BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 11 No. 92 Thursday, October 6, 1966 10$ Engineers Will Prepare New Report on Outfall Sewer Expansion Pten Questioned if Councilmen Boca Raton's proposed ocean outfall sewage system was handed back to the consulting engineers yesterday afternoon with a request for more details on what a postponement would mean. Action followed an hour-and- Waves cut deeply into beach. a-half discussion between mem- bers of the City Council and Dr. Fred Eidsness of Black, Crow and Eidsness. The meeting had been called Inez - Just Flirting' on request of Deputy Mayor Sid Inez may be fickle, but she gone eventually," they said. counters. Brodhead, who said he had sure didn't kick up her heels Nick Bishop at J.C. Mitchell Then they sat and waited. .-. "some second thoughts." much in Boca Raton this week. and Sons doubted very much and waited. . .and waited. Brodhead's criticism was Phil Azzolina led the Boca Raton Municipal Band through a brisk In fact, she didn't even brush there would be many claims. Inez huffed and puffed and that the city's present system performance of music recalling "Our American Heritage" during the through town. All she did was "We've had only one so far flirted a few times with the is not being used to capacity, band's first concert this week. The concert drew a near capacity look back, shake her curls and and that was nothing much." southeast coastline, but green- "and if we use all our borrow- audience to the Community Center. send a gusty "hello" our way. er pastures, or should it be ing power to construct the ocean The "Hello" she gave us Other insurance companies warmer waters, beckoned her outfall system, then we will have didn't affect us either. At least have had no claims at all. to other shores. insufficient money to make the that's the story from the in- Although a visit from Inez City Director of Works Wil- sewer connections that will Council Gets Beach Report, surance companies in town. was something no resident rel- liam Prendergast said there bring in the necessary income.'' Bebout Insurance had only ished, Boca Raton people did was no damage to municipal J'jh e :. discussion following two calls for claims, "and I'm prepare for her. facilities. Only two reports of F»x fti'j'^.d^s statement were.end- sure they won't amount to even A few people battened down fallen trees were received by ed:'\vhen Mayor Pat Honchell •' Will Seek fedmwl funds $100," a spokesman said. the hatches at home, and a his department. and' Eidsness agreed more in- Allstate reported a few few downtown stores closed/but In the end, Inez was just an formation was necessary.. The long-awaited report from claim Oct. 9 to 15 as Fire Pre- claims, but nothing really bad. most residents just dropped excuse to close the schools for Eidsness began the meeting the Boca Raton Municipal Beach vention Week and Oct. 16 as "Just a few screens out and a their awnings and cleared their two days and a chance for Boca with a recapitulation of the Improvement Advisory Com- Boca Raton Youth Football Day; utility pole blown down, but it patio and yard of moveable ob- Raton youngsters to play* city's position with ocean out- mittee was received with thanks PRAISED the Municipal Band was rotting away and would have jects and bought out the bread (More pictures, page 2A) fall. by City Council Tuesday night, for its Monday night concert; "This started early in 1965, and Manager Alan Alford was and when our firm indicated that instructed to proceed immed- NAMED Donald Coblentz as another sewage treatment plant iately with an application for an alternate on the Board of — one in the northern part of matching federal funds. Adjustment. 1 the city would soon be required. "The recommendations rep- This was presented in our re- resent a lot of study and work port to the council. on the part of many dedicated Voter Books "The State Board of Health people," Mayor Pat Honchell * •• then issued a decree that sew- said, "and we hope that we can age effluent could no longer be proceed as suggested." Close Friday dumped into fresh water Turning to other matters, streams like the El Rio Canal, Council authorized Alford to Voter registration books will which we had proposed as the prepare a report as to whether slam shut tomorrow afternoon basin for the effluent. or not the city could borrow the at 5 p.m., and will remain (Continued on Page 6A) water meter deposits for sewer closed until after the Nov. 8 construction. election. ' 'We pay 3 per cent interest Jacob Heidt, city registrar P0 Adds ZIP on this money and there is no of voters and deputy county reg- reason why we shouldn't use it istrar, said that more than 50 for this purpose," said Coun- persons had registered in the To ZIPping cilman Harold Maull. "We can first three days of this week. expand the sewer system grad- Besides the gubernatorial Residents in Boca Raton will ually and save high interest race, there are several county be offered an opportunity to rates." contests, 13 state amendments ZIP Code their mailing lists In other action, council- and seven city capital improve- during October, Postmaster INTRODUCED five ordi- ment questions on the Nov. 8 Donald McDermott announced nances pertaining to rezoning; today. ballot. AUTHORIZED Alford to pro- Persons who have been resi- Letter carriers will deliver ceed on beautification of the "no postage needed" cards to dents of for one year, median strip of Palmetto Park and who have lived in the county each of the city's 7,972 resi- Road between the El Rio Canal dential delivery stops beginning for six months are eligible to and Southwest 9th Ave. at a register. City requirements are Monday, the postmaster said. price of $2,500; The cards will have blanks for the same, except for six months REFERRED a proposal for of residence within the city. The addresses used most often, garbage and trash pickup by Pillars now exposed. Lifeguard replaces sign. but for which individuals do not residence times are concurrent. know the proper ZIP Codes. the Florida Sanitation Corp. to Books are open daily, from 9 Alford; a.m. until 5 p.m., in the office After filling in the street HEARD Mayor Honchell pro- number, city and state, the of the city clerk, city hall. 'Biggest In History' cards are to be mailed back to the postmaster. Local post of- fice personnel will add the proper ZIP Codes and return the cards to the sender. Council Hikes Ante Center Launches Open House Addresses which cannot be ZIP Coded because of insuf- The Boca Raton recreation 7:30 p.m. with a tennis exhibi- making, rug hooking, tropical ficient or improper addresses department is in the midst of tion on the tennis courts and an craft, knitting, weaving, liquid will be forwarded to the city For CIP Bond Issue the longest open house in its open house for Twilighters, the embroidery, crushed glass, indicated on the card, if legible history. 40 and over group. holiday craft, oil painting, cer- The seven-item Capital Im- report, made at the request of and the codes will be added provement Plan became official The arts and crafts exhibit amics, beadcraft, shellcraft, there. the Garden Apartments Com- Except for Tuesday when the scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday mosaics, enameling on copper Tuesday night as City Council mittee, had not been made pub- center closed shop because of a Only addresses, not names formally approved its being and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and etching on aluminum will of correspondents, should be (Continued'on Page 6A) little lady called Inez, the week will be a preview of what to ex- be represented at the show. placed on the Nov. 8 ballot. has been chock full of exhibits pect in the classes which be- listed on the cards, the post- Only one major change was and activities of all kinds at the gin Monday, Oct. 10. master said. ZIP Codes repre- made — that of increasing Safety Campaign Community Center. sent delivery areas for the the possible expenditure of the Saturday's activities also will Candidate Opens postal service, not individuals. Today the center will open at include a rescue technique dem- Garden Apartments site from onstration at 11 a.m, on the $800,000 to $850,000. Minor Ready to Start alterations consisted of chang- south beach. Headquarters The Boca Raton News' fourth Sunday a dog obedience show ing the wording of the reason for purchase from "future city annual-Safety Crusade will soon at 9 a.m. will round things up Claude Kirk, Republican get underway, again under the for the open house. nominee for Governor of Flor- Ann LanQers Page 3B hall ' to "municipal and rec- Church News reational facilities," co-sponsorship of Police Chief October 1-5, 1966 The two day arts and crafts ida, made a rush visit to Boca 9B W. Hugh Brown. ' Hi Lo Rain exhibit will feature works done Raton yesterday to dedicate new Classifieds 11-12-13A The raise to the $850,000 89 74 .08 Editorials figure brought out that an ap- A series of safety announce- Sat. by teachers in the recreation headquarters in the former 4A ments will be presented weekly, Sun. 84 72 .82 department sponsored classes. Curv-Inn building on North Public Notices 8A praisal, made by James R. 85 71 .15 Real Estate in the News as a public service Mon, Classes in glass staining, Federal Highway. 5B Branch, a West Palm Beach presentation to help reduce Tues 82 74 .53 dressmaking, needlecraft, palm It was Kirk's fourth official Sports 10-11A appraiser, had set the price of Wed. noon 85 72 0 frond weaving, plastic flower visit during the campaign. Women's News Section B the property at $717,000. This (Continued on Page 6A) 2A Thursday, Oct. 6. 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS LOSED SATURDAYS—


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Gale winds whip palm trees at inlet. I INTERESTED IN | TAX-FREE INCOME ? §H Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds ofli-r important ||| advantnKi'S to tin' prudent invi'stur. We invite you Inez -Just a Lot of Hot Air Illl to discuss this investment, source with us. 1' -Walston&Co. •Inc INVESTMENT BANKERS • MUTUAt FUNDS • MUNICIPAL BONDS Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges ^PROTECTED Boca Raton escaped with nothing more MIAMI BOCA RATON CORAL GABLES \ &REA > than gale force winds Monday and Tuesday 265 S.E. First St. 280 S.E. First Ave. 2500 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 4m R!SK Phone 377-4551 Phone 395-5501 Phone HI 5-3771 i although the keys and locations farther south FT. LAUDERDAIE HOLLYWOOD MIAMI BEACH 2511 E. Sunrise Blvd. 1704 Harrison St. Carillon Hotel Arcade wss took a heavy beating from Hurricane Inez. Phone 10 6-7601 Phone WA 3-8341 6805 Collins.UN5-0311 f| The storm brought strong winds to the city NORTH MIAMI BEACH PALM BEACH 1899 N.E. 163rd St. 235 South County Road and heavy waves along the beach, but no Phone Wl 5-4321 Phone 832-6431 significant damage was reported. Hardest hit, apparently, was the beach itself where tons of sand scoured away by the combined assault of wind and waves. CHRISTMAS CARDS




Hurricane watch. Jo, meet Inez. Stay Slim with BOCA PLUMBING 250 S. Dixie-Boca Raton Phone 395-3113 Sta-Trim SPECIAL! Permanent Wave Complete $ 7»50 CUT and STYLED JUST FOR YOU LORA MAR BEAUTY SALON 113 W. Palmetto Park Rd, 395-0844

Sailboat rides out storm in lake. CHRISTMAS CARDS THE GOLD C Dog Training Class To Start Imprinted — 50 Albums To Choose From SAVE 15% A new series in dog of dates for the course 3Z5 E. Atlantic &|n^5jtB"?l& FREE obedience training spon- is available at the Com- /-H sored by the Boca Raton munity Center. Oelroy Beach I'M0*WlmJf TW COFFEC COMPARE Recreation Department will begin at 10 a.m. As part of the de- Tuesday, Oct. 11. The partment's open house KEELER'S six-week, 12 lesson be- program, a dog show ginner course will "be will be held at 9 a.m. Everyone Loves A EVERY DAY No son. . . taught by Ray Nadeau, Sunday, Oct. 9 in the A complete schedule Community Center. just the result of BUICK CONTRACT for exclusive Ralph W. McEwen, B.S.,D.C. PRICES announces FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A All draperies expertly Oracle made in our own the opening of his office af ycleaning 1967 BUICK workrooms. ..M At KEELER'S you'll 165 E. Palmetto Park Rd. No charge for making find hundreds of bolts of SEE FRANK COULSON full length, regular or tra- the most exciting drapery verse, from $1.98 yd. Guar- BOCA RATON fabrics anywhere , . . just LAUNDRY anteed rods and installation. Direct Factory Dealer for the Gold Coast! FOR THE * FINESTSERVICE * LARGE PAINT & BODV SHOP & CLEANERS Open Man.-Sat. PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC 9:00-5:30 30 1 E. 1st Street Come in or Dnipiiig tho Cold Coast FOR APPOINTMENT CAIL Phone Collect 3415 S. Foderat Hwy., Dulray bach Call 395-5200 DELRAY BEACH Phonat: CR 8-2877 & 399-3837 wtroM cumin 1 395-8484 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-3292 VISIT OUR DEERFIELD "BROWSE 'N THINK SHOP" 1603 S.E. 3rd Court (Cov« Center) BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 3A 10 Days May Help Man We have a complete Dry Cleaning Plant Who Hears Bad Voices on premises. Are there bats in the Raton Police because We are not affiliated belfry of Boca Raton's Deerfield Beach Police with any other bastile? "are trying to kill me." Luther Bracey will Relating a stay in the Dry Cleaning have 10 days to check Deerfield Beach jail, he Establishment out the situation. said they got a doctor 5 Bracey, hauled into for him but he wouldn't Matty in Florida. court charged with va- take offered medicine. grancy, disorderly con- "He was trying to kill ONE-HOUR CLEANER duct and resisting ar- me too," Bracey said. 1943 North Federal rest with violence, told Judge Dix thought Phone 395-2440 Judge Kenneth M. Dix perhaps 10 days might he had bats. help get rid of the voices f :'- I don't know what and the bats. Call 395-8300 for Classified Ad Service causes it," he said,' 'but I have bats. Voices talk to me and make me do things I don't want to." He said he wanted to Hurricane Season Is Here!! get arrested by the Boca AWNINGS BE PREPARED STORM SHUTTERS Key deer, the world's smallest white-tailed deer, are found only in Charles Senior, veteran Florida Power and treasurer of the club; John Grant, vice presi- the . Light manager in this area, this week was pre- dent; Senior; Joe Myrick and Nick Bishop, Ex- sented an honorary membership in the Boca Ra- change president. Licensed & -Phone ton Exchange Club. From left arec. Jean Vansant, Insured 395-5151 BOCA TV ANTENNA Our Alcan Flexalum COMPANY Commercial and Residential Parking Tickets Lead City Docket Installations 5 Styles * Carports PROTECTION IN MINUTES A major portion of the proper parking, guilty proper parking, guilty to yield right of way, *MASTERANTENNA SYSTEMS morning in City Court * INTERCOM SYSTEMS ' • Patio Covers 399-7878 Tuesday involved park- waiver. waiver. accident, $30. *SOUNDSYSTEMS ing tickets issued at the Walter B. Cox, im- Ronald M. Klate, im- Adele Tarthelia, im- DAN BORGIOLI, Owner pavillion on Palmetto proper paking, guilty proper parking, guilty proper parking, $10. former Co-owner of Southern TV HURRICANE SERVICE Co.% Park road. waiver. • waiver. ' Tom Doherty, im- 194 N.W. 20th St ESTABLISHED 1957 - WITH ITS TRADITION OF QUALITY Most defendants were Vincent Matteis, im- Samuel Craft, failure proper parking, $10. fined $10, others signed guilty waivers. Over the past few months, sev- eral cases a week arise from the "no parking after 11 p.m." situation. Judge Kenneth M. Dix said perhaps a way of remedying the situation would be to erect abar- racade each evening and take it down again in the morning. One defendant recent- ly said "after 11 p.m. could be anytime of the night or day." Others claim they don't see the signs when they drive into the lot late at night. BOCA RATON NATIONAL "I may have to raise the amount on fines to discourage the illegal parking,' Judge Dix said. Cases appearing on the docket Tuesday BANK has the... Carol Mavis Geb- hardt, improper back- ing, accident, $30. Ramon Hinman Wheeler, following too closely, accident, $30. Paul Porter Drake, possession of alcohol by a minor, $65 or 13 days in jail. John Charles Gard- ner, speeding, $20. Rufus Gibson, speed- ing, $15. Holly Heather, illegal parking, $10. Raymond Russell Deckard, speeding, $15. John J. Campbell, public intoxication, $25 or five days. OUT FOR YOU Georgia Tobie Thompson, failure to take required action on Our Red Carpet Banking Plan Now Offers an accident, $75 and four points. Helen P. Reinecke, red light violation, guilty waiver. John Degby, improper parking, guilty waiver. Regular Teller Services George Golay, red light violation, guilty waiver. Kathleen Ouinn. im- OPEN P.M. MONDAY THRU A. M. TO THURSDAY

By Bob Babione We were very pleased P.M. to read an article the other day regarding anew FAMILY STYLE REC- A. M. TO FRIDAY REATION PARK for our city. Our beach and intra- coastal waterway are the best national resources we have. The beautifica- tion and park-type pro- /look jfoz out 12ed Cazpet Cnteance posal of some of this A land should make living in Boca Raton even more at tke 9toztk Side 0/ the 3a#k/& pleasurable. The land area is located next to the North Beach section. For the enjoyment of our win- ter -visiters, and the re- laxation of our year- round residents we hope our city fathers look with favor on this report of the Beach Site Improve- BOCA RATON ment Committee. Thanks for a job well done to these committee people: JOHN OPEL, MRS. HAR- RY BENSON, DR. JOHN ALLEY, MRS. DAVID ASHE, TIM BARROWS, LLOYD BUTLER, JAMES NATIONAL BANK LATHAM, DONALD LOVETT, FRANK WEAV- ER, PETER DORAN, SOUTH FEDERAL HWY. AT CAMSNO REAL, BOCA RATON BURT ROGERS. PHONE 3954300 for what it's worth Adding up to Confusion

By J.H. Jesse and he braved winds of 40-60 really be dangerous. Everybody miles per hour while nailing up relaxed after it slowed down Mass communications, shutters. some, but few missed any of the weather satellites and improved But the satellites and early four-a-day Hurricane Center predictions added up this past warning systems have changed b-roadcasts. week to thoroughly confuse citi- all that, and the Weather Bureau Late Monday, the winds in zens of Boca Raton. begins to track storms right off Boca Raton started to move Old Crackers and natives — the African coast, getting the around to the northeast. At Home Rule anyone who has lived in South uninitiated more excited all the about 6 p.m. there was a defin- Florida for a couple of years or time. ite northeast wind and it con- longer — take the early hurri- Of course, even we Crackers tinued to move around until by Most important would be the creation of a cane warnings as a matter of (I've lived in Florida for nearly Tuesday morning the wind was If the recommendations of the Palm Beach nearly due east. County Governmental Study Commission are im- home-rule charter, by which the county could course. It seems that the longer 12 years, so I have a right to use govern itself without waiting for special legisla- one has lived in the area, the that title) were a little perturbed As every beach-walking hur- plemented, the taxpayers of this county stand to ricane watcher knows, the wind gain a much more practical form of government, tion every two years. The County Commission less he worries about storms. last week when Inez winds were would be strengthened and be given legislative He can easily remember when reported about 175 miles per shift is a definite indication that with a much greater efficiency, and at a big the storm is moving. savings in taxes. powers. It would have the authority to name a few hours notice was all he got, hour. That kind of blowing can county administrator, who would serve much as Monday evening, the folks The 15-member GSC labored for almost a year a city manager does in Boca Raton. In fact, the here in Boca Raton knew the in making a complete study of the county's far- charter would give the commission just about storm was moving, but the flung operations. An uncounted number of hours the same powers to run the county as the Boca Weather Bureau in Miami didn't. of interviews, seminars, reading and observa- The 8 p.m. bulletin said Inez tion was compressed into the 45-page report. Raton Council enjoys in the performance of its duty to administer the city. was sitting there. It wasn't What the GSC found exists in all of Florida's until 11 p.m. that the Hurricane counties: Probably second only in importance to a re- Center reported a shift in posi- — The Tax Assessor, Tax Collector and Cir- vitalized and stronger commission with legisla- tion, placing it closer to land cuit Clerk Court operating their own offices, tive powers, is the GSC's proposal to reor- and headed toward the Keys. with little, if any supervision, and that coming ganize the courts. The Weather Bureau didn't from Tallahassee. The present court system consist of six law- know the wind had shifted in — The Sheriff, setting his own budget, again yers, often with semi-conflicting interests. Ex- Boca Raton, largely because with no supervision, except a possible review ample: the Circuit Court must grant divorces, they have steadfastly refused to from the office of the governor. but other courts are involved with other facets put instruments here. The News — The County Board of Public Instruction, of domestic relations. has intervened on many occas- able to set its own millage, with no supervision The GSC plan, which has the approval of the ions, but even with Congressman from anyone, except a rather nebulous approval Circuit Court bench as well as most other jur- Paul G. Rogers' help, the Bur- or disapproval through bi-ennial millage elec- ists, would simplify this system. A group of mag- eau has repeatedly turned down tions. istrate-small claims courts, sitting in different the furnishing of equipment for — No central budget control, no central per- regions of the large county, would handle all a cooperative station here. sonnel office, no county auditing procedures. traffic cases, small claims and other mis- So we have decided to buy it — All of this capped by a County Commission, demeanors. AsDomestic Relations Court would ourselves. The News, over the with so little authority that it cannot pass a dog process all divorces, legal separations and past few years, has established law. custody items, while the Circuit Court would an almost-complete weather This is the government that is supposed to ad- handle criminal, probate and other civil cases. station in Boca Raton, and we minister the third largest county east of the have invested a couple of hund- Mississippi — a county larger in area than Rhode The other proposals of the GSC primarily im- plement the decision on the County Commission, red dollars in securing official Island and half of Delaware combined. instruments. With the help of This is the government that was created in the administrator and the courts. Gus Hager and his crews at the 1885, and has been affected by about 2,000 sep- The report emphasizes that the form of gov- water plant, we have been feed- arate local laws passed over 40 years, but has ernment recommended for Palm Beach County is ing the Weather Bureau temp- not- been reorganized in scope since the latter not a Metro-type, since it does not affect the 37 erature and precipitation in- part of the 19th century. municipalities, but would enable the county to be formation for more than two To correct all this, and to bring Palm Beach an efficient governmental subdivision. years. The wind gauge (no in- County's government into a position where it We agree with Rep. Emmett Roberts that not only many of the proposals will be enacted into expensive little item) has been could function efficiently and effectively, the 1 ordered and will soon arrive. Governmental Study Commission proposed 26 law in this county, but will also become state- wide in application. So, there, Dr. Gordon Dunn. wide-sweeping changes,, Since we're such good guys, the next hurricane that comes The Breadwinner's Journal around, just call us and we'll No Help to Our Beach Improvement Plan be ready. Tools of Free Enterprise Comments on the Civic Scene

