The meeting is for all 4-H'ers James and Murrel Jacobson, View- J crtz , vice president; Linda Kal- sell Dodge, Osseo, secretory-lrea- now enrolled in the project , par- crest Farm , Harmony; Arthur J. mes, secretary; Barbara Virnig, surer. ents, leaders and those wishing Johnson & Sons, Milestone Farm, treasurer; Susun Guenther . re- Sterling (iillin gliam , assistant to enroll. This meeting will be the Houston ; Rniner Klug, Caledonia; porter , and Terry Virnig, safety public relations director of Tri- same as the one held in Caledonia Robert Olson, City Forty Farm, chairman. Adult leaders are Mr. State Breeders Co-op., explained Nov . 10. Those who did not attend Lancsboro; Guy Smith , Pleasant LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES OF BIG SAYINGS! nnd Mrs. Eugene Kalmes, Mr. and the progress that has been made the Caledonia meeting should at- Nook , Houston , and Cletus Mrs. Bernard Guenther and Mr, In dairy cattle breeding and point- tend tho one in Houston , said Na- Schleich , Holler Hill Farm, Cale- 7,50x14 \ and Mrs. Lloyd Haxton. ed out that more than 50 percent omi R a d m a n , Houston County donia. 8.25x20 j 10-28 are now artificially bred . home agent. REGULAR SERVICE . DUAL FARM TRACTOR He added tlujt through artifi- list $13.85 List $51.60 I cial insemination , good manage- _____0____peig^ | List $56.35 ment and good feeding the farm- Bristol-Harmony FB YOUR COST YOUR COST YOUR COST er has mnde his dairy herd pro- fy__i duce, Re-elects President _-L The December meeting will be ) HARMONY , Minn. (Special - Major Dairy Breeds $9.70 j $36.12' j $40.13 held in Mondovi. The time and Bristol Harmony Farm Bureau ^M 5 ^H place are being arranged by Pres- V Offering a Choice of V ¦ unit has re-elected Henry Chris- ¦ ¦ (*Over Iho counter carry-out price) ident Eif lc. tianson ^-^L^L^L^-Mtoj itibmffltL Proven Sires. ¦ president. m • TAHMEH owMRv-rAiuam H Other officer*: Donne Tnmmcl , ¦ COMIllOatD ¦ ^H^L____i______f____r e BLAIR AREA FARM SOLD HIWMlNMMi l| || H NOW SOLD IN ¦ WELL THAIHID. KXPE- ¦ *9 vice president; Kenneth Bigalk ¦ • ALL SIZES PRICED LOW! ioUMi (Special)—Victor , BM_l__mmili3__- TU on NCW KIT.HCXDTKO INIClAHf ¦ BLAIR , Wis. _ ¦ IM ^__Rrll__N_H_r secretary-treasurer ; Mrs. Arthur _-.lliI-MJ Tlt-re_--s DiarOiAau*** CAK A your J^. HrtflTf 1 sssSKlsssssfflssssssfsM H0W Thompson and his sister , Emma, Klingsheim , reporter; Mrs. Percy _^^H PLASTIC Open 7:00 a.m. to 6s00 p.m.— Saturdays 'til 5-.00 p.m. l__r_____rfflrBTVrn7 |H have sold their farm one mile Bl ^^^ n Otia vnmacs ¦(¦iffrra k^^^ttttlr'itir .FEED Steffensrud , home and community nfl|DBBHHHHW_Hfl ~ CAHS south of Blair to Gateway Credit chairman; Alfred Dnhl , program , HI^H^HM r/tru-im*. i*w___!l_n__BP^^\/ ' Co., Eau Claire, They havo and Mrs. Harry Bignlk , entertain- | H BBB I | I t**v Al Ymur sWDH__bB^/^ M ML' ¦'* ' ,»"_. Pearl lfl^H^UH ^DHB |H Dvi _«f«fsf KmmS ^^uMij kL gyadt Tot/ay moved inlo a residence on ment. Street which they purchased a Everett R , Grallng, agency man- ^HJPlaWamawawaWWAS MUM , year ago. Thompson , who is sec- ager of Farm Bureau Insurance Zl^^^mmmmSSLm WHIilss) *~.| .I'."fe, „,,,.,., *• I.'." I'llrf l Your Own This Weekend At Model Meet high school Wednesday night and HARMONY, Minn. (Special) - wrong at tho beginning of preg- Susan Thurley, Patricia Hoeppneri approved purchase of 15 new band The next step will be to , Jean Streuber, Thirteen boys received their bob- nancy. St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Rushees for the Nu Phi Mu Sharon Lcttner uniforms. cat pins at a Cub Scout pack learn what causes that extra Michael Maloney and Gene Robert Bauer, band instructor, will hold its annual fall bazaar chapter were guests at a model meeting here. chromosome. ; Schultz, juniors, requested the new uniforms so all ?> Saturday chapter Members of the rural county through Monday. Final meeting of Beta Delta of 'll Pins were awarded to Scott arrangements were completed by Beta Sigma Phi Thursday eve- Rebecca Reinarts, Ellen Casper, students will be outfitted. They Ewalt, Lyle Duxbury, Gregory drive executive committee are the committees at a meeting Thurs- ning at the home of Miss Cather- Sandra Hermes and Kathy Walsh, cost $72.61 each. A total of $400 Applen, Dennis Berg, Gary Har- Mmes. Edwin Friedrich, Hart ; Tatianna Gajecky, will be used from the band land, and day evening in Pacholski Hall. ine O'Dea. sophomores. stad , Kort Harstad, Howard Hohl , Ronald Scharber, St. Charles, Charles Kulas, Mary Nett , Carol with the district paying the re- In charge of the roast beef Mrs. John Ehlers Jr., president, Philip Hoiness, Robert Ihns, Ricky Robert Dorn, Winona. din- Riska, James Miller , Catherine mainder. follow : _ ner to be served Sunday from 4 presided, Mrs. Erwin Bachler re- Johnson, Bradley Thorsen, Terry Community chairmen Pellowski , Mary Prondzinski , Rob- The purchase of 12 new white Alrura, Mrs. Donald Slmoni Klbi, Mrs. to 7 p.m. will be Mrs. Joseph ported on the sale of felt scare- Engle and Chris Johnson. Lswlltort, Mri, -Paul rlanr. ert Allaire , Maureen Kreger , Mary basketball uniforms was approv- Harrv Cox; ^ Kulasiewicz and Mrs. John Peplin- crows, a chapter project. The ' Receiving bodges and arrows nan"! MlnnesQts Cllv. Olfnn WMtslsn*! Lou Landman, Mary Schultz, Har- e... The cost , $190, will be taken Mrs. Wlllr*. Rlvtrl) », ski. chapter chose Dec. 6 for the were John Brokken, Larry Fish- RolllriBifone, 4 old Thiewes, Cherie Harkenrider , from the athletic fund . Charles, Mrs Eumnai Kruempel. U"C», Christmas party. baugher, Joe Bremseth, Bradley "Martinson, and Stockton, lw„ Margaret Roemer and Jeffrey Bids for bleachers for tho new Mn, Lloyd The program. "Poetry into Mu- gym were read. As each biJdcr Bates , Jon Wilford and Mike Sexe. EUrnard Swensled. Cille . freshmen, Den Chiefs Phillip Benson , Township chairmen, the Mmes: Dres- Spring Grove Juniors sic," was presented by Mrs. Wini-. had a different make or type of bach, Joioph Bushliri Elft», Urry Schrjei- Steven Hettlg and Andy Hoguo Hart, fred Tanberg. Illustrating her talk GALESVILLE BUSINESSMEN bleacher, the board decided to stu- _-te Jffi , j national ' .... jTMrcaTtrn financial interests , it was HARMONY , Minn. (Special) - the school environment for pupils. ^S_ ^< m* I organization, There'll be a free gle Co., including two climbing I A 3£j| ^ rumored that he had only faked The American Legion Auxiliary The now state health manual was his movie for children and Santa Claus rope3, two knotted cling type death and had really departed will meet at the Power House to- will be on the streets and in the two pair of flying rings , discussed at a recent meeting. lo South incog- ropes, America to live night at 8. Hostesses will be Mrs. stores, Daniel Daily, chairman etc., completely installed at d cost nito and in luxury on a future that PARTY AT LA CRESCENT Christ Ellingson and Mrs. Eddie for Christmas plans, asked that of $948. he had established there. This Hanson. Members are to bring LA CRESCENT, Minn, (Special) story tl._ street decorations be put up Members of the board decided —Gittens Leldel Post 595, Ameri- Is the basis for the ploy. gift! for the Veteran's Gift Shop. Thanksgiving. Hilton Simpler Boll and right after to purchase the can Legion, will hold its annual System for the additio n at 50TH ANNIVERSARY Moran is president. Clock turkey fest today. An oyster stew AT WILLIAMS OT , Wis. (Special) - $2 ,945. at 11 p.m. WHITEHALL ARCADIA PATIENTS will bo served starting 3H0C wm w w r IT'S TIME TO REMEMBER Mr, and Mrs. Jake Halama will ARCADIA , Wis. (Special)-Einil Cook sweet potatoes In their Tickets arc available at the door, ^ W\ \_ ™* y _Jr " JK I be honored guests at an open house Theurer is a patient at Lutheran skins, then peel and halve, Now Dallas Ames is chairman with at St. John's Catholic Church Sun- Hospital , La Crosse. Mrs. Barbara "candy " the yams in butter and Robert Boehm, Donald Buchan day, on their 50th wedding anni- H«rtzfeldt is a patient at Trl-Coun- maple syrup for a sweet partner and Ralph Timm serving on tho versary. A Mass will be read at ty Memorial Hospital , Whitehall. for roast pork or ham. committee. 10 a.m. and the open house will , ¦ - H__If__g3- be from noon to 3 p.m. "¦ RUSHFORD VRFMBETS ©raiag, RUSHFORD, Minn, (Special) - When Joseph M, Johnson Post CU-TB-MS) 5905, VFW, met Monday at the post home, 32 paid-up members Today - Sat.- Last Days were reported by Commander Ba- sil Brotimnn. A poultry party will be held Dec. IS. The annual mem- bership dinner will be held this TAUSCHE'S -^ ™~ ' ] f eatures the fa mous [j Saturday at 8 p.m. y j \S____K_W RUSHFORD PARENTS RUSHFORD. Minn, (Special) - Naturalizer tapered toe lost Mrs. Myron Forsythe is a surgical 1st Birthday* Event ^Ky ll | patient at Lutheran Hospital , La ! Crosse. DceAnn M a n (o n, 2Vt HELP J black only ^^BR I months , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. *U*vw»*^^ US CELEBRATE --»—~~*»W Raymond Manion again is hos- pitalized at St. Mary 's Hospital , Rochester. FREE COFFEE and CAKE paaaamaaaaamaamaatmmmaaaawaaamaaaaaaawatamamalma^aamattwatmamamm i 14.99 il/ WATCH FOR A | Bo thankful... $ 00 be thoughtful. ROBB BROS. GIGANTIC ...slightly squared for W " *^ 1 Wo invite you to seo 20 IN TOYS FREE our lino selection, TOY WITH ANY MAJOR APPLIANCE OR TELEVISION j fall's newest styling touchy kj]/ 1 by Plus Many Other Bargains y NORCROSS GIBSON CATALOG • 33«* Flo thlight Batterlos Hf * HALLMARK • RUSTCRAFT In Your Mall-ax Naxt Tuesday • Sru»-Chai«rs • 77t Cookie Shoot , 57? WILLIAMS DADD BR0S - • Flashlight. • PAPER! BOOK and STATIONERY IfUDD STORE USE VALUABLE COUPON FROM TUESDAY SHOES-FIRST FLOOR 1 57, E. 4th St. Phona 4007 ______M li! & ___^ 1 K -S&'X^J^LCT ¦¦ ¦" yw i.!«;;pil>jf^ > < i « NS»v<'s 'T'SPM&& 1^3Ba8^^

I IS DELIVERED BY THIS l ^^ ^ OR *_ * . » W ,. v,^^ *^*,^. m 1 TftCICK . . . IT'S ^^ 't s^s K CULLIGAN ;tf if *__? -*€»&»='»¦» |

| | ___f Free Gold Chips j " I I fl with Each Bag _3w Next Time You Need Salt For ¦ I « ¦ Any Make Water Softener Call \ FAMILY SIZE B \ ^f^ \ ^^SQa m ^fj Wjd • ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ 3 YOUR FAVORITE :. CUI.LIGAN at 3600 ij ^ 3*a^ AT STORE ^ \%mmW/0rK ' -' ______. ,..„ -M...».^.v^»..^.vf .w^witwr,w,-.TOT.,.iw^^^^^^^ WW*Y> --¦-...-.— _--._._ -¦ v.- «__—^fc_*rf_*-*^w»~-&v\%---^^^ -. .-.-..-.....-• .------— — - — - - . . --• --— • - - . —:; ; . — :— , '" : : " ; ¦ ¦:v " - : " L' :- - -;- - . - : v ;" - . - - . - " - " -i- "- =: >;:igi_9lo. :- / ¦ ^¦ ¦ . ^¦: . - = ' - -' ^Z^vVSmiyL-^: ' - Shimsmthoj tl ¦ ' ¦ X ' ' - ' - § ssil FlBillTY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION I| * *» 101 Exchange* Bldg. 4th and Center "

AVL ¦ i »iiUIAU AM W IUM I J_VJ> U *. JVV j A ." *. «. MWU" w^^ww A* w*W.\',vwa •> v5t j,? JT IU THIS WEEK'S j ' ¦V . -4BF-# SPECIAL! |

Firrf timt for COLOR? Try $ C 95 I Miss Clairoil . .. the haircotor mW || only your hair- so natural Complete % dresier knows for sore. Treatment l|

¦ ' . ¦ ¦ 1 ' . ' ' |l QomphsdlL | Modern Beauty Shoppe | ¦ ¦ 476 East Broadway ' Phone 6960 | |

