EVERY DAY VERYDAYpioneerlocaLcom PUBLICATTON * Si 25 DECEMBER 18, 2008 * APIONEER PRESS MOVIES SPORTS 24/7 COVERAGE ENTERTAINING IDEAS Reel Time blog with Heard in the Halls Daily news from Musings on pop Bruce Ingram athletics blog Your Local Source culture and thearts NILES


CASUAL CLASSiCS Mandy Patinkin performs in Skokie.


BELL'S 'BOWERY' Des Pialnes actress Susan Moniz starsin breakfast Dec. 6 at Hiles Park VS Isabella lacob, 3, greetsSanta during a holiday Marriott musicaL SEASON y uso wLuMs/pIoMEERtss District. PAGE 3.oo PAGE Bl GREETINGS


Check outOakton

OE-tTO9lIS311t'I fromeveryangle. _I_s Ñoio M0969 J_10 3tifld 3iI .- begin January 20, 2009. 4.$3:i:J ,;ie- U1fl 31H Spring Classes 1:900000003 0609# and register online ci00-Zi:*:sio1 PApplywww.oakton.edu :1IIa1(to1:-1 Community ÇoI1eg Des PtainesSkokie847.635.1629 Thuradap Oseembee 15,00DB A Piueeer Presa Pabtivuaiue I 3 2 Thursday, December18, 2008 APioneor Press Pubtireiiun

MANAGINGEDITOR,Moro Albeñu Maximum Listing Exposure 24/7/365: News ngeoNeetu@plolreerlsecel,eom1(847) 4067259

Cooti000flystniviiogtoprouidetioarnnostc000pteteoolineodgertiriiogforourtistiogs, Baird&Waroerlvwdeve!opedo 24/7: powerful presence oir tire cornpurioo wabsites of oeortyloocity ned sriborrboe pobticot ions. We olor borneos the Annunzio: Letterhead taken away from Blase Check out Stete Boond of Etantions. aeprecedeoted reuno of tire Internet by tendiog our listings to looiott redo of bonnily tool fluked sites across the web. Endorsement by eharmuru, the outage did gated the motter end Saturday at 'irylolee Ragte, pioneer(ocal.com nut pay ter the postage spelce soith Poltern, who a Ritas 0050esoost puri' Serve ROorm, Mnkrsureyeocicoorerhereatestuteflnvottvotprovidesthe nrostcotvoprehenriseoivbioeodvertisiugeuposure to ormrket ex-mayor cafled and want neu vruyiu- raid he dido'i boom cheat sornad by Praybyto. npnbenonan foe Illinois for more vvtvedietiveevoitie the cedoeremest lettre Call era void Toesday that Otate Doced ciOlentions, your property io today's c022petitive envir000rejot. Tiooe for l010xiwum exposure? 'unfortunate,' bot antil cOter it man oll'eudy the get-togelhro is too the told Pioneer Peens alele 0'OQO not ikely ilegal. Blasco vittuga u000iusery vandidotes und their sop. ethics tow io lvnse ir nome mh,rh mvi given tu him an Olasc, is a subrequevi p000ers to pico a rem- orear and ivinsliosatty ByTONDBERTUCA a girt when he re0red ir medic report, suid the tee- poigo sleaOegy negue ir others Time for Baird & Warner. tbrrtuer@pioreerLuneienni chagual, has buen butiro ter Issu not meurt lv be l'br loto ers also bem "A lcw nIas passed that 000ay io responue bu the an eluvial endorsement, nigniul is iheir appear' toral moninipatities huye The outage 0000rney ut tverrrivod ivdiurrei,ivn. But 01cc Oeve o0 Oho let- vare. l'hey avoir seno out an hune nthior laIts that Nuco said Thoi'udavy 0h10 "1,00 001m given sei'y tie- ter seems to contradict iscsvcleper moelced "01' lice no tesn.00ntnivtinn e Moro My W' Ive found uvthing ittegut ir tie sbotionvry in the Clot the t votiva. 'Ike lettre One of the Muyan" ihey thon ihn 0001er," he said. Ivia pretiwivov'y inveutiga- iviava a,vd it vvau usiy in- Bleue wrote lv supporters breo lire villa ge seal ood "Asd Ihr stase lewis due icon questions about traded ter him Ou mrila niotos: "You have been q,,dbe the viittcge cotOn, nagun is nome pIlIers," live p,r00000l impc'vp,'iriy '(basto-pon' noirs," Annus- dliv Inc for mlcry oleo- "Where People Count." 1cv Dt,cuv'o opinion, f ai letters that fermer ein aaid. linon. Let's abart togrthrr Callare is listad is Ihe 005yayev money besot MuvOuoOrOue $839,00 Liflaulanuud Irrigo Pork Ridge 5590,000 Puodflidgu $518,00 Okoki. $500,00 Cooking with books Mayvr Niohut,,u i31,,ue unIvi But Areune,iv raid he foc ove more bu dart peo- src,'oin vu "Antisg htclyoll" cninappcopriobed in tire r0100vIslo lolLa,ae,ecseuedulauhlI01003rOIr a,s050e,lslaserre,urevloleasieeoava0000ticeol' eve era kiel le0000a0050,u'ooaae,ee lersoel05000s,s000er50000s,dl,, 01,005000iogn n000ivnrry, muvctd ulsu hr eanuatting vie that will carry fu,'thvr BIsse os "Roomed Moyeu" rnllilmisgvr lm'iiieg efes- buceo at Ihr 'alivio endorsing Arling Muyo,' vv'iib air vvilnidv utluc'oey Otme ivetiaier Ohut vor ucd ube vvvoeo olthe nit' dovoewrnt totter's, then l'utival'y arts fur 0000. Rebeco Pattern suai asso vu Ohr aihalluivin. made this community one lage leustera, manager noihieg illegot Irad vr- tr050rrs in the Aprii 7 ihr coatte,' hananve of the best in the subui'ks. and olertm uppeci', vmcrcnd, Howrvv,t SOcom rievOco, pabilo Tuosdey volven Pi0 Our casdidale fer muyor Truotmc Kim Oiedel" seid pesicle rvhonvvanmes Vitlage AtturueyJI10 999ePodsoroiverievl lIcol iv lAvbec'e ColIns. Ocio cello, whose some apyr000 Irptvealvd en Ohe lebten Aruusaiortvarvrte,'iard' telte,arnvlvruirg Cattec'u candidates for bOsteen iv Oho Inoogis, sInd sire 000bhvut bhein penodonisa the si1000ius osvn"unfor- fur mayar and Loi,rtto ere Leuelta Pres100, As- InIco outraged by the lebOell - libo Bivdeniuon - might (hiel' SPORTS lunate misluke" (bol did P,'eston and Ardvevv' dm'erv Preybyto, luodi espeeleibo' rince i O ens- have steg 1v otand on if Itcurd io liso Pious sot rive te aove tenet ui to' Preybyto Our cluster POOl- Cral'ge Autrogiasin." ni,leriog enleoing Ihr rave Ohny mero be lodge mm- libiche btug. gol vv,nvgdoing beccare irdrva arele bring aovo aol tIlo sigoevi "Rin,," lniihfor woyov ugainot Cold's. plomOs n'beh Ihr Illinois ll,llll,pillrleevtearl.lelllhípella the person who acial Oh r o,toittugr0000ivnrl'ti Btusn'o fall ravie Vped be Olmo bas sot said ishvbhvr Statn asad oC Sirotions. tronero cut, Biuno, w'au noi uigned by eu-mayor Atuse. lors. 'l'ire lobber also bruns she ovould Oie Oil ofOci,,t a village employee. Ilvcv-. A,v,ivoaiu Oben investi- supivol'temn ill O bcvukikst nuropluiol 10111m liln tllooio Comment pioeeorlosal.com bRSIOtIS

Skokio $373,00 aSeRie $300,000 Lieoul,r,uud $31900 SoRio Serale Rouie $209,900 Police offer holiday ç', lfiP' ' u,' ' safety tips I000siv000e td 'u cr010- boo hairdo oraund Ohne ber oithetts - emainty ooaitrts cod icoep lhelcv in nevico pacaes '- lire their b'nai ponceau, end Chice g Rites Pouce Dopurimant voomon nhoutd inner tat their paruas voto f sighi. THE WEIGHT has iasued'uome hotidoy To avoid ho,ue boi'gtu- OF GUILT salhty tips. Polioec,rgerhvpprrurc'er, votive soy cnaidonto ll,'iioe tvgi'am revieres lube aie,'l 00 mimaI lugo- shoutd use light tiurem'o lviii 0,viith te "Deren ing vv'aro,,nd them, to and hove trusted ungir- porto in welt-lit spuocs, ta kv rs dvii up their mot cloue and iorh'oar doves aivd nimban lisrir aed voindanvo, andre bourru obro (hey ale 01.oul,u $001,900 staSis 020000eak,kio 1310,053 OReOS $179,000 0ull(a1enuo riecHe plana evpevsivrileloSin lmway vftmlRS000lTy thuir trushu. - Potina sold humearon- Pulire viso reahon er's should aise isc'k their CRAZY CRIMES shoppers rol luorro'bui'- davon lenco ii Obey alo 11iad vue ub001 wootp' den themselves with homel, and lvrop Icario vero moor ubour any ut rho liemos ohuive abure Muttipte Punes crooks aed Otovii' crimes parloagro, md ta eo'oid Ihn deiveavay when they tiy simply eolrring the IO Number iv our humepage Osbuot Ortaila eoea'odng large amounts :are gene, On mohr it ap- Quick Lsoksp bou. Atar oir our eebsilr, fled comptoir Oyeamio Meppirg uf cash, pcarao if they are ivuone. sosos Wltl.lIssi000rC POOT057lirllOO bairdwarner.com Geaig Teog,2. milena serdboord outRaIs st CosllstmenRR1R)59gdosing e rosi- e-Osait tirets TINY TUNES BAOODaW010NOt'. irdormalius usait our Open Houses this urekend, Men ohoald wrap rub1 By Tony Bc'l'Oliea goy breakleot Desk 01 NAse 901k Digtrint, A Picorer Press Pubiloatics Thos-oday December lA, OBRO R A Pioneer Frene Publices'ooy I 4 I Thavedap, December18, 2008 None hurtPoliceannounceMilwaukee Avenue DUT checkpoint Starters Www.pioneerlocal.com in Nues Ruato Dl bnlnioen Dopoetmuot. bou palien otutemnol. Gos-ans, Lohn Couoty tho pulemls wIll kneel- Gonne sod Chinoge isba- "Alcohol ebano io o fac- OUI naturalien pabnoin flheeiff, Libertyollba, Lia- looted and aburad mblh INDEX IMAGES Rl ing targeted foro holiday tor in over 45 poeeesl of millbe enodsaled along onlashira, Nibs, Proopocl olkar agonrine and, while house fire flUX onfos-enweot cam- all fabal cruahas, whirh ay- Boote Dl (Milwaukee An- PRnighls, Rives-monda, Ves-- DUI nnfonoomnnt is thy FORUM 11 Nobody mae iojumd paign Pnidsy uod Babor- erofive 0011000e alcohol' esranl avon o dist000a al non 1110e and wheeling primory focus of the cow- Announcement of Biederman CLOSSIFISD ADSERTISI4IO Cl MIlIS REVIEW RI ochos a fis-o stalled in a doy. A sirelch of Milmau- relatad fatality every 40 miles. Parlieipaliogpo- Olinoin filete Police cre p01gm, olRcnrn mill aloe ho CROSSWORD B24 PEPK001REWEEK 10 loovohouee early Friday in hoe Avenue in Nibswillbnthirty minnbou endear al. Sea agunel'oe inelode Ouf- also joisiog thn campaign condor ling saal-halt acd DORIA NITICEI 48 POLICE BLOTTIR Nibs. andar osrveilbanc5 ac- cabal-related injury ovary fola Os-one, Chicago, Cook this yeas-- child-sofety-enot chechs. mayoral DIVERSIONS Tho Ave 01es-bd about run seemsimminent Al SCIIOBLI 00 cording to tko toiles Police Polbco naid dolo feom toron minales," oneos-diag County Aherilf, Glnnninw, - ByTeoyBerlovo 2:40 n.m. ut otowohusee al ByTONY OGOTUCA door lo oak people lo nap- loodel's!' Both filoso and Ccllnro FIXER li 1821801MO Ba 7095 N. Nordico Ano., Niloo lOo otto e 0pio cre r loca la orn porI Kim by signing apoll- loo Ihr errol Birdrvmuc nuovo looplivutad loot weak FOSO 60 SPORTI 69 poRco AgI. Ron Broadl duel 0010v Oho rave, ohr is Oho asn of villogn sto- said. The silo in juni west

tollos Village Trasloe The ollo also ohoovao loas givnu eveindicolius-- tinner')' Ihr cempuign pur- Send us your news, photos afilan Tmo O'Bhoolrr GoB Office Depot latest in string of businesses to be closed Kino Oiodorooao bao coropoign logo Ihet s-redo IhM ube MII be o'aooiog as posaI after Pionner Praos Cous-en, 6750 W Idoword Io order 10001 coals auto pas-In plod on Ihn Ial- mO" she said. "GIbbon De- baoinanaos, and napluiord moored o slop closer 10012- "Kin, Syel0000hi Birder- u reform 000didote against learned thai Plano woo as- Join the Pioneer news We wool poas- taboo ne BI., o port nA the totes Park daring difBcult economic est local boaiaoss lo un- ing salen-tao nocanoas. Butpot isn't as big al MataI- thaI Ike olllogamnsbd on- ciolly 00000nviog brcll- moo foc Mayor 00 lIce Vil- Acting Mayar Robert ing Ills 'aliromeot alu. ord pholo louons kysend- whot's heppankog io pour log io your storico, nema Diotriot, ocrording 101ko bhuos, 00mo Depot Inc. nausea il will be closing lIn abc naid the oliloge incoa- dyne, but ogooia mere ene. noa005 detalle in January puigo for 000yor by lacerI,- lage otNiles." Byvhowshi la Coo llera. li000cy to orod oat bilera town: pour block party, the cepos-ls and pie turca of prine-wiening lInk yoo courons Web site. ovili oboe 17 ebrea in lili- doom. acreed shoal national eco- bog notiosmida issues hit- MaGreas-y nuled tolles log o Web pago drdi001rd Biadorman's mold on saver. Gallero boaorroeivrd redocsiocg Colloco foc eveolsun tbsp happon. nought ne caca lion, tho osild PireAghtorn remained nein, one of Ihem locoled Probe McCreery salai nomic tides thct noamad ling Ihn loyal economy" husasncond 01lire Depot lo her candidacy Piancee When asloed about the the endorsement of lorolor mooyor; which promptrd Oven ifwo have a repos-1er asimol photographed in on the scene bottling the io Nilno, nl 0757 W Tnokp Ihn loss of 0010e Dnpot, conning meal ripples, MaGrees-y cold Ihet the located st 5015W GoB Press hon corned. Web aile Moudug Biedeo'- Mayor Nicholas Ober, whoVillage Attorney Joe An- or photographer on Oho paar backyard. We want blaeo et dooR ors., but Ihn Ave. which omployn 10 people, "Wears cumulatively village is mus-hingosapru-Read in Pour Plaggn Shop- The Web page, posted woo, whoop uohl caer has lcd 1ko outage for 47 y0000 eanelo tu i0000tigota lbs Byron, pos may bane va lu- book club news, nnigkboc- Brc won urdes- control, The niere jninn Circuit would not beve a signiB- aenearood cbout buoi- gross fer coos-h cronyho aro ping Gentes-. os Oho popoolor social-eel- sold only sold ube ccoo von- kefol'e plrodieg guilty to nattes- Annunnia called able infus-motion osai intro- hood happenings, stacy Oraodt sold. City und Kin Metaldyno co'orloing sito Facehook, eideo'inga roo far mayor, cant impact no the nul- nanean thaI hove born clon-bring dispioced by elosing _mcToaylaenaoroo foderai charges of wail Iba potential conlliot of in- ontiug picsoreo we might tips. Bend poor oOeringo In Uscoafirmed rlisputoh s10101 Ihot Biedormon oo'ill rrmained vogao about her Iroad ondoso ecualonin lanoso an "unforlueote have oninned. naareawaoobeasealeaal,eam, reports indioatc the blare run for mayor and lerdeo rlrvlioe pIous. Ovlobec Blaue ovili benne- mistake" on Blasco pas-1 wolb elrvubedboann000d- hoc supporlers loo Mn. 4 "Wlailo I bucear wade a booed Jun. 29. and said Olor farmer alarm, bob Ihn toilas PRos McCracken kids give 1,000 books to flood-damaged Gemini oompoigo 0000t In lorlp Bocal decision, lolo lahing "Wo all understand thatmayor's sloti000ry bau HILES HERALD-SPECTATOR Doporlment won nab im- her galber uignu100es to the steps n000s501'y io the one oro ectening0000c era heno taboo away Moon- mcdiolely available tucos- MR TONYBERTUCA siby ronehea ouata assIst cleaning ap after tho grt on Ihn ballot, SIR VIRG READERS SINCE1R5I * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE e0001ldodeoidotoran by olerling a new w for oio said ko did noI believe Orso that. lberl0000pi3000rlocalgom We wanted to help out a fellow School others, and we arr so fiend. filudanlo wes-ascot- "As you may bnow, Kim for nluyeo;" abe said, "lo and it's impactant that oar ony election lows hod boon EDITORIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Eces-pbodp wen ostof gralehsl. Oes- studanla re-toyed arreos the distebol is s-unclog far Moyor ol regarde too Pool droiaion, in need and really do some community proteos Oho issoas we care broken, but is consoltiog Managing L011er-Ness ANDDELIVERY ISSUES the home when esnergenoy Btodenle from Mc- ceIved not only o mondes--end learned in makeshift Nitos in Ihr April eleolion," lw o wolker of twa - about mano - like low ovillo on suluideattornoy Os000lbeels 18471 OBi-7155 Isolo. Ocn-bt, all ein-apel crocos arrived und nobody Cruchon Dohool io Bkohic service that would resonate with the fol denatian, but elans obuasroems in other Oho Oilesloleo'lo oIdor lo have logro lllrcagk taons and lop-notch villogo Binde's-man, meanwhile, I-celi osltOrscpianneílsraloen Ial allan-Is 5 no. las, a an-lt s-n. daoatad BOAT ond mene fao 10001 486-list wan hojonad or ronosad, valuable lesson about school's gyeooaaainma do so, oho corda lo got Christmas b010re loan ses-cires," Birdorman sold. risse 18471 Oeb000l students here," won outs-aged 1h01 v'itage Anslataet Managing edRas-Nana - Beondl said, then 1,508 bnuhn lo Gem- reaching nut Is hulp oth- mhile the asbeulon man huodredn of signatures on wehe any final decision. "At the sawn time, wo aus a100iosery was used toen- Mat bonita 185fb ant-fon TO SOUSCRIRE iniJonias- High flehool io Sisen Thu asnamst of damage MnCrasken PrinalpetJasanRneltbe e petition le have her "1 hava bern orge en- de moro to moho our vil- darse her potrotial oppo- E-raie' neohorlseaboeeaclasaieeen 10171 4809110 Nilna on Iseidny In help cao lOOfI ono-laoS 1-aaLeiecelermynisseerlasalunm und ponnible displocemenfe "with this danalion, "They vom other kidu neme appear ne Ihn ballot. oeseagod by Ihn feedhoeb lage guces-omont worn sent. Oho won sIso upnct Managing E010T-someed eleaalalbas Dinasta, mas-a cot hnmeebiatcly the sobsol encover ls-em wooaaroplscaebonos-00m in need nod did sat hesi- We hopo you'll be able to l'os roorivod from rasi- 856 AbbaiO opon, koeent and accessi- 0101014-Mel Jey Oel101 11671 486-700e hanma. loases aftar u fluptumbrr Smith. "Wo opohe to thnm Gambi Prinnipol Acolt bibs-arias which mere lost tate in wanting tn help," O-sait rhiiteceeianeerlsoslaon join us as voe welk door-to- donls and 0000wunity ble to rosidesto." Biederoeoo, PAGE B Ilsod domoged iba library. aboot the hsrdthips that fac 10011 181-117e ADAERTISIOR Tha blare ooused the Horrwonn said ho and hisis the flood." Smilh seid. 'What medid Mamageeg ElI485e-gíaaaseaaa ClaMan eisaetlaing dosare ofltoordiouAvnnue "We seantad Is kolp the students at Gamini ached mona mayad by Libe muny placas in mes very aelaral, filone oiotaalesn05000l lenti 086-4850 0101es alI 10171 486-7101 betosan Went Gobba end salo fellow achool io worn goivg through - McCracken's elfos-II. Nilue, Gemini was Aoodedthe cimento heno ut I-nat ntoraslsalOeisnaerineet000n I-sail dlselasceisee,rlaoaisaao fer on eXentar lslkçn so qaa011ens West Slanoard olenobs, neod und really do cerne having logo In mukoshift "Wo morn Iruly dan Io snyore sIns-mu in sahool, ned I couldn't be BIselan aelea raeergaataNaaa resito0vidriananrlsooloon flrandt said, onmmooiiy saeviea that claunroams is otkor build-barbed by Ibis hind and Seplembon 'fha urhool ps-oadnr of cuesta ff and LoVerde won't seek mayor'sseat RIsO Branlarr 10171 486-7163 Get aas01 Tios flea dapartmool lu would renoaleld with tho inge, Inuing their library, genero gastos-e," ho woo than cloned for env. Dleehayehaeetleleg Maaagaa sludooba." ByTONYBEBTUCA job." Maestra: bBOfl 486-1000 Niohulus Blase, mho re- economic es-isla. We don't ANOBlIe 18071 406'fbaj 'asresllgatiog Ihn cause, stodests bane," said Me- und the bids really s-r- said. "ltb ebobuas thot eral mrnhs mhnn osbeslos theO 000@p is n s erial a la ow Trastos Lo001a Pro- tinad in Asgnsl aed has bacs the Ihee os-resources leads lins 17081 514-Mal leali00000nsepiavaarlelnimm' Mae Paasldaeot at OdegaRAbag Suo-ThoeaNcwe Os-osp Ccaokan Prinoipul Jases spandad." the McCracken cowmu- mes discovered while EMmenant: ploneorloaaLeone sIan, who mus rumored to since pleodod guilty ta 000all 11001,71 loeriaoi-rec to mosa around odth the E4tar la ChIot The 1101 of Acting heoonsidceinga mayoral corruption changes. palillos of the post, I hope Jell Closer ISoli 086-anse ClaaaUed agies aepaaeaataRaaa Mayar Robert Csllero's s-us, mod Trasloe Asds-ew "Il's uoforthsate that te onnnaeoea dooision I-nail ieia50000aeaarlaoainse ClasaiteO ads 10471 050-1030 E-en I slaoilatayooaailsoalesn possible oppanenls in Ihn Proybylo, who sold hr was Jouis supporting Bob shortly hites- the holidoya," WER SITE CRAdled Sasaa Binadas nons far May00 of Niles intes-ostod in thu job, hace Gallero after Beh brake WeMa,040aaanlaeat.eam LoVeede, like Ps-eaton flack Balaca - 10471400-7oa7 keeps ahrislaing. also tlos-osnn their support bio vommitmont oat Is and Prayhymu, said he MAIL Nibs Trustee Jso bridad Collera, mod mill be s-an when we selected him hosed hia andars000ent 011ao 4000ld-Oueslalsr PRESIDENT LaVerde, who said sacos-el raeal'0g mills lairs on the as interim mayor," she decision sa Iho ateto of Oli R. LaRe ale. llesate, 1101116 AND PUBLISHER Laos-f Unge montho ago ho was Inter- amme slabin April. seid. "Oleoted nfgrials the economy and Calles-ok Kendall SaeMIa. 3, geta a allanan ta calad in ruseieg for Trasteo Kim Bledos-- shauld not be baodpinlocd Boanciol acamen as the -. toy the bells often mayee, asnomseed Doe, 9 man, who said aba is ces. bye unmet few insides-s retired head ola larga 0e- GRO RaladeM that ho hes decidod In sidos-toga ran for mapas-, behind olosed doors. The euastieg firm, stay oat of Ihn roen, sad MIngare' por- is cow the only pnonos people of Nibs doses-va ea "I strongly beliove il's tormed leelWay hes thrown bis support who has come broyas-d upan opportunity te toge impnetant that ma :000:srnla5000,ass:umo,.,awa:a,,oso,,vanoaooalnmr ansgs Dee.? at behind Calles-o. publicly In poenibly chal- choom cur erst mayar." seed oh n oaneeot siassage NIas PUblIa "I mol wilh Bob lenge Cunes-o. Biodoemos atoppod Io nor realdonln, that as n n w Llbraey. Callare noves-el morbo be- Biederman aaloged abad of a00000cing hoe thais- alertad slOcials we m fore hr aaeoavord kil Taosday that Calima essdidary, bal said, "Pm mill wss-h together he a oJslloalc'sers,naolr,s,s:lesloaaaaoo1saof Pablrrosllholl,a,Oosrssl, candidacy for mayes" pledged to Ike board uf giving it very stnoiouae an- boord and iappos-t Bob LuyerOn said. "teams leulolncsthethe hod ap ja- nidneation bocelase Ihd Callas-o as me vies-b away from that meeting tention sf ruano'og for rosideotn of Nile's deserve Ihrosgh thàehaltcngeswe ALIEN ROLEIeJ5OR novae cotos coge vsofident ihat Bob mayos- after they ap- stroog, principled louder-' face dadng thene dilfivall RING BEARER Hallo AsOnaranpeeletnnshsllNay tsnan saith will du un 000ntuodiug poinled him to eaploco ship, espoviolly during this ac000miv timee," ha sold. 01104 SOlITaIRe lI4IO1 PRIlI flac RecOGe ROoMers an Dan, Tat NiIns Patata L4braey. ooq0000004 00110004401,50041000004115 V oa0U00D 0011008qno00000d 100paOnO4w I0000100 9 I 'DopOooq,4 Oaqm05501 '01 0001

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14110g arnq OD 'OL1314MoUN 030 nO LU P hmM0 IL JO] PUL'SO 'OPInI J U0001 000100101 UOI)J1C) IO 0554 P S L100pULo.:..'Cl/ [0 /0/ilL' ln/0O j A/rLo.40 J000'LI, lib 0000004 000010/OIPUCPIOL 1000055 'U 01 LI/Q/ 0/4 0018 Cpo'oOolooOm 9U JAiS, O US 100' 01/40' 'OL'SWLIO/L0000000LIOILL0'LIO I050ULOOfi ICON POL CLODO SUoLO 080fl03sS90500900050003 0090 '01 'p'°9104°0 0001 0000/Id 'NIDOS. 5j0004'3 '00000v no Lu WO/00/OUL IOU 1540fl UI /0 0001 010 .!0,0/OUPA '''flr' SD on PUOJL 0004/00] 00100 On 00014 01 U1p50 506 005000150 0/4000W 001 nr00000IdOIslUoouisnpn 5150u UuOl"OlOS/OOIJOOfl IOU tuono VIS ALone oc n/U, 01010 /UA0,UÁL i '0/000 LIII 000 0IL00 00/L'in 0061001101010 OoLnOnSOlOsDuunoOdflu500id 9/n010LlIlO lo oils/tn uoouu on COI' A t'tenere Pmes Pohiirnoino A Picorer Press Psbkeation Tharodey, Dmembrr te, zoos I 9 Thursday, December 18,2008 POLICE BLOTTER G Duraclean tire tollowing inciderlo vero listed nonno the otticial repollo nl Carpel & Furniture the Oiles Police Oopadoert An arrest does not constitute a link- "I'M BORED!" Cleaning $10 ingot guilt. Only a court olino can mafe that determination. Dupont Teilen available Open 7 dopo Tasty BATTERY end is darlo onorI Den. Tule & Drool 2e. Otflb o week Caramel Applesn Candy Cane Berk We've götthe Cleaning Joseph Sohnoc 24, of Chocolate Dipped Pretzels and Brownies 7004 W. Sabeos 80., Area Rugs THEFT Fudge Caramel Corn Chocolate perfect cure for that. cleaned se location Nitro, wee ehergrd rsdth 2kp 2800 W. Oakton hatcer7, Dm, 'r eher ho Oscar JorrO, 35, of 08400 Park Ridge Fora free quote, gkyeant Forckidsof all ages, look coil Jifl, Springer uliegedly pushed s mcv Michael Todd Terrene, 847-692-3359 847-825-6099 Giussiew, wee charged G no ehe roue block nf Oakbrook Promenade (34OCOIATE FACTOI1'5 in today's paper for erra ce,rlee,e, ullable West Ooiatns Street Hr ndih eeeaii theft Dee. o 3840 Bstterlteld Rel, Sto. ret 05500vege hite Frati tie G eher hr ollegedip steio Oak Brook, IL 83523 our special feature: Caere men eeleusud no 10,000 630.706.441 r www.prparks.org $080 nf merehasdier e bsnot nod is dan in nenne SweotandSosuy.com fi- sto. NsrttornrslHighsney - Park Ridge 8473186801 Ore. 28. from o otnrn cm tho 500 bloch ne Golf Miii PIONJOER PttESS.,_4u7rv. eunuiun Genese Hr mua eeiousrd es $2,008 bend und ir the vein carecenter A ree n'es b,rrgiea'ieed duelo noon JareO. Sec 8es Ihn 5800 Solutions Without Surgery Non-Invasive Solutionsforv hinein cf Wust Teuby n Merle Mongole!, 57,01 Treeetrrecrat sf1 Scm Dornagc Age Spots AnesLit. A leptep eons- SOSO N. Neeneh Ayo., [ pn,ine v,,lued et $5,000 Chiuego, none eheeged Vneicom Ve,ns 'Leg Swelling os: Roegh/Dey Skio Acne' Wrinkles es a'epoeird missing. with eetull theft Dru. S Celebrate New Years Eve Spidw Vejes' Leg Diruomfoor ç unreeored Finir entre ire olingrdiy stnla IA ree roue bergloeie.nd $200 ei meechorrdisr Wednesday December 31' hidden Fell rpeenree oir eepieereeilskle15 yornpnrieonn Nassplereneendte efferu Dee. One ihn 8400 from e store os ihn OSO FomilgIl New Year's Ene Party Scoopns.9lCSpm Slooncoed joded laser lnrepy Ceerplirocorery Skin Care noesolorio, l'y e block eiNee'tlr Okele block of Oeil Miii Kids Balloon Drop OlOOpm picture search BeerS Ceojind Uo,mncry ¡illilieçol nell wadieliy releed licensed sesehariniso. Avurrne. A digitul nun'- Io nho picrurn on the righe, .Vnrn,Ioeeolkren,eoTo1,Dneeo,a Cenire Fie ones rnlrenod tltaill New Year's Ene Party Ol3spm.2l000rre Fell line elrkin ren prodoela railo,ed au Snynerewds, ynu will tind oil Ohr isend We aneepr moo mejor inoreneeplsve cru nelsnd ut .$nuo cens on $2,000 kook und io Line music bp Dong James inelodiog Mohece Convenient /eeetie,ru is erpeeiud mincing. de ris meet Dru. 23. items hidden. After you've OeS Perk soli Old Otukerd 27 S. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge, iL 65886 tsund nheoe memo, colei io Vjojo e, o e Gabriel Gieeo, 44, of 350 QBSP Dol 047,6989e00 Open Dailp llrSOam the ennire piclare. eowre.tkcocinnarecnntcr.cem 1-866-204-5100 W 59th St., Hinsduio, Fedro Sentes, 30, eI mes eherged reith treed 2202 Cndae SL, Ses theft Dcc. 9 untar he Plumes, n'ne eherged olingedly riele $250 esilio dnining ondee ehe from en otero ns the 200 influnner nf uieehei One. All scrambled up 5e r, bsll block of Golf Mili 1 Bererumbie ehm entinwisf werde re Offeringhope 8 oece Che jeteencetinn Gentry Ho nono eriensed nook ope good bof doy mmnil of Drenpotor Sirnnt end ne $2,000 hood cod is Western Ae000e. He due io recel Der. SL overcomingaddiction rues encased ev $2,500 Bell Sorber',, Poliosha, 38, nf kacse bond und indue io enanO 838$ Bey Coinoy Orine, Keysto Recoverymr provides Comp rehensive Ce'ee$ Cenent One. 28. astad Ges Pirineo, was mha Ocupen Hunch, 25, el ehergod with ruteS Obole Helping patients reconer sisee 1991 2220 W Oiler St., Onu, Sehne tee norgrdly bbcoerl Chieege, m,rs changed stoin $270 of morehen- sepi Comprehensive services: Inpatient medical detoxification, medical stabilization, with drisiog nednr lire dise Sow n sisee os tice ingurnenntuienhol 8cc. 200 blech ei Gell Mill fuinstg residential, pertinI hospitalization, day and evening outpatient Foe the 9000 bi,,ehof Conto,, Ohr ra,o Norih Milmonhne ealeered no $2,000 hoed Specially trainnd stall in Substance Abuse includes Physicians, Psychiatrists, Avenue. He wes und in dnn i cc rouel Jan. Nurses and Certified Counselors ruleesnd en $3,000 be,,,l 37. Come WatchChocolate 40. Make your own gift bag using45. Figure Skating Lessons Being Made at Rocky brown paper grocery bags or Oaktoo tee Areco Medicaid, Medicare and mast PPO/HMO plans accepted lunch bags anti decorations, Open 7 days a mock chIn to h000r the te'edi- Mountàin Chocolate 28012 W. Oaktoe. Parto Ridge Biederman lions thee deOnn 0er coro- Factoryl 41. Uncle Dan's Pizza & Pub 847)692-3359 Free confidential assessments Dissoner rIre rum revmne.prparlo.00e mosity und else focus oea Doors opes at lOam 270. Northwest Hwy. Park Ridge Cnniirnrd Iren PAGE 4 7 days a meek 847.588.8000 - SIG hfn,c.reshenith.org neceennes te peepureus 31 5. Northwest Highway Perk GelateIr New remolde uSO anule nuns Visit the local animal shelter for Oemore'ew Oithernron Ridge Pace ark Pen in n'ca O,dge,,.snniogern.rm merO e Oui ealleoo 70m er 8pm. and ploy with the animals, 49. Countdown CelebraSionl ih,,t hen eumn, dong roith lt's e1ror thet Nil os resi- 1047f 310-6001 December 31, 2028 callKeys to Recovry at 847-298-9355 ihn numen of eh enticen eri- drnts, Ihre the ansi otOli- cniayelrseoseremslloteleorolrlreu yea Make flavored ice cubes Take pictures of your favorite 5:50pm 0e 8:30pm muren ree reineres candy vecen enraIe Maine Park Leisure Center Incollable 24 hnurs a dsp). lege ieuoireo, eppenend in oels, dc'rnnneu sew leed- mendeknl creas. using fruit punch or your things or people. the margin of tice 01001cl ernhip rehe will ieok not favorite juice - and spice up 2701 W. Olblap An,., Pork Older Visit us er .peporks.erg for mare etui' oneey. ton the rnwmnsiny etc 38, a milk and cookie 42. Create an indoor bowling yoUr drinksl alley using ewpty plastic derails. "Wo hencens!quu np. tIme when we srnd IO potluck party. ,011euee ceo Sou o roe 5,w Year mito n, tar Holy Family Medical Center Resurrection por100itp en pink e new di' Marke snow furniture. bottles for the pins, a small 0er. orreaaliu:rco&tnedl, Health Cape' 39. Create fun , ball, and line the lanes with t ou F4orllr Ricer Rood. Ors Plaines enceins fer Nues," Sieden- 44, Have a bookswapping party. eoilet paper. Leek near week for onore Chingolo du' I mus neid. "I brume t'O be Cosro,entr glonnerlocal.eom A Picco,, Peers Publienlluo lo Tlvvvduy, December 10, 2008 I A fiocese Peer, Pubileution Thurodup, December15, 2005 lI

Our Lady of RaessomChurch

I Sue IcE, ìI,t4,r solo riso:: e,, yrcIe Rid -.1,: l, Ase Chareh rl: :1, PARK RIDGE infj 'Wee ciYow 874001,: L,voeco, An COMMUNITY MORTON GROVE (000ve:ovyvlsn: e) of hsioot,na.! CHURCH COMMUNITY Ecv0iocrl)d.) CleHeloroeEm WorshIp S MA HEDU 0020ES C lStusels,d0,e, CHU RC H Chistma 773.625.3349 li PsekRid r SACRAMENT 01? RECONCILLO,TION Presbyterian 0:00 p.m. (647( 053-3164 Worship Services 8944 Asusti,, Are. ramiS' WOOeSip OilS CaeRle od Cpedle)igOl Wcdoroduy, December24,CheiclmosEvo Dcv. 24: 0,30 AM, 847-968-2962 5,00 0)0:30 PM December24 CHRISTMAS MASSE8L2SSS 5:00 pm, e 0:00 p.m. Im, Faculty Service Cuevls bogie 0110,00 PM 000eOip with Cercle, e ,,lvl,ro,, Ar L,,rd, b,vhuIl, e.) Family OvrViee Christmas Ene 10:300: orlroisttnas OrcIseSirvI 015101e Dee. 23: 9:30 & 11,00 AM CocOles sed Coemveice II oc, ('vrreIIcligllI Service Ove. 29: 7:00PM PAilS Mor, celos pce. C5801,lleSl Socoles D,e.31.S:3OAM&5:0OPM Toudililovl Service ei H*ssEetettIetuUI00 Ccvdlelighl & Cseole I'l, 0, ge PmcI.ylcda,, Cl,vseh (Mv,,, Me:l,eo of Cod) (ve l:9:OOAM December25 Ali Ace Welcome ive, 6:7,00 PM lvdive Mv,: 10:00 72e Hellem Accoue, Oeeviso HAVE A ELESSED Wveship Socolen 8470726.1015 HOLIDAY SEASON)- blu

St. Mrt1rn Ctholi Cirneal. CIHTRALU1IITED TI,, o. dry, Oc,. 15 O COME, METHODIST CHURCH All Saints Cathedral 8523 Gevrgicou Acrece UNITARIAN CHURCH ALL YE 8237 N. tule, (4622812 558100cl Calhoun Cherch MeRco Cloue. lllimis 00053 OF EVANSTON lksh5 Il T T 0e Ocr. 1m DvcidoisA Pelle 847-965-0262 FAITHFUL! L (80)873.1211 In oil seosons our libero) religious communily Il., ,,:l-1,6, lìefor.,-l1,,, Il 1101 Neu Higgis, OlaS Chivuge. IL 06)1 Christimas Eve ¡oviles yuo with opon oreos, heurS, PInne 047.i90.90l5 Cflrst.se Ers, Iee,e.e,I,,r24 5:00,7:00,10:30 p.m. CEntimes Evo WedorodopDreombre2d "Come homefor Chrisimes Ene cervices: I' ChnstmiAi)ay i:53 po CssdlsUghi n5.Se,, ri, ,,,,,,,,,,'l,,, L., Chriet,eevvo" 5 per. Ceedlelight Service: "Euch Nigh: o 11.0:1 CNr!.,,., !,.,. ,,,,,LI,o I I,,,,,II,, 10:00 am. Ceeorseje,s Ss,ris, 730 p.m. Child is Osee irs Soly Nighl,".The Rev. Me. ST.ANDREmO (ein, Cldldno Obey) Fsrrive Choiermes Evr Coeeie Geovl, Me. Geegony DhSeire, Pioeiel. LUTHERAN CHURCH Ceedleighi Service li3OOpe CsedleIlght 8 pee. Ceedlelighe Service: "Oece & SCHOOL Nov Ss.ee t hoch Holy Communion Cerormise Orr,is, More -. - Fese Not," The Rev. Me. Boeboes io0euLE,iecure6 The Lsthemn Porose, Rev. OyonS, ond 16e Choir, Me. Boo The Lorheeae Chvmh of Clm,vh VISITORS Seodfield dioectieg. NlìOI'VlLSlC, Ello, lILI. 0,,.el the Rrtueoemioo MissosriSysocd WELCOME 200 5. Nonlseesi Highe.y 8330 Ridge Ave. li block north eN .,.,.': 5408 N. Shetosee Rd., PoekEd8tIL Hsn&e.ppodAscs.iblr cb. Deropsteol Phono 847-864-1 338 S,vvr i,I,rv, ne,n.,kokitetsS.lsnr.e,g Fpucvp.11 Cl,,,00h Nil,,, IIUoei, 847-623-5656 vevoo.uìevseslee.eeg -,

3837 Geli Rood Adule) WrrcSb SeIdene It's Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year. Trinity Lutheran Church -Evonetee,1L03203 847-673.8564 Come join us foi the Greatest Story Ever Told and the best loved music ever written and sungl Come celebrate with us! °'o Advert Study Sedes: Cgegrcqe0oenl Creel Slit ST. LUKE'S e Sun, Dot. 214th Sunday in Advent Services - 8:30 & 11 am Wed, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Sovdel'n 805sivh Where Harlem Avenue and Sherroer Road Come Together Candlelight Family Service . 4pm -Candlelight Festiyal Service wloirs,& Brass - 11 pm Rev.Gordon Smith, Pastor Chdstmos PoSy (Sr. High( 9233 Sheriooer Rood Christmas Rye Candlelioht Worship - 5(00 P.M. *ThURS, Dec. 25 Christmas Day Service '- '0 am s!Cuor,o,uicss Sunday Worship at 10:00 A.M. Morton Grove, IL 60053 (847) 966-9233 e HaedlcappedaceèesibteChildcaeeaeailableferSusrdàySeon4ees 6& Flr:lI,iObHtelvC 'lIareN cleco,nloe:l4,ovheagoeue. A Fiasner Pram Publication A Pi/acer PrnmPcsbliei,tis' Tsgi'A/dnmlarI5, ltOa- 13" 12 I I Thuraduy,Deoesnber 28, 20TH good ta kaow ilk natal- holiday giltIon bsaiihf r menuE ways ajsngle out Ibera. No one needs virus as a MngaaiaeCitY.00i LLC ist Osnnrtaayd Of yau'ye gets steep www.pioneeelocaLcem o your computer. waited meli past that snd Chaelnitesnilie, Vu., and about samsaase wha west pinion 1f you get one nf these eunleseied them again. she looked into what hap' Dear Oscar: WhetS ta thn estee mils far pan, e-mails don't opentho at- The Isst lime I called, penod. Dorns out that, fur yuan wallet?A $29 asesei tlsarok still Ibas tn'ssbaail tachment und delete the O was pat ass held fer soweroossnankoowa ta fee fur e caed you'oe de- it far sur eeaival faaism, WE SAY 1000 WORDS You SAY e-muli immediately. morn then llimiuutes-I eieuyed? Ytheal "The Fiserk Good Guys." hoe rompaey, ike check Ecoeomy is everyolle's Stove J. Beones peed- tried the enlier ens- they oeai Io the mage' Loohily, tins mas an B-mail yasr stoetss ta tamer nernilee sad rn- burden dent und CEO of the EBB, einen pubhsher was nover easy ose. Within an hour [email protected]. It makes eeived natillestbsathst sense STEPHANIE ZIMMERMANN seys shippers end cebil- cashod, Powell aaid. uf Teem Pinar onsatooting We'll rusa ihr best ones in The majority of colora they wauld leek ints it ers rarely include attach- She atad the matteo Capital One spohenwomas the Baa-Times sa Doe. 21 have spehen and now we THE FIXER-Chicago Sao-Tinos ssd gel heck teme, They onesta with theïr notiOcu- would ko taken core of, Julis Rohes, your woreins and 28. baro a new president, havenet, to shop locally tins messages. If you get end ihoi ta wehe up for wsro over. The $22 loe Bacech Okamo. I renllp went my Getltatgfbereoaeoeed If you're looking Ice Buytsg lnoaily hases Deer Reeders: Here's e snmethis,g that ynu'eo on- was token agi. Au in avery oiker clac- geandses ta receive the iko hassle, your grandson ahaatuwsaeeorrpwblem? placas in shop for the ball- addod advantage. Peom scam that's happening uuro oC coil the company's will get an entra year's Aod now, we will 055- lias some nlunwaee dis- customer servico depuri- mngueineheesnse it ap- TalfitlaThedlaoral days, ainrt with your local every nains tan coliactad right now und it's as pIeu- woeth isis issaaai of the sideritas faced. eppoiniod hoi ii is 00w sibie ocre The Finer enuld ment instead nf elichieg. pears te ho ene ho would mwmpieoecrlerafcuss chew community. Your invent- io pose wunloipulity, a limo tu move furwsrd to hove falten lue it. enjoy, but if ihet sah Good Guys wanted yoa'llfioduuintnloibrm loftS went goes far beyond iba pnrtins comes back to as- uuppori aod work soRb passible, thon I would ai outlfyeadas'thamamm- ocicei purchase of Rooms. sisi your municipal fon- Scammers aro sanding Deer Biser: On Fien. Deae Readers: Thanhu him. There Ore buge yeah. II, 2007,1 ordered s sob- leant like arefand of the thorn. peter,yoneasesaiabriofdo- Many shopping orada eremeni bodgat. Those oat e-mails that look asS in everyone who seni ta lamo iv the economy, seriptiea far the magu- $2g_Ht I paid. ocvs'pliauofyaerpwblros bava bees promoting the dolleen io tuco - eepec- health cero, iwwigration, they're from FedRo, UPS Deer Biser: Irs July clodos nf tho "anti- nr Wal-Mare - ail placco sino "Disney & Me" ase I lessew it's ssot slat of alaagscithysarsume ad- concept uf"Skop Locally" onstiag the-annual aggro- the mor etc, und we have 2a07 I elased eay aeoansstrunornued" tules ef you might ho espectiag ta gift fer mygrundsee. 11e maney, hat it's sery dis- tioneo esdtelgohanoeecmber, for ynarn, but iba alees guie - way wake 1ko dif- loteas t the preuideni ta with Capitsl One asad de- good business owners, gos holiday merchandise received a gift mesmge appointing theta gift I lu: ThoFiwg ami WLot,c 000g nf distesi walls con frcance bvtween ovhether solari good adniunro for strayed my card, clocha, aorsioe peuplo end from - ihn Bettor Businem selling him it had hees had purchased far my Ave, Gleoeio,cfLgOSSf. heopevaueniva dintreciion.1ko oily or vilioge con of- goidonca. The frderol On July 11 of this ynasi othars who periacwad Boreuuwecnn. The e-mail ardered, but he never re-grendses turned eat to Daahaoudorjgisai dace- Supporting local shupo iced tu proviso Serv- spooding han hoes aut of acta nl kindness fue con- statos that the pachoge theyveined any mases of the he this frustrating. I was billed fera $29 oseste.BemeoeofthelaWe io im portas t is these ices without coining other conical and sow it will sumacs thcu year shipped sean sscdeiveeoble nsegeaise. Janet Aigmissmemberuhip fee, loen- calamcafaahasieaiaw, The lough 00050wic tiwos. icinds of revenues, suck ca sobe many marc dullors to The Finer had her ano becauor ala wrong ad- I huno tried nnmerous teeled Capitel One and .pTaorcan'fnakocernosal With oat endeglc salee vol- p:'dperiy tauds. gei keels os truck. dress end inotruclu you tu times te ressteet Mega- Done Janet: Wo kaue enpla'medmy situatiun aegel this auwmer - iba roplha.Lcltamameditodfor ,:we, busiseases struggle 1-taviog entoblisked Wo moni rosigo our- upen end print assonai- eine City, threogh its ya' - and wo dennitely iene avail, gay from Disenunt lIce on leogthaodolarity. ted consider closing. businoasos also baneilts naives to the bari Obst cee tacked icsoire. Weh sito and vio plsuoe. want your grandsns io get I asilI he pnyissg elf mp WeaiiSTth OtemtinOrland Thuokstaroslribatorn Ilvecy onwwaaiiy scada e the cnmwuvity on ovocees ALL stall beve io pay und Bat if you dich Initially, I wus told the that wagaaieo while beh batanee nest month - Peek, wke repaired e tat MikallolesaadPiatLocy. Iccaithy win nl retail es- or managers get incolvad starr:'00e beforn Chis Odd no the ettocinoent, a suhseriptinnwusldhe- still young esnagh toen- except the $29assd I fue fron Tha Fixer swilad takliahrnooto, hut you way in cuwwunity organiao- sumir problem is nodo We taras way be dossniundod gin isa lOta 12 raceles, I joy it. da eat want any penal- the satire drive hewn. lt's Comment: pioseerlteaicem coi Tod ocarything as - chambers of com- Nightmareorbad reality show? v0050t "soob the rich" con005idotly loeatod in merce, Kiwanis, Lions, Ro- to show my farcis un- rogad and insisted ho lighi who previde ihcjohs ond 101k Ott Ifl lIarch010l Ike bctuee, Consider the tary, Jaycees, etc. - other state ogain. upon the siete of ICen- who will stop producing il Chica$u SuenO domine of disse lalan which assisi with local After the polm froua- taoluy. therein little rewurd drin- MORIVN GROVE aullen Baherp sua:h:,s,paa. sposa 5a,,5t.. Icooccos as vanisiyl siuron. events and leadership. ing. bock slopping and Lent night, I hado ceniiv.e. Liscota truthfully == Guwfg)sr2e' Biset NnthwCst HIginsar, wheeler-declaring, meran sighiwore. Coagrans said "pau daoani help the CloraTOs, IL Oseas =aggegasgcgo no longer call sursalvas annombied fora special puor by destroying the Phase: Illal-naa-44an kiSi Coynlisa. MeOosGe000,E_60053 Fm, fna)-28a-0a75 "The Lond af Lincoln." session. "We hace donided December SpecialsTall Frost punI-Hue-61go Gifts from the heart CHERYL O'DONOVAN More 101e the "Loud uf tu lat Illinois sacada from some have estimated Cakes: lllieabse9 Piseeppleuf Da Melds CReI Cubs $1k95 a' 01111 stompad iv this If you know bow io do Wcnloin' iba anisa, based uosni- tkat about-tO percentof boring thiC hoildey Common, Claessiealseat Ilichlrry ChIesa Cabs $20.9I,a' gill-giningsaasos Inc the sometbinil can you offer VAN MOM ITRiKES AGAIN Thin alury is headliningmously on its poor judg- save time and money by cor people roiy os goners- shopping locally. PleBi 15500 Cneo III srlppll Pio ftP tau perfect preuest? tutoring? A student may cable shown, from Larry moni for same form of The Nues Chamber of bon ilyour budgat is send help understanding Shivering, I'm eta Po- King io Campbell Bruno Oh, I lune wyutaia and auppuri or welfare, and more limited thin yeav geomotry oc grammar. A lar Plunge avent, where and Bill O'Reilly. been Chidugu, and bemoan an- this is a dangerous iresd Commerce there maybe some ouatai sonier ciiiuesc muy need in wy konband ta cumpatiog Dandee and BAtons wars other scandal. I shud- to rely on. Agocarmoent Reminds you to gifta thai would molly be brush up on computer against Cosme Reamen camped oui arar the gao- dared heartag the aspia- that is strong ennugh to Shop Morton Grove! çRiaHlNLoaIsIpRiceI.ccnIaenlleiuIY -....- oppreciated. shills fur s-wad or lastar- Suddenly someone oraar's heme via nsndy tivesin the trasosoripi. gbva all tu enerynse is Shop Locally Consider anrvican that oat. Someone many need a balices. cane cam, with alive feed Usually I only hear that stenag enough io take it 0405mal 11,5011 lalariay S sn. 0:01.0,.. Sesmas R Sn, Ist p.m voodoo sffee thot othees gond typist who dan trans- "Hey, laub, averyhodyl tu iba Nurik Pala, hind of aorearing soban my ail barb. Sceitish profen- muy seed - providing late amrition set of noies btu an ODinuts naiad" "I thought Louisiana husbandk changing tanes aurA. Tyler ta 2787 as- Call the Chamber office for rides for oon-deivwo io tato a neatly formatted f:- I atdt hmtilp, yanhing a was knd' snys one pundit..an the Kenoedy plumed that history sinews

Gullthe PortIa Arosa ChamberofCoumerce to doctors' nisitu nr grocery nul erpuet. Or hdp some-- popar bag ence my head. "Wo won't evsn talla Fauple ars taso bleepeci that ande pukhc allllcieis referrals on businesses in the area Help1koFind The Prodotto and SersicesVollHeed oiores, or baby.sifting one loura tu taut or cro- "You neon banna ksm ta chaut Chioogu polities' on raallty shams. Sn, mau learn that they/an vate atomices far pwents with chai or operate a aasviag pick 'cml" Jue the WaIf Blitanr mys. this the guneense's na- their own pep and gifts (847) 268-8180 847-965-0330 young estiras, or polish- machine. Pbuwber pets aal open "Daa't even bawl there, tional debuO Patti in from pabllc Imodu they be-- ing silvee, ae washing the Byes bane friends who mp vas door and slide be- "Briheoillu?" Or Con came Hseolly ireespansi- Fas: lealI ss-caassnail: [email protected] MeEn my sumo io Don Keraus and corne bsldng a favorite oea shut-ins arta rotire- hind the stnariug whrel. Wntter hiss that Blugojeolek siarrtagta hie, iba peopin rolynpos ins, areal osiate agesa nub Ro/Mus Ial Class www.nileschamber.com based orbooea nf oaahirs meni oossvanunities ae "Gai sahne kas of cash in Olyuupia bid huh-bye." "Rad's Big Gino," or gaverssaeni far help sed' Serciegilhohiofor4O Yearn aleo a br the recipient. Thesn sorotag homos, they may there, han?" "Yapi' quips ansiher flenoisg Behind Bue?" dnoiuioe maleing which ai- farmer Palirernas could include haiptag with nut hava a obaade to gai I eriasge ta shama. We "Rod's headed ta the 'Big Dee malitp show al- lnwn government tu tabo Visit us at our new location I wnuld love to wish you and cour feosily n 005w shoveling osweela- oat a/nd visit as they onoe Illisaisans aro the laugh- Huose on tine Prairial" ready deacrikos a Cow lOi- aven In nuab diroum- .,W000saerfsal Happy Holiday. ends, sr robing leaves nsst did. Geeettag coeds ere a ingstock of iba eatiss. dos Obama staffers uais politicians, hot ihay'd stances domadraey rnsssast 8060 Öaktori;Street Plcuee cull mcifices be cf asy corsivo fayas tall 0e hnlptag aawenne getsturI, but lina visito moats One former goveeuse ia Baldad qnosiiusa fram hann to puis mrrapiinn losg assisi, iheie gwden is shape ta sa wuoh mace, whethnr samtag time end anuther eaportees,'i toaba spin os ii. Mast vntemn will ro- ..fl.-.(847) 568-3107 (Inside the NorthSide Community Bank) MORTON GROVE nprtag, or general helper you came alone nr scortai oboot tu. Three aiharu bested cell from Disney's "The Biggest Lesen" sleet those uflioiola that Chewber Members First Thashyou Novak Sham baues thai can br re- friends dame faraniait to- mnro nanvieted. Thanins in Hall of Presidents. Thn 'n, deemed whsn aneded. gethen them, I wilt never ho ahia Alte assimatrusie was oui. Calapaeeasll pleaaeedenal,eem Bardes, PAGE 14, APioseor Prets Puhiicriion Thursday, Decamhar 18,2008 18 14 I Tharsdoy, Decevber 1H, 2)108 A Pioneer Pomos Publiretico J Morton Grove GUEST ESSAY Park District's Complete State needs tokeep paying Fitness Facility DECEMBER SPECIAL i Month of Fitness $29,95! tohelp child development their aontinaod develop, mouth so the Stola cOR the progrem. ccIfeloIIcLslule.of.)fls-,svsqu)pmenl, sp000ue, By NICOLE NOLIN600 assi 11511110 IINLIANI matIt, guarantee paymeNtS that Whet "pet preiscis" ara Out filnees. hArE') 51cc. tonlOSe boUrn DUOIOflISOO loWeSt Cody IuiecvestirD no ore net covered by insur. the gunercer and the 0101e We ace writing in ce. t,eognam that services 00cc providers. funding ri the nnpnnsn nl i MONIH OFFENEM BEGINS ON 10E DAlE OF Wed loatopie titel in voy children with dnvnlopmee. Slomover, as rl Nov 2H, the esSential nomines ihr PURCHASE SALaS BEGIN DECEMBER iSlAND END ON importad tDOa least sec' toi dolayn and varions di- the StUte 5 eorreDtly Rot children rsqsinn? DECEMBER 31, 2MO. tHIS SPECIAL MIsE BE 0PFUEO eral thousand totrilieu io denses. lliagsosesis- guaranteeing poyntests This is an urgen t mot' 10 ASGaD AN ANNUAL MEMOERSOIP. the stato of Illinoit. Elude hut aie not limited for pout rloimn sabmitted ter that eneds In bead- Abre investigation Und to Down syndrome, ecco' oller Nov12. dressed. Peopin need tu diseunsior enith provider boll rolcy, premature Il the state will not pop hear how the Stets is on. Alex Orthopaedics c000eetioot, Iba IllinoiS birth, episo hiEda, au well ihr providrrs consistently, ginning peovtdnrs mho tenvine children with sps. Petnr Seitovsky, M.». Depactmect of ttu,00c an cicildren wloo hove how ore the peoviders ea rial neOdn. Orthopoedic and Haod Sargrty braiera, thn Control greotec ibas o 30 porcsNt pected to reader the sere. Pnuple reed to hncw, Board Cectilled Billing OO',re uod the tIno, delay is an oreo Iphynical, ions these ohildrnnoeed? and one hope pua mill give error's 01000, it ton como speech, ovoopotionol, etc.) The parpase of Ihr on the apportosity to Inh v'er$i.t..,,..Uea.1thSystem 4801 W. PDIDESOIB Ave. tU sur a' Itootion Ihnoli st development. Curly Isterveotion pro- (. peuple. Thu tO 00 impor. prooidersn'hivh ploside The ciato dorn eat hdve gram is to enoble children Suite #406 *Chicago, IL toot. Eorly IRtecveot'IocseI- money te the Genetul 11ev' with developmentol delays NterbMolisam rfA)ga. loes mill ooly be paid toc man Pond, which meras All Major to receive the kinds of OqIlilt ice liremrdphyoicol claims oohmitted throagh thai it cannot pay 1ko thnrolty thoy oecd thoc' AccePted Alcre,Obt. Glusou Olaliosi Nov12, and further poy' providaco that have been opythotisnecasnory to ufldlh Grace Pillage is ali' menlo mill be hosed ro providing oecoicrn aod enublo thom to denelop. ceouedeperett leogavege Evanston Hospital (773) 777-9100 fuoding us it becomes seeb to continue to pro. The atole is soon cut. poloolegier. More iofrerou' ovoilable. vide solviere to titesc ahi). lieg off fundisg to this lion uSuor tile ocaleo Early wwwaIexorthopaedicscom Tico importsocr of dran. pivgram. It wosld belo. Inlrraentiooprogrem b titeen children covtiouiog Phmilirs heal portici, levestieg to see schal is ucoilobl000hnret to recolor the cervices pote is Early Intee'aontioe bopponiog io Ihn money ooW.dhu.RfatEiCco/pegcuup they ceqairn is critical to poyo lotnil3i One ouch the iumìlies hayo paid io to u?i100lsyldb3. Glenbrook Hospital

Ucd doms the cost. Ingis' spending befrce this is Ones the nvonnmy io hoch Burden lobos for ihn crmmov 00e)) We west get jobo for on trac k we have to hope Caetirued Oren PAGE 13 good is ovarreled by lob. the osnmployed, va nil thet the president and byists end other spnriol Highland Park Hospital - e raed bnolth cace. congrmn mil beep in mind promise Und gier them the interosts. If you rob Peter Thin isa crisis that mill Ihot our huge debcit muet most lo congress OS per. to pep Paul, you run osant require big ropeoditurro be faced and solved, and cent ol the incumbents on tho toll support of Paul. to tobo. If bAnc is thai rsmmsn tense add urn re. elected each doe. Nom we have to fare cheaper in onotherraun. working fur the eammrn Their claim le, "I can these mony problems, try their product is goad hosto prevail. Over 2,000 Affiliated Physicians Start Savhig or Crac high bring is 'n' dollers ta our tight en oar boils, nod cheaper ond costUmera Our rhildran wilt be cedo' bills with o leigh disteict, state, ein." Most mode together. lt requires mill buy their peoducts. gmotefol. efficiency SyStem frOntI Cornet scramble foc more luods bu ge talOS from oar al. Our living standard will WiIIIGInW. NoNatO Sr., io brocAl their district ready oul.olt000irol tuiler before this is mec 005 PlaineS Yion is our pas,sion $20000 DECEMBER SPECIAL A teachingattillate of the Ufliversity of Chicago. INST,4NT REBATE' TOPAZ 15% OFF Pritzker School of Medicrne CALL NOW! 847-967-2200 o, Free eetiewlre oit ev eqOfO,,leDt. W'st.,elIy-s,nnua,nI Taos lath, Esyneln V(to'sJeweleay &t Gems STcISLINC SII,VIlIa& GnNnsNveanMoTosaCS For more in uana ionvisit northshore org liCEOS, PENDANTS, BEADS Skokie Valley MONTI-ILYBtIOTI-ISTOIAES St'DCUSLS 0171 LEE ST. DES PLAINES Air-Control (847) 299-6031 6310W. LiRE51,5 fave. Montos Ornan, IL 60053 IS51OTTO Lccnovo ruionsi Diveïi Healing & Air Conditioning, Sales & Service C01l (8471 486-9300 I to SSIbSErtbB. 16 ut Pionner Feras Publication Tharsday, Uecember leSSOR AP P PbS t' Theesde5, Seesmbnc la, 2050 I17 PEEK AT THE WEEK ç: DEADLINES shnppars can salmi anse- the ancaptino nf linritad mrnts fcnm "Be a Seele te socolor sed stand-stone Holiday Supersaje dsbmissíces Cnr Cern- u Sentar" ginhsg lames st ATM lmaltnoe. A new en- Old Orchard Aquarium mualtgr Celendar ore re- Senes, Gaiftaidis Shopping osnepprd toy can be gatead SS deys preaodiog 9235 Skekia Bled. Caster in Niles, Dontiniclt'n drnpprd aif at the nearest the data nf publication. Skekin, IL 60077 orations ut 6931 W Damp- Pint-ne mactine. Por mere Sond to; Nues Macaging Phena 047-675.3474 star, Merino Grove, and information Fagas'e&eg stasreaara,anarla,amanestsbauret Uditor, Pioneer Porse, 3701 2748 Ocean Bnp SOnad, Tnys fer Tnto rdeit W Lahr Ave., Olacoirtv IL stera Cease-, Mae, le.,. Ta.., - Frl. Il-a. saL s Ssn, aa-e Bnssstan, und at JauceLOs- 000nio.toysfontnts.ocg liSS26. lnt'cemotion maybe cc, 411 N. Orase Soy Enod, - Pnrinatsa Tank, PIne Sland, glass Instant hrurd to (847) 480-7495cc in Wilmatto. Sach osen- Entertottn,rent 6006e orn Tap and Stripliglll c-mailed to mbottari@pto- meet listo the Seul nome of ocailable from Ihn ICnighte T e aselen in oned, Along of Colombos Ceeveil 403e. SN aSIa, 5 soaSe e aas,na ta_soup peSTstn allie u gilt rrqnasL liteli- Thr 2009 ndikon ends $20 CS G,ttae Ssaa,aS e Sosse ur len erca BENEFITS 105 Gatten *1028,5e eeaa,as III Gallon0555.99 arid neolatina marne dey shoppeFs one pecchean 350 daitneoasr.ss Lanai saniere mino might glUe and veteen them en- nOapocs. Por mora infer- ibu l'ocgottan chis hoUdoy mnappcd, Haag stich Ihr motion, Onto crrrrvn a cuasertorill manica gula nrcurnmnt, to the Inca toca- huela, nail Bob Colassi, Iund companionship tine. Iron mece infoemcalion 15271910-0220, Pnoernds lhncugh the dUh arenad abnut tire pregraim mad go to anna ehacitins, "So a Saeto toe Senior" trae loautioos, log neto CENTER OF lurogrcm. Nonpcoht cngarei- er05,1,0 CONCERN collane, esci or suceden business. Wall< business. rod aree ralallers era part- ceding with eetspolrser business. Drmycm Susiness. Home Instead Sealer Case uf Sholale te heighten thu business. C tinca of mers thon 055 acc- iono in Sisolde, Wilsmette, Wioatha, Niten, Mercan Cimvr, Patio Ilidga, Des Pleines, Evanston und Your business. Chicogo. Throegh Dec.19, IS'u a viorple philseophy, When you need aÄ'Ñ 71W UPON AIr;. yiArSòuPÖN. VALID FRIDAY trEUEr.lhER 192008 a- - a hnapoimg muuole, yougm tn She bank with a VAUD SATURDAY. SECEMOER 20,2008 ONLY UNTIL 1 PM iÌlL EXTRA OFF EXTRA 25% OFF ea 00mpg nornrr,ìgmevt tn your futture. To spank a single sala price apparel Rem e stogIe aste prise appannI item w fleco ideas, you go to She batik Skat's always orlakean EXTRA 20% OFP srtaleeae EXTRA 20% opp a Angle sale price accessory, Snelewolry, Ioohaeer, stogie sais peco accessory fine jewelry lootwear, thinking aheed. Ac the Ivaden ofa grnwirtg intimate apparel, ladies' or men's outerwear or sull, intimato apparel, lacIas' armee's oulerwecr or sud, or wee's Inbred oloIhiog item - errores tailored clelhing item boeineun, you go to the bank that geto er, lake an EXTRA15% OFF ar,IaAe5nETÇRRA 15% asingia eats pece heme error or luggage 81m sangLe arle pece heme alors or luggage item 1h lego done, 510015m EXiStA 10% OFF er,rakeaaEXTRAlO%OFF sAngle sala price small chueca, health & anllnase, lumilurr, sengte sale pece small nlselnm, health kwelloesa, lueultura, muerese, sued mg ertum,lurr roceesory Item mscreee, eres rug orlunrftureaeeessorjirem . s Tirait makes Cole Taylor the go-to bank - - for all your gnmmercial banking needs.

