NEfS-FlLS BT BOX 1673 Sr AUGUSTINE BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 11 No. 92 Thursday, October 6, 1966 10$ Engineers Will Prepare New Report on Outfall Sewer Expansion Pten Questioned if Councilmen Boca Raton's proposed ocean outfall sewage system was handed back to the consulting engineers yesterday afternoon with a request for more details on what a postponement would mean. Action followed an hour-and- Waves cut deeply into beach. a-half discussion between mem- bers of the City Council and Dr. Fred Eidsness of Black, Crow and Eidsness. The meeting had been called Inez - Just Flirting' on request of Deputy Mayor Sid Inez may be fickle, but she gone eventually," they said. counters. Brodhead, who said he had sure didn't kick up her heels Nick Bishop at J.C. Mitchell Then they sat and waited. .-. "some second thoughts." much in Boca Raton this week. and Sons doubted very much and waited. .and waited. Brodhead's criticism was Phil Azzolina led the Boca Raton Municipal Band through a brisk In fact, she didn't even brush there would be many claims. Inez huffed and puffed and that the city's present system performance of music recalling "Our American Heritage" during the through town. All she did was "We've had only one so far flirted a few times with the is not being used to capacity, band's first concert this week. The concert drew a near capacity look back, shake her curls and and that was nothing much." southeast coastline, but green- "and if we use all our borrow- audience to the Community Center. send a gusty "hello" our way. er pastures, or should it be ing power to construct the ocean The "Hello" she gave us Other insurance companies warmer waters, beckoned her outfall system, then we will have didn't affect us either. At least have had no claims at all. to other shores. insufficient money to make the that's the story from the in- Although a visit from Inez City Director of Works Wil- sewer connections that will Council Gets Beach Report, surance companies in town. was something no resident rel- liam Prendergast said there bring in the necessary income.'' Bebout Insurance had only ished, Boca Raton people did was no damage to municipal J'jh e :. discussion following two calls for claims, "and I'm prepare for her. facilities. Only two reports of F»x fti'j'^.d^s statement were.end- sure they won't amount to even A few people battened down fallen trees were received by ed:'\vhen Mayor Pat Honchell •' Will Seek fedmwl funds $100," a spokesman said. the hatches at home, and a his department. and' Eidsness agreed more in- Allstate reported a few few downtown stores closed/but In the end, Inez was just an formation was necessary.. The long-awaited report from claim Oct. 9 to 15 as Fire Pre- claims, but nothing really bad. most residents just dropped excuse to close the schools for Eidsness began the meeting the Boca Raton Municipal Beach vention Week and Oct. 16 as "Just a few screens out and a their awnings and cleared their two days and a chance for Boca with a recapitulation of the Improvement Advisory Com- Boca Raton Youth Football Day; utility pole blown down, but it patio and yard of moveable ob- Raton youngsters to play* city's position with ocean out- mittee was received with thanks PRAISED the Municipal Band was rotting away and would have jects and bought out the bread (More pictures, page 2A) fall. by City Council Tuesday night, for its Monday night concert; "This started early in 1965, and Manager Alan Alford was and when our firm indicated that instructed to proceed immed- NAMED Donald Coblentz as another sewage treatment plant iately with an application for an alternate on the Board of — one in the northern part of matching federal funds. Adjustment. 1 the city would soon be required. "The recommendations rep- This was presented in our re- resent a lot of study and work port to the council. on the part of many dedicated Voter Books "The State Board of Health people," Mayor Pat Honchell * •• then issued a decree that sew- said, "and we hope that we can age effluent could no longer be proceed as suggested." Close Friday dumped into fresh water Turning to other matters, streams like the El Rio Canal, Council authorized Alford to Voter registration books will which we had proposed as the prepare a report as to whether slam shut tomorrow afternoon basin for the effluent. or not the city could borrow the at 5 p.m., and will remain (Continued on Page 6A) water meter deposits for sewer closed until after the Nov. 8 construction. election. ' 'We pay 3 per cent interest Jacob Heidt, city registrar P0 Adds ZIP on this money and there