Observed Tropical Cyclone Eye Thermal Anomaly Profiles Extending Above 300

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Observed Tropical Cyclone Eye Thermal Anomaly Profiles Extending Above 300 4256 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 141 Observed Tropical Cyclone Eye Thermal Anomaly Profiles Extending above 300 hPa STEPHEN L. DURDEN Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (Manuscript received 16 January 2013, in final form 24 July 2013) ABSTRACT As recently pointed out by Stern and Nolan, much of our knowledge of the warm core structure of the tropical cyclone eye has come from composites of in situ data taken from multiple aircraft studies of three storms in the late 1950s and 1960s. Further observational confirmation of eye thermal structure has been lacking, since much of the dropsonde data analyzed to date have been limited to pressure levels of 500 hPa or lower. However, there exist a number of dropsonde eye profiles extending to near 250 hPa; these profiles were acquired from NASA aircraft during various field campaigns. Here, the author uses these data to calculate eye temperature anomaly profiles. These data are supplemented by several surface-based radiosonde releases in tropical cyclone eyes over the period 1944–2003. The author finds that the pressure altitude of the maximum anomaly varies between 760 and 250 hPa. The author also finds positive correlations between the maximum anomaly level and storm intensity, size, upper-level divergence, and environmental instability. 1. Introduction Willoughby 1998; Simpson et al. 1998; Heymsfield et al. 2001; Zhu et al. 2004; Cram et al. 2007; Dolling and One of the characteristic features of tropical cyclones Barnes 2012a,b; Smith and Montgomery 2013), tem- is the existence of a warm core, noted at least as far back perature anomalies based on most of these data have not as Haurwitz (1935). As recently pointed out by Stern been previously published. An exception is the study of and Nolan (2012, hereafter SN12), much of our knowl- Halverson et al. (2006), discussed by SN12. edge of the warm core structure of the eye above 500 hPa In this article, these NASA aircraft dropsonde data comes from composites of in situ data taken from mul- are analyzed and are supplemented by surface-based tilevel aircraft studies of three storms in the late 1950s (radiosonde or rawinsonde) soundings in tropical cy- and 1960s (La Seur and Hawkins 1963; Hawkins and clone eyes, allowing the thermal anomaly profile up to Rubsam 1968; Hawkins and Imbembo 1976). In light of relatively high altitudes (above the 300-hPa level) to be the small sample size and coarse vertical resolution of investigated. After describing the data used, this article these data, SN12 suggest, based on their modeling stud- presents the anomaly computation method, followed by ies, that the maximum temperature anomaly may not results for all the soundings available. Correlations be- usually be at upper levels. While observational confir- tween anomaly characteristics and various storm pa- mation of eye thermal structure is highly desirable, rameters are presented, followed by discussion of results much of the dropsonde data analyzed to date have been here in light of previous studies. limited to altitudes of 500 hPa or lower. However, there exist a number of dropsonde profiles extending to near 250 hPa; these profiles were acquired from National 2. Data description Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) aircraft The primary source of the data used in this analysis during various field campaigns since 1990. Although is dropsonde data from NASA aircraft for tropical cy- a number of papers in the literature have presented clones with reasonably well-defined eyes. The Tropi- temperature profiles from some of these datasets (e.g., cal Cyclone Motion (TCM) 1990 experiment used the NASA DC-8 aircraft based in Okinawa, Japan, to make Corresponding author address: Stephen L. Durden, Jet Pro- measurements of typhoons in the northwest Pacific pulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109. Ocean (Elsberry 1990). While data from this experiment E-mail: [email protected] are no longer readily accessible, a sounding of the eye of DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-13-00021.1 Ó 2013 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/03/21 04:40 AM UTC DECEMBER 2013 D U R D E N 4257 TABLE 1. Aircraft tropical cyclone eye soundings used in this study. TABLE 2. Ground-based tropical cyclone eye sounding data used in this study. Date Time (UTC) Storm Lat/lon Date Time (UTC) Storm Location 17 Sep 1990 0452 Flo 25.68N/128.98E 6 Feb 1993 2051 Oliver 16.28S/152.48E 19 Oct 1944 1030 — Tampa, FL 8 Feb 1993 2056 Oliver 18.88S/152.28E 8 Oct 1946 0700 — Tampa, FL 23 Aug 1998 2126 Bonnie 24.88N/71.88W 9 Aug 1963 1600 Arlene Bermuda 24 Aug 1998 2146 Bonnie 26.38N/72.78W 5 