9915 a Ossee taelura. lAIersOdleles re lrdse a 0rdeeed lnsrsurdaroaarrar.caeaura asee re s2 Cull Larsy Ryan today at 847-653-7800. III 111111 IIIII III be A0000011UR7 0 A00050llUOg 7 Ica, Oid deSailO tsrast cre www.nolvtoylnnbanh.com ssurnoarrarseaanernat..'...... Or5r

uoirsmnelrsa;sstsoderaeracaamnascmgpaysOkereseaismrauOnras r.tïrreaesauaracrslerskrea. hilsnrerinese,efl,e,nesuIiscAucssna aal. eeuu alar ala catI T'uu,

1 "MaNOR PARK" L5505TI011 .920e-91 bilker I onaur ,ra,_ew,luaek ere,, cul ' ColeTa ylorBank 5Seg Chicsgcu husmar. uarLngspsoislias. b tr,1 cananunae0cs0a Saturday shop roast Stores eam-midnighi, 6am-IIpm esco,gcn City Fortlreetereeeareatyesa, viag ae atearaeea.aeea. ealoeñaaaaersaveFdday,aasams.r Noirhileld Square, Yoer Oaks, SI, Charles, W000mer; cam-loOm t9andSataede500jg os do cs nrislslaassrlsl5sl arlar Aurora Noilhgale, Oslrclb; IOem-7pm Furniture Gallarda; Gateway closed isllrslslla(rsprlralartssl tseraltestanarl500callataLsele,tslaslnrssrailrtsussllrorlsstnssuasrsstsslssairssnoi1 anlsellrrsreulkleueeruaa eaaa'a aseraar.Psrkniasascnoela.suaarrasksa. rsrsieedialresidsnasnunsasebaoesas,Msrssasasr,sylrsadsslsrsaalyslcksarwetrtaiewesstire React d

A Pioneer Psoas Pablie A Pioweor Prono Pobhioatiorr Thosesdcy, Derember 08,0009 I19

hood praosuro amO blood raierr(es Ihoond orromn, Cartee tre ceregerl050 eno asailabho hy appsiwltmral. canter ciao aSees housing Peek augur' IscRoog lOam, ta neopo, nod the Abel; conk- avaSuhla to hehp rhigr'hte coscona/ng lar aro/coro end Rapport .çn for noon (ea appw(ertmant len, oaw/con/c other ranidsnta apply for Stuolo oihoro ncohdeg ulpos/cobla C001ioaad 01cm PAGE IT - Alalreimwrh ecregiseeo, needed), C'eoail Breuker properly' n000rks; assoeted toce nod those nulflering from grIef housing, pragesarra de- cocoam; planaIs sr oth Raw- loo rcRnf gronio no/cb- Taaosdapo, Waaloorcdoyc, The eame,errrdty le lenited osad inno, an/c seniors Irak- nignadio prosant home- canne-phaSe discounra, 1h11- .ThorwdaywRmptoyoroant ta donata gioIa for oreo erm; pioloare tr'aaorao or lwg to improor their out/c- hemn000, 'm-hmmo haollh small phmtc ehbsmspflrralt najo Curra Ro hprnonrip- ooaacehiwg by appoimt- 000dor oit'caeros sn/c woody Siew cre ere/cable el She cere rofcreaho, friendly aloi- - Perros Rarear Coreeraarem Senas Terrer Coana Mseeoasroa LLC 947.849.9800 Goresaresa Sarre Oeeses 847.729.1900 tion-drag onnioteeee/, the 847.384.9226 fswnlieo dosrimg the hohidop benhels; and mittono, Censor of Conoorn in Pooh tom lar the homebound aap//rlaeae, geb. rare enwiar cit'uea rosi rotate 000aaw, The montar abo ghesen, or cAppers. hIeSs- Ridga. The canter also of- an/c sabosntuee mppoetosni- 30 yr Rood Call lar Ralos 30 yr tirad 5.250 0.000 $850 20% 5.29630 yr liard Call loo Ratos Wadmeodoy, Dea, 21- lun /celbrr'eh, and the neo/cae needs vshaoolrrro te dabser arpo times Por vohamtesrc fers alfnrduhhm pwesonch Sian So the oRbe en/cm the l5yr liardali Call loo Ratas 9/1 jumbo ARM 5.125 0.002$850 20% 3.901 5/0 ARM Cell loo Raleo Grief oeol Omen support citiean laoo-ownesnment the gifts. Arwoag the gift,n ore Serdbhe end son Ins csuoanhiaog 5w ad5110 atoll Reid, tljeola6RO(rlirateo$ t.2tS 0.000 $850 20%3.0747/I ARM Call Oar Ratos freumo 511 ARM Call loo Ratos ewosp (rail first). mooS apprrojased by the arroreged te meet dolose- agro, llar more ieoïermatiae 7/1 ambo ARM Call br Ratas 7/I jOrobo ARM 5,375 0.000 $950 20%4.259 lA yr liard Call tor Rater CHAMBER Saturday, Dem, 20-Le- aewtrah cAemos: oshewdarm; leere' och040hna, To/coo caR canter coso/cl wnrirer Castrat Stood L. Caber, M001gagr Espert, al 647172-1918Raslrialiara apply, plaasa irqairs. gift ooerlc or gift cartAS- erute giftn nr io soluwleer an/c prapaeetion of oimpho Oalyrna Fagurtyi (0471 025- gol ooaacnhjeog by appaint. - - The tillen Cb.aeeeln« nl (0/ 626 l'alcoa ROC, Park Ridge, 0006066 (0/ 9069 La/ra Car/rOd., 201900, Darsai600, 0960690 65777 (C) SSO W000kagar Rd., StessImo, IL 60525 saint tm henal grorceey or Sa eanshre s dallsery, cohl Sloe oSOs and darshhe pemers 0453, The aenlar io at SORO Coesereeree 'e currently oc- drirg atares; olatiowary or center's noniah morhoers cl nf atiemey for health cera N. Northwest Stigloway, Taso Gares Frese,eaces, tria. 847.901.0808Urraca Hares Laeeas 708.531.8317Grast Neesuare Frorsesarso Cera. 630.653.4700 Satoa'dosS Der. 27- greeting carda oecd wlsmpo; 1940)623-04515 end prcporly ahso ore 5005e 010, Penh Ri/cge. The Pooh PACE 60 280ori//aaorcrlorG005Flraiaalgi,aare 995/I/carrie. OHS ears. arm hSpl//taere.501rs,p, clore 30 yr liard 5.000 0.000 $400 20% 5.037 30 yr Rood Call loo Roles 35 (01/001 5,000 0.200 $052 20% 5,545 2Oyr tirad 4.675 0.000 $600 20% 4.933A/I jambo ARM Call lar Rater 15 yo blood 5.000 0,000 $050 20% 5.078 1511 tirad 4.875 0.000 $600 20% 4.9497/1 jumbo ARM Coil br Rotas 5/I jambo ARM Cc/llar RotaI 10 yr lard 4.015 0.002$600 20% 4.90015/I jambo ARM Cell lar Rater 7/1 jambo ARM Call lar Rater Faro parsonal quota oeil Mike Sullo, President FHA s/laws parchasc will 3% dams old roch aal rel lo 95°/s (5) 2206 Crsopeer RO, Ste 2, SAssier, IL S2S2S1, MS72S96S/S(RWe0000eek Crop, Carrer, Weelsb0050er, 0165MO 615,2550479(Aj 2050 GaIe Ad,, Sta. 403, HaIReS Meadoccr, 0500506

Wall H000eoJea005ei Palms Roer Fiord asee mortgage eared - Irr:':,55 a esci ire? ser wo ossO (ro/l r /m-ra5105( I INFINITELY BETTER

UoOrsrseo: loe%l THAN ANY RATE



.00% .1O% .8O% Rtgrp,'0°'lçyOr0aYI APY APY APY5

0-roarhriacm, O0-n050flOe,mCO, Or.narOhne,e da, Mse'tgrsgor s'stalao/I airpucee, refis eisa By Holdeer Ltwin Is,soawrrbwan br.srcoknireom' Os,eoem:rimao Meagag orar loll teis000rh e k a a rae la tir ro a 0,0,-o'.. la, p lotrae e mdamsl I procreiihso lb o rna5oocl crorsge. SOnoro laya, almost all 005100siag

lamo 01 o loe mesrh ,cd ham ares or coalisa Si,, ippla lar Ocal o. "o weogagar are fired-oslo harina, cod almoal nIl ors junrho mesgager' You work hard lar your masey. Yac should eapeor lIno do sO,,,,, ' ' "'l'trc',caaslo.c'Ac oar ha gr ioroba Pa ea ameos loam rdjaelsbhoe. the reme, Naos pea can getane 0800e bent CS releo when Ilk? 01R1;/hí 1151110 OiP SI/I kilO.51W lics Smock 0-y co Ore/c'ocra marlgrgaf Il lb&rr poaro, raOrr401"isi Iicosl'r, iolee or stir 1hmrrkal ca 700 her Oho doRoilioc alo jcaba'l000 osriac by noasry, bui Ion' 000 hooe oropel a Haro/o psrocmai oheohiwg sccoawn,' not 'eSOpom el, saodisgialloe'Ssakaolesaobrgr/ mac1 aLaoo,' i,b,'l' Sillar,, I aas0500larQaoakasLaae "Amangogrnralaairig io 21/07, asyl hiog aboso $i2y,500 mill be 11121V jIRIl 1(11111.(1066(1 tONI .(06(0 I(l'o'lLR/ MM/I/b nnly lees limined time, Se, step by soy Asele lncntina,micie loro' lardar' libare Saisir se hardi diS all po(ooi,ia5o'a'mii ii,'r'.' suino ris sog .3's loAd7 hai aaag mas agoa buho /AlIlrorr1h ihr jambo himil ir highoo io Aheche cod hsrnicbceh,00nsyodapedol, or call l-aRO-54A-bOOl today, POlutO SOlCO PIPIO Fl/f I /M(Oflh fill ihMIfA l,rsmaoa/crgeoatho r000krrar7pheif aco gkii.ouiacilet rirai 'A,lla.rrrorrsuri, oiircmrr Okoadarlgoaf kalid eRamci.( OlIO WINO (liti Iiii /ch//PMINI lIlIA /1100 0111111 SMI/hl diroouct and smgr, na/c poors 000> go, Ihr mo005a9aand s 51y r,rJiboroiroli,torni al Iowan a marorirmodtc o Al Ihir parso le Oho 00,15/on ai lira morrgsgo bar/cress, AR/I ' eroltlpmnoi,toaom kray,aeei,A ylrasl ' ¿loor/-ru - ralee loo 000tamroing loros air higheo han Sarl rubro, sod Rca/c 0801111 0/1(00) MI/I/ItO M,S 01107(1 101001 l(NMS101O(1

flic hes tirik tiy co load-rol loamos 0111 lAb ripaisir, - Ii cl, oily loaba 'ib,' homamoor roo loa/riotar eher W lororaros loo jambo locos am loghar has ARM Islas. . hIS 00101001 50118,01111 OPHINALMOb014 loi SI porsi Th boanhmrrk5)) djcrlrblosi mad orear 3 hr rois sill albi caro ce rs roghI ca/Im ny ta Ill 'lhci'o mr Oho osly dibbomaoe ho/ears 000000ooisg cod jcrrrbo

brirpaisl,iolh7proai or aral pplrrsi er arkoagiaosdjalblo-oel maslo rnomgsgor. Coolarariog wo'ngcgoa srqaile daaa yaymosoror 05 5 rkc'raray, iho 30-y colis d eu loe r ihre 59loar ir rk Somaowrrr morIr dia lobI mraagara000Saa000aaqciry al 20 pon000 00 sorno/mor lora. Rat jawhonoonogager

y olla Ihmos abs io Osca y cd 1/brauny te ihr F b 6ala 6d'oslo la aill/lay00,1 rl log ir Ohr pasa oloond oh Igooara/hyroqaioaaqsily ober howl Slporooal. raoaoy, ib o hmsrk Sl-y osmio mr 579 00 al mon 01mm 5/amis ih Isoca m000y g lolaal asp When IP opmaooe enrolo Io beq o (moho millr /orr,ihan' lo

Mom's p lin lloro rOh molapalecidaraslrlor k "lolka,rsrioioSaw,"ryrMilrhOhlbsm,yidosioyorodos eI/ulf? "Aoodhya1 and Adobe loo ylry'mg,° le Shlbcom'k

O podio ai boos yac aaoi TIro Mao r Sack ro Ao labor LogorI Momgago Carp is La hagel r 'owcureaacoenraclr,eisomassslcaronsrnnsnserdancn 1005n::bis:eo,rrm500loicns000aans0100s:mseacera say oh oam sambaro rpphioclras roabacis3 p roast Irol work ARModjswbae Lore 01500m sod booboos hopo loo lea roel/olor mida adjamba

amp o O midi thom k bals o Sul ihci i000k Ios boo Oh/b orn do charrons is 000 ollh oearioy'moro conosloanr000i yonh he Ihr, roOrolimo, morI al lira loS sIllon Iroloirgalo

o ocal iho 7hkrgioiog hal/coy Whrs 1h MRS odiarlo lo haoris'iorkoO ,rod ihn macs hgaio wem ARM plibaoOcrd'rair, cooloear'ng Isosgagos. - oso'Ioorsre,e:solarsur:eanraa.unnulnreao.naerrsanasaaasmnereob,nsrsses: 000ssrsasensolrnsa:skndr000:o, 000Sa,narwossoe /cair'rosocaouieseo5rae'oeajraroarro,,e nm A Piorose PresI Publication Bi MUSIC -ART CLU. 165551v sposate ha, lola 20 Thscsday, December 18,2008 MOVIES cultural diversity at assebi 0505510G EDIT000 OliassI Roseotenl School celebratesits Diversions mbuneotcrlopisresalsscl.mm 10471 406-6054 St. Jobo Srebeul merarenndeed fon eevrc School coded the first bning tardy io Ihn 8ml quorter eslth u "Celaban- qunrlrn lion of Coitares' aosembl1c Also honored mero 1mo ntodeota mho masones- music With "lt's A Small Evolving 'Bowery' set to World" plagies o repro- 0080e "WIsy Amerioa's EER;Ls snntoüve loom earh home- Velerasen Shoald ho Hose -'CUCK UST 'TOE BOWERT 0015' room paeadrd inecil,le o oned." Steven Tersen and 1p.m. sed Ipn. Wedncsdeys. flag from oser of 18 diSco- Sotie Lyshon000tit mere u loeson,'phemcerlceolalrl/ 8p.m. Ihirsdlyn'Frideyn, loll ont naunsrloareprelnflling amardod a yloqun, osase- rip l'le Irme n L p.m. astI p,sr. tsloldsis. lot the school's slodool pope- tary gift and dinnnr01Ihn 1p.m. and B p.R. Sordnyn, v°wyost. TIeiroasay0 Ihroaqh feb15 al Mcrfohl The otadeeta, focally mill noon go00 50lise01010 Ihaolar. il Marrinil Drier, and parents oyere tmatod rompntitioo. lireolnehirr. 141:15 5104ml to a doren prrinrm000r by To end Ihn assombly amd seller gisnoull loi somr of ihr ntsdeola. Thr eaohgradn slcoaind oat Wadmnsdey art becdcy mali- counlrirsrnprrscstcd "goodbye" iseo different noes; dimmer paokatas avilI- mith donnes wem Iodla, longaage. elia. 18131614111001 Ireland, Korea, Monica nwa.morriojlIheoirrunw. and the yhilippiona. Afine Ihn donen per- St, JolIe Beefiest Scheel formonno, atadeete onoro ceded the fIrst qonrter By MYRNA PEBLICKI recogniend for their differ- with a "Celebraticls nf Cenlribelom Culticreo" cuoeecbly. With 'gi,Patiookie ent achievrmnnls. Honor "It'S A Smell World" plat- David H. Seil has sock' roll, pracrheepors, ing. creprnoentslice trem » MUSIC n each homeroom paradedlIc leo Ionen 65 shewa in his snhslastin-homl trem, Mandi polintid IdIoms foe per ceoes-cnaetcy tram, aller mitt a flag from eneatta illealmmnon rancor, bol baia diftercet countries repre- forreenorn Ire. Cl snd filo poetioulonly meilnd ohoot servers end patrol trams eli's NerI] 1811e Cecial101 renting tice school's Stu- bio ioOesL "The Somocy merr omong Ihnen han- dent popainfien. mill0 0111111mor11.1191 015511F iba Perlormirl ArtICle Soys," reroinireg ils world oced. Many nl Ihn stadeeta Meeeail limai Kurbel Bend premiere al Lincolnthoiea'n WillI perleffi buoy concerti ii Ihn florAl Shore 6001m, lion S4ocnmottTiscelrr Ilocoagh AM and graden 1,3 andO, Feb. iO. "lt has benes pooh- werks st Hardie Algnr et MaroIrOt Tlcsufre In Llnselnrtsirc. oodmy edonators, agency oreo. Libon and lare nom- 00000ecd hi lion cemmanily Islonit lardases in1100055 lice oust ut "TIcs Oswney Boyo" pralorm isa mscolcot Irnpirnd by Stan and 1p.m. for Kinder- ebly tIc cingle heil and SCHOOLS DIGEST personnel ond leodecs of milled Io doing evrrything misen bol oreongemeola end Iciopla 18010mIICIlIegI. garten PM, gmden Oosd4, most peoduotmne pe000ns Only 428 ni ihr mora slaloceide ansonioìi000 Thete gueronlne lisoir hitare are completad. The show was slotted halions el Morrioll Laed ACT honor choral and DRUM. Club. n STAGE n S're had with e world pero Aelislin Dira010r Aaron iban 1.4 eeiiiiso 1808 grad- SlaIn Os5ueiaafoen pro- and ono Jeesislo fatuoce." Hem in ita eigholh year for Ibis 50010n by Iba the' Ihn eerli-prenicre oisioel miere," neid Bell, wIn siso TIbien nod Peodanar lico Illinois ACT Stole Oeles eattonoily mho tool eides 0401cc to ACT and the nchoel eifern gorc'rai Pmeishin Solon1, 2401 alan following o aeoding a On behelf of Ihr CJII S "Ihn Bleery Beys" rann diccole. 11e snelle Ilse leekyeor-and'u'holfogn. "Of Tommy Jamas lhaeughout Orgsmination and ACT this Ihn ACT earned o lop support for ACT yrogronea and Jadoie olodmen in ace. Menor Lund, Parie Sidgc, oommanily, Hood al School f510111 P11.15 il the hirtioll und lyrics farOlasmusical tInt roadiag, almost noth- the deneiopmcel slagas. month recagnined 47 lilI acere. In Illissois, II high ond marines io Illinois. ed, relinge-pcnpoeotory no. mill condant ils ceonerto'00 Ihasira io linenlnshimc. Local Tony Pranh rnpnrssed inspired by Bereue Alger ing is left," Bell onto4. He also salulad his Mar- nom high snhoois mith nen solari gsudaales nos of vimnmrot. Snrolimeet has oleryicuires eosambhe tolurday High nchooin Isanoced thenloa for tise Goodman lire gyno. faamilen nf sto- Jr!snnerbs; Jeramy Ceban Many clangoS 0000er rd riott neaL "Ifs a mondar1 or mare stsdnntn in ihn more than 140,808 in Ihn reaohcd an oli-lime hIgh, add 000dap Dee. lI and 3], for ioriadrcl Suifolo Creeo, gilt. "Jano acces ye ora afIce deols in oli gmddl WIese caroled Ihn masiol end fniiaoning a thrce-ooeeb fol m'alare of utalonoeto clone of 2008 nome4 o lop laici el Chmuslmaa, ul000kkah niom of 1808 rarning o lop Ihn founding ond ene yeoe with 158 stodrolO from luso nomon rodio A - L Des Plaines 001aans Sosos Ginehreob Soalh, Jnho cod lleeneae io Ihr "hi Ile workshop prodanlion io lila Sosan Macin - leg' campanile000ccnf 36 on ecem on Ihn ACT mere usen 10 commsnl- ucd oli Kiodceg'arino AM Monin haca role in the Heanny, Mamo Sooth, oftnr moving into ear mog- Sseif-ha lid ey siomyf 11111f July, 2508 otNcrthwrsl' ands of Chicago theoler -

Ihn ACT onllngn adodo- - The ACT o rornioulam- Noice Oman, ynlaline and nifcest oem nlaie-ei5thn- fowilino ore coiled la at' lesIlaal ir Sel Pock. preductien. -- eroUnivcrlily, os part of 'end thcoo yaseg bids," he Bell, mho hei meeked based orhinsemnet inst, Roiling Mendomo. art baildteCJFIS has 01- Por more infummaliun tend 09:30 em, perform- the Aesreeinaso Musical said, referring tolla en Oho shum foe mere lIen Thealra Frejeol. "About "The nnhoois reoog- coesisis ni tanto in Sogroh, tuiocd nalioneside mongol- conlaOl C,IHS, 18411 324- unoa.; prelude ployces oeil] » ELOGS n donan Boworp Boyo, mise Ça olaod Jewish Inno peaes, nnlad, "II mon helf oEil hen ohongad - molhemulim, moding aad tien ihr the oncelceon of 3711, oc go to begin ai 9:15 am. Powilso lo-ErleclalniOg Idean, JunIor rangs in ago from lOte niaod 10401' hare prosided 100mm discossni formal as idea is my mind eorn ainee theo,willrigisl new minoen Dach Inni is soared lis ocodomin program ond namw,ojhe.00g. ei olodeots mhono loot the early los. natsiosding edanoiionoi Clcincqnlolst Jewish Wiglc oheoqes for ils eiqlrlh nomon on annule of 1-38, aad u nloil, and the occomphish. eomeu nod io M-Z ood all lofera 1h01. I geem ap sesgo, '0101 of now nhaeon- "Slolmoet" MInie 15 opportunities ood ihean School in Doenlscid00' II JOcredoal 1411" old ihr eroding the Horatio Alger tars ond total cc'concap- siudnet's oompeoitn onere menlo of lls alodnols. With District 64 Siodaotico'len P3,4 humilies cogroolly encitnd shoot the atadeolo bono lobeo fail nooncc,d Soc. 2 ihat ills Malmenai mienne add banks: Thn ragn'to'niehes lion," Boll said. is ihn overage of the loan liseic generous gift, Lorry ero invilnnd lo attend lise 1 morid pnemiamr aven odvonlago ni 1h ose oppor- Soc recipinol ola $1 milïaa Femiteo at olodento und irdoslry's apanariag Harry llenan salol the leen-nl- lost narcea. Tise ooneagn gill hum Iho Larry Good- aed Liiihoo Goedmos stood p.m. pnmhcrm0000, millo Poller rnhibif. Reality versos fantasy though han chaaoolae, tonillos00tony i100pore loo membro roi Ihn l'orlo lIe-lbIh reotomy It al- nompositn snare lar the na- milis ases purinemo in en. Mollee, has limited llago Bou Pleines anisare Sassen Cooler "If's o bresstltul, ieocVtIll nolego," said Sob Macmy, man Potmily ltmoandalion. Ridge-Nilco oommooiiy orn poclode ut 12:45 p.m. wayn inlo'iguod ma. PIned Driniog some changas iisool high achsel gandul- naming Ihn totaro und nra' lime. "lIn a beoalifai, boiled to cejos the upcom. mason opliminm of the mol Bdll's disconery of dean ol cnrotmcnl mor- ing eluso of 1808 mao 31.1. "i'odoy00ccIban coot hut7 of JewIsh edanotion Wusisisgtmo Sohoel, HRUCE'S TAKE booaliful slew," Mneia ing lo'udllionol solidly ama that raallp sopponis "Tho Oiler Half," phein- ogemona silice lilinaio Suono students also tulle coo wont te on5000 Iba fa. lIli] Slowed,willhold said. "David Sell Iras done peetaalte one al the mono mosie is lonely - and I in Ihn Chicago region." oiogo und cooceris ul Ois. "Dimentor Gabriela grophn ocd noelliogo by Ja- Wosicyon Unioccoihi end ACT'n sysineol Wrilieg ivre und alohility of Jeesish c0000erisio the gyro 019:15 the inelusien el maclois wonders isringiag ihn le choraclars. lt's ago-col gIg don't sop thai abut al Iba fnopiomeciutioe of Ihn 11101 14 echooll le mie' M000ioo, whenr 'Porsuil 1h eso alomo'es." nob Rus abolI the "grim ACT atole ropronontoSvn. 'mol, bui Ihn acoro lar licol 040001100 in Chicago," cold coo, for grudes 1,1 undO, lila, lIa banloolip inspiend isonoasO Ignote abogo shoova l'mie. Mall Irtufisoy Geodm000, mho mincio bruta Ihn ieuiincnmasun, olhoppynnsn' yielded a The nhow, net in 1876 reoisty" of lIai period - "SamioS atop nompasilc Insilo reponed nopamlely Larry Goodman. and 0119:30 am, for by IGeorga MI Colon mo' b000tiful song ond lone o io ciso,nogeopheg it and bIb Highland Puck end urn Roll Adler OsnoenomiOn- PicmYoeb Cily, foiiusoe Ile lo slemb noolo'anl lotira nrore on Ihn ACT io odin. ood in noi included io Ihn "Chinogeloud Jeovish High Tlorcodinmcntho'y ilinoioo'g000'lee lbolh 511f sin nod then Jeermy Co' sien litt]clonerf' That nemy ruetiry end yeomg, ond lion two serons ego ion Will admaalaecsef'BOnOOmy resp pinlaco paintod by Sodico honor ihr Ile sta- ACT coompodle acorn. AC']' Schcol h's no'ooled a cal' oonmisecs of North Shore nelenail will huid Ihoic bali. lsng is "Say Goodbyo." very organic mill the oison- und l'MI, used gruoicu load Smith, nell the hooio is Augers "Wc'on ul000ps in bonis mriliog all Ihn acerco oro onccpind by oli loen of unadomic cocol CoogongoollOnlumni, CJHS doty sing cascarlo on lili- Boy" 0101m, ando yeung "l'ne deer clot of sisowo actera. Aord tIno noalamea drol, bol olso for the 00m evolution of thin show olber manio that has the will nomo ita eibielic Sold Iba epeeing 000mO011 of Snitink Idle dSS nome4 milis Domid, ood this 000 is school whoce liso eladent woor U.S relicgos ond lenco 1h01 insisimea young doy in ihn sehne] gyros: leind Io elm nomawlemn in Sucer und assenoc of Co' lIp Noocy Missimi) ore and olhlotio wing os honor Helidoy nia5 conoemlo al 'Seoeo Pounds' by hosing Mary. "The Soweny Boys carp speciul lome," Monis han icurned. The Shoals udulto lo ibidceilicully Ihn middle," Soil sold. "it bon musin in il." goagnoun. Ill coolly nom' of ihn Ueodmoo homily A Carpenter School, 388 Iwo oiemcnIuosnisoals elm tomlaoed peetegenist are orpham lisal line in ACT Stain Oegoniaoiian ond uohincn 11dm foil po. has hence really Ibmilliog Mooba desorihad said. "Hob really broaght iarg logothon isaonliflally?' The Illinois ACT Stale dndlcolion ei the onmiy N. Humhin, Puck Ridge, mili mliii behold 00dm Iwo dose phone 911 te rnpoml isis the nconoboys' lodgiog and ACT oommnnd llene tediai whim preperiog Molber us "a pinotorl coin three eho0000leen Io lila. Ocgonir,otian 'a componed eumnd ornOs In being is-une ils pemfommuneco0,1 beone," Sell noid. "They sehoolo and atadeofs ion ihem to line ,iadaiem us co- Sel] praised tirdeentro'- in Oho nanln lisal Ihn h5 Im' Tho ID"ron ora lovuly Ihr Commssto picioeerlocakocn of necoedory and pantone- pluonod ood will be on- 10a.m. ion Kindergoriore Oeloenlo, PASE 50 SEE MOVIE REVIEW, PASEOS papo nichni a oighL" lhnira000mpSnhmonlai' oyonsiisie end inanlued riti- 1O VIES MUSIC.' ART"..'..i ' 'CLUBS FESTIVALS SPEAKERS Thnrndcbpssaeboall, sits B3 SII VAIS BZ lturoasy OsoneScirn ttsn RT Mese of aesyoleey CIA r FILM CLIPS Payback by the pound melcdeannan 10% 0FF15% OFF HRXIPIfiEN le soma dolor Sloysrus (Maryl ltreap goieg sail unsled ng a salari, FR -SUN TUES CWUS OPENING THIS WEEK gelide Carrayl daprasscd sornad but lonriblo suo josh ssOw'h rnrnemher, The becasen tilo srIa Inh lin s tes op sborssslyralistiag ho Rollst lea IIIIN, POI (ballI ossiA ssdpt, bol Pram hin pool, whe sets ose thing tbsp bossais Peuusdt," Isro rIe improrasnit san car list aid-sItes he/ch e-rapporl csysimua l'o Saal Fceon asheorailamishisa uy 501 ta/atone by oaoisig ihn ccmmon is that thay'rw oil Cbr'iasascas Day I'aed'ssge WAN TWIHIO anocurapes lin biON 150 to nay comica Ihao Il n earn autg001rsa lantln, humorous low key pellorm' lives of nov00 oirongnro - good people. Oor beco hoc Otee. ,,I,.'i,,s. CI,, dcciii». ldsdar.Cshsicst. OUter, Ztrr,d,l spterlsnrty that pi seria lIsait - 1h01 lue nn'1h1 laso nade moud cols Ihat ballI malas ib wiok She Chircas sUSpri Crr, ai Nsuhrrrd, Soge & S,,,,k.d Ita,,, & meal oflhom aSSisted by a strich veIlIng procnus. if adonnonc Is one il Ile bobs In 111W spule sill n lape st Mill Urao.C(r,rkri Ncea(sNs,,or Drrly farli gses griatrir sod laico Ihn chale lb ng s bille, major medical pc-abIsmo, hn comes to rath and Sodo flsrpatiair., ChorEs &J,sclro Since,1, I torellI 11101es sol alit gsrrrg cc sotosi hntsle ihn isIs subIe IaosId'eO his onrewlis basnuse ha Naiad, Urli' S naih, Cbrrr., OU,l,cwr, OTS,, Mrs arabIo saltana wus cid SOP 000 iso blind imlermel or- oct t'ou're not sire, well. creo amara Is woe a tentai tin iErspbsrr» cuU,l c Ra,ns,,an Cirri5,, is Walt esacisby (Ciel iastcsadl vIiI llera 'c (Rosal 11h t lasghs bat destroy hin, Wlish rs aal Io sal dne prwvnsoor lWaudy who hover its's you coed, ChaOs. af Los e aa,,,.d eaJa rscataaa, 5go5, & riaep.hah assaeureobilu ail nsahn ito ocny BRUCE INGRAM happy ocr(h rho say things ars Oes hes' rs n pleaser/I nassER thaI PalPen FINSa in las005sI hlarrelnonb whose sight- not going 00 get it IScsstsr( Trekcy t_cerN 5fl.c,5,e Prer eselUrea & Prprr.rrrc you'ee threigh h s ts1risau nooses 110W ri N.Y. Si,. k' Ari sees Psp1,sr POs, r' Orl,cec FAr ' Me,ecd gaihs n his neighborhaad ir lath cahiole tor Carral, prmrsirlb resala' il tIr oherga. Shoolay, INs EILEN CIItTIC lss'snissie iminefe»ieg from him, Crrsiad TrO,prr UI.,. Ar,gci »4,,, Ps.rs & V,gsrsbkr ra/Chal,,, INs a/orli Ic general - and altar he loo arsand his shereotarsprsoieus' ineirtt ris much Is spec up hoi the tIme ha dinsssecsd bin gill Ion buh bio mooiool espiro- S,,rrr,sd Slrfcrp Wedon'thuow mush hnew he's shit oto omm snioidw, Then we step b,,ont. Think ofil is eU 5e. ieriLei' ty schall rascase with a trae' pial siannreliially InicaR1 lic orpenlu'ng until Ile lime Is cao D.aa.cs thais. Caffea a. Tas saldad, AppIa ('ra Als MAla gate cells astI» riad ha's got Un ticein and hin lane life, An- about thingoy.nsoept thob woirdo, because ho hsepn bash a few days tor Ohs t'.ontelvnos p opem, ahot bye disluabed 15115w OIly .ChleIrCoL..VrryII.rryCtccsska - eprritedarliol typa (Daily lIvIng ca Ihr w'cdn'aI'nhoola Seven PNundS *** gun p55cc to bash up his senna st ether inotemnty lidy he goes bytheocrneof adeedlyjellySsh, Albe wslaeeholy asomEs Iroding Tins mywnery romps- See.SS ,Tcr&Ornr,r,roICidrhtrs,r A.sd,bI. right end sarerrW Nielle resently Uacrhansl( Ini the risma» sywaalins a Oil loe bIluklyl, dsean ieperalsnn lusse dm011111 (III (Ill You tc000w Eton ouproo- asornsd Umili' tReoirlo See,Soseheoan hISS budge rnmtlethssl biller en ap to the call, including Spart in iotmeomttog thoogh (lirai Sis iciusevile end he has r aran tend OS that monas Ires n'I dc much tel/p hisoelt up nia,( entai Rlsr lenisags, sums eOeSOflOScROT5O;WeOisre (847) 982-1400 sisno, "T could tell ya/u, but Dawoen), whole boast asdio sobjncttoSoob- Earth" lean ooqsuariom in Sento iroeiowlhy SAlmed The way the SIm heepn en te ssntnnd aitlr the trash-laced the lesI Ihal it anyone tells cor ailhao lia anchas Ildagn along soasal soslont and balaI ciateere, rondiiioos boo left her Sd honre to bill you'S DoeCt bochowhichramealhe wanhislivingmorn, Iowa affsoircoith the nice wooderiog, idly, absut sobo vsa/E priest (Ch istepher CorleN) hers logs iret sII abrite, b inkly sirlitully nell up oua aupas' ask mo whah ihn Cile at' $MW,WWS in debt ta tics IRS creaonucceonpuhand hip- Domo all thin wem o it- gal with the bnm Seher, sIs sisred ss him, RC despises his he'll de rl. Osdahrnstb Oeil, it's e teIchs and dettAI hallan e laub NOTHING LORE THE HOLIDAYS which ube won't hava to tIsis goy io mod 001000 ho ils senbaru 01 he tan-II/sg thin movie meums, I oould puy worried goy. And that tie haekwerdn asid mean- Will tens romanee obmgn pomibly could have dono spoiled sass and (lair dashly h amInas 11111e parable phoel miaule sh 1101 pensgncl'se thaI worry ahaut much longer salis eserylting mase sanI si Inc RodIons bellI Isunila nom ninlee os good gisesu lid nay hn'nnowutterlytor' der'asg? Eager far meto the dirsebinao Ido life ban assi Lad rliLdran, the ests misally aarbcaoirrg all si lrti'apsiib'Iitias- 'uf she doeno't geb on the thst'owoethy oSso mmoh Ch 51555 Is calebrule Ihn rotuno it hio somatidang todo mootedbymmetteiecg nr getto the poInt? WeO. get heengebogl There's asee lees Ned (nell his Lite has rai- aaan'l that includes ipandi'rp 05 lolo badila tod ha's ssralul nob short Ast for atranoplaast. nidU-inReted sostering Ihn lapsed sed tha stenals arati Ins la mehr II Ill perlaIt i000ludon oh tIe ysangeub blather (FroidI ooiththèpoussdofAeoh a/thor, We dea't aoaaknow uoed toit, because tbatto atlarroon nthe lest-comical Than thereto ths benevo- verygiod reenon why that aba kissd efeset, Seaman allIS agpraoolrrg young pseinacho iicm eta pOeltry preveas cg placO une may or nastIer choUan Il era's Rsdml005el lain cap, RaIdi Pb-li if he's rnaSyun IRS agent, "THE BEST COMEDY from Slualaespnareh Mar- lent hoobny ooaoh (Bill what wahohieg this mofle could he e bigprobiem aaadrmie otundpatni, io aasd 1555 sIa/haI by the sullas (WI I/St rninlfated PG-li tsr aride o mut rs lheaarninly lhiug'r heure Io bhanablsolsmsntn'nsludisg Just to keep es oDorS, io ohmt WfVethca), but 'dT Seodtrooich) who nbrogglen libe, Smoenlioanal" la heal- ere s plot thet'u entirety likely Is lori 11cc ha dish (Ill I1SA sirs seeuah dialogus, unId briol OF THE YEAR! And, esa Cornac war vsi asd tras sassai timol lacisepa and bilaI got db right ib wonuld spoil asith leukemia hut still da- we're toldhnmight atoo DirectorGabriele Moe- esOSa nine for the adieu drimen hygoAt soothed of troisiegrasral, 50 sUl Sappy that cud lIp sUI halad Pb-It bol lhsseblc drug calaran500, hILARIOUS FROM START TO blow big ending ned votas bimeclf to eahobihi- boaNASA engineer BA- eisen, whnm "l°innoosht of and it nvssothsllydelivero 1555 or hate orgremi or hasurrasndad by asomnanrtyct FINISH.. SAY YES TO YES MAN" yoou'dhame in hull min. biting bogie gcuye sotos, therway, hemnnthuwe Ilappynens" yielded a Bois theemotisnalgnnds, hut revenge ar any uf dan Ha'ssae less THE WRESTLER SLUPM000 MILLIONAIRE - Jifa Feeg000n, ASC-1V Will Sealtls bocho Isis Thom's aIne a luegeaoa;a hems weeygood ob loin job, Actor Oscar soeminatior toma muight r050ider it ta unocal, nosier, motivatloro, tlrillnd chas he hasts baIssa ile Aliar barrit torced to tirase Ihn WASP/NIXON way etto a suporooTosoal bese Oese asid o lady whob becaaoaheossainmehow twa years cgo for Smith, he a little ulowassd fries- It's nies to nor one et' "Jinn Cus'roy lo A snsttrrial pastsctsr si INc sassy riet a beltarad Ienmerwcestlrnt "POSITIVELY ***l12 Ihn olsbnc 0551151 ho hrglea iaar-jerlsdnog Atalo im tOds in dengnr of being heabess afford a spartacidos' hilt- seto the hook rn the open- Imiog themnayit beeps a HIGH-ENERGY Isaraletri nasi dcci (stray heU 51cc hilaN ysurkelcancaluolec the world's pedane movers HILARIOUS! biIeenmc ita» Pahl Msnpsn Ills beaUtitelIb noie t'in (nooli wyoieriom molWdraiooa sop beoob leasEs on forosasd mamen. sed her haplass brst ea mss lear to death by her boyfrieod. boumwhich hn ing moments byhumisg getting ito duw, A Greet COMIC GENIUS! Ire Irte. brrerlod by Decree Ing O brrheasran slrugg a ageinsl (Chu 000en"( adoptad h s abouta maw who in Aacd Em noce thereho admieen for its mal-baal Movie For darEi chan thair tasty a tIrent Orensky (yaguiam toc a Decent oar tortured pratugosoint sum and delnyo the subs Sneadsay tiaN abssl Ile np s 51001 psoerly, the litslsng band haumtwdbyoonnemo- Tice HoIidayo' erad by goes-hangers Ost resIse. 1109m si hebst n toc sielerroc, amo' somebody aloeiothoseI leg properties, We do phone NULO repartIdo lentil the very loot mw Cammello PiIROhdBIiol,IOao Tha Censnedy Voss oemieO st psdb'ltalargobn holm an 1mo esbrsuged brolheus, Sacrerai goss tsrlssse, sharastec' sal IctnaUty aid ssse diet use, Don't Want iclamviens bebsans disiceOei laco usia 1h51 naos Mas, bhs Tn Mine Thin dr'saasenradyrcri amsrtpart r "Jim Cnrrey lora/nr orenidant OiihOni bIson nao lInse si hops ondula wnmklngc Hohidey Seeoon' Trae Tsniee1 a I Cs vIral osI Onitlsh chal shia host Dodd ulloA - osd Itel cSsldn'i he AT HIS BEST.' astraeaiy tareS Nsbsdy gricrasac STILL PLAYING Two Exclusive Chicago Engagements atCENTREIÉASI FIssI- mhmsh Siseo polebadll mesauosilo o wore dais (np min- JOIN US FOR and soils ars lOurdai esa issu - tan 1110 a»» SorcI 00910 ('»maicspollrns assly (lac Walt, rorapt tsr the si THE DAY THE EAHTHH ssapriernply sespensotul and "24 Dnye LaInai Irraolnd Ihis epic ymeat graadara she lisas cast STOOD STILL NEW YEAR'S EvE! liornA adaptation by diraslac Ron adsallure abosl an uealuiatadlb' Isar end lia ratatssahip list yrans Rciaai elans in Ills HnaoenM Seen n(lghl ich les inst NoeFeld slum Ad sensi Jamal slowly drcalcpc bataneo Wall and spdelr st Ihr 1911 soFt Olainli Irait stiel Pie sow-go ag, bib Ile liai Pala I, wee's ene biliosI »las lilac Ihn dry s arcad ta about aS alise aminsalo SeS» leSEnS mounts sibIlI as Iba eascnea away 1mm cIrcling a FivE COURSETUSCAN IThLIAN rasch tsr Wall alter sIlaWpI'ng ta to pensante mankind Is olnanring Passi Imsui'p eyed by D0'erllussrugee isikpnl se lois's $99W sIsal hic baldad tsnies. is slaIn slap Ils dacicorlrss ways-or Aishaal bleallel Its ihnen"l seas io il Who Sonto le lee DINNER FOR TWO rg despite seclrissssns his the elan, (Ill mint pelai Pb-il tir Oilui000rre?" 1h11 le [sp use and sanen taking Irre scar le Ihn gaaboslil haHns Io realise heu out neme a i-lid instar images sad nl his dnpll Mont na nuossedsi n vini w'th euhltlso, Add Champagne or Wine -$120 ( carghhsrhssd hecbacahsp ta lnnrc osnoeyiwgsenonel lassiwaiop neo' te spaaUsea'talk 'lsrisU'ahiIts vReoerUg befUro DeCombof20,ChumpagSs istWittaA Ali US! teers cts nelsdran,a 5h Itas toutous about Alosa Hush eu Ihn TWILIGhT DOUBT abruptly, IRs/pt, (cs-thirds st the possibility blat sown pomi al *** ein montad Is ronleus his oulpebrli' amy SnugS and echa silbe *** liz Che crasIs olosoly loI see »ha L ENTER NMENT Inaugurate Our New lyl, arded 'n longa tail by re OsnuF Mandy Patinkin stase st scar lice-tsp st r sleds lohr Falnihk Sheelay's amari pol nI Sleptears Mayan's tesI-nell' President with that lasts sory mush sul st shares' corsairE tiny nhssl gsesl'nnalle worthy peltonmunrs dl Paack en an nonage Iella (brInIss & DANCING ALL NLGHT\ in Concert with (engalla 565 mesa nsny Omoerd MuRical Political Satirists tar maliN (ha hast theta nhsst the orousalinnsasd hidden Icullia rs blasarli cosce (oli a shasta nos Paul Ford on Piano tile - lb» warns (it ast asp haul yen York DIN CalInlis erhoel in the 1501 baer loI 16e nana rois on lemon and tato n lese n'Il s CHAMPAGNE TOAST NAT,. OECEMOER 27 liT 0 PN. irnudsoy, (Oli I/li misi Rated P Icr Capitol Steps guru ralaliaosh po st its aharactara IcIly isye el the 19600 han a bosnapeoonprme ilsbamt SON., OECENRER 2H AP 3 P.M. nae rasp/age. ONE WIRR ONLY YES M.RN4 arid Ils airpi sis gil appaarang lit Ihaughltul ari proaacwlisa 51019 Is Pall lanci Pallinso'l lomen aonios Celebrate stCst'locci and receive special Now Year's Ene JHNXUeEY2S-OS est tactics army nssnplarhlswcoa loll shod lbs/il heleNos elrupg(p lids lernea Doomiotanse, hacrl' eeThe greatest enterEaieler slhsnsr. (Cil (116 wirSt Ratai R Iwo FOUR CHRHSTMASES cates en hotel sustos, $99 per eight Call tnt' details! iellaae a poagraseloe pIleol ari blsahiagllgslteooe noedy aid onBroadway Eoday - "The Capitol Stepomaheif leegsatcllccstlast, and sane an iulhevleien sue Aullen real O souple Itere Oacphs, Raaue H!1IEIa'- lENtI It !!OHTEHN CHE onlhlailin5 ini Ohemaml nails ho Wilhemnponml nlnsgp no llrsupt easier to leave public office.° T tICEhE95 ylINHHhhntoNiP,llIlAlIAlEE1T reason DeubInares lIn tony and shacoolamol lalla-herolunsi»asn, RUytOLtNFhtfllr ENYSEIIPVTCHhlHllOt mASiW Ohmintmsoat Ils hoses oh tisI -mmE NEW macus rann - c-encre u'RESinENY 0000nas Hans lIc Ful leer « aId maI11 doobllass he irasamy, it/hi smsnuss and somlcai' OWIyTPMAtlscs AtGHIHNIEEWIHI KEHEGIIDKEHE5N5NEECEDERHEIN THE TALE 0F DESPERE000 dm01001 ponecln 102 nia I Poled nIPIPNHAWAILtCE ''T(Nt1HOlAIh1IUhlnsJhIRldHlUleHNSNFhlHIAl ana oc csnlncisl untes apccm'eg hy Whoas leo miare is e lntdsnn is 'CARLUCCI he str tracs sterN nbset a' PO-Ii ten come iooual bons» acri 11OCNHHEOE1GICE PAHD!EYM,HN ..eTyIYII!RI Osoarn-is the me it mikns INI 1h ti sporral atlesbi She campino laccio nears With acarase nora lac toco e II a aadieeoiqsanlisn ils ice a?samp imepiop and losp'eg oaks duly and Who semas re the easels st his lisas Nos ra ihall le begin tes tile the sails I flied Ilashtesdnsnnun n! hictice Eats the enmatad-nicar n 1h ysor synpatllen ensIlA lisci NILO are slanight OUI ola slosh rassie tore resniy Iccatnanh talad h spia ana umana then cleagn pacaiy, (Ill lili hIfI latid PS-lt SPORTS PhIlIP, HIOOBHA TI - CHECK DIRICTIKEIS FOR 101100E RESERVATIONS847-518-0990 Dimeatsr gun lan banhnmnsis9 ysar wind soeplwtwly by Ihe lima 10100mo O nlOOis Ostasiens st 1111 DiSh Sired RawdRovemogt, Illinois YES MON i In copo- Threataned by Ihn Irhacal bibgrophy nl Halsey Alud, Ile liait senosel ly wlvos,oenlUeoimasemool 00m ** 1/2 'dran at Ile Wall-liked boleen Puyos 000ail gay cian lobi sieshed to Rodano by 00055 isganmr O anisarably ollappy see all" (PhilU Sayneur YslIWart the lauF 555111 ottIca is iwerioo, hou a lot ali Jonnilan SIsmos B4 vosoat. anravaanIl toila MOVIES JSIC AT CLUBS FESTIVALS SPEAERS OVIES -- -- MUSIC ART CLUBS FESTIVALS - jj jj.\'\' JJJ:p SPEAKERS 0500405 Insenlnn 10,5055 B5 Movie times are effective Friday andace compiled from information available on Tuesday. Please note that theater schedules are subject to change.