is no of voters and deputy county reg- reason why we shouldn't use it istrar, said that more than 50 for this purpose," said Coun- persons had registered in the To ZIPping cilman Harold Maull. "We can first three days of this week. expand the sewer system grad- Besides the gubernatorial Residents in Boca Raton will ually and save high interest race, there are several county be offered an opportunity to rates." contests, 13 state amendments ZIP Code their mailing lists In other action, council- and seven city capital improve- during October, Postmaster INTRODUCED five ordi- ment questions on the Nov. 8 Donald McDermott announced nances pertaining to rezoning; today. ballot. AUTHORIZED Alford to pro- Persons who have been resi- Letter carriers will deliver ceed on beautification of the "no postage needed" cards to dents of Florida for one year, median strip of Palmetto Park and who have lived in the county each of the city's 7,972 resi- Road between the El Rio Canal dential delivery stops beginning for six months are eligible to and Southwest 9th Ave. at a register. City requirements are Monday, the postmaster said. price of $2,500; The cards will have blanks for the same, except for six months REFERRED a proposal for of residence within the city. The addresses used most often, garbage and trash pickup by Pillars now exposed. Lifeguard replaces sign. but for which individuals do not residence times are concurrent. know the proper ZIP Codes. the Florida Sanitation Corp. to Books are open daily, from 9 Alford; a.m. until 5 p.m., in the office After filling in the street HEARD Mayor Honchell pro- number, city and state, the of the city clerk, city hall. 'Biggest In History' cards are to be mailed back to the postmaster. Local post of- fice personnel will add the proper ZIP Codes and return the cards to the sender. Council Hikes Ante Center Launches Open House Addresses which cannot be ZIP Coded because of insuf- The Boca Raton recreation 7:30 p.m. with a tennis exhibi- making, rug hooking, tropical ficient or improper addresses department is in the midst of tion on the tennis courts and an craft, knitting, weaving, liquid will be forwarded to the city For CIP Bond Issue the longest open house in its open house for Twilighters, the embroidery, crushed glass, indicated on the card, if legible history. 40 and over group. holiday craft, oil painting, cer- The seven-item Capital Im- report, made at the request of and the codes will be added provement Plan became official The arts and crafts exhibit amics, beadcraft, shellcraft, there. the Garden Apartments Com- Except for Tuesday when the scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday mosaics, enameling on copper Tuesday night as City Council mittee, had not been made pub- center closed shop because of a Only addresses, not names formally approved its being and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and etching on aluminum will of correspondents, should be (Continued'on Page 6A) little lady called Inez, the week will be a preview of what to ex- be represented at the show. placed on the Nov. 8 ballot. has been chock full of exhibits pect in the classes which be- listed on the cards, the post- Only one major change was and activities of all kinds at the gin Monday, Oct. 10. master said. ZIP Codes repre- made — that of increasing Safety Campaign Community Center. sent delivery areas for the the possible expenditure of the Saturday's activities also will Candidate Opens postal service, not individuals. Today the center will open at include a rescue technique dem- Garden Apartments site from onstration at 11 a.m, on the $800,000 to $850,000. Minor Ready to Start alterations consisted of chang- south beach. Headquarters The Boca Raton News' fourth Sunday a dog obedience show ing the wording of the reason for purchase from "future city annual-Safety Crusade will soon at 9 a.m. will round things up Claude Kirk, Republican get underway, again under the for the open house. nominee for Governor of Flor- Ann LanQers Page 3B hall ' to "municipal and rec- Church News reational facilities," co-sponsorship of Police Chief October 1-5, 1966 The two day arts and crafts ida, made a rush visit to Boca 9B W. Hugh Brown. ' Hi Lo Rain exhibit will feature works done Raton yesterday to dedicate new Classifieds 11-12-13A The raise to the $850,000 89 74 .08 Editorials figure brought out that an ap- A series of safety announce- Sat. by teachers in the recreation headquarters in the former 4A ments will be presented weekly, Sun. 84 72 .82 department sponsored classes.
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