EVERY DAY VERYDAYpioneerlocaLcom PUBLICATTON * Si 25 DECEMBER 18, 2008 * APIONEER PRESS MOVIES SPORTS 24/7 COVERAGE ENTERTAINING IDEAS Reel Time blog with Heard in the Halls Daily news from Musings on pop Bruce Ingram athletics blog Your Local Source culture and thearts NILES THIS WEEK MEI?ALDSPFCIAT0R.-.. Y DIVERSIONS CASUAL CLASSiCS Mandy Patinkin performs in Skokie. PAGE B7 BELL'S 'BOWERY' Des Pialnes actress Susan Moniz starsin breakfast Dec. 6 at Hiles Park VS Isabella lacob, 3, greetsSanta during a holiday Marriott musicaL SEASON y uso wLuMs/pIoMEERtss District. PAGE 3.oo PAGE Bl GREETINGS SERVLNG OUR READERS SINCE 1951* YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Check outOakton OE-tTO9lIS311t'I fromeveryangle. _I_s Ñoio M0969 J_10 3tifld 3iI .- begin January 20, 2009. 4.$3:i:J ,;ie- U1fl 31H Spring Classes 1:900000003 0609# and register online ci00-Zi:*:sio1 PApplywww.oakton.edu :1IIa1(to1:-1 Community ÇoI1eg Des PtainesSkokie847.635.1629 Thuradap Oseembee 15,00DB A Piueeer Presa Pabtivuaiue I 3 2 Thursday, December18, 2008 APioneor Press Pubtireiiun MANAGINGEDITOR,Moro Albeñu Maximum Listing Exposure 24/7/365: News ngeoNeetu@plolreerlsecel,eom1(847) 4067259 Cooti000flystniviiogtoprouidetioarnnostc000pteteoolineodgertiriiogforourtistiogs, Baird&Waroerlvwdeve!opedo 24/7: powerful presence oir tire cornpurioo wabsites of oeortyloocity ned sriborrboe pobticot ions. We olor borneos the Annunzio: Letterhead taken away from Blase Check out Stete Boond of Etantions. aeprecedeoted reuno of tire Internet by tendiog our listings to looiott redo of bonnily tool fluked sites across the web. Endorsement by eharmuru, the outage did gated the motter end Saturday at 'irylolee Ragte, pioneer(ocal.com nut pay ter the postage spelce soith Poltern, who a Ritas 0050esoost puri' Serve ROorm, Mnkrsureyeocicoorerhereatestuteflnvottvotprovidesthe nrostcotvoprehenriseoivbioeodvertisiugeuposure to ormrket ex-mayor cafled and want neu vruyiu- raid he dido'i boom cheat sornad by Praybyto. npnbenonan foe Illinois for more vvtvedietiveevoitie the cedoeremest lettre Call era void Toesday that Otate Doced ciOlentions, your property io today's c022petitive envir000rejot. Tiooe for l010xiwum exposure? 'unfortunate,' bot antil cOter it man oll'eudy the get-togelhro is too the told Pioneer Peens alele 0'OQO not ikely ilegal. Blasco vittuga u000iusery vandidotes und their sop. ethics tow io lvnse ir nome mh,rh mvi given tu him an Olasc, is a subrequevi p000ers to pico a rem- orear and ivinsliosatty ByTONDBERTUCA a girt when he re0red ir medic report, suid the tee- poigo sleaOegy negue ir others Time for Baird & Warner. tbrrtuer@pioreerLuneienni chagual, has buen butiro ter Issu not meurt lv be l'br loto ers also bem "A lcw nIas passed that 000ay io responue bu the an eluvial endorsement, nigniul is iheir appear' toral moninipatities huye The outage 0000rney ut tverrrivod ivdiurrei,ivn. But 01cc Oeve o0 Oho let- vare. l'hey avoir seno out an hune nthior laIts that Nuco said Thoi'udavy 0h10 "1,00 001m given sei'y tie- ter seems to contradict iscsvcleper moelced "01' lice no tesn.00ntnivtinn e Moro My W' Ive found uvthing ittegut ir tie sbotionvry in the Clot the t votiva. 