SEVEN POUNDS (Pu-13) ARLINGTON HEIGHTS SEVEN FOUNDS (PS-ls) Ratings Guide BOLT (PO) YES MAN (PU-13) Err-Cues 13:40-043-O 53-0 nO III 150 II IO tOI-4211 IT-1011 III-1101 lOIS-031-1 05 SI, Sel ll00-104a-alo-005 031- ArlieViton Thcnteri YeS: 1043-040 Mua TOetIOO-420-T1t-l0It Sl Oannnaloadbnraen OOLT3-U (PO) t40-400-040-1II-540-7S0- 533. Evergreen al? THE TALE Wed 00420 All a50a adotilled. Eh-TOca 1040 020-000-F45-1025 l-0l-Eno-oI0-n41-lolo- le47lAI3-Olos OF DESPOREAIIX (V) NOTAIRE LIRE Ved 1t40-Ett-510-F40 IS 40-1 04 3-Il 151000 Call theater lar Irlas and limas Fn-luso 0034.03-043-020 THE HOLIDAYS (PS-13) PDO Poeaaaltt Goidanne Sss)- 545: 11 SS-Il 05-010 103-ItS-I 45- niel: 130-4 55 TWILIGHT (Pu-131 Froue llit.i40035.723 540 (0010M Olor malonitl may not 4n0-5401:l0-055-lro-Ea5- CHICAGO Aaa.Taaa OIS-4 55-150-FIt li Suo lESO-O IS-S SO-F 40-IS 40 YES MAN (Pu-13) 041011401e Ist shllttsn 51t-SIO-860-IIt0 lolo lr-rsas-lln-r-Ma-toS WO nAO 033 340-buns lESO-t40-5r0-540 Lluanoln Village 1-6 Moo-Wed ISA OIlS 000.540.040. 4.10 -I TO-000-TMO-I0:l0 PC-130 PoeeaAo S(enegIV Sod It 50-045 540 solIti Moçnre00ullesoa THE DAY THE EARTH oaT-too OlO-6Á0-lIO-740- 000 010-003-sOt 4.50 STOOD STILL IPU-14) Cea)Ioend 000e nrAleIiol Why 0141001 4047 AOANTDM LI0-4t3-S:40-IIit-1040 Inr-San.11550-lt-531-llO-l023 765 healer 3nel aras an NOTHIND LIRE 0e loeppnopnlotn ton otlidret 0F SOLACE IPC-13) SLIIH000 MILUDKAIRE (R) lfltsl4ralian Cal tortillas antI mes THE ROLIDAYS (PC-13) 406 rIet 030-020-7 30-1123 under It EI 501 1400-30-430- Yea E MS-I tI 5 SuLISoT-503-oao-ylS-looI Fri-taco T.00-520-TA3-It OS FaO-lltS-l005 Hr Reotelc(ad Wad. 030-5 50 FOUR CHRISTOASES (P5-131 355-Tuer. Il tO-EI3-400-I25 ISIS San- Val 10-13-O 05 415-6 IO rodant tSF5llaSOS54lOp4ny THE DAY THE EARTH Floss Il 50 700-4 60100-11.00 WOO lito-rIo 051-035 ThE DAY THE EARTH Evanston Corueuev/Crneads STOOD STILL )PA-13( Nan TOCO FII-544-FaI-l5 03 Ing patetl st ailtit goandisro ROLE MODELS IR) - STROH SISEE )P0-13I vi-lues: 730-T.l0-l113t Vet 000-4:40 1715 Nella las BC-Ill Ho Osca llar ORlar 1111050 050-lI Al Fni, Oat 1540-StOdl3-4:TO- sanI 4at4T51 Wad: 0:00 430 ROLO 3D (FOI Adarit(nd Ved: T SS 050-S05-T50-l000-TYSO-1033 Tni-tun.III5-120 Fl 535-100 DOUBT (P0-13) MIER (0) las 1040-t31-000-400- Manotana 120-4:10-430170 tri-70es toallo-205-355 FrlTsert03t-433-&30-933 450-000-153-lO0O-1055 I ROsRelloelt IN POBeR(Or Ved 1033-330 plod- 121-ata (alisOs 4Ta dntentoland 0456e 513-23-735-6109I3I Yola aI6erAaW Une-Vea 130-010-445- y Aolon YttrIa Asaoai050n ST 13411 OIT-1000 SEVEN POUNDS (P0-13) FOUR CI)OISTMASES (P0-13) HALT (PO) 053-500-T0S-l010-1l55 Frl-TIer 320-Ala-725-laol TrISan 1120-T23-S 03 Ini-la na 1513 -1-4 0-35 0-4- 30 Annnise'sClessilisoalso end SEVEN POUNOS )PO-13I 034.217-4:40 San-leI 023-0:55 NOTDIBO LIRE Osa-130-0 00-1026 Ratislldiniioiatrotiao Fon da- Eno So lT IO-I 45-Y0O-4:0h-T IO- THE HOLIDAYS )P0-13I BOLT (P0) TWILIGHT (PU-13) THE TALE Iella, ass mpaa.aag. T.40-l000-t045-IZIS F11 Sao 040-410-720-Y40-IS.05 OF DESPEREAUX (G) FrrVed.tt:5T-521 Errlaa 1035-133-400-F40-1030 55S-iaOrlSt-04S-405-A40- Ase Taas:lilOsSa-l?40-ItaO SSn-WeI0140-4a1-120-I.4S 40-Tuas 1t450t5-13aTol-s25 THE BOY III ThE - FOn-F4O-ItII 1040 Wer 100-4 SI CADILLAC OEC000S (UI YES MAO (P0-13) StRIPED PAJAMAS (PC-131 WeLOOa-t45 400-4:45-100-7.s5 SEVEN PORNOS IPG-13) FI, Oat 1045-lIt 543920-105 Fri Osas: tall alt-aIS-a-40 lrrlaes-l3l-0-03-a70-9.11 OAAIITAH Wed- 100-0.00 Eli Sal 030-045-010 4-41-YES MAN (P0-13) 305-WOO. 1E45-545-trIO-0:3I 4.001020-T20-I.05-1370 OF SOlACE (PS-Is) 100-T 45-1305-IlFS-I015 Fi SOt101SI000-5T5-O4t-635- tirIOns. 144-10 43 AUSTRALIA (PC-13) ODAHTOM SorTons 000-rhO-440-421-S00-T5S-tsnOn-1040-rnSF F000 CORISYMASO3 (P0-13) 0F SOLACE (PC-13) rr:tUea 6:30-726-Tot MADAGASCAR 2(01 720-04010001040 Aan-lano ItlS-IEO 0-1 03430-4 15- Frl. Sal 10SO-T,1S-01l- Fri-TrashY 400 Irr tan lSÁtll5100 023910 Wed.tOO-14T IOT-440-l.05-145 520-FIS-5 00150-1040 53010 05.1005 BOLT (PO) Sel Osa-0:30-4.00 Wad IIIS-I000050-t40- torved.I000-010-5-30-510-1035 Fri-toes: lrOO-2A3-4.40 AOW Tant OII-tSa-620-n.10 THE TALE 050 150 bIS-105 CADIlLAC RECORDS (R) HIGHLAND PARK Wet 115050 UF DESPEREAUX (G) HOLT S-D IFA) OS 00t1120-IOSS-000-135-4:4T- SLOM000 MIU.(ONAIOE)R( Fil-tues 1130-310 IIi(htoald PerIl Fri Set: 1141-520.5.45- 415-lOOts IO StS-liIT-T00-1320-rEST Fni-Toer. 120 420-EST-1530 005Y5S-1521 445 Castrar Ase. N OR R (D GE tao-Tuna: 1125-1105-ETO-l50- FOUR CORISTHASES (PC-03) Yet 125-025-700 SunolI4O-t11 lAS-715-005 16471 403-3300 4,41-5:lb-T.t0-T00-ta-20 Fri-tsar r105-000-4s3-ltt-00 THE DOW TUL len-lIad E20-O45-T.IS-85S Calsauter FertIles 034 Inca. Wet lI25-IO55-555-1I33- 4521 laTIera 40m EARTh STOOD STiLL IPU-13) MIU( (R) Rennalssaooe Place a sa-500-7 IS-EST THILISHI (PC-13) 17031453-1000 Y05411E00-EhI-525-IOM555 Fri Tuca: 115-4:13 1160 ted St WVSSdansDsetIaaoann Fri SSO 1230-021-OtO-9.50-115t VDS MAN (PC-13) Son-Tuer. IEOId43521_d:05.1545 710-T05-ttO5-l015 Tse Anulen 44 net Pnoaida SIn-We21530-125-500-4-03 lOITI 358-laIt Ini 000 IaInoraIo-sss-a-40-e-35- intotsatraa Calltontlllaaaattireem WnO IEOS-545-T25-4 IS 110510MO URO Call theater tan Wlea and acea. 520-155-IOO-l.SS-104I 1331 OAAIITEM TIlE IIUUDAYS (P0-13) Sal-Toes IOS-500-0S5-E40-435- OF SOLACE IPO-13) Fri-IDea. r130-taS-425-655-9:aa SKOKIE PROSPECT PARK RIDGE 521-TtO-ITD-SSO-l041 110000 745-I005-IS15 HUAK100 WedlIlO-t131-t05-5-41- CARtellI l-6 San-Wad: 145-ISIS 0F SOLACE (P0-13) RaBdla, 035-120-T45-W53 10lseOt2O-400-&la-9OT StErna est T101dûnshurdsealan M0000ASCAR O 4001 --M DEICH lFG) 0071113-4100 IDI [asId anni 1I'5110342104 10-001 10 OS-015-5 00 SIJJMOEaA MILLIONAIRE (R) 111401 3903044 Fni-Wet:lES3-350-5-33 enernaalatheaheaaan tri, a In-lues 1t30-1 00 THE THEE Ole IO en ten As TI FIenile ROLE MODEL (HI 09 nnara ra 5 t he at ne a sa nr NOTHING UBE 325-400-300 The Ileetun did nel anua In 0F OESP0BEAIIX IO) THE HOLIDAYS lFG-ISt IC to 5m a O 0 5 COIl la r illen osd t Oses Fr,SalO.40-021-54l-lO55-T155 1356.33-10.01 ralsrmulan satllotlteaanttnrrao Fni Tans Ill-I 4T-003-tI5 FIl, 535 II OS-1150-I SO 003-OIS- San-nOniO-IO 520-003-ItaS 30t105-500-530 Wet 000 lYlOT2S-T.55-I000-I515-t04a 7011301031 TIors603-Inn CarMeno 7-13 tun-lles I000-tOSI-lS0-730 505- TOE DAY (tIE EARTH NILES TO Old OnohandOenlen WILMETTE 030-125-T 15-1005-It 35 STOOD STILL (P5-13) DODU CHRISTHIASES (P0-13) 16471 0155TO FIl-Tael. 510-503-700-0-aI Yet Tl0t-t050-130-tST- INIlmello InI-taso 1540-tt.04-53O Show PIane 12 nolnn2odoenlnea4ann Wut 3 35 OtS-sno-025-Tso IllS Ce atnel Ose 001-F.sS-0a0 33? 0011M II OSe Seelen did eat amodIe 18611 331-7411 t20-&l0-730 laCCltld-3244, 01643 DOLT (PUS SLRNDOG MIWOIIAIRE (0) lalnrou000 Call tar tilles oat lIrons s, F110005 Eb1-435-630-SAS FIl Tuer. r25-M20-n30-tWlS METROPOUTAII OPERAI V)Oaqe CroSohig A CRRISTHUS TALE INHI . Wot 45 Vot t25-420-Etl THAIS (NR) MET UPEHA- Fnl, IonIser.l3aS5T00 TIIAIS TItO DOY 7MO 305711 7n55 Corpenban Coal Sal ii 50 111E DAY THE EAUTN 0011051104 STOOD 3100170-tOI 18401 505-5411 Wed. 535 STOOD STILL (P0-13) FF1 O3O1ISI,tEOS-545-353-520- an5neoa TO 5 0 44 00015 060 HE RANA III JDDI IHR) ELK GROVE VILLAGE tni-laes.t-13-4:40-T3t-615 SOS-T05-W15-6S0-t053-t053 TOE SECRET LIFE FrI-OaF 033 alO T.lS-lOtt SEVEN POUNDS (P013) Wet t-35 Sun-Tees It 15-1000-OSO ¿45-420- Elk Crece Ms Trat 1000-410-530 EI) tut: 020-tOO-035-420- UF BEDS )PU-T3I Thora bonIs 525-145-W05-9 St-It 45 dOO-730-Y30-1020-I555 ETIlIco OIS-540-T 50 Tlealartelt& Frsnatsn Ills 6dm THE TALE MAULST AMONE )P0) InedtlSO-lCOO-t41-aaa- 505-Vea 1730-I 01-550-0:33- Wet 010 l4471444-ilLta 5556 er DESPEREAUX (0) mars 6:05-045 023-026-100-4 05 Cell Inno tat loi t lIna u no tira ea 70.604 7040140-415-050-13a 110-iiOI-F 30-lT lt ROCKY HOR000 BEDTIME STORIES (Po) FOUR CHHISTMASES 400-13) Sn C tut I? 03-040-4t5-Ooa-920 THE TALE POSTURE SHAMIR) ThOra 1.50-5 IO En5001titS-000-055-121- Vet 140-4 IS OF DESPEREAUT COI aal 1155 5W G LE N VIE W 101O-II-35 - EnO Ost Il 30-120-34O-a54-45T- YES MAN )P0-)3) 505-Tuer. IO50-t.53-ttO-TO0-t150 CUOISAS CASE OF Oleo 10 Fri-San r020-ItIO-0lt-taT-4.30- let 1133d00430-720 523-TAS-lOt-6:10-lOtI BENJHMIN HUTTON IPO-13) 4:40-0A3-T20930-033 RosamowO 18 50W II Ol'ltt000-050050- lIST Teoeen anac 7501s OS O-415-030 Auno Tsar 0tt-tSt-4T5-440- 111ANSPOH3YO 3 )PG-13) lFlTITl11esOr YO) Iryn Aenn lac. 621-E00-IdO-YOI b:W0-TS3-020-953 Fsl-100s EtS-1W45 06007 (P0-03) tITI 440-1035 Al Wollt T2D-l0O-353-430- Wol tta-17o-415-a.ao - OIed:IaO 521-EDS-SSD-55I OssIa. OOI-3r45-505-Q 15 4

MOVIES -. ..MUSIC.... ARÍ CLUBS.'FESTIVALS SPEAKERS Tsacaav leennben Istmo B6 Iha100ay. GOober lE 2008 MOVIES MUSIC ART CLUBS FESTIVA SPEAKERS B? MUSIC MAKE YOUR NEW YEARS EVE RESERVATIONS I Musical mail from I.- SPECIAl, HOLIDAY 550W PLATINO AT TURI MENU UIIDTOMEORRZI1 Maúdy Patinkin THROUGHOUT 3%POLLO THEATER \QCEMB/ FREE TICK HANDY PATINKIN lime cinco 'Bribaf e he for Mom O Dad IN CONCERT said, reforrieg lo the Wok- Fneeses.Ssnsuanses for familg events LU Sp.n. Dee. Cand 39.0. Den. ber and Rice monica), far & Remane Onset Fond, OrnaI Seroiee, GnenhPmpls at the Harris Theater TInI the North Shore Center wlaioh LuPone also woe a Live Entertainment na-nur mees n week 7650 W. lone Podi Rd. 1er tSe Performing Orto, 950) Tony ix 0951. Rassaaa None Fan Vene NbntGo eoeoblelt Hmem Paneas Narnidge boodoNtdtteloelnnd5eoao Li 56061e Ilod., SkekiE 105.10471 Patinkia grew opio Sd ian nir0i,, riel 700-452-6040 n6attttlkoltltlll 673-6300 01 Vieil Chicags and attended wyos.no rth oh o rene nte no ng Kenwood Academy in E Hyde Park before he went By DOROTHY ONDOIES e I -'I'll to The Juilliard Sahoal en dries® p io flee nora [no o A - 'H Hl and enrollad in the Deama DOLL312-334-7771 Division, IsalaWeil phasa 5lE l'7aloaS-CIn5 E Ey' a Maaody Pobiokieawaa - gsalnarsela.E2ln He can't eoaatly ex- IlOHneieTha rOManeen Oho Tooy-Award wbooiog ploin why hin ooreer has ChO Gaevoro io the Brood- -ame,. gone in so meoy dirne- tlI,l1, III MEREDITH WILL100'S woy show "Evito," the EXPERIENCE THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY o JOYOUS 'IOYSUNT tioos. He's mode OS Sims IN liti hOMILY. GüRn1üll,I,I HC THE MUSIC MAN O2neay-Aword winning STORY OF"THE HOLIDAY SEASON 011811110, 312-604-0773 GROUPS 15+ Opens rriday, tuna lan. 4 eslyl and Umouicel albume, ap- MISSISSIPPIDF.I7A' Dr. Jeffrey Geiger on 312-664-INI BOX OFFICE Hohl Opera WInks an peared in seven television St. OOiS cairn AIldIlerian, paenenn "Oblongo Hope," inSnJe5eiieS1ee')I'iie,n5 - shows end dona akoot IS 010071 BOa-0100 and he didn't flood an Ill 142,2500 ereen.1;rkeleee:er.IeE Oi,,,reJlnAì,d,ekOlr,ae,, Broadway produclions, award to rieb the swords- the pius working in other ven- SQfltaland didries Nanaelor2üJor;000jIIilo2tiOQ man loigo Montoya into aes, including asan in an C1stas the memory of everyooe IlOedy Pallnhta neill being Hein 8p.3a.Tlaoae.'-Sol' aff-Braodrvay prxdovtion who 00w tho manko "The sheen al staedaeda and 3&7k.e3.'SonJIy'a''- of"ThoThmpeot" tteke fail. Princess Beide" Drmdeeay sengs In IO, Osa-Ils lIsera Conler far the kka,UQUAÌCIX I' The versatile slogo, "I guess I could bave PeefnensiseArIa le ShakE n Des. conoontretod 0000e --celebrale da SOSO S, Oval), CbiregvAeo,,He operen and television Se- 2715478. OlIVI 01111001 InlUIEli110 SL GBJW holidays wetS,.773-752-3955 ine refit tep lolo Ido other thing," hr abuerved, "but D da qang! - mimo next weekend when love them all. I lova mak- GARDENSBrenda Vesser rBnIidáy ployed 0ko orlinO Georges ing maoim, doing Shako GOODtoÍM4 +1 III hllIhIHì+i Pe,rtiaea NaCEd! Thiryal,,Jiaok Cors- he bringe "Mondy Soorat. 05+.110 I 811.401119 Potinhies in Concerte io apeare. I enjoy working on 110111111f Ill oue.meLAeOO, il,li,llneseOeSell, "l've senor hade whole thodortlo Shore Center new pieoes - I have roocert on TIff' Patiakia AeluedeeeMveleer 1H,lirr'" Shows I Niqhls I WICk for the Performing Arts. something with Hal stcopponwoJt explained. "l've noverai- Tlneetre Company Od "1111e cessai show," Prince cawing up. Sojont JOFFREY BALLET 773.UUO.0199 Inwed the whale thing to daing oea thieg -'- that's Tue bee al 1:30, OslO Sun el 1100 Palinhin said, when - The Seafarer rroctuodbyteleptoonr in be filmed. I want people Io not the way my life wont. I osloerienro it is parson." Booedso Oben 0111k by C 0l) IÌÌPIIO V, CU Il hin Now York home. "We think l'va been very CoeeorMenpheee+oo ning the old congowe His prngcam will in- hiouned toda o lot of dif- Diended by have a roportairn oflO cludo manko by Rodgern ferent things." Randall Aneey 4N OtO°ILR. hoars of alondarde end and Hommereloin, Thoxe attending Iba Beginn Deooueeber 4e, (1201400 NeW rodil ,E0,85I0,O, noncort wilt quickly reel- Call 312-335-1650 or - e.nnkot Omodwsy tassa) Thath Stephen Sondheim, Harry www.sleppenwolf.org what people enanO to hoar, Chopin, trntrg Berlin, Cale no that Potinkix waken IJTIul1[ft Ihr material hie 01010. "I'm lIJo llll:r hut we also da nome new Portar and ntlaors. pEt::. 1810,28 malarial. We want to got driven by Ike weeds, the them aoqaebnted with Four for the road coolent of Ike material," 011001 TOO 111*5' 'L 110 T0f° ItOp vi,oyyyriEss what is bring rOri000n for Thd show ko axe of form he explvived. "We're doing 312 96 2.'1 '5 00 Oroodwny today" thnt Palinhin kas pro an hoor-and-a-haif-skow WILL SMITH SEVEN POUNDS CestI 773-769-4451 ha whick we celebrate joiIre'.org Yxa con catch a bit of dacrd and taken no Ihn - iflIlil1i)Icgosen'isnefjSffihivtftgSEt79fI1iiïSf)tI70e ..a_lv1_i'l' l'atinhin ho concept on rand. Odiare inclodo osme of the great goniuses Sjflliuljl G)jjjgEjEiiA8lElulliEPl IJIEI tIf III 1)4)1111 IiI [fI t I 'se- YouTubo, singing "172 of muaicol theater end [lt Eli III)IllI II 1)Il)tllSllI)ll I A.B0050.WmLNO Wools "Maonlashen" )Mxther Snoonraarde.oav V0' ....,., .n. Loved Too," from Rodgers Tongue), doao entirely in Ilion - Dm just Ihm mail- md Hamonerstyin's Yiddiah, which laps inta sian who detivemn their "Caroaeet." ¡lois accom- hin Jewish beilage, a pro STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 poded hy Paal Ford, his gram titled "Celehraling "Oar job it to keep CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS POR THEATERS AND) SHOWTIMES 100g-bi'mn anGoague, who Sondteeim," ieod ein these classic nangs slice," To Advertise, Please Call Greg Tardi @ 312-321.2490 was the original piaelixt newest coSaharation, "Aus he oonctuded, "and we for the Benedwey produc- Evenisgenith Patti - can't da it without ossu- tion nf Stephen Sond- LoPane & Moody dienae. So aume and heer heim's "Sanday in the Patiedda." Park oailh Genego" 'Ihn "We're perforodng io- show in which Psttealdx gether agoin far the first Coesesnsate ptanenalmal,a,ee B8 TOIsaIS Oeseerb,r 18,2008 r-1US/' sRT .LU FETVALS' SPEAKERS lrlO VIES UUSIC ART CLUBS - = FESTIVALS SPEAKERS rcareser.aeaerTaer motee B9 till be enea, poise ter all pertstwers Prssp050 Ove,, Psrk pitee, ioeoi ero- iereediel,l4 ahocicO she derstes, 0150. 50e parhddgnlihrury.org. Dec. FAMILY FRIENDLY no tsgistst, soll tObT) lou-Sacs. LT pon '00e lltstsnir Ottristrens 'hlalkAy Stsrabee,' 0es. 00-PT at Treo Ship1 catear 0000111e Peening- Pises rheatre, tOT hoyos St., taod'roedoces ea, at 0h, meli la-

Souireter. Petrorear500 are atrito= was, slriparreehn nl h 015 et ial es. (847)699-9999 r'°" dn lad't Dea caOsrday and il CT. Indi The creee etutiun ins Is dec morn Christmasonceagain p.m. Saeduy,Ohe prodaelia, ial osi- slides sud e000,l Ortitsets Inn the Mrs. Clausrescues Iebsracrer or Tse Paristmass, Lab sliip.OnonSO,T p,m.'Oee beer's Son Ep MYRNA PETLICKI groat intentiese, bol they farm "Brother bOeinrioh'n em. 1p.m. Chrintmas Story" View POP IN NEW YEAR'S EVE ri Pises, 011iaagu Ireprec eeetle,l Sau laity Aershalli Sober," Jeme no- They ore insiding soery- ersdsooioe sed 000ryoss Erru000le. sa lilt Opens March elI a ad O ibid Coro rib a tot don't always segoliote Christmas by John Ratter, the amumieg hobdey Blm brnnr - 2009 cerdo help them cro- Per detail,, coil (8471 Opon Or unecripled slurp erspts from, Jahnrt Geber precepT nello al oteo- very well Ticey leave Abe esa-ratod by Poder Vae Do, sired eomèlhimg mooh cO 6:00 p.m. on Mooday sCHAMFAGNETOA5T- PARTY FAVORS singt, sadiens, osseestios alta ev dards to rire ir 00e Nan teas IhaO' 224-3140 Imeughty or ni050 liso Gcasff. On additiae, the T'_ LIVE MUSIC byJohnTn'ssncalr frorrr 6pm ensemble st imprssisatlsnet 000m- daptOlmeadtDeODe,et'-Des.00T There's Loure WAY to bigger doorieg 'Family Pmo Dee, 22, et Biseohorvor 10110m. Osino only mes der cOicke OTIlO hnppn,ed ne etlh Geesss." gocaaranter theO pour kido alone ssd il gels loben by Moorosll Street OCleemer DIg shot Coati 5m bee,er'arneron, 10 Your Library: Ginger- Publio Lihrocy, 4613 N. end chore I ria ces st 010th 01 the- Prsepnet heights Publio Libre9. rs won't hove cool in their Mv and Mes. Punnpet, so Bond wilt perform beend Centle Family OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE OAM.SPM & aire cr01500 Will senes, enorm essai sole so., Prscpocthel9hOo)e4T) All Ratphie wandu tor Dimos, Horrvood Heights. Cheistm000 oteckings thin wo beve tess'7 ts'gettho Hanuhlooh and other Craft," Tiaemdey, Dec. 00, CHRISTMAS DAY 5PH.HPM moltieollsrsl hstidseo. 10411 tdv' 005-5500mvmm.phpl,lntv 0es. IM, Chriolman io ae efhiciel Por detallo, call 1700) coon aranw.piaerlhnetre.ora. 0:30 pon Oareenios er 'Odcwsn year Take Ihren to mee list hoch. The Fosop010 at- 001osmer mcmiv. io Ohe Yoiotd, Serodees Aree cok .r -Slug Joy' csni500eo rancart will Rivkade'o,tteiotetse OOttaoe,"reOnd Red Ryder nie rifle buI 567-7828. Chicoge SCido' Company's moyo rein everytloing." Fer drteils, raU 18471 - Croft Room al 0215 Oak- - HOScaS 80I SOFT wCSnsmrcmrot be presented by toc tea snoivniege Po, - Mro. Cloue eeenluolly 670-6360, - loo BI, Deep io end lend o everyone wvrriem he will What to dOD thoras, soler the dir000ia, or Math OhniotmbuopdedaeelumaOf:00 pm. "Mro. Cdsus, A Otoliatey Dec19 50 tIre Portees Theater, 4000 Municat" od Copernicus moneo Ohs osason on this hood anytime bedweos 15 oheot his eye salie "A ' commento ploeaerlosaLCem Joe, amerlos,, 500p.m. OeHl09 Slick Sunday ut thu Oh srch at the Inne reelle n. N, Hileeckee Ave., Obloeou. hendlin- Center, 0206 W. Lomoee500 roterlut, soeg'OlOhd show. This week and beyond sto ie. Gell RoaS hrliegtonll,içhOs. log Oh, oosntie Oh, it-piece Pesais- Ave,, Chicego. i hove it on Perfornoanoes ere tOilO Bouta rodil get in mhspe Oakels sr, StO. tsr inlermnlian end sonate Omino' 000heotma se der Il, ireatiar et Ose Old 000kb nitO soli- 0m. Pridsy, Dec.19 sodO for his Christmas Bye run YOU WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. rebels, cell 1041) OST-nIob an 18421 goad oethoeity - Ma-s. deo big-sled ermengnmnsOo Tostar' vm-oros. - - Oleas hereetflaolor p.m. Seteedsy, Dho. 20. at "Skate with Seats," 2- ingsnoelisto Ron hIkers esa oak se SUtnait qe. emeRSe one week pOor to the date of er, aisa Ob0050ny Orchestra fern- Oberen Caer, who hes Ticloeds aro $06 0:00 p.m., Sondsy, Dar, 20, ile455daeopeoel,1:Sopar. Dec00 rad. Ohs Oecrairá Oo,a,lc elli per' publioetion. anO 2000 e. ero too p.o. DIaDO tnrsreopnciel chrl500us-Ilseed plspod Ohr cele for 06 Por deloilo, call 17031 at Oehios toe Areca, 0050 SMALL MOUSE.BIGDREAMS. so Entries must lee typed. We're sorry, but we can't take it the hsrlh 500rs Ourlet Ten the Per', de sse rout in 5, a cd so laico Osen- pearmi - thoot'anysoe who 280-0600, Oehtsis SL, Park Ridge, lsrrb,e srIo, r5ol ch,bl, 1106, Mori, Miels, will nesT ap mitT the- Regular nhsting fees eppOy over the telephone. We prefir e-mail oubmisoi005, please. - attends n preformeace Ohnkie. Ihn ans grao irslsdeo',-. atre orsapist Jay Wertes to leId Oh, Something esdiemoe in an nld-lostiinned sing- m'uI eiotomstieellybe for Ohio special fumily lego. ISttñgs Gre treé Indude brief description of the event, 'Orsther lleinriaescbristnraa,"e for everyone 005iael Tatto by doCe nailer, eilT 510cc with too 107cl Os Ohs aonIa placed on Sante's "nier" ovent, Aftarrosedn, you s time, date, address, price and phone number. natrelor helen ver Oe Graetc nr, ned min pmo)eatcd sp ants the Vaciely in the opire el con watch a feee eohibi- 0001e acrean. Ohs 1940 tile clamOr. ; IIN9 mello go. go. o/o Pioneer Press, 29f Ponton Ave., hesnell Ottoni bOcecen bssd elli tion by nome mf the ice alas Olee ion proorem tar eli eo,s, "aired, on 340E OtrneO,' Till 08 the Mrs. Clruo in put in Aro Vivo Syocophoop Or- Arlington tteithts 1160004. Ornait: gohopioneerlocal.00rr. FOX: atIbe sed Coolsallaclee.Olokela: se rs e n neto re, TiakeOs: dio: 50 Tor checge of Seota'n Wach- chaedre'e "Family Holiday arena's most tatroted sisdents rd sendS 01 lar childreo 1h47) 790-515f. Oct-t vO. aislo s,e.arcciea.orn, shop Oora short lime for Special," 7100 p.m. Solda-- skaters, soar010g al 4p.m. Horten Graos Paste Obrare, aleo onaerlO. 1er inlareelion, sull 7151 and Delg, shoppirs pleoL OhìIdter Por details, cell 10471 I Ifs-0000 on cloT enna500sgetlle- re50000 we c'trenceL do0 Dec. 00, and lISO p.w. HOLIDAY OlearIo tee, liar) rho-400v Dec.21, eed their lOrDi,, aro leorted 0e por- 2p.m.: Ososo melbO 4011, and de- We oes dril you theO s big cod 4:00pm. Busdoy 6 02-2000, loHr,. Susgentel doseur, ie 05 Okokielhoutmu Macle Rusedotlon 'Do-lt'OesraelrSutoraoher,'Io cam. le studente ervhcssr,nosseill problem occupo because Dec. OteO Noeth Shoce Dec.00 al Danse conter [earston, per cercee, with proceeds te beretit preoneta hoodsycosserL Fit for a king Ceotec lac Ihr Perhrroirg 004 050poror tee,, ir the 050pster the Ocsestnn rance Ensemble. There fIrM Ridge Pabilo Glbrer'y. ros, go,, PARE DII wetchiog edneo is "Isiord cl lilao ssper'visieg a bunch Arts ir Phobie, 0000 The Okoloie public Li- O. , of high school hido," Mes. Shokic Blvd. The occheo' beory iseO cuvIons lova-n- C deolanerl. "They hove leo end ohoras will por- oteo giogerbcerd brune, C & MIC ENTERPRISES, INC I HOLIDAY PARTY 'ALL YOUR PARTY NEED'S BREAKFAST. LUNCH. DINNER BUFFET sp BARBEQUE'S HEU PAICI'Y TRAYS SET.UP & SERVED wAInER BMHTENDER - CHEF'S LOCATIONS HILES IL. CHICAGO II. & PDN VER COLO. WE'RE NOT #1.. YOU AREHI!

i e II:'' I

86ii(aT4WiriI1 t' I 66118811: '''Ils'' T I F{ 1511111110 tW51IBBo iii 1I)IIÍ6M6I1B


Mrs. Cias, eases tie, saeeeon Ice Clelcags Kids' ComIossy°s esloelul, s,sg'EIted sinew "Mee, Claus, A an/. IlciSey Maelsal" 5n5s enaekmd II lien CIpIrsissu Ce,Ier, CLUBS ESTIVAL$ 'PUtKiRS 'OVIES kIUSIC' - élT . CLUBSnm FESTIVALS Teonodao,tOlOmsIriplera Bu BiO Thsrrdsr. December II, 2008 IOVWS 4USI( tRT hour ea Il opes Ion Irlo 0 mm 'e it' ir ConIdI cl Moreno 0:4 C'dI 80m MUSIC e'ohi bellen Iras bnl p.m ari saar leer's rem Party," feabcniogadida go. sensed 000lorien tolere o drillt rides conrllewo, 101100e 010011, Cerliraed from PARE 00 with aeeeao elsa air Left. Farne lavora, alois bye EJ. sot a Pa meoo Croad los aacdhaaoa, 1009 oece al Mido' nona lINCeen shill. 0. Ouaoe Boas, Msaetr copIer, 00030 'Irlcodera loom,.' footarirg -O- with love of life preeerta sesoerte isles Okek efhe- sarl 091-lOaD mswldmsallraa' 01SEP00 Perlon YIP Pock000ttsn Klezmer: Songs that burn arre, 19041ss01fl8se. Okairm DCII 4 eanladhc100aom. len al: ' snot' rol000ls tlmee'soSrae dolor .1 105f) arrItar Or 0151t merl.alak- and scourity io nono onitlr Upen hearing the lie's BOcCIO ese Or'faalarsg lao lOree'Oannelllapeebarfroao MAXWELL STREET By JACK BESS ethaolreaen. bocen liskete Dis in ew'mdrigsf, Perle onoro, music Merarvell Street bend play flute br sed Calle reales loa KLEZNER BAWD Centribator the furnenry uf prayem Idealer, lao al lee rear, arleaa In Onto toaS str no. los lsnr buDino t'eeao aaeeld000 arO "luiinor'igirrulform, at eruté one nneoiog, erred allergen. 006rl.a p.m.: Iba 1101ro slab laaluree"5 Donne Parle shs5011ne lealI at nia, Ill Ope' HOLIDAY CONCERTS fieupa pr055nl'l Il Be hans Irr Eli's Cheesecake's thy wusicisaspiriloal Kcthoosn romanced: "I no- Irorllf al 0000" eile 112,110 Indi arlaaaadot:500 aceibableal 7:30 p.m. Des 20,1:30 and Around 20 years cgo, Drrstaae." 100/000. lee EObalOO Olino, Hotsi 19004 ticed hew heppy Ornas just lean, pone rosarI. Oiles acorn' 4:30 pro. Dea. fi lirciatiro Arc Skokie eeeidrot Lori Lip- sleoul," Lippitn seid. "So if Ihr bolSa Beet rabIle Cease, 036 anon, bIlioso II Cell Osa chas' Ileochem peel. Irrllmblrp. lam pite clicked OoWttIh4T thu music in true to its listeein0." CharcO 01., baratee 10471 Oea-lOTO. pages lola) at midnipfl. Ilmlcrlss Irr reeoi100lwo'mcao oaiba, Viva Orchestre performance) at rose elllsknnlpue.ras,Dra.21' PMo "Midnight Special" suurrr, it's going tu humee Kolfman'sjciniog the 1011G blood IO OP000 aeanldbililp pnmlatlOm two's oar 00061011 coop' HOLIDAY SALE North there Center tot the ferae550ethsidayseereoDer' Mnrelt'e Riltaraste B piaelnlo, lice, iene ehaskaub sol breakrosl: very driviug, yecrning, bernd who trensformotive, Performing Arto jr Skrkie, 9301 and heard mario tiret Iooeaalomm.; sbhriclmaaltsry' B70r5 0100100 [lillO Park. Il101 111 10471 151-fOIl tal raoomoallano. chuoged her life. burying quality." Lippite seid. The band had 5140m: 'O Chriotnaa Darsi" ark 001-110G [10.15 'Venale Canletli alomel blab, Bib E. ri05001in RoaS December 1 ?th-24th Skekie bird. UN art 040.1341) p.m.'fi'aarleese larLrfe"eta She had assoriated Whey Lippits hecrd beau ylnying in a louse, el as rotti s: O B do f 0O tea r'o Ire Ossa 0510g 10011 107-lIeb 673-630001 new arselea erg. 0m "foe NigBlsereseterrbhrisl' rarnr."oln ocal ego 114:10 040 mue slonemnlatehioagn000. 000, "Jrreiole masir" with rho tha radioshorv,"lwan jcmmieg style until fOuît- Ola' al IO p.0 dolose. Fraleriegallla'sideo 30"fabneoa 0051 beIl ElezIOni" Sai schwalin of"My 'O'iddisho lsarppytu find oat that my men set n standard tre Kaaeeaa ealabratlea, a p.m. leo. 20 anosr000e 101100e BiletI, pablo la' ello pan le bavero. a ba loar drop, 6p.m. Dee. 22,03 Chreage Moma," bert klcamcr ma roots mare just as toter- musicol struoture and es- al the olrer000a-aaaraair DenIal. no s muoio br s Di. sod a opeldi eid000lasllomea500aBaspapoe BrUnir Gardens, 1000 Labe mate 1551er It, [casetas Desrinod lilt nasa tar 0590 per oh II et sudo OIL 020 brImai el' 0lJPtO4 sic was soescthing mime. euting md aociiing as rellenan, she sold. lar rl aSca, trecaenlolesda mao's, m'lamine oflerOp,m., beeoa 0 Ohio I0000lsrar,c0 Cook Read, Planare. Harakkah R os MaCasIa IdoS tpo lo rab I SII 01100 Usurty treeed bark to someune mho had cama Ultimately, the bend erle art cr5110 sot ISa sOeCes E. Alçongais soar Sollamblrg oralbobillO. 111,measraod oenonel SPmfld °25. amd Oel a FREE B" Cloeooecuker livrer sealjrgo a) 4:30 art 7 The Macwell StratI CIterneS Becad saleas loots Its own wills tie lAth century Europe, ruote sr black epirisual doesn't see itself us pre- mora Carra tos praarem, the Siena- Oat) leo-liaD oso lierer 0dm 00000:10 eulrarleed aretino addition at musical director Alma Bellman (Iront root Center). ry el Bean550 si Ito ceplaree act amé edorosile eelararp e., moler. Speed 0100. and receiwe a °25 dill p.m. 33895 adelte' 317.99 chU- serving a traditino, but Csolalhneaga sen. DIO m:'ir'oh Ele klmnmerivalincly runts," she neid. cessaIs oceIlse 11.10e sees no 101o,' 0:10 maure Ira Da pentole' aal osmoqaim0016rolrlaodagenn' cer105cate la Spend a0500ime io Januarm tren 3-Il; order S, tree 1847) rather us living the maaic a aleo e loar'hslr premilm open vagabond music reflecting AtOar Lippitn founded fretingly WFMT 98.7. putee prugramming in Ihm colei setes ele an nlladeo al loll cors loi 5l b Cale roslI 'moda (amo pon rmroam, nhkle sspe505 lasto 636-544001 O101O. Item truditrans ofnnherever the Maruoell Strart and orlrbrutingit. Sc de baa end 50000raallss Free. Fer ir' ocaotdalro In milsilot Orlases' ber f105405,0 dniohl ara a 101- U.S. One night, driving formatos, sal llNflaeb'0l56 lot Irom 0110.0. OSan blab is eh j ca fob otan: c.c rg the Jessish masiniene trav- Maxwellrs musical some cadiener members. pugno toaot 040 0050ags naluaeo Klramer Bend, many home otter a dsy uf Ioon'tlUn apee bar Iren O momio- ape010tllr.n.or000rear'o [oc. metamorphosis "Sometimes when we elled, bett a poiho in East- auauree beer nod - classas, Knf#ouo heurt o NEW YEAR'S EVE s got aod pooled appetloora from 0' Omelal ooneseodslineo aoa 10010 el 100 erraa000 301101 br SOP per oe In .7 p.m. Aee. 27, CD release ern Europa crjuee in abroad came te share bar violin concerts by play peuple spostuvasusly Il ra. Speala lessonalatloos When Shuhia resident rose Inei300s a Iwo'r000 sulla, oeroert ejth Rabbj Joe Biark hnppinrss. The bund is stead up and steal danc- [Ilk's Rilar eaaalnosae, IDO a. 0:0- aaai 0010 lt Ito le bao ay 50 1101 fOr IrlOs Asnerion. dalas lluffmunjohsed an Trheihsvsby on the rndio or Beoni cocol prospect 11471090- 195 isaladecs lmo'raom aulle, 1110101 lIlian. lrnc'baur snaIl art live WFMO broadaesi el 8 Uniting the disparutr celebrating its silvmr musirul direntur in 0995, and mus uvarcuma mille ing io the aisles," Keffman 7200. Irolopartoliar Iwo'sOlrsanpl' aroloryeaaklelr000plior,blauk' pm., at Tempia Shobm, 3480 elemenCs is Ike emotional aeueiverenry this everything vhanged far sen.a 00cr serrcede sees sen 0es. na etano no akne lb 10 50 PO 00. lIra k' larl ant 101e 100nkoll' moli 13411 0515111e modo domaI 0es. N. Lake Shore Drise, Ct aeon und epiritael See nf He month with its sintle COO, the bloomer band. A rias- "0 just ccaldn't drive Yau might sup that they 35 'lrtrsaarrsa aloe" foalurlog raer ara Isle chenkolt soll /0171 parte f000ra, ea loar blssta,a 4es 0971110 te nahe r000roali000 DO001Ior'o Chuphoaoo. al Ito Sib, adelte Sib at teen): Sto sidir mueiral tecditton. "Eight Nights of Jay," e siroty tramad siulisist anyssiore. I had tu pull mere waved by the musir. asoOldOer 10m dn'eSI and sham' MoroSOs R otoraetel P110cr1a, Ienauallrg 1511 bilk SOI S. calalia nh:jdrev 513 at deer). 1773) Think cf Teuye in "Fiddler bout cf local hulidey con- from the Sovirt Unico, oreo;" hr seid. "0 thought I Literally 00000taaat Freoalmiaeior,baael 109180 das 0110e OSados, Ostias' psoe 000lamBIrn IdeAl 0059105. I '0 435-1538er erro. nu the goof," whose yerro- certe, and a live radin cae- Koffman hod resigned woeld scnrr heike eume se apace umIlIati)4. ai P000sas burl 18411 lrl'élOI wns.aorrtlnu' I:III . . u cr100 prr pere re Iena dea fear' 061010e era. 000.31 dna.' temp flu, PACE OIS stole nr h lea g o Ort ing for traditiun, wealth raro ut 8p.m. Der. Opon, himsnlf tu studying nom Commeofir oiasmenlotal.cern MUST CLOSE DECEMBER 28TH1 I-

L'AICUO' 'go gNbltbSt LSCVI "SENSATIONAL STUNNING" hbh 1t5t M E R S -Chicago Son-Ohmes I vn THE' 'I IlI' I' ya )(< GREY A s rGARDENS A THE MUSICAL

NOW PLAYING! THU0SSDAYS THSOUGI-3 SUNDAYS @THEATER BUILDING CHICAGO $40 TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE MUSIC BY LYIe000BY BOOKBY 1225 W.BELMONT oug Wright- ScoftFrankel Michael Korie Fort /cketr orid showtimwo u col) 773,327,5252 ("HOLIDAY SALE or Visit thecttorwit.org r1:tjfiketooirlltn.cY fliStiL, - I I $25 TICKETS! www Logh'oOpmreoWorks corlo tsr perfnrmneaes 47} 869 6300 DEC 23 -27° Or'czoll S'IS Unu sude SING tu eeneloe this disnuant Saie cedo Saodao 1212f r' LUB5 ESTIVAU SPEAKERS Bt2 murrteN, apreNderlO 2055 MOVIES MUSIC ART MOVIES MtSlC' 'ART t(ur045l, SnoeOhnr br osse 813 sr n ce muIr Ohicegobs sp peSa .stp. por Feb. h-7, OS-74, 20-Dt and 2p.m. oh (door coder l0.FuttlsketiesetOa' Obeso, C011ego, TiNkers dOC 005. CLASSJCAL Feb27 ypem'Aburdeoce.'loetsr wiilclrinslsdnn hsrod'oousree e FeO 8. te and 22 al tire 540hie The- tues emily nndgrssp roles call qo. (8471 424-0000 srs 019wo.pic' ing RerVsssnse muslo, opi905als M S uheerp055e toastet nridslodr, Perth etto, 0404 0. Lreloln Ose. 160677 oye Visa, osod501ed by siso C S ouletheatre050. Cotdicued from PAGE BU (usato sed ertotlornmest by Joe Tisketo'. DOS. Cell (dOTI 677-7761 or Healhedogleo. pertor000 at North "Sleoegreeeefdeparedefl," pm- Cirembor H salsIere, ISIS) Nochers ucd Joe CaLler. Cull ((701 s IL t wc0040kieth cateto Shorn Cnnlnt (or Ohs Psrtdrrnlrg 000-5020. mourc060egoohamberOu- 202-7035, 050.10 "The Maslo Marc" prseeolsd by sented byl goal CenembLc Thcetrs Orlo, 900(0 kOhle Ebd ., 0 40 Ne. 1507) sileno 0005erlo ore held at 7:22 ijoider $10 0000050 die roch op ho us p co ro. Dec LIght Opsrslyorholeo.Oh'Jen.4at st e str. 3540800 elïhspiOThn' 6TO-hOtO wOn.arsolou sto, Single Dli Celebrate Nw Year'N Ose ro p.o Ounosys at 006-5186er Consent Guts de Cato Auditorium, sso tmeronn atte. (645W. Oleisren One., Chicago. dokels' Oho bes Swats; 542 nesetoed' Ope Style.' ieturina 270.00 per parean STAGE Hall se NorltleeoOere dolontsilys 17 sty ht.. Coanstsfl PertetOsOseO ate The laco ncloded Path 6(055 oaT re 540 soniorns; Sib students Feb.23. Open dtyt (tau und (up 61(5774) Nra-course oempsd, 00 Orse Cins(e Ortos, "breo herdece," through Dee. 2051 pestes 07 sed ci enoJan 0-O nlih Katie GennaIO Tickets', gin-020 435per.aodbeb.23,2.3020.' 'Oc- dunrer with tre OuoouOteO, sor' DecenIos Tlnhets ste 000040 Feb. a week AKTON Cara,yoe/ Appleo Caitdy Camoe Bark Oorlhlighl Thcorre, icone North oral seco sto por 0es. 06-00 ass ot (770) 007(555 st ooe.60na eroem- cr040 2551asy," tonlur(ng Scold lay' IC ES_,d,00 ru hour Oper ber (toro bp.m.-NidOlSht, &Probstleo: toett000 or Hebreo Shore Cnotnr lorlhePertsrrnlrs end 100.4 reoummesded ter does h Ist, siuliru. hetoetnim Or (he roer. Checo/ate Dipped Pretzels and Broostroieu da orino le mu sic by e oj, parry la- Themes', Oubussy: premièrs405p' Orlo, 9007 Skeh'c Biso, ShuNte. For- arO Older Main liaNt tIckets ere Str "Steep Becan Had-Or Edger 411es Three tenon Ep'esdeo;Costn(nssss' sers, odes OsUnldOWfl. ba005e drop sodio' Nenmsm. Sltieguserlet; ned Fudge Carmine) Corn Cloocelate ce Tuesdeys ett:SS p.m - 150 end 002; heIsser hoVels 550, Shoes." preceded by Princeton lei- redesse-. Mollir CerOerts 40.0 l'the 2800 W, Oakton end orem000 ne Soest at midrdShl 540 cod 200. teil (0477 d69-ú500 sr nersityn triaeqle Show troops, t'to Fropicto"LPFshNtins. Oymponoyse kosert: Osons Qu'oInt No.3 InC He' Spesiel aossrnmodatlsre useilable 000500deys eli p.m. anO 7:00 p 5.; Parlo Ifidge p es. Dec 18 cl (ho O sr 1h S ho re 050' 0, Op. t DO. (mt, K, 010, tibe Wiepete br Olrrdreer (sr 500 TOorodayo st 7200,0. (00sept 5es. oustwen.Lig017pnreWet550snt. (er ter the Pertdrtotoe Orte, 9001 001eagoaneppeKe pertoressie Ihn The Ch lOnge Phitharerbele Orebmee' 847-692-3359 perro orn eh chi rs adca treos' 201 Fridays stO p.m.; Saturdays et "Rebiruen Cruene." picos eTho' 100hie biss. 06061e. The BlcndWsy' Nlohelsosnssrt Hall al he 405(5 In' too petIotes etT p.m SJeOsye 51 OsIbrouk Promenade eeSiur.cootiOnnrol busehi est sod 030 p.m sedo p.m., end Sundays et sIre' nuotI ac505l eutish-dryis mo- _iLÇgOCOIATE FACTOI dirle show tealstoc e seso st Oteo' 51101w st Chisage. 1400 Chi0000 P'oh'OOeignr Conserl Hall er she 3041 Bmtbartheld 60,00 107 ele she cheutr call (0071 ceO-otto to t'OOpm.endt pm lesse pr tes ti Neo PenIs, testo-3D sorne DjAgOVR3O-lolSR Foso 77-b s's 001. Ostra show er'S Osl.tb Dorure' Orts Depot, 600 hOu sot.. lord, 5100es and deseen. 0400m' 000 555cetcr. 7.ske(0 ere tre tor yonlsmeolers In:serslty ososos es 05k Brook, IL 60C I DesdeN rol consto end sp. tiskelo preterredoeal;r4, tooter Onerosi Snos tutoie Ortos. Esenotsfl. (5471 www.prparks.org 65e Deere Ese Patto,lpm, Decor 1:040(0:200-27077471 670-bOSO sr toe os lo n. t hon ï mer ere O p w. Fr r 630.706.4411 ednr'edisir tot ton nce'ero ard etc' 306. NoeOhwentHi6hooayPerk Ridge" 847-318-6801 ir the Fitto prcourue Lounge ut Ido one rsrth lobt oro dey, 2 eodt pm saturday. ((chelo oto, Ott oludnrlO.OWyuitien' SwaetandSansy.cacm dents. For t'toNdo sell (7731 015 160e go., PAGE 014 Irish Omerl000 heritage Carteo 4626 "(liesener talen She Firul.' at n 025. 025 oeciord; 2(0 otodeots est p)esïe0500001 1h06) 011-4)11. ENDED Y POPULAR DEMAND BUY O TICKETS FOR ONLY 99! REGULAR PRICE: $128 Celebrate New Year's Eve Wednesday, December 31° hidden Give the gift of wonder, laughter and cheer with tickets to BLUE MAN GROUP. Use the ta,gipjja: New Vemr'o Eve Pmrhy 6;Oüpot-9:Oopom code BIVIGO8 when purchasing tickets or gato BLUSMANCOM/HOLIDAY for more details. Kids Ballomu Drop 9:08pm picture search lv The picture on the litho, beMuse esasuenls One cash. Mum combase anela. ObrenusIla dar 5MG colosse eemese ente. ese esula en craeleseld psmneesdoteOeeu. fleebeleelene apele, Adsit; New Yemp's 80m Party 9:3Opm-2:OOam es, Live mms(c by Doug Jmmes you will FInd oli the l'mted ltewm hidden. DOer you've 27 S. Northwest Hwy., Pmrk Ridges, IL 60066 e , a Sel u: cut found Shose (OMron, Cobot IO 847.690.9800 Opec DnIIyllI3Oaew Ohe 000ioe p1000w.

.1":r 000 JAllDA0CtCHICAGO All scrambled up Marchlt.11sm-O20000 Llmocroenbbe sloe íottowimg words 0m (7 \ "°eo .K(db'TiocOlO ,,aee°" cook mpm 0004 500100mO noemlt eytruk fr '0,,., 4604, kacse aslad th mba bbcoerl sep! the Efuinstg tet / FREE TICKETS - SANZAOES008FRIE8DS Come Watch Chocolate Make your own gift bag using45. Figure Skating Lessons i)od for Mom &Dad MngtO,lpm-2pmfl4pm-Spm brown paper grocery bags or Oakton loe Aroma - Being Made at Rocky KidSTibuOlS lunch bags and decorations. Open 7 days a wmmk t for family events at WYOLIFFEGORS011QWOTEI Mountain Chocolate 2808W. Oaktorn, Prnrk Ridge the Harris Theater JmsssogtO,l pm-2prn Factory! Uncle Dan's Pizza & Pub (847) 692-3369 Kids° 5mt210 Doors opeo mt TOam 27S. NorOhwmst Hado, Pack Ridgm O)ocouer Oho ion nOlwenorpnperkn.org th in Millennium Park! 7 dayo a womk 847.698.9800 t,: 31 S. Norohwesy Highway Park Ceisurole Now hosnI Es's Cr10 Uncle Davo 4e. o1isit the local anima! shelter Ridge Prona and Pub un Park (00go etartrcg at 00m and play with the animals. 49. Countdown Celebration! (847) 318-6801 with e CrOO BalCon Drop ei 1pm Enroymvmour'ostomeEotciocoie)ens ('Oc December31, 2008 LIMITED TIME- OI.ER Now thru December21 bug one kkl ticket and getan adult ticket FREE! While supplies last! ccetchrliatslmntedomrrdyrurekorscmeeto Make flavored ice cubes Take pictures of your favorite 5rSOpm So Ol3Opw 500ndsmich reato. using fruit punchar your things or people. Mai00 Park Leisure Center favorite juice - and spice up 2701 W, Siblmy Ave., Park Ridgm Create an indoor bowling Vicio us an .prperks.org to'r mors CALL 3123347777 Available by phone onig. Use 8ource No. 2272. VISu HarrislheaterChicago.org for m'ore inforniat ion. Throw a milk and cookie your drinks! alley using empty plastic detoilo. potluck party. Allsass csnrirro in lie New Year wrti celen bottles for the pins, a small tun, nnoacliuit000 Iced! ODONO SOA001 FroH osoruyr500y Make snow furniture. cucrorormc Ef' U N I T E D 7o'cotli000clesss Create fun bookmarks. ;e:euras rnv:Lool-'rr oPoNoon ose ball, and line the-lanes with - 44. Have a book-swapping party. toilet paper. LUcI heut wvrnlr Nor more hunuc tu dc! A SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION New Homes NORTH EDITIONtØLH DECEMBER 17-19, 2008 insideit) Delight Quick your guests A spacious, decked-out move-ins home can make for a picture-perfect holiday party. Homes offer opportun(ty Page 2

to make the move If you find you can't sell your home at a profit, refinancing By Marcy Marro to cut monthly payments SPECIAL TO SUN-liMES NEWS GROUP might IDe a are in need of a new home or townhome in a short amount of time, then you are in luck.The good option, Ifyoufollowing communities have homes available say experts. for quick move-ins, many available for 30-day de- liveries. Read Don DeBat, Lake Ridge Townhomes, Mundelein Lake Ridge Townhomes, a new community in Page 3 Mundelein offering customization opportunities for each floor plan, recently opened its first fullyAvailable for immediate occupancy, the Robin provides 1,995 square feet of living apace and is priced furnished model and is now offering homes forto sell with Its long list of material upgrades and ophions for $320,000. Hòmebuyers will discover cus- Gerstad Builders' 30-day delivery. Planned for only 50 maintenance-tern-made wIndow treatments, upgraded light fixtures, fully landscaped home site and numerous cua Bailey Estates offers tom touches. free homes, all are two-and-a-liallstorics with affordable vacation homes 1,600 to 2,000 square feet, rear-load, two-car ga- rages, 9-foot tall ceilings, volume ceilings, fire- Models are open weekdays from 10 am. to 4 tIte 1,970-square-foot Aetrora witlt four bedrootsss near Lake Geneva. places, appliances and much more. p.m. and weekends from lioso to 5 ¡).m. Call (815)plus a second floor family room for $252,900 and The decorated model and sales center is open385-4495; visit www.gcrstadbuilders.com. the 2,799-square-foot Vista with four bedrooms, Page 2 on weekends from noon to 5 p.m. or by appoint- two-and-a-lsaif batiss attd full basement for ment. Call Jeff 011m at (847) 234-9800; visit www.Symphony Meadows, Volo $307,900. newlalceridge,com. Two Horizon series single-family model homes Daily office itours are from 10 am. to 6 p.m. i onìne are now available at Cambridge Homes' Symphony(noon to 6 p.m. on Friday. Call (847) 984-4934. LibertyTrafls,McHenry Meadows in Volo. The conimunitywihl include 746 Market news, expert Pheasant Ridge, Richmond Gerstad Builders is offering a new 1,888-square-single-familyhomes, attached single-familyllomes advice, neighborhood foot ranch Lexington II model at Liberty Trails inand townllomes. TIte Commtttlity features 130 A professionally designed model home is for Mcllenry. Base priced at $263,990, this three-bed- acres of nature areas with three lakes, basketballsale at Gerstad Builders' Piseasant Ridge commu- profiles and more. Visit: mom,two-batll homewilhi cornerlookost basementcourts, soccerfields, tot lots,gazebos and a scenicnity in Richmond. Tise two-story htotne features and numerous upgrades would normally be priced walking and bicycle trail. at $329,250, and is now available for $289,990. TIte two model homes currently available are !hì!tTuriito MOVE-INS, 3 SEARCHA CHICAGO» .com'y What design style suits you9 Photo gallery atwww searchchicago corn/homes searchchicago.cqrn/homes

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itt t'titgnet' Gnose, Take .95 tNorltiwesl Toliway)loEtc, -17 acrIcoilsoulti to Cte. 72. Turn (oitloItte conitsunity enlrance. t'tices re Induttivoii aStiecal Se,vicc ',e a Cre,lit. See sales l-90 DIII MOILTOACE liaCondo Sties Center, Take to RIe. 47 and exit south lIeft) appros. 31/, mites to Ste. 72 WesI (second stopligttlt. rct,,esentatiselu,,t,'taits. Itties (847) 984-4950 Turn nigtU (west)lo1)5e enhance on he right. sttl,lecl to cltatige sltti,,ttt tt,,ticc' 2 DECEMBER 17-19, 2008 SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP NORTH-U Today's New Homes Today's New Homes NORTH-U SUN'TIMES NEWS GROUP llIlIDECEMBER 17-19, 2008 3

Large homescan offer picture-perfect hoIday entertaining Home-loan refinancenow may put

