
Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 78(5): 173-178, December. 2001

Morphology of the Dorsal Lingual Papillae in the Newborn Panther and Asian Black


Shoichi EMURA, Daisuke HAYAKAWA, Huayue CHEN and Shizuko SHOUMURA

Nursing course, Gifu University School of Medicine, Gifu, Department of Anatomy, Gifu University School of Medicine, Gifu, Japan

-Received for Publication, July 19, 2001-

Key Words: Panther, Asian black bear, Lingual papillae, SEM

Summary: The dorsal lingual surfaces of a newborn panther ( pardus) and two newborn asian black (Selenarctos thibetanus) were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM ). The tongues of the panther and asian black bear were about 40 mm in length and about 20 mm in width. Filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were found. The filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue. In the panther, the filiform papillae on margin of the lingual apex were divided into two shapes which were horny or club-shaped papillae. The filiform papillae on the midportion were larger than those on the lateral region in size. The fungiform papillae also were divided into two shapes which were hemispherical or club-shaped papillae. In the asian black bear, the filiform papillae on the margin of the lingual apex were larger than those on margin of the panther tongue. The vallate papillae in the of two were located on both sides of the posterior end of the lingual body. Each papilla was surrounded by a groove and crescent pad.

Many works have been published on the three- Materials and Methods dimentional structures of the lingual surfaces in various animals. In the order , there have Tongues of a newborn panther (Panthera par- been some SEM studies of the tongues of cat (Bo- dus) and two newborn asian black bears (Sele- shell et al., 1982; Ojima et al., 1997), (Iwasaki narctos thibetanus) of the order Carnivora were and Sakata, 1985), (Iwasaki et al., 1987) used in this study. The tongues were fixed in 10% and Japanese (Furubayashi et al., 1989). Fur- formalin. Small blocks containing papillae were cut thermore, the tongues of dog (Iwasaki and Miyata, with a razor blade, postfixed with 1% osmium tetr- 1989), mongoose (Iwasaki and Miyata, 1990), sea oxide for 2 h. Thereafter, the specimens were de- (Shimoda et al., 1996), bush dog (Emura et hydrated through graded series of acetone, critical- al., 2000) and (Emura et al., point-dried and plasma-coated with 0s04 before 2001) have been studied by transmission electron being examined under SEM (Hitachi S-3500N) at microscopy (TEM). Such studies reveal variations an accelating voltage of 15 kV. in morphology and distribution of papillae on the dorsal lingual surface among species. However, there are no studies on SEM inves- Results tigations of the tongues of the panther and asian black bear. The purpose of this study is, therefore, The tongues of the newborn panther and asian to examine three-dimentionally the dorsal lingual black bear were rectangular and had a shallow surfaces of the panther and asian black bear, in apical median sulcus separating it into two lateral order to compare the results with those of previous parts. The tongues of the three animals were about studies on other . 40 mm length and about 20 mm in width.