Sf/> Up Compliments 1 WM Our Fine • ' ' ¦ 1 ' ' - '" * '¦ " " » j * • ^ I: . - . - diAVIKIE I fWQUORS |

I MOST COMPLETE STOCK 1 IN THIS AREA ! | ' : Phone 4970 —— I CALLAHAN'S LIQUOR STORE | Leonard J. Tschumper fi 119 Main Open Fri. to 9 P.M. Sat. to 10 P.M. |


HBBI___H-_Hl...___H^______i i Hf Hs7^r »r 1_r ^ _r^^_a^^____T ^^^_i^TH^^_r^_ ^r^^^^^ s ^ w a ¦ J m w A w E _____¦ a_i m m k __f _l_k H^' ^^^^^^^^^^A______—V L______-^ ?: ______F__ PV'^W^_____I^ (V/r7S7vi_r____^^^^ i PIONEER BLACKSMITH SHOP . .. shooing days passed the main business EARLY CLOTHING STORE . . . location later occup ied by the Conti- f ?| This pioneer blacksmith shop was opcr- was lawn mower sharpening and minor Here 's a view of the Lynch and Henry nental. The photo is from the Hal Cory p | | ated by William Benz at Mark and Man- repairs. The picture was supplied by clothing store on Third Street in the collection. I U kato for many years. After the horse- Sam Kohai, 520 Mankalo Ave. 'I 1 Ii RADEMACHER'S ! I:! ; 39 1 West Second Stroat | i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,, . . . <,\\ . . -:- : ? *¦¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ s :¦ • ¦: :¦:¦( -:¦•--» .>¦¦:¦ ;¦ <¦¦ ¦'¦•s * , .:i.^ ;iM ~^ .i _ vi:.,:.,; ..;.;. &fc : ::j i; SS K '. v --S . - v '.- ¦/ »- ' ' -' '•' - • -j \ . .- ,, - ' , .- v"' - iSfi' -^_«i^iS^^i^^^va MisS!^^^«^^ ffi'58. K'J

i; _ 11 pays every way I ¦ Y0Ur i mf-l:W!_l [, iniurflnca from GOODSee LUCK! W^>i j amx—Wyj^^' i* j 10% Cash Discount /^ | HOLIDAY^^ PARTV ^4 | -IBMBH31- 1 on Jff RESERVATIONS ^ 0/A - _T MUINMONFVI X YOUR LOCAL ! EARING AID ^V> j ' INDEPENDENT ALL H i ^"^^ You I , I! i/^W j Earlyl SsTK | | W«? covar avaryfhing when H comes fo flcttlnfl | | BATTERIES ts your car ready for cold weather: radiator, | | 1IMh Fresh Factory Stock fr'. Planning a (;iirislmas party for friends or _ j Ml Afte r the I busl- P battery, lubrication, anfl-freera. engine tone-up, fj ; | ness fis.sociftte.s i HHl n ARI [ '.' A phone call lo us will reserve 55 brakei, heater , ale. . . „a complete winterlxlng |J i SAVKS t-l-fVRfV fi our private? dlniiifi room for your exclusive use. UH7I FOR INDEFINITE '| jervlca at small coit l J| THIS OFFER GOOD No mntlcr how IHI'RC your ij roup, you c;in be f PERIOD ! *$y Ball Game! ;' ':¦. assured of excellent food, l)uver;i(jes nn.' . i 1 ice. Phon 335!) SAVKS —" e today! j; | H | CLARK " ^ . . - VV. Frod F. A. GIEHLER JhsL J&tjch&ft AM'$ __ »E Nnns, f ountiu^ | f lf|RHfi BHR^^dflM R\j' Abovo KrespVa 51 li W. 3rd St. WILLIAMS HOTEL |$ | WATCH and CLOCK REPAIR j> Annex—Teton Room—Safari Room ll Highway 61 and Orrin Stroei ! 608 Huff ;:j Captain's Quarter* I Phone 9834 I li i ¦ « -rA i ¦•¦-/« .:••*¦¦ •¦*"¦ • ¦ .•;¦? ¦ ¦¦«!';¦ -¦i , - 1 ¦>¦ ^xv(; v iw^- -yc ¦ , : ^v'»- '. • > •*•> •' - '-; -. -' "-'' ' :'' '^- '^' "tnt"-/:K'tww^nwv '.; JV ^:,;¦..>../>.;;w.U.v,) ^...„.sv..;^..;' ..(¦...,..,.(i X.. :.:,. .. ' ..:,...:.;...:..> ..., .*.¦. ' .' ...;'. :K:.r.W ¦:¦ ¦ ; : f : l ,?,r":r.'.'.'.'.:;.::' . ", :;;; ;• '.'; :v.';;-_^:r„.r;.^^'^^*"^r.^^^^ v^^. ^.. i * '? ' " ':?!?$%?.'";)X'.'iV'. .|.V::?;?' ; V' Ir ^^' T;', v '^' : ':V:' ;::'V;:' :::.v.;v^:? ';v''. '!: ?."'-"^^ \i TWO "BADGER GUARDS TO ' ' ' m SIT OUT SATURDAY "* ¦ - . . ¦ ' *-**> **'**m'awal>mm ama *,^mmmmmt -wmmm» ^*mmamm'<>m< " ¦ Gophers at By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN 1) for a regionally televised en- fore Injury sidelined him, will be to go after nursing injuries from Associated Prtsa Sport* Writer counter and the loser will drop back in action. But such key play- the Iowa tilt. from the race. Danger signs are up over ers as guard Jack Cvercko, full- Memorial Stadium field was most In other games Michigan (1-4) beck Bill Swingle covered because ol forecasts Of the Big Ten football areas and center Rich of as is at Iowa <2-_ ) and Oregon in- Olson are bothered with injuries. snow and freezing temperatures four once-beaten team* strugfde . vades Ohio State for a tough in- Sophomore end Gary Crum is Thursday night. to keep championship hopes burn- tersectional match. ing Saturday. definitely out, He is the No. 2 The Gophers put in their last Indiana is idle, awaiting the sea- receiver for Tom Myers, the na- session of intensive Wisconsin (4-1). jumping practice- to the son windup next week against Pur- tion's- leading major college pass- mostly on polish i ng offensive No. 4 spot in the Associated Press due. Minnesota finishes at Wiscon- er. Slays. They also worked on punts, poll after blasting top-ranked sin. Northwestern ends at Miami Northwestern 37-6 last The Minnesota Gophers should ickoffs and kickoff returns No week, is at (Fla.). lineup Illinoia (H). be at full strength for their game changes were made. Northwestern's Wildcats, w h o with Purdue. The Northwestern (4-1) Badgers will be without the closes its Big dropped to ninth in the rankings, Starting end John Campbell will services of guards Jim Schenk and Ten schedule at home against the will have their best conference be back in the lineup after miss- Jon Hohman, mercurial ground who were left off the attack of Mich- finish since 1948 if they beat the ing the Jowa contest. Starters traveling igan State ( 2-2). squad because of knee Spartans. Halfback Larry Benz, Carl Eller, left tackle, and Bill injuries. In addition , fullback Jim Friday, Novambar It), M| Purdue (s-i) is atMinnesota, (* their leading ground gainer be- Munsey, left half: also are ready Purnell is nursing an injured knee.