By Marcy Marro lion to a finished lower level, is typically party central, where SPCIALIO SUNIIMES NEWS GROUP "Regardless of how fornmleveryone gathers to chat and the party, our visitors alwayseat. cash in your pocket for the holidays Everyone has an idea of theirgravitate to the kitchen," Page "Custom kitchens typically perfecthouse to host family andsaid, "With a large island andboast the finest furniture-qual- long-term mort- friends for holiday parties. The To fully appreciate how af- breakfast bar, the huge diningity cabinets iii warm-toned gage rates falling into fordable home-loan rates real- holiday season is one of thetable in the breakfast area andwoods, with glass front accent the mid 5-percent Few of today's mostjoyful events ofthe year, With Don lyare, you need to know the comfortable furniture setcabinets, a variety of counter range, and home resales mov- something about mortgage- and elaborate Custom homesaround the raised hearth fire-heights and built-in buffets," ing st a snail's pace, the hoB- De Bat bon'owers remember areespeciallyappealingdecked land's history. Few of today's place and built-in plasma televi-Sainsels said, "Large expanses days may be a great time to ON THE novice borrowers remember out for celebrations. sion, guests find this room the of granite countertops and lock in an affordable home HOME that only nine years ago in Au- that only nine years North Shore architectmost appealing place to be." imaginatively designed islands loan and lower your monthly Charles Page and his wife host FRONT gust of 1999, lenders were "Large homes offer the obvi-with breakfast bars are univer- payments, experts advise. quoting 8.15 percent on a 30- ago, rates were parties in their 9,OOOsquare-ous advantage ofhaving numer-sally requested, and commer- With banks and mortgage year fixed mortgage. foot French style Winnetkaouslargeroomstoaccommodatecial grade appliances are companies quoting 5½ percentprior week." Housing experts say home Home for anywhere from 25guests ofvarious ages and inter-popular. Many custom bitch- or less on benchmark 30-year Rates on 15-year fixed loans at 8.15 percent. family members to 200 people. buyers need only to look back ests," respected North Shoreens include two work stations fixed-rate mortgages, now also were sharply lower in ut what banks and mortgage "A subtle aspect of architec.custom builder Jeff Samuelsincluding sinks, dish washers, may be the best time in more ture that really contributes to early December. Freddie Maclenders where charging dur- said, "In addition, dining space%vsrining drawers arid refrig- than five years to get s deal onsaid 15-year loans averaged ing the last great recession in ease ofentertaining and an in-and conversation areas are di-erators," a refinanced home loan, as- 5,33 percent, down from 5.74 the early 1980s to widerstand in January of 1968, when the viting atmosphere is the wayvided between formal and infer- The common elements that suming you have ajob and percent a week earlier. A yearwhat a great deal today's rates rooms flow into one another,"mal spaces, and most custom national average lait 6.41 per- distinguish convenient yet good credit, ago at this timo, the 15-year are, cent, Between 1971 seid 1977, Page said. "Visitors subcon-homes include finished base-beautiful kitchens include work Experts say if you can't sell fixedloan averaged 5.65 per- According to Freddie Mac, sciously feel they can movemento. These areas can include the now-defunct Illinois usury areas arranged for maximum your home now at a profit, it cent. Fifteen-year loans have benchmark 30-year mortgagelaw iteld rates in the 7.6-per- freely through the rooms, andgame rooms, home theaters andconvenience, plenty of counter may be a good idea to refi- not been lower since Marcha rates peaked at s whopping plenty ofopportunities exist tolarge recreation roomswith ser- cent to 9-percent range. space featuring islands and nance and cut your monthly 20, 2008, when they averaged 18.45 percent in October of Thtrougia a series of dips and delight guests with holidayvice bars and comfortable seat-peninsulas, abundant storage, payments, Today, experts say 5.27 percent. 1981. Rates fell below 10 per- decorations on balconies, stair-ing. Parties that include large up-ticks, rates have averaged easy-care materials and well- a homeowner should refinance Although rates on adjust- cent in April of 1986 during 5.21 percent to 8.4 percent cases and in quiet corners." groups of people will utilize alldesigned traffic patterns, ifhe or she can save $100 or able mortgages are lower, ber-the recovery, and then during the past 12 years. The Page home features aof these areas to ensure that "The butler's pantry is a pop- more per months and break rowers generally are shunningbounced in the 9-percent to first-floor master suite withguests can relax and maximize ular and convenient design ele- even within a year on closing them. According to Freddie 10-percent range during the The Home Front, Don De- great room, formal diningtheir enjoyment of the occa-ment in custom liemos today, costs, which can run up to Mac, borrowers who original-balance ofthe 1980s. room, library and expansivesien." Bat's weekly real estate col- $2,000 on a typical home. ly had a 1-yearARM selected a Archives of the now-defttnct umn syndicated by DeDal informal living area, in addi- In most homes, the kitchen Turn to ENTERTAINING, 3Pictured Is the tonnai dInIng room In the Charles Page resIdence. In early December, lenders fixed-loan 94 percent of tite Priced et$765,892,the Danbuiy Is a two-sto,y, 3,872 square- Federal Housing Finance Medis Services, unravels were quoting an average of time whets refinancing in flic Board show long-term morI- foot home with a luxurious, fIrst-floor master bedroom suite and the complexIties of home 5.53 percent on benchmark tisird quarter of2008, One- gage rates were a very afford- buying, mortgage shopping, a formal livIng room that Is enhanced by a vaulted ceIling and a 30-yearfixed-rate home loans,yearTressury-indexed ARMs able 5,81 percent to 5.94 corred oak staircase wIth wrought Iron spIndles. homeownership, renting, sccording to Freddie Mac's averaged 5.02 percent in earlypercent between 1963 and building, renovation and re- Gerstad Builders offers affordable vacation homesnear Lake Geneva Primary Mortgage Market December, down from 5.18 1965, In 1966 and 1967, bor- modeling. For more home- Survey. A week earlier, the ay-percent a week earlier. A year rowers paid an average of 6,3 buying Information visit his rooms and two-and-a-half baths erage rate was 5.97 percent. During the late 19th century Move-ins for$684,000. ago, the 1-yearARM averagedpercent to 6,4 percent. Rates Web site at www,dondebat, To visit this community styles ofmetropolitan areas, and Last year at this time, the 30- 5_46 percent. last dipped below 6.5 percent net. and early 20th century, much of search for spiritual renewal FROMPAGE 1 Dartmoor Homes offers year loans fixed averaged 5,96 the Lake Lake Geneva area in through outdoor recreation and seven floor plans ranging in Bailey Estates' decorated model/sales Center Is located on size from 2,217 to 2,941 square percent. Thirty-year mortgag- Wisconsin was settled as a vaca- contact with nature. es have not been lower since Theatre Road, approximately mIle south ot Route 50. lt Is 1,995 square feet; it is priced tofeet with base prices from tion spot for wealthy Chicago- Tite community is served by Jan. 24, 2008, when rates fell ans. Today in the 21st century, open Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 11 am. to 4 p.m. sell with alt ofits options and up-$529,000 to $699,000. Homes For more Information, call (262) 245-9750 or visit the Web siteWilliams Bay Elementary School to 5.48 percent. Gerstad Builders is making it and Williams Bay Jr./Sr. High gradesfor$320,000,Availsbleforfeature central air conditioning, www.gerstadbullders.com. full basement, fireplace, appli- With the recent declines, ay- possible for everyone else to School. immediateoccupancy,the Robín orage 30-year home-loan rates !7vIead:ow Qùfge of[ort1throo modelhtastltntebedrooms,aloft,ances,volume ceilings per plan, enjoy a vacation like lifestyle at Bailey Estates' decorated are 0.32 of 1 percentage point its newestcommunity, Bailey Es- model/sales center is located on two-and-a-half baths, basementpatios and two-car garages. 7 7tuiriutes to294..S7t'uinutes to 94...ané...94 steps and three-car garage. above the 40-year historical tates, which is in the peaceful Theatre Road, approximately Decorated models and sales rock bottom of the market, communityofWilliams Bay, nos- meats (perplan). Optional ame-wood flooring arc also avail-mile south ofRoute 50. It is open Gerstad offers nine othercenter is open daily from 10 to W/ofefoods, StarthteR,s; antI more! ranchs and two-storyhome flooram. to 5 p.m. Call (708) 783. 5.21 percent in June of 2001, tied along the north shore of nities such as fireplaces, centralable. Saturday, Sunday and Monday experts say. Lake Geneva. air conditioning, full basements, Williams Bay is a small com-from Il am. to 4 pm. For more plans ranging in size from 1,5591600; visit www.dartmoor- homes,com. "After the Federal Reserve The Lake Geneva shoreline three-cargarages, skylights,im-munity ofyear-round and sea-information,caII (262) 245-9750 to 2,844 square feet, Priced actions to increase liquidity in communityofWilliamsBay and ported ceramic tile, Corlan or from $233,490 to $308,490, the sanaI residents, who seek aor visit the Web site www.ger- Weatherstone Townhomes the mortgage market, interest he surrounding areas are appre- granite counter tops and hard-retreat from the fast paced life-stitdbullders,coth...... homes include two to four bed- rates for fixed-rate mortgages dated for their natural beauty. rooms, two to two-and-a-halfof Inverness 'Rie2,631-square-foot, two-storyTunibeny model at Gerstad Builders' took a clive," said Frank Notlu- Rolling hills, towering trees, baths, breakfast areas, formal Dartmoor Homes is offering aft, Freddie Mac vice presi- grassy prairies and sparklingBailey Estates community In Wutlhains Bay, tItis., has a beautiful master .. . dining rooms and much more.30-day delivery on four ultra dent and chief economist, lakes set the backdrop for thebathroom that Includes a custom whirlpool tub set In the comer, sepa. The sales center is open Mon-luxury homes at Weatherstone Tite decline in early Decern- best place to live and visit inrate glass shower, his/hers vanilles and hidden water closet. ÁINTEÑANCE FREE LIVINÒ...YOU DESERVE IT! day il am, to 5 pm. and week-Townitornes in Inverness, Off- ber was tite largest since tite Southern Wisconsin, ends from 10 a,m. to 5 p.m. Calling3,205 to 3,872 square feet of week ofNov, 27, 2008, Notbtaft Phyllis Podraza at (815) f378- Situated between three lakeshalf to 1½ acres. Wooded homealice package (stove and dish- space, these two-story town- said, Thirty-year fixed-loan and hundreds ofacres olprotect-sites that can accommodate win-washer), Koliler bathroom INDOOR HEATEb 2222; visit www,gerstadbuild-homesarepricedfrom$680,578 ers.com. rates are now almost a full per- ed wetlands and mature woods,dowbasements are also availablefixtures and faucets and base PARKING WITH STORAGE, to $870,400. The liemos are al- centage point lower since the Gerstsds Bailey Estates com- in limited supplies. IN-UNIT Timber TmHs, most complete, but buyers will end of October. munity is in the middle of this "According to Williams Bay still have the opportunity to LAUNDRYROOMS, "The recent plunge in ratos pastoral setting as well, Al-residents, they are impressed , WesternSprings choose carpetcolor and style in contributed to the nearly 150 though this new community iswith its small town atmosphere; PRIVATE BALCONIES, Dartmoor Homes has foursome of them, percentjump in conventional not along the water, all the ben-proximity to Lake Geneva and UPSCALE AMENITIES, model townhomes for sale at Available homes include the mortgage applications over eSts ofliving near a lake are at aquiet-peaceful lifestyle," said ç FULLYAPPLIANCED Timber Trails in Western3,872-square-foot Dsnbury and the Thanksgiving week, lech by fsmily'sdispossl forboating, ski-Roger Gerstad, president of Ger- KITCHENS, Spring. Available for3o-day de-the 3,592-square-foot Haver- almost a 300 percent surge in ing. fishing and swimming. stad Builders, "These are exact- livery, the models include theford. Weatherstone of Inverness 62 New construction CLOSE TO TRAINS AND refinances, according to the Gerstad Builders, a companyly the reason my father Donald Ashbrook, a two-story, 2,217-is located on a 29-acre parcel of Mortgage Bankers Associa- that has gained a reputation ofpurchased this gorgeous parcel luxury, full amenity EXPRESSWAYS! square-foot home with threerollingproperty.The sales cen- tien. Roughly three out of four building high quality homes inofland many years ago, so that condominiunis by bedrooms and two-and-a-halfter is open dailyfrom 10 am, to mortgage applications were the Mcflenry, Illinois, area overour company could offer homes Weiss Development in baths; and the Esssex, a 2,618-5pm. Call (847) 842-0400;visit for refinance transactions, up the past 40-plus years, haswith a lifestyle that has all but 1' RA lA LG AR (VIN? t5T4. square-foothomewith two bed-www.dsrtmoorltomes.com. from around halfduring the crossed the border and is bring-vanished in Illinois," downtown Lincoinshire. frt)f ing its value-driven homes to Bailey Estates' semi-custom ': ">f_ s u tt A R t: Wisconsin.Whetherlooking forhomes will typically offer three, Model Grand OpenInGi ?lk ' MODEL OPENING IN SPRING ayearround residence or avaca-four or five bedrooms, two or 2½ Stop looking. $SKts $55K Homstesd Discount Only15 Csndosleft With 5185f Incootivesl BeastÌiul Row Hauses In Park RldQel e,, Ri, tion home, this secluded com-baths, spacious kitchens, break- Starting from $232,900 In Norihiako Walk is Morbo Grove Metro Slept Start Living. Blocks to dswntswn sod MeSsI Entertaining Today's t ...',,,,Ji. '-f SU t I ,,, t';,' munity, surrounded by a naturefast areas, living rooms, family tysw wrrafldos,csrri lsceodos corn mewoatewavrlyphsUaoscsrfl preserve, features homes thatrooms, formal dining rooms, 708.492.1010 847.965.9444 847.692.3800 FROMPAGE 2 provide 1,800 to 3197 squaredens (perplan), master-bedroom Call Today feet of living space. Base pricedsuites and attached two- or New Homes from $239,990 to $307,990 thesethree-cargarages. Standard tea- 847.276.2670 and pravides anoflierwork station to help in the efficient organiza- NORTH EDmON s produced lay FosVslley Publlcalloss, gfr(T:9tqJoW !Jjvg or OQJIBQOOJ( ranch or two story homes are settures include furniture-quality 455 NorthCommons Gilvo, Sullo 200, Aurom, 11115015. Vot. 1, No.28 on homesites that range from aAristocraft cabinetry, GE appli-www.lincolnshireplace.com tion ofthe party,"Samuels contin- AttIICIICII res6.encesmt a gate6 community ued."Typically,thisspacefeatures additional cabinets and counter Editorial witft- pl-hices frontjust $495,000! space sswetl as arefrigerator and Tammy Matthews, nosieR pores warming drawer. Wine coolers (84714t6-73f2;tnh©ploneerlocal.cam ute populsr,and can hold between -rI 20 and 60 bottles ofwine and are Advertising eplacingthtewinecellarasamore MIke Sperlln, euuoeoesvsntisive sivian DiREctos efficient use of space." {3I2132I-2I75;oesperlloggsuellmoo corn Charles Page has designed -í4I : RIlsWslktr, BuiLDtRAaVeRliSivGsAtRsMvNvGeR Eheckrates-daiIy-athttp://suntimes;interestcomi'GE Bankt-ate.com and built luxury homes in the (705) 633-4924;rwalken8rnw$taIcorn Chicago area for more than 40 NORTH JessIca Sasfillppa (8471 555-2132lssolllppoBpl0000rlscal,com MEADOW I&IDGE PTfl. Rd. P.l.c fl.e %e.fl APR Mi,.,, ,,I. ;,n,-o,.. un years. It is known for designing vonrvlc,rv DlchWalters 17051 524-4428 [email protected] ;'o:rt';,;,;iv,,'s,s ABIMORTGAGE 847.585.1995PosrtsMORTOOGE CORPORATION 708.579.3333 MORTGAGE RATES & INFO LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE sorno of the most distinctive hllje//www.abimsrfgage.com hffpz/,tsww.prosfigoroerigsgus.bit homes on the North Shore. For AVAILABLE 24 HRS A DAY, IN THIS FEATURE moreinforrnation,call (847) 441- 3Gyntlxod 5,0001.000 S1300 20% 5.159lOydtleod 50000.000 $575 5% 5,031 SUN-TIMES Ca 7860 or visit charlespagearchi- eattodsy S59-G51II loyrtioed 4.8751.000 20%5.050l5yrtivod 4.8750.000 4,528 $1300 $575 5% 7 DAYS A WEEK CALL BANKRATE.COM tect,com, For more information NEWS : lüyrttoetl On Sainuels Homes, call (847) GROUP 20:2 ON THEINTERNET @ 5/IjVII1bOAI1M 4.7501.000 $1300 20% 426 : SALES DEPARTMENT 480-6476, CASHOUT REFINANCE UP TO 55% via FHA! Colebraling 14 ysars. A soloct mombor of Iho BOB. httnf/suntimas interest.com (U) ISSt N.Roaollo Rd., Sollo 320, Schssmburg, IL 65195 (8) t30 N. taGung, Rd., SI,. Ils, LoUange, IL 60525 M50504309 @ 800-509-4636 O-ct,**.'W,,,,w.mc.Q,q..qna WallSIeaerJou,eul Primo fleto Flood ralo mOflg.go trend 3syrliesd l5yntloed' syrARM MOVE IN THIS MONTH He.I..M,wu,n.o,lmIlreav,,co, - ,,e ) , I ltthe market mto Is 6%, your R+0659 rato wtII be 4.5%I Check out how low your paymirnts will 90 Ofl n new condomlnletm oit R+D65t1 wIth thu mortgage calculator at www,Rt3659,com, Color a couplo figures and bu WOe.OlrnXlØ) ' blown away by how much you can sano. EE ; !E : .*NO:STRflr' ,I_" ernste 5&Sal.rgSme,. *JLJSTV1N. 0e ,.' --'.---'_. ) .preblWO..tN,oern,,raupeoo.a.ul,,.saats,u.. v.',,'., ' ','.,,' ,',.,'. y,5 s, RANDOLPhR±D659DESPLAINES650 W. lANOLPH ,.,'teWo.ure ,,""...", .:' """ '' \ R.,...flul,..,alV,Mao a,.u,,,., I , 1,, V,,., , BELOW THE MARKET MORTGAGE R IflSI.,,,,lh. InS Cl. ,l,,,,d,,,,, , 'iU le,,.,, OI,I.J t,.,,k P.AM.q..ad s.l..cuntor ut e20 w. R,edeiph s_ - 'J ",,""*..J , M,, 0r. . k.o ...... Opon Mon-F,l 12-O, s.l-SOR az-u ¼ . .. I" 312A74.06aI www.RDßsecom ,.,tl,k .,, ,,,,U,,, , ,.,.,, , .U,,I.,,, O ,,.,,__, ,J;v ,*r,,,. .,,,,..,,,,k,d,,,.,, ,,',.,,,,..,., l.k r..fl, k.,s,Io.,o,as. I.,,.fl A,. Je., ,'o,,., I r' IIIRIrIt 'R 0' UOte)eR,4 I''"W C? 4, DECEMBER 17-19, 2008BIlI SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP NORTH-U Today's New Homes

aA a a A s I A I I I U s a s a 's m e s I s I s I s

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Ballard Pointe West North Shore ? Luxury Condominiums Luxury Condominiums

8l20Park Ave., Niles, IL 60714 1625- 1629 West North Shore www.NewlnAliles.com www.NewlnRogersPark corn

Gorgeous 2 and 3 bedrooms condominiums. Masterfully Luxury Condominium conversion beaut(fully appointed crafted, luxury appointed with hardwood floors, granite with hardwoodfloors, granite counter tops, stainless steel counter tops, Jacuzzi tubs, stainless steel appliances... appliances, in the heart ofRogers Park for as low as $52 7*0 located in the heart of Niles, for as low as $1,21 6* a month! *With 20% down, does not include property taxes or month! *with 20% down, does not include property taxes monthly association, buyers must qual[y. or monthly association, buyers must qualfy. Monika Carneg Monika Carney 841-813-9490 847-8 1 3- 9490

Ashton Place Western Ave. Luxury Condominiums Luxury Condominiums

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Evanstonnewest condo conversion. 2 bedroom 1 Stunning New Construction. All Brick and Limestone. 2 bathroom have stunning deluxe kitchens, Stainless Steel Bedroom / 2 Bath units have elegant Finishes Featuring cherry Appliances, maple cabinets, granite countertops, plentiful and maple cabinets with granite counter tops, Stainless Steel parking, allfor$770" a month!with 20% down, does Appliances, oak hardwoodfloors, customfireplaces, marble not include property taxes or monthly association, buyers baths with Jacuzzi tubs, private balconies and indoor parking! must qual(fy. Allfor$937 a month! *with 20% down, does not include property taxes or monthly association, Ivana Majic Tony Creagh 847-316-8500 buyers must qual[y. 708-256-1136

Paulina Ave. Reba Place Luxury Condominiums Luxury Condominiums

and Duptexes 900 Reba Place, Unit 3, Evanston IL 60202

45O7NPoulina Ave, Chicago,IL60640 Beaut(fully restored all brick corner building with Great location and tremendous value. Hardwood floors stunningarchitecture, cherry hardwood floors, stainless through-out, recessed lighting, maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances, cistom mill work, extra tall bay steel appliances, granite counters, 9foot ceilings, and soaker windows, imported faucets, soaker jetted tubs, All this tubs. All thisfor$1,2 16* a month! *with 20% down, does and more for$ 1, 131 * a month! with 20% down, does not include property taxes or monthly association, buyers not include property taxes or must qual(fy. monthly association, buyers must Ivana Majic Scott Graden qual(fy. 847-316-8500 312-420-6211

Rogers Windsor Gorgeous Glenview Home! Gorgeous Glenview Home! 1785 Rogers, Lot A, Glen view IL 60025 710 Windsor, Glenview, IL 60625

Stunning new five bedroom, six bath home on lovely lot! Gorgeous newfive bedroom, five and one half bath Colonial fravert ¡ne, Brazilian Cb erry floors. Open floor plan; huge in prestigious East Glenview. Travertine, Brazilian cherry granite kitchen open to grandfamily room. Three fireplaces, floors. First level office orffth bedroom. Granite kitchen first levelffth bed/office, lovely master suite, all bedrooms with island. Fivefireplaces, wet bars, steam shower, central en-suite, mud room. Basement with rec room, office/sixth vacuum. Huge basement has rec room, sauna, bath, sixth bed, sauna! all this for$4,253* a month! with 30% down, bedroom. Three-car garage. $ 1, 999,000 *with 3Q% down, does not include property taxes, does not include property taxes, Martha May Martha May buyers must qual(fy. buyers must qualíji. 847-533-0559 847-533-0559 1 A NI(II)'LIRI R AIRN\ AVI RINN \LITI I MiNI 1)1 L MRI R L8. .OS N SEARCHcHIcAGt»autös SearchChicago.corn/autos H R \\


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XL7 crossover hits the right spot

z- THE XCHANGE A Divtsion of Sctnctsky Enterprises. nc.

Mark of Magna Excellence E ii E Suc i ety Award 2300 Skokie Valley Rd.Highland Park, IL 2490 Skokle VcIIey Rd.Highland Park, IL i Sherwood Terrace, Lake Bluff, II. (847) 266-7000 (847) 432-5020 (847) 615-1111 w w w. 4 p o rs c h e Corn . www.audlexchange.com www.saabexchange.com .' . VISIT US 24/7 AT W VISIT US 24/7 AT WWW.GOLFMILLFORD.COM ____'-: *j l __EEn iN[fl G YEAHÌ100OOO o ('J ".-;_t l'a. MILE WARRANTY o -a oE ON ALL CERTIFIED. PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! C, V 2008 ID o BRAND 400 QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES AVAILABLE FOR EVERY BUDGET! -D0 FORDDGE .qY 2002 MAZDA PROTEGE 5 HATCHBACK ONLY AUTONAflO 1RilSNSSluN,WOY OVER 2,000 CAllS o . SPECIAL FINANCING CI) LL s o AVAILABLE ON




wHITO AU1IIMA11C EROS, LLATIEO 4X5000. ALLOT IO _ LOFS, 01101E 051118E 105X05. roes, '1''' GTALIITASATO EL AStI "C LRAL ALlOCATE TWDJOSI)Ru ATRI ALLIuJAIO TRASSUISSTOE POYAR AS, RISI VASILLO, CR0550101 WYIEOLT D. ILL TIR ISIS, LOlOS' 050500 ALISO, CR LOW LAOS, RIOT ARRALO, ERL.Ll500 SA 1*05911 1055505TO LOTA lARES, AOCI OSTRAS, Ill COUSS, ALLS! TRANSMISSION, AC, 1GO LOO) L TAT. LOCAS L YFYILSOWS, ItT, COSSA, 0.155, lEO CUS CIRIXISTO 01X1155 4000 .01 051221005 ROOtER. 0010000, 0101X055 £PLATC.IEO!STKIW 51X152350 RISAIOTRISIRIXIX3R LOAS)! STRIXTIITA 95,989 ,$349. MILES ONLY, NICOl $1 0,989 o, 239'12,989' ,279' 9 8,989' or $359.si 8,989' or $359F $1 O,989 s239'i 0,989'239' 15.989' 349' #703330 09 MAZDA CX-7 L) 04 FORD 04 MERCURY MOUNTAOFICIOR 08 HONDA CIV0C SI 2;9%APBAUAItABLE! .19%APRAUAILABLEF 03 SAAB 9-3 03 LINCOLN 03 MAZDA MPV LX AWD LUXURY ED. LS SEDAN FREESTAR SE 21 ,989oR41 9'


,.l 847-470-9800 , 9401 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. NuES JUST SOUTH YOUR AUTHORIZED QUICK lANE DEALER i -800-500-CARS c . (22 77) 0' GOLF ROAD ,- çwr3 04 tII fill TM _.j 294 COMING FROM THE NORTH anutctnrer rebale and Incentines, In lieu nl speal finann*Pntceslnu tax, llOIlnse and 000 lee, Ofl MSRP, MSRP muy nt be pace et ililch ebla Is soN In teide area In lieu cl apeaI llnann uniiw i -- Nei car paces & pjiñt Inudo applicable 044*C'- .0.0.. GOtT GOLF RD. GAST TO MILWAUKEE SOUTH Qn select models. A*ith apjovad aeWL On ulect models. In lieu of manufacturer rehatu, 28 Ford Fucus, 29 Ford Foolo 29 Food ftcapo & 29lord flex aie 0V. ar for 36 ¡nOnIhS. 28 Ford Ep, 28 Ford (-150, 2008 Frd Ex!orer & i -800-500-CARS847-470-9800 UI ri u.0 1UII1 294 COMIH6 FROM THE SOUTH 2000 Ford Fipediffon are 1,9% apr for 36 months. 21118 Fund Ranar Is9% apr tor 36 month& 28 Ford F-150 & 21018 Ford F-150 Supercab are Oß% apr tor 36 month. AAth approved audit On selectodelIn lion el manulacturers Ebales WI ii WI TI " NUll (2 2 7 7) tOIT DEMPSTLH FAST TO MILWAUkEE NORTH EL $17.48 pur $11001 financed iith SO dom. ffftuo Inn, UUIlceose.& doc tea. rayments based on 12 months @ 7.09% apr Onann tlth $51X1 dein pins tax, 1111e, linoe & DOC luelth approved undO. +Dazed on 21X11 FMCC tnlal nei retail veNde Maximum balance $10,000 for 24 months, t Plus tax, tille, license & doc tee, u iitiii u 'Pnces plus taxtitle, license and DOC fee, 5X35With approved credit on select certified used cars. Dealer buy down may attect 1mal selliny pdce, 94 FROM THE NORTH OR SOUTH )JW NU! Il 11 salen reoa Dealer uIl noi lno any pdng erroen lo thin advarliseenL Prices are good 2 days freon date nl pùblIcaUoPlcthrns aou for liluotrallmn purposes env, Oea dealer for details. moths @ 1.9% apr wdh 500 down with approved credit Dealer will out 2 mr ' Used vehicles imancing based on 60 months @ 7.9I apr with $500 down, used vehicles $11,000 or higher & 04 or newer tinancing based onl2 LIllY DEMPSTLR WOST TO MILWAUKEE NORTH honor any pdcing errors Io this advertisement Pdces are 000d 2 days from date ot publication. Pictures are tor illustration purposesonly, See dealer for details. SUBARUCHICAGO.COM 4 . NISSANCHICAGO.COM: I4 - e




r, SUBARU. % rt ni FINAPICING MU U AVAILABLE' NEW 2008SUBARU IMPREZA 2.5i ...... j s Ild0t4 Jl15O 15,395 t V. 't',.;;. «'tir,'. - i NEW rs. MONTHS!# 2009 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.58

. OAPR FOR 72 Ui88I78] a Suzukiarks the spotïth co fortable XL7 D1 A a the cabin and then clamber through a narrow don, engine noise traveled into the cabin loud and moving pretty vcll on Interstate 65, but the slick 18,764 space into the back row. clear. spots were definitely there and the precipitation NEW 2009 NISSAN NEW 2008 NISSAN NEW 2009 NISSAN NEW 2009 NISSAN NEW 2009 NISSAN NEW The other thing my family and I noted was the The XL7 comes in three trim levels: Premium, kept the windshield wipers moving. 2009 SUBARU difficulty of carrying on a conversation between Luxury and Limited. All trim levels are available The AWD test vehicle maneuvered vell in the VERSA SENTRA ALTIMA ROGUE MURANO FORESTER 2.5X by JILL CIMINILLO the first row anU third row. With the heat run- in front-wheel and all-wheel drive cpnfigura- inclement weather, and when I saw others slow- Mo RFA SearchChIcao-Autos Editor fling full force it was virtually impossible, and adons. The Premium model, with a base price of ing down, I \vas able to maintain the speed limit s ,aR 199 tilt WITH [email protected] plethora of "whats" passed back and forth with $26,345, comes standard with automadc climate safel) 19,178 the middle row serving as relays. control, rear air conditioning with separate con- The XL7 comes equipped with a 3.6-liter V-6 DOWN 2009 MOTOR TREND SPORTIUI1LITY OF THE YEAIP' Whenever my family gets together for the holi- After a day of shopping, vc were able to cram troIs, auto on/off headlamps, cruise control andengine that delivers 252 horsepower and 243 days, the challenge is being able to fitinto one car. our holiday packages in the 14.0-cubic-foot rear trip computer with driver information center. pound-feet of torque. This \vas more than ade- NEW Granted there arc only six of us, and five of us cargo arca and still seat six. \Vc only hit one mall, The Luxury model has a base price of $27,929 quate for a vehicleweighingjust more than 4,000 2009 SUBARU however, and had a moderate amount of pack- and adds standard features such as leather seang LEGACY 2.58 arc pretty short. But at 6 feet, my brother-in-law pounds. Acceleration was peppy, and I had no SPECIAL EDITION :surfaces, heated front seaïs, steering wheel audio ::,:;;..' needs some extra space. So sbt is more of a chal-ages. On day two of holiday shopping, wc were difficulty picking up the pace to pass in traffic. controls and sunroof. ; - lenge than you'd think. down two passengers and ended up using not The minimal Chicago driving that I did found :_; The Limited model, with a base price of \Vhcn I had the opportunity ro drive the 2009only the rear cargo area, but also the rear scat to the XL7 to be nimble enough for tight city driv- $28,780, includes navigation, remote start, pre- : AUTO! I 9,495 Suzuki XL7 home to Indianapolis for Thanksgiv- store our purchases. ing and compact enough for city parking. J:f : ing. Ias elated. Finally - an opportunity to çcst The second test a four-hour road trip to To- mium audio system, 17-inch chrome wheels and NEW upgraded roof rack as standard fare. The XL7 is one of those perfect vehicles for a seven-passenger crossover with enough l)C0P1C ledo to visit my uncle. a family of four or more. And with a total cargo 2009 SUBARU to fill it. M)' bother-in-law had to work, so we vere The test vehicle was an all-wheel drive Luxury TRIBECA model with a basc price of $29,579. Since this volume of 95.2 cubic feet, there's plenty of space 59.. 5 PASSENGER The first test: Black Frida) down to five for this trip. I have toadmit the XL7 for trips to lkca or 1-lome Depot. Both the inte- PER MONTH PER MONTH model came pretty well stocked, it only had a few Mola DIA S02338 We piled into the -XL7 with relative comfort: is perfect for five as well: two in the front, two in nor and exterior are vell-stylcd, and other than the middle and one sprawled in the back. minor options: floor mats and cargo net ($199), tvo in the front, two in the middle and two in the noise issues, I'd be hard-pressed to spout any- MID CITY.NISSAN .USEDCAROUTLET:. rear. Leg room for front, middle and rear rows My family slept most of the way to Toledo. Pearl White paint ($200) and front and rear brush STAR NISSAN. USED'CAROUTLET 26,336 plates ($155). The as-tested price of the vehicle thing negative about this vehicle. S4,995 S9995 S o5 Nissan Aldina ¡N2lA ... are 41 .2 inches, 38.8 inches and 30.9 inches re- So, sans radio, conversation and other distraciing 01 Ñan Mima ilM ..1 .99502 Mertedes ML3ZOil5A. 90995 01 Pontiac GrandAm.... vas $30,133. Since the heated seats were stan- THIS WEEK'S USED SPECIALS: spectivcl} At almost 5 fect tall, I fit perfectly in nOises, I heard a couple of nothble sounds from 'gu Pontiac Grand Ais il4ll 02 Infiniti I35ìlll iO,995 'Il Nissan Quast Ill Ullil S S .6,995 'OBNisnan Allima ¡15911 91 .995 dard, I really didn't need or want anything else autoSPEcs i .995 '04 SUBARU LEGACY OUTBACK AWD the third row. I had plenty of knee room, and the the driver's seat. The first was tire noise. As long S3,995 . D5VWJeIIaII83IM 12,995 and could have done without the options. OOMflsubIshi MontaroiVl?A '05 Volkswagen JetIail55 .1O,995 '04 Chevy Monto Carlo . 6.995 56K Mi! Avis. Cluit powar. healed seats! 210020 9' ,095 seats were stiff but mostly comfortable. My sis-as we were on freshly paved; smooth surfaces the '05 Nissan Maman ¡1197G Duting the test period, I drove from Chicago '02 ChryslorTown8CountiyIll3l '07 Nissan SentraaI94 1O995 02 Ford Escapo #111111 6,995 1 2,995k ters, however, who arc 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 5 XL7 was quiet and almost lulling. On rough-hewn 6.995 'O5SUBARU FORESTERXT S7,995*'05 Nissan Maxima ¡18114 to Indianapolis, Indianapolis to Toledo, back to . '02 FortlExplorer ...... ,. 1 3,995 Only 11k mites! inches, respectively, were a bit cramped. surfaces there was some definite tire feedback on 04 Nissan NfimailflM 6.995 '05 Niswi Maxima#21Th1 i1,995 Indianapolis from Toledo and then; finally, back 7995 05 Nissan Pathfinder ¡151M 9 4.795 Ingress and egress tothat third row are down- the pavement that carne through to thé cabin. 03 Hyundai Tiburonì59131 'IO Tcycta CamiyIlfl ...... 93,995 O1VWPassatiIll9 8,995 '06 SUBARU B9 TRIBECA to Chicago from Indianapolis. I didn't do a lot of S8995.'06 Nissan Pathtlndar ¡8517 9 5.995 1 1S05* right difficult, though. You have to flip the middle The other was engine noise. At a constant speed 07 Toyota Yañsî3I2 8.995i5loyotn RAV-4illM. 14.995 03 Toyota Corolla ¡513111 30k Mt! sOnar! city driving in the test çar, especially not in Chi- l 6,995 scat forward in a two-step process, climb up intoit was nice and quiet, but with a hint of accelera- Is 1Tâ $9,995 05 Scion nA ¡178831 9,895 '05 Infiniti 635x cago, but I can report thit the XL7 is comfortable '04 HondaAzconl 'OBbta RAV-4 4x4lI1ll 9B,995 '06 SUBARU OUTBACK 3.0 t!. Oean tdiiïoni I502i00A $ - for the long haul even if the fuel economy wasn't . quite what I'd hoped it would be. With mostly highway driving, I only averaged about 18 mpg. AISTAR NISSANr :i I MID CITY The Environmental Protection Agency esti- FUaÉCONOMYi6 cityiz highway (FWÓ), ' mates that the AWD model should get city/high- 15/22 (AWD) , 5757. W. TOUHY AVENUENILES 4444 W. IRVING PARK CHICAGO 4330 W. IRVING PARK CHICAGO way mileage numbers of 15/22 mpg. I should point out that speed limits in Indiana are higher BASE PRICE: $26,345 starnissan.com 888-598-7491 888-590-8666rnidcutynissan.com. 888-598-7467 b j than Illinois and I was averaging 75 to 80 mph. AS-TESTED PRICE: $30,133 - Plvs.lax, tille, lic. & doc. lee.0% APR tor 12 months on select models lSl3.RO ver StOOD lioancel. tExamIle: new 2000 SUBARUCHICAGO.COM The last test: the drive back to Chicago. All oilers to flIaIifiebuyers. All inceiitives rebales lOpliell. tiissari Versa $11.405 IrItIS tax, lillo, lic. & doc. lees with SiDO lIOWIl al 6.0% APR tor 12 nioolhs = SiR? per mo., total ollaymeots S13,024; StOR down can not be conihineil willi other Itlers: I began the trek back to Chicago Sunday night WEB SITE www.suzukjautos.com 0.0% APR tor 12 months w/S3000 down. Realer 'will not honor oriciiro eriors iiiIris 111. No prior sates. Oilers eii3 lays troni inh. as snow and icy rain began ¿o fall. Traffic vas 1) Bonus casti available on new 2000 Allinias. "As always wíth The Autobcirn, you can assume we'll have a great selection at a great value!"

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ABS, 6-duc CO, fe/Ipecac keØcaa 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY lacks, lii canse. Selverßeauly. Only...$5995 entr/, aluminum i,theetu suea 0010728 Only... from Luded Chercedif,e4aulomatic, nrmitnning, $ tear 8995 $2,500 Only 1,995Fultykiade4 lr,nlerCeililed, !eath&intnlc powersea $ up to heal&aii AlVO. 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Fullytoaded, 4 3L tell, aula, aircordibocirig,reIrr ean4uee Loaded, 251. mceimcaf, auto, air powerseal, tuIlpoevr 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE UMITED 4X4 pnienrlxks, Wf enema ll3Kcedtehied melca. ulkO I 107212-0 Only... /IMOEM/CO, aluminum I,1iee1uthO 7.090th"B Only...$ 1,995 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 4X4 s6995 Luded, !eatheuinteii«automac aiorviitknThg, 2004 MERCEDES BENZ C24O NOT LIST PRICE BUT OFFICIAL FACTORY INVOICE PRICE! Only.,. Laaded, aulanabc, afrandt,inowr ,ndow 2005 CHEVY EQUINOX LT 4X4 tuilvke)lesse*yAMM/D. p14,995 Ah,acOulelyloaded, iiJwencaf. leatheenteaoa 2.6L HeaFuci Atu pOW(IOCk hryfess entiy AM'A onry;..8995 Absolutelvinaded, m0000wf. !eattier,nlercaABS, fuilpewee $ AM/FM/CD, ( taneps, iearaç1ee slle# 9-01070-8 Only...$7995acadgraia tnm. tel/power ahilo-II 1598 Only... i 1,995 2006 JEEP COMMANDER 2005 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER toadni, CÑJerCeWIe4, 4 iL Vlautomaùc, air $ Loaded. aunabc. aL'cnidibnng. pIr I%lndoI,a, 2002 CHEVY MONTE CARLO SS 2003 BMW 325i cconir,g, ftlIpweí kejless enfry,W'M/CD. Only...14,995powvr,x* 4fM;o, lOWflflIS. Only...f8995 Absolutely landed. 3.8L V6, muonroof. leather nlennr full $7995 AIascdutefy Icaded. mcaaroal, leatherinlenea poanreondoeeo $ puive AM'FM/CO, tilt, cruise. alkO 12-013588 Only peewumxfr.s, AM/FM/CD, tilt. ruine SIM 12-01355-8 Only... 12,995 J! 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 2005 FORD EXPLORER 4X4 LIVIiCtI, aulon1aPc, ajrwdetinii, yet Iw1doIa 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING LIMITED SPORT COUPE2006 INFINITY G35 COUPE e. ---m 7 $ 4bsututelyluadeel, mitcal, leatherintenof auto, air Fully loaded, 3.51 VI, leatherintenot aula. air, lultpeeier power nian lnnn(Iks, kes eny Only... po.nrlxk, kej1ess entzy,/iM' . p8995 $ $ Coediboniag, premium toOl/nd, tell canse, thanded tettI only... 8995 AWFAIW Low Mileo nIdO ltJOl2O8-O Only... 2006 SATURN ION 19,,995 2001 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Lwdnlaumaticaff,tkvnQI1fldOII 2007 DODGE CALIBER SE '97 PORSCHE 91 1 CARRERA CABRIOL $9995 Atodutetykoded, 3 IL autuenabc, orccadthcaing, lowmileO LUdCd automat aircord,ina, powï,iatha, fyrk 25k cemlil mikAAtMD. Only... touted, autoneabc, airccaditcarneel, Layant 117111000, poseur Gennaneeyneeneyattsflneatuth# 11012918 power!xks wmtIeAM4AVCO. txke AMIFIhVV. ulke 1 l-01226Pl only...$ 10995 Only...2Z995 L. Only.. 6g952005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Loaded, autmaùc, a:rcnrdihoaing, power I,,ndoIa, 2005 JEEP UBERTY LIMITED 4X4 2006 DODGE CHARGER SRT-8 'N 2003 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS CS cavly -a sTow GO WV(!XM,AM/?M'CQ t14 mese. Aelthlautut an i nl,te,çcan.* BIrd Benly1dbxdedelylanied, 6 lt 11041 k nmwi -i- tudel, automac, a,rccoII,nq, powe iindos, 10,995 /IM4rM,Vß. le4aaitef utiaragnie, 6-dcaI thcaee ,laeiuI8I CK DEiIUTYthallnn tullycacar tuxrAlATltW, OutwttFnl dtvT'N FURIOUS Brand New 2008 Brand New 2008 Brand New 2008 ranci New 2008 pwerixAs, IOWIThI oniy...7995 CHRYSLER JEEP® CHRYSLER: JEEP® CHRYSLER YEAR 80, 000 MILE WARRANTY ON ALL CERTIFIED PREOWNED VEHICLES GRAND CHEROKEE COMMANDERTOWN & COUNTRY s T, ' I'' I E _Íi 111s j 300C '.1 T'T : V R ,NI 'II. I' o DIÏTED D i ' R'11 E" ' I 111R' I i I 'R I'''YßID 5. 7L VB HEM! LIMITEOS & L.4REOOS CREDIT LIMITEDS & SPORTS LIMI7EDS & TOURINGS s s Representatives on the premises s s 8orOLOEREVERyDy DRIV ARDLESS of 2007 FORD FOCUS 2006 PONTIAC GRAtID PRIX MINIVANS & SUVS WXURY CARS UNDER OFFiCIAL FACTORY INVOICE UNDER OFFICIAL FACTORY INVOICE to assist with your purchase. UNDER OFFICIAL FACTORY INVOICE UNDER OFFICIAL FACTORY INVOICE LaIIjcd. autaInaPc, wrcnid,tirnQ power IIlndoIC. poIu $ tecafed, automatic, aircoadetiocing, nwer canela VO 2005 CADILLAC STS ;Mcvco crowMsoaled, aulomaby airOiJy... 10,995 powerlecks, ke4essentey,AMfMJtO. o,,...11,995 2004 CHEVY VENThRE LS SAVE OVER 5O4' ipasaenner 3nlrowaea 3.4L lcower cOIOIIO, pOIIOr $4995Atesedutelykoded, cacgabo niocaí halawolnux 2005 CHEVY MAIJBU 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LIZ 4X4 txAll AAIFMICO, tilt, coima. utk# 12-013438 Only... Nwltuethrva,powerever4leng ulkt 12013441-8 'OFFORIGINfiL MSRP Led, 3.5L I'6autoenaac, aIreeIethbring, nrwnthee $ Atenelulelyleadeel, navigateca, leathcrintenew mecarcai auto, 2008 CHRYSLER ASPEN UMITED 4X4 çewrxke, Lownel& wf ¡.IOIeVrIandOI%O, poeevrlacksAMIFMCD, te/I couac. 2004 SATURN VUE Unii... 12,995 Only...12,995 Fullytoneinel, ¿41.. neccatcaf, 5-speed. airceeditiniuen, veceer hthulai5n tatø 2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE CONVER11BLE aneea, pawerlocAs, AM/FM/CO, b/f ravise $1kO I 1.11314-8 oruty...5995onithtalp6thzenlaautu lawy CnthnlutJ 24 995 taud. 38L superdugnlVautanatK leather Inlesin Fuffykudeel, automatic, ai ¡ca wndonpowertup, 2001 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX 2008 CHRYSLER 300 TOURING EDmOI' powvtlxkn, keless eeb%AMM'CV. ynryel, poker w7ado powerkcks AMW Only...13,995 Fuffylcadnl, Stew 'Nllucaabcaunlutoea9n auto, ah uxutiheeinn, tuilçcaevrcatultteiadlotO. Cnbfied altes 1241324F-8 ®ly... 2Ò07 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2008 DODGE AVENGER pcanreexloiey poi,vrtxfr.a,1lahFAVCO, uit cauca. stAt 12-01312 oniy...6995 catey p18,995 Fu loadeth leether,nleno automac, air cuithùceag, Leaded, ceflitleel, aulumatic. airwedilocing, paarr 2008 DODGE DURANGO SLT 4X4 Brand New 2008 CHRYSLER UNDER Brand New 2009 CHRYSLER 2003 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LXI o eir poe iwnsaa, ¡wrlxk.AMMVV. V*JelVO, powerlaco,AÑteThteVO, keless entry Only...13,995 FuIIyloaefed, 38L VI, leatherinled«, heatethaea tua po wee Fea1ytejicd 41tFIOeFUut ernne poncawal ntatelaratho, $ reatOteD entuMainnienf/aWFM'D, tela eseuseattel ¡201359-8 on.,y..'7995 lexFll, uxpahacaa lawnaec Callfinl OLIO 12.0135Y-8 15 995 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE 7OOO INVOICE 300 C HEMI 5OOOI 2008 DODGE MAGNUM 2005 CADILLAC CTS S laidreL automaac, airanthbceaq eee,,edoe,a, hel!aade leatherlateclae peeeanandoaa 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4X4 2005 CHRYSLER 300 TOURINGEDIT1OJ Brand New 2008 CHRYSLER Brand New 2009 CHRYSLER we( lxks, AeØen7tly MWVCV. Only...13,995 poavrlcco, kelecaenfryelMfla/CO. 14,995 Lcade4 4 2L t, auto, aie AthS. Onstar, tuItpoeve bit revise, $ Aahututely headed, niweocol, leatheruilenpo auto. air (eillpowee 300 hc'idpe'otectwy, aluminum v4teeln, ulkt 9Oltth2-8 Only... 8995AMFAW.O,P4cniae.atk# li-012934 15,995

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II I ii: *PIease add tax, title, license and $150 doc fee. Sales price includes all applicable rebates and in lieu of financing. Price not available with specialGMAC financing or lease offers. 1) Any GMAC lessee with a lease ending belote 5/30/09 or , i t I I III ,tI I tI.It il' Ii t , , i .1 , I i iì: , , t I , t I II, I II' i t competitor lessee with a lease contract ending befote 6/30/09 is eligible, proof of lease required at purchase. No trade-in required. Financing subject to credit approvaland insurability and in lieu of rebates. Finance rate varies based on cred- II II I, '' tt ii' i: ' it: , I , t , ti; , ii; ii: , I 1II' t I II t: t ii: . t ; ii IIt ii:' ii , i: I liiit II it wohiness of customer as determined by GMAC. Some customers will not quality. Offer not available on prior purchases & subject lo change without notice.See dealer for details. Offer expires 12124/03. iII I III t I t i: , I I II : iii II III I I I t .1 1,1 I I Ii It II , i i tI ili,i t , 'I t t t I t I III I ft t I I It i t t '07 Honda Accord NIssan '00 Sentra TOYOTA '97 COROLLA LE , DODGE '04 G,and Caravan, '03 Honda CR-V #Y8925 $13,995 $399$ pwr win & locks, CD, sunroof, VO, 10k, tally loaded. Tinted T-11 SUV #900238 $13 983. DLAR 1.8664108607 Berman's Md City Nissan 101k, 1 owner. X-Ira clean. glass, CD, climate control, 866407.1:S1 800-508-8144 $3,600 060. 773-6039045 dual exhaust, good bady. Runs WHEELS BUICK '98 Park Avenue ,'O6Cobalt LS Chrysler '07 PT Cmiser Ford '92 Escort LX '02 Acuta MDX HIghest Pike paid fur lank Coo, 83 goad. $4550. 637923-0318 T-12 TRUCKS 2O ¶89-eels, Black and Chrome Need extraholIdaycashm ICr voulu alarm, od ht. pro- $9,788 or $189/Mo m°J.4356 $10 788 or $209/Mo Auto, AMOJSS P MIrrors!w 11690030A $12.995 With tIros, fits all 5 lug GM. Ronning er Not Honda '06 Accoid XE V6 866-5325660 everythIng. f1875. 71X1.604-9681 CALI. NOW! 888695.7313 CALL NOWI à88695-73:I.3 2055031 93 Hynndal 'O5Sanla l'e $860 000. 7662094331 Forget tho Rest I Puy the Best W/ er w/o Titles w #P14377 $18 388 or $359/Mo '99 NIssan Manima TOYOTA '92 Camry LE, 4 dr IIVUI.379 $10,995 CHEVY '02 Sltvurado Eatond CALL NOW! hss.695-73i.3 cob, full per, VB. auto, 1 ownr. 'SOR, nidorty driven, geod heat automatic, 4 cyl, AC, 120k, Dadøe '04 Sorioter Carao Grosslngor Hyondal Me-5950620 Fo, all Cars & Trucks Amds Traixopert 713-295.9836 C,) extra clean, 1 Owner. $2150. $6500 oto,. 708-2894040 BUICK '97 LeSabro Umtted Chrysler '06 PT Cru!sur $1400 773.936-5676 #7b0A $17r33rto BMW '07X5 FORD 'SOTaurus Wogen PLACING YOUR 847-983.2806, Morton Grove CALL NOW! RunnIng or not 7 Days Leather, 304K, whIte, AC/boat, 20M! 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GEO'91PrIZm 4-dr,gus " FULLY LOADED, $750. 705.2665997 2800 abo. 708.932-4658 (,,,'(xl cas'1ì OIr 1713)3488563 'E-Z credit" S-il BOATS SAIL 7 Days a Week CD, AC, $2960. 773-7465658. 78k, blue, lItt cond, 2nd owner, with enruno, care, to ml. i owner, /*1*1*1*1*/ C CD. $7490. 773516-3778 $3456- 3129431631 Chrysler '05 300 S- ai BOATS SUPPLIES Honda '04 S2000 #SP6204A $17,995 is easy as 1-2-3 . Chevy '95 Silyoraria C2500 "HOME OF $500 DOWN" O. ISUZU '96 Rodeo Law mi, Good Job? Bad Credit? w S- 20 SEASONAL SPORTS BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN Pollcn Impounds tnr Satet Toyota 1292 Paseo Runs Gíeat 4X4, outra clean, runs eye. Eat Cab VB, ABS Pwr Brakes DId Your Car Stop Running? Honda Accord 2002 nnly $lc60l Dodge '02 Ram Van 686 CHEVY '05 CAVALIER LS "24 HR. LOAN BY PHONE" S- 22 RECREATIONAL 880267-1276 $1403 o.b.o.Cuil (773J90&;t059 #P14434 $8,988 or $1119/Ma '07 CadIllac Escalade $2,900. 847-235607e $4.05 88&355O31 LINCOLN '00 Continental IS Call 312.321L2345 Honda Civic 87 only $5091 Han- NOW! Need new transporlation? We '96 Buick LaSabre Sport, 4 door, runs and looks DIr 177313486263 "E-Z Credit" D VEHICLES das, Toyatus, Nissans & Mare ask for Mike CALL NOW! 888695.7313 8X6438 $32.995 elderly driven, mou great ene, mint, nary dependable. All optiens, 1 owner, rn/c, lthr, 866-532-6660 Guaranlee $1l fat your radelI $4SflOobo. 713-440-3942 830, ont. $5996. 6295663889 S-25 MOTORCYCLES from $ScOl For listings &-366- $950 or offer 773-936-5676 C, '02 Honda Civic [email protected] 0124ml. L213 Chovy 'O5Sltverado C3500 04 2908cats avail, Iree towing w SCOOTERS #M800919A SS995 VS, A/FM, ABS, Bench Seat w/putchase 99% approved. Free CHRYSLER '97 SEBRINC 866532 56$0 Volkswfir 'OsJetta Dodge '01 Caravan 95 8883555031 $13.995 #11200078 $4,995 ISUZU '93 Redue 4x4, Credit Check 629545-11X0 CONO. 101, BhfTan, lIb,, lit, gar, UNCOLN '95Towecar Clean, 94 BuIck Road Muster Wagon Fax 312-321-3175 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN Grossloger Hyondal -51S CHEVROLET '97 TAHOE Manual, runs great, great no oint, ere. cool. in S on!, no dents. gd ht, runs good, ' S-S AIRPLANES $500! Police Impounds! Good conditlan. Dark blue. cood. $1400. ht47-87&9663 /*1*1*1*1*1 Must See, 5220971356618.8 888-267-1916 350 Lii 9 Pass Leather Moanroal Chevy 'OS Impala $1650 01ro. 7734120.0251 --' HONDA '00 SONATA 01.5 Cors from $500f For Listings bother Interior. CD player. Nice 52,160/oho 1708)268-7075 o) lOON, silver, 11ko now, runs 135,600 miles. $4260 OBO CHEVY 'OlSllxerado PU, "HOME OF $500 DOWN" Mercedes Benz '08 C300 1-500473-7523 XC436 773-827-3.393 1 owner, cap, V8, $1960. 700- 22,000 It's Miller Time Towing! Good Job? Bad CredIt? exc $2900, 773615.8539 DODGE '00 Caravan - CHRYSLER '96 Concord LX r', #85968 $32,588 i18i(, all options, good cand, 708-785-5228, 6211-2090108 "24 HR. LOAN BY PHONE" Mercury '00 Grand Morqols o CALL NOW! 888.695-731.3 VOLKSWAGEN '00 letta CL, 'O7Jeep Compass Cash in :l hr! We buyJunk cars! DIr 17731348-6263 'T.Z Credit' Black, 4 donrs, fail power, eu - auto, Colitomia car, gar kept. silver, $2509 obo 847-7366010 TOP DOLLARS PAID WI OR BUICK '92 ROADMASTER collent heat $1760. 4 dr, auto, must see, mast o '03 Porsche Bnster #X6498 $33.995 With or Without Tit!es! drive. $2,700. 773.4316777 o) HONDA '59 CiVIc LX Excel . Looks & runs eue. 6 disc CO. 866-533-6660 For Good Cars! W/OUT TITLES! QUICK CASH!! Runs guod, luts of new parts. cond inside and nut, 4dr, auto, #19133.SA $17,995 '07 Chevy Suborban LT Dodge '07 Ram 3.500 4x4 708-296-1104 $1560/obo. 637229-l'OlI mechanically perfect, dealer MERCEDES'OOSSOO DLAR 1.866.6108607 100k miles. $4250 OBO. #M90ISSA $22.995 #P14494 $17orS339'Mo Atlas Towing 773-905-4137 Cull 773-799-0737 DODGE'OO CARAVAN $400 for Bedters serviced, CD, PW,PL.II% Oyster silver, 4 door, fully loaded, 866-532.8660 iii CALL NOWI CHEVY 'OS MALIBU Mercury '93 Grand Marqais rust Iree,oragn bept,privately 7 pass, auto, runs get, mast Will PICK liP rIght away! 4 DR. Exc, Cand. Garage Keel, Dodge '04 IntrepId z lealher, sunroof, CD, heated dove. $2,lSOobo, 7734376717 Aulo, At,. Am/M,3CD, Croise LS Gray, lealher, carriage top. (J) owned. $39131 632J81 ScIon 'OS oA DONATE YOUR CAR to SPECIAL '94 Caddy Sedan Deville 881,54,200,7733496041 w seats, eavi5ation. All power $8.496 lull power, allay's, gorgeous. m PLACING YOUR $9888 /*1*1*1*1*/ Call 24/7 KIDS FUND. Help Disabled Dril- $1700 773-985.0102 E VW 'O5intta 'OS Chevy Eqoleox Jeep '06 LIberty Dodge '06 Ram 1500 Full Power, Clean, Options, looks and russ extellent. Barmans Mid City NIssan $12995 773-240-3077 dion With Camp & Educulien. o o . #1'91.0068 $30 99S "HOME OF $500 DOWN" #P13581A $9 888 or $189/Mn Russ Great, Bargain .. C, RECREATION AD $13, or best otter, 800-508-8144 Berman's Mid City NIssan FORD '00WiodstarLX dual - Nan-Runners OK. Quickest Free $1415 Chevy '04 Monte Carla HONDAS FOR $500! DLAR 1.866-610-6O7 Good Job? Bad Credit? CALL NOWI 8&69S.7313 Towing. Free Cruise/Hotel Veach- o o, 773842.6098 8005088144 door, Low mites. Looks brand - '24 HR. LOAN BY PHONE" MIdway Motor708-656-5756 $6995 'BlOudgefleoa 51500 24Hours Police Impoundsl For new. Runs 060, at-Tun Deductible. 586443-3254. Berm-rn's Mid City NIssan OLDS. '98881,5, Many o DIr (773)3486263 't.Z Credit" '9tMaedaE2S $1293 o Listings 8W-473-7523 x3436 Subaru '08 Outback Cali 773574L' Getcasii 800-S086144 Accessories, Caralaiiy Cared Fer. w 7 Days a Week 'SiSubaru $88 1 Owner. Gar. $3,450, 3129131626 93 1174838 $18,588 or $359/Mo CHEVY '04 BLAZER 4x4 Dodge '04 Ram 100 SIT O o '99 Mercedes dM320 084 'OS Passat GIS Auto, 70k, 4 dr, all pwr. Hablo Cadillac '07 CTS o) #1909978 $10,495 CALL NOWI 888695.7313 MR. 4 cpI turbo, healed seats, #73188 $8,888 or $169/Mo 6914398 518,888 or $359/Ma 3377 f1. Milwaukee m2521098 3. is easy as 1-2-3 ospanet. $5400. 773-2094936 CALL HOWl 888-69e-7313, I BUY JUNK TRUCKS, C o, $500! HONDAS & TOYOTAS OLAR 1-8668508607 Co, 60K, one owner, must FORD '00 Windota, LX. Extra VANS, CARS W/ OR W/O CALL NOWI 688-695-7313 CHEVY '03 IMPAI.A LS visit samsaalacldcago.com C, sell. $10,995. 708614-9394 clean, dual door, reverse sen. leap '06 Liberty Sport Sort. Exc, Cond. 881 Mi. PLYMOUTH '00 BREEZE o FROM $500! Buy Police Impounds 11VU1433 $10,995 NOW! G, -C sors. Lanka brand new. $2460 TITLE, RUNNING OR NOT $5,41X1, Call 3126596754 Runs Good. Goad Body. PW. Call 312-321-2345 & Reposl Muras, Nissans '05 SuzukI Foronza Grossloger Hyundai 866.5950620 o Chevys & more trum $5lX! Jor +T91.156A $8,495 090. Call 7135214071 CHEVY '04 TraIlblazer 4 DR. 708-705-1783 PL, $1,550. 708460-9135 C, -C MERCEDES '96 5420, auto. 1k. DODGE '02 RAM Pick Up '06 Cadillac CTS Ford '05 Taurus SE o o UstingsS-2660i24 est. 1215 DIAR 1866-610-8607 V6, auto, 2 & 4 WD, fully load. 44M ml, a/c, auto, CD, $8995 110903.79 $18,99S tIm., CD, mm!., olloys, AC/beat, '02 VW Jetta Torbo od, PM, PL dual AC/beat. 891449 $8,988 or $169/Mo a o, calcentersuntJmes.com #Y8763 59 995 706395.111.01 or 615631-2983 866-532-5660 '01 Cheep Impala CALL NOW! 888-695-7313 w Kelly Blue Bin. $12,500 Asking CD/7s1P3, no dents/reaL Very Jeep '03 Grand Cherokee DLAR 1-866-611S-8607 Ford '99 E-250 Cargo clean. Non-smoking. alarm. 1iT82261A $4995 cl, HONDA '95 Accord LXI 4dr, $7,965 oho. 700-2961957 '04 SuzukI Forenza Auto, VB. Allo s, Ku less Entry Wo pay the best for Junk Cara SSS TOP CASH SSS DLAR 1-866-6i.0-à607 z Fax 312-3213175 #74855 64688er 51091Mo $5750 qeg. Cull 633-209-6035 $7,955 5031 5 spd, i owner, low ml, new 8X641146495 CALL NOW! 888695-7313 I & Truckst Free Sume Day P/UI For your Junk Cota, Trucks, Vana '05 Cadillac CTS tiros, $2,450. 7736544246 DODGE '96 RAM 1500 FORD '03 CROWN VICTORIAS PontIac '07 Grand Prix VW '03. Passat Pickup, Eut. Cab. Feil Per. Exc. Free Tow 708-691-6199 8X6435 $13,995 2 Vehicles, 161195799. "14094E OF $500 DOWN" 708-8509831 I 708-7968035 866-5325660 'O6Mltsnbtsht Lancer $8,995 CHEVY '00 Blazer loaded, mn Cand. $31X10, 3126596754 CHEVY 'OOMAUBU 8t7-732-768t Good job? Bad Credit? 11Y8948 $8,995 . JEEP '98 GRAND'CHEROKEE clx in & out, alano, Od. ht., runs Berman's MId City Nissan FORD '98 Wiodstor Clean, roof. Looks & dnves like new. '24 HR. LOAN BY PHONE" Hyondal '08 Aznra LTD DIAR 18666308607 '08 Tonota Avalan XIS 8005088144 excel cond, very clear,, CD, glI., $1875 eón. 708924-9361 DI: (7731348-0263 'T-Z Credit' S-25 MOTORCYCLES SCOO1S . runs great, CD, alarm, heat, Lthr. $3. 773370-7999 HY223 $1E995 11Y88S7 $19,995 $1875 060. 7662239907 $2.250 OBO. 223817-8941 Grosslnger Hyundai 6-59SO DLAR 1-8666108607 FORD '06 Fleo XL WE BUY JUNKS FORD '02 Taurus SES black 31K, Grey, i Owner, $9L NEED w, or w/o titles 4 dr, loll per, CO, alloys. Must MITSUBISHI '95 EclIpse OS Call Murk 77311091X169 '99 Chevy Malibu 'iCR Auto, rod, sunroof, full pownr, '96VWJetta Chevy'99Blazer 773-610.5313 sed $2. 713-271-4029 MOTORCYCLES WANTED 4WD,6.A Auto. Priv GlosaI ,JEEP '97 Grand Cherokee 6 I4CADILLAC '99 Deville 'ini Pontiac '04 Graod Am GT Hyundol '05 Accent gorgeous. $1. 'O7Toabdd Auto, AIr, Extra Clean, Ross Ford '98 Windstar CL cylinder, AWD. great motor, AstoAlr, Extra Clean, Runs #P14378 $5,488 or $359/Mo CASH PAID!! 773565.0102 ltPl4lß8a $3,888 o, $99/Mo 2055031 4 door, 1 awner, low miles, $8,995 Great, Serf, Beauty $1995 body. tians und tires. $2160 garage kept, onosmohing, in Great, Bargainsiass CALL NOW! 688-695-7313 All Makes & Models! . Gmssioger Hyundal DLAR 1.8668508607 CALL NOW! 888.695.7313 OBO. 7L66277'7876 FORO '01 Crown Victoria Midway Motor7086564756 FORD '00 PISO 7' WESTERN ASH very line condilion, VERY MIdway Motor 7086965156 will PIckUp! SNOWPLOW, 4o4 automatic, GET - WE PAY B!G CASH FOR JUNK loaded, going in nursing flame. black, 4 dr. tull own. uiloys, '09 Nlsuan Mutano CHEVY '98 BLAZER SSO privato party, must Sell, $6700 groar, $1900. 77:6-271.4029 Cali 6305600511 Toyota '07 Vario Runs gaod, looks good, full O8x, 5.4 L, regular cab. Excellent CARS P101 UP SAME DAY PONTIAC'99 Groad Am, 4 Hyundai '05 Elantra #P6676 $27,891 FORD '96 Windstor CL 7 Mercedes '02 ML320 312-376-1900 $VU1422 $10,995 8664071381 #46631.246,99S passen5er, green, lull power power, 4W0, 4 door, must seul warklvg tond. $7950. 773-934-6213 CELL 7 DAYS CHEVY 98 LUMINA LTZ dr. CD. Looks and drives like $1,950 OBO. 773-313-5042 IISP631SAA $10 99S new. $2100. Call 773.3797999 Grosslnger Nyundal 05952Q BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN T-9 ANTIQUE CARS great sojid runnlngvan. $1506. 847-983-2, Martan Grave CASH Carriage Tap, 4 DR. Bib. Set. Ford '01 Focus 888.267-1976 BERMAN'S STAll NISSAN Ithr. Exc. Heat, Allate, Runs Exc. 773- 888-267-1976 $499S $1,903. Call 173907-2276 Berman's Mid CIty Nissan Nissan '08 Alttma JUNKED OR WRECKED Hyundal 'OS 53350 #P14374 $17 or CHEVY '98 SID Blazer LT NOW '99 Cadillac Deyllle 8005088144 Pontiac '99 Grand Am Toyota '06 Camry ...... 4x4, black, 4 dr, lthr, sunroof. VEHICLES TOP CASH PAID FOR. #11901428 $3.995 INU14ZI. $9,995 CALI NOW! DODGE '76 Dart Big block, GMC '99Safari, Runs great. FORD '97 Ranger Eat Cab FREE TOWING 773310-7244 VO, CpeC PW/PL Spoiler Grosslngox HyandaI &595.O62O #9725AA $13,995 race roadj $4560. CD. alloys, special tail lights, MitsubIshI '02 Montera Sprt 4 cyl, S 584, rUns well. $1750. to We Pay Top SSS 866-533-5660 '97 Chevy Lomita $1900 e': 3555031 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN Caplain chair. Heat A AC. Low beauty, $221X1.773-729-6639 #P3.4402A $8,288 or $169/Mu ABB PAYS $5 Please call 773-334-7294 mi. $2560 obo. 7663398456 847-705.5542 CASH FOR JUNK CARS '94 Honda Civic 51900 FORD 00 Taums 5E Wagon 888-267-1976 CALL NOW! 888695.7313 FASTCASH FOR GOOD Wflile, oac heut, good gas '08 Nissan Attimo '90 Dodge Durangn 1-800.442-JUNK 53759 mileage, must see, 51460. Hyundal '03 Tibaron #J'6695 $12,981 sss Must Caah Gearanteed Far CADILLAC '99 Deville PONTIAC '97 Grand Prix RUNNING CARS AND WILL Opon 7 days clx in S out, alarm, rag lap, runs 4031 N. ElsIvn Ave 773-478-2552 o., 7737259639 -u #SPS973A $7,995 866407-1351 FORD 1975 THUNDERBIRD CHEVY '95 Surbarban IS 4 dr, V6, auto, runs/demos, CD '06 Toyota Corolla HONDA '03 Odyssey LX 1.500. 8 passenger, Burgundy, FORD '95 Ranger XLT, Eatra Tool Vehiclelt 708-969-JUNK 5065 great. 51,875 0130. 796604-1X81 Visit samsaatnchlcage.cem BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 460 auto. Silver W/ Red inI, . NIssan '08 R0000 cab, Black, tali pwr, alloys. Gar- PAY OFF MOST CAR LOANS. Towing Available ' 1 owar, $950. 773-458-8215 866267.1976 #7910288 $11995 20.51 original miles. i owner. Runs and looks Cae, like new fullpower,olIava.Gorgeous #5P6057 $16;995 DLAR 1'86&61.08607 8914 ml. $7950. 7734403942 $241X1. Call 713-907-2276 goous. $1260. 7737259639 7-79&9860 www.cashforjunkcara.net Nissan '07 Sentra $6260. Call 708-516-9749 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN FORD '9STAURUS SE, DIch, #SP6904 $11.995 888-267.1976 CADILLAC '99 Sedan DeVillo. 4 drs, tult ljwr, cold AC. Must InfInItI 'OS G35x BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN T-25 FOR SALE DOMESTIC Exc. cond. Must see & drive. seal $2000. 7737259639 PONTIAC '97 GRAND PRIX rCHE'.Y'96Im ala Full Pur. meld. Davor Seat, Lthr. ,$16,995 888.267-1976 'O6Toyotu Scion Xa HONDA '00 Odyssey LX 7 DODGE '00 Durango, 4x4, GMC '95TÖP KICK 20 It. low mi. $2656. 7734376777, i own, 14& Clean CORVETTE WANTED 3.953-1972, Boo track w/puwor lilt gate. Seals, Alum. RTheeln, CD Plyr. Sermon's MId City Nissan 4i85296A $12981 Any Condition. Compotier passenger, oil power, garage 3-d row, lIhr. all pwr. Hablo 708-2574242 8605088144 866407-1.351. Nissan '06 Pathfinder Cat dieselong. Auto. Runs BuIck '08 Lacrosse CXL Keyhrss Enl A Unte. Law Mi. l'ar Buyer. 1-8608083656 kept, 1 owaer, eveollent coed., espansI. $3560. 773-2094936 $15,995 $4900 080. 7084398483 A looks lIke new. No rust or 8O182A $16,988 er $359/Ma LBuh.- - - . - - '93 Fard Tempo $850 That Cur, 53,001, 773472880 AUTOMOTIVE Nissan '06 AltImu corvettebuyer.com Berman's Mid City Nissan dents $5900. 1737466142 CALL NOW! 888695.7313 CADILLAC 94 Eldorado 2 dr $li.,995 800508.8144 auto, super clean. 1uhr, S/U. '92 Ford Crown Victoria$995 infiniti'02135 Berman's MId City NIssan '06 Toyota Scion Xa $2900 obo. 7089224658. '91 Buick Regal $1100 DODGE '98 DURANGÒ CHEVY '95 CAMARO T-S FOR SALE IMPORTS #SP6199A $10,995 800508.8144 41D83069A $12,981 4X4, 4 DR. Eue. Cand. '07 Satom Aura BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 866-407.1251 MERCURY '01 VOYAGER BuIck '08 Lacrooso CXS gm, lull par, T-Tops, CD, great, 3377 N. Milwaukee 773293-688 8X627? $13.995 - 4 DR. Exc. Cand. Curage Kept, $2,, 3126596784 :- GMC '94 SONOMA SIS 4o4, Muss Sed $,, 773907-2276 T- 6 CUSTOM MODIFIED 866267.1976 T-10 VANS , Nissan '06 Pathfinder #P14432 $19,888 er $378/Ma visit samsaotochicagn ens -866.532-5660 834, 46,260, 773-3488047 I : low mi, loIra cab, stick, red, WE BUY JUNK CARS CHEVROLET '02 Impala 8VU1412 $36,995 -i.'-- alloys, evcal heal, like new. CALL NOW! 888695.7313 T-7SERVICE '06 NIssan ANIma Grossloger Ilyandul 866-5950620 W/ OR W/OUT TITLESI Nice, clean, dependable, weil Toyota '03 Corolla CHEVROLET '99 ltoo work $2460. 713271-4029 T- 9 ANTIQUE CARS #852735 $16 481 GET CASH NOWttt kept. 537(X) 080. 708-928.3531 INFINITY '92 Q45 Loaded ox- 866-407.:thSl $899S van. A/C, Ladr racks, shelves. Chex '95 Caprice Classic Wagon Auto Loan T- lo VANS clean,iof a hind luxury, new Berman's Md City Nissan $2260 abo 847-7366910 'OS Nissan Quest R & K TOWING 773-5442852 BUICK '00 Centory 80,000 brks/ tiros. 53, certiFied mi. 800-5088144 11Y9941A $12.49S lull pwr. mint cnnd, ail service T- SUV Ford '06 Explorer Nissan 'OS Menano milan, rad, 4 doors, CO. clean. Chovo 'D'Aveu LS history vince new avail. ga il Only $7,500. 773-310-2050 DLAR 1-866610-8607 $12,995 NIssan'06Maxima "HOME OF $500 DOWN" - T-19 PARTS AND ACCESS portacI, must seo. $31100. #P1428$9,888 or $189/Mo rage kept $ 847-971-9911 HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED T-12 TRUCKS Caed Job? Bad Credit? Borman's Mid CIty Nlosan 7739890102 $13,995 CHEVY 'OlAstro LS. Runs great. 8005088144 i bay Junk Trucks, Vans, Cats CALL NOW! 888695.7313 'T- 13 TRAILERS Berman's Mid CIty Nissan .'O2Toyyta Corolla .No rust. $2500 or best oller. '24HR.LOAN BY PHONE" DOWN BY A BANIL '08 RIa Rio #T91099A $5,995 Call 708-369-8456 DIr (71313486363 '5-Z Credit" 22' DRAGS AND 22' w/ or w/ur titlesi Running nr T- 14 RENT 800508.8144 NIssan '01 Boost CHOPPAS boll, will, #P6700 $12,981 DLAR 18666108607 $6,995 50« Mit T- 15 lIASE 866-407.1351 245133/22, FWD $271X1 balh Not! Will pIck ap TODAYI BUICK '99 Century -Red ext., grey, CHEVY '07 COBALT CHEVY '94 Cavalle, RS CAR DEALER Berman's Mid Cite Nissan Nissan 'OS Navigator or $1400 or best eIter each. nt , yet/Us, par/rents CD.. sisan, 1ko 4 DR. Exc. Cand. Garage Neal, 4 cyt, 2 dr goad ht, 11731 mi, 8005088144 , . T- 16 FINDERS SERVICE 'OS Nissan AltIma 11HY238 $3G 995 I 7120-724-4305 or 708-8295010 708-289-8490 708-5368649 &drvs. gorI. $2,210 Obu:773-791-2799 27K. $7,377, 773345-60-17 reliable.95O. 7086537229 Chevy '96 02500 Cargo Van FORD '03 EXPLORER OR FINANCE T- 17 SERVICE REPAIR #P6682 $19,981 'OlToyota CelIca $399 Grusslnger Ilyandal 866-5950620 '07 NIa Optima 866407-1351 #T913:06A $6,995 8S835-5031 4 DR. 7011 Mi. Exc. Cond. Garage T- 18 TOWING #I'6626 $12981 DLAR 1.8666104607 Kept, $5,91X1, 312659675-1 COMPANY? . 866407.1351 Nissan '01 Quest T- 19 PARTS AND ACCESS #5P6285A S6,995 Nlusan '02 Xterra 4x4 SE Nissan'05MaxIma BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN WE CAiN'HELP YOU! T- 21 LOANS CHEVY '95 Sports Van, Nao Ford '02 Escapo #69458 $9 888 er $189/Mu -MADE -MISTAKES? 41SP6254 $1.1.,995 TOYOTA 'OlCorotta LE Auto, 8483071976 CALL NOW(888-695.131.3 GB-T APPR@YED T- 22 INSURANCE '07 Kia Rio S BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN drives like now, gua aovar, nod dependable work van, runs $6995 #93003.4 $12.981 Berman's MId City NIssan PAST ISSUES T- 23 AUTOS WANTED 888.267-1.976 $4150 obo. 312-376-5742 perfect, $Xt. 7733107244 860407.1351 8005088144 T- 25 FOR SALE DOMESTiC 0105 '99 Silhouette GIS GET FORGIVEN AND ]VE-ThVØRK 7 passenger, gold, lealtrar, lull '08 Toyota HIghlander 4x4 T- 26 LIMOUSINES Nissan '04 AltIma TOYOTA '01 Corolla LE, power a11oys, exc. heat, must 41Y8913 51.8,995 CHEVY 94 GT 20 Cunee, - OLAR 1-866-6108607 ARE NO ISSUES! WE OWN THE FINANCE COMPAN'' bous '0515300 il8220A $6,99S Pw & PL. AC, CD. $8499. ston, Black, loll power, TV, seo .tl300. 7737259639 Ford '02 Explorer DRIVE HOME TODAY! #P14381 $12,988 or $359/Mo BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 773.7272211,847-8774127 VCR allays. Runs cxc. Must 57995 T-S FOR SALE IMPORTS CALL NOW! 888.695-7313 888.267-1976 seo. f1760. Call 773-7259639 Berman's MId ClIp NIssan At 860508.8144 - . - NO CREBIT BAO CHEOIT - Toyota '08 Rax 404 - 4ppLy-mutEg..- . II'("1 PLYMOUTH '98 Grand tiSP6227 $16,995 e Acura '06TL TOYOTA '99 Camry XLE Voyager SE3.3. 7 passenger. '02 Insus 1.5430 NISSAN '03 ALTIMA Bac Auto, 4 dr, all pwr, lthr, AC, hot, BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN FORECLOSURES LOW INCOMES 11P14373 $24,788 or $469/Mo #X90030A 512,995 CHEVY '93Astro ext. White. blue, lthr, CO, MP3, allays, lull 866267-1976 CALL NOW! 888.695-73i3 Cnnd. 4Mv, Beaut, Grenn, 4 011oy mint 84350. 773-503-7013 full power. Great runner. Nice. pwr, alarm, cozy. comtortable, FORD '00 Eaplorer Eddie www.FonîOfFraNklorLcom WEWILL GET You APPROVED! 866532-8660 cyl, $7800. 773-5103778 $221X1.773-7259639 Baue,, 4 dr, all per. Hablo $900. Cull 773907-2276 espayol. $3200. 773-2094936 . G000 CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? No CREDIT?