By Donald I. Rogers tor, the defense and aerospace prehensive solution improbable. industries faced enormous The use of free enterprise NEW YORK — It has often problems never before encount- methods would place new and With Quivering Voices been said that if private busi- ered and successfully solved virtually limitless manpower at ness could run the government, them by specific management the disposal of the nation to bring about solutions to its it would be a much more ef- techniques. The National Com- materials. They are particular- ficient operation and far less mission on Public Management problems. By Harold H. Green is that businessmen pay at- costly. It appears now that would examine the techniques The new technology could test, tention to the demands of their ly fond of carbohydrates and business is going to be given its developed by these industries for water and air pollution, an- With quivering voices, the customers. A good size group proteins which means that they chance at government-manag- to see how they might be applied ticipate polution, and provide folks in the super markets tell of homemakers in Dade County like to eat most of the things ing, at least in some large to critical domestic problems. techniques to prevent and cor- us how much they regret the ris- have organized to register dis- that people eat. Therefore, they sectors. Such problems that might be rect pollution. In the problem ing costs of food and that this approval of the rising cost of are often attracted to our of urban housing the systems is something beyond their- con- stamps and other promotional Business leaders have ex- solved with the proper tech- gimmicks tacked onto the ris- houses. pressed delight at the new legis- niques include water and air management approach could be trol. 4. It is not difficult to prevent used to improve the efficient Maybe what they pay for the ing cost of food. More power to lation that is being sponsored pollution, slum housing, traffic them, and may their tribe in- Palmetto Bugs from coming into by more than 40 Congressmen, congestion and the rising crime design of housing, simplify the food which they sell us is be- your home in volume or to elim- yond their control, but the cost crease. Do you think it would a majority of them Republicans, rate. planning of housing patterns and be beneath our dignity to take inate them once they are there. to create a National Com- The systems management ap- provide for more rapid and .ef- of trading stamps and their fun You begin by not having ex- and games promotions is subject similar action in Palm Beach mission on Public Management, proach — a space-age evolve- ficient administration of new County — or are we mice? posed food around the house es- using the tools and the brain- ment in business — involves housing developm ent p rogr am s. completely to their acceptance pecially at night. Your garden power of the free enterprise using the new capacities of bus- Applications of the systems or rejection and it adds up to a supply dealer can readily pro- segment. It is hailed as the first iness to gather, measure, eval- approach are limitless — air very appreciable sum. It is well In this column Sept. 22 we vide you with insecticides to step in an exciting new plan to uate and use all of the data re- and surface transportation, ed- known that many super market discussed Palmetto Bugs (cock- keep them from entering the cope with the multitude of com- lating to a given problem in ucation, health services and law executives deplore this es- roaches) in general and in par- house or eliminating them if plex problems facing today's order to devise a coordinated enforcement, to name a few. calating expense which they ticular the shock caused two of they do get in. In case you society. plan for its solution. It sounds It would give society an op- brought on themselves in an my neighbors when they dis- think I am ducking the issue, This new commission would simple, but it isn't. portunity to solve its own prob- endeavor to gain a competitive covered that these night prowl- here are a few clues: be charged with the responsi- Traditionally the government lems without depending solely advantage. Now they individually ers are numerous in the sewers bility of studying the applica- solves problems in a much more on the government to provide tell us that they would like to of Boca Raton. This shook up (a) A residual spray applied bility of the modern system unscientific way. The govern- the answers, the machines, the call the whole thing off, but pair urged me to do a bit of re- to door entrances and window management approach to non- ment's method is to divide a manpower and the money. can't do it as long as their ri- search on the subject. frames, cracks, pipes, kitchen defense and non- space prob- complex problem into manage- If government provides the vals for our patronage maintain Consequently, I have talked sinks, cabinets, under sides of lems. money, private enterprise these sucker lures. to William R. Prendergast, our tables, drains, in the bathroom able part-s and treat each part and other places has an endur- In the private enterprise sec- separately, thus making a com- should be able to do the rest. Certainly there are relatively director of public works, Mr. few companies concerned and it and Mrs. George Young, our ing preventative and corrective' would not be a stupendous counselors on yard and garden effect. This may be applied with Exploring Words understaking for them to call off care and pest control. I have a paint brush or hand plunger Public Forum their rackets by common agree- also received a pertinent letter type sprayer. ment. from Robert S. Pryor, Palm (b) Baits in the form of tab- To the Editor: One thing we can be sure of Beach County agricultural agent, who furnished literature lets or granules placed in small Reference is made to the ac- open containers in the areas It's a Jeep tion of the City Council which from the University of Florida. There is a goodly amount of where the cockroaches like to resulted in approval of a $2,4 lurk will lure them to their million sewer-water bond issue. non-conflicting information on the subject in literature furn- destruction. These baits should By John Barclay Bantam, Willys-Overland, and Strong objections to this ac- be out of the reach of children Ford. The late Delmar Roos, an tion have been voiced by more ished by the manufacturers of insecticides. and pets. JEEP — This unusual word engineering genius who worked than one local citizen. Mr. Byrd (c) If a place ' is really in- made its debut in the dictionary for Willys, was given the credit Marshall, Certified Public Ac- We are now in a position to fested, you can close all doors following World War II, and it for winning the contract for his countant, and former financial discuss the subject of Palmetto and windows, release an aerosol was primarily used to denote a firm. Roos' creation had a gutty, advisor to our city objects to Bugs in considerable depth and fumigant and get out of the house small, quarter - ton military sixty HP, four-cylinder engine, this bond issue on several 4A Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 with a modicum of authority. for a couple of hours. When you and a frame and body muscled grounds. Such discussions we will par- vehicle for general purpose. with heavy gauge steel. The Published every Thursday and return all Palmetto bugs and The word probably originated Another citizen, Mr. Ellis ticipate in by appointment if you all other insects will have had Ford and Bantam couldn't match Chingos, also has strong ob- Sunday at 34 SE 2nd St., Boca provide the refreshments. from pronouncing G.P., although it, and the Jeep could crawl all Raton, Fla., 33432, by the it. the soldiers used Jeep as a jections. One of them is that, Here and now we will attempt You can do what Public Works day at three MPH or sprint out ' 'Every city on earth which has Boca Raton Publishing Co., to summarize the findings.- slang term for anything eccen- to fifty-five with ease. Inc. Phone 395-8300, Director Prendergast and other tric, clumsy or rediculous. used this disposal method has 1. In this climate, with its smart citizens do: contract with The Jeep war record is le- ultimately polluted its sea- lush vegetation, there will prob- Whatever ^.ts source, the word J.H. JESSE an exterminator to keep your gendary, as it was the working side. . .". Publisher ably always be a plentiful Pal- home free of pests. was" popularized by a Willys companion of the infantry, tow- I respectfully request that the metto bug population — and test driver who drove one of the ed airplanes, carried VIP's, local public press (the Boca that goes for those who choose G.P. prototypes straight up the JOHN T. OPEL In closing I would like to ex- laid communication lines and Raton News) run at least one Editor to live in our sewers. There is steps of the nation's Capitol. other duties too numerous to article designed to fully expose no practical way reported to press my appreciation to the "It is a Jeep!," he told the mention. The Russians coined a both sides of this complex and eliminate them that would not Columbia Broadcasting Sys- curious bystanders, and by the H. CLAY RILEY tem for a great public service. term which translates, "The important matter under a PRO Advertising Mgr. eliminate the people too. next day the Press indelibly im- Passes Anywhere." The Jeeps and CON format. 2. Palmetto bugs are just as For years, we outlanders de- printed the word, in our language. came home after the war and An action of City Hall today eager to avoid contact with us plored the dominance of the In the 1930' s, the army need- went to work on farms, ranches may seem appropriate under entered as second class mai I at the post as we are anxious to avoid New York Yankees over major office of Boca ftaton, Florida under the league baseball. But they rolled ed a light car for reconnais- and in mines. existing economic pressures. act of Morch 8, 1879. meeting up with them. They do sance and supply which was ca- The word jeep, with a small But years later, such action not bite people or pets nor have on and on in their abhorent pable of a 600 pound payload. "J", is now used correctly to may be deemed to have been un- Member of the Florida Press Association I uncovered any confirmed re- invincibility. Then, just two It had to be powerful, rugged denote any diminutive, open- wise. There is need to get all ar>d National. Newspaper Association. port that they spread disease. years ago, C.B.S. stepped in and reasonably quiet. Over a air, cross-country, four-wheel-j possible facts out and in front Subscription rates: By carrier in the 3. However, Palmetto bugs and took control of the team. drive transport from a British city 15£ per week, 65tf per month; by , have big appetites. In the great Today the Yankees are in the hundred manufacturers were of the public now, as object- mail in the U.S., one year $7.50, 6 cellar of the American League. invited to bid, but only three Land Rover to a Japanese Toy- ively as possible. months $4.00, 3 months $2.50. out of doors they live primarily responded. They were American ota. S/Horace F. Wells on decaying plant and animal That's action for you.

/ BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 5A Planning Publication Moves Office to Florida Atlantic Florida Atlantic Uni- state universities in the which holds 36 per cent Florida Atlantic Uni- lished by Fred H. Bair "Florida's rapid with the critical condi- versity's College of So- Jr., who will continue growth, which has ex- versity, which opened in system, is located in of the state's population. 1964 as the fifth of seven that portion of the state tions it creates for cial Science takes a ma- as a contributing editor. ceeded some of our most Percentages of the transportation, law en- jor step forward in as- Transfer of the publica- optimistic predictions, state's population living forcement, fire and suming responsibility tion to FAU was ap- makes it absolutely es- closer to one of the health protection.. rec- for service to the state proved by the board of sential that we plan ef- other state universities reational facilities, and its citizens with the Regents recently and fectively," Dr. Webb range from 21 per cent housing and school JIM BROTHERTON publication this month will bring to the publica- stated. ''The day when, for the University of building, are most dra- of " Florida Planning tion the extensive re- like Topsy, things could South Florida to 4 per matically seen in areas can save you and Development," a sources of experts in 'just grow' has long \ cent for Florida State in of population concentra- money on insurance monthly newsletter the field of economics, since passed." Tallahassee. tion," according to Dr. which in its 17 year his- political science, geog- "Located as we are in "Naturally, the prob- DeGrove. Fifth Avenue Plaza tory has developed a re- raphy, and allied areas. the heart of the largest lems of urban expansion, spected position in the Dr. John Webb, chair- metropolitan area in the The editors state that 395-77O7 literature of local and man of the department state, we feel we are in they plan to continue the county government. of economics is the new a unique position to pro- Aiger io Speak features for which Flor- editor and Dr. John De- vide the kinds of inform- ida Planning and De- The newsletter, which velopment has become You're in good hands with deals with the myriad Grove, chairman of po- ation that local and state litical science, is the officials and city and At Defray Meet so well known among ALLSTATE' economic and political professional planners problems that beset associate editor. Robert county planners must G. Fabian, assistant Bruce Alger, former and add, "we shall ex- INSURANCE Florida and which fore- have to operate," Dr. John M. DeGrove professor of economics, John N. Webb Texas Congressman and periment cautiously with FOUNDED BY SEARS casts trends on the ba- Webb said. illstatu insurance-Companies • HOIHB Offices: Stotts, Hi sis of solid research, will serve as managing now a Boca Raton real variations in the subject was founded and pub- editor. estate man, will speak matter mix from time to Teen Talk Oct. 30 at a political time." Read the Classifieds seminar in the Seacrest High School auditor- Florence Fashion's ium, sponsored by the Center Names New Committees Palm Beach County Conservative Club. VOGUE By Carol Hut chins Sharyn Kingna and Col- includes your ticket to The seminar also will Will Build a Personalized leen Oates. the game and your trans- feature talks by area Committees for the Decorations: Linda portation to and from candidates running in '66-67 Teen Town year Shipp (chairman), Laura the game. Tickets can the November election. LUXURY HOME ANNIVERSARY have been chosen and Sturm, Debbie Kelley, be purchased at the The seminar will start are ready for a full year Margie Peak, Sandi Community Center and at 3 p.m. Alger's topic For YOU af a SENSIBLE Price will be: "An Accusing of activ- Briggs, Pam Burnett, at the Saturday night Teri Fraker. dances. Voice From Behind the * DRESSES * SUITS ity. Entertainment: Larry Scenes." They Gross. are: re- The membership * EVENING WEAR Teen- Town News: drive is coming along fresh- Carol Hutchens (chair- (Includes Half Sizes) ments - fine. man), Janet Eubank, We have passed out Joan Brenda Whisman, Caro- Leapline, many, many applica- line Tylander, Carlene tions and now we are REDUCED (chair- Feddern, Sue Wolff. man) waiting for all of you to Sandy Miss Teen - Town: return them filled out Burke, Brenda Whisman (chair- and signed. We've just UP TO man), Dennis Lalli, received our brand new WE OFFER: 50 Ann Carol Hutchens * FREE ESTIMATES and PRELIMINARY S chmidt, Kathi Whisman, Danny membership cards for Murray, Bobby Backus, DESIGN FURNISHED WITHOUT OBLIGA- 1967 and we are very TION. Lucy Bastone, Margie Lynn Krautwald, Sandi anxious to distribute —SPECIAL RACK Peak, Debby Kelly, * ARCHITECTURAL BLUEPRINTS FURN- Briggs and Carol Hutch- them to our new mem- ISHED WITH EACH HOME PURCHASE. ins. bers. Please remem- Ken Higgins * PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE IN CHOICE ber to turn in your ap- OF LOCATION and TOP MORTGAGE AR- OTRA VEZ Boca Raton teenagers plication. This is for will help you long after RANGEMENTS, CONSIGNMENT are going to be right in your benefit! you've bought * CONSTRUCTION INTEGRITY and SOUTH there rooting for the an insurance policy FLORIDA "KNOW-HOW" SINCE 1948. 133 E. Palmetto SHOP Miami Dolphins, Octo- This Saturday night ber 16. We will charter we will have Grannys When your car or home is damaged 192 S. Dixie.Boca Raton or destroyed, we will make sure Visit Our Park Read Glee Club and The B» IDEA HOME one, and if the response you get paid promptly and fairly. Af j Back To School from the teens is great, Beaver Patrol to pro- We're independent insurance "Ideas" Home at and maybe two buses, to vide music for your en- agents. 1012 Camino Real make the trip to the joyment. - College Clothes J.C. MITCHELL 1r Call 395-1644 game! i- i«. la* stun Don't forget — the V 1 BOCA RATON Hours and Consignments For members of a SONS 399-8790 Teen - Town the price Razor's Edge will be 10 5 P.M.Daily will be only $1.00. This live, on-stage, Satur- VOGUE HOMES BOCA RATON, FLA. day, Oct. 15. ,22 S. Federal . . 395-4711 FINAL WIND-UP! - QUITTING BUSINESS!