' Clay Calls His Shot: KO in Fo RAMBLER V6TSRANS . , . . Cotter basket- Bob Judge, Sam Czaplewski and Rich Starzecki u (left rth right) ball hopes ride on four returning starters from to and Gene Sehult?, not shown here, last year which is the most Coach John Nett as Nett'j probably starting five. (Daily Newe (right) has ever started a season with. Loraxi Photos.). Ruppert Five Old Archie Koprdwski (left ) , a letterman, wiU join regulars OPEN NOV. 25 AT ST. PAUL HILL Smashes 3,038, Outclassed LOS ANGELES (AP)-Casslus Marcellus Clay, the Louisville Lip who calls the round for knock- Cotter Hopes High a as Fourth High out and makes it come true, most Ruppert's Grocery crashed the assuredly must be the crown fourth highest team series prince of the heavyweight division of the boxing today. season Thursday night in the in Twenty-year-old Classic League at Westgata Bowl , Cassius estab- Four Starters Return and Harto Larson, bowling in the lished himself as the heir appar- By AUGIB KARCHER Modjeski's vacant spot. Tom WiU Russ Fisk, a 6-4 junior. Wallace ent to the heavyweight throne Knights of Columbus League at Dally News Sports Editor denborg, who also lettered last Burley and Dave Knopick at 6-2 Thursday night when in four year, is not out for basketball this are the only other six-footers, Keglers Lanes, qualified for the ¦ rounds—the enact round he had With four of his five starting fail. . ' ¦;: / Rounding out the squad are Bill American Bowling Congress "Cen- predicted —he knocked out a players of last season in uniform " fh Browne, 5-8: Joe Koscianski, 5-10; tury Award, .t by a Winona game, a gallant , and a quite old for 1962-63. John Nett . -Cotter High "HAVING four starters back bowler this season. Don Leaf , 5-9, and John Nett Jr., and outclassed Archie Moore. School coach, finds himself in a should mean they will know what 5-11. Ruppert's rjpped 3,038 with a unique position. to do out there," said Nett , "but 1,043 single game as. Jim Ruppert Clay is unbeaten now in U There are only four seniors: "I'll reserve judgment on oddly enough we haven't looked Czaplewski, Fisk, Koprowski, tagged 240—605 and Dick Niemey- Straight fights as a professional whether it is good or bad," said too good so far." They are in and er 604. Their three-game set was and , there is hardly anyone left Koscianski. the Rambler basketball chief v who their second week of drills. "Judge 'tyill only nine pins shy of the record in the depleted heavyweight sec- ' be the key for us, admittedly isn't about to wish him- "We sort of snuck up on. every- I think," said Nett. "When he is set by Del 's Cafe Oct. 9. tion to fight except the champion self out of this situation. body last season," Nett maintains. The Classic also produced an himself, Sonny Listen. in there it makes all the differ- "No one thought wa would be ence in the world." Judge and errorless 601 by John Schreiber of But even William Favorsham— IT IS THE first tinw tha vet- that good (13-11)." Pozanc Trucking and an errorless Clay 's chief manager, or the man eran Nett has ever started a sea- Czaplawsk' were the No. 2 and 3 ¦' ¦ ¦ The Ramblers don't run quite scorers behind Modjeski, now a 581 by Harry (Bud) Johnson. • . most prominent in the syndicate son- with that much talent from of as small in size as last season freshman prospect at Winona LARSO N BOWLING for Briggs influential Louisville business- the preceding year, , WINHAWK LgTTERMEN . ., Coach John are (left to right) Steve Keller, Wulf Krause , John men who own him—conceded they and they have more reserve pow- State, . . . •: ¦ Transportation, fired a 2.11 game Gone is forward Larry Modjes- er for a change. With no string- . . , Kenney (left) has five returning lettermen as Prigge, Marty Farrell and Dan Scharmer, (Daily are in no hurry to tangle with the Bel-re rabid Rambler rooters 115 pins over his 136 average, ki , leading Rambler point-maker bean center, the Cotterites as us- the nucleus for his 1962-63 Winhawk team. They News Photo. ) ominous Sonny. go too far over board on this ¦ "' ¦ who scored 37 in. a single game which earned him the Century - ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ - ' ' ' ' ' ¦' '¦ ual will have their most trouble ' . . • is' And Moore's future? . in the Minnesota Catholic state year s prospects, they should take Club patch; The award was insti- Tears were in old Archie's eyes trying to get the rebounds. a closer look at the schedule tuted by the ABC this season and FIVE LETTERMEN ON SQUAD tournament. Judge and Koprowski at 6-1 are when he confronted newsmen in .Back are starling guards Rich which starts Nov . 25 at St. Paul honors bowlers shooting 100 or the dressing room after the fight. the tallest of the five. Czaplew- Hill. more pra over their average in Starzecki and Gene Schult., cen- ski is 5-11, Schultz 5-10 and Star- X/as he through ! Was this the ter Bob Judge and hustling front- a single game. end? zecki 5-9. THE 18-GAME plua holiday tour- John Grams led the KC circuit court man Sam Czaplewski. ney card is one of the toughest with a 554 for Winona National. "I don't know. It might just be," A fifth letter winner, Loran Ko- THE VARSITY roster includes ever arranged for a Cotter team. Briggs shot 986 and Bub's Beer Lack of Height Big said the oldest man in boxing, who prowski, presently has nailed down Mike Jeresek , a 6-5 junior , and Gone are Owatonna Marian and 2,825. will never see birthday No. 45 Waseca Sacred Heart. And very Top 6O0 in the city Thursday again. prominent in their places are night was a 634 effort by John There was a glove bruise around powerful Eau Claire Regis, Prai' Sandstede of Winona Insurance in the forehead above the left eye. rie du Chien Campion and Lewis- the Eagles League at Hal-Rod Otherwise he was unmarked. ' ton. Worry for Win Clay started the old man out in Lanes. He included a 250 . game hawks lewiston s Thesing Regis has not been a Cotter foe in his burst. Del Pronzinski card- By AUGIE KARCHER Kenney feels. "We need a eouple finger in an accident. the third round as a turn-away for 10 years and Campion returns crowd of some 16,200, plus a na- ed an errorless 600 even, Kewpee Daily News Sports Editor consistent scorers and some help to resume another old rivalry. Lunch grabbed team honors with on the boards." THE HAWK schedule Include, tional closed theater circuit audi- Cotter will be meeting only Ro- "We lost the only two horses we 964—2,822. While he has a good idea of the four newcomers; Harmony, Kas- ence, watched. chester Lourdes and Austin Pace!- Clay had Archie groggy and In the Bay State League at had and now we've got nothing five boys he will start when the son-Mantorville, which stunned Wi- Ij of last year's five-school Ra- backed onto the ropes near Clay's MVP at N.D. State Westgate, Bill Hajicek stacked but ponies." Winhawks open next Wednesday at nona in the District Three finals; LEWISTON, Minn. WV - Dan voux Conference which leaves the Minneapolis Southwest and Minne- corner. 221-601 for Big . Yields. The That, In the words of John Ken- Kasson-Mantorville , Kenney stated Thesing, a sophomore fullback status of the league up in the Bouncers banged 1,011—3,889. that only Krause and Keller have apolis North. air. ney. Winona High basketball Archie managed to last the BADGER-GOPHER from Lewiston, has been voted the so far cinched their berths. . round. But when the bell brought Nett has stressed a running WESTGATE BOWL: Kegl-ratte coach, sums up the 1S62-63 Win- The Winhawks are at Harmony Prigge, who came fast in the next Saturday, Nov. 24, and open on the fourth—Clay 's much pub- TV BID REJECTED most valuable player on the 1962 style of attack in drills to date Ladles—Jan Lubinski lit 200-500 hawk basketball picture, North Dakota State University on the nose for Hardt's Music second half of last season, is their Big Nine season Nov. 30 at licized timetable for the end—it . was evident that Archie was near CHICAGO (rB-A proposal that N. D. while Vatter Motor cracked 932- KENNEY, lnnlns troubled by cartilage in a knee Rochester. First home game is football team at Fargo, btfl his sixth the end of his astonishing string COT: R SCHEDULE 2,603. and this summer lost the end of a Dec. 7 against Red Wing. the Wisconsin-Minnesota football The son of Mr. and Mrs. The- season, can count five lettermen of years in the ring. game replace the Michigan-Ohio No\.js—St. Paul HIM, Ihera. Pin Drops—Esther Pozanc, a odore Thesing, rural Lewiston, on his 20-man varsity squad and Archie went down three times, State game on national televi- Nov, 17—La Crojss Aquinas, there. substitute for Pappy's, pelted 188- Thesing started his football career Nov, 30—Eau Clilra Regit, Mr*. three of them were regulars by The first two went for counts of sion Nov. 24 was rejected Thurs- nere m i»5_ wnen Ds<, 7—Rochester Lourdei, hart. 517 and Mary Ann Stolha hit 503. time left Archie Dee, 14—Wabasha ». Felix, here. the time last season ended. eight. The first day by the Big Ten. he was a starting Steve's Lounge swept team honors standing on his head as he Dec, it—La Crone Login, there. almost Conference Commissioner Bill fullback in his Dec. IMS—Holiday tournament it Coed- with 895-2,530. Unfortunately, the height that Is tried to regain his feet. rane-Fountaln City, needed to buck the tides in the Reed said that he informed the sophomore year. Jsil, I—Austin Pactlll. hare, HAL-ROD LANES: Powder PuH The second time Archie took the Columbia Broadcasting System tough Big Nine isn't very plentiful . his He lettered in Jan, ?—Prairie du CMen Campion, furs, —Olive Puck counted 506 for H. count on the seat of his pants, this morning the conference Jan, 11—Li Crone Aqulnai, here. The tallest Winhawk is 6-21/. Jim football three Jin. 15-Auitln Pacelll, there. Choate & Co. and Marjorie Mo- left lee bent at the knee. could not approve the change, Kasten, a junior center, and only On the final trip down, the count years. Jan. ll—I-ewlilon, there. ravec tagged 192 for Winona In- suggested by CBS. "H e weighed Jin. _a—St. Paul Hill. Here. ' two others are 6-1 or more, had reached four. But the referee Jin. Louis Park Benlide, here, surance. Jen s Tavern toppled 857 The Wisconsin-Minnesota fi- almost 200 pounds -J—St. and Budweiser Beer 2 ,512. "It's one of the shortest teams was paying no attention. He had Feb. 1—Eau Claire Regis, there. ' nale probably will be for the Big t h e n," recalled Fee, S-Wabaiha St. Felix, there. we ve had here," said Kenney, already moved in to stop the Feb. t—Rochester Lourdei, there. WINONA AC: Ladles - Ruby "Our 'B' squad will be bigger match. Ten championship. The Michi- h i s Lewiston Fab. 11—Prairie du Chltn campion, thin, Dahl's 517 for Hot Fish Shop was than the varsity." gan-Ohio State game has no loath Harlan Fab. IS—Lewlifon, h«r«. Fab. 3HJ-J4— Region Four tournament, high series as her mates totaled Missing from lSBi-62, when Wi- A ringside witness was an un- bearing on the title. Kirkeby. "He was 2,496, Ann Walski hit 179 for Stein nona High compiled a 10-10 rec- emotional Liston, who traded i good fullback . Clay in a post Thesing Oil. Lantern Cafe turne<| in an 875 ord and 4-6 sixth-place finish in needled barbs with Several schools and) added that Cotter will run , are notably Morrie fight party staged by the co-pro- were after him but he went to even more than last year. On set game, the Big Nine George Majorette—Gert Gabrych posted Miller and Bob Grausnick, Also moters, Cal Eaton and North Dakota State because it had patterns, it will be a high-post of- at a downtown hotel 192-401 to lead Square Deal to 866- graduated were Leof Strand and Parnassus, a better scholarship setup. Thes- fense, as usual. ballroom. Jones Takes Lead 2,536. Dave Hazelton, ing is a better than average stu- "We've got the shooters all Liston was asked how long .Clay dent and is doing good work at right , " he said, "but should have RED MEN CLUB: , l fldles-Eth- MILLER , 6-1, was tha leading would last against him. The big college." more balanced scoring this season, an- el Knapik of Schmidt's rolled 471 rehounder with 281, 112 on the of- fellow thought awhile before In Mobile Open Thesing led the Bison in total of- not having a big gun like Mod- and Irene Janikowski fired 180 to fensive boards. Grausnick's 15.8 swering. " fense with 322 yards in 76 rushes jeski." lead Winona Milk to 880-2 ,553. point average on 285 points was "I don't think he'd last long, MOBILE , Ala. (AP)-John Paul ^ Son- for an average of 4.3 yard . ST. MARTIN'S: Thuriday-R o y 6.1 higher than his closest rival, he said. After another pause, Jones, who found a magic putting ¦ NUISANCE ln|urles have boi the touch , Rose and Buhler each hit Miller. ny turned toward Cassius at held a two-stroke lead ered the Ramblers so far. Schullz Ernie advised, 183 games and Rose totaled 505 The returning regulars are led same head table and today as play entered the second injured ah arm and Starzecki ' I mean it, round of the 000 Mobile Open Naf'l Hockey League to lead Mahlke Bakery to 906-2,663. by senior guard Marty Farrell, I'm not just talkin , #5. carne up with a sprained thumb. 5-H, whom Kenney is looking to Clay." Golf Tournament, Czaplewski, of conrse, has both a No gamut Thursday or todsy. chronic knee and a bad back KEGLERS LANES: Friendly to provide the floor generalship, Jonas, a virtual unknown on tha SATURDAY'S GAMES Mixers—The Mahaffeys swept all which worry Nett almost as much In the front court are John Pro Basketball pro touring circuit, knocked in Chicago at New York. the Individual honors as V e r n Prigge , 5-llvit, and Wulf Krause, birdie putts ranging from 1 to 40 Detroit it Toronto, as Sam's knack for fouling out, counted 199-504 and Dunny 452. a hal f inch over six feet. Farrell NBA feet in Thursday 's opening round. 117. Their M & M team shot 728-2, averaged 8.4 points, Krause 5,1 THURSDAY'S RESULTS The 31-year-old Hinsdale, TIL, and Prigge 4.5 last season. Syracuse 139, Los Anoelei n. assistant pro carded a 33-32—(15 "We had nucleus of a good Chicago M, New York M. the TODAY'S 0AMB» over the par 3G-35—72 , 6, 800-yard Olympic Day team on the 'B' squad last year SI. Loult at Cincinnati. Mobile Municipal course. and two of them will probably San Francisco at New York. Boston at Syracuse. Jones, a teaching pro, played in Set at YMCA start our first game this season, " SATURDAY'S OAMES a few tournaments last year. He The annual YMCA Olympic Day the WHS mentor said during drills Detroit vi. New York at Boiton rejoined tho pro lour a week ago which opened Monday. San Francisco at SI, Loult. will be staged at 10 a.m. Satur- Lot Anoelei at Chicago. for the Cajun Classic at Lafay- day with 65 boys participating in Syracuse at St. Louis. ette, La„ and finisred in a tie FREE! ONE IS Kaitam, who It a fair U ABL good for in the 15-even t program. rehounder but lacks size (195 for 23rd. $150 IB KARAT COLD PLATED The boys will be divided Into ARCHIE FLOORED . . . Veteran Archie Moore Is knocked THURSDAY'S RHSULTS winnings, pounds) , and the other Steve Kell- Philadelphia 11-13, Chicago si-„ (uc- I eight groups representing various to the canvas for the first of three times in Iho fourth round by er, a bounclng-bnll type player, ond gome, OT), A host of veteran pros and few countries. Medals will be award- young Cassius Clay of Louisville. Ky„ in Los Angeles Thurs- Kansas Clly 133, Oakland 111. now faces wore grouped behind ed first finishers in each who lettered as a sophomore. TODAY'S OAMBS three , day night. Chicago at Pittsburgh. Jonoa. event and the winning country. To complicate matters, Farrell who sat out the entire football I Golden Car Key Ed Kohler is director for the season with an anklo-bono frac- meet which will bo run indoors. Paraonalliad With The 15 events are stnndlng broad ture, banged the ankle in early yj -UwkMmm^ cage, drills and has been slowed jump, Indian wrestle , chln-ups, ' N^B^^^^ HM Your Own chariot race , medicino boll shot up. Work Cut Out Dan Scharmer , fll, who fractur- Nation s Top Ten Teams Have put , vertical jump, rooster fight , leg in a 'IV game last sea- ropo climb, crab and bear walk, ed a By ROBERT MOORE Alabama , ranked No. 1 , battles Southern California, ranked No. eted for cither the Sugar or Cot- wheelbarrow race , push-ups, 100- son; Lee Alberts. 