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Newborn Panther papillae on margin of the tongue of the newborn The filiform papillae were distributed over the were divided into two shapes which were entire dorsal surface of the tongue. The filiform horny or club-shaped papillae, and the fungiform papillae on margin of the lingual apex were divided papillae also were divided into two shapes which into two shapes which were horny or club-shaped were hemispherical or club-shaped papillae. Emura papillae (Fig. 1, 1 inset). The filiform papillae on et al. (2001) described that the filiform and fungi- the midportion were larger than those on the lateral form papillae of the tongue of the masked palm region in size (Fig. 1). In the central region of the civet were larger than those of the lingual body in lingual body, the filiform papillae were cylinder- margin of the lingual apex. In the present study, shaped papillae rather than conical papillae (Fig. the filiform papillae on margin of the tongue of 3). The fungiform papillae were divided into two the panther were divided into two shapes which shapes, which were hemispherical or club-shaped, were horny or club-shaped papillae. Furthermore, and were distributed among the filiform papillae on the fungiform papillae also were divided into two the dorsal surface and margin of the tongue (Fig. 1, shapes which were hemispherical or club-shaped 1 inset). The fungiform papillae were more densely papillae. These findings are fairly consistent with the distributed on the peripheral region of the lingual observations of the sea otter reported by Shimoda apex (Fig. 1). There were 10 vallate papillae in et al. (1996). total. These vallate papillae were located on both Many works have been published on the three- sides of the posterior end of the lingual body (Fig. dimentional structure of the vallate papilae in the 5). Each papilla was surrounded by a groove and a mammalian tongue. Several studies indicated that pad (Fig. 5). In the region of the vallate papillae, the vallate papillae showed a flattened oval shape the triangular filiform papillae were observed (Fig. and the papillae were surrounded by a groove and 5). pad (Krause and Cutts 1982; Chamorro et al., 1986; Qayyum et al., 1988; Chunhabundit et al., 1992; Newborn Asian Black Bear Agungpriyono et al., 1995; Atoji et al., 1998). The The filiform papillae on the margin of the lingual vallate papillae of the cat, dog and flying squirrel apex showed the numerous smooth finger-like pro- were encircled by the filiform papillae in the poste- jections and were larger than those on margin of rior body (Boshell et al., 1982; Iwasaki and Sakata the panther tongue (Fig. 2). In the central region of 1985; Emura et al., 1999). Equine vallate papilae the lingual body, the filiform papillae were bud- were composed by a primary papilla which was shaped papillae (Fig. 4). There were dome-shaped divided into several secondary papillae by interme- fungiform papillae scattered among the filiform pa- diate grooves (Chamorro et al., 1986). Sometimes, pillae (Figs. 1, 4). There were 7 or 8 vallate papillae in bovine vallate papillae twin papillae were sur- in total. These vallate papillae were located on both rounded only by a primary papillary groove (Cha- sides of the posterior end of the lingual body (Fig. morro et al., 1986). In this study on the panther and 5). Each papilla was surrounded by a groove and a asian black bear the vallate papillae were located pad (Fig. 5). Some vallate papillae were composed on both sides of the posterior end of the lingual by a primary papilla which was divided into several body. Each papilla was surrounded by a groove and secondary papillae by intermediate grooves (sec- pad. In addition, some vallate papillae of the asian ondary papillary grooves) (Fig. 6). In the region of black bear were composed by a primary papilla the vallate papillae, the triangular filiform papillae which was divided into several secondary papillae were observed (Fig. 6). by intermediate grooves. This result is similar to the observations of the blackbuck reported by Emura et al. (1999). Dicussion Iwasaki et al. (1997) reported that the rudiments of the fungiform and circumvallate papillae, which Shimoda et al. (1996) reported that the filiform are related to the sense of taste, were visible earlier

Fig. 1. Dorsal surface of the lingual apex of the newborn panther. The filiform papilla on the midportion is larger than those on the lateral region. * = hemispherical fungiform papillae. Arrow = horny filiform papilla. Inset: The filiform papillae on margin of the lingual apex. * = hemispherical or club-shaped fungiform papillae. Arrows = horny filiform papillae. Arrowhead = club-shaped filiform papilla.

Fig. 2. Dorsal surface of the lingual apex of the newborn asian black bear. * = fungiform papillae. Arrow = finger-like projection. Lingual Surfaces of Panther and Bear 175 176 S. Emura et al.