Everything must b@ SOLD! Save $$$ at

MUSIC CENTER! Phone 395-3530

GUITARS AMPLIFIER CLARINETS Standard Size Spanish Guitars, PANaramic 1208 Amplifier for Rene Dumont Ebonite Clari- steel reinforced necks. Reg. all guitars for accordions. 10 nets Reg. $119.50 NOW $79.95 $29.95 NOW $14.95 . watt output, hi-fit 8" perma- Leblanc "Normandy" Clari- nent magnet speaker, w/tre- nets. All wood, Model 10CM FLAT TOPS melo and tremelo foot control "Ovation" w/carrymore case. Reg. $89.50 NOW $54.95 . Slim, fast, low-action neeks, Reg. $196.50 NOW $129.50. adj. truss rods. Rosewood DRUMS Leblanc "Noblet" Clarinets,All fingerboards, satin finish bodies wood, Model 45CM "Artiste" have swelled backs and rims APOLLO "Commander," Gold w/carrymore case. Reg. made of imported mahoganyj sparkle finish, chrome hard- $250.00 NOW $]69.95. Model 44OT - Shaded brown ware. Includes snare, bass Leblanc "Symphony" Clarinet mahogany top. Reg. $49.95 drum, tom-tom, 15" cymbal, Reg. $425.00 NOW 5225.00. NOW $29.95 . drum pedal, stand, cow bell, brushes, sticks. Reg. $189.00 FLUTES Model 450T - Natural maple top. NOW $129.50.. Rene Dumont Flutes, Boehm Reg. $59.95 MOW $39.95 system, Key of C, w/closedG#, Model 550B- Natural maple top, APOLLO "Jazz Festival" Set C & B trill keys. Reg. $119.50 pin bridge. Reg. $69.95 NOW Blue or Red sparkle pearl, NOW $79.95 544.95 . chrome hardware. Includes Used "BUNDY" Flute. Com- chrome snare drum, bass drum pletely overhauled. Just like (Or carpet your rec room, bath, porch, patio...or what have you!) ELECTRICS small tom-tom, floor tom-tom, new. NOW 574.95. hi-hat stand, cymbal stand, 15" Solid bodv, one pick-up. Reg. SAXOPHONES Spill catsup . .. coffee ... grease ... or break an egg on Ozite Town 'N' Terrace $54.90 NOW $34.95. cymbal, two 14" cymbals. Reg. ... and so what? So reach for a damp sponge mop, whisk the mess away and Solid body, 2 pick-ups w/tre- $300.00 NOW $225.00. Used "SILVERTONE" Eb Alto forget it. Food, alcohol, household acids, cleaners, and bleaches can't faze molo. Reg. $85.00 NOW 554.95 . Sax, NOW $99.95. APOLLO "Sparkle" Drum Kits ALEXANDRE Eb Alto Sax w/ Town 'N' Terrace because it's made of Vectra fiber. Solid body, Deluxe 3 pick-ups Includes snare drum, drum w/tremolo and case. Reg. case.Reg.$249.50 NOW $169.50. practice pad, snare drum stand, Leblanc "VITO" Eb Alto Sax. $120.00 NOW 584.95. brushes, sticks, sturdy carrying OHIY Thin body, Electric Spanish Model #35 with Leblanc (Paris) 50. YD. case and instruction book. Reg. System. Demonstrator. Reg. Guitar w/2 pick-ups, fully adj, $56.00 NOW $44.50. bridge, 2 hi-fi extended range $375.00 NOW $225.00. Ozite Town 'N' Terrace Carpet made of Vectra fiber is the original outdoor-indoor pickups with 3 position switch, CORNETS - TRUMPETS carpet... proven with over.7 million yards already in use. TROMBONES vibrato tailpiece and sturdy ob- King "Tempo" Cornet or long hard-shell case. Reg. $245. Trumpet. Reg. $195.00 NOW NOW 5725.00. Hoi ton " C ol 1 egiate'' 'Model TR- 650, Bb & G. Indispensable for 5729.50. UKULELES the smaller players. Reg Holton "Collegiate" Cornet $199.50 NOW $129.50. Reg. $160.00 NOW 5774.95. TERLING Q&MGoad FURNITURE Roy Smeck Model. Solid ma- Leblanc Trumpet - #770 Gozzo hogany bodies. Reg. $15.00 NOW SELLING OUT TO THE Model, brass, clear lacquer. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA $9.95. BARE WALLS ! Reg. $395.00 NOW $275.00. A Limited Number of Used Comets, Trumpets, Trombones MUSIC STANDS Reg. $5.85 NOW $3.75 Clarinets Available from $19.95. —- Reg. $6.25 NOW $4.00 6A Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS 1V2, HOURS OF LIVE ACTION! * Monkeys & Parrots * 13 Performing Porpoises News' Annual Safety Campaign Will Start •k 4 Sea Lions * Deep Sea Divers * Beautiful Mermaids (Continued from Page 1) of traffic safety. All entries- every citizen. The parent must * Vicious Sharks traffic accidents and deaths in * Colorful Reef Fish become the property of the teach the child to observe traf- OPEN 9:30 AM this community. The announce- Boca Raton News and cannot fic signals, the pedestrian must 6 CONTINUOUS SHOWS Custom Made Draperies and Shades ments will be sponsored by local be acknowledged or returned. not jaywalk and the driver should ' PHONE 525-6611 / Slipcovers • Upholstery businessmen. The judges' decisions will be realize that courtesy to others As a part of the safety cam- final and awards will be made does not end when you get behind Free Decorator Service For Consultation paign, young students through- following the final issue of the the wheel of a car." / OCEAN t ponpoisi out the city will compete in a announcements. In his endorsement, Chief S Phone 399-7033 safety slogan contest. The The winner of the contest Brown said: WORLD \ T slogans, not to exceed ten will receive a cash award of "Traffic laws are not es- N words, may be written, printed $25. Second prize will be $15, tablished arbitrarily. Much S.E. 17th ST. CAUSEWAY £h*£".r FT. LAUDERDALE or types on a plain post card with two consolation awards thought and careful planning and mailed to the News at Box of $5 each. goes into these regulations, 580, Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, In explaining the purpose of which are designed to protect all "THE DEPENDABLE MUSIC STORE" DRAPERY STUDIO Entries will be judged on the Safety Series, News' Pub- citizens. Therefore, it behooves 3062 N. FEDERAL HWY.. BOCA RATON the basis of originality and lisher J.H. Jesse declared: everyone, regardless of age, to Just Arrived! All Hew 1967 common sense on the subject "Safety is the business of learn the rules of our community regarding traffic. Call 395-8300 for Classified Ad Service "Parents must direct their CIP Bond Issue children to safe play areas, SYLVANIA teach them not to run into the (Continued from Page 1) coastal Waterway; street or cross against the Color Television MR. BUILDER: PHASE I of the 1966-67 plan, light. Drivers must curb their lie until Tuesday. impatience at a 15-mile-per- The city has the total prop- which includes rights-of-way, Just In Time For The World Series! paving, and sewers for certain hour school zone, recognizing erty assessed at $842,000. that, in those areas, prime con- The Garden Apartments sections of 13th street, Second Your work is no better than avenue, Meadows road, 4th and sideration must be given to the question will be No. 7 on the safety of little children. Complete ballot. 5th avenues, and 40th street, at In order of their position, a cost of $1,045,043. PHASE II of the plan, which "Pedestrians should not jay- your foundation. the others are: walk nor try to cross against With Base SWIMMING POOL — an es- includes additional work on some of the same streets, plus the traffic signal, and drivers 25" SYLVANIA timated cost of $150,000 for must not try to 'jump' a traffic construction of the pool and areas of Jeffery, Dixie, North- COLOR For Qualified Long Lasting west 9th avenue, and another light. associated facilities. "Accidents and the misery STORM DRAINAGE — $100,- bridge over the El Rio at 13th St. they produce can be avoided if 499.95 000 for construction, mostly in everyone will simply think be- H-33V4"* License, 443 S. FED. HWY., BOCA RATON 395-7333 The Federation of Civic Associations of f.v.vl' wm _ HONDA SUPER 90 Boca Raton will hold an Xw election of officers at BOCA HONDA SALES 276-6400] Howard Johnson's Res- taurant at 8:30 a.m., 3719 S. Federal Hwy., ••^JjjJJjfJ.J How much can YOU Oct. 11. save on taxes? Before You Buy .... why don't you try JOIN Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. But if you're an investor it might pay you to find out—especially THE this year. How can you find out? CROWD PAY BY Well, you might start by reading our brand-new 1 Tax Kit. BocCORNER of N. FEDERAa L HWYLoungei. and 20th. St. STOREl It begins with a general outline of the provisions that govern the tax treatment of capital gains G%Y S Vodka CHECK and losses for 1966, and provides half a dozen Quick! detailed suggestions about the ways in which Ambassador * ' those provisions can be used to achieve real savings in taxes under various individual Delux Scotch Easy! Safe! circumstances. Then it spells out another twenty important points you should consider in i preparing your returns. Open a checking account this You'll find one table on individual 1966 federal week and discover what you've income tax rates, plus another that shows been missing. Save time, save m exactly how much you can save in taxes on a 86 Proof gas, save paying for bus fares. .v.v $1,000 net loss at various income levels. Enjoy the "checking way" There are five pages of step-by-step worksheets too, and along with the Kit, we'll mail you a list Fitzgerald when paying those bills. on some 400 stocks carefully matched for price, Kentucky's Finest Bourbon yield, type, and quality, which should help you BOURBON decide what to sell and what to substitute in its place in order to achieve capital gains or losses AW without disrupting your portfolio balance. There's no charge for our Tax Kit or the list of proposed Tax Exchanges. Just fill out the coupon below and mail it to us. KENTUCKY BOURBON Old Style Sour Mash Yos, |)/e«so sand mo a free copy of your Tax Kit and Tax 86 PROOF Kxrhnnfiim. BF-96 BOOTH'S NAME- 11$. BROWN High & Dry Gin ADDRESS- FF CITY & STATE- _ZIP_ YOUR PHONE NO._ 3 i0°° H University National MERRILL LYNCH, It PIERCE, Bellow's Gin See the FENNER & SMITH INC MEMBERS, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE flUDflTBER PRINCIPAL STOCIUHD CQUUOOITl EXCHANGES WORLD SERIES Bank of Boca Raton 616E. Atlantic Ave..*.. Delray Beach 33444 ....276-5251 1 on 3900 N. Federal HwY.f Telephone 395-7000 COLOR TV HERE l-gMEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION^ OPEN DAILY UNTIL 4 A.M. BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 7A Club's Donation Will Provide for the CORRECT TIME Political Science Scholarship 24 hours a day A donation in excess this money be used to ed in applying for the Call 395-2010 of $500 has been con- aid a deserving politi- scholarship funds from courtesy of tributed to Florida At- cal science major for this donation should lantic University's we feel that everything make application to the scholarship fund by the should be done to en- chairman of the depart- BOCA RATON recently disbanded courage more and more ment of political sci- NATIONAL BANK Democratic Women's of our young people to ence, Dr. John DeGrove. S. Fed. at Camino Real Club of Boca Raton, Sam make their careers in Award will 'be made by J. Baptista, director of government and poli- the department with the student financial aids at tics," Mrs. Fox said. approval of the dean of YOUR VOTE MAKES FAU, said. According to Bap- the college of social sci- ADIFFERENCE The money, earmark- tista, students interest- ence. ed for a political sci- ence major, was raised in part by a series of card parties sponsored •• in behalf of the club's scholarship fund, - ac- o cording to Mrs. Leo J. H T 1 Fox, who made the pre- CALICO CORNERS # sentation. The balance 00 20 S. DIXIE HIGHWAY ® of funds in the club's Square treasury was added when Boc n/Fld the group decided to dis- n 395-4244 band. "We have asked that KOV4U Fa ones 'Forty-nine state con- Serendipity Singers stitutions recognize our dependence on God as 500 Different Patterns.VColor* Serendipity Singers Open Series the source of human t rights and liberties. 'To TU Mills-But- Recording Group to Appear Here and cfi«qp Chtap Cheq " PRINTING CO. £ for xkc price, of a. yard Florida Atlantic Uni- N. W. 1ST AVENUE, BOCA RATON will be used to further Upcoming programs the University Theatre versity initiates its the Student Series Pro- in the Student Series in- on campus. TELEPHONE 395-1909 1966-67 Student Series grams. clude the Dukes of tonight when the youth- The Serendipity Sing- Dixieland Nov. 11; the ful recording group, The ers, seven boys and two National Players per- Serendipity Singers, ap- girls, specialize in a forming "The Merchant pears in Bibletown Aud- kind of music they refer of Venice" Feb. 10, itorium. to as "pop-folk." They 1967; Jules Feiffer, Full - time students are among the top re- March 30; and the New- each receive one ticket cording and concert port Jazz Festival Quin- free and tickets for seats stars in the country. tet April 7. All pro-' not used by students will They compose most of grams will be in Bible- be made available to their musical material town except for Feiffer's faculty, staff and public and their act incorpor- lecture which will be in who are being requested ates the talents and to make a one dollar styles of each individ- VOTE NOVEMBER 8TH donation. These funds ual.



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NOW, as many kinds as there are kinds of drivers to enjoy them—from the SS 396 (the Chevelle for the DRIVING MAN) to the brand new Concours Custom Wagon!

SEE- Your 4-H Clubs of Long live Chevelle! And its trim dimensions, more remarkable capacity for delightingthe stout sharp performance and great maneuverability. of heart. Other models, too: Malibu, 300 Deluxe For'67, there'rea new grille, new wraparound and 300, all with Body by Fisher. This a Area in Action, taillights and distinctive sheet-metal changes. In addition, every '67 Chevelle carries a multi- The effect is a newer, more contemporary look. tude of new safety features such as a As for specific models, one is completely new: GM-developed energy-absorbing steering the sumptuous Concours Custom Wagon shown column, four-way hazard warning flasher, dual Saturday, Oct. 8 below, featuring the rich look of wood outside. master cylinder brake system with warning light. Then there's the SS 396 with a 396-cubic-inch Try a Quick-Size Chevelle at your Chevrolet at The County Fair at.... Turbo-Jet V8, special suspension and an even dealer's.

For '67, everything new that could happen ... happened! Now, atyour Chevroletdealer's

Cheveile Concours Custom Wagon Authorised Chevrolet Dealers in c PARKING FOR OVER 2,000 CARS DELRAY BEACH LAKE WORTH WEST PALM BEACH 35 GREAT STORES FOR ALL YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS ADAMS CHEVROLET BENZ CHEVROLET ROGER DEAN CHEVROLET INC. INC. N. FEDERAL HWY. (US 1) AT SAMPLE ROAD JUST SOUTH OF DEERFIELD BEACH COMPANY 290 S.E. 6 th Ave. 278 - 3225 1515 N. Dixie Hwy. 582-6652 2119 S. Dixie 832-0884 BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 9A Say Sorel's Sea Chest Designing Ships isn't Exact Science By Ray Sorel that the waves produced waves would eliminate bility of Naval Ships" by speed is classified. by models were the this source of resis- Thomas C. Gilmer and "Janes' Fighting Ships," Have you ever heard same shape as waves tance. The resistance find curves of wetted which is usually a re- of the David Taylor produced by the full size of such a submarine surface resistance and liable source of such in- FREE TO THE FIRST 1,000 FAMILIES Model Basin?, . .or the ship. Froude concluded would amount only to the wave-making resistance formation, estimates model basin at the Stev- that nearly all the resis- wetted surface resis- plotted separately for a that the maximum speed ens Institute of Tech- tance of a ship's pas- tance plus a small ship like a destroyer is around 35 knots. nology? These are plac- sage through the water amount due to turbu- escort. This ship can ANSWERING THIS AD! es where ship models was accounted for bylence. Here's where reach a maximum speed What is wrong with are towed in tanks of wave-making resistance Froude's theory began of 23 knots. If you fool Froude's theory? I sus- WE FILL THE FIRST PAGE IN YOUR TOP VALUE STAMP BOOK. water to find what char- after you subtracted the to fall apart and it'saround with the curve pect that the waves he NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED, LIMIT ONE PER FAMILY. acteristics the full size resistance due to thebeen nagging at the peo- for wetted surface and noticed were the effects ship will have. wetted surface. Ac- ple in the Bureau of extend it to equal the of the resistance rather You would think that tually, there's a small Ships ever since. resistance the ship us- than the cause. I've been with all our modern sci- amount due to turbulence The submarines were ually has at 23 knots hesitant to suggest that I GET TOP ence and com- or eddies but this is faster alright, but they (that is, eliminating know more about this puter technol- usually small enough to didn't make the speed wave-making resis- than the people at the ogy that we ignore in most ships, he expected of them. You tance), the speed comes David Taylor Model Ba- DIVIDENDS would have the said. can pick up a book like out to more than 70 sin, but I've been ac- design of According to Froude, '/Construction and Sta-knots! The ship could cumulating evidence on ships down to then, you should design more than triple its this small piece of na- plus an exact sci- a ship with minimum speed if it could elim- val architecture for ence and all wetted surf ace for a giv- Guitar Lessons inate wave-making re- several years now. In a we'd have to en displacement (vol- sistance. Therefore a following column I'd like do would be ume). A sphere has the submarine with the to argue this evidence to draw up the Start Saturday same power as a de- FREE smallest surface area and relate it to some designs, build the ship for a given volume and A new six-week series stroyer escort should be things you may have no- from them and turn our it actually does have the able to approach this of guitar lessons, spon- speed. ticed in the behavior of V attention to the next least resistance to mo- sored by the Boca Raton your own boat. The point TOP VALUE STAMPS job. There's a certain tion through the water at Recreation Department, I can tell you that it I'll try to argue is that amount of embarrass- infinitely slow speed will begin Saturday, Oct. doesn't do any such the work done by Reyn- JUST FOR STOPPING IN at ment among naval (and by infinitely slow, I 8. Beginners will meet thing because I ve been olds and Bernoulli have architects that they mean hardly noticeable). at 1 p.m., intermed- aboard several of these been ignored because can't design ships like This isn't a practical iates, 2 p.m. and ad-submarines at flank these effects weren't that. shape and we all know vanced, at 3 p.m. Grad- speed. Of course, they important at slow speed, that the sphere needs to uates of advanced do better than the 23 About a hundred years be drawn out into some- hence the sphere and ago, three men did most classes interested in knots of the destroyer least wetted surface ap- thing resembling a ci- forming a guitar band escort but the actual SOUTHERN proach. of the work that formed gar shape to keep the will meet at 4 p.m. Sat- the foundations of mod- wetted surface down and ern naval architecture. urday. at the same time allow Fred Carleton will Your Business Deserves Professional These three men were the body to move through Insurance Counseling Froude, Reynolds, and the water at practical teach the series. Bernoulli. There hasn't speeds. This is the ap- BUSINESS CONTINUATION FEDERALl been any really signifi- proach the designers Why Does cant knowledge to come used in our nuclear sub- EXECUTIVE PLANS The Southern Federal Colonel Represents out of this science in the marines. They are blimp A Tradition of Safety, Confidence and Strength hundred years since. "Cocktail Hour "GROUP INSURANCE shaped and have bodies on which you may rely at all times. The work in the model of revolution. Last Two Hours? *PENSION TRUSTS basins is based almost fAII Drinks are 48? from entirely on Froude's If Froude was right 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. work. about the wave making Free Hars d'oeuvres too!) Thomas 0. Alter, CLU Froude made some resistance stuff, a fully U.S. 1 in Boca Raton resistance experiments. submerged submarine 395-7594 - 278-0331 In one, he towed some that didn't make any thin planks edgewise through the water and noted that the resis- tance (or drag) was re- lated to the wetted area of the plank. In other PER ANNUM experiments, he noticed CERTIFICATE REGULAR approaching the ACCOUNTS PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS finishing touch...