6-'A, and Roy an old nnd sometimes troublesome 2 nnd only other undefenl cd-untied Schnnlo , 6-2 are center candidates Associated Praia Sports Writer ton Bowl. yard dash, mile run and relays. , Saturday may well prove the foo in Georgia Tech, twice beat- team in the Top Ten, is host to behind Kasten. Fourth-rated Wisconsin, beaten day of judgment for several of en and once tied , at Atlanta. n Navy tenni which lias shown Other forwards Include: Frank . tho nation 's college football elite. Coach Bear Bryant's Crimson occasional signs of brilliance. three weeks ago by Ohio State , , fi-0; Jim Evensnn , 60; Prosser Sprinkled across tho land from Tide hasn't yielded more than sev- The Trojans have assured them- meets improving Illinois nt Cham- Roger Hannon , 6-0; John Duel , fMOMEYr ) tho South to the Midlands and fan- en points to any opponent in carv- selves already of a tlo for the con- paign, Tills ono might have been noed monoy *B' team regular In '61-62 ; I When you j 6-2 , a ning out to the West Coast talent- ing an 8-0 record hut had some ference title find aro almost cer- ¦ Roger Hartwick , 5-9; and Bill Ben- , reRarded as a pushover for the J wa havo Iho answer- teams lace tho tnak of mak- anxious moments hofore conquer- tain to piny the Big Ten repre- edict 6-0 n transfer from Lewls- rich Budgcrs early in tho campaign , • 25 »600 , , Impression in the ing comparatively weak Vnndor- sentative in the Rose Bowl como To j¦ ton. ing an Indelible ' And wo like to do lutsineaa a mad scram Wo for lucrative post- bllt and Houston. New Year 's aflornoon. hut Illinois .surprised even itsell | | with peoplo like yflul I sonson bowl Invitations, An unbeaten season would as- Mississippi collides with Ten- Nov. 3 by upsetting Purdue- and ¦ ¦ hi GUARD CANDIDATES Include Call, wrltu or com * | By nightfall , some decisions un- sure Alabama of tho Southeastern nessee at Knoxville and will be would like to salvage a little more Pnt Holnnd, , 5-lOVi ; Dick Kulbren- , ner, 5-10H, now recovered from a doubtedly will have bcon made. Conference crown and n Sugar meeting a aquad of Volunteers glory by knocking off Wisconsin knoo operation; Bob Hafner , 5-9 ; Ono thing? is certain: The na- Bowl invitation regardless of what which hasn't fared too well. Tho Unbeaten Texas, No. 5, tied by PIIBUC_\ happens lo third-ruled Mississip- Vols lost their first four games, Rice , engages Texas Christian »t This handioma 18k gold plaNd car Vay and kay ring l« youri \T~ JJ Darrell Foster, 5-7 ; Dick Arm- tion 's Top Ten clubs, the ones * * strong, 8-10 transfer from Stewart- most likely to be plucked for ma- pi, likowlso unbeaten and untied , including n 27-7 licking by Ala- Fort Worth and should continue ABSOLUTHLY PRER whin you anioy any NHW First National \ Y FIMNCE j but have won their lust Its march to tho Southwest Con- I » CORPORAT ION | vllle, nnd Loren Gallagher, 5-10. jor post-season classics, luive their Alter the Georgia Tech lest , Ala- bama , Bank flarvlca. I Ml Cheats DldD, Phone till a "Wo havo no slzo nnd no mus- work cut out for thorn almost bama has a Dec. 1 data with (hrec. If Ole Miss continues its ference championship and the Cot- cle and that's going to hurt us," without exception. Auburn. winning ways, the Rebcla are tick- ton Bowl. iiiiiiiiiiBiiiii iiiiiiiiim " (first pub; Friday, Nov. 16, 196.) Personals 7 PRODUCE WINONA MARKETS 1 P.M. New York COUNTY NOTICE Reported bv PROPOSALS SOLICITED SPECIAL for Thanksgiving. Mlnei meat- points. CHICAGO (AP). — Chicago Mec Stock Prices Sealed proposals will be received by tht Want Ads ana pumpxin pies; aiso cnerry, Dlueoerry, Swift & Company apple and custard. Order yours now. cantile Exchange .—- Butter steady Buying hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. County Auditor of Winona County In his American Tobacco fell about a Dairy Bar, Tel. 2646, wholesale buying prices un- Monday through Friday. AbbottL — Jones & L 46V. office In tte Court House In the City of point. Down around half a point These quotations apply as of noon today. AlliedCh 41V4 Kennecot 667 Winona, Minnesota, up to and'Including Ihe Start Here 58; A hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 4th Market Shaves were Bethlehem Steel, Woolworth, changed ; 93 score AA 58; 92 A All livestock arriving alter closing time BLINU ADS UNCALLtP FOR— Aluminum Siding Allis Chal l47/8 Lorillard 41V. dav of December, 1562, at which time the • Jl/Vt D. MOHAN Raytheon, Anaconda, Eastman 90 B 57; 89 C 56; cars 90 B 57%,; will be properly cared for, weighed and priced the following morning: Amerada 1077/s Mpls Hon 82% raid proposals will be opened by the Coun- D-2, 3, 35, 45, 55, 83, 64, «S, 67, 69, 70, 160 Franklin SI. Tel. B-tW 89 C 57'.. ty Board of Commissioners for the follow- - ¦ Kodak and General Electric. HOGS 71...... " . . . w ;, . Eggs: Easy ; wholesale buying The hog market Is steady. AmCan 43% Minn MM 51 ing - ^ Auto Service, Repairing 10 Strictly meat type additional 50-40 cents; ArnM&Fy 20% One Tax Writing Machine capable of: A 2-point sain by Du Pont prices , unchanged to 2% '' lower; 70 Minn P&L 39 WE TAKE PRIDE In our work, our Early Losses, fat hogs discounted 20-40 cents per hun- 1. Using the present tax description AmMQt 17% ¦ experience are at your helped slice the early loss in the per cent or better grade A whites dredweight; Mon Chm .47V4 . plates. . ' • many years of . : , NOTICE work, transmission 1 Good hogt, ba rrows and gilts— AT&T 1127/8 Mon I. Writing Real Estate and Personal service, all repair popular averages. 41V. : mixed 41V4 : mediums 29,.; Dk IT 34V4 This newspaper will be responsible for BROWN MOTO R SERV.,- 401 160-180 , 14.7S-15.7J Property tax lists from tha tax specialists. Polaroid added a point and Air standards 33V.; dirties 25; checks Anaconda 43V. Mon Ward 31 only one Incorrect iniertlori of any W. 4th. Tel. 5691. Since 1917. ' 180-200 15.75-16.00 Arch Dan 38% Nat plates. classified advertisement published In Reduction . was up a little less 27. ' ' " 200-220 16.00 Dairy 54V4 J. Continuous Plate feed the Want Ad section. Check your ad Trade Moderate 220-240 15.90-16.00 4. Automatic selection of tax plate on Business Services 14 than a point. . Armco St. 48Vs No Am Av 65% and call 3331 If a correction must be (AP ) (USDA) 240-270 15.60-15.90 machine run. mada. . ' . - NEW "YORK - The stock The Dow Jones industrial aver- NEW YORK I AP)— — 270-300 15.35-15.60 Armour 37% Nor Pac 34% Trade In on the above equipment of One SAND FLEAS Eradicated. Rejutls guar- - - ' ' , anteed. Karl's Pest Control Serwlci. Tel. market shaved early losses in age at noon was down 0.80 to Butter offerings ample, Demand 300-330 15.00-15.25 AvcoCorp 23% No St Pw 32'A Model 1950 addres-sograph. ' ' moderate trading early this after- fair. 330-360 ;.... 14.75-15.00 Beth Steel 29 Nwst Bids must be accompanied by a certified 8-1787. ; 628.34. Good sowl— ALrl 32'A check made payable to the County Auditor ' Card of Thanks THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL It noon. Wholesale prices on bulk car- 270-300 ,. 15.00-15.25 Boeing Air 42Vi Penney 44% (or 5% of the bid, or a corporate bond a little out of our line but the soil Bond prices were mixed to un- "" ( fresh) 300-330 14.75-15.00 Brunswick 17% In favor of Winona County in the amount FAKLER- I marks on your carpeting are lusl what The Associated Prss average of evenly lower. tons . 330-360 14 Pepsi Cola 42% ¦ (AA) .59Vi - .50-14.75 Chi MSPP 9 Phil cf 5% of the bid. We wish to thank all our friends and we're looking for. Our skilled techni- 60 stocks at noon was off .5 at . ' Creamery, 93 score 360-400 14.25-14.50 Pet 47 The County Board reserves the right to retatlves for the cards, visits and gilts cians will have that rug looking good 231.3 with industrials off .8, rails 59'/. cents 92 score (A) 58%-K ; 400-450 14.00-14.25 Chi&NW 12 Pillsbury re|ect any or all bids presented. received on our Golden Anniversary open as new in no time. Call today. WINONA 450-500 49% off .6 and utilities unchanged. 90 score (B) 58%-59. 13.50-14.00 Chrysler 66 Polaroid 127V8 Dated at Winona, Minnesota, house. RUP CLEANING SERVICE, Hi W . 3rd. GRAIN Stags— this 13th day of November, 1962. : Mr. I. Mrs'. Gtorgt Fakler Tel. 3722. Motors were generally higher Cheese s te a d y. Prices un- 450-down 10.00 CitiesSvc 50% Pure Oil 31% JRICHARD SCHOONOVER, ¦ . «e-...,,r. - ,„ COMPOUNO'-AtVO - WAX - will - bring, ,bac* with Chrysler adding better than MINNEAPOLIS W - Wheat re- changed. 450-up ;...... 9.00-10.00 . Comw Ed 42Vi RCA 54Vi cbunt'v ' A'u'dl'tor: ' Lost and Found ' 4 ceipts Thursday 137: year ago 149- Thin and unfinished hogs discounted the faded finish on your glass boat. a . point. . Wholesale egg offerings of large CALVES Cons Coal 37 Rep Steel 34V4 Let us brighten your boat at a low cost. cent lower; The veal market: (Pub. Date Friday, Nov. 16, 1962) LOST—small Brittany Spaniel. Tel. B-3293. WARRIOR MFG., 503S 6th St, T«|. 8-3866. trading basis¦ one . whites scarce; other grades and $1.00 lower on good Cont Can . 42 „ Rex Drug 25% Most aircrafts advanced with prices ' TV* lower; cash spring and choice; boners and culls steady. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION GIRL'S blue Schwlnn bicycle/license 1453 HUNTING for an effective yet Inexpensive sizes ample. Demand fair today , Top choice .. 27.00 ContOil 52 Rey Tob 39V. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that missing from Central School Playground. General Dynamics, one of two , No 1 dark northern furnace cleaning¦ method? Set Wbeat basis (Wholesale selling prices based Choice 25.00-24.00 Deere 50Vfe Sears ' v/hereas, seven petitions were on the 6fh Finder Tel. 4550. ' ' . BOB HARDTKE companies figuring in chances of - ' Roe 74Va . 2.35TS -_.38JB ; spring wheat onte on exchange and other volume Good . ....-:. ... 20.00-24.00 Douglas 29V4 Shell Oil 32 day of November, 1962, presented to the Furnace-Vac Cleaning Service, Tal, 401<. receiving a contract for the TFX cent premium each lb over 58-61 Commercial to good ...... 17.00-19.00 Counly Board of Winona County, Minne- Personals 7 sales.) Utility .; 15.00-16.00 DowChem 56 Sinclair 33 sota, and Whereas, said petitioners stats Roofing tactical fighter plane, posting a lbs; spring wheat one cent dis- Boners and culls Plumbing, Zl New York spot quotations fol- 14.00-down duPont 226/'4 Socony 53% that they are the owners of the tracts or ARE YOU A PROBLEM DRINKER7-Man gain. Boeing eased slightly. count each % lb under 58 lbs; CATTLE parcels ol land 'lying and being in Com- or woman, your drinking creates numer- KEN-WAY Electric SEWER CLEAN IN9 low : The cattle market: Steers EastKod 101%" Sp Rand I2V2 described Steels were mostly fractionally protein premium 11-16 per cent and heifers mon School District No. 2561, and ous problems. If you need and want JERRY'S PLUMBING (47 steady; cows 25 cents higher. Tord Mot 45 as follows, to-wit: lower, Utilities, nonferrous met- 2.35"/8-2.72 /i. Mixed colors: extras lbs. St Brands 64V*. help, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Plo- 827 E. 4th Til. 9394 ' min;) 431. -45; extras medium (40 Dryled sleert and yearlings- Gen Elec 72V4, No, 1—The Northeast quarter of Section neer Group, Box 122. Winona, Minn: als, rails, airlines and tobaccos Extreme top ; ,..' 28.00 St Oil Cal 58Vi 20, Township 106 . North, Range 9 No T hard Montana winter LOSE WEIGHT safely, easily and eco- ELECTRIC ROTO ROOTER 7 ¦ lbs. average) 32-33; smalls (35 lbs. Choice to prime : 25.00-26.75 Gen Foods 71Vs St Oil Ind 44% - West; For clogged sewers and dralni. showed si ight declines. 2.25?a-2.63/s. . . " nomically with Oex-A-Dlet tablets. Only average) 26-27; standards 34V--36; Good to choice ...... 23.25-25.00 GenMills 28% St Oil NJ No. 2—The Northeast quarter of Section Tel. 9509 or 6436 1 year guarantee) IBM added more than two Minn. - S.D. No 1 hard winter Comm. to good ...... 16.00-21.00 54% 18, Township 106 North, Range 9 98c. Ford Hopkins. checks 31-32. Utility . ..: 16.00-down GenMot 54% Swift & fo 36W West; AT YOUR SERVICE: Watch and lewelry CALL SYL KUKOWSKI (47 ) Dryfed heifers- Gen Tel No. 3—148.34 acres In trie Southeast repair, stone setting, plating, cleaning DENNIS THE MENACE Whites: extras lbs. min. ' 21% Texaco 55% WE HAVE EVERYTHING , . . Includlrfl Extreme top .. 27.00 quarter of Section 18 and 1.50 acres and electric shaver repairs. See Frank 441,.-46%; extras medium (40 lbs. ' Goodrich 7 1he kitchen sink, for that new kitchen or Choice to prime .. 24.00-25.75 44 Texas Ins 57 /8 In the Northeast quarter of Section Raines at RAINBOW JEWELERS, next ) (47 Good to choice 22.50-24.25 Goodyear bath you have been waiting to Install. average 33-34; top quality lbs. 32 Un Pac 32% 19, Township 106 North, Range 9 to the post olflce on 4th. For a first-class job call ... Comm. to good ...... !;.... 16.00-20.00 . . West; . min.) 48-51; mediums (41 lbs. av- ':. ¦ Gould Bat 37 Un Air . YOUft' SHOPPING TRIPS ara more fun Utility - 16.00-down Lin 29% No. 4—2.50 acres In the Southeast quarter erage) 34-36; smalls (36 lbs. av- Cows- GtNo Ry 41% when you . plan a relaxing lunch at FRANK O'LAUGHLIN U S Rub 40V8 of Section 18 and 1S8.50 acres In the PLU/WBING _ HEATING Extreme top 15.25 Northeast quarter of Section 19, RUTH'S RESTAURANT, 126 E. 3rd. ¦ erage) 27-28; peewees 22-23. ' Greyhound 29% U S Steel 42% Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 207 E. 3rd Tel, 1703 Commercial , ..: ; .. 13.25-U.25 Township 106 North , Range 9 West; Browns: extras (47 lbs. min.) Utility . . . 12.25-13.50 Homestk 48. West Un 24% No. 5—19.7Q_acres in Lot 9 and 1.0 acres SMART SHOPPERS have already begun Help Wanted—Female 26 47V4-49; top quality (47 lbs. min.) Canners and cutters ...... 