Oct 1966 0200 Inez Boca Chica, FL 26 Aug 1998 1320 Bonnie 32.88N/77.88W 21 Aug 1968 1015 Shirley Hong Kong 30 Aug 1998 2043 Danielle 27.98N/74.28W 1 Sep 1969 2100 Francelia Swan Island 21 Sep 1998 1823 Georges 17.88N/65.18W 27 Sep 1985 0600 Gloria Cape Hatteras, NC 10 Sep 2001 1928 Erin 35.88N/65.48W 29 Aug 2002 1200 Rusa Naze, Japan 23 Sep 2001 2207 Humberto 32.58N/67.18W 7 Aug 2003 1200 Etau Naze, Japan 24 Sep 2001 2258 Humberto 36.48N/64.38W 29 Aug 2010 2143 Earl 17.78N/59.58W 30 Aug 2010 2041 Earl 19.28N/64.78W 30 Aug 2010 2210 Earl 19.48N/64.98W was Typhoon Kitty, described by Arakawa (1950). How- 1 Sep 2010 2146 Earl 26.48N/73.18W ever, it is likely that the sounding was not in the eye; all of 8 8 1 Sep 2010 2224 Earl 26.7 N/73.2 W the cases in Table 2 appear to have been made in the eye. 2 Sep 2010 1955 Earl 32.18N/75.18W 16 Sep 2010 1950 Karl 19.78N/93.58W Data acquired using the global positioning system (GPS) dropsondes (Hock and Franklin 1999) should provide the most accurate pressure, wind, and thermo- dynamic data. These dropsondes were used in GRIP and Super Typhoon Flo was used by Willoughby (1998). CAMEX-3/4. The data were processed via the standard The data from his Figure 4 were digitized and included National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in this analysis. The NASA DC-8 aircraft also partici- software and quality control. Young et al. (2011) discuss pated in the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Cou- the quality of the GRIP data; in addition to a number of pled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA soundings with temporary signal losses, they found that COARE) in 1993 (Yuter et al. 1995), making soundings 28% of the soundings contained significant noise be- and other measurements of South Pacific Tropical Cy- cause of a specific hardware problem with some of the clone Oliver (Simpson et al. 1998). The Convection and GRIP dropsondes. The data points affected by noise Moisture Experiments (CAMEX) 3 and 4 in 1998 and were removed by NCAR in reprocessing. Figure 1 shows 2001, respectively, were focused on tropical cyclones an example of missing samples in a sounding for Hurricane (Kakar et al. 2006). These experiments yielded eye Earl. While some gaps also occur in the CAMEX-3/4 soundings of Hurricanes Bonnie, Danielle, Georges, soundings, they are infrequent and much smaller (e.g., Erin, and Humberto from the DC-8 and/or the ER-2 a few hectopascals). The sounding for Hurricane Bonnie aircraft. In 2010 the DC-8 participated in the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Experiment (GRIP), acquir- ing eye soundings in Hurricanes Earl and Karl (Braun et al. 2013). Tropical cyclone eye sounding cases from the above experiments are listed in Table 1. The data typi- cally extend to 250 hPa. Besides the dropsonde data listed in Table 1, a num- ber of surface-based soundings have also been taken in tropical cyclones. The data used here, listed in Table 2, are the unnamed hurricane described in Riehl (1948), the unnamed hurricane described in Simpson (1947), Hurricane Arlene (Stear 1965), Hurricane Inez (Sugg 1967), Typhoon Shirley of 1968 using a sounding from the Hong Kong Observatory, Hurricane Francelia (Simpson et al. 1970), Hurricane Gloria (Franklin et al. 1988), Typhoon Rusa (Mashiko 2006), and Typhoon Etau (Teshiba et al. 2005). For all cases except Rusa and Etau, soundings were digitized from plots. For Rusa FIG. 1. Examples of raw dropsonde data from Hurricanes Bonnie and Etau, soundings were obtained from the University (1998) and Earl (2010). The Earl data have been shifted by 5 K to of Wyoming sounding archive. Another storm considered the right for plotting clarity. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/03/21 04:40 AM UTC 4258 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 141 FIG. 2. Aircraft temperature soundings of tropical cyclone eyes FIG. 3. Aircraft temperature soundings of tropical cyclone eyes (Table 1). (Table 1). in Fig. 1 is representative. Apart from missing data, ranging from 10 to more than 50 hPa. The soundings soundings in 2010 and those in 1998 and 2001 should estimated from published plots have sample spacing of have the typical GPS dropsonde measurement errors of 50–100 hPa, depending on the quality and labeling of the 1 hPa and 0.2 K (Hock and Franklin 1999). Dolling and plots. To handle all these data in the same manner, the Barnes (2012a,b) discuss the DC-8 GPS dropsonde data Matlab cubic spline function was used to interpolate to in Humberto. 2 hPa vertical spacing for the anomaly calculations. For The soundings in Oliver used NCAR Omega drop- the digital dropsonde data with no missing samples, the sondes; the position data in these soundings does not spacing is fine enough that interpolation is not really use GPS and is likely of lower accuracy.
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