PER ANNUM, PAID AND By: W. Paul Bebout Jr. COMPOUNDED To the many readers of this column I would QUARTERLY like to thank you for the many favorable comments made about CLOISTER its contents in the past 1 And for opening a new account or adding to your present account: and say it will con- tinue t o be carried by BEACH TOWERS another member of the I II III IV Bebout family. In 100 thirteen years, From condominium apartment residence on the oceanfront at Boca Raton TV STAMPS Me To You has become $100 a tradition and it is hoped that it can be of continued interest to 500 all. Let's also hope TV STAMPS when you read this we $500 will have said goodby to Inez. Older folks in ever 1000 increasing numbers TV STAMPS are looking forward to OCTOBER OCCUPANCY! retirement. In many cases moving to a par- Master building craftsmen are now meticulously applying FOR NEW FUNDS ONLY adise spot is an inte- the finishing touches to this superbly detailed apartment gral part of the plan, EFFECTIVE but it is On this score residence on the ocean at Boca Raton. that experts advise the In October, CLOISTER BEACH TOWERS will welcome OCT. 3 TO OCT, 10 retiree to look before its first residents. he leaps. It might be wise to Here is the ideal setting for distinguished tropical living. get reliable informa- Spacious apartment homes with sweeping oceanfront Under proposed regulations of the Federal Home Loan Bank tion on the intended views are enhanced in value, in comfort and in security by Board the amount of certificates issued by savings associations locale, its weather, quiet privacy in a measure never before provided. Each cost of living, part- tower floor is limited to two apartments, allowing you the may be limited. If you want to take advantage of the current time job opportunities and household help sit- rare privacy of but a single adjacent residence. rate on certificates, be one of the first to bring in your funds! uations. Important, too An excellent choice of two and three bedroom tower is the location of your apartment homes are now available for your selection. church and fraternal You may choose fall or later occupancy to suit your own organizations and the personal convenience. Fully detailed and appointed very distinct possibil- ity that in a strange Exhibit Apartment Homes allow you to see every detail community the new ar- of exclusive design technique and luxury facilities. SOUTHERN FEDERAL SA¥INGS rival may be looked upon as a strict out- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BROWARD COUNTY sider. 3885 North Federal Highway However, you're never an outsider when Pompano Beach / 941-5000 you call us on insur- CLOISTER BEACH TOWERS ance matters. We will Just north of the Boca Raton Hotel Cabana Club make every effort to from *29,000 f 1200 South Ocean Boulevard design an insurance Boca Raton, Florida program that will fit Phone: Boca Raton 399-5022 your needs. When it comes to insurance see W. Paul Bebout Jr., 140 N. Federal H w y., Boca Raton. Parking in rear off N.E. 1st Ave. mffife Your Account Insured to $10,000 by the Conceived, created and developed by ^|l Ijl? Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation THIS WEEK'S RADiCE REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION OF NEW YORK AND FLORIDA HOUSEHOLD HINT: INVESTMENT BUILDERS SINCE 1920 Want windows to sparkle? Add two tablespoons of corn- starch in a pail of water. BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6> 1966 11A IB Motorcycles-Scooters 5C..Child Care 10 Hefp Wanted ,.10 A;.Help Wanted Female 10 C.Help Male or Female Jets Win BURKES HONDA .TIC TOC CHILD CARE The Boca Raton News, Part time work morn- CUSTOM DRAPERY NURSERY & KINDER- due to its unprecedented (Continued from 10A) 2309 N. Dixie WOMAN WITH CAR ings - 3 hours Daily 5 SALESMAN. Fully ex- Classifieds Ft. Laud. 565-6752 GARTEN, 273 NW 15th growth, is adding to its Temporary work - No days weekly. Prefer re- perienced only. Random touchdown. St.Boca Raton 395-5044, staff. We need a person selling - Good Pay. tired man with fishing House Draperies, 4242 The try for extra point '65 Suzuki 50CC, good Mother can care for •to train in typesetting, Light Pleasant Out- experience, 941-5715. N. Federal Hwy., Ft. condition $150. Call missed and the Jets had •any age child in her composition of adver- door work. See After 5 P.M. Laud. 565-1790.'mmm a slim 6-0 lead. Call After 3 P.M. home. Experienced. tising and page make- FRED BARRY at the 395-3868 Shipping Clerk, Single Experienced upholster- Again the Rebels were Refs. 399-6575 up. Prime requisite is Boca Raton News, er and seamstress. the ability to type at Monday, Oct. 10th, or Married. 10:30 a.m. unable to move the ball '63 Honda 50, Red, Good 5 O.lnsfnictions & Tutoring Top wages. Phone: 395-8300 least 4S wpm with a min- 9 A.M. to 5:30 p.m. Call for and had to punt out, the Condition. First $100. Professional Tutor can Interview;. 276-4855, 278-2911 . Jets taking over on the takes it. Call after 6 imum of errors. Know- better study habits & Insurance Opportunity Use the Classifieds 44. A pair of punts by P.M. 399-0050. ^ grades with understand- ledge of newspaper CHRISTMAS SELLING" method helpful but not for License 2-20 (Gen- both sides saw Oakland 399-6719 '66 Suzuki 150 cc ing & knowledge. All IN FULL SWING - Yes, eral Insurance ) & 2-18 10 D..Situations Wanted Park fumbling and the $300. Casb-395-1546. Problems — All Ages. necessary. Good start- our Representatives are Experienced Baby Sit- ing salary, excellent (Life Insurance) agents Jets recovering on the RATES 800 NE Harbour Dr. M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad. enjoying big weekly in- with successful estab- ter, excellent refer- 28-yard-line. Boca Raton 15 years in Boca Raton. working conditions and comes right now. You ences, days, Evening, 1 4 13 fringe benefits. This is lished agency. Draw will Several plays later, 3 Boats For Sale Harold Selleck 395-3303 too can join and insure & . Weekends, Own Lines Day Days Days a permanent, year- be based on qualifica- the pass was called 1-4 1.20 3.84 13.40 5HP Outboard Johnson Drum Lessons, Your a Merry Christmas for tions & experience. For- Trans. 276-7297. again. This time it was 5 1.50 4.80 13.00 Home By Professional. round job, and we are your family. Call Avon 14,04 Motor $60. Can be seen seeking a person who ward resume to Mr. O. 15 A .Miscellaneous for Sale: Mike HartzeU who drag- 6 1.63 .5.28 at-Cove Marina Deer- Rock & Roll, High-Hat, 278-4972 or write Mrs. P.O. Box 959, Boca Ra- 7 L36 6.16 16.33 has the ability to grow OTRA VEZ ged it out of the air in 17.68 field Beach, ask for Tech. Register Now. K.C. Alverson, 3111 SW ton, Florida. the end zone for the sec- 8 2.24 6.40 with us. Apply at our off- DRESS SHOP 9 •2.52 7,20 19.89 Dock master. 395-8562. 17th St., Ft. Lauderdale. MACHINIST New Sport Clothes for ond score. Keith passed 7 60 20-80 ices, 34 SE 2nd St. : ,10 2,60 5 A..Lost S round PIANO Instruction be- BEAUTICIAN^ attrac- FOR NATIONAL CO college -girls. Select to Summers for the con- 8^36 22.88 WANTED Couple as •tive, full or part time n 8.64 24.96 ginners & advanced. Resident Managers for Company benefits, Hos- now for back to School. version and the Jets had •12 2.88 Lost Wednesday, Black $50. wk. guaranteed..& 13 3.12 9.36 27.04 & Gray Lunch Pail, con- Member of Fla. Music 8 Unit Apartment. No pitalization, Vacation, 5 192 S. Dixie, Boca Raton. sewed up another game. 1 comm. Apply in per- Each Addi- taining color slides &. Teacher's Assoc. - Na- lawn care or improve- day week. WE BUY AND SELL Saturday Boca Raton .tional Line .24 .72 2.08, tional Guild of Piano son, Guscav House of will meet league-leading transistor radio. Re- mentSi .Phone 395-4254. No Phone Calls. Good, Clean Used Home 1 Autos For Sale Teachers. Olga Beauty, Boca 395-2720. Western of Fort Laud- ward. 278-3853. Call in Person. furnishings, Try us first Lachowitch 395-8490 10 AJHelp Wanted female; erdale. The Western Burke's Honda Lost small gray dog, 10 B:.Help Wanied Male ZONOLITE DIVISION Call 942-1042 Piano, Organ, Accord- Secretary good typist, team has run roughshod 2309 N. Dixie-Fort Lau- "Robin" Vicinity of NE Dairy Route Salesman, W.R. Grace & Co. DUKE ion — Children, adults, electric typewriter, over all three of its pre- derdale. Make your sec- 50th St., Pompano. Re- Good Pay, 5 Day Week, 1555 N.W, 1st Ave. HOME FURNISHINGS beginners, & advanced. short hand necessary * vious opponents. ond Car a Dependable ward. Owner heartbrok- Call Delray for inter-: Boca Raton. 2301 N. Dixie Hwy. Classical, popular. Sat- 5-1/2 days week. Meals New Honda. 565-6752. en. 399-5492. ,view, 276-4855. Male Help Pompano Though t h e Jets will isfaction assured, Lloyd included, Insurance ben- be the underdog team, '61 Volkswagon $650. 5B Personals Marvin. 933-5440. efits, excellent working Roof repairman capable Must be high school Go-Cart for Sale. 600 N. they are expected to give Good Condition, Call; Typing done in my home condition. Year round of replacing wood and graduate, 18 yrs. or old- Federal Hwy., BocaRa- a good account of them- - Accurate, Fast. Call 10 HelpWanted position in Boca Raton. metal edgings,) Top wag- er. $72. to $75. week to ton. " Dick Lepeska - 395-4491 1 selves. Apt. 8A. After 5:30 Good - Dependable Send full resume and es & steady employment start. Apply in person, Color TV Antenna, in- 395-6241 year-round house hold photo if desired, to: for man capable of doing LINDSLEY LUMBER stalled with color axial '64 VOLKSWAGEN LADIES' Wear Bankrupt help wanted. Boca Raton News, Box first class work CO., 1850 N. Fed. Hwy., kit, maximum perform- League Organized 395-5603 Stocks, famous makes, 395-6498 S-4, Boca Raton, Fla. 399-2922 or 524-7845 Boca Raton, Fla, ance guaranteed. Cove Volleyball league for '64 Dodge Dart Sedan below wholesale. TV, 399-7585-395-0782 Phyllis' Fashions, 4 W. BOCA RATON'S BEAUTIFUL Deerfield Beach.. men and women is being Automatic, Extras, low U.S. I. DELRAY BEACH How thru Sat. organized by the Boca mileage. Al cond. — Sunrise, 'Ft. Laud. BARGAINS GALORE " Raton Recreation De- $950. owner, Boca ~ HARMONY HILL Re- saw You Name it we have it partment. 278-4432 tirement Hotel. N.W. 21 peTe t from House Furniture to' The mixed group will 1964 Cheve 4 dr. Impala Ave, 1 block S. of Oak- iN WILLIAM WYLEfl'S car accessories, Palm meet every Monday at one owner air cond. land Pk. Blvd. Only HOWTO RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Beach Faith Farm, 1/2 7:30 p.m. in Boca Raton $195. down. Keating of $37.50 wk. up includes Specializing in Sleaks - Prime Ribs - Sea Food - Chops mi. N. of Boynton Rd. elementary school gym. Florida Inc. 395-1515. room, meals, transpor- OPEN DAILY r On Hwy. #441. Phone • LESLIE CARON - WARREN BEATTY — 732-6681. Open Monday tation, phone, maid, PLUS! "PROMISE HER ANYTHING" LUNCHEON DINNER SUPPER T.V., Washer, Dryer, 11 p.m. • 5 p.m. 5 p.m.- Midnile ' Midnite - ( a.m. Newspaper & -Shuffle- Weber Charcoal Broil- HELD OVER board. Call Ft. Laud- DINNERS SERVED SUNDAY 4 P.M. to 4 AM. er with spit $25. Nesco erdale. 581-1877. SOUTHERN MANOR Oily 100 Ft. Electric Cooker, $10. 2nd BIG WEEK Entertainment Nitely West Of Facilities For All Electric Room heater NO! NO! COUNTRY CLUi - MONDAY THBU SATURDAY Fed«a! Occasions Highway $10. shown by appoint- DON'T DO IT Diner's Club - American Express Cards Honored ment only. 395-0257. 18 HOLE PAR 71 36 S.E. THIRD STREET, BOCA RATON - PHONE 395-7635 YOURSELF BUY - Sell Trade used Shampoo, $1 Styled, Set CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE AREA'S BEST GREENS articles. Brittians Em- $1. Trim $1. All Perm-: porium, 1941 N. Dixie, anents $8.50, Open 9 AM DAILY GREENS FEES only $2.50 Semore Dailey Sez: Pompano, 943-1989. to 9 PM Gustav House of Beauty, 480 E. Palmetto (Pull Carts Permitted) "Howdy Pardner! BUY - Sell Trading Pk. Rd. Boca Raton 395- Stamps Richards Pawn 2720. "Bring This Ad' NOW Shop, 1280 S. Fed. Hwy. 'With You!" Welcome to Hidden 942-9647,Pompano CASH or Consignment GOLF & ELECTRIC CART Valley Ranch!" SUPER stuff, sure nuf[ that's Blue Lustre for for your GOOD clothes.; 'Semore Dailey " We 'BUY & SELL the Per Person Western HorsebacK "cleaning rugs and up- finest. Pin Money Shop, (2 PLAYERS PER CART) Champion Rodeo holstery. Rent electric Cowboy and Riding on Scenic Trails 2302 NE 7th Ave., Wilton Movie shampooer $1. Belzers Manors - LO 4-1022, I prices plus 3% sales tax Stunt Man $300 Per Hour Hardware Co. Across Stevens Grand Phone 278-3371 or 278-2002 Western horses for ren t with Route U.S. 441—(state Roatf 7) 19" Portable TV Only Union Mkt. Private Parlies Western SaddJes. ftivate an d MIDWAY BETWEEN DELRAY AND BOCA RATON group riding and instruc- Good Condition Admission Adults 5G Cemetery Lots 25 MINUTES DRIVE FROM FT. LAUDERDALE ,. For This Showing Sl-50 for all occasions tion. HORSES BOARDED $49.95 4 spaces will divide, Located on Boca Raton-Delray Line 395-4753 I IMPORTANT EXCEPTION: I NO ONE UNDER 18 WlU- Catholic Section, Lau- GE Filter flow 2 speed WllSfSIIUill I BE ADMITTED UNLESS I ACCOMPANIED BY HIS PARENT derdale Memorial automatic washer in Gardens. $700. Ft.Laud. HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH brand new condition Call 583-6871. PHONE 276-9409 - - Next to Boca Raton Country Club $150, two payments ac- cepted. 395-1268. BOCA RATON office SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC FIRST FEDERAL Late Model with walnut Savings and Loan cabinet sold for over $378. new. This machine From "Brunch" to a Banquet... Embroiders, Mono- grams, makes Button enjoy traditional American recipes Holes, Sews on Buttons, cooked to order by world famous Blind Hems, & many 5CHRAFFT'S Chefs. On vour next fancy designs. A Re- evening out...include gcHRAFFTS1 sponsible party can make 8 payments of $10. FAMILY , per month or pay balance DINNERS from $j.95 of $78.40 Cash.Forfree CALL 395-4800 Home Inspection, Call credit manager. Out of 4 to 6 P.M. or town call collect.' 583-4132 COCKTAILS 48* Cherry Red For Good Seats to all Home Games of the THE Law son Sofa • Good Condition EARLY BIRD- 50». '# 399-5322 into original cond. also pressure cleaning, seal- ished at 270 NW 8th St. 'Ft. Lauderdale Sea Wall Sealing, Metro ing & Painting 2 yr. for Rent to couple only. Call 395-8300, ask for 30 C.Business Opportunities 523-9643' Construction, 1841 NW Guarantee. 5 Yr. War- Mrs. Moore, after 6, Heat, Air conditioning, 399-0050. BEER WINE & SAND- 22nd St.,. Pompano ranty. Free Estimate. Washer Dryer & Car- WICHES. Good location. 972-3111 - 942-5958 Terms with no Carrying pets, $125. per Month. Furn. 2 bedroom 2 bath Doing better than aver- EMPLOYMENT Charge . 942-9900 - call evenings, 395-0199. - 1055 SW CaminoReal. age business. Forfurth- Polly's Employment 399-7414 1 Bedroom furnished, Yearly or Seasonal. - er information call Service, 125 S. Dixie SCREENS Utilities included $80. Adults, call: 395-4024, 524-9533 anytime. Hwy.Pompano.933-5522. SCREEN month. Polly McCanless -Own- ENCLOSURES 395-0885 er &. Mgr. Repaired — Re-Screen- MALE HELP FISHING TRIPS ed. Free Estimates. In- F.A.U. FACULTY DEEP SEA FISHING sured. Prompt Service, Staff and married stu- WANTED On Jack's & Gene's Boca Specialties dents, deluxe, large, one Candie Kidd - Trips 395-9461 bedroom, Air cond. & Daily & Sunday 8:30 to SPRINKLERS heat, all electric kit- * Experienced Machinist 12:30 PM Friday night - SPRINKLER systems & chen, New Fiesta Fishing 7 PM to -well drilling. Free es- block from Universty. 9 11 PM — for parties timates, no obligation. Reasonable. Call own- Lathe Operators call 399-2120. Do it yourself supplies. er before noon, National Sprinklers & 278- 0039 or 395-1183. * High Wages Call 395-8300 Wells. 158 NW 13 St., UNIVERSITY PLAZA APTS. For Classified Boca Raton, 395-1828. 289 NW 19th St. Boca Raton * insurance-Hospitalizafion SCHOOL STARTED * Excellent Working Conditions 'AINTING' AUG. 29, 1966 PRIDE PRE-KINDERGARTEN * Must Have Own Tools 1 W llNTERIUK GXTERSORl AND KINDERGARTEN (LICENSED & INSUKEDI APPROVED PRE- Apply In Person - No Phone Calls 1941-0248 941-69341 Featuring — - — SCHOOL BOCA'S FINEST EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM SJOSTROM AUTOMATION, INC. K1HNETREE PREPARES YOUR CHILD SERVICE FREE DANCE FOR FIRST GRADE 134 N.W. 16th St., Boca Raton, Fla. LESSONS •BSSfStfS Licensed & Insured AtON. & WED. Complete Tree Service Qualified and «£— Free Est. 941-9128 MRS. RUTH E. PATRICK, Owner 273 N. W. 15th Street Experienced Teachers Boca Raton, Florida WANTED OCT. HI-THURS- A MARICK Tel. 395-5044 - Evenings 395-1432 POODLE SHOPPE, INC. 2416 N. FED. HWY. will have a chance Beacon Light Shp. Ctr. TRAINEES showroom visitor w- Every prizes •. eluding Specializing in Toy S NEW FURNITURE 40% OFF of 105 fabulous inc B just for signing Miniature Poodles ORDERED DIRECT FROM MFG. FOR MACHINE SHOP to win .'67 DPL Hardtops- 943-1451 one of 5/50 prize drawing LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, BEDROOM up in French & Italian Provincial Train to be an Assembler TREES Contemporary, Modem, Colonial, RYAN TREE SERVICE From 50 Nationally Known Factories, or a Machinist Licensed & Insured Breakthru—5 yrs. 20 Years Experience OUTDOOR - POOL & PATIO Free Estimates Aluminum, Wrought Iron & Rattan Young Men - 18 to 22 '395-6538 From 24 Nationally Known Factories. Good Starting Wages - You've Seen the Rest DRAPERY & UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Now See the Best BICYCLES From 8 Nationally Known Mills, Rapid Advancement AT NEW-USED CARPETING Service and parts From 9 Carpeting Mills, Cost plus. Apply in Person - No Phone Calls On All Makes MURRAY MOTORS CAMPBELL SJOSTROM AUTOMATION, INC. Authorized Rambler Sales & Service HOME & AUTO SOUTHERN CONTRACT CO. 144 S. Federal Hwy. 237 Commercial Blvd. Lauderdale-by-the-Sea 134 N.W. 16th St., Boca Raton, Fla. 102 S.E. 6fh AVE., DELRAY BEACH 385 - 3830 278-0374 Authorized Schwinn Dealer Phone 565-7755 BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6,1966 13A 35A Lois & Acreage Sale 35G Houses For Sale 356 Houses For Sale 35G Houses For Sale 35G Houses For Sale 356 Houses For Sale 356 Houses for Sale GOLDEN HARBOR, New 4 Bedrooms 2 bath LAST OF THE Royal Palm Yacht & BRICK FRONT! New 4 Bedroom Hous- Country Club. 2 Bed- HOME IS A 2 bedroom 2 bath, large furn, excellent location, MOHICANS PARK LIKE CORNER BAY WINDOW Den. Utility room, es with Pool on Water- 1 room and Den or 3rd 1 FIREPLACE near schools, P.O., front 399-5922 or Sun- Cook on your screened double garage, screen- shopping center. Ex- Live rent free 1/2 block Bedroom, 2 1/2 Baths. 2 Truly a home of warmth day 399-7252. Car Garage with auto- Patio, built-in brick ed patio, dock, sprink- cellent condition, fully from the Ocean on the & charm. Three (or 4) lers. Shown by appoint- 5 bedroom 3 bath Fam- only Duplex corner lot matic door opener. Air Bar-B-Q. Pit. just out- carpeted, concrete drive side kitchen service bedrooms, 2 baths, pan- ment only 395-8834. large patio, extra large ily room, 2 Car garage, available. Approved Conditioned, combina- elled family room, tion Washer & Dryer, window — a lovely view, ROYAL OAK HILLS laundry, utility room, Central Air 6% Mort- plans go with the pur- screened patio-porch. gage, no closing cost. chase, price $13,500. - complete electric Kit- attractive 2 bedroom 2 2 bedroom 2 bath, Flor- city sewers. Priced to bath quality Home - Bay Only 2 years old, like sell immediately Lake Floresta 399-6790. Less for Cash. chen with refrigerator. new, including carpet- ida Room, Carpets, Carpets & Drapes, window - awnings - air Drapes.Owner 395-5693. 276-7567 FIRST REALTY CORP. Lovely 14x40 Patio over cond. - carpets & drapes ing, draperies, com- ATLANTIC 20 S.E, 1st Ave. plete GE Kitchen. Cen- 3~bedroom 2 bath Build- Duplex 2 bedroom 2 bath looking Landscaped built-in's, like new cond. ers model Carpets & CLOISTERS both sides $19,900. Ap- Boca Raton 395-8600 fenced in Back yard. 5-3/4% loan $19,900. tral Air Cond. fenced 3/3 RESALE 24 Hour Service yard, lovely landscap- Drapes 6% Mortgage, no prox. $3000. Cash need $51,500. . MLS. closing cost. 1012 W. $49,500 over 1st Mtg. Call- Otto 35 B.XO-ODS & Condominiulm ing, room for pool. Ex- Elegance at its finest. 2 Bedroom 2 bath apart- 2240 Date Palm Rd. FIRST REALTY CORP. ceptional offering at Camino Real. Yark. 395-0865. 395-4359 Nicely Furnished House Two story living room ment. $2000 worth of ex- 20 S.E. 1st Ave. $21,500! MLS. with exquisite crystal New 2 bedroom 1 bath, tras. Owned land, $23 $700 DOWN Boca Raton 395-8600 MacLaren & Anderson 2 Bedrooms, 2Baths for air cond. yrly., unfurn,, Sale. Move in immed- chandelier - Three bed- month maintenance. 3 BR.. 2 Bath, fine qual- 24 Hour Service 135 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. $120. furn. $135. Furn. iately, 395-0303. rooms, each with pri- Sickness forces sale. ity home with a good ad- Royal Oak Hills, 617 SW Boca Raton 395-1333 vate bath. Fully carp- till Dec. 1, $95.399-2878 Fine Location. 3860 NE dress;;; Sunbathe in pri- 5th St., Beautiful De- 2 bedroom, 2 bath, good 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Den, eted and draped - lived ON YOUR LOT 21 Way, Apt. 42, Light- vacy of your own tropi- luxe, 2 Bedroom 2 bath area, Storm shutters, new. Carpeting, Beauti- in only 2 brief seasons. 2 bedrm., duplexes, tile house Point. cal redwood fenced home. Must be seen to sprinklers, reasonable. fully Furnished. 951 Reduced $13,000 this roof, central heat & air, Model Co-op corner court yard. So many ex- be appreciated. 3823 NW 4 Court, Boca N.E. 4th Ave. week. Heated pool and all appliances $14,500. Apt. Ocean view. 2 tra's it's too good to 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Raton. homey clubhouse in- & up. 5 one bedrm. units last, so call for an ap- 4801 N.E. 5th Ave., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Living $8290. 463 Manchester cluded. We have the key $26,000. & up. Free es- room, GE Kitchen, Cen- pointment to see it. Sal OCEANFRONT bedroom 2 bath, Kitchen, today! MLS BC-19P. St. Needs Painting, SEASONAL RENTAL Living room, Dining, timates, on your plans, tral heat &. Air. Car- Pandolfo 395-0709 eves, residential - Apts.-com- or 732-6912 days. . , Minor repairs. Need - 3 bedroom, 2 bath du- room, closed Garage, pets, Drapes, low main- $2500, Cash on Present mercial, Hess & Page tenance, No Land lease. Associate Colin McKen- plex with maid's room Modern. Reverse cycle 757 S. Federal Hwy. $5790 MTG. payable $54 Air conditioning, Dia- Construction Inc., Ft. I 395-2361 na Realty 1323 So. Fed- and bath, on ocean at Colonial Building monthly Otto Yark — mond dusted ceiling, GE Laud, days 581-8987 - eral Hwy., Boynton Hillsboro Beach, Com- Boca Raton, Fla. Eves. & weekends — 35 LReal Estate Trade Beach, Fla, 395-0865 Oven, Range & Dispo- plete with reverse cycle Phone 395-4044 523-9867 or 942-9461. TRADE - Free & Clear, A BARGAIN! air conditioning, com- sal. Sunken Trash con- 2 bedroom, 2 bath, pletely furnished in- tainer, many other de- $32,500/ $29,500 This delightful 2 bed- luxe features. $19,500. Apartment in Lighthouse room 2 bath home with cluding linens and sil- BOCA'S BEST BUYS Point. Take lot in trade. ver. Yours for $4000 $5000 Cash. Bal. $103.68 lovely screened patio in Month. Phone owner - ANNUAL RENTALS 941-1246 MLS. BR-382WP - On a choice residential for 4 months season. We 2 BEDROOM, 2.BATH oir-cond. Duplex. $150. per mo. Unfurn. 35 G.Homes For Sale water with Pool reverse neighborhood - carpets have many choice seas- 395-4110 cycle heat & air, 2 bed- and drapes included. To onal rentals starting CAMINO GARDENS 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Partly furnished home. Only $100 SENSATIONAL OFFER per month. rooms plus Den, 2 Baths, inspect this comfort- from $ 1500. See us early Gorgeous waterfront 3 Brand new builders Beautifully located East for your selection for a 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Unfurn. home. $160. per month. . models, WATERFRONT able home, call or see bedroom 2 bath and fam- of Federal Hwy., must LLOYD LIVELY, your winter rental. ily room home has a 16x HOMES Beauties. 2 bedroom, 2 be seen to be appreciat- bath - 3 bedroom 2 bath, man at.. .MLS BR-246. 32 patio — plus land- BIG FAMILY SPECIAL. 5 bedrooms, 3Vi baths. Fine conven- ed. scaping — all electric ient neighborhood. NOW $27,900. MLS 458. Central Air & Heat, Atlantic Boca Realty Inc. Decorators Drapes, I&SOMS.IIM 757 S. Federal Hwy. kitchen — fully air con- WALK TO OCEAN. Air-cond. beauty. 2 bedroom, 2 barh. Wall to Wall Carpet, Realtor Colonial Building ditioned. This is the only Riviera section. ONLY $25,000 MLS. 457. 101 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Weir Plaza Building Lush Landscaping, Fab- Boca Raton, Fla. resale waterfront home ONLY $72.23 MONTHLY pays everything. LOW down-pay- ulous Wall paper. Furn- Boca Raton 855 S. Federal Hwy. Phone 395-4044 in Camino Gardens we ment. Roomy 2 bedroom, like new home. MLS 447. Day or night 395-8500 Boca Raton:Ph.395-4000 ished or unfurnished. know of. Assume 5-3/4% WE HAVE SEASONAL RENTALS. RESERVE NOW! Finest Location in Boca OWNER WILL SELL POOL large existing mortgage Raton, Call 395-1211, Spacious 4 Bedrm. 3 3 bedroom 2 bath Built -- priced to seel at Call us for lots in all price ranges; FHA antf VA homes with LOW (from $100) down-payment ROYAL OAK HILLS Bath home in Lake Ida NEW 2 BEDROOM for Florida living large $37,900. Drive by 981 Spacious home; two bed- section, oversized lot, family room overlook- Hickory Terrace. Call A COMPLETE Real Estate Service. nicely landscaped; 2 car 2 large Bedrooms, 2 ing beautiful fenced HARRY GRIFFITHS for rooms, two baths, Den. Baths, Central Air & All rooms open to huge garage, large patio, yard, oversized Pool details. MLS BR-424W. M.I. MADDOX, REALTOR family room, carpeted Heat, Enclosed garage. with Diving Board. Bar- sheltered & screened Front porch & large 507 NE 20th St., Boca Raton Patio. See this charming living & dining area, B.Q. priced to sell. 395-2900 vinyl floors, ceiling heat rear porch, extra large $17,900 MLS. home at 777 SW 7th St., living room, 30' long. Owner. Walking distance schools Nolan Realty Corp., Weir Plaza Building & churches 5-3/4% mtg. Assume Mtg. at old 855 S. Federal Hwy. 5-3/4% rate, $123. per Realtor hate a UNUSUAL VALUE 276-5574. 130 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton Ph..395-4000 I 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, month, including prin- OPEN HOUSE closed garage, attrac- DISTINCTIVE cipal & interest MLS Boca Raton, 395-3838 holey DIFFERENT 399-1355 tive entrance Lanai. - Call: YACHTSMAN-LIGHTHOUSE POINT hitiili of . Corner lot large DELIGHTFUL Ed Ronan, Assoc. Evenings 395-7655 screened patio, electric In Royal Palm Yacht The Real Estate Corner LOOKING FOR In iate 1963 my friend, Jack Brown, the well & Country Club this BUILDERS MODEL metal >' fountain & rock garden, Inc. 3 Bedrooms-Family room, known builder and yachtsman, decided to central heat & Air, Wall lovely 3 bedroom, 3-1/2 Realtors 2 Car Garage-Air Condi- A GOOD BUY build a luxury home that he and Lucille, his k to Wall Carpeting, bath home has every- 60 South Federal Hwy. tioned - Sprinkler system- adds •-•$19,500. $5000. Cash thing one dreams about, Boca Raton 3-95-4624 Sewers - $31,500, 994 NW wife, could enjoy. He built a truly Deluxe |i: balance $103.68 month, ideal kitchen, separate 7 st. Boca, near FAU. IMBOCA I strength Eve. 395-7280 5% Loan Terms. pool home with the best waterfront view phone owner 395-4110. dining room with lanai, available. He gave his yacht the best dock- huge screened partially to your House in Royal Palm PRICE REDUCED Beautiful Home with ing facilities possible. He kept Lucille covered patio with pool, $2000 Central Air & all the ex- Yacht & Country Club. complete privacy. Call tras, located in one of happy with the loveliest of kitchens. The liutembery Pool, 3 bedroom 3 bath, 1 CONSTRUCTION us to see it, you will On this neat & clean 2 the finest sections of king size bedrooms, closets, the dining room Panelled Den, Carpeted Boca. MLS BR144. lovi it. Realistically bedroom Home. Brand and Florida Room more than pleased her. home Draped, Owner - priced. MLS BR-311P. ..395-4023 new Wall to Wall carp- Well located Home on Their pet Dalmatian and boxer even had eting. Enclosed Gar- Corner lot, low taxes, their own air-conditioned kennel. Jack has GARDEN INSIDE age, full dining room. yard fenced. MLS BR now built another lovely home in his new Atrium w/pond, Beau- 757 S. Federal Hwy. Now only $14,000.MLS. 396. Some builders call this a Colonial Building FIRST REALTY CORP. development. Recently Jack said to me, truss gusset ... or gang tiful Plants. Adjoining Waterfront Home, Cen- Boca Raton, Fla. "I've got a good $32,000- 5%% mortgage on nails. In Rutenberg Homes, m Large Kitchen. 3/2, Den, 20 S.E. 1st Ave. tral Air, Sea Wall, close •Roofed Porch w/South- Phone 395-4044 Boca Raton 395-8600 my home, what will it bring?" Well, I told it's a galvanized truss gusset to Intracoastal. MLS. that holds truss members ern Exposure, 2-Car EXCEEDINGLY 24 Hour Service 370W. him $50,000 and then he said, "Let's sell DELIGHTFUL together for stronger roofs. Garage. Waterfront. 726 it for $48,500." Right then I decided to hold Forsyth, Boca Keyes. 3 bedroom 2- bath home HILL TOP LOTS WE CAN SERVE YOU! Waterfront, only 6 months The important thing about a old, Owner must sell be- this home open from 11 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Rutenberg truss gusset is ; ,395-0166. with pool — under 80x115 CITY SEWERS cause of health. Make $25,000 — in one of the READY TO BUILD Many Excellent Homes Saturday and Sunday, October 8th and 9th. that it's used in conjunction 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Cen- Call: Available In All Price offer. MLS BR349W. with an oversized truss . . . tral Heat, Sprinklers, nicer residential areas Do visit with us at 3131 N.E. 27th Avenue, OTTO YARK Ranges-See Us Today. a 2"x6" top cord to be exact Awnings, Carpeting, of Boca Raton — de- Lighthouse Point. My name is Jack Dolan Drapes, many extras. signed for outdoor living 395-0865 (2"x4" is standard). ROYAL PALM REALTY PLASTRIDGE REALTY and I'll be here to greet you. MLS-PR-4088. What all this means to you 395-2174 — MLS - Call CLAY REALTOR ZINSER. George B. Van Zee, is that your Rutenberg Home ROYAL PALM YACHT PLANNING Realtor 224 S. Federal Hwy. is stronger . . . more rigidly • & COUNTRY CLUB 307 Golf View Drive Boca Raton constructed for a lifetime 3 bedroom 3-1/2 bath, TO SELL ? Royal Palm Plaza 395-1433 BATEMAN & CO. 395 1661 of low maintenance. It's • family room, central Do It The Wise Way , . Realtors another hidden value you'll ^•air, 6% Mortgage, no Weir Plaza Building Trade Your House To Us 1299 South Ocean Boulevard, Boca Raton find in all Rutenberg Homes. closing cost $54,000. - 855 S. Federal Hwy, And . . . [ 2296 Acorn Palm Rd. Boca Raton:Ph.395-4000. ESTATE SECTION 395-9355 399-6790. LET US VALUE 1 Eves. & Sundays - Jack Doian 942-6693 WAREHOUSE-OFFICE CUSTOM BUILD SPACE FOR RENT Your New Home in a 3 bedroom 3 bath Home. True luxury in the GONE WEST Boca Raton, Deerfield, ATLANTIC CLOISTERS 1 - INDUSTRIAL - extra large room sizes. The covered Patio & Belray Beach, Boynton Left a spotless 3 bed- $50. MONTH & UP Pool, the marble sills & baseboards, the ex- DEVELOPER'S CLOSEOUT room 2 bath Ranch type NEW BUILDING quisite planting & in a prestige area adja- Home, East of U.S.1. Four 2-bedroom, 2-bath apartments with 1650 OCCUPANCY OCT. 1 cent to the Ocean. If you have looked at a Real family place. Less sq. ft, of living area, plus balconies, priced than $19,500. with about $50,000. Home, see this immaculate, like from $38,500 to $40,450. $3,500 down. You'll like 2640 NW First Ave. new value at $37,500. immediate possession it! MLS 419. CONSTRUCTION CO. n FIRST REALTY CORP. Boca Baton Boca Raton 395-2900 & excellent financing. MLS BR 180P. Two 3-bedroom, 3-bath apartments with 2100 20 S.E. 1st Ave. Call 395-4884 Delray Beach 278-1822 sq. ft. of living area, plus balconies, priced Boca Raton 395-8600 Broward 399-0200 BATEMAN & CO. Realtor MLS at $49,500 and $54,500. 24 Hour Service WATERFRONT BARGAIN 1299 S. Ocean Boulevard - 395-9355 These condominium apartments are located DELRAY on 11 acres of grounds on A-l-A across from 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Apts, Eves, and Sunday Jack Dolan 942-6693 OPEN DAILY in 2 Story Colonial the Boca Raton Cabana Club. There is no 3/2 Central Ht., close CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ground lease. Each apartment has covered t to Schools, newly paint- Directly on parking, a large storage closet, and access ed inside & out. INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY THE CITY OF BOCA RATON to the following facilities: large garden STOP & SEE THIS beautiful Home. Make INTRACOASTAL TERRACE Is Accepting Applications for the Following areas, 9-hole pitch and putt golf course, put- offer. Name your own IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Competitive Tests ting green, bowling on the green, club house Financing with Low Down Payment Available, terms. and an extra large heated swimming pool. ft NATIONAL REALTY & Turn East at waterfall South of Schrafft's, N*E. PATROLMAN Start $4812 Yr. MANAGEMENT CORP., 26th St. & U.S. 1, Boca Raton Follow Signs. There is no comparable value in a large OFFICE WORKER Start $3408 Yr. Broker apartment with all the extras these have. NO LAND LEASE 395-2511 & 399-1022 Start $5268 Yr. 399-7770 ELECTRICAL Inspector 1 Monthly maintenance only $65 and good fi- Start $5268 Yr. INSTRUMENT MAN nancing available, MLS No. B-Condo 16-P, A REFRESHING SWIM ROYAL PALM YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB Best working conditions, Civil Service Ben- 26-P and 27-P. 2929 Banyan Rd. in the ocean. A short walk THERE iS NO BETTER ADDRESS to your 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Directly on Intracoastal Waterway - Beauti* efits, Paid Vacations, Sick Leave, Hosp. Boca Raton Custom builtHome. Wall to ful 3 Bedroom,-254 Bath Residence. Many Ins., Pension Plan, Credit Union. IN BOCA RATON! Wall Carpeting, Drapes, Oversize Refrigerator, Aut- luxury features including central ducted air Job Requirements & Test Dates 395-2552 omatic Washer &• Dryer In- conditioning. Price: $70,000.00 - Owner cluded. All this for only Available at time of Application BATEMAN & CO., Realtors $31,900, MLS BE 410. wii! consider all offers. APPLY PERSONNEL OFF1CE-QTY HALL 1299 South Ocean Boulevard, Boca Raton LiTTLEFIELD & WOLFORTH, INC 395-9355 REALTORS Monday - Friday 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. K -REALTY, INC. ' ' Call: J.B. YVolforth or C.G, Littlefield, Jr. Deadline for Filing Applications Eves. & Sunday: Helen C. Drake 395-9486 DelrayBeach: 305-278-3388, 278-0692, Monday - October 17, 1966 Jack Dolan 942-6693 BROKER COOPERATION INVITED Bob Webster 941-0468 14A Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS

Starting Monday, September 26th. mfa Soea Jedezai SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION

For Saving $50000

16 Pc. Rogers Detecto Bath- Stainless Steel room Scale — Tableware by a c curate Orreida - ser- 1 weight every vice for four. time.

O n e Quart (Anticipated) Anchor Hocking Temp erature Proof Cook- ware - guaran- Set of 3" Stain- teed against less Steel # ®ii Six Month insured swings extreme cold "Regal Ware" and heat. mixing bowls. certificates of $1,000.00 or mor§.

For Saving $25000

W estclox 16 Pc Iron "Tide" Elec- Stone Dinner- tric Alarm ware - service Passbook Rate - Compounded and Paid Quarterly Clock Boudoir for foyr.

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(AVINGS Invest Your Money In Your "LOCAL" Savings and Loan INSURED ^^nnvTR Your Savings are the "tools" used by these successful local contractors to . . . Build A Better Boca Raton ! A&P Construction J. L. Cole Co. The Florian Co. Itvenus Development and Sam Acquilano James 1. Cole, Jr. Emil F. Danciu Industrial Corp. 400 N.E. 27th CIRCLE 21 S.E. 3rd STREET 41 S.E. FIRST AVENUE P.O. BOX 896 1101 S.W. 9th AVENUE BOCA RATON 395-4254 BOCA RATON 395-4036 BOCA RATON 395-4178 BOCA RATON 395-1211 Bogen Development Corp. DeMarco and Sons, Inc. Forest Oak Homes Sommers and Messner Edward H. Bogen Louis DeMarco Ouintin J. Liberati Construction Co. 4600 N. FEDERAL HWY. 1500 W. CAMINO REAL James P. Sommers Robert E. Messner POMPANO BEACH 941-6536 901 S.W. 3rd STREET P.O. BOX 609 BOCA RATON 395-8778 111-N.W. 8th STREET BOCA RATON 395-4300 BOCA RATON 395-6300 Christenson Construction, Inc. Drexel Corporation Golden Harbour Homes George Snow Construction CUSTOM BUILDERS Harold J. Christenson Intercoasta! Waterway George Snow 1101 S.E. 10th STREET C.R. Morpeth + J.O. Atwell 9th to 14th STREETS 24 S.E. 4th STREET DEERFIELD BEACH 943-2322 BOCA RATON 395-2511 2174 N.E. 1st AVENUE BOCA RATON 395-8313 BOCA RATON 395-1183 SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Soea 451 S. Federal Hwy. 395-8800 FREE TRANSFER OF FUNDS *Women's News *Club Activities

For 'Total Woman' Seminar •:-:• Fischer To Be Consultant Edward Fischer, pro- as a juror at eight film also has lectured on and the Communication fessor of communica- festivals in the U.S. and standards of film criti- Arts.- Anaesthesia or tion arts at the Univer- abroad and he now cism at the Salzburg Challenge?" His lec- sity of Notre Dame, will serves on fhe board of Seminar in American ture, open to the public, be guest consultant for Studies. will include a showing the first seminar of the His seminar will focus of Bergman's "Seventh "Total Woman" proj- on the topic, "Women Seal" and a discussion. m ect at Marymount Col- lege, Saturday, Oct. 8. Professor Fischer, motion picture critic, Service League Slates author, columnist and lecturer, teaches film criticism at Notre Fourth Annual Barbecue Dame. He has served Debbie-Rand Memor- James Ellet and Mrs. ial Service League's Dorothy Sloan, co- DAR Chapter fourth annual barbecue chairmen. will be held Saturday, Will Meet Oct. 15 at the Boca Raton Chairman of chil- Hotel and Club Cabana dren's entertainment Estahakee Chapter, Club. committee is Mrs. Don Daughters of the Amer- Marietta. Fischer The barbecue is ican Revolution, will scheduled for 5to 8p.m. Proceeds from the meet Monday, Oct. 10 in directors of the Univer- General chairman is barbecue will go to a Deerfield Beach Country sity Film Producers Mrs. James R. Mulroy, fund to maintain the Club. Association and is a assisted by Mrs. Elliott Boca Raton Community The meeting, which member of the Society of Thompson. Tickets are Hospital, now under will begin at noon with a Cinematologists. being handled by Mrs. construction. luncheon, is open to NASA appointed him women in the Boca Ra- as a film advisor, and ton-Deerfield Beach the American Council on area eligible to join the Education has assigned Airline Tickets DAR. The group pres- him to help find ways,, of ently is in the midst of bringing film studies COMPLETE FOREIGN TRAVEL its membership drive. into liberal arts educa- and Cruise Service Co-hostesses for the tion. day will be Mrs. Frank Professor Fischer Shober, Boca Raton, and DUGAN TRAVEL Mrs. Thomas Gagnon, YOUR VOTE MAKES ESTABLISHED 1956 Deerfield Beach. A DIFFERENCE 75 S. FEDERAL 395-2112

Ihc su>r\ is about her father who had been a sujlor un ,i clipper ship who was n rji her uncon- before Li coming a min- Think ventional minifater. ister. Besides being a FIRST.. FIRST BANK and TRUST for You're an ordinary The book titled, "With housewife with ordin- Halo Atilt" is chock full minister, Mrs. Dixon's ary, everyday problems of funny and bittersweet father also wrote poetry who decides to write a reminisces of the — one of his poems is book. family. called "The Old Clipper You've written the Actually, Mrs. Dixon Ship" and essays. book and it's been pub- was never reallv sure Jule Cutler's name lished, and now all of a was not introduced to sudden you're a celeb- the literary world by his "i" INTEREST rity who is in demand daughter. He has been to speab at large wom- quoted in Bartlett's en's organizations. Mrs. Quotations. ON CERTIfKATES What do you do? Dixon Although Mrs. Dixon Mrs. Charles Dixon depended a lot upon her solved the problem,, She two sisters to help her lined the first row with with incidents she re- Of DEPOSITS sisters and relatives membered vaguely she on her first speaking she could write a book, would not let anyone, not engagement. and she claims she went even her husband - OF $2000 OR MORE "Even then I was about it the wrong way Charles, read the book shaking like aleaf," she the first time around. until it was published. IN MULTIPLES OF $1000 said. "I wrote it according That took some doing "And to top it all off to subject matter," she and a bit of luck at that. - ISSUED FOR ONE YEAR the woman who intro- said, "I should have She found out early duced me, who just hap- written it chronologic- in her publisher hunt- pened to be a friend of ally instead," ing days that you can't INTEREST GUARANTEED from DATE of DEPOSIT mine, described me as Actually she wrote the publish a book without 'Rye's Favorite bookie.' book .because she want- an agent and you can't I thought I'd have the ed to keep the stories of get an agent unless whole police force after her father for the fam- you've published a book. me," she laughed. ily. She solved that prob- Mrs. Dixon's career "And I wanted to write lem nicely. began after she wrote a a happy book," book about her father, A happy book it is. (Continued on Page 4B) CERTIFICATES of DEPOSIT «> Births available for 6 Months and 9 Months Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth IT'S THAT TIME Consult One of R. Lundberg, 1035 NW Sixth Dr., announce the FIRST BANK and TRUST COMPANY'S birth of a son, Robert AGAIN! Alan, Sept. 29 in Be- thesda Memorial Hos- HOP RIGHT Officers for details. pital. Mrs. Lundberg is the DOWN to former Alice McCreary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Beeh, 475 NW Ninth Free Transfer of Funds Ave., announce the birth of a daughter, Alane For The Big from Anywhere in United States Marie, Oct. 1 in Bethesda Memorial Hospital. CHRISTMAS Mrs. Beeh is the OPEN former Darlene Scott. CARD FRIDAY EVENING ENDING OCT. 15 4:30 to 6:00 To Look Like A PRINCESS TO 20 Off K'U Go To FIRST BANK and TRUST SEE OUR NEW CHRISTMAS I 'COMPANY of Boca Rafon COLLECTION CARDS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