12.75-down IB Mach 374 Westg El 31 In Lot 10, Section 19, Village of Utica, to take advantage of ROBB'S Lay-by Bulls- plan. Toys and gifts for Christmas on 48-50; mediums <41 lbs. average ) Int Harv 49% Wlworth and 60.88 acres In Lot 12 and 5O.0 BABY SITTER In my home, 2 children, Bologna . ... T...... 15.00-17.00 66% acres In Lot '7, Subdivision of Sec- display and arriving everyday. Stop at ' ¦' 5 day week, 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. 37-39; smalls (36 lbs. average) 28- Commercial ...... 14.50-15.50 IntPaper 28Ve Yng S ft T 77 tions 19 and 30, Township 106 North, 576 E. 4tti. Tel. 4007. :¦ ' Light thin ., 14.50-down Housing Prolect vicinity. Tel. 3849. 29; peewees 22-23. Range 9 West; MEMO TO ART WEDGE—congratulations HOUSEWIVES—If you need extra money) : No. 6—The West 15 acres of the South- to you for the 35 years of faithful work we have a part-time telephone lob avail- Winona Egg Market LIVESTOCK west quarter of Section 20 and 1 .5 at Northern States Power Co. RAY ¦ able. $1.15 per hour, guaranteed. Tel. 2.18%-2.61','s. Grade A dumbo) ...... 42 SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn . IJD-(USDA)- acres In the Southeast corner ol the MEYER, INNKEEPER, WILLIAMS HO- ' 8-2918. No 1 hard amber durum 2.55- Grade A"(large) 37 Cattle 2,500; calves 1,500; trade rather Southeast quarter of Section 19, Town- TEL. . Grade A (medium) ..' .25 slow on slaughter steers, heifers and ship 104 North, Range 9 West; and SECRETARY—Winona Public Library. Ap- cows; OUR ALTERATIONS and repair will suit 2.60; discounts, amber 5-7 cents; Grade A (small) '.. .14 S'eers .an. heifers steady to weak; No. 7—The East 20 acres of the South- ly to Alberta Seitz, Librarian. . ' ¦ ' cows you l WARREN BETSINGER, Tailor, p Grade B- .. . :...' 25 steady to 50 cents east quarter of Section 19, except 1.5 ¦ ~~ durum 7-10 cents. lower, mostly weak - : CLERK TYP ST Grade C • ..:.;. - ;...... 18 to 50 cents acres In the Southeast corner thereof. UVi W. 3rd; - - I lower; bulls steady; few lots Some knowledge of bookkeeping. Exper- Corn No 2 yellow 1.031.. choice slaughter Township 106 North. Range 9 West , water . steers 28.25-29.00; good "EXPERTS" WE ARE—for ail. ience preferred. Hospitalization, paid Oats No 2 white 63 70; No 3 26.OO-28 00; that- softening problems, prompt delivery and . ' Froedtert Malt Corporation ; package high choice 1,001 Ib arid the above described land ad|oins vacations and other fringe benefits. Write slaughter - 'heifers. 29.00 Independent School District No. 857 In the service. CULLIGAN. Tel. 3600. white 61-681. ; No 2 heavy white Hours : 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed Saturdayi ; most , choice 27.50- D-71 Dally News! 28.00; good 25.00-27.25; County of Winona, Minnesota; and 67i2-72; No 3 heavy white 66%- Submit sample before loading. utility and commer- ¦ r~- "T ~ ~ ¦ ¦ cial slaughter cows 13.50-15.50; few com- Whereiis, the petitioners pray that they TENOGRAPHER . ' ' ' ' No. 1 barley S1.0S Shorthand required. Paid vacations, hos- 70, •- . mercial 16.00; canner and cutter 11 So- desire to have all the above described » No. 2 barley .95 ] (First Pub. Friday, Nov, . 1962) pitalization and other fringe benefits. Barley, brigh t color 94-128; No. 3 barley .90 13.00; utility slaughter bulls 19.00-20.00; lands, set off from Common School Dis- commercial and good 18.00-19.00; trict No. 2561, to said Independent School State of Minnesota ) si. Experienced preferred. Write D-70 Dally No. 4 barley .85 canner ' - - - - straw color 94-1.28; stained 94- and cutter 15.00-18.00; . veolers District No. 857 for the . -following reasons, County of Winona ) In Probatt Court Nevft. .. and slaugh- No. 15,447 1.25; feed 80-94. ter calves S1.00 lower; high choice and among others : In Estate of prime vealers 28.00-29.00; good and choice That petitioners children will be en- R* Rye No 2 1.14V4-1.18y«. Bay State Milling Company Martin N. Kulas, Decedent. 24,00-27.00; good rnd choice slaughter calv- abled to secure belter educational and Flax No 1 3.07 . Elevato "A" Grain Prices Order for Hearing on Petition for Probata WANTED Hours : 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. es 2l.00-24.00i feeders steady; load choice transportation facilities. 900 lb feeder steers NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, of Will, Limiting Time to File Cfaimi Soybeans No 1 yellow 2.36%, (Closed Saturdays) carrying a degree Holiday Retail Workers of finish 27.00. That said petition be heard at a meeting and for Hearing Thereon, CHICAGO .(AP )-No wheat or No. 1 northern spring wheat ..... $2.27 Floyd V. Kulas having tiled a petition for ¦ Hogs 9i000; moderately active; barrows o' said Board to be held at . the Court : ' ' ' " •: ¦ ¦;¦' ¦ No. 2 northern spring wheat ...... 2.25 the probate of the Will of said decedent :-. . SALES'CLERKS .. - . oats sales. Corn No 2 yellow 1.08%; and gilts and sows fully steady; few 1-2 House In the City of Winona in said Coun- No. 3 northern spring wheat ...... 2.21 and for the appointment of The Merchants (FULL PART-TIME) No ¦90-240 lb barrows and gilts 16.50-17.00; ty, on the 3rd day of December, 1942, at OR No 3 yellow 1.05^-05% 4 yel- No. 4 northern spring wheat ... ' .. 2.17 National Bank-of Winona as Executor, mixed 1-3 180-230 lbs1 16.25 to 2:30 o'clock P.M.. at which time and 3 No. 1 hard winter wheat ...... 2.10 mostly 16.50; which Will is on file In. this Court and low 9?%-1.04¥4; No 5 yellow S5 /4- 230-270 lbs 15.75-ld.25; place said Board will hear all persons in- . CASHIERS No. 2 hard winter wheat 2.08 few 2-3 270-300 lbs open to Inspection; 98%; 15.50-15.75; 1-2 and terested, for or against the granting , of sample, grade yellow 77- No. 3 hard winter wheal ...... 2.04 medium 160-190 lbs IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing WRAPPERS 16.00-16.25; 1-3 270-400 said -petition. .. ' .. - ¦ 1.06V5E . Soybeans No 3 yellow No. 4 hard winter wheat ...... 2.00 Ib sows 14.00-15.25; thereof be had on Decern tier 6th, 1962, at few to 15.50; 2-3 IT IS f-UR I'HER ORDERED, That notice Many additional people will be No. 1 rye ...... ,. - ...;..... 1.10 . 40-550 lbs 13.50-14.50; few 11:15 o clock A.M., before this Court In 2.46V.: , be. given as provided by ' 3 No. 2 rye ... 1.68 mostly No. 3 555-600 lbs 13.O0-13.5C; choice of said hearing the probate court room in the court house needed by Winon a's Retail Soybean oil 8 ,ib. 120-160 Ib feeder pigs 15.50-16.00 for limited law. In Winona. Minnesota , and that ob|ectlons '"'¦ ' ¦" day of November, 1962. . Stores. supply, Dated this 6th to the allowance of said Will, If any, be L33n ; feed 86-1.02n. The average age of the New BOARD OF Sheep 2,500; active ; all classes steady; THE COUNTY filed before said time of hearing; that the Do you want to earn extra (AP) MINNESOTA. NEW YORK — Canadian York Giants , is 26. Only 18 men mixed choice and prime wooled slaughter WINONA COUNTY, time within which creditors of said de- BAER, money during the Holiday sea- • t dollar in New York .927812, un- remain from the i960 football lambs 19.50-20.00, mostly choice 18.50-19.50; By: PAUL cedent may file their claims be limited /W/texr nm M GONNA WCK m$oasorfm,to' o\ mixed good and choice 17.50-18.50/ Chairmen. sop? changed from previous day. squad . mostly to four months from the date hereof, and good 16.00-17.50; utility 14.00-16.00; mostly Attest: that the claims so filed be heard on March - utility shorn slaughter ewes 5.00-4.50; RICHARD SCHOONOVER, Full time or part time jobs . cu'l ' I4th; 1963, at ten o'clock A.M., before this APARTMENT 3-0 By Alex Kotzky 4.00-5.00; mixed choice and fancy wooled County Auditor. .. ' Court |ri the probate court room In the available. feeder lambs 17.00-17.75; mostly choice court house Jn Winona, Minnesota, and thai " 16.00-17.00; good 14.00-16.00. File your application now EM - I ¦¦¦_¦¦-—¦;— ¦¦_ , — ' . ' ' _ . _ 1„ :_ .. (First Pub, Friday, Nov. 16, 1962 ) notice hereof be given by publication ot CHICAGO i.fl —(USDA)— Hogs 7,500; this order In 1he Winona Dally News and with butchers, steady to 55 cents lower; 1-2 190- State of Mlnnesc-ta. . ) ss. by mailed notice as provided by law. 2?C- lb butchers 17.25-17.85; mixed 1-3 County of Winona ) In Probate Court 190- - ¦ Dated November 8th,¦ 19<2 . Minnesota State 220 lbs 17.00-17.50; 220-750 lbs 14.25-17.00; . No. 15,448 . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ E. ?. LIBERA, 2-3 250-300 lbs 15.75-16.50; mixed 1-3 325- In Re Estate of Probate Judge. Employment Service Decedent. ¦ 40 lb sows 14.75-15.50; 2-3 400-500 lbs 13.75- Hugh HI Puck, (Probate Court Sell) ' ' ¦' ¦ . 163 Walnut Street Petition for Probatt • «_ 14.75. . Order for Hearing on S. D. J. Bruskl, Winon a, Minnesota Cattle : 2,800; calves none; slaughter of Will, Limiting Time to File Claim s Attorney for Petitioner. steers strong to 50 cents higher; load lots and for Hearing Thereon, having filed a petition high choice and prime 1,150-1,350 lb slaugh James H. Puck (First Pub. Friday, Nov. 2, 1962) Help Wanted—Male 27 ter steers 32.25-33.00; bulk choice 1,100-1,375 for tfte probate of the Will ot said decedent and for the appointment of James H. Puck State of Minnesota . ) ss. lbs 03.25-32.00; few good 26.00-28.50; choice MODERN DAIRY FARM—experienced sin- as executor, which Will, is on file In this County of Winona ) In Probate Court 850-1,070 lb heifers 28.00-29.25; good 25.50- gle man wanted. Tel. 8-1210. . . Court and open 16 Inspection; No. 15,271 27.5; utility arid commercial cows 14.00- In Re Estate of 16 50; uti'ity and: commercial bulls 17.50- IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing . MARRIED WAN for general farm work Arthur R. Halverson, also known is wages, housf- 19.C0. thereof be had on December 12, 1962. at on modern dairy farm, top Arthur R. Halvorson, and as Arthur 565-4113, Wa- L Sheen 200; small supply mostly steady; 10:30 o'clock A.M., before this Court In and extras furnished. Tel, Halvorson, Decedent. ' .' . ' small lots choice and prime 90-110 Ib wool- the probate court room In the court house basha, Minn. . in Winona, Minnesota, and that oblections Order for Hearing on Final Account ' ed slaughter lambs 19.50-20.00; good and ¦ and Petition for Distribution. QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT — minimum to Ihe allowance of said . Will, If any, be (nferesfed call choice )/.00-19.0O; cull to good wooled , The representative of the above named age 32 years old. If filed before said time of hearing; that the Tel. Rochester, Minn., slaughter ev/3s 4.5O-6.00. estate having filed his final account and Mr . Tureck. . time within which creditors of said dece- between 1 and 5 p.m. petition for settlement and allowance 289-4096. F rldoy, dent may file their claims be limited to - thereof and for distribution to the persons MAN for gen- four month 3 from the date hereof, and El^PERTENCErj^lNGLE filed be heard on March thereunto entitled; eral farm work. Tel. 6785, Altura, Minn. that the claims so IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing 1963, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., before 20, thereof be had on November 28, 1962, at ffwm mrumn jjy aaunaers ana trnsr In the probate courf room In the this Court 11 o before 1his Court in the l?TONSfRiJGT)ON ?? Winona; Minnesota, and 'clock A.M., type person court house in probate court room In the court house in We are looking for special bA«L_> be giver by publication work and that notice hereof Winona, Minnesota, and that notice hereof who Is tired of seasonal Hal-Rod the Winona Dally News 's most re- points or this order In be given by publication of this order In the threatened layoffs. America notice as provided bv law. Kewpee Lunch .;...... 4 and by mailed Winona Daily News and by mailed notice spected sales organization offers you Eagles Club , 1962. JVi Dated November 12 . as provided by law. an Independent business of your own TV Signal . .. j E. 0. LIBERA, Dated October 30, 1962 . at no Investment. Person considered Probate Judge. W.E. Greenhousei 3 E. t>. LIBERA, must be married, age 21-40, and havo Winona Insurance Agency 3 (Probate Court Seal) Probate Judge. pleasing personality. For details write Docrer's Genuine Parti JVi Strtater & Murphy, (Probale Court Seal) Box 761 Pally News . Schllfz Beer ...:.. IVJ Attorneys for Petitioner, Snyder 8. Joerg . Mankato Bar 1 Attorneys for Petitioner Help—Male or Female 28 Badger Foundry 1 Friday. Nov. 16, 1962) Preston, Minnesota Owl Motor Co. | (First Pub. FUH OR FART TTME. Wanted for Warner & Swasoy vy Stale of Minnesota j ss. Winona area. Must be able to meet Gralnbelt Beer 0 County of Winona ) >n Probate Court (First Pub. Friday, Nov. 9, 1962) people, car essential. Write D-74 Dally News. POWDER PUFF No. 15,451 State ol Minnesota ) ss. Hal-Rod W. L. In Re Estate of County of Winona ) In Probate Court Winona Insurance 34 Carl Oscar Hanson, Decedent. Situations Wanted—Female 29 » No. 15,444 ~ Budwelscr Beer 10 13 Order for Hearing on Petition for Admin- In Re Estate of WILL CARE F6R pre-school children day. Walklns Products ' 20 13 istration, Limiting Time to File Claims Ruth L. Rau, Decedent. times In my home while parents work, Sprlngdale Dairy and for Hearing Thereon. l» 14 Order for Hearing on Petition for Probata Center street . TeL_9143. Choate's it 15 Gaylord C. Hanson having tiled herein of Will, Limiting Time to File Claims Hal-Leonard Music ,...: 17"j 15V. a petition for general administration stat- and for Hearing Thereon. Business Opportunities 37 Bakken Const 17 16 ing that said tjecedent died Intestate and The First National Bank ot Winona ^ - Oasis Bar 16 17 praying that Gaylord C. Hanson be ap- having filed e petition for the probate ol LET ME SHOW YOU how you can bi Jen's Tavern u 7.0 pointed administrator; the Will of said decedent and for the ap- In business for yourself on an Invest- ment of under J100. Work lull or part B 8, H Food Store 12 21 IT IS CRDERED, That the hearing pointment of The First National Bank ol time Husband and wife can work to- NANCY Marigold Dairies 11 Jj thereol be had on Derember 12, 1962, at Winona as Executor, which Will Is on file . By Erni. Bushmiller In the gether. Write D-67 Dally News. Earl'i Standard Service .. IO',> 22'A 11 o'clock A.M., before this Court In this Court and open to Inspection; ______— , - ..