Centralight Non-Profi t Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Carlin Alumni House PERMIT NO. 16 Central Michigan University Midland, MI Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Executive Editor and Director of Alumni Relations Mary Lu Fleming, ’90 MSA ’92 Editor Barbara Sutherland Chovanec Photographers Robert Barclay Peggy Brisbane VOLUME 72 • NUMBER 3 • FALL 2002 Writers Patricia Housley, ’87 Janell Johnson, ’84 Dan Mazei, ’03 Nikita Murray On the cover Mike Silverthorn, ’79 Fred Stabley Jr. Ray Lawson, ’40, has taught for more than fi ve decades at Rochester High School, and Nicole Graphic Designers O’Karma, ’01, was Michigan’s 2001-2002 Amy Gouin Stacy Simmer Outstanding Student Teacher of the Year. Read their stories on pages 4 and 12. Alumni Board Communications Committee PHOTOS BY ROBERT BARCLAY Daniel Bodene, ’78 Thomas Olver, ’98 Michael Perry, ’84 4 Shirley Posk, ’60 Paknatchanit “Ling” Sirikururat, ’96 Judy Smith, ’65 16 Printer The McKay Press, Midland Features For Advertising Information call Cindy Jacobs, ’93 (800) 358-6903 3 Alumni profi les 9 Learning to teach Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations 16 Alumni support Special Olympics Michael Leto Homecoming 2002 Senior Offi cer 17 for Public Relations and Marketing Departments Rich Morrison 2 Commentary Alumni association president Stay Connected Thomas Lapka Send change of address information to: Alumni relations executive director Mary Lu Fleming Alumni relations Carlin Alumni House 22 Digest Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 24 Athletics Phone: (800) 358-6903 Fax: (989) 774-7159 26 Discovery E-mail:
[email protected] 35 Philanthropy Web: www.cmich.edu/alumni-friends.htm 17 Maroon and gold Centalight is published three times each year by Central 50 Michigan University Offi ce of Development and Alumni Relations and is produced by the Offi ce of Public Alumni in action Relations and Marketing.