SE 1st Avenue Phone FIRST IN SERVICE and Royal Palm Road 395-4420 Newest - Finest In Boca tiaton and BOOKS ROYAL PALM PLAZA FIRST IN TRUST Member Federal Reserve System and Federal GOLFVIEW DRIVE HOURS 9:30 - 5:30 133 S.E. FIRST ST. Deposit Insurance Corporation Phone 395-8886 PH.395-5112 DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON. FLA. 2j3jrhursday, Qct. 6 BOCA RATON NEWS Here's How Freezer Owners Can Be Sure to Get Best Beef Buys

family's favorites. Buy- some who will take ad- then switching the cus- If you own a home vantage of a customer food freezer, chances ing meat this way as- tomer to a higher priced are you've thought about sures you of getting only who lacks a knowledge of meat. stocking it with beef. the cuts you prefer. the product he is buying. Whether you plan to buy Home food freezers Misrepresentation several cuts, a quarter, are designed to save and "bait-and-switch" or a whole carcass, money on grocery bills advertising are two of there are several fac- by allowing you to stock the most common prac- tors to consider if you up on foods when sup- tices the buyer must want to be sure of get- plies are plentiful and watch. ting the best buy for prices favorable. But Misrepres entation your money. buying beef in cuts or may include leading the When you plan to buy quality that do not meet buyer to believe he is part of a carcass, you your family's prefer- buying a specific grade should decide whether ence can hardly be call- while, in fact, supplying you want to get more ed money-saving. him with meat from a steaks and roasts or Some consumers en- lower grade animal or more stewing and ground counter pitfalls when meat which has not been meat. A hindquarter they buy beef in a form graded at all. Or, the gives you more steaks with which they are fa- buyer might receive Picture Framing — porter-house, club miliar. In addition there meat from the fore- IT COSTS NOMORE TO HAVE and. T-bone — and oven may be hidden dangers quarter instead of the IT DONE PROPERLY. roasts. The forequarter —disreputable dealers hindquarter he thought will contain more cuts, —which make the buying he was buying. ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Members of Estahakee Chapter, DAR, present tation was made by (second left), Mrs. Robert C. such as those from the difficult. Bait - and - switch ad- PHOTO FRAMES Jim Rutherford, director, recreation department, Vance, Miss Patricia Howe, Abanaki Junior chuck, which must be The majority of firms vertising refers to the Chapter, and Mrs. Morant J. Altenbaugh, vice re- pot roasted or made into are reputable in their advertising of meat at a 110 E. BOCA RATON RD. with framed copies of ihe Declaration of Inde- DOWNTOWN BOCA pendence, history of the U.S. flag and maps of gent, Estahakee Chapter to the recreation de- ground and stew meat. dealings with customers price designed to at- 395-1660 the Revolutionary War battle fields. The presen- partment. Another factor to and in their advertising. tract customers and consider is cost. Be- However, there are cause hindquarters con- tain more desirable cuts, they generally cost Pot Pies Get several cents per pound more than forequarters Approval FOR SOMEONE TO WEAR . . . of the same grade, says TO CONVEY YOUR GRATITUDE ... Miss Mary Todd, Ex- Guests will approve tension Home Econom- Chicken and Ham Pot FOR SOMEONE IN THE HOSPITAL . . . ics Agent. Pies. Simply place FOR THE WEDDING ... diced, cooked Florida As a prospective buy- FOR OCCASIONS OF SYMPATHY ... er, you should also con- chicken and ham in oiled sider the cutting and individual baking dish- FOR BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES . processing of the meat. es, cover with chicken FOR FUN ... Make sure the meat is gravy (or undiluted con- packaged in portions that densed cream of chicken fit the size of your fam- soup). Top with pastry ily or will be easy to made from pie crust cook. Most dealers will mix and bake in 450 arffe Garhfns cut the meat to suit your degree oven until crust 2854 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOCA RATON needs. browns, about 10 min- Ph. 395-0102 Supermarket specials utes. on particular cuts also offer a good way to stock your freezer with the IRUt K of C's Plan You'll Enjoy SPACE GALORE Annual Dance

Jack Bussen, general program chairman, has announced the Knights Paim i of Columbus Council 4955 will hold its annual CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS Looks like a real wild west hold-up, but it Reader. That's Mrs. Reader in

• All the Closet and Storage • Reverse cycle Air Conditioning J. WILLIAM MARKEIM Space of the Average Home (or optional Central Air Conditioning) • Built-in bedroom desk • Large, private screened and roofed • Soft city water—city sewer balcony or porch available IS NOW LOCATED AT • Swimming pool—clubhouse • Fully tiled, glamorous baths ESTIMATED OPERATING and MAINTENANCE COSTS 38 S.E. Second Street PALM ROYAL APARTMENTS, INC., 1966 (NEXT TO BOCA RATON NEWS OFFICE) 1BR1 Bath 2BRlBath 2 BR 2 Bath *County & City Taxes $15.00 $19.00 $22.50 Maintenance 6.50 7.50 8.50 ACCOUNTING TAXES Water 3.50 3.50 4.00 Electricity 4.50 4.50 4.50 Insurance 3.50 3.50 3.50 BUSINESS CONSULTANT Escrow 2.00 2.00 2.00 Total $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 Water, Electricity, Insurance based on actual averages. Books, Records, Systems Controls, PaCm 'fcoyaC Qondoulmum <&pazttnenU PAUL G. LANNING Inventory Controls For DIRECTIONS—From U. S. I in south section of Boca Raton, enter S.E. 13th St. (2 blocks south JOHN D. TALBOTT of Howard Johnson's). Go Vi block west of Insurance Agency, Inc. Individuals-Partners hips-Corporations Highway. 3 Blocks South of Cumino Real 489 N.E. 20th. St. Boca Raton 395-9665 - 395-3317 A DEVELOPMENT BY MASON KAU^ CORP Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 MODELS OPEN 10-5 DAILY BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6. 1966 3B ANN LANDERS Turn Out a Beefsteak In True Gourmet Fashion A Petty Problem Elegant The tantalizing aroma meat. Break off the No. R-245 of Florida beef brown- crust with a hammer, Sizes 12-20 ing over glowing char- spread with soft butter, coal — superb! To turn sprinkle with salt and Dear Ann Landers.- Our daughter, Roberta, To Offer But No Takers: Theater out a beefsteak in the pepper — and listen to Frank and I have been moved to another city Since you are looking true gourmet fashion, the raves! The steak married for 12 years. to work and live with for a nice woman "along give it a thick coating will be wonderfully juicy We have a fine family relatives. There she the same lines as Flor- of salt before cooking. and tasty, but not salty. and a comfortable home met the young man of ence Eldridge" I'd like Ensemble Start by making a thick in the suburbs. My her choice. They were to ask a question. Are paste of rock salt and Psychologists have "problem" may seem married in a civil cer- you by chance "along water. Using 2-inch found that persons with so petty that it might emony eight months ago the same lines as Fred- Elegant theatre dress thick (or thicker) Flor- the greatest apprecia- even irritate you. But and kept it a secret,, ric March?" and coat ensemble — ida sirloin steaks, coat tion of humor also have I'm going to chance it He is of the Roman sheath dress features completely with salt the best contact with anyway. Catholic faith. We are Liquor can ruin your flattering draped bodice; mixture. Grill over reality and are the least Frank would rather Protestants. minds, your body and companion coat has glowing coals, turning likely to pretend to be take the train to town Two months ago they your life. To learn the handsome turned-back once and allowing about what they aren't. than fight the traffic. I were married by a priest booby traps of teen-age collar atop a deep 30 minutes for rare like the idea a lot be- because his folks wanted drinking, write for Ann shoulder yoke. Beautiful cause the convenience it that way. Roberta did Landers' booklet, in satins, brocades, of having the car all day not convert. * 'teen - age Drinking,' peaus. is great. ^, Now for my problem: enclosing with your re- Price $1.(30 — R-245 Every morning when Roberta wants to be quest 20 cents in coin is available in sizes 12, I drive Frank to the married by a Protestant and a long, self- 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 14 train all around me hus- minister in our church addressed, stamped en- takes 3 yards of 44 Inch bands are kissing their and invite all her school velope. fabric for dress and wives goodbye as they friends and all our rela- Ann Landers will be 4-7/8 yards of 44 inch hop out of cars. It makes tives. We started to plan glad to help you with fabric for coat. Stand- me very envious. for this wedding two your problems. Send ard body measurements nuami RUG eo Last week I came weeks ago. This morning them to her in care of for size 14 are: Bust DRAPERY DEPARTMENT right out and asked she told me she is at Boca Raton News, Box 34, Waist 26, Hips 36. Frank to kiss me good- least two months preg- 3346, Chicago, Illinois, CUSTOM MADE BEDSPREAD5, SLIPCOVERS AND REUPHOL5TERING. «PECIAL- bye. He said, "Mushing nant. 60654, enclosing a IZJNG IN CUSTOM SHADES AND VALANCES, SWAGS, CUT'OUT VALANCES, Send One Dollar for pattern, plus 5 cents for postage, in cash CORNICES, FINE CUSTOM WINDOW 5HADE5; AND BEST YET, ALL REASONA- it up in public is in poor Should we tell people stamped, self-address- taste and I refuse to do ed envelope. or check. No Stamps. For First-Class mailing, send 15 cents BLY PRICED. PLEASE ACCEPT OU« INVITATION TO VISIT TOUR NEAHEST MIAMI; they were married sev- extra. Add One Dollar if you wish New Austine la Mar Pattern RUG STORE OR PHONE FOI A FREE ESTIMATE IN YOUR HOME. it." I told him a hus- eral months ago, which bandly peck on the cheek nobody would believe Book #3 — complete selection of High Fashion designs, including our best-sellers from #1 and #2. Send to Austine W Mar Fashion FORT lAUDEftDALE BOCA RATON was not mushing it and that this wedding is Take Care 2840 NO. FEDERAL Pattern, .Boca Raton News, Box 1615, G.P.O., New York, N.Y. 751 SO. FEDERAL up. He said in his opin- just to please Roberta HIGHWAY HIGHWAY ion, it was. or should we say nothing Of the Knives 10001, Print your full name, address, Pattern Number and Size. 565-4608 395-3213 How do YOU feel and let people talk? about it? —DON'T KNOW Every kitchen has at —KISSLESS least two knives, a par- FAREWELL Dear Don't Know: Ro- ing knife and a so-call- Dear Farewell: It berta has been married ed "butcher" knife for doesn't matter how I enough already. Since slicing and cutting. If feel. Obviously Frank she is at least two this is your collection, doesn't want to kiss you months pregnant I don't or if you have addition- goodbye at the station think she ought to have al specialized slicers any more weddings. and carvers, take good and that should settle it. care of them. Be honest and ask Simply pass the word yourself why you want that a marriage took Miss Mary Todd, Ex- Frank to kiss you good- place eight months tension Home Econom- bye at the station. It's ago and if you discover ics Agent, says you can really for others rather a method to keep people get good use from a than for yourself, isn't from talking, please comparatively poor it? I can tell you those pass it on. knife when you treat it kisses at the station kindly, and you can get don't prove a thing. If Confidential to Can't miserable results with you think that every man Get Over It: You'd bet- the finest knife if you who kisses his wife at ter. And fast. The energy are careless with it. you are expending on For a knife that is a the station is a devoted pleasure, start out with and loving husband, I've this hate is wearing you a superior knife and give got news for you. out and making you ill. it a good care. Dear Ann Landers.- Confidential to Much She suggests for ef- ficiency and : safety, store any knife so that the sharpened edge will not rub against any other surface including other Kittie^*Chatt knives. A knife poked The pants suits are are tent shapes that look into a drawer is an ac- going to be greater than like capes from the cident hazard. ever for the resort sea- back. The sleeves are A knife rack or a son which is just getting set in low in front, and holder is a good invest- move freely. ment for even the most off the launching site in modest collection of the fashion salons of There are handsome cutlery. Children will New York. tailored slim coats and be safe-guarded if the The Originala cruise semi-fits as well. holder covers the blades collection showed pants Fabrics make great and if you locate the suits such as little girls news, especially in cot- holder out of the chil- dream of, only they used tons which are smooth dren's reach. to dream of them -on surfaced, but which are handsome men! These patterned to look di- For efficiency, knives mensional. Really wond- must be sharp. A dull have the best looking knife is a hazard since tailored white flannel erful are great coats's finest personal car lightly belted — and more pressure is re- trousers since white quired for cutting. It's flannels were the rage the multitude of navy coats with military but- more likely to slip, and of the Palm Beach Beau even the dullest knife is Brummels. tons and other salutable det ail s. W atch that Kelly still sharp enough to The tops are some- make a nasty cut. times made like light- green — in New York weight navy pea jackets it's "Color me green The practice of cut- with epaulettes and mil- — for resort" according ting away from the body itary buttons, or are to Originala. is a safety habit. tunic length and semi- fitted, a little like a rajah cut. These look as though they could can't make a quick switch for remember dressy appearances as the date? well — not that these white flannel trousers suits aren't dressy — Q you'd never be turned OMEGA away from a Mansion CALENDAR SEAMASTER door in these nifties I With a self-winding Seamaster date-dial watch you always Originala shows a know the correct date and luscious new shade of you'll never be late because you forgot to wind your watch. brown that looks like No need to wind a Scamaster, Swiss Chocolate. They it's gravity-powered .-. . winds SKDAN cle VILLK...another dramatic Cadillac surprise do this in the pants suit itself its you wear it. tops, and carry it through their whole 101 Royal Palm Road & lightweight coat collec- ant case. $135 Oiher S.K, 1st .We. INTRODUCING THE 1967 STANDARD OF THE WORLD tion. snamaster: Downtown Boca Raton $i!5 to $4BO Big news are the big Authorized Omega Agency You are looking at two of the newest luxury ing and the hainnce of automatic level control. interiors in history...a new generously padded swishers of coats. These fCHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITEDj cars ever created. They are typical of Cadillac And with all its spirit and action, Eldorado pro- instrument panel...a more responsive Cadillac for 1967.The Fleetwood Eldorado— the world's vides unusual live-passenger spaciousness and engine . . . improved variahle ratio power steer- finest personal car—is the first exciting case in the quietness and comfort that only Cadillac- ing... and a new General Motors-developed point. Eldorado is a styling masterpiece ... with could create. This brilliant newness also marks energy absorbing steering column. Discover Let the neighbors talk! its spectacularly long hood, its daring new roof the Cadillacs you are most familiar with. For Cadillac lor !H(S7 lor yourself. your aulho lines and its dramatic rear quarter design. It is they are the most beautiful Cadillacs ol all lime rized dealer's. Once you have personally seen also an engineering triumph. For Eldorado is . . . with a new forward-sweeping grille and a and driven these exceptional new automobiles, the first car in the world to comhine the sure- new side contour that flows from front-to rear! you'll agree that never before has Take flowers footed traction of front wheel drive with (he And with this new Cadillac look come a num- anything on (he highway said new maneuverability of variahle ratio power steer- ber of other achievements... the most luxurious so beautifully... or Cadillac so well! home tonight CatliHnc Molor C.u Division SEE AND DKIVK TIIK KXCITINC IHB7 CADILLACS NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR AUTIIORI/.KD CADILLAC DKAIJCK\S.

HOYLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE, INC. Boca! 455 N.E. Sixth Avenue, Defray Beach, Florida 276-5225 Phone 395-1943 200 S. Federal Hwy. 6, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS The Boca Raton News

Boca Raton News Start Your Home Delivery Now! $10.00 First Prize 34 S.E. 2nd STREET BOCA RATON 395-8300