- _ .. _,__ ... .. ______KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS probate court room In the court houie In IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing FRANCHiSE BUSINESS ' within Kegleri Lanes VV. L. Winona, Minnesota; that the time thereof be had on December 7, 1962, at -Of Your Own decedent may file Hamm's Beer 19 14 which creditors of said 11 o'clock A.M., before this Court In 1he Annual earVings of $8,000 lo $15,000. Winona National Bank 19 14 their claims be limited to four months probale court room In the court house In $3,500 to S5fl.OO starts you to security. Winona Milk Co 18 IS from the date hereof, ond that the claims Winona, Minnesota, and that oblectlons t« Openings in Rochester, Winona, La 1963 at St. Mary's College 15 15 so filed be heard on March 15, , the allowance of said Will, If any, be Crosse, Austin, Eau Claire. Write O. In the Warner 8, Swasey 15 15 10 o'clock A.M., tefore this Court tiled before said time ot hearing; thai Smith, 3653 Queen Ave. N.. fAlnneapolli house In Bub's Beer 15 15 jprobale court room In tho court the time wllhln which creditors ot said 12, Minn. hereof Briggs Transportation 14 19 iNlnona. Minnesota, and that notice decedent may file their claims be limited order In Merchants Bank 14 19 bo given by publlcillon of this lo four mon ths from the date hereof, and Money to Loan 40 Winona Dally News and by mailed that Ihe claims so filed be heard on ~ PIN-DROPS the your specific by law. March 13, 1963, at 10 o 'clock A.M., before NEED MONEY? Whatever Wustgate W. L. nollce as provided be you November 13, W2. this Court In the probate court room In need may 'll have the funds for Poppy 's 241/1 »',_ Dated 11 when you borrow from MINN. LOAN Randall's 22 14 E. D. LIBERA, the court house In Winona, Minnesota, and Probate Judge, that notice hereof be given by publication 8. THRIFT. 166 Walnut. Tel. 8-2976 and O'Brien's House of Beauty ... 22 14 your money can be ready v/hen you Seal) of this order In 1h« Winona Dally News KWNO It 18 (Probale Court stop by. Georgo M. Robertson Jr., and by mailed notice as provided by law , Steve 'i It II Dated November 7, 1962 . Pepsi-Cola 14 « Attorney for Petitioner. < E. D. LIBERA, Kelly 's »', i 33V. Probata Judge. Nov. 9, 1961) Culligan'a 10 36 (First Pub. Friday, (Probale Court Seal I LOANS WINONA CLASSIC George M. Robertson PLAIN NOTE—AUTO-FURUITUREt^ct Sloto ol Minnesota ) ss. Jr., Westgats w, L. Counly of Winona ) In Probate Court Attorney for Petitioner. 170 E. 3rd SI. Tel , 2915 Oaulsch Cast) Register 27 9 No, 15,398 Hri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sol. 9 am to noon. Poianc Trucking 34 12 In Re Estate of (First Pub. Friday. Nov . J, 1942 ) I Ruppert Orocery 31 15 Harrison E. Schactit, also known ai Loans — Insurance ^ REX MORGAN, M.D. Do, Weifgate Drug 18 18 State of Minnesota ) as. By Curtlt Harry Schactit, Decedent, Real Estate Rollngstone Lumber 14 20 Order for Hearing on Petition County ol Winona ) In probatt Court Walklns 14 22 to Sell R«al Estate No. 15.119 Superior Healeri 14 23 said estate havlno In Re Estate of FRAN K WEST AGENCY Ths representative of 175 Lofsyette St. lei. 5240 Date'i Standard 10 16 sell certain real Herbert Selke, Decedent. filed heroin a petition to (Next to Telephone Olflce) KEOLERETTE LADIES eslale described In said petition; Order for Hearing on Final Account Wostgale W. L. IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing and Petition lor Distribution. Dogs, Pets, Supplies Winona plumneretiei 24 18 thereof be had on December 7, 1962, al The representative of the above named _ 42 Valler Motor Co 11 IS 10:30 o'clock A.M., before this Court In estots havlno filed her final account and C0LUE PliPS-776 weeks 'YldTTlrToies. Lawrenr Furniture 19 17 the probate court room In the court house petition for settlement and allowance No papers. Inquire David Guenther, Roll- thereof and for distribution to the persons Hardt' s Music It 17 In Winona, Mlnnesola, and that notice lngstone,_ Minn. Tel. 2732. Sammy s Pura Palact .,..,., 17 19 publication ot this thereunto entitled ; "' ~ " ' hereof be given by ENGLISH SHEPH_RD-pups for a]e. Wlllllams Annex 16 30 IT IS ORDERED, That tha hearing s 7iiT. order In the Winona Dally News and by mer Foritrom. Lnncsboro, Minn. Mafifce Block i 14 20 mailed notice as prov/drd by law. thereof be had on November 28, 1962, nl 10:30 o Hlmm 's Beer ... 10 24 Dated November 6, 1963. 'clock A.M., before this Court In Horses, Caltle, Stock BAY STATE E. D. LIBERA. the probale court room In Ihe court house 43 In Winona. " ~ — ~ Westgale W. L. Probata Judge. Minnesota, and that nollce PURE D R E[) DUROC BOARS-sTred by Bouncers 3) 17 IProbale Court Seal) hereof be given by publication of this grand champion boar ol Minnesota State Boxers 10 11 William A. Llndqulsf, order In Iho Winona Dally News and by Fair. Vaccinated lor cholera and ery- Oolden Tigers ll 11 Attorney for Petitioner. mailed notice as provided by law, sipelas. Raised under sanitary condi- Bosses 25 31 Dated October 30, 19 Robert L, Hughes, Ward, clnated lor cholera nnd erysipelas, Cllf. M a, M' r ,. 19 I (First Pub, Friday, Nov, 9, 1963) Olassy Pour 13 15 Order lor Hearing on Petition lord Hell, Lanesboro, Winn. (Pilot Mound). MARK TRAIL Bv Ed Dodd Hot Shols 11 15 To Sell Real Estate Stale of Minnesota ) is. Lucky Four 11 14 The representative of sold estate having County of Winona ) In Probate Cour| RUSHrORO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION REOMEN LADIES filed heroin n petition to sell certain real No, 15,274 auction every Wed. atlornoon. Livestock Red Men W. L. eslnle described In said million; In Ra Bslal* of bought dally, Tel, Rushford 864-9149 col- Jchmldl's Bear 34Vi 8Vi IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing Catherine M. Broderlck, lect. Lelchf Press Ihcreot he had on December 7, 1%3, at Order lor Hearing on Final Account U"i MW 4-H GUERNSEY calves and older for Palfrslh Paints 15 ll 10; 30 o'clock A.M., before this Court In and Petition for Distribution. se- lection from surplus stoc^, Close Inspec- Winona Milk Co. 15 ia Ihe probata court room In the court house The . reprosentallvo ol the sbovs named tion by buyers Invited, John Ronch, Rl. Merchants National Bank ... 15 it In Winona, Minnesota, nnd that notice estate liavlng tiled lit final account and hereol be given l>y publication ol this petition tor settlement nnd allowance 2, wlnonn, Minn, Coca-Cola . 1) 33 - thereof and for ~ ATHLETIC CLUB LADIES order In tho Winona Dally News ond by distribution lo the persons TWO HORSES — 1 Chcstnut Goldlna, l notice as provided by law. Ihereunlo entitled; Athletic Club W, L. moiled black with whlto mnrklnas , Tel. 8-1366. Dated November t, 1962. IT IS ORDERED, That Ihe Welly's Swtolhearti 19 11 hearing " E D . i.innR/v thereof be had on December 6, POLAND CHINA BOARS - purohrrd Poger Mot Fish Stiop 17 11 . 1962, al Proba tt Jtirfga, 10:30 o'clock A.M., before tloynlor>, Lewiston, Minn. 7el. 3792, Stein Oil Co ,,. 17 11 this Court In _ (Probale Court Seal) the probate court room ' Koehler s Body Shop 14 16 In the court POLLUD HEREFORD BUU-regfstored, ' William A. Llndqulsl, house In Winona , Winona Knlllors 13 17 Minnesota, and that lVi yenrs old, good typo , Cheap, need Attorney tor Petitioner. nollce hereof be given Lantern Cale 10 30 by publication of room. Clem llurrlchfnr, Wnhashn, Minn. this order In the Winona Dally MAJORETTE News and by mailed notice as provided by low HOLSTEIN purebred hulls, serviceable Athletic Club W, , L. Dated November 6, 1963. ago . Good type. Stephen Kronnhusch, Square Oeal 31 7 'lolcphone Your j Want Ads E. D. LIBERA, I' milts E. of Allur/i, Wnn. Jerry's Clumbers 23 1 Probata Judge, SCOTCH SHORTHORN ' Borjyikowskl' S 17 'll to Tho Winona Daily News DULLS-purebred, (Probale Court Seal) servlcenlile ago and younrjer Winona Industries 14 16 , Thernn Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker. Sfreafa r 8, Murphy, Glenno 5. Son, super Siver 14 Rushford, Winn, (Brats- II Attorney! lor Petlllonir. berg) Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 Articles for Sale 57 Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum 64 Typewriters 77 Houses for Sale 99 Used Cars 109 Tty ZON calf concentrate, Increases weight, F EEZ S l,9? ,B ? Ji;? : •«'• Used rlfrljeTa- » PC. LIVING ROOM grouping, Inelgdlng TYPEWRITERS ind adding machines for 3RD E. 573—Small 5-room house, 2 bed- FORD—1959 V-8 4 door Custom, automatic fights disease, protects calves. GOLTZ 0r, Uw v « *»¦ FRANK LILLA UG, 274 E. 3rd. Til. 2547. \ .X£i . -' nylon sofa and matching chair with salt or rent. Reasonable rates, 'free roomi. Tel. 9479, - transmission, extra snowtlrt and rims.' DR 8. SONS, 761 E. 8th, ilpptrtd foam cushions; 4x12 rug with Used Cars 109 Used Cars delivery. Set us tor all your office sup- WILL TRADE my home for West Location Good condition. May be < seen at 351 109 ANGUS—16; 4 Hereford• -steers, 650 lbs. 3 MOW SNOW AWAY-wlth « Lawn Snow foam padj 2 matching itip tablti and plies, desks, tiles er office chairs. Lund W. 4th. Hereford ; 5 Angus heifers; 500 lbs./ « Blower, starts matching cocktail table; 2 tablt lampi S22_. or Goodview. Beautiful modern Florida PONTIAC—1958, 4 door hardtop, automat- (tn_C 195J FORD 2-dr. Instantly In any waafher, Typewriter Co. Tel. home, all furnished, all electric. SHANK, ,95] ^ " Ic transmission. Tel. 8-3587. Hereford springers, Tel. 8-34 .14.' clears a 15" path through packed, and ITM lamp. Regular J357.60 now d"*l A _ CHEVROLET SEDAN Ji S4D L'9h' ""toe, 6-cyllnder, drift- TYPEWRITER & ADDING MACHINE Box 311, San Antonld, Florida. T\/_l^ Light and dark green T**^" ttandard trammliilon, CHJNA Senior ed. Ice crusted snow, hurls snow 15 8219.95 down payment 119.95 and 112.17 __ r 58 STUDEBAkER WAGON-a . cylinder, RTACK POLAND boar. ff. or a month. BORrysKOWSKI FURNI- Sa les—Service— Rental ¥6"" " T** ~' two-tone, 6-cyllnder radio, heater. A good second car. cls Monahan, Altur M Inn. more In any direction. S»e If PR7C TO SELL — New 3 bedrooms, standard transmission, Must tell. 1495. Fran ___/ _____ today at ROBB TURE STORE, 302 Mankato Ave., Optn WINONA TYPEWRITER SERVICE and garage. Nice standard transmission. Another good 815 38th Ave., Goodview. BROS. STORE, 576 E. ¦ 161 E, 3rd Ttl. 8-3300 attached breezeway "~RAMS for sale or lease, Shropshire and 4TH. Tel. 4007. evenings. . location. Financing can b» arranged. buy at this price. - 1 to 3 year olds. Kenneth ~ IT^VVsC FbRb^HUNDERBTRD WALZ Hampshire, THE PERFECT G FT Tel. 8-1059. Turquoise and While with Kopp, GalesyllleMVIs, (Centervllle) T - for anyoneTTa- Good Things to Eat 65 Washing, Ironing Machines 79 ¦ Tj/yVT j. _ ~ dlos, itereo-hl-fl's. transistors, beautiful' MODERN HOUSE—3 bedrooms. Financing * WALZ *r *-<'«' matching leatherette Buick-Oldsmobile-GMC YOUNG BRE_blNG EW_5-15 for salt and practical. WINONA FIRE a, POW- APPLES^-Cortlandi, Mcintosh, Heraliont, MAYTAG AND FRIC10AIRE - Fast, ex- arranged. Inquire 958 Mankato. Tel. 6925. Interior, bucket leati, tllt-awiy stteerlng Open Mon. and Frl. Evening! purebred Suffolk ram. Will trade. _ER. 54 E. 2nd, Til. 5065, Wtalthlat. F. A. Krausi, Winona, Minn. wheel, V-8 automatic transmission, pow- with ¦ ' pert tervlce. Complete stock of parts. E. WABASHA ST., 521-You will, appreciate Buick-Oldsmobile-GMC A W. Krage, Caledonia, Minn, (Farm Bretty Acres, . ' ' . . H. Choati Co. Tel. 2871. Optn Mon. ind Frl, Evenlqgt tr steering, brakes, seat and windows, ' Sheldon) . . BASEMENT SALE-ntW Items. Baby - the extra room and pleaiant atmosphere In Village of ftedtr, baby litter, bedding, POTATOES - 11.80 a bu. Moody, Inqulrt ^ Full air conditioning. Save S300 from prev- radiator ¦ ¦ USED WRINGER and spin dry withers, of this well kept 3-bedroorn home. ~ ious price, . 1 954 Mercury BROWN SWISS COWS—2, to freshen In coven, cornices, bunk bed, bookcase, Wtit End APCO. . good selection. Reasonably priced. basement, furnace heat, nice lot ond ga- 10 days. Alvln Brevlg, Rt. 2, Spring misc. Reasonable. 256 Jefferson. "~ B . B ELECTRIC, church. This Is a "ITFord 2-dr. hardtop, two- ¦ ¦ LARGE WHITE DUCKS-4 to 8 lbs. aver- 155 E. 3rd, rage. Near school and V-8 rove , Minn. ' ' .. ' " • .. ' Station wagon, ' 4-dr. G - . ' LARGE DEEP F^EEZE-JeMi, desk age, t2 each, live. Geese, live or dress- lot of home tor only J9.50O. Immediate Country Sedan, tone, automatic HEIFERS-12, 600 lbs. Roll ; possession. i tutone, standard transmission. {795. WALZ ln^oTsTEtN S6.95 kitchen set, J19.95; chesll. cribs, ed. Jot Merchlewlti, Stockton, Minn. Wanted to Buy 81 transmission, white- pearson aJjTW, WI«^eL 47 R.4 . matfrtsiei, radios, 1001 Items. Clothing Tel, 2»l5 Lewiston. 1j _ _ ; _ ' ¦: Buick-Oldsmobile-GMC walls, reduced in Furniture Shod. 253 E. 3rd. Tel. S-3748. ^ CEDAR CHEST>wanfd. Ttl. 4773, . - W, STAHR Open Mori, and Frl, Evtnlngs W HOLSTEIN COW—due In Feb. with 2nd S74 W . Mark Ttl. 6925 '60 Falcon 6 price to calf. Alsi), 60 balesi of straw. Tel. 8-1398* POOL TABLE— large. Can be ie«n it ill WANTED SCRAP IRON - METAL Standard transmission, radio, while, - Very attractive , ntw afler _4 _p.m. . . Liberty. APPLES Tel. 3004 for pickup. MINNESOTA CITY 4-dr. Amtrlca'i most popular used car. HIGHEST PRICES PAID 3-bedroom rambler. Large kitchen, built- 11195. DUROC BOAR—meat type, 250 lbs., rec- per bu. cablnwts, large liv- 1959 Chev. $495 Wltoka, Minn. OK usEtTFUTwrTu^^ $1 M 8, W IRON AND METAL CO. in GE oven, all birch % / ords. . Tel. 80-2310 273 E. Srd St -07 w. 2nd, across Spur Gas Station ing room with picture window, wall-to- DUR OC BOARS—registered, serviceable We Buy We Sell Ed Jick wall carpeting, baseboard heat, full base- '58 Ford 6 2-Door " 're, Ettrick, Wis. ¦ Furniture—AMiques-^Tooli WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON 8, METAL appointment call \ / i9!le. Jams Hoy . CO. pays highest prices for scrap Iron, ment. Only S15.900. For Standard transmission, tudor sedan, \ •#, ...,, j...;.,,,.. .-,.. and ..other., used.. Item*. 2 blocks south of Centerville, Economy 6-cyllnder CHEVIOT EWES—15; 1 purebred ' Chevi- ¦ ¦ metals, hides, wool and raw fur. radio, no mills it all on newly Installed _ _ TeL_ 8-3701 W. STAHR engine exchange You get a new car \/ motor, standard VENABLES may be bought alone. Herb "" Wis., 4 corrieFif' 222 W. 2nd. Ttl. 2067 . ¦ ot ram. Ram ~ onwHgwy. 93. ¦ 374 W. AAerk Ttl. 6925 . ¦ ¦;. Haase, Rt. 1, Winona. (Near Sockton) __ BRIGHTEN UP a ¥lred bath7oom with a , Closed Saturdays warranty¦ on tht block assembly. $995. y ' transmission, solid We Advertise Our Prices 75 W. 2nd Tel. 8-2711 ^ new lighted cabinet. Select from regu- : HIGHEST PRICES PAID : GOODVIEW—4715 4th. 4 bedrooms. Only «^. white, looks and runs PEEDER CALVES—350 lbs. Good quality. lar or sliding door models. Household Articles 67 \ ^^ Open Monday & Earl Harris, In care of Pleasant Valley for icrap Iron, metals, rags, hides, raw Sl>500 down, 12 years old, like new. De- like,new: Now Friday Evenings Dalry Tel. 4425. . . . CARPETS clean easier , with tht Blue lurs and wooll luxe kitchen, dining area, carpeted living _ SANITARY Lustre electric shampooer, only tl per corner 4 milts S, of room, oak floors, attached sarage, PIGS—31 . Mlk* Murphy, PLUMBING & HEATING day. H, Choatt 8, Co. Sam Weisman & Sons lot . Will finance balance Tike rent. $1245 Mobile Homes, Trailers W ltoka. Minn, on Hgwy, 71. 168 E. 3rd St. Tel . . 737 111 INCORPORATED . » Machinery and Tools 69 UtA \A/ lrft T.l CSJ7 FRAN K WEST AGENCY ^V* 38 Years In Wlnone aJ ^ FRONTIER MOBILE HOME — 1959, 175 Lafayette Lincoln—Mercury—Falcon—Cornet 50x10, very good condition. Prlctd for YOUNG HOLSTEIN BULLS Open Mon, 8. Frl. Eve. Sat, p.m. CLEARANCE SALE; Rooms Without Meals 86 Tel. 5240 or 4400 tvenlngs. - quick salt.