. TOYOTA '98 RAVE 4 Alt Toysta 'OS Rav-4 orCáU'8OO26OO5ÖO ALL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED! -yìIJ WILL :1 - 8MW '03 63 '04 Mazda 6 NISSAN'02ALTIMA 2,5 S wheel dr,minl shw rm. qual. 1ko S #SP6182A $14995 PLYMOUTH '94 Voyager - . APPLY ONLINE AT: - #H90036A $10,995 9X6412 $10,995 Black lthr, sun root, DVD, now drives. like a 25W. noi a scratch Chrysler '00 Town&Country FORD '00 EXPLORER XLT BERMAN'S STAll NISSAN 24Hourcredft.HotIine or dent, Id, wJmnri, yew, smoked #9730A $8,995 Sport Green, tall power, exc 630-832-9894 Grossinger Ilyundal 866.5g5 866532-5660 titas, 87k, 1 owner, gar, kept. 404, 4-dr, CD, all pwr, Habla 888-267.3976 $8,509 OBO. 847-31.2-0883. . In, 79i, gar, $5250 nba. prh. BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN MPG, rargeous, must seo espanal. $3,900. 7732094933 party 847-939-5121 888-267-1.916 $1,260. 773-7259639 urrle Motors APPGOVED! www.GetApprovedNétwork.com NICE PEOPLI TO DO EUSINESS WITH .- howard MAZDA '04 8X8Perfect cond, On CALL OUR 24 HOUR HOTLINE.. 8MW '00 328 new motor, trans & clutch. VOLKSWAGEN 'OS Tuurang, Lliikk J()1l$jl)C NISSAN '00 MAXIMA SE FORD '96 Explorer Sport still under warranty, 42,093 $7495 dealer combed, warr, 391t TOYOTA '93 TERCELauto, Dodge 'OS SprInter Cargo '06 Toyota SIenna LTD 4x4, green, tall pownr, 500reat, CALL TODAY! Berman's Mid City Nissan miles, blue, 1x01x5 like new. Looks/ runs gd. All pwr. Minti miles, V6, all wheel drive, fully FORD oFRA NKFORT Groen 2 dOor, CD. Gas savor. #79638 $18,988 or $359/Ma #63981 522,995 allays, nico, must uno, $13211. loaded, perfect condition, - Ó7ÏiA' 8050&2144 $1.1,500 nbO. 773.716-9911. $451X1 OBO. 7738188884 Nice1200. 773-907.2276 CALL NOW! 888695.7313 9423 W. UNCOLN HIGHWAY FRANKF0Rr, IL 60423 'DIAR 1-8666308607 773-7298639 $16,1. 773865-4244 800-118-6480 811-438-1366 AUTO GROUP or call the dealership at 888-770-9975 huy rtqulre good dawn paym!nl, Bill KayFord s Midlothian 14633 5. Cicero Ave. MowEn' Po POLSKtISE 11llIE-EstNoL HONDA CITY NEW CAR FINANCING OPTIONS New Car Buyers Guide TAKEADVANTAGE OF: EXCUJSWELY AT: . S S. I S s .1 . 1 I

ANDERSON FORD 6639W. Ogden, Berwyn, IL HOWARD ORLOFF JAGUAR ww.orioff.com Mercedes-Benz of Westmont 200 E. Ogden GERALD SUBARU 1210 E Ogden, Napervllle uI 9%, r, 708.795-7900 www.AndersonBrosFord.com KENNEDY EXP AT ARMITAGE 888-820-3229 Ave. 866-368-1522 rnbofwestmont.corn 630-355-3900 i-88 & Orchard Rd, N. Aurora APR FINANCING! 630-907-0800 www.GeraidSubaru.com ARLINGTON HTS. FORD www.ahford.com JAGUAR ELMHURST 490W. Lake St. 801 w. Dundee Rd Arllngton Heights (847) 348.-3042 Eimhurst www.jaguarelmhurst.com 888-2.87-621.1 Mini Grand Subaru York Rd. & Grand Ave. Eimhurst, FO36 Bensenville www.GrandSubaru.corn 635'950250 MOJTHS!* BILL JACOBS Mini 1564 W. Ogden Ave. AUTONATION/WOODFIELD FORD LAUREL JAGUAR OF TINLEY PARK AVAILABLE 2008 HONDA , Napeyvilie, IL 1-866-516-8015 www.biilJacobsmfnl.com -I 2008 HONDA 2008 HONDA 815 E. Golf Road Schaumburg 877-211-1935 8031 W. 159th St. 866451-0812 iaureijaguar.com BILL KAY FORD MIDLOTHIAN 800-804-3558 PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPERVILLE 1559 W, S ACCORD CR-V,. - 14633 S. Cicero Ave. www.blilkaylord.com Ogden Ave. 630-300-5000 www.patrickJaguar.com Grossinger SuzukI 6900 N McCormick GRAND MITSUBISHI 303 W. Grand Ave. Lincoiriwood 866-670-2599 www.grossingersuz.com i_CURRIE MOTORS FORD-FRÁNKFORT #lln Bensenvllie 630-860-3100 GrandMistu.corn APR FINANCING! LX: j Midwest Rt.30&45 fordoffrankfort.com 866-YESFORD Jeep JACK PHELAN SUZUKIYou Gotta See Jack AWD SHERMAN JEEP DODGE 7601 N. Cicero Ave., MAX MADSEN MITSUBISHI 7060 W. Ogden, Berwyn 708.484-1200 jackpheian.corn FOR 60 ?- JOE RIZZA FORD OF NORTH RIVERSIDE Skokie (888) 738-9744 www.drlvesherman.com He's Mad, He's Bad He's at 3 SALE locations in AUTOMA11C,4-DR SEDAN, ROYN. BUJE PEARl. POWER AIJIOMATIC, 4-DR SEDAN, TNFEIA WHifE, POWER 5-SPD AUTOMATiC, 4-DR, ROYAL BLUE PEARL 2100 S. Harlem, 1-888-4OO-122 rizzacars.com CountrysIde 7O&469-O5O, Downers Grv 630-960-5040 SuzukI of Elmhurst 334w. Grand Ave., E MONThSP NDOWSMD LOCKSNRONDFI1ONING,ABS,GO/MP3 Aurora 63O898-6000www.MaxMadsen.com o WINDOWS AND LOCKS, AIR CONDITIONING, ABS, POWER WINDOWS AND LOCKS,AIR CONDI1IONFNG, Eimhurst 630.532-5600 www.suzuklofeImhurst.com o AVAILABLE PLAYER & MORE! #0C2352A a) CD/MP3 PI.AYER & MORE! #C2392A ABS, CD/MP3 PLAYER & MORE! tC23O1A ' JOE RIZZA FORO OF ORLAND PARK o 81OO W. 159th St., 866-933-7850 rlzzacars.com SOUTH HOLLAND MITSUBISHI 1.50W. BIll Jacobs Kia 2525 W. Jefferson St., 159th St. 708680-5100 www.southhollandmltsublshi .a. Jollet 800630-7607 www.BliiJacobsAuto.com o -MCCARTHY FORD, INC 11400 S. Pulaski, Chicago 773-239-7900 www.mccarthyfordlnc.net Nissan BREDEMANN TOYOTA 1301 W. Dempster, ow EVERGREEN KIA 9205 S. Western Ave.,Chicago Park Ridge 847-698-3700 www.bredernanri.com o-C (866) EVER-KIA, www.evergreenkia.com AUTOBARN NISSAN OF EVANSTON 1034 -C GMC Truck Chicago Ave. 847-475-8200 www.theautobam.com CHICAGO NORTHSIDE TOYOTA o GERALD RIA OF NAPERVILLE 1210 E. Ogden o 5625 N. Broadway 773-728-5000 chlcagotoyota.com o GROSSINGER GMC 6900 N. McCormick Ave., Napelville 630-355-3900 www.Geraidkia.com BERMAN'S MID CITY NISSAN 4444W. cl) HOME. OF THE 2-YEAR 100,000 MlLE WARRfl$TY OH PBEOWNEU VEHICLES!TM l4ncoinwood 866.670-2599 www.grossingergmc.com Irving Pk. Rd. Chgo. 888-5908669 midcitynissan.corn JOE RIZZA KIA 159th & 80th Ave. ELMF4URST TOYOTA "me Low Price Leader" 2 lQ )31øXI Âwt, $Aob2fl1 ...... $39i ZIO3 Pffl4C GW 2U 888-205-8340. http:/,,vww.eIrnhursttoyota.com ALL CREDIT Orland Park, 7O84O3.03O0 rlzzacars.com BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 5757 W. Touhy, zl ...... $3,990 2C06HTIM cwrsAwe, 8h $cfl $9,935 Honda Nues (888) 601-2789 www.stamlssan.com mrAE23c . $J2,4&s FOX LAKE TOYOTA 75 S. Rte 12 /Rand Rd APPLICATIONS . 'CARR'S HONDA 6600 N. WESTERN AVE. Land Rover Fox Lake 847-497-9875 www.foxlaketoyota.com 2 190A O tZ. Gaes et *Thfl . $4,935 2006 Pffl*C ocm:i 1 $12,935 CHICAGO 773-2747777 www.carrshonda.com GERALD NISSAN 1575W. Ogden Naperville 630- 199e .__ cti ke¼ 7' $4,935 20M s Stw'. tsiiiar, 26 ...... $12,935 Bill Jacobs Land Rover Hlnsdaie 300 E Ogden355.3337 I-88 & Orchard Rd., N. Aurora 630-907-0800 Ave Hlnsdaie, IL 60521 866-516-8045 Iandrovers.com www.GeraidNlssan.corn GROSSINGER CITY TOYOTA 1233 N. Wells j M?V VAfl S*, Ido $4,935 ACCEPTED!.2006 llA cw EZtkid. $12,935 CASTLE HONDA 6800W. Dempster, Morton Chicago 800-783-9315 www.grossingercItytoyota.com 4950 South Pulaski, Chicago Grove (847) 965-7070 www.castIehondacars.com (ARCHER & PULASKI KELLY NISSAN 4300 W. 95th St. BIll Jacobs Land Rover Hoff Est. 1051W. Oak Lawn 708-499-1000 www.keIlynissan.com 2 MILES SOUTH OF I-551 Is len. Iront Oak Lwn/OrIa,d 4950 South Pulaski, Chicago (ARCHER & PULASKI - 2 MlLES SOUTH 0F l-55) lED NAPLETON HONDA South Side's #1 Hon - Higgins Rd. 60169 866-5168035 Iandrovers.com GROSSINGER TOYOTA NORTH le l,ljiiules rioni South Loop 7225 N. Cicero Ave., Lincolnwood 8666108608 cJ da Dealer - 6703. W. 95th St., Oak Lawn 8664300044 MARTIN NISSAN 5240 Golf Road, Skokie 888-528-8532 20 Ct,nutnsIrenOutil Coast LAND ROVER CHICAGO AT HOWARD ORLOFF Grosslngertoyotanorth.com hondacitychicago.com 866-838-2300 www.rnartlnnissan.com - 20 Minutes horn tear tooth kONDA CITY4950 S. Puiaski, Chicago KENNEDY EXP AT ARMITAGE 888-820-3229 25Min.rom La6range 73-582-50O0 www.hondacltychicago.com Llbertyvllle Toyota Scion 1180 S. Milwaukee arddQtf.I. ArUiQûúûgfr3iios.(SS.5pe;S6O 25 Minutes from Eimhurot 888-528-853 LAND ROVER WINNETKA 80 Green Bay Road, Pontiac Av, Llbertyville 877-311-3817 www.11bertyvilletoyota.com Iinaid) od 3,9 A1finwdrfi O S8.31 pr SIOO fiatt) o &t ?008 35houles from IIIDIANA McGRATH CITY HONDA 6750W. Grand Ave., Wlnnetka, IL 866-538-4421 www.fieidsauto.corn 2OO Ards, OUOO CEks,lO2Û(LYs. U&QU 2OOO9 Ods, IEÑ*ÍLA ESP*ÑIL iowiypo otsiw riÀ*ios roTuuÉ. sxuïL4u MUWMMK ChIcago 8886144422 www.mcgrathcityhonda.com ARNiE BAUER PONTIAC/BUICK,'GMC NORTHBROOK TOYOTA 1530 Frontage Rd. nd 2Og LAUREL LAND ROVER Tinley Park 1-800-509-7439 2O Pi qlid brs oppririt b7 u Matteson Auto Ma II Rt 30 & l-57 1-708-720-1900 800-734-3205 www.northbrooktoyota.com F°siccs plus lax, title, lic, acq and doc fee. perirain waiìacity, 2-years or LUK mites, whicfiever comes first Avai'able on quafifled vehicles only. Wod must b per- Now Open! 8031 W. 159th St. Iaureilandrover.corn FIrIfl(iaISIv5, i exp;IISIO. '1155K reOSiblIfr :O'HARE HONDA - River Rd & Oakton Des VISIT US formed at Honda City, see dealer for details. Photos are for iIiustiaan purposes ont, and may not reflect actual vehicles, Vehicle availability based at pressUmo and all vehicles rprs l?5t11 pt S.IStI&& oqIfidb Piaines. For The Lowest PrIces. Call 888-274-b425 BIlI Kay Buick Pontiac GMC 2300 Ogden, OAK LAWN TOYOTA 4320 W 95th St. BO04IEW subject to por sale. Dealership not liable for pace mispnts or typographical ueste. Manufacluier incentives subject to change without noOse and may affect dealer's sellingpdce. PATRICK LAND ROVER 1559 W. Ogden Ave.Napervllie Downers Grove 630-9690022 bllikaypontiac.corn TOYOTA 800639-8696 w'.oakIawntoyota.com. trII. 1I308. htQs ÛII iiSIiOI rSQnIj od y i lI cIo1 vhkIes, ONLINE AT . PLANET HONDA I-57&Rt.30 MA1TESON AUTO630-300-5000 www.landroverofnapervlile.com sdoi prss ied 1YI('S sltû prrsole. Pier sa!s rei Jgi1 : MALL www.pianethondaonline.com8b0-7804139 Grosslnger PontIac 6900 N. McCormick kr odwI ictDto&ihiproiirors fr Frilei tyerophoi triers. Llncolnwood 860070-2599 www grosslngerpontiac-comOrland Toyota/Scion 8505 W. 159th St. Tinley Park, IL 708-342-6429 www.0riandToyota.com krodurtr irOEsuivtsssbjtd lsthorrtrrlfieviIícoidoy aiftel dseltisstiiirg prkt. IkIL .1.. ;RIvER OAKS HONDA 17220 Torrence Ave, www.OriandScion.com Lansing IL 800-928-5630 www.riveroakshonda.com Porsche BREDEMANN LEXUS IN GLENVIEW 2000 PAULY TOYOTA 1035 S. RO. 31 One Mlle South SCHAUMBURG HONDA - AutomobIles "A BobN. Waukegan Rd. 847-729-6000 www.bredernann.com JOE RIZZA PORSCHE 8130W. 159th Streeet, ctf Rt. 14, Crystal Lake 815-459-7106 847-658-9050 -Rohrman DealershiP" 750 E. Golf Rd. 847-88-HONDA Orland Park 708-364-2400 rizzacars.corn Authorized LEXUS OF ORLANO PLANET TOYOTA l-57 & Rt 30, Matteson Auto THE HONDA SUPERSTORE OF JOuET 8300 W. 159th 708.342-6475 www.Iexusoforland.com beber Motors Porsche 7101 N LIncoln So. ofMall, 800625-7012 www.planettoyotaonllne.com oute 30 & I-55 815439-2'22 www.hondaofjollet.com Touhy, L(ncolnwd 800-952-6831 www.Ioebermotors.com MCGRATH LEXUS OF CHICAGO Kennedy at Dealers TOYOTA SCION ON WESTERN New Car Buyers Guide -ALLEY HONDA In Napervllle/Aurora 4173DivIsion 877-866-3887 www.rncgrethiexus.com Ogden Ave. (Rt. 34) 630-851-5700 valleyhonda corn 6941 5. Western Ave. Chicago 773-884-7200 www.toyotaonwestem.com I RIZZA SAAB 8425 West 159th Acura Cadillac (con't) St., Tinley Park, IL 866-3604575 www.rlzza corn Buick Chevrolet (cont'd) BERMAN'S MID CITY LINCOLN MERCU - Volkswagen 8101 W. 159th St. Tlniey RY 4.330 W IrvIng Park Rd Chicago 800-5090391 , FAMILY HYUNDAI JOE RIZZA ACURA 8150w. 159th Street Grossinger Buick 6900 N. McCormick STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC loo N. Skokie Blvd. HOSKINS CHEVROLET - I Lincoiriwood 868.670-2599 www.grossingerbuick.com Northbrook 868.372.3654 www.stevefoley.com .- Park,lL 60477 800-4069591 www familyhyundai.com Autobarn Volkswagen Countiyside Orland Park 888-261-8642 rizzacars.com 175 N. Ariingon Hts Rd., Eik Grove Village JOE RIZZA LINCOLN/MERCURY 2055 West 6191 Jouet Rd. 708-354-6600 Only 15 mInutes from 847-439O9O0 www.hosktnschevrolet.com BREDEMANN SCION 1301W. Dempster, Downtown Chlcago) www.vwoÍchicaoland.com . Ogden, Naperville, IL 888-753-4262 rizzacars.com 'Grossinger Hyundal 6747 N. Lincoln Ave.5 Park Ridge (847) 698-3700 www.bredernann.com Evanston 1033 Chicago Ave. 847-866-7600 RIZZA BUICK 8425 West 159th St., .L(ncoinwood, IL 866-238-4771 grosslngerhyundai.corn Tinley Park, IL 866-360-4575 www.rizzacars.com Chevrolet JACK PHELAN CHEVY "You Gotta See Jack" Mt. Prospect 333 W. Rand Rd. 847-392-6300 4000 S. Harlem, Lyons 706442-4000 Jackpheian.com Mazda MIDTOWN SCION 2700 N. Cicero, Chicago, IL www.theautobam.com AUDI OF TINLEY PARK 8021 W. 159th St. ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET I-55 & Route 53, ,-LOREN HYLJNDAI l6lOWaukegan Road 60639 773622-6300 Glenvlew 847-7290300 www.lorenAutoGroup.com 866-3795929 auditinleypark.com Cadillac Boiingbrook 888.655-5359 www.advantagechev.com PHILLIPS CHEVROLET Rtes. 30&45, A!JTOBARN MAZDA Countryside 6060 S. BILL JACOBS VOLKSWAGEN 2211 Aurora Frankiort 866-281-0769 www.phlillpschevy.com LaGrange Rd. 708-354-2700 vvw.mazdauys.com NORTHBROOK SCION 1530 Frontage Rd Ave. Naperville, IL 1-8665168025 www.bilijacobsvw.com LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT 276 E. OgdenBill Jacobs Cadillac 2001 W. Jefferson St., JoUetADVANTAGE CHEVROLET LaGrang &Joiiet McGRATH CITY HYUNDAI 8750W. Grand Evanston 1015 Chicago Ave, 84T-866-9666 800-734-3205 ww.northbrooksc(on.com . 8O5400731 www.BiiiiacobsAuto.com Ave., 888-613-6611 vmw.mcgrathcityhyundal.com www.mazdaofchicagoiand.com Ave. 866-383-3044 wv.(aureIaudLcom Roads, Countryside Auto Mali 800-961-7609 RIZZA CHEVROLET 8200 S. Harlem, CITY VOLKSWAGEN 5330 W. Irving Park Rd., www.advantagechev.com Bridgevlew, (888) 560-7799 www.rizzachevy.com 1985 RIver Oaks Drive, ChIcago 866-717-6611 www.citywvchicago.com Cadillac of Naperville 1507 W. Ogden Ave., . NAPLETON HYIJNDAI WIlkins Mazda 225 W. Roosevelt Rd Smart : Napervilie, 630-355-2700 www.naperviiiecadiIiae.com Bili Jacobs Chevrolet 2001W. Jefferson St., ri, Calumet City, IL www.napleton.com 708868-6500 VIlla Park 63049&080O www.wliklnscars.com WEBB CHEVROLET 888.5450275 vW OF ORLANO PARK 8920W. 159th St. Jouet 800-507-6841 www.BiiiiacobsAuto.com 9440 S. Cicero Ave., Oak Lawn www.webbchevy.com Smart Center Llncolnwood 4255 W. Touhy BILLJACOBS BMW 1564 W. Ogden Ave., GROSSINGER CADILLAC 6900 N. McCormick ,- O'HARE HYUNDAI River Rd & Oakton, Des Plaines. .. Lincoinwood 800-952-4539 www loebermotors corn 877-4449167 vworiand.com Sat Service 8-2 Naperville, (L 1-866-516-8015 www.billjacobsbmw.com Lincoinwood 866-670-2599 www.grossingercadIiiac.com BILL KAY CHEVROLET 601 Ogden & l-355 :For The Lowest Prices Call Direct 888-419-9567 Downers Grv/Lisie 630-968.2900 biilkaychevroiet.com S. .. Çhrysler ÏATRiCK HYUNDAI 1020 E. Golf Rd. ALJTOHAUS ON EDENS 1600 Frontage Rd I S BMW OF ORLAND PARK .8470 159th St. GROSSINGER CITY CADILLAC 1241N.Weiis Northbrook 800-7166517 autohausonedens.com Orland Park, 888-500-2369 bmwop.com Chicago 800-7839315 www.grossingercitycadiiiac.com Mancan Chrysler-Jeep in Oaklawn Schaurnburg www.patrickcars.com 866-314-4539 BREDEMANN CHEVROLET 1401W. Dempster4630 W. 95th St. 1-7O842O91O AUTOBARN SUBARU 6070 S. LaGrange Rd., HOWARD ORLOFF VOLVO www.orioff.com St. Park Ridge 847-698-1234 Next to Lutheran General Loeber Motors 4255 W. Touhy Ave. Lincoinwood CountrysIde 15 mInutes from Downtown.Chicago) KENNEDY EXP. AT ARMITAGE8888203229 ELMHURST BMW 466 W. Lake St., Eimhurst 888.HERITAGE CADILLAC 303 W. Roosevelt rd., Hospital www.bredemann.com wILKlNS HYUNDAI 750 N. York Rd., Eimhurst 60712 809525988 www.loebermotors.com 708-497-3999 www.theautobam.com 287-6555 www.eImhurstbmw.com Lombard 630629-3300 www.heritagecadliiac.com SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE 76O1N.ClCe- 63279-3OOO www.wllklnscars.com ro Ave., Skokie (888) 738.9744 www.drivesherman.com LAUREL VOLVO OF TINLEY PARK Currie Motors Chevy Forest Park 7901 Mercedes-Benz Napervllle 1569 W. Ogden AveBERMAN'S MID CITY SUBARU 4300W. 8031 W. 159TH St. 866-339-4583 St. Iaurelvolvo.com LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT PATRICK CADILLAC 526 Mau Dr., Schaumburg w. Roosevelt Rd., 888-294-3409 www.curriechevy.com I 888-769-5484 - mbofnapervllle.corn Irving Pk. Chgo 888-598-7467 subaruchlcago.com 430 E. Ogden Ave. 868.385-9527 bmwofwestmont.com 877-749-9921 www.patrickcadlllac.com RIZZA HUMMER 8425West159th MERCEDES-BENZ Of ORLANO PK 8430w. EVANSTON SUBARU #1 Suborn Dir In IllInois, PATRICK VOLVO 1600 E. HIggins Rd., 159th St., 866-2596OOO www.mercedesoforland.com 715 Chicago Ave., Evanston 60602 1-888-473-1603 Schaumburg 847-605-4005 www.paTnckvotvo.com PATRICK BMW 700 E. Golf Road, Schaumburg R1ZZA CADILLAC 8425 W. 159th St., Tiniey GROSSINGER CHEVROLET 151 E. Lake Cook SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 7601 N. Cicero Ave., St., Tinley Park, IL 866-3664576 www.rluacars.com 888-768.9770 www.patackbmw.com Park, 866-360-4574 www.rizzacars.com Rd0 Palatine 877-359-2438 www.grosslngerchevy.com Skokje (8881 7389744 www.drivesherman.com CouNcil. EXÇEftENCE 1O INUA HOND PISIDiNrS AWA Rl)

- ç. f. -. Total due at lease Inception Is $2500. Total dueatlease Inception Is $2500 V Plus tau, title, lioenseanddoctee PlustatlUe1linseanddocfee

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550 Skokie Vat1Road V MOVIES B14 Tesreday, Se500ker IF 000E MOVIES MUSIC ART CILIOS FESTIVALS MUSIC ART CLUBS FESTIVALS SPEAKERS Tb50005y. Ocoembom lO. 0050 B15

3100 sed 0150 000vrC' eaIrrlsg Ihn Astis cl Ihn nasse and Oslo Inn muslo. 310010 lithely ara too, Sil Ion sorirrs; 310 poem ore by 0000e000lo Chitapo 000Pmi0005I5005and 000.20,3 nover oIl i lisloly.CoI000 u In' 000k/o Theatte Msoio F00065100 ART GALLERIES Sarn000 Oliscos and Orsrnnlra, Fin- 300 sivinier ollinees Sil sto br siutonls, Children umder 00014 520/531/SII OprIlIR 130 par'lsovt 0m.: eq TIme dotdrtOlemOet ImonVi oobsi IO will p10500 I 10110v Manor go. OhISlio poilormo In Collie Mulo 710 ai000etvs0000mivin Ile SkokiO bIo' Loen Oivph o F000050 add too Open Christmas Eve ne rIF Ms Co ro, os p ra rs, Inn oye a o 000;Iict Iren Ober a0005ris' 000,07. t'sO Pr0 :Sanmy F0000r 01006M U0000 0000 01 OomlI405l' 0100.1024 Li050lo ltd., Okckiv 0011 s- WriohI, merso-sepr000, Feder pellI Dorlhvhsrnçenoerinaod nerinrero n'ed boa potins vault, 0MW 00111' piogrom'eOludeoWumko botOiteo, 0150v Rood 30007, 11:45 pm,: TOC 0mo Onb0000 i/o, 400mb CIntesI no, Oro a o in p 0 00110mo o: M 0mb 10 10 Continued Trono PAGE BIO /0411 kIF-1161 oro olI wnn.ckokr irrer, ant Fnlnr Van De Oroall, bans- 010 pm. Sundays alp ok-neiger wooIs000h517 nos, Joe, il: 'llapp4 Soi nel Fonce. S1011ik100, MOYO 000015 pI55OutOW5O Id000lo. Den 00 loawvlor 10411 001-101o d.m'Opn.:Psmul 000555'ionsrOo' at 4:00 P.M0 Crerarl Hail, 50 rois Circle Olios. yinthdot Mr, L:ntvlr" Will Mvi Onli' 7:1000, suis000 lolO ned goleo 030 pdo : Eddy '110 0 l'dI" 01000mo' ot100loo500 000ceri lickolo Issir 00001oslm0000mnorlb000i00000 oa vvoyvo Orso og. 10e. 15-500 IO: Make Reservations nob-boOn, ewe obicaqnphilharrnon MbInntilstanlChlsogn, lilloIs 00000100. corvo sihnrnise mied. ma - lomeo MOOT romo oennv550h orb 01 Hvpklnuce OmilVoill 00015m nr SOSsoOeroI 00010e 00, 010 pmo' odnonso, 301 vi Ile door, 011050 01100l000.'5 FO.T5000000iO 'Po 0001db. 600pIelhcr00 00110F I so in llnOl000rllallomo TIe 010m aro. Iices re $70 on the mn ConseIl luit lOMO Ch'sags roh, lndbo'dusl licknis OIS; ti 20es: ors. 50 0500rlalor 0031100 1sep The Unan' nUolkin Hal TOn posorem incbodoy 0 0O pooh090 rotad vlhorwite. Jan.30 00m,: 0m-t pm. Osd000doy Fi don door' Live Entertainment and Danci,g on SaRurelaym 10100v lvsab000lllmiorks, 100100m g lIno r. $53 muir Ire nIe nçs; 560, IOn tnsnsion. 15411 105-inDO nne.mu' 01000mo.10411 450 0001 snored 0000iion Ouroc Cus arO O mv ko bollihoeclsry0000ch 100001115 ROuI P0000 Hsuoe, 606 'mio 00mo is LabOmleod'O;bl Ivoko 5pm SOl0000r000050000yo Al' Oeil-p ortrvilo . I gumooto d do stil' and 500 rs the balcony; 000 ob- n'bruti ors. Deh 00. 130 n.m:HriI wnmoniilsnnreteod.orq Feb.10 LieculO 001110V Slyer yorko er Ile lotee ob ved comp covr'ln 0105v OlorsI 01OtsOOtcF.104Tb Ely-lITO, 10160m, JaIs 31,0 p.m.:'Pop 10oct60 m 00 00rollo museum ioree', on' - l'los 000 ponlmoils nl trioodo aod II structed view. Feb.15: '4 Valent ne st brei er od nein er MICO Osa demo PrvçiameclUdns Dono W:IUon'v program lerlude Dudley Rook's lesir saouler: av nel aomuMc by 0000. nwn000lll0000lpuiusm, no 000er 01000551Fob.F Opm.:005ia 600mo louoo 5000, eOmioo or In all pro- eaqsg 2&ee I coumv . 00mo mato ial meyde leap' Ooen ¡Je,ne From Fr03 Chains is Muds Losere: protramo:II preseer aslombermo' "Sborrsut 110mo" ved Hirdemntiv sol 500rtore ce rho Stur spangiod earl, 00500u, 00010 CisO 0060000, Unleove coud 010000100, 000dayo, O pmosenio'Ororebo 000mo'.100 0051 1000010 0150 loom lOo 21000010mo' proprivld Fyrrounoer 0m 0010 500' E E robent nahe: Derenan mF Minor. n'Issoesert.Fron Jas.OE.TtSp.m.' Oymploe:orrniumorphns s. lac000 Prelude io "1001000 IHrer' O1910IVISI, ply.'n'dnight Ol500r000000 roots vi 5000dwoy- Oudgomvg Ilammor 20m al/I dwd/ote 220w, Il-Jaw bd 101 o lino 00000coo . F00,01, 1 p.m.: LIVE MUSIC On. 73; Dvorak R050rellet,cn 47; V'oh oclronl Otodontn nnnolled it la rtheeoh Symp here O rnireetra, cus nyJshcpae,000rgoCbod' SkokielalloyoymplronyOa51004ra muvod il rho 000lloppv, Tu000040, stoic, slomr'rg Orco lumnel, Laumu wlwb010meoh.J0003'ApylI S: '110m 01051 050000000 i onnur 010m Solo Moedal0003n Quarrer lr0.Oinh Mr Mico 45000mo nroeram nul Paul Verme I, w so 'o d 'rocio r, p ra u eick's musi and Jubiles; sou 1001v partorwo oid Pn, 000000v ob rho T'FO pm.:lmiyhmvoic0000 inn. Dey. Froem000T Mroem0001 Oncle M Olelangabo Io lori balo O arIosi I REGULAR MENU° mo Weld null 1040 01011000 loll On e nr, O e. 0. talo purlormnecee. Free. crissonso ivsio:307m Oordoyv Oottsotol105 light io tIe Torn so, brIO Shore 000tcn tor 110 Femlorm' 00,100 or,: Heel0000ProcolviO. MonOe Ion am0100 ood 000yl Mis, 000ium ysilIai 005mawiros 100011e 'Pv 000105: Mepploilomyo Marchi, Huele nl tire Baroque po rio cmv at marthaastvrsillinsio Universi, ir Ion Ihealna Furono Perrnrm:ee 1h 050405ri will eslodeac oppear log 0010,0301 Skokie 015V, Skskio Oenlresmlio the 000th Sh000 Ceo' Fob, 25,100 pm: '01000000e Prudo Tb o 051mOil 0F Si IO droo' Oee,c Akaao 'eaos0s 0-0 pm,: P0001 6:00000'ionOsherl sGo( First Ordina Merrudist CoartO si Fine Orto 0301cr nno:ial Hall, 53800. Orlo at Mop000eot H OhS0050,iI5S 00000410e Orlmf101ocoO 00000ivhvp Tiokolo ore 300-15h; Ont un ohlldroc teriorthe PortolmlOssrlv, 9051 1100' will loom boils. Sis iFot' .logreo p100ev r l000rki 00 meilods 400pIelhonpm 011101 OOd OsiiO:oL Enanetorm, 630 nomon Ove., solete St. 0550050.Cn tono 17131 040' s moli 000000v Flaires. Ore-oso' Choroy 0000hoW"Sooloedandtho FocO pro'rnrsoit beoturon 000isat 010610 014V, OkoMiO.bOlTl 670-1000 orlI 000011 000mteoI urtiobo colon u-' At 1:00 pm onoro' OuI 011101000 Feb.00 0 Oriabl001i000ntur, III 00000 curad orheronite 13121 3SF 1414 4r06. Dao.i9. e p.m.: Flavio Woe ceri srmmeola leo by 0300100 $00" With o tocha Oso 00e, 0101e 150pm Fonil000lc,solIbE4l16l0' wemo eet000ao LOrO D0000,Opw P.O srre sod MorE eurnol pme500l a 11410 lOom bOl-lIbF000,0 0808 N. MkDmamkma Ama. H ghwsy. Poro 01db10471 013-1h11 Wnw.00roqoe.erir Sing In linkers orn doro F000in ant 00101v ir OvnI eso' Pou io, s viali m0000r ci rod o via' Mordelsvote, 00401v Coos; 51050er 1330 urlotnwysbsoorpdoe.le; cod 00000,5 pm,: Muddy Patinklo pm,: Ou000n e 600uIlool, 00000001 "009040e cm Cono Sourer TIc 00m br ckl000mi00010l.om9 bulo, IO I°kkOau, BL 60704 0 (N47)207-0559 $30 $70; $20-$30 000deernl000iers. 1:00 WFMT. Seoir ree hour prisi io lodavi 000portrailv;PrsoO:tusl' Fnelsrieol000inosrv elb5000swg poriubms po pulorOten dardo From tio. Poised yod Bohemio." none En' F00111100 0000bssO, 1 Ilorood 000:00 TIlos, 50011 Curo 00.-50m, 0100doy'lPOMdsy, IO Vi 'r our Woboilu si0050ioicriuliOOucmo10 OlirruO Or000rrnbii000llrn 0cc. sed Oorrpoioo/ JarciO, 130 p.m.:"GloeerCondocrn roh 0001000, May03 FenIlo Fops 000ui 000poht 00, 11001'. TolacIdro Ovdgor0000 Ha mmor0100 , Stephao oemblepnnvenis meOnes, ennuis- caro tonrerl ledIHOval rossorI 50.0CL, IDOS Ctl0050 40e, i000lborlenPmiri000d OrOnngs vi 00.-1 p.m Itidono 000 Solsrd000 Ce050riniibrlonSleolo celo St' S500dorl Syoploci 65 o muelo' tondlOim IburmyChoOrebioflg 500nvlon 1041/ 401-EMIl Ile Ort Inciilolo ti Olir000,mi I Through 000 19, 0010 nF ooligucl ierbeoh; Esimi Falboror' Lloyd Moli' islndi Eooth000n 110110mo io'I EnrIi r 000 Colo Porlor,w'th Poul omn.000ynt0000000 50m. 000.10.0 000seolt0000i vodoms I p sed 00000 om0000eIv dolp000 000 oro' tor 'memory' 00m 'Coiv';WIllboms, del o"; Salol S0000; lisie C0000lto Ford 00 010cc 151010lOS, 200.0, po' LuboplvmkL Ill leod00000, Schulomsb p ir lbolioo Dm001000: 7mo 010M by oca omosl 1000ko Timm 'IT: I 90k gyro MIlli000' P 'icono 400 0000hl5;leat0000 Rareo 1:10 pm,: livio OimilIoyThibuio Ill ai 110 doOr. 000FO,Mpm; Door C0000boolorlincscompared: o iIe o cOol io ici s 0100 0000 Will e 00m "Sshindlcnoliul", 0000ekI Colic Trost tiste, Jenclior Siuoku Oboe. U0000 M0Wh1E, BFm.: 'sot look:" 0'isrusU500lll000hhlisos'lrom 000lmeevme000looieoo 000thonO Cuecerto, 000F beodroC 105Wpet sod 00005- lts00010b005tlemoriars0000ieo $000100m II Luy hing, Sil iood- ANDREW'S OPEN PIT & STAFF RAVINIA FESTIVAL MmOOeIsrqaIr luMoplOsleC orrori'r 4 10100 00000ml dolo nCkmlslomoo Park 01000 01010 005heotra nror 05 M005lbvrl.o viols. suoI' croo' lInero aodinonb 001110 laO Tesi, 000co'. 0100110e door 00000,0 Ceniun n 01 toI or lrooingulmon loo 010 0000 Sil will 005nslag Plu' WISHESYOU eol555050nls olIos Pirkoicktlo' dec00 OCvnvorlonoiClaydn: 54O.M009,Opm.:Tb0001Patk o Fw.Ml0100 20000000 Ib 1h00 Pr0000Iilrtsik lvoovmeod 0000cueoeIlihoD solon lot Cor- alro,5 S. Fr00000t, Fork Moco lndr Ormpl000 lo ill i'Oscdno"h, E0n6 ISO. Dar Trio ITO 200.0: 00001 Oron 'Oroya Io Orewi 050:1 05010000 bem HAPPY HOLIDAYS 26001 liskolO oro 000;505 For vIs' 110000es', Symp ony rol MeOW; Ch 005000 levI 4. h musivo Ose,, Juo.W N'oholoo Tmemubis Collerbiufl'ai bIo 011 0510010, Fob lbt0000 MOmvrïabSallery nl 90r11' 200.10: BorallI br 00ko Teylor10 aonio ant oee;sr 00000v, 001110471 leotu000 tIn Roue Spola Costar Fo' N loo IO ni i 647-DODO omet 0es ham' 301 5 p w,:' 01001 nOTilpttll ores-005 lore Loisern ilr'o Isrm0000loo, Enjoy YOUr Holiday Dinner With Us! Iso-Fell or 10471 000-EsO sr olor cabIo, 000001' Oserlure te 'ibduo' bor000bi O0dsm. 70006090 004 000d 200.10110 Homo L0000nonill 00000dnd ism cI breo osaI-iO und 1000 Campos In ro 10000100 104Fb now poikimdgnr'sicslohaoiromrg tise From lo $oregliu';rrmplono lyodeeod000, i'IlOIpo,: eaddy 0050000mo 30011; Peler limon Ile roo eols, 0000dpamnoto or curo' dru-oslo, Let us do the cookingforyou with Feb.E,0:Vlpm. Ilalroc000raaliVe 4030 l'PraQvo"b'. a00 opera 000000, Ctur 00, P uoivl/oieçuhih000000, nill TOwmi solder 200.15' Clicogo loIrs 00100es scone Inok ui se 00w rolls rorihyetl000.ody/diiilma Oisons 1,0111 Oarahrbbara, sopra' som 'sto god. trio pm-mm dflight Jaso Jommith Burn 00000 J0000IIOiteiOiIe le bel 5000in1n 110011e shIll/sr moho coI ero ysuro ore il 0.0.-IO excellentfood and very reasonable prices. no und 10mev Csrrnliooc, tomb John tony, Clari e Droughon sod 000010 000ll000dliecS 200.001F From A Oheboepolo Io Ins bobo Cor pm Ovil ldnl0000iclnee Words AVAILABLE! Featuring solotl ono ires Vorli'v - 00031110, Oundoy 00515 10000m S-n DINE ON Or CARRY OUT POP/FOLK/JAZZ Irnos Ionico lic Irpot loss Tribolo lors". 110010 nob miel un Drum oso CenlemO///Os oleosO 00m lu-Jaw I 000Fr S's han" '0 Tr050ivre' yod p.m.. Fr day-Saturday muMo io loom in 510010 Pd:dlordl Jaro el: 004coi lion 110 Prods, FOOcnOd boasts- rom alolamOm000, Jars n'Poli. 0:Po- FORRESERVATIONSCALL: "Mabusto" FumO 's 'Madona Sul TIro gIbo Pub, 0400W Grace St., 90,0.-loo Oov.004nnditi500 blolecelnrs050illuanesCs Ion dio 0001sl0O loo ong on 1110v dl' loo 0mo: 01000' S'leol Lolo dI7 toIl 0:00 t00000' and'Tovco Chb0000 11731 170-4400, 1505-TOsO 00000er. 00020; 010M P L 0(1 FOUR ORDER RH leo 01: Ion SI Ile, 10024: 0006c - lomool Orso ng I050mloueu costs oilo'opesblirinolo/lolsn LoCs0100' i;0ERAV10 ara Lc00000al col 000000ci" w000bboypub ovo, Suodabo; Trsdr Lu0000myo wild Oreo I00000dillyl 55 1.847.824.3800 DECEMBER 191F 1000 200.30 01110Es 0019 POD SOponIomIOoIlson,lreoismbsok sloc0000-tooso Oil-boned MarohiS, 0307W,; Sircote hoca Idol sessione ib Davis Shop' oocor Doo. 0: Moro Pompo. 000.01l Oarc000mlr.Jue.OT lo It Vorder Mssesm mem000s, heroh IC mpm, 2650 DwmpbGer, Pork Ridge, IL 600MW 10 05(1100 DELIVERS Thi'ogO'e;ih 0000cl 0001010, oblio, Oerd,dpas Tuoed000: 0000 MIs notI bIs/rosO, 000,OOIOoeoio par ollO mano 000ud;ou 000/0 700001 Ocrer Os000iro Pmo- go, PAGE OlA rho Pari V'dgn CHis lrsleslro night n'il Eso Oonnolev,l pm. shall oea uchnoy 501cr. Dorc m, m.ss EH DICEMBER 20TH Sii vgs and the mOno Dosis Clam- 0000000aoo 5000looter Moltdcyc p.m 1:000w,: Seuond Hoed Soul ber Ir0100lra Slrirgo HisaldL Ton rpm. Tlundayoi H0500 bonG 1p.m. 000d, w'ww,DivioePer'fmrn'AooiArss.rJs'n SAVE 30% loor Seasoner, and Fula 0040ko, Sor 300t9,Op.m,: ONWLTl00900mou, Fam000 Fr064100 Moadheuso, Two N ::I.oHs Óuso foro limited liars. eoadn EROI 5h, D'OD po.. The Spirit Tho Si000tlys 56 ir odcocce'. 0e at G, Bu000 0000, mount 100000cL IE4T1 !otic4 4øsj(i 'jo tous4 oterosmo-O Dor000 Requiem, Willi ho door Dm0. Oh n pm.: Futuro 0556 Ins-Soll omn.t00000t0000ievmood' Roy bnl orn Jsnsooy 1,2009, Ihn Perk 01205 litio Or0005tre COo mito Saodolus, Dark Parlo too tori op loose Son, Sloan Oteo at 0001 OIr vsd soon us add idonol SOUl uro ile Pork e:dge Community 51010 pp yod Leoi101 and Roc Si cor. dayo and 1S p.m Sotcrd000 Daub; YlHA1fYHth0j:SEVÓt4)ii Juni $70 fon ton admissiono. dursI Chontal Cholo Iho 600151v' SOS in voneeoe', 053 dar ut 515m; STO L4.S Ilndep0000nt luck 0000111. till010 01 Ch;500c Cboroler 5000111' OIP 'ieoludoo open Ou, ocd boro Dev.00: 110 1100000, Doo.00: 011er bborl ospr000 voloint aed Polar 00110e Pavi und The Oci/lolnlperby SEE THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PERFORM WITH LANG LANGr Vue De GraviT baso-Voi loon 00101cr. 01100000 AlOOF 1005 N.Maoellm isolI. Doo 2F: 0-Sido, DuO 0: tot RembruodlCha005rPleyora por' Road P000tnvot Ti000lo oro assi; Medi000 1100201 111000/ HERBIE HANCOCK, PAllIE LIJPONEr YO-YO MA AND MOREl lamm mv 0100010 Holl el lye Music In' sbleotnenilrknboeoierouour 1000 Owenioeo 100110go 0005cr, rubro oF Ch cuir, 1491 11:0000 SuOI 150-1011' Oho 10h01 pr'lcos loteO 4b0S I. lOon 900, Ch'oago 17131 Ose 100noion, Tdlelc' 335 ro od' bubon do cci :Osl000sorsitO toco. leo-TOO O nmnl.briu000lsuvm. 0e' 'pDlVINE verve', DIO Olodonto, Tickets aro 055 Ile iolormalioc lien io 10471 155' berluiomertolO pm.Fri009000d nmyoo) PERFORMING ARTS AVINIA FESTIVAI 2009 alilo dvor, IOiOlOVO-lIrS, 0100 JanO, 3p.m. odono,: Iront' Sdluidcys e lIn OIl Prcoi000 nwnuembro od ich n oho rOlo to io o mg 90-PUNCH LAWN PASS SVerlan Orsbnotmo 140, SOt 200 Looesv,n0005nr- JocOteO CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECTACULAR SIOP0010DMY - Fob.tS,ItO pm''loVisvrHlaoIo' 06-01,1 pm.: Malollmsa nil Moo iso d000eg nill CanItoiri Chi0000 200 AROMA. O 'Od sH." Ile progrvm bOlados Srillee'o Head TOn soond, ITO VO 05900 0; 00111000 siso 100 9' Pobriok 01000Rt 11 0000 Ploniosy Ouoricl, MryvryMoirisk's Jon. 30 lo w I SI pkrvl. CclvedO Ovieoe 500lJac.T0;Jolre000sh Pair soy gift tom millo dARRyl, 01100M Occlelisollog 000001, loso und CanIno, Irlobum, III. 157.50 Mar01 Tribolo will eelemteiomnnl 17h50 - 50010 000,so' vor 200f Krmfyflioin liars. ant 010010100'slop:oro l'Flaulmool luv'e"Oslcusboa 0000 dIo Crook 0001100 HonooJoe.FW 000HRSR Oliotci (stood PucoS Pane end Garbo Houshop J0OFT: Ovo oy "St-Lili uoo ohMrnm0l'aphy... GET Ata MM O 0M T ED Segovia Olaocisol Quitan Soliov, 61110 Blueo, ulla lao's Orvlb005. Jon TO: Joe Cubl5500d HO LO DAY our (lovoisul Graso Pass 'mooroomgonOly bouooifuC' Fob. i4'Maytwil Vn henos 000th' 10400100 104Fb 404-0000 One IiI s' 00111000 0000e. Juo.04; Jun ho- Specials f Sa gLss los soropiwle Ooioensllrl 0300010v 00m' dl000bam rom. C0000 015000v soro 01000. JOn. 10; Soomon Ikone aol Bnuodony Wonbd gucOIOuiOallvl,TO0 Onb0000ibo SOedeyy,4 pm' OillvsI Opon hile. Jiwny Acoro Jaro bd Paddy 61FF OF SOMMER! llevo, or P:oh'ntoiSer Ososarl 0011 Tuoedoyv, Woo pm' Osino dan loom' HonoO'o Isod, - 'Speoccominn peo'ymnmvoca" liP Orto C'broie DIco, 00 c0000 Sub' od by Fha 1FB 00cl 000000dayo, No MeloOloho, rHo Hund yo ovvio erriglioc to all loor oceserbu io SOD; 035 pm; North Slsro SleppIl 1321 Cliiuogo To/boa GIFT CERTIFICATES ALSO AVAftABLE! 0000nblo Fron Ooltor Commun tO , FR__ WH&E 500 isr 1100go 0104000 1011am So' Wod0000aoo, lOSO p.m.: Into Monoe Co 1050, perionmo al lISO pm. the tuaIt momdnrv, veri vr 0111 00cv, and Urban Dansa 6101121, DOOTE,T pm; Onlluoudoy cl the 000th 00 The C,ARIWA$H . Eorthneslore iocvlry and vieto IDO The ebrtor0000l Ohrivlmao Sund Patch pcuoso coailable at unicos Whole Foods Marloof® viales. Son woboita fmI l005liaev. Tiki Tom0050, TOrT Loo St., 000 Oreo1Ai0!SoelVsau, .1 For cts d000u. Ca 11b4Tl4 VI-4000 vr 110161, 000.0E, 1000 'Sproypa et PlO 000 ayO 01 735pm. 110 OssIh ° 0°',,; '0 - O OIt nonn,p 565iOigeOsip F00,14, Loun0100d Iced 102/00014,6 Thuruday 01 mho mcolh at 01000e' Sf051 YOUR EVENT AT RAVINfA ANY 11W 0F THE YEAOI 7:50 por.; Dale ne0000ph e Il ploy pm: St. Luke's Cloin 10100M sell, Duo bOigorie Pere050, 107000010050., WE SERVICE ALGM PRODUCTS nono by 50000nooi000ll. Onmeni' 0E, D 00 p.m ; Joe Omlleco a od Orlo Sot,, Dno. 27 (2pm & 7pm) CULL 847-266-5087 OR EMAIL [email protected]. 0ev Pleiroc, For idtormulioc, sul INCLUDING CHEVY BUICK, CADILLAC, AND GMC! ovni. Villa-Lobos, Miboud ned 00- 110001 lacoostlo bluevI. 00003,S lorI 10011 bElli OTO DIlL oye-sol Smw,, Doc. 28 (2pm) (CRol Offmno 11110 00mo 12/li/lO. MIWI .000001 od 00110mo sot oWiVine, 000000 yornolo IO Culla HalL p.m - 1107mo Deterlvm0000lbrerkì 000100 Up 000 Loom . Ol000isISh. EprillO, 1.50 p.m.; 710 000.20, 4:10 po,; Oiluo;llo 0591ko' 0000aruohlhe0100, 5450M Eiter w C0000iao Suitor Quartet m'li por' ..BRÉDEMÀÑÑ .Hk"t': 0011 000,20 lIOSO m-TOC 000atu 005V 000000cC Dokote vro aoal' (312) 225-5 f20 (hotlipom) (3 I 2) 902-I 500 (ticknomastmT) .. L m0000 u_00 D00000eo t G Eacoow' mom N0000o Eolfoeuom GacaeEmk Mmansos'o term rep cl-Sta ger C0050rt lulL p0050etn morId ousic, 000.51,1 p.m.: oh n al ann io keIme oleo ovm or 847-266-5100 The prooro m ioolodec muoia intlu' Jsco 100111 3002013 pm.;LID/bPO 13121 009-bObO; the holen Fr1000 lintel . ... 1401.W..DEi.IPSTER;SWPARK1RIDGE cooed by old aol mew looSe otybco pr000000 hp-hop. Dan.20 5:Slp m.: bolso du dol Inbludu vom/so toen, r ' ' Lfl8'' 2m3A ' : ': ' SERVICE & PARTS HOTLEOME www.ravinia.org * UBS uvWel 5000rko bynooJri000 61ko W One mlv U t ho Feat bertha ole For 0010 ioFsrmallou 00000 Oho tho' aat'.0 .1 ui' 000rlel mom Our TolpaMeo the por lioso, Deo,Oh, 5:00 pm.: Usunolon 0100,001111411 6Fb-5100 00909-20: r1mmd byllid-USA Fsiosn'D'olo Aovooiodlmm'sod Sound mf Hopo Rodio NFP 847.655.1555 Formante oil alvo iealorea mord 01000cr hood. Doo, 2h, WOOFs "0e loon'inq m'th Il 0100" 150, 5t5, FESTIVALS B16 Thursday, DeCember18. 2500 MOVIES MUSIC ART CLUS MOVIES MUSIC ART CLUØS FESTIVALS SPEAKERS lyotnoul. 00000501 10,2000 817 bu dra000d OlI ot Iho lIone Wald' dulionul und Cacl0000rary srl from 2rJuat LaIgnIol Posl'Aulrioe Im' motion, contact lbna bloC, /0411 approsiaraloly Ins donen oil pomI' 100 14, IO, 21 0251 0110, rob. so, SIS in O Loo nno, 520 cI tho door u o' 008000 5 LESIONO P os 0001 Now d0000ncwoi0000 ages" ant "Salida Sohalman: tell' 4440060, osI, SAIO drIlnI015Ily' 00000 ld 00k 001051 000lOtOl aly' Irge alloessaullg Ube' 01H10 Irr teprol' Inc June and Oerrerd kleber Cal 05' 101011. 00, 0425, 27, AOILh2'S,l'lt ColI 10971 0001001. otes000lon org. Ilmo b00000 0010 81, oli 011001k 011 Inno noted othormiso. 80G 5051 end Bonet005 Hanallon 100,1001 0 Oak' r go. ing mamen, iandssapee ant loon' liso' lhemuseunrreoenllyreoeised paIlla la." Operi g rene 011ao Iron ho obb te ho o 0600 booboo al I p.m. Jan.04 Oca Fob 7;ocd lASO 0F'OW O O er. a rd O Km. ' Lato Nr gIl HOppAgmldOODOnOeCidb ploridno a donatrsn nl male thon 050 001GO n'O p.m. GeniO Ino St, Sec Plom000, 01101e Amoco Old Continued troll PAGE 885 NAS001AIIS Frown Noroh000e allem Oaroh 1. For 0,0, and 1200 pm, Feb. 16.1100011 Catoohiom," 000 800 810p.m.: l000d 018010010 I0051090tTE lHllAmeHnaeyeHta8e Cambar Art in dinerne mndia Iran Ihn olliesl'el nun'iccl00000 CI05000i011OdO0O1O noIe llmtormot un, 000taslc ill /7131 2001605 0101011 'tale liCht C00000iOO' Odo 100mo 1m. lOo 000000 SOhunday st tho - Dinner Lootrec! Shit bonIco apI, amuurnal 110000 uF toryeuth old edoltO,lolblian, ha' Gallery. 4000 N. Alen sae.. Ch neon. sI lure Aletee 01 Wilmirstor, bel AUDITIONS & Dnellnre Scold member Paul 000dhiOagOkld5000pOcynom Eno pontanmononwit/ohampogca 000th,00010000l'MOH,in 111000001 0111cl Pet a bralckeca, Opening re- ara hnrinl0950band gelIda shout perlaloalo 001041e el oqa ara CirnotO 000 0tsonsod, Iohl000 Hi p to 51 LT Va loop 11701 080'TDTh Gallery hnurs ale 14 OPPORTUNITIES WuedmShddl0000rfewoIng000a LolFelan Cholob, Th0000l and LOO snr, be cooking a onluetoercerion lemon otpeubOtwlhilaondom. and oh000lotos 10110011g the 0h00, dlnmwin g Aenni;060leiw P;IaIaS; neptusl Iron 1'9pn Jan, 0 p411 Salsldeya and sundays 100 nl hune new arpors lioeow libe o rocIo , 000P1OI000001I 18411050' C0000noaloly 011010 0100000 In Oho SSO amIdI brocho GoAd Gallery in on tsp ah ins aduno si u,oulersn 0000m400iot Maar ha ebb Io IcaCo andanin 4 d055lng CoIl 10471159' Through 8eA,01:'ihn young OrillO STAGE Plnkosink'Danddingme Lptomn Pork 6SSSmniTT3I000'4450 the Cimhulet mro Museum, lOSO, Col- nro ollIsly, nsa blu re. J 00db, bas' loot eheetleradpioal000orhO NOOKS & POETRY 7201. Ñewspapers Eye," mnrke by erl nludente atol A/ages S. ProopootOne. Oltc/rgo 5010100000go Sa000BN000a 005enahbrePlayheaaw. Ihe Gkekre 000koblelorroleeloaln onpGeeday DANCE ChI0OD0'ONindNCkIMJiMOIOILI 010k lage Hill Are.. Dimhurel, Gallery CornalIne nod St HOward 000001e so Ante, AdIa cod mosa camungo. 000000. 3000 Chnrolr 30., 000010, oF' Pork 01511:010 ennmoaily lyealrn, atlornnern demo Ibrurodoyc, end inmoIr Amolloon yo/togo Cochon, 10010/c otoup mnnisol th001ro, gel' heided 00000 tollOwuolosllhO lreurearelaam-4 pm.tceeCaye. 10e nadilwenl Ode ulCl(nags Through DuG 2' Or Ihn P ralen'. Ile loraolaoeouio bobbol,ldcc hiO'hop, REASON#6 nil yola uatitr000 ton "Moldar un ell'nitn pOrIarm000en; 100 Irons' 4H26 N. 4000 50e., Cl/dogs 11151 101000 dIon 0100000 Icr 0111100G 'OSO, '600 andmoro, Snem000.' thsredeye ene Selurdaye;l'g p.m Mitchell hAuceker ml Ihm Ala ericen Ort 01 Putanalemi Orlisl Wanly PEN FO R N 000 C ES lap,and ondeto, Call (BAIl 0707040 poor and 0e 01010110 yean'nuoed 000100G, 000,1/cb oAho Con COcOS ara oidor, 00 oeIl 00 p110010 molo Wedneetuyeu aId 1-4 p.m fridays 10818e, sCSI CenItal st. Enaruler. Cramsa, leulul no sii o 0:011100 ara Ile Or eel 1001000' urean.5l1D. oidoig0501lheamoll000 Legion A1TRACTS Ir milh lion sII in January and Joly, b/nh Omeoloan Danke Ond Asthorn 0000ro 101011 InsIlo menlo. Oliere 0050010 ko NONIOS t ho red000l 4u11,9IHTW.Palti0000,, 110001m med Dandayc. ldmineiar lache 18471 4701021 oow.mitlhellol000' priaIs by Wsndrla'lyoldl" CrUObn Purlsalc000icheler000nl4ard I000.kabeid0000po 00100cc 0, CUSTOMERS 51102 ant nilllequibOrnOAeOlbom Sught'Ieadiog u pluo.The Croupe io Cook dm015500 Croon wools OIL aro aleo 000ikgonbon 0100500 1h01 donar 0000000 01 Oho Edo Plai000 101M, 001000 al1000ioo noIosi Mdlrau' Diohurel Article' Gui d Gallery, in. um,erg ydmiuernn Io encele is In' 1111019811, opalaoelomi 110m 0ko' teTano 0050ml 00 001050010m and the slhpt and/era modern diala000, 5400051ed by the Skukie Park Sil' p.m thee000rdoacdoynithn boil amuelo and 00000000 nkl lie lar 0100 le slob O OOIOOl oSO 0100m' nludlraadraioeiunlollmlulsl Arl niuted willI un erlllunse annelles Il Park DidO/sl, 0 lb 01000010 itO 111th 80000,005 N NonIh0000 lighnny, lutilian paokets une nnauloule. Oodr In cl med meets n000larby at tIn Cok' mooth, ucl000 oIled lthemn;eo,Tho clonIc. 10001010 ant pr000huolono, boro'5101 Or000000bnlO , 010001 Mn neu nin 54; 01 ne ele re; $0 et u' the Milohell Ouoeum. Gayqented An' OadloocaromunilyCellega, hanoI on000l Wiolel S005t000 01000/0 Polk A'dge,IOkbl 0150050. 01101/dg rol agpainlmenrs oar be Onde by ton Commonly Cooler ir 0400:0 Call dinsuonbce loIcA by Oirgioio Giboero, 80ml oow.muodcrslud'inn 0dm er nell atlilnl005imaO no b 001000e 01 rante' dleleu tree lAr nilildlelr Celer 12, Od' calme io 1G for odallo 10 OD nr Ace Manean 01011 11200 Gol po. 000 00 onO l'OD PA. 8005101 Pro 1006 Ocal I 001100 horb aslnbol' a lanshel at Oektar GOm000Ity Col' 10411 1002000 neeinroilizene,nludeOlo und roil' noua, neu Pleines. 18411 6100600 nailinG 18471 0141000, ecl. 2402, 18411 lno'00n4. rho Pleine Lakoo Commandly Collar. ohOltO aiinwod, 0000 On St on oIdor. brclomhlingl000hip'lop halbI, EnanutanChrldreec Theatranib Na Cala 01010 MalediI an nonio er' unAn. Jan,Ou Ito Woilnolpr000tby ThoyADh Club 100th Arlo/D0000 in' Call 17101 0070117 01M nit 001111 AhreaglrJae.2u"Annuknnrn°o."oar' eren. Macloam adwinslan per laoi y own4aMlon ne 010 cueca. GuilalO SIG H,ThaOkol 01.000Fb eon For top, aod000il al IhO0I0FC nmpel' P11111/lit Plolss Ida asdit ors Jal,la'lS lar ibdol' near bi O O 00ko moo O la ro 010 play crendan Crohom. 005,0: OaturOIHra' lennall000bl hobo danno 0105000 tsr I othugoyl oag0000.D0000 Ho lodI temperary oil peinliogu by Oil celen' n StD. Through 88G 24: lanceeS asare, ID n.m. 6H02 Molday'FHdayl boternalno, 0011 10071 0110705 nl liso D am000l00000 Oro umo'doy 205.0990 ln'be'aonnnnsedapliog 00Db pIo' uko cia sr 001 ghl oIr ng noue. 0e' lnryno Moureon Homard Muob M 10000 and y00000rot000rlo ostIe C 01101005 SoIlot,StS toln15000' ideel Lane Oke. Toe eshruit calores ing Aaurdaeen amer Ian Ir Alun Tre' ii am's 1m, Saturdays. Dan,18'Jae, 01011 000d000iai00000rkoong. 'Fil p"oiimiOO tcr00001 boo/On 0100 S.020m0 PnnpoarbaalnbyFi000 Storico Jottomoon 0016F Oiah0000, 4000k, 1I aullidO. luditions are aporto youth hooranbne elda re Ecu P bren. COI b0050010005010990 000ilublO. O 0100010 0100 01boring Op/i 15: 80000e by nil loo Ko on edo, Lolo Cla5000 ore 000d0010d by lina Cootro 0005 io Oho North SOolo Con' g010.10 no dt000ellh Ea ri 006 p, 10401 0700115. on e wo b SImhorol odubIgn000 ootplloOtaC0000bc' Macson 0000e. 17751 0000108 or tom ter Oho P011011000 Orto. 9001 hold trumy'lp.m,Jan.iSondllal 00 llosa i5@uotoam. MoyA TtaSmroppni'bylcddy Sollo Road Inandlonel Shopping 000101/ o 110011 00 I510m Oleo 00e 000piOd 000 I io emaO Odo duo saco n. ShohrOOlod 0006mo, 10471 1700000 the ucoy Cooler. SSO Soase 00e., 00001 Pl00001 I olIano ballroom ond PIO 10001 0001 bol room danse 1001100' SON CERI 109 50011 0000051g. p00,14,0 p.m.: Esaeslaro end 110m O u p w, JaG IO CNILDS py Lohn d 00000100000 IlnOhildInO ago tOlPat/000 0000050 011010 Atoop 1/ordeno J000 Sanco Ch 00go. Sah al the Floetwood'Jnurdbn Castel Nenthmoet Chutai Suclaly seeks COMEDY loca liner anO aaullc ko poltron lo nl aosesi oecd 01 danse, 00100 /000e, 'Tis the Season 1650 IsOler SI, EoanotnG bled' baLo, leccI, ollo nr soplona Singolo 000500 0005 bollo 01111 SonIa Con' Op/i 18,4 p.m.. nicol Oortb Chicago 0010cc anb,COIIIAMTI 240'OOkTdr boblr000d0000 00/001100000e, .-.- 11/10010771 1 WANQUE'IS mento are Ont 001aosar y, lust ar/na mill p104005 ChOta eupemle008 On' tot for ho Pontermrsb Orlo, 1501 CocOTe taon in Iho 00110 Shorn Coo' Dorso 000000y 1MO. niobt moon lhi0050000l0100l150n. OOS A 00000m to o I000poni atmoni n plopor' loomIng Chirag00000 000060w Food mOOn ' no later 1h05 0:00 p n. ron 1h one dm11000 mill te leid do/ro ro' Skokie 800, Skohis, 10471 0150050 ten tar ho 101101m 00 Alto 1501 nak000 Commuaito 2011010, lOSO E. SOd 0101000 Sohaol aS 80400, 2200 mo one dloga000Ioe lar IhotI lllot 000 010 nalasled tul Ile play. Itere naaloumoso lunodoy0000lego nel0000lr0000batl 000,2010115 Okokle 9101, 500010.10411 0104001 00110001 Ono Iba/nao. 10471 baO' OilOh 11.. 000 PIciloc 10411 0015100, d anno" 000 inos000bbob0070uinl' 3935 W. Ucoern Al/e . (773) 588 - 2515 to Start Believ'n! isa cc ob lee cI 07G. Iba sp ring apees th500IhMdnobO4. dt lom0000l p.m.: 'Osheob 000co Oosk drool" 510 won 505tI0005t org. Jan, 20 7:00 1900, 800 05, l'IO 00:110 Dosi aom.d EspIo 60040100 018 . SIblinG monI blIpmioatO er croup ioOtn00 will to Obenanlnd Aaron 2009 dl the Lutlmenar Chonob OhS Loe st,, Seo OAsitt9,b anOa po.: Junio c,Jsneu. p n.. JOn,23,apm Jell, 04,h Onda Danno Club or Ookt lo oolohratoo too bog'Inni OSIHIOugO ado00000 0100000 ian, OuIllb101SOb'lTII or 11101001' 0801MW.OAWgvM-fl«24 Pialren,lheshonoo pmeoeotu thraa 510, pm., Jun.25, Sp.m:TIo Capitol 000 0 MOm000m000 teay COnIaI. 101 illarmatiow, sali mooll, d0000, boOboo 000100011 Ut lut 00000 lhroOghlo moloso, 000, 1801 tom/nt 010011 00, eIolaOdsal end 000ubar Dee P101000 PabIlo LIblarO,lhOb St000 5405MO ApolO 0188, 7:00 Mm.: 8oaoFomd OoLOnaMmaon 10411 4001050 lndioic"IFOOAOIOOIJOIOO 000' 001101, ple'peinlo, poirlo,modo n Loikoldo 0001101m Hog" aaocore ORDER NOW! The Oblag SlamllleutreCeiepuoy o uo n each sea our, io ob ud irga h oli' 0000000 SIDes PIamos. /0411001' Jaskio M0000. STO, and hip'llcgilanghI by orot000iernb 00100mo th000agatbood ci eolio' Beog o0 1040 rielo ana taboos 0h00. Prot000l000l oil hole auditm000 tan 'The Wedding aar0000erhcmiotol0000allaeaan lobo 000.apo arg OeorOlteI nr mo' Conca 11010 81051e and Ca haret ronkino d0000ro. COlI talo sampiote I 010000011 00000000ian tolk00000 , MoOn Yu' 40000totnsm Chmsagle NuIrai 50000 ONLINE AT: Gegcl" 11cm I'S p.m. Jan18 and FI oariyoummombnnonrt000lOetole nurled Ion proonamo unione rolad 5000gO, 102W CalInda, Chi0010 0000dolo and 110101011000 In/cmnlhom IromO'mOOp.m, Coo/my mSponGahN000YeaoaEmn TMnm 010dooy and 0100 lstomooti000l pm. Jalo IO nI 1850 0. aJdmaon, On uaailioo, nail Stool 504'd400 sr ollerniSe,b0020,b p.m 510011 17711 0400000. DoctO 1:509 Km.: The P10000 8 gua noa Squalo 00100 Wodon000floot ho 0101 Coiled lia'Soa'OOOS oeinhtanePk000e & 5600000g 000l0000damyoib/oinoinooroona Cliocgo.Seekino largo saul Il men niuit000.005hon0810etOoIs. Hobiaoy CIelI. Oil motoriosneoup' SkokiO rooiaO rl 000 bio Suo Co od' Club don000 bO 8000 OkIld Old 11th 000hodictC 00101 01000 Pbai000, 00.00000.0 4c00, 040,100100 BleacherBumStore.com p Ir od alGol clonent poll omoalo 1000011 and maneo agealkand JP OlAs man pl0500to domado 001111m' 5000ndoNo dl tOo monll, 000100501' boo On050l0010010 No p/or donor ARTISTS Light Sparo Works io 5011041W lok' solluneloelbaoa00000,Ii000to'. 170 eolo/nono cro/nol500nnoory. Delivered by Christmas! oenhino pongle mHo oar do noel' 000e b0000 en hot Cooks, 018108010 mid'Aoo, ut Ile Orpooton Hoiglte I 000400000D00oanEooeco000a,0100000uwol.00mnn, dandI son ut 80001010 preporeso AmMan Pruduutl000 bouerheu te log oor eli000t toi ils DOSI Mosisol oca SliII9oInNo sonor shango pnntiornt ho pr0000de ob E Onoal O 500mAl Cortar, Albo Control 0004 CoIl leali 0531096 01 10001 hIS' burn alo oerlemperaln show lone 5H10 000001 art Idol osi 000010 Theotol Sonmor Nnnkshagu Sto' S kokis Th000ra, 7r24 t in solo loo., soca Char acom000lno 0000 0h01' 01000100 HoughIc 00010 doso ng al bOIS. 01850 oO 050g flIng oheel mauls oblh ito uncool loll ton 0011100. dorIo noes OtO oilt learn siparIo 060410, CoIl 10571 071770111M cit lot 1h01 p1100/by 00000 ksiao 1.101w. o0d540010/001ing ata iO soul unni us000000 al p ralbAda. OIl lolo 000 ob sit 000,omdulplotuo doocing and anIllo io pnepdlnlisn 0mo nkakiolhoatro400, liokoIs 010 00000 000 chi Ionen. pm. Goonl 10110m Ihn otouo donnes la,. PAGE RIO Musical Bear Plays lisa sappel oolrWeg. CAme lb' lurauln, olilk"Opply Nuo and lola noblio pemIOlnoslenowili' palo/lo dosle.00eppsrrlmeol theo 101110 the prompts Io subA I moLoal 000m eeoolalo 000000k neetod. all lIlao OPOtO 0000011cl loir onIh eIn Otro ei000 0. cr11010 011ko nos o/libo 0110101 b000d on "GO ..CUBSGO!" lnrnanoen ale Suturdayoand Son' shod A 000nil loor rmOgOs dt lidI a hit mLOs at SaIl morhobup moolo tala, lo il ilMa4 10, at the Stahl merk ala ono olsto aI boil buolh t cml:000m'OOSpw.hontan Ian ly Tloulre, 01020.8010001 lEo lorIs may uobmil lnadltioeel 11500F P11/04 OlIh 011001 01000 10' Original Stev,9od1Uan Oae,Chioaga. For iniormalile, boit uirdnu Odd unoa papnr app ilutint 1001501 atlpm Lulordoy,Isll500d Holidaq Public Skating Sessions 0100uolnontarullalg or sail 11141 Ion 000011 lonselsion 100.11 oPOk bIlboperlo munIe 014gw TIlo 1000410 lobi oea maIl 00 ndtoiaed lo Jan.12. 00010 narkohlps 010 D 00000 ITALIANCUISINE Pleel000d'Jaandeirrlhoutne null OIt IOIIioals nolude Omnmebnte st AO O uty aro t Fo Dea dt." Julo 611; :REGI0NAL ': he Skatium lee Aren bald audit'cnO nr Is osmoor pro' OrI Or ioglao Neiplls Muy 0051 n '010mo' Jubytg'lO;"TIoMuo;o Mon." 005lioenl'OnoO onllillsant' lIb floWn 405110; 005151e A llene' JulyL8'OS; Cnn Obee Id O," JOIN PT' 9300 Weber° Park PI.. Skokie bbaml'r p.m. p85.5's and onora un Ott nealilal Jo50 01 on 415h Allot. Treno are ro audi lions loI /\at pm Pabutal tOn Noten Cullural gor ano na o, LO ko unS Oteto on lolos una nonry child enrolled n Ils 15OFF Sao' T00500 OOhy. 0I Hits Certel, nil Isyos 01, Elarobon otroele lust rorlb ut WAbeemium morkohop Solo 00011 0150000 are /i OcIolo,de000ro ardcllcnaai000rs Paro, Chi100l. 000lipay nilo III roo' lola il Oleontan. too loo io SOSO por loan F000 Bill wkth Also: 5-Week Figure Skating 0100001 001 011OOhOgi 000iolenon' Fr008000 Hmikday Shmppimg R000hpt. /4 _4 are seing OaogrI for 1h s platal' Coat lure LODI in 0100100, 11000cc and Hockey Mini-Session! ° lico Chloe codIllo ng 01001G ore' 10511001 AI Ihe 0001010, JUnO DIOS I 550 al own light000IOn101k001m or 00010000 HOt callA mmalo 01h01 0000000 01 010m. 000 5000k Salue ono «, pa re an a nap polla nons nl treir Corroe; Lrosobnohire 111 Fe011oel soil 10011 869 6000. -g'- :_-2------WmgbotP00100 brgbno 002o 2M '' Li000bOnuodPdOIIOLihnny. 0000 .$5.O0 off Dine ¡flor Carry Out. Exp. 12/30/08 a: 00610 nota 000'minote none' Jolt l'I Dreb000 01h 10', huIlais . Clsaolmoioom, 17Fob. 54 balsa lehearinlu bells March 1, nOd Croon ioololl000 reo 01110011000 011011 00010411 671 0011 wnnan Coll(847) 674'OSOO, noto, 2W00 Iheuh000l boinllsnood lube Ii JslI 1111 n 00110mCreso; HomIh ouinwostbiIralOaIg.Tua00000, I/OS "'m_'' JulI01. Codilire 000sietmeoto ore 00010 F0011001 nI 411, JJIOSO'26a1 am nnCSopwSlotr0500dbomo, wo:'hmnO '. . L,__I'- fnrowfomororwfnrmoprnw, i: er510renet' loll 1001m 4000265, oat Ihe 000rpeia Old OlOFOId Slapping toroh IlIon 0000 S'o Do h OS' ii SOlI Cooler, Gkohie, Gold Coasl OIt pair minote5000;crelodol 00060, Soekieg sect mnwbam loI 'And July 01005.010 tIn Omet OntIh ho Ora ut000l,00050,I 050r plays Thor Thon Coon 10100 bnmemlen' rcmghlur000a 01000000, Ott at Ihe and 010110. Wodnoodane,l0 am.: OIl' Suodoy Mho/ay T000dly WO/los/ob Fol/ay Sotol/ay i"" 01210001 tub Here planA; toto Glen Temo 000tnn, 005, 01 at Ihe Ono una 0010101 ohOddror oSen I House of Cakes Son. 21 ' COO, 22 Doc, 23 Son, 24 DOC. 26 Doc, 27 grosorted Opriltl'12 ut Ihn 000hin S el tome Cenleteli000ien', Pert 00000001. und 10011 ranoglnons Thealre. noIes uoalatle Inn nro bol ClerIc Ort PesO oaf, 40120 ODin MoldO 51000 PabIlo Librory. OlMO ON EISYOURCHRISTMASDESSERTSEP0RLY 2:35'3I45p T5l4b'12l15p 10u45'l2:55p 50r41'T2;15p 10m40'T2:15p 10r45'T2;tbp . ligh not Park Jlhot 0101510g Linsoir 000 10471 IOO'IOLI Dec00, I/IO nenIa el ago: 1110e mOr, 0040 TayoauGIGANTSCo io8t 7'lr3Op 3u45'Srlbp rears al aDo; ara Ihren momeo, 20' OrIllo laolioal loot 2h21 IO lohnt; 0Kw 0000e lorTooco sod Cha n' iI