Mrs. Howard D. Flammer (left), Mrs. Edgar W. Lobkowitz and Mrs. Elmer (Tie Breaker - Pick by Score) $5.00 Second Prize Kanhofer prepare coffee cups for the Royaie Woman's luncheon. The lunch- Boca Raton ( ) vs. St. Andrews ( ) eon, held Monday at the Community Center, launched a new season for the women. Guest speaker was Renee Long. ' $2.50 Third Prize Southern TV, Inc. 'With Halo Atilt' All Work Guaranteed CONTEST RULES (Continued from IB) book." thinking "What am I do- Pick the winners in each square with a (x), pick the tie- Or maybe it's because ing hex el" 1927 N. FEDERAL HWY. breaker by score only. "Half of Rye, New Charlie and the Rev- After that first lec- York became my agent." erend made home brew ture, Mrs. Dixon got BOCA RATON 395-4666 Contest, is open to everyone except employees of this Mrs. Dixon originally together? what is commonly called newspaper and their families. from Maine, lived in "I'll never forget one "stage struck." Florida ( ) vs. Florida State ( ) Rye when she wrote her time when they made it "I really enjoyed it." Entries are to be judged by the sports editor and staff, and book. and put too much yeast Before she had left all decisions are final. After a few attempts in it," she laughed. Rye she had given eight at finding a publisher, "The bottles exploded lectures in and around Entries must be submitted on the official form, as printed Mrs. Dixon put the book in the basement and no the Rye area. in this newspaper, or on a reasonable facsimile. away and let it collect one got a lick of that "Generally I relate Setnan's Shell Service dust for a few years. .. brew, except the cat. He new episodes about my Deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday before games; you may enter Then one day she took it licked it up and got family not found in the as many times as you wish. out and rewrote it "the pretty lit. book, she said. AAA Service right way" this time. In Dixon didn't even get Mrs. Dixon was just Winners* names will be published on the sports pages on chronological order. to see the episodes about getting into the swing of Thursday following the week's contest. "I've been lucky," himself in the book until her lectures when the 1930 N. FEDERAL HWY. she said, "publishers it was published. Then Dixons decided to move told me they'd like to there was nothing he to Boca Raton. BOCA RATON 395-7739 print it but it was 'too could do but sit back and "Imagine a Maine grin. family living in Florida Notre Dame ( ) vs. Army ( ) clean.' "• and liking it," she Then she sent it to "But's he's such a Beacon Press at the good sport about the laughed. suggestion of a pub- whole thing," she said. "I really love Boca lisher who read the book "I think I'd like to write Raton," she said. "In only by mistake. a book about life with fact, I'm sure the They published it. Charlie someday." Chamber of Commerce National Home Improvement The lectures? would love to give me a "The hardest thing job, I could really go on Center was finding a title for Well, the first one and on about this town." the book. "I wanted to she did was for the Rye The Dixons have two Florida Rooms-Carports-Kitchens - ANYTHING get the idea across that Woman's Club. "I've sons, only one of whom my father was a good been a member for 15 has seen their parents men, but not a real goody years," she said. "They 2650 N.W. 1st AVENUE goody. new home. asked me to speak and I "He really liked it," BOCA RATON 395-2789 395-4884 "Some of the stories couldn't back out. I about minister's famil- really didn't want to she said. ies are, well, no ones' do it, but I figured I Now that she's a full Tennessee ( ) vs. Georgia Tech ( ) that good." started something and I fledged author and lec- The brunt of the com- had to finish it. I would turer what does Mrs. ments about the book fell lose my self-respect if Dixon plan to do? not on Mrs. Dixon but I didn't go through with "I'd like to continue it." lecturing," she said. "I her husband, Charles. may write some ar- Buck's Surf Shop "Poor Charlie," she So she did, but not be- ticles. said, "He's taken con- fore she packed the first Surfboards Rent or Sale siderable ribbing about "My trouble is I can't row with her sisters. write seriously. Every- New-Used-Abused it; but he's lived through Even then while she it. thing strikes me as be- was backstage she kept ing funny." It's possible most of 2054 N.E. 2nd STREET the ribbing is because Mrs. Dixon, an honest far K OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. DEERFIELD BEACH 399-6851 woman, makes no bones about mentioning her Missouri { ) vs. Kansas State ( ) conquest. "I was really out to f&oirfk. 1-5TOP get that man, she laughed, "I wanted to **L2 '"""'iT^ SHOPPING marry him and that was Best Well Inc. it. and I said so in the 172 E. Boca Raton Rd. 395-2442 HURRICANE Supplies See Your Yellow Pages Leroy Miller, Boca Raton Bobcat * Sferno Stoves * Kerosene Lamps 1140 LHILLSBORO BLVD. Bring or mail your entries to Sierno Canned Heal * Flashlights Boca Raton Hews, Box 580, * Hurricane Candles * Lanterns DEERFIELD BEACH 399-0488 34 S.E. 2nd St., Boca Raton, * Bernz-o-matic Propane Navy ( ) vs. Syracuse ( ) * Fuel Stoves and Lanterns NAME. rc ^.SCUTL BONUS SCOttS®) FUNGUS WEEDS and FEEDS WHY rinsT IN L*' Boca Camera Center ADDRESS. T i D MJ PERFECT Fine Cameras & Equipment DIDN'T I Un DUllder FERTILIZER I THINK SWIFTS 6-6-6 J%fH 79 137 S.E. 1st STREET TO FERTILIZER 3 BOCA RATON 395-4011 CHECK 30% ORGANIC NITROGEN n 50 Lb. Maryland ( ) vs. Duke ( ) Plus All Essential Secondary Minerals Bags Entries Must Be In By 5:00 P.M. Friday MY POLICY 20 Gallon Heavy Galvanized Sfeel Rgg A mm A GARBAGE CANS 3.49/./V Boca Raton Federal Matty's Cleaners INSURE WITH "DAY" HARDWARE - HOUSEWARES SAVINGS + LOAN ASSOC. BE SURE TOMORROW! LAWN and GARDEN SUPPLIES" Founded 1901 CHARCOAL GRILLS and SUPPLIES Current Dividend DRAPERY RODS and FIXTURES 451 S. FEDERAL HWY. 1943 N. FEDERAL HWY. f Agency WALLPAPER - PAINTS 500S, FEDERAL HWY. Glassware - Small Appliances BOCA RATON 395-8800 BOCA RATON 395-2440 395-0220 1 ARTIST SUPPLIES « Michigan State ( ) vs. Michigan ( ) UCLA( ) vs. Rice { ) BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 5B Residential Lot Sales Are Listed In Recent Real Estate Transfers Ricker to James E. Croushore Roepcke to Paul J. Gilles and Mills, S.S. $41.40, Sidney W. Recent Boca Raton and Mary F. Croushore, his Dora B. Gilles, his wife. Wells and Wenona H. Wells, his real estate transactions, •wife. Lot 10, Blk 3, Spanish Vil- wife,to F. & A. Investments, as compiled for the Lot 1, Blk 3, Palmetto Park lage, S.S. $20.10. Josie Hen- Inc. Terrace, Unit 1, S.S. $63.00, neman to Floyd Neering & Jus- News by the Lawyers Stella B. Shackleton and Gerard tine C, Neering, his wife. Title Insurance Corp. Shackleton to Ian Macintosh & Lot 11, Blk 7, Paradise A new study of per- are listed below. Mary "M., wife. Palms Unit Four, S.S. $9.00, sons who died leaving The S 75 ft of Lots 15 & Bibletown Community Church, estates in the $1 mil- Documentary stamps, 15A lying E of W 905 ft and Lots Inc. to Florence C. Kain. 16 & 17, less W 905 ft and Lots Lot 7, Blk 1, Boca Keys, lion to $1.25 million cat- listed by amount, indi- 16A & 17A, Redlhammer S/D, S.S. $21.00, First Federal Sav- egory turned up the sur- cate the approximate S.S. $647.40. ings and Loan Association of prising fact that more sale price in many in- Lake Worth to Brannon Bldg. Co. than half failed to use stances. They are com- Lot 15, Bik 54, Boca Raton One-half interest in follow Square Unit XIII, S.S. $61.50, descr. prop. E 30 ft. of Lot 8, tax-exempt gifts to es- puted on $3 per $1,OUO Peder T. Larsen and Phyllis W. Blk 1, Boca Keys, George Snow cape the stiffer estate value; in other words, Larson, his wife to John R. and Susan Snow, his wife to taxes. a $10,000 sale would Berryman and Burdine M. Ber- Brannon Bldg. Co., Inc. S.S. ryman, his wife. $3.30. require $30 in stamps. Lot 9, Blk 14, Royal Palm 1/2 interest in foil desc. Yacht & Country Club, S.S. prop. E 30ft of Lot'8, Blk 1, See this man Week ending Sept. 16, 1966. $240.00, William S. May and Boca Keys, S.S. $3.00, Lawr- Lot 13, Blfc 4, Sec. "B" Martha R, May, his wife to ence Torri and Dolores K. when you insure Boca VMlas, S.S. $44.70, Wil- Robert L. Sjostrom and Kath- Torri, his wife to Brannon liam S. Kuhn and Luella Kuhn, leen A. Sjostrom, his wife. Bldg. Co., Inc. your car or home his wife to John C. and Rose W 120 ft of Lot B Blk 14 Lot 14, Blk 12,»Country Club- Czaplicki. Spanish River Land Co. PI 'A Village, S.S. $76.15, Itvenus S.S. $63.00, Theodore A. Sween- Development & Ind. Corp to A Portion of Tr. B of S/D of ey & Anne Sweeney, his wife Arpod J, and Julie Artwohl, University Park Country Club to Alonzo T. Knight and Alta his wife. Estates, S.S. $81.90, Gulf Oil W. Knight, his wife. Lot 8, Blk 12, Winfield park, Corporation to Arvida Corpor- Lot 18, Blk 5, Camino Gard- Unit #2, S.S. $57.00, Horation ation. ens, Sec. 2, S.S. $147.90, B. Ebert and Lyda G. Ebert Lot 17, Blk 1, Delray Man- Camino Gardens, Inc. to Ern- to Merrill L, Johnson and ors, S.S. $15.00, Robert A. est A. Wright HI & Alberta D. Norma L., his wife. Fiorino and Janice E. Florino Wright, his wife. Lot 10, Blk 26, Boca Raon his wife to Otto Yark & Marion. Lot 15, Blk 6, Boca Raton Hills, Sec. #3, S.S. $40.50, A. Lot 7, Blk C, Golden Harbour, Riviera Unit D, S.S. $18.00, Victor CerceU and Virginia S. Section 2, S.S. $142.00, Dan J. Mary Roepcke and Ernest Cercell, his wife to Melvin A. Schooley and Jean A., his wife. Lot 13, Blk 1, Boca Keys, S.S. $121.80, George Snow and DeMarco & Sons, Inc. has recently completed rangement which features a free-form pool, bam- Labor Relations Expert Named Susan Snow to Albert E. Bow- HICK BISHOP this two bedroom, two bath home at 262 N.E. boo screens, tropical plants and a frozen Chatta- yer & Shirley J. Bowyer, his wife. He may save you 24th Ct. for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerace. The hoochee gravel base. Lot 1, Blk 3, Bel Marra, S.S. Hallmark model features a garden pool-patio ar- Director of Boca Raton Firm $15.90, John C. MendiUo and Emily W. Mendlllo, his wife big money Stone Flex, Inc., man- to Shirley A. Schmidt, ufacturers of precast Lot 12, Conference Lake J.C. MITCHELL thinwall exposed aggre- Estates, S.S. $7.50, Rufus A. gage panels and other Colgin and Mildred M. Colgin, & SONS his wife to Joseph Pollack and fiberglass building ma- Evelyn E. Pollack, his wife. terials, has named to Lot 5, less E 25 ft & E 22 5. Federal. . 3.974711 its board of directors 35 ft Lot 6, Blk 5, Chatham John F. Sullivan, head of John F. Sullivan As- sociates, a management SALE SccaWaton LEASE consulting firm with of- fices in New Haven, Conn., and Boca Raton. NEW 8000' BUILDING Sullivan, a nationally- Designed for Industry, Manufacturing. Research and De- known expert in the field velopment or' Warehousing. Excellent location. Price — of Labor Relations is a S43.500. 6% Mortgage.Available. No Closing Costs. graduate of Ohio State 2730 N.W. 1st AVE., BOCA RATON. Phone OWNER, 395-1899 University and earned John F. Sullivan his law degree from the University of Louisville. He resides with his wife Ethel and their two children, Jeff and Susan, on Spanish River Road.

Wit and creativity go together. Air Force- sponsored studies have found that witty persons are much more creative than those without a sense of humor.

Heed Thes$ Home Safety Tips Presidents REALTORS OF BOCA RATON The following MILDRED I. MADDOX, Visit Resort are members 507 N.E. 20th St., 395- To Reduce Household Hazards of the Boca 2900. To pre- You can Raton Board ! vent acci- make the Seventeen U.S. pres- of Realtors. IVIEDALLION REALTY'. , dents in the glass in idents have visited the Doing busi- Suite C, 131 E. Palmet- kitchen, al- your home resort of White Sulphur ness with to Park Rd., 395-2421 ways use a visible and Springs, W.Va. — 14 of them you are J.C. MITCHELL & sturdy also dec- them while in office. assured the highest SONS, Inc., 22 S. Fed- 7 step stool orative by Three chief executives type of service that can eral Hwy., 395;4711. — Martin Van Buren, be administered in the i or ladder if marking it field of Real Estate MOTHERWELL REAL- you climb with attrac- John Tyler and Millard Practice. TY, 757 S. Federal Hwy tive decals. Aluminum Fillmore — established 395-4044. to reach high shelves ARVIDA REALTY and cupboards. Faucets patio doors should also their summer White THOMAS P. NOLAN, contain safety glass; if House there in a two- SALES, Inc., 998 S. and water make a good Federal Hwy.,395-2000. 131 N.E. 1st Avenue, ground for electricity, broken under heavy im- story cottage known to- 395-3838, so keep electric appli- pact, safety glass day as the Presidents' ATLANTIC BOCA F. BYRON PARKS. Via crumbles into granular Cottage Museum. REALTY, Inc., 101 E. ances away from the fragments instead of Palmetto Park Rd., Mizner, Royal Palm sink. To protect your- large, jagged pieces, 395-8500 or 399-7500 Plaza, 395-3700 Why do 24 out of 25 self and small children reducing danger of ser- HARVEY SEZ: BATEMAN and CO., PETRUZELLIREALTY when cooking, make ious injury, while pre- 1299 S. Ocean Blvd., Inc., 2325 N. Ocean sure pots are always serving all of the fuel- Boca Raton, 395-9355 Boulevard, 395-0822. new homes and apartments* turned with handles saving and appearance W.P. BEBOUT, 140 N PLASTRIDGE AGENCY away from the front or advantages of alumi- Fed. Hwy., 395-8155. Inc., 224 S. Fed. Hwy.., sides of the stove. 395-1433. num sliding doors. CONN C. CURRY, 701 have flameless Electric Ranges? E. Palmetto Park Rd., THE REAL ESTATE We Perform !\eit!ier Magic 395-3922. CORNER, 60 S. Federal Nor Miracles, 5!ut We Do Highway, 395-4624 Because modern families prefer their flameless benefits. More Floridians cook Combine the Finest Pro- BRUCE E. DARRELL, VOTER REGISTRATION ENDS OCTOBER 7 luct (Koopers) With the Realtor, 425 E. Palmet- RICHARD F. ROSS, 21 electrically than any other way. It's cleaner, cooler, faster, safer, cheaper. lard Work of Skilled Crafts- to Park Rd., 395-1322 S.E 3rd St., 399-6444.. men and Control this Team No flame, no fumes ... no soot to blacken pots and pans, and no fuel grime GENERAL ELECTION NOV. 8TH - with Constant Personal WM. DAY Inc., 500 S, ROYAL PALM REALTY to dirty walls and curtains. Electric ranges save on clean-up time , . . and Supervision. So, if Your Federal Hwy., 395-0220. CORP., 307 Golfview m VOTE! Parking Area or Driveway Dr., 395-1662. the kitchen stays up to 16° cooler. Is In Need of Repair and FIRST REALTY CORP. Protection, Do Call Us 20 S.E. 1st Avenue, FRED TAYLOR, 2750 The new electric ranges are loaded with exciting features. See them at your For A Free Estimate and 395-8600. N. Fed. Hwy., Delray electric appliance dealer now. Real Estate Exam Course Consultation - We Can Beach, Fla 276-7327- Give It A New Lease on FLORIDA SITES, Inc., *Ri*sidentifll units built last your in our service jirea. Life and Appearance with TOWN & COUNTRY For Brokers or Salesmen 38 S.E. 4th St. 395-1890. PROPERTIES, 330 E. aKoopers Seal Coating job. ORYAL E. HADLEY, Harvey Real Estate S'hoois operates a branch of its popu- Palmetto Park Rd., lar Real Estate Exam Course in Boca Raton at the UNIVER- CALL F.B. NAYLOR, 400 E. Palmetto Pk. , 399-4629. SITY BOWL CONFERENCE ROOM, DIXIE HWY. and 20fh ptt TATV Road, 395-2244. THERE'S NO MATCH FOR M.N. WEIR & SONS, ST., Boca Raton. The course is composed of 8 lively inter* F. WOODROW KEETON, esting sessions which thoroughly cover" the Fla., Real Estate 399-2727 Inc., 855 S. Federal FLAMELESS ELECTRIC... Handbook. Total cost only $50.00. 2950 N. Ocean Boule- Hwy., 395-4000. ITS CHEAPER, TOO! 9A.M.-5P.M. 'Vee kda,vs vard, 395-5252. TUESDAY EVENING - 7:00 P.M. 9 t\M. —12 Noon Saturdays JOHN A. WRIGHT, 713 You may attend first session free MACLAREN & ANDER- Havana Drive, Boca Mr. Cooper will be in the Conference Room each Tuesday SON, 135 E. Palmetto HARDRiVES,co Raton, Florida, CR 8- FLORIDA at 6:30 P.M. to answer any questions. Park Rd., Boca Raton. 2402. POWER & LIGHT COMPANY For Information Call: MR. COOPER 278-0808 PAVING AND SEALING 395-1333. HELPING BUILD FLORIDA

Multiple Listing Service gets houses bought and sold-fast. Perhaps the most efficient tool of the Realtor® is Multiple Listing Service. Through this Service, groups of Realtors are able to pool their resources to iFisure a wider range of customers when you're selling a house, a wider choice of properties when you're buying one. It saves time, money, and headaches. And you also have the invaluable help of your Realtor every step of the way. If you're buying Or selling a house, do it the logical way: see a Realtor, a professional in real estate who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics as a member of the local board and of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. MIS

Multiple Listing Service of South Palm Beach County, Inc., a wholly awrvesi subsidiary ok BOCA RATON BOARD OF REALTORS, INC. jgjjwrsjoy, Oct. 6, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS A NEW CUSTOMER BONUS FROM i Samsonite FOLDING TABLE in beautiful WOOD GRAIN FINISH! (CHOOSE WALNUT OR MAPLE)

Genuine Samsonite table has vinyl film plastic top in attractive new Woodgrain finish! This all-purpose table designed with the decorator accent makes a beautiful addition to any room of the house. Top resists scuffing.. . stains... simply wipes clean with a damp cloth. Steel protective bindings over table edges. Easy, compact folding with exclusive slide-action leg locks. Electrically welded tubular steel legs. EASYTO-CLEAN Chip-resistant baked enamel finish on all metal parts. PLASTIC SURFACE Available in two popular Woodgrain finishes. STRONG TUBULAR Walnut or Maple with bronze frame. STEEL LEGS GET YOUR TABLE NOW! A Special Samsonite Chair offer is coming soon!

(Table offer expires November 26th)


Available at all Publix Markets from Vero Beach to Miami. BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 7B

Swift's Premium Proten Gou't-lnspected Heavy Beef California fieast...... ,b 9 9• Imperial Hoast f-Bone Steak ... . . ,, *i°* Sirloin Steak...... ,„ Steak. . ,, n°9 Steak . . .Vi" Steak...... i, §9< Savoy Broil Steak . . , ffc Chuck Steak ...... ,, Sf * Short Hilis of Beef . . ,, 49e Charcoal Steak .... ,, ft*

(PlusSOS&H Green Stamps. No coupon required)

Swift's Premium Brown & Serve SWWS Pre Patties or Link ™- Proten GoVt- Sausage Swift's Premium All Meat Bologna .b. 59c (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Sarasota Brand Chipped Beef, Ham or 0mm • < Turkey 3 &£ 99<= Oscar Mayer Braunschwieger or • T-.-..V Sandwich Spread Chubs. . . %f 39c (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) American Kosher All Beef Franks or Premium Fully Cooked Knockwurst 1-lb&. : 79c

tf-fc- V

EXTRA IllU^GreenStamps

Swift's Premium Smoked Fully Cooked Jumbo Size Long Island but1 or wr U A RJI shank ilQCr iol« tQr HAM portion. Ib. *Sf portion. Ib. &V- (Coupon expires Sat. October 8,1988) CAULIFLOWER...... tta£ftftft£fi»Aftft£« Crisp New England Mcintosh 3.1b APPLES. . . . b°9 491 Small White Pearl Crisp California Jumbo Shrimp »>. €ELER¥ 2 stalks SSI Fresh Cut Northern U.S. No. 1 All-Purpose m IL Flounder Fifiets. ... ib. shank Quick Frozen Florida Stone portion POTATOES .... bag Crab Claws >•.. Juicy Red Flame Tokay butt or whole GRAPES ...... 2 ib, Swift's Premium Hostess portion Ib. Garden Fresh CANNED HAM (PIUS 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH COUPON) LEAF LETTUCE 2 bunches294 Mountain Grown Bartlett 4-lb. PEARS...... 10. br 494 can Juicy Red ^^ -••••• •-• • (PLUS 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS, NO COUPON REQUIRED) SWEET POTATOES. • • ^

Stripe '\ GET THIS WEEK'S LET S GO TO THE RACES" Tooth Paste...... !&2 68c CARD TODAY AT PUBLIX Bufferin FOR AN £XCITING NEW WAY TO WIN CASH $ 18 ! =1 Tablets "?£ 1 j=s: Purchase of any size Aerosol or Liquid— | ii goto Score j^ HOT SHOT INSECTICIDE W\ Hair Cream 'SSSf 78c I ho i IS (Coupon expires Sat. Oct. 8,1966) Si win up to $1,000.00 Right Guard Spray SATURDAYS •IIK*IIIIGOOD"O'HLT''WJ'TH'TMI'S COUPONIIII|H1|[ Deodorant. 2i»- 67c G:3O P.M. WLBW-TV-1O EXTRA Ilil^GreenStampsPl

•1,000.00 Winner ANTISEPTIC ",£ 78= zl;,?'V> I Richard Stephen Pacorella (Coupon expires Sat. October 8,1966) New From Swift, All Sweet Soft 106 North 18th Avanue 1 take Worth, Florida Margarine Pkg 39< r Y.I o EXTRA m-—• Pillsbury Butterflake $100.00 Winner $100.00 Winner • •eeeeeee can ^rf- flllUwGreenStampsP« Max Levin Ethel Weis Master's 1750 S.W 14ih Avenue 1139 N F 12th Avenue c Pelleted Cottage Cheese. . . . c'Jp 55 Miami. Florida Fort Lnuderdale. Florida VIGORO 5 ° Joan of Arc b Master's Plain $100.00 Winner $100.00 Winner (Coupon expires Sat. October 8,1966} 1 6 Kidney Beans. 2 Yogurt s uf 25« Gene Murray Ana Sundleim 15840 S.W 166!h Avenue 44 N W. 32nd SlrmH EXTRA Master's 8 Muinii. Florida MUTITII. Floncia Sour Cream...... slz°e 21< 5100.00 Winner SI 00.00 Winner Wisconsin Sharp Anthony Massmello Mrs J. W. Donaldson Purchase of 1 package Cheddar Cheese ... ib. 89< 16000 S W 102nd Place 803 Palm Avenue Any Chi nut (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Miami. Florida Fort Pierce,. Florida PLATES OR PLATTER (Coupon expires Sat. October 8,1966) Wisconsin Sliced Sharp $100.00 Winner $100.00 Winner Cheddar Cheese . . . '7z 33< Mrs Marie Williams James Charles A. Punsedu Imported Norwegian 2326 Pcrshing Slreet 5100 Dupont Blvd. Apt 2B Blue Cheese ..... it,. 99< Hollywood. Florida Fort Lduderdale. Florida Sealtest Assorted Flavors

Ice Cream...... 79c Swift's Wise Two Sum Pak Potato Chips. . . . 49c Nabisco's Chips Ahoy! Prices Effective Swift's Chocolate Chip Cookies 49c Thurs.-Frt.-Sat. Beef Stew . Strietmann October 6-7-8 Pard 35c 9 Zesta Saltines. . . . Dog Food . . . The Real Thing From Florida, Snow Crop Dole Pineapple Orange Juice .... 5 cans $1 Swift's 0Z Smooth or Crunchy The Real Thing From Florida. Snow Crop Jpic®. . . c 1 2 Pecinpt Butter. . :^ 39 Orange Juice ..... c n" 39< Mott's Delicious New From Sara Lee 9V4-oz. Apple Danish. 7 C 954-oz. Apricot Danish. 9-oz. Cheese Uppie Sauce. . 3 ^ 89 Danish, 8-oz. Pecan Cinnamon Danish or 914-oz. PUBLIX... WHERE SHOPPING Prune Danish each 69< Bird's Eye 10-oz. Green Peas & Mushrooms or O'Sage Raggedy Ripe Elberta W/Almonds or W/Mushrooms IS A PLEASURE! French Beans .... 3 Xl $1 Southland (Poly Bag) Roger's Sweet Petite 2 Brussel Sprouts.... %T 49^ p Rich Chocolate «»s «£?• . ^_, Green Giant IMiblets Vacuum Pack Eclairs . . *3?? 39c $ Pet Ritz 2-Pack Corn...... S^ 1 5th Ave. PLAZA Pie Shells...... 3 pkg5 $1 Ga-Red U.S. HWY. & 5th Ave. Pet Ritz Egg Cup £ BOCA RATON,FLA. Custard l^ 39* Tonttifoes. . . ol 2S ••if' i Handy Brand Standard Swift's Assorted Flavors Palm Aire _ _ 12-OZ. AA, $ Oysters • • can «9«Sherbets . . . J 1 Shopping Center Heinz Strained 272 5. FEDERAL HWY. DEERFJELD BEACH, FLA. 8B Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS NO GAME—Just Bargains Quantity rights reserved — Prices good thru SatjOct. 8th.