¦ Tel. $34-2501, Plalnvlew, of serviceable age, from high YV Y "-~ McCullocli Minn. . ' ¦ ¦: . Enamel electric range ... FOURTH w7ll421 — Near Westfleld Golf mr~i"Irnl'le W, of Dally Hog Market possession. Tel. 4191. en with built-in GE oven, wood-pan- Brownsville, Minn. George E Blssen, cows-helfers, eled family room plus large living owner; Schroeder . Bros., auctioneers; Tel. 4161 on springing SANBORN E. 47TV2^3 rooms, partlcaTTy VENABLES ' room with fireplace. West central lo- Thorp Sales : Co., clerk._ Service :• . furnished, with private bath, heat and ¦ ¦ 75 W. 2nd Tel. 8-2711 ~ _ BARGAIN SHOP hot water furnished. Adults, $60: Tel. cation, " . - '. " NOV. 17—Sat. 12:30 p!m7 S rnlles N. of Feeder Pigs to Winona and 5017 or 6790, v- ' . Open Monday & Friday Evenings v ,1954 De Soto Houston. Allen Jonsgaard , owner; Alvin 300 New! New!: Kohner, auctioneer; Minn. Land i, Auc- Leonard Holtegard Home All Area Schools MODERN FIRST FLOOR-4 rooms and Three bedroom rambler; . with a large Hon Ser.. clerk. bath. Contact 5alvaHon Army Service Y Firedome Wanted living room-dinette combination, big ft-n_ LOTS OF TRANSPORTA- / ~ Store between t and S, or 224'/j Olm- low down pay- "/"i '4rdr. -, V-8, serni-auto- NOV. 19—Mon. 1 p.m. 2 mjies S. of 8 weeks and older; St. Charles Minn. ¦ lot. Trane gas heat, D 'l JlJ TION AT THIS PRICE Blair on Hgwy. 53, then , Complete Line g itead after 5. , ment, thirty year terms. ; T^^V , \\# / matic transmission, V> mile W. Write. 19J5 pontlac 4-dr. sedan, Wall Bros., owners; Alvln Kohner, auc- of accessories... BROADWAY W. «J7-upstaIrs apt., heated. V-8 automatic transmission, radio, heat- power steering, two- tioneer; Northern Inv. Co., clerU. 3 blocks North of Highway 14 Tel. H95. : G lenview Court er, excellent . tires, dark green, y P.O. Box 547 ' ¦ tone. This one priced NOV. 20—Tues., 12:30 p.m. 10 miles oh Whitewater Ave. " . ' ¦; MUSIC . - . MARK E. 480—3-rocm apt., private bath, Beautifully landscaped home with car- S. of St. Charles , Minn. peted living room, fireplace, equiva- for quick sale. Arcadia, Wis. Elmer Bortlt Estate, own- heat and hot soft water furnished. er;. Kohner 8, English,, auctioneers; REEDS Available now. Adults. lent of three bedrooms and family WALZ Lots of good clean used cloth- room or four bedrooms; two bathj. Northern. Inv. Co., clerk. lements 48 OILS THREE-ROOM unfurnished modern apart- Farm Imp ing for children and adults. Attached two car garage. Buick-Oldsmobile-GMC¦ $295 NOV . 21-Wed. 12:30 p.nCs miles W. of ~~~ ¦ . ment, close In, heat and utilities fur- Open Mon. and Frl. Evenings ". ¦" ^ ¦ ' ETC.;' I 10 Crescent, 12 mlle.s N.W. o' Hokah ""T^MELiTE CHAI.N SAWS j nlshed. Tel. 3600 daytime, 8-2303 after 5. Reduced on South Ridge. Mrs. John Von Moos, Be sure and see the new OS - .- Open 8 a.m. to 8 pm. ~~~~ ^ owner; Beckman Bros., $149.95 """ "¦ 7~~. Now In Stock PTcKWiaT-rst floor apt'TTiectricitjr'fur- This splc and span two bedroom home auctioneers; nlshed, available Dec. 1st. Inquire - Wil- i one block from the- Lake park. Ga- I958 PonM' Atinri. Land ' & Aucflon Serv., clerk. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Monday through Saturday liam Brennan, Pickwick, ac VENABLES Minn. Only. 2nd _ Johnson . Tel. 54S) Thompson Piano Books - rage and¦ a corner lot. . J9,650.O0. NOV. 23—Frl, School house : auctions, In __ ' ' • AFTER HOURS CALL: 75 W. 2nd . Tel . 8-2711- area, ~~ ~~" different , types of and ONE BETJROO/vvTpT^IriAltura, avail- Chieftain Lewiston - 1st. auction starting at WE HAVE MANY able Dec. 1, W. H, Batiel, A ltura, Minn, Dave Knopp 8-2809 Open Monday & Friday Evenings 11 a.m. Lewiston School District, owner; mechanical feeders. Why not team one FREE Popular Sheet Music W. L. (Wlb) Helzor 8-2181 4-door, hydromatic, Alvln Kohner. auctioneer, of these with a CLAY unloader and HARRIET 717—upstairs apt. 2 bedrooms, feeding with, John Hendrlckson 7441 radio, heater , jet really take the work out of While they last this ad large living room and kitchen. Heat Laura Flsk ZI1B silage. OAK RIDGE SALES _ SERV- and hot water furnished. Immediate pos- ' , black. Excellent con- 7884. and the purchase of 8 gals. Betty Darby 2991 . Y V ICE, Minneiska, Minn.JTel. Altura gasoline. session . Tel. 7411. dition throughout. A I SCHOOL HOUSES AT . fRAC-fo R SAw" RIG—surge milker pump, MOVING? Before you do ... check with beauty. 3 lo 4 pail unit, Model. 7A.. Tel. 80-2310 Your choice, 33V* RPM-LP your REPUBLIC VAN LINES agent for ¦ ¦ ¦ • HAL;^^fARD Wi'cka, . Minn. • __ ' ' . - record albums. expert handling, packing, fast dispatch- $1195 - rear ing. WINONA DELIVERY S. TRANS- FORD TRACTOR—wlih loader : and Salute to the Fabulous Dorsey's FER, 404 W. 4th. Tel, 3112, fee LOVE*U . scraper, all in good condition. Richard My Fair Lady | J 'V- " Tel. 2349 I Wis. Tel , 539-2331, Cen- FOUR LARGE rooms, full bath . Lights, AUCTION Bell, Galesville, i 1 110 Exchange Bldg. I LOCATED IN THE LEWISTON AREA. terville. ' " '¦ ' ¦ Pearl Bailey. ' hot water, partially heated. 2 children some 6 ; ¦ (acceptable. Tel. 7155 after 4:30. VENABLES DRINKING CUPS and stanchions, : " *-~~ Len Greden, Minneiska, Courtesy Corner ^j£^ . . CENT RA LLY~iLOCATED : nearly new. RTNG E. 156 — Between Lafayette and 75 W. 2nd Tel. 8-2711 rWinn. Tel. Altura . 6685. CITIES SERVICE 6 room apartment ; ' Npycml)er Telephone 8-2921 -r_i B-i«7 Franklin. This Is an exceptionally nice Open Monday & Friday Evenings 1 Fridayf 23 > 5th & Center home. 4 rooms and bath, all on one floor. % Located Just West of R! D. Cone's Apartments, Furnished 91 In tip-top condition. Large living room 4 1. Selling at 11 A.M, Jackson or Fabian School located 6 miles GENERATOR and dining room. Hardwood floors. Beau- , PORTABLE , p- south of Lewiston near the Rowehamp farm, 18 by 24 frame ' Radios, Televiiiofi 71 WINONA ST. - 3 room furnished aptT, tiful lot and garage. Choice location 1 school building to be moved or torn down by April , 1963; also Wt. 65 Lbs. RUMMAGE SALE adults, utilities furnished. Til. 7687 for Only. $8,500. Call Tailor-Made 1500 Watts - appointment. 1 Silent Sioux oil burner, 20 desks, "some books, crock water • Engine RADIO AND TV REP/IR, all makes, ex- W. STAHR B&S . pert work. WINONA. FIRE V POWER. FOR MEN-:llght houiekeeplng rooms, 1st 374 W. Mark Tel. 4«5 For Second Car || cooler, 2 out houses, wood shed, fuel tank, 2 basketball hoops, ' ' (Leaving City) 54 E- 2nd, Tel. 5M3, floor, private¦ bath and entrance. Tel. § teeter totter, etc. ^ Reg. .... - • ..-. .. ••• $259.95 ' 4859. . ' ¦ - EXPERIENCED IN TV, radio , repair. . ;- :. - -. __1_____ 1954 PONTIAC 2-dr. sedan, " b 2. Selling at 1 P.M. Old No. 19 school located 1 mile north of Demo- ...... --• $198-00 Brera TV Service, 63 W. Bellevlew. WORKING GIRL wanted to share my automatic transmission. This l blankets, bed-! Tel. 7476. ¦ . trailer home. On bus line. Red Top 1 Lewiston. 22 by 30 brick building located on approx. j acre of Clothing, ¦ ' is a very clean car, one that new, big sav- Trailer Court , Tel: 8-1647 after 5. . arid land will be sold in 1 unit. Quit claim deed , PORTABLE STEREOS—all will give you good transporta- § land. Building FEITEN IMPL, CO. spreads, curtains, dishes ings, big discounts. Must sell to make CENTRAL LOCATION—S-roonTTpt. with 1 will be furnished. Also desk, swivel chair , parlor furnace , 4 . room for '63 models. FIRESTONE stove and refrigerator furnished. Ideal tion. ' 113 Washington Winona knick-knacks, misc. STORE, 200 W, 3rd. Tel. 6060. for couple or for working girls. ABTS The Right Image? 1 slate blackboards, 10 desks, some books, wood shed, swings N AGENCY, INC., Realtors, 159 Wa lnut Oo you picture yourself ai the owner and teeter totters on steel stands. USED TELEVISION SETS-comoIti and : i portables. The slie and style you want St. Ttl. 4242 or 3184. ot this attractive new 3-bedroom home WINONA RAMBLER I 3. Selling at 2 P.M. Benck School located 1 mile north of at KING W. 53—downstairs apt., with pri- In recently developed area, close-in? . ^ ATTENTION! Nov. 19, 20, 21 vate entrance. Porch, bath, heat and There are 6 rooms, The bath Is tiled. 9th & Mankato Tel. 8-3647 I BetAariy. 24 by 26 frame building, in good condition , to be ' Year-End Specials On Hardt's Music Store hot water. Available Dec. 1. Adults. A very modern kitchen has colorful moved or torn down by April 1, 1963. Also oil burning heater , 118 E. 3rd Winona bullt-lns. Attached garage. Gas hot Used Car Lot—3rd and Mankato i FIFTY E. 309—3 rooms, ntwiy decorated, water heat. Reasonably priced. ¦ i fuel tank, desks, books, piano, S slate blackboards, 24 steel NEW DEMONSTRATOR 1293 W. 5th St. Winona's Finest Electronic Repair private bath, first floor, private entrance. Tel. 83649 for All Makes 1 posts, teeter totter and swings, • MACHINES Business Places for Rent 92 Don't Miss This , Don Ehmann TV Service brand new 3-bedroom home. Nice liv- Selling at 3 P.M, Hillsdale School located 7 miles north _ • Deere 2010 Tractor, ' • Joh n 980 W. Fifth Ttl. 630J MODERN . OFFICE — Contact Furs by ing room, very large kitchen with of Lewiston on the Rollingstone-Lewiston road. 24 by 36 frame : < Authorljtd Dealer for - ¦ eating area, lots of cupboards and For Your Shoppin g Convenience • John Deere 3010 Tractor. Franclt. . - 14.building with full basement and located on approx. one acre Deere 4010 Diesel. AOMIRAL-MUNTZ-ZENITH counter space and built-in stove and ^ • John Houses for Rent 95 oven, tiled bath with shower, attach- of land. This building is in wonderful condition and would H Deere 15A Chopper, Refrigerators 72 We Will Be Open • John USED ~ ed garage, oil heat, Low taxes. Only make a nice home. Be sure to look this property over as the Deere 890 Hay Rake. size, In good NEW 3 BEDROOIvTTomes for rent. J69 fiw minutes drive from center of town. o John REFRIGERATOR-large $16,500 Monday and Friday Nites building is quite new and is located on the main highway. Has ' shape. Inquire 1735 W. 4th., Apt. C. per month and S99 per month. Bob An excellent buy at . • Green Isle Feed Mixer. Selover Rtallor, 110 Exchange Bldg. hardwood floor and is wired for electricity. Deed and abstract % PHILCO UPRIGHT FREEZER-Lasl ~~ "~ Until 9 furnished. -' These For Real Values Only J199.95. $10 down, BROADWAY W. J33-Moderr7 2-bedroom It Has Everything t« showing clear title will be Check year 's modal. well , almost choice location, only a APPLIANCES M,50 per wtek. FIRESTONE STORE, house, garage, adults preferred, no . A DISTRICT, OWNER Tel. 6060. pets. Inquire 531 W. Broadway. few blocks ftom churches, schools and LEWISTON SCHOOL IMPL. CO. 200 W. 3rd St. the lake. Three bedrooms, carpeted liv- I FEITEN ^J WEST END—New 2 bedroorrThome, mod- Alvin Kohner, Auctioneer 113 Washington Winona "Supply ing room, targe kitchen, attached ga- VENABLES i Ed's Refrigeration - ern, with garage. Near bus, stores, rage, oil heat. And only 112,900. I TERMS: Cash on personal property and 20% down on Commercial and Domestic churchei. 1676 Hanover St. Te^B-3529 75 W. 2nd Tel. 8-2711 Apartment size gas Tel. 5532 ~ ~""~ ^ real estate with balance to be paid when clear title is furnish ed ^ 555 E. 4th IDEAL TjDCA^iotV 2 bedroorrThome, new Pause For Thought || range wall-to-wall carpeting, dishwasher , air and consider how you might have you r Specials at the Store 74 conditioning, heat and yard care In- 1 own comfortable living and Income USED DON'T LAUGH: Ml toboggan. J19.95; cluded. S125 per month Tel. 8-1803. ^ too In this 3-apl. building. First floor Oil heater with fan 6-11. slie, S13.95. BAMBENEK'S, 459 ONE STORY—com pletely lur'nlshcd house has 2 bedrooms, living room with fire MACHINERY Mankato Ave. with all new furniture, 2 bedrooms, place, kitchen and bath. Two smaller I DUE TO THE DEATH OF MY HUSBAND I WILL DIS- U oil furnace, adults Inquire 507 E. King. epts , upstairs. All for 514,500. Might BUY NOW | POSE OF MY FARM AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. it; Wood heater WA RFARIN ^ ~" also bo used as a 5-bedroom homo. Wanted to Rent 96 - TRACTORS - Coal heater READY-MIX RESIDENCE PHONES: PRICE IS THE REASON WHY MRS. JOHN VON MOOS f' John Deere "00" LPTO. Pellets or Meal FURNISHED APT.—1 or 2 bedroom. E. J. Horlert . . . 3973 Wait location preferred. Til. B-1535 be- Mary Lauer . , . 4323 CARS ARE SELLING FAST j IHC "400" Diesel. 50c UP tween U and 5. Jerry Berthe . . . 8-2377 Oil heaters - AT QUALITY CHEVROLET IHC "M" Diesel. Also Available In Water Soluble Form TWCTOR TH REE room" bachelor apt." by Philip A. Baumann .. . 9540 Allis Chalmers "\VC" — 1946. TED MAIER DRUG Jan. 1. Write or Inquire D-73 Dally John Deere "B" - 1951. Small gas heater Ntwi. 1 fS) Irnpala 2-door hardtop, 8- ll AUCTION fiti John Deere "A" 1945. Farms, Land for Sale 98 "£- cylinder automatic trans- s| Located 6 miles west of La Crescent , 12 miles northwest of f \ Electric refrigerators Remington mission , radio, power steering, ' 157 ACRES—very good producllve soil, | Hokah on South Ridge. j ALLIS WD-45 CHAIN SAWS mostly level. Complete set of buildings, 601 Main St. Tel. 2849 gorgeous 2-tone turquoise , match- ; with New Idea Gas refrigerator Parts—Sales—Service In excellent condition, This farm has ing interior. Extremely low mile- been In samo family over 100 years. Wanted—Real Estate 102 age. 1-yr.. guarantee. ; 2-row mounted picker. 1962 Bantam . , . . $139.00 .Located on Counly Trunk "I", 4 miles ~f" " 770 room house in A-l condition , num windows; reinforcing, cement, and schools and churches. Tel, 22PO or 575 1 , enca Wlcciorak, muff Sidling. Wis. Was $12911, now I Ions and drinking cups ; Good chicken coop; ; large machine 1—30-Gallon Drum _ "" waterproofing. .Wt have many money- " " " ' Feiten Impl. Co. saving closeout specials, EAST END 2—15-Gallon Drums WESTOALE 476-O-bedroom rambler, ful- (JMC TRUCK-1960, 4,000 icrlts, ~iie. | shed and apple shed combination; corn crib and grnnery; , . ' COAL 8. CEMENT PRODUCTS CO., 901 ly carpeted, largo living room and kltch- collenf condition, rack ond box Included. s! hog house ; Good locnlion on counly road with school bus ami 113 WashiiiRlon St. Winonn C, 8th. T el. 3189. < • * an, bullt-lns, disposal, double garage , 210 W . 2nd. ree room In basement. Ttl. B-3875. __ I mail route by tlio door. TE11MS ON FARM — 10% down pay- ;i , Othor Fml 63 ; Fertilizer, Sod 49 Coal Wood, Fnrm-Oyl t. ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom home. 3 | ment on the dato of snip. Ralnnce on delivery of merchantable " SLAB WOOD bedrooms down with 1 hug» bedroom 55 Chev. 6 i title subject to npprovnl of Probate Court. WILD HAY tor gnrdrn mulch )! bale. and closet up. Dandy kitchen and living Truck, Hi ton, LWB . Near new Rcfnll Store. Oood quality green slab wood. ANTI-FREEZE leghorn hens; some feeders and waterers. Northern Field Seed OAVE BRUNKOW A SON room. Corner lot. ARTS AOENCV. INC., Feuerhelm Sfock Body. Vi^C^«, -13,000 miles, like ¦ ¦ 110 each . Id. 0-2053. itory home, 2 hddrooms down, Vt up, new, W. Ilh alter 5 p.m, $ BECKMAN BIU)TI U-:itS , Al'cTlOiNKK KS HEAT INGi -• file large-l se- area, gas J930 " " STORM WINDOWS k, 4?" xMI", tl; storm ilEATINOr' all modern kitchen, dining " ' VENABLES B JIM PAPENFUSS HKPUKSF .NTINC - : lection ol gas or oil hooting equipment In (urnace, combination windows , 2 acres AUSTIN MEALY SrRITE- 1958. Conver- door 31-VWii", 15/ l- asy splwlryer, $25; WARDS)»* ¦( «• »*4 -t-«st## » r -