than those of the filiform papillae, which are not 77:137-142. involved in this sense. In this study on the panther 8) Emura S, Tamada A, Hayakawa D, Chen H and Shoumura and asian black bear, the filiform papillae were S. SEM study on the dorsal lingual surface of the Nutria, Myocastor coypus (in Japanese). Acta Anat Nippon 2001; poor-developed, and the fungiform and vallate 76:233-238. papillae were well-developed. Similar SEM study 9) Emura S, Tamada A, Hayakawa D, Chen H, Yano R and has been reported on the dorsal lingual surface of Shoumura S. Morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the nutria (Emura et al. , 2001). the blackbuck, Antilope cervicapra. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 1999; 76:247-254. 10) Furubayashi R, Sato E and Ishibashi T. Histological pat- tern of the tongue in the Japanese , Mustela itatsi , Acknowledgements with special reference to the morphology and distribution of papillae, taste buds and lingual glands (in Japanese). The authors would like to express their most Acta Anat Nippon 1989; 64:210-214. sincere thanks to staffs of Tennoji and Ishikawa 11) Iwasaki S and Miyata K. Fine structure of the filiform pa- pilla of beagle . J Moroph 1989;201:235-242. Zoological Gardens for their assistance in prepar- 12) Iwasaki S and Miyata K. Fine structure of the dorsal epi- ing the material for this study. thelium of the mongoose tongue. J. Anat 1990; 172:201- 212. 13) Iwasaki S, Miyata K and Kobayashi K. Comparative References studies of the dorsal surface of the tongue in three mam- malian species by scanning electron microscopy. Acta Anat 1) AgungpriyonoS, YamadaJ, KitamuraN, NisaC, SigitK 1987; 128:140-146. and YamamotoY. Morphologyof the dorsallingual papil- 14) Iwasaki S and Sakata K. Scanning electron microscopy of lae in the lessermouse deer, Tragulusjavanicus. J Anat the lingual dorsal surface of the beagle dog. Okajimas Folia 1995;187:635-640. Anat Jpn 1985; 62:1-14. 2) Atoji Y, YamamotoY and SuzukiY. Morphologyof the 15) Iwasaki S, Yoshizawa H and Kawahara I. Study by scan- tongue of a male formosanserow (Capricornis crispus ning electron microscopy of the morphogenesis of three swinhoei).Anat Histol Embryo! 1998; 27:17-19. types of lingual papilla in the rat. 1997;247:528-541. 3) BoshellJL, WilbornWH and SinghBB. Filiform papillae 16) Krause WJ and Cutts JH. Morphological observations of cat tongue.Acta Anat 1982; 114:97-105. on the papillae of the opossum tongue. Acta Anat 1982; 4) ChamorroCA, de Paz P, SnadvalJ and FernandezJG. 113:159-168. Comparativescanning electron-microscopic study of the 17) Ojima K, Takeda M, Matsumoto S and Nakanishi I. An lingual papillaein two speciesof domesticmammals investigation into the distributive pattern, classification and functional role of the conical papillae on the posterodorsal (Equuscaballus and Bos taurus).I. Gustatory papillae. ActaAnat 1986; 125:83-87. surface of the cat tongue using SEM. Ann Anat 1997; 5) ChunhabunditP, Thongpilaand SomanaR. SEM study 179:505-510. on the dorsallingual surface of the commontree shrew, 18) Shimoda T, Nakanishi E, Yoshino S and Kobayashi S. Tupaiaglis. Acta Anat 1992;143:253-257. Light and scanning electron microscopic study on the 6) EmuraS, TamadaA, HayakawaD, ChenH, JamaliM, lingual papillae in the newborn sea otter Enhydra lutris. TaguchiH and ShoumuraS. SEMstudy on the dorsallin- Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 1996; 73:65-74. 19) Qayyum MA, Fatani JA and Mohajir AM. Scanning gual surfaceof the flyingsquirrel, Petaurista Leucogenys. AnnAnat 1999;181:495-498. electron microscopic study of the lingual papillae of the 7) EmuraS, Tamada A, HayakawaD, ChenH andShoumura one humped camel, Camelus dromedarius. J Anat 1988; S. Morphologyof the dorsallingual papillae in the bush 160:21-26. dog (Speothosvenaticus). Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 2000;

Fig. 3. Dorsal surface of the lingual body of the newborn panther. The filiform papillae of the central region show cylinder-shaped papillae (arrows) and those of the lateral side show conical papillae (arrowhead).

Fig. 4. Dorsal surface of the lingual body of the newborn asian black bear. The filiform papillae of the central region show bud- shaped papillae (arrows). * = fungiform papillae.

Fig. 5. Dorsal surface of the lingual radix of the newborn panther. The vallate papillae is surrounded by a groove and pad. The filiform papillae of this region show triangular filiform papillae (arrows).

Fig. 6. Dorsal surface of the lingual radix of the newborn asian black bear. Note the vallate papilla were composed by a primary papilla which was divided into several secondary papillae (*) by intermediate grooves (arrowhead). Arrows = triangular fili- form papillae. Lingual Surfaces of Panther and Bear 177