Taoist Chanting & Recitation

Ring bowl !3x. Light and place it in the burner. Bow 3x while audibly or silently reciting with each bow, “Homage to the Jade Emperor, Sovereign on High.”

Te Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Scripture Yù Huáng Xīn Yìn Jīng

Te Supreme Medicine has three components: Essence [], Vitality [], and Spirit []. Tey are indistinct and invisible, elusive and obscure.  Shàng Yào Sān Pǐn, Shén Yǔ Qì Jīng,  Huǎng Huǎng Hū Hū, Yǎo Yǎo Míng Míng.

Keep to Non-Existence, yet hold on to Existence, and perfection is yours in an instant. ,小 Cún Wú Shǒu Yǒu, Qǐng Kè Ér Chéng.

When distant winds blend together, in one hundred days of spiritual work and morning recitation to the Shang Di, then in one year you will soar as an immortal.  Jiǒng Fēng Hùn Hé, Bǎi Rì Gōng Líng,  Mò Cháo Shàng Dì, Yī Jì Fēi Shēng.

92 The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Scripture

For those who know, awakening is easy. For those who are ignorant, the practices are difficult.  Zhī Zhě Yì Wù, Mèi Zhě Nán Xíng.

Fulfilling vows illuminates the Heavens. Breathing nourishes youthfulness. Depart from the mysterious and enter the female. 美 Lǚ Jiàn Tiān Guāng, Hūxī Yù Qīng, Chū Xuán Rù Pìn.

Appears to have perished, yet appears to exist, the is continuous and unbroken, like a firm stem with deep roots. ) Ruò Wáng Ruò Cún, Mián Mián Bù Jué, Gù Dì Shēn Gēn.

Each person has Essence. Te Spirit unites with the Essence. Te Spirit unites with the Vitality. Ten the True Self unites with the Vitality. , Rén Gè Yǒu Jīng, Jīng Hé Qí Shén,  Shén Yǔ Qì Hé, Qì Hé Tǐ Zhēn.

Having not acquired the True, these terms appear to be fanciful exaggerations. )? Bù Dé Qí Zhēn, Jiē Shì Qiáng Míng.

93 Taoist Chanting & Recitation

Te Spirit is capable of entering stone. Te Spirit is capable of physical flight. Entering water it is not drowned. Entering fire it is not burned.  Shén Néng Rù Shí, Shén Néng Fēi Xíng, ))為 Rù Shuǐ Bù Nì, Rù Huǒ Bù Fén.

Te Spirit depends on life form. Te Essence depends on sufficient Vitality. If these are neither depleted nor injured the result will be youthfulness and longevity.  Shén Yī Xíng Shēng, Jīng Yī Qì Yíng, )) Bù Diāo Bù Cán, Sōng Bǎi Qīng Qīng.

Tese three components have one principle, yet it is so subtle it cannot be heard. Teir meeting results in Existence. Teir parting results in Non-Existence. ) Sān Pǐn Yī Lǐ, Miào Bù Kě Tīng, , Qí Jù Zé Yǒu, Qí Sàn Zé Líng.

Te seven apertures interpenetrate and each emit wisdom light.  Qī Qiào Xiāng Tōng, Qiào Qiào Guāng Míng,

94 The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Scripture

Te sacred sun and sacred moon illuminate the Golden Court.  Shèng Rì Shèng Yuè, Rán Yào Jīn Tíng.

One attainment is eternal attainment. ?? Yī Dé Yǒng Dé.

Te body will become naturally weightless. When the supreme harmony is replete, the bone fragments become winter jade.  Zì Rán Shēn Qīng, Tài Hé Chōng Yì, Gǔ Sàn Hán Qióng.

Acquiring the elixir results in immortality, not acquiring it results in extinction. ?)? Dé Dān Zé Líng, Bù Dé Zé Qīng,

Te elixir is within your self. It is not white and not green.  Dān Zài Shēn Zhōng, Fēi Bái Fēi Qīng.

Recite and hold ten thousand times these subtle principles of self- illumination.  Sòng Chí Wàn Biàn, Miào Lǐ Zì Míng.