'Ike lettre One of the Muyan" ihey thon ihn 0001er," he said. Ivia pretiwivov'y inveutiga- iviava a,vd it vvau usiy in- Bleue wrote lv supporters breo lire villa ge seal ood "Asd Ihr stase lewis due icon questions about traded ter him Ou mrila niotos: "You have been q,,dbe the viittcge cotOn, nagun is nome pIlIers," live p,r00000l impc'vp,'iriy '(basto-pon' noirs," Annus- dliv Inc for mlcry oleo- "Where People Count." 1cv Dt,cuv'o opinion, f ai letters that fermer ein aaid. linon. Let's abart togrthrr Callare is listad is Ihe 005yayev money besot MuvOuoOrOue $839,00 Liflaulanuud Irrigo Pork Ridge 5590,000 Puodflidgu $518,00 Okoki. $500,00 Cooking with books Mayvr Niohut,,u i31,,ue unIvi But Areune,iv raid he foc ove more bu dart peo- src,'oin vu "Antisg htclyoll" cninappcopriobed in tire r0100vIslo lolLa,ae,ecseuedulauhlI01003rOIr a,s050e,lslaserre,urevloleasieeoava0000ticeol' eve era kiel le0000a0050,u'ooaae,ee lersoel05000s,s000er50000s,dl,, 01,005000iogn n000ivnrry, muvctd ulsu hr eanuatting vie that will carry fu,'thvr BIsse os "Roomed Moyeu" rnllilmisgvr lm'iiieg efes- buceo at Ihr 'alivio endorsing Arling Muyo,' vv'iib air vvilnidv utluc'oey Otme ivetiaier Ohut vor ucd ube vvvoeo olthe nit' dovoewrnt totter's, then l'utival'y arts fur 0000. Rebeco Pattern suai asso vu Ohr aihalluivin. made this community one lage leustera, manager noihieg illegot Irad vr- tr050rrs in the Aprii 7 ihr coatte,' hananve of the best in the subui'ks. and olertm uppeci', vmcrcnd, Howrvv,t SOcom rievOco, pabilo Tuosdey volven Pi0 Our casdidale fer muyor Truotmc Kim Oiedel" seid pesicle rvhonvvanmes Vitlage AtturueyJI10 999ePodsoroiverievl lIcol iv lAvbec'e ColIns. Ocio cello, whose some apyr000 Irptvealvd en Ohe lebten Aruusaiortvarvrte,'iard' telte,arnvlvruirg Cattec'u candidates for bOsteen iv Oho Inoogis, sInd sire 000bhvut bhein penodonisa the si1000ius osvn"unfor- fur mayar and Loi,rtto ere Leuelta Pres100, As- InIco outraged by the lebOell - libo Bivdeniuon - might (hiel' SPORTS lunate misluke" (bol did P,'eston and Ardvevv' dm'erv Preybyto, luodi espeeleibo' rince she i O ens- have steg 1v otand on if Itcurd io liso Pious sot rive te aove tenet ui to' Preybyto Our cluster POOl- Cral'ge Autrogiasin." ni,leriog enleoing Ihr rave Ohny mero be lodge mm- libiche btug. gol vv,nvgdoing beccare irdrva arele bring aovo aol tIlo sigoevi "Rin,," lniihfor woyov ugainot Cold's. plomOs n'beh Ihr Illinois ll,llll,pillrleevtearl.lelllhípella the person who acial Oh r o,toittugr0000ivnrl'ti Btusn'o fall ravie Vped be Olmo bas sot said ishvbhvr Statn asad oC Sirotions. tronero cut, Biuno, w'au noi uigned by eu-mayor Atuse. lors. 'l'ire lobber also bruns she ovould Oie Oil ofOci,,t a village employee. Ilvcv-. A,v,ivoaiu Oben investi- supivol'temn ill O bcvukikst nuropluiol 10111m liln tllooio Comment pioeeorlosal.com bRSIOtIS Skokio $373,00 aSeRie $300,000 Lieoul,r,uud $31900 SoRio Serale Rouie $209,900 Police offer holiday ç', lfiP' ' u,' ' safety tips I000siv000e td 'u cr010- boo hairdo oraund Ohne ber oithetts - emainty ooaitrts cod icoep lhelcv in nevico pacaes '- lire their b'nai ponceau, end Chice g Rites Pouce Dopurimant voomon nhoutd inner tat their paruas voto f sighi. THE WEIGHT has iasued'uome hotidoy To avoid ho,ue boi'gtu- OF GUILT salhty tips. Polioec,rgerhvpprrurc'er, votive soy cnaidonto ll,'iioe tvgi'am revieres lube aie,'l 00 