cOnnors 01050101 irbormalian. o' Hiphmdad tasI Cal 111100 001.1110 momio lonolrl Oop0000 arI irotnoo' Son/ny Monday 1800110m' We/Tom/nb. Fol/ay Datht/ay ma 10:11 00 peech al el g'iwnod tier oilb be 0155 dol 000.01. 0:00 DOC. 20 DOC. 29 bon 3/ TIC. 31 Jao. 2 Jon, 3 mmi lbanpanokbgmaulnoet Cllinugao 01151 Snoilala Clon input' p.m.: GhOairgot"WoIi'O, taled O. Flaohe000Jouldulelhwelra, local' lito osl000l lora Ito oaiehlnto 00020,0 Mm.: lo 10 Mao 00111 2r3$'3l45p 10u45-12rT5p l0:45't2:15p 10u45'12r15p SOl4b'12r15p 2l/5'4p etat 100 Holen Cultanel 011o Conter tra 200lh ecnbcoroary nl 401010m Worth 0111 oalerloip G000000A 7'Ar3Op 7'A;3Op e Cnarolle, IO aeeuirO 00001 enlod Linoeie'O birlh Oil loleneoted arliols klioa 100110 Librory, 1165 Oahtoo 00000226 75:300 nod prstonnioral alage moeaseln Ill oto nokad IC 0000it O li000bn pan' 51/041/6000600.nwoalcs/i' r Ile aCosos show II ils 0009 oea' o000050Ctluliocnieoor bramyarg,'Tobylinn' ollero 0111100, ThI0100Ila 00115100 A0001: IWaliday Publio 001001e on Thil Inland' giappi' Imito mill ho 010110 io the 0100e ocrgsendooylornh/tn000ploo 1$ 00 Ok100lgAd1800lAI, . talla musI esnhoal n team set' so Idly nhilh han 1000 dicho1 np tools II ego alilo o. 000duNo ONE FREE SKATE RENTAL linon, lane eeoollenl5000ueIsolino oslko 01 arI lot mole Ihon lOO "The P01100cc aod the Poe," pro' lb ANYTHING WdobOnm $4.50 a, 5k lIn, and Ilion/u skin unlleir 40010 OIl portIa/Ce 000ntllod will Oc 000100 by ChJ000 lido C00000y r ,.10ilmn000 0000.0,I000I000 004100 0000 e0,000 .0 00010 : laiI000n,,,0I0,00lm00m Ikote 001001: 52.50 I lent Oppliounts musI 00 proponed le hueg.PerIIOitn otLmnnoinmilbeal' Jon,14'Morekg at Iho Atohi Fomily L .J Anke usannlInert 1mm pebluary noptnd Only dr Cardos. ala lIen do Iheotro, 0150 0, PolmonI Ose., 0000:Ta0000y'80508 . Iaadayl'nO PARsO D0S'TBOCT Coli (0471 67.61000, 000. 2lOMEan rogolol, weokly puoblkr okaOlng lobo/o/o, wmme001roIdIuO1011101,lIu ro July2000. Alero IO POI Pol mml' osI hale Il to 110101 PertnAto son ChiCago. Poll 01mars00 at 10.15am 6IAIN,CamhnldIEd.Clokn , ILMgk3D.073'7T4'h440 'miO VIES MUSIC, ART CLUBS FESTIVALS SPEAKERS Itor000p, Seoocoom la.505e B19 5°SPKERS me nsonsg COCERTSMOVIESTATERMUSICDANCEARTBIHNGCLUBSIDSFESTIVALS TansdayoottheGlsoPonli Contes, 'foyStnny,oadedPDePiPP,O3O Poco 201, 2400 Ctlostnut 000. Glee- ponu 85a11 Si' rated G. Donoso, ItaS :,* go. mono Pirol lesoon io free. JernalW0 ornsuiohoOltinnefe6itd.oatodPG. s t Coofioiood from PAGE RIT Will 0e Fino in'09.Jon,20iWhn0t& ¿ Seal in Wintnr" and Chill Nito LECTORES Soling 9M Countof Donon Club of' Lpeeltn'o Onisoof sbocco, Sil Tal' Hondeo Osoae PaSeo LhbeuFM, 6145 foro dancen and lessons in couples Bmmlu ecd Saddles j.. soll Rood, Park Oid?, nl nero dances country 000mm and nei ng danses. assole fse.10411900'023P.000,DO, dli S od amd SeeakfMoP re ballai, p0mm, lop, hip'hep,ioss Dansnl000555are ellemedon lOSS em"W sg iopfn st Obe ndll ano ambO?, beginners ta ad' Wodnosdayn nonno msnlh, LOO pm. M;lneo'Jaskoiocend pmonnnte obi' fspsrimsio ifs rcooros si Am siA orlI rrod oui PS S I. sa ossa, or oa se 3 to odo lis. 5 II lcr bogisnors; m35 Pio. Ion loteros- ography Onu muoltal 005nnpto troc liyiosgER0000h ubonimosnrsuslrobss,otirusi:snssrlopmotnim. inootlnis ore nontiFod degree in' lbs life nr SOnndll Mileno. ae Aced' ioms,sldsseeibb,tomom LAKDIiRONTI!DSORT doto donnern. Conf fer monthly len- emrmsro mist Il loo, in rson kle brIol, sil muid rim strasioms Call caori 823 0334. son 040roiio battono meet popular nono 130 Ion mnmboro; 540 nno- 000-101-0904 Do LooxoBedosodBreakfesl Somoh,,, Oip Oo, Wohl Cmi Orn lagOn 0,Oa°. 0100M sonor Strane Dnnse Conreo, aaor 5,07 mm ridi nob 1:5,1 olio tmn amobuo sirs so members, fassen ore hnld Ihn Riot ter Irishurli rulen. Chsrmimg rImossI sour OnsisslIslnrsl,O Ooucs6 distop iibklmnoi 11.010e s Oso ioknui buoi S YOV! Cranlnrd 50e.. 505kb10471614' odOr ope soumlonk smi shoe kommO 02,. in:: scull ondthlrd F51654 si soery monis. mn:ciuflos000:mr imuuOljsnlnolsos.00ihno I, hum ooao5obiompk5o Imimiso0000luoo msehrsoomrmumijsittioSe,ok kr,r0rsillrionii Dors. Docce open st I If p.m.; spec dues' ORGANIZATIONS si, lobo: lslrisik.iorlos',fimOc'ok,loobl, mnm.nodhnh cre don once etoroso . olmo imtsrmotrp cursos ostnrolly s, n 0501m iso mosmo.baypsiomeias.sum ron fr009 p.m.-rnidnisht.Odm'ss'en lii pOsso, icr, irlmbuirmlsm, 1°'°e o,io. osOs boot Secas, 6:330 p.O Jaso Sunk Mon' smk sa nk,sosno kOl,'iiItos0rIljsIOrcoos is 16 lcr members, Ill lornonmem The amentnonJnci000nt'OtnClobio Cslosibbsnsiuiiod000irshiiloiOslsmaflo O 51-NAM-flss-LsksiMO AVJIS{ HERE! tnt s lass o liii Rs ber Cap oto . lcr ky,m1ns,di,I'at,ouiorou...I5'sqa,i p,or,I,i, bers. SII (escono and aunons ore nsmnoot:ya000pting5000ncbnnu. Smnl irlo ogee IC and sp 515 pen perene. nao' soldat Centre st berth perk, 10043 lire gmuop, losnaed re the Renio oeo:r,Jrdruso:mmflno:knlhrdroo.mn:mo'Snnomr lsd isum.aqoaneommmau500m latrai sr regoirod P badiner, lronklre Park For intcr- (9205, losases ne lbs bnood onperie 060-400-21Ml Pintoro Us Ciff005nl Danse Studio, motion, cislleweswislnscnslrloin otortiuircpnllnrmselnasdeemsec nnnnnn.Iyiogcresch.sum loir 0. Nort000sr ili000ay, Pork to eons hi he 500ural liben st both or sali 18401 hie-7h01 III-404-2h50 O Id Ce. 10071 692 360 0. P.5150 sien 01 toc dosso necenoortyand ihn Ost flonprelesnionol closons Ion mimo,: oli midan Onnnnol n00000lin Ion belon- aneoits aduli in tap,l000, Grp'hop DINING 70015m lAnrrk,si000srlm,m cairns, sail liAs boot, (1131743' WoleomatmSoborRoaooloCoommab lonisol 601101 aol 515051001 oikmprootrmlsi:o,Um:: loi Oshoorono, 19sf Grecs Pont Ruad, 040F ExdmsivaAdoolla Oolylooli000 balietdpoinre. rouhium sOs drsoeh smim mli mir Ukohie 18471 675'Sllt 0002f. none' 000 Plaises Anm Guild 000iu ail KayO! Bee Rumoh Spanoo DandeR tuoninO Glob Solds a! Wyoadhem Coom000l p.m. os lits 00505d Tuesday sI the iotmisouoroOlho'o bIaIs Opio.: 5000(010 lOtti ensoul 001,00 oa'ssmdm 0,00 0.0loso5,1510:0, hJ lVLV# bohne cm dannen liso 00510:00 rrsloblrmnromiroimjioonoum -IO ChocloOcelost boIsons 000rklrog mosto ai the P5055 Lekne Comma- ronsinrlshlo und iooudly 55 10067, io 9t7mlmnba, pm. at the smerean logico, 9757 ssiil.ilodisiooleOguemari nityCeotsSSlSlhonkerSt,005 Moyeu Advoosteoee Pus rS 5 00e, Fnsnolio Po rk. admis' mines from 11016 Sporn. Frasco and olnsso,s os asllsalic rnairm dud. morir io 'Plaises Soccombono ommelsacn. sloe io 10 Inn cn000ro; Sn ouests. Gallium G In aldition, 050nietyol lirmtonrl:illoot3awooitt dchcnMsmmmroos. huduos Wooer Ponok saoluns, sheoses, potbo and hors Fer inlormatros, tail MonDones Nec- nso:ee Eso It, Oi ldy 5000iO. isrnrn,sobssoosriu,uumom DocOOIPoe'somrear'n Ene Sonso. k g Col Is So olio 1:0 car, 10011 Sf45952, un dion Ls,amnd us lrour from lhonoio, iso, hosa 1mm oamlu:hunimr.ijs spirinO mwcodmr.ilugn'd,os 040-190-0113 with esas Sn Chunk und tIendo. d'oeunron truc Sshaelon'o toed de' ColIrl Looms'ii'iloo011jl il ut üiìhii oeo.dpa poro. Jon, 00: SIclo mee i- tIn Grsnd orsiso oui (sur Iroosfrus Loo Ososo. Oiinls::h sioosmn ot,iasry'ynabIbumm,brrnoio Jsna4ITho Dm11 OIDor Ors000lna. parimoirisil benenne6ll000no' Akmmol n'mokislnlsmms,msmo cordent pr0000t000lnredp000rl uomrmmdoorsdl. Jae,l& The Modo Men. tise ut ihe door S000trin ibs 3006e Os. olAnoss', Icor loin momIo, Ilmo 151 EI Oar luahI,iOr:mso'rm Soasar isutirmlirt Fimo Depodmoct's"Soot say" to demonotnution. SOrsero clanes O Palm 5950m hamnskoni.duar000sI92k. ISIS Ist mlii, SOhiblus 5 Des Plaines Cameos Club erecto oil Danse Club, oslun tor sauplee asd solo needy cisl tamilien. hiss no b hOI lob 5 tlIOt sols p.m. on the eeeeedaod Iaodb Han- 1-081-Osiiduis 5maI00. danses tile 005004 and innmms.koyolbor.uois 50dm buu(Sob]uGInOsIsrpnO dolo otthncnolh,Sepieobei ídísk taodh000ndayo at the msntl oil FILM 000-084-7580 c'i sI hr loi:Ot. 0mal sum 'roui tlrrosoh Jano, in thu Pmoite tabeo boor lens alice Pork elUso SerinS O Su sslir1slmod los Ccercos:ty Cesten, Slsr100sker Cooler. ISO 5. Wontere sse. Park Menton Cinse Pabilo Ubnany. 0100 iO( mohnlolsblosOto000 lolooGeonva, Si. 505 Plomeo. Cali 10401 3041400 Oase. Ressac start ai 0:33 p.m SemIs 000.105711054320 SonorO. lsaamlrmmn:l Mol possi il:id rl 0000IAol.ou l0oollmoaynbeem the 1°lucol i"mi,r.girbum:-timrrs mitI squoreotrom 0101.0 Fsnin' 37m: 'fauno at Heart ." noted PG. ,Omoi oCoclm i Affi,imlk:hnosshs7lsW000sdum F1e000 lOIsir 00022,lpc.: 'tat, Orrok, Mai. mon d ospluisoo same ra s sboo m. moiGothOnSubolmImnoo es boSoello Gr lntreehnn, sali 11131 103 9400 nr Suotdoslelo Fmmiohnd Lousep smsOui',.IAislleI:u:irbnr 113814420MO boone daose len' Soca'," rated O lo Choose miro TholheralonNuosamBeaoh Reomel O,aolioiluisumrsissoo. Oo:ss Aoos,omssmoio V0000iom RoulaIs bss1 o:rl006) 270.1005 Lb min y. (0 iII App ma n iIi;, cens ore lola loom l;tO'9:5U p.m. 5.5th subtitles Dsu.Cr,l pm.: go., PAGE B22 rlsmkcoloco s.00m000lmsiolshtsrsedsmCokim nslo000iss,msU ourfo:suiosolbeoi:osOlnloisg ismim.may nïodsorssotsnpsnkom. A All Oi000lPnioou--- Asordo assi Solos Ossshssosrso Oni:sso.Thmmommiolnocbnsmns sidi10oselsonhmth,rlsnop Snmhbom100sn Ian umori lins CshimOisuh On ICoh ..l Ihr Cc si lrsl smI n' in bo,Sfal Libo Ciorios, 100 domino o: 1-011475-0017 PdoisCsos. oussh.otso.rorimmbosGobsl I nnnnns.00sohrsuluy.osm 077-702-0141 (7 SCAGlI Willow Creek North Shore 000m,iomuiko:i I I IO luseites you to isnsnsiohiegennssrmi.tom rass siolooml-SOl-345-i020 AdabelladamdaBedomdBesolrfoel 5001810WNSIAR GaoeobriarCommtrylms&Smitoo, IAISOOIEIHFWU1O9SR3 Anooshssodisoiuloorlsmnot.olylrhaoi.odo irnlhspnotaruior0ubardrrdoskmisrss, Goloso ÑPi.SUN Fosploa,,sh'olpool labs. ilIp book ir 50m miss in hislumis Indghpm. PipI, oholpo,liobn lOo,hosddiiooiodbmmahllasl Posti°dbune ,nnmrr,odobe'hasinodauomsr 1.2-3-lEoThatRosy? bookm:otuyosmdssrlfobkmmmmruumuou,ohop, ARIVERRUNS THROUGH IT? 000400.7 t 9 0 Arssiiso'oloeo.iloOsoulinstionumsbyplsmida l3àdonNews MidssobmpoAsll Lmiusolliolsl,lnuorypnslkom obers SAlm valisa bolnroonmatmdobonolueaid. l-010-777-3053 HêraklNews oiontnodssc In InnInG lumi i'C,ull,U-Oosb, Mas1 mmli shirl-poub, Isopiuom h Aulo ovo, le mnon.gsonsboiaegal000.coo I.Gsyio tins 000tOaoalios Aso, im Asomo. FsoOinms.dimnl1oo:quman h:lfmstoolsntirdo CSurigrNoo Ii's Goaromis IiI Almo do Sodomu 1mo Gmsm Oar. (00050 ibm Ion, lOI looms lt., Ils Napelvilla Esm 010-liI-7i65o, Tsslvo inns bury 1.1 sod bmnshfuou t'sms,Wi 311(5 CoO foibmolooro oninm,llsoidaloicsme,omm PIONEER PRESS lolorooli'onesumsuil'ro,yosl,rcoo,opodul h-MOI-097-0400 snmnu,IsIst (robo, sed ,nnis,t irlorculius l(rlSiuo5G Tuesday. December23 imnom.oimsdoedooa,comsm 5r30 and 7 p.m. 000-923-2202

Wednesday, becember 24 - °TheifdmltEooape° TemeehareRosaleo 4 and 5:30 p.m. rsmcm.sonseo'sy-opsinyssom GlOSEN LAKE COILNTY Ausgel House 0G lo 5511 shrslud Oro: lmoomishluamsm,l Coli pmimo:s mmsoio buolololmo, Sopimmo, ho0 bsds, LAKE HOUSE 7mo ot:lol todoos Amassa norst:'sn moIsi lno,lml lomo FAGE7imish,mmsi,n0noiorl ehe posi, Inuism ,ouiogmuds, Cosylld0000 Uoiqnsdmosrnbmhuhngm byauri:sr(000sPmrtosidsn,sffsnogbmaldosl lis-AHI-0555 1-AGI-530-1346, llirploonoommbpdsmimsomou. Miuhigss City, IN, Special ice sculpture garden depicting scenes uf the nutivity mmsm.hsliduygsoop.sosrloos 1011) 531-7338 ism.00golgrierdiau.notom wirn.gsboinoylowiusssinoom A oradisional service followed by hot cocoa, cookies & carols! 928-203-4470 J k. T H E AT R EGoodmanlheatre.org The perfect way to spend a night with friends and family D AN312.443.3800 Inns & resorts to place your listing in the new Destinations Inns & Resorts section please 315 Waakogarr Osad, Nonihbield contact: [email protected] or [email protected] ;phone Joanne Polyak (630) 978-8256 12241 512-2139 with qamnoisno or Kim Pratt (630) 978-8230. HPRRIS. A0N www.wilIowcneoknsrihohsne.org B20 Thursday DemDer It 00DB 'RT CLUBS ES1IVAL SPEAKERS !!OVIES :usic 1OVlE rUSlC ART CLUBS FESTIVAL! ::PEAKER5 lurrador, 000erder le. 200e B21 CHICAGOS FAVORITE NEW HIT COMEDY! "Faa' and away, the funniest show in town! THE GOOD TIMES ARE BACK!" CHICAGO TRIBUNE ...JAWDROPPINLCAPTURES ¡KL IT'S A OIFT TO BE IN TOUCH 14 ThRllISOFVlSN1EYJOWINYCASH,. "PURE, GIDDY 'UNABASHED JERRY LEE.LEWIS & CARL PERKIHr PLEASURE!" ESCAPIST. FUN." SUN TINES -READER WLthLOVED THIS TEiCNC "Mugtstbeatèr treat of rib-tickling fun ONESo MUSICALLY DAllLINILALTOGEIHER ROLLICKING clever and fun for any audience." &eín; re eTíT$b cvedit prom US.cellular'- NW INDIANA TIMES 90-MI N UT E FANTASIA." .ewos. -Available only fron cbr'± through December26 For new and existing customers signing new 2-yearagreements on plans $49.95or higher "MADCAP "DELICIOUS. 1ddniultipIe linesynd geta $50 one-timecre,ckitspFr line AND FUNNY!" EXCELLENT" COPLEY NEWS SERVICE TIME OUT. CHIEAGO LGRHYTHM" p


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440' Help Wnnted Ran/aals 505'gz:rc;ses- SubsAne Saharhee Eaeeutiae Anaistent EARLY DEADLINESfar a°l" ' , , ge ForeciosuEl,SaIeS cs;MA: 695 H ealt'hcare ne ai /\ PUBLIC (LEGAL)NOTICES SOCs I te ea an C n ren, LuIs nne- j dtt I S I Rn j dl I I S I t nl 1nd The deadline forthe week of ea s ein chrtssasL)eCember255kand Nursing 1nr et New Years January1 st is i 'es ro noue na amma DAY EARLIER tirannormal at The Latest News andJob Opportunities Biennesrie Teehaieinn fin na Opm Please planaccoe'dtngly ems w es na ra - in the Industry and RBIOY the HolidaySeaton BOOKKEEPER ca ren

"oadnertrse 10th 0 sect on call our help waited hotline ea sas j dl t S t PIONEER PRESS Ist onn AUS Cred re at 847,998,3404 I In I/ Ir - C nan t 205 Aperse 1n da enP Risk and Quality Management Nurses: Sbshsn a nanaenmnmn trn Taking the Bite Out of the Healthcare Job Outlook ra

AnaendiagmaTeenrns uees ear Iegalre,nnaea,nadnbla,nninge erhditino Thnneienppertanntly Difine, an enanemiel Inn the eentifrnnlien by panning lire tar net aal» sann tannera bat RECE$$ION inL:enT:j OPina afonnamnalieael aIea 1er anntieniag edaralnan PROOF - HIRING hr : Slatietnrs end Empleynnent Whale inn hngln enheel pro- es sanan emplayema alien toi- nIpgMEDIATELyS na : n ea Prnjanttnne,nnege endanleny p loa admission la Ihn tanneseneeedhnnaeea.It sa 55 er 2e-Rn as en nTr empinyaneelin Ihn heallheenn earning pnngname by taking ne ap ta »na end paar entunen At4 RenIENt. n nan es en I mineen pmj'etedta grana eaaneenanebenbielagn,nhem- ne 506 Apemses Seem en n en ree 22 remenahaennaIIgnei jeta0, mellnmuetane, Whnnnnndhinansith lace- receenna Chfm _ an en 2Itt.Thie arenen abnati earl eabnn,urd hltk tiene en athapanan bien, r r fina neen jafl an PB »ent e» Velannaenangin heapilala end inniadea eefl-eddneeend I 0en $70-SAne &afflee na an Ota nr the Aral eapenmnd In hr addnd nnrrainghnnaee,aempinungnbe elanapednanelape ,nnth ade- -en 6t5 H es S b sEes ne ea ma ta the caneen,» lingialaned reused nuraingaeeietant nannea tONel enalne np the nandepneitnre eltitnnde Pannent heelah nane eenapntiae, nnihlgnelengnneyin meetneg Se,ieidakaa-Orh'Id,RN, nnilh2denrllinn hneltlranre the etalien,onfnrrnnera,g MSN, TUO, CNOII annam es ne rebnalnnhrnhrt pennennnl nnhnaladrnnruien,annrnreelnna. »OBen 171 CORRECTIONS thera bring na hanpilaln DENTAL ASSISTANT m?enn rknnrnlrnenentifleatinn»re- Meandelere, IL 10010 .WE$TERN PROFESSIONALS es Resietaped mmcc erepen- gnennn jaeneileblntna,nn the ean:,ag; : meadA aenennlanbanl Unn'enarl»etSnnthpinrnde, LXPRESSI CerrIl earn aba aren tAn eeenrh the iatanant:htIpJl ea ana Infle-te pennd,nnnnllhn ,nnnnene,e.hen nrt.edarhnnna! ea ana -ea -en en lengenlnnenbnnr aareng nil O then yragnnrnrc ere anedeble RlEsft Si en nnnnpntrnnaananefljah anpnn Innen ihn himf,n'nenehrepntal- - eaenennere. enri nnnrlees . annn3eeslone ssn,aselnr,s,r, ermomasa adear,aee,ess elttsnnae eernflesybaoeacpanarnaa rebnneien ter nnea,naeo nat Take a closer en an Ianrlrnn arr errnrnlrd Ir hr ernrenlnandnhafnnr'Iioaalann/ gjgy ea osotae ,e nene eeeellnad batmeynenyby nplrn,nlnphrmindar,hlmI look. » ta emplannnnntealtinn Aarcnean Hanp,tnl no (B(9ieT(0tInrCmB(infOIT27r9002090ror5,dnO,rOaOtiOrrOTn PaS mnnasn,r pnesesm Preen iO1tlE,ERfRE$S eIknnI,eenrar ea, nenni, tone ,nauae,nrarn,neansrn The dnman rd Inn nick aran- daenn,et,rnn Cenlifimat en r nas,nnanenamaomo(Iottn(n'i3nf80' 557- Daplenes, )IJOIOe?A0((ioOIfT'OIi(a,OiTsidnsoiiOhreiinnf arnmarnhnnnn tINa reali Gaaru, end Orn badinO nrryrnpernrnlndrnrlrnanrnnelendiaaenedinal neerern. ea an Ian Il gem ra gana petlenteahn deeply nyamen ene nan raen ein ernndy melI r nr,, Iba ne,, ennhiann»nngd an Rnwhee pean ttib The grnnth n Ihn enpP,f,neljnneap Aan'rima,n Ceenanranify Sen'aiee ca dr mand red Il in Ihn nrnnla nf Beard efQnalntydacarnrnre ramnnnerlrmnnnelnrrerdbnreflra pmalneaneda 011icer lParl-Tiseel Tn lean that can mann carmIna, y w ,nndUIdneetja , IInew p,nmnnennae heem,nnaamn ernnhaer,mpar, t, tenhnnlngy endnnianenean,n Physniene E,eple»n,ento ad belanybereneer Blneakee nadphrenane n the naabnnnlp'nneneflbag Wnrknrng Ce cd ri n na en mml nlereme re lmealttenre.Thr lariat nialnrqael,ly anne w 52nensng rna es e,l tier Onpeatane na nf Lnlmnr dare erri egnee nail nankin heapitale, Pylegtpn as es l,mamdeelrrreliefrnlab rnnneieghnnnen,a,enlnlhaelih, 7 r,,nrm-ne,,,r,nl an no grrath bnl nardinA lIrai rna,dreliel and ent»ntreat eteeane t1gg OSItS rb gnnath r, nane ng renli pm- Ian blies end Ian the Irdenal ea aidnean1Iednpy,nnnte gnr'nmnnnenI Timar nndlh en as PLONLERRESS lrnlhneep,an nlry Tb 'nlnlintrea edaemnnd degnn'e arti inne H rs 7 annlnnndedre,rnhlng,re lh'beetap,pandnnmnineo Inn ea Oettieeg Training aderanaaneeirnmn ednm,nmeine- nr ce ea ihn Ihnen e, dnredn- arar pnerlrrmnn ,rnnnnpnmntn flak en ennnnkrnn, nr heldin» dannen nr entinan1 pnthn a ragialnned ca minearen enea beehelere Per nak nedmrntana Inanidenip ra dannen, en neennialedegnen, draema lObee ,nnnldng Intl Tab» a closer lOOkdpply ocho» Il, espa no nndadrplr,ma Imam an lnme,nnann nnnkdflh,,nnep'm na ena Buying or u Alge Ch appanned eneeiaapragnem A rveekntghennnreanknn -ad t as as niekarenegnn,nniirtnnliny annakeadeilaredndendan Physical Tharapiste A06C dw ra nell Anmell aarabennfnald Selling, eennennnqnirae innlynneann- Staff Pharmacist plelnennrnrannarntalrnnlanlnr panlraymaaaganeneaybe NO LATE NIGHTS!l! na dngnnnrv,th additnanel tram nankiagia len flenne nr are in Registered Nassen ten Pioneer rnginadehendqaeljny,n,en- pdnninpmnetinn \ r sa as tIks Time gnenraaneeldneannl NewdRetarn Patient Clinic ER ,rr,ennenr.Mnrynrekdqaahiy Classified menagerabeneanì,ninnur,nl pmeaidnalnlanlimnfnrrhepeaa Steen Cell Sargery ICU B59O ' n hnahelnn degree perth a arar,,'- I,,, n, mmml ,rflnmn hen add,, oeahTS7dBPenn '.fTT1 ink' nmben hnld,nge maCAr lineal reeprasibililbe 'l'br is the place en I dnane' re heallhnnna,eentifl- anlina aairly aima hllyiabnn Visitan enlise farn enmplesa list nf eppe rs ne itt es, en 5494wennYi nati ra in nrak nd smalmtp Inlalylrnallhnenmanlennnnra for youl Buying or StI!'fltm Buying or Selling, rnnnegnanenr,rnnrknareninane ,endlaalhntthen,ndinnr dnpafl,nenia anal, ne centrent esperlad acIni ra $90,710 cancercenter.com Pionter Clotgif'ed Pioneer C!psslfied ran, nra 'recano daperirnanl, artA bendita and benenne it (847) 800-824-2822 g óOòCmreyLe en annanne na enndmiaremnsiian. la addiflen ne,, enarene seat_ini Iannmn it the p o ce is the pio ct lrt eran» paaiiienn nnqn,rn 'epa' nennednpnndrngnn concI Op Pe ana 'nr gen player 998-3400 ben, a7)tnB0i9(3(O9,m0lrnesrtCntt)nt enmonen aennt pana. t0naarna OOer, ¿crni0limr,sBOi3rT a pantin» rnaaegnerana, rapIranno, henna, and peeper- fIf YOU! foryou! P 1h Iyt I 0 ettBeni mcl Tbursdoy, December 18,2008 A Pioneer Press Publication (oc) wwoipioneerlocaLeom CI I www.pioneerlocal.com APioneerPresoPublication (oc) Thursday, December 18,2008 Ci

Classified Early Foreciosüre. Sales Deadlines or Issue December 24/25

Doings, West 3sOOpm Northwest, Central, Lake & North 5:00pm

714- Approisous, 790- Wonted to Reoy Sohn Condutoru

PHYLLIS REIFMANAutomotive Trio House Solos

72E- Collruliblon

750- Munliusl Marketplace Equiperet 555- Autos for solo P,500to P5,5'


Buying or ROLL ENDS Selling,


Classified FIO!dEER1Rl0SS is the place 701- Pe, for yout 790- Wonted tu toy

liioger0oJìog, (847) Pecco CLueifini ilhe pine (er you! 998.3400 08 Thursday, December 18,2008 vvvwpioneerlocaLcom A Pioneer Press Pnsblicativn (Oc) APionrer Press Publicatioou)nc) www.pioneerlocaLcuav Thursday, December 5e, 2008 f 936- Autos fur Sale 1008- AssUmed Nome1008- Assumed Neme1550-Assumed Neme1500- Assumed Name1005-Assumed Nome1008- AssuOled Noms Dealrmhlp LegsolNeticee 1010-AuctiOnS 010- AUctiuns 101V- 80000es 15t5- Auctions luto- Aestisns 1010- A050lunS GREAT DEALS EARLY DEADLINES for ON WHEELS Buying or Selling, 8uying on Selling, Bpinu 01 (tIhn CHRISTMAS & Is/r IsO, roter Tessi U lis ofsu fe nil 0000or Ciosifiod Pionesn Classified Pioneer Classified NEW YEARS - ¡r iho pio10 (or pol isthe place is the p1a ce PUBLIC (LEGAL) NOTICES

Son youl for youl ThB deadline for the week of Christmas- December 25th and New Years - January (sI is 1 DAY EARLIER than normal at sud 5pm. Please plan accord)n9ly and ee)oy the Holiday Season.

100e- Assumed Nome

elO- AsOtlenu

Buying or Selling, Buying or Selling, Bing or Selling, Buying or Selling,

Pianeen Classified Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified

is the place is Ihe place is (he place is (he place fanyool fonyaul fonyoul faryoul Ii4ns e Solita, - 847) 841) 847) Tortor CouCod 847) ¡s Ihe pbro for pol 998-3400 998-3400 998-3400 998-3400 10



Losugs Odi. Vvoe, sod t


Welten's Tre- Driven Cors 5050 Oenrputer St TICKETS Skekie, 1(847) LEGAL SERVICES 673-7601 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SOVIOO S EU U Eile unnierCi000vuedeeiWveioy 947- dotes Wecbsd Croo Couovsioiisr. Us Eue Coli vasto Oso-lises Lt W0000-Oosnoy Upeeiu Buying an Selling, Os oso ese vr rs 1050i005d 0055n0 -Jobs0 Boyo DUty Oetdsp Pioneer Classified vends, - Ali Is,50465. Buying an Selfing, is the place Pioneer Classified far yool

is th e pia ce Go 180015 Cioesireduds150ug NoV00 OCANI pIsdOss V0005r Prsoe sooThe SoAso sIE a800e009 015050451 up500l nc adseese in ne OsosoS plome sei icos uredly ei el 7) 241 -IrlO (841) far yaul Oslflejooeor es eslflnrvlrerororonnsna Aysresofl shoe 5200040g PAOlO olor 00055005sndsvmsortsOirselytolCVJ. 998-3400 APioneer Press Publication IDe) ssww.pioneerlocut.csm Thursday, December te,atooI cii do Thursday, December 10,2000 wwespionrerlocul.com APioneeo Press Publicationyac) 1013- Bid NOtI000 1045- LInos 1002. Prsbnte 1066- PublIo Notloot1055- PublIo NoticestOSO- Publio N00000 1010-Auctions lolo- Auctions 1010- AuctIons 010- Auctions 1010- Au0000s 1010- AuctIons 1013-Bld Notices 013-Bld NotIons ¿yyycy3yyecuZonin0,uogP0iuntiiis cn,ceor,srcs 5,05er))n°ulth0thi3ithi'8O'0 EARLY DEADLINES for On 000 50 W On 10 oa c CHRISTMAS& o nues OW On otnnnsn NEW YEARS O 5 Buying or Sefiing, Buying or Selling Our AutomotiveOur Automotive no on oO PUBLIC (LEGAL) NOTICES Buying or Selling, Buying or Selling : ' O ; co Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified 5 so . Pioneer Clossi8ed Pioneer Classified Section has the Sedion has the % r The deadiurio for the week of on n lathe place is f he place is the place is the place WonucceWsos, u us W no ° ChristmasDecember 25th and Car you are Car you are oso r In Sn. , New Years January 1 st is I for paul for youl 0e , W OWOu for pool for youl coon 00 W u DAY EARLIER than roncaDl at looking for. looking fer. no In 00 18471 18471 .0 c n 5pm Please plan accord,ngly W W O ° W iO and entoy the Holiday Season (847) 847) 998-3400 998-3400 co r o: .

998-3400 998-3400 c0 o nO WO °° co co ,n oo I 511.1 0 5 Buying or Buying o 00 n.5 °° lurOsoSi lopiof 5 OusI,d i0r I, tWos 90u O0 uu 55r

Selling, Sefiing,

Pioneer Pioneer uns reseco ou. ru Classified Classified nl °°WWWW WOO. munson WnS n n "u: 5n e is the place is the place : ca °° BuyrgarSellirg n n On u W I s000thr°yes Pioneer Claosi8ed fur youl fer youl so '° OOWO Sn , W otheplace u u nO uL oW°u u u moo foryosi '° u (847) (847) ,

998-3400 998-3400

0 ca u,n mcssne, un sss Souu SOSO c$OOOOOOO 00 so Ou un 550 50 w 1040- LI ' su Buying or Self ing1 iseo pIssat W n g Pioneer Classified 5055050 r mss.,

isihe place

for youl Buying or Selling,

Pioneer Classi9ed sss (847) u 5 cas ca io the place so 998-3400 for you)

u 1065 P SII N II

55055005 Bct5sII, ,uso,°i0°5iss SwnrCbuCsd nvnl,essspI,15 °5i0, esss510ns, 055IlssnWnOIscs550055 ,ceusoe05000,rs ,cesca,,055mc 55ncOsdOio6eOnh1oI htp)toltryco) gia,5f,g5i05°75cBDB eaBiiiiOOiSoo C jThucSllay,Deeerober 18,2008 wworpioneerlocal.com APioneer Press Publication(Dc) www.pioneerlocai.com Thurodey, December 18,2008I cia




CADILLAC-BUICK- - HELDSCHRVSLER JEEP PONTTAC-GMC nIZZA CHEVY PATRICK CADILLAC SUPERSTOBEOFUSLE JAGUAR KLMHURST (706) 429-6000 (700) 594-6400 (086)419-3307 (EßNToleev) PATRICK VOLVO (OSSI 634-2277 1000)852-7299 888) 207-6211 )U*7)6US-400S BREDEMANN SCION GROSSINGER BUICK RIZZA CADILLAC SHEPARD CHEVROLET CORNEE DODGE PATR ICE JAGUAR PAULY HONDA (047) 096-3700 VOLVO OF LISLE (666) 570-1654 0)429-6000 (077)623-3000 (047)236-7900 18471 362-4300 1066) 861-9716 CLASSIC SCION A Fiancer Press Psblicalinn Thursday, December IR, 2008 I57 014 IThursday, December 18,2008 wovnpionrrrlocekeom APionree Press Poblicatioso (Dc)

Images www.pioneerIoeaI.com Maine East performs 'Dancing Through the Decades'

lie IIIDTIJ/FEO PIONEER PRESS The Maine East Dance Company performs a number nailed "tgnuurranllun nf the Disturbad DenS daring their pertermaeae,Dancing Through Tics Donadas.'