DICK TRACY By Chester Gould)



RIP KIRBY By John Prentice and Fred Dickenson ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' . . V . ' ' •" ¦ ' . ' : 'Y: ' '" - . ' ¦ . " ¦ > ' . BLONDIE By Chie Young

I ll ABNER " By Al Copp STEVE CANYON By Milton Canrtiff

I- f#-TAPE RECORDERS? I / We're loaded!!

¦ ¦ M \Af B We're not kidding a bit when wa proudly lay wa are tha absolute headquarters '~ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ H M W _¦ for Tape Recordert in tho entire Southeastam Mlnnatota areal You'll ba pleasantly ^^¦^ . IssV l l', j & oK^T h \ -11-1-111111 ___l I ____r_ H m m\ H amazed at tha wonderful tuortmtnt to choose from hen at Ed Buck's. /WU/V/n vW / than x^^^ jiiiyits uisiio

_i SouthMttern .f ll friendliest' ^^ I ,^^_j MM Ejj|||jj|| ^^__


+ U/FRPrtD "Roberts New 1040 Recorder" ¦ ¦ ¦ (brings profetsional stereo within the reach of millions!) $^^m m ^LM Combinet thttt tdvanctd features: _, * nVlls-LUU m m onJ # Records new FM MULTIPLEX STEREO CASTS. ^ mtl-fn Yst> • 4-track stereo and monaural record/play. tereo and monaural play. y{ KUoEKTS * 2 tracl< * I „ • Sound-with-sou iid, using either track as basic track. ¦ ¦ • Dual, self-contained power stereo amplifiers. A • Dual built-in extended range stereo speakers. Dual microphone inputs , ^L • pre-amp speaker outlets • n,ln P1,on °/ ra 0 inputs.external t ,' -,in -ill '- M l^___ M^^^^. ' ^' r **^^j BBHJjj J(i*** '*MUjAptf_—L^A • Dual and . T I rtC-^rj ' I ^^^^^^^^ • Pl|S» button function switchei. I rj iS?} ¦¦¦ " in " II-.1111 1 ¦ * Automatic shut-off. Automatic muting on rewind. 1^* HERE NO -flf I 1 * I 1 • Professional edit lever. I 4-track RCA Victor prertcorded . | • Professional VU meter with channel switch, I I STEREOPHONIC TAPES . . . Wl- • Professional index counter. I nona 't wldeit astortment of start • Dllnl concentric volume nud tone knobs with clutch conlrolle,, ,,alnnCe I and ttyle. and ln.trum.nt. under ' _ FESTIVEFflUn Q ft %J ¦ one roofl Yourt for |ust I(l_-j"ij U _¦ -¦»¦- -» B i . , ... |Kf j I6E 6HEAM" 7\fAfV Your Doorn — Play up your holiday entertaining with this rega l 3BC with dessert. Quality Chekd Festive Fruit Ice Cream is QU ^^^ SjS ^Sbfl ^^^ decked holiday ^ ^ Y /- ^mSSmmml^oBSBS/ ^ all the goodies-fruits, minia- ture marshmallows , nutmeats, colorful candies. *- , Evq ry bite's a festive surprise. Keep several-em-- Store. ' (id BUCK'S CattwwuShaft. tons ready for holiday hospitality. You'll taste the ^ ^ I ^^^^ y jj^^ NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE (yet) ON MAIN STREET quality difference .,. when it's Quality Chekd!