L r


U.S. Choice W-D Round Bone U.S.D.A. 1-lb. Pkg. Superbrand Shoulder ©ff CHOICE Margarine 2/39' U.S. Choice W-D Semi Boneless EZ Carve Rib Roast U.S. Choice W"-D Boneless Chuck, Shoulder or FREE HOSTESS TRAY Brisket Roast . • i You get one "Bonus 89 Ce rfif icate" with .

U.S. Choice W-D : >'•" each Co mpleter Piece you buy. When you have Collected Chuck Steak •. • 10 certificates — We will give you this U.S. Choice Round Bone beautiful matching Hostess .Tray ... a regular $5.00 value Shoulder Steak ib . . . absolutely FREE! U.S. Choice Delmonico

2V2-lb. Pkg. All Meat Stew or Ground Chuck GET YOUR Extra Lean SbcfTiddfl Short Ribs • • • 49 BONE WHITE 3-lb. Chub W-D 107' Dinner Plate Each week a piece of Shef- field Dinnerware will be Ground Beef • featured for just 9*. For 5-lb. Chub W-D each $5 in grocery pur- chases, you are entitled to one piece at this low price. Ground Beef • Western Cornfed Vi Loin Slit-od Into There's no limit. . . with a Y 510 purchase you can get . Pork Chops « *• ' two pieces ... and so on. *"'*

<~ s r .' t C Save 10c a Ib. Western Corn Fed Pork Picnic Roast with every $5 purchase Save 30c 1-lb. Pkg. Armour Star C Sliced Bacon . • 69 SCHEDULEOF DINNERWARE FEATURES Save 30c l-lb.'Pkg. Roth's Blackhawk 2-Ib Cup Superbrand £ C Cottage Cheese . 55 Oct. 10!/2" Dinner With Each Sliced Bacon ...... 69 3-8 $5. Purchase 14-oz. Cup Palmetto Farm Cole 5law or Plate Save 30c 1-lb. Pkg. Pinky Pig Potato Salad Oct. Bread & With Each Sliced Bacon 69° 1-lb. Pkg. Wisconsin Sliced Big Save 30c ]-lb. Roll Dubuque Pure Pork C 10-15 Butter Plate $5. Purchase C Swiss Cheese . . . . 89 Roll Sausage ...... 39 Old Fashion Oct. Dessert c With Each 1-lb. Ring Farmer Boy . ib69 17-22 $5. Purchase C Store Cheese . . Dish —1 Kielbasa 79 1-lb. Pkg. W-D Sliced American C Pinky Pig or Dirr's Gold Seal Cheese . . 69 Oct. Coffee With Each e 24-29 Cup $5. Purchase • I ' / 2-lb. Loaf Kraft's Skinless Wieners • • **> 59 C Fresh Cooked Florida Velveeta 99 Oct. 31 With Each . C 3-oz. Philadelphia Saucer Lobster .b. 79 10c Nov. 5 $5. Purchase Fresh Caught Deep Sea Cream Cheese C IBM Grouper Fillet WSNNMMMRM- 79 Save 6c— Dole Unsweetened Pineapple Save 4c—1-lb. Pkg. Crackin Good Save 2Vic-15'/2-oz. King Cole W. White C SaMnes Potatoes 4/49* Juice TV. 29 Save 5c — 15-oz. Hormel w/Beans Save 3c- 17-oz. Del Monte E.G. Save 4c — 46-oz. Dole Pink/Pineapple Grapefruit Chili 3/»l Peas 22' C Save 8c—40-oz. Bti. Sunsweet Save 16c—6/pk 16-oz. Old German Drink . .-. 29 C Prune Juice .. 49 Seer .«••••. 99* Save 4c — 20-oz. Jar Tropical 3 C Save 10c — 2Vi-lb. Jar Deep South Save 4c — 15 A-oz. Sliced, Chunk or Crush Dole "A House iIs NoNOTt A namHome Withouwiinouti reanuPeanuit DuneButterr " -Brfc» V f& JW Grape Jelly 25 Peannt Batter 89" Pineapple 25' Save 10c —24-oz. Can Dinty Moore Beef Stew 49C Save 4c—10-oz. Sego All Flavors Large C Western HD. Diet Drink 27 Lettuce.... Save 10c each (15V2-OZ. Plain 39c). VINE Chef. Boy-Ar-Dee 17-oz. 1 C Tomatoes RIPE Pizza rr:' 59 Save 6c — 32-az. Btl. Reconstituted Reatemon Washington Red or Golden Delicious $ 15 Reg. 59c 6-ct. Pkg. Rich's Bavarian Creom Reg. 1 Astor C Apples.. 6/59c Puffs 49 Juice . . . 59c Reg. 29c 10-oz. Astor Brussel Red Tokay C •BAKERY- ORANGE 20-oz. King Size Dixie Darling Family c Sprouts 25 V 10-oz:. Pkg, Astor Fordhook or Baby timas or Grapes . .ib15 C Bread 2I49 Fancy Bartlett Mix Veg 25 25 Stamps 9-ct. Dixie Darling French c JUICE Reg. S9c 5-|fa. Poly Crinkle Cut Pears . . 8/59 C Hard Rolls ... 25° Potatoes .... 69 25 Stamps 8-ct. Dixie Darling Fruit 4-lb Bag Johnathan or Mclntosh 6-oz. < C Reg. 2/89c — Morton Assorted Apples ... 49 Cans 1 e Filled Buns .. 39< 6 Dinners 39 I 2-az. Dixie Darling German Chocolate 10-lb BagU.S No. 1 White C 12-oz. 16-oz. Pkg. Western Sliced Cans C Cake 59' Potatoes.. 69 (3 1) Strawberries •.«34 Reg. 29c 1 2-oz. Crackin' Good Oatmeal Snaps Cookies .. 25' REG. 69c ... ASSORTED FLAVORS SUPERBRAND Reg. 29c 13-oi. Crackin' Good Animal Cookies 25* Reg. 29c 12-oz. Box Crackin'Good Coconut Bar Cookies 25C Ice Cream -59 Reg. 29c 12-oz. Box Crackin' Good Banana Wafers Cookies ...... 25'

f i. ;>rv •' * r BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 6, 1966 9B Ihe University Church' CHURCH of THE OPEN DOOR 35th Street at 3rd Ave.r N.W. 11:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M. William Steinhaus will speak and show slides at both services on the work under the Central American Mission, being done by Mr. & Mrs, 7:30 P.M. Gospel Service \h Julian Lloret in Costa Rica. 9:45 A.M. Sunday School William Seaver, Superintendent REV. ALBERT L. EASTMAN, PASTOR "The Little Church with The Big Message" COMMUNITY CHURCH BOCA RATON An Evangelical, Non-Denominational Church "N.W, 4th AVENUE AND N.W. 6th STREET f ijM Presbyterian Churcll DR. IRA LEE ESHLEMAN, MINISTER

I (IJNltED PRE5BY \N LVANGLLICAL CHRIST CENTERED MINISTRY WITH A.MISSIONARY VISION i : •£ #00 West Gamino Real TWO SERVICES 9:30 am. ana 11:00 a,m. 'x>;-:-i-..'-:;w S;;;s -• • :1 • Sermon .. :: S:^•'•-•> •• • UNITED CHURCH ^ ''SPLlHTERyAND PLANKS" OF BOCA RATON Conqreoational-Chnstian-Evangelical-Reformed ':• v,.X•j'J}z "-:-r.. ..' Ministers •;". • • v:;::.:, ;v•. FREDERICK NELSON D.D. MINISTER Rev. Albert G. Shiphorst Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Rev. Robert R.Bugbee Church School 9:30 A.M. TEMPORARY LOCATION - (One block East Rev. David K. Allen of US 1 in the Hayden Stone - formerly the Lee Higginson - BIdg, 105 E. Boca Raton Rd. AIR CONDITIONED, NURSERY AVAILABLE CHUIJCH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. In Essentials, Unity; In Non;Essentials,. Nursery Available Air-Conditioned Liberty; In All Thtngs, Christian Love. CHURCHES of CHRIST DELRAY BEACH POMPANO BEACH 88 S.E. 6th Ave. 2190 S.E. 6th St. - SUNDAYS -- 10 A.M. Bible Study - - 10 A.M. CHURCHES 11 A.M. Worship _ _ 11 AM. Boca Raton Moravian Church 6:30 P.M. Worship . 6;30 P.M. - WEDNESDAYS - ADVENT -American b 1 . PAUL Mo. Synod 7:30 P.M. Bible.Study 7:45 P.M. 1:30 P. M. Saturday - "Know Your Bible" 5001 NE 4 Ave. Near U.S. 1 701 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. For Christian Reformed Service WEAT TV CHANNEL 12 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 FAMILY WORSHIP Gerald Pace, Evangelist I Rnv Jones, Evangelist and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 WORSHIP 8:30 and 11:00 Ph. 278.07S9 I 941-3709 - 942-3763 WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 (Pre-School Nursery at 11) "A PLEA FOR UNDENOMINATIONAL CHRISTIANITY"

Wm;, Deutschmann, Pastor E.O. Krug, Pastor Phones 395.3632 Phones 395-0433 The Waiting God' Is Topic and 395.4741 arid 395.1939 Christian Reformed Church "The Waiting God" will be Nelson, willpreach on the topic the topic, "Almost" at both ser- the sermon topic of Rev. John "A Fine Madness." vices in St. Paul Lutheran Temporary Location 801 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Art Guild BIdg. Boca Raton Schuring at the 11 aomo service Other men and women of the Church. Members of the Voters' Discover the Difference at - Sunday for Christian Reformed congregation also will partici- Assembly will meet under the SUNDAY SCHOOL 9,45 A.M. Church. "The Christian Stand- pate in the service. leadership of Edwin Young at MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Boca Raton ard for Gratitude" will be the 7 p.m. "THE WAITING GOD" 7 p.m. sermon topic. "Splinters and Planks" will RADIO BROADCAST 4 P.M. WWOG - FM 99.9 PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL be the sermon topic of Rev. Al- 7 Rev. Earlie Robinson has EVENING WORSHIP -0" P.M. PRESBYTEKIAN CHURCH IN U.S. bert G. Shiphorst at both ser- "THE CHRISTIAN STANDARD FOR GRATITUDE" Temporary Location: "The Great Invitation" will vices in First Presbyterian been made pastor at Ebenezer Administration BIdg, Community Hospital be the sermon topic , of Rev. Church. Baptist Church. Services will Wednesday at 8 p.m. Bible Study Meadows Road — Boca Katon Christian D. Weber at the 11 be held at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Nursery John Schuring, Pastor - 1040 SVV 1st Street Available Boca Raton - 395-3942 Pastor: G. Jan Hinnen a.m. service in Boca Raton Rev. E.O. Krug will preach on with Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services — 11 A.M. Moravian Church, CHURCH OF GOD Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 P M "Charade" will be the sermon - VACANCY - topic of Rev. Clark S. Reed in First Methodist Church. The RINFTY sermon is part of a series of Dale E. Hency, pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH sermons titled "Name of the 395-9652 162 W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton, Florida Game." Temporary Location: Harris Upham Office James Wilkes, Pastor 855 S. Federal Hwy. SUNDAY SERVICES "Are Sin, Disease and Death Weir Plaza - Boca Raton Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Training Union 6:30 P.M. Real?" will be the sermon Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. topic for First Church of Christ, Central American Mission Work SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30 A.M. Wednesday Evening Prayer Service 7:30 P.M. Scientist. AIR CONDITIONING "Bible Teaching and Bible Preaching" Rev. George Thomson Other serviced and activities in various homes preach at both services for Uni- Is Topic of William Steinhaus versity Baptist Church. First Msfbdsst Church William Steinhaus will speak tending the Fundamentalist UNITARIAN UNiVERSALlST FELLOWSHIP 625 H.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Raton "Why Dig?" will be the ser- and show slides on the work un- Baptist Congress of America of Boca Raton mon topic of David Wallace, at in Grand Rapids, Mich. From Woman's Club of Deerfield Beach, Minister: Clark S. Reed der the Central American Mis- the 10:30 a.m. service for Uni- sion, being done by Mr. and Michigan, Rev. Eastman, pas- Hillsboro Blvd. - 1 Block West of Federal Musical Director: Dr. Kenneth Robinson tarian-Universalist Fellowship. tor at Church of the Open Door, Church School 9:45 a.m. Wallace is a student of Anth- Mrs. Julian Lloret in Costa will go to Atlantic City, N.J., Sermon ' 'WHY DIG?a' Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 ropology at Florida Atlantic Rica at both services Sunday in where he will preach in Chelsea SPEAKER: DAVID WALLACE Church of the Open Door. Sermon '"CHARADE" University. Baptist Church, and Gibbsboro, 10:30 A.M. SERVICES AND CHURCH SCHOOL AIR CONDITIONED - NUKSEKY Mr. and Mrs, Steinhaus re- N.Y., where he will preach at Laity Sunday will be observed cently returned from a visit in his old church, Gibbsboro Meth- at the morning service of United Costa Rica. Mrs. Lloret is odist Church. Rev. Eastman was BOCA RATON MORAVIAN CHURCH Church of Boca Raton. Norman their daughter. pastor in Gibbsboro 20 years First Church of Christ, Scientist Nelson, son of Rev. Frederick Rev. Albert Eastman is at- ago. 2 S.W. 12th Avenue Boca Raton Printing Company BIdg. Rev. Christian D. Weber, Minister 41 S.E. 4th St., Boca Raton Sunday School 9:45 a.m. SERVICES READING ROOM CHURCH SERVICE 11:00 a.m. Sunday 11 a.m. 110 E. Palmetto Park Rd. CHURCH NURSERY tflR CONDITIONED Sunday School 11 a.m. Weekly 11 a. m.o 4 p.m. Nursery 11 a.m, Sundays 2*4 p m« Wednesday 8 p.m. t "A Protestant Denomination Since 1457"

FIRST ASSEMBLY of 60D CHURCH oi Boca Raton Temporarily in Chamber of Commerce Building 2151 N. Federal Highway Alphonse Sutera, Pastor Jeanne Sutera, Co-Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Evangelistic Service 7:30P.M. Wednesday Prayer & Praise Service 7:30 P.M. AIR-CONDITIONED - FULL GOSPEL SERVICE

ST. GREGORY'S For Classified EPISCOPAL CHURCH 245 E. Boca Raton Rd. -SUNDAY SERVICES- 7:45 a,in» MATINS Ad Service (MORNING PRAYER) 8:00 a.m. HOLY EUCHARIST Call 395-5121 9 a.m. PARISH Attend the Church EUCHARIST and CHURCH SCHOOL Bob Babione, Rev. John Mizzy and Gus llagcr A record breaking 1300 persons are expected to 11 a.m. MATINS get ready to build a fire for St. Joan of Arc's attend. Entertainment will include two color tel- of your choice Sunday HOLY EUCHARIST sixth annual barbecue. The barbecue will be evisions for watching the World Series games, and SERMON held 1 p.m. to dark Sunday on the church grounds. linger and Babione are co-chairmen. 10JOB Thursday, Oct. 6r 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Flood Control Project Doing Well If Has a Four to Die Earning -Ratio. What stockholder Project which started 17 flood damage prevention project would return wouldn't- be ecstatic at years ago. These bene- and land enhancement $2.05 for each one dol- a $4.40 return on each fits include replenish- because the 4.4 to 1 lar spent on canals, le- one dollar invested? ment of municipal water ratio more than justifies vees, structures and That's the "earnings5' supplies, prevention of the water control pro- dikes to protect life and reported to Congress for drought and salt water gram in the eyes of property within the FCD. the tax-supported Cen- intrusion, development Congress which appro- tral and Southern Flor- of public recreation, and priates millions of dol- Since the 1949 incep- ida Flood Control Proj- creation of hundreds of lars annually as the tion of the FCD, flood ect. The water man- miles of navigable wa- federal government's damages in excess of agement program, which terways, share in construction $100 million have been covers approximately A dollar value has not costs. The ratio is more prevented, according to 15,500 square miles in been determined for than double the predic- engineering and hy- 18 counties, now is benefits aside from tion in 1949 that the drology studies. slightly more than 50 per cent complete. The 4,4 to 1 benefit- to-cost ratio is expect- ed during a 50-year per- iod for the vast water control project. Latest figures, submitted to Congress by the U. S. Army Corps of Engin- eers, are based on flood damage prevention, land enhancement, and other local benefits. In addition, other dif- ficult-to-calculate ben- Aluminum MAIL BOX The intersection of Northwest 4th avenue and, Qty crews have landscaped the island in the efits are being realized 4th diagonal is wearing a new look this week. middle and re-lined the traffic lanes. from the Flood Control Reg. 4.50 Save 1,05 ALL FORMS OF Third Annual Conservation Week INSURANCE Usually $4.98 * AUTO LOVELY WROUGHT IRON Alum. Stand Will Feature Clean Water Day * HOME GV/NERS MAIL SOXES Mounted in * BONDS - cement block. Florida's third annual sessions on enforce- Hodges, director of the Ranch style (above) or * MARINE upright. 'Black or white Conservation Week will ment, Florida resource Florida Board of Con- with attractive gold-col- feature a clean water agencies, and public servation, and Vincent GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ored medallion. day Oct. 28 at West Palm health will be led by Don Patton, director of in- OF BOCA RATON, INC. Beach. Southwell, president of dustrial water division, WEIR FLAZA BUILDING HOWARD V. E. HANSON About 20 speakers, the Florida Wildlife Florida Board of Health, TELEPHONE 335-8844 including government Federation; Randolph Jacksonville. Buy now for that extra shelving officials from Tallahas- in closets, garage or utility room For Needed Ventilation see, Atlanta, and Wash- ington, D.C. will lead discussions which are WHITE PSNE being organized by the Izaak Walton League. Easy-to-work Full Louver C.H. (Chuck) Kindred of Stuart, vice presi- SHELVING DOORS dent of the national Izaak Usually 12.25 Walton League, will open flft the sessions at 9:05 a.m. SPRUCE You Save 1.90 at the George Washing- I ton Hotel. !"xS" 35 Water pollution issues 2'x6'8" 45 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY LOW from a national and a BOCA RATON state point of view will PACKAGE STORE R-B-C's Price 14 Similar savings on all sizes to be summarized by John HO DELIVERY OR CHARGES ON 36" wide. Louver doors reduce Thorn an, regional di- THESE SPECIAL SALE ITEMS YELLOWSTONE T'xtO" Spruce Lin. Ft. 18$ mildew and musty odors in rector, Federal Water 6 YEAR OLD BOURBON closets. Pollution Control Ad- l"x!2" Spruce Lin. Ft. 24* ministration, Atlanta, and David Lee, director, sanitary engineering, THE MOVE AGAIN ] Florida Board of Health, FIFTH Jacksonville. So Light a Child Can Lift It! From 10:30 till noon, REG. 5.39 Big 6-Ft. Aluminum ®MI Cults to lake Part FULL QUARTS STEPLAODER REG. $14.95 In Teachers Heeling DON Q RUM "HARD HATS" Warren G. Cutts, Florida Atlantic Uni- $Q88 2 styles, cap or helmet. Sorry, no versity, will participate Strong fiberglass or in the 1966 Convention delivery at this low, aluminum. 5 day of the National Council FULL QUARTS low price! of Teachers of English, Steps Sturdily special. Nov. 24-26 in Houston, Braced! Tex. Rejj. 5.25 Ambassador FULL QUART P Folding Pail Cutts will serve as Platform! Sale chairman of a discussion GLENM0RE Corrugated Vinyl-Tipped on "Basic Issues in SCOTCH Steps! Safety Legs! Price Teaching Reading Controversy and Agree- VODKA ment" and as panelist at the closing general session. Owens-Corning "GUARD" SEALS OUT WATER Fiberglas Building Vet lets Surface Breathe.! REGISTER TO VOTE RE6. 4.50 lNSULATION-plain Exterior Vinyl Masonry Paint I Vi" thick, 16" wide Especially formulated for Florida's semi- 140 sq. ft. roll reg. 7.00 .. [38 » rail tropical climate to use on stucco, con- crete, block, asbestos cement shingles. 3" thick, 16" wide Scfftdeiticigi's 70 sq. ft. roll reg. 5.60 ... Reg. 5.32 Sale Scotch Whisky Price . . "REG. 5.60 EIGHT YEAR OLD wmmm FULL QUART Whatever Your Fix-Up Needs. . . Lumber, Plywood, Cement, Nails, Tools, GILBEY'SQ| You'll find better qual- ity materials for your Money a! R.S.C. . . . Cabin Stiff FULL QUART Plus Experienced Per- GLENMORE'S sonnel to Help You. Bourbon SILVER LABEL

FIFTH REG. 5.10 liii