Fass P11gb SchaaFs Omhaais since Soplomber under ihr soyarnision Maiercempany preseated e program, of Dance Company Director Debra 'Dascieg Through The Decades al 755 Spiegel, p.m. Dro. Sued Dcc. Fir ihn school sudi- Company membern ieclade Flaue inniam,ossi wDernpster. Vzehaohirz, htarja Maneppallil, Prrntha "Danrirg Thcengh The Decades" is- Alen, Tiffany Joseph, DicaInte l'caDDe, claded modern, Jasa, hip hop, salsa, bol- Sara Martinez, Tarima Ramer, Snisrish las and cullural darers Orem various pe- Meyoed, Erltska-Mee Megpaye, Melissa riods of hislory. The roncerO highilgisted Nqayee, Ashley Jalen, Herzu Rajas, Ehe Ealanis of dancers elMoinr Dass, Serna Mnthnna, Cime Lagaejic and who have been worhing an Ohs rancart flatasina Serma.

PUBLIcL4o1'..ÏcE ILLINOIS w,pubIicnotkei!Iinois.çom

A public service provided by Pioneer Press, The Doings & the Illinois Press Association

Mia RlIOfll/FOa FIERIER PRIES PIONEER PRESS' Dl rie aimiTi/ror PIENSOS PRESI ZItk thxtz FIssa Sanlsaalsira, a napho,nnrr, perfnemu In a numbee assied "Lelinhy" Dm.5 during tIEr Maie Dent Tufeny Jnnnph, a feealsanae, parlaren lea essmber nellnd "Datei Reality Chenil" during the Hein YO UR LO CAL S ou RC lOnraP,lC\0080 Daeee Cnmpeey performance ay "DaseinS Thraagh The ¡Rondes." Cant Danse Camp env sham,"Dasaliug Threagis The Decades." 58 Thursday, December 18,2008 APisneer Frees Publication A i°i050er Press Fohlicnl'rrv Thoredoy, Deeembe0, 0000 59 S. Trnenly groins loot improving Iheir perform- School, 9000 Lamier Are., 1012, ergota Schools much? No, bot if scores of ance in clam prraentulinna Shahir; 6:50-8:30 p.m. Ja. wwwmshton.eda,heovn/Sret Al Lbrcohr Middle gvl,vsrereohporerthogebeeni.yissseebosel.sass, sludooto ere going online rad job interviewa. 6 st LhrooisawnndPulahr /trarcrhhtm. HUNGRY FOR MORE? MAHO1ING EDITIRrSera Bosrssr Coniiemi from PAGE 20 School, ZOOS. Liocola, in- and upplying their voesbo- Likroay, 4000 W Feullt ibrrersssopi orees sesteos I 1847) 456-7387 atrumerolel gruops bode According te the Web Resurrection Food Ave, Linselnroond; 5:35-S At Roosevelt School, cry knowledge, thea the sito rinitem to PrarRice concert Dcc. D sod o p.m. Jas, fist Branalun 1001 S. Peirview, Pock pile of groin - and the bovr genarotod anough The 2001-08 staff 5f the choral concert on Wednes- amount sr hanger relief- Tuweship High School, Ridge, the Scat perform- day rice psrchmre lo fand Z llesnea'eotinn 017gb School quichly mosalr. 1600 Dodge Aoe., student firers megseine, unce ovili be be the andito- eOlios propio since Octo-- Additional middle Svanstos; 7-9:30 pse. Jan. dom ut 10:20 em, today That's whol Molt PorrO- ber 5057, The Rea Renner, received school 'arstroesrenlul per- Ost Gienfarash Sasth High (Dm. 18) fer Kierdeegarton li, Malee Sooth Rarglub en International Sreasd foemanme hove almody Oaliton Behuol, 4500W Lelre Ave., AM, grade 2 (Rooms 213, Deperheent chelo-ansas, rad Piece Aseso-rl from Quill --cookbooks Glrnsirw, Maisr Bent Ofigis 217 oea 219) and grade 5 been held. and SereS, an ieteessetiessl By TOM WITON po-cachable, olreightfor- tnmataes wree pesbivide- brund, spicy obco and South'u Seglish toochsru oeirtse cosseonty C* Schusl, 2501 Dempster St., (Roams 222 oecd 327). At th and studente decided, re- honorary society ter high Conlibotor ward esdipen end resdiio, Top volumes to use fo-or rad hormone-I-0e lomators, S svuno ak-style fete mill hc' cloned Dee. 14 Perlu Ridge, and Nilee West 1:30 p.m., studente hr sehoaljorsrnalisto, The Ras ovuilohie ingredients. En- mïk and meets the norm mormnalod shrimp and Per'eets of 000droo en- turning from Thsedmginiag through Jato 4 far raisrtrr High Sobos) 5701 Ouhtee Kindergarten PM, grade llarsaserwse ewseded this Our lovs nlfsie with owples include ccoh cubes and peruse for recipes mirer 1h00 Ihn mcrpticn. neufood goenbn. rolled le Flsrk Ridge-Riles beruh te embark ens break Nnrmal hoer's nf np- St, Stable, (Roams 211 oecd 212) end eeleiscrasest eating m part luod 'u fed by a nlaggerivg with uwent cucoy-rad bell Cml eSfera proclical io- Market Vegetar- Snhml District 54 mhootu three-week-lang rasopoign emllue ter in-poema regie- comber of coolobooks psppec sauce, opple-osery and techniques sighi on hnwhomo coche jas (Ryland, Febo-o & grades 11100mo 309,312 cue he larformed of mhaof to fight burger. They am Registsstisn ter doy- nf the 2000 Nema Media tretien and sledest medr- chuened out by publishers chichee and quinnu nolod might opplysome of the Omsil(. Sors Dobsca, ou end 915) vdtl perfarm. On closiege doe to isolement doing au through time SOL rlassea will ho Esalestior Sernien ing to shove thee attire es oeil reerane Jas. Sat tise roch year. and worm opple-date tart - BekèWioe;The hsollhy-eatingprinciplse nfAoslceiiao food wrilen, Friday st 10:35 um., sta- weather through the fai- PrenRicacons, spnnsored held: 0:50-1h30 am, Jasa, 6 Howe and Whya nf stove, shnmshnw shnplr in Dm Finiese campus, 1605 The Ree Baamer is e Tice ground thry cocaro with honey-cacomel the pastos they perpco-e conves op more than SS destte hr grade 1 lR000rs st First Cnssgs-egstiasssl ---brat He - lowing means: by the Untied Nations E. Gest Read, and Shelds stsrdeat pafelirattoss dishlfe- SuerreonfalEekisg meols fur thair families, ceci pnmran ging fnom lavty is ull-eacampoueing from naocc Por thone ooilh wonders: As 105,120 end 223), grede 2 Chereh, 768 Greenland (Sonibrer). i- Wsrld Feed Prngswm and rampes, 7701 N. Linenin stesi te all stodrnls, teerilty elbair rad mgional moro lime on Ibrio- bends, Herboob, aigrameedhy ehuereble bites (yaiotn nod (Reams 202 mrd 204) rad u Ferrets mill c'scrive Avn, Des Plsiesa; 9:15-1h45 Fand lungse - the Seriasen Center fer Avec end staff nf Resurrection canora lu single-oubjeol Trouer blm how lo make seasons, in bill of hund- pursn ip ceoqueslenl to Sol- graded (Seems 355 and an Alert Now recordod wriben Shinley pram sting letemet & Society ut Rar- am. Jan, 6 atEsenetse lligfsSnlssnlvdthatatal volumes snd butqr borie o nombec nf stache end mmephotogcuphy uod up- urdey eight compuny (err 356) ovili ring The leal phone message at the Studente may register Cnnrtheo-b lot- fresh, high- caed Usiveedty. Publie Llhmeg 1753 Or- print rusa 011.200. The primeo-u. The shelver sag cnductions. peeling raolpes 10cc Curry Iloglistelle wilh partobeia rearert et 1:10 pee, roiS (n number they provided to in-peesan fer the spriasg est woO-cm quality hi- ringlan Ana. Enmosten; eroso issagseine sesees ase with boohr desling with O, The Oprsh grothovls Cm'eit Soup with Wosabi moshrcmwe, chestnuts end oI ode etudeata from grade their child's sabmi. Thsse spassose, along 2009 semester 8:30 am, te soamhed "tel 1220-3 pee, Jan. tall N'dea publie tersase ter ercpsss- cosraroles ond vupooken, Megeoikie Cookbook Cremo, Vegolshle Slew chiccn( ibatvegolorians i (Room 121 mad 122), grade with Poveely.com hone re- 7p.m. Monday through oIl" does fur District 64's weh sito, Carnesesdty Chaselr, 7401 aies sed rumssessdcetiae loo-la ucd berrases, soups lHi'perionl. rolh Polenta radjssia sed von-vegrlocians albe 3 (Reame SOloed 203) and tuhtehrd Pereignovvem, ThuesdoR 0:20 am. te S boliers onkel her Chichen Salad, dun enloy lt's enough lo rsvrvr.d64.oeg will provide Gakten SI., N'dru; 9:11-1h55 ter the nefsont ond spions. Do-owing on another why smb graded (Roams 301,202 whum meehsaoice aman per. Fridays; endS e-ar, to n.m. Jas. 7 at Tempie Colrbrilp chofs, weal, Aioavg other oalnwar- pcompl cooks to boil oui 'erfoematioo of wheel vIe- highly visible Chicago con- CccicWioc, did and 303). simple se they mund. nren Sotordays. Students vogolablo, dcareel, Iccoith, thyll005 tibios lo trwpt ho ueocclo uf Ihe herb or- eures, ou colli rvrovomoath- Judea Miapah, f610 N'dea St. Juliana nection, 1h15 bock drums ter bao-re enuhe. ,,fnedn Every lime n visitor se- aira map apply rad regis- grill and albor garce gel homo conkn uce: gonic produce they croc ercloeings.com. Center linar) Shelde; 2-d (In 175 lempliog recipes Ohs gives rend- noch ansor dines At Field School, 707 morro o maltiple-choire on- SL JiLana Elemestany SeeoordHeilpiargo Scd. ter at rnnvooaktanuds. p.m. Jan.04 st Center ter Ilmair say loo. 'romopobliool':oo maid reo the 10015 to getthnw un and cocnrllmoi ho-ans'( Wearer, younger studente Parente nue call Dis- cabalary question semant- Betest, Clainago, has re- Keryicgop ofRoeoll Chirkeu IHype- ,4iisro (Toy-Speed Students with n aureant Prafrosionsi Dsnniepmest, be ulhwct s ihe polk bono-o Ilovi hok- yopi orheres hints un in grades Kiedoegarton, 1 lsaoed ils Osvt-quarter r'hou(. This is the escoro lu Pcnnm(, Mol cculor geminen- trict 640 mein phone lier Ip, spoosoen puy for an ad- appScatinn, arelan bevo Old Gmhard Mel) 34 Oid with the loe- '',ì -s monthly apeedily cmolieg Lomb sedO reSI perform today ing,whelhnr 11cc project is- Euglish chefSimos Hnp- owintGronlAcloolndron- 01)047) 310-4300 foro ditional 20 gruirre of don altonded Oahten in the Orchard Center, Suite 554, hanar roll. runt is hopos- modership volves cookies or cubos, Curryroith o p ,'esaurr (DeciSi (elbe oorih gRo. hinnenb2009 "Roant eins foodics wilh piononr'- recorded unnouncoment. Visitors may playas long past timen years, may reg- ShaMe. uiblr. So any cf same i( pies oc breodu. Ferailirs of rtudrata rohose FAst Hessens holing of Cirio-han sad Oihcn Sic- iog, over-the-lop bm st ea they ohuose; Ihr sito us- ister ut my.naloiosr,edu, Coerihoo-'dr,cwe ne hrr vsntionul mnthods, Ha Isst nomea end er A - L Aoeoraceruoete esili A mmplelr schedule uf miSne. nos," whiob was deemed Alineo, h' neon buscool io raroch visitare sansones to Classes miO begin Jan.20- Eighth gesdrra Essdly 2008's "Bert ocio-ocr bachgowood in an- toons the load processor rad Kindorgoeten AM oro be bmodcmt ou most local Thoogh sal Chicago, The coolly IsIS), make edjuslmente end OSL class dope und tisses Conway, Rose Mellride, Coolohoalm" der io brio bobera avert foc quickly nkcingovdrc- "lire w 055550 fuI cookbook invited to heer a probods TV ond neme rodio sta- Fur mure assistance port of 1h01 le- sfoll thee" by Sc'itioh food 055-poga boulo, wish 0010e pcnsent a degree nf diR- will be available ot regis' Molly Merpiry. iolooundto- common dieostrre, brow oppcocio tod Snunseln tions and web sites. gime, wo con enponts. Tbenhoctemsoys red ipoi galogon l'ue molli- begierdog at 9:30 am. cally thot motoirou the viri- contact the Adrining und tratinn. Pnc mues infurma- Irr subjec- fulleo cubes la curdled spc000n 1er o Oricensoe und Irodieg toe 10 um. peo- limosO Hessens vouch ter the OceosOngogiog nvd aster- pIn pagna and euh.',: re- torb shill. Cooamoiing Center, (847) tion ouI (047) 535-1426. modes to aadslydry cop- e.'oplivn 5h eodvonte gos of District 207 ocd lida handrowe 000la- brining an Ihn recipes m'e qumning spediabiand oquip- groas. The oker0000 pro- 530-1740 'as Dru Plaines, nr Er'gkth graderw Jubo cobea. Rocipas cams with addhoginniuntmmhud pu- "Engbnh tcochee Aleo -5-5+ roovdop is na ra- hooh with oteo-o-- teto lakes lo hin Co-com of suelo), rolioblo rad attesi erect end ingredievis, hen gram elli begin otl p.m. The Meise West Sproch 10471 605-1417 'er Shohia. Buchanan, Juedan Borges, hint boues, 'Wirst This Esiroeleess the fiasen sed ceptinn. mvocdbyOpi'sh Lmh and Mushroom Soup. 'mspmoed. Nuglitny mane thoc 450 gallecy- for families of sludenis md Performance Teoso Stelhuhis introduced meto 0- -5 -5 Recipe Shows," thaI 10ev- toetury of South Anserinab Brisees C'e'rincione, Deesinl heenelf, lush phalagrephp phonos. quality pholos. Coobboob whose lost oames rod io perteewed oveS elite Inst Ihn Web site leal Decom- The underlying entado tino ou voluabie problem And misen fletfotestios is opes far mines an o travel/atady Csrley, Cirriutepher ioolsdingosobilil)r, clarity rads mpeeb enlechan of ,4,rt oPake sr aoffne IcIbie book? Too M-Z and oil Kiadecgarteo meet Nov 2201 Lube Por- hoe and we dmidnd to toy rabees - befase thirgo get her English nno Smoad tear offered by Onkton. Plorise, Jssllin lileleran, rad creativity oil lolo- ecro-ydny recipes far nIl cc. pected Slow Cooker decide, PM studeots. On Feidey, eut High ScirouL Weetb it out roilh u rnodmt gaol ustnlhand. This is shook Lmgonge classes span- The 10-day hip roil depart Wdlinsn Hirsch, Gira Jo- onced which volumes - casions from mane Ibra 60 )Chmnicle 500ke). Hold's older oludeslu br teem placed Scat out of 24 of 500,000 grsiou of rico. tu retuente for ils ceripen suced by tho Okeuis Com- 750011. The tsar in led by rebsesi, Brouta Kehue, made ihr cot Heel arr Sve ohefu radteudwrilsrs. puny Teacher, fund SerRino Solteros "SHout's grades 0-5 orlO perform an Sy the sad uf the drive we )ZcZemncabie Silty Choco-- teems oomprtiog. Studreto Veronica lIttle-Kemp, nsrilnr und aus- , Cm?cirgO"uoe000eotaoyao munity College Board. Of- Perot Gesses, Oehten an- pnleeliol slochinl.stuffern In eddilien, the hook ho- lote Mno-ingoe Fir) sed shows eovironmentolly eciaded winning indiuldool swords sheltered our goal by do- mchhaclivappconirgtlreflmt' fared through the Aikaroce enseting 'mstrsclar and Teresa LaI5 Cyril Lupiaatg thaI atnod out, slang with o eludes interoiems nnith ose' tenlrniq000 (Iheart uf up, he mibuntdiacdrcm moulcal, "Santo Gana were Ren Enggsu Teresa nating uver foce million Schi055005 ts the andtlriodooenherachooaobc tar Lilalong Learning st Ireasurer of the Ciricags Jihyn Len, Themse LoBian- bonus five also worth cemtal culinary meoulmo, lureadingbreud or making taOn how Green." A 5:30 n.m. prel- groins of rice. The cam- alwwo.piareclwaImw. Morrisnoy, Jonice Kuihe, Oelaton, these ciseers co, Nicholas Lodding Icooraing: tagst alorv cuahen has ude leodieg too 10 0m. palge ales misad studeol Goua'snet CIsh. nomo sample monus mrd Iha perfect egg-while Kollhcg, Shuif Yuso- leach tatnning spealdag Michele MeGSnn, Heme Cooking (noua sed meringuer). Rnanted new light, show- performance is offered for ewarennas oboot hanger In Chile visit Cabbages hog busy cooks Crmmest, piosrestocal.ssm SehsMihn ,AoTenra, Ed- reading sed writing shills Koyleigis Mclesrery, Sri- with Charlie Trotter hans foe poio-. Jorques Pepla: SplI' fossiles of studeatu whose und just muy have in- Vullep o ferlils reparan of- ito veo-sshSly not uardo Mrrqure, Jeras to adults 16 years und old- mm Babiole, Sarah Udel- (Ten Speed hrgwhne and More Feat Food My Chiohen last nemes radin A-L creased their nocubelerire ten sempered to Napa Vol- wilh Mus- anlywilh onopn, atnwa Poyno, Kotie Cullotto, Ifs bufen, Lindsey Welch, BOa- Poems), fand. Aenuag Way (Hnsghtsn Miolin). Ibesilies of studente whose o bit," Purrilltseid. "Sinon ley,and Seal peso-self te tond C o-sutnn Ihr lubie undbcained Seher bot Khong, Jm Baomgsrtnoe, abeth Wrtlenfsere, Joseph Acclaimed Ihe dinhee in Though hr hulds leal names end in M-Z ore Seen Hanson, Shilpo lii- Ihn driva hen auch u puni- Day sed avenisrg rlaenes md odem co-calad asdyin Chicago chef Franca's highest coohing roilbin huSmo bouc with cusnos lei, abon' Zseeagtdnt caohed bosons brood isroitod tool pato prelude mes, Sequel Lopee, Cuit- tive global and baal ha- miO atari the week nf Jse. the okmata nf tise Aerdean Charlie Trottor benno-und han broame a Sieapfy Orgaaiic 'h NswYarh pudding ovd rvr,c leading to 01:30 p.m. per- pent, the English Depart- S. Studeetu mast register Valley Gote Aegerntina'n Srssalhgesdgew Mao-- culinary IChraniclo lys Garrett, Teddy Nyldel chef Boni 5FO'5 mentis raciled ta ander- in-persan with preper ha Beige, Easy Cusoek, potod mouler 01 iconinthis Osotu). meailooC sed gris O'ldsgsn. reine nasntrp and tear Tiovotu Boo Appetit, tebe it egeln this year and identiSestian anda SmisI Pslsirh Difine, Msellss mohing food country, 'Califaraio District 54 middle miennes feshrrisg the Y'All(Ton Speed Uane Sooth see if we can surpass sot Seoaritynunsber,ifuvaii- mantels meet fuassose Dsrlsass, Rachel Gabseb, ceoch esoteric Jocqso-s :'foudroritair ocd echool atedente offered s rooburoleoc P cens 1. Vicgirfoo Willis yesrb telaI donutiun." ahle. olmoOofalhee. Fiselly, 'es Mary Kate Herien, Chsiot' heighms. Wicol he Pnpmn sca SrS schedole of eveelog Assy Neisse HItS Solsoot --Chichro -s boue ZiO' Cool is u Presolo-tromnod Suenen Aires, visit the city ines LoBada, Daniel Mar64- does in his rrsloo- food snob, performances. At Smesse Ssuth etudest ralee Issowe Strong varabelueim, as Registration for ovreing Sfuloppini in a Pirre i,sce Ibis bmh chrfrvhnhooilslmm o where the fangs was rarer. ese, Aran MeDonslo) 'ont is omonivg, and - - Hin ' 1h01 gralfow meerss"hrergi Frse5ioe notes, heneSt Nùt-Forurcson Co-srl. He os u mldilolioo longlino nf dedicoled MIddle Scheel, 0101 N. SOL riseree sill beheld: 7- Gram Marlorly, Clair Mur- hant.leti ru him well-honed bouh, di- Casrsberlarrd, Niles, 'erstes- teugh" era - rollio n studente in many und nur- 009e it's "10cc chichen Su- ecobed ccl On o lime befare Sculhrrs cocho, S'ind 9:00 p.m. Jan. Sat Meine For esmplcte itiesemries phy, Serais NauseI, pcufenaiucrol skillo. Sut in mental music groupe por- moose rIch - donate 20 led ways, teem improving Went HIgh School, 176S S. -ticiv-booh, Tentino- mom. gone Inn adala," odesco-ip- nenpicyto pnucensed foods 'in her hoolo contrwpo- and informatise sheet sp- Alenander Nanm, Thnmas fes'esrd Thendey A oberai grolau of ricchi help oSesi- reading ramprehsnnire Weil Raed, Dee Plainas, rearing 2009 loses, celi loins high otondords with lino thol's eight on Ihn doom cod ceignod,'whev cr007, r'cgoed s'ecc'prn vine -s'ipenrd for booitocmillu corn- eaneebe osa stated for Dec. str hmrgav and boasting taut mares te sed Pfdee Nsrllb Hig1e Seo CerneSusen, (047) 635- Srbaeb, PAGE 60 On asnortment of up- theme loch- 60jThursdey, December18, 2000 A Pioneer Freso Publication A Pioneer Frees Fublloation Thursday, December If. 2000 I 61 em, at Omega, 9105W opiritual Oves. During the MEMORIAL Peek Golf Road io Nilee. At verh next frsr weehe the North meeting members ro- American Mm-tyrs Cone- Corfinuod Iron PAGE IO LUNCHEONS ohnnga q0000ed husmeos cil, Niles, ,tll offer several opportunitieu to hove s Banquet Room reptiog uppliratione foc the referrals, build profensionel reletionsleips, emote al- Catholc manor woman Available Board of Directoeo pod- lances, develop public lema about membership in Groupe of la-200 lives for the upc000iog the organisation. Per more A VALUE every CHICAGO FAMILY yea,: Sourd member terme speahing skills and lebe information contact Bob aro three yeerr. fotorested tares promoting thee' products asd servions. Fel- Gobosri, 10471 565 0920. members should r00000t low members eeroe as Oblio DiMoria, fixeru500 The Amnrlsoo Jewish your so les force, peootding Director 1047) 208-0100, Oneste CImA ir accepting access to cIenta you woold 705-452-6040 for more lofo,00Hoe. saw members. The group, not otharmine be chIe to founded In tho early lS2On, SU PP-ORT. 7650 W. Irving Park Reed CLASSES contact. Also, is every IL focanes on the beood as- Nernidge,Illieeie 00700 LeTip chapter, euch boul Molleo Cl000t, o hood pects of ei-helle perform- FamWe8 talk all they want with anyone they wanton the wwrv.edetreetssdtoing.eom nose category (erepeenunl- store 015227 Wa000goo anca and eer005 to omich od by non joembec to pre- Unlimited National Family Plan öros-a U.S. Cellular.0 Rood, 1100rton Grove, hosts the relturel ilber of the vent oonfíote o(ioter000 free hegioningjesoelry- Jewish coromcwity. Por loom you (0)0, yoar rom- '13 QuaUty, Value & Servíce (nny Lanuae mohing classes at O oro. more inforocetion cull poti000 cannot). Tn learn oveehdoye. Fo, moro lofer. Lomee Stow, 1847) 272 5744, Our Unlimited National Family Plan gives you: ro oro chaot tho Des mutioo coil (047)500-2502. Enlimited sailing with anyone er any wireless netwerk FloinrsfMount sso up sa fies Le unaoso for 20 ooeh [email protected]. erlardlire in the nation oher ene gneclioo rssysuroeireedsp CLUBS l°rospeot/Niles rhupter of Fare beaming t'ente and Pin eareurssherhieosrsrraeilonsnboro. Produce World Assdrsbon Sooirty of Pork LaTip, raotcct Joort .0cc the first lire for $99.99 and the socond lmnefer $49.99 IiOrtl0000st Scbfsrbsro LO UX300 INTERNATIONAL MARKET. DELI. BAKERY. MEATS SEAFOOD Hanson 011815)728-1480 Ridge meets at 7:30 p.m. add up te three mers lisos ferlest $49.99 each Camera ord BluotestMloshrcfsgy Castooll oilGaecaulegisto or atjvhanson@letipeom. the fourth Thoreday of the Produce medo at 7:30 p.m. or the rL For more ioformetion on month in the Moma Furb f ope re rd UP TO FIVE ChestnutsPbmegronafes Cauliflower Asparagus third Tuesdoy of the LoTip, nisit Camaro Center, Porastriav mooth et Forest View Odo- wmca.LeTip.com. and Sylofeovood. Guests of i 99 oatiooul Center, Room 000, all ogre are weloomn. Cull 1Q 2121 & Ovebbert Road, As- Join tise Cotholin OIroI-yssssro oodnd.ta000.rosoesoaor&. I Is. 98. 59Cth. 21BsFoR3 Roger Ginger, (8471 028- liogtoo Heights Cueste me Cornons BowOng League for 2582, for mom informa- Red Grapes SeedlessClementines Lemons LwTae ooelroma. Visit Ludias N,ght Oot et Cies- Orce sssrOitCerchi.00antlp. wv'w.owooErom or call sia Bowl, 8500 Wsokageo uaeilable in Olee nr nileor. The Jeroryidor Crotones Lb. (0471 810-5105. Rood, Morton Grove. Peo 77 59G.59. 10015 per meni,. All shill Matorcycle Touring Club LOT1p lot0005ti0051, a MEAT levels malcomo. Cell mmes et 7:45 p.m. the Lean & roedor Boneless boeiaess retovorbiog or 00155 ChoIes leorb Lo,. od Me0a USCI Chei ConcIsos Deaonn Dmedn et 12M). fuorth Tsesdey nf each gcmizotion, r0005t(y opened Shoulder RoastFkark Back Ribs Strip Roastsr Steak Pork Roost 658-4005 or month in the Des Pleines a new brai rhapter Area [email protected]. EGon Club, lomar love1, 455 profenoionaln seetang new Lea Rt. losco blocks north leads, notcvoektog opportu- 7100 SaisIsSe of Colaoobso of Route 14), Das Pleines. Deli nitior mcd valuable basi- peootdes woys for mem- Jerneypine Crainem' Sun- Lend-S-Lakes Eskrioh Sera Leo Soro Loo noes tipe are ieeviled 00juin bers to help others io the day Brezkfant Bidro 1mm Oho group, which meeto commuaity while trying to American Cheeseliard SalamiHoney HamOves Roasted Turkey 49 399 every Thoredoy et 7:01 improve their fmoily and Pech PAGE 62 Lb.

DAIRY Aesoesdo Juenbumi, Grace Gigliese, Brendro DEAN'S Land-0-Labos Athens Schools Keel5 Jmeph MeCorsuicib Hrnnghen, Christine 2% MILK Butter Filio Dough Cerliruot (roo POSESO Meare McCormick, CajOle Heyl'm, Dylan Jaeger, McBneeyi William Manar- Christopher KnId, Mioheel ta Fate'irh Muiloerbi, All- $100 i69 O'D000eil, Kevm O'Gredy. LoBiommno, Potcich MaoGm- Er. IGel. 2 FOR VEa. Lb. I Es.OLb. son O'Mullny, Brine 0Mal- Bmily Okeasilo, Rants O'- gob Meaghan Machey, dion GROCERIES MolleE Beile Pocladrk, ley, Futrich O'Mellry, Bnl- cneo 011veGe,lhonor Merlin, Be'ianea MrGene, Swans Down Coke Floe or Swanson V.G. Piokiod Fbossue Kolonats Daniel Pmeoo, Keloey US. Cellular KIIiS. Oahlfs, Robert Ryan, Ken- Hugh McGing, Daniel Mew e4 OIW Oil Cofre Kogir Roardon, Man Ryan, Bren «- Gold Medal Floor Assorted Broth Cabbage Leaves doua, Melesa Millet Bilons tallone bee easr,crhieeg better '-'--ne-- dan iltusntov, Brolly orth Serva, Matihem ilndtla, Bloaheth Rnrie, Mulroe, Thomas Murphy &oo Tobroey, Biler Wallure, $299F, Methaw Seafoni, Meleno Jemeu Oddo, Mart ODono- ZFOR YtqOu e# sobo. 000e. Ryao YoanE enramo te the tant fer g deys - Change year calling planet OflE time durisg year Valdez, Katherine Weban Dlscoeer the Difformer: Put sor nntwerk. prodeinte and mactamer hue, Adoro Olvrenik, enrolen agrenmeot with000 sigeing deem contrent - Rrnewyeor centrentund take adoantege nf new phnne pricing befare yace current centrant ends Assorted Marconi Diamond Shelled Moshoofllore Sixth ge'adero: Brolly Jorepldne O'ilhaaglmosey Tomatoes Walnuts Boafari Wise Oloroqedet, Anale Breed- Academic llenero 4° Miohoel Panico, Reic Feitt, steeder, Brigid Broderiok, P210h-5usdes-u: Cbeire Let us help you find a location:visit uscellular.com or call 1-888-BUY-USCC 29 Koyla Roardon, Molt i99 Cs Mogaan Brov-ne, William Oroderich, Jeenicu Burgas, i 050e. 41k. 700 nl Sahaednl, Onidgot Sciosoor, mleaeosoaotr,urehnss.o forero O merced sf15550 Sorse, hell's Sr.esnlne- ee,aa:eeesetlmelIs,lIeeerlrrsrs:seIisohsl,esaileelnsalaelOtl Scalone rolmoesand S5500seeeomaml esmseeereearr:ee.illeiseelsrn Byrne, Mottheso Cunley Nom Byrne, Crin Callahan, resiso raSsIse. soci meaed055ee 0,5sf sse:moeenms teioessmss larme sil Celere, tle,rtsmismsr5,0,150corsos,ntmsersnrersela:lesleelr Moot' Perores Sehore, oro eeereeeel-oee:reeelerae Ml,ieeelfnm rarem 15:01 usd1: mss,ebeess s ondes, III Mary DBoo, Darde1 Obb Cmora, Jony Cts emsellelaresa lei sseIOstloo,IPlaeOeS ees:mn,5 i 03,01 L:leeoeoe nmea,lhie 0e. OsIele,'eeIeo,::,ssesemeasel,g:es in Oslrelor,ces 5,11 sri ohhierns:osreree,mao:ms:hlemm lace leso errar, eae,al:eaacesasesaeirbres 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. ls::r,isIEoeeeclPlereesoe15sa5,01mm05l5nrme5,0Ltrl fsvrsaiss,eoute,,noesnlmss,l,o,eo,es:sseidata,eeeleomleerrseceoseols,,rl,e,eleo,msormsr see Bllingoen, Rory Pegan, Thomar Simon, Ansroda n 055mo::, sL:lloonm :5cl seediei.&iels arrslefe asanrse.nlo CORNER OF WAUKEGAN & DEMPSTER HOURS: MON-FRI 09 SATO-O SON 0-7 nenos, Gishena Costo, lsaldeoelete,:eteloeiris,,esledsssleletaeloleseslr,vereOsm iSelaIletedflere aireo rRas,esemo,00,e,aerclisulleoeslllss.00reesels.eee,eareieeol,aee lorammocel 5O-O,YIeorsOmes:CeelemsrulemIeoTh101sreOO Marie EladIo, Carly Claire DonnelID Damriol ilmigla, Mark Smaleebi, oacrodaraem,esscmdeia,torels,e dem cedri bermlar,,OaeleeeOsd,el500idlsal horlenlelsiol:,N.rrsaaescafpeees,ebleilloetases.as.i,lsrra,eeIsL:msardimosilrMolateeb v,omcsmide lIssome lneaeeasO.ionuunla-lenseuleraorormioncord000e001useeesreaooeeaecmae Osemedemaer - 847-581-1029 PIonne. Molly Fi5oo, Karry Dm'lmen, Mee' Pat Freoclm, Kyle Steffen, Anne Sugrar, ao,meeeflemaaoc lialosmerIsOms2eaiife4e.Cc,de5idld:lOeIermalr50me5md05.5555I5d055f0N5 cese,,Iiaeesrasr.ao:isi'uOeeter TaIooe,heasd irebeoscsee,elee snrsrl001lsernepemuee seseo nleoce.s.ests:ar. SALE OATES: DECEMBER 10TH-DECEMBER 24TH Foley, Limo Gludevio, Madeline llano, Osabais Neil Udethoïen. A Pioneer Press Pubbestina A Pleurer Press Pubüeuflan Thus-aday Dmnembes- 18, bOO I63 62 IThursday, December 182008 bics. Muy include harte Sutuedsyr; end 9:39-10:30 Coro Ctroiiongo: Cbulisng- Nies Fierriiy Fitness Con- Department, 330 N. tond a Pincement TeeL bateliers o'tth strength dunes's will be entered into step, stebitity bail wueb, em. Sundays. iagoes-crtobbty with cur- fer, 057 Civic Crutee Orive, Peek Harlem, Ave., Cldnagu, Children en10 ha tostad un training. Finish erith core e feme raffe. Winnere edil und bedy toning with ab d':euoecoies- and strength ir oundueling regiets-utien be mutilad in Janoary. Per 60305; visit Hal TimeS their seotmneiug stete sed mus-k end etretrh; helee- Condlo Drone: Instructor CurlirurdIrme PAGE 60 end barb rts-eegthanin drills es ike 000V balance fus- ehilds-ev'n diumen which mum islomostium, cal Trailside Museum, 728 advised to which oleas lev- mediuto to ads-aura still toach a variety nf beginner to intes-seedieto. truisms; 010-10:05 em. togis the weeb nf Jan. 13. 10471 b47-6322. Tkutchm Ave., Rives- For- alta regletee (ev Partinipu- mevea; intoemedieto to ed- ut9 am, from Mofloneld's Cene Condlo & St,wngth: Monduyu. Pee close mhcduie gala est ur the Mathese tien in this class doce sut Stop, Rollt s A StroregIls venced level; 945-9:59 em. Reetmmmst st Oubtun mud Improve cure strength iced ,nesevvitc,lleesncem, nr FOOD DRIVES iliescorot Volunteer So' fisneector child n spat in Tisis Stop cime will elfes- Sundays. Rosy Does ti: Offers mo- Lee nts-eeiu in Des Plebme-- tone yaus- imdy Clues esili the Loura-Tu- Senke pru- call 10471508-8405. The Giri 500005 nr Rides ere auueily 25 toSO sourer Center, 0100 N. include funotionsi strength variety 5-um warb to weels les-e udulta the epporbnshy gram. Plecemeet testing Credi o tnteeool: tisty this Creates- Chieuge and Nus-lb- miles. Coil SeOs (708) 366- Central Ave. Ctdcugo. Cal- eueroises, ab und beck One monk is Step with 10 le reemise under Sees-lure Aguo Aeties, 11eS ycarn detos es-05 to 7p.m. Dec. eerdinvescsier wortost mmi ledi une cmx eshieg tier 3822, or Joe, (8471 217-5876, ender seekers nun aise ob- week, end end with a yagu minuten nf uordie drills tul- supocvteiva efe eus-tOrd Ploy gs-eup in 11,0 peoll .23 sed 35; 900g am. Der. with muscle sheping. Pun- rnmmsmity to help them for mom inforneatisn. Visit late endender by mailing inspired stretch; begiecee lamed by core strengthen- lestrontor le achieve indi- ues-iaut,v,uliosul revim 27; 7 to 8p.m. Dec. 59. ticipunto esili intos-s-51 Stop, Iced Ihr hesgey rhildms, inww.jeeseyp'emrruisers. s 9-by 22-lech self-ad- to edvasrr. ing und the nest meek viduel slenired leeni obSt- viern in designad tu help Fees ere$t, mambers; .59, Oli/Lu, itiahbusing er BO- seemed, md wee of go'euter dressed, stomped ercrlape' Stop Interval; intermedi- neun. The dem consists al didldeun become nn,nfoel- 9G cumbinetiens with Chicego and mocthweel le- with $1.68 partage to the Fontony Flghtt 65 mie- etola edvauce. low-impact aerobics, siclo obie in the mele,: Spiush NOes Chepter Toostmos- utre nf rboreogrephrdmw- weight teuisdng intermedi- diane this hekdey musen. Pnmst Preserve District of Filtro Night FOn (er 06es us- wuliuleg, s-enirtaero ecusmd while peclicipnlimg tees meets et '715 pm. the AiS. Stretch, lueluted ato to Advuered levels; Pend items, ruch nr recaed Cook County, 536 N. 5to SutIl be held bromo impart simulated lIgie: se- was-h, foss-week ard i nertivr anagu und mio-is stretching te increase gral- 9:26-10:26 em. Wedees- boise end eognlnbirs, second sad fuss-tb Wednes- Huclese Ave., 514cc Rirent, tu 9p.m. Dec. 1h Rids veiS quences derived frees the stretching 10:10.0:00 um. fur. Water soyauniibe, days cf the mantle et the martial acto, boning end bilitty 8-9:50 em. Tues. deys. promut batto,; ceroul, eine, IL 60305, ArCN: Calrndm rainy an rerning stied Momdays und 10-0 em. Ps-i- osalinbie. yu,mnl/nhild. Mini Mortes Greve, 0140 Lia- kunir self-deleme, danigned days. posta, toes, unep, und Giveumap .°,lloev five busi- evith sesheosdeg gym, Coedlo Ktskbone Thin 60. days, Ploesso's, IS muatl,s toS- coto Ave. Mèmbera learn to ouaditiun the heart, yea,s: toddlee te copiare hoods maybe d:vpprd elf ness dsys for inturnul peu- oraba, snack med more. Aerobic Medley and Tose: minuto weckuet cembinen hum to Rel cumfoetoble bare celes-lee and hepruve Greco AerobioS Imciudru edil Der. 230t any Do- censing of their raquent. Curtis-Sul,membrrs; $15, Leev-hapsrtaerebirs, kick- high-intensity eerobioe, their emotive aide with rad hnve selficunfidenco soif-confidence. e min el dunce und nera- miníeh'n fend store, The Por mare informubnn re- boeing with sume toring bauieg, kiekboaing und peiudsg, piny de,,gh end tulideg to un audience. Cell bier, fniluned by ea ubdnm- bubbim. Cio,s moo be feud coilmied will beste- garding the FPDCC, visit Oeoet Reto Op & renfe suerciree foe krghmes- and eondiuianing encroises. (8471 583-9228. flee following in the mol mes-haut toe intermedi. memy sa Amar urcueding- tdbnted to Imulion ucd k,- n'svevsocluee2you.oeg Get your brust rato sp sdvenard pus-ticipesto, Hesdens-ups ss-e requirad Cs-cup Pttnesr mhaduie. ateto advanmed les-ele; 6:10- ly Pumel/ohild, Romp, diuiduala in enud by itees COMMUNITY with this verirty uf high in- mes-bing ai their seen pece; und es-r aveileble et the bend depeuilodies: Northern FITNESS CENTER ilady drap-in fees ere $6 7:10 p.m. Mandayn. Steep & Roll, 10-In 20- lar residente; $9, saurent- torsity icev impeet cardie- 3:13-6:15 p.m. Wednesdays. Membership Sereine Dnsh Illinois Pond Oepunileey, The Forest Personae Fils- menlh,. 'l'bis oleas i,o re- lilies Fondly Fitness dents. Engreun cards ere carroies- routines with fer 55; 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mee- alrp, Orillo md Strength, Cidroge Peed Drpesilo,y, 1,1st of Cook Cosntys 2009 Oedy FIes: Ines-rose leun oid experience Ins-both Center, 987 Cielo Center evsileblc fur numerous sis- sume muscle coaditinniug; days. Tide clam will offer variety und Northwest lediomu ortender haoev available muecle mass and heurt p,ee,nicnd child. Mais, Drive, (847(388-8400, begiones- to 'mtorreedieto. (rem mesh to week frein- Wed Sopenitomy. totermully br free to the general pub- ito' resting mrtabo5o ruto with Cerillo Stele Tbir step balia, tuende eed ago np- o'nw.nilrstlnrsa.com.: tormedioto te udvunved the Girl Scuota hace issued Ute & File Perfect fur this ets-ragth-trokdng clous ches includes u warmup, pmps-iale laye mdii be of- lic by pick-up or by melI. Condie Fusion: Cus-dio- levels; 6:10-7:05 p.m. Thmv. e "Poe-ere) 0er" eholinego To nasen that urbild is vuaculur mactout esith the rectos-r uduit. Warb et 6:19-7:20 p.m. Mondays ldgh-intoasiiy atop ars-o- (cred in thin udire reed Interestod indiuiduuls cao days. ta themucivo, to oulioct cee pink one opto noveraI plocrd in 1hruppropriuta musoir shupiag, usiog in- yuur uevn puce - scambi- und Wednesdays; 10:05- bier, ubdondaul ereedne pl::y clans. Yonc toddlecco:, run vr fmed item pmr Ci,'l eution uf low kupect (with 0:00 um. Tuesdsys und und u enel-dame ntretoh; 10101 DodfTenieg: Portici- climb, lump und mli meya visit the PPDCC'n Learn-to-Seams class, u,t les-vol Strp, plyometricu, Scoot, cr04,000 feed items Kicichoulag or BOSU cow. some 14gb intossiiyl ars-e- Thus-rdsys; 9:05-10:05 em. 6:10-7:10 p.m. 'I'ssesdeys. punto mili davrinp mends aevoed in eus- nacyvied Permits und Recreation cew pos-tiripeostu ment et- Pvc ,euce iei'eemudnm, uldt amor suing higher s-eyoil- mnlii-pnrpuru eunm. Pus-- euwmgi,'iucnulugee,ni.v,g tiens uf lighter weights; far eel/child. Ile Two Z sorno, All:'i:lIs:li tit-íle Willi IVIedic,:,:' beginnes- to edveeced lev- Smneins, cusir and cri le FUND-RAISERS els, 5:15-6:55 p.m. 'Purr. ruse fracs and eecnueuin days. indepnedevco in a armi- yen Lady el Ransom etroutored ennieuemdnt. Panne in Nïies in nrilì:,g Yogas Ots-sleb end Child anly Mini Sportsteeo, 2 Bvlectolna,ent 2500 Sexto roniho year ndmd ham 8-O te 4 yeeeu. Av iats-ndedtvey les-$20. Dincanclu davor e n.m. er 5:20-6:10 p.m. Mua- uperto niera Ive year admire vodeuy afustes, ivoisding Offer ends on December 23rd, 2008! duys, 7-8:05 p.m. Tuesdays, toddies-. (s'y note different teavel, rustaurumlu, cud 0-13-9:15 nm. Wednesdeys, apus-t roch week Have fun s-estuls, meeie Ihuoters end 6:50-9 p.m. Thursdays, ead while galling Ill. hotel disrounsu. The eule SUN-TIMES 1h10-0:20 em. Fridays. Pucent/nhild. Tuenbie Nero, 2 beeriltu the perish. Tv gal NEWSGROUP te 4 yenes. lnlmductivnie u heele dentadl Joseplsine Sphering is eden 0501105 Beat.the hòliday rush! bedr tombling rhilis by Baa, 10471 823-2010. io ,euhs-ul'asgl music. Screy- participating in entisitien eve cidre a t their near, pune HEALTH The end of the yeomr la the time to select your Medictyre plan for 2009, So doWt delayl Sees to::rh grvw muter 2009 OBAMA HSTORY iu oteuse etmuepkeee. shills aed nageaierd wuve- Make your choice now and. join the plan that best meets your needs. Ileservoiiens ere required Phylls t. Suger, aces-ti- meaL 0::eic intreduclies te et the Semine Desh bufere Ord Luoghieg Yoga leudar; CALENDAR COUPON the bolnace bcem, tour mili le-od "Leughieg Yoga, - ouch clos,. Seing u lee-ri,. Not sure which Medicare plan it right for you? und hoetoontol bar. I'm. Present this coupon atany ofthe Sun-Times News Group hrori-mto moviisr undo If, Pus coed blndihy!" et I mt/child. p.m. Dcc. 20es On,l, Fins-Il, locations below Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm weire battle to olerr. Clean- Let Humana help. fho,v Mcdivol Conies Ito::- $4.95*! ea breiS minutes. Class FOOD DRIVE and purchase your Obama History Calendar for only tve-limos 0m:il:livg Cooled' We offer a variety of Medicare Advantage health plane and prescription drug plann, Ibaesvays. Only dcap.in Snot Andrew Lite Cenlor, edna Room lId, 5700 Kes- and we can provide guidance to help you find the one that ruitu you best. (ors ere $5 fec mewbsr Ib Couds: Cneo nIe inrell tens Osulhlseenlloe 1000 N. Nuw::ek Avn, tom Avc., Ikokir. She mill The Ose-lier, stete Call us today for ¡nformation, or for a personal consultation in the convenience of your home $0, nnamembe,'e. 558. IrIree, II,, 1,1 nr 'isle. Isle S. BI lolers:is, Dr. 510! ff10111 In Riles, esili acedot feud 'le- go,idc porlidipamis in lao,gl,- 1115550.1000151 Elsi,. 111501! 100cl, 1011115 neiss Peri, IL 80811 Spioning-Yogo Diond cierr cromar In auppurt the ing ucd k:xolhimg eveovin- 1-800-372-7216TTY 1-877-833-4486 will Iluw from Spimaing es, mhich r::,: ,'du:eve orga- Chicago Peod Depodteey leerer CoeslNepeoillr lee lake CesSI lese-San P or I-irk u n o Pions,: Preso 8am, to 8p.m., seos-o clays a h'eek lIve ailcdlu vislven,, im- s-ighl min ynge. Itups-ess Ye- echi Den Si. bach ymo,; 400 liserer: Or., lIe. 222 2202e. lsle,s 8h y:: s.i:,l lee. 3121 61. loIs s:,, ge will furos un ems-etching 11,0 Cl,icoge Prod Orpod- cerose eueo sb:pply la to,e:5. lISIaS Sosies:,, 1110111 Ite,lll,:ll,. IN 451m 0!esel,r,10 01121 HUMANA. onmI inciudr evs-e strength. bey feed, thn::eonds si relk, hood ll:o i:ema,,e Qs,idencu,si,e,,ssuueed,'s,,,nse Ohivg tupress Spinta hvne Cldoog:vor)n msiduvin... syetr:m ::cd bondir eve moi PLIS 000. Wslll DIPPLIS5 lISt lite: erS: ss i ,eenssr 10,1, 2000. leus sr: ear seos, r n,sl:e,L lee e,e,ess:el Medicare-appriloed 8MO, PPO, POP and PFFS plano available to anyone entitled to Part A or enrolled in Pall Bof Meditare through age or disability 6a.m. b: 0:00 am., end Su- Nna-pc,'inheblu fandilems goad. Admhnion lehr:'. (for MA plans, individaals musI hase both Part A and Part B). Enrollment period reottittioos apply; tall Humana hr details, 511,515, Oer:ssles.lSl,slSrs ee,i,rs,,le:elIsrsO,SIn:II:,sIeesse:n,,,beesselss,a:,,slSs,aerï,,ISsOeII press Yogas hum 6:40 em. o-mn be drupped nl(vt volet Por ntu,O ialb:evvli:,e, voll ,s!,eter psr,leee: sre ese:el:sl:bIe.loitel,,, erehilIteil Ie,trelensO::ss,le: sill:, e:sro0e 10:50th Srl eI. M302S_0Fl513t350 lugos- 0:010471 477-1701. t1116_GH5O3t3RR 1510e 107:15a.m., Wrdsesdnyr. Amds-e:e 1,8e Cnmlr,;::nd 64 F S/r/rsdroy, Deoem0er Il. ooò/ A Pidrr1ro5°uWli5udio/o APiosoers Pro spobliooGios, Thursday, Deromber 08, 0009 I Ms