mimaI lugo- shoutd use light tiurem'o lviii 0,viith te "Deren ing vv'aro,,nd them, to and hove trusted ungir- porto in welt-lit spuocs, ta kv rs dvii up their mot cloue and iorh'oar doves aivd nimban lisrir aed voindanvo, andre bourru obro (hey ale 01.oul,u $001,900 staSis 020000eak,kio 1310,053 OReOS $179,000 0ull(a1enuo riecHe plana evpevsivrileloSin lmway vftmlRS000lTy thuir trushu. - Potina sold humearon- Pulire viso reahon er's should aise isc'k their CRAZY CRIMES shoppers rol luorro'bui'- davon lenco ii Obey alo 11iad vue ub001 wootp' den themselves with homel, and lvrop Icario vero moor ubour any ut rho liemos ohuive abure Muttipte Punes crooks aed Otovii' crimes parloagro, md ta eo'oid Ihn deiveavay when they tiy simply eolrring the IO Number iv our humepage Osbuot Ortaila eoea'odng large amounts :are gene, On mohr it ap- Quick Lsoksp bou. Atar oir our eebsilr, fled comptoir Oyeamio Meppirg uf cash, pcarao if they are ivuone. sosos Wltl.lIssi000rC POOT057lirllOO bairdwarner.com Geaig Teog,2. milena serdboord outRaIs st CosllstmenRR1R)59gdosing e rosi- e-Osait tirets TINY TUNES BAOODaW010NOt'. irdormalius usait our Open Houses this urekend, Men ohoald wrap rub1 By Tony Bc'l'Oliea goy breakleot Desk 01 NAse 901k Digtrint, A Picorer Press Pubiloatics Thos-oday December lA, OBRO R A Pioneer Frene Publices'ooy I 4 I Thavedap, December18, 2008 None hurtPoliceannounceMilwaukee Avenue DUT checkpoint Starters Www.pioneerlocal.com in Nues Ruato Dl bnlnioen Dopoetmuot. bou palien otutemnol. Gos-ans, Lohn Couoty tho pulemls wIll kneel- Gonne sod Chinoge isba- "Alcohol ebano io o fac- OUI naturalien pabnoin flheeiff, Libertyollba, Lia- looted and aburad mblh INDEX IMAGES Rl ing targeted foro holiday tor in over 45 poeeesl of millbe enodsaled along onlashira, Nibs, Proopocl olkar agonrine and, while house fire flUX onfos-enweot cam- all fabal cruahas, whirh ay- Boote Dl (Milwaukee An- PRnighls, Rives-monda, Ves-- DUI nnfonoomnnt is thy FORUM 11 Nobody mae iojumd paign Pnidsy uod Babor- erofive 0011000e alcohol' esranl avon o dist000a al non 1110e and wheeling primory focus of the cow- Announcement of Biederman CLOSSIFISD ADSERTISI4IO Cl MIlIS REVIEW RI ochos a fis-o stalled in a doy. A sirelch of Milmau- relatad fatality every 40 miles. Parlieipaliogpo- Olinoin filete Police cre p01gm, olRcnrn mill aloe ho CROSSWORD B24 PEPK001REWEEK 10 loovohouee early Friday in hoe Avenue in Nibswillbnthirty minnbou endear al. Sea agunel'oe inelode Ouf- also joisiog thn campaign condor ling saal-halt acd DORIA NITICEI 48 POLICE BLOTTIR Nibs. andar osrveilbanc5 ac- cabal-related injury ovary fola Os-one, Chicago, Cook this yeas-- child-sofety-enot chechs. mayoral DIVERSIONS Tho Ave 01es-bd about run seemsimminent Al SCIIOBLI 00 cording to tko toiles Police Polbco naid dolo feom toron minales," oneos-diag County Aherilf, Glnnninw, - ByTeoyBerlovo 2:40 n.m. ut otowohusee al ByTONY OGOTUCA door lo oak people lo nap- loodel's!' Both filoso and Ccllnro FIXER li 1821801MO Ba 7095 N. Nordico Ano., Niloo lOo otto e 0pio cre r loca la orn porI Kim by signing apoll- loo Ihr errol Birdrvmuc nuovo looplivutad loot weak FOSO 60 SPORTI 69 poRco AgI. Ron Broadl duel 0010v Oho rave, ohr is Oho asn of villogn sto- said.
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