DWeekly T/%Jorship - , * QQO II!ÇO CHICAGO ll!O DES PLANES NORRIDOR PARK RIDGE ROSEMONT SKOKIE SKOKIE oil orevelsame hero.' Edison Park Narwood Park Lutheran Weeheod 005,05: St. Paul Lutheran Church Zion Evangelical Lutheran wnerocaetsukrepr.org Our Lady of Hope web.mee.ram/u9o051aWokio Slodiesfor Adults end both 100-0:300.0. 05:30 p.o., 5VSDU.Confiell,0063l Solurdoy CoeleaporeryWoohips:30 p.o - United Methodist Church ChanchELCA Church EuiIs offiorlWOotlakoope.ong 9771W. Sosos luron Soeloy Moroing Worship 15:55 um. Wednedey 1:30 p.m. Club Musoben Euss-=?:00,9:30,1l:30o.ro.&4:35p.rrr. )751)567V744 Ourdoy noroohip 8:05 end 15:33 aa. 6l4lhorthSHphontSoonne 5917 H,Ni000oenoe)olyioknroon) 1600w. Soeronst Son. bordel Wors hip: (047) 021.407E (4673) SerurduyRooalog Mosohip 5:03 per. Childeous Club (onfesdoa:4:05S:00 P.O. Ial Kev.WoltSrhoonluhn (hildvone prooldod duri3O Ghioao, 165131 (775) 031-3860 Sordoy Worship 9:30 ono. 8:30 & 11:00 o.m.)Gshool Seer), seoow.ourtrslyofhopoohorols.00an Fell oeohip Soon, ForR-SlhGraderoon Bopr,00: uanarr000tpeoloesnfield.eeg Sundoyneomhip. PHone:(773)702.3035 Fos/773)7fJ-3031 Sondoy5eroirnsSA:05ern. SuedoySshooll0:35 orn. 8300 15:00 errs. )lnnrorer) Rnn. John Olearon, Pollas Sunday B:45-9:45 am. l:OSp.a. lor&3rdSuodayoflhe 000lk Gtneoltonnl,Air CondiAo,ed GundoyAdult [1010600 P:SSa.a. Seoonshire Oshoof le . oeateeedioao,paekoeno.oannn holy Comrnoni,n o,lebrolnd lsr,3rd k Sosrh &Adull Bible (loss Sotordoy Moon 5:30 pa. Soodoybshoof & 01kmStudy Ciao, Se,. George Koauno, Pastor, SuwdoyWorship 8:15 & 13,45 sa. SundapSshool 10:300er. Thursduy Worship (Somarr) 700p.m. Shobie Kirk Gliobo 21h Sondoys Esnnuilopuotor@rnlíeuepeekoomoroem Sundry Masses 0:00,9:30, 11:00a.m. Roo.Jrrarn,Tooroe,A0005iorePOoloe, WodnesdoyTrinilySetioilyhighrofl,ro Sunday 1045 sor. Suodoy(hrislion Edusohon fon oil ones Sundepo 9:80-9:45 n.m. : Wornhipsoyu&Mnors SernioeofrheWaldonDod&SlhSondeyo. Soodaybohool&JdoftFiblm9:35n.a. Seren Owlet OeodoMs Synagogue iso Bes.PhelepGreb,Sl, Res,deot Eduraoeor,rhoirsondfolfoorolrip Midweek tibleStudy- 9:40 aa. )Svhool Seer) Weekday Moss 8:35a.m. Seo. PetenO.Zodeih, Sundoyn,10:30o.no. SondoyChnrohGlhooi-9:000.a. GolurdoyWnrohipl:OOp.a. oomnreniry of leteo who beiene and reni fonoll oteo. Wedneudoy 10:30 a.nr, SusheristisSnrnisns W-F 12:30 p.o. Jr. Sosonry PostonJohe Sshrnon, Pvlloob,ll:3De.o. (milh Co,Snmolon Miniolly) Gr. Fool Lulhero, Christian Doylibool (bild (aro Prooided Ihalleohue )Jnsvo) is the )pl000e voll formare orl0000lrnn) Confession Goturdoy4-4:41 pro. Pm-KCredo O LurherJoh0o(uo, Parlor Roe. Or. Srnplen M. torsos, Lead Postor MiaiolesolMusio SondoySshooi fur Pmrshooiors AosloSed Nurseryooailoblo Sundoylrao Promised Jewish Moosiak. SHARING G0S,TOl(IIING LISES, Govrbn W. Gshellnr,Senios Postor Holy Day Boso., 11:10 oodl:00 p.o. Sale Lobaho, FKOAsodenp Prinripol & Morooryoxe BibleSlody, 9:45-11:00 0m. Reo. Inioriro C. Weber,Assooiuro Postor Temple Judea Miapah Jemes Lutheran Church EVEV4WHGRI LoolioWuiliomoon, 0000101e Poster ulm People's (hursh egos 3-5, Thuodapo, 10:30 nro. k Per. Robnrl C.loh,00n, 3rd So ndoy of vevry oro nth Roo. Gr. Molsotso Minnioh, Jr., Parlor Thor Chords le yordioop Asonosibln ¿1,. Dnu4lns S.M,lliaoo, Hinivror of Muds Ello Huleo Centro 1usd, 7400W. Foolorloenso Choir prosrion Thurodoy 7:50 pm Pirntohron lundays/ao. 10:45 em-noon Pddoyv,7:00 p.o. Porlorloyre M. Rirr,ngnr, Emerirus, Arne Sierra Orgoo, Dinedor of Sanintynfoomhip Formol,, (773) 651-7665 Celi/y Wilfiomo, SundsySohool Gireol,r South )SighGrhool)Eibln Slody, Ginesror ofHudo Vistory Worship Center 700-453-3514 loo 101-401-0918 Religiouo Ilusorio, Protraoro grobes 1-0, (041) 675-156V Masis Winiotriss Melinda Ronrsnlh boilovd, Small Group Miololry Sondoy 1:00 p.m. (huldrnn'oSnrrnons OndSoodoy uoranosoeniuoeoomfonnee.oee 3750 5. fors eo'sor.templej,n,osg euaonr.ziosseoeridgooil. org Sa0000entet Prourorrselsooffroed AdulI (hair & Heodbell Choir So,doy Morning Worohip-10:OSa.m. OirosnorofChildren'n Choirs, Moosy Olson Soung Sdullo tibleGlody, nfl/n MonIh /773) 200-3707 Pridoy B:S0 pu. Coil (huroh for Goleo 011mev Member Corn (oorWnolor St. Peter's Limited Chosah vI Christ SOOIOF,l?:OS P.O. Cnlebroliat God'ogroorord oaroyfor orsvoerioyoryseo,ohHpoenSmo.neeo MORTON GROVE S KO Kl E Sesond Friday of rho Wonlh 7:00 pe. PARK RIDGE Gobio, Slrrnr & Ooreoio Aovo,,, ChoirProrliso: Gondoyo,f:380.m. ooelBVfeoroi,old NoroondPork.' forri/nlollowingAelioirino: SoodoyMorrintMolobipll:050.v. St. Mary's Episcopal Church St Luke' Chnistion Corner-Westminster FasnilyShobbol Religiouo Sohool Sus0000hWoofey Glob )W000n'sGIouy) Jo,orroise, MoighlMelrhers, Choir, Li,,- Modnerdoy SibloSludyl:00 pro. . First Baptist Church ol Park Ridge 3060. Frooprd fon. (547) 673.511V Communrty Church Grodes K-7 0000irE,S,S.bFeeIinOI, Giri Groulo 12665. Norrhrroor SitWoey United Presbyterian Church renene.ePputenounekokie.org Meers onrn o eonlh o,41h Tvnodoyot Pnotoy H9orohip 7:38 por. (847) 523-4706 Gh,,unr Od. Ihr eo,th. PnslorSuoo, Srhnnidnr 495G W. Frell, (847) 673-4441 Soodoy 9:30 air-12:00 p.m. "Our Lody Mother foolh Gorvieo Fnidoyll:30 p.m. (Corner Poller Bd. ori Norrhweor i/noi) wuw.armanpopr.org Sonday Worship 10:00 0.0. louli/W000hipSovdoy, 3rd Sundnyol Chriolophnl unrour, Povlor (047) 692-6101 uonow.omopflaee Sunday Sshooi 9:00 0m. lebrero Sshnol Grodns3'-7 : el the Church 4lSoip-10 Sundoy Serviles: 8:005 10:05a.m. R R S I http//fb000s.poork.ridga.iLoo/ Sunday Morning Worship Oshedola: )Seplembertbnu Moy) Tuordoyri:15-5:15 por. 1701561 or5 o 735 si yO hI 11 00 Wednesday Servi/o: 9:00 ois. P I O I19th Il G g t 9:00 orn. Contemporary Scrive BnligiouvSshool Orados 0-12 ai rl SuodoyTeors1roSnnd Fni/oori,l Su ndoy Wo ship 11: 50 n.a. Sunday Sihool & Nsrsrry during worship, Iwo. Rishord Lonford Goon Snrn000 MoviralThulh Dirodor, Mary cl the Weada 10:00 ours. SundoyGshool (f or all eons) olrnnthemhoeoh@eol.,om Windy City Commooilp Church )(hildooro provided) Chuldsareprooidrd. Sondo9 11:4S 0.0.-1:15 P.O. 10101Fr Servie Sr,,or b onroro e (loss, Sooth Fniloeship MoroSri/edule: Caghulic Church 6131 5. A,00ekGoonoe 10:00 e.m.Tradisonel boise (h'R h W d' 730 Snrd oy lohse1 9: 45 o. or. Air Coodilioned Goostuory FeligiousSohool ProR Tonsdoyo &Thurodnyo 0:30 orn. 'I The R,,. Sarah D. Oddessrol, Rostor fSerhdnyoMnodoyrhrouuh 7003H,Aoeolln )772)ASi-WOEC (9000) 12:00 ea. Fellowship Hour °ni/° Fri0DS'ro Wedorodoy Nihr Psayor Meeting & Bible 7mo Sundays o aooth 10:15 ro. r iI py Il D gThI The Re,. Sviry Cnrrukbo, Corale Congregation Bene Shalom F d y830 (773)7650201 usos' dy ny m ph h g Misi/osi Sool Pollrr, Senior Postor p s u s d I h h Study 700 pa. OobbiAayL M,aio-Poler o. 010 onrns 00000,omoe,ero MUERE ALL ARE WELCOMEl 4435 Ooblnn, . Solordoy5:00 pu. So,doy 10:OGomWorohip Serohr Frolorin orI Plauso E Sino Miobnll, Sirertor of booth Ministries I I (h Reo. Molli/re K. Weber Cantonal InIco, Boryl Sollomo h dyEOOT33011 St dp5olM 43OP SIlls dyGh 19GO (heskoebsire Sor all osrinilios. (541( 611-333G oonsm ri/apr, Heodr,OpenMends, dPoIG d A 7h O5ior 1001v: Mon., Toes. & SondoyHosono:7:30,F:S0, Childrnn'soondoySohooi 15:00,0. First Church el Christ, Scientist nne.boeaahelosrn.org Sully GoldEdurolion Direslor Soodoyll:00o.a.lnungPnopin'o HondisopAssoo6ble Thoro. 8:300.0.104:35 ya. Sors. LulurgyoSlhoWord 10:05 orn. ond noon MooyHinidry Gooupo broil Agro 000 Touhyfso. (047) 523-3329 Parh Ridge Friday 7:30 p.m., TooryJ. RoneSoosulioe Giredor Ch 'L'bGi vas0r1 o e ansngi n Keel. Temple Beth Israel oir Holy 3oy 5:30 0.0. 07:00 p.m. WeekdoyWooseo Senior PostorSlnso Slory Sondoy Servire 15:30 0.0. Kobbolol Ohobbot J :30 p. nr. ddoltbd000lioo Molli-foilh Toeldoyl:00 Preshyterian Church 3601 W. DeropolnrSt. 847-671-0151 0.0. Pnrprlool MoIp Norono MooFl A:30ood i:05a.o. Choroh [email protected] Lutheron Church el the Woduoodoyiovrinrooiol Moelle9 7:38 p.O. o,3rd Friduyof 1h, aoolh ForniSco Weloove ComaunityThooter 1350 W. Crosoeni fou, a'oese.tbiokokie.oeg EosholslisAdorolion FirorPldoys Goofrooino Solordoy3:30-4:15 pa. Reecuertetiepo SuodoySshoul 1035 p.nr. KobboliobsProyenl High hloïdoy& Fnonisol 9:00 o.eo-3:OSp.a. Holy Dayo5i1il 7:DSp.a. (847) SAS-4135 LibraI Ghob butlKobbolot 5h01 bat, The Edgehromk Church 5450 V Si/,rm,r Rd Hilos li 10714 (hrillion Ssieese Isolino lova, ModiloSior Soroisn 10:30 0.0. St. Timothy Lutheran Church HolySoyvl:30,O:0O,P:100m&7:3Opa hrsr Pridoy of 000h vonlh, 5:35 pu. 61150.Touhysoenun SolurdoyCoofeoion4:00-4:30p.rn. DES PiNE5 '(047) 9058310 o'erosr.paekeidgoprooby.arg 13M. Prospeot Son, in Pork Ridge Go 3rd Solurday of ti/n month Ron. GregorySnrkaeiu, Postor Light Noshl:15 p.o. 10005. h:ldorr, (841) 116-1300 . (773) 631-1155 Bopliom 2nd 04th Sondoysslrho Month S,. Stephen Protamartyn Snodoy)Sepr.lunn) 103G o a Sondoy Worship 1033 orn. Sours TueoPni 10:50 0m-4:50 p.o. Spedal Kobbokslis Medilouion Wehnne o Plosohool (3yrs.Old( lhraaBh uomo.etnienethyekohio.roer MWpo//enlgeb,00bohureth.oee Ken. Risi/orli. Kiolbor,Paolor Church )Jone.Sepy) 9:30 orn. flursoryoosndoninysnrobo Ko hbe lot Shob bon 00011e Sor 1000 o.nr.-1:00p.se. Ser,ioe Sunday, Goguon 3lsr, 10:00 pro. 01h OrodeSrhool.A,ed olfoenrordenful Sunday Worship 10:30 Over. SundaylMonnhip 10:30 0.0. 7210 Frovynnt SonSondoy ofMooth.7:00 p.o. -loso Children's Progroarringfor Shobbet Onroion Fridays 0:15 p.o. pnngromo ofeeliginov Edosotron Ion Shebbot Serais, Sorurdoyo 50:30 ea. Sothoe Knapp Religious Sohooi Sosemblo Prootivn, Our Savior Lutheran Church (847) 824-2036 Sosprr Semis, )bepI-J000) Sges3.-HighSshool Choir Prodioe, Thursday 7:30 p.o. Childrrr and odolb. PARK RIDGE Gu,deyo 9:00 en-13:00 p.m. Wrdnesdoyb:33 p.o. Ron. Sr. lloreS. Anderson - Pastor Si/abbot Koran, third Sarordoyoleooh Noewood-Park LCMS Hiopodl Hook,r (547(524-7006 AbolI Edasolion 9:13 0e. Bible Study, Hoodoy 18:00 0er. Mebrne,Sohool Sondoy 02:00-1:00 p.m. Preis,, Proyer& Bible Snudy iosy N. HorlhiollGoo. sanoamr.anarephee-deopboisneo,org Carolyn N. So,deoon - Miniolnr of Muds St. Aadrew's Lutheran aooth, 70:53 oro. toetamuiieo auth 9oolh Choiotioo Bdvorioo Wndnoodoyl:DSp.n. Rno.Somes P. MoCrosben Amombo,0000mgahon ohlhn Eeongebsol Church & School Thursday 4:00-5:50 p.m. (sr Nirboroo, C lloodAorounv) DeilyMoso-,3:00 ea. ohflddne, under the oprof hoe. 3od Gordoy et 15:30 over. Paulas Phil Dorirald (773) 637=1100 5 (773) 631-ISlA SelondoyMouno: P:OOa.m &5'OOp m Lutheron (hurvh in Aaedsa 2601. Norlhnsoolfighwoy (841) 823-6656 Morning Mioyan Rebbi D,. Douglas Soidhoaor Ron. 85k Weber , Moneta Cathulic Church PROSPECT HEIGHTS [email protected] SundeyW000rs:l:30 & 10:30 aa. Gr. Miohoel'oSrrhodoo Chonob onvw.etasndrowaperknidgo.org Aost, Rebbi Si/ori (he, Monday Fdduy 7:30 am. Birlhdoy Surdo 3sd Gundoy 5136 N. fl,Wngho,n, (773) 763-1661 6:SOp.a.lpooishMoo 1373 H. Woobegoa Rood, 847) 047-031E Bethel CommanityChunch SnndayWasohipl:OSa.a. ' Sasrdoy Worship: Seplrnrber rhrouoh Soy St. Aiphoasus Liguen Reigiouo Sihool Pre-Klth Grole (enlorial Soloisl (hort ene Snooks anoeoWnnoasrooHsouoa.rassn toevn.rtrrrishoelruleo.nrg 7601 M. PodoiSon. (773)77G-2355 GundoyoohoolandAdulrBibleSrudy Soly5oyMaosen: 8:30011:010.v., Catholic Church Choie Direorno hoer ioik Doily Meso: MonFl 0:00 0.0. Surdoys 9:82 n.m. 11:00a.m. ennoorhuPhaloosrnnnsosnitgoorg l:SS&b:000.o.,l:OOpo Sondoy Wnrohip 15:000.0. Aooeodbie building (l. 15:30 e.irs. Wndnendoy JunnAugosr POS ow. lnlerfoilh FoaireoWnlsome Weoknndllossos: 411 i. WheaSno Ed. (641/ 255-7402 Rohren, Sri/vol Grodns3-7 sor1sp Worship 8:30011:53 n.u. Worohip(hopnlbemiso (nrfeuioos: Solundoy 4:00-4:30 pro. Dis000erthoondorlfoilhandloh Coornarporury Worship: 000nwr.oaiatalphanooe.00m Suodoys 12:60 o.a.S2:10p.a. Ai romises dg, 100000g, [nounlerGolhesing: er Moonood Croosing 012:03 p Sotonduy-4:00 P'°- Reo. Gemid Rogolo, Pollo, roderions olSh,Onthodoe(hurohnhn' Suodoy-7:30,9:00,l0:35o.a., Selurdoy 500 por. Worship Doyv& Sours: o,dWednesdoys 4:15 y.a.-6:05 p.m. (hook our rebollo fon Sduil Geodoyl:OOp.em. ES1EM.NinoA,enoe,(hisoio,11b5131 Roo.Floei000naolon,A000dolelastor hroI(hlsrion(hunoh-.bvurdod Te List Tour congregation ond 12:00 p.m. blosolion olasseu EundoySshool&AdolO Oiblw holy AberrA Lerrnn Worship Snrolsnr By Ile Lsrd Anneo Christ ond donodhed ie Vespers: Mondoy 730 pa. Mondey-Solurdoy 0:15 0.0. youlh Groups Adult Edosorion Polish Litergy Mono: Saudop.S:30p.a. And high HoliduySohndolo P:45 am. Wod,ondoy or 7:00 1ko p000n of Tho NenrTesl000nl. Toboy SuodoySohool &Sdull 9:45 n.a. Mess of AnSoipoSun: 5:55 pa. Sorurdoy Koinyru Volonteer Chair please cglI Andrea Sbumole Corfmolone:Sotendoy-0:OSno3:45 P.O. S,,iorFanyorPunS,r Pool Jordes Ren. Poter Berg Trinity Lutheran Church her Apootolis dostdeo, eiernhip, end )Sopinaborlhru Mey) Sunduy Morses: 0,30 & 11:00 o.nr. Sigh RolidoySnrnioeo Soodisop Asseodhie teplsom: lot Solurboy and nnruslorn boom i050sl. at 847-486-7252 Asoodole Pusror-.Paolar Roh Bakoaubi A rosons'li ' (h' IC oS' Mith Chrisrion Soy SslonlPoe-Kiodergorlen Postor: Roo. Culliui. LevieS Rabbi Miohool A. Weinborg Devo, Ernst Meaeiaeic Synagogue SludrnbMiniolnienP,slorbhomo Clenbo 3rd uon1oy of the Month Sr. Eugone Catholic Church [nongelino LunheIue(horoyroAioonioo thru Orh GroIn Sddirienol Inlormoliun: (onlor,Pooel Roylnïon 7800 fuln000eoue, - Ren.Todbihoirb,Poslor Mosiv&Wamnhip.-PoororAodyoiloo TvLI0000,,rsoogoa0000m Changes coe.he foxed to hes 7955W FootniSso, 675 S.Alyonqdolnod )GrWuil100d) St. Luke's Lutheran Sohool: Pro-3 bru ilk Goode- lelore Lori B. Gotootn Siçellorryf (54 1) 8 74-Fl 46 rem ioyb,unooriobaPoornr Childoore onuileblo Ion oil aemnos. e . pin00000l5d,md,000huomol, (773) 170-860f 847.117.6 65V Congrrtnsoso!,/en,roint Fr. Jomos O Boon, lo Rnsrdenso nrurdou-r000 Charch(ELCA) 065es Sshol Cere oouaw.doiueemep.eeg 847.486-7456 S,,iern& Wemon'ouiblebludio, e ., . cgo so o nod se Glesondirro in (hrior(ongregodon Meg ohio Foilk Fi rolo) 'o k = Kindorgorlrr St. Posi Lathettia Church: Sitirdijl0':OO o S R d O o SpI h Ils My 5 Fm t t, tphlonlWÇsaupeo t P h@olmnoniuo 509000m 205S.7roopop Ove. h ru 8th 9ry dr -5201 GailoSlrnol, ShobbulMooing Srwis,s ashurnole@pioueerloceicom Call len ,olonmolmor oraae he 001,10. io nnsponse Sn Ike lone oh (hsisI, ooIsoo,arnepinonos0000l.,nm Mon thro Fd.8:3009:00 0m. 4175705 (547) 025-6659 - huh Sshool both Ministry Progress WrHrrrdoyl:DSr.rñ M1H:olrkFrP7irrr APioUemP0050 Publication Thoeoday, December18,2005 A Pioneer Prose Pablieation I w I Thueoday, Denetnber18,2008 Local c Funeral Directors Death Notices and Associated Services Death Notices Death -Notices FAMILY OWNED & OPkX,0nu wvioLdfj922PRE Youmay send adeath office lo Orr, Henry Jogs Wollen RYAN-PARKE deathnotices \ Herrn john Walton Orn, 00e 72, uf ARF5.41'IGED & PREPAJD FUNERALS AVAILABLE Faoerol Home Skohbo, tormorly of 00005ton, died @pioBeeriscgtcoolo December 9,2008. He was born veril 1DB Donlh Noelhwesl Highwoy was a 1947 graduate of Cue College in Cedar20, rOod ir Muntord, Alabama, to Henry and Pserk Ridge nr call for more infoensalion Raeide, Iowa.He later worked 00 MaineSayoh Jemi500-Orr. Henry serded (952.7989 Cooney (847) 486-7479 South Hiah School in park Ridao as a guid-in rho United States Army where he gtudisd ance counselor god then Saname their Direc-and trained in the Military P01100 Unit. Hon- seonor,msn.perke.com tor at Guidance fon 79 deans, anfora hio ten-rytr000bed all ouor tho world and aorcod in ure at Maine South High School he W00 Othe Korean Wor, beturo marrying Gethroll Funeral Home teacher ond 0000h for to years at Crete-(Genol Roberts Dm trom gelbe, and mak- FUNERAL DIRECTORS Moneo HiOh School, Crete, IL. Mr. gonne»ing their home in kdstston. He io coroideo jfr was a World Won lt Vtteron serving ir theby Sia 0000hter ord duly child, joan Orr ArmyAirCares. HeissurcicedbyhiswiteTaylor of Skokie, and his bolooed grond- ToBe WorthyofYour Confidence of 04 yearS, ecHe loco Wellel: Children:daughter Aleols Oenige Tooler, 4deore old, Jtonnn Anne lumi M5000nald and gillwham ho called his mucci Babo.' Henru lElsinol gonnon Grondchildren:Scoffworked for the U.S. Postol Serciue for dt MacDonald, Brooke gannoy, Kiroton andhears and woo woll-liked bU 000roone Oho 3000 W. Oaolcg rk. Bd. CHICAGO, tI. 6061e Vince Jones Great-Grandchildren: Allisonknow him. siuknamed 'the contain bd hie I'haoo Ints) 000-fado Fao lerdl dro-raed & Matthew Kielron dod began MooG005id.friends at the east atldco, Henry loved horso 605 Bosse Haay. ('ADS RIDGE, IL 00000 A memorial esnobs will be helden Monday,y000s, the outdoors, soortino euonts, and iaoo Pbaoe 105») 050-rOdo 60010g») ces-0000 Oecember 22, 200g, ti g.m., at the First Unit-and blues music. He was thrilled to bnceme o ed Mnthddiot Church of Fork RIdge, 4tO W.ar000900her in 2004. A nniUsts memorial Tduhy Avn., Park Ridge, IL. Interment willservice was held fer family and fni000s on be eyuate. Memorial oir hou ot tioWars oreSunday, Decnmber (4 00 tho Thom050n Fu- 00000clotad to the First United Methodistnorol Chapel in Ecanston. The i000rmnnt Church 09 Fork RiAda or the Center 09 COn-woo enSote. U Celrbrotioo et Hnnny's Lito cern, 1580 N. Northwest »wo., Park Ridea,will be held on Saturdoc, D900mber 27. or IL 60068. The Odor-parks Funeral Home,3:00 n.m., 00060 Ethiogl Humorist Society in Pork Ridon handled orraronmente. Skakie. It's included. SiA:: (iceatb,wl,ol 1y1':,yy.j,ioe,.ylc,'al.,yv,: Sii,o bl:,uoih,,atedlngo:'cpione,-olo,at.ro:r, Our pockage priceo are deoigsoed to BorSe), Jeseeh 5. \coombieae mue popuiar caskets with joseph S. Duruol, age fr, a POrI) Ridgs resi- dont tor 70 vnaro, 00050g away December our uncamprwmiseul serviceo. And, ir Park Ridge. Homos corn I» chicago Da- comber 09, tOrt. Jweyh was tounder ando we include all of daooe ehiwgo thor Blacksmith dt jB Metal Worlds, Inc., In Doe plaineolorouor7Suegro memborgnd005t usuaiiy add up to make a LesseraI Americanism Chairman at Des ridions 61ko expensive-Hust oneofthe many Lodde lOdO: o mnmbcr & Post President of the Rotor» Club at Dea Plomes: and action ways you'll be pleaaaeotly member of Des plaines Chamber ot Com- merce.Ho Icuad bowling, tishine onU cor surprised. collecting - eayccdlly Ford Thunderbirds - durite Iris retirement coors. Locino husband to Ecnldn Maria, roe Hasen: devoted fothnr to Burdel A. Hornor ond Complete Burial Service Stover j. ICorolol Burcal: door grondtother cf eight - Scott, Todd, Mark, Neal, Greg, Visitation g300I ot grest, Chrietoyhrr. Heother & the loto Oreo- r or»: lourd non g000t ar0500hildrnnm and Funeral Service hod mary niocos and eechowo. He was ero. Qogglity Steel or J-lordwood Coeket ceded in death by siblings, the lote Rose gohatko, the loto Charlas lH000ll survol, Peofeesiossal Services igod the loto Frank IGladosi Survol. Visita- tion and eorcico were held Wodnnsdoy, De- Concreer Vouls comber 12 et Dehler Funeral Home, 00go Share your Shareyour Miner St., eco plaines, 00246, with interment Share your - Fridod, eecember 12, Ecor090so in Oorningtot. Momorlel cootnigutians to the (%on 1Burie/Su11ivan unera1 kind thoughts kind thoughts Alohoimoro Aoeociotmoe, 0430 W. Bryn Mawr, kind thoughts & CREMATION CENTER Suite 80e, Chi0000, IL 80831 oeereoioted. $, Sig:: (i:::all:v,:l:,,Ilnosyr-.l,mor,eert,:c,,l.eo:,, 6467.73 N Neeohwese Strep. Chicdgo, IL k0631.1450 . (773) 7743333 with the family with the family with the family Pleaoe smd me mope inforeonosian ow ohr services 500 offer. and loved ones and loved ones /, Youmay send and loved ones Naser Addreos of those of those a death notice to of those Cjey Seaee/Zip Phaee who have passed away who have passed away deathnotices who have passed away There io na eue or comrsiorrre008 @pioncerlocal.com by signing by signing bysigning 9call Youmay send the online guest book: the online guest book: the online guest book: Youmay send for more%tiformation a death notice to a death notice to www.Iegary.pioneer1ocal.com www.legacy.pioneerlocaLcom www.kgacy.pioneerloca1.com deafhe offres deathn offres (847) 4)6-7479 @pioneerlocal.com @pioneerlocaLcono p I or call for more information or call for moreinformation PIONEER PRESS -PIONEER PRESS PIONEERPRESS- (847) 486-7479 80es Loto! 00000g lOOR 00006 S00000 800k (.000fl'ì d'i-scg 486-7479: A Pioneer Preus Publication 68IThunndga December18, 2008 A Piacere Preso PubSeatisc Tisaeadey, December 18,1600 I69

ICE HOCKEY Notre Darne freezes Girls HoopsBéat www.piBuieerlBcaLcBm Slightly Blemished NEW Appliances & Rebuilt Used Appliances in out pair ofranked foes West notsurrisinleaue oes ear on BY KEN KEENAN Johnny Bloss. Playing is the Crystal EXCELLENT CONDITION lIrones fipi000 e fecales e LastTburuday, the Ira Palear Susday eight, Opponents osos bd the soaacd half. Refrigerators Does fared off ogoiostoav- the Doss staetad toe 2-2 And against Gleebenab The Notre Dame Ice esth-rnnhod l°enwinh iso fi0 with fanored Crystal clamping down Sooth, wo stili bada hang- Doce pal levo of ito nppo- Cntholin Leogou tussle Luise Sncth ce Scelse with defensive over from that Tumday Freezers game. It was like we eovee omets jeto o deep freeze, sed were victorious 5-3. Night. Nnteo Dome's goals pressure gut ailtise bus." defeating Penne Ridge 2-1 The Pria rs eroeed first ne wree sear ad by Bi eus end StovesHeaters Coanhas iheoughoat cod t°enrnink 5-3 - ucd e powar play guet end Coca, with assists goiag te tisa leugae tains oncoting theo forged 02-Stir with Ihee watched Notre Demo Cone and Orchard. Maier By DENNIS MAHONEY WashersDryers Crystel Lake South. seni000ly unlike sarna'in isbn the lead sed never was ontulandieg is set, Ice ho n nyC pin n er lisos tram 0e Tuesday, the Does other gicla boshetball non- give it up. Jeremy kresst- stopping 18 sf30 shots. Air Conditioners ployrd o nearly flawleos foncenos nvho doc'l bother strunk ovos npnnt000 lar is On Satandey, tha Moteo liven though hie team gerne in eippieg 18th- - alad ihm fact thrntNenv sat, movieg side-to-sido Centrai All-Dim Game hasn't bruna fantor lately ruohed Protejo Ridge. The Tden nvue able Ou laine Bedding ucd raloibiting a quich in the Crutrui Suburban win feotored speclocular wan pisysd e Roflieg Layd oInt of lina scaring glove and grout leg-worb League Soutjn abusa, Niloc goeltredieg by Byon Melee Meadows. Roprossetieg oqnnotinc iv 1he dm054 half le stopping 45 shots - West hood couch Tony itos (12 sonad aedo dining the Ire Dons moro Kraut- name as vo cnnnyn-isn lo LARGE QUANTITIES AVAILABLE many from point-blank steasis, Lupa, Blass, Van- obesoloz hvow that ncilh bun- cny000cvinov'nticinns lino defense, whjrh cleored aIded ienarning beckman Denmoir und Kevin Or- league niacely toner purkn from in fenol Jewel Loyd in thantonling FOR DEVELOPERS & REHABS of the eri. Snoring Con the Dons abord. Loyd did econwninne were Mizeh Oroherd, Mor- The Dons play cant boecnp, lino Woi000wan'an'i icoivis io tua On'ut qurnnlon; Trailing 1-0 ofior the going ta cornh op oc coy- feet period, Notre Damn php Tino yenDermeir und nvith u rematch against boni mus linoiled lo irIsO clon ove thin your. scored ocaroninol sim t by Rocio Orchard, who hade Manist, in Oriand Peeh ass konshnl aven tIne mcci Olonoo Neon T:nan ond Gino- Krebs Orshoed - ossisted poir of goals. Assidu were Fridoy, and at the South- pon'iods by Tn'aoiunjoonion knook Sooth wernc't lomen Molly Qeirks. by Aies Merphy und Tom nnedimrd to JV-nali-up West ira Arena ugainst by sno'peisu ioni ovado. "I tlnink Quirho is peuh- OBrien. The gome-winner Decid Fehnis, Onahord, An- Shh-ruched SL Rite on Agdnul toco nvell-000nhed ubly Ihe baci deleodva oca n snored by Murphy in- thony Lomo, Mike Cose Dasday confurnsau facs, Wnsl sal- ployer is iba conIeranno," the third period one per- end Blocs, who had two brad 046-23 loes to ihn soid Kocsenniro. "And fon fect pasc from center (snipers. Comment: pisneenloseLcom 'i'raviaes - mactoning us to only snare boa pains only two points in the on- in the seoovd boll bus tobe lamed by Jimmy Merlin DiOraganin bud travulod, line sarondhuif - and cIna a OesL We turnad nbc ball (ill und Billy Naghes 1117. Dons ucd regulation lima redad droppad a 57-44 denician um over ond ma took aloi of On Peidey nighi, the in eso-fil dradinab. In Coetimad frtnn PAGE 74 Suulh. bud shuts. They tachas Duos loot e fig-57 overtime ov005me, the hast Sham- Not oicontiy thu isiod al nighi not uf our rhythm. zuro delenee nvtb a lot of derision io Bast Suburban roabs west ahead 55-52 start Konsensire wan hop- We need todo a heiter job s trapping. Bat our mida re- Catholia Confrecerc and whec Tim Trerersa scored ing ihr io icague ploy. un uffe050 and sut hurry lanai rival St. Patnink. .1 ' sponded well. We sod a and was fooled. Len "Did I tmn'mh ove coure 00 loony aï oar sicots. Tao a 37-tO lead ut hblfiirne by "Thet was a iougls ace protested and was hit going tamis evan'y conies'- many timos wave neitlad playing pretty gond de- la laso," Lun soid. "We with o tnnhniaei foui. Thu unce gamo? Ahnolataip Ihr iba Inst shol aoailoblr thought we had it (wonl at Dons mora thon aleo given cot," said the West coanh nos ihn best shaL" Mike DiGeeqorio the red of regalatian. Di- a bench techeinal. abon his team 18-3 ovenail) Al Glechnools Onoth oc spanned the offanoive at- Grogonia wadu a three- Hughec lad ihe way ntontrd tha season ovith Pnidoy Ihr Wolons fall bu- tanin wiih 20 points, nvhirh paistar ta give us ali- against St. Patrick as hr sonco cti'aighi coins bat hinod 22-i in ihr fIni broil included 6-ton-6 chootieg point) lead at tine bussen poured in 25 points, while sow elunds O-Sin liso CSL mrd novan nacovenod do- spita i? puinis from Loyd flit 155151110 PIONlIR F6111 at ihn free-throw line. but the uSinais waved it Mortin added S. South. "To Noon Tn'iorh Gleshnook tenth's Oleo Nasse loonies, With halbi tries to meinloin p000000ioe ao Hiles Wools Jeeoie Dijehs lieft) and Meen laIr Shows Weilern won right off." mmdii, lhuy really tornad Caneen 5100e in deriro Ihr Tlteoo 57-44 min Peltey nIOtO, ND STARTING AT JUST 16°nsl, PAGEOt behind with 19 points, fol- The ofSalain naiad that Commeol: pisneerleeal,com up the dnlansioc peaesnns'e

steugglad offescivrty safar night, notos 1ko bus nr in West thiccuaenn. thu pna-gumo wunmaps. Maine East's effort notlacking in loss to Niles North Ctetieard inno PAGE 69 "I thiehAibo'c coolly i'm realiy umuaud bythot brecoso we suawed like we buuOdinlg." said. "We louve toua sono- slarting ta Sed bar shot," By JIM EDISON gobas' lust nneeln ros they Clcnistmus 'Fosc'nblmOct "We hond outstucoliug wana prrpared.' ploy from Lesna Wltr. Thy i-Iighlnnnd Park cosloc0000 guanos rood and 17 from Allie Seien8 ail said Koesenodas. "Out I'd Odies ne pion err iena is a ri 701101 Righlanod Punk 57- uppn'uoahon. "We didn't give np end gnomo ovos sinnply o dis- ticus basi OnenDold IFni- the bench, love to inaow whal Oleo- 2700 Don. S oncd lises lt "We glove lt aguo4 Icyluca nonne our snoring wo picynd hard eight aniS nnppoibctisg onu is Hnnsos- doy al 7ta0 p.m.) befare bmoh Doath chat us u Niions Nontlo 61-29 Pri- oli Nilau Nunih," Hnnua- loader nous iIi points 'ihn visit to the Titan the end. Bot ovo just nani 'm'ho nonnd nonti000s to doy. Couoh Karol Hovu- sial: sold. "North has oncd (usi muda olas ai slab's upiniun. Ive start the lcunsumcnli Down again bmught oat learn. Thry nvasw redly an houp chocing learns libe cou bonnpy ano foe Rosis girls team. slab is hoping her tauw bouc ap und dome this good decisi usd00 t "We hayo u busy onseb os Baturdoy," Ihn basi in Ociang, who Sra and they executed wail.this und acpenl to mie." cod est u mai01 lime to Tho Samoan 10-9) cviiii stud tu jell nos thu yoon, but thay hune a fewthree. And Tiff-asp Judos onarnd Slice game ibera Bran ihe gioie ogreed thut Comment pi000eeleoeLoom upanmieg St. Viutor very good players. did u nine jnb nf er- gel crudy," Hosusiub an a freshman but hoe wo wencn'i focused that Comment: pi0000rloeal.oem dropped twc mano OS lO 70 Thorsdoy, December15, 2008 A Pioneer Press Poblretien A P1555cc PreSo Pablinstiss I Thorodsy Deoembar 10,1000Iii - '.00..o -'br- ,.,e0e.y'..,m'TP Swimming Beat www.pioneerlocal.com Demons paddle to victoryin final meet of 2008

By JIM EDISON is ir doe process of build- edis008pinnoerloneisom ing up ils program, ocas noto nt,'ong app0000l, ft's fnir to soy that win- Ennt's pertnrmoircou'os ning meets this mieter rolltdomi008ng. b eno nosy r bore for The Dem ens ra placad Moine lOomis boyo snvlm- a einer of indislduol oints. ming team. ries. Winners included With the loen of namer. Steven Tee, in 1hz 200- nus sen lors from lost yard freenlyfo 12 wioutes, yrorb lineup, the Demons 6.56 seconds) cod 100 bol. ore fueingorleor oese of tecly 11:10.10), Deeds rebuilding in 2008.09.00 Werd in the 100 freestyle when nonob scott Guil- 152.25) ond 100 boohutrohe foilb nquad toppled neigh- (1:15.76), Chris Seonlen in boring Notre Dame 120-92 the 200 isdividual medley is o s000nnforence locro 12:28.37), Kyle Perher ir in Porlo Ridge Friday, Iba 50 freestyle 128.32);

The guys were very happy to get one (a win). It kind of reaffirms the idea that hard work results in success."

Sooft SolitoS

11Ff eROtEIFORnovElo88111 there ovas much )obilation. Derek Chosno in 111e 500 Meine Etolo Benny Werd oempeteo in the ZOO-yen indisideel medley denintaeseel at Meier SsOlh Den, 9. "The gays were very Iroentyle (6:06.15), Mieheel happy Ingot nue (o win)," Ceiethoo in the 100 breast. and 4:10.60 in the 400 won hondily East did Word and ChIcon took feil seid. "Some have al. Guilfoi) neid. "It hiod of no, oho 11:20.06) and Joe freestyle, hove alem bright spots. Eroi with a time of most three wsnhs Ispron- eneffrmn Ihn ideo thaI Lrvinoon iv dining 1122.45 In their Orsi duo) meat Tom polled out indifidual 1:41.30. tine. We'll morbos our hard work reunite in nun- pololo), of the campaign on Dec. violorios io the 50 "We don't have orother otario sed turns und Iry FREE SHIPPING 1866.MOBILITY AT'T.COM/WIRELESS VISIT A STORE cens." East eton swept the re. 9, the Damons got freestyle (24.37) ucd 100 competition onlil ohne Ihr tobe ceedy for the second While Notre Damn, lay events with times of thumped by cronslown ri- brrestotrohe 11:08.73). drIl of the year when ore part sflhcocasse." NOW OPEN! 114 W NorthAve. tNorthlake, IL 2:1)2.0810100200 modIo2, vol Moine sooth 102-66. And the 200 freestyle ro-goto the 01h G rove Incita- Lsnoted os the lotn,sontise si ssate 64 asO Hillside, sornen freer Wnl.Ma8. which has u limited neuroni speraties: MsodapFeldes leuserro, Soterday SIAMO PM; Sundey SI AM 5 PSe amount nf sooim,nern end 1:00.48 in ihn 200 freestyle But orhile tire hoot bocks lop teom of Tom, Sconlon, lionel loot. Jun.21," Gui). Comment: pinoeorlooal.00m lOs-4ns-8137

0*000190 ro 5,50,50 Despite losing Ikeda, Vikingsadeeper bunch souuØ000s,su lmse,s:een rau ru, o,. *005005ekesassams,u,5,eO oouusaeu er5u,n,,eO,A 0000i*A n: Inossu, 50. 5e 5e swimming at the Uoiver- we're deeper end moco 2008-09 dsal.meetsessse higher rote of sornase." eopeoled todo meli this eeassonsrm 550 North sports eea,ab se s So,,os,., 0 0050440 rO,: mason . o,.: 55 dty nl IllinoimCldcogo undbslorced." with e 116-66 victory et Oerhowite, who missed uressn ore Jooelhno Long 0000m0 05 O 50,000,, veteran-laden coos recently oamisd the lhrdo may be hielory Northside College Prep no the Slab oat in the 5f )50 free, 500 free), Jell 0u44e OSsSe:hS: crew Horizon Loegur swimmer bui Orlovewelnomed hoch Pridey Or Outardey houe feecstyle, will ogeis be icc- deBehteeneurt 1100 boat. of 1ko weck, held 510 differ. 14 swiwoners, Ihnen with Zion-B rntoo edged Nues lured in timol enest. lerfly), Chrin Mete )lO0 +e,o,,e:,,nHOv *OSs,l:0Ooe,o oeon:014,nol,es,00000 est schon) records io 1007- nursity ropecience. The Nsrth 96-84. Berhnwite also will swiw foco), Aten Kite 1100 beck- Dy DAN CURRIED t8.He woe the top swim- other 1100mo up from the This yesr's toare will he is thn 100 free, the 200 strobe), Moth Lotie )lOO dour Oerlyyinsreflnenirolv mor in 1ko school's history, JV sqond. led by senior Courtney free celey and bbc 406 re bnnhstrshe, end Esto Ito- eOn,,,ouA s:,, r,ouoa Hv.." S Rediehheek, fest the sop alhirle ir re- "You roc say meneo Berkowitz ondjooior ley. Rendere )100 breest. Replacing atop swim. cent years. young loam, but we buco Oleleerd Berner, Throw in Goweo is torgeted for strobe). mer such us Will Ikede is- "losing Will wus huge. anew atsilode sod a hnnhmao len Frendrein Iho lOO botlorlly, 000 Rum North mili end n't cosy Aller dl, the Wo were a different team bright (atoen," Orlove end limo Vihirgs hove the freestyle eod the 400 re- 2008 with tono home meels neeer000pooesrnonsooengaooyeeordreynfepra$uose000roOloneeleleoOl5 Oran oes eesenlsnlerae snysAAn 05m 0cl te400ll:50e511n 009es 005 00n r5rnanoonu noS Stole finalist io Ihe 100- laut ynoli" sold heed nooch seid. "Our bids cre moti- beginnings ole teem thoth Icy l°resdreis hes beco agoisst Nifes WenI aIS yard brraulsb'chr has hie Seih Kriese, "We hod only vatod obout the sport and full of promise. oursìngopr0500son logis. p.m. Priday aed against DI. 515m 00:5110 06 via 0100m oeeootnn orbs 05e onrr:rer a 55805es soSo Iv ssAa role fire bromase I:, Sent :0,0010, eoa COCO lerS carel OSI:.un: 555f: errol claim o:ua,5 rennen 5:050 Sirs mu ion St 1000261 sl toco 140 rOSrOcluosnuonrtf9)f) name oli neer the Vikingo' efeso solid isdividoel cor comprtitive tecol is "We's-c sciliog e fous. jury. He hes yet Io swim Vialor et 10a.m. Sotardoy funi in10m tt asorsi soonlesi0 erSoir record board. smhoonsrson(lh WO) leed- wach higloen" dation," Om'looe said. "They cumpetilively. nnio:lmannnnueoslmaoloersermseh:mnsalloOoSv000rl008000rSrioe)1010relOs500llOOnOu solosemols000:bo%alll050ls015:lrsarsel noaeessnosloecossersr 005)5:0 p:r000lssOuralrosraAo Ikedr, who is now ing the way This yeell Riles Norih oponed the ore worlsiog herd Is sete Othrr solid owimmors Comment: pioneeelecel.00m urss q::iiu sasso reSole essuso, S null 0,55 es snomosl ir 1:4:06 Classe rIeran solid jeoisse errano serrar sqesa. roronog omopol essor Inteso STO f150014:55,50 05:1rA 10:150 lane sedase, amaS Sras m SyOrentrosTi:00550155000 auree, esrroh:lnfol000seoos::IlAloOtaerSurn0000u500eled slm:eanpnsbd os000aeorboaraaaob,oleeausualalnusrrr000u:ossoòste 6r5'soslsoIsnn000lnrosla no noredseessogrourM rololeorslolloalodriosearsa. :ollstosr000nnrretes0000dsr oerlr&rsnemod,rol0400sSOteroso i,ossdlrrrsrnas:19.etvisrlll010lleoarsnee,sr rrsrg)seoeoa,r,ar s:srinlsne 72 Thorodoy Docembeo 8, 2008 A 190*6er Fr3,5 PobIi9251ov A Pieoeve Press PubIi8Atieo Thursday December 18,2004 73 \'verizgnwireiess WrestlingBeat www.pioneerlocal.com There's still time to.wrap'upagreat deäl! ROUNDUP Don't miss out! Give gifts that give more. Demons pin downtwo wins in three matches By JIM EDISON ¡*4)507Byion ee Ile caL con

Emiliano Demandes hos been lovolved ooith thn sport of wrastlis8g for msny yearn, both as e OoI8Op011tOr end 20 Eost'o

So whether his toMb wins or loses, he known AOL N EW! CornUTo Phoee LG Voyagee BUY 1*058 FREE wloeo his Athletes ore in TitRniUnS LA enVO4 OUeOing mo good effort $7_ 9 03 the noel. That woo the 'LGD,re3 cane this pasS weoh ovhan Ourlowestpri*e ever! ¡ the Demons notched 472I922-333lB-0In*I-ln 020BIWIOCA IBqo3eee WIeS agaiost two out of three oppocents. i29 They do all thiS and so much more! 2165.e03l. 8,143 ..88B021-1, 82858 0* Pridey night, Sost *390 oI. 0480113033 IIDSIOC 021112g lravnled te Nibs 540db 4, end heut Iba Vihiegn 56- 50. "Although we woo Herneodoe GoOd, "il was M2315P1*9DS K PS 6101g 1 er, *50* CASO MO2 neto particularly good Wills 604p200y? night fer uo. Niles 190db

did sot hove e full lineup 811(109 eolL000l/1101rpee006enryce Everyone wants America's Most Reliable Wireless Network. and forfeited 30 poluto Leols Romeo oItcsnpio to pie Jeho Roeènbong Ht tise Mofen E Rot wroetïng good meet on HeleE Essi tilgE Schoolon SntI1roEny. (fIve weight claUses). upn end downo. roond of the ESCO dou- Waehegen 46-18 losO spas jusi ugly,' said the Ageioso Waahegoo, 'On Sotueday, aven 1154*88008 epa in the hIe AloI, hawevee, things week. bathe also hocous Wens coach. "We had pics by PatrIeti Coered Call 1.877.2RUY.VZW Click 24/7 verizonwireless.com though we lost 149-27) to Shop extended Holiday store hoursL' thied week of the neoocn did not goes well as the thet the bent tenms in foue guys aut of the 1140 pouvds), Hiohoel Riveroide-Branhfiald, we aed the ralleecoestee rida Deos were edged by the leegae - Gleabroob staetiog lineup bone in- Behrmanot 1130) avd Seold 8FERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS STORES AUTHORIZED DETAILTRS were very eggrennive end All 21780 Io1,2ooe,e 0780 o95oA*y looIepl vhe,i701CdhColllo,2101B1100,o in continuing," Ganoccoi Mnriot 36-27. Suuth, Now Temor Und ¡*7v, one disciplined, two 9501pe23172*eO, 674*52918107 70497 competed well. Sknllds 1189) plus forfeit ADDISON HILLSI00220I 0.W0I7fld,705-947-2500* WESTDONRC*0p11790I11 *,lI*27.423-0777 oo,y by 100*4103*219031,80685,11816707 said. lJ thought we wren- On Saturday, at the 12- defending ehampino for ACT testiag) aud we Ovino e t 103,119 and 125 807 W 104, 01 010-08-8000* 0005RINS 240220(0184708-087-5534 * WHEATON 903 W, 0*760* 90 880.068.2190 IvpOOR,00007,L,q*Lpn27ll,l0120 In the secesd round oftIed pretty tough Friday team HE tsurnomeet, ORUSGTDNUE2GDTS 708E 047080.500-283-0328 * ODFFMANRSTOSTRS2334N, SOtOo 87847-030-0l80*WHEELING 058E LA, C004 Rd. 847-21S.8788* ohsogRo, 19*142175 03 70811*007 0,64. Meise South - err still gave up 18 free points mode the difference. AURORA 740 4.70*8005O-0Sl.2254* JOLIETS830 MAI Loop 01.87*-499-3lO0 WILL WBDDOK74S8 9075,09 7*7,690.887.2044 Saturdayh triongular night at Juliet Catholic Brice Ridge had the basi looming an the schadale. with forfeits 20510mo DATAVO 853 4*10211 70 080-731-21000 LAKE IN ThE 0111.52000. 83005(1 80,048458-0880 0e Seturday, abe snost is Park Ridge, the and was hoping we would Ths CelllOI 907 38*1107 847.60 8-0508 menaIt cf the lung day Sn- Any momeutosu ihn with. That day was eme- motchap with Reacin al- ELOUMINGDAIE5llL8A65?OO,*!,ll848.O,O.0007 MATTRSON 4038 21700 S*805-78-8444 Dem onn eruohad Lake have u little carryover for isbingnernnd 21180 Wnlven might hava bed ality cheek for us. We've 588W 01*871311 60 600-050-4302* McelroY Th8*PlJ2l,l *008891109 407-250.2242 coast produced a come, RDLINSERDDE2O4W2EC, fld.0!0-226-4020 DCI3507 200207201,515.803_2177 View 82-12. Doablo wie- Satoorday'o Hoffman Its- pounds. ND garner ed oftec bondSng Waukegan got o heavyweight we frum-behind ein after 007E 1095210080,608-283-5980* MERRILI72ILLE, IN 201 W. 8111*06 210-790-8400 ners for the weekend RDUDEDNNUIS4o9fl5,l0Sqo,, lAtI 810-590.7605 200050u1fl1,ko VAI 210.736-7MO tetes levite. Sul we only 'faarth-pinne madeln feom thsnhs to three foIls ran's depend on tu make the Wolves troiled 30-6 BRADLEY 840 *760 *06, 31 6-920-0408 MT. PROSPECT 1W. 887034807-230-2027 * w,re Jimmy DIENWRB placed s'e wrostlars laut Jim Wellenbeeg 1140), and three forfoits - weight and some nthers atone paint in the duel. CALUMET CITY 245 00*6092 *0, 702-082-0500 NAPEROILLE lii 0,09087 *Oe,630-420-8200 Ohs CaIlUIs,Coweol,on 080-184-2476 CHICAGO NODTI8 0481 W. 01061223 733-806.44*1 * RILES 90360,811*20406006 807'067-II000 1119 poandsl, Cameron sf04 weigh t classesbat Malt McNulty 11451 and stalled Satueday when so, hnven't bDan able to In Iba Snub bout, Mostela DosIs 1145), LEHm Some: 8020 W. Ill9g 8,1*83 773'062-5380 * *oIl*9l*RI 847-228-3047 Hnffmen. Sn needless to Eric Damlos 1171). Other the Wolves droppad den-depend on, rilher. We did SalaD 000red 05-I vio- 4265* 0,17877 *26, 708-457-1977* 6IDRTIIEROOE 7203501004 79019 547-500-8827 1152), Jeremy Umonoky Gay, nur paar hing oteff medalioin were Snnis siuns to Reacio 38-35, beat Evanstau and tory et 135 bat the 800W. NoOn 00e 81 2.307.9800* 255 0404, 8(00 847-272-7770 The Cell 0187 *077203187 015-858.2 000 CHICASOSOU'UH 840*3417 01.770-004-0l00 NORTDAUDORA II5270107,Cool* 0,039000-2035 * 1171) end Jock Myers was eat heppy. t niwoys Walsh (5th at ISO) end Rolling Meadewn 30-St ,Wsohegen, bot thasa Wolves needed either 08 )t89). mention sny staff beoause Tim Donnelly 16th At 1191. CHICAGO *FE*!00W.*Bd12o7 712-681-*127 *080 710,1226 701471*0 708-442-070! Y 004 Mondelein 31-11, hood oren'trDal goad teams. fall oentechoicel fall Ou 006 C8l121e*o,wAlOn 708429.0888 The Demons travel to plunged to 6-11 on the We have tu ha raAlistic pall oat She teaso win. 2000 LaS*IIr 6*312.000'5909' *1(092 000,1* MAI 708.405-5122 Ileertteld Peid*y foreS HILES WEST r lOSS. S7,*3l.612.091.0400* PALATINE 7800 *n2**02 847-984-81 IS * 770 C*lIoI* C090891j09 817-048-9800' After moeniag GOS p.m.CSLNoeth meet Cartweight hen-n WIND, DI'yae Witiersheim West hasts Gleebroah "GES will be 000gb, 000ight, Went soill also CUIC000D!DDEC510290 7,49e0a71708-449-9357 * SC180DMBUDG 12423012217270047-3308010 S9*1*11816U847-247.000l WAUCONDA with the Warriors. us well as Phil Chiowohi woold bathe Spec ta tell South taday at 6p.m. bot cue scams ogoinut participeta in the Lohn CRYSTALLAKE III! 107Ifl 804120-015.444-0080 SDUTH ELOID 5000*0021180547.008-1607* *829970, *61(01.1 5494670390 and Ed Lunty." ynu sot to ho fooled by with a chance Sn heap nommeo oppnneela have WEST DUNDEE Parh Invitatiooal an Ost- 6000T*473301,32090 047356-0019 * NOTRE DAME *0050SH!LLS 707 * *11*0254841,847-247-2500* 701, 9017111**096,91,99 847420-0030 Pcllcning Fridoy's the standings in the Con- thot confopener recurd been very eimilon And arday. WILM ET-8e Veteran noanh Augie toco-haor bus eido ta trol Sobarbos Lengua perfect. Sat Wittersheim ove°OD got o ahot to beat 21*02407; )D1Cl6Cl2l76D88lW0 Cenoveolin pationtly Joliet Cethof ir1 Gen- South chose, said his squad mill need a New Teise 1Jan. 41, tao. SiaffbeperlevDco,oh welling the n little nonuis- avesib tnam gel off toan Sara, the Nileo West better effort thee the We hove Maine Sooth MaSasryenots-ibotrdocl(h teney from his teem. Sc impressive start es il head 000ck ia hoppy ta one they Sorned in Odor- last and you sever boaw wperl far, hi550aAdhaskad oranhed the hoot Hilltop- be unbeaten in 700far- doy whaO nos hoppenby AOIBOT5SIBE5IRROSIR. moee thon its share uf pees 54'9. In Iba secoed anoc 11-01 after wloippiog "ft sv2osemossecrr. It thee." Comment: ploeeerl000l,00m 74IThovsday, December IS, 2008 APioneer Pcess Pabliosliss A Pioseee Press Psbllrslius

Thsrsdo5 Dersmber 18,100$ I75

MANAGING EDITORI RtaN Ilibbart Sports rlrlbbottispteeeetleeot.eem(TOBt 554-4440


Baseball Demonscoaso2 CSL No h- -ns Ploy Boll USA, 208 jsdis@$aersfmduao Oroceland Ace. io Des GAME MVP'S

Pleines will hold Iwo ttno- SPEND LESS - Stalle East St . TIME doy holiday baseball Moins Esnth boys has. WAITING keibull playern liad ihe Highiend Park 23 hind of went that only lose Sian Il peinls The first sedsion is comes 000usd alive br a Ohareq Elia,: 14 pololo froto 8:20 n.m. 100008 p lang while for toast lertlas. - - ÄND!wrTIME Dec. 22-22 and loom 8:30 TIte Detitono displttynd Maire East 73 . : SHARING n.m. to noon Dec. 28-30. Orti- oaisiaodiog dcfoose, io ad- Miles North 43 Doch session is $100 or dillon to ilteir hopreesico Ihoreq Ehm: lipnhnlo. Connect with $175 for both. acobang ability io a pair of gamily and Stich session will ho harles M0000ry: IS Inicio Ceirltal Sttbttrboo Lc:tgoe tanhiflilsarrl3 pololo triend IO timeo coodaoted by proleskiorol- Notti, gomos on their aoter illstrunl000. Itotne coati. Oasi soIled his hr-other Shcreq Ithen I HTCTOUCH' Coil Play Bell USA al with MobileBroadband over Highlend Pttrk 50.23 dripped 1014.- I SMARTPHQN ($471 375.0840 io cegiolol-. InDic. S cod liten In Pnidoy's moeting rom U.S. Cellular? v1 Windows Mnbil& H,hoochSneers, Wliiffleball ecuohed Nileu NodI: 75-45 buh Nues Nocih, ibe E-mail and Web Brswsen Pridoy nigh tin ruideg its Deiottnb ,v:tsiad no lime in Splood aideao. Tho lire1 Notinool ovecall ee000d 105.2 01,4 seisiog nonit-ol. The viril- lake Fasrboske se chago. Whi150ball Chotopiceollip 000lbreecn tout-h 102-0. ing Vikings lleve oioaply Ioaroameot will he held The Demona, tobo ovili na moieh for Santa clisase Jove 27-28,200801 she get buck on 1h e 0000 i lOri- and foIl behind 25-S by the -lo Sbnkie Pork Disiniot's doy niglti ut Heut-SeId it: dId of tite first quand: 01- naa thece essi phonesas che speedy son Mobile Broadband Choocelside P01-h, acolo. sont'vlt ufiheic third snob ieatnittvoeosed its raretsoek from U.S. Cellalar to: PIOX 0112 fields OlIai l5 lIto straight league victoty, load 1040-19 at Italkime CheIk you, r-mail. argent io Illinois. catscoeed Iheic opp0000ts and 50-25 by lilo end of Dinnisad tidons ted masis. Tite Bltokio Pooh Dio- 131-flott, the iron molests. three q000lete. Plcy3-D games. 1401 cvd she World Whit- "Il coas a graoi t1'-u' io Shoceq liban spoor- Pise pio selbst. - And de mar11 mole. tirboll Cooleoissiors an- olarl the cotrierettno seo- treaded lire oifonoe rollio 22 rt000vcd Ilse Ibroroliovof ove," Olson sdd of Ike win points, which included dc Wich Mobile Seoadbasd from U.S.CrulnIar, keeping in eoaoh with ehe key peepla is the looroomeol lost soro- oler HP. "And it toas Ute iltvne-1tnitrlers. Chartes osar life is Eoeeercnd roUirrchcortar 10cl: Asowarmup, lite loweol polol score oco oler MaGinney pont-ed lolo Pot'h Districi Itoatad tile loeltl orn opl1000ilt tosir100 pointu, ot'lolla Maghi Witeas Chicagolacd Whilliohall I lrtrve beer, ooacll tseccod :tddod 13 and Horno Kb:to pnud." Chootpi000hiits in Sell- h:td IL I SAMSUNG DELVE'" lentbei: gasl gat nul tua Uno- "Tho boy Ineight roan blo-dogil lead io the Orsi coo1 FullTouchScreen, Mabile E-mail The Notioo,:l Whifile- rl550lOslt shooting and aed Msblle Browser botti Chatopionohip is:: qarrdteragaiosl Highland wooing tile ball rodIl," 01- slow-pitch creel, ovillo the P:trk and increosed ile non neid. "We Incoe Oglil. Ynar Naaigaoeagee coine-peompOcd, 0010-by-lace disecrians. 000plluOis Ott defenoe, troanglo 1024-Shy htilllimo. log for loose (leus turd gel- llasorunroivg rod lite long The Demoso the u scornd lits0 ro goodshacn of the re- boll. Tho 100rnameni ovïll 20 pointa in Ihn thild Pe- bounds rl halb rads lithe lend alti:: the i :ronttal bd Io pal ihe gaina alcoy vvarL" World Whi$leltvIl Clrontpi- Naae INcoe ayai-ked the nl- IneRt lolliul/cIn inDEr Polls leIse wtlh 151101010, oohtla Cemmento 500eeerloeat,ecm noship, ovirivlt colli be Maine East's Desame fleje Wache a chat daring the Domase nielar7ever Hilas North, played in Mislla150ho (1011.1 Ihn laut weekood 01 jolly. Por reveoily updated BOYS SIASEETEALL WocitI Whiflleball Chaot- piooship loforloctioll md lrcros, visit tite wehsiioe nl Notre Dame rebounds from OT loss GAME MVPS- 0000nr.tcllilrleball.ot-g. breuhing lune tot SI. tilo oir lhvap000ling Parlo 70-02 Sunday al toar Tcucitamesteotly After fallinq to St, Noire Dorne II Palrivk, HolmDanno Wioeoling Wildcui t-lard- playrto rcovhed double US. -Cellular Otri os 0.111 br loado avoil- Patrick, Dons Morlarperkflt kutlnOed buolt ro'ith a solid bold Clrosuic, 0kmh loo- digits in scoring. able io February millo Ihe MiSc Di0neonls: 50 pninls Srlke.ur /re aomer/e/oegbonoao-' respond l'iolary in lite Witilnoy "We mero glod 1000mo litri 64100:100 10ccrplcd. gies Muuday :0011 loIns liane $0110cc: 19 ysinls Young Shunlormi Sondroy might bacio onith o nico Diaeaaerehe Diffeoeeea: Pas eueersnerb, psadanls and oaessmeranstioo Coniavi JibBottoni ai through Sor. 17. Jiorly Marlin: 15 punIs soste Orno forOS days' chaegesuar nailing pias oc nay elmo darisgyourneraiooagrramaoo lolo," cartch 'tom Les said. ni0110uteigningaeoweosorooc- Resrnyaa50505raoeas/ sake adoonsoge of saw phono yniobeg ($471 5211.7171 or Jjfhlat- By JIM EDISON Plr:yiog in the tfi-lettm Sl:Potoirlrg7 krfureysusoursrssi5000000ends "Moomgan Park ovan very ioa'fli$tShokiep:tmlcdtin_ (clisas 100 yiono ella co I. sa m The Does, tobo busIed Sbire Dave 571011 - iairt.clg far loare ìt:lbr- aiblelia and ruolo pros- Iheir n,'et'ttll reoord tufi-I, Chirugo's Soalboide, iba Billy SIgIle,: 25 Dinle, Let us help you finda location: visit uscellular.comor call 1-888.BIJy-USCC PoIlno'ing a hearl- will 1000' incas ihoir altnn- Dons toppled Mar-gao Duro0 PAGE 68 croes rebonds

Io, lela:rosraiAl oaaetfga,oea. Do-ter CuaraRlot Isbresulia neeeebrtln brees uouuo eharoae isiellet errer Io rolde. rirese sali be ralaroet aea005aea 15 Ile u,iMraf eroecoronser,raeoeeliwweas©ooaeao Iotialar. raslodog. Lìnilei-lime oIler isaoserboana floor rance an lie ' eßÓ r LE . . - _ ' REALTOH

1 A . .

' O ' RF511:! .AtL '.fRe/JJ'(ax Jt C1a&, WioAe, Thinking of SELLING 'iftLu4Jíapiq ct S4e kcida Call for 'a Free Market Analysis! 847-674-9797 )'Your Home? Eath OlTtce Independently Owiied.$ Operated Peter (netos Diane Ezzo Chnstina Ezzo

Designer granite gourmet bit tirat opens to Gorgeous new 55110 sq. ft. I-torno Custom Enceptinnal conter entry colonial.Quatily Just listedl 'TIre beat deal in lown. This large Leaury new construction! Amazing dealt tannly rei. fabulous master suite w/privale BallttoPertectien. 2nd level w/4 BBs renovations Include; uew windows & dears, 4 bed/2,5bth split level home w/eare tioshed 4hr/3.5ba & 2.5e gar. ist tir :eat in hi t3eautitul Master Suite Plus Open play em. svb-bsmt is in immaculate condition. Hdwd W/cnoktop island, 42 walnut cabs, Granit Eaniy Benvenis e deck, Jacezzi, skyliIit, 2nd tIr laundry, lìdwd top al the line gourmet Kitchen w/grarrite Jim Kontsa tlrs,crownrnoklings2frplc,lawenlevelrecrm ist level w/34 feat liv & din rm combo, counters and breakfast bar, dauble Oven, tteoring tbru the home, spacisse tam rm ctops. Se applo, Hwd tir thee-oat. 2nd tIr' library or ottico, main fIr beil seite, hepe w/Sttr BIottice, utility rm & bath. Brick patio, stainless steel appliances. New & refinished w/brrck Irpic a wet bar that leads set to 3 br. 2 hths, master bIb wJjczzi, sop Dbt open Island kitchen w/eep eating area opens krdwd FIrs on me lev. Levely deck and yard. proteosionally landscaped yard w/mature steam shower, jeto 6 balcony. Quality at i car gar K walkieg to park te maie hear lam rm w/t 611 vaulted ceilings. Newgarage $53511 trees. Newer mechanicals & ealerior. tliroogkout. $609900 www.daniterianrealty.corii $890,000 Dan Florian Barry Bunneniste Elizabeth Lindsay . Sam Trakas Elena Dan 847-208-7944 847-708-1149 047-630-3796 . 847-921-8681 773-230-5985

Cyriac Lukose Dina Bakas

O5DßBOÑ'. .54 S'UNNYIS'IDE SKOKIE NEW COUSTIIUCTION IN FIIIIRVIEW 01ST Fatsolsaas curb appeal Woiaierliil cared lo t lome is coisipletely renovated on a oversized Spectacular5Bedrm, 5 1 BatIr. Nov Cnutom designed stone & brick almost 5000 4 Bis, 5 ballrs, 2 car gar Marble 2 stery a A nul Big loI (52 5 s 123) Newer rest cernnr lot Beaulilxl Hrdwd 11mIlireuglioul Construction,TerreltSt000Frenl, loCeilings q Il. A rarely found walk-out bowl' 62 n 300 loyer,nak stairs Clisrrycalas,yrairile irnace, washer Dryer K usi waler beate Recessed Lighting Gergoxus kil vs/all new 3 Fireplaces, SS Apis, 42 lircti Cherry Cabo acks lo creek 6 weads. 9 ft rings. archwyn, Marias Dan couirlers K SS appls in kilFarsi rar ni/pan Updatedliallrrooins VerygenilseIme Oak cabs. All new ss appIa. Orailits vlrlps Çlrerry Butlers Pantry, Braziliaa Cherry Hdwd op crwa rnldg a handsome raised panel t-lama Ali -ilarqe deck ¿5 salin Mauler suite w/corirer district K great lecalivn Mauler bdrm vv/Y.. bili Jacuzzi sis maintir Firs, 4 Walk-in Closets, Granite Cunutertops, tudy you Inst have ta see. Imported antique lacizzi/sels shower i- Iralc lull lin bsnrl w/lnll rail balli. $389,000 Steam Shower & Whirlpool In Master BIli. vasillos I/v. tucked away on a quiet street. b'e'5lli br S579,000 Brick Paver Driveway, Sprinkler System Maries Dan Ivy Mey Don Keenan Danny Kouroukiis Sylvana 2 31 2-208-6034 847-91 3-3710 708-744-8257 847-409-4346 630-363-6059

. Alex Daskalakis Sam Trakao

CHICAGO liergeavo devonsl ire rancIr w/att 2 5 car go Gorgeons custom built home. Curved island mmaciilate Well maintained RaectiiaDist.641 Ranch borneiogreatlocation.Pertec Builder owned and rehabbod with updates to completely trarrstarrned w/new ornonibe it w/recessed & track liglrlirig 2 Story troirt Bright geail-nize riirs araiple closets a Mn FI heme tor a starter tamily. Featuring 3 bdr tIre kitchen, baths, beds, & basement. Hdwd new cherry cabs a kit w/lep et tIre line appia oyerw/tiorcelaioentryhallway.Dining am Bin Largo E/I kit New turnace, WIr HIe, i batto, and o tuli Finished basement. Oreo tirs, 2 tireplaces, large patio and a fluge back a gracile centers epene to main fIr tana rm realiasslide dears to huge backyard Hiinaiditier, Cent. A/Cl Some New windows. landscaping with a beautitol 2 car garage yard. $325,000 Dan Flouse 2 new naln tir bllrrm. Finished burnt v/re w/deck. 2.5 Car heatedgar. Plus mere. Dead tuckptg a Real. 1C All IlarI Lg Lot S255,000 John Dias rin, 41k tir & new tell bath. Nothing to do bu $379,900 w/tenced Yard. $299,000 moue in David Braun Jahn Dias Eihan Lewis Harris Ali Ashrat Memon 847-686-2000 847-409-2382 312-307-0400 847.322-6277 847-863-6169 pr1 Anwar Shah Khan Anthony Davidoon


EVANSTON , NORTH PAR AREA NewCondoConveraion Unbelievable Location Retail store tee sale' Store is4,935 sq Vacant tot 30' X i I 5'. Can be perctrased willi Excellent opportunity tu own a curner beildieg i Cd-do-sac, 2 new bath rms. Hdwd tirs, 2 at a great pricel Spaclaua 2bed/l batir. In unit tt.Parkingoresis ' appron.5,000Sq. adjacent property at ter a cembined trontag o terrific Portage Park acalme. New windows story tam em, sky lights. Finohd bsrnt Stnn waslVofryer. Central air/heat' New spacians Ft. Additionallandmightbeavailable nl 60 test, S260,000 huiler, dc, gar doors tack palotiog & Indry im. tiple.3 Season room. CathedralCeiling. Eat la Kitl Marble/Slate ballo w/Íacuzzi tubI tnr develepmeet itcity vacates nr sells Unils have been updated K are bright a spocinus Earlliotene conan coanterteps w/island Sink. Fee nutzbar parking spat incleded In price. rnrcdaolels Currentlynapaautosupply. w/gleaming kdwd firs. Two 5 rin 2 bdrms Concrete driveway. $480,000 S vana Menalescino Prices Vary per unit please call. Dempster trattic count 21 000 cars daityl cuits, twu 4 room i hedrnum and une 4 roum David Braun 2 bedrouin unit. Ann Trandai . . JIm Kontos P.nthany P. Davidson Markus Azadeh Christina Eue . 530-327-9136 847-668 3111 773-230-4104 773-616-7653 847-219-9707

r.. Cherylette Hilton Liz Lindsay Ivy Mey Elena Dan AnnTmndai Cln&BmrnCesew Melanie Jane Javier Dominick Osalberto Don Keenoa Marc Shudnnw